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+     References to other files that can be included within a DocBook
+     BookInfo element.
+     Entity names take the form "bookinfo.<element>", where <element> is
+     the name of the outermost element in the entity.  Examples would
+     be "bookinfo.legalnotice", and "bookinfo.preface".
+     $FreeBSD$
+<!-- The FreeBSD Hungarian Documentation Project
+     Original Revision: r1.4				-->
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+     Original Revision: 1.4                       -->
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 	The FreeBSD Hungarian Documentation Project
 	Translated by: Gabor Kovesdan <gabor@FreeBSD.org>
-	Original revision: 1.20
+	Original revision: 1.22
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+     DocBook Miscellaneous FreeBSD Entities.
+     $FreeBSD$
+This file is now valid XML as well as SGML.  Please do not add CDATA
+attributes or anything else that will prevent this file from being
+used in both environments.
+<!-- The FreeBSD Hungarian Documentation Project
+     Translated by: PALI, Gabor <pgj@FreeBSD.org>
+     Original Revision: 1.100                     -->
+<!-- These will almost certainly remain the same, but are here for
+     consistency and in case we ever want to make hyperlinks out of
+     some of them. -->
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+<!-- Entities for various architectures.  These are to be used
+     only for denoting a variant of FreeBSD for a particular
+     architecture (e.g. &os;/&arch.i386;).  Other entities should
+     be used when referring generically to an architecture,
+     particularly because entities such as &i386; properly
+     denote trademarks and registered trademarks. -->
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+  Use this entity when referring to 'UNIX' in your document.
+<!ENTITY unix "<trademark class='registered'>UNIX</trademark>">
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+     stylesheets know what to look for and can format these properly with
+     TeX commands. -->
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+<!-- The currently released version of FreeBSD.  This value is used to
+     create some links on web sites and such, so do NOT change it until
+     it's really release time -->
+<!ENTITY rel.current "7.0">
+<!ENTITY rel.current.date "2008. febru�r">
+<!ENTITY rel.current.notes 'http://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/&rel.current;R/notes.html'>
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+<!ENTITY rel.current.errata 'http://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/&rel.current;R/errata.html'>
+<!-- Entities for multiple "latest" versions of FreeBSD -->
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+<!ENTITY rel2.current.date "2008. janu�r">
+<!ENTITY rel2.current.notes 'http://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/&rel2.current;R/notes.html'>
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+<!ENTITY % not.published 	"IGNORE">
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@@ -0,0 +1,2194 @@
+    $FreeBSD$
+    FreeBSD Glossary Terms
+	Please keep this file sorted alphabetically/ASCIIly by glossterm.
+	glossterms that are acronyms should have two entries - one for
+	the expanded acronym and another for the acronym itself.  The
+	second of these should reference the entry for the expanded acronym
+	via a glosssee element.  For example:
+	<glossentry>
+	  <glossterm>FUBAR</glossterm>
+	  <glosssee otherterm="fubar-glossary">
+	</glossentry>
+	<glossentry id="fubar-glossary">
+	  <glossterm>Fuc... Up Beyond All Recognition</glossterm>
+	  <acronym>FUBAR</acronym>
+	  <glossdef>
+	    <para>Broken.</para>
+	  </glossdef>
+	</glossentry>
+	Note that in this instance, the expanded acronym sorts below the
+	unexpanded acronym.  That's OK.
+	Finally, id attribute values should end in the string
+	"-glossary" to avoid conflicting with id attribute values in
+	the main text.
+<!-- The FreeBSD Hungarian Documentation Project
+     Translated by: PALI, Gabor <pgj@FreeBSD.org>
+     Original Revision: 1.28                     -->
+<glossary status="draft" id="freebsd-glossary" lang="hu">
+  <title>A &os;-s szakkifejez&eacute;sek gy&#251;jtem&eacute;nye</title>
+  <para>Ebben a sz&oacute;jegyz&eacute;kben azok a fogalmak &eacute;s
+    r&ouml;vid&iacute;t&eacute;sek szerepelnek, amelyekkel a &os;-s
+    k&ouml;z&ouml;ss&eacute;gen bel&uuml;l &eacute;s a
+    hozz&aacute;tartoz&oacute; k&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;z&#245;
+    le&iacute;r&aacute;sokban tal&aacute;lkozhatunk.</para>
+  <glossdiv>
+    <title>A</title>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>ACL</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="acl-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>ACPI</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="acpi-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>AMD</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="amd-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>AML</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="aml-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>API</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="api-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>APIC</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="apic-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>APM</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="apm-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>APOP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="apop-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>ASL</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="asl-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>ATA</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="ata-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>ATM</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="atm-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="aml-glossary">
+      <glossterm><acronym>ACPI</acronym> Machine Language</glossterm>
+      <acronym>AML</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Olyan pszeud&oacute;k&oacute;d, amit egy
+	  <acronym>ACPI</acronym> szabv&aacute;nnyal kompatibilis
+	  oper&aacute;ci&oacute;s rendszerben megtal&aacute;lhat&oacute;
+	  virtu&aacute;lis g&eacute;ppel lehet &eacute;rtelmezni.
+	  Feladata a rendelkez&eacute;sre &aacute;ll&oacute; hardveren
+	  az oper&aacute;ci&oacute;s rendszer fel&eacute;
+	  dokument&aacute;lt fel&uuml;let
+	  kialak&iacute;t&aacute;sa.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="asl-glossary">
+      <glossterm><acronym>ACPI</acronym> Source Language</glossterm>
+      <acronym>ASL</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Az a programoz&aacute;si nyelv, amiben az
+	  <acronym>AML</acronym>-k&oacute;dok
+	  &iacute;r&oacute;dnak.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="acl-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Access Control List</glossterm>
+      <acronym>ACL</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="acpi-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Advanced Configuration and Power Interface</glossterm>
+      <acronym>ACPI</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Az a specifik&aacute;ci&oacute;, aminek
+	  k&ouml;sz&ouml;nhet&#245;en a hardver egy absztrakt
+	  fel&uuml;letet k&eacute;pes ny&uacute;jtani az
+	  oper&aacute;ci&oacute;s rendszer sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra.  Ezen
+	  a fel&uuml;leten kereszt&uuml;l tudja az
+	  oper&aacute;ci&oacute;s rendszer el&eacute;rni a
+	  rendelkez&eacute;sre &aacute;ll&oacute; hardvert annak
+	  konkr&eacute;t ismerete n&eacute;lk&uuml;l.  Az
+	  <acronym>ACPI</acronym> a kor&aacute;bban az
+	  <acronym>APM</acronym>, <acronym>PNPBIOS</acronym> &eacute;s a
+	  hozz&aacute;juk hasonl&oacute; megold&aacute;sok &aacute;ltal
+	  szolg&aacute;ltatott lehet&#245;s&eacute;geket igyekszik
+	  kiterjeszteni &eacute;s fel&uuml;lm&uacute;lni.  Ennek
+	  keret&eacute;ben lehet&#245;s&eacute;get ad t&ouml;bbek
+	  k&ouml;zt az energiafogyaszt&aacute;s
+	  szab&aacute;lyoz&aacute;s&aacute;ra, az energiatakar&eacute;s
+	  m&oacute;d aktiv&aacute;l&aacute;s&aacute;ra, az
+	  eszk&ouml;z&ouml;k ki- &eacute;s bekapcsol&aacute;s&aacute;ra
+	  stb.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="api-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Application Programming Interface</glossterm>
+      <acronym>API</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Elj&aacute;r&aacute;sok, protokollok &eacute;s
+	  seg&eacute;dprogramok &ouml;sszes&eacute;ge, melyek egy vagy
+	  t&ouml;bb programr&eacute;sz k&ouml;z&ouml;tt
+	  &iacute;rj&aacute;k le az &aacute;ltal&aacute;nos
+	  &ouml;sszef&uuml;gg&eacute;seket: hogyan, mikor &eacute;s
+	  mi&eacute;rt kell &ouml;sszedolgozniuk, illetve milyen
+	  adatokat osszanak meg egym&aacute;s k&ouml;z&ouml;tt vagy
+	  milyen adatokkal dolgozzanak.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="apm-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Advanced Power Management</glossterm>
+      <acronym>APM</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="apic-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller</glossterm>
+      <acronym>APIC</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="ata-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Advanced Technology Attachment</glossterm>
+      <acronym>ATA</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="atm-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Asynchronous Transfer Mode</glossterm>
+      <acronym>ATM</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="apop-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Authenticated Post Office Protocol</glossterm>
+      <acronym>APOP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="amd-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Automatic Mount Daemon</glossterm>
+      <acronym>AMD</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Egy olyan d&eacute;mon, ami &ouml;nm&#251;k&ouml;d&#245;en
+	  csatlakoztatja az &aacute;llom&aacute;nyrendszereket, amikor
+	  azokon valamilyen &aacute;llom&aacute;nyt vagy
+	  k&ouml;nyvt&aacute;rat el akarunk &eacute;rni.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+  </glossdiv>
+  <glossdiv>
+    <title>B</title>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>BAR</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="bar-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>BIND</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="bind-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>BIOS</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="bios-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>BSD</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="bsd-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="bar-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Base Address Register</glossterm>
+      <acronym>BAR</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Egy PCI eszk&ouml;z c&iacute;mtartom&aacute;ny&aacute;nak
+	  megad&aacute;s&aacute;&eacute;rt felel&#245;s
+	  regiszterek.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="bios-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Basic Input/Output System</glossterm>
+      <acronym>BIOS</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A <acronym>BIOS</acronym> meghat&aacute;roz&aacute;sa
+	  n&eacute;mileg a k&ouml;rnyezet&eacute;t&#245;l is f&uuml;gg.
