diff --git a/net/Makefile b/net/Makefile index d5df5e4db1d6..449ad8cc492e 100644 --- a/net/Makefile +++ b/net/Makefile @@ -1,1603 +1,1604 @@ COMMENT = Networking tools SUBDIR += 3proxy SUBDIR += 44bsd-rdist SUBDIR += 6tunnel SUBDIR += R-cran-twitteR SUBDIR += Sockets SUBDIR += activemq SUBDIR += adasockets SUBDIR += addrwatch SUBDIR += afpfs-ng SUBDIR += aget SUBDIR += akonadi-calendar SUBDIR += akonadi-contacts SUBDIR += akonadi-mime SUBDIR += akonadi-notes SUBDIR += akonadi-search SUBDIR += aluminum SUBDIR += anet SUBDIR += aoe SUBDIR += apache-commons-net SUBDIR += apinger SUBDIR += appkonference SUBDIR += aprsc SUBDIR += aquantia-atlantic-kmod SUBDIR += arataga SUBDIR += arp-scan SUBDIR += arp-sk SUBDIR += arpdig SUBDIR += arping SUBDIR += arpoison SUBDIR += arprelease SUBDIR += asio SUBDIR += aslookup SUBDIR += asterisk-chan_sccp SUBDIR += asterisk-g72x SUBDIR += asterisk13 SUBDIR += asterisk16 SUBDIR += asterisk18 SUBDIR += astron SUBDIR += avahi SUBDIR += avahi-app SUBDIR += avahi-autoipd SUBDIR += avahi-gtk SUBDIR += avahi-gtk3 SUBDIR += avahi-header SUBDIR += avahi-libdns SUBDIR += avahi-qt5 SUBDIR += avahi-sharp SUBDIR += axa SUBDIR += babeld SUBDIR += balance SUBDIR += bctoolbox SUBDIR += beacon SUBDIR += beanstalkd SUBDIR += belle-sip SUBDIR += bindtest SUBDIR += binkd SUBDIR += bird SUBDIR += bird2 SUBDIR += bittwist SUBDIR += bmon SUBDIR += boinc-client SUBDIR += boinc_curses SUBDIR += bosh-bootloader SUBDIR += bosh-cli SUBDIR += bounce SUBDIR += bredbandskollen SUBDIR += bsdec2-image-upload SUBDIR += bsdrcmds SUBDIR += bwi-firmware-kmod SUBDIR += bwn-firmware-kmod SUBDIR += bwping SUBDIR += c3270 SUBDIR += calendarsupport SUBDIR += ccxstream SUBDIR += ceph14 SUBDIR += cf SUBDIR += charm SUBDIR += chrony SUBDIR += chrony-lite SUBDIR += citrix_ica SUBDIR += cjdns SUBDIR += clash SUBDIR += cloud-init SUBDIR += cloudflared SUBDIR += cloudquery SUBDIR += clusterit SUBDIR += cnd SUBDIR += concourse-fly SUBDIR += corkscrew SUBDIR += corosync2 SUBDIR += corosync3 SUBDIR += courier-authlib-ldap SUBDIR += courier-sox SUBDIR += cpp-pcp-client SUBDIR += cppzmq SUBDIR += croc SUBDIR += cryptcat SUBDIR += csocks SUBDIR += csync2 SUBDIR += ctrace SUBDIR += cvsup-static SUBDIR += cvsync SUBDIR += czmq SUBDIR += czmq4 SUBDIR += daemonlogger SUBDIR += dante SUBDIR += daq SUBDIR += datapipe SUBDIR += dbeacon SUBDIR += delegate SUBDIR += deviceatlas-enterprise-c SUBDIR += dgd SUBDIR += dgd-kernel SUBDIR += dgd-lpmud SUBDIR += dhcp6 SUBDIR += dhcpcd SUBDIR += dhcpcd-ui SUBDIR += dhcpd SUBDIR += dhcpd-pools SUBDIR += dhcpdump SUBDIR += dhcperf SUBDIR += dhcping SUBDIR += dhcprelya SUBDIR += dictd SUBDIR += dimes SUBDIR += dpdk SUBDIR += dpinger SUBDIR += drawterm SUBDIR += drive SUBDIR += dropbox-api-command SUBDIR += dropbox-uploader SUBDIR += dtcp SUBDIR += dtcpclient SUBDIR += dual-dhclient SUBDIR += dual-dhclient-daemon SUBDIR += easysoap SUBDIR += echoping SUBDIR += elixir-kafka_ex SUBDIR += elixir-oauth2 SUBDIR += empty SUBDIR += endlessh SUBDIR += enet SUBDIR += erlang-ranch SUBDIR += eternalterminal SUBDIR += evans SUBDIR += eventviews SUBDIR += exabgp4 SUBDIR += fb303 SUBDIR += fbzmq SUBDIR += fiche SUBDIR += file2pcap SUBDIR += findmtu SUBDIR += findomain SUBDIR += flower SUBDIR += foreman-proxy + SUBDIR += fort SUBDIR += fpc-ldap SUBDIR += fpc-libenet SUBDIR += fpc-pcap SUBDIR += fping SUBDIR += freebsd-telnetd SUBDIR += freebsd-uucp SUBDIR += freediameter SUBDIR += freeradius-client SUBDIR += freeradius3 SUBDIR += freerdp SUBDIR += freeswitch SUBDIR += freevrrpd SUBDIR += frp SUBDIR += frr7 SUBDIR += frr7-pythontools SUBDIR += fspclient SUBDIR += fspd SUBDIR += fsplib SUBDIR += gamenetworkingsockets SUBDIR += gdrive SUBDIR += gemserv SUBDIR += geoclue SUBDIR += geocode-glib SUBDIR += geoipupdate SUBDIR += gerbera SUBDIR += gfbgraph SUBDIR += gitlab-agent SUBDIR += gitup SUBDIR += glflow SUBDIR += glib-networking SUBDIR += glusterfs SUBDIR += gmid SUBDIR += gnet2 SUBDIR += gnetcat SUBDIR += gnome-nettool SUBDIR += gnome-online-accounts SUBDIR += gnome-online-miners SUBDIR += gnu-dico SUBDIR += gnu-radius SUBDIR += go-bapu SUBDIR += go-cs SUBDIR += gobgp SUBDIR += gofish SUBDIR += gogoc SUBDIR += google-cloud-sdk SUBDIR += google-cloud-sdk-app-engine-go SUBDIR += gopher SUBDIR += goreplay SUBDIR += gotthard SUBDIR += gq SUBDIR += graphpath SUBDIR += grilo SUBDIR += grilo-plugins SUBDIR += grive2 SUBDIR += grpcox SUBDIR += grpcui SUBDIR += grpcurl SUBDIR += grsync SUBDIR += gscloud SUBDIR += gsk SUBDIR += gsocket SUBDIR += gspoof SUBDIR += gssdp SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-libmms SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-srtp SUBDIR += gtk-vnc SUBDIR += guacamole-server SUBDIR += gupnp SUBDIR += gupnp-av SUBDIR += gupnp-dlna SUBDIR += gupnp-igd SUBDIR += gupnp-tools SUBDIR += gupnp-ui SUBDIR += gutenfetch SUBDIR += gwhois SUBDIR += h323plus SUBDIR += hanstunnel SUBDIR += haproxy SUBDIR += haproxy-devel SUBDIR += haproxy17 SUBDIR += haproxy18 SUBDIR += haproxy19 SUBDIR += haproxy20 SUBDIR += haproxy21 SUBDIR += haproxy22 SUBDIR += haproxy23 SUBDIR += hblock SUBDIR += hexinject SUBDIR += hlmaster SUBDIR += honeyd SUBDIR += hostapd SUBDIR += hostapd-devel SUBDIR += hping SUBDIR += hping3 SUBDIR += hsflowd SUBDIR += htpdate SUBDIR += http_ping SUBDIR += httping SUBDIR += httpry SUBDIR += iaxmodem SUBDIR += icmpinfo SUBDIR += icpld SUBDIR += ifdepd SUBDIR += iffinder SUBDIR += ifstat SUBDIR += ifstated SUBDIR += igmpproxy