diff --git a/mail/mailman/Makefile b/mail/mailman/Makefile index 8250bc733ec6..f385a3a09d7f 100644 --- a/mail/mailman/Makefile +++ b/mail/mailman/Makefile @@ -1,242 +1,243 @@ # Created by: n_hibma@qubesoft.com PORTNAME= mailman -DISTVERSION= 2.1.37 +DISTVERSION= 2.1.38 +PORTREVISION= 0 CATEGORIES= mail MASTER_SITES= GNU \ SF/${PORTNAME}/Mailman%202.1%20%28stable%29/${PORTVERSION} \ https://launchpad.net/mailman/${DISTVERSION:R}/${DISTVERSION}/+download/ DIST_SUBDIR= mailman PATCH_SITES= LOCAL/mandree PATCH_DIST_STRIP= -p1 MAINTAINER= mandree@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Mailing list manager with user-friendly web front-end LICENSE= GPLv2 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/gnu-COPYING-GPL USES= autoreconf cpe fakeroot python:2.7 shebangfix tar:tgz CPE_VENDOR= gnu USE_RC_SUBR= mailman SHEBANG_FILES= bin/msgfmt.py \ tests/fblast.py \ tests/onebounce.py GNU_CONFIGURE= yes GNU_CONFIGURE_PREFIX= ${MAILMANDIR} CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-python=${PYTHON_CMD} \ --with-username=${MM_USERNAME} \ --with-groupname=${MM_GROUPNAME} \ --with-mail-gid=${MAIL_GID} --with-cgi-gid=${CGI_GID} \ --with-permcheck=no \ --with-mailhost=localhost \ --with-urlhost=localhost CONFLICTS= ja-mailman-2.1.* mailman*exim* mailman*postfix* # The Mailman port supports a number of variables that may be tweaked at # build time. Getting the values of some of them right is crucial! # MM_USERNAME?= mailman MM_USERID?= 91 MM_GROUPNAME?= ${MM_USERNAME} MM_GROUPID?= ${MM_USERID} MM_DIR?= mailman CGI_GID?= www IMGDIR?= www/icons # # End of user-configurable variables. USERS= ${MM_USERNAME} GROUPS= ${MM_GROUPNAME} MAILMANDIR= ${PREFIX}/${MM_DIR} PLIST_SUB= MMDIR=${MM_DIR} IMGDIR=${IMGDIR} MM_USERNAME=${MM_USERNAME} MM_GROUPNAME=${MM_GROUPNAME} SUB_FILES= pkg-message pkg-install mailman.newsyslog.sample SUB_LIST= MAILMANDIR=${MAILMANDIR} USER=${MM_USERNAME} GROUP=${MM_GROUPNAME} PYTHON_CMD="${PYTHON_CMD}" PKGDEINSTALL= ${PKGINSTALL} PORTDOCS= ACKNOWLEDGMENTS BUGS FAQ INSTALL NEWS README README-I18N.en \ README.CONTRIB README.NETSCAPE \ README.USERAGENT TODO UPGRADING \ mailman-admin.txt \ mailman-install.txt \ mailman-member.txt \ FreeBSD-post-install-notes OPTIONS_SINGLE= MTA OPTIONS_SINGLE_MTA= COURIER EXIM4 OPENSMTPD POSTFIX SENDMAIL OPTIONS_DEFINE= HTDIG NAMAZU2 NOMAILPWD NLS DOCS OPTIONS_DEFAULT= SENDMAIL NOMAILPWD COURIER_DESC= for use with courier EXIM4_DESC= for use with exim4 EXIM4_RUN_DEPENDS= exim>=0:mail/exim OPENSMTPD_DESC= for use with opensmtpd - EXPERIMENTAL - POSTFIX_DESC= for use with postfix POSTFIX_RUN_DEPENDS= postfix:mail/postfix SENDMAIL_DESC= for use with sendmail HTDIG_DESC= - EXPERIMENTAL - htdig integration patches NAMAZU2_DESC= Make private archives searchable with namazu2 NOMAILPWD_DESC= Elide plaintext passwords from monthly reminders MTA_DESC= Integrate with which MTA? .include <bsd.port.options.mk> SUB_LIST+= NLS="${PORT_OPTIONS:MNLS}" # enforce EXAMPLES option, necessary so that @sample # can install the newsyslog file .if empty(PORT_OPTIONS:MEXAMPLES) PORT_OPTIONS+= EXAMPLES .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MNLS} USES+= gettext PLIST_SUB+= NLS="" .else PLIST_SUB+= NLS="@comment " MAKE_ARGS+= LANGUAGES=en .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MSENDMAIL} MAIL_GID?= mailnull .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MEXIM4} MAIL_GID?= mail .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MPOSTFIX} MAIL_GID?