diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml
index dae98876b5..77ef2a77d4 100644
--- a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml
+++ b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml
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Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X, 3.X and 4.XThe FreeBSD Documentation Project
- $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO_8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml,v 1.140 2001/01/18 01:14:24 brian Exp $
+ $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO_8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml,v 1.141 2001/01/31 12:12:13 ben Exp $This is the FAQ for FreeBSD versions 2.X, 3.X, and 4.X.
All entries are assumed to be relevant to FreeBSD 2.0.5 and later,
unless otherwise noted. Any entries with a <XXX> are under
construction. If you are interested in helping with this project,
send email to the FreeBSD documentation project mailing list
freebsd-doc@FreeBSD.org. The latest version of this
document is always available from the FreeBSD World Wide Web
server. It may also be downloaded as one large HTML file with HTTP or as plain text,
postscript, PDF, etc. from the FreeBSD FTP
server. You may also want to Search the
FAQ.PrefaceWelcome to the FreeBSD 2.X-4.X FAQ!As is usual with Usenet FAQs, this document aims to cover the
most frequently asked questions concerning the FreeBSD operating
system (and of course answer them!). Although originally intended
to reduce bandwidth and avoid the same old questions being asked
over and over again, FAQs have become recognized as valuable
information resources.Every effort has been made to make this FAQ as informative as
possible; if you have any suggestions as to how it may be improved,
please feel free to mail them to the &a.faq;.What is FreeBSD?Briefly, FreeBSD is a UN*X-like operating system for the
i386 and Alpha/AXP platforms based on U.C. Berkeley's
4.4BSD-Lite release, with some 4.4BSD-Lite2 enhancements.
It is also based indirectly on William Jolitz's port of U.C.
Berkeley's Net/2 to the i386, known as 386BSD, though very
little of the 386BSD code remains. A fuller description of
what FreeBSD is and how it can work for you may be found on
the FreeBSD home
page.FreeBSD is used by companies, Internet Service Providers,
researchers, computer professionals, students and home users
all over the world in their work, education and recreation.
See some of them in the FreeBSD
Gallery.For more detailed information on FreeBSD, please see the
Handbook.What are the goals of FreeBSD?The goals of the FreeBSD Project are to provide software
that may be used for any purpose and without strings attached.
Many of us have a significant investment in the code (and
project) and would certainly not mind a little financial
compensation now and then, but we're definitely not prepared
to insist on it. We believe that our first and foremost
mission is to provide code to any and all
comers, and for whatever purpose, so that the code gets the
widest possible use and provides the widest possible benefit.
This is, we believe, one of the most fundamental goals of Free
Software and one that we enthusiastically support.That code in our source tree which falls under the GNU
General Public License (GPL) or GNU Library General Public
License (LGPL) comes with slightly more strings attached,
though at least on the side of enforced access rather than the
usual opposite. Due to the additional complexities that can
evolve in the commercial use of GPL software, we do, however,
endeavor to replace such software with submissions under the
more relaxed BSD copyright whenever possible.Why is it called FreeBSD?It may be used free of charge, even by commercial
users.Full source for the operating system is freely
available, and the minimum possible restrictions have
been placed upon its use, distribution and incorporation
into other work (commercial or non-commercial).Anyone who has an improvement and/or bug fix is free
to submit their code and have it added to the source tree
(subject to one or two obvious provisos).For those of our readers whose first language is not
English, it may be worth pointing out that the word
free is being used in two ways here, one meaning
at no cost, the other meaning you can do
whatever you like. Apart from one or two things you
cannot do with the FreeBSD code, for
example pretending you wrote it, you really can do whatever you
like with it.What is the latest version of FreeBSD?Version 4.2
is the latest STABLE version; it was
released in November, 2000. This is also the latest
RELEASE version.Briefly explained, -STABLE is aimed
at the ISP or other corporate user who wants stability and a
low change count over the wizzy new features of the latest
-CURRENT snapshot. Releases can come
from either branch, but you should only use
-CURRENT if you're sure that you're
prepared for its increased volatility (relative to
-STABLE, that is).Releases are only made every
few months. While many people stay more up-to-date with
the FreeBSD sources (see the questions on FreeBSD-CURRENT and FreeBSD-STABLE) than that, doing so
is more of a commitment, as the sources are a moving
target.What is FreeBSD-CURRENT?FreeBSD-CURRENT
is the development version of the operating system, which will
in due course become 5.0-RELEASE. As such, it is really only
of interest to developers working on the system and die-hard
hobbyists. See the relevant
section in the handbook for details on
running -CURRENT.If you are not familiar with the operating system or are
not capable of identifying the difference between a real
problem and a temporary problem, you should not use
FreeBSD-CURRENT. This branch sometimes evolves quite quickly
and can be un-buildable for a number of days at a time.
People that use FreeBSD-CURRENT are expected to be able to
analyze any problems and only report them if they are deemed
to be mistakes rather than glitches. Questions
such as make world produces some error about
groups on the -CURRENT mailing list are sometimes
treated with contempt.Every day, snapshot
releases are made based on the current state of the
-CURRENT and -STABLE branches. Nowadays, distributions of the
occasional snapshot are now being made available. The goals
behind each snapshot release are:To test the latest version of the installation
software.To give people who would like to run -CURRENT or
-STABLE but who don't have the time and/or bandwidth to
follow it on a day-to-day basis an easy way of
bootstrapping it onto their systems.To preserve a fixed reference point for the code in
question, just in case we break something really badly
later. (Although CVS normally prevents anything horrible
like this happening :)To ensure that any new features in need of testing
have the greatest possible number of potential
testers.No claims are made that any -CURRENT snapshot can be
considered production quality for any purpose.
If you want to run a stable and fully tested system, you will
have to stick to full releases, or use the -STABLE
snaphosts.Snapshot releases are directly available from
ftp://current.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ for 5.0-CURRENT
releng4.FreeBSD.org for 4-STABLE snapshots.
3-STABLE snapshots are not being produced at the time of
this writing (May 2000).Snapshots are generated, on the average, once a day for
all actively developed branches.What is the FreeBSD-STABLE concept?Back when FreeBSD 2.0.5 was released, we decided to
branch FreeBSD development into two parts. One branch was
named -STABLE,
with the intention that only well-tested bug fixes and small
incremental enhancements would be made to it (for Internet
Service Providers and other commercial enterprises for whom
sudden shifts or experimental features are quite
undesirable). The other branch was -CURRENT,
which essentially has been one unbroken line leading towards
5.0-RELEASE (and beyond) since 2.0 was released. If a little
ASCII art would help, this is how it looks: 2.0
| [2.1-STABLE]
*BRANCH* 2.0.5 -> 2.1 -> 2.1.5 -> 2.1.6 -> [2.1-STABLE ends]
| (Mar 1997)
| [2.2-STABLE]
*BRANCH* 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2-RELEASE -> 2.2.5 -> 2.2.6 -> 2.2.7 -> 2.2.8 [end]
| (Mar 1997) (Oct 97) (Apr 98) (Jul 98) (Dec 98)
3.0-SNAPs (started Q1 1997)
3.0-RELEASE (Oct 1998)
| [3.0-STABLE]
*BRANCH* 3.1-RELEASE (Feb 1999) -> 3.2 -> 3.3 -> 3.4 -> 3.5 -> 3.5.1
| (May 1999) (Sep 1999) (Dec 1999) (June 2000) (July 2000)
| [4.0-STABLE]
*BRANCH* 4.0 (Mar 2000) -> 4.1 -> 4.1.1 -> 4.2 -> ... future 4.x releases ...
| (July 2000) (Sep 2000) (Nov 2000)
[5.0-CURRENT continues]The -CURRENT branch is slowly progressing towards 5.0 and
beyond, the previous 2.2-STABLE branch having been retired with
the release of 2.2.8. 3-STABLE replaced it, with 3.5.1 (the
final 3.X release) being released in July 2000. In May 2000
(even though 3.5 came after that), the 3-STABLE branch was more
or less replaced by the 4-STABLE branch. 4.2-RELEASE was
released in November 2000. 4-STABLE is the actively developed
-STABLE branch, although some bugfixes (mostly
security-related) are still being committed to 3-STABLE. It is
expected that the 3.X branch will be officially obsoleted some
time in summer 2000. 5.0-CURRENT is now the current
branch, with the no release date planed.When are FreeBSD releases made?As a general principle, the FreeBSD core team only release
a new version of FreeBSD when they believe that there are
sufficient new features and/or bug fixes to justify one, and
are satisfied that the changes made have settled down
sufficiently to avoid compromising the stability of the
release. Many users regard this caution as one of the best
things about FreeBSD, although it can be a little frustrating
when waiting for all the latest goodies to become
available...Releases are made about every 4 months on average.For people needing (or wanting) a little more excitement,
binary snapshots are made every day... see above.Is FreeBSD only available for PCs ?Since 3.x, FreeBSD has run on the DEC Alpha
as well as the x86 architecture. Some interest has also been
expressed in a SPARC, PowerPC and IA64 ports.If your machine has a different architecture and you need
something right now, we suggest you look at NetBSD or OpenBSD. Who is responsible for FreeBSD?The key decisions concerning the FreeBSD project, such as
the overall direction of the project and who is allowed to add
code to the source tree, are made by a core team of
9 people. There is a much larger team of more than 200 committers who
are authorized to make changes directly to the FreeBSD source
tree.However, most non-trivial changes are discussed in advance
in the mailing lists, and there
are no restrictions on who may take part in the
discussion.Where can I get FreeBSD?Every significant release of FreeBSD is available via
anonymous ftp from the
FreeBSD FTP site:For the current 3.X-STABLE release, 3.5.1-RELEASE, see
the 3.5.1-RELEASE directory.The current 4-STABLE release, 4.2-RELEASE can be
found in the 4.2-RELEASE directory.4.X
snapshots are usually made once a day.
5.0 Snapshot releases are made once a day for the
-CURRENT branch, these being
of service purely to bleeding-edge testers and
developers.FreeBSD is also available via CDROM, from the following
4041 Pike Lane, Suite FConcord, CA94520USAOrders: +1 800 786-9907Questions: +1 925 674-0783FAX: +1 925 674-0821email: BSDi Orders addressWWW: BSDi Home pageIn Australia, you may find it at:
Advanced Multimedia Distributors
Factory 1/1 Ovata DriveTullamarine, MelbourneVictoriaAustraliaVoice: +61 3 9338 6777CDROM Support BBS17 Irvine StPeppermint Grove, WA6011Voice: +61 9 385-3793Fax: +61 9 385-2360And in the UK:
The Public Domain & Shareware Library
Winscombe House, Beacon RdCrowboroughSussex. TN6 1ULVoice: +44 1892 663-298Fax: +44 1892 667-473Where do I find info on the FreeBSD mailing lists?You can find full information in the Handbook
entry on mailing-lists.Where do I find the FreeBSD Y2K info?You can find full information in the FreeBSD Y2K
page.What FreeBSD news groups are available?You can find full information in the Handbook entry on
newsgroups.Are there FreeBSD IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
channels?Yes, most major IRC networks host a FreeBSD chat
channel:Channel #FreeBSD on
EFNet is a FreeBSD forum, but don't go there for tech
support or to try and get folks there to help you avoid
the pain of reading man pages or doing your own research.
It is a chat channel, first and foremost, and topics there
are just as likely to involve sex, sports or nuclear
weapons as they are FreeBSD. You Have Been Warned!
Available at server irc.chat.org.Channel #FreeBSDhelp on
EFNet is a channel dedicated to helping FreeBSD users. They
are much more sympathetic to questions then
#FreeBSD is.Channel #FreeBSD on
DALNET is available at irc.dal.net in the
US and irc.eu.dal.net in Europe.Channel #FreeBSD on
UNDERNET is available at us.undernet.org
in the US and eu.undernet.org in Europe.
Since it is a help channel, be prepared to read the
documents you are referred to.Channel #FreeBSD on HybNet is available
at irc.FreeBSD.org. This channel
is a help channel.Each of these channels are distinct and are not connected
to each other. Their chat styles also differ, so you may need
to try each to find one suited to your chat style. As with
*all* types of IRC traffic, if you're easily offended or can't
deal with lots of young people (and more than a few older
ones) doing the verbal equivalent of jello wrestling, don't
even bother with it.Books on FreeBSDThere is a FreeBSD Documentation Project which you may
contact (or even better, join) at the
freebsd-doc mailing list:
This list is for discussion of the FreeBSD documentation. For
actual questions about FreeBSD, there is the
freebsd-questions mailing list:
freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.org.A FreeBSD handbook is available, and can be
found as: the FreeBSD
Handbook. Note that this is a work in progress; some
parts may be incomplete or out-of-date.The definitive printed guide on FreeBSD is
The Complete FreeBSD, written by Greg Lehey and
published by BSDi (formerly Walnut Creek CDROM) Books. Now in its second
edition, the book contains 1,750 pages of install & system
administration guidance, program setup help, and manual pages.
The book (and current FreeBSD release) can be ordered from
CheapBytes, or
at your favorite bookstore. The ISBN is 1-57176-227-2.Since FreeBSD is based upon Berkeley
4.4BSD-Lite, most of the 4.4BSD manuals are applicable to
FreeBSD. O'Reilly and Associates publishes the following
manuals:4.4BSD System Manager's Manual
By Computer Systems Research Group, UC Berkeley
1st Edition June 1994, 804 pages
1-56592-080-5 4.4BSD User's Reference Manual
By Computer Systems Research Group, UC Berkeley
1st Edition June 1994, 905 pages
1-56592-075-9 4.4BSD User's Supplementary Documents
By Computer Systems Research Group, UC Berkeley
1st Edition July 1994, 712 pages
1-56592-076-7 4.4BSD Programmer's Reference Manual
By Computer Systems Research Group, UC Berkeley
1st Edition June 1994, 886 pages
1-56592-078-3 4.4BSD Programmer's Supplementary Documents
By Computer Systems Research Group, UC Berkeley
1st Edition July 1994, 596 pages
1-56592-079-1 A description of these can be found via WWW as:
books description. Due to poor sales, however, these
manuals may be hard to get a hold of.For a more in-depth look at the 4.4BSD kernel
organization, you can't go wrong with:McKusick, Marshall Kirk, Keith Bostic, Michael J Karels,
and John Quarterman.The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD
Operating System. Reading, Mass. :
Addison-Wesley, 1996.
0-201-54979-4A good book on system administration is:Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, Scott Seebass & Trent R.
Unix System Administration Handbook, Prentice-Hall,
0-13-151051-7Make sure you get the second edition, with a red
cover, instead of the first edition.This book covers the basics, as well as TCP/IP, DNS, NFS,
SLIP/PPP, sendmail, INN/NNTP, printing, etc.. It's expensive
(approx. US$45-$55), but worth it. It also includes
a CDROM with the sources for various tools; most of these,
however, are also on the FreeBSD 2.2.6R CDROM (and the FreeBSD
CDROM often has newer versions).How do I access your Problem Report database?The Problem Report database of all user change requests
may be queried (or submitted to) by using our web-based PR
interfaces. The send-pr(1) command can
also be used to submit problem reports and change requests via
electronic mail.Is the documentation available in other formats, such as plain
text (ASCII), or Postscript?Yes. The documentation is available in a number of different
formats and compression schemes on the FreeBSD FTP site, in the
/pub/FreeBSD/doc/ directory.The documentation is categorised in a number of different
ways. These include:The document's name, such as faq, or
handbook.The document's language and encoding. These are based on
the locale names you will find under
/usr/share/locale on your FreeBSD
system. The current languages and encodings that we have for
documentation are as follows:NameMeaningen_US.ISO_8859-1US Englishes_ES.ISO_8859-1Spanishfr_FR.ISO_8859-1Frenchja_JP.eucJPJapanese (EUC encoding)ru_RU.KOI8-RRussian (KOI8-R encoding)zh_TW.Big5Chinese (Big5 encoding)Some documents may not be available in all
languages.The document's format. We produce the documentation in a
number of different output formats to try and make it as
flexible as possible. The current formats are;FormatMeaninghtml-splitA collection of small, linked, HTML
files.htmlOne large HTML file containing the entire
documentpdbPalm Pilot database format, for use with the
reader.pdfAdobe's Portable Document FormatpsPostscriptrtfMicrosoft's Rich Text FormatPage numbers are not automatically updated
when loading this format in to Word. Press
F9 after loading the document, to
update the page numbers.txtPlain textThe compression and packaging scheme. There are three of
these currently in use.Where the format is html-split, the
files are bundled up using &man.tar.1;. The resulting
.tar file is then compressed using
the compression schemes detailed in the next point.All the other formats generate one file, called
(i.e., book.pdb,
book.html, and so on).These files are then compressed using three
compression schemes.SchemeDescriptionzipThe Zip format. If you want to uncompress
this on FreeBSD you will need to install the
archivers/unzip port
first.gzThe GNU Zip format. Use &man.gunzip.1; to
uncompress these files, which is part of
FreeBSD.bz2The BZip2 format. Less widespread than the
others, but generally gives smaller files.
Install the archivers/bzip2
port to uncompress these files.So the Postscript version of the Handbook, compressed
using BZip2 will be stored in a file called
book.sgml.bz2 in the
handbook/ directory.The formatted documentation is also available as a
FreeBSD package, of which more later.After choosing the format and compression mechanism that you
want to download, you must then decide whether or not you want to
download the document as a FreeBSD
package.The advantage of downloading and installing the package is
that the documentation can then be managed using the normal
FreeBSD package management comments, such as &man.pkg.add.1; and
&man.pkg.delete.1;.If you decide to download and install the package then you
must know the filename to download. The documentation-as-packages
files are stored in a directory called
packages. Each package file looks like
document-name.lang.encoding.format.tgz.For example, the FAQ, in English, formatted as PDF, is in the
package called
faq.en_US.ISO_8859-1.pdf.tgz.Knowing this, you can use the following command to install the
English PDF FAQ package.&prompt.root; pkg_add ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/doc/packages/faq.en_US.ISO_8859-1.pdf.tgzHaving done that, you can use &man.pkg.info.1; to determine
where the file has been installed.&prompt.root; pkg_info -f faq.en_US.ISO_8859-1.pdf
Information for faq.en_US.ISO_8859-1.pdf:
Packing list:
Package name: faq.en_US.ISO_8859-1.pdf
CWD to /usr/share/doc/en_US.ISO_8859-1/books/faq
File: book.pdf
CWD to .
File: +COMMENT (ignored)
File: +DESC (ignored)As you can see, book.pdf will have been
installed in to
If you do not want to use the packages then you will have to
download the compressed files yourself, uncompress them, and then
copy the appropriate documents in to place.For example, the split HTML version of the FAQ, compressed
using &man.gzip.1;, can be found in the
file. To download and uncompress that file you would have to do
this.&prompt.root; fetch ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/doc/en_US.ISO_8859-1/books/faq/book.html-split.tar.gz
&prompt.root; gzip -d book.html-split.tar.gz
&prompt.root; tar xvf book.html-split.tarYou will be left with a collection of
.html files. The main one is called
index.html, which will contain the table of
contents, introductory material, and links to the other parts of
the document. You can then copy or move these to their final
location as necessary.I'd like to become a FreeBSD Web mirror!Certainly! There are multiple ways to mirror the Web
pages.Using CVSup:
You can retrieve the formatted files
using CVSup, and connecting to
a CVSup server.To retrieve the webpages, please look at the example
supfile, which can be found in
Using ftp mirror: You can download the FTP server's
copy of the web site sources using your favorite ftp mirror
tool. Keep in mind that you have to build these sources before
publishing them. Simply start at
ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/FreeBSD-current/www.I'd like to translate the documentation into
Friesian.Well, we can't pay, but we might arrange a free CD or
T-shirt and a Contributor's Handbook entry if you submit a
translation of the documentation. Before you begin translating
please contact the freebsd-doc mailing
list at freebsd-doc@FreeBSD.org; you may find
somebody to help with the translation effort. You may also find
out there is already a team translating the docs into your
chosen language, who surely wouldn't turn down your help.
Other sources of information.The following newsgroups contain pertinent discussion for
FreeBSD users:comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.announce
(moderated)comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misccomp.unix.bsd.miscWeb resources:The FreeBSD Home Page.If you have a laptop, be sure and see
Hosokawa's Mobile Computing page in Japan.For information on SMP (Symmetric
MultiProcessing), please see the SMP support page.For information on FreeBSD
multimedia applications, please see the multimedia
page. If you're interested specifically in the Bt848
video capture chip, then follow that link.The FreeBSD handbook also has a fairly complete bibliography
section which is worth reading if you're looking for actual
books to buy.InstallationWhich file do I download to get FreeBSD?Prior to release 3.1, you only needed one floppy image to
install FreeBSD, namely floppies/boot.flp.
However, since release 3.1 the Project has added base support
for a wide variety of hardware which needed more space, and
thus for 3.x and 4.x we now use two floppy images, namely
floppies/kernel.flp and
floppies/mfsroot.flp. These images need to
be copied onto floppies by tools like
fdimage or &man.dd.1;.If you need to download the distributions yourself (for a
DOS filesystem install, for instance), below are some
recommendations for distributions to grab: bin/ manpages/ compat*/ doc/ src/ssys.* Full instructions on this procedure and a little bit more
about installation issues in general can be found in the
Handbook entry on
installing FreeBSD.Help! The boot floppy image will not fit on a single
floppy!A 3.5 inch (1.44MB) floppy can accomodate 1474560 bytes
of data. The boot image is exactly 1474560 bytes in size.Common mistakes when preparing the boot floppy are:Not downloading the floppy image in
binary mode when using
FTP.Some FTP clients default their transfer mode to
ascii and attempt to change any
end-of-line characters received to match the conventions
used by the client's system. This will almost invariably
corrupt the boot image. Check the size of the downloaded
boot image: if it is not exactly that
on the server, then the download process is suspect.To workaround: type binary at the
FTP command prompt after getting connected to the server
and before starting the download of the image.Using the DOS copy command (or
equivalent GUI tool) to transfer the boot image to
floppy.Programs like copy will not work as
the boot image has been created to be booted into directly.
The image has the complete content of the floppy, track for
track, and is not meant to be placed on the floppy as a
regular file. You have to transfer it to the floppy
raw, using the low-level tools (e.g.
fdimage or rawrite)
described in the installation guide to
FreeBSD.Where are the instructions for installing FreeBSD?Installation instructions can be found in the
Handbook entry on installing FreeBSD.What do I need in order to run FreeBSD?You'll need a 386 or better PC, with 5 MB or more of RAM
and at least 60 MB of hard disk space. It can run with a low
end MDA graphics card but to run X11R6, a VGA or better video
card is needed.See also the section on
I have only 4 MB of RAM. Can I install FreeBSD?FreeBSD 2.1.7 was the last version of FreeBSD that could
be installed on a 4MB system. Newer versions of FreeBSD, like
2.2, need at least 5MB to install on a new system.All versions of FreeBSD, including 3.0, will
run in 4MB of RAM, they just can't run the
installation program in 4MB. You can add extra memory for the
install process, if you like, and then after the system is up
and running, go back to 4MB. Or you could always just swap your
disk into a system which has >4MB, install onto it and then
swap it back.There are also situations in which FreeBSD 2.1.7 will not
install in 4 MB. To be exact: it does not install with 640 kB
base + 3 MB extended memory. If your motherboard can remap some
of the lost memory out of the 640kB to 1MB
region, then you may still be able to get FreeBSD 2.1.7
up.Try to go into your BIOS setup and look for a
remap option. Enable it. You may also have to
disable ROM shadowing.It may be easier to get 4 more MB just for the install.
Build a custom kernel with only the options you need and then
get the 4MB out again.You may also install 2.0.5 and then upgrade your system to
2.1.7 with the upgrade option of the 2.1.7
installation program.After the installation, if you build a custom kernel, it
will run in 4 MB. Someone has even succeeded in booting with 2
MB (the system was almost unusable though :-))How can I make my own custom install floppy?Currently there's no way to just
make a custom install floppy. You have to cut a whole new
release, which will include your install floppy.To make a custom release, follow the instructions
here.Can I have more than one operating system on my PC?Have a look at
The multi-OS page.Can Windows 95/98 co-exist with FreeBSD?Install Windows 95/98 first, after that FreeBSD.
FreeBSD's boot manager will then manage to boot Win95/98 and
FreeBSD. If you install Windows 95/98 second, it will boorishly
overwrite your boot manager without even asking. If that
happens, see the next section.Windows 95/98 killed my boot manager!
How do I get it back?You can reinstall the boot manager FreeBSD comes with in
one of three ways:Running DOS, go into the tools/ directory of your
FreeBSD distribution and look for
bootinst.exe. You run it like
so:...\TOOLS>bootinst.exe boot.binand the boot manager will be reinstalled.Boot the FreeBSD boot floppy again and go to the
Custom installation menu item. Choose Partition. Select the
drive which used to contain your boot manager (likely the
first one) and when you come to the partition editor for
it, as the very first thing (e.g. do not make any changes)
select (W)rite. This will ask for confirmation, say yes,
and when you get the Boot Manager selection prompt, be
sure to select Boot Manager. This will
re-write the boot manager to disk. Now quit out of the
installation menu and reboot off the hard disk as
normal.Boot the FreeBSD boot floppy (or CD-ROM) and choose the
Fixit menu item. Select either the Fixit
floppy or CD-ROM #2 (the live file system
option) as appropriate and enter the fixit shell. Then
execute the following command:Fixit#fdisk -B -b /boot/boot0 bootdevicesubstituting bootdevice for
your real
boot device such as ad0 (first IDE
disk), ad4 (first IDE disk on
auxiliary controller), da0 (first
SCSI disk), etc.I have an IBM Thinkpad in the A, T, or X series that FreeBSD
installs on, but then the machine locks up on next boot. How can I
solve this?It seems as though IBM decided to use partition ID 165 for
their suspend-to-disk partition. This is the same ID FreeBSD
uses, and after installing FreeBSD the BIOS refuses to boot. A
workaround is to install FreeBSD, change the partition ID FreeBSD
uses, and install new boot blocks that can handle the different
partition ID.First, you'll need to to restore the machine to a state where
it can get through its self-test screen. Doing this requires
powering up the machine without letting it find a FreeBSD
partition on its primary disk. One way is to remove the hard disk
and temporarily move it to an older ThinkPad (such as a ThinkPad
600) or a desktop PC with an appropriate conversion cable. Once
it's there, you can delete the FreeBSD partition and move the hard
disk back. The ThinkPad should now be in a bootable state
again.With the machine functional again, you can use the workaround
procedure described here to get a working FreeBSD
installation.Download boot1 and
boot2 from http://people.freebsd.org/~bmah/ThinkPad/.
Put these files somewhere you will be able to retrieve them
later.Install FreeBSD as normal on to the ThinkPad.
Do not use Dangerously
Dedicated mode. Do not
reboot when the install has finished.Either switch to the Emergency Holographic
Shell (ALTF4) or start a
fixit shell.Use &man.fdisk.8; to change the FreeBSD partition ID from
165 to 166 (this is the
type used by OpenBSD).Bring the boot1 and
boot2 files to the local
filesystem.Use &man.disklabel.8; to write boot1
and boot2 to your FreeBSD slice.&prompt.root; disklabel -B -b boot1 -s boot2 ad0snn is the number of the slice
where you installed FreeBSD.Reboot. At the boot prompt you will be given the option
of booting OpenBSD. This will actually
boot FreeBSD.Getting this to work in the case where you want to dual boot
OpenBSD and FreeBSD on the same laptop is left as an exercise for
the reader.Can I install on a disk with bad blocks?Prior to 3.0, FreeBSD included a utility known as
bad144, which automatically remapped bad
blocks. Because modern IDE drives perform this function
themselves, bad144 has been removed from the
FreeBSD source tree. If you wish to install FreeBSD 3.0 or
later, we strongly suggest you purchase a newer disk drive. If
you do not wish to do this, you must run FreeBSD 2.x.If you are seeing bad block errors with a modern IDE
drive, chances are the drive is going to die very soon (the
drive's internal remapping functions are no longer sufficient
to fix the bad blocks, which means the disk is heavily
corrupted); we suggest you by a new hard drive.If you have a SCSI drive with bad blocks, see
this answer.Strange things happen when I boot the install floppy!If you're seeing things like the machine grinding to a halt
or spontaneously rebooting when you try to boot the install
floppy, here are three questions to ask yourself:-Did you use a new, freshly-formatted, error-free floppy
(preferably a brand-new one straight out of the box, as
opposed to the magazine coverdisk that's been lying under
the bed for the last three years)?Did you download the floppy image in binary (or image)
mode? (don't be embarrassed, even the best of us have
accidentally downloaded a binary file in ASCII mode at
least once!)If you're using Windows95 or Win98 did you run
fdimage or rawrite in
pure DOS mode? These OS's can interfere with programs that
write directly to hardware, which the disk creation program
does; even running it inside a DOS shell in the GUI can
cause this problem.There have also been reports of Netscape causing problems
when downloading the boot floppy, so it's probably best to use
a different FTP client if you can.I booted from my ATAPI CD-ROM, but the install program says no
CD-ROM is found. Where did it go?The usual cause of this problem is a mis-configured CD-ROM
drive. Many PCs now ship with the CD-ROM as the slave device on
the secondary IDE controller, with no master device on that
controller. This is illegal according to the ATAPI specification,
but Windows plays fast and loose with the specification, and the
BIOS ignores it when booting. This is why the BIOS was able to
see the CD-ROM to boot from it, but why FreeBSD can not see it to
complete the install.Reconfigure your system so that the CD-ROM is either the
master device on the IDE controller it is attached to, or make
sure that it is the slave on an IDE controller that also has a
master device.Help! I can't install from tape!If you are installing 2.1.7R from tape, you must create
the tape using a tar blocksize of 10 (5120 bytes). The default
tar blocksize is 20 (10240 bytes), and tapes created using this
default size cannot be used to install 2.1.7R; with these
tapes, you will get an error that complains about the record
size being too big.Connect two FreeBSD boxes over a parallel line (PLIP)Get a laplink cable. Make sure both computer have a kernel
with lpt driver support.&prompt.root; dmesg | grep lp
lpt0 at 0x378-0x37f irq 7 on isa
lpt0: Interrupt-driven
lp0: TCP/IP capable interfacePlug in the laplink cable into the parallel interface.Configure the network interface parameters for lp0 on both
sites as root. For example, if you want connect the host max
with moritz max <-----> moritz
IP Address max start&prompt.root; ifconfig lp0 moritz start&prompt.root; ifconfig lp0 all! Please read also the manpages
&man.lp.4; and &man.lpt.4; .You should also add the hosts to
/etc/hosts. localhost.my.domain localhost max.my.domain max moritz.my.domainTo check if it works do:on max:&prompt.root; ifconfig lp0
inet --> netmask 0xff000000
&prompt.root; netstat -r
Routing tables
Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire
moritz max UH 4 127592 lp0
&prompt.root; ping -c 4 moritz
PING moritz ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=2.774 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=2.530 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=2.556 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=2.714 ms
--- moritz ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 2.530/2.643/2.774/0.103 msCan I install on my laptop over PLIP (Parallel Line
IP)?Connect the two computers using a Laplink parallel cable
to use this feature:
See also this note on the
Mobile Computing page.Which geometry should I use for a disk drive?By the geometry of a disk, we mean the
number of cylinders, heads and sectors/track on a disk - I'll
refer to this as C/H/S for convenience. This is how the PC's
BIOS works out which area on a disk to read/write from.This seems to cause a lot of confusion for some reason.
First of all, the physical geometry of a
SCSI drive is totally irrelevant, as FreeBSD works in term of
disk blocks. In fact, there is no such thing as
the physical geometry, as the sector
density varies across the disk - what manufacturers claim is
the quote physical geometry is usually the
geometry that they've worked out results in the least wasted
space. For IDE disks, FreeBSD does work in terms of C/H/S, but
all modern drives will convert this into block references
internally as well.All that matters is the logical
geometry - the answer that the BIOS gets when it asks
what is your geometry? and then uses to access
the disk. As FreeBSD uses the BIOS when booting, it's very
important to get this right. In particular, if you have more
than one operating system on a disk, they must all agree on the
geometry, otherwise you will have serious problems
booting!For SCSI disks, the geometry to use depends on whether
extended translation support is turned on in your controller
(this is often referred to as support for DOS disks
>1GB or something similar). If it's turned off, then
use N cylinders, 64 heads and 32
sectors/track, where N is the
capacity of the disk in MB. For example, a 2GB disk should
pretend to have 2048 cylinders, 64 heads and 32
sectors/track.If it is turned on (it's often supplied
this way to get around certain limitations in MSDOS) and the
disk capacity is more than 1GB, use M cylinders, 63 sectors per
track (*not* 64), and 255 heads, where 'M' is the disk capacity
in MB divided by 7.844238 (!). So our example 2GB drive would
have 261 cylinders, 63 sectors per track and 255 heads.If you are not sure about this, or FreeBSD fails to detect
the geometry correctly during installation, the simplest way
around this is usually to create a small DOS partition on the
disk. The correct geometry should then be detected (and you can
always remove the DOS partition in the partition editor if you
don't want to keep it, or leave it around for programming
network cards and the like).Alternatively, there is a freely available utility
distributed with FreeBSD called pfdisk.exe
(located in the tools subdirectory on the
FreeBSD CDROM or on the various FreeBSD ftp sites) which can be
used to work out what geometry the other operating systems on
the disk are using. You can then enter this geometry in the
partition editor.Any restrictions on how I divide the disk up?Yes. You must make sure that your root partition is below
cylinders so the BIOS can boot the kernel from it. (Note that
this is a limitation in the PC's BIOS, not FreeBSD).For a SCSI drive, this will normally imply that the root
partition will be in the first 1024MB (or in the first 4096MB
if extended translation is turned on - see previous question).
For IDE, the corresponding figure is 504MB.What about disk managers? Or, I have a large drive!FreeBSD recognizes the Ontrack Disk Manager and makes
allowances for it. Other disk managers are not supported.If you just want to use the disk with FreeBSD you don't
need a disk manager. Just configure the disk for as much space
as the BIOS can deal with (usually 504 megabytes), and FreeBSD
should figure out how much space you really have. If you're
using an old disk with an MFM controller, you may need to
explicitly tell FreeBSD how many cylinders to use.If you want to use the disk with FreeBSD and another
operating system, you may be able to do without a disk manager:
just make sure the the FreeBSD boot partition and the slice for
the other operating system are in the first 1024 cylinders. If
you're reasonably careful, a 20 megabyte boot partition should
be plenty.When I boot FreeBSD I get Missing Operating
SystemThis is classically a case of FreeBSD and DOS or some other
OS conflicting over their ideas of disk geometry. You will have to reinstall
FreeBSD, but obeying the instructions given above will almost
always get you going.I can't get past the boot manager's F?
prompt.This is another symptom of the problem described in the
preceding question. Your BIOS geometry and FreeBSD geometry
settings do not agree! If your controller or BIOS supports
cylinder translation (often marked as >1GB drive
support), try toggling its setting and reinstalling
FreeBSD.Do I need to install the complete sources?In general, no. However, we would strongly recommend that
you install, at a minimum, the base source
kit, which includes several of the files mentioned here, and
the sys (kernel) source kit, which includes
sources for the kernel. There is nothing in the system which
requires the presence of the sources to operate, however,
except for the kernel-configuration program &man.config.8;.
With the exception of the kernel sources, our build structure
is set up so that you can read-only mount the sources from
elsewhere via NFS and still be able to make new binaries.
(Because of the kernel-source restriction, we recommend that
you not mount this on /usr/src directly,
but rather in some other location with appropriate symbolic
links to duplicate the top-level structure of the source
tree.)Having the sources on-line and knowing how to build a
system with them will make it much easier for you to upgrade
to future releases of FreeBSD.To actually select a subset of the sources, use the Custom
menu item when you are in the Distributions menu of the
system installation tool.Do I need to build a kernel?Building a new kernel was originally pretty much a required
step in a FreeBSD installation, but more recent releases have
benefited from the introduction of a much friendlier kernel
configuration tool. When at the FreeBSD boot prompt (boot:),
use the flag and you will be dropped into a
visual configuration screen which allows you to configure the
kernel's settings for most common ISA cards.It's still recommended that you eventually build a new
kernel containing just the drivers that you need, just to save a
bit of RAM, but it's no longer a strict requirement for most
systems.Should I use DES passwords, or MD5, and how do I specify
which form my users receive?The default password format on FreeBSD is to use
MD5-based passwords. These are believed to
be more secure than the traditional UNIX password format, which
used a scheme based on the DES algorithm.
DES passwords are still available if you need to share your
password file with legacy operating systems which still use the
less secure password format (they are available if you choose
to install the crypto distribution in
sysinstall, or by installing the crypto sources if building
from source). Which password format to use for new passwords is
controlled by the passwd_format login capability
in /etc/login.conf, which takes values of
either des (if available) or md5.
See the login.conf(5) manpage for more information about login
capabilities.The boot floppy starts but hangs at the
Probing Devices... screen.If you have a IDE Zip or Jaz drive installed, remove it
and try again. The boot floppy can get confused by the drives.
After the system is installed you can reconnect the drive.
Hopefully this will be fixed in a later release.I get a panic: cant mount root
error when rebooting the system after installation.This error comes from confusion between the boot block's
and the kernel's understanding of the disk devices. The error
usually manifests on two-disk IDE systems, with the hard disks
arranged as the master or single device on separate IDE
controllers, with FreeBSD installed on the secondary IDE
controller. The boot blocks think the system is installed on
wd1 (the second BIOS disk) while the kernel assigns the first
disk on the secondary controller device wd2. After the device
probing, the kernel tries to mount what the boot blocks think
is the boot disk, wd1, while it is really wd2, and
fails.To fix the problem, do one of the following:For FreeBSD 3.3 and later, reboot the system and hit
Enter at the Booting kernel
in 10 seconds; hit [Enter] to interrupt prompt.
This will drop you into the boot loader.Then type
set root_disk_unit="disk_number"
. disk_number
will be 0 if FreeBSD is installed on
the master drive on the first IDE controller,
1 if it is installed on the slave on
the first IDE controller, 2 if it is
installed on the master of the second IDE controller, and
3 if it is installed on the slave of
the second IDE controller.Then type boot, and your system
should boot correctly.To make this change permanent (ie so you don't have to
do this everytime you reboot or turn on your FreeBSD
machine), put the line
in /boot/loader.conf.local
.If using FreeBSD 3.2 or earlier, at the Boot: prompt,
enter 1:wd(2,a)kernel and press Enter.
If the system starts, then run the command
echo "1:wd(2,a)kernel" > /boot.config
to make it the default boot string.Move the FreeBSD disk onto the primary IDE controller,
so the hard disks are consecutive.Rebuild
your kernel, modify the wd configuration lines to
read:controller wdc0 at isa? port "IO_WD1" bio irq 14 vector wdintr
disk wd0 at wdc0 drive 0
# disk wd1 at wdc0 drive 1 # comment out this line
controller wdc1 at isa? port "IO_WD2" bio irq 15 vector wdintr
disk wd1 at wdc1 drive 0 # change from wd2 to wd1
disk wd2 at wdc1 drive 1 # change from wd3 to wd2Install the new kernel. If you moved your disks and
wish to restore the previous configuration, replace the
disks in the desired configuration and reboot. Your
system should boot successfully.What are the limits for memory?For memory, the limit is 4 gigabytes. This configuration
has been tested, see wcarchive's
configuration for more details. If you plan to install
this much memory into a machine, you need to be careful. You'll
probably want to use ECC memory and to reduce capacitive
loading use 9 chip memory modules vice 18 chip memory
modules.What are the limits for ffs filesystems?For ffs filesystems, the maximum theoretical limit is 8
terabytes (2G blocks), or 16TB for the default block size of
8K. In practice, there is a soft limit of 1 terabyte, but with
modifications filesystems with 4 terabytes are possible (and
exist).The maximum size of a single ffs file is approximately 1G
blocks (4TB) if the block size is 4K.
Maximum file sizesfs block size2.2.7-stable3.0-currentworksshould work4K4T-14T-14T-14+t8K32+G8T-132+G32T-116K128+G16T-1128+G32T-132K512+G32T-1512+G64T-164K2048+G64T-12048+G128T-1
When the fs block size is 4K, triple indirect blocks work
and everything should be limited by the maximum fs block number
that can be represented using triple indirect blocks (approx.
1K^3 + 1K^2 + 1K), but everything is limited by a (wrong) limit
of 1G-1 on fs block numbers. The limit on fs block numbers
should be 2G-1. There are some bugs for fs block numbers near
2G-1, but such block numbers are unreachable when the fs block
size is 4K.For block sizes of 8K and larger, everything should be
limited by the 2G-1 limit on fs block numbers, but is actually
limited by the 1G-1 limit on fs block numbers, except under
-STABLE triple indirect blocks are unreachable, so the limit is
the maxiumum fs block number that can be represented using
double indirect blocks (approx. (blocksize/4)^2 +
(blocksize/4)), and under -CURRENT exceeding this limit may
cause problems. Using the correct limit of 2G-1 blocks does
cause problems.How can I put 1TB files on my floppy?I keep several virtual ones on floppies :-). The maxiumum
file size is not closely related to the maximum disk size. The
maximum disk size is 1TB. It is a feature that the file size
can be larger than the disk size.The following example creates a file of size 8T-1 using a
whole 32K of disk space (3 indirect blocks and 1 data block) on
a small root partition. The dd command requires a dd that works
with large files.&prompt.user; cat foo
df .
dd if=/dev/zero of=z bs=1 seek=`echo 2^43 - 2 | bc` count=1
ls -l z
du z
df .
&prompt.user; sh foo
Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/da0a 64479 27702 31619 47% /
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1 bytes transferred in 0.000187 secs (5346 bytes/sec)
-rw-r--r-- 1 bde bin 8796093022207 Sep 7 16:04 z
32 z
Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/da0a 64479 27734 31587 47% /Bruce Evans, September 1998I compiled a new kernel and now I get the error message
archsw.readin.failed when booting.You can boot by specifying the kernel directly at the second
stage, pressing any key when the | shows up before loader is
started. More specifically, you have upgraded the source for
your kernel, and installed a new kernel builtin from them
without making world. This is not
supported. Make world.How do I upgrade from 3.X -> 4.X?We strongly recommend that you use
binary snapshots to do this. 4-STABLE snapshots are available at
releng4.FreeBSD.org.If you wish to upgrade using source, please see the FreeBSD
Handbook for more information.Upgrading via source is never recommended for new
users, and upgading from 3.X -> 4.X is even less so; make sure
you have read the instructions carefully before attempting to
upgrade via source this!Hardware compatibility What kind of hard drives does FreeBSD support?FreeBSD supports EIDE and SCSI drives (with a compatible
controller; see the next section), and all drives using the
original Western Digital interface (MFM, RLL,
ESDI, and of course IDE). A few ESDI controllers that use
proprietary interfaces may not work: stick to WD1002/3/6/7
interfaces and clones.Which SCSI controllers are supported?See the complete list in the Handbook.Which CD-ROM drives are supported by FreeBSD?Any SCSI drive connected to a supported controller is
supported.The following proprietary CD-ROM interfaces are also
supported:Mitsumi LU002 (8bit), LU005 (16bit) and FX001D
(16bit 2x Speed).Sony CDU 31/33ASound Blaster Non-SCSI CD-ROMMatsushita/Panasonic CD-ROMATAPI compatible IDE CD-ROMsAll non-SCSI cards are known to be extremely slow compared
to SCSI drives, and some ATAPI CDROMs may not work.As of 2.2 the FreeBSD CDROM from BSDi supports
booting directly from the CD.Does FreeBSD support ZIP drives?FreeBSD supports the SCSI ZIP drive out of the box, of
course. The ZIP drive can only be set to run at SCSI target IDs
5 or 6, but if your SCSI host adapter's BIOS supports it you
can even boot from it. I don't know which host adapters let you
boot from targets other than 0 or 1... look at your docs (and
let me know if it works out for you).ATAPI (IDE) Zip drives are supported in FreeBSD 2.2.6 and
later releases.FreeBSD has contained support for Parallel Port Zip Drives
since version 3.0. If you are using a sufficiently up to date
version, then you should check that your kernel contains the
scbus0, da0,
ppbus0, and
vp0 drivers (the GENERIC kernel
contains everything except vp0). With
all these drivers present, the Parallel Port drive should be
available as /dev/da0s4. Disks can be
mounted using mount /dev/da0s4 /mnt OR (for
dos disks) mount_msdos /dev/da0s4 /mnt as
appropriate.Also check out this note on removable
drives, and this note on
formatting.Does FreeBSD support JAZ, EZ and other removable
drives?Apart from the IDE version of the EZ drive, these are all
SCSI devices, so the should all look like SCSI disks to
FreeBSD, and the IDE EZ should look like an IDE drive.I'm not sure how well FreeBSD supports
changing the media out while running. You will of course need
to dismount the drive before swapping media, and make sure that
any external units are powered on when you boot the system so
FreeBSD can see them.See this note on
formatting.Which multi-port serial cards are supported by
FreeBSD?There is a list of these in the Miscellaneous
devices section of the handbook.Some unnamed clone cards have also been known to work,
especially those that claim to be AST compatible.Check the sio
man page to get more information on configuring such cards.I have a USB keyboard. Does FreeBSD support it?USB device support was added to FreeBSD 3.1. However, it
is still in preliminary state and may not always work as of
version 3.2. If you want to experiment with the USB keyboard
support, follow the procedure described below.Use FreeBSD 3.2 or later.Add the following lines to your kernel configuration
file, and rebuild the kernel.
device uhci
device ohci
device usb
device ukbd
options KBD_INSTALL_CDEVIn versions of FreeBSD before 4.0, use this
controller uhci0
controller ohci0
controller usb0
controller ukbd0
options KBD_INSTALL_CDEVGo to the /dev directory and create
device nodes as follows:&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; ./MAKEDEV kbd0 kbd1Edit /etc/rc.conf and add the
following lines:
usbd_flags=""After the system is rebooted, the AT keyboard becomes
/dev/kbd0 and the USB keyboard becomes
/dev/kbd1, if both are connected to the
system. If there is the USB keyboard only, it will be
/dev/ukbd0.If you want to use the USB keyboard in the console, you
have to explicitly tell the console driver to use the existence
of the USB keyboard. This can be done by running the following
command as a part of system initialization.&prompt.root; kbdcontrol -k /dev/kbd1 < /dev/ttyv0 > /dev/nullNote that if the USB keyboard is the only keyboard, it is
accessed as /dev/kbd0, thus, the command
should look like:&prompt.root; kbdcontrol -k /dev/kbd0 < /dev/ttyv0 > /dev/null/etc/rc.i386 is a good place to add the
above command.Once this is done, the USB keyboard should work in the X
environment as well without any special settings.Hot-plugging and unplugging of the USB keyboard may not
work quite right yet. It is a good idea to connect the keyboard
before you start the system and leave it connected until the
system is shutdown to avoid troubles.See the &man.ukbd.4; man page for more information.I have an unusual bus mouse. How do I set it up?FreeBSD supports the bus mouse and the InPort bus mouse
from such manufactures as Microsoft, Logitech and ATI. The bus
device driver is compiled in the GENERIC kernel by default in
FreeBSD versions 2.X, but not included in version 3.0 or later.
If you are building a custom kernel with the bus mouse driver,
make sure to add the following line to the kernel config
fileIn FreeBSD 3.0 or before, add:device mse0 at isa? port 0x23c tty irq5 vector mseintrIn FreeBSD 3.X, the line should be:device mse0 at isa? port 0x23c tty irq5And in FreeBSD 4.X and later, the line should read:device mse0 at isa? port 0x23c irq5Bus mice usually comes with dedicated interface cards.
These cards may allow you to set the port address and the IRQ
number other than shown above. Refer to the manual of your
mouse and the &man.mse.4; man page for more information.How do I use my PS/2 (mouse port or
keyboard) mouse?If you're running a post-2.2.5 version of FreeBSD, the
necessary driver, psm, is included and
enabled in the kernel. The kernel should detect your PS/2 mouse
at boot time.If you're running a previous but relatively recent version
of FreeBSD (2.1.x or better) then you can simply enable it in
the kernel configuration menu at installation time, otherwise
later with at the boot:
prompt. It is disabled by default, so you will need to enable
it explicitly.If you're running an older version of FreeBSD then you'll
have to add the following lines to your kernel configuration
file and compile a new kernel.In FreeBSD 3.0 or earlier, the line should be:device psm0 at isa? port "IO_KBD" conflicts tty irq 12 vector psmintrIn FreeBSD 3.1 or later, the line should be:device psm0 at isa? tty irq 12In FreeBSD 4.0 or later, the line should be:device psm0 at atkbdc? irq 12See the Handbook entry on
configuring the kernel if you've no experience with
building kernels.Once you have a kernel detecting
psm0 correctly at boot time, make sure
that an entry for psm0 exists in
/dev. You can do this by typing:&prompt.root; cd /dev; sh MAKEDEV psm0when logged in as root.Is it possible to make use of a mouse in any way outside
the X Window?If you are using the default console driver, syscons, you
can use a mouse pointer in text consoles to cut & paste
text. Run the mouse daemon, moused, and turn on the mouse
pointer in the virtual console:&prompt.root; moused -p /dev/xxxx -t yyyy
&prompt.root; vidcontrol -m onWhere xxxx is the mouse device
name and yyyy is a protocol type for
the mouse. See the &man.moused.8; man page for supported
protocol types.You may wish to run the mouse daemon automatically when the
system starts. In version 2.2.1, set the following variables in
mousedflags=""In versions 2.2.2 to 3.0, set the following variables in
moused_flags=""In 3.1 and later, assuming you have a PS/2 mouse, all you
need to is add moused_enable="YES" to
/etc/rc.conf.In addition, if you would like to be able to use the mouse
daemon on all virtual terminals instead of just console at
boot-time, add the following to
/etc/rc.conf.allscreens_flags="-m on"Staring from FreeBSD 2.2.6, the mouse daemon is capable of
determining the correct protocol type automatically unless the
mouse is a relatively old serial mouse model. Specify
auto the protocol to invoke automatic
detection.When the mouse daemon is running, access to the mouse
needs to be coordinated between the mouse daemon and other
programs such as the X Window. Refer to another section on this
issue.How do I cut and paste text with mouse in the text
console?Once you get the mouse daemon running (see
previous section), hold down the
button 1 (left button) and move the mouse to select a region of
text. Then, press the button 2 (middle button) or the button 3
(right button) to paste it at the text cursor.In versions 2.2.6 and later, pressing the button 2 will
paste the text. Pressing the button 3 will
extend the selected region of text. If your
mouse does not have the middle button, you may wish to emulate
it or remap buttons using moused options. See the
moused(8) man page for details.I have a USB mouse. Does FreeBSD support the USB
mouse?USB device support was added to FreeBSD 3.1. However, it
is still in a preliminary state and may not always work as of
version 3.2. If you want to experiment with the USB mouse
support, follow the procedure described below.Use FreeBSD 3.2 or later.Add the following lines to your kernel configuration
file, and rebuild the kernel.
device uhci
device ohci
device usb
device umsIn versions of FreeBSD before 4.0, use this
controller uhci0
controller ohci0
controller usb0
device ums0Go to the /dev directory and
create a device node as follows:&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; ./MAKEDEV ums0Edit /etc/rc.conf and add the
following lines:
usbd_flags=""See the previous section
for more detailed discussion on moused.In order to use the USB mouse in the X session, edit
XF86Config. If you are using XFree86
3.3.2 or later, be sure to have the following lines in the
Pointer section:
Device "/dev/sysmouse"
Protocol "Auto"If you are using earlier versions of XFree86, be sure to
have the following lines in the Pointer
Device "/dev/sysmouse"
Protocol "SysMouse"Refer to another section
on the mouse support in the X environment.Hot-plugging and unplugging of the USB mouse may not work
quite right yet. It is a good idea connect the mouse before you
start the system and leave it connected until the system is
shutdown to avoid trouble.My mouse has a fancy wheel and buttons. Can I use them in
FreeBSD?The answer is, unfortunately, It depends.
These mice with additional features require specialized driver
in most cases. Unless the mouse device driver or the user
program has specific support for the mouse, it will act just
like a standard two, or three button mouse.For the possible usage of wheels in the X Window
environment, refer to that
section.My mouse does not seem working. The mouse cursor jumps
around on the screen. The mouse has a wheel and is connected
to the PS/2 mouse port.The PS/2 mouse driver psm in FreeBSD versions 3.2 or
earlier has difficulty with some wheel mice, including Logitech
model M-S48 and its OEM siblings. Apply the following patch to
/sys/i386/isa/psm.c and rebuild the
Index: psm.c
RCS file: /src/CVS/src/sys/i386/isa/Attic/psm.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.60.2.1 -r1.60.2.2
--- psm.c 1999/06/03 12:41:13
+++ psm.c 1999/07/12 13:40:52
@@ -959,14 +959,28 @@
sc->mode.packetsize = vendortype[i].packetsize;
/* set mouse parameters */
+#if 0
+ /*
+ * A version of Logitech FirstMouse+ won't report wheel movement,
+ * if SET_DEFAULTS is sent... Don't use this command.
+ * This fix was found by Takashi Nishida.
+ */
i = send_aux_command(sc->kbdc, PSMC_SET_DEFAULTS);
if (verbose >= 2)
printf("psm%d: SET_DEFAULTS return code:%04x\n", unit, i);
if (sc->config & PSM_CONFIG_RESOLUTION) {
= set_mouse_resolution(sc->kbdc,
- (sc->config & PSM_CONFIG_RESOLUTION) - 1);
+ (sc->config & PSM_CONFIG_RESOLUTION) - 1);
+ } else if (sc->mode.resolution >= 0) {
+ sc->mode.resolution
+ = set_mouse_resolution(sc->kbdc, sc->dflt_mode.resolution);
+ }
+ if (sc->mode.rate > 0) {
+ sc->mode.rate = set_mouse_sampling_rate(sc->kbdc, sc->dflt_mode.rate);
+ set_mouse_scaling(sc->kbdc, 1);
/* request a data packet and extract sync. bits */
if (get_mouse_status(sc->kbdc, stat, 1, 3) < 3) {Versions later than 3.2 should be all right.How do I use the mouse/trackball/touchpad on my
laptop?Please refer to the answer to
the previous question. And check out
this note on the Mobile Computing
page.What types of tape drives are supported?FreeBSD supports SCSI and QIC-36 (with a QIC-02 interface).
This includes 8-mm (aka Exabyte) and DAT drives.Some of the early 8-mm drives are not quite compatible
with SCSI-2, and may not work well with FreeBSD.Does FreeBSD support tape changers?FreeBSD 2.2 supports SCSI changers using the ch(4)
device and the chio(1)
command. The details of how you actually control the changer
can be found in the chio(1)
man page.If you're not using AMANDA
or some other product that already understands changers,
remember that they're only know how to move a tape from one
point to another, so you need to keep track of which slot a
tape is in, and which slot the tape currently in the drive
needs to go back to.Which sound cards are supported by FreeBSD?FreeBSD supports the SoundBlaster, SoundBlaster Pro,
SoundBlaster 16, Pro Audio Spectrum 16, AdLib and Gravis
UltraSound sound cards. There is also limited support for
MPU-401 and compatible MIDI cards. Cards conforming to the
Microsoft Sound System specification are also supported through
the pcm driver.This is only for sound! This driver does not support
CD-ROMs, SCSI or joysticks on these cards, except for the
SoundBlaster. The SoundBlaster SCSI interface and some
non-SCSI CDROMS are supported, but you can't boot off this
device.Workarounds for no sound from es1370 with pcm driver?You can run the following command everytime the machine
booted up:&prompt.root; mixer pcm 100 vol 100 cd 100Which network cards does FreeBSD support?See the
Ethernet cards section of the handbook for a more
complete list. I don't have a math co-processor - is that bad?This will only affect 386/486SX/486SLC owners - other
machines will have one built into the CPU.In general this will not cause any problems, but there are
circumstances where you will take a hit, either in performance
or accuracy of the math emulation code (see the section on FP emulation). In particular, drawing
arcs in X will be VERY slow. It is highly recommended that you
buy a math co-processor; it's well worth it.Some math co-processors are better than others. It
pains us to say it, but nobody ever got fired for buying
Intel. Unless you're sure it works with FreeBSD, beware of
clones.What other devices does FreeBSD support?See the Handbook
for the list of other devices supported.Does FreeBSD support power management on my laptop?FreeBSD supports APM on certain machines. Please look in
the LINT kernel config file, searching for
the APM
keyword.My Micron system hangs at boot timeCertain Micron motherboards have a non-conforming PCI BIOS
implementation that causes grief when FreeBSD boots because PCI
devices don't get configured at their reported addresses.Disable the Plug and Play Operating System
flag in the BIOS to work around this problem. More information
can be found at
http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/drivers/vortex.html#micronI have a newer Adaptec controller and FreeBSD can't find
it.The newer AIC789x series Adaptec chips are supported under
the CAM SCSI framework which made it's debut in 3.0. Patches
against 2.2-STABLE are in
A CAM-enhanced boot floppy is available at
In both cases read the README before beginning. I have an internal Plug & Play modem and FreeBSD
can't find it.You will need to add the modem's PnP ID to the PnP ID
list in the serial driver. To enable Plug & Play support,
compile a new kernel with controller pnp0 in
the configuration file, then reboot the system. The kernel will
print the PnP IDs of all the devices it finds. Copy the PnP ID
from the modem to the table in
/sys/i386/isa/sio.c, at about line 2777.
