Index: head/emulators/xen-kernel/Makefile
--- head/emulators/xen-kernel/Makefile
+++ head/emulators/xen-kernel/Makefile
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 CATEGORIES=	emulators
@@ -30,7 +31,12 @@
 		${FILESDIR}/0005-x86-rework-paging_log_dirty_op-to-work-with-hvm-gues.patch:-p2 \
 		${FILESDIR}/0006-xen-pvh-enable-mmu_update-hypercall.patch:-p2 \
 		${FILESDIR}/0007-iommu-fix-usage-of-shared-EPT-IOMMU-page-tables-on-P.patch:-p2 \
-		${FILESDIR}/0008-xen-arm-mm-Do-not-dump-the-p2m-when-mapping-a-foreig.patch:-p2
+		${FILESDIR}/0008-xen-arm-mm-Do-not-dump-the-p2m-when-mapping-a-foreig.patch:-p2 \
+		${FILESDIR}/xsa148-4.5.patch:-p2 \
+		${FILESDIR}/xsa149.patch:-p2 \
+		${FILESDIR}/xsa150.patch:-p2 \
+		${FILESDIR}/xsa151.patch:-p2 \
+		${FILESDIR}/xsa152-4.5.patch:-p2
 .include <>
Index: head/emulators/xen-kernel/files/xsa148-4.5.patch
--- head/emulators/xen-kernel/files/xsa148-4.5.patch
+++ head/emulators/xen-kernel/files/xsa148-4.5.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+x86: guard against undue super page PTE creation
+When optional super page support got added (commit bd1cd81d64 "x86: PV
+support for hugepages"), two adjustments were missed: mod_l2_entry()
+needs to consider the PSE and RW bits when deciding whether to use the
+fast path, and the PSE bit must not be removed from L2_DISALLOW_MASK
+This is XSA-148.
+Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <>
+Reviewed-by: Tim Deegan <>
+--- a/xen/arch/x86/mm.c
++++ b/xen/arch/x86/mm.c
+@@ -162,7 +162,10 @@ static void put_superpage(unsigned long 
+ static uint32_t base_disallow_mask;
+ /* Global bit is allowed to be set on L1 PTEs. Intended for user mappings. */
+ #define L1_DISALLOW_MASK ((base_disallow_mask | _PAGE_GNTTAB) & ~_PAGE_GLOBAL)
+-#define L2_DISALLOW_MASK (base_disallow_mask & ~_PAGE_PSE)
++#define L2_DISALLOW_MASK (unlikely(opt_allow_superpage) \
++                          ? base_disallow_mask & ~_PAGE_PSE \
++                          : base_disallow_mask)
+ #define l3_disallow_mask(d) (!is_pv_32on64_domain(d) ?  \
+                              base_disallow_mask :       \
+@@ -1770,7 +1773,10 @@ static int mod_l2_entry(l2_pgentry_t *pl
+         }
+         /* Fast path for identical mapping and presence. */
+-        if ( !l2e_has_changed(ol2e, nl2e, _PAGE_PRESENT) )
++        if ( !l2e_has_changed(ol2e, nl2e,
++                              unlikely(opt_allow_superpage)
++                              ? _PAGE_PSE | _PAGE_RW | _PAGE_PRESENT
++                              : _PAGE_PRESENT) )
+         {
+             adjust_guest_l2e(nl2e, d);
+             if ( UPDATE_ENTRY(l2, pl2e, ol2e, nl2e, pfn, vcpu, preserve_ad) )
Index: head/emulators/xen-kernel/files/xsa149.patch
--- head/emulators/xen-kernel/files/xsa149.patch
+++ head/emulators/xen-kernel/files/xsa149.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+xen: free domain's vcpu array
+This was overlooked in fb442e2171 ("x86_64: allow more vCPU-s per
+This is XSA-149.
+Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <>
+Reviewed-by: Ian Campbell <>
+--- a/xen/common/domain.c
++++ b/xen/common/domain.c
+@@ -841,6 +841,7 @@ static void complete_domain_destroy(stru
+     xsm_free_security_domain(d);
+     free_cpumask_var(d->domain_dirty_cpumask);
++    xfree(d->vcpu);
+     free_domain_struct(d);
+     send_global_virq(VIRQ_DOM_EXC);
Index: head/emulators/xen-kernel/files/xsa150.patch
--- head/emulators/xen-kernel/files/xsa150.patch
+++ head/emulators/xen-kernel/files/xsa150.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+x86/PoD: Eager sweep for zeroed pages
+Based on the contents of a guests physical address space,
+p2m_pod_emergency_sweep() could degrade into a linear memcmp() from 0 to
+max_gfn, which runs non-preemptibly.
+As p2m_pod_emergency_sweep() runs behind the scenes in a number of contexts,
+making it preemptible is not feasible.
+Instead, a different approach is taken.  Recently-populated pages are eagerly
+checked for reclaimation, which amortises the p2m_pod_emergency_sweep()
+operation across each p2m_pod_demand_populate() operation.
+Note that in the case that a 2M superpage can't be reclaimed as a superpage,
+it is shattered if 4K pages of zeros can be reclaimed.  This is unfortunate
+but matches the previous behaviour, and is required to avoid regressions
+(domain crash from PoD exhaustion) with VMs configured close to the limit.
+This is CVE-2015-7970 / XSA-150.
+Signed-off-by: Andrew Cooper <>
+Reviewed-by: Jan Beulich <>
+Reviewed-by: George Dunlap <>
+--- a/xen/arch/x86/mm/p2m-pod.c
++++ b/xen/arch/x86/mm/p2m-pod.c
+@@ -920,28 +920,6 @@ p2m_pod_zero_check(struct p2m_domain *p2
+ }
+ #define POD_SWEEP_LIMIT 1024
+-/* When populating a new superpage, look at recently populated superpages
+- * hoping that they've been zeroed.  This will snap up zeroed pages as soon as 
+- * the guest OS is done with them. */
+-static void
+-p2m_pod_check_last_super(struct p2m_domain *p2m, unsigned long gfn_aligned)
+-    unsigned long check_gfn;
+-    ASSERT(p2m->pod.last_populated_index < POD_HISTORY_MAX);
+-    check_gfn = p2m->pod.last_populated[p2m->pod.last_populated_index];
+-    p2m->pod.last_populated[p2m->pod.last_populated_index] = gfn_aligned;
+-    p2m->pod.last_populated_index =
+-        ( p2m->pod.last_populated_index + 1 ) % POD_HISTORY_MAX;
+-    p2m_pod_zero_check_superpage(p2m, check_gfn);
+ #define POD_SWEEP_STRIDE  16
+ static void
+ p2m_pod_emergency_sweep(struct p2m_domain *p2m)
+@@ -982,7 +960,7 @@ p2m_pod_emergency_sweep(struct p2m_domai
+          * NB that this is a zero-sum game; we're increasing our cache size
+          * by re-increasing our 'debt'.  Since we hold the pod lock,
+          * (entry_count - count) must remain the same. */
+-        if ( p2m->pod.count > 0 && i < limit )
++        if ( i < limit && (p2m->pod.count > 0 || hypercall_preempt_check()) )
+             break;
+     }
+@@ -994,6 +972,58 @@ p2m_pod_emergency_sweep(struct p2m_domai
+ }
++static void pod_eager_reclaim(struct p2m_domain *p2m)
++    struct pod_mrp_list *mrp = &p2m->pod.mrp;
++    unsigned int i = 0;
++    /*
++     * Always check one page for reclaimation.
++     *
++     * If the PoD pool is empty, keep checking some space is found, or all
++     * entries have been exhaused.