SUBDIR += iipsrv SUBDIR += ilbc SUBDIR += imapproxy SUBDIR += incidenceeditor SUBDIR += inlets SUBDIR += intel-em-kmod SUBDIR += intel-ix-kmod SUBDIR += intel-ixl-kmod SUBDIR += iodine SUBDIR += ip2location SUBDIR += ip2proxy SUBDIR += ip6_int SUBDIR += ipdecap SUBDIR += ipgrab SUBDIR += ipinfo-cli SUBDIR += ipsumdump SUBDIR += ipsvd SUBDIR += ipxe SUBDIR += irrd SUBDIR += irrd-legacy SUBDIR += isboot-kmod SUBDIR += isc-dhcp44-client SUBDIR += isc-dhcp44-relay SUBDIR += isc-dhcp44-server SUBDIR += istgt SUBDIR += java-beepcore SUBDIR += jcifs SUBDIR += jgroups SUBDIR += jicmp SUBDIR += jicmp6 SUBDIR += jose SUBDIR += jotta-cli SUBDIR += jrdesktop SUBDIR += jsch SUBDIR += jumpgate SUBDIR += jwhois SUBDIR += k6 SUBDIR += kafka SUBDIR += kafkacat SUBDIR += kalarmcal SUBDIR += kamailio SUBDIR += kcalutils SUBDIR += kdenetwork SUBDIR += kdenetwork-filesharing SUBDIR += kea SUBDIR += keycloak SUBDIR += kf5-kcalendarcore SUBDIR += kf5-kcontacts SUBDIR += kf5-kdav SUBDIR += kf5-kholidays SUBDIR += kf5-kxmlrpcclient SUBDIR += kf5-syndication SUBDIR += kget SUBDIR += kidentitymanagement SUBDIR += kimap SUBDIR += kio-gdrive SUBDIR += kippo SUBDIR += kissd SUBDIR += kitinerary SUBDIR += kldap SUBDIR += kmailtransport SUBDIR += kmbox SUBDIR += kmime SUBDIR += knc SUBDIR += knxd SUBDIR += kontactinterface SUBDIR += kpeoplevcard SUBDIR += kpimtextedit SUBDIR += krdc SUBDIR += krfb SUBDIR += krill SUBDIR += ksmtp SUBDIR += ktnef SUBDIR += kube-controller-manager SUBDIR += kube-scheduler SUBDIR += l2tpd SUBDIR += ladvd SUBDIR += lambdamoo SUBDIR += latd SUBDIR += ldap-stats SUBDIR += ldapbrowser SUBDIR += ldapdiff SUBDIR += ldapscripts SUBDIR += ldapsdk SUBDIR += ldapsh SUBDIR += leproxy SUBDIR += lft SUBDIR += libarcus SUBDIR += libarms SUBDIR += libbgpdump SUBDIR += libcapn SUBDIR += libcharon SUBDIR += libcmis SUBDIR += libcoap SUBDIR += libdaq SUBDIR += libdmapsharing SUBDIR += libdnet SUBDIR += libexosip2 SUBDIR += libfabric SUBDIR += libfb SUBDIR += libfixbuf SUBDIR += libgnetwork SUBDIR += libgravatar SUBDIR += libgrss SUBDIR += libgweather SUBDIR += libilbc SUBDIR += libiscsi SUBDIR += libkgapi SUBDIR += libksieve SUBDIR += libkvkontakte SUBDIR += liblinphone SUBDIR += libmaia SUBDIR += libmateweather SUBDIR += libmaxminddb SUBDIR += libmdf SUBDIR += libmediawiki SUBDIR += libmms SUBDIR += libnatpmp SUBDIR += libnet SUBDIR += libnfs SUBDIR += libngtcp2 SUBDIR += libnids SUBDIR += libnpupnp SUBDIR += libnss-cache SUBDIR += libnss-mysql SUBDIR += libnss-pgsql SUBDIR += liboauth SUBDIR += libopennet SUBDIR += liboping SUBDIR += libosip2 SUBDIR += libpcap SUBDIR += libpcapnav SUBDIR += libpfctl SUBDIR += libproxy SUBDIR += libproxy-gnome3 SUBDIR += libproxy-kde SUBDIR += libproxy-pacrunner SUBDIR += libproxy-perl SUBDIR += libproxy-python SUBDIR += libproxy-webkit3 SUBDIR += librdkafka SUBDIR += librespeed-cli SUBDIR += librespeed-go SUBDIR += librsync SUBDIR += libsignal-protocol-c SUBDIR += libsrtp2 SUBDIR += libstorj SUBDIR += libtnl SUBDIR += libtrace SUBDIR += libunp SUBDIR += libusipp SUBDIR += libusrsctp SUBDIR += libutp SUBDIR += libvncserver SUBDIR += libwebsockets SUBDIR += libyang SUBDIR += libzapojit SUBDIR += libzmq2 SUBDIR += libzmq3 SUBDIR += libzmq4 SUBDIR += liferea SUBDIR += linknx SUBDIR += linphone SUBDIR += linux-c7-avahi-libs SUBDIR += linux-c7-openldap SUBDIR += linux-c7-tcp_wrappers-libs SUBDIR += liveMedia SUBDIR += lla SUBDIR += lualdap SUBDIR += luasocket SUBDIR += mDNSResponder SUBDIR += macchanger SUBDIR += mad_fcl SUBDIR += madonctl SUBDIR += mailcommon SUBDIR += mailimporter SUBDIR += malo-firmware-kmod SUBDIR += mcjoin SUBDIR += mdns-repeater SUBDIR += measurement-kit SUBDIR += mediastreamer SUBDIR += megacmd SUBDIR += megatools SUBDIR += messagelib SUBDIR += mgen SUBDIR += micro_inetd SUBDIR += micro_proxy SUBDIR += microsocks SUBDIR += minidlna SUBDIR += minisapserver SUBDIR += minissdpd SUBDIR += miniupnpc SUBDIR += miniupnpd SUBDIR += miredo SUBDIR += miruo SUBDIR += mlvpn SUBDIR += mobile-broadband-provider-info SUBDIR += mod_amd SUBDIR += mopd SUBDIR += mosh SUBDIR += mosquitto SUBDIR += motsognir SUBDIR += mpd-l2tp-ipv6pd-client SUBDIR += mpd5 SUBDIR += mpich SUBDIR += mpich2 SUBDIR += mping SUBDIR += mptsd SUBDIR += mrouted SUBDIR += mrtparse SUBDIR += msend SUBDIR += mtr SUBDIR += mtr-nox11 SUBDIR += multicat SUBDIR += mvfst SUBDIR += nakenchat SUBDIR += nanomsg SUBDIR += nast SUBDIR += nats-server SUBDIR += nats-streaming-server SUBDIR += nats-top SUBDIR += nbd-server SUBDIR += nbdkit SUBDIR += nc SUBDIR += ncp SUBDIR += ndisc6 SUBDIR += ndpi SUBDIR += ndproxy SUBDIR += neatvnc SUBDIR += nepenthes SUBDIR += net6 SUBDIR += netatalk3 SUBDIR += netcat SUBDIR += netembryo SUBDIR += nethogs SUBDIR += netmap SUBDIR += netpipes SUBDIR += netscript SUBDIR += netsed SUBDIR += netselect SUBDIR += netstrain SUBDIR += netwib SUBDIR += nfs-ganesha-kmod SUBDIR += nfsshell SUBDIR += ng_mikrotik_eoip SUBDIR += ngrep SUBDIR += nifmon SUBDIR += nitroshare SUBDIR += nload SUBDIR += nmsg SUBDIR += nncp SUBDIR += nng SUBDIR += norm SUBDIR += ns3 SUBDIR += nsq SUBDIR += nss-pam-ldapd SUBDIR += nss-pam-ldapd-sasl SUBDIR += nss_ldap SUBDIR += nsscache SUBDIR += ntimed SUBDIR += ntopng SUBDIR += ntp SUBDIR += ntpa SUBDIR += ntpsec SUBDIR += ntraceroute SUBDIR += nusoap SUBDIR += nuster SUBDIR += nxproxy SUBDIR += nyancat SUBDIR += nylon SUBDIR += ocserv SUBDIR += oha SUBDIR += olsrd SUBDIR += omnitty SUBDIR += onedrive SUBDIR += onenetd SUBDIR += onioncat SUBDIR += ooni-mini SUBDIR += ooni-probe-cli SUBDIR += opal SUBDIR += open-isns SUBDIR += openbgpd SUBDIR += openbgpd6 SUBDIR += openldap24-client SUBDIR += openldap24-server SUBDIR += openldap25-client SUBDIR += openldap25-server SUBDIR += openmdns SUBDIR += openmpi SUBDIR += openmpi3 SUBDIR += openntpd SUBDIR += opennx SUBDIR += openpgm SUBDIR += openradius SUBDIR += openrsync SUBDIR += opensips31 SUBDIR += openslp SUBDIR += opentracker SUBDIR += openvswitch SUBDIR += ortp SUBDIR += osrtspproxy SUBDIR += ossp-sa SUBDIR += owamp SUBDIR += p5-Acme-HTTP SUBDIR += p5-AddressBook SUBDIR += p5-Amazon-SQS-Simple SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-MPRPC SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-MQTT SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-RabbitMQ SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-Twitter SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream SUBDIR += p5-AnyMQ-AMQP SUBDIR += p5-Apache2-SOAP SUBDIR += p5-BBS-Client SUBDIR += p5-BBS-UserInfo SUBDIR += p5-BBS-UserInfo-Maple3 SUBDIR += p5-BBS-UserInfo-Maple3itoc SUBDIR += p5-BBS-UserInfo-Ptt SUBDIR += p5-BBS-UserInfo-SOB SUBDIR += p5-BBS-UserInfo-Wretch SUBDIR += p5-Beanstalk-Client SUBDIR += p5-Cisco-IPPhone SUBDIR += p5-Crypt-DH-GMP SUBDIR += p5-Daemon-Generic SUBDIR += p5-Data-IPV4-Range-Parse SUBDIR += p5-EasyTCP SUBDIR += p5-Event-tcp SUBDIR += p5-File-Rsync SUBDIR += p5-File-RsyncP SUBDIR += p5-Frontier-RPC SUBDIR += p5-Geo-IP-PurePerl SUBDIR += p5-Geo-IPfree SUBDIR += p5-GeoIP2 SUBDIR += p5-Google-SAML-Request SUBDIR += p5-Google-SAML-Response SUBDIR += p5-Growl-GNTP SUBDIR += p5-IO-Interface SUBDIR += p5-IO-Socket-INET6 SUBDIR += p5-IO-Socket-IP SUBDIR += p5-IO-Socket-Multicast SUBDIR += p5-IO-Socket-Multicast6 SUBDIR += p5-IO-Socket-Socks SUBDIR += p5-IO-Socket-Socks-Wrapper SUBDIR += p5-IO-Socket-Timeout SUBDIR += p5-IO-Socket-UNIX-Util SUBDIR += p5-IP-Anonymous SUBDIR += p5-IP-Country SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Session SUBDIR += p5-IPv6-Address SUBDIR += p5-JavaScript-RPC SUBDIR += p5-Kafka SUBDIR += p5-MaxMind-DB-Common SUBDIR += p5-MaxMind-DB-Reader SUBDIR += p5-MaxMind-DB-Reader-XS SUBDIR += p5-MaxMind-DB-Writer SUBDIR += p5-Mojo-RabbitMQ-Client SUBDIR += p5-Net SUBDIR += p5-Net-ACME2 SUBDIR += p5-Net-AMQP SUBDIR += p5-Net-AMQP-RabbitMQ SUBDIR += p5-Net-APNS SUBDIR += p5-Net-APNs-Extended SUBDIR += p5-Net-ARP SUBDIR += p5-Net-Address-Ethernet SUBDIR += p5-Net-Address-IPv4-Local SUBDIR += p5-Net-Amazon SUBDIR += p5-Net-Amazon-AWSSign SUBDIR += p5-Net-Amazon-EC2 SUBDIR += p5-Net-Amazon-MechanicalTurk SUBDIR += p5-Net-Amazon-S3 SUBDIR += p5-Net-Amazon-Signature SUBDIR += p5-Net-Amazon-Signature-V3 SUBDIR += p5-Net-Amazon-Signature-V4 SUBDIR += p5-Net-Amazon-Thumbnail SUBDIR += p5-Net-Analysis SUBDIR += p5-Net-Appliance-Phrasebook SUBDIR += p5-Net-Appliance-Session SUBDIR += p5-Net-BGP SUBDIR += p5-Net-Blogger SUBDIR += p5-Net-CIDR-Lite SUBDIR += p5-Net-CIDR-MobileJP SUBDIR += p5-Net-CIDR-Set SUBDIR += p5-Net-CLI-Interact SUBDIR += p5-Net-CSTA SUBDIR += p5-Net-CascadeCopy SUBDIR += p5-Net-Cassandra SUBDIR += p5-Net-Cassandra-Easy SUBDIR += p5-Net-Connection SUBDIR += p5-Net-Connection-Match SUBDIR += p5-Net-Connection-Sort SUBDIR += p5-Net-Connection-lsof SUBDIR += p5-Net-Connection-ncnetstat SUBDIR += p5-Net-DAV-Server SUBDIR += p5-Net-DHCP SUBDIR += p5-Net-DHCP-Watch SUBDIR += p5-Net-DHCPClient SUBDIR += p5-Net-DLookup SUBDIR += p5-Net-Daemon SUBDIR += p5-Net-Delicious SUBDIR += p5-Net-Dict SUBDIR += p5-Net-Divert SUBDIR += p5-Net-Dropbox-API SUBDIR += p5-Net-EPP SUBDIR += p5-Net-EPP-Proxy SUBDIR += p5-Net-FS-Flickr SUBDIR += p5-Net-FS-Gmail SUBDIR += p5-Net-FTP-AutoReconnect SUBDIR += p5-Net-FTP-File SUBDIR += p5-Net-Finger SUBDIR += p5-Net-Flow SUBDIR += p5-Net-Frame SUBDIR += p5-Net-Frame-Device SUBDIR += p5-Net-Frame-Dump SUBDIR += p5-Net-Frame-Layer-ICMPv6 SUBDIR += p5-Net-Frame-Layer-IPv6 SUBDIR += p5-Net-Frame-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Net-GitHub SUBDIR += p5-Net-Gnats SUBDIR += p5-Net-Google SUBDIR += p5-Net-Google-Analytics SUBDIR += p5-Net-Google-AuthSub SUBDIR += p5-Net-Google-Calendar SUBDIR += p5-Net-Google-Code SUBDIR += p5-Net-Google-DataAPI SUBDIR += p5-Net-Google-PicasaWeb SUBDIR += p5-Net-Google-SafeBrowsing2 SUBDIR += p5-Net-Google-Spreadsheets SUBDIR += p5-Net-Growl SUBDIR += p5-Net-GrowlClient SUBDIR += p5-Net-HL7 SUBDIR += p5-Net-HTTP SUBDIR += p5-Net-HTTP-Spore SUBDIR += p5-Net-HTTP-Spore-Middleware-Header SUBDIR += p5-Net-HTTPS-Any SUBDIR += p5-Net-HTTPS-NB SUBDIR += p5-Net-Hiveminder SUBDIR += p5-Net-INET6Glue SUBDIR += p5-Net-IP-Minimal SUBDIR += p5-Net-IP-RangeCompare SUBDIR += p5-Net-IPTrie SUBDIR += p5-Net-IRR SUBDIR += p5-Net-Ident SUBDIR += p5-Net-Ifconfig-Wrapper SUBDIR += p5-Net-Interface SUBDIR += p5-Net-Jifty SUBDIR += p5-Net-LDAP-AutoDNs SUBDIR += p5-Net-LDAP-AutoServer SUBDIR += p5-Net-LDAP-Express SUBDIR += p5-Net-LDAP-FilterBuilder SUBDIR += p5-Net-LDAP-LDAPhash SUBDIR += p5-Net-LDAP-Makepath SUBDIR += p5-Net-LDAP-Server SUBDIR += p5-Net-LDAP-Server-Test SUBDIR += p5-Net-LDAP-posixAccount SUBDIR += p5-Net-LDAP-posixGroup SUBDIR += p5-Net-Libdnet SUBDIR += p5-Net-Libdnet6 SUBDIR += p5-Net-LimeLight-Purge SUBDIR += p5-Net-MAC SUBDIR += p5-Net-MAC-Vendor SUBDIR += p5-Net-MQTT SUBDIR += p5-Net-Mosso-CloudFiles SUBDIR += p5-Net-MovableType SUBDIR += p5-Net-NBName SUBDIR += p5-Net-NBsocket SUBDIR += p5-Net-NIS SUBDIR += p5-Net-NIS-Listgroup