Look for the string SUP1310 in the structure
siopnp_ids[] to find the table. Build the
kernel again, install, reboot, and your modem should be
found.You may have to manually configure the PnP devices using
the pnp command in the boot-time
configuration with a command like
pnp 1 0 enable os irq0 3 drq0 0 port0 0x2f8
to make the modem show.How do I get the boot: prompt to show on the serial
console?Build a kernel with
options COMCONSOLE.Create /boot.config and place
as the only text in the file.Unplug the keyboard from the system.See
for information.Why doesn't my 3Com PCI network card work with my Micron
computer?Certain Micron motherboards have a non-conforming PCI BIOS
implementation that does not configure PCI devices at the
addresses reported. This causes grief when FreeBSD
boots.To work around this problem, disable the
Plug and Play Operating System flag in the
BIOS.More information on this problem is available at URL:
http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/drivers/vortex.html#micronDoes FreeBSD support Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP)?SMP is supported in 3.0-STABLE and later releases only.
SMP is not enabled in the GENERIC kernel,
so you will have to recompile your kernel to enable SMP. Take a
look at /sys/i386/conf/LINT to figure out
what options to put in your kernel config file.The boot floppy hangs on a system with an ASUS K7V
motherboard. How do I fix this?Go in to the BIOS setup and disable the boot virus
protection.TroubleshootingI have bad blocks on my hard drive!With SCSI drives, the drive should be capable of re-mapping
these automatically. However, many drives are shipped with
this feature disabled, for some mysterious reason...To enable this, you'll need to edit the first device page
mode, which can be done on FreeBSD by giving the command
(as root)&prompt.root; scsi -f /dev/rsd0c -m 1 -e -P 3and changing the values of AWRE and ARRE from 0 to 1:-AWRE (Auto Write Reallocation Enbld): 1
ARRE (Auto Read Reallocation Enbld): 1The following paragraphs were submitted by
Ted Mittelstaedt:For IDE drives, any bad block is usually a sign of
potential trouble. All modern IDE drives come with internal
bad-block remapping turned on. All IDE hard drive manufacturers
today offer extensive warranties and will replace drives with
bad blocks on them.If you still want to attempt to rescue an IDE drive with
bad blocks, you can attempt to download the IDE drive
manufacturer's IDE diagnostic program, and run this against the
drive. Sometimes these programs can be set to force the drive
electronics to rescan the drive for bad blocks and lock them
out.For ESDI, RLL and MFM drives, bad blocks are a normal part
of the drive and are no sign of trouble, generally. With a PC,
the disk drive controller card and BIOS handle the task of
locking out bad sectors. This is fine for operating systems
like DOS that use BIOS code to access the disk. However,
FreeBSD's disk driver does not go through BIOS, therefore a
mechanism, bad144, exists that replaces this functionality.
bad144 only works with the wd driver (which means it is not
supported in FreeBSD 4.0), it is NOT able to be used with SCSI.
bad144 works by entering all bad sectors found into a special
file.One caveat with bad144 - the bad block special file is
placed on the last track of the disk. As this file may possibly
contain a listing for a bad sector that would occur near the
beginning of the disk, where the /kernel file might be located,
it therefore must be accessible to the bootstrap program that
uses BIOS calls to read the kernel file. This means that the
disk with bad144 used on it must not exceed 1024 cylinders, 16
heads, and 63 sectors. This places an effective limit of 500MB
on a disk that is mapped with bad144.To use bad144, simply set the Bad Block
scanning to ON in the FreeBSD fdisk screen during the initial
install. This works up through FreeBSD 2.2.7. The disk must
have less than 1024 cylinders. It is generally recommended that
the disk drive has been in operation for at least 4 hours prior
to this to allow for thermal expansion and track
wandering.If the disk has more than 1024 cylinders (such as a large
ESDI drive) the ESDI controller uses a special translation mode
to make it work under DOS. The wd driver understands about
these translation modes, IF you enter the
translated geometry with the set
geometry command in fdisk. You must also NOT use the
dangerously dedicated mode of creating the
FreeBSD partition, as this ignores the geometry. Also, even
though fdisk will use your overridden geometry, it still knows
the true size of the disk, and will attempt to create a too
large FreeBSD partition. If the disk geometry is changed to the
translated geometry, the partition MUST be manually created
with the number of blocks.A quick trick to use is to set up the large ESDI disk with
the ESDI controller, boot it with a DOS disk and format it with
a DOS partition. Then, boot the FreeBSD install and in the
fdisk screen, read off and write down the blocksize and block
numbers for the DOS partition. Then, reset the geometry to the
same that DOS uses, delete the DOS partition, and create a
cooperative FreeBSD partition using the
blocksize you recorded earlier. Then, set the partition
bootable and turn on bad block scanning. During the actual
install, bad144 will run first, before any filesystems are
created. (you can view this with an Alt-F2) If it has any
trouble creating the badsector file, you have set too large a
disk geometry - reboot the system and start all over again
(including repartitioning and reformatting with DOS).If remapping is enabled and you are seeing bad blocks,
consider replacing the drive. The bad blocks will only get
worse as time goes on.FreeBSD does not recognize my Bustek 742a EISA SCSI!This info is specific to the 742a but may also cover
other Buslogic cards. (Bustek = Buslogic)There are 2 general versions of the 742a
card. They are hardware revisions A-G, and revisions H -
onwards. The revision letter is located after the Assembly
number on the edge of the card. The 742a has 2 ROM chips on it,
one is the BIOS chip and the other is the Firmware chip.
FreeBSD doesn't care what version of BIOS chip you have but it
does care about what version of firmware chip. Buslogic will
send upgrade ROMS out if you call their tech support dept. The
BIOS and Firmware chips are shipped as a matched pair. You must
have the most current Firmware ROM in your adapter card for
your hardware revision.The REV A-G cards can only accept BIOS/Firmware sets up to
2.41/2.21. The REV H- up cards can accept the most current
BIOS/Firmware sets of 4.70/3.37. The difference between the
firmware sets is that the 3.37 firmware supports round
robinThe Buslogic cards also have a serial number on them. If
you have a old hardware revision card you can call the Buslogic
RMA department and give them the serial number and attempt to
exchange the card for a newer hardware revision. If the card is
young enough they will do so.FreeBSD 2.1 only supports Firmware revisions 2.21 onward.
If you have a Firmware revision older than this your card will
not be recognized as a Buslogic card. It may be recognized as
an Adaptec 1540, however. The early Buslogic firmware contains
an AHA1540 emulation mode. This is not a good
thing for an EISA card, however.If you have an old hardware revision card and you obtain
the 2.21 firmware for it, you will need to check the position
of jumper W1 to B-C, the default is A-B.My HP Netserver's SCSI controller is not detected!This is basically a known problem. The EISA on-board SCSI
controller in the HP Netserver machines occupies EISA slot
number 11, so all the true EISA slots are in
front of it. Alas, the address space for EISA slots >= 10
collides with the address space assigned to PCI, and FreeBSD's
auto-configuration currently cannot handle this situation very
well.So now, the best you can do is to pretend there is no
address range clash :), by bumping the kernel option
EISA_SLOTS to a value of 12. Configure and
compile a kernel, as described in the Handbook entry on
configuring the kernel.Of course, this does present you with a chicken-and-egg
problem when installing on such a machine. In order to work
around this problem, a special hack is available inside
UserConfig. Do not use the
visual interface, but the plain command-line
interface there. Simply typeeisa 12
quitat the prompt, and install your system as usual. While
it's recommended you compile and install a custom kernel
anyway,Hopefully, future versions will have a proper fix for
this problem.You can not use a
dangerously dedicated disk
with an HP Netserver. See this
note for more info.What's up with this CMD640 IDE controller?It's broken. It cannot handle commands on both channels
simultaneously.There's a workaround available now and it is enabled
automatically if your system uses this chip. For the details
refer to the manual page of the disk driver (man 4 wd).If you're already running FreeBSD 2.2.1 or 2.2.2 with a
CMD640 IDE controller and you want to use the second channel,
build a new kernel with options "CMD640"
enabled. This is the default for 2.2.5 and later.I keep seeing messages like
ed1: timeout.This is usually caused by an interrupt conflict (e.g.,
two boards using the same IRQ). FreeBSD prior to 2.0.5R used to
be tolerant of this, and the network driver would still
function in the presence of IRQ conflicts. However, with 2.0.5R
and later, IRQ conflicts are no longer tolerated. Boot with the
-c option and change the ed0/de0/... entry to match your
board.If you're using the BNC connector on your network card,
you may also see device timeouts because of bad termination. To
check this, attach a terminator directly to the NIC (with no
cable) and see if the error messages go away. Some NE2000 compatible cards will give this error if there
is no link on the UTP port or if the cable is disconnected.When I mount a CDROM, I get
Incorrect super block.You have to tell mount
the type of the device that you want to mount. By default,
will assume the filesystem is of type ufs.
You want to mount a CDROM filesystem, and you do this by
specifying the option to
mount(8). This does, of course, assume that the
CDROM contains an ISO 9660 filesystem, which is what most CDROMs
have. As of 1.1R, FreeBSD automatically understands the Rock
Ridge (long filename) extensions as well.As an example, if you want to mount the CDROM device,
/dev/cd0c, under /mnt,
you would execute:&prompt.root; mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0c /mntNote that your device name (/dev/cd0c
in this example) could be different, depending on the CDROM
interface. Note that the option just
causes the mount_cd9660 command to be
executed, and so the above example could be shortened
to:&prompt.root; mount_cd9660 /dev/cd0c /mntWhen I mount a CDROM, I get
Device not configured.This generally means that there is no CDROM in the CDROM
drive, or the drive is not visible on the bus. Feed the drive
something, and/or check its master/slave status if it is IDE
(ATAPI). It can take a couple of seconds for a CDROM drive to
notice that it's been fed, so be patient.Sometimes a SCSI CD-ROM may be missed because it hadn't
enough time to answer the bus reset. If you have a SCSI CD-ROM
please try to add the following symbol into your kernel
configuration file and recompile.options "SCSI_DELAY=15"My printer is ridiculously slow. What can I do ?If it's parallel, and the only problem is that it's terribly
slow, try setting your printer port into polled
mode:&prompt.root; lptcontrol -pSome newer HP printers are claimed not to work correctly in
interrupt mode, apparently due to some (not yet exactly
understood) timing problem.My programs occasionally die with
Signal 11 errors.Signal 11 errors are caused when your process has attempted
to access memory which the operating system has not granted it
access to. If something like this is happening at seemingly
random intervals then you need to start investigating things
very carefully.These problems can usually be attributed to either:If the problem is occurring only in a specific
application that you are developing yourself it is probably
a bug in your code.If it's a problem with part of the base FreeBSD system,
it may also be buggy code, but more often than not these
problems are found and fixed long before us general FAQ
readers get to use these bits of code (that's what -current
is for).In particular, a dead giveaway that this is *not* a FreeBSD
bug is if you see the problem when you're compiling a program,
but the activity that the compiler is carrying out changes
each time.For example, suppose you're running "make buildworld", and
the compile fails while trying to compile ls.c in to ls.o. If
you next run "make buildworld" again, and the compile fails in
the same place then this is a broken build -- try updating your
sources and try again. If the compile fails elsewhere then this
is almost certainly hardware.What you should do:In the first case you can use a debugger e.g. gdb to find
the point in the program which is attempting to access a bogus
address and then fix it.In the second case you need to verify that it's not your
hardware at fault. Common causes of this include :Your hard disks might be overheating: Check the fans in
your case are still working, as your disk (and perhaps
other hardware might be overheating).The processor running is overheating: This might be
because the processor has been overclocked, or the fan on
the processor might have died. In either case you need to
ensure that you have hardware running at what it's
specified to run at, at least while trying to solve this
problem. i.e. Clock it back to the default settings.If you are overclocking then note that it's far cheaper
to have a slow system than a fried system that needs
replacing! Also the wider community is not often
sympathetic to problems on overclocked systems, whether you
believe it's safe or not.Dodgy memory: If you have multiple memory SIMMS/DIMMS
installed then pull them all out and try running the
machine with each SIMM or DIMM individually and narrow the
problem down to either the problematic DIMM/SIMM or perhaps
even a combination.Over-optimistic Motherboard settings: In your BIOS
settings, and some motherboard jumpers you have options to
set various timings, mostly the defaults will be
sufficient, but sometimes, setting the wait states on RAM
too low, or setting the "RAM Speed: Turbo" option, or
similar in the BIOS will cause strange behaviour. A
possible idea is to set to BIOS defaults, but it might be
worth noting down your settings first!Unclean or insufficient power to the motherboard. If you
have any unused I/O boards, hard disks, or CDROMs in your
system, try temporarily removing them or disconnecting the
power cable from them, to see if your power supply can
manage a smaller load. Or try another power supply,
preferably one with a little more power (for instance, if
your current power supply is rated at 250 Watts try one
rated at 300 Watts).You should also read the SIG11 FAQ (listed below) which has
excellent explanations of all these problems, albeit from a
Linux viewpoint. It also discusses how memory testing software
or hardware can still pass faulty memory.Finally, if none of this has helped it is possible that
you've just found a bug in FreeBSD, and you should follow the
instructions to send a problem report.There's an extensive FAQ on this at
the SIG11 problem FAQWhen I boot, the screen goes black and loses sync!This is a known problem with the ATI Mach 64 video card.
The problem is that this card uses address
2e8, and the fourth serial port does too.
Due to a bug (feature?) in the sio(4)
driver it will touch this port even if you don't have the
fourth serial port, and even if
you disable sio3 (the fourth port) which normally uses this
address.Until the bug has been fixed, you can use this
workaround:Enter at the bootprompt.
(This will put the kernel into configuration mode).Disable sio0,
sio2 and
sio3 (all of them). This way
the sio driver doesn't get activated -> no
problems.Type exit to continue booting.If you want to be able to use your serial ports, you'll
have to build a new kernel with the following modification: in
/usr/src/sys/i386/isa/sio.c find the one
occurrence of the string 0x2e8 and remove
that string and the preceding comma (keep the trailing comma).
Now follow the normal procedure of building a new
kernel.Even after applying these workarounds, you may still find
that the X Window System does not work properly. If this is the
case, make sure that the XFree86 version you are using is at
least XFree86 3.3.3 or higher. This version and upwards has
built-in support for the Mach64 cards and even a dedicated X
server for those cards.I have 128 MB of RAM but the system only uses 64 MB.Due to the manner in which FreeBSD gets the memory size
from the BIOS, it can only detect 16 bits worth of Kbytes in
size (65535 Kbytes = 64MB) (or less... some BIOSes peg the
memory size to 16M). If you have more than 64MB, FreeBSD will
attempt to detect it; however, the attempt may fail.To work around this problem, you need to use the kernel
option specified below. There is a way to get complete memory
information from the BIOS, but we don't have room in the
bootblocks to do it. Someday when lack of room in the
bootblocks is fixed, we'll use the extended BIOS functions to
get the full memory information...but for now we're stuck with
the kernel option.options "MAXMEM=n"Where n is your memory in
Kilobytes. For a 128 MB machine, you'd want to use
131072.FreeBSD 2.0 panics with
kmem_map too small!The message may also be
mb_map too small!The panic indicates that the system ran out of virtual
memory for network buffers (specifically, mbuf clusters). You
can increase the amount of VM available for mbuf clusters by
adding:options "NMBCLUSTERS=n"to your kernel config file, where
n is a number in the range 512-4096,
depending on the number of concurrent TCP connections you need
to support. I'd recommend trying 2048 - this should get rid of
the panic completely. You can monitor the number of mbuf
clusters allocated/in use on the system with netstat
-m. The default value for NMBCLUSTERS is 512 +
MAXUSERS * 16.CMAP busy panic when rebooting with a
new kernel.The logic that attempts to detect an out of date
/var/db/kvm_*.db files sometimes fails
and using a mismatched file can sometimes lead to panics.If this happens, reboot single-user and do:&prompt.root; rm /var/db/kvm_*.dbahc0: brkadrint, Illegal Host Access at seqaddr 0x0This is a conflict with an Ultrastor SCSI Host Adapter.During the boot process enter the kernel configuration
menu and disable uha0,
which is causing the problem.Sendmail says
mail loops back to myselfThis is answered in the sendmail FAQ as follows:- * I'm getting "Local configuration error" messages, such as:
553 relay.domain.net config error: mail loops back to myself
554 <user@domain.net>... Local configuration error
How can I solve this problem?
You have asked mail to the domain (e.g., domain.net) to be
forwarded to a specific host (in this case, relay.domain.net)
by using an MX record, but the relay machine doesn't recognize
itself as domain.net. Add domain.net to /etc/sendmail.cw
(if you are using FEATURE(use_cw_file)) or add "Cw domain.net"
to /etc/sendmail.cf.
The current version of the sendmail
FAQ is no longer maintained with the sendmail release.
It is however regularly posted to comp.mail.sendmail,
comp.mail.misc, comp.mail.smail, comp.answers, and news.answers. You can also
receive a copy via email by sending a message to
mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with the command
send usenet/news.answers/mail/sendmail-faq
as the body of the message.Full screen applications on remote machines misbehaveThe remote machine may be setting your terminal type
to something other than the cons25 terminal
type required by the FreeBSD console.There are a number of possible work-arounds for this
After logging on to the remote machine, set your
TERM shell variable to ansi or
sco if the remote machine knows
about these terminal types.Use a VT100 emulator like
screen at the FreeBSD console.
screen offers you the ability
to run multiple concurrent sessions from one terminal,
and is a neat program in its own right. Each
screen window behaves like a
VT100 terminal, so the TERM variable at the remote end
should be set to vt100.Install the cons25 terminal
database entry on the remote machine. The way to do this
depends on the operating system on the remote machine.
The system administration manuals for the remote system
should be able to help you here.Fire up an X server at the FreeBSD end and login to
the remote machine using an X based terminal emulator
such as xterm or
rxvt. The TERM variable at the remote
host should be set to xterm or
vt100.My machine prints
calcru: negative time...This can be caused by various hardware and/or software
ailments relating to interrupts. It may be due to bugs but can
also happen by nature of certain devices. Running TCP/IP over
the parallel port using a large MTU is one good way to provoke
this problem. Graphics accelerators can also get you here, in
which case you should check the interrupt setting of the card
first.A side effect of this problem are dying processes with the
message SIGXCPU exceeded cpu time limit.For FreeBSD 3.0 and later from Nov 29, 1998 forward: If the
problem cannot be fixed otherwise the solution is to set
this sysctl variable:&prompt.root; sysctl -w kern.timecounter.method=1 This means a performance impact, but considering the cause
of this problem, you probably will not notice. If the problem
persists, keep the sysctl set to one and set the
NTIMECOUNTER option in your kernel to
increasingly large values. If by the time you have reached
NTIMECOUNTER=20 the problem isn't solved,
interrupts are too hosed on your machine for reliable
timekeeping.I see pcm0 not found or my sound card is
found as pcm1 but I have
device pcm0 in my kernel config fileThis occurs in FreeBSD 3.x with PCI sound cards. The
pcm0 device is reserved exclusively for
ISA-based cards so, if you have a PCI card, then you will see
this error, and your card will appear as pcm1.
You cannot remove the warning by simply changing the
line in the kernel config file to device
pcm1 as this will result in
pcm1 being reserved for ISA cards and
your PCI card being found as pcm2 (along
with the warning pcm1 not found).
If you have a PCI sound card you will also have to make the
snd1 device rather than
snd0:&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; ./MAKEDEV snd1This situation does not arise in FreeBSD 4.x as has a lot
of work has been done to make the it more
PnP-centric and the
pcm0 device is no longer reserved
exclusively fo ISA cardsMy PnP card is no longer found (or found as
unknown) since upgrading to FreeBSD 4.xFreeBSD 4.x is now much more PnP-centric
and this has had the side effect of some PnP devices (e.g. sound
cards and internal modems) not working even though they worked
under FreeBSD 3.x.The reasons for this behaviour are explained by the following
e-mail, posted to the freebsd-questions mailing list by Peter
Wemm, in answer to a question about an internal modem that was
no longer found after an upgrade to FreeBSD 4.x (the comments
in [] have been added to clarify the
The PNP bios preconfigured it [the modem] and left it
laying around in port space, so [in 3.x] the old-style ISA
probes found it there.Under 4.0, the ISA code is much more PnP-centric. It was
possible [in 3.x] for an ISA probe to find a
stray device and then for the PNP device id to
match and then fail due to resource conflicts. So, it
disables the programmable cards first so this double probing
cannot happen. It also means that it needs to know the PnP
id's for supported PnP hardware. Making this more user
tweakable is on the TODO list.
To get the device working again requires finding its PnP id
and adding it to the list that the ISA probes use to identify
PnP devices. This is obtained using &man.pnpinfo.8; to probe the
device, for example this is the output from &man.pnpinfo.8; for
an internal modem:&prompt.root; pnpinfo
Checking for Plug-n-Play devices...
Card assigned CSN #1
Vendor ID PMC2430 (0x3024a341), Serial Number 0xffffffff
PnP Version 1.0, Vendor Version 0
Device Description: Pace 56 Voice Internal Plug & Play Modem
Logical Device ID: PMC2430 0x3024a341 #0
Device supports I/O Range Check
TAG Start DF
I/O Range 0x3f8 .. 0x3f8, alignment 0x8, len 0x8
[16-bit addr]
IRQ: 4 - only one type (true/edge)[more TAG lines elided]
End Tag
Successfully got 31 resources, 1 logical fdevs
-- card select # 0x0001
CSN PMC2430 (0x3024a341), Serial Number 0xffffffff
Logical device #0
IO: 0x03e8 0x03e8 0x03e8 0x03e8 0x03e8 0x03e8 0x03e8 0x03e8
IRQ 5 0
DMA 4 0
IO range check 0x00 activate 0x01The information you require is in the
Vendor ID line at the start of the output. The
hexadecimal number in parentheses (0x3024a341 in this example)
is the PnP id and the string immediately before this (PMC2430)
is a unique ASCII id. This information needs adding to the file
/usr/src/sys/isa/sio.c.You should first make a backup of sio.c
just in case things go wrong. You will also need it to make the
patch to submit with your PR (you are going to submit a PR,
aren't you?) then edit sio.c and search
for the linestatic struct isa_pnp_id sio_ids[] = {then scroll down to find the correct place to add the entry
for your device. The entries look like this, and are sorted on
the ASCII Vendor ID string which should be included in the
comment to the right of the line of code along with all (if it
will fit) or part of the Device Description
from the output of &man.pnpinfo.8;:
{0x0f804f3f, NULL}, /* OZO800f - Zoom 2812 (56k Modem) */
{0x39804f3f, NULL}, /* OZO8039 - Zoom 56k flex */
{0x3024a341, NULL}, /* PMC2430 - Pace 56 Voice Internal Modem */
{0x1000eb49, NULL}, /* ROK0010 - Rockwell ? */
{0x5002734a, NULL}, /* RSS0250 - 5614Jx3(G) Internal Modem */
Add the hexadecimal Vendor ID for your device in the
correct place, save the file, rebuild your kernel, and reboot.
Your device should now be found as an sio
device as it was under FreeBSD 3.xCommercial ApplicationsThis section is still very sparse, though we're hoping, of
course, that companies will add to it! :) The FreeBSD group has
no financial interest in any of the companies listed here but
simply lists them as a public service (and feels that commercial
interest in FreeBSD can have very positive effects on FreeBSD's
long-term viability). We encourage commercial software vendors to
send their entries here for inclusion. See the
Vendors page for a longer list.Where can I get Motif for FreeBSD?Contact Apps2go for the
least expensive ELF Motif 2.1.20 distribution for FreeBSD
(either i386 or Alpha).There are two distributions, the developement
edition and the runtime edition (for
much less). These distributions includes:
OSF/Motif manager, xmbind, panner, wsm.Development kit with uil, mrm, xm, xmcxx, include
and Imake files.Static and dynamic ELF libraries (for use with
FreeBSD 3.0 and above).Demonstration applets.Be sure to specify that you want the FreeBSD version of
Motif when ordering (don't forget to mention the architecture
you want too)! Versions for NetBSD and OpenBSD are also sold by
Apps2go. This is currently a FTP only
download.More info
Apps2go WWW pageor
Sales or Support
email addresses.orphone (817) 431 8775 or +1 817 431-8775Contact Metro Link
for an either ELF or a.out Motif 2.1 distribution for
FreeBSD.This distribution includes:
OSF/Motif manager, xmbind, panner, wsm.Development kit with uil, mrm, xm, xmcxx, include
and Imake files.Static and dynamic libraries (specify ELF for use
with FreeBSD 3.0 and later; or a.out for use with FreeBSD
2.2.8 and eariler).Demonstration applets.Preformatted man pages.Be sure to specify that you want the FreeBSD version
of Motif when ordering! Versions for Linux are also sold by
Metro Link. This is available on either a
CDROM or for FTP download.Contact Xi Graphics for an
a.out Motif 2.0 distribution for FreeBSD.This distribution includes:
OSF/Motif manager, xmbind, panner, wsm.Development kit with uil, mrm, xm, xmcxx, include
and Imake files.Static and dynamic libraries (for use with FreeBSD
2.2.8 and eariler).Demonstration applets.Preformatted man pages.Be sure to specify that you want the FreeBSD version
of Motif when ordering! Versions for BSDI and Linux are also
sold by Xi Graphics. This is currently a 4
diskette set... in the future this will change to a unified CD
distribution like their CDE.Where can I get CDE for FreeBSD?Xi Graphics used to sell CDE
for FreeBSD, but no longer do.KDE is an open
source X11 desktop which is similar to CDE in many respects.
You might also like the look and feel of xfce. KDE and xfce are both
in the ports
system.Are there any commercial high-performance X servers?Yes, Xi Graphics
and Metro Link
sells Accelerated-X product for FreeBSD and other Intel based
systems.The Metro Link offering is a high performance X Server
that offers easy configuration using the FreeBSD Package suite
of tools, support for multiple concurrent video boards and is
distributed in binary form only, in a convienent FTP download.
Not to mention the Metro Link offering is available at the very
reasonable price of $39. Metro Link also sells both ELF and a.out Motif for
FreeBSD (see above).More info
Metro Link WWW pageorSales
or Support
email addresses.orphone (954) 938-0283 or +1 954 938-0283The Xi Graphics offering is a high performance X Server
that offers easy configuration, support for multiple concurrent
video boards and is distributed in binary form only, in a
unified diskette distribution for FreeBSD and Linux. Xi
Graphics also offers a high performance X Server taylored for
laptop support.There is a free compatibility demo of
version 5.0 available.Xi Graphics also sells Motif and CDE for FreeBSD (see
above).More info
Xi Graphics WWW pageorSales
or Support
email addresses.orphone (800) 946 7433 or +1 303 298-7478.Are there any Database systems for FreeBSD?Yes! See the
Commercial Vendors section of FreeBSD's Web site.Also see the
Databases section of the Ports collection.Can I run Oracle on FreeBSD?Yes. The following pages tell you exactly how to setup
Linux-Oracle on FreeBSD:
http://www.lf.net/lf/pi/oracle/install-linux-oracle-on-freebsdUser ApplicationsSo, where are all the user applications?Please take a look at
the ports
page for info on software packages ported to FreeBSD.
The list currently tops 3400 and is growing daily, so come back
to check often or subscribe to the
freebsd-announce mailing list for periodic updates on
new entries.Most ports should be available for the 2.2, 3.x and 4.x
branches, and many of them should work on 2.1.x systems as
well. Each time a FreeBSD release is made, a snapshot of the
ports tree at the time of release in also included in the
ports/ directory.We also support the concept of a package,
essentially no more than a gzipped binary distribution with a
little extra intelligence embedded in it for doing whatever
custom installation work is required. A package can be
installed and uninstalled again easily without having to know
the gory details of which files it includes.Use the package installation menu in
/stand/sysinstall (under the
post-configuration menu item) or invoke the
pkg_add(1) command on the specific package
files you're interested in installing. Package files can
usually be identified by their .tgz suffix
and CDROM distribution people will have a
packages/All directory on their CD which
contains such files. They can also be downloaded over the net
for various versions of FreeBSD at the following
locations:for 2.2.8-RELEASE/2.2.8-STABLE
ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-2.2.8/for 3.X-RELEASE/3.X-STABLE
ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-3-stable/for 4.X-RELEASE/4-STABLE
ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-4-stable/for 5.X-CURRENT
ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-5-currentor your nearest local mirror site.Note that all ports may not be available as packages since
new ones are constantly being added. It is always a good idea
to check back periodically to see which packages are available
at the ftp.FreeBSD.org
master site.Why is /bin/sh so minimal? Why doesn't
FreeBSD use bash or another shell?Because POSIX says that there shall be such a shell.The more complicated answer: many people need to write shell
scripts which will be portable across many systems. That's why
POSIX specifies the shell and utility commands in great detail.
Most scripts are written in Bourne shell, and because several
important programming interfaces (&man.make.1;, &man.system.3;,
&man.popen.3;, and analogues in higher-level scripting
languages like Perl and Tcl) are specified to use the Bourne
shell to interpret commands. Because the Bourne shell is so
often and widely used, it is important for it to be quick to
start, be deterministic in its behavior, and have a small
memory footprint.The existing implementation is our best effort at meeting as
many of these requirements simultaneously as we can. In order to
keep /bin/sh small, we have not provided many
of the convenience features that other shells have. That's why the
Ports Collection includes more featureful shells like bash, scsh,
tcsh, and zsh. (You can compare for yourself the memory
utilization of all these shells by looking at the
VSZ and RSS columns in a ps
-u listing.)Where do I find libc.so.3.0?You are trying to run a package built on 2.2 and later on
a 2.1.x system. Please take a look at the previous section and
get the correct port/package for your system.I get a message Error: can't find
libc.so.4.0You accidently downloaded packages meant for 4.X and 5.X
systems and attempted to install them on your 2.X or 3.X
FreeBSD system. Please download the correct version of the
packages.ghostscript gives lots of errors with my 386/486SX.You don't have a math co-processor, right?
You will need to add the alternative math emulator to your
kernel; you do this by adding the following to your kernel
config file and it will be compiled in.options GPL_MATH_EMULATEYou will need to remove the
MATH_EMULATE option when you do
this.When I run a SCO/iBCS2 application, it bombs on
socksys (FreeBSD 3.0 and older only).You first need to edit the
/etc/sysconfig (or
/etc/rc.conf) file in the last section to change the
following variable to YES:# Set to YES if you want ibcs2 (SCO) emulation loaded at startup
ibcs2=NOIt will load the ibcs2 kernel module at startup.You'll then need to set up /compat/ibcs2/dev to look
like:lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 9 Oct 15 22:20 X0R@ -> /dev/null
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 7 Oct 15 22:20 nfsd@ -> socksys
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root wheel 0 Oct 28 12:02 null
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 9 Oct 15 22:20 socksys@ -> /dev/null
crw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 41, 1 Oct 15 22:14 spxYou just need socksys to go to /dev/null
to fake the open & close. The code in -CURRENT will handle
the rest. This is much cleaner than the way it was done before.
If you want the spx driver for a local
socket X connection, define SPX_HACK when
you compile the system.How do I configure INN (Internet News) for my machine?After installing the inn package or port, an excellent
place to start is Dave Barr's
INN Page where you'll find the INN FAQ.What version of Microsoft FrontPage should I get?Use the Port, Luke! A pre-patched version of Apache is
available in the ports tree.Does FreeBSD support Java?Yes. Please see
http://www.FreeBSD.org/java/.Why can't I build this port on my 3.X-STABLE machine?If you're running a FreeBSD version that lags
significantly behind -CURRENT or -STABLE, you may need a ports
upgrade kit from
http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/. If you are up to date,
then someone might have committed a change to the port which
works for -CURRENT but which broke the port for -STABLE. Please
submit a bug report on this with the
send-pr(1) command, since the ports
collection is supposed to work for both the -CURRENT and
-STABLE branches.Where do I find ld.so?If you want to run some aout applications like
Netscape Navigator on an Elf'ened machine such as 3.1-R or
later, it would need /usr/libexec/ld.so
and some aout libs. They are included in the compat22
distribution. Use /stand/sysinstall or
install.sh in the compat22 subdirectory
and install it. Also read ERRATAs for 3.1-R and 3.2-R.Kernel ConfigurationI'd like to customize my kernel. Is it difficult?Not at all! Check out the
kernel config section of the Handbook.I recommend making a dated snapshot of your kernel
in kernel.YYMMDD after you get it all
working, that way if you do something dire the next time
you play with your configuration you can boot that kernel
instead of having to go all the way back to
kernel.GENERIC. This is particularly
important if you're now booting off a controller that isn't
supported in the GENERIC kernel (yes, personal
experience).My kernel compiles fail because
_hw_float is missing.Let me guess. You removed npx0
from your kernel configuration file because you don't have a
math co-processor, right? Wrong! :-) The
npx0 is
MANDATORY. Even if you don't have a
mathematic co-processor, you must
include the npx0 device.Why is my kernel so big (over 10MB)?Chances are, you compiled your kernel in
debug mode. Kernels built in debug
mode contain many symbols that are used for debugging, thus
greatly increasing the size of the kernel. Note that if you
running a FreeBSD 3.0 or later system, there will be little
or no performance decrease from running a debug kernel,
and it is useful to keep one around in case of a system
panic.However, if you are running low on disk space, or
you simply don't want to run a debug kernel, make sure
that both of the following are true:You do not have a line in your kernel
configuration file that reads:makeoptions DEBUG=-gYou are not running config with
the option.Both of the above situations will cause your kernel to
be built in debug mode. As long as you make sure you follow
the steps above, you can build your kernel normally, and you
should notice a fairly large size decrease; most kernels
tend to be around 1.5MB to 2MB.Interrupt conflicts with multi-port serial code.Q. When I compile a kernel
with multi-port serial code, it tells me that only the first
port is probed and the rest skipped due to interrupt conflicts.
How do I fix this?A. The problem here is that
FreeBSD has code built-in to keep the kernel from getting
trashed due to hardware or software conflicts. The way to fix
this is to leave out the IRQ settings on all but one port. Here
is a example:#
# Multiport high-speed serial line - 16550 UARTS
device sio2 at isa? port 0x2a0 tty irq 5 flags 0x501 vector siointr
device sio3 at isa? port 0x2a8 tty flags 0x501 vector siointr
device sio4 at isa? port 0x2b0 tty flags 0x501 vector siointr
device sio5 at isa? port 0x2b8 tty flags 0x501 vector siointrEvery kernel I try to build fails to compile; even
GENERIC.There are a number of possible causes for this problem.
They are, in no particular order:You are not using the new make
buildkernel and make
installkernel targets, and your source tree is
different from the one used to build the currently running
system (e.g., you're compiling 4.2-RELEASE on a 4.0-RELEASE
system). If you're attempting an upgrade, please read the
/usr/src/UPDATING file, paying
particular attention to the COMMON ITEMS
section at the end.You are using the new make
buildkernel and make
installkernel targets, but you failed to assert
the completion of the make buildworld
target. The make buildkernel target
relies on files generated by the make
buildworld target to complete its job
correctly.Even if you are trying to build FreeBSD-STABLE, it is possible that
you fetched the source tree at a time when it was either
being modified, or broken for other reasons; only releases
are absolutly guaranteed to be buildable, although FreeBSD-STABLE builds fine the
majority of the time. If you have not already done so, try
re-fetching the source tree and see if the problem goes
away. Try using a different server in case the one you're
using is having problems.System AdministrationWhere are the system start-up configuration files?From 2.0.5R to 2.2.1R, the primary configuration file is
/etc/sysconfig. All the options are to be
specified in this file and other files such as /etc/rc
and /etc/netstart just include it.Look in the /etc/sysconfig file and
change the value to match your system. This file is filled with
comments to show what to put in there.In post-2.2.1 and 3.0, /etc/sysconfig
was renamed to a more self-describing rc.conf
file and the syntax cleaned up a bit in the process.
/etc/netstart was also renamed to
/etc/rc.network so that all files could be
copied with a cp
/usr/src/etc/rc* /etc command.And, in 3.1 and later, /etc/rc.conf
has been moved to /etc/defaults/rc.conf.
Do not edit this file! Instead, if there
is any entry in /etc/defaults/rc.conf that
you want to change, you should copy the line into
/etc/rc.conf and change it there.For example, if you wish to start named, the DNS server
included with FreeBSD in FreeBSD 3.1 or later, all you need to
do is:&prompt.root; echo named_enable="YES" >> /etc/rc.confTo start up local services in FreeBSD 3.1 or later, place
shell scripts in the /usr/local/etc/rc.d
directory. These shell scripts should be set executable, and
end with a .sh. In FreeBSD 3.0 and earlier releases, you should
edit the /etc/rc.local file.The /etc/rc.serial is for serial port
initialization (e.g. locking the port characteristics, and so
on.).The /etc/rc.i386 is for Intel-specifics
settings, such as iBCS2 emulation or the PC system console
configuration.How do I add a user easily?Use the adduser
command. For more complicated usage, the pw
command.To remove the user again, use the rmuser
command. Once again, pw will work as
well.How can I add my new hard disk to my FreeBSD system?See the Disk Formatting Tutorial at
www.FreeBSD.org.I have a new removable drive, how do I use it?Whether it's a removable drive like a ZIP or an EZ drive
(or even a floppy, if you want to use it that way), or a new
hard disk, once it's installed and recognized by the system,
and you have your cartridge/floppy/whatever slotted in, things
are pretty much the same for all devices.(this section is based on
Mark Mayo's ZIP FAQ)If it's a ZIP drive or a floppy , you've already got a DOS
filesystem on it, you can use a command like this:&prompt.root; mount -t msdos /dev/fd0c /floppyif it's a floppy, or this:&prompt.root; mount -t msdos /dev/da2s4 /zipfor a ZIP disk with the factory configuration.For other disks, see how they're laid out using
fdisk or
/stand/sysinstall.The rest of the examples will be for a ZIP drive on da2,
the third SCSI disk.Unless it's a floppy, or a removable you plan on sharing
with other people, it's probably a better idea to stick a BSD
file system on it. You'll get long filename support, at least a
2X improvement in performance, and a lot more stability. First,
you need to redo the DOS-level partitions/filesystems. You can
either use fdisk or
/stand/sysinstall, or for a small drive
that you don't want to bother with multiple operating system
support on, just blow away the whole FAT partition table
(slices) and just use the BSD partitioning:&prompt.root; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rda2 count=2
&prompt.root; disklabel -Brw da2 autoYou can use disklabel or
/stand/sysinstall to create multiple BSD
partitions. You'll certainly want to do this if you're adding
swap space on a fixed disk, but it's probably irrelevant on a
removable drive like a ZIP.Finally, create a new file system, this one's on our ZIP
drive using the whole disk:&prompt.root; newfs /dev/rda2cand mount it:&prompt.root; mount /dev/da2c /zipand it's probably a good idea to add a line like this to
/etc/fstab so you can just type
mount /zip in the future:/dev/da2c /zip ffs rw,noauto 0 0Why do I keep getting messages like root: not
found after editing my crontab file?This is normally caused by editing the system crontab
(/etc/crontab) and then using
&man.crontab.1; to install it:&prompt.root; crontab /etc/crontabThis is not the correct way to do things. The system
crontab has a different format to the per-user crontabs
which &man.crontab.1; updates (the &man.crontab.5; manual
page explains the differences in more detail).If this is what you did, you should delete the
/var/cron/tabs/root, since it will
simply be a copy of /etc/crontab,
in the wrong format. Next time, when you edit
/etc/crontab, you should not do
anything to inform &man.cron.8; of the changes, since it
will notice them automatically.The actual reason for the error is that the system
crontab has an extra field, specifying which user to run the
command as. In the default system crontab provided with
FreeBSD, this is root for all entries.
When this crontab is used as the root
user's crontab (which is not the
same as the system crontab), &man.cron.8; assumes the string
root is the first word of the command to
execute, but no such command exists.I made a mistake in rc.conf,
or another startup file, and
now I can't edit it because the filesystem is read-only.
What should I do?When you get the prompt to enter the shell
pathname, simply press ENTER, and run
mount / to re-mount the root filesystem in
read/write mode. You may also need to run mount -a -t
ufs to mount the filesystem where your favourite
editor is defined. If your favourite editor is on a network
filesystem, you will need to either configure the network
manually before you can mount network filesystems, or use an
editor which resides on a local filesystem, such as
&man.ed.1;.If you intend to use a full screen editor such
as &man.vi.1; or &man.emacs.1;, you may also need to
run export TERM=cons25 so that these
editors can load the correct data from the &man.termcap.5;
database.Once you have performed these steps, you can edit
/etc/rc.conf as you usually would
to fix the syntax error. The error message displayed
immediately after the kernel boot messages should tell you
the number of the line in the file which is at fault.How do I mount a secondary DOS partition?The secondary DOS partitions are found after ALL the primary
partitions. For example, if you have an E
partition as the second DOS partition on the second SCSI drive,
you need to create the special files for slice 5
in /dev, then mount /dev/da1s5:&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; sh MAKEDEV da1s5
&prompt.root; mount -t msdos /dev/da1s5 /dos/eCan I mount other foreign filesystems under FreeBSD? Digital UNIX UFS CDROMs can
be mounted directly on FreeBSD. Mounting disk partitions from
Digital UNIX and other systems that support UFS may be more
complex, depending on the details of the disk partitioning for
the operating system in question. Linux: 2.2 and later have
support for ext2fs partitions.
See mount_ext2fs
for more information. NT: A read-only NTFS driver
exists for FreeBSD. For more information, see this tutorial by
Mark Ovens at
http://ukug.uk.freebsd.org/~mark/ntfs_install.html.Any other information on this subject would be
appreciated.How can I use the NT loader to boot FreeBSD?This procedure is slightly different for 2.2.x and 3.x
(with the 3-stage boot) systems.The general idea is that you copy the first sector of your
native root FreeBSD partition into a file in the DOS/NT
partition. Assuming you name that file something like
c:\bootsect.bsd (inspired by
c:\bootsect.dos), you can then edit the
c:\boot.ini file to come up with something
like this:[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows NT"
C:\="DOS"For 2.2.x systems this procedure assumes that DOS, NT,
FreeBSD, or whatever have been installed into their respective
fdisk partitions on the same
disk. In my case DOS & NT are in the first fdisk partition
and FreeBSD is in the second. I also installed FreeBSD to boot
from its native partition, not
the disk MBR.Mount a DOS-formatted floppy (if you've converted to NTFS)
or the FAT partition, under, say,
/mnt.&prompt.root; dd if=/dev/rda0a of=/mnt/bootsect.bsd bs=512 count=1Reboot into DOS or NT. NTFS users copy the
bootsect.bsd and/or the
bootsect.lnx file from the floppy to
C:\. Modify the attributes (permissions)
on boot.ini with:C:\>attrib -s -r c:\boot.iniEdit to add the appropriate entries from the example
boot.ini above, and restore the
attributes:C:\>attrib +s +r c:\boot.iniIf FreeBSD is booting from the MBR, restore it with the DOS
fdisk command after you reconfigure them to
boot from their native partitions.For FreeBSD 3.x systems the procedure is somewhat
simpler.If FreeBSD is installed on the same disk as the NT boot
partition simply copy /boot/boot1 to
C:\BOOTSECT.BSD However, if FreeBSD is
installed on a different disk /boot/boot1
will not work, /boot/boot0 is needed.
DO NOT SIMPLY COPY /boot/boot0
INSTEAD OF /boot/boot1, YOU WILL
UN-BOOTABLE!/boot/boot0 needs to be installed using
sysinstall by selecting the FreeBSD boot manager on the
screen which asks if you wish to use a boot manager. This is
because /boot/boot0 has the partition
table area filled with NULL characters but sysinstall copies
the partition table before copying
/boot/boot0 to the MBR.When the FreeBSD boot manager runs it records the last
OS booted by setting the active flag on the partition table
entry for that OS and then writes the whole 512-bytes of itself
back to the MBR so if you just copy
/boot/boot0 to
C:\BOOTSECT.BSD then it writes an empty
partition table, with the active flag set on one entry, to the
MBR.How do I boot FreeBSD and Linux from LILO?If you have FreeBSD and Linux on the same disk, just follow
LILO's installation instructions for booting a non-Linux
operating system. Very briefly, these are:Boot Linux, and add the following lines to
(the above assumes that your FreeBSD slice is known to Linux
as /dev/hda2; tailor to suit your setup).
Then, run lilo as root and you should be
done.If FreeBSD resides on another disk, you need to add
loader=/boot/chain.b to the LILO entry.
For example:
label=FreeBSDIn some cases you may need to specify the BIOS drive number
to the FreeBSD boot loader to successfully boot off the second
disk. For example, if your FreeBSD SCSI disk is probed by BIOS
as BIOS disk 1, at the FreeBSD boot loader prompt you need to
specify:Boot: 1:da(0,a)/kernelOn FreeBSD 2.2.5 and later, you can configure boot(8)
to automatically do this for you at boot time.The
Linux+FreeBSD mini-HOWTO is a good reference for
FreeBSD and Linux interoperability issues.How do I boot FreeBSD and Linux using BootEasy?Install LILO at the start of your Linux boot partition
instead of in the Master Boot Record. You can then boot LILO
from BootEasy.If you're running Windows-95 and Linux this is recommended
anyway, to make it simpler to get Linux booting again if you
should need to reinstall Windows95 (which is a Jealous
Operating System, and will bear no other Operating Systems in
the Master Boot Record).Will a dangerously dedicated disk endanger
my health?The installation procedure allows
you to chose two different methods in partitioning your
harddisk(s). The default way makes it compatible with other
operating systems on the same machine, by using fdisk table
entries (called slices in FreeBSD), with a
FreeBSD slice that employs partitions of its own. Optionally,
one can chose to install a boot-selector to switch between the
possible operating systems on the disk(s). The alternative uses
the entire disk for FreeBSD, and makes no attempt to be
compatible with other operating systems.So why it is called dangerous? A disk in
this mode doesn't contain what normal PC utilities would
consider a valid fdisk table. Depending on how well they have
been designed, they might complain at you once they are getting
in contact with such a disk, or even worse, they might damage
the BSD bootstrap without even asking or notifying you. In
addition, the dangerously dedicated disk's
layout is known to confuse many BIOSsen, including those from
AWARD (eg. as found in HP Netserver and Micronics systems as
well as many others) and Symbios/NCR (for the popular 53C8xx
range of SCSI controllers). This isn't a complete list, there
are more. Symptoms of this confusion include the read
error message printed by the FreeBSD bootstrap when it
can't find itself, as well as system lockups when
booting.Why have this mode at all then? It only saves a few kbytes
of disk space, and it can cause real problems for a new
installation. Dangerously dedicated mode's
origins lie in a desire to avoid one of the most common
problems plaguing new FreeBSD installers - matching the BIOS
geometry numbers for a disk to the disk
itself.Geometry is an outdated concept, but one
still at the heart of the PC's BIOS and its interaction with
disks. When the FreeBSD installer creates slices, it has to
record the location of these slices on the disk in a fashion
that corresponds with the way the BIOS expects to find them. If
it gets it wrong, you won't be able to boot.Dangerously dedicated mode tries to work
around this by making the problem simpler. In some cases, it
gets it right. But it's meant to be used as a last-ditch
alternative - there are better ways to solve the problem 99
times out of 100.So, how do you avoid the need for DD mode
when you're installing? Start by making a note of the geometry
that your BIOS claims to be using for your disks. You can
arrange to have the kernel print this as it boots by specifying
at the boot: prompt, or
using boot -v in the loader. Just before the
installer starts, the kernel will print a list of BIOS
geometries. Don't panic - wait for the installer to start and
then use scrollback to read the numbers. Typically the BIOS
disk units will be in the same order that FreeBSD lists your
disks, first IDE, then SCSI.When you're slicing up your disk, check that the disk
geometry displayed in the FDISK screen is correct (ie. it
matches the BIOS numbers); if it's wrong, use the
g key to fix it. You may have to do this if
there's absolutely nothing on the disk, or if the disk has been
moved from another system. Note that this is only an issue with
the disk that you're going to boot from; FreeBSD will sort
itself out just fine with any other disks you may have.Once you've got the BIOS and FreeBSD agreeing about the
geometry of the disk, your problems are almost guaranteed to be
over, and with no need for DD mode at all. If,
however, you are still greeted with the dreaded read
error message when you try to boot, it's time to cross
your fingers and go for it - there's nothing left to
lose.To return a dangerously dedicated disk
for normal PC use, there are basically two options. The first
is, you write enough NULL bytes over the MBR to make any
subsequent installation believe this to be a blank disk. You
can do this for example with&prompt.root; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rda0 count=15Alternatively, the undocumented DOS
featureC:\>fdisk /mbrwill to install a new master boot record as well, thus
clobbering the BSD bootstrap.How can I add more swap space?The best way is to increase the size of your swap partition,
or take advantage of this convenient excuse to add another
disk. The general rule of thumb is to have around 2x the swap
space as you have main memory. However, if you have a very
small amount of main memory you may want to configure swap
beyond that. It is also a good idea to configure sufficient
swap relative to anticipated future memory upgrades so you do
not have to futz with your swap configuration later.Adding swap onto a separate disk makes things faster than
simply adding swap onto the same disk. As an example, if you
are compiling source located on one disk, and the swap is on
another disk, this is much faster than both swap and compile on
the same disk. This is true for SCSI disks specifically.When you have several disks, configuring a swap partition on
each one is usually beneficial, even if you wind up putting
swap on a work disk. Typically, each fast disk in your system
should have some swap configured. FreeBSD supports up to 4
interleaved swap devices by default. When configuring multiple
swap partitions you generally want to make them all about the
same size, but people sometimes make their primary swap
parition larger in order to accomodate a kernel core dump. Your
primary swap partition must be at least as large as main memory
in order to be able to accomodate a kernel core.IDE drives are not able to allow access to both drives on
the same channel at the same time (FreeBSD doesn't support mode
4, so all IDE disk I/O is programmed). I would
still suggest putting your swap on a separate drive however.
The drives are so cheap, it is not worth worrying about.Swapping over NFS is only recommended if you do not have a
local disk to swap to. Swapping over NFS is slow and
inefficient in FreeBSD releases prior to 4.x, but reasonably
fast in releases greater or equal to 4.0. Even so, it will be
limited to the network bandwidth available and puts an
additional burden on the NFS server.Here is an example for 64Mb vn-swap
(/usr/swap0, though of course you can use
any name that you want).Make sure your kernel was built with the linepseudo-device vn 1 #Vnode driver (turns a file into a device)in your config-file. The GENERIC kernel already contains
this.create a vn-device&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; sh MAKEDEV vn0create a swapfile
(/usr/swap0)&prompt.root; dd if=/dev/zero of=/usr/swap0 bs=1024k count=64set proper permissions on
(/usr/swap0)&prompt.root; chmod 0600 /usr/swap0enable the swap file in
/etc/rc.confswapfile="/usr/swap0" # Set to name of swapfile if aux swapfile desired.reboot the machineTo enable the swap file immediately, type&prompt.root; vnconfig -ce /dev/vn0c /usr/swap0 swapI'm having problems setting up my printer.Please have a look at the Handbook entry on printing. It
should cover most of your problem. See the
Handbook entry on printing.The keyboard mappings are wrong for my system.The kbdcontrol program has an option to load a keyboard
map file. Under /usr/share/syscons/keymaps
are a number of map files. Choose the one relevant to your
system and load it.&prompt.root; kbdcontrol -l uk.isoBoth the /usr/share/syscons/keymaps
and the .kbd extension are assumed by
kbdcontrol.This can be configured in /etc/sysconfig
rc.conf). See the appropriate comments in this
file.In 2.0.5R and later, everything related to text fonts,
keyboard mapping is in
/usr/share/examples/syscons.The following mappings are currently supported:Belgian ISO-8859-1 Brazilian 275 keyboard Codepage 850 Brazilian 275 keyboard ISO-8859-1 Danish Codepage 865 Danish ISO-8859-1 French ISO-8859-1 German Codepage 850 German ISO-8859-1 Italian ISO-8859-1 Japanese 106 Japanese 106x Latin American Norwegian ISO-8859-1 Polish ISO-8859-2 (programmer's) Russian Codepage 866 (alternative) Russian koi8-r (shift) Russian koi8-r Spanish ISO-8859-1 Swedish Codepage 850 Swedish ISO-8859-1 Swiss-German ISO-8859-1 United Kingdom Codepage 850 United Kingdom ISO-8859-1 United States of America ISO-8859-1 United States of America dvorak United States of America dvorakx I can't get user quotas to work properly.Don't turn on quotas on /,Put the quota file on the file system that the quotas
are to be enforced on. ie:FilesystemQuota file/usr/usr/admin/quotas/home/home/admin/quotas……What's inappropriate about my ccd?The symptom of this is:&prompt.root; ccdconfig -C
ccdconfig: ioctl (CCDIOCSET): /dev/ccd0c: Inappropriate file type or formatThis usually happens when you are trying to concatenate
the c partitions, which default to type
unused. The ccd driver requires the
underlying partition type to be FS_BSDFFS. Edit the disklabel
of the disks you are trying to concatenate and change the types
of partitions to 4.2BSD.Why can't I edit the disklabel on my ccd?The symptom of this is:&prompt.root; disklabel ccd0
(it prints something sensible here, so let's try to edit it)
&prompt.root; disklabel -e ccd0
(edit, save, quit)
disklabel: ioctl DIOCWDINFO: No disk label on disk;
use "disklabel -r" to install initial labelThis is because the disklabel returned by ccd is actually
a fake one that is not really on the disk.
You can solve this problem by writing it back explicitly,
as in:&prompt.root; disklabel ccd0 > /tmp/disklabel.tmp
&prompt.root; disklabel -Rr ccd0 /tmp/disklabel.tmp
&prompt.root; disklabel -e ccd0
(this will work now)Does FreeBSD support System V IPC primitives?Yes, FreeBSD supports System V-style IPC. This includes
shared memory, messages and semaphores. You need to add the
following lines to your kernel config to enable them.options SYSVSHM
options SYSVSHM # enable shared memory
options SYSVSEM # enable for semaphores
options SYSVMSG # enable for messagingIn FreeBSD 3.2 and later, these options are already
part of the GENERIC kernel, which
meansthey should already be compiled into your
system.Recompile and install your kernel.How do I use sendmail for mail delivery with UUCP?The sendmail configuration that ships with FreeBSD is
suited for sites that connect directly to the Internet.
Sites that wish to exchange their mail via UUCP must install
another sendmail configuration file.Tweaking /etc/sendmail.cf manually is
considered something for purists. Sendmail version 8 comes with
a new approach of generating config files via some m4
preprocessing, where the actual hand-crafted configuration is
on a higher abstraction level. You should use the configuration
files under
/usr/src/usr.sbin/sendmail/cfIf you didn't install your system with full sources,
the sendmail config stuff has been broken out into a separate
source distribution tarball just for you. Assuming you've got
your CD-ROM mounted, do:&prompt.root; cd /cdrom/src
&prompt.root; cat scontrib.?? | tar xzf - -C /usr/src contrib/sendmailDon't panic, this is only a few hundred kilobytes in size.
The file README in the
cf directory can serve as a basic
introduction to m4 configuration.For UUCP delivery, you are best advised to use the
mailertable feature. This constitutes a
database that sendmail can use to base its routing decision
upon.First, you have to create your .mc
file. The directory
/usr/src/usr.sbin/sendmail/cf/cf is the
home of these files. Look around, there are already a few
examples. Assuming you have named your file
foo.mc, all you need to do in order to
convert it into a valid sendmail.cf
&prompt.root; cd /usr/src/usr.sbin/sendmail/cf/cf
&prompt.root; make foo.cf
&prompt.root; cp foo.cf /etc/sendmail.cfA typical .mc file might look
VERSIONID(`Your version number')
define(`UUCP_RELAY', your.uucp.relay)
define(`UUCP_MAX_SIZE', 200000)
Cw your.alias.host.name
Cw youruucpnodename.UUCPThe nodns and
nocanonify features will prevent any usage
of the DNS during mail delivery. The
UUCP_RELAY clause is needed for bizarre
reasons, don't ask. Simply put an Internet hostname there that
is able to handle .UUCP pseudo-domain addresses; most likely,
you will enter the mail relay of your ISP there.Once you've got this, you need this file called
/etc/mailertable. A typical example of
this gender again:#
# makemap hash /etc/mailertable.db < /etc/mailertable
horus.interface-business.de uucp-dom:horus
.interface-business.de uucp-dom:if-bus
interface-business.de uucp-dom:if-bus
.heep.sax.de smtp8:%1
horus.UUCP uucp-dom:horus
if-bus.UUCP uucp-dom:if-bus
. uucp-dom:As you can see, this is part of a real-life file. The
first three lines handle special cases where domain-addressed
mail should not be sent out to the default route, but instead
to some UUCP neighbor in order to shortcut the
delivery path. The next line handles mail to the local Ethernet
domain that can be delivered using SMTP. Finally, the UUCP
neighbors are mentioned in the .UUCP pseudo-domain notation, to
allow for a uucp-neighbor
override of the default rules. The last line is always a single
dot, matching everything else, with UUCP delivery to a UUCP
neighbor that serves as your universal mail gateway to the
world. All of the node names behind the
uucp-dom: keyword must be valid UUCP
neighbors, as you can verify using the command
uuname.As a reminder that this file needs to be converted into a
DBM database file before being usable, the command line to
accomplish this is best placed as a comment at the top of
the mailertable. You always have to execute this command
each time you change your mailertable.Final hint: if you are uncertain whether some particular
mail routing would work, remember the
option to sendmail. It starts sendmail in address
test mode; simply enter 0 ,
followed by the address you wish to test for the mail routing.
