diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/contributing/article.sgml b/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/contributing/article.sgml
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+++ b/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/contributing/article.sgml
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Contributing to FreeBSDContributed by &a.jkh;.So you want to contribute something to FreeBSD? That is great! We can
always use the help, and FreeBSD is one of those systems that
relies on the contributions of its user base in order
to survive. Your contributions are not only appreciated, they are vital
to FreeBSD's continued growth!Contrary to what some people might also have you believe, you do not
need to be a hot-shot programmer or a close personal friend of the FreeBSD
core team in order to have your contributions accepted. The FreeBSD
Project's development is done by a large and growing number of
international contributors whose ages and areas of technical expertise
vary greatly, and there is always more work to be done than there are
people available to do it.Since the FreeBSD project is responsible for an entire operating
system environment (and its installation) rather than just a kernel or a
few scattered utilities, our TODO list also spans a
very wide range of tasks, from documentation, beta testing and
presentation to highly specialized types of kernel development. No matter
what your skill level, there is almost certainly something you can do to
help the project!Commercial entities engaged in FreeBSD-related enterprises are also
encouraged to contact us. Need a special extension to make your product
work? You will find us receptive to your requests, given that they are not
too outlandish. Working on a value-added product? Please let us know! We
may be able to work cooperatively on some aspect of it. The free software
world is challenging a lot of existing assumptions about how software is
developed, sold, and maintained throughout its life cycle, and we urge you
to at least give it a second look.What is NeededThe following list of tasks and sub-projects represents something of
an amalgam of the various core team TODO lists and
user requests we have collected over the last couple of months. Where
possible, tasks have been ranked by degree of urgency. If you are
interested in working on one of the tasks you see here, send mail to the
coordinator listed by clicking on their names. If no coordinator has
been appointed, maybe you would like to volunteer?High priority tasksThe following tasks are considered to be urgent, usually because
they represent something that is badly broken or sorely needed:3-stage boot issues. Overall coordination: &a.hackers;Do WinNT compatible drive tagging so that the 3rd stage
can provide an accurate mapping of BIOS geometries for
disks.Filesystem problems. Overall coordination: &a.fs;Clean up and document the nullfs filesystem code.
Coordinator: &a.eivind;Fix the union file system. Coordinator: &a.dg;Implement Int13 vm86 disk driver. Coordinator:
&a.hackers;New bus architecture. Coordinator: &a.newbus;Port existing ISA drivers to new architecture.Move all interrupt-management code to appropriate parts of
the bus drivers.Port PCI subsystem to new architecture. Coordinator:
&a.dfr;Figure out the right way to handle removable devices and
then use that as a substrate on which PC-Card and CardBus
support can be implemented.Resolve the probe/attach priority issue once and for
all.Move any remaining buses over to the new
architecture.Kernel issues. Overall coordination: &a.hackers;Add more pro-active security infrastructure. Overall
coordination: &a.security;Build something like Tripwire(TM) into the kernel, with a
remote and local part. There are a number of cryptographic
issues to getting this right; contact the coordinator for
details. Coordinator: &a.eivind;Make the entire kernel use suser()
instead of comparing to 0. It is presently using about half
of each. Coordinator: &a.eivind;Split securelevels into different parts, to allow an
administrator to throw away those privileges he can throw
away. Setting the overall securelevel needs to have the same
effect as now, obviously. Coordinator: &a.eivind;Make it possible to upload a list of allowed
program to BPF, and then block BPF from accepting other
programs. This would allow BPF to be used e.g. for DHCP,
without allowing an attacker to start snooping the local
network.Update the security checker script. We should at least
grab all the checks from the other BSD derivatives, and add
checks that a system with securelevel increased also have
reasonable flags on the relevant parts. Coordinator:
&a.eivind;Add authorization infrastructure to the kernel, to allow
different authorization policies. Part of this could be done
by modifying suser(). Coordinator:
&a.eivind;Add code to the NFS layer so that you cannot
chdir("..") out of an NFS partition. E.g.,
/usr is a UFS partition with
/usr/src NFS exported. Now it is
possible to use the NFS filehandle for
/usr/src to get access to
/usr.Medium priority tasksThe following tasks need to be done, but not with any particular
urgency:Full KLD based driver support/Configuration Manager.Write a configuration manager (in the 3rd stage boot?)
that probes your hardware in a sane manner, keeps only the
KLDs required for your hardware, etc.PCMCIA/PCCARD. Coordinators: &a.msmith; and &a.imp;Documentation!Reliable operation of the pcic driver (needs
testing).Recognizer and handler for sio.c
(mostly done).Recognizer and handler for ed.c
(mostly done).Recognizer and handler for ep.c
(mostly done).User-mode recognizer and handler (partially done).Advanced Power Management. Coordinators: &a.msmith; and
&a.phk;APM sub-driver (mostly done).IDE/ATA disk sub-driver (partially done).syscons/pcvt sub-driver.Integration with the PCMCIA/PCCARD drivers
(suspend/resume).Low priority tasksThe following tasks are purely cosmetic or represent such an
investment of work that it is not likely that anyone will get them
done anytime soon:The first N items are from Terry Lambert
terry@lambert.orgNetWare Server (protected mode ODI driver) loader and
sub-services to allow the use of ODI card drivers supplied with
network cards. The same thing for NDIS drivers and NetWare SCSI
drivers.An "upgrade system" option that works on Linux boxes instead
of just previous rev FreeBSD boxes.Symmetric Multiprocessing with kernel preemption (requires
kernel preemption).A concerted effort at support for portable computers. This is
somewhat handled by changing PCMCIA bridging rules and power
management event handling. But there are things like detecting
internal v.s.. external display and picking a different screen
resolution based on that fact, not spinning down the disk if the
machine is in dock, and allowing dock-based cards to disappear
without affecting the machines ability to boot (same issue for
PCMCIA).Smaller tasksMost of the tasks listed in the previous sections require either a
considerable investment of time or an in-depth knowledge of the
FreeBSD kernel (or both). However, there are also many useful tasks
which are suitable for "weekend hackers", or people without
programming skills.If you run FreeBSD-current and have a good Internet
connection, there is a machine current.FreeBSD.org which builds a full
release once a day — every now and again, try and install
the latest release from it and report any failures in the
process.Read the freebsd-bugs mailing list. There might be a
problem you can comment constructively on or with patches you
can test. Or you could even try to fix one of the problems
yourself.Read through the FAQ and Handbook periodically. If anything
is badly explained, out of date or even just completely wrong, let
us know. Even better, send us a fix (SGML is not difficult to
learn, but there is no objection to ASCII submissions).Help translate FreeBSD documentation into your native language
(if not already available) — just send an email to &a.doc;
asking if anyone is working on it. Note that you are not
committing yourself to translating every single FreeBSD document
by doing this — in fact, the documentation most in need of
translation is the installation instructions.Read the freebsd-questions mailing list and &ng.misc
occasionally (or even regularly). It can be very satisfying to
share your expertise and help people solve their problems;
sometimes you may even learn something new yourself! These forums
can also be a source of ideas for things to work on.If you know of any bug fixes which have been successfully
applied to -current but have not been merged into -stable after a
decent interval (normally a couple of weeks), send the committer a
polite reminder.Move contributed software to src/contrib
in the source tree.Make sure code in src/contrib is up to
date.Look for year 2000 bugs (and fix any you find!)Build the source tree (or just part of it) with extra warnings
enabled and clean up the warnings.Fix warnings for ports which do deprecated things like using
gets() or including malloc.h.If you have contributed any ports, send your patches back to
the original author (this will make your life easier when they
bring out the next version)Suggest further tasks for this list!Work through the PR databaseThe FreeBSD PR
list shows all the current active problem reports and
requests for enhancement that have been submitted by FreeBSD users.
Look through the open PRs, and see if anything there takes your
interest. Some of these might be very simple tasks, that just need an
extra pair of eyes to look over them and confirm that the fix in the
PR is a good one. Others might be much more complex.Start with the PRs that have not been assigned to anyone else, but
if one them is assigned to someone else, but it looks like something
you can handle, e-mail the person it is assigned to and ask if you can
work on it—they might already have a patch ready to be tested,
or further ideas that you can discuss with them.How to ContributeContributions to the system generally fall into one or more of the
following 6 categories:Bug reports and general commentaryAn idea or suggestion of general technical
interest should be mailed to the &a.hackers;. Likewise, people with
an interest in such things (and a tolerance for a
high volume of mail!) may subscribe to the
hackers mailing list by sending mail to &a.majordomo;. See mailing lists for more information
about this and other mailing lists.If you find a bug or are submitting a specific change, please
report it using the &man.send-pr.1; program or its WEB-based
equivalent. Try to fill-in each field of the bug report.
Unless they exceed 65KB, include any patches directly in the report.
When including patches, do not use cut-and-paste
because cut-and-paste turns tabs into spaces and makes them unusable.
Consider compressing patches and using &man.uuencode.1; if they exceed
20KB. Upload very large submissions to ftp.FreeBSD.org:/pub/FreeBSD/incoming/.After filing a report, you should receive confirmation along with
a tracking number. Keep this tracking number so that you can update
us with details about the problem by sending mail to
bug-followup@FreeBSD.org. Use the number as the
message subject, e.g. "Re: kern/3377". Additional
information for any bug report should be submitted this way.If you do not receive confirmation in a timely fashion (3 days to
a week, depending on your email connection) or are, for some reason,
unable to use the &man.send-pr.1; command, then you may ask
someone to file it for you by sending mail to the &a.bugs;.Changes to the documentationChanges to the documentation are overseen by the &a.doc;. Send
submissions and changes (even small ones are welcome!) using
send-pr as described in Bug Reports and General
Commentary.Changes to existing source codeAn addition or change to the existing source code is a somewhat
trickier affair and depends a lot on how far out of date you are with
the current state of the core FreeBSD development. There is a special
on-going release of FreeBSD known as FreeBSD-current
which is made available in a variety of ways for the convenience of
developers working actively on the system. See Staying current with FreeBSD for more
information about getting and using FreeBSD-current.Working from older sources unfortunately means that your changes
may sometimes be too obsolete or too divergent for easy re-integration
into FreeBSD. Chances of this can be minimized somewhat by
subscribing to the &a.announce; and the &a.current; lists, where
discussions on the current state of the system take place.Assuming that you can manage to secure fairly up-to-date sources
to base your changes on, the next step is to produce a set of diffs to
send to the FreeBSD maintainers. This is done with the &man.diff.1;
command, with the context diff form
being preferred. For example:&prompt.user; diff -c oldfile newfile
&prompt.user; diff -c -r olddir newdir
would generate such a set of context diffs for the given source file
or directory hierarchy. See the man page for &man.diff.1; for more
details.Once you have a set of diffs (which you may test with the
&man.patch.1; command), you should submit them for inclusion with
FreeBSD. Use the &man.send-pr.1; program as described in Bug Reports and General Commentary.
Do not just send the diffs to the &a.hackers; or
they will get lost! We greatly appreciate your submission (this is a
volunteer project!); because we are busy, we may not be able to
address it immediately, but it will remain in the pr database until we
do.If you feel it appropriate (e.g. you have added, deleted, or
renamed files), bundle your changes into a tar file
and run the &man.uuencode.1; program on it. Shar archives are also
welcome.If your change is of a potentially sensitive nature, e.g. you are
unsure of copyright issues governing its further distribution or you
are simply not ready to release it without a tighter review first,
then you should send it to &a.core; directly rather than submitting it
with &man.send-pr.1;. The core mailing list reaches a much smaller
group of people who do much of the day-to-day work on FreeBSD. Note
that this group is also very busy and so you
should only send mail to them where it is truly necessary.Please refer to man 9 intro and man 9
style for some information on coding style. We would
appreciate it if you were at least aware of this information before
submitting code.New code or major value-added packagesIn the rare case of a significant contribution of a large body
work, or the addition of an important new feature to FreeBSD, it
becomes almost always necessary to either send changes as uuencoded
tar files or upload them to our ftp site ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/incoming/.When working with large amounts of code, the touchy subject of
copyrights also invariably comes up. Acceptable copyrights for code
included in FreeBSD are:The BSD copyright. This copyright is most preferred due to
its no strings attached nature and general
attractiveness to commercial enterprises. Far from discouraging
such commercial use, the FreeBSD Project actively encourages such
participation by commercial interests who might eventually be
inclined to invest something of their own into FreeBSD.The GNU Public License, or GPL. This license is
not quite as popular with us due to the amount of extra effort
demanded of anyone using the code for commercial purposes, but
given the sheer quantity of GPL'd code we currently require
(compiler, assembler, text formatter, etc) it would be silly to
refuse additional contributions under this license. Code under
the GPL also goes into a different part of the tree, that being
/sys/gnu or
/usr/src/gnu, and is therefore easily
identifiable to anyone for whom the GPL presents a problem.Contributions coming under any other type of copyright must be
carefully reviewed before their inclusion into FreeBSD will be
considered. Contributions for which particularly restrictive
commercial copyrights apply are generally rejected, though the authors
are always encouraged to make such changes available through their own
channels.To place a BSD-style copyright on your work, include
the following text at the very beginning of every source code file you
wish to protect, replacing the text between the %%
with the appropriate information.
Copyright (c) %%proper_years_here%%
%%your_name_here%%, %%your_state%% %%your_zip%%.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer as
the first lines of this file unmodified.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
$Id$For your convenience, a copy of this text can be found in
/usr/share/examples/etc/bsd-style-copyright.Money, Hardware or Internet accessWe are always very happy to accept donations to further the cause
of the FreeBSD Project and, in a volunteer effort like ours, a little
can go a long way! Donations of hardware are also very important to
expanding our list of supported peripherals since we generally lack
the funds to buy such items ourselves.Donating fundsWhile the FreeBSD Project is not a 501(c)(3) (charitable)
corporation and hence cannot offer special tax incentives for any
donations made, any such donations will be gratefully accepted on
behalf of the project by FreeBSD, Inc.FreeBSD, Inc. was founded in early 1995 by &a.jkh; and &a.dg;
with the goal of furthering the aims of the FreeBSD Project and
giving it a minimal corporate presence. Any and all funds donated
(as well as any profits that may eventually be realized by FreeBSD,
Inc.) will be used exclusively to further the project's
goals.Please make any checks payable to FreeBSD, Inc., sent in care of
the following address:FreeBSD, Inc.c/o Jordan Hubbard4041 Pike Lane, Suite FConcordCA, 94520(currently using the Walnut Creek CDROM address until a PO box
can be opened)Wire transfers may also be sent directly to:Bank Of AmericaConcord Main OfficeP.O. Box 37176San FranciscoCA, 94137-5176Routing #: 121-000-358Account #: 01411-07441 (FreeBSD, Inc.)Any correspondence related to donations should be sent to &a.jkh,
either via email or to the FreeBSD, Inc. postal address given above.
If you do not wish to be listed in our donors section, please specify this when
making your donation. Thanks!Donating hardwareDonations of hardware in any of the 3 following categories are
also gladly accepted by the FreeBSD Project:General purpose hardware such as disk drives, memory or
complete systems should be sent to the FreeBSD, Inc. address
listed in the donating funds
section.Hardware for which ongoing compliance testing is desired.
We are currently trying to put together a testing lab of all
components that FreeBSD supports so that proper regression
testing can be done with each new release. We are still lacking
many important pieces (network cards, motherboards, etc) and if
you would like to make such a donation, please contact &a.dg;
for information on which items are still required.Hardware currently unsupported by FreeBSD for which you
would like to see such support added. Please contact the
&a.core; before sending such items as we will need to find a
developer willing to take on the task before we can accept
delivery of new hardware.Donating Internet accessWe can always use new mirror sites for FTP, WWW or
cvsup. If you would like to be such a mirror,
please contact the FreeBSD project administrators
hubs@FreeBSD.org for more information.Donors GalleryThe FreeBSD Project is indebted to the following donors and would
like to publicly thank them here!Contributors to the central server
project:The following individuals and businesses made it possible for
the FreeBSD Project to build a new central server machine to
eventually replace freefall.FreeBSD.org
by donating the following items:&a.mbarkah and his employer,
Hemisphere Online, donated a Pentium Pro
(P6) 200Mhz CPUASA
Computers donated a Tyan 1662
motherboard.Joe McGuckin joe@via.net of ViaNet Communications donated
a Kingston ethernet controller.Jack O'Neill jack@diamond.xtalwind.net
donated an NCR 53C875 SCSI controller
card.Ulf Zimmermann ulf@Alameda.net of Alameda Networks donated
128MB of memory, a 4 Gb disk
drive and the case.Direct funding:The following individuals and businesses have generously
contributed direct funding to the project:Annelise Anderson
ArtsEpilogue Technology
Corporation&a.sefGlobal Technology
Associates, IncDon Scott WildeGianmarco Giovannelli
gmarco@masternet.itJosef C. Grosch joeg@truenorth.orgRobert T. Morris&a.chuckrKenneth P. Stox ken@stox.sa.enteract.com of
Imaginary Landscape,
LLC.Dmitry S. Kohmanyuk dk@dog.farm.orgLaser5 of Japan
(a portion of the profits from sales of their various FreeBSD
CDROMs).Fuki Shuppan
Publishing Co. donated a portion of their profits from
Hajimete no FreeBSD (FreeBSD, Getting
started) to the FreeBSD and XFree86 projects.ASCII Corp.
donated a portion of their profits from several FreeBSD-related
books to the FreeBSD project.Yokogawa Electric
Corp has generously donated significant funding to the
FreeBSD project.BuffNETPacific
SolutionsSiemens AG
via Andre
AlbsmeierChris SilvaHardware contributors:The following individuals and businesses have generously
contributed hardware for testing and device driver
development/support:Walnut Creek CDROM for providing the Pentium P5-90 and
486/DX2-66 EISA/VL systems that are being used for our
development work, to say nothing of the network access and other
donations of hardware resources.TRW Financial Systems, Inc. provided 130 PCs, three 68 GB
fileservers, twelve Ethernets, two routers and an ATM switch for
debugging the diskless code.Dermot McDonnell donated the Toshiba XM3401B CDROM drive
currently used in freefall.&a.chuck; contributed his floppy tape streamer for
experimental work.Larry Altneu larry@ALR.COM, and &a.wilko;,
provided Wangtek and Archive QIC-02 tape drives in order to
improve the wt driver.Ernst Winter ewinter@lobo.muc.de contributed
a 2.88 MB floppy drive to the project. This will hopefully
increase the pressure for rewriting the floppy disk driver.
Technologies sent one each of their DC-390, DC-390U
and DC-390F FAST and ULTRA SCSI host adapter cards for
regression testing of the NCR and AMD drivers with their cards.
They are also to be applauded for making driver sources for free
operating systems available from their FTP server ftp://ftp.tekram.com/scsi/FreeBSD/.Larry M. Augustin contributed not only a
Symbios Sym8751S SCSI card, but also a set of data books,
including one about the forthcoming Sym53c895 chip with Ultra-2
and LVD support, and the latest programming manual with
information on how to safely use the advanced features of the
latest Symbios SCSI chips. Thanks a lot!Christoph Kukulies kuku@FreeBSD.org donated
an FX120 12 speed Mitsumi CDROM drive for IDE CDROM driver
development.Special contributors:Walnut Creek CDROM
has donated almost more than we can say (see the history document for more details).
In particular, we would like to thank them for the original
hardware used for freefall.FreeBSD.org, our primary
development machine, and for thud.FreeBSD.org, a testing and build
box. We are also indebted to them for funding various
contributors over the years and providing us with unrestricted
use of their T1 connection to the Internet.The interface
business GmbH, Dresden has been patiently supporting
&a.joerg; who has often preferred FreeBSD work over paid work, and
used to fall back to their (quite expensive) EUnet Internet
connection whenever his private connection became too slow or
flaky to work with it...Berkeley Software Design,
Inc. has contributed their DOS emulator code to the
remaining BSD world, which is used in the
doscmd command.Core Team AlumniThe following people were members of the FreeBSD core team during
the periods indicated. We thank them for their past efforts in the
service of the FreeBSD project.In rough chronological order:&a.jdp (1997 - 2000)&a.guido (1995 - 1999)&a.dyson (1993 - 1998)&a.nate (1992 - 1996)&a.rgrimes (1992 - 1995)Andreas Schulz (1992 - 1995)&a.csgr (1993 - 1995)&a.paul (1992 - 1995)&a.smace (1993 - 1994)Andrew Moore (1993 - 1994)Christoph Robitschko (1993 - 1994)J. T. Conklin (1992 - 1993)Derived Software ContributorsThis software was originally derived from William F. Jolitz's 386BSD
release 0.1, though almost none of the original 386BSD specific code
remains. This software has been essentially re-implemented from the
4.4BSD-Lite release provided by the Computer Science Research Group
(CSRG) at the University of California, Berkeley and associated academic
contributors.There are also portions of NetBSD and OpenBSD that have been
integrated into FreeBSD as well, and we would therefore like to thank
all the contributors to NetBSD and OpenBSD for their work.Additional FreeBSD Contributors(in alphabetical order by first name):ABURAYA Ryushirou rewsirow@ff.iij4u.or.jpAMAGAI Yoshiji amagai@nue.orgAaron Bornstein aaronb@j51.comAaron Smith aaron@mutex.orgAchim Patzner ap@noses.comAda T Lim ada@bsd.orgAdam Baran badam@mw.mil.plAdam Glass glass@postgres.berkeley.eduAdam McDougall mcdouga9@egr.msu.eduAdam Strohl troll@digitalspark.netAdoal Xu adoal@iname.comAdrian Chadd adrian@FreeBSD.orgAdrian Colley aecolley@ois.ieAdrian Hall adrian@ibmpcug.co.ukAdrian Mariano adrian@cam.cornell.eduAdrian Steinmann ast@marabu.chAdrian T. Filipi-Martin
atf3r@agate.cs.virginia.eduAjit Thyagarajan unknownAkio Morita
amorita@meadow.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jpAkira SAWADA unknownAkira Watanabe
akira@myaw.ei.meisei-u.ac.jpAkito Fujita fujita@zoo.ncl.omron.co.jpAlain Kalker
A.C.P.M.Kalker@student.utwente.nlAlan Bawden alan@curry.epilogue.comAlec Wolman wolman@cs.washington.eduAled Morris aledm@routers.co.ukAleksandr A Babaylov .@babolo.ruAlex garbanzo@hooked.netAlex D. Chen
dhchen@Canvas.dorm7.nccu.edu.twAlex G. Bulushev bag@demos.suAlex Le Heux alexlh@funk.orgAlex Perel veers@disturbed.netAlex Varju varju@webct.comAlexander B. Povolotsky tarkhil@mgt.msk.ruAlexander Gelfenbain mail@gelf.comAlexander Leidinger
