diff --git a/en/commercial/Makefile b/en/commercial/Makefile
index 4512ab2166..ab50b7421e 100644
--- a/en/commercial/Makefile
+++ b/en/commercial/Makefile
@@ -1,54 +1,83 @@
-# $FreeBSD: www/en/commercial/Makefile,v 1.13 2000/09/30 00:21:38 nbm Exp $
+# $FreeBSD$
 .if exists(../Makefile.conf)
 .include "../Makefile.conf"
 .if exists(../Makefile.inc)
 .include "../Makefile.inc"
-PERL=	perl5
-DOCS =  commercial.sgml
-DOCS+=  consulting.sgml
-DOCS+=  consulting_bycat.sgml
-DOCS+=  hardware.sgml
-DOCS+=  misc.sgml
-DOCS+=  software.sgml
-DOCS+=  software_bycat.sgml
-CLEANFILES+= consulting.inc consulting_bycat.inc hardware.inc
-CLEANFILES+= misc.inc software.inc software_bycat.inc
-consulting.html: consulting.sgml consulting.inc
-consulting_bycat.html: consulting_bycat.sgml consulting_bycat.inc
-hardware.html: hardware.sgml hardware.inc
-misc.html: misc.sgml misc.inc
-software.html: software.sgml software.inc
-software_bycat.html: software_bycat.sgml software_bycat.inc
+DOCS=   commercial.sgml
+DATA=	consult.html
+DATA+=	consult_bycat.html
+DATA+=  hardware.html
+DATA+=  misc.html
+DATA+=  software.html
+DATA+=  software_bycat.html
+CLEANFILES=  commercial.html
+CLEANFILES+= consult.html
+CLEANFILES+= consult_bycat.html
+CLEANFILES+= hardware.html
+CLEANFILES+= misc.html
+CLEANFILES+= software.html
+CLEANFILES+= software_bycat.html
+INDEXLINK= commercial.html
+XMLLINT?= /usr/local/bin/xmllint # Part of textproc/libxml2.
+consult.html: entries.xsl consult.xml ../includes.xsl
+		--param pagename "'Consulting Services'" \
+		${.CURDIR}/entries.xsl ${.CURDIR}/consult.xml
+.if !defined(NO_TIDY)
-consulting.inc: gencommercial.pl commercial.desc consulting.raw
-	${PERL} ${.CURDIR}/gencommercial.pl -s ${.CURDIR} consulting
+consult_bycat.html: consult_bycat.xsl consult.xml ../includes.xsl
+		${.CURDIR}/consult_bycat.xsl ${.CURDIR}/consult.xml
+.if !defined(NO_TIDY)
-consulting_bycat.inc: gencommercial.pl commercial.desc consulting.raw
-	${PERL} ${.CURDIR}/gencommercial.pl -s ${.CURDIR} -c consulting
+hardware.html: entries.xsl hardware.xml ../includes.xsl
+		--param pagename "'Hardware Vendors'" \
+		${.CURDIR}/entries.xsl ${.CURDIR}/hardware.xml
+.if !defined(NO_TIDY)
-hardware.inc: gencommercial.pl commercial.desc hardware.raw
-	${PERL} ${.CURDIR}/gencommercial.pl -s ${.CURDIR} hardware
+misc.html: entries.xsl misc.xml ../includes.xsl
+		--param pagename "'Miscellaneous Vendors'" \
+		${.CURDIR}/entries.xsl ${.CURDIR}/misc.xml
+.if !defined(NO_TIDY)
-misc.inc: gencommercial.pl commercial.desc misc.raw
-	${PERL} ${.CURDIR}/gencommercial.pl -s ${.CURDIR} misc
+software.html: entries.xsl software.xml ../includes.xsl
+		--param pagename "'Software Vendors'" \
+		${.CURDIR}/entries.xsl ${.CURDIR}/software.xml
+.if !defined(NO_TIDY)
-software.inc: gencommercial.pl commercial.desc software.raw
-	${PERL} ${.CURDIR}/gencommercial.pl -s ${.CURDIR} software
+software_bycat.html: soft_bycat.xsl software.xml ../includes.xsl
+		${.CURDIR}/soft_bycat.xsl ${.CURDIR}/software.xml
+.if !defined(NO_TIDY)
-software_bycat.inc: gencommercial.pl commercial.desc software.raw
-	${PERL} ${.CURDIR}/gencommercial.pl -s ${.CURDIR} -c software
+	${XMLLINT} --valid -o /dev/null ${.CURDIR}/consult.xml
+	${XMLLINT} --valid -o /dev/null ${.CURDIR}/hardware.xml
+	${XMLLINT} --valid -o /dev/null ${.CURDIR}/misc.xml
+	${XMLLINT} --valid -o /dev/null ${.CURDIR}/software.xml
 .include "${WEB_PREFIX}/share/mk/web.site.mk"
diff --git a/en/commercial/commercial.desc b/en/commercial/commercial.desc
deleted file mode 100644
index 71750275d3..0000000000
--- a/en/commercial/commercial.desc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# FreeBSD Commercial Gallery Category Description File.
-# $FreeBSD: www/en/commercial/commercial.desc,v 1.7 2000/08/28 13:19:03 phantom Exp $
-CATEGORY="CONSULTING" SHORT="Consulting" LONG="Consulting Services"
-## HARDWARE does not have subcategories
-CATEGORY="HARDWARE" SHORT="Hardware" LONG="Hardware Vendors"
-## MISC does not have subcategories
-CATEGORY="MISC" SHORT="Miscellaneous" LONG="Miscellaneous Vendors"
-CATEGORY="SOFTWARE" SHORT="Software" LONG="Software Vendors"
-SUBCAT="SYSADMIN"    DESCRIPTION="System Administration / ISP"
-SUBCAT="NETWORK"     DESCRIPTION="Network Systems and Applications"
-SUBCAT="SCIENTIFIC"  DESCRIPTION="Scientific and Language Tools"
-SUBCAT="MISC"        DESCRIPTION="Miscellaneous"
-SUBCAT="DEV"         DESCRIPTION="Development Tools"
-SUBCAT="ECOMMERCE"   DESCRIPTION="E-Commerce Solutions and Tools"
diff --git a/en/commercial/commercial.sgml b/en/commercial/commercial.sgml
index 7c0d1c1674..59bbe28695 100644
--- a/en/commercial/commercial.sgml
+++ b/en/commercial/commercial.sgml
@@ -1,60 +1,49 @@
 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" [
 <!ENTITY base CDATA "..">
 <!ENTITY date "$FreeBSD: www/en/commercial/commercial.sgml,v 1.35 2003/12/03 02:38:52 seanc Exp $">
 <!ENTITY title "Commercial Vendors">
 <!ENTITY % includes SYSTEM "../includes.sgml"> %includes;
-  The power, flexibility, and reliability of FreeBSD
-  attract a wide variety of users and vendors.
-  Below is a list of vendors offering commercial products, services,
-  and/or consulting for FreeBSD.
+<p>The power, flexibility, and reliability of FreeBSD attract a wide
+  variety of users and vendors.  Below is a list of vendors offering
+  commercial products, services, and/or consulting for FreeBSD.</p>
-<li><a href="consulting_bycat.html">Consulting Services</a>
-   Whether you are just starting out with FreeBSD, or need to complete
-   a large project, hiring consultants might be your answer.  You can
-   see the <a href="consulting.html">alphabetical</a> list, or, if you
-   prefer, view it by <a href="consulting_bycat.html">categories</a>.
-<li><a href="hardware.html">Hardware Vendors</a>
-   Need specialized tools, looking to buy a new desktop, or to fill a
-   cage with rack mount servers that come with FreeBSD pre-installed?
-   These companies may have what you need!
-<li><a href="misc.html">Miscellaneous Vendors</a>
-   Books and accessories you just cannot live without!
-<li><a href="software_bycat.html">Software Vendors</a>
-   From audio players, network drivers, to commercial databases,
-   FreeBSD has a wide variety of industrial strength software
-   available.  You can see the <a
-   href="software.html">alphabetical</a> list, or, if you prefer, view
-   it by <a href="software_bycat.html">categories</a>.
+  <li><a href="consult_bycat.html">Consulting Services</a> Whether you
+    are just starting out with FreeBSD, or need to complete a large
+    project, hiring consultants might be your answer.  You can see the
+    <a href="consult.html">alphabetical</a> list, or, if you prefer,
+    view it by <a href="consult_bycat.html">categories</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="hardware.html">Hardware Vendors</a> Need specialized
+    tools, looking to buy a new desktop, or to fill a cage with rack
+    mount servers that come with FreeBSD pre-installed?  These
+    companies may have what you need!</li>
+<li><a href="misc.html">Miscellaneous Vendors</a> Books and
+    accessories you just cannot live without!</li>
+<li><a href="software_bycat.html">Software Vendors</a> From audio
+    players, network drivers, to commercial databases, FreeBSD has a
+    wide variety of industrial strength software available.  You can
+    see the <a href="software.html">alphabetical</a> list, or, if you
+    prefer, view it by <a
+      href="software_bycat.html">categories</a>.</li>
-  If your company supports a FreeBSD related product, service,
+<p>If your company supports a FreeBSD related product, service,
   consulting, or support that should be added to this page, please
   send email to <a href="mailto:www@FreeBSD.org">www@FreeBSD.org</a>
   and let us know!  Submissions should be in HTML and a medium-sized
   paragraph in length.  Please note that the inclusion of vendors in
   our list does not signify our endorsement of their products or
-  services by the FreeBSD Project.
+  services by the FreeBSD Project.</p>
diff --git a/en/commercial/consult.xml b/en/commercial/consult.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33ae2d6d6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/en/commercial/consult.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1599 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE entries SYSTEM "entries.dtd">
+  Available continents: < africa | asia | australia | europe
+  | nzealand | namerica | samerica >
+  <cvs:keywords xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS" version="1.0">
+    <cvs:keyword name="freebsd">
+      $FreeBSD$
+    </cvs:keyword>
+  </cvs:keywords>
+  <entry id="tech" continent="namerica">
+    <name>757 Technologies</name>
+    <url>http://www.757tech.net</url>
+    <description>
+      757 Technologies offer installation and integration of FreeBSD, as
+      well as FreeBSD co-location and maintenance. Serving the Hampton
+      Roads area of Virginia. Please contact us at <a
+      href="mailto:info@757tech.net">info@757tech.net</a> for more
+      information. We can also be reached by telephone at (757) 233-9460.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Aaronsen" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Aaronsen Group, Ltd</name>
+    <url>http://www.aaronsen.com/freebsd/</url>
+    <description>
+      Aaronsen Group, Ltd. advises on and implements a wide range of
+      internetworking technologies, including remote access, wide area
+      networks, international telecommunications, Intranetworking, web
+      applications and local area services. Many of our custom web-enabled
+      solutions are engineered using FreeBSD, Apache, mod_perl, and
+      MySQL/Oracle. Please email us at <a
+      href="mailto:info@aaronsen.com">info@aaronsen.com</a>. Our web site
+      is at <a href="http://www.aaronsen.com">http://www.aaronsen.com</a>
+      and we can be reached via telephone at +1.412.391.6000.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Achean" continent="europe">
+    <name>Achean</name>
+    <url>http://www.achean.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Achean is a consultancy dedicated to helping our customers achieve
+      better use of organisational information and real cost savings
+      through the use of open source software. The <a
+      href="http://www.achean.com/HardwareSoftware/AcheanFramework/">Achean
+      Framework</a> explains our holistic approach to implementing
+      solutions. We work with several open source operating systems, and
+      many desktop and server based <a
+      href="http://www.achean.com/HardwareSoftware/Applications/">applicati
+      ons</a>. Where necessary, we can provide custom built servers,
+      workstations and diskless clients. We also provide support and
+      training services for our customers. Based in the UK, Achean can be
+      contacted through our <a
+      href="http://www.achean.com/Contact/">contact page</a>. If you are
+      looking for a new job, please take a look at our <a
+      href="http://www.achean.com/Careers/">careers</a> section.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Adimus" continent="europe">
+    <name>Adimus GmbH &amp; Co. KG</name>
+    <url>http://www.adimus.de/</url>
+    <description>
+      Adimus GmbH &amp; Co. KG is a company based in Bochum, Germany. As a
+      consulting partner we provide services in system administration for
+      all flavors of Unix and Microsoft Windows, design and maintenance of
+      LANs and WANs, IT security auditing and database management.
+      Solutions for intra- and internet servers as well as our firewall
+      toolkit are based on FreeBSD and third-party products from Compaq,
+      Peacock, Cisco and Ascend. For more information please contact <a
+      href="mailto:info@adimus.de">info@adimus.de</a> or visit our <a
+      href="http://www.adimus.de/">website</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Advance" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Advance Systems Group</name>
+    <url>http://www.advansys.net/</url>
+    <description>
+      Advance Systems Group builds, administrates, and maintains
+      Intranet/Internet networks using FreeBSD and other UNIX operating
+      systems. ASG also provides a variety of other services including
+      domain name hosting, web site construction, and software training.
+      For more information, please phone us at +1.317.507.4229, e-mail <a
+      href="mailto:sales@advansys.net">sales@advansys.net</a>, or <a
+      href="http://www.advansys.net/">visit our web site</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="ASG" continent="namerica">
+    <name>ASG Technologies</name>
+    <url>http://www.asgtechnologies.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      ASG Technologies' Professional Services division offers network
+      security management products and services. Staffed by experienced
+      information technology and systems professionals, ASG Professional
+      Services has in-depth experience in network systems design,
+      integration and management across diverse computing platforms. For
+      more information, please phone us at +1.506.460.5400, e-mail <a href=
+      "mailto:consulting@asgtechnologies.com">consulting@asgtechnologies.co
+      m</a>, or <a href="http://www.asgtechnologies.com/">visit our web
+      site</a> and follow the Professional Services Links.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="AlphaZed" continent="europe">
+    <name>AlphaZed, Ltd</name>
+    <url>http://uk.AlphaZed.COM/</url>
+    <description>
+      AlphaZed, Ltd offers UNIX consulting, system administration and
+      programming, with primary focus on FreeBSD. We have over a decade of
+      UNIX and networking experience. Available for anything from C
+      programming to system administration, and networking to web site
+      building and hosting. We are located in SE London. For more
+      information, please email us at <a
+      href="mailto:info@uk.AlphaZed.COM">info@uk.AlphaZed.COM</a>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Atlas" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Atlas Software Engineering</name>
+    <url>http://www.atlase.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Atlas Software Engineering offers custom programming for FreeBSD and
+      other flavors of Unix. Atlas specializes in applications using PHP,
+      C++, Perl, PostgreSQL, and LDAP. Usage on our applications ranges
+      from 1 to 20,000,000 hits per day. For more information, email us at
+      <a href="mailto:info@atlase.com">info@atlase.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="AYN" continent="namerica">
+    <name>AYN &amp; Associates</name>
+    <url>http://www.aynassociates.com</url>
+    <description>
+      AYN &amp; Associates, based in Austin, TX, is a software and internet
+      consulting company specializing in FreeBSD. We provide a full range
+      of services including setting up FreeBSD servers, LAN setups, setting
+      up internet services such as mail and news servers, proxies, web
+      servers. We also provide custom programming solutions in most
+      operating systems.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="BITNETS" continent="namerica">
+    <name>BITNETS Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.bitnets.ca</url>
+    <description>
+      BITNETS Inc. specializes in BIND, Apache, Postfix, Courier-IMAP and a
+      variety of server components running on FreeBSD with emphasis on
+      security and stability. Services include <a
+      href="http://www.netguru.ca">consulting</a> on server evaluation,
+      installation and configuration and FreeBSD-based managed <a
+      href="http://www.mailhosting.ca">secure e-mail hosting</a>. BITNETS
+      sells commercial <a href="http://www.mailservers.ca">mail
+      servers</a>, retail boxed computer peripherals and <a
+      href="http://www.pcx.bitnets.ca">platform-independent network
+      appliances</a> at discounted prices. We are located at <a
+      href="http://www.cityplaza.ca">City Plaza</a> in St. Albert, serving
+      the Edmonton area of Alberta, Canada. Call us at +1 (780) 418-5151,
+      toll-free in North America at 1-877-BITNETS (1-877-248-6387) for
+      general enquiries or 1-877-NETGURU (1-877-638-4878) for tech support,
+      or <a href="https://secure.bitnets.com/message/">e-mail us</a>.
+      Winners of the chamber of commerce InfoTech Award of Distinction.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Brevik" continent="europe">
+    <name>Brevik, Peter</name>
+    <url>http://users.lindesign.se/~pb/</url>
+    <description>
+      Brevik, Peter Provides custom programming in C, Pascal, Sh/Csh, Perl,
+      X-window, Assembler. Digital electronics construction. HTML
+      documentation. Network and internet protocols applications. Specific
+      application experience in RDS, Teletext, I2C, ISO9660. For enquiries
+      email <a href="mailto:pb@ludd.luth.se">pb@ludd.luth.se</a> or have a
+      look at <a href="http://users.lindesign.se/~pb/">the website</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="BMK" continent="australia">
+    <name>B.M.K. Industries</name>
+    <url>http://www.bmk.com.au</url>
+    <description>
+      B.M.K. Industries is located in Melbourne Australia and specializes
+      in setting up low cost routers and servers (Web, E-Mail, FTP, DNS and
+      Secure Web Servers ) all using FreeBSD. Setting up Permanent Modem &amp;
+      ISDN Internet Connections is also a specialty. <a
+      href="http://www.bmk.com.au">Please visit our web page.</a>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Boulder" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Boulder Labs</name>
+    <url>http://www.boulderlabs.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Boulder Labs (Colorado) is a software consulting company specializing
+      in FreeBSD, embedded systems, digital processing, security and system
+      administration. We have built products requiring numerous device
+      drivers, disk optimization up through elaborate GUIs and specialized
+      applications. Bi-monthly we publish Source Code Unix articles in
+      ";login:" magazine and on our web server. Please contact us at
+      +1.303.530.2056 or <a
+      href="mailto:info@boulderlabs.com">info@boulderlabs.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="BSDConsulting" continent="europe">
+    <name>BSD Consulting</name>
+    <url>http://www.bsdconsulting.no/</url>
+    <description>
+      BSD Consulting provides consulting services related to Internet
+      servers/infrastructure, programming, FreeBSD &amp; BSD operating
+      systems, security auditing/firewalls, system administration, etc.
+      Based in Oslo, Norway.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="catpipe" continent="europe">
+    <name>catpipe Systems</name>
+    <url>http://www.catpipe.net/</url>
+    <description>
+      catpipe Systems ApS provide managed services and support contracts
+      for FreeBSD implemented on rackmountable servers preloaded with
+      FreeBSD.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Clue" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Clue Computing, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.clue.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Clue Computing, Inc. has over 10 years of UNIX experience,
+      specializing in system administration, networking, and security.
+      Custom application development and testing available, including
+      device drivers, kernel work, etc. We offer sales, assembly, and
+      installation of FreeBSD systems for any application. For more
+      information, email <a href="mailto:info@clue.com">info@clue.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Codeangels" continent="europe">
+    <name>Codeangels Solutions</name>
+    <url>http://www.codeangels.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Codeangels Solutions GmbH based in Switzerland, region Zuerich.
+      Offers its customers a range of IT Security, Network and UNIX
+      Services. We utilize and support FreeBSD in our services and
+      solutions.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="CodeGen" continent="namerica">
+    <name>CodeGen Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.codegen.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      CodeGen, Inc. provide consulting and programming services,
+      specializing in embedded systems. For more information, email <a
+      href="mailto:info@codegen.com">info@codegen.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Collective" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Collective Technologies</name>
+    <url>http://www.colltech.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Collective Technologies is the recognized leader in systems
+      management services for distributed enterprise computing
+      environments. Collective Technologies highly skilled consultants
+      combine technical expertise with solid business sense to develop
+      world-class IT solutions. Collective Technologies specializes in
+      keeping complex computer systems running reliably offering a full
+      range of support services including UNIX, NT, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD
+      and NetBSD to address the needs of a client.s systems management
+      lifecycle. The company is headquartered in Austin, Texas, with 19
+      offices nationwide. For more information, visit <a
+      href="http://www.colltech.com">our website</a> or e-mail us at <a
+      href="mailto:contact@colltech.com">contact@colltech.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="ComputerMavericks" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Computer Mavericks</name>
+    <url>http://mavericks.critesclan.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Computer Mavericks is a full-spectrum UNIX consulting company, since
+      1987, serving the entire Texas Panhandle from our office in Canyon,
+      Texas. We feature FreeBSD as our operating system of choice. We can
+      provide you with a complete enterprise solution tailored to your
+      needs. We do hardware, software solutions, web development,
+      firewalls, security, and more. We convert the world to FreeBSD, one
+      happy client at a time! Email <a
+      href="mailto:mavericks@critesclan.com">Lee Crites</a> or call
+      806-655-2250 and discover what it is like to be a satisfied client.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="ConnectionsUSA" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Connections USA</name>
+    <url>http://www.connectionsusa.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Connections, USA is a FreeBSD-based Internet Service provider. We
+      provide hosting and co-location services and web site development.
+      Other FreeBSD-based services are available as well, including system
+      and network administration as well as consulting. Check out our <a
+      href="http://www.connectionsusa.com/">corporate Web page</a> and <a
+      href="http://www.iserve.com/">http://www.iserve.com/</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="CoreDigital" continent="australia">
+    <name>Core Digital</name>
+    <url>http://www.core-digital.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Core Digital is based in Perth, Western Australia. We are a
+      consulting company specializing in OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Linux and
+      Windows. We work with firewalls, Virtual Private Networks, Database
+      Servers, Email and Web Servers, Security, WAN/LAN implementations,
+      Multi OS networks. For more information please contact <a
+      href="mailto:info@core-digital.com">info@core-digital.com</a> or
+      visit our <a href="http://www.core-digital.com">website</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="DaemonTechnologies" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Daemon Technologies</name>
+    <url>http://www.daemontech.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Daemon Technologies is located in the heart of Silicon Valley,
+      California and provides a full range of systems and network
+      consulting specializing in the needs of ISP's and those building a
+      web presence. We can provide UNIX support and administration
+      contracts and on-site training. We also offer custom built, high
+      performance, fault tolerant, X86 based workstations and servers
+      tailored to your needs or choose a pre-configured package ready with
+      FreeBSD pre-installed to your specifications. Please <a
+      href="http://www.daemontech.com">visit our webpage</a> or call us at
+      408-719-0263
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="DaemonWare" continent="samerica">
+    <name>DaemonWare</name>
+    <url>http://www.daemonware.com.ar/</url>
+    <description>
+      DaemonWare offers UNIX consulting, system administration, network
+      solution, programming and security; with several UNIX systems:
+      FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Linux and others. We have over 5 years of UNIX and
+      networking experience and programming experience. Specialized for
+      Internet services. For further information, please visit <a
+      href="http://www.daemonware.com.ar/"> ower web </a>site or email us
+      at <a
+      href="mailto:info@daemonware.com.ar">info@daemonware.com.ar</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="DatapipeCommunications" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Datapipe Communications</name>
+    <url>http://www.datapipecomm.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Datapipe Communications, based out of Wilmington, Delaware,
+      specializes in all flavors of Unix and Microsoft Windows. We offer
+      service in network design of LAN's and also WAN's. Solutions for
+      intranet and internet servers as well as firewall solutions using
+      FreeBSD. The Web Hosting division of Datapipe Communications only
+      uses FreeBSD, and we are confident in the reliability of this
+      operating system. For more information please contact <a
+      href="mailto:info@datapipecomm.com">info@datapipecomm.com</a> or
+      visit our website at <a
+      href="http://www.datapipecomm.com/">www.datapipecomm.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Dextra" continent="samerica">
+    <name>Dextra Solu&#231;&#245;es em Inform&#225;tica</name>
+    <url>http://www.dextra.com.br/</url>
+    <description>
+      Dextra Solu&#231;&#245;es em Inform&#225;tica. Specialized
+      consulting in TCP/IP networks, capacity and contingency planning,
+      UNIX systems and network administration, system security and
+      firewalls, VPNs implementation, Internet/Intranets projects. For more
+      information, please phone us at + (Brazil), e-mail <a
+      href="mailto:staff@dextra.com.br">staff@dextra.com.br</a>, or <a
+      href="http://www.dextra.com.br/">visit our web site</a> (in
+      Portuguese).
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="DieWebmaster" continent="europe">
+    <name>Die Webmaster Gmbh</name>
+    <url>http://www.diewebmaster.at</url>
+    <description>
+      Die Webmaster Gmbh - We are a consulting company from Linz, Austria
+      and offer a wide range of FreeBSD based services: FreeBSD
+      installation, integration, troubleshooting, maintenance, FreeBSD
+      based hosting (for example jail servers), serverhousing, hardware
+      selection, configuration and support. e-mail: <a
+      href="mailto:info@diewebmaster.at">info@diewebmaster.at</a>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="EssenzConsulting" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Essenz Consulting</name>
+    <url>http://www.essenz.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Essenz Consulting is a web services and products provider. We offer
+      custom built High-Performance Intel based <a
+      href="http://www.essenz.com/open.html">Workstations</a> and <a
+      href="http://www.essenz.com/server.html">Servers</a>. These systems
+      are 100% FreeBSD compatible. Our systems feature Ultra2-LVD SCSI,
+      high speed networking, Dual Pentium III and Dual Pentium III XEON
+      processors, and many other fault tolerant and backup features. For
+      more information contact <a
+      href="mailto:sales@essenz.com">sales@essenz.com</a> or visit us at <a
+      href="http://www.essenz.com">http://www.essenz.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="TheFreeBSDMall" continent="namerica">
+    <name>The FreeBSD Mall</name>
+    <url>http://www.freebsdmall.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      The FreeBSD Mall offers several different levels of support contracts
+      for FreeBSD. Support is available on a per-incident basis, or as a
+      convenient, extensible annual contract. Our highly trained technical
+      support staff will handle your requests in a professional and
+      efficient manner and will provide detailed responses to your needs by
+      phone, fax, or email. The FreeBSD Mall staff has over 8 years of
+      experience supporting FreeBSD.
+  For more information, please see <a
+      href="http://www.freebsdmall.com/support/">our support page</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="FarNorthNetworks" continent="australia">
+    <name>Far North Networks</name>
+    <url>http://www.networks.nq.nu/</url>
+    <description>
+      Far North Networks, Based in Innisfail, North Queensland (About 100Km
+      South of Cairns). Focus is on business network support providing low
+      cost file/print servers based on FreeBSD. We also specialize in
+      setting up internet gateways/firewalls. For more information send us
+      an email to <a
+      href="mailto:info@networks.nq.nu">info@networks.nq.nu</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="FrigateNetworks" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Frigate Networks</name>
+    <url>http://www.frigate.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      frigate networks provides network troubleshooting, system
+      administration, kernel development and ports of BSD software to
+      commercial products such as routers and firewalls. Our Email, DNS,
+      and WWW servers run FreeBSD. We also provide network management
+      solutions based on HTTP and tcl. For more information please <a
+      href="http://www.frigate.com/">visit our web site</a>, call us at
+      +1.650.903.2266, or send email to <a
+      href="mailto:info@frigate.com">info@frigate.com></a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="FSCInternet" continent="namerica">
+    <name>FSC Internet</name>
+    <url>http://www.fscinternet.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      FSC Internet is Canada's largest FreeBSD consulting firm. FSC's
+      clients include numerous top-tier corporations (e.g. Mazda, Heinz),
+      as well as mid-sized companies (e.g. the Vermont Telephone Company)
+      and the public sector. FSC provides full consulting, implementation,
+      support, and training services for all FreeBSD applications,
+      including a special focus on security, high-performance Web
+      applications, and Intranets. Please email us at <a
+      href="mailto:info@fscinternet.com">info@fscinternet.com</a> or call
+      us at +1.416.921.4280 for further information.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="FasterRasterSystems" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Faster Raster Systems</name>
+    <url>http://cessna.tippecanoe.com/fastrr.htm</url>
+    <description>
+      Faster Raster Systems is a FreeBSD, X11, Graphics, Hardware drivers
+      consulting company. For further details, please <a
+      href="http://cessna.tippecanoe.com/fastrr.htm">visit our web
+      site</a>, or email us at <a
+      href="mailto:jay@tippecanoe.com">jay@tippecanoe.com</a>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="GurixWebProfessionals" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Gurix Web Professionals</name>
+    <url>http://www.gurix.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Gurix Web Professionals Web Development, design, and custom
+      application programming using both open source and proprietary
+      environments. Services also include private consulting, emergency
+      response coordination and various IT solutions to maximize the
+      effectiveness of your business.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="BackWatcher" continent="namerica">
+    <name>BackWatcher, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.backwatcher.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      BackWatcher, Inc., while specializing in security (firewalls, VPNs,
+      security audits, intrusion detection systems, etc.), handles
+      installation and configuration, systems integration, performance
+      tuning, disaster recovery, network architecture and programming on
+      FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Linux and many commercial UNIX systems. For
+      additional information, visit our website at <a
+      href="http://www.backwatcher.com/">www.backwatcher.com</a>, email <a
+      href="mailto:info@backwatcher.com">info@backwatcher.com</a> or call
+      813-979-1633.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="HCS" continent="europe">
+    <name>HCS Hanseatischer Computerservice GmbH</name>
+    <url>http://www.hcs.de/</url>
+    <description>
+      HCS Hanseatischer Computerservice GmbH. Located in Hamburg, Germany,
+      we offer professional FreeBSD support, consulting and programming, as
+      well as system setup, administration and maintenance. For more
+      information, please contact us at +49.40.55974770, e-mail <a
+      href="mailto:support@hcs.de">support@hcs.de</a> , or <a
+      href="http://www.freebsd-support.de/">visit our web site</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="HerrinSoftware" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Herrin Software Development</name>
+    <url>http://www.hsdi.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Herrin Software Development, Inc., creator of <em>Qddb</em>, provides
+      custom software development, internet consulting, general computer
+      consulting, and training services. For more information email us at
+      <a href="mailto:info@hsdi.com">info@hsdi.com</a> or <a
+      href="http://www.hsdi.com/">visit our web site</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="GregLehey" continent="australia">
+    <name>Greg Lehey</name>
+    <url>http://www.lemis.com/~grog/</url>
+    <description>
+      Greg Lehey has over 20 years industry experience in all system
+      programming and systems administration disciplines, including device
+      drivers, kernel debugging, compilers, libraries, performance
+      analysis, and site planning. He is the author of <a
+      href="http://www.lemis.com/vinum.html">
+	The Vinum Volume Manager</a>, a virtual disk driver which includes
+      software RAID, and also the books
+      <a href="http://www.ora.com/catalog/port/noframes.html">
+	Porting UNIX Software</a> and <a
+      href="http://www.cdrom.com/titles/freebsd/bsdbook.phtml">
+	The Complete FreeBSD</a>. Contact him <a
+      href="mailto:grog@FreeBSD.org">
+	via Email</a>,
+      or visit his <a href= "http://www.lemis.com/~grog">web site</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="IKTech" continent="europe">
+    <name>IKTech</name>
+    <url>http://www.iktech.net</url>
+    <description>
+      IKTech Dipl.-Ing. Gernot Schmied is a high-end systems integrator and
+      UNIX competence center located in Vienna, Austria. We especially
+      focus on telecommunications, networking and security aspects for NPO,
+      corporate and Service Provider/Carrier customers. We use selected
+      commercial products as well as FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Linux and
+      Solaris and are the premier competence center with regards to
+      advanced routing gateways. For inquiries please contact <a
+      href="mailto:office@iktech.net?subject=IKTech%20inquiry%20with%20rega
+      rds%20to%20www.freebsd.org%20listing">office@iktech.net</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="InformSystem" continent="asia">
+    <name>Inform System Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.inform.co.jp/</url>
+    <description>
+      Inform System Inc. is a FreeBSD/Internet/DataBase consulting company.
+      Located in Osaka Japan, we offer a wide range of services to school
+      and small businesses. For further details, please <a
+      href="http://www.inform.co.jp/">visit our web site</a>, or send email
+      to <a href="mailto:info@inform.co.jp">info@inform.co.jp</a>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="innominate" continent="europe">
+    <name>innominate AG</name>
+    <url>http://innominate.de/</url>
+    <description>
+      innominate AGis a Linux, *BSD and Open Source service provider based
+      in Berlin, Germany. Not only as consulting partner but also as system
+      administrator, programmer, supporter and trainer we offer the full
+      range of services with a heavy focus on Open Source products. Many of
+      our tailor-made products are engineered using apache, Perl, Zope,
+      MySQL and Oracle running on Linux and *BSD. For further information
+      please contact <a
+      href="mailto:info@innominate.de">info@innominate.de</a> or visit our
+      <a href="http://innominate.de/">website</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="InterACT" continent="europe">
+    <name>InterACT</name>
+    <url>http://www.interact.se</url>
+    <description>
+      InterACT is a Sweden based provider of Consultancy and Custom
+      Development Services. Principal consultant <a
+      href="mailto:cl@interact.se">Chris Lindbergh</a> has over10 years
+      system software development experience on BSD based platforms. Areas
+      of expertise include Firewall and Networking System setup, custom
+      development in C and C++, and supply of turnkey solutions. For
+      further information, contact us by email at: <a
+      href="mailto:info@interact.se">info@interact.se</a>, or phone Sweden
+      on +46 (0)920-888 03
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="inTEXT" continent="namerica">
+    <name>inTEXT Communications</name>
+    <url>http://www.networkinformation.com</url>
+    <description>
+      inTEXT Communications was founded in 1994 as a Unix Management
+      Provider. We support FreeBSD, BSDi, Solaris and other Unix variants.
+      Services include co-location, tele-commuting, and on-site service
+      anywhere in North America. We support Government and Industry as well
+      as the private sector. <a
+      href="http://www.networkinformation.com/contact_info.php">Email</a>
+      or call us for more information (toll free within USA on 800.309.8996
+      or internationally on 604.484.2426).
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Schweikhardt" continent="europe">
+    <name>Jens Schweikhardt</name>
+    <url>http://www.schweikhardt.net/</url>
+    <description>
+      Jens Schweikhardt, located near <b>Stuttgart/Germany</b>, is a
+      FreeBSD committer with 20 years of Unix experience who won several
+      national and international programming contests. If you have a
+      problem that can be solved using the Unix toolbox (preferably C,
+      perl, shell) he is the one to make it happen. With his background in
+      Unix Standardization he will make sure your investment runs portably
+      and efficiently on all the Unices you care for. Contact him via <a
+      href="mailto:schweikh@FreeBSD.org">schweikh@FreeBSD.org</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Polstra" continent="namerica">
+    <name>John Polstra</name>
+    <url>http://www.polstra.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      John Polstra, of Polstra &amp; Co., Inc., has been a UNIX developer
+      since 1978, and was a FreeBSD Core Team member from 1997-2000.
+      Developer of the <em>CVSup</em> network software update package and
+      the <em>ElfKit</em> ELF tool set, his specialties include network
+      protocols, language tools, UNIX internals, and UNIX applications. For
+      more information, please send email to <a
+      href="mailto:jdp@polstra.com">jdp@polstra.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Stacey" continent="europe">
+    <name>Julian Stacey</name>
+    <url>http://www.berklix.com/~jhs/</url>
+    <description>
+      Julian Stacey maintains a <a
+      href="http://www.berklix.com/~jhs/consultants.html">FreeBSD
+      Commercial Consultants Index</a>. Be sure to visit his page!
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="MediaCenter" continent="europe">
+    <name>MediaCenter</name>
+    <url>http://www.umc.se/</url>
+    <description>
+      MediaCenter, Ume&#230;, Sweden. Located in northern Sweden we offer
+      professional consulting and programming for secure inter/intranet
+      solutions using FreeBSD and UNIX(-like) operating systems. We also
+      work high performance database programming, primarily using
+      PostgreSQL. For more information, please send email to <a
+      href="mailto:info@umc.se">info@umc.se</a>, or visit our website (<a
+      href="http://www.umc.se/">http://www.umc.se/</a>)
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="MindStep" continent="namerica">
+    <name>MindStep Corp.</name>
+    <url>http://www.mindstep.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      MindStep Corp. configure and maintain Intranet/Internet networks
+      using FreeBSD and other Unix operating systems. MindStep also offers
+      products and provides software development services customized to fit
+      the needs of corporations of any size.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="MidwestSystems" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Midwest Systems Solutions, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.midwestsystems.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Midwest Systems Solutions Inc. , based in Winnipeg Canada, provides
+      hardware, software and consulting services including LAN, WAN, remote
+      access, file and printer servers, Internet solutions and support and
+      administration of FreeBSD and Linux systems. Midwest Systems
+      specializes in Web, FTP, Internet Gateways, firewall solutions based
+      on FreeBSD and Linux. Midwest Systems Solutions also offers both
+      virtual and dedicated webhosting solutions. For more information,
+      please contact <a
+      href="mailto:info@midwestsystems.com">mailto:info@midwestsystems.com</a>
+	or visit our website at <a
+      href="http://www.midwestsystems.com/">www.midwestsystems.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Neturn" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Neturn Corp.</name>
+    <url>http://neturn.sinacity.com/netserv/</url>
+    <description>
+      Neturn Corp., based in Vancouver, Canada, provides complete solutions
+      on selective and fine-tuned hardware and software (BSDs as primary
+      server OSs) platforms to meet the <b>demand from e-commerce,
+      telecom, manufacturing, industrial, aerospace, medical applications
+      where stability and reliability are mandatory</b>. For detailed
+      information, please visit <a
+      href="http://neturn.sinacity.com/netserv/">http://neturn.sinacity.com
+      /netserv</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Netgraft" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Netgraft Corp.</name>
+    <url>http://netgraft.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Netgraft Corp. is a technology consulting firm that specializes in
+      open source technologies like Linux, FreeBSD, MySQL, Apache,
+      Sendmail, BIND, etc. We're New York City based and can provide
+      on-site support and customized business solutions based on these
+      technologies.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Netizen" continent="australia">
+    <name>Netizen</name>
+    <url>http://netizen.com.au/</url>
+    <description>
+      Netizen, based in Melbourne, Australia, provide Internet and Open
+      Source consultancy services, including FreeBSD installation,
+      configuration, support contracts, applications development,
+      E-Commerce solutions, etc. See <a
+      href="http://netizen.com.au/">http://netizen.com.au/</a> or email <a
+      href="mailto:info@netizen.com.au">info@netizen.com.au</a> for more
+      information.</description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="OmarSiddique" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Omar Siddique</name>
+    <url>http://www.heedme.com/resume</url>
+    <description>
+      Omar Siddique is a Washington, D.C. area consultant with a broad
+      array of experience in FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris, and IRIX. His
+      specialties include systems integration, network security, and set-up
+      of internet services. Custom application design is also available.
+      Contact him <a href="mailto:omar@heedme.com">via email</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Omniscient" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Omniscient Technologies</name>
+    <url>http://www.omniscient.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Omniscient Technologies is a Washington D.C. based consulting group
+      with a broad array of experience in *BSD, Solaris, Linux and many
+      other varieties of UNIX specializing in highly scalable systems,
+      systems integration and network security. Custom application design
+      also available. Contact via <a
+      href="mailto:info@omniscient.com">info@omniscient.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="OpenWorld" continent="namerica">
+    <name>OpenWorld</name>
+    <url>http://www.stdio.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      OpenWorld has been providing computer, network, and security
+      consulting since 1994. Our clients? range from Fortune 500 companies
+      to regional small businesses. Our engineers each have at least 10
+      years of experience in Unix systems and networks. We provide full
+      service consulting, implementation, installation, security, and
+      support for FreeBSD, SUN Solaris, SCO Unixware, SCO OpenServer, SGI
+      Irix, IBM AIX, Compaq Digital Unix, and Cisco IOS. Please email us at
+      <a href="mailto:info@stdio.com">info@stdio.com</a> or call us at
+      606-514-1800 for further information.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Puryear" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Puryear Information Technology, LLC</name>
+    <url>http://www.puryear-it.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Puryear Information Technology, LLC provides open source application
+      support, integration services, and technology management expertise to
+      the Southeastern United States. Our company plays a pivotal role in
+      the design and deployment of open source solutions--we have worked
+      with companies to design and manage FreeBSD and Linux web farms;
+      deployed open source-based clustering software to ensure high
+      availability of critical network services; performed critical
+      performance tuning and software integration for a popular spam filter
+      appliance; and integrated Samba into Internet-accessible, VPN-based
+      file services. Phone: +1-225-343-3056.
+    </description>
+    </entry>
+  <entry id="PeterDufault" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Peter Dufault</name>
+    <url>mailto:dufault@hda.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Peter Dufault, of HD Associates. Peter has over 15 years experience
+      in medical device control, high performance simulation systems,
+      digital closed-loop feedback systems, realtime UNIX-like systems, and
+      UNIX device drivers. For more information, please send email to <a
+      href= "mailto:dufault@hda.com">dufault@hda.com</a>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="PHBSolutions" continent="europe">
+    <name>PHB Solutions</name>
+    <url>http://www.phbsolutions.com</url>
+    <description>
+      PHB Solutions, based in Belgium, provides *BSD installation,
+      maintenance, support and consulting services (file servers, web
+      servers, mail servers, database servers, routers). For more
+      information, please contact <a
+      href="mailto:philippe.bresoux@phbsolutions.com">philippe.bresoux@phbs
+      olutions.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="PhilBudne" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Phil Budne</name>
+    <url>http://www.ultimate.com/phil/resume.html</url>
+    <description>
+      Phil Budne is a Boston area consultant who has worked professionally
+      with BSD and other Unix systems since 1985. Services include
+      development and porting of kernel extensions, device drivers, network
+      protocol implementation, and applications, as well as network and
+      system administration. For more information contact <a href=
+      "mailto:phil+fbsd@ultimate.com">phil+fbsd@ultimate.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="PineInternet" continent="europe">
+    <name>Pine Internet</name>
+    <url>http://www.pine.nl/</url>
+    <description>
+      Pine Internet implements LAN, WAN and remote access solutions, offers
+      Unix support and administration contracts and advises ISP's and other
+      corporate customers concerning their network and server setup. Pine
+      specializes in <a href="http://security.pine.nl/">Internet
+      security</a>, performs security auditing services on demand, and
+      offers firewall solutions based on FreeBSD. Other products we offer
+      are webhosting, facility management and leased lines. Among the
+      products we use are FreeBSD, Cisco routers, PHP, Apache, Perl,
+      Solaris and MySQL. Pine has 8+ years of Unix and Internet experience.