The last line tells you the used internal mail agent, the
destination host this agent will be called with, and the
(possibly translated) address. Leave this mode by typing
Control-D.&prompt.user; sendmail -bt
ADDRESS TEST MODE (ruleset 3 NOT automatically invoked)
Enter <ruleset> <address>
>0 foo@interface-business.de
rewrite: ruleset 0 input: foo @ interface-business . de
rewrite: ruleset 0 returns: $# uucp-dom $@ if-bus $: foo \
< @ interface-business . de >
>^DHow do I set up mail with a dialup connection to the
'net?If you've got a statically assigned IP number, you should
not need to adjust anything from the default. Set your host
name up as your assigned internet name and sendmail will do
the rest.If you've got a dynamically assigned IP number and use a
dialup ppp connection to the
internet, you will probably be given a mailbox on your ISPs
mail server. Lets assume your ISPs domain is
myISP.com, and that your user name is
user. Lets also assume you've
called your machine bsd.home and that your
ISP has told you that you may use
relay.myISP.com as a mail relay.In order to retrieve mail from your mailbox, you'll need
to install a retrieval agent. Fetchmail is a good choice as it supports
many different protocols. Usually, POP3 will be provided by
your ISP. If you've chosen to use user-ppp, you can
automatically fetch your mail when a connection to the 'net is
established with the following entry in
!bg su user -c fetchmailIf you are using sendmail
(as shown below) to deliver mail to non-local accounts, put
the command !bg su user -c "sendmail -q"after the above shown entry. This forces sendmail to
process your mailqueue as soon as the connection to the 'net
is established.I'm assuming that you have an account for
user on
bsd.home. In the home directory of
user on
bsd.home, create a
.fetchmailrc file:poll myISP.com protocol pop3 fetchall pass MySecretNeedless to say, this file should not be readable by
anyone except user as it contains
the password MySecret.In order to send mail with the correct
from: header, you must tell
sendmail to use user@myISP.com rather than
user@bsd.home. You may also wish to tell
sendmail to send all mail via
relay.myISP.com, allowing quicker mail
transmission.The following .mc file should
suffice:VERSIONID(`bsd.home.mc version 1.0')
define(`SMART_HOST', `relay.myISP.com')
define(`confDELIVERY_MODE',`deferred')dnlRefer to the previous section for details of how to turn
this .mc file into a
sendmail.cf file. Also, don't forget to
restart sendmail after updating sendmail.cf.Eek! I forgot the root password!Don't Panic! Simply restart the system, type
boot -s at the Boot: prompt (just
-s for FreeBSD releases before 3.2) to
enter Single User mode. At the question about the shell to use,
hit ENTER. You'll be dropped to a &prompt.root; prompt. Enter
mount -u / to remount your root filesystem
read/write, then run mount -a to remount all
the filesystems. Run passwd root to change
the root password then run exit to continue
booting. How do I keep Control-Alt-Delete from rebooting the
system?If you are using syscons (the default console driver)
in FreeBSD 2.2.7-RELEASE or later,
build and install a new kernel with the lineoptions SC_DISABLE_REBOOTin the configuration file. If you use the PCVT console
driver in FreeBSD 2.2.5-RELEASE or later, use the following
kernel configuration line instead:options PCVT_CTRL_ALT_DELFor older versions of FreeBSD, edit the keymap you are
using for the console and replace the boot
keywords with nop. The default keymap is
/usr/share/syscons/keymaps/us.iso.kbd. You
may have to instruct /etc/rc.conf to load
this keymap explicitly for the change to take effect. Of course
if you are using an alternate keymap for your country, you
should edit that one instead.How do I reformat DOS text files to UNIX ones?Simply use this perl command:&prompt.user; perl -i.bak -npe 's/\r\n/\n/g' file ...file is the file(s) to process. The modification is done
in-place, with the original file stored with a .bak
extension.Alternatively you can use the tr
command:&prompt.user; tr -d '\r' < dos-text-file > unix-filedos-text-file is the file
containing DOS text while unix-file
will contain the converted output. This can be quite a bit
faster than using perl.How do I kill processes by name?Use
killall.Why is su bugging me about not being in root's ACL?The error comes from the Kerberos distributed
authentication system. The problem isn't fatal but annoying.
You can either run su with the -K option, or uninstall
Kerberos as described in the next question.How do I uninstall Kerberos?To remove Kerberos from the system, reinstall the bin
distribution for the release you are running. If you have
the CDROM, you can mount the cd (we'll assume on /cdrom)
and run&prompt.root; cd /cdrom/bin
&prompt.root; ./install.shAlternately, you can remove all "MAKE_KERBEROS"
options from /etc/make.conf and rebuild
world.How do I add pseudoterminals to the system?If you have lots of telnet, ssh, X, or screen users,
you'll probably run out of pseudoterminals. Here's how to
add more:Build and install a new kernel with the linepseudo-device pty 256in the configuration file.Run the commands&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; sh MAKEDEV pty{1,2,3,4,5,6,7}to make 256 device nodes for the new terminals.Edit /etc/ttys and add lines
for each of the 256 terminals. They should match the form
of the existing entries, i.e. they look likettyqc none networkThe order of the letter designations is
tty[pqrsPQRS][0-9a-v], using a
regular expression. Reboot the system with the new kernel and you're
ready to go.I can't create the snd0 device!There is no snd device. The name
is used as a shorthand for the various devices that make up the
FreeBSD sound driver, such as mixer,
sequencer, and
dsp.To create these devices you should&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; sh MAKEDEV snd0How do I re-read /etc/rc.conf and re-start /etc/rc without
a reboot?Go into single user mode and than back to multi user
mode.On the console do:&prompt.root; shutdown now
(Note: without -r or -h)
&prompt.root; return
&prompt.root; exitWhat is a sandbox?Sandbox is a security term. It can mean
two things:A process which is placed inside a set of virtual
walls that are designed to prevent someone who breaks
into the process from being able to break into the wider
system.The process is said to be able to
play inside the walls. That is,
nothing the process does in regards to executing code is
supposed to be able to breech the walls so you do not
have to do a detailed audit of its code to be able to
say certain things about its security.The walls might be a userid, for example. This is
the definition used in the security and named man
pages.Take the ntalk service, for
example (see /etc/inetd.conf). This service used to run
as userid root. Now it runs as userid tty. The tty user
is a sandbox designed to make it more difficult for
someone who has successfully hacked into the system via
ntalk from being able to hack beyond that user id.A process which is placed inside a simulation of the
machine. This is more hard-core. Basically it means that
someone who is able to break into the process may believe
that he can break into the wider machine but is, in fact,
only breaking into a simulation of that machine and not
modifying any real data.The most common way to accomplish this is to build a
simulated environment in a subdirectory and then run the
processes in that directory chroot'd (i.e.
/ for that process is this
directory, not the real / of the
system).Another common use is to mount an underlying
filesystem read-only and then create a filesystem layer
on top of it that gives a process a seemingly writeable
view into that filesystem. The process may believe it is
able to write to those files, but only the process sees
the effects - other processes in the system do not,
necessarily.An attempt is made to make this sort of sandbox so
transparent that the user (or hacker) does not realize
that he is sitting in it.UNIX implements two core sanboxes. One is at the
process level, and one is at the userid level.Every UNIX process is completely firewalled off from every
other UNIX process. One process can not modify the address
space of another. This is unlike Windows where a process
can easily overwrite the address space of any other, leading
to a crash.A UNIX process is owned by a patricular userid. If the
userid is not the root user, it serves to firewall the process
off from processes owned by other users. The userid is also
used to firewall off on-disk data.How do I let ordinary users mount floppies, CDROMs and other removable
media?Ordinary users can be permitted to mount devices. Here is
how:As root set the sysctl variable
vfs.usermount to
1.&prompt.root; sysctl -w vfs.usermount=1As root assign the appropriate
permissions to the block device associated with the
removable media.For example, to allow users to mount the first floppy
drive, use:&prompt.root; chmod 666 /dev/fd0To allow users in the group
operator to mount the cdrom drive,
use:&prompt.root; chgrp operator /dev/cd0c
&prompt.root; chmod 640 /dev/cd0cFinally, add the line
vfs.usermount=1 to the file
/etc/sysctl.conf so that it is reset
at system boot time.All users can now mount the floppy
/dev/fd0 onto a directory that they
own:&prompt.user; mkdir ~/my-mount-point
&prompt.user; mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 ~/my-mount-pointUsers in group operator can now
mount the cdrom /dev/cd0c onto a
directory that they own:&prompt.user; mkdir ~/my-mount-point
&prompt.user; mount -t msdos /dev/cd0c ~/my-mount-pointUnmounting the device is simple:&prompt.user; umount ~/my-mount-pointEnabling vfs.usermount, however, has
negative security implications. A better way to access MSDOS
formatted media is to use the mtools package in the ports collection.How do I move my system over to my huge new disk?The best way is to reinstall the OS on the new
disk, then move the user data over. This is highly
recommended if you've been tracking -stable for more
than one release, or have updated a release instead of
installing a new one. You can install booteasy on both
disks with &man.boot0cfg.8;, and dual boot them until
you are happy with the new configuration. Skip the
next paragraph to find out how to move the data after
doing this.Should you decide not to do a fresh install, you
need to partition and label the new disk with either
/stand/sysinstall, or &man.fdisk.8;
and &man.disklabel.8;. You should also install booteasy
on both disks with &man.boot0cfg.8;, so that you can
dual boot to the old or new system after the copying
is done. See the
formatting-media tutorial for details on this
process.Now you've got the new disk set up, and are ready
to move the data. Unfortunately, you can't just blindly
copy the data. Things like device files (in
/dev) and symbolic links tend to
screw that up. You need to use tools that understand
these things, which means &man.dump.8; and &man.tar.1;.
I recommend doing the data moves in single user mode,
but it's not required.You should never use anything but &man.dump.8; and
&man.restore.8; to move the root file system. The
&man.tar.1; command may work - then again, it may not.
You should also use &man.dump.8; and &man.restore.8;
if you are moving a single partition to another empty
partition. The sequence of steps to use dump to move
a partitions data to a new partition is:newfs the new partition.mount it on a temporary mount point.cd to that directory.dump the old partition, piping output to the
new one.For example, if you are going to move root to
/dev/ad1s1a, with
/mnt as the temporary mount point,
it's:&prompt.root; newfs /dev/ad1s1a
&prompt.root; mount /dev/ad1s1a
&prompt.root; cd /mnt
&prompt.root; dump 0uaf - / | restore xf -If you are going to rearrange your partitions -
say, splitting one into two, or combing two into one,
you may find yourself needing to move everything under
a subdirectory to a new location. Since &man.dump.8;
works with file systems, it can't do this. So you use
&man.tar.1;. The general command to move
/old to /new
for &man.tar.1; is:&prompt.root; (cd /old; tar cf - .) | (cd /new; tar xpf -)If /old has file systems
mounted on that, and you
don't want to move that data or unmount them, you just
add the 'l' flag to the first &man.tar.1;:&prompt.root; (cd /old; tar clf - .) | (cd /new; tar xpf -).You might prefer cpio(1), pax(1) or cpdup
(in ports/sysutils/cpdup) to tar.I tried to update by system to the latest -STABLE, but
got -RC or -BETA! What's going on?Short answer: it's just a name. RC stands for
Release Candidate. It signifies that a
release is imminent. In FreeBSD, -BETA is synonymous with
-RC.Long answer: FreeBSD derives its releases from one of
two places. Major, dot-zero, releases, such as
3.0-RELEASE and 4.0-RELEASE, are branched from the head of
the development stream, commonly referred to as -CURRENT. Minor releases, such
as 3.1-RELEASE or 4.2-RELEASE, are snapshots of the active
-STABLE branch.When a release is about to be made, the branch from
which it will be derived from has to undergo a certain
process. Part of this process is a code freeze. When a
code freeze is initiated, the name of the branch is
changed to reflect that it's about to become a release.
For example, if the branch used to be called 4.0-STABLE,
its name will be changed to 4.1-RC to signify that a
release is about to be made from it. Once the release,
4.1-RELEASE in this example, has been made, the branch
will be renamed to 4.1-STABLE.I tried to install a new kernel, and the chflags failed.
How do I get around this?Short answer: You're probably at security level
greater than 0. Reboot directly to single user mode to
install the kernel.Long answer: FreeBSD disallows changing system flags
at security levels greater than 0. You can check your
security level with the command:&prompt.root; sysctl kern.securelevelYou cannot lower the security level; you have to boot
to single mode to install the kernel, or change the
security in /etc/rc.conf then reboot. See
the &man.init.8; man page for details on securelevel, and
see /etc/defaults/rc.conf and the
&man.rc.conf.5; man page for more information on rc.conf.I can't change the time on my system by more than one second!
How do I get around this?Short answer: You're probably at security level
greater than 1. Reboot directly to single user mode to
change the date.Long answer: FreeBSD disallows changing the time by
more that one second at security levels greater than 1. You
can check your security level with the command:&prompt.root; sysctl kern.securelevelYou cannot lower the security level; you have to boot
to single mode to change the date, or change the security
level in /etc/rc.conf then reboot. See
the &man.init.8; man page for details on securelevel, and
see /etc/defaults/rc.conf and the
&man.rc.conf.5; man page for more information on rc.conf.The X Window System and Virtual ConsolesI want to run X, how do I go about it?The easiest way is to simply specify that you want to
run X during the installation process.Then read and follow the documentation on the
xf86config tool, which assists you in configuring
XFree86(tm) for your particular graphics card/mouse/etc.You may also wish to investigate the Xaccel server.
See the section on Xi Graphics or
Metro Link for more details.Why doesn't my mouse work with X?If you are using syscons (the default console driver),
you can configure FreeBSD to support a mouse pointer on each
virtual screen. In order to avoid conflicting with X, syscons
supports a virtual device called
/dev/sysmouse. All mouse events received
from the real mouse device are written to the sysmouse device
via moused. If you wish to use your mouse on one or more
virtual consoles, and use X, see
and set up
moused.Then edit /etc/XF86Config and make
sure you have the following lines.
Section Pointer
Protocol "SysMouse"
Device "/dev/sysmouse"
.....The above example is for XFree86 3.3.2 or later. For
earlier versions, the Protocol should be
MouseSystems.Some people prefer to use /dev/mouse
under X. To make this work, /dev/mouse
should be linked to
/dev/sysmouse:&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; rm -f mouse
&prompt.root; ln -s sysmouse mouseMy mouse has a fancy wheel. Can I use it in X?Yes. But you need to customize X client programs. See
Colas Nahaboo's web page
.If you want to use the imwheel
program, just follow these simple steps.Translate the Wheel EventsThe imwheel program
works by translating mouse button 4 and mouse button 5
events into key events. Thus, you have to get the
mouse driver to translate mouse wheel events to button
4 and 5 events. There are two ways of doing this, the
first way is to have &man.moused.8; do the
translation. The second way is for the X server
itself to do the event translation.Using &man.moused.8; to Translate Wheel
EventsTo have &man.moused.8; perform the event
translations, simply add to
the command line used to start &man.moused.8;.
For example, if you normally start &man.moused.8;
via moused -p /dev/psm0 you
would start it by entering moused -p
/dev/psm0 -z 4 instead. If you start
&man.moused.8; automatically during bootup via
/etc/rc.conf, you can simply
add to the
moused_flags variable in
/etc/rc.conf.You now need to tell X that you have a 5
button mouse. To do this, simply add the line
Buttons 5 to the
Pointer section of
/etc/XF86Config. For
example, you might have the following
Pointer section in
/etc/XF86Config.Pointer Section for Wheeled
Mouse in XF86Config with moused TranslationSection "Pointer"
Protocol "SysMouse"
Device "/dev/sysmouse"
Buttons 5
Using Your X Server to Translate the Wheel
EventsIf you aren't running &man.moused.8;, or if
you don't want &man.moused.8; to translate your
wheel events, you can have the X server do the
event translation instead. This requires a couple
of modifications to your
/etc/XF86Config file. First,
you need to choose the proper protocol for your
mouse. Most wheeled mice use the
IntelliMouse protocol. However,
XFree86 does support other protocols, such as
MouseManPlusPS/2 for the Logitech
MouseMan+ mice. Once you have chosen the protocol
you will use, you need to add a
Protocol line to the
Pointer section.Secondly, you need to tell the X server to
remap wheel scroll events to mouse buttons 4 and
5. This is done with the
ZAxisMapping option.For example, if you aren't using
&man.moused.8;, and you have an IntelliMouse
attached to the PS/2 mouse port you would use
the following in
/etc/XF86Config.Pointer Section for Wheeled
Mouse in XF86Config with X
Server TranslationSection "Pointer"
Protocol "IntelliMouse"
Device "/dev/psm0"
ZAxisMapping 4 5
Install imwheelNext, install imwheel
from the Ports collection. It can be found in the
x11 category. This program will
map the wheel events from your mouse into keyboard
events. For example, it might send Page
Up to a program when you scroll the wheel
forwards. Imwheel uses a
configuration file to map the wheel events to
keypresses so that it can send different keys to
different applications. The default
imwheel configuration file
is installed in
/usr/X11R6/etc/imwheelrc. You
can copy it to ~/.imwheelrc and
then edit it if you wish to customize
imwheel's configuration.
The format of the configuration file is documented in
&man.imwheel.1;.Configure Emacs to Work
with Imwheel
(optional)If you use emacs or
Xemacs, then you need to
add a small section to your
~/.emacs file. For
emacs, add the
following:Emacs Configuration
for Imwheel;;; For imwheel
(setq imwheel-scroll-interval 3)
(defun imwheel-scroll-down-some-lines ()
(scroll-down imwheel-scroll-interval))
(defun imwheel-scroll-up-some-lines ()
(scroll-up imwheel-scroll-interval))
(global-set-key [?\M-\C-\)] 'imwheel-scroll-up-some-lines)
(global-set-key [?\M-\C-\(] 'imwheel-scroll-down-some-lines)
;;; end imwheel section
For Xemacs, add the
following to your ~/.emacs file
instead:Xemacs Configuration
for Imwheel;;; For imwheel
(setq imwheel-scroll-interval 3)
(defun imwheel-scroll-down-some-lines ()
(scroll-down imwheel-scroll-interval))
(defun imwheel-scroll-up-some-lines ()
(scroll-up imwheel-scroll-interval))
(define-key global-map [(control meta \))] 'imwheel-scroll-up-some-lines)
(define-key global-map [(control meta \()] 'imwheel-scroll-down-some-lines)
;;; end imwheel section
Run ImwheelYou can just type imwheel
in an xterm to start it up once it is installed. It
will background itself and take effect immediately.
If you want to always use
imwheel, simply add it to
your .xinitrc or
.xsession file. You can safely
ignore any warnings imwheel
displays about PID files. Those warnings only apply
to the Linux version of
imwheel.X Window menus and dialog boxes don't work right!Try turning off the Num Lock key.If your Num Lock key is on by default at boot-time, you
may add the following line in the Keyboard
section of the XF86Config file.# Let the server do the NumLock processing. This should only be
# required when using pre-R6 clients
ServerNumLockWhat is a virtual console and how do I make more?Virtual consoles, put simply, enable you to have several
simultaneous sessions on the same machine without doing anything
complicated like setting up a network or running X.When the system starts, it will display a login prompt on
the monitor after displaying all the boot messages. You can
then type in your login name and password and start working (or
playing!) on the first virtual console.At some point, you will probably wish to start another
session, perhaps to look at documentation for a program
you are running or to read your mail while waiting for an
FTP transfer to finish. Just do Alt-F2 (hold down the Alt
key and press the F2 key), and you will find a login prompt
waiting for you on the second virtual console!
When you want to go back to the original session, do
Alt-F1.The default FreeBSD installation has three virtual consoles
enabled (8 starting with 3.3-RELEASE), and Alt-F1, Alt-F2, and
Alt-F3 will switch between these virtual consoles.To enable more of them, edit /etc/ttys
and add entries for ttyv4
to ttyvc after the comment on
Virtual terminals:# Edit the existing entry for ttyv3 in /etc/ttys and change
# "off" to "on".
ttyv3 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secure
ttyv4 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secure
ttyv5 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secure
ttyv6 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secure
ttyv7 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secure
ttyv8 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secure
ttyv9 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secure
ttyva "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secure
ttyvb "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secureUse as many or as few as you want. The more virtual
terminals you have, the more resources that are used; this
can be important if you have 8MB RAM or less. You may also
want to change the secure
to insecure.If you want to run an X server you
must leave at least one virtual
terminal unused (or turned off) for it to use. That is to
say that if you want to have a login prompt pop up for all
twelve of your Alt-function keys, you're out of luck - you
can only do this for eleven of them if you also want to run
an X server on the same machine.The easiest way to disable a console is by turning it off.
For example, if you had the full 12 terminal allocation
mentioned above and you wanted to run X, you would change
settings for virtual terminal 12 from:ttyvb "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secureto:ttyvb "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 off secureIf your keyboard has only ten function keys, you would
end up with:ttyv9 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 off secure
ttyva "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 off secure
ttyvb "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 off secure(You could also just delete these lines.)Once you have edited
/etc/ttys, the next step is to make sure that you
have enough virtualterminal devices. The easiest way to do
this is:&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; sh MAKEDEV vty12Next, the easiest (and cleanest) way to activate the
virtual consoles is to reboot. However, if you really don't
want to reboot, you can just shut down the X Window system
and execute (as root):&prompt.root; kill -HUP 1It's imperative that you completely shut down X Window if
it is running, before running this command. If you don't,
your system will probably appear to hang/lock up after
executing the kill command.How do I access the virtual consoles from X?Use CtrlAltFn to switch back to a virtual console.
CtrlAltF1 would return you to the first virtual console.Once you are back to a text console, you can then use
AltFn as normal to move between them.To return to the X session, you must switch to the virtual
console running X. If you invoked X from the command line, (e.g.,
using startx) then the X session will attach to
the next unused virtual console, not the text console from which
it was invoked. If you have eight active virtual terminals then X
will be running on the ninth, and you would use
AltF9 to return.How do I start XDM on boot?There are two schools of thought on how to start
xdm. One school starts xdm from /etc/ttys
using the supplied example, while the other simply runs xdm
from rc.local
or from a X.sh script in
/usr/local/etc/rc.d. Both are equally
valid, and one may work in situations where the other doesn't.
In both cases the result is the same: X will popup a graphical
login: prompt. The ttys method has the advantage of documenting which
vty X will start on and passing the responsibility of
restarting the X server on logout to init. The rc.local
method makes it easy to kill xdm if there is a problem
starting the X server. If loaded from rc.local, xdm should
be started without any arguments (i.e., as a daemon). xdm must
start AFTER getty runs, or else getty and xdm will conflict,
locking out the console. The best way around this is to have
the script sleep 10 seconds or so then launch xdm.If you are to start xdm from
/etc/ttys, there still is a chance of
conflict between xdm and
getty. One way to avoid this is to add the
vt number in the
file.:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X vt4The above example will direct the X server to run in
/dev/ttyv3. Note the number is offset by
one. The X server counts the vty from one, whereas the FreeBSD
kernel numbers the vty from zero.When I run xconsole, I get
Couldn't open console.If you start X
startx, the permissions on
/dev/console will
not get changed, resulting in
things like
xterm -C and
xconsolenot working.This is because of the way console permissions are set
by default. On a multi-user system, one doesn't necessarily
want just any user to be able to write on the system console.
For users who are logging directly onto a machine with a VTY,
the fbtab
file exists to solve such problems.In a nutshell, make sure an uncommented line of the
form/dev/ttyv0 0600 /dev/consoleis in
/etc/fbtab and it will ensure that whomever logs in on
/dev/ttyv0 will own the console.
+ I used to run XFree86 as a regular user, but now when
+ I start it it says I must be root!
+ All X servers need to be run as root in order to get direct
+ access to your video hardware. Older versions of XFree86
+ (<= 3.3.6) installed all bundled servers to be automatically
+ run as root (setuid to root). This is obviously a security
+ hazard because X servers are large, complicated programs.
+ Newer versions of XFree86 do not install the servers setuid to
+ root for just this reason.
+ Obviously, running an X server as the root user is not
+ acceptable, nor a good idea security-wise. There are two ways
+ to be able to use X as a regular user. The first is to use
+ xdm or another display manager
+ (e.g., kdm); the second is to use the
+ Xwrapper.
+ xdm is a daemon that handles graphical
+ logins. It is usually started at boot time, and is responsible
+ for authenticating users and starting their sessions; it is
+ essentially the graphical counterpart of
+ getty and login. For
+ more information on xdm see
+ the XFree86
+ documentation, and the the FAQ
+ entry on it.
+ Xwrapper is the X server wrapper; it is
+ a small utility to enable one to manually run an X server while
+ maintaining reasonable safety. It performs some sanity checks
+ on the command line arguments given, and if they pass, runs the
+ appropriate X server. If you do not want to run a display
+ manger for whatever reason, this is for you. If you have
+ installed the complete ports collection, you can find the port in
+ /usr/ports/x11/wrapper.
My PS/2 mouse doesn't behave properly under X.Your mouse and the mouse driver may have somewhat become
out of synchronization.In versions 2.2.5 and earlier, switching away from X to a
virtual terminal and getting back to X again may make them
re-synchronized. If the problem occurs often, you may add the
following option in your kernel configuration file and
recompile it.options PSM_CHECKSYNCSee the section on building
a kernel if you've no experience with building
kernels.With this option, there should be less chance of
synchronization problem between the mouse and the driver.
If, however, you still see the problem, click any mouse
button while holding the mouse still to re-synchronize the
mouse and the driver.Note that unfortunately this option may not work with all
the systems and voids the tap feature of the
ALPS GlidePoint device attached to the PS/2 mouse port.In versions 2.2.6 and later, synchronization check is done
in a slightly better way and is standard in the PS/2 mouse
driver. It should even work with GlidePoint. (As the check code
has become a standard feature, PSM_CHECKSYNC option is not
available in these versions.) However, in rare case the driver
may erroneously report synchronization problem and you may see
the kernel message:psmintr: out of sync (xxxx != yyyy)and find your mouse doesn't seem to work properly.If this happens, disable the synchronization check code
by setting the driver flags for the PS/2 mouse driver to 0x100.
Enter UserConfig by giving the
option at the boot prompt:boot: -cThen, in the UserConfig command
line, type:UserConfig> flags psm0 0x100
UserConfig> quitMy PS/2 mouse from MouseSystems doesn't seem to
work.There have been some reports that certain model of PS/2
mouse from MouseSystems works only if it is put into the
high resolution mode. Otherwise, the mouse
cursor may jump to the upper-left corner of the screen every
so often.Unfortunately there is no workaround for versions 2.0.X
and 2.1.X. In versions 2.2 through 2.2.5, apply the following
patch to /sys/i386/isa/psm.c and rebuild
the kernel. See the section on building a kernel if you've no
experience with building kernels.@@ -766,6 +766,8 @@
if (verbose >= 2)
log(LOG_DEBUG, "psm%d: SET_DEFAULTS return code:%04x\n",
unit, i);
+ set_mouse_resolution(sc->kbdc, PSMD_RES_HIGH);
#if 0
set_mouse_scaling(sc->kbdc); /* 1:1 scaling */
set_mouse_mode(sc->kbdc); /* stream mode */In versions 2.2.6 or later, specify the flags 0x04 to
the PS/2 mouse driver to put the mouse into the high
resolution mode. Enter UserConfig by
giving the option at the boot prompt:boot: -cThen, in the UserConfig command line,
type:UserConfig> flags psm0 0x04
UserConfig> quitSee the previous section for another possible cause of mouse
problems.When building an X app, imake can't
find Imake.tmpl. Where is it?Imake.tmpl is part of the Imake package, a standard X
application building tool. Imake.tmpl, as well as several
header files that are required to build X apps, is contained
in the X prog distribution. You can install this from sysinstall
or manually from the X distribution files. How do I reverse the mouse buttons?Run the command
xmodmap -e "pointer = 3 2 1" from your
.xinitrc or .xsession.How do I install a splash screen and where do I find
them?Just prior to the release of FreeBSD 3.1, a new feature
was added to allow the display of splash screens
during the boot messages. The splash screens currently must be
a 256 color bitmap (*.BMP) or ZSoft PCX
(*.PCX) file. In addition, they must have
a resolution of 320x200 or less to work on standard VGA
adapters. If you compile VESA support into your kernel, then
you can use larger bitmaps up to 1024x768. Note that VESA
support requires the VM86 kernel option to
be compiled into the kernel. The actual VESA support can either
be compiled directly into the kernel with the
VESA kernel config option or by loading the
VESA kld module during bootup.To use a splash screen, you need to modify the startup
files that control the boot process for FreeBSD. The files for
this changed prior to the release of FreeBSD 3.2, so there are
now two ways of loading a splash screen:FreeBSD 3.1The first step is to find a bitmap version of your
splash screen. Release 3.1 only supports Windows bitmap
splash screens. Once you've found your splash screen of
choice copy it to /boot/splash.bmp.
Next, you need to have a
/boot/loader.rc file that contains
the following lines:load kernel
load -t splash_image_data /boot/splash.bmp
load splash_bmp
autobootFreeBSD 3.2+In addition to adding support for PCX splash screens,
FreeBSD 3.2 includes a nicer way of configuring the boot
process. If you wish, you can use the method listed above
for FreeBSD 3.1. If you do and you want to use PCX,
replace splash_bmp with
splash_pcx. If, on the other hand, you
want to use the newer boot configuration, you need to
create a /boot/loader.rc file that
contains the following lines:include /boot/loader.4th
startand a /boot/loader.conf that
contains the following:splash_bmp_load="YES"
bitmap_load="YES"This assumes you are using
/boot/splash.bmp for your splash
screen. If you'd rather use a PCX file, copy it to
/boot/splash.pcx, create a
/boot/loader.rc as instructed
above, and create a
/boot/loader.conf that
bitmap_name="/boot/splash.pcx"Now all you need is a splash screen. For that you can
surf on over to the gallery at http://www.baldwin.cx/splash/.Can I use the Windows(tm) keys on my keyboard in X?Yes. All you need to do is use &man.xmodmap.1; to define
what function you wish them to perform.Assuming all Windows(tm) keyboards are
standard then the keycodes for the 3 keys are115 - Windows(tm) key, between the left-hand Ctrl and
Alt keys116 - Windows(tm) key, to the right of the Alt-Gr
key117 - Menu key, to the left of the right-hand Ctrl
keyTo have the left Windows(tm) key print a comma, try
this.&prompt.root; xmodmap -e "keycode 115 = comma"You will probably have to re-start your window manager
to see the result.To have the Windows(tm) key-mappings enabled automatically
everytime you start X either put the xmodmap
commands in your ~/.xinitrc file or,
preferably, create a file ~/.xmodmaprc and
include the xmodmap options, one per line,
then add the linexmodmap $HOME/.xmodmaprcto your ~/.xinitrc.For example, I have mapped the 3 keys to be F13, F14, and
F15 respectively. This makes it easy to map them to useful
functions within applications or your window manager.To do this put the following in
~/.xmodmaprc.keycode 115 = F13
keycode 116 = F14
keycode 117 = F15I use fvwm2 and have mapped the keys
so that F13 iconifies (or de-iconifies) the window the cursor
is in, F14 brings the window the cursor is in to the front or,
if it is already at the front, pushes it to the back, and F15
pops up the main Workplace (application) menu even if the
cursor is not on the desktop, which is useful if you don't have
any part of the desktop visible (and the logo on the key
matches its functionality).The entries in my ~/.fvwmrc which map
the keys this way are:Key F13 FTIWS A Iconify
Key F14 FTIWS A RaiseLower
Key F15 A A Menu Workplace NopNetworkingWhere can I get information on
diskless booting?Diskless booting means that the FreeBSD
box is booted over a network, and reads the necessary files
from a server instead of its hard disk. For full details,
please read the
Handbook entry on diskless bootingCan a FreeBSD box be used as a dedicated network
router?Internet standards and good engineering practice prohibit
us from providing packet forwarding by default in FreeBSD. You
can however enable this feature by changing the following
variable to YES in
rc.conf:gateway_enable=YES # Set to YES if this host will be a gatewayThis option will put the
sysctl variable
to 1.In most cases, you will also need to run a routing process
to tell other systems on your network about your router;
FreeBSD comes with the standard BSD routing daemon routed,
or for more complex situations you may want to try
GaTeD (available from http://www.gated.org/ )
which supports FreeBSD as of 3_5Alpha7.It is our duty to warn you that, even when FreeBSD is
configured in this way, it does not completely comply with
the Internet standard requirements for routers; however,
it comes close enough for ordinary usage.Can I connect my Win95 box to the Internet via
FreeBSD?Typically, people who ask this question have two PC's
at home, one with FreeBSD and one with Win95; the idea is to
use the FreeBSD box to connect to the Internet and then be able
to access the Internet from the Windows95 box through the
FreeBSD box. This is really just a special case of the previous
question. ... and the answer is yes! In FreeBSD
3.x, user-mode ppp contains a option. If
you run ppp with the ,
set gateway_enable to
YES in /etc/rc.conf,
and configure your Windows machine correctly, this should work
fine.More detailed information about setting this up can be
found in the
Pedantic PPP Primer by Steve Sims.If you are using kernel-mode ppp, or have an Ethernet
connection to the Internet, you will have to use
natd. Please look at the
natd section of this FAQ.Why does recompiling the latest BIND from ISC fail?There is a conflict between the
cdefs.h file in the distribution and the
one shipped with FreeBSD. Just remove
compat/include/sys/cdefs.h.Does FreeBSD support SLIP and PPP?Yes. See the man pages for
sliplogin, pppd and
pppd and ppp provide
support for both incoming and outgoing connections.
Sliplogin deals exclusively with incoming connections
slattach deals exclusively with outgoing
connections.These programs are described in the following sections of
the handbook:Handbook entry
on SLIP (server side)Handbook entry
on SLIP (client side)Handbook entry on
PPP (kernel version)
Handbook entry on PPP (user-mode version)If you only have access to the Internet through a
shell account, you may want to have a look at
slirp package. It can provide you with (limited)
access to services such as ftp and http direct from your local
machine.Does FreeBSD support NAT or MasqueradingIf you have a local subnet (one or more local machines),
but have been allocated only a single IP number from your
Internet provider (or even if you receive a dynamic IP number),
you may want to look at the natd
program. natd allows you to connect an
entire subnet to the internet using only a single IP
ppp program has similar functionality built in via
the switch. The
alias library is used in both cases.I can't create a /dev/ed0
device!In the Berkeley networking framework, network interfaces
are only directly accessible by kernel code. Please see the
/etc/rc.network file and the manual pages
for the various network programs mentioned there for more
information. If this leaves you totally confused, then you
should pick up a book describing network administration on
another BSD-related operating system; with few significant
exceptions, administering networking on FreeBSD is basically
the same as on SunOS 4.0 or Ultrix.How can I setup Ethernet aliases?Add netmask 0xffffffff to your
ifconfig command-line like the following:&prompt.root; ifconfig ed0 alias netmask 0xffffffffHow do I get my 3C503 to use the other network
port?If you want to use the other ports, you'll have to specify
an additional parameter on the
ifconfig command line. The default port is
link0. To use the AUI port instead of the
BNC one, use link2. These flags should be
specified using the ifconfig_* variables in
/etc/rc.conf.I'm having problems with NFS to/from FreeBSD.Certain PC network cards are better than others (to put
it mildly) and can sometimes cause problems with network
intensive applications like NFS.See
the Handbook entry on NFS for more information on
this topic.Why can't I NFS-mount from a Linux box?Some versions of the Linux NFS code only accept mount
requests from a privileged port; try&prompt.root; mount -o -P linuxbox:/blah /mntWhy can't I NFS-mount from a Sun box?Sun workstations running SunOS 4.X only accept mount
requests from a privileged port; try&prompt.root; mount -o -P sunbox:/blah /mntWhy does mountd keep telling me it
can't change attributes and that I have a
bad exports list on my FreeBSD NFS
server?The most frequent problem is not understanding this
passage from the &man.exports.5 manual page
Each line in the file (other than comment
lines that begin with a #) specifies the mount point(s)
and export flags within one local server filesystem for
one or more hosts. A host may be specified only once
for each local filesystem on the server and there may be
only one default entry for each server filesystem that
applies to all other hosts.
This is made more clear by an example of a common
mistake. If everything above /usr is
part of one filesystem (there are no mounts above
/usr) the following exports list is
not valid:/usr/src client
/usr/ports clientThere are two lines specifying properties for one
filesystem, /usr, exported to the
same host, client. The correct format
is:/usr/src /usr/ports clientTo rephrase the passage from the manual page, the
properties of one filesystem exported to a given host
(world-wide exports are treated like another unique host)
must all occur on one line. And yes, this does cause
limitiation in how you can export filesystems without ugly
workarounds, but for most people, this is not an
issue.The following is an example of a valid export list,
where /usr and
/exports are local
filesystems:# Export src and ports to client01 and client02, but only
# client01 has root privileges on it
/usr/src /usr/ports -maproot=0 client01
/usr/src /usr/ports client02
# The "client" machines have root and can mount anywhere
# up /exports. The world can mount /exports/obj read-only
/exports -alldirs -maproot=0 client01 client02
/exports/obj -roI'm having problems talking PPP to NeXTStep
machines.Try disabling the TCP extensions in
/etc/rc.conf by changing the following variable to
NO:tcp_extensions=NOXylogic's Annex boxes are also broken in this regard and
you must use the above change to connect thru them.How do I enable IP multicast support?Multicast host operations are fully supported in FreeBSD
2.0 and later by default. If you want your box to run as a
multicast router, you will need to recompile your kernel with
the MROUTING option and run
mrouted. FreeBSD 2.2 and later will start
mrouted at boot time if the flag
mrouted_enable is set to
"YES" in
/etc/rc.conf.MBONE tools are available in their own ports category,
mbone. If you are looking for the conference tools
vic and vat,
look there!For more information, see the
Mbone Information Web.Which network cards are based on the DEC PCI
chipset?Here is a list compiled by Glen Foster,
with some more modern additions:Vendor Model
Accton ENI1203
Cogent EM960PCI
Compex ENET32-PCI
D-Link DE-530
Dayna DP1203, DP2100
DEC DE435, DE450
Danpex EN-9400P3
JCIS Condor JC1260
Linksys EtherPCI
Mylex LNP101
SMC EtherPower 10/100 (Model 9332)
SMC EtherPower (Model 8432)
TopWare TE-3500P
Znyx (2.2.x) ZX312, ZX314, ZX342, ZX345, ZX346, ZX348
(3.x) ZX345Q, ZX346Q, ZX348Q, ZX412Q, ZX414, ZX442,
ZX444, ZX474, ZX478, ZX212, ZX214 (10mbps/hd)
Why do I have to use the FQDN for hosts on my
site?You will probably find that the host is actually in a
different domain; for example, if you are in foo.bar.edu and
you wish to reach a host called mumble in the
bar.edu domain, you will
have to refer to it by the fully-qualified domain name, mumble.bar.edu, instead of just
mumble.Traditionally, this was allowed by BSD BIND resolvers.
However the current version of bind
that ships with FreeBSD no longer provides default
abbreviations for non-fully qualified domain names other than
the domain you are in. So an unqualified host
mumble must either be found as mumble.foo.bar.edu, or it will be searched
for in the root domain.This is different from the previous behavior, where the
search continued across
mumble.bar.edu, and
mumble.edu. Have a look at
RFC 1535 for why this was considered bad practice, or even a
security hole.As a good workaround, you can place the linesearch foo.bar.edu bar.eduinstead of the previousdomain foo.bar.eduinto your
/etc/resolv.conf file. However, make sure that the
search order does not go beyond the boundary between
local and public administration, as RFC 1535 calls
it.Permission denied for all networking
operations.If you have compiled your kernel with the
IPFIREWALL option, you need to be aware
that the default policy as of 2.1.7R (this actually changed
during 2.1-STABLE development) is to deny all packets that are
not explicitly allowed.If you had unintentionally misconfigured your system for
firewalling, you can restore network operability by typing
the following while logged in as root:&prompt.root; ipfw add 65534 allow all from any to anyYou can also set firewall_type="open"
in /etc/rc.conf.For further information on configuring a FreeBSD firewall,
see the
Handbook section.How much overhead does IPFW incur?The answer to this depends mostly on your rule set and
processor speed. For most applications dealing with ethernet
and small rule sets, the answer is, negligible. For those of
you that need actual measurements to satisfy your curiosity,
read on.The following measurements were made using 2.2.5-STABLE
on a 486-66. IPFW was modified to measure the time spent
within the ip_fw_chk routine, displaying
the results to the console every 1000 packets.Two rule sets, each with 1000 rules were tested. The
first set was designed to demonstrate a worst case scenario
by repeating the rule:&prompt.root; ipfw add deny tcp from any to any 55555This demonstrates worst case by causing most of IPFW's
packet check routine to be executed before finally deciding
that the packet does not match the rule (by virtue of the port
number). Following the 999th iteration of this rule was an
allow ip from any to any.The second set of rules were designed to abort the rule
check quickly:&prompt.root; ipfw add deny ip from to nonmatching source IP address for the above rule causes
these rules to be skipped very quickly. As before, the 1000th
rule was an allow ip from any to any.The per-packet processing overhead in the former case was
approximately 2.703ms/packet, or roughly 2.7 microseconds per
rule. Thus the theoretical packet processing limit with these
rules is around 370 packets per second. Assuming 10Mbps
ethernet and a ~1500 byte packet size, we would only be able to
achieve a 55.5% bandwidth utilization.For the latter case each packet was processed in
approximately 1.172ms, or roughly 1.2 microseconds per rule.
The theoretical packet processing limit here would be about
853 packets per second, which could consume 10Mbps ethernet
bandwidth.The excessive number of rules tested and the nature of
those rules do not provide a real-world scenario -- they were
used only to generate the timing information presented here.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when building an
efficient rule set:Place an established rule early
on to handle the majority of TCP traffic. Don't put any
allow tcp statements before this
rule.Place heavily triggered rules earlier in the rule
set than those rarely used (without
changing the permissiveness of the firewall,
of course). You can see which rules are used most often
by examining the packet counting statistics with
ipfw -a l.How can I redirect service requests from one machine to
another?You can redirect FTP (and other service) request with
the socket package, available in the ports
tree in category sysutils. Simply replace the
service's commandline to call socket instead, like so:ftp stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/local/bin/socket socket ftp.foo.comftpwhere ftp.foo.com and
ftp are the host and port to
redirect to, respectively.Where can I get a bandwidth management tool?There are two bandwidth management tools available for
ALTQ is available for free; Bandwidth Manager from
Emerging Technologies
is a commercial product. Why do I get /dev/bpf0: device not
configured?The Berkeley Packet Filter (bpf)
driver needs to be enabled before running programs that
utilize it. Add this to your kernel config file and build
a new kernel:pseudo-device bpfilter # Berkeley Packet FilterSecondly, after rebooting you will have to create the
device node. This can be accomplished by a change to the
/dev directory, followed by the execution
of:&prompt.root; sh MAKEDEV bpf0Please see the
handbook's entry on device nodes for more information
on creating devices.How do I mount a disk from a Windows machine that's on my
network, like smbmount in Linux?Use the
sharity light package in the ports collection.What are these messages about icmp-response
bandwidth limit 300/200 pps in my log
files?This is the kernel telling you that some activity is
provoking it to send more ICMP or TCP reset (RST)
responses than it thinks it should. ICMP responses are
often generated as a result of attempted connections to
unused UDP ports. TCP resets are generated as a result of
attempted connections to unopened TCP ports. Among
others, these are the kinds of activities which may cause
these messages:Brute-force denial of service (DoS) attacks (as
opposed to single-packet attacks which exploit a
specific vulnerability).Port scans which attempt to connect to a large
number of ports (as opposed to only trying a few
well-known ports).The first number in the message tells you how many
packets the kernel would have sent if the limit wasn't in
place, and the second number tells you the limit. You can
control the limit using the
net.inet.icmp.icmplim sysctl variable
like this, where 300 is the limit in
packets per second:&prompt.root; sysctl -w net.inet.icmp.icmplim=300If you don't want to see messages about this in your
log files, but you still want the kernel to do response
limiting, you can use the
net.inet.icmp.icmplim_output sysctl
variable to disable the output like this:&prompt.root; sysctl -w net.inet.icmp.icmplim_output=0Finally, if you want to disable response limiting, you
can set the net.inet.icmp.icmplim
sysctl variable (see above for an example) to
0. Disabling response limiting is
discouraged for the reasons listed above.PPPI can't make ppp work. What am I doing wrong ?You should first read the
ppp man page and the
ppp section of the handbook. Enable logging with
the commandset log Phase Chat Connect Carrier lcp ipcp ccp commandThis command may be typed at the
ppp command prompt or it may be
entered in the /etc/ppp/ppp.conf
configuration file (the start of the
default section is the best
place to put it). Make sure that
/etc/syslog.conf contains the lines!ppp
*.* /var/log/ppp.logand that the file /var/log/ppp.log
exists. You can now find out a lot about what's going on
from the log file. Don't worry if it doesn't all make sense.
If you need to get help from someone, it may make sense to
them.If your version of ppp doesn't understand the
set log command, you should download the
latest version. It will build on FreeBSD version
2.1.5 and higher.Ppp just hangs when I run itThis is usually because your hostname won't resolve.
The best way to fix this is to make sure that
/etc/hosts is consoluted by your
resolver first by editing /etc/host.conf
and putting the hosts line first. Then,
simply put an entry in /etc/hosts for
your local machine. If you have no local network, change your
localhost line: foo.bar.com foo localhostOtherwise, simply add another entry for your host.
Consult the relevant man pages for more details.You should be able to successfully
ping -c1 `hostname` when you're done.Ppp won't dial in -auto modeFirst, check that you've got a default route. By running
netstat -rn, you should see two entries like this:Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire
default UGSc 0 0 tun0 UH 0 0 tun0This is assuming that you've used the addresses from the
handbook, the man page or from the ppp.conf.sample file.
If you haven't got a default route, it may be because you're
running an old version of ppp
that doesn't understand the word HISADDR
in the ppp.conf file. If your version of
ppp is from before FreeBSD
2.2.5, change theadd 0 0 HISADDRline to one sayingadd 0 0 reason for the default route line being missing
is that you have mistakenly set up a default router in your
/etc/rc.conf file (this file was called
/etc/sysconfig prior to release 2.2.2),
and you have omitted the line sayingdelete ALLfrom ppp.conf. If this is the case,
go back to the
Final system configuration section of the
handbook.What does No route to host meanThis error is usually due to a missingMYADDR:
delete ALL
add 0 0 HISADDRsection in your /etc/ppp/ppp.linkup
file. This is only necessary if you have a dynamic IP address
or don't know the address of your gateway. If you're using
interactive mode, you can type the following after entering
packet mode (packet mode is
indicated by the capitalized PPP in the
prompt):delete ALL
add 0 0 HISADDRRefer to the
PPP and Dynamic IP addresses section of the handbook
for further details.My connection drops after about 3 minutesThe default ppp timeout is 3 minutes. This can be
adjusted with the lineset timeout NNNwhere NNN is the number of
seconds of inactivity before the connection is closed. If
NNN is zero, the connection is never
closed due to a timeout. It is possible to put this command in
the ppp.conf file, or to type it at the
prompt in interactive mode. It is also possible to adjust it on
the fly while the line is active by connecting to ppps server socket using telnet
or pppctl.
Refer to the ppp man
page for further details.My connection drops under heavy loadIf you have Link Quality Reporting (LQR) configured,
it is possible that too many LQR packets are lost between
your machine and the peer. Ppp deduces that the line must
therefore be bad, and disconnects. Prior to FreeBSD version
2.2.5, LQR was enabled by default. It is now disabled by
default. LQR can be disabled with the linedisable lqrMy connection drops after a random amount of timeSometimes, on a noisy phone line or even on a line with
call waiting enabled, your modem may hang up because it
thinks (incorrectly) that it lost carrier.There's a setting on most modems for determining how
tolerant it should be to temporary losses of carrier. On a
USR Sportster for example, this is measured by the S10
register in tenths of a second. To make your modem more
forgiving, you could add the following send-expect sequence
to your dial string:set dial "...... ATS10=10 OK ......"Refer to your modem manual for details.My connection hangs after a random amount of timeMany people experience hung connections with no apparent
explaination. The first thing to establish is which side of
the link is hung.If you are using an external modem, you can simply try
using ping to see if the
TD light is flashing when you transmit data.
If it flashes (and the RD light doesn't),
the problem is with the remote end. If TD
doesn't flash, the problem is local. With an internal modem,
you'll need to use the set server command in
your ppp.conf file. When the hang occurs,
connect to ppp using pppctl. If your network connection
suddenly revives (ppp was revived due to the activity on the
diagnostic socket) or if you can't connect (assuming the
set socket command succeeded at startup
time), the problem is local. If you can connect and things are
still hung, enable local async logging with set log
local async and use ping from
another window or terminal to make use of the link. The async
logging will show you the data being transmitted and received
on the link. If data is going out and not coming back, the
problem is remote.Having established whether the problem is local or remote,
you now have two possibilities:The remote end isn't respondingThere's very little you can do about this. Most ISPs
will refuse to help if you're not running a Microsoft OS.
You can enable lqr in your
ppp.conf file, allowing ppp to detect
the remote failure and hang up, but this detection is
relatively slow and therefore not that useful. You may want to
avoid telling your ISP that you're running user-ppp....First, try disabling all local compression by adding the
following to your configuration:disable pred1 deflate deflate24 protocomp acfcomp shortseq vj
deny pred1 deflate deflate24 protocomp acfcomp shortseq vjThen reconnect to ensure that this makes no difference.
If things improve or if the problem is solved completely,
determine which setting makes the difference through trial
and error. This will provide good amunition when you contact
your ISP (although it may make it apparent that you're not
running a Microsoft product).Before contacting your ISP, enable async logging locally
and wait until the connection hangs again. This may use up
quite a bit of disk space. The last data read from the port
may be of interest. It is usually ascii data, and may even
describe the problem
(Memory fault, core dumped ?).If your ISP is helpful, they should be able to enable
logging on their end, then when the next link drop occurs,
they may be able to tell you why their side is having a
problem. Feel free to send the details to &a.brian;, or
even to ask your ISP to contact me directly.Ppp is hungYour best bet here is to rebuild ppp by adding
to the end of the Makefile, then doing a
make clean && make && make
install. When ppp hangs, find the ppp process id
with ps ajxww | fgrep ppp and run
gdb ppp PID.
From the gdb prompt, you can then use bt
to get a stack trace.Send the results to brian@Awfulhak.org.Nothing happens after the Login OK! messagePrior to FreeBSD version 2.2.5, once the link was
established, ppp
would wait for the peer to initiate the Line Control Protocol
(LCP). Many ISPs will not initiate negotiations and expect
the client to do so. To force
ppp to initiate the LCP, use the
following line:set openmode activeNote: It usually does no
harm if both sides initiate negotiation, so openmode is now
active by default. However, the next section explains when
it does do some harm.I keep seeing errors about magic being the sameOccasionally, just after connecting, you may see messages
in the log that say magic is the same.
Sometimes, these messages are harmless, and sometimes one side
or the other exits. Most ppp implementations cannot survive
this problem, and even if the link seems to come up, you'll see
repeated configure requests and configure acknowledgements in
the log file until ppp eventually gives up and closes the
connection.This normally happens on server machines with slow disks
that are spawning a getty on the port, and executing ppp from
a login script or program after login. I've also heard reports
of it happening consistently when using slirp. The reason is
that in the time taken between getty exiting and ppp starting,
the client-side ppp starts sending Line Control Protocol (LCP)
packets. Because ECHO is still switched on for the port on
the server, the client ppp sees these packets
reflect back.One part of the LCP negotiation is to establish a magic
number for each side of the link so that
reflections can be detected. The protocol says
that when the peer tries to negotiate the same magic number, a
NAK should be sent and a new magic number should be chosen.
During the period that the server port has ECHO turned on, the
client ppp sends LCP packets, sees the same magic in the
reflected packet and NAKs it. It also sees the NAK reflect
(which also means ppp must change its magic). This produces a
potentially enormous number of magic number changes, all of
which are happily piling into the server's tty buffer. As soon
as ppp starts on the server, it's flooded with magic number
changes and almost immediately decides it's tried enough to
negotiate LCP and gives up. Meanwhile, the client, who no
longer sees the reflections, becomes happy just in time to see
a hangup from the server.This can be avoided by allowing the peer to start
negotiating with the following line in your ppp.conf
file:set openmode passiveThis tells ppp to wait for the server to initiate LCP
negotiations. Some servers however may never initiate
negotiations. If this is the case, you can do something
like:set openmode active 3This tells ppp to be passive for 3 seconds, and then to
start sending LCP requests. If the peer starts sending
requests during this period, ppp will immediately respond
rather than waiting for the full 3 second period.LCP negotiations continue 'till the connection is
closedThere is currently an implementation mis-feature in
ppp where it doesn't associate
LCP, CCP & IPCP responses with their original requests. As
a result, if one ppp
implementation is more than 6 seconds slower than the other
side, the other side will send two additional LCP configuration
requests. This is fatal.Consider two implementations,
A and B. A starts
sending LCP requests immediately after connecting and B takes 7 seconds to start. When B starts, A
has sent 3 LCP REQs. We're assuming the line has ECHO switched
off, otherwise we'd see magic number problems as described in
the previous section. B sends a
REQ, then an ACK to the first of A's REQs. This results in A entering the OPENED
state and sending and ACK (the first) back to B. In the meantime, B sends back two more ACKs in response to
the two additional REQs sent by A
before B started up. B then receives the first ACK from
A and enters the
OPENED state. A receives the second ACK from B and goes back to the REQ-SENT state, sending another (forth) REQ
as per the RFC. It then receives the third ACK and enters the
OPENED state. In the meantime, B receives the forth REQ from A, resulting in it reverting to the
ACK-SENT state and sending
another (second) REQ and (forth) ACK as per the RFC. A gets the REQ, goes into REQ-SENT and sends another REQ. It
immediately receives the following ACK and enters
OPENED.This goes on 'till one side figures out that they're
getting nowhere and gives up.The best way to avoid this is to configure one side to be
passive - that is, make one side
wait for the other to start negotiating. This can be done
with theset openmode passivecommand. Care should be taken with this option. You
should also use theset stopped Ncommand to limit the amount of time that
ppp waits for the peer to begin
negotiations. Alternatively, theset openmode active Ncommand (where N is the
number of seconds to wait before starting negotiations) can be
used. Check the manual page for details.Ppp locks up shortly after connectingPrior to version 2.2.5 of FreeBSD, it was possible that
your link was disabled shortly after connection due to
ppp mis-handling Predictor1
compression negotiation. This would only happen if both sides
tried to negotiate different Compression Control Protocols
(CCP). This problem is now corrected, but if you're still
running an old version of ppp,
the problem can be circumvented with the linedisable pred1Ppp locks up when I shell out to test itWhen you execute the shell or
! command, ppp executes a
shell (or if you've passed any arguements,
ppp will execute those arguements). Ppp will
wait for the command to complete before continuing. If you
attempt to use the ppp link while running the command, the link
will appear to have frozen. This is because
ppp is waiting for the command to
complete.If you wish to execute commands like this, use the
!bg command instead. This will execute
the given command in the background, and ppp can continue to
service the link.Ppp over a null-modem cable never exitsThere is no way for ppp to
automatically determine that a direct connection has been
dropped. This is due to the lines that are used in a
null-modem serial cable. When using this sort of connection,
LQR should always be enabled with the lineenable lqrLQR is accepted by default if negotiated by the peer.Why does ppp dial for no reason in -auto modeIf ppp is dialing
unexpectedly, you must determine the cause, and set up Dial
filters (dfilters) to prevent such dialing.To determine the cause, use the following line:set log +tcp/ipThis will log all traffic through the connection. The
next time the line comes up unexpectedly, you will see the
reason logged with a convenient timestamp next to it.You can now disable dialing under these circumstances.
