diff --git a/share/sgml/press.xml b/share/sgml/press.xml index 5ab4a46d5b..b2652ebe88 100644 --- a/share/sgml/press.xml +++ b/share/sgml/press.xml @@ -1,925 +1,939 @@ - $FreeBSD: www/share/sgml/press.xml,v 1.45 2007/08/11 12:17:08 jkoshy Exp $ + $FreeBSD: www/share/sgml/press.xml,v 1.46 2007/08/31 03:15:57 jkoshy Exp $ 2007 + + 9 + + PC-BSD revisited + http://blogs.ittoolbox.com/webdesign/php/archives/pcbsd-revisited-18820 + ITToolbox + http://www.ittoolbox.com/ + 6 September 2007 + Gregory L. Magnusson +

A reviewer is impressed by the FreeBSD-based PC-BSD desktop + system.

+ 8 Downtime, What's That? http://www.processor.com/editorial/article.asp?article=articles/P2935/21p35/21p35.asp&guid= Processor Magazine http://www.processor.com/ 31 August 2007 Processor Magazine staff

An article in the Processor Magazine discusses using FreeBSD or OpenBSD as part of a strategy to increase server uptime.

Desktop FreeBSD Part 7: Terminal Emulator Settings http://www.ofb.biz/safari/article/435.html Open For Business http://www.ofb.biz/ 10 August 2007 Ed Hurst

An article on using and configuring the command line in FreeBSD.

The INQ takes a dip into open sauce http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=41377 The Inquirer http://www.theinquirer.net/ 1 August 2007 Dr. John

The Inquirer takes FreeBSD-based PC-BSD 1.4 (beta) for a test drive.

7 BSDTalk Interview: Embedding FreeBSD http://bsdtalk.blogspot.com/2007/07/bsdtalk122-embedding-freebsd-with-m.html bsdtalk http://bsdtalk.blogspot.com/ 26 July 2007 Will Backman

A podcast interview with M. Warner Losh on embedding FreeBSD.

BSDTalk Interview: George Neville-Neil http://bsdtalk.blogspot.com/2007/07/bsdtalk121-fast-ipsec-with-george.html bsdtalk http://bsdtalk.blogspot.com 18 July 2007 Will Backman

BSDTalk interviews FreeBSD developer George Neville-Neil about FAST IPSec

Desktop FreeBSD Part 6: User PPP Connections http://www.ofb.biz/safari/article/433.html Open For Business http://www.ofb.biz/ 7 July 2007 Ed Hurst

A tutorial on setting up user PPP on FreeBSD.

6 24-hour test drive: PC-BSD http://arstechnica.com/reviews/os/pc-bsd-a-24-hour-test-drive.ars Ars Technica http://www.arstechnica.com/ 18 June 2007 Troy Unrau

Ars Technica reviews PC-BSD 1.3 and is favorably impressed.

Desktop FreeBSD Part 5: Printing http://www.ofb.biz/safari/article/430.html Open For Business http://www.ofb.biz/ 11 June 2007 Ed Hurst

An introduction to printing on a FreeBSD desktop.

Kazakhs shower president with cryptic questions http://www.reuters.com/article/technologyNews/idUSL0131903220070601 Reuters http://www.reuters.com/ 1 June 2007 Reuters

An article about FreeBSD being part of the most popular question in a webcast with the Kazakhian president.

5 A BSD Rootkit Primer http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2007/05/31/defending-against-rootkits-under-bsd.html ONLamp.com http://www.onlamp.com/ 31 May 2007 Federico Biancuzzi

An interview with the author of the first book on BSD rootkits.

BSDTalk Interview: FreeBSD Core Team http://bsdtalk.blogspot.com/2007/05/bsdtalk114-few-freebsd-core-team.html bsdtalk http://bsdtalk.blogspot.com/ 25 May 2007 Will Backman

BSDTalk interviews a few FreeBSD Core team members at BSDCAN '07.

Desktop FreeBSD Part 4: Internet Mail Setup http://www.ofb.biz/safari/article/427.html Open For Business http://www.ofb.biz/ 18 May 2007 Ed Hurst

An article on setting up email for a FreeBSD desktop.

Linux too vanilla? Try this http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=39621 The Inquirer http://www.theinquirer.net/ 15 May 2007 Liam Proven

A review of PC-BSD 1.3.

BSDTalk Interview: Diane Bruce http://bsdtalk.blogspot.com/2007/05/bsdtalk111-freebsd-developer-diane.html bsdtalk http://bsdtalk.blogspot.com 9 May 2007 Will Backman

BSDTalk interviews FreeBSD developer Diane Bruce about Ham radio on BSD.

