diff --git a/devel/root/Makefile b/devel/root/Makefile index 43dc701f3fd1..a4ab3c5dee68 100644 --- a/devel/root/Makefile +++ b/devel/root/Makefile @@ -1,243 +1,242 @@ PORTNAME= root -DISTVERSION= 6.32.00 -PORTREVISION= 1 +DISTVERSION= 6.32.02 CATEGORIES= devel science math parallel python MASTER_SITES= https://root.cern/download/ DISTFILES= ${PORTNAME}_v${DISTVERSION}.source${EXTRACT_SUFX} MAINTAINER= erik@tenku.dk COMMENT= Data analysis framework made at CERN WWW= https://root.cern/ LICENSE= LGPL21 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LGPL2_1.txt BUILD_AND_RUN_DEPENDS= bash:shells/bash \ nlohmann-json>=3:devel/nlohmann-json BUILD_DEPENDS= ${BUILD_AND_RUN_DEPENDS} LIB_DEPENDS= libfreetype.so:print/freetype2 \ liblz4.so:archivers/liblz4 \ libpcre2-8.so:devel/pcre2 \ libxxhash.so:devel/xxhash \ libzstd.so:archivers/zstd RUN_DEPENDS= ${BUILD_AND_RUN_DEPENDS} USES= cmake compiler:c++17-lang desktop-file-utils \ iconv shebangfix SHEBANG_FILES= main/python/rootbrowse.py \ main/python/rootcp.py \ main/python/rootdrawtree.py \ main/python/rooteventselector.py \ main/python/rootls.py \ main/python/rootmkdir.py \ main/python/rootmv.py \ main/python/rootprint.py \ main/python/rootrm.py \ main/python/rootslimtree.py \ config/rootssh \ etc/dictpch/makepch.py \ etc/proof/utils/circle.sh \ etc/proof/utils/crypt \ etc/proof/utils/pps \ etc/proof/utils/proofctl.sh \ etc/proof/utils/proofinstall.sh \ etc/pdg_table_update.py # add a port-specific shebang to be replaced python_OLD_CMD+= "/usr/bin/env @python@" # Flags and environment variables for building CMAKE_ARGS= -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 CMAKE_ON= builtin_clang builtin_cling builtin_llvm builtin_openui5 gnuinstall \ rpath runtime_cxxmodules shared soversion CMAKE_OFF= arrow builtin_afterimage builtin_cfitsio builtin_cppzmq builtin_davix \ builtin_fftw3 builtin_freetype builtin_ftgl builtin_gl2ps builtin_glew \ builtin_gsl builtin_gtest builtin_lz4 builtin_lzma builtin_nlohmannjson \ builtin_openssl builtin_pcre builtin_tbb builtin_unuran builtin_vc builtin_vdt \ builtin_veccore builtin_xrootd builtin_xxhash builtin_zeromq builtin_zlib \ builtin_zstd cefweb clad cocoa cuda cudnn daos davix dcache fcgi fftw3 gviz \ libcxx llvm13_broken_tests macos_native memory_termination minuit2_mpi \ minuit2_omp mpi odbc proof pythia8 qt5web qt6web r roofit_multiprocess \ shadowpw test_distrdf_dask test_distrdf_pyspark tmva-gpu tmva-rmva tmva-sofie \ unfold unuran uring vc veccore vecgeom win_broken_tests winrtdebug CONFIGURE_WRKSRC?= ${WRKDIR}/.build MAKE_ENV+= ROOTSYS=${CONFIGURE_WRKSRC} # Port build options; DOCS also on by default # See https://root.cern/install/build_from_source/#all-build-options OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS ASIMAGE DATAFRAME FITS FORTRAN GDML HTTP IMT MATHMORE MYSQL \ OPENGL PGSQL PYROOT ROOFIT ROOT7 SPECTRUM SQLITE SSL TMLP TMVAML VDT WEBGUI \ X11 XML XROOTD OPTIONS_DEFAULT= ASIMAGE DATAFRAME FITS GDML HTTP IMT MATHMORE OPENGL PYROOT \ ROOFIT ROOT7 