netchild@wurzelausix.CS.Uni-SB.DEAlexandre Snarskii snar@paranoia.ruAlistair G. Crooks agc@uts.amdahl.comAllan Bowhill bowhill@bowhill.vservers.comAllan Saddi asaddi@philosophysw.comAllen Campbell allenc@verinet.comAmakawa Shuhei amakawa@hoh.t.u-tokyo.ac.jpAmancio Hasty hasty@star-gate.comAmir Farah amir@comtrol.comAmy Baron amee@beer.orgAnatoly A. Orehovsky tolik@mpeks.tomsk.suAnatoly Vorobey mellon@pobox.comAnders Nordby anders@fix.noAnders Thulin Anders.X.Thulin@telia.seAndras Olah olah@cs.utwente.nlAndre Albsmeier
Andre.Albsmeier@mchp.siemens.deAndre Oppermann andre@pipeline.chAndreas Haakh ah@alman.robin.deAndreas Kohout shanee@rabbit.augusta.deAndreas Lohr andreas@marvin.RoBIN.deAndreas Schulz unknownAndreas Wetzel mickey@deadline.snafu.deAndreas Wrede andreas@planix.comAndres Vega Garcia unknownAndrew Atrens atreand@statcan.caAndrew Boothman andrew@cream.orgAndrew Gillham gillham@andrews.eduAndrew Gordon andrew.gordon@net-tel.co.ukAndrew Herbert andrew@werple.apana.org.auAndrew J. Korty ajk@purdue.eduAndrew L. Moore alm@mclink.comAndrew L. Neporada andrew@chg.ruAndrew McRae amcrae@cisco.comAndrew Stevenson andrew@ugh.net.auAndrew Timonin tim@pool1.convey.ruAndrew V. Stesin stesin@elvisti.kiev.uaAndrew Webster awebster@dataradio.comAndrey Novikov andrey@novikov.comAndy Farkas andyf@speednet.com.auAndy Valencia ajv@csd.mot.comAndy Whitcroft andy@sarc.city.ac.ukAngelo Turetta ATuretta@stylo.itAnthony C. Chavez magus@xmission.comAnthony Yee-Hang Chan yeehang@netcom.comAnton Berezin tobez@plab.ku.dkAnton N. Bruesov antonz@library.ntu-kpi.kiev.uaAntti Kaipila anttik@iki.fiarci vega@sophia.inria.frAre Bryne are.bryne@communique.noAri Suutari ari@suutari.iki.fiArindum Mukerji rmukerji@execpc.comArjan de Vet devet@IAEhv.nlArne Henrik Juul arnej@Lise.Unit.NOArun Sharma adsharma@sharmas.dhs.orgAtsushi Furuta furuta@sra.co.jpAtsushi Murai amurai@spec.co.jpBakul Shah bvs@bitblocks.comBarry Bierbauch pivrnec@vszbr.czBarry Lustig barry@ictv.comBen Hutchinson benhutch@xfiles.org.ukBen Jackson unknownBen Smithurst ben@scientia.demon.co.ukBen Walter bwalter@itachi.swcp.comBenjamin Lewis bhlewis@gte.netBenno Rice benno@netizen.com.auBerend de Boer berend@pobox.comBernd Rosauer br@schiele-ct.deBill Kish kish@osf.orgBill Trost trost@cloud.rain.comBlaz Zupan blaz@amis.netBob Van Valzah Bob@whitebarn.comBob Wilcox bob@obiwan.uucpBob Willcox bob@luke.pmr.comBoris Staeblow balu@dva.in-berlin.deBoyd Faulkner faulkner@mpd.tandem.comBoyd R. Faulkner faulkner@asgard.bga.comBrad Hendrickse bradh@uunet.co.zaBrad Karp karp@eecs.harvard.eduBradley Dunn bradley@dunn.orgBrandon Fosdick bfoz@glue.umd.eduBrandon Gillespie brandon@roguetrader.com&a.wlloydBrent J. Nordquist bjn@visi.comBrett Lymn blymn@mulga.awadi.com.AUBrett Taylor
brett@peloton.runet.eduBrian Campbell brianc@pobox.comBrian Clapper bmc@willscreek.comBrian Cully shmit@kublai.comBrian Handy
handy@lambic.space.lockheed.comBrian Litzinger brian@MediaCity.comBrian McGovern bmcgover@cisco.comBrian Moore ziff@houdini.eecs.umich.eduBrian R. Haug haug@conterra.comBrian Tao taob@risc.orgBrion Moss brion@queeg.comBruce A. Mah bmah@ca.sandia.govBruce Albrecht bruce@zuhause.mn.orgBruce Gingery bgingery@gtcs.comBruce J. Keeler loodvrij@gridpoint.comBruce Murphy packrat@iinet.net.auBruce Walter walter@fortean.comCarey Jones mcj@acquiesce.orgCarl Fongheiser cmf@netins.netCarl Mascott cmascott@world.std.comCasper casper@acc.amCastor Fu castor@geocast.comChain Lee chain@110.netCharles Hannum mycroft@ai.mit.eduCharles Henrich henrich@msu.eduCharles Mott cmott@scientech.comCharles Owens owensc@enc.eduChet Ramey chet@odin.INS.CWRU.EduChia-liang Kao clkao@CirX.ORGChiharu Shibata chi@bd.mbn.or.jpChip Norkus unknownChris Csanady cc@tarsier.ca.sandia.govChris Dabrowski chris@vader.orgChris Dillon cdillon@wolves.k12.mo.usChris Shenton
cshenton@angst.it.hq.nasa.govChris Stenton jacs@gnome.co.ukChris Timmons skynyrd@opus.cts.cwu.eduChris Torek torek@ee.lbl.govChristian Gusenbauer
cg@fimp01.fim.uni-linz.ac.atChristian Haury Christian.Haury@sagem.frChristian Weisgerber
naddy@mips.inka.deChristoph P. Kukulies kuku@FreeBSD.orgChristoph Robitschko
chmr@edvz.tu-graz.ac.atChristoph Weber-Fahr
wefa@callcenter.systemhaus.netChristopher G. Demetriou
cgd@postgres.berkeley.eduChristopher T. Johnson
cjohnson@neunacht.netgsi.comChrisy Luke chrisy@flix.netChuck Hein chein@cisco.comCliff Rowley dozprompt@onsea.comClive Lin clive@CiRX.ORGColman Reilly careilly@tcd.ieConrad Sabatier conrads@neosoft.comCoranth Gryphon gryphon@healer.comCornelis van der Laan
nils@guru.ims.uni-stuttgart.deCove Schneider cove@brazil.nbn.comCraig Leres leres@ee.lbl.govCraig Loomis unknownCraig Metz cmetz@inner.netCraig Spannring cts@internetcds.comCraig Struble cstruble@vt.eduCristian Ferretti cfs@riemann.mat.puc.clCurt Mayer curt@toad.comCy Schubert cschuber@uumail.gov.bc.caDai Ishijima ishijima@tri.pref.osaka.jpDaisuke Watanabe NU7D-WTNB@asahi-net.or.jpDamian Hamill damian@cablenet.netDan Cross tenser@spitfire.ecsel.psu.eduDan Lukes dan@obluda.czDan Nelson dnelson@emsphone.comDan Papasian bugg@bugg.strangled.netDan Piponi wmtop@tanelorn.demon.co.ukDan Walters hannibal@cyberstation.netDaniel Hagan
dhagan@cs.vt.eduDaniel M. Eischen
deischen@iworks.InterWorks.orgDaniel O'Connor doconnor@gsoft.com.auDaniel Harris
dannyboy@dannyboy.eyep.netDaniel Poirot poirot@aio.jsc.nasa.govDaniel Rock rock@cs.uni-sb.deDanny Egen unknownDanny J. Zerkel dzerkel@phofarm.comDarren Reed avalon@coombs.anu.edu.auDave Adkins adkin003@tc.umn.eduDave Andersen angio@aros.netDave Blizzard dblizzar@sprynet.comDave Bodenstab imdave@synet.netDave Burgess burgess@hrd769.brooks.af.milDave Chapeskie dchapes@ddm.on.caDave Cornejo dave@dogwood.comDave Edmondson davided@sco.comDave Glowacki dglo@ssec.wisc.eduDave Marquardt marquard@austin.ibm.comDave Tweten tweten@FreeBSD.orgDavid A. Adkins adkin003@tc.umn.eduDavid A. Bader dbader@umiacs.umd.eduDavid Borman dab@bsdi.comDavid Dawes dawes@XFree86.orgDavid Filo unknownDavid Holland dholland@eecs.harvard.eduDavid Holloway daveh@gwythaint.tamis.comDavid Horwitt dhorwitt@ucsd.eduDavid Hovemeyer daveho@infocom.comDavid Jones dej@qpoint.torfree.netDavid Kelly dkelly@tomcat1.tbe.comDavid Kulp dkulp@neomorphic.comDavid L. Nugent davidn@blaze.net.auDavid Leonard d@scry.dstc.edu.auDavid Malone dwmalone@maths.tcd.ieDavid Muir Sharnoff muir@idiom.comDavid S. Miller davem@jenolan.rutgers.eduDavid Wolfskill dhw@whistle.comDean Gaudet dgaudet@arctic.orgDean Huxley dean@fsa.caDenis Fortin unknownDennis Glatting
dennis.glatting@software-munitions.comDenton Gentry denny1@home.comder Mouse mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDUDerek Inksetter derek@saidev.comDI. Christian Gusenbauer
cg@scotty.edvz.uni-linz.ac.atDima Sivachenko dima@Chg.RUDirk Keunecke dk@panda.rhein-main.deDirk Nehrling nerle@pdv.deDmitry Khrustalev dima@xyzzy.machaon.ruDmitry Kohmanyuk dk@farm.orgDom Mitchell dom@myrddin.demon.co.ukDominik Brettnacher domi@saargate.deDominik Rothert dr@domix.deDon Croyle croyle@gelemna.ft-wayne.in.us&a.whiteside;Don Morrison dmorrisn@u.washington.eduDon Yuniskis dgy@rtd.comDonald Maddox dmaddox@conterra.comDoug Barton Doug@gorean.orgDouglas Ambrisko ambrisko@whistle.comDouglas Carmichael dcarmich@mcs.comDouglas Crosher dtc@scrooge.ee.swin.oz.auDrew Derbyshire ahd@kew.comDuncan Barclay dmlb@ragnet.demon.co.ukDustin Sallings dustin@spy.netEckart "Isegrim" Hofmann
Isegrim@Wunder-Nett.orgEd Gold
vegold01@starbase.spd.louisville.eduEd Hudson elh@p5.spnet.comEdward Chuang edwardc@firebird.org.twEdward Wang edward@edcom.comEdwin Groothus edwin@nwm.wan.philips.comEdwin Mons e@ik.nuEge Rekk aagero@aage.priv.noEiji-usagi-MATSUmoto usagi@clave.gr.jpELISA Font ProjectElmar Bartel
bartel@informatik.tu-muenchen.deEoin Lawless eoin@maths.tcd.ieEric A. Griff eagriff@global2000.netEric Blood eblood@cs.unr.eduEric J. Haug ejh@slustl.slu.eduEric J. Schwertfeger eric@cybernut.comEric L. Hernes erich@lodgenet.comEric P. Scott eps@sirius.comEric Sprinkle eric@ennovatenetworks.comErich Stefan Boleyn erich@uruk.orgErik H. Bakke erikhb@bgnett.noErik E. Rantapaa rantapaa@math.umn.eduErik H. Moe ehm@cris.comErnst Winter ewinter@lobo.muc.deEspen Skoglund esk@ira.uka.deEugene M. Kim astralblue@usa.netEugene Radchenko genie@qsar.chem.msu.suEugeny Kuzakov CoreDumped@lab321.ruEvan Champion evanc@synapse.netFaried Nawaz fn@Hungry.COMFlemming Jacobsen fj@tfs.comFong-Ching Liaw fong@juniper.netFrancis M J Hsieh mjshieh@life.nthu.edu.twFrank Bartels knarf@camelot.deFrank Chen Hsiung Chan
frankch@waru.life.nthu.edu.twFrank Durda IV uhclem@nemesis.lonestar.orgFrank MacLachlan fpm@n2.netFrank Nobis fn@Radio-do.deFrank ten Wolde franky@pinewood.nlFrank van der Linden frank@fwi.uva.nlFrank Volf volf@oasis.IAEhv.nlFred Cawthorne fcawth@jjarray.umn.eduFred Gilham gilham@csl.sri.comFred Templin templin@erg.sri.comFrederick Earl Gray fgray@rice.eduFUJIMOTO Kensaku
fujimoto@oscar.elec.waseda.ac.jpFUJISHIMA Satsuki k5@respo.or.jpFURUSAWA Kazuhisa
furusawa@com.cs.osakafu-u.ac.jpG. Adam Stanislavadam@whizkidtech.netGabor Kincses gabor@acm.orgGabor Zahemszky zgabor@CoDe.huGarance A Drosehn gad@eclipse.its.rpi.eduGareth McCaughan gjm11@dpmms.cam.ac.ukGary A. Browning gab10@griffcd.amdahl.comGary Howland gary@hotlava.comGary J. garyj@rks32.pcs.dec.comGary Kline kline@thought.orgGaspar Chilingarov nightmar@lemming.acc.amGea-Suan Lin gsl@tpts4.seed.net.twGeoff Rehmet csgr@alpha.ru.ac.zaGeorg Wagner georg.wagner@ubs.comGianlorenzo Masini masini@uniroma3.itGianmarco Giovannelli
gmarco@giovannelli.itGil Kloepfer Jr. gil@limbic.ssdl.comGilad Rom rom_glsa@ein-hashofet.co.ilGiles Lean giles@nemeton.com.auGinga Kawaguti
ginga@amalthea.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jpGiorgos Keramidas keramida@ceid.upatras.grGlen Foster gfoster@gfoster.comGlenn Johnson gljohns@bellsouth.netGodmar Back gback@facility.cs.utah.eduGoran Hammarback goran@astro.uu.seGord Matzigkeit gord@enci.ucalgary.caGordon Greeff gvg@uunet.co.zaGraham Wheeler gram@cdsec.comGreg A. Woods woods@zeus.leitch.comGreg Ansley gja@ansley.comGreg Robinson greg@rosevale.com.auGreg Troxel gdt@ir.bbn.comGreg Ungerer gerg@stallion.oz.auGregory Bond gnb@itga.com.auGregory D. Moncreaff
moncrg@bt340707.res.ray.comGuy Harris guy@netapp.comGuy Helmer ghelmer@cs.iastate.eduHAMADA Naoki hamada@astec.co.jpHannu Savolainen hannu@voxware.pp.fiHans Huebner hans@artcom.deHans Petter Bieker zerium@webindex.noHans Zuidam hans@brandinnovators.comHarlan Stenn Harlan.Stenn@pfcs.comHarold Barker hbarker@dsms.comHavard Eidnes
Havard.Eidnes@runit.sintef.noHeikki Suonsivu hsu@cs.hut.fiHeiko W. Rupp unknownHelmut F. Wirth hfwirth@ping.atHenrik Vestergaard Draboel
hvd@terry.ping.dkHerb Peyerl hpeyerl@NetBSD.orgHideaki Ohmon ohmon@tom.sfc.keio.ac.jpHidekazu Kuroki hidekazu@cs.titech.ac.jpHideki Yamamoto hyama@acm.orgHideyuki Suzuki
hideyuki@sat.t.u-tokyo.ac.jpHirayama Issei iss@mail.wbs.ne.jpHiroaki Sakai sakai@miya.ee.kagu.sut.ac.jpHiroharu Tamaru tamaru@ap.t.u-tokyo.ac.jpHironori Ikura hikura@kaisei.orgHiroshi Nishikawa nis@pluto.dti.ne.jpHiroya Tsubakimoto unknownHolger Veit Holger.Veit@gmd.deHolm Tiffe holm@geophysik.tu-freiberg.deHONDA Yasuhiro
honda@kashio.info.mie-u.ac.jpHorance Chou
horance@freedom.ie.cycu.edu.twHorihiro Kumagai kuma@jp.FreeBSD.orgHOSOBUCHI Noriyuki hoso@buchi.tama.or.jpHOTARU-YA hotaru@tail.netHr.Ladavac lada@ws2301.gud.siemens.co.atHubert Feyrer hubertf@NetBSD.ORGHugh F. Mahon hugh@nsmdserv.cnd.hp.comHugh Mahon h_mahon@fc.hp.comHung-Chi Chu hcchu@r350.ee.ntu.edu.twIan Dowse iedowse@maths.tcd.ieIan Holland ianh@tortuga.com.auIan Struble ian@broken.netIan Vaudrey i.vaudrey@bigfoot.comIgor Khasilev igor@jabber.paco.odessa.uaIgor Roshchin str@giganda.komkon.orgIgor Sviridov siac@ua.netIgor Vinokurov igor@zynaps.ruIkuo Nakagawa ikuo@isl.intec.co.jpIlya V. Komarov mur@lynx.ruIMAI Takeshi take-i@ceres.dti.ne.jpIMAMURA Tomoaki
tomoak-i@is.aist-nara.ac.jpIssei Suzuki issei@jp.FreeBSD.orgItsuro Saito saito@miv.t.u-tokyo.ac.jpIWASHITA Yoji shuna@pop16.odn.ne.jpJ. Bryant jbryant@argus.flash.netJ. David Lowe lowe@saturn5.comJ. Han hjh@photino.comJ. Hawk jhawk@MIT.EDUJ.T. Conklin jtc@cygnus.comJ.T. Jang keith@email.gcn.net.twJack jack@zeus.xtalwind.netJacob Bohn Lorensen jacob@jblhome.ping.mkJagane D Sundar jagane@netcom.comJake Hamby jehamby@lightside.comJames Clark jjc@jclark.comJames D. Stewart jds@c4systm.comJames da Silva jds@cs.umd.eduJames Jegers jimj@miller.cs.uwm.eduJames Raynard
fhackers@jraynard.demon.co.ukJames T. Liu jtliu@phlebas.rockefeller.eduJamie Heckford jamie@jamiesdomain.co.ukJan Conard
charly@fachschaften.tu-muenchen.deJan Koum jkb@FreeBSD.orgJanick Taillandier
Janick.Taillandier@ratp.frJanusz Kokot janek@gaja.ipan.lublin.plJarle Greipsland jarle@idt.unit.noJason Garman init@risen.orgJason Thorpe thorpej@NetBSD.orgJason Wright jason@OpenBSD.orgJason Young
doogie@forbidden-donut.anet-stl.comJavier Martin Rueda jmrueda@diatel.upm.esJay Fenlason hack@datacube.comJaye Mathisen mrcpu@cdsnet.netJeff Bartig jeffb@doit.wisc.eduJeff Brown jabrown@caida.orgJeff Forys jeff@forys.cranbury.nj.usJeff Kletsky Jeff@Wagsky.comJeff Palmer jeff@isni.netJeffrey Evans evans@scnc.k12.mi.usJeffrey Wheat jeff@cetlink.netJens Schweikhardt schweikh@noc.dfn.dJeremy Allison jallison@whistle.comJeremy Chadwick yoshi@parodius.comJeremy Chatfield jdc@xinside.comJeremy Prior unknownJeremy Shaffner jeremy@external.orgJesse Rosenstock jmr@ugcs.caltech.eduJian-Da Li jdli@csie.nctu.edu.twJim Babb babb@FreeBSD.orgJim Binkley jrb@cs.pdx.eduJim Bloom bloom@acm.orgJim Carroll jim@carroll.comJim Flowers jflowers@ezo.netJim Leppek jleppek@harris.comJim Lowe james@cs.uwm.eduJim Mattson jmattson@sonic.netJim Mercer jim@komodo.reptiles.orgJim Wilson wilson@moria.cygnus.comJimbo Bahooli
griffin@blackhole.iceworld.orgJin Guojun jin@george.lbl.govJoachim Kuebart unknownJoao Carlos Mendes Luis jonny@jonny.eng.brJochen Pohl jpo.drs@sni.deJoe "Marcus" Clarke marcus@miami.eduJoe Abley jabley@clear.co.nzJoe Jih-Shian Lu jslu@dns.ntu.edu.twJoe Orthoefer j_orthoefer@tia.netJoe Traister traister@mojozone.orgJoel Faedi Joel.Faedi@esial.u-nancy.frJoel Ray Holveck joelh@gnu.orgJoel Sutton jsutton@bbcon.com.auJohan Granlund johan@granlund.nuJohan Karlsson k@numeri.campus.luth.seJohan Larsson johan@moon.campus.luth.seJohann Tonsing jtonsing@mikom.csir.co.zaJohannes Helander unknownJohannes Stille unknownJohn Beckett jbeckett@southern.eduJohn Beukema jbeukema@hk.super.netJohn Brezak unknownJohn Capo jc@irbs.comJohn F. Woods jfw@jfwhome.funhouse.comJohn Goerzen
jgoerzen@alexanderwohl.complete.orgJohn Hay jhay@mikom.csir.co.zaJohn Heidemann johnh@isi.eduJohn Hood cgull@owl.orgJohn Kohl unknownJohn Lind john@starfire.mn.orgJohn Mackin john@physiol.su.oz.auJohn P johnp@lodgenet.comJohn Perry perry@vishnu.alias.netJohn Preisler john@vapornet.comJohn Rochester jr@cs.mun.caJohn Sadler john_sadler@alum.mit.eduJohn Saunders john@pacer.nlc.net.auJohn Wehle john@feith.comJohn Woods jfw@eddie.mit.eduJon Morgan morgan@terminus.trailblazer.comJonathan H N Chin jc254@newton.cam.ac.ukJonathan Hanna
jh@pc-21490.bc.rogers.wave.caJorge Goncalves j@bug.fe.up.ptJorge M. Goncalves ee96199@tom.fe.up.ptJos Backus jbackus@plex.nlJose M. Alcaide jose@we.lc.ehu.esJose Marques jose@nobody.orgJosef Grosch
jgrosch@superior.mooseriver.comJoseph Stein joes@wstein.comJosh Gilliam josh@quick.netJosh Tiefenbach josh@ican.netJuergen Lock nox@jelal.hb.north.deJuha Inkari inkari@cc.hut.fiJukka A. Ukkonen jua@iki.fiJulian Assange proff@suburbia.netJulian Coleman j.d.coleman@ncl.ac.uk&a.jhsJulian Jenkins kaveman@magna.com.auJunichi Satoh junichi@jp.FreeBSD.orgJunji SAKAI sakai@jp.FreeBSD.orgJunya WATANABE junya-w@remus.dti.ne.jpJustas justas@mbank.lvK.Higashino a00303@cc.hc.keio.ac.jpKai Vorma vode@snakemail.hut.fiKaleb S. Keithley kaleb@ics.comKaneda Hiloshi vanitas@ma3.seikyou.ne.jpKapil Chowksey kchowksey@hss.hns.comKarl Denninger karl@mcs.comKarl Dietz Karl.Dietz@triplan.comKarl Lehenbauer karl@NeoSoft.comKATO Tsuguru tkato@prontomail.ne.jpKawanobe Koh kawanobe@st.rim.or.jpKazuhiko Kiriyama kiri@kiri.toba-cmt.ac.jpKazuo Horikawa horikawa@jp.FreeBSD.orgKees Jan Koster kjk1@ukc.ac.ukKeith Bostic bostic@bostic.comKeith E. Walker unknownKeith Moore unknownKeith Sklower unknownKelly Yancey kbyanc@posi.netKen Hornstein unknownKen Key key@cs.utk.eduKen Mayer kmayer@freegate.comKenji Saito marukun@mx2.nisiq.netKenji Tomita tommyk@da2.so-net.or.jpKenneth Furge kenneth.furge@us.endress.comKenneth Monville desmo@bandwidth.orgKenneth R. Westerback krw@tcn.netKenneth Stailey kstailey@gnu.ai.mit.eduKent Talarico kent@shipwreck.tsoft.netKent Vander Velden graphix@iastate.eduKentaro Inagaki JBD01226@niftyserve.ne.jpKevin Bracey kbracey@art.acorn.co.ukKevin Day toasty@dragondata.comKevin Lahey kml@nas.nasa.govKevin Lokevlo@hello.com.twKevin Meltzer perlguy@perlguy.comKevin Street street@iname.comKevin Van Maren vanmaren@fast.cs.utah.eduKiril Mitev kiril@ideaglobal.comKiroh HARADA kiroh@kh.rim.or.jpKlaus Klein kleink@layla.inka.deKlaus-J. Wolf Yanestra@t-online.deKoichi Sato copan@ppp.fastnet.or.jpKostya Lukin lukin@okbmei.msk.suKouichi Hirabayashi kh@mogami-wire.co.jpKris Dow kris@vilnya.demon.co.ukKUNISHIMA Takeo kunishi@c.oka-pu.ac.jpKurt D. Zeilenga Kurt@Boolean.NETKurt Olsen kurto@tiny.mcs.usu.eduL. Jonas Olsson
ljo@ljo-slip.DIALIN.CWRU.EduLarry Altneu larry@ALR.COMLars Köller
Lars.Koeller@Uni-Bielefeld.DELaurence Lopez lopez@mv.mv.comLee Cremeans lcremean@tidalwave.netLiang Tai-hwa
avatar@www.mmlab.cse.yzu.edu.twLon Willett lon%softt.uucp@math.utah.eduLouis A. Mamakos louie@TransSys.COMLouis Mamakos loiue@TransSys.comLowell Gilbert lowell@world.std.comLucas James Lucas.James@ldjpc.apana.org.auLyndon Nerenberg lyndon@orthanc.ab.caM.C. Wong unknownMagnus Enbom dot@tinto.campus.luth.seMahesh Neelakanta mahesh@gcomm.comMakoto MATSUSHITA matusita@jp.FreeBSD.orgMakoto WATANABE
watanabe@zlab.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jpMalte Lance malte.lance@gmx.netMANTANI Nobutaka nobutaka@nobutaka.comManu Iyengar
iyengar@grunthos.pscwa.psca.comMarc Frajola marc@dev.comMarc Ramirez mrami@mramirez.sy.yale.eduMarc Slemko marcs@znep.comMarc van Kempen wmbfmk@urc.tue.nlMarc van Woerkom van.woerkom@netcologne.deMarcin Cieslak saper@system.plMario Sergio Fujikawa Ferreira
lioux@gns.com.brMark Andrews unknownMark Cammidge mark@gmtunx.ee.uct.ac.zaMark Diekhans markd@grizzly.comMark Huizer xaa@stack.nlMark J. Taylor mtaylor@cybernet.comMark Krentel krentel@rice.eduMark Mayo markm@vmunix.comMark Ovens
mark@dogma.freebsd-uk.eu.orgMark Thompson thompson@tgsoft.comMark Tinguely tinguely@plains.nodak.eduMark Treacy unknownMark Valentine mark@linus.demon.co.ukMarkus Holmberg saska@acc.umu.seMartin BirgmeierMartin Blapp blapp@attic.chMartin Ibert mib@ppe.bb-data.deMartin Kammerhofer dada@sbox.tu-graz.ac.atMartin Minkus diskiller@cnbinc.comMartin Renters martin@tdc.on.caMartti Kuparinen
martti.kuparinen@ericsson.comMas.TAKEMURA unknownMasachika ISHIZUKA
ishizuka@isis.min.ntt.jpMasafumi NAKANE max@wide.ad.jpMasahiro Sekiguchi
seki@sysrap.cs.fujitsu.co.jpMasanobu Saitoh msaitoh@spa.is.uec.ac.jpMasanori Kanaoka kana@saijo.mke.mei.co.jpMasanori Kiriake seiken@ARGV.ACMasatoshi TAMURA
tamrin@shinzan.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jpMats Lofkvist mal@algonet.seMatt Bartley mbartley@lear35.cytex.comMatt Heckaman matt@LUCIDA.QC.CAMatt Thomas matt@3am-software.comMatt White mwhite+@CMU.EDUMatthew C. Mead mmead@Glock.COMMatthew Cashdollar mattc@rfcnet.comMatthew Flatt mflatt@cs.rice.eduMatthew Fuller fullermd@futuresouth.comMatthew Stein matt@bdd.netMatthew West mwest@uct.ac.zaMatthias Pfaller leo@dachau.marco.deMatthias Scheler tron@netbsd.orgMattias Gronlund
Mattias.Gronlund@sa.erisoft.seMattias Pantzare pantzer@ludd.luth.seMaurice Castro
maurice@planet.serc.rmit.edu.auMax Euston meuston@jmrodgers.comMax Khon fjoe@husky.iclub.nsu.ruMaxim Bolotin max@rsu.ruMicha Class
michael_class@hpbbse.bbn.hp.comMichael Lucas mwlucas@blackhelicopters.orgMichael Butler imb@scgt.oz.auMichael Butschky butsch@computi.erols.comMichael Clay mclay@weareb.orgMichael Elbel me@FreeBSD.orgMichael Galassi nerd@percival.rain.comMichael Hancock michaelh@cet.co.jpMichael Hohmuth hohmuth@inf.tu-dresden.deMichael Perlman canuck@caam.rice.eduMichael Petry petry@netwolf.NetMasters.comMichael Reifenberger root@totum.plaut.deMichael Sardo jaeger16@yahoo.comMichael Searle searle@longacre.demon.co.ukMichael Urban murban@tznet.comMichael Vasilenko acid@stu.cn.uaMichal Listos mcl@Amnesiac.123.orgMichio Karl Jinbo
karl@marcer.nagaokaut.ac.jpMiguel Angel Sagreras
msagre@cactus.fi.uba.arMihoko Tanaka m_tonaka@pa.yokogawa.co.jpMika Nystrom mika@cs.caltech.eduMikael Hybsch micke@dynas.seMikael Karpberg
karpen@ocean.campus.luth.seMike Barcroft mike@q9media.comMike Del repenting@hotmail.comMike Durian durian@plutotech.comMike Durkin mdurkin@tsoft.sf-bay.orgMike E. Matsnev mike@azog.cs.msu.suMike Evans mevans@candle.comMike Grupenhoff kashmir@umiacs.umd.eduMike Harding mvh@ix.netcom.comMike Hibler mike@marker.cs.utah.eduMike Karels unknownMike McGaughey mmcg@cs.monash.edu.auMike Meyer mwm@shiva.the-park.comMike Mitchell mitchell@ref.tfs.comMike Murphy mrm@alpharel.comMike Peck mike@binghamton.eduMike Sherwood mike@fate.comMike Spengler mks@msc.eduMikhail A. Sokolov mishania@demos.suMikhail Teterin mi@aldan.ziplink.netMing-I Hseh PA@FreeBSD.ee.Ntu.edu.TWMITA Yoshio mita@jp.FreeBSD.orgMITSUNAGA Noriaki
mitchy@er.ams.eng.osaka-u.ac.jpMitsuru Yoshida mitsuru@riken.go.jpMonte Mitzelfelt monte@gonefishing.orgMorgan Davis root@io.cts.comMOROHOSHI Akihiko moro@race.u-tokyo.ac.jpMostyn Lewis mostyn@mrl.comMotomichi Matsuzaki mzaki@e-mail.ne.jpMotoyuki Kasahara m-kasahr@sra.co.jpN.G.Smith ngs@sesame.hensa.ac.ukNadav Eiron nadav@barcode.co.ilNAGAO Tadaaki nagao@cs.titech.ac.jpNAKAJI Hiroyuki
nakaji@tutrp.tut.ac.jpNAKAMURA Kazushi nkazushi@highway.or.jpNAKAMURA Motonori
motonori@econ.kyoto-u.ac.jpNanbor Wang nw1@cs.wustl.eduNaofumi Honda
honda@Kururu.math.sci.hokudai.ac.jpNaoki Hamada nao@tom-yam.or.jpNarvi narvi@haldjas.folklore.eeNathan Ahlstrom nrahlstr@winternet.comNathan Dorfman nathan@rtfm.netNeal Fachan kneel@ishiboo.comNiall Smart rotel@indigo.ieNick Barnes Nick.Barnes@pobox.comNick Handel nhandel@NeoSoft.comNick Hilliard nick@foobar.orgNick Johnson freebsd@spatula.net&a.nsayer;Nick Williams njw@cs.city.ac.ukNickolay N. Dudorov nnd@itfs.nsk.suNIIMI Satoshi sa2c@and.or.jpNiklas Hallqvist niklas@filippa.appli.seNisha Talagala nisha@cs.berkeley.eduNo Name adrian@virginia.eduNo Name alex@elvisti.kiev.uaNo Name anto@netscape.netNo Name bobson@egg.ics.nitch.ac.jpNo Name bovynf@awe.beNo Name burg@is.ge.comNo Name chris@gnome.co.ukNo Name colsen@usa.netNo Name coredump@nervosa.comNo Name dannyman@arh0300.urh.uiuc.eduNo Name davids@SECNET.COMNo Name derek@free.orgNo Name devet@adv.IAEhv.nlNo Name djv@bedford.netNo Name dvv@sprint.netNo Name enami@ba2.so-net.or.jpNo Name flash@eru.tubank.msk.suNo Name flash@hway.ruNo Name fn@pain.csrv.uidaho.eduNo Name frf@xocolatl.comNo Name gclarkii@netport.neosoft.comNo Name gordon@sheaky.lonestar.orgNo Name graaf@iae.nlNo Name greg@greg.rim.or.jpNo Name grossman@cygnus.comNo Name gusw@fub46.zedat.fu-berlin.deNo Name hfir@math.rochester.eduNo Name hnokubi@yyy.or.jpNo Name iaint@css.tuu.utas.edu.auNo Name invis@visi.comNo Name ishisone@sra.co.jpNo Name iverson@lionheart.comNo Name jpt@magic.netNo Name junker@jazz.snu.ac.krNo Name k-sugyou@ccs.mt.nec.co.jpNo Name kenji@reseau.toyonaka.osaka.jpNo Name kfurge@worldnet.att.netNo Name lh@aus.orgNo Name lhecking@nmrc.ucc.ieNo Name mrgreen@mame.mu.oz.auNo Name nakagawa@jp.FreeBSD.orgNo Name ohki@gssm.otsuka.tsukuba.ac.jpNo Name owaki@st.rim.or.jpNo Name pechter@shell.monmouth.comNo Name pete@pelican.pelican.comNo Name pritc003@maroon.tc.umn.eduNo Name risner@stdio.comNo Name roman@rpd.univ.kiev.uaNo Name root@ns2.redline.ruNo Name root@uglabgw.ug.cs.sunysb.eduNo Name stephen.ma@jtec.com.auNo Name sumii@is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jpNo Name takas-su@is.aist-nara.ac.jpNo Name tamone@eig.unige.chNo Name tjevans@raleigh.ibm.comNo Name tony-o@iij.ad.jp amurai@spec.co.jpNo Name torii@tcd.hitachi.co.jpNo Name uenami@imasy.or.jpNo Name uhlar@netlab.skNo Name vode@hut.fiNo Name wlloyd@mpd.caNo Name wlr@furball.wellsfargo.comNo Name wmbfmk@urc.tue.nlNo Name yamagata@nwgpc.kek.jpNo Name ziggy@ryan.orgNo Name ZW6T-KND@j.asahi-net.or.jpNobuhiro Yasutomi nobu@psrc.isac.co.jpNobuyuki Koganemaru
kogane@koganemaru.co.jpNOKUBI Hirotaka h-nokubi@yyy.or.jpNorio Suzuki nosuzuki@e-mail.ne.jpNoritaka Ishizumi graphite@jp.FreeBSD.orgNoriyuki Soda soda@sra.co.jpOh Junseon hollywar@mail.holywar.netOlaf Wagner wagner@luthien.in-berlin.deOleg Semyonov os@altavista.netOleg Sharoiko os@rsu.ruOleg V. Volkov rover@lglobus.ruOliver Breuninger ob@seicom.NETOliver Friedrichs oliver@secnet.comOliver Fromme
oliver.fromme@heim3.tu-clausthal.deOliver Laumann
net@informatik.uni-bremen.deOliver Oberdorf oly@world.std.comOlof Johansson offe@ludd.luth.seOsokin Sergey aka oZZ ozz@FreeBSD.org.ruPace Willisson pace@blitz.comPaco Rosich rosich@modico.eleinf.uv.esPalle Girgensohn girgen@partitur.seParag Patel parag@cgt.comPascal Pederiva pascal@zuo.dec.comPasvorn Boonmark boonmark@juniper.netPatrick Hausen unknownPatrick Seal patseal@hyperhost.netPaul Antonov apg@demos.suPaul F. Werkowski unknownPaul Fox pgf@foxharp.boston.ma.usPaul Koch koch@thehub.com.auPaul Kranenburg pk@NetBSD.orgPaul M. Lambert plambert@plambert.netPaul Mackerras paulus@cs.anu.edu.auPaul Popelka paulp@uts.amdahl.comPaul S. LaFollette, Jr. unknownPaul Sandys myj@nyct.netPaul T. Root proot@horton.iaces.comPaul Vixie paul@vix.comPaulo Menezes paulo@isr.uc.ptPaulo Menezes pm@dee.uc.ptPedro A M Vazquez vazquez@IQM.Unicamp.BRPedro Giffuni giffunip@asme.orgPete Bentley pete@demon.netPeter Childs pjchilds@imforei.apana.org.auPeter Cornelius pc@inr.fzk.dePeter Haight peterh@prognet.comPeter Jeremy perer.jeremy@alcatel.com.auPeter M. Chen pmchen@eecs.umich.eduPeter Much peter@citylink.dinoex.sub.orgPeter Olsson unknownPeter Philipp pjp@bsd-daemon.netPeter Stubbs PETERS@staidan.qld.edu.auPhil Maker pjm@cs.ntu.edu.auPhil Sutherland
philsuth@mycroft.dialix.oz.auPhil Taylor phil@zipmail.co.ukPhilip Musumeci philip@rmit.edu.au
+ Philippe Lefebvre nemesis@balistik.net
Pierre Y. Dampure pierre.dampure@k2c.co.ukPius Fischer pius@ienet.comPomegranate daver@flag.blackened.netPowerdog Industries
