diff --git a/databases/Makefile b/databases/Makefile index f65e1cf2175b..02d38e240ffe 100644 --- a/databases/Makefile +++ b/databases/Makefile @@ -1,1078 +1,1079 @@ COMMENT = Databases and related software SUBDIR += R-cran-DBI SUBDIR += R-cran-RMySQL SUBDIR += R-cran-RPostgreSQL SUBDIR += R-cran-RSQLite SUBDIR += R-cran-cachem SUBDIR += R-cran-fastmap SUBDIR += R-cran-sqldf SUBDIR += WWWdb SUBDIR += adminer SUBDIR += adminerevo SUBDIR += adodb5 SUBDIR += akonadi SUBDIR += apache-commons-dbutils SUBDIR += arrow SUBDIR += arrow-glib SUBDIR += autobackupmysql SUBDIR += automysqlbackup SUBDIR += bbdb SUBDIR += beansdb SUBDIR += buzhug SUBDIR += c3p0 SUBDIR += cassandra-cpp-driver SUBDIR += cassandra3 SUBDIR += cassandra4 SUBDIR += casstcl SUBDIR += cayley SUBDIR += cdb SUBDIR += cego SUBDIR += cegobridge SUBDIR += clickhouse SUBDIR += closql SUBDIR += closql-devel SUBDIR += cockroach SUBDIR += couchdb3 SUBDIR += courier-authlib-mysql SUBDIR += courier-authlib-pgsql SUBDIR += courier-authlib-sqlite SUBDIR += courier-authlib-userdb SUBDIR += courier-authlib-usergdbm SUBDIR += cppdb SUBDIR += credis SUBDIR += cutelyst-asql SUBDIR += dalmp SUBDIR += datasette SUBDIR += db SUBDIR += db18 SUBDIR += db5 SUBDIR += dbf SUBDIR += dbh SUBDIR += dbixx SUBDIR += dbow SUBDIR += dbtool SUBDIR += dbview SUBDIR += diesel SUBDIR += duckdb SUBDIR += ejdb SUBDIR += emacs-sqlite3-api SUBDIR += emacsql SUBDIR += emacsql-devel SUBDIR += erlfdb SUBDIR += evolution-data-server SUBDIR += fastdb SUBDIR += firebird30-client SUBDIR += firebird30-server SUBDIR += firebird40-client SUBDIR += firebird40-server SUBDIR += fortytwo-bdb SUBDIR += foundationdb SUBDIR += frece SUBDIR += freetds SUBDIR += freetds-devel SUBDIR += frontbase-jdbc SUBDIR += futuresql SUBDIR += galera SUBDIR += galera26 SUBDIR += gdbm SUBDIR += geoserver-mysql-plugin SUBDIR += gigabase SUBDIR += gmdb2 SUBDIR += gnats4 SUBDIR += gnatsweb4 SUBDIR += go-carbon SUBDIR += go-pgweb SUBDIR += gobang SUBDIR += gom SUBDIR += goose SUBDIR += gqlplus SUBDIR += grass7 SUBDIR += grass8 SUBDIR += greptimedb SUBDIR += hashtypes SUBDIR += hiredis SUBDIR += hsqldb SUBDIR += immudb SUBDIR += imposm3 SUBDIR += influxdb SUBDIR += influxdb2-cli SUBDIR += innotop SUBDIR += iowow SUBDIR += ip4r SUBDIR += ipa_sdb SUBDIR += iplike SUBDIR += jdb SUBDIR += jdbc-oracle11g SUBDIR += jetbrains-datagrip SUBDIR += jlog SUBDIR += jrobin SUBDIR += jrrd SUBDIR += kbibtex SUBDIR += kdb SUBDIR += kexi SUBDIR += keydb SUBDIR += kyotocabinet SUBDIR += kyototycoon SUBDIR += ldb15 SUBDIR += ldb20 SUBDIR += ldb21 SUBDIR += ldb22 SUBDIR += ldb25 SUBDIR += leo_center SUBDIR += leofs SUBDIR += leveldb SUBDIR += libcouchbase SUBDIR += libdbi SUBDIR += libdbi-drivers SUBDIR += libdrizzle SUBDIR += libdrizzle-redux SUBDIR += libgda5 SUBDIR += libgda5-jdbc SUBDIR += libgda5-ldap SUBDIR += libgda5-mysql SUBDIR += libgda5-postgresql SUBDIR += libgda5-ui SUBDIR += libgdamm5 SUBDIR += libhsclient SUBDIR += libiodbc SUBDIR += libmemcache SUBDIR += libmemcached SUBDIR += libmongo-client SUBDIR += libmongocrypt SUBDIR += libmswstr SUBDIR += libnvpair SUBDIR += libodbc++ SUBDIR += libpbl SUBDIR += libpg_query SUBDIR += libpqtypes SUBDIR += libsdb SUBDIR += libzdb SUBDIR += linux-c7-sqlite3 SUBDIR += linux-c7-unixODBC SUBDIR += linux-oracle-instantclient-basic SUBDIR += linux-oracle-instantclient-sdk SUBDIR += liquibase SUBDIR += litestream SUBDIR += lmdb SUBDIR += lua-lsqlite3 SUBDIR += lua-pgsql SUBDIR += lua-resty-redis SUBDIR += lua-xapian SUBDIR += luadbi SUBDIR += luasql-firebird SUBDIR += luasql-mysql SUBDIR += luasql-odbc SUBDIR += luasql-postgres SUBDIR += luasql-sqlite3 SUBDIR += mantis SUBDIR += mariadb-connector-c SUBDIR += mariadb-connector-odbc SUBDIR += mariadb1011-client SUBDIR += mariadb1011-server SUBDIR += mariadb105-client SUBDIR += mariadb105-server SUBDIR += mariadb106-client SUBDIR += mariadb106-server SUBDIR += mdbtools SUBDIR += mdbx SUBDIR += mdcached SUBDIR += memcached SUBDIR += metabase SUBDIR += mongodb-tools SUBDIR += mongodb44 SUBDIR += mongodb50 SUBDIR += mongodb60 SUBDIR += mongodb70 SUBDIR += movine SUBDIR += mroonga SUBDIR += mtop SUBDIR += mydumper SUBDIR += mysql++ SUBDIR += mysql-connector-c++ SUBDIR += mysql-connector-j SUBDIR += mysql-connector-java51 SUBDIR += mysql-connector-odbc-80 SUBDIR += mysql2pgsql SUBDIR += mysql80-client SUBDIR += mysql80-server SUBDIR += mysql81-client SUBDIR += mysql81-server SUBDIR += mysqlbackup SUBDIR += mysqldump-secure SUBDIR += mysqlreport SUBDIR += mysqlsla SUBDIR += mysqltcl SUBDIR += mysqltuner SUBDIR += mytop SUBDIR += nagios-check_mongodb SUBDIR += nagios-check_postgres_replication SUBDIR += nagios-check_redis SUBDIR += namazu2 SUBDIR += nanodbc SUBDIR += neo4j SUBDIR += ocaml-dbm SUBDIR += ocaml-mysql SUBDIR += ocaml-sqlite3 SUBDIR += octosql SUBDIR += odbc-cpp-wrapper SUBDIR += ods2sql SUBDIR += opendbviewer SUBDIR += opendbx SUBDIR += ora2pg SUBDIR += oracle8-client SUBDIR += p5-Amazon-SimpleDB SUBDIR += p5-Amon2-DBI SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-BDB SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-CouchDB SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-DBD-Pg SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-Memcached SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-Redis SUBDIR += p5-App-Sqitch SUBDIR += p5-AsciiDB-TagFile SUBDIR += p5-BDB SUBDIR += p5-BSON SUBDIR += p5-BSON-XS SUBDIR += p5-BerkeleyDB SUBDIR += p5-Bucardo SUBDIR += p5-CDB_File SUBDIR += p5-CDB_File-Generator SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Session-Driver-memcached SUBDIR += p5-CHI-Driver-Memcached SUBDIR += p5-CHI-Driver-Redis SUBDIR += p5-CHI-Driver-TokyoTyrant SUBDIR += p5-Cache-BDB SUBDIR += p5-Cache-Memcached SUBDIR += p5-Cache-Memcached-Fast SUBDIR += p5-Cache-Memcached-Managed SUBDIR += p5-Cache-Memcached-XS SUBDIR += p5-Cache-Memcached-libmemcached SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-AbstractSearch SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-AsForm SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-AutoLoader SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-BaseDSN SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-DATA-Schema SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-DDL SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-FromCGI SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-LazyInflate SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-Loader SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-Loader-Relationship SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-Oracle SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-Pager SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-Pg SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-Plugin SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-AbstractCount SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-DeepAbstractSearch SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-Iterator SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-Pager SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-RetrieveAll SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-Senna SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-Type SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-Replication SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-SAK SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-SQLite SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-Sweet SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-ToSax SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-Untaint SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-mysql SUBDIR += p5-Class-Inflate SUBDIR += p5-CouchDB-View SUBDIR += p5-DBD-AnyData SUBDIR += p5-DBD-CSV SUBDIR += p5-DBD-Excel SUBDIR += p5-DBD-Google SUBDIR += p5-DBD-InterBase SUBDIR += p5-DBD-LDAP SUBDIR += p5-DBD-MariaDB SUBDIR += p5-DBD-Mock SUBDIR += p5-DBD-Multi SUBDIR += p5-DBD-ODBC SUBDIR += p5-DBD-Oracle SUBDIR += p5-DBD-Pg SUBDIR += p5-DBD-PgLite SUBDIR += p5-DBD-PgPP SUBDIR += p5-DBD-SQLite SUBDIR += p5-DBD-SQLite2 SUBDIR += p5-DBD-Sybase SUBDIR += p5-DBD-XBase SUBDIR += p5-DBD-cego SUBDIR += p5-DBD-mysql SUBDIR += p5-DBI SUBDIR += p5-DBI-Shell SUBDIR += p5-DBICx-Deploy SUBDIR += p5-DBICx-MapMaker SUBDIR += p5-DBICx-Sugar SUBDIR += p5-DBICx-TestDatabase SUBDIR += p5-DBICx-TxnInsert SUBDIR += p5-DBIWrapper SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Abstract SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Admin-CreateTable SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Admin-DSNManager SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Admin-TableInfo SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-AnyDBD SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Browse SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-AsFdat SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-AuditLog SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-BitField SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-Candy SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-Cursor-Cached SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-CustomPrefetch SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-DateTime-Epoch SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-DigestColumns SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-DynamicSubclass SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-EncodeColumns SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-EncodedColumn SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-Fixtures SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-FrozenColumns SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-Helpers SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-Authen-Passphrase SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-IP SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-Serializer SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-IntrospectableM2M SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-Loader SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-Migration SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-MooseColumns SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-PassphraseColumn SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-QueryLog SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-QueryProfiler SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-ResultSet-HashRef SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-ResultSet-RecursiveUpdate SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-Schema-Config SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-Schema-PopulateMore SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-Storage-TxnEndHook SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-TimeStamp SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-Tree SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-Tree-NestedSet SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-UUIDColumns SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-VirtualColumns SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-WebForm SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Connector SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-ContextualFetch SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Custom SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-DBHResolver SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-DBSchema SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-DataSource SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-DisconnectAll SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Dump SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-HA SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Handler SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Inspector SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Introspector SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Lite SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Log4perl SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-MySQLSequence SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-NoSQL SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Password SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Perlish SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-QueryLog SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-QuickDB SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Recordset SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-RetryOverDisconnects SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-SQLEngine SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-SQLite-Simple SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Safe SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-SearchBuilder SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Sequence SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Simple SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Skinny SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Skinny-InflateColumn-DateTime SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Skinny-Mixin-DBHResolver SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Skinny-Pager SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Skinny-Schema-Loader SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Sunny SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-TableHash SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Tracer SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-TransactionManager SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Tree SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-VersionedDDL SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Wrapper SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-XHTML_Table SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-XML_RDB SUBDIR += p5-DBM-Deep SUBDIR += p5-DR-Tarantool SUBDIR += p5-DWH_File SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Plugin-DBIC SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Plugin-Database SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Plugin-Database-Core SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Plugin-Redis SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Session-Memcached SUBDIR += p5-Dancer2-Plugin-DBIC SUBDIR += p5-Dancer2-Plugin-Database SUBDIR += p5-Dancer2-Session-DBIC SUBDIR += p5-Data-Page SUBDIR += p5-Data-Pageset SUBDIR += p5-Exception-Class-DBI SUBDIR += p5-File-Locate SUBDIR += p5-GDBM SUBDIR += p5-Genezzo SUBDIR += p5-GitDDL SUBDIR += p5-GitDDL-Migrator SUBDIR += p5-GraphViz-DBI SUBDIR += p5-HTML-FormHandler-Model-DBIC SUBDIR += p5-Ima-DBI SUBDIR += p5-Interchange6-Schema SUBDIR += p5-Iterator-DBI SUBDIR += p5-Jifty-DBI SUBDIR += p5-KyotoCabinet SUBDIR += p5-LMDB_File SUBDIR += p5-MLDBM SUBDIR += p5-MLDBM-Sync SUBDIR += p5-MR-Tarantool SUBDIR += p5-Mango SUBDIR += p5-Memcached-libmemcached SUBDIR += p5-Metadata SUBDIR += p5-Mojo-Pg SUBDIR += p5-MongoDB SUBDIR += p5-Mongoose SUBDIR += p5-MySQL-Diff SUBDIR += p5-Net-Async-CassandraCQL SUBDIR += p5-ORLite SUBDIR += p5-ORLite-Migrate SUBDIR += p5-Oryx SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-DBIAgent SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-EasyDBI SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-LaDBI SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-RRDTool SUBDIR += p5-Pg SUBDIR += p5-PostgreSQL-PLPerl-Call SUBDIR += p5-PostgreSQL-PLPerl-Trace SUBDIR += p5-Prophet SUBDIR += p5-Protocol-CassandraCQL SUBDIR += p5-RRD-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Redis SUBDIR += p5-Redis-Fast SUBDIR += p5-Redis-JobQueue SUBDIR += p5-Redis-RateLimit SUBDIR += p5-Redis-hiredis SUBDIR += p5-RedisDB SUBDIR += p5-RedisDB-Parser SUBDIR += p5-Relations SUBDIR += p5-Relations-Query SUBDIR += p5-ResourcePool-Resource-DBI SUBDIR += p5-Rose-DB SUBDIR += p5-Rose-DB-Object SUBDIR += p5-Rose-DBx-Object-MoreHelpers SUBDIR += p5-Rose-DBx-Object-Renderer SUBDIR += p5-SQL-Abstract SUBDIR += p5-SQL-Abstract-Classic SUBDIR += p5-SQL-Abstract-Limit SUBDIR += p5-SQL-Abstract-More SUBDIR += p5-SQL-Abstract-Pg SUBDIR += p5-SQL-Abstract-Plugin-InsertMulti SUBDIR += p5-SQL-Interp SUBDIR += p5-SQL-Maker SUBDIR += p5-SQL-NamedPlaceholder SUBDIR += p5-SQL-ReservedWords SUBDIR += p5-SQL-Statement SUBDIR += p5-SQL-Translator SUBDIR += p5-SQLite-Work SUBDIR += p5-Scope-Container-DBI SUBDIR += p5-Search-InvertedIndex SUBDIR += p5-Search-Namazu SUBDIR += p5-Search-Xapian SUBDIR += p5-Store-CouchDB SUBDIR += p5-T2 SUBDIR += p5-Tangram SUBDIR += p5-Template-DBI SUBDIR += p5-Teng SUBDIR += p5-Test-Cukes SUBDIR += p5-Test-Database SUBDIR += p5-Test-DatabaseRow SUBDIR += p5-Test-Fixture-DBI SUBDIR += p5-Test-mysqld SUBDIR += p5-Test-postgresql SUBDIR += p5-Text-Query-SQL SUBDIR += p5-Text-xSV SUBDIR += p5-Tie-DBI SUBDIR += p5-Tie-LevelDB SUBDIR += p5-Time-Piece-MySQL SUBDIR += p5-TokyoCabinet SUBDIR += p5-Xapian SUBDIR += p5-mysql-genocide SUBDIR += p5-tokyotyrant SUBDIR += pear-DB SUBDIR += pear-DBA SUBDIR += pear-DBA_Relational SUBDIR += pear-DB_DataObject SUBDIR += pear-DB_DataObject_FormBuilder SUBDIR += pear-DB_Pager SUBDIR += pear-DB_QueryTool SUBDIR += pear-DB_Sqlite_Tools SUBDIR += pear-DB_Table SUBDIR += pear-DB_ldap SUBDIR += pear-DB_ldap2 SUBDIR += pear-DoctrineCommon SUBDIR += pear-DoctrineDBAL SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Db SUBDIR += pear-Horde_HashTable SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Imsp SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Memcache SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Mongo SUBDIR += pear-MDB SUBDIR += pear-MDB2 SUBDIR += pear-MDB2_Driver_mysqli SUBDIR += pear-MDB2_Driver_pgsql SUBDIR += pear-MDB2_Schema SUBDIR += pear-MDB_QueryTool SUBDIR += pear-Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_Array SUBDIR += pear-Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_CSV SUBDIR += pear-Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_DB SUBDIR += pear-Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_PDO SUBDIR += pear-XML_Query2XML SUBDIR += pecl-couchbase SUBDIR += pecl-leveldb SUBDIR += pecl-memcache SUBDIR += pecl-memcached SUBDIR += pecl-mongodb SUBDIR += pecl-redis SUBDIR += pecl-rrd SUBDIR += percona-toolkit SUBDIR += pg-gvm SUBDIR += pg.el SUBDIR += pgFormatter SUBDIR += pg_activity SUBDIR += pg_citus SUBDIR += pg_dirtyread SUBDIR += pg_ed25519 SUBDIR += pg_filedump SUBDIR += pg_hashids SUBDIR += pg_partman SUBDIR += pg_qualstats SUBDIR += pg_repack SUBDIR += pg_similarity SUBDIR += pg_stat_kcache SUBDIR += pg_tileserv SUBDIR += pgaccess SUBDIR += pgadmin3 SUBDIR += pgagroal SUBDIR += pgbackrest SUBDIR += pgbadger SUBDIR += pgbarman SUBDIR += pgbouncer SUBDIR += pgdbf SUBDIR += pgfouine SUBDIR += pgloader3 SUBDIR += pglogical SUBDIR += pgmetrics SUBDIR += pgmodeler SUBDIR += pgpool-II-41 SUBDIR += pgpool-II-42 SUBDIR += pgpool-II-43 SUBDIR += pgpool-II-44 SUBDIR += pgpool-II-45 SUBDIR += pgreplay SUBDIR += pgroonga SUBDIR += pgrouting SUBDIR += pgsanity SUBDIR += pgsphere SUBDIR += pgtcl SUBDIR += pgtop SUBDIR += pguri SUBDIR += pgvector SUBDIR += php-tarantool SUBDIR += php-xapian SUBDIR += php81-dba SUBDIR += php81-mysqli SUBDIR += php81-odbc SUBDIR += php81-pdo SUBDIR += php81-pdo_dblib SUBDIR += php81-pdo_firebird SUBDIR += php81-pdo_mysql SUBDIR += php81-pdo_odbc SUBDIR += php81-pdo_pgsql SUBDIR += php81-pdo_sqlite SUBDIR += php81-pgsql SUBDIR += php81-sqlite3 SUBDIR += php82-dba SUBDIR += php82-mysqli SUBDIR += php82-odbc SUBDIR += php82-pdo SUBDIR += php82-pdo_dblib SUBDIR += php82-pdo_firebird SUBDIR += php82-pdo_mysql SUBDIR += php82-pdo_odbc SUBDIR += php82-pdo_pgsql SUBDIR += php82-pdo_sqlite SUBDIR += php82-pgsql SUBDIR += php82-sqlite3 SUBDIR += php83-dba SUBDIR += php83-mysqli SUBDIR += php83-odbc SUBDIR += php83-pdo SUBDIR += php83-pdo_dblib SUBDIR += php83-pdo_firebird SUBDIR += php83-pdo_mysql SUBDIR += php83-pdo_odbc SUBDIR += php83-pdo_pgsql SUBDIR += php83-pdo_sqlite SUBDIR += php83-pgsql SUBDIR += php83-sqlite3 SUBDIR += phpliteadmin SUBDIR += phpminiadmin SUBDIR += phpmyadmin SUBDIR += phpmyadmin5 SUBDIR += phppgadmin SUBDIR += pldebugger SUBDIR += plpgsql_check SUBDIR += pointcloud SUBDIR += postgis-jdbc SUBDIR += postgis31 SUBDIR += postgis32 SUBDIR += postgis33 SUBDIR += postgis34 SUBDIR += postgresql-cstore_fdw SUBDIR += postgresql-idn SUBDIR += postgresql-jdbc SUBDIR += postgresql-libpgeasy SUBDIR += postgresql-libpqxx SUBDIR += postgresql-mysql_fdw SUBDIR += postgresql-odbc SUBDIR += postgresql-ogr_fdw SUBDIR += postgresql-orafce SUBDIR += postgresql-pgaudit SUBDIR += postgresql-plproxy SUBDIR += postgresql-plv8js SUBDIR += postgresql-prefix SUBDIR += postgresql-promscale SUBDIR += postgresql-relay SUBDIR += postgresql-repmgr SUBDIR += postgresql-rum SUBDIR += postgresql-semver SUBDIR += postgresql-tds_fdw SUBDIR += postgresql-wal2json SUBDIR += postgresql-zhparser SUBDIR += postgresql12-client SUBDIR += postgresql12-contrib SUBDIR += postgresql12-docs SUBDIR += postgresql12-pgtcl SUBDIR += postgresql12-plperl SUBDIR += postgresql12-plpython SUBDIR += postgresql12-pltcl SUBDIR += postgresql12-server SUBDIR += postgresql13-client SUBDIR += postgresql13-contrib SUBDIR += postgresql13-docs SUBDIR += postgresql13-pgtcl SUBDIR += postgresql13-plperl SUBDIR += postgresql13-plpython SUBDIR += postgresql13-pltcl SUBDIR += postgresql13-server SUBDIR += postgresql14-client SUBDIR += postgresql14-contrib SUBDIR += postgresql14-docs SUBDIR += postgresql14-pgtcl SUBDIR += postgresql14-plperl SUBDIR += postgresql14-plpython SUBDIR += postgresql14-pltcl SUBDIR += postgresql14-server SUBDIR += postgresql15-client SUBDIR += postgresql15-contrib SUBDIR += postgresql15-docs SUBDIR += postgresql15-pgtcl SUBDIR += postgresql15-plperl SUBDIR += postgresql15-plpython SUBDIR += postgresql15-pltcl SUBDIR += postgresql15-server SUBDIR += postgresql16-client SUBDIR += postgresql16-contrib SUBDIR += postgresql16-docs SUBDIR += postgresql16-pgtcl SUBDIR += postgresql16-plperl SUBDIR += postgresql16-plpython SUBDIR += postgresql16-pltcl SUBDIR += postgresql16-server SUBDIR += powa-archivist SUBDIR += powa-web SUBDIR += powerarchitect SUBDIR += proftpd-mod_sql_mysql SUBDIR += proftpd-mod_sql_odbc SUBDIR += proftpd-mod_sql_postgres SUBDIR += proftpd-mod_sql_sqlite SUBDIR += proftpd-mod_sql_tds SUBDIR += prometheus-postgresql-adapter SUBDIR += proxysql SUBDIR += pspg SUBDIR += puppetdb-terminus7 SUBDIR += puppetdb-terminus8 SUBDIR += puppetdb7 SUBDIR += puppetdb8 SUBDIR += puredb SUBDIR += pxlib SUBDIR += pxtools SUBDIR += py-Elixir SUBDIR += py-PyGreSQL SUBDIR += py-Pyrseas SUBDIR += py-aesqlapius SUBDIR += py-agate-sql SUBDIR += py-aiomcache SUBDIR += py-aiomysql SUBDIR += py-aiopg SUBDIR += py-aioredis SUBDIR += py-aiosqlite SUBDIR += py-alembic SUBDIR += py-alembic14 SUBDIR += py-apache-arrow SUBDIR += py-apsw SUBDIR += py-asyncmy SUBDIR += py-asyncpg SUBDIR += py-berkeleydb SUBDIR += py-carbon SUBDIR += py-cassandra-driver SUBDIR += py-couchdb SUBDIR += py-databases SUBDIR += py-dbf SUBDIR += py-dbt-core SUBDIR += py-dbt-duckdb SUBDIR += py-dbt-semantic-interfaces SUBDIR += py-dbt-snowflake SUBDIR += py-dbutils SUBDIR += py-duckdb SUBDIR += py-fakeredis SUBDIR += py-fastapi-users-db-ormar SUBDIR += py-fastparquet SUBDIR += py-fdb SUBDIR += py-firebirdsql SUBDIR += py-flask-sqlalchemy SUBDIR += py-flask-sqlalchemy30 SUBDIR += py-gdbm SUBDIR += py-geoalchemy2 SUBDIR += py-hiredis SUBDIR += py-influxdb SUBDIR += py-kyotocabinet SUBDIR += py-leveldb SUBDIR += py-litecli SUBDIR += py-lmdb SUBDIR += py-marshmallow-sqlalchemy SUBDIR += py-minidb SUBDIR += py-mongoengine SUBDIR += py-motor SUBDIR += py-mycli SUBDIR += py-mysql-connector-python SUBDIR += py-mysqlclient SUBDIR += py-ormar SUBDIR += py-partd SUBDIR += py-peewee SUBDIR += py-peewee_migrate SUBDIR += py-pg8000 SUBDIR += py-pgcli SUBDIR += py-pgdbconn SUBDIR += py-pglast SUBDIR += py-pglite SUBDIR += py-pgmigrate SUBDIR += py-pgspecial SUBDIR += py-pgspecial1 SUBDIR += py-pgxnclient SUBDIR += py-pickledb SUBDIR += py-pickleshare SUBDIR += py-pony SUBDIR += py-postgresql SUBDIR += py-psycogreen SUBDIR += py-psycopg SUBDIR += py-psycopg-c SUBDIR += py-psycopg-pool SUBDIR += py-psycopg2 SUBDIR += py-psycopg2cffi SUBDIR += py-pum SUBDIR += py-pyarrow SUBDIR += py-pycql SUBDIR += py-pylibmc SUBDIR += py-pymemcache SUBDIR += py-pymongo SUBDIR += py-pymssql SUBDIR += py-pymysql SUBDIR += py-pyodbc SUBDIR += py-pypuppetdb SUBDIR += py-python-arango SUBDIR += py-python-binary-memcached SUBDIR += py-python-memcached SUBDIR += py-python-sql SUBDIR += py-python-swiftclient SUBDIR += py-queries SUBDIR += py-rb SUBDIR += py-redis SUBDIR += py-redis2 SUBDIR += py-redis3 SUBDIR += py-redis4 SUBDIR += py-rrdtool SUBDIR += py-schemachange SUBDIR += py-sispy SUBDIR += py-snowddl SUBDIR += py-snowflake-connector-python SUBDIR += py-south SUBDIR += py-sqlalchemy-json SUBDIR += py-sqlalchemy-migrate SUBDIR += py-sqlalchemy-utils SUBDIR += py-sqlalchemy10 SUBDIR += py-sqlalchemy11 SUBDIR += py-sqlalchemy12 SUBDIR += py-sqlalchemy13 SUBDIR += py-sqlalchemy14 SUBDIR += py-sqlalchemy20 SUBDIR += py-sqlcipher3 SUBDIR += py-sqlglot SUBDIR += py-sqlite-fts4 SUBDIR += py-sqlite-utils SUBDIR += py-sqlite3 SUBDIR += py-sqlobject SUBDIR += py-sqlparse SUBDIR += py-sqlrelay SUBDIR += py-tableschema SUBDIR += py-tarantool SUBDIR += py-tiledb SUBDIR += py-txredisapi SUBDIR += py-unqlite SUBDIR += py-varstack SUBDIR += py-whisper SUBDIR += py-xapian SUBDIR += py-zodbpickle SUBDIR += qdbm SUBDIR += qdbm-plus SUBDIR += qdrant SUBDIR += qof SUBDIR += qt5-sql SUBDIR += qt5-sqldrivers-mysql SUBDIR += qt5-sqldrivers-odbc SUBDIR += qt5-sqldrivers-pgsql SUBDIR += qt5-sqldrivers-sqlite2 SUBDIR += qt5-sqldrivers-sqlite3 SUBDIR += qt5-sqldrivers-tds SUBDIR += qt6-base_sqldriver SUBDIR += quake SUBDIR += recutils SUBDIR += redis SUBDIR += redis-devel SUBDIR += redis62 SUBDIR += redis70 SUBDIR += redis_exporter SUBDIR += redisdesktopmanager SUBDIR += redisjson SUBDIR += replibyte SUBDIR += retcl SUBDIR += rocksdb SUBDIR += rqlite SUBDIR += rrdman SUBDIR += rrdmerge SUBDIR += rrdtool SUBDIR += rrdtool12 SUBDIR += ruby-bdb SUBDIR += ruby-qdbm SUBDIR += ruby-tokyocabinet SUBDIR += ruby-xapian SUBDIR += rubygem-active_model_serializers SUBDIR += rubygem-active_model_serializers61 SUBDIR += rubygem-active_record_query_trace SUBDIR += rubygem-activemodel-serializers-xml SUBDIR += rubygem-activemodel4 SUBDIR += rubygem-activemodel5 SUBDIR += rubygem-activemodel50 SUBDIR += rubygem-activemodel52 SUBDIR += rubygem-activemodel60 SUBDIR += rubygem-activemodel61 SUBDIR += rubygem-activemodel70 SUBDIR += rubygem-activemodel71 SUBDIR += rubygem-activerecord-explain-analyze SUBDIR += rubygem-activerecord-import SUBDIR += rubygem-activerecord-jdbc-adapter SUBDIR += rubygem-activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter SUBDIR += rubygem-activerecord-session_store SUBDIR += rubygem-activerecord-trilogy-adapter SUBDIR += rubygem-activerecord4 SUBDIR += rubygem-activerecord5 SUBDIR += rubygem-activerecord50 SUBDIR += rubygem-activerecord52 SUBDIR += rubygem-activerecord60 SUBDIR += rubygem-activerecord61 SUBDIR += rubygem-activerecord70 SUBDIR += rubygem-activerecord71 SUBDIR += rubygem-after_commit_queue SUBDIR += rubygem-amalgalite SUBDIR += rubygem-arel SUBDIR += rubygem-arel-helpers SUBDIR += rubygem-arel6 SUBDIR += rubygem-arel7 SUBDIR += rubygem-arel8 SUBDIR += rubygem-attr_json SUBDIR += rubygem-awesome_nested_set SUBDIR += rubygem-bdb1 SUBDIR += rubygem-bigrecord SUBDIR += rubygem-brpoplpush-redis_script SUBDIR += rubygem-couchrest SUBDIR += rubygem-dalli SUBDIR += rubygem-data_objects SUBDIR += rubygem-datamapper SUBDIR += rubygem-dbd-mysql SUBDIR += rubygem-dbd-pg SUBDIR += rubygem-dbd-sqlite3 SUBDIR += rubygem-dbf SUBDIR += rubygem-dbi SUBDIR += rubygem-dbm SUBDIR += rubygem-discard-rails61 SUBDIR += rubygem-dm-aggregates SUBDIR += rubygem-dm-chunked_query SUBDIR += rubygem-dm-constraints SUBDIR += rubygem-dm-core SUBDIR += rubygem-dm-do-adapter SUBDIR += rubygem-dm-migrations SUBDIR += rubygem-dm-mysql-adapter SUBDIR += rubygem-dm-observer SUBDIR += rubygem-dm-pager SUBDIR += rubygem-dm-paperclip SUBDIR += rubygem-dm-postgres-adapter SUBDIR += rubygem-dm-serializer SUBDIR += rubygem-dm-timestamps SUBDIR += rubygem-dm-transactions SUBDIR += rubygem-dm-types SUBDIR += rubygem-dm-validations SUBDIR += rubygem-do_mysql SUBDIR += rubygem-do_postgres SUBDIR += rubygem-do_sqlite3 SUBDIR += rubygem-em-redis-unified SUBDIR += rubygem-fabrication SUBDIR += rubygem-familia SUBDIR += rubygem-flipper-active_record SUBDIR += rubygem-flipper-active_record-rails61 SUBDIR += rubygem-flipper-active_record-rails70 SUBDIR += rubygem-gdbm SUBDIR += rubygem-globalid SUBDIR += rubygem-globalid-rails5 SUBDIR += rubygem-globalid-rails50 SUBDIR += rubygem-globalid-rails52 SUBDIR += rubygem-globalid-rails60 SUBDIR += rubygem-globalid-rails61 SUBDIR += rubygem-globalid-rails70 SUBDIR += rubygem-globalid-rails71 SUBDIR += rubygem-google-cloud-datastore SUBDIR += rubygem-google-cloud-datastore-v1 SUBDIR += rubygem-google-cloud-firestore SUBDIR += rubygem-google-cloud-firestore-v1 SUBDIR += rubygem-her SUBDIR += rubygem-hiredis SUBDIR += rubygem-influxdb SUBDIR += rubygem-jdbc-mysql SUBDIR += rubygem-leo_manager_client SUBDIR += rubygem-marginalia SUBDIR += rubygem-mario-redis-lock SUBDIR += rubygem-memcache SUBDIR += rubygem-memcache-client SUBDIR += rubygem-mysql SUBDIR += rubygem-mysql2 SUBDIR += rubygem-neighbor SUBDIR += rubygem-openid-redis-store SUBDIR += rubygem-paranoia SUBDIR += rubygem-pg SUBDIR += rubygem-pg_array_parser SUBDIR += rubygem-pg_query SUBDIR += rubygem-pghero SUBDIR += rubygem-pghero-rails5 SUBDIR += rubygem-pghero-rails50 SUBDIR += rubygem-pghero-rails61 SUBDIR += rubygem-pl-puppetdb-ruby SUBDIR += rubygem-postgres_ext SUBDIR += rubygem-puppetdb_cli SUBDIR += rubygem-rbase SUBDIR += rubygem-red-arrow SUBDIR += rubygem-red-arrow-dataset SUBDIR += rubygem-red-gandiva SUBDIR += rubygem-red-parquet SUBDIR += rubygem-redis SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-actionpack SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-actionpack-rails5 SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-actionpack-rails50 SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-actionpack-rails52 SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-actionpack-rails60 SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-actionpack-rails61 SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-actionpack-rails70 SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-client SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-cluster-client SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-clustering SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-clustering50 SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-namespace SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-namespace110 SUBDIR += rubygem-redis4 SUBDIR += rubygem-redis50 SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-mysql SUBDIR += rubygem-scenic61 SUBDIR += rubygem-sdbm SUBDIR += rubygem-seed-fu SUBDIR += rubygem-sqlite3 SUBDIR += rubygem-sqlite3-ruby SUBDIR += rubygem-state_machines-activemodel SUBDIR += rubygem-state_machines-activerecord SUBDIR += rubygem-state_machines-activerecord08 SUBDIR += rubygem-tarantool SUBDIR += rubygem-trilogy SUBDIR += sequeler SUBDIR += sfcgal SUBDIR += sharedance SUBDIR += slony1v2 SUBDIR += soci SUBDIR += spatialite SUBDIR += spatialite-tools SUBDIR += spatialite_gui SUBDIR += speedtables SUBDIR += sql-workbench SUBDIR += sqlcached SUBDIR += sqlcipher SUBDIR += sqlclient SUBDIR += sqldeveloper SUBDIR += sqlite-ext-miscfuncs SUBDIR += sqlite-ext-pcre SUBDIR += sqlite-ext-regexp SUBDIR += sqlite-ext-spellfix SUBDIR += sqlite2 SUBDIR += sqlite3 SUBDIR += sqlitebrowser SUBDIR += sqliteconvert SUBDIR += sqlitecpp SUBDIR += sqlitemanager SUBDIR += sqliteodbc SUBDIR += sqlitestudio SUBDIR += sqlrelay SUBDIR += sqlx-cli SUBDIR += sqsh SUBDIR += squirrel-sql SUBDIR += surrealdb SUBDIR += symphytum SUBDIR += tarantool SUBDIR += tarantool-c SUBDIR += tarantool2 SUBDIR += tcl-Mysql SUBDIR += tcl-lmdb SUBDIR += tcl-sqlite3 SUBDIR += tdb SUBDIR += tdbc SUBDIR += tile38 SUBDIR += tiledb SUBDIR += timescaledb SUBDIR += timescaledb-backup SUBDIR += timescaledb-tune SUBDIR += tinycdb SUBDIR += tokyocabinet SUBDIR += tokyotyrant SUBDIR += trilogy SUBDIR += tsearch_extras SUBDIR += tuning-primer SUBDIR += twemproxy SUBDIR += unixODBC SUBDIR += usql SUBDIR += valkey SUBDIR += vfront SUBDIR += virtualpg SUBDIR += vsqlite SUBDIR += webdis SUBDIR += wfb2sql SUBDIR += xapian-bindings SUBDIR += xapian-core SUBDIR += xls2txt SUBDIR += xrootd SUBDIR += xtrabackup SUBDIR += xtrabackup80 + SUBDIR += xtrabackup81 SUBDIR += zodb .include <bsd.port.subdir.mk> diff --git a/databases/xtrabackup81/Makefile b/databases/xtrabackup81/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..75165fccc89c --- /dev/null +++ b/databases/xtrabackup81/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +PORTNAME= xtrabackup81 +PORTVERSION= 8.1.0 +DISTVERSIONSUFFIX= -1 +CATEGORIES= databases +MASTER_SITES= https://downloads.percona.com/downloads/Percona-XtraBackup-innovative-release/Percona-XtraBackup-8.1.0-1/source/tarball/:percona \ + SF/boost/boost/${BOOST_VERSION}:boost +DISTFILES= ${PPORTNAME}-${DVERSION}${EXTRACT_SUFX}:percona \ + boost_${BOOST_VERSION_UNDER}${EXTRACT_SUFX}:boost + +MAINTAINER= eugene@zhegan.in +COMMENT= Open-source backup tool for InnoDB and XtraDB +WWW= https://www.percona.com/doc/percona-xtrabackup/ + +LICENSE= GPLv2 +LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE + +BUILD_DEPENDS= protobuf>=3.0:devel/protobuf \ + rapidjson>=1.1.0:devel/rapidjson \ + libevent>=2.1:devel/libevent +LIB_DEPENDS= libcurl.so:ftp/curl \ + libev.so:devel/libev \ + libgcrypt.so:security/libgcrypt \ + libgpg-error.so:security/libgpg-error \ + libicudata.so:devel/icu \ + libprotobuf-lite.so:devel/protobuf \ + libunwind.so:devel/libunwind \ + libzstd.so:archivers/zstd +RUN_DEPENDS= qpress:archivers/qpress + +USES= bison cmake compiler:c++14-lang cpe pkgconfig ssl +CPE_VENDOR= percona +CMAKE_ARGS= -DBUILD_CONFIG:STRING=xtrabackup_release \ + -DWITHOUT_COMPONENT_KEYRING_KMIP:STRING=yes \ + -DWITH_VERSION_CHECK=false + +.for component in EDITLINE ICU LIBEVENT PROTOBUF RAPIDJSON ZSTD +CMAKE_ARGS+= -DWITH_${component}:STRING=system +.endfor + +CONFLICTS_INSTALL= ${PORTNAME:C/.$//}* + +# Bundle last supported Boost release +BOOST_VERSION= 1.77.0 +BOOST_VERSION_UNDER= ${BOOST_VERSION:C/\./_/g} + +CMAKE_ARGS+= -DWITH_BOOST=${WRKDIR}/boost_${BOOST_VERSION_UNDER} + +# Build fails without NDEBUG, so force it +CFLAGS+= -DNDEBUG +CXXFLAGS+= -DNDEBUG + +DVERSION= ${PORTVERSION}${DISTVERSIONSUFFIX} +PPORTNAME= percona-xtrabackup +WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${PPORTNAME}-${DVERSION} + +.include <bsd.port.pre.mk> + +# Since MySQL 8.0.20 InnoDB engine uses new memory alligned allocator +# which is broken on i386 due to different size of types and causes a +# 'static_assert(alignof(T) <= alignof(std::max_align_t))' error +.if ${ARCH} == i386 +CXXFLAGS+= -malign-double +.endif + +KEEP_EXTRA= lz4 robin-hood-hashing zlib + +post-patch: +.for d in storage/innobase/xtrabackup/src sql/protobuf + ${REINPLACE_CMD} 's,%%PREFIX%%,${PREFIX},' ${WRKSRC}/${d}/CMakeLists.txt +.endfor +.if ${COMPILER_TYPE} == clang && ${COMPILER_VERSION} >= 160 + @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|std::unary_function|std::__unary_function|' \ + ${WRKSRC}/../boost_${BOOST_VERSION_UNDER}/boost/container_hash/hash.hpp +.endif + +pre-configure: +.for dir in ${KEEP_EXTRA} + @${MV} ${WRKSRC}/extra/${dir} ${WRKDIR} +.endfor + @${RM} -r ${WRKSRC}/extra/* +.for dir in ${KEEP_EXTRA} + @${MV} ${WRKDIR}/${dir} ${WRKSRC}/extra +.endfor + +post-stage: + @${RM} -r ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/docs ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/man + @${RMDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/plugin/debug + +.include <bsd.port.post.mk> diff --git a/databases/xtrabackup81/distinfo b/databases/xtrabackup81/distinfo new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..aa6d91e59545 --- /dev/null +++ b/databases/xtrabackup81/distinfo @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +TIMESTAMP = 1711999595 +SHA256 (percona-xtrabackup-8.1.0-1.tar.gz) = e058d18e2a80838940aa8f80a095413d994f5a4e8ff5c16228fd9382bb826fe6 +SIZE (percona-xtrabackup-8.1.0-1.tar.gz) = 446978094 +SHA256 (boost_1_77_0.tar.gz) = 5347464af5b14ac54bb945dc68f1dd7c56f0dad7262816b956138fc53bcc0131 +SIZE (boost_1_77_0.tar.gz) = 130620992 diff --git a/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-CMakeLists.txt b/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8152347c2ee0 --- /dev/null +++ b/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- CMakeLists.txt.orig 2023-10-19 12:05:28 UTC ++++ CMakeLists.txt +@@ -2094,8 +2094,6 @@ IF(WITH_PROTOBUF STREQUAL "bundled" OR WITH_FIDO STREQ + ENDIF() + ENDIF() + +-ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(extra/libkmip) +- + # + # Setup maintainer mode options by the end. Platform checks are + # not run with the warning options as to not perturb fragile checks +@@ -2345,10 +2343,6 @@ ENDIF() + + IF(ENABLE_GCOV) + INCLUDE(fastcov) +-ENDIF() +- +-IF(UNIX) +- ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(man) + ENDIF() + + IF(LINUX AND NOT WITHOUT_SERVER) diff --git a/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-cmake-install_layout.cmake b/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-cmake-install_layout.cmake new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f5916ece2f0b --- /dev/null +++ b/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-cmake-install_layout.