4 BSDTalk Interview: George Neville-Neil http://bsdtalk.blogspot.com/2007/04/bsdtalk109-george-neville-neil-and.html" bsdtalk http://bsdtalk.blogspot.com 26 April 2007 Will Backman

In this BSDTalk interview FreeBSD developer George Neville-Neil talks about using VMs for development.

Desktop FreeBSD Part 3: Adding Software http://www.ofb.biz/safari/article/425.html Open For Business http://www.ofb.biz/ 12 April 2007 Ed Hurst

An article that walks the reader through the process of installing 3rd party software using the FreeBSD's ports and package collection.

3 Deploying a FreeBSD 6.2 Server http://www.openaddict.com/deploying_a_freebsd_6_2_server.html OpenAddict http://www.openaddict.com/ 10 March 2007 Sharaz

The third article in a series covering the deployment of a FreeBSD based server with Apache 2.2, PHP 5, MySQL 5.0, Sendmail with SMTP-AUTH, Webmail, Bind DNS, SNMP, synchronized local time, Webmin and with graphing using rrdtool/cacti.

BSDTalk Interview: Randall Stewart http://bsdtalk.blogspot.com/2007/03/bsdtalk102-cisco-distinguished-engineer.html bsdtalk http://bsdtalk.blogspot.com 6 March 2007 Will Backman

BSDTalk interviews FreeBSD developer Randall Stewart about his work bringing SCTP to FreeBSD.

2 BSDTalk Interview: George Neville-Neil http://bsdtalk.blogspot.com/2007/02/bsdtalk101-freebsd-developer-george.html bsdtalk http://bsdtalk.blogspot.com 26 February 2007 Will Backman

BSDTalk interviews FreeBSD developer George Neville-Neil on his packet construction set and packet debugger tools.

Interview: The BSD Certification Group's Dru Lavigne http://www.thejemreport.com/mambo/content/view/305/ The Jem Report http://www.thejemreport.com/ 20 February 2007 Jem Matzan

BSD Certification Group member Dru Lavigne puts forth the idea that free/open source software provided an excellent opportunity to inexpensively change one's career path.

Interview: Sam Leffler of the FreeBSD Foundation http://www.thejemreport.com/mambo/content/view/304/ The Jem Report http://www.thejemreport.com/ 15 February 2007 Jem Matzan

An interview with FreeBSD developer and FreeBSD Foundation Director Sam Leffler about the FreeBSD Foundation.

Open source is the ticket for In Ticketing http://business.newsforge.com/business/07/01/25/1642213.shtml?tid=33 NewsForge http://www.newsforge.com/ 2 February 2007 Tina Gasperson

Ticket broking firm In Ticketing prefers FreeBSD on account of the security it provides.

1 Inside PC-BSD 1.3 http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2007/01/25/inside-pc-bsd-13.html Onlamp.com http://www.onlamp.com/ 25 January 2007 Dru Lavigne

An interview with Kris Moore, Andrei Kolu, and Charles Landemaine of the PC-BSD release engineering team.

Interview with Matteo Riondato, FreeSBIE http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20070122#interview DistroWatch http://distrowatch.com/ 22 January 2007 Distrowatch staff

An interview with Matteo Riondato, FreeBSD developer and release engineer for FreeSBIE, a FreeBSD-based ``Live CD''.

FreeBSD 6.2: Polished, More Stable http://www.internetnews.com/dev-news/article.php/3654371 InternetNews.com http://www.internetnews.com/ 17 January 2007 Sean Michael Kerner

A brief look at FreeBSD 6.2.

FreeSBIE 2.0-RELEASE is Now Available! http://osnews.com/story.php/16957/FreeSBIE-2.0-Released OSnews http://www.osnews.com 16 January 2007 Thom Holwerda

A new release of FreeSBIE, a FreeBSD Live-CD, has been released after two years of development.

New Year, New Look For PC-BSD http://www.internetnews.com/dev-news/article.php/3651641 InternetNews.com http://www.internetnews.com/ 2 January 2007 Sean Michael Kerner

A look at the new features in PC-BSD 1.3.

Project of the Month: January 2007 - FreeNAS http://sourceforge.net/potm/potm-2007-01.php SourceForge.Net http://sourceforge.net/ January 2007 SF.Net Staff

An interview with the developers of the FreeBSD-based FreeNAS project, on the occasion of it being selected as SourceForge's Project of the Month.

