diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/mac/chapter.sgml b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/mac/chapter.sgml index b6ea560750..c1d4644107 100644 --- a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/mac/chapter.sgml +++ b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/mac/chapter.sgml @@ -1,2113 +1,2113 @@ Tom Rhodes Written by Mandatory Access Control Synopsis MAC Mandatory Access Controls With security requirements on a rise throughout much of the world, the demand for a more secure environment has increased. It is from this demand that the TrustedBSD project was founded with nothing more than security in mind. The TrustedBSD project aims at developing userland utilities and kernel interfaces, based on the &posix;.1e draft, and merging them back to &os; 5.X. While still in the development stage, many of the features are nearing production stability. Some of those include file system Access Control Lists (ACLs) and Mandatory Access Control (MAC) mechanisms. So what is MAC? Mandatory Access Controls are rules that control how users access a system in order to prohibit the unauthorized disclosure of any system or user data; or provide for the indefinite integrity of system objects or subjects. For a definition of what objects and subjects are, see below. The mandatory part of the definition comes from the fact that the enforcement of the controls is done by administrators and the system, and is not left up to the discretion of users as is done with discretionary access controls (DAC, the normal access method). This entire chapter will focus primarily on the Mandatory Access Control framework, hereon referred to simply as MAC, features. As more features are brought into &os; 5.X, they will be added here. After reading this chapter, you will know: What MAC modules are currently included in &os; and their associated policies. What MAC policies are capable of implementing, the difference between a label and non-labeled policy. How to efficiently configure a system to use the MAC framework. How to configure the different policies used by the MAC modules. How to implement a secure environment using the MAC framework and the examples shown. How to test the MAC configuration to ensure the system is properly accepting it. Before reading this chapter, you should: Understand &unix; and &os; basics (). Be familiar with keeping &os; sources up to date (), and the basics of kernel configuration/compilation (). Have some familiarity with security and how it pertains to &os; (). Please take notice that the improper use of the following information may cause loss of access to the system, aggravation of users, inability to access the features provided by &xfree86;, and should not be believed to completely secure a system. The MAC framework only augments security: without a good security policy and regular security checks, believing the system to be totally secure would be completely irrational. It should also be noted that the examples contained within this chapter are just that, examples. It is not recommended that these particular settings be rolled out on a production system. Implementing these policies takes a good deal of thought. One who does not fully understand exactly how everything works may find him or herself going back through the entire system and reconfiguring many files or directories. What Will Not Be Covered This chapter covers a broad range of security in respect to the MAC framework. It is important to note that the development of MAC policies will not be covered. Writing new policies is completely beyond the initial scope of this document. As such, some policies included with the MAC framework are not covered. These include the &man.mac.test.4;, &man.mac.stub.4; and &man.mac.none.4; modules/policies. Each of these modules have specific characteristics which are provided for both testing and new module development. For more information on these modules and the various mechanisms they provide, review the manual pages provided. Key Terms in this Chapter Before reading this chapter, a few key terms must be explained. This will hopefully clear up any confusion that may occur and avoid the abrupt introduction of new terms and information. The following terms will be used throughout this chapter: compartment: A compartment is a a set of programs and data to be partitioned or separated, where users are given certain access to specific components of a system. Also, a compartment represents a grouping, such as a work group, department, project, or topic. Access to compartments is granted on a need-to-know basis. label: A label is a security feature which can be applied to files, directories, and other items in the system. It could be considered to be a confidentiality stamp; when a label is placed on a file it describes the level of security for that specific file and will only permit access by files, users, resources, etc. with a similar or lesser security setting. Some of the policies can handle labels in different ways; this will be discussed in the policy sections later. multilabel: The is a file system option which can be set in single user mode using the &man.tunefs.8; utility; set during the boot operation using the &man.fstab.5; file; or during the creation of a new file system. This option will permit multiple MAC labels to be placed on files and directories in the file system. This option only applies to policies which use label operations for enhanced security. object: An object or system object is an entity through which information flows under the direction of a subject. This includes directories, files, fields, screens, keyboards, memory, magnetic storage, printers or any other data storage/moving device. Basically a data container, or a system resource; access to an object effectively means access to the data. policy: A collection of rules which defines how objectives are to be achieved. A policy usually documents how certain items are to be handled. This chapter will consider the term policy in this context as a security policy. single label: A single label is when the entire file system uses one label to enforce access control over the flow of data. When a file system has this set, which is any time when the option is not set, all files must conform to the same label setting. subject: a subject is any active entity that causes information to flow between objects; e.g. a user, user processor, system process, etc. Explanation of MAC With all of these new terms in mind, consider how the MAC framework augments the security of the system as a whole. The various policies provided by the MAC framework could be used to protect the network and file systems, block users from accessing certain ports and sockets, and more. Perhaps the best use of the policies is to blend them together for a multi-layered security environment. The only downside is administrative overhead in cases of multiple file system labels, setting network access