+	  Egyesek szerint <acronym>BIOS</acronym> az a
+	  <acronym>ROM</acronym> chip, ami a szoftver &eacute;s hardver
+	  k&ouml;zti kapcsolatot megteremt&#245; alapvet&#245; rutinokat
+	  tartalmazza.  M&aacute;sok szerint viszont azok a chipen
+	  t&aacute;rolt rutinok, amelyek a rendszer
+	  bet&ouml;lt&eacute;s&eacute;&eacute;rt felel&#245;sek.  De
+	  akadnak olyanok is, akik ilyenkor arra a
+	  k&eacute;perny&#245;re gondolnak, amin a rendszer
+	  bet&ouml;lt&eacute;s&eacute;nek folymat&aacute;t tudjuk
+	  be&aacute;ll&iacute;tani.  Noha a <acronym>BIOS</acronym>
+	  legink&aacute;bb a PC t&iacute;pus&uacute; rendszerekre
+	  jellemz&#245;, m&aacute;s esetekben is tal&aacute;lkozhatunk
+	  hasonl&oacute;val.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="bind-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Berkeley Internet Name Domain</glossterm>
+      <acronym>BIND</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A n&eacute;vfelold&aacute;s&eacute;rt felel&#245;s
+	  <acronym>DNS</acronym> protokollok egyik
+	  implement&aacute;ci&oacute;ja.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="bsd-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Berkeley Software Distribution</glossterm>
+      <acronym>BSD</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A <ulink url="http://www.berkeley.edu">Kaliforniai Egyetem
+	  (Berkeley)</ulink> sz&aacute;m&iacute;t&oacute;g&eacute;pes
+	  rendszerekkel foglalkoz&oacute; kutat&oacute;csoportja (CSRG)
+	  ebben foglalta &ouml;ssze az AT&amp;T 32V &unix;
+	  rendszer&eacute;n v&eacute;gzett v&aacute;ltoztat&aacute;sait
+	  &eacute;s jav&iacute;t&aacute;sait.  Maga a &os; is ennek az
+	  egyik lesz&aacute;rmazottja.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="bikeshed-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Bikeshed Building</glossterm>
+      <glossdef subject="FreeBSD">
+	<para>A <quote>bikeshed building</quote>, vagyis a
+	  <quote>biciklit&aacute;rol&oacute;
+	  &eacute;p&iacute;t&eacute;s</quote> az a jelens&eacute;g,
+	  amikor egy egyszer&#251;bb t&eacute;m&aacute;hoz mindenki
+	  hozz&aacute; akar sz&oacute;lni, mik&ouml;zben egy sokkal
+	  bonyolultabb t&eacute;m&aacute;val alig vagy
+	  egy&aacute;ltal&aacute;n nem foglalkoznak.  Ennek
+	  kialakul&aacute;s&aacute;r&oacute;l r&eacute;szletesebben a
+	  <ulink
+	  url="&url.books.faq;/misc.html#BIKESHED-PAINTING">GYIK</ulink>-ban
+	  lehet olvasni.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+  </glossdiv>
+  <glossdiv>
+    <title>C</title>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>CD</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="cd-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>CHAP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="chap-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>CLIP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="clip-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>COFF</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="coff-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>CPU</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="cpu-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>CTS</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="cts-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>CVS</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="cvs-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="cd-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Carrier Detect</glossterm>
+      <acronym>CD</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A kommunik&aacute;ci&oacute;s csatorna
+	  l&eacute;trej&ouml;tt&eacute;t jelz&#245;
+	  <acronym>RS232C</acronym> szabv&aacute;ny&uacute; jel.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="cpu-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Central Processing Unit</glossterm>
+      <acronym>CPU</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>M&aacute;sik nev&eacute;n processzor.
+	  L&eacute;nyeg&eacute;ben ez a
+	  sz&aacute;m&iacute;t&oacute;g&eacute;p agya, ahol a
+	  k&uuml;l&ouml;nf&eacute;le sz&aacute;m&iacute;t&aacute;sok
+	  t&ouml;rt&eacute;nnek.  Rengeteg k&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;z&#245;
+	  architekt&uacute;r&aacute;ja &eacute;s
+	  utas&iacute;t&aacute;sk&eacute;szlete lehet.
+	  K&ouml;z&uuml;l&uuml;k a legismertebbek az Intel x86 &eacute;s
+	  annak lesz&aacute;rmazottai, valamint a Sun SPARC, PowerPC
+	  &eacute;s Alpha.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="chap-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol</glossterm>
+      <acronym>CHAP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="clip-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Classical <acronym>IP</acronym> over <acronym>ATM</acronym></glossterm>
+      <acronym>CLIP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="cts-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Clear To Send</glossterm>
+      <acronym>CTS</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A t&aacute;voli rendszer sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra a
+	  k&uuml;ld&eacute;st enged&eacute;lyez&#245;
+	  <acronym>RS232C</acronym> szabv&aacute;ny&uacute; jel.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="coff-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Common Object File Format</glossterm>
+      <acronym>COFF</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="cvs-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Concurrent Versions System</glossterm>
+      <acronym>CVS</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Egy verzi&oacute;kezel&#245; rendszer, aminek
+	  haszn&aacute;lat&aacute;val egyszerre t&ouml;bb
+	  v&aacute;ltozatot tudunk nyilv&aacute;ntartani &eacute;s
+	  haszn&aacute;lni adott &aacute;llom&aacute;nyokb&oacute;l.  A
+	  CVS seg&iacute;ts&eacute;g&eacute;vel k&eacute;pesek vagyunk
+	  egy vagy t&ouml;bb v&aacute;ltoztat&aacute;st kivonni,
+	  &ouml;sszef&eacute;s&uuml;lni &eacute;s visszavonni, valamint
+	  nyomon k&ouml;vethetj&uuml;k, hogy melyik&uuml;ket ki, mikor
+	  &eacute;s mi&eacute;rt hajtotta v&eacute;gre.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+  </glossdiv>
+  <glossdiv>
+    <title>D</title>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>DAC</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="dac-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>DDB</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="ddb-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>DES</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="des-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>DHCP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="dhcp-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>DNS</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="dns-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>DSDT</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="dsdt-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>DSR</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="dsr-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>DTR</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="dtr-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>DVMRP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="dvmrp-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="dac-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Discretionary Access Control</glossterm>
+      <acronym>DAC</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+        <para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="des-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Data Encryption Standard</glossterm>
+      <acronym>DES</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Az inform&aacute;ci&oacute;
+	  titkos&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;ra sz&aacute;nt m&oacute;dszer,
+	  amelyet &aacute;ltal&aacute;ban a &unix;-os jelszavak &eacute;s
+	  &man.crypt.3; funkci&oacute; haszn&aacute;l.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="dsr-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Data Set Ready</glossterm>
+      <acronym>DSR</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Ezt az <acronym>RS232C</acronym> szabv&aacute;ny&uacute;
+	  jelet k&uuml;ldi egy modem a
+	  sz&aacute;m&iacute;t&oacute;g&eacute;p&uuml;nknek vagy a
+	  termin&aacute;lunknak, amikor k&eacute;szen &aacute;ll az
+	  adatok fogad&aacute;s&aacute;ra &eacute;s
+	  k&uuml;ld&eacute;s&eacute;re.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="dtr-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Data Terminal Ready</glossterm>
+      <acronym>DTR</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Ezt az <acronym>RS232C</acronym> szabv&aacute;ny&uacute;
+	  jelet k&uuml;ldi sz&aacute;m&iacute;t&oacute;g&eacute;p&uuml;nk
+	  vagy a termin&aacute;lunk a modemnek, amikor k&eacute;szen
+	  &aacute;ll az adatok fogad&aacute;s&aacute;ra &eacute;s
+	  k&uuml;ld&eacute;s&eacute;re.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="ddb-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Debugger</glossterm>
+      <acronym>DDB</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A rendszermagban megtal&aacute;lhat&oacute;
+	  interakt&iacute;v nyomk&ouml;vet&eacute;si
+	  lehet&#245;s&eacute;g, amin kereszt&uuml;l meg tudjuk
+	  vizsg&aacute;lni rendszer&uuml;nk aktu&aacute;lis
+	  &aacute;llapot&aacute;t.  Leggyakrabban a rendszer
+	  &ouml;sszeoml&aacute;s&aacute;&eacute;rt felel&#245;s
+	  k&ouml;r&uuml;lm&eacute;nyek elemz&eacute;s&eacute;ben
+	  alkalmazz&aacute;k.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="dsdt-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Differentiated System Description Table</glossterm>
+      <acronym>DSDT</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="dvmrp-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Distance-Vector Multicast Routing Protocol</glossterm>
+      <acronym>DVMRP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="dns-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Domain Name System</glossterm>
+      <acronym>DNS</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Az internetes c&iacute;mek (pl.  levelezes.valami.net)