Usually, this sort of problem arises due to DNS lookups. To
prevent DNS lookups from establishing a connection (this will
not prevent
ppp from passing the packets
through an established connection), use the following:set dfilter 1 deny udp src eq 53
set dfilter 2 deny udp dst eq 53
set dfilter 3 permit 0/0 0/0This is not always suitable, as it will effectively break
your demand-dial capabilities - most programs will need a DNS
lookup before doing any other network related things.In the DNS case, you should try to determine what is
actually trying to resolve a host name. A lot of the time,
sendmail is the culprit. You should make sure that
you tell sendmail not to do any DNS lookups in its
configuration file. See the section on
Mail Configuration for details
on how to create your own configuration file and what should
go into it. You may also want to add the following line to
your .mc file:define(`confDELIVERY_MODE', `d')dnlThis will make sendmail queue everything until the queue
is run (usually, sendmail is invoked with
, telling it to run the queue every
30 minutes) or until a sendmail -q is done
(perhaps from your ppp.linkup file).What do these CCP errors meanI keep seeing the following errors in my log file:CCP: CcpSendConfigReq
CCP: Received Terminate Ack (1) state = Req-Sent (6)This is because ppp is trying to negotiate Predictor1
compression, and the peer does not want to negotiate any
compression at all. The messages are harmless, but if you
wish to remove them, you can disable Predictor1 compression
locally too:disable pred1Ppp locks up during file transfers with IO errorsUnder FreeBSD 2.2.2 and before, there was a bug in the
tun driver that prevents incoming packets of a size larger
than the tun interface's MTU size. Receipt of a packet
greater than the MTU size results in an IO error being logged
via syslogd.The ppp specification says that an MRU of 1500 should
always be accepted as a minimum,
despite any LCP negotiations, therefore it is possible that
should you decrease the MTU to less than 1500, your ISP will
transmit packets of 1500 regardless, and you will tickle this
non-feature - locking up your link.The problem can be circumvented by never setting an MTU of
less than 1500 under FreeBSD 2.2.2 or before.Why doesn't ppp log my connection speed?In order to log all lines of your modem
conversation, you must enable the
following:set log +connectThis will make ppp log
everything up until the last requested expect
string.If you wish to see your connect speed and are using PAP
or CHAP (and therefore don't have anything to
chat after the CONNECT in the dial script - no
set login script), you must make sure that
you instruct ppp to expect the whole CONNECT
line, something like this:set dial "ABORT BUSY ABORT NO\\sCARRIER TIMEOUT 4 \
\"\" ATZ OK-ATZ-OK ATDT\\T TIMEOUT 60 CONNECT \\c \\n"Here, we get our CONNECT, send nothing, then expect a
line-feed, forcing ppp to read
the whole CONNECT response.Ppp ignores the \ character in my
chat scriptPpp parses each line in your config files so that it can
interpret strings such as
set phone "123 456 789" correctly (and
realize that the number is actually only
one argument. In order to specify
a " character, you must escape it using a
backslash (\).When the chat interpreter parses each argument, it
re-interprets the argument in order to find any special
escape sequences such as \P or
\T (see the man page). As a result of this
double-parsing, you must remember to use the correct number of
escapes.If you wish to actually send a \
character to (say) your modem, you'd need something
like:set dial "\"\" ATZ OK-ATZ-OK AT\\\\X OK"resulting in the following sequence:ATZ
OKorset phone 1234567
set dial "\"\" ATZ OK ATDT\\T"resulting in the following sequence:ATZ
ATDT1234567Ppp gets a seg-fault, but I see no
ppp.core filePpp (or any other program for that matter) should never
dump core. Because ppp runs with an effective user id of 0,
the operating system will not write ppps core image to disk
before terminating it. If, however ppp
is actually termating due to a
segmentation violation or some other signal that normally
causes core to be dumped, and
you're sure you're using the latest version (see the start of
this section), then you should do the following:&prompt.user; tar xfz ppp-*.src.tar.gz
&prompt.user; cd ppp*/ppp
&prompt.user; echo STRIP= >>Makefile
&prompt.user; echo CFLAGS+=-g >>Makefile
&prompt.user; make clean all
&prompt.user; su
&prompt.root; make install
&prompt.root; chmod 555 /usr/sbin/pppYou will now have a debuggable version of ppp installed.
You will have to be root to run ppp as all of its privileges
have been revoked. When you start ppp, take a careful note
of what your current directory was at the time.Now, if and when ppp receives the segmentation violation,
it will dump a core file called ppp.core. You should then do
the following:&prompt.user; su
&prompt.root; gdb /usr/sbin/ppp ppp.core(gdb)bt
(gdb)f 0
(gdb)i args
.....All of this information should be given alongside your
question, making it possible to diagnose the problem.If you're familiar with gdb, you may wish to find out some
other bits and pieces such as what actually caused the dump and
the addresses & values of the relevant variables.The process that forces a dial in auto mode never
connectsThis was a known problem with
ppp set up to negotiate a
dynamic local IP number with the peer in auto mode. It is
fixed in the latest version - search the man page for
iface.The problem was that when that initial program calls
connect(2), the IP number of the tun interface is
assigned to the socket endpoint. The kernel creates the first
outgoing packet and writes it to the tun device. Ppp then reads the packet and establishes a
connection. If, as a result of ppps dynamic IP assignment, the interface
address is changed, the original socket endpoint will be
invalid. Any subsequent packets sent to the peer will usually
be dropped. Even if they aren't, any responses will not route
back to the originating machine as the IP number is no longer
owned by that machine.There are several theoretical ways to approach this
problem. It would be nicest if the peer would re-assign the
same IP number if possible :-)
The current version of ppp does
this, but most other implementations don't.The easiest method from our side would be to never change
the tun interface IP number, but instead to change all outgoing
packets so that the source IP number is changed from the
interface IP to the negotiated IP on the fly. This is
essentially what the iface-alias option in
the latest version of ppp is
doing (with the help of
libalias(3) and ppp's switch) -
it's maintaining all previous interface addresses and NATing
them to the last negotiated address.Another alternative (and probably the most reliable) would
be to implement a system call that changes all bound sockets
from one IP to another. Ppp would
use this call to modify the sockets of all existing programs
when a new IP number is negotiated. The same system call could
be used by dhcp clients when they are forced to re-bind() their
sockets.Yet another possibility is to allow an interface to be
brought up without an IP number. Outgoing packets would be
given an IP number of up until the first
SIOCAIFADDR ioctl is done. This would result in fully binding
the socket. It would be up to ppp
to change the source IP number, but only if it's set to, and only the IP number and IP checksum would
need to change. This, however is a bit of a hack as the kernel
would be sending bad packets to an improperly configured
interface, on the assumption that some other mechanism is
capable of fixing things retrospectively.Why don't most games work with the -nat switchThe reason games and the like don't work when libalias
is in use is that the machine on the outside will try to open a
connection or send (unsolicited) UDP packets to the machine on
the inside. The NAT software doesn't know that it should send
these packets to the interior machine.To make things work, make sure that the only thing
running is the software that you're having problems with, then
either run tcpdump on the tun interface of the gateway or
enable ppp tcp/ip logging (set log +tcp/ip)
on the gateway.When you start the offending software, you should see
packets passing through the gateway machine. When something
comes back from the outside, it'll be dropped (that's the
problem). Note the port number of these packets then shut down
the offending software. Do this a few times to see if the port
numbers are consistent. If they are, then the following line in
the relevant section of /etc/ppp/ppp.conf will make the
software functional:nat port protointernalmachine:portportwhere proto is either
tcp or udp,
internalmachine is the machine that
you want the packets to be sent to and
port is the destination port number
of the packets.You won't be able to use the software on other machines
without changing the above command, and running the software
on two internal machines at the same time is out of the question
- after all, the outside world is seeing your entire internal
network as being just a single machine.If the port numbers aren't consistent, there are three
more options:1) Submit support in
libalias. Examples of special cases can be found
in /usr/src/lib/libalias/alias_*.c
(alias_ftp.c is a good prototype). This
usually involves reading certain recognised outgoing packets,
identifying the instruction that tells the outside machine to
initiate a connection back to the internal machine on a
specific (random) port and setting up a route in
the alias table so that the subsequent packets know where to
go.This is the most difficult solution, but it is the best
and will make the software work with multiple machines.2) Use a proxy. The
application may support socks5 for example, or (as in the
cvsup case) may have a passive
option that avoids ever requesting that the peer open
connections back to the local machine.3) Redirect everything to
the internal machine using nat addr. This
is the sledge-hammer approach.Has anybody made a list of useful port numbers ?Not yet, but this is intended to grow into such a list
(if any interest is shown). In each example,
internal should be replaced with
the IP number of the machine playing the game.Asheron's Callnat port udp
:65000 65000Manually change the port number within the game to
65000. If you've got a number of machines that you wish
to play on assign a unique port number for each (i.e.
65001, 65002, etc) and add a nat port
line for each one.Half Lifenat port udp
27015PCAnywhere 8.0nat port udp
5632nat port tcp
5631Quakenat port udp
6112Alternatively, you may want to take a look at
www.battle.net for Quake proxy support.Quake 2nat port udp
27910Red Alertnat port udp
8675nat port udp
5009What are FCS errors ?FCS stands for Frame
Sequence. Each ppp packet
has a checksum attached to ensure that the data being
received is the data being sent. If the FCS of an incoming
packet is incorrect, the packet is dropped and the HDLC FCS
count is increased. The HDLC error values can be displayed
using the show hdlc command.If your link is bad (or if your serial driver is dropping
packets), you will see the occasional FCS error. This is not
usually worth worrying about although it does slow down the
compression protocols substantially. If you have an external
modem, make sure your cable is properly shielded from
interference - this may eradicate the problem.If your link freezes as soon as you've connected and you
see a large number of FCS errors, this may be because your link
is not 8 bit clean. Make sure your modem is not using software
flow control (XON/XOFF). If your datalink
must use software flow control, use the
command set accmap 0x000a0000 to tell
ppp to escape the ^Q and
^S characters.Another reason for seeing too many FCS errors may be that
the remote end has stopped talking PPP. You
may want to enable async logging at this
point to determine if the incoming data is actually a login or
shell prompt. If you have a shell prompt at the remote end,
it's possible to terminate ppp without dropping the line by
using the close lcp command (a following
term command will reconnect you to the shell
on the remote machine.If nothing in your log file indicates why the link might
have been terminated, you should ask the remote administrator
(your ISP?) why the session was terminated.Why do MacOS and Windows 98 connections freeze when
running PPPoE on the gatewayThanks to Michael Wozniak
mwozniak@netcom.ca for figuring this out and
Dan Flemming danflemming@mac.com for the Mac
solution:This is due to what's called a Black Hole
router. MacOS and Windows 98 (and maybe other Microsoft OSs)
send TCP packets with a requested segment size too big to fit
into a PPPoE frame (MTU is 1500 by default for ethernet)
and have the don't
fragment bit set (default of TCP) and the Telco router
is not sending ICMP must fragment back to the
www site you are trying to load. (Alternatively, the router is
sending the ICMP packet correctly, but the firewall at the www
site is dropping it.) When the www server is sending
you frames that don't fit into the PPPoE pipe the Telco router
drops them on the floor and your page doesn't load (some
pages/graphics do as they are smaller than a MSS.) This seems
to be the default of most Telco PPPoE configurations (if only
they knew how to program a router... sigh...)One fix is to use regedit on your 95/98 boxes to add the
following registry entry...
It should be a string with a value 1450
(more accurately it should be 1464 to fit TCP
packets into a PPPoE frame perfectly but the
1450 gives you a margin of error for other IP
protocols you may encounter). This registry key is reported to
have moved to
Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\ID for adapter\MTU
in Windows 2000.Refer to Microsoft Knowledge
Base documents Q158474 - Windows TCPIP Registry
Entries and Q120642 - TCPIP & NBT Configuration
Parameters for Windows NT for more information on
changing Windoze MTU to work with a FreeBSD/NAT/PPPoE
router.Unfortunately, MacOS does not provide an interface for
changing TCP/IP settings. However, there is commercial software
available, such as OTAdvancedTuner (OT for OpenTransport, the
MacOS TCP/IP stack) by Sustainable Softworks,
that will allow users to customize TCP/IP settings. MacOS NAT
users should select ip_interface_MTU from
the drop-down menu, enter 1450 instead of
1500 in the box, click the box next to
Save as Auto Configure, and click
Make Active.The latest version of ppp
(2.3 or greater) has an enable tcpmssfixup
command that will automatically adjust the MSS to an appropriate
value. This facility is enabled by default. If you're stuck
with an older version of ppp, you
may want to look at the tcpmssd
port.None of this helps - I'm desperate !If all else fails, send as much information as you can,
including your config files, how you're starting
ppp, the relevant parts of your
log file and the output of the
netstat -rn command (before and after connecting) to
the freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.org mailing list
or the
comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc news group, and someone
should point you in the right direction.Serial CommunicationsThis section answers common questions about serial
communications with FreeBSD. PPP and SLIP are covered in the
section.How do I tell if FreeBSD found my serial ports?As the FreeBSD kernel boots, it will probe for the serial
ports in your system for which the kernel was configured.
You can either watch your system closely for the messages it
prints or run the command&prompt.user; dmesg | grep sioafter your system's up and running.Here's some example output from the above command:sio0 at 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 on isa
sio0: type 16550A
sio1 at 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on isa
sio1: type 16550AThis shows two serial ports. The first is on irq 4, is
using port address 0x3f8, and has a
16550A-type UART chip. The second uses the same kind of chip
but is on irq 3 and is at port address 0x2f8.
Internal modem cards are treated just like serial ports---except
that they always have a modem attached to the
port.The GENERIC kernel includes support
for two serial ports using the same irq and port address
settings in the above example. If these settings aren't
right for your system, or if you've added modem cards or have
more serial ports than your kernel is configured for, just
reconfigure your kernel. See section
about building a kernel for
more details.How do I tell if FreeBSD found my modem cards?Refer to the answer to the previous question.I just upgraded to 2.0.5 and my
tty0X are missing!Don't worry, they have been merged with the
ttydX devices. You'll have to change
any old configuration files you have, though.How do I access the serial ports on FreeBSD?The third serial port, sio2
(known as COM3 in DOS), is on /dev/cuaa2
for dial-out devices, and on /dev/ttyd2
for dial-in devices. What's the difference between these two
classes of devices?You use ttydX for dial-ins. When
opening /dev/ttydX in blocking mode, a
process will wait for the corresponding
cuaaX device to become inactive, and then
wait for the carrier detect line to go active. When you open
the cuaaX device, it makes sure the serial
port isn't already in use by the ttydX
device. If the port's available, it steals it
from the ttydX device. Also, the
cuaXX device doesn't care about carrier
detect. With this scheme and an auto-answer modem, you can have
remote users log in and you can still dialout with the same
modem and the system will take care of all the
conflicts.How do I enable support for a multiport serial
card?Again, the section on kernel configuration provides
information about configuring your kernel. For a multiport
serial card, place an sio line
for each serial port on the card in the kernel configuration
file. But place the irq and vector specifiers on only one of
the entries. All of the ports on the card should share one irq.
For consistency, use the last serial port to specify the irq.
Also, specify the COM_MULTIPORT
option.The following example is for an AST 4-port serial card on
irq 7:options "COM_MULTIPORT"
device sio4 at isa? port 0x2a0 tty flags 0x781
device sio5 at isa? port 0x2a8 tty flags 0x781
device sio6 at isa? port 0x2b0 tty flags 0x781
device sio7 at isa? port 0x2b8 tty flags 0x781 irq 7 vector siointrThe flags indicate that the master port has minor number 7
(0x700), diagnostics enabled during probe
(0x080), and all the ports share an irq
(0x001).Can FreeBSD handle multiport serial cards sharing
irqs?Not yet. You'll have to use a different irq for each
card.Can I set the default serial parameters for a
port?The ttydX (or
cuaaX) device is the regular device
you'll want to open for your applications. When a process
opens the device, it'll have a default set of terminal I/O
settings. You can see these settings with the command&prompt.root; stty -a -f /dev/ttyd1When you change the settings to this device, the settings
are in effect until the device is closed. When it's reopened,
it goes back to the default set. To make changes to the
default set, you can open and adjust the settings of the
initial state device. For example, to turn on
CLOCAL mode, 8 bits, and
XON/XOFF flow control by default for
ttyd5, do:&prompt.root; stty -f /dev/ttyid5 clocal cs8 ixon ixoffA good place to do this is in
/etc/rc.serial. Now, an application will
have these settings by default when it opens
ttyd5. It can still change these settings
to its liking, though.You can also prevent certain settings from being changed
by an application by making adjustments to the
lock state device. For example, to lock the
speed of ttyd5 to 57600 bps, do&prompt.root; stty -f /dev/ttyld5 57600Now, an application that opens ttyd5
and tries to change the speed of the port will be stuck with
57600 bps.Naturally, you should make the initial state and lock state
devices writable only by root. The MAKEDEV
script does NOT do this when it creates the
device entries.How can I enable dialup logins on my modem?So you want to become an Internet service provider, eh?
First, you'll need one or more modems that can auto-answer.
Your modem will need to assert carrier-detect when it detects a
carrier and not assert it all the time. It will need to hang up
the phone and reset itself when the data terminal ready
(DTR) line goes from on to off. It should
probably use RTS/CTS flow control or no
local flow control at all. Finally, it must use a constant
speed between the computer and itself, but (to be nice to your
callers) it should negotiate a speed between itself and the
remote modem.For many Hayes command-set--compatible modems, this
command will make these settings and store them in
nonvolatile memory:AT &C1 &D3 &K3 &Q6 S0=1 &WSee the section on sending AT
commands below for information on how to make these
settings without resorting to an MS-DOS terminal program.Next, make an entry in
/etc/ttys for the modem. This file lists all the ports
on which the operating system will await logins. Add a line
that looks something like this:ttyd1 "/usr/libexec/getty std.57600" dialup on insecureThis line indicates that the second serial port
(/dev/ttyd1) has a modem connected
running at 57600 bps and no parity
(std.57600, which comes from the file /etc/gettytab).
The terminal type for this port is dialup.
The port is on and is
insecure---meaning root logins on the port
aren't allowed. For dialin ports like this one, use the
ttydX entry.It's common practice to use dialup as
the terminal type. Many users set up in their .profile or
.login files a prompt for the actual terminal type if the
starting type is dialup. The example shows the port as
insecure. To become root on this port, you have to login as a
regular user, then su to become
root. If you use secure
then root can login in directly.After making modifications to
/etc/ttys, you need to send a hangup or
HUP signal to the
init process:&prompt.root; kill -HUP 1This forces the init process to reread
/etc/ttys. The init process will then start getty
processes on all on ports. You can find
out if logins are available for your port by typing&prompt.user; ps -ax | grep '[t]tyd1'You should see something like:747 ?? I 0:00.04 /usr/libexec/getty std.57600 ttyd1How can I connect a dumb terminal to my FreeBSD
box?If you're using another computer as a terminal into your
FreeBSD system, get a null modem cable to go between the two
serial ports. If you're using an actual terminal, see its
accompanying instructions.Then, modify
/etc/ttys, like above. For example, if you're
hooking up a WYSE-50 terminal to the fifth serial port,
use an entry like this:ttyd4 "/usr/libexec/getty std.38400" wyse50 on secureThis example shows that the port on
/dev/ttyd4 has a wyse50 terminal
connected at 38400 bps with no parity
(std.38400 from
/etc/gettytab) and root logins are
allowed (secure).Why can't I run tip or
cu?On your system, the programs tip
cu are probably executable only by uucp
and group dialer. You can use the group
dialer to control who has access to your
modem or remote systems. Just add yourself to group
dialer.Alternatively, you can let everyone on your system
run tip and cu by
typing:&prompt.root; chmod 4511 /usr/bin/cu
&prompt.root; chmod 4511 /usr/bin/tipMy stock Hayes modem isn't supported---what
can I do?Actually, the man page for tip is
out of date. There is a generic Hayes dialer already built in.
Just use at=hayes in your
/etc/remote file.The Hayes driver isn't smart enough to recognize some of
the advanced features of newer modems---messages like
CONNECT 115200 will just confuse it. You
should turn those messages off when you use tip
(using ATX0&W).Also, the dial timeout for tip is 60
seconds. Your modem should use something less, or else tip
will think there's a communication problem. Try
ATS7=45&W.Actually, as shipped tip doesn't yet
support it fully. The solution is to edit the file
tipconf.h in the directory
/usr/src/usr.bin/tip/tip. Obviously you
need the source distribution to do this.Edit the line #define HAYES 0
to #define HAYES 1. Then
make and make install.
Everything works nicely after that.How am I expected to enter these AT commands?Make what's called a direct entry in your
/etc/remote file. For example, if your modem's hooked
up to the first serial port, /dev/cuaa0,
then put in the following line:cuaa0:dv=/dev/cuaa0:br#19200:pa=noneUse the highest bps rate your modem supports in the br
capability. Then, type tip cuaa0
and you'll be connected to your modem.If there is no /dev/cuaa0 on your
system, do this:&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; sh MAKEDEV cuaa0Or use cu as root with the following command:&prompt.root; cu -lline -sspeedwith line being the serial port (e.g.
/dev/cuaa0) and speed being the speed
(e.g.57600). When you are done entering
the AT commands hit ~. to exit.The <@> sign for the pn
capability doesn't work!The <@> sign in the phone number
capability tells tip to look in
/etc/phones for a phone number. But the
<@> sign is also a special character
in capability files like /etc/remote.
Escape it with a backslash:pn=\@How can I dial a phone number on the command
line?Put what's called a generic entry in your
/etc/remote file. For example:tip115200|Dial any phone number at 115200 bps:\
tip57600|Dial any phone number at 57600 bps:\
:dv=/dev/cuaa0:br#57600:at=hayes:pa=none:du:Then you can do something like tip -115200
5551234. If you prefer cu
tip, use a generic cu entry:cu115200|Use cu to dial any number at 115200bps:\
:dv=/dev/cuaa1:br#57600:at=hayes:pa=none:du:and type cu 5551234 -s 115200.Do I have to type in the bps rate every time I do
that?Put in an entry for tip1200 or
cu1200, but go ahead and use whatever bps
rate is appropriate with the br capability. tip
thinks a good default is 1200 bps which is why it looks for
a tip1200 entry. You don't have to use 1200
bps, though.I access a number of hosts through a terminal
server.Rather than waiting until you're connected and typing
each time, use tip's cm capability. For
example, these entries in
/etc/remote:pain|pain.deep13.com|Forrester's machine:\
:cm=CONNECT pain\n:tc=deep13:
muffin|muffin.deep13.com|Frank's machine:\
:cm=CONNECT muffin\n:tc=deep13:
deep13:Gizmonics Institute terminal server:\
:dv=/dev/cuaa2:br#38400:at=hayes:du:pa=none:pn=5551234:will let you type tip pain or
tip muffin to connect to the hosts
pain or muffin; and
tip deep13 to get to the terminal
server.Can tip try more than one line for each site?This is often a problem where a university has several
modem lines and several thousand students trying to use
them...Make an entry for your university in
/etc/remote and use <\@> for
the pn capability:big-university:\
:dv=/dev/cuaa3:br#9600:at=courier:du:pa=none:Then, list the phone numbers for the university in
/etc/phones:big-university 5551111
big-university 5551112
big-university 5551113
big-university 5551114
tip will try each one in the listed order, then give
up. If you want to keep retrying, run tip
in a while loop.Why do I have to hit CTRL+P twice to send CTRL+P
once?CTRL+P is the default force character,
used to tell tip
that the next character is literal data. You can set the
force character to any other character with the
~s escape, which means set a
variable.Type ~sforce=single-char
followed by a newline.
single-char is any single character.
If you leave out single-char,
then the force character is the nul character, which you can
get by typing CTRL+2 or CTRL+SPACE. A pretty good value for
single-char is SHIFT+CTRL+6, which
I've seen only used on some terminal servers.You can have the force character be whatever you want by
specifying the following in your
$HOME/.tiprc file:force=single-charSuddenly everything I type is in UPPER CASE??You must've pressed CTRL+A,
tipraise character, specially
designed for people with broken caps-lock keys. Use
~s as above and set the variable
raisechar to something reasonable. In fact,
you can set it to the same as the force character, if you
never expect to use either of these features.Here's a sample .tiprc file perfect for Emacs users who
need to type CTRL+2 and CTRL+A a lot:force=^^
raisechar=^^The ^^ is SHIFT+CTRL+6.How can I do file transfers with
tip?If you're talking to another UNIX system, you can send
and receive files with ~p (put) and
~t (take). These commands run cat and
echo on the remote system to accept and send files.
The syntax is:~p <local-file> [<remote-file>]
~t <remote-file> [<local-file>]There's no error checking, so you probably should use
another protocol, like zmodem.How can I run zmodem with
tip?First, install one of the zmodem programs from the ports
collection (such as one of the two from the comms category,
lrzsz and
rzsz).To receive files, start the sending program on the
remote end. Then, press enter and type
~C rz (or ~C lrz if you
installed lrzsz) to begin
receiving them locally.To send files, start the receiving program on the remote
end. Then, press enter and type
~C sz files
(or ~C lsz files)
to send them to the remote system.FreeBSD can't seem to find my serial ports, even when
the settings are correct.Motherboards and cards with Acer UARTs do not probe
properly under the FreeBSD sio probe. Obtain a patch from
www.lemis.com to fix your problem.Miscellaneous QuestionsFreeBSD uses far more swap space than Linux. Why?FreeBSD only appears to use more swap than Linux. In
actual fact, it does not. The main difference between FreeBSD
and Linux in this regard is that FreeBSD will proactively move
entirely idle, unused pages of main memory into swap in order
to make more main memory available for active use. Linux tends
to only move pages to swap as a last resort. The perceived
heavier use of swap is balanced by the more efficient use of
main memory. Note that while FreeBSD is proactive in this regard, it
does not arbitrarily decide to swap pages when the system is
truely idle. Thus you will not find your system all paged
out when you get up in the morning after leaving it idle
overnight.Why does &man.top.1; show very little free memory even
when I have very few programs running?The simple answer is that free memory is wasted
memory. Any memory that your programs don't actively
allocate is used within the FreeBSD kernel as disk
cache. The values shown by &man.top.1; labelled as
Inact, Cache, and
Buf are all cached data at different
aging levels. This cached data means the system does
not have to access a slow disk again for data it has
accessed recently, thus increasing overall performance.
In general, a low value shown for Free
memory in &man.top.1; is good, provided it is not
very low.Why use (what are) a.out and ELF executable
formats? To understand why FreeBSD uses the
ELF format, you must first know a little
about the 3 currently dominant executable
formats for UNIX:Prior to FreeBSD 3.x, FreeBSD used the a.out
a.outThe oldest and classic unix object
format. It uses a short and compact header with a magic
number at the beginning that's often used to
characterize the format (see
a.out(5) for more details). It contains three
loaded segments: .text, .data, and .bss plus a symbol
table and a string table.COFFThe SVR3 object format. The header now comprises
a section table, so you can have more than just .text,
.data, and .bss sections.ELFThe successor to COFF, featuring
Multiple sections and 32-bit or 64-bit possible values.
One major drawback: ELF was also
designed with the assumption that there would be only
one ABI per system architecture. That assumption is
actually quite incorrect, and not even in the
commercial SYSV world (which has at least three ABIs:
SVR4, Solaris, SCO) does it hold true.FreeBSD tries to work around this problem somewhat
by providing a utility for branding
a known ELF executable with
information about the ABI it's compliant with. See the
man page for
brandelf for more information.FreeBSD comes from the classic camp and has
traditionally used the
a.out format, a technology tried and proven through
many generations of BSD releases. Though it has also been
possible for some time to build and run native
ELF binaries (and kernels) on a FreeBSD
system, FreeBSD initially resisted the push to
switch to ELF as the default format. Why?
Well, when the Linux camp made their painful transition to
ELF, it was not so much to flee the
a.out executable format as it was their
inflexible jump-table based shared library mechanism, which
made the construction of shared libraries very difficult for
vendors and developers alike. Since the ELF
tools available offered a solution to the shared library
problem and were generally seen as the way
forward anyway, the migration cost was accepted as
necessary and the transition made.In FreeBSD's case, our shared library mechanism is based
more closely on Sun's SunOS-style
shared library mechanism and, as such, is very easy to use.
However, starting with 3.0, FreeBSD officially supports
ELF binaries as the default format. Even
though the a.out executable format has
served us well, the GNU people, who author the compiler tools
we use, have dropped support for the a.out
format. This has forced us to maintain a divergent version of
the compler and linker, and has kept us from reaping the
benefits of the latest GNU development efforts. Also the
demands of ISO-C++, notably contstructors and destructors, has
also led to native ELF support in future
FreeBSD releases.Yes, but why are there so many different formats?Back in the dim, dark past, there was simple hardware.
This simple hardware supported a simple, small system. a.out
was completely adequate for the job of representing binaries on
this simple system (a PDP-11). As people ported unix from this
simple system, they retained the a.out format because it was
sufficient for the early ports of unix to architectures like
the Motorola 68k, VAXen, etc.Then some bright hardware engineer decided that if he
could force software to do some sleazy tricks, then he'd be
able to shave a few gates off the design and allow his CPU core
to run faster. While it was made to work with this new kind of
hardware (known these days as RISC), a.out
was ill-suited for this hardware, so many formats were
developed to get to a better performance from this hardware
than the limited, simple a.out format
could offer. Things like COFF,
ECOFF, and a few obscure others were
invented and their limitations explored before things seemed to
settle on ELF.In addition, program sizes were getting huge and disks
(and physical memory) were still relatively small so the
concept of a shared library was born. The VM system also became
more sophisticated. While each one of these advancements was
done using the a.out format, its
usefulness was stretched more and more with each new feature.
In addition, people wanted to dynamically load things at run
time, or to junk parts of their program after the init code had
run to save in core memory and/or swap space. Languages became
more sophistocated and people wanted code called before main
automatically. Lots of hacks were done to the
a.out format to allow all of these things
to happen, and they basically worked for a time. In time,
a.out wasn't up to handling all these
problems without an ever increasing overhead in code and
complexity. While ELF solved many of these
problems, it would be painful to switch from the system that
basically worked. So ELF had to wait until
it was more painful to remain with a.out
than it was to migrate to ELF.However, as time passed, the build tools that FreeBSD
derived their build tools from (the assembler and loader
especially) evolved in two parallel trees. The FreeBSD tree
added shared libraries and fixed some bugs. The GNU folks that
originally write these programs rewrote them and added simpler
support for building cross compilers, plugging in different
formats at will, etc. Since many people wanted to build cross
compilers targeting FreeBSD, they were out of luck since the
older sources that FreeBSD had for as and ld weren't up to the
task. The new gnu tools chain (binutils) does support cross
compiling, ELF, shared libraries, C++
extnensions, etc. In addition, many vendors are releasing
ELF binaries, and it is a good thing for
FreeBSD to run them. And if it is running
ELF binaries, why bother having
a.out any more? It is a tired old horse
that has proven useful for a long time, but it is time to turn
him out to pasture for his long, faithful years of
service.ELF is more expressive than a.out and
will allow more extensibility in the base system. The
ELF tools are better maintained, and offer
cross compilation support, which is important to many people.
ELF may be a little slower than a.out, but
trying to measure it can be difficult. There are also numerous
details that are different between the two in how they map
pages, handle init code, etc. None of these are very important,
but they are differences. In time support for
a.out will be moved out of the GENERIC
kernel, and eventually removed from the kernel once the need to
run legacy a.out programs is past.Why won't chmod change the permissions on symlinks?Symlinks do not have permissions, and by default,
&man.chmod.1; will not follow symlinks to change the
permissions on the target file. So if you have a file,
foo, and a symlink to that file,
bar, then this command will always
succeed.&prompt.user; chmod g-w barHowever, the permissions on foo will
not have changed.You have to use either or
together with the
option to make this work. See the chmod
symlink man pages for more info.The option does a
chmod. Be careful about
specifying directories or symlinks to directories to
chmod. If you want to
change the permissions of a directory referenced by a
symlink, use
chmod without any options and follow the symlink
with a trailing slash (/). For
example, if foo is a symlink to
directory bar, and you want to change
the permissions of foo (actually
bar), you would do something
like:&prompt.user; chmod 555 foo/With the trailing slash,
chmod will follow the symlink,
foo, to change the permissions of the
directory, bar.Why are login names still
restricted to 8 characters?You'd think it'd be easy enough to change
UT_NAMESIZE and rebuild the whole world,
and everything would just work. Unfortunately there are often
scads of applications and utilities (including system tools)
that have hard-coded small numbers (not always
8 or 9, but oddball ones
like 15 and 20) in
structures and buffers. Not only will this get you log files
which are trashed (due to variable-length records getting
written when fixed records were expected), but it can break
Sun's NIS clients and potentially cause other problems in
interacting with other UNIX systems.In FreeBSD 3.0 and later, the maximum name length has
been increased to 16 characters and those various utilities
with hard-coded name sizes have been found and fixed. The fact
that this touched so many areas of the system is why, in fact,
the change was not made until 3.0.If you're absolutely confident in your ability to find
and fix these sorts of problems for yourself when and if they
pop up, you can increase the login name length in earlier
releases by editing /usr/include/utmp.h and changing
UT_NAMESIZE accordingly. You must also update MAXLOGNAME in
/usr/include/sys/param.h to match the UT_NAMESIZE change.
Finally, if you build from sources, don't forget that
/usr/include is updated each time! Change the appropriate files
in /usr/src/.. instead.Can I run DOS binaries under FreeBSD?Yes, starting with version 3.0 you can using BSDI's
doscmd DOS emulation which has
been integrated and enhanced. Send mail to The FreeBSD
emulation discussion list if you're interested in
joining this ongoing effort!For pre-3.0 systems, there is a neat utility called
pcemu in the ports collection which emulates an 8088
and enough BIOS services to run DOS text mode applications.
It requires the X Window System (provided as XFree86).What is sup, and how do I use
SUP stands for Software Update Protocol, and was
developed by CMU for keeping their development trees in sync.
We used it to keep remote sites in sync with our central
development sources.SUP is not bandwidth friendly, and has been retired.
The current recommended method to keep your sources up to
date is
Handbook entry on CVSupHow cool is FreeBSD?Q. Has anyone done any temperature testing while
running FreeBSD? I know Linux runs cooler than dos, but have
never seen a mention of FreeBSD. It seems to run really
hot.A. No, but we have done numerous taste tests on
blindfolded volunteers who have also had 250 micrograms of
LSD-25 administered beforehand. 35% of the volunteers said that
FreeBSD tasted sort of orange, whereas Linux tasted like purple
haze. Neither group mentioned any particular variances in
temperature that I can remember. We eventually had to throw the
results of this survey out entirely anyway when we found that
too many volunteers were wandering out of the room during the
tests, thus skewing the results. I think most of the volunteers
are at Apple now, working on their new scratch and
sniff GUI. It's a funny old business we're in!Seriously, both FreeBSD and Linux use the
HLT (halt) instruction when the system is
idle thus lowering its energy consumption and therefore the
heat it generates. Also if you have APM (advanced power
management) configured, then FreeBSD can also put the CPU into
a low power mode.Who's scratching in my memory banks??Q. Is there anything odd that FreeBSD
does when compiling the kernel which would cause the memory to
make a scratchy sound? When compiling (and for a brief moment
after recognizing the floppy drive upon startup, as well), a
strange scratchy sound emanates from what appears to be the
memory banks.A. Yes! You'll see frequent references to
daemons in the BSD documentation, and what most
people don't know is that this refers to genuine, non-corporeal
entities that now possess your computer. The scratchy sound
coming from your memory is actually high-pitched whispering
exchanged among the daemons as they best decide how to deal
with various system administration tasks.If the noise gets to you, a good
fdisk /mbr from DOS will get rid of them,
but don't be surprised if they react adversely and try to stop
you. In fact, if at any point during the exercise you hear the
satanic voice of Bill Gates coming from the built-in speaker,
take off running and don't ever look back! Freed from the
counterbalancing influence of the BSD daemons, the twin demons
of DOS and Windows are often able to re-assert total control
over your machine to the eternal damnation of your soul. Given
a choice, I think I'd prefer to get used to the scratchy
noises, myself!What does MFC mean?MFC is an acronym for Merged From -CURRENT.
It's used in the CVS logs to denote when a change was
migrated from the CURRENT to the STABLE branches.What does BSD mean?It stands for something in a secret language that only
members can know. It doesn't translate literally but its ok
to tell you that BSD's translation is something between,
Formula-1 Racing Team, Penguins are
tasty snacks, and We have a better sense of
humor than Linux. :-)Seriously, BSD is an acronym for Berkeley
Software Distribution, which is the name the
Berkeley CSRG (Computer Systems Research
Group) chose for their Unix distribution way back when.What is a repo-copy?A repo-copy (which is a short form of repository
copy) refers to the direct copying of files within
the CVS repository.Without a repo-copy, if a file needed to be copied or
moved to another place in the repository, the committer would
run cvs add to put the file in its new
location, and then cvs rm on the old file
if the old copy was being removed.The disadvantage of this method is that the history
(i.e. the entries in the CVS logs) of the file would not be
copied to the new location. As the FreeBSD Project considers
this history very useful, a repository copy is often used
instead. This is a process where one of the repository meisters
will copy the files directly within the repository, rather than
using the cvs program.Why should I care what color the bikeshed is?The really, really short answer is that you shouldn't.
The somewhat longer answer is that just because you are
capable of building a bikeshed doesn't mean you should stop
others from building one just because you don't like the
color they plan to paint it. This is a metaphor indicating
that you need not argue about every little feature just
because you know enough to do so. Some people have
commented that the amount of noise generated by a change is
inversely proportional to the complexity of the
change.The longer and more complete answer is that after a very
long argument about whether &man.sleep.1; should take
fractional second arguments, &a.phk; posted a long
message entitled A bike
shed (any colour will do) on greener grass....
The appropriate portions of that message are quoted
&a.phk; on freebsd-hackers, October
2, 1999What is it about this bike shed? Some
of you have asked me.It's a long story, or rather it's an old story, but
it is quite short actually. C. Northcote Parkinson wrote
a book in the early 1960'ies, called Parkinson's
Law, which contains a lot of insight into the
dynamics of management.[snip a bit of commentary on the book]In the specific example involving the bike shed, the
other vital component is an atomic power-plant, I guess
that illustrates the age of the book.Parkinson shows how you can go in to the board of
directors and get approval for building a multi-million or
even billion dollar atomic power plant, but if you want to
build a bike shed you will be tangled up in endless
discussions.Parkinson explains that this is because an atomic
plant is so vast, so expensive and so complicated that
people cannot grasp it, and rather than try, they fall
back on the assumption that somebody else checked all the
details before it got this far. Richard P. Feynmann
gives a couple of interesting, and very much to the point,
examples relating to Los Alamos in his books.A bike shed on the other hand. Anyone can build one
of those over a weekend, and still have time to watch the
game on TV. So no matter how well prepared, no matter how
reasonable you are with your proposal, somebody will seize
the chance to show that he is doing his job, that he is
paying attention, that he is
here.In Denmark we call it setting your
fingerprint. It is about personal pride and
prestige, it is about being able to point somewhere and
say There! I did that.
It is a strong trait in politicians, but present in most
people given the chance. Just think about footsteps in
wet cement.
How many FreeBSD hackers does it take to change a
lightbulb?One thousand, one hundred and seventy-two:Twenty-three to complain to -CURRENT about the lights
being out;Four to claim that it is a configuration problem, and
that such matters really belong on -questions;Three to submit PRs about it, one of which is misfiled
under doc and consists only of "it's dark";One to commit an untested lightbulb which breaks
buildworld, then back it out five minutes later;Eight to flame the PR originators for not including
patches in their PRs;Five to complain about buildworld being broken;Thirty-one to answer that it works for them, and they
must have cvsupped at a bad time;One to post a patch for a new lightbulb to -hackers;One to complain that he had patches for this three years
ago, but when he sent them to -CURRENT they were just ignored,
and he has had bad experiences with the PR system; besides,
the proposed new lightbulb is non-reflexive;Thirty-seven to scream that lightbulbs do not belong in
the base system, that committers have no right to do things
like this without consulting the Community, and WHAT IS
-CORE DOING ABOUT IT!?Two hundred to complain about the color of the bicycle
shed;Three to point out that the patch breaks style(9);Seventeen to complain that the proposed new lightbulb is
under GPL;Five hundred and eighty-six to engage in a flame war
about the comparative advantages of the GPL, the BSD
license, the MIT license, the NPL, and the personal hygiene
of unnamed FSF founders;Seven to move various portions of the thread to -chat
and -advocacy;One to commit the suggested lightbulb, even though it
shines dimmer than the old one;Two to back it out with a furious flame of a commit
message, arguing that FreeBSD is better off in the dark than
with a dim lightbulb;Forty-six to argue vociferously about the backing out
of the dim lightbulb and demanding a statement from
-core;Eleven to request a smaller lightbulb so it will fit
their Tamagotchi if we ever decide to port FreeBSD to that
platform;Seventy-three to complain about the SNR on -hackers and
-chat and unsubscribe in protest;Thirteen to post "unsubscribe", "How do I unsubscribe?",
or "Please remove me from the list", followed by the usual
footer;One to commit a working lightbulb while everybody is too
busy flaming everybody else to notice;Thirty-one to point out that the new lightbulb would shine
0.364% brighter if compiled with TenDRA (although it will have
to be reshaped into a cube), and that FreeBSD should therefore
switch to TenDRA instead of EGCS;One to complain that the new lightbulb lacks
fairings;Nine (including the PR originators) to ask
"what is MFC?";Fifty-seven to complain about the lights being out two
weeks after the bulb has been changed.&a.nik; adds:I was laughing quite hard at
this.And then I thought,
"Hang on, shouldn't there be '1 to document it.' in that list somewhere?"And then I was enlightened :-)This entry is Copyright (c) 1999 &a.des;.
Please do not reproduce without attribution.For serious FreeBSD hackers onlyWhat are SNAPs and RELEASEs?There are currently three active/semi-active branches
in the FreeBSD
CVS Repository (the RELENG_2 branch is probably
only changed twice a year, which is why there are only three
active branches of development):RELENG_2_2 AKA
5.0-CURRENTHEAD is not an actual branch tag,
like the other two; it's simply a symbolic constant for
the current, non-branched development
stream which we simply refer to as
-CURRENT.Right now, -CURRENT is the 5.0 development
stream and the 4-STABLE branch,
RELENG_4, forked off from
-CURRENT in Mar 2000.The 2.2-STABLE branch,
RELENG_2_2, departed -CURRENT in November
1996, and has pretty much been retired.How do I make my own custom release?To make a release you need to do three things: First,
you need to be running a kernel with the vn
driver configured in. Add this to your kernel config file
and build a new kernel:pseudo-device vn #Vnode driver (turns a file into a device)Second, you have to have the whole CVS repository at
hand. To get this you can use CVSUP but in
your supfile set the release name to cvs and remove any tag or
date fields:*default prefix=/home/ncvs
*default base=/a
*default host=cvsup.FreeBSD.org
*default release=cvs
*default delete compress use-rel-suffix
## Main Source Tree
# Other stuff
doc-allThen run cvsup -g supfile to suck all
the good bits onto your box...Finally, you need a chunk of empty space to build into.
Let's say it's in /some/big/filesystem,
and from the example above you've got the CVS repository in
/home/ncvs:&prompt.root; setenv CVSROOT /home/ncvs # or export CVSROOT=/home/ncvs
&prompt.root; cd /usr/src
&prompt.root; make buildworld
&prompt.root; cd /usr/src/release
&prompt.root; make release BUILDNAME=3.0-MY-SNAP CHROOTDIR=/some/big/filesystem/release
Please note that you do not
need to build world if you already have a populated
An entire release will be built in
/some/big/filesystem/release and you
will have a full FTP-type installation in
/some/big/filesystem/release/R/ftp when
you're done. If you want to build your SNAP along some other
branch than -CURRENT, you can also add
RELEASETAG=SOMETAG to the make release
command line above, e.g. RELEASETAG=RELENG_2_2
would build an up-to-the- minute 2.2-STABLE snapshot.How do I create customized installation disks?The entire process of creating installation disks and
source and binary archives is automated by various targets in
/usr/src/release/Makefile. The information
there should be enough to get you started. However, it should
be said that this involves doing a make
world and will therefore take up a lot of time and
disk space.make world clobbers my existing
installed binaries.Yes, this is the general idea; as its name might suggest,
make world rebuilds every system binary from
scratch, so you can be certain of having a clean and consistent
environment at the end (which is why it takes so long).If the environment variable DESTDIR
is defined while running make world or
make install, the newly-created binaries
will be deposited in a directory tree identical to the
installed one, rooted at ${DESTDIR}.
Some random combination of shared libraries modifications and
program rebuilds can cause this to fail in make
world however.When my system boots, it says (bus speed
defaulted).The Adaptec 1542 SCSI host adapters allow the user to
configure their bus access speed in software. Previous versions
of the 1542 driver tried to determine the fastest usable speed
and set the adapter to that. We found that this breaks some
users' systems, so you now have to define the
TUNE_1542 kernel configuration option in order
to have this take place. Using it on those systems where it
works may make your disks run faster, but on those systems
where it doesn't, your data could be corrupted.Can I follow current with limited Internet access?Yes, you can do this without
downloading the whole source tree by using the CTM facility.How did you split the distribution into 240k files?Newer BSD based systems have a
option to split that allows them to split files on arbitrary
byte boundaries.Here is an example from
(cd ${DISTDIR}; \
tar cf - . \
gzip --no-name -9 -c | \
split -b 240640 - \
${RELEASEDIR}/tarballs/bindist/bin_tgz.)I've written a kernel extension, who do I send it
to?Please take a look at The Handbook entry on how to
submit code.And thanks for the thought!How are Plug N Play ISA cards detected and
Frank Durda IVIn a nutshell, there a few I/O ports that all of the
PnP boards respond to when the host asks if anyone is out
there. So when the PnP probe routine starts, he asks if there
are any PnP boards present, and all the PnP boards respond with
their model # to a I/O read of the same port, so the probe
routine gets a wired-OR yes to that question. At
least one bit will be on in that reply. Then the probe code is
able to cause boards with board model IDs (assigned by
Microsoft/Intel) lower than X to go off-line. It
then looks to see if any boards are still responding to the
query. If the answer was 0, then there are
no boards with IDs above X. Now probe asks if there are any
boards below X. If so, probe knows there are
boards with a model numbers below X. Probe then asks for boards
greater than X-(limit/4) to go off-line. If repeats the query.
By repeating this semi-binary search of IDs-in-range enough
times, the probing code will eventually identify all PnP boards
present in a given machine with a number of iterations that is
much lower than what 2^64 would take.The IDs are two 32-bit fields (hence 2ˆ64) + 8 bit
checksum. The first 32 bits are a vendor identifier. They never
come out and say it, but it appears to be assumed that
different types of boards from the same vendor could have
different 32-bit vendor ids. The idea of needing 32 bits just
for unique manufacturers is a bit excessive.The lower 32 bits are a serial #, ethernet address,
something that makes this one board unique. The vendor must
never produce a second board that has the same lower 32 bits
unless the upper 32 bits are also different. So you can have
multiple boards of the same type in the machine and the full 64
bits will still be unique.The 32 bit groups can never be all zero. This allows the
wired-OR to show non-zero bits during the initial binary
search.Once the system has identified all the board IDs present,
it will reactivate each board, one at a time (via the same I/O
ports), and find out what resources the given board needs, what
interrupt choices are available, etc. A scan is made over all
the boards to collect this information.This info is then combined with info from any ECU files
on the hard disk or wired into the MLB BIOS. The ECU and BIOS
PnP support for hardware on the MLB is usually synthetic, and
the peripherals don't really do genuine PnP. However by
examining the BIOS info plus the ECU info, the probe routines
can cause the devices that are PnP to avoid those devices the
probe code cannot relocate.Then the PnP devices are visited once more and given
their I/O, DMA, IRQ and Memory-map address assignments. The
devices will then appear at those locations and remain there
until the next reboot, although there is nothing that says you
can't move them around whenever you want.There is a lot of oversimplification above, but you
should get the general idea.Microsoft took over some of the primary printer status
ports to do PnP, on the logic that no boards decoded those
addresses for the opposing I/O cycles. I found a genuine IBM
printer board that did decode writes of the status port during
the early PnP proposal review period, but MS said
tough. So they do a write to the printer status
port for setting addresses, plus that use that address +
0x800, and a third I/O port for reading that
can be located anywhere between 0x200 and
0x3ff.Does FreeBSD support architectures other than the
x86?Several groups of people have expressed interest in
working on multi-architecture ports for FreeBSD and the
FreeBSD/AXP (ALPHA) port is one such effort which has been
quite successful, now available at
ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/alpha. The ALPHA port
currently runs on a growing number of ALPHA machine types,
among them the AlphaStation, AXPpci, PC164, Miata and Multia
models. For status information, please join the
freebsd-alpha@FreeBSD.org mailing list.Interest has also been expressed in a port of FreeBSD to
the SPARC architecture, join the
mailing list if you are interested in joining that
project. Most recent additions to the list of upcoming plaforms
are IA-64 and PowerPC, join the
freebsd-ia64@FreeBSD.org or/and
freebsd-ppc@FreeBSD.org mailing lists for more information.
For general discussion on new architectures, join
the freebsd-platforms@FreeBSD.org
mailing list.I need a major number for a device driver I've
written.This depends on whether or not you plan on making the
driver publicly available. If you do, then please send us a
copy of the driver source code, plus the appropriate
modifications to files.i386, a
sample configuration file entry, and the appropriate MAKEDEV
code to create any special files your device uses. If you do
not, or are unable to because of licensing restrictions, then
character major number 32 and block major number 8 have been
reserved specifically for this purpose; please use them. In any
case, we'd appreciate hearing about your driver on
freebsd-hackers@FreeBSD.org.Alternative layout policies for directoriesIn answer to the question of alternative layout policies
for directories, the scheme that is currently in use is
unchanged from what I wrote in 1983. I wrote that policy for
the original fast filesystem, and never revisited it. It works
well at keeping cylinder groups from filling up. As several of
you have noted, it works poorly for find. Most filesystems are
created from archives that were created by a depth first search
(aka ftw). These directories end up being striped across the
cylinder groups thus creating a worst possible senario for
future depth first searches. If one knew the total number of
directories to be created, the solution would be to create
(total / fs_ncg) per cylinder group before moving on.
Obviously, one would have to create some heuristic to guess at
this number. Even using a small fixed number like say 10 would
make an order of magnitude improvement. To differentiate
restores from normal operation (when the current algorithm is
probably more sensible), you could use the clustering of up to
10 if they were all done within a ten second window. Anyway, my
conclusion is that this is an area ripe for
experimentation.Kirk McKusick, September 1998Making the most of a kernel panic[This section was extracted from a mail
written by &a.wpaul; on the freebsd-current
mailing list by &a.des;, who
fixed a few typos and added the bracketed comments]
From: Bill Paul <wpaul@skynet.ctr.columbia.edu>
Subject: Re: the fs fun never stops
To: ben@rosengart.com
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 15:22:50 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: current@FreeBSD.org[<ben@rosengart.com> posted the following
panic message]> Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
> fault virtual address = 0x40
> fault code = supervisor read, page not present
> instruction pointer = 0x8:0xf014a7e5
> stack pointer = 0x10:0xf4ed6f24
> frame pointer = 0x10:0xf4ed6f28
> code segment = base 0x0, limit 0xfffff, type 0x1b
> = DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1, gran 1
> processor eflags = interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0
> current process = 80 (mount)
> interrupt mask =
> trap number = 12
> panic: page fault
[When] you see a message like this, it's not enough to just
reproduce it and send it in. The instruction pointer value that
I highlighted up there is important; unfortunately, it's also
configuration dependent. In other words, the value varies
depending on the exact kernel image that you're using. If
you're using a GENERIC kernel image from one of the snapshots,
then it's possible for somebody else to track down the
offending function, but if you're running a custom kernel then
only you can tell us where the fault
occured. What you should do is this:Write down the instruction pointer value. Note that
the 0x8: part at the begining is not
significant in this case: it's the
0xf0xxxxxx part that we want.When the system reboots, do the following:
&prompt.user; nm -n /kernel.that.caused.the.panic | grep f0xxxxxx
where f0xxxxxx is the instruction
pointer value. The odds are you will not get an exact
match since the symbols in the kernel symbol table are
for the entry points of functions and the instruction
pointer address will be somewhere inside a function, not
at the start. If you don't get an exact match, omit the
last digit from the instruction pointer value and try
again, i.e.:
&prompt.user; nm -n /kernel.that.caused.the.panic | grep f0xxxxx
If that doesn't yield any results, chop off another
digit. Repeat until you get some sort of output. The
result will be a possible list of functions which caused
the panic. This is a less than exact mechanism for
tracking down the point of failure, but it's better than
nothing. I see people constantly show panic messages like this
but rarely do I see someone take the time to match up the
instruction pointer with a function in the kernel symbol
table. The best way to track down the cause of a panic is by
capturing a crash dump, then using gdb(1)
to to a stack trace on the crash dump. Of course, this depends
on gdb(1) in -CURRENT working correctly,
which I can't guarantee (I recall somebody saying that the new
ELF-ized gdb(1) didn't handle kernel crash
dumps correctly: somebody should check this before 3.0 goes out
of beta or there'll be a lot of red faces after the CDs
ship).In any case, the method I normally use is this:Set up a kernel config file, optionally adding
options DDB if you think you need
the kernel debugger for something. (I use this mainly
for setting beakpoints if I suspect an infinite loop
condition of some kind.)Use config -g
up the build directory.cd /sys/compile/
Wait for kernel to finish compiling.make installrebootThe &man.make.1; process will have built two kernels.
kernel and
kernel.debug. kernel
was installed as /kernel, while
kernel.debug can be used as the source of
debugging symbols for gdb(1). To make sure you capture a crash dump, you need edit
/etc/rc.conf and set
dumpdev to point to your swap
partition. This will cause the rc(8) scripts
to use the dumpon(8) command to enable crash
dumps. You can also run dumpon(8) manually.
After a panic, the crash dump can be recovered using
savecore(8); if dumpdev is set in
/etc/rc.conf, the rc(8)
scripts will run savecore(8) automatically
and put the crash dump in
/var/crash.FreeBSD crash dumps are usually the same size as the
physical RAM size of your machine. That is, if you have
64MB of RAM, you will get a 64MB crash dump. Therefore you
must make sure there's enough space in
/var/crash to hold the dump.
Alternatively, you run savecore(8)
manually and have it recover the crash dump to another
directory where you have more room. It's possible to limit
the size of the crash dump by using options
MAXMEM=(foo) to set the amount of memory the
kernel will use to something a little more sensible. For
example, if you have 128MB of RAM, you can limit the
kernel's memory usage to 16MB so that your crash dump size
will be 16MB instead of 128MB. Once you have recovered the crash dump, you can get a
stack trace with gdb(1) as follows:&prompt.user; gdb -k /sys/compile/KERNELCONFIG/kernel.debug /var/crash/vmcore.0(gdb)where Note that there may be several screens worth of
information; ideally you should use
script(1) to capture all of them. Using the
unstripped kernel image with all the debug symbols should show
the exact line of kernel source code where the panic occured.
Usually you have to read the stack trace from the bottom up in
order to trace the exact sequence of events that lead to the
crash. You can also use gdb(1) to print out
the contents of various variables or structures in order to
examine the system state at the time of the crash. Now, if you're really insane and have a second computer,
you can also configure gdb(1) to do remote
debugging such that you can use gdb(1) on
one system to debug the kernel on another system, including
setting breakpoints, single-stepping through the kernel code,
just like you can do with a normal user-mode program. I haven't
played with this yet as I don't often have the chance to set up
two machines side by side for debugging purposes.[Bill adds: "I forgot to mention one thing: if
you have DDB enabled and the kernel drops into the debugger,
you can force a panic (and a crash dump) just by typing 'panic'
at the ddb prompt. It may stop in the debugger again during the
panic phase. If it does, type 'continue' and it will finish the
crash dump." -ed]dlsym() stopped working for ELF executables!The ELF toolchain does not, by default, make the symbols
defined in an executable visible to the dynamic linker.
Consequently dlsym() searches on handles
obtained from calls to dlopen(NULL,
flags) will fail to find such symbols.If you want to search, using dlsym(),
for symbols present in the main executable of a process, you
need to link the executable using the
option to the ELF
linker.Increasing or reducing the kernel address spaceBy default, the kernel address space is 256 MB on
FreeBSD 3.x and 1 GB on FreeBSD 4.x. If you run a
network-intensive server (e.g. a large FTP or HTTP server),
you might find that 256 MB is not enough.So how do you increase the address space? There are two
aspects to this. First, you need to tell the kernel to reserve
a larger portion of the address space for itself. Second, since
the kernel is loaded at the top of the address space, you need
to lower the load address so it doesn't bump its head against
the ceiling.The first goal is achieved by increasing the value of
src/sys/i386/include/pmap.h. Here's what
it looks like for a 1 GB address space:#ifndef NKPDE
#ifdef SMP
#define NKPDE 254 /* addressable number of page tables/pde's */
#define NKPDE 255 /* addressable number of page tables/pde's */
#endif /* SMP */
#endifTo find the correct value of NKPDE,
divide the desired address space size (in megabytes) by four,
then subtract one for UP and two for SMP.To achieve the second goal, you need to compute the
correct load address: simply subtract the address space size
(in bytes) from 0x100100000; the result is 0xc0100000 for a 1
GB address space. Set LOAD_ADDRESS in
src/sys/i386/conf/Makefile.i386 to that
value; then set the location counter in the beginning of the
section listing in
src/sys/i386/conf/kernel.script to the
same value, as follows:OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-i386", "elf32-i386", "elf32-i386")
SEARCH_DIR(/usr/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/obj/elf/home/src/tmp/usr/i386-unknown-freebsdelf/lib);
/* Read-only sections, merged into text segment: */
. = 0xc0100000 + SIZEOF_HEADERS;
.interp : { *(.interp) }Then reconfig and rebuild your kernel. You will probably
have problems with ps(1),
top(1) and the like; make
world should take care of it (or a manual rebuild of
libkvm, ps and top
after copying the patched pmap.h to
/usr/include/vm/.NOTE: the size of the kernel address space must be a
multiple of four megabytes.[&a.dg; adds: I think the kernel address space
needs to be a power of two, but I'm not certain about that. The
old(er) boot code used to monkey with the high order address bits
and I think expected at least 256MB
FreeBSD Core TeamIf you see a problem with this FAQ, or wish to submit an
entry, please mail the &a.faq;. We appreciate your feedback,
and cannot make this a better FAQ without your help!