SUBDIR += p5-Net-NTP SUBDIR += p5-Net-Nessus-XMLRPC SUBDIR += p5-Net-Netcat SUBDIR += p5-Net-Nmsg SUBDIR += p5-Net-OAuth SUBDIR += p5-Net-OAuth-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Net-OAuth2 SUBDIR += p5-Net-OpenID-Consumer SUBDIR += p5-Net-OpenSSH SUBDIR += p5-Net-OpenSSH-Parallel SUBDIR += p5-Net-OpenStack-Attack SUBDIR += p5-Net-Packet SUBDIR += p5-Net-Packet-Target SUBDIR += p5-Net-ParseWhois SUBDIR += p5-Net-Patricia SUBDIR += p5-Net-Pcap SUBDIR += p5-Net-PcapUtils SUBDIR += p5-Net-Ping SUBDIR += p5-Net-Ping-External SUBDIR += p5-Net-Proxy SUBDIR += p5-Net-PubSubHubbub-Publisher SUBDIR += p5-Net-RTP SUBDIR += p5-Net-RabbitFoot SUBDIR += p5-Net-RabbitMQ SUBDIR += p5-Net-Radius SUBDIR += p5-Net-Random SUBDIR += p5-Net-RawIP SUBDIR += p5-Net-Rendezvous-Publish SUBDIR += p5-Net-Riak SUBDIR += p5-Net-Rsh SUBDIR += p5-Net-SAP SUBDIR += p5-Net-SCP SUBDIR += p5-Net-SCP-Expect SUBDIR += p5-Net-SDP SUBDIR += p5-Net-SFTP SUBDIR += p5-Net-SFTP-Foreign SUBDIR += p5-Net-SIP SUBDIR += p5-Net-SMPP SUBDIR += p5-Net-SMS-Clickatell SUBDIR += p5-Net-SMS-Mollie SUBDIR += p5-Net-SMS-PChome SUBDIR += p5-Net-SNPP SUBDIR += p5-Net-SPDY SUBDIR += p5-Net-SSH SUBDIR += p5-Net-SSH-Expect SUBDIR += p5-Net-SSH-Mechanize SUBDIR += p5-Net-SSH-Perl SUBDIR += p5-Net-SSH2 SUBDIR += p5-Net-STOMP-Client SUBDIR += p5-Net-Server SUBDIR += p5-Net-Server-Coro SUBDIR += p5-Net-Server-SS-PreFork SUBDIR += p5-Net-Subnet SUBDIR += p5-Net-Syslog SUBDIR += p5-Net-TCLink SUBDIR += p5-Net-TacacsPlus SUBDIR += p5-Net-TcpDumpLog SUBDIR += p5-Net-Telnet SUBDIR += p5-Net-Telnet-Netscreen SUBDIR += p5-Net-TiVo SUBDIR += p5-Net-Todoist SUBDIR += p5-Net-Traceroute SUBDIR += p5-Net-Traceroute-PurePerl SUBDIR += p5-Net-Traceroute6 SUBDIR += p5-Net-Trackback SUBDIR += p5-Net-Twitter SUBDIR += p5-Net-Twitter-Lite SUBDIR += p5-Net-VNC SUBDIR += p5-Net-Wake SUBDIR += p5-Net-WhitePages SUBDIR += p5-Net-Whois SUBDIR += p5-Net-Whois-ARIN SUBDIR += p5-Net-Whois-IP SUBDIR += p5-Net-Whois-RIPE SUBDIR += p5-Net-Whois-Raw SUBDIR += p5-Net-Works SUBDIR += p5-Net-Write SUBDIR += p5-Net-XWhois SUBDIR += p5-Net-Yadis SUBDIR += p5-Net-Z3950-SimpleServer SUBDIR += p5-Net-Z3950-ZOOM SUBDIR += p5-Net-ext SUBDIR += p5-Net-sFlow SUBDIR += p5-Net-uFTP SUBDIR += p5-NetAddr-IP-Count SUBDIR += p5-NetAddr-MAC SUBDIR += p5-NetPacket SUBDIR += p5-OAI-Harvester SUBDIR += p5-OurNet-BBS SUBDIR += p5-OurNet-BBSAgent SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Client-Ident SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Client-Keepalive SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Client-Ping SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Client-Telnet SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Client-Traceroute SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Client-Twitter SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Client-Whois SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-ControlPort SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Generic SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Jabber SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Pcap SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-PubSub SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Server-Twirc SUBDIR += p5-POEx-Role-TCPServer SUBDIR += p5-POSIX-Socket SUBDIR += p5-POSIX-getpeername SUBDIR += p5-Parallel-Pvm SUBDIR += p5-Parse-Netstat SUBDIR += p5-Phone-Info SUBDIR += p5-PlRPC SUBDIR += p5-Queue-Beanstalk SUBDIR += p5-REST-Application SUBDIR += p5-REST-Google SUBDIR += p5-RPC-EPC-Service SUBDIR += p5-RPC-Simple SUBDIR += p5-RPC-XML SUBDIR += p5-ResourcePool-Resource-Net-LDAP SUBDIR += p5-ResourcePool-Resource-SOAP-Lite SUBDIR += p5-Rose-URI SUBDIR += p5-S3 SUBDIR += p5-SOAP SUBDIR += p5-SOAP-Amazon-S3 SUBDIR += p5-SOAP-Data-Builder SUBDIR += p5-SOAP-Lite SUBDIR += p5-SOAP-MySOAP SUBDIR += p5-SOAP-XML-Client SUBDIR += p5-Samba-LDAP SUBDIR += p5-Server-Starter SUBDIR += p5-Socket SUBDIR += p5-Socket-Class SUBDIR += p5-Socket-GetAddrInfo SUBDIR += p5-Socket-Multicast6 SUBDIR += p5-Socket6 SUBDIR += p5-Socks SUBDIR += p5-Sort-Key-IPv4 SUBDIR += p5-TFTP SUBDIR += p5-Test-URI SUBDIR += p5-Text-Authinfo SUBDIR += p5-Twitter-API SUBDIR += p5-URI SUBDIR += p5-URI-Based SUBDIR += p5-URI-Encode-XS SUBDIR += p5-URI-Fast SUBDIR += p5-URI-FromHash SUBDIR += p5-URI-Match SUBDIR += p5-URI-Nested SUBDIR += p5-URI-OpenURL SUBDIR += p5-URI-Query SUBDIR += p5-URI-SmartURI SUBDIR += p5-URI-Template SUBDIR += p5-URI-Template-Restrict SUBDIR += p5-URI-cpan SUBDIR += p5-URI-db SUBDIR += p5-URI-ws SUBDIR += p5-VM-EC2 SUBDIR += p5-VM-EC2-Security-CredentialCache SUBDIR += p5-Validate-Net SUBDIR += p5-WebService-Dropbox SUBDIR += p5-WebService-Prowl SUBDIR += p5-What SUBDIR += p5-X500-DN SUBDIR += p5-XML-Compile-SOAP SUBDIR += p5-XML-Compile-SOAP-AnyEvent SUBDIR += p5-XML-Compile-SOAP-Daemon SUBDIR += p5-XML-Compile-SOAP-WSA SUBDIR += p5-XML-Compile-WSDL11 SUBDIR += p5-XML-Fast SUBDIR += p5-XML-RPC SUBDIR += p5-XML-RPC-Fast SUBDIR += p5-XMLRPC-Lite SUBDIR += p5-XPC SUBDIR += p5-ZMQ-FFI SUBDIR += p5-ip2location-perl SUBDIR += p5-ldap2pf SUBDIR += p5-ldap2pw SUBDIR += p5-perl-ldap SUBDIR += p5-srv2pf SUBDIR += pacemaker1 SUBDIR += pacemaker2 SUBDIR += packetdrill SUBDIR += packter-agent SUBDIR += parpd SUBDIR += pathneck SUBDIR += pbnc SUBDIR += pear-Auth_RADIUS SUBDIR += pear-File_Bittorrent2 SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Kolab_Server SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Kolab_Session SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Ldap SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Rpc SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Scribe SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Socket_Client SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Url SUBDIR += pear-Net_CDDB SUBDIR += pear-Net_CheckIP SUBDIR += pear-Net_DIME SUBDIR += pear-Net_DNSBL SUBDIR += pear-Net_Dict SUBDIR += pear-Net_Finger SUBDIR += pear-Net_Geo SUBDIR += pear-Net_GeoIP SUBDIR += pear-Net_Growl SUBDIR += pear-Net_IDNA SUBDIR += pear-Net_IPv4 SUBDIR += pear-Net_IPv6 SUBDIR += pear-Net_Ident SUBDIR += pear-Net_LDAP SUBDIR += pear-Net_LDAP2 SUBDIR += pear-Net_MAC SUBDIR += pear-Net_NNTP SUBDIR += pear-Net_Nmap SUBDIR += pear-Net_POP3 SUBDIR += pear-Net_Ping SUBDIR += pear-Net_SMS SUBDIR += pear-Net_SMTP SUBDIR += pear-Net_Server SUBDIR += pear-Net_Sieve SUBDIR += pear-Net_Socket SUBDIR += pear-Net_Traceroute SUBDIR += pear-Net_URL SUBDIR += pear-Net_URL2 SUBDIR += pear-Net_URL_Mapper SUBDIR += pear-Net_UserAgent_Detect SUBDIR += pear-Net_UserAgent_Mobile SUBDIR += pear-Net_Vpopmaild SUBDIR += pear-Net_Whois SUBDIR += pear-SOAP SUBDIR += pear-Services_Pingback SUBDIR += pear-Services_Twitter SUBDIR += pear-URI_Template SUBDIR += pear-XML_RPC SUBDIR += pear-XML_RPC2 SUBDIR += pecl-amqp SUBDIR += pecl-mosquitto SUBDIR += pecl-oauth2 SUBDIR += pecl-radius SUBDIR += pecl-rdkafka SUBDIR += pecl-smbclient SUBDIR += pecl-xmlrpc SUBDIR += pecl-zmq SUBDIR += pen SUBDIR += pfinger SUBDIR += php73-ldap SUBDIR += php73-soap SUBDIR += php73-sockets SUBDIR += php73-xmlrpc SUBDIR += php74-ldap SUBDIR += php74-soap SUBDIR += php74-sockets SUBDIR += php74-xmlrpc SUBDIR += php80-ldap SUBDIR += php80-soap SUBDIR += php80-sockets SUBDIR += phpldapadmin SUBDIR += pichi SUBDIR += pimcommon SUBDIR += pimd SUBDIR += pimdd SUBDIR += pipsecd SUBDIR += pjsip SUBDIR += pkt-gen SUBDIR += pktanon SUBDIR += pload SUBDIR += plugdaemon SUBDIR += poptop SUBDIR += portfwd SUBDIR += pptpclient SUBDIR += proby SUBDIR += proftpd-mod_ldap SUBDIR += prosearch SUBDIR += proxy-suite SUBDIR += proxychains SUBDIR += proxychains-ng SUBDIR += prtunnel SUBDIR += ptpd2 SUBDIR += ptunnel SUBDIR += pvm SUBDIR += pwhois SUBDIR += pwnat SUBDIR += pxe SUBDIR += pxe-pdhcp SUBDIR += py-DTLSSocket SUBDIR += py-GeoIP2 SUBDIR += py-aiocoap SUBDIR += py-aiohttp-socks SUBDIR += py-amqp SUBDIR += py-amqplib SUBDIR += py-avahi SUBDIR += py-cjdns SUBDIR += py-cloudflare-scrape SUBDIR += py-cloudflare-scrape-js2py SUBDIR += py-cloudscraper SUBDIR += py-confluent-kafka SUBDIR += py-cymruwhois SUBDIR += py-dpkt SUBDIR += py-dugong SUBDIR += py-ec2-cli-tools SUBDIR += py-errbot SUBDIR += py-eventlet SUBDIR += py-flask-xml-rpc SUBDIR += py-gdown SUBDIR += py-geopy SUBDIR += py-gntp SUBDIR += py-gspread SUBDIR += py-h11 SUBDIR += py-haproxy-log-analysis SUBDIR += py-haproxyctl SUBDIR += py-httpstat SUBDIR += py-ifaddr SUBDIR += py-impacket SUBDIR += py-iplib SUBDIR += py-iptools SUBDIR += py-kafka-python SUBDIR += py-kombu SUBDIR += py-ldap SUBDIR += py-ldap0 SUBDIR += py-ldap3 SUBDIR += py-ldappool SUBDIR += py-libcloud SUBDIR += py-libdnet SUBDIR += py-magic-wormhole SUBDIR += py-matrix-synapse-ldap3 SUBDIR += py-maxminddb SUBDIR += py-miniupnpc SUBDIR += py-mpi4py SUBDIR += py-msrplib SUBDIR += py-ndg-httpsclient SUBDIR += py-netaddr SUBDIR += py-netif SUBDIR += py-netifaces SUBDIR += py-netsnmpagent SUBDIR += py-nnpy SUBDIR += py-ntplib SUBDIR += py-oauth SUBDIR += py-oauth2 SUBDIR += py-paho-mqtt SUBDIR += py-pamqp SUBDIR += py-pcapy SUBDIR += py-port-for SUBDIR += py-portend SUBDIR += py-pyenet SUBDIR += py-pyfixbuf SUBDIR += py-pygeoip SUBDIR += py-pyicap SUBDIR += py-pynamecheap SUBDIR += py-pynmsg SUBDIR += py-pynsq SUBDIR += py-pypcap SUBDIR += py-pyroute2 SUBDIR += py-pyroute2.core SUBDIR += py-pyroute2.ethtool SUBDIR += py-pyroute2.ipset SUBDIR += py-pyroute2.minimal SUBDIR += py-pyroute2.ndb SUBDIR += py-pyroute2.nftables SUBDIR += py-pyroute2.nslink SUBDIR += py-pyroute2.protocols SUBDIR += py-pysendfile SUBDIR += py-pyshark SUBDIR += py-pysmb SUBDIR += py-pysocks SUBDIR += py-pystun SUBDIR += py-python-barbicanclient SUBDIR += py-python-bitcoinrpc SUBDIR += py-python-ceilometerclient SUBDIR += py-python-cinderclient SUBDIR += py-python-designateclient SUBDIR += py-python-glanceclient SUBDIR += py-python-heatclient SUBDIR += py-python-keystoneclient SUBDIR += py-python-neutronclient SUBDIR += py-python-novaclient SUBDIR += py-python-openstackclient SUBDIR += py-python-socks SUBDIR += py-python-twitter SUBDIR += py-pytradfri SUBDIR += py-pyu2f SUBDIR += py-pyvmomi SUBDIR += py-pyzmq SUBDIR += py-qt5-network SUBDIR += py-qt5-networkauth SUBDIR += py-rabbitpy SUBDIR += py-radix SUBDIR += py-raet SUBDIR += py-ripe.atlas.cousteau SUBDIR += py-ripe.atlas.sagan SUBDIR += py-ripe.atlas.tools SUBDIR += py-s3cmd SUBDIR += py-s3transfer SUBDIR += py-saltyrtc.server SUBDIR += py-sbws SUBDIR += py-shodan SUBDIR += py-siosocks SUBDIR += py-smart-open SUBDIR += py-smbpasswd SUBDIR += py-smbprotocol SUBDIR += py-soap2py SUBDIR += py-socketio-client SUBDIR += py-softlayer SUBDIR += py-speedtest-cli SUBDIR += py-sshtunnel SUBDIR += py-sshuttle SUBDIR += py-stomp.py SUBDIR += py-suds-jurko SUBDIR += py-tacacs_plus SUBDIR += py-terminado SUBDIR += py-tofu SUBDIR += py-transip SUBDIR += py-trio SUBDIR += py-tweepy SUBDIR += py-twitter-tools SUBDIR += py-txamqp SUBDIR += py-txrestapi SUBDIR += py-uritemplate SUBDIR += py-uritools SUBDIR += py-urlextract SUBDIR += py-urllib3 SUBDIR += py-whois SUBDIR += py-wmi-query SUBDIR += py-wsdd SUBDIR += py-wsproto SUBDIR += py-zeep SUBDIR += py-zeroconf SUBDIR += py-zope.proxy SUBDIR += pyrad SUBDIR += qadsl SUBDIR += qoauth-qt5 SUBDIR += qt5-network SUBDIR += qt5-networkauth SUBDIR += quagga SUBDIR += queso SUBDIR += quiche SUBDIR += quiterss SUBDIR += quoted SUBDIR += rabbiteer SUBDIR += rabbitmq SUBDIR += rabbitmq-c SUBDIR += rabbitmq-c-devel SUBDIR += radcli SUBDIR += raddump SUBDIR += radiator SUBDIR += radiusclient SUBDIR += radreport SUBDIR += radsecproxy SUBDIR += radvd SUBDIR += rclone SUBDIR += rclone-browser SUBDIR += rdapper SUBDIR += rdesktop SUBDIR += rdist6 SUBDIR += read_bbrlog SUBDIR += realtek-re-kmod SUBDIR += reaver SUBDIR += recvnet SUBDIR += redir SUBDIR += relayd SUBDIR += remarkable-devd SUBDIR += remmina SUBDIR += remotebox SUBDIR += remotedesk SUBDIR += repeater SUBDIR += rfbproxy SUBDIR += rinetd SUBDIR += ripe-whois SUBDIR += rospo SUBDIR += routinator SUBDIR += rp-pppoe SUBDIR += rpki-client SUBDIR += rscsi SUBDIR += rsocket-cpp SUBDIR += rsplib SUBDIR += rssguard SUBDIR += rsync SUBDIR += rsync-bpc SUBDIR += rtg SUBDIR += rtpproxy SUBDIR += rtptools SUBDIR += rubygem-activestorage52 SUBDIR += rubygem-activestorage60 SUBDIR += rubygem-activestorage61 SUBDIR += rubygem-activestorage613 SUBDIR += rubygem-amazon-ec2 SUBDIR += rubygem-amq-protocol SUBDIR += rubygem-amqp SUBDIR += rubygem-amqp-utils SUBDIR += rubygem-apollo_upload_server SUBDIR += rubygem-asset_sync SUBDIR += rubygem-aws-s3 SUBDIR += rubygem-aws-ses SUBDIR += rubygem-azure SUBDIR += rubygem-azure-core SUBDIR += rubygem-beefcake SUBDIR += rubygem-bunny SUBDIR += rubygem-cloudflare SUBDIR += rubygem-connection_pool SUBDIR += rubygem-docker-api SUBDIR += rubygem-dogapi SUBDIR += rubygem-domain_name SUBDIR += rubygem-dropbox-sdk SUBDIR += rubygem-epp-client-afnic SUBDIR += rubygem-epp-client-base SUBDIR += rubygem-epp-client-rgp SUBDIR += rubygem-epp-client-secdns SUBDIR += rubygem-epp-client-smallregistry SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-aliyun SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-atmos SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-aws SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-azure SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-brightbox SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-brightbox0 SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-cloudatcost SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-cloudstack SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-digitalocean SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-dnsimple SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-dynect SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-ecloud SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-google SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-google19 SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-gridscale SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-internet-archive SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-joyent SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-local SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-openstack SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-ovirt SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-powerdns SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-profitbricks SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-rackspace SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-radosgw SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-riakcs SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-sakuracloud SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-serverlove SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-softlayer SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-storm_on_demand SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-terremark SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-vmfusion SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-voxel SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-vsphere SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-xenserver SUBDIR += rubygem-gitaly SUBDIR += rubygem-gitaly-proto SUBDIR += rubygem-gitlab-fog-azure-rm SUBDIR += rubygem-gitlab-omniauth-openid-connect SUBDIR += rubygem-gitlab_omniauth-ldap SUBDIR += rubygem-google-cloud-bigquery SUBDIR += rubygem-google-cloud-bigtable SUBDIR += rubygem-google-cloud-bigtable-admin-v2 SUBDIR += rubygem-google-cloud-bigtable-v2 SUBDIR += rubygem-google-cloud-core SUBDIR += rubygem-google-cloud-env SUBDIR += rubygem-google-cloud-errors SUBDIR += rubygem-google-cloud-logging SUBDIR += rubygem-google-cloud-logging-v2 SUBDIR += rubygem-google-cloud-pubsub SUBDIR += rubygem-google-cloud-pubsub-v1 SUBDIR += rubygem-google-cloud-spanner SUBDIR += rubygem-google-cloud-spanner-admin-database-v1 SUBDIR += rubygem-google-cloud-spanner-admin-instance-v1 SUBDIR += rubygem-google-cloud-spanner-v1 SUBDIR += rubygem-google-cloud-storage SUBDIR += rubygem-grpc SUBDIR += rubygem-grpc124 SUBDIR += rubygem-grpc130 SUBDIR += rubygem-hangouts-chat SUBDIR += rubygem-http-parser SUBDIR += rubygem-http_parser.rb SUBDIR += rubygem-httpauth SUBDIR += rubygem-ipaddress SUBDIR += rubygem-iproto SUBDIR += rubygem-kas-grpc SUBDIR += rubygem-lita-gems SUBDIR += rubygem-macaddr SUBDIR += rubygem-maxmind-db SUBDIR += rubygem-mqtt SUBDIR += rubygem-nats-pure SUBDIR += rubygem-net-ldap SUBDIR += rubygem-net-netrc SUBDIR += rubygem-net-ntp SUBDIR += rubygem-net-ping SUBDIR += rubygem-net-protocol SUBDIR += rubygem-netrc SUBDIR += rubygem-network_interface SUBDIR += rubygem-nkf SUBDIR += rubygem-oauth SUBDIR += rubygem-oauth2 SUBDIR += rubygem-octokit SUBDIR += rubygem-octopress-deploy SUBDIR += rubygem-omniauth-auth0 SUBDIR += rubygem-omniauth-auth014 SUBDIR += rubygem-omniauth-authentiq SUBDIR += rubygem-omniauth-azure-activedirectory-v2 SUBDIR += rubygem-omniauth-azure-oauth2 SUBDIR += rubygem-omniauth-facebook SUBDIR += rubygem-omniauth-facebook4 SUBDIR += rubygem-omniauth-github SUBDIR += rubygem-omniauth-github-discourse SUBDIR += rubygem-omniauth-google-oauth2 SUBDIR += rubygem-omniauth-kerberos SUBDIR += rubygem-omniauth-oauth SUBDIR += rubygem-omniauth-oauth2 SUBDIR += rubygem-omniauth-openid SUBDIR += rubygem-omniauth-salesforce SUBDIR += rubygem-omniauth-twitter SUBDIR += rubygem-omniauth-ultraauth SUBDIR += rubygem-omniauth_openid_connect SUBDIR += rubygem-open-uri SUBDIR += rubygem-open-uri-cached SUBDIR += rubygem-openid_connect SUBDIR += rubygem-opennebula SUBDIR += rubygem-orchestrator_client SUBDIR += rubygem-ovirt-engine-sdk SUBDIR += rubygem-packetfu SUBDIR += rubygem-pcaprub SUBDIR += rubygem-private_address_check SUBDIR += rubygem-proxifier SUBDIR += rubygem-qiniu SUBDIR += rubygem-rabbiter SUBDIR += rubygem-rbvmomi SUBDIR += rubygem-right_aws SUBDIR += rubygem-right_flexiscale SUBDIR += rubygem-right_gogrid SUBDIR += rubygem-right_http_connection SUBDIR += rubygem-right_slicehost SUBDIR += rubygem-rsync SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-growl SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-openid SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-yadis SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby_smb SUBDIR += rubygem-rubyntlm SUBDIR += rubygem-rubytter SUBDIR += rubygem-rudy SUBDIR += rubygem-rye SUBDIR += rubygem-serverengine SUBDIR += rubygem-simple_oauth SUBDIR += rubygem-spamcheck SUBDIR += rubygem-stackdriver-core SUBDIR += rubygem-stompserver SUBDIR += rubygem-t SUBDIR += rubygem-train SUBDIR += rubygem-train-core SUBDIR += rubygem-train-winrm SUBDIR += rubygem-tweetstream SUBDIR += rubygem-twitter SUBDIR += rubygem-twitter-stream SUBDIR += rubygem-twitter4r SUBDIR += rubygem-u2f SUBDIR += rubygem-u2f0 SUBDIR += rubygem-uri SUBDIR += rubygem-uri-redis SUBDIR += rubygem-uri_template SUBDIR += rubygem-whois SUBDIR += rubygem-xmlrpc SUBDIR += rude SUBDIR += ryu SUBDIR += s5cmd SUBDIR += sacc SUBDIR += samba412 SUBDIR += samba413 SUBDIR += samplicator SUBDIR += savvycan SUBDIR += sbd SUBDIR += sbm SUBDIR += scamper SUBDIR += scapy SUBDIR += scr_ipfm SUBDIR += sctplib SUBDIR += sdl2_net SUBDIR += sdl_net SUBDIR += seaweedfs SUBDIR += seda SUBDIR += self-service-password SUBDIR += sems SUBDIR += sendemail SUBDIR += sendsms SUBDIR += sendsnpp SUBDIR += serveez SUBDIR += serviio SUBDIR += sflowtool SUBDIR += shadowsocks-libev SUBDIR += shelldap SUBDIR += shmux SUBDIR += sie-nmsg SUBDIR += simpleproxy SUBDIR += siproxd SUBDIR += sipsak SUBDIR += skstream SUBDIR += sl2tps SUBDIR += smb4k SUBDIR += smcroute SUBDIR += smm++ SUBDIR += sngrep SUBDIR += sniffit SUBDIR += sniproxy SUBDIR += sntop SUBDIR += sobby SUBDIR += socat SUBDIR += sock SUBDIR += socketapi SUBDIR += socketbind SUBDIR += socketpipe SUBDIR += socketw SUBDIR += sofia-sip SUBDIR += spiritvnc SUBDIR += spoofer SUBDIR += spread SUBDIR += spread-j SUBDIR += spread4 SUBDIR += sqtop SUBDIR += srelay SUBDIR += ss5 SUBDIR += sshping SUBDIR += ssldump SUBDIR += sslh SUBDIR += ssspl SUBDIR += ssvnc SUBDIR += stone SUBDIR += storj SUBDIR += stund SUBDIR += subnetcalc SUBDIR += suckblow SUBDIR += sup SUBDIR += svnup SUBDIR += syncthing SUBDIR += tableutil SUBDIR += tac_plus4 SUBDIR += tacacs SUBDIR += tapidbus SUBDIR += tayga SUBDIR += tclsoap SUBDIR += tcludp SUBDIR += tcpcat SUBDIR += tcpdump SUBDIR += tcpflow SUBDIR += tcpick SUBDIR += tcpillust SUBDIR += tcping SUBDIR += tcpkali SUBDIR += tcplog_dumper SUBDIR += tcpmssd SUBDIR += tcpproxy SUBDIR += tcpreen SUBDIR += tcprtt SUBDIR += tcpsg SUBDIR += tcpshow SUBDIR += tcpslice SUBDIR += tcpsplit SUBDIR += tcpstat SUBDIR += tcptestsuite SUBDIR += tcptrace SUBDIR += tcptraceroute SUBDIR += tcpview SUBDIR += tcpwatch SUBDIR += tcpxd SUBDIR += tcpxtract SUBDIR += td-system-tools SUBDIR += tdetect SUBDIR += termshark SUBDIR += tftpgrab SUBDIR += thcrut SUBDIR += throttled SUBDIR += tigervnc-server SUBDIR += tigervnc-viewer SUBDIR += tightvnc SUBDIR += timed SUBDIR += tintin++ SUBDIR += tiny-network-utilities SUBDIR += tinyfugue SUBDIR += tinyfugue-devel SUBDIR += tinyldap SUBDIR += tn5250 SUBDIR += toonel SUBDIR += torsocks SUBDIR += traefik SUBDIR += traff SUBDIR += trafshow SUBDIR += trafshow3 SUBDIR += tramp SUBDIR += trickle SUBDIR += tsclient SUBDIR += tsctp SUBDIR += tshark SUBDIR += tshark-lite SUBDIR += tsocks SUBDIR += tunneller SUBDIR += turnserver SUBDIR += u6rd SUBDIR += ucarp SUBDIR += udpbroadcastrelay SUBDIR += udptunnel SUBDIR += udpxy SUBDIR += udt SUBDIR += uget SUBDIR += uhttpmock SUBDIR += ulxmlrpcpp SUBDIR += unfs3 SUBDIR += unison SUBDIR += unison232 SUBDIR += unison240 SUBDIR += unison248 SUBDIR += unix2tcp SUBDIR += urelay SUBDIR += uriparser SUBDIR += urlendec SUBDIR += usbredir SUBDIR += usockets SUBDIR += utftpd SUBDIR += v2ray