diff --git a/science/Makefile b/science/Makefile index 632ca3d3067e..ec1bc1bf24bc 100644 --- a/science/Makefile +++ b/science/Makefile @@ -1,412 +1,413 @@ COMMENT = Scientific ports SUBDIR += 2d-rewriter SUBDIR += ALPSCore SUBDIR += InsightToolkit SUBDIR += PETSc SUBDIR += R-cran-AMORE SUBDIR += R-cran-DCluster SUBDIR += R-cran-Epi SUBDIR += R-cran-FAdist SUBDIR += R-cran-bayesm SUBDIR += R-cran-cmprsk SUBDIR += R-cran-e1071 SUBDIR += R-cran-eco SUBDIR += R-cran-epicalc SUBDIR += R-cran-etm SUBDIR += R-cran-fastICA SUBDIR += R-cran-kernlab SUBDIR += R-cran-ks SUBDIR += R-cran-snow SUBDIR += R-cran-som SUBDIR += R-cran-udunits2 SUBDIR += abinit SUBDIR += afni SUBDIR += agrum SUBDIR += aircraft-datcom SUBDIR += antioch SUBDIR += apbs SUBDIR += ascent SUBDIR += atompaw SUBDIR += avogadro2 SUBDIR += avogadrolibs SUBDIR += axom SUBDIR += bagel SUBDIR += bddsolve SUBDIR += berkeleygw SUBDIR += bodr SUBDIR += buddy SUBDIR += cantera SUBDIR += cdcl SUBDIR += cdf SUBDIR += cdk SUBDIR += cdo SUBDIR += cgnslib SUBDIR += cgribex SUBDIR += checkmol SUBDIR += chemical-mime-data SUBDIR += chemicalfun SUBDIR += chemps2 SUBDIR += chemtool SUBDIR += chemtool-devel SUBDIR += chimes-calculator SUBDIR += chrono SUBDIR += clhep SUBDIR += clipper SUBDIR += code_saturne SUBDIR += colt SUBDIR += conduit SUBDIR += coordgenlibs SUBDIR += cp2k SUBDIR += cp2k-data SUBDIR += crf++ SUBDIR += csvtk SUBDIR += dakota SUBDIR += dalton SUBDIR += dcl SUBDIR += devisor SUBDIR += dftbplus SUBDIR += dftd4 SUBDIR += dkh SUBDIR += dlib-cpp SUBDIR += drawxtl SUBDIR += dvc SUBDIR += dynare SUBDIR += eccodes SUBDIR += elk SUBDIR += elmerfem SUBDIR += epte SUBDIR += erd SUBDIR += ergo SUBDIR += erkale SUBDIR += erkale-pseudopotentials SUBDIR += fastcap SUBDIR += fasthenry SUBDIR += fastjet SUBDIR += fisicalab SUBDIR += fleur SUBDIR += frontistr SUBDIR += fsom SUBDIR += fvcom SUBDIR += fvcom-mpi SUBDIR += gabedit SUBDIR += gamess-us SUBDIR += gbtolib SUBDIR += gchemutils SUBDIR += gdma SUBDIR += getdp SUBDIR += ghemical SUBDIR += ghmm SUBDIR += gnudatalanguage SUBDIR += gpaw-setups SUBDIR += gramps SUBDIR += grib_api SUBDIR += gromacs SUBDIR += gsmc SUBDIR += gtamsanalyzer SUBDIR += h5utils SUBDIR += h5z-zfp SUBDIR += harminv SUBDIR += hdf SUBDIR += hdf5 SUBDIR += hdf5-18 SUBDIR += healpix SUBDIR += helfem SUBDIR += hepmc3 SUBDIR += highfive SUBDIR += hypre SUBDIR += iboview SUBDIR += isaac-cfd SUBDIR += jdftx SUBDIR += jmol SUBDIR += jstrack SUBDIR += kalzium SUBDIR += kim-api SUBDIR += kst2 SUBDIR += lammps SUBDIR += lamprop SUBDIR += latte SUBDIR += libaec SUBDIR += libccp4 SUBDIR += libcint SUBDIR += libctl SUBDIR += libecpint SUBDIR += libefp SUBDIR += libgeodecomp SUBDIR += libghemical SUBDIR += libgridxc SUBDIR += libint SUBDIR += libint2 SUBDIR += libkml SUBDIR += liblinear SUBDIR += libmbd SUBDIR += libmsym SUBDIR += libnegf SUBDIR += liboglappth SUBDIR += libquantum SUBDIR += libssm SUBDIR += libsvm SUBDIR += libsvm-python SUBDIR += libvdwxc SUBDIR += libxc SUBDIR += liggghts SUBDIR += linux-zotero SUBDIR += luscus SUBDIR += madness SUBDIR += maeparser SUBDIR += massxpert SUBDIR += mbdyn SUBDIR += mcstas SUBDIR += mcstas-comps SUBDIR += mctc-lib SUBDIR += mcxtrace SUBDIR += mcxtrace-comps SUBDIR += mdynamix SUBDIR += medit SUBDIR += metaphysicl SUBDIR += minc2 SUBDIR += mmdb2 SUBDIR += mmtf-cpp SUBDIR += mol2ps SUBDIR += molgif SUBDIR += molscript SUBDIR += molsketch SUBDIR += mpb SUBDIR += mpqc SUBDIR += msms SUBDIR += mstore SUBDIR += multicharge SUBDIR += multiwfn SUBDIR += namd SUBDIR += nest SUBDIR += netcdf SUBDIR += netcdf-cxx SUBDIR += netcdf-fortran SUBDIR += nifticlib SUBDIR += nwchem SUBDIR += nwchem-data SUBDIR += octopus SUBDIR += openbabel SUBDIR += openems SUBDIR += openkim SUBDIR += openkim-models SUBDIR += openmc SUBDIR += openmolcas SUBDIR += openmx SUBDIR += opensim-core SUBDIR += opensph SUBDIR += opsin SUBDIR += orthanc SUBDIR += orthanc-dicomweb SUBDIR += orthanc-mysql SUBDIR += orthanc-postgresql SUBDIR += orthanc-webviewer SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-SVMLight SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-3DBuilder SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Bond-Find SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Canonicalize SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Elements SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-MDLMol SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-Mopac SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-PDB SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-SLN SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-SMARTS SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-SMILES SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-VRML SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-XYZ SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-FormulaPattern SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-InternalCoords SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Isotope SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-MacroMol SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-MidasPattern SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Mok SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Mol SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Pattern SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Reaction SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Ring SUBDIR += p5-Geo-BUFR SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Coordinates-Converter SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Coordinates-Converter-iArea SUBDIR += p5-Geo-WebService-Elevation-USGS SUBDIR += p5-Mcstas-Tools SUBDIR += p5-PerlMol SUBDIR += p5-Physics-Unit SUBDIR += packmol SUBDIR += pagmo2 SUBDIR += paje SUBDIR += pastix SUBDIR += pcmsolver SUBDIR += phonopy SUBDIR += plumed SUBDIR += pnetcdf SUBDIR += pulseview SUBDIR += py-DendroPy SUBDIR += py-GPy SUBDIR += py-GPyOpt SUBDIR += py-MDAnalysis SUBDIR += py-MDAnalysisTests SUBDIR += py-OpenFermion SUBDIR += py-OpenMC SUBDIR += py-PubChemPy SUBDIR += py-PyFR SUBDIR += py-PyNE SUBDIR += py-SimpleSpectral SUBDIR += py-abipy SUBDIR += py-access SUBDIR += py-asdf SUBDIR += py-asdf-standard SUBDIR += py-asdf-transform-schemas SUBDIR += py-ase SUBDIR += py-avogadrolibs SUBDIR += py-cdo SUBDIR += py-chainer SUBDIR += py-chainer-chemistry SUBDIR += py-chempy SUBDIR += py-cirq-aqt SUBDIR += py-cirq-core SUBDIR += py-cirq-google SUBDIR += py-cirq-ionq SUBDIR += py-cirq-pasqal SUBDIR += py-coards SUBDIR += py-dipy SUBDIR += py-dlib SUBDIR += py-eccodes SUBDIR += py-esda SUBDIR += py-fresnel SUBDIR += py-geolinks SUBDIR += py-geomet SUBDIR += py-geometer SUBDIR += py-geometric SUBDIR += py-gpaw SUBDIR += py-gsd SUBDIR += py-h5json SUBDIR += py-h5py SUBDIR += py-hiphive SUBDIR += py-hoomd-blue SUBDIR += py-inequality SUBDIR += py-jupyter_jsmol SUBDIR += py-kim-query SUBDIR += py-kinematics SUBDIR += py-kliff SUBDIR += py-liac-arff SUBDIR += py-libpysal SUBDIR += py-lifelines SUBDIR += py-mdp SUBDIR += py-mmtf-python SUBDIR += py-molmod SUBDIR += py-moltemplate SUBDIR += py-netCDF4 SUBDIR += py-netcdf-flattener SUBDIR += py-nibabel