control user by user, etc. These downsides are minimal when compared to the lasting effect of the framework. A good implementation would hand total control over to the system administrator, who then could control various aspects of these policies using the &man.sysctl.8; utility. Thus a system utilizing MAC features should at least guarantee that a user will not be permitted to change security attributes at will; all user utilities, programs and scripts must work within the constraints of the access rules provided by the selected policies; and that total control of the MAC access rules are in the hands of the system administrator. It is the sole duty of the system administrator to carefully select the correct policies. Some environments may need to limit access control over the network; in these cases, the &man.mac.portacl.4;, &man.mac.ifoff.4; and even &man.mac.biba.4; might be a good starting point. In other cases, the need to secret items on the file system might be required. Policies such as &man.mac.bsdextended.4; and &man.mac.mls.4; exist for this purpose. Policy decisions could be made based on network configuration. Perhaps only certain users should be permitted access to facilities provided by &man.ssh.1; to access the network or the Internet. The &man.mac.portacl.4; would be the policy of choice for these situations. But what should be done in the case of file systems? Should all access to certain directories be severed from other groups or specific users? Or should we limit user or utility access to specific files by setting certain objects as classified? In the file system case, access to objects might be considered confidential to some users but not to others. For an example, a large development team might be broken off into smaller groups of individuals. Developers in project A might not be permitted to access objects written by developers in project B. Yet they might need to access objects created by developers in project C; that is quite a situation indeed. Using the different policies provided by the MAC framework; users could be divided into these groups and then given access to the appropriate areas without the fear of information leakage. Thus, each policy has a unique way of dealing with information flow. Policy selection should be completely based on a well thought out security policy. In many cases, the overall policy may need to be revised and reimplemented across the network. Understanding the different policies offered by the MAC framework will help administrators to choose the best policies for their situations. Also, understanding the implications involved with implementing the MAC framework into a specific environment; the following configuration must be completed before trying any of the examples or applying the information in the rest of this chapter to any environment. The default &os; kernel does not include the option for the MAC framework; thus the following kernel option must be added: options MAC And the kernel will require a rebuild and a reinstall. While the various manual pages for MAC modules state that they may be built into the kernel, it is possible to lock the system out of the network and more. Therefore, this is not recommended to those who are new the framework. Understanding MAC Labels A MAC label is virtually a security stamp which may be applied to subjects and objects throughout the system. When setting a label, the user must be able to comprehend what it is, exactly, that is being done. Setting the label too high or too low may jeopardize the entire security structure of their directory or file system. The label specifies exactly what type of access control should be enforced on the object or subject. Formatting of the label is simple, taking the policy name and a qualifier, or setting, for that object or subject. For instance, setting the label of biba/low on a file will give that file a basic low access control policy. These labels are what helps to partition, or divide into groups, several objects from each other based on their security profile. With every policy which supports the labeling feature in &os;, three specific predefined labels are offered, they are the low, high and equal labels. Although they enforce access control in a different manner with each policy, you can be sure that the low label will be the lowest setting, the equal label will set the subject or object to be disabled or unaffected, and the high label will enforce the highest setting available. Within single label environments, only one label may be used on objects and subjects. This will enforce one set of access permissions across the entire system and in many environments may be all that is required. There are a few cases; however, where multiple labels may be set on objects or subjects in the system. For those cases, the option may be passed to &man.tunefs.8;. In other cases still, a numeric label may be set to indicate the precise level of hierarchical control. This numeric compartment is used to partition or sort information into different groups of say, classification only permitting access to that group or a higher group level. In most cases the administrator will only be setting up a single label to use throughout the file system; indeed this limits the need for the soon to be discussed option. That option should only be enabled if the situation requires it. Hey wait, this is similar to DAC! I thought MAC gave control strictly to the administrator. That statement still holds true, root is the one in control and who configures the policy so that users are placed in the appropriate categories/access levels. Basic control over objects will then be released to the group but root may revoke or modify the settings at any time. This is the hierarchal/clearance model discussed earlier in this chapter. Label Configuration Virtually all aspects of label policy configuration will be performed using a set of four commands. These commands provide a simple interface for object or subject configuration or the manipulation and verification of the configuration. All configuration may be done by use of the &man.setfmac.8; and &man.setpmac.8; utilities respectively. - The setfmac is used to set + The setfmac command is used to set MAC labels on system objects while the - setpmac is used to set the labels on system + setpmac command is used to set the labels on system subjects. Observe: &prompt.root; setfmac biba/high test If no errors occurred with the command above a prompt will be returned. The only time these commands are not quiescent is when an error occurred. In some cases this error may be a Permission denied and is usually obtained when the label is being set or modified on an object which is restricted. The system administrator may use the following commands to overcome this: &prompt.root; setfmac biba/high test Permission denied &prompt.root; setpmac biba/low setfmac biba/high test &prompt.root; getfmac test test: biba/high - As can be observed, the