diff --git a/sysutils/vector/Makefile b/sysutils/vector/Makefile index 4b361934e0d6..b85225f33879 100644 --- a/sysutils/vector/Makefile +++ b/sysutils/vector/Makefile @@ -1,580 +1,582 @@ PORTNAME= vector DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v DISTVERSION= 0.10.0 PORTREVISION= 24 CATEGORIES= sysutils MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= High performance logs, metrics, and events router WWW= https://vector.dev LICENSE= APACHE20 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE BROKEN_FreeBSD_12_powerpc64= fails to link: /usr/local/bin/ld: cannot find -lc++ BUILD_DEPENDS= protoc:devel/protobuf LIB_DEPENDS= libonig.so:devel/oniguruma \ librdkafka.so:net/librdkafka USES= cargo lua:53 ssl +BROKEN_SSL= openssl30 openssl31 +BROKEN_SSL_REASON= Fails to detect OpenSSL 3.0.0 and later USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= timberio GH_TUPLE= bytecodealliance:wasmtime:3de418630a263ca214931d69f796879be50d4f72:wasmtime \ bytecodealliance:sightglass:b409ba75a7a89cbf4cbf9ec44880e4ae6509a85c:sightglass \ WebAssembly:WASI:3fd0abd12c1f53772eeff46d3cf21d7e2475c885:wasi_lucet \ WebAssembly:WASI:2b027d91c29e6141a3768e638076daa23f51621c:wasi_wasmtime PLIST_FILES= bin/vector CARGO_CRATES= adler-0.2.3 \ ahash-0.2.18 \ aho-corasick-0.7.7 \ ansi_term-0.11.0 \ antidote-1.0.0 \ anyhow-1.0.28 \ approx-0.3.2 \ arc-swap-0.3.11 \ arc-swap-0.4.4 \ arrayref-0.3.6 \ arrayvec-0.5.1 \ assert_cmd-1.0.1 \ async-stream-0.2.1 \ async-stream-impl-0.2.1 \ async-trait-0.1.33 \ atty-0.2.14 \ autocfg-0.1.7 \ autocfg-1.0.0 \ backtrace-0.3.43 \ backtrace-sys-0.1.32 \ base-x-0.2.6 \ base64-0.10.1 \ base64-0.11.0 \ base64-0.12.0 \ bimap-0.2.0 \ bincode-1.2.1 \ bindgen-0.51.1 \ bit-vec-0.4.4 \ bit-vec-0.6.1 \ bitflags-1.2.1 \ blake2b_simd-0.5.10 \ block-buffer-0.7.3 \ block-padding-0.1.5 \ bloom-0.3.2 \ bollard-0.7.1 \ bollard-stubs-1.40.1 \ bstr-0.2.10 \ build_const-0.2.1 \ built-0.4.2 \ bumpalo-3.2.1 \ byte-tools-0.3.1 \ byteorder-1.3.2 \ bytes-0.4.12 \ bytes-0.5.4 \ bytesize-1.0.1 \ c2-chacha-0.2.3 \ cargo-lock-4.0.1 \ cast-0.2.3 \ cc-1.0.50 \ cexpr-0.3.6 \ cfg-if-0.1.10 \ cfg-if-1.0.0 \ chrono-0.4.11 \ cidr-utils-0.4.2 \ clang-sys-0.28.1 \ clap-2.33.0 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ cmake-0.1.42 \ colored-1.9.2 \ const-random-0.1.8 \ const-random-macro-0.1.8 \ constant_time_eq-0.1.5 \ core-foundation-0.7.0 \ core-foundation-sys-0.7.0 \ cpu-time-1.0.0 \ crc-1.8.1 \ crc32fast-1.2.0 \ criterion-0.3.2 \ criterion-plot-0.4.2 \ crossbeam-deque-0.7.2 \ crossbeam-epoch-0.8.0 \ crossbeam-queue-0.1.2 \ crossbeam-queue-0.2.1 \ crossbeam-utils-0.6.6 \ crossbeam-utils-0.7.0 \ crypto-mac-0.7.0 \ csv-1.1.3 \ csv-core-0.1.6 \ ctor-0.1.12 \ cvt-0.1.1 \ db-key-0.0.5 \ debug-helper-0.3.8 \ derivative-1.0.3 \ derivative-2.1.1 \ derive_is_enum_variant-0.1.1 \ difference-2.0.0 \ digest-0.8.1 \ dirs-2.0.2 \ dirs-sys-0.3.4 \ discard-1.0.4 \ doc-comment-0.3.1 \ dtoa-0.4.5 \ duct-0.13.4 \ either-1.5.3 \ elastic_responses-0.21.0-pre.4 \ encoding_rs-0.8.22 \ enum-ordinalize-3.1.7 \ env_logger-0.5.13 \ env_logger-0.6.2 \ env_logger-0.7.1 \ erased-serde-0.3.10 \ error-chain-0.12.1 \ evmap-7.1.3 \ exitcode-1.1.2 \ failure-0.1.8 \ failure_derive-0.1.8 \ fake-simd-0.1.2 \ filetime-0.2.8 \ fixedbitset-0.2.0 \ flate2-1.0.16 \ fnv-1.0.6 \ foreign-types-0.3.2 \ foreign-types-shared-0.1.1 \ fs_extra-1.1.0 \ fsevent-0.4.0 \ fsevent-sys-2.0.1 \ fuchsia-cprng-0.1.1 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ futures-0.1.29 \ futures-0.3.5 \ futures-channel-0.3.5 \ futures-core-0.3.5 \ futures-executor-0.3.5 \ futures-io-0.3.5 \ futures-macro-0.3.5 \ futures-sink-0.3.5 \ futures-task-0.3.5 \ futures-timer-3.0.2 \ futures-util-0.3.5 \ generic-array-0.12.3 \ getrandom-0.1.3 \ getset-0.1.0 \ ghost-0.1.1 \ gimli-0.20.0 \ git2-0.13.6 \ glob-0.2.11 \ glob-0.3.0 \ goauth-0.7.1 \ grok-1.0.1 \ h2-0.2.4 \ hashbrown-0.6.3 \ hdrhistogram-6.3.4 \ headers-0.3.2 \ headers-core-0.2.0 \ heck-0.3.1 \ hermit-abi-0.1.6 \ hex-0.4.2 \ hmac-0.7.1 \ hostname-0.1.5 \ http-0.1.21 \ http-0.2.1 \ http-body-0.3.1 \ httparse-1.3.4 \ human-size-0.4.1 \ humantime-1.3.0 \ hyper-0.13.6 \ hyper-openssl-0.8.0 \ hyper-tls-0.4.1 \ hyper-unix-connector-0.1.4 \ idna-0.1.5 \ idna-0.2.0 \ im-12.3.4 \ indexmap-1.3.1 \ inotify-0.7.0 \ inotify-sys-0.1.3 \ inventory-0.1.7 \ inventory-impl-0.1.7 \ iovec-0.1.4 \ itertools-0.8.2 \ itertools-0.9.0 \ itoa-0.4.5 \ jemalloc-sys-0.3.2 \ jemallocator-0.3.2 \ jobserver-0.1.21 \ js-sys-0.3.35 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ krb5-src-0.2.4+1.18.2 \ lazy_static-0.2.11 \ lazy_static-1.4.0 \ lazycell-1.2.1 \ leb128-0.2.4 \ leveldb-sys-2.0.5 \ lexical-core-0.7.6 \ libc-0.2.69 \ libgit2-sys-0.12.7+1.0.0 \ libloading-0.5.2 \ libloading-0.6.2 \ libz-sys-1.0.25 \ linked-hash-map-0.5.2 \ linked_hash_set-0.1.3 \ listenfd-0.3.3 \ lock_api-0.3.3 \ log-0.3.9 \ log-0.4.8 \ logfmt-0.0.2 \ lru-0.4.3 \ matchers-0.0.1 \ matches-0.1.8 \ maxminddb-0.14.0 \ maybe-uninit-2.0.0 \ md5-0.7.0 \ memchr-2.3.0 \ memoffset-0.5.3 \ metrics-0.12.1 \ metrics-core-0.5.2 \ metrics-exporter-http-0.3.0 \ metrics-exporter-log-0.4.0 \ metrics-observer-json-0.1.1 \ metrics-observer-prometheus-0.1.3 \ metrics-observer-yaml-0.1.1 \ metrics-runtime-0.13.0 \ metrics-util-0.3.1 \ mime-0.3.16 \ mime_guess-2.0.1 \ minisign-0.5.19 \ miniz_oxide-0.4.0 \ mio-0.6.21 \ mio-extras-2.0.6 \ mio-named-pipes-0.1.6 \ mio-uds-0.6.7 \ miow-0.2.1 \ miow-0.3.3 \ multimap-0.8.1 \ native-tls-0.2.4 \ net2-0.2.33 \ new_debug_unreachable-1.0.4 \ nix-0.16.1 \ nix-0.17.0 \ nom-4.2.3 \ nom-5.1.2 \ notify-4.0.15 \ num-bigint-0.3.0 \ num-derive-0.3.0 \ num-integer-0.1.42 \ num-traits-0.2.11 \ num_cpus-1.13.0 \ num_enum-0.5.0 \ num_enum_derive-0.5.0 \ object-0.18.0 \ once_cell-1.4.0 \ onig-4.3.3 \ onig_sys-69.1.0 \ oorandom-11.1.0 \ opaque-debug-0.2.3 \ openssl-0.10.30 \ openssl-probe-0.1.2 \ openssl-src-111.9.0+1.1.1g \ openssl-sys-0.9.58 \ os_pipe-0.9.2 \ output_vt100-0.1.2 \ parking_lot-0.9.0 \ parking_lot_core-0.6.2 \ pbkdf2-0.3.0 \ peeking_take_while-0.1.2 \ pem-0.8.1 \ percent-encoding-1.0.1 \ percent-encoding-2.1.0 \ petgraph-0.5.1 \ phf_generator-0.7.24 \ phf_shared-0.7.24 \ pin-project-0.4.22 \ pin-project-internal-0.4.22 \ pin-project-lite-0.1.4 \ pin-utils-0.1.0 \ pkg-config-0.3.17 \ plotters-0.2.12 \ ppv-lite86-0.2.6 \ precomputed-hash-0.1.1 \ predicates-1.0.4 \ predicates-core-1.0.0 \ predicates-tree-1.0.0 \ pretty_assertions-0.6.1 \ proc-macro-crate-0.1.4 \ proc-macro-error-0.4.9 \ proc-macro-error-1.0.2 \ proc-macro-error-attr-0.4.9 \ proc-macro-error-attr-1.0.2 \ proc-macro-hack-0.5.11 \ proc-macro-nested-0.1.3 \ proc-macro2-0.4.30 \ proc-macro2-1.0.18 \ prost-0.6.1 \ prost-build-0.6.1 \ prost-derive-0.6.1 \ prost-types-0.6.1 \ pulsar-1.0.0 \ quanta-0.3.1 \ quick-error-1.2.3 \ quickcheck-0.6.2 \ quote-0.3.15 \ quote-0.6.13 \ quote-1.0.2 \ rand-0.4.6 \ rand-0.5.6 \ rand-0.6.5 \ rand-0.7.3 \ rand_chacha-0.1.1 \ rand_chacha-0.2.1 \ rand_core-0.3.1 \ rand_core-0.4.2 \ rand_core-0.5.1 \ rand_hc-0.1.0 \ rand_hc-0.2.0 \ rand_isaac-0.1.1 \ rand_jitter-0.1.4 \ rand_os-0.1.3 \ rand_pcg-0.1.2 \ rand_xorshift-0.1.1 \ raw-cpuid-6.1.0 \ raw-cpuid-7.0.3 \ rayon-1.3.0 \ rayon-core-1.7.0 \ rdkafka-0.24.0 \ rdkafka-sys-2.0.0+1.4.2 \ rdrand-0.4.0 \ redox_syscall-0.1.56 \ redox_users-0.3.4 \ regalloc-0.0.25 \ regex-1.3.9 \ regex-automata-0.1.8 \ regex-syntax-0.6.18 \ remove_dir_all-0.5.2 \ reqwest-0.10.6 \ rpassword-4.0.5 \ rusoto_cloudwatch-0.44.0 \ rusoto_core-0.44.0 \ rusoto_credential-0.44.0 \ rusoto_firehose-0.44.0 \ rusoto_kinesis-0.44.0 \ rusoto_logs-0.44.0 \ rusoto_s3-0.44.0 \ rusoto_signature-0.44.0 \ rusoto_sts-0.44.0 \ rust-argon2-0.7.0 \ rustc-demangle-0.1.16 \ rustc-hash-1.1.0 \ rustc_version-0.2.3 \ rustversion-1.0.2 \ ryu-1.0.2 \ same-file-1.0.6 \ sasl2-sys-0.1.12 \ scan_fmt-0.2.5 \ schannel-0.1.16 \ scoped-tls-1.0.0 \ scopeguard-1.0.0 \ scrypt-0.2.0 \ seahash-3.0.7 \ security-framework-0.4.3 \ security-framework-sys-0.4.3 \ semver-0.9.0 \ semver-parser-0.7.0 \ serde-1.0.114 \ serde-big-array-0.2.0 \ serde_derive-1.0.114 \ serde_json-1.0.56 \ serde_urlencoded-0.6.1 \ serde_with-1.4.0 \ serde_with_macros-1.1.0 \ serde_yaml-0.8.11 \ sha-1-0.8.2 \ sha1-0.6.0 \ sha2-0.8.1 \ sharded-slab-0.0.8 \ shared_child-0.3.4 \ shlex-0.1.1 \ signal-hook-0.1.13 \ signal-hook-registry-1.2.0 \ simpl-0.1.0 \ siphasher-0.2.3 \ sized-chunks-0.1.3 \ slab-0.4.2 \ smallvec-0.6.13 \ smallvec-1.2.0 \ smpl_jwt-0.5.0 \ snafu-0.6.6 \ snafu-derive-0.6.6 \ socket2-0.3.19 \ sourcefile-0.1.4 \ standback-0.2.8 \ static_assertions-1.1.0 \ stdweb-0.4.20 \ stdweb-derive-0.5.3 \ stdweb-internal-macros-0.2.9 \ stdweb-internal-runtime-0.1.5 \ stream-cancel-0.4.4 \ string_cache-0.7.5 \ string_cache_codegen-0.4.4 \ string_cache_shared-0.3.0 \ strip-ansi-escapes-0.1.0 \ strsim-0.8.0 \ structopt-0.3.13 \ structopt-derive-0.4.6 \ subtle-1.0.0 \ syn-0.11.11 \ syn-0.15.44 \ syn-1.0.33 \ syn-mid-0.5.0 \ synom-0.11.3 \ synstructure-0.12.3 \ syslog-5.0.0 \ syslog_loose-0.3.0 \ target-lexicon-0.10.0 \ task-compat-0.1.0 \ tempfile-3.1.0 \ termcolor-1.1.0 \ textwrap-0.11.0 \ thiserror-1.0.16 \ thiserror-impl-1.0.16 \ thread_local-1.0.1 \ time-0.1.42 \ time-0.2.16 \ time-macros-0.1.0 \ time-macros-impl-0.1.1 \ tinytemplate-1.0.3 \ tokio-0.1.22 \ tokio-0.2.21 \ tokio-codec-0.1.2 \ tokio-compat-0.1.5 \ tokio-current-thread-0.1.6 \ tokio-executor-0.1.10 \ tokio-fs-0.1.6 \ tokio-io-0.1.12 \ tokio-macros-0.2.5 \ tokio-native-tls-0.1.0 \ tokio-openssl-0.3.0 \ tokio-openssl-0.4.0 \ tokio-reactor-0.1.11 \ tokio-retry-0.2.0 \ tokio-signal-0.2.7 \ tokio-sync-0.1.7 \ tokio-tcp-0.1.3 \ tokio-test-0.2.1 \ tokio-threadpool-0.1.17 \ tokio-timer-0.2.12 \ tokio-tls-0.3.1 \ tokio-udp-0.1.5 \ tokio-uds-0.2.7 \ tokio-util-0.3.1 \ tokio01-test-0.1.1 \ toml-0.4.10 \ toml-0.5.6 \ tower-0.1.1 \ tower-buffer-0.1.2 \ tower-discover-0.1.0 \ tower-layer-0.1.0 \ tower-layer-0.3.0 \ tower-limit-0.1.3 \ tower-load-shed-0.1.0 \ tower-retry-0.1.0 \ tower-service-0.2.0 \ tower-service-0.3.0 \ tower-test-0.1.0 \ tower-test-0.3.0 \ tower-timeout-0.1.1 \ tower-util-0.1.0 \ tracing-0.1.15 \ tracing-attributes-0.1.8 \ tracing-core-0.1.10 \ tracing-futures-0.2.1 \ tracing-log-0.1.1 \ tracing-serde-0.1.1 \ tracing-subscriber-0.2.2 \ treeline-0.1.0 \ try-lock-0.2.2 \ typenum-1.11.2 \ typetag-0.1.5 \ typetag-impl-0.1.5 \ unicase-2.6.0 \ unicode-bidi-0.3.4 \ unicode-normalization-0.1.12 \ unicode-segmentation-1.6.0 \ unicode-width-0.1.7 \ unicode-xid-0.0.4 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ unicode-xid-0.2.0 \ url-1.7.2 \ url-2.1.1 \ urlencoding-1.0.0 \ userfaultfd-0.2.0 \ userfaultfd-sys-0.2.0 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.4 \ utf8parse-0.1.1 \ uuid-0.6.5 \ uuid-0.7.4 \ vcpkg-0.2.8 \ vec_map-0.8.1 \ version_check-0.1.5 \ version_check-0.9.1 \ void-1.0.2 \ vte-0.3.3 \ wabt-0.9.2 \ wabt-sys-0.7.1 \ wait-timeout-0.2.0 \ walkdir-2.3.1 \ want-0.3.0 \ warp-0.2.3 \ wasm-bindgen-0.2.58 \ wasm-bindgen-backend-0.2.58 \ wasm-bindgen-futures-0.4.8 \ wasm-bindgen-macro-0.2.58 \ wasm-bindgen-macro-support-0.2.58 \ wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.58 \ wasm-bindgen-webidl-0.2.58 \ wasmparser-0.51.4 \ wasmparser-0.52.2 \ wasmparser-0.57.0 \ wast-11.0.0 \ web-sys-0.3.35 \ weedle-0.10.0 \ which-3.1.1 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-0.3.8 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-util-0.1.3 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winreg-0.7.0 \ winutil-0.1.1 \ ws2_32-sys-0.2.1 \ xml-rs-0.8.0 \ yaml-rust-0.4.3 \ zeroize-1.1.0 \ zstd-sys-1.4.15+zstd.1.4.4 \ leveldb-sys@git+https://github.com/timberio/leveldb-sys?branch=v3.0.0\#bbdd99a6fab0a7444a8c6eb0cc86a1a5a75f7fa1 \ leveldb@git+https://github.com/timberio/leveldb\#64265815bcf1b69f30e6cb35bf687fbd6dd64afb \ cranelift-bforest,cranelift-codegen,cranelift-codegen-meta,cranelift-codegen-shared,cranelift-entity,cranelift-frontend,cranelift-module,cranelift-native,cranelift-object,cranelift-wasm,lucet-module,lucet-runtime,lucet-runtime-internals,lucet-runtime-macros,lucet-validate,lucet-wasi,lucet-wasi-generate,lucet-wiggle,lucet-wiggle-generate,lucet-wiggle-macro,lucetc,wasi-common,wig,wiggle,wiggle-generate,wiggle-macro,winx,witx,yanix@git+https://github.com/bytecodealliance/lucet.git?rev=d4fc14a03bdb99ac83173d27fddf1aca48412a86\#d4fc14a03bdb99ac83173d27fddf1aca48412a86 \ tower@git+https://github.com/tower-rs/tower\#c87fdd9c1e4c0728fdaa87d3fafe3e48da9b498a \ rlua@git+https://github.com/kyren/rlua\#25bd7e6bffef9597466a98bfca80a3056c9e6320 \ tracing-futures,tracing-tower@git+https://github.com/tokio-rs/tracing?rev=65547d8809fcc726b8187db85b23c42e32ef5dce\#65547d8809fcc726b8187db85b23c42e32ef5dce # Fixes: error: the linked panic runtime `panic_unwind` is not compiled with # this crate's panic strategy `abort` LTO_UNSAFE= yes post-extract: ${RMDIR} ${WRKSRC_wasmtime}/crates/wasi-common/WASI ${MV} ${WRKSRC_wasi_wasmtime} ${WRKSRC_wasmtime}/crates/wasi-common/WASI ${RMDIR} ${WRKSRC_crate_lucet-runtime}/wasmtime ${WRKSRC_crate_lucet-runtime}/sightglass ${WRKSRC_crate_lucet-runtime}/wasi ${MV} ${WRKSRC_wasmtime} ${WRKSRC_crate_lucet-runtime}/wasmtime ${MV} ${WRKSRC_sightglass} ${WRKSRC_crate_lucet-runtime}/sightglass ${MV} ${WRKSRC_wasi_lucet} ${WRKSRC_crate_lucet-runtime}/wasi post-patch: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|.probe("lua")|.probe("lua-5.3")|' \ ${WRKSRC_crate_rlua}/build.rs post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/vector .include