diff --git a/etc/mtree/BSD.include.dist b/etc/mtree/BSD.include.dist
--- a/etc/mtree/BSD.include.dist
+++ b/etc/mtree/BSD.include.dist
@@ -136,6 +136,8 @@
+        wg
+        ..
diff --git a/include/Makefile b/include/Makefile
--- a/include/Makefile
+++ b/include/Makefile
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 	dev/hwpmc dev/hyperv \
 	dev/ic dev/iicbus dev/io dev/mfi dev/mmc dev/nvme \
 	dev/ofw dev/pbio dev/pci ${_dev_powermac_nvram} dev/ppbus dev/pwm \
-	dev/smbus dev/speaker dev/tcp_log dev/veriexec dev/vkbd \
+	dev/smbus dev/speaker dev/tcp_log dev/veriexec dev/vkbd dev/wg \
 	fs/devfs fs/fdescfs fs/msdosfs fs/nfs fs/nullfs \
 	fs/procfs fs/smbfs fs/udf fs/unionfs \
 	geom/cache geom/concat geom/eli geom/gate geom/journal geom/label \
@@ -225,6 +225,10 @@
 MLX5=		mlx5io.h
 MLX5DIR=	${INCLUDEDIR}/dev/mlx5
+.PATH: ${SRCTOP}/sys/dev/wg
+WG=		if_wg.h
 		AGP \
@@ -244,7 +248,8 @@
 		RPC \
 		TEKEN \
+		WG
 .if ${MK_IPFILTER} != "no"
diff --git a/share/man/man4/Makefile b/share/man/man4/Makefile
--- a/share/man/man4/Makefile
+++ b/share/man/man4/Makefile
@@ -583,6 +583,7 @@
 	vtnet.4 \
 	watchdog.4 \
 	${_wbwd.4} \
+	wg.4 \
 	witness.4 \
 	wlan.4 \
 	wlan_acl.4 \
@@ -760,6 +761,7 @@
 MLINKS+=vte.4 if_vte.4
 MLINKS+=vtnet.4 if_vtnet.4
 MLINKS+=watchdog.4 SW_WATCHDOG.4
+MLINKS+=wg.4 if_wg.4
 MLINKS+=${_wpi.4} ${_if_wpi.4}
 MLINKS+=xl.4 if_xl.4
diff --git a/share/man/man4/wg.4 b/share/man/man4/wg.4
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/man/man4/wg.4
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+.\" Copyright (c) 2020 Gordon Bergling <gbe@FreeBSD.org>
+.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+.\" are met:
+.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+.\"    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+.\"    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+.\"    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+.\" $FreeBSD$
+.Dd March 12, 2021
+.Dt WG 4
+.Nm wg
+.Nd "WireGuard - pseudo-device"
+To load the driver as a module at boot time, place the following line in
+.Xr loader.conf 5 :
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+driver provides Virtual Private Network (VPN) interfaces for the secure
+exchange of layer 3 traffic with other WireGuard peers using the WireGuard
+interface recognises one or more peers, establishes a secure tunnel with
+each on demand, and tracks each peer's UDP endpoint for exchanging encrypted
+traffic with.
+The interfaces can be created at runtime using the
+.Ic ifconfig Cm wg Ns Ar N Cm create
+The interface itself can be configured with
+.Xr wg 8 .
+The following glossary provides a brief overview of WireGuard
+.Bl -tag -width indent -offset 3n
+.It Peer
+Peers exchange IPv4 or IPv6 traffic over secure tunnels.
+interface may be configured to recognise one or more peers.
+.It Key
+Each peer uses its private key and corresponding public key to
+identify itself to others.
+A peer configures a
+interface with its own private key and with the public keys of its peers.
+.It Pre-shared key
+In addition to the public keys, each peer pair may be configured with a
+unique pre-shared symmetric key.
+This is used in their handshake to guard against future compromise of the
+peers' encrypted tunnel if a quantum-computational attack on their
+Diffie-Hellman exchange becomes feasible.
+It is optional, but recommended.
+.It Allowed IPs
+A single
+interface may maintain concurrent tunnels connecting diverse networks.
+The interface therefore implements rudimentary routing and reverse-path
+filtering functions for its tunneled traffic.
+These functions reference a set of allowed IP ranges configured against
+each peer.
+The interface will route outbound tunneled traffic to the peer configured
+with the most specific matching allowed IP address range, or drop it
+if no such match exists.
+The interface will accept tunneled traffic only from the peer
+configured with the most specific matching allowed IP address range
+for the incoming traffic, or drop it if no such match exists.
+That is, tunneled traffic routed to a given peer cannot return through
+another peer of the same
+This ensures that peers cannot spoof another's traffic.
+.It Handshake
+Two peers handshake to mutually authenticate each other and to
+establish a shared series of secret ephemeral encryption keys.
+Any peer may initiate a handshake.
+Handshakes occur only when there is traffic to send, and recur every
+two minutes during transfers.
+.It Connectionless
+Due to the handshake behavior, there is no connected or disconnected
+.Ss Keys
+Private keys for WireGuard can be generated from any sufficiently
+secure random source.
+The Curve25519 keys and the pre-shared keys are both 32 bytes
+long and are commonly encoded in base64 for ease of use.
+Keys can be generated with
+.Xr wg 8
+as follows:
+.Dl $ wg genkey
+Although a valid Curve25519 key must have 5 bits set to
+specific values, this is done by the interface and so it
+will accept any random 32-byte base64 string.
+Create a
+interface and set random private key.
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+# ifconfig wg0 create
+# wg genkey | wg set wg0 listen-port 54321 private-key /dev/stdin
+Retrieve the associated public key from a
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+$ wg show wg0 public-key
+Connect to a specific endpoint using its public-key and set the allowed IP address
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+# wg set wg0 peer '7lWtsDdqaGB3EY9WNxRN3hVaHMtu1zXw71+bOjNOVUw=' endpoint allowed-ips
+Remove a peer
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+# wg set wg0 peer '7lWtsDdqaGB3EY9WNxRN3hVaHMtu1zXw71+bOjNOVUw=' remove
+interface supports runtime debugging, which can be enabled with:
+.D1 Ic ifconfig Cm wg Ns Ar N Cm debug
+Some common error messages include:
+.Bl -diag
+.It "Handshake for peer X did not complete after 5 seconds, retrying"
+Peer X did not reply to our initiation packet, for example because:
+.Bl -bullet
+The peer does not have the local interface configured as a peer.
+Peers must be able to mutually authenticate each other.
+The peer endpoint IP address is incorrectly configured.
+There are firewall rules preventing communication between hosts.
+.It "Invalid handshake initiation"
+The incoming handshake packet could not be processed.
+This is likely due to the local interface not containing
+the correct public key for the peer.
+.It "Invalid initiation MAC"
+The incoming handshake initiation packet had an invalid MAC.
+This is likely because the initiation sender has the wrong public key
+for the handshake receiver.
+.It "Packet has unallowed src IP from peer X"
+After decryption, an incoming data packet has a source IP address that
+is not assigned to the allowed IPs of Peer X.
+.Xr inet 4 ,
+.Xr ip 4 ,
+.Xr netintro 4 ,
+.Xr ipf 5 ,
+.Xr pf.conf 5 ,
+.Xr ifconfig 8 ,
+.Xr ipfw 8 ,
+.Xr wg 8
+.%T WireGuard whitepaper
+.%U https://www.wireguard.com/papers/wireguard.pdf
+device driver first appeared in
+.Fx 13.0 .
+device driver written by
+.An Jason A. Donenfeld Aq Mt Jason@zx2c4.com ,
+.An Matt Dunwoodie Aq Mt ncon@nconroy.net ,
+.An Kyle Evans Aq Mt kevans@FreeBSD.org .
