diff --git a/misc/Makefile b/misc/Makefile index c78e5c76e165..a04c708946be 100644 --- a/misc/Makefile +++ b/misc/Makefile @@ -1,597 +1,598 @@ COMMENT = Miscellaneous utilities SUBDIR += R-cran-mime SUBDIR += R-cran-xfun SUBDIR += aclgen SUBDIR += actiona SUBDIR += adios2 SUBDIR += amanda-client SUBDIR += amanda-perl-wrapper SUBDIR += amanda-server SUBDIR += amazon-qldb-shell SUBDIR += ansiweather SUBDIR += apparix SUBDIR += arrow-datafusion SUBDIR += artikulate SUBDIR += asbutton SUBDIR += asr-manpages SUBDIR += astc-encoder SUBDIR += bb SUBDIR += bbjd SUBDIR += bdelta SUBDIR += bestfit SUBDIR += bible-kjv SUBDIR += biblesync SUBDIR += bibletime SUBDIR += biblical-curse SUBDIR += binclock SUBDIR += binocle SUBDIR += biosfont-demos SUBDIR += birthday SUBDIR += bogosort SUBDIR += bottlerocket SUBDIR += box2d SUBDIR += boxes SUBDIR += broot SUBDIR += bsod SUBDIR += buffer SUBDIR += caffe SUBDIR += cheat SUBDIR += chef SUBDIR += chmlib SUBDIR += chrono SUBDIR += cinnamon-translations SUBDIR += cldr-emoji-annotation SUBDIR += clex SUBDIR += clifm SUBDIR += cloc SUBDIR += clpbar SUBDIR += colortail SUBDIR += coloursum SUBDIR += colwide SUBDIR += compat.el SUBDIR += compat10x SUBDIR += compat11x SUBDIR += compat12x SUBDIR += compat4x SUBDIR += compat5x SUBDIR += compat6x SUBDIR += compat7x SUBDIR += compat8x SUBDIR += compat9x SUBDIR += concourse SUBDIR += copperspice-examples SUBDIR += countrycodes SUBDIR += cpuid SUBDIR += crosti SUBDIR += cryptoballot SUBDIR += cs SUBDIR += cstream SUBDIR += ctm SUBDIR += cuttlefish SUBDIR += dahdi SUBDIR += dahdi-kmod SUBDIR += dahdi-kmod26 SUBDIR += darknet SUBDIR += dartsim SUBDIR += ddate SUBDIR += deco SUBDIR += dejagnu SUBDIR += delay SUBDIR += diction SUBDIR += digitemp SUBDIR += dijo SUBDIR += dive SUBDIR += dnetc SUBDIR += dotenv-linter SUBDIR += dtach SUBDIR += dvorak7min SUBDIR += dynomite SUBDIR += e2fsprogs-libblkid SUBDIR += e2fsprogs-libuuid SUBDIR += ecflow SUBDIR += edfbrowser SUBDIR += edflib SUBDIR += elki SUBDIR += elscreen SUBDIR += estic SUBDIR += exercism SUBDIR += explosions SUBDIR += ezc3d SUBDIR += far2l SUBDIR += felis SUBDIR += figlet SUBDIR += figlet-fonts SUBDIR += findutils SUBDIR += firestring SUBDIR += flag SUBDIR += fortune-mod-bible SUBDIR += fortune-mod-bofh SUBDIR += fortune-mod-epictetus SUBDIR += fortune-mod-freebsd-classic SUBDIR += fortune-mod-futurama SUBDIR += fortune-mod-psalms SUBDIR += fortuneit SUBDIR += fpc-chm SUBDIR += fq SUBDIR += free42 SUBDIR += freebsd-doc-all SUBDIR += freebsd-doc-bn SUBDIR += freebsd-doc-da SUBDIR += freebsd-doc-de SUBDIR += freebsd-doc-el SUBDIR += freebsd-doc-en SUBDIR += freebsd-doc-es SUBDIR += freebsd-doc-fr SUBDIR += freebsd-doc-hu SUBDIR += freebsd-doc-id SUBDIR += freebsd-doc-it SUBDIR += freebsd-doc-ja SUBDIR += freebsd-doc-ko SUBDIR += freebsd-doc-mn SUBDIR += freebsd-doc-nl SUBDIR += freebsd-doc-pl SUBDIR += freebsd-doc-pt SUBDIR += freebsd-doc-ru SUBDIR += freebsd-doc-tr SUBDIR += freebsd-doc-zh_cn SUBDIR += freebsd-doc-zh_tw SUBDIR += freebsd-release-manifests SUBDIR += freeguide SUBDIR += frugally-deep SUBDIR += ftdi-eeprom SUBDIR += fxload SUBDIR += g810-led SUBDIR += gedkeeper SUBDIR += geekcode SUBDIR += getopt SUBDIR += gimp-help-en SUBDIR += gkrellm-gamma SUBDIR += gkrellm-xkb SUBDIR += gkrellmbgchg2 SUBDIR += gkrellmlaunch2 