setpmac + As can be observed, setpmac can be used to override the policy's settings by assigning a different label to the invoked process. The - getpmac is usually used with currently + getpmac utility is usually used with currently running processes, such as sendmail: although it takes a process ID in place of a command the logic is extremely similar. It should be pointed out that users will only be able to override policy labels if they themselves own the object or subject. If users would attempt to manipulate a file not in their access levels, the Operation not permitted error will be displayed by the mac_set_link function. Users and Label Settings Users themselves are required to have labels so that their files and processes may properly. This is configured through the login.conf file by use of login classes. Every policy that uses labels will enforce the user class setting. An example entry containing every policy is listed below: default:\ :copyright=/etc/COPYRIGHT:\ :welcome=/etc/motd:\ :setenv=MAIL=/var/mail/$,BLOCKSIZE=K:\ :path=~/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:\ :manpath=/usr/share/man /usr/local/man:\ :nologin=/usr/sbin/nologin:\ :cputime=1h30m:\ :datasize=8M:\ :vmemoryuse=100M:\ :stacksize=2M:\ :memorylocked=4M:\ :memoryuse=8M:\ :filesize=8M:\ :coredumpsize=8M:\ :openfiles=24:\ :maxproc=32:\ :priority=0:\ :requirehome:\ :passwordtime=91d:\ :umask=022:\ :ignoretime@:\ :label=partition/13,mls/5,biba/low,lomac10[2]: The label option is used to set the user class default label which will be enforced by MAC. Users will never be permitted to modify this value, thus it can be considered not optional in the user case. In a real configuration, however, the administrator will never wish to enable every policy. It is recommended that the rest of this chapter be reviewed before any of this configuration is implemented. In all cases, after a change to login.conf, the login class capability database must be rebuilt using cap_mkdb and this will be reflected throughout every forthcoming example or discussion. It is useful to note that many sites may have a particularly large number of users requiring several different user classes. In depth planning is required as this may get extremely difficult to manage. Network Interfaces and Label Settings Labels may also be set on network interfaces to help control the flow of data across the network. In all cases they function in the same way the policies function with respect to objects. Users at high settings in biba, for example, will not be permitted to access network interfaces with a label of low. The may be passed to ifconfig when setting the MAC label on network interfaces. For example: &prompt.root; ifconfig bge0 maclabel biba/equal will set the MAC label of biba/equal on the &man.bge.4; interface. When using a setting similar to biba/high(low-high) the entire label should be quoted; otherwise an error will be returned. Each policy which supports labeling has some tunable which may be used to disable the MAC label on network interfaces. Setting the label to will have a similar effect. Review the output from sysctl, the policy manual pages, or even the information found later in this chapter for those tunables. Singlelabel or Multilabel? By default the system will use the option. But what does this mean to the administrator? There are several differences which, in their own right, offer pros and cons to the flexibility in the systems security model. The only permits for one label, for instance biba/high to be used for each subject or object. It provides for lower administration overhead but decreases the flexibility of policies which support labeling. Many administrators may want to use the option in their security policy. The option will permit each subject or object to have its own independent MAC label in place of the standard option which will allow only one label throughout the system. The and label options are only required for the policies which implement the labeling feature, including the Biba, Lomac, MLS and SEBSD policies. In many cases, the may not need to be set at all. Consider the following situation and security model: &os; web-server using the MAC framework and a mix of the various policies. This machine only requires one label, biba/high, for everything in the system. Here the file system would not require the option as a single label will always be in effect. But, this machine will be a web server and should have the web server run at biba/low to prevent write up capabilities. The Biba policy and how it works will be discussed later, so if the previous comment was difficult to interpret just continue reading and return. The server could use a separate partition set at biba/lowfor most if not all of its runtime state. Much is lacking from this example, for instance the restrictions on data, configuration and user settings; however, this is just a quick example to prove the aforementioned point. If any of the non-labeling policies are to be used, then the option would never be required. These include the seeotheruids, portacl and partition policies. It should also be noted that using with a partition and establishing a security model based on functionality could open the doors for higher administrative overhead as everything in the file system would have a label. This includes directories, files, and even device nodes. The following command will set on the file systems to have multiple labels. This may only be done in single user mode. &prompt.root; tunefs -l enable / This is not a requirement for the swap file system. Some users have experienced problems with setting the flag on the root partition. If this is the case, please review the troubleshooting section of this chapter. Controlling MAC with Tunables Without any modules loaded, there are still some parts of MAC which may be configured using the sysctl interface. These tunables are described below and in all cases the number one (1) means enabled while the number zero (0) means disabled: security.mac.enforce_fs defaults to one (1) and enforces MAC file system policies on the file systems. security.mac.enforce_kld defaults to one (1) and enforces MAC kernel linking policies on the dynamic kernel linker (see &man.kld.4;). security.mac.enforce_network defaults to one (1) and enforces MAC network policies. security.mac.enforce_pipe defaults to one (1) and enforces MAC policies on pipes. security.mac.enforce_process defaults to one (1) and enforces MAC policies on processes which utilize inter-process communication. security.mac.enforce_socket defaults to one (1) and enforces MAC policies on sockets (see the &man.socket.2; manual page). security.mac.enforce_system defaults to one (1) and enforces MAC policies on system activities such as accounting and rebooting. security.mac.enforce_vm defaults to one (1) and enforces MAC policies on the virtual memory system. Every policy or MAC option supports tunables. These usually hang off of the security.mac.