diff --git a/en/donations/wantlist.sgml b/en/donations/wantlist.sgml index 51f0dc2d4b..0a8ebd6261 100644 --- a/en/donations/wantlist.sgml +++ b/en/donations/wantlist.sgml @@ -1,549 +1,542 @@ - + %navincludes; %includes; ]> &header;

This page lists various developer hardware needs. If you are interested in supporting the FreeBSD Project, you might consider donating some piece of hardware on this list to the Project.

We provide the FreeBSD username of the developer who needs a resource, the country they are in (for shipping purposes), the equipment they desire, and the use to which that equipment will be put.

For information on tax deductions and process, please see the information on the main FreeBSD Donation Liaison office page.

If you would like to donate something on this list, please contact donations@FreeBSD.org.

On a general note, we need a variety of Sparc64 machines for testing and improving our Sparc port. Even small, old (or new!) Sparc64 machines are perfectly usable. No matter which country you're in, we almost certainly have someone local who could use it. We could specifically use 1U rack-mounted Sparcs (such as E220R, E420R, Fire V100, Fire V120, or Netra T1 AC200) for our development and package-building clusters in the USA.

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Developer ID Developer Country Equipment Desired Equipment Use
arved Austria 2 small VLAN-capable switches, e.g. Cisco 2940-8TT Reduce wiring in my flat. More Switchports for more testmachines.
ceri UK Two Soekris net4801 boards with cases (part no. 10480151) For use in testing various network and boot configurations.
ceri UK A laptop. Replace previous incarnation which died. Try to make sysinstall as good as it can be.
cognet France A Zaurus, with hard disk preferably. FreeBSD/arm development.
des Norway Mac Mini with 1 GB RAM, no peripherals Tinderbox.
des Norway Opteron CPU Populate a CPU-less motherboard.
des Norway Any USB device based on the Cypress CY7C637xx / CY7C640/1xx USB to RS232 bridge chip. Improve the ucycom driver.
des Norway Any kind of authentication hardware (USB tokens, smart card readers, smart cards, fingerprint scanners, etc.) + documentation Develop and maintain support for hardware authentication.
dfr UK Firewire bus analyzer, 1394b is preferable but 1394a is acceptable. Debug and improve the performance of firewire, especially IP over firewire.
glebius Russia, Moscow Broadcom BCM5700 PCI-X NIC, preferrably with external SSRAM Test and profile my changes to network stack. Improve bge(4) driver.
glebius Russia, Moscow Intel 82546 PCI-X NIC Test and profile my changes to network stack. Improve em(4) driver.
glebius Russia, Moscow Manageable switch with at least two Gigabit ports, and few Fast Ethernet ports, capable to do 802.1q, LACP, GVRP, etc. Test and profile my changes to network stack.
glewis Seattle, USA An amd64 machine. Maintain the jdk15 port for amd64.
grehan California, USA Apple G4 XServe Rackmount PowerPC machine for developer cluster.
hmp United Kingdom Wireless Router (802.11b/g), and ideally two Wireless USB adapters. Experiment with wireless technology and to help my recent move to a new house.
hmp United Kingdom Books: Extreme Programming Explained (2nd Edition) and Planning Extreme Programming. Expand knowledge of extreme programming.
imp USA EISA-based pccard hardware Make EISA pccard driver work.
imp USA 3Com Xjack wireless card Make driver work.
jake Canada 2 450MHz UltraSPARC II CPUs Faster sparc64 test machine.
jake Canada Sun server or workstation with UltraSPARCIII CPUs, Blade 1000, Blade 2000, V280R, V480 or V880, preferably with 2 CPUs Sparc64 UltraSPARCIII support.
jesper United Kingdom Well supported Gigabit Ethernet cards, preferably with 1000baseSX interface, but 1000baseT works too Network stack performance measurements / tuning.
jcamou AZ, USA. Gigabit switch Development/build cluster. Any kind of switch could work.
jkoshy Bangalore, India An Alpha/IA64/PPC/Sparc64 machine Port hwpmc(4) to these architectures.
jkoshy Bangalore, India Intel Pentium-MMX / Pentium Pro / P-II / P-III machine. Maintain hwpmc(4) for these CPUs.
joel Sweden Laptop This will allow me to work more on FreeBSD during the weekdays, since I travel a lot. Anything that can build CURRENT reasonably fast will be sufficient.
joel Sweden Small Ethernet switch (5-8 ports). Hook up more machines to my network.
joel Sweden 1GB RAM, preferably Corsair XMS3200C2 PC3200. Replace faulty memory in my workstation.
johan Sweden 17++ inch TFT monitor with both D-Sub and DVI-D connections. My current monitor is starting to give up.
jwd USA, North Carolina Cyclades TS800/1000 (or equivalent) Serial consoles for all hardware in the rtp.FreeBSD.org cluster.
kris Toronto, CANADA ATX12V power supply (20+4 pin power connectors) Replace dead power supply in Athlon64 system.
lioux Brazil AMD K6 processor 450Mhz or higher. Network switch 10/100 Mbits. Network card Intel EtherExpress PCI 10/100 Mbits Get a K6 based machine back online and add it as an extra terminal to FreeBSD home LAN.