+      We feature some of the largest ISP's in the Netherlands as our
+      customers. For more information, please contact <a
+      href="mailto:info@pine.nl">info@pine.nl</a> or visit our website at
+      <a href="http://www.pine.nl/">www.pine.nl</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="PotentialTechnology" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Potential Technology</name>
+    <url>http://www.potentialtech.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Potential Technology is based in Ohio and western Pennsylvania. We
+      specialize in FreeBSD-based solutions and have experience integrating
+      FreeBSD with Apple, Microsoft and other Unix environments in file,
+      print, mail, web, database and proxy server applications. For more
+      information, please email <a
+      href="mailto:moreinfo@potentialtech.com">moreinfo@potentialtech.com</a>,
+      visit our <a href="http://www.potentialtech.com/">website</a> or
+      call 1-412-793-4257.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="PotterSystems" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Potter Systems</name>
+    <url>http://www.pottersystems.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Matthew R. Potter has over 8 years in UNIX IP Networks, specializes
+      in BSD, OS X and Network Consulting and is located in Northern
+      Virginia. You can reach him via email at <a
+      href="mailto:mpotter@pottersystems.net">Matthew R. Potter</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="PoulHenningKamp" continent="europe">
+    <name>Poul-Henning Kamp</name>
+    <url>http://www.freebsd.org/~phk/</url>
+    <description>
+      Poul-Henning Kamp has over 12 years in UNIX &amp; Networks, and is a
+      former FreeBSD Core Team member. Poul developed <em>phkmalloc</em>,
+      <em>tcl_nm</em>, <em>tcl_db</em>, <em>tcl_snmp</em> and more, and was
+      the Release Engineer for several FreeBSD releases. Poul resides in
+      Denmark, and can be reached via email at <a
+      href="mailto:phk@FreeBSD.org">phk@FreeBSD.org</a>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="RandDAssociates" continent="europe">
+    <name>R and D Associates, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.RnDAssociates.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      R &amp; D Associates, Inc. developed ServeTheWeb.com utilizing FreeBSD
+      running Apache. We employed consulting services from <a
+      href="mailto:phk@FreeBSD.org">Poul-Henning Kamp</a> to develop our
+      Virtual Server solution (which is now available in <a
+      href="http://www.FreeBSD.org">FreeBSD</a> 4.0). <p> <a
+      href="http://ServeTheWeb.com/">ServeTheWeb.com</a> is our System
+      Admin level of Virtual Servers. Please visit <a
+      href="http://www.ServeTheWeb.com/"> http://www.ServeTheWeb.com</a>
+      for additional information on this product. </p> <p> R &amp; D
+      Associates, Inc. is an application development firm specializing in
+      client/server app. dev. We use FreeBSD running Apache and utilizing
+      PHP and MySQL (As well as NT with ASP and SQL/Access). </p>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Secnetix" continent="europe">
+    <name>Secnetix GmbH and Co KG</name>
+    <url>http://www.secnetix.de/</url>
+    <description>
+      Secnetix GmbH &amp; Co KG -- located in Munich, Germany -- has a
+      strong focus on BSD systems and offers professional consulting
+      services, ranging from basic administration, programming and
+      security-related tasks to sophisticated projects involving design,
+      implementation and maintenance of complex network setups. For more
+      information, please <a href="http://www.secnetix.de/">visit our web
+      site</a> or send a message to <a
+      href="mailto:info@secnetix.de">info@secnetix.de</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="BrianSomers" continent="europe">
+    <name>Brian Somers</name>
+    <url>http://www.Awfulhak.org/brian/</url>
+    <description>
+      Brian Somers has over 10 years in UNIX, Networks, C &amp; C++. Brian is
+      responsible for the <em>PPP</em> code in FreeBSD, and located in NW
+      London. You can reach him via email at <a
+      href="mailto:brian@Awfulhak.org">brian@Awfulhak.org</a>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="SouthernGazer" continent="australia">
+    <name>Southern Gazer</name>
+    <url>http://www.southerngazer.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Southern Gazer is a consulting company with 20 years PC technical
+      support experience based in Sydney's idyllic Sutherland Shire. Our
+      focus is helping businesses get their computers working right while
+      spending as little as possible on IT. We're passionate supporters of
+      Open Source products and can help the average business save money and
+      gain reliability by using systems such as FreeBSD on their file
+      servers, print servers, e-mail systems plus lots more. We also supply
+      a complete range of Linux and BSD CD's at ultra low prices. Please
+      drop by our <a href="http://www.southerngazer.com">website</a>, email
+      us at <a
+      href="mailto:info@southerngazer.com">info@southerngazer.com</a>, or
+      call us on 02 9532 1217 to have a chat.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Syntonet" continent="europe">
+    <name>Syntonet Ltd</name>
+    <url>http://www.syntonet.co.uk/</url>
+    <description>
+      Syntonet Ltd is UK based provider of Consultancy and Custom
+      Development Services. Principal consultant <a
+      href="mailto:rob@syntonet.co.uk">Rob Pickering</a> has over 10 years
+      system software development experience on BSD based platforms. Areas
+      of expertise include firewall and networking system setup, custom
+      development in C and C++, and supply of turnkey solutions. For
+      further information, contact us by email at <a
+      href="mailto:info@syntonet.co.uk">info@syntonet.co.uk</a>, call
+      +44.870.166.4400 (Voice) or +44.870.166.4411 (Fax).
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="SysConfigConsulting" continent="namerica">
+    <name>SysConfig Consulting</name>
+    <url>http://www.sysconfig.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      SysConfig Consulting designs, configures, and installs FreeBSD based
+      email gateway solutions, Dial-on-Demand ISDN, and T-1 Network to
+      Network, Network to Internet Connections for businesses in the
+      Southeastern United States. For more information, please send e-mail
+      to <a href="mailto:info@sysconfig.com">info@sysconfig.com</a>, or <a
+      href="http://www.sysconfig.com/">visit our web site</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="ThinkSec" continent="europe">
+    <name>ThinkSec AS</name>
+    <url>http://www.thinksec.no/</url>
+    <description>
+      ThinkSec AS offers security-related consulting and software
+      development services, primarily on FreeBSD but also on other POSIX
+      platforms. Experience ranges from programming embedded
+      microcontrollers, through writing and deploying security
+      infrastructure software, to developing web applications. Based in
+      Oslo, Norway.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="TundraWare" continent="namerica">
+    <name>TundraWare Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.tundraware.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      TundraWare Inc. provides FreeBSD related consultancy in all contexts,
+      from Embedded to large Transaction Processing systems. We have
+      extensive International experience and can provide services in
+      network design, systems architecture, development, deployment and
+      operations. Contact us via telephone on 847/827-1706, via email to <a
+      href="mailto:info@tundraware.com"> info@tundraware.com</a> or write
+      to us at TundraWare Inc., 817 Fairmont Court, Des Plaines, IL 60018,
+      USA.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="UnixPorting" continent="namerica">
+    <name>UnixPorting</name>
+    <url>http://www.UnixPorting.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      UnixPorting.com specializes in the porting of existing software to
+      new operating systems or hardware. In addition to porting, we
+      specialize in C and Perl programming, Unix system administration and
+      security, and open source
+      technologies (FreeBSD, Perl, Apache,
+      mod_perl, MySQL, etc.). For more information, please visit <a
+      href="http://www.UnixPorting.com/">our web site</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="CSRCorporation" continent="namerica">
+    <name>CSR Corporation</name>
+    <url>http://www.comsys.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      CSR Corporation is a Portland, OR, based consulting company with
+      offices in Portland, OR; San Jose, CA; and Vero Beach, FL. CSR
+      specializes in network applications for IPSs and CLECs, applying open
+      network technologies for complete customer solutions. CSR has been in
+      business since 1986. Telephone: 503-708-4330.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Camtech" continent="australia">
+    <name>Camtech Pty Ltd</name>
+    <url>http://www.camtech.com.au/</url>
+    <description>
+      Camtech Pty Ltd The Consulting Services Division of Camtech provides
+      a broad range of technical and professional services to assist
+      businesses to achieve higher levels of productivity through efficient
+      use of Information Technology. Services available encompass all
+      aspects of information systems scoping and analysis, design,
+      implementation, integration, administration, testing, training and
+      maintenance. Camtech is a provider of FreeBSD-based solutions,
+      including Internet gateway servers, firewalls, and Intranet servers.
+      Phone +61 8 8303 3300.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="WilliamRichard" continent="namerica">
+    <name>William Richard &amp; Associates</name>
+    <url>http://www.tdl.com/~wdr/consulting.html</url>
+    <description>
+      William Richard &amp; Associates offers FreeBSD, Internet, and e-commerce
+      consulting, implementation, and support options for clients
+      throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Visit our website or <a
+      href="mailto:wdr@tdl.com">e-mail us</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="WorkgroupTechnology" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Workgroup Technology Partners, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.wgtech.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Workgroup Technology Partners, Inc.We sell and support Unix systems
+      including Solaris, HP/UX, AIX, Linux and FreeBSD. For comments refer
+      to <a href="http://www.wgtech.com">our site</a>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="WorldServe" continent="namerica">
+    <name>WorldServe Consulting</name>
+    <url>http://www.worldserve.net</url>
+    <description>
+      WorldServe Consulting offers FreeBSD installation, configuration and
+      maintenance consulting services to businesses in Northern Virginia.
+      We also offer web site development and custom web solutions. Over
+      four years of experience. Check out our <a
+      href="http://www.worldserve.net">web site</a> or e-mail us at <a
+      href="mailto:info@worldserve.net">info@worldserve.net</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="SecurityAudit" continent="africa">
+    <name>Security Audit and Control Solutions</name>
+    <url>http://www.sacs.co.za/</url>
+    <description>
+      Security Audit and Control Solutions (SACS) provides information
+      security consultation and IT auditing services and offers
+      professional FreeBSD support. SACS has developed a complete range of
+      Technological Risk Management solutions using FreeBSD as an anchor
+      for data analysis. Firewalls deployed using FreeBSD makes a cost
+      effective solution in any organization and SACS can implement a
+      secure FreeBSD firewall with caching engines, Network Address
+      Translation (NAT) and proxies. For additional information please
+      contact <a href="mailto:pearcem@sacs.co.za">Mervin Pearce</a> or
+      visit <a href="http://www.sacs.co.za">http://www.sacs.co.za</a>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Paladin" continent="australia">
+    <name>Paladin Corporation Pty, Ltd</name>
+    <url>http://www.paladincorp.com.au/</url>
+    <description>
+      Paladin Corporation Pty, Ltd Providing Software engineering, Systems
+      Integration and multi-tier Commercial support for all aspects of
+      FreeBSD networking and Security. We also have an E-Cart solution and
+      a Dispatch system for FreeBSD. Visit <a
+      href="http://www.paladincorp.com.au/">
+      http://www.paladincorp.com.au/</a> for details.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="EDILtd" continent="namerica">
+    <name>EDI Ltd Consulting Engineers</name>
+    <url>http://www.ediltd.com</url>
+    <description>
+      EDI Ltd Consulting Engineers. We provide consulting services for
+      FreeBSD as well as local and wide area network design. Our
+      diversified staff allows us to help you in all the areas your project
+      requires, from cabling to encryption, network security audits,
+      network design and network health studies. We have successfully
+      completed several FreeBSD installations for mission critical
+      operations, using it as a firewall, web server or mail server. If you
+      would like to discuss your project with us, please contact us as
+      (770) 956-7000, or <a
+      href="mailto:info@ediltd.com">info@ediltd.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Bellamy" continent="nzealand">
+    <name>Bellamy Consulting Ltd</name>
+    <url>http://www.bellamy.co.nz</url>
+    <description>
+      Bellamy Consulting Ltd, based in
+	 Auckland, New Zealand, is a
+      consulting company specializing in Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and
+      OpenBSD. Our main focus is on Internet servers (Web Servers &amp;
+      Caches, Email, DNS, FTP, Databases, etc.), software and security
+      (Firewalls, VPNs, Proxies). See our web site for more information, or
+      contact us directly at <a
+      href="mailto:info@bellamy.co.nz">info@bellamy.co.nz</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="CrepidoSystems" continent="europe">
+    <name>Crepido Systems AB</name>
+    <url>http://www.crepido.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Crepido Systems AB provides services for custom software development
+      and system design under BSD and other Unixes. We have 10+ years
+      experience in Unix programming and system design using Unix as
+      building block.
+	  Crepido System AB operates mainly in Sweden but
+      requests outside Sweden are welcome.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="MarkTinguely" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Mark Tinguely</name>
+    <url>http://www.cs.ndsu.NoDak.edu/~tinguely/</url>
+    <description>
+      Mark Tinguely has provided Network and Unix solutions for over ten
+      years. These solutions include work with Unix kernels and Unix
+      applications, TCP/IP applications, Local Area Network protocol
+      debugging, and BSD device drivers. Mark has authored BSD device
+      drivers for 3 video capture boards, an Asynchronous Transfer Mode
+      (ATM) network card, and a Watchdog card.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="AnansiInnovations" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Anansi Innovations</name>
+    <url>http://www.ainnovations.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Anansi Innovations provides comprehensive, cutting-edge system and
+      software design for your business. From hardware selection and
+      configuration to interface design and release management, we can
+      build an enterprise that takes best advantage of the expanding
+      Internet market. Our experience includes computer system design
+      and integration, interactive software, interface design, release
+      management, cross-platform coordination, e-commerce, and
+      business-to-business applications. For more information email <a
+      href="MAILTO:info@ainnovations.com">info@ainnovations.com</a> or
+      phone (617) 995-2590.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="ITworksConsulting" continent="australia">
+    <name>ITworks Consulting</name>
+    <url>http://www.itworks.com.au</url>
+    <description>
+      ITworks Consulting is a privately owned information technology
+      consultancy, situated in the central business district of
+      Melbourne, Australia. The business consists of a specialized team
+      of consultants who aim to provide information technology solutions
+      to meet the needs of the business community. We provide a range of
+      FreeBSD based web hosting, web database development and e-commerce
+      services as well as professional FreeBSD consulting services and
+      support contracts. For more information please visit our <a
+      href="http://www.itworks.com.au">web site</a> or contact us at <a
+      href="mailto:info@itworks.com.au">info@itworks.com.au</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="BlackHatNetworks" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Black Hat Networks</name>
+    <url>http://blackhatnetworks.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Black Hat Networks offers premium IT consulting and FreeBSD based
+      hosting services for the sophisticated customer: administration,
+      management, web hosting, web design, FreeBSD shells, nationwide
+      Internet access, co-location, programming, hardware and computers,
+      data warehousing and more, all with the emphasis on security.
+      Because We believe that <i>security is not a convenience, it is a
+      necessity.</i>
+      </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Raditex" continent="europe">
+    <name>Raditex AB</name>
+    <url>http://raditex.se/</url>
+    <description>
+      Raditex AB are a firm of consultants and also do education in Unix.
+      We have long experience with all kinds of Unix systems not only
+      FreeBSD or Linux. For more information phone us at +46.8.6949270 or
+      give us an email at <a
+      href="mailto:info@raditex.se">info@raditex.se</a> or <a
+      href="http://raditex.se/">visit our web site</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Metadesign" continent="australia">
+    <name>Metadesign</name>
+    <url>http://www.metadesign.com.au/</url>
+    <description>
+      Metadesign located in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia is a FreeBSD
+      consultancy, providing configuration, installation and system
+      maintenance of FreeBSD hosted Internet services and applications.
+      Email <a href="mailto:info@metadesign.com.au">us</a> for more
+      information.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Mike_Meyer" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Mike_Meyer</name>
+    <url>http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/</url>
+    <description>
+      Mike Meyer of Meyer Consulting has been providing Unix-based
+      solutions since 1976, and web-based applications since 1992. These
+      solutions range from chemical systems modeling to device drivers, and
+      the web applications have ranged from community-building applications
+      to web based software release systems. For more information, please
+      contact <a href="mailto:mwm@mired.org">mwm@mired.org</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="TheLinuxBox" continent="namerica">
+    <name>The Linux Box</name>
+    <url>http://www.linuxbox.nu/</url>
+    <description>
+      The Linux Box, located in Ann Arbor, Michigan, provides consulting
+      and training services for open source operating systems and products,
+      including FreeBSD and Linux. For more information, contact <a
+      href="mailto:info@linuxbox.nu">info@linuxbox.nu</a> or view our
+      website at <a href="http://www.linuxbox.nu">www.linuxbox.nu</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="BillWells" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Bill Wells</name>
+    <url>mailto:bill@twwells.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Bill Wells does C programming, FreeBSD administration, network
+      administration, and Web development. He's been programming for over
+      25 years, developing for the Internet (largely on FreeBSD), 10 years,
+      ISP work, 6, and Web development, 4. Check out his <a
+      href="http://www.twwells.com/">home page</a> for more information.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Tetrapod" continent="europe">
+    <name>Tetrapod Communications Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.tetrapod.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Tetrapod Communications Inc. is a technical consultancy based in
+      Harlow, Essex in the United Kingdom offering custom programming and
+      administration services. Our services include Custom Programming
+      (Java, C++, perl) CIFS (Samba), E-Commerce, Internet (Web)
+      Programming, Network Administration, System Administration (FreeBSD,
+      OpenBSD, Linux, Solaris). Contact us at <a
+      href="mailto:sales@tetrapod.com">sales@tetrapod.com</a> or <a
+      href="http://www.tetrapod.com/">www.tetrapod.com</a> or by phone on
+      +44(0)8451 275272.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="LANCO" continent="asia">
+    <name>LANCO Global Systems</name>
+    <url>http://www.lancoglobal.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      LANCO Global Systems (LGSL), based in India, Hyderabad, with offices
+      in USA and UK, provides and specializes in <i>Application
+      Development, Shell Scripting, PHP, C, C++ and Perl Programming,
+      Networking Solutions, Unix device driver development, Web page
+      Designing and Hosting, Web Server Solutions and configurations, ISP
+      Services especially on Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris</i>. For more
+      information, please email us at <a
+      href="mailto:services@lancoglobal.com">services@lancoglobal.com</a>
+      or call us at 0091-9849043975 or FAX us at 0091-040-3755413.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="NS3G" continent="namerica">
+    <name>NS3G.COM</name>
+    <url>http://www.ns3g.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      NS3G.COM, based out of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, offers a variety of
+      services and products. We specialize in products that run under
+      FreeBSD and other *NIX systems but also support other platforms.
+      Solutions for firewalls, LAN's, WAN'S and web presence are just a few
+      that we offer. Please visit us at <a
+      href="http://www.ns3g.com/">www.ns3g.com</a> or contact us at <a
+      href="mailto:info@ns3g.com">info@ns3g.com</a> for more information or
+      to get a quote.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Linast" continent="europe">
+    <name>Linast-Systemtechnik GmbH</name>
+    <url>http://www.linast.de</url>
+    <description>
+      Linast-Systemtechnik GmbH is located in Sankt Augustin, Germany (near
+      Bonn/Cologne) and provides consulting, support and training for
+      FreeBSD, Linux, MacOS X and other Unix Systems. For more information,
+      please call +49.2241.209467, e-mail us at <a
+      href="mailto:info@linast.de">info@linast.de</a> or visit our <a
+      href="http://www.linast.de/">website</a>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Cybersource" continent="australia">
+    <name>Cybersource Pty. Ltd</name>
+    <url>http://www.cyber.com.au/</url>
+    <description>
+      Cybersource is Australia's leading IT Professional Services Company
+      in the areas of Unix/FreeBSD/Linux, TCP/IP Datanetworking and Open
+      Platform application development using these technologies. With
+      around 40 staff, are based in Melbourne and have been successfully
+      providing IT Professional Services for 10 years.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="KMJ" continent="europe">
+    <name>KMJ Consulting Austria</name>
+    <url>http://www.kmj.at</url>
+    <description>
+      KMJ Consulting Austria is a full service Consultant and Supplier for
+      pre installed <a href="http://www.proline.at">FreeBSD Servers</a> as
+      a replacement for Windows NT/2000 Servers. We ship Firewalls,
+      Internet Gateways, File and Print Servers. Network planing and
+      implementation of Wans with IPSEC tunneling, Mail Servers with
+      IMAP/LDAP as an replacement for MS Exchange, Samba and Hylafax
+      installations. Our newest pre installed System is a FreeBSD
+      Workstation running on a P733 with 512MB Ram, <b>Matrox G400 Dual VGA
+      and 2 Monitors</b>. If sometimes Windows is needed a Demo of Vmware
+      is preinstalled to run Windows in a Window of the FreeBSD System.
+      Founded 1985 with Unix and Mainframe experience since 1978. We are
+      based in Salzburg and Vienna / Austria and operate mostly in the
+      german language territory of the EC. For non-commercial information
+      please visit <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.at">FreeBSD.AT</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="APriori" continent="namerica">
+    <name>A Priori Consulting</name>
+    <url>http://apriori.cnchost.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      A Priori Consulting is a Boston-based company providing high-quality
+      system and software development and consulting services to the
+      computer, networking and software industry -- specializing in UNIX
+      and BSD system and application development, including embedded
+      systems, networking, driver, kernel, porting, realtime, and systems
+      integration.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="NationalInformatics" continent="namerica">
+    <name>National Informatics Company</name>
+    <url>http://www.nationalinformatics.com</url>
+    <description>
+      National Informatics Company provides research and development
+      services for information technology. We work with FreeBSD to support
+      or manage research projects for high performance computing,
+      bioinformatics, enterprise software technologies and artificial
+      intelligence. We also help companies make the transition from
+      proprietary software products to Open Source products. Our phone
+      number is (425) 740-0139.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Bilch" continent="europe">
+    <name>Bilch International Consulting</name>
+    <url>http://www.bilch.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Bilch International Consulting, Hamburg is based in Germany. We are
+      building fire walled servers and connect them to your ISDN, POTS, ATM
+      or E1/T1 Line. BILCH Com is an ASP and application software
+      developer. Please mail us at <a
+      href="mailto:info@bilch.com">info@bilch.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="ParcProductions" continent="europe">
+    <name>Parc Productions</name>
+    <url>http://www.parcproductions.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Parc Productions. Located in the Netherlands. Started in 1997. We
+      deliver professional system engineering services for FreeBSD, OpenBSD
+      and MacOS X. Our services include 24/7 support, consultancy,
+      maintenance of both hardware and software, assembly and installation
+      of hardware, remote and on-site support, development of scripts and
+      software for the machines we maintain etcetera. Of course we deliver
+      hosting facilities and space for your servers at low costs as well.
+      Visit our websites at <a
+      href="http://www.parcproductions.com/">www.parcproductions.com</a> or
+      <a href="http://www.bsdengineering.com/">www.bsdengineering.com</a>.
+      Please contact us by <a
+      href="mailto:info@parcproductions.com">email</a> or by telephone:
+      +31-204892456.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Worria" continent="asia">
+    <name>Worria Affordable Web Hosting</name>
+    <url>http://worria.com/en/hosting.shtml</url>
+    <description>
+      Worria Affordable Web Hosting is a privately owned company in Hong
+      Kong. We offer FreeBSD web hosting related consulting services, such
+      as server administration and website management. For more details,
+      please email <a href="mailto:sales@worria.com">our sales team</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Xensia" continent="europe">
+    <name>Xensia LLP</name>
+    <url>http://www.xensia.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Xensia LLP provide UNIX systems/admin/security/networking consultancy
+      services within London, UK. Specializing in Open Source software on
+      Solaris/*BSD systems. Over 7.5 years experience with UNIX systems,
+      administration, security/firewalls and networking. Contact <a
+      href="mailto:paul.civati@xensia.com">paul.civati@xensia.com</a> for
+      more details.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="ZYTRAX" continent="namerica">
+    <name>ZYTRAX, Inc</name>
+    <url>http://www.zytrax.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Zytrax, Inc. is based in Montreal, Canada and provides consulting,
+      development, implementation, hosting and maintenance services
+      specialising in the BSD platforms. Our skill base includes Apache,
+      PHP, Ruby, DNS, Mail, LDAP, Samba, PostgeSQL/MySQL and embedded
+      systems. Please email us at <a
+      href="MAILTO:consulting@zytrax.com">consulting@zytrax.com</a>. We can
+      be reached via telephone at +1.514.285.9088.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="OpenTrend" continent="namerica">
+    <name>OpenTrend Solutions Ltd</name>
+    <url>http://www.opentrend.net</url>
+    <description>
+      OpenTrend Solutions Ltd provides consulting and facilities management
+      services through Canada. We specialize in supporting FreeBSD, NetBSD,
+      OpenBSD and Linux, and have specialist skills in system
+      administration, security and network design &amp; management. We donate
+      2% of gross profits to the support of open source software and have
+      partnered with organisations in the United States and Australia to
+      better support multi-national clients.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="DaemonizedNetworking" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Daemonized Networking Services</name>
+    <url>http://www.daemonized.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Daemonized Networking Services. Our staff have been supporting
+      software and hardware development, brokerages, banks, hospitals,
+      publishers, e-commerce, legal and medical research,
+      telecommunications, and other environments since 1986, in the San
+      Francisco Bay Area and Northern California. We build industrial
+      strength web servers, running the latest release of Apache, OpenSSH,
+      and OpenSSL, with all source, and firewall, based on FreeBSD, in less
+      than one hour.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Linux4biz" continent="asia">
+    <name>Linux4biz</name>
+    <url>http://www.linux4biz.net/</url>
+    <description>
+      Linux4biz is an independent provider of comprehensive Internet
+      solutions, specialising in the Solaris, LINUX, FreeBSD, OpenBSD,
+      NetBSD operating systems and Open Source Software. Linux4biz
+      Consultants are able to advise on all aspects of implementing and
+      administrating Unix/Linux servers, SAMBA solutions, E-mail servers,
+      Mailing list servers, Web servers, DNS, Internet Security, Security
+      Audits, Intrusion detection, Stress testing, Intranet setup, High
+      Availability server solutions, Network solutions, Remote
+      administration solutions. We also provide onsite as well as offsite
+      support and consultancy. For more information about our services,
+      please visit our website.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="INFOMATIK" continent="samerica">
+    <name>INFOMATIK</name>
+    <url>http://info.matik.com.br</url>
+    <description>
+      INFOMATIK Tecnologia e Desenvolvimento - Brazilian Company is
+      offering total site support for FreeBSD Servers. We have high
+      performance solutions for Intranet and Internet. We are specialized
+      in UNIX systems since 92. Please visit our Interactive Website or
+      contact us per e-mail: <a
+      href="mailto:info@matik.com.br">info@matik.com.br</a>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="LOGIOS" continent="europe">
+    <name>LOGIOS</name>
+    <url>http://www.logios.cz/</url>
+    <description>
+      LOGIOS NETWORK SYSTEMS, located in the Czech Republic, provides
+      system maintenance, consulting and other services on various
+      platforms, including FreeBSD and Linux. We also offer information
+      security services, firewalls and IDS systems, system integration,
+      software applications etc.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Xetpoint" continent="europe">
+    <name>Xetpoint</name>
+    <url>http://www.xetpoint.fi/</url>
+    <description>
+      Xetpoint Oy is located in Pirkkala, Finland. We offer professional
+      FreeBSD support, consulting, programming, maintenance and monitoring
+      services. For more information, please visit our website.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="RackmountNet" continent="namerica">
+    <name>RackmountNet</name>
+    <url>http://www.rackmountnet.com</url>
+    <description>
+      RackmountNet is a One-stop shop for rackmount Linux, FreeBSD systems.
+      Our products include Rackmount chassis, server rack cabinet,
+      Rackmount LCD Monitor, and related accessories. For more information,
+      contact <a
+      href="mailto:sales@rackmountnet.com">sales@rackmountnet.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
diff --git a/en/commercial/consult_bycat.xsl b/en/commercial/consult_bycat.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a155907f8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/en/commercial/consult_bycat.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- Copyright (c) 2003 Josef El-Rayes <josef@FreeBSD.org>
+     All rights reserved.
+     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+     modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+     are met:
+     1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+	notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+     2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+	notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+	documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+     $FreeBSD$
+<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0"
+  xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS"
+  exclude-result-prefixes="cvs">
+  <xsl:import href="../includes.xsl"/>
+  <xsl:variable name="base" select="'..'"/>
+  <xsl:variable name="date">
+    <xsl:value-of select="//cvs:keyword[@name='freebsd']"/>
+  </xsl:variable>
+  <xsl:variable name="email" select="'freebsd-www'"/>
+  <xsl:variable name="title" select="'Commercial Vendors'"/>
+  <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="iso-8859-1"
+    doctype-system="http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"
+    doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"/>
+  <xsl:template match="entries">
+    <html>
+      <xsl:copy-of select="$header1"/>
+      <body xsl:use-attribute-sets="att.body">
+	<xsl:copy-of select="$header2"/>
+	<p>The power, flexibility, and reliability of FreeBSD attract a wide
+	  variety of users and vendors.	 Here you will find vendors offering
+	  commercial products and/or services for FreeBSD.</p>
+	<p>For your convenience, we have divided our growing commercial listing
+	  into several sections.  If your company supports a FreeBSD-compatible
+	  product or service that should be added to this page, please send
+	  email to <a href="mailto:www@FreeBSD.org">www@FreeBSD.org</a>
+	  and let us know!  Submissions should be in HTML and a medium-sized
+	  paragraph in length.</p>
+	<h2>Consulting Services</h2>
+	<p>This file has been divided into sub-categories for your convenience.
+	  The following shortcuts will take you to the proper gallery entries.</p>
+	<h3>Africa</h3>
+	<xsl:for-each select="entry[@continent='africa']">
+	  <xsl:sort select="name"/>
+	  <xsl:call-template name="entry"/>
+	</xsl:for-each>
+	<h3>Asia</h3>
+	<xsl:for-each select="entry[@continent='asia']">
+	  <xsl:sort select="name"/>
+	  <xsl:call-template name="entry"/>
+	</xsl:for-each>
+	<h3>Australia</h3>
+	<xsl:for-each select="entry[@continent='australia']">
+	  <xsl:sort select="name"/>
+	  <xsl:call-template name="entry"/>
+	</xsl:for-each>
+	<h3>Europe</h3>
+	<xsl:for-each select="entry[@continent='europe']">
+	  <xsl:sort select="name"/>
+	  <xsl:call-template name="entry"/>
+	</xsl:for-each>
+	<h3>New Zealand</h3>
+	<xsl:for-each select="entry[@continent='nzealand']">
+	  <xsl:sort select="name"/>
+	  <xsl:call-template name="entry"/>
+	</xsl:for-each>
+	<h3>North America</h3>
+	<xsl:for-each select="entry[@continent='namerica']">
+	  <xsl:sort select="name"/>
+	  <xsl:call-template name="entry"/>
+	</xsl:for-each>
+	<h3>South America</h3>
+	<xsl:for-each select="entry[@continent='samerica']">
+	  <xsl:sort select="name"/>
+	  <xsl:call-template name="entry"/>
+	</xsl:for-each>
+	<xsl:copy-of select="$footer"/>
+      </body>
+    </html>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <xsl:template name="entry">
+    <li><a href="consult.html#{@id}">
+      <xsl:value-of select="name"/>
+    </a></li>
+  </xsl:template>
diff --git a/en/commercial/consulting.raw b/en/commercial/consulting.raw
deleted file mode 100644
index cb66485c91..0000000000
--- a/en/commercial/consulting.raw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1097 +0,0 @@
-# $FreeBSD: www/en/commercial/consulting.raw,v 1.102 2004/03/07 19:06:03 josef Exp $
-<!-- NAME="757 Technologies" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.757tech.net">757 Technologies</A></STRONG>
-offer installation and integration of FreeBSD, as well as FreeBSD
-co-location and maintenance.  Serving the Hampton Roads area of Virginia.
-Please contact us at <A HREF="mailto:info@757tech.net">info@757tech.net</A>
-for more information.  We can also be reached by telephone at (757) 233-9460.
-<!-- NAME="Aaronsen Group, Ltd" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.aaronsen.com/freebsd/">Aaronsen Group, Ltd.</A>
-</STRONG> advises on and implements a wide range of internetworking 
-technologies, including remote access, wide area networks, international 
-telecommunications, Intranetworking, web applications and local area 
-services.  Many of our custom web-enabled solutions are engineered using 
-FreeBSD, Apache, mod_perl, and MySQL/Oracle.  Please email us at 
-<A HREF="mailto:info@aaronsen.com">info@aaronsen.com</A>. Our web site is 
-at <A HREF="http://www.aaronsen.com">http://www.aaronsen.com</A> and we 
-can be reached via telephone at +1.412.391.6000.
-<!-- NAME="Achean" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.achean.com/">Achean</A></STRONG> is a consultancy
-dedicated to helping our customers achieve better use of organisational
-information and real cost savings through the use of open source software.
-The <A HREF="http://www.achean.com/HardwareSoftware/AcheanFramework/">Achean
-Framework</A> explains our holistic approach to implementing solutions. We
-work with several open source operating systems, and many desktop and server
-based <A HREF="http://www.achean.com/HardwareSoftware/Applications/">applications</A>.
-Where necessary, we can provide custom built servers, workstations and diskless
-clients.  We also provide support and training services for our customers.
-Based in the UK, Achean can be contacted through our
-<A HREF="http://www.achean.com/Contact/">contact page</A>.  If you are
-looking for a new job, please take a look at our
-<A HREF="http://www.achean.com/Careers/">careers</A> section.
-<!-- NAME="Adimus GmbH & Co. KG" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<strong><A href="http://www.adimus.de/">Adimus GmbH &amp;
-Co. KG</a></strong> is a company based in Bochum, Germany. As a
-consulting partner we provide services in system administration for
-all flavors of Unix and Microsoft Windows, design and maintenance of
-LANs and WANs, IT security auditing and database management. Solutions
-for intra- and internet servers as well as our firewall toolkit are
-based on FreeBSD and third-party products from Compaq, Peacock, Cisco
-and Ascend. For more information please contact <A
-href="mailto:info@adimus.de">info@adimus.de</A> or visit our <A
-<!-- NAME="Advance Systems Group" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.advansys.net/">Advance Systems Group</A>
-</STRONG> builds, administrates, and maintains Intranet/Internet
-networks using FreeBSD and other UNIX operating systems.  ASG also
-provides a variety of other services including domain name hosting, web
-site construction, and software training.  For more information, please
-phone us at +1.317.507.4229, e-mail 
-<A HREF="mailto:sales@advansys.net">sales@advansys.net</A>, or 
-<A HREF="http://www.advansys.net/">visit our web site</A>.
-<!-- NAME="ASG Technologies" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.asgtechnologies.com/">ASG Technologies'</A>
-</STRONG> Professional Services division offers network security
-management products and services. Staffed by experienced information
-technology and systems professionals, ASG Professional Services has
-in-depth experience in network systems design, integration and
-management across diverse computing platforms. For more information,
-please phone us at +1.506.460.5400, e-mail <A HREF=
-or <A HREF="http://www.asgtechnologies.com/">visit our web site</A>
-and follow the Professional Services Links.
-<!-- NAME="AlphaZed, Ltd" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://uk.AlphaZed.COM/">AlphaZed, Ltd</A></STRONG>
-offers UNIX consulting, system administration and programming, with primary
-focus on FreeBSD. We have over a decade of UNIX and networking experience. 
-Available for anything from C programming to system administration, and 
-networking to web site building and hosting. We are located in SE London. 
-For more information, please email us at
-<A HREF="mailto:info@uk.AlphaZed.COM">info@uk.AlphaZed.COM</A>
-<!-- NAME="Atlas Software Engineering" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.atlase.com">Atlas Software Engineering</A>
-</STRONG> offers custom programming for FreeBSD and other flavors of Unix.
-Atlas specializes in applications using PHP, C++, Perl, PostgreSQL, and LDAP.
-Usage on our applications ranges from 1 to 20,000,000 hits per day. For
-more information, email us at <a
-<!-- NAME="AYN & Associates" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.aynassociates.com">AYN &amp; Associates</A></STRONG>,
-based in Austin, TX, is a software and internet consulting company specializing
-in FreeBSD. We provide a full range of services including setting up FreeBSD
-servers, LAN setups, setting up internet services such as mail and news
-servers, proxies, web servers.  We also provide custom programming solutions
-in most operating systems.
-<!-- NAME="BITNETS Inc." CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.bitnets.ca">BITNETS Inc.</A></STRONG> specializes
-in BIND, Apache, Postfix, Courier-IMAP and a variety of server components
-running on FreeBSD with emphasis on security and stability.  Services include
-<A HREF="http://www.netguru.ca">consulting</A> on server evaluation, installation
-and configuration and FreeBSD-based managed
-<A HREF="http://www.mailhosting.ca">secure e-mail hosting</A>.
-BITNETS sells commercial <A HREF="http://www.mailservers.ca">mail servers</A>,
-retail boxed computer peripherals and
-<A HREF="http://www.pcx.bitnets.ca">platform-independent network appliances</A>
-at discounted prices.  We are located at <A HREF="http://www.cityplaza.ca">City
-Plaza</A> in St. Albert, serving the Edmonton area of Alberta, Canada.
-Call us at +1 (780) 418-5151, toll-free in North America at 1-877-BITNETS
-(1-877-248-6387) for general enquiries or 1-877-NETGURU (1-877-638-4878) for
-tech support, or <A HREF="https://secure.bitnets.com/message/">e-mail us</A>.
-Winners of the chamber of commerce InfoTech Award of Distinction.
-<!-- NAME="Brevik, Peter" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://users.lindesign.se/~pb/">Brevik, Peter</A></STRONG>
-Provides custom programming in C, Pascal, Sh/Csh, Perl, X-window, Assembler.
-Digital electronics construction. HTML documentation. Network and internet
-protocols applications.  Specific application experience in RDS, Teletext,
-I2C, ISO9660.  For enquiries email <A
-HREF="mailto:pb@ludd.luth.se">pb@ludd.luth.se</A> or
-have a look at <A HREF="http://users.lindesign.se/~pb/">the website</A>.
-<!-- NAME="B.M.K. Industries" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="AUSTRALIA" -->
-<strong><a href="http://www.bmk.com.au">B.M.K. Industries</a></strong>
-is located in Melbourne Australia and specializes in setting up low cost 
-routers and servers (Web, E-Mail, FTP, DNS and Secure Web Servers ) all 
-using FreeBSD.  Setting up Permanent Modem & ISDN Internet Connections is 
-also a specialty. <a href="http://www.bmk.com.au">Please visit our web 
-<!-- NAME="Boulder Labs" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.boulderlabs.com/">Boulder Labs</A></STRONG>
-(Colorado) is a software consulting company specializing in
-FreeBSD, embedded systems, digital processing, security and
-system administration.  We have built products requiring
-numerous device drivers, disk optimization up through elaborate
-GUIs and specialized applications.  Bi-monthly we publish Source
-Code Unix articles in ";login:" magazine and on our web server.
-Please contact us at +1.303.530.2056 or <A
-<!-- NAME="BSD Consulting" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.bsdconsulting.no/">BSD Consulting</A></STRONG>
-provides consulting services related to Internet servers/infrastructure,
-programming, FreeBSD &amp; BSD operating systems, security auditing/firewalls,
-system administration, etc. Based in Oslo, Norway.
-<!-- NAME="catpipe Systems" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.catpipe.net/">catpipe Systems ApS</A></STRONG>
-provide managed services and support contracts for FreeBSD implemented
-on rackmountable servers preloaded with FreeBSD.
-<!-- NAME="Clue Computing, Inc." CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.clue.com/">Clue Computing, Inc.</A>
-</STRONG> has over 10 years of UNIX experience, specializing in system 
-administration, networking, and security. Custom application development 
-and testing available, including device drivers, kernel work, etc. We
-offer sales, assembly, and installation of FreeBSD systems for any 
-application. For more information, email 
-<A HREF="mailto:info@clue.com">info@clue.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Codeangels Solutions" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.codeangels.com">Codeangels Solutions GmbH</A></STRONG>
-based in Switzerland, region Z&uuml;rich.  Offers its customers a range of IT
-Security, Network and UNIX Services.  We utilize and support FreeBSD in our
-services and solutions.
-<!-- NAME="CodeGen Inc." CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<strong><a href="http://www.codegen.com/">CodeGen, Inc.</a></strong>
-provide consulting and programming services, specializing in embedded
-systems.  For more information, email <a 
-<!-- NAME="Collective Technologies" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.colltech.com">Collective Technologies</A></STRONG>
-is the recognized leader in systems management services
-for distributed enterprise computing environments.  Collective Technologies
-highly skilled consultants combine technical expertise with solid business
-sense to develop world-class IT solutions. Collective Technologies specializes
-in keeping complex computer systems running reliably offering a full range of
-support services including UNIX, NT, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD to
-address the needs of a client.s systems management lifecycle.  The company is
-headquartered in Austin, Texas, with 19 offices nationwide.  For more
-information, visit <A HREF="http://www.colltech.com">our website</A>
-or e-mail us at <A HREF="mailto:contact@colltech.com">contact@colltech.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Computer Mavericks" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://mavericks.critesclan.com">Computer Mavericks</A></STRONG>
-is a full-spectrum UNIX consulting company, since 1987, serving the entire Texas
-Panhandle from our office in Canyon, Texas. We feature FreeBSD as our
-operating system of choice. We can provide you with a complete enterprise
-solution tailored to your needs. We do hardware, software solutions, web
-development, firewalls, security, and more. We convert the world to FreeBSD,
-one happy client at a time!  Email <A
-HREF="mailto:mavericks@critesclan.com">Lee Crites</A> or call 806-655-2250
-and discover what it is like to be a satisfied client.
-<!-- NAME="Connections USA" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<strong><a href="http://www.connectionsusa.com/">Connections, USA</a></strong>
-is a FreeBSD-based Internet Service provider. We provide hosting
-and co-location services and web site development. Other
-FreeBSD-based services are available as well, including system and
-network administration as well as consulting. Check out our
-<a href="http://www.connectionsusa.com/">corporate Web page</a>
-<a href="http://www.iserve.com/">http://www.iserve.com/</a>.
-<!-- NAME="Core Digital" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="AUSTRALIA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.core-digital.com">Core Digital</A></STRONG>
-is based in Perth, Western Australia.  We are a consulting company
-specializing in OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Linux and Windows.  We work with
-firewalls, Virtual Private Networks, Database Servers, Email and Web
-Servers, Security, WAN/LAN implementations, Multi OS networks.  For more
-information please contact
-<A HREF="mailto:info@core-digital.com">info@core-digital.com</A> or visit
-our <A HREF="http://www.core-digital.com">website</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Daemon Technologies" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.daemontech.com">Daemon Technologies</A></STRONG>
-is located
-in the heart of Silicon Valley, California and provides a full range of systems
-and network consulting specializing in the needs of ISP's and those building a
-web presence. We can provide UNIX support and administration contracts and
-on-site training. We also offer custom built, high performance, fault tolerant, 
-X86 based workstations and servers tailored to your needs or choose a
-pre-configured package ready with FreeBSD pre-installed to your specifications.
-Please <A HREF="http://www.daemontech.com">visit our webpage</A> or call us at
-<!-- NAME="DaemonWare" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="SAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.daemonware.com.ar/">DaemonWare</A></STRONG>
- offers UNIX consulting, system administration, network solution,
-programming and security; with several UNIX systems: FreeBSD, OpenBSD,
-Linux and others.  We have over 5 years of UNIX and networking
-experience and programming experience. Specialized for Internet
-services.  For further information, please visit <A
-HREF="http://www.daemonware.com.ar/"> ower web </A>site or email us at
-<A HREF="mailto:info@daemonware.com.ar">info@daemonware.com.ar</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Datapipe Communications" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.datapipecomm.com/">Datapipe Communications</A>
-</STRONG>, based out of Wilmington, Delaware, specializes in all flavors
-of Unix and Microsoft Windows.  We offer service in
-network design of LAN's and also WAN's.  Solutions for intranet and
-internet servers as well as firewall solutions using FreeBSD.  The Web
-Hosting division of Datapipe Communications only uses FreeBSD, and we
-are confident in the reliability of this operating system.  For more
-information please contact <A
-HREF="mailto:info@datapipecomm.com">info@datapipecomm.com</A> or visit
-our website at <A
-<!-- NAME="Dextra Solu&ccedil;&otilde;es em Inform&aacute;tica" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="SAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.dextra.com.br/">Dextra
-Solu&ccedil;&otilde;es em Inform&aacute;tica</A></STRONG>. Specialized
-consulting in TCP/IP networks, capacity and contingency planning, UNIX
-systems and network administration, system security and firewalls,
-VPNs implementation, Internet/Intranets projects. For more
-information, please phone us at + (Brazil), e-mail <A
-HREF="mailto:staff@dextra.com.br">staff@dextra.com.br</A>, or
-<A HREF="http://www.dextra.com.br/">visit our web site</A> (in Portuguese).
-<!-- NAME="Die Webmaster Gmbh" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.diewebmaster.at">Die Webmaster Gmbh</A></STRONG>
-- We are a consulting company from Linz, Austria and offer a wide range of
-FreeBSD based services: FreeBSD installation, integration, troubleshooting,
-maintenance, FreeBSD based hosting (for example jail servers), serverhousing,
-hardware selection, configuration and support.
-e-mail: <A HREF="mailto:info@diewebmaster.at">info@diewebmaster.at</A>
-<!-- NAME="Essenz Consulting" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<strong><a href="http://www.essenz.com">Essenz Consulting</a></strong> is 
-a web services and products provider. We offer custom built 
-High-Performance Intel based <a 
-href="http://www.essenz.com/open.html">Workstations</a> and <a 
-href="http://www.essenz.com/server.html">Servers</a>.  These systems are
-100% FreeBSD compatible. Our systems feature Ultra2-LVD SCSI, high speed
-networking, Dual Pentium III and Dual Pentium III XEON processors, and many
-other fault tolerant and backup features. For more information contact <a
-href="mailto:sales@essenz.com">sales@essenz.com</a> or visit us at <a
-<!-- NAME="The FreeBSD Mall" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.freebsdmall.com/">The FreeBSD Mall</A></STRONG>
-offers several different levels of support contracts for FreeBSD.