+	  emberek &eacute;s g&eacute;pek &aacute;ltal is olvashat&oacute;
+	  form&aacute;ja k&ouml;zti
+	  lek&eacute;pez&eacute;s&eacute;&eacute;rt felel&#245;s
+	  rendszer.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="dhcp-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol</glossterm>
+      <acronym>DHCP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A sz&aacute;m&iacute;t&oacute;g&eacute;pek
+	  IP-c&iacute;meinek szerveren kereszt&uuml;li dinamikus
+	  kioszt&aacute;s&aacute;&eacute;rt felel&#245;s protokoll.  Az
+	  &iacute;gy keletkez&#245; c&iacute;m alap&uacute;
+	  hozz&aacute;rendel&eacute;st <quote>b&eacute;rletnek</quote>
+	  (<quote>lease</quote>) nevezz&uuml;k.<para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+  </glossdiv>
+  <glossdiv>
+    <title>E</title>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>ECOFF</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="ecoff-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>ELF</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="elf-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>ESP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="esp-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="esp-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Encapsulated Security Payload</glossterm>
+      <acronym>ESP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="elf-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Executable and Linking Format</glossterm>
+      <acronym>ELF</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="ecoff-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Extended <acronym>COFF</acronym></glossterm>
+      <acronym>ECOFF</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+  </glossdiv>
+  <glossdiv>
+    <title>F</title>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>FADT</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="fadt-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>FAT</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="fat-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>FAT16</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="fat16-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>FTP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="ftp-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="fat-glossary">
+      <glossterm>File Allocation Table</glossterm>
+      <acronym>FAT</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="fat16-glossary">
+      <glossterm>File Allocation Table (16-bit)</glossterm>
+      <acronym>FAT16</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="ftp-glossary">
+      <glossterm>File Transfer Protocol</glossterm>
+      <acronym>FTP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A <acronym>TCP</acronym> felett implement&aacute;lt
+	  magasabb szint&#251; protokollok csal&aacute;dj&aacute;nak egyik
+	  tagja, aminek seg&iacute;ts&eacute;g&eacute;vel
+	  &aacute;llom&aacute;nyokat tudunk &aacute;tm&aacute;solni egy
+	  <acronym>TCP/IP</acronym>-h&aacute;l&oacute;zaton
+	  kereszt&uuml;l.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="fadt-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Fixed <acronym>ACPI</acronym> Description Table</glossterm>
+      <acronym>FADT</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+  </glossdiv>
+  <glossdiv>
+    <title>G</title>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>GUI</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="gui-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="giant-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Giant</glossterm>
+      <glossdef subject="FreeBSD">
+	<para>Annak a k&ouml;lcs&ouml;n&ouml;s
+	  kiz&aacute;r&aacute;s&eacute;rt felel&#245;s megold&aacute;snak
+	  (<literal>alv&oacute; (sleep) mutex-nek</literal>) a neve, ami a
+	  rendszermag er&#245;forr&aacute;sainak jelent&#245;s
+	  r&eacute;sz&eacute;t v&eacute;di.  Amikor m&eacute;g a
+	  sz&aacute;m&iacute;t&oacute;g&eacute;pek csup&aacute;n
+	  n&eacute;h&aacute;ny programot futtattak egyetlen
+	  h&aacute;l&oacute;zati k&aacute;rty&aacute;val &eacute;s
+	  &aacute;ltal&aacute;ban egyetlen processzoron, akkor
+	  m&eacute;g elegend&#245; volt egy egyszer&#251;bb
+	  z&aacute;rol&aacute;si mechanizmus haszn&aacute;lata, azonban
+	  napjainkban ez m&aacute;r egy elfogadhatatlanul sz&#251;k
+	  keresztmetszetet k&eacute;pez.  A &os; fejleszt&#245;i
+	  folyamatosan dolgoznak, hogy ezt olyan
+	  z&aacute;rol&aacute;sokkal v&aacute;lts&aacute;k fel, amelyek
+	  csak az egyes er&#245;forr&aacute;sokat v&eacute;dik.  Ennek
+	  k&ouml;sz&ouml;nhet&#245;en sokkal nagyobb fok&uacute;
+	  p&aacute;rhuzamos&iacute;t&aacute;s &eacute;rthet&#245; el
+	  mind az egyprocesszoros mind pedig a t&ouml;bbprocesszoros
+	  rendszerekben egyar&aacute;nt.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="gui-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Graphical User Interface</glossterm>
+      <acronym>GUI</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Olyan rendszer, ahol a felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute; &eacute;s
+	  a sz&aacute;m&iacute;t&oacute;g&eacute;p grafikus
+	  megold&aacute;sokon kereszt&uuml;l &eacute;rintkezik.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+  </glossdiv>
+  <glossdiv>
+    <title>H</title>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>HTML</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="html-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>HUP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="hup-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="hup-glossary">
+      <glossterm>HangUp</glossterm>
+      <acronym>HUP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="html-glossary">
+      <glossterm>HyperText Markup Language</glossterm>
+      <acronym>HTML</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Honlapok el&#245;&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;ra
+	  haszn&aacute;lt jel&ouml;l&#245;nyelv.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+  </glossdiv>
+  <glossdiv>
+    <title>I</title>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>I/O</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="io-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>IASL</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="iasl-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>IMAP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="imap-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>IP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="ip-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>IPFW</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="ipfw-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>IPP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="ipp-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>IPv4</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="ipv4-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>IPv6</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="ipv6-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>ISP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="isp-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="ipfw-glossary">
+      <glossterm><acronym>IP</acronym> Firewall</glossterm>
+      <acronym>IPFW</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="ipv4-glossary">
+      <glossterm><acronym>IP</acronym> Version 4</glossterm>
+      <acronym>IPv4</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Az <acronym>IP</acronym> protokoll 4-es v&aacute;ltozata,
+	  ahol 32 biten adunk meg c&iacute;meket.  Ez a v&aacute;ltozat
+	  m&eacute;g napjainkban is sz&eacute;les k&ouml;rben
+	  alkalmazott, azonban lassank&eacute;nt felv&aacute;ltja az
+	  <acronym>IPv6</acronym>.</para>
+	<glossseealso otherterm="ipv6-glossary">
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="ipv6-glossary">
+      <glossterm><acronym>IP</acronym> Version 6</glossterm>
+      <acronym>IPv6</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Az &uacute;j <acronym>IP</acronym> protokoll.
+	  Az&eacute;rt alkott&aacute;k meg, mert az
+	  <acronym>IPv4</acronym> &aacute;ltal felk&iacute;n&aacute;lt
+	  c&iacute;mt&eacute;r m&aacute;r t&uacute;ls&aacute;gosan
+	  kicsinek bizonyult.  128 bites c&iacute;mekkel
+	  dolgozik.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="io-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Input/Output</glossterm>
+      <acronym>I/O</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="iasl-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Intel&rsquo;s <acronym>ASL</acronym> compiler</glossterm>
+      <acronym>IASL</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Az Intel &aacute;ltal kifejlesztett
+	  ford&iacute;t&oacute;program, amivel
+	  <acronym>ASL</acronym>-programokat lehet
+	  <acronym>AML</acronym>-k&oacute;dra ford&iacute;tani.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="imap-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Internet Message Access Protocol</glossterm>
+      <acronym>IMAP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A levelez&#245; szervereken t&aacute;rolt elektronikus
+	  levelek el&eacute;r&eacute;s&eacute;re haszn&aacute;lt
+	  protokoll, aminek egyik fontos jellemz&#245;je, hogy az
+	  elolvasott leveleket a szerveren tartja &eacute;s nem
+	  t&ouml;lti le a levelez&#245; klienssel.</para>
+	<glossseealso otherterm="pop3-glossary">
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="ipp-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Internet Printing Protocol</glossterm>
+      <acronym>IPP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="ip-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Internet Protocol</glossterm>
+      <acronym>IP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Csomagok &aacute;tk&uuml;ld&eacute;s&eacute;t
+	  le&iacute;r&oacute; protokoll, amire eg&eacute;sz internet
+	  &eacute;p&uuml;l.  Eredetileg az Egyes&uuml;lt &Aacute;llamok
+	  V&eacute;delmi Miniszt&eacute;riuma sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra
+	  k&eacute;sz&uuml;lt, &eacute;s a <acronym>TCP/IP</acronym>
+	  protokollk&eacute;szlet egyik meghat&aacute;roz&oacute; eleme.