= mailman EXTRA_PATCHES+= ${FILESDIR}/postfix-verp.diff .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MCOURIER} MAIL_GID?= courier .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MOPENSMTPD} MAIL_GID?= _smtpd .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MHTDIG} # no whitespace here! PKGNAMESUFFIX:= ${PKGNAMESUFFIX}-with-htdig # how to create PATCHFILES: #X identify what is the version of msapiro's patches corresponding to the release. #X fetch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~msapiro/mailman/htdig/tarball/1822 #X unpack this tarball, and the original distfile #X diff -NEur original-unpack bazaar-unpack | xz --best -c >msapiro-htdig-1822.patch.xz #X upload the latter with mode 0644 or similar to freefall's public_distfiles/ directory _HTDIGREV= 1822 PATCHFILES+= msapiro-htdig-${_HTDIGREV}.patch.xz RUN_DEPENDS+= htdig:textproc/htdig PLIST_SUB+= SUB_HTDIG="" .else PLIST_SUB+= SUB_HTDIG="@comment " .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MNAMAZU2} RUN_DEPENDS+= mknmz:databases/namazu2 EXTRA_PATCHES+= ${FILESDIR}/extra-patch-Mailman-Cgi-private.py .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MNOMAILPWD} EXTRA_PATCHES+= ${FILESDIR}/extra-patch-mailpasswds .endif BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}dnspython>=0:dns/py-dnspython@${PY_FLAVOR} RUN_DEPENDS+= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}dnspython>=0:dns/py-dnspython@${PY_FLAVOR} pre-everything:: @${ECHO} "" @${ECHO} "You may change the following build options:" @${ECHO} "" @${ECHO} "Option Default Value Description" @${ECHO} "------------- --------------- ------------------------------------------------" @${ECHO} "MM_USERNAME mailman The username of the Mailman user." @${ECHO} "MM_USERID 91 The user ID of the Mailman user." @${ECHO} "MM_GROUPNAME mailman The group to which the Mailman user will belong." @${ECHO} "MM_GROUPID \$$MM_USERID The group ID for the Mailman user." @${ECHO} "MM_DIR mailman Mailman will be installed in" @${ECHO} " ${PREFIX}/${MM_DIR}." @${ECHO} "CGI_GID www The group name or id under which your web" @${ECHO} " server executes CGI scripts." @${ECHO} "IMGDIR www/icons Icon images will be installed in" @${ECHO} " ${PREFIX}/${IMGDIR}." @${ECHO} "" post-patch: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's#%%LOCALBASE%%#${LOCALBASE}#g' \ ${WRKSRC}/Mailman/Defaults.py.in ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/^0,5,10/#&/' ${WRKSRC}/cron/crontab.in.in .if empty(PORT_OPTIONS:MNLS) ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/messages//' ${WRKSRC}/Makefile.in .endif ${MV} ${WRKSRC}/configure.in ${WRKSRC}/configure.ac # suppress warning # post-patch-HTDIG-on is to fix https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=238508 post-patch-HTDIG-on: # these should match those in ht://Dig's ${LOCALBASE}/bin/rundig ${REINPLACE_CMD} -E \ -e 's#^(DBDIR)=/opt/www/var/htdig#\1=${LOCALBASE}/share/htdig/database#' \ -e 's#^(COMMONDIR)=/opt/www/share/htdig#\1=${LOCALBASE}/share/htdig/common#' \ -e 's#^(BINDIR)=/opt/www/bin#\1=${LOCALBASE}/bin#' \ -e 's#^(conffile)=/opt/www/conf/#\1=${LOCALBASE}/etc/htdig/#' \ ${WRKSRC}/cron/rundig ${REINPLACE_CMD} -E \ -e 's#/opt/www/htdig/bin#${LOCALBASE}/bin#' \ ${WRKSRC}/Mailman/Cgi/remote?mmsearch .