-Support is available on a per-incident basis, or as a convenient,
-extensible annual contract. Our highly trained technical support staff
-will handle your requests in a professional and efficient manner and
-will provide detailed responses to your needs by phone, fax, or email.
-The FreeBSD Mall staff has over 8 years of experience supporting FreeBSD.  
-For more information, please see
-<A HREF="http://www.freebsdmall.com/support/">our support page</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Far North Networks" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="AUSTRALIA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.networks.nq.nu/">Far North Networks</A></STRONG>,
-Based in Innisfail, North Queensland (About 100Km South of Cairns). Focus
-is on business network support providing low cost file/print servers
-based on FreeBSD. We also specialize in setting up internet
-gateways/firewalls. For more information send us an email to
-<A HREF="mailto:info@networks.nq.nu">info@networks.nq.nu</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Frigate Networks" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.frigate.com/">frigate networks</A>
-</STRONG> provides network troubleshooting, system administration,
-kernel development and ports of BSD software to commercial products
-such as routers and firewalls.  Our Email, DNS, and WWW servers run
-FreeBSD.  We also provide network management solutions based on HTTP
-and tcl.  For more information please
-<A HREF="http://www.frigate.com/">visit our web site</A>, call us
-at +1.650.903.2266,
-or send email to <A HREF="mailto:info@frigate.com">info@frigate.com></A>.
-<!-- NAME="FSC Internet" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.fscinternet.com/">FSC Internet</A>
-</STRONG> is Canada's largest FreeBSD consulting firm.  FSC's clients
-include numerous top-tier corporations (e.g. Mazda, Heinz), as well as
-mid-sized companies (e.g. the Vermont Telephone Company) and the public
-sector.  FSC provides full consulting, implementation, support, and
-training services for all FreeBSD applications, including a special
-focus on security, high-performance Web applications, and Intranets.
-Please email us at
-<A HREF="mailto:info@fscinternet.com">info@fscinternet.com</A> or call
-us at +1.416.921.4280 for further information.
-<!-- NAME="Faster Raster Systems" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://cessna.tippecanoe.com/fastrr.htm">Faster
-Raster Systems</A></STRONG> is a FreeBSD, X11, Graphics, Hardware
-drivers consulting company.  For further details, please
-<A HREF="http://cessna.tippecanoe.com/fastrr.htm">visit our web site</A>,
-or email us at <A HREF="mailto:jay@tippecanoe.com">jay@tippecanoe.com</A>
-<!-- NAME="Gurix Web Professionals" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.gurix.com">Gurix Web Professionals</A>:</STRONG>
-Web Development, design, and custom application programming using both
-open source and proprietary environments.  Services also include private
-consulting, emergency response coordination and various IT solutions to
-maximize the effectiveness of your business.
-<!-- NAME="BackWatcher, Inc." CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.backwatcher.com/">BackWatcher,
-Inc.</A></STRONG>, while specializing in security (firewalls, VPNs,
-security audits, intrusion detection systems, etc.), handles
-installation and configuration, systems integration, performance
-tuning, disaster recovery, network architecture and programming
-on FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Linux and many commercial UNIX
-systems.  For additional information, visit our website at
-<A HREF="http://www.backwatcher.com/">www.backwatcher.com</A>, email
-<A HREF="mailto:info@backwatcher.com">info@backwatcher.com</A> or call
-<!-- NAME="HCS Hanseatischer Computerservice GmbH" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.hcs.de/">HCS Hanseatischer
-Computerservice GmbH</A></STRONG>. Located in Hamburg, Germany,
-we offer professional FreeBSD support, consulting and programming,
-as well as system setup, administration and maintenance.  For more
-information, please contact us at +49.40.55974770, e-mail
-<A HREF="mailto:support@hcs.de">support@hcs.de</A> , or
-<A HREF="http://www.freebsd-support.de/">visit our web site</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Herrin Software Development" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.hsdi.com/">Herrin Software Development,
-Inc.</A></STRONG>, creator of <EM>Qddb</EM>, provides custom software
-development, internet consulting, general computer consulting, and
-training services.  For more information email us at
-<A HREF="mailto:info@hsdi.com">info@hsdi.com</A> or
-<A HREF="http://www.hsdi.com/">visit our web site</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Greg Lehey" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="AUSTRALIA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.lemis.com/~grog/">Greg
-Lehey</A> </STRONG> has over 20 years industry experience in all
-system programming and systems administration disciplines, including
-device drivers, kernel debugging, compilers, libraries, performance
-analysis, and site planning.  He is the author of <A HREF=
-"http://www.lemis.com/vinum.html">The Vinum Volume Manager</a>, a
-virtual disk driver which includes software RAID, and also the books
-<A HREF= "http://www.ora.com/catalog/port/noframes.html">Porting UNIX
-Software</A> and <A
-HREF="http://www.cdrom.com/titles/freebsd/bsdbook.phtml">The Complete
-FreeBSD</A>.  Contact him <A HREF= "mailto:grog@FreeBSD.org">via
-Email</A>, or visit his <A HREF= "http://www.lemis.com/~grog">web
-<!-- NAME="IKTech" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.iktech.net">IKTech Dipl.-Ing. Gernot Schmied</A></STRONG>
-is a high-end systems integrator and UNIX competence center located in Vienna,
-Austria. We especially focus on telecommunications, networking and security
-aspects for NPO, corporate and Service Provider/Carrier customers.  We use
-selected commercial products as well as FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Linux and
-Solaris and are the premier competence center with regards to advanced routing gateways.
-For inquiries please contact <A HREF="mailto:office@iktech.net?subject=IKTech%20inquiry%20with%20regards%20to%20www.freebsd.org%20listing">office@iktech.net</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Inform System Inc." CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="ASIA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.inform.co.jp/">Inform System Inc.</A>
-</STRONG> is a FreeBSD/Internet/DataBase consulting company. Located
-in Osaka Japan, we offer a wide range of services to school and small
-businesses. For further details, please
-<A HREF="http://www.inform.co.jp/">visit our web site</A>, or send email
-to <A HREF="mailto:info@inform.co.jp">info@inform.co.jp</A>
-<!-- NAME="innominate AG" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://innominate.de/">innominate AG</A> </STRONG>is
-a Linux, *BSD and Open Source service provider based in Berlin,
-Germany. Not only as consulting partner but also as system
-administrator, programmer, supporter and trainer we offer the full
-range of services with a heavy focus on Open Source products. Many of
-our tailor-made products are engineered using apache, Perl, Zope,
-MySQL and Oracle running on Linux and *BSD. For further information
-please contact <a
-href="mailto:info@innominate.de">info@innominate.de</a> or visit our
-<A HREF="http://innominate.de/">website</a>.
-<!-- NAME="InterACT" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.interact.se">InterACT</A></STRONG> is a Sweden based
-provider of Consultancy and Custom Development Services.
-Principal consultant <a href="mailto:cl@interact.se">Chris
-Lindbergh</a> has over10 years system software development
-experience on BSD based platforms. Areas of expertise include
-Firewall and Networking System setup, custom development in C and C++,
-and supply of turnkey solutions. For further information,
-contact us by email at: <a
-href="mailto:info@interact.se">info@interact.se</a>, or phone Sweden
-on +46 (0)920-888 03
-<!-- NAME="inTEXT Communications" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.networkinformation.com">inTEXT Communications</A></STRONG>
-was founded in 1994 as a Unix Management Provider.  We support FreeBSD, BSDi,
-Solaris and other Unix variants.  Services include co-location, tele-commuting,
-and on-site service anywhere in North America.  We support Government and
-Industry as well as the private sector.
-<A HREF="http://www.networkinformation.com/contact_info.php">Email</A> or
-call us for more information (toll free within USA on 800.309.8996 or
-internationally on 604.484.2426).
-<!-- NAME="Jens Schweikhardt" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.schweikhardt.net/">Jens Schweikhardt</A></STRONG>,
-located near <b>Stuttgart/Germany</b>, is a FreeBSD committer with 20
-years of Unix experience who won several national and international
-programming contests.  If you have a problem that can be solved using
-the Unix toolbox (preferably C, perl, shell) he is the one to make it
-happen.  With his background in Unix Standardization he will make sure
-your investment runs portably and efficiently on all the Unices you
-care for.  Contact him via
-<A HREF="mailto:schweikh@FreeBSD.org">schweikh@FreeBSD.org</A>.
-<!-- NAME="John Polstra" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.polstra.com/">John Polstra</A></STRONG>,
-of Polstra &amp; Co., Inc., has been a UNIX developer since 1978, and
-was a FreeBSD Core Team member from 1997-2000.
-Developer of the <EM>CVSup</EM> network
-software update package and the <EM>ElfKit</EM> ELF tool set, his
-specialties include network protocols, language tools, UNIX internals,
-and UNIX applications. For more information, please send email to
-<A HREF="mailto:jdp@polstra.com">jdp@polstra.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Julian Stacey" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.berklix.com/~jhs/">Julian Stacey</A>
-</STRONG> maintains a
-<A HREF="http://www.berklix.com/~jhs/consultants.html">FreeBSD
-Commercial Consultants Index</A>. Be sure to visit his page!
-<!-- NAME="MediaCenter" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.umc.se/">MediaCenter</A></STRONG>,
-Ume�, Sweden. Located in northern Sweden we offer professional consulting
-and programming for secure inter/intranet solutions using FreeBSD and
-UNIX(-like) operating systems. We also work high performance database
-programming, primarily using PostgreSQL.<br>
-For more information, please send email to
-<A HREF="mailto:info@umc.se">info@umc.se</A>, or visit our website
-(<a href="http://www.umc.se/">http://www.umc.se/</a>)
-<!-- NAME="MindStep Corp." CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<strong><a href="http://www.mindstep.com/">MindStep Corp.</a></strong>
-configure and maintain Intranet/Internet networks using FreeBSD and
-other Unix operating systems.  MindStep also offers products and provides
-software development services customized to fit the needs of corporations
-of any size.
-<!-- NAME="Midwest Systems Solutions, Inc." CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.midwestsystems.com/">Midwest Systems Solutions
-Inc.</A></STRONG> , based in Winnipeg Canada, provides hardware, software and
-consulting services including LAN, WAN, remote access, file and printer
-servers, Internet solutions and support and administration of FreeBSD and
-Linux systems. Midwest Systems specializes in Web, FTP, Internet Gateways,
-firewall solutions based on FreeBSD and Linux. Midwest Systems Solutions
-also offers both virtual and dedicated webhosting solutions. For more
-information, please contact <A
-or visit our website at <A
-<!-- NAME="Neturn Corp." CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://neturn.sinacity.com/netserv/">Neturn Corp</A></STRONG>.,
-based in Vancouver, Canada, provides complete solutions on selective and
-fine-tuned hardware and software (BSDs as primary server OSs) platforms
-to meet the <STRONG>demand from e-commerce, telecom, manufacturing,
-industrial, aerospace, medical applications where stability and reliability
-are mandatory</STRONG>. For detailed information, please visit
-<A HREF="http://neturn.sinacity.com/netserv/">http://neturn.sinacity.com/netserv</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Netgraft Corp." CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://netgraft.com/">Netgraft Corp</A></STRONG>. is a
-technology consulting firm that specializes in open source technologies like
-Linux, FreeBSD, MySQL, Apache, Sendmail, BIND, etc. We're New York City based
-and can provide on-site support and customized business solutions based on
-these technologies.
-<!-- NAME="Netizen" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="AUSTRALIA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://netizen.com.au/">Netizen</A></STRONG>,
-based in Melbourne, Australia,  provide Internet and Open
-Source consultancy services, including FreeBSD installation,
-configuration, support contracts, applications development, E-Commerce
-solutions, etc.  See <A
-HREF="http://netizen.com.au/">http://netizen.com.au/</A> or email <a
-HREF="mailto:info@netizen.com.au">info@netizen.com.au</A> for more
-<!-- NAME="Omar Siddique" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.heedme.com/resume">Omar Siddique</A></STRONG>
-is a Washington, D.C. area consultant with a broad array of experience in
-FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris, and IRIX.  His specialties include systems
-integration, network security, and set-up of internet services.  Custom
-application design is also available. Contact him
-<A HREF="mailto:omar@heedme.com">via email</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Omniscient Technologies" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.omniscient.com/">Omniscient Technologies</A></STRONG>
-is a Washington D.C. based consulting group with a broad array of experience
-in *BSD, Solaris, Linux and many other varieties of UNIX specializing in
-highly scalable systems, systems integration and network security.
-Custom application design also available.  Contact via
-<A HREF="mailto:info@omniscient.com">info@omniscient.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="OpenWorld" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.stdio.com/">OpenWorld</A></STRONG> has
-been providing computer, network, and security consulting since 1994.
-Our clients?  range from Fortune 500 companies to regional small
-businesses.  Our engineers each have at least 10 years of experience
-in Unix systems and networks.  We provide full service consulting,
-implementation, installation, security, and support for FreeBSD, SUN
-Solaris, SCO Unixware, SCO OpenServer, SGI Irix, IBM AIX, Compaq
-Digital Unix, and Cisco IOS. Please email us at <A
-HREF="mailto:info@stdio.com">info@stdio.com</A> or call us at
-606-514-1800 for further information.
-<!-- NAME="Puryear Information Technology, LLC" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREf="http://www.puryear-it.com">Puryear Information Technology,
-LLC</A></STRONG> provides open source application support, integration services,
-and technology management expertise to the Southeastern United States. Our
-company plays a pivotal role in the design and deployment of open source
-solutions--we have worked with companies to design and manage FreeBSD and
-Linux web farms; deployed open source-based clustering software to ensure
-high availability of critical network services; performed critical
-performance tuning and software integration for a popular spam filter
-appliance; and integrated Samba into Internet-accessible, VPN-based file
-services. Phone: +1-225-343-3056.
-<!-- NAME="Peter Dufault" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="mailto:dufault@hda.com">Peter Dufault</A></STRONG>,
-of HD Associates. Peter has over 15 years experience in medical device
-control, high performance simulation systems, digital closed-loop feedback
-systems, realtime UNIX-like systems, and UNIX device drivers. For more
-information, please send email to
-<A HREF= "mailto:dufault@hda.com">dufault@hda.com</A>
-<!-- NAME="PHB Solutions" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.phbsolutions.com">PHB Solutions</A></STRONG>, based
-in Belgium, provides *BSD installation, maintenance, support and consulting 
-services (file servers, web servers, mail servers, database servers, routers).
-For more information, please contact <A
-<!-- NAME="Phil Budne" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.ultimate.com/phil/resume.html">Phil
-Budne</A></STRONG> is a Boston area consultant who has worked
-professionally with BSD and other Unix systems since 1985.  Services
-include development and porting of kernel extensions, device drivers,
-network protocol implementation, and applications, as well as
-network and system administration.  For more information contact
-<A HREF= "mailto:phil+fbsd@ultimate.com">phil+fbsd@ultimate.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Pine Internet" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><a href="http://www.pine.nl/">Pine Internet</a></STRONG> implements LAN, WAN and
-remote access solutions, offers Unix support and administration
-contracts and advises ISP's and other corporate customers concerning
-their network and server setup. Pine specializes in <a
-href="http://security.pine.nl/">Internet security</a>,
-performs security auditing services on demand, and offers firewall
-solutions based on FreeBSD. Other products we offer are webhosting,
-facility management and leased lines.  Among the products we use are
-FreeBSD, Cisco routers, PHP, Apache, Perl, Solaris and MySQL. Pine has
-8+ years of Unix and Internet experience.  We feature some of the
-largest ISP's in the Netherlands as our customers.  For more
-information, please contact <a
-href="mailto:info@pine.nl">info@pine.nl</a> or visit our website at <a
-<!-- NAME="Potential Technology" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.potentialtech.com/">Potential Technology</A></STRONG>
-is based in Ohio and western Pennsylvania. We specialize in FreeBSD-based
-solutions and have experience integrating FreeBSD with Apple, Microsoft and
-other Unix environments in file, print, mail, web, database and proxy server
-applications. For more information, please email <A
-HREF="mailto:moreinfo@potentialtech.com">moreinfo@potentialtech.com</A>, visit
-our <A HREF="http://www.potentialtech.com/">website</A> or call
-<!-- NAME="Potter Systems" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.pottersystems.com/">Matthew R. Potter</A></STRONG>
-has over 8 years in UNIX IP Networks, specializes in BSD, OS X and Network
-Consulting and is located in Northern Virginia.  You can reach him via
-email at <A HREF="mailto:mpotter@pottersystems.net">Matthew R. Potter</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Poul-Henning Kamp" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.freebsd.org/~phk/">Poul-Henning Kamp</A>
-</STRONG> has over 12 years in UNIX & Networks, and is a former FreeBSD Core Team
-member. Poul developed <EM>phkmalloc</EM>, <EM>tcl_nm</EM>, <EM>tcl_db</EM>,
-<EM>tcl_snmp</EM> and more, and was the Release Engineer for several
-FreeBSD releases. Poul resides in Denmark, and can be reached via
-email at <A HREF="mailto:phk@FreeBSD.org">phk@FreeBSD.org</A>
-<!-- NAME="R and D Associates, Inc." CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.RnDAssociates.com/">R & D Associates,
-Inc.</A></STRONG> developed ServeTheWeb.com utilizing FreeBSD
-running Apache.  We employed consulting services from <A
-HREF="mailto:phk@FreeBSD.org">Poul-Henning Kamp</A> to develop our
-Virtual Server solution (which is now available in <A
-HREF="http://www.FreeBSD.org">FreeBSD</A> 4.0).
-<A HREF="http://ServeTheWeb.com/">ServeTheWeb.com</A> is our System Admin
-level of Virtual Servers.  Please visit <A HREF="http://www.ServeTheWeb.com/">
-http://www.ServeTheWeb.com</A> for additional information on this product.
-R & D Associates, Inc. is an application development firm specializing
-in client/server app. dev.  We use FreeBSD running Apache and utilizing
-PHP and MySQL (As well as NT with ASP and SQL/Access).
-<!-- NAME="Secnetix GmbH and Co KG" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.secnetix.de/">Secnetix GmbH &amp; Co
-KG</A></STRONG> -- located in Munich, Germany -- has a strong focus
-on BSD systems and offers professional consulting services, ranging
-from basic administration, programming and security-related tasks to
-sophisticated projects involving design, implementation and
-maintenance of complex network setups.  For more information, please
-<A HREF="http://www.secnetix.de/">visit our web site</A> or send a
-message to <A HREF="mailto:info@secnetix.de">info@secnetix.de</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Brian Somers" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.Awfulhak.org/brian/">Brian Somers</A>
-</STRONG> has over 10 years in UNIX, Networks, C & C++.  Brian is
-responsible for the <EM>PPP</EM> code in FreeBSD, and located in
-NW London.  You can reach him via email at
-<A HREF="mailto:brian@Awfulhak.org">brian@Awfulhak.org</A>
-<!-- NAME="Southern Gazer" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="AUSTRALIA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.southerngazer.com">Southern Gazer</A></STRONG> is
-a consulting company with 20 years PC technical support experience based in
-Sydney's idyllic Sutherland Shire.  Our focus is helping businesses get their
-computers working right while spending as little as possible on IT.  We're
-passionate supporters of Open Source products and can help the average business
-save money and gain reliability by using systems such as FreeBSD on their file
-servers, print servers, e-mail systems plus lots more.  We also supply a
-complete range of Linux and BSD CD's at ultra low prices.  Please drop by our
-<A HREF="http://www.southerngazer.com">website</A>, email us at
-<A HREF="mailto:info@southerngazer.com">info@southerngazer.com</A>, or call us
-on 02 9532 1217 to have a chat.
-<!-- NAME="Syntonet Ltd" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.syntonet.co.uk/">Syntonet
-Ltd</A></STRONG> is UK based provider of Consultancy and Custom
-Development Services. Principal consultant <A
-HREF="mailto:rob@syntonet.co.uk">Rob Pickering</A> has over 10 years
-system software development experience on BSD based platforms. Areas
-of expertise include firewall and networking system setup, custom
-development in C and C++, and supply of turnkey solutions. For further
-information, contact us by email at
-<A HREF="mailto:info@syntonet.co.uk">info@syntonet.co.uk</A>, call
-+44.870.166.4400 (Voice) or +44.870.166.4411 (Fax).
-<!-- NAME="SysConfig Consulting" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.sysconfig.com/">SysConfig Consulting</A>
-</STRONG> designs, configures, and installs FreeBSD based email gateway
-solutions, Dial-on-Demand ISDN, and T-1 Network to Network, Network to
-Internet Connections for businesses in the Southeastern United States.
-For more information, please send e-mail to
-<A HREF="mailto:info@sysconfig.com">info@sysconfig.com</A>, or
-<A HREF="http://www.sysconfig.com/">visit our web site</A>.
-<!-- NAME="ThinkSec AS" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.thinksec.no/">ThinkSec AS</A></STRONG>
-offers security-related consulting and software development services,
-primarily on FreeBSD but also on other POSIX platforms.  Experience
-ranges from programming embedded microcontrollers, through writing
-and deploying security infrastructure software, to developing web
-applications.  Based in Oslo, Norway.
-<!-- NAME="TundraWare Inc." CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.tundraware.com/">TundraWare Inc.</A></STRONG>
-provides FreeBSD related consultancy in all contexts, from Embedded to
-large Transaction Processing systems.  We have extensive International
-experience and can provide services in network design, systems architecture,
-development, deployment and operations. Contact us via telephone on
-847/827-1706, via email to <A HREF="mailto:info@tundraware.com">
-info@tundraware.com</A> or write to us at TundraWare Inc.,
-817 Fairmont Court, Des Plaines, IL 60018, USA.
-<!-- NAME="UnixPorting" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.UnixPorting.com/">UnixPorting.com</A></STRONG>
-specializes in the porting of existing software to new operating systems or
-hardware.  In addition to porting, we specialize in C and Perl
-programming, Unix system administration and security, and open source           
-technologies (FreeBSD, Perl, Apache, mod_perl, MySQL, etc.).  For more
-information, please visit <A HREF="http://www.UnixPorting.com/">our web
-<!-- NAME="CSR Corporation" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.comsys.com/">CSR Corporation</A>
-</STRONG> is a Portland, OR, based consulting company with offices in
-Portland, OR; San Jose, CA; and Vero Beach, FL.  CSR specializes
-in network applications for IPSs and CLECs, applying open network
-technologies for complete customer solutions. CSR has been in
-business since 1986.  Telephone: 503-708-4330.
-<STRONG><A HREF="mailto:vis@digital-rain.com">Vancouver Internetworking
-VIS delivers a broad range of consulting, training and system installation
-services for small and medium sized networks. With over 15 years
-experience in electronic data communications, VIS is an excellent choice
-to deliver superior network design to your organization.
-<BR>VIS supports most popular operating systems but we recognize that FreeBSD
-has proven to be an outstanding solution for network service and control.
-<BR>If you are in the Greater Vancouver area and require high performance
-solutions that won't blow your budget, <A
-HREF="mailto:vis@digital-rain.com">drop us a line</A>,
-we will be happy to discuss your needs.
-<!-- NAME="Camtech Pty Ltd" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="AUSTRALIA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.camtech.com.au/">Camtech Pty Ltd</A></STRONG>
-The Consulting Services Division of Camtech provides a broad range of
-technical and professional services to assist businesses to achieve 
-higher levels of productivity through efficient use of Information 
-Technology. Services available encompass all aspects of information 
-systems scoping and analysis, design, implementation, integration, 
-administration, testing, training and maintenance. Camtech is a provider 
-of FreeBSD-based solutions, including Internet gateway servers, firewalls, 
-and Intranet servers. Phone +61 8 8303 3300.
-<!-- NAME="William Richard & Associates" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.tdl.com/~wdr/consulting.html">William
-Richard & Associates</A></STRONG> offers FreeBSD, Internet, and
-e-commerce consulting, implementation, and support options for clients
-throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.  Visit our website or <A
-HREF="mailto:wdr@tdl.com">e-mail us</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Workgroup Technology Partners, Inc." CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.wgtech.com">Workgroup Technology Partners, Inc.</A>
-</STRONG>We sell and support Unix systems including Solaris, HP/UX, AIX,
-Linux and FreeBSD. For comments refer to <A HREF="http://www.wgtech.com">our
-<!-- NAME="WorldServe Consulting" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.worldserve.net">WorldServe Consulting</A></STRONG>
-offers FreeBSD installation, configuration and maintenance consulting
-services to businesses in Northern Virginia. We also offer web site
-development and custom web solutions. Over four years of experience.
-Check out our <A HREF="http://www.worldserve.net">web site</A> or e-mail
-us at <A HREF="mailto:info@worldserve.net">info@worldserve.net</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Security Audit and Control Solutions" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="AFRICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.sacs.co.za/">Security Audit and Control
-Solutions (SACS)</A></STRONG> provides information security consultation and
-IT auditing services and offers professional FreeBSD support.  SACS has
-developed a complete range of Technological Risk Management solutions using
-FreeBSD as an anchor for data analysis.  Firewalls deployed using FreeBSD 
-makes a cost effective solution in any organization and SACS can implement
-a secure FreeBSD firewall with caching engines, Network Address
-Translation (NAT) and proxies.  For additional information please contact
-<A HREF="mailto:pearcem@sacs.co.za">Mervin Pearce</A> or visit <A
-<!-- NAME="Paladin Corporation Pty, Ltd" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="AUSTRALIA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.paladincorp.com.au/">Paladin Corporation Pty,
-Providing Software engineering, Systems Integration and multi-tier
-Commercial support for all aspects of FreeBSD networking and Security. We
-also have an E-Cart solution and a Dispatch system for 
-FreeBSD. Visit <A HREF="http://www.paladincorp.com.au/">
-http://www.paladincorp.com.au/</A> for details.
-<!-- NAME="EDI Ltd Consulting Engineers" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.ediltd.com">EDI Ltd Consulting
-Engineers</A></STRONG>. We provide consulting services for FreeBSD
-as well as local and wide
-area network design. Our diversified staff allows us to help you
-in all the areas your project requires, from cabling to
-encryption, network security audits, network design and network
-health studies. We have successfully completed several FreeBSD
-installations for mission critical operations, using it as a
-firewall, web server or mail server. If you would like to discuss
-your project with us, please contact us as (770) 956-7000, or <A 
-<!-- NAME="Bellamy Consulting Ltd" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NEWZEALAND" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.bellamy.co.nz">Bellamy Consulting Ltd</A></STRONG>,
-based in     Auckland, New Zealand, is a consulting company specializing in
-Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD. Our main focus is on Internet servers (Web
-Servers &amp; Caches, Email, DNS, FTP, Databases, etc.), software and security
-(Firewalls, VPNs, Proxies). See our web site for more information, or contact
-us directly at <a href="mailto:info@bellamy.co.nz">info@bellamy.co.nz</a>.
-<!-- NAME="Crepido Systems AB" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.crepido.com">Crepido Systems AB</A></STRONG>
-provides services for custom software development and
-system design under BSD and other Unixes. We have 10+ years experience in
-Unix programming and system design using Unix as building block.         
-Crepido System AB operates mainly in Sweden but requests outside Sweden are
-<!-- NAME="Mark Tinguely" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><a href="http://www.cs.ndsu.NoDak.edu/~tinguely/">Mark
-Tinguely</A></STRONG> has provided Network and Unix solutions for over
-ten years. These solutions include work with Unix kernels and Unix
-applications, TCP/IP applications, Local Area Network protocol debugging,
-and BSD device drivers. Mark has authored BSD device drivers for 3 video
-capture boards, an Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) network card,
-and a Watchdog card.
-<!-- NAME="Anansi Innovations" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.ainnovations.com/">Anansi                   
-Innovations</A></STRONG> provides comprehensive, cutting-edge system and
-software design for your business.  From hardware selection and
-configuration to interface design and release management, we can build       
-an enterprise that takes best advantage of the expanding Internet             
-market.  Our experience includes computer system design and integration,      
-interactive software, interface design, release management,        
-cross-platform coordination, e-commerce, and business-to-business  
-applications. For more information email <A                           
-HREF="MAILTO:info@ainnovations.com">info@ainnovations.com</A> or phone
-(617) 995-2590.
-<!-- NAME="ITworks Consulting" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="AUSTRALIA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.itworks.com.au">ITworks Consulting</A></STRONG>
-is a privately owned information technology consultancy, situated in       
-the central business district of Melbourne, Australia. The business        
-consists of a specialized team of consultants who aim to provide           
-information technology solutions to meet the needs of the business         
-community. We provide a range of FreeBSD based web hosting, web            
-database development and e-commerce services as well as professional
-FreeBSD consulting services and support contracts.  For more        
-information please visit our <A HREF="http://www.itworks.com.au">web
-site</A> or contact us at <A
-<!-- NAME="Black Hat Networks" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://blackhatnetworks.com">Black Hat Networks</A></STRONG>
-offers premium IT consulting and FreeBSD
-based hosting services for the sophisticated customer:  administration,
-management, web hosting, web design, FreeBSD shells, nationwide Internet    
-access, co-location, programming, hardware and computers, data    
-warehousing and more, all with the emphasis on security. Because We
-believe that <i>security is not a convenience, it is a necessity.</i>    
-<!-- NAME="Raditex AB" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://raditex.se/">Raditex AB</A></STRONG>
-are a firm of consultants and also do education
-in Unix. We have long experience with all kinds of Unix systems not only
-FreeBSD or Linux. For more information phone us at +46.8.6949270 or give
-us an email at <A HREF="mailto:info@raditex.se">info@raditex.se</A> or <A
-HREF="http://raditex.se/">visit our web site</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Metadesign" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="AUSTRALIA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.metadesign.com.au/">Metadesign</A></STRONG>
-located in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia is a FreeBSD consultancy, providing
-configuration, installation and system maintenance of FreeBSD hosted Internet
-services and applications. Email <A HREF="mailto:info@metadesign.com.au">us</A>
-for more information.
-<!-- NAME="Mike_Meyer" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/">Mike
-Meyer</A></STRONG> of Meyer Consulting has been providing Unix-based
-solutions since 1976, and web-based applications since 1992. These
-solutions range from chemical systems modeling to device drivers, and
-the web applications have ranged from community-building applications
-to web based software release systems. For more information, please
-contact <A HREF="mailto:mwm@mired.org">mwm@mired.org</A>.
-<!-- NAME="The Linux Box" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.linuxbox.nu/">The Linux Box</A></STRONG>,
-located in Ann Arbor, Michigan, provides consulting and training services
-for open source operating systems and products, including FreeBSD and
-Linux.  For more information, contact <A
-HREF="mailto:info@linuxbox.nu">info@linuxbox.nu</A> or view our website at
-<A HREF="http://www.linuxbox.nu">www.linuxbox.nu</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Bill Wells" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="mailto:bill@twwells.com">Bill Wells</A></STRONG>
-does C programming, FreeBSD administration, network
-administration, and Web development. He's been programming for
-over 25 years, developing for the Internet (largely on FreeBSD),
-10 years, ISP work, 6, and Web development, 4. Check out his
-<A HREF="http://www.twwells.com/">home page</A> for more
-<!-- NAME="Tetrapod Communications Inc." CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.tetrapod.com">Tetrapod Communications
-Inc.</A></STRONG> is a  technical consultancy based in Harlow, Essex in
-the United Kingdom offering custom programming and administration services.
-Our services include Custom Programming (Java, C++, perl) CIFS (Samba),
-E-Commerce, Internet (Web) Programming, Network Administration, System
-Administration (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Linux, Solaris). Contact us at <A
-HREF="mailto:sales@tetrapod.com">sales@tetrapod.com</A> or <A
-HREF="http://www.tetrapod.com/">www.tetrapod.com</A> or by phone on
-+44(0)8451 275272.
-<!-- NAME="LANCO Global Systems" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="ASIA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.lancoglobal.com/">LANCO Global Systems
-(LGSL)</A></STRONG>, based in India, Hyderabad, with offices in USA and UK,
-provides and specializes in <i>Application Development, Shell Scripting,
-PHP, C, C++ and Perl Programming, Networking Solutions, Unix device
-driver development, Web page Designing and Hosting, Web Server
-Solutions and configurations, ISP Services especially on Linux, FreeBSD
-and Solaris</i>.  For more information, please email us at
-<A HREF="mailto:services@lancoglobal.com">services@lancoglobal.com</A>
-or call us at 0091-9849043975 or FAX us at 0091-040-3755413.
-<!-- NAME="NS3G.COM" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.ns3g.com/">NS3G.COM</A></STRONG>,
-based out of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, offers a variety of
-services and products.  We specialize in products that run under FreeBSD and
-other *NIX systems but also support other platforms.  Solutions for
-firewalls, LAN's, WAN'S and web presence are just a few that we offer.
-Please visit us at <A HREF="http://www.ns3g.com/">www.ns3g.com</A>
-or contact us at <A HREF="mailto:info@ns3g.com">info@ns3g.com</A> for more
-information or to get a quote.
-<!-- NAME="Linast-Systemtechnik GmbH" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.linast.de">Linast-Systemtechnik GmbH</A></STRONG>
-is located in Sankt Augustin, Germany (near Bonn/Cologne) and provides
-consulting, support and training for FreeBSD, Linux, MacOS X and other
-Unix Systems. For more information, please call +49.2241.209467, e-mail us at
-<a href="mailto:info@linast.de">info@linast.de</a> or visit our
-<a href="http://www.linast.de/">website</a>
-<!-- NAME="Cybersource Pty. Ltd" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="AUSTRALIA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.cyber.com.au/">Cybersource</A></STRONG>
-is Australia's leading IT Professional Services Company in the areas
-of Unix/FreeBSD/Linux, TCP/IP Datanetworking and Open Platform application
-development using these technologies. With around 40 staff, are based in
-Melbourne and have been successfully providing IT Professional Services
-for 10 years.
-<!-- NAME="KMJ Consulting Austria" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.kmj.at">KMJ Consulting Austria</A></STRONG>
-is a full service Consultant and Supplier for pre installed <A
-HREF="http://www.proline.at">FreeBSD Servers</a> as a replacement for
-Windows NT/2000 Servers. We ship Firewalls, Internet Gateways, File and
-Print Servers. Network planing and implementation of Wans with IPSEC
-tunneling, Mail Servers with IMAP/LDAP as an replacement for MS Exchange,
-Samba and Hylafax installations. Our newest pre installed System is a
-FreeBSD Workstation running on a P733 with 512MB Ram, <b>Matrox G400 Dual
-VGA and 2 Monitors</b>. If sometimes Windows is needed a Demo of Vmware is
-preinstalled to run Windows in a Window of the FreeBSD System.  Founded 1985
-with Unix and Mainframe experience since 1978. We are based in Salzburg and
-Vienna / Austria and operate mostly in the german language territory of the
-EC. For non-commercial information please visit <A
-<!-- NAME="A Priori Consulting" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://apriori.cnchost.com/">A Priori Consulting</A></STRONG>
-is a Boston-based company providing high-quality system and software
-development and consulting services to the computer, networking and
-software industry -- specializing in UNIX and BSD system and application
-development, including embedded systems, networking, driver, kernel,
-porting, realtime, and systems integration.
-<!-- NAME="National Informatics Company" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.nationalinformatics.com">National Informatics
-Company</A></STRONG> provides research and development services for
-information technology.  We work with FreeBSD to support or manage
-research projects for high performance computing, bioinformatics,
-enterprise software technologies and artificial intelligence.
-We also help companies make the transition from proprietary software
-products to Open Source products. Our phone number is (425) 740-0139.
-<!-- NAME="Bilch International Consulting" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.bilch.com/">Bilch International Consulting,
-Hamburg</A></STRONG> is based in Germany. We are building fire walled
-servers and connect them to your ISDN, POTS, ATM or E1/T1 Line. BILCH
-Com is an ASP and application software developer. Please mail us at <A 
-<!-- NAME="Parc Productions" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.parcproductions.com/">Parc Productions</A></STRONG>.
-Located in the Netherlands. Started in 1997. We deliver professional
-system engineering services for FreeBSD, OpenBSD and MacOS X. Our
-services include 24/7 support, consultancy, maintenance of both
-hardware and software, assembly and installation of hardware, remote
-and on-site support, development of scripts and software for the
-machines we maintain etcetera. Of course we deliver hosting facilities
-and space for your servers at low costs as well. Visit our websites at
-<A HREF="http://www.parcproductions.com/">www.parcproductions.com</A> or 
-<A HREF="http://www.bsdengineering.com/">www.bsdengineering.com</A>.
-Please contact us by <A HREF="mailto:info@parcproductions.com">email</A>
-or by telephone: +31-204892456.
-<!-- NAME="Worria Affordable Web Hosting" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="ASIA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://worria.com/en/hosting.shtml">Worria Affordable Web
-Hosting</A></STRONG> is a privately owned company in Hong Kong.  We offer
-FreeBSD web hosting related consulting services, such as server administration
-and website management.  For more details, please email
-<A HREF="mailto:sales@worria.com">our sales team</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Xensia LLP" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.xensia.com/">Xensia LLP</A></STRONG>
-provide UNIX systems/admin/security/networking consultancy services within
-London, UK.  Specializing in Open Source software on Solaris/*BSD systems.
-Over 7.5 years experience with UNIX systems, administration,
-security/firewalls and networking.
-Contact <A HREF="mailto:paul.civati@xensia.com">paul.civati@xensia.com</A>
-for more details.
-<!-- NAME="ZYTRAX, Inc" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.zytrax.com/">Zytrax, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-is based in Montreal, Canada and provides consulting, development,
-implementation, hosting and maintenance services specialising in
-the BSD platforms. Our skill base includes Apache, PHP, Ruby, DNS,
-Mail, LDAP, Samba, PostgeSQL/MySQL and embedded systems. Please email
-us at <A HREF="MAILTO:consulting@zytrax.com">consulting@zytrax.com</A>.
-We can be reached via telephone at +1.514.285.9088.
-<!-- NAME="OpenTrend Solutions Ltd" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.opentrend.net">OpenTrend Solutions Ltd</A></STRONG>
-provides consulting and facilities management services through Canada.
-We specialize in supporting FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and Linux, and have
-specialist skills in system administration, security and network design &
-management.  We donate 2% of gross profits to the support of open source
-software and have partnered with organisations in the United States and
-Australia to better support multi-national clients.
-<!-- NAME="Daemonized Networking Services" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.daemonized.com">Daemonized Networking Services</A>
-</STRONG>.  Our staff have been supporting software and hardware development,
-brokerages, banks, hospitals, publishers, e-commerce, legal and medical
-research, telecommunications, and other environments since 1986, in
-the San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California.  We build industrial
-strength web servers, running the latest release of Apache, OpenSSH,
-and OpenSSL, with all source, and firewall, based on FreeBSD,
-in less than one hour.
-<!-- NAME="Linux4biz" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="ASIA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.linux4biz.net/">Linux4biz</A></STRONG>
-is an independent provider of comprehensive Internet solutions,
-specialising in the Solaris, LINUX, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD operating
-systems and Open Source Software. Linux4biz Consultants are able to advise
-on all aspects of implementing and administrating Unix/Linux servers, SAMBA
-solutions, E-mail servers, Mailing list servers, Web servers, DNS, Internet
-Security, Security Audits, Intrusion detection, Stress testing, Intranet
-setup, High Availability server solutions, Network solutions, Remote
-administration solutions.
-We also provide onsite as well as offsite support and consultancy. For more
-information about our services, please visit our website.
-<!-- NAME="INFOMATIK" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="SAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://info.matik.com.br">INFOMATIK Tecnologia e
-Desenvolvimento</A></STRONG> - Brazilian Company is offering total site
-support for FreeBSD Servers. We have high performance solutions for
-Intranet and Internet.  We are specialized in UNIX systems since 92.
-Please visit our Interactive Website or contact us per
-e-mail: <A HREF="mailto:info@matik.com.br">info@matik.com.br</A>
-<!-- NAME="LOGIOS" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.logios.cz/">LOGIOS NETWORK SYSTEMS</A></STRONG>,
-located in the Czech Republic, provides system maintenance, consulting
-and other services on various platforms, including FreeBSD and Linux. We also
-offer information security services, firewalls and IDS systems, system
-integration, software applications etc.
-<!-- NAME="Xetpoint" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.xetpoint.fi/">Xetpoint Oy</A></STRONG>
-is located in Pirkkala, Finland. We offer professional FreeBSD
-support, consulting, programming, maintenance and monitoring
-services. For more information, please visit our website.
-<!-- NAME="RackmountNet" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="NAMERICA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.rackmountnet.com">RackmountNet</A></STRONG>
-is a One-stop shop for rackmount Linux, FreeBSD systems. Our products
-include Rackmount chassis, server rack cabinet, Rackmount LCD
-Monitor, and related accessories. For more information, contact
-<A HREF="mailto:sales@rackmountnet.com">sales@rackmountnet.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Triona" CAT="consulting" SUBCAT="EUROPE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.triona.de/">Triona - Information und
-Technologie GmbH</A></STRONG> offers FreeBSD installation and
-administration services, individual software development, web-,
-application- and database-servers.
-The company is based in Mainz, Germany. For more information contact us
-via email <A HREF="MAILTO:andreas.berg@triona.de">andreas.berg@triona.de</A>
-or visit our website.
diff --git a/en/commercial/consulting.sgml b/en/commercial/consulting.sgml
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-<H2>Consulting Services</H2>
-<P>This file has been indexed by alphabetic order for easy navigating.
-Should you wish to find a specific entry, please use the shortcuts
-below for quick access.</P>
-<P></P><A HREF="commercial.html">Commercial Vendors Home</A>
diff --git a/en/commercial/consulting_bycat.sgml b/en/commercial/consulting_bycat.sgml
deleted file mode 100644
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-<H2>Consulting Services</H2>
-<P>This file has been divided into sub-categories for your
-convenience.  The following shortcuts will take
-you to the proper gallery entries.</P>
-<P></P><A HREF="commercial.html">Commercial Vendors Home</A>
diff --git a/en/commercial/entries.dtd b/en/commercial/entries.dtd
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+<!ELEMENT p (#PCDATA|a)*>
+<!ELEMENT strong (#PCDATA|a)*>
+<!ELEMENT ul (li)*>
+<!ELEMENT li (#PCDATA|a)*>
+<!ELEMENT img (#PCDATA|a)*>
+<!-- common cvs tags -->
+<!ELEMENT cvs:keywords (cvs:keyword+)>
+<!ATTLIST cvs:keywords xmlns:cvs CDATA #FIXED 'http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS'>
+<!ATTLIST cvs:keywords version CDATA #FIXED '1.0'>
+<!ELEMENT cvs:keyword (#PCDATA)>
+<!ATTLIST cvs:keyword name CDATA #REQUIRED>
diff --git a/en/commercial/entries.xsl b/en/commercial/entries.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6148e4a972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/en/commercial/entries.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- Copyright (c) 2003 Josef El-Rayes <josef@FreeBSD.org>
+     All rights reserved.