+This manual page was written by
+.An Gordon Bergling Aq Mt gbe@FreeBSD.org
+and is based on the
+manual page written by
+.An David Gwynne Aq Mt dlg@openbsd.org .
diff --git a/sys/conf/NOTES b/sys/conf/NOTES
--- a/sys/conf/NOTES
+++ b/sys/conf/NOTES
@@ -961,6 +961,9 @@
 # Link aggregation interface.
 device		lagg
+# WireGuard interface.
+device		wg
 # Internet family options:
diff --git a/sys/conf/files b/sys/conf/files
--- a/sys/conf/files
+++ b/sys/conf/files
@@ -749,8 +749,8 @@
 crypto/sha2/sha512c.c		optional crypto | geom_bde | zfs
 crypto/skein/skein.c		optional crypto | zfs
 crypto/skein/skein_block.c	optional crypto | zfs
-crypto/siphash/siphash.c	optional inet | inet6
-crypto/siphash/siphash_test.c	optional inet | inet6
+crypto/siphash/siphash.c	optional inet | inet6 | wg
+crypto/siphash/siphash_test.c	optional inet | inet6 | wg
 ddb/db_access.c			optional ddb
 ddb/db_break.c			optional ddb
 ddb/db_capture.c		optional ddb
@@ -3479,6 +3479,14 @@
 dev/vt/vt_sysmouse.c		optional vt
 dev/vte/if_vte.c		optional vte pci
 dev/watchdog/watchdog.c		standard
+dev/wg/if_wg.c			optional wg				\
+	compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -include $S/dev/wg/compat.h"
+dev/wg/wg_cookie.c		optional wg				\
+	compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -include $S/dev/wg/compat.h"
+dev/wg/wg_crypto.c		optional wg				\
+	compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -include $S/dev/wg/compat.h"
+dev/wg/wg_noise.c		optional wg				\
+	compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -include $S/dev/wg/compat.h"
 dev/wpi/if_wpi.c		optional wpi pci
 wpifw.c			optional wpifw					\
 	compile-with	"${AWK} -f $S/tools/fw_stub.awk wpi.fw:wpifw:153229 -mwpi -c${.TARGET}" \
diff --git a/sys/dev/wg/compat.h b/sys/dev/wg/compat.h
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/dev/wg/compat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * compat.h contains code that is backported from FreeBSD's main branch.
+ * It is different from support.h, which is for code that is not _yet_ upstream.
+ */
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#if (__FreeBSD_version < 1400036 && __FreeBSD_version >= 1400000) || __FreeBSD_version < 1300519
+#if __FreeBSD_version < 1400048
+#if __FreeBSD_version < 1400049
+#define COMPAT_NEED_CURVE25519
+#if __FreeBSD_version < 0x7fffffff /* TODO: update this when implemented */
+#if __FreeBSD_version < 1400059
+#include <sys/sockbuf.h>
+#define sbcreatecontrol(a, b, c, d, e) sbcreatecontrol(a, b, c, d)
+#if __FreeBSD_version < 1300507
+#include <sys/smp.h>
+#include <sys/gtaskqueue.h>
+struct taskqgroup_cpu {
+	LIST_HEAD(, grouptask)  tgc_tasks;
+	struct gtaskqueue       *tgc_taskq;
+	int     tgc_cnt;
+	int     tgc_cpu;
+struct taskqgroup {
+	struct taskqgroup_cpu tqg_queue[MAXCPU];
+	/* Other members trimmed from compat. */
+static inline void taskqgroup_drain_all(struct taskqgroup *tqg)
+	struct gtaskqueue *q;
+	for (int i = 0; i < mp_ncpus; i++) {
+		q = tqg->tqg_queue[i].tgc_taskq;
+		if (q == NULL)
+			continue;
+		gtaskqueue_drain_all(q);
+	}
+#if __FreeBSD_version < 1300000
+#define VIMAGE
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/limits.h>
+#include <sys/endian.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/libkern.h>
+#include <sys/malloc.h>
+#include <sys/proc.h>
+#include <sys/lock.h>
+#include <sys/socketvar.h>
+#include <sys/protosw.h>
+#include <net/vnet.h>
+#include <net/if.h>
+#include <net/if_var.h>
+#include <vm/uma.h>
+#define taskqgroup_attach(a, b, c, d, e, f) taskqgroup_attach((a), (b), (c), -1, (f))
+#define taskqgroup_attach_cpu(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) taskqgroup_attach_cpu((a), (b), (c), (d), -1, (g))
+#define NET_EPOCH_CALL(f, c) epoch_call(net_epoch_preempt, (c), (f))
+#define NET_EPOCH_ASSERT() MPASS(in_epoch(net_epoch_preempt))
+#undef atomic_load_ptr
+#define atomic_load_ptr(p) (*(volatile __typeof(*p) *)(p))
+#if __FreeBSD_version < 1202000
+static inline uint32_t arc4random_uniform(uint32_t bound)
+	uint32_t ret, max_mod_bound;
+	if (bound < 2)
+		return 0;
+	max_mod_bound = (1 + ~bound) % bound;
+	do {
+		ret = arc4random();
+	} while (ret < max_mod_bound);
+	return ret % bound;
+typedef void callout_func_t(void *);
+#ifndef CSUM_SND_TAG
+#define CSUM_SND_TAG 0x80000000
diff --git a/sys/dev/wg/crypto.h b/sys/dev/wg/crypto.h
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/dev/wg/crypto.h
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>. All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef _WG_CRYPTO
+#define _WG_CRYPTO
+#include <sys/param.h>
+struct mbuf;
+int crypto_init(void);
+void crypto_deinit(void);
+enum chacha20poly1305_lengths {
+chacha20poly1305_encrypt(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, const size_t src_len,
+			 const uint8_t *ad, const size_t ad_len,
+			 const uint64_t nonce,
+			 const uint8_t key[CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE]);
+chacha20poly1305_decrypt(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, const size_t src_len,
+			 const uint8_t *ad, const size_t ad_len,
+			 const uint64_t nonce,
+			 const uint8_t key[CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE]);
+xchacha20poly1305_encrypt(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src,
+			  const size_t src_len, const uint8_t *ad,
+			  const size_t ad_len,
+			  const uint8_t nonce[XCHACHA20POLY1305_NONCE_SIZE],
+			  const uint8_t key[CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE]);
+xchacha20poly1305_decrypt(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src,
+			  const size_t src_len,  const uint8_t *ad,
+			  const size_t ad_len,
+			  const uint8_t nonce[XCHACHA20POLY1305_NONCE_SIZE],
+			  const uint8_t key[CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE]);
+#include <sys/endian.h>
+#include <crypto/chacha20_poly1305.h>
+static inline void
+chacha20poly1305_encrypt(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, const size_t src_len,
+			 const uint8_t *ad, const size_t ad_len,
+			 const uint64_t nonce,
+			 const uint8_t key[CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE])
+	uint8_t nonce_bytes[8];
+	le64enc(nonce_bytes, nonce);
+	chacha20_poly1305_encrypt(dst, src, src_len, ad, ad_len,
+				  nonce_bytes, sizeof(nonce_bytes), key);
+static inline bool
+chacha20poly1305_decrypt(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, const size_t src_len,
+			 const uint8_t *ad, const size_t ad_len,
