Index: en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/special/chapter.xml
--- en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/special/chapter.xml
+++ en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/special/chapter.xml
@@ -91,6 +91,117 @@
+ Bundled Libraries
+ This section explains why bundled dependencies are
+ considered bad form and what to do about them.
+ Why Bundled Libraries Are Bad
+ Some software requires you to look for third-party
+ libraries yourself and adding the required dependencies to
+ your port, while other software bundles all those libraries
+ in their distribution. While the latter seems easier at first
+ sight, there are some serious drawbacks:
+ The following list is loosely based on the Fedora
+ and Gentoo
+ wikis, both licensed under the CC-BY-SA
+ 3.0 license.
+ Security If vulnerabilities are
+ found in the upstream library and fixed there, they might
+ not be fixed in the library bundled with your port. One
+ reason could be that the author is not aware of the
+ problem. This means that you have to fix them yourself or
+ upgrade to a non-vulnerable version, and send a patch to
+ the author. This all takes time, which results in
+ software being vulnerable longer than necessary. This in
+ turn makes it harder to coordinate a fix without
+ unnecessarily leaking information about the
+ vulnerability.
+ Bugs This problem is similar to
+ the problem with security in the last paragraph, but
+ generally less severe.
+ Forking It is easier for the
+ author to fork the upstream library once it is bundled.
+ While convenient on first sight, it means that the code
+ diverges from upstream making it harder to address
+ security or other problems with the software. One reason
+ for this is that patching becomes harder.
+ Another problem of forking is that because code
+ diverges from upstream, bugs get solved over and over
+ again instead of just once at a central location. This
+ defeats the idea of open source software in the first
+ place.
+ Symbol collisions When a library
+ is installed on the system, it might collide with the
+ bundled version. This can cause immediate errors at
+ compile or link time. It can also cause errors when
+ running the program which might be harder to track down.
+ The latter problem could be caused because the versions of
+ the two libraries are incompatible.
+ Licensing When bundling projects
+ from different sources, license issues can arise more
+ easily, especially when licenses are incompatible.
+ Waste of resources Bundled
+ libraries waste resources on several levels. It takes
+ longer to build the actual application, especially if
+ these libraries are already present on the system. At
+ run-time, they can take up unnecessary memory when the
+ system-wide library is already loaded by one program and
+ the bundled library gets loaded by another program.
+ Waste of effort When a library
+ needs patches for &os;, these patches have to be
+ duplicated again in the bundled library. This wastes
+ developer time because the patches might not apply
+ cleanly. It can also be hard to notice that these patches
+ are required in the first place.
+ What to do About Bundled Libraries
+ Whenever possible, use the unbundled version of the
+ library by adding a LIB_DEPENDS to your
+ port. If such a port does not exist yet, consider creating
+ it.
+ Bundled libraries should only be used if upstream has a
+ good track record on security and using unbundled versions
+ leads to overly complex patches.
Shared Libraries