++     */
++    do
++    {
++        unsigned int idx = (mrp->idx + i++) % ARRAY_SIZE(mrp->list);
++        unsigned long gfn = mrp->list[idx];
++        if ( gfn != INVALID_GFN )
++        {
++            if ( gfn & POD_LAST_SUPERPAGE )
++            {
++                gfn &= ~POD_LAST_SUPERPAGE;
++                if ( p2m_pod_zero_check_superpage(p2m, gfn) == 0 )
++                {
++                    unsigned int x;
++                    for ( x = 0; x < SUPERPAGE_PAGES; ++x, ++gfn )
++                        p2m_pod_zero_check(p2m, &gfn, 1);
++                }
++            }
++            else
++                p2m_pod_zero_check(p2m, &gfn, 1);
++            mrp->list[idx] = INVALID_GFN;
++        }
++    } while ( (p2m->pod.count == 0) && (i < ARRAY_SIZE(mrp->list)) );
++static void pod_eager_record(struct p2m_domain *p2m,
++                             unsigned long gfn, unsigned int order)
++    struct pod_mrp_list *mrp = &p2m->pod.mrp;
++    ASSERT(mrp->list[mrp->idx] == INVALID_GFN);
++    ASSERT(gfn != INVALID_GFN);
++    mrp->list[mrp->idx++] =
++        gfn | (order == PAGE_ORDER_2M ? POD_LAST_SUPERPAGE : 0);
++    mrp->idx %= ARRAY_SIZE(mrp->list);
+ int
+ p2m_pod_demand_populate(struct p2m_domain *p2m, unsigned long gfn,
+                         unsigned int order,
+@@ -1034,6 +1064,8 @@ p2m_pod_demand_populate(struct p2m_domai
+         return 0;
+     }
++    pod_eager_reclaim(p2m);
+     /* Only sweep if we're actually out of memory.  Doing anything else
+      * causes unnecessary time and fragmentation of superpages in the p2m. */
+     if ( p2m->pod.count == 0 )
+@@ -1070,6 +1102,8 @@ p2m_pod_demand_populate(struct p2m_domai
+     p2m->pod.entry_count -= (1 << order);
+     BUG_ON(p2m->pod.entry_count < 0);
++    pod_eager_record(p2m, gfn_aligned, order);
+     if ( tb_init_done )
+     {
+         struct {
+@@ -1085,12 +1119,6 @@ p2m_pod_demand_populate(struct p2m_domai
+         __trace_var(TRC_MEM_POD_POPULATE, 0, sizeof(t), &t);
+     }
+-    /* Check the last guest demand-populate */
+-    if ( p2m->pod.entry_count > p2m->pod.count 
+-         && (order == PAGE_ORDER_2M)
+-         && (q & P2M_ALLOC) )
+-        p2m_pod_check_last_super(p2m, gfn_aligned);
+     pod_unlock(p2m);
+     return 0;
+ out_of_memory:
+--- a/xen/arch/x86/mm/p2m.c
++++ b/xen/arch/x86/mm/p2m.c
+@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ boolean_param("hap_2mb", opt_hap_2mb);
+ /* Init the datastructures for later use by the p2m code */
+ static int p2m_initialise(struct domain *d, struct p2m_domain *p2m)
+ {
++    unsigned int i;
+     int ret = 0;
+     mm_rwlock_init(&p2m->lock);
+@@ -73,6 +74,9 @@ static int p2m_initialise(struct domain 
+     p2m->np2m_base = P2M_BASE_EADDR;
++    for ( i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(p2m->pod.mrp.list); ++i )
++        p2m->pod.mrp.list[i] = INVALID_GFN;
+     if ( hap_enabled(d) && cpu_has_vmx )
+         ret = ept_p2m_init(p2m);
+     else
+--- a/xen/include/asm-x86/p2m.h
++++ b/xen/include/asm-x86/p2m.h
+@@ -292,10 +292,20 @@ struct p2m_domain {
+                          entry_count;  /* # of pages in p2m marked pod      */
+         unsigned long    reclaim_single; /* Last gpfn of a scan */
+         unsigned long    max_guest;    /* gpfn of max guest demand-populate */
+-#define POD_HISTORY_MAX 128
+-        /* gpfn of last guest superpage demand-populated */
+-        unsigned long    last_populated[POD_HISTORY_MAX]; 
+-        unsigned int     last_populated_index;
++        /*
++         * Tracking of the most recently populated PoD pages, for eager
++         * reclamation.