+			 const uint64_t nonce,
+			 const uint8_t key[CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE])
+	uint8_t nonce_bytes[8];
+	le64enc(nonce_bytes, nonce);
+	return (chacha20_poly1305_decrypt(dst, src, src_len, ad, ad_len,
+					  nonce_bytes, sizeof(nonce_bytes), key));
+static inline void
+xchacha20poly1305_encrypt(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src,
+			  const size_t src_len, const uint8_t *ad,
+			  const size_t ad_len,
+			  const uint8_t nonce[XCHACHA20POLY1305_NONCE_SIZE],
+			  const uint8_t key[CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE])
+	xchacha20_poly1305_encrypt(dst, src, src_len, ad, ad_len, nonce, key);
+static inline bool
+xchacha20poly1305_decrypt(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src,
+			  const size_t src_len,  const uint8_t *ad,
+			  const size_t ad_len,
+			  const uint8_t nonce[XCHACHA20POLY1305_NONCE_SIZE],
+			  const uint8_t key[CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE])
+	return (xchacha20_poly1305_decrypt(dst, src, src_len, ad, ad_len, nonce, key));
+chacha20poly1305_encrypt_mbuf(struct mbuf *, const uint64_t nonce,
+			      const uint8_t key[CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE]);
+chacha20poly1305_decrypt_mbuf(struct mbuf *, const uint64_t nonce,
+			      const uint8_t key[CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE]);
+enum blake2s_lengths {
+struct blake2s_state {
+	uint32_t h[8];
+	uint32_t t[2];
+	uint32_t f[2];
+	uint8_t buf[BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE];
+	unsigned int buflen;
+	unsigned int outlen;
+void blake2s_init(struct blake2s_state *state, const size_t outlen);
+void blake2s_init_key(struct blake2s_state *state, const size_t outlen,
+		      const uint8_t *key, const size_t keylen);
+void blake2s_update(struct blake2s_state *state, const uint8_t *in, size_t inlen);
+void blake2s_final(struct blake2s_state *state, uint8_t *out);
+static inline void blake2s(uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, const uint8_t *key,
+			   const size_t outlen, const size_t inlen, const size_t keylen)
+	struct blake2s_state state;
+	if (keylen)
+		blake2s_init_key(&state, outlen, key, keylen);
+	else
+		blake2s_init(&state, outlen);
+	blake2s_update(&state, in, inlen);
+	blake2s_final(&state, out);
+#ifdef COMPAT_NEED_CURVE25519
+enum curve25519_lengths {
+        CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE = 32
+bool curve25519(uint8_t mypublic[static CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE],
+		const uint8_t secret[static CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE],
+		const uint8_t basepoint[static CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE]);
+static inline bool
+curve25519_generate_public(uint8_t pub[static CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE],
+			   const uint8_t secret[static CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE])
+	static const uint8_t basepoint[CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE] = { 9 };
+	return curve25519(pub, secret, basepoint);
+static inline void curve25519_clamp_secret(uint8_t secret[static CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE])
+        secret[0] &= 248;
+        secret[31] = (secret[31] & 127) | 64;
+static inline void curve25519_generate_secret(uint8_t secret[CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE])
+	arc4random_buf(secret, CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE);
+	curve25519_clamp_secret(secret);
+#include <crypto/curve25519.h>
diff --git a/sys/dev/wg/if_wg.h b/sys/dev/wg/if_wg.h
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/dev/wg/if_wg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 Matt Dunwoodie <ncon@noconroy.net>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ *
+ * $FreeBSD$
+ */
+#ifndef __IF_WG_H__
+#define __IF_WG_H__
+#include <net/if.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+struct wg_data_io {
+	char	 wgd_name[IFNAMSIZ];
+	void	*wgd_data;
+	size_t	 wgd_size;
+#define WG_KEY_SIZE	32
+#define SIOCSWG _IOWR('i', 210, struct wg_data_io)
+#define SIOCGWG _IOWR('i', 211, struct wg_data_io)
+#endif /* __IF_WG_H__ */
diff --git a/sys/dev/wg/if_wg.c b/sys/dev/wg/if_wg.c
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/dev/wg/if_wg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3086 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Matt Dunwoodie <ncon@noconroy.net>
+ * Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Rubicon Communications, LLC (Netgate)
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Kyle Evans <kevans@FreeBSD.org>
+ */
+#include "opt_inet.h"
+#include "opt_inet6.h"
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/systm.h>
+#include <sys/counter.h>
+#include <sys/gtaskqueue.h>
+#include <sys/jail.h>
+#include <sys/kernel.h>
+#include <sys/lock.h>
+#include <sys/mbuf.h>
+#include <sys/module.h>
+#include <sys/nv.h>
+#include <sys/priv.h>
+#include <sys/protosw.h>
+#include <sys/rmlock.h>
+#include <sys/rwlock.h>
+#include <sys/smp.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/socketvar.h>
+#include <sys/sockio.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#include <sys/sx.h>
+#include <machine/_inttypes.h>
+#include <net/bpf.h>
+#include <net/ethernet.h>
+#include <net/if.h>
+#include <net/if_clone.h>
+#include <net/if_types.h>
+#include <net/if_var.h>
+#include <net/netisr.h>
+#include <net/radix.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <netinet6/in6_var.h>
+#include <netinet/ip.h>
+#include <netinet/ip6.h>
+#include <netinet/ip_icmp.h>
+#include <netinet/icmp6.h>
+#include <netinet/udp_var.h>
+#include <netinet6/nd6.h>
+#include "support.h"
+#include "wg_noise.h"
+#include "wg_cookie.h"
+#include "version.h"
+#include "if_wg.h"
+#define DEFAULT_MTU		(ETHERMTU - 80)
+#define MAX_MTU			(IF_MAXMTU - 80)
+#define MAX_STAGED_PKT		128
+#define MAX_QUEUED_PKT		1024
+#define REKEY_TIMEOUT_JITTER	334 /* 1/3 sec, round for arc4random_uniform */
+#define DPRINTF(sc, ...) if (sc->sc_ifp->if_flags & IFF_DEBUG) if_printf(sc->sc_ifp, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+/* First byte indicating packet type on the wire */
+#define WG_PKT_INITIATION htole32(1)
+#define WG_PKT_RESPONSE htole32(2)
+#define WG_PKT_COOKIE htole32(3)
+#define WG_PKT_DATA htole32(4)
+#define WG_PKT_PADDING		16
+#define WG_KEY_SIZE		32
+struct wg_pkt_initiation {
+	uint32_t		t;
+	uint32_t		s_idx;
