diff --git a/lang/ghc/Makefile b/lang/ghc/Makefile index c5d1a0942b60..0b082f2cf8b3 100644 --- a/lang/ghc/Makefile +++ b/lang/ghc/Makefile @@ -1,345 +1,345 @@ PORTNAME= ghc PORTVERSION= ${GHC_VERSION} PORTREVISION?= 0 CATEGORIES= lang haskell MASTER_SITES= https://www.haskell.org/ghc/dist/${PORTVERSION}/:source \ LOCAL/arrowd/:boot DISTFILES= ghc-${PORTVERSION}-src${EXTRACT_SUFX}:source MAINTAINER= haskell@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Compiler for the functional language Haskell WWW= https://www.haskell.org/ghc/ LICENSE= BSD3CLAUSE LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= aarch64 amd64 i386 BUILD_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/libgmp.so:math/gmp USES= autoreconf compiler:c11 gmake \ ncurses perl5 python:build shebangfix \ tar:xz GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --docdir=${DOCSDIR} CONFIGURE_ENV= ALEX=/usr/bin/true HAPPY=/usr/bin/true INSTALL_TARGET= install-strip USE_LOCALE= en_US.UTF-8 USE_PERL5= build NO_CCACHE= yes OPTIONS_SUB= yes SHEBANG_FILES= ${BOOT_SCRIPT} OPTIONS_DEFINE?= DYNAMIC GMP PROFILE DOCS OPTIONS_DEFAULT= DYNAMIC PROFILE GMP OPTIONS_GROUP= BOOTSTRAP BOOTSTRAP_DESC= Bootsrap using installed ghc OPTIONS_GROUP_BOOTSTRAP=BOOT BOOT_DESC= Use installed GHC for bootstrapping DOCS_DESC= Install HTML documentation DYNAMIC_DESC= Add support for dynamic linking GMP_DESC= Use GNU Multi-precision Library from Ports PROFILE_DESC= Add support for performance profiling BOOT_CONFIGURE_ENV= GHC=${LOCALBASE}/bin/ghc BOOT_CONFIGURE_ENV_OFF= GHC=${BOOT_GHC} LLC=llc${BOOT_LLVM_VERSION} OPT=opt${BOOT_LLVM_VERSION} DOCS_BUILD_DEPENDS= sphinx-build:textproc/py-sphinx \ xelatex:print/tex-xetex \ ${LOCALBASE}/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf:x11-fonts/dejavu DOCS_VARS= enable_docs=YES DOCS_VARS_OFF= enable_docs=NO hadrian_docs_arg=--docs=none DYNAMIC_CONFIGURE_WITH= system-libffi \ ffi-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include \ ffi-libraries=${LOCALBASE}/lib DYNAMIC_LIB_DEPENDS= libffi.so:devel/libffi DYNAMIC_VARS= enable_dynamic=YES hadrian_setting_dynamic=True DYNAMIC_VARS_OFF= enable_dynamic=NO hadrian_setting_dynamic=False # do not replace this with GMP_CONFIGURE_WITH # it adds "--without-gmp-*" when the option is OFF, which results in "no" value # to be used as directory name GMP_CONFIGURE_ON= --with-gmp-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include \ --with-gmp-libraries=${LOCALBASE}/lib GMP_LIB_DEPENDS= libgmp.so:math/gmp GMP_VARS_OFF= hadrian_gmp_arg=--bignum=native PROFILE_VARS= enable_profile=YES hadrian_setting_profile=True PROFILE_VARS_OFF= enable_profile=NO hadrian_setting_profile=False GHC_VERSION?= 9.6.4 LLVM_VERSION?= 15 BOOT_GHC_VERSION?