lioux Brazil Books on the any of the following subjects: network protocol scheduling (bandwidth/transmission efficiency), process scheduling, scheduling theory in general, digesting (checksums, particularly fine grained checksumming for detection partial file corruption; e.g., tiger trees, sha1 trees), corruption detection and recovery (files, network protocol, etc), distributed processing (localization transparency, migration, redundancy, repartition, scheduling, message passing, shared memory, etc), peer to peer technology, device driver writing and operational system theory Improve my knowledge regarding operational systems and modern computer science challenges/technologies. For example, I want to write an improved downloading mechanism for FreeBSD distribution (ports and base) that supports graceful corruption detection/recovery, FTP/HTTP/other/it's own protocol, multi-part download, multi-server support, load distribution. Not all at once but in the long term. Most of this knowledge will be reverted to FreeBSD if I can.
lioux Brazil BrookTree chipset TV Capture Card: either BT848 or BT878 (preferred) that already works with FreeBSD. Adding BrookTree support to graphics/ffmpeg and several other video processing programs.
marcel CA, USA Supermicro SuperServer 6113M-i. The machine is a 2-way Itanium 2 (Madison) machine in a 1U rackmount casing. Replacement machine for the BigSur I have now. The machine is based on the Intel E8870 chipset, which is very common but which we don't have among the active developers.
marcel CA, USA IBM xSeries 450. The machine is a 4-way Itanium 2 (Madison) based on the IBM XA-64 chipset. Package build machine in the FreeBSD cluster (aka bento). This machine in particular because of the unique chipset and the fact that it has 4 processors. This makes it an ideal machine for parallel package builds during normal operation and a validation box for release engineering.
marcus RTP, North Carolina, USA On behalf of the FreeBSD GNOME Project, I would like 1 or 2 amd64 machines and 1 UltraSparc II machine. All three machines should work under FreeBSD -CURRENT. Better GNOME support under FreeBSD on these architectures.
markm Cambridge, UK Flexelint v8. (www.gimpel.com) (Semi-)automated code cleaning and cross-platform compiler needs cleaning.
marks The Netherlands ACPI laptops (also for lend) (1) ACPI laptops that work, to test new code on.
(2) ACPI laptops that don't work, (to try) to fix.
markus Germany Ultrabay Slim battery for IBM ThinkPad T41p (1) Enhance the acpi_ibm(4) driver.
(2) Add multiple battery support to various ports.
markus Germany IBM ThinkPad Dock II (1) Enhance the acpi_ibm(4) driver.
(2) Enhance docking support.
matusita Japan 2-3 build machines:Pentium4 2GHz+,20GB+ ATA66+ HDD,256MB+RAM, 100base-TX NIC,serial, etc. Rebuild dying snapshots.jp.FreeBSD.org.
matusita Japan FTP server:Pentium3/Celeron 1GHz+,10GB+ ATA66+ HDD,100GB+ storage (RAID0+1 desirable),256MB+RAM, 100base-TX NIC,serial, etc. Rebuild dying snapshots.jp.FreeBSD.org.
mbr Switzerland Network cards for RealTek 8129/8139 and clones, DEC/Intel 21143 and workalikes, SiS 900/7016 and clones, NatSemi DP83815/DP83820 and workalikes. I can give feedback if I still need the card. Fixed cards will go to the busdma project. Add support for unsupported and broken drivers.
mikeh VA, USA Cordless PS/2 keyboards/mice (especially Gyration and Microsoft wireless desktop products), or any other PS/2 keyboard mice, and KVM products that are not supported by FreeBSD. Improve PS/2 mouse/keyboard support in FreeBSD.
mux France Network cards listed on busdma project page. Busdma conversion of network cards.
mux France An LCD or CRT screen (at least 17"), a KVM switch I only have one old 15" CRT screen and too much boxes...
mux France laptop with serial port Live kernel debugging.
obrien Silicon Valley, USA AlphaServer DS15. continued FreeBSD/alpha development and testing.
obrien Silicon Valley, USA 1U or 2U rack-mount cases, with power supplies. Build into AMD64 reference machines for the FreeBSD.org cluster.
peter California, USA Rack mount AMD64 Opteron system. To make available on the developer cluster.
phantom Germany/Ukraine Reasonably fast SMP machine Improve scalability of JDK.
phk Denmark IEEE-488 controller cards different than PCIIA, preferably PCI bus. I have started on rudimentary IEEE-488/GP-IB/HP-IB support but I only have access to an ISAN PCIIA controller.
rwatsonCambridge, UK--
sam USA crypto devices (pci, pcmcia, cardbus cards, CPUs with builtin crypto support) For improving hardware crypto support.
sos Denmark Serial ATA hardware: disks, controllers (including docs), cables, Serial ATA-ATA converters. Keep ATA support up to date.
tanimura Japan Any Japanese laptop (Preferably IBM Thinkpad A30 or A31). Replace a recently stolen IBM.
thomas France UDMA controller, ATAPI floppy drive, ATAPI tape drive Ensure these ATAPI devices work with ATAPI/CAM with the same level of functionality currently available with the afd/ast drivers.
thompsa New Zealand Managed ethernet switch with STP/vlan, eg Cisco 2950-12 Further testing of spanning tree support with if_bridge(4) and vlan work.
wilko the Netherlands Supported UTP gigabit ethernet card, e.g. em(4) Equip another test Alpha with GbE, and return the borrowed NIC.