+	uint8_t			ue[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN];
+	struct cookie_macs	m;
+struct wg_pkt_response {
+	uint32_t		t;
+	uint32_t		s_idx;
+	uint32_t		r_idx;
+	uint8_t			ue[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN];
+	uint8_t			en[0 + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN];
+	struct cookie_macs	m;
+struct wg_pkt_cookie {
+	uint32_t		t;
+	uint32_t		r_idx;
+	uint8_t			nonce[COOKIE_NONCE_SIZE];
+	uint8_t			ec[COOKIE_ENCRYPTED_SIZE];
+struct wg_pkt_data {
+	uint32_t		t;
+	uint32_t		r_idx;
+	uint64_t		nonce;
+	uint8_t			buf[];
+struct wg_endpoint {
+	union {
+		struct sockaddr		r_sa;
+		struct sockaddr_in	r_sin;
+#ifdef INET6
+		struct sockaddr_in6	r_sin6;
+	} e_remote;
+	union {
+		struct in_addr		l_in;
+#ifdef INET6
+		struct in6_pktinfo	l_pktinfo6;
+#define l_in6 l_pktinfo6.ipi6_addr
+	} e_local;
+struct aip_addr {
+	uint8_t		length;
+	union {
+		uint8_t		bytes[16];
+		uint32_t	ip;
+		uint32_t	ip6[4];
+		struct in_addr	in;
+		struct in6_addr	in6;
+	};
+struct wg_aip {
+	struct radix_node	 a_nodes[2];
+	LIST_ENTRY(wg_aip)	 a_entry;
+	struct aip_addr		 a_addr;
+	struct aip_addr		 a_mask;
+	struct wg_peer		*a_peer;
+	sa_family_t		 a_af;
+struct wg_packet {
+	STAILQ_ENTRY(wg_packet)	 p_serial;
+	STAILQ_ENTRY(wg_packet)	 p_parallel;
+	struct wg_endpoint	 p_endpoint;
+	struct noise_keypair	*p_keypair;
+	uint64_t		 p_nonce;
+	struct mbuf		*p_mbuf;
+	int			 p_mtu;
+	sa_family_t		 p_af;
+	enum wg_ring_state {
+	}			 p_state;
+STAILQ_HEAD(wg_packet_list, wg_packet);
+struct wg_queue {
+	struct mtx		 q_mtx;
+	struct wg_packet_list	 q_queue;
+	size_t			 q_len;
+struct wg_peer {
+	TAILQ_ENTRY(wg_peer)		 p_entry;
+	uint64_t			 p_id;
+	struct wg_softc			*p_sc;
+	struct noise_remote		*p_remote;
+	struct cookie_maker		 p_cookie;
+	struct rwlock			 p_endpoint_lock;
+	struct wg_endpoint		 p_endpoint;
+	struct wg_queue	 		 p_stage_queue;
+	struct wg_queue	 		 p_encrypt_serial;
+	struct wg_queue	 		 p_decrypt_serial;
+	bool				 p_enabled;
+	bool				 p_need_another_keepalive;
+	uint16_t			 p_persistent_keepalive_interval;
+	struct callout			 p_new_handshake;
+	struct callout			 p_send_keepalive;
+	struct callout			 p_retry_handshake;
+	struct callout			 p_zero_key_material;
+	struct callout			 p_persistent_keepalive;
+	struct mtx			 p_handshake_mtx;
+	struct timespec			 p_handshake_complete;	/* nanotime */
+	int				 p_handshake_retries;
+	struct grouptask		 p_send;
+	struct grouptask		 p_recv;
+	counter_u64_t			 p_tx_bytes;
+	counter_u64_t			 p_rx_bytes;
+	LIST_HEAD(, wg_aip)		 p_aips;
+	size_t				 p_aips_num;
+struct wg_socket {
+	struct socket	*so_so4;
+	struct socket	*so_so6;
+	uint32_t	 so_user_cookie;
+	int		 so_fibnum;
+	in_port_t	 so_port;
+struct wg_softc {
+	LIST_ENTRY(wg_softc)	 sc_entry;
+	struct ifnet		*sc_ifp;
+	int			 sc_flags;
+	struct ucred		*sc_ucred;
+	struct wg_socket	 sc_socket;
+	TAILQ_HEAD(,wg_peer)	 sc_peers;
+	size_t			 sc_peers_num;
+	struct noise_local	*sc_local;
+	struct cookie_checker	 sc_cookie;
+	struct radix_node_head	*sc_aip4;
+	struct radix_node_head	*sc_aip6;
+	struct grouptask	 sc_handshake;
+	struct wg_queue		 sc_handshake_queue;
+	struct grouptask	*sc_encrypt;
+	struct grouptask	*sc_decrypt;
+	struct wg_queue		 sc_encrypt_parallel;
+	struct wg_queue		 sc_decrypt_parallel;
+	u_int			 sc_encrypt_last_cpu;
+	u_int			 sc_decrypt_last_cpu;
+	struct sx		 sc_lock;
+#define	WGF_DYING	0x0001
+#define MAX_LOOPS	8
+#define MTAG_WGLOOP	0x77676c70 /* wglp */
+#ifndef ENOKEY
+#define	GROUPTASK_DRAIN(gtask)			\
+	gtaskqueue_drain((gtask)->gt_taskqueue, &(gtask)->gt_task)
+#define BPF_MTAP2_AF(ifp, m, af) do { \
+		uint32_t __bpf_tap_af = (af); \
+		BPF_MTAP2(ifp, &__bpf_tap_af, sizeof(__bpf_tap_af), m); \
+	} while (0)
+static int clone_count;
+static uma_zone_t wg_packet_zone;
+static volatile unsigned long peer_counter = 0;
+static const char wgname[] = "wg";
+static unsigned wg_osd_jail_slot;
+static SYSCTL_NODE(_hw, OID_AUTO, wg, CTLFLAG_RD, NULL, "wg(4) counters");
+static COUNTER_U64_DEFINE_EARLY(wg_decrypt_empty);
+SYSCTL_COUNTER_U64(_hw_wg, OID_AUTO, decrypt_empty, CTLFLAG_RD,
+    &wg_decrypt_empty, "Number of decrypt tasks with no work");
+static COUNTER_U64_DEFINE_EARLY(wg_decrypt_work);
+SYSCTL_COUNTER_U64(_hw_wg, OID_AUTO, decrypt_work, CTLFLAG_RD,
+    &wg_decrypt_work, "Number of decrypt tasks with no work");
+static COUNTER_U64_DEFINE_EARLY(wg_encrypt_empty);
+SYSCTL_COUNTER_U64(_hw_wg, OID_AUTO, encrypt_empty, CTLFLAG_RD,
+    &wg_encrypt_empty, "Number of encrypt tasks with no work");
+static COUNTER_U64_DEFINE_EARLY(wg_encrypt_work);
+SYSCTL_COUNTER_U64(_hw_wg, OID_AUTO, encrypt_work, CTLFLAG_RD,
+    &wg_encrypt_work, "Number of encrypt tasks with no work");
+static struct sx wg_sx;
+SX_SYSINIT(wg_sx, &wg_sx, "wg_sx");
+static LIST_HEAD(, wg_softc) wg_list = LIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(wg_list);
+static TASKQGROUP_DEFINE(wg_tqg, mp_ncpus, 1);
+MALLOC_DEFINE(M_WG, "WG", "wireguard");
+VNET_DEFINE_STATIC(struct if_clone *, wg_cloner);
+#define	V_wg_cloner	VNET(wg_cloner)
+struct wg_timespec64 {
+	uint64_t	tv_sec;
+	uint64_t	tv_nsec;
+static int wg_socket_init(struct wg_softc *, in_port_t);
+static int wg_socket_bind(struct socket **, struct socket **, in_port_t *);
+static void wg_socket_set(struct wg_softc *, struct socket *, struct socket *);
+static void wg_socket_uninit(struct wg_softc *);
+static int wg_socket_set_sockopt(struct socket *, struct socket *, int, void *, size_t);
+static int wg_socket_set_cookie(struct wg_softc *, uint32_t);
+static int wg_socket_set_fibnum(struct wg_softc *, int);
+static int wg_send(struct wg_softc *, struct wg_endpoint *, struct mbuf *);
+static void wg_timers_enable(struct wg_peer *);
+static void wg_timers_disable(struct wg_peer *);
+static void wg_timers_set_persistent_keepalive(struct wg_peer *, uint16_t);
+static void wg_timers_get_last_handshake(struct wg_peer *, struct wg_timespec64 *);
+static void wg_timers_event_data_sent(struct wg_peer *);
+static void wg_timers_event_data_received(struct wg_peer *);
+static void wg_timers_event_any_authenticated_packet_sent(struct wg_peer *);
+static void wg_timers_event_any_authenticated_packet_received(struct wg_peer *);
+static void wg_timers_event_any_authenticated_packet_traversal(struct wg_peer *);
+static void wg_timers_event_handshake_initiated(struct wg_peer *);
+static void wg_timers_event_handshake_complete(struct wg_peer *);
+static void wg_timers_event_session_derived(struct wg_peer *);
