Index: sys/vm/vm_page.h
--- sys/vm/vm_page.h
+++ sys/vm/vm_page.h
@@ -683,8 +683,6 @@
 void vm_page_replace(vm_page_t mnew, vm_object_t object,
     vm_pindex_t pindex, vm_page_t mold);
 int vm_page_sbusied(vm_page_t m);
-vm_page_t vm_page_scan_contig(u_long npages, vm_page_t m_start,
-    vm_page_t m_end, u_long alignment, vm_paddr_t boundary, int options);
 vm_page_bits_t vm_page_set_dirty(vm_page_t m);
 void vm_page_set_valid_range(vm_page_t m, int base, int size);
 vm_offset_t vm_page_startup(vm_offset_t vaddr);
Index: sys/vm/vm_page.c
--- sys/vm/vm_page.c
+++ sys/vm/vm_page.c
@@ -2627,7 +2627,7 @@
  *	span a hole (or discontiguity) in the physical address space.  Both
  *	"alignment" and "boundary" must be a power of two.
+static vm_page_t
 vm_page_scan_contig(u_long npages, vm_page_t m_start, vm_page_t m_end,
     u_long alignment, vm_paddr_t boundary, int options)
@@ -3028,10 +3028,9 @@
     int desired_runs)
 	struct vm_domain *vmd;
-	vm_paddr_t curr_low;
-	vm_page_t m_run, _m_runs[NRUNS], *m_runs;
+	vm_page_t bounds[2], m_run, _m_runs[NRUNS], *m_runs;
 	u_long count, minalign, reclaimed;
-	int error, i, min_reclaim, nruns, options, req_class;
+	int error, i, min_reclaim, nruns, options, req_class, segind;
 	bool ret;
 	KASSERT(npages > 0, ("npages is 0"));
@@ -3098,16 +3097,16 @@
 		 * Find the highest runs that satisfy the given constraints
 		 * and restrictions, and record them in "m_runs".
-		curr_low = low;
 		count = 0;
-		for (;;) {
-			m_run = vm_phys_scan_contig(domain, npages, curr_low,
-			    high, alignment, boundary, options);
-			if (m_run == NULL)
-				break;
-			curr_low = VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m_run) + ptoa(npages);
-			m_runs[RUN_INDEX(count, nruns)] = m_run;
-			count++;
+		segind = vm_phys_paddr_to_segind(low);
+		while ((segind = vm_phys_found_range(bounds, segind, domain,
+		    npages, low, high)) != -1) {
+			while ((m_run = vm_page_scan_contig(npages, bounds[0],
+			    bounds[1], alignment, boundary, options))) {
+				bounds[0] = m_run + npages;
+				m_runs[RUN_INDEX(count, nruns)] = m_run;
+				count++;
+			}
Index: sys/vm/vm_phys.h
--- sys/vm/vm_phys.h
+++ sys/vm/vm_phys.h
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
 #ifdef _KERNEL
+#include <vm/_vm_phys.h>
 extern vm_paddr_t phys_avail[];
 /* Domains must be dense (non-sparse) and zero-based. */
@@ -77,8 +79,8 @@
 vm_page_t vm_phys_paddr_to_vm_page(vm_paddr_t pa);
 void vm_phys_register_domains(int ndomains, struct mem_affinity *affinity,
     int *locality);
-vm_page_t vm_phys_scan_contig(int domain, u_long npages, vm_paddr_t low,
-    vm_paddr_t high, u_long alignment, vm_paddr_t boundary, int options);
+int vm_phys_found_range(vm_page_t bounds[], int segind, int domain,
+    u_long npages, vm_paddr_t low, vm_paddr_t high);
 bool vm_phys_unfree_page(vm_page_t m);
 int vm_phys_mem_affinity(int f, int t);
 void vm_phys_early_add_seg(vm_paddr_t start, vm_paddr_t end);
@@ -106,5 +108,25 @@
+ * Find the segind corresponding to the given physical address.