SUBDIR += gkrellshoot2 SUBDIR += gkx86info2 SUBDIR += global-tz SUBDIR += glow SUBDIR += gnome-devel-docs SUBDIR += gnome-getting-started-docs SUBDIR += gnome-icon-theme SUBDIR += gnome-icon-theme-extras SUBDIR += gnome-mime-data SUBDIR += gnome-user-docs SUBDIR += gnu-watch SUBDIR += gnuls SUBDIR += gobuster SUBDIR += gone SUBDIR += gplink SUBDIR += gpsim SUBDIR += granulate SUBDIR += grc SUBDIR += gwhich SUBDIR += hashdb SUBDIR += hello SUBDIR += help2man SUBDIR += heyu2 SUBDIR += hicolor-icon-theme SUBDIR += histring SUBDIR += hotkeys SUBDIR += hs-hascard SUBDIR += hulgalugha SUBDIR += hwdata SUBDIR += hxtools SUBDIR += ignition-fuel-tools SUBDIR += iio-oscilloscope SUBDIR += imerge SUBDIR += img2xterm SUBDIR += ini_file_manager SUBDIR += inplace SUBDIR += ipa_conv SUBDIR += ipbt SUBDIR += ironscanner SUBDIR += iselect SUBDIR += iso-codes SUBDIR += jargon SUBDIR += jbidwatcher SUBDIR += jojodiff SUBDIR += kbdscan SUBDIR += kcd SUBDIR += kde-thumbnailer-chm SUBDIR += kde-thumbnailer-epub SUBDIR += kde-thumbnailer-fb2 SUBDIR += kdeedu SUBDIR += kdeedu-data SUBDIR += kdeutils SUBDIR += kenny SUBDIR += kf5-purpose SUBDIR += kgeography SUBDIR += klettres SUBDIR += kookbook SUBDIR += ktouch SUBDIR += kwordquiz SUBDIR += lastools SUBDIR += latex-mk SUBDIR += lazyread SUBDIR += lbann SUBDIR += lc SUBDIR += lesspipe SUBDIR += lf SUBDIR += libad9361-iio SUBDIR += libcomps SUBDIR += libeatmydata SUBDIR += libemos SUBDIR += libiio SUBDIR += libkeduvocdocument SUBDIR += liblxi SUBDIR += libmetalink SUBDIR += libmodulemd SUBDIR += libpostal SUBDIR += libpredict SUBDIR += libpri SUBDIR += librepo SUBDIR += libsolv SUBDIR += libsupertone SUBDIR += libsweep-lidar SUBDIR += libutf SUBDIR += libxdf SUBDIR += lifelines SUBDIR += lingoteach SUBDIR += locale-en_DK SUBDIR += localedata SUBDIR += logsurfer SUBDIR += lscolors SUBDIR += lv SUBDIR += lxde-common SUBDIR += lxi-tools SUBDIR += magicpoint SUBDIR += man.el SUBDIR += mate-user-guide SUBDIR += mbuffer SUBDIR += mc SUBDIR += mc-nox11 SUBDIR += mdp SUBDIR += meshoptimizer SUBDIR += metalink-checker SUBDIR += metalink-tools SUBDIR += mime-support SUBDIR += minidnn SUBDIR += mirmon SUBDIR += mmdnn SUBDIR += mmv SUBDIR += mnn SUBDIR += molequeue SUBDIR += morse SUBDIR += mtx SUBDIR += mxnet SUBDIR += najitool SUBDIR += ncnn SUBDIR += netron SUBDIR += nms SUBDIR += nn-insight SUBDIR += nnn SUBDIR += nsf SUBDIR += numchar SUBDIR += nut SUBDIR += ompl SUBDIR += ondir SUBDIR += onnx SUBDIR += opencyc SUBDIR += openhab SUBDIR += openhab-addons SUBDIR += openhab2 SUBDIR += openhab2-addons SUBDIR += openhantek SUBDIR += openhmd SUBDIR += openmvg SUBDIR += opennn SUBDIR += openr2 SUBDIR += openvdb SUBDIR += orange3 SUBDIR += orville-write SUBDIR += osinfo-db SUBDIR += ossp-uuid SUBDIR += otter SUBDIR += owrep SUBDIR += p5-Acme-ButFirst SUBDIR += p5-Array-Compare SUBDIR += p5-Array-Diff SUBDIR += p5-Array-FileReader SUBDIR += p5-Array-IntSpan SUBDIR += p5-Array-LineReader SUBDIR += p5-Array-PrintCols SUBDIR += p5-Array-RefElem SUBDIR += p5-Array-Utils SUBDIR += p5-Asterisk-FastAGI SUBDIR += p5-Bot-Training SUBDIR += p5-Bot-Training-MegaHAL SUBDIR += p5-Bot-Training-StarCraft SUBDIR += p5-Business-EDI SUBDIR += p5-Business-Hours SUBDIR += p5-Business-ISBN SUBDIR += p5-Business-ISBN-Data SUBDIR += p5-Business-ISIN