diff --git a/website/themes/beastie/i18n/fr.toml b/website/themes/beastie/i18n/fr.toml index 7bfcd2afc9..12e4f7d415 100644 --- a/website/themes/beastie/i18n/fr.toml +++ b/website/themes/beastie/i18n/fr.toml @@ -1,603 +1,603 @@ # Global [freebsd] other = "FreeBSD" [freebsdProject] other = "Le Projet FreeBSD" [freebsdPowerServe] other = "FreeBSD The Power to Serve" [freebsdFoundation] other = "La fondation FreeBSD" [downloadFreeBSD] other = "Télécharger FreeBSD" [production] other = "Production" # Header [donate] other = "Faire un don à FreeBSD" [donateFoundation] other = "Faire un don à la fondation FreeBSD" [search] other = "Recherche" # Navigation [home] other = "Accueil" [about] other = "A propos" [introduction] other = "Introduction" [features] other = "Fonctionnalités" [advocacy] other = "Prosélytisme" [marketing] other = "Marketing" [privacyPolicy] other = "Politique de confidentialité" [projects] other = "Projects" [getFreeBSD] other = "Obtenir FreeBSD" [releaseInformation] other = "Information sur les versions" [releaseEngineering] other = "Production des versions" [documentation] other = "Documentation" [faq] other = "FAQ" [handbook] other = "Manuel de référence" [porterHandbook] other = "Manuel du porteur d'application" [developerHandbook] other = "Manuel du développeur" [manualPages] other = "Pages de manuel" [documentationProjectPrimer] other = "Manuel d'introduction au projet de documentation" [allBooksArticles] other = "Tous les livres et articles" [community] other = "Communauté" [mailingLists] other = "Listes de diffusion" [forums] other = "Forums" [userGroups] other = "Groupes d'utilisateurs" [events] other = "Événements" [FreeBSDJournal] other = "Journal FreeBSD" [QA] other = "Q&R (externe)" [developers] other = "Développeurs" [projectIdeas] other = "Idées de project" [subversionRepository] other = "Dépôt Subversion" [gitRepository] other = "Dépôt Git" [gitMirror] other = "Miroir GitHub" [phabricator] other = "Code Review (Phabricator)" [wiki] other = "Wiki" [CI] other = "Continuous Integration Service" [support] other = "Support" [vendors] other = "Revendeurs" [securityInformation] other = "Information de sécurité" [bugReports] other = "Rapport de bogue" [submittingBugReports] other = "Envoyer un rapport de bogue" [foundation] other = "Fondation" [monetaryDonations] other = "Don d'argent" [hardwareDonations] other = "Don de matériel" #Main [freebsdDescription1] other = "FreeBSD est un système d'exploitation pour les plates-formes de type serveur, station de travail et les systèmes embarqués" [freebsdDescription2] other = "modernes." [freebsdDescription3] other = "Une importante" [freebsdDescription4] other = "communauté" [freebsdDescription5] other="l'a développé continuellement pendant plus de trente ans. Ses fonctionnalités réseau, de sécurité et de stockage avancées ont fait de FreeBSD la plate-forme de choix de certains" [freebsdDescription6] other = "des sites Web les plus visités" [freebsdDescription7] other = "ainsi que pour la plupart des systèmes embarqués orientés réseau et des systèmes de stockage les plus répandus." [learnMore] other = "En apprendre plus" [getThe] other = "Obtenir le" [journal] other = "Journal FreeBSD" [25th-logo] other = "25th Anniversary Logo" [supportedReleases] other = "Versions supportées" [supportLifecycle] other = "Cycle de vie des versions" [upcoming] other = "A venir" [newFreeBSD] other= "Débutant sous FreeBSD?" 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