+     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+     modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+     are met:
+     1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+	notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+     2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+	notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+	documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+     $FreeBSD$
+<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0"
+  xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS"
+  exclude-result-prefixes="cvs">
+  <xsl:import href="../includes.xsl"/>
+  <xsl:variable name="base" select="'..'"/>
+  <xsl:variable name="date">
+    <xsl:value-of select="//cvs:keyword[@name='freebsd']"/>
+  </xsl:variable>
+  <xsl:variable name="email" select="'freebsd-www'"/>
+  <xsl:variable name="title" select="'Commercial Vendors'"/>
+  <xsl:param name="pagename" select="''"/>
+  <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="iso-8859-1"
+    doctype-system="http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"
+    doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"/>
+  <xsl:template match="entries">
+    <html>
+      <xsl:copy-of select="$header1"/>
+      <body xsl:use-attribute-sets="att.body">
+	<xsl:copy-of select="$header2"/>
+	<p>The power, flexibility, and reliability of FreeBSD attract
+	  a wide variety of users and vendors. Here you will find
+	  vendors offering commercial products and/or services for
+	  FreeBSD.</p>
+	<p>For your convenience, we have divided our growing
+	  commercial listing into several sections. If your company
+	  supports a FreeBSD-compatible product or service that should
+	  be added to this page, please send email to <a
+	    href="mailto:www@FreeBSD.org">www@FreeBSD.org</a> and let us
+	  know!	 Submissions should be in HTML and a medium-sized
+	  paragraph in length.</p>
+	<h2><xsl:value-of select="$pagename"/></h2>
+	<xsl:for-each select="entry">
+	  <xsl:sort select="name" order="ascending"/>
+	  <a name="{@id}" href="{url}">
+	    <xsl:value-of select="name"/>
+	  </a><br/>
+	  <xsl:value-of select="description"/><br/><br/>
+	</xsl:for-each>
+	<xsl:copy-of select="$footer"/>
+      </body>
+    </html>
+  </xsl:template>
diff --git a/en/commercial/gencommercial.pl b/en/commercial/gencommercial.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 42a748b442..0000000000
--- a/en/commercial/gencommercial.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-# gencommercial.pl - 
-# A utility to help create FreeBSD's commercial gallery SGML files.
-# Processes "raw" data kept as raw files, one ".raw" file for each
-# commercial category (currently consulting, hardware, misc, and
-# software). A description file (by default, ./commercial.desc)
-# contains the definitions for each of the categories and its
-# sub-categories. 
-# Depending upon the flags passed on the command line (-a or -c), 
-# this program creates an include file with a list of entries either 
-# sorted alphabetically (-a or default) or by (sub-)category (-c.) 
-# There is also a verbose option good for debugging (-v). The out-
-# put is suitable for inclusion into the gallery SMGL files.
-# XXX The -v (verbose) option currently does not exist.
-# This utility outputs to a file called either (category).inc
-# or (category)_bycat.inc respective to the -a or -c option.
-# Author: Ade Barkah (mbarkah@FreeBSD.ORG)
-# (c) 1999 by The FreeBSD Project, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# This program is made available to the general public under
-# the "BSD-style copyright" terms of agreement.
-# $FreeBSD: www/en/commercial/gencommercial.pl,v 1.6 2000/04/04 09:23:41 kuriyama Exp $
-## Configuration Section
-# The $description_file contains the definitions for each Category
-# and Sub-category.
-$description_file = "commercial.desc";
-# If you want to change the output file naming convention,
-# modify the two lines below.
-$alpha_suffix  = ".inc";
-$subcat_suffix = "_bycat.inc";
-# The program will only attempt to index by the following list.
-# In particular, if you have entries beginning with a character
-# other than ones listed here, you need modify this list.
-@index_list = qw(A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z);
-# You should not need to modify anything below this line.
-require 5.001;
-# Parse the command line 
-sub usage_exit {
-   print STDERR "Usage: gencommercial.pl [-ac] [-s directory] category\n";
-   exit (1);
-use Getopt::Long;
-$good_result = GetOptions ("alphabetical" => \$opt_alpha, 
-                           "categorical"  => \$opt_cat,
-                           "sourcedir=s"    => \$opt_srcdir);
-&usage_exit() if (not $good_result);
-&usage_exit() if (@ARGV != 1);
-$opt_alpha = 1 if (! $opt_alpha && ! $opt_cat );   # -a is default;
-$category = $ARGV[0];
-$srcdir = $opt_srcdir || ".";
-# Now, we parse the description file.
-# We iterate through each line in the .desc file until we find the
-# CATEGORY description matching the category specified on the command 
-# line. If found, then we save its short and long descriptions and
-# continue iterating through the file, reading the CATEGORY's
-# SUBCAT descriptions (if any) and DEFAULT_SUBCAT (if any.) We
-# continue either until we find another CATEGORY header ($finish
-# is set) or until the end of the file.
-# Formats:
-# CATEGORY="category" SHORT="short_description" LONG="long_description"
-# SUBCAT="sub-category" DESCRIPTION="description"
-# DEFAULT_SUBCAT="sub-category"
-# A '#' at the *beginning* of a line marks a comment. 
-if (open (DESC, "< $srcdir/$description_file") == 0)
-   print "ERROR: Unable to open $srcdir/$description_file file.\n";
-   print "ERROR: $!. Exiting.\n";
-   exit 1;
-$finish = 0;
-$in_cat = 0;
-while ((! $finish) && ($_ = <DESC>))
-   next if ((/^#/) || (/^$/));      # Skip comments and empty lines
-   if ( m{\s*CATEGORY\s*=\s*"\s*(.+)\s*"   # $1 = CATEGORY
-      \s*SHORT\s*=\s*"\s*(.+)\s*"          # $2 = SHORT (description)
-      \s*LONG\s*=\s*"\s*(.+)\s*" }xio )    # $3 = LONG (description)
-   {
-      if ($in_cat)
-      {
-         $finish = 1;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         $short = $2;
-         $long = $3;
-         if ($1 =~ /^($category)$/io)    # category == the one we want?
-         {
-            $short_cat = $short;         # Yes, save the descriptions
-            $long_cat = $long;
-            $in_cat = 1;
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      next if (! $in_cat);
-      if (/DEFAULT_SUBCAT\s*=\s*"\s*(.+)\s*"/)
-      {
-         $default_subcat = $1;
-      }
-      elsif (   m{\s*SUBCAT\s*=\s*"\s*(.+)\s*"
-                \s*DESCRIPTION\s*=\s*"\s*(.+)\s*"}xio )
-      {
-         $subcat = $1;
-         $subcat =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;       # Make uppercase
-         $subcats{$1} = $2;            # Store descriptions in hash
-      }
-   }
-close (DESC);
-# We've read in the file, so let's do some sanity checking. For example, 
-# make sure the category is actually valid.
-if ($in_cat == 0)
-   print "ERROR: Category $category is not in description file.\n";
-   print "ERROR: Exiting.\n";
-   exit 1;
-# If %subcats == 0, then this CATEGORY does not have any sub-categories,
-# which is fine. However, if $default_subcat is defined, but the subcat
-# doesn't actually exist, we scream and quit.
-if (%subcats == 0)
-   if ($opt_cat)
-   {
-      print "ERROR: -c option specified, but category has no subcategories.\n";
-      print "ERROR: Exiting.\n";
-      exit 1;
-   }
-   $default_subcat = "DEFAULT";
-   if ($subcats{$default_subcat} eq "") 
-   {
-      print "ERROR: Default subcategory $default_subcat has no description.\n";
-      print "ERROR: Exiting.\n";
-      exit 1;
-   }
-# Things look in order so far, so we'll read in the .raw file. Each 
-# entry begins with a header that looks like below:
-# <--! NAME="entry_name" CAT="entry_category" SUBCAT="sub-category"-->
-# Anything before the first header is treated as comment, everything
-# else is treated as part of an entry. The $first_time flag below
-# marks if we've seen a header or not.
-# In this version, the CATEGORY is actually determined by the name
-# of the .raw file, so it is not used.
-if (open (RAW, "< ${srcdir}/${category}.raw") == 0)
-   print "ERROR: Unable to open ${srcdir}/${category}.raw file.\n";
-   print "ERROR: $!. Exiting.\n";
-   exit 1;
-$first_time = 1;
-$entry_text = "";
-while (<RAW>)
-   next if (/^$/);
-   if (   m{<!--\s*NAME\s*=\s*"\s*(.+)\s*"   # $1 = NAME
-         .*CAT
-         .*SUBCAT\s*=\s*"\s*(.*)\s*"         # $2 = SUBCAT
-         \s*-->}xio )
-   {
-      if ($first_time == 0)
-      {
-         $entries {"$entry_name"} = "$entry_subcat|$entry_text";
-         $entry_text = "";
-      }
-      $entry_name = $1;
-      $entry_subcat = $2;
-      $entry_subcat =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
-      if ($subcats{$entry_subcat} eq "")
-      {
-         $entry_subcat = $default_subcat;
-      }
-      $first_time = 0;
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      $entry_text = "${entry_text}$_" if (not $first_time);
-   }
-if ($first_time == 0)
-   $entries {"$entry_name"} = "$entry_subcat|$entry_text";
-close (RAW);
-# Generate alphabetical output if necessary. We first build a
-# $list_string containing a unique list of the first letters of
-# each entry. Then we compare this string to @index_list and
-# create the alphabetical index. Then we simply output the
-# entries in key sorted order.
-if ($opt_alpha)
-   if (open (OUTFILE, "> ${category}${alpha_suffix}") == 0)
-   {
-      print "ERROR: Unable to open ${category}${alpha_suffix}.\n";
-      print "ERROR: $!. Exiting.\n";
-      exit 1;
-   }
-   print OUTFILE "<!-- DO NOT EDIT BY HAND!                    -->\n\n";
-   # Build unique first-letter list
-   @index = ();
-   $first_letter = "";
-   $list_string = "";
-   foreach $entry (sort keys %entries)
-   {
-      if ($first_letter ne substr($entry, 0, 1))
-      {
-         $first_letter = uc(substr($entry, 0, 1));      # Ignore case
-         $list_string = "$list_string$first_letter";
-      }
-   }
-   # Output alphabetical index
-   print OUTFILE "<HR WIDTH=\"75%\">\n\n<CENTER>\n";
-   foreach $letter (@index_list)
-   {
-      if ($list_string =~ /$letter/)
-      {
-         print OUTFILE "<A HREF=\"#LETTER_$letter\">$letter</A>\n";
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         print OUTFILE "$letter\n";
-      }
-   }
-   print OUTFILE "</CENTER>\n\n<HR WIDTH=\"75%\">\n\n";
-   # Output entries in key sort order, fold case
-   print OUTFILE "<UL>\n";
-   $first_letter = "";
-   foreach $entry (sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b); } keys %entries)
-   {
-      print OUTFILE "<LI>";
-      if ($first_letter ne substr($entry, 0, 1))
-      {
-         $first_letter = substr($entry, 0, 1);
-         print OUTFILE "\n<A NAME=\"LETTER_$first_letter\"></A>\n\n";
-      }
-      $link = $entry;
-      $link =~ tr/ /_/;
-      $text = $entries{$entry};
-      $text =~ /\|(.*)$/os;
-      print OUTFILE "<A NAME=\"$link\"></A>\n";
-      print OUTFILE "$1<P></P></LI>\n\n";
-   }
-   print OUTFILE "</UL>\n";
-   # Ok, we're done.
-   close (OUTFILE);
-# Generate output by category if necessary. We actually output an
-# index to the alphabetical HTML file, which we assume to be called
-# ${category}.html. The procedure is inefficient but simple.  We use a 
-# double-loop to iterate through each subcategory, and through each 
-# entry, so we're looking at O(n^2).  Considering the size of the
-# raw files, however, this method is still very fast.
-if ($opt_cat)
-   if (open (OUTFILE, "> ${category}${subcat_suffix}") == 0)
-   {
-      print "ERROR: Unable to open ${category}${subcat_suffix}.\n";
-      print "ERROR: $!. Exiting.\n";
-      exit 1;
-   }
-   print OUTFILE "<!-- DO NOT EDIT BY HAND!                    -->\n\n";
-   # The following sort is by description (VALUE), not KEY
-   foreach $subcat (sort {uc($subcats{$a}) cmp uc($subcats{$b});} keys %subcats)
-   {
-      print OUTFILE "<A NAME=\"CATEGORY_$subcat\"></A>\n";
-      print OUTFILE "<H3>$subcats{$subcat}</H3>\n\n<UL>\n";
-      # Here sorting by KEY is what we want.
-      foreach $entry (sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b); } keys %entries)
-      {
-         $text = $entries {$entry};
-         $text =~ /^\s*(.+)\s*\|(.*)/o;
-         if ($1 eq $subcat)
-         {
-            $link = $entry;
-            $link =~ tr/ /_/;
-            print OUTFILE "<LI><A HREF=\"${category}.html#$link\">$entry</A></LI>\n";
-         }
-      }
-      print OUTFILE "</UL>\n\n";
-   }
-   close (OUTFILE);
-# Done!
-exit 0;
diff --git a/en/commercial/hardware.raw b/en/commercial/hardware.raw
deleted file mode 100644
index 545ec1d98b..0000000000
--- a/en/commercial/hardware.raw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,620 +0,0 @@
-# $FreeBSD: www/en/commercial/hardware.raw,v 1.66 2004/02/29 23:50:45 josef Exp $
-<!-- NAME="ActiveWire Inc." CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.ActiveWireInc.com/"
-   >ActiveWire Inc.</A></STRONG>
-provides an extremely flexible, USB-based I/O board
-that connects to buttons, switches, and LEDs,
-providing a simple API to read and write to the I/O pins on the board.
-The USB port is supported in
-<A HREF="http://www.FreeBSD.org">FreeBSD 4.0</A>, with native
-<A HREF="http://www.etla.net/~n_hibma/usb/usb.pl">USB support</A>.
-An additional EZ USB chip firmware downloader is
-available in the Ports Collection.
-<!-- NAME="ADCOMTEC" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.adcomtec.com">ADCOMTEC</A></STRONG> specializes
-in providing high-performance, advanced communications and networking
-solutions.  FreeBSD driver support is provided for a range of high-performance
-WAN adapters for ADSL, T1, E1, and Synchronous Serial (RS-232/V.35/X.21/EIA530)
-connectivity that support a number of downloadable protocol modules including
-ATM, Frame Relay, X.25, HDLC, SDLC, PPP, and SS7.  For more information,
-contact <A HREF="mailto:info@adcomtec.com">info@adcomtec.com</A> or visit
-<A HREF="http://www.adcomtec.com">http://www.adcomtec.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Advanced Computer and Network Management Corporation" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.acnc.com/"
-   >Advanced Computer and Network Corporation</A></STRONG>
-Our site, dedicated to RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) technology,
-features, an excellent, easy-to-understand, graphical RAID tutorial.
-We are a one-stop source for cost-effective, high-performance RAID arrays,
-SCSI switches, boosters, cables, fiber-optic extenders,
-and high-availability solutions.
-<!-- NAME="ASA Computers" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.asacomputers.com/"
-   >ASA Computers</A></STRONG>
-offers a wide range of performance-oriented servers, workstations,
-and networking products.
-We are experienced in quality configuration and support
-of FreeBSD, Linux, and other operating systems.
-Multiple-OS experience and knowledge are our strengths.
-We resell a variety of communication and networking products,
-including 3COM, Cisco, Cyclades, DIGI, Livingston, and U.S. Robotics.
-Please take a look at the pre-configured systems on our web page.
-Contact us at
-<A HREF="mailto:unix@asacomputers.com">unix@asacomputers.com</A>
-to configure them your own way or if you have questions or comments.
-<!-- NAME="BIS, Inc." CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.bisworld.com/"
-   >BIS, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-specializes in Internet- and Intranet-networking servers, running FreeBSD.
-We custom design and construct high-performance servers to fill any need.
-BIS also provides IS Support, network administration and management,
-training, Internet connectivity, corporate-wide e-mail gateways,
-domain name registration and hosting, web site development, and more.
-Please send e-mail to
-<A HREF="mailto:info@bisworld.com">info@bisworld.com</A> or visit
-<A HREF="http://www.bisworld.com/">http://www.bisworld.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="catpipe Systems" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.catpipe.net/"
-   >catpipe Systems ApS</A></STRONG>
-provides managed services and support contracts for FreeBSD,
-implemented on rackmountable servers preloaded with FreeBSD.
-<!-- NAME="Computer Access Technology Corporation" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.catc.com/"
-   >CATC</A></STRONG> -
-Computer Access Technology Corporation,
-popularly called CATC ("cat-see"),
-is the world's leading supplier of development and test tools
-for the Universal Serial Bus (USB) and IEEE 1394 (FireWire[tm])
-serial communication standards.
-The company also offers a variety of peripheral devices,
-including a USB-to-Ethernet interface and the industry's first USB hub.
-<!-- NAME="Coyote Point Systems" CAT="HARDWARE" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.coyotepoint.com/"
-   >Coyote Point Systems</A></STRONG> offers the
-<A HREF="http://www.coyotepoint.com/equalizer.shtml">Equalizer</A>
-Load Balancing Appliance.
-Equalizer distributes client UDP/TCP requests to multiple server machines
-and includes load balancing, server failure detection/correction,
-and an easy-to-use administrative interface.
-Capable of handling over 20,000 HTTP GET operations per minute,
-Equalizer enhances the Scalability, Availability and Manageability
-of any server cluster.
-Equalizer works with all standard protocols, including:
-Equalizer is based on the FreeBSD kernel.
-<!-- NAME="Cyclades Corporation" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.cyclades.com/"
-   >Cyclades Corporation</A></STRONG>
-sells a variety of high performance, multiport serial cards
-which FreeBSD supports directly in its standard releases.
-<!-- NAME="DAVICOM Semiconductor, Inc." CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.davicom.com.tw/"
-   >DAVICOM Semiconductor, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-designs, develops, and markets
-cost-effective integrated circuit (IC) solutions
-for mainstream networking and communications applications.
-DAVICOM is one of the leading suppliers of Local Area Network (LAN)
-and Wide Area Network (WAN) chip sets
-to international original equipment manufactures (OEMs)
-of networking and communications equipment.
-The current products of DAVICOM Semiconductor, Inc.
-that will support the FreeBSD driver are
-DM9102 (10M/100M PCI Fast Ethernet single chip),
-DM9102A (3.3 volts Low Power10M/100M PCI Fast Ethernet single chip),
-DM9101 (10M/100M PCI Fast Ethernet PHY chip,
-included into DM9102 single chip),
-DM9131 (3.3 volts Low Power10M/100M PCI Fast Ethernet PHY chip,
-included into DM9102A single chip)
-and DM9801 (1M8 Home PNA PHY chip).
-Please visit <A HREF="http://www.davicom.com.tw">our web site</A>
-for more information about our company.
-<!-- NAME="Digital Networks United Kingdom" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.dnuk.com"
-   >Digital Networks</A></STRONG>
-is one of the UK's leading supplier
-of desktops, workstations, and servers
-designed and optimized for the FreeBSD and Linux operating systems.
- From scientific to e-commerce applications,
-our products can be used as building blocks to create complete solutions.
-All products are built to order and can be purchased online
-from the company's web site
-at <a href="http://www.dnuk.com">www.dnuk.com</a>.
-<!-- NAME="Emerging Technologies" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.etinc.com/"
-   >Emerging Technologies, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-has high-speed serial-communications adapters,
-allowing FreeBSD systems to connect directly to leased lines
-at speeds from 56k to T1/E1.
-ET drivers support up to 16 T1/E1 lines on a single FreeBSD-based PC.
-The adapters include a complete set of drivers and utilities
-that allow a FreeBSD machine to communicate directly
-with virtually any IP router via synchronous PPP, Frame Relay, X.25,
-and directly to Cisco brand routers with Cisco serial encapsulation.
-Full documentation and support are included.
-Hardware choices are available for both ISA and PCI buses,
-ranging from an economical single-port ISA adapter
-to a four T1/E1 port PCI card with four dedicated 25MHz processors on-board.
-To contact Emerging Technologies, send E-mail to
-<A HREF="mailto:info@etinc.com">info@etinc.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Enterprise Systems and Solutions" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.enterprisess.com/"
-   >Enterprise Systems and Solutions</A></STRONG>
-builds high quality, customized systems,
-fully loaded and configured with FreeBSD for intranet/internet
-server and workstation use, at a competitive price.
-We also sell LAN/WAN products
-(from CISCO, 3COM, Livingston, SDL Comm, Digi, and more) and provide service.
-Please email us at
-<A HREF="mailto:info@enterprisess.com">info@enterprisess.com</A> or
-<A HREF="http://www.enterprisess.com/">visit our web site</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Essenz Consulting" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.essenz.com"
-   >Essenz Consulting</A></STRONG>
-is a leading provider of high-performance rackmount server equipment.
-All of our <A HREF="http://www.essenz.com/servers/index.html">servers</A>
-feature dual processor capability, dual onboard networking,
-high-capacity memory support, and integrated video.
- From 1U Hot-Swap SCSI systems
-to 2U Hot-Swap 64-bit SCSI RAID with 2x300W Hot-Swap Power Supply,
-all Essenz Servers can be custom configured with immediate online pricing.
-For more information, visit us
-<A HREF="http://www.essenz.com">online</A>
-or call our 24/7 Sales and Support department at 1-800-248-1736.
-<!-- NAME="FreeBSD Systems" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.freebsdsystems.com">FreeBSD Systems</A></STRONG>
-- <STRONG>The Power To Serve</STRONG>&#8482; is so true with an iNET&reg; Server.
-We manufacture and <EM>customize</EM> 1U to 7U Rackmount Servers  utilizing
-Intel Processors ranging from Xeon MP to Celeron, from single processing
-to quad and 8-Way Systems.  Every Server is fully customized to our clients
-requirements including the installation of FreeBSD.  iNET Servers are available
-in ATA and SCSI configurations.  Looking for Direct Attached Storage? Check
-out the iSTOR6000, with data capacity of up to 7 Tera Bytes.
-Since 1999, FreeBSD Systems has been providing high performance Rackmount
-Servers and Storage Systems to clients ranging from start-up Web Hosting Companies to
-Fortune 500 Companies to Federal Government Departments.  We offer On-Site
-hardware warranty support to all of North America, Mexico and, Puerto Rico.
-Visit our web site <a href="http://www.FreeBSDsystems.com">http://www.FreeBSDsystems.com</a>
-or call us toll free at 1.877.963.1900.
-<!-- NAME="Freedom Technologies Corporation" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.FreeBSDsystems.COM/"
-   >Freedom Technologies Corporation</A></STRONG>
-offers businesses a total solution to Server systems.
-All our servers are based on the business needs of our customers.
-Each server is custom designed, both in terms of the hardware and the
-operating system, as well as the applications to be run.
-FreedomTC delivers to its customers, server(s) that will do the task(s)
-at the highest level of performance.
-FreedomTC only uses the highest quality of hardware for any system we design.
-FreedomTC also includes its Net@dmin [TM] service for 1 year.
-Our servers work extremely well with customer's workstations,
-using Windows or Macintosh for file and print sharing.
-Please call us at our toll free telephone number, 1-877-963-1900.
-<!-- NAME="Gallantry Technologies, Inc." CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.gallantry.com/"
-   >Gallantry Technologies Inc.</A></STRONG>
-offers a business broadband gateway for small- to medium-sized businesses.
-Our products are focused on offering an easy-to-use product
-that provides multiple services routing, firewall, e-mail, web server,
-DHCP, NAT, FTP, DNS, and print server.
-All these features can be accessed via an easy-to-use web interface.
-The GallantWEB-100 is an affordable and easy-to-use business broadband gateway
-that is ideal for connecting small and medium offices to the Internet
-via any broadband connection including xDSL, Cable, Frame Relay/T1, or ISDN.
-The GallantWEB-200 is the industry's first business broadband gateway
-to include a built-in SDSL router.
-This innovative one-box solution makes it easy for DSL service providers
-to deploy and manage.
-<!-- NAME="GND Distribution, Ltd." CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.gnd.com/"
-   >GND Distribution, Ltd.</A></STRONG>,
-a London, UK-based company, specializes in bespoke computer systems
-for FreeBSD and Linux.
-All GND computer systems are built to order,
-using only top-quality components.
-Our build quality is second to none.
-Systems are supplied configured and optimized to our customer's requirements.
-We also supply a large range of system components,
-including ASUSTeK mainboards,
-which are popular within the FreeBSD and Linux communities.
-<!-- NAME="Hewlett_Packard" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<strong><a href="http://www.hp.com/">Hewlett-Packard</a></strong>
-sells Proliant BL10e blade servers that are compatible with FreeBSD. 
-280 blades can fit within in a 42U rack, offering superior 
-density, computing power and management for all front-end and cluster 
-<!-- NAME="HighPoint Technologies, Inc." CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.highpoint-tech.com/"
-   >HighPoint Technologies, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-is an ASIC design company specialized in the storage management area.
-Its technical expertise covers ATAPI/USB/1394 interfaces.
-The principle products are a series of UDMA/ATA RAID Controllers.
-<!-- NAME="iMimic Networking, Inc." CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.imimic.com/"
-   >iMimic Networking, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-offers the <A HREF="http://www.imimic.com/">DataReactor</A> family
-of Web-cache appliances.
-The DataReactor family leads the caching industry in price/performance,
-from an aggressively priced entry-level caching appliance to a
-high-end caching appliance at mid-level prices.<BR>
-The FreeBSD-based
-<A HREF="http://www.imimic.com/indexd746.html">DataReactor Core software</A>
-includes management features such as SNMP monitoring support,
-Common Logfile Format logging, and Web-based or console-based configuration.
-Please send mail to <A HREF="mailto:info@imimic.com">info@imimic.com</A>
-for more information.
-<!-- NAME="INetU Dedicated Managed Hosting" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.inetu.net/">
-INetU Dedicated Managed Hosting</A></STRONG> are one of the top rated hosting
-firms focused on dedicated managed hosting, INetU provides managed dedicated
-FreeBSD servers, along with firewalls, load balancing, advanced monitoring
-and data backup services.  They offer more free tech support than most other
-hosts and have a lucrative partner program for consultants and developers.
-<!-- NAME="Introspective Technologies USA" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.itechusa.net/"
-   >Introspective Technologies USA</A></STRONG>
-delivers networking solutions
-with high powered servers and workstations
-pre-installed with choice of operating systems, including FreeBSD.
-<!-- NAME="Iron Systems" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.ironsystems.com/">Iron Systems</A></STRONG>,
-located in San Jose, California, is a provider of high-density
-rack-mount Internet systems, low cost hosting solutions and OEM
-integration services. System solutions are either built-to-order
-iServers with custom-configured hardware, OS, kernel and applications;
-or a set of pre-configured network infrastructure iEngines and
-iClusters, specially designed to deliver a dedicated application. Iron
-Systems backs all solutions with world-class technical support for
-FreeBSD and Linux.
-Our team at an average has over 10 years of experience in building
-BSD-based systems. We understand that our servers run your
-mission-critical applications - that's why we use only the highest
-quality components and test all systems in advance. We are confident
-that you will appreciate our approach. Give us an opportunity to serve
-you! Please send us email at <a
-href="mailto:info@ironsystems.com">info@ironsystems.com</a> or call
-<!-- NAME="Itautec Philco" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://itautecamerica.com/"
-   >Itautec Philco</A></STRONG>
-is one of Brazil's leading IT products manufacturers
-and one the leaders in the Brazilian Market and significant market share
-in Portugal, Uruguay and Argentina.
-Products such as the Infoway and the InfoServer are fully compatible
-with FreeBSD, Linux, and other Operating Systems.
-Itautec Philco also manufactures Banking and Retail Automation products,
-as well as Consumer Electronics products.
-We provide complete solutions for our customers,
-from Infrastructure (such as LAN) to software applications,
-to Web development and hosting services, to call-center services.
-<!-- NAME="KYTEX Computers Ltd" CAT="HARDWARE" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.kytex.bg/"
-   >KYTEX Computers Ltd</A></STRONG>
-offers K-SERVER family of pre-installed xBSD and Linux Internet appliances.
-K-SERVER product line include small footprint all-in-one solutions
-for small to middle networks
-and rackmount servers for ISP/ASP and corporate networks.
-All-in-one solutions provides Internet access
-via dial-up, leased lines, xDSL, wireless technology
-and offer filesharing for Windows and MacOS workstations
-across the network at no additional cost,
-users WEB-, Mail-, Firewall-, DNS-server applications
-started and partially configured for easy integration
-in any existing networks.
-K-SERVER setup and management is very simple -
-just start any browser on your workstation
-and follow the setup instructions and menus.
-If you have any questions or proposals, please e-mail us.
-<!-- NAME="MOXA" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.moxa.com/"
-   >MOXA</A></STRONG>
-makes attractively priced multi-port serial cards
-which are compatible with FreeBSD's <EM>sio</EM> serial driver.
-The C104 / C168 family of 2/4/8 serial port cards
-features custom ASIC design, speeds up to 921.6Kbps,
-surge protection, independent and software-configurable I/O ports and IRQs.
-<!-- NAME="Neturn Corp." CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://neturn.sinacity.com/netserv/"
-   >Neturn Corp</A></STRONG>.,
-based in Vancouver, Canada,
-provides complete solutions
-on selective and fine-tuned hardware and software
-(BSDs as primary server OSs) platforms to meet the
-<STRONG>demand from e-commerce, telecom, manufacturing, industrial,
-aerospace, medical applications where stability and reliability
-are mandatory</STRONG>.
-For detailed information, please visit
-<A HREF="http://neturn.sinacity.com/netserv/"
-   >http://neturn.sinacity.com/netserv</A>.
-<!-- NAME="NetWolves Corporation" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.netwolves.com"
-   >NetWolves Corporation</A></STRONG>
-produces the FoxBox line
-of Multi-services Internet Communications Gateway systems.
-These Internet Access Devices offer a three stage firewall,
-unlimited e-mail, site hosting, filtered browsing, web and DNS caching,
-DHCP for ease of set up, file sharing/serving, e-mail archiving,
-and a series of productivity enhancing reports - cost effectively.
-The FoxBox OS is based on FreeBSD.
-Bandwidth options range from V.90 modems
-to T-1, cable modems, and DSL speeds.
-The FoxBox provides Internet access for between 8 and 1000 users
-on one or more LANs
-and is available internationally through our VAR reseller network.
-Visit <A HREF="http://www.netwolves.com/">our site</A>
-for more information or contact us by
-<A HREF="mailto:sales@netwolves.com">email</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Offmyserver" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.offmyserver.com/"
-   >Offmyserver</A></STRONG>
-offers state-of-the-art Internet Server Systems,
-Internet Appliance Platforms, RAID solutions, Multi-boot Workstations,
-LAN/WAN products, and peripherals at competitive prices.
-We&#39;ll help you find the right system hardware -
-configure, price, build, AND test it with BSD operating systems.
-If that&#39;s not enough,
-we&#39;ll even bend sheet metal to suit your identity.
-That&#39;s what you get when the company that sells you the complete system
-is also the one that custom builds it for you.
-We use only the best quality components
-and do the required testing in advance -
-knowing that you are going to run your mission-critical applications
-on our servers.
-We are confident that you will appreciate our approach -
-give us an opportunity to serve you!
-Send us an email at
-<A HREF="mailto:info@offmyserver.com">info@offmyserver.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Open Systems Networking & Consulting" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://open-systems.net/"
-   >Open Systems Networking &amp; Consulting</A></STRONG>
-specializes in FreeBSD-based high-performance LAN/WAN solutions.
-We keep our solutions as open to scalability and future expansion as possible.
-We offer LAN/WAN video conferencing solutions, custom built applications,
-security services including firewalls and encryption,
-Internet connectivity, and high-performance secure web servers.
-We custom build our networks around the clients' current and future needs.
-We offer complete turnkey solutions with our networks,
-from the installation and configuration
-to the wiring and termination of fiber optic cable and Cat 5.
-Don't lock yourself into a proprietary solution;
-use an OPEN network from open systems!
-For more information, please send email to
-<A HREF="mailto:opsys@open-systems.net">opsys@open-systems.net</A> or
-<A HREF="http://open-systems.net/">visit our web site</A>.
-<!-- NAME="PCW Microsystems, Inc." CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.rackmount.com/"
-   >PCW Microsystems, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-offers rackmount workstations and servers,
-optimized for the FreeBSD operating system.
-We carry full line of rackmount chassis, RAID, WAN, and LAN products
-for FreeBSD OS.
-Please <A HREF="http://www.rackmount.com/">visit our web site</A>
-for more information or send us an e-mail at
-<A HREF="mailto:sales@pcwnet.com">sales@pcwnet.com</A>
-<!-- NAME="PSSC Labs" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.pssclabs.com/"
-   >PSSC Labs</A></STRONG>
-provides custom configured computer solutions
-to meet any budget or specification.
-Visit our website to build your computer just the way you want it,
-including hard-drive partitioning and operating system setup.
-<!-- NAME="R and D Associates, Inc." CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.RnDAssociates.com/"
-   >R & D Associates, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-developed ServeTheWeb.com
-utilizing FreeBSD running Apache.
-We employed consulting services from
-<A HREF="mailto:phk@FreeBSD.org">Poul-Henning Kamp</A>
-to develop our Virtual Server solution
-(which is now available in <A HREF="http://www.FreeBSD.org">FreeBSD</A> 4.0).
-<A HREF="http://ServeTheWeb.com/">ServeTheWeb.com</A>
-is our System Admin level of Virtual Servers.
-Please visit <A HREF="http://www.ServeTheWeb.com/">www.ServeTheWeb.com</A>
-for additional information on this product.
-R & D Associates, Inc. is an application development firm,
-specializing in client/server designs.
-We use FreeBSD, running Apache and utilizing PHP's and MySQL
-(As well as NT with ASP's and SQL/Access).
-<!-- NAME="Sangoma Technologies, Inc." CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.sangoma.com/"
-   >Sangoma Technologies Inc.</A></STRONG>
-offers the WANPIPE&#153; range
-of high speed intelligent communication adapters
-that support a number of downloadable protocol modules
-including PPP, Frame Relay and X.25.
-The cards are available with RS-232/V.35/X.21/EIA530 interfaces
-or an on board T1 or Fractional T-1 CSU/DSU.
-All of our FreeBSD and Linux code is distributed
-under the GNU Public License (GPL) in source code form.
-The FreeBSD PPP driver and utilities for Sangoma WANPIPE&#153; kits
-are available for download at
-<A HREF="ftp://ftp.sangoma.com/FreeBSD">ftp.sangoma.com/FreeBSD</A>.
-Frame Relay and X.25 support will follow shortly.
-<!-- NAME="SBE" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.sbei.com/"
-   >SBE</a></STRONG>
-specializes in providing high-performance,
-advanced communications and networking solutions
-for CompactPCI-, PCI-, and PMC-based applications.
-FreeBSD driver support is provided
-for a range of high-performance WAN adapters,
-providing connectivity for Synchronous Serial, T1/E1, DS3/T3, and HSSI.
-For more information, contact
-<A HREF="mailto:info@sbei.com">info@sbei.com</A> or visit
-<A HREF="http://www.sbei.com/">http://www.sbei.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Sera Systems" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.serasystems.com"
-   >Sera Systems</A></STRONG>
-is a manufacturer of xBSD-based servers and workstations.
-Sera Systems was formed to address the security needs
-of Internet-connected businesses
-by helping develop, setup, and support network infrastructure computers
-with reliable, proactively-secure free software.
-Sera Systems products include
-the SeraBox, a low-cost, multi-function server,
-the SeraVPN, a dedicated virtual private network server,
-and a line of customizable servers based on choice of xBSD.
-Sera Systems offers with all products a value-added preconfiguration service
-which is designed to help customers implement specific network applications
-using xBSD and be up and running as quickly as possible.
-For more information please
-<A HREF="http://www.serasystems.com">visit our web site</A>
-or e-mail <A HREF="mailto:sales@serasystems.com">sales@serasystems.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Perle Specialix" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.perle.com/"
-   >Perle Specialix</A></STRONG>
-makes a wide variety of multi-port async serial expansion products.
-The ISA, EISA, and PCI SI/XIO host cards work under FreeBSD,
-using the <EM>si</EM> driver.
-<!-- NAME="Stallion Technologies, Inc." CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.stallion.com/"
-   >Stallion Technologies, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-offers a range of multiport serial boards
-for the ISA, EISA, MCA and PCI buses.
-Although Stallion does not officially support drivers for FreeBSD,
-there is an unsupported, freely available driver available from their <A
-   >FTP site</A>.
-This driver supports the Stallion <EM>EasyIO</EM> and <EM>EasyConnection
-8/32</EM> multiport boards.
-For local pricing and availability information,
-contact Stallion via their <A HREF="http://www.stallion.com/">WWW page</A>.
-<!-- NAME="StoreAnyWhere.com" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://StoreAnyWhere.com/"
-   >StoreAnyWhere.com</A></STRONG>
-offers a wide range of high-performance and cost-effective
-quad- and dual-processor servers, workstations, and networking products
-with FreeBSD and Linux as their operating systems.
-Just go to our website for servers in a variety of configurations
-or custom-made systems.
-<!-- NAME="SW Technology" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://freebsd.swt.com/"
-   >SW Technology</A></STRONG>
-offers quality Pentium machines with FreeBSD pre-installed.
-<!-- NAME="Synetic, Inc." CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.synetic.net/"
-   >Synetic Inc.</A></STRONG>
-is a Canadian and North American distributor
-for IDE-to-IDE, SCSI-to-IDE and SCSI-to-SCSI RAID controllers,
-supporting the FreeBSD platform.
-Our products can be found at
-<A HREF="http://www.synetic.net/prodman.htm"
-   >www.synetic.net/prodman.htm</A> or
-<A HREF="http://www.synetic.net/prodspec.htm"
-   >www.synetic.net/prodspec.htm</A>
-<!-- NAME="Tegatai Systems" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.tegatai.com/">Tegatai Systems</A></STRONG>
-develops software and networking products and services using FreeBSD
-and Linux-based open-source software.
-<!-- NAME="Ten 26" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.ten26.com/">Ten 26</A></STRONG>
-Enterprises is your source for high performance, fault tolerant
-FreeBSD workstations and servers.  Choose a pre-configured
-package or create your own custom machine from our list of well-tested
-components.  All machines carry a 2 year warranty.  For more
-information, visit <A HREF="http://www.ten26.com/">Ten 26</A> or
-e-mail <A HREF="mailto:info@ten26.com">info@ten26.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="TeraSolutions, Inc." CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.terasolutions.com/"
-   >TeraSolutions, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-is a manufacturer of high-reliability, high-performance rack-mount
-Internet server and RAID storage systems
-which are specifically designed and built
-for the best operation with FreeBSD.
-Our servers come with FreeBSD pre-installed and tuned
-for high-traffic Internet server applications.
-TeraSolutions was founded by FreeBSD co-founder David Greenman
-and has built some of the highest-traffic Internet servers in the world.
-Please <A HREF="http://www.terasolutions.com/">visit our web site</A>
-or contact us directly at +1 503 288 9544 for more information.
-<!-- NAME="TPC IT Pty, Ltd" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.tpcit.com.au/">TPC IT Pty, Ltd</A></STRONG>
-is Authorized Australian Cyclades Distributor.  We have just set up an
-online discussion group for Cyclades customers and anyone wishing to
-know about the product. Visit our <A HREF="http://www.tpcit.com.au/">web
-site</A> for details.
-<!-- NAME="Znyx" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.znyx.com/"
-   >Znyx Corporation</A></STRONG>
-specializes in high-availability, high-performance,
-single and multi-channel Fast Ethernet adapters
-for PCI, CompactPCI, and PCI Mezzanine Connector (PMC).
-FreeBSD, Linux, QNX, NetWare, OS/2, and SCO Unixware
-are supported on virtually all products.
-<!-- NAME="NCS Technologies" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.ncsapp.com/">NCS Technologies</A></STRONG>
-offers "NCS Swift Appliance Partner Program (NCSAPP)"
-for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and other OEMs. Under this
-program, NCS develops "turn-key" server appliances for its ISV partners
-by bundling their appliance software with its own hardware platforms.
-These appliance hardware platforms are built using the latest industry
-standard chipsets and components and can run FreeBSD based applications.
-<!-- NAME="ERACKS" CAT="hardware" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://eracks.com/">eRacks Open Source Systems</A></STRONG>
-is a leading provider of open source solutions. The company features
-its own line of rackmount computer servers, desktops, and laptops
-and offers a wide array of services including open source
-enterprise migration, security, and network architecture services.
diff --git a/en/commercial/hardware.sgml b/en/commercial/hardware.sgml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a8eb9b672..0000000000
--- a/en/commercial/hardware.sgml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" [
-<!ENTITY base CDATA "..">
-<!ENTITY date "$FreeBSD: www/en/commercial/hardware.sgml,v 1.32 2001/07/13 12:52:12 dd Exp $">
-<!ENTITY title "Commercial Vendors - Hardware">
-<!ENTITY % includes SYSTEM "../includes.sgml"> %includes;
-<!ENTITY % vendorincludes SYSTEM "includes.sgml"> %vendorincludes;
-<!ENTITY hardware SYSTEM "hardware.inc">
-<H2>Hardware Vendors</H2>
-<P>This file has been indexed by alphabetic order for easy navigating.
-Should you wish to find a specific entry, please use the shortcuts
-below for quick access.</P>
-<P></P><A HREF="commercial.html">Commercial Vendors Home</A>
diff --git a/en/commercial/hardware.xml b/en/commercial/hardware.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76de4b3e9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/en/commercial/hardware.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE entries SYSTEM "entries.dtd">
+  <cvs:keywords xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS" version="1.0">
+    <cvs:keyword name="freebsd">
+      $FreeBSD$
+    </cvs:keyword>
+  </cvs:keywords>
+  <entry id="ActiveWire">
+    <name>ActiveWire Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.ActiveWireInc.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      ActiveWire Inc. provides an extremely flexible, USB-based I/O board
+      that connects to buttons, switches, and LEDs, providing a simple API
+      to read and write to the I/O pins on the board. The USB port is
+      supported in <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org">FreeBSD 4.0</a>, with
+      native <a href="http://www.etla.net/~n_hibma/usb/usb.pl">USB
+      support</a>. An additional EZ USB chip firmware downloader is
+      available in the Ports Collection.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="ADCOMTEC">
+    <name>ADCOMTEC</name>
+    <url>http://www.adcomtec.com</url>
+    <description>
+      ADCOMTEC specializes in providing high-performance, advanced
+      communications and networking solutions. FreeBSD driver support is
+      provided for a range of high-performance WAN adapters for ADSL, T1,
+      E1, and Synchronous Serial (RS-232/V.35/X.21/EIA530) connectivity
+      that support a number of downloadable protocol modules including ATM,
+      Frame Relay, X.25, HDLC, SDLC, PPP, and SS7. For more information,
+      contact <a href="mailto:info@adcomtec.com">info@adcomtec.com</a> or
+      visit <a href="http://www.adcomtec.com">http://www.adcomtec.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="AdvancedComputer">
+    <name>Advanced Computer and Network Management Corporation</name>
+    <url>http://www.acnc.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Advanced Computer and Network Corporation Our site, dedicated to RAID
+      (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) technology, features, an
+      excellent, easy-to-understand, graphical RAID tutorial. We are a
+      one-stop source for cost-effective, high-performance RAID arrays,
+      SCSI switches, boosters, cables, fiber-optic extenders, and
+      high-availability solutions.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="ASA">
+    <name>ASA Computers</name>
+    <url>http://www.asacomputers.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      ASA Computers offers a wide range of performance-oriented servers,
+      workstations, and networking products. We are experienced in quality
+      configuration and support of FreeBSD, Linux, and other operating
+      systems. Multiple-OS experience and knowledge are our strengths. We
+      resell a variety of communication and networking products, including
+      3COM, Cisco, Cyclades, DIGI, Livingston, and U.S. Robotics. Please
+      take a look at the pre-configured systems on our web page. Contact us
+      at <a href="mailto:unix@asacomputers.com">unix@asacomputers.com</a>
+      to configure them your own way or if you have questions or comments.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="BISInc">
+    <name>BIS, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.bisworld.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      BIS, Inc. specializes in Internet- and Intranet-networking servers,
+      running FreeBSD. We custom design and construct high-performance
+      servers to fill any need. BIS also provides IS Support, network
+      administration and management, training, Internet connectivity,
+      corporate-wide e-mail gateways, domain name registration and hosting,
+      web site development, and more. Please send e-mail to <a
+      href="mailto:info@bisworld.com">info@bisworld.com</a> or visit <a
+      href="http://www.bisworld.com/">http://www.bisworld.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="catpipe">
+    <name>catpipe Systems</name>
+    <url>http://www.catpipe.net/</url>
+    <description>
+      catpipe Systems ApS provides managed services and support contracts
+      for FreeBSD, implemented on rackmountable servers preloaded with
+      FreeBSD.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="ComputerAccess">
+    <name>Computer Access Technology Corporation</name>
+    <url>http://www.catc.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      CATC - Computer Access Technology Corporation, popularly called CATC
+      ("cat-see"), is the world's leading supplier of development and test
+      tools for the Universal Serial Bus (USB) and IEEE 1394 (FireWire[tm])
+      serial communication standards. The company also offers a variety of
+      peripheral devices, including a USB-to-Ethernet interface and the
+      industry's first USB hub.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="CoyotePointSystems">
+    <name>Coyote Point Systems</name>
+    <url>http://www.coyotepoint.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Coyote Point Systems offers the <a
+      href="http://www.coyotepoint.com/equalizer.shtml">Equalizer</a> Load
+      Balancing Appliance. Equalizer distributes client UDP/TCP requests to
+      multiple server machines and includes load balancing, server failure
+      detection/correction, and an easy-to-use administrative interface.
