diff --git a/security/cryptlib/files/patch-tools_ccopts.sh b/security/cryptlib/files/patch-tools_ccopts.sh
index ba77cf411fb5..040bf62ddbf0 100644
--- a/security/cryptlib/files/patch-tools_ccopts.sh
+++ b/security/cryptlib/files/patch-tools_ccopts.sh
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
 --- tools/ccopts.sh.orig	2021-10-21 02:27:26 UTC
 +++ tools/ccopts.sh
 @@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ hasSafeStackLibs()
  if [ $ISCLANG -gt 0 ] && [ $ISSPECIAL -eq 0 ] ; then
  	if [ $COMPILER_VER -ge 47 ] ; then
 -		if [ "$OSNAME" = "Darwin" ] || [ "$OSNAME" = "OpenBSD" ] ; then
-+		if [ "$OSNAME" = "Darwin" ] || [ "$OSNAME" = "OpenBSD" ] || [ "$OSNAME" = "FreeBSD" -a "$ARCH" = "arm" ] ; then
++		if [ "$OSNAME" = "Darwin" ] || [ "$OSNAME" = "OpenBSD" ] || [ "$OSNAME" = "FreeBSD" -a "$ARCH" = "arm" ] || [ "$OSNAME" = "FreeBSD" -a "$ARCH" = "powerpc" ]; then
  			# The versions of clang shipped with OS X or OpenBSD don't
  			# support -fsanitize=safe-stack even as late as clang 12, so
  			# there's not much that we can do.
 @@ -892,31 +892,6 @@ fi
  # a big deal.  As a convenient side-effect, this also enables the use of
  # ASLR where it's supported.
 -if [ "$ARCH" = "i586" ] || [ "$ARCH" = "i686" ] || [ "$ARCH" = "x86_64" ] ; then
 -	if [ "$COMPILER_VER" -ge 45 ] ; then
 -		if [ $GENERICBUILD -gt 0 ] ; then
 -			echo "  (Enabling lowest-common-denominator build options for cross-platform library)." >&2 ;
 -		else
 -			CCARGS="$CCARGS -march=native -mtune=generic" ;
 -		fi
 -		if [ "$ARCH" = "x86_64" ] ; then
 -		fi ;
 -	elif [ "$COMPILER_VER" -ge 30 ] ; then
 -		case $ARCH in
 -			'x86_64')
 -				CCARGS="$CCARGS -march=opteron -fPIC" ;;
 -			'i686')
 -				CCARGS="$CCARGS -march=pentiumpro" ;;
 -			*)
 -				CCARGS="$CCARGS -march=pentium" ;;
 -		esac ;
 -	else
 -		CCARGS="$CCARGS -mcpu=pentium" ;
 -	fi ;
  # gcc 4.x for 64-bit architectures has an optimiser bug that removes an
  # empty-list check in cryptlib's list-management code (this has been