diff --git a/en/docproj/translations.sgml b/en/docproj/translations.sgml index de0b347500..10b062dec9 100644 --- a/en/docproj/translations.sgml +++ b/en/docproj/translations.sgml @@ -1,278 +1,284 @@ - + %includes; ]> &header;

The FreeBSD Brazilian Portuguese Documentation Project

Web: http://doc.fugspbr.org/
E-Mail: lioux@FreeBSD.org
Mailing lists available
Access the following URL http://www2.fugspbr.org/mailman/listinfo/doc/ for instructions on how to subscribe to the Brazilian Portuguese translation group's mailing list.
Or, send an email to doc-request@fugspbr.org with the word "subscribe" in the subject of the message.
Posting is allowed for the members at doc@fugspbr.org
Documents available
Documents currently being worked on
FreeBSD Documentation Project Primer for New Contributors
FreeBSD Handbook

The FreeBSD Bulgarian Documentation Project

Web: http://fdp-bg.sourceforge.net/
E-Mail: doc-proj@FreeBSD-bg.org
Mailing list available
Access the following URL http://www.FreeBSD-bg.org/showtopic?art=maillist for instructions on how to subscribe to the Bulgarian translation group's mailing list.
Or, send an email to majordomo@FreeBSD-bg.org with the text "subscribe doc-proj" in the body of the message.
Posting is allowed for the members at doc-proj@FreeBSD-bg.org
Documents available
FreeBSD Documentation Project Primer for New Contributors
Documents currently being worked on
FreeBSD Handbook
FreeBSD website
- -

The FreeBSD Chinese Documentation Project

+ +

The FreeBSD Traditional Chinese Documentation Project

Web: -
E-Mail: foxfair@FreeBSD.org
Mailing list available
Send a mail to majordomo@freebsd.sinica.edu.tw with the words "subscribe freebsd-chinese-doc" in the body of the message.
Posting is allowed for the members at freebsd-chinese-doc@freebsd.sinica.edu.tw
Documents available
Documents currently being worked on
+ +

The FreeBSD Simplified Chinese Documentation Project

+Web: www.freebsdchina.org
+E-Mail: lid@ufrima.imag.fr

The FreeBSD Dutch Documentation Project

E-Mail: asmodai@FreeBSD.org
Documents currently being worked on

The FreeBSD Estonian Documentation Project

Web: http://www.bsd.ee/tolge.php
Documents available
FreeBSD handbook

The FreeBSD French Documentation Project

Web: http://www.freebsd-fr.org
Mailing lists available
Send a mail to listserver@freebsd-fr.org with the words "SUB freebsd-questions" in the body of the message for subscribing to the questions mailing list in French.
Send a mail to listserver@freebsd-fr.org with the words "SUB annonces" in the body of the message for subscribing to the announce mailing list in French.
Documents available
Some tutorials
Really Quick Newsletters
Documents currently being worked on
CVS repository
CVS web
Send a mail to listserver@freebsd-fr.org with the words "SUB cvs" in the body of the message for subscribing to the French CVS update mailing list in French.

The FreeBSD German Documentation Project

Web: http://www.de.FreeBSD.org/de/uebersetzung.html
E-Mail: de-bsd-translators@de.FreeBSD.org
Documents currently being worked on
Handbook, FAQ, Web

The FreeBSD Italian Documentation Project

Web: http://www.gufi.org/
E-Mail: info@gufi.org
Documents currently being worked on

The FreeBSD Japanese Documentation Project

Web: http://www.jp.FreeBSD.org/doc-jp/
E-Mail: doc-jp@jp.FreeBSD.org
Documents available
Handbook, FAQ, Web, FreeBSD NewsLetter Issue #2
Documents currently being worked on
FreeBSD Tutorials

The FreeBSD Korean Documentation Project

Web: http://www.kr.FreeBSD.org/projects/doc-kr/
E-Mail: doc@kr.FreeBSD.org
Documents currently being worked on

The FreeBSD Polish Documentation Project

Web: http://tlumaczenie.freebsd.pl
E-Mail: ni@merkury.pol.lublin.pl
Documents available
Some tutorials
Documents currently being worked on
FreeBSD tutorials

The FreeBSD Romanian Documentation Project

Web: http://www.rofug.ro/projects/ro-l10n/
E-Mail: ady@rofug.ro
Mailing lists available
To subscribe to the ro-l10n mailing list see the project's webpage or send an e-mail to listar@rofug.ro with "subscribe ro-l10n" in the body of the message.
Postings are allowed only for the ro-l10n list members.
Documents currently being worked on

The FreeBSD Russian Documentation Project

Web: http://www.FreeBSD.org.ua
E-Mail: ru-freebsd-doc@FreeBSD.ru
Documents available
Porter's handbook
Documents currently being worked on

The FreeBSD Spanish Documentation Project

Web: http://www.es.FreeBSD.org/es/
E-Mail: jesusr@es.FreeBSD.org
Documents available
Documents currently being worked on

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