SPECTRUM SSL TMLP TMVAML VDT WEBGUI X11 XML XROOTD OPTIONS_SUB= yes ASIMAGE_CMAKE_BOOL= asimage ASIMAGE_DESC= Enable support for image processing via libAfterImage ASIMAGE_IMPLIES= X11 ASIMAGE_LIB_DEPENDS= libAfterImage.so:graphics/libafterimage \ libgif.so:graphics/giflib \ libpng16.so:graphics/png \ libtiff.so:graphics/tiff ASIMAGE_USES= gettext-runtime gnome jpeg ASIMAGE_USE= gnome=cairo,gdkpixbuf2,glib20,librsvg2 # TODO: clad can only be included in ROOT's configure stage # with network access, however, a port of clad is available -- patch #CLAD_CMAKE_BOOL= clad #CLAD_DESC= Build clad, the cling automatic differentiation plugin (requires network) #CLAD_LIB_DEPENDS= libclad.so:math/clad DATAFRAME_CMAKE_BOOL= dataframe DATAFRAME_DESC= Enable ROOT RDataFrame # TODO: davix only comes with pkgconfig file on fbsd, while # ROOT's configure stage relies on find_package() -- patch #DAVIX_CMAKE_BOOL= davix #DAVIX_DESC= Enable support for Davix (HTTP/WebDAV access) #DAVIX_IMPLIES= libuuid xml2 openssl #DAVIX_LIB_DEPENDS= libdavix.so:www/davix FITS_CMAKE_BOOL= fitsio FITS_DESC= Enable support for reading FITS images FITS_LIB_DEPENDS= libcfitsio.so:astro/cfitsio \ libcurl.so:ftp/curl FORTRAN_CMAKE_BOOL= fortran FORTRAN_DESC= Build Fortran components of ROOT FORTRAN_USES= fortran GDML_CMAKE_BOOL= gdml GDML_DESC= Enable support for GDML (Geometry Description Markup Language) HTTP_CMAKE_BOOL= http HTTP_DESC= Enable support for HTTP server HTTP_IMPLIES= WEBGUI IMT_CMAKE_BOOL= imt IMT_DESC= Enable support for implicit multi-threading via IntelĀ® Thread Building Blocks (TBB) IMT_LIB_DEPENDS= libtbb.so:devel/onetbb MATHMORE_CMAKE_BOOL= mathmore MATHMORE_DESC= Build libMathMore extended math library MATHMORE_LIB_DEPENDS= libgsl.so:math/gsl MYSQL_CMAKE_BOOL= mysql MYSQL_DESC= Enable support for MySQL databases MYSQL_LIB_DEPENDS= libunwind.so:devel/libunwind MYSQL_USES= mysql ssl OPENGL_CMAKE_BOOL= opengl OPENGL_DESC= Enable support for OpenGL OPENGL_IMPLIES= X11 OPENGL_LIB_DEPENDS= libftgl.so:graphics/ftgl \ libgl2ps.so:print/gl2ps OPENGL_USES= gl OPENGL_USE= gl=glew,glu,opengl PGSQL_CMAKE_BOOL= pgsql PGSQL_DESC= Enable support for PostgreSQL PGSQL_USES= pgsql:13+ PYROOT_CMAKE_BOOL= pyroot tmva-pymva PYROOT_DESC= Enable bindings between Python and C++ with PyROOT PYROOT_BUILD_DEPENDS= ${PYNUMPY} PYROOT_USES= python:3.9+,build,run PYROOT_USES_OFF= python:3.9+,build ROOFIT_CMAKE_BOOL= roofit ROOFIT_DESC= Build the advanced fitting package RooFit, and RooStats for statistical tests ROOT7_CMAKE_BOOL= root7 ROOT7_DESC= Build ROOT 7 components of ROOT SPECTRUM_CMAKE_BOOL= spectrum SPECTRUM_DESC= Enable support for TSpectrum SQLITE_CMAKE_BOOL= sqlite SQLITE_DESC= Enable support for SQLite SQLITE_USES= sqlite SSL_CMAKE_BOOL= ssl SSL_DESC= Enable support for SSL encryption via OpenSSL SSL_USES= ssl TMLP_CMAKE_BOOL= mlp TMLP_DESC= Enable support for TMultilayerPerceptron classes' federation TMLP_IMPLIES= TMVAML TMVAML_CMAKE_BOOL= tmva tmva-cpu TMVAML_DESC= Build TMVA multi variate analysis