SUBDIR += py-nilearn SUBDIR += py-obspy SUBDIR += py-oddt SUBDIR += py-openpiv SUBDIR += py-paida SUBDIR += py-paramz SUBDIR += py-phono3py SUBDIR += py-phonopy SUBDIR += py-pupynere SUBDIR += py-pyaixi SUBDIR += py-pyberny SUBDIR += py-pycsw SUBDIR += py-pydicom SUBDIR += py-pygeodesy SUBDIR += py-pygeometa SUBDIR += py-pygmo2 SUBDIR += py-pyked SUBDIR += py-pymatgen SUBDIR += py-pymol SUBDIR += py-pyosf SUBDIR += py-pysal SUBDIR += py-pyscf SUBDIR += py-pyteomics SUBDIR += py-qcelemental SUBDIR += py-qcengine SUBDIR += py-qspin SUBDIR += py-quantities SUBDIR += py-rmf SUBDIR += py-rmsd SUBDIR += py-ruffus SUBDIR += py-scikit-fuzzy SUBDIR += py-scikit-learn SUBDIR += py-scikit-optimize SUBDIR += py-scikit-sparse SUBDIR += py-scimath SUBDIR += py-scipy SUBDIR += py-scoria SUBDIR += py-segregation SUBDIR += py-segyio SUBDIR += py-sklearn-pandas SUBDIR += py-skrebate SUBDIR += py-spaghetti SUBDIR += py-spglib SUBDIR += py-tensorflow SUBDIR += py-tobler SUBDIR += py-trainstation SUBDIR += py-veusz SUBDIR += pybrain SUBDIR += pynn SUBDIR += q SUBDIR += qbox SUBDIR += qcl SUBDIR += qiskit-aer SUBDIR += qmcpack SUBDIR += quantum-espresso SUBDIR += quantum-espresso-pseudopotentials SUBDIR += qwalk SUBDIR += rdkit SUBDIR += rmf SUBDIR += rubygem-ai4r SUBDIR += rubygem-cdo SUBDIR += rubygem-rgeo SUBDIR += rubygem-rgeo-geojson SUBDIR += rubygem-rgeo-proj4 SUBDIR += rubygem-rgeo-shapefile SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-dcl SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-netcdf SUBDIR += scidavis SUBDIR += segyio SUBDIR += shelxle SUBDIR += siconos SUBDIR += siesta SUBDIR += sigrok-cli SUBDIR += sigrok-firmware SUBDIR += sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw SUBDIR += sigrok-firmware-utils SUBDIR += silo SUBDIR += simbody SUBDIR += simgrid SUBDIR += simint SUBDIR += simlib SUBDIR += simple-dftd3 SUBDIR += simsmith SUBDIR += smoldyn SUBDIR += sparta SUBDIR += spglib SUBDIR += step SUBDIR += svmlight SUBDIR += szip SUBDIR += tblite SUBDIR += teem SUBDIR += tfel SUBDIR += tfel-edf SUBDIR += thermofun SUBDIR += tinker SUBDIR += udunits + SUBDIR += ukrmol+ SUBDIR += v_sim SUBDIR += vipster SUBDIR += vmd SUBDIR += voro++ SUBDIR += votca SUBDIR += wannier90 SUBDIR += wwplot SUBDIR += wxmacmolplt SUBDIR += xcfun SUBDIR += xcrysden SUBDIR += xdrawchem SUBDIR += xtb SUBDIR += yoda SUBDIR += zotero .include diff --git a/science/ukrmol+/Makefile b/science/ukrmol+/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..966a9639df91 --- /dev/null +++ b/science/ukrmol+/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +PORTNAME= ukrmol+ +DISTVERSION= 3.2 +CATEGORIES= science # chemistry, physics +MASTER_SITES= https://zenodo.org/record/5799134/files/ +DISTNAME= ukrmol-out-${DISTVERSION} + +MAINTAINER= yuri@FreeBSD.org +COMMENT= Code to compute electron and positron scattering from molecules + +LICENSE= GPLv3 +LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/COPYING + +LIB_DEPENDS= libGBTO.so:science/gbtolib \ + libgsl.so:math/gsl \ + libopenblas.so:math/openblas + +USES= cmake:testing fortran localbase python:test + +CMAKE_ON= BUILD_SHARED_LIBS WITH_GSL +CMAKE_OFF= BUILD_DOC WITH_GIT BUILD_TESTING +CMAKE_TESTING_ON= BUILD_TESTING # test executables aren't built, see https://gitlab.com/Uk-amor/UKRMol/UKRmol-out/-/issues/40 +CMAKE_ARGS= -DFREEBSD_DOCSDIR=${DOCSDIR} \ + -DFREEBSD_PYTHON_VER=${PYTHON_VER} + +FFLAGS+= -I${LOCALBASE}/include/gbtolib +LDFLAGS+= -lGBTO + +OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS + +PORTDOCS= * + +.include diff --git a/science/ukrmol+/distinfo