kevin.ruddy@powerdog.comPriit Järv priit@cc.ttu.eeR Joseph Wright rjoseph@mammalia.orgR. Kym HorsellRajesh Vaidheeswarran rv@fore.comRalf Friedl friedl@informatik.uni-kl.deRandal S. Masutani randal@comtest.comRandall Hopper rhh@ct.picker.comRandall W. Dean rwd@osf.orgRandy Bush rbush@bainbridge.verio.netReinier Bezuidenhout
rbezuide@mikom.csir.co.zaRemy Card Remy.Card@masi.ibp.frRicardas Cepas rch@richard.eu.orgRiccardo Veraldi veraldi@cs.unibo.itRich Wood rich@FreeBSD.org.ukRichard Henderson richard@atheist.tamu.eduRichard Hwang rhwang@bigpanda.comRichard Kiss richard@homemail.comRichard J Kuhns rjk@watson.grauel.comRichard M. Neswold
rneswold@drmemory.fnal.govRichard Seaman, Jr. dick@tar.comRichard Stallman rms@gnu.ai.mit.eduRichard Straka straka@user1.inficad.comRichard Tobin richard@cogsci.ed.ac.ukRichard Wackerbarth rkw@Dataplex.NETRichard Winkel rich@math.missouri.eduRichard Wiwatowski rjwiwat@adelaide.on.netRick Macklem rick@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.caRick Macklin unknownRob Austein sra@epilogue.comRob Mallory rmallory@qualcomm.comRob Snow rsnow@txdirect.netRobert Crowe bob@speakez.comRobert D. Thrush rd@phoenix.aii.comRobert Eckardt
roberte@MEP.Ruhr-Uni-Bochum.deRobert Sanders rsanders@mindspring.comRobert Sexton robert@kudra.comRobert Shady rls@id.netRobert Swindells swindellsr@genrad.co.ukRobert Withrow witr@rwwa.comRobert Yoder unknownRobin Carey
robin@mailgate.dtc.rankxerox.co.ukRoger Hardiman roger@cs.strath.ac.ukRoland Jesse jesse@cs.uni-magdeburg.deRoman Shterenzon roman@xpert.comRon Bickers rbickers@intercenter.netRon Lenk rlenk@widget.xmission.comRonald Kuehn kuehn@rz.tu-clausthal.deRudolf Cejka cejkar@dcse.fee.vutbr.czRuslan Belkin rus@home2.UA.netRuslan Shevchenko rssh@cam.grad.kiev.uaRussell L. Carter rcarter@pinyon.orgRussell Vincent rv@groa.uct.ac.zaRyan Younce ryany@pobox.comSakai Hiroaki sakai@miya.ee.kagu.sut.ac.jpSakari Jalovaara sja@tekla.fiSam Hartman hartmans@mit.eduSamuel Lam skl@ScalableNetwork.comSamuel Tardieu sam@inf.enst.frSamuele Zannoli zannoli@cs.unibo.itSander Janssen janssen@rendo.dekooi.nlSander Vesik sander@haldjas.folklore.eeSandro Sigala ssigala@globalnet.itSANETO Takanori sanewo@strg.sony.co.jpSASAKI Shunsuke ele@pop17.odn.ne.jpSascha Blank blank@fox.uni-trier.deSascha Wildner swildner@channelz.GUN.deSatoh Junichi junichi@astec.co.jpSAWADA Mizuki miz@qb3.so-net.ne.jpScot Elliott scot@poptart.orgScot W. Hetzel hetzels@westbend.netScott A. Kenney saken@rmta.ml.orgScott A. Moberly smoberly@xavier.dyndns.orgScott Blachowicz
scott.blachowicz@seaslug.orgScott Burris scott@pita.cns.ucla.eduScott Hazen Mueller scott@zorch.sf-bay.orgScott Michel scottm@cs.ucla.eduScott Mitchel scott@uk.FreeBSD.orgScott Reynolds scott@clmqt.marquette.mi.usSebastian Strollo seb@erix.ericsson.seSerge A. Babkin babkin@hq.icb.chel.suSerge V. Vakulenko vak@zebub.msk.suSergei Chechetkin
csl@whale.sunbay.crimea.uaSergei S. Laskavy laskavy@pc759.cs.msu.suSergey Gershtein sg@mplik.ruSergey Kosyakov ks@itp.ac.ruSergey Potapov sp@alkor.ruSergey Shkonda serg@bcs.zp.uaSergey V.Dorokhov svd@kbtelecom.nalnet.ruSergio Lenzi lenzi@bsi.com.brShaun Courtney shaun@emma.eng.uct.ac.zaShawn M. Carey smcarey@mailbox.syr.eduShigio Yamaguchi shigio@tamacom.comShinya Esu esu@yk.rim.or.jpShuichi Tanaka stanaka@bb.mbn.or.jpSimon simon@masi.ibp.frSimon Burge simonb@telstra.com.auSimon J Gerraty sjg@melb.bull.oz.auSimon Marlow simonm@dcs.gla.ac.ukSimon Shapiro shimon@simon-shapiro.orgSin'ichiro MIYATANI siu@phaseone.co.jpSlaven Rezic eserte@cs.tu-berlin.deSoochon Radee slr@mitre.orgSoren Dayton csdayton@midway.uchicago.eduSoren Dossing sauber@netcom.comSoren S. Jorvang soren@dt.dkStefan Bethke stb@hanse.deStefan Eggers seggers@semyam.dinoco.deStefan Moeding s.moeding@ndh.netStefan Petri unknownStefan `Sec` Zehl sec@42.orgSteinar Haug sthaug@nethelp.noStephane E. Potvin sepotvin@videotron.caStephane Legrand stephane@lituus.frStephen Clawson
sclawson@marker.cs.utah.eduStephen F. Combs combssf@salem.ge.comStephen Farrell stephen@farrell.orgStephen Hocking sysseh@devetir.qld.gov.auStephen J. Roznowski sjr@home.netStephen McKay syssgm@devetir.qld.gov.auStephen Melvin melvin@zytek.comSteve Bauer sbauer@rock.sdsmt.eduSteve Coltrin spcoltri@unm.eduSteve Deering unknownSteve Gerakines steve2@genesis.tiac.netSteve Gericke steveg@comtrol.comSteve Piette steve@simon.chi.il.USSteve Schwarz schwarz@alpharel.comSteven G. Kargl
kargl@troutmask.apl.washington.eduSteven H. Samorodin samorodi@NUXI.comSteven McCanne mccanne@cs.berkeley.eduSteven Plite splite@purdue.eduSteven Wallace unknownStijn Hoop stijn@win.tue.nlStuart Henderson
stuart@internationalschool.co.ukSue Blake sue@welearn.com.auSugimoto Sadahiro ixtl@komaba.utmc.or.jpSUGIMURA Takashi sugimura@jp.FreeBSD.orgSugiura Shiro ssugiura@duo.co.jpSujal Patel smpatel@wam.umd.eduSune Stjerneby stjerneby@usa.netSURANYI Peter
suranyip@jks.is.tsukuba.ac.jpSuzuki Yoshiaki
zensyo@ann.tama.kawasaki.jpTadashi Kumano kumano@strl.nhk.or.jpTaguchi Takeshi taguchi@tohoku.iij.ad.jpTakahiro Yugawa yugawa@orleans.rim.or.jpTakanori Watanabe
takawata@shidahara1.planet.sci.kobe-u.ac.jpTakashi Mega mega@minz.orgTakashi Uozu j1594016@ed.kagu.sut.ac.jpTakayuki Ariga a00821@cc.hc.keio.ac.jpTakeru NAIKI naiki@bfd.es.hokudai.ac.jpTakeshi Amaike amaike@iri.co.jpTakeshi MUTOH mutoh@info.nara-k.ac.jpTakeshi Ohashi
ohashi@mickey.ai.kyutech.ac.jpTakeshi WATANABE
watanabe@crayon.earth.s.kobe-u.ac.jpTakuya SHIOZAKI
tshiozak@makino.ise.chuo-u.ac.jpTatoku Ogaito tacha@tera.fukui-med.ac.jpTed Buswell tbuswell@mediaone.netTed Faber faber@isi.eduTed Lemon mellon@isc.orgTerry Lambert terry@lambert.orgTerry Lee terry@uivlsi.csl.uiuc.eduTetsuya Furukawa tetsuya@secom-sis.co.jpTheo de Raadt deraadt@OpenBSD.orgThomas thomas@mathematik.uni-Bremen.deThomas D. Dean tomdean@ix.netcom.comThomas David Rivers rivers@dignus.comThomas G. McWilliams tgm@netcom.comThomas Graichen
graichen@omega.physik.fu-berlin.deThomas König
Thomas.Koenig@ciw.uni-karlsruhe.deThomas Ptacek unknownThomas Quinot thomas@cuivre.fr.eu.orgThomas A. Stephens tas@stephens.orgThomas Stromberg tstrombe@rtci.comThomas Valentino Crimi
tcrimi+@andrew.cmu.eduThomas Wintergerst thomas@lemur.nord.deÞórður Ívarsson
totii@est.isTimothy Jensen toast@blackened.comTim Kientzle kientzle@netcom.comTim Singletary
tsingle@sunland.gsfc.nasa.govTim Wilkinson tim@sarc.city.ac.ukTimo J. Rinne tri@iki.fiTodd Miller millert@openbsd.orgTom root@majestix.cmr.noTom tom@sdf.comTom Gray - DCA dcasba@rain.orgTom Jobbins tom@tom.tjTom Pusateri pusateri@juniper.netTom Rush tarush@mindspring.comTom Samplonius tom@misery.sdf.comTomohiko Kurahashi
kura@melchior.q.t.u-tokyo.ac.jpTony Kimball alk@Think.COMTony Li tli@jnx.comTony Lynn wing@cc.nsysu.edu.twTony Maher Tony.Maher@eBioinformatics.comTorbjorn Granlund tege@matematik.su.seToshihiko ARAI toshi@tenchi.ne.jpToshihiko SHIMOKAWA toshi@tea.forus.or.jpToshihiro Kanda candy@kgc.co.jpToshiomi Moriki
Toshiomi.Moriki@ma1.seikyou.ne.jpTrefor S. trefor@flevel.co.ukTrevor Blackwell tlb@viaweb.comTrevor Johnson trevor@jpj.netUdo Schweigert ust@cert.siemens.deUgo Paternostro paterno@dsi.unifi.itUlf Kieber kieber@sax.deUlli Linzen ulli@perceval.camelot.deURATA Shuichiro s-urata@nmit.tmg.nec.co.jpUstimenko Semen semen@iclub.nsu.ruUwe Arndt arndt@mailhost.uni-koblenz.deVadim Chekan vadim@gc.lviv.uaVadim Kolontsov vadim@tversu.ac.ruVadim Mikhailov mvp@braz.ruValentin Nechayev netch@lucky.netVan Jacobson van@ee.lbl.govVasily V. Grechishnikov
bazilio@ns1.ied-vorstu.ac.ruVasim Valejev vasim@uddias.diaspro.comVernon J. Schryver vjs@mica.denver.sgi.comVic Abell abe@cc.purdue.eduVille Eerola ve@sci.fiVince Valenti vince@blue-box.netVincent Poy vince@venus.gaianet.netVincenzo Capuano
VCAPUANO@vmprofs.esoc.esa.deVirgil Champlin champlin@pa.dec.comVladimir A. Jakovenko
vovik@ntu-kpi.kiev.uaVladimir Kushnir kushn@mail.kar.netVsevolod Lobko seva@alex-ua.comW. Gerald Hicks wghicks@bellsouth.netW. Richard Stevens rstevens@noao.eduWalt Howard howard@ee.utah.eduWalt M. Shandruk walt@erudition.netWarren Toomey wkt@csadfa.cs.adfa.oz.auWayne Scott wscott@ichips.intel.comWerner Griessl
werner@btp1da.phy.uni-bayreuth.deWes Santee wsantee@wsantee.oz.netWietse Venema wietse@wzv.win.tue.nlWiljo Heinen wiljo@freeside.ki.open.deWillem Jan Withagen wjw@surf.IAE.nlWilliam Jolitz withheldWilliam Liao william@tale.netWojtek Pilorz
wpilorz@celebris.bdk.lublin.plWolfgang Helbig helbig@ba-stuttgart.deWolfgang Solfrank ws@tools.deWolfgang Stanglmeier wolf@FreeBSD.orgWu Ching-hong woju@FreeBSD.ee.Ntu.edu.TWYarema yds@ingress.comYaroslav Terletsky ts@polynet.lviv.uaYasuhiro Fukama yasuf@big.or.jpYasuhito FUTATSUKI futatuki@fureai.or.jpYen-Ming Lee leeym@bsd.ce.ntu.edu.twYen-Shuo Su yssu@CCCA.NCTU.edu.twYin-Jieh Chen yinjieh@Crazyman.Dorm13.NCTU.edu.twYing-Chieh Liao ijliao@csie.NCTU.edu.twYixin Jin yjin@rain.cs.ucla.eduYoichi Asai yatt@msc.biglobe.ne.jpYoshiaki Uchikawa yoshiaki@kt.rim.or.jpYoshihiko OHTA yohta@bres.tsukuba.ac.jpYoshihisa NAKAGAWA
y-nakaga@ccs.mt.nec.co.jpYoshikazu Goto gotoh@ae.anritsu.co.jpYoshimasa Ohnishi
ohnishi@isc.kyutech.ac.jpYoshishige Arai ryo2@on.rim.or.jpYuichi MATSUTAKA matutaka@osa.att.ne.jpYujiro MIYATA
miyata@bioele.nuee.nagoya-u.ac.jpYu-Shun Wang yushunwa@isi.eduYusuke Nawano azuki@azkey.orgYuu Yashiki s974123@cc.matsuyama-u.ac.jpYuuichi Narahara aconitum@po.teleway.ne.jpYuval Yarom yval@cs.huji.ac.ilYves Fonk yves@cpcoup5.tn.tudelft.nlYves Fonk yves@dutncp8.tn.tudelft.nlZach Heilig zach@gaffaneys.comZach Zurflu zach@pabst.bendnet.comZahemszhky Gabor zgabor@code.huZhong Ming-Xun zmx@mail.CDPA.nsysu.edu.tw386BSD Patch Kit Patch Contributors(in alphabetical order by first name):Adam Glass glass@postgres.berkeley.eduAdrian Hall adrian@ibmpcug.co.ukAndrey A. Chernov ache@astral.msk.suAndrew Herbert andrew@werple.apana.org.auAndrew Moore alm@netcom.comAndy Valencia ajv@csd.mot.comjtk@netcom.comArne Henrik Juul arnej@Lise.Unit.NOBakul Shah bvs@bitblocks.comBarry Lustig barry@ictv.comBob Wilcox bob@obiwan.uucpBranko LankesterBrett Lymn blymn@mulga.awadi.com.AUCharles Hannum mycroft@ai.mit.eduChris G. Demetriou
cgd@postgres.berkeley.eduChris Torek torek@ee.lbl.govChristoph Robitschko
chmr@edvz.tu-graz.ac.atDaniel Poirot poirot@aio.jsc.nasa.govDave Burgess burgess@hrd769.brooks.af.milDave Rivers rivers@ponds.uucpDavid Dawes dawes@physics.su.OZ.AUDavid Greenman dg@Root.COMEric J. Haug ejh@slustl.slu.eduFelix Gaehtgens
felix@escape.vsse.in-berlin.deFrank Maclachlan fpm@crash.cts.comGary A. Browning gab10@griffcd.amdahl.comGary Howland gary@hotlava.comGeoff Rehmet csgr@alpha.ru.ac.zaGoran Hammarback goran@astro.uu.seGuido van Rooij guido@gvr.orgGuy Harris guy@auspex.comHavard Eidnes
Havard.Eidnes@runit.sintef.noHerb Peyerl hpeyerl@novatel.cuc.ab.caHolger Veit Holger.Veit@gmd.deIshii Masahiro, R. Kym HorsellJ.T. Conklin jtc@cygnus.comJagane D Sundar jagane@netcom.comJames Clark jjc@jclark.comJames Jegers jimj@miller.cs.uwm.eduJames W. DolterJames da Silva jds@cs.umd.edu et alJay Fenlason hack@datacube.comJim Wilson wilson@moria.cygnus.comJörg Lohse
lohse@tech7.informatik.uni-hamburg.deJörg Wunsch
joerg_wunsch@uriah.heep.sax.deJohn DysonJohn Woods jfw@eddie.mit.eduJordan K. Hubbard jkh@whisker.hubbard.ieJulian Elischer julian@dialix.oz.auJulian Stacey jhs@FreeBSD.orgKarl Dietz Karl.Dietz@triplan.comKarl Lehenbauer karl@NeoSoft.comkarl@one.neosoft.comKeith Bostic bostic@toe.CS.Berkeley.EDUKen HughesKent Talarico kent@shipwreck.tsoft.netKevin Lahey kml%rokkaku.UUCP@mathcs.emory.edukml@mosquito.cis.ufl.eduMarc Frajola marc@dev.comMark Tinguely tinguely@plains.nodak.edutinguely@hookie.cs.ndsu.NoDak.eduMartin Renters martin@tdc.on.caMichael Clay mclay@weareb.orgMichael Galassi nerd@percival.rain.comMike Durkin mdurkin@tsoft.sf-bay.orgNaoki Hamada nao@tom-yam.or.jpNate Williams nate@bsd.coe.montana.eduNick Handel nhandel@NeoSoft.comnick@madhouse.neosoft.comPace Willisson pace@blitz.comPaul Kranenburg pk@cs.few.eur.nlPaul Mackerras paulus@cs.anu.edu.auPaul Popelka paulp@uts.amdahl.comPeter da Silva peter@NeoSoft.comPeter van Heusden pvh@egenetics.comPhil Sutherland
philsuth@mycroft.dialix.oz.auPoul-Henning Kampphk@FreeBSD.orgRalf Friedl friedl@informatik.uni-kl.deRick Macklem root@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.caRobert D. Thrush rd@phoenix.aii.comRod Taylor rod@idiotswitch.orgRodney W. Grimes rgrimes@cdrom.comSascha Wildner swildner@channelz.GUN.deScott Burris scott@pita.cns.ucla.eduScott Reynolds scott@clmqt.marquette.mi.usSean Eric Fagan sef@kithrup.comSimon J Gerraty sjg@melb.bull.oz.ausjg@zen.void.oz.auStephen McKay syssgm@devetir.qld.gov.auTerry Lambert terry@icarus.weber.eduTerry Lee terry@uivlsi.csl.uiuc.eduTor Egge Tor.Egge@idi.ntnu.noWarren Toomey wkt@csadfa.cs.adfa.oz.auWiljo Heinen wiljo@freeside.ki.open.deWilliam Jolitz withheldWolfgang Solfrank ws@tools.deWolfgang Stanglmeier wolf@dentaro.GUN.deYuuki SAWADA mami@whale.cc.muroran-it.ac.jpYuval Yarom yval@cs.huji.ac.il
diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/contrib/chapter.sgml b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/contrib/chapter.sgml
index f46084ed6a..cfe50153f9 100644
--- a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/contrib/chapter.sgml
+++ b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/contrib/chapter.sgml
@@ -1,6007 +1,6011 @@
Contributing to FreeBSDContributed by &a.jkh;.So you want to contribute something to FreeBSD? That is great! We can
always use the help, and FreeBSD is one of those systems that
relies on the contributions of its user base in order
to survive. Your contributions are not only appreciated, they are vital
to FreeBSD's continued growth!Contrary to what some people might also have you believe, you do not
need to be a hot-shot programmer or a close personal friend of the FreeBSD
core team in order to have your contributions accepted. The FreeBSD
Project's development is done by a large and growing number of
international contributors whose ages and areas of technical expertise
vary greatly, and there is always more work to be done than there are
people available to do it.Since the FreeBSD project is responsible for an entire operating
system environment (and its installation) rather than just a kernel or a
few scattered utilities, our TODO list also spans a
very wide range of tasks, from documentation, beta testing and
presentation to highly specialized types of kernel development. No matter
what your skill level, there is almost certainly something you can do to
help the project!Commercial entities engaged in FreeBSD-related enterprises are also
encouraged to contact us. Need a special extension to make your product
work? You will find us receptive to your requests, given that they are not
too outlandish. Working on a value-added product? Please let us know! We
may be able to work cooperatively on some aspect of it. The free software
world is challenging a lot of existing assumptions about how software is
developed, sold, and maintained throughout its life cycle, and we urge you
to at least give it a second look.What is NeededThe following list of tasks and sub-projects represents something of
an amalgam of the various core team TODO lists and
user requests we have collected over the last couple of months. Where
possible, tasks have been ranked by degree of urgency. If you are
interested in working on one of the tasks you see here, send mail to the
coordinator listed by clicking on their names. If no coordinator has
been appointed, maybe you would like to volunteer?High priority tasksThe following tasks are considered to be urgent, usually because
they represent something that is badly broken or sorely needed:3-stage boot issues. Overall coordination: &a.hackers;Do WinNT compatible drive tagging so that the 3rd stage
can provide an accurate mapping of BIOS geometries for
disks.Filesystem problems. Overall coordination: &a.fs;Clean up and document the nullfs filesystem code.
Coordinator: &a.eivind;Fix the union file system. Coordinator: &a.dg;Implement Int13 vm86 disk driver. Coordinator:
&a.hackers;New bus architecture. Coordinator: &a.newbus;Port existing ISA drivers to new architecture.Move all interrupt-management code to appropriate parts of
the bus drivers.Port PCI subsystem to new architecture. Coordinator:
&a.dfr;Figure out the right way to handle removable devices and
then use that as a substrate on which PC-Card and CardBus
support can be implemented.Resolve the probe/attach priority issue once and for
all.Move any remaining buses over to the new
architecture.Kernel issues. Overall coordination: &a.hackers;Add more pro-active security infrastructure. Overall
coordination: &a.security;Build something like Tripwire(TM) into the kernel, with a
remote and local part. There are a number of cryptographic
issues to getting this right; contact the coordinator for
details. Coordinator: &a.eivind;Make the entire kernel use suser()
instead of comparing to 0. It is presently using about half
of each. Coordinator: &a.eivind;Split securelevels into different parts, to allow an
administrator to throw away those privileges he can throw
away. Setting the overall securelevel needs to have the same
effect as now, obviously. Coordinator: &a.eivind;Make it possible to upload a list of allowed
program to BPF, and then block BPF from accepting other
programs. This would allow BPF to be used e.g. for DHCP,
without allowing an attacker to start snooping the local
network.Update the security checker script. We should at least
grab all the checks from the other BSD derivatives, and add
checks that a system with securelevel increased also have
reasonable flags on the relevant parts. Coordinator:
&a.eivind;Add authorization infrastructure to the kernel, to allow
different authorization policies. Part of this could be done
by modifying suser(). Coordinator:
&a.eivind;Add code to the NFS layer so that you cannot
chdir("..") out of an NFS partition. E.g.,
/usr is a UFS partition with
/usr/src NFS exported. Now it is
possible to use the NFS filehandle for
/usr/src to get access to
/usr.Medium priority tasksThe following tasks need to be done, but not with any particular
urgency:Full KLD based driver support/Configuration Manager.Write a configuration manager (in the 3rd stage boot?)
that probes your hardware in a sane manner, keeps only the
KLDs required for your hardware, etc.PCMCIA/PCCARD. Coordinators: &a.msmith; and &a.imp;Documentation!Reliable operation of the pcic driver (needs
testing).Recognizer and handler for sio.c
(mostly done).Recognizer and handler for ed.c
(mostly done).Recognizer and handler for ep.c
(mostly done).User-mode recognizer and handler (partially done).Advanced Power Management. Coordinators: &a.msmith; and
&a.phk;APM sub-driver (mostly done).IDE/ATA disk sub-driver (partially done).syscons/pcvt sub-driver.Integration with the PCMCIA/PCCARD drivers
(suspend/resume).Low priority tasksThe following tasks are purely cosmetic or represent such an
investment of work that it is not likely that anyone will get them
done anytime soon:The first N items are from Terry Lambert
terry@lambert.orgNetWare Server (protected mode ODI driver) loader and
sub-services to allow the use of ODI card drivers supplied with
network cards. The same thing for NDIS drivers and NetWare SCSI
drivers.An "upgrade system" option that works on Linux boxes instead
of just previous rev FreeBSD boxes.Symmetric Multiprocessing with kernel preemption (requires
kernel preemption).A concerted effort at support for portable computers. This is
somewhat handled by changing PCMCIA bridging rules and power
management event handling. But there are things like detecting
internal v.s.. external display and picking a different screen
resolution based on that fact, not spinning down the disk if the
machine is in dock, and allowing dock-based cards to disappear
without affecting the machines ability to boot (same issue for
PCMCIA).Smaller tasksMost of the tasks listed in the previous sections require either a
considerable investment of time or an in-depth knowledge of the
FreeBSD kernel (or both). However, there are also many useful tasks
which are suitable for "weekend hackers", or people without
programming skills.If you run FreeBSD-current and have a good Internet
connection, there is a machine current.FreeBSD.org which builds a full
release once a day — every now and again, try and install
the latest release from it and report any failures in the
process.Read the freebsd-bugs mailing list. There might be a
problem you can comment constructively on or with patches you
can test. Or you could even try to fix one of the problems
yourself.Read through the FAQ and Handbook periodically. If anything
is badly explained, out of date or even just completely wrong, let
us know. Even better, send us a fix (SGML is not difficult to
learn, but there is no objection to ASCII submissions).Help translate FreeBSD documentation into your native language
(if not already available) — just send an email to &a.doc;
asking if anyone is working on it. Note that you are not
committing yourself to translating every single FreeBSD document
by doing this — in fact, the documentation most in need of
translation is the installation instructions.Read the freebsd-questions mailing list and &ng.misc
occasionally (or even regularly). It can be very satisfying to
share your expertise and help people solve their problems;
sometimes you may even learn something new yourself! These forums
can also be a source of ideas for things to work on.If you know of any bug fixes which have been successfully
applied to -current but have not been merged into -stable after a
decent interval (normally a couple of weeks), send the committer a
polite reminder.Move contributed software to src/contrib
in the source tree.Make sure code in src/contrib is up to
date.Look for year 2000 bugs (and fix any you find!)Build the source tree (or just part of it) with extra warnings
enabled and clean up the warnings.Fix warnings for ports which do deprecated things like using
gets() or including malloc.h.If you have contributed any ports, send your patches back to
the original author (this will make your life easier when they
bring out the next version)Suggest further tasks for this list!Work through the PR databaseThe FreeBSD PR
list shows all the current active problem reports and
requests for enhancement that have been submitted by FreeBSD users.
Look through the open PRs, and see if anything there takes your
interest. Some of these might be very simple tasks, that just need an
extra pair of eyes to look over them and confirm that the fix in the
PR is a good one. Others might be much more complex.Start with the PRs that have not been assigned to anyone else, but
if one them is assigned to someone else, but it looks like something
you can handle, e-mail the person it is assigned to and ask if you can
work on it—they might already have a patch ready to be tested,
or further ideas that you can discuss with them.How to ContributeContributions to the system generally fall into one or more of the
following 6 categories:Bug reports and general commentaryAn idea or suggestion of general technical
interest should be mailed to the &a.hackers;. Likewise, people with
an interest in such things (and a tolerance for a
high volume of mail!) may subscribe to the
hackers mailing list by sending mail to &a.majordomo;. See mailing lists for more information
about this and other mailing lists.If you find a bug or are submitting a specific change, please
report it using the &man.send-pr.1; program or its WEB-based
equivalent. Try to fill-in each field of the bug report.
Unless they exceed 65KB, include any patches directly in the report.
When including patches, do not use cut-and-paste
because cut-and-paste turns tabs into spaces and makes them unusable.
Consider compressing patches and using &man.uuencode.1; if they exceed
20KB. Upload very large submissions to ftp.FreeBSD.org:/pub/FreeBSD/incoming/.After filing a report, you should receive confirmation along with
a tracking number. Keep this tracking number so that you can update
us with details about the problem by sending mail to
bug-followup@FreeBSD.org. Use the number as the
message subject, e.g. "Re: kern/3377". Additional
information for any bug report should be submitted this way.If you do not receive confirmation in a timely fashion (3 days to
a week, depending on your email connection) or are, for some reason,
unable to use the &man.send-pr.1; command, then you may ask
someone to file it for you by sending mail to the &a.bugs;.Changes to the documentationChanges to the documentation are overseen by the &a.doc;. Send
submissions and changes (even small ones are welcome!) using
send-pr as described in Bug Reports and General
Commentary.Changes to existing source codeAn addition or change to the existing source code is a somewhat
trickier affair and depends a lot on how far out of date you are with
the current state of the core FreeBSD development. There is a special
on-going release of FreeBSD known as FreeBSD-current
which is made available in a variety of ways for the convenience of
developers working actively on the system. See Staying current with FreeBSD for more
information about getting and using FreeBSD-current.Working from older sources unfortunately means that your changes
may sometimes be too obsolete or too divergent for easy re-integration
into FreeBSD. Chances of this can be minimized somewhat by
subscribing to the &a.announce; and the &a.current; lists, where
discussions on the current state of the system take place.Assuming that you can manage to secure fairly up-to-date sources
to base your changes on, the next step is to produce a set of diffs to
send to the FreeBSD maintainers. This is done with the &man.diff.1;
command, with the context diff form
being preferred. For example:&prompt.user; diff -c oldfile newfile
&prompt.user; diff -c -r olddir newdir
would generate such a set of context diffs for the given source file
or directory hierarchy. See the man page for &man.diff.1; for more
details.Once you have a set of diffs (which you may test with the
&man.patch.1; command), you should submit them for inclusion with
FreeBSD. Use the &man.send-pr.1; program as described in Bug Reports and General Commentary.