<policyname> tree. To view all of the tunables from MAC use the following command: &prompt.root; sysctl -da | grep mac This should be interpreted as all of the basic MAC policies are enforced by default. If the modules were built into the kernel the system would be extremely locked down and most likely unable to communicate with the local network or connect to the Internet, etc. This is why building the modules into the kernel is not completely recommended. Not because it limits the ability to disable features on the fly with sysctl, but it permits the administrator to instantly switch the policies of a system without the requirement of rebuilding and reinstalling a new system. Module Configuration Every module included with the MAC framework may be either compiled into the kernel as noted above or loaded as a run-time kernel module. The recommended method is to add the module name to the /boot/loader.conf file so that it will load during the initial boot operation. The following sections will discuss the various MAC modules and cover their features. Implementing them into a specific environment will also be a consideration of this chapter. Some modules support the use of labeling, which is controlling access by enforcing a label such as this is allowed and this is not. A label configuration file may control how files may be accessed, network communication can be exchanged, and more. The previous section showed how the flag could be set on file systems to enable per-file or per-partition access control. A single label configuration would enforce only one label across the system, that is why the tunefs option is called . The MAC seeotheruids Module MAC See Other UIDs Policy Module name: mac_seeotheruids.ko Kernel configuration line: options MAC_SEEOTHERUIDS Boot option: mac_seeotheruids_load="YES" The &man.mac.seeotheruids.4; module mimics and extends the security.bsd.see_other_uids and security.bsd.see_other_gids sysctl tunables. This option does not require any labels to be set before configuration and can operate transparently with the other modules. After loading the module, the following sysctl tunables may be used to control the features: security.mac.seeotheruids.enabled will enable the module's features and use the default settings. These default settings will deny users the ability to view processes and sockets owned by other users. security.mac.seeotheruids.specificgid_enabled will allow a certain group to be exempt from this policy. To exempt specific groups from this policy, use the security.mac.seeotheruids.specificgid=XXX sysctl tunable. In the above example, the XXX should be replaced with the numeric group ID to be exempted. security.mac.seeotheruids.primarygroup_enabled is used to exempt specific primary groups from this policy. When using this tunable, the security.mac.seeotheruids.specificgid_enabled may not be set. It should be noted that the root user is not exempt from this policy. This is one of the large differences between the MAC version and the standard tunable version included by default: security.bsd.seeotheruids. The MAC bsdextended Module MAC File System Firewall Policy Module name: mac_bsdextended.ko Kernel configuration line: options MAC_BSDEXTENDED Boot option: mac_bsdextended_load="YES" The &man.mac.bsdextended.4; module enforces the file system firewall. This module's policy provides an extension to the standard file system permissions model, permitting an administrator to create a firewall-like ruleset to protect files, utilities, and directories in the file system hierarchy. The policy may be created using a utility, &man.ugidfw.8;, that has a syntax similar to that of &man.ipfw.8;. More tools can be written by using the functions in the &man.libugidfw.3; library. Extreme caution should be taken when working with this module; incorrect use could block access to certain parts of the file system. Examples After the &man.mac.bsdextended.4; module has been loaded, the following command may be used to list the current rule configuration: &prompt.root; ugidfw list 0 slots, 0 rules As expected, there are no rules defined. This means that everything is still completely accessible. To create a rule which will block all access by users but leave root unaffected, simply run the following command: &prompt.root; ugidfw add subject not uid root new object not uid root mode n This is a very bad idea as it will block all users from issuing even the most simple commands, such as ls. A more patriotic list of rules might be: &prompt.root; ugidfw set 2 subject uid user object uid trhodes mode n &prompt.root; ugidfw set 3 subject uid user object gid trhodes mode n This will block any and all access, including directory listings, to trhodes's home directory from the username user. In place of user, the could be passed. This will enforce the same access restrictions above for all users in place of just one user. The root user will be unaffected by these changes. This should give a general idea of how the &man.mac.bsdextended.4; module may be used to help fortify a file system. For more information, see the &man.mac.bsdextended.4; and the &man.ugidfw.8; manual pages. The MAC ifoff Module MAC Interface Silencing Policy Module name: mac_ifoff.ko Kernel configuration line: options MAC_IFOFF Boot option: mac_ifoff_load="YES" The &man.mac.ifoff.4; module exists solely to disable network interfaces on the fly and keep network interfaces from being brought up during the initial system boot. It does not require any labels to be set up on the system, nor does it have a dependency on other MAC modules. Most of the control is done through the sysctl tunables listed below. security.mac.ifoff.lo_enabled will enable/disable all traffic on the loopback (&man.lo.4;) interface. security.mac.ifoff.bpfrecv_enabled will enable/disable all traffic on the Berkeley Packet Filter interface (&man.bpf.4;) security.mac.ifoff.other_enabled will enable/disable traffic on all other interfaces. One of the most common uses of &man.mac.ifoff.4; is network monitoring in an environment where network traffic should not be permitted during the boot sequence. Another suggested use would be to write a script which uses security/aide to automatically block network traffic if it finds new or altered files in protected directories. The MAC portacl Module MAC Port Access Control List Policy Module name: mac_portacl.ko Kernel configuration line: MAC_PORTACL Boot option: mac_portacl_load="YES" The &man.mac.portacl.4; module is used to limit binding to local TCP and UDP ports using a variety of sysctl variables. In essence &man.mac.portacl.4; makes it possible to allow non-root users to bind to specified privileged ports, i.e. ports fewer than 1024. Once loaded, this module will enable the MAC policy on all sockets. The following tunables are available: security.mac.portacl.enabled will enable/disable the policy completely.Due to a bug the security.mac.portacl.enabled sysctl variable will not work