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Der Quellcode von FreeBSD wird von einer" [freebsdDescription4] other = " großen Entwicklergruppe" [freebsdDescription5] other = "seit mehr als 30 Jahren kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt, verbessert und optimiert. Seine leistungsfähigen und beeindruckenden Netzwerk-, Sicherheits- und Speicherfunktionen machen FreeBSD zum Betriebssystem der Wahl für einige der größten" [freebsdDescription6] other = "Internet-Seiten" [freebsdDescription7] other = "und für zahlreiche Anbieter eingebetteter Netzwerk- und Speichergeräte." [learnMore] other = "Mehr Informationen" [getThe] other = "Lesen Sie das" [journal] other = "FreeBSD Journal!" [25th-logo] other = "25th Anniversary Logo" [supportedReleases] other = "Unterstützte Versionen:" [supportLifecycle] other = "FreeBSD Supportzyklus" [upcoming] other = "Test" [newFreeBSD] other= "FreeBSD-Einsteiger?" [shortcuts] -other = "SHORTCUTS" +other = "Shortcuts" [reportingProblems] other = "Reporting Problems" [ports] other = "Ports" [latestNews] other = "NEUIGKEITEN" [upcomingEvents] other = "VERANSTALTUNGEN" [press] other = "AUS DER PRESSE" [securityAdvisories] other = "SICHERHEITS-HINWEISE" [errataNotices] other = "FEHLER-HINWEISE" [moreNews] other = "Weitere Neuigkeiten" [moreEvents] other = "Weitere Veranstaltungen" [moreMedia] other = "Weitere Berichte" [moreErrata] other = "Mehr" [more] other = "Mehr" [rssNews] other = "News RSS Feed" [rssSecurity] other = "Security Advisories and Errata Notices RSS Feed" #404 [pageNotFound] other = "Page not found." [notFoundTitle] other = "We could not find the page you requested." [notFoundDesc] other = "Please try your request again, use one of the links in the navigation menu, or the search box at the top of the page." # Footer [copyright] other = "Alle Rechte vorbehalten." [trademark] other = "Die Marke FreeBSD ist eine eingetragene Marke der FreeBSD Foundation und wird vom FreeBSD Project mit freundlicher Genehmigung der" [contact] other = "Kontakt" [legalNotices] other = "Rechtliches" # Ports form [ports-search] other = "Search ports for:" [all] other = "All" [package-name] other = "Package Name" [description] other = "Description" [long-description] other = "Long description" [maintainer] other = "Maintainer" [requires] other = "Requires" [submit] other = "Submit" # Months [1] other = "Januar" [2] other = "Februar" [3] other = "März" [4] other = "April" [5] other = "Mai" [6] other = "Juni" [7] other = "Juli" [8] other = "August" [9] other = "September" [10] other = "Oktober" [11] other = "November" [12] other = "Dezember" # Security section [data] other = "Data" [errataNoticeName] other = "Errata Notice name" [advisoryName] other = "Advisory name" # Events section [currentEvents] other = "Current/Upcoming Events:" [pastEvents] other = "Past Events:" [upcomingFreeBSDEvents] other = "Upcoming FreeBSD Events" # 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[freebsdDescription3] other = "A large" [freebsdDescription4] other = "community" [freebsdDescription5] other = "has continually developed it for more than thirty years. Its advanced networking, security, and storage features have made FreeBSD the platform of choice for many of the" [freebsdDescription6] other = "busiest web sites" [freebsdDescription7] other = "and most pervasive embedded networking and storage devices." [learnMore] other = "Learn More" [getThe] other = "Get the" [journal] other = "FreeBSD Journal" [25th-logo] other = "25th Anniversary Logo" [supportedReleases] other = "Supported Releases" [supportLifecycle] other = "Support Lifecycle" [upcoming] other = "Upcoming" [newFreeBSD] other= "New to FreeBSD?" [shortcuts] -other = "SHORTCUTS" +other = "Shortcuts" [reportingProblems] other = "Reporting