SUBDIR += vde SUBDIR += vde2 SUBDIR += vether-kmod SUBDIR += viamillipede SUBDIR += vinagre SUBDIR += vino SUBDIR += vmware-vsphere-cli SUBDIR += vncreflector SUBDIR += vnstat SUBDIR += vortex SUBDIR += vtun SUBDIR += wackamole SUBDIR += wakeonlan SUBDIR += wangle SUBDIR += waypipe SUBDIR += wayvnc SUBDIR += webalizer-geodb SUBDIR += whois SUBDIR += widentd SUBDIR += wifibox SUBDIR += wireguard SUBDIR += wireguard-go SUBDIR += wireguard-kmod SUBDIR += wireguard-tools SUBDIR += wireshark SUBDIR += wireshark-lite SUBDIR += wlan2eth SUBDIR += wlvncc SUBDIR += wmnd SUBDIR += wmnet SUBDIR += wmping SUBDIR += wmwave SUBDIR += wmwifi SUBDIR += wmwlmon SUBDIR += wol SUBDIR += wpa_supplicant_gui SUBDIR += wping SUBDIR += x11vnc SUBDIR += x2goclient SUBDIR += x2goclient-cli SUBDIR += xisp SUBDIR += xmlrpc-c SUBDIR += xmlrpc-epi SUBDIR += xprobe SUBDIR += xrdesktop2 SUBDIR += xrdp SUBDIR += xrdp-devel SUBDIR += yami4 SUBDIR += yaph SUBDIR += yate SUBDIR += yaz SUBDIR += yaz++ SUBDIR += yazproxy SUBDIR += yconalyzer SUBDIR += yggdrasil SUBDIR += yptransitd SUBDIR += zebra SUBDIR += zebra-server SUBDIR += zeroconf-ioslave SUBDIR += zerotier SUBDIR += zillion SUBDIR += zmap SUBDIR += zsync SUBDIR += zyre .include diff --git a/net/fort/Makefile b/net/fort/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..dd163a3ca597 --- /dev/null +++ b/net/fort/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +PORTNAME= fort +DISTVERSION= 1.5.2 +CATEGORIES= net + +MAINTAINER= toni@devboks.com +COMMENT= FORT Validator is an open source RPKI validator + +LICENSE= MIT +LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE + +LIB_DEPENDS= libcurl.so:ftp/curl libjansson.so:devel/jansson \ + libxml2.so:textproc/libxml2 +RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/rsync:net/rsync + +USES= autoreconf pkgconfig ssl +USE_GCC= yes +USE_GITHUB= yes +USE_RC_SUBR= fort + +GH_ACCOUNT= NICMx +GH_PROJECT= FORT-validator + +GNU_CONFIGURE= yes + +SUB_FILES= pkg-message + +post-patch: + @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s|/tmp/fort|${ETCDIR}|" \ + ${WRKSRC}/examples/config.json + @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s|/usr/local/ssl|/etc/ssl|" \ + ${WRKSRC}/examples/config.json + @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s|rsync\",|${LOCALBASE}/bin/rsync\",|" \ + ${WRKSRC}/examples/config.json + @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "/\"daemon\": false,/d" \ + ${WRKSRC}/examples/config.json +post-install: + @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${ETCDIR}/repository ${STAGEDIR}${ETCDIR}/tal + ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/examples/config.json \ + ${STAGEDIR}${ETCDIR}/fort-config.json.sample + +.include diff --git a/net/fort/distinfo b/net/fort/distinfo new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9a35cf2481e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/net/fort/distinfo @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +TIMESTAMP = 1634812159 +SHA256 (NICMx-FORT-validator-1.5.2_GH0.tar.gz) = c49b7badcf6dae05b7c9ae9cb3b1514d2b742d868b83f8b8deb0d7ae0a3e6bf2 +SIZE (NICMx-FORT-validator-1.5.2_GH0.tar.gz) = 482094 diff --git a/net/fort/files/fort.in b/net/fort/files/fort.in new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..57350ee26020 --- /dev/null +++ b/net/fort/files/fort.in @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +# PROVIDE: fort +# REQUIRE: DAEMON fort +# BEFORE: LOGIN +# KEYWORD: shutdown + +# Define fort_enable in /etc/rc.conf[.local] to enable it. +# +# fort_enable (bool): Set to "NO" by default. +# Set it to "YES" to enable fort. + +. /etc/rc.subr + +name="fort" +rcvar=fort_enable +start_precmd=check_init +command="%%PREFIX%%/bin/${name}" + +load_rc_config $name +: ${fort_enable="NO"} +: ${wrkdir:="%%ETCDIR%%"} + + +fort_config=${fort_conf:-"%%ETCDIR%%/fort-config.json"} +required_file=${fort_config} +command_args="--configuration-file=${fort_config} --daemon=true" + +check_init() { + if [ ! -d ${wrkdir}/tal ]; then + echo + echo -n "Need to initialize fort with tals, " + echo "see man fort" + echo + exit 1 + fi + if [ ! -f ${fort_config} ]; then + echo + echo -n "Configuration file not found at ${fort_config} " + echo "Please create one before starting Fort, " + echo "see man fort" + echo + exit 1 + fi +} + +run_rc_command "$1" diff --git a/net/fort/files/patch-src_Makefile.am b/net/fort/files/patch-src_Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7455183d1f5b --- /dev/null +++ b/net/fort/files/patch-src_Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +--- src/Makefile.am.orig 2021-09-20 02:51:17 UTC ++++ src/Makefile.am +@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ fort_SOURCES += $(ASN_MODULE_SRCS) $(ASN_MODULE_HDRS) + fort_CFLAGS = -Wall -Wno-cpp -Wpedantic + # Feel free to temporarily remove this one if you're not using gcc 7.3.0. + #fort_CFLAGS += $(GCC_WARNS) +-fort_CFLAGS += -std=gnu11 -O2 -g $(FORT_FLAGS) ${XML2_CFLAGS} ++fort_CFLAGS += -std=gnu11 -O2 -g $(FORT_FLAGS) ${XML2_CFLAGS} ${JANSSON_CFLAGS} + fort_LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS_DEBUG) + fort_LDADD = ${JANSSON_LIBS} ${CURL_LIBS} ${XML2_LIBS} + diff --git a/net/fort/files/pkg-message.in b/net/fort/files/pkg-message.in new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f9994a632db0 --- /dev/null +++ b/net/fort/files/pkg-message.in @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +[ +{ type: install + message: <