Do not just send the diffs to the &a.hackers; or
they will get lost! We greatly appreciate your submission (this is a
volunteer project!); because we are busy, we may not be able to
address it immediately, but it will remain in the pr database until we
do.If you feel it appropriate (e.g. you have added, deleted, or
renamed files), bundle your changes into a tar file
and run the &man.uuencode.1; program on it. Shar archives are also
welcome.If your change is of a potentially sensitive nature, e.g. you are
unsure of copyright issues governing its further distribution or you
are simply not ready to release it without a tighter review first,
then you should send it to &a.core; directly rather than submitting it
with &man.send-pr.1;. The core mailing list reaches a much smaller
group of people who do much of the day-to-day work on FreeBSD. Note
that this group is also very busy and so you
should only send mail to them where it is truly necessary.Please refer to man 9 intro and man 9
style for some information on coding style. We would
appreciate it if you were at least aware of this information before
submitting code.New code or major value-added packagesIn the rare case of a significant contribution of a large body
work, or the addition of an important new feature to FreeBSD, it
becomes almost always necessary to either send changes as uuencoded
tar files or upload them to our ftp site ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/incoming/.When working with large amounts of code, the touchy subject of
copyrights also invariably comes up. Acceptable copyrights for code
included in FreeBSD are:The BSD copyright. This copyright is most preferred due to
its no strings attached nature and general
attractiveness to commercial enterprises. Far from discouraging
such commercial use, the FreeBSD Project actively encourages such
participation by commercial interests who might eventually be
inclined to invest something of their own into FreeBSD.The GNU Public License, or GPL. This license is
not quite as popular with us due to the amount of extra effort
demanded of anyone using the code for commercial purposes, but
given the sheer quantity of GPL'd code we currently require
(compiler, assembler, text formatter, etc) it would be silly to
refuse additional contributions under this license. Code under
the GPL also goes into a different part of the tree, that being
/sys/gnu or
/usr/src/gnu, and is therefore easily
identifiable to anyone for whom the GPL presents a problem.Contributions coming under any other type of copyright must be
carefully reviewed before their inclusion into FreeBSD will be
considered. Contributions for which particularly restrictive
commercial copyrights apply are generally rejected, though the authors
are always encouraged to make such changes available through their own
channels.To place a BSD-style copyright on your work, include
the following text at the very beginning of every source code file you
wish to protect, replacing the text between the %%
with the appropriate information.
Copyright (c) %%proper_years_here%%
%%your_name_here%%, %%your_state%% %%your_zip%%.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer as
the first lines of this file unmodified.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
$Id$For your convenience, a copy of this text can be found in
/usr/share/examples/etc/bsd-style-copyright.Money, Hardware or Internet accessWe are always very happy to accept donations to further the cause
of the FreeBSD Project and, in a volunteer effort like ours, a little
can go a long way! Donations of hardware are also very important to
expanding our list of supported peripherals since we generally lack
the funds to buy such items ourselves.Donating fundsWhile the FreeBSD Project is not a 501(c)(3) (charitable)
corporation and hence cannot offer special tax incentives for any
donations made, any such donations will be gratefully accepted on
behalf of the project by FreeBSD, Inc.FreeBSD, Inc. was founded in early 1995 by &a.jkh; and &a.dg;
with the goal of furthering the aims of the FreeBSD Project and
giving it a minimal corporate presence. Any and all funds donated
(as well as any profits that may eventually be realized by FreeBSD,
Inc.) will be used exclusively to further the project's
goals.Please make any checks payable to FreeBSD, Inc., sent in care of
the following address:FreeBSD, Inc.c/o Jordan Hubbard4041 Pike Lane, Suite FConcordCA, 94520(currently using the Walnut Creek CDROM address until a PO box
can be opened)Wire transfers may also be sent directly to:Bank Of AmericaConcord Main OfficeP.O. Box 37176San FranciscoCA, 94137-5176Routing #: 121-000-358Account #: 01411-07441 (FreeBSD, Inc.)Any correspondence related to donations should be sent to &a.jkh,
either via email or to the FreeBSD, Inc. postal address given above.
If you do not wish to be listed in our donors section, please specify this when
making your donation. Thanks!Donating hardwareDonations of hardware in any of the 3 following categories are
also gladly accepted by the FreeBSD Project:General purpose hardware such as disk drives, memory or
complete systems should be sent to the FreeBSD, Inc. address
listed in the donating funds
section.Hardware for which ongoing compliance testing is desired.
We are currently trying to put together a testing lab of all
components that FreeBSD supports so that proper regression
testing can be done with each new release. We are still lacking
many important pieces (network cards, motherboards, etc) and if
you would like to make such a donation, please contact &a.dg;
for information on which items are still required.Hardware currently unsupported by FreeBSD for which you
would like to see such support added. Please contact the
&a.core; before sending such items as we will need to find a
developer willing to take on the task before we can accept
delivery of new hardware.Donating Internet accessWe can always use new mirror sites for FTP, WWW or
cvsup. If you would like to be such a mirror,
please contact the FreeBSD project administrators
hubs@FreeBSD.org for more information.Donors GalleryThe FreeBSD Project is indebted to the following donors and would
like to publicly thank them here!Contributors to the central server
project:The following individuals and businesses made it possible for
the FreeBSD Project to build a new central server machine to
eventually replace freefall.FreeBSD.org
by donating the following items:&a.mbarkah and his employer,
Hemisphere Online, donated a Pentium Pro
(P6) 200Mhz CPUASA
Computers donated a Tyan 1662
motherboard.Joe McGuckin joe@via.net of ViaNet Communications donated
a Kingston ethernet controller.Jack O'Neill jack@diamond.xtalwind.net
donated an NCR 53C875 SCSI controller
card.Ulf Zimmermann ulf@Alameda.net of Alameda Networks donated
128MB of memory, a 4 Gb disk
drive and the case.Direct funding:The following individuals and businesses have generously
contributed direct funding to the project:Annelise Anderson
ArtsEpilogue Technology
Corporation&a.sefGlobal Technology
Associates, IncDon Scott WildeGianmarco Giovannelli
gmarco@masternet.itJosef C. Grosch joeg@truenorth.orgRobert T. Morris&a.chuckrKenneth P. Stox ken@stox.sa.enteract.com of
Imaginary Landscape,
LLC.Dmitry S. Kohmanyuk dk@dog.farm.orgLaser5 of Japan
(a portion of the profits from sales of their various FreeBSD
CDROMs).Fuki Shuppan
Publishing Co. donated a portion of their profits from
Hajimete no FreeBSD (FreeBSD, Getting
started) to the FreeBSD and XFree86 projects.ASCII Corp.
donated a portion of their profits from several FreeBSD-related
books to the FreeBSD project.Yokogawa Electric
Corp has generously donated significant funding to the
FreeBSD project.BuffNETPacific
SolutionsSiemens AG
via Andre
AlbsmeierChris SilvaHardware contributors:The following individuals and businesses have generously
contributed hardware for testing and device driver
development/support:Walnut Creek CDROM for providing the Pentium P5-90 and
486/DX2-66 EISA/VL systems that are being used for our
development work, to say nothing of the network access and other
donations of hardware resources.TRW Financial Systems, Inc. provided 130 PCs, three 68 GB
fileservers, twelve Ethernets, two routers and an ATM switch for
debugging the diskless code.Dermot McDonnell donated the Toshiba XM3401B CDROM drive
currently used in freefall.&a.chuck; contributed his floppy tape streamer for
experimental work.Larry Altneu larry@ALR.COM, and &a.wilko;,
provided Wangtek and Archive QIC-02 tape drives in order to
improve the wt driver.Ernst Winter ewinter@lobo.muc.de contributed
a 2.88 MB floppy drive to the project. This will hopefully
increase the pressure for rewriting the floppy disk driver.
Technologies sent one each of their DC-390, DC-390U
and DC-390F FAST and ULTRA SCSI host adapter cards for
regression testing of the NCR and AMD drivers with their cards.
They are also to be applauded for making driver sources for free
operating systems available from their FTP server ftp://ftp.tekram.com/scsi/FreeBSD/.Larry M. Augustin contributed not only a
Symbios Sym8751S SCSI card, but also a set of data books,
including one about the forthcoming Sym53c895 chip with Ultra-2
and LVD support, and the latest programming manual with
information on how to safely use the advanced features of the
latest Symbios SCSI chips. Thanks a lot!Christoph Kukulies kuku@FreeBSD.org donated
an FX120 12 speed Mitsumi CDROM drive for IDE CDROM driver
development.Special contributors:Walnut Creek CDROM
has donated almost more than we can say (see the history document for more details).
In particular, we would like to thank them for the original
hardware used for freefall.FreeBSD.org, our primary
development machine, and for thud.FreeBSD.org, a testing and build
box. We are also indebted to them for funding various
contributors over the years and providing us with unrestricted
use of their T1 connection to the Internet.The interface
business GmbH, Dresden has been patiently supporting
&a.joerg; who has often preferred FreeBSD work over paid work, and
used to fall back to their (quite expensive) EUnet Internet
connection whenever his private connection became too slow or
flaky to work with it...Berkeley Software Design,
Inc. has contributed their DOS emulator code to the
remaining BSD world, which is used in the
doscmd command.Core Team AlumniThe following people were members of the FreeBSD core team during
the periods indicated. We thank them for their past efforts in the
service of the FreeBSD project.In rough chronological order:&a.jdp (1997 - 2000)&a.guido (1995 - 1999)&a.dyson (1993 - 1998)&a.nate (1992 - 1996)&a.rgrimes (1992 - 1995)Andreas Schulz (1992 - 1995)&a.csgr (1993 - 1995)&a.paul (1992 - 1995)&a.smace (1993 - 1994)Andrew Moore (1993 - 1994)Christoph Robitschko (1993 - 1994)J. T. Conklin (1992 - 1993)Derived Software ContributorsThis software was originally derived from William F. Jolitz's 386BSD
release 0.1, though almost none of the original 386BSD specific code
remains. This software has been essentially re-implemented from the
4.4BSD-Lite release provided by the Computer Science Research Group
(CSRG) at the University of California, Berkeley and associated academic
contributors.There are also portions of NetBSD and OpenBSD that have been
integrated into FreeBSD as well, and we would therefore like to thank
all the contributors to NetBSD and OpenBSD for their work.Additional FreeBSD Contributors(in alphabetical order by first name):ABURAYA Ryushirou rewsirow@ff.iij4u.or.jpAMAGAI Yoshiji amagai@nue.orgAaron Bornstein aaronb@j51.comAaron Smith aaron@mutex.orgAchim Patzner ap@noses.comAda T Lim ada@bsd.orgAdam Baran badam@mw.mil.plAdam Glass glass@postgres.berkeley.eduAdam McDougall mcdouga9@egr.msu.eduAdam Strohl troll@digitalspark.netAdoal Xu adoal@iname.comAdrian Chadd adrian@FreeBSD.orgAdrian Colley aecolley@ois.ieAdrian Hall adrian@ibmpcug.co.ukAdrian Mariano adrian@cam.cornell.eduAdrian Steinmann ast@marabu.chAdrian T. Filipi-Martin
atf3r@agate.cs.virginia.eduAjit Thyagarajan unknownAkio Morita
amorita@meadow.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jpAkira SAWADA unknownAkira Watanabe
akira@myaw.ei.meisei-u.ac.jpAkito Fujita fujita@zoo.ncl.omron.co.jpAlain Kalker
A.C.P.M.Kalker@student.utwente.nlAlan Bawden alan@curry.epilogue.comAlec Wolman wolman@cs.washington.eduAled Morris aledm@routers.co.ukAleksandr A Babaylov .@babolo.ruAlex garbanzo@hooked.netAlex D. Chen
dhchen@Canvas.dorm7.nccu.edu.twAlex G. Bulushev bag@demos.suAlex Le Heux alexlh@funk.orgAlex Perel veers@disturbed.netAlex Varju varju@webct.comAlexander B. Povolotsky tarkhil@mgt.msk.ruAlexander Gelfenbain mail@gelf.comAlexander Leidinger
netchild@wurzelausix.CS.Uni-SB.DEAlexandre Snarskii snar@paranoia.ruAlistair G. Crooks agc@uts.amdahl.comAllan Bowhill bowhill@bowhill.vservers.comAllan Saddi asaddi@philosophysw.comAllen Campbell allenc@verinet.comAmakawa Shuhei amakawa@hoh.t.u-tokyo.ac.jpAmancio Hasty hasty@star-gate.comAmir Farah amir@comtrol.comAmy Baron amee@beer.orgAnatoly A. Orehovsky tolik@mpeks.tomsk.suAnatoly Vorobey mellon@pobox.comAnders Nordby anders@fix.noAnders Thulin Anders.X.Thulin@telia.seAndras Olah olah@cs.utwente.nlAndre Albsmeier
Andre.Albsmeier@mchp.siemens.deAndre Oppermann andre@pipeline.chAndreas Haakh ah@alman.robin.deAndreas Kohout shanee@rabbit.augusta.deAndreas Lohr andreas@marvin.RoBIN.deAndreas Schulz unknownAndreas Wetzel mickey@deadline.snafu.deAndreas Wrede andreas@planix.comAndres Vega Garcia unknownAndrew Atrens atreand@statcan.caAndrew Boothman andrew@cream.orgAndrew Gillham gillham@andrews.eduAndrew Gordon andrew.gordon@net-tel.co.ukAndrew Herbert andrew@werple.apana.org.auAndrew J. Korty ajk@purdue.eduAndrew L. Moore alm@mclink.comAndrew L. Neporada andrew@chg.ruAndrew McRae amcrae@cisco.comAndrew Stevenson andrew@ugh.net.auAndrew Timonin tim@pool1.convey.ruAndrew V. Stesin stesin@elvisti.kiev.uaAndrew Webster awebster@dataradio.comAndrey Novikov andrey@novikov.comAndy Farkas andyf@speednet.com.auAndy Valencia ajv@csd.mot.comAndy Whitcroft andy@sarc.city.ac.ukAngelo Turetta ATuretta@stylo.itAnthony C. Chavez magus@xmission.comAnthony Yee-Hang Chan yeehang@netcom.comAnton Berezin tobez@plab.ku.dkAnton N. Bruesov antonz@library.ntu-kpi.kiev.uaAntti Kaipila anttik@iki.fiarci vega@sophia.inria.frAre Bryne are.bryne@communique.noAri Suutari ari@suutari.iki.fiArindum Mukerji rmukerji@execpc.comArjan de Vet devet@IAEhv.nlArne Henrik Juul arnej@Lise.Unit.NOArun Sharma adsharma@sharmas.dhs.orgAtsushi Furuta furuta@sra.co.jpAtsushi Murai amurai@spec.co.jpBakul Shah bvs@bitblocks.comBarry Bierbauch pivrnec@vszbr.czBarry Lustig barry@ictv.comBen Hutchinson benhutch@xfiles.org.ukBen Jackson unknownBen Smithurst ben@scientia.demon.co.ukBen Walter bwalter@itachi.swcp.comBenjamin Lewis bhlewis@gte.netBenno Rice benno@netizen.com.auBerend de Boer berend@pobox.comBernd Rosauer br@schiele-ct.deBill Kish kish@osf.orgBill Trost trost@cloud.rain.comBlaz Zupan blaz@amis.netBob Van Valzah Bob@whitebarn.comBob Wilcox bob@obiwan.uucpBob Willcox bob@luke.pmr.comBoris Staeblow balu@dva.in-berlin.deBoyd Faulkner faulkner@mpd.tandem.comBoyd R. Faulkner faulkner@asgard.bga.comBrad Hendrickse bradh@uunet.co.zaBrad Karp karp@eecs.harvard.eduBradley Dunn bradley@dunn.orgBrandon Fosdick bfoz@glue.umd.eduBrandon Gillespie brandon@roguetrader.com&a.wlloydBrent J. Nordquist bjn@visi.comBrett Lymn blymn@mulga.awadi.com.AUBrett Taylor
brett@peloton.runet.eduBrian Campbell brianc@pobox.comBrian Clapper bmc@willscreek.comBrian Cully shmit@kublai.comBrian Handy
handy@lambic.space.lockheed.comBrian Litzinger brian@MediaCity.comBrian McGovern bmcgover@cisco.comBrian Moore ziff@houdini.eecs.umich.eduBrian R. Haug haug@conterra.comBrian Tao taob@risc.orgBrion Moss brion@queeg.comBruce A. Mah bmah@ca.sandia.govBruce Albrecht bruce@zuhause.mn.orgBruce Gingery bgingery@gtcs.comBruce J. Keeler loodvrij@gridpoint.comBruce Murphy packrat@iinet.net.auBruce Walter walter@fortean.comCarey Jones mcj@acquiesce.orgCarl Fongheiser cmf@netins.netCarl Mascott cmascott@world.std.comCasper casper@acc.amCastor Fu castor@geocast.comChain Lee chain@110.netCharles Hannum mycroft@ai.mit.eduCharles Henrich henrich@msu.eduCharles Mott cmott@scientech.comCharles Owens owensc@enc.eduChet Ramey chet@odin.INS.CWRU.EduChia-liang Kao clkao@CirX.ORGChiharu Shibata chi@bd.mbn.or.jpChip Norkus unknownChris Csanady cc@tarsier.ca.sandia.govChris Dabrowski chris@vader.orgChris Dillon cdillon@wolves.k12.mo.usChris Shenton
cshenton@angst.it.hq.nasa.govChris Stenton jacs@gnome.co.ukChris Timmons skynyrd@opus.cts.cwu.eduChris Torek torek@ee.lbl.govChristian Gusenbauer
cg@fimp01.fim.uni-linz.ac.atChristian Haury Christian.Haury@sagem.frChristian Weisgerber
naddy@mips.inka.deChristoph P. Kukulies kuku@FreeBSD.orgChristoph Robitschko
chmr@edvz.tu-graz.ac.atChristoph Weber-Fahr
wefa@callcenter.systemhaus.netChristopher G. Demetriou
cgd@postgres.berkeley.eduChristopher T. Johnson
cjohnson@neunacht.netgsi.comChrisy Luke chrisy@flix.netChuck Hein chein@cisco.comCliff Rowley dozprompt@onsea.comClive Lin clive@CiRX.ORGColman Reilly careilly@tcd.ieConrad Sabatier conrads@neosoft.comCoranth Gryphon gryphon@healer.comCornelis van der Laan
nils@guru.ims.uni-stuttgart.deCove Schneider cove@brazil.nbn.comCraig Leres leres@ee.lbl.govCraig Loomis unknownCraig Metz cmetz@inner.netCraig Spannring cts@internetcds.comCraig Struble cstruble@vt.eduCristian Ferretti cfs@riemann.mat.puc.clCurt Mayer curt@toad.comCy Schubert cschuber@uumail.gov.bc.caDai Ishijima ishijima@tri.pref.osaka.jpDaisuke Watanabe NU7D-WTNB@asahi-net.or.jpDamian Hamill damian@cablenet.netDan Cross tenser@spitfire.ecsel.psu.eduDan Lukes dan@obluda.czDan Nelson dnelson@emsphone.comDan Papasian bugg@bugg.strangled.netDan Piponi wmtop@tanelorn.demon.co.ukDan Walters hannibal@cyberstation.netDaniel Hagan
dhagan@cs.vt.eduDaniel M. Eischen
deischen@iworks.InterWorks.orgDaniel O'Connor doconnor@gsoft.com.auDaniel Harris
dannyboy@dannyboy.eyep.netDaniel Poirot poirot@aio.jsc.nasa.govDaniel Rock rock@cs.uni-sb.deDanny Egen unknownDanny J. Zerkel dzerkel@phofarm.comDarren Reed avalon@coombs.anu.edu.auDave Adkins adkin003@tc.umn.eduDave Andersen angio@aros.netDave Blizzard dblizzar@sprynet.comDave Bodenstab imdave@synet.netDave Burgess burgess@hrd769.brooks.af.milDave Chapeskie dchapes@ddm.on.caDave Cornejo dave@dogwood.comDave Edmondson davided@sco.comDave Glowacki dglo@ssec.wisc.eduDave Marquardt marquard@austin.ibm.comDave Tweten tweten@FreeBSD.orgDavid A. Adkins adkin003@tc.umn.eduDavid A. Bader dbader@umiacs.umd.eduDavid Borman dab@bsdi.comDavid Dawes dawes@XFree86.orgDavid Filo unknownDavid Holland dholland@eecs.harvard.eduDavid Holloway daveh@gwythaint.tamis.comDavid Horwitt dhorwitt@ucsd.eduDavid Hovemeyer daveho@infocom.comDavid Jones dej@qpoint.torfree.netDavid Kelly dkelly@tomcat1.tbe.comDavid Kulp dkulp@neomorphic.comDavid L. Nugent davidn@blaze.net.auDavid Leonard d@scry.dstc.edu.auDavid Malone dwmalone@maths.tcd.ieDavid Muir Sharnoff muir@idiom.comDavid S. Miller davem@jenolan.rutgers.eduDavid Wolfskill dhw@whistle.comDean Gaudet dgaudet@arctic.orgDean Huxley dean@fsa.caDenis Fortin unknownDennis Glatting
dennis.glatting@software-munitions.comDenton Gentry denny1@home.comder Mouse mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDUDerek Inksetter derek@saidev.comDI. Christian Gusenbauer
cg@scotty.edvz.uni-linz.ac.atDima Sivachenko dima@Chg.RUDirk Keunecke dk@panda.rhein-main.deDirk Nehrling nerle@pdv.deDmitry Khrustalev dima@xyzzy.machaon.ruDmitry Kohmanyuk dk@farm.orgDom Mitchell dom@myrddin.demon.co.ukDominik Brettnacher domi@saargate.deDominik Rothert dr@domix.deDon Croyle croyle@gelemna.ft-wayne.in.us&a.whiteside;Don Morrison dmorrisn@u.washington.eduDon Yuniskis dgy@rtd.comDonald Maddox dmaddox@conterra.comDoug Barton Doug@gorean.orgDouglas Ambrisko ambrisko@whistle.comDouglas Carmichael dcarmich@mcs.comDouglas Crosher dtc@scrooge.ee.swin.oz.auDrew Derbyshire ahd@kew.comDuncan Barclay dmlb@ragnet.demon.co.ukDustin Sallings dustin@spy.netEckart "Isegrim" Hofmann
Isegrim@Wunder-Nett.orgEd Gold
vegold01@starbase.spd.louisville.eduEd Hudson elh@p5.spnet.comEdward Chuang edwardc@firebird.org.twEdward Wang edward@edcom.comEdwin Groothus edwin@nwm.wan.philips.comEdwin Mons e@ik.nuEge Rekk aagero@aage.priv.noEiji-usagi-MATSUmoto usagi@clave.gr.jpELISA Font ProjectElmar Bartel
bartel@informatik.tu-muenchen.deEoin Lawless eoin@maths.tcd.ieEric A. Griff eagriff@global2000.netEric Blood eblood@cs.unr.eduEric J. Haug ejh@slustl.slu.eduEric J. Schwertfeger eric@cybernut.comEric L. Hernes erich@lodgenet.comEric P. Scott eps@sirius.comEric Sprinkle eric@ennovatenetworks.comErich Stefan Boleyn erich@uruk.orgErik H. Bakke erikhb@bgnett.noErik E. Rantapaa rantapaa@math.umn.eduErik H. Moe ehm@cris.comErnst Winter ewinter@lobo.muc.deEspen Skoglund esk@ira.uka.deEugene M. Kim astralblue@usa.netEugene Radchenko genie@qsar.chem.msu.suEugeny Kuzakov CoreDumped@lab321.ruEvan Champion evanc@synapse.netFaried Nawaz fn@Hungry.COMFlemming Jacobsen fj@tfs.comFong-Ching Liaw fong@juniper.netFrancis M J Hsieh mjshieh@life.nthu.edu.twFrank Bartels knarf@camelot.deFrank Chen Hsiung Chan
frankch@waru.life.nthu.edu.twFrank Durda IV uhclem@nemesis.lonestar.orgFrank MacLachlan fpm@n2.netFrank Nobis fn@Radio-do.deFrank ten Wolde franky@pinewood.nlFrank van der Linden frank@fwi.uva.nlFrank Volf volf@oasis.IAEhv.nlFred Cawthorne fcawth@jjarray.umn.eduFred Gilham gilham@csl.sri.comFred Templin templin@erg.sri.comFrederick Earl Gray fgray@rice.eduFUJIMOTO Kensaku
fujimoto@oscar.elec.waseda.ac.jpFUJISHIMA Satsuki k5@respo.or.jpFURUSAWA Kazuhisa
furusawa@com.cs.osakafu-u.ac.jpG. Adam Stanislavadam@whizkidtech.netGabor Kincses gabor@acm.orgGabor Zahemszky zgabor@CoDe.huGarance A Drosehn gad@eclipse.its.rpi.eduGareth McCaughan gjm11@dpmms.cam.ac.ukGary A. Browning gab10@griffcd.amdahl.comGary Howland gary@hotlava.comGary J. garyj@rks32.pcs.dec.comGary Kline kline@thought.orgGaspar Chilingarov nightmar@lemming.acc.amGea-Suan Lin gsl@tpts4.seed.net.twGeoff Rehmet csgr@alpha.ru.ac.zaGeorg Wagner georg.wagner@ubs.comGianlorenzo Masini masini@uniroma3.itGianmarco Giovannelli
gmarco@giovannelli.itGil Kloepfer Jr. gil@limbic.ssdl.comGilad Rom rom_glsa@ein-hashofet.co.ilGiles Lean giles@nemeton.com.auGinga Kawaguti
ginga@amalthea.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jpGiorgos Keramidas keramida@ceid.upatras.grGlen Foster gfoster@gfoster.comGlenn Johnson gljohns@bellsouth.netGodmar Back gback@facility.cs.utah.eduGoran Hammarback goran@astro.uu.seGord Matzigkeit gord@enci.ucalgary.caGordon Greeff gvg@uunet.co.zaGraham Wheeler gram@cdsec.comGreg A. Woods woods@zeus.leitch.comGreg Ansley gja@ansley.comGreg Robinson greg@rosevale.com.auGreg Troxel gdt@ir.bbn.comGreg Ungerer gerg@stallion.oz.auGregory Bond gnb@itga.com.auGregory D. Moncreaff
moncrg@bt340707.res.ray.comGuy Harris guy@netapp.comGuy Helmer ghelmer@cs.iastate.eduHAMADA Naoki hamada@astec.co.jpHannu Savolainen hannu@voxware.pp.fiHans Huebner hans@artcom.deHans Petter Bieker zerium@webindex.noHans Zuidam hans@brandinnovators.comHarlan Stenn Harlan.Stenn@pfcs.comHarold Barker hbarker@dsms.comHavard Eidnes
Havard.Eidnes@runit.sintef.noHeikki Suonsivu hsu@cs.hut.fiHeiko W. Rupp unknownHelmut F. Wirth hfwirth@ping.atHenrik Vestergaard Draboel
hvd@terry.ping.dkHerb Peyerl hpeyerl@NetBSD.orgHideaki Ohmon ohmon@tom.sfc.keio.ac.jpHidekazu Kuroki hidekazu@cs.titech.ac.jpHideki Yamamoto hyama@acm.orgHideyuki Suzuki
hideyuki@sat.t.u-tokyo.ac.jpHirayama Issei iss@mail.wbs.ne.jpHiroaki Sakai sakai@miya.ee.kagu.sut.ac.jpHiroharu Tamaru tamaru@ap.t.u-tokyo.ac.jpHironori Ikura hikura@kaisei.orgHiroshi Nishikawa nis@pluto.dti.ne.jpHiroya Tsubakimoto unknownHolger Veit Holger.Veit@gmd.deHolm Tiffe holm@geophysik.tu-freiberg.deHONDA Yasuhiro
honda@kashio.info.mie-u.ac.jpHorance Chou
horance@freedom.ie.cycu.edu.twHorihiro Kumagai kuma@jp.FreeBSD.orgHOSOBUCHI Noriyuki hoso@buchi.tama.or.jpHOTARU-YA hotaru@tail.netHr.Ladavac lada@ws2301.gud.siemens.co.atHubert Feyrer hubertf@NetBSD.ORGHugh F. Mahon hugh@nsmdserv.cnd.hp.comHugh Mahon h_mahon@fc.hp.comHung-Chi Chu hcchu@r350.ee.ntu.edu.twIan Dowse iedowse@maths.tcd.ieIan Holland ianh@tortuga.com.auIan Struble ian@broken.netIan Vaudrey i.vaudrey@bigfoot.comIgor Khasilev igor@jabber.paco.odessa.uaIgor Roshchin str@giganda.komkon.orgIgor Sviridov siac@ua.netIgor Vinokurov igor@zynaps.ruIkuo Nakagawa ikuo@isl.intec.co.jpIlya V. Komarov mur@lynx.ruIMAI Takeshi take-i@ceres.dti.ne.jpIMAMURA Tomoaki
tomoak-i@is.aist-nara.ac.jpIssei Suzuki issei@jp.FreeBSD.orgItsuro Saito saito@miv.t.u-tokyo.ac.jpIWASHITA Yoji shuna@pop16.odn.ne.jpJ. Bryant jbryant@argus.flash.netJ. David Lowe lowe@saturn5.comJ. Han hjh@photino.comJ. Hawk jhawk@MIT.EDUJ.T. Conklin jtc@cygnus.comJ.T. Jang keith@email.gcn.net.twJack jack@zeus.xtalwind.netJacob Bohn Lorensen jacob@jblhome.ping.mkJagane D Sundar jagane@netcom.comJake Hamby jehamby@lightside.comJames Clark jjc@jclark.comJames D. Stewart jds@c4systm.comJames da Silva jds@cs.umd.eduJames Jegers jimj@miller.cs.uwm.eduJames Raynard