Problems" [ports] other = "Ports" [latestNews] other = "LATEST NEWS" [upcomingEvents] other = "UPCOMING EVENTS" [press] other = "PRESS" [securityAdvisories] other = "SECURITY ADVISORIES" [errataNotices] other = "ERRATA NOTICES" [moreNews] other = "More News" [moreEvents] other = "More Events" [moreMedia] other = "More Media" [moreErrata] other = "More Errata Notices" [more] other = "More" [rssNews] other = "News RSS Feed" [rssSecurity] other = "Security Advisories and Errata Notices RSS Feed" #404 [pageNotFound] other = "Page not found." [notFoundTitle] other = "We could not find the page you requested." [notFoundDesc] other = "Please try your request again, use one of the links in the navigation menu, or the search box at the top of the page." # Footer [copyright] other = "All rights reserved." [trademark] other = "The mark FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation and is used by The FreeBSD Project with the permission of" [contact] other = "Contact" [legalNotices] other = "Legal Notices" # Ports form [ports-search] other = "Search ports for:" [all] other = "All" [package-name] other = "Package Name" [description] other = "Description" [long-description] other = "Long description" [maintainer] other = "Maintainer" [requires] other = "Requires" [submit] other = "Submit" # Months [1] other = "January" [2] other = "February" [3] other = "March" [4] other = "April" [5] other = "May" [6] other = "June" [7] other = "July" [8] other = "August" [9] other = "September" [10] other = "October" [11] other = "November" [12] other = "December" # Security section [data] other = "Data" [errataNoticeName] other = "Errata Notice name" [advisoryName] other = "Advisory name" # Events section [currentEvents] other = "Current/Upcoming Events:" [pastEvents] other = "Past Events:" [upcomingFreeBSDEvents] other = "Upcoming FreeBSD Events" # Continents, countries [europe] other = "Europe" [africa] other = "Africa" [australia] other = "Australia" [newZealand] other = "New Zealand" [northAmerica] other = "North America" [asia] other = "Asia" [southAmerica] other = "South America" [oceania] other = "Oceania" [global] other = "Global" # Commercial software [databases] other = "Databases" [developmentTools] other = "Development Tools" [ecommerce] other = "E-Commerce Solutions and Tools" [email] other = "Electronic Mail Software" [misc] other = "Miscellaneous" [network] other = "Network Systems and Applications" [scientific] other = "Scientific and Language Tools" [security] other = "Security" [isp] other = "System Administration / ISP" # sidenav [applications] other = "Applications" [administration] other = "Administration" [news] other = "News" [pressSidenav] other = "Press" [multimedia] other = "Multimedia" [art] other = "Artwork" [logo] other = "Logo" [donations] other = "Donations" [privacy] other = "Privacy Policy" [mailinglists] other = "Mailing Lists" [newsgroups] other = "Newsgroups" [usergroups] other = "User Groups" [sourceCodeRepositories] other = "Source code repositories" [releng] other = "Release Engineering" [platforms] other = "Platforms" [ideas] other = "Project Ideas" [contributing] other = "Contributing" [FAQ] other = "FAQ" [man] other = "Manual Pages" [papers] other = "Presentations and Papers" [booksArticles] other = "Books and Articles Online" [publications] other = "Publications" [newbies] other = "For Newbies" [docproj] other = "Documentation Project" [archive] other = "Archive" [releases] other = "Release Information" [productionRelease] other = "Production Release" [upcomingRelease] other = "Upcoming Release" [snapshotReleases] other = "Snapshot Releases" [portedApplications] other = "Ported Applications" [gnome] other = "GNOME" [installationInstructions] other = "Installation Instructions" [upgradeInstructions] other = "Upgrade Instructions" [availableApplications] other = "Available Applications" [howHelp] other = "How to Help" [reportingBug] other = "Reporting a Bug" [screenshots] other = "Screenshots" [contactUs] other = "Contact Us" [HALFAQ] other = "HAL FAQ" [upgradeFAQ] other = "2.30 to 2.32 Upgrade FAQ" [developmentBranchFAQ] other = "Development Branch FAQ" [creatingPorts] other = "Creating Ports" [knownIssues] other = "Known Issues" [aboutPorts] other = "About ports" [installing] other = "Installing" [updating] other = "Updating" [searching] other = "Searching" [categories] other = "Categories" [alphabetically] other = "listed alphabetically" [logicalGroup] other = "listed by logical group" [allPorts] other = "List of All Ports" [moreInformation] other = "For More Information" [software] other = "Software" [hardware] other = "Hardware" [consulting] other = "Consulting" [ispCommercial] other = "Internet Service Providers" [securityInfo] other = "Security Information" [advisories] other = "Advisories" [errataNoticesSidenav] other = "Errata Notices" [unsupportedReleases] other = "Unsupported Releases" [readSecurityAdvisories] other = "How to read FreeBSD Security Advisories" [charterSecurityOfficerTeam] other = "Charter for the Security Officer and Team" [bugreports] other = "Bug Reports" [submitPR] other = "Submit a Problem Report" [webresources] other = "Web Resources" diff --git a/website/themes/beastie/i18n/es.toml b/website/themes/beastie/i18n/es.toml index 5285c3314c..6368668b8d 100644 --- a/website/themes/beastie/i18n/es.toml +++ b/website/themes/beastie/i18n/es.toml @@ -1,558 +1,558 @@ # Global [freebsd] other = "FreeBSD" [freebsdProject] other = "El Proyecto FreeBSD" [freebsdPowerServe] other = "FreeBSD The Power to Serve" [freebsdFoundation] other = "La Fundación FreeBSD" [downloadFreeBSD] other = "Descargar FreeBSD" [production] other = "Producción" # Header [donate] other = "Donar a FreeBSD" [donateFoundation] other = "Donar a la Fundación FreeBSD" [search] other = "Buscar" # Navigation [home] other = "Inicio" [about] other = "Acerca de FreeBSD" [introduction] other = "Introduccion" [features] other = "Características" [advocacy] other = "Apoyo" [marketing] other = "Marketing" [privacyPolicy] other = "Política de privacidad" [projects] other = "Proyectos" [getFreeBSD] other = "Descargar FreeBSD" [releaseInformation] other = "Información de Versiones" [releaseEngineering] other = "Ingeniería de Versiones" [documentation] other = "Documentación" [faq] other = "FAQ" [handbook] other = "Manual" [porterHandbook] other = "Manual del Porter" [developerHandbook] other = "Manual del desarrollador" [committersGuide] other = "Guía del Committer" [manualPages] other = "Manuales en línea" [documentationProjectPrimer] other = "Introducción al Proyecto de Documentación" [allBooksArticles] other = "Todos los libros y artículos" [community] other = "Comunidad" [mailingLists] other = "Listas de correo" [forums] other = "Foros" [userGroups] other = "Grupos de usuarios" [events] other = "Eventos" [FreeBSDJournal] other = "FreeBSD Journal" [QA] other = "Q&A (externo)" [developers] other = "Desarrolladores" [projectIdeas] other = "Ideas para proyectos" [subversionRepository] other = "Repositorio Subversion" [gitMirror] other = "Git Mirror" [phabricator] other = "Revisiones de Código (Phabricator)" [wiki] other = "Wiki" [CI] other = "Servicio de integración continua" [support] other = "Soporte" [vendors] other = "Distribuidores comerciales" [securityInformation] other = "Información de seguridad" [bugReports] other = "Informes de errores" [submittingBugReports] other = "Envío informes de error" [foundation] other = "Fundación" [monetaryDonations] other = "Donaciones monetarias" [hardwareDonations] other = "Donaciones hardware" #Main [freebsdDescription1] other = "FreeBSD es un sistema operativo usado para alimentar servidores modernos, escritorios y plataformas" [freebsdDescription2] other = "embebidas." [freebsdDescription3] other = "Una gran" [freebsdDescription4] other = "comunidad" [freebsdDescription5] other = "lo ha desarrollado de forma continua durante más de treinta años. Sus avanzadas capacidades de red, seguridad y almacenamiento han hecho de FreeBSD la plataforma escogida por muchos de los" [freebsdDescription6] other = "sitios web más concurridos" [freebsdDescription7] other = "y los dispositivos embebidos de red y almacenamiento más dominantes." [learnMore] other = "Más información" [getThe] other = "Obtener el" [journal] other = "FreeBSD Journal" [supportedReleases] other = "Versiones soportadas" [supportLifecycle] other = "Ciclo de vida de Soporte" [upcoming] other = "Próximo" [newFreeBSD] other= "¿Nuevo en FreeBSD?" [shortcuts] -other = "ENLACES RÁPIDOS" +other = "Enlaces rápidos" [reportingProblems] other = "Reportar un fallo" [ports] other = "Ports" [latestNews] other = "ÚLTIMAS NOTICIAS" [upcomingEvents] other = "PRÓXIMOS EVENTOS" [press] other = "EN LOS MEDIOS" [securityAdvisories] other = "AVISOS DE SEGURIDAD" [errataNotices] other = "AVISOS SOBRE ERRORES" [moreNews] other = "Más noticias" [moreEvents] other = "Más eventos" [moreMedia] other = "Más medios" [more] other = "Más" #404 [notFoundTitle] other = "No hemos podido encontrar la página solicitada" [notFoundDesc] other = "Por favor vuelva a intentarlo, use algo de los enlaces del menú de navegación, o la caja de búsqueda en la parte superior de la página." # Footer [copyright] other = "Todos los derechos reservados." [trademark] other = "La marca FreeBSD es una marca registrada de la Fundación FreeBSD es es utilizada por el Proyecto FreeBSD con su permiso" # Months [1] other = "Enero" [2] other = "Febrero" [3] other = "Marzo" [4] other = "Abril" [5] other = "Mayo" [6] other = "Junio" [7] other = "Julio" [8] other = "Agosto" [9] other = "Septiembre" [10] other = "Octubre" [11] other = "Noviembre" [12] other = "Diciembre" # Security section [data] other = "Datos" [errataNoticeName] other = "Nombre del Aviso de Errata" [advisoryName] other = "Nombre de la Advertencia" # Events section [currentEvents] other = "Actuales/Próximos Eventos:" [pastEvents] other = "Eventos Pasados:" [upcomingFreeBSDEvents] other = "Próximos Eventos de FreeBSD" # Continents, countries [europe] other = "Europa" [africa] other = "África" [australia] other = "Australia" [newZealand] other = "Nueva Zelanda" [northAmerica] other = "Norte América" [asia] other = "Asia" [southAmerica] other = "Sur América" [oceania] other = "Oceanía" [global] other = "Global" # Commercial software [databases] other = "Bases de datos" [developmentTools] other = "Herramientas de Desarrollo" [ecommerce] other = "Herramientas y Soluciones de E-Commerce" [email] other = "Software de Correo Electrónico" [misc] other = "Miscelánea" [network] other = "Aplicaciones y Sistemas de Red" [scientific] other = "Herramientas y Lenguajes Científicos" [security] other = "Seguridad" [isp] other = "Administración de Sistemas / ISP" # sidenav [applications] other = "Aplicaciones" [administration] other = "Administración" [news] other = "Noticias" [pressSidenav] other = "Prensa" [multimedia] other = "Multimedia" [art] other = "Material gráfico" [logo] other = "Logotipo" [donations] other = "Donaciones" [privacy] other = "Política de Privacidad" [mailinglists] other = "Listas de Correo" [newsgroups] other = "Grupos de Noticias" [usergroups] other = "Grupos de Usuarios" [sourceCodeRepositories] other = "Repositorios de código fuente" [releng] other = "Ingeniería de Versiones" [platforms] other = "Plataformas" [ideas] other = "Ideas del Proyecto" [contributing] other = "Contribuir" [FAQ] other = "FAQ" [man] other = "Páginas del Manual" [papers] other = "Presentaciones y Trabajos" [booksArticles] other = "Libros y Artículos en línea" [publications] other = "Publicaciones" [newbies] other = "Para Principiantes" [docproj] other = "Proyecto de Documentación" [archive] other = "Archivo" [releases] other = "Información de Versiones" [productionRelease] other = "Versiones de Producción" [upcomingRelease] other = "Próxima Versión" [snapshotReleases] other = "Versiones Instantáneas" [portedApplications] other = "Aplicaciones Portadas" [gnome] other = "GNOME" [installationInstructions] other = "Instrucciones de Instalación" [upgradeInstructions] other = "Instrucciones de Actualización" [availableApplications] other = "Aplicaciones Disponibles" [howHelp] other = "Cómo Ayudar" [reportingBug] other = "Reportar un error" [screenshots] other = "Capturas de pantalla" [contactUs] other = "Contáctanos" [HALFAQ] other = "HAL FAQ" [upgradeFAQ] other = "FAQ de actualización de 2.30 a 2.32" [developmentBranchFAQ] other = "FAQ de Ramas de Desarrollo" [creatingPorts] other = "Creando Ports" [knownIssues] other = "Problemas Conocidos" [aboutPorts] other = "Acerca de los ports" [installing] other = "Instalación" [updating] other = "Actualización" [searching] other = "Búsqueda" [categories] other = "Categorías" [alphabetically] other = "listado alfabéticamente" [logicalGroup] other = "listado por grupo lógico" [allPorts] other = "Lista de Todos los Ports" [moreInformation] other = "Para Más Información" [software] other = "Software" [hardware] other = "Hardware" [consulting] other = "Consultoría" [ispCommercial] other = "Proveedores de Servicios de Internet" [securityInfo] other = "Información de Seguridad" [advisories] other = "Advertencias" [errataNoticesSidenav] other = "Avisos de Errata" [unsupportedReleases] other = "Versiones No Soportadas" [readSecurityAdvisories] other = "Cómo leer las advertencias de seguridad de FreeBSD" [charterSecurityOfficerTeam] other = "Carta para el Director y el Equipo de Seguridad" [bugreports] other = "Informes de Error" [submitPR] other = "Informar de un problema" [webresources] other = "Recursos Web" diff --git a/website/themes/beastie/i18n/nl.toml b/website/themes/beastie/i18n/nl.toml index 0a5127692b..a738157dab 100644 --- a/website/themes/beastie/i18n/nl.toml +++ b/website/themes/beastie/i18n/nl.toml @@ -1,579 +1,579 @@ # Global [freebsd] other = "FreeBSD" [freebsdProject] other = "The FreeBSD Project" [freebsdPowerServe] other = "FreeBSD The Power to Serve" [freebsdFoundation] other = "The FreeBSD Foundation" [downloadFreeBSD] other = "Download FreeBSD" [production] other = "Production" # Header [donate] other = "Donate to FreeBSD" [donateFoundation] other = "Donate to the FreeBSD Foundation" [search] other = "Search" # Navigation [home] other = "Home" [about] other = "About" [introduction] other = "Introduction" [features] other = "Features" [advocacy] other = "Advocacy" [marketing] other = "Marketing" [privacyPolicy] other = "Privacy Policy" [projects] other = "Projects" [getFreeBSD] other = "Get FreeBSD" [releaseInformation] other = "Release Information" [releaseEngineering] other = "Release Engineering" [documentation] other = "Documentation" [faq] other = "FAQ" [handbook] other = "Handbook" [porterHandbook] other = "Porter's Handbook" [developerHandbook] other = "Developer's Handbook" [manualPages] other = "Manual Pages" [documentationProjectPrimer] other = "Documentation Project Primer" [allBooksArticles] other = "All Books and Articles" [community] other = "Community" [mailingLists] other = "Mailing Lists" [forums] other = "Forums" [userGroups] other = "User Groups" [events] other = "Events" [FreeBSDJournal] other = "FreeBSD Journal" [QA] other = "Q&A (external)" [developers] other = "Developers" [projectIdeas] other = "Project Ideas" [subversionRepository] other = "Subversion Repository" [gitMirror] other = "Git Mirror" [phabricator] other = "Code Review (Phabricator)" [wiki] other = "Wiki" [CI] other = "Continuous Integration Service" [support] other = "Support" [vendors] other = "Vendors" [securityInformation] other = "Security Information" [bugReports] other = "Bug Reports" [submittingBugReports] other = "Submitting Bug Reports" [foundation] other = "Foundation" [monetaryDonations] other = "Monetary Donations" [hardwareDonations] other = "Hardware Donations" #Main [freebsdDescription] other = "FreeBSD is an operating system used to power modern servers, desktops, and embedded platforms. A large community has continually developed it for more than thirty years. Its advanced networking, security, and storage features have made FreeBSD the platform of choice for many of the busiest web sites and most pervasive embedded networking and storage devices." [learnMore] other = "Learn More" [getThe] other = "Get the" [journal] other = "FreeBSD Journal" [25th-logo] other = "25th Anniversary Logo" [supportedReleases] other = "Supported Releases" [supportLifecycle] other = "Support Lifecycle" [upcoming] other = "Upcoming" [newFreeBSD] other= "New to FreeBSD?" [shortcuts] -other = "SHORTCUTS" +other = "Shortcuts" [reportingProblems] other = "Reporting Problems" [ports] other = "Ports" [latestNews] other = "LATEST NEWS" [upcomingEvents] other = "UPCOMING EVENTS" [press] other = "PRESS" [securityAdvisories] other = "SECURITY ADVISORIES" [errataNotices] other = "ERRATA NOTICES" [moreNews] other = "More News" [moreEvents] other = "More Events" [moreMedia] other = "More Media" [moreErrata] other = "More Errata Notices" [more] other = "More" [rssNews] other = "News RSS Feed" [rssSecurity] other = "Security Advisories and Errata Notices RSS Feed" #404 [notFoundTitle] other = "We konden die pagina die u opvroeg niet vinden." [notFoundDesc] other = "Probeert u uw verzoek nogmaals, gebruik een van de verwijzingen in het navigatiemenu of gebruik het zoekvak bovenin de pagina." # Footer [copyright] other = "All rights reserved." [trademark] other = "The mark FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation and is used by The FreeBSD Project with the permission of" [contact] other = "Contact" [legalNotices] other = "Legal Notices" # Ports form [ports-search] other = "Search ports for:" [all] other = "All" [package-name] other = "Package Name" [description] other = "Description" [long-description] other = "Long description" [maintainer] other = "Maintainer" [requires] other = "Requires" [submit] other = "Submit" # Months [1] other = "January" [2] other = "February" [3] other = "March" [4] other = "April" [5] other = "May" [6] other = "June" [7] other = "July" [8] other = "August" [9] other = "September" [10] other = "October" [11] other = "November" [12] other = "December" # Security section [data] other = "Data" [errataNoticeName] other = "Errata Notice name" [advisoryName] other = "Advisory name" # Events section [currentEvents] other = "Current/Upcoming Events:" [pastEvents] other = "Past Events:" [upcomingFreeBSDEvents] other = "Upcoming FreeBSD Events" # Continents, countries [europe] other = "Europe" [africa] other = "Africa" [australia] other = "Australia" [newZealand] other = "New Zealand" [northAmerica] other = "North America" [asia] other = "Asia" [southAmerica] other = "South America" [oceania] other = "Oceania" [global] other = "Global" # Commercial software [databases] other = "Databases" [developmentTools] other = "Development Tools" [ecommerce] other = "E-Commerce Solutions and Tools" [email] other = "Electronic Mail Software" [misc] other = "Miscellaneous" [network] other = "Network Systems