diff --git a/net-mgmt/Makefile b/net-mgmt/Makefile index cc67d38de89d..40af2dc09f36 100644 --- a/net-mgmt/Makefile +++ b/net-mgmt/Makefile @@ -1,415 +1,416 @@ COMMENT = Network management tools SUBDIR += 2ping SUBDIR += TkTopNetFlows SUBDIR += adcli SUBDIR += adguard-exporter SUBDIR += aggregate SUBDIR += aircrack-ng SUBDIR += alertmanager SUBDIR += ap-utils SUBDIR += argus3 SUBDIR += argus3-clients SUBDIR += arpscan SUBDIR += arpwatch SUBDIR += arts++ SUBDIR += bandwhich SUBDIR += bandwidthd SUBDIR += bgpq3 SUBDIR += bgpq4 SUBDIR += bgpuma SUBDIR += bind_exporter SUBDIR += blackbox_exporter SUBDIR += bosun SUBDIR += bpft SUBDIR += braa SUBDIR += bsnmp-regex SUBDIR += bsnmp-ucd SUBDIR += bwm-ng SUBDIR += cacti SUBDIR += cacti-spine SUBDIR += cacti88-spine SUBDIR += carbon-relay-ng SUBDIR += carbonzipper SUBDIR += cdpd SUBDIR += cdpr SUBDIR += cdpsnarf SUBDIR += centreon-clib SUBDIR += check_ipmi_sensor SUBDIR += check_logfiles SUBDIR += check_mk_agent SUBDIR += check_multi SUBDIR += check_mysql_health SUBDIR += check_nwc_health SUBDIR += check_ssl_cert SUBDIR += check_ups_health SUBDIR += chillispot SUBDIR += choparp SUBDIR += chronograf SUBDIR += cidr SUBDIR += ciscoconf SUBDIR += clog SUBDIR += cnagios SUBDIR += collectd5 SUBDIR += confregdecode SUBDIR += coovachilli SUBDIR += cowpatty SUBDIR += cricket SUBDIR += crmsh SUBDIR += darkstat SUBDIR += devmon SUBDIR += devmon-templates SUBDIR += dhcdrop SUBDIR += dhcp_probe SUBDIR += disco SUBDIR += dnsmap SUBDIR += docsis SUBDIR += driftnet SUBDIR += ehnt SUBDIR += etherape SUBDIR += ettercap SUBDIR += fastnetmon SUBDIR += fetchconfig SUBDIR += flow-tools SUBDIR += flowd SUBDIR += flowviewer SUBDIR += fprobe SUBDIR += glpi-plugins-fusioninventory-server SUBDIR += gnu-ipcalc SUBDIR += grepcidr SUBDIR += grepip SUBDIR += grok_exporter SUBDIR += gsnmp SUBDIR += guifi-snpservices SUBDIR += hastmon SUBDIR += icinga2 SUBDIR += icingaweb2 SUBDIR += icingaweb2-module-businessprocess SUBDIR += icingaweb2-module-cube SUBDIR += icingaweb2-module-director SUBDIR += icingaweb2-module-elasticsearch SUBDIR += icingaweb2-module-fileshipper SUBDIR += icingaweb2-module-generictts SUBDIR += icingaweb2-module-grafana SUBDIR += icingaweb2-module-graphite SUBDIR += icingaweb2-module-idoreports SUBDIR += icingaweb2-module-ipl SUBDIR += icingaweb2-module-map SUBDIR += icingaweb2-module-pdfexport SUBDIR += icingaweb2-module-reactbundle SUBDIR += icingaweb2-module-reporting SUBDIR += icingaweb2-module-vsphere SUBDIR += icingaweb2-module-x509 SUBDIR += icmpmonitor SUBDIR += icmpquery SUBDIR += iftop SUBDIR += intel-snap SUBDIR += ipacctd SUBDIR += ipaudit SUBDIR += ipcad SUBDIR += ipcalc SUBDIR += iprange SUBDIR += ipv6calc SUBDIR += ipv6gen SUBDIR += ipv6mon SUBDIR += irrtoolset SUBDIR += isic SUBDIR += jnettop SUBDIR += kapacitor SUBDIR += kismet SUBDIR += klg SUBDIR += lg SUBDIR += librenms SUBDIR += libsmi SUBDIR += lldpd SUBDIR += mbrowse SUBDIR += mdata-client SUBDIR += metronome SUBDIR += midpoint SUBDIR += mk-livestatus SUBDIR += monitoring-plugins + SUBDIR += mqtt2prometheus SUBDIR += mrtg SUBDIR += mrtg-ping-probe SUBDIR += mtrace SUBDIR += mysql-snmp SUBDIR += mysqld_exporter SUBDIR += nagcon SUBDIR += nagios SUBDIR += nagios-certexp-plugin SUBDIR += nagios-check_bacula11 SUBDIR += nagios-check_bacula9 SUBDIR += nagios-check_clamav SUBDIR += nagios-check_cpu_usage SUBDIR += nagios-check_dhcp.pl SUBDIR += nagios-check_email_delivery SUBDIR += nagios-check_hdd_health SUBDIR += nagios-check_hp_bladechassis SUBDIR += nagios-check_mysql_slave SUBDIR += nagios-check_netsnmp SUBDIR += nagios-check_ports SUBDIR += nagios-check_postgres SUBDIR += nagios-check_puppet SUBDIR += nagios-check_relayd_status SUBDIR += nagios-check_smartmon SUBDIR += nagios-check_tftp SUBDIR += nagios-check_zpools SUBDIR += nagios-geom SUBDIR += nagios-openldap-plugins SUBDIR += nagios-pf-plugin SUBDIR += nagios-plugins SUBDIR += nagios-snmp-plugins SUBDIR += nagios-snmp-plugins-extras SUBDIR += nagios4 SUBDIR += nagiosgraph SUBDIR += nagiosql SUBDIR += nagircbot SUBDIR += nagnu SUBDIR += nagstamon SUBDIR += nagtail SUBDIR += nagvis SUBDIR += nbtscan SUBDIR += ndoutils SUBDIR += ndpmon SUBDIR += net-snmp SUBDIR += netbox SUBDIR += netdata SUBDIR += netdata-go SUBDIR += netdisco SUBDIR += netdisco-mibs SUBDIR += netdot SUBDIR += netleak SUBDIR += netmagis-common SUBDIR += netmagis-database SUBDIR += netmagis-detecteq SUBDIR += netmagis-metro SUBDIR += netmagis-servers SUBDIR += netmagis-topo SUBDIR += netmagis-utils SUBDIR += netmagis-www SUBDIR += netmask SUBDIR += netspoc SUBDIR += networkmgr SUBDIR += netxms SUBDIR += nfdump SUBDIR += nfs-exporter SUBDIR += nfsen SUBDIR += ng_ipacct SUBDIR += nitpicker SUBDIR += nrpe3 SUBDIR += nsca SUBDIR += nsca-client SUBDIR += nsca-ng SUBDIR += nsca-ng-client SUBDIR += nsca27 SUBDIR += nsca27-client SUBDIR += nsd_exporter SUBDIR += nstat SUBDIR += nvidia_gpu_prometheus_exporter SUBDIR += observium SUBDIR += ocsinventory-agent SUBDIR += ocsinventory-ocsreports SUBDIR += ocsinventory-server SUBDIR += omping SUBDIR += openbmp SUBDIR += openlldp SUBDIR += openvmps SUBDIR += p0f SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-SNMP SUBDIR += p5-BigIP-iControl SUBDIR += p5-Cflow SUBDIR += p5-Cisco-CopyConfig SUBDIR += p5-Cisco-Reconfig SUBDIR += p5-Data-Validate-IP SUBDIR += p5-FusionInventory-Agent SUBDIR += p5-MRTG-Parse SUBDIR += p5-Mon SUBDIR += p5-Monitoring-Livestatus SUBDIR += p5-Monitoring-Plugin SUBDIR += p5-NSNMP SUBDIR += p5-Nagios-Object SUBDIR += p5-Nagios-Plugin SUBDIR += p5-Nagios-Plugin-Beanstalk SUBDIR += p5-Nagios-Plugin-LDAP SUBDIR += p5-Nagios-Plugins-Memcached SUBDIR += p5-Net-ACL SUBDIR += p5-Net-Abuse-Utils SUBDIR += p5-Net-Abuse-Utils-Spamhaus SUBDIR += p5-Net-CIDR SUBDIR += p5-Net-ILO SUBDIR += p5-Net-IP SUBDIR += p5-Net-IP-Match-Regexp SUBDIR += p5-Net-IP-Match-XS SUBDIR += p5-Net-IP-Resolver SUBDIR += p5-Net-IP-XS SUBDIR += p5-Net-IPAddress SUBDIR += p5-Net-IPv4Addr SUBDIR += p5-Net-IPv6Addr SUBDIR += p5-Net-NSCA-Client SUBDIR += p5-Net-Netmask SUBDIR += p5-Net-OpenVPN-Manage SUBDIR += p5-Net-SNMP SUBDIR += p5-Net-SNMP-Util SUBDIR += p5-Net-SNMPTrapd SUBDIR += p5-Net-Telnet-Cisco-IOS SUBDIR += p5-NetAddr-IP SUBDIR += p5-NetAddr-IP-Lite SUBDIR += p5-NetApp SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-SNMP SUBDIR += p5-RDR-Collector SUBDIR += p5-SNMP-Info SUBDIR += p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler SUBDIR += p5-SNMP-Simple SUBDIR += p5-SNMP-Trapinfo SUBDIR += p5-SNMP-Util SUBDIR += p5-SNMP_Session SUBDIR += p5-Telnet-Cisco SUBDIR += p5-Tie-NetAddr-IP SUBDIR += p5-Xymon SUBDIR += p5-Xymon-Client SUBDIR += p5-Xymon-Server SUBDIR += p5-Zenoss SUBDIR += p5-jmx4perl SUBDIR += packit SUBDIR += pads SUBDIR += pancho