+	  En&eacute;lk&uuml;l az internet nem nyerte volna el mai
+	  alakj&aacute;t.  R&eacute;szletesebb
+	  inform&aacute;ci&oacute;k&eacute;rt ld.  az <ulink
+	  url="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc791.txt"> RFC
+	  791</ulink>.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="isp-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Internet Service Provider</glossterm>
+      <acronym>ISP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Egy olyan c&eacute;g, ami lehet&#245;s&eacute;get
+	  k&iacute;n&aacute;l az internet
+	  el&eacute;r&eacute;s&eacute;re.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+  </glossdiv>
+  <glossdiv>
+    <title>K</title>
+    <glossentry id="kame-glossary">
+      <glossterm>KAME</glossterm>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A KAME jap&aacute;nul <quote>tekn&#245;st</quote> jelent,
+	  de informatikai k&ouml;r&ouml;kben ezt gyakran a <ulink
+	  url="http://www.kame.net/">KAME projekttel</ulink>
+	  azonos&iacute;tj&aacute;k, amely az <acronym>IPv6</acronym>
+	  implement&aacute;ci&oacute;j&aacute;n dolgozik.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>KDC</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="kdc-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>KLD</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="kld-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>KSE</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="kse-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>KVA</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="kva-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>Kbps</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="kbps-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="kld-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Kernel &man.ld.1;</glossterm>
+      <acronym>KLD</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Egy olyan m&oacute;dszer, aminek
+	  seg&iacute;ts&eacute;g&eacute;vel a &os; rendszermag
+	  funkcionalit&aacute;s&aacute;t an&eacute;lk&uuml;l tudjuk
+	  dinamikusan b&#245;v&iacute;teni, hogy a &uacute;jra kellene
+	  ind&iacute;tanunk hozz&aacute; a rendszer&uuml;nket.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="kse-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Kernel Scheduler Entities</glossterm>
+      <acronym>KSE</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A rendszermag &aacute;ltal t&aacute;mogatott
+	  sz&aacute;lkezel&eacute;si rendszer.  Ennek pontosabb
+	  r&eacute;szleteit ld.  <ulink url="http://www.FreeBSD.org/kse">a
+	  hozz&aacute;tartoz&oacute; projekt
+	  honlapj&aacute;n</ulink>.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="kva-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Kernel Virtual Address</glossterm>
+      <acronym>KVA</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="kdc-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Key Distribution Center</glossterm>
+      <acronym>KDC</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="kbps-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Kilo Bits Per Second</glossterm>
+      <acronym>Kbps</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A s&aacute;vsz&eacute;less&eacute;g (vagyis egy adott
+	  id&#245; alatt mennyi adatot vagyunk k&eacute;pesek
+	  &aacute;tk&uuml;ldeni) meghat&aacute;roz&aacute;s&aacute;ra
+	  haszn&aacute;lt m&eacute;rt&eacute;k.  Itt a Kilo helyett
+	  m&eacute;g szerepelhet a Mega, Giga, Tera &eacute;s &iacute;gy
+	  tov&aacute;bb.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+  </glossdiv>
+  <glossdiv>
+    <title>L</title>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>LAN</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="lan-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>LOR</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="lor-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>LPD</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="lpd-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="lpd-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Line Printer Daemon</glossterm>
+      <acronym>LPD</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="lan-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Local Area Network</glossterm>
+      <acronym>LAN</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Egy viszonylag kis k&ouml;rnyezetben,
+	  p&eacute;ld&aacute;ul irod&aacute;ban, otthon stb.
+	  haszn&aacute;lt h&aacute;l&oacute;zat.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="lor-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Lock Order Reversal</glossterm>
+      <acronym>LOR</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A &os; rendszermagja az er&#245;forr&aacute;sok
+	  megfelel&#245; z&aacute;rol&aacute;s&aacute;val igyekszik
+	  megosztani azokat.  A z&aacute;rol&aacute;si hib&aacute;k
+	  keletkez&#245; holtpontok felder&iacute;t&eacute;s&eacute;re a
+	  &os.current; rendszermagokban tal&aacute;lhat&oacute; (de a
+	  kiad&aacute;sokb&oacute;l m&aacute;r
+	  elt&aacute;vol&iacute;tott) egy z&aacute;rol&aacute;sokat
+	  ellen&#245;rz&#245; fut&aacute;s idej&#251; rendszer, aminek a
+	  neve &man.witness.4;.  (A &man.witness.4; jelen pillanatban
+	  kiss&eacute; m&eacute;g szigor&uacute;, ez&eacute;rt
+	  el&#245;fordulhat, hogy vakriaszt&aacute;st ad.) A t&#245;le
+	  sz&aacute;rmaz&oacute; val&oacute;s jelent&eacute;sekben
+	  olvashatjuk, hogy <quote>ha p&oacute;rul j&aacute;rtunk volna,
+	  akkor most itt lett volna egy holtpont</quote>.</para>
+	<para>Az ilyen hib&aacute;kat &aacute;ltal&aacute;ban gyorsan
+	  kijav&iacute;tj&aacute;k, ez&eacute;rt miel&#245;tt egy ilyen
+	  hib&aacute;t bek&uuml;lden&eacute;nk, n&eacute;zz&uuml;nk
+	  sz&eacute;t a &a.current.url; c&iacute;men &eacute;s <ulink
+	  url="http://sources.zabbadoz.net/freebsd/lor.html"> az
+	  &eacute;szlelt LOR-ok</ulink> honlapj&aacute;n.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+  </glossdiv>
+  <glossdiv>
+    <title>M</title>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>MAC</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="mac-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>MADT</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="madt-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>MFC</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="mfc-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>MFP4</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="mfp4-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>MFS</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="mfs-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>MIT</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="mit-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>MLS</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="mls-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>MOTD</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="motd-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>MTA</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="mta-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>MUA</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="mua-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="mta-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Mail Transfer Agent</glossterm>
+      <acronym>MTA</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A levelek tov&aacute;bb&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;ra
+	  haszn&aacute;lt alkalmaz&aacute;s, melyek a BSD
+	  alaprendszerekben m&aacute;r r&eacute;g&oacute;ta
+	  megtal&aacute;lhat&oacute;ak.  K&ouml;z&uuml;l&uuml;k
+	  manaps&aacute;g a Sendmail szerepel itt, de rajta
+	  k&iacute;v&uuml;l m&eacute;g t&ouml;bb m&aacute;s
+	  <acronym>MTA</acronym> is l&eacute;tezik, mint
+	  p&eacute;ld&aacute;ul a postfix, qmail &eacute;s az
+	  Exim.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="mua-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Mail User Agent</glossterm>
+      <acronym>MUA</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Az elektronikus levelek
+	  megjelen&iacute;t&eacute;s&eacute;re &eacute;s
+	  &iacute;r&aacute;s&aacute;ra alkalmas alkalmaz&aacute;s.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="mac-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Mandatory Access Control</glossterm>
+      <acronym>MAC</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="mit-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Massachusetts Institute of Technology</glossterm>
+      <acronym>MIT</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="mfc-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Merge From Current</glossterm>
+      <acronym>MFC</acronym>
+      <glossdef subject="FreeBSD">
+	<para>A -CURRENT &aacute;gb&oacute;l sz&aacute;rmaz&oacute;
+	  valamelyik funkcionalit&aacute;s vagy
+	  m&oacute;dos&iacute;t&aacute;s beolvaszt&aacute;sa egy
+	  m&aacute;sik &aacute;gba, ami a legt&ouml;bb esetben a
+	  -STABLE.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="mfp4-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Merge From Perforce</glossterm>
+      <acronym>MFP4</acronym>
+      <glossdef subject="FreeBSD">
+	<para>A Perforce repository-b&oacute;l sz&aacute;rmaz&oacute;
+	  funkcionalit&aacute;s vagy m&oacute;dos&iacute;t&aacute;s
+	  beolvaszt&aacute;sa a -CURRENT &aacute;gba.</para>
+	<glossseealso otherterm="perforce-glossary">
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="mfs-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Merge From Stable</glossterm>
+      <acronym>MFS</acronym>
+      <glossdef subject="FreeBSD">
+	<para>A &os; fejleszt&eacute;s&eacute;nek megszokott menete
+	  szerint egy v&aacute;ltoztat&aacute;s el&#245;sz&ouml;r a
+	  -CURRENT &aacute;gba ker&uuml;l be tesztel&eacute;sre, majd
+	  csak ezt k&ouml;vet&#245;en a -STABLE &aacute;gba.