and Applications" [scientific] other = "Scientific and Language Tools" [security] other = "Security" [isp] other = "System Administration / ISP" # sidenav [applications] other = "Applications" [administration] other = "Administration" [news] other = "News" [pressSidenav] other = "Press" [multimedia] other = "Multimedia" [art] other = "Artwork" [logo] other = "Logo" [donations] other = "Donations" [privacy] other = "Privacy Policy" [mailinglists] other = "Mailing Lists" [newsgroups] other = "Newsgroups" [usergroups] other = "User Groups" [sourceCodeRepositories] other = "Source code repositories" [releng] other = "Release Engineering" [platforms] other = "Platforms" [ideas] other = "Project Ideas" [contributing] other = "Contributing" [FAQ] other = "FAQ" [man] other = "Manual Pages" [papers] other = "Presentations and Papers" [booksArticles] other = "Books and Articles Online" [publications] other = "Publications" [newbies] other = "For Newbies" [docproj] other = "Documentation Project" [archive] other = "Archive" [releases] other = "Release Information" [productionRelease] other = "Production Release" [upcomingRelease] other = "Upcoming Release" [snapshotReleases] other = "Snapshot Releases" [portedApplications] other = "Ported Applications" [gnome] other = "GNOME" [installationInstructions] other = "Installation Instructions" [upgradeInstructions] other = "Upgrade Instructions" [availableApplications] other = "Available Applications" [howHelp] other = "How to Help" [reportingBug] other = "Reporting a Bug" [screenshots] other = "Screenshots" [contactUs] other = "Contact Us" [HALFAQ] other = "HAL FAQ" [upgradeFAQ] other = "2.30 to 2.32 Upgrade FAQ" [developmentBranchFAQ] other = "Development Branch FAQ" [creatingPorts] other = "Creating Ports" [knownIssues] other = "Known Issues" [aboutPorts] other = "About ports" [installing] other = "Installing" [updating] other = "Updating" [searching] other = "Searching" [categories] other = "Categories" [alphabetically] other = "listed alphabetically" [logicalGroup] other = "listed by logical group" [allPorts] other = "List of All Ports" [moreInformation] other = "For More Information" [software] other = "Software" [hardware] other = "Hardware" [consulting] other = "Consulting" [ispCommercial] other = "Internet Service Providers" [securityInfo] other = "Security Information" [advisories] other = "Advisories" [errataNoticesSidenav] other = "Errata Notices" [unsupportedReleases] other = "Unsupported Releases" [readSecurityAdvisories] other = "How to read FreeBSD Security Advisories" [charterSecurityOfficerTeam] other = "Charter for the Security Officer and Team" [bugreports] other = "Bug Reports" [submitPR] other = "Submit a Problem Report" [webresources] other = "Web Resources" diff --git a/website/themes/beastie/layouts/partials/sidenav.html b/website/themes/beastie/layouts/partials/sidenav.html index 419ae505e6..5e562ca950 100644 --- a/website/themes/beastie/layouts/partials/sidenav.html +++ b/website/themes/beastie/layouts/partials/sidenav.html @@ -1,149 +1,150 @@ {{ $currentLang := .language }} {{ if eq .sidenavType "about" }} {{ else if eq .sidenavType "community" }} {{ else if eq .sidenavType "developers" }} {{ else if eq .sidenavType "docs" }} {{ else if eq .sidenavType "download" }} {{ else if eq .sidenavType "gnome" }} {{ else if eq .sidenavType "ports" }} {{ else if eq .sidenavType "support" }} {{ else }} {{ end }} diff --git a/website/themes/beastie/layouts/partials/site-navigation.html b/website/themes/beastie/layouts/partials/site-navigation.html index 9564c680d9..27594789a6 100644 --- a/website/themes/beastie/layouts/partials/site-navigation.html +++ b/website/themes/beastie/layouts/partials/site-navigation.html @@ -1,168 +1,171 @@ {{ $currentLang := $.Site.Language.Lang }}