2006 12 Secure email servers from scratch with FreeBSD 6 (Part 2) http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/secure_email_servers_from_scratch_with_freebsd_6_part_2 Free Software Magazine http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/ 13 December 2006 Yousef Ourabi

All the bells and whistles of a high end-mail setup: web-mail, anti-virus filtering, spam filtering, and hosting unlimited domains with virtual domains and users stored in MySQL.

Installing FreeBSD 6.1 http://www.openaddict.com/installing_freebsd_6_1.html OpenAddict http://www.openaddict.com/ 11 December 2006 Sharaz

An article that guides the reader through an installation of FreeBSD 6.1.

Quick and Dirty Guide to Deploying a FreeBSD 6.1 Server http://www.openaddict.com/quick_and_dirty_guide_to_deploying_a_freebsd_6_1_server.html OpenAddict http://www.openaddict.com/ 08 December 2006 Rich Morgan

An article showing how to configure a FreeBSD 6.1 server with Apache, Webmin, PHP 5, MySQL 5.0, Sendmail with SMTP-AUTH, Bind DNS, SNMP, and synchronized local time.

China Develops Server OS; Lenovo On Board http://www.pacificepoch.com/newsstories/82819_0_5_0_M/ Pacific Epoch http://www.pacificepoch.com/ 04 December 2006 Zhengqian Zhou

China's Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) has announced that China has completed development of a server operating system based on FreeBSD.

11 FreeBSD Security Event Auditing http://www.securityfocus.com/columnists/422 Security Focus http://www.securityfocus.com/ 10 November 2006 Federico Biancuzzi

An interview with FreeBSD developer Robert Watson on the features of the new audit subsystem in FreeBSD 6.2.

FreeBSD Puts Out 6.2 Beta 3 Release http://www.itjungle.com/tug/tug110906-story06.html IT Jungle http://www.itjungle.com/ 9 November 2006 Timothy Prickett Morgan

News about the upcoming 6.2 release, and coverage of the new features in FreeBSD 7.

10 Secure email servers from scratch with FreeBSD 6.1 (part 1) http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/secure_email_server_bsd_part_1 Free Software Magazine http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/ 25 October 2006 Yousef Ourabi

Build a secure email server with FreeBSD, Postifx, ClamAV, Spamassasin, and MySQL

Enterprise Unix Roundup: PC-BSD May Be the Next Linux http://www.serverwatch.com/eur/article.php/3640151 ServerWatch.com http://www.serverwatch.com/ 25 October 2006 Brian Proffitt

Commentary in the trade press on the acquisition of FreeBSD-based PC-BSD by iXsystems.

Why iXsystems Bought PC-BSD http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2006/10/23/ixsystems-pc-bsd.html OnLamp.com http://www.onlamp.com/ 23 October 2006 Dru Lavigne

An interview with Kris Moore and Matt Olander on the acquisition of PC-BSD by iXsystems Inc.

Build a Nas device using virtualisation http://www.itweek.co.uk/2166671 IT Week http://www.itweek.co.uk/ 18 October 2006 Alan Stevens

Create your own virtual network-attached storage appliance using FreeBSD-based FreeNAS in a VMWare virtual machine.

Desktop FreeBSD: Fully Optimized 6.x Installation http://www.ofb.biz/safari/article/402.html Open For Business http://www.ofb.biz/ 12 October 2006 Ed Hurst

This article describes the process of (re)building a FreeBSD system from source code with an aim to improve its performance.

FreeBSD based PC-BSD Gets 'Acquired' http://www.internetnews.com/dev-news/article.php/3637341 InternetNews.com http://www.internetnews.com/ 12 October 2006 Sean Michael Kerner

iXsystems Inc. acquires the trademarks and intellectual property rights associated with PC-BSD, a desktop operating system based on FreeBSD.

Turn an Old Laptop Into a Portable Network-Troubleshooting System http://www.techbuilder.org/recipes/193105146 TechBuilder http://www.techbuilder.org/ 09 October 2006 David S. Markowitz

How to build a network monitoring system using an old laptop and FreeBSD.

Desktop FreeBSD: 64-bit Future http://www.ofb.biz/safari/article/400.html Open For Business http://www.ofb.biz/ 04 October 2006 Ed Hurst

The article's author reports excellent results after building a 64-bit FreeBSD-based desktop computer.

9 Win4BSD has been released http://win4bsd.com/content/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=20&Itemid=2 Win4BSD http://www.win4bsd.com/ 25 September 2006 Dan Perlman

Virtual Bridges, a provider of enterprise and SMB solutions using virtualization for business, announced today the release of Win4BSD Pro Desktop™. Win4BSD Pro Desktop runs as a &os;/PC-BSD application and allows users to run Windows Applications and Desktops with seamless ease on the BSD platform.

