diff --git a/net-p2p/cardano-node/Makefile b/net-p2p/cardano-node/Makefile index 680990d785b1..881263e8c1f9 100644 --- a/net-p2p/cardano-node/Makefile +++ b/net-p2p/cardano-node/Makefile @@ -1,464 +1,467 @@ PORTNAME= cardano-node PORTVERSION= 1.35.7 +PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= net-p2p MASTER_SITES= https://input-output-hk.github.io/cardano-haskell-packages/package/:chap MAINTAINER= arrowd@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Core component of the Cardano decentralized blockchain WWW= https://cardano.org/ LICENSE= APACHE20 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE NOT_FOR_ARCHS= i386 BUILD_DEPENDS= ghc-8.10.7:lang/ghc810 RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/share/rc-subr-jail/rc.subr.jail:ports-mgmt/rc-subr-jail USES= autoreconf:build cabal gmake libtool pkgconfig USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= input-output-hk GH_TUPLE= denisshevchenko:threepenny-gui:4ec92ded05ccf59ba4a874be4b404ac1b6d666b6:threepenny_gui/dist-newstyle/src/threepenn_-a39f3242b2cf0a10 GH_TUPLE+= input-output-hk:libsodium:${LIBSODIUM_HASH}:sodium \ bitcoin-core:secp256k1:${SECP256K1_HASH}:secp CARDANO_NODE_HASH= f0b4ac897dcbefba9fa0d247b204a24543cf55f6 LIBSODIUM_HASH= 66f017f16633f2060db25e17c170c2afa0f2a8a1 # Obtained from https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-node/blob/master/.github/workflows/github-page.yml#L21 SECP256K1_HASH= ac83be33d0956faf6b7f61a60ab524ef7d6a473a USE_RC_SUBR= cardano_node LIBS_PREFIX= ${WRKDIR}/libs_install BINARY_ALIAS= git=true USERS= cardano GROUPS= cardano USE_CABAL= Glob-0.10.2_3 \ HUnit- \ Histogram- \ HsOpenSSL- \ ListLike-4.7.7_1 \ MonadRandom-0.5.3_3 \ OneTuple-0.3.1_3 \ Only-0.1_1 \ QuickCheck-2.14.2 \ SHA- \ SafeSemaphore-0.10.1_1 \ StateVar-1.2.2 \ Stream- \ Unique- \ Win32-network- \ adjunctions-4.4.2_1 \ aeson- \ aeson-pretty-0.8.9_2 \ algebraic-graphs-0.6.1 \ ansi-terminal-0.11.3 \ ansi-wl-pprint-0.6.9_3 \ ap-normalize- \ appar-0.1.8 \ asn1-encoding-0.9.6_2 \ asn1-parse-0.9.5 \ asn1-types-0.3.4 \ assoc-1.0.2_4 \ async-2.2.4_3 \ async-extras- \ async-timer- \ atomic-primops-0.8.4 \ attoparsec-0.14.4_3 \ attoparsec-iso8601- \ auto-update-0.1.6 \ barbies- \ base-compat-0.12.2 \ base-compat-batteries-0.12.2 \ base-deriving-via- \ base-orphans-0.8.7 \ base16-bytestring- \ base58-bytestring-0.1.0 \ base64-bytestring- \ base64-bytestring-type-1.0.1_15 \ basement-0.0.15 \ bech32-1.1.2 \ bifunctors-5.5.13 \ bimap-0.4.0_1 \ bin-0.1_2 \ binary-orphans-1.0.3 \ blaze-builder- \ blaze-html- \ blaze-markup- \ boring-0.2_3 \ bsb-http-chunked- \ byron-spec-chain- \ byron-spec-ledger- \ byteorder-1.0.4 \ bytestring-builder- \ cabal-doctest-1.0.9_3 \ call-stack-0.4.0 \ canonical-json- \ cardano-binary-1.5.0:chap \ cardano-binary-test-1.3.0:chap \ cardano-crypto-1.1.1:chap \ cardano-crypto-class- \ cardano-crypto-praos- \ cardano-crypto-test-1.3.0:chap \ cardano-crypto-tests- \ cardano-crypto-wrapper-1.3.0:chap \ cardano-data- \ cardano-ledger-alonzo- \ cardano-ledger-babbage- \ cardano-ledger-byron- \ cardano-ledger-byron-test-1.3.0:chap \ cardano-ledger-core- \ cardano-ledger-pretty- \ cardano-ledger-shelley- \ cardano-ledger-shelley-ma- \ cardano-ledger-shelley-test- \ cardano-prelude- \ cardano-prelude-test- \ cardano-protocol-tpraos- \ cardano-slotting- \ case-insensitive- \ cassava- \ cborg- \ cereal- \ charset-0.3.9 \ clock-0.8.3 \ cmdargs-0.10.21_1 \ code-page-0.2.1 \ colour-2.3.6 \ comonad-5.0.8_1 \ composition-prelude- \ concurrent-output-1.10.16_1 \ conduit- \ connection-0.3.1_1 \ constraints-0.13.4 \ constraints-extras- \ contra-tracer- \ contravariant-1.5.5 \ cookie-0.4.5 \ criterion- \ criterion-measurement- \ cryptonite-0.27_1 \ data-accessor-0.2.3 \ data-accessor-transformers- \ data-default- \ data-default-class- \ data-default-instances-containers-0.0.1 \ data-default-instances-dlist-0.0.1 \ data-default-instances-old-locale-0.0.1 \ data-fix-0.3.2_4 \ dec-0.0.5_1 \ dense-linear-algebra- \ dependent-map- \ dependent-sum- \ dependent-sum-template- \ deque-0.4.4 \ deriving-aeson-0.2.8_1 \ deriving-compat-0.6.1_1 \ dictionary-sharing- \ digest- \ distributive- \ dlist-1.0 \ dns-3.0.4_1 \ dom-lt-0.2.3 \ easy-file-0.2.2 \ either-5.0.2_1 \ ekg- \ ekg-core- \ ekg-forward-0.3.0:chap \ ekg-json- \ entropy- \ erf- \ extra-1.7.12 \ fast-logger-3.1.1_1 \ fgl- \ file-embed- \ filelock- \ fin-0.1.1_2 \ fingertree- \ flat- \ fmlist-0.9.4 \ foldl-1.4.12_6 \ formatting-6.3.7_2 \ foundation-0.0.29 \ free-5.1.9_1 \ generic-data- \ generic-deriving-1.14.2 \ generic-monoid- \ generic-random- \ generically-0.1 \ gnuplot-0.5.7 \ goblins- \ graphviz-2999.20.1.0_2 \ gray-code-0.3.1 \ groups-0.5.3 \ half-0.3.1 \ happy-1.20.0_1 \ hashable- \ haskell-lexer-1.1 \ hedgehog-1.1.2 \ hedgehog-extras- \ hedgehog-quickcheck-0.1.1_4 \ hostname-1.0 \ hourglass-0.2.12 \ hsc2hs-0.68.8_1 \ hspec-2.10.6 \ hspec-core-2.10.6 \ hspec-discover-2.10.6 \ hspec-expectations-0.8.2 \ http-api-data-0.4.3_6 \ http-client- \ http-client-tls- \ http-date-0.0.11 \ http-media- \ http-types-0.12.3 \ http2-3.0.3 \ hw-aeson- \ indexed-traversable-0.1.2_2 \ indexed-traversable-instances- \ int-cast- \ integer-logarithms- \ invariant-0.6_1 \ io-classes- \ io-sim- \ io-streams- \ io-streams-haproxy- \ iohk-monitoring- \ iproute-1.7.12 \ ixset-typed- \ js-chart- \ kan-extensions-5.2.5_1 \ katip- \ lazy-search- \ lazysmallcheck-0.6 \ lens-5.1.1_1 \ libyaml-0.1.2_1 \ lifted-async- \ lifted-base- \ list-t- \ lobemo-backend-aggregation- \ lobemo-backend-ekg- \ lobemo-backend-monitoring- \ lobemo-backend-trace-forwarder- \ logict- \ math-functions- \ measures- \ megaparsec-9.2.1_1 \ memory-0.18.0 \ mersenne-random-pure64- \ microlens- \ microlens-mtl- \ microlens-th- \ microstache- \ mime-types- \ mmorph-1.2.0_3 \ monad-control- \ mono-traversable- \ monoidal-containers- \ monoidal-synchronisation- \ moo- \ mtl-compat-0.2.2 \ mwc-random- \ network- \ network-byte-order-0.1.6_1 \ network-mux- \ network-uri- \ newtype- \ non-integral- \ nothunks-0.1.3_1 \ old-locale- \ old-time- \ openssl-streams- \ optparse-applicative- \ optparse-applicative-fork- \ optparse-generic-1.4.8_1 \ orphans-deriving-via- \ ouroboros-consensus- \ ouroboros-consensus-byron- \ ouroboros-consensus-cardano- \ ouroboros-consensus-cardano-tools- \ ouroboros-consensus-protocol- \ ouroboros-consensus-shelley- \ ouroboros-network- \ ouroboros-network-framework- \ ouroboros-network-testing- \ parallel- \ parser-combinators-1.3.0 \ parsers-0.12.11 \ partial-order- \ pem-0.2.4 \ pipes-4.3.16_6 \ plutus-core- \ plutus-ledger-api- \ plutus-tx- \ polyparse-1.13_6 \ pretty-show-1.10 \ pretty-simple- \ prettyprinter-1.7.1 \ prettyprinter-ansi-terminal-1.1.3 \ prettyprinter-configurable- \ primitive- \ process-extras-0.7.4 \ profunctors-5.6.2_3 \ prometheus-2.2.3 \ protolude-0.3.0 \ psqueues- \ quickcheck-instances-0.3.28 \ quickcheck-io-0.2.0 \ quiet-0.2 \ ral-0.1_2 \ random- \ random-shuffle-0.0.4 \ readable-0.3.1_1 \ recursion-schemes- \ reducers-3.12.4_3 \ reflection-2.1.6_1 \ regex-base- \ regex-posix- \ resourcet-1.2.6 \ safe-0.3.19 \ safe-exceptions- \ safecopy- \ scientific- \ selective-0.5 \ semialign- \ semigroupoids-5.3.7_1 \ semigroups-0.20 \ serialise- \ servant-0.19_5 \ servant-server-0.19.1_4 \ set-algebra- \ setenv- \ show-combinators- \ simple-sendfile-0.2.30 \ singleton-bool-0.1.5_3 \ size-based- \ small-steps- \ small-steps-test- \ snap-blaze- \ snap-core- \ snap-server- \ socks-0.6.1 \ some-1.0.2 \ sop-core- \ split- \ splitmix- \ statistics- \ statistics-linreg-0.3 \ streaming- \ streaming-binary- \ streaming-bytestring-0.2.4 \ streaming-commons- \ strict- \ strict-containers- \ strict-list-0.1.7 \ strict-stm- \ string-conv-0.2.0 \ string-conversions- \ string-qq-0.0.4 \ syb- \ system-filepath-0.4.14_1 \ tagged- \ tasty- \ tasty-expected-failure-0.12.3 \ tasty-golden-2.3.5 \ tasty-hedgehog- \ tasty-hunit- \ tasty-quickcheck-0.10.2 \ tdigest- \ temporary-1.3 \ terminal-size-0.3.3 \ testing-type-modifiers- \ text-short-0.1.5_2 \ tf-random-0.5 \ th-abstraction- \ th-compat-0.1.4_2 \ th-expand-syns- \ th-extras- \ th-lift-0.8.2_2 \ th-lift-instances-0.1.20 \ th-orphans-0.13.14_1 \ th-reify-many-0.1.10 \ th-utilities- \ these- \ time-compat- \ time-manager-0.0.0_1 \ time-units-1.0.0 \ tls-1.6.0 \ tracer-transformers- \ transformers-base-0.4.6 \ transformers-compat-0.6.6_1 \ transformers-except-0.1.2 \ tree-diff-0.2.2 \ type-equality-1_5 \ typed-process- \ typed-protocols- \ typed-protocols-cborg- \ typed-protocols-examples- \ typerep-map- \ unagi-chan- \ unbounded-delays- \ unix-bytestring- \ unix-compat-0.5.4_2 \ unix-time-0.4.8 \ unliftio- \ unliftio-core- \ unordered-containers- \ utf8-string-1.0.2 \ utility-ht-0.0.16 \ uuid-types-1.0.5_4 \ validation-selective- \ vault- \ vector- \ vector-algorithms- \ vector-binary-instances- \ vector-map- \ vector-th-unbox-0.2.2_4 \ void-0.7.3 \ wai-3.2.3 \ wai-app-static- \ wai-extra- \ wai-logger-2.4.0 \ warp-3.3.22 \ wcwidth-0.0.2 \ websockets- \ websockets-snap- \ witherable-0.4.2_4 \ wl-pprint-annotated- \ wl-pprint-text- \ word-array- \ word8-0.1.3 \ x509-1.7.7 \ x509-store-1.6.9 \ x509-system-1.6.7 \ x509-validation-1.6.12 \ yaml- \ zlib- \ zlib-bindings- CABAL_PROJECT= append CABAL_EXECUTABLES= cardano-node cardano-cli cardano-submit-api cardano-tracer CABAL_REPOSITORIES= chap +WITH_LTO= yes + post-patch: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/$$(gitRevFromGit)/"${CARDANO_NODE_HASH}"/' \ -e '/Cardano.Git.RevFromGit/d' \ ${WRKSRC}/cardano-git-rev/src/Cardano/Git/Rev.hs pre-build: @${MKDIR} ${PKGCONFIG_LINKDIR} cd ${WRKSRC_sodium} && ./autogen.sh cd ${WRKSRC_sodium} && ./configure --prefix=${LIBS_PREFIX} --with-pthreads --disable-shared cd ${WRKSRC_sodium} && ${GMAKE} -j${MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER} && ${GMAKE} ${INSTALL_TARGET} ${MV} ${LIBS_PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig/libsodium.pc ${PKGCONFIG_LINKDIR} cd ${WRKSRC_secp} && ./autogen.sh