SUBDIR += p5-Business-ISMN SUBDIR += p5-Business-ISSN SUBDIR += p5-Business-UPS SUBDIR += p5-Chatbot-Eliza SUBDIR += p5-Data-Buffer SUBDIR += p5-File-CounterFile SUBDIR += p5-File-Sort SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Address-Formatter SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Cache SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Coder-Bing SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Coder-Google SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Coder-Googlev3 SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Coder-Mapquest SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Coder-Multimap SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Coder-Multiple SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Coder-Navteq SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Coder-OSM SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Coder-OpenCage SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Coder-Ovi SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Coder-PlaceFinder SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Coder-TomTom SUBDIR += p5-Geo-GeoNames SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Postcodes SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Postcodes-DK SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Postcodes-NO SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Weather SUBDIR += p5-Geography-Countries SUBDIR += p5-I18N-Charset SUBDIR += p5-I18N-LangTags SUBDIR += p5-LEGO-RCX SUBDIR += p5-Library-CallNumber-LC SUBDIR += p5-List-Compare SUBDIR += p5-List-Util-WeightedRoundRobin SUBDIR += p5-Locale-Codes SUBDIR += p5-Locale-Geocode SUBDIR += p5-Locale-Msgcat SUBDIR += p5-Locale-SubCountry SUBDIR += p5-Locale-US SUBDIR += p5-Net-vCard SUBDIR += p5-OSSP-uuid SUBDIR += p5-Software-License SUBDIR += p5-Software-License-CCpack SUBDIR += p5-Test-Dir SUBDIR += p5-Text-FIGlet SUBDIR += p5-Tie-DxHash SUBDIR += p5-Zen-Koans SUBDIR += p5-asterisk-perl SUBDIR += parley SUBDIR += pastebinit SUBDIR += patchutils SUBDIR += pauker SUBDIR += pciids SUBDIR += pdmenu SUBDIR += pear-Services_Weather SUBDIR += pear-Text_Figlet SUBDIR += pecl-timezonedb SUBDIR += perkeep SUBDIR += pfm SUBDIR += php80-calendar SUBDIR += php81-calendar SUBDIR += php82-calendar SUBDIR += pinfo SUBDIR += pipe SUBDIR += posixtestsuite SUBDIR += pqrs SUBDIR += proxyper SUBDIR += pspresent SUBDIR += ptsort SUBDIR += pubs SUBDIR += py-PyUserInput SUBDIR += py-QSpectrumAnalyzer SUBDIR += py-SimpleSoapy SUBDIR += py-SoapySDR SUBDIR += py-alive-progress SUBDIR += py-apache-beam SUBDIR += py-ascii-magic SUBDIR += py-boost-histogram SUBDIR += py-censys SUBDIR += py-cinder SUBDIR += py-colorbrewer SUBDIR += py-colored SUBDIR += py-crudini SUBDIR += py-detecta SUBDIR += py-dictdiffer SUBDIR += py-eemeter SUBDIR += py-emoji SUBDIR += py-ezc3d SUBDIR += py-fast-histogram SUBDIR += py-fleep SUBDIR += py-fuzzy SUBDIR += py-gluoncv SUBDIR += py-gluonnlp SUBDIR += py-halo SUBDIR += py-histoprint SUBDIR += py-huepy SUBDIR += py-kartograph SUBDIR += py-log_symbols SUBDIR += py-mffpy SUBDIR += py-molequeue SUBDIR += py-mxnet SUBDIR += py-onnx SUBDIR += py-onnx-tf SUBDIR += py-openpaperwork-core SUBDIR += py-openpaperwork-gtk SUBDIR += py-openvdb SUBDIR += py-orange3-associate