+	  Esetenk&eacute;nt azonban el&#245;fordul, hogy egy
+	  v&aacute;ltoztat&aacute;s el&#245;sz&ouml;r a -STABLE
+	  &aacute;gba ker&uuml;l, majd csak ezut&aacute;n a -CURRENT
+	  &aacute;gba.</para>
+	<para>Ezt a kifejez&eacute;st haszn&aacute;ljuk abban az esetben
+	  is, amikor egy m&oacute;dos&iacute;t&aacute;st a -STABLE
+	  &aacute;gb&oacute;l olvasztunk be a biztons&aacute;gi
+	  jav&iacute;t&aacute;sokat tartalmaz&oacute;
+	  &aacute;gba.</para>
+	<glossseealso otherterm="mfc-glossary">
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="motd-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Message Of The Day</glossterm>
+      <acronym>MOTD</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>&Aacute;ltal&aacute;ban a bejelentkez&eacute;skor
+	  megjelen&#245; &uuml;zenet, amiben valamilyen
+	  inform&aacute;ci&oacute;t tov&aacute;bb&iacute;tunk a rendszer
+	  felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;i sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="mls-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Multi-Level Security</glossterm>
+      <acronym>MLS</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="madt-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Multiple <acronym>APIC</acronym> Description Table</glossterm>
+      <acronym>MADT</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+  </glossdiv>
+  <glossdiv>
+    <title>N</title>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>NAT</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="nat-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>NDISulator</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="projectevil-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>NFS</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="nfs-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>NTFS</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="ntfs-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>NTP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="ntp-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="nat-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Network Address Translation</glossterm>
+      <acronym>NAT</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="nfs-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Network File System</glossterm>
+      <acronym>NFS</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="ntfs-glossary">
+      <glossterm>New Technology File System</glossterm>
+      <acronym>NTFS</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A &microsoft; &aacute;ltal kidolgozott
+	  &aacute;llom&aacute;nyrendszer, ami &aacute;ltaluk fejlesztett
+	  <quote>&uacute;j technol&oacute;gi&aacute;j&uacute;</quote>
+	  oper&aacute;ci&oacute;s rendszerekben &eacute;rhet&#245; el,
+	  teh&aacute;t p&eacute;ld&aacute;ul a &windows2k;, &windowsnt;
+	  &eacute;s &windowsxp; rendszerekben.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="ntp-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Network Time Protocol</glossterm>
+      <acronym>NTP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+  </glossdiv>
+  <glossdiv>
+    <title>O</title>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>OBE</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="obe-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>ODMR</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="odmr-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>OS</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="os-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="odmr-glossary">
+      <glossterm>On-Demand Mail Relay</glossterm>
+      <acronym>ODMR</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="os-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Operating System</glossterm>
+      <acronym>OS</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Programok, f&uuml;ggv&eacute;nyk&ouml;nyvt&aacute;rak
+	  &eacute;s seg&eacute;dprogramok &ouml;sszes&eacute;ge, amelyeken
+	  kereszt&uuml;l hozz&aacute; tudunk f&eacute;rni a
+	  sz&aacute;m&iacute;t&oacute;g&eacute;pben
+	  tal&aacute;lhat&oacute; hardverek &aacute;ltal
+	  felk&iacute;n&aacute;lt er&#245;forr&aacute;sokhoz.  Napjaink
+	  oper&aacute;ci&oacute;s rendszerei eg&eacute;szen az egy
+	  id&#245;ben egyetlen programot futtatni &eacute;s egyetlen
+	  eszk&ouml;zt el&eacute;rni k&eacute;pes rendszerekt&#245;l a
+	  t&ouml;bbfelhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;s, t&ouml;bbfeladatos
+	  &eacute;s egyszerre t&ouml;bb programot is futtatni
+	  tud&oacute;, t&ouml;bbezer, egyenk&eacute;nt
+	  k&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;z&#245; alkalmaz&aacute;sokat
+	  futtat&oacute; felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;t
+	  kiszolg&aacute;l&oacute; rendszerekig terjedhet.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="obe-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Overtaken By Events</glossterm>
+      <acronym>OBE</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Olyan javasolt v&aacute;ltoztat&aacute;sra
+	  (hibajelent&eacute;sre vagy egy &uacute;j funkci&oacute;
+	  ig&eacute;nyl&eacute;s&eacute;re) utal, ami a legfrissebb
+	  v&aacute;ltoztat&aacute;sok, p&eacute;ld&aacute;ul a &os;
+	  h&aacute;l&oacute;zati szabv&aacute;nyainak
+	  megv&aacute;ltoz&aacute;sa, az adott hardver elavul&aacute;sa
+	  stb.  k&ouml;vetkezt&eacute;ben m&aacute;r nem l&eacute;nyeges
+	  vagy nem &eacute;rv&eacute;nyes.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+  </glossdiv>
+  <glossdiv>
+    <title>P</title>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>p4</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="perforce-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>PAE</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="pae-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>PAM</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="pam-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>PAP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="pap-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>PC</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="pc-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>PCNSFD</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="pcnfsd-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>PDF</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="pdf-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>PID</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="pid-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>POLA</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="pola-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>POP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="pop-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>POP3</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="pop3-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>PPD</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="ppd-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>PPP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="ppp-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>PPPoA</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="pppoa-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>PPPoE</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="pppoe-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="pppoa-glossary">
+      <glossterm><acronym>PPP</acronym> over <acronym>ATM</acronym></glossterm>
+      <acronym>PPPoA</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="pppoe-glossary">
+      <glossterm><acronym>PPP</acronym> over <acronym>Ethernet</acronym></glossterm>
+      <acronym>PPPoE</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>PR</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="pr-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>PXE</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="pxe-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="pap-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Password Authentication Protocol</glossterm>
+      <acronym>PAP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="perforce-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Perforce</glossterm>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A <ulink url="http://www.perforce.com/">Perforce
+	  Software</ulink> &aacute;ltal fejlesztett
+	  forr&aacute;sk&oacute;dkezel&#245; term&eacute;k, ami a
+	  CVS-n&eacute;l j&oacute;val t&ouml;bb lehet&#245;s&eacute;get
+	  k&iacute;n&aacute;l.  Annak ellen&eacute;re, hogy nem
+	  ny&iacute;lt forr&aacute;sk&oacute;d&uacute;,
+	  haszn&aacute;lata ingyenes olyan ny&iacute;lt
+	  forr&aacute;sk&oacute;d&uacute; projektek
+	  sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra, mint amilyen a &os;.</para>
+	<para>Egyes &os; fejleszt&#245;k a Perforce repository-ban
+	  dolgoznak olyan k&oacute;dokkal, amelyek haszn&aacute;lata a
+	  -CURRENT &aacute;gban t&uacute;ls&aacute;gosan
+	  kock&aacute;zatos lenne.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="pc-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Personal Computer</glossterm>
+      <acronym>PC</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="pcnfsd-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Personal Computer Network File System Daemon</glossterm>
+      <acronym>PCNFSD</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="pae-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Physical Address Extensions</glossterm>
+      <acronym>PAE</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Egy olyan m&oacute;dszer, aminek
+	  seg&iacute;ts&eacute;g&eacute;vel eg&eacute;szen 64 GB-nyi
+	  k&ouml;zponti mem&oacute;ri&aacute;t tudunk el&eacute;rni
+	  azokon a rendszereken, amelyek fizikailag csak 32 bites
+	  c&iacute;mt&eacute;rrel rendelkeznek (&eacute;s ez&aacute;ltal
+	  a PAE n&eacute;lk&uuml;l csak 4 GB mem&oacute;ri&aacute;t
+	  k&eacute;pesek haszn&aacute;lni).</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="pam-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Pluggable Authentication Modules</glossterm>
+      <acronym>PAM</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="ppp-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Point-to-Point Protocol</glossterm>
+      <acronym>PPP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="pointyhat">
+      <glossterm>Pointy Hat</glossterm>
+      <glossdef subject="FreeBSD">
+	<para>Egy misztikus eredet&#251; fejreval&oacute;, ami
+	  legink&aacute;bb a <literal>szam&aacute;rf&uuml;les
+	  sapk&aacute;hoz</literal> hasonl&iacute;that&oacute;,
+	  &eacute;s minden olyan &os; committer jutalma, aki miatt nem
+	  fordul a rendszer, visszafele halad a verzi&oacute;k
+	  sz&aacute;moz&aacute;sa, vagy b&aacute;rmilyen egy&eacute;b
+	  puszt&iacute;t&aacute;st v&eacute;gez a forr&aacute;sok
+	  k&ouml;z&ouml;tt.  Az &uuml;gyetlenebb committerek sz&eacute;p
+	  sz&aacute;mmal be tudnak ilyeneket gy&#251;jteni.
+	  T&ouml;bbnyire (csak?) humoros &eacute;rtelemben
+	  haszn&aacute;lj&aacute;k.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="pdf-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Portable Document Format</glossterm>
+      <acronym>PDF</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="pop-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Post Office Protocol</glossterm>
+      <acronym>POP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="pop3-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Post Office Protocol Version 3</glossterm>
+      <acronym>POP3</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A levelez&#245; szerverken t&aacute;rolt elektronikus
+	  levelek el&eacute;r&eacute;s&eacute;re haszn&aacute;latos
+	  protokoll, aminek egyik fontos jellemz&#245;je, hogy az
+	  elolvasand&oacute; leveleket a levelez&#245; kliens
+	  let&ouml;lti, nem pedig a szerveren hagyja.</para>
+	<glossseealso otherterm="imap-glossary">
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="ppd-glossary">
+      <glossterm>PostScript Printer Description</glossterm>
+      <acronym>PPD</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="pxe-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Preboot eXecution Environment</glossterm>
+      <acronym>PXE</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="pola-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Principle Of Least Astonishment</glossterm>
+      <acronym>POLA</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A &os; fejl&#245;d&eacute;se sor&aacute;n igyekezni kell
+	  elker&uuml;lni a felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;k el&eacute;
+	  t&aacute;rt hirtelen v&aacute;ltoztat&aacute;sokat.
+	  P&eacute;ld&aacute;ul az
+	  <filename>/etc/defaults/rc.conf</filename>
+	  &aacute;llom&aacute;nyban tal&aacute;lhat&oacute;,
+	  rendszerind&iacute;t&aacute;s&eacute;rt felel&#245;s
+	  v&aacute;ltoz&oacute;k &aacute;trendez&eacute;se s&eacute;rti
+	  <quote>a legkisebb meglepet&eacute;s elv&eacute;t</quote>
+	  (<acronym>POLA</acronym>).  A fejleszt&#245;knek teh&aacute;t
+	  figyelembe kell venni&uuml;k ezt az elvet, amikor a
+	  felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;k sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra is
+	  &eacute;szlelhet&#245; v&aacute;ltoztat&aacute;sokat hoznak
+	  l&eacute;tre.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="pr-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Problem Report</glossterm>
+      <acronym>PR</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A &os; forr&aacute;s&aacute;ban vagy
+	  dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;j&aacute;ban tal&aacute;lt hiba
+	  le&iacute;r&aacute;sa.  Err&#245;l b&#245;vebben ld.  a <ulink
+	  url="&url.articles.problem-reports;/index.html"> &os;
+	  hibajelent&eacute;sek &iacute;r&aacute;sa</ulink>
+	  c&iacute;m&#251; cikket (angolul).</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="pid-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Process ID</glossterm>
+      <acronym>PID</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A rendszerben egy adott fut&oacute; programot
+	  egy&eacute;rtelm&#251;en azonos&iacute;t&oacute; sz&aacute;m,
+	  amivel hivatkozni tudunk r&aacute; &eacute;s m&#251;veleteket
+	  v&eacute;grehajtani vele.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="projectevil-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Project Evil</glossterm>
+      <glossdef subject="FreeBSD">
+	<para>A Bill Paul &aacute;ltal k&eacute;sz&iacute;tett
+	  <acronym>NDISulator</acronym> munkac&iacute;me, amivel a
+	  szerz&#245; els&#245;sorban arra szeretett volna
+	  (filoz&oacute;fiai szemsz&ouml;gb&#245;l) utalni, hogy milyen
+	  sz&ouml;rny&#251;s&eacute;get kellett m&#251;velnie.  Az
+	  <acronym>NDISulator</acronym> egy olyan speci&aacute;lis
+	  kompatibilit&aacute;si modul, aminek r&eacute;v&eacute;n a
+	  &os;/i386 v&aacute;ltozat&aacute;ban k&eacute;pesek vagyunk a
+	  Microsoft Windows;trade; NDIS miniport h&aacute;l&oacute;zati
+	  meghajt&oacute;it.  &Aacute;ltal&aacute;ban csak ez az
+	  egyetlen m&oacute;dja a z&aacute;rt
+	  forr&aacute;sk&oacute;d&uacute; meghajt&oacute;kkal
+	  rendelkez&#245; k&aacute;rty&aacute;k
+	  haszn&aacute;lat&aacute;nak.  Ld.