+      Capable of handling over 20,000 HTTP GET operations per minute,
+      Equalizer enhances the Scalability, Availability and Manageability of
+      any server cluster. Equalizer works with all standard protocols,
+      including: HTTP, FTP, POP, SMTP, DNS, etc. Equalizer is based on the
+      FreeBSD kernel.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="CycladesCorporation">
+    <name>Cyclades Corporation</name>
+    <url>http://www.cyclades.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Cyclades Corporation sells a variety of high performance, multiport
+      serial cards which FreeBSD supports directly in its standard
+      releases.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="DAVICOM">
+    <name>DAVICOM Semiconductor, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.davicom.com.tw/</url>
+    <description>
+      DAVICOM Semiconductor, Inc. designs, develops, and markets
+      cost-effective integrated circuit (IC) solutions for mainstream
+      networking and communications applications. DAVICOM is one of the
+      leading suppliers of Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network
+      (WAN) chip sets to international original equipment manufactures
+      (OEMs) of networking and communications equipment. <p> The current
+      products of DAVICOM Semiconductor, Inc. that will support the FreeBSD
+      driver are DM9102 (10M/100M PCI Fast Ethernet single chip), DM9102A
+      (3.3 volts Low Power10M/100M PCI Fast Ethernet single chip), DM9101
+      (10M/100M PCI Fast Ethernet PHY chip, included into DM9102 single
+      chip), DM9131 (3.3 volts Low Power10M/100M PCI Fast Ethernet PHY
+      chip, included into DM9102A single chip) and DM9801 (1M8 Home PNA PHY
+      chip). </p> <p> Please visit <a href="http://www.davicom.com.tw">our
+      web site</a> for more information about our company. </p>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="DigitalNetworks">
+    <name>Digital Networks United Kingdom</name>
+    <url>http://www.dnuk.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Digital Networks is one of the UK's leading supplier of desktops,
+      workstations, and servers designed and optimized for the FreeBSD and
+      Linux operating systems. From scientific to e-commerce applications,
+      our products can be used as building blocks to create complete
+      solutions. All products are built to order and can be purchased
+      online from the company's web site at <a
+      href="http://www.dnuk.com">www.dnuk.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="EmergingTechnologies">
+    <name>Emerging Technologies</name>
+    <url>http://www.etinc.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Emerging Technologies, Inc. has high-speed serial-communications
+      adapters, allowing FreeBSD systems to connect directly to leased
+      lines at speeds from 56k to T1/E1. ET drivers support up to 16 T1/E1
+      lines on a single FreeBSD-based PC. The adapters include a complete
+      set of drivers and utilities that allow a FreeBSD machine to
+      communicate directly with virtually any IP router via synchronous
+      PPP, Frame Relay, X.25, and directly to Cisco brand routers with
+      Cisco serial encapsulation. Full documentation and support are
+      included. Hardware choices are available for both ISA and PCI buses,
+      ranging from an economical single-port ISA adapter to a four T1/E1
+      port PCI card with four dedicated 25MHz processors on-board. To
+      contact Emerging Technologies, send E-mail to <a
+      href="mailto:info@etinc.com">info@etinc.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="EnterpriseSystems">
+    <name>Enterprise Systems and Solutions</name>
+    <url>http://www.enterprisess.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Enterprise Systems and Solutions builds high quality, customized
+      systems, fully loaded and configured with FreeBSD for
+      intranet/internet server and workstation use, at a competitive price.
+      We also sell LAN/WAN products (from CISCO, 3COM, Livingston, SDL
+      Comm, Digi, and more) and provide service. Please email us at <a
+      href="mailto:info@enterprisess.com">info@enterprisess.com</a> or <a
+      href="http://www.enterprisess.com/">visit our web site</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="EssenzConsulting">
+    <name>Essenz Consulting</name>
+    <url>http://www.essenz.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Essenz Consulting is a leading provider of high-performance rackmount
+      server equipment. All of our <a
+      href="http://www.essenz.com/servers/index.html">servers</a> feature
+      dual processor capability, dual onboard networking, high-capacity
+      memory support, and integrated video. From 1U Hot-Swap SCSI systems
+      to 2U Hot-Swap 64-bit SCSI RAID with 2x300W Hot-Swap Power Supply,
+      all Essenz Servers can be custom configured with immediate online
+      pricing. For more information, visit us <a
+      href="http://www.essenz.com">online</a> or call our 24/7 Sales and
+      Support department at 1-800-248-1736.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="FreeBSDSystems">
+    <name>FreeBSD Systems</name>
+    <url>http://www.freebsdsystems.com</url>
+    <description>
+      FreeBSD Systems - The Power To Serve&#8482; is so true with an
+      iNET Server. We manufacture and <em>customize</em> 1U to 7U
+      Rackmount Servers utilizing Intel Processors ranging from Xeon MP to
+      Celeron, from single processing to quad and 8-Way Systems. Every
+      Server is fully customized to our clients requirements including the
+      installation of FreeBSD. iNET Servers are available in ATA and SCSI
+      configurations. Looking for Direct Attached Storage? Check out the
+      iSTOR6000, with data capacity of up to 7 Tera Bytes. Since 1999,
+      FreeBSD Systems has been providing high performance Rackmount Servers
+      and Storage Systems to clients ranging from start-up Web Hosting
+      Companies to Fortune 500 Companies to Federal Government Departments.
+      We offer On-Site hardware warranty support to all of North America,
+      Mexico and, Puerto Rico. Visit our web site <a
+      href="http://www.FreeBSDsystems.com">http://www.FreeBSDsystems.com</a>
+      or call us toll free at 1.877.963.1900.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="FreedomTechnologies">
+    <name>Freedom Technologies Corporation</name>
+    <url>http://www.FreeBSDsystems.COM/</url>
+    <description>
+      Freedom Technologies Corporation offers businesses a total solution
+      to Server systems. All our servers are based on the business needs of
+      our customers. Each server is custom designed, both in terms of the
+      hardware and the operating system, as well as the applications to be
+      run. FreedomTC delivers to its customers, server(s) that will do
+      the task(s) at the highest level of performance. FreedomTC only uses
+      the highest quality of hardware for any system we design. FreedomTC
+      also includes its Net@dmin [TM] service for 1 year. Our servers
+      work extremely well with customer's workstations, using Windows or
+      Macintosh for file and print sharing. Please call us at our toll
+      free telephone number, 1-877-963-1900.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Gallantry">
+    <name>Gallantry Technologies, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.gallantry.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Gallantry Technologies Inc. offers a business broadband gateway for
+      small- to medium-sized businesses. Our products are focused on
+      offering an easy-to-use product that provides multiple services
+      routing, firewall, e-mail, web server, DHCP, NAT, FTP, DNS, and print
+      server. All these features can be accessed via an easy-to-use web
+      interface. The GallantWEB-100 is an affordable and easy-to-use
+      business broadband gateway that is ideal for connecting small and
+      medium offices to the Internet via any broadband connection including
+      xDSL, Cable, Frame Relay/T1, or ISDN. The GallantWEB-200 is the
+      industry's first business broadband gateway to include a built-in
+      SDSL router. This innovative one-box solution makes it easy for DSL
+      service providers to deploy and manage.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="GND">
+    <name>GND Distribution, Ltd.</name>
+    <url>http://www.gnd.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      GND Distribution, Ltd., a London, UK-based company, specializes in
+      bespoke computer systems for FreeBSD and Linux. All GND computer
+      systems are built to order, using only top-quality components. Our
+      build quality is second to none. Systems are supplied configured and
+      optimized to our customer's requirements. We also supply a large
+      range of system components, including ASUSTeK mainboards, which are
+      popular within the FreeBSD and Linux communities.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Hewlett_Packard">
+    <name>Hewlett_Packard</name>
+    <url>http://www.hp.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Hewlett-Packard sells Proliant BL10e blade servers that are
+      compatible with FreeBSD. 280 blades can fit within in a 42U rack,
+      offering superior density, computing power and management for all
+      front-end and cluster applications.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="iMimicNetworking">
+    <name>iMimic Networking, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.imimic.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      iMimic Networking, Inc. offers the <a
+      href="http://www.imimic.com/">DataReactor</a> family of Web-cache
+      appliances. The DataReactor family leads the caching industry in
+      price/performance, from an aggressively priced entry-level caching
+      appliance to a high-end caching appliance at mid-level prices.
+      The FreeBSD-based <a
+      href="http://www.imimic.com/indexd746.html">DataReactor Core
+      software</a> includes management features such as SNMP monitoring
+      support, Common Logfile Format logging, and Web-based or
+      console-based configuration. Please send mail to <a
+      href="mailto:info@imimic.com">info@imimic.com</a> for more
+      information.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="INetU">
+    <name>INetU Dedicated Managed Hosting</name>
+    <url>http://www.inetu.net/</url>
+    <description>
+      INetU Dedicated Managed Hosting are one of the top rated hosting
+      firms focused on dedicated managed hosting, INetU provides managed
+      dedicated FreeBSD servers, along with firewalls, load balancing,
+      advanced monitoring and data backup services. They offer more free
+      tech support than most other hosts and have a lucrative partner
+      program for consultants and developers.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="IntrospectiveTechnologies">
+    <name>Introspective Technologies USA</name>
+    <url>http://www.itechusa.net/</url>
+    <description>
+      Introspective Technologies USA delivers networking solutions with
+      high powered servers and workstations pre-installed with choice of
+      operating systems, including FreeBSD.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="IronSystems">
+    <name>Iron Systems</name>
+    <url>http://www.ironsystems.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Iron Systems, located in San Jose, California, is a provider of
+      high-density rack-mount Internet systems, low cost hosting solutions
+      and OEM integration services. System solutions are either
+      built-to-order iServers with custom-configured hardware, OS, kernel
+      and applications; or a set of pre-configured network infrastructure
+      iEngines and iClusters, specially designed to deliver a dedicated
+      application. Iron Systems backs all solutions with world-class
+      technical support for FreeBSD and Linux. Our team at an average
+      has over 10 years of experience in building BSD-based systems. We
+      understand that our servers run your mission-critical applications -
+      that's why we use only the highest quality components and test all
+      systems in advance. We are confident that you will appreciate our
+      approach. Give us an opportunity to serve you! Please send us email
+      at <a href="mailto:info@ironsystems.com">info@ironsystems.com</a> or
+      call 1-800-921-IRON.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="ItautecPhilco">
+    <name>Itautec Philco</name>
+    <url>http://itautecamerica.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Itautec Philco is one of Brazil's leading IT products manufacturers
+      and one the leaders in the Brazilian Market and significant market
+      share in Portugal, Uruguay and Argentina. Products such as the
+      Infoway and the InfoServer are fully compatible with FreeBSD, Linux,
+      and other Operating Systems. Itautec Philco also manufactures Banking
+      and Retail Automation products, as well as Consumer Electronics
+      products. We provide complete solutions for our customers, from
+      Infrastructure (such as LAN) to software applications, to Web
+      development and hosting services, to call-center services.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="KYTEX">
+    <name>KYTEX Computers Ltd</name>
+    <url>http://www.kytex.bg/</url>
+    <description>
+      KYTEX Computers Ltd offers K-SERVER family of pre-installed xBSD and
+      Linux Internet appliances. K-SERVER product line include small
+      footprint all-in-one solutions for small to middle networks and
+      rackmount servers for ISP/ASP and corporate networks. All-in-one
+      solutions provides Internet access via dial-up, leased lines, xDSL,
+      wireless technology and offer filesharing for Windows and MacOS
+      workstations across the network at no additional cost, users WEB-,
+      Mail-, Firewall-, DNS-server applications started and partially
+      configured for easy integration in any existing networks. K-SERVER
+      setup and management is very simple - just start any browser on your
+      workstation and follow the setup instructions and menus. If you have
+      any questions or proposals, please e-mail us.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="MOXA">
+    <name>MOXA</name>
+    <url>http://www.moxa.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      MOXA makes attractively priced multi-port serial cards which are
+      compatible with FreeBSD's <em>sio</em> serial driver. The C104 / C168
+      family of 2/4/8 serial port cards features custom ASIC design, speeds
+      up to 921.6Kbps, surge protection, independent and
+      software-configurable I/O ports and IRQs.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Neturn">
+    <name>Neturn Corp.</name>
+    <url>http://neturn.sinacity.com/netserv/</url>
+    <description>
+      Neturn Corp., based in Vancouver, Canada, provides complete solutions
+      on selective and fine-tuned hardware and software (BSDs as primary
+      server OSs) platforms to meet the demand from e-commerce, telecom,
+      manufacturing, industrial, aerospace, medical applications where
+      stability and reliability are mandatory. For detailed information,
+      please visit <a href="http://neturn.sinacity.com/netserv/">
+        http://neturn.sinacity.com/netserv</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="NetWolves">
+    <name>NetWolves Corporation</name>
+    <url>http://www.netwolves.com</url>
+    <description>
+      NetWolves Corporation produces the FoxBox line of Multi-services
+      Internet Communications Gateway systems. These Internet Access
+      Devices offer a three stage firewall, unlimited e-mail, site hosting,
+      filtered browsing, web and DNS caching, DHCP for ease of set up, file
+      sharing/serving, e-mail archiving, and a series of productivity
+      enhancing reports - cost effectively. The FoxBox OS is based on
+      FreeBSD. Bandwidth options range from V.90 modems to T-1, cable
+      modems, and DSL speeds. The FoxBox provides Internet access for
+      between 8 and 1000 users on one or more LANs and is available
+      internationally through our VAR reseller network. Visit <a
+      href="http://www.netwolves.com/">our site</a> for more information or
+      contact us by <a href="mailto:sales@netwolves.com">email</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Offmyserver">
+    <name>Offmyserver</name>
+    <url>http://www.offmyserver.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Offmyserver offers state-of-the-art Internet Server Systems, Internet
+      Appliance Platforms, RAID solutions, Multi-boot Workstations, LAN/WAN
+      products, and peripherals at competitive prices. We&#39;ll help you
+      find the right system hardware - configure, price, build, AND test it
+      with BSD operating systems. If that&#39;s not enough, we&#39;ll even
+      bend sheet metal to suit your identity. That&#39;s what you get when
+      the company that sells you the complete system is also the one that
+      custom builds it for you. We use only the best quality components and
+      do the required testing in advance - knowing that you are going to
+      run your mission-critical applications on our servers. We are
+      confident that you will appreciate our approach - give us an
+      opportunity to serve you! Send us an email at <a
+      href="mailto:info@offmyserver.com">info@offmyserver.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="PCW">
+    <name>PCW Microsystems, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.rackmount.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      PCW Microsystems, Inc. offers rackmount workstations and servers,
+      optimized for the FreeBSD operating system. We carry full line of
+      rackmount chassis, RAID, WAN, and LAN products for FreeBSD OS. Please
+      <a href="http://www.rackmount.com/">visit our web site</a> for more
+      information or send us an e-mail at <a
+      href="mailto:sales@pcwnet.com">sales@pcwnet.com</a>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="PSSCLabs">
+    <name>PSSC Labs</name>
+    <url>http://www.pssclabs.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      PSSC Labs provides custom configured computer solutions to meet any
+      budget or specification. Visit our website to build your computer
+      just the way you want it, including hard-drive partitioning and
+      operating system setup.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="RandDAssociates">
+    <name>R and D Associates, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.RnDAssociates.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      R and D Associates, Inc. developed ServeTheWeb.com utilizing FreeBSD
+      running Apache. We employed consulting services from <a
+      href="mailto:phk@FreeBSD.org">Poul-Henning Kamp</a> to develop our
+      Virtual Server solution (which is now available in <a
+      href="http://www.FreeBSD.org">FreeBSD</a> 4.0). <p> <a
+      href="http://ServeTheWeb.com/">ServeTheWeb.com</a> is our System
+      Admin level of Virtual Servers. Please visit <a
+      href="http://www.ServeTheWeb.com/">www.ServeTheWeb.com</a> for
+      additional information on this product. </p> <p> R and D Associates,
+      Inc. is an application development firm, specializing in
+      client/server designs. We use FreeBSD, running Apache and utilizing
+      PHP's and MySQL (As well as NT with ASP's and SQL/Access). </p>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="SangomaTechnologies">
+    <name>Sangoma Technologies, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.sangoma.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Sangoma Technologies Inc. offers the WANPIPE&#153; range of high
+      speed intelligent communication adapters that support a number of
+      downloadable protocol modules including PPP, Frame Relay and X.25.
+      The cards are available with RS-232/V.35/X.21/EIA530 interfaces or an
+      on board T1 or Fractional T-1 CSU/DSU. All of our FreeBSD and Linux
+      code is distributed under the GNU Public License (GPL) in source code
+      form. The FreeBSD PPP driver and utilities for Sangoma WANPIPE&#153;
+      kits are available for download at <a
+      href="ftp://ftp.sangoma.com/FreeBSD">ftp.sangoma.com/FreeBSD</a>.
+      Frame Relay and X.25 support will follow shortly.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="SBE">
+    <name>SBE</name>
+    <url>http://www.sbei.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      SBE specializes in providing high-performance, advanced
+      communications and networking solutions for CompactPCI-, PCI-, and
+      PMC-based applications. FreeBSD driver support is provided for a
+      range of high-performance WAN adapters, providing connectivity for
+      Synchronous Serial, T1/E1, DS3/T3, and HSSI. For more information,
+      contact <a href="mailto:info@sbei.com">info@sbei.com</a> or visit <a
+      href="http://www.sbei.com/">http://www.sbei.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="SeraSystems">
+    <name>Sera Systems</name>
+    <url>http://www.serasystems.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Sera Systems is a manufacturer of xBSD-based servers and
+      workstations. Sera Systems was formed to address the security needs
+      of Internet-connected businesses by helping develop, setup, and
+      support network infrastructure computers with reliable,
+      proactively-secure free software. Sera Systems products include the
+      SeraBox, a low-cost, multi-function server, the SeraVPN, a dedicated
+      virtual private network server, and a line of customizable servers
+      based on choice of xBSD. Sera Systems offers with all products a
+      value-added preconfiguration service which is designed to help
+      customers implement specific network applications using xBSD and be
+      up and running as quickly as possible. For more information please <a
+      href="http://www.serasystems.com">visit our web site</a> or e-mail <a
+      href="mailto:sales@serasystems.com">sales@serasystems.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="PerleSpecialix">
+    <name>Perle Specialix</name>
+    <url>http://www.perle.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Perle Specialix makes a wide variety of multi-port async serial
+      expansion products. The ISA, EISA, and PCI SI/XIO host cards work
+      under FreeBSD, using the <em>si</em> driver.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Stallion">
+    <name>Stallion Technologies, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.stallion.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Stallion Technologies, Inc. offers a range of multiport serial boards
+      for the ISA, EISA, MCA and PCI buses. Although Stallion does not
+      officially support drivers for FreeBSD, there is an unsupported,
+      freely available driver available from their <a
+      href="ftp://ftp.stallion.com/drivers/unsupported/freebsd/stalbsd-0.0.
+      5.tar.gz">FTP site</a>. This driver supports the Stallion
+      <em>EasyIO</em> and <em>EasyConnection 8/32</em> multiport boards.
+      For local pricing and availability information, contact Stallion via
+      their <a href="http://www.stallion.com/">WWW page</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="StoreAnyWhere">
+    <name>StoreAnyWhere.com</name>
+    <url>http://StoreAnyWhere.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      StoreAnyWhere.com offers a wide range of high-performance and
+      cost-effective quad- and dual-processor servers, workstations, and
+      networking products with FreeBSD and Linux as their operating
+      systems. Just go to our website for servers in a variety of
+      configurations or custom-made systems.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="SWTechnology">
+    <name>SW Technology</name>
+    <url>http://freebsd.swt.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      SW Technology offers quality Pentium machines with FreeBSD
+      pre-installed.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Synetic">
+    <name>Synetic, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.synetic.net/</url>
+    <description>
+      Synetic Inc. is a Canadian and North American distributor for
+      IDE-to-IDE, SCSI-to-IDE and SCSI-to-SCSI RAID controllers, supporting
+      the FreeBSD platform. Our products can be found at <a
+      href="http://www.synetic.net/prodman.htm">www.synetic.net/prodman.htm</a>
+      or <a href="http://www.synetic.net/prodspec.htm">
+      www.synetic.net/prodspec.htm</a>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="TegataiSystems">
+    <name>Tegatai Systems</name>
+    <url>http://www.tegatai.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Tegatai Systems develops software and networking products and
+      services using FreeBSD and Linux-based open-source software.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Ten26">
+    <name>Ten 26</name>
+    <url>http://www.ten26.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Ten 26 Enterprises is your source for high performance, fault
+      tolerant FreeBSD workstations and servers. Choose a pre-configured
+      package or create your own custom machine from our list of
+      well-tested components. All machines carry a 2 year warranty. For
+      more information, visit <a href="http://www.ten26.com/">Ten 26</a> or
+      e-mail <a href="mailto:info@ten26.com">info@ten26.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="TeraSolutions">
+    <name>TeraSolutions, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.terasolutions.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      TeraSolutions, Inc. is a manufacturer of high-reliability,
+      high-performance rack-mount Internet server and RAID storage systems
+      which are specifically designed and built for the best operation with
+      FreeBSD. Our servers come with FreeBSD pre-installed and tuned for
+      high-traffic Internet server applications. TeraSolutions was founded
+      by FreeBSD co-founder David Greenman and has built some of the
+      highest-traffic Internet servers in the world. Please <a
+      href="http://www.terasolutions.com/">visit our web site</a> or
+      contact us directly at +1 503 288 9544 for more information.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="TPC">
+    <name>TPC IT Pty, Ltd</name>
+    <url>http://www.tpcit.com.au/</url>
+    <description>
+      TPC IT Pty, Ltd is Authorized Australian Cyclades Distributor. We
+      have just set up an online discussion group for Cyclades customers
+      and anyone wishing to know about the product. Visit our <a
+      href="http://www.tpcit.com.au/">web site</a> for details.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Znyx">
+    <name>Znyx</name>
+    <url>http://www.znyx.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Znyx Corporation specializes in high-availability, high-performance,
+      single and multi-channel Fast Ethernet adapters for PCI, CompactPCI,
+      and PCI Mezzanine Connector (PMC). FreeBSD, Linux, QNX, NetWare,
+      OS/2, and SCO Unixware are supported on virtually all products.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="NCSTechnologies">
+    <name>NCS Technologies</name>
+    <url>http://www.ncsapp.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      NCS Technologies offers "NCS Swift Appliance Partner Program
+      (NCSAPP)" for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and other OEMs.
+      Under this program, NCS develops "turn-key" server appliances for its
+      ISV partners by bundling their appliance software with its own
+      hardware platforms. These appliance hardware platforms are built
+      using the latest industry standard chipsets and components and can
+      run FreeBSD based applications.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
diff --git a/en/commercial/includes.sgml b/en/commercial/includes.sgml
deleted file mode 100644
index 53e71da5d3..0000000000
--- a/en/commercial/includes.sgml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-<!-- $FreeBSD: www/en/commercial/includes.sgml,v 1.6 2000/06/12 18:44:39 jim Exp $ -->
-<!ENTITY vendorintroduction '
-   <p>
-     The power, flexibility, and reliability of FreeBSD
-     attract a wide variety of users and vendors.
-     In addition to our <a href="../gallery/gallery.html">gallery</a> page,
-     showcasing many of our users,
-     here you will find vendors offering commercial products and/or services
-     for FreeBSD.
-   </p>
-   <p>
-     For your convenience,
-     we have divided our growing commercial listing into several sections.
-     If your company supports a FreeBSD-compatible product or service
-     that should be added to this page, please send email
-     to <a href="mailto:www@FreeBSD.org">www@FreeBSD.org</a>
-     and let us know!
-     Submissions should be in HTML and a medium-sized paragraph in length.
-   </p>
diff --git a/en/commercial/misc.raw b/en/commercial/misc.raw
deleted file mode 100644
index 6638328315..0000000000
--- a/en/commercial/misc.raw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# $FreeBSD: www/en/commercial/misc.raw,v 1.14 2003/10/02 10:01:06 ceri Exp $
-<!-- NAME="Bookpool" CAT="misc" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.bookpool.com/"
-   >The Bookpool</A></STRONG>
-offers 30% discounts on the new edition
-of <EM>The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System</EM>
-and other FreeBSD-related books.
-<!-- NAME="BSDMall" CAT="misc" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.bsdmall.com/"
-   >BSDMall</A></STRONG>
-supports all flavors of BSD,
-providing books, clothing, hardware, software, and more!
-<!-- NAME="DOSSIER" CAT="misc" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.ptf.com/dossier/"
-is a series of demand-printed document collections,
-covering a variety of Free and Open Source topics.
-DOSSIER uses FreeBSD documentation as the basis
-for many of its volumes.
-<!-- NAME="FreeBSD Mall" CAT="misc" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.freebsdmall.com/"
-   >The FreeBSD Mall</A></STRONG>
-can provide everything you may want or need
-to enhance your FreeBSD experience.
-Are you new to FreeBSD?
-Or, perhaps you've been using it for years?
-We have something for you.
-We have the latest FreeBSD CDROMs,
-helpful books, and colorful shirts and hats.
-Stay current with FreeBSD and put it to work for you!
-<!-- NAME="Liebscher &amp; Partner" CAT="misc" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.freibergnet.de"
-   >Liebscher & Partner</A></STRONG>
-are now shipping the BSD
-<A HREF="http://lem.freibergnet.de/cgi-bin/fanshop/scan/sf=category/se=BSD">Stuffed Daemon</A>!<BR>
-<img alt="stuffed daemon" src="../gifs/plueschtier-tiny.jpg">
-<!-- NAME="ScotGold Products" CAT="misc" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.scotgold.com/daemon.htm"
-   >ScotGold Products</A></STRONG>
-design and manufacture PC case badges,
-including a BSD daemon badge
-with the permission and blessing of Kirk McKusick.
-<!-- NAME="Fultus FODL" CAT="misc" SUBCAT="" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.fultus.com/"
-   >Fultus</A></STRONG>
-presents <A HREF="http://elibrary.fultus.com/mergedProjects/FreeBSD%20Documentation/index.htm">FreeBSD Open Documentation Library</A>.
-This is the <B>full up-to-date</B> FreeBSD documentation collection available
-online in the Technical Literature section of the Fultus <A HREF="http://elibrary.fultus.com/">eLibrary</A> and Fultus Online Book <A HREF="http://store.fultus.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=FreeBSD">Superstore</A> in the following formats:
-  <LI>Online Web Help (searchable through all documents) (Mozilla,
-	Netscape Navigator & IE compatible);</LI>
-  <LI>Searchable Adobe PDF format with Bookmark link page (for desktop
-	and PDA);</LI>
-  <LI>Compiled HTML format (chm) (for Windows).</LI>
-Read about FreeBSD eBooks and download examples on the <A HREF="http://www.fultus.com/free/documentation.phtml">FreeBSD Documentation</A> page of the <A HREF="http://www.fultus.com/">Fultus</A> web site.
diff --git a/en/commercial/misc.sgml b/en/commercial/misc.sgml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ca9aeb821..0000000000
--- a/en/commercial/misc.sgml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" [
-<!ENTITY base CDATA "..">
-<!ENTITY date "$FreeBSD: www/en/commercial/misc.sgml,v 1.13 2001/07/13 12:52:12 dd Exp $">
-<!ENTITY title "Commercial Vendors - Miscellaneous">
-<!ENTITY % includes SYSTEM "../includes.sgml"> %includes;
-<!ENTITY % vendorincludes SYSTEM "includes.sgml"> %vendorincludes;
-<!ENTITY misc SYSTEM "misc.inc">
-<H2>Miscellaneous Vendors</H2>
-<P>This file has been indexed by alphabetic order for easy navigating.
-Should you wish to find a specific entry, please use the shortcuts
-below for quick access.</P>
-<P></P><A HREF="commercial.html">Commercial Vendors Home</A>
diff --git a/en/commercial/misc.xml b/en/commercial/misc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08848a5cea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/en/commercial/misc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE entries SYSTEM "entries.dtd">
+  <cvs:keywords xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS" version="1.0">
+    <cvs:keyword name="freebsd">
+      $FreeBSD$
+    </cvs:keyword>
+  </cvs:keywords>
+  <entry id="Bookpool">
+    <name>Bookpool</name>
+    <url>http://www.bookpool.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      The Bookpool offers 30% discounts on the new edition of The
+      Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System and
+      other FreeBSD-related books.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="BSDMall">
+    <name>BSDMall</name>
+    <url>http://www.bsdmall.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      BSDMall supports all flavors of BSD, providing books, clothing,
+      hardware, software, and more!
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="DOSSIER">
+    <name>DOSSIER</name>
+    <url>http://www.ptf.com/dossier/</url>
+    <description>
+      DOSSIER is a series of demand-printed document collections, covering
+      a variety of Free and Open Source topics. DOSSIER uses FreeBSD
+      documentation as the basis for many of its volumes.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="FreeBSDMall">
+    <name>FreeBSD Mall</name>
+    <url>http://www.freebsdmall.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      The FreeBSD Mall can provide everything you may want or need to
+      enhance your FreeBSD experience. Are you new to FreeBSD? Or, perhaps
+      you've been using it for years? We have something for you. We have
+      the latest FreeBSD CDROMs, helpful books, and colorful shirts and
+      hats. Stay current with FreeBSD and put it to work for you!
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Liebscher">
+    <name>Liebscher &amp; Partner</name>
+    <url>http://www.freibergnet.de</url>
+    <description>
+      Liebscher &amp; Partner are now shipping the BSD <a
+      href="http://lem.freibergnet.de/cgi-bin/fanshop/scan/sf=category/se=BSD">
+        Stuffed Daemon! <img alt="stuffed daemon" src="../gifs/plueschtier-tiny.jpg"/></a>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="ScotGold">
+    <name>ScotGold Products</name>
+    <url>http://www.scotgold.com/daemon.htm</url>
+    <description>
+      ScotGold Products design and manufacture PC case badges, including a
+      BSD daemon badge with the permission and blessing of Kirk McKusick.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="FultusFODL">
+    <name>Fultus FODL</name>
+    <url>http://www.fultus.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Fultus presents <a
+      href="http://elibrary.fultus.com/mergedProjects/FreeBSD%20Documentati
+      on/index.htm">FreeBSD Open Documentation Library</a>. This is the
+      <b>full up-to-date</b> FreeBSD documentation collection available
+      online in the Technical Literature section of the Fultus <a
+      href="http://elibrary.fultus.com/">eLibrary</a> and Fultus Online
+      Book <a
+      href="http://store.fultus.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=Fre
+      eBSD">Superstore</a> in the following formats:
+      <ul>
+	<li>Online Web Help (searchable through all documents)
+	  (Mozilla, Netscape Navigator &amp; IE compatible);</li>
+	<li>Searchable Adobe PDF format with Bookmark link page (for desktop
+	  and PDA);</li>
+	<li>Compiled HTML format (chm) (for Windows).</li>
+      </ul>
+      Interested? Read about FreeBSD eBooks and download examples on
+      the <a href="http://www.fultus.com/free/documentation.phtml">FreeBSD
+      Documentation</a> page of the <a href="http://www.fultus.com/">Fultus
+      web site</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
diff --git a/en/commercial/soft_bycat.xsl b/en/commercial/soft_bycat.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a15382a9e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/en/commercial/soft_bycat.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- Copyright (c) 2003 Josef El-Rayes <josef@FreeBSD.org>
+     All rights reserved.
+     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+     modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+     are met:
+     1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+	notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+     2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+	notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+	documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+     $FreeBSD$
+<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0"
+  xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS"
+  exclude-result-prefixes="cvs">
+  <xsl:import href="../includes.xsl"/>
+  <xsl:variable name="base" select="'..'"/>
+  <xsl:variable name="date">
+    <xsl:value-of select="//cvs:keyword[@name='freebsd']"/>
+  </xsl:variable>
+  <xsl:variable name="email" select="'freebsd-www'"/>
+  <xsl:variable name="title" select="'Commercial Vendors'"/>
+  <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="iso-8859-1"
+    doctype-system="http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"
+    doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"/>
+  <xsl:template match="entries">
+    <html>
+      <xsl:copy-of select="$header1"/>
+      <body xsl:use-attribute-sets="att.body">
+	<xsl:copy-of select="$header2"/>
+	<p>The power, flexibility, and reliability of FreeBSD attract
+	  a wide variety of users and vendors. Here you will find
+	  vendors offering commercial products and/or services for
+	  FreeBSD.</p>
+	<p>For your convenience, we have divided our growing
+	  commercial listing into several sections. If your company
+	  supports a FreeBSD-compatible product or service that should
+	  be added to this page, please send email to <a
+	    href="mailto:www@FreeBSD.org">www@FreeBSD.org</a> and let us
+	  know!	 Submissions should be in HTML and a medium-sized
+	  paragraph in length.</p>
+	<h2>Software Vendors</h2>
+	<p>This file has been divided into sub-categories for your
+	  convenience.	The following shortcuts will take you to the
+	  proper gallery entries.</p>
+	<h3>Databases</h3>
+	<xsl:for-each select="entry[@category='DATABASE']">
+	  <xsl:sort select="name"/>
+	  <xsl:call-template name="entry"/>
+	</xsl:for-each>
+	<h3>Development Tools</h3>
+	<xsl:for-each select="entry[@category='DEV']">
+	  <xsl:sort select="name"/>
+	  <xsl:call-template name="entry"/>
+	</xsl:for-each>
+	<h3>E-Commerce Solutions and Tools</h3>
+	<xsl:for-each select="entry[@category='ECOMMERCE']">
+	  <xsl:sort select="name"/>
+	  <xsl:call-template name="entry"/>
+	</xsl:for-each>
+	<h3>Miscellaneous</h3>
+	<xsl:for-each select="entry[@category='MISC']">
+	  <xsl:sort select="name"/>
+	  <xsl:call-template name="entry"/>
+	</xsl:for-each>
+	<h3>Multimedia</h3>
+	<xsl:for-each select="entry[@category='MULTIMEDIA']">
+	  <xsl:sort select="name"/>
+	  <xsl:call-template name="entry"/>
+	</xsl:for-each>
+	<h3>Network Systems and Applications</h3>
+	<xsl:for-each select="entry[@category='NETWORK']">
+	  <xsl:sort select="name"/>
+	  <xsl:call-template name="entry"/>
+	</xsl:for-each>
+	<h3>Scientific and Language Tools</h3>
+	<xsl:for-each select="entry[@category='SCIENTIFIC']">
+	  <xsl:sort select="name"/>
+	  <xsl:call-template name="entry"/>
+	</xsl:for-each>
+	<h3>Security</h3>
+	<xsl:for-each select="entry[@category='SECURITY']">
+	  <xsl:sort select="name"/>
+	  <xsl:call-template name="entry"/>
+	</xsl:for-each>
+	<h3>System Administration / ISP</h3>
+	<xsl:for-each select="entry[@category='SYSADMIN']">
+	  <xsl:sort select="name"/>
+	  <xsl:call-template name="entry"/>
+	</xsl:for-each>
+	<xsl:copy-of select="$footer"/>
+      </body>
+    </html>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <xsl:template name="entry">
+    <li><a href="software.html#{@id}">
+      <xsl:value-of select="name"/>
+    </a></li>
+  </xsl:template>
diff --git a/en/commercial/software.raw b/en/commercial/software.raw
deleted file mode 100644
index e2ea583cd0..0000000000
--- a/en/commercial/software.raw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1662 +0,0 @@
-# $FreeBSD: www/en/commercial/software.raw,v 1.89 2004/01/07 22:06:40 trhodes Exp $
-<!-- NAME="Acadix Another Programmers Editor" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DEV" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.execpc.com/~acadix"
-  >Another Programmer's Editor (APE)</A></STRONG>
-is a terminal-independent integrated development environment (IDE)
-which runs on a variety of Unix platforms.
-APE offers syntax highlighting and full error-message processing,
-and works with <STRONG>any</STRONG> compiled or interpreted language.
-For more information,
-please visit our <A HREF="http://www.execpc.com/~acadix">web site</A>
-or send email to <A HREF="mailto:acadix@execpc.com">acadix@execpc.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Aestiva HTML/OS" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DEV" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.htmlos.com/"
-  >Aestiva HTML/OS</A></STRONG>
-is a complete solution
-for advanced, dynamic web site and web software development.
-It eliminates the need for CGI programming and integration tools,
-includes a built-in database engine
-and tools for packaging and copy-protecting commercial web products,
-and supports over a dozen platforms.
-Visit <A HREF="http://www.htmlos.com">www.htmlos.com</A> for more information.
-<!-- NAME="Aker Firewall" CAT="software" SUBCAT="NETWORK" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.aker.com.br/"
-  >Aker Firewall</A></STRONG>
-is a firewall solution which runs on FreeBSD. 
-The firewall provides a stateful filtering engine,
-Network Address Translation (NAT),
-cryptography (with manual key exchange and SKIP), 
-automatic responses to pre-configured events,
-and remote administration by a easy-to-use graphical interface
-which runs on many different platforms.
-For more information, please 
-<A HREF="http://www.aker.com.br/">visit our web site</A> 
-or send a e-mail to 
-<A HREF="mailto:info@aker.com.br">info@mail.aker.com.br</A>. 
-<!-- NAME="Akopia" CAT="software" SUBCAT="ECOMMERCE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.akopia.com/"
-  >Akopia</A></STRONG>
-is the developer of Interchange,
-the leading open source e-commerce platform
-that runs on FreeBSD and other UNIX Operating systems.
-Interchange offers an extensive feature set including:
-  <LI>Intuitive content management functionality,
-      enabling business users to easily manage large, complex catalogs.
-  <LI>Flexible merchandising,
-      maximizing sales through product presentation,
-      cross-sells, up-sells, and promotions.
-  <LI>Powerful transaction management functionality
-      that handles complex business rules
-      and fully integrates with legacy systems.
-  <LI>Comprehensive administration and reporting,
-      which keeps business and technical management informed and in control.
-      Flexible, extensible architecture,
-      ensuring scalability and providing room to grow.
-Akopia offers professional Interchange support
-and an array of e-commerce professional services.
-For more information and a free download,
-visit us at <A HREF="http://www.akopia.com/">www.akopia.com</A>
-<!-- NAME="Altera SQL Server" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DATABASE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.altera.gr/"
-  >Altera SQLServer</A></STRONG>
-is a multi-user, relational database with ODBC and JDBC options,
-demanding very few resources.
-Altera's client-server architecture allows numerous concurrent users.
-Altera SQL server supports CGI and is ideal for Web applications
-since it transfers MIME-typed BLOBS directly to the web browser
-via HTTP protocol (acting as a web server).
-For more information,
-please visit <A HREF="http://www.altera.gr/">www.altera.gr</A>.
-<!-- NAME="AM'SOFT" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DATABASE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.amsoft.ru/"
-  >AM'SOFT</A></STRONG> (Andrew Maltsev's Software)
-features <A HREF="http://www.amsoft.ru/easysql/">EasySQL</A>,
-an ODBC-like, database-independent C/C++ library.
-Full source code is available.  
-<!-- NAME="AstroArch Consulting" CAT="software" SUBCAT="SYSADMIN" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.astroarch.com/"
-  >AstroArch Consulting, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-develops and licenses its
-<EM>ISP Billing and Tracking System</EM> (BATS)
-for FreeBSD as well as thirteen other Operating Systems.
-For more information, check out 
-<A HREF="http://www.astroarch.com/">www.astroarch.com/</A>,
-send email to <A HREF="mailto:info@astroarch.com">info@astroarch.com</A>,
-or call +1.512.990.9711.
-<!-- NAME="Ballista" CAT="software" SUBCAT="SYSADMIN" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.secnet.com/ballista/"
-  >Ballista</A></STRONG>
-is a network security auditing tool
-for evaluation of security postures
-in areas where high assurance levels are critical.
-Ballista is primarily designed
-to audit the remote security aspects of networks
-and runs quite well under FreeBSD.
-<!-- NAME="Brown Bear Software" CAT="software" SUBCAT="MISC" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.brownbearsw.com"
-  >Brown Bear Software</A></STRONG>
-produces and supports
-<A HREF="http://www.brownbearsw.com/calcium/">Calcium</a>,
-an interactive <B>Web Calendar server</B> you use via your browser. 
-Features include:
-dynamic calendar merging
-multiple views and formats; repeating events,
-email notification and reminders,
-iCalendar support,
-Palm Pilot synchronization,
-color and font customization,
-support for full HTML in event text and calendar headers and footers,
-popup text associated with any event,
-searching &amp; filtering,
-multi-language support,
-flexible security model, <a href="http://www.brownbearsw.com/calcium/FeaturesList.html">and more</a>.
-Calcium is very easy to use and fully supported.
-It runs anywhere that supports Perl CGIs;
-no non-standard Perl modules are necessary.
-A live <A
-  HREF="http://www.brownbearsoftware.com/cgi-bin/Calcium?CalendarName=Demo"
-  >On-Line Demo</a> is available;
-you can download an
-<A HREF="http://www.brownbearsw.com/calcium/download"
-  >evaluation copy</A> (fully functional, but limited to a single calendar), or
-try your own <a href="http://www.brownbearsw.com/calcium/onlineTrial.html">private
-demo on our servers</a>.
-<!-- NAME="C-Forge" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DEV" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.codeforge.com/"
-  >C-Forge</A></STRONG> (pronounced Code Forge)
-is a multi-user integrated development environment
-that provides full project management
-and complete edit/compile/debug cycle support.
-Features include complete abstraction of the "makefile" concept,
-a Project Manager for visual presentation of project structure
-and component status using a dependency tree
-and a separate "desktop" area showing work in progress,
-support for C/C++, Perl, Oracle ProC/C++, Tcl, PHP, Java, JavaScript,
-Python, Qt, Pascal, Free Pascal, FORTRAN, TeX/LaTeX, SGML, Modula-2,
-and Assembler, integrated revision control, 
-fully configurable programmer's editor, and much more.
-An evaluation version is available for download.
-<!-- NAME="Cactus International Inc." CAT="software" SUBCAT="SYSADMIN" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.cactus.com/"
-  >Cactus International Inc.</A></STRONG>
-<A HREF="http://www.cactus.com/bp/bp.html">Backup Professional<BR>
-Enterprise Wide Network Backup
-The Enterprise Wide Backup and Recovery System,
-which provides high-performance backup and recovery
-for a wide variety of systems across your intranet.        
-The Backup Professional utilizes a Client/Server architecture
-to provide enterprise-wide services via TCP/IP.
-Master and Incremental backups for each client or group of clients
-can be scheduled as often as desired.
-The Backup Professional's internal database
-maintains every backup on the tape and every file in that backup.
-System Administration of the Backup Library is only a few keystrokes away.
-<!-- NAME="CheapBytes" CAT="software" SUBCAT="MISC" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.cheapbytes.com/"
-  >CheapBytes</A></STRONG>,
-a company that specializes in low-cost technical products, 
-now has <EM>FreeBSD</EM> products available on CD-ROM.
-Among our offerings,
-you will find FreeBSD CD-ROM sets and FreeBSD related books. 
-For further information, please see 
-<A HREF="http://www.cheapbytes.com/">www.cheapbytes.com</A>
-or send e-mail to:
-<A HREF="mailto:sales@cheapbytes.com">sales@cheapbytes.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="CobolScript" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DEV" -->
-<A HREF="http://www.cobolscript.com/"
-  ><B>CobolScript</B></A>
-from <A HREF="http://www.deskware.com/">Deskware, Inc.</A>
-is a revolutionary, cross-platform Internet programming language,
-designed for anyone who wants to do web development.