= 9.2.8 # LLVM version that bootstrap compiler uses BOOT_LLVM_VERSION?= 12 BASE_PACKAGES?= Cabal- array- base- binary- \ bytestring- containers-0.6.7 deepseq- \ directory- exceptions-0.10.7 filepath- \ ghc-${GHC_VERSION} ghc-bignum-1.3 ghc-compact- \ ghc-prim-0.10.0 haskeline- hpc- \ integer-gmp-1.1 mtl-2.3.1 parsec- pretty- \ process- stm- template-haskell- \ terminfo- text-2.0.2 time-1.12.2 \ transformers- unix- xhtml-3000.2.2.1 .for pkg in ${BASE_PACKAGES} PLIST_SUB+= ${pkg:C/-([0-9.])+//:tu}_VERSION=${pkg:C/^([^\.]*-)+//} .endfor BUILD_MK= DYNAMIC_GHC_PROGRAMS=${ENABLE_DYNAMIC} \ BUILD_PROF_LIBS=${ENABLE_PROFILE} \ HADDOCK_DOCS=YES \ BUILD_SPHINX_HTML=${ENABLE_DOCS} \ BUILD_SPHINX_PDF=NO \ SRC_HC_OPTS+="-I${NCURSESINC} -L${NCURSESLIB} -I${LOCALBASE}/include -L${LOCALBASE}/lib" \ SRC_CC_OPTS+="${CFLAGS}" \ EXTRA_HSC2HS_OPTS+="-I${LOCALBASE}/include --lflag=-L${LOCALBASE}/lib" \ EXTRA_LD_OPTS+="-L${LOCALBASE}/lib" \ libraries/terminfo_CONFIGURE_OPTS+="--configure-option=--with-curses-libraries=${NCURSESLIB}" \ ${SLAVE_BUILD_MK} \ V=0 .include .if ${GHC_VERSION:C/\..*//g} >= 9 && ${ARCH} != i386 # hadrian build on i386 fails due to https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=269570 # relocation R_386_TLS_LE cannot be used with -shared USE_HADRIAN= yes .endif .if ${GHC_VERSION:C/\..*//g} >= 9 && ${GHC_VERSION:C/[^\.]*\.//:C/\..*//g} >= 4 BOOT_SCRIPT= ./boot.source IGNORE_i386= requires Hadrian build which doesn't work on i386 .else BOOT_SCRIPT= ./boot .endif .if ${SLAVE_PORT} != "yes" PORTDOCS= * HADRIAN_PLAN= ${PATCHDIR}/plan-bootstrap-${BOOT_GHC_VERSION:C/\./_/g}.json .else HADRIAN_DOCS_ARG= --docs=none HADRIAN_PLAN= ${MASTERDIR}/files/plan-bootstrap-${BOOT_GHC_VERSION:C/\./_/g}.json PLIST_SUB+= GMP= .endif .ifdef USE_HADRIAN LIB_DEPENDS+= libffi.so:devel/libffi .undef DYNAMIC_CONFIGURE_WITH CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-system-libffi --with-ffi-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include --with-ffi-libraries=${LOCALBASE}/lib CONFIGURE_ENV+= CC=${CC} CXX=${CXX} SHEBANG_FILES+= hadrian/bootstrap/bootstrap.py HADRIAN_CMD= ${WRKSRC}/hadrian/bootstrap/_build/bin/hadrian ${HADRIAN_DOCS_ARG} ${HADRIAN_GMP_ARG} DO_MAKE_BUILD= ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${HADRIAN_CMD} ${_MAKE_JOBS} --flavour=ports ALL_TARGET= binary-dist-dir INSTALL_WRKSRC= ${WRKSRC}/_build/bindist/ghc-${GHC_VERSION}-${CONFIGURE_TARGET} INSTALL_TARGET= install PLIST?= ${.CURDIR}/pkg-plist.hadrian . if (empty(PORT_OPTIONS:MDYNAMIC) || empty(PORT_OPTIONS:MPROFILE)) IGNORE= Building with Hadrian requires both DYNAMIC and PROFILE for now . endif .endif GHC_ARCH= ${ARCH:S/amd64/x86_64/:C/armv.