fhackers@jraynard.demon.co.ukJames T. Liu jtliu@phlebas.rockefeller.eduJamie Heckford jamie@jamiesdomain.co.ukJan Conard
charly@fachschaften.tu-muenchen.deJan Koum jkb@FreeBSD.orgJanick Taillandier
Janick.Taillandier@ratp.frJanusz Kokot janek@gaja.ipan.lublin.plJarle Greipsland jarle@idt.unit.noJason Garman init@risen.orgJason Thorpe thorpej@NetBSD.orgJason Wright jason@OpenBSD.orgJason Young
doogie@forbidden-donut.anet-stl.comJavier Martin Rueda jmrueda@diatel.upm.esJay Fenlason hack@datacube.comJaye Mathisen mrcpu@cdsnet.netJeff Bartig jeffb@doit.wisc.eduJeff Brown jabrown@caida.orgJeff Forys jeff@forys.cranbury.nj.usJeff Kletsky Jeff@Wagsky.comJeff Palmer jeff@isni.netJeffrey Evans evans@scnc.k12.mi.usJeffrey Wheat jeff@cetlink.netJens Schweikhardt schweikh@noc.dfn.dJeremy Allison jallison@whistle.comJeremy Chadwick yoshi@parodius.comJeremy Chatfield jdc@xinside.comJeremy Prior unknownJeremy Shaffner jeremy@external.orgJesse Rosenstock jmr@ugcs.caltech.eduJian-Da Li jdli@csie.nctu.edu.twJim Babb babb@FreeBSD.orgJim Binkley jrb@cs.pdx.eduJim Bloom bloom@acm.orgJim Carroll jim@carroll.comJim Flowers jflowers@ezo.netJim Leppek jleppek@harris.comJim Lowe james@cs.uwm.eduJim Mattson jmattson@sonic.netJim Mercer jim@komodo.reptiles.orgJim Wilson wilson@moria.cygnus.comJimbo Bahooli
griffin@blackhole.iceworld.orgJin Guojun jin@george.lbl.govJoachim Kuebart unknownJoao Carlos Mendes Luis jonny@jonny.eng.brJochen Pohl jpo.drs@sni.deJoe "Marcus" Clarke marcus@miami.eduJoe Abley jabley@clear.co.nzJoe Jih-Shian Lu jslu@dns.ntu.edu.twJoe Orthoefer j_orthoefer@tia.netJoe Traister traister@mojozone.orgJoel Faedi Joel.Faedi@esial.u-nancy.frJoel Ray Holveck joelh@gnu.orgJoel Sutton jsutton@bbcon.com.auJohan Granlund johan@granlund.nuJohan Karlsson k@numeri.campus.luth.seJohan Larsson johan@moon.campus.luth.seJohann Tonsing jtonsing@mikom.csir.co.zaJohannes Helander unknownJohannes Stille unknownJohn Beckett jbeckett@southern.eduJohn Beukema jbeukema@hk.super.netJohn Brezak unknownJohn Capo jc@irbs.comJohn F. Woods jfw@jfwhome.funhouse.comJohn Goerzen
jgoerzen@alexanderwohl.complete.orgJohn Hay jhay@mikom.csir.co.zaJohn Heidemann johnh@isi.eduJohn Hood cgull@owl.orgJohn Kohl unknownJohn Lind john@starfire.mn.orgJohn Mackin john@physiol.su.oz.auJohn P johnp@lodgenet.comJohn Perry perry@vishnu.alias.netJohn Preisler john@vapornet.comJohn Rochester jr@cs.mun.caJohn Sadler john_sadler@alum.mit.eduJohn Saunders john@pacer.nlc.net.auJohn Wehle john@feith.comJohn Woods jfw@eddie.mit.eduJon Morgan morgan@terminus.trailblazer.comJonathan H N Chin jc254@newton.cam.ac.ukJonathan Hanna
jh@pc-21490.bc.rogers.wave.caJorge Goncalves j@bug.fe.up.ptJorge M. Goncalves ee96199@tom.fe.up.ptJos Backus jbackus@plex.nlJose M. Alcaide jose@we.lc.ehu.esJose Marques jose@nobody.orgJosef Grosch
jgrosch@superior.mooseriver.comJoseph Stein joes@wstein.comJosh Gilliam josh@quick.netJosh Tiefenbach josh@ican.netJuergen Lock nox@jelal.hb.north.deJuha Inkari inkari@cc.hut.fiJukka A. Ukkonen jua@iki.fiJulian Assange proff@suburbia.netJulian Coleman j.d.coleman@ncl.ac.uk&a.jhsJulian Jenkins kaveman@magna.com.auJunichi Satoh junichi@jp.FreeBSD.orgJunji SAKAI sakai@jp.FreeBSD.orgJunya WATANABE junya-w@remus.dti.ne.jpJustas justas@mbank.lvK.Higashino a00303@cc.hc.keio.ac.jpKai Vorma vode@snakemail.hut.fiKaleb S. Keithley kaleb@ics.comKaneda Hiloshi vanitas@ma3.seikyou.ne.jpKapil Chowksey kchowksey@hss.hns.comKarl Denninger karl@mcs.comKarl Dietz Karl.Dietz@triplan.comKarl Lehenbauer karl@NeoSoft.comKATO Tsuguru tkato@prontomail.ne.jpKawanobe Koh kawanobe@st.rim.or.jpKazuhiko Kiriyama kiri@kiri.toba-cmt.ac.jpKazuo Horikawa horikawa@jp.FreeBSD.orgKees Jan Koster kjk1@ukc.ac.ukKeith Bostic bostic@bostic.comKeith E. Walker unknownKeith Moore unknownKeith Sklower unknownKelly Yancey kbyanc@posi.netKen Hornstein unknownKen Key key@cs.utk.eduKen Mayer kmayer@freegate.comKenji Saito marukun@mx2.nisiq.netKenji Tomita tommyk@da2.so-net.or.jpKenneth Furge kenneth.furge@us.endress.comKenneth Monville desmo@bandwidth.orgKenneth R. Westerback krw@tcn.netKenneth Stailey kstailey@gnu.ai.mit.eduKent Talarico kent@shipwreck.tsoft.netKent Vander Velden graphix@iastate.eduKentaro Inagaki JBD01226@niftyserve.ne.jpKevin Bracey kbracey@art.acorn.co.ukKevin Day toasty@dragondata.comKevin Lahey kml@nas.nasa.govKevin Lokevlo@hello.com.twKevin Meltzer perlguy@perlguy.comKevin Street street@iname.comKevin Van Maren vanmaren@fast.cs.utah.eduKiril Mitev kiril@ideaglobal.comKiroh HARADA kiroh@kh.rim.or.jpKlaus Klein kleink@layla.inka.deKlaus-J. Wolf Yanestra@t-online.deKoichi Sato copan@ppp.fastnet.or.jpKostya Lukin lukin@okbmei.msk.suKouichi Hirabayashi kh@mogami-wire.co.jpKris Dow kris@vilnya.demon.co.ukKUNISHIMA Takeo kunishi@c.oka-pu.ac.jpKurt D. Zeilenga Kurt@Boolean.NETKurt Olsen kurto@tiny.mcs.usu.eduL. Jonas Olsson
ljo@ljo-slip.DIALIN.CWRU.EduLarry Altneu larry@ALR.COMLars Köller
Lars.Koeller@Uni-Bielefeld.DELaurence Lopez lopez@mv.mv.comLee Cremeans lcremean@tidalwave.netLiang Tai-hwa
avatar@www.mmlab.cse.yzu.edu.twLon Willett lon%softt.uucp@math.utah.eduLouis A. Mamakos louie@TransSys.COMLouis Mamakos loiue@TransSys.comLowell Gilbert lowell@world.std.comLucas James Lucas.James@ldjpc.apana.org.auLyndon Nerenberg lyndon@orthanc.ab.caM.C. Wong unknownMagnus Enbom dot@tinto.campus.luth.seMahesh Neelakanta mahesh@gcomm.comMakoto MATSUSHITA matusita@jp.FreeBSD.orgMakoto WATANABE
watanabe@zlab.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jpMalte Lance malte.lance@gmx.netMANTANI Nobutaka nobutaka@nobutaka.comManu Iyengar
iyengar@grunthos.pscwa.psca.comMarc Frajola marc@dev.comMarc Ramirez mrami@mramirez.sy.yale.eduMarc Slemko marcs@znep.comMarc van Kempen wmbfmk@urc.tue.nlMarc van Woerkom van.woerkom@netcologne.deMarcin Cieslak saper@system.plMario Sergio Fujikawa Ferreira
lioux@gns.com.brMark Andrews unknownMark Cammidge mark@gmtunx.ee.uct.ac.zaMark Diekhans markd@grizzly.comMark Huizer xaa@stack.nlMark J. Taylor mtaylor@cybernet.comMark Krentel krentel@rice.eduMark Mayo markm@vmunix.comMark Ovens
mark@dogma.freebsd-uk.eu.orgMark Thompson thompson@tgsoft.comMark Tinguely tinguely@plains.nodak.eduMark Treacy unknownMark Valentine mark@linus.demon.co.ukMarkus Holmberg saska@acc.umu.seMartin BirgmeierMartin Blapp blapp@attic.chMartin Ibert mib@ppe.bb-data.deMartin Kammerhofer dada@sbox.tu-graz.ac.atMartin Minkus diskiller@cnbinc.comMartin Renters martin@tdc.on.caMartti Kuparinen
martti.kuparinen@ericsson.comMas.TAKEMURA unknownMasachika ISHIZUKA
ishizuka@isis.min.ntt.jpMasafumi NAKANE max@wide.ad.jpMasahiro Sekiguchi
seki@sysrap.cs.fujitsu.co.jpMasanobu Saitoh msaitoh@spa.is.uec.ac.jpMasanori Kanaoka kana@saijo.mke.mei.co.jpMasanori Kiriake seiken@ARGV.ACMasatoshi TAMURA
tamrin@shinzan.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jpMats Lofkvist mal@algonet.seMatt Bartley mbartley@lear35.cytex.comMatt Heckaman matt@LUCIDA.QC.CAMatt Thomas matt@3am-software.comMatt White mwhite+@CMU.EDUMatthew C. Mead mmead@Glock.COMMatthew Cashdollar mattc@rfcnet.comMatthew Flatt mflatt@cs.rice.eduMatthew Fuller fullermd@futuresouth.comMatthew Stein matt@bdd.netMatthew West mwest@uct.ac.zaMatthias Pfaller leo@dachau.marco.deMatthias Scheler tron@netbsd.orgMattias Gronlund
Mattias.Gronlund@sa.erisoft.seMattias Pantzare pantzer@ludd.luth.seMaurice Castro
maurice@planet.serc.rmit.edu.auMax Euston meuston@jmrodgers.comMax Khon fjoe@husky.iclub.nsu.ruMaxim Bolotin max@rsu.ruMicha Class
michael_class@hpbbse.bbn.hp.comMichael Lucas mwlucas@blackhelicopters.orgMichael Butler imb@scgt.oz.auMichael Butschky butsch@computi.erols.comMichael Clay mclay@weareb.orgMichael Elbel me@FreeBSD.orgMichael Galassi nerd@percival.rain.comMichael Hancock michaelh@cet.co.jpMichael Hohmuth hohmuth@inf.tu-dresden.deMichael Perlman canuck@caam.rice.eduMichael Petry petry@netwolf.NetMasters.comMichael Reifenberger root@totum.plaut.deMichael Sardo jaeger16@yahoo.comMichael Searle searle@longacre.demon.co.ukMichael Urban murban@tznet.comMichael Vasilenko acid@stu.cn.uaMichal Listos mcl@Amnesiac.123.orgMichio Karl Jinbo
karl@marcer.nagaokaut.ac.jpMiguel Angel Sagreras
msagre@cactus.fi.uba.arMihoko Tanaka m_tonaka@pa.yokogawa.co.jpMika Nystrom mika@cs.caltech.eduMikael Hybsch micke@dynas.seMikael Karpberg
karpen@ocean.campus.luth.seMike Barcroft mike@q9media.comMike Del repenting@hotmail.comMike Durian durian@plutotech.comMike Durkin mdurkin@tsoft.sf-bay.orgMike E. Matsnev mike@azog.cs.msu.suMike Evans mevans@candle.comMike Grupenhoff kashmir@umiacs.umd.eduMike Harding mvh@ix.netcom.comMike Hibler mike@marker.cs.utah.eduMike Karels unknownMike McGaughey mmcg@cs.monash.edu.auMike Meyer mwm@shiva.the-park.comMike Mitchell mitchell@ref.tfs.comMike Murphy mrm@alpharel.comMike Peck mike@binghamton.eduMike Sherwood mike@fate.comMike Spengler mks@msc.eduMikhail A. Sokolov mishania@demos.suMikhail Teterin mi@aldan.ziplink.netMing-I Hseh PA@FreeBSD.ee.Ntu.edu.TWMITA Yoshio mita@jp.FreeBSD.orgMITSUNAGA Noriaki
mitchy@er.ams.eng.osaka-u.ac.jpMitsuru Yoshida mitsuru@riken.go.jpMonte Mitzelfelt monte@gonefishing.orgMorgan Davis root@io.cts.comMOROHOSHI Akihiko moro@race.u-tokyo.ac.jpMostyn Lewis mostyn@mrl.comMotomichi Matsuzaki mzaki@e-mail.ne.jpMotoyuki Kasahara m-kasahr@sra.co.jpN.G.Smith ngs@sesame.hensa.ac.ukNadav Eiron nadav@barcode.co.ilNAGAO Tadaaki nagao@cs.titech.ac.jpNAKAJI Hiroyuki
nakaji@tutrp.tut.ac.jpNAKAMURA Kazushi nkazushi@highway.or.jpNAKAMURA Motonori
motonori@econ.kyoto-u.ac.jpNanbor Wang nw1@cs.wustl.eduNaofumi Honda
honda@Kururu.math.sci.hokudai.ac.jpNaoki Hamada nao@tom-yam.or.jpNarvi narvi@haldjas.folklore.eeNathan Ahlstrom nrahlstr@winternet.comNathan Dorfman nathan@rtfm.netNeal Fachan kneel@ishiboo.comNiall Smart rotel@indigo.ieNick Barnes Nick.Barnes@pobox.comNick Handel nhandel@NeoSoft.comNick Hilliard nick@foobar.orgNick Johnson freebsd@spatula.net&a.nsayer;Nick Williams njw@cs.city.ac.ukNickolay N. Dudorov nnd@itfs.nsk.suNIIMI Satoshi sa2c@and.or.jpNiklas Hallqvist niklas@filippa.appli.seNisha Talagala nisha@cs.berkeley.eduNo Name adrian@virginia.eduNo Name alex@elvisti.kiev.uaNo Name anto@netscape.netNo Name bobson@egg.ics.nitch.ac.jpNo Name bovynf@awe.beNo Name burg@is.ge.comNo Name chris@gnome.co.ukNo Name colsen@usa.netNo Name coredump@nervosa.comNo Name dannyman@arh0300.urh.uiuc.eduNo Name davids@SECNET.COMNo Name derek@free.orgNo Name devet@adv.IAEhv.nlNo Name djv@bedford.netNo Name dvv@sprint.netNo Name enami@ba2.so-net.or.jpNo Name flash@eru.tubank.msk.suNo Name flash@hway.ruNo Name fn@pain.csrv.uidaho.eduNo Name frf@xocolatl.comNo Name gclarkii@netport.neosoft.comNo Name gordon@sheaky.lonestar.orgNo Name graaf@iae.nlNo Name greg@greg.rim.or.jpNo Name grossman@cygnus.comNo Name gusw@fub46.zedat.fu-berlin.deNo Name hfir@math.rochester.eduNo Name hnokubi@yyy.or.jpNo Name iaint@css.tuu.utas.edu.auNo Name invis@visi.comNo Name ishisone@sra.co.jpNo Name iverson@lionheart.comNo Name jpt@magic.netNo Name junker@jazz.snu.ac.krNo Name k-sugyou@ccs.mt.nec.co.jpNo Name kenji@reseau.toyonaka.osaka.jpNo Name kfurge@worldnet.att.netNo Name lh@aus.orgNo Name lhecking@nmrc.ucc.ieNo Name mrgreen@mame.mu.oz.auNo Name nakagawa@jp.FreeBSD.orgNo Name ohki@gssm.otsuka.tsukuba.ac.jpNo Name owaki@st.rim.or.jpNo Name pechter@shell.monmouth.comNo Name pete@pelican.pelican.comNo Name pritc003@maroon.tc.umn.eduNo Name risner@stdio.comNo Name roman@rpd.univ.kiev.uaNo Name root@ns2.redline.ruNo Name root@uglabgw.ug.cs.sunysb.eduNo Name stephen.ma@jtec.com.auNo Name sumii@is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jpNo Name takas-su@is.aist-nara.ac.jpNo Name tamone@eig.unige.chNo Name tjevans@raleigh.ibm.comNo Name tony-o@iij.ad.jp amurai@spec.co.jpNo Name torii@tcd.hitachi.co.jpNo Name uenami@imasy.or.jpNo Name uhlar@netlab.skNo Name vode@hut.fiNo Name wlloyd@mpd.caNo Name wlr@furball.wellsfargo.comNo Name wmbfmk@urc.tue.nlNo Name yamagata@nwgpc.kek.jpNo Name ziggy@ryan.orgNo Name ZW6T-KND@j.asahi-net.or.jpNobuhiro Yasutomi nobu@psrc.isac.co.jpNobuyuki Koganemaru
kogane@koganemaru.co.jpNOKUBI Hirotaka h-nokubi@yyy.or.jpNorio Suzuki nosuzuki@e-mail.ne.jpNoritaka Ishizumi graphite@jp.FreeBSD.orgNoriyuki Soda soda@sra.co.jpOh Junseon hollywar@mail.holywar.netOlaf Wagner wagner@luthien.in-berlin.deOleg Semyonov os@altavista.netOleg Sharoiko os@rsu.ruOleg V. Volkov rover@lglobus.ruOliver Breuninger ob@seicom.NETOliver Friedrichs oliver@secnet.comOliver Fromme
oliver.fromme@heim3.tu-clausthal.deOliver Laumann
net@informatik.uni-bremen.deOliver Oberdorf oly@world.std.comOlof Johansson offe@ludd.luth.seOsokin Sergey aka oZZ ozz@FreeBSD.org.ruPace Willisson pace@blitz.comPaco Rosich rosich@modico.eleinf.uv.esPalle Girgensohn girgen@partitur.seParag Patel parag@cgt.comPascal Pederiva pascal@zuo.dec.comPasvorn Boonmark boonmark@juniper.netPatrick Hausen unknownPatrick Seal patseal@hyperhost.netPaul Antonov apg@demos.suPaul F. Werkowski unknownPaul Fox pgf@foxharp.boston.ma.usPaul Koch koch@thehub.com.auPaul Kranenburg pk@NetBSD.orgPaul M. Lambert plambert@plambert.netPaul Mackerras paulus@cs.anu.edu.auPaul Popelka paulp@uts.amdahl.comPaul S. LaFollette, Jr. unknownPaul Sandys myj@nyct.netPaul T. Root proot@horton.iaces.comPaul Vixie paul@vix.comPaulo Menezes paulo@isr.uc.ptPaulo Menezes pm@dee.uc.ptPedro A M Vazquez vazquez@IQM.Unicamp.BRPedro Giffuni giffunip@asme.orgPete Bentley pete@demon.netPeter Childs pjchilds@imforei.apana.org.auPeter Cornelius pc@inr.fzk.dePeter Haight peterh@prognet.comPeter Jeremy perer.jeremy@alcatel.com.auPeter M. Chen pmchen@eecs.umich.eduPeter Much peter@citylink.dinoex.sub.orgPeter Olsson unknownPeter Philipp pjp@bsd-daemon.netPeter Stubbs PETERS@staidan.qld.edu.auPhil Maker pjm@cs.ntu.edu.auPhil Sutherland
philsuth@mycroft.dialix.oz.auPhil Taylor phil@zipmail.co.ukPhilip Musumeci philip@rmit.edu.au
+ Philippe Lefebvre nemesis@balistik.net
Pierre Y. Dampure pierre.dampure@k2c.co.ukPius Fischer pius@ienet.comPomegranate daver@flag.blackened.netPowerdog Industries
kevin.ruddy@powerdog.comPriit Järv priit@cc.ttu.eeR Joseph Wright rjoseph@mammalia.orgR. Kym HorsellRajesh Vaidheeswarran rv@fore.comRalf Friedl friedl@informatik.uni-kl.deRandal S. Masutani randal@comtest.comRandall Hopper rhh@ct.picker.comRandall W. Dean rwd@osf.orgRandy Bush rbush@bainbridge.verio.netReinier Bezuidenhout
rbezuide@mikom.csir.co.zaRemy Card Remy.Card@masi.ibp.frRicardas Cepas rch@richard.eu.orgRiccardo Veraldi veraldi@cs.unibo.itRich Wood rich@FreeBSD.org.ukRichard Henderson richard@atheist.tamu.eduRichard Hwang rhwang@bigpanda.comRichard Kiss richard@homemail.comRichard J Kuhns rjk@watson.grauel.comRichard M. Neswold
rneswold@drmemory.fnal.govRichard Seaman, Jr. dick@tar.comRichard Stallman rms@gnu.ai.mit.eduRichard Straka straka@user1.inficad.comRichard Tobin richard@cogsci.ed.ac.ukRichard Wackerbarth rkw@Dataplex.NETRichard Winkel rich@math.missouri.eduRichard Wiwatowski rjwiwat@adelaide.on.netRick Macklem rick@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.caRick Macklin unknownRob Austein sra@epilogue.comRob Mallory rmallory@qualcomm.comRob Snow rsnow@txdirect.netRobert Crowe bob@speakez.comRobert D. Thrush rd@phoenix.aii.comRobert Eckardt
roberte@MEP.Ruhr-Uni-Bochum.deRobert Sanders rsanders@mindspring.comRobert Sexton robert@kudra.comRobert Shady rls@id.netRobert Swindells swindellsr@genrad.co.ukRobert Withrow witr@rwwa.comRobert Yoder unknownRobin Carey
robin@mailgate.dtc.rankxerox.co.ukRoger Hardiman roger@cs.strath.ac.ukRoland Jesse jesse@cs.uni-magdeburg.deRoman Shterenzon roman@xpert.comRon Bickers rbickers@intercenter.netRon Lenk rlenk@widget.xmission.comRonald Kuehn kuehn@rz.tu-clausthal.deRudolf Cejka cejkar@dcse.fee.vutbr.czRuslan Belkin rus@home2.UA.netRuslan Shevchenko rssh@cam.grad.kiev.uaRussell L. Carter rcarter@pinyon.orgRussell Vincent rv@groa.uct.ac.zaRyan Younce ryany@pobox.comSakai Hiroaki sakai@miya.ee.kagu.sut.ac.jpSakari Jalovaara sja@tekla.fiSam Hartman hartmans@mit.eduSamuel Lam skl@ScalableNetwork.comSamuel Tardieu sam@inf.enst.frSamuele Zannoli zannoli@cs.unibo.itSander Janssen janssen@rendo.dekooi.nlSander Vesik sander@haldjas.folklore.eeSandro Sigala ssigala@globalnet.itSANETO Takanori sanewo@strg.sony.co.jpSASAKI Shunsuke ele@pop17.odn.ne.jpSascha Blank blank@fox.uni-trier.deSascha Wildner swildner@channelz.GUN.deSatoh Junichi junichi@astec.co.jpSAWADA Mizuki miz@qb3.so-net.ne.jpScot Elliott scot@poptart.orgScot W. Hetzel hetzels@westbend.netScott A. Kenney saken@rmta.ml.orgScott A. Moberly smoberly@xavier.dyndns.orgScott Blachowicz
scott.blachowicz@seaslug.orgScott Burris scott@pita.cns.ucla.eduScott Hazen Mueller scott@zorch.sf-bay.orgScott Michel scottm@cs.ucla.eduScott Mitchel scott@uk.FreeBSD.orgScott Reynolds scott@clmqt.marquette.mi.usSebastian Strollo seb@erix.ericsson.seSerge A. Babkin babkin@hq.icb.chel.suSerge V. Vakulenko vak@zebub.msk.suSergei Chechetkin
csl@whale.sunbay.crimea.uaSergei S. Laskavy laskavy@pc759.cs.msu.suSergey Gershtein sg@mplik.ruSergey Kosyakov ks@itp.ac.ruSergey Potapov sp@alkor.ruSergey Shkonda serg@bcs.zp.uaSergey V.Dorokhov svd@kbtelecom.nalnet.ruSergio Lenzi lenzi@bsi.com.brShaun Courtney shaun@emma.eng.uct.ac.zaShawn M. Carey smcarey@mailbox.syr.eduShigio Yamaguchi shigio@tamacom.comShinya Esu esu@yk.rim.or.jpShuichi Tanaka stanaka@bb.mbn.or.jpSimon simon@masi.ibp.frSimon Burge simonb@telstra.com.auSimon J Gerraty sjg@melb.bull.oz.auSimon Marlow simonm@dcs.gla.ac.ukSimon Shapiro shimon@simon-shapiro.orgSin'ichiro MIYATANI siu@phaseone.co.jpSlaven Rezic eserte@cs.tu-berlin.deSoochon Radee slr@mitre.orgSoren Dayton csdayton@midway.uchicago.eduSoren Dossing sauber@netcom.comSoren S. Jorvang soren@dt.dkStefan Bethke stb@hanse.deStefan Eggers seggers@semyam.dinoco.deStefan Moeding s.moeding@ndh.netStefan Petri unknownStefan `Sec` Zehl sec@42.orgSteinar Haug sthaug@nethelp.noStephane E. Potvin sepotvin@videotron.caStephane Legrand stephane@lituus.frStephen Clawson
sclawson@marker.cs.utah.eduStephen F. Combs combssf@salem.ge.comStephen Farrell stephen@farrell.orgStephen Hocking sysseh@devetir.qld.gov.auStephen J. Roznowski sjr@home.netStephen McKay syssgm@devetir.qld.gov.auStephen Melvin melvin@zytek.comSteve Bauer sbauer@rock.sdsmt.eduSteve Coltrin spcoltri@unm.eduSteve Deering unknownSteve Gerakines steve2@genesis.tiac.netSteve Gericke steveg@comtrol.comSteve Piette steve@simon.chi.il.USSteve Schwarz schwarz@alpharel.comSteven G. Kargl
kargl@troutmask.apl.washington.eduSteven H. Samorodin samorodi@NUXI.comSteven McCanne mccanne@cs.berkeley.eduSteven Plite splite@purdue.eduSteven Wallace unknownStijn Hoop stijn@win.tue.nlStuart Henderson
stuart@internationalschool.co.ukSue Blake sue@welearn.com.auSugimoto Sadahiro ixtl@komaba.utmc.or.jpSUGIMURA Takashi sugimura@jp.FreeBSD.orgSugiura Shiro ssugiura@duo.co.jpSujal Patel smpatel@wam.umd.eduSune Stjerneby stjerneby@usa.netSURANYI Peter
suranyip@jks.is.tsukuba.ac.jpSuzuki Yoshiaki
zensyo@ann.tama.kawasaki.jpTadashi Kumano kumano@strl.nhk.or.jpTaguchi Takeshi taguchi@tohoku.iij.ad.jpTakahiro Yugawa yugawa@orleans.rim.or.jpTakanori Watanabe
takawata@shidahara1.planet.sci.kobe-u.ac.jpTakashi Mega mega@minz.orgTakashi Uozu j1594016@ed.kagu.sut.ac.jpTakayuki Ariga a00821@cc.hc.keio.ac.jpTakeru NAIKI naiki@bfd.es.hokudai.ac.jpTakeshi Amaike amaike@iri.co.jpTakeshi MUTOH mutoh@info.nara-k.ac.jpTakeshi Ohashi
ohashi@mickey.ai.kyutech.ac.jpTakeshi WATANABE
watanabe@crayon.earth.s.kobe-u.ac.jpTakuya SHIOZAKI
tshiozak@makino.ise.chuo-u.ac.jpTatoku Ogaito tacha@tera.fukui-med.ac.jpTed Buswell tbuswell@mediaone.netTed Faber faber@isi.eduTed Lemon mellon@isc.orgTerry Lambert terry@lambert.orgTerry Lee terry@uivlsi.csl.uiuc.eduTetsuya Furukawa tetsuya@secom-sis.co.jpTheo de Raadt deraadt@OpenBSD.orgThomas thomas@mathematik.uni-Bremen.deThomas D. Dean tomdean@ix.netcom.comThomas David Rivers rivers@dignus.comThomas G. McWilliams tgm@netcom.comThomas Graichen
graichen@omega.physik.fu-berlin.deThomas König
Thomas.Koenig@ciw.uni-karlsruhe.deThomas Ptacek unknownThomas Quinot thomas@cuivre.fr.eu.orgThomas A. Stephens tas@stephens.orgThomas Stromberg tstrombe@rtci.comThomas Valentino Crimi
tcrimi+@andrew.cmu.eduThomas Wintergerst thomas@lemur.nord.deÞórður Ívarsson
totii@est.isTimothy Jensen toast@blackened.comTim Kientzle kientzle@netcom.comTim Singletary
tsingle@sunland.gsfc.nasa.govTim Wilkinson tim@sarc.city.ac.ukTimo J. Rinne tri@iki.fiTodd Miller millert@openbsd.orgTom root@majestix.cmr.noTom tom@sdf.comTom Gray - DCA dcasba@rain.orgTom Jobbins tom@tom.tjTom Pusateri pusateri@juniper.netTom Rush tarush@mindspring.comTom Samplonius tom@misery.sdf.comTomohiko Kurahashi
kura@melchior.q.t.u-tokyo.ac.jpTony Kimball alk@Think.COMTony Li tli@jnx.comTony Lynn wing@cc.nsysu.edu.twTony Maher Tony.Maher@eBioinformatics.comTorbjorn Granlund tege@matematik.su.seToshihiko ARAI toshi@tenchi.ne.jpToshihiko SHIMOKAWA toshi@tea.forus.or.jpToshihiro Kanda candy@kgc.co.jpToshiomi Moriki
Toshiomi.Moriki@ma1.seikyou.ne.jpTrefor S. trefor@flevel.co.ukTrevor Blackwell tlb@viaweb.comTrevor Johnson trevor@jpj.netUdo Schweigert ust@cert.siemens.deUgo Paternostro paterno@dsi.unifi.itUlf Kieber kieber@sax.deUlli Linzen ulli@perceval.camelot.deURATA Shuichiro s-urata@nmit.tmg.nec.co.jpUstimenko Semen semen@iclub.nsu.ruUwe Arndt arndt@mailhost.uni-koblenz.deVadim Chekan vadim@gc.lviv.uaVadim Kolontsov vadim@tversu.ac.ruVadim Mikhailov mvp@braz.ruValentin Nechayev netch@lucky.netVan Jacobson van@ee.lbl.govVasily V. Grechishnikov
bazilio@ns1.ied-vorstu.ac.ruVasim Valejev vasim@uddias.diaspro.comVernon J. Schryver vjs@mica.denver.sgi.comVic Abell abe@cc.purdue.eduVille Eerola ve@sci.fiVince Valenti vince@blue-box.netVincent Poy vince@venus.gaianet.netVincenzo Capuano
VCAPUANO@vmprofs.esoc.esa.deVirgil Champlin champlin@pa.dec.comVladimir A. Jakovenko
vovik@ntu-kpi.kiev.uaVladimir Kushnir kushn@mail.kar.netVsevolod Lobko seva@alex-ua.comW. Gerald Hicks wghicks@bellsouth.netW. Richard Stevens rstevens@noao.eduWalt Howard howard@ee.utah.eduWalt M. Shandruk walt@erudition.netWarren Toomey wkt@csadfa.cs.adfa.oz.auWayne Scott wscott@ichips.intel.comWerner Griessl
werner@btp1da.phy.uni-bayreuth.deWes Santee wsantee@wsantee.oz.netWietse Venema wietse@wzv.win.tue.nlWiljo Heinen wiljo@freeside.ki.open.deWillem Jan Withagen wjw@surf.IAE.nlWilliam Jolitz withheldWilliam Liao william@tale.netWojtek Pilorz
wpilorz@celebris.bdk.lublin.plWolfgang Helbig helbig@ba-stuttgart.deWolfgang Solfrank ws@tools.deWolfgang Stanglmeier wolf@FreeBSD.orgWu Ching-hong woju@FreeBSD.ee.Ntu.edu.TWYarema yds@ingress.comYaroslav Terletsky ts@polynet.lviv.uaYasuhiro Fukama yasuf@big.or.jpYasuhito FUTATSUKI futatuki@fureai.or.jpYen-Ming Lee leeym@bsd.ce.ntu.edu.twYen-Shuo Su yssu@CCCA.NCTU.edu.twYin-Jieh Chen yinjieh@Crazyman.Dorm13.NCTU.edu.twYing-Chieh Liao ijliao@csie.NCTU.edu.twYixin Jin yjin@rain.cs.ucla.eduYoichi Asai yatt@msc.biglobe.ne.jpYoshiaki Uchikawa yoshiaki@kt.rim.or.jpYoshihiko OHTA yohta@bres.tsukuba.ac.jpYoshihisa NAKAGAWA
y-nakaga@ccs.mt.nec.co.jpYoshikazu Goto gotoh@ae.anritsu.co.jpYoshimasa Ohnishi
ohnishi@isc.kyutech.ac.jpYoshishige Arai ryo2@on.rim.or.jpYuichi MATSUTAKA matutaka@osa.att.ne.jpYujiro MIYATA
miyata@bioele.nuee.nagoya-u.ac.jpYu-Shun Wang yushunwa@isi.eduYusuke Nawano azuki@azkey.orgYuu Yashiki s974123@cc.matsuyama-u.ac.jpYuuichi Narahara aconitum@po.teleway.ne.jpYuval Yarom yval@cs.huji.ac.ilYves Fonk yves@cpcoup5.tn.tudelft.nlYves Fonk yves@dutncp8.tn.tudelft.nlZach Heilig zach@gaffaneys.comZach Zurflu zach@pabst.bendnet.comZahemszhky Gabor zgabor@code.huZhong Ming-Xun zmx@mail.CDPA.nsysu.edu.tw386BSD Patch Kit Patch Contributors(in alphabetical order by first name):Adam Glass glass@postgres.berkeley.eduAdrian Hall adrian@ibmpcug.co.ukAndrey A. Chernov ache@astral.msk.suAndrew Herbert andrew@werple.apana.org.auAndrew Moore alm@netcom.comAndy Valencia ajv@csd.mot.comjtk@netcom.comArne Henrik Juul arnej@Lise.Unit.NOBakul Shah bvs@bitblocks.comBarry Lustig barry@ictv.comBob Wilcox bob@obiwan.uucpBranko LankesterBrett Lymn blymn@mulga.awadi.com.AUCharles Hannum mycroft@ai.mit.eduChris G. Demetriou
cgd@postgres.berkeley.eduChris Torek torek@ee.lbl.govChristoph Robitschko
chmr@edvz.tu-graz.ac.atDaniel Poirot poirot@aio.jsc.nasa.govDave Burgess burgess@hrd769.brooks.af.milDave Rivers rivers@ponds.uucpDavid Dawes dawes@physics.su.OZ.AUDavid Greenman dg@Root.COMEric J. Haug ejh@slustl.slu.eduFelix Gaehtgens
felix@escape.vsse.in-berlin.deFrank Maclachlan fpm@crash.cts.comGary A. Browning gab10@griffcd.amdahl.comGary Howland gary@hotlava.comGeoff Rehmet csgr@alpha.ru.ac.zaGoran Hammarback goran@astro.uu.seGuido van Rooij guido@gvr.orgGuy Harris guy@auspex.comHavard Eidnes
Havard.Eidnes@runit.sintef.noHerb Peyerl hpeyerl@novatel.cuc.ab.caHolger Veit Holger.Veit@gmd.deIshii Masahiro, R. Kym HorsellJ.T. Conklin jtc@cygnus.comJagane D Sundar jagane@netcom.comJames Clark jjc@jclark.comJames Jegers jimj@miller.cs.uwm.eduJames W. DolterJames da Silva jds@cs.umd.edu et alJay Fenlason hack@datacube.comJim Wilson wilson@moria.cygnus.comJörg Lohse