++         */
++        struct pod_mrp_list {
++#define NR_POD_MRP_ENTRIES 32
++/* Encode ORDER_2M superpage in top bit of GFN */
++            unsigned long list[NR_POD_MRP_ENTRIES];
++            unsigned int idx;
++        } mrp;
+         mm_lock_t        lock;         /* Locking of private pod structs,   *
+                                         * not relying on the p2m lock.      */
+     } pod;
Index: head/emulators/xen-kernel/files/xsa151.patch
--- head/emulators/xen-kernel/files/xsa151.patch
+++ head/emulators/xen-kernel/files/xsa151.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+xenoprof: free domain's vcpu array
+This was overlooked in fb442e2171 ("x86_64: allow more vCPU-s per
+This is XSA-151.
+Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <>
+Reviewed-by: Ian Campbell <>
+--- a/xen/common/xenoprof.c
++++ b/xen/common/xenoprof.c
+@@ -239,6 +239,7 @@ static int alloc_xenoprof_struct(
+     d->xenoprof->rawbuf = alloc_xenheap_pages(get_order_from_pages(npages), 0);
+     if ( d->xenoprof->rawbuf == NULL )
+     {
++        xfree(d->xenoprof->vcpu);
+         xfree(d->xenoprof);
+         d->xenoprof = NULL;
+         return -ENOMEM;
+@@ -286,6 +287,7 @@ void free_xenoprof_pages(struct domain *
+         free_xenheap_pages(x->rawbuf, order);
+     }
++    xfree(x->vcpu);
+     xfree(x);
+     d->xenoprof = NULL;
+ }
Index: head/emulators/xen-kernel/files/xsa152-4.5.patch
--- head/emulators/xen-kernel/files/xsa152-4.5.patch
+++ head/emulators/xen-kernel/files/xsa152-4.5.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+x86: rate-limit logging in do_xen{oprof,pmu}_op()
+Some of the sub-ops are acessible to all guests, and hence should be
+rate-limited. In the xenoprof case, just like for XSA-146, include them
+only in debug builds. Since the vPMU code is rather new, allow them to
+be always present, but downgrade them to (rate limited) guest messages.
+This is XSA-152.
+Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <>
+--- a/xen/common/xenoprof.c
++++ b/xen/common/xenoprof.c
+@@ -676,15 +676,13 @@ ret_t do_xenoprof_op(int op, XEN_GUEST_H
+     if ( (op < 0) || (op > XENOPROF_last_op) )
+     {
+-        printk("xenoprof: invalid operation %d for domain %d\n",
+-               op, current->domain->domain_id);
++        gdprintk(XENLOG_DEBUG, "invalid operation %d\n", op);
+         return -EINVAL;
+     }
+     if ( !NONPRIV_OP(op) && (current->domain != xenoprof_primary_profiler) )
+     {
+-        printk("xenoprof: dom %d denied privileged operation %d\n",
+-               current->domain->domain_id, op);
++        gdprintk(XENLOG_DEBUG, "denied privileged operation %d\n", op);
+         return -EPERM;
+     }
+@@ -907,8 +905,7 @@ ret_t do_xenoprof_op(int op, XEN_GUEST_H
+     spin_unlock(&xenoprof_lock);
+     if ( ret < 0 )
+-        printk("xenoprof: operation %d failed for dom %d (status : %d)\n",
+-               op, current->domain->domain_id, ret);
++        gdprintk(XENLOG_DEBUG, "operation %d failed: %d\n", op, ret);
+     return ret;
+ }
Index: head/emulators/xen/Makefile
--- head/emulators/xen/Makefile
+++ head/emulators/xen/Makefile
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 CATEGORIES=	emulators
Index: head/sysutils/xen-tools/Makefile
--- head/sysutils/xen-tools/Makefile
+++ head/sysutils/xen-tools/Makefile
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 CATEGORIES=	sysutils emulators
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
 EXTRA_PATCHES=	${FILESDIR}/xsa137.patch:-p1 \
 		${FILESDIR}/xsa142-4.5.patch:-p1 \
+		${FILESDIR}/xsa153-libxl.patch:-p1 \
 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--with-extra-qemuu-configure-args="${QEMU_ARGS}"
Index: head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa153-libxl.patch
--- head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa153-libxl.patch
+++ head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa153-libxl.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+From 27593ec62bdad8621df910931349d964a6dbaa8c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Ian Jackson <>
+Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 16:18:30 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH XSA-153 v3] libxl: adjust PoD target by memory fudge, too
+PoD guests need to balloon at least as far as required by PoD, or risk
+crashing.  Currently they don't necessarily know what the right value
+is, because our memory accounting is (at the very least) confusing.