SUBDIR += py-orange3-datafusion SUBDIR += py-orange3-educational SUBDIR += py-orange3-network SUBDIR += py-orange3-timeseries SUBDIR += py-palettable SUBDIR += py-papermill SUBDIR += py-pexpect SUBDIR += py-powerline-status SUBDIR += py-progressbar SUBDIR += py-progressbar2 SUBDIR += py-pyEDFlib SUBDIR += py-pyct SUBDIR += py-pyfiglet SUBDIR += py-pykml SUBDIR += py-pypatent SUBDIR += py-pyprind SUBDIR += py-python-geohash SUBDIR += py-python-utils SUBDIR += py-qiskit-machine-learning SUBDIR += py-scikit-fusion SUBDIR += py-serverfiles + SUBDIR += py-shap2 SUBDIR += py-soapy_power SUBDIR += py-spdx SUBDIR += py-spdx-lookup SUBDIR += py-spdx-tools SUBDIR += py-spinners SUBDIR += py-tes SUBDIR += py-tflearn SUBDIR += py-tflite SUBDIR += py-tflite-support SUBDIR += py-toil SUBDIR += py-tqdm SUBDIR += py-tvm SUBDIR += py-uhi SUBDIR += py-wurlitzer SUBDIR += py-xgboost SUBDIR += pyobd SUBDIR += pytorch SUBDIR += qbrew SUBDIR += qlas SUBDIR += qt5-doc SUBDIR += qt5-examples SUBDIR += qt5-l10n SUBDIR += qt5ct SUBDIR += qt6-doc SUBDIR += quantum++ SUBDIR += raspberrypi-gpioshutdown SUBDIR += raspberrypi-userland SUBDIR += raspbsd-led SUBDIR += ree SUBDIR += rfc SUBDIR += ringtonetools SUBDIR += rname SUBDIR += rpl SUBDIR += rsclock SUBDIR += rtfm SUBDIR += rubygem-dotenv SUBDIR += rubygem-dotenv-rails-rails4 SUBDIR += rubygem-dotenv-rails-rails5 SUBDIR += rubygem-dotenv-rails-rails50 SUBDIR += rubygem-dotenv-rails-rails61 SUBDIR += rubygem-haversine_distance SUBDIR += rubygem-iesd SUBDIR += rubygem-mime-types SUBDIR += rubygem-mime-types-data SUBDIR += rubygem-mimemagic SUBDIR += rubygem-octicons SUBDIR += rubygem-rabbit SUBDIR += rubygem-vpim SUBDIR += rump SUBDIR += ruut SUBDIR += schilytools SUBDIR += sdformat SUBDIR += seabios SUBDIR += sent SUBDIR += seq2 SUBDIR += sfm SUBDIR += shared-mime-info SUBDIR += shc SUBDIR += shuffle SUBDIR += shuffle-db SUBDIR += silicon SUBDIR += since SUBDIR += skyutils SUBDIR += slides SUBDIR += sloccount SUBDIR += sls SUBDIR += smssend SUBDIR += snakemake SUBDIR += soapysdr SUBDIR += solarized SUBDIR += sshbuddy SUBDIR += sssnips SUBDIR += star-history SUBDIR += susv2 SUBDIR += susv3 SUBDIR += susv4 SUBDIR += swissfileknife SUBDIR += sword SUBDIR += table.el SUBDIR += talkfilters SUBDIR += tdfiglet SUBDIR += team SUBDIR += tellico SUBDIR += tempcontrol SUBDIR += termatrix SUBDIR += terminfo-db SUBDIR += teseq SUBDIR += thefuck SUBDIR += thrill SUBDIR += timetrace SUBDIR += timezonemap SUBDIR += tkcron SUBDIR += tkinfo SUBDIR += tkregexp SUBDIR += tkrunit SUBDIR += tlci SUBDIR += toilet SUBDIR += translate SUBDIR += ttyrec SUBDIR += tudu SUBDIR += tvbrowser SUBDIR += tvm SUBDIR += tzdiff SUBDIR += uk-phone SUBDIR += uk-postcodes SUBDIR += umodunpack SUBDIR += unclutter SUBDIR += unclutter-xfixes SUBDIR += unicode-emoji SUBDIR += upclient SUBDIR += urbit SUBDIR += urh SUBDIR += usbids SUBDIR += usbrh-libusb SUBDIR += usd SUBDIR += utftools SUBDIR += utouch-kmod SUBDIR += valentina SUBDIR += vdmfec SUBDIR += veles SUBDIR += vera SUBDIR += vfc SUBDIR += vifm SUBDIR += visp SUBDIR += viz SUBDIR += vote SUBDIR += vxl SUBDIR += wego SUBDIR += whichman SUBDIR += window SUBDIR += with SUBDIR += wmScoreBoard SUBDIR += wmcalendar SUBDIR += wmforecast SUBDIR += wmjulia SUBDIR += wmpal SUBDIR += wmtunlo SUBDIR += wmweather+ SUBDIR += wmwork SUBDIR += xd-rust SUBDIR += xdelta SUBDIR += xdelta3 SUBDIR += xfce4-appfinder SUBDIR += xfce4-weather-plugin SUBDIR += xfce4-wm-themes SUBDIR += xgas SUBDIR += xgboost SUBDIR += xiphos SUBDIR += xless SUBDIR += xosd SUBDIR += xplr SUBDIR += xtail SUBDIR += xtar SUBDIR += ytree SUBDIR += zine SUBDIR += zoneinfo .include diff --git a/misc/py-shap2/Makefile b/misc/py-shap2/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4ff449e64f1d --- /dev/null +++ b/misc/py-shap2/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +PORTNAME= shap2 +DISTVERSION= 0.42.0 +CATEGORIES= misc # machine-learning +MASTER_SITES= CHEESESHOP +PKGNAMEPREFIX= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX} + +MAINTAINER= yuri@FreeBSD.org +COMMENT= Unified approach to explain the output of any machine learning model +WWW= https://github.com/slundberg/shap + +LICENSE= MIT +LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE + +PY_DEPENDS= ${PYNUMPY} \ + ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}numba>0:devel/py-numba@${PY_FLAVOR} \ + ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}pandas>0:math/py-pandas@${PY_FLAVOR} \ + ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}requests>0:www/py-requests@${PY_FLAVOR} \ + ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}scikit-learn>0:science/py-scikit-learn@${PY_FLAVOR} \ + ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}scipy>0:science/py-scipy@${PY_FLAVOR} \ + ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}xgboost>0:misc/py-xgboost@${PY_FLAVOR} +BUILD_DEPENDS= ${PY_DEPENDS} +RUN_DEPENDS= ${PY_DEPENDS} + +USES= python:3.6+ +USE_PYTHON= distutils autoplist + +post-install: + @${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/shap2/_cext${PYTHON_EXT_SUFFIX}.so + +.include diff --git a/misc/py-shap2/distinfo b/misc/py-shap2/distinfo new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6538f5c29e3a --- /dev/null +++ b/misc/py-shap2/distinfo @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +TIMESTAMP = 1673059649 +SHA256 (shap2-0.42.0.tar.gz) = a425c963131ea3e1f6c217e524821f9c2ae4d2e97d8ad5fd33f80fd175df5960 +SIZE (shap2-0.42.0.tar.gz) = 377323 diff --git a/misc/py-shap2/files/patch-shap2_cext_tree__shap.h b/misc/py-shap2/files/patch-shap2_cext_tree__shap.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d26268939600 --- /dev/null +++ b/misc/py-shap2/files/patch-shap2_cext_tree__shap.h @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +--- shap2/cext/tree_shap.h.orig 2023-01-07 02:47:51 UTC ++++ shap2/cext/tree_shap.h +@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ + #include + #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32) + #include +-#elif defined(__MVS__) ++#elif defined(__MVS__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) + #include + #else + #include diff --git a/misc/py-shap2/pkg-descr b/misc/py-shap2/pkg-descr new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0fb040562a62 --- /dev/null +++ b/misc/py-shap2/pkg-descr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) is a game theoretic approach to explain +the output of any machine learning model. It connects optimal credit +allocation with local explanations using the classic Shapley values from game +theory and their related extensions.