diff --git a/website/content/en/internal/software-license.adoc b/website/content/en/internal/software-license.adoc --- a/website/content/en/internal/software-license.adoc +++ b/website/content/en/internal/software-license.adoc @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ * The import of new software licensed under any licenses other than the BSD license and BSD-Like Licenses (as defined below) requires the prior approval of the FreeBSD Core Team. Requests for import must include: ** A list of features or bug fixes that the new version or patches contain, along with evidence that our users need those features. PRs or references to mailing list discussions are ideal forms of evidence. -** This process should be used for all software imports, not just those that require Core Team review. The mere existence of a new version does not justify an import of software to source or ports. ** A list of FreeBSD branches that may be affected. Expansions of scope require a new request to and approval from the FreeBSD Core Team. * The Apache License 2.0 is acceptable for use in some cases. The Core Team must approve the import of new Apache License licensed components or the change of license of existing components to the Apache License.