diff --git a/en/ports/categories b/en/ports/categories index 5469a13589..b693e5a612 100755 --- a/en/ports/categories +++ b/en/ports/categories @@ -1,101 +1,102 @@ #Originally from src/release/sysinstall/index.c,v 1.57 1998/10/15 -#$FreeBSD: www/en/ports/categories,v 1.34 2007/04/03 08:20:24 pav Exp $ +#$FreeBSD: www/en/ports/categories,v 1.35 2007/05/19 21:35:21 pav Exp $ # See categories.descriptions for the meaning of the abbrevations at the # end of each category. accessibility,"Ports to help disabled users.",EU afterstep,"Ports to support the AfterStep window manager.",VC arabic,"Ported software for the Arabic market.",HL archivers,"Utilities for archiving and unarchiving data.",SAAD astro,"Applications related to astronomy.",SAE audio,"Audio utilities - most require a supported sound card.",EU benchmarks,"Utilities for measuring system performance.",AOP biology,"Software related to biology.",SAE cad,"Computer Aided Design utilities.",SAE chinese,"Ported software for the Chinese market.",HL comms,"Communications utilities.",CCATI converters,"Format conversion utilities.",AOP databases,"Database software.",SAAD deskutils,"Various Desktop utilities.",EU devel,"Software development utilities and libraries.",SAAD dns,"DNS client and server utilities.",CCATI editors,"Common text editors.",EU elisp,"Things related to Emacs Lisp.",VC emulators,"Utilities for emulating other OS types.",SAAD finance,"Monetary, financial and related applications.",EU french,"Ported software for French countries.",HL ftp,"FTP client and server utilities.",CCATI games,"Various and sundry amusements.",EU german,"Ported software for Germanic countries.",HL gnome,"Components of the Gnome Desktop environment.",VC gnustep,"Software for GNUstep desktop environment.",VC graphics,"Graphics libraries and utilities.",EU hamradio,"Software for amateur radio.",VC haskell,"Software related to the Haskell language.",VC hebrew,"Ported software for Hebrew language.",HL hungarian,"Ported software for the Hungarian market.",HL ipv6,"IPv6 related software.",VC irc,"Internet Relay Chat utilities.",CCATI japanese,"Ported software for the Japanese market.",HL java,"Java language support.",SAAD kde,"Software for the K Desktop Environment.",VC +kld,"Kernel loadable modules.",VC korean,"Ported software for the Korean market.",HL lang,"Computer languages.",SAAD linux,"Linux programs that can be run under binary compatibility.",VC lisp,"Things related to pure lisp.",VC mail,"Electronic mail packages and utilities.",CCATI math,"Mathematical computation software.",SAE mbone,"Applications and utilities for the MBONE.",CCATI misc,"Miscellaneous utilities.",AOP multimedia,"Multimedia software.",EU net,"Networking utilities.",CCATI net-im,"Instant messaging software.",CCATI net-mgmt,"Network management utilities.",CCATI net-p2p,"Peer to peer networking software.",EU news,"USENET News support software.",CCATI palm,"Software support for the Palm(tm) series.",AOP parallel,"Applications dealing with parallelism in computing.",VC pear,"Utilities/modules that fall into the PEAR system.",VC perl5,"Utilities/modules for the PERL5 language.",VC plan9,"Software from the Plan9 operating system.",VC polish,"Ported software for the Polish market.",HL ports-mgmt,"Utilities for managing ports and packages.",SAAD portuguese,"Ported software for the Portuguese market.",HL print,"Utilities for dealing with printing.",EU python,"Software related to the Python language.",VC ruby,"Software related to the Ruby language.",VC rubygems,"Packages for the RubyGems system.",VC russian,"Ported software for the Russian market.",HL scheme,"Software related to the Scheme language.",VC science,"Scientific software.",SAE security,"System security software.",SAAD shells,"Various shells (tcsh, bash, etc).",EU sysutils,"Various system utilities.",SAAD tcl,"TCL and packages which depend on it.",VC tcl80,"TCL v8.0 and packages which depend on it.",VC tcl82,"TCL v8.2 and packages which depend on it.",VC tcl83,"TCL v8.3 and packages which depend on it.",VC tcl84,"TCL v8.4 and packages which depend on it.",VC textproc,"Text processing/search utilities.",EU tk,"Tk and packages which depend on it.",VC tk80,"Tk8.0 and packages which depend on it.",VC tk82,"Tk8.2 and packages which depend on it.",VC tk83,"Tk8.3 and packages which depend on it.",VC tk84,"Tk8.4 and packages which depend on it.",VC tkstep80,"tkstep wm and packages which depend on it.",VC ukrainian,"Ported software for the Ukrainian market.",HL vietnamese,"Ported software for the Vietnamese market.",HL windowmaker,"Ports to support the WindowMaker window manager.",VC www,"WEB utilities (browsers, HTTP servers, etc).",CCATI x11,"X Window System based utilities.",XWS x11-clocks,"X Window System based clocks.",XWS x11-drivers,"X Window System drivers.",XWS x11-fm,"X Window System based file managers.",XWS x11-fonts,"X Window System fonts and font utilities.",XWS x11-servers,"X Window System servers.",XWS x11-themes,"X Window System themes.",XWS x11-toolkits,"X Window System based development toolkits.",XWS x11-wm,"X Window System window managers.",XWS xfce,"Ports to support the Xfce desktop environment.",VC zope,"Software related to the Zope platform.",VC