diff --git a/graphics/rawtherapee/Makefile b/graphics/rawtherapee/Makefile index 1297847761dd..58d98dd32baa 100644 --- a/graphics/rawtherapee/Makefile +++ b/graphics/rawtherapee/Makefile @@ -1,198 +1,200 @@ PORTNAME= rawtherapee PORTVERSION= 5.11 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= graphics MASTER_SITES= https://github.com/Beep6581/RawTherapee/releases/download/${PORTVERSION}/ \ https://rawtherapee.com/shared/source/ \ LOCAL/mandree/ MAINTAINER= mandree@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Powerful RAW image processing application WWW= https://www.rawtherapee.com/ LICENSE= GPLv3 LIB_DEPENDS= \ libcanberra-gtk3.so:audio/libcanberra-gtk3 \ libexiv2.so:graphics/exiv2 \ libexpat.so:textproc/expat2 \ libfftw3.so:math/fftw3 \ libfftw3f.so:math/fftw3-float \ libfontconfig.so:x11-fonts/fontconfig \ libfreetype.so:print/freetype2 \ libiptcdata.so:graphics/libiptcdata \ libjxl_threads.so:graphics/libjxl \ liblcms2.so:graphics/lcms2 \ liblensfun.so:graphics/lensfun \ libpng.so:graphics/png \ libsigc-2.0.so:devel/libsigc++20 \ libtiff.so:graphics/tiff # We cannot use gcc-c++11-lib as of 2024-02-23 because # Uses/compiler.mk would use the default compiler instead # as though USE_GCC=yes had been set. USES= autoreconf:build cmake desktop-file-utils compiler:c++11-lib gnome \ jpeg libtool:build localbase:ldflags pkgconfig tar:xz USE_GNOME= gtkmm30 librsvg2 _LTO_FLAGS= -flto=${MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER} # gcc needs -flto=${MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER} for parallel link (fixed in GCC 10?) # and does not understand -flto=thin # # llvm/clang needs -flto=thin and will automatically parallelize the link # Fix : # 11.x has binutils that don't accept a --plugin option, # and gcc-ar9 appears to grab those, so make sure that USE_BINUTILS # override those in /usr/bin which usually is first in the PATH, # before ${LOCALBASE}/bin. # (For some reason, poudriere does not trigger this.) BINARY_ALIAS+= ar=${AR} ranlib=${RANLIB} # _AR= ${CC:S/gcc/gcc-ar/} _RANLIB= ${CC:S/gcc/gcc-ranlib/} CMAKE_ARGS+= -DDOCDIR="${DOCSDIR}" \ -DCREDITSDIR="${DOCSDIR}" \ -DLICENCEDIR="${DOCSDIR}" \ -DDESKTOPDIR="${DESKTOPDIR}" \ -DDATADIR="${DATADIR}" \ -DCACHE_NAME_SUFFIX="" \ -Wno-dev \ -DCMAKE_AR:FILEPATH=${_AR} \ -DCMAKE_RANLIB:FILEPATH=${_RANLIB} \ -DCMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP0056:STRING=NEW CONFIGURE_ENV+= AR=${_AR} RANLIB=${_RANLIB} # for embedded RawTherapee # 3.4.x: CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS is not passed to TRY_COMPILE by default # any more. The CMP0056 policy must be explicitly set to NEW to ensure # linker flags are passed. Else -lomp is not found with clang. # See: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.4/policy/CMP0056.html CFLAGS+= -I${LOCALBASE}/include -fPIC ${_OPT_FLAGS} LDFLAGS+= -Wl,--as-needed -lpthread ${_OPT_FLAGS} +PIE_UNSAFE= yes + .if defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING) && empty(CFLAGS:M-march*) && (${ARCH} == i386 || ${ARCH} == amd64 || ${ARCH} == aarch64) # this gets translated to -mtune=generic, see ${WRKSRC}/ProcessorTargets.cmake # and as of GCC 8.3, it appears that among FreeBSD's supported architectures, # only the three listed above support this GCC option. CMAKE_ARGS+= -DPROC_TARGET_NUMBER="1" .endif # For gcc-based builds, rawtherapee's cmake ends up with GCC's absolute path # in the CC/CXX variables, effectively disabling ccache. Wrap compiler in ccache explicitly. # CCACHE_ENABLED does not get enabled soon enough as of dceadb6b0011 in February 2024, # so we need to re-do what bsd.ccache.mk does. # See also https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=277204 # NB: When changing this, make sure that the compiler is still wrapped by ccache! .if "${WITH_CCACHE_BUILD}" == "yes" && !defined(NO_CCACHE) CMAKE_ARGS+= -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=${CCACHE_BIN} \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=${CCACHE_BIN} .endif OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS NATIVE LTO OPTIONS_DEFINE_amd64= OPENMP OPTIONS_DEFINE_i386= OPENMP OPTIONS_DEFAULT= OPENMP LTO NATIVE_DESC= Use -march=native (avoid for generic packages!) OPENMP_DESC= Enable OpenMP parallel processing (i386/amd64 only) LTO_CFLAGS= ${_LTO_FLAGS} LTO_LDFLAGS= ${_LTO_FLAGS} NATIVE_CMAKE_ON= -DPROC_TARGET_NUMBER="2" OPENMP_CMAKE_BOOL= OPTION_OMP OPENMP_LDFLAGS= -lm -lomp .include # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Older clang versions (for instance clang 9.0, as of 2019-09-29), # were known to miscompile RawTherapee, causing SIGSEGV or SIBGUS. # As of 2024-02, GCC-12.3 compiled RawTherapee appears to be # up to twice as fast as clang-16.0 compiled code. # So we shall stick to a modern GCC for now. # USE_GCC= yes # default .if (${OPSYS} == FreeBSD) && (${OSVERSION} >= 1500000) # don't waste everybody's time with Tier-2 and moving targets. ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= amd64 ONLY_FOR_ARCHS_REASON=only amd64 is supported on non-released FreeBSD versions .endif .if defined(WITH_DEBUG) STRIP= CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE= None # Arch Linux packaging trick to avoid cmake overriding our flags _OPT_FLAGS= -ggdb3 -Og # -Og is GCC-specific, use -O1 for clang .else _OPT_FLAGS= -O3 -funroll-loops .endif # x86_64/amd64 includes -msse2 by default .if ${ARCH} == i386 # -mstackrealign: workaround for values passed on the stack that cause SIGBUS on SSE2 # -msse2: SSE2 has been around since the year 2003 latest _OPT_FLAGS+= -msse2 _OPT_FLAGS+= -mstackrealign .endif # ------------------------------------------------------------------- .include .if ${COMPILER_FEATURES:Mlibc++} CXXFLAGS+= -stdlib=libc++ .endif post-patch: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e '/COMMAND.*SHELL/s/-l -c/-c/' ${WRKSRC}/rtengine/LibRaw.cmake ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's#DESTINATION "$${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/man/man1"#DESTINATION "${PREFIX}/share/man/man1/"#' \ ${WRKSRC}/CMakeLists.txt TESTIMAGES= ${MASTERDIR}/testimages # paranoia: run rawtherapee to be sure it finds all its # shared libraries (this hinges on proper RPATH setting and propagation) # # _check_version strips stuffixes from distnames etc. that do not appear # in the program's version numbering _check_version= ${PKGVERSION:C/.g0//} _env= LANG= LC_ALL=C LANGUAGE= DISPLAY= HOME="$$TMP" RT_SETTINGS=${WRKDIR}/rt-config RT_CACHE="$$TMP/rtcache" post-install: @${RM} -f ${WRKDIR}/selftest.exitcodes ${WRKDIR}/selftest.expect @(set -e; _mp=$$(/bin/df -P ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/rawtherapee | ${AWK} 'NR==2{print $$NF}') ; \ _fsflags=$$(${MOUNT} -p | ${AWK} "{ if (\$$2 == \"$$_mp\") { print \$$4 } }") ; \ case $$_fsflags in *noexec*) \ ${TOUCH} ${WRKDIR}/selftest.expect ${WRKDIR}/selftest.exitcodes ; \ ${ECHO_CMD} "===> Skipping smoke tests, STAGEDIR=${STAGEDIR} is on a noexec file system" ; \ exit 0 ;; \ esac ; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "===> Running smoke tests" ; \ ${RM} -rf ${WRKDIR}/rt-config ; \ ${MKDIR} ${WRKDIR}/rt-config ${WRKDIR}/rt-config/dcpprofiles ${WRKDIR}/rt-config/profiles ; \ ${CP} ${WRKSRC}/rtengine/camconst.json ${WRKDIR}/rt-config ; \ ${CP} ${WRKSRC}/rtdata/options/options.lin ${WRKDIR}/rt-config/options ; \ (cd ${WRKSRC}/rtdata/ && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} "profiles dcpprofiles" ${WRKDIR}/rt-config ) ; \ (set -x ; TMP=$$(${MKTEMP} -d -t ${PORTNAME}) && trap "rc=$$? ; ${RM} -rf \"$$TMP\" ; exit \$$rc" 0 && \ ( set +e ; ${SETENV} ${_env} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/rawtherapee -v ; \ ${ECHO_CMD} $$? >&3 ) 3>&3 | ${EGREP} -q "RawTherapee, version ${_check_version:C/_.*//:C/,.*//}|cannot open display:" && \ ( set +e ; ${SETENV} ${_env} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/rawtherapee-cli | dd ibs=8k ; \ ${ECHO_CMD} $$? >&3 ) 3>&3 | ${EGREP} -q "RawTherapee, version ${_check_version:C/_.*//:C/,.*//}" && \ expect=$$'0\n0\n' && \ onefile=$$(ls "${TESTIMAGES}"/* | head -1) && \ if test -d "${TESTIMAGES}" && test -n "$$onefile" -a -r "$$onefile" ; then \ expect=$$'0\n0\n0\n0\n0\n' && \ ( set +e ; \ /usr/bin/time ${SETENV} ${_env} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/rawtherapee-cli \ -o "$$TMP" -q -f -c ${TESTIMAGES} ; ${ECHO_CMD} $$? >&3 ; \ /usr/bin/time ${SETENV} ${_env} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/rawtherapee-cli \ -o "$$TMP" -q -s -Y -c ${TESTIMAGES} ; ${ECHO_CMD} $$? >&3 ; \ /usr/bin/time ${SETENV} ${_env} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/rawtherapee-cli \ -o "$$TMP" -q -s -Y -tz -c ${TESTIMAGES} ; ${ECHO_CMD} $$? >&3 ) 3>&3 ; \ fi ; \ ls -Rlbai "${TESTIMAGES}" "$${TMP}" || :; \ ${PRINTF} "%s" "$$expect" >&4 ) ) 3>${WRKDIR}/selftest.exitcodes 4>${WRKDIR}/selftest.expect ; \ ${HEAD} ${WRKDIR}/selftest.exitcodes ${WRKDIR}/selftest.expect ; \ cmp ${WRKDIR}/selftest.expect ${WRKDIR}/selftest.exitcodes \ || { ${ECHO_CMD} '===> !!! SELF-TEST FAILED !!! <===' ; exit 1 ; } .include