diff --git a/japanese/Makefile b/japanese/Makefile index 3f0b3aaf212e..cabc6dd25385 100644 --- a/japanese/Makefile +++ b/japanese/Makefile @@ -1,311 +1,312 @@ COMMENT = Japanese support SUBDIR += ASCIIdates98-fpw SUBDIR += CGdic-fpw SUBDIR += FreeWnn-lib SUBDIR += FreeWnn-server SUBDIR += R-cran-zipangu SUBDIR += Wnn6-lib SUBDIR += Wnn7-lib SUBDIR += a2ps SUBDIR += ack SUBDIR += ajaxzip2-core SUBDIR += ajaxzip2-data SUBDIR += alias-fonts SUBDIR += another-htmllint SUBDIR += anthy SUBDIR += anthy-unicode SUBDIR += aobook SUBDIR += bible_names-fpw SUBDIR += boiled-mozc SUBDIR += bookview SUBDIR += bugzilla44 SUBDIR += bugzilla50 SUBDIR += canna-lib SUBDIR += canna-server SUBDIR += cannadic SUBDIR += cdrom2 SUBDIR += celrw SUBDIR += chasen-base SUBDIR += cmigemo SUBDIR += cmigemo-dict SUBDIR += cp5022x-el SUBDIR += cskk SUBDIR += csrd SUBDIR += ctags SUBDIR += dams SUBDIR += dbskkd-cdb SUBDIR += ddskk SUBDIR += devil-fpw SUBDIR += dvi2tty SUBDIR += e2ps SUBDIR += eb SUBDIR += ebd-fpw SUBDIR += eblook SUBDIR += ebnetd SUBDIR += ebview-gtk2 SUBDIR += edict SUBDIR += edict-fpw SUBDIR += edyvalue SUBDIR += eijiro-fpw SUBDIR += epwutil SUBDIR += esecanna SUBDIR += esecanna-module-vje25 SUBDIR += esecanna-module-vje30 SUBDIR += esecanna-module-wnn6 SUBDIR += eterm SUBDIR += fcitx-anthy SUBDIR += fcitx-mozc SUBDIR += fcitx-skk SUBDIR += fcitx5-anthy SUBDIR += fcitx5-cskk SUBDIR += flower-fpw SUBDIR += foldoc-fpw SUBDIR += font-aozoramincho SUBDIR += font-ayu18 SUBDIR += font-ayu20 SUBDIR += font-bizin-gothic SUBDIR += font-bizud-gothic SUBDIR += font-bizud-mincho SUBDIR += font-cica SUBDIR += font-elisa10 SUBDIR += font-elisa8 SUBDIR += font-firge SUBDIR += font-firge-nerd SUBDIR += font-genjyuugothic SUBDIR += font-genshingothic SUBDIR += font-hackgen SUBDIR += font-hackgen-nf SUBDIR += font-ipa SUBDIR += font-ipa-uigothic SUBDIR += font-ipaex SUBDIR += font-ipamjm SUBDIR += font-jisx0213 SUBDIR += font-kaname12 SUBDIR += font-kanji18 SUBDIR += font-kanji26 SUBDIR += font-kappa20 SUBDIR += font-kochi SUBDIR += font-koruri SUBDIR += font-marumoji SUBDIR += font-mgenplus SUBDIR += font-migmix SUBDIR += font-migu SUBDIR += font-mikachan SUBDIR += font-mona SUBDIR += font-mona-ipa SUBDIR += font-mona-ttf SUBDIR += font-moralerspace SUBDIR += font-moralerspace-hw SUBDIR += font-moralerspace-hwjpdoc SUBDIR += font-moralerspace-hwnf SUBDIR += font-moralerspace-jpdoc SUBDIR += font-moralerspace-nf SUBDIR += font-motoya-al SUBDIR += font-mplus-bitmap SUBDIR += font-mplus-ipa SUBDIR += font-mplus-outline SUBDIR += font-myrica SUBDIR += font-myricam SUBDIR += font-naga10 SUBDIR += font-nasu SUBDIR += font-plemoljp SUBDIR += font-plemoljp-hs SUBDIR += font-plemoljp-nf SUBDIR += font-ricty SUBDIR += font-ricty-discord SUBDIR += font-rounded-mgenplus SUBDIR += font-sazanami SUBDIR += font-shinonome SUBDIR += font-std SUBDIR += font-takao SUBDIR += font-udev-gothic SUBDIR += font-udev-gothic-hs SUBDIR += font-udev-gothic-nf SUBDIR += font-ume SUBDIR += font-vlgothic SUBDIR += freepwing SUBDIR += fumeikai-fpw SUBDIR += gawk SUBDIR += gd SUBDIR += gedy SUBDIR += groff SUBDIR += gskk SUBDIR += gsuica SUBDIR += hns SUBDIR += ibus-anthy SUBDIR += ibus-mozc SUBDIR += ibus-skk SUBDIR += icanna SUBDIR += ipadic SUBDIR += jacode.pl SUBDIR += japana SUBDIR += japaneseAFM SUBDIR += jargon-fpw SUBDIR += jcode.pl SUBDIR += jishyo SUBDIR += jls SUBDIR += jvim3 SUBDIR += kakasi SUBDIR += kasumi + SUBDIR += kasumi-unicode SUBDIR += kbanner SUBDIR += kcc SUBDIR += kcode SUBDIR += kdrill SUBDIR += kinput2 SUBDIR += kiten SUBDIR += kon2-14dot SUBDIR += kon2-16dot SUBDIR += kterm SUBDIR += latex-jlisting SUBDIR += leafrogue SUBDIR += less SUBDIR += libreoffice SUBDIR += libskk SUBDIR += libslang SUBDIR += libtomoe-gtk SUBDIR += lipsf SUBDIR += lookup SUBDIR += lsd-fpw SUBDIR += lynx SUBDIR += lynx-current SUBDIR += man SUBDIR += man-doc SUBDIR += mecab SUBDIR += mecab-ipadic SUBDIR += mecab-ipadic-eucjp SUBDIR += mecab-ipadic-sjis SUBDIR += mecab-ipadic-utf8 SUBDIR += mecab-jawiki SUBDIR += mh SUBDIR += migemo SUBDIR += migemo.el SUBDIR += mime_pls SUBDIR += mozc-el SUBDIR += mozc-server SUBDIR += mozc-tool SUBDIR += multiskkserv SUBDIR += mypaedia-fpw-package SUBDIR += namazu SUBDIR += namazu2 SUBDIR += navi2ch SUBDIR += ne SUBDIR += nethack34 SUBDIR += newosaka SUBDIR += ng SUBDIR += ng-canna SUBDIR += ng-devel SUBDIR += ngraph-fonts SUBDIR += nkf SUBDIR += onew SUBDIR += p5-2chproxy SUBDIR += p5-Date-Japanese-Era SUBDIR += p5-Date-Japanese-Holiday SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-Japanese-Era SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Japanese SUBDIR += p5-Encode-EUCJPASCII SUBDIR += p5-Encode-EUCJPMS SUBDIR += p5-Encode-ISO2022 SUBDIR += p5-Encode-JP-Emoji SUBDIR += p5-Encode-JP-Mobile SUBDIR += p5-HTML-MobileJp SUBDIR += p5-Jcode SUBDIR += p5-Lingua-JA-Kana SUBDIR += p5-Lingua-JA-Moji SUBDIR += p5-Lingua-JA-Numbers SUBDIR += p5-Lingua-JA-Regular-Unicode SUBDIR += p5-Lingua-JA-Romanize-Japanese SUBDIR += p5-Lingua-JA-Summarize-Extract SUBDIR += p5-MeCab SUBDIR += p5-Number-Phone-JP SUBDIR += p5-PDFJ SUBDIR += p5-Text-ChaSen SUBDIR += p5-Text-Kakasi SUBDIR += p5-Text-MeCab SUBDIR += p5-Unicode-Japanese SUBDIR += p5-WWW-2ch SUBDIR += p5-WWW-MobileCarrierJP SUBDIR += p5-nkf SUBDIR += pejv-fpw SUBDIR += plain2 SUBDIR += plan SUBDIR += prn-ps SUBDIR += py-SudachiPy SUBDIR += py-fugashi SUBDIR += py-ipadic SUBDIR += py-jaconv SUBDIR += py-unidic SUBDIR += qkc SUBDIR += qolibri SUBDIR += quit SUBDIR += roget-fpw SUBDIR += rogue_s SUBDIR += ruby-romkan SUBDIR += ruby-uconv SUBDIR += rubygem-jpmobile-ipaddresses SUBDIR += rubygem-jpmobile-terminfo SUBDIR += rubygem-jpmobile4 SUBDIR += rubygem-mail-iso-2022-jp SUBDIR += rubygem-myrurema SUBDIR += ryaku-fpw SUBDIR += scim-anthy SUBDIR += scim-canna SUBDIR += scim-honoka SUBDIR += scim-honoka-plugin-romkan SUBDIR += scim-honoka-plugin-wnn SUBDIR += scim-skk SUBDIR += scim-tables SUBDIR += scim-tomoe SUBDIR += scim-uim SUBDIR += seaside SUBDIR += sj3-lib SUBDIR += sj3-server SUBDIR += skk SUBDIR += skk-jawiki SUBDIR += skk-jisyo SUBDIR += skk-jisyo-cdb SUBDIR += skk-tools SUBDIR += skkinput SUBDIR += skkinput3 SUBDIR += skkserv SUBDIR += slimeforest SUBDIR += slrn SUBDIR += sourcehansans-otf SUBDIR += sourcehanserif-otf SUBDIR += spoqahansans-ttf SUBDIR += srd-fpw-package SUBDIR += sudachi SUBDIR += suicavalue SUBDIR += tdiary SUBDIR += tegaki-zinnia-japanese SUBDIR += tex-ptex SUBDIR += tgif SUBDIR += tiarra SUBDIR += timidity++-slang SUBDIR += today SUBDIR += tomoe SUBDIR += uim-anthy SUBDIR += uim-mozc SUBDIR += uim-tomoe-gtk SUBDIR += vera-fpw SUBDIR += vftool SUBDIR += w3m SUBDIR += w3m-img SUBDIR += waeijiro-fpw SUBDIR += wdic-fpw SUBDIR += web1913-fpw SUBDIR += webalizer SUBDIR += wnn7egg SUBDIR += wordnet-fpw SUBDIR += wordpress SUBDIR += wwasw-fpw SUBDIR += xpdf SUBDIR += xshodou SUBDIR += xtr SUBDIR += xv SUBDIR += yc.el SUBDIR += zinnia SUBDIR += zinnia-tomoe SUBDIR += zipcodes .include diff --git a/japanese/kasumi-unicode/Makefile b/japanese/kasumi-unicode/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fc9df44dc80d --- /dev/null +++ b/japanese/kasumi-unicode/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +PORTNAME= kasumi-unicode +DISTVERSION= 2.6 +CATEGORIES= japanese + +MAINTAINER= mew14930xvi@inbox.lv +COMMENT= Dictionary management tool for anthy-unicode + +LICENSE= GPLv2 +LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/COPYING + +LIB_DEPENDS= libanthy-unicode.so:japanese/anthy-unicode + +USES= autoreconf compiler:c++11-lang gmake gnome iconv:wchar_t \ + libtool pkgconfig +USE_CXXSTD= c++11 +USE_GITHUB= yes +GH_ACCOUNT= fujiwarat +USE_GNOME= gtk30 + +GNU_CONFIGURE= yes + +CONFLICTS_INSTALL= kasumi + +OPTIONS_DEFINE= NLS +OPTIONS_SUB= yes + +NLS_USES= gettext +NLS_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= nls + +.include diff --git a/japanese/kasumi-unicode/distinfo b/japanese/kasumi-unicode/distinfo new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8a91674a6316 --- /dev/null +++ b/japanese/kasumi-unicode/distinfo @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +TIMESTAMP = 1732499480 +SHA256 (fujiwarat-kasumi-unicode-2.6_GH0.tar.gz) = a7a416d7df1776dbf32be3c779627ad4061867b54b0f2b48bc29ea2c01959246 +SIZE (fujiwarat-kasumi-unicode-2.6_GH0.tar.gz) = 199232 diff --git a/japanese/kasumi-unicode/files/patch-cellrendererspin.c b/japanese/kasumi-unicode/files/patch-cellrendererspin.