lohse@tech7.informatik.uni-hamburg.deJörg Wunsch
joerg_wunsch@uriah.heep.sax.deJohn DysonJohn Woods jfw@eddie.mit.eduJordan K. Hubbard jkh@whisker.hubbard.ieJulian Elischer julian@dialix.oz.auJulian Stacey jhs@FreeBSD.orgKarl Dietz Karl.Dietz@triplan.comKarl Lehenbauer karl@NeoSoft.comkarl@one.neosoft.comKeith Bostic bostic@toe.CS.Berkeley.EDUKen HughesKent Talarico kent@shipwreck.tsoft.netKevin Lahey kml%rokkaku.UUCP@mathcs.emory.edukml@mosquito.cis.ufl.eduMarc Frajola marc@dev.comMark Tinguely tinguely@plains.nodak.edutinguely@hookie.cs.ndsu.NoDak.eduMartin Renters martin@tdc.on.caMichael Clay mclay@weareb.orgMichael Galassi nerd@percival.rain.comMike Durkin mdurkin@tsoft.sf-bay.orgNaoki Hamada nao@tom-yam.or.jpNate Williams nate@bsd.coe.montana.eduNick Handel nhandel@NeoSoft.comnick@madhouse.neosoft.comPace Willisson pace@blitz.comPaul Kranenburg pk@cs.few.eur.nlPaul Mackerras paulus@cs.anu.edu.auPaul Popelka paulp@uts.amdahl.comPeter da Silva peter@NeoSoft.comPeter van Heusden pvh@egenetics.comPhil Sutherland
philsuth@mycroft.dialix.oz.auPoul-Henning Kampphk@FreeBSD.orgRalf Friedl friedl@informatik.uni-kl.deRick Macklem root@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.caRobert D. Thrush rd@phoenix.aii.comRod Taylor rod@idiotswitch.orgRodney W. Grimes rgrimes@cdrom.comSascha Wildner swildner@channelz.GUN.deScott Burris scott@pita.cns.ucla.eduScott Reynolds scott@clmqt.marquette.mi.usSean Eric Fagan sef@kithrup.comSimon J Gerraty sjg@melb.bull.oz.ausjg@zen.void.oz.auStephen McKay syssgm@devetir.qld.gov.auTerry Lambert terry@icarus.weber.eduTerry Lee terry@uivlsi.csl.uiuc.eduTor Egge Tor.Egge@idi.ntnu.noWarren Toomey wkt@csadfa.cs.adfa.oz.auWiljo Heinen wiljo@freeside.ki.open.deWilliam Jolitz withheldWolfgang Solfrank ws@tools.deWolfgang Stanglmeier wolf@dentaro.GUN.deYuuki SAWADA mami@whale.cc.muroran-it.ac.jpYuval Yarom yval@cs.huji.ac.il
diff --git a/en_US.ISO_8859-1/books/handbook/contrib/chapter.sgml b/en_US.ISO_8859-1/books/handbook/contrib/chapter.sgml
index f46084ed6a..cfe50153f9 100644
--- a/en_US.ISO_8859-1/books/handbook/contrib/chapter.sgml
+++ b/en_US.ISO_8859-1/books/handbook/contrib/chapter.sgml
@@ -1,6007 +1,6011 @@
Contributing to FreeBSDContributed by &a.jkh;.So you want to contribute something to FreeBSD? That is great! We can
always use the help, and FreeBSD is one of those systems that
relies on the contributions of its user base in order
to survive. Your contributions are not only appreciated, they are vital
to FreeBSD's continued growth!Contrary to what some people might also have you believe, you do not
need to be a hot-shot programmer or a close personal friend of the FreeBSD
core team in order to have your contributions accepted. The FreeBSD
Project's development is done by a large and growing number of
international contributors whose ages and areas of technical expertise
vary greatly, and there is always more work to be done than there are
people available to do it.Since the FreeBSD project is responsible for an entire operating
system environment (and its installation) rather than just a kernel or a
few scattered utilities, our TODO list also spans a
very wide range of tasks, from documentation, beta testing and
presentation to highly specialized types of kernel development. No matter
what your skill level, there is almost certainly something you can do to
help the project!Commercial entities engaged in FreeBSD-related enterprises are also
encouraged to contact us. Need a special extension to make your product
work? You will find us receptive to your requests, given that they are not
too outlandish. Working on a value-added product? Please let us know! We
may be able to work cooperatively on some aspect of it. The free software
world is challenging a lot of existing assumptions about how software is
developed, sold, and maintained throughout its life cycle, and we urge you
to at least give it a second look.What is NeededThe following list of tasks and sub-projects represents something of
an amalgam of the various core team TODO lists and
user requests we have collected over the last couple of months. Where
possible, tasks have been ranked by degree of urgency. If you are
interested in working on one of the tasks you see here, send mail to the
coordinator listed by clicking on their names. If no coordinator has
been appointed, maybe you would like to volunteer?High priority tasksThe following tasks are considered to be urgent, usually because
they represent something that is badly broken or sorely needed:3-stage boot issues. Overall coordination: &a.hackers;Do WinNT compatible drive tagging so that the 3rd stage
can provide an accurate mapping of BIOS geometries for
disks.Filesystem problems. Overall coordination: &a.fs;Clean up and document the nullfs filesystem code.
Coordinator: &a.eivind;Fix the union file system. Coordinator: &a.dg;Implement Int13 vm86 disk driver. Coordinator:
&a.hackers;New bus architecture. Coordinator: &a.newbus;Port existing ISA drivers to new architecture.Move all interrupt-management code to appropriate parts of
the bus drivers.Port PCI subsystem to new architecture. Coordinator:
&a.dfr;Figure out the right way to handle removable devices and
then use that as a substrate on which PC-Card and CardBus
support can be implemented.Resolve the probe/attach priority issue once and for
all.Move any remaining buses over to the new
architecture.Kernel issues. Overall coordination: &a.hackers;Add more pro-active security infrastructure. Overall
coordination: &a.security;Build something like Tripwire(TM) into the kernel, with a
remote and local part. There are a number of cryptographic
issues to getting this right; contact the coordinator for
details. Coordinator: &a.eivind;Make the entire kernel use suser()
instead of comparing to 0. It is presently using about half
of each. Coordinator: &a.eivind;Split securelevels into different parts, to allow an
administrator to throw away those privileges he can throw
away. Setting the overall securelevel needs to have the same
effect as now, obviously. Coordinator: &a.eivind;Make it possible to upload a list of allowed
program to BPF, and then block BPF from accepting other
programs. This would allow BPF to be used e.g. for DHCP,
without allowing an attacker to start snooping the local
network.Update the security checker script. We should at least
grab all the checks from the other BSD derivatives, and add
checks that a system with securelevel increased also have
reasonable flags on the relevant parts. Coordinator:
&a.eivind;Add authorization infrastructure to the kernel, to allow
different authorization policies. Part of this could be done
by modifying suser(). Coordinator:
&a.eivind;Add code to the NFS layer so that you cannot
chdir("..") out of an NFS partition. E.g.,
/usr is a UFS partition with
/usr/src NFS exported. Now it is
possible to use the NFS filehandle for
/usr/src to get access to
/usr.Medium priority tasksThe following tasks need to be done, but not with any particular
urgency:Full KLD based driver support/Configuration Manager.Write a configuration manager (in the 3rd stage boot?)
that probes your hardware in a sane manner, keeps only the
KLDs required for your hardware, etc.PCMCIA/PCCARD. Coordinators: &a.msmith; and &a.imp;Documentation!Reliable operation of the pcic driver (needs
testing).Recognizer and handler for sio.c
(mostly done).Recognizer and handler for ed.c
(mostly done).Recognizer and handler for ep.c
(mostly done).User-mode recognizer and handler (partially done).Advanced Power Management. Coordinators: &a.msmith; and
&a.phk;APM sub-driver (mostly done).IDE/ATA disk sub-driver (partially done).syscons/pcvt sub-driver.Integration with the PCMCIA/PCCARD drivers
(suspend/resume).Low priority tasksThe following tasks are purely cosmetic or represent such an
investment of work that it is not likely that anyone will get them
done anytime soon:The first N items are from Terry Lambert
terry@lambert.orgNetWare Server (protected mode ODI driver) loader and
sub-services to allow the use of ODI card drivers supplied with
network cards. The same thing for NDIS drivers and NetWare SCSI
drivers.An "upgrade system" option that works on Linux boxes instead
of just previous rev FreeBSD boxes.Symmetric Multiprocessing with kernel preemption (requires
kernel preemption).A concerted effort at support for portable computers. This is
somewhat handled by changing PCMCIA bridging rules and power
management event handling. But there are things like detecting
internal v.s.. external display and picking a different screen
resolution based on that fact, not spinning down the disk if the
machine is in dock, and allowing dock-based cards to disappear
without affecting the machines ability to boot (same issue for
PCMCIA).Smaller tasksMost of the tasks listed in the previous sections require either a
considerable investment of time or an in-depth knowledge of the
FreeBSD kernel (or both). However, there are also many useful tasks
which are suitable for "weekend hackers", or people without
programming skills.If you run FreeBSD-current and have a good Internet
connection, there is a machine current.FreeBSD.org which builds a full
release once a day — every now and again, try and install
the latest release from it and report any failures in the
process.Read the freebsd-bugs mailing list. There might be a
problem you can comment constructively on or with patches you
can test. Or you could even try to fix one of the problems
yourself.Read through the FAQ and Handbook periodically. If anything
is badly explained, out of date or even just completely wrong, let
us know. Even better, send us a fix (SGML is not difficult to
learn, but there is no objection to ASCII submissions).Help translate FreeBSD documentation into your native language
(if not already available) — just send an email to &a.doc;
asking if anyone is working on it. Note that you are not
committing yourself to translating every single FreeBSD document
by doing this — in fact, the documentation most in need of
translation is the installation instructions.Read the freebsd-questions mailing list and &ng.misc
occasionally (or even regularly). It can be very satisfying to
share your expertise and help people solve their problems;
sometimes you may even learn something new yourself! These forums
can also be a source of ideas for things to work on.If you know of any bug fixes which have been successfully
applied to -current but have not been merged into -stable after a
decent interval (normally a couple of weeks), send the committer a
polite reminder.Move contributed software to src/contrib
in the source tree.Make sure code in src/contrib is up to
date.Look for year 2000 bugs (and fix any you find!)Build the source tree (or just part of it) with extra warnings
enabled and clean up the warnings.Fix warnings for ports which do deprecated things like using
gets() or including malloc.h.If you have contributed any ports, send your patches back to
the original author (this will make your life easier when they
bring out the next version)Suggest further tasks for this list!Work through the PR databaseThe FreeBSD PR
list shows all the current active problem reports and
requests for enhancement that have been submitted by FreeBSD users.
Look through the open PRs, and see if anything there takes your
interest. Some of these might be very simple tasks, that just need an
extra pair of eyes to look over them and confirm that the fix in the
PR is a good one. Others might be much more complex.Start with the PRs that have not been assigned to anyone else, but
if one them is assigned to someone else, but it looks like something
you can handle, e-mail the person it is assigned to and ask if you can
work on it—they might already have a patch ready to be tested,
or further ideas that you can discuss with them.How to ContributeContributions to the system generally fall into one or more of the
following 6 categories:Bug reports and general commentaryAn idea or suggestion of general technical
interest should be mailed to the &a.hackers;. Likewise, people with
an interest in such things (and a tolerance for a
high volume of mail!) may subscribe to the
hackers mailing list by sending mail to &a.majordomo;. See mailing lists for more information
about this and other mailing lists.If you find a bug or are submitting a specific change, please
report it using the &man.send-pr.1; program or its WEB-based
equivalent. Try to fill-in each field of the bug report.
Unless they exceed 65KB, include any patches directly in the report.
When including patches, do not use cut-and-paste
because cut-and-paste turns tabs into spaces and makes them unusable.
Consider compressing patches and using &man.uuencode.1; if they exceed
20KB. Upload very large submissions to ftp.FreeBSD.org:/pub/FreeBSD/incoming/.After filing a report, you should receive confirmation along with
a tracking number. Keep this tracking number so that you can update
us with details about the problem by sending mail to
bug-followup@FreeBSD.org. Use the number as the
message subject, e.g. "Re: kern/3377". Additional
information for any bug report should be submitted this way.If you do not receive confirmation in a timely fashion (3 days to
a week, depending on your email connection) or are, for some reason,
unable to use the &man.send-pr.1; command, then you may ask
someone to file it for you by sending mail to the &a.bugs;.Changes to the documentationChanges to the documentation are overseen by the &a.doc;. Send
submissions and changes (even small ones are welcome!) using
send-pr as described in Bug Reports and General
Commentary.Changes to existing source codeAn addition or change to the existing source code is a somewhat
trickier affair and depends a lot on how far out of date you are with
the current state of the core FreeBSD development. There is a special
on-going release of FreeBSD known as FreeBSD-current
which is made available in a variety of ways for the convenience of
developers working actively on the system. See Staying current with FreeBSD for more
information about getting and using FreeBSD-current.Working from older sources unfortunately means that your changes
may sometimes be too obsolete or too divergent for easy re-integration
into FreeBSD. Chances of this can be minimized somewhat by
subscribing to the &a.announce; and the &a.current; lists, where
discussions on the current state of the system take place.Assuming that you can manage to secure fairly up-to-date sources
to base your changes on, the next step is to produce a set of diffs to
send to the FreeBSD maintainers. This is done with the &man.diff.1;
command, with the context diff form
being preferred. For example:&prompt.user; diff -c oldfile newfile
&prompt.user; diff -c -r olddir newdir
would generate such a set of context diffs for the given source file
or directory hierarchy. See the man page for &man.diff.1; for more
details.Once you have a set of diffs (which you may test with the
&man.patch.1; command), you should submit them for inclusion with
FreeBSD. Use the &man.send-pr.1; program as described in Bug Reports and General Commentary.
Do not just send the diffs to the &a.hackers; or
they will get lost! We greatly appreciate your submission (this is a
volunteer project!); because we are busy, we may not be able to
address it immediately, but it will remain in the pr database until we
do.If you feel it appropriate (e.g. you have added, deleted, or
renamed files), bundle your changes into a tar file
and run the &man.uuencode.1; program on it. Shar archives are also
welcome.If your change is of a potentially sensitive nature, e.g. you are
unsure of copyright issues governing its further distribution or you
are simply not ready to release it without a tighter review first,
then you should send it to &a.core; directly rather than submitting it
with &man.send-pr.1;. The core mailing list reaches a much smaller
group of people who do much of the day-to-day work on FreeBSD. Note
that this group is also very busy and so you
should only send mail to them where it is truly necessary.Please refer to man 9 intro and man 9
style for some information on coding style. We would
appreciate it if you were at least aware of this information before
submitting code.New code or major value-added packagesIn the rare case of a significant contribution of a large body
work, or the addition of an important new feature to FreeBSD, it
becomes almost always necessary to either send changes as uuencoded
tar files or upload them to our ftp site ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/incoming/.When working with large amounts of code, the touchy subject of
copyrights also invariably comes up. Acceptable copyrights for code
included in FreeBSD are:The BSD copyright. This copyright is most preferred due to
its no strings attached nature and general
attractiveness to commercial enterprises. Far from discouraging
such commercial use, the FreeBSD Project actively encourages such
participation by commercial interests who might eventually be
inclined to invest something of their own into FreeBSD.The GNU Public License, or GPL. This license is
not quite as popular with us due to the amount of extra effort
demanded of anyone using the code for commercial purposes, but
given the sheer quantity of GPL'd code we currently require
(compiler, assembler, text formatter, etc) it would be silly to
refuse additional contributions under this license. Code under
the GPL also goes into a different part of the tree, that being
/sys/gnu or
/usr/src/gnu, and is therefore easily
identifiable to anyone for whom the GPL presents a problem.Contributions coming under any other type of copyright must be
carefully reviewed before their inclusion into FreeBSD will be
considered. Contributions for which particularly restrictive
commercial copyrights apply are generally rejected, though the authors
are always encouraged to make such changes available through their own
channels.To place a BSD-style copyright on your work, include
the following text at the very beginning of every source code file you
wish to protect, replacing the text between the %%
with the appropriate information.
Copyright (c) %%proper_years_here%%
%%your_name_here%%, %%your_state%% %%your_zip%%.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer as
the first lines of this file unmodified.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
$Id$For your convenience, a copy of this text can be found in
/usr/share/examples/etc/bsd-style-copyright.Money, Hardware or Internet accessWe are always very happy to accept donations to further the cause
of the FreeBSD Project and, in a volunteer effort like ours, a little
can go a long way! Donations of hardware are also very important to
expanding our list of supported peripherals since we generally lack
the funds to buy such items ourselves.Donating fundsWhile the FreeBSD Project is not a 501(c)(3) (charitable)
corporation and hence cannot offer special tax incentives for any
donations made, any such donations will be gratefully accepted on
behalf of the project by FreeBSD, Inc.FreeBSD, Inc. was founded in early 1995 by &a.jkh; and &a.dg;
with the goal of furthering the aims of the FreeBSD Project and
giving it a minimal corporate presence. Any and all funds donated
(as well as any profits that may eventually be realized by FreeBSD,
Inc.) will be used exclusively to further the project's
goals.Please make any checks payable to FreeBSD, Inc., sent in care of
the following address:FreeBSD, Inc.c/o Jordan Hubbard4041 Pike Lane, Suite FConcordCA, 94520(currently using the Walnut Creek CDROM address until a PO box
can be opened)Wire transfers may also be sent directly to:Bank Of AmericaConcord Main OfficeP.O. Box 37176San FranciscoCA, 94137-5176Routing #: 121-000-358Account #: 01411-07441 (FreeBSD, Inc.)Any correspondence related to donations should be sent to &a.jkh,
either via email or to the FreeBSD, Inc. postal address given above.
If you do not wish to be listed in our donors section, please specify this when
making your donation. Thanks!Donating hardwareDonations of hardware in any of the 3 following categories are
also gladly accepted by the FreeBSD Project:General purpose hardware such as disk drives, memory or
complete systems should be sent to the FreeBSD, Inc. address
listed in the donating funds
section.Hardware for which ongoing compliance testing is desired.
We are currently trying to put together a testing lab of all
components that FreeBSD supports so that proper regression
testing can be done with each new release. We are still lacking
many important pieces (network cards, motherboards, etc) and if
you would like to make such a donation, please contact &a.dg;
for information on which items are still required.Hardware currently unsupported by FreeBSD for which you
would like to see such support added. Please contact the
&a.core; before sending such items as we will need to find a
developer willing to take on the task before we can accept
delivery of new hardware.Donating Internet accessWe can always use new mirror sites for FTP, WWW or
cvsup. If you would like to be such a mirror,
please contact the FreeBSD project administrators
hubs@FreeBSD.org for more information.Donors GalleryThe FreeBSD Project is indebted to the following donors and would
like to publicly thank them here!Contributors to the central server
project:The following individuals and businesses made it possible for
the FreeBSD Project to build a new central server machine to
eventually replace freefall.FreeBSD.org
by donating the following items:&a.mbarkah and his employer,
Hemisphere Online, donated a Pentium Pro
(P6) 200Mhz CPUASA
Computers donated a Tyan 1662
motherboard.Joe McGuckin joe@via.net of ViaNet Communications donated
a Kingston ethernet controller.Jack O'Neill jack@diamond.xtalwind.net
donated an NCR 53C875 SCSI controller
card.Ulf Zimmermann ulf@Alameda.net of Alameda Networks donated
128MB of memory, a 4 Gb disk
drive and the case.Direct funding:The following individuals and businesses have generously
contributed direct funding to the project:Annelise Anderson
ArtsEpilogue Technology
Corporation&a.sefGlobal Technology
Associates, IncDon Scott WildeGianmarco Giovannelli
gmarco@masternet.itJosef C. Grosch joeg@truenorth.orgRobert T. Morris&a.chuckrKenneth P. Stox ken@stox.sa.enteract.com of
Imaginary Landscape,
LLC.Dmitry S. Kohmanyuk dk@dog.farm.orgLaser5 of Japan
(a portion of the profits from sales of their various FreeBSD
CDROMs).Fuki Shuppan
Publishing Co. donated a portion of their profits from
Hajimete no FreeBSD (FreeBSD, Getting
started) to the FreeBSD and XFree86 projects.ASCII Corp.
donated a portion of their profits from several FreeBSD-related
books to the FreeBSD project.Yokogawa Electric
Corp has generously donated significant funding to the
FreeBSD project.BuffNETPacific
SolutionsSiemens AG
via Andre
AlbsmeierChris SilvaHardware contributors:The following individuals and businesses have generously
contributed hardware for testing and device driver
development/support:Walnut Creek CDROM for providing the Pentium P5-90 and
486/DX2-66 EISA/VL systems that are being used for our
development work, to say nothing of the network access and other
donations of hardware resources.TRW Financial Systems, Inc. provided 130 PCs, three 68 GB
fileservers, twelve Ethernets, two routers and an ATM switch for
debugging the diskless code.Dermot McDonnell donated the Toshiba XM3401B CDROM drive
currently used in freefall.&a.chuck; contributed his floppy tape streamer for
experimental work.Larry Altneu larry@ALR.COM, and &a.wilko;,
provided Wangtek and Archive QIC-02 tape drives in order to
improve the wt driver.Ernst Winter ewinter@lobo.muc.de contributed
a 2.88 MB floppy drive to the project. This will hopefully
increase the pressure for rewriting the floppy disk driver.
Technologies sent one each of their DC-390, DC-390U
and DC-390F FAST and ULTRA SCSI host adapter cards for
regression testing of the NCR and AMD drivers with their cards.
They are also to be applauded for making driver sources for free
operating systems available from their FTP server ftp://ftp.tekram.com/scsi/FreeBSD/.Larry M. Augustin contributed not only a
Symbios Sym8751S SCSI card, but also a set of data books,
including one about the forthcoming Sym53c895 chip with Ultra-2
and LVD support, and the latest programming manual with
information on how to safely use the advanced features of the
latest Symbios SCSI chips. Thanks a lot!Christoph Kukulies kuku@FreeBSD.org donated
an FX120 12 speed Mitsumi CDROM drive for IDE CDROM driver
development.Special contributors:Walnut Creek CDROM
has donated almost more than we can say (see the history document for more details).
