diff --git a/en/gnome/docs/22knownissues.sgml b/en/gnome/docs/22knownissues.sgml index d26aac13e6..8a7d53d414 100644 --- a/en/gnome/docs/22knownissues.sgml +++ b/en/gnome/docs/22knownissues.sgml @@ -1,71 +1,74 @@ - + %gnomeincludes; %includes; ]> &header;

Below are a list of known issues with GNOME 2.2 that are specific to FreeBSD. They are not the only known issues, however. Please familiarize yourself with the GNOME 2.2 release notes which contains a list of known issues that affect all platforms.

1. notification-area-applet crashes at logout

If you have a notification area on one of your panels, you will receive a segfault when logging out. Bug 105421 has been filed with GNOME Bugzilla. There is no workaround other than not to use the notification area applet, or simply ignore the crash dialog. [UPDATE: This is fixed as of version of gnomepanel.]

2. Unable to use gst-thumbnail

If you try to use the gst-thumbnail application to thubmnail video files, you may encounter an error saying colorspace is not available. You must rebuild multimedia/gstreamer-plugins with Hermes support to correct this. To do this, specify -DWITH_HERMES when build gstreamer-plugins. + [UPDATE: As of version 0.6.0_1 of gstreamer-plugins, + Hermes support is enabled by default, and thus this error + should no longer occur.]

3. Wireless applet does not work

The wireless monitoring applet does not work under FreeBSD. It relies on files in the Linux proc file system that do not exist under FreeBSD (even under linprocfs). Work is underway to add FreeBSD Aironet support to this applet. If you're interested in helping out, contact marcus@FreeBSD.org. [UPDATE: As of version 2.2.0_1 of gnomeapplets2, support for Aironet cards is working in the wireless-applet.]

4. gnomesystemmonitor does not display correct stats

The gnomesystemmonitor may not list all processes or display correct CPU or memory information under FreeBSD. Patches are needed to correct this problem. If you are interested in helping, please contact freebsd-gnome@FreeBSD.org.

&footer; diff --git a/en/gnome/docs/faq2.sgml b/en/gnome/docs/faq2.sgml index 88aa130e21..c2a4f81f30 100644 --- a/en/gnome/docs/faq2.sgml +++ b/en/gnome/docs/faq2.sgml @@ -1,590 +1,587 @@ - + %gnomeincludes; %includes; ]> &header;


  1. How do I get GNOME 2.2 for FreeBSD?
  2. GNOME 2.2 is failing to build from ports. What do I do?
  3. I installed GNOME 2.2, but I am missing application foo. What gives?
  4. What is the best way to upgrade from GNOME 1.4 to GNOME 2?
  5. How do I keep my GNOME 2.2 components and applications up-to-date?
  6. Can I install GNOME 1.4 applications under GNOME 2.2 and vice versa?
  7. Where can I get more themes for GNOME 2.2?
  8. What window managers work well with GNOME 2.2?
  9. Does GNOME 2.2 support anti-aliased fonts?
  10. How can I control what fonts are anti-aliased?
  11. How do I edit my GNOME 2 menus?
  12. How do I use GTK+ 2 resource settings for GTK+ 2 applications when not in a GNOME environment?
  13. How do I configure settings for GNOME 1.4 applications under GNOME 2.2?

Full Text

1. How do I get GNOME 2.2 for FreeBSD?

There are two ways to install GNOME 2.2 on FreeBSD. One way is to use packages, and the other way is to use ports. Before doing either installation, you should first familiarize yourself with the GNOME 2.2 release notes.

To install GNOME 2.2 from packages, use the command:

# pkg_add -r gnome2

This will download the latest GNOME 2.2 packages from the FreeBSD FTP site, and proceed to install them on your system.

To build and install GNOME 2.2 from ports, you should first cvsup the latest ports tree. Then:

 # cd /usr/ports/x11/gnome2
 # make clean
 # make install clean

For the best GNOME 2 experience, you should install from ports, and add the following macros to your /etc/make.conf file:

 WITH_FAM=	yes

WITH_HERMES enables gst-thumbnailer to make - icon thumbnails of movie files (such as MPEGs). - WITH_FAM enables file alteration manager support +

WITH_FAM enables file alteration manager support which allows Nautilus to update its file lists in real-time as well as allows all GNOME components to detect config file changes without needing to restart GNOME. WITH_LAME adds MP3 support, enabling you to play MP3s directly in Nautilus.