&a.jkh;Occasional fits of FAQ-reshuffling and updating.&a.dwhite;Services above and beyond the call of duty on
freebsd-questions&a.joerg;Services above and beyond the call of duty on
Usenet&a.wollman;Networking and formattingJim LoweMulticast information&a.pds;FreeBSD FAQ typing machine slaveyThe FreeBSD TeamKvetching, moaning, submitting dataAnd to any others we've forgotten, apologies and heartfelt
diff --git a/en_US.ISO_8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml b/en_US.ISO_8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml
index dae98876b5..77ef2a77d4 100644
--- a/en_US.ISO_8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml
+++ b/en_US.ISO_8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml
@@ -1,11649 +1,11692 @@
Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X, 3.X and 4.XThe FreeBSD Documentation Project
- $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO_8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml,v 1.140 2001/01/18 01:14:24 brian Exp $
+ $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO_8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml,v 1.141 2001/01/31 12:12:13 ben Exp $This is the FAQ for FreeBSD versions 2.X, 3.X, and 4.X.
All entries are assumed to be relevant to FreeBSD 2.0.5 and later,
unless otherwise noted. Any entries with a <XXX> are under
construction. If you are interested in helping with this project,
send email to the FreeBSD documentation project mailing list
freebsd-doc@FreeBSD.org. The latest version of this
document is always available from the FreeBSD World Wide Web
server. It may also be downloaded as one large HTML file with HTTP or as plain text,
postscript, PDF, etc. from the FreeBSD FTP
server. You may also want to Search the
FAQ.PrefaceWelcome to the FreeBSD 2.X-4.X FAQ!As is usual with Usenet FAQs, this document aims to cover the
most frequently asked questions concerning the FreeBSD operating
system (and of course answer them!). Although originally intended
to reduce bandwidth and avoid the same old questions being asked
over and over again, FAQs have become recognized as valuable
information resources.Every effort has been made to make this FAQ as informative as
possible; if you have any suggestions as to how it may be improved,
please feel free to mail them to the &a.faq;.What is FreeBSD?Briefly, FreeBSD is a UN*X-like operating system for the
i386 and Alpha/AXP platforms based on U.C. Berkeley's
4.4BSD-Lite release, with some 4.4BSD-Lite2 enhancements.
It is also based indirectly on William Jolitz's port of U.C.
Berkeley's Net/2 to the i386, known as 386BSD, though very
little of the 386BSD code remains. A fuller description of
what FreeBSD is and how it can work for you may be found on
the FreeBSD home
page.FreeBSD is used by companies, Internet Service Providers,
researchers, computer professionals, students and home users
all over the world in their work, education and recreation.
See some of them in the FreeBSD
Gallery.For more detailed information on FreeBSD, please see the
Handbook.What are the goals of FreeBSD?The goals of the FreeBSD Project are to provide software
that may be used for any purpose and without strings attached.
Many of us have a significant investment in the code (and
project) and would certainly not mind a little financial
compensation now and then, but we're definitely not prepared
to insist on it. We believe that our first and foremost
mission is to provide code to any and all
comers, and for whatever purpose, so that the code gets the
widest possible use and provides the widest possible benefit.
This is, we believe, one of the most fundamental goals of Free
Software and one that we enthusiastically support.That code in our source tree which falls under the GNU
General Public License (GPL) or GNU Library General Public
License (LGPL) comes with slightly more strings attached,
though at least on the side of enforced access rather than the
usual opposite. Due to the additional complexities that can
evolve in the commercial use of GPL software, we do, however,
endeavor to replace such software with submissions under the
more relaxed BSD copyright whenever possible.Why is it called FreeBSD?It may be used free of charge, even by commercial
users.Full source for the operating system is freely
available, and the minimum possible restrictions have
been placed upon its use, distribution and incorporation
into other work (commercial or non-commercial).Anyone who has an improvement and/or bug fix is free
to submit their code and have it added to the source tree
(subject to one or two obvious provisos).For those of our readers whose first language is not
English, it may be worth pointing out that the word
free is being used in two ways here, one meaning
at no cost, the other meaning you can do
whatever you like. Apart from one or two things you
cannot do with the FreeBSD code, for
example pretending you wrote it, you really can do whatever you
like with it.What is the latest version of FreeBSD?Version 4.2
is the latest STABLE version; it was
released in November, 2000. This is also the latest
RELEASE version.Briefly explained, -STABLE is aimed
at the ISP or other corporate user who wants stability and a
low change count over the wizzy new features of the latest
-CURRENT snapshot. Releases can come
from either branch, but you should only use
-CURRENT if you're sure that you're
prepared for its increased volatility (relative to
-STABLE, that is).Releases are only made every
few months. While many people stay more up-to-date with
the FreeBSD sources (see the questions on FreeBSD-CURRENT and FreeBSD-STABLE) than that, doing so
is more of a commitment, as the sources are a moving
target.What is FreeBSD-CURRENT?FreeBSD-CURRENT
is the development version of the operating system, which will
in due course become 5.0-RELEASE. As such, it is really only
of interest to developers working on the system and die-hard
hobbyists. See the relevant
section in the handbook for details on
running -CURRENT.If you are not familiar with the operating system or are
not capable of identifying the difference between a real
problem and a temporary problem, you should not use
FreeBSD-CURRENT. This branch sometimes evolves quite quickly
and can be un-buildable for a number of days at a time.
People that use FreeBSD-CURRENT are expected to be able to
analyze any problems and only report them if they are deemed
to be mistakes rather than glitches. Questions
such as make world produces some error about
groups on the -CURRENT mailing list are sometimes
treated with contempt.Every day, snapshot
releases are made based on the current state of the
-CURRENT and -STABLE branches. Nowadays, distributions of the
occasional snapshot are now being made available. The goals
behind each snapshot release are:To test the latest version of the installation
software.To give people who would like to run -CURRENT or
-STABLE but who don't have the time and/or bandwidth to
follow it on a day-to-day basis an easy way of
bootstrapping it onto their systems.To preserve a fixed reference point for the code in
question, just in case we break something really badly
later. (Although CVS normally prevents anything horrible
like this happening :)To ensure that any new features in need of testing
have the greatest possible number of potential
testers.No claims are made that any -CURRENT snapshot can be
considered production quality for any purpose.
If you want to run a stable and fully tested system, you will
have to stick to full releases, or use the -STABLE
snaphosts.Snapshot releases are directly available from
ftp://current.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ for 5.0-CURRENT
releng4.FreeBSD.org for 4-STABLE snapshots.
3-STABLE snapshots are not being produced at the time of
this writing (May 2000).Snapshots are generated, on the average, once a day for
all actively developed branches.What is the FreeBSD-STABLE concept?Back when FreeBSD 2.0.5 was released, we decided to
branch FreeBSD development into two parts. One branch was
named -STABLE,
with the intention that only well-tested bug fixes and small
incremental enhancements would be made to it (for Internet
Service Providers and other commercial enterprises for whom
sudden shifts or experimental features are quite
undesirable). The other branch was -CURRENT,
which essentially has been one unbroken line leading towards
5.0-RELEASE (and beyond) since 2.0 was released. If a little
ASCII art would help, this is how it looks: 2.0
| [2.1-STABLE]
*BRANCH* 2.0.5 -> 2.1 -> 2.1.5 -> 2.1.6 -> [2.1-STABLE ends]
| (Mar 1997)
| [2.2-STABLE]
*BRANCH* 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2-RELEASE -> 2.2.5 -> 2.2.6 -> 2.2.7 -> 2.2.8 [end]
| (Mar 1997) (Oct 97) (Apr 98) (Jul 98) (Dec 98)
3.0-SNAPs (started Q1 1997)
3.0-RELEASE (Oct 1998)
| [3.0-STABLE]
*BRANCH* 3.1-RELEASE (Feb 1999) -> 3.2 -> 3.3 -> 3.4 -> 3.5 -> 3.5.1
| (May 1999) (Sep 1999) (Dec 1999) (June 2000) (July 2000)
| [4.0-STABLE]
*BRANCH* 4.0 (Mar 2000) -> 4.1 -> 4.1.1 -> 4.2 -> ... future 4.x releases ...
| (July 2000) (Sep 2000) (Nov 2000)
[5.0-CURRENT continues]The -CURRENT branch is slowly progressing towards 5.0 and
beyond, the previous 2.2-STABLE branch having been retired with
the release of 2.2.8. 3-STABLE replaced it, with 3.5.1 (the
final 3.X release) being released in July 2000. In May 2000
(even though 3.5 came after that), the 3-STABLE branch was more
or less replaced by the 4-STABLE branch. 4.2-RELEASE was
released in November 2000. 4-STABLE is the actively developed
-STABLE branch, although some bugfixes (mostly
security-related) are still being committed to 3-STABLE. It is
expected that the 3.X branch will be officially obsoleted some
time in summer 2000. 5.0-CURRENT is now the current
branch, with the no release date planed.When are FreeBSD releases made?As a general principle, the FreeBSD core team only release
a new version of FreeBSD when they believe that there are
sufficient new features and/or bug fixes to justify one, and
are satisfied that the changes made have settled down
sufficiently to avoid compromising the stability of the
release. Many users regard this caution as one of the best
things about FreeBSD, although it can be a little frustrating
when waiting for all the latest goodies to become
available...Releases are made about every 4 months on average.For people needing (or wanting) a little more excitement,
binary snapshots are made every day... see above.Is FreeBSD only available for PCs ?Since 3.x, FreeBSD has run on the DEC Alpha
as well as the x86 architecture. Some interest has also been
expressed in a SPARC, PowerPC and IA64 ports.If your machine has a different architecture and you need
something right now, we suggest you look at NetBSD or OpenBSD. Who is responsible for FreeBSD?The key decisions concerning the FreeBSD project, such as
the overall direction of the project and who is allowed to add
code to the source tree, are made by a core team of
9 people. There is a much larger team of more than 200 committers who
are authorized to make changes directly to the FreeBSD source
tree.However, most non-trivial changes are discussed in advance
in the mailing lists, and there
are no restrictions on who may take part in the
discussion.Where can I get FreeBSD?Every significant release of FreeBSD is available via
anonymous ftp from the
FreeBSD FTP site:For the current 3.X-STABLE release, 3.5.1-RELEASE, see
the 3.5.1-RELEASE directory.The current 4-STABLE release, 4.2-RELEASE can be
found in the 4.2-RELEASE directory.4.X
snapshots are usually made once a day.
5.0 Snapshot releases are made once a day for the
-CURRENT branch, these being
of service purely to bleeding-edge testers and
developers.FreeBSD is also available via CDROM, from the following
4041 Pike Lane, Suite FConcord, CA94520USAOrders: +1 800 786-9907Questions: +1 925 674-0783FAX: +1 925 674-0821email: BSDi Orders addressWWW: BSDi Home pageIn Australia, you may find it at:
Advanced Multimedia Distributors
Factory 1/1 Ovata DriveTullamarine, MelbourneVictoriaAustraliaVoice: +61 3 9338 6777CDROM Support BBS17 Irvine StPeppermint Grove, WA6011Voice: +61 9 385-3793Fax: +61 9 385-2360And in the UK:
The Public Domain & Shareware Library
Winscombe House, Beacon RdCrowboroughSussex. TN6 1ULVoice: +44 1892 663-298Fax: +44 1892 667-473Where do I find info on the FreeBSD mailing lists?You can find full information in the Handbook
entry on mailing-lists.Where do I find the FreeBSD Y2K info?You can find full information in the FreeBSD Y2K
page.What FreeBSD news groups are available?You can find full information in the Handbook entry on
newsgroups.Are there FreeBSD IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
channels?Yes, most major IRC networks host a FreeBSD chat
channel:Channel #FreeBSD on
EFNet is a FreeBSD forum, but don't go there for tech
support or to try and get folks there to help you avoid
the pain of reading man pages or doing your own research.
It is a chat channel, first and foremost, and topics there
are just as likely to involve sex, sports or nuclear
weapons as they are FreeBSD. You Have Been Warned!
Available at server irc.chat.org.Channel #FreeBSDhelp on
EFNet is a channel dedicated to helping FreeBSD users. They
are much more sympathetic to questions then
#FreeBSD is.Channel #FreeBSD on
DALNET is available at irc.dal.net in the
US and irc.eu.dal.net in Europe.Channel #FreeBSD on
UNDERNET is available at us.undernet.org
in the US and eu.undernet.org in Europe.
Since it is a help channel, be prepared to read the
documents you are referred to.Channel #FreeBSD on HybNet is available
at irc.FreeBSD.org. This channel
is a help channel.Each of these channels are distinct and are not connected
to each other. Their chat styles also differ, so you may need
to try each to find one suited to your chat style. As with
*all* types of IRC traffic, if you're easily offended or can't
deal with lots of young people (and more than a few older
ones) doing the verbal equivalent of jello wrestling, don't
even bother with it.Books on FreeBSDThere is a FreeBSD Documentation Project which you may
contact (or even better, join) at the
freebsd-doc mailing list:
This list is for discussion of the FreeBSD documentation. For
actual questions about FreeBSD, there is the
freebsd-questions mailing list:
freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.org.A FreeBSD handbook is available, and can be
found as: the FreeBSD
Handbook. Note that this is a work in progress; some
parts may be incomplete or out-of-date.The definitive printed guide on FreeBSD is
The Complete FreeBSD, written by Greg Lehey and
published by BSDi (formerly Walnut Creek CDROM) Books. Now in its second
edition, the book contains 1,750 pages of install & system
administration guidance, program setup help, and manual pages.
The book (and current FreeBSD release) can be ordered from
CheapBytes, or
at your favorite bookstore. The ISBN is 1-57176-227-2.Since FreeBSD is based upon Berkeley
4.4BSD-Lite, most of the 4.4BSD manuals are applicable to
FreeBSD. O'Reilly and Associates publishes the following
manuals:4.4BSD System Manager's Manual
By Computer Systems Research Group, UC Berkeley
1st Edition June 1994, 804 pages
1-56592-080-5 4.4BSD User's Reference Manual
By Computer Systems Research Group, UC Berkeley
1st Edition June 1994, 905 pages
1-56592-075-9 4.4BSD User's Supplementary Documents
By Computer Systems Research Group, UC Berkeley
1st Edition July 1994, 712 pages
1-56592-076-7 4.4BSD Programmer's Reference Manual
By Computer Systems Research Group, UC Berkeley
1st Edition June 1994, 886 pages
1-56592-078-3 4.4BSD Programmer's Supplementary Documents
By Computer Systems Research Group, UC Berkeley
1st Edition July 1994, 596 pages
1-56592-079-1 A description of these can be found via WWW as:
books description. Due to poor sales, however, these
manuals may be hard to get a hold of.For a more in-depth look at the 4.4BSD kernel
organization, you can't go wrong with:McKusick, Marshall Kirk, Keith Bostic, Michael J Karels,
and John Quarterman.The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD
Operating System. Reading, Mass. :
Addison-Wesley, 1996.
0-201-54979-4A good book on system administration is:Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, Scott Seebass & Trent R.
Unix System Administration Handbook, Prentice-Hall,
0-13-151051-7Make sure you get the second edition, with a red
cover, instead of the first edition.This book covers the basics, as well as TCP/IP, DNS, NFS,
SLIP/PPP, sendmail, INN/NNTP, printing, etc.. It's expensive
(approx. US$45-$55), but worth it. It also includes
a CDROM with the sources for various tools; most of these,
however, are also on the FreeBSD 2.2.6R CDROM (and the FreeBSD
CDROM often has newer versions).How do I access your Problem Report database?The Problem Report database of all user change requests
may be queried (or submitted to) by using our web-based PR
interfaces. The send-pr(1) command can
also be used to submit problem reports and change requests via
electronic mail.Is the documentation available in other formats, such as plain
text (ASCII), or Postscript?Yes. The documentation is available in a number of different
formats and compression schemes on the FreeBSD FTP site, in the
/pub/FreeBSD/doc/ directory.The documentation is categorised in a number of different
ways. These include:The document's name, such as faq, or
handbook.The document's language and encoding. These are based on
the locale names you will find under
/usr/share/locale on your FreeBSD
system. The current languages and encodings that we have for
documentation are as follows:NameMeaningen_US.ISO_8859-1US Englishes_ES.ISO_8859-1Spanishfr_FR.ISO_8859-1Frenchja_JP.eucJPJapanese (EUC encoding)ru_RU.KOI8-RRussian (KOI8-R encoding)zh_TW.Big5Chinese (Big5 encoding)Some documents may not be available in all
languages.The document's format. We produce the documentation in a
number of different output formats to try and make it as
flexible as possible. The current formats are;FormatMeaninghtml-splitA collection of small, linked, HTML
files.htmlOne large HTML file containing the entire
documentpdbPalm Pilot database format, for use with the
reader.pdfAdobe's Portable Document FormatpsPostscriptrtfMicrosoft's Rich Text FormatPage numbers are not automatically updated
when loading this format in to Word. Press
F9 after loading the document, to
update the page numbers.txtPlain textThe compression and packaging scheme. There are three of
these currently in use.Where the format is html-split, the
files are bundled up using &man.tar.1;. The resulting
.tar file is then compressed using
the compression schemes detailed in the next point.All the other formats generate one file, called
(i.e., book.pdb,
book.html, and so on).These files are then compressed using three
compression schemes.SchemeDescriptionzipThe Zip format. If you want to uncompress
this on FreeBSD you will need to install the
archivers/unzip port
first.gzThe GNU Zip format. Use &man.gunzip.1; to
uncompress these files, which is part of
FreeBSD.bz2The BZip2 format. Less widespread than the
others, but generally gives smaller files.
Install the archivers/bzip2
port to uncompress these files.So the Postscript version of the Handbook, compressed
using BZip2 will be stored in a file called
book.sgml.bz2 in the
handbook/ directory.The formatted documentation is also available as a
FreeBSD package, of which more later.After choosing the format and compression mechanism that you
want to download, you must then decide whether or not you want to
download the document as a FreeBSD
package.The advantage of downloading and installing the package is
that the documentation can then be managed using the normal
FreeBSD package management comments, such as &man.pkg.add.1; and
&man.pkg.delete.1;.If you decide to download and install the package then you
must know the filename to download. The documentation-as-packages
files are stored in a directory called
packages. Each package file looks like
document-name.lang.encoding.format.tgz.For example, the FAQ, in English, formatted as PDF, is in the
package called
faq.en_US.ISO_8859-1.pdf.tgz.Knowing this, you can use the following command to install the
English PDF FAQ package.&prompt.root; pkg_add ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/doc/packages/faq.en_US.ISO_8859-1.pdf.tgzHaving done that, you can use &man.pkg.info.1; to determine
where the file has been installed.&prompt.root; pkg_info -f faq.en_US.ISO_8859-1.pdf
Information for faq.en_US.ISO_8859-1.pdf:
Packing list:
Package name: faq.en_US.ISO_8859-1.pdf
CWD to /usr/share/doc/en_US.ISO_8859-1/books/faq
File: book.pdf
CWD to .
File: +COMMENT (ignored)
File: +DESC (ignored)As you can see, book.pdf will have been
installed in to
If you do not want to use the packages then you will have to
download the compressed files yourself, uncompress them, and then
copy the appropriate documents in to place.For example, the split HTML version of the FAQ, compressed
using &man.gzip.1;, can be found in the
file. To download and uncompress that file you would have to do
this.&prompt.root; fetch ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/doc/en_US.ISO_8859-1/books/faq/book.html-split.tar.gz
&prompt.root; gzip -d book.html-split.tar.gz
&prompt.root; tar xvf book.html-split.tarYou will be left with a collection of
.html files. The main one is called
index.html, which will contain the table of
contents, introductory material, and links to the other parts of
the document. You can then copy or move these to their final
location as necessary.I'd like to become a FreeBSD Web mirror!Certainly! There are multiple ways to mirror the Web
pages.Using CVSup:
You can retrieve the formatted files
using CVSup, and connecting to
a CVSup server.To retrieve the webpages, please look at the example
supfile, which can be found in
Using ftp mirror: You can download the FTP server's
copy of the web site sources using your favorite ftp mirror
tool. Keep in mind that you have to build these sources before
publishing them. Simply start at
ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/FreeBSD-current/www.I'd like to translate the documentation into
Friesian.Well, we can't pay, but we might arrange a free CD or
T-shirt and a Contributor's Handbook entry if you submit a
translation of the documentation. Before you begin translating
please contact the freebsd-doc mailing
list at freebsd-doc@FreeBSD.org; you may find
somebody to help with the translation effort. You may also find
out there is already a team translating the docs into your
chosen language, who surely wouldn't turn down your help.
Other sources of information.The following newsgroups contain pertinent discussion for
FreeBSD users:comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.announce
(moderated)comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misccomp.unix.bsd.miscWeb resources:The FreeBSD Home Page.If you have a laptop, be sure and see
Hosokawa's Mobile Computing page in Japan.For information on SMP (Symmetric
MultiProcessing), please see the SMP support page.For information on FreeBSD
multimedia applications, please see the multimedia
page. If you're interested specifically in the Bt848
video capture chip, then follow that link.The FreeBSD handbook also has a fairly complete bibliography
section which is worth reading if you're looking for actual
books to buy.InstallationWhich file do I download to get FreeBSD?Prior to release 3.1, you only needed one floppy image to
install FreeBSD, namely floppies/boot.flp.
However, since release 3.1 the Project has added base support
for a wide variety of hardware which needed more space, and
thus for 3.x and 4.x we now use two floppy images, namely
floppies/kernel.flp and
floppies/mfsroot.flp. These images need to
be copied onto floppies by tools like
fdimage or &man.dd.1;.If you need to download the distributions yourself (for a
DOS filesystem install, for instance), below are some
recommendations for distributions to grab: bin/ manpages/ compat*/ doc/ src/ssys.* Full instructions on this procedure and a little bit more
about installation issues in general can be found in the
Handbook entry on
installing FreeBSD.Help! The boot floppy image will not fit on a single
floppy!A 3.5 inch (1.44MB) floppy can accomodate 1474560 bytes
of data. The boot image is exactly 1474560 bytes in size.Common mistakes when preparing the boot floppy are:Not downloading the floppy image in
binary mode when using
FTP.Some FTP clients default their transfer mode to
ascii and attempt to change any
end-of-line characters received to match the conventions
used by the client's system. This will almost invariably
corrupt the boot image. Check the size of the downloaded
boot image: if it is not exactly that
on the server, then the download process is suspect.To workaround: type binary at the
FTP command prompt after getting connected to the server
and before starting the download of the image.Using the DOS copy command (or
equivalent GUI tool) to transfer the boot image to
floppy.Programs like copy will not work as
the boot image has been created to be booted into directly.
The image has the complete content of the floppy, track for
track, and is not meant to be placed on the floppy as a
regular file. You have to transfer it to the floppy
raw, using the low-level tools (e.g.
fdimage or rawrite)
described in the installation guide to
FreeBSD.Where are the instructions for installing FreeBSD?Installation instructions can be found in the
Handbook entry on installing FreeBSD.What do I need in order to run FreeBSD?You'll need a 386 or better PC, with 5 MB or more of RAM
and at least 60 MB of hard disk space. It can run with a low
end MDA graphics card but to run X11R6, a VGA or better video
card is needed.See also the section on
I have only 4 MB of RAM. Can I install FreeBSD?FreeBSD 2.1.7 was the last version of FreeBSD that could
be installed on a 4MB system. Newer versions of FreeBSD, like
2.2, need at least 5MB to install on a new system.All versions of FreeBSD, including 3.0, will
run in 4MB of RAM, they just can't run the
installation program in 4MB. You can add extra memory for the
install process, if you like, and then after the system is up
and running, go back to 4MB. Or you could always just swap your
disk into a system which has >4MB, install onto it and then
swap it back.There are also situations in which FreeBSD 2.1.7 will not
install in 4 MB. To be exact: it does not install with 640 kB
base + 3 MB extended memory. If your motherboard can remap some
of the lost memory out of the 640kB to 1MB
region, then you may still be able to get FreeBSD 2.1.7
up.Try to go into your BIOS setup and look for a
remap option. Enable it. You may also have to
disable ROM shadowing.It may be easier to get 4 more MB just for the install.
Build a custom kernel with only the options you need and then
get the 4MB out again.You may also install 2.0.5 and then upgrade your system to
2.1.7 with the upgrade option of the 2.1.7
installation program.After the installation, if you build a custom kernel, it
will run in 4 MB. Someone has even succeeded in booting with 2
MB (the system was almost unusable though :-))How can I make my own custom install floppy?Currently there's no way to just
make a custom install floppy. You have to cut a whole new
release, which will include your install floppy.To make a custom release, follow the instructions
here.Can I have more than one operating system on my PC?Have a look at
The multi-OS page.Can Windows 95/98 co-exist with FreeBSD?Install Windows 95/98 first, after that FreeBSD.
FreeBSD's boot manager will then manage to boot Win95/98 and
FreeBSD. If you install Windows 95/98 second, it will boorishly
overwrite your boot manager without even asking. If that
happens, see the next section.Windows 95/98 killed my boot manager!
How do I get it back?You can reinstall the boot manager FreeBSD comes with in
one of three ways:Running DOS, go into the tools/ directory of your
FreeBSD distribution and look for
bootinst.exe. You run it like
so:...\TOOLS>bootinst.exe boot.binand the boot manager will be reinstalled.Boot the FreeBSD boot floppy again and go to the
Custom installation menu item. Choose Partition. Select the
drive which used to contain your boot manager (likely the
first one) and when you come to the partition editor for
it, as the very first thing (e.g. do not make any changes)
select (W)rite. This will ask for confirmation, say yes,
and when you get the Boot Manager selection prompt, be
sure to select Boot Manager. This will
re-write the boot manager to disk. Now quit out of the
installation menu and reboot off the hard disk as
normal.Boot the FreeBSD boot floppy (or CD-ROM) and choose the
Fixit menu item. Select either the Fixit
floppy or CD-ROM #2 (the live file system
option) as appropriate and enter the fixit shell. Then
execute the following command:Fixit#fdisk -B -b /boot/boot0 bootdevicesubstituting bootdevice for
your real
boot device such as ad0 (first IDE
disk), ad4 (first IDE disk on
auxiliary controller), da0 (first
SCSI disk), etc.I have an IBM Thinkpad in the A, T, or X series that FreeBSD
installs on, but then the machine locks up on next boot. How can I
solve this?It seems as though IBM decided to use partition ID 165 for
their suspend-to-disk partition. This is the same ID FreeBSD
uses, and after installing FreeBSD the BIOS refuses to boot. A
workaround is to install FreeBSD, change the partition ID FreeBSD
uses, and install new boot blocks that can handle the different
partition ID.First, you'll need to to restore the machine to a state where
it can get through its self-test screen. Doing this requires
powering up the machine without letting it find a FreeBSD
partition on its primary disk. One way is to remove the hard disk
and temporarily move it to an older ThinkPad (such as a ThinkPad
600) or a desktop PC with an appropriate conversion cable. Once
it's there, you can delete the FreeBSD partition and move the hard
disk back. The ThinkPad should now be in a bootable state
again.With the machine functional again, you can use the workaround
procedure described here to get a working FreeBSD
installation.Download boot1 and
boot2 from http://people.freebsd.org/~bmah/ThinkPad/.
Put these files somewhere you will be able to retrieve them
later.Install FreeBSD as normal on to the ThinkPad.
Do not use Dangerously
Dedicated mode. Do not
reboot when the install has finished.Either switch to the Emergency Holographic
Shell (ALTF4) or start a
fixit shell.Use &man.fdisk.8; to change the FreeBSD partition ID from
165 to 166 (this is the
type used by OpenBSD).Bring the boot1 and
boot2 files to the local
filesystem.Use &man.disklabel.8; to write boot1
and boot2 to your FreeBSD slice.&prompt.root; disklabel -B -b boot1 -s boot2 ad0snn is the number of the slice
where you installed FreeBSD.Reboot. At the boot prompt you will be given the option
of booting OpenBSD. This will actually
boot FreeBSD.Getting this to work in the case where you want to dual boot
OpenBSD and FreeBSD on the same laptop is left as an exercise for
the reader.Can I install on a disk with bad blocks?Prior to 3.0, FreeBSD included a utility known as
bad144, which automatically remapped bad
blocks. Because modern IDE drives perform this function
themselves, bad144 has been removed from the
FreeBSD source tree. If you wish to install FreeBSD 3.0 or
later, we strongly suggest you purchase a newer disk drive. If
you do not wish to do this, you must run FreeBSD 2.x.If you are seeing bad block errors with a modern IDE
drive, chances are the drive is going to die very soon (the
drive's internal remapping functions are no longer sufficient
to fix the bad blocks, which means the disk is heavily
corrupted); we suggest you by a new hard drive.If you have a SCSI drive with bad blocks, see
this answer.Strange things happen when I boot the install floppy!If you're seeing things like the machine grinding to a halt
or spontaneously rebooting when you try to boot the install
floppy, here are three questions to ask yourself:-Did you use a new, freshly-formatted, error-free floppy
(preferably a brand-new one straight out of the box, as
opposed to the magazine coverdisk that's been lying under
the bed for the last three years)?Did you download the floppy image in binary (or image)
mode? (don't be embarrassed, even the best of us have
accidentally downloaded a binary file in ASCII mode at
least once!)If you're using Windows95 or Win98 did you run
fdimage or rawrite in
pure DOS mode? These OS's can interfere with programs that
write directly to hardware, which the disk creation program
does; even running it inside a DOS shell in the GUI can
cause this problem.There have also been reports of Netscape causing problems
when downloading the boot floppy, so it's probably best to use
a different FTP client if you can.I booted from my ATAPI CD-ROM, but the install program says no
CD-ROM is found. Where did it go?The usual cause of this problem is a mis-configured CD-ROM
drive. Many PCs now ship with the CD-ROM as the slave device on
the secondary IDE controller, with no master device on that
controller. This is illegal according to the ATAPI specification,
but Windows plays fast and loose with the specification, and the
BIOS ignores it when booting. This is why the BIOS was able to
see the CD-ROM to boot from it, but why FreeBSD can not see it to
complete the install.Reconfigure your system so that the CD-ROM is either the
master device on the IDE controller it is attached to, or make
sure that it is the slave on an IDE controller that also has a
master device.Help! I can't install from tape!If you are installing 2.1.7R from tape, you must create
the tape using a tar blocksize of 10 (5120 bytes). The default
tar blocksize is 20 (10240 bytes), and tapes created using this
default size cannot be used to install 2.1.7R; with these
tapes, you will get an error that complains about the record
size being too big.Connect two FreeBSD boxes over a parallel line (PLIP)Get a laplink cable. Make sure both computer have a kernel
with lpt driver support.&prompt.root; dmesg | grep lp
lpt0 at 0x378-0x37f irq 7 on isa
lpt0: Interrupt-driven
lp0: TCP/IP capable interfacePlug in the laplink cable into the parallel interface.Configure the network interface parameters for lp0 on both
sites as root. For example, if you want connect the host max
with moritz max <-----> moritz
IP Address max start&prompt.root; ifconfig lp0 moritz start&prompt.root; ifconfig lp0 all! Please read also the manpages
&man.lp.4; and &man.lpt.4; .You should also add the hosts to
/etc/hosts. localhost.my.domain localhost max.my.domain max moritz.my.domainTo check if it works do:on max:&prompt.root; ifconfig lp0
inet --> netmask 0xff000000
&prompt.root; netstat -r
Routing tables
Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire
moritz max UH 4 127592 lp0
&prompt.root; ping -c 4 moritz
PING moritz ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=2.774 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=2.530 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=2.556 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=2.714 ms
--- moritz ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 2.530/2.643/2.774/0.103 msCan I install on my laptop over PLIP (Parallel Line
IP)?Connect the two computers using a Laplink parallel cable
to use this feature:
See also this note on the
Mobile Computing page.Which geometry should I use for a disk drive?By the geometry of a disk, we mean the
number of cylinders, heads and sectors/track on a disk - I'll
refer to this as C/H/S for convenience. This is how the PC's
BIOS works out which area on a disk to read/write from.This seems to cause a lot of confusion for some reason.
First of all, the physical geometry of a
SCSI drive is totally irrelevant, as FreeBSD works in term of
disk blocks. In fact, there is no such thing as
the physical geometry, as the sector
density varies across the disk - what manufacturers claim is
the quote physical geometry is usually the
geometry that they've worked out results in the least wasted
space. For IDE disks, FreeBSD does work in terms of C/H/S, but
all modern drives will convert this into block references
internally as well.All that matters is the logical
geometry - the answer that the BIOS gets when it asks
what is your geometry? and then uses to access
the disk. As FreeBSD uses the BIOS when booting, it's very
important to get this right. In particular, if you have more
than one operating system on a disk, they must all agree on the
geometry, otherwise you will have serious problems
booting!For SCSI disks, the geometry to use depends on whether
extended translation support is turned on in your controller
(this is often referred to as support for DOS disks
>1GB or something similar). If it's turned off, then
use N cylinders, 64 heads and 32
sectors/track, where N is the
capacity of the disk in MB. For example, a 2GB disk should
pretend to have 2048 cylinders, 64 heads and 32
sectors/track.If it is turned on (it's often supplied
this way to get around certain limitations in MSDOS) and the
disk capacity is more than 1GB, use M cylinders, 63 sectors per
track (*not* 64), and 255 heads, where 'M' is the disk capacity
in MB divided by 7.844238 (!). So our example 2GB drive would
have 261 cylinders, 63 sectors per track and 255 heads.If you are not sure about this, or FreeBSD fails to detect
the geometry correctly during installation, the simplest way
around this is usually to create a small DOS partition on the
disk. The correct geometry should then be detected (and you can
always remove the DOS partition in the partition editor if you
don't want to keep it, or leave it around for programming
network cards and the like).Alternatively, there is a freely available utility
distributed with FreeBSD called pfdisk.exe
(located in the tools subdirectory on the
FreeBSD CDROM or on the various FreeBSD ftp sites) which can be
used to work out what geometry the other operating systems on
the disk are using. You can then enter this geometry in the
partition editor.Any restrictions on how I divide the disk up?Yes. You must make sure that your root partition is below
cylinders so the BIOS can boot the kernel from it. (Note that
this is a limitation in the PC's BIOS, not FreeBSD).For a SCSI drive, this will normally imply that the root
partition will be in the first 1024MB (or in the first 4096MB
if extended translation is turned on - see previous question).
For IDE, the corresponding figure is 504MB.What about disk managers? Or, I have a large drive!FreeBSD recognizes the Ontrack Disk Manager and makes
allowances for it. Other disk managers are not supported.If you just want to use the disk with FreeBSD you don't
need a disk manager. Just configure the disk for as much space
as the BIOS can deal with (usually 504 megabytes), and FreeBSD
should figure out how much space you really have. If you're
using an old disk with an MFM controller, you may need to
explicitly tell FreeBSD how many cylinders to use.If you want to use the disk with FreeBSD and another
operating system, you may be able to do without a disk manager:
just make sure the the FreeBSD boot partition and the slice for
the other operating system are in the first 1024 cylinders. If
you're reasonably careful, a 20 megabyte boot partition should
be plenty.When I boot FreeBSD I get Missing Operating
SystemThis is classically a case of FreeBSD and DOS or some other
OS conflicting over their ideas of disk geometry. You will have to reinstall
FreeBSD, but obeying the instructions given above will almost
always get you going.I can't get past the boot manager's F?
prompt.This is another symptom of the problem described in the
preceding question. Your BIOS geometry and FreeBSD geometry
settings do not agree! If your controller or BIOS supports
cylinder translation (often marked as >1GB drive
support), try toggling its setting and reinstalling
FreeBSD.Do I need to install the complete sources?In general, no. However, we would strongly recommend that
you install, at a minimum, the base source
kit, which includes several of the files mentioned here, and
the sys (kernel) source kit, which includes
sources for the kernel. There is nothing in the system which
requires the presence of the sources to operate, however,
except for the kernel-configuration program &man.config.8;.
With the exception of the kernel sources, our build structure
is set up so that you can read-only mount the sources from
elsewhere via NFS and still be able to make new binaries.
(Because of the kernel-source restriction, we recommend that
you not mount this on /usr/src directly,
but rather in some other location with appropriate symbolic
links to duplicate the top-level structure of the source
tree.)Having the sources on-line and knowing how to build a
system with them will make it much easier for you to upgrade
to future releases of FreeBSD.To actually select a subset of the sources, use the Custom
menu item when you are in the Distributions menu of the
system installation tool.Do I need to build a kernel?Building a new kernel was originally pretty much a required
step in a FreeBSD installation, but more recent releases have
benefited from the introduction of a much friendlier kernel
configuration tool. When at the FreeBSD boot prompt (boot:),
use the flag and you will be dropped into a
visual configuration screen which allows you to configure the
kernel's settings for most common ISA cards.It's still recommended that you eventually build a new
kernel containing just the drivers that you need, just to save a
bit of RAM, but it's no longer a strict requirement for most
systems.Should I use DES passwords, or MD5, and how do I specify
which form my users receive?The default password format on FreeBSD is to use
MD5-based passwords. These are believed to
be more secure than the traditional UNIX password format, which
used a scheme based on the DES algorithm.
DES passwords are still available if you need to share your
password file with legacy operating systems which still use the
less secure password format (they are available if you choose
to install the crypto distribution in
sysinstall, or by installing the crypto sources if building
from source). Which password format to use for new passwords is
controlled by the passwd_format login capability
in /etc/login.conf, which takes values of
either des (if available) or md5.
See the login.conf(5) manpage for more information about login
capabilities.The boot floppy starts but hangs at the
Probing Devices... screen.If you have a IDE Zip or Jaz drive installed, remove it
and try again. The boot floppy can get confused by the drives.
After the system is installed you can reconnect the drive.
Hopefully this will be fixed in a later release.I get a panic: cant mount root
error when rebooting the system after installation.This error comes from confusion between the boot block's
and the kernel's understanding of the disk devices. The error
usually manifests on two-disk IDE systems, with the hard disks
arranged as the master or single device on separate IDE
controllers, with FreeBSD installed on the secondary IDE
controller. The boot blocks think the system is installed on
wd1 (the second BIOS disk) while the kernel assigns the first
disk on the secondary controller device wd2. After the device
probing, the kernel tries to mount what the boot blocks think
is the boot disk, wd1, while it is really wd2, and
fails.To fix the problem, do one of the following:For FreeBSD 3.3 and later, reboot the system and hit
Enter at the Booting kernel
in 10 seconds; hit [Enter] to interrupt prompt.
This will drop you into the boot loader.Then type
set root_disk_unit="disk_number"
. disk_number
will be 0 if FreeBSD is installed on
the master drive on the first IDE controller,
1 if it is installed on the slave on
the first IDE controller, 2 if it is
installed on the master of the second IDE controller, and
3 if it is installed on the slave of
the second IDE controller.Then type boot, and your system
should boot correctly.To make this change permanent (ie so you don't have to
do this everytime you reboot or turn on your FreeBSD
machine), put the line
in /boot/loader.conf.local
.If using FreeBSD 3.2 or earlier, at the Boot: prompt,
enter 1:wd(2,a)kernel and press Enter.
If the system starts, then run the command
echo "1:wd(2,a)kernel" > /boot.config
to make it the default boot string.Move the FreeBSD disk onto the primary IDE controller,
so the hard disks are consecutive.Rebuild
your kernel, modify the wd configuration lines to
read:controller wdc0 at isa? port "IO_WD1" bio irq 14 vector wdintr
disk wd0 at wdc0 drive 0
# disk wd1 at wdc0 drive 1 # comment out this line
controller wdc1 at isa? port "IO_WD2" bio irq 15 vector wdintr
disk wd1 at wdc1 drive 0 # change from wd2 to wd1
disk wd2 at wdc1 drive 1 # change from wd3 to wd2Install the new kernel. If you moved your disks and
wish to restore the previous configuration, replace the
disks in the desired configuration and reboot. Your
system should boot successfully.What are the limits for memory?For memory, the limit is 4 gigabytes. This configuration
has been tested, see wcarchive's
configuration for more details. If you plan to install
this much memory into a machine, you need to be careful. You'll
probably want to use ECC memory and to reduce capacitive
loading use 9 chip memory modules vice 18 chip memory
modules.What are the limits for ffs filesystems?For ffs filesystems, the maximum theoretical limit is 8
terabytes (2G blocks), or 16TB for the default block size of
8K. In practice, there is a soft limit of 1 terabyte, but with
modifications filesystems with 4 terabytes are possible (and
exist).The maximum size of a single ffs file is approximately 1G
blocks (4TB) if the block size is 4K.
Maximum file sizesfs block size2.2.7-stable3.0-currentworksshould work4K4T-14T-14T-14+t8K32+G8T-132+G32T-116K128+G16T-1128+G32T-132K512+G32T-1512+G64T-164K2048+G64T-12048+G128T-1
When the fs block size is 4K, triple indirect blocks work
and everything should be limited by the maximum fs block number
that can be represented using triple indirect blocks (approx.
1K^3 + 1K^2 + 1K), but everything is limited by a (wrong) limit
of 1G-1 on fs block numbers. The limit on fs block numbers
should be 2G-1. There are some bugs for fs block numbers near
2G-1, but such block numbers are unreachable when the fs block
size is 4K.For block sizes of 8K and larger, everything should be
limited by the 2G-1 limit on fs block numbers, but is actually
limited by the 1G-1 limit on fs block numbers, except under
-STABLE triple indirect blocks are unreachable, so the limit is
the maxiumum fs block number that can be represented using
double indirect blocks (approx. (blocksize/4)^2 +
(blocksize/4)), and under -CURRENT exceeding this limit may
cause problems. Using the correct limit of 2G-1 blocks does
cause problems.How can I put 1TB files on my floppy?I keep several virtual ones on floppies :-). The maxiumum
file size is not closely related to the maximum disk size. The
maximum disk size is 1TB. It is a feature that the file size
can be larger than the disk size.The following example creates a file of size 8T-1 using a
whole 32K of disk space (3 indirect blocks and 1 data block) on
a small root partition. The dd command requires a dd that works
with large files.&prompt.user; cat foo
df .
dd if=/dev/zero of=z bs=1 seek=`echo 2^43 - 2 | bc` count=1
ls -l z
du z
df .
&prompt.user; sh foo
Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/da0a 64479 27702 31619 47% /
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1 bytes transferred in 0.000187 secs (5346 bytes/sec)
-rw-r--r-- 1 bde bin 8796093022207 Sep 7 16:04 z
32 z
Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/da0a 64479 27734 31587 47% /Bruce Evans, September 1998I compiled a new kernel and now I get the error message
archsw.readin.failed when booting.You can boot by specifying the kernel directly at the second
stage, pressing any key when the | shows up before loader is
started. More specifically, you have upgraded the source for
your kernel, and installed a new kernel builtin from them
without making world. This is not
supported. Make world.How do I upgrade from 3.X -> 4.X?We strongly recommend that you use
binary snapshots to do this. 4-STABLE snapshots are available at
releng4.FreeBSD.org.If you wish to upgrade using source, please see the FreeBSD
Handbook for more information.Upgrading via source is never recommended for new
users, and upgading from 3.X -> 4.X is even less so; make sure
you have read the instructions carefully before attempting to
upgrade via source this!Hardware compatibility What kind of hard drives does FreeBSD support?FreeBSD supports EIDE and SCSI drives (with a compatible
controller; see the next section), and all drives using the
original Western Digital interface (MFM, RLL,
ESDI, and of course IDE). A few ESDI controllers that use
proprietary interfaces may not work: stick to WD1002/3/6/7
interfaces and clones.Which SCSI controllers are supported?See the complete list in the Handbook.Which CD-ROM drives are supported by FreeBSD?Any SCSI drive connected to a supported controller is
supported.The following proprietary CD-ROM interfaces are also
supported:Mitsumi LU002 (8bit), LU005 (16bit) and FX001D
(16bit 2x Speed).Sony CDU 31/33ASound Blaster Non-SCSI CD-ROMMatsushita/Panasonic CD-ROMATAPI compatible IDE CD-ROMsAll non-SCSI cards are known to be extremely slow compared
to SCSI drives, and some ATAPI CDROMs may not work.As of 2.2 the FreeBSD CDROM from BSDi supports
booting directly from the CD.Does FreeBSD support ZIP drives?FreeBSD supports the SCSI ZIP drive out of the box, of
course. The ZIP drive can only be set to run at SCSI target IDs
5 or 6, but if your SCSI host adapter's BIOS supports it you
can even boot from it. I don't know which host adapters let you
boot from targets other than 0 or 1... look at your docs (and
let me know if it works out for you).ATAPI (IDE) Zip drives are supported in FreeBSD 2.2.6 and
later releases.FreeBSD has contained support for Parallel Port Zip Drives
since version 3.0. If you are using a sufficiently up to date
version, then you should check that your kernel contains the
scbus0, da0,
ppbus0, and
vp0 drivers (the GENERIC kernel
contains everything except vp0). With
all these drivers present, the Parallel Port drive should be
available as /dev/da0s4. Disks can be
mounted using mount /dev/da0s4 /mnt OR (for
dos disks) mount_msdos /dev/da0s4 /mnt as
appropriate.Also check out this note on removable
drives, and this note on
formatting.Does FreeBSD support JAZ, EZ and other removable
drives?Apart from the IDE version of the EZ drive, these are all
SCSI devices, so the should all look like SCSI disks to
FreeBSD, and the IDE EZ should look like an IDE drive.I'm not sure how well FreeBSD supports
changing the media out while running. You will of course need
to dismount the drive before swapping media, and make sure that
any external units are powered on when you boot the system so
FreeBSD can see them.See this note on
formatting.Which multi-port serial cards are supported by
FreeBSD?There is a list of these in the Miscellaneous
devices section of the handbook.Some unnamed clone cards have also been known to work,
especially those that claim to be AST compatible.Check the sio
man page to get more information on configuring such cards.I have a USB keyboard. Does FreeBSD support it?USB device support was added to FreeBSD 3.1. However, it
is still in preliminary state and may not always work as of
version 3.2. If you want to experiment with the USB keyboard
support, follow the procedure described below.Use FreeBSD 3.2 or later.Add the following lines to your kernel configuration
file, and rebuild the kernel.
device uhci
device ohci
device usb
device ukbd
options KBD_INSTALL_CDEVIn versions of FreeBSD before 4.0, use this
controller uhci0
controller ohci0
controller usb0
controller ukbd0
options KBD_INSTALL_CDEVGo to the /dev directory and create
device nodes as follows:&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; ./MAKEDEV kbd0 kbd1Edit /etc/rc.conf and add the
following lines:
usbd_flags=""After the system is rebooted, the AT keyboard becomes
/dev/kbd0 and the USB keyboard becomes
/dev/kbd1, if both are connected to the
system. If there is the USB keyboard only, it will be
/dev/ukbd0.If you want to use the USB keyboard in the console, you
have to explicitly tell the console driver to use the existence
of the USB keyboard. This can be done by running the following
command as a part of system initialization.&prompt.root; kbdcontrol -k /dev/kbd1 < /dev/ttyv0 > /dev/nullNote that if the USB keyboard is the only keyboard, it is
accessed as /dev/kbd0, thus, the command
should look like:&prompt.root; kbdcontrol -k /dev/kbd0 < /dev/ttyv0 > /dev/null/etc/rc.i386 is a good place to add the
above command.Once this is done, the USB keyboard should work in the X
environment as well without any special settings.Hot-plugging and unplugging of the USB keyboard may not
work quite right yet. It is a good idea to connect the keyboard
before you start the system and leave it connected until the
system is shutdown to avoid troubles.See the &man.ukbd.4; man page for more information.I have an unusual bus mouse. How do I set it up?FreeBSD supports the bus mouse and the InPort bus mouse
from such manufactures as Microsoft, Logitech and ATI. The bus
device driver is compiled in the GENERIC kernel by default in
FreeBSD versions 2.X, but not included in version 3.0 or later.
If you are building a custom kernel with the bus mouse driver,
make sure to add the following line to the kernel config
fileIn FreeBSD 3.0 or before, add:device mse0 at isa? port 0x23c tty irq5 vector mseintrIn FreeBSD 3.X, the line should be:device mse0 at isa? port 0x23c tty irq5And in FreeBSD 4.X and later, the line should read:device mse0 at isa? port 0x23c irq5Bus mice usually comes with dedicated interface cards.
These cards may allow you to set the port address and the IRQ
number other than shown above. Refer to the manual of your
mouse and the &man.mse.4; man page for more information.How do I use my PS/2 (mouse port or
keyboard) mouse?If you're running a post-2.2.5 version of FreeBSD, the
necessary driver, psm, is included and
enabled in the kernel. The kernel should detect your PS/2 mouse
at boot time.If you're running a previous but relatively recent version
of FreeBSD (2.1.x or better) then you can simply enable it in
the kernel configuration menu at installation time, otherwise
later with at the boot:
prompt. It is disabled by default, so you will need to enable
it explicitly.If you're running an older version of FreeBSD then you'll
have to add the following lines to your kernel configuration
file and compile a new kernel.In FreeBSD 3.0 or earlier, the line should be:device psm0 at isa? port "IO_KBD" conflicts tty irq 12 vector psmintrIn FreeBSD 3.1 or later, the line should be:device psm0 at isa? tty irq 12In FreeBSD 4.0 or later, the line should be:device psm0 at atkbdc? irq 12See the Handbook entry on
configuring the kernel if you've no experience with
building kernels.Once you have a kernel detecting
psm0 correctly at boot time, make sure
that an entry for psm0 exists in
/dev. You can do this by typing:&prompt.root; cd /dev; sh MAKEDEV psm0when logged in as root.Is it possible to make use of a mouse in any way outside
the X Window?If you are using the default console driver, syscons, you
can use a mouse pointer in text consoles to cut & paste
text. Run the mouse daemon, moused, and turn on the mouse
pointer in the virtual console:&prompt.root; moused -p /dev/xxxx -t yyyy
&prompt.root; vidcontrol -m onWhere xxxx is the mouse device
name and yyyy is a protocol type for
the mouse. See the &man.moused.8; man page for supported
protocol types.You may wish to run the mouse daemon automatically when the
system starts. In version 2.2.1, set the following variables in
mousedflags=""In versions 2.2.2 to 3.0, set the following variables in
moused_flags=""In 3.1 and later, assuming you have a PS/2 mouse, all you
need to is add moused_enable="YES" to
/etc/rc.conf.In addition, if you would like to be able to use the mouse
daemon on all virtual terminals instead of just console at
boot-time, add the following to
/etc/rc.conf.allscreens_flags="-m on"Staring from FreeBSD 2.2.6, the mouse daemon is capable of
determining the correct protocol type automatically unless the
mouse is a relatively old serial mouse model. Specify
auto the protocol to invoke automatic
detection.When the mouse daemon is running, access to the mouse
needs to be coordinated between the mouse daemon and other
programs such as the X Window. Refer to another section on this
issue.How do I cut and paste text with mouse in the text
console?Once you get the mouse daemon running (see
previous section), hold down the
button 1 (left button) and move the mouse to select a region of
text. Then, press the button 2 (middle button) or the button 3
(right button) to paste it at the text cursor.In versions 2.2.6 and later, pressing the button 2 will
paste the text. Pressing the button 3 will
extend the selected region of text. If your
mouse does not have the middle button, you may wish to emulate
it or remap buttons using moused options. See the
moused(8) man page for details.I have a USB mouse. Does FreeBSD support the USB
mouse?USB device support was added to FreeBSD 3.1. However, it
is still in a preliminary state and may not always work as of
version 3.2. If you want to experiment with the USB mouse
support, follow the procedure described below.Use FreeBSD 3.2 or later.Add the following lines to your kernel configuration
file, and rebuild the kernel.
device uhci
device ohci
device usb
device umsIn versions of FreeBSD before 4.0, use this
controller uhci0
controller ohci0
controller usb0
device ums0Go to the /dev directory and
create a device node as follows:&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; ./MAKEDEV ums0Edit /etc/rc.conf and add the
following lines:
usbd_flags=""See the previous section
for more detailed discussion on moused.In order to use the USB mouse in the X session, edit
XF86Config. If you are using XFree86
3.3.2 or later, be sure to have the following lines in the
Pointer section:
Device "/dev/sysmouse"
Protocol "Auto"If you are using earlier versions of XFree86, be sure to
have the following lines in the Pointer
Device "/dev/sysmouse"
Protocol "SysMouse"Refer to another section
on the mouse support in the X environment.Hot-plugging and unplugging of the USB mouse may not work
quite right yet. It is a good idea connect the mouse before you
start the system and leave it connected until the system is
shutdown to avoid trouble.My mouse has a fancy wheel and buttons. Can I use them in
FreeBSD?The answer is, unfortunately, It depends.
These mice with additional features require specialized driver
in most cases. Unless the mouse device driver or the user
program has specific support for the mouse, it will act just
like a standard two, or three button mouse.For the possible usage of wheels in the X Window
environment, refer to that
section.My mouse does not seem working. The mouse cursor jumps
around on the screen. The mouse has a wheel and is connected
to the PS/2 mouse port.The PS/2 mouse driver psm in FreeBSD versions 3.2 or
earlier has difficulty with some wheel mice, including Logitech
model M-S48 and its OEM siblings. Apply the following patch to
/sys/i386/isa/psm.c and rebuild the
Index: psm.c
RCS file: /src/CVS/src/sys/i386/isa/Attic/psm.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.60.2.1 -r1.60.2.2
--- psm.c 1999/06/03 12:41:13
+++ psm.c 1999/07/12 13:40:52
@@ -959,14 +959,28 @@
sc->mode.packetsize = vendortype[i].packetsize;
/* set mouse parameters */
+#if 0
+ /*
+ * A version of Logitech FirstMouse+ won't report wheel movement,
+ * if SET_DEFAULTS is sent... Don't use this command.
+ * This fix was found by Takashi Nishida.
+ */
i = send_aux_command(sc->kbdc, PSMC_SET_DEFAULTS);
if (verbose >= 2)
printf("psm%d: SET_DEFAULTS return code:%04x\n", unit, i);
if (sc->config & PSM_CONFIG_RESOLUTION) {
= set_mouse_resolution(sc->kbdc,
- (sc->config & PSM_CONFIG_RESOLUTION) - 1);
+ (sc->config & PSM_CONFIG_RESOLUTION) - 1);
+ } else if (sc->mode.resolution >= 0) {
+ sc->mode.resolution
+ = set_mouse_resolution(sc->kbdc, sc->dflt_mode.resolution);
+ }
+ if (sc->mode.rate > 0) {
+ sc->mode.rate = set_mouse_sampling_rate(sc->kbdc, sc->dflt_mode.rate);
+ set_mouse_scaling(sc->kbdc, 1);
/* request a data packet and extract sync. bits */
if (get_mouse_status(sc->kbdc, stat, 1, 3) < 3) {Versions later than 3.2 should be all right.How do I use the mouse/trackball/touchpad on my
laptop?Please refer to the answer to
the previous question. And check out
this note on the Mobile Computing
page.What types of tape drives are supported?FreeBSD supports SCSI and QIC-36 (with a QIC-02 interface).
This includes 8-mm (aka Exabyte) and DAT drives.Some of the early 8-mm drives are not quite compatible
with SCSI-2, and may not work well with FreeBSD.Does FreeBSD support tape changers?FreeBSD 2.2 supports SCSI changers using the ch(4)
device and the chio(1)
command. The details of how you actually control the changer
can be found in the chio(1)
man page.If you're not using AMANDA
or some other product that already understands changers,
remember that they're only know how to move a tape from one
point to another, so you need to keep track of which slot a
tape is in, and which slot the tape currently in the drive
needs to go back to.Which sound cards are supported by FreeBSD?FreeBSD supports the SoundBlaster, SoundBlaster Pro,
SoundBlaster 16, Pro Audio Spectrum 16, AdLib and Gravis
UltraSound sound cards. There is also limited support for
MPU-401 and compatible MIDI cards. Cards conforming to the
Microsoft Sound System specification are also supported through
the pcm driver.This is only for sound! This driver does not support
CD-ROMs, SCSI or joysticks on these cards, except for the
SoundBlaster. The SoundBlaster SCSI interface and some
non-SCSI CDROMS are supported, but you can't boot off this
device.Workarounds for no sound from es1370 with pcm driver?You can run the following command everytime the machine
booted up:&prompt.root; mixer pcm 100 vol 100 cd 100Which network cards does FreeBSD support?See the
Ethernet cards section of the handbook for a more
complete list. I don't have a math co-processor - is that bad?This will only affect 386/486SX/486SLC owners - other
machines will have one built into the CPU.In general this will not cause any problems, but there are
circumstances where you will take a hit, either in performance
or accuracy of the math emulation code (see the section on FP emulation). In particular, drawing
arcs in X will be VERY slow. It is highly recommended that you
buy a math co-processor; it's well worth it.Some math co-processors are better than others. It
pains us to say it, but nobody ever got fired for buying
Intel. Unless you're sure it works with FreeBSD, beware of
clones.What other devices does FreeBSD support?See the Handbook
for the list of other devices supported.Does FreeBSD support power management on my laptop?FreeBSD supports APM on certain machines. Please look in
the LINT kernel config file, searching for
the APM
keyword.My Micron system hangs at boot timeCertain Micron motherboards have a non-conforming PCI BIOS
implementation that causes grief when FreeBSD boots because PCI
devices don't get configured at their reported addresses.Disable the Plug and Play Operating System
flag in the BIOS to work around this problem. More information
can be found at
http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/drivers/vortex.html#micronI have a newer Adaptec controller and FreeBSD can't find
it.The newer AIC789x series Adaptec chips are supported under
the CAM SCSI framework which made it's debut in 3.0. Patches
against 2.2-STABLE are in
A CAM-enhanced boot floppy is available at
In both cases read the README before beginning. I have an internal Plug & Play modem and FreeBSD
can't find it.You will need to add the modem's PnP ID to the PnP ID
list in the serial driver. To enable Plug & Play support,
compile a new kernel with controller pnp0 in
the configuration file, then reboot the system. The kernel will
print the PnP IDs of all the devices it finds. Copy the PnP ID
from the modem to the table in
/sys/i386/isa/sio.c, at about line 2777.