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6ee6dab283c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/japanese/kasumi-unicode/files/patch-cellrendererspin.c @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +--- cellrendererspin.c.orig 2024-11-25 02:22:09 UTC ++++ cellrendererspin.c +@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ gui_cell_renderer_spin_class_init (GuiCellRendererSpin + object_class->finalize = gui_cell_renderer_spin_finalize; + + /* Override the cell renderer's edit-related methods */ +- cell_class->start_editing = gui_cell_renderer_spin_start_editing; ++ cell_class->start_editing = (GtkCellEditable *)gui_cell_renderer_spin_start_editing; + } + + diff --git a/japanese/kasumi-unicode/pkg-descr b/japanese/kasumi-unicode/pkg-descr new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6da9f98208ae --- /dev/null +++ b/japanese/kasumi-unicode/pkg-descr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +Kasumi-unicode is a personal dictionary management tool for Anthy-unicode. +Anthy-unicode is a Japanese input method to convert Hiragana text to Kana +Kanji mixed text. +Featuring add words, edit words, delete words, search words and so on. diff --git a/japanese/kasumi-unicode/pkg-plist b/japanese/kasumi-unicode/pkg-plist new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a3ba9c0954cd --- /dev/null +++ b/japanese/kasumi-unicode/pkg-plist @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +bin/kasumi +share/applications/kasumi.desktop +%%NLS%%share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/kasumi-unicode.mo +%%NLS%%share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/kasumi-unicode.mo +share/man/man1/kasumi.1.gz +share/pixmaps/kasumi.png diff --git a/japanese/kasumi/Makefile b/japanese/kasumi/Makefile index cc75ebbc4dc6..d61b2b5ef450 100644 --- a/japanese/kasumi/Makefile +++ b/japanese/kasumi/Makefile @@ -1,36 +1,38 @@ PORTNAME= kasumi PORTVERSION= 2.5 PORTREVISION= 10 CATEGORIES= japanese MASTER_SITES= OSDN/${PORTNAME} MAINTAINER= nobutaka@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Dictionary management tool for anthy WWW= http://kasumi.sourceforge.jp/ LICENSE= GPLv2 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/COPYING LIB_DEPENDS= libanthy.so:japanese/anthy \ libfontconfig.so:x11-fonts/fontconfig \ libfreetype.so:print/freetype2 USES= compiler:c++11-lang gmake gnome iconv:wchar_t localbase:ldflags pkgconfig USE_GNOME= gtk20 cairo gdkpixbuf2 USE_CXXSTD= c++11 GNU_CONFIGURE= yes GNU_CONFIGURE_MANPREFIX= ${PREFIX}/share OPTIONS_DEFINE= NLS +CONFLICTS_INSTALL= kasumi-unicode + .include .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MNLS} USES+= gettext PLIST_SUB+= NLS="" .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-nls PLIST_SUB+= NLS="@comment " .endif .include