b/science/ukrmol+/distinfo new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..60ac14f100c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/science/ukrmol+/distinfo @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +TIMESTAMP = 1653437446 +SHA256 (ukrmol-out-3.2.tar.gz) = 9d3acc132c4128957d0a34ac8700924d3efdb7b84e37107fad6f80ac840aee59 +SIZE (ukrmol-out-3.2.tar.gz) = 3722605 diff --git a/science/ukrmol+/files/patch-CMakeLists.txt b/science/ukrmol+/files/patch-CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1c996a58e98d --- /dev/null +++ b/science/ukrmol+/files/patch-CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +--- CMakeLists.txt.orig 2022-05-25 00:18:51 UTC ++++ CMakeLists.txt +@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ if(BUILD_TESTING) + add_subdirectory(tests/suite) + endif() + +-install(DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/doc" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") ++install(DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/doc" DESTINATION "${FREEBSD_DOCSDIR}") + + # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# + # Define distribution release target (make dist) diff --git a/science/ukrmol+/pkg-descr b/science/ukrmol+/pkg-descr new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6a5946ec95a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/science/ukrmol+/pkg-descr @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +Outer region programs for the re-engineered UK computational +implementation of the R-matrix method for the treatment of +electron and positron scattering from molecules (BTO/GTO +continuum). Also calculates photoionization cross sections. + +WWW: https://zenodo.org/record/5799134#.Yo1lCknMKV4 diff --git a/science/ukrmol+/pkg-plist b/science/ukrmol+/pkg-plist new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1fe3bcbdfb24 --- /dev/null +++ b/science/ukrmol+/pkg-plist @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +bin/borncros +bin/bound +bin/dcs +bin/dipelm +bin/dipole_tools +bin/eigenp +bin/ixsecs +bin/kmatadgeneral +bin/mpi_rsolve +bin/multidip +bin/outer +bin/outer-run +bin/pfarm_interface +bin/rates +bin/reson +bin/rmt_interface +bin/rsolve +bin/swinterf +bin/timedel +bin/tmatrx +include/compak/blas95_compak.mod +include/compak/compak_defs.mod +include/compak/compak_procs.mod +include/compak/lapack95_compak.mod +include/compak/photo_outerio.mod +include/compak/read_inner_dipoles.mod +include/dipelm/anglib.mod +include/dipelm/angmom_procs.mod +include/dipelm/dipelm_defs.mod +include/dipelm/dipelm_io.mod +include/dipelm/dipelm_procs.mod +include/dipelm/dipelm_smooth.mod +include/dipelm/dipelm_special_functions.mod +include/dipelm/dipelm_types.mod +include/dipelm/dipelmdefs.mod +include/dipelm/dipelmio.mod +include/dipelm/dipelmprocs.mod +include/dipelm/properties_file_mod.mod +include/dipelm/sorting.mod +include/multidip/multidip_integ.mod +include/multidip/multidip_io.mod +include/multidip/multidip_levin.mod +include/multidip/multidip_params.mod +include/multidip/multidip_romberg.mod +include/multidip/multidip_routines.mod +include/multidip/multidip_special.mod +include/multidip/multidip_tests.mod +include/outer/bspline.mod +include/outer/couplings.mod +include/outer/gettimedel.mod +include/outer/interpolate.mod +include/outer/numeric.mod +include/outer/rmt_molecular_interface.mod +include/outer/userdefkmat.mod +include/outer/version_control.mod +lib/libcompak.so +lib/libcouplings.so +lib/libdipelm.so +lib/libmultidip.so +lib/libouter.so +lib/librmt_interface.so +lib/libutil.so