on &os; 5.2 or previous releases. security.mac.portacl.port_high will set the highest port number that &man.mac.portacl.4; will enable protection for. security.mac.portacl.suser_exempt will, when set to a non-zero value, exempt the root user from this policy. security.mac.portacl.rules will specify the actual mac_portacl policy; see below. The actual mac_portacl policy, as specified in the security.mac.portacl.rules sysctl, is a text string of the form: rule[,rule,...] with as many rules as needed. Each rule is of the form: idtype:id:protocol:port. The idtype parameter can be uid or gid and used to interpret the id parameter as either a user id or group id, respectively. The protocol parameter is used to determine if the rule should apply to TCP or UDP by setting the parameter to tcp or udp. The final port parameter is the port number to allow the specified user or group to bind to. Since the ruleset is interpreted directly by the kernel only numeric values can be used for the user ID, group ID, and port parameters. I.e. user, group, and port service names cannot be used. By default, on &unix;-like systems, ports fewer than 1024 can only be used by/bound to privileged processes, i.e. those run as root. For &man.mac.portacl.4; to allow non-privileged processes to bind to ports below 1024 this standard &unix; restriction has to be disabled. This can be accomplished by setting the &man.sysctl.8; variables net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedlow and net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedhigh to zero. See the examples below or review the &man.mac.portacl.4; manual page for further information. Examples The following examples should illuminate the above discussion a little better: &prompt.root; sysctl security.mac.portacl.port_high=1023 &prompt.root; sysctl net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedlow=0 net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedhigh=0 First we set &man.mac.portacl.4; to cover the standard privileged ports and disable the normal &unix; bind restrictions. &prompt.root; sysctl security.mac.portacl.suser_exempt=1 The root user should not be crippled by this policy, thus set the security.mac.portacl.suser_exempt to a non-zero value. The &man.mac.portacl.4; module has now been set up to behave the same way &unix;-like systems behave by default. &prompt.root; sysctl security.mac.portacl.rules=uid:80:tcp:80 Allow the user with UID 80 (normally the www user) to bind to port 80. This can be used to allow the www user to run a web server without ever having root privilege. &prompt.root; sysctl security.mac.portacl.rules=uid:1001:tcp:110,uid:1001:tcp:995 Permit the user with the UID of 1001 to bind to the TCP ports 110 (pop3) and 995 (pop3s). This will permit this user to start a server that accepts connections on ports 110 and 995. MAC Policies with Labeling Features The next few sections will discuss MAC policies which use labels. From here on this chapter will focus on the features of &man.mac.biba.4;, &man.mac.lomac.4;, &man.mac.partition.4;, and &man.mac.mls.4;. This is an example configuration only and should not be considered for a production implementation. The goal is to document and show the syntax as well as examples for implementation and testing. For these policies to work correctly several preparations must be made. Preparation for Labeling Policies The following changes are required in the login.conf file: An insecure class, or another class of similar type, must be added. The login class of insecure is not required and just used as an example here; different configurations may use another class name. The insecure class should have the following settings and definitions. Several of these can be altered but the line which defines the default label is a requirement and must remain. insecure:\ :copyright=/etc/COPYRIGHT:\ :welcome=/etc/motd:\ :setenv=MAIL=/var/mail/$,BLOCKSIZE=K:\ :path=~/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:\ :manpath=/usr/share/man /usr/local/man:\ :nologin=/usr/sbin/nologin:\ :cputime=1h30m:\ :datasize=8M:\ :vmemoryuse=100M:\ :stacksize=2M:\ :memorylocked=4M:\ :memoryuse=8M:\ :filesize=8M:\ :coredumpsize=8M:\ :openfiles=24:\ :maxproc=32:\ :priority=0:\ :requirehome:\ :passwordtime=91d:\ :umask=022:\ :ignoretime@:\ :label=partition/13,mls/5,biba/low: The &man.cap.mkdb.1; command needs to be ran on &man.login.conf.5; before any of the users can be switched over to the new class. The root should also be placed into a login class; otherwise, almost every command executed by root will require the use of setpmac. Rebuilding the login.conf database may cause some errors later with the daemon class. Simply uncommenting the daemon account and rebuilding the database should alleviate these issues. Ensure that all partitions on which MAC labeling will be implemented support the . We must do this because many of the examples here contain different labels for testing purposes. Review the output from the mount command as a precautionary measure. Switch any users who will have the higher security mechanisms enforced over to the new user class. A quick run of &man.pw.8; or &man.vipw.8; should do the trick. The MAC partition Module MAC Process Partition Policy Module name: mac_partition.ko Kernel configuration line: options MAC_PARTITION Boot option: mac_partition_load="YES" The &man.mac.partition.4; policy will drop processes into specific partitions based on their MAC label. Think of it as a special type of &man.jail.8;, though that is hardly a worthy comparison. This is one module that should be added to the &man.loader.conf.5; file so that it loads and enables the policy during the boot process. Most configuration for this policy is done using the &man.setpmac.8; utility which will be explained below. The following sysctl tunable is available for this policy: security.mac.partition.enabled will enable the enforcement of MAC process partitions. When this policy is enabled, users will only be permitted to see their processes but will not be permitted to work with certain utilities. For instance, a user in the insecure class above will not be permitted to access the top command as well as many other commands that must spawn a process. To set or drop utilities into a partition label, use the setpmac utility: &prompt.root; setpmac partition/13 top This will add the top command to the label set on users in the insecure class. Note that all processes spawned by users in the insecure class will stay in the partition/13 label. Examples The following command will show you the partition label and the process list: &prompt.root; ps Zax This next command will allow the viewing of another user's process partition label and that user's currently running processes: &prompt.root; ps -ZU trhodes Users can see processes in root's label unless the &man.mac.seeotheruids.4; policy is loaded. A really crafty implementation could have all of the services disabled in /etc/rc.conf and started