-If you don't yet know an Internet development language,
-learning CobolScript is the fastest and easiest way
-for you to acquire web application development skills.
-Deskware's own
-<A HREF="https://www.cobolscript.com/cgi-bin/cobolscript.exe?catalog.cbl"
-  >e-commerce-enabled catalog</a> is powered by the CobolScript engine.
-<!-- NAME="Conetic Software" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DATABASE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.conetic.com/"
-  >Conetic Software</A></STRONG> 
-is offering a FREE copy of 
-<A HREF="http://www.conetic.com/css_freebsdinst.html">C/BASE 4GL</A> 
-for the FreeBSD operating system.
-C/BASE 4GL features a powerful
-and fully portable application-development tool and database engine. 
-It featuring an easy-to-use visual development environment,
-a scripting language,
-and application libraries with a C language (API) interface.  
-Your FREE copy of C/BASE 4GL is set to run
-for a maximum of 2 concurrent users and 1,000 records.
-Please contact us at 
-<A HREF="mailto:info@conetic.com">info@conetic.com</A>
-if you would like a taste of even more power and programming fun.
-<!-- NAME="Cool Horizon" CAT="software" SUBCAT="SYSADMIN" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.coolhorizon.net/"
-  >Cool Horizon</A></STRONG> provides a billing package for ISPs,
-called <EM>Internet Billing</EM>.
-This package was designed to handle all billing needs 
-for Internet Service Providers.
-It runs under MS-Windows.
-One piece of the software is a client/server set,
-with a daemon that runs on a UNIX server (including FreeBSD),
-allowing the client to do all of their user management
-under a Windows front end.
-<!-- NAME="Covalent Technologies" CAT="software" SUBCAT="SYSADMIN" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://raven.covalent.net/"
- >Covalent Technologies</A></STRONG>
-presents the <EM>Raven SSL Module</EM> for the ever-popular
-<A HREF="http://www.apache.org/">Apache Web Server</A>.
-Raven offers the ability to add secure server functionality
-to your Apache installation,
-using the RSA encryption algorithms available to residents of North America.
-For more information, please email
-<A HREF="mailto:info@raven.covalent.net">info@raven.covalent.net</A>
-or call +1.402.441.5710 (Voice) or +1.402.441.5720 (Fax).
-<!-- NAME="Cybernet Systems" CAT="software" SUBCAT="NETWORK" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.cybernet.com/"
-  >Cybernet Systems</A></STRONG>
-produces the <A HREF="http://www.netmax.com/">NetMAX</A> line
-of Thin Servers and Professional Products for FreeBSD.
-The Thin Server Series consists of the FireWall (with Router),
-WebServer (with email and FTP),
-and FileServer (with print sharing).
-The NetMAX Professional contains these three,
-as well as the Discussion Group/NewsServer,
-dial in capabilities,
-enhanced system management and reporting functions,
-expanded support, and more.
-Easily install the included OS through a GUI
-and set up and manage your server through a web browser.
-Save time on mundane tasks.
-Access to the command line is available for "traditional" Unix use.
-<!-- NAME="DBMaker" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DATABASE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.dbmaker.com"
-  >DBMaker</A></STRONG>
-provides you with a professional database system
-with multimedia  capabilities, a native ODBC interface,
-large database features, and  cross-platform support.
-The unique open architecture and native ODBC  interface
-give you the freedom to build custom applications
-using a wide  variety of programming tools
-such as Visual Basic or Delphi,
-or query  your database using existing ODBC-compliant applications.
-DBMaker provides excellent multimedia-handling capabilities,
-allowing  you to store, search, retrieve, and manipulate
-all types of multimedia  data.
-Binary Large Objects (BLOBs) allow you
-to ensure the integrity of  your multimedia data
-by taking full advantage
-of the advanced security and crash-recovery mechanisms included in DBMaker;
-File Objects (FOs) allow you to manage your multimedia data,
-while maintaining the  capability to edit individual files
-in the source application.
-<A HREF="http://www.dbmaker.com">Download a free copy now!</A> -    
-This free copy of DBMaker includes a three-user license
-with no time or  storage limitations.
-Additional information is available at
-<A HREF="http://www.dbmaker.com">www.dbmaker.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Differential, Inc." CAT="software" SUBCAT="NETWORK" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.differential.com/"
-  >Differential, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-develops <EM>FileDrive</EM>,
-a suite of secure and extensible high-performance
-FTP file transfer client/server software.
-FileDrive provides the industry's most secure file transfer solution
-through the use of SSL encryption, extensive access controls,
-comprehensive logging, and an optional security auditing system.
-Differential's <EM>FileDrive EX</EM> extranet server
-also provides extensible FTP access 
-to dynamically generated content and server-based data processing.  
-FileDrive servers are easy to configure, manage, and maintain
-through their integrated Web-based remote administration systems.
-FileDrive servers are available for FreeBSD, Linux, and Solaris,
-with IRIX and HP/UX version available soon.
-15-day evaluation versions of FileDrive and FileDrive EX are available
-at <A HREF="http://www.differential.com/">www.differential.com/</A>.  
-<!-- NAME="Easysoft Ltd" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DEV" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.easysoft.com/"
-  >Easysoft Ltd</A></STRONG>
-Easysoft's ODBC-ODBC Bridge 2000 (OOB) provides full access
-to any local ODBC data source from any remote client,
-such as Unix, Linux, OpenVMS, Windows, or other systems.
-A free version of the Easysoft ODBC-ODBC Bridge
-is available on the FreeBSD platform.
-For further information, or to download the software,
-please visit <A HREF="http://www.easysoft.com/">www.easysoft.com</A>.
-Easysoft's JDBC-ODBC Bridge 2000 (JOB) provides Type 3 JDBC access
-from Java Applets or Applications on the FreeBSD platform
-to ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) data sources anywhere on the network
-where the server component of the bridge is installed.
-A free version is available to download
-from <A HREF="http://www.easysoft.com/">www.easysoft.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="EasyStat" CAT="software" SUBCAT="MISC" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.easystat.net/"
-  >EasyStat</A></STRONG>
-is a "counter"-like application.
-It will keep track of the number of visitors to your site,
-as well as gather information about your visitors
-such as their browser, operating system, referrer, etc.
-EasyStat will then display all it gathers in an elegant fashion,
-a demo of which is available on its site.
-<!-- NAME="Eiffel Software" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DEV" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.eiffel.com/"
-  >Eiffel Studio</A></STRONG>
-is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) designed for the
-Eiffel object-oriented application development language.
-Beside the Enterprise Edition, a Free Edition for non-commercial
-use only is freely available for download.
-<!-- NAME="Elego" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DEV" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.elego.de/"
-  >Elego ComPact Configuration Management</A></STRONG>.
-<EM>Elego ComPact</EM> is a set of tools for configuration management,
-based on a very reliable and scalable solution for version control,
-integrated with a multi-platform language-independent build system,
-and the concept of software packages.<BR>
-It offers scriptable command-line-oriented programs,
-as well as an HTTP/HTML based GUI,
-and can be easily introduced in a stepwise fashion. 
-Some of its features are: client/server design,
-baseline and release branch support, checkin/checkout model,
-package-oriented change sets, integrated build system,
-support for development for/on heterogeneous platforms,
-scalable from one to hundreds of developers,
-default configurations for C, C++, Java, Modula-3,
-easily portable to most PC and workstation platforms.
-Elego ComPact currently uses CVS
-as its underlying version control machine,
-though future versions may support other systems, too.
-Binaries are available for FreeBSD, Linux, Windows,
-and Solaris/SPARC systems.
-John Polstra's CVSup may be used for repository mirroring/replication.
-Like CVSup, Elego ComPact is completely written in Modula-3.
-Fully functional demo CDs,
-including binaries for all supported platforms,
-and documentation in HTML, DVI, PDF, and PS format
-can be obtained by sending e-mail to
-<A HREF="mailto:info@elego.de">info@elego.de</A>.
-More information is also available
-from the <A HREF="http://www.elego.de">Elego WWW Homepage</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Empress Software Inc." CAT="software" SUBCAT="DEV" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.empress.com"
-  >Empress Software Inc.</A></STRONG>
-has developed <EM>Embedded Empress Developer's Toolkit</EM>.
-To learn more about the toolkit,
-please visit <A HREF="http://www.empress.com">www.empress.com</A>
-<!-- NAME="Empress Software" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DATABASE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.empress.com"
-  >Empress Software</A></STRONG>
-develops the EMPRESS RDBMS,
-a powerful and cost-effective ANSI SQL database management system
-designed for developing robust scientific and engineering,
-embedded, and e-commerce solutions.
-The EMPRESS RDBM engine is fast and compact,
-efficiently stores and manipulates any data, and is maintenance-free.
-Companion products include an Internet application development toolkit,
-ODBC Interface, a pure Java client, a C++ interface,
-and interfaces to popular scripting languages
-like XML, PHP, Perl, and Tcl/Tk.
-Empress offers a
-<A HREF="http://www.empress.com/web-bin/ehsql/product/freetry.eht"
-  >free 30 day evaluation</A>,
-complete with technical support.
-<!-- NAME="Enhanced Software Technologies" CAT="software" SUBCAT="SYSADMIN" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.estinc.com/"
-  >Enhanced Software Technologies</A></STRONG>
-develops <EM>BRU</EM>, a very powerful and reliable tape backup system.
-It offers per-file compression, 
-an improved tape format with three different kinds of verification, 
-and many safety checks to insure data integrity.
-A Fully ELF-based version is available for FreeBSD 3.1/3.2.
-<!-- NAME="Etherpage" CAT="software" SUBCAT="MISC" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.ppt.com/"
-  >EtherPage</A></STRONG>
-provides a client/server based alphanumeric paging solution
-for Unix networks and Windows NT.
-Both command line and web interfaces are provided.
-Ideally suited for system and database administration, 
-EtherPage allows messages to be sent automatically
-to support personnel based on database events, etc.
-Other features include links to email,
-integration with user-written scripts, multiple recipients,
-pagers selected by time of day/day of week,
-duplicate message suppression, long message splitting/truncation,
-job logging, and C API.
-Virtually all paging services are supported.
-<!-- NAME="FairCom Corporation" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DATABASE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.faircom.com/"
-  >FairCom Corporation</A></STRONG>
-has provided quality database development tools
-for the professional programmer since 1979.
-FairCom is best known for its extremely portable,
-high-performance data management product, <EM>c-tree Plus</EM>.
-The product is released in full source code 
-and supports peer-to-peer development and client-side development
-for use with the <EM>c-tree</EM> database server.
-The FreeBSD version offers advanced cross-platform functionality,
-including industrial quality transaction processing,
-file mirroring, huge file support and disaster recovery.
-The FairCom ODBC Driver and Crystal Report(tm) interfaces
-allow end-users to access <EM>c-tree</EM> Plus applications
-with higher level products such as Microsoft Access and Crystal Reports.
-The FairCom toolset is completed with <EM>r-tree</EM>,
-a powerful report generator
-and the powerful FairCom server, with heterogenous network support,
-which allows dissimilar clients to attach to one platform
-and easily migrate to over 20 supported platforms,
-from FreeBSD to Windows to Mac.
-For more information,
-please visit <A HREF="http://www.faircom.com/">www.faircom.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Firehunter" CAT="software" SUBCAT="SYSADMIN" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.firehunter.com/"
-  >Firehunter</A></STRONG>
-from <A HREF="http://www.hp.com/">Hewlett-Packard</A>.
-The HP Firehunter family of intelligent,
-out-of-the box software solutions
-delivers the information you need
-to proactively monitor and manage your Internet services,
-including mail, news and Web functions.
-Its powerful operational capabilities and service level reports
-are your keys to delivering consistently high levels of service quality,
-improving customer satisfaction, decreasing churn and expanding revenue.
-<!-- NAME="Gaussian Inc." CAT="software" SUBCAT="SCIENTIFIC" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.gaussian.com/"
-  >Gaussian Inc.</A></STRONG>
-produces <EM>Gaussian 94</EM>,
-the latest in the Gaussian series of electronic structure programs.
-It is being used in chemistry and physics research
-in several universities
-and research and supercomputer centers around the world.
-Gaussian 94 is designed to model a broad range of molecular systems
-under a variety of conditions,
-performing its computations starting
-from the basic laws of quantum mechanics. 
-Gaussian 94 can predict energies, molecular structures,
-vibrational frequencies, and numerous molecular properties
-for systems in the gas phase and in solution,
-and can model both their ground state and excited states.
-<!-- NAME="Herrin Software Development" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DATABASE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.hsdi.com/"
-  >Herrin Software Development, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-offers <EM>Qddb</EM> database software,
-<EM>Gustar</EM> site search engines,
-<EM>Qbib</EM> bibliography-management software,
-and other products that run on FreeBSD and other UNIX platforms.
-To download these packages or to learn more,
-please visit <A HREF="http://www.hsdi.com/">www.hsdi.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="HighWind Software" CAT="software" SUBCAT="NETWORK" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.highwind.com/"
-  >HighWind Software</A></STRONG>
-develops <EM>Cyclone</EM>, <EM>Typhoon</EM>, and <EM>Breeze</EM>.
-USENET server products are available for FreeBSD 3.0 and later.
-HighWind products are carrier-class Internet News Servers
-and are in wide-spread use at almost every major ISP involved in USENET.
-Free trials are available at
-<A HREF="http://www.highwind.com/">www.highwind.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="HKS, Incorporated" CAT="software" SUBCAT="MISC" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.hks.net/"
-  >HKS, Incorporated</A></STRONG>
-offers <EM>CCVS</EM> for FreeBSD.
-CCVS allows Unix systems to act as a POS terminal.
-Our APIs let people build credit card processing capabilities
-into just about any system that runs on any Unix we support.  
-Please visit our
-<A HREF="http://www.hks.net/products.html">web site</A>
-for more details.
-<!-- NAME="Icon Laboratories" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DEV" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.icon-labs.com/"
-  >Icon Laboratories</A></STRONG>
-offers <EM>Envoy</EM> for FreeBSD.
-Envoy is a ported version of ISI's popular Envoy SNMP libraries.
-Each port includes SNMP libraries and header files for C development,
-a MIB compiler and source code for a sample agent,
-designed specifically for FreeBSD.
-For more information, send email to
-<A HREF="mailto:info@icon-labs.com">info@icon-labs.com</A>
-or call (515) 226-3443, ext. 25.
-<!-- NAME="Infinitum Group" CAT="software" SUBCAT="MISC" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.infinitum.nl"
-  >Infinitum Group</A></STRONG>
-provides several high-end solutions,
-based upon FreeBSD and other *NIX/BSD based platforms.
-Our do-maintenance-yourself website product runs on FreeBSD,
-in combination with <a href="http://www.zope.org">Zope</a>.
-If you would like an easy maintenance website or custom software development,
-please contact us at
-<A HREF="mailto:info@infinitum.nl">info@infinitum.nl</A>
-or by phone at +31 (0)70-3108950.
-<!-- NAME="Infoflex, Inc." CAT="software" SUBCAT="DATABASE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.infoflex.com/">Infoflex, Inc.</A></STRONG> 
-products include:<BR>
-1) <A HREF="http://www.infoflex.com/sqlinfo.htm">SQLflex</A>, an SQL 
-client/server clone of Informix ESQL/C and Informix Standard engine,<BR>
-2) <A HREF="http://www.infoflex.com/infoinfo.htm">Infoflex-4GL</A>, 
-a 4GL language syntactically similar to Informix and database compatible,<BR>
-3) <A HREF="http://www.infoflex.com/qryinfo.htm">Queryflex</A>, a point 
-and shoot report writer enabling novice users to develop their own reports.<BR>
-4) <A HREF="http://www.infoflex.com/accountflex.htm">AccountFlex</A>, 
-a full featured accounting system for Order Entry, Inventory, Job Cost, 
-Bill of Materials, Purchasing, A/R, A/P, G/L, and Payroll.
-All Infoflex products are supported on UNIX, DOS, NT, and VMS.
-For more information on Infoflex products,
-please <A HREF="http://www.infoflex.com/">visit our web site</A>
-or email us at <A HREF="mailto:info@infoflex.com">info@infoflex.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Inlab Software GmbH" CAT="software" SUBCAT="SCIENTIFIC" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.munich.net/inlab/scheme/"
-  >Inlab Software GmbH</A></STRONG>
-offers binaries of <EM>Inlab-Scheme</EM> for FreeBSD and Linux
-(FREE for personal or educational use).
-Inlab-Scheme is a R4RS-compliant Scheme,
-which is capable of reading and writing TIFF and XBM-bitmaps
-to and from a special internal bitmap type.
-With built-in primitives for image processing,
-Inlab-Scheme can be a general tool
-for tasks like optical character recognition
-and general analysis and processing of bitmap data.
-<!-- NAME="InterBase" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DATABASE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.interbase.com"
-  >InterBase</A></STRONG> 
-is The Perfect Embedded Database.
-Behind every great client/server application,
-you will find a great database and very possibly an embedded database.
-The hallmark of a great embedded database is its ability
-to empower applications and deliver information
-while remaining virtually invisible to the end user
-and requiring little or no attention from the database administrator.
-That database is InterBase.
-InterBase's Japanese partner, RIOS Corporation,
-is now offering a port of InterBase 4 for FreeBSD.
-Additional information is available at 
-<A HREF="http://www.interbase.com">www.interbase.com</A>
-or directly from RIOS at
-<A HREF="http://iblinux.rios.co.jp/intl/">http://iblinux.rios.co.jp/intl/</A>
-<!-- NAME="IP23 GmbH" CAT="software" SUBCAT="NETWORK" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.ip23.net/"
-  >IP23 GmbH</A></STRONG>
-offers IPmeter, an IP mediation and accounting system.
-Product Description
-IPmeter is Open Source software for IP mediation, accounting, and billing.
-It evaluates costs and charges customers for network use and service value,
-based on detailed information about IP sessions and flows.
-IPmeter will let you identify traffic flows in your network,
-summarize and consolidate usage metrics,
-apply tariffs to flows and prepare bills online,
-analyze network usage patterns,
-plan new service offerings and strategies,
-and evaluate your network infrastructure.
-IPmeter is GPL'ed and available for download on
-<A HREF="http://www.ipmeter.com">www.ipmeter.com</A>.
-A self-installing IPmeter 1.0 beta CD-ROM (including FreeBSD 3.4)
-is available commercially
-from <A HREF="http://www.ip23.net/">IP23 GmbH</A>.</P>
-<!-- NAME="iPass" CAT="software" SUBCAT="SYSADMIN" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.ipass.com/"
-  >i-Pass Alliance</A></STRONG>
-is the leading provider of global Internet-roaming solutions
-for Internet service providers.
-We provide a total solution that enables ISPs to join a global network
-and provide convenient, low-cost worldwide access
-to their traveling Internet subscribers.
-We are an independent organization,
-handling the financial settlement
-between you and other Internet service providers
-and enabling you to bill their subscribers for this service.
-There is no cost to join and no cost for the i-Pass software.
-The i-Pass cross-authorization and settlement software
-is compatible with all common authentication protocols and servers,
-including FreeBSD.
-For more information,
-please visit <A HREF="http://www.ipass.com/">www.ipass.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Itautec Philco" CAT="software" SUBCAT="ECOMMERCE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.itautec-philco.com.br/"
-  >Itautec Philco</A></STRONG>
-is one of Brazil's leading IT products manufacturers
-and one the leaders in the Brazilian Market,
-with significant market share in Portugal, Uruguay, and Argentina.
-Products such as the Infoway and the InfoServer
-are fully compatible with FreeBSD, Linux and other Operating Systems.
-Itautec Philco also manufactures Banking and Retail Automation products,
-as well as Consumer Electronics products.
-We provide complete solutions for our customers,
-from Infrastructure (such as LAN)
-to software applications, Web development and hosting services, and
-call-center services.
-For more information,
-visit our <A HREF="http://www.itautec-philco.com.br/">site</A>
-<!-- NAME="journyx WebTime" CAT="software" SUBCAT="MISC" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://journyx.com/products.html"
-  >journyx WebTime</A></STRONG>
-is a web-based time and attendance tracking product
-for engineering departments and technical consultancies
-or contracting firms with people on the go.
-It was developed on FreeBSD.  
-Since it is web-based, it allows for worldwide collection of data.
-<!-- NAME="Joydesk" CAT="software" SUBCAT="MISC" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://joydesk.com"
-  >Joydesk</A></STRONG>
-is a Web-based Groupware package from VirtualTek Corporation,
-an ISV based in Seattle, WA.
-VirtualTek has developed a state-of-the-art, web-based Groupware server
-that runs on FreeBSD
-and allows an ISP, Portal, or virtually any website running on FreeBSD
-to integrate web-based email, calendar, address book, message board
-and other features.
-It's fully customizable,
-so you maintain your own name and brand,
-installs in about 15 minutes and is offered at a low, one-time cost.
-<A HREF="http://joydesk.com/download.htm">Download</A> a copy today
-and don't forget to
-<A HREF="http://joydesk.com/signup.htm">create your free account</A>
-if you would like to experience Joydesk's features firsthand.
-<!-- NAME="Kaspersky Lab" CAT="software" SUBCAT="SECURITY" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.kaspersky.com/"
-  >Kaspersky Lab</A></STRONG>
-offers KasperskyT Anti-Virus (AVP) -
-a unique anti-virus solution for FreeBSD.
-The product provides comprehensive protection
-for your file and application servers and gateways running FreeBSD.
-Kaspersky Anti-Virus for FreeBSD
-includes the most complete set of anti-virus tools
-that will help you to build a multi-level defence system
-against attacks of malicious code of any type,
-including computer viruses, Internet worms and Trojan horses.
-The package includes an anti-virus scanner
-for on-demand check for viruses on data storages (local and network);
-an anti-virus daemon that filters data from viruses in real-time mode.
-Kaspersky Anti-Virus for FreeBSD
-offers an interactive configuration program
-and a utility for automatic anti-virus database updates download.
-The product also includes a ready-made solution
-to integrate the product into popular Sendmail and Qmail gateways.
-This is a perfect solution to create your own centralized filtering system
-for e-mail traffic and cleanse it of viruses.
-The client part of Kaspersky Anti-Virus for FreeBSD/BSDi
-is supplied in open source code.
-This  enables you to easily integrate the product
-into your own applications to perform  specific tasks,
-e.g., into other e-mail or application servers.
-Kaspersky Lab also develops anti-virus solutions
-for DOS, Windows 95/98, Windows 2000/NT Workstation/Server,
-Novell NetWare, Linux, OS/2, BSDi, MS Exchange Server,
-Lotus Notes, and MS Office 2000.
-<!-- NAME="KX Systems" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DATABASE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.kx.com/"
-  >KX Systems</A></STRONG>
-presents <STRONG>Kdb</STRONG>,
-an RDBMS that provides both transaction processing
-and decision support capabilities for large amounts of data.
-Kdb extracts data from ODBC, flat files, ASCII, and binary storage formats.
-Kdb connects with Excel, Visual Basic, C, Java and HTML,
-enabling users with Web browsers to access and analyze data from any location.
-Data formats include relational, multidimensional, time series, and object.
-Queries are written in SQL and KSQL,
-an extended, more powerful query language.
-Application deployment is client/server.
-High-end processing is parallel.
-Kdb supports FreeBSD, Linux, UNIX, and NT.
-For more information, call Kx Systems at +1 305 642 5242 or
-visit <A HREF="http://www.kx.com/">www.kx.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Lilikoi Software" CAT="software" SUBCAT="NETWORK" -->
-<STRONG><a href="http://www.lilikoi.com/"
-  >Ceilidh</a></STRONG>,
-from Lilikoi Software, Inc.,
-is a bulletin board package for the World Wide Web, intra-, and extra-nets.
-It adds discussion forum capability to Web servers, including Apache.
-Ceilidh's forums are accessible through all browsers;
-its users can also opt for notification of new messages by e-mail.
-The forums are threaded and self-maintaining,
-with old messages being automatically deleted
-according to a schedule chosen by the administrator and author.
-Contact Lilikoi Software at
-<A HREF="mailto:sales@lilikoi.com">sales@lilikoi.com</A>,
-+1.619.405.4247 (Voice) or +1.619.487.0451 (Fax).
-<!-- NAME="Lone Star Software Corp" CAT="software" SUBCAT="SYSADMIN" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.LONE-TAR.com/"
-  >Lone Star Software Corp</A></STRONG>
-LONE-TAR and System Crash AIR-BAG<BR>
-Rock Solid Backup and Recovery for UNIX, Linux and BSD.
-For over 15 years,
-LONE-TAR has been the de facto standard backup solution
-for the UNIX Systems Administrator.
-LONE-TAR is a fully menu-driven data-archiving and -recovery utility.
-It employs high compression,
-allowing it to double the capacity of your archive device,
-as well as Bit-level Verification of archived data against the hard disk.
-<!-- NAME="Lugaru Software Ltd." CAT="software" SUBCAT="DEV" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.lugaru.com"
-  >Lugaru's Epsilon Programmer's Editor</A></STRONG>
-features EMACS-style &amp; Brief-style key bindings,
-C/C++/Java, Perl, HTML, and TeX modes,
-concurrent compiler control with typescript journaling,
-syntax highlighting, asynchronous Internet support,
-smart indenting &amp; tags,
-and multi-file, multi-directory search &amp; replace.
-Plus full undo/redo, directory-spanning file patterns,
-command/filename completion, convenient keyboard macros,
-interactive customizability, and much more.
-Executables for FreeBSD, Linux, Windows 95/98/NT/2000/3.1, 
-OS/2, and DOS are included.
-Visit <A HREF="http://www.lugaru.com">www.lugaru.com</A>
-for details and a free evaluation copy. 
-<!-- NAME="MainStreet" CAT="software" SUBCAT="ECOMMERCE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.mainstreetsoftworks.com/"
-  >MainStreet Softworks</A></STRONG>
-develops and markets critical financial transaction software
-to the retail, mail/phone order, and eCommerce industries.
-Their primary software offering,
-the MainStreet Credit Verification Engine,
-provides direct credit card authorization/settlement services
-on many POSIX-compliant Host Operating Systems such as FreeBSD.
-MCVE provides all the required functionality
-to authorize and settle Major Credit Cards
-and is certified with Established Clearing Houses (processors)
-to ensure the lowest possible merchant rates.
-To find out more, visit our
-<A HREF="http://www.mainstreetsoftworks.com/">web site</A>
-or contact us at <A
-<!-- NAME="MathTools, Ltd." CAT="software" SUBCAT="SCIENTIFIC" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://mathtools.com/"
-  >MathTools, Ltd.</A></STRONG>
-is offering solutions for scientists and engineers.
-Take a look at our
-<A HREF="http://www.mathtools.com/matcom.html">MATCOM</A>,
-a Matlab to C++ Compiler,
-and <A HREF="http://www.mathtools.com/matlib.html">Matrix&lt;LIB&gt;</A>,
-our C++ Matrix Class Library.
-Both are available for download 
-from our <A HREF="http://www.mathtools.com/">home page</A>
-for a 30-day evaluation period.
-To receive more information about our products, 
-please email us at
-<A HREF="mailto:info@mathtools.com">info@mathtools.com</A> or call
-us at + (Voice) or + (Fax).
-<!-- NAME="Mercantec, Inc." CAT="software" SUBCAT="SYSADMIN" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.mercantec.com/"
-  >Mercantec, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-develops <EM>SoftCart</EM>(tm),
-a complete retail electronic commerce solution
-for marketing and selling goods and services on the World Wide Web.
-Mercantec sells its products through a worldwide network
-of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and Web hosting service providers,
-Web consultants, software developers, integrators, and OEMs.
-Visit us at <A HREF="http://www.mercantec.com/">www.mercantec.com</A>,
-contact us through email
-at <A HREF="mailto:info@mercantec.com">info@mercantec.com</A>,
-or call us at +1.630.305.3200.
-<!-- NAME="Metro Link" CAT="software" SUBCAT="MULTIMEDIA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.metrolink.com/"
-  >Metro Link</A></STRONG>
-produces the
-<A HREF="http://www.metrolink.com/metroxindex.html"
-  >Metro-X Enhanced Server Set</A>,
-an accelerated and enhanced replacement X server.
-The set includes an easy-to-use graphical configuration tool
-and supports touch screens and multi-headed systems.
-In addition, Metro Link is now shipping 
-<A HREF="http://www.metrolink.com/motif/index.html"
-  >Metro Link Motif Complete!</A>,
-containing full distributions of Motif 1.2, 2.0, and 2.1 on one CD-ROM.
-FreeBSD x86 (both a.out and ELF),
-Linux/x86 (glibc and libc5), and Linux/Alpha
-are supported on the same CD-ROM!
-More FreeBSD products on the way!
-For more information,
-please visit <A HREF="http://www.metrolink.com/">www.metrolink.com</A>
-<!-- NAME="motifdeveloper.com" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DEV" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.motifdeveloper.com/"
-  >motifdeveloper.com</A></STRONG>
-provides both the Open Motif toolkit for FreeBSD via download
-and also a range of technical information, resources,
-and in-depth hints and tips for X/Motif developers.
-To download Open Motif for FreeBSD,
-please visit <A HREF="http://www.motifdeveloper.com/"
-  >www.motifdeveloper.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Muonics" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DEV" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.muonics.com/Products/MIBSmithy/"> Muonics' MIB
-Smithy </A></STRONG> is a software product for Simple Network Management Protocol
-(SNMP) developers, Management Information Base (MIB) designers and
-internet-draft authors providing a Visual GUI-based environment for
-designing, editing and compiling MIB modules according to the SMIv1 and
-SMIv2 (Structure of Management Information) standards.  MIB Smithy is
-supported on several platforms, including FreeBSD.  More information and a
-15-day limited evaluation version can be obtained from
-<A HREF="http://www.muonics.com/">www.muonics.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="NAG, Ltd." CAT="software" SUBCAT="SCIENTIFIC" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.nag.co.uk/"
-  >NAG, Ltd.</A></STRONG>
-produces a Fortran-90 Compiler for most flavors
-of Unix (including FreeBSD), VMS, and the PC.
-The <EM>NAGWare f90</EM> Compiler is a full implementation of Fortran 90
-(which, by definition, includes Fortran 77)
-plus a single-processor implementation of HPF.
-For further information, in North America,
-email <A HREF="mailto:naginfo@nag.com">naginfo@nag.com</A>,
-and elsewhere,
-email <A HREF="mailto:infodesk@nag.co.uk">infodesk@nag.co.uk</A>.
-Or, visit <A HREF="http://www.nag.co.uk/">www.nag.co.uk/</A>.
-<!-- NAME="NameSurfer, Ltd." CAT="software" SUBCAT="SYSADMIN" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.namesurfer.com/"
-  >NameSurfer, Ltd.</A></STRONG>
-NameSurfer is a distributed administration tool for DNS data,
-with a WWW-based graphical user interface
-for remote Internet and Intranet DNS administration.
-A fully functional evaluation version is available for FreeBSD.
-For more information,
-please visit <A HREF="http://www.namesurfer.com/">www.namesurfer.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="NetBeans, Inc." CAT="software" SUBCAT="DEV" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.netbeans.com/"
-  >NetBeans, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-make Java IDEs, written in Java, that run on FreeBSD.
-A complete set of Open APIs is available for extending the environment.
-<!-- NAME="NetBoz Firewall" CAT="software" SUBCAT="NETWORK" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.netboz.net/"
-  >NetBoz Firewall</A></STRONG>
-Free CD-ROM bootable firewall.  No hard disk required.  Web administration
-interface, real time traffic monitoring and more.  Visit our web site
-<A HREF="http://www.netboz.net/">www.netboz.net</A>.
-<!-- NAME="NetCon Corporation" CAT="software" SUBCAT="NETWORK" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.netcon.com/"
-  >NetCon Corporation</A></STRONG>,
-established in 1985 and with over 10,000 installed servers,
-is the leading supplier of NetWare-compatible operating systems
-and Internet Gateways for standard UNIX platforms.
-NetCon offers a complete line of systems
-for FreeBSD, SUN Solaris, SCO UNIX/ODT and IBM AIX RS6000,
-serving from 5 to 1000 users.
-Services include:
-Full Internet access from NetWare/WIN95/Windows workstations over IPX/SPX,
-X Windows over IPX/SPX, NetWare file and print services,
-NetWare Client services
-for UNIX, High-performance, DOS/Windows Terminal Emulation.
-<!-- NAME="Netsville, Inc." CAT="software" SUBCAT="SYSADMIN" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.netsville.com/"
-  >Netsville, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-sells an Internet merchandising system called
-<A HREF="http://hazel.netsville.com/">Hazel</A>
-which allows webmasters, web consultants, or regular shopkeeps
-to create a web storefront on the Internet.
-Hazel interfaces with web servers,
-using SSL for security and various transaction processors
-for credit card authorization.
-The developers actually wrote Hazel using FreeBSD as their operating system.
-If you need a flexible shopping cart solution for the Internet,
-Hazel is your best bet.
-<!-- NAME="NetZuno" CAT="software" SUBCAT="NETWORK" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.netzuno.com"
-  >netZuno Technologies</A></STRONG>
-designs and develops 
-<A HREF="http://www.netzuno.com/content/en/html/zbserver.html">ZunoBox</A>, 
-FreeBSD-based network server software for growing enterprises.
-ZunoBox provides a comprehensive set of networking tools
-that are easy enough for the novice,
-yet sophisticated enough for the needs of experienced sysadmins. 
-ZunoBox systems include cross-platform file and print sharing,
-email service, an Internet gateway, and more --
-all set up and configured through an innovative, browser-based GUI.
-For more information, contact us by
-<A HREF="mailto:info@netzuno.com">email</A>
-or visit <A HREF="http://www.netzuno.com">www.netzuno.com</A>
-where you can
-<A HREF="http://www.netzuno.com/content/en/html/downloads.html">download</A>
-an evaluation copy or 
-<A HREF="http://www.netzuno.com/content/en/html/order.html">order</A>
-ZunoBox from one of our vendors.
-<!-- NAME="Network Security Wizard" CAT="software" SUBCAT="SYSADMIN" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.securitywizards.com"
-  >Network Security Wizards, Inc</A></STRONG>
-Dragon is a real-time, packet-based, intrusion-detection system.
-Dragon sensors collect events,
-based on user configurable data driven attack signatures
-and protocol violations.
-When events occur,
-Dragon collects the response from the target server,
-along with any other traffic that an attacker may try.
-Event data is logged to a database
-that can be analyzed with a variety of command line forensic tools
-that summarize events, replay suspicious network sessions,
-and perform statistical analysis.
-Dragon sensors can send real-time data via SNMP traps, Syslog messages,
-and a Blowfish-encrypted, ICMP-based network pipe
-to a central Dragon-Master server.
-Up to one hundred sensors can be handled by one Dragon-Master server.
-Dragon correctly reconstructs IP fragments and UDP/TCP network traffic.
-It can also operate at 100base-T speeds
-and some customers have placed Dragon onto Gigabit networks with success.
-Please visit
-<A HREF="http://www.securitywizards.com">www.securitywizards.com</A>
-for more information and to receive a 30-day test license.
-<!-- NAME="Openmake" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DEV" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.openmake.com/"
-  >Openmake</A></STRONG>
-is a GUI- and shell-based build manager
-that goes beyond beloved GNU make.
-Used at some of the world's largest companies
-for simple apps and complex multi-language/multi-OS applications,
-Openmake allows complete standardization and automation of the build process.
-Coupled with any version control tool (e.g. RCS),
-Openmake absolutely ensures matching source and executables.
-Submit your client build to Windows and your server build to FreeBSD
-at the same time (or AIX, HP, Sun, Sequent, OS/2).
-For more information,
-visit <A HREF="http://www.openmake.com">www.openmake.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Oracle Video Server" CAT="software" SUBCAT="MULTIMEDIA" -->
-  HREF="http://www.us.oracle.com/products/asd/video/collateral/ovc_ds.html"
-  >Oracle Video Server</A></STRONG>
-is a software product
-which stores full-screen, full-motion video and CD-quality audio,
-and then streams it to NC, PC, and Mac clients over standard networks.
-Software RAID with real-time rebuild
-guarantees uninterrupted video stream delivery,
-even in the event of disk or controller failure.
-Included with the product is client software
-which allows display of video
-in <A HREF="http://www.netscape.com/">Netscape</A>-compatible browsers,
-<A HREF="http://www.javasoft.com/">Java</A> applets,
-<A HREF="http://www.macromedia.com/index.html">Macromedia Director or
-<A HREF="http://www.asymetrix.com/products/iconauthor/"
-  >Asymetrix IconAuthor</A>,
-or user-written applications.
-Integration with the <A HREF="http://www.oracle.com/st/">Oracle8</A>
-database (optional) allows
-for a complete, enterprise-wide information management solution.
-The <A HREF="http://www.nc.com/download/svrsuit.pdf">FreeBSD (NCOS)</A> 
-version is completely compatible with versions for other platforms.
-<!-- NAME="OSATech, Inc." CAT="software" SUBCAT="ECOMMERCE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.osatech.com/"
-  >OSATech, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-is a Massachusetts-based corporation.
-We specialize in e-commerce software development,
-using Perl, C++ and Java.
-We perform all of our project management activities from the US,
-whereas our development activities are performed
-in our offshore center in India.
-Using this approach, we are able to provide quality service at a low cost.
-Please contact us
-at <A HREF="mailto:gprakash@osatech.com">gprakash@osatech.com</A>
-or at 617-306-6578.
-Please refer to <A HREF="http://www.osatech.com">www.osatech.com</A>
-for more information.
-<!-- NAME="PACT" CAT="software" SUBCAT="SYSADMIN" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://pact.insider.org/"
-Port Accounting and Collection Tool -
-is a set of programs and PHP-scripts
-that allows for complete accounting of SNMP-queryable ports,
-and includes detailed overview of ports and their bandwidth usage.
-Multiple ports can be assigned to single customers.
-Free for non-commercial use.
-<!-- NAME="Parabase Technology Inc." CAT="software" SUBCAT="MISC" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.parabase.com"
-  >Parabase Technology Inc.</A></STRONG>
-offers the Parabase Web-Order-System,
-an integrated set of web-based business applications
-that incorporate web-based order entry, catalog generation,
-shopping cart, and administration.
-It automatically calculates shipping and handling charges and sales tax
-[depending on location]
-and has a full invoice preview and email order confirmation.
-The system currently interfaces to QuickBooks and Excel;
-other accounting packages are available on request.
-The system is based on a highly reliable journalizing database concept.
-Additional information is available
-at <A HREF="http://www.parabase.com">www.parabase.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Perforce Software" CAT="software" SUBCAT="MISC" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.perforce.com/"
-  >Perforce Software</A></STRONG>
-produces <A HREF="http://www.perforce.com/perforce.html"
-the FAST Software Configuration Management System.
-P<SMALL>erforce</SMALL> SCM streamlines the software development process
-for organizations working with multiple operating systems and in
-multiple physical locations. This high-powered SCM system runs
-on more than 50 operating systems including Windows, and nearly
-every UNIX variation, from Linux to Mac OS X to AS/400, providing
-software developers with an easy-to-use tool for version control,
-workspace management and atomic change transactions. Free, fully
-functional evaluation versions are available from the <A
-HREF="http://www.perforce.com">Perforce Web site</A>. Organizations
-developing software that is licensed or otherwise distributed exclusively
-under an Open Source license may be eligible to obtain Perforce licenses
-gratis. Perforce Software can be reached at <A
-or +1-510-864-7400.
-<!-- NAME="Polyhedra" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DATABASE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.polyhedra.com"
-  >Polyhedra</A></STRONG>
-is a main-memory, object-relational database
-that is ideally suited for mission-critical applications
-requiring event-driven, real-time responses to data changes,
-complex database designs, distributed applications, and fault tolerance
-for high availability and continuous operation.
-The Object-relational database can contain objects
-that handle IP-based protocols,
-with object methods running in the database process itself
-and accessible to other objects/information stored in the database.
-Our own web site,
-<A HREF="http://www.polyhedra.com">www.polyhedra.com</A>,
-provides an example of Polyhedra,
-acting as both the web server and the information store,
-including free downloads available
-for trying Polyhedra on FreeBSD in Linux mode.
-<!-- NAME="PolyServe" CAT="software" SUBCAT="NETWORK" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.polyserve.com/"
-  >PolyServe</A></STRONG> is a vendor of Understudy,
-a high-availability webserver monitoring and failover utility for FreeBSD.
-Understudy resides on two or more webservers
-and monitors the health and responsiveness of websites.
-In the event that Understudy detects a failure,
-it fails-over requests for the failed website to a backup server.
-Thus, people browsing the website see no interruption or delay;
-from their standpoint the website keeps right on working.
-Understudy monitors IP services including HTTP, SMTP, TCP and FTP.
-Upon detection of a failure,
-Understudy removes the failed server from the cluster
-and fails-over to the secondary backup host.
-Understudy then generates a network-administrator notification
-via email and/or page
-so that whatever problem caused the failover can be remedied.
-For more information,
-visit <A HREF="http://www.polyserve.com/">www.polyserve.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Quantified Systems, Inc." CAT="software" SUBCAT="SYSADMIN" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.urchin.com/"
-  >Urchin 5</A></STRONG>
-About Urchin Web Analytics Software:
-Urchin 5 is a web analytics software solution that provides detailed 
-metrics and marketing intelligence about how visitors interact with 
-your website.  Urchin provides detailed conversion metrics for online 
-marketing initiatives in colorful and easy to read graphs.  It is 
-essential for anyone interested in the marketing, design or success 
-of a website.  Urchin for FreeBSD and all platforms can be downloaded 
-<A HREF="http://www.urchin.com/">www.urchin.com/</A>.
-<!-- NAME="RealNetworks, Inc." CAT="software" SUBCAT="MULTIMEDIA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.real.com/"
-  >RealNetworks, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-offers its 
-<A HREF="http://www.real.com/products/player/index.html">RealPlayer</A>,
-<A HREF="http://www.real.com/products/index.html">RealServer</A>, and 
-<A HREF="http://www.real.com/products/index.html">RealEncoder</A>
-software for FreeBSD.  
-The FREE RealPlayer allows you to play live and on-demand audio
-over 14.4Kbps and faster connections.
-All you have to do is click on a RealAudio link from your Web browser
-and audio begins playing instantly.  
-Check out <A HREF="http://www.timecast.com/">The RealMedia Guide</A>
-to access thousands of sites,
-offering music, news, live radio stations, live events, etc.
-The RealServer allows your web site to deliver live and on-demand
-audio, video, and animation over the Internet
-or your company network.
-A FREE version of the RealServer,
-called the <A HREF="http://www.real.com/server/basic/index.html"
-              >Basic Server</A>, is available.
-<!-- NAME="REBOL" CAT="software" SUBCAT="SCIENTIFIC" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.rebol.com/"
-is a new, network-based messaging language
-that increases productivity, cuts application size,
-and reduces application time-to-market.
-The language is human-centric, instead of computer-centric,
-and offers a new alternative to anachronistic programming languages
-like Java and C++ and scripting languages like PERL and Tcl.
-REBOL is compact, platform independent,
-and functions over a network or on a single system.
-It is ideally suited
-for webmasters, technicians, hobbyists, educators, experimenters,
-and any one who requires a simple, customizable,
-robust, easy-to-understand language.
-Download <EM>The Language of the Free</EM>(tm) now
-at <A HREF="http://www.rebol.com/downloads.html"
-  >www.rebol.com/downloads.html</A>
-<!-- NAME="Relex US, Inc." CAT="software" SUBCAT="DATABASE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.relexus.com/"
-  >Relex US, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-  has a client-server architecture
-  and supports SQL-92, ODBC, and JDBC interfaces.
-  User access is available through PHP, Perl, TCL/TK,
-  and a C/C++ language call interface.
-  Linter includes search engine and replication server capabilities,
-  is well designed for embedded systems,
-  and is currently ported to more than 20 operating systems.
-  </LI>
-  <LI><STRONG>Our Ticket Tracking System</STRONG>
-  is suitable for resolving problems ranging from software bugs
-  to consumer product complaints. 