POSIX Asynchronous I/O http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p=607373&seqNum=1&rl=1 InformIT http://www.informit.com/ 22 September 2006 David Chisnall

A look at programming with asynchronous I/O in FreeBSD and other open-source OSes.

DesktopBSD 1.0: FreeBSD for the desktop http://os.newsforge.com/os/06/09/01/2053249.shtml NewsForge http://www.newsforge.com/ 11 September 2006 Stefan Vrabie

A review of DesktopBSD 1.0.

A (late) look at FreeBSD 6.1 http://weblog.infoworld.com/venezia/archives/007779.html InfoWorld http://www.infoworld.com/ 06 September 2006 Paul Venezia

The author describes the setup of a FreeBSD 6.1 based mail server and web host using software RAID and PF.

8 VMware's Virtual Appliance Challenge - and the Winner is? http://weblog.infoworld.com/virtualization/archives/2006/08/vmwares_virtual_1.html InfoWorld http://www.infoworld.com/ 15 August 2006 David Marshall

The FreeBSD based FreeNAS storage server project wins an award in VMWare Inc.'s virtualization contest.

Advanced Installation Tasks in FreeBSD 6 http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p=597694&rl=1 InformIT http://www.informit.com 11 August 2006 Brian Tiemann

An excerpt from the book "FreeBSD 6 Unleashed" covering the ins and outs of non-standard FreeBSD installations.

PC-BSD: The Most Beginner Friendly OS http://www.osweekly.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2287&Itemid=449 OSWeekly.com http://www.osweekly.com/ 10 August 2006 Matt Hartley

A review of PC-BSD, covering installation and package management.

The BSD Unix Projects Keep Humming Along http://www.itjungle.com/breaking/bn080206-story01.html ITJungle http://www.itjungle.com/ 2 August 2006 Timothy Prickett Morgan

This article covers the FreeBSD project's Sparc (T1) porting effort and mentions the scalability improvements in recent releases. New developments in the other BSD projects also get a mention.

Working with gmirror on a Sun Fire X2100 http://ezine.daemonnews.org/200608/gmirror_1.html DaemonNews http://www.daemonnews.org/ August 2006 Grzegorz Czaplinski

The first of a two part series on building up and tearing down a gmirror system.

7 CBC's web site using Open Source everywhere! http://www.insidethecbc.com/2006/07/15/under-the-hood-at-cbcca-open-source InsideTheCBC.com http://www.insidethecbc.com/ 15 July 2006 Blake Crosby

An article by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation describes their use of FreeBSD in their IT infrastructure.

Interview with Andy Ritger and Christian Zander from NVIDIA http://bsdtalk.blogspot.com/2006/07/bsdtalk054-interview-with-andy-ritger.html BSDTalk http://bsdtalk.blogspot.com/ 14 July 2006 Will Backman

Will Backman speaks with Andy Ritger and Christian Zander from NVIDIA about the NVIDIA FreeBSD graphics driver. The interview gives an overview of the drivers current features, plans for future improvements, and a brief discussion about licensing and NVIDIA's open source efforts.

Using DesktopBSD http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2006/07/13/FreeBSDBasics.html OnLamp.com http://www.onlamp.com/ 13 July 2006 Dru Lavigne

This article explores DesktopBSD, a desktop oriented and easy-to-use version of FreeBSD 5.5.

PC-BSD works for community center http://os.newsforge.com/os/06/06/23/1442207.shtml?tid=8 NewsForge http://www.newsforge.com/ 03 July 2006 Henry Gillow-Wiles

An IT director for a non-profit community center is happy with the speed, stability and hardware compatibility of the FreeBSD-based PC-BSD operating system on low-end hardware.

6 Build a Mail Server with Commodity Hardware and FreeBSD, Part 2 http://www.techbuilder.org/article/189400686 TechBuilder http://www.techbuilder.org/ 12 June 2006 David S. Markowitz

Part 2 of a TechBuilder recipe covers adding virus protection, spam detection and webmail access to a mail server built using FreeBSD and a PC.

Six Hosting Companies Most Reliable Hoster in May http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2006/06/06/six_hosting_companies_most_reliable_hoster_in_may.html Netcraft http://www.netcraft.com/ 06 June 2006 Mandy

A Netcraft survey for May 2006 indicates that FreeBSD is being used by four out of five most reliable Internet hosting companies in the world.

Build a Mail Server with Commodity Hardware and FreeBSD, Part 1 http://www.techbuilder.org/article/188701471 TechBuilder http://www.techbuilder.org/ 05 June 2006 David S. Markowitz

How to use a PC and FreeBSD to build a mail server for a small or medium business.