cd ${WRKSRC_secp} && ./configure --prefix=${LIBS_PREFIX} --enable-module-schnorrsig --enable-experimental --with-pic --disable-shared cd ${WRKSRC_secp} && ${GMAKE} -j${MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER} && ${GMAKE} ${INSTALL_TARGET} ${MV} ${LIBS_PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig/libsecp256k1.pc ${PKGCONFIG_LINKDIR} .include diff --git a/net-p2p/cardano-node/files/cardano_node.in b/net-p2p/cardano-node/files/cardano_node.in index df010e544630..1b9a59443e2e 100755 --- a/net-p2p/cardano-node/files/cardano_node.in +++ b/net-p2p/cardano-node/files/cardano_node.in @@ -1,336 +1,338 @@ #!/bin/sh # PROVIDE: cardano_node # REQUIRE: DAEMON # KEYWORD: shutdown # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This script supports running multiple instances of the daemon. # To run additional instances make a symlink to script under different name: # # % ln -s %%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.d/cardano_node %%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.d/SOMENAME # # and define corresponding SOMENAME_* variables in /etc/rc.conf # For example, if you linked the script to cardano_node_testnet, then each # variable listed below should read as cardano_node_testnet_enable, etc. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf to enable this service: # # cardano_node_enable: Set to YES to enable cardano-node. # Default: "NO" # # cardano_node_jail_enable: Set to NO to disable running cardano-node in the jail. # Default: "YES" # # cardano_node_home: An absolute path to the daemon home directory. # The directory will be created if not exists. # Default: "/var/db/cardano_node" # # cardano_node_net: A network name to connect to. # Default: "mainnet" # # cardano_node_port: Port to listen for connections on. # Default: "6000" # # Advanced settings that usually don't need to be changed for simple usage cases: # # cardano_node_host: Host address to bind to. # Default: "" # # # cardano_node_socket: An absolute path to the daemon socket file. # Default: "${cardano_node_home}/cardano-node.sock" # # cardano_node_db: An absolute path to the database directory. # Default: "${cardano_node_home}/${cardano_node_net}-db" # # cardano_node_topology: An absolute or a relative to ${cardano_node_home} path # to the topology JSON file. # Default: "${cardano_node_net}-configs/topology.json" # # cardano_node_config: An absolute or a relative to ${cardano_node_home} path # to the cardano-node config.json file. # Default: "${cardano_node_net}-configs/config.json" # # cardano_node_rts_flags: GHC runtime flags to be passed between "+RTS" and "-RTS". # See https://downloads.haskell.org/ghc/latest/docs/html/users_guide/runtime_control.html # for the meaning of these flags. # Default: "-N -A64m -n4m -F1.2 -qg1" # # cardano_node_flags: Any additional command line flags to pass to cardano-node. # Default: "" # . /etc/rc.subr # The following code snippet was taken from security/openvpn/files/openvpn.in rc script. # service(8) does not create an authentic environment, try to guess, # and as of 10.3-RELEASE-p0, it will not find the indented name= # assignments below. So give it a default. # Trailing semicolon also for service(8)'s benefit: name="$file" ; case "$0" in /etc/rc*) # during boot (shutdown) $0 is /etc/rc (/etc/rc.shutdown), # so get the name of the script from $_file name="$_file" ;; */service) # do not use this as $0 ;; *) name="$0" ;; esac # default name to "cardano_node" if guessing failed # Trailing semicolon also for service(8)'s benefit: name="${name:-cardano_node}" ; name="${name##*/}" desc="Cardano Node daemon" rcvar="${name}_enable" command=%%PREFIX%%/bin/cardano-node cardano_deployment_url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cardano-bsd-alliance/freebsd-ports-cardano-artifacts/master/cardano-node" cardano_config_files="config byron-genesis shelley-genesis alonzo-genesis topology submit-api-config" cardano_networks="mainnet preview preprod" start_cmd="cardano_node_start" start_precmd="cardano_node_prestart" stop_cmd="cardano_node_stop" status_cmd="cardano_node_status" reload_cmd="cardano_node_reload" fetch_cmd="cardano_node_fetch" extra_commands="status fetch reload" load_rc_config $name eval ": \${${name}_enable:=NO}" eval ": \${${name}_jail_enable:=YES}" eval ": \${${name}_home:=\"/var/db/cardano_node\"}" eval ": \${${name}_net:=\"mainnet\"}" eval ": \${${name}_host:=\"\"}" eval ": \${${name}_port:=\"6000\"}" eval ": \${${name}_socket:=\"\${${name}_home}/cardano-node.sock\"}" eval ": \${${name}_db:=\"\${${name}_home}/\${${name}_net}-db\"}" eval ": \${${name}_topology:=\"\${${name}_net}-configs/topology.json\"}" eval ": \${${name}_config:=\"\${${name}_net}-configs/config.json\"}" eval ": \${${name}_rts_flags:=\"-N -A64m -n4m -F1.2 -qg1\"}" eval ": \${${name}_flags:=\"\"}" # aliases eval "_jail_enable=\${${name}_jail_enable}" eval "_home=\${${name}_home}" eval "_topology=\${${name}_topology}" eval "_config=\${${name}_config}" eval "_socket=\${${name}_socket}" eval "_db=\${${name}_db}" eval "_rts_flags=\${${name}_rts_flags}" eval "_host=\${${name}_host}" eval "_port=\${${name}_port}" eval "_flags=\${${name}_flags}" jail_topology="/topology_dir/`basename ${_topology}`" jail_config="/config_dir/`basename ${_config}`" jail_socket="/socket/`basename ${_socket}`" jail_args="name=${name}_jail exec.jail_user=cardano exec.system_jail_user host=inherit" jail_command=/bin/cardano-node jail_root="${_home}/jail" jail_copy_resolv_conf=yes jail_copy_services=yes jail_copy_programs="$command /usr/sbin/nologin" jail_mount_devfs=yes jail_ip_inherit=yes #TODO: daemon fails with "Network.Socket.bind: permission denied" without suid ;\ jail_prepare_inside_cmds="mkdir ./socket ;\ ln -s ${_home}/jail/${jail_socket} ${_socket} ;\ chmod +s .${jail_command}" jail_nullfs_mounts="${_db} ${jail_root}/db rw \ ${_home}/logs ${jail_root}/logs rw" if checkyesno "_jail_enable"; then _socket_arg="${jail_socket}" _topology_arg="${jail_topology}" _config_arg="${jail_config}" + _db_arg="/db" # We need to override ${command} to make check_pidfile work correctly when # rc.subr calls it as "check_pidfile ${pidfile} ${command}" command=/usr/sbin/jail else _socket_arg="${_socket}" _topology_arg="${_topology}" _config_arg="${_config}" + _db_arg="${_db}" fi pidfile="/var/run/${name}.pid" flags="run +RTS ${_rts_flags} -RTS \ - --database-path /db \ + --database-path ${_db_arg} \ --host-addr ${_host} \ --port ${_port} \ --socket-path ${_socket_arg} \ --topology ${_topology_arg} \ --config ${_config_arg} \ ${_flags}" . %%LOCALBASE%%/share/rc-subr-jail/rc.subr.jail # realpath2 path # Returns an