These options may cause build errors on certain platforms, and thus they are not enabled by default.

2. GNOME 2.2 is failing to build from ports. What do I do?

The majority of GNOME 2.2 compilation problems can be solved by making sure all the necessary GNOME 2.2 components are up-to-date. You may see compiler errors relating to pthreads (POSIX threads), such as:

 undefined reference to 'strerror_r'

To fix thread related errors, make sure you have the following compiled into your kernel:


And make sure if you are tracking -stable or -current, that you do not have NOLIBC_R set in /etc/make.conf. If you do, remove it, then rebuild world. If you still have trouble, please send email to &email;@FreeBSD.org with the output of the failed compilation. It is also helpful to include the config.log from the port's work directory.

Ports such as devel/pth and devel/ngpt can also cause pthread-related problems when compiling GNOME 2.2. If you do not need these ports installed, it is recommended that you remove them.

3. I installed GNOME 2.2, but I am missing application foo. What gives?

Only the core components, and a few extras, are included in the gnome2 package. Since GNOME 2 is relatively new, there have not been a great deal of applications ported over to it. As more applications become available, they will be ported over. In the meantime, you can, however, run GNOME 1.4 applications under GNOME 2.2.

Many applications that have already been ported are included in the gnome2-fifth-toe meta-port. gnome2-fifth-toe includes GNOME 2.2 versions of some GNOME 1.4 applications. Note, some of these applications are still in the early development stages, and may not be very stable.

To install gnome2-fifth-toe from packages:

 # pkg_add -r gnome2-fifth-toe

To install gnome2-fifth-toe from ports:

 # cd /usr/ports/x11/gnome2-fifth-toe
 # make clean
 # make install clean

4. What is the best way to upgrade from GNOME 1.4 to GNOME 2?

Right now, the GNOME project is still very much in flux. Work still must be done to the GNOME ports infrastructure in order to get things working cleanly. However, if you have GNOME 1.4, and you want to upgrade to GNOME 2.2, first familiarize yourself with the official upgrade instructions from the GNOME site. Next, make sure your GNOME 1.4 ports are up-to-date, then remove the following GNOME 1.4 packages from the system:


After those packages are removed, you can build GNOME 2.2 per the instructions listed above.

5. How do I keep my GNOME 2.2 components and applications up-to-date?

I find that /usr/ports/sysutils/portupgrade works really well. For example:

# portupgrade -r pkgconfig

This will upgrade pkgconfig and every other port that depends on it (that needs updating).

However, sometimes so much changes that it becomes necessary to do a little housekeeping first. In that case, this usually works:

 # pkg_delete -rf pkgconfig\*
 # cd /usr/ports/x11/gnome2
 # make clean
 # make install clean

These steps will remove all the GNOME 1 and 2 components and applications from your machine, but only reinstalls the GNOME 2 desktop. You should be aware, that if it comes to this, you will need to reinstall your applications after reinstalling the desktop. Fortunately, this extreme measure is only rarely needed.

6. Can I install GNOME 1.4 applications under GNOME 2.2 and vice versa?

Sure! Right now, the FreeBSD GNOME team is in the process of migrating all GNOME 1.4 ports to a new build infrastructure. This new infrastructure, called GNOMENG, will allow GNOME 2 users to install GNOME 1.4 ports without overwriting their GNOME 2 desktop.

Before building a GNOME 1.4 port under GNOME 2, take a look at the port's Makefile, and check that it contains:


If it does, you can safely build this port under GNOME 2. If the Makefile contains the following, do not build it as it will overwrite your GNOME 2 desktop:


In that case, send email to &email;@FreeBSD.org mentioning the name of the port, and we will convert it to the new layout. Alternatively, you are free to convert the port yourself, and submit a PR.

NOTE! You must have a current /usr/ports/Mk directory in order to make use of the new GNOMENG framework. If you do not have a current Mk directory, you will still overwrite your GNOME 2 desktop even when USE_GNOMENG is defined. To update your Mk directory, make sure your ports supfile is set to retrieve the ports-base tag. This is done automatically if your supfile contains the ports-all tag.