-  </LI>
-  is a system for data warehousing &amp; mining.
-  </LI>
-  <LI><STRONG>Lakuna</STRONG>
-  is a program for rapid database application development.
-  </LI>
-<!-- NAME="Revolution" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DEV" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.runrev.com/"
-  >Revolution</A></STRONG>
-is a multi-platform software development tool that enables developers
-to easily and quickly create powerful applications for OS X, classic
-Mac OS, Windows, Linux, and popular Unix systems (including FreeBSD)...
-with native look and feel on all platforms.
-For more information or to download a free 30-day trial evaluation
-edition, visit <A HREF="http://www.runrev.com/">www.runrev.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="RTD" CAT="software" SUBCAT="SYSADMIN" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.rtd.com/"
-  >RTD</A></STRONG>
-provides <A HREF="http://www.rtd.com/software/uta.html">UTA</A>,
-an ISP billing package for FreeBSD-based ISPs.
-<!-- NAME="Sane Solutions, LLC" CAT="software" SUBCAT="SYSADMIN" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.sane.com/"
-  >Sane Solutions, LLC</A></STRONG>
-offers <A HREF="http://www.sane.com/products/NetTracker">NetTracker</A>,
-one of the most powerful, yet easy to use Internet usage tracking programs
-on the market today.
-NetTracker allows marketing professionals, webmasters, and ISPs
-to get the essential information they need to make informed decisions
-regarding their web sites.
-A demonstration of NetTracker can be seen at 
-<A HREF="http://www.sane.com/demo/">www.sane.com/demo/</A> 
-and a FREE, 30-day evaluation copy
-can be downloaded from 
-<A HREF="http://www.sane.com/eval/">www.sane.com/eval</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Sendmail Inc" CAT="software" SUBCAT="EMAIL" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.sendmail.com/"
-  >Sendmail Inc.</A></STRONG> 
-develop the commercial (Sendmail Pro) and free versions of sendmail,
-the ubiquitous mail transport agent.
-It supports FreeBSD, as well as many other Unix implementations.
-<!-- NAME="Serengeti Systems" CAT="software" SUBCAT="NETWORK" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.serengeti.com/"
-  >Serengeti Systems</A></STRONG>
-provides PC to mainframe communication packages 
-over Bisync and SDLC lines.
-We support FreeBSD, as well as DOS, Windows, SCO, AIX, and OS/2.
-For more information,
-please <A HREF="http://www.serengeti.com/">visit our web site</A>, 
-e-mail us at <A HREF="mailto:sales@serengeti.com">sales@serengeti.com</A>, 
-or call +1.800.634.3122.
-<!-- NAME="Shpink Software" CAT="software" SUBCAT="NETWORK" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.shpink.com/"
-  >Shpink Software</A></STRONG>
-offers The Network Shell.
-The Network Shell provides for a Perl and Shell environment to allow you
-to perform secure automated and/or interactive remote administration
-of UNIX and Windows 95/NT hosts from the local host
-without the need for telnet, ftp, or .rhosts.
-You get access to remote files, processes, commands, and other data
-easily and securely from your local Shell and Perl environment.
-To download a fully functional evaluation copy,
-or to get more information,
-please <A HREF="http://www.shpink.com/">visit our web site</A>.
-For more information, send email to 
-<A HREF="mailto:info@shpink.com">info@shpink.com</A>
-or call us at +1.888.I.WANT.NSH (Toll Free) or +1.650.525.1537.
-<!-- NAME="SiamScan.NET" CAT="software" SUBCAT="ECOMMERCE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.siamscan.net/">SiamScan.NET</A></STRONG>,
-a Bangkok based company offers commercial web application software, CPA
-- Collaborative Portable Accounting.  CPA is web accounting software
-designed to be easy enough for non accountants to use.  Also, we offer
-service on maintenance and implementation of FreeBSD systems.  For more
-information, email <A HREF="mailto:sale@siamscan.net">sale@siamscan.net</A>,
-visit <A HREF="http://www.siamscan.net/">SiamScan.NET</A> Website, call
-+66 2532 9068-70, or fax +66 2533 4167.
-<!-- NAME="Sleepycat Software" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DATABASE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.sleepycat.com"
-  >Sleepycat Software</A></STRONG>
-distributes Berkeley DB, an embeddable database system with full source.
-Berkeley DB runs on a wide variety of Unix systems and on Windows 95 and NT.
-It offers high-end data management services,
-including full transaction support, disaster recovery, hot backup,
-very large databases,
-and the ability to handle large numbers of users concurrently.
-Keys and records can be arbitrarily long, and of arbitrary data types.
-Berkeley DB can store data in B+trees, hash tables, or sequential stores.
-The programmatic interfaces are simple,
-and can be called from C, C++, Java, or Perl.
-Berkeley DB is easy to install and manage,
-so your customers can use your application
-without learning how to be database administrators.
-For more information,
-please visit <A HREF="http://www.sleepycat.com">www.sleepycat.com</A>
-or send us email at <A HREF="mailto:db@sleepycat.com">db@sleepycat.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="SlickEdit" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DEV" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.slickedit.com/"
-  >SlickEdit</A></STRONG>
-develops and markets Visual SlickEdit,
-a programmer's editor that allows developers
-to increase their productivity.
-Visual SlickEdit v6.0 for FreeBSD allows developers to streamline workflow,
-simplify processes, manage large files, and reduce keystrokes.
-Developers can customize Visual SlickEdit,
-based on individual preferences and preferred coding styles.
-Visit <A HREF="http://www.slickedit.com/">www.slickedit.com</A>
-for more information or to download a demo.
-<!-- NAME="SoftMaker Software GmbH" CAT="software" SUBCAT="MISC" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.softmaker.de/tml_en.htm">TextMaker</A></STRONG>
-is the fast, efficient Microsoft Word-compatible word processor for FreeBSD.
-It provides all the features of a modern high-end word processor, reads and
-writes Microsoft Word documents seamlessly, and is available on <A
-HREF="http://www.softmaker.de/tm_en.htm">multiple platforms</A> (FreeBSD,
-Linux, Windows, Pocket PCs, Handheld PCs).
-<A HREF="http://www.softmaker.de/tmldemo_en.htm">Free trial</A> available.
-<!-- NAME="Software2Go, LLC" CAT="software" SUBCAT="MULTIMEDIA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.apps2go.com"
-  >Software2Go, LLC</A></STRONG>
-is proud to announce the availability of
-<A HREF="http://www.opengroup.org/motif">Motif 2.1.10</A>
-for FreeBSD versions 2.2.x (a.out) and 3.0 (ELF).
-Motif 2.1.10, <EM>Development Edition</EM>,
-is available for immediate purchase and download
-from <A HREF="http://www.apps2go.com">www.apps2go.com</A>.
-Native ports to other Free UNIX's are also available.
-<!-- NAME="Solid Information Technology Ltd" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DATABASE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.solidtech.com/"
-  >Solid Information Technology Ltd</A></STRONG>
-is the maker of a unique data management product, 
-<A HREF="http://www.solidtech.com/market/products/index.htm">SOLID Server</A>.
-It is designed for robust operation in demanding environments.
-Its small size and ease-of-use make it ideal for deployment to web sites,
-various embedded systems, and other environments
-where databases need to operate unattended.
-Free evaluation copies maybe downloaded from 
-<A HREF="http://www.solidtech.com/market/eval/index.htm">here</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Sophos Anti-Virus" CAT="software" SUBCAT="SECURITY" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.sophos.com"
-  >Sophos Plc</A></STRONG>
-offers <EM>Sophos Anti-Virus</EM> for FreeBSD.
-Sophos Anti-Virus is a unique solution to the virus problem,
-providing true cross-platform protection
-in a single, fully integrated product.
-The network-centric design provides a host of benefits
-for the protection of servers, workstations, and portables.
-Sophos's ground-breaking architecture maximizes protection,
-while minimizing performance and administrative overheads.
-Sophos Anti-Virus is fully scalable,
-equally at home protecting a single PC, a local network,
-or the entire enterprise.
-Sophos Anti-Virus is available
-for all popular desktop and network operating systems,
-including DOS, Windows 3.x/95/98/NT/2000, Unix (including FreeBSD),
-OS/2, Netware, and OpenVMS.
-Sophos Anti-Virus monitors all virus entry points,
-including disks, programs, documents, network drives, CD-ROMs,
-Internet downloads, email attachments, and compressed files.
-Over 65 per cent of The Times Top 100 Companies
-use Sophos Anti-Virus to protect their networks from viruses.
-This endorsement of Sophos Anti-Virus protection is shared around the world.
-FREE evaluation copies may be 
-<A HREF="http://www.sophos.com/downloads/full/">downloaded</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Stalker Software, Inc." CAT="software" SUBCAT="NETWORK" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.stalker.com/"
-  >Stalker Software, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-offers <A HREF="http://www.stalker.com/CommuniGatePro/">CommuniGate Pro</A>,
-The Internet Messaging Server.
-Based on the Stalker Foundation framework,
-it employs the native services of all major operating systems,
-including FreeBSD, Windows 95/98, Windows NT, Apple Rhapsody, Linux,
-Solaris, and others.
-The CommuniGate Pro server takes full advantage
-of modern multi-threaded and multi-processor environments,
-and includes anti-spam protection, administration via the Web,
-extensive multi-domain support, dial-up capabilities,
-unique IMAP multi-mailbox features
-and designed to provide access to hundreds of thousands of accounts,
-and to relay mail on the most heavily loaded sites.
-Download the FREE Trial version
-from <A HREF="http://www.stalker.com/">www.stalker.com</A>
-or e-mail <A HREF="mailto:sales@stalker.com">Stalker Software Sales</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Tonec, Inc." CAT="software" SUBCAT="MISC" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.tonec.com"
-  >Tonec, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-provides award-winning products and solutions
-for web development, Java applets, and Perl modules.
-Tonec is a developer of Adgen -
-a BMP to PFR dynamic font converter for Linux and FreeBSD.
-In addition, Tonec provides custom programming,
-cost-effective offshore software development, web design,
-and custom ASP and Java development services
-in its development centers located in Russia, Poland, and Latvia.
-<A HREF="http://www.tonec.com">Visit our site</A> for more information.
-<!-- NAME="TriPolar Technologies" CAT="software" SUBCAT="NETWORK" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.tri-polar.com/"
-  >TriPolar Technologies</A></STRONG>
-offers LynkStation,
-website software designed to increase the number of visitors
-to a website without all the usual work.
-With LynkStation,
-website owners automatically run a database-driven Links Page
-and at the same time spread the word about their products and/or services
-to thousands of Internet users weekly.
-Detailed additional information and free online demos are available
-at <A HREF="http://www.tri-polar.com/ls/">www.tri-polar.com/ls/</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Vector Systems Limited" CAT="software" SUBCAT="MISC" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.freebsd.org/~jhs/vsl/"
-  >Vector Systems Limited</A></STRONG>
-sells the <A HREF="http://www.freebsd.org/~jhs/vsl/products/med/med.html"
-  >MED</A>
-Screen Editor for FreeBSD & HP-UX.
-This editor is particularly familiar to PCS Cadmus users,
-in the German CAD industry.
-<!-- NAME="VirtuFlex Software" CAT="software" SUBCAT="MISC" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.virtuflex.com/"
-  >VirtuFlex Software</A></STRONG>
-produces a versatile tool called <EM>VirtuFlex</EM>,
-which allows web developers to build dynamic web pages
-without CGI programming.
-It integrates databases, email, faxing, and telephony with the web.
-VirtuFlex is available for most Unix platforms, including FreeBSD.
-<!-- NAME="Vital, Inc." CAT="software" SUBCAT="DEV" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.vital.com/"
-  >Vital, Inc.</A></STRONG>
-is the maker of the CRiSP visual text editor.
-CRiSP is a development tool for FreeBSD
-and most other Windows, UNIX, and Linux platforms.
-CRiSP is 100% BRIEF-compatible
-and also emulates other popular editors
-such as vi, emacs, EDT, CUA, and Wordstar.
-This makes CRiSP a very powerful yet easy-to-use editing package
-with features like cut &amp; paste, syntax coloring, code beautifying,
-code folding, searching, and much more.
-<!-- NAME="Web Crossing" CAT="software" SUBCAT="NETWORK" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://webcrossing.com/"
-  >Web Crossing</A></STRONG>,
-by Lundeen &amp Associates,
-is a conferencing server for the intranet/extranet and World Wide Web
-providing discussion forums and chat rooms.
-Web Crossing is a groupware application server,
-accessible with any Web browser, via most Web servers.
-It makes communication more efficient and productive
-than newsgroups or email mailing lists. 
-Contact L &amp A
-at <A HREF="mailto:sales@lundeen.com">sales@lundeen.com</A>,
-+1.510.521.5855 (Voice), or +1.510.522.6647 (Fax).
-<!-- NAME="WebHostWorks.net" CAT="software" SUBCAT="ECOMMERCE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.webhostworks.net/">WebHostWorks.net</A></STRONG>
-is a small and thriving web development firm specializing in e-commerce
-integration for small and medium sized businesses.  Our proprietary E-Cart
-commerce package supports extraordinarily usable shopping cart services
-with backend product list management, order processing, executive summary
-reports, customer review processing, and inventory projections. See <A
-HREF="http://www.webhostworks.net">webhostworks.net</A> for more
-<!-- NAME="WebEvent" CAT="software" SUBCAT="NETWORK" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.matadordesign.com/"
-  >Matador Design</A></STRONG>
-produces WebEvent,
-a web-based calendar and scheduling solution
-that is available for FreeBSD-based web servers.
-It is a perfect addition to any Internet or Intranet web site
-that needs to display event information, manage schedules, rooms,
-or other resources.
-<!-- NAME="X-Designer" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DEV" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.ist-inc.com/xd
-  ">X-Designer</A></STRONG>
-from <A HREF ="http://www.ist-inc.com/">Imperial Software Technology</A>
-is an advanced GUI Builder for FreeBSD.
-X-Designer makes it easy to build and test graphical user interfaces.
-Use X-Designer to quickly create a working X/Motif, Windows, or Java GUI
-from a single design.
-Includes automated GUI testing and technology
-to re-engineer legacy Motif interfaces with XD/Capture.
-Visit our <A HREF="http://www.ist-inc.com/xd">web site</A>
-for more information or send an e-mail
-to <A HREF="mailto:sales@ist-inc.com">sales@ist-inc.com</A>.
-<!-- NAME="XAT.com" CAT="software" SUBCAT="NETWORK" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.xat.com/"
-  >XAT.com</A></STRONG>
-offers commercial web-acceleration software for FreeBSD.
-<A HREF="http://www.xat.com/jdo/">JPEG Disk Optimizer</A>
-is designed to run on a web server
-and either run in the background to compress all JPG images on a disk
-or to compress them as they arrive.
-Users have reported a 40% saving in file size
-and corresponding savings in bandwidth, disk space, and server load,
-all of which contributes to faster web sites.
-For more information,
-email <A HREF="mailto:sales@xat.com">sales@xat.com</A>,
-visit the <A HREF="http://www.xat.com/jdo/">XAT.com website</A>,
-or call +44 1752 872181.
-<!-- NAME="XGForce.COM" CAT="software" SUBCAT="NETWORK" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.xgforce.com/"
-  >XGForce.COM</A></STRONG>
-announces <STRONG><A HREF="http://www.xgforce.com/eCluster.html"
-  >eCluster(tm)</A></STRONG> software.
-New Internet Clustering Technology is designed
-to cluster Intranet/Internet Servers into virtual groups,
-where server load balancing and fail safe is made possible.
-<!-- NAME="Xi Graphics" CAT="software" SUBCAT="MULTIMEDIA" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.xig.com/"
-  >Xi Graphics</A></STRONG>
-offers commercial-grade graphical software enhancements for FreeBSD.  
-<EM>AcceleratedX Server</EM> completely supports
-over 400 different graphics adapters from over 40 vendors,
-including many that are partially supported or not included with XFree86.
-Download a FREE demonstration copy
-from <A HREF="ftp://ftp.xig.com/">ftp.xig.com</A>. 
-Also utilize Motif v2.0 runtime + development environment
-with <EM>AcceleratedX Motif</EM>
-and 3D graphics with <EM>AcceleratedX OpenGL</EM>.
-For more information,
-email <A HREF="mailto:sales@xig.com">sales@xig.com</A>
-or call +1.303.298.7478.
-<!-- NAME="XVScan" CAT="software" SUBCAT="SYSADMIN" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.tummy.com/xvscan/">XVScan</A></STRONG>
-allows you to use your HP ScanJet scanner under FreeBSD.  It is a
-commercial product based on John Bradley's xv.
-<!-- NAME="YARD Software GmbH" CAT="software" SUBCAT="DATABASE" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.yard.de/"
-  >YARD Software GmbH</A></STRONG>
-provides its relational ANSI-SQL database for FreeBSD systems.  
-<EM>YARD-SQL</EM> is available on most UNIX systems
-and has interfaces for C, ODBC (MS Windows) and JDBC (Java).
-A Private Edition for private, non-commercial use can be downloaded from 
-<A HREF="ftp://ftp.yard.de/pub/private/">ftp://ftp.yard.de/pub/private/</A>.
-<!-- NAME="Zeus Technology Limited" CAT="software" SUBCAT="NETWORK" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.zeus.co.uk/"
-  >Zeus Technology Limited</A></STRONG>
-offers <EM>Zeus Server</EM> for FreeBSD.
-Zeus Server is an advanced, powerful, full-featured,
-commercial grade web server
-designed with exceptional performance,
-minimal machine resource requirements, and ease of administration in mind.
-FREE evaluation copies may be <A HREF="http://www.zeus.co.uk/">downloaded</A>.
-<!-- NAME="PortaOne" CAT="software" SUBCAT="NETWORK" -->
-<STRONG><A HREF="http://www.portaone.com">PortaOne</A></STRONG> is a
-VoIP billing solutions company. We enable Internet Telephony Service
-Providers (ITSP's) and the operators of voice networks to quickly and
-efficiently implement, manage, and deliver a wide range of billing
-solutions for IP telephony.
-Our flagship product <a
-href="http://www.portaone.com/solutions/">PortaBilling100</a> is an
-extremely flexible customer management and billing platform that enables
-the providers of IP Telephony services to launch, price, and provision
-an array of VoIP services.
-For further information, please see <a
diff --git a/en/commercial/software.sgml b/en/commercial/software.sgml
deleted file mode 100644
index d148d6beb9..0000000000
--- a/en/commercial/software.sgml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" [
-<!ENTITY base CDATA "..">
-<!ENTITY date "$FreeBSD: www/en/commercial/software.sgml,v 1.61 2001/07/13 12:52:12 dd Exp $">
-<!ENTITY title "Commercial Vendors - Software">
-<!ENTITY % includes SYSTEM "../includes.sgml"> %includes;
-<!ENTITY % vendorincludes SYSTEM "includes.sgml"> %vendorincludes;
-<!ENTITY software SYSTEM "software.inc">
-<H2>Software Vendors</H2>
-<P>This file has been indexed by alphabetic order for easy navigating.
-Should you wish to find a specific entry, please use the shortcuts
-below for quick access.</P>
-<P></P><A HREF="commercial.html">Commercial Vendors Home</A>
diff --git a/en/commercial/software.xml b/en/commercial/software.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0efe0abd1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/en/commercial/software.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1696 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE entries SYSTEM "entries.dtd">
+  Available categories: < DATABASE | DEV | ECOMMERCE | EMAIL
+  <cvs:keywords xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS" version="1.0">
+    <cvs:keyword name="freebsd">
+      $FreeBSD$
+    </cvs:keyword>
+  </cvs:keywords>
+  <entry id="Acadix" category="DEV">
+    <name>Another Programmer's Editor (APE)</name>
+    <url>http://www.execpc.com/~acadix</url>
+    <description>
+      Another Programmer's Editor is a terminal-independent integrated
+      development environment which runs on a variety of Unix platforms.
+      APE offers syntax highlighting and full error-message processing
+      and works with <strong>any</strong> compiled or interpreted language.
+      For more information,
+      please visit our <a href="http://www.execpc.com/~acadix">web site</a>
+      or send email to <a href="mailto:acadix@execpc.com">acadix@execpc.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Aestiva" category="DEV">
+    <name>Aestiva HTML/OS</name>
+    <url>http://www.htmlos.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Aestiva HTML/OS is a complete solution for advanced, dynamic web site
+      and web software development. It eliminates the need for CGI
+      programming and integration tools, includes a built-in database
+      engine and tools for packaging and copy-protecting commercial web
+      products, and supports over a dozen platforms. Visit <a
+      href="http://www.htmlos.com">www.htmlos.com</a> for more information.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Aker" category="NETWORK">
+    <name>Aker Firewall</name>
+    <url>http://www.aker.com.br/</url>
+    <description>
+      Aker Firewall is a firewall solution which runs on FreeBSD. The
+      firewall provides a stateful filtering engine, Network Address
+      Translation (NAT), cryptography (with manual key exchange and SKIP),
+      automatic responses to pre-configured events, and remote
+      administration by a easy-to-use graphical interface which runs on
+      many different platforms. For more information, please <a
+      href="http://www.aker.com.br/">visit our web site</a> or send a
+      e-mail to <a
+      href="mailto:info@aker.com.br">info@mail.aker.com.br</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Akopia" category="ECOMMERCE">
+    <name>Akopia</name>
+    <url>http://www.akopia.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Akopia is the developer of Interchange, the leading open source
+      e-commerce platform that runs on FreeBSD and other UNIX Operating
+      systems. Interchange offers an extensive feature set including:
+      <ul>
+	<li>Intuitive content management functionality,
+	  enabling business users to easily manage large, complex catalogs.</li>
+	<li>Flexible merchandising, maximizing sales through product
+	  presentation, cross-sells, up-sells, and promotions.</li>
+	<li>Powerful transaction management functionality that handles
+	  complex business rules and fully integrates with legacy systems.</li>
+	<li>Comprehensive administration and reporting, which keeps business
+	  and technical management informed and in control.</li>
+	<li>Flexible, extensible architecture, ensuring scalability and providing
+	  room to grow.</li>
+      </ul>
+      Akopia offers professional Interchange support and an array
+      of e-commerce professional services. For more information and a free
+      download, visit us at <a href="http://www.akopia.com/">www.akopia.com</a>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Altera" category="DATABASE">
+    <name>Altera SQL Server</name>
+    <url>http://www.altera.gr/</url>
+    <description>
+      Altera SQLServer is a multi-user, relational database with ODBC and
+      JDBC options, demanding very few resources. Altera's client-server
+      architecture allows numerous concurrent users. Altera SQL server
+      supports CGI and is ideal for Web applications since it transfers
+      MIME-typed BLOBS directly to the web browser via HTTP protocol
+      (acting as a web server). For more information, please visit <a
+      href="http://www.altera.gr/">www.altera.gr</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="AMSOFT" category="DATABASE">
+    <name>AM'SOFT</name>
+    <url>http://www.amsoft.ru/</url>
+    <description>
+      AM'SOFT (Andrew Maltsev's Software) features <a
+      href="http://www.amsoft.ru/easysql/">EasySQL</a>, an ODBC-like,
+      database-independent C/C++ library. Full source code is available.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="AstroArch" category="SYSADMIN">
+    <name>AstroArch Consulting</name>
+    <url>http://www.astroarch.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      AstroArch Consulting, Inc. develops and licenses its <em>ISP Billing
+      and Tracking System</em> (BATS) for FreeBSD as well as thirteen other
+      Operating Systems. For more information, check out <a
+      href="http://www.astroarch.com/">www.astroarch.com/</a>, send email
+      to <a href="mailto:info@astroarch.com">info@astroarch.com</a>, or
+      call +1.512.990.9711.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Ballista" category="SYSADMIN">
+    <name>Ballista</name>
+    <url>http://www.secnet.com/ballista/</url>
+    <description>
+      Ballista is a network security auditing tool for evaluation of
+      security postures in areas where high assurance levels are critical.
+      Ballista is primarily designed to audit the remote security aspects
+      of networks and runs quite well under FreeBSD.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="BrownBear" category="MISC">
+    <name>Brown Bear Software</name>
+    <url>http://www.brownbearsw.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Brown Bear Software produces and supports <a
+      href="http://www.brownbearsw.com/calcium/">Calcium</a>, an
+      interactive <b>Web Calendar server</b> you use via your browser.
+      Features include: dynamic calendar merging multiple views and
+      formats; repeating events, email notification and reminders,
+      iCalendar support, Palm Pilot synchronization, color and font
+      customization, support for full HTML in event text and calendar
+      headers and footers, popup text associated with any event, searching
+      &amp; filtering, multi-language support, flexible security model, <a
+      href="http://www.brownbearsw.com/calcium/FeaturesList.html">and
+      more</a>. Calcium is very easy to use and fully supported. It runs
+      anywhere that supports Perl CGIs; no non-standard Perl modules are
+      necessary. A live <a
+      href="http://www.brownbearsoftware.com/cgi-bin/Calcium?CalendarName=D
+      emo"  >On-Line Demo</a> is available; you can download an <a
+      href="http://www.brownbearsw.com/calcium/download"  >evaluation
+      copy</a> (fully functional, but limited to a single calendar), or try
+      your own <a
+      href="http://www.brownbearsw.com/calcium/onlineTrial.html">private
+      demo on our servers</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="CForge" category="DEV">
+    <name>C-Forge</name>
+    <url>http://www.codeforge.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      C-Forge (pronounced Code Forge) is a multi-user integrated
+      development environment that provides full project management and
+      complete edit/compile/debug cycle support. Features include complete
+      abstraction of the "makefile" concept, a Project Manager for visual
+      presentation of project structure and component status using a
+      dependency tree and a separate "desktop" area showing work in
+      progress, support for C/C++, Perl, Oracle ProC/C++, Tcl, PHP, Java,
+      JavaScript, Python, Qt, Pascal, Free Pascal, FORTRAN, TeX/LaTeX,
+      SGML, Modula-2, and Assembler, integrated revision control, fully
+      configurable programmer's editor, and much more. An evaluation
+      version is available for download.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="CactusInternational" category="SYSADMIN">
+    <name>Cactus International Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.cactus.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Cactus International Inc. <p> <a
+      href="http://www.cactus.com/bp/bp.html">Backup Professional
+      Enterprise Wide Network Backup </a></p> The Enterprise Wide Backup
+      and Recovery System, which provides high-performance backup and
+      recovery for a wide variety of systems across your intranet.     The
+      Backup Professional utilizes a Client/Server architecture to provide
+      enterprise-wide services via TCP/IP. Master and Incremental backups
+      for each client or group of clients can be scheduled as often as
+      desired. The Backup Professional's internal database maintains every
+      backup on the tape and every file in that backup. System
+      Administration of the Backup Library is only a few keystrokes away.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="CheapBytes" category="MISC">
+    <name>CheapBytes</name>
+    <url>http://www.cheapbytes.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      CheapBytes, a company that specializes in low-cost technical
+      products, now has <em>FreeBSD</em> products available on CD-ROM.
+      Among our offerings, you will find FreeBSD CD-ROM sets and FreeBSD
+      related books. For further information, please see <a
+      href="http://www.cheapbytes.com/">www.cheapbytes.com</a> or send
+      e-mail to: <a
+      href="mailto:sales@cheapbytes.com">sales@cheapbytes.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="CobolScript" category="DEV">
+    <name>CobolScript</name>
+    <url>http://www.deskware.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Deskware, Inc. is a revolutionary, cross-platform Internet
+      programming language, designed for anyone who wants to do web
+      development. If you don't yet know an Internet development language,
+      learning CobolScript is the fastest and easiest way for you to
+      acquire web application development skills. Deskware's own <a
+      href="https://www.cobolscript.com/cgi-bin/cobolscript.exe?catalog.cbl
+      "  >e-commerce-enabled catalog</a> is powered by the CobolScript
+      engine.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="ConeticSoftware" category="DATABASE">
+    <name>Conetic Software</name>
+    <url>http://www.conetic.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Conetic Software is offering a FREE copy of <a
+      href="http://www.conetic.com/css_freebsdinst.html">C/BASE 4GL</a> for
+      the FreeBSD operating system. C/BASE 4GL features a powerful and
+      fully portable application-development tool and database engine. It
+      featuring an easy-to-use visual development environment, a scripting
+      language, and application libraries with a C language (API)
+      interface.  Your FREE copy of C/BASE 4GL is set to run for a maximum
+      of 2 concurrent users and 1,000 records. Please contact us at <a
+      href="mailto:info@conetic.com">info@conetic.com</a> if you would like
+      a taste of even more power and programming fun.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="CoolHorizon" category="SYSADMIN">
+    <name>Cool Horizon</name>
+    <url>http://www.coolhorizon.net/</url>
+    <description>
+      Cool Horizon provides a billing package for ISPs, called <em>Internet
+      Billing</em>. This package was designed to handle all billing needs
+      for Internet Service Providers. It runs under MS-Windows. One piece
+      of the software is a client/server set, with a daemon that runs on a
+      UNIX server (including FreeBSD), allowing the client to do all of
+      their user management under a Windows front end.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="CovalentTechnologies" category="SYSADMIN">
+    <name>Covalent Technologies</name>
+    <url>http://raven.covalent.net/</url>
+    <description>
+      Covalent Technologies presents the <em>Raven SSL Module</em> for the
+      ever-popular <a href="http://www.apache.org/">Apache Web Server</a>.
+      Raven offers the ability to add secure server functionality to your
+      Apache installation, using the RSA encryption algorithms available to
+      residents of North America. For more information, please email <a
+      href="mailto:info@raven.covalent.net">info@raven.covalent.net</a> or
+      call +1.402.441.5710 (Voice) or +1.402.441.5720 (Fax).
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="CybernetSystems" category="NETWORK">
+    <name>Cybernet Systems</name>
+    <url>http://www.cybernet.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Cybernet Systems produces the <a
+      href="http://www.netmax.com/">NetMAX</a> line of Thin Servers and
+      Professional Products for FreeBSD. The Thin Server Series consists of
+      the FireWall (with Router), WebServer (with email and FTP), and
+      FileServer (with print sharing). The NetMAX Professional contains
+      these three, as well as the Discussion Group/NewsServer, dial in
+      capabilities, enhanced system management and reporting functions,
+      expanded support, and more. Easily install the included OS through a
+      GUI and set up and manage your server through a web browser. Save
+      time on mundane tasks. Access to the command line is available for
+      "traditional" Unix use.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="DBMaker" category="DATABASE">
+    <name>DBMaker</name>
+    <url>http://www.dbmaker.com</url>
+    <description>
+      DBMaker provides you with a professional database system with
+      multimedia capabilities, a native ODBC interface, large database
+      features, and cross-platform support. The unique open architecture
+      and native ODBC interface give you the freedom to build custom
+      applications using a wide variety of programming tools such as Visual
+      Basic or Delphi, or query your database using existing ODBC-compliant
+      applications. DBMaker provides excellent multimedia-handling
+      capabilities, allowing you to store, search, retrieve, and manipulate
+      all types of multimedia data. Binary Large Objects (BLOBs) allow you
+      to ensure the integrity of your multimedia data by taking full
+      advantage of the advanced security and crash-recovery mechanisms
+      included in DBMaker; File Objects (FOs) allow you to manage your
+      multimedia data, while maintaining the capability to edit individual
+      files in the source application. <a
+      href="http://www.dbmaker.com">Download a free copy now!</a> -   This
+      free copy of DBMaker includes a three-user license with no time or
+      storage limitations. Additional information is available at <a
+      href="http://www.dbmaker.com">www.dbmaker.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Differential" category="NETWORK">
+    <name>Differential, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.differential.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Differential, Inc. develops <em>FileDrive</em>, a suite of secure and
+      extensible high-performance FTP file transfer client/server software.
+      FileDrive provides the industry's most secure file transfer solution
+      through the use of SSL encryption, extensive access controls,
+      comprehensive logging, and an optional security auditing system.
+      Differential's <em>FileDrive EX</em> extranet server also provides
+      extensible FTP access to dynamically generated content and
+      server-based data processing.  FileDrive servers are easy to
+      configure, manage, and maintain through their integrated Web-based
+      remote administration systems. FileDrive servers are available for
+      FreeBSD, Linux, and Solaris, with IRIX and HP/UX version available
+      soon. 15-day evaluation versions of FileDrive and FileDrive EX are
+      available at <a
+      href="http://www.differential.com/">www.differential.com/</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Easysoft" category="DEV">
+    <name>Easysoft Ltd</name>
+    <url>http://www.easysoft.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Easysoft Ltd Easysoft's ODBC-ODBC Bridge 2000 (OOB) provides full
+      access to any local ODBC data source from any remote client, such as
+      Unix, Linux, OpenVMS, Windows, or other systems. A free version of
+      the Easysoft ODBC-ODBC Bridge is available on the FreeBSD platform.
+      For further information, or to download the software, please visit <a
+      href="http://www.easysoft.com/">www.easysoft.com</a>. <p></p>
+      Easysoft's JDBC-ODBC Bridge 2000 (JOB) provides Type 3 JDBC access
+      from Java Applets or Applications on the FreeBSD platform to ODBC
+      (Open Database Connectivity) data sources anywhere on the network
+      where the server component of the bridge is installed. A free version
+      is available to download from <a
+      href="http://www.easysoft.com/">www.easysoft.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="EasyStat" category="MISC">
+    <name>EasyStat</name>
+    <url>http://www.easystat.net/</url>
+    <description>
+      EasyStat is a "counter"-like application. It will keep track of the
+      number of visitors to your site, as well as gather information about
+      your visitors such as their browser, operating system, referrer, etc.
+      EasyStat will then display all it gathers in an elegant fashion, a
+      demo of which is available on its site.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="EiffelSoftware" category="DEV">
+    <name>Eiffel Software</name>
+    <url>http://www.eiffel.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Eiffel Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) designed
+      for the Eiffel object-oriented application development language.
+      Beside the Enterprise Edition, a Free Edition for non-commercial use
+      only is freely available for download.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Elego" category="DEV">
+    <name>Elego</name>
+    <url>http://www.elego.de/</url>
+    <description>
+      Elego ComPact Configuration Management. <em>Elego ComPact</em> is a
+      set of tools for configuration management, based on a very reliable
+      and scalable solution for version control, integrated with a
+      multi-platform language-independent build system, and the concept of
+      software packages. It offers scriptable command-line-oriented
+      programs, as well as an HTTP/HTML based GUI, and can be easily
+      introduced in a stepwise fashion. <p> Some of its features are:
+      client/server design, baseline and release branch support,
+      checkin/checkout model, package-oriented change sets, integrated
+      build system, support for development for/on heterogeneous platforms,
+      scalable from one to hundreds of developers, default configurations
+      for C, C++, Java, Modula-3, easily portable to most PC and
+      workstation platforms. </p><p> Elego ComPact currently uses CVS as
+      its underlying version control machine, though future versions may
+      support other systems, too. Binaries are available for FreeBSD,
+      Linux, Windows, and Solaris/SPARC systems. John Polstra's CVSup may
+      be used for repository mirroring/replication. Like CVSup, Elego
+      ComPact is completely written in Modula-3. </p><p> Fully functional
+      demo CDs, including binaries for all supported platforms, and
+      documentation in HTML, DVI, PDF, and PS format can be obtained by
+      sending e-mail to <a href="mailto:info@elego.de">info@elego.de</a>.
+      More information is also available from the <a
+      href="http://www.elego.de">Elego WWW Homepage</a>. </p>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="EmpressSoft" category="DEV">
+    <name>Empress Software Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.empress.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Empress Software Inc. has developed <em>Embedded Empress Developer's
+      Toolkit</em>. To learn more about the toolkit, please visit <a
+      href="http://www.empress.com">www.empress.com</a>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="EmpressSoftware" category="DATABASE">
+    <name>Empress Software</name>
+    <url>http://www.empress.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Empress Software develops the EMPRESS RDBMS, a powerful and
+      cost-effective ANSI SQL database management system designed for
+      developing robust scientific and engineering, embedded, and
+      e-commerce solutions. The EMPRESS RDBM engine is fast and
+      compact, efficiently stores and manipulates any data, and is
+      maintenance-free. Companion products include an Internet application
+      development toolkit, ODBC Interface, a pure Java client, a C++
+      interface, and interfaces to popular scripting languages like XML,
+      PHP, Perl, and Tcl/Tk. Empress offers a <a
+      href="http://www.empress.com/web-bin/ehsql/product/freetry.eht"
+      >free 30 day evaluation</a>, complete with technical support.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="EnhancedSoftware" category="SYSADMIN">
+    <name>Enhanced Software Technologies</name>
+    <url>http://www.estinc.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Enhanced Software Technologies develops <em>BRU</em>, a very powerful
+      and reliable tape backup system. It offers per-file compression, an
+      improved tape format with three different kinds of verification, and
+      many safety checks to insure data integrity. A Fully ELF-based
+      version is available for FreeBSD 3.1/3.2.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Etherpage" category="MISC">
+    <name>Etherpage</name>
+    <url>http://www.ppt.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      EtherPage provides a client/server based alphanumeric paging solution
+      for Unix networks and Windows NT. Both command line and web
+      interfaces are provided. Ideally suited for system and database
+      administration, EtherPage allows messages to be sent automatically to
+      support personnel based on database events, etc. Other features
+      include links to email, integration with user-written scripts,
+      multiple recipients, pagers selected by time of day/day of week,
+      duplicate message suppression, long message splitting/truncation, job
+      logging, and C API. Virtually all paging services are supported.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="FairCom" category="DATABASE">
+    <name>FairCom Corporation</name>
+    <url>http://www.faircom.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      FairCom Corporation has provided quality database development tools
+      for the professional programmer since 1979. FairCom is best known for
+      its extremely portable, high-performance data management product,
+      <em>c-tree Plus</em>. The product is released in full source code and
+      supports peer-to-peer development and client-side development for use
+      with the <em>c-tree</em> database server. The FreeBSD version offers
+      advanced cross-platform functionality, including industrial quality
+      transaction processing, file mirroring, huge file support and
+      disaster recovery. The FairCom ODBC Driver and Crystal Report(tm)
+      interfaces allow end-users to access <em>c-tree</em> Plus
+      applications with higher level products such as Microsoft Access and
+      Crystal Reports. The FairCom toolset is completed with
+      <em>r-tree</em>, a powerful report generator and the powerful FairCom
+      server, with heterogenous network support, which allows dissimilar
+      clients to attach to one platform and easily migrate to over 20
+      supported platforms, from FreeBSD to Windows to Mac. For more
+      information, please visit <a
+      href="http://www.faircom.com/">www.faircom.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Firehunter" category="SYSADMIN">
+    <name>Firehunter</name>
+    <url>http://www.firehunter.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Firehunter from <a href="http://www.hp.com/">Hewlett-Packard</a>. The
+      HP Firehunter family of intelligent, out-of-the box software
+      solutions delivers the information you need to proactively monitor
+      and manage your Internet services, including mail, news and Web
+      functions. Its powerful operational capabilities and service level
+      reports are your keys to delivering consistently high levels of
+      service quality, improving customer satisfaction, decreasing churn
+      and expanding revenue.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Gaussian" category="SCIENTIFIC">
+    <name>Gaussian Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.gaussian.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Gaussian Inc. produces <em>Gaussian 94</em>, the latest in the
+      Gaussian series of electronic structure programs. It is being used in
+      chemistry and physics research in several universities and research
+      and supercomputer centers around the world. Gaussian 94 is designed
+      to model a broad range of molecular systems under a variety of
+      conditions, performing its computations starting from the basic laws
+      of quantum mechanics. Gaussian 94 can predict energies, molecular
+      structures, vibrational frequencies, and numerous molecular
+      properties for systems in the gas phase and in solution, and can
+      model both their ground state and excited states.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="HerrinSoftware" category="DATABASE">
+    <name>Herrin Software Development</name>
+    <url>http://www.hsdi.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Herrin Software Development, Inc. offers <em>Qddb</em> database
+      software, <em>Gustar</em> site search engines, <em>Qbib</em>
+      bibliography-management software, and other products that run on
+      FreeBSD and other UNIX platforms. To download these packages or to
+      learn more, please visit <a
+      href="http://www.hsdi.com/">www.hsdi.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="HighWind" category="NETWORK">
+    <name>HighWind Software</name>
+    <url>http://www.highwind.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      HighWind Software develops <em>Cyclone</em>, <em>Typhoon</em>, and
+      <em>Breeze</em>. USENET server products are available for FreeBSD 3.0
+      and later. HighWind products are carrier-class Internet News Servers
+      and are in wide-spread use at almost every major ISP involved in
+      USENET. Free trials are available at <a
+      href="http://www.highwind.com/">www.highwind.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="HKS" category="MISC">
+    <name>HKS, Incorporated</name>
+    <url>http://www.hks.net/</url>
+    <description>
+      HKS, Incorporated offers <em>CCVS</em> for FreeBSD. CCVS allows Unix
+      systems to act as a POS terminal. Our APIs let people build credit
+      card processing capabilities into just about any system that runs on
+      any Unix we support.  Please visit our <a
+      href="http://www.hks.net/products.html">web site</a> for more
+      details.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="icon" category="DEV">
+    <name>Icon Laboratories</name>
+    <url>http://www.icon-labs.com/</url>
+    <description>Icon Laboratories offers Envoy for FreeBSD.
+      Envoy is a ported version of ISI's popular Envoy SNMP libraries.
+      Each port includes SNMP libraries and header files for C development,
+      a MIB compiler and source code for a sample agent,
+      designed specifically for FreeBSD.
+      For more information, send email to
+      <a href="mailto:info@icon-labs.com">info@icon-labs.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Infinitum" category="MISC">
+    <name>Infinitum Group</name>
+    <url>http://www.infinitum.nl</url>
+    <description>
+      Infinitum Group provides several high-end solutions, based upon
+      FreeBSD and other *NIX/BSD based platforms. Our
+      do-maintenance-yourself website product runs on FreeBSD, in
+      combination with <a href="http://www.zope.org">Zope</a>. If you would
+      like an easy maintenance website or custom software development,
+      please contact us at <a
+      href="mailto:info@infinitum.nl">info@infinitum.nl</a> or by phone at
+      +31 (0)70-3108950.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Infoflex" category="DATABASE">
+    <name>Infoflex, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.infoflex.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Infoflex, Inc. products include: 1) <a
+      href="http://www.infoflex.com/sqlinfo.htm">SQLflex</a>, an SQL
+      client/server clone of Informix ESQL/C and Informix Standard
+      engine, 2) <a
+      href="http://www.infoflex.com/infoinfo.htm">Infoflex-4GL</a>, a 4GL
+      language syntactically similar to Informix and database
+      compatible, 3) <a
+      href="http://www.infoflex.com/qryinfo.htm">Queryflex</a>, a point and
+      shoot report writer enabling novice users to develop their own
+      reports.4) <a
+      href="http://www.infoflex.com/accountflex.htm">AccountFlex</a>, a
+      full featured accounting system for Order Entry, Inventory, Job Cost,
+      Bill of Materials, Purchasing, A/R, A/P, G/L, and Payroll. All
+      Infoflex products are supported on UNIX, DOS, NT, and VMS. For more
+      information on Infoflex products, please <a
+      href="http://www.infoflex.com/">visit our web site</a> or email us at
+      <a href="mailto:info@infoflex.com">info@infoflex.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Inlab" category="SCIENTIFIC">
+    <name>Inlab Software GmbH</name>
+    <url>http://www.munich.net/inlab/scheme/</url>
+    <description>
+      Inlab Software GmbH offers binaries of <em>Inlab-Scheme</em> for
+      FreeBSD and Linux (FREE for personal or educational use).
+      Inlab-Scheme is a R4RS-compliant Scheme, which is capable of reading
+      and writing TIFF and XBM-bitmaps to and from a special internal
+      bitmap type. With built-in primitives for image processing,
+      Inlab-Scheme can be a general tool for tasks like optical character
+      recognition and general analysis and processing of bitmap data.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="InterBase" category="DATABASE">
+    <name>InterBase</name>
+    <url>http://www.interbase.com</url>
+    <description>
+      InterBase is The Perfect Embedded Database. Behind every great
+      client/server application, you will find a great database and very
+      possibly an embedded database. The hallmark of a great embedded
+      database is its ability to empower applications and deliver
+      information while remaining virtually invisible to the end user and
+      requiring little or no attention from the database administrator.