by a script that starts them with the proper labeling set. The following policies support integer settings in place of the three default labels offered. These options, including their limitations, are further explained in the module manual pages. The MAC Multi-Level Security Module MAC Multi-Level Security Policy Module name: mac_mls.ko Kernel configuration line: options MAC_MLS Boot option: mac_mls_load="YES" The &man.mac.mls.4; policy controls access between subjects and objects in the system by enforcing a strict information flow policy. In MLS environments, a clearance level is set in each subject or objects label, along with compartments. Since these clearance or sensibility levels can reach numbers greater than six thousand; it would be a daunting task for any system administrator to thoroughly configure each subject or object. Thankfully, three instant labels are already included in this policy. These labels are mls/low, mls/equal and mls/high. Since these labels are described in depth in the manual page, they will only get a brief description here: The mls/low label contains a low configuration which permits it to be dominated by all other objects. Anything labeled with mls/low will have a low clearance level and not be permitted to access information of a higher level. In addition, this label will prevent objects of a higher clearance level from writing or passing information on to them. The mls/equal label should be placed on objects considered to be exempt from the policy. The mls/high label is the highest level of clearance possible. Objects assigned this label will hold dominance over all other objects in the system; however, they will not permit the leaking of information to objects of a lower class. MLS provides for: A hierarchical security level with a set of non hierarchical categories; Fixed rules: no read up, no write down (a subject can have read access to objects on its own level or below, but not above. Similarly, a subject can have write access to objects on its own level or above but not beneath.); Secrecy (preventing inappropriate disclosure of data); Basis for the design of systems that concurrently handle data at multiple sensitivity levels (without leaking information between secret and confidential). The following sysctl tunables are available for the configuration of special services and interfaces: security.mac.mls.enabled is used to enable/disable the MLS policy. security.mac.mls.ptys_equal will label all &man.pty.4; devices as mls/equal during creation. security.mac.mls.revocation_enabled is used to revoke access to objects after their label changes to a label of a lower grade. security.mac.mls.max_compartments is used to set the maximum number of compartment levels with objects; basically the maximum compartment number allowed on a system. To manipulate the MLS labels, the &man.setfmac.8; command has been provided. To assign a label to an object, issue the following command: &prompt.root; setfmac mls/5 test To get the MLS label for the file test issue the following command: &prompt.root; getfmac test This is a summary of the MLS policy's features. Another approach is to create a master policy file in /etc which specifies the MLS policy information and to feed that file into the setfmac command. This method will be explained after all policies are covered. Observations: an object with lower clearance is unable to observe higher clearance processes. A basic policy would be to enforce mls/high on everything not to be read, even if it needs to be written. Enforce mls/low on everything not to be written, even if it needs to be read. And finally enforce mls/equal on the rest. All users marked insecure should be set at mls/low. The MAC Biba Module MAC Biba Integrity Policy Module name: mac_biba.ko Kernel configuration line: options MAC_BIBA Boot option: mac_biba_load="YES" The &man.mac.biba.4; module loads the MAC Biba policy. This policy works much like that of the MLS policy with the exception that the rules for information flow are slightly reversed. This is said to prevent the downward flow of sensitive information whereas the MLS policy prevents the upward flow of sensitive information; thus, much of this section can apply to both policies. In Biba environments, an integrity label is set on each subject or object. These labels are made up of hierarchal grades, and non-hierarchal components. As an object's or subject's grade ascends, so does its integrity. Supported labels are biba/low, biba/equal, and biba/high; as explained below: The biba/low label is considered the lowest integrity an object or subject may have. Setting this on objects or subjects will block their write access to objects or subjects marked high. They still have read access though. The biba/equal label should only be placed on objects considered to be exempt from the policy. The biba/high label will permit writing to objects set at a lower label but not permit reading that object. It is recommended that this label be placed on objects that affect the integrity of the entire system. Biba provides for: Hierarchical integrity level with a set of non hierarchical integrity categories; Fixed rules: no write up, no read down (opposite of MLS). A subject can have write access to objects on its own level but not above. Similarly, a subject can have read access to objects on its own level above but not below; Integrity (preventing inappropriate modification of data); Integrity levels (instead of MLS sensitivity levels). The following sysctl tunables can be used to manipulate the Biba policy. security.mac.biba.enabled may be used to enable/disable enforcement of the Biba policy on the target machine. security.mac.biba.ptys_equal may be used to disable the Biba policy on &man.pty.4; devices. security.mac.biba.revocation_enabled will force the revocation of access to objects if the label is changed to dominate the subject. To access the Biba policy setting on system objects, use the setfmac and getfmac commands: &prompt.root; setfmac biba/low test &prompt.root; getfmac test test: biba/low Observations: a lower integrity subject is unable to write to a higher integrity subject; a higher integrity subject cannot observe or read a lower integrity object. The MAC LOMAC Module MAC LOMAC Module name: mac_lomac.ko Kernel configuration line: options MAC_LOMAC Boot option: mac_lomac_load="YES" Unlike the MAC Biba policy, the &man.mac.lomac.4; policy permits access to lower integrity objects only after decreasing the integrity level to not disrupt any integrity rules. The MAC version of the Low-watermark integrity policy, not to be confused with the older &man.lomac.4; implementation, works almost identically to Biba but with the exception of using floating labels to support subject demotion via an auxiliary grade compartment. This secondary compartment takes the form of [auxgrade]. When assigning a lomac policy with an auxiliary grade, it should look a little bit like: lomac/10[2] where the number