To run GNOME 2.2 applications under GNOME 1.4, you will need to make sure your GNOME 1.4 components are up-to-date, then install the gnome2-devel port. To install this port do the following:

 # cd /usr/ports/devel/gnome2-devel
 # make clean
 # make install

After installing the gnome2-devel port, you will be able to install non-desktop GNOME 2.2 applications (e.g. math/gcalctool).

7. Where can I get more themes for GNOME 2.2?

The website art.gnome.org has been setup as a general GNOME theme repository. They offer some gtk+-2, metacity, sawfish, nautilus, icon, and gdm themes, as well as some backgrounds.

A new theme site called The Theme Depot has just been launched. This site contains themes for GNOME 2 as well as KDE and quite a few window managers.

A good site for some cool GNOME icons (some stock, some new) is jimmac's Icons site.

See the instructions on the website for installing the themes. If you feel inclined to port a few of them, you will not be turned away ;-).

8. What window managers work well with GNOME 2.2?

The gnome2 meta-port installs the metacity window manager by default. Another popular window manager that works well with GNOME 2.2 is sawfish. Sawfish is distributed as part of the x11/gnome2-fifth-toe meta-port.

To switch between metacity and sawfish in GNOME 2, you will need to do the following:

 killall metacity; sawfish &
 gnome-session-save --gui

The gnome-session-save is important. Without it, the window manager will revert back to the one previously configured upon next login. To switch back, simply reverse sawfish and metacity.

9. Does GNOME 2.2 support anti-aliased fonts?

Yes! Anti-aliasing requires XFree86 4.x with freetype2 support. To add freetype2 support to X, make sure you have the following modules loaded in your XF86Config file under the Modules section:

 Load	"freetype"
 Load	"type1"

Then, simply checkout the Fonts capplet under Applications->Desktop Preferences. If you want a good set of TrueType starter fonts, install the x11-fonts/webfonts port.

Sometimes, after adding new fonts to the system, it is necessary to teach fontconfig about them. If you find that newly added fonts are not made available even after restarting GNOME 2, run the following command as root.

 # fc-cache -f -v

If you have any questions, please send them to &email;@FreeBSD.org.

10. How can I control what fonts are anti-aliased?

GNOME 2.2 makes use of Xft2 and fontconfig to handle anti-aliasing. Fontconfig is a very powerful XML-based font configuration package. You can create a ~/.fonts.conf file that controls virtually every aspect of fontconfig. For example, if you do not want to anti-alias fonts smaller than 16 point, create a ~/.fonts.conf with the following contents:

 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
 <match target="font">
         <test name="size" compare="less_eq">
         <edit name="antialias" mode="assign">

Refer to fontconfig(3) for more information.

11. How do I edit my GNOME 2 menus?

You need to use Nautilus to edit your GNOME 2 menus. If you want to edit any menu other than Favorites, you must be root. This feature requires GNOME 2.0.2 or later.

To edit the menus, launch Nautilus, and enter the URL applications:///. From there you should be able to edit your entire application menu.

12. How do I use GTK+ 2 resource settings for GTK+ 2 applications when not in a GNOME environment?

GNOME 2 applications get their GTK+ 2 resources from themes and the corresponding theme engine. If you would rather run your GTK+ 2 applications in a non-GNOME environment then you will need to create a file named ~/.gtkrc-2.0. For the most part, you can transfer your settings from your ~/.gtkrc (used for GTK+ 1.2) file with a couple of caveats.

  1. If you have any theme engine references, you will have to make sure there is a corresponding GTK+ 2 theme engine. Otherwise, remove the engine entries.
  2. The default font specification should be outside of any style blocks and should be specified with the gtk-font-name keyword. For example:
    gtk-font-name = "Verdana 11"

13. How do I configure settings for GNOME 1.4 applications under GNOME 2.2?

Install sysutils/gnomecontrolcenter, then invoke gnomecc from the command line to bring up the GNOME 1.4 control center. Note, as of Evolution-1.2.0_3 and gnomepilot-0.1.69_1, gnomecontrolcenter is installed automatically since it is required to configure Palm Pilot conduits.