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MPOSTFIX} pre-configure: ${ECHO} "MTA = 'Postfix'" >> ${WRKSRC}/Mailman/mm_cfg.py.dist.in .endif post-install: ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR} ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/mailman.newsyslog.sample ${STAGEDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR} .for i in admindb admin confirm create edithtml listinfo options private \ rmlist roster subscribe ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${MAILMANDIR}/cgi-bin/${i} .endfor .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MHTDIG} .for i in htdig mmsearch ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${MAILMANDIR}/cgi-bin/${i} .endfor .endif ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${MAILMANDIR}/mail/mailman # Compile additional Python scripts: .for dir in bin (cd ${STAGEDIR}${MAILMANDIR} \ && ${PYTHON_CMD} ${PYTHON_LIBDIR}/compileall.py \ -d ${MAILMANDIR}/${dir} ${dir}) .endfor @${RM} ${STAGEDIR}${MAILMANDIR}/pythonlib/*.egg-info @# mm_cfg.py is handled by pkg-plist, no need to archive a copy: @${RM} ${STAGEDIR}${MAILMANDIR}/Mailman/mm_cfg.py @${RM} ${STAGEDIR}${MAILMANDIR}/Mailman/mm_cfg.pyc @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/${IMGDIR} ${CP} -p ${STAGEDIR}${MAILMANDIR}/icons/* ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/${IMGDIR} ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/powerlogo.png \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/${IMGDIR}/ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/powerlogo.png \ ${STAGEDIR}${MAILMANDIR}/icons/ .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MDOCS} ${CP} -R ${WRKSRC}/doc/* ${WRKSRC}/ @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/FreeBSD-post-install-notes ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} .for docfile in ${PORTDOCS:NFreeBSD-post-install-notes} ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/${docfile} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} .endfor .endif @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PYTHONPREFIX_SITELIBDIR} ${ECHO} "This marker file ensures that Python's upgrade-site-packages handles ${PKGNAME}." >${STAGEDIR}${PYTHONPREFIX_SITELIBDIR}/mailman-info.txt ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${PKGINSTALL} ${STAGEDIR}${MAILMANDIR}/bin/FreeBSD-post-install ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${MAILMANDIR}/templates/site/en ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/templates_site_README.txt ${STAGEDIR}${MAILMANDIR}/templates/site/README.txt .include <bsd.port.mk> diff --git a/mail/mailman/distinfo b/mail/mailman/distinfo index b7eb6f32f810..acd4074ba3bb 100644 --- a/mail/mailman/distinfo +++ b/mail/mailman/distinfo @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -TIMESTAMP = 1636797368 -SHA256 (mailman/mailman-2.1.37.tgz) = 689ff350857728ccc4ed379ceef54b93f710af8740cabc3bfe0348173b6b3f4f -SIZE (mailman/mailman-2.1.37.tgz) = 9508379 +TIMESTAMP = 1638384323 +SHA256 (mailman/mailman-2.1.38.tgz) = ac093ec2ed3eb93b41f1e1b19d39cf41e1bdd09587979835fe154dac6777fc68 +SIZE (mailman/mailman-2.1.38.tgz) = 9508426 SHA256 (mailman/msapiro-htdig-1822.patch.xz) = fa1da6fb7c0946a6723bc2766501c222fa73c8d794566a3b6e5718a7d1840265 SIZE (mailman/msapiro-htdig-1822.patch.xz) = 50700 diff --git a/mail/mailman/files/pkg-message.in b/mail/mailman/files/pkg-message.in index ea74d13ee574..7176faa9709b 100644 --- a/mail/mailman/files/pkg-message.in +++ b/mail/mailman/files/pkg-message.in @@ -1,78 +1,81 @@ [ { type: install, message <<EOM Mailman has been installed, but requires