+	  <filename>src/sys/compat/ndis/subr_ndis.c</filename>.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+  </glossdiv>
+  <glossdiv>
+    <title>R</title>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>RA</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="ra-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>RAID</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="raid-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>RAM</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="ram-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>RD</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="rd-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>RFC</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="rfc-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>RISC</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="risc-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>RPC</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="rpc-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>RS232C</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="rs232c-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>RTS</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="rts-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="ram-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Random Access Memory</glossterm>
+      <acronym>RAM</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="rd-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Received Data</glossterm>
+      <acronym>RD</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Az az <acronym>RS232C</acronym> szabv&aacute;ny&uacute;
+	  t&#251; vagy vezet&eacute;k, amin kereszt&uuml;l az adat
+	  &eacute;rkezik.</para>
+	<glossseealso otherterm="td-glossary">
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="rs232c-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Recommended Standard 232C</glossterm>
+      <acronym>RS232C</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A soros vonali eszk&ouml;z&ouml;k k&ouml;zti
+	  kommunik&aacute;ci&oacute;t le&iacute;r&oacute;
+	  szabv&aacute;ny.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="risc-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Reduced Instruction Set Computer</glossterm>
+      <acronym>RISC</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Olyan megk&ouml;zel&iacute;t&eacute;s a processzorok
+	  tervez&eacute;s&eacute;ben, ahol a hardver &aacute;ltal
+	  v&eacute;gezhet&#245; m&#251;veletek ugyan
+	  leegyszer&#251;s&iacute;tettek, de a lehet&#245; legjobban
+	  &aacute;ltal&aacute;nos&iacute;tottak.  Ezzel
+	  cs&ouml;kkenthet&#245; az energiafogyaszt&aacute;s, kevesebb
+	  tranzisztorra van sz&uuml;ks&eacute;g &eacute;s egyes
+	  esetekben ak&aacute;r nagyobb teljes&iacute;tm&eacute;nyt
+	  &eacute;s megn&ouml;vekedett
+	  k&oacute;ds&#251;r&#251;s&eacute;get is eredm&eacute;nyezhet.
+	  RISC processzorok p&eacute;ld&aacute;ul az Alpha, &sparc;,
+	  &arm; &eacute;s &powerpc;.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="raid-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks</glossterm>
+      <acronym>RAID</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="rpc-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Remote Procedure Call</glossterm>
+      <acronym>RPC</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>repocopy</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="repocopy-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="repocopy-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Repository Copy</glossterm>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>&Aacute;llom&aacute;nyok k&ouml;zvetlen
+	  m&aacute;sol&aacute;sa a CVS repository-n bel&uuml;l.</para>
+	<para>Repocopy n&eacute;lk&uuml;l a committer csak &uacute;gy
+	  tudn&aacute; a repository egyik r&eacute;sz&eacute;b&#245;l a
+	  m&aacute;sikra &aacute;thelyezni az
+	  &aacute;llom&aacute;nyokat, ha el&#245;sz&ouml;r a
+	  <command>cvs add</command> paranccsal felvenn&eacute; ezeket
+	  az &uacute;j helyre, majd a <command>cvs rm</command>
+	  paranccsal t&ouml;r&ouml;ln&eacute; a r&eacute;gi
+	  helyr&#245;l.</para>
+	<para>Ennek a megold&aacute;snak egyik h&aacute;tr&aacute;nya,
+	  hogy az &aacute;llom&aacute;nyokhoz tartoz&oacute;
+	  el&#245;zm&eacute;nyek (teh&aacute;t a CVS napl&oacute;kban
+	  szerep&#245; bejegyz&eacute;sek) ilyenkor nem
+	  m&aacute;sol&oacute;dnak &aacute;t az &uacute;j helyre.  Mivel
+	  a &os; projekt ezeket viszont nagyon fontosnak tartja,
+	  ez&eacute;rt ehelyett gyakran a <quote>repository copy</quote>
+	  m&oacute;dszer&eacute;t alkalmazz&aacute;k.  Ennek
+	  folyam&aacute;n a repository-k
+	  karbantart&aacute;s&aacute;&eacute;rt felel&#245;s tagok
+	  (repository meisterek) fogj&aacute;k a &man.cvs.1;
+	  haszn&aacute;lata helyett &aacute;tm&aacute;solni az
+	  &aacute;llom&aacute;nyokat, k&ouml;zvetlen&uuml;l a
+	  repository-n bel&uuml;l.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="rfc-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Request For Comments</glossterm>
+      <acronym>RFC</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Az internet m&#251;k&ouml;d&eacute;s&eacute;hez
+	  kapcsol&oacute;d&oacute; szabv&aacute;nyok, protokollok
+	  &eacute;s egyebek le&iacute;r&aacute;s&aacute;t
+	  tartalmaz&oacute; dokumentumok.  Ld.  <ulink
+	  url="http://www.rfc-editor.org/">www.rfc-editor.org</ulink>.</para>
+	<para>Gyakran viszont abban az &eacute;rtelemben is
+	  haszn&aacute;lj&aacute;k, amikor valaki szeretn&eacute;
+	  kik&eacute;rni a v&eacute;lem&eacute;ny&eacute;t egy
+	  &aacute;ltala javasolt
+	  m&oacute;dos&iacute;t&aacute;sr&oacute;l.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="rts-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Request To Send</glossterm>
+      <acronym>RTS</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Egy <acronym>RS232C</acronym> szabv&aacute;ny&uacute; jel,
+	  amivel megk&eacute;rj&uuml;k a t&aacute;voli rendszert az adatok
+	  &aacute;tk&uuml;ld&eacute;s&eacute;nek
+	  megkezd&eacute;s&eacute;re.</para>
+	<glossseealso otherterm="cts-glossary">
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="ra-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Router Advertisement</glossterm>
+      <acronym>RA</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+  </glossdiv>
+  <glossdiv>
+    <title>S</title>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>SCI</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="sci-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>SCSI</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="scsi-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>SG</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="sg-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>SMB</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="smb-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>SMP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="smp-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>SMTP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="smtp-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>SMTP AUTH</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="smtpauth-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>SSH</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="ssh-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>STR</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="str-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="smtpauth-glossary">
+      <glossterm><acronym>SMTP</acronym> Authentication</glossterm>
+      <acronym>SMTP AUTH</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="smb-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Server Message Block</glossterm>
+      <acronym>SMB</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="sg-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Signal Ground</glossterm>
+      <acronym>SG</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Egy <acronym>RS232</acronym> szabv&aacute;ny&uacute;
+	  t&#251; vagy vezet&eacute;k, ami a jelek sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra a
+	  referencia f&ouml;ldet adja.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="smtp-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Simple Mail Transfer Protocol</glossterm>
+      <acronym>SMTP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="ssh-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Secure Shell</glossterm>
+      <acronym>SSH</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="scsi-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Small Computer System Interface</glossterm>
+      <acronym>SCSI</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="str-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Suspend To <acronym>RAM</acronym></glossterm>
+      <acronym>STR</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="smp-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Symmetric MultiProcessor</glossterm>
+      <acronym>SMP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="sci-glossary">
+      <glossterm>System Control Interrupt</glossterm>
+      <acronym>SCI</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+  </glossdiv>
+  <glossdiv>
+    <title>T</title>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>TCP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="tcp-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>TCP/IP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="tcpip-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>TD</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="td-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>TFTP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="tftp-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>TGT</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="tgt-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>TSC</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="tsc-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="tgt-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Ticket-Granting Ticket</glossterm>
+      <acronym>TGT</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+        <para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="tsc-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Time Stamp Counter</glossterm>
+      <acronym>TSC</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A modern &pentium; processzorokban
+	  megtal&aacute;lhat&oacute; prec&iacute;z bels&#245;
+	  sz&aacute;ml&aacute;l&oacute;, amely a mag
+	  frekvenci&aacute;j&aacute;val &eacute;rkez&#245;
+	  &oacute;rajeleket sz&aacute;molja.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="tcp-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Transmission Control Protocol</glossterm>