+static void wg_timers_event_want_initiation(struct wg_peer *);
+static void wg_timers_run_send_initiation(struct wg_peer *, bool);
+static void wg_timers_run_retry_handshake(void *);
+static void wg_timers_run_send_keepalive(void *);
+static void wg_timers_run_new_handshake(void *);
+static void wg_timers_run_zero_key_material(void *);
+static void wg_timers_run_persistent_keepalive(void *);
+static int wg_aip_add(struct wg_softc *, struct wg_peer *, sa_family_t, const void *, uint8_t);
+static struct wg_peer *wg_aip_lookup(struct wg_softc *, sa_family_t, void *);
+static void wg_aip_remove_all(struct wg_softc *, struct wg_peer *);
+static struct wg_peer *wg_peer_alloc(struct wg_softc *, const uint8_t [WG_KEY_SIZE]);
+static void wg_peer_free_deferred(struct noise_remote *);
+static void wg_peer_destroy(struct wg_peer *);
+static void wg_peer_destroy_all(struct wg_softc *);
+static void wg_peer_send_buf(struct wg_peer *, uint8_t *, size_t);
+static void wg_send_initiation(struct wg_peer *);
+static void wg_send_response(struct wg_peer *);
+static void wg_send_cookie(struct wg_softc *, struct cookie_macs *, uint32_t, struct wg_endpoint *);
+static void wg_peer_set_endpoint(struct wg_peer *, struct wg_endpoint *);
+static void wg_peer_clear_src(struct wg_peer *);
+static void wg_peer_get_endpoint(struct wg_peer *, struct wg_endpoint *);
+static void wg_send_buf(struct wg_softc *, struct wg_endpoint *, uint8_t *, size_t);
+static void wg_send_keepalive(struct wg_peer *);
+static void wg_handshake(struct wg_softc *, struct wg_packet *);
+static void wg_encrypt(struct wg_softc *, struct wg_packet *);
+static void wg_decrypt(struct wg_softc *, struct wg_packet *);
+static void wg_softc_handshake_receive(struct wg_softc *);
+static void wg_softc_decrypt(struct wg_softc *);
+static void wg_softc_encrypt(struct wg_softc *);
+static void wg_encrypt_dispatch(struct wg_softc *);
+static void wg_decrypt_dispatch(struct wg_softc *);
+static void wg_deliver_out(struct wg_peer *);
+static void wg_deliver_in(struct wg_peer *);
+static struct wg_packet *wg_packet_alloc(struct mbuf *);
+static void wg_packet_free(struct wg_packet *);
+static void wg_queue_init(struct wg_queue *, const char *);
+static void wg_queue_deinit(struct wg_queue *);
+static size_t wg_queue_len(struct wg_queue *);
+static int wg_queue_enqueue_handshake(struct wg_queue *, struct wg_packet *);
+static struct wg_packet *wg_queue_dequeue_handshake(struct wg_queue *);
+static void wg_queue_push_staged(struct wg_queue *, struct wg_packet *);
+static void wg_queue_enlist_staged(struct wg_queue *, struct wg_packet_list *);
+static void wg_queue_delist_staged(struct wg_queue *, struct wg_packet_list *);
+static void wg_queue_purge(struct wg_queue *);
+static int wg_queue_both(struct wg_queue *, struct wg_queue *, struct wg_packet *);
+static struct wg_packet *wg_queue_dequeue_serial(struct wg_queue *);
+static struct wg_packet *wg_queue_dequeue_parallel(struct wg_queue *);
+static bool wg_input(struct mbuf *, int, struct inpcb *, const struct sockaddr *, void *);
+static void wg_peer_send_staged(struct wg_peer *);
+static int wg_clone_create(struct if_clone *, int, caddr_t);
+static void wg_qflush(struct ifnet *);
+static inline int determine_af_and_pullup(struct mbuf **m, sa_family_t *af);
+static int wg_xmit(struct ifnet *, struct mbuf *, sa_family_t, uint32_t);
+static int wg_transmit(struct ifnet *, struct mbuf *);
+static int wg_output(struct ifnet *, struct mbuf *, const struct sockaddr *, struct route *);
+static void wg_clone_destroy(struct ifnet *);
+static bool wgc_privileged(struct wg_softc *);
+static int wgc_get(struct wg_softc *, struct wg_data_io *);
+static int wgc_set(struct wg_softc *, struct wg_data_io *);
+static int wg_up(struct wg_softc *);
+static void wg_down(struct wg_softc *);
+static void wg_reassign(struct ifnet *, struct vnet *, char *unused);
+static void wg_init(void *);
+static int wg_ioctl(struct ifnet *, u_long, caddr_t);
+static void vnet_wg_init(const void *);
+static void vnet_wg_uninit(const void *);
+static int wg_module_init(void);
+static void wg_module_deinit(void);
+/* TODO Peer */
+static struct wg_peer *
+wg_peer_alloc(struct wg_softc *sc, const uint8_t pub_key[WG_KEY_SIZE])
+	struct wg_peer *peer;
+	sx_assert(&sc->sc_lock, SX_XLOCKED);
+	peer = malloc(sizeof(*peer), M_WG, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
+	peer->p_remote = noise_remote_alloc(sc->sc_local, peer, pub_key);
+	peer->p_tx_bytes = counter_u64_alloc(M_WAITOK);
+	peer->p_rx_bytes = counter_u64_alloc(M_WAITOK);
+	peer->p_id = peer_counter++;
+	peer->p_sc = sc;
+	cookie_maker_init(&peer->p_cookie, pub_key);
+	rw_init(&peer->p_endpoint_lock, "wg_peer_endpoint");
+	wg_queue_init(&peer->p_stage_queue, "stageq");
+	wg_queue_init(&peer->p_encrypt_serial, "txq");
+	wg_queue_init(&peer->p_decrypt_serial, "rxq");
+	peer->p_enabled = false;
+	peer->p_need_another_keepalive = false;
+	peer->p_persistent_keepalive_interval = 0;
+	callout_init(&peer->p_new_handshake, true);
+	callout_init(&peer->p_send_keepalive, true);
+	callout_init(&peer->p_retry_handshake, true);
+	callout_init(&peer->p_persistent_keepalive, true);
+	callout_init(&peer->p_zero_key_material, true);
+	mtx_init(&peer->p_handshake_mtx, "peer handshake", NULL, MTX_DEF);
+	bzero(&peer->p_handshake_complete, sizeof(peer->p_handshake_complete));
+	peer->p_handshake_retries = 0;
+	GROUPTASK_INIT(&peer->p_send, 0, (gtask_fn_t *)wg_deliver_out, peer);
+	taskqgroup_attach(qgroup_wg_tqg, &peer->p_send, peer, NULL, NULL, "wg send");
+	GROUPTASK_INIT(&peer->p_recv, 0, (gtask_fn_t *)wg_deliver_in, peer);
+	taskqgroup_attach(qgroup_wg_tqg, &peer->p_recv, peer, NULL, NULL, "wg recv");
+	LIST_INIT(&peer->p_aips);
+	peer->p_aips_num = 0;
+	return (peer);
+static void
+wg_peer_free_deferred(struct noise_remote *r)
+	struct wg_peer *peer = noise_remote_arg(r);
+	/* While there are no references remaining, we may still have
+	 * p_{send,recv} executing (think empty queue, but wg_deliver_{in,out}
+	 * needs to check the queue. We should wait for them and then free. */
+	GROUPTASK_DRAIN(&peer->p_recv);
+	GROUPTASK_DRAIN(&peer->p_send);
+	taskqgroup_detach(qgroup_wg_tqg, &peer->p_recv);
+	taskqgroup_detach(qgroup_wg_tqg, &peer->p_send);
+	wg_queue_deinit(&peer->p_decrypt_serial);
+	wg_queue_deinit(&peer->p_encrypt_serial);
+	wg_queue_deinit(&peer->p_stage_queue);
+	counter_u64_free(peer->p_tx_bytes);
+	counter_u64_free(peer->p_rx_bytes);
+	rw_destroy(&peer->p_endpoint_lock);
