diff --git a/website/data/en/events/events2021.toml b/website/data/en/events/events2021.toml
index 75a41bc780..3ac6558dbb 100644
--- a/website/data/en/events/events2021.toml
+++ b/website/data/en/events/events2021.toml
@@ -1,120 +1,129 @@
# Sort events by start date, with more recent events lower in the file
# $FreeBSD$
year = 2021
id = "freebsd-office-hours-2021-01-27"
name = "FreeBSD Office Hours"
url = "https://live.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/officehours/"
startDate = "2021-01-27"
endDate = "2021-01-27"
site = "live.FreeBSD.org"
description = "On January 27th at 21:00 UTC we will hold a \"FreeBSD Office Hours\", an interactive online event where users, contributors, and developers can ask questions or to offer comments. The topic will be \"Bhyve Q&A\", hosted by Peter Grehan. For more information, please see the Office Hours page on the FreeBSD wiki."
id = "fosdem-2021"
name = "FOSDEM 2021"
url = "https://fosdem.org/2021/"
startDate = "2021-02-06"
endDate = "2021-02-07"
site = "Online"
description = "Every year, thousands of developers of free and open source software from all over the world gather at the event in Brussels. In 2021, they will gather online. Be sure to stop by the FreeBSD stand and BSD devroom to get the latest on FreeBSD."
id = "freebsd-office-hours-2021-03-24"
name = "FreeBSD Office Hours"
url = "https://live.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/officehours/"
startDate = "2021-03-24"
endDate = "2021-03-24"
site = "live.FreeBSD.org"
description = "On March 24th at 21:00 UTC we will hold a \"FreeBSD Office Hours\", an interactive online event where users, contributors, and developers can ask questions or to offer comments. The topic will be \"Bhyve Q&A\", hosted by Peter Grehan. For more information, please see the Office Hours page on the FreeBSD wiki."
id = "freebsd-office-hours-2021-03-31"
name = "FreeBSD Office Hours"
url = "https://live.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/officehours/"
startDate = "2021-03-31"
endDate = "2021-03-31"
site = "live.FreeBSD.org"
description = "On March 31st at 18:00 UTC we will hold a \"FreeBSD Office Hours\", an interactive online event where users, contributors, and developers can ask questions or to offer comments. The topic will be \"Survey Results\", hosted by Sean Chittenden. For more information, please see the Office Hours page on the FreeBSD wiki."
id = "freebsd-office-hours-2021-05-12"
name = "FreeBSD Office Hours"
url = "https://live.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/officehours/"
startDate = "2021-05-12"
endDate = "2021-05-12"
site = "live.FreeBSD.org"
description = "On May 12th at 18:00 UTC we will hold a \"FreeBSD Office Hours\", an interactive online event where users, contributors, and developers can ask questions or to offer comments. The topic will be \"Best Practices virtual panel discussion\", hosted by Warner Losh. For more information, please see the Office Hours page on the FreeBSD wiki."
id = "freebsd-office-hours-2021-05-26"
name = "FreeBSD Office Hours"
url = "https://live.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/officehours/"
startDate = "2021-05-26"
endDate = "2021-05-26"
site = "live.FreeBSD.org"
description = "On May 26th at 02:00 UTC we will hold a \"FreeBSD Office Hours\", an interactive online event where users, contributors, and developers can ask questions or to offer comments. The topic will be \"Best Practices virtual panel discussion\", hosted by Warner Losh. For more information, please see the Office Hours page on the FreeBSD wiki."
id = "freebsd-friday-2021-06-04"
name = "FreeBSD Friday: An Introduction to BastilleBSD"
url = "https://freebsdfoundation.org/freebsd-fridays/"
startDate = "2021-06-04"
endDate = "2021-06-04"
site = "https://live.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/freebsdfriday/"
description = "On June 4th 2021 from 17:00 UTC there will be an 1 hour live streaming session of the FreeBSD Fridays. The topic of this week is: \"An Introduction to BastilleBSD\" by Christer Edwards."