*/arm/} CONFIGURE_TARGET= ${GHC_ARCH}-portbld-${OPSYS:tl} BOOT_DIR= ${WRKDIR}/ghc-${BOOT_GHC_VERSION}-boot BOOT_INSTALL_DIR= ${WRKDIR}/ghc-boot-install BOOT_GHC= ${BOOT_INSTALL_DIR}/bin/ghc-${BOOT_GHC_VERSION} PLIST_SUB+= GHC_ARCH=${GHC_ARCH} .if ${BOOT_GHC_VERSION:C/\..*//g} >= 9 BOOT_DIR= ${WRKDIR}/ghc-${BOOT_GHC_VERSION}-${CONFIGURE_TARGET} .endif # this is hacky but 92 is special as it is compiled with autotools on i386 and with Hadrian elsewhere .if ${SLAVE_PORT} == "yes" && ${PKGNAMESUFFIX} == "92" . ifdef USE_HADRIAN PLIST= ${.CURDIR}/../ghc92/pkg-plist.hadrian . else PLIST= ${.CURDIR}/../ghc92/pkg-plist . endif .endif # This version of ncurses is needed by bootstrap compiler .if empty(PORT_OPTIONS:MBOOT) BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/compat/libncursesw.so.8:misc/compat12x .endif .if empty(PORT_OPTIONS:MBOOT) DISTFILES+= ghc-${BOOT_GHC_VERSION}-boot-${ARCH}-freebsd${EXTRACT_SUFX}:boot . if !defined(IGNORE_MISSING_HADRIAN) && defined(USE_HADRIAN) DISTFILES+= hadrian-${GHC_VERSION}-boot.tar.gz:boot . endif .endif # MBOOT .if ${ARCH} == aarch64 || ${ARCH:Marmv*} # ghc-8.10.x on arm requires devel/llvm10 # CONFIGURE_TARGET must to be the same as the llvm triple CONFIGURE_TARGET= ${ARCH}-unknown-freebsd${"${ARCH:Maarch64}" != "":?:-gnueabihf} CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --host=${CONFIGURE_TARGET} BUILD_DEPENDS+= llc${LLVM_VERSION}:devel/llvm${LLVM_VERSION} RUN_DEPENDS+= llc${LLVM_VERSION}:devel/llvm${LLVM_VERSION} # When GHC being compiled and GHC used for bootstrapping support different # LLVM versions, we have to pull in both. Luckily, this is relatively rare. . if ${BOOT_LLVM_VERSION} != ${LLVM_VERSION} BUILD_DEPENDS+= llc${BOOT_LLVM_VERSION}:devel/llvm${BOOT_LLVM_VERSION} . endif .endif post-patch: # Generate the build.mk file ${RM} -f ${WRKSRC}/mk/build.mk .for line in ${BUILD_MK} ${ECHO_CMD} ${line} >> ${WRKSRC}/mk/build.mk .endfor .ifdef USE_HADRIAN ${SED} -e 's|%%DYNAMIC%%|${HADRIAN_SETTING_DYNAMIC}|' \ -e 's|%%PROFILE%%|${HADRIAN_SETTING_PROFILE}|' \ ${PATCHDIR}/UserSettings.hs > ${WRKSRC}/hadrian/src/UserSettings.hs .endif pre-configure: # Call the bootstrap script cd ${WRKSRC}/ && ${BOOT_SCRIPT} # If we are using bootstrap compiler, configure and install it into ${BOOT_DIR} .if empty(PORT_OPTIONS:MBOOT) cd ${BOOT_DIR} && ${CONFIGURE_CMD} ${CONFIGURE_ENV} --prefix=${BOOT_INSTALL_DIR} - cd ${BOOT_DIR} && ${MAKE_CMD} PACKAGES='' install + cd ${BOOT_DIR} && ${SETENVI} ${WRK_ENV} ${GMAKE} PACKAGES='' install .endif .ifdef USE_HADRIAN # Compile Hadrian cd ${WRKSRC}/hadrian/bootstrap && \ ./bootstrap.py -w ${BOOT_GHC} -s ${DISTDIR}/hadrian-${GHC_VERSION}-boot.tar.gz .endif .ifdef USE_HADRIAN pre-install: cd ${INSTALL_WRKSRC} && ${CONFIGURE_CMD} ${CONFIGURE_ENV} --prefix=${PREFIX} .endif