diff --git a/en/cgi/cvsweb.conf b/en/cgi/cvsweb.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07c83409b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/en/cgi/cvsweb.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+# -*-perl-*-
+# Configuration of cvsweb.cgi, the
+# CGI interface to CVS Repositories.
+# (c) 1998-1999 H. Zeller
+# 1999 H. Nordstrom
+# 2000 A. MUSHA
+# based on work by Bill Fenner
+# $zId: cvsweb.conf,v 1.27 2000/07/27 10:16:39 kcoar Exp $
+# $Id: cvsweb.conf,v 2000-08-14 04:35:13 knu Exp $
+# CVS Root
+# CVSweb can handle several CVS-Repositories
+# at once. Enter a short symbolic names and the
+# full path of these repositories here.
+# NOTE that the symbolic names may not contain
+# whitespaces.
+# Note, that cvsweb.cgi currently needs to have physical access
+# to the CVS repository so :pserver:someone@xyz.com:/data/cvsroot
+# won't work!
+# 'symbolic_name' 'path_to_the_actual_repository'
+ 'local' => '/home/cvs',
+ 'freebsd' => '/home/ncvs',
+ );
+%CVSROOTdescr = (
+ 'local' => 'Local Repository',
+ 'freebsd' => 'FreeBSD',
+ );
+# This tree is enabled by default when
+# you enter the page
+$cvstreedefault = 'local';
+# PR categoties
+@prcategories = qw(
+ advocacy
+ alpha
+ bin
+ conf
+ docs
+ gnu
+ i386
+ kern
+ misc
+ ports
+ sparc
+ );
+# query-pr.cgi
+$prcgi = "http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=";
+# Defaults for UserSettings
+ # sortby: File sort order
+ # file Sort by filename
+ # rev Sort by revision number
+ # date Sort by commit date
+ # author Sort by author
+ # log Sort by log message
+ "sortby" => "file",
+ # hideattic: Hide or show files in Attic
+ # 1 Hide files in Attic
+ # 0 Show files in Attic
+ "hideattic" => "1",
+ # logsort: Sort order for CVS logs
+ # date Sort revisions by date
+ # rev Sort revision by revision number
+ # cvs Don't sort them. Same order as CVS/RCS shows them.
+ "logsort" => "date",
+ # f: Default diff format
+ # h Human readable
+ # u Unified diff
+ # c Context diff
+ # s Side by side
+ "f" => ($is_textbased ? "u" : "h"),
+ # hidecvsroot: Don't show the CVSROOT directory
+ # 1 Hide CVSROOT directory
+ # 0 Show CVSROOT directory
+ "hidecvsroot" => "0",
+ # hidenonreadable: Don't show entries which cannot be read
+ # 1 Hide non-readable entries
+ # 0 Show non-readable entries
+ "hidenonreadable" => "1",
+# some layout stuff
+# color settings in the body-tag
+$body_tag = '';
+# Wanna have a logo on the page ?
+$logo = '';
+# The title of the Page on startup
+$defaulttitle = "CVS Repository";
+# The address is shown on the footer
+$address = "CVSweb by <knu\@FreeBSD.org>";
+# Default page background color for the diffs
+# and annotations
+$backcolor = "#eeeeee";
+# color of navigation Header for
+# diffs and annotations
+$navigationHeaderColor = '#9999ee';
+$long_intro = <
+This is a WWW interface for CVS Repositories.
+You can browse the file hierarchy by picking directories
+(which have slashes after them, e.g., src/).
+If you pick a file, you will see the revision history
+for that file.
+Selecting a revision number will download that revision of
+the file. There is a link at each revision to display
+diffs between that revision and the previous one, and
+a form at the bottom of the page that allows you to
+display diffs between arbitrary revisions.
+This script has been written by Bill Fenner
+and improved by Henner Zeller
+Henrik Nordström
+<hno\@hem.passagen.se>, and
+Ken Coar
+<Ken.Coar\@Golux.Com>, then
+Akinori MUSHA <knu\@FreeBSD.org>
+brought it back to FreeBSD community and added more facilities;
+it is covered by the
+If you would like to use this CGI script on your own web server and
+CVS tree, see Zeller's
+CVSweb distribution site. Bill's original script can be found
+Please send any suggestions, comments, etc. to
+Bill Fenner or, regarding the
+modifications, to
+Akinori MUSHA,
+Henner Zeller,
+Henrik Nordström, or
+Ken Coar.
+$short_instruction = <
+Click on a directory to enter that directory. Click on a file to display
+its revision history and to get a chance to display diffs between revisions.
+# used icons; if icon-url is empty, the text representation is used; if
+# you do not want to have an ugly tooltip for the icon, remove the
+# text-representation.
+# The width and height of the icon allow the browser to correcly display
+# the table while still loading the icons.
+# These default icons are coming with apache.
+# If these icons are too large, check out the miniicons in the
+# icons/ directory; they have a width/height of 16/16
+# format: TEXT ICON-URL width height
+%ICONS = (
+ back => [ ("[BACK]", "/icons/cvsweb/back.gif", 20, 22) ],
+ dir => [ ("[DIR]", "/icons/cvsweb/dir.gif", 20, 22) ],
+ file => [ ("[TXT]", "/icons/cvsweb/text.gif", 20, 22) ],
+ );
+# the length to which the last logentry should
+# be truncated when shown in the directory view
+$shortLogLen = 80;
+# Show author of last change
+$show_author = 1;
+# table view for directories
+# Show directory as table
+# this is much more readable but has one
+# drawback: the whole table has to be loaded
+# before common browsers display it which may
+# be annoying if you have a slow link - and a
+# large directory ..