+	mtx_destroy(&peer->p_handshake_mtx);
+	cookie_maker_free(&peer->p_cookie);
+	free(peer, M_WG);
+static void
+wg_peer_destroy(struct wg_peer *peer)
+	struct wg_softc *sc = peer->p_sc;
+	sx_assert(&sc->sc_lock, SX_XLOCKED);
+	/* Disable remote and timers. This will prevent any new handshakes
+	 * occuring. */
+	noise_remote_disable(peer->p_remote);
+	wg_timers_disable(peer);
+	/* Now we can remove all allowed IPs so no more packets will be routed
+	 * to the peer. */
+	wg_aip_remove_all(sc, peer);
+	/* Remove peer from the interface, then free. Some references may still
+	 * exist to p_remote, so noise_remote_free will wait until they're all
+	 * put to call wg_peer_free_deferred. */
+	sc->sc_peers_num--;
+	TAILQ_REMOVE(&sc->sc_peers, peer, p_entry);
+	DPRINTF(sc, "Peer %" PRIu64 " destroyed\n", peer->p_id);
+	noise_remote_free(peer->p_remote, wg_peer_free_deferred);
+static void
+wg_peer_destroy_all(struct wg_softc *sc)
+	struct wg_peer *peer, *tpeer;
+	TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(peer, &sc->sc_peers, p_entry, tpeer)
+		wg_peer_destroy(peer);
+static void
+wg_peer_set_endpoint(struct wg_peer *peer, struct wg_endpoint *e)
+	MPASS(e->e_remote.r_sa.sa_family != 0);
+	if (memcmp(e, &peer->p_endpoint, sizeof(*e)) == 0)
+		return;
+	rw_wlock(&peer->p_endpoint_lock);
+	peer->p_endpoint = *e;
+	rw_wunlock(&peer->p_endpoint_lock);
+static void
+wg_peer_clear_src(struct wg_peer *peer)
+	rw_wlock(&peer->p_endpoint_lock);
+	bzero(&peer->p_endpoint.e_local, sizeof(peer->p_endpoint.e_local));
+	rw_wunlock(&peer->p_endpoint_lock);
+static void
+wg_peer_get_endpoint(struct wg_peer *peer, struct wg_endpoint *e)
+	rw_rlock(&peer->p_endpoint_lock);
+	*e = peer->p_endpoint;
+	rw_runlock(&peer->p_endpoint_lock);
+/* Allowed IP */
+static int
+wg_aip_add(struct wg_softc *sc, struct wg_peer *peer, sa_family_t af, const void *addr, uint8_t cidr)
+	struct radix_node_head	*root;
+	struct radix_node	*node;
+	struct wg_aip		*aip;
+	int			 ret = 0;
+	aip = malloc(sizeof(*aip), M_WG, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
+	aip->a_peer = peer;
+	aip->a_af = af;
+	switch (af) {
+#ifdef INET
+	case AF_INET:
+		if (cidr > 32) cidr = 32;
+		root = sc->sc_aip4;
+		aip->a_addr.in = *(const struct in_addr *)addr;
+		aip->a_mask.ip = htonl(~((1LL << (32 - cidr)) - 1) & 0xffffffff);
+		aip->a_addr.ip &= aip->a_mask.ip;
+		aip->a_addr.length = aip->a_mask.length = offsetof(struct aip_addr, in) + sizeof(struct in_addr);
+		break;
+#ifdef INET6
+	case AF_INET6:
+		if (cidr > 128) cidr = 128;
+		root = sc->sc_aip6;
+		aip->a_addr.in6 = *(const struct in6_addr *)addr;
+		in6_prefixlen2mask(&aip->a_mask.in6, cidr);
+		for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+			aip->a_addr.ip6[i] &= aip->a_mask.ip6[i];
+		aip->a_addr.length = aip->a_mask.length = offsetof(struct aip_addr, in6) + sizeof(struct in6_addr);
+		break;
+	default:
+		free(aip, M_WG);
+		return (EAFNOSUPPORT);
+	}
+	node = root->rnh_addaddr(&aip->a_addr, &aip->a_mask, &root->rh, aip->a_nodes);
+	if (node == aip->a_nodes) {
+		LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&peer->p_aips, aip, a_entry);
+		peer->p_aips_num++;
+	} else if (!node)
+		node = root->rnh_lookup(&aip->a_addr, &aip->a_mask, &root->rh);
+	if (!node) {
+		free(aip, M_WG);
+		return (ENOMEM);
+	} else if (node != aip->a_nodes) {
+		free(aip, M_WG);
+		aip = (struct wg_aip *)node;
+		if (aip->a_peer != peer) {
+			LIST_REMOVE(aip, a_entry);
+			aip->a_peer->p_aips_num--;
+			aip->a_peer = peer;
+			LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&peer->p_aips, aip, a_entry);
+			aip->a_peer->p_aips_num++;
+		}
+	}
+	return (ret);
+static struct wg_peer *
+wg_aip_lookup(struct wg_softc *sc, sa_family_t af, void *a)
+	struct radix_node_head	*root;
+	struct radix_node	*node;
+	struct wg_peer		*peer;
+	struct aip_addr		 addr;
+	switch (af) {
+	case AF_INET:
+		root = sc->sc_aip4;
+		memcpy(&addr.in, a, sizeof(addr.in));
+		addr.length = offsetof(struct aip_addr, in) + sizeof(struct in_addr);
+		break;
+	case AF_INET6:
+		root = sc->sc_aip6;
+		memcpy(&addr.in6, a, sizeof(addr.in6));
+		addr.length = offsetof(struct aip_addr, in6) + sizeof(struct in6_addr);
+		break;
+	default:
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	node = root->rnh_matchaddr(&addr, &root->rh);
+	if (node != NULL) {
+		peer = ((struct wg_aip *)node)->a_peer;
+		noise_remote_ref(peer->p_remote);
+	} else {
+		peer = NULL;
+	}
+	return (peer);
+static void
+wg_aip_remove_all(struct wg_softc *sc, struct wg_peer *peer)
+	struct wg_aip		*aip, *taip;
+	RADIX_NODE_HEAD_LOCK(sc->sc_aip4);
+	LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(aip, &peer->p_aips, a_entry, taip) {
+		if (aip->a_af == AF_INET) {
+			if (sc->sc_aip4->rnh_deladdr(&aip->a_addr, &aip->a_mask, &sc->sc_aip4->rh) == NULL)
+				panic("failed to delete aip %p", aip);
+			LIST_REMOVE(aip, a_entry);
+			peer->p_aips_num--;
+			free(aip, M_WG);
+		}
+	}
+	RADIX_NODE_HEAD_UNLOCK(sc->sc_aip4);
+	RADIX_NODE_HEAD_LOCK(sc->sc_aip6);
+	LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(aip, &peer->p_aips, a_entry, taip) {
+		if (aip->a_af == AF_INET6) {
+			if (sc->sc_aip6->rnh_deladdr(&aip->a_addr, &aip->a_mask, &sc->sc_aip6->rh) == NULL)
+				panic("failed to delete aip %p", aip);
+			LIST_REMOVE(aip, a_entry);
+			peer->p_aips_num--;
+			free(aip, M_WG);
+		}
+	}
+	RADIX_NODE_HEAD_UNLOCK(sc->sc_aip6);
+	if (!LIST_EMPTY(&peer->p_aips) || peer->p_aips_num != 0)
+		panic("wg_aip_remove_all could not delete all %p", peer);
+static int
+wg_socket_init(struct wg_softc *sc, in_port_t port)
+	struct ucred *cred = sc->sc_ucred;
+	struct socket *so4 = NULL, *so6 = NULL;
+	int rc;
+	sx_assert(&sc->sc_lock, SX_XLOCKED);
+	if (!cred)
+		return (EBUSY);
+	/*
+	 * For socket creation, we use the creds of the thread that created the
+	 * tunnel rather than the current thread to maintain the semantics that
+	 * WireGuard has on Linux with network namespaces -- that the sockets
+	 * are created in their home vnet so that they can be configured and
+	 * functionally attached to a foreign vnet as the jail's only interface
+	 * to the network.
+	 */
+#ifdef INET
+	rc = socreate(AF_INET, &so4, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP, cred, curthread);
+	if (rc)
+		goto out;
+	rc = udp_set_kernel_tunneling(so4, wg_input, NULL, sc);
+	/*
+	 * udp_set_kernel_tunneling can only fail if there is already a tunneling function set.
+	 * This should never happen with a new socket.