post-install: .ifdef USE_HADRIAN # Hadrian doesn't have --docdir ${MV} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR}-${GHC_VERSION} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} # These includes are duplicated in lib/ghc-X.Y.Z/lib//rts-X.Y.Z/include ${RM} -r ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/include/* .endif ${FIND} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} -name .buildinfo -delete # For some reason, INSTALL_TARGET=install-strip doesn't cause libraries to be stripped # Run strip on them manually ${FIND} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/ghc-${GHC_VERSION} -type f -perm +111 -exec ${STRIP_CMD} {} + ${FIND} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/ghc-${GHC_VERSION} -name '*.so' -exec ${STRIP_CMD} {} + ${RM} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/haddock .if ${SLAVE_PORT} == "yes" . ifndef USE_HADRIAN ${MV} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/hsc2hs ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/hsc2hs-ghc-${GHC_VERSION} . endif ${FIND} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin -not -type d -not -regex '.*-${GHC_VERSION}' -delete ${RM} -r ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/ghc-${GHC_VERSION}/html ${RM} -r ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/ghc-${GHC_VERSION}/latex .endif post-install-DOCS-off: # Docs for Haskell libraries are generated by Haddock, not sphinx, so we have # to pass WITH_HADDOCK=no to the build.mk to skip their generation. # However, we don't want to do that because this would cause Haddock itself not # to be built. ${RM} -r ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR}/html .if exists(${BOOT_INSTALL_DIR}/bin/runhaskell) RUNHASKELL?= ${BOOT_INSTALL_DIR}/bin/runhaskell .else RUNHASKELL?= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/runhaskell .endif .PHONY: fixup-plist fixup-plist: ${RUNHASKELL} ${PATCHDIR}/fixup-plist.hs ${.CURDIR}/pkg-plist # Create a bootstrap compiler tar ball: run this in an interactive poudriere jail # Set all OPTIONS to OFF when generating bootstraps .PHONY: create-bootstrap create-bootstrap: .ifndef USE_HADRIAN cd ${WRKSRC} \ && ${ECHO_CMD} "BIN_DIST_NAME=ghc-${GHC_VERSION}-boot" >> mk/build.mk \ && ${ECHO_CMD} "BIN_DIST_TAR=ghc-${GHC_VERSION}-boot.tar" >> mk/build.mk \ && ${ECHO_CMD} "HADDOCK_DOCS=NO" >> mk/build.mk \ - && ${GMAKE} binary-dist TAR_COMP=xz \ + && ${SETENVI} ${WRK_ENV} ${GMAKE} binary-dist TAR_COMP=xz \ && ${MV} ${WRKSRC}/ghc-${GHC_VERSION}-boot-${GHC_ARCH}-portbld-freebsd.tar.xz /tmp/ghc-${GHC_VERSION}-boot-${ARCH}-freebsd.tar.xz .else cd ${WRKSRC} \ && ${HADRIAN_CMD} binary-dist-xz \ && ${MV} ${WRKSRC}/_build/bindist/ghc-${GHC_VERSION}-${CONFIGURE_TARGET}.tar.xz /tmp/ghc-${GHC_VERSION}-boot-${ARCH}-freebsd.tar.xz .endif @cd /tmp \ && sha256 ghc-${GHC_VERSION}-boot-${ARCH}-freebsd.tar.xz \ && ${ECHO_CMD} -n "SIZE (ghc-${GHC_VERSION}-boot-${ARCH}-freebsd.tar.xz) = " \ && ${STAT} -f %z ghc-${GHC_VERSION}-boot-${ARCH}-freebsd.tar.xz # Much like create-bootstrap, just different naming and output format # Set DYNAMIC, GMP and PROFILE to ON, and DOCS to OFF when generating Stack bindist .PHONY: create-stack-bindist create-stack-bindist: .ifndef USE_HADRIAN cd ${WRKSRC} \ - && ${GMAKE} binary-dist TAR_COMP=xz \ + && ${SETENVI} ${WRK_ENV} ${GMAKE} binary-dist TAR_COMP=xz \ && ${MV} ${WRKSRC}/ghc-${GHC_VERSION}-${GHC_ARCH}-portbld-freebsd.tar.xz /tmp/ .else cd ${WRKSRC} \ && ${HADRIAN_CMD} binary-dist-xz \ && ${MV} ${WRKSRC}/_build/bindist/ghc-${GHC_VERSION}-${GHC_ARCH}-portbld-freebsd.tar.xz /tmp/ .endif cd /tmp \ && ${ECHO_CMD} "${GHC_VERSION}:" \ && ${ECHO_CMD} "url: \"http://distcache.FreeBSD.org/local-distfiles/arrowd/stack-bindists/ghc-${GHC_VERSION}-${GHC_ARCH}-portbld-freebsd.tar.xz\"" \ && ${ECHO_CMD} -n "content-length: " \ && ${STAT} -f %z ghc-${GHC_VERSION}-${GHC_ARCH}-portbld-freebsd.tar.xz \ && ${ECHO_CMD} -n "sha1: " \ && sha1 -q ghc-${GHC_VERSION}-${GHC_ARCH}-portbld-freebsd.tar.xz \ && ${ECHO_CMD} -n "sha256: " \ && sha256 -q ghc-${GHC_VERSION}-${GHC_ARCH}-portbld-freebsd.tar.xz .PHONY: create-hadrian-bootstrap create-hadrian-bootstrap: .if !empty(PORT_OPTIONS:MBOOT) @${ECHO_CMD} "Generating Hadrian bootstrap without bootstrap GHC isn't supported" ${FALSE} .endif ${MAKE} -C ${.CURDIR} patch build-depends USE_PACKAGE_DEPENDS_ONLY=yes IGNORE_MISSING_HADRIAN=yes # We always would need to create our own plan.json file and put it into PATCHDIR: # Predefined plans use integer-gmp, while we build bootstraps with integer-simple # Predefined plans aren't pretty-printed, so we can't easily patch them cd ${WRKSRC}/hadrian/bootstrap && \ ./bootstrap.py -w ${BOOT_GHC} --deps ${HADRIAN_PLAN} fetch -o /tmp/hadrian-${GHC_VERSION}-boot @cd /tmp \ && sha256 hadrian-${GHC_VERSION}-boot.tar.gz \ && ${ECHO_CMD} -n "SIZE (hadrian-${GHC_VERSION}-boot.tar.gz) = " \ && ${STAT} -f %z hadrian-${GHC_VERSION}-boot.tar.gz @${ECHO_CMD} @${ECHO_CMD} "Remember to check that hadrian bootstrap builds fine by running \"make check-hadrian-bootstrap\"" .PHONY: check-hadrian-bootstrap check-hadrian-bootstrap: .if !empty(PORT_OPTIONS:MBOOT) @${ECHO_CMD} "Generating Hadrian bootstrap without bootstrap GHC isn't supported" ${FALSE} .endif # Install bootstrap GHC - ${MAKE} -C ${.CURDIR} pre-configure + ${MAKE_CMD} -C ${.CURDIR} pre-configure # Compile Hadrian cd ${WRKSRC}/hadrian/bootstrap && \ ./bootstrap.py -w ${BOOT_GHC} -s /tmp/hadrian-${GHC_VERSION}-boot.tar.gz .include