+      That database is InterBase. InterBase's Japanese partner, RIOS
+      Corporation, is now offering a port of InterBase 4 for FreeBSD.
+      Additional information is available at <a
+      href="http://www.interbase.com">www.interbase.com</a> or directly
+      from RIOS at <a
+      href="http://iblinux.rios.co.jp/intl/">http://iblinux.rios.co.jp/intl
+      /</a>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="IP23" category="NETWORK">
+    <name>IP23 GmbH</name>
+    <url>http://www.ip23.net/</url>
+    <description>
+      IP23 GmbH offers IPmeter, an IP mediation and accounting system. <p>
+      Product Description </p><p> IPmeter is Open Source software for IP
+      mediation, accounting, and billing. It evaluates costs and charges
+      customers for network use and service value, based on detailed
+      information about IP sessions and flows. IPmeter will let you
+      identify traffic flows in your network, summarize and consolidate
+      usage metrics, apply tariffs to flows and prepare bills online,
+      analyze network usage patterns, plan new service offerings and
+      strategies, and evaluate your network infrastructure. </p><p>
+      Licensing </p><p> IPmeter is GPL'ed and available for download on <a
+      href="http://www.ipmeter.com">www.ipmeter.com</a>. A self-installing
+      IPmeter 1.0 beta CD-ROM (including FreeBSD 3.4) is available
+      commercially from <a href="http://www.ip23.net/">IP23 GmbH</a>.</p>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="iPass" category="SYSADMIN">
+    <name>iPass</name>
+    <url>http://www.ipass.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      i-Pass Alliance is the leading provider of global Internet-roaming
+      solutions for Internet service providers. We provide a total solution
+      that enables ISPs to join a global network and provide convenient,
+      low-cost worldwide access to their traveling Internet subscribers. We
+      are an independent organization, handling the financial settlement
+      between you and other Internet service providers and enabling you to
+      bill their subscribers for this service. There is no cost to join and
+      no cost for the i-Pass software. The i-Pass cross-authorization and
+      settlement software is compatible with all common authentication
+      protocols and servers, including FreeBSD. For more information,
+      please visit <a href="http://www.ipass.com/">www.ipass.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="journyx" category="MISC">
+    <name>journyx WebTime</name>
+    <url>http://journyx.com/products.html</url>
+    <description>
+      journyx WebTime is a web-based time and attendance tracking product
+      for engineering departments and technical consultancies or
+      contracting firms with people on the go. It was developed on FreeBSD.
+       Since it is web-based, it allows for worldwide collection of data.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Joydesk" category="MISC">
+    <name>Joydesk</name>
+    <url>http://joydesk.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Joydesk is a Web-based Groupware package from VirtualTek Corporation,
+      an ISV based in Seattle, WA. VirtualTek has developed a
+      state-of-the-art, web-based Groupware server that runs on FreeBSD and
+      allows an ISP, Portal, or virtually any website running on FreeBSD to
+      integrate web-based email, calendar, address book, message board and
+      other features. It's fully customizable, so you maintain your own
+      name and brand, installs in about 15 minutes and is offered at a low,
+      one-time cost. <a href="http://joydesk.com/download.htm">Download</a>
+      a copy today and don't forget to <a
+      href="http://joydesk.com/signup.htm">create your free account</a> if
+      you would like to experience Joydesk's features firsthand.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Kaspersky" category="SECURITY">
+    <name>Kaspersky Lab</name>
+    <url>http://www.kaspersky.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Kaspersky Lab offers KasperskyT Anti-Virus (AVP) - a unique
+      anti-virus solution for FreeBSD. The product provides comprehensive
+      protection for your file and application servers and gateways running
+      FreeBSD. Kaspersky Anti-Virus for FreeBSD includes the most complete
+      set of anti-virus tools that will help you to build a multi-level
+      defence system against attacks of malicious code of any type,
+      including computer viruses, Internet worms and Trojan horses. The
+      package includes an anti-virus scanner for on-demand check for
+      viruses on data storages (local and network); an anti-virus daemon
+      that filters data from viruses in real-time mode. Kaspersky
+      Anti-Virus for FreeBSD offers an interactive configuration program
+      and a utility for automatic anti-virus database updates download. The
+      product also includes a ready-made solution to integrate the product
+      into popular Sendmail and Qmail gateways. This is a perfect solution
+      to create your own centralized filtering system for e-mail traffic
+      and cleanse it of viruses. The client part of Kaspersky Anti-Virus
+      for FreeBSD/BSDi is supplied in open source code. This enables you to
+      easily integrate the product into your own applications to perform
+      specific tasks, e.g., into other e-mail or application servers.
+      Kaspersky Lab also develops anti-virus solutions for DOS, Windows
+      95/98, Windows 2000/NT Workstation/Server, Novell NetWare, Linux,
+      OS/2, BSDi, MS Exchange Server, Lotus Notes, and MS Office 2000.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="KXSystems" category="DATABASE">
+    <name>KX Systems</name>
+    <url>http://www.kx.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      KX Systems presents Kdb, an RDBMS that provides both transaction
+      processing and decision support capabilities for large amounts of
+      data. Kdb extracts data from ODBC, flat files, ASCII, and binary
+      storage formats. Kdb connects with Excel, Visual Basic, C, Java and
+      HTML, enabling users with Web browsers to access and analyze data
+      from any location. Data formats include relational, multidimensional,
+      time series, and object. Queries are written in SQL and KSQL, an
+      extended, more powerful query language. Application deployment is
+      client/server. High-end processing is parallel. Kdb supports FreeBSD,
+      Linux, UNIX, and NT. For more information, call Kx Systems at +1 305
+      642 5242 or visit <a href="http://www.kx.com/">www.kx.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Lilikoi" category="NETWORK">
+    <name>Lilikoi Software</name>
+    <url>http://www.lilikoi.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Ceilidh, from Lilikoi Software, Inc., is a bulletin board package for
+      the World Wide Web, intra-, and extra-nets. It adds discussion forum
+      capability to Web servers, including Apache. Ceilidh's forums are
+      accessible through all browsers; its users can also opt for
+      notification of new messages by e-mail. The forums are threaded and
+      self-maintaining, with old messages being automatically deleted
+      according to a schedule chosen by the administrator and author.
+      Contact Lilikoi Software at <a
+      href="mailto:sales@lilikoi.com">sales@lilikoi.com</a>,
+      +1.619.405.4247 (Voice) or +1.619.487.0451 (Fax).
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="LoneStar" category="SYSADMIN">
+    <name>Lone Star Software Corp</name>
+    <url>http://www.LONE-TAR.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      For over 15 years,
+      LONE-TAR has been the de facto standard backup solution
+      for the UNIX Systems Administrator.
+      LONE-TAR is a fully menu-driven data-archiving and -recovery utility.
+      It employs high compression,
+      allowing it to double the capacity of your archive device,
+      as well as Bit-level Verification of archived data against the hard disk.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Lugaru" category="DEV">
+    <name>Lugaru Software Ltd.</name>
+    <url>http://www.lugaru.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Lugaru's Epsilon Programmer's Editor features EMACS-style &amp;
+      Brief-style key bindings, C/C++/Java, Perl, HTML, and TeX modes,
+      concurrent compiler control with typescript journaling, syntax
+      highlighting, asynchronous Internet support, smart indenting &amp;
+      tags, and multi-file, multi-directory search &amp; replace. Plus full
+      undo/redo, directory-spanning file patterns, command/filename
+      completion, convenient keyboard macros, interactive customizability,
+      and much more. Executables for FreeBSD, Linux, Windows
+      95/98/NT/2000/3.1, OS/2, and DOS are included. Visit <a
+      href="http://www.lugaru.com">www.lugaru.com</a> for details and a
+      free evaluation copy.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="MainStreet" category="ECOMMERCE">
+    <name>MainStreet</name>
+    <url>http://www.mainstreetsoftworks.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      MainStreet Softworks develops and markets critical financial
+      transaction software to the retail, mail/phone order, and eCommerce
+      industries. Their primary software offering, the MainStreet Credit
+      Verification Engine, provides direct credit card
+      authorization/settlement services on many POSIX-compliant Host
+      Operating Systems such as FreeBSD. MCVE provides all the required
+      functionality to authorize and settle Major Credit Cards and is
+      certified with Established Clearing Houses (processors) to ensure the
+      lowest possible merchant rates. To find out more, visit our <a
+      href="http://www.mainstreetsoftworks.com/">web site</a> or contact us
+      at <a
+      href="mailto:info@mainstreetsoftworks.com">info@mainstreetsoftworks.c
+      om</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="MathTools" category="SCIENTIFIC">
+    <name>MathTools, Ltd.</name>
+    <url>http://mathtools.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      MathTools, Ltd. is offering solutions for scientists and engineers.
+      Take a look at our <a
+      href="http://www.mathtools.com/matcom.html">MATCOM</a>, a Matlab to
+      C++ Compiler, and <a
+      href="http://www.mathtools.com/matlib.html">Matrix&lt;LIB&gt;</a>,
+      our C++ Matrix Class Library. Both are available for download from
+      our <a href="http://www.mathtools.com/">home page</a> for a 30-day
+      evaluation period. To receive more information about our products,
+      please email us at <a
+      href="mailto:info@mathtools.com">info@mathtools.com</a> or call us at
+      + (Voice) or + (Fax).
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Mercantec" category="SYSADMIN">
+    <name>Mercantec, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.mercantec.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Mercantec, Inc. develops <em>SoftCart</em>(tm), a complete retail
+      electronic commerce solution for marketing and selling goods and
+      services on the World Wide Web. Mercantec sells its products through
+      a worldwide network of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and Web
+      hosting service providers, Web consultants, software developers,
+      integrators, and OEMs. Visit us at <a
+      href="http://www.mercantec.com/">www.mercantec.com</a>, contact us
+      through email at <a
+      href="mailto:info@mercantec.com">info@mercantec.com</a>, or call us
+      at +1.630.305.3200.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Metro" category="MULTIMEDIA">
+    <name>Metro Link</name>
+    <url>http://www.metrolink.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Metro Link produces the <a
+      href="http://www.metrolink.com/metroxindex.html"	>Metro-X Enhanced
+      Server Set</a>, an accelerated and enhanced replacement X server. The
+      set includes an easy-to-use graphical configuration tool and supports
+      touch screens and multi-headed systems. In addition, Metro Link is
+      now shipping <a href="http://www.metrolink.com/motif/index.html"
+      >Metro Link Motif Complete!</a>, containing full distributions of
+      Motif 1.2, 2.0, and 2.1 on one CD-ROM. FreeBSD x86 (both a.out and
+      ELF), Linux/x86 (glibc and libc5), and Linux/Alpha are supported on
+      the same CD-ROM! More FreeBSD products on the way! For more
+      information, please visit <a
+      href="http://www.metrolink.com/">www.metrolink.com</a>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="motifdeveloper.com" category="DEV">
+    <name>motifdeveloper.com</name>
+    <url>http://www.motifdeveloper.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      motifdeveloper.com provides both the Open Motif toolkit for FreeBSD
+      via download and also a range of technical information, resources,
+      and in-depth hints and tips for X/Motif developers. To download Open
+      Motif for FreeBSD, please visit <a
+      href="http://www.motifdeveloper.com/"  >www.motifdeveloper.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Muonics" category="DEV">
+    <name>Muonics</name>
+    <url>http://www.muonics.com/Products/MIBSmithy/</url>
+    <description>
+       Muonics' MIB Smithy  is a software product for Simple Network
+      Management Protocol (SNMP) developers, Management Information Base
+      (MIB) designers and internet-draft authors providing a Visual
+      GUI-based environment for designing, editing and compiling MIB
+      modules according to the SMIv1 and SMIv2 (Structure of Management
+      Information) standards. MIB Smithy is supported on several platforms,
+      including FreeBSD. More information and a 15-day limited evaluation
+      version can be obtained from <a
+      href="http://www.muonics.com/">www.muonics.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="NAG" category="SCIENTIFIC">
+    <name>NAG, Ltd.</name>
+    <url>http://www.nag.co.uk/</url>
+    <description>
+      NAG, Ltd. produces a Fortran-90 Compiler for most flavors of Unix
+      (including FreeBSD), VMS, and the PC. The <em>NAGWare f90</em>
+      Compiler is a full implementation of Fortran 90 (which, by
+      definition, includes Fortran 77) plus a single-processor
+      implementation of HPF. For further information, in North America,
+      email <a href="mailto:naginfo@nag.com">naginfo@nag.com</a>, and
+      elsewhere, email <a
+      href="mailto:infodesk@nag.co.uk">infodesk@nag.co.uk</a>. Or, visit <a
+      href="http://www.nag.co.uk/">www.nag.co.uk/</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="NameSurfer" category="SYSADMIN">
+    <name>NameSurfer, Ltd.</name>
+    <url>http://www.namesurfer.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      NameSurfer, Ltd. NameSurfer is a distributed administration tool for
+      DNS data, with a WWW-based graphical user interface for remote
+      Internet and Intranet DNS administration. A fully functional
+      evaluation version is available for FreeBSD. For more information,
+      please visit <a
+      href="http://www.namesurfer.com/">www.namesurfer.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="NetBeans" category="DEV" >
+    <name>NetBeans, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.netbeans.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      NetBeans, Inc. make Java IDEs, written in Java, that run on FreeBSD.
+      A complete set of Open APIs is available for extending the
+      environment.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="NetBoz" category="NETWORK">
+    <name>NetBoz Firewall</name>
+    <url>http://www.netboz.net/</url>
+    <description>
+      NetBoz Firewall Free CD-ROM bootable firewall. No hard disk required.
+      Web administration interface, real time traffic monitoring and more.
+      Visit our web site <a
+      href="http://www.netboz.net/">www.netboz.net</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="NetCon" category="NETWORK">
+    <name>NetCon Corporation</name>
+    <url>http://www.netcon.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      NetCon Corporation, established in 1985 and with over 10,000
+      installed servers, is the leading supplier of NetWare-compatible
+      operating systems and Internet Gateways for standard UNIX platforms.
+      NetCon offers a complete line of systems for FreeBSD, SUN Solaris,
+      SCO UNIX/ODT and IBM AIX RS6000, serving from 5 to 1000 users.
+      Services include: Full Internet access from NetWare/WIN95/Windows
+      workstations over IPX/SPX, X Windows over IPX/SPX, NetWare file and
+      print services, NetWare Client services for UNIX, High-performance,
+      DOS/Windows Terminal Emulation.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Netsville" category="SYSADMIN">
+    <name>Netsville, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.netsville.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Netsville, Inc. sells an Internet merchandising system called <a
+      href="http://hazel.netsville.com/">Hazel</a> which allows webmasters,
+      web consultants, or regular shopkeeps to create a web storefront on
+      the Internet. Hazel interfaces with web servers, using SSL for
+      security and various transaction processors for credit card
+      authorization. The developers actually wrote Hazel using FreeBSD as
+      their operating system. If you need a flexible shopping cart solution
+      for the Internet, Hazel is your best bet.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="NetZuno" category="NETWORK">
+    <name>NetZuno</name>
+    <url>http://www.netzuno.com</url>
+    <description>
+      netZuno Technologies designs and develops <a
+      href="http://www.netzuno.com/content/en/html/zbserver.html">ZunoBox</a>,
+      FreeBSD-based network server software for growing enterprises.
+      ZunoBox provides a comprehensive set of networking tools that are
+      easy enough for the novice, yet sophisticated enough for the needs of
+      experienced sysadmins. ZunoBox systems include cross-platform file
+      and print sharing, email service, an Internet gateway, and more --
+      all set up and configured through an innovative, browser-based GUI.
+      For more information, contact us by <a
+      href="mailto:info@netzuno.com">email</a> or visit <a
+      href="http://www.netzuno.com">www.netzuno.com</a> where you can <a
+      href="http://www.netzuno.com/content/en/html/downloads.html">download
+      </a> an evaluation copy or <a
+      href="http://www.netzuno.com/content/en/html/order.html">order</a>
+      ZunoBox from one of our vendors.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="NetworkSecurityWizard" category="SYSADMIN">
+    <name>Network Security Wizard</name>
+    <url>http://www.securitywizards.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Network Security Wizards, Inc Dragon is a real-time, packet-based,
+      intrusion-detection system. Dragon sensors collect events, based on
+      user configurable data driven attack signatures and protocol
+      violations. When events occur, Dragon collects the response from the
+      target server, along with any other traffic that an attacker may try.
+      Event data is logged to a database that can be analyzed with a
+      variety of command line forensic tools that summarize events, replay
+      suspicious network sessions, and perform statistical analysis. Dragon
+      sensors can send real-time data via SNMP traps, Syslog messages, and
+      a Blowfish-encrypted, ICMP-based network pipe to a central
+      Dragon-Master server. Up to one hundred sensors can be handled by one
+      Dragon-Master server. Dragon correctly reconstructs IP fragments and
+      UDP/TCP network traffic. It can also operate at 100base-T speeds and
+      some customers have placed Dragon onto Gigabit networks with success.
+      Please visit <a
+      href="http://www.securitywizards.com">www.securitywizards.com</a> for
+      more information and to receive a 30-day test license.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Openmake" category="DEV">
+    <name>Openmake</name>
+    <url>http://www.openmake.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Openmake is a GUI- and shell-based build manager that goes beyond
+      beloved GNU make. Used at some of the world's largest companies for
+      simple apps and complex multi-language/multi-OS applications,
+      Openmake allows complete standardization and automation of the build
+      process. Coupled with any version control tool (e.g. RCS), Openmake
+      absolutely ensures matching source and executables. Submit your
+      client build to Windows and your server build to FreeBSD at the same
+      time (or AIX, HP, Sun, Sequent, OS/2). For more information, visit <a
+      href="http://www.openmake.com">www.openmake.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="OracleVideoServer" category="MULTIMEDIA">
+    <name>Oracle Video Server</name>
+    <url>http://www.netscape.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Netscape-compatible browsers, <a
+      href="http://www.javasoft.com/">Java</a> applets, <a
+      href="http://www.macromedia.com/index.html">Macromedia Director or
+      Authorware</a>, <a
+      href="http://www.asymetrix.com/products/iconauthor/"  >Asymetrix
+      IconAuthor</a>, or user-written applications. Integration with the <a
+      href="http://www.oracle.com/st/">Oracle8</a> database (optional)
+      allows for a complete, enterprise-wide information management
+      solution. The <a
+      href="http://www.nc.com/download/svrsuit.pdf">FreeBSD (NCOS)</a>
+      version is completely compatible with versions for other platforms.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="OSATech" category="ECOMMERCE">
+    <name>OSATech, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.osatech.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      OSATech, Inc. is a Massachusetts-based corporation. We specialize in
+      e-commerce software development, using Perl, C++ and Java. We perform
+      all of our project management activities from the US, whereas our
+      development activities are performed in our offshore center in India.
+      Using this approach, we are able to provide quality service at a low
+      cost. Please contact us at <a
+      href="mailto:gprakash@osatech.com">gprakash@osatech.com</a> or at
+      617-306-6578. Please refer to <a
+      href="http://www.osatech.com">www.osatech.com</a> for more
+      information.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="PACT" category="SYSADMIN">
+    <name>PACT</name>
+    <url>http://pact.insider.org/</url>
+    <description>
+      PACT Port Accounting and Collection Tool - is a set of programs and
+      PHP-scripts that allows for complete accounting of SNMP-queryable
+      ports, and includes detailed overview of ports and their bandwidth
+      usage. Multiple ports can be assigned to single customers. Free for
+      non-commercial use.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Parabase" category="MISC">
+    <name>Parabase Technology Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.parabase.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Parabase Technology Inc. offers the Parabase Web-Order-System, an
+      integrated set of web-based business applications that incorporate
+      web-based order entry, catalog generation, shopping cart, and
+      administration. It automatically calculates shipping and handling
+      charges and sales tax [depending on location] and has a full invoice
+      preview and email order confirmation. The system currently interfaces
+      to QuickBooks and Excel; other accounting packages are available on
+      request. The system is based on a highly reliable journalizing
+      database concept. Additional information is available at <a
+      href="http://www.parabase.com">www.parabase.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Perforce" category="MISC">
+    <name>Perforce Software</name>
+    <url>http://www.perforce.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Perforce Software produces <a
+      href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce.html"
+      >PERFORCE</a> -- the FAST Software Configuration
+      Management System. Perforce SCM streamlines the
+      software development process for organizations working with multiple
+      operating systems and in multiple physical locations. This
+      high-powered SCM system runs on more than 50 operating systems
+      including Windows, and nearly every UNIX variation, from Linux to Mac
+      OS X to AS/400, providing software developers with an easy-to-use
+      tool for version control, workspace management and atomic change
+      transactions. Free, fully functional evaluation versions are
+      available from the <a href="http://www.perforce.com">Perforce Web
+      site</a>. Organizations developing software that is licensed or
+      otherwise distributed exclusively under an Open Source license may be
+      eligible to obtain Perforce licenses gratis. Perforce Software can be
+      reached at <a href="mailto:info@perforce.com">info@perforce.com</a>
+      or +1-510-864-7400.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Polyhedra" category="DATABASE">
+    <name>Polyhedra</name>
+    <url>http://www.polyhedra.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Polyhedra is a main-memory, object-relational database that is
+      ideally suited for mission-critical applications requiring
+      event-driven, real-time responses to data changes, complex database
+      designs, distributed applications, and fault tolerance for high
+      availability and continuous operation. <p> The Object-relational
+      database can contain objects that handle IP-based protocols, with
+      object methods running in the database process itself and accessible
+      to other objects/information stored in the database. Our own web
+      site, <a href="http://www.polyhedra.com">www.polyhedra.com</a>,
+      provides an example of Polyhedra, acting as both the web server and
+      the information store, including free downloads available for trying
+      Polyhedra on FreeBSD in Linux mode. </p>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="PolyServe" category="NETWORK">
+    <name>PolyServe</name>
+    <url>http://www.polyserve.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      PolyServe is a vendor of Understudy, a high-availability webserver
+      monitoring and failover utility for FreeBSD. Understudy resides on
+      two or more webservers and monitors the health and responsiveness of
+      websites. In the event that Understudy detects a failure, it
+      fails-over requests for the failed website to a backup server. Thus,
+      people browsing the website see no interruption or delay; from their
+      standpoint the website keeps right on working. <p> Understudy
+      monitors IP services including HTTP, SMTP, TCP and FTP. Upon
+      detection of a failure, Understudy removes the failed server from the
+      cluster and fails-over to the secondary backup host. Understudy then
+      generates a network-administrator notification via email and/or page
+      so that whatever problem caused the failover can be remedied. </p><p>
+      For more information, visit <a
+      href="http://www.polyserve.com/">www.polyserve.com</a>. </p>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Quantified" category="SYSADMIN">
+    <name>Quantified Systems, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.urchin.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Urchin 5 About Urchin Web Analytics Software: Urchin 5 is a web
+      analytics software solution that provides detailed metrics and
+      marketing intelligence about how visitors interact with your website.
+      Urchin provides detailed conversion metrics for online marketing
+      initiatives in colorful and easy to read graphs. It is essential for
+      anyone interested in the marketing, design or success of a website.
+      Urchin for FreeBSD and all platforms can be downloaded from <a
+      href="http://www.urchin.com/">www.urchin.com/</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="RealNetworks" category="MULTIMEDIA">
+    <name>RealNetworks, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.real.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      RealNetworks, Inc. offers its <a
+      href="http://www.real.com/products/player/index.html">RealPlayer</a>,
+      <a href="http://www.real.com/products/index.html">RealServer</a>, and
+      <a href="http://www.real.com/products/index.html">RealEncoder</a>
+      software for FreeBSD.  The FREE RealPlayer allows you to play live
+      and on-demand audio over 14.4Kbps and faster connections. All you
+      have to do is click on a RealAudio link from your Web browser and
+      audio begins playing instantly.  Check out <a
+      href="http://www.timecast.com/">The RealMedia Guide</a> to access
+      thousands of sites, offering music, news, live radio stations, live
+      events, etc. The RealServer allows your web site to deliver live and
+      on-demand audio, video, and animation over the Internet or your
+      company network. A FREE version of the RealServer, called the <a
+      href="http://www.real.com/server/basic/index.html"	>Basic
+      Server</a>, is available.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="REBOL" category="SCIENTIFIC">
+    <name>REBOL</name>
+    <url>http://www.rebol.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      REBOL is a new, network-based messaging language that increases
+      productivity, cuts application size, and reduces application
+      time-to-market. The language is human-centric, instead of
+      computer-centric, and offers a new alternative to anachronistic
+      programming languages like Java and C++ and scripting languages like
+      PERL and Tcl. REBOL is compact, platform independent, and functions
+      over a network or on a single system. It is ideally suited for
+      webmasters, technicians, hobbyists, educators, experimenters, and any
+      one who requires a simple, customizable, robust, easy-to-understand
+      language. Download <em>The Language of the Free</em>(tm) now at <a
+      href="http://www.rebol.com/downloads.html"
+      >www.rebol.com/downloads.html</a>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Relex" category="DATABASE">
+    <name>Relex US, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.relexus.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Relex US, Inc. present:
+      <ul>
+	<li>RDBMS Linter(tm) SQL has a
+	  client-server architecture  and supports SQL-92, ODBC, and JDBC
+	  interfaces.  User access is available through PHP, Perl, TCL/TK, and
+	  a C/C++ language call interface.Linter includes search engine and
+	  replication server capabilities, is well designed for embedded
+	  systems, and is currently ported to more than 20 operating systems.</li>
+	<li>Our Ticket Tracking System  is suitable for resolving
+	  problems ranging from software bugs  to consumer product complaints.</li>
+	<li>Nevod is a system for data warehousing &amp; mining.</li>
+	<li>Lakuna  is a program for rapid database application
+	  development.</li>
+      </ul>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Revolution" category="DEV">
+    <name>Revolution</name>
+    <url>http://www.runrev.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Revolution is a multi-platform software development tool that enables
+      developers to easily and quickly create powerful applications for OS
+      X, classic Mac OS, Windows, Linux, and popular Unix systems
+      (including FreeBSD)... with native look and feel on all platforms.
+      For more information or to download a free 30-day trial evaluation
+      edition, visit <a href="http://www.runrev.com/">www.runrev.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="RTD" category="SYSADMIN">
+    <name>RTD</name>
+    <url>http://www.rtd.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      RTD provides <a href="http://www.rtd.com/software/uta.html">UTA</a>,
+      an ISP billing package for FreeBSD-based ISPs.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="SaneSolutions" category="SYSADMIN">
+    <name>Sane Solutions, LLC</name>
+    <url>http://www.sane.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Sane Solutions, LLC offers <a
+      href="http://www.sane.com/products/NetTracker">NetTracker</a>, one of
+      the most powerful, yet easy to use Internet usage tracking programs
+      on the market today. NetTracker allows marketing professionals,
+      webmasters, and ISPs to get the essential information they need to
+      make informed decisions regarding their web sites. A demonstration of
+      NetTracker can be seen at <a
+      href="http://www.sane.com/demo/">www.sane.com/demo/</a> and a FREE,
+      30-day evaluation copy can be downloaded from <a
+      href="http://www.sane.com/eval/">www.sane.com/eval</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Sendmail" category="EMAIL">
+    <name>Sendmail Inc</name>
+    <url>http://www.sendmail.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Sendmail Inc. develop the commercial (Sendmail Pro) and free versions
+      of sendmail, the ubiquitous mail transport agent. It supports
+      FreeBSD, as well as many other Unix implementations.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="SerengetiSystems" category="NETWORK">
+    <name>Serengeti Systems</name>
+    <url>http://www.serengeti.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Serengeti Systems provides PC to mainframe communication packages
+      over Bisync and SDLC lines. We support FreeBSD, as well as DOS,
+      Windows, SCO, AIX, and OS/2. For more information, please <a
+      href="http://www.serengeti.com/">visit our web site</a>, e-mail us at
+      <a href="mailto:sales@serengeti.com">sales@serengeti.com</a>, or call
+      +1.800.634.3122.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="ShpinkSoftware" category="NETWORK">
+    <name>Shpink Software</name>
+    <url>http://www.shpink.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Shpink Software offers The Network Shell. The Network Shell provides
+      for a Perl and Shell environment to allow you to perform secure
+      automated and/or interactive remote administration of UNIX and
+      Windows 95/NT hosts from the local host without the need for telnet,
+      ftp, or .rhosts. You get access to remote files, processes, commands,
+      and other data easily and securely from your local Shell and Perl
+      environment. To download a fully functional evaluation copy, or to
+      get more information, please <a href="http://www.shpink.com/">visit
+      our web site</a>. For more information, send email to <a
+      href="mailto:info@shpink.com">info@shpink.com</a> or call us at
+      +1.888.I.WANT.NSH (Toll Free) or +1.650.525.1537.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="SiamScan" category="ECOMMERCE">
+    <name>SiamScan.NET</name>
+    <url>http://www.siamscan.net/</url>
+    <description>
+      SiamScan.NET, a Bangkok based company offers commercial web
+      application software, CPA - Collaborative Portable Accounting. CPA is
+      web accounting software designed to be easy enough for non
+      accountants to use. Also, we offer service on maintenance and
+      implementation of FreeBSD systems. For more information, email <a
+      href="mailto:sale@siamscan.net">sale@siamscan.net</a>, visit <a
+      href="http://www.siamscan.net/">SiamScan.NET</a> Website, call +66
+      2532 9068-70, or fax +66 2533 4167.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="SleepycatSoftware" category="DATABASE">
+    <name>Sleepycat Software</name>
+    <url>http://www.sleepycat.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Sleepycat Software distributes Berkeley DB, an embeddable database
+      system with full source. Berkeley DB runs on a wide variety of Unix
+      systems and on Windows 95 and NT. It offers high-end data management
+      services, including full transaction support, disaster recovery, hot
+      backup, very large databases, and the ability to handle large numbers
+      of users concurrently. Keys and records can be arbitrarily long, and
+      of arbitrary data types. Berkeley DB can store data in B+trees, hash
+      tables, or sequential stores. The programmatic interfaces are simple,
+      and can be called from C, C++, Java, or Perl. Berkeley DB is easy to
+      install and manage, so your customers can use your application
+      without learning how to be database administrators. For more
+      information, please visit <a
+      href="http://www.sleepycat.com">www.sleepycat.com</a> or send us
+      email at <a href="mailto:db@sleepycat.com">db@sleepycat.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="SlickEdit" category="DEV">
+    <name>SlickEdit</name>
+    <url>http://www.slickedit.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      SlickEdit develops and markets Visual SlickEdit, a programmer's
+      editor that allows developers to increase their productivity. Visual
+      SlickEdit v6.0 for FreeBSD allows developers to streamline workflow,
+      simplify processes, manage large files, and reduce keystrokes.
+      Developers can customize Visual SlickEdit, based on individual
+      preferences and preferred coding styles. Visit <a
+      href="http://www.slickedit.com/">www.slickedit.com</a> for more
+      information or to download a demo.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="SoftMaker" category="MISC">
+    <name>SoftMaker Software GmbH</name>
+    <url>http://www.softmaker.de/tml_en.htm</url>
+    <description>
+      TextMaker is the fast, efficient Microsoft Word-compatible word processor for FreeBSD.
+      It provides all the features of a modern high-end word processor, reads and
+      writes Microsoft Word documents seamlessly, and is available on <a
+      href="http://www.softmaker.de/tm_en.htm">multiple platforms</a> (FreeBSD,
+      Linux, Windows, Pocket PCs, Handheld PCs).
+      <a href="http://www.softmaker.de/tmldemo_en.htm">Free trial</a> available.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Software2Go" category="MULTIMEDIA">
+    <name>Software2Go, LLC</name>
+    <url>http://www.apps2go.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Software2Go, LLC is proud to announce the availability of <a
+      href="http://www.opengroup.org/motif">Motif 2.1.10</a> for FreeBSD
+      versions 2.2.x (a.out) and 3.0 (ELF). Motif 2.1.10, <em>Development
+      Edition</em>, is available for immediate purchase and download from
+      <a href="http://www.apps2go.com">www.apps2go.com</a>. Native ports to
+      other Free UNIX's are also available.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Solid" category="DATABASE">
+    <name>Solid Information Technology Ltd</name>
+    <url>http://www.solidtech.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Solid Information Technology Ltd is the maker of a unique data
+      management product, <a
+      href="http://www.solidtech.com/market/products/index.htm">SOLID
+      Server</a>. It is designed for robust operation in demanding
+      environments. Its small size and ease-of-use make it ideal for
+      deployment to web sites, various embedded systems, and other
+      environments where databases need to operate unattended. Free
+      evaluation copies maybe downloaded from <a
+      href="http://www.solidtech.com/market/eval/index.htm">here</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Sophos" category="SECURITY">
+    <name>Sophos Anti-Virus</name>
+    <url>http://www.sophos.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Sophos Plc offers <em>Sophos Anti-Virus</em> for FreeBSD. Sophos
+      Anti-Virus is a unique solution to the virus problem, providing true
+      cross-platform protection in a single, fully integrated product. The
+      network-centric design provides a host of benefits for the protection
+      of servers, workstations, and portables. Sophos's ground-breaking
+      architecture maximizes protection, while minimizing performance and
+      administrative overheads. Sophos Anti-Virus is fully scalable,
+      equally at home protecting a single PC, a local network, or the
+      entire enterprise. Sophos Anti-Virus is available for all popular
+      desktop and network operating systems, including DOS, Windows
+      3.x/95/98/NT/2000, Unix (including FreeBSD), OS/2, Netware, and
+      OpenVMS. Sophos Anti-Virus monitors all virus entry points, including
+      disks, programs, documents, network drives, CD-ROMs, Internet
+      downloads, email attachments, and compressed files. Over 65 per cent
+      of The Times Top 100 Companies use Sophos Anti-Virus to protect their
+      networks from viruses. This endorsement of Sophos Anti-Virus
+      protection is shared around the world. FREE evaluation copies may be
+      <a href="http://www.sophos.com/downloads/full/">downloaded</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="StalkerSoftware" category="NETWORK">
+    <name>Stalker Software, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.stalker.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Stalker Software, Inc. offers <a
+      href="http://www.stalker.com/CommuniGatePro/">CommuniGate Pro</a>,
+      The Internet Messaging Server. Based on the Stalker Foundation
+      framework, it employs the native services of all major operating
+      systems, including FreeBSD, Windows 95/98, Windows NT, Apple
+      Rhapsody, Linux, Solaris, and others. The CommuniGate Pro server
+      takes full advantage of modern multi-threaded and multi-processor
+      environments, and includes anti-spam protection, administration via
+      the Web, extensive multi-domain support, dial-up capabilities, unique
+      IMAP multi-mailbox features and designed to provide access to
+      hundreds of thousands of accounts, and to relay mail on the most
+      heavily loaded sites. Download the FREE Trial version from <a
+      href="http://www.stalker.com/">www.stalker.com</a> or e-mail <a
+      href="mailto:sales@stalker.com">Stalker Software Sales</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Tonec" category="MISC">
+    <name>Tonec, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.tonec.com</url>
+    <description>
+      Tonec, Inc. provides award-winning products and solutions for web
+      development, Java applets, and Perl modules. Tonec is a developer of
+      Adgen - a BMP to PFR dynamic font converter for Linux and FreeBSD. In
+      addition, Tonec provides custom programming, cost-effective offshore
+      software development, web design, and custom ASP and Java development
+      services in its development centers located in Russia, Poland, and
+      Latvia. <a href="http://www.tonec.com">Visit our site</a> for more
+      information.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="TriPolar" category="NETWORK">
+    <name>TriPolar Technologies</name>
+    <url>http://www.tri-polar.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      TriPolar Technologies offers LynkStation,
+      website software designed to increase the number of visitors
+      to a website without all the usual work.  With LynkStation,
+      website owners automatically run a database-driven Links Page
+      and at the same time spread the word about their products and/or services
+      to thousands of Internet users weekly.
+      Detailed additional information and free online demos are available
+      at <a href="http://www.tri-polar.com/ls/">www.tri-polar.com/ls/</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="VectorSystems" category="MISC">
+    <name>Vector Systems Limited</name>
+    <url>http://www.freebsd.org/~jhs/vsl/products/med/med.html</url>
+    <description>
+      Vector Systems Limited
+      sells the <a href="http://www.freebsd.org/~jhs/vsl/products/med/med.html">
+        MED</a> Screen Editor for FreeBSD &amp; HP-UX.
+      This editor is particularly familiar to PCS Cadmus users,
+      in the German CAD industry.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="VirtuFlexSoftware" category="MISC">
+    <name>VirtuFlex Software</name>
+    <url>http://www.virtuflex.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      VirtuFlex Software produces a versatile tool called
+      <em>VirtuFlex</em>, which allows web developers to build dynamic web
+      pages without CGI programming. It integrates databases, email,
+      faxing, and telephony with the web. VirtuFlex is available for most
+      Unix platforms, including FreeBSD.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Vital" category="DEV">
+    <name>Vital, Inc.</name>
+    <url>http://www.vital.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Vital, Inc. is the maker of the CRiSP visual text editor. CRiSP is a
+      development tool for FreeBSD and most other Windows, UNIX, and Linux
+      platforms. CRiSP is 100% BRIEF-compatible and also emulates other
+      popular editors such as vi, emacs, EDT, CUA, and Wordstar. This makes
+      CRiSP a very powerful yet easy-to-use editing package with features
+      like cut &amp; paste, syntax coloring, code beautifying, code
+      folding, searching, and much more.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="WebCrossing" category="NETWORK">
+    <name>Web Crossing</name>
+    <url>http://webcrossing.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Web Crossing, by Lundeen &amp; Associates, is a conferencing server
+      for the intranet/extranet and World Wide Web providing discussion
+      forums and chat rooms. Web Crossing is a groupware application
+      server, accessible with any Web browser, via most Web servers. It
+      makes communication more efficient and productive than newsgroups or
+      email mailing lists. Contact L &amp; A at <a
+      href="mailto:sales@lundeen.com">sales@lundeen.com</a>,
+      +1.510.521.5855 (Voice), or +1.510.522.6647 (Fax).
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="WebHostWorks.net" category="ECOMMERCE">
+    <name>WebHostWorks.net</name>
+    <url>http://www.webhostworks.net/</url>
+    <description>
+      WebHostWorks.net is a small and thriving web development firm
+      specializing in e-commerce integration for small and medium sized
+      businesses. Our proprietary E-Cart commerce package supports
+      extraordinarily usable shopping cart services with backend product
+      list management, order processing, executive summary reports,
+      customer review processing, and inventory projections. See <a
+      href="http://www.webhostworks.net">webhostworks.net</a> for more
+      information.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="WebEvent" category="NETWORK">
+    <name>WebEvent</name>
+    <url>http://www.matadordesign.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Matador Design produces WebEvent, a web-based calendar and scheduling
+      solution that is available for FreeBSD-based web servers. It is a
+      perfect addition to any Internet or Intranet web site that needs to
+      display event information, manage schedules, rooms, or other
+      resources.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="XDesigner" category="DEV">
+    <name>X-Designer</name>
+    <url>"http://www.ist-inc.com/xd/</url>
+    <description>
+      X-Designer from <a href="http://www.ist-inc.com/">Imperial Software Technology</a>
+      is an advanced GUI Builder for FreeBSD.
+      X-Designer makes it easy to build and test graphical user interfaces.
+      Use X-Designer to quickly create a working X/Motif, Windows, or Java GUI
+      from a single design.
+      Includes automated GUI testing and technology
+      to re-engineer legacy Motif interfaces with XD/Capture.
+      Visit our <a href="http://www.ist-inc.com/xd">web site</a>
+      for more information or send an e-mail
+      to <a href="mailto:sales@ist-inc.com">sales@ist-inc.com</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="XAT" category="NETWORK">
+    <name>XAT.com</name>
+    <url>http://www.xat.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      XAT.com offers commercial web-acceleration software for FreeBSD. <a
+      href="http://www.xat.com/jdo/">JPEG Disk Optimizer</a> is designed to
+      run on a web server and either run in the background to compress all
+      JPG images on a disk or to compress them as they arrive. Users have
+      reported a 40% saving in file size and corresponding savings in
+      bandwidth, disk space, and server load, all of which contributes to
+      faster web sites. For more information, email <a
+      href="mailto:sales@xat.com">sales@xat.com</a>, visit the <a
+      href="http://www.xat.com/jdo/">XAT.com website</a>, or call +44 1752
+      872181.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="XGForce" category="NETWORK">
+    <name>XGForce.COM</name>
+    <url>http://www.xgforce.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      XGForce.COM announces <a href="http://www.xgforce.com/eCluster.html">
+        eCluster(tm)</a> software. New Internet Clustering Technology is
+      designed to cluster Intranet/Internet Servers into virtual groups,
+      where server load balancing and fail safe is made possible.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="XiGraphics" category="MULTIMEDIA">
+    <name>Xi Graphics</name>
+    <url>http://www.xig.com/</url>
+    <description>
+      Xi Graphics offers commercial-grade graphical software enhancements
+      for FreeBSD.  <em>AcceleratedX Server</em> completely supports over
+      400 different graphics adapters from over 40 vendors, including many
+      that are partially supported or not included with XFree86. Download a
+      FREE demonstration copy from <a
+      href="ftp://ftp.xig.com/">ftp.xig.com</a>. Also utilize Motif v2.0
+      runtime + development environment with <em>AcceleratedX Motif</em>
+      and 3D graphics with <em>AcceleratedX OpenGL</em>. For more
+      information, email <a href="mailto:sales@xig.com">sales@xig.com</a>
+      or call +1.303.298.7478.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="XVScan" category="SYSADMIN">
+    <name>XVScan</name>
+    <url>http://www.tummy.com/xvscan/</url>
+    <description>
+      XVScan allows you to use your HP ScanJet scanner under FreeBSD. It is
+      a commercial product based on John Bradley's xv.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="YARD" category="DATABASE">
+    <name>YARD Software GmbH</name>
+    <url>http://www.yard.de/</url>
+    <description>
+      YARD Software GmbH provides its relational ANSI-SQL database for
+      FreeBSD systems.	<em>YARD-SQL</em> is available on most UNIX systems
+      and has interfaces for C, ODBC (MS Windows) and JDBC (Java). A
+      Private Edition for private, non-commercial use can be downloaded
+      from <a
+      href="ftp://ftp.yard.de/pub/private/">ftp://ftp.yard.de/pub/private/</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="ZeusTechnology" category="NETWORK">
+    <name>Zeus Technology Limited</name>
+    <url>http://www.zeus.co.uk/</url>
+    <description>
+      Zeus Technology Limited offers <em>Zeus Server</em> for FreeBSD. Zeus
+      Server is an advanced, powerful, full-featured, commercial grade web
+      server designed with exceptional performance, minimal machine
+      resource requirements, and ease of administration in mind. FREE
+      evaluation copies may be <a
+      href="http://www.zeus.co.uk/">downloaded</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="PortaOne" category="NETWORK">
+    <name>PortaOne</name>
+    <url>http://www.portaone.com</url>
+    <description>
+      PortaOne is a VoIP billing solutions company. We enable Internet
+      Telephony Service Providers (ITSP's) and the operators of voice
+      networks to quickly and efficiently implement, manage, and deliver a
+      wide range of billing solutions for IP telephony. Our flagship
+      product <a
+      href="http://www.portaone.com/solutions/">PortaBilling100</a> is an
+      extremely flexible customer management and billing platform that
+      enables the providers of IP Telephony services to launch, price, and
+      provision an array of VoIP services. For further information,
+      please see <a href="http://www.portaone.com">www.portaone.com</a>
+    </description>
+  </entry>
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-<!ENTITY % vendorincludes SYSTEM "includes.sgml"> %vendorincludes;
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-<H2>Software Vendors</H2>
-<P>This file has been divided into sub-categories for your
-convenience.  The following shortcuts will take
-you to the proper gallery entries.</P>
-<P></P><A HREF="commercial.html">Commercial Vendors Home</A>