diff --git a/devel/root/Makefile b/devel/root/Makefile index 47895527fa8e..7e21a99f4c39 100644 --- a/devel/root/Makefile +++ b/devel/root/Makefile @@ -1,96 +1,96 @@ PORTNAME= root DISTVERSION= 6.28.02 CATEGORIES= devel science math parallel python MASTER_SITES= https://root.cern/download/ DISTFILES= ${PORTNAME}_v${DISTVERSION}.source${EXTRACT_SUFX} MAINTAINER= erik@tenku.dk COMMENT= Data analysis framework made at CERN WWW= https://root.cern/ LICENSE= LGPL21 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LGPL2_1.txt BUILD_DEPENDS= ${PYNUMPY} \ bash:shells/bash \ nlohmann-json>=3:devel/nlohmann-json LIB_DEPENDS= libAfterImage.so:graphics/libafterimage \ libcfitsio.so:astro/cfitsio \ libcurl.so:ftp/curl \ libfftw3.so:math/fftw3 \ libfreetype.so:print/freetype2 \ libftgl.so:graphics/ftgl \ libgif.so:graphics/giflib \ libgl2ps.so:print/gl2ps \ libgsl.so:math/gsl \ liblz4.so:archivers/liblz4 \ libpcre.so:devel/pcre \ libpng.so:graphics/png \ libtbb.so:devel/onetbb \ libtiff.so:graphics/tiff \ libvdt.so:math/vdt \ libxkbcommon.so:x11/libxkbcommon \ libXrdCl.so:databases/xrootd \ libxxhash.so:devel/xxhash \ libzstd.so:archivers/zstd USES= blaslapack:openblas cmake compiler:c++17-lang desktop-file-utils \ gettext-runtime gl gnome iconv jpeg mysql:57 pgsql:13.0+ python:3.9+ \ shebangfix sqlite ssl xorg USE_GL= glew glu opengl USE_GNOME= cairo gdkpixbuf2 glib20 librsvg2 libxml2 USE_XORG= ice sm x11 xau xaw xcb xcomposite xcursor xdamage xdmcp xext \ xfixes xfont xfont2 xft xi xinerama xkbfile xmu xpm xrandr \ xrender xres xscrnsaver xt xv xxf86vm SHEBANG_FILES= config/rootssh etc/dictpch/makepch.py etc/proof/utils/circle.sh \ etc/proof/utils/crypt etc/proof/utils/pps \ etc/proof/utils/proofctl.sh etc/proof/utils/proofinstall.sh CMAKE_ARGS= -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 CMAKE_ON= gnuinstall soversion CMAKE_OFF= builtin_gtest CONFIGURE_WRKSRC?= ${WRKDIR}/.build MAKE_ENV+= ROOTSYS=${CONFIGURE_WRKSRC} OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS ROOT7 OPTIONS_DEFAULT= ROOT7 OPTIONS_SUB= yes ROOT7_DESC= Enable supplementary preview features of ROOT version 7 ROOT7_CMAKE_BOOL= root7 .include PLIST_SUB+= SHLIB_SHVER="${DISTVERSION:R}" \ SHLIB_VER="${DISTVERSION}" # Some .modulemap, .pcm and .idx files are not installed on aarch64, a few .pcm files are exclusive to aarch64 and files LIBRARY.pcm are renamed libLIBRARY_rdict.pcm on aarch64 .if ${ARCH} == "aarch64" PLIST_SUB+= NOT_INSTALLED_ON_AARCH64="@comment " ONLY_INSTALLED_ON_AARCH64="" AARCH64_PCM_PREFIX="lib" AARCH64_PCM_SUFFIX="_rdict" .else PLIST_SUB+= NOT_INSTALLED_ON_AARCH64="" ONLY_INSTALLED_ON_AARCH64="@comment " AARCH64_PCM_PREFIX="" AARCH64_PCM_SUFFIX="" .endif # Some files only installed with LLVM/Clang 13 (used on FreeBSD 12.4 and 13.x) # TODO: Introduce USES+=llvm:min=14 instead when this can be deemed not too obtrusive on supported releases # -- the post-patch step further down can then be phased out as well -.if 1204000 <= ${OSVERSION} && ${OSVERSION} < 1400000 +.if 1204000 <= ${OSVERSION} && ${OSVERSION} < 1400000 && ${OSVERSION} != 1301507 PLIST_SUB+= ONLY_INSTALLED_WITH_LLVM_CLANG_13="" .else PLIST_SUB+= ONLY_INSTALLED_WITH_LLVM_CLANG_13="@comment " .endif .include # In LLVM/Clang 10.0.1 (used on FreeBSD 12.3), the cstdalign header is missing from the std modulemap, but it is declared included in ROOT's std modulemap - this has to be removed. # See https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/main/libcxx/include/module.modulemap.in#L181 # The same seems to be the case for the other headers defined in the variable "modules" below. .if ${OSVERSION} < 1204000 modules= cstdalign cuchar "ext\/functional" "ext\/numeric" "bits\/allocator.h" "bits\/basic_ios.h" "bits\/cpp_type_traits.h" "bits\/exception_defines.h" "bits\/ios_base.h" "bits\/locale_facets.h" "bits\/stl_algobase.h" "bits\/stl_map.h" "bits\/stl_pair.h" bits_stl_tree_h post-patch: MODULEMAP=${WRKSRC}/interpreter/cling/include/cling/std.modulemap ${SH} ${SCRIPTDIR}/remove-modules-from-modulemap.sh ${modules} .endif .include