id = "devsummit-202106"
name = "June 2021 FreeBSD Developer Summit"
url = "https://wiki.freebsd.org/DevSummit/202106"
startDate = "2021-06-09"
endDate = "2021-06-11"
site = "Online"
description = "Join us for the online June 2021 FreeBSD Developer Summit. The event will consist of virtual, half day sessions, taking place June 9-11, 2021. It is free to attend, but we ask that you register with the eventbrite system to gain access to the meeting room. In addition to developer discussion sessions, we will also have vendor talks."
id = "freebsd-friday-2021-06-18"
name = "FreeBSD Friday: How to Submit a Patch to FreeBSD"
url = "https://freebsdfoundation.org/freebsd-fridays/"
startDate = "2021-06-18"
endDate = "2021-06-18"
site = "https://live.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/freebsdfriday/"
description = "On June 18th 2021 from 17:00 UTC there will be an 1 hour live streaming session of the FreeBSD Fridays. The topic of this week is: \"How to Submit a Patch to #FreeBSD\" by Drew Gurkowski and Ed Maste."
id = "freebsd-friday-2021-08-13"
name = "FreeBSD Friday: How to Track FreeBSD Using Git"
url = "https://freebsdfoundation.org/freebsd-fridays/"
startDate = "2021-08-13"
endDate = "2021-08-13"
site = "https://live.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/freebsdfriday/"
description = "On August 13th 2021 from 17:00 UTC there will be an 1 hour live streaming session of the FreeBSD Fridays. The topic of this week is: \"How to Track FreeBSD Using Git\" by Warner Losh."
id = "freebsd-office-hours-2021-09-13"
name = "FreeBSD Office Hours"
url = "https://live.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/officehours/"
startDate = "2021-09-13"
endDate = "2021-09-13"
site = "live.FreeBSD.org"
description = "Warner Losh will be leading a discussion at our next core office hours from those people that have expressed an interest in moving to the next set of development tools. The discussion will take place on 13th September 1700 hours (UTC). We would have a limited number of panelists and there will be Q&A using the IRC. If you have any questions that you would like to be addressed you can also send the questions to core@freebsd.org beforehand."
id = "eurobsdcon-2021"
name = "EuroBSDcon 2021"
url = "https://2021.eurobsdcon.org"
startDate = "2021-09-17"
endDate = "2021-09-19"
site = "Online"
description = "EuroBSDcon is the European annual technical conference gathering users and developers working on and with 4.4BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) based operating systems family and related projects."
+id = "freebsd-friday-2021-10-22"
+name = "FreeBSD Fridays: The Writing Scholar’s Guide to FreeBSD"
+url = "https://freebsdfoundation.org/news-and-events/event-calendar/freebsd-fridays-the-writing-scholars-guide-to-freebsd/"
+startDate = "2021-10-22"
+endDate = "2021-10-22"
+site = "https://live.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/freebsdfriday/"
+description = "On October 22th 2021 from 17:00 UTC there will be an 1 hour live streaming session of the FreeBSD Fridays. The topic of this week is: \"The Writing Scholar’s Guide to FreeBSD\" by Corey Stephan."
id = "freebsd-vendor-summit-2021"
name = "FreeBSD Vendor Summit 2021"
url = "https://wiki.freebsd.org/DevSummit/202111"
startDate = "2021-11-18"
endDate = "2021-11-19"
site = "Online"
description = "Join us for the online November 2021 FreeBSD Vendor Summit. The event will consist of virtual, half day sessions, taking place November 18-19, 2021. It’s free to attend, but we ask that you register with the eventbrite system to gain access to the meeting room and separate hallway track. In addition to vendor talks, we will also have discussion sessions. If you have a specific topic you’d like to discuss, please contact devsummit@FreeBSD.org"