diff --git a/audio/Makefile b/audio/Makefile index 572f44849194..65153ee89445 100644 --- a/audio/Makefile +++ b/audio/Makefile @@ -1,897 +1,898 @@ COMMENT = Audio tools SUBDIR += GxSwitchlessWah-lv2 SUBDIR += HVSC-Update SUBDIR += Maaate SUBDIR += a2jmidid SUBDIR += aacgain SUBDIR += aacplusenc SUBDIR += abcde SUBDIR += abcselect SUBDIR += abgate-lv2 SUBDIR += abx SUBDIR += adplay SUBDIR += aeolus SUBDIR += afsp SUBDIR += aften SUBDIR += alac SUBDIR += alacenc SUBDIR += alienwah SUBDIR += alo-lv2 SUBDIR += alsa-lib SUBDIR += alsa-plugins SUBDIR += alsa-seq-server SUBDIR += alsa-sndio SUBDIR += alsa-utils SUBDIR += alure SUBDIR += amarok SUBDIR += amb-plugins SUBDIR += amberol SUBDIR += ampache SUBDIR += ample SUBDIR += amsynth SUBDIR += aqualung SUBDIR += ardour6 SUBDIR += ario SUBDIR += arss SUBDIR += artyfx-lv2 SUBDIR += asmix SUBDIR += asmixer SUBDIR += asterisk-espeak SUBDIR += asterisk-flite SUBDIR += asunder SUBDIR += atunes SUBDIR += aubio SUBDIR += audacity SUBDIR += audiere SUBDIR += audiocd-kio SUBDIR += aumix SUBDIR += autocd SUBDIR += autotalent SUBDIR += autozen SUBDIR += avldrums-lv2 SUBDIR += aylet SUBDIR += bambootracker SUBDIR += bamp-lv2 SUBDIR += bangr-lv2 SUBDIR += baresip SUBDIR += baudline SUBDIR += bcg729 SUBDIR += bchoppr-lv2 SUBDIR += beep SUBDIR += beets SUBDIR += bharvestr-lv2 SUBDIR += bjumblr-lv2 SUBDIR += bliss SUBDIR += blop SUBDIR += boca SUBDIR += boops-lv2 SUBDIR += bristol SUBDIR += bschaffl-lv2 SUBDIR += bsequencer-lv2 SUBDIR += bshapr-lv2 SUBDIR += bslizr-lv2 SUBDIR += cadence SUBDIR += calf-lv2 SUBDIR += cam SUBDIR += cantata SUBDIR += caps-lv2 SUBDIR += caps-plugins SUBDIR += cardinal SUBDIR += carla SUBDIR += cava SUBDIR += ccaudio2 SUBDIR += cd-discid SUBDIR += cd2mp3 SUBDIR += cddb-bundle SUBDIR += cdparanoia SUBDIR += checkmate SUBDIR += cheesecutter SUBDIR += chordpack SUBDIR += chromaprint SUBDIR += cli-visualizer SUBDIR += clunk SUBDIR += cmp3 SUBDIR += cmt SUBDIR += cmus SUBDIR += codec2 SUBDIR += cpige SUBDIR += crip SUBDIR += csound SUBDIR += csoundqt SUBDIR += ctronome SUBDIR += cue2toc SUBDIR += cuetools SUBDIR += cutmp3 SUBDIR += cyanrip SUBDIR += dagrab SUBDIR += darkice SUBDIR += dcd SUBDIR += deadbeef SUBDIR += deadbeef-jack-plugin SUBDIR += deadbeef-mpris2-plugin SUBDIR += deadbeef-musical-spectrum-plugin SUBDIR += deadbeef-playback-status-plugin SUBDIR += deadbeef-quick-search-plugin SUBDIR += deadbeef-spectrogram-plugin SUBDIR += deadbeef-vu-meter-plugin SUBDIR += deadbeef-waveform-seekbar-plugin SUBDIR += dekagen SUBDIR += denemo SUBDIR += dexed SUBDIR += dgedit SUBDIR += din SUBDIR += discid SUBDIR += dmidiplayer SUBDIR += dpf-plugins-lv2 SUBDIR += dragonfly-reverb-lv2 SUBDIR += drumgizmo SUBDIR += drumkv1-lv2 SUBDIR += drumpiler SUBDIR += drumstick SUBDIR += dsbmixer SUBDIR += dssi SUBDIR += dtmfdial SUBDIR += dumb SUBDIR += dumb-allegro SUBDIR += easytag SUBDIR += eawpats SUBDIR += eawplus SUBDIR += ebumeter SUBDIR += ecasound SUBDIR += elisa SUBDIR += emms SUBDIR += enscribe SUBDIR += epos-devel SUBDIR += eq10q-lv2 SUBDIR += espeak-ng SUBDIR += espressivo-lv2 SUBDIR += etcd SUBDIR += eteroj-lv2 SUBDIR += etktab SUBDIR += exaile SUBDIR += exhale SUBDIR += ezstream SUBDIR += faac SUBDIR += faad SUBDIR += fabla2-lv2 SUBDIR += fapg SUBDIR += fasttracker2 SUBDIR += fatfrog-lv2 SUBDIR += faudio SUBDIR += faust SUBDIR += faust-lv2 SUBDIR += faustlive SUBDIR += fcplay SUBDIR += fdk-aac SUBDIR += fdmf SUBDIR += festalon SUBDIR += festival SUBDIR += festival-freebsoft-utils SUBDIR += festlex-cmu SUBDIR += festlex-czech SUBDIR += festlex-oald SUBDIR += festlex-ogi SUBDIR += festlex-poslex SUBDIR += festvox-cmu_us_awb_arctic SUBDIR += festvox-cmu_us_bdl_arctic SUBDIR += festvox-cmu_us_clb_arctic SUBDIR += festvox-cmu_us_jmk_arctic SUBDIR += festvox-cmu_us_ksp_arctic SUBDIR += festvox-cmu_us_rms_arctic SUBDIR += festvox-cmu_us_slt_arctic SUBDIR += festvox-don SUBDIR += festvox-el11 SUBDIR += festvox-kal16 SUBDIR += festvox-kal8 SUBDIR += festvox-ked16 SUBDIR += festvox-ked8 SUBDIR += festvox-rab16 SUBDIR += festvox-rab8 SUBDIR += festvox-russian SUBDIR += flac SUBDIR += flac123 SUBDIR += flacon SUBDIR += flite SUBDIR += fluid-soundfont SUBDIR += fluida-lv2 SUBDIR += fluidplug-lv2 SUBDIR += fluidsynth SUBDIR += fluidsynth-dssi SUBDIR += fmit SUBDIR += fogpad-lv2 SUBDIR += fomp-lv2 SUBDIR += foo-yc20 SUBDIR += fossmixer SUBDIR += fpc-a52 SUBDIR += fpc-mad SUBDIR += fpc-modplug SUBDIR += fpc-oggvorbis SUBDIR += fpc-openal SUBDIR += freac SUBDIR += freealut SUBDIR += freebsd-13-mixer SUBDIR += freedesktop-sound-theme SUBDIR += freepats SUBDIR += ft2play SUBDIR += funktrackergold SUBDIR += furnace SUBDIR += ganv SUBDIR += gbemol SUBDIR += gbsplay SUBDIR += geonkick-lv2 SUBDIR += gervill SUBDIR += giada SUBDIR += glurp SUBDIR += gmsynth-lv2 SUBDIR += gmtp SUBDIR += gmusicbrowser SUBDIR += gnaural + SUBDIR += gnome-metronome SUBDIR += gnome-music SUBDIR += gnome-podcasts SUBDIR += gnormalize SUBDIR += gnuitar SUBDIR += gnupod SUBDIR += gnuspeechsa SUBDIR += gnustep-cdplayer SUBDIR += goattracker SUBDIR += gogglesmm SUBDIR += gonic SUBDIR += goobox SUBDIR += gqradio SUBDIR += gradio SUBDIR += gramofile SUBDIR += grip SUBDIR += gsequencer SUBDIR += gsm SUBDIR += gsound SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-a52dec SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-amrnb SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-amrwbdec SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-bs2b SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-cdparanoia SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-chromaprint SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-faac SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-faad SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-flac SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-flite SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-gme SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-gsm SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-jack SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-ladspa SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-lame SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-lv2 SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-modplug SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-mpg123 SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-musepack SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-ogg SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-openmpt SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-opus SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-pulse SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-shout2 SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-sidplay SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-sndfile SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-sndio SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-soundtouch SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-speex SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-taglib SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-twolame SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-vorbis SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-wavpack SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-webrtcdsp SUBDIR += gtick SUBDIR += gtk-mixer SUBDIR += gtkguitune SUBDIR += gtkpod SUBDIR += gtmixer SUBDIR += guidoar SUBDIR += guidolib SUBDIR += guitarix-lv2 SUBDIR += gula-plugins-lv2 SUBDIR += guspat SUBDIR += gvolwheel SUBDIR += gxplugins-lv2 SUBDIR += harp SUBDIR += headsetcontrol SUBDIR += hexter SUBDIR += hpsjam SUBDIR += hts_engine-API SUBDIR += hvl2wav SUBDIR += hydrogen SUBDIR += icecast SUBDIR += icecast-kh SUBDIR += icegenerator SUBDIR += ices SUBDIR += id3ed SUBDIR += id3el SUBDIR += id3lib SUBDIR += id3mtag SUBDIR += id3ren SUBDIR += id3tool SUBDIR += id3v2 SUBDIR += infamous-plugins-lv2 SUBDIR += inscore SUBDIR += intersect-lv2 SUBDIR += invada-studio-plugins-lv2 SUBDIR += ir-lv2 SUBDIR += jack SUBDIR += jack-example-tools SUBDIR += jack-keyboard SUBDIR += jack-smf-utils SUBDIR += jack_ghero SUBDIR += jack_umidi SUBDIR += jacktrip SUBDIR += jalv SUBDIR += jalv-select SUBDIR += jamulus SUBDIR += jconvolver SUBDIR += jid3lib SUBDIR += jmatconvol SUBDIR += juk SUBDIR += juke SUBDIR += julius SUBDIR += kapitonov-plugins-pack-lv2 SUBDIR += kexis SUBDIR += kid3 SUBDIR += klystrack SUBDIR += kmix SUBDIR += komposter SUBDIR += kwave SUBDIR += ladspa SUBDIR += lame SUBDIR += lash SUBDIR += lenticular-lv2 SUBDIR += lewton SUBDIR += liba52 SUBDIR += libadplug SUBDIR += libaiff SUBDIR += libamrnb SUBDIR += libamrwb SUBDIR += libao SUBDIR += libaudec SUBDIR += libaudiofile SUBDIR += libbpm SUBDIR += libbs2b SUBDIR += libcanberra SUBDIR += libcanberra-gtk2 SUBDIR += libcanberra-gtk3 SUBDIR += libcdaudio SUBDIR += libcddb SUBDIR += libcddb-doc SUBDIR += libconvolve SUBDIR += libcoverart SUBDIR += libdiscid SUBDIR += libdssialsacompat SUBDIR += libebur128 SUBDIR += libechonest SUBDIR += libfilteraudio SUBDIR += libfishsound SUBDIR += libg722 SUBDIR += libgig SUBDIR += libgme SUBDIR += libgpod SUBDIR += libgpod-sharp SUBDIR += libgroove SUBDIR += libid3tag SUBDIR += libinstpatch SUBDIR += libkcddb SUBDIR += libkcompactdisc SUBDIR += libkeyfinder SUBDIR += liblastfm-qt5 SUBDIR += liblo SUBDIR += liblscp SUBDIR += libltc SUBDIR += libmad SUBDIR += libmatemixer SUBDIR += libmikmod SUBDIR += libmodplug SUBDIR += libmp3-archive-perl SUBDIR += libmp3splt SUBDIR += libmpd SUBDIR += libmpdclient SUBDIR += libmusicbrainz5 SUBDIR += libmusicxml SUBDIR += libmysofa SUBDIR += libnoise SUBDIR += libogg SUBDIR += liboggz SUBDIR += libopenmpt SUBDIR += libopenshot-audio SUBDIR += libopenspc SUBDIR += libopusenc SUBDIR += libsamplerate SUBDIR += libshairport SUBDIR += libshout SUBDIR += libsidplay SUBDIR += libsidplay2 SUBDIR += libsidplayfp SUBDIR += libsmf SUBDIR += libsndfile SUBDIR += libsonic SUBDIR += libsoxr SUBDIR += libspecbleach SUBDIR += libtremor SUBDIR += libumidi SUBDIR += libvorbis SUBDIR += libworkman SUBDIR += libxmp SUBDIR += lilv SUBDIR += lingot SUBDIR += linux-c7-alsa-lib SUBDIR += linux-c7-alsa-lib-devel SUBDIR += linux-c7-alsa-plugins-oss SUBDIR += linux-c7-alsa-plugins-pulseaudio SUBDIR += linux-c7-alsa-utils SUBDIR += linux-c7-audiofile SUBDIR += linux-c7-flac SUBDIR += linux-c7-gsm SUBDIR += linux-c7-libogg SUBDIR += linux-c7-libsndfile SUBDIR += linux-c7-libvorbis SUBDIR += linux-c7-openal-soft SUBDIR += linux-c7-pulseaudio-libs SUBDIR += linux-c7-pulseaudio-utils SUBDIR += linux-c7-sdl_mixer SUBDIR += linux-laudio SUBDIR += linuxsampler SUBDIR += liquidsfz SUBDIR += listener SUBDIR += littlefly-lv2 SUBDIR += lmms SUBDIR += logitechmediaserver SUBDIR += logitechmediaserver-dynamicplaylist SUBDIR += logitechmediaserver-lazysearch SUBDIR += logitechmediaserver-sqlplaylist SUBDIR += logitechmediaserver-trackstat SUBDIR += lollypop SUBDIR += lpcnet SUBDIR += lsp-plugins-lv2 SUBDIR += lua-mpd SUBDIR += luppp SUBDIR += lv2 SUBDIR += lv2file SUBDIR += lv2lint SUBDIR += lv2proc SUBDIR += lvtk SUBDIR += mac SUBDIR += madfufw SUBDIR += madplay SUBDIR += madronalib SUBDIR += malint SUBDIR += mamba SUBDIR += mate-media SUBDIR += mclk-lv2 SUBDIR += mctoolame-decoder SUBDIR += mctoolame-encoder SUBDIR += mda-lv2 SUBDIR += mhwaveedit SUBDIR += midi-matrix-lv2 SUBDIR += midifile SUBDIR += midiomatic-lv2 SUBDIR += midipp SUBDIR += midisharelight SUBDIR += mikmod SUBDIR += milkytracker SUBDIR += miniaudio SUBDIR += minimp3 SUBDIR += mio2jack SUBDIR += mixer.app SUBDIR += mixertui SUBDIR += mixxx SUBDIR += mixxx22 SUBDIR += mkcue SUBDIR += moc SUBDIR += modplug-tools SUBDIR += moodbar SUBDIR += moony-lv2 SUBDIR += mous SUBDIR += mp-player SUBDIR += mp3-archive-tools SUBDIR += mp3_check SUBDIR += mp3asm SUBDIR += mp3blaster SUBDIR += mp3burn SUBDIR += mp3c SUBDIR += mp3check SUBDIR += mp3ck SUBDIR += mp3gain SUBDIR += mp3guessenc SUBDIR += mp3info SUBDIR += mp3lint SUBDIR += mp3mover SUBDIR += mp3plot SUBDIR += mp3rename SUBDIR += mp3riot SUBDIR += mp3splt SUBDIR += mp3splt-gtk SUBDIR += mp3stat SUBDIR += mp3unicode SUBDIR += mp3val SUBDIR += mp3wrap SUBDIR += mpdas SUBDIR += mpdcon SUBDIR += mpdscribble SUBDIR += mpg123 SUBDIR += mpg123.el SUBDIR += mpg321 SUBDIR += mps SUBDIR += mpz SUBDIR += mumble SUBDIR += murmur SUBDIR += murmur-cli SUBDIR += muse-sequencer SUBDIR += musepack SUBDIR += musescore SUBDIR += musiccontrol SUBDIR += musicpc SUBDIR += musicpd SUBDIR += mythplugin-mythmusic SUBDIR += myxer SUBDIR += nas SUBDIR += ncmpc SUBDIR += ncmpcpp SUBDIR += ncpamixer SUBDIR += ncspot SUBDIR += noise-repellent-lv2 SUBDIR += noise-suppression-for-voice-lv2 SUBDIR += normalize SUBDIR += nosefart SUBDIR += noson-app SUBDIR += nyquist SUBDIR += oaml SUBDIR += ocp SUBDIR += ogg2mp3 SUBDIR += openal-soft SUBDIR += opencore-amr SUBDIR += openspc SUBDIR += optimfrog SUBDIR += optimfrog-sse2 SUBDIR += opus SUBDIR += opus-tools SUBDIR += opusfile SUBDIR += opustags SUBDIR += orbit-lv2 SUBDIR += osd-lyrics SUBDIR += osdmixer SUBDIR += oss SUBDIR += p5-Audio-CD SUBDIR += p5-Audio-Ecasound SUBDIR += p5-Audio-FLAC-Header SUBDIR += p5-Audio-MPD SUBDIR += p5-Audio-MPD-Common SUBDIR += p5-Audio-Mixer SUBDIR += p5-Audio-Musepack SUBDIR += p5-Audio-Scan SUBDIR += p5-Audio-Scrobbler SUBDIR += p5-Audio-WMA SUBDIR += p5-Audio-Wav SUBDIR += p5-CDDB SUBDIR += p5-CDDB-File SUBDIR += p5-CDDB_get SUBDIR += p5-Filesys-Virtual-DAAP SUBDIR += p5-MIDI SUBDIR += p5-MP3-Find SUBDIR += p5-MP3-ID3v1Tag SUBDIR += p5-MP3-Info SUBDIR += p5-MP3-Tag SUBDIR += p5-MP3-Tag-Utils SUBDIR += p5-MPEG-ID3v2Tag SUBDIR += p5-Music-Audioscrobbler-MPD SUBDIR += p5-Music-Audioscrobbler-Submit SUBDIR += p5-MusicBrainz-DiscID SUBDIR += p5-Net-DAAP-Client SUBDIR += p5-Net-DAAP-DMAP SUBDIR += p5-Net-FreeDB SUBDIR += p5-Net-LibLO SUBDIR += p5-Ogg-Vorbis-Header SUBDIR += p5-Ogg-Vorbis-Header-PurePerl SUBDIR += p5-Shout SUBDIR += p5-Test-Corpus-Audio-MPD SUBDIR += p5-libvorbis SUBDIR += p5-tagged SUBDIR += pacpl SUBDIR += padthv1-lv2 SUBDIR += paman SUBDIR += pamixer SUBDIR += paprefs SUBDIR += patchage SUBDIR += pavucontrol SUBDIR += pavucontrol-qt SUBDIR += pavumeter SUBDIR += pc-mixer SUBDIR += pcaudiolib SUBDIR += pd SUBDIR += pear-Text_Spell_Audio SUBDIR += penguinsap SUBDIR += pianobar SUBDIR += pianobooster SUBDIR += pianod2 SUBDIR += picard SUBDIR += picard-plugins SUBDIR += pithos SUBDIR += plasma5-plasma-pa SUBDIR += play SUBDIR += playgsf SUBDIR += playmidi SUBDIR += playumidi SUBDIR += pm3umpdl SUBDIR += pms SUBDIR += pms-devel SUBDIR += pocketsphinx SUBDIR += poly-lv2 SUBDIR += polyphone SUBDIR += portaudio SUBDIR += portmidi SUBDIR += praat SUBDIR += pragha SUBDIR += prelude-lv2 SUBDIR += protracker SUBDIR += psindustrializer SUBDIR += pulseaudio SUBDIR += pulseaudio-module-sndio SUBDIR += pulseaudio-module-xrdp SUBDIR += pulseaudio-qt SUBDIR += pulseeffects SUBDIR += py-SoundFile SUBDIR += py-al SUBDIR += py-apetag SUBDIR += py-aubio SUBDIR += py-audioread SUBDIR += py-discid SUBDIR += py-discogs-client SUBDIR += py-eyed3 SUBDIR += py-fmoo-audiotools SUBDIR += py-gtts SUBDIR += py-hsaudiotag3k SUBDIR += py-mpd SUBDIR += py-music21 SUBDIR += py-musicbrainzngs SUBDIR += py-mutagen SUBDIR += py-opuslib SUBDIR += py-pulsectl SUBDIR += py-pyacoustid SUBDIR += py-pyaudio SUBDIR += py-pylast SUBDIR += py-pyliblo SUBDIR += py-pymad SUBDIR += py-pyogg SUBDIR += py-pysndfile SUBDIR += py-python-mpd2 SUBDIR += py-soundcloud SUBDIR += py-sounddevice SUBDIR += py-soundscrape SUBDIR += py-speechrecognition SUBDIR += py-tagpy SUBDIR += py-wavio SUBDIR += py-webrtcvad SUBDIR += py-zita-audiotools SUBDIR += py-zita-jacktools SUBDIR += qaudiosonar SUBDIR += qjackctl SUBDIR += qmidiarp SUBDIR += qmidictl SUBDIR += qmidinet SUBDIR += qsampler SUBDIR += qsynth SUBDIR += qtractor SUBDIR += quimup SUBDIR += qxgedit SUBDIR += raul SUBDIR += rawrec SUBDIR += re SUBDIR += rebot3 SUBDIR += rem SUBDIR += resid SUBDIR += rexima SUBDIR += rezound SUBDIR += rhvoice SUBDIR += rhvoice-dictionary SUBDIR += rhythmbox SUBDIR += rioutil SUBDIR += ripperx SUBDIR += rkr-lv2 SUBDIR += rnnoise SUBDIR += rnnoise-nu SUBDIR += rosegarden SUBDIR += rsynth SUBDIR += rtaudio SUBDIR += rtmidi SUBDIR += rubberband SUBDIR += ruby-smf SUBDIR += ruby-taglib SUBDIR += rubygem-librmpd SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-mp3info SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-ogginfo SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-shout SUBDIR += s3mod SUBDIR += samplv1-lv2 SUBDIR += sayonara SUBDIR += sbagen SUBDIR += sc3-plugins SUBDIR += schismtracker SUBDIR += screcord-lv2 SUBDIR += sdl2_mixer SUBDIR += sdl2_sound SUBDIR += sdl_audiolib SUBDIR += sdl_mixer SUBDIR += sdl_sound SUBDIR += sfizz SUBDIR += sfront SUBDIR += shairplay SUBDIR += shairport-sync SUBDIR += sherlock-lv2 SUBDIR += shntool SUBDIR += shortwave SUBDIR += sidplay SUBDIR += sidplay2 SUBDIR += sidplayer SUBDIR += simplemod SUBDIR += siren SUBDIR += snack SUBDIR += snd SUBDIR += sndio SUBDIR += so-synth-lv2 SUBDIR += somafm-cli SUBDIR += sonata SUBDIR += sonic-visualiser SUBDIR += sonivox SUBDIR += sonivox-eas SUBDIR += sorcer-lv2 SUBDIR += sound-juicer SUBDIR += soundgrab SUBDIR += soundkonverter SUBDIR += soundtouch SUBDIR += soundtracker SUBDIR += sox SUBDIR += spc2it SUBDIR += spectacle-lv2 SUBDIR += spectmorph SUBDIR += spectrogram SUBDIR += speech-denoiser-lv2 SUBDIR += speex SUBDIR += speexdsp SUBDIR += spek SUBDIR += sphinx SUBDIR += sphinx3 SUBDIR += sphinxbase SUBDIR += spiralloops SUBDIR += spiralsynth SUBDIR += spiralsynthmodular SUBDIR += splay SUBDIR += splaytk SUBDIR += spotify-qt SUBDIR += spotify-tui SUBDIR += spotifyd SUBDIR += squash SUBDIR += squeezelite SUBDIR += sratom SUBDIR += ssr-lv2 SUBDIR += stegosaurus-lv2 SUBDIR += stk SUBDIR += stmp SUBDIR += stone-phaser-lv2 SUBDIR += strawberry SUBDIR += streamripper SUBDIR += streamtranscoder SUBDIR += string-machine-lv2 SUBDIR += stymulator SUBDIR += suil SUBDIR += supercollider SUBDIR += surge-synthesizer-lv2 SUBDIR += surge-synthesizer-xt-lv2 SUBDIR += sweep SUBDIR += swh-lv2 SUBDIR += swhplugins SUBDIR += synthpod-lv2 SUBDIR += synthv1-lv2 SUBDIR += taglib SUBDIR += taglib-extras SUBDIR += taglookup SUBDIR += tagtool SUBDIR += tagutil SUBDIR += tamgamp-lv2 SUBDIR += tap-plugins SUBDIR += tap-plugins-lv2 SUBDIR += tcd SUBDIR += teamspeak3-server SUBDIR += tempest_for_eliza SUBDIR += tetraproc SUBDIR += thunar-media-tags-plugin SUBDIR += tiatracker SUBDIR += timbre-mill SUBDIR += timely-lv2 SUBDIR += timemachine SUBDIR += timidity SUBDIR += timidity++ SUBDIR += timidity++-emacs SUBDIR += timidity++-gtk SUBDIR += timidity++-motif SUBDIR += timidity++-slang SUBDIR += timidity++-xaw SUBDIR += timidity++-xskin SUBDIR += tkeca SUBDIR += toccata-lv2 SUBDIR += tosha SUBDIR += traverso SUBDIR += tse3 SUBDIR += tta SUBDIR += tuneradio SUBDIR += twolame SUBDIR += uade SUBDIR += umix SUBDIR += umodplayer SUBDIR += umurmur SUBDIR += vamp-plugin-sdk SUBDIR += vban SUBDIR += vgmplay SUBDIR += vimpc SUBDIR += virtual_oss SUBDIR += virtual_oss_ctl SUBDIR += visp-go SUBDIR += vitunes SUBDIR += vm-lv2 SUBDIR += vmpk SUBDIR += vo-aacenc SUBDIR += vo-amrwbenc SUBDIR += voipong SUBDIR += volumeicon SUBDIR += vorbis-tools SUBDIR += vorbisgain SUBDIR += vsound SUBDIR += vst3sdk SUBDIR += waon SUBDIR += wav2cdr SUBDIR += wavbreaker SUBDIR += wavegain SUBDIR += waveplay SUBDIR += wavetral SUBDIR += wavpack SUBDIR += wavplay SUBDIR += webrtc-audio-processing SUBDIR += webrtc-audio-processing0 SUBDIR += welle.io SUBDIR += whysynth SUBDIR += wildmidi SUBDIR += wmix SUBDIR += wmmp SUBDIR += wmsmixer SUBDIR += wolf-shaper-lv2 SUBDIR += wxguitar SUBDIR += x42-plugins-lv2 SUBDIR += xanalyser SUBDIR += xcd SUBDIR += xcdplayer SUBDIR += xfce4-mpc-plugin SUBDIR += xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin SUBDIR += xfmpc SUBDIR += ximp3 SUBDIR += xmcd SUBDIR += xmix SUBDIR += xmixer SUBDIR += xmmix SUBDIR += xmp SUBDIR += xmradio SUBDIR += xoscope SUBDIR += xsynth-dssi SUBDIR += xuidesigner SUBDIR += xwave SUBDIR += yell SUBDIR += ympd SUBDIR += yoshimi SUBDIR += zam-plugins-lv2 SUBDIR += zita-alsa-pcmi SUBDIR += zita-at1 SUBDIR += zita-bls1 SUBDIR += zita-convolver SUBDIR += zita-dpl1 SUBDIR += zita-jclient SUBDIR += zita-mu1 SUBDIR += zita-njbridge SUBDIR += zita-resampler SUBDIR += zita-rev1 SUBDIR += zmusic SUBDIR += zplugins-lv2 SUBDIR += zrythm SUBDIR += zynaddsubfx .include diff --git a/audio/gnome-metronome/Makefile b/audio/gnome-metronome/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..140d230722c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/gnome-metronome/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +PORTNAME= metronome +DISTVERSION= 1.2.0 +CATEGORIES= audio +PKGNAMEPREFIX= gnome- + +MAINTAINER= jbeich@FreeBSD.org +COMMENT= Keep the tempo +WWW= https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/metronome + +LICENSE= GPLv3+ +LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/COPYING + +LIB_DEPENDS= libgraphene-1.0.so:graphics/graphene + +USES= cargo gettext gnome gstreamer meson pkgconfig python:build shebangfix +USE_GITLAB= yes +USE_GNOME= gtk40 libadwaita +USE_GSTREAMER= bad good vorbis +GL_SITE= https://gitlab.gnome.org +GL_ACCOUNT= World +GL_COMMIT= 26fb83ff4ca32bf801260c3e32af6dcef19f5e59 +SHEBANG_FILES= build-aux/meson_post_install.py +MAKE_ENV= ${CARGO_ENV} +GLIB_SCHEMAS= com.adrienplazas.Metronome.gschema.xml + +CARGO_CRATES= aho-corasick-0.7.18 \ + anyhow-1.0.56 \ + atty-0.2.14 \ + autocfg-1.1.0 \ + bitflags-1.3.2 \ + block-0.1.6 \ + cc-1.0.73 \ + cfg-expr-0.10.2 \ + cfg-if-1.0.0 \ + either-1.6.1 \ + env_logger-0.7.1 \ + field-offset-0.3.4 \ + futures-channel-0.3.21 \ + futures-core-0.3.21 \ + futures-executor-0.3.21 \ + futures-io-0.3.21 \ + futures-macro-0.3.21 \ + futures-task-0.3.21 \ + futures-util-0.3.21 \ + gettext-rs-0.7.0 \ + gettext-sys-0.21.3 \ + glib-0.10.3 \ + glib-macros-0.10.1 \ + glib-sys-0.10.1 \ + gobject-sys-0.10.0 \ + gstreamer-0.16.7 \ + gstreamer-base-0.16.5 \ + gstreamer-base-sys-0.9.1 \ + gstreamer-player-0.16.5 \ + gstreamer-player-sys-0.9.1 \ + gstreamer-sys-0.9.1 \ + gstreamer-video-0.16.7 \ + gstreamer-video-sys-0.9.1 \ + gtk-macros-0.3.0 \ + heck-0.3.3 \ + heck-0.4.0 \ + hermit-abi-0.1.19 \ + humantime-1.3.0 \ + itertools-0.9.0 \ + lazy_static-1.4.0 \ + libc-0.2.123 \ + locale_config-0.3.0 \ + log-0.4.16 \ + malloc_buf-0.0.6 \ + memchr-2.4.1 \ + memoffset-0.6.5 \ + muldiv-0.2.1 \ + num-integer-0.1.44 \ + num-rational-0.3.2 \ + num-traits-0.2.14 \ + objc-0.2.7 \ + objc-foundation-0.1.1 \ + objc_id-0.1.1 \ + once_cell-1.10.0 \ + paste-1.0.7 \ + pest-2.1.3 \ + pin-project-lite-0.2.8 \ + pin-utils-0.1.0 \ + pkg-config-0.3.25 \ + pretty-hex-0.2.1 \ + pretty_env_logger-0.4.0 \ + proc-macro-crate-0.1.5 \ + proc-macro-crate-1.1.3 \ + proc-macro-error-1.0.4 \ + proc-macro-error-attr-1.0.4 \ + proc-macro2-1.0.37 \ + quick-error-1.2.3 \ + quick-xml-0.22.0 \ + quote-1.0.18 \ + regex-1.5.5 \ + regex-syntax-0.6.25 \ + rustc_version-0.3.3 \ + semver-0.11.0 \ + semver-parser-0.10.2 \ + serde-1.0.136 \ + slab-0.4.6 \ + smallvec-1.8.0 \ + strum-0.18.0 \ + strum_macros-0.18.0 \ + syn-1.0.91 \ + system-deps-1.3.2 \ + system-deps-6.0.2 \ + temp-dir-0.1.11 \ + termcolor-1.1.3 \ + thiserror-1.0.30 \ + thiserror-impl-1.0.30 \ + toml-0.5.8 \ + ucd-trie-0.1.3 \ + unicode-segmentation-1.9.0 \ + unicode-xid-0.2.2 \ + version-compare-0.0.10 \ + version-compare-0.1.0 \ + version_check-0.9.4 \ + winapi-0.3.9 \ + winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ + winapi-util-0.1.5 \ + winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ + gdk4,gdk4-sys,gsk4,gsk4-sys,gtk4,gtk4-macros,gtk4-sys@git+https://github.com/gtk-rs/gtk4-rs\#851001b57ce913bc7f416845d401a8922630c64a \ + cairo-rs,cairo-sys-rs,gdk-pixbuf,gdk-pixbuf-sys,gio,gio-sys,glib,glib-macros,glib-sys,gobject-sys,graphene-rs,graphene-sys,pango,pango-sys@git+https://github.com/gtk-rs/gtk-rs-core\#597c827646a7ab73346226c9433b7fb9631e4ad4 \ + libadwaita,libadwaita-sys@git+https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Rust/libadwaita-rs\#9d5e5e7eba9257ad557e9f16b68ef9f6c99e5d3e +CARGO_BUILD= no +CARGO_INSTALL= no +CARGO_TEST= no + +post-patch: +# Make each cargo subcommand very verbose +# Add explicit subdir for --target from USES=cargo + @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e '/cargo/s/ --/&verbose&verbose&/' \ + -Ee '/cp/s,/(release|debug)/,/${CARGO_BUILD_TARGET}&,' \ + ${WRKSRC}/build-aux/cargo.sh + +.include diff --git a/audio/gnome-metronome/distinfo b/audio/gnome-metronome/distinfo new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..08a5ac9237df --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/gnome-metronome/distinfo @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ +TIMESTAMP = 1658404239 +SHA256 (rust/crates/aho-corasick-0.7.18.crate) = 1e37cfd5e7657ada45f742d6e99ca5788580b5c529dc78faf11ece6dc702656f +SIZE (rust/crates/aho-corasick-0.7.18.crate) = 112923 +SHA256 (rust/crates/anyhow-1.0.56.crate) = 4361135be9122e0870de935d7c439aef945b9f9ddd4199a553b5270b49c82a27 +SIZE (rust/crates/anyhow-1.0.56.crate) = 44780 +SHA256 (rust/crates/atty-0.2.14.crate) = d9b39be18770d11421cdb1b9947a45dd3f37e93092cbf377614828a319d5fee8 +SIZE (rust/crates/atty-0.2.14.crate) = 5470 +SHA256 (rust/crates/autocfg-1.1.0.crate) = d468802bab17cbc0cc575e9b053f41e72aa36bfa6b7f55e3529ffa43161b97fa +SIZE (rust/crates/autocfg-1.1.0.crate) = 13272 +SHA256 (rust/crates/bitflags-1.3.2.crate) = bef38d45163c2f1dde094a7dfd33ccf595c92905c8f8f4fdc18d06fb1037718a +SIZE (rust/crates/bitflags-1.3.2.crate) = 23021 +SHA256 (rust/crates/block-0.1.6.crate) = 0d8c1fef690941d3e7788d328517591fecc684c084084702d6ff1641e993699a +SIZE (rust/crates/block-0.1.6.crate) = 4077 +SHA256 (rust/crates/cc-1.0.73.crate) = 2fff2a6927b3bb87f9595d67196a70493f627687a71d87a0d692242c33f58c11 +SIZE (rust/crates/cc-1.0.73.crate) = 57880 +SHA256 (rust/crates/cfg-expr-0.10.2.crate) = 5e068cb2806bbc15b439846dc16c5f89f8599f2c3e4d73d4449d38f9b2f0b6c5 +SIZE (rust/crates/cfg-expr-0.10.2.crate) = 37734 +SHA256 (rust/crates/cfg-if-1.0.0.crate) = baf1de4339761588bc0619e3cbc0120ee582ebb74b53b4efbf79117bd2da40fd +SIZE (rust/crates/cfg-if-1.0.0.crate) = 7934 +SHA256 (rust/crates/either-1.6.1.crate) = e78d4f1cc4ae33bbfc157ed5d5a5ef3bc29227303d595861deb238fcec4e9457 +SIZE (rust/crates/either-1.6.1.crate) = 13641 +SHA256 (rust/crates/env_logger-0.7.1.crate) = 44533bbbb3bb3c1fa17d9f2e4e38bbbaf8396ba82193c4cb1b6445d711445d36 +SIZE (rust/crates/env_logger-0.7.1.crate) = 32281 +SHA256 (rust/crates/field-offset-0.3.4.crate) = 1e1c54951450cbd39f3dbcf1005ac413b49487dabf18a720ad2383eccfeffb92 +SIZE (rust/crates/field-offset-0.3.4.crate) = 6046 +SHA256 (rust/crates/futures-channel-0.3.21.crate) = c3083ce4b914124575708913bca19bfe887522d6e2e6d0952943f5eac4a74010 +SIZE (rust/crates/futures-channel-0.3.21.crate) = 31961 +SHA256 (rust/crates/futures-core-0.3.21.crate) = 0c09fd04b7e4073ac7156a9539b57a484a8ea920f79c7c675d05d289ab6110d3 +SIZE (rust/crates/futures-core-0.3.21.crate) = 14601 +SHA256 (rust/crates/futures-executor-0.3.21.crate) = 9420b90cfa29e327d0429f19be13e7ddb68fa1cccb09d65e5706b8c7a749b8a6 +SIZE (rust/crates/futures-executor-0.3.21.crate) = 17306 +SHA256 (rust/crates/futures-io-0.3.21.crate) = fc4045962a5a5e935ee2fdedaa4e08284547402885ab326734432bed5d12966b +SIZE (rust/crates/futures-io-0.3.21.crate) = 8902 +SHA256 (rust/crates/futures-macro-0.3.21.crate) = 33c1e13800337f4d4d7a316bf45a567dbcb6ffe087f16424852d97e97a91f512 +SIZE (rust/crates/futures-macro-0.3.21.crate) = 11250 +SHA256 (rust/crates/futures-task-0.3.21.crate) = 57c66a976bf5909d801bbef33416c41372779507e7a6b3a5e25e4749c58f776a +SIZE (rust/crates/futures-task-0.3.21.crate) = 11815 +SHA256 (rust/crates/futures-util-0.3.21.crate) = d8b7abd5d659d9b90c8cba917f6ec750a74e2dc23902ef9cd4cc8c8b22e6036a +SIZE (rust/crates/futures-util-0.3.21.crate) = 153768 +SHA256 (rust/crates/gettext-rs-0.7.0.crate) = e49ea8a8fad198aaa1f9655a2524b64b70eb06b2f3ff37da407566c93054f364 +SIZE (rust/crates/gettext-rs-0.7.0.crate) = 14816 +SHA256 (rust/crates/gettext-sys-0.21.3.crate) = c63ce2e00f56a206778276704bbe38564c8695249fdc8f354b4ef71c57c3839d +SIZE (rust/crates/gettext-sys-0.21.3.crate) = 6501658 +SHA256 (rust/crates/glib-0.10.3.crate) = 0c685013b7515e668f1b57a165b009d4d28cb139a8a989bbd699c10dad29d0c5 +SIZE (rust/crates/glib-0.10.3.crate) = 137147 +SHA256 (rust/crates/glib-macros-0.10.1.crate) = 41486a26d1366a8032b160b59065a59fb528530a46a49f627e7048fb8c064039 +SIZE (rust/crates/glib-macros-0.10.1.crate) = 7380 +SHA256 (rust/crates/glib-sys-0.10.1.crate) = c7e9b997a66e9a23d073f2b1abb4dbfc3925e0b8952f67efd8d9b6e168e4cdc1 +SIZE (rust/crates/glib-sys-0.10.1.crate) = 48839 +SHA256 (rust/crates/gobject-sys-0.10.0.crate) = 952133b60c318a62bf82ee75b93acc7e84028a093e06b9e27981c2b6fe68218c +SIZE (rust/crates/gobject-sys-0.10.0.crate) = 17058 +SHA256 (rust/crates/gstreamer-0.16.7.crate) = 9ff5d0f7ff308ae37e6eb47b6ded17785bdea06e438a708cd09e0288c1862f33 +SIZE (rust/crates/gstreamer-0.16.7.crate) = 214121 +SHA256 (rust/crates/gstreamer-base-0.16.5.crate) = bafd01c56f59cb10f4b5a10f97bb4bdf8c2b2784ae5b04da7e2d400cf6e6afcf +SIZE (rust/crates/gstreamer-base-0.16.5.crate) = 52488 +SHA256 (rust/crates/gstreamer-base-sys-0.9.1.crate) = a4b7b6dc2d6e160a1ae28612f602bd500b3fa474ce90bf6bb2f08072682beef5 +SIZE (rust/crates/gstreamer-base-sys-0.9.1.crate) = 18308 +SHA256 (rust/crates/gstreamer-player-0.16.5.crate) = 34edf65e48e0d29c18101d77a2e004488a61f81a852a75e19d9c73e03d35cb77 +SIZE (rust/crates/gstreamer-player-0.16.5.crate) = 33209 +SHA256 (rust/crates/gstreamer-player-sys-0.9.1.crate) = 53aaf79503e691a32266670bc631edb6c52bdb854984da76a0ce2756f49584a2 +SIZE (rust/crates/gstreamer-player-sys-0.9.1.crate) = 10714 +SHA256 (rust/crates/gstreamer-sys-0.9.1.crate) = fc1f154082d01af5718c5f8a8eb4f565a4ea5586ad8833a8fc2c2aa6844b601d +SIZE (rust/crates/gstreamer-sys-0.9.1.crate) = 59986 +SHA256 (rust/crates/gstreamer-video-0.16.7.crate) = f7bbb1485d87469849ec45c08e03c2f280d3ea20ff3c439d03185be54e3ce98e +SIZE (rust/crates/gstreamer-video-0.16.7.crate) = 73619 +SHA256 (rust/crates/gstreamer-video-sys-0.9.1.crate) = 92347e46438007d6a2386302125f62cb9df6769cdacb931af5c0f12c1ee21de4 +SIZE (rust/crates/gstreamer-video-sys-0.9.1.crate) = 31926 +SHA256 (rust/crates/gtk-macros-0.3.0.crate) = da5bf7748fd4cd0b2490df8debcc911809dbcbee4ece9531b96c29a9c729de5a +SIZE (rust/crates/gtk-macros-0.3.0.crate) = 2623 +SHA256 (rust/crates/heck-0.3.3.crate) = 6d621efb26863f0e9924c6ac577e8275e5e6b77455db64ffa6c65c904e9e132c +SIZE (rust/crates/heck-0.3.3.crate) = 10260 +SHA256 (rust/crates/heck-0.4.0.crate) = 2540771e65fc8cb83cd6e8a237f70c319bd5c29f78ed1084ba5d50eeac86f7f9 +SIZE (rust/crates/heck-0.4.0.crate) = 11161 +SHA256 (rust/crates/hermit-abi-0.1.19.crate) = 62b467343b94ba476dcb2500d242dadbb39557df889310ac77c5d99100aaac33 +SIZE (rust/crates/hermit-abi-0.1.19.crate) = 9979 +SHA256 (rust/crates/humantime-1.3.0.crate) = df004cfca50ef23c36850aaaa59ad52cc70d0e90243c3c7737a4dd32dc7a3c4f +SIZE (rust/crates/humantime-1.3.0.crate) = 17020 +SHA256 (rust/crates/itertools-0.9.0.crate) = 284f18f85651fe11e8a991b2adb42cb078325c996ed026d994719efcfca1d54b +SIZE (rust/crates/itertools-0.9.0.crate) = 96429 +SHA256 (rust/crates/lazy_static-1.4.0.crate) = e2abad23fbc42b3700f2f279844dc832adb2b2eb069b2df918f455c4e18cc646 +SIZE (rust/crates/lazy_static-1.4.0.crate) = 10443 +SHA256 (rust/crates/libc-0.2.123.crate) = cb691a747a7ab48abc15c5b42066eaafde10dc427e3b6ee2a1cf43db04c763bd +SIZE (rust/crates/libc-0.2.123.crate) = 577487 +SHA256 (rust/crates/locale_config-0.3.0.crate) = 08d2c35b16f4483f6c26f0e4e9550717a2f6575bcd6f12a53ff0c490a94a6934 +SIZE (rust/crates/locale_config-0.3.0.crate) = 20808 +SHA256 (rust/crates/log-0.4.16.crate) = 6389c490849ff5bc16be905ae24bc913a9c8892e19b2341dbc175e14c341c2b8 +SIZE (rust/crates/log-0.4.16.crate) = 37758 +SHA256 (rust/crates/malloc_buf-0.0.6.crate) = 62bb907fe88d54d8d9ce32a3cceab4218ed2f6b7d35617cafe9adf84e43919cb +SIZE (rust/crates/malloc_buf-0.0.6.crate) = 1239 +SHA256 (rust/crates/memchr-2.4.1.crate) = 308cc39be01b73d0d18f82a0e7b2a3df85245f84af96fdddc5d202d27e47b86a +SIZE (rust/crates/memchr-2.4.1.crate) = 64977 +SHA256 (rust/crates/memoffset-0.6.5.crate) = 5aa361d4faea93603064a027415f07bd8e1d5c88c9fbf68bf56a285428fd79ce +SIZE (rust/crates/memoffset-0.6.5.crate) = 7686 +SHA256 (rust/crates/muldiv-0.2.1.crate) = 0419348c027fa7be448d2ae7ea0e4e04c2334c31dc4e74ab29f00a2a7ca69204 +SIZE (rust/crates/muldiv-0.2.1.crate) = 4967 +SHA256 (rust/crates/num-integer-0.1.44.crate) = d2cc698a63b549a70bc047073d2949cce27cd1c7b0a4a862d08a8031bc2801db +SIZE (rust/crates/num-integer-0.1.44.crate) = 22216 +SHA256 (rust/crates/num-rational-0.3.2.crate) = 12ac428b1cb17fce6f731001d307d351ec70a6d202fc2e60f7d4c5e42d8f4f07 +SIZE (rust/crates/num-rational-0.3.2.crate) = 26359 +SHA256 (rust/crates/num-traits-0.2.14.crate) = 9a64b1ec5cda2586e284722486d802acf1f7dbdc623e2bfc57e65ca1cd099290 +SIZE (rust/crates/num-traits-0.2.14.crate) = 45476 +SHA256 (rust/crates/objc-0.2.7.crate) = 915b1b472bc21c53464d6c8461c9d3af805ba1ef837e1cac254428f4a77177b1 +SIZE (rust/crates/objc-0.2.7.crate) = 22036 +SHA256 (rust/crates/objc-foundation-0.1.1.crate) = 1add1b659e36c9607c7aab864a76c7a4c2760cd0cd2e120f3fb8b952c7e22bf9 +SIZE (rust/crates/objc-foundation-0.1.1.crate) = 9063 +SHA256 (rust/crates/objc_id-0.1.1.crate) = c92d4ddb4bd7b50d730c215ff871754d0da6b2178849f8a2a2ab69712d0c073b +SIZE (rust/crates/objc_id-0.1.1.crate) = 3258 +SHA256 (rust/crates/once_cell-1.10.0.crate) = 87f3e037eac156d1775da914196f0f37741a274155e34a0b7e427c35d2a2ecb9 +SIZE (rust/crates/once_cell-1.10.0.crate) = 30414 +SHA256 (rust/crates/paste-1.0.7.crate) = 0c520e05135d6e763148b6426a837e239041653ba7becd2e538c076c738025fc +SIZE (rust/crates/paste-1.0.7.crate) = 18285 +SHA256 (rust/crates/pest-2.1.3.crate) = 10f4872ae94d7b90ae48754df22fd42ad52ce740b8f370b03da4835417403e53 +SIZE (rust/crates/pest-2.1.3.crate) = 77986 +SHA256 (rust/crates/pin-project-lite-0.2.8.crate) = e280fbe77cc62c91527259e9442153f4688736748d24660126286329742b4c6c +SIZE (rust/crates/pin-project-lite-0.2.8.crate) = 27847 +SHA256 (rust/crates/pin-utils-0.1.0.crate) = 8b870d8c151b6f2fb93e84a13146138f05d02ed11c7e7c54f8826aaaf7c9f184 +SIZE (rust/crates/pin-utils-0.1.0.crate) = 7580 +SHA256 (rust/crates/pkg-config-0.3.25.crate) = 1df8c4ec4b0627e53bdf214615ad287367e482558cf84b109250b37464dc03ae +SIZE (rust/crates/pkg-config-0.3.25.crate) = 16838 +SHA256 (rust/crates/pretty-hex-0.2.1.crate) = bc5c99d529f0d30937f6f4b8a86d988047327bb88d04d2c4afc356de74722131 +SIZE (rust/crates/pretty-hex-0.2.1.crate) = 6176 +SHA256 (rust/crates/pretty_env_logger-0.4.0.crate) = 926d36b9553851b8b0005f1275891b392ee4d2d833852c417ed025477350fb9d +SIZE (rust/crates/pretty_env_logger-0.4.0.crate) = 8690 +SHA256 (rust/crates/proc-macro-crate-0.1.5.crate) = 1d6ea3c4595b96363c13943497db34af4460fb474a95c43f4446ad341b8c9785 +SIZE (rust/crates/proc-macro-crate-0.1.5.crate) = 8096 +SHA256 (rust/crates/proc-macro-crate-1.1.3.crate) = e17d47ce914bf4de440332250b0edd23ce48c005f59fab39d3335866b114f11a +SIZE (rust/crates/proc-macro-crate-1.1.3.crate) = 8758 +SHA256 (rust/crates/proc-macro-error-1.0.4.crate) = da25490ff9892aab3fcf7c36f08cfb902dd3e71ca0f9f9517bea02a73a5ce38c +SIZE (rust/crates/proc-macro-error-1.0.4.crate) = 25293 +SHA256 (rust/crates/proc-macro-error-attr-1.0.4.crate) = a1be40180e52ecc98ad80b184934baf3d0d29f979574e439af5a55274b35f869 +SIZE (rust/crates/proc-macro-error-attr-1.0.4.crate) = 7971 +SHA256 (rust/crates/proc-macro2-1.0.37.crate) = ec757218438d5fda206afc041538b2f6d889286160d649a86a24d37e1235afd1 +SIZE (rust/crates/proc-macro2-1.0.37.crate) = 41378 +SHA256 (rust/crates/quick-error-1.2.3.crate) = a1d01941d82fa2ab50be1e79e6714289dd7cde78eba4c074bc5a4374f650dfe0 +SIZE (rust/crates/quick-error-1.2.3.crate) = 15066 +SHA256 (rust/crates/quick-xml-0.22.0.crate) = 8533f14c8382aaad0d592c812ac3b826162128b65662331e1127b45c3d18536b +SIZE (rust/crates/quick-xml-0.22.0.crate) = 132066 +SHA256 (rust/crates/quote-1.0.18.crate) = a1feb54ed693b93a84e14094943b84b7c4eae204c512b7ccb95ab0c66d278ad1 +SIZE (rust/crates/quote-1.0.18.crate) = 28911 +SHA256 (rust/crates/regex-1.5.5.crate) = 1a11647b6b25ff05a515cb92c365cec08801e83423a235b51e231e1808747286 +SIZE (rust/crates/regex-1.5.5.crate) = 238119 +SHA256 (rust/crates/regex-syntax-0.6.25.crate) = f497285884f3fcff424ffc933e56d7cbca511def0c9831a7f9b5f6153e3cc89b +SIZE (rust/crates/regex-syntax-0.6.25.crate) = 293293 +SHA256 (rust/crates/rustc_version-0.3.3.crate) = f0dfe2087c51c460008730de8b57e6a320782fbfb312e1f4d520e6c6fae155ee +SIZE (rust/crates/rustc_version-0.3.3.crate) = 12119 +SHA256 (rust/crates/semver-0.11.0.crate) = f301af10236f6df4160f7c3f04eec6dbc70ace82d23326abad5edee88801c6b6 +SIZE (rust/crates/semver-0.11.0.crate) = 20826 +SHA256 (rust/crates/semver-parser-0.10.2.crate) = 00b0bef5b7f9e0df16536d3961cfb6e84331c065b4066afb39768d0e319411f7 +SIZE (rust/crates/semver-parser-0.10.2.crate) = 23176 +SHA256 (rust/crates/serde-1.0.136.crate) = ce31e24b01e1e524df96f1c2fdd054405f8d7376249a5110886fb4b658484789 +SIZE (rust/crates/serde-1.0.136.crate) = 76158 +SHA256 (rust/crates/slab-0.4.6.crate) = eb703cfe953bccee95685111adeedb76fabe4e97549a58d16f03ea7b9367bb32 +SIZE (rust/crates/slab-0.4.6.crate) = 16067 +SHA256 (rust/crates/smallvec-1.8.0.crate) = f2dd574626839106c320a323308629dcb1acfc96e32a8cba364ddc61ac23ee83 +SIZE (rust/crates/smallvec-1.8.0.crate) = 27992 +SHA256 (rust/crates/strum-0.18.0.crate) = 57bd81eb48f4c437cadc685403cad539345bf703d78e63707418431cecd4522b +SIZE (rust/crates/strum-0.18.0.crate) = 4207 +SHA256 (rust/crates/strum_macros-0.18.0.crate) = 87c85aa3f8ea653bfd3ddf25f7ee357ee4d204731f6aa9ad04002306f6e2774c +SIZE (rust/crates/strum_macros-0.18.0.crate) = 10229 +SHA256 (rust/crates/syn-1.0.91.crate) = b683b2b825c8eef438b77c36a06dc262294da3d5a5813fac20da149241dcd44d +SIZE (rust/crates/syn-1.0.91.crate) = 235996 +SHA256 (rust/crates/system-deps-1.3.2.crate) = 