+$dirtable = 1;
+# show different colors for even/odd rows
+@tabcolors = ('#ffffff', '#ffffff');
+$tablepadding = 2;
+# Color of Header
+$columnHeaderColorDefault = '#ffffcc';
+$columnHeaderColorSorted = '#ffcc66';
+# If you want to have colored borders
+# around each row, uncomment this
+$tableBorderColor = '#cccccc';
+# Modules in the repository that should not be displayed, either by default
+# nor by explicit path specification.
+@HideModules = (
+ );
+# Use CVSROOT/CVSROOT/descriptions for describing the directories/modules
+# See INSTALL section 8
+$use_descriptions = 0;
+# Human Readable Diff
+# (c) 1998 H. Zeller
+# Generates two columns of color encoded
+# diff; much like xdiff or emacs-ediff mode.
+# The diff-stuff is a piece of code I once made for
+# cvs2html which is under GPL,
+# see http://www.sslug.dk/cvs2html
+# (c) 1997/98 Peter Toft
+# some parameters to screw:
+# make lines breakable so that the columns do not
+# exceed the width of the browser
+$hr_breakable = 1;
+# give out function names in diffs
+# this just makes sense if we have C-files, otherwise
+# diff's heuristic doesn't work well ..
+# ( '-p' option to diff)
+$showfunc = 1;
+# For each pair of regexps, files that match the first regexp will be diff'ed
+# with an '-F' option with the second regexp.
+%funcline_regexp = (
+ "\\.(4th|fr)\$" => "\\(^\\| \\|\t\\): ",
+ );
+# ignore whitespaces for human readable diffs
+# (indendation and stuff ..)
+# ( '-w' option to diff)
+$hr_ignwhite = 1;
+# ignore diffs which are caused by
+# keyword-substitution like $Id - Stuff
+# ( '-kk' option to rcsdiff)
+$hr_ignkeysubst = 1;
+# Colors and font to show the diff type of code changes
+$diffcolorHeading = '#99cccc'; # color of 'Line'-head of each diffed file
+$diffcolorEmpty = '#cccccc'; # color of 'empty' lines
+$diffcolorRemove = '#ff9999'; # Removed line(s) (left) ( - )
+$diffcolorChange = '#99ff99'; # Changed line(s) ( both )
+$diffcolorAdd = '#ccccff'; # Added line(s) ( - ) (right)
+$diffcolorDarkChange = '#99cc99'; # lines, which are empty in change
+$difffontface = "Helvetica,Arial";
+$difffontsize = "-1";
+# the width of the textinput of the
+# request-diff-form
+$inputTextSize = 12;
+# Mime Types
+# mapping to mimetypes to help
+# cvsweb to guess the correct mime-type on
+# checkout; you can use the mime.types from
+# apache here:
+$mime_types = '/usr/local/etc/apache/mime.types';
+# quick mime-type lookup; maps file-suffices to
+# mime-types for displaying checkouts in the browser.
+# Further MimeTypes will be found in the
+# file $mime_types (apache style mime.types - file)
+# - add common mappings here for faster lookup
+%MTYPES = (
+ "html" => "text/html",
+ "shtml" => "text/html",
+ "gif" => "image/gif",
+ "jpeg" => "image/jpeg",
+ "jpg" => "image/jpeg",
+ "*" => "text/plain",
+ );
+# Misc
+# allow annotation of files
+# this requires rw-access to the
+# CVSROOT/history - file and rw-access
+# to the subdirectory to place the lock
+# so you maybe don't want it
+$allow_annotate = 1;
+# allow pretty-printed version of files
+$allow_markup = 1;
+# allow compression with gzip
+# of output if the Browser accepts
+# [make sure to have gzip in the path]
+$allow_compress = 1;
+# Make use of javascript functions.
+# This way you can select one of your CVSroot
+# without pressing 'Go' (.. if you do have more
+# than one CVSROOT defined)
+$use_java_script = 1;
+# open Download-Links in another window
+$open_extern_window = 1;
+# The size of this extern window; this size option
+# needs use_java_script to be defined
+# just comment them if you don't want to have a fixed
+# size
+#$extern_window_width = 600;
+#$extern_window_height = 440;
+# Edit Options
+# Enable form to edit your options (hideattic,sortbydate)
+# this isn't necessary if you've $dirtable defined 'cause
+# this allows editing of all your options more intuitive
+$edit_option_form = (not $dirtable);
+# remember to set the path to your
+# rcsutils: rlog, rcsdiff (gzip if you use compression)
+#$ENV{'PATH'} = '/usr/local/bin';
+# If you have files which automatically refers to other files
+# (such as HTML) then this allows you to browse the checked
+# out files as if outside CVS.
+$checkout_magic = 1;
+# Show last changelog message for sub directories
+# The current implementation makes many assumptions and may show the
+# incorrect file at some times. The main assumption is that the last
+# modified file has the newest filedate. But some CVS operations
+# touches the file without even when a new version is't checked in,
+# and TAG based browsing essientially puts this out of order, unless
+# the last checkin was on the same tag as you are viewing.
+# Enable this if you like the feature, but don't rely on correct results.
+$show_subdir_lastmod = 0;
+# Background color of logentry in markup
+$markupLogColor = "#ffffff";
+# Show CVS log when viewing file contents
+$show_log_in_markup = 1;
+# Tabstop used to expand tabs in colored diffs. If undefined then
+# tabs are always expanded to 8 spaces.
+$tabstop = 8;
+# if you wish to display absolute times in your local timezone,
+# then define mytz and fill in the strings for your standard and
+# daylight time. Note that you must also make sure the system
+# timezone is correctly set.
+# @mytz=("EST", "EDT");
+# cvsweb is friendly to caches by indicating a suitable
+# last-modified timestamp. Doing this uses slightly more
+# CPU so you might want to disable it if you have a slow
+# server
+$use_moddate = 1;