Look for the string SUP1310 in the structure
siopnp_ids[] to find the table. Build the
kernel again, install, reboot, and your modem should be
found.You may have to manually configure the PnP devices using
the pnp command in the boot-time
configuration with a command like
pnp 1 0 enable os irq0 3 drq0 0 port0 0x2f8
to make the modem show.How do I get the boot: prompt to show on the serial
console?Build a kernel with
options COMCONSOLE.Create /boot.config and place
as the only text in the file.Unplug the keyboard from the system.See
for information.Why doesn't my 3Com PCI network card work with my Micron
computer?Certain Micron motherboards have a non-conforming PCI BIOS
implementation that does not configure PCI devices at the
addresses reported. This causes grief when FreeBSD
boots.To work around this problem, disable the
Plug and Play Operating System flag in the
BIOS.More information on this problem is available at URL:
http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/drivers/vortex.html#micronDoes FreeBSD support Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP)?SMP is supported in 3.0-STABLE and later releases only.
SMP is not enabled in the GENERIC kernel,
so you will have to recompile your kernel to enable SMP. Take a
look at /sys/i386/conf/LINT to figure out
what options to put in your kernel config file.The boot floppy hangs on a system with an ASUS K7V
motherboard. How do I fix this?Go in to the BIOS setup and disable the boot virus
protection.TroubleshootingI have bad blocks on my hard drive!With SCSI drives, the drive should be capable of re-mapping
these automatically. However, many drives are shipped with
this feature disabled, for some mysterious reason...To enable this, you'll need to edit the first device page
mode, which can be done on FreeBSD by giving the command
(as root)&prompt.root; scsi -f /dev/rsd0c -m 1 -e -P 3and changing the values of AWRE and ARRE from 0 to 1:-AWRE (Auto Write Reallocation Enbld): 1
ARRE (Auto Read Reallocation Enbld): 1The following paragraphs were submitted by
Ted Mittelstaedt:For IDE drives, any bad block is usually a sign of
potential trouble. All modern IDE drives come with internal
bad-block remapping turned on. All IDE hard drive manufacturers
today offer extensive warranties and will replace drives with
bad blocks on them.If you still want to attempt to rescue an IDE drive with
bad blocks, you can attempt to download the IDE drive
manufacturer's IDE diagnostic program, and run this against the
drive. Sometimes these programs can be set to force the drive
electronics to rescan the drive for bad blocks and lock them
out.For ESDI, RLL and MFM drives, bad blocks are a normal part
of the drive and are no sign of trouble, generally. With a PC,
the disk drive controller card and BIOS handle the task of
locking out bad sectors. This is fine for operating systems
like DOS that use BIOS code to access the disk. However,
FreeBSD's disk driver does not go through BIOS, therefore a
mechanism, bad144, exists that replaces this functionality.
bad144 only works with the wd driver (which means it is not
supported in FreeBSD 4.0), it is NOT able to be used with SCSI.
bad144 works by entering all bad sectors found into a special
file.One caveat with bad144 - the bad block special file is
placed on the last track of the disk. As this file may possibly
contain a listing for a bad sector that would occur near the
beginning of the disk, where the /kernel file might be located,
it therefore must be accessible to the bootstrap program that
uses BIOS calls to read the kernel file. This means that the
disk with bad144 used on it must not exceed 1024 cylinders, 16
heads, and 63 sectors. This places an effective limit of 500MB
on a disk that is mapped with bad144.To use bad144, simply set the Bad Block
scanning to ON in the FreeBSD fdisk screen during the initial
install. This works up through FreeBSD 2.2.7. The disk must
have less than 1024 cylinders. It is generally recommended that
the disk drive has been in operation for at least 4 hours prior
to this to allow for thermal expansion and track
wandering.If the disk has more than 1024 cylinders (such as a large
ESDI drive) the ESDI controller uses a special translation mode
to make it work under DOS. The wd driver understands about
these translation modes, IF you enter the
translated geometry with the set
geometry command in fdisk. You must also NOT use the
dangerously dedicated mode of creating the
FreeBSD partition, as this ignores the geometry. Also, even
though fdisk will use your overridden geometry, it still knows
the true size of the disk, and will attempt to create a too
large FreeBSD partition. If the disk geometry is changed to the
translated geometry, the partition MUST be manually created
with the number of blocks.A quick trick to use is to set up the large ESDI disk with
the ESDI controller, boot it with a DOS disk and format it with
a DOS partition. Then, boot the FreeBSD install and in the
fdisk screen, read off and write down the blocksize and block
numbers for the DOS partition. Then, reset the geometry to the
same that DOS uses, delete the DOS partition, and create a
cooperative FreeBSD partition using the
blocksize you recorded earlier. Then, set the partition
bootable and turn on bad block scanning. During the actual
install, bad144 will run first, before any filesystems are
created. (you can view this with an Alt-F2) If it has any
trouble creating the badsector file, you have set too large a
disk geometry - reboot the system and start all over again
(including repartitioning and reformatting with DOS).If remapping is enabled and you are seeing bad blocks,
consider replacing the drive. The bad blocks will only get
worse as time goes on.FreeBSD does not recognize my Bustek 742a EISA SCSI!This info is specific to the 742a but may also cover
other Buslogic cards. (Bustek = Buslogic)There are 2 general versions of the 742a
card. They are hardware revisions A-G, and revisions H -
onwards. The revision letter is located after the Assembly
number on the edge of the card. The 742a has 2 ROM chips on it,
one is the BIOS chip and the other is the Firmware chip.
FreeBSD doesn't care what version of BIOS chip you have but it
does care about what version of firmware chip. Buslogic will
send upgrade ROMS out if you call their tech support dept. The
BIOS and Firmware chips are shipped as a matched pair. You must
have the most current Firmware ROM in your adapter card for
your hardware revision.The REV A-G cards can only accept BIOS/Firmware sets up to
2.41/2.21. The REV H- up cards can accept the most current
BIOS/Firmware sets of 4.70/3.37. The difference between the
firmware sets is that the 3.37 firmware supports round
robinThe Buslogic cards also have a serial number on them. If
you have a old hardware revision card you can call the Buslogic
RMA department and give them the serial number and attempt to
exchange the card for a newer hardware revision. If the card is
young enough they will do so.FreeBSD 2.1 only supports Firmware revisions 2.21 onward.
If you have a Firmware revision older than this your card will
not be recognized as a Buslogic card. It may be recognized as
an Adaptec 1540, however. The early Buslogic firmware contains
an AHA1540 emulation mode. This is not a good
thing for an EISA card, however.If you have an old hardware revision card and you obtain
the 2.21 firmware for it, you will need to check the position
of jumper W1 to B-C, the default is A-B.My HP Netserver's SCSI controller is not detected!This is basically a known problem. The EISA on-board SCSI
controller in the HP Netserver machines occupies EISA slot
number 11, so all the true EISA slots are in
front of it. Alas, the address space for EISA slots >= 10
collides with the address space assigned to PCI, and FreeBSD's
auto-configuration currently cannot handle this situation very
well.So now, the best you can do is to pretend there is no
address range clash :), by bumping the kernel option
EISA_SLOTS to a value of 12. Configure and
compile a kernel, as described in the Handbook entry on
configuring the kernel.Of course, this does present you with a chicken-and-egg
problem when installing on such a machine. In order to work
around this problem, a special hack is available inside
UserConfig. Do not use the
visual interface, but the plain command-line
interface there. Simply typeeisa 12
quitat the prompt, and install your system as usual. While
it's recommended you compile and install a custom kernel
anyway,Hopefully, future versions will have a proper fix for
this problem.You can not use a
dangerously dedicated disk
with an HP Netserver. See this
note for more info.What's up with this CMD640 IDE controller?It's broken. It cannot handle commands on both channels
simultaneously.There's a workaround available now and it is enabled
automatically if your system uses this chip. For the details
refer to the manual page of the disk driver (man 4 wd).If you're already running FreeBSD 2.2.1 or 2.2.2 with a
CMD640 IDE controller and you want to use the second channel,
build a new kernel with options "CMD640"
enabled. This is the default for 2.2.5 and later.I keep seeing messages like
ed1: timeout.This is usually caused by an interrupt conflict (e.g.,
two boards using the same IRQ). FreeBSD prior to 2.0.5R used to
be tolerant of this, and the network driver would still
function in the presence of IRQ conflicts. However, with 2.0.5R
and later, IRQ conflicts are no longer tolerated. Boot with the
-c option and change the ed0/de0/... entry to match your
board.If you're using the BNC connector on your network card,
you may also see device timeouts because of bad termination. To
check this, attach a terminator directly to the NIC (with no
cable) and see if the error messages go away. Some NE2000 compatible cards will give this error if there
is no link on the UTP port or if the cable is disconnected.When I mount a CDROM, I get
Incorrect super block.You have to tell mount
the type of the device that you want to mount. By default,
will assume the filesystem is of type ufs.
You want to mount a CDROM filesystem, and you do this by
specifying the option to
mount(8). This does, of course, assume that the
CDROM contains an ISO 9660 filesystem, which is what most CDROMs
have. As of 1.1R, FreeBSD automatically understands the Rock
Ridge (long filename) extensions as well.As an example, if you want to mount the CDROM device,
/dev/cd0c, under /mnt,
you would execute:&prompt.root; mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0c /mntNote that your device name (/dev/cd0c
in this example) could be different, depending on the CDROM
interface. Note that the option just
causes the mount_cd9660 command to be
executed, and so the above example could be shortened
to:&prompt.root; mount_cd9660 /dev/cd0c /mntWhen I mount a CDROM, I get
Device not configured.This generally means that there is no CDROM in the CDROM
drive, or the drive is not visible on the bus. Feed the drive
something, and/or check its master/slave status if it is IDE
(ATAPI). It can take a couple of seconds for a CDROM drive to
notice that it's been fed, so be patient.Sometimes a SCSI CD-ROM may be missed because it hadn't
enough time to answer the bus reset. If you have a SCSI CD-ROM
please try to add the following symbol into your kernel
configuration file and recompile.options "SCSI_DELAY=15"My printer is ridiculously slow. What can I do ?If it's parallel, and the only problem is that it's terribly
slow, try setting your printer port into polled
mode:&prompt.root; lptcontrol -pSome newer HP printers are claimed not to work correctly in
interrupt mode, apparently due to some (not yet exactly
understood) timing problem.My programs occasionally die with
Signal 11 errors.Signal 11 errors are caused when your process has attempted
to access memory which the operating system has not granted it
access to. If something like this is happening at seemingly
random intervals then you need to start investigating things
very carefully.These problems can usually be attributed to either:If the problem is occurring only in a specific
application that you are developing yourself it is probably
a bug in your code.If it's a problem with part of the base FreeBSD system,
it may also be buggy code, but more often than not these
problems are found and fixed long before us general FAQ
readers get to use these bits of code (that's what -current
is for).In particular, a dead giveaway that this is *not* a FreeBSD
bug is if you see the problem when you're compiling a program,
but the activity that the compiler is carrying out changes
each time.For example, suppose you're running "make buildworld", and
the compile fails while trying to compile ls.c in to ls.o. If
you next run "make buildworld" again, and the compile fails in
the same place then this is a broken build -- try updating your
sources and try again. If the compile fails elsewhere then this
is almost certainly hardware.What you should do:In the first case you can use a debugger e.g. gdb to find
the point in the program which is attempting to access a bogus
address and then fix it.In the second case you need to verify that it's not your
hardware at fault. Common causes of this include :Your hard disks might be overheating: Check the fans in
your case are still working, as your disk (and perhaps
other hardware might be overheating).The processor running is overheating: This might be
because the processor has been overclocked, or the fan on
the processor might have died. In either case you need to
ensure that you have hardware running at what it's
specified to run at, at least while trying to solve this
problem. i.e. Clock it back to the default settings.If you are overclocking then note that it's far cheaper
to have a slow system than a fried system that needs
replacing! Also the wider community is not often
sympathetic to problems on overclocked systems, whether you
believe it's safe or not.Dodgy memory: If you have multiple memory SIMMS/DIMMS
installed then pull them all out and try running the
machine with each SIMM or DIMM individually and narrow the
problem down to either the problematic DIMM/SIMM or perhaps
even a combination.Over-optimistic Motherboard settings: In your BIOS
settings, and some motherboard jumpers you have options to
set various timings, mostly the defaults will be
sufficient, but sometimes, setting the wait states on RAM
too low, or setting the "RAM Speed: Turbo" option, or
similar in the BIOS will cause strange behaviour. A
possible idea is to set to BIOS defaults, but it might be
worth noting down your settings first!Unclean or insufficient power to the motherboard. If you
have any unused I/O boards, hard disks, or CDROMs in your
system, try temporarily removing them or disconnecting the
power cable from them, to see if your power supply can
manage a smaller load. Or try another power supply,
preferably one with a little more power (for instance, if
your current power supply is rated at 250 Watts try one
rated at 300 Watts).You should also read the SIG11 FAQ (listed below) which has
excellent explanations of all these problems, albeit from a
Linux viewpoint. It also discusses how memory testing software
or hardware can still pass faulty memory.Finally, if none of this has helped it is possible that
you've just found a bug in FreeBSD, and you should follow the
instructions to send a problem report.There's an extensive FAQ on this at
the SIG11 problem FAQWhen I boot, the screen goes black and loses sync!This is a known problem with the ATI Mach 64 video card.
The problem is that this card uses address
2e8, and the fourth serial port does too.
Due to a bug (feature?) in the sio(4)
driver it will touch this port even if you don't have the
fourth serial port, and even if
you disable sio3 (the fourth port) which normally uses this
address.Until the bug has been fixed, you can use this
workaround:Enter at the bootprompt.
(This will put the kernel into configuration mode).Disable sio0,
sio2 and
sio3 (all of them). This way
the sio driver doesn't get activated -> no
problems.Type exit to continue booting.If you want to be able to use your serial ports, you'll
have to build a new kernel with the following modification: in
/usr/src/sys/i386/isa/sio.c find the one
occurrence of the string 0x2e8 and remove
that string and the preceding comma (keep the trailing comma).
Now follow the normal procedure of building a new
kernel.Even after applying these workarounds, you may still find
that the X Window System does not work properly. If this is the
case, make sure that the XFree86 version you are using is at
least XFree86 3.3.3 or higher. This version and upwards has
built-in support for the Mach64 cards and even a dedicated X
server for those cards.I have 128 MB of RAM but the system only uses 64 MB.Due to the manner in which FreeBSD gets the memory size
from the BIOS, it can only detect 16 bits worth of Kbytes in
size (65535 Kbytes = 64MB) (or less... some BIOSes peg the
memory size to 16M). If you have more than 64MB, FreeBSD will
attempt to detect it; however, the attempt may fail.To work around this problem, you need to use the kernel
option specified below. There is a way to get complete memory
information from the BIOS, but we don't have room in the
bootblocks to do it. Someday when lack of room in the
bootblocks is fixed, we'll use the extended BIOS functions to
get the full memory information...but for now we're stuck with
the kernel option.options "MAXMEM=n"Where n is your memory in
Kilobytes. For a 128 MB machine, you'd want to use
131072.FreeBSD 2.0 panics with
kmem_map too small!The message may also be
mb_map too small!The panic indicates that the system ran out of virtual
memory for network buffers (specifically, mbuf clusters). You
can increase the amount of VM available for mbuf clusters by
adding:options "NMBCLUSTERS=n"to your kernel config file, where
n is a number in the range 512-4096,
depending on the number of concurrent TCP connections you need
to support. I'd recommend trying 2048 - this should get rid of
the panic completely. You can monitor the number of mbuf
clusters allocated/in use on the system with netstat
-m. The default value for NMBCLUSTERS is 512 +
MAXUSERS * 16.CMAP busy panic when rebooting with a
new kernel.The logic that attempts to detect an out of date
/var/db/kvm_*.db files sometimes fails
and using a mismatched file can sometimes lead to panics.If this happens, reboot single-user and do:&prompt.root; rm /var/db/kvm_*.dbahc0: brkadrint, Illegal Host Access at seqaddr 0x0This is a conflict with an Ultrastor SCSI Host Adapter.During the boot process enter the kernel configuration
menu and disable uha0,
which is causing the problem.Sendmail says
mail loops back to myselfThis is answered in the sendmail FAQ as follows:- * I'm getting "Local configuration error" messages, such as:
553 relay.domain.net config error: mail loops back to myself
554 <user@domain.net>... Local configuration error
How can I solve this problem?
You have asked mail to the domain (e.g., domain.net) to be
forwarded to a specific host (in this case, relay.domain.net)
by using an MX record, but the relay machine doesn't recognize
itself as domain.net. Add domain.net to /etc/sendmail.cw
(if you are using FEATURE(use_cw_file)) or add "Cw domain.net"
to /etc/sendmail.cf.
The current version of the sendmail
FAQ is no longer maintained with the sendmail release.
It is however regularly posted to comp.mail.sendmail,
comp.mail.misc, comp.mail.smail, comp.answers, and news.answers. You can also
receive a copy via email by sending a message to
mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with the command
send usenet/news.answers/mail/sendmail-faq
as the body of the message.Full screen applications on remote machines misbehaveThe remote machine may be setting your terminal type
to something other than the cons25 terminal
type required by the FreeBSD console.There are a number of possible work-arounds for this
After logging on to the remote machine, set your
TERM shell variable to ansi or
sco if the remote machine knows
about these terminal types.Use a VT100 emulator like
screen at the FreeBSD console.
screen offers you the ability
to run multiple concurrent sessions from one terminal,
and is a neat program in its own right. Each
screen window behaves like a
VT100 terminal, so the TERM variable at the remote end
should be set to vt100.Install the cons25 terminal
database entry on the remote machine. The way to do this
depends on the operating system on the remote machine.
The system administration manuals for the remote system
should be able to help you here.Fire up an X server at the FreeBSD end and login to
the remote machine using an X based terminal emulator
such as xterm or
rxvt. The TERM variable at the remote
host should be set to xterm or
vt100.My machine prints
calcru: negative time...This can be caused by various hardware and/or software
ailments relating to interrupts. It may be due to bugs but can
also happen by nature of certain devices. Running TCP/IP over
the parallel port using a large MTU is one good way to provoke
this problem. Graphics accelerators can also get you here, in
which case you should check the interrupt setting of the card
first.A side effect of this problem are dying processes with the
message SIGXCPU exceeded cpu time limit.For FreeBSD 3.0 and later from Nov 29, 1998 forward: If the
problem cannot be fixed otherwise the solution is to set
this sysctl variable:&prompt.root; sysctl -w kern.timecounter.method=1 This means a performance impact, but considering the cause
of this problem, you probably will not notice. If the problem
persists, keep the sysctl set to one and set the
NTIMECOUNTER option in your kernel to
increasingly large values. If by the time you have reached
NTIMECOUNTER=20 the problem isn't solved,
interrupts are too hosed on your machine for reliable
timekeeping.I see pcm0 not found or my sound card is
found as pcm1 but I have
device pcm0 in my kernel config fileThis occurs in FreeBSD 3.x with PCI sound cards. The
pcm0 device is reserved exclusively for
ISA-based cards so, if you have a PCI card, then you will see
this error, and your card will appear as pcm1.
You cannot remove the warning by simply changing the
line in the kernel config file to device
pcm1 as this will result in
pcm1 being reserved for ISA cards and
your PCI card being found as pcm2 (along
with the warning pcm1 not found).
If you have a PCI sound card you will also have to make the
snd1 device rather than
snd0:&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; ./MAKEDEV snd1This situation does not arise in FreeBSD 4.x as has a lot
of work has been done to make the it more
PnP-centric and the
pcm0 device is no longer reserved
exclusively fo ISA cardsMy PnP card is no longer found (or found as
unknown) since upgrading to FreeBSD 4.xFreeBSD 4.x is now much more PnP-centric
and this has had the side effect of some PnP devices (e.g. sound
cards and internal modems) not working even though they worked
under FreeBSD 3.x.The reasons for this behaviour are explained by the following
e-mail, posted to the freebsd-questions mailing list by Peter
Wemm, in answer to a question about an internal modem that was
no longer found after an upgrade to FreeBSD 4.x (the comments
in [] have been added to clarify the
The PNP bios preconfigured it [the modem] and left it
laying around in port space, so [in 3.x] the old-style ISA
probes found it there.Under 4.0, the ISA code is much more PnP-centric. It was
possible [in 3.x] for an ISA probe to find a
stray device and then for the PNP device id to
match and then fail due to resource conflicts. So, it
disables the programmable cards first so this double probing
cannot happen. It also means that it needs to know the PnP
id's for supported PnP hardware. Making this more user
tweakable is on the TODO list.
To get the device working again requires finding its PnP id
and adding it to the list that the ISA probes use to identify
PnP devices. This is obtained using &man.pnpinfo.8; to probe the
device, for example this is the output from &man.pnpinfo.8; for
an internal modem:&prompt.root; pnpinfo
Checking for Plug-n-Play devices...
Card assigned CSN #1
Vendor ID PMC2430 (0x3024a341), Serial Number 0xffffffff
PnP Version 1.0, Vendor Version 0
Device Description: Pace 56 Voice Internal Plug & Play Modem
Logical Device ID: PMC2430 0x3024a341 #0
Device supports I/O Range Check
TAG Start DF
I/O Range 0x3f8 .. 0x3f8, alignment 0x8, len 0x8
[16-bit addr]
IRQ: 4 - only one type (true/edge)[more TAG lines elided]
End Tag
Successfully got 31 resources, 1 logical fdevs
-- card select # 0x0001
CSN PMC2430 (0x3024a341), Serial Number 0xffffffff
Logical device #0
IO: 0x03e8 0x03e8 0x03e8 0x03e8 0x03e8 0x03e8 0x03e8 0x03e8
IRQ 5 0
DMA 4 0
IO range check 0x00 activate 0x01The information you require is in the
Vendor ID line at the start of the output. The
hexadecimal number in parentheses (0x3024a341 in this example)
is the PnP id and the string immediately before this (PMC2430)
is a unique ASCII id. This information needs adding to the file
/usr/src/sys/isa/sio.c.You should first make a backup of sio.c
just in case things go wrong. You will also need it to make the
patch to submit with your PR (you are going to submit a PR,
aren't you?) then edit sio.c and search
for the linestatic struct isa_pnp_id sio_ids[] = {then scroll down to find the correct place to add the entry
for your device. The entries look like this, and are sorted on
the ASCII Vendor ID string which should be included in the
comment to the right of the line of code along with all (if it
will fit) or part of the Device Description
from the output of &man.pnpinfo.8;:
{0x0f804f3f, NULL}, /* OZO800f - Zoom 2812 (56k Modem) */
{0x39804f3f, NULL}, /* OZO8039 - Zoom 56k flex */
{0x3024a341, NULL}, /* PMC2430 - Pace 56 Voice Internal Modem */
{0x1000eb49, NULL}, /* ROK0010 - Rockwell ? */
{0x5002734a, NULL}, /* RSS0250 - 5614Jx3(G) Internal Modem */
Add the hexadecimal Vendor ID for your device in the
correct place, save the file, rebuild your kernel, and reboot.
Your device should now be found as an sio
device as it was under FreeBSD 3.xCommercial ApplicationsThis section is still very sparse, though we're hoping, of
course, that companies will add to it! :) The FreeBSD group has
no financial interest in any of the companies listed here but
simply lists them as a public service (and feels that commercial
interest in FreeBSD can have very positive effects on FreeBSD's
long-term viability). We encourage commercial software vendors to
send their entries here for inclusion. See the
Vendors page for a longer list.Where can I get Motif for FreeBSD?Contact Apps2go for the
least expensive ELF Motif 2.1.20 distribution for FreeBSD
(either i386 or Alpha).There are two distributions, the developement
edition and the runtime edition (for
much less). These distributions includes:
OSF/Motif manager, xmbind, panner, wsm.Development kit with uil, mrm, xm, xmcxx, include
and Imake files.Static and dynamic ELF libraries (for use with
FreeBSD 3.0 and above).Demonstration applets.Be sure to specify that you want the FreeBSD version of
Motif when ordering (don't forget to mention the architecture
you want too)! Versions for NetBSD and OpenBSD are also sold by
Apps2go. This is currently a FTP only
download.More info
Apps2go WWW pageor
Sales or Support
email addresses.orphone (817) 431 8775 or +1 817 431-8775Contact Metro Link
for an either ELF or a.out Motif 2.1 distribution for
FreeBSD.This distribution includes:
OSF/Motif manager, xmbind, panner, wsm.Development kit with uil, mrm, xm, xmcxx, include
and Imake files.Static and dynamic libraries (specify ELF for use
with FreeBSD 3.0 and later; or a.out for use with FreeBSD
2.2.8 and eariler).Demonstration applets.Preformatted man pages.Be sure to specify that you want the FreeBSD version
of Motif when ordering! Versions for Linux are also sold by
Metro Link. This is available on either a
CDROM or for FTP download.Contact Xi Graphics for an
a.out Motif 2.0 distribution for FreeBSD.This distribution includes:
OSF/Motif manager, xmbind, panner, wsm.Development kit with uil, mrm, xm, xmcxx, include
and Imake files.Static and dynamic libraries (for use with FreeBSD
2.2.8 and eariler).Demonstration applets.Preformatted man pages.Be sure to specify that you want the FreeBSD version
of Motif when ordering! Versions for BSDI and Linux are also
sold by Xi Graphics. This is currently a 4
diskette set... in the future this will change to a unified CD
distribution like their CDE.Where can I get CDE for FreeBSD?Xi Graphics used to sell CDE
for FreeBSD, but no longer do.KDE is an open
source X11 desktop which is similar to CDE in many respects.
You might also like the look and feel of xfce. KDE and xfce are both
in the ports
system.Are there any commercial high-performance X servers?Yes, Xi Graphics
and Metro Link
sells Accelerated-X product for FreeBSD and other Intel based
systems.The Metro Link offering is a high performance X Server
that offers easy configuration using the FreeBSD Package suite
of tools, support for multiple concurrent video boards and is
distributed in binary form only, in a convienent FTP download.
Not to mention the Metro Link offering is available at the very
reasonable price of $39. Metro Link also sells both ELF and a.out Motif for
FreeBSD (see above).More info
Metro Link WWW pageorSales
or Support
email addresses.orphone (954) 938-0283 or +1 954 938-0283The Xi Graphics offering is a high performance X Server
that offers easy configuration, support for multiple concurrent
video boards and is distributed in binary form only, in a
unified diskette distribution for FreeBSD and Linux. Xi
Graphics also offers a high performance X Server taylored for
laptop support.There is a free compatibility demo of
version 5.0 available.Xi Graphics also sells Motif and CDE for FreeBSD (see
above).More info
Xi Graphics WWW pageorSales
or Support
email addresses.orphone (800) 946 7433 or +1 303 298-7478.Are there any Database systems for FreeBSD?Yes! See the
Commercial Vendors section of FreeBSD's Web site.Also see the
Databases section of the Ports collection.Can I run Oracle on FreeBSD?Yes. The following pages tell you exactly how to setup
Linux-Oracle on FreeBSD:
http://www.lf.net/lf/pi/oracle/install-linux-oracle-on-freebsdUser ApplicationsSo, where are all the user applications?Please take a look at
the ports
page for info on software packages ported to FreeBSD.
The list currently tops 3400 and is growing daily, so come back
to check often or subscribe to the
freebsd-announce mailing list for periodic updates on
new entries.Most ports should be available for the 2.2, 3.x and 4.x
branches, and many of them should work on 2.1.x systems as
well. Each time a FreeBSD release is made, a snapshot of the
ports tree at the time of release in also included in the
ports/ directory.We also support the concept of a package,
essentially no more than a gzipped binary distribution with a
little extra intelligence embedded in it for doing whatever
custom installation work is required. A package can be
installed and uninstalled again easily without having to know
the gory details of which files it includes.Use the package installation menu in
/stand/sysinstall (under the
post-configuration menu item) or invoke the
pkg_add(1) command on the specific package
files you're interested in installing. Package files can
usually be identified by their .tgz suffix
and CDROM distribution people will have a
packages/All directory on their CD which
contains such files. They can also be downloaded over the net
for various versions of FreeBSD at the following
locations:for 2.2.8-RELEASE/2.2.8-STABLE
ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-2.2.8/for 3.X-RELEASE/3.X-STABLE
ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-3-stable/for 4.X-RELEASE/4-STABLE
ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-4-stable/for 5.X-CURRENT
ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-5-currentor your nearest local mirror site.Note that all ports may not be available as packages since
new ones are constantly being added. It is always a good idea
to check back periodically to see which packages are available
at the ftp.FreeBSD.org
master site.Why is /bin/sh so minimal? Why doesn't
FreeBSD use bash or another shell?Because POSIX says that there shall be such a shell.The more complicated answer: many people need to write shell
scripts which will be portable across many systems. That's why
POSIX specifies the shell and utility commands in great detail.
Most scripts are written in Bourne shell, and because several
important programming interfaces (&man.make.1;, &man.system.3;,
&man.popen.3;, and analogues in higher-level scripting
languages like Perl and Tcl) are specified to use the Bourne
shell to interpret commands. Because the Bourne shell is so
often and widely used, it is important for it to be quick to
start, be deterministic in its behavior, and have a small
memory footprint.The existing implementation is our best effort at meeting as
many of these requirements simultaneously as we can. In order to
keep /bin/sh small, we have not provided many
of the convenience features that other shells have. That's why the
Ports Collection includes more featureful shells like bash, scsh,
tcsh, and zsh. (You can compare for yourself the memory
utilization of all these shells by looking at the
VSZ and RSS columns in a ps
-u listing.)Where do I find libc.so.3.0?You are trying to run a package built on 2.2 and later on
a 2.1.x system. Please take a look at the previous section and
get the correct port/package for your system.I get a message Error: can't find
libc.so.4.0You accidently downloaded packages meant for 4.X and 5.X
systems and attempted to install them on your 2.X or 3.X
FreeBSD system. Please download the correct version of the
packages.ghostscript gives lots of errors with my 386/486SX.You don't have a math co-processor, right?
You will need to add the alternative math emulator to your
kernel; you do this by adding the following to your kernel
config file and it will be compiled in.options GPL_MATH_EMULATEYou will need to remove the
MATH_EMULATE option when you do
this.When I run a SCO/iBCS2 application, it bombs on
socksys (FreeBSD 3.0 and older only).You first need to edit the
/etc/sysconfig (or
/etc/rc.conf) file in the last section to change the
following variable to YES:# Set to YES if you want ibcs2 (SCO) emulation loaded at startup
ibcs2=NOIt will load the ibcs2 kernel module at startup.You'll then need to set up /compat/ibcs2/dev to look
like:lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 9 Oct 15 22:20 X0R@ -> /dev/null
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 7 Oct 15 22:20 nfsd@ -> socksys
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root wheel 0 Oct 28 12:02 null
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 9 Oct 15 22:20 socksys@ -> /dev/null
crw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 41, 1 Oct 15 22:14 spxYou just need socksys to go to /dev/null
to fake the open & close. The code in -CURRENT will handle
the rest. This is much cleaner than the way it was done before.
If you want the spx driver for a local
socket X connection, define SPX_HACK when
you compile the system.How do I configure INN (Internet News) for my machine?After installing the inn package or port, an excellent
place to start is Dave Barr's
INN Page where you'll find the INN FAQ.What version of Microsoft FrontPage should I get?Use the Port, Luke! A pre-patched version of Apache is
available in the ports tree.Does FreeBSD support Java?Yes. Please see
http://www.FreeBSD.org/java/.Why can't I build this port on my 3.X-STABLE machine?If you're running a FreeBSD version that lags
significantly behind -CURRENT or -STABLE, you may need a ports
upgrade kit from
http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/. If you are up to date,
then someone might have committed a change to the port which
works for -CURRENT but which broke the port for -STABLE. Please
submit a bug report on this with the
send-pr(1) command, since the ports
collection is supposed to work for both the -CURRENT and
-STABLE branches.Where do I find ld.so?If you want to run some aout applications like
Netscape Navigator on an Elf'ened machine such as 3.1-R or
later, it would need /usr/libexec/ld.so
and some aout libs. They are included in the compat22
distribution. Use /stand/sysinstall or
install.sh in the compat22 subdirectory
and install it. Also read ERRATAs for 3.1-R and 3.2-R.Kernel ConfigurationI'd like to customize my kernel. Is it difficult?Not at all! Check out the
kernel config section of the Handbook.I recommend making a dated snapshot of your kernel
in kernel.YYMMDD after you get it all
working, that way if you do something dire the next time
you play with your configuration you can boot that kernel
instead of having to go all the way back to
kernel.GENERIC. This is particularly
important if you're now booting off a controller that isn't
supported in the GENERIC kernel (yes, personal
experience).My kernel compiles fail because
_hw_float is missing.Let me guess. You removed npx0
from your kernel configuration file because you don't have a
math co-processor, right? Wrong! :-) The
npx0 is
MANDATORY. Even if you don't have a
mathematic co-processor, you must
include the npx0 device.Why is my kernel so big (over 10MB)?Chances are, you compiled your kernel in
debug mode. Kernels built in debug
mode contain many symbols that are used for debugging, thus
greatly increasing the size of the kernel. Note that if you
running a FreeBSD 3.0 or later system, there will be little
or no performance decrease from running a debug kernel,
and it is useful to keep one around in case of a system
panic.However, if you are running low on disk space, or
you simply don't want to run a debug kernel, make sure
that both of the following are true:You do not have a line in your kernel
configuration file that reads:makeoptions DEBUG=-gYou are not running config with
the option.Both of the above situations will cause your kernel to
be built in debug mode. As long as you make sure you follow
the steps above, you can build your kernel normally, and you
should notice a fairly large size decrease; most kernels
tend to be around 1.5MB to 2MB.Interrupt conflicts with multi-port serial code.Q. When I compile a kernel
with multi-port serial code, it tells me that only the first
port is probed and the rest skipped due to interrupt conflicts.
How do I fix this?A. The problem here is that
FreeBSD has code built-in to keep the kernel from getting
trashed due to hardware or software conflicts. The way to fix
this is to leave out the IRQ settings on all but one port. Here
is a example:#
# Multiport high-speed serial line - 16550 UARTS
device sio2 at isa? port 0x2a0 tty irq 5 flags 0x501 vector siointr
device sio3 at isa? port 0x2a8 tty flags 0x501 vector siointr
device sio4 at isa? port 0x2b0 tty flags 0x501 vector siointr
device sio5 at isa? port 0x2b8 tty flags 0x501 vector siointrEvery kernel I try to build fails to compile; even
GENERIC.There are a number of possible causes for this problem.
They are, in no particular order:You are not using the new make
buildkernel and make
installkernel targets, and your source tree is
different from the one used to build the currently running
system (e.g., you're compiling 4.2-RELEASE on a 4.0-RELEASE
system). If you're attempting an upgrade, please read the
/usr/src/UPDATING file, paying
particular attention to the COMMON ITEMS
section at the end.You are using the new make
buildkernel and make
installkernel targets, but you failed to assert
the completion of the make buildworld
target. The make buildkernel target
relies on files generated by the make
buildworld target to complete its job
correctly.Even if you are trying to build FreeBSD-STABLE, it is possible that
you fetched the source tree at a time when it was either
being modified, or broken for other reasons; only releases
are absolutly guaranteed to be buildable, although FreeBSD-STABLE builds fine the
majority of the time. If you have not already done so, try
re-fetching the source tree and see if the problem goes
away. Try using a different server in case the one you're
using is having problems.System AdministrationWhere are the system start-up configuration files?From 2.0.5R to 2.2.1R, the primary configuration file is
/etc/sysconfig. All the options are to be
specified in this file and other files such as /etc/rc
and /etc/netstart just include it.Look in the /etc/sysconfig file and
change the value to match your system. This file is filled with
comments to show what to put in there.In post-2.2.1 and 3.0, /etc/sysconfig
was renamed to a more self-describing rc.conf
file and the syntax cleaned up a bit in the process.
/etc/netstart was also renamed to
/etc/rc.network so that all files could be
copied with a cp
/usr/src/etc/rc* /etc command.And, in 3.1 and later, /etc/rc.conf
has been moved to /etc/defaults/rc.conf.
Do not edit this file! Instead, if there
is any entry in /etc/defaults/rc.conf that
you want to change, you should copy the line into
/etc/rc.conf and change it there.For example, if you wish to start named, the DNS server
included with FreeBSD in FreeBSD 3.1 or later, all you need to
do is:&prompt.root; echo named_enable="YES" >> /etc/rc.confTo start up local services in FreeBSD 3.1 or later, place
shell scripts in the /usr/local/etc/rc.d
directory. These shell scripts should be set executable, and
end with a .sh. In FreeBSD 3.0 and earlier releases, you should
edit the /etc/rc.local file.The /etc/rc.serial is for serial port
initialization (e.g. locking the port characteristics, and so
on.).The /etc/rc.i386 is for Intel-specifics
settings, such as iBCS2 emulation or the PC system console
configuration.How do I add a user easily?Use the adduser
command. For more complicated usage, the pw
command.To remove the user again, use the rmuser
command. Once again, pw will work as
well.How can I add my new hard disk to my FreeBSD system?See the Disk Formatting Tutorial at
www.FreeBSD.org.I have a new removable drive, how do I use it?Whether it's a removable drive like a ZIP or an EZ drive
(or even a floppy, if you want to use it that way), or a new
hard disk, once it's installed and recognized by the system,
and you have your cartridge/floppy/whatever slotted in, things
are pretty much the same for all devices.(this section is based on
Mark Mayo's ZIP FAQ)If it's a ZIP drive or a floppy , you've already got a DOS
filesystem on it, you can use a command like this:&prompt.root; mount -t msdos /dev/fd0c /floppyif it's a floppy, or this:&prompt.root; mount -t msdos /dev/da2s4 /zipfor a ZIP disk with the factory configuration.For other disks, see how they're laid out using
fdisk or
/stand/sysinstall.The rest of the examples will be for a ZIP drive on da2,
the third SCSI disk.Unless it's a floppy, or a removable you plan on sharing
with other people, it's probably a better idea to stick a BSD
file system on it. You'll get long filename support, at least a
2X improvement in performance, and a lot more stability. First,
you need to redo the DOS-level partitions/filesystems. You can
either use fdisk or
/stand/sysinstall, or for a small drive
that you don't want to bother with multiple operating system
support on, just blow away the whole FAT partition table
(slices) and just use the BSD partitioning:&prompt.root; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rda2 count=2
&prompt.root; disklabel -Brw da2 autoYou can use disklabel or
/stand/sysinstall to create multiple BSD
partitions. You'll certainly want to do this if you're adding
swap space on a fixed disk, but it's probably irrelevant on a
removable drive like a ZIP.Finally, create a new file system, this one's on our ZIP
drive using the whole disk:&prompt.root; newfs /dev/rda2cand mount it:&prompt.root; mount /dev/da2c /zipand it's probably a good idea to add a line like this to
/etc/fstab so you can just type
mount /zip in the future:/dev/da2c /zip ffs rw,noauto 0 0Why do I keep getting messages like root: not
found after editing my crontab file?This is normally caused by editing the system crontab
(/etc/crontab) and then using
&man.crontab.1; to install it:&prompt.root; crontab /etc/crontabThis is not the correct way to do things. The system
crontab has a different format to the per-user crontabs
which &man.crontab.1; updates (the &man.crontab.5; manual
page explains the differences in more detail).If this is what you did, you should delete the
/var/cron/tabs/root, since it will
simply be a copy of /etc/crontab,
in the wrong format. Next time, when you edit
/etc/crontab, you should not do
anything to inform &man.cron.8; of the changes, since it
will notice them automatically.The actual reason for the error is that the system
crontab has an extra field, specifying which user to run the
command as. In the default system crontab provided with
FreeBSD, this is root for all entries.
When this crontab is used as the root
user's crontab (which is not the
same as the system crontab), &man.cron.8; assumes the string
root is the first word of the command to
execute, but no such command exists.I made a mistake in rc.conf,
or another startup file, and
now I can't edit it because the filesystem is read-only.
What should I do?When you get the prompt to enter the shell
pathname, simply press ENTER, and run
mount / to re-mount the root filesystem in
read/write mode. You may also need to run mount -a -t
ufs to mount the filesystem where your favourite
editor is defined. If your favourite editor is on a network
filesystem, you will need to either configure the network
manually before you can mount network filesystems, or use an
editor which resides on a local filesystem, such as
&man.ed.1;.If you intend to use a full screen editor such
as &man.vi.1; or &man.emacs.1;, you may also need to
run export TERM=cons25 so that these
editors can load the correct data from the &man.termcap.5;
database.Once you have performed these steps, you can edit
/etc/rc.conf as you usually would
to fix the syntax error. The error message displayed
immediately after the kernel boot messages should tell you
the number of the line in the file which is at fault.How do I mount a secondary DOS partition?The secondary DOS partitions are found after ALL the primary
partitions. For example, if you have an E
partition as the second DOS partition on the second SCSI drive,
you need to create the special files for slice 5
in /dev, then mount /dev/da1s5:&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; sh MAKEDEV da1s5
&prompt.root; mount -t msdos /dev/da1s5 /dos/eCan I mount other foreign filesystems under FreeBSD? Digital UNIX UFS CDROMs can
be mounted directly on FreeBSD. Mounting disk partitions from
Digital UNIX and other systems that support UFS may be more
complex, depending on the details of the disk partitioning for
the operating system in question. Linux: 2.2 and later have
support for ext2fs partitions.
See mount_ext2fs
for more information. NT: A read-only NTFS driver
exists for FreeBSD. For more information, see this tutorial by
Mark Ovens at
http://ukug.uk.freebsd.org/~mark/ntfs_install.html.Any other information on this subject would be
appreciated.How can I use the NT loader to boot FreeBSD?This procedure is slightly different for 2.2.x and 3.x
(with the 3-stage boot) systems.The general idea is that you copy the first sector of your
native root FreeBSD partition into a file in the DOS/NT
partition. Assuming you name that file something like
c:\bootsect.bsd (inspired by
c:\bootsect.dos), you can then edit the
c:\boot.ini file to come up with something
like this:[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows NT"
C:\="DOS"For 2.2.x systems this procedure assumes that DOS, NT,
FreeBSD, or whatever have been installed into their respective
fdisk partitions on the same
disk. In my case DOS & NT are in the first fdisk partition
and FreeBSD is in the second. I also installed FreeBSD to boot
from its native partition, not
the disk MBR.Mount a DOS-formatted floppy (if you've converted to NTFS)
or the FAT partition, under, say,
/mnt.&prompt.root; dd if=/dev/rda0a of=/mnt/bootsect.bsd bs=512 count=1Reboot into DOS or NT. NTFS users copy the
bootsect.bsd and/or the
bootsect.lnx file from the floppy to
C:\. Modify the attributes (permissions)
on boot.ini with:C:\>attrib -s -r c:\boot.iniEdit to add the appropriate entries from the example
boot.ini above, and restore the
attributes:C:\>attrib +s +r c:\boot.iniIf FreeBSD is booting from the MBR, restore it with the DOS
fdisk command after you reconfigure them to
boot from their native partitions.For FreeBSD 3.x systems the procedure is somewhat
simpler.If FreeBSD is installed on the same disk as the NT boot
partition simply copy /boot/boot1 to
C:\BOOTSECT.BSD However, if FreeBSD is
installed on a different disk /boot/boot1
will not work, /boot/boot0 is needed.
DO NOT SIMPLY COPY /boot/boot0
INSTEAD OF /boot/boot1, YOU WILL
UN-BOOTABLE!/boot/boot0 needs to be installed using
sysinstall by selecting the FreeBSD boot manager on the
screen which asks if you wish to use a boot manager. This is
because /boot/boot0 has the partition
table area filled with NULL characters but sysinstall copies
the partition table before copying
/boot/boot0 to the MBR.When the FreeBSD boot manager runs it records the last
OS booted by setting the active flag on the partition table
entry for that OS and then writes the whole 512-bytes of itself
back to the MBR so if you just copy
/boot/boot0 to
C:\BOOTSECT.BSD then it writes an empty
partition table, with the active flag set on one entry, to the
MBR.How do I boot FreeBSD and Linux from LILO?If you have FreeBSD and Linux on the same disk, just follow
LILO's installation instructions for booting a non-Linux
operating system. Very briefly, these are:Boot Linux, and add the following lines to
(the above assumes that your FreeBSD slice is known to Linux
as /dev/hda2; tailor to suit your setup).
Then, run lilo as root and you should be
done.If FreeBSD resides on another disk, you need to add
loader=/boot/chain.b to the LILO entry.
For example:
label=FreeBSDIn some cases you may need to specify the BIOS drive number
to the FreeBSD boot loader to successfully boot off the second
disk. For example, if your FreeBSD SCSI disk is probed by BIOS
as BIOS disk 1, at the FreeBSD boot loader prompt you need to
specify:Boot: 1:da(0,a)/kernelOn FreeBSD 2.2.5 and later, you can configure boot(8)
to automatically do this for you at boot time.The
Linux+FreeBSD mini-HOWTO is a good reference for
FreeBSD and Linux interoperability issues.How do I boot FreeBSD and Linux using BootEasy?Install LILO at the start of your Linux boot partition
instead of in the Master Boot Record. You can then boot LILO
from BootEasy.If you're running Windows-95 and Linux this is recommended
anyway, to make it simpler to get Linux booting again if you
should need to reinstall Windows95 (which is a Jealous
Operating System, and will bear no other Operating Systems in
the Master Boot Record).Will a dangerously dedicated disk endanger
my health?The installation procedure allows
you to chose two different methods in partitioning your
harddisk(s). The default way makes it compatible with other
operating systems on the same machine, by using fdisk table
entries (called slices in FreeBSD), with a
FreeBSD slice that employs partitions of its own. Optionally,
one can chose to install a boot-selector to switch between the
possible operating systems on the disk(s). The alternative uses
the entire disk for FreeBSD, and makes no attempt to be
compatible with other operating systems.So why it is called dangerous? A disk in
this mode doesn't contain what normal PC utilities would
consider a valid fdisk table. Depending on how well they have
been designed, they might complain at you once they are getting
in contact with such a disk, or even worse, they might damage
the BSD bootstrap without even asking or notifying you. In
addition, the dangerously dedicated disk's
layout is known to confuse many BIOSsen, including those from
AWARD (eg. as found in HP Netserver and Micronics systems as
well as many others) and Symbios/NCR (for the popular 53C8xx
range of SCSI controllers). This isn't a complete list, there
are more. Symptoms of this confusion include the read
error message printed by the FreeBSD bootstrap when it
can't find itself, as well as system lockups when
booting.Why have this mode at all then? It only saves a few kbytes
of disk space, and it can cause real problems for a new
installation. Dangerously dedicated mode's
origins lie in a desire to avoid one of the most common
problems plaguing new FreeBSD installers - matching the BIOS
geometry numbers for a disk to the disk
itself.Geometry is an outdated concept, but one
still at the heart of the PC's BIOS and its interaction with
disks. When the FreeBSD installer creates slices, it has to
record the location of these slices on the disk in a fashion
that corresponds with the way the BIOS expects to find them. If
it gets it wrong, you won't be able to boot.Dangerously dedicated mode tries to work
around this by making the problem simpler. In some cases, it
gets it right. But it's meant to be used as a last-ditch
alternative - there are better ways to solve the problem 99
times out of 100.So, how do you avoid the need for DD mode
when you're installing? Start by making a note of the geometry
that your BIOS claims to be using for your disks. You can
arrange to have the kernel print this as it boots by specifying
at the boot: prompt, or
using boot -v in the loader. Just before the
installer starts, the kernel will print a list of BIOS
geometries. Don't panic - wait for the installer to start and
then use scrollback to read the numbers. Typically the BIOS
disk units will be in the same order that FreeBSD lists your
disks, first IDE, then SCSI.When you're slicing up your disk, check that the disk
geometry displayed in the FDISK screen is correct (ie. it
matches the BIOS numbers); if it's wrong, use the
g key to fix it. You may have to do this if
there's absolutely nothing on the disk, or if the disk has been
moved from another system. Note that this is only an issue with
the disk that you're going to boot from; FreeBSD will sort
itself out just fine with any other disks you may have.Once you've got the BIOS and FreeBSD agreeing about the
geometry of the disk, your problems are almost guaranteed to be
over, and with no need for DD mode at all. If,
however, you are still greeted with the dreaded read
error message when you try to boot, it's time to cross
your fingers and go for it - there's nothing left to
lose.To return a dangerously dedicated disk
for normal PC use, there are basically two options. The first
is, you write enough NULL bytes over the MBR to make any
subsequent installation believe this to be a blank disk. You
can do this for example with&prompt.root; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rda0 count=15Alternatively, the undocumented DOS
featureC:\>fdisk /mbrwill to install a new master boot record as well, thus
clobbering the BSD bootstrap.How can I add more swap space?The best way is to increase the size of your swap partition,
or take advantage of this convenient excuse to add another
disk. The general rule of thumb is to have around 2x the swap
space as you have main memory. However, if you have a very
small amount of main memory you may want to configure swap
beyond that. It is also a good idea to configure sufficient
swap relative to anticipated future memory upgrades so you do
not have to futz with your swap configuration later.Adding swap onto a separate disk makes things faster than
simply adding swap onto the same disk. As an example, if you
are compiling source located on one disk, and the swap is on
another disk, this is much faster than both swap and compile on
the same disk. This is true for SCSI disks specifically.When you have several disks, configuring a swap partition on
each one is usually beneficial, even if you wind up putting
swap on a work disk. Typically, each fast disk in your system
should have some swap configured. FreeBSD supports up to 4
interleaved swap devices by default. When configuring multiple
swap partitions you generally want to make them all about the
same size, but people sometimes make their primary swap
parition larger in order to accomodate a kernel core dump. Your
primary swap partition must be at least as large as main memory
in order to be able to accomodate a kernel core.IDE drives are not able to allow access to both drives on
the same channel at the same time (FreeBSD doesn't support mode
4, so all IDE disk I/O is programmed). I would
still suggest putting your swap on a separate drive however.
The drives are so cheap, it is not worth worrying about.Swapping over NFS is only recommended if you do not have a
local disk to swap to. Swapping over NFS is slow and
inefficient in FreeBSD releases prior to 4.x, but reasonably
fast in releases greater or equal to 4.0. Even so, it will be
limited to the network bandwidth available and puts an
additional burden on the NFS server.Here is an example for 64Mb vn-swap
(/usr/swap0, though of course you can use
any name that you want).Make sure your kernel was built with the linepseudo-device vn 1 #Vnode driver (turns a file into a device)in your config-file. The GENERIC kernel already contains
this.create a vn-device&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; sh MAKEDEV vn0create a swapfile
(/usr/swap0)&prompt.root; dd if=/dev/zero of=/usr/swap0 bs=1024k count=64set proper permissions on
(/usr/swap0)&prompt.root; chmod 0600 /usr/swap0enable the swap file in
/etc/rc.confswapfile="/usr/swap0" # Set to name of swapfile if aux swapfile desired.reboot the machineTo enable the swap file immediately, type&prompt.root; vnconfig -ce /dev/vn0c /usr/swap0 swapI'm having problems setting up my printer.Please have a look at the Handbook entry on printing. It
should cover most of your problem. See the
Handbook entry on printing.The keyboard mappings are wrong for my system.The kbdcontrol program has an option to load a keyboard
map file. Under /usr/share/syscons/keymaps
are a number of map files. Choose the one relevant to your
system and load it.&prompt.root; kbdcontrol -l uk.isoBoth the /usr/share/syscons/keymaps
and the .kbd extension are assumed by
kbdcontrol.This can be configured in /etc/sysconfig
rc.conf). See the appropriate comments in this
file.In 2.0.5R and later, everything related to text fonts,
keyboard mapping is in
/usr/share/examples/syscons.The following mappings are currently supported:Belgian ISO-8859-1 Brazilian 275 keyboard Codepage 850 Brazilian 275 keyboard ISO-8859-1 Danish Codepage 865 Danish ISO-8859-1 French ISO-8859-1 German Codepage 850 German ISO-8859-1 Italian ISO-8859-1 Japanese 106 Japanese 106x Latin American Norwegian ISO-8859-1 Polish ISO-8859-2 (programmer's) Russian Codepage 866 (alternative) Russian koi8-r (shift) Russian koi8-r Spanish ISO-8859-1 Swedish Codepage 850 Swedish ISO-8859-1 Swiss-German ISO-8859-1 United Kingdom Codepage 850 United Kingdom ISO-8859-1 United States of America ISO-8859-1 United States of America dvorak United States of America dvorakx I can't get user quotas to work properly.Don't turn on quotas on /,Put the quota file on the file system that the quotas
are to be enforced on. ie:FilesystemQuota file/usr/usr/admin/quotas/home/home/admin/quotas……What's inappropriate about my ccd?The symptom of this is:&prompt.root; ccdconfig -C
ccdconfig: ioctl (CCDIOCSET): /dev/ccd0c: Inappropriate file type or formatThis usually happens when you are trying to concatenate
the c partitions, which default to type
unused. The ccd driver requires the
underlying partition type to be FS_BSDFFS. Edit the disklabel
of the disks you are trying to concatenate and change the types
of partitions to 4.2BSD.Why can't I edit the disklabel on my ccd?The symptom of this is:&prompt.root; disklabel ccd0
(it prints something sensible here, so let's try to edit it)
&prompt.root; disklabel -e ccd0
(edit, save, quit)
disklabel: ioctl DIOCWDINFO: No disk label on disk;
use "disklabel -r" to install initial labelThis is because the disklabel returned by ccd is actually
a fake one that is not really on the disk.
You can solve this problem by writing it back explicitly,
as in:&prompt.root; disklabel ccd0 > /tmp/disklabel.tmp
&prompt.root; disklabel -Rr ccd0 /tmp/disklabel.tmp
&prompt.root; disklabel -e ccd0
(this will work now)Does FreeBSD support System V IPC primitives?Yes, FreeBSD supports System V-style IPC. This includes
shared memory, messages and semaphores. You need to add the
following lines to your kernel config to enable them.options SYSVSHM
options SYSVSHM # enable shared memory
options SYSVSEM # enable for semaphores
options SYSVMSG # enable for messagingIn FreeBSD 3.2 and later, these options are already
part of the GENERIC kernel, which
meansthey should already be compiled into your
system.Recompile and install your kernel.How do I use sendmail for mail delivery with UUCP?The sendmail configuration that ships with FreeBSD is
suited for sites that connect directly to the Internet.
Sites that wish to exchange their mail via UUCP must install
another sendmail configuration file.Tweaking /etc/sendmail.cf manually is
considered something for purists. Sendmail version 8 comes with
a new approach of generating config files via some m4
preprocessing, where the actual hand-crafted configuration is
on a higher abstraction level. You should use the configuration
files under
/usr/src/usr.sbin/sendmail/cfIf you didn't install your system with full sources,
the sendmail config stuff has been broken out into a separate
source distribution tarball just for you. Assuming you've got
your CD-ROM mounted, do:&prompt.root; cd /cdrom/src
&prompt.root; cat scontrib.?? | tar xzf - -C /usr/src contrib/sendmailDon't panic, this is only a few hundred kilobytes in size.
The file README in the
cf directory can serve as a basic
introduction to m4 configuration.For UUCP delivery, you are best advised to use the
mailertable feature. This constitutes a
database that sendmail can use to base its routing decision
upon.First, you have to create your .mc
file. The directory
/usr/src/usr.sbin/sendmail/cf/cf is the
home of these files. Look around, there are already a few
examples. Assuming you have named your file
foo.mc, all you need to do in order to
convert it into a valid sendmail.cf
&prompt.root; cd /usr/src/usr.sbin/sendmail/cf/cf
&prompt.root; make foo.cf
&prompt.root; cp foo.cf /etc/sendmail.cfA typical .mc file might look
VERSIONID(`Your version number')
define(`UUCP_RELAY', your.uucp.relay)
define(`UUCP_MAX_SIZE', 200000)
Cw your.alias.host.name
Cw youruucpnodename.UUCPThe nodns and
nocanonify features will prevent any usage
of the DNS during mail delivery. The
UUCP_RELAY clause is needed for bizarre
reasons, don't ask. Simply put an Internet hostname there that
is able to handle .UUCP pseudo-domain addresses; most likely,
you will enter the mail relay of your ISP there.Once you've got this, you need this file called
/etc/mailertable. A typical example of
this gender again:#
# makemap hash /etc/mailertable.db < /etc/mailertable
horus.interface-business.de uucp-dom:horus
.interface-business.de uucp-dom:if-bus
interface-business.de uucp-dom:if-bus
.heep.sax.de smtp8:%1
horus.UUCP uucp-dom:horus
if-bus.UUCP uucp-dom:if-bus
. uucp-dom:As you can see, this is part of a real-life file. The
first three lines handle special cases where domain-addressed
mail should not be sent out to the default route, but instead
to some UUCP neighbor in order to shortcut the
delivery path. The next line handles mail to the local Ethernet
domain that can be delivered using SMTP. Finally, the UUCP
neighbors are mentioned in the .UUCP pseudo-domain notation, to
allow for a uucp-neighbor
override of the default rules. The last line is always a single
dot, matching everything else, with UUCP delivery to a UUCP
neighbor that serves as your universal mail gateway to the
world. All of the node names behind the
uucp-dom: keyword must be valid UUCP
neighbors, as you can verify using the command
uuname.As a reminder that this file needs to be converted into a
DBM database file before being usable, the command line to
accomplish this is best placed as a comment at the top of
the mailertable. You always have to execute this command
each time you change your mailertable.Final hint: if you are uncertain whether some particular
mail routing would work, remember the
option to sendmail. It starts sendmail in address
test mode; simply enter 0 ,
followed by the address you wish to test for the mail routing.