0f3ecc17269a19353b3558b313bba738b25d82993e30d62a18406a24aba4649b +SIZE (rust/crates/system-deps-1.3.2.crate) = 15866 +SHA256 (rust/crates/system-deps-6.0.2.crate) = a1a45a1c4c9015217e12347f2a411b57ce2c4fc543913b14b6fe40483328e709 +SIZE (rust/crates/system-deps-6.0.2.crate) = 22869 +SHA256 (rust/crates/temp-dir-0.1.11.crate) = af547b166dd1ea4b472165569fc456cfb6818116f854690b0ff205e636523dab +SIZE (rust/crates/temp-dir-0.1.11.crate) = 5743 +SHA256 (rust/crates/termcolor-1.1.3.crate) = bab24d30b911b2376f3a13cc2cd443142f0c81dda04c118693e35b3835757755 +SIZE (rust/crates/termcolor-1.1.3.crate) = 17242 +SHA256 (rust/crates/thiserror-1.0.30.crate) = 854babe52e4df1653706b98fcfc05843010039b406875930a70e4d9644e5c417 +SIZE (rust/crates/thiserror-1.0.30.crate) = 17748 +SHA256 (rust/crates/thiserror-impl-1.0.30.crate) = aa32fd3f627f367fe16f893e2597ae3c05020f8bba2666a4e6ea73d377e5714b +SIZE (rust/crates/thiserror-impl-1.0.30.crate) = 15230 +SHA256 (rust/crates/toml-0.5.8.crate) = a31142970826733df8241ef35dc040ef98c679ab14d7c3e54d827099b3acecaa +SIZE (rust/crates/toml-0.5.8.crate) = 54219 +SHA256 (rust/crates/ucd-trie-0.1.3.crate) = 56dee185309b50d1f11bfedef0fe6d036842e3fb77413abef29f8f8d1c5d4c1c +SIZE (rust/crates/ucd-trie-0.1.3.crate) = 44615 +SHA256 (rust/crates/unicode-segmentation-1.9.0.crate) = 7e8820f5d777f6224dc4be3632222971ac30164d4a258d595640799554ebfd99 +SIZE (rust/crates/unicode-segmentation-1.9.0.crate) = 93241 +SHA256 (rust/crates/unicode-xid-0.2.2.crate) = 8ccb82d61f80a663efe1f787a51b16b5a51e3314d6ac365b08639f52387b33f3 +SIZE (rust/crates/unicode-xid-0.2.2.crate) = 14955 +SHA256 (rust/crates/version-compare-0.0.10.crate) = d63556a25bae6ea31b52e640d7c41d1ab27faba4ccb600013837a3d0b3994ca1 +SIZE (rust/crates/version-compare-0.0.10.crate) = 15171 +SHA256 (rust/crates/version-compare-0.1.0.crate) = fe88247b92c1df6b6de80ddc290f3976dbdf2f5f5d3fd049a9fb598c6dd5ca73 +SIZE (rust/crates/version-compare-0.1.0.crate) = 14169 +SHA256 (rust/crates/version_check-0.9.4.crate) = 49874b5167b65d7193b8aba1567f5c7d93d001cafc34600cee003eda787e483f +SIZE (rust/crates/version_check-0.9.4.crate) = 14895 +SHA256 (rust/crates/winapi-0.3.9.crate) = 5c839a674fcd7a98952e593242ea400abe93992746761e38641405d28b00f419 +SIZE (rust/crates/winapi-0.3.9.crate) = 1200382 +SHA256 (rust/crates/winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.crate) = ac3b87c63620426dd9b991e5ce0329eff545bccbbb34f3be09ff6fb6ab51b7b6 +SIZE (rust/crates/winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.crate) = 2918815 +SHA256 (rust/crates/winapi-util-0.1.5.crate) = 70ec6ce85bb158151cae5e5c87f95a8e97d2c0c4b001223f33a334e3ce5de178 +SIZE (rust/crates/winapi-util-0.1.5.crate) = 10164 +SHA256 (rust/crates/winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.crate) = 712e227841d057c1ee1cd2fb22fa7e5a5461ae8e48fa2ca79ec42cfc1931183f +SIZE (rust/crates/winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.crate) = 2947998 +SHA256 (gtk-rs-gtk4-rs-851001b57ce913bc7f416845d401a8922630c64a_GH0.tar.gz) = 8ffc35fa517acd5c85911c3c8b0146dc14ca05e7d3f485f4ed370cf6da290b50 +SIZE (gtk-rs-gtk4-rs-851001b57ce913bc7f416845d401a8922630c64a_GH0.tar.gz) = 5761853 +SHA256 (gtk-rs-gtk-rs-core-597c827646a7ab73346226c9433b7fb9631e4ad4_GH0.tar.gz) = b9271d62822b3d13f663d21485c172520d86ed98d4874125c20f9bd83c9d11f5 +SIZE (gtk-rs-gtk-rs-core-597c827646a7ab73346226c9433b7fb9631e4ad4_GH0.tar.gz) = 793516 +SHA256 (World-Rust-libadwaita-rs-9d5e5e7eba9257ad557e9f16b68ef9f6c99e5d3e_GL0.tar.gz) = ddf5b0b88ab09758e751852743262d6a991fb015d9519e3b317a28cf73c816ef +SIZE (World-Rust-libadwaita-rs-9d5e5e7eba9257ad557e9f16b68ef9f6c99e5d3e_GL0.tar.gz) = 183043 +SHA256 (World-metronome-26fb83ff4ca32bf801260c3e32af6dcef19f5e59_GL0.tar.gz) = 8f77bbbd49ca51bff2cf227aee02a4c28fde4fa39b833130e7240860653fe953 +SIZE (World-metronome-26fb83ff4ca32bf801260c3e32af6dcef19f5e59_GL0.tar.gz) = 185780 diff --git a/audio/gnome-metronome/pkg-descr b/audio/gnome-metronome/pkg-descr new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cbdfaf38d0ae --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/gnome-metronome/pkg-descr @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +Metronome beats the rhythm for you, you simply need to tell it the +required time signature and beats per minutes. You can also tap to let +the application guess the required beats per minute. diff --git a/audio/gnome-metronome/pkg-plist b/audio/gnome-metronome/pkg-plist new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9cf63d5436d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/audio/gnome-metronome/pkg-plist @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +bin/metronome +share/applications/com.adrienplazas.Metronome.desktop +share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/com.adrienplazas.Metronome.svg +share/icons/hicolor/symbolic/apps/com.adrienplazas.Metronome-symbolic.svg +share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/eu/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/fur/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/gl/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/he/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/ka/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/oc/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/vi/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/metronome.mo +share/metainfo/com.adrienplazas.Metronome.metainfo.xml +%%DATADIR%%/resources.gresource