5 A look at the FreeNAS server http://hardware.newsforge.com/hardware/06/05/19/1349206.shtml?tid=69 NewsForge http://www.newsforge.com/ 30 May 2006 Gary Sims

A review of FreeNAS, a FreeBSD-based network attached storage product.

DTrace reaches prime time on FreeBSD http://www.zdnet.com.au/news/software/soa/DTrace_reaches_prime_time_on_FreeBSD/0,2000061733,39257452,00.htm ZDNet Australia http://www.zdnet.com.au/ 29 May 2006 Renai LeMay

ZDNet article about DTrace on FreeBSD.

BSD Packaging Systems http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p=471098&rl=1 InformIT.com http://www.informit.com/ 26 May 2006 David Chisnall

An article on package management in the BSD family of operating systems.

Interview with Karl Lehenbauer of FlightAware http://bsdtalk.blogspot.com/2006/05/bsdtalk042-interview-with-karl.html BSDTalk http://bsdtalk.blogspot.com/ 15 May 2006 Will Backman

FlightAware uses FreeBSD/amd64 systems to track the locations of up to 70,000 flights per day. Will Backman speaks with Karl Lehenbauer about how FlightAware is successfully using FreeBSD with other open source technologies to drive their product.

FreeBSD vows to compete with desktop Linux http://news.com.com/2100-1011_3-6071598.html News.com http://news.com.com/ 12 May 2006 Ingrid Marson

ZDNet article about FreeBSD's upcoming desktop features.

FreeBSD 6.1 Review http://www.softwareinreview.com/cms/content/view/37/1/ Software in review http://www.softwareinreview.com/ 12 May 2006 Jem Matzan

A review of FreeBSD 6.1 for the amd64 architecture.

Stability in FreeBSD 6.1 http://www.internetnews.com/dev-news/article.php/3605211 InternetNews.com http://www.internetnews.com/ 10 May 2006 Sean Michael Kerner

An article describing the FreeBSD project's focus on stability and quality for its 6.1 and 5.5 releases.

4 Interview: Deb Goodkin from the FreeBSD Foundation http://blogs.ittoolbox.com/unix/bsd/archives/008670.asp Blog: A Year in the Life of a BSD Guru http://blogs.ittoolbox.com/unix/bsd/ 11 April 2006 Dru Lavigne

In this interview, Deb Goodkin provides some pieces of interesting information about the inner working of the FreeBSD Foundation.

Interview: John Baldwin on FreeBSD http://blogs.ittoolbox.com/unix/bsd/archives/008672.asp Blog: A Year in the Life of a BSD Guru http://blogs.ittoolbox.com/unix/bsd/ 10 April 2006 Dru Lavigne

In this interview, John Baldwin of the FreeBSD project gives some insight on what it is like to be a FreeBSD developer and some of the things that happen behind the scenes of a large Open Source project.

3 Setting up Linux compatibility on FreeBSD 6 http://os.newsforge.com/os/06/03/22/1531252.shtml?tid=8&tid=2 Newsforge http://www.newsforge.com/ 31 March 2006 Gordon McEwen

A guide to configuring and running Linux applications on a FreeBSD 6 system.

2 Network Filtering by Operating System http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2006/02/16/os_fingerprint_filtering.html Onlamp.com http://www.onlamp.com/ 16 February 2006 Avleen Vig

Keep worms and malware from monopolizing your network connection using FreeBSD, pf, ALTQ, and squid.

Opening the digital doorway for South African youth http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=859 tectonic http://www.tectonic.co.za/ 08 February 2006 Lunga Madlala

An article mentioning the use of FreeBSD in so called "Digital Doorways" in South African provinces.

1 BSD: The Other Free UNIX Family http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p=439601&rl=1 InformIT http://www.informit.com/ 20 January 2006 David Chisnall

An introduction to the open-source BSD operating systems.

Interview: Dru Lavigne, BSD Certification Group http://business.newsforge.com/business/06/01/13/173233.shtml?tid=35&tid=8 Newsforge http://www.newsforge.com/ 20 January 2006 Federico Biancuzzi

An interview with the founder of the BSD Certification Group, a non-profit organization established to create certification standards for BSD-based operating systems.

Running Commercial Linux Software on FreeBSD http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2006/01/12/Big_Scary_Daemons.html Onlamp.com http://www.onlamp.com/ 12 January 2006 Michael W. Lucas

The author shows how to use software built for a Linux-based OS on FreeBSD.