absolute path to ${_home}/${path} if it exists, otherwise # treats ${path} as absolute realpath2() { local _path _realpath _path=$1 _realpath=$(/bin/sh -c "cd ${_home} && realpath ${_path}" 2> /dev/null) if [ $? != "0" ] then return 1 else echo $_realpath fi } sanity_check() { realpath2 ${_topology} > /dev/null if [ $? != "0" ] then echo "Invalid value for ${name}_topology: missing file ${_topology}" echo "You might want to run service ${name} onefetch to download this file into default dir" exit 1 fi realpath2 ${_config} > /dev/null if [ $? != "0" ] then echo "Invalid value for cardano_node_config: missing file ${_config}" echo "You might want to run service ${name} onefetch to download this file into the default dir" exit 1 fi return 0 } cardano_node_prestart() { # Create Cardano home directory, if not exists if [ ! -d "${_home}" ]; then mkdir -p "${_home}" chown cardano:cardano "${_home}" fi # Do the same for the logs directory if [ ! -d "${_home}/logs" ]; then mkdir -p "${_home}/logs" chown cardano:cardano "${_home}/logs" fi # Remove the symlink to the socket file if there is no pid file if [ -L "${_socket}" -a ! -f $pidfile ]; then rm "${_socket}" fi sanity_check } cardano_node_start() { check_startmsgs && echo "Starting ${name}." local _topo _conf _topo=$(realpath2 ${_topology}) _conf=$(realpath2 ${_config}) jail_nullfs_mounts="$jail_nullfs_mounts $(dirname ${_topo}) ${jail_root}/topology_dir ro" jail_nullfs_mounts="$jail_nullfs_mounts $(dirname ${_conf}) ${jail_root}/config_dir ro" if checkyesno "_jail_enable"; then prepare_jail $jail_root if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "Failed to start ${name}: jail creation error" return 1 fi cd $_home && /bin/sh -c "/usr/sbin/daemon -p $pidfile -S -T cardano-node \ ${command} -c ${jail_prepared_args} ${jail_args} command=${jail_command} ${flags}" else cd $_home && /usr/sbin/daemon -p $pidfile -S -T cardano-node \ ${command} ${flags} fi } cardano_node_stop() { local _topo _conf _ret _topo=$(realpath2 ${_topology}) _conf=$(realpath2 ${_config}) jail_nullfs_mounts="$jail_nullfs_mounts $(dirname ${_topo}) ${jail_root}/topology_dir ro" jail_nullfs_mounts="$jail_nullfs_mounts $(dirname ${_conf}) ${jail_root}/config_dir ro" pid=$(check_pidfile "${pidfile}" "$command") if [ -z "${pid}" ] then echo "${name} is not running" _ret=1 else echo "Stopping ${name}." kill_jail "$pid" -INT "_jail_enable" wait_for_pids "$pid" _ret=0 fi if checkyesno "_jail_enable"; then destroy_jail $jail_root 2> /dev/null fi rm -rf ${_socket} return $_ret } cardano_node_status() { pid=$(check_pidfile "${pidfile}" "$command") if [ -z "${pid}" ] then echo "${name} is not running" return 1 else echo ${name} is running as pid $pid fi } cardano_node_reload() { pid=$(check_pidfile "${pidfile}" "$command") if [ -z "${pid}" ] then echo "${name} is not running" return 1 else kill_jail "$pid" -HUP "_jail_enable" fi } cardano_node_fetch() { for net in ${cardano_networks} do echo "===> Fetching configuration files for ${net}" mkdir -p "${_home}/${net}-configs" mkdir -p "${_home}/${net}-db" /usr/bin/apply "/usr/bin/fetch -a -o \ ${_home}/${net}-configs ${cardano_deployment_url}/${net}-configs/%1.json" $cardano_config_files chown -R cardano:cardano "${_home}/${net}-configs" chown -R cardano:cardano "${_home}/${net}-db" done } run_rc_command "$1"