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +--- cmake/install_layout.cmake.orig 2023-10-19 12:05:28 UTC ++++ cmake/install_layout.cmake +@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ SET(INSTALL_INFODIR_STANDALONE "docs") + # + SET(INSTALL_SHAREDIR_STANDALONE "share") + SET(INSTALL_MYSQLSHAREDIR_STANDALONE "share") +-SET(INSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR_STANDALONE "xtrabackup-test") ++# SET(INSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR_STANDALONE "xtrabackup-test") + SET(INSTALL_SUPPORTFILESDIR_STANDALONE "support-files") + # + SET(INSTALL_MYSQLDATADIR_STANDALONE "data") diff --git a/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-cmake_os_FreeBSD.cmake b/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-cmake_os_FreeBSD.cmake new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..55947a14f6c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-cmake_os_FreeBSD.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +--- cmake/os/FreeBSD.cmake.orig 2023-10-19 12:05:28 UTC ++++ cmake/os/FreeBSD.cmake +@@ -48,6 +48,20 @@ IF(NOT FORCE_UNSUPPORTED_COMPILER) + IF(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 7.1) + MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "GCC 7.1 or newer is required") + ENDIF() ++ CHECK_C_SOURCE_RUNS(" ++ int main() ++ { ++ return (__clang_major__ >= 4); ++ }" I386_ATOMIC_BUILTINS) ++ IF((CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "i386") AND (NOT I386_ATOMIC_BUILTINS)) ++ SET(HAVE_GCC_ATOMIC_BUILTINS CACHE INTERNAL "") ++ ENDIF() ++ ELSEIF(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC) ++ EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} -dumpversion ++ OUTPUT_VARIABLE GCC_VERSION) ++ IF(GCC_VERSION VERSION_LESS 4.4) ++ MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "GCC 4.4 or newer is required!") ++ ENDIF() + ELSE() + MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Unsupported compiler!") + ENDIF() diff --git a/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-file_utils b/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-file_utils new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a23aa72136d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-file_utils @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +--- storage/innobase/xtrabackup/src/file_utils.cc.orig 2023-11-24 17:33:10.000000000 +0700 ++++ storage/innobase/xtrabackup/src/file_utils.cc 2024-02-17 00:40:45.193255000 +0700 +@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Bos + + #include "file_utils.h" + #include <mysql/service_mysql_alloc.h> +-#ifdef __APPLE__ ++#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined (__FreeBSD__) + #include <sys/event.h> + #else + #include <sys/epoll.h> +@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ File open_fifo_for_read_with_timeout(const char *path, + } + + /* File was open, lets check its open on the other side */ +-#ifdef __APPLE__ ++#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) + struct timespec tm = {timeout, 0}; + int kqueue_fd = kqueue(); + if (kqueue_fd < 0) { diff --git a/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-llvm-15 b/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-llvm-15 new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0017d73b5902 --- /dev/null +++ b/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-llvm-15 @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- storage/innobase/include/ddl0impl.h.orig 2023-10-19 12:05:28 UTC ++++ storage/innobase/include/ddl0impl.h +@@ -118,14 +118,6 @@ struct Fetch_sequence : public Context::FTS::Sequence + + /** Physical row context. */ + struct Row { +- /** Constructor. */ +- Row() = default; +- +- Row(const Row &) = default; +- +- /** Destructor. */ +- ~Row() = default; +- + Row &operator=(const Row &) = default; + + /** Build a row from a raw record. +--- unittest/gunit/mysys_my_rdtsc-t.cc.orig 2023-10-19 12:05:28 UTC ++++ unittest/gunit/mysys_my_rdtsc-t.cc +@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ TEST_F(RDTimeStampCounter, TestNanosecond) { + ulonglong t1 = my_timer_nanoseconds(); + ulonglong t2; + int i; +- int backward = 0; ++ int backward [[maybe_unused]] = 0; + int nonzero = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < LOOP_COUNT; i++) { diff --git a/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-procps b/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-procps new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..733821dd7c65 --- /dev/null +++ b/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-procps @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- storage/innobase/xtrabackup/src/CMakeLists.txt.orig 2023-11-24 13:33:10.000000000 +0300 ++++ storage/innobase/xtrabackup/src/CMakeLists.txt 2024-02-16 15:38:03.294091000 +0300 +@@ -20,8 +20,9 @@ + + INCLUDE(${MYSQL_CMAKE_SCRIPT_DIR}/compile_flags.cmake) + ++INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(%%PREFIX%%/include) ++ + FIND_GCRYPT() +-FIND_PROCPS() + + CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("unsigned long" SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG) + +@@ -134,14 +135,6 @@ + ext::icu + crc + ) +- +-IF(NOT APPLE) +- IF(PROCPS_VERSION EQUAL 4) +- TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(xtrabackup proc2) +- ELSE() +- TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(xtrabackup procps) +- ENDIF() +-ENDIF() + + # We depend on protobuf because of the mysqlx plugin and replication. + IF(UNIX_INSTALL_RPATH_ORIGIN_PRIV_LIBDIR) diff --git a/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-protobuf b/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-protobuf new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f1bd482d944a --- /dev/null +++ b/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-protobuf @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +--- sql/protobuf/CMakeLists.txt.orig 2023-11-24 17:33:10.000000000 +0700 ++++ sql/protobuf/CMakeLists.txt 2024-02-17 02:13:42.264307000 +0700 +@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ + # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + + INCLUDE(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/protobuf.cmake) ++INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(%%PREFIX%%/include) + + SET(PROTOBUF_LITE_LIB_NAME rpl_protobuf_lite) + diff --git a/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-storage_innobase_xtrabackup_src_utils.cc b/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-storage_innobase_xtrabackup_src_utils.cc new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..dbc84f05a7e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-storage_innobase_xtrabackup_src_utils.cc @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +--- storage/innobase/xtrabackup/src/utils.cc.orig 2023-10-19 12:05:28 UTC ++++ storage/innobase/xtrabackup/src/utils.cc +@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Bos + + #ifdef __APPLE__ + #include <mach/mach_host.h> ++#endif ++#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) + #include <sys/sysctl.h> + #else + #ifdef HAVE_PROCPS_V3 +@@ -113,12 +115,14 @@ unsigned long get_version_number(std::string version_s + return major * 10000 + minor * 100 + version; + } + +-#ifdef __APPLE__ ++#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) + unsigned long host_total_memory() { + unsigned long total_mem = sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES) * sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); + return total_mem; + } ++#endif + ++#ifdef __APPLE__ + unsigned long host_free_memory() { + unsigned long total_mem = host_total_memory(); + int64_t used_mem; +@@ -139,6 +143,31 @@ unsigned long host_free_memory() { + return total_mem - (unsigned long)used_mem; + } + return 0; ++} ++#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) ++unsigned long host_free_memory() { ++ static int mib_free[2] = { -1, 0 }; ++ static int mib_inactive[2] = { -1, 0 }; ++ size_t miblen = sizeof(mib_free) / sizeof(mib_free[0]); ++ uint32_t free_pages, inactive_pages; ++ size_t sz = sizeof(free_pages); ++ ++ free_pages = inactive_pages = 0; ++ ++ if (mib_free[0] < 0 && ++ sysctlnametomib("vm.stats.vm.v_free_count", mib_free, &miblen) < 0) ++ mib_free[0] = 0; ++ if (mib_inactive[0] < 0 && ++ sysctlnametomib("vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count", mib_inactive, &miblen) < 0) ++ mib_inactive[0] = 0; ++ ++ if (mib_free[0] && ++ sysctl(mib_free, 2, &free_pages, &sz, NULL, 0) < 0) ++ free_pages = 0; /* should not happen */ ++ if (mib_inactive[0] && sysctl(mib_inactive, 2, &inactive_pages, &sz, NULL, 0) < 0) ++ inactive_pages = 0; /* should not happen, too */ ++ ++ return (free_pages + inactive_pages) * sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); + } + #else + unsigned long host_total_memory() { diff --git a/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-storage_innobase_xtrabackup_xbcloud__osenv.sh b/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-storage_innobase_xtrabackup_xbcloud__osenv.sh new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..37b1e45afc66 --- /dev/null +++ b/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-storage_innobase_xtrabackup_xbcloud__osenv.sh @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- storage/innobase/xtrabackup/xbcloud_osenv.sh.orig 2020-08-28 21:02:32 UTC ++++ storage/innobase/xtrabackup/xbcloud_osenv.sh +@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ +-#!/bin/bash ++#!/bin/sh + + # Copyright (C) 2015 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates. + # This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, +@@ -105,5 +105,5 @@ fi + + # do it + # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2048 +-${XBCLOUD_BIN} $* ${XBCLOUD_OS_ENV} ++${XBCLOUD_BIN} "$@" ${XBCLOUD_OS_ENV} + diff --git a/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-storage_temptable_include_temptable_lock__free__type.h b/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-storage_temptable_include_temptable_lock__free__type.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f6664e3afa74 --- /dev/null +++ b/databases/xtrabackup81/files/patch-storage_temptable_include_temptable_lock__free__type.h @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- storage/temptable/include/temptable/lock_free_type.h.orig 2023-10-19 12:05:28 UTC ++++ storage/temptable/include/temptable/lock_free_type.h +@@ -32,6 +32,14 @@ Lock-free type (selection) implementation. */ + #include "my_config.h" + #include "storage/temptable/include/temptable/constants.h" + ++#if defined(__i386__) //&& defined(__GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_8) ++/* Fix for clang setting __GCC_ATOMIC_LLONG_LOCK_FREE incorrectly for x86 ++ * https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=19355 ++ */ ++#undef ATOMIC_LLONG_LOCK_FREE ++#define ATOMIC_LLONG_LOCK_FREE 2 ++#endif ++ + namespace temptable { + + /** Clang has a bug which causes ATOMIC_LLONG_LOCK_FREE to be defined as 1 diff --git a/databases/xtrabackup81/pkg-descr b/databases/xtrabackup81/pkg-descr new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..da1655f57769 --- /dev/null +++ b/databases/xtrabackup81/pkg-descr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +Percona XtraBackup is an open-source hot backup utility for MySQL that +doesn't lock your database during the backup. It can back up data from +InnoDB, XtraDB and MyISAM tables on MySQL/Percona Server/MariaDB +servers, and has many advanced features. diff --git a/databases/xtrabackup81/pkg-plist b/databases/xtrabackup81/pkg-plist new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..40cde5419101 --- /dev/null +++ b/databases/xtrabackup81/pkg-plist @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +bin/xbcloud +bin/xbcloud_osenv +bin/xbcrypt +bin/xbstream +bin/xtrabackup +lib/libmysqlservices.a +lib/plugin/component_keyring_file.so +lib/plugin/component_keyring_kms.so +lib/plugin/keyring_file.so +lib/plugin/component_keyring_vault.so