two (2) is the auxiliary grade. The MAC LOMAC policy relies on the ubiquitous labeling of all system objects with integrity labels, permitting subjects to read from low integrity objects and then downgrading the label on the subject to prevent future writes to high integrity objects. This is the [auxgrade] option discussed above, thus the policy may provide for greater compatibility and require less initial configuration than Biba. Examples Like the Biba and MLS policies; the setfmac and setpmac utilities may be used to place labels on system objects: &prompt.root; setfmac /usr/home/trhodes lomac/high[low] &prompt.root; getfmac /usr/home/trhodes lomac/high[low] Notice the auxiliary grade here is low, this is a feature provided only by the MAC LOMAC policy. Implementing a Secure Environment with MAC MAC Example Implementation The following demonstration will implement a secure environment using various MAC modules with properly configured policies. This is only a test and should not be considered the complete answer to everyone's security woes. Just implementing a policy and ignoring it never works and could be disastrous in a production environment. Before beginning this process, the multilabel option must be set on each file system as stated at the beginning of this chapter. Not doing so will result in errors. Create an insecure User Class Begin the procedure by adding the following user class to the /etc/login.conf file: insecure:\ :copyright=/etc/COPYRIGHT:\ :welcome=/etc/motd:\ :setenv=MAIL=/var/mail/$,BLOCKSIZE=K:\ :path=~/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin :manpath=/usr/share/man /usr/local/man:\ :nologin=/usr/sbin/nologin:\ :cputime=1h30m:\ :datasize=8M:\ :vmemoryuse=100M:\ :stacksize=2M:\ :memorylocked=4M:\ :memoryuse=8M:\ :filesize=8M:\ :coredumpsize=8M:\ :openfiles=24:\ :maxproc=32:\ :priority=0:\ :requirehome:\ :passwordtime=91d:\ :umask=022:\ :ignoretime@:\ :label=partition/13,mls/5: And adding the following line to the default user class: :label=mls/equal,biba/equal,partition/equal: Once this is completed, the following command must be issued to rebuild the database: &prompt.root; cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf Boot with the Correct Modules Add the following lines to /boot/loader.conf so the required modules will load during system initialization: mac_biba_load="YES" mac_mls_load="YES" mac_seeotheruids_load="YES" mac_partition_load="YES" Set All Users to Insecure All user accounts that are not root or system users will now require a login class. The login class is required otherwise users will be refused access to common commands such as &man.vi.1;. The following sh script should do the trick: &prompt.root; for x in `awk -F: '($3 >= 1001) && ($3 != 65534) { print $1 }' \ /etc/passwd`; do pw usermod $x -L insecure; done; The cap_mkdb command will need to be run on /etc/master.passwd after this change. Complete the Configuration A contexts file should now be created; the following example was taken from Robert Watson's example policy and should be placed in /etc/policy.contexts. # This is the default BIBA/MLS policy for this system. .* biba/high,mls/high /sbin/dhclient biba/high(low),mls/high(low) /dev(/.*)? biba/equal,mls/equal # This is not an exhaustive list of all "privileged" devices. /dev/mdctl biba/high,mls/high /dev/pci biba/high,mls/high /dev/k?mem biba/high,mls/high /dev/io biba/high,mls/high /dev/agp.* biba/high,mls/high (/var)?/tmp(/.*)? biba/equal,mls/equal /tmp/\.X11-unix biba/high(equal),mls/high(equal) /tmp/\.X11-unix/.* biba/equal,mls/equal /proc(/.*)? biba/equal,mls/equal /mnt.* biba/low,mls/low (/usr)?/home biba/high(low),mls/high(low) (/usr)?/home/.* biba/low,mls/low /var/mail(/.*)? biba/low,mls/low /var/spool/mqueue(/.*)? biba/low,mls/low (/mnt)?/cdrom(/.*)? biba/high,mls/high (/usr)?/home/(ftp|samba)(/.*)? biba/high,mls/high /var/log/sendmail\.st biba/low,mls/low /var/run/utmp biba/equal,mls/equal /var/log/(lastlog|wtmp) biba/equal,mls/equal This policy will enforce security by setting restrictions on both the downward and upward flow of information with regards to the directories and utilities listed on the left. This can now be read into our system by issuing the following command: &prompt.root; setfsmac -ef /etc/policy.contexts / &prompt.root; setfsmac -ef /etc/policy.contexts /usr The above file system layout may be different depending on environment. The /etc/mac.conf file requires the following modifications in the main section: default_labels file ?biba,?mls default_labels ifnet ?biba,?mls default_labels process ?biba,?mls,?partition default_labels socket ?biba,?mls Testing the Configuration MAC Configuration Testing Add a user with the adduser command and place that user in the insecure class for these tests. The examples below will show a mix of root and regular user tests; use the prompt to distinguish between the two. Basic Labeling Tests &prompt.user; getpmac biba/15(15-15),mls/15(15-15),partition/15 &prompt.root; setpmac partition/15,mls/equal top The top process will be killed before we start another top process. MAC Seeotheruids Tests &prompt.user; ps Zax biba/15(15-15),mls/15(15-15),partition/15 1096 #C: S 0:00.03 -su (bash) biba/15(15-15),mls/15(15-15),partition/15 1101 #C: R+ 0:00.01 ps Zax We should not be permitted to see any processes owned by other users. MAC Partition Test Disable the MAC seeotheruids policy for the rest of these tests: &prompt.root; sysctl security.mac.seeotheruids.enabled=0 &prompt.user; ps Zax LABEL PID TT STAT TIME COMMAND biba/equal(low-high),mls/equal(low-high),partition/15 1122 #C: S+ 0:00.02 top biba/15(15-15),mls/15(15-15),partition/15 1096 #C: S 0:00.05 -su (bash) biba/15(15-15),mls/15(15-15),partition/15 1123 #C: R+ 0:00.01 ps Zax All users should be permitted to see every process in their partition. Testing Biba and MLS Labels &prompt.root; setpmac partition/15,mls/equal,biba/high\(high-high\) top &prompt.user; ps Zax LABEL PID TT STAT TIME COMMAND biba/high(high-high),mls/equal(low-high),partition/15 1251 #C: S+ 0:00.02 top biba/15(15-15),mls/15(15-15),partition/15 1096 #C: S 0:00.06 -su (bash) biba/15(15-15),mls/15(15-15),partition/15 1157 #C: R+ 0:00.00 ps Zax The Biba policy allows us to read higher-labeled objects. &prompt.root; setpmac partition/15,mls/equal,biba/low top &prompt.user; ps Zax LABEL PID TT STAT TIME COMMAND biba/15(15-15),mls/15(15-15),partition/15 1096 #C: S 0:00.07 -su (bash) biba/15(15-15),mls/15(15-15),partition/15 1226 #C: R+ 0:00.01 ps Zax The Biba policy does not allow lower-labeled objects to be read; however, MLS does. &prompt.user; ifconfig bge0 | grep maclabel maclabel biba/low(low-low),mls/low(low-low) &prompt.user; ping -c 1 PING ( 56 data bytes ping: sendto: Permission denied Users are unable to ping example.com, or any domain for that matter. To prevent this error from occurring, run the following command: &prompt.root; sysctl security.mac.biba.trust_all_interfaces=1 This sets the default interface label to