SUBDIR += pandorafms_agent SUBDIR += pandorafms_console SUBDIR += pandorafms_server SUBDIR += pftabled SUBDIR += php-fpm_exporter SUBDIR += php74-snmp SUBDIR += php80-snmp SUBDIR += php81-snmp SUBDIR += phpfpm_exporter SUBDIR += phpipam SUBDIR += phpweathermap SUBDIR += ping_exporter SUBDIR += pktstat SUBDIR += pmacct SUBDIR += pnp SUBDIR += pnp-icinga2 SUBDIR += portmon SUBDIR += prometheus-collectd-exporter SUBDIR += prometheus1 SUBDIR += prometheus2 SUBDIR += promscale SUBDIR += pushgateway SUBDIR += py-adal SUBDIR += py-aggregate6 SUBDIR += py-arouteserver SUBDIR += py-ciscoconfparse SUBDIR += py-dnsdiag SUBDIR += py-gstat_exporter SUBDIR += py-ipcalc SUBDIR += py-ipy SUBDIR += py-junos-eznc SUBDIR += py-msrest SUBDIR += py-msrestazure SUBDIR += py-napalm SUBDIR += py-napalm-logs SUBDIR += py-ncclient SUBDIR += py-netbox-plugin-extensions SUBDIR += py-nxapi-plumbing SUBDIR += py-opn-cli SUBDIR += py-pdagent SUBDIR += py-pdagent-integrations SUBDIR += py-phonebox-plugin SUBDIR += py-prometheus-client SUBDIR += py-pyIOSXR SUBDIR += py-pyang SUBDIR += py-pyeapi SUBDIR += py-pynetbox SUBDIR += py-pynxos SUBDIR += py-pysmi SUBDIR += py-pysnmp SUBDIR += py-pysnmp-mibs SUBDIR += py-pyzabbix SUBDIR += py-snmp_passpersist SUBDIR += py-snmpclitools SUBDIR += rackmonkey SUBDIR += rancid3 SUBDIR += rate SUBDIR += rcpd SUBDIR += remarp SUBDIR += resource-agents SUBDIR += riemann SUBDIR += riemann-c-client SUBDIR += rotorouter SUBDIR += routers2 SUBDIR += routers2-extensions SUBDIR += routers2-extras SUBDIR += rrdbot SUBDIR += rtrlib SUBDIR += rubygem-blimpy SUBDIR += rubygem-checkson SUBDIR += rubygem-oxidized SUBDIR += rubygem-oxidized-script SUBDIR += rubygem-oxidized-web SUBDIR += rubygem-riemann-client SUBDIR += rubygem-riemann-dash SUBDIR += rubygem-riemann-rabbitmq SUBDIR += rubygem-riemann-tail SUBDIR += rubygem-riemann-tools SUBDIR += rubygem-snmp SUBDIR += rubygem-visage-app SUBDIR += sblim-wbemcli SUBDIR += sdig SUBDIR += seafile-client SUBDIR += seafile-gui SUBDIR += seafile-server SUBDIR += semaphore SUBDIR += send SUBDIR += sendip SUBDIR += sipcalc SUBDIR += sjitter SUBDIR += smokeping SUBDIR += snmp4nagios SUBDIR += snmptt SUBDIR += softflowd SUBDIR += spectools SUBDIR += ssgless SUBDIR += statsite SUBDIR += subcalc SUBDIR += super_mediator SUBDIR += sysmon SUBDIR += tcpreplay SUBDIR += tcptrack SUBDIR += telegraf SUBDIR += thanos SUBDIR += torrus SUBDIR += triton-guesttools SUBDIR += unbound_exporter SUBDIR += unifi6 SUBDIR += unifi7 SUBDIR += victoria-metrics SUBDIR += virt-viewer SUBDIR += vmutils SUBDIR += wdiag SUBDIR += whatmask SUBDIR += wifimgr SUBDIR += wmi-client SUBDIR += xymon-client SUBDIR += xymon-server SUBDIR += yaf SUBDIR += zabbix4-agent SUBDIR += zabbix4-frontend SUBDIR += zabbix4-java SUBDIR += zabbix4-proxy SUBDIR += zabbix4-server SUBDIR += zabbix5-agent SUBDIR += zabbix5-frontend SUBDIR += zabbix5-java SUBDIR += zabbix5-proxy SUBDIR += zabbix5-server SUBDIR += zabbix54-agent SUBDIR += zabbix54-frontend SUBDIR += zabbix54-java SUBDIR += zabbix54-proxy SUBDIR += zabbix54-server SUBDIR += zabbix6-agent SUBDIR += zabbix6-frontend SUBDIR += zabbix6-java SUBDIR += zabbix6-proxy SUBDIR += zabbix6-server .include diff --git a/net-mgmt/mqtt2prometheus/Makefile b/net-mgmt/mqtt2prometheus/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 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