The last line tells you the used internal mail agent, the
destination host this agent will be called with, and the
(possibly translated) address. Leave this mode by typing
Control-D.&prompt.user; sendmail -bt
ADDRESS TEST MODE (ruleset 3 NOT automatically invoked)
Enter <ruleset> <address>
>0 foo@interface-business.de
rewrite: ruleset 0 input: foo @ interface-business . de
rewrite: ruleset 0 returns: $# uucp-dom $@ if-bus $: foo \
< @ interface-business . de >
>^DHow do I set up mail with a dialup connection to the
'net?If you've got a statically assigned IP number, you should
not need to adjust anything from the default. Set your host
name up as your assigned internet name and sendmail will do
the rest.If you've got a dynamically assigned IP number and use a
dialup ppp connection to the
internet, you will probably be given a mailbox on your ISPs
mail server. Lets assume your ISPs domain is
myISP.com, and that your user name is
user. Lets also assume you've
called your machine bsd.home and that your
ISP has told you that you may use
relay.myISP.com as a mail relay.In order to retrieve mail from your mailbox, you'll need
to install a retrieval agent. Fetchmail is a good choice as it supports
many different protocols. Usually, POP3 will be provided by
your ISP. If you've chosen to use user-ppp, you can
automatically fetch your mail when a connection to the 'net is
established with the following entry in
!bg su user -c fetchmailIf you are using sendmail
(as shown below) to deliver mail to non-local accounts, put
the command !bg su user -c "sendmail -q"after the above shown entry. This forces sendmail to
process your mailqueue as soon as the connection to the 'net
is established.I'm assuming that you have an account for
user on
bsd.home. In the home directory of
user on
bsd.home, create a
.fetchmailrc file:poll myISP.com protocol pop3 fetchall pass MySecretNeedless to say, this file should not be readable by
anyone except user as it contains
the password MySecret.In order to send mail with the correct
from: header, you must tell
sendmail to use user@myISP.com rather than
user@bsd.home. You may also wish to tell
sendmail to send all mail via
relay.myISP.com, allowing quicker mail
transmission.The following .mc file should
suffice:VERSIONID(`bsd.home.mc version 1.0')
define(`SMART_HOST', `relay.myISP.com')
define(`confDELIVERY_MODE',`deferred')dnlRefer to the previous section for details of how to turn
this .mc file into a
sendmail.cf file. Also, don't forget to
restart sendmail after updating sendmail.cf.Eek! I forgot the root password!Don't Panic! Simply restart the system, type
boot -s at the Boot: prompt (just
-s for FreeBSD releases before 3.2) to
enter Single User mode. At the question about the shell to use,
hit ENTER. You'll be dropped to a &prompt.root; prompt. Enter
mount -u / to remount your root filesystem
read/write, then run mount -a to remount all
the filesystems. Run passwd root to change
the root password then run exit to continue
booting. How do I keep Control-Alt-Delete from rebooting the
system?If you are using syscons (the default console driver)
in FreeBSD 2.2.7-RELEASE or later,
build and install a new kernel with the lineoptions SC_DISABLE_REBOOTin the configuration file. If you use the PCVT console
driver in FreeBSD 2.2.5-RELEASE or later, use the following
kernel configuration line instead:options PCVT_CTRL_ALT_DELFor older versions of FreeBSD, edit the keymap you are
using for the console and replace the boot
keywords with nop. The default keymap is
/usr/share/syscons/keymaps/us.iso.kbd. You
may have to instruct /etc/rc.conf to load
this keymap explicitly for the change to take effect. Of course
if you are using an alternate keymap for your country, you
should edit that one instead.How do I reformat DOS text files to UNIX ones?Simply use this perl command:&prompt.user; perl -i.bak -npe 's/\r\n/\n/g' file ...file is the file(s) to process. The modification is done
in-place, with the original file stored with a .bak
extension.Alternatively you can use the tr
command:&prompt.user; tr -d '\r' < dos-text-file > unix-filedos-text-file is the file
containing DOS text while unix-file
will contain the converted output. This can be quite a bit
faster than using perl.How do I kill processes by name?Use
killall.Why is su bugging me about not being in root's ACL?The error comes from the Kerberos distributed
authentication system. The problem isn't fatal but annoying.
You can either run su with the -K option, or uninstall
Kerberos as described in the next question.How do I uninstall Kerberos?To remove Kerberos from the system, reinstall the bin
distribution for the release you are running. If you have
the CDROM, you can mount the cd (we'll assume on /cdrom)
and run&prompt.root; cd /cdrom/bin
&prompt.root; ./install.shAlternately, you can remove all "MAKE_KERBEROS"
options from /etc/make.conf and rebuild
world.How do I add pseudoterminals to the system?If you have lots of telnet, ssh, X, or screen users,
you'll probably run out of pseudoterminals. Here's how to
add more:Build and install a new kernel with the linepseudo-device pty 256in the configuration file.Run the commands&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; sh MAKEDEV pty{1,2,3,4,5,6,7}to make 256 device nodes for the new terminals.Edit /etc/ttys and add lines
for each of the 256 terminals. They should match the form
of the existing entries, i.e. they look likettyqc none networkThe order of the letter designations is
tty[pqrsPQRS][0-9a-v], using a
regular expression. Reboot the system with the new kernel and you're
ready to go.I can't create the snd0 device!There is no snd device. The name
is used as a shorthand for the various devices that make up the
FreeBSD sound driver, such as mixer,
sequencer, and
dsp.To create these devices you should&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; sh MAKEDEV snd0How do I re-read /etc/rc.conf and re-start /etc/rc without
a reboot?Go into single user mode and than back to multi user
mode.On the console do:&prompt.root; shutdown now
(Note: without -r or -h)
&prompt.root; return
&prompt.root; exitWhat is a sandbox?Sandbox is a security term. It can mean
two things:A process which is placed inside a set of virtual
walls that are designed to prevent someone who breaks
into the process from being able to break into the wider
system.The process is said to be able to
play inside the walls. That is,
nothing the process does in regards to executing code is
supposed to be able to breech the walls so you do not
have to do a detailed audit of its code to be able to
say certain things about its security.The walls might be a userid, for example. This is
the definition used in the security and named man
pages.Take the ntalk service, for
example (see /etc/inetd.conf). This service used to run
as userid root. Now it runs as userid tty. The tty user
is a sandbox designed to make it more difficult for
someone who has successfully hacked into the system via
ntalk from being able to hack beyond that user id.A process which is placed inside a simulation of the
machine. This is more hard-core. Basically it means that
someone who is able to break into the process may believe
that he can break into the wider machine but is, in fact,
only breaking into a simulation of that machine and not
modifying any real data.The most common way to accomplish this is to build a
simulated environment in a subdirectory and then run the
processes in that directory chroot'd (i.e.
/ for that process is this
directory, not the real / of the
system).Another common use is to mount an underlying
filesystem read-only and then create a filesystem layer
on top of it that gives a process a seemingly writeable
view into that filesystem. The process may believe it is
able to write to those files, but only the process sees
the effects - other processes in the system do not,
necessarily.An attempt is made to make this sort of sandbox so
transparent that the user (or hacker) does not realize
that he is sitting in it.UNIX implements two core sanboxes. One is at the
process level, and one is at the userid level.Every UNIX process is completely firewalled off from every
other UNIX process. One process can not modify the address
space of another. This is unlike Windows where a process
can easily overwrite the address space of any other, leading
to a crash.A UNIX process is owned by a patricular userid. If the
userid is not the root user, it serves to firewall the process
off from processes owned by other users. The userid is also
used to firewall off on-disk data.How do I let ordinary users mount floppies, CDROMs and other removable
media?Ordinary users can be permitted to mount devices. Here is
how:As root set the sysctl variable
vfs.usermount to
1.&prompt.root; sysctl -w vfs.usermount=1As root assign the appropriate
permissions to the block device associated with the
removable media.For example, to allow users to mount the first floppy
drive, use:&prompt.root; chmod 666 /dev/fd0To allow users in the group
operator to mount the cdrom drive,
use:&prompt.root; chgrp operator /dev/cd0c
&prompt.root; chmod 640 /dev/cd0cFinally, add the line
vfs.usermount=1 to the file
/etc/sysctl.conf so that it is reset
at system boot time.All users can now mount the floppy
/dev/fd0 onto a directory that they
own:&prompt.user; mkdir ~/my-mount-point
&prompt.user; mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 ~/my-mount-pointUsers in group operator can now
mount the cdrom /dev/cd0c onto a
directory that they own:&prompt.user; mkdir ~/my-mount-point
&prompt.user; mount -t msdos /dev/cd0c ~/my-mount-pointUnmounting the device is simple:&prompt.user; umount ~/my-mount-pointEnabling vfs.usermount, however, has
negative security implications. A better way to access MSDOS
formatted media is to use the mtools package in the ports collection.How do I move my system over to my huge new disk?The best way is to reinstall the OS on the new
disk, then move the user data over. This is highly
recommended if you've been tracking -stable for more
than one release, or have updated a release instead of
installing a new one. You can install booteasy on both
disks with &man.boot0cfg.8;, and dual boot them until
you are happy with the new configuration. Skip the
next paragraph to find out how to move the data after
doing this.Should you decide not to do a fresh install, you
need to partition and label the new disk with either
/stand/sysinstall, or &man.fdisk.8;
and &man.disklabel.8;. You should also install booteasy
on both disks with &man.boot0cfg.8;, so that you can
dual boot to the old or new system after the copying
is done. See the
formatting-media tutorial for details on this
process.Now you've got the new disk set up, and are ready
to move the data. Unfortunately, you can't just blindly
copy the data. Things like device files (in
/dev) and symbolic links tend to
screw that up. You need to use tools that understand
these things, which means &man.dump.8; and &man.tar.1;.
I recommend doing the data moves in single user mode,
but it's not required.You should never use anything but &man.dump.8; and
&man.restore.8; to move the root file system. The
&man.tar.1; command may work - then again, it may not.
You should also use &man.dump.8; and &man.restore.8;
if you are moving a single partition to another empty
partition. The sequence of steps to use dump to move
a partitions data to a new partition is:newfs the new partition.mount it on a temporary mount point.cd to that directory.dump the old partition, piping output to the
new one.For example, if you are going to move root to
/dev/ad1s1a, with
/mnt as the temporary mount point,
it's:&prompt.root; newfs /dev/ad1s1a
&prompt.root; mount /dev/ad1s1a
&prompt.root; cd /mnt
&prompt.root; dump 0uaf - / | restore xf -If you are going to rearrange your partitions -
say, splitting one into two, or combing two into one,
you may find yourself needing to move everything under
a subdirectory to a new location. Since &man.dump.8;
works with file systems, it can't do this. So you use
&man.tar.1;. The general command to move
/old to /new
for &man.tar.1; is:&prompt.root; (cd /old; tar cf - .) | (cd /new; tar xpf -)If /old has file systems
mounted on that, and you
don't want to move that data or unmount them, you just
add the 'l' flag to the first &man.tar.1;:&prompt.root; (cd /old; tar clf - .) | (cd /new; tar xpf -).You might prefer cpio(1), pax(1) or cpdup
(in ports/sysutils/cpdup) to tar.I tried to update by system to the latest -STABLE, but
got -RC or -BETA! What's going on?Short answer: it's just a name. RC stands for
Release Candidate. It signifies that a
release is imminent. In FreeBSD, -BETA is synonymous with
-RC.Long answer: FreeBSD derives its releases from one of
two places. Major, dot-zero, releases, such as
3.0-RELEASE and 4.0-RELEASE, are branched from the head of
the development stream, commonly referred to as -CURRENT. Minor releases, such
as 3.1-RELEASE or 4.2-RELEASE, are snapshots of the active
-STABLE branch.When a release is about to be made, the branch from
which it will be derived from has to undergo a certain
process. Part of this process is a code freeze. When a
code freeze is initiated, the name of the branch is
changed to reflect that it's about to become a release.
For example, if the branch used to be called 4.0-STABLE,
its name will be changed to 4.1-RC to signify that a
release is about to be made from it. Once the release,
4.1-RELEASE in this example, has been made, the branch
will be renamed to 4.1-STABLE.I tried to install a new kernel, and the chflags failed.
How do I get around this?Short answer: You're probably at security level
greater than 0. Reboot directly to single user mode to
install the kernel.Long answer: FreeBSD disallows changing system flags
at security levels greater than 0. You can check your
security level with the command:&prompt.root; sysctl kern.securelevelYou cannot lower the security level; you have to boot
to single mode to install the kernel, or change the
security in /etc/rc.conf then reboot. See
the &man.init.8; man page for details on securelevel, and
see /etc/defaults/rc.conf and the
&man.rc.conf.5; man page for more information on rc.conf.I can't change the time on my system by more than one second!
How do I get around this?Short answer: You're probably at security level
greater than 1. Reboot directly to single user mode to
change the date.Long answer: FreeBSD disallows changing the time by
more that one second at security levels greater than 1. You
can check your security level with the command:&prompt.root; sysctl kern.securelevelYou cannot lower the security level; you have to boot
to single mode to change the date, or change the security
level in /etc/rc.conf then reboot. See
the &man.init.8; man page for details on securelevel, and
see /etc/defaults/rc.conf and the
&man.rc.conf.5; man page for more information on rc.conf.The X Window System and Virtual ConsolesI want to run X, how do I go about it?The easiest way is to simply specify that you want to
run X during the installation process.Then read and follow the documentation on the
xf86config tool, which assists you in configuring
XFree86(tm) for your particular graphics card/mouse/etc.You may also wish to investigate the Xaccel server.
See the section on Xi Graphics or
Metro Link for more details.Why doesn't my mouse work with X?If you are using syscons (the default console driver),
you can configure FreeBSD to support a mouse pointer on each
virtual screen. In order to avoid conflicting with X, syscons
supports a virtual device called
/dev/sysmouse. All mouse events received
from the real mouse device are written to the sysmouse device
via moused. If you wish to use your mouse on one or more
virtual consoles, and use X, see
and set up
moused.Then edit /etc/XF86Config and make
sure you have the following lines.
Section Pointer
Protocol "SysMouse"
Device "/dev/sysmouse"
.....The above example is for XFree86 3.3.2 or later. For
earlier versions, the Protocol should be
MouseSystems.Some people prefer to use /dev/mouse
under X. To make this work, /dev/mouse
should be linked to
/dev/sysmouse:&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; rm -f mouse
&prompt.root; ln -s sysmouse mouseMy mouse has a fancy wheel. Can I use it in X?Yes. But you need to customize X client programs. See
Colas Nahaboo's web page
.If you want to use the imwheel
program, just follow these simple steps.Translate the Wheel EventsThe imwheel program
works by translating mouse button 4 and mouse button 5
events into key events. Thus, you have to get the
mouse driver to translate mouse wheel events to button
4 and 5 events. There are two ways of doing this, the
first way is to have &man.moused.8; do the
translation. The second way is for the X server
itself to do the event translation.Using &man.moused.8; to Translate Wheel
EventsTo have &man.moused.8; perform the event
translations, simply add to
the command line used to start &man.moused.8;.
For example, if you normally start &man.moused.8;
via moused -p /dev/psm0 you
would start it by entering moused -p
/dev/psm0 -z 4 instead. If you start
&man.moused.8; automatically during bootup via
/etc/rc.conf, you can simply
add to the
moused_flags variable in
/etc/rc.conf.You now need to tell X that you have a 5
button mouse. To do this, simply add the line
Buttons 5 to the
Pointer section of
/etc/XF86Config. For
example, you might have the following
Pointer section in
/etc/XF86Config.Pointer Section for Wheeled
Mouse in XF86Config with moused TranslationSection "Pointer"
Protocol "SysMouse"
Device "/dev/sysmouse"
Buttons 5
Using Your X Server to Translate the Wheel
EventsIf you aren't running &man.moused.8;, or if
you don't want &man.moused.8; to translate your
wheel events, you can have the X server do the
event translation instead. This requires a couple
of modifications to your
/etc/XF86Config file. First,
you need to choose the proper protocol for your
mouse. Most wheeled mice use the
IntelliMouse protocol. However,
XFree86 does support other protocols, such as
MouseManPlusPS/2 for the Logitech
MouseMan+ mice. Once you have chosen the protocol
you will use, you need to add a
Protocol line to the
Pointer section.Secondly, you need to tell the X server to
remap wheel scroll events to mouse buttons 4 and
5. This is done with the
ZAxisMapping option.For example, if you aren't using
&man.moused.8;, and you have an IntelliMouse
attached to the PS/2 mouse port you would use
the following in
/etc/XF86Config.Pointer Section for Wheeled
Mouse in XF86Config with X
Server TranslationSection "Pointer"
Protocol "IntelliMouse"
Device "/dev/psm0"
ZAxisMapping 4 5
Install imwheelNext, install imwheel
from the Ports collection. It can be found in the
x11 category. This program will
map the wheel events from your mouse into keyboard
events. For example, it might send Page
Up to a program when you scroll the wheel
forwards. Imwheel uses a
configuration file to map the wheel events to
keypresses so that it can send different keys to
different applications. The default
imwheel configuration file
is installed in
/usr/X11R6/etc/imwheelrc. You
can copy it to ~/.imwheelrc and
then edit it if you wish to customize
imwheel's configuration.
The format of the configuration file is documented in
&man.imwheel.1;.Configure Emacs to Work
with Imwheel
(optional)If you use emacs or
Xemacs, then you need to
add a small section to your
~/.emacs file. For
emacs, add the
following:Emacs Configuration
for Imwheel;;; For imwheel
(setq imwheel-scroll-interval 3)
(defun imwheel-scroll-down-some-lines ()
(scroll-down imwheel-scroll-interval))
(defun imwheel-scroll-up-some-lines ()
(scroll-up imwheel-scroll-interval))
(global-set-key [?\M-\C-\)] 'imwheel-scroll-up-some-lines)
(global-set-key [?\M-\C-\(] 'imwheel-scroll-down-some-lines)
;;; end imwheel section
For Xemacs, add the
following to your ~/.emacs file
instead:Xemacs Configuration
for Imwheel;;; For imwheel
(setq imwheel-scroll-interval 3)
(defun imwheel-scroll-down-some-lines ()
(scroll-down imwheel-scroll-interval))
(defun imwheel-scroll-up-some-lines ()
(scroll-up imwheel-scroll-interval))
(define-key global-map [(control meta \))] 'imwheel-scroll-up-some-lines)
(define-key global-map [(control meta \()] 'imwheel-scroll-down-some-lines)
;;; end imwheel section
Run ImwheelYou can just type imwheel
in an xterm to start it up once it is installed. It
will background itself and take effect immediately.
If you want to always use
imwheel, simply add it to
your .xinitrc or
.xsession file. You can safely
ignore any warnings imwheel
displays about PID files. Those warnings only apply
to the Linux version of
imwheel.X Window menus and dialog boxes don't work right!Try turning off the Num Lock key.If your Num Lock key is on by default at boot-time, you
may add the following line in the Keyboard
section of the XF86Config file.# Let the server do the NumLock processing. This should only be
# required when using pre-R6 clients
ServerNumLockWhat is a virtual console and how do I make more?Virtual consoles, put simply, enable you to have several
simultaneous sessions on the same machine without doing anything
complicated like setting up a network or running X.When the system starts, it will display a login prompt on
the monitor after displaying all the boot messages. You can
then type in your login name and password and start working (or
playing!) on the first virtual console.At some point, you will probably wish to start another
session, perhaps to look at documentation for a program
you are running or to read your mail while waiting for an
FTP transfer to finish. Just do Alt-F2 (hold down the Alt
key and press the F2 key), and you will find a login prompt
waiting for you on the second virtual console!
When you want to go back to the original session, do
Alt-F1.The default FreeBSD installation has three virtual consoles
enabled (8 starting with 3.3-RELEASE), and Alt-F1, Alt-F2, and
Alt-F3 will switch between these virtual consoles.To enable more of them, edit /etc/ttys
and add entries for ttyv4
to ttyvc after the comment on
Virtual terminals:# Edit the existing entry for ttyv3 in /etc/ttys and change
# "off" to "on".
ttyv3 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secure
ttyv4 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secure
ttyv5 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secure
ttyv6 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secure
ttyv7 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secure
ttyv8 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secure
ttyv9 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secure
ttyva "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secure
ttyvb "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secureUse as many or as few as you want. The more virtual
terminals you have, the more resources that are used; this
can be important if you have 8MB RAM or less. You may also
want to change the secure
to insecure.If you want to run an X server you
must leave at least one virtual
terminal unused (or turned off) for it to use. That is to
say that if you want to have a login prompt pop up for all
twelve of your Alt-function keys, you're out of luck - you
can only do this for eleven of them if you also want to run
an X server on the same machine.The easiest way to disable a console is by turning it off.
For example, if you had the full 12 terminal allocation
mentioned above and you wanted to run X, you would change
settings for virtual terminal 12 from:ttyvb "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secureto:ttyvb "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 off secureIf your keyboard has only ten function keys, you would
end up with:ttyv9 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 off secure
ttyva "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 off secure
ttyvb "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 off secure(You could also just delete these lines.)Once you have edited
/etc/ttys, the next step is to make sure that you
have enough virtualterminal devices. The easiest way to do
this is:&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; sh MAKEDEV vty12Next, the easiest (and cleanest) way to activate the
virtual consoles is to reboot. However, if you really don't
want to reboot, you can just shut down the X Window system
and execute (as root):&prompt.root; kill -HUP 1It's imperative that you completely shut down X Window if
it is running, before running this command. If you don't,
your system will probably appear to hang/lock up after
executing the kill command.How do I access the virtual consoles from X?Use CtrlAltFn to switch back to a virtual console.
CtrlAltF1 would return you to the first virtual console.Once you are back to a text console, you can then use
AltFn as normal to move between them.To return to the X session, you must switch to the virtual
console running X. If you invoked X from the command line, (e.g.,
using startx) then the X session will attach to
the next unused virtual console, not the text console from which
it was invoked. If you have eight active virtual terminals then X
will be running on the ninth, and you would use
AltF9 to return.How do I start XDM on boot?There are two schools of thought on how to start
xdm. One school starts xdm from /etc/ttys
using the supplied example, while the other simply runs xdm
from rc.local
or from a X.sh script in
/usr/local/etc/rc.d. Both are equally
valid, and one may work in situations where the other doesn't.
In both cases the result is the same: X will popup a graphical
login: prompt. The ttys method has the advantage of documenting which
vty X will start on and passing the responsibility of
restarting the X server on logout to init. The rc.local
method makes it easy to kill xdm if there is a problem
starting the X server. If loaded from rc.local, xdm should
be started without any arguments (i.e., as a daemon). xdm must
start AFTER getty runs, or else getty and xdm will conflict,
locking out the console. The best way around this is to have
the script sleep 10 seconds or so then launch xdm.If you are to start xdm from
/etc/ttys, there still is a chance of
conflict between xdm and
getty. One way to avoid this is to add the
vt number in the
file.:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X vt4The above example will direct the X server to run in
/dev/ttyv3. Note the number is offset by
one. The X server counts the vty from one, whereas the FreeBSD
kernel numbers the vty from zero.When I run xconsole, I get
Couldn't open console.If you start X
startx, the permissions on
/dev/console will
not get changed, resulting in
things like
xterm -C and
xconsolenot working.This is because of the way console permissions are set
by default. On a multi-user system, one doesn't necessarily
want just any user to be able to write on the system console.
For users who are logging directly onto a machine with a VTY,
the fbtab
file exists to solve such problems.In a nutshell, make sure an uncommented line of the
form/dev/ttyv0 0600 /dev/consoleis in
/etc/fbtab and it will ensure that whomever logs in on
/dev/ttyv0 will own the console.
+ I used to run XFree86 as a regular user, but now when
+ I start it it says I must be root!
+ All X servers need to be run as root in order to get direct
+ access to your video hardware. Older versions of XFree86
+ (<= 3.3.6) installed all bundled servers to be automatically
+ run as root (setuid to root). This is obviously a security
+ hazard because X servers are large, complicated programs.
+ Newer versions of XFree86 do not install the servers setuid to
+ root for just this reason.
+ Obviously, running an X server as the root user is not
+ acceptable, nor a good idea security-wise. There are two ways
+ to be able to use X as a regular user. The first is to use
+ xdm or another display manager
+ (e.g., kdm); the second is to use the
+ Xwrapper.
+ xdm is a daemon that handles graphical
+ logins. It is usually started at boot time, and is responsible
+ for authenticating users and starting their sessions; it is
+ essentially the graphical counterpart of
+ getty and login. For
+ more information on xdm see
+ the XFree86
+ documentation, and the the FAQ
+ entry on it.
+ Xwrapper is the X server wrapper; it is
+ a small utility to enable one to manually run an X server while
+ maintaining reasonable safety. It performs some sanity checks
+ on the command line arguments given, and if they pass, runs the
+ appropriate X server. If you do not want to run a display
+ manger for whatever reason, this is for you. If you have
+ installed the complete ports collection, you can find the port in
+ /usr/ports/x11/wrapper.
My PS/2 mouse doesn't behave properly under X.Your mouse and the mouse driver may have somewhat become
out of synchronization.In versions 2.2.5 and earlier, switching away from X to a
virtual terminal and getting back to X again may make them
re-synchronized. If the problem occurs often, you may add the
following option in your kernel configuration file and
recompile it.options PSM_CHECKSYNCSee the section on building
a kernel if you've no experience with building
kernels.With this option, there should be less chance of
synchronization problem between the mouse and the driver.
If, however, you still see the problem, click any mouse
button while holding the mouse still to re-synchronize the
mouse and the driver.Note that unfortunately this option may not work with all
the systems and voids the tap feature of the
ALPS GlidePoint device attached to the PS/2 mouse port.In versions 2.2.6 and later, synchronization check is done
in a slightly better way and is standard in the PS/2 mouse
driver. It should even work with GlidePoint. (As the check code
has become a standard feature, PSM_CHECKSYNC option is not
available in these versions.) However, in rare case the driver
may erroneously report synchronization problem and you may see
the kernel message:psmintr: out of sync (xxxx != yyyy)and find your mouse doesn't seem to work properly.If this happens, disable the synchronization check code
by setting the driver flags for the PS/2 mouse driver to 0x100.
Enter UserConfig by giving the
option at the boot prompt:boot: -cThen, in the UserConfig command
line, type:UserConfig> flags psm0 0x100
UserConfig> quitMy PS/2 mouse from MouseSystems doesn't seem to
work.There have been some reports that certain model of PS/2
mouse from MouseSystems works only if it is put into the
high resolution mode. Otherwise, the mouse
cursor may jump to the upper-left corner of the screen every
so often.Unfortunately there is no workaround for versions 2.0.X
and 2.1.X. In versions 2.2 through 2.2.5, apply the following
patch to /sys/i386/isa/psm.c and rebuild
the kernel. See the section on building a kernel if you've no
experience with building kernels.@@ -766,6 +766,8 @@
if (verbose >= 2)
log(LOG_DEBUG, "psm%d: SET_DEFAULTS return code:%04x\n",
unit, i);
+ set_mouse_resolution(sc->kbdc, PSMD_RES_HIGH);
#if 0
set_mouse_scaling(sc->kbdc); /* 1:1 scaling */
set_mouse_mode(sc->kbdc); /* stream mode */In versions 2.2.6 or later, specify the flags 0x04 to
the PS/2 mouse driver to put the mouse into the high
resolution mode. Enter UserConfig by
giving the option at the boot prompt:boot: -cThen, in the UserConfig command line,
type:UserConfig> flags psm0 0x04
UserConfig> quitSee the previous section for another possible cause of mouse
problems.When building an X app, imake can't
find Imake.tmpl. Where is it?Imake.tmpl is part of the Imake package, a standard X
application building tool. Imake.tmpl, as well as several
header files that are required to build X apps, is contained
in the X prog distribution. You can install this from sysinstall
or manually from the X distribution files. How do I reverse the mouse buttons?Run the command
xmodmap -e "pointer = 3 2 1" from your
.xinitrc or .xsession.How do I install a splash screen and where do I find
them?Just prior to the release of FreeBSD 3.1, a new feature
was added to allow the display of splash screens
during the boot messages. The splash screens currently must be
a 256 color bitmap (*.BMP) or ZSoft PCX
(*.PCX) file. In addition, they must have
a resolution of 320x200 or less to work on standard VGA
adapters. If you compile VESA support into your kernel, then
you can use larger bitmaps up to 1024x768. Note that VESA
support requires the VM86 kernel option to
be compiled into the kernel. The actual VESA support can either
be compiled directly into the kernel with the
VESA kernel config option or by loading the
VESA kld module during bootup.To use a splash screen, you need to modify the startup
files that control the boot process for FreeBSD. The files for
this changed prior to the release of FreeBSD 3.2, so there are
now two ways of loading a splash screen:FreeBSD 3.1The first step is to find a bitmap version of your
splash screen. Release 3.1 only supports Windows bitmap
splash screens. Once you've found your splash screen of
choice copy it to /boot/splash.bmp.
Next, you need to have a
/boot/loader.rc file that contains
the following lines:load kernel
load -t splash_image_data /boot/splash.bmp
load splash_bmp
autobootFreeBSD 3.2+In addition to adding support for PCX splash screens,
FreeBSD 3.2 includes a nicer way of configuring the boot
process. If you wish, you can use the method listed above
for FreeBSD 3.1. If you do and you want to use PCX,
replace splash_bmp with
splash_pcx. If, on the other hand, you
want to use the newer boot configuration, you need to
create a /boot/loader.rc file that
contains the following lines:include /boot/loader.4th
startand a /boot/loader.conf that
contains the following:splash_bmp_load="YES"
bitmap_load="YES"This assumes you are using
/boot/splash.bmp for your splash
screen. If you'd rather use a PCX file, copy it to
/boot/splash.pcx, create a
/boot/loader.rc as instructed
above, and create a
/boot/loader.conf that
bitmap_name="/boot/splash.pcx"Now all you need is a splash screen. For that you can
surf on over to the gallery at http://www.baldwin.cx/splash/.Can I use the Windows(tm) keys on my keyboard in X?Yes. All you need to do is use &man.xmodmap.1; to define
what function you wish them to perform.Assuming all Windows(tm) keyboards are
standard then the keycodes for the 3 keys are115 - Windows(tm) key, between the left-hand Ctrl and
Alt keys116 - Windows(tm) key, to the right of the Alt-Gr
key117 - Menu key, to the left of the right-hand Ctrl
keyTo have the left Windows(tm) key print a comma, try
this.&prompt.root; xmodmap -e "keycode 115 = comma"You will probably have to re-start your window manager
to see the result.To have the Windows(tm) key-mappings enabled automatically
everytime you start X either put the xmodmap
commands in your ~/.xinitrc file or,
preferably, create a file ~/.xmodmaprc and
include the xmodmap options, one per line,
then add the linexmodmap $HOME/.xmodmaprcto your ~/.xinitrc.For example, I have mapped the 3 keys to be F13, F14, and
F15 respectively. This makes it easy to map them to useful
functions within applications or your window manager.To do this put the following in
~/.xmodmaprc.keycode 115 = F13
keycode 116 = F14
keycode 117 = F15I use fvwm2 and have mapped the keys
so that F13 iconifies (or de-iconifies) the window the cursor
is in, F14 brings the window the cursor is in to the front or,
if it is already at the front, pushes it to the back, and F15
pops up the main Workplace (application) menu even if the
cursor is not on the desktop, which is useful if you don't have
any part of the desktop visible (and the logo on the key
matches its functionality).The entries in my ~/.fvwmrc which map
the keys this way are:Key F13 FTIWS A Iconify
Key F14 FTIWS A RaiseLower
Key F15 A A Menu Workplace NopNetworkingWhere can I get information on
diskless booting?Diskless booting means that the FreeBSD
box is booted over a network, and reads the necessary files
from a server instead of its hard disk. For full details,
please read the
Handbook entry on diskless bootingCan a FreeBSD box be used as a dedicated network
router?Internet standards and good engineering practice prohibit
us from providing packet forwarding by default in FreeBSD. You
can however enable this feature by changing the following
variable to YES in
rc.conf:gateway_enable=YES # Set to YES if this host will be a gatewayThis option will put the
sysctl variable
to 1.In most cases, you will also need to run a routing process
to tell other systems on your network about your router;
FreeBSD comes with the standard BSD routing daemon routed,
or for more complex situations you may want to try
GaTeD (available from http://www.gated.org/ )
which supports FreeBSD as of 3_5Alpha7.It is our duty to warn you that, even when FreeBSD is
configured in this way, it does not completely comply with
the Internet standard requirements for routers; however,
it comes close enough for ordinary usage.Can I connect my Win95 box to the Internet via
FreeBSD?Typically, people who ask this question have two PC's
at home, one with FreeBSD and one with Win95; the idea is to
use the FreeBSD box to connect to the Internet and then be able
to access the Internet from the Windows95 box through the
FreeBSD box. This is really just a special case of the previous
question. ... and the answer is yes! In FreeBSD
3.x, user-mode ppp contains a option. If
you run ppp with the ,
set gateway_enable to
YES in /etc/rc.conf,
and configure your Windows machine correctly, this should work
fine.More detailed information about setting this up can be
found in the
Pedantic PPP Primer by Steve Sims.If you are using kernel-mode ppp, or have an Ethernet
connection to the Internet, you will have to use
natd. Please look at the
natd section of this FAQ.Why does recompiling the latest BIND from ISC fail?There is a conflict between the
cdefs.h file in the distribution and the
one shipped with FreeBSD. Just remove
compat/include/sys/cdefs.h.Does FreeBSD support SLIP and PPP?Yes. See the man pages for
sliplogin, pppd and
pppd and ppp provide
support for both incoming and outgoing connections.
Sliplogin deals exclusively with incoming connections
slattach deals exclusively with outgoing
connections.These programs are described in the following sections of
the handbook:Handbook entry
on SLIP (server side)Handbook entry
on SLIP (client side)Handbook entry on
PPP (kernel version)
Handbook entry on PPP (user-mode version)If you only have access to the Internet through a
shell account, you may want to have a look at
slirp package. It can provide you with (limited)
access to services such as ftp and http direct from your local
machine.Does FreeBSD support NAT or MasqueradingIf you have a local subnet (one or more local machines),
but have been allocated only a single IP number from your
Internet provider (or even if you receive a dynamic IP number),
you may want to look at the natd
program. natd allows you to connect an
entire subnet to the internet using only a single IP
ppp program has similar functionality built in via
the switch. The
alias library is used in both cases.I can't create a /dev/ed0
device!In the Berkeley networking framework, network interfaces
are only directly accessible by kernel code. Please see the
/etc/rc.network file and the manual pages
for the various network programs mentioned there for more
information. If this leaves you totally confused, then you
should pick up a book describing network administration on
another BSD-related operating system; with few significant
exceptions, administering networking on FreeBSD is basically
the same as on SunOS 4.0 or Ultrix.How can I setup Ethernet aliases?Add netmask 0xffffffff to your
ifconfig command-line like the following:&prompt.root; ifconfig ed0 alias netmask 0xffffffffHow do I get my 3C503 to use the other network
port?If you want to use the other ports, you'll have to specify
an additional parameter on the
ifconfig command line. The default port is
link0. To use the AUI port instead of the
BNC one, use link2. These flags should be
specified using the ifconfig_* variables in
/etc/rc.conf.I'm having problems with NFS to/from FreeBSD.Certain PC network cards are better than others (to put
it mildly) and can sometimes cause problems with network
intensive applications like NFS.See
the Handbook entry on NFS for more information on
this topic.Why can't I NFS-mount from a Linux box?Some versions of the Linux NFS code only accept mount
requests from a privileged port; try&prompt.root; mount -o -P linuxbox:/blah /mntWhy can't I NFS-mount from a Sun box?Sun workstations running SunOS 4.X only accept mount
requests from a privileged port; try&prompt.root; mount -o -P sunbox:/blah /mntWhy does mountd keep telling me it
can't change attributes and that I have a
bad exports list on my FreeBSD NFS
server?The most frequent problem is not understanding this
passage from the &man.exports.5 manual page
Each line in the file (other than comment
lines that begin with a #) specifies the mount point(s)
and export flags within one local server filesystem for
one or more hosts. A host may be specified only once
for each local filesystem on the server and there may be
only one default entry for each server filesystem that
applies to all other hosts.
This is made more clear by an example of a common
mistake. If everything above /usr is
part of one filesystem (there are no mounts above
/usr) the following exports list is
not valid:/usr/src client
/usr/ports clientThere are two lines specifying properties for one
filesystem, /usr, exported to the
same host, client. The correct format
is:/usr/src /usr/ports clientTo rephrase the passage from the manual page, the
properties of one filesystem exported to a given host
(world-wide exports are treated like another unique host)
must all occur on one line. And yes, this does cause
limitiation in how you can export filesystems without ugly
workarounds, but for most people, this is not an
issue.The following is an example of a valid export list,
where /usr and
/exports are local
filesystems:# Export src and ports to client01 and client02, but only
# client01 has root privileges on it
/usr/src /usr/ports -maproot=0 client01
/usr/src /usr/ports client02
# The "client" machines have root and can mount anywhere
# up /exports. The world can mount /exports/obj read-only
/exports -alldirs -maproot=0 client01 client02
/exports/obj -roI'm having problems talking PPP to NeXTStep
machines.Try disabling the TCP extensions in
/etc/rc.conf by changing the following variable to
NO:tcp_extensions=NOXylogic's Annex boxes are also broken in this regard and
you must use the above change to connect thru them.How do I enable IP multicast support?Multicast host operations are fully supported in FreeBSD
2.0 and later by default. If you want your box to run as a
multicast router, you will need to recompile your kernel with
the MROUTING option and run
mrouted. FreeBSD 2.2 and later will start
mrouted at boot time if the flag
mrouted_enable is set to
"YES" in
/etc/rc.conf.MBONE tools are available in their own ports category,
mbone. If you are looking for the conference tools
vic and vat,
look there!For more information, see the
Mbone Information Web.Which network cards are based on the DEC PCI
chipset?Here is a list compiled by Glen Foster,
with some more modern additions:Vendor Model
Accton ENI1203
Cogent EM960PCI
Compex ENET32-PCI
D-Link DE-530
Dayna DP1203, DP2100
DEC DE435, DE450
Danpex EN-9400P3
JCIS Condor JC1260
Linksys EtherPCI
Mylex LNP101
SMC EtherPower 10/100 (Model 9332)
SMC EtherPower (Model 8432)
TopWare TE-3500P
Znyx (2.2.x) ZX312, ZX314, ZX342, ZX345, ZX346, ZX348
(3.x) ZX345Q, ZX346Q, ZX348Q, ZX412Q, ZX414, ZX442,
ZX444, ZX474, ZX478, ZX212, ZX214 (10mbps/hd)
Why do I have to use the FQDN for hosts on my
site?You will probably find that the host is actually in a
different domain; for example, if you are in foo.bar.edu and
you wish to reach a host called mumble in the
bar.edu domain, you will
have to refer to it by the fully-qualified domain name, mumble.bar.edu, instead of just
mumble.Traditionally, this was allowed by BSD BIND resolvers.
However the current version of bind
that ships with FreeBSD no longer provides default
abbreviations for non-fully qualified domain names other than
the domain you are in. So an unqualified host
mumble must either be found as mumble.foo.bar.edu, or it will be searched
for in the root domain.This is different from the previous behavior, where the
search continued across
mumble.bar.edu, and
mumble.edu. Have a look at
RFC 1535 for why this was considered bad practice, or even a
security hole.As a good workaround, you can place the linesearch foo.bar.edu bar.eduinstead of the previousdomain foo.bar.eduinto your
/etc/resolv.conf file. However, make sure that the
search order does not go beyond the boundary between
local and public administration, as RFC 1535 calls
it.Permission denied for all networking
operations.If you have compiled your kernel with the
IPFIREWALL option, you need to be aware
that the default policy as of 2.1.7R (this actually changed
during 2.1-STABLE development) is to deny all packets that are
not explicitly allowed.If you had unintentionally misconfigured your system for
firewalling, you can restore network operability by typing
the following while logged in as root:&prompt.root; ipfw add 65534 allow all from any to anyYou can also set firewall_type="open"
in /etc/rc.conf.For further information on configuring a FreeBSD firewall,
see the
Handbook section.How much overhead does IPFW incur?The answer to this depends mostly on your rule set and
processor speed. For most applications dealing with ethernet
and small rule sets, the answer is, negligible. For those of
you that need actual measurements to satisfy your curiosity,
read on.The following measurements were made using 2.2.5-STABLE
on a 486-66. IPFW was modified to measure the time spent
within the ip_fw_chk routine, displaying
the results to the console every 1000 packets.Two rule sets, each with 1000 rules were tested. The
first set was designed to demonstrate a worst case scenario
by repeating the rule:&prompt.root; ipfw add deny tcp from any to any 55555This demonstrates worst case by causing most of IPFW's
packet check routine to be executed before finally deciding
that the packet does not match the rule (by virtue of the port
number). Following the 999th iteration of this rule was an
allow ip from any to any.The second set of rules were designed to abort the rule
check quickly:&prompt.root; ipfw add deny ip from to nonmatching source IP address for the above rule causes
these rules to be skipped very quickly. As before, the 1000th
rule was an allow ip from any to any.The per-packet processing overhead in the former case was
approximately 2.703ms/packet, or roughly 2.7 microseconds per
rule. Thus the theoretical packet processing limit with these
rules is around 370 packets per second. Assuming 10Mbps
ethernet and a ~1500 byte packet size, we would only be able to
achieve a 55.5% bandwidth utilization.For the latter case each packet was processed in
approximately 1.172ms, or roughly 1.2 microseconds per rule.
The theoretical packet processing limit here would be about
853 packets per second, which could consume 10Mbps ethernet
bandwidth.The excessive number of rules tested and the nature of
those rules do not provide a real-world scenario -- they were
used only to generate the timing information presented here.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when building an
efficient rule set:Place an established rule early
on to handle the majority of TCP traffic. Don't put any
allow tcp statements before this
rule.Place heavily triggered rules earlier in the rule
set than those rarely used (without
changing the permissiveness of the firewall,
of course). You can see which rules are used most often
by examining the packet counting statistics with
ipfw -a l.How can I redirect service requests from one machine to
another?You can redirect FTP (and other service) request with
the socket package, available in the ports
tree in category sysutils. Simply replace the
service's commandline to call socket instead, like so:ftp stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/local/bin/socket socket ftp.foo.comftpwhere ftp.foo.com and
ftp are the host and port to
redirect to, respectively.Where can I get a bandwidth management tool?There are two bandwidth management tools available for
ALTQ is available for free; Bandwidth Manager from
Emerging Technologies
is a commercial product. Why do I get /dev/bpf0: device not
configured?The Berkeley Packet Filter (bpf)
driver needs to be enabled before running programs that
utilize it. Add this to your kernel config file and build
a new kernel:pseudo-device bpfilter # Berkeley Packet FilterSecondly, after rebooting you will have to create the
device node. This can be accomplished by a change to the
/dev directory, followed by the execution
of:&prompt.root; sh MAKEDEV bpf0Please see the
handbook's entry on device nodes for more information
on creating devices.How do I mount a disk from a Windows machine that's on my
network, like smbmount in Linux?Use the
sharity light package in the ports collection.What are these messages about icmp-response
bandwidth limit 300/200 pps in my log
files?This is the kernel telling you that some activity is
provoking it to send more ICMP or TCP reset (RST)
responses than it thinks it should. ICMP responses are
often generated as a result of attempted connections to
unused UDP ports. TCP resets are generated as a result of
attempted connections to unopened TCP ports. Among
others, these are the kinds of activities which may cause
these messages:Brute-force denial of service (DoS) attacks (as
opposed to single-packet attacks which exploit a
specific vulnerability).Port scans which attempt to connect to a large
number of ports (as opposed to only trying a few
well-known ports).The first number in the message tells you how many
packets the kernel would have sent if the limit wasn't in
place, and the second number tells you the limit. You can
control the limit using the
net.inet.icmp.icmplim sysctl variable
like this, where 300 is the limit in
packets per second:&prompt.root; sysctl -w net.inet.icmp.icmplim=300If you don't want to see messages about this in your
log files, but you still want the kernel to do response
limiting, you can use the
net.inet.icmp.icmplim_output sysctl
variable to disable the output like this:&prompt.root; sysctl -w net.inet.icmp.icmplim_output=0Finally, if you want to disable response limiting, you
can set the net.inet.icmp.icmplim
sysctl variable (see above for an example) to
0. Disabling response limiting is
discouraged for the reasons listed above.PPPI can't make ppp work. What am I doing wrong ?You should first read the
ppp man page and the
ppp section of the handbook. Enable logging with
the commandset log Phase Chat Connect Carrier lcp ipcp ccp commandThis command may be typed at the
ppp command prompt or it may be
entered in the /etc/ppp/ppp.conf
configuration file (the start of the
default section is the best
place to put it). Make sure that
/etc/syslog.conf contains the lines!ppp
*.* /var/log/ppp.logand that the file /var/log/ppp.log
exists. You can now find out a lot about what's going on
from the log file. Don't worry if it doesn't all make sense.
If you need to get help from someone, it may make sense to
them.If your version of ppp doesn't understand the
set log command, you should download the
latest version. It will build on FreeBSD version
2.1.5 and higher.Ppp just hangs when I run itThis is usually because your hostname won't resolve.
The best way to fix this is to make sure that
/etc/hosts is consoluted by your
resolver first by editing /etc/host.conf
and putting the hosts line first. Then,
simply put an entry in /etc/hosts for
your local machine. If you have no local network, change your
localhost line: foo.bar.com foo localhostOtherwise, simply add another entry for your host.
Consult the relevant man pages for more details.You should be able to successfully
ping -c1 `hostname` when you're done.Ppp won't dial in -auto modeFirst, check that you've got a default route. By running
netstat -rn, you should see two entries like this:Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire
default UGSc 0 0 tun0 UH 0 0 tun0This is assuming that you've used the addresses from the
handbook, the man page or from the ppp.conf.sample file.
If you haven't got a default route, it may be because you're
running an old version of ppp
that doesn't understand the word HISADDR
in the ppp.conf file. If your version of
ppp is from before FreeBSD
2.2.5, change theadd 0 0 HISADDRline to one sayingadd 0 0 reason for the default route line being missing
is that you have mistakenly set up a default router in your
/etc/rc.conf file (this file was called
/etc/sysconfig prior to release 2.2.2),
and you have omitted the line sayingdelete ALLfrom ppp.conf. If this is the case,
go back to the
Final system configuration section of the
handbook.What does No route to host meanThis error is usually due to a missingMYADDR:
delete ALL
add 0 0 HISADDRsection in your /etc/ppp/ppp.linkup
file. This is only necessary if you have a dynamic IP address
or don't know the address of your gateway. If you're using
interactive mode, you can type the following after entering
packet mode (packet mode is
indicated by the capitalized PPP in the
prompt):delete ALL
add 0 0 HISADDRRefer to the
PPP and Dynamic IP addresses section of the handbook
for further details.My connection drops after about 3 minutesThe default ppp timeout is 3 minutes. This can be
adjusted with the lineset timeout NNNwhere NNN is the number of
seconds of inactivity before the connection is closed. If
NNN is zero, the connection is never
closed due to a timeout. It is possible to put this command in
the ppp.conf file, or to type it at the
prompt in interactive mode. It is also possible to adjust it on
the fly while the line is active by connecting to ppps server socket using telnet
or pppctl.
Refer to the ppp man
page for further details.My connection drops under heavy loadIf you have Link Quality Reporting (LQR) configured,
it is possible that too many LQR packets are lost between
your machine and the peer. Ppp deduces that the line must
therefore be bad, and disconnects. Prior to FreeBSD version
2.2.5, LQR was enabled by default. It is now disabled by
default. LQR can be disabled with the linedisable lqrMy connection drops after a random amount of timeSometimes, on a noisy phone line or even on a line with
call waiting enabled, your modem may hang up because it
thinks (incorrectly) that it lost carrier.There's a setting on most modems for determining how
tolerant it should be to temporary losses of carrier. On a
USR Sportster for example, this is measured by the S10
register in tenths of a second. To make your modem more
forgiving, you could add the following send-expect sequence
to your dial string:set dial "...... ATS10=10 OK ......"Refer to your modem manual for details.My connection hangs after a random amount of timeMany people experience hung connections with no apparent
explaination. The first thing to establish is which side of
the link is hung.If you are using an external modem, you can simply try
using ping to see if the
TD light is flashing when you transmit data.
If it flashes (and the RD light doesn't),
the problem is with the remote end. If TD
doesn't flash, the problem is local. With an internal modem,
you'll need to use the set server command in
your ppp.conf file. When the hang occurs,
connect to ppp using pppctl. If your network connection
suddenly revives (ppp was revived due to the activity on the
diagnostic socket) or if you can't connect (assuming the
set socket command succeeded at startup
time), the problem is local. If you can connect and things are
still hung, enable local async logging with set log
local async and use ping from
another window or terminal to make use of the link. The async
logging will show you the data being transmitted and received
on the link. If data is going out and not coming back, the
problem is remote.Having established whether the problem is local or remote,
you now have two possibilities:The remote end isn't respondingThere's very little you can do about this. Most ISPs
will refuse to help if you're not running a Microsoft OS.
You can enable lqr in your
ppp.conf file, allowing ppp to detect
the remote failure and hang up, but this detection is
relatively slow and therefore not that useful. You may want to
avoid telling your ISP that you're running user-ppp....First, try disabling all local compression by adding the
following to your configuration:disable pred1 deflate deflate24 protocomp acfcomp shortseq vj
deny pred1 deflate deflate24 protocomp acfcomp shortseq vjThen reconnect to ensure that this makes no difference.
If things improve or if the problem is solved completely,
determine which setting makes the difference through trial
and error. This will provide good amunition when you contact
your ISP (although it may make it apparent that you're not
running a Microsoft product).Before contacting your ISP, enable async logging locally
and wait until the connection hangs again. This may use up
quite a bit of disk space. The last data read from the port
may be of interest. It is usually ascii data, and may even
describe the problem
(Memory fault, core dumped ?).If your ISP is helpful, they should be able to enable
logging on their end, then when the next link drop occurs,
they may be able to tell you why their side is having a
problem. Feel free to send the details to &a.brian;, or
even to ask your ISP to contact me directly.Ppp is hungYour best bet here is to rebuild ppp by adding
to the end of the Makefile, then doing a
make clean && make && make
install. When ppp hangs, find the ppp process id
with ps ajxww | fgrep ppp and run
gdb ppp PID.
From the gdb prompt, you can then use bt
to get a stack trace.Send the results to brian@Awfulhak.org.Nothing happens after the Login OK! messagePrior to FreeBSD version 2.2.5, once the link was
established, ppp
would wait for the peer to initiate the Line Control Protocol
(LCP). Many ISPs will not initiate negotiations and expect
the client to do so. To force
ppp to initiate the LCP, use the
following line:set openmode activeNote: It usually does no
harm if both sides initiate negotiation, so openmode is now
active by default. However, the next section explains when
it does do some harm.I keep seeing errors about magic being the sameOccasionally, just after connecting, you may see messages
in the log that say magic is the same.
Sometimes, these messages are harmless, and sometimes one side
or the other exits. Most ppp implementations cannot survive
this problem, and even if the link seems to come up, you'll see
repeated configure requests and configure acknowledgements in
the log file until ppp eventually gives up and closes the
connection.This normally happens on server machines with slow disks
that are spawning a getty on the port, and executing ppp from
a login script or program after login. I've also heard reports
of it happening consistently when using slirp. The reason is
that in the time taken between getty exiting and ppp starting,
the client-side ppp starts sending Line Control Protocol (LCP)
packets. Because ECHO is still switched on for the port on
the server, the client ppp sees these packets
reflect back.One part of the LCP negotiation is to establish a magic
number for each side of the link so that
reflections can be detected. The protocol says
that when the peer tries to negotiate the same magic number, a
NAK should be sent and a new magic number should be chosen.
During the period that the server port has ECHO turned on, the
client ppp sends LCP packets, sees the same magic in the
reflected packet and NAKs it. It also sees the NAK reflect
(which also means ppp must change its magic). This produces a
potentially enormous number of magic number changes, all of
which are happily piling into the server's tty buffer. As soon
as ppp starts on the server, it's flooded with magic number
changes and almost immediately decides it's tried enough to
negotiate LCP and gives up. Meanwhile, the client, who no
longer sees the reflections, becomes happy just in time to see
a hangup from the server.This can be avoided by allowing the peer to start
negotiating with the following line in your ppp.conf
file:set openmode passiveThis tells ppp to wait for the server to initiate LCP
negotiations. Some servers however may never initiate
negotiations. If this is the case, you can do something
like:set openmode active 3This tells ppp to be passive for 3 seconds, and then to
start sending LCP requests. If the peer starts sending
requests during this period, ppp will immediately respond
rather than waiting for the full 3 second period.LCP negotiations continue 'till the connection is
closedThere is currently an implementation mis-feature in
ppp where it doesn't associate
LCP, CCP & IPCP responses with their original requests. As
a result, if one ppp
implementation is more than 6 seconds slower than the other
side, the other side will send two additional LCP configuration
requests. This is fatal.Consider two implementations,
A and B. A starts
sending LCP requests immediately after connecting and B takes 7 seconds to start. When B starts, A
has sent 3 LCP REQs. We're assuming the line has ECHO switched
off, otherwise we'd see magic number problems as described in
the previous section. B sends a
REQ, then an ACK to the first of A's REQs. This results in A entering the OPENED
state and sending and ACK (the first) back to B. In the meantime, B sends back two more ACKs in response to
the two additional REQs sent by A
before B started up. B then receives the first ACK from
A and enters the
OPENED state. A receives the second ACK from B and goes back to the REQ-SENT state, sending another (forth) REQ
as per the RFC. It then receives the third ACK and enters the
OPENED state. In the meantime, B receives the forth REQ from A, resulting in it reverting to the
ACK-SENT state and sending
another (second) REQ and (forth) ACK as per the RFC. A gets the REQ, goes into REQ-SENT and sends another REQ. It
immediately receives the following ACK and enters
OPENED.This goes on 'till one side figures out that they're
getting nowhere and gives up.The best way to avoid this is to configure one side to be
passive - that is, make one side
wait for the other to start negotiating. This can be done
with theset openmode passivecommand. Care should be taken with this option. You
should also use theset stopped Ncommand to limit the amount of time that
ppp waits for the peer to begin
negotiations. Alternatively, theset openmode active Ncommand (where N is the
number of seconds to wait before starting negotiations) can be
used. Check the manual page for details.Ppp locks up shortly after connectingPrior to version 2.2.5 of FreeBSD, it was possible that
your link was disabled shortly after connection due to
ppp mis-handling Predictor1
compression negotiation. This would only happen if both sides
tried to negotiate different Compression Control Protocols
(CCP). This problem is now corrected, but if you're still
running an old version of ppp,
the problem can be circumvented with the linedisable pred1Ppp locks up when I shell out to test itWhen you execute the shell or
! command, ppp executes a
shell (or if you've passed any arguements,
ppp will execute those arguements). Ppp will
wait for the command to complete before continuing. If you
attempt to use the ppp link while running the command, the link
will appear to have frozen. This is because
ppp is waiting for the command to
complete.If you wish to execute commands like this, use the
!bg command instead. This will execute
the given command in the background, and ppp can continue to
service the link.Ppp over a null-modem cable never exitsThere is no way for ppp to
automatically determine that a direct connection has been
dropped. This is due to the lines that are used in a
null-modem serial cable. When using this sort of connection,
LQR should always be enabled with the lineenable lqrLQR is accepted by default if negotiated by the peer.Why does ppp dial for no reason in -auto modeIf ppp is dialing
unexpectedly, you must determine the cause, and set up Dial
filters (dfilters) to prevent such dialing.To determine the cause, use the following line:set log +tcp/ipThis will log all traffic through the connection. The
next time the line comes up unexpectedly, you will see the
reason logged with a convenient timestamp next to it.You can now disable dialing under these circumstances.