library, including TMVA with CPU support for deep learning TMVAML_IMPLIES= IMT TMVAML_LIB_DEPENDS= libopenblas.so:math/openblas VDT_CMAKE_BOOL= vdt VDT_DESC= Enable support for VDT (fast and vectorisable mathematical functions) VDT_LIB_DEPENDS= libvdt.so:math/vdt WEBGUI_CMAKE_BOOL= webgui WEBGUI_DESC= Build Web-based UI components of ROOT WEBGUI_IMPLIES= HTTP X11_CMAKE_BOOL= x11 X11_DESC= Enable support for X11/Xft X11_USES= xorg X11_USE= xorg=ice,sm,x11,xau,xaw,xcb,xcomposite,xcursor,xdamage,xdmcp,xext \ xorg=xfixes,xfont,xfont2,xft,xi,xinerama,xkbfile,xmu,xpm,xrandr,xrender \ xorg=xres,xscrnsaver,xt,xv,xxf86vm XML_CMAKE_BOOL= xml XML_DESC= Enable support for XML XML_USES= gnome XML_USE= gnome=libxml2 XROOTD_CMAKE_BOOL= xrootd XROOTD_DESC= Enable support for XRootD file server and client XROOTD_LIB_DEPENDS= libXrdCl.so:databases/xrootd .include ROOT_CLANG_VER= 16 PLIST_SUB+= PYVER="${PYTHON_VER:S/./_/}" \ ROOT_CLANG_VER="${ROOT_CLANG_VER}" \ SHLIB_SHVER="${DISTVERSION:R}" \ SHLIB_VER="${DISTVERSION}" # Some .modulemap, .pcm and .idx files are not installed on aarch64, a few headers are only installed on aarch64 .if ${OPSYS} == FreeBSD && ${ARCH} == "aarch64" PLIST_SUB+= NOT_INSTALLED_ON_AARCH64="@comment " ONLY_INSTALLED_ON_AARCH64="" .else PLIST_SUB+= NOT_INSTALLED_ON_AARCH64="" ONLY_INSTALLED_ON_AARCH64="@comment " .endif # atexit-like commands need 'throw()' specifier on 15aarch64 .if ${OPSYS} == FreeBSD && ${ARCH} == "aarch64" && ${OSVERSION} > 1499999 EXTRA_PATCHES= ${PATCHDIR}/extra-patch-interpreter_cling_lib_Interpreter_Interpreter.cpp.15aarch64 .endif # std_config.pcm exclusive to FreeBSD 14.0 .if ${OPSYS} == FreeBSD && ${OSREL} == 14.0 PLIST_SUB+= ONLY_INSTALLED_ON_FBSD140="" .else PLIST_SUB+= ONLY_INSTALLED_ON_FBSD140="@comment " .endif # Port patch removes implicit use of system's module.modulemap and applies # explicit use of the same module.modulemap, with modifications, provided # by the port eq_OSREL= ${OSREL} .if ${OPSYS} == FreeBSD && ${OSREL} == 14.1 # module.modulemap identical on 14.1 and 15.0 eq_OSREL= 15.0 .endif post-patch: ${CP} \ ${PATCHDIR}/interpreter-cling-include-cling-std__fbsd${eq_OSREL}.modulemap \ ${WRKSRC}/interpreter/cling/include/cling/std_fbsd.modulemap # Files in lib/root/__pycache__ have links into WRKDIR and should not be staged. This happens even when PYROOT option is OFF. post-install: ${RM} -r ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/root/__pycache__ .include diff --git a/devel/root/distinfo b/devel/root/distinfo index dd18fca4aee3..328fad162295 100644 --- a/devel/root/distinfo +++ b/devel/root/distinfo @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -TIMESTAMP = 1717088990 -SHA256 (root_v6.32.00.source.tar.gz) = 12f203681a59041c474ce9523761e6f0e8861b3bee78df5f799a8db55189e5d2 -SIZE (root_v6.32.00.source.tar.gz) = 192888872 +TIMESTAMP = 1719242568 +SHA256 (root_v6.32.02.source.tar.gz) = 3d0f76bf05857e1807ccfb2c9e014f525bcb625f94a2370b455f4b164961602d +SIZE (root_v6.32.02.source.tar.gz) = 192892722