+	 */
+	MPASS(rc == 0);
+#ifdef INET6
+	rc = socreate(AF_INET6, &so6, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP, cred, curthread);
+	if (rc)
+		goto out;
+	rc = udp_set_kernel_tunneling(so6, wg_input, NULL, sc);
+	MPASS(rc == 0);
+	if (sc->sc_socket.so_user_cookie) {
+		rc = wg_socket_set_sockopt(so4, so6, SO_USER_COOKIE, &sc->sc_socket.so_user_cookie, sizeof(sc->sc_socket.so_user_cookie));
+		if (rc)
+			goto out;
+	}
+	rc = wg_socket_set_sockopt(so4, so6, SO_SETFIB, &sc->sc_socket.so_fibnum, sizeof(sc->sc_socket.so_fibnum));
+	if (rc)
+		goto out;
+	rc = wg_socket_bind(&so4, &so6, &port);
+	if (!rc) {
+		sc->sc_socket.so_port = port;
+		wg_socket_set(sc, so4, so6);
+	}
+	if (rc) {
+		if (so4 != NULL)
+			soclose(so4);
+		if (so6 != NULL)
+			soclose(so6);
+	}
+	return (rc);
+static int wg_socket_set_sockopt(struct socket *so4, struct socket *so6, int name, void *val, size_t len)
+	int ret4 = 0, ret6 = 0;
+	struct sockopt sopt = {
+		.sopt_dir = SOPT_SET,
+		.sopt_level = SOL_SOCKET,
+		.sopt_name = name,
+		.sopt_val = val,
+		.sopt_valsize = len
+	};
+	if (so4)
+		ret4 = sosetopt(so4, &sopt);
+	if (so6)
+		ret6 = sosetopt(so6, &sopt);
+	return (ret4 ?: ret6);
+static int wg_socket_set_cookie(struct wg_softc *sc, uint32_t user_cookie)
+	struct wg_socket *so = &sc->sc_socket;
+	int ret;
+	sx_assert(&sc->sc_lock, SX_XLOCKED);
+	ret = wg_socket_set_sockopt(so->so_so4, so->so_so6, SO_USER_COOKIE, &user_cookie, sizeof(user_cookie));
+	if (!ret)
+		so->so_user_cookie = user_cookie;
+	return (ret);
+static int wg_socket_set_fibnum(struct wg_softc *sc, int fibnum)
+	struct wg_socket *so = &sc->sc_socket;
+	int ret;
+	sx_assert(&sc->sc_lock, SX_XLOCKED);
+	ret = wg_socket_set_sockopt(so->so_so4, so->so_so6, SO_SETFIB, &fibnum, sizeof(fibnum));
+	if (!ret)
+		so->so_fibnum = fibnum;
+	return (ret);
+static void
+wg_socket_uninit(struct wg_softc *sc)
+	wg_socket_set(sc, NULL, NULL);
+static void
+wg_socket_set(struct wg_softc *sc, struct socket *new_so4, struct socket *new_so6)
+	struct wg_socket *so = &sc->sc_socket;
+	struct socket *so4, *so6;
+	sx_assert(&sc->sc_lock, SX_XLOCKED);
+	so4 = ck_pr_load_ptr(&so->so_so4);
+	so6 = ck_pr_load_ptr(&so->so_so6);
+	ck_pr_store_ptr(&so->so_so4, new_so4);
+	ck_pr_store_ptr(&so->so_so6, new_so6);
+	if (!so4 && !so6)
+		return;
+	if (so4)
+		soclose(so4);
+	if (so6)
+		soclose(so6);
+static int
+wg_socket_bind(struct socket **in_so4, struct socket **in_so6, in_port_t *requested_port)
+	struct socket *so4 = *in_so4, *so6 = *in_so6;
+	int ret4 = 0, ret6 = 0;
+	in_port_t port = *requested_port;
+	struct sockaddr_in sin = {
+		.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in),
+		.sin_family = AF_INET,
+		.sin_port = htons(port)
+	};
+	struct sockaddr_in6 sin6 = {
+		.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6),
+		.sin6_family = AF_INET6,
+		.sin6_port = htons(port)
+	};
+	if (so4) {
+		ret4 = sobind(so4, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, curthread);
+		if (ret4 && ret4 != EADDRNOTAVAIL)
+			return (ret4);
+		if (!ret4 && !sin.sin_port) {
+			struct sockaddr_in *bound_sin;
+			int ret = so4->so_proto->pr_sockaddr(so4,
+			    (struct sockaddr **)&bound_sin);
+			if (ret)
+				return (ret);
+			port = ntohs(bound_sin->sin_port);
+			sin6.sin6_port = bound_sin->sin_port;
+			free(bound_sin, M_SONAME);
+		}
+	}
+	if (so6) {
+		ret6 = sobind(so6, (struct sockaddr *)&sin6, curthread);
+		if (ret6 && ret6 != EADDRNOTAVAIL)
+			return (ret6);
+		if (!ret6 && !sin6.sin6_port) {
+			struct sockaddr_in6 *bound_sin6;
+			int ret = so6->so_proto->pr_sockaddr(so6,
+			    (struct sockaddr **)&bound_sin6);
+			if (ret)
+				return (ret);
+			port = ntohs(bound_sin6->sin6_port);
+			free(bound_sin6, M_SONAME);
+		}
+	}
+	if (ret4 && ret6)
+		return (ret4);
+	*requested_port = port;
+	if (ret4 && !ret6 && so4) {
+		soclose(so4);
+		*in_so4 = NULL;
+	} else if (ret6 && !ret4 && so6) {
+		soclose(so6);
+		*in_so6 = NULL;
+	}
+	return (0);
+static int
+wg_send(struct wg_softc *sc, struct wg_endpoint *e, struct mbuf *m)
+	struct epoch_tracker et;
+	struct sockaddr *sa;
+	struct wg_socket *so = &sc->sc_socket;
+	struct socket *so4, *so6;
+	struct mbuf *control = NULL;
+	int ret = 0;
+	size_t len = m->m_pkthdr.len;
+	/* Get local control address before locking */
+	if (e->e_remote.r_sa.sa_family == AF_INET) {
+		if (e->e_local.l_in.s_addr != INADDR_ANY)
+			control = sbcreatecontrol((caddr_t)&e->e_local.l_in,
+			    sizeof(struct in_addr), IP_SENDSRCADDR,
+#ifdef INET6
+	} else if (e->e_remote.r_sa.sa_family == AF_INET6) {
+		if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&e->e_local.l_in6))
+			control = sbcreatecontrol((caddr_t)&e->e_local.l_pktinfo6,
+			    sizeof(struct in6_pktinfo), IPV6_PKTINFO,
+	} else {
+		m_freem(m);
+		return (EAFNOSUPPORT);
+	}
+	/* Get remote address */
+	sa = &e->e_remote.r_sa;
+	so4 = ck_pr_load_ptr(&so->so_so4);
+	so6 = ck_pr_load_ptr(&so->so_so6);
+	if (e->e_remote.r_sa.sa_family == AF_INET && so4 != NULL)
+		ret = sosend(so4, sa, NULL, m, control, 0, curthread);
+	else if (e->e_remote.r_sa.sa_family == AF_INET6 && so6 != NULL)
+		ret = sosend(so6, sa, NULL, m, control, 0, curthread);
+	else {
+		ret = ENOTCONN;
+		m_freem(control);
+		m_freem(m);
+	}
+	if (ret == 0) {
+		if_inc_counter(sc->sc_ifp, IFCOUNTER_OPACKETS, 1);
+		if_inc_counter(sc->sc_ifp, IFCOUNTER_OBYTES, len);
+	}
+	return (ret);
+static void
+wg_send_buf(struct wg_softc *sc, struct wg_endpoint *e, uint8_t *buf, size_t len)
+	struct mbuf	*m;
+	int		 ret = 0;
+	bool		 retried = false;
+	m = m_get2(len, M_NOWAIT, MT_DATA, M_PKTHDR);
+	if (!m) {
+		ret = ENOMEM;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	m_copyback(m, 0, len, buf);
+	if (ret == 0) {
+		ret = wg_send(sc, e, m);
+		/* Retry if we couldn't bind to e->e_local */
+		if (ret == EADDRNOTAVAIL && !retried) {
+			bzero(&e->e_local, sizeof(e->e_local));
+			retried = true;
+			goto retry;
+		}
+	} else {
+		ret = wg_send(sc, e, m);
+	}
+	if (ret)
+		DPRINTF(sc, "Unable to send packet: %d\n", ret);
+/* Timers */
+static void
+wg_timers_enable(struct wg_peer *peer)
+	ck_pr_store_bool(&peer->p_enabled, true);
+	wg_timers_run_persistent_keepalive(peer);
+static void
+wg_timers_disable(struct wg_peer *peer)
+	/* By setting p_enabled = false, then calling NET_EPOCH_WAIT, we can be
+	 * sure no new handshakes are created after the wait. This is because
+	 * all callout_resets (scheduling the callout) are guarded by
+	 * p_enabled. We can be sure all sections that read p_enabled and then
+	 * optionally call callout_reset are finished as they are surrounded by
+	 *
+	 * However, as new callouts may be scheduled during NET_EPOCH_WAIT (but
+	 * not after), we stop all callouts leaving no callouts active.