In particular, we would like to thank them for the original
hardware used for freefall.FreeBSD.org, our primary
development machine, and for thud.FreeBSD.org, a testing and build
box. We are also indebted to them for funding various
contributors over the years and providing us with unrestricted
use of their T1 connection to the Internet.The interface
business GmbH, Dresden has been patiently supporting
&a.joerg; who has often preferred FreeBSD work over paid work, and
used to fall back to their (quite expensive) EUnet Internet
connection whenever his private connection became too slow or
flaky to work with it...Berkeley Software Design,
Inc. has contributed their DOS emulator code to the
remaining BSD world, which is used in the
doscmd command.Core Team AlumniThe following people were members of the FreeBSD core team during
the periods indicated. We thank them for their past efforts in the
service of the FreeBSD project.In rough chronological order:&a.jdp (1997 - 2000)&a.guido (1995 - 1999)&a.dyson (1993 - 1998)&a.nate (1992 - 1996)&a.rgrimes (1992 - 1995)Andreas Schulz (1992 - 1995)&a.csgr (1993 - 1995)&a.paul (1992 - 1995)&a.smace (1993 - 1994)Andrew Moore (1993 - 1994)Christoph Robitschko (1993 - 1994)J. T. Conklin (1992 - 1993)Derived Software ContributorsThis software was originally derived from William F. Jolitz's 386BSD
release 0.1, though almost none of the original 386BSD specific code
remains. This software has been essentially re-implemented from the
4.4BSD-Lite release provided by the Computer Science Research Group
(CSRG) at the University of California, Berkeley and associated academic
contributors.There are also portions of NetBSD and OpenBSD that have been
integrated into FreeBSD as well, and we would therefore like to thank
all the contributors to NetBSD and OpenBSD for their work.Additional FreeBSD Contributors(in alphabetical order by first name):ABURAYA Ryushirou rewsirow@ff.iij4u.or.jpAMAGAI Yoshiji amagai@nue.orgAaron Bornstein aaronb@j51.comAaron Smith aaron@mutex.orgAchim Patzner ap@noses.comAda T Lim ada@bsd.orgAdam Baran badam@mw.mil.plAdam Glass glass@postgres.berkeley.eduAdam McDougall mcdouga9@egr.msu.eduAdam Strohl troll@digitalspark.netAdoal Xu adoal@iname.comAdrian Chadd adrian@FreeBSD.orgAdrian Colley aecolley@ois.ieAdrian Hall adrian@ibmpcug.co.ukAdrian Mariano adrian@cam.cornell.eduAdrian Steinmann ast@marabu.chAdrian T. Filipi-Martin
atf3r@agate.cs.virginia.eduAjit Thyagarajan unknownAkio Morita
amorita@meadow.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jpAkira SAWADA unknownAkira Watanabe
akira@myaw.ei.meisei-u.ac.jpAkito Fujita fujita@zoo.ncl.omron.co.jpAlain Kalker
A.C.P.M.Kalker@student.utwente.nlAlan Bawden alan@curry.epilogue.comAlec Wolman wolman@cs.washington.eduAled Morris aledm@routers.co.ukAleksandr A Babaylov .@babolo.ruAlex garbanzo@hooked.netAlex D. Chen
dhchen@Canvas.dorm7.nccu.edu.twAlex G. Bulushev bag@demos.suAlex Le Heux alexlh@funk.orgAlex Perel veers@disturbed.netAlex Varju varju@webct.comAlexander B. Povolotsky tarkhil@mgt.msk.ruAlexander Gelfenbain mail@gelf.comAlexander Leidinger
netchild@wurzelausix.CS.Uni-SB.DEAlexandre Snarskii snar@paranoia.ruAlistair G. Crooks agc@uts.amdahl.comAllan Bowhill bowhill@bowhill.vservers.comAllan Saddi asaddi@philosophysw.comAllen Campbell allenc@verinet.comAmakawa Shuhei amakawa@hoh.t.u-tokyo.ac.jpAmancio Hasty hasty@star-gate.comAmir Farah amir@comtrol.comAmy Baron amee@beer.orgAnatoly A. Orehovsky tolik@mpeks.tomsk.suAnatoly Vorobey mellon@pobox.comAnders Nordby anders@fix.noAnders Thulin Anders.X.Thulin@telia.seAndras Olah olah@cs.utwente.nlAndre Albsmeier
Andre.Albsmeier@mchp.siemens.deAndre Oppermann andre@pipeline.chAndreas Haakh ah@alman.robin.deAndreas Kohout shanee@rabbit.augusta.deAndreas Lohr andreas@marvin.RoBIN.deAndreas Schulz unknownAndreas Wetzel mickey@deadline.snafu.deAndreas Wrede andreas@planix.comAndres Vega Garcia unknownAndrew Atrens atreand@statcan.caAndrew Boothman andrew@cream.orgAndrew Gillham gillham@andrews.eduAndrew Gordon andrew.gordon@net-tel.co.ukAndrew Herbert andrew@werple.apana.org.auAndrew J. Korty ajk@purdue.eduAndrew L. Moore alm@mclink.comAndrew L. Neporada andrew@chg.ruAndrew McRae amcrae@cisco.comAndrew Stevenson andrew@ugh.net.auAndrew Timonin tim@pool1.convey.ruAndrew V. Stesin stesin@elvisti.kiev.uaAndrew Webster awebster@dataradio.comAndrey Novikov andrey@novikov.comAndy Farkas andyf@speednet.com.auAndy Valencia ajv@csd.mot.comAndy Whitcroft andy@sarc.city.ac.ukAngelo Turetta ATuretta@stylo.itAnthony C. Chavez magus@xmission.comAnthony Yee-Hang Chan yeehang@netcom.comAnton Berezin tobez@plab.ku.dkAnton N. Bruesov antonz@library.ntu-kpi.kiev.uaAntti Kaipila anttik@iki.fiarci vega@sophia.inria.frAre Bryne are.bryne@communique.noAri Suutari ari@suutari.iki.fiArindum Mukerji rmukerji@execpc.comArjan de Vet devet@IAEhv.nlArne Henrik Juul arnej@Lise.Unit.NOArun Sharma adsharma@sharmas.dhs.orgAtsushi Furuta furuta@sra.co.jpAtsushi Murai amurai@spec.co.jpBakul Shah bvs@bitblocks.comBarry Bierbauch pivrnec@vszbr.czBarry Lustig barry@ictv.comBen Hutchinson benhutch@xfiles.org.ukBen Jackson unknownBen Smithurst ben@scientia.demon.co.ukBen Walter bwalter@itachi.swcp.comBenjamin Lewis bhlewis@gte.netBenno Rice benno@netizen.com.auBerend de Boer berend@pobox.comBernd Rosauer br@schiele-ct.deBill Kish kish@osf.orgBill Trost trost@cloud.rain.comBlaz Zupan blaz@amis.netBob Van Valzah Bob@whitebarn.comBob Wilcox bob@obiwan.uucpBob Willcox bob@luke.pmr.comBoris Staeblow balu@dva.in-berlin.deBoyd Faulkner faulkner@mpd.tandem.comBoyd R. Faulkner faulkner@asgard.bga.comBrad Hendrickse bradh@uunet.co.zaBrad Karp karp@eecs.harvard.eduBradley Dunn bradley@dunn.orgBrandon Fosdick bfoz@glue.umd.eduBrandon Gillespie brandon@roguetrader.com&a.wlloydBrent J. Nordquist bjn@visi.comBrett Lymn blymn@mulga.awadi.com.AUBrett Taylor
brett@peloton.runet.eduBrian Campbell brianc@pobox.comBrian Clapper bmc@willscreek.comBrian Cully shmit@kublai.comBrian Handy
handy@lambic.space.lockheed.comBrian Litzinger brian@MediaCity.comBrian McGovern bmcgover@cisco.comBrian Moore ziff@houdini.eecs.umich.eduBrian R. Haug haug@conterra.comBrian Tao taob@risc.orgBrion Moss brion@queeg.comBruce A. Mah bmah@ca.sandia.govBruce Albrecht bruce@zuhause.mn.orgBruce Gingery bgingery@gtcs.comBruce J. Keeler loodvrij@gridpoint.comBruce Murphy packrat@iinet.net.auBruce Walter walter@fortean.comCarey Jones mcj@acquiesce.orgCarl Fongheiser cmf@netins.netCarl Mascott cmascott@world.std.comCasper casper@acc.amCastor Fu castor@geocast.comChain Lee chain@110.netCharles Hannum mycroft@ai.mit.eduCharles Henrich henrich@msu.eduCharles Mott cmott@scientech.comCharles Owens owensc@enc.eduChet Ramey chet@odin.INS.CWRU.EduChia-liang Kao clkao@CirX.ORGChiharu Shibata chi@bd.mbn.or.jpChip Norkus unknownChris Csanady cc@tarsier.ca.sandia.govChris Dabrowski chris@vader.orgChris Dillon cdillon@wolves.k12.mo.usChris Shenton
cshenton@angst.it.hq.nasa.govChris Stenton jacs@gnome.co.ukChris Timmons skynyrd@opus.cts.cwu.eduChris Torek torek@ee.lbl.govChristian Gusenbauer
cg@fimp01.fim.uni-linz.ac.atChristian Haury Christian.Haury@sagem.frChristian Weisgerber
naddy@mips.inka.deChristoph P. Kukulies kuku@FreeBSD.orgChristoph Robitschko
chmr@edvz.tu-graz.ac.atChristoph Weber-Fahr
wefa@callcenter.systemhaus.netChristopher G. Demetriou
cgd@postgres.berkeley.eduChristopher T. Johnson
cjohnson@neunacht.netgsi.comChrisy Luke chrisy@flix.netChuck Hein chein@cisco.comCliff Rowley dozprompt@onsea.comClive Lin clive@CiRX.ORGColman Reilly careilly@tcd.ieConrad Sabatier conrads@neosoft.comCoranth Gryphon gryphon@healer.comCornelis van der Laan
nils@guru.ims.uni-stuttgart.deCove Schneider cove@brazil.nbn.comCraig Leres leres@ee.lbl.govCraig Loomis unknownCraig Metz cmetz@inner.netCraig Spannring cts@internetcds.comCraig Struble cstruble@vt.eduCristian Ferretti cfs@riemann.mat.puc.clCurt Mayer curt@toad.comCy Schubert cschuber@uumail.gov.bc.caDai Ishijima ishijima@tri.pref.osaka.jpDaisuke Watanabe NU7D-WTNB@asahi-net.or.jpDamian Hamill damian@cablenet.netDan Cross tenser@spitfire.ecsel.psu.eduDan Lukes dan@obluda.czDan Nelson dnelson@emsphone.comDan Papasian bugg@bugg.strangled.netDan Piponi wmtop@tanelorn.demon.co.ukDan Walters hannibal@cyberstation.netDaniel Hagan
dhagan@cs.vt.eduDaniel M. Eischen
deischen@iworks.InterWorks.orgDaniel O'Connor doconnor@gsoft.com.auDaniel Harris
dannyboy@dannyboy.eyep.netDaniel Poirot poirot@aio.jsc.nasa.govDaniel Rock rock@cs.uni-sb.deDanny Egen unknownDanny J. Zerkel dzerkel@phofarm.comDarren Reed avalon@coombs.anu.edu.auDave Adkins adkin003@tc.umn.eduDave Andersen angio@aros.netDave Blizzard dblizzar@sprynet.comDave Bodenstab imdave@synet.netDave Burgess burgess@hrd769.brooks.af.milDave Chapeskie dchapes@ddm.on.caDave Cornejo dave@dogwood.comDave Edmondson davided@sco.comDave Glowacki dglo@ssec.wisc.eduDave Marquardt marquard@austin.ibm.comDave Tweten tweten@FreeBSD.orgDavid A. Adkins adkin003@tc.umn.eduDavid A. Bader dbader@umiacs.umd.eduDavid Borman dab@bsdi.comDavid Dawes dawes@XFree86.orgDavid Filo unknownDavid Holland dholland@eecs.harvard.eduDavid Holloway daveh@gwythaint.tamis.comDavid Horwitt dhorwitt@ucsd.eduDavid Hovemeyer daveho@infocom.comDavid Jones dej@qpoint.torfree.netDavid Kelly dkelly@tomcat1.tbe.comDavid Kulp dkulp@neomorphic.comDavid L. Nugent davidn@blaze.net.auDavid Leonard d@scry.dstc.edu.auDavid Malone dwmalone@maths.tcd.ieDavid Muir Sharnoff muir@idiom.comDavid S. Miller davem@jenolan.rutgers.eduDavid Wolfskill dhw@whistle.comDean Gaudet dgaudet@arctic.orgDean Huxley dean@fsa.caDenis Fortin unknownDennis Glatting
dennis.glatting@software-munitions.comDenton Gentry denny1@home.comder Mouse mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDUDerek Inksetter derek@saidev.comDI. Christian Gusenbauer
cg@scotty.edvz.uni-linz.ac.atDima Sivachenko dima@Chg.RUDirk Keunecke dk@panda.rhein-main.deDirk Nehrling nerle@pdv.deDmitry Khrustalev dima@xyzzy.machaon.ruDmitry Kohmanyuk dk@farm.orgDom Mitchell dom@myrddin.demon.co.ukDominik Brettnacher domi@saargate.deDominik Rothert dr@domix.deDon Croyle croyle@gelemna.ft-wayne.in.us&a.whiteside;Don Morrison dmorrisn@u.washington.eduDon Yuniskis dgy@rtd.comDonald Maddox dmaddox@conterra.comDoug Barton Doug@gorean.orgDouglas Ambrisko ambrisko@whistle.comDouglas Carmichael dcarmich@mcs.comDouglas Crosher dtc@scrooge.ee.swin.oz.auDrew Derbyshire ahd@kew.comDuncan Barclay dmlb@ragnet.demon.co.ukDustin Sallings dustin@spy.netEckart "Isegrim" Hofmann
Isegrim@Wunder-Nett.orgEd Gold
vegold01@starbase.spd.louisville.eduEd Hudson elh@p5.spnet.comEdward Chuang edwardc@firebird.org.twEdward Wang edward@edcom.comEdwin Groothus edwin@nwm.wan.philips.comEdwin Mons e@ik.nuEge Rekk aagero@aage.priv.noEiji-usagi-MATSUmoto usagi@clave.gr.jpELISA Font ProjectElmar Bartel
bartel@informatik.tu-muenchen.deEoin Lawless eoin@maths.tcd.ieEric A. Griff eagriff@global2000.netEric Blood eblood@cs.unr.eduEric J. Haug ejh@slustl.slu.eduEric J. Schwertfeger eric@cybernut.comEric L. Hernes erich@lodgenet.comEric P. Scott eps@sirius.comEric Sprinkle eric@ennovatenetworks.comErich Stefan Boleyn erich@uruk.orgErik H. Bakke erikhb@bgnett.noErik E. Rantapaa rantapaa@math.umn.eduErik H. Moe ehm@cris.comErnst Winter ewinter@lobo.muc.deEspen Skoglund esk@ira.uka.deEugene M. Kim astralblue@usa.netEugene Radchenko genie@qsar.chem.msu.suEugeny Kuzakov CoreDumped@lab321.ruEvan Champion evanc@synapse.netFaried Nawaz fn@Hungry.COMFlemming Jacobsen fj@tfs.comFong-Ching Liaw fong@juniper.netFrancis M J Hsieh mjshieh@life.nthu.edu.twFrank Bartels knarf@camelot.deFrank Chen Hsiung Chan
frankch@waru.life.nthu.edu.twFrank Durda IV uhclem@nemesis.lonestar.orgFrank MacLachlan fpm@n2.netFrank Nobis fn@Radio-do.deFrank ten Wolde franky@pinewood.nlFrank van der Linden frank@fwi.uva.nlFrank Volf volf@oasis.IAEhv.nlFred Cawthorne fcawth@jjarray.umn.eduFred Gilham gilham@csl.sri.comFred Templin templin@erg.sri.comFrederick Earl Gray fgray@rice.eduFUJIMOTO Kensaku
fujimoto@oscar.elec.waseda.ac.jpFUJISHIMA Satsuki k5@respo.or.jpFURUSAWA Kazuhisa
furusawa@com.cs.osakafu-u.ac.jpG. Adam Stanislavadam@whizkidtech.netGabor Kincses gabor@acm.orgGabor Zahemszky zgabor@CoDe.huGarance A Drosehn gad@eclipse.its.rpi.eduGareth McCaughan gjm11@dpmms.cam.ac.ukGary A. Browning gab10@griffcd.amdahl.comGary Howland gary@hotlava.comGary J. garyj@rks32.pcs.dec.comGary Kline kline@thought.orgGaspar Chilingarov nightmar@lemming.acc.amGea-Suan Lin gsl@tpts4.seed.net.twGeoff Rehmet csgr@alpha.ru.ac.zaGeorg Wagner georg.wagner@ubs.comGianlorenzo Masini masini@uniroma3.itGianmarco Giovannelli
gmarco@giovannelli.itGil Kloepfer Jr. gil@limbic.ssdl.comGilad Rom rom_glsa@ein-hashofet.co.ilGiles Lean giles@nemeton.com.auGinga Kawaguti
ginga@amalthea.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jpGiorgos Keramidas keramida@ceid.upatras.grGlen Foster gfoster@gfoster.comGlenn Johnson gljohns@bellsouth.netGodmar Back gback@facility.cs.utah.eduGoran Hammarback goran@astro.uu.seGord Matzigkeit gord@enci.ucalgary.caGordon Greeff gvg@uunet.co.zaGraham Wheeler gram@cdsec.comGreg A. Woods woods@zeus.leitch.comGreg Ansley gja@ansley.comGreg Robinson greg@rosevale.com.auGreg Troxel gdt@ir.bbn.comGreg Ungerer gerg@stallion.oz.auGregory Bond gnb@itga.com.auGregory D. Moncreaff
moncrg@bt340707.res.ray.comGuy Harris guy@netapp.comGuy Helmer ghelmer@cs.iastate.eduHAMADA Naoki hamada@astec.co.jpHannu Savolainen hannu@voxware.pp.fiHans Huebner hans@artcom.deHans Petter Bieker zerium@webindex.noHans Zuidam hans@brandinnovators.comHarlan Stenn Harlan.Stenn@pfcs.comHarold Barker hbarker@dsms.comHavard Eidnes
Havard.Eidnes@runit.sintef.noHeikki Suonsivu hsu@cs.hut.fiHeiko W. Rupp unknownHelmut F. Wirth hfwirth@ping.atHenrik Vestergaard Draboel
hvd@terry.ping.dkHerb Peyerl hpeyerl@NetBSD.orgHideaki Ohmon ohmon@tom.sfc.keio.ac.jpHidekazu Kuroki hidekazu@cs.titech.ac.jpHideki Yamamoto hyama@acm.orgHideyuki Suzuki
hideyuki@sat.t.u-tokyo.ac.jpHirayama Issei iss@mail.wbs.ne.jpHiroaki Sakai sakai@miya.ee.kagu.sut.ac.jpHiroharu Tamaru tamaru@ap.t.u-tokyo.ac.jpHironori Ikura hikura@kaisei.orgHiroshi Nishikawa nis@pluto.dti.ne.jpHiroya Tsubakimoto unknownHolger Veit Holger.Veit@gmd.deHolm Tiffe holm@geophysik.tu-freiberg.deHONDA Yasuhiro
honda@kashio.info.mie-u.ac.jpHorance Chou
horance@freedom.ie.cycu.edu.twHorihiro Kumagai kuma@jp.FreeBSD.orgHOSOBUCHI Noriyuki hoso@buchi.tama.or.jpHOTARU-YA hotaru@tail.netHr.Ladavac lada@ws2301.gud.siemens.co.atHubert Feyrer hubertf@NetBSD.ORGHugh F. Mahon hugh@nsmdserv.cnd.hp.comHugh Mahon h_mahon@fc.hp.comHung-Chi Chu hcchu@r350.ee.ntu.edu.twIan Dowse iedowse@maths.tcd.ieIan Holland ianh@tortuga.com.auIan Struble ian@broken.netIan Vaudrey i.vaudrey@bigfoot.comIgor Khasilev igor@jabber.paco.odessa.uaIgor Roshchin str@giganda.komkon.orgIgor Sviridov siac@ua.netIgor Vinokurov igor@zynaps.ruIkuo Nakagawa ikuo@isl.intec.co.jpIlya V. Komarov mur@lynx.ruIMAI Takeshi take-i@ceres.dti.ne.jpIMAMURA Tomoaki
tomoak-i@is.aist-nara.ac.jpIssei Suzuki issei@jp.FreeBSD.orgItsuro Saito saito@miv.t.u-tokyo.ac.jpIWASHITA Yoji shuna@pop16.odn.ne.jpJ. Bryant jbryant@argus.flash.netJ. David Lowe lowe@saturn5.comJ. Han hjh@photino.comJ. Hawk jhawk@MIT.EDUJ.T. Conklin jtc@cygnus.comJ.T. Jang keith@email.gcn.net.twJack jack@zeus.xtalwind.netJacob Bohn Lorensen jacob@jblhome.ping.mkJagane D Sundar jagane@netcom.comJake Hamby jehamby@lightside.comJames Clark jjc@jclark.comJames D. Stewart jds@c4systm.comJames da Silva jds@cs.umd.eduJames Jegers jimj@miller.cs.uwm.eduJames Raynard
fhackers@jraynard.demon.co.ukJames T. Liu jtliu@phlebas.rockefeller.eduJamie Heckford jamie@jamiesdomain.co.ukJan Conard
charly@fachschaften.tu-muenchen.deJan Koum jkb@FreeBSD.orgJanick Taillandier
Janick.Taillandier@ratp.frJanusz Kokot janek@gaja.ipan.lublin.plJarle Greipsland jarle@idt.unit.noJason Garman init@risen.orgJason Thorpe thorpej@NetBSD.orgJason Wright jason@OpenBSD.orgJason Young
doogie@forbidden-donut.anet-stl.comJavier Martin Rueda jmrueda@diatel.upm.esJay Fenlason hack@datacube.comJaye Mathisen mrcpu@cdsnet.netJeff Bartig jeffb@doit.wisc.eduJeff Brown jabrown@caida.orgJeff Forys jeff@forys.cranbury.nj.usJeff Kletsky Jeff@Wagsky.comJeff Palmer jeff@isni.netJeffrey Evans evans@scnc.k12.mi.usJeffrey Wheat jeff@cetlink.netJens Schweikhardt schweikh@noc.dfn.dJeremy Allison jallison@whistle.comJeremy Chadwick yoshi@parodius.comJeremy Chatfield jdc@xinside.comJeremy Prior unknownJeremy Shaffner jeremy@external.orgJesse Rosenstock jmr@ugcs.caltech.eduJian-Da Li jdli@csie.nctu.edu.twJim Babb babb@FreeBSD.orgJim Binkley jrb@cs.pdx.eduJim Bloom bloom@acm.orgJim Carroll jim@carroll.comJim Flowers jflowers@ezo.netJim Leppek jleppek@harris.comJim Lowe james@cs.uwm.eduJim Mattson jmattson@sonic.netJim Mercer jim@komodo.reptiles.orgJim Wilson wilson@moria.cygnus.comJimbo Bahooli
griffin@blackhole.iceworld.orgJin Guojun jin@george.lbl.govJoachim Kuebart unknownJoao Carlos Mendes Luis jonny@jonny.eng.brJochen Pohl jpo.drs@sni.deJoe "Marcus" Clarke marcus@miami.eduJoe Abley jabley@clear.co.nzJoe Jih-Shian Lu jslu@dns.ntu.edu.twJoe Orthoefer j_orthoefer@tia.netJoe Traister traister@mojozone.orgJoel Faedi Joel.Faedi@esial.u-nancy.frJoel Ray Holveck joelh@gnu.orgJoel Sutton jsutton@bbcon.com.auJohan Granlund johan@granlund.nuJohan Karlsson k@numeri.campus.luth.seJohan Larsson johan@moon.campus.luth.seJohann Tonsing jtonsing@mikom.csir.co.zaJohannes Helander unknownJohannes Stille unknownJohn Beckett jbeckett@southern.eduJohn Beukema jbeukema@hk.super.netJohn Brezak unknownJohn Capo jc@irbs.comJohn F. Woods jfw@jfwhome.funhouse.comJohn Goerzen
jgoerzen@alexanderwohl.complete.orgJohn Hay jhay@mikom.csir.co.zaJohn Heidemann johnh@isi.eduJohn Hood cgull@owl.orgJohn Kohl unknownJohn Lind john@starfire.mn.orgJohn Mackin john@physiol.su.oz.auJohn P johnp@lodgenet.comJohn Perry perry@vishnu.alias.netJohn Preisler john@vapornet.comJohn Rochester jr@cs.mun.caJohn Sadler john_sadler@alum.mit.eduJohn Saunders john@pacer.nlc.net.auJohn Wehle john@feith.comJohn Woods jfw@eddie.mit.eduJon Morgan morgan@terminus.trailblazer.comJonathan H N Chin jc254@newton.cam.ac.ukJonathan Hanna
jh@pc-21490.bc.rogers.wave.caJorge Goncalves j@bug.fe.up.ptJorge M. Goncalves ee96199@tom.fe.up.ptJos Backus jbackus@plex.nlJose M. Alcaide jose@we.lc.ehu.esJose Marques jose@nobody.orgJosef Grosch
jgrosch@superior.mooseriver.comJoseph Stein joes@wstein.comJosh Gilliam josh@quick.netJosh Tiefenbach josh@ican.netJuergen Lock nox@jelal.hb.north.deJuha Inkari inkari@cc.hut.fiJukka A. Ukkonen jua@iki.fiJulian Assange proff@suburbia.netJulian Coleman j.d.coleman@ncl.ac.uk&a.jhsJulian Jenkins kaveman@magna.com.auJunichi Satoh junichi@jp.FreeBSD.orgJunji SAKAI sakai@jp.FreeBSD.orgJunya WATANABE junya-w@remus.dti.ne.jpJustas justas@mbank.lvK.Higashino a00303@cc.hc.keio.ac.jpKai Vorma vode@snakemail.hut.fiKaleb S. Keithley kaleb@ics.comKaneda Hiloshi vanitas@ma3.seikyou.ne.jpKapil Chowksey kchowksey@hss.hns.comKarl Denninger karl@mcs.comKarl Dietz Karl.Dietz@triplan.comKarl Lehenbauer karl@NeoSoft.comKATO Tsuguru tkato@prontomail.ne.jpKawanobe Koh kawanobe@st.rim.or.jpKazuhiko Kiriyama kiri@kiri.toba-cmt.ac.jpKazuo Horikawa horikawa@jp.FreeBSD.orgKees Jan Koster kjk1@ukc.ac.ukKeith Bostic bostic@bostic.comKeith E. Walker unknownKeith Moore unknownKeith Sklower unknownKelly Yancey kbyanc@posi.netKen Hornstein unknownKen Key key@cs.utk.eduKen Mayer kmayer@freegate.comKenji Saito marukun@mx2.nisiq.netKenji Tomita tommyk@da2.so-net.or.jpKenneth Furge kenneth.furge@us.endress.comKenneth Monville desmo@bandwidth.orgKenneth R. Westerback krw@tcn.netKenneth Stailey kstailey@gnu.ai.mit.eduKent Talarico kent@shipwreck.tsoft.netKent Vander Velden graphix@iastate.eduKentaro Inagaki JBD01226@niftyserve.ne.jpKevin Bracey kbracey@art.acorn.co.ukKevin Day toasty@dragondata.comKevin Lahey kml@nas.nasa.govKevin Lokevlo@hello.com.twKevin Meltzer perlguy@perlguy.comKevin Street street@iname.comKevin Van Maren vanmaren@fast.cs.utah.eduKiril Mitev kiril@ideaglobal.comKiroh HARADA kiroh@kh.rim.or.jpKlaus Klein kleink@layla.inka.deKlaus-J. Wolf Yanestra@t-online.deKoichi Sato copan@ppp.fastnet.or.jpKostya Lukin lukin@okbmei.msk.suKouichi Hirabayashi kh@mogami-wire.co.jpKris Dow kris@vilnya.demon.co.ukKUNISHIMA Takeo kunishi@c.oka-pu.ac.jpKurt D. Zeilenga Kurt@Boolean.NETKurt Olsen kurto@tiny.mcs.usu.eduL. Jonas Olsson
ljo@ljo-slip.DIALIN.CWRU.EduLarry Altneu larry@ALR.COMLars Köller
Lars.Koeller@Uni-Bielefeld.DELaurence Lopez lopez@mv.mv.comLee Cremeans lcremean@tidalwave.netLiang Tai-hwa
avatar@www.mmlab.cse.yzu.edu.twLon Willett lon%softt.uucp@math.utah.eduLouis A. Mamakos louie@TransSys.COMLouis Mamakos loiue@TransSys.comLowell Gilbert lowell@world.std.comLucas James Lucas.James@ldjpc.apana.org.auLyndon Nerenberg lyndon@orthanc.ab.caM.C. Wong unknownMagnus Enbom dot@tinto.campus.luth.seMahesh Neelakanta mahesh@gcomm.comMakoto MATSUSHITA matusita@jp.FreeBSD.orgMakoto WATANABE
watanabe@zlab.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jpMalte Lance malte.lance@gmx.netMANTANI Nobutaka nobutaka@nobutaka.comManu Iyengar