+ */
+static inline int
+vm_phys_paddr_to_segind(vm_paddr_t pa)
+	int hi, lo, mid;
+	lo = 0;
+	hi = vm_phys_nsegs;
+	while (lo != hi) {
+		mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
+		if (pa >= vm_phys_segs[mid].end)
+			lo = mid + 1;
+		else
+			hi = mid;
+	}
+	return (lo);
 #endif	/* _KERNEL */
 #endif	/* !_VM_PHYS_H_ */
Index: sys/vm/vm_phys.c
--- sys/vm/vm_phys.c
+++ sys/vm/vm_phys.c
@@ -900,12 +900,13 @@
 	struct vm_phys_seg *seg;
 	int segind;
-	for (segind = 0; segind < vm_phys_nsegs; segind++) {
-		seg = &vm_phys_segs[segind];
-		if (pa >= seg->start && pa < seg->end)
-			return (&seg->first_page[atop(pa - seg->start)]);
-	}
-	return (NULL);
+	segind = vm_phys_paddr_to_segind(pa);
+	if (segind == vm_phys_nsegs)
+		return (NULL);
+	seg = &vm_phys_segs[segind];
+	if (pa < seg->start)
+		return (NULL);
+	return (&seg->first_page[atop(pa - seg->start)]);
@@ -1238,55 +1239,34 @@
- * Scan physical memory between the specified addresses "low" and "high" for a
- * run of contiguous physical pages that satisfy the specified conditions, and
- * return the lowest page in the run.  The specified "alignment" determines
- * the alignment of the lowest physical page in the run.  If the specified
- * "boundary" is non-zero, then the run of physical pages cannot span a
- * physical address that is a multiple of "boundary".
- *
- * "npages" must be greater than zero.  Both "alignment" and "boundary" must
- * be a power of two.
+ * Identify the first address range within segment segind or greater
+ * that matches the domain, lies within the low/high range, and has
+ * enough pages.  Return -1 if there is none.
-vm_phys_scan_contig(int domain, u_long npages, vm_paddr_t low, vm_paddr_t high,
-    u_long alignment, vm_paddr_t boundary, int options)
+vm_phys_found_range(vm_page_t bounds[], int segind, int domain,
+    u_long npages, vm_paddr_t low, vm_paddr_t high)
-	vm_paddr_t pa_end;
-	vm_page_t m_end, m_run, m_start;
-	struct vm_phys_seg *seg;
-	int segind;
+	vm_paddr_t pa_end, pa_start;
+	struct vm_phys_seg *end_seg, *seg;
-	KASSERT(npages > 0, ("npages is 0"));
-	KASSERT(powerof2(alignment), ("alignment is not a power of 2"));
-	KASSERT(powerof2(boundary), ("boundary is not a power of 2"));
-	if (low >= high)
-		return (NULL);
-	for (segind = 0; segind < vm_phys_nsegs; segind++) {
-		seg = &vm_phys_segs[segind];
-		if (seg->domain != domain)
-			continue;
-		if (seg->start >= high)
-			break;
-		if (low >= seg->end)
-			continue;
-		if (low <= seg->start)
-			m_start = seg->first_page;
-		else
-			m_start = &seg->first_page[atop(low - seg->start)];
-		if (high < seg->end)
-			pa_end = high;
-		else
-			pa_end = seg->end;
-		if (pa_end - VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m_start) < ptoa(npages))
+	KASSERT(npages > 0, ("npages is zero"));
+	end_seg = &vm_phys_segs[vm_phys_nsegs];
+	for (seg = &vm_phys_segs[segind];
+	     seg < end_seg && seg->start < high; seg++) {
+		pa_start = MAX(low, seg->start);
+		pa_end = MIN(high, seg->end);
+		if (seg->domain != domain || pa_end - pa_start < ptoa(npages))
-		m_end = &seg->first_page[atop(pa_end - seg->start)];
-		m_run = vm_page_scan_contig(npages, m_start, m_end,
-		    alignment, boundary, options);
-		if (m_run != NULL)
-			return (m_run);
+		bounds[0] = &seg->first_page[atop(pa_start - seg->start)];
+		bounds[1] = &seg->first_page[atop(pa_end - seg->start)];
+		break;
-	return (NULL);
+	if (seg < end_seg && seg->start >= high)
+		seg = end_seg;
+	if (seg == end_seg)
+		return (-1);
+	return (seg - vm_phys_segs);