+      <acronym>TCP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>(P&eacute;ld&aacute;ul) Az <acronym>IP</acronym> protokoll
+	  felett &uuml;l&#245; protokoll, amely garant&aacute;lja, hogy a
+	  csomagok megb&iacute;zhat&oacute;, sorbarendezett m&oacute;don
+	  jutnak el a c&eacute;ljukba.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="tcpip-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol</glossterm>
+      <acronym>TCP/IP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Az <acronym>IP</acronym> protokoll &eacute;s felette
+	  fut&oacute; <acronym>TCP</acronym> protokoll
+	  kombin&aacute;ci&oacute;j&aacute;ra utal&oacute; fogalom.  Az
+	  internet legnagyobb r&eacute;sze a <acronym>TCP/IP</acronym>
+	  protokollon kereszt&uuml;l m&#251;k&ouml;dik.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="td-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Transmitted Data</glossterm>
+      <acronym>TD</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>Egy <acronym>RS232C</acronym> szabv&aacute;ny&uacute;
+	  t&#251; vagy vezet&eacute;k, amin kereszt&uuml;l az adat
+	  &aacute;tk&uuml;ld&eacute;sre ker&uuml;l.</para>
+	<glossseealso otherterm="rd-glossary">
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="tftp-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Trivial <acronym>FTP</acronym></glossterm>
+      <acronym>TFTP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+  </glossdiv>
+  <glossdiv>
+    <title>U</title>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>UDP</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="udp-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>UFS1</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="ufs1-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>UFS2</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="ufs2-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>UID</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="uid-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>URL</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="url-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>USB</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="usb-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="url-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Uniform Resource Locator</glossterm>
+      <acronym>URL</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="ufs1-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Unix File System Version 1</glossterm>
+      <acronym>UFS1</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="ufs2-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Unix File System Version 2</glossterm>
+      <acronym>UFS2</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="usb-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Universal Serial Bus</glossterm>
+      <acronym>USB</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="uid-glossary">
+      <glossterm>User ID</glossterm>
+      <acronym>UID</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para>A sz&aacute;m&iacute;t&oacute;g&eacute;p minden egyes
+	  felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;ja sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra kiosztott
+	  egyedi azonos&iacute;t&oacute;sz&aacute;m, aminek
+	  seg&iacute;ts&eacute;g&eacute;vel a az er&#245;forr&aacute;sok
+	  &eacute;s enged&eacute;lyek egy&eacute;rtelm&#251;en
+	  hozz&aacute;juk kapcsolhat&oacute;ak.</para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="udp-glossary">
+      <glossterm>User Datagram Protocol</glossterm>
+      <acronym>UDP</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+  </glossdiv>
+  <glossdiv>
+    <title>V</title>
+    <glossentry>
+      <glossterm>VPN</glossterm>
+      <glosssee otherterm="vpn-glossary">
+    </glossentry>
+    <glossentry id="vpn-glossary">
+      <glossterm>Virtual Private Network</glossterm>
+      <acronym>VPN</acronym>
+      <glossdef>
+	<para></para>
+      </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+  </glossdiv>
diff --git a/hu_HU.ISO8859-2/share/sgml/mirrors-local.xsl b/hu_HU.ISO8859-2/share/sgml/mirrors-local.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1442dbe1ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hu_HU.ISO8859-2/share/sgml/mirrors-local.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-2"?>
+<!-- $FreeBSD$ -->
+<!-- The FreeBSD Hungarian Documentation Project
+     Translated by: PALI, Gabor <pgj@FreeBSD.org>
+     Original Revision: 1.6                       -->
+<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
+  <xsl:output type="xml" encoding="iso-8859-2"
+	      omit-xml-declaration="yes"
+	      indent="yes"/>
+  <!-- these params should be externally bound. The values
+       here are not used actually -->
+  <xsl:param name="type" select="''" />
+  <xsl:param name="proto" select="''" />
+  <xsl:param name="target" select="''" />
+  <xsl:param name="mirrors-docbook-country-anchor-id" select="translate($target, '/.', '--')" />
+  <xsl:variable name="date">
+    <xsl:value-of xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS"
+                  select="normalize-space(//cvs:keyword[@name='freebsd'])"/>
+  </xsl:variable>
+  <!--
+     templates available:
+        * "mirrors-lastmodified"
+        * "mirrors-docbook-contact"
+        * "mirrors-docbook-country-index-all"
+        * "mirrors-docbook-variablelist"
+        * "mirrors-docbook-itemizedlist"
+  -->
+  <xsl:template match="/">
+    <xsl:choose>
+      <xsl:when test="$target = 'handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml'">
+	<xsl:call-template name="mirrors-docbook-country-index-all" />
+	<para>(<xsl:call-template name="mirrors-lastmodified" />)</para>
+	<xsl:call-template name="mirrors-docbook-variablelist" />
+      </xsl:when>
+      <xsl:when test="$target = 'handbook/eresources/chapter.sgml'">
+	<xsl:call-template name="mirrors-docbook-country-index-all" />
+	<para>(<xsl:call-template name="mirrors-lastmodified" />)</para>
+	<xsl:call-template name="mirrors-docbook-itemizedlist" />
+      </xsl:when>
+      <xsl:otherwise>
+	<xsl:value-of select="'*** processing error ***'" />
+      </xsl:otherwise>
+    </xsl:choose>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <!-- template: "mirrors-docbook-contact" -->
+  <xsl:template name="mirrors-docbook-contact">
+    <xsl:param name="email" select="'someone@somewhere'"/>
+    <para>B�rmilyen gond eset�n a k�vetkez� c�met kell �rtes�teni:
+      <email><xsl:value-of select="$email" /></email>.</para>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <!-- template: "mirrors-lastmodified" -->
+  <xsl:template name="mirrors-lastmodified">
+    <xsl:text>D�tum: </xsl:text>
+    <xsl:call-template name="mirrors-lastmodified-utc" />
+  </xsl:template>
+  <!-- template: "mirrors-docbook-country-index-all" -->
+  <xsl:template name="mirrors-docbook-country-index-all">
+    <para>
+      <xsl:for-each select="mirrors/entry[country/@role = 'primary'
+	                    and host[@type = $type]]">
+	<xsl:call-template name="mirrors-docbook-country-index">
+	  <xsl:with-param name="mirrors-docbook-country-index-without-period" select="'true'" />
+	</xsl:call-template>
+      </xsl:for-each>
+      <xsl:for-each select="mirrors/entry[(not(country/@role) or country/@role != 'primary') and
+	                    host[@type = $type]]">
+	<xsl:sort select="country/@sortkey" data-type="number"/>
+	<xsl:sort select="country" />
+	<xsl:call-template name="mirrors-docbook-country-index">
+	  <xsl:with-param name="mirrors-docbook-country-index-without-period" select="'false'" />
+	</xsl:call-template>
+      </xsl:for-each>
+    </para>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <xsl:template name="mirrors-docbook-country-index">
+    <xsl:param name="mirrors-docbook-country-index-without-period" />
+    <link>
+      <xsl:attribute name="linkend">
+	<xsl:value-of select="concat($mirrors-docbook-country-anchor-id, '-', @id, '-', $type)" />
+      </xsl:attribute>
+      <xsl:value-of select="country" />
+    </link>
+    <xsl:choose>
+      <xsl:when test='$mirrors-docbook-country-index-without-period != "true" and
+	position() = last()'><xsl:text>.</xsl:text></xsl:when>
+      <xsl:otherwise><xsl:text>, </xsl:text></xsl:otherwise>
+    </xsl:choose>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <!-- template: "mirrors-docbook-variablelist" -->
+  <xsl:template name="mirrors-docbook-variablelist">
+    <variablelist>
+      <xsl:for-each select="mirrors/entry[country/@role = 'primary' and
+	                    host[@type = $type]]">
+	<xsl:call-template name="mirrors-docbook-variablelist-entry" />
+      </xsl:for-each>
+      <xsl:for-each select="mirrors/entry[(not(country/@role) or country/@role != 'primary') and
+	                    host[@type = $type]]">
+	<xsl:sort select="country/@sortkey" data-type="number"/>
+	<xsl:sort select="country" />
+	<xsl:call-template name="mirrors-docbook-variablelist-entry" />
+      </xsl:for-each>
+    </variablelist>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <xsl:template name="mirrors-docbook-variablelist-entry">
+    <varlistentry>
+      <term>
+	<anchor>
+	  <xsl:attribute name="id">
+	    <xsl:value-of select="concat($mirrors-docbook-country-anchor-id, '-', @id, '-', $type)" />
+	  </xsl:attribute>
+	</anchor>
+	<xsl:value-of select="country" />
+      </term>
+      <listitem>
+	<xsl:if test="$type = 'ftp' and email">
+	  <xsl:call-template name="mirrors-docbook-contact">
+	    <xsl:with-param name="email" select="email" />
+	  </xsl:call-template>
+	</xsl:if>
+	<itemizedlist>
+	  <xsl:for-each select="host[@type = $type]">
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>
+		<xsl:choose>
+		  <xsl:when test="url[@proto = $proto]">
+		    <xsl:for-each select="url[@proto = $proto]">
+		      <ulink>
+			<xsl:attribute name="url"><xsl:value-of select="." /></xsl:attribute>
+			<xsl:value-of select="name" />
+		      </ulink>
+		    </xsl:for-each>
+		    <xsl:value-of select="' (ftp'" />
+		    <xsl:choose>
+		      <xsl:when test="url[@proto != $proto]">
+			<xsl:for-each select="url[@proto != $proto]">
+			  <xsl:value-of select="' / '" />
+			  <xsl:choose>
+			    <xsl:when test=". != ''">
+			      <ulink>
+				<xsl:attribute name="url"><xsl:value-of select="." /></xsl:attribute>
+				<xsl:value-of select="@proto" />
+			      </ulink>
+			    </xsl:when>
+			    <xsl:otherwise>
+			      <xsl:value-of select="@proto" />
+			    </xsl:otherwise>
+			  </xsl:choose>
+			</xsl:for-each>
+		      </xsl:when>
+		    </xsl:choose>
+		    <xsl:value-of select="') '" />
+		  </xsl:when>
+		  <xsl:otherwise>
+		    <xsl:value-of select="name" />