iyengar@grunthos.pscwa.psca.comMarc Frajola marc@dev.comMarc Ramirez mrami@mramirez.sy.yale.eduMarc Slemko marcs@znep.comMarc van Kempen wmbfmk@urc.tue.nlMarc van Woerkom van.woerkom@netcologne.deMarcin Cieslak saper@system.plMario Sergio Fujikawa Ferreira
lioux@gns.com.brMark Andrews unknownMark Cammidge mark@gmtunx.ee.uct.ac.zaMark Diekhans markd@grizzly.comMark Huizer xaa@stack.nlMark J. Taylor mtaylor@cybernet.comMark Krentel krentel@rice.eduMark Mayo markm@vmunix.comMark Ovens
mark@dogma.freebsd-uk.eu.orgMark Thompson thompson@tgsoft.comMark Tinguely tinguely@plains.nodak.eduMark Treacy unknownMark Valentine mark@linus.demon.co.ukMarkus Holmberg saska@acc.umu.seMartin BirgmeierMartin Blapp blapp@attic.chMartin Ibert mib@ppe.bb-data.deMartin Kammerhofer dada@sbox.tu-graz.ac.atMartin Minkus diskiller@cnbinc.comMartin Renters martin@tdc.on.caMartti Kuparinen
martti.kuparinen@ericsson.comMas.TAKEMURA unknownMasachika ISHIZUKA
ishizuka@isis.min.ntt.jpMasafumi NAKANE max@wide.ad.jpMasahiro Sekiguchi
seki@sysrap.cs.fujitsu.co.jpMasanobu Saitoh msaitoh@spa.is.uec.ac.jpMasanori Kanaoka kana@saijo.mke.mei.co.jpMasanori Kiriake seiken@ARGV.ACMasatoshi TAMURA
tamrin@shinzan.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jpMats Lofkvist mal@algonet.seMatt Bartley mbartley@lear35.cytex.comMatt Heckaman matt@LUCIDA.QC.CAMatt Thomas matt@3am-software.comMatt White mwhite+@CMU.EDUMatthew C. Mead mmead@Glock.COMMatthew Cashdollar mattc@rfcnet.comMatthew Flatt mflatt@cs.rice.eduMatthew Fuller fullermd@futuresouth.comMatthew Stein matt@bdd.netMatthew West mwest@uct.ac.zaMatthias Pfaller leo@dachau.marco.deMatthias Scheler tron@netbsd.orgMattias Gronlund
Mattias.Gronlund@sa.erisoft.seMattias Pantzare pantzer@ludd.luth.seMaurice Castro
maurice@planet.serc.rmit.edu.auMax Euston meuston@jmrodgers.comMax Khon fjoe@husky.iclub.nsu.ruMaxim Bolotin max@rsu.ruMicha Class
michael_class@hpbbse.bbn.hp.comMichael Lucas mwlucas@blackhelicopters.orgMichael Butler imb@scgt.oz.auMichael Butschky butsch@computi.erols.comMichael Clay mclay@weareb.orgMichael Elbel me@FreeBSD.orgMichael Galassi nerd@percival.rain.comMichael Hancock michaelh@cet.co.jpMichael Hohmuth hohmuth@inf.tu-dresden.deMichael Perlman canuck@caam.rice.eduMichael Petry petry@netwolf.NetMasters.comMichael Reifenberger root@totum.plaut.deMichael Sardo jaeger16@yahoo.comMichael Searle searle@longacre.demon.co.ukMichael Urban murban@tznet.comMichael Vasilenko acid@stu.cn.uaMichal Listos mcl@Amnesiac.123.orgMichio Karl Jinbo
karl@marcer.nagaokaut.ac.jpMiguel Angel Sagreras
msagre@cactus.fi.uba.arMihoko Tanaka m_tonaka@pa.yokogawa.co.jpMika Nystrom mika@cs.caltech.eduMikael Hybsch micke@dynas.seMikael Karpberg
karpen@ocean.campus.luth.seMike Barcroft mike@q9media.comMike Del repenting@hotmail.comMike Durian durian@plutotech.comMike Durkin mdurkin@tsoft.sf-bay.orgMike E. Matsnev mike@azog.cs.msu.suMike Evans mevans@candle.comMike Grupenhoff kashmir@umiacs.umd.eduMike Harding mvh@ix.netcom.comMike Hibler mike@marker.cs.utah.eduMike Karels unknownMike McGaughey mmcg@cs.monash.edu.auMike Meyer mwm@shiva.the-park.comMike Mitchell mitchell@ref.tfs.comMike Murphy mrm@alpharel.comMike Peck mike@binghamton.eduMike Sherwood mike@fate.comMike Spengler mks@msc.eduMikhail A. Sokolov mishania@demos.suMikhail Teterin mi@aldan.ziplink.netMing-I Hseh PA@FreeBSD.ee.Ntu.edu.TWMITA Yoshio mita@jp.FreeBSD.orgMITSUNAGA Noriaki
mitchy@er.ams.eng.osaka-u.ac.jpMitsuru Yoshida mitsuru@riken.go.jpMonte Mitzelfelt monte@gonefishing.orgMorgan Davis root@io.cts.comMOROHOSHI Akihiko moro@race.u-tokyo.ac.jpMostyn Lewis mostyn@mrl.comMotomichi Matsuzaki mzaki@e-mail.ne.jpMotoyuki Kasahara m-kasahr@sra.co.jpN.G.Smith ngs@sesame.hensa.ac.ukNadav Eiron nadav@barcode.co.ilNAGAO Tadaaki nagao@cs.titech.ac.jpNAKAJI Hiroyuki
nakaji@tutrp.tut.ac.jpNAKAMURA Kazushi nkazushi@highway.or.jpNAKAMURA Motonori
motonori@econ.kyoto-u.ac.jpNanbor Wang nw1@cs.wustl.eduNaofumi Honda
honda@Kururu.math.sci.hokudai.ac.jpNaoki Hamada nao@tom-yam.or.jpNarvi narvi@haldjas.folklore.eeNathan Ahlstrom nrahlstr@winternet.comNathan Dorfman nathan@rtfm.netNeal Fachan kneel@ishiboo.comNiall Smart rotel@indigo.ieNick Barnes Nick.Barnes@pobox.comNick Handel nhandel@NeoSoft.comNick Hilliard nick@foobar.orgNick Johnson freebsd@spatula.net&a.nsayer;Nick Williams njw@cs.city.ac.ukNickolay N. Dudorov nnd@itfs.nsk.suNIIMI Satoshi sa2c@and.or.jpNiklas Hallqvist niklas@filippa.appli.seNisha Talagala nisha@cs.berkeley.eduNo Name adrian@virginia.eduNo Name alex@elvisti.kiev.uaNo Name anto@netscape.netNo Name bobson@egg.ics.nitch.ac.jpNo Name bovynf@awe.beNo Name burg@is.ge.comNo Name chris@gnome.co.ukNo Name colsen@usa.netNo Name coredump@nervosa.comNo Name dannyman@arh0300.urh.uiuc.eduNo Name davids@SECNET.COMNo Name derek@free.orgNo Name devet@adv.IAEhv.nlNo Name djv@bedford.netNo Name dvv@sprint.netNo Name enami@ba2.so-net.or.jpNo Name flash@eru.tubank.msk.suNo Name flash@hway.ruNo Name fn@pain.csrv.uidaho.eduNo Name frf@xocolatl.comNo Name gclarkii@netport.neosoft.comNo Name gordon@sheaky.lonestar.orgNo Name graaf@iae.nlNo Name greg@greg.rim.or.jpNo Name grossman@cygnus.comNo Name gusw@fub46.zedat.fu-berlin.deNo Name hfir@math.rochester.eduNo Name hnokubi@yyy.or.jpNo Name iaint@css.tuu.utas.edu.auNo Name invis@visi.comNo Name ishisone@sra.co.jpNo Name iverson@lionheart.comNo Name jpt@magic.netNo Name junker@jazz.snu.ac.krNo Name k-sugyou@ccs.mt.nec.co.jpNo Name kenji@reseau.toyonaka.osaka.jpNo Name kfurge@worldnet.att.netNo Name lh@aus.orgNo Name lhecking@nmrc.ucc.ieNo Name mrgreen@mame.mu.oz.auNo Name nakagawa@jp.FreeBSD.orgNo Name ohki@gssm.otsuka.tsukuba.ac.jpNo Name owaki@st.rim.or.jpNo Name pechter@shell.monmouth.comNo Name pete@pelican.pelican.comNo Name pritc003@maroon.tc.umn.eduNo Name risner@stdio.comNo Name roman@rpd.univ.kiev.uaNo Name root@ns2.redline.ruNo Name root@uglabgw.ug.cs.sunysb.eduNo Name stephen.ma@jtec.com.auNo Name sumii@is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jpNo Name takas-su@is.aist-nara.ac.jpNo Name tamone@eig.unige.chNo Name tjevans@raleigh.ibm.comNo Name tony-o@iij.ad.jp amurai@spec.co.jpNo Name torii@tcd.hitachi.co.jpNo Name uenami@imasy.or.jpNo Name uhlar@netlab.skNo Name vode@hut.fiNo Name wlloyd@mpd.caNo Name wlr@furball.wellsfargo.comNo Name wmbfmk@urc.tue.nlNo Name yamagata@nwgpc.kek.jpNo Name ziggy@ryan.orgNo Name ZW6T-KND@j.asahi-net.or.jpNobuhiro Yasutomi nobu@psrc.isac.co.jpNobuyuki Koganemaru
kogane@koganemaru.co.jpNOKUBI Hirotaka h-nokubi@yyy.or.jpNorio Suzuki nosuzuki@e-mail.ne.jpNoritaka Ishizumi graphite@jp.FreeBSD.orgNoriyuki Soda soda@sra.co.jpOh Junseon hollywar@mail.holywar.netOlaf Wagner wagner@luthien.in-berlin.deOleg Semyonov os@altavista.netOleg Sharoiko os@rsu.ruOleg V. Volkov rover@lglobus.ruOliver Breuninger ob@seicom.NETOliver Friedrichs oliver@secnet.comOliver Fromme
oliver.fromme@heim3.tu-clausthal.deOliver Laumann
net@informatik.uni-bremen.deOliver Oberdorf oly@world.std.comOlof Johansson offe@ludd.luth.seOsokin Sergey aka oZZ ozz@FreeBSD.org.ruPace Willisson pace@blitz.comPaco Rosich rosich@modico.eleinf.uv.esPalle Girgensohn girgen@partitur.seParag Patel parag@cgt.comPascal Pederiva pascal@zuo.dec.comPasvorn Boonmark boonmark@juniper.netPatrick Hausen unknownPatrick Seal patseal@hyperhost.netPaul Antonov apg@demos.suPaul F. Werkowski unknownPaul Fox pgf@foxharp.boston.ma.usPaul Koch koch@thehub.com.auPaul Kranenburg pk@NetBSD.orgPaul M. Lambert plambert@plambert.netPaul Mackerras paulus@cs.anu.edu.auPaul Popelka paulp@uts.amdahl.comPaul S. LaFollette, Jr. unknownPaul Sandys myj@nyct.netPaul T. Root proot@horton.iaces.comPaul Vixie paul@vix.comPaulo Menezes paulo@isr.uc.ptPaulo Menezes pm@dee.uc.ptPedro A M Vazquez vazquez@IQM.Unicamp.BRPedro Giffuni giffunip@asme.orgPete Bentley pete@demon.netPeter Childs pjchilds@imforei.apana.org.auPeter Cornelius pc@inr.fzk.dePeter Haight peterh@prognet.comPeter Jeremy perer.jeremy@alcatel.com.auPeter M. Chen pmchen@eecs.umich.eduPeter Much peter@citylink.dinoex.sub.orgPeter Olsson unknownPeter Philipp pjp@bsd-daemon.netPeter Stubbs PETERS@staidan.qld.edu.auPhil Maker pjm@cs.ntu.edu.auPhil Sutherland
philsuth@mycroft.dialix.oz.auPhil Taylor phil@zipmail.co.ukPhilip Musumeci philip@rmit.edu.au
+ Philippe Lefebvre nemesis@balistik.net
Pierre Y. Dampure pierre.dampure@k2c.co.ukPius Fischer pius@ienet.comPomegranate daver@flag.blackened.netPowerdog Industries
kevin.ruddy@powerdog.comPriit Järv priit@cc.ttu.eeR Joseph Wright rjoseph@mammalia.orgR. Kym HorsellRajesh Vaidheeswarran rv@fore.comRalf Friedl friedl@informatik.uni-kl.deRandal S. Masutani randal@comtest.comRandall Hopper rhh@ct.picker.comRandall W. Dean rwd@osf.orgRandy Bush rbush@bainbridge.verio.netReinier Bezuidenhout
rbezuide@mikom.csir.co.zaRemy Card Remy.Card@masi.ibp.frRicardas Cepas rch@richard.eu.orgRiccardo Veraldi veraldi@cs.unibo.itRich Wood rich@FreeBSD.org.ukRichard Henderson richard@atheist.tamu.eduRichard Hwang rhwang@bigpanda.comRichard Kiss richard@homemail.comRichard J Kuhns rjk@watson.grauel.comRichard M. Neswold
rneswold@drmemory.fnal.govRichard Seaman, Jr. dick@tar.comRichard Stallman rms@gnu.ai.mit.eduRichard Straka straka@user1.inficad.comRichard Tobin richard@cogsci.ed.ac.ukRichard Wackerbarth rkw@Dataplex.NETRichard Winkel rich@math.missouri.eduRichard Wiwatowski rjwiwat@adelaide.on.netRick Macklem rick@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.caRick Macklin unknownRob Austein sra@epilogue.comRob Mallory rmallory@qualcomm.comRob Snow rsnow@txdirect.netRobert Crowe bob@speakez.comRobert D. Thrush rd@phoenix.aii.comRobert Eckardt
roberte@MEP.Ruhr-Uni-Bochum.deRobert Sanders rsanders@mindspring.comRobert Sexton robert@kudra.comRobert Shady rls@id.netRobert Swindells swindellsr@genrad.co.ukRobert Withrow witr@rwwa.comRobert Yoder unknownRobin Carey
robin@mailgate.dtc.rankxerox.co.ukRoger Hardiman roger@cs.strath.ac.ukRoland Jesse jesse@cs.uni-magdeburg.deRoman Shterenzon roman@xpert.comRon Bickers rbickers@intercenter.netRon Lenk rlenk@widget.xmission.comRonald Kuehn kuehn@rz.tu-clausthal.deRudolf Cejka cejkar@dcse.fee.vutbr.czRuslan Belkin rus@home2.UA.netRuslan Shevchenko rssh@cam.grad.kiev.uaRussell L. Carter rcarter@pinyon.orgRussell Vincent rv@groa.uct.ac.zaRyan Younce ryany@pobox.comSakai Hiroaki sakai@miya.ee.kagu.sut.ac.jpSakari Jalovaara sja@tekla.fiSam Hartman hartmans@mit.eduSamuel Lam skl@ScalableNetwork.comSamuel Tardieu sam@inf.enst.frSamuele Zannoli zannoli@cs.unibo.itSander Janssen janssen@rendo.dekooi.nlSander Vesik sander@haldjas.folklore.eeSandro Sigala ssigala@globalnet.itSANETO Takanori sanewo@strg.sony.co.jpSASAKI Shunsuke ele@pop17.odn.ne.jpSascha Blank blank@fox.uni-trier.deSascha Wildner swildner@channelz.GUN.deSatoh Junichi junichi@astec.co.jpSAWADA Mizuki miz@qb3.so-net.ne.jpScot Elliott scot@poptart.orgScot W. Hetzel hetzels@westbend.netScott A. Kenney saken@rmta.ml.orgScott A. Moberly smoberly@xavier.dyndns.orgScott Blachowicz
scott.blachowicz@seaslug.orgScott Burris scott@pita.cns.ucla.eduScott Hazen Mueller scott@zorch.sf-bay.orgScott Michel scottm@cs.ucla.eduScott Mitchel scott@uk.FreeBSD.orgScott Reynolds scott@clmqt.marquette.mi.usSebastian Strollo seb@erix.ericsson.seSerge A. Babkin babkin@hq.icb.chel.suSerge V. Vakulenko vak@zebub.msk.suSergei Chechetkin
csl@whale.sunbay.crimea.uaSergei S. Laskavy laskavy@pc759.cs.msu.suSergey Gershtein sg@mplik.ruSergey Kosyakov ks@itp.ac.ruSergey Potapov sp@alkor.ruSergey Shkonda serg@bcs.zp.uaSergey V.Dorokhov svd@kbtelecom.nalnet.ruSergio Lenzi lenzi@bsi.com.brShaun Courtney shaun@emma.eng.uct.ac.zaShawn M. Carey smcarey@mailbox.syr.eduShigio Yamaguchi shigio@tamacom.comShinya Esu esu@yk.rim.or.jpShuichi Tanaka stanaka@bb.mbn.or.jpSimon simon@masi.ibp.frSimon Burge simonb@telstra.com.auSimon J Gerraty sjg@melb.bull.oz.auSimon Marlow simonm@dcs.gla.ac.ukSimon Shapiro shimon@simon-shapiro.orgSin'ichiro MIYATANI siu@phaseone.co.jpSlaven Rezic eserte@cs.tu-berlin.deSoochon Radee slr@mitre.orgSoren Dayton csdayton@midway.uchicago.eduSoren Dossing sauber@netcom.comSoren S. Jorvang soren@dt.dkStefan Bethke stb@hanse.deStefan Eggers seggers@semyam.dinoco.deStefan Moeding s.moeding@ndh.netStefan Petri unknownStefan `Sec` Zehl sec@42.orgSteinar Haug sthaug@nethelp.noStephane E. Potvin sepotvin@videotron.caStephane Legrand stephane@lituus.frStephen Clawson
sclawson@marker.cs.utah.eduStephen F. Combs combssf@salem.ge.comStephen Farrell stephen@farrell.orgStephen Hocking sysseh@devetir.qld.gov.auStephen J. Roznowski sjr@home.netStephen McKay syssgm@devetir.qld.gov.auStephen Melvin melvin@zytek.comSteve Bauer sbauer@rock.sdsmt.eduSteve Coltrin spcoltri@unm.eduSteve Deering unknownSteve Gerakines steve2@genesis.tiac.netSteve Gericke steveg@comtrol.comSteve Piette steve@simon.chi.il.USSteve Schwarz schwarz@alpharel.comSteven G. Kargl
kargl@troutmask.apl.washington.eduSteven H. Samorodin samorodi@NUXI.comSteven McCanne mccanne@cs.berkeley.eduSteven Plite splite@purdue.eduSteven Wallace unknownStijn Hoop stijn@win.tue.nlStuart Henderson
stuart@internationalschool.co.ukSue Blake sue@welearn.com.auSugimoto Sadahiro ixtl@komaba.utmc.or.jpSUGIMURA Takashi sugimura@jp.FreeBSD.orgSugiura Shiro ssugiura@duo.co.jpSujal Patel smpatel@wam.umd.eduSune Stjerneby stjerneby@usa.netSURANYI Peter
suranyip@jks.is.tsukuba.ac.jpSuzuki Yoshiaki
zensyo@ann.tama.kawasaki.jpTadashi Kumano kumano@strl.nhk.or.jpTaguchi Takeshi taguchi@tohoku.iij.ad.jpTakahiro Yugawa yugawa@orleans.rim.or.jpTakanori Watanabe
takawata@shidahara1.planet.sci.kobe-u.ac.jpTakashi Mega mega@minz.orgTakashi Uozu j1594016@ed.kagu.sut.ac.jpTakayuki Ariga a00821@cc.hc.keio.ac.jpTakeru NAIKI naiki@bfd.es.hokudai.ac.jpTakeshi Amaike amaike@iri.co.jpTakeshi MUTOH mutoh@info.nara-k.ac.jpTakeshi Ohashi
ohashi@mickey.ai.kyutech.ac.jpTakeshi WATANABE
watanabe@crayon.earth.s.kobe-u.ac.jpTakuya SHIOZAKI
tshiozak@makino.ise.chuo-u.ac.jpTatoku Ogaito tacha@tera.fukui-med.ac.jpTed Buswell tbuswell@mediaone.netTed Faber faber@isi.eduTed Lemon mellon@isc.orgTerry Lambert terry@lambert.orgTerry Lee terry@uivlsi.csl.uiuc.eduTetsuya Furukawa tetsuya@secom-sis.co.jpTheo de Raadt deraadt@OpenBSD.orgThomas thomas@mathematik.uni-Bremen.deThomas D. Dean tomdean@ix.netcom.comThomas David Rivers rivers@dignus.comThomas G. McWilliams tgm@netcom.comThomas Graichen
graichen@omega.physik.fu-berlin.deThomas König
Thomas.Koenig@ciw.uni-karlsruhe.deThomas Ptacek unknownThomas Quinot thomas@cuivre.fr.eu.orgThomas A. Stephens tas@stephens.orgThomas Stromberg tstrombe@rtci.comThomas Valentino Crimi
tcrimi+@andrew.cmu.eduThomas Wintergerst thomas@lemur.nord.deÞórður Ívarsson
totii@est.isTimothy Jensen toast@blackened.comTim Kientzle kientzle@netcom.comTim Singletary
tsingle@sunland.gsfc.nasa.govTim Wilkinson tim@sarc.city.ac.ukTimo J. Rinne tri@iki.fiTodd Miller millert@openbsd.orgTom root@majestix.cmr.noTom tom@sdf.comTom Gray - DCA dcasba@rain.orgTom Jobbins tom@tom.tjTom Pusateri pusateri@juniper.netTom Rush tarush@mindspring.comTom Samplonius tom@misery.sdf.comTomohiko Kurahashi
kura@melchior.q.t.u-tokyo.ac.jpTony Kimball alk@Think.COMTony Li tli@jnx.comTony Lynn wing@cc.nsysu.edu.twTony Maher Tony.Maher@eBioinformatics.comTorbjorn Granlund tege@matematik.su.seToshihiko ARAI toshi@tenchi.ne.jpToshihiko SHIMOKAWA toshi@tea.forus.or.jpToshihiro Kanda candy@kgc.co.jpToshiomi Moriki
Toshiomi.Moriki@ma1.seikyou.ne.jpTrefor S. trefor@flevel.co.ukTrevor Blackwell tlb@viaweb.comTrevor Johnson trevor@jpj.netUdo Schweigert ust@cert.siemens.deUgo Paternostro paterno@dsi.unifi.itUlf Kieber kieber@sax.deUlli Linzen ulli@perceval.camelot.deURATA Shuichiro s-urata@nmit.tmg.nec.co.jpUstimenko Semen semen@iclub.nsu.ruUwe Arndt arndt@mailhost.uni-koblenz.deVadim Chekan vadim@gc.lviv.uaVadim Kolontsov vadim@tversu.ac.ruVadim Mikhailov mvp@braz.ruValentin Nechayev netch@lucky.netVan Jacobson van@ee.lbl.govVasily V. Grechishnikov
bazilio@ns1.ied-vorstu.ac.ruVasim Valejev vasim@uddias.diaspro.comVernon J. Schryver vjs@mica.denver.sgi.comVic Abell abe@cc.purdue.eduVille Eerola ve@sci.fiVince Valenti vince@blue-box.netVincent Poy vince@venus.gaianet.netVincenzo Capuano
VCAPUANO@vmprofs.esoc.esa.deVirgil Champlin champlin@pa.dec.comVladimir A. Jakovenko
vovik@ntu-kpi.kiev.uaVladimir Kushnir kushn@mail.kar.netVsevolod Lobko seva@alex-ua.comW. Gerald Hicks wghicks@bellsouth.netW. Richard Stevens rstevens@noao.eduWalt Howard howard@ee.utah.eduWalt M. Shandruk walt@erudition.netWarren Toomey wkt@csadfa.cs.adfa.oz.auWayne Scott wscott@ichips.intel.comWerner Griessl
werner@btp1da.phy.uni-bayreuth.deWes Santee wsantee@wsantee.oz.netWietse Venema wietse@wzv.win.tue.nlWiljo Heinen wiljo@freeside.ki.open.deWillem Jan Withagen wjw@surf.IAE.nlWilliam Jolitz withheldWilliam Liao william@tale.netWojtek Pilorz
wpilorz@celebris.bdk.lublin.plWolfgang Helbig helbig@ba-stuttgart.deWolfgang Solfrank ws@tools.deWolfgang Stanglmeier wolf@FreeBSD.orgWu Ching-hong woju@FreeBSD.ee.Ntu.edu.TWYarema yds@ingress.comYaroslav Terletsky ts@polynet.lviv.uaYasuhiro Fukama yasuf@big.or.jpYasuhito FUTATSUKI futatuki@fureai.or.jpYen-Ming Lee leeym@bsd.ce.ntu.edu.twYen-Shuo Su yssu@CCCA.NCTU.edu.twYin-Jieh Chen yinjieh@Crazyman.Dorm13.NCTU.edu.twYing-Chieh Liao ijliao@csie.NCTU.edu.twYixin Jin yjin@rain.cs.ucla.eduYoichi Asai yatt@msc.biglobe.ne.jpYoshiaki Uchikawa yoshiaki@kt.rim.or.jpYoshihiko OHTA yohta@bres.tsukuba.ac.jpYoshihisa NAKAGAWA
y-nakaga@ccs.mt.nec.co.jpYoshikazu Goto gotoh@ae.anritsu.co.jpYoshimasa Ohnishi
ohnishi@isc.kyutech.ac.jpYoshishige Arai ryo2@on.rim.or.jpYuichi MATSUTAKA matutaka@osa.att.ne.jpYujiro MIYATA
miyata@bioele.nuee.nagoya-u.ac.jpYu-Shun Wang yushunwa@isi.eduYusuke Nawano azuki@azkey.orgYuu Yashiki s974123@cc.matsuyama-u.ac.jpYuuichi Narahara aconitum@po.teleway.ne.jpYuval Yarom yval@cs.huji.ac.ilYves Fonk yves@cpcoup5.tn.tudelft.nlYves Fonk yves@dutncp8.tn.tudelft.nlZach Heilig zach@gaffaneys.comZach Zurflu zach@pabst.bendnet.comZahemszhky Gabor zgabor@code.huZhong Ming-Xun zmx@mail.CDPA.nsysu.edu.tw386BSD Patch Kit Patch Contributors(in alphabetical order by first name):Adam Glass glass@postgres.berkeley.eduAdrian Hall adrian@ibmpcug.co.ukAndrey A. Chernov ache@astral.msk.suAndrew Herbert andrew@werple.apana.org.auAndrew Moore alm@netcom.comAndy Valencia ajv@csd.mot.comjtk@netcom.comArne Henrik Juul arnej@Lise.Unit.NOBakul Shah bvs@bitblocks.comBarry Lustig barry@ictv.comBob Wilcox bob@obiwan.uucpBranko LankesterBrett Lymn blymn@mulga.awadi.com.AUCharles Hannum mycroft@ai.mit.eduChris G. Demetriou
cgd@postgres.berkeley.eduChris Torek torek@ee.lbl.govChristoph Robitschko
chmr@edvz.tu-graz.ac.atDaniel Poirot poirot@aio.jsc.nasa.govDave Burgess burgess@hrd769.brooks.af.milDave Rivers rivers@ponds.uucpDavid Dawes dawes@physics.su.OZ.AUDavid Greenman dg@Root.COMEric J. Haug ejh@slustl.slu.eduFelix Gaehtgens
felix@escape.vsse.in-berlin.deFrank Maclachlan fpm@crash.cts.comGary A. Browning gab10@griffcd.amdahl.comGary Howland gary@hotlava.comGeoff Rehmet csgr@alpha.ru.ac.zaGoran Hammarback goran@astro.uu.seGuido van Rooij guido@gvr.orgGuy Harris guy@auspex.comHavard Eidnes
Havard.Eidnes@runit.sintef.noHerb Peyerl hpeyerl@novatel.cuc.ab.caHolger Veit Holger.Veit@gmd.deIshii Masahiro, R. Kym HorsellJ.T. Conklin jtc@cygnus.comJagane D Sundar jagane@netcom.comJames Clark jjc@jclark.comJames Jegers jimj@miller.cs.uwm.eduJames W. DolterJames da Silva jds@cs.umd.edu et alJay Fenlason hack@datacube.comJim Wilson wilson@moria.cygnus.comJörg Lohse
lohse@tech7.informatik.uni-hamburg.deJörg Wunsch
joerg_wunsch@uriah.heep.sax.deJohn DysonJohn Woods jfw@eddie.mit.eduJordan K. Hubbard jkh@whisker.hubbard.ieJulian Elischer julian@dialix.oz.auJulian Stacey jhs@FreeBSD.orgKarl Dietz Karl.Dietz@triplan.comKarl Lehenbauer karl@NeoSoft.comkarl@one.neosoft.comKeith Bostic bostic@toe.CS.Berkeley.EDUKen HughesKent Talarico kent@shipwreck.tsoft.netKevin Lahey kml%rokkaku.UUCP@mathcs.emory.edukml@mosquito.cis.ufl.eduMarc Frajola marc@dev.comMark Tinguely tinguely@plains.nodak.edutinguely@hookie.cs.ndsu.NoDak.eduMartin Renters martin@tdc.on.caMichael Clay mclay@weareb.orgMichael Galassi nerd@percival.rain.comMike Durkin mdurkin@tsoft.sf-bay.orgNaoki Hamada nao@tom-yam.or.jpNate Williams nate@bsd.coe.montana.eduNick Handel nhandel@NeoSoft.comnick@madhouse.neosoft.comPace Willisson pace@blitz.comPaul Kranenburg pk@cs.few.eur.nlPaul Mackerras paulus@cs.anu.edu.auPaul Popelka paulp@uts.amdahl.comPeter da Silva peter@NeoSoft.comPeter van Heusden pvh@egenetics.comPhil Sutherland
philsuth@mycroft.dialix.oz.auPoul-Henning Kampphk@FreeBSD.orgRalf Friedl friedl@informatik.uni-kl.deRick Macklem root@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.caRobert D. Thrush rd@phoenix.aii.comRod Taylor rod@idiotswitch.orgRodney W. Grimes rgrimes@cdrom.comSascha Wildner swildner@channelz.GUN.deScott Burris scott@pita.cns.ucla.eduScott Reynolds scott@clmqt.marquette.mi.usSean Eric Fagan sef@kithrup.comSimon J Gerraty sjg@melb.bull.oz.ausjg@zen.void.oz.auStephen McKay syssgm@devetir.qld.gov.auTerry Lambert terry@icarus.weber.eduTerry Lee terry@uivlsi.csl.uiuc.eduTor Egge Tor.Egge@idi.ntnu.noWarren Toomey wkt@csadfa.cs.adfa.oz.auWiljo Heinen wiljo@freeside.ki.open.deWilliam Jolitz withheldWolfgang Solfrank ws@tools.deWolfgang Stanglmeier wolf@dentaro.GUN.deYuuki SAWADA mami@whale.cc.muroran-it.ac.jpYuval Yarom yval@cs.huji.ac.il