diff --git a/math/suitesparse/bsd.suitesparse.mk b/math/suitesparse/bsd.suitesparse.mk index a0f573efc422..4c20bede81f5 100644 --- a/math/suitesparse/bsd.suitesparse.mk +++ b/math/suitesparse/bsd.suitesparse.mk @@ -1,143 +1,144 @@ # Created by: Maho Nakata # # Common elements used by the SuiteSparse modules PKGNAMEPREFIX= suitesparse- SSPNAME= suitesparse SSPVERSION= 5.10.1 DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v MAINTAINER= fortran@FreeBSD.org #USE_GITHUB= yes # Does not work with different versions for modules GH_ACCOUNT= DrTimothyAldenDavis GH_PROJECT= SuiteSparse GH_TAGNAME= ${SSPVERSION} MASTER_SITES= https://github.com/${GH_ACCOUNT}/${GH_PROJECT}/archive/refs/tags/ DISTNAME= ${DISTVERSIONPREFIX}${SSPVERSION} DIST_SUBDIR= ${SSPNAME} WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${GH_PROJECT}-${SSPVERSION} .if ${MPORTNAME} != config BUILD_WRKSRC= ${WRKSRC}/${MPORTNAME} .else BUILD_WRKSRC= ${WRKSRC}/SuiteSparse_config .endif .if ${MPORTNAME} != config && \ ${MPORTNAME} != CSparse && \ ${MPORTNAME} != ssget LIB_DEPENDS+= libsuitesparseconfig.so:math/suitesparse-config .endif .if ${MPORTNAME} != config && \ ${MPORTNAME} != BTF && \ ${MPORTNAME} != ssget OPTIONS_DEFINE+=DEMOS .else ALL_TARGET= library .endif USES+= gmake DOCSDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/doc/${SSPNAME} MAKE_ENV= BLAS="${BLASLIB}" LAPACK="${LAPACKLIB}" \ OPTIMIZATION="${OPTIMIZATION}" \ MY_METIS_LIB="-lmetis" \ JOBS="${MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER}" \ CMAKE_OPTIONS='${CMAKE_ARGS}' \ INSTALL="${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}" \ INSTALL_DOC="${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR}" \ INSTALL_INCLUDE="${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/include/${SSPNAME}" CMAKE_ARGS= -DCMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR:PATH="include/${SSPNAME}" \ -DBUILD_GRB_STATIC_LIBRARY:BOOL=ON LDFLAGS+= -L${WRKSRC}/lib # prevent linking with shared libs from the preinstalled older versions INSTALL_TARGET= install # skip USES=cmake INSTALL_WRKSRC= ${BUILD_WRKSRC} # FIXME: wont work if .CURDIR contains spaces DISTINFO_FILE= ${.CURDIR}/../../math/suitesparse/distinfo OPTIONS_DEFINE+= DOCS OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS OPTIONS_DEFAULT+= OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS .if defined(BLAS_NEEDED) OPTIONS_RADIO+= BLAS OPTIONS_RADIO_BLAS+= ATLAS GOTOBLAS NETLIB OPENBLAS OPTIONS_DEFAULT+= OPENBLAS ATLAS_USES= blaslapack:atlas GOTOBLAS_DESC= Goto blas implementation GOTOBLAS_USES= blaslapack:gotoblas NETLIB_USES= blaslapack:netlib OPENBLAS_USES= blaslapack:openblas .endif .if defined(OMP_NEEDED) OPTIONS_DEFINE+= OPENMP OPTIONS_EXCLUDE_aarch64= OPENMP +OPTIONS_EXCLUDE_armv7= OPENMP OPTIONS_EXCLUDE_powerpc= OPENMP OPTIONS_DEFAULT+= OPENMP OPENMP_MAKE_ENV_OFF= CFOPENMP= . if !exists(/usr/include/omp.h) # XXX ports/199603: LLVM openmp in base doesn't support armv6, armv7 yet OPENMP_VARS= OPENMP=gcc- . endif .endif DEMOS_DESC= Build the demonstrations .if ${MPORTNAME} == Mongoose DEMOS_ALL_TARGET= default .else DEMOS_ALL_TARGET= all .endif DEMOS_ALL_TARGET_OFF= library .if !defined(WITH_DEBUG) OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS_VARS= OPTIMIZATION="-O3" LDFLAGS+= -s .endif post-extract: ${RM} -r ${WRKSRC}/metis-* .if ${MPORTNAME} == AMD || \ ${MPORTNAME} == CAMD || \ ${MPORTNAME} == CCOLAMD || \ ${MPORTNAME} == CHOLMOD || \ ${MPORTNAME} == COLAMD || \ ${MPORTNAME} == CSparse || \ ${MPORTNAME} == CXSparse_newfiles || \ ${MPORTNAME} == CXSparse || \ ${MPORTNAME} == GPUQREngine || \ ${MPORTNAME} == KLU || \ ${MPORTNAME} == LDL || \ ${MPORTNAME} == RBio || \ ${MPORTNAME} == SPQR || \ ${MPORTNAME} == UMFPACK pre-configure: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|-I../../include|-I${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/include/suitesparse -I../../SuiteSparse_config -I../../AMD/Include -I../../COLAMD/Include -I../../BTF/Include -I../../CHOLMOD/Include|;\ s|-lsuitesparseconfig|-lsuitesparseconfig -L${LOCALBASE}/lib|' \ ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/Demo/Makefile .endif do-configure: # skip USES=cmake post-install: .if ! ${MPORTNAME} == config @${RM} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR}/SUITESPARSECONFIG_README.txt \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/include/suitesparse/SuiteSparse_config.h .endif .include .if ${ARCH} == i386 # See PR 230888 : Missing 64 bit atomic functions for i386 USE_GCC= yes LDFLAGS+= -latomic .elif defined(PPC_ABI) && ${PPC_ABI} == ELFv1 USE_GCC= yes .else USES+= compiler:c++11-lib .endif