+		  </xsl:otherwise>
+		</xsl:choose>
+	      </para>
+	    </listitem>
+	  </xsl:for-each>
+	</itemizedlist>
+      </listitem>
+    </varlistentry>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <!-- template: "mirrors-docbook-itemizedlist" -->
+  <xsl:template name="mirrors-docbook-itemizedlist">
+    <itemizedlist>
+      <xsl:for-each select="mirrors/entry[country/@role = 'primary' and
+	                    host[@type = $type]]">
+	<xsl:call-template name="mirrors-docbook-itemizedlist-listitem" />
+      </xsl:for-each>
+      <xsl:for-each select="mirrors/entry[(not(country/@role) or country/@role != 'primary') and
+	                    host[@type = $type]]">
+	<xsl:sort select="country/@sortkey" data-type="number"/>
+	<xsl:sort select="country" />
+	<xsl:call-template name="mirrors-docbook-itemizedlist-listitem" />
+      </xsl:for-each>
+    </itemizedlist>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <xsl:template name="mirrors-docbook-itemizedlist-listitem">
+    <listitem>
+      <anchor>
+	<xsl:attribute name="id">
+	  <xsl:value-of select="concat($mirrors-docbook-country-anchor-id, '-', @id, '-', $type)" />
+	</xsl:attribute>
+      </anchor>
+      <para><xsl:value-of select="country" /></para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+	<xsl:for-each select="host[@type = $type]">
+	  <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	      <xsl:choose>
+		<xsl:when test="url[@proto = $proto]">
+		  <xsl:for-each select="url[@proto = $proto]">
+		    <ulink>
+		      <xsl:attribute name="url"><xsl:value-of select="." /></xsl:attribute>
+		      <xsl:value-of select="name" />
+		    </ulink>
+		  </xsl:for-each>
+		  <xsl:if test="url[
+		    contains(@proto, 'ftpv6')
+		    or contains(@proto, 'httpv6')
+		    or contains(@proto, 'rsyncv6')]">
+		    <xsl:text> (IPv6)</xsl:text>
+		  </xsl:if>
+		</xsl:when>
+		<xsl:otherwise>
+		  <xsl:value-of select="name" />
+		</xsl:otherwise>
+	      </xsl:choose>
+	    </para>
+	  </listitem>
+	</xsl:for-each>
+      </itemizedlist>
+    </listitem>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <!-- template: "mirrors-lastmodified-utc" -->
+  <xsl:template name="mirrors-lastmodified-utc">
+    <xsl:param name="basestr" select="substring-after(substring-after($date, ',v '), ' ')" />
+    <xsl:param name="datestr" select="substring-before($basestr, ' ')" />
+    <xsl:param name="timestr" select="substring-before(substring-after($basestr, ' '), ' ')" />
+    <xsl:value-of select="concat($datestr, ' ', $timestr, ' UTC')" />
+  </xsl:template>
diff --git a/hu_HU.ISO8859-2/share/sgml/transtable-local.xsl b/hu_HU.ISO8859-2/share/sgml/transtable-local.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8a4f0cbaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hu_HU.ISO8859-2/share/sgml/transtable-local.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-2"?>
+<!-- $FreeBSD$ -->
+<!-- The FreeBSD Hungarian Documentation Project
+     Translated by: PALI, Gabor <pgj@FreeBSD.org>
+     Original Revision: 1.2                       -->
+<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
+  <!-- must point to master copy, doc/share/sgml/transtable-master.xsl -->
+  <xsl:import href="../../../share/sgml/transtable-master.xsl" />
+  <xsl:output type="xml" encoding="iso-8859-2"
+	      indent="yes"/>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..51e7d2e056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hu_HU.ISO8859-2/share/sgml/transtable.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-2"?>
+<!-- $FreeBSD$ -->
+  This is a translation table used in transtable-common.xsl.
+  For example:
+  <group id="word-group">
+    <word>
+      <orig>word in English</orig>
+      <tran>word in your language</tran>
+    </word>
+  </group>
+<!-- The FreeBSD Hungarian Documentation Project
+     Translated by: PALI, Gabor <pgj@FreeBSD.org>
+     Original Revision: 1.5 (ja_JP.eucJP)          -->
+  <cvs:keywords xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS" version="1.0">
+    <cvs:keyword name="freebsd">
+      $FreeBSD$
+    </cvs:keyword>
+  </cvs:keywords>
+  <group id="continents">
+    <word>
+      <orig>Australia</orig>
+      <tran>Ausztr�lia</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Europe</orig>
+      <tran>Eur�pa</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>North America</orig>
+      <tran>�szak-Amerika</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Other Areas</orig>
+      <tran>Egy�b ter�letek</tran>
+    </word>
+  </group>
+  <group id="country">
+    <word>
+      <orig>Central Servers</orig>
+      <tran>K�zponti szerverek</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Primary Mirror Sites</orig>
+      <tran>Els�dleges t�kr�z�sek</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Argentina</orig>
+      <tran>Argent�na</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Armenia</orig>
+      <tran>�rm�nyorsz�g</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Australia</orig>
+      <tran>Ausztr�lia</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Austria</orig>
+      <tran>Ausztria</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Belgium</orig>
+      <tran>Belgium</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Brazil</orig>
+      <tran>Braz�lia</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Bulgaria</orig>
+      <tran>Bulg�ria</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Canada</orig>
+      <tran>Kanada</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>China</orig>
+      <tran>K�na</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Costa Rica</orig>
+      <tran>Costa Rica</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Croatia</orig>
+      <tran>Horv�torsz�g</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Czech Republic</orig>
+      <tran>Cseh K�zt�rsas�g</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Denmark</orig>
+      <tran>D�nia</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Estonia</orig>
+      <tran>�sztorsz�g</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Finland</orig>
+      <tran>Finnorsz�g</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>France</orig>
+      <tran>Franciaorsz�g</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Germany</orig>
+      <tran>N�metorsz�g</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Greece</orig>
+      <tran>G�r�gorsz�g</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Hong Kong</orig>
+      <tran>Hongkong</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Hungary</orig>
+      <tran>Magyarorsz�g</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Iceland</orig>
+      <tran>Izland</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Indonesia</orig>
+      <tran>Indon�zia</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Ireland</orig>
+      <tran>�rorsz�g</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Israel</orig>
+      <tran>Izrael</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Italy</orig>
+      <tran>Olaszorsz�g</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Japan</orig>
+      <tran>Jap�n</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Kyrgyzstan</orig>
+      <tran>Kirgiziszt�n</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Korea</orig>
+      <tran>Korea</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Kuwait</orig>
+      <tran>Kuvait</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Latvia</orig>
+      <tran>Lettorsz�g</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Lithuania</orig>
+      <tran>Litv�nia</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Netherlands</orig>
+      <tran>Hollandia</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>New Zealand</orig>
+      <tran>�j-Z�land</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Norway</orig>
+      <tran>Norv�gia</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Philippines</orig>
+      <tran>F�l�p-szigetek</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Poland</orig>
+      <tran>Lengyelorsz�g</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Portugal</orig>
+      <tran>Portug�lia</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Romania</orig>
+      <tran>Rom�nia</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Russia</orig>
+      <tran>Oroszorsz�g</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>San Marino</orig>
+      <tran>San Marino</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Saudi Arabia</orig>
+      <tran>Sza�d-Ar�bia</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Singapore</orig>
+      <tran>Szingap�r</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Slovak Republic</orig>
+      <tran>Szlov�k K�zt�rsas�g</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Slovenia</orig>
+      <tran>Szlov�nia</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>South Africa</orig>
+      <tran>D�l-Afrika</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Spain</orig>
+      <tran>Spanyolorsz�g</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Sweden</orig>
+      <tran>Sv�dorsz�g</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Switzerland</orig>
+      <tran>Sv�jc</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Taiwan</orig>
+      <tran>Tajvan</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Thailand</orig>
+      <tran>Thaif�ld</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Turkey</orig>
+      <tran>T�r�korsz�g</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>Ukraine</orig>
+      <tran>Ukrajna</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>United Kingdom</orig>
+      <tran>Egyes�lt Kir�lys�g</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>USA</orig>
+      <tran>Amerikai Egyes�lt �llamok</tran>
+    </word>
+  </group>
+  <group id="number-month">
+    <word>
+      <orig>1</orig>
+      <tran>1</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>2</orig>
+      <tran>2</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>3</orig>
+      <tran>3</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>4</orig>
+      <tran>4</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>5</orig>
+      <tran>5</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>6</orig>
+      <tran>6</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>7</orig>
+      <tran>7</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>8</orig>
+      <tran>8</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>9</orig>
+      <tran>9</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>10</orig>
+      <tran>10</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>11</orig>
+      <tran>11</tran>
+    </word>
+    <word>
+      <orig>12</orig>
+      <tran>12</tran>
+    </word>
+  </group>