insecure mode, so the default Biba policy label will not be enforced. &prompt.root; ifconfig bge0 maclabel biba/equal\(low-high\),mls/equal\(low-high\) &prompt.user; ping -c 1 PING ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=50 time=204.455 ms --- ping statistics --- 1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 204.455/204.455/204.455/0.000 ms By setting a more correct label, we can issue ping requests. Now to create a few files for some read and write testing procedures: &prompt.root; touch test1 test2 test3 test4 test5 &prompt.root; getfmac test1 test1: biba/equal,mls/equal &prompt.root; setfmac biba/low test1 test2; setfmac biba/high test4 test5; \ setfmac mls/low test1 test3; setfmac mls/high test2 test4 &prompt.root; setfmac mls/equal,biba/equal test3 && getfmac test? test1: biba/low,mls/low test2: biba/low,mls/high test3: biba/equal,mls/equal test4: biba/high,mls/high test5: biba/high,mls/equal &prompt.root; chown testuser:testuser test? All of these files should now be owned by our testuser user. And now for some read tests: &prompt.user; ls test1 test2 test3 test4 test5 &prompt.user; ls test? ls: test1: Permission denied ls: test2: Permission denied ls: test4: Permission denied test3 test5 We should not be permitted to observe pairs; e.g.: (biba/low,mls/low), (biba/low,mls/high) and (biba/high,mls/high). And of course, read access should be denied. Now for some write tests: &prompt.user; for i in `echo test*`; do echo 1 > $i; done -su: test1: Permission denied -su: test4: Permission denied -su: test5: Permission denied Like with the read tests, write access should not be permitted to write pairs; e.g.: (biba/low,mls/high) and (biba/equal,mls/equal). &prompt.user; cat test? cat: test1: Permission denied cat: test2: Permission denied 1 cat: test4: Permission denied And now as root: &prompt.root; cat test2 1 Another Example: Using MAC to Constrain A Web Server A separate location for the web data which users must be capable of accessing will be appointed. This will permit biba/high processes access rights to the web data. Begin by creating a directory to store the web data in: &prompt.root; mkdir /usr/home/cvs Now initialize it with cvs: &prompt.root; cvs -d /usr/home/cvs init The first goal is to enable the biba policy, thus the mac_biba_enable="YES" should be placed in /boot/loader.conf. This assumes that support for MAC has been enabled in the kernel. From this point on everything in the system should be set at biba/high by default. The following modification must be made to the login.conf file, under the default user class: :ignoretime@:\ :umask=022:\ :label=biba/high: Every user should now be placed in the default class; a command such as: &prompt.root; for x in `awk -F: '($3 >= 1001) && ($3 != 65534) { print $1 }' \ /etc/passwd`; do pw usermod $x -L default; done; will accomplish this task in a few moments. Now create another class, web, a copy of default, with the label setting of biba/low. Create a user who will be used to work with the main web data stored in a cvs repository. This user must be placed in our new login class, web. Since the default is biba/high everywhere, the repository will be the same. The web data must also be the same for users to have read/write access to it; however, since our web server will be serving data that biba/high users must access, we will need to downgrade the data as a whole. The perfect tools for this are &man.sh.1; and &man.cron.8; and are already provided in &os;. The following script should do everything we want: PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin; export PATH; CVSROOT=/home/repo; export CVSROOT; cd /home/web; cvs -qR checkout -P htdocs; exit; In many cases the cvs ID tags must be placed into the web site data files. This script may now be placed into web's home directory and the following &man.crontab.1; entry added: # Check out the web data as biba/low every twelve hours: * 12 * * * web /home/web/checkout.sh This will check out the HTML sources every twelve hours on the machine. The default startup method for the web server must also be modified to start the process as biba/low. This can be done by making the following modification to the /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache.sh script: command="setpmac biba/low /usr/local/sbin/httpd" The Apache configuration must be altered to work with the biba/low policy. In this case the software must be configured to append to the log files in a directory set at biba/low or else access denied errors will be returned. Following this example requires that the docroot directive be set to /home/web/htdocs; otherwise, Apache will fail when trying to locate the directory to serve documents from. Other configuration variables must be altered as well, including the PID file, Scoreboardfile, DocumentRoot, log file locations, or any other variable which requires write access. When using biba, all write access will be denied to the server in areas not set at biba/low. An Example of a MAC Sandbox An example of placing users in a sandbox using MAC should go here. Troubleshooting the MAC Framework MAC Troubleshooting During the development stage, a few users reported problems with normal configuration. Some of these problems are listed below: The <option>multilabel</option> option cannot be enabled on <filename>/</filename> The flag does not stay enabled on my root (/) partition! It seems that one out of every fifty users has this problem, indeed, we had this problem during our initial configuration. Further observation of this so called bug has lead me to believe that it is a result of either incorrect documentation or misinterpretation of the documentation. Regardless of why it happened, the following steps may be taken to resolve it: Edit /etc/fstab and set the root partition at for read-only. Reboot into single user mode. Run tunefs on /. Reboot the system into normal mode. Run mount / and change the back to in /etc/fstab and reboot the system again. Double-check the output from the mount to ensure that has been properly set on the root file system. Cannot start &xfree86; after <acronym>MAC</acronym> After establishing a secure environment with MAC, I am no longer able to start &xfree86;! This could be caused by the MAC partition policy or by a mislabeling in one of the MAC labeling policies. To debug, try the following: Check the error message; if the user is in the insecure class, the partition policy may be the culprit. Try setting the user's class back to the default class and rebuild the database with the cap_mkdb command. If this does not alleviate the problem, go to step two. Double-check the label policies. Ensure that the policies are set correctly for the user in question, the &xfree86; application, and the /dev entries. If neither of these resolve the problem, send the error message and a description of your environment to the TrustedBSD discussion lists located at the TrustedBSD website or to the &a.questions; mailing list.