+Apply the memory limit fudge factor to the in-hypervisor PoD memory
+target, too.  This will increase the size of the guest's PoD cache by
+the fudge factor LIBXL_MAXMEM_CONSTANT (currently 1Mby).  This ensures
+that even with a slightly-off balloon driver, the guest will be
+stable even under memory pressure.
+There are two call sites of xc_domain_set_pod_target that need fixing:
+The one in libxl_set_memory_target is straightforward.
+The one in xc_hvm_build_x86.c:setup_guest is more awkward.  Simply
+setting the PoD target differently does not work because the various
+amounts of memory during domain construction no longer match up.
+Instead, we adjust the guest memory target in xenstore (but only for
+PoD guests).
+This introduces a 1Mby discrepancy between the balloon target of a PoD
+guest at boot, and the target set by an apparently-equivalent `xl
+mem-set' (or similar) later.  This approach is low-risk for a security
+fix but we need to fix this up properly in xen.git#staging and
+probably also in stable trees.
+This is XSA-153.
+Signed-off-by: Ian Jackson <>
+ tools/libxl/libxl.c     |    2 +-
+ tools/libxl/libxl_dom.c |    9 ++++++++-
+ 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tools/libxl/libxl.c b/tools/libxl/libxl.c
+index d38d0c7..1366177 100644
+--- a/tools/libxl/libxl.c
++++ b/tools/libxl/libxl.c
+@@ -4815,7 +4815,7 @@ retry_transaction:
+     }
+     rc = xc_domain_set_pod_target(ctx->xch, domid,
+-            new_target_memkb / 4, NULL, NULL, NULL);
++            (new_target_memkb + LIBXL_MAXMEM_CONSTANT) / 4, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+     if (rc != 0) {
+                 "xc_domain_set_pod_target domid=%d, memkb=%d "
+diff --git a/tools/libxl/libxl_dom.c b/tools/libxl/libxl_dom.c
+index b514377..8019f4e 100644
+--- a/tools/libxl/libxl_dom.c
++++ b/tools/libxl/libxl_dom.c
+@@ -486,6 +486,7 @@ int libxl__build_post(libxl__gc *gc, uint32_t domid,
+     xs_transaction_t t;
+     char **ents;
+     int i, rc;
++    int64_t mem_target_fudge;
+     if (info->num_vnuma_nodes && !info->num_vcpu_soft_affinity) {
+         rc = set_vnuma_affinity(gc, domid, info);
+@@ -518,11 +519,17 @@ int libxl__build_post(libxl__gc *gc, uint32_t domid,
+         }
+     }
++    mem_target_fudge =
++        (info->type == LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_HVM &&
++         info->max_memkb > info->target_memkb)
++        ? LIBXL_MAXMEM_CONSTANT : 0;
+     ents = libxl__calloc(gc, 12 + (info->max_vcpus * 2) + 2, sizeof(char *));
+     ents[0] = "memory/static-max";
+     ents[1] = GCSPRINTF("%"PRId64, info->max_memkb);
+     ents[2] = "memory/target";
+-    ents[3] = GCSPRINTF("%"PRId64, info->target_memkb - info->video_memkb);
++    ents[3] = GCSPRINTF("%"PRId64, info->target_memkb - info->video_memkb
++                        - mem_target_fudge);
+     ents[4] = "memory/videoram";
+     ents[5] = GCSPRINTF("%"PRId64, info->video_memkb);
+     ents[6] = "domid";