diff --git a/editors/Makefile b/editors/Makefile index 6e71926cc376..e6e4b3fbd023 100644 --- a/editors/Makefile +++ b/editors/Makefile @@ -1,301 +1,302 @@ COMMENT = Editors SUBDIR += 2bsd-vi SUBDIR += abiword SUBDIR += abiword-docs SUBDIR += aee SUBDIR += aewan SUBDIR += amp SUBDIR += apel SUBDIR += asedit SUBDIR += beav SUBDIR += bee-host SUBDIR += biew SUBDIR += bined SUBDIR += bingrok SUBDIR += bitedit SUBDIR += bless SUBDIR += boiling-egg SUBDIR += bpatch SUBDIR += bvi SUBDIR += calligra SUBDIR += calligraplan SUBDIR += chexedit SUBDIR += cooledit SUBDIR += cpeditor SUBDIR += cream SUBDIR += cudatext SUBDIR += deforaos-editor SUBDIR += dhex SUBDIR += diakonos SUBDIR += diamond SUBDIR += dkns SUBDIR += drjava SUBDIR += dte SUBDIR += e3 SUBDIR += e93 SUBDIR += ecce SUBDIR += ecrire SUBDIR += edith SUBDIR += editorconfig-core-c SUBDIR += elementary-code SUBDIR += emacs SUBDIR += emacs-devel SUBDIR += encryptpad SUBDIR += featherpad SUBDIR += fileobj SUBDIR += flim SUBDIR += focuswriter SUBDIR += fpc-ide SUBDIR += fte SUBDIR += fxite SUBDIR += gedit SUBDIR += gedit-plugins SUBDIR += ghex SUBDIR += ghostwriter SUBDIR += gmanedit SUBDIR += gnome-latex SUBDIR += gnome-text-editor SUBDIR += gobby SUBDIR += gomate SUBDIR += gummi SUBDIR += helix SUBDIR += heme SUBDIR += hexcurse SUBDIR += hexedit SUBDIR += hexer SUBDIR += hexpert SUBDIR += hnb SUBDIR += hte SUBDIR += imhex SUBDIR += impress SUBDIR += jed SUBDIR += jedit SUBDIR += joe SUBDIR += jove SUBDIR += jucipp SUBDIR += jupp SUBDIR += kak-lsp SUBDIR += kakoune SUBDIR += kate SUBDIR += kibi SUBDIR += kile SUBDIR += komodo-edit SUBDIR += languageclient-neovim SUBDIR += lapce SUBDIR += lazarus SUBDIR += lazarus-devel SUBDIR += lazarus-qt5 SUBDIR += lazarus-qt5-devel + SUBDIR += lazarus-qt6-devel SUBDIR += le SUBDIR += leafpad SUBDIR += led SUBDIR += libreoffice SUBDIR += libreoffice-af SUBDIR += libreoffice-am SUBDIR += libreoffice-as SUBDIR += libreoffice-ast SUBDIR += libreoffice-be SUBDIR += libreoffice-bg SUBDIR += libreoffice-bn SUBDIR += libreoffice-bn_IN SUBDIR += libreoffice-bo SUBDIR += libreoffice-br SUBDIR += libreoffice-brx SUBDIR += libreoffice-bs SUBDIR += libreoffice-ca SUBDIR += libreoffice-ca_valencia SUBDIR += libreoffice-ckb SUBDIR += libreoffice-cs SUBDIR += libreoffice-cy SUBDIR += libreoffice-da SUBDIR += libreoffice-dgo SUBDIR += libreoffice-dsb SUBDIR += libreoffice-dz SUBDIR += libreoffice-el SUBDIR += libreoffice-en_GB SUBDIR += libreoffice-en_ZA SUBDIR += libreoffice-eo SUBDIR += libreoffice-es SUBDIR += libreoffice-et SUBDIR += libreoffice-eu SUBDIR += libreoffice-fa SUBDIR += libreoffice-fi SUBDIR += libreoffice-fur SUBDIR += libreoffice-fy SUBDIR += libreoffice-ga SUBDIR += libreoffice-gd SUBDIR += libreoffice-gl SUBDIR += libreoffice-gu SUBDIR += libreoffice-gug SUBDIR += libreoffice-hi SUBDIR += libreoffice-hr SUBDIR += libreoffice-hsb SUBDIR += libreoffice-i18n SUBDIR += libreoffice-id SUBDIR += libreoffice-is SUBDIR += libreoffice-it SUBDIR += libreoffice-ka SUBDIR += libreoffice-kab SUBDIR += libreoffice-kk SUBDIR += libreoffice-km SUBDIR += libreoffice-kmr_Latn SUBDIR += libreoffice-kn SUBDIR += libreoffice-kok SUBDIR += libreoffice-ks SUBDIR += libreoffice-lb SUBDIR += libreoffice-lo SUBDIR += libreoffice-lt SUBDIR += libreoffice-lv SUBDIR += libreoffice-mai SUBDIR += libreoffice-mk SUBDIR += libreoffice-ml SUBDIR += libreoffice-mn SUBDIR += libreoffice-mni SUBDIR += libreoffice-mr SUBDIR += libreoffice-my SUBDIR += libreoffice-nb SUBDIR += libreoffice-ne SUBDIR += libreoffice-nl SUBDIR += libreoffice-nn SUBDIR += libreoffice-nr SUBDIR += libreoffice-nso SUBDIR += libreoffice-oc SUBDIR += libreoffice-om SUBDIR += libreoffice-or SUBDIR += libreoffice-pa_IN SUBDIR += libreoffice-ro SUBDIR += libreoffice-rw SUBDIR += libreoffice-sa_IN SUBDIR += libreoffice-sat SUBDIR += libreoffice-sd SUBDIR += libreoffice-si SUBDIR += libreoffice-sid SUBDIR += libreoffice-sk SUBDIR += libreoffice-sl SUBDIR += libreoffice-sq SUBDIR += libreoffice-sr SUBDIR += libreoffice-sr_Latn SUBDIR += libreoffice-ss SUBDIR += libreoffice-st SUBDIR += libreoffice-sv SUBDIR += libreoffice-sw_TZ SUBDIR += libreoffice-szl SUBDIR += libreoffice-ta SUBDIR += libreoffice-te SUBDIR += libreoffice-tg SUBDIR += libreoffice-th SUBDIR += libreoffice-tn SUBDIR += libreoffice-tr SUBDIR += libreoffice-ts SUBDIR += libreoffice-tt SUBDIR += libreoffice-ug SUBDIR += libreoffice-uz SUBDIR += libreoffice-ve SUBDIR += libreoffice-vec SUBDIR += libreoffice-xh SUBDIR += libreoffice-zu SUBDIR += linux-bcompare SUBDIR += linux-r7-office SUBDIR += linux-sublime SUBDIR += linux-sublime-text4 SUBDIR += linux-sublime3 SUBDIR += linux-wps-office SUBDIR += lite SUBDIR += lite-xl SUBDIR += marker SUBDIR += mg SUBDIR += mickey SUBDIR += micro SUBDIR += mined SUBDIR += mle SUBDIR += morla SUBDIR += mousepad SUBDIR += mp SUBDIR += nano SUBDIR += ne SUBDIR += nedit SUBDIR += neovim SUBDIR += neovim-gtk SUBDIR += neovim-qt SUBDIR += notepadnext SUBDIR += novelwriter SUBDIR += nvi-m17n SUBDIR += nvi2 SUBDIR += openoffice-4 SUBDIR += openoffice-devel SUBDIR += orbiton SUBDIR += ox SUBDIR += p5-Proc-InvokeEditor SUBDIR += p5-Vimana SUBDIR += paredit-mode.el SUBDIR += parinfer-rust SUBDIR += pdfedit SUBDIR += pico-alpine SUBDIR += picpas SUBDIR += pluma SUBDIR += pluma-plugins SUBDIR += poedit SUBDIR += poke SUBDIR += psgml SUBDIR += puff SUBDIR += py-babi SUBDIR += py-editorconfig SUBDIR += py-pynvim SUBDIR += py-vim-bridge SUBDIR += quilter SUBDIR += rehex SUBDIR += retext SUBDIR += rubygem-neovim SUBDIR += sam SUBDIR += scite SUBDIR += se SUBDIR += semi SUBDIR += setzer SUBDIR += shed SUBDIR += slime SUBDIR += sly SUBDIR += sly-asdf SUBDIR += sly-named-readtables SUBDIR += sly-quicklisp SUBDIR += ssed SUBDIR += sted SUBDIR += tamago SUBDIR += tea SUBDIR += teco SUBDIR += ted SUBDIR += tetradraw SUBDIR += texmacs SUBDIR += texmaker SUBDIR += texstudio SUBDIR += textadept SUBDIR += texworks SUBDIR += the SUBDIR += treeform SUBDIR += turbo SUBDIR += tweak SUBDIR += uemacs SUBDIR += uhex SUBDIR += uzap SUBDIR += ved SUBDIR += vigor SUBDIR += vile SUBDIR += vim SUBDIR += vim-colorschemes-legacy SUBDIR += vis SUBDIR += vscode SUBDIR += web-mode SUBDIR += with-editor SUBDIR += with-editor-devel SUBDIR += wordgrinder SUBDIR += wxhexeditor SUBDIR += xcoral SUBDIR += xed SUBDIR += xi-core SUBDIR += xi-term SUBDIR += xmlcopyeditor SUBDIR += xvile SUBDIR += yudit SUBDIR += zile .include diff --git a/editors/lazarus-qt6-devel/Makefile b/editors/lazarus-qt6-devel/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..64c64ea52af8 --- /dev/null +++ b/editors/lazarus-qt6-devel/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +PKGNAMESUFFIX?= -qt6-devel + +COMMENT= Portable Delphi-like IDE for the FreePascal compiler (QT6 devel) + +CONFLICTS= lazarus-gtk2 lazarus-gtk2-devel lazarus-qt5 lazarus-qt5-devel + +LIB_DEPENDS= libQt6Pas.so:x11-toolkits/qt6pas + +LCL_PLATFORM= qt6 + +MASTERDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../../editors/lazarus-devel + +.include "${MASTERDIR}/Makefile"