further configuration before use! You also must configure both your MTA (mail server) and web server to integrate with Mailman. If the port's documentation has been installed, extensive post-installation instructions may be found in: %%DOCSDIR%%/FreeBSD-post-install-notes %%DOCSDIR%%/mailman-install.txt (start at section 4) Note (1): - ESPECIALLY RELEVANT FOR USERS OF THE BINARY PACKAGE - The FreeBSD binary package is built for use with Sendmail, and it will not work properly with alternative MTAs such as Exim or Postfix. - In order for Mailman to work with an alternative mailer, -the port must be installed from source, with proper options configured, -or from a package built in poudriere (which is a separate port in -ports-mgmt) with adapted options. (poudriere options -cn mail/mailman) + In order for Mailman to work with an alternative mailer, please use +mailman-exim4 or mailman-postfix instead, or +mailman-exim4-with-htdig or mailman-postfix-with-htdig. + For use with other mailers (Courier, OpenSMTPd), the port must be installed +from source, with proper options configured, or from a package built in +poudriere (which is a separate port in ports-mgmt) with adapted options. +(poudriere options -cn mail/mailman) - FOR USERS OF A PORT BUILT FROM SOURCE - If you use an alternate MTA (meaning "not Sendmail"), you MUST be sure that the correct value of MAIL_GID was used when this port or package was built. You can choose your MTA with the correct MAIL_GID by running "make config" in the Mailman port's directory. Note (2): The entire Mailman installation resides under %%MAILMANDIR%%. The command-line scripts necessary to administer Mailman have been installed in %%MAILMANDIR%%/bin. In order to make private archives searchable with namazu2, you need to copy or link %%LOCALBASE%%/libexec/namazu.cgi to %%MAILMANDIR%%/archives/private/<ML_name>/ and configure .namazurc. Refer to %%LOCALBASE%%/etc/namazu/namazurc.sample. EOM } { type: install, message: <<EOM If you did just install mailman with pkg -I, --no-script or --no-install-scripts, you MUST(!) run the post-install script now, as root: env "PKG_PREFIX=%%PREFIX%%" sh \ %%MAILMANDIR%%/bin/FreeBSD-post-install x POST-INSTALL This will set up most defaults (cron jobs, default configuration etc.). EOM } { type: upgrade maximum_version: 2.1.18 message <<EOM UPDATE INFORMATION FOR UPDATES OF 2.1.18/OLDER TO VERSION 2.1.19 AND NEWER: Changed behavior - Mailman's log files, request.pck files and heldmsg-* files are no longer created world readable to protect against access by untrusted local users. Note that permissions on existing log files won't be changed so if you are concerned about this and don't rotate logs or have a logrotate process that creates new log files instead of letting Mailman create them, you will need to address that. (LP: #1327404) The mailman newsyslog.conf(5) filename has been changed: OLD: %%PREFIX%%/etc/newsyslog.conf.d/mailman.newsyslog NEW: %%PREFIX%%/etc/newsyslog.conf.d/mailman.conf Any file found at the old location has been automatically moved to the new location. This was done to ensure log rotation continues to work after change r340318 made to FreeBSD base, where the default newsyslog configuration now only includes filenames that end with '.conf' and do not begin with '.'. If you use provisioning/configuration management tools to create or edit this file, you will need to change their configuration to use the new filename. EOM } ]