Usually, this sort of problem arises due to DNS lookups. To
prevent DNS lookups from establishing a connection (this will
not prevent
ppp from passing the packets
through an established connection), use the following:set dfilter 1 deny udp src eq 53
set dfilter 2 deny udp dst eq 53
set dfilter 3 permit 0/0 0/0This is not always suitable, as it will effectively break
your demand-dial capabilities - most programs will need a DNS
lookup before doing any other network related things.In the DNS case, you should try to determine what is
actually trying to resolve a host name. A lot of the time,
sendmail is the culprit. You should make sure that
you tell sendmail not to do any DNS lookups in its
configuration file. See the section on
Mail Configuration for details
on how to create your own configuration file and what should
go into it. You may also want to add the following line to
your .mc file:define(`confDELIVERY_MODE', `d')dnlThis will make sendmail queue everything until the queue
is run (usually, sendmail is invoked with
, telling it to run the queue every
30 minutes) or until a sendmail -q is done
(perhaps from your ppp.linkup file).What do these CCP errors meanI keep seeing the following errors in my log file:CCP: CcpSendConfigReq
CCP: Received Terminate Ack (1) state = Req-Sent (6)This is because ppp is trying to negotiate Predictor1
compression, and the peer does not want to negotiate any
compression at all. The messages are harmless, but if you
wish to remove them, you can disable Predictor1 compression
locally too:disable pred1Ppp locks up during file transfers with IO errorsUnder FreeBSD 2.2.2 and before, there was a bug in the
tun driver that prevents incoming packets of a size larger
than the tun interface's MTU size. Receipt of a packet
greater than the MTU size results in an IO error being logged
via syslogd.The ppp specification says that an MRU of 1500 should
always be accepted as a minimum,
despite any LCP negotiations, therefore it is possible that
should you decrease the MTU to less than 1500, your ISP will
transmit packets of 1500 regardless, and you will tickle this
non-feature - locking up your link.The problem can be circumvented by never setting an MTU of
less than 1500 under FreeBSD 2.2.2 or before.Why doesn't ppp log my connection speed?In order to log all lines of your modem
conversation, you must enable the
following:set log +connectThis will make ppp log
everything up until the last requested expect
string.If you wish to see your connect speed and are using PAP
or CHAP (and therefore don't have anything to
chat after the CONNECT in the dial script - no
set login script), you must make sure that
you instruct ppp to expect the whole CONNECT
line, something like this:set dial "ABORT BUSY ABORT NO\\sCARRIER TIMEOUT 4 \
\"\" ATZ OK-ATZ-OK ATDT\\T TIMEOUT 60 CONNECT \\c \\n"Here, we get our CONNECT, send nothing, then expect a
line-feed, forcing ppp to read
the whole CONNECT response.Ppp ignores the \ character in my
chat scriptPpp parses each line in your config files so that it can
interpret strings such as
set phone "123 456 789" correctly (and
realize that the number is actually only
one argument. In order to specify
a " character, you must escape it using a
backslash (\).When the chat interpreter parses each argument, it
re-interprets the argument in order to find any special
escape sequences such as \P or
\T (see the man page). As a result of this
double-parsing, you must remember to use the correct number of
escapes.If you wish to actually send a \
character to (say) your modem, you'd need something
like:set dial "\"\" ATZ OK-ATZ-OK AT\\\\X OK"resulting in the following sequence:ATZ
OKorset phone 1234567
set dial "\"\" ATZ OK ATDT\\T"resulting in the following sequence:ATZ
ATDT1234567Ppp gets a seg-fault, but I see no
ppp.core filePpp (or any other program for that matter) should never
dump core. Because ppp runs with an effective user id of 0,
the operating system will not write ppps core image to disk
before terminating it. If, however ppp
is actually termating due to a
segmentation violation or some other signal that normally
causes core to be dumped, and
you're sure you're using the latest version (see the start of
this section), then you should do the following:&prompt.user; tar xfz ppp-*.src.tar.gz
&prompt.user; cd ppp*/ppp
&prompt.user; echo STRIP= >>Makefile
&prompt.user; echo CFLAGS+=-g >>Makefile
&prompt.user; make clean all
&prompt.user; su
&prompt.root; make install
&prompt.root; chmod 555 /usr/sbin/pppYou will now have a debuggable version of ppp installed.
You will have to be root to run ppp as all of its privileges
have been revoked. When you start ppp, take a careful note
of what your current directory was at the time.Now, if and when ppp receives the segmentation violation,
it will dump a core file called ppp.core. You should then do
the following:&prompt.user; su
&prompt.root; gdb /usr/sbin/ppp ppp.core(gdb)bt
(gdb)f 0
(gdb)i args
.....All of this information should be given alongside your
question, making it possible to diagnose the problem.If you're familiar with gdb, you may wish to find out some
other bits and pieces such as what actually caused the dump and
the addresses & values of the relevant variables.The process that forces a dial in auto mode never
connectsThis was a known problem with
ppp set up to negotiate a
dynamic local IP number with the peer in auto mode. It is
fixed in the latest version - search the man page for
iface.The problem was that when that initial program calls
connect(2), the IP number of the tun interface is
assigned to the socket endpoint. The kernel creates the first
outgoing packet and writes it to the tun device. Ppp then reads the packet and establishes a
connection. If, as a result of ppps dynamic IP assignment, the interface
address is changed, the original socket endpoint will be
invalid. Any subsequent packets sent to the peer will usually
be dropped. Even if they aren't, any responses will not route
back to the originating machine as the IP number is no longer
owned by that machine.There are several theoretical ways to approach this
problem. It would be nicest if the peer would re-assign the
same IP number if possible :-)
The current version of ppp does
this, but most other implementations don't.The easiest method from our side would be to never change
the tun interface IP number, but instead to change all outgoing
packets so that the source IP number is changed from the
interface IP to the negotiated IP on the fly. This is
essentially what the iface-alias option in
the latest version of ppp is
doing (with the help of
libalias(3) and ppp's switch) -
it's maintaining all previous interface addresses and NATing
them to the last negotiated address.Another alternative (and probably the most reliable) would
be to implement a system call that changes all bound sockets
from one IP to another. Ppp would
use this call to modify the sockets of all existing programs
when a new IP number is negotiated. The same system call could
be used by dhcp clients when they are forced to re-bind() their
sockets.Yet another possibility is to allow an interface to be
brought up without an IP number. Outgoing packets would be
given an IP number of up until the first
SIOCAIFADDR ioctl is done. This would result in fully binding
the socket. It would be up to ppp
to change the source IP number, but only if it's set to, and only the IP number and IP checksum would
need to change. This, however is a bit of a hack as the kernel
would be sending bad packets to an improperly configured
interface, on the assumption that some other mechanism is
capable of fixing things retrospectively.Why don't most games work with the -nat switchThe reason games and the like don't work when libalias
is in use is that the machine on the outside will try to open a
connection or send (unsolicited) UDP packets to the machine on
the inside. The NAT software doesn't know that it should send
these packets to the interior machine.To make things work, make sure that the only thing
running is the software that you're having problems with, then
either run tcpdump on the tun interface of the gateway or
enable ppp tcp/ip logging (set log +tcp/ip)
on the gateway.When you start the offending software, you should see
packets passing through the gateway machine. When something
comes back from the outside, it'll be dropped (that's the
problem). Note the port number of these packets then shut down
the offending software. Do this a few times to see if the port
numbers are consistent. If they are, then the following line in
the relevant section of /etc/ppp/ppp.conf will make the
software functional:nat port protointernalmachine:portportwhere proto is either
tcp or udp,
internalmachine is the machine that
you want the packets to be sent to and
port is the destination port number
of the packets.You won't be able to use the software on other machines
without changing the above command, and running the software
on two internal machines at the same time is out of the question
- after all, the outside world is seeing your entire internal
network as being just a single machine.If the port numbers aren't consistent, there are three
more options:1) Submit support in
libalias. Examples of special cases can be found
in /usr/src/lib/libalias/alias_*.c
(alias_ftp.c is a good prototype). This
usually involves reading certain recognised outgoing packets,
identifying the instruction that tells the outside machine to
initiate a connection back to the internal machine on a
specific (random) port and setting up a route in
the alias table so that the subsequent packets know where to
go.This is the most difficult solution, but it is the best
and will make the software work with multiple machines.2) Use a proxy. The
application may support socks5 for example, or (as in the
cvsup case) may have a passive
option that avoids ever requesting that the peer open
connections back to the local machine.3) Redirect everything to
the internal machine using nat addr. This
is the sledge-hammer approach.Has anybody made a list of useful port numbers ?Not yet, but this is intended to grow into such a list
(if any interest is shown). In each example,
internal should be replaced with
the IP number of the machine playing the game.Asheron's Callnat port udp
:65000 65000Manually change the port number within the game to
65000. If you've got a number of machines that you wish
to play on assign a unique port number for each (i.e.
65001, 65002, etc) and add a nat port
line for each one.Half Lifenat port udp
27015PCAnywhere 8.0nat port udp
5632nat port tcp
5631Quakenat port udp
6112Alternatively, you may want to take a look at
www.battle.net for Quake proxy support.Quake 2nat port udp
27910Red Alertnat port udp
8675nat port udp
5009What are FCS errors ?FCS stands for Frame
Sequence. Each ppp packet
has a checksum attached to ensure that the data being
received is the data being sent. If the FCS of an incoming
packet is incorrect, the packet is dropped and the HDLC FCS
count is increased. The HDLC error values can be displayed
using the show hdlc command.If your link is bad (or if your serial driver is dropping
packets), you will see the occasional FCS error. This is not
usually worth worrying about although it does slow down the
compression protocols substantially. If you have an external
modem, make sure your cable is properly shielded from
interference - this may eradicate the problem.If your link freezes as soon as you've connected and you
see a large number of FCS errors, this may be because your link
is not 8 bit clean. Make sure your modem is not using software
flow control (XON/XOFF). If your datalink
must use software flow control, use the
command set accmap 0x000a0000 to tell
ppp to escape the ^Q and
^S characters.Another reason for seeing too many FCS errors may be that
the remote end has stopped talking PPP. You
may want to enable async logging at this
point to determine if the incoming data is actually a login or
shell prompt. If you have a shell prompt at the remote end,
it's possible to terminate ppp without dropping the line by
using the close lcp command (a following
term command will reconnect you to the shell
on the remote machine.If nothing in your log file indicates why the link might
have been terminated, you should ask the remote administrator
(your ISP?) why the session was terminated.Why do MacOS and Windows 98 connections freeze when
running PPPoE on the gatewayThanks to Michael Wozniak
mwozniak@netcom.ca for figuring this out and
Dan Flemming danflemming@mac.com for the Mac
solution:This is due to what's called a Black Hole
router. MacOS and Windows 98 (and maybe other Microsoft OSs)
send TCP packets with a requested segment size too big to fit
into a PPPoE frame (MTU is 1500 by default for ethernet)
and have the don't
fragment bit set (default of TCP) and the Telco router
is not sending ICMP must fragment back to the
www site you are trying to load. (Alternatively, the router is
sending the ICMP packet correctly, but the firewall at the www
site is dropping it.) When the www server is sending
you frames that don't fit into the PPPoE pipe the Telco router
drops them on the floor and your page doesn't load (some
pages/graphics do as they are smaller than a MSS.) This seems
to be the default of most Telco PPPoE configurations (if only
they knew how to program a router... sigh...)One fix is to use regedit on your 95/98 boxes to add the
following registry entry...
It should be a string with a value 1450
(more accurately it should be 1464 to fit TCP
packets into a PPPoE frame perfectly but the
1450 gives you a margin of error for other IP
protocols you may encounter). This registry key is reported to
have moved to
Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\ID for adapter\MTU
in Windows 2000.Refer to Microsoft Knowledge
Base documents Q158474 - Windows TCPIP Registry
Entries and Q120642 - TCPIP & NBT Configuration
Parameters for Windows NT for more information on
changing Windoze MTU to work with a FreeBSD/NAT/PPPoE
router.Unfortunately, MacOS does not provide an interface for
changing TCP/IP settings. However, there is commercial software
available, such as OTAdvancedTuner (OT for OpenTransport, the
MacOS TCP/IP stack) by Sustainable Softworks,
that will allow users to customize TCP/IP settings. MacOS NAT
users should select ip_interface_MTU from
the drop-down menu, enter 1450 instead of
1500 in the box, click the box next to
Save as Auto Configure, and click
Make Active.The latest version of ppp
(2.3 or greater) has an enable tcpmssfixup
command that will automatically adjust the MSS to an appropriate
value. This facility is enabled by default. If you're stuck
with an older version of ppp, you
may want to look at the tcpmssd
port.None of this helps - I'm desperate !If all else fails, send as much information as you can,
including your config files, how you're starting
ppp, the relevant parts of your
log file and the output of the
netstat -rn command (before and after connecting) to
the freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.org mailing list
or the
comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc news group, and someone
should point you in the right direction.Serial CommunicationsThis section answers common questions about serial
communications with FreeBSD. PPP and SLIP are covered in the
section.How do I tell if FreeBSD found my serial ports?As the FreeBSD kernel boots, it will probe for the serial
ports in your system for which the kernel was configured.
You can either watch your system closely for the messages it
prints or run the command&prompt.user; dmesg | grep sioafter your system's up and running.Here's some example output from the above command:sio0 at 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 on isa
sio0: type 16550A
sio1 at 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on isa
sio1: type 16550AThis shows two serial ports. The first is on irq 4, is
using port address 0x3f8, and has a
16550A-type UART chip. The second uses the same kind of chip
but is on irq 3 and is at port address 0x2f8.
Internal modem cards are treated just like serial ports---except
that they always have a modem attached to the
port.The GENERIC kernel includes support
for two serial ports using the same irq and port address
settings in the above example. If these settings aren't
right for your system, or if you've added modem cards or have
more serial ports than your kernel is configured for, just
reconfigure your kernel. See section
about building a kernel for
more details.How do I tell if FreeBSD found my modem cards?Refer to the answer to the previous question.I just upgraded to 2.0.5 and my
tty0X are missing!Don't worry, they have been merged with the
ttydX devices. You'll have to change
any old configuration files you have, though.How do I access the serial ports on FreeBSD?The third serial port, sio2
(known as COM3 in DOS), is on /dev/cuaa2
for dial-out devices, and on /dev/ttyd2
for dial-in devices. What's the difference between these two
classes of devices?You use ttydX for dial-ins. When
opening /dev/ttydX in blocking mode, a
process will wait for the corresponding
cuaaX device to become inactive, and then
wait for the carrier detect line to go active. When you open
the cuaaX device, it makes sure the serial
port isn't already in use by the ttydX
device. If the port's available, it steals it
from the ttydX device. Also, the
cuaXX device doesn't care about carrier
detect. With this scheme and an auto-answer modem, you can have
remote users log in and you can still dialout with the same
modem and the system will take care of all the
conflicts.How do I enable support for a multiport serial
card?Again, the section on kernel configuration provides
information about configuring your kernel. For a multiport
serial card, place an sio line
for each serial port on the card in the kernel configuration
file. But place the irq and vector specifiers on only one of
the entries. All of the ports on the card should share one irq.
For consistency, use the last serial port to specify the irq.
Also, specify the COM_MULTIPORT
option.The following example is for an AST 4-port serial card on
irq 7:options "COM_MULTIPORT"
device sio4 at isa? port 0x2a0 tty flags 0x781
device sio5 at isa? port 0x2a8 tty flags 0x781
device sio6 at isa? port 0x2b0 tty flags 0x781
device sio7 at isa? port 0x2b8 tty flags 0x781 irq 7 vector siointrThe flags indicate that the master port has minor number 7
(0x700), diagnostics enabled during probe
(0x080), and all the ports share an irq
(0x001).Can FreeBSD handle multiport serial cards sharing
irqs?Not yet. You'll have to use a different irq for each
card.Can I set the default serial parameters for a
port?The ttydX (or
cuaaX) device is the regular device
you'll want to open for your applications. When a process
opens the device, it'll have a default set of terminal I/O
settings. You can see these settings with the command&prompt.root; stty -a -f /dev/ttyd1When you change the settings to this device, the settings
are in effect until the device is closed. When it's reopened,
it goes back to the default set. To make changes to the
default set, you can open and adjust the settings of the
initial state device. For example, to turn on
CLOCAL mode, 8 bits, and
XON/XOFF flow control by default for
ttyd5, do:&prompt.root; stty -f /dev/ttyid5 clocal cs8 ixon ixoffA good place to do this is in
/etc/rc.serial. Now, an application will
have these settings by default when it opens
ttyd5. It can still change these settings
to its liking, though.You can also prevent certain settings from being changed
by an application by making adjustments to the
lock state device. For example, to lock the
speed of ttyd5 to 57600 bps, do&prompt.root; stty -f /dev/ttyld5 57600Now, an application that opens ttyd5
and tries to change the speed of the port will be stuck with
57600 bps.Naturally, you should make the initial state and lock state
devices writable only by root. The MAKEDEV
script does NOT do this when it creates the
device entries.How can I enable dialup logins on my modem?So you want to become an Internet service provider, eh?
First, you'll need one or more modems that can auto-answer.
Your modem will need to assert carrier-detect when it detects a
carrier and not assert it all the time. It will need to hang up
the phone and reset itself when the data terminal ready
(DTR) line goes from on to off. It should
probably use RTS/CTS flow control or no
local flow control at all. Finally, it must use a constant
speed between the computer and itself, but (to be nice to your
callers) it should negotiate a speed between itself and the
remote modem.For many Hayes command-set--compatible modems, this
command will make these settings and store them in
nonvolatile memory:AT &C1 &D3 &K3 &Q6 S0=1 &WSee the section on sending AT
commands below for information on how to make these
settings without resorting to an MS-DOS terminal program.Next, make an entry in
/etc/ttys for the modem. This file lists all the ports
on which the operating system will await logins. Add a line
that looks something like this:ttyd1 "/usr/libexec/getty std.57600" dialup on insecureThis line indicates that the second serial port
(/dev/ttyd1) has a modem connected
running at 57600 bps and no parity
(std.57600, which comes from the file /etc/gettytab).
The terminal type for this port is dialup.
The port is on and is
insecure---meaning root logins on the port
aren't allowed. For dialin ports like this one, use the
ttydX entry.It's common practice to use dialup as
the terminal type. Many users set up in their .profile or
.login files a prompt for the actual terminal type if the
starting type is dialup. The example shows the port as
insecure. To become root on this port, you have to login as a
regular user, then su to become
root. If you use secure
then root can login in directly.After making modifications to
/etc/ttys, you need to send a hangup or
HUP signal to the
init process:&prompt.root; kill -HUP 1This forces the init process to reread
/etc/ttys. The init process will then start getty
processes on all on ports. You can find
out if logins are available for your port by typing&prompt.user; ps -ax | grep '[t]tyd1'You should see something like:747 ?? I 0:00.04 /usr/libexec/getty std.57600 ttyd1How can I connect a dumb terminal to my FreeBSD
box?If you're using another computer as a terminal into your
FreeBSD system, get a null modem cable to go between the two
serial ports. If you're using an actual terminal, see its
accompanying instructions.Then, modify
/etc/ttys, like above. For example, if you're
hooking up a WYSE-50 terminal to the fifth serial port,
use an entry like this:ttyd4 "/usr/libexec/getty std.38400" wyse50 on secureThis example shows that the port on
/dev/ttyd4 has a wyse50 terminal
connected at 38400 bps with no parity
(std.38400 from
/etc/gettytab) and root logins are
allowed (secure).Why can't I run tip or
cu?On your system, the programs tip
cu are probably executable only by uucp
and group dialer. You can use the group
dialer to control who has access to your
modem or remote systems. Just add yourself to group
dialer.Alternatively, you can let everyone on your system
run tip and cu by
typing:&prompt.root; chmod 4511 /usr/bin/cu
&prompt.root; chmod 4511 /usr/bin/tipMy stock Hayes modem isn't supported---what
can I do?Actually, the man page for tip is
out of date. There is a generic Hayes dialer already built in.
Just use at=hayes in your
/etc/remote file.The Hayes driver isn't smart enough to recognize some of
the advanced features of newer modems---messages like
CONNECT 115200 will just confuse it. You
should turn those messages off when you use tip
(using ATX0&W).Also, the dial timeout for tip is 60
seconds. Your modem should use something less, or else tip
will think there's a communication problem. Try
ATS7=45&W.Actually, as shipped tip doesn't yet
support it fully. The solution is to edit the file
tipconf.h in the directory
/usr/src/usr.bin/tip/tip. Obviously you
need the source distribution to do this.Edit the line #define HAYES 0
to #define HAYES 1. Then
make and make install.
Everything works nicely after that.How am I expected to enter these AT commands?Make what's called a direct entry in your
/etc/remote file. For example, if your modem's hooked
up to the first serial port, /dev/cuaa0,
then put in the following line:cuaa0:dv=/dev/cuaa0:br#19200:pa=noneUse the highest bps rate your modem supports in the br
capability. Then, type tip cuaa0
and you'll be connected to your modem.If there is no /dev/cuaa0 on your
system, do this:&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; sh MAKEDEV cuaa0Or use cu as root with the following command:&prompt.root; cu -lline -sspeedwith line being the serial port (e.g.
/dev/cuaa0) and speed being the speed
(e.g.57600). When you are done entering
the AT commands hit ~. to exit.The <@> sign for the pn
capability doesn't work!The <@> sign in the phone number
capability tells tip to look in
/etc/phones for a phone number. But the
<@> sign is also a special character
in capability files like /etc/remote.
Escape it with a backslash:pn=\@How can I dial a phone number on the command
line?Put what's called a generic entry in your
/etc/remote file. For example:tip115200|Dial any phone number at 115200 bps:\
tip57600|Dial any phone number at 57600 bps:\
:dv=/dev/cuaa0:br#57600:at=hayes:pa=none:du:Then you can do something like tip -115200
5551234. If you prefer cu
tip, use a generic cu entry:cu115200|Use cu to dial any number at 115200bps:\
:dv=/dev/cuaa1:br#57600:at=hayes:pa=none:du:and type cu 5551234 -s 115200.Do I have to type in the bps rate every time I do
that?Put in an entry for tip1200 or
cu1200, but go ahead and use whatever bps
rate is appropriate with the br capability. tip
thinks a good default is 1200 bps which is why it looks for
a tip1200 entry. You don't have to use 1200
bps, though.I access a number of hosts through a terminal
server.Rather than waiting until you're connected and typing
each time, use tip's cm capability. For
example, these entries in
/etc/remote:pain|pain.deep13.com|Forrester's machine:\
:cm=CONNECT pain\n:tc=deep13:
muffin|muffin.deep13.com|Frank's machine:\
:cm=CONNECT muffin\n:tc=deep13:
deep13:Gizmonics Institute terminal server:\
:dv=/dev/cuaa2:br#38400:at=hayes:du:pa=none:pn=5551234:will let you type tip pain or
tip muffin to connect to the hosts
pain or muffin; and
tip deep13 to get to the terminal
server.Can tip try more than one line for each site?This is often a problem where a university has several
modem lines and several thousand students trying to use
them...Make an entry for your university in
/etc/remote and use <\@> for
the pn capability:big-university:\
:dv=/dev/cuaa3:br#9600:at=courier:du:pa=none:Then, list the phone numbers for the university in
/etc/phones:big-university 5551111
big-university 5551112
big-university 5551113
big-university 5551114
tip will try each one in the listed order, then give
up. If you want to keep retrying, run tip
in a while loop.Why do I have to hit CTRL+P twice to send CTRL+P
once?CTRL+P is the default force character,
used to tell tip
that the next character is literal data. You can set the
force character to any other character with the
~s escape, which means set a
variable.Type ~sforce=single-char
followed by a newline.
single-char is any single character.
If you leave out single-char,
then the force character is the nul character, which you can
get by typing CTRL+2 or CTRL+SPACE. A pretty good value for
single-char is SHIFT+CTRL+6, which
I've seen only used on some terminal servers.You can have the force character be whatever you want by
specifying the following in your
$HOME/.tiprc file:force=single-charSuddenly everything I type is in UPPER CASE??You must've pressed CTRL+A,
tipraise character, specially
designed for people with broken caps-lock keys. Use
~s as above and set the variable
raisechar to something reasonable. In fact,
you can set it to the same as the force character, if you
never expect to use either of these features.Here's a sample .tiprc file perfect for Emacs users who
need to type CTRL+2 and CTRL+A a lot:force=^^
raisechar=^^The ^^ is SHIFT+CTRL+6.How can I do file transfers with
tip?If you're talking to another UNIX system, you can send
and receive files with ~p (put) and
~t (take). These commands run cat and
echo on the remote system to accept and send files.
The syntax is:~p <local-file> [<remote-file>]
~t <remote-file> [<local-file>]There's no error checking, so you probably should use
another protocol, like zmodem.How can I run zmodem with
tip?First, install one of the zmodem programs from the ports
collection (such as one of the two from the comms category,
lrzsz and
rzsz).To receive files, start the sending program on the
remote end. Then, press enter and type
~C rz (or ~C lrz if you
installed lrzsz) to begin
receiving them locally.To send files, start the receiving program on the remote
end. Then, press enter and type
~C sz files
(or ~C lsz files)
to send them to the remote system.FreeBSD can't seem to find my serial ports, even when
the settings are correct.Motherboards and cards with Acer UARTs do not probe
properly under the FreeBSD sio probe. Obtain a patch from
www.lemis.com to fix your problem.Miscellaneous QuestionsFreeBSD uses far more swap space than Linux. Why?FreeBSD only appears to use more swap than Linux. In
actual fact, it does not. The main difference between FreeBSD
and Linux in this regard is that FreeBSD will proactively move
entirely idle, unused pages of main memory into swap in order
to make more main memory available for active use. Linux tends
to only move pages to swap as a last resort. The perceived
heavier use of swap is balanced by the more efficient use of
main memory. Note that while FreeBSD is proactive in this regard, it
does not arbitrarily decide to swap pages when the system is
truely idle. Thus you will not find your system all paged
out when you get up in the morning after leaving it idle
overnight.Why does &man.top.1; show very little free memory even
when I have very few programs running?The simple answer is that free memory is wasted
memory. Any memory that your programs don't actively
allocate is used within the FreeBSD kernel as disk
cache. The values shown by &man.top.1; labelled as
Inact, Cache, and
Buf are all cached data at different
aging levels. This cached data means the system does
not have to access a slow disk again for data it has
accessed recently, thus increasing overall performance.
In general, a low value shown for Free
memory in &man.top.1; is good, provided it is not
very low.Why use (what are) a.out and ELF executable
formats? To understand why FreeBSD uses the
ELF format, you must first know a little
about the 3 currently dominant executable
formats for UNIX:Prior to FreeBSD 3.x, FreeBSD used the a.out
a.outThe oldest and classic unix object
format. It uses a short and compact header with a magic
number at the beginning that's often used to
characterize the format (see
a.out(5) for more details). It contains three
loaded segments: .text, .data, and .bss plus a symbol
table and a string table.COFFThe SVR3 object format. The header now comprises
a section table, so you can have more than just .text,
.data, and .bss sections.ELFThe successor to COFF, featuring
Multiple sections and 32-bit or 64-bit possible values.
One major drawback: ELF was also
designed with the assumption that there would be only
one ABI per system architecture. That assumption is
actually quite incorrect, and not even in the
commercial SYSV world (which has at least three ABIs:
SVR4, Solaris, SCO) does it hold true.FreeBSD tries to work around this problem somewhat
by providing a utility for branding
a known ELF executable with
information about the ABI it's compliant with. See the
man page for
brandelf for more information.FreeBSD comes from the classic camp and has
traditionally used the
a.out format, a technology tried and proven through
many generations of BSD releases. Though it has also been
possible for some time to build and run native
ELF binaries (and kernels) on a FreeBSD
system, FreeBSD initially resisted the push to
switch to ELF as the default format. Why?
Well, when the Linux camp made their painful transition to
ELF, it was not so much to flee the
a.out executable format as it was their
inflexible jump-table based shared library mechanism, which
made the construction of shared libraries very difficult for
vendors and developers alike. Since the ELF
tools available offered a solution to the shared library
problem and were generally seen as the way
forward anyway, the migration cost was accepted as
necessary and the transition made.In FreeBSD's case, our shared library mechanism is based
more closely on Sun's SunOS-style
shared library mechanism and, as such, is very easy to use.
However, starting with 3.0, FreeBSD officially supports
ELF binaries as the default format. Even
though the a.out executable format has
served us well, the GNU people, who author the compiler tools
we use, have dropped support for the a.out
format. This has forced us to maintain a divergent version of
the compler and linker, and has kept us from reaping the
benefits of the latest GNU development efforts. Also the
demands of ISO-C++, notably contstructors and destructors, has
also led to native ELF support in future
FreeBSD releases.Yes, but why are there so many different formats?Back in the dim, dark past, there was simple hardware.
This simple hardware supported a simple, small system. a.out
was completely adequate for the job of representing binaries on
this simple system (a PDP-11). As people ported unix from this
simple system, they retained the a.out format because it was
sufficient for the early ports of unix to architectures like
the Motorola 68k, VAXen, etc.Then some bright hardware engineer decided that if he
could force software to do some sleazy tricks, then he'd be
able to shave a few gates off the design and allow his CPU core
to run faster. While it was made to work with this new kind of
hardware (known these days as RISC), a.out
was ill-suited for this hardware, so many formats were
developed to get to a better performance from this hardware
than the limited, simple a.out format
could offer. Things like COFF,
ECOFF, and a few obscure others were
invented and their limitations explored before things seemed to
settle on ELF.In addition, program sizes were getting huge and disks
(and physical memory) were still relatively small so the
concept of a shared library was born. The VM system also became
more sophisticated. While each one of these advancements was
done using the a.out format, its
usefulness was stretched more and more with each new feature.
In addition, people wanted to dynamically load things at run
time, or to junk parts of their program after the init code had
run to save in core memory and/or swap space. Languages became
more sophistocated and people wanted code called before main
automatically. Lots of hacks were done to the
a.out format to allow all of these things
to happen, and they basically worked for a time. In time,
a.out wasn't up to handling all these
problems without an ever increasing overhead in code and
complexity. While ELF solved many of these
problems, it would be painful to switch from the system that
basically worked. So ELF had to wait until
it was more painful to remain with a.out
than it was to migrate to ELF.However, as time passed, the build tools that FreeBSD
derived their build tools from (the assembler and loader
especially) evolved in two parallel trees. The FreeBSD tree
added shared libraries and fixed some bugs. The GNU folks that
originally write these programs rewrote them and added simpler
support for building cross compilers, plugging in different
formats at will, etc. Since many people wanted to build cross
compilers targeting FreeBSD, they were out of luck since the
older sources that FreeBSD had for as and ld weren't up to the
task. The new gnu tools chain (binutils) does support cross
compiling, ELF, shared libraries, C++
extnensions, etc. In addition, many vendors are releasing
ELF binaries, and it is a good thing for
FreeBSD to run them. And if it is running
ELF binaries, why bother having
a.out any more? It is a tired old horse
that has proven useful for a long time, but it is time to turn
him out to pasture for his long, faithful years of
service.ELF is more expressive than a.out and
will allow more extensibility in the base system. The
ELF tools are better maintained, and offer
cross compilation support, which is important to many people.
ELF may be a little slower than a.out, but
trying to measure it can be difficult. There are also numerous
details that are different between the two in how they map
pages, handle init code, etc. None of these are very important,
but they are differences. In time support for
a.out will be moved out of the GENERIC
kernel, and eventually removed from the kernel once the need to
run legacy a.out programs is past.Why won't chmod change the permissions on symlinks?Symlinks do not have permissions, and by default,
&man.chmod.1; will not follow symlinks to change the
permissions on the target file. So if you have a file,
foo, and a symlink to that file,
bar, then this command will always
succeed.&prompt.user; chmod g-w barHowever, the permissions on foo will
not have changed.You have to use either or
together with the
option to make this work. See the chmod
symlink man pages for more info.The option does a
chmod. Be careful about
specifying directories or symlinks to directories to
chmod. If you want to
change the permissions of a directory referenced by a
symlink, use
chmod without any options and follow the symlink
with a trailing slash (/). For
example, if foo is a symlink to
directory bar, and you want to change
the permissions of foo (actually
bar), you would do something
like:&prompt.user; chmod 555 foo/With the trailing slash,
chmod will follow the symlink,
foo, to change the permissions of the
directory, bar.Why are login names still
restricted to 8 characters?You'd think it'd be easy enough to change
UT_NAMESIZE and rebuild the whole world,
and everything would just work. Unfortunately there are often
scads of applications and utilities (including system tools)
that have hard-coded small numbers (not always
8 or 9, but oddball ones
like 15 and 20) in
structures and buffers. Not only will this get you log files
which are trashed (due to variable-length records getting
written when fixed records were expected), but it can break
Sun's NIS clients and potentially cause other problems in
interacting with other UNIX systems.In FreeBSD 3.0 and later, the maximum name length has
been increased to 16 characters and those various utilities
with hard-coded name sizes have been found and fixed. The fact
that this touched so many areas of the system is why, in fact,
the change was not made until 3.0.If you're absolutely confident in your ability to find
and fix these sorts of problems for yourself when and if they
pop up, you can increase the login name length in earlier
releases by editing /usr/include/utmp.h and changing
UT_NAMESIZE accordingly. You must also update MAXLOGNAME in
/usr/include/sys/param.h to match the UT_NAMESIZE change.
Finally, if you build from sources, don't forget that
/usr/include is updated each time! Change the appropriate files
in /usr/src/.. instead.Can I run DOS binaries under FreeBSD?Yes, starting with version 3.0 you can using BSDI's
doscmd DOS emulation which has
been integrated and enhanced. Send mail to The FreeBSD
emulation discussion list if you're interested in
joining this ongoing effort!For pre-3.0 systems, there is a neat utility called
pcemu in the ports collection which emulates an 8088
and enough BIOS services to run DOS text mode applications.
It requires the X Window System (provided as XFree86).What is sup, and how do I use
SUP stands for Software Update Protocol, and was
developed by CMU for keeping their development trees in sync.
We used it to keep remote sites in sync with our central
development sources.SUP is not bandwidth friendly, and has been retired.
The current recommended method to keep your sources up to
date is
Handbook entry on CVSupHow cool is FreeBSD?Q. Has anyone done any temperature testing while
running FreeBSD? I know Linux runs cooler than dos, but have
never seen a mention of FreeBSD. It seems to run really
hot.A. No, but we have done numerous taste tests on
blindfolded volunteers who have also had 250 micrograms of
LSD-25 administered beforehand. 35% of the volunteers said that
FreeBSD tasted sort of orange, whereas Linux tasted like purple
haze. Neither group mentioned any particular variances in
temperature that I can remember. We eventually had to throw the
results of this survey out entirely anyway when we found that
too many volunteers were wandering out of the room during the
tests, thus skewing the results. I think most of the volunteers
are at Apple now, working on their new scratch and
sniff GUI. It's a funny old business we're in!Seriously, both FreeBSD and Linux use the
HLT (halt) instruction when the system is
idle thus lowering its energy consumption and therefore the
heat it generates. Also if you have APM (advanced power
management) configured, then FreeBSD can also put the CPU into
a low power mode.Who's scratching in my memory banks??Q. Is there anything odd that FreeBSD
does when compiling the kernel which would cause the memory to
make a scratchy sound? When compiling (and for a brief moment
after recognizing the floppy drive upon startup, as well), a
strange scratchy sound emanates from what appears to be the
memory banks.A. Yes! You'll see frequent references to
daemons in the BSD documentation, and what most
people don't know is that this refers to genuine, non-corporeal
entities that now possess your computer. The scratchy sound
coming from your memory is actually high-pitched whispering
exchanged among the daemons as they best decide how to deal
with various system administration tasks.If the noise gets to you, a good
fdisk /mbr from DOS will get rid of them,
but don't be surprised if they react adversely and try to stop
you. In fact, if at any point during the exercise you hear the
satanic voice of Bill Gates coming from the built-in speaker,
take off running and don't ever look back! Freed from the
counterbalancing influence of the BSD daemons, the twin demons
of DOS and Windows are often able to re-assert total control
over your machine to the eternal damnation of your soul. Given
a choice, I think I'd prefer to get used to the scratchy
noises, myself!What does MFC mean?MFC is an acronym for Merged From -CURRENT.
It's used in the CVS logs to denote when a change was
migrated from the CURRENT to the STABLE branches.What does BSD mean?It stands for something in a secret language that only
members can know. It doesn't translate literally but its ok
to tell you that BSD's translation is something between,
Formula-1 Racing Team, Penguins are
tasty snacks, and We have a better sense of
humor than Linux. :-)Seriously, BSD is an acronym for Berkeley
Software Distribution, which is the name the
Berkeley CSRG (Computer Systems Research
Group) chose for their Unix distribution way back when.What is a repo-copy?A repo-copy (which is a short form of repository
copy) refers to the direct copying of files within
the CVS repository.Without a repo-copy, if a file needed to be copied or
moved to another place in the repository, the committer would
run cvs add to put the file in its new
location, and then cvs rm on the old file
if the old copy was being removed.The disadvantage of this method is that the history
(i.e. the entries in the CVS logs) of the file would not be
copied to the new location. As the FreeBSD Project considers
this history very useful, a repository copy is often used
instead. This is a process where one of the repository meisters
will copy the files directly within the repository, rather than
using the cvs program.Why should I care what color the bikeshed is?The really, really short answer is that you shouldn't.
The somewhat longer answer is that just because you are
capable of building a bikeshed doesn't mean you should stop
others from building one just because you don't like the
color they plan to paint it. This is a metaphor indicating
that you need not argue about every little feature just
because you know enough to do so. Some people have
commented that the amount of noise generated by a change is
inversely proportional to the complexity of the
change.The longer and more complete answer is that after a very
long argument about whether &man.sleep.1; should take
fractional second arguments, &a.phk; posted a long
message entitled A bike
shed (any colour will do) on greener grass....
The appropriate portions of that message are quoted
&a.phk; on freebsd-hackers, October
2, 1999What is it about this bike shed? Some
of you have asked me.It's a long story, or rather it's an old story, but
it is quite short actually. C. Northcote Parkinson wrote
a book in the early 1960'ies, called Parkinson's
Law, which contains a lot of insight into the
dynamics of management.[snip a bit of commentary on the book]In the specific example involving the bike shed, the
other vital component is an atomic power-plant, I guess
that illustrates the age of the book.Parkinson shows how you can go in to the board of
directors and get approval for building a multi-million or
even billion dollar atomic power plant, but if you want to
build a bike shed you will be tangled up in endless
discussions.Parkinson explains that this is because an atomic
plant is so vast, so expensive and so complicated that
people cannot grasp it, and rather than try, they fall
back on the assumption that somebody else checked all the
details before it got this far. Richard P. Feynmann
gives a couple of interesting, and very much to the point,
examples relating to Los Alamos in his books.A bike shed on the other hand. Anyone can build one
of those over a weekend, and still have time to watch the
game on TV. So no matter how well prepared, no matter how
reasonable you are with your proposal, somebody will seize
the chance to show that he is doing his job, that he is
paying attention, that he is
here.In Denmark we call it setting your
fingerprint. It is about personal pride and
prestige, it is about being able to point somewhere and
say There! I did that.
It is a strong trait in politicians, but present in most
people given the chance. Just think about footsteps in
wet cement.
How many FreeBSD hackers does it take to change a
lightbulb?One thousand, one hundred and seventy-two:Twenty-three to complain to -CURRENT about the lights
being out;Four to claim that it is a configuration problem, and
that such matters really belong on -questions;Three to submit PRs about it, one of which is misfiled
under doc and consists only of "it's dark";One to commit an untested lightbulb which breaks
buildworld, then back it out five minutes later;Eight to flame the PR originators for not including
patches in their PRs;Five to complain about buildworld being broken;Thirty-one to answer that it works for them, and they
must have cvsupped at a bad time;One to post a patch for a new lightbulb to -hackers;One to complain that he had patches for this three years
ago, but when he sent them to -CURRENT they were just ignored,
and he has had bad experiences with the PR system; besides,
the proposed new lightbulb is non-reflexive;Thirty-seven to scream that lightbulbs do not belong in
the base system, that committers have no right to do things
like this without consulting the Community, and WHAT IS
-CORE DOING ABOUT IT!?Two hundred to complain about the color of the bicycle
shed;Three to point out that the patch breaks style(9);Seventeen to complain that the proposed new lightbulb is
under GPL;Five hundred and eighty-six to engage in a flame war
about the comparative advantages of the GPL, the BSD
license, the MIT license, the NPL, and the personal hygiene
of unnamed FSF founders;Seven to move various portions of the thread to -chat
and -advocacy;One to commit the suggested lightbulb, even though it
shines dimmer than the old one;Two to back it out with a furious flame of a commit
message, arguing that FreeBSD is better off in the dark than
with a dim lightbulb;Forty-six to argue vociferously about the backing out
of the dim lightbulb and demanding a statement from
-core;Eleven to request a smaller lightbulb so it will fit
their Tamagotchi if we ever decide to port FreeBSD to that
platform;Seventy-three to complain about the SNR on -hackers and
-chat and unsubscribe in protest;Thirteen to post "unsubscribe", "How do I unsubscribe?",
or "Please remove me from the list", followed by the usual
footer;One to commit a working lightbulb while everybody is too
busy flaming everybody else to notice;Thirty-one to point out that the new lightbulb would shine
0.364% brighter if compiled with TenDRA (although it will have
to be reshaped into a cube), and that FreeBSD should therefore
switch to TenDRA instead of EGCS;One to complain that the new lightbulb lacks
fairings;Nine (including the PR originators) to ask
"what is MFC?";Fifty-seven to complain about the lights being out two
weeks after the bulb has been changed.&a.nik; adds:I was laughing quite hard at
this.And then I thought,
"Hang on, shouldn't there be '1 to document it.' in that list somewhere?"And then I was enlightened :-)This entry is Copyright (c) 1999 &a.des;.
Please do not reproduce without attribution.For serious FreeBSD hackers onlyWhat are SNAPs and RELEASEs?There are currently three active/semi-active branches
in the FreeBSD
CVS Repository (the RELENG_2 branch is probably
only changed twice a year, which is why there are only three
active branches of development):RELENG_2_2 AKA
5.0-CURRENTHEAD is not an actual branch tag,
like the other two; it's simply a symbolic constant for
the current, non-branched development
stream which we simply refer to as
-CURRENT.Right now, -CURRENT is the 5.0 development
stream and the 4-STABLE branch,
RELENG_4, forked off from
-CURRENT in Mar 2000.The 2.2-STABLE branch,
RELENG_2_2, departed -CURRENT in November
1996, and has pretty much been retired.How do I make my own custom release?To make a release you need to do three things: First,
you need to be running a kernel with the vn
driver configured in. Add this to your kernel config file
and build a new kernel:pseudo-device vn #Vnode driver (turns a file into a device)Second, you have to have the whole CVS repository at
hand. To get this you can use CVSUP but in
your supfile set the release name to cvs and remove any tag or
date fields:*default prefix=/home/ncvs
*default base=/a
*default host=cvsup.FreeBSD.org
*default release=cvs
*default delete compress use-rel-suffix
## Main Source Tree
# Other stuff
doc-allThen run cvsup -g supfile to suck all
the good bits onto your box...Finally, you need a chunk of empty space to build into.
Let's say it's in /some/big/filesystem,
and from the example above you've got the CVS repository in
/home/ncvs:&prompt.root; setenv CVSROOT /home/ncvs # or export CVSROOT=/home/ncvs
&prompt.root; cd /usr/src
&prompt.root; make buildworld
&prompt.root; cd /usr/src/release
&prompt.root; make release BUILDNAME=3.0-MY-SNAP CHROOTDIR=/some/big/filesystem/release
Please note that you do not
need to build world if you already have a populated
An entire release will be built in
/some/big/filesystem/release and you
will have a full FTP-type installation in
/some/big/filesystem/release/R/ftp when
you're done. If you want to build your SNAP along some other
branch than -CURRENT, you can also add
RELEASETAG=SOMETAG to the make release
command line above, e.g. RELEASETAG=RELENG_2_2
would build an up-to-the- minute 2.2-STABLE snapshot.How do I create customized installation disks?The entire process of creating installation disks and
source and binary archives is automated by various targets in
/usr/src/release/Makefile. The information
there should be enough to get you started. However, it should
be said that this involves doing a make
world and will therefore take up a lot of time and
disk space.make world clobbers my existing
installed binaries.Yes, this is the general idea; as its name might suggest,
make world rebuilds every system binary from
scratch, so you can be certain of having a clean and consistent
environment at the end (which is why it takes so long).If the environment variable DESTDIR
is defined while running make world or
make install, the newly-created binaries
will be deposited in a directory tree identical to the
installed one, rooted at ${DESTDIR}.
Some random combination of shared libraries modifications and
program rebuilds can cause this to fail in make
world however.When my system boots, it says (bus speed
defaulted).The Adaptec 1542 SCSI host adapters allow the user to
configure their bus access speed in software. Previous versions
of the 1542 driver tried to determine the fastest usable speed
and set the adapter to that. We found that this breaks some
users' systems, so you now have to define the
TUNE_1542 kernel configuration option in order
to have this take place. Using it on those systems where it
works may make your disks run faster, but on those systems
where it doesn't, your data could be corrupted.Can I follow current with limited Internet access?Yes, you can do this without
downloading the whole source tree by using the CTM facility.How did you split the distribution into 240k files?Newer BSD based systems have a
option to split that allows them to split files on arbitrary
byte boundaries.Here is an example from
(cd ${DISTDIR}; \
tar cf - . \
gzip --no-name -9 -c | \
split -b 240640 - \
${RELEASEDIR}/tarballs/bindist/bin_tgz.)I've written a kernel extension, who do I send it
to?Please take a look at The Handbook entry on how to
submit code.And thanks for the thought!How are Plug N Play ISA cards detected and
Frank Durda IVIn a nutshell, there a few I/O ports that all of the
PnP boards respond to when the host asks if anyone is out
there. So when the PnP probe routine starts, he asks if there
are any PnP boards present, and all the PnP boards respond with
their model # to a I/O read of the same port, so the probe
routine gets a wired-OR yes to that question. At
least one bit will be on in that reply. Then the probe code is
able to cause boards with board model IDs (assigned by
Microsoft/Intel) lower than X to go off-line. It
then looks to see if any boards are still responding to the
query. If the answer was 0, then there are
no boards with IDs above X. Now probe asks if there are any
boards below X. If so, probe knows there are
boards with a model numbers below X. Probe then asks for boards
greater than X-(limit/4) to go off-line. If repeats the query.
By repeating this semi-binary search of IDs-in-range enough
times, the probing code will eventually identify all PnP boards
present in a given machine with a number of iterations that is
much lower than what 2^64 would take.The IDs are two 32-bit fields (hence 2ˆ64) + 8 bit
checksum. The first 32 bits are a vendor identifier. They never
come out and say it, but it appears to be assumed that
different types of boards from the same vendor could have
different 32-bit vendor ids. The idea of needing 32 bits just
for unique manufacturers is a bit excessive.The lower 32 bits are a serial #, ethernet address,
something that makes this one board unique. The vendor must
never produce a second board that has the same lower 32 bits
unless the upper 32 bits are also different. So you can have
multiple boards of the same type in the machine and the full 64
bits will still be unique.The 32 bit groups can never be all zero. This allows the
wired-OR to show non-zero bits during the initial binary
search.Once the system has identified all the board IDs present,
it will reactivate each board, one at a time (via the same I/O
ports), and find out what resources the given board needs, what
interrupt choices are available, etc. A scan is made over all
the boards to collect this information.This info is then combined with info from any ECU files
on the hard disk or wired into the MLB BIOS. The ECU and BIOS
PnP support for hardware on the MLB is usually synthetic, and
the peripherals don't really do genuine PnP. However by
examining the BIOS info plus the ECU info, the probe routines
can cause the devices that are PnP to avoid those devices the
probe code cannot relocate.Then the PnP devices are visited once more and given
their I/O, DMA, IRQ and Memory-map address assignments. The
devices will then appear at those locations and remain there
until the next reboot, although there is nothing that says you
can't move them around whenever you want.There is a lot of oversimplification above, but you
should get the general idea.Microsoft took over some of the primary printer status
ports to do PnP, on the logic that no boards decoded those
addresses for the opposing I/O cycles. I found a genuine IBM
printer board that did decode writes of the status port during
the early PnP proposal review period, but MS said
tough. So they do a write to the printer status
port for setting addresses, plus that use that address +
0x800, and a third I/O port for reading that
can be located anywhere between 0x200 and
0x3ff.Does FreeBSD support architectures other than the
x86?Several groups of people have expressed interest in
working on multi-architecture ports for FreeBSD and the
FreeBSD/AXP (ALPHA) port is one such effort which has been
quite successful, now available at
ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/alpha. The ALPHA port
currently runs on a growing number of ALPHA machine types,
among them the AlphaStation, AXPpci, PC164, Miata and Multia
models. For status information, please join the
freebsd-alpha@FreeBSD.org mailing list.Interest has also been expressed in a port of FreeBSD to
the SPARC architecture, join the
mailing list if you are interested in joining that
project. Most recent additions to the list of upcoming plaforms
are IA-64 and PowerPC, join the
freebsd-ia64@FreeBSD.org or/and
freebsd-ppc@FreeBSD.org mailing lists for more information.
For general discussion on new architectures, join
the freebsd-platforms@FreeBSD.org
mailing list.I need a major number for a device driver I've
written.This depends on whether or not you plan on making the
driver publicly available. If you do, then please send us a
copy of the driver source code, plus the appropriate
modifications to files.i386, a
sample configuration file entry, and the appropriate MAKEDEV
code to create any special files your device uses. If you do
not, or are unable to because of licensing restrictions, then
character major number 32 and block major number 8 have been
reserved specifically for this purpose; please use them. In any
case, we'd appreciate hearing about your driver on
freebsd-hackers@FreeBSD.org.Alternative layout policies for directoriesIn answer to the question of alternative layout policies
for directories, the scheme that is currently in use is
unchanged from what I wrote in 1983. I wrote that policy for
the original fast filesystem, and never revisited it. It works
well at keeping cylinder groups from filling up. As several of
you have noted, it works poorly for find. Most filesystems are
created from archives that were created by a depth first search
(aka ftw). These directories end up being striped across the
cylinder groups thus creating a worst possible senario for
future depth first searches. If one knew the total number of
directories to be created, the solution would be to create
(total / fs_ncg) per cylinder group before moving on.
Obviously, one would have to create some heuristic to guess at
this number. Even using a small fixed number like say 10 would
make an order of magnitude improvement. To differentiate
restores from normal operation (when the current algorithm is
probably more sensible), you could use the clustering of up to
10 if they were all done within a ten second window. Anyway, my
conclusion is that this is an area ripe for
experimentation.Kirk McKusick, September 1998Making the most of a kernel panic[This section was extracted from a mail
written by &a.wpaul; on the freebsd-current
mailing list by &a.des;, who
fixed a few typos and added the bracketed comments]
From: Bill Paul <wpaul@skynet.ctr.columbia.edu>
Subject: Re: the fs fun never stops
To: ben@rosengart.com
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 15:22:50 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: current@FreeBSD.org[<ben@rosengart.com> posted the following
panic message]> Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
> fault virtual address = 0x40
> fault code = supervisor read, page not present
> instruction pointer = 0x8:0xf014a7e5
> stack pointer = 0x10:0xf4ed6f24
> frame pointer = 0x10:0xf4ed6f28
> code segment = base 0x0, limit 0xfffff, type 0x1b
> = DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1, gran 1
> processor eflags = interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0
> current process = 80 (mount)
> interrupt mask =
> trap number = 12
> panic: page fault
[When] you see a message like this, it's not enough to just
reproduce it and send it in. The instruction pointer value that
I highlighted up there is important; unfortunately, it's also
configuration dependent. In other words, the value varies
depending on the exact kernel image that you're using. If
you're using a GENERIC kernel image from one of the snapshots,
then it's possible for somebody else to track down the
offending function, but if you're running a custom kernel then
only you can tell us where the fault
occured. What you should do is this:Write down the instruction pointer value. Note that
the 0x8: part at the begining is not
significant in this case: it's the
0xf0xxxxxx part that we want.When the system reboots, do the following:
&prompt.user; nm -n /kernel.that.caused.the.panic | grep f0xxxxxx
where f0xxxxxx is the instruction
pointer value. The odds are you will not get an exact
match since the symbols in the kernel symbol table are
for the entry points of functions and the instruction
pointer address will be somewhere inside a function, not
at the start. If you don't get an exact match, omit the
last digit from the instruction pointer value and try
again, i.e.:
&prompt.user; nm -n /kernel.that.caused.the.panic | grep f0xxxxx
If that doesn't yield any results, chop off another
digit. Repeat until you get some sort of output. The
result will be a possible list of functions which caused
the panic. This is a less than exact mechanism for
tracking down the point of failure, but it's better than
nothing. I see people constantly show panic messages like this
but rarely do I see someone take the time to match up the
instruction pointer with a function in the kernel symbol
table. The best way to track down the cause of a panic is by
capturing a crash dump, then using gdb(1)
to to a stack trace on the crash dump. Of course, this depends
on gdb(1) in -CURRENT working correctly,
which I can't guarantee (I recall somebody saying that the new
ELF-ized gdb(1) didn't handle kernel crash
dumps correctly: somebody should check this before 3.0 goes out
of beta or there'll be a lot of red faces after the CDs
ship).In any case, the method I normally use is this:Set up a kernel config file, optionally adding
options DDB if you think you need
the kernel debugger for something. (I use this mainly
for setting beakpoints if I suspect an infinite loop
condition of some kind.)Use config -g
up the build directory.cd /sys/compile/
Wait for kernel to finish compiling.make installrebootThe &man.make.1; process will have built two kernels.
kernel and
kernel.debug. kernel
was installed as /kernel, while
kernel.debug can be used as the source of
debugging symbols for gdb(1). To make sure you capture a crash dump, you need edit
/etc/rc.conf and set
dumpdev to point to your swap
partition. This will cause the rc(8) scripts
to use the dumpon(8) command to enable crash
dumps. You can also run dumpon(8) manually.
After a panic, the crash dump can be recovered using
savecore(8); if dumpdev is set in
/etc/rc.conf, the rc(8)
scripts will run savecore(8) automatically
and put the crash dump in
/var/crash.FreeBSD crash dumps are usually the same size as the
physical RAM size of your machine. That is, if you have
64MB of RAM, you will get a 64MB crash dump. Therefore you
must make sure there's enough space in
/var/crash to hold the dump.
Alternatively, you run savecore(8)
manually and have it recover the crash dump to another
directory where you have more room. It's possible to limit
the size of the crash dump by using options
MAXMEM=(foo) to set the amount of memory the
kernel will use to something a little more sensible. For
example, if you have 128MB of RAM, you can limit the
kernel's memory usage to 16MB so that your crash dump size
will be 16MB instead of 128MB. Once you have recovered the crash dump, you can get a
stack trace with gdb(1) as follows:&prompt.user; gdb -k /sys/compile/KERNELCONFIG/kernel.debug /var/crash/vmcore.0(gdb)where Note that there may be several screens worth of
information; ideally you should use
script(1) to capture all of them. Using the
unstripped kernel image with all the debug symbols should show
the exact line of kernel source code where the panic occured.
Usually you have to read the stack trace from the bottom up in
order to trace the exact sequence of events that lead to the
crash. You can also use gdb(1) to print out
the contents of various variables or structures in order to
examine the system state at the time of the crash. Now, if you're really insane and have a second computer,
you can also configure gdb(1) to do remote
debugging such that you can use gdb(1) on
one system to debug the kernel on another system, including
setting breakpoints, single-stepping through the kernel code,
just like you can do with a normal user-mode program. I haven't
played with this yet as I don't often have the chance to set up
two machines side by side for debugging purposes.[Bill adds: "I forgot to mention one thing: if
you have DDB enabled and the kernel drops into the debugger,
you can force a panic (and a crash dump) just by typing 'panic'
at the ddb prompt. It may stop in the debugger again during the
panic phase. If it does, type 'continue' and it will finish the
crash dump." -ed]dlsym() stopped working for ELF executables!The ELF toolchain does not, by default, make the symbols
defined in an executable visible to the dynamic linker.
Consequently dlsym() searches on handles
obtained from calls to dlopen(NULL,
flags) will fail to find such symbols.If you want to search, using dlsym(),
for symbols present in the main executable of a process, you
need to link the executable using the
option to the ELF
linker.Increasing or reducing the kernel address spaceBy default, the kernel address space is 256 MB on
FreeBSD 3.x and 1 GB on FreeBSD 4.x. If you run a
network-intensive server (e.g. a large FTP or HTTP server),
you might find that 256 MB is not enough.So how do you increase the address space? There are two
aspects to this. First, you need to tell the kernel to reserve
a larger portion of the address space for itself. Second, since
the kernel is loaded at the top of the address space, you need
to lower the load address so it doesn't bump its head against
the ceiling.The first goal is achieved by increasing the value of
src/sys/i386/include/pmap.h. Here's what
it looks like for a 1 GB address space:#ifndef NKPDE
#ifdef SMP
#define NKPDE 254 /* addressable number of page tables/pde's */
#define NKPDE 255 /* addressable number of page tables/pde's */
#endif /* SMP */
#endifTo find the correct value of NKPDE,
divide the desired address space size (in megabytes) by four,
then subtract one for UP and two for SMP.To achieve the second goal, you need to compute the
correct load address: simply subtract the address space size
(in bytes) from 0x100100000; the result is 0xc0100000 for a 1
GB address space. Set LOAD_ADDRESS in
src/sys/i386/conf/Makefile.i386 to that
value; then set the location counter in the beginning of the
section listing in
src/sys/i386/conf/kernel.script to the
same value, as follows:OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-i386", "elf32-i386", "elf32-i386")
SEARCH_DIR(/usr/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/obj/elf/home/src/tmp/usr/i386-unknown-freebsdelf/lib);
/* Read-only sections, merged into text segment: */
. = 0xc0100000 + SIZEOF_HEADERS;
.interp : { *(.interp) }Then reconfig and rebuild your kernel. You will probably
have problems with ps(1),
top(1) and the like; make
world should take care of it (or a manual rebuild of
libkvm, ps and top
after copying the patched pmap.h to
/usr/include/vm/.NOTE: the size of the kernel address space must be a
multiple of four megabytes.[&a.dg; adds: I think the kernel address space
needs to be a power of two, but I'm not certain about that. The
old(er) boot code used to monkey with the high order address bits
and I think expected at least 256MB
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