+	 *
+	 * We should also pull NET_EPOCH_WAIT out of the FOREACH(peer) loops, but the
+	 * performance impact is acceptable for the time being. */
+	ck_pr_store_bool(&peer->p_enabled, false);
+	ck_pr_store_bool(&peer->p_need_another_keepalive, false);
+	callout_stop(&peer->p_new_handshake);
+	callout_stop(&peer->p_send_keepalive);
+	callout_stop(&peer->p_retry_handshake);
+	callout_stop(&peer->p_persistent_keepalive);
+	callout_stop(&peer->p_zero_key_material);
+static void
+wg_timers_set_persistent_keepalive(struct wg_peer *peer, uint16_t interval)
+	struct epoch_tracker et;
+	if (interval != peer->p_persistent_keepalive_interval) {
+		ck_pr_store_16(&peer->p_persistent_keepalive_interval, interval);
+		if (ck_pr_load_bool(&peer->p_enabled))
+			wg_timers_run_persistent_keepalive(peer);
+	}
+static void
+wg_timers_get_last_handshake(struct wg_peer *peer, struct wg_timespec64 *time)
+	mtx_lock(&peer->p_handshake_mtx);
+	time->tv_sec = peer->p_handshake_complete.tv_sec;
+	time->tv_nsec = peer->p_handshake_complete.tv_nsec;
+	mtx_unlock(&peer->p_handshake_mtx);
+static void
+wg_timers_event_data_sent(struct wg_peer *peer)
+	struct epoch_tracker et;
+	if (ck_pr_load_bool(&peer->p_enabled) && !callout_pending(&peer->p_new_handshake))
+		callout_reset(&peer->p_new_handshake, MSEC_2_TICKS(
+		    arc4random_uniform(REKEY_TIMEOUT_JITTER)),
+		    wg_timers_run_new_handshake, peer);
+static void
+wg_timers_event_data_received(struct wg_peer *peer)
+	struct epoch_tracker et;
+	if (ck_pr_load_bool(&peer->p_enabled)) {
+		if (!callout_pending(&peer->p_send_keepalive))
+			callout_reset(&peer->p_send_keepalive,
+			    wg_timers_run_send_keepalive, peer);
+		else
+			ck_pr_store_bool(&peer->p_need_another_keepalive, true);
+	}
+static void
+wg_timers_event_any_authenticated_packet_sent(struct wg_peer *peer)
+	callout_stop(&peer->p_send_keepalive);
+static void
+wg_timers_event_any_authenticated_packet_received(struct wg_peer *peer)
+	callout_stop(&peer->p_new_handshake);
+static void
+wg_timers_event_any_authenticated_packet_traversal(struct wg_peer *peer)
+	struct epoch_tracker et;
+	uint16_t interval;
+	interval = ck_pr_load_16(&peer->p_persistent_keepalive_interval);
+	if (ck_pr_load_bool(&peer->p_enabled) && interval > 0)
+		callout_reset(&peer->p_persistent_keepalive,
+		     MSEC_2_TICKS(interval * 1000),
+		     wg_timers_run_persistent_keepalive, peer);
+static void
+wg_timers_event_handshake_initiated(struct wg_peer *peer)
+	struct epoch_tracker et;
+	if (ck_pr_load_bool(&peer->p_enabled))
+		callout_reset(&peer->p_retry_handshake, MSEC_2_TICKS(
+		    REKEY_TIMEOUT * 1000 +
+		    arc4random_uniform(REKEY_TIMEOUT_JITTER)),
+		    wg_timers_run_retry_handshake, peer);
+static void
+wg_timers_event_handshake_complete(struct wg_peer *peer)
+	struct epoch_tracker et;
+	if (ck_pr_load_bool(&peer->p_enabled)) {
+		mtx_lock(&peer->p_handshake_mtx);
+		callout_stop(&peer->p_retry_handshake);
+		peer->p_handshake_retries = 0;
+		getnanotime(&peer->p_handshake_complete);
+		mtx_unlock(&peer->p_handshake_mtx);
+		wg_timers_run_send_keepalive(peer);
+	}
+static void
+wg_timers_event_session_derived(struct wg_peer *peer)
+	struct epoch_tracker et;
+	if (ck_pr_load_bool(&peer->p_enabled))
+		callout_reset(&peer->p_zero_key_material,
+		    MSEC_2_TICKS(REJECT_AFTER_TIME * 3 * 1000),
+		    wg_timers_run_zero_key_material, peer);
+static void
+wg_timers_event_want_initiation(struct wg_peer *peer)
+	struct epoch_tracker et;
+	if (ck_pr_load_bool(&peer->p_enabled))
+		wg_timers_run_send_initiation(peer, false);
+static void
+wg_timers_run_send_initiation(struct wg_peer *peer, bool is_retry)
+	if (!is_retry)
+		peer->p_handshake_retries = 0;
+	if (noise_remote_initiation_expired(peer->p_remote) == ETIMEDOUT)
+		wg_send_initiation(peer);
+static void
+wg_timers_run_retry_handshake(void *_peer)
+	struct epoch_tracker et;
+	struct wg_peer *peer = _peer;
+	mtx_lock(&peer->p_handshake_mtx);
+	if (peer->p_handshake_retries <= MAX_TIMER_HANDSHAKES) {
+		peer->p_handshake_retries++;
+		mtx_unlock(&peer->p_handshake_mtx);
+		DPRINTF(peer->p_sc, "Handshake for peer %" PRIu64 " did not complete "
+		    "after %d seconds, retrying (try %d)\n", peer->p_id,
+		    REKEY_TIMEOUT, peer->p_handshake_retries + 1);
+		wg_peer_clear_src(peer);
+		wg_timers_run_send_initiation(peer, true);
+	} else {
+		mtx_unlock(&peer->p_handshake_mtx);
+		DPRINTF(peer->p_sc, "Handshake for peer %" PRIu64 " did not complete "
+		    "after %d retries, giving up\n", peer->p_id,
+		callout_stop(&peer->p_send_keepalive);
+		wg_queue_purge(&peer->p_stage_queue);
+		if (ck_pr_load_bool(&peer->p_enabled) &&
+		    !callout_pending(&peer->p_zero_key_material))
+			callout_reset(&peer->p_zero_key_material,
+			    MSEC_2_TICKS(REJECT_AFTER_TIME * 3 * 1000),
+			    wg_timers_run_zero_key_material, peer);
+	}
+static void
+wg_timers_run_send_keepalive(void *_peer)
+	struct epoch_tracker et;
+	struct wg_peer *peer = _peer;
+	wg_send_keepalive(peer);
+	if (ck_pr_load_bool(&peer->p_enabled) &&
+	    ck_pr_load_bool(&peer->p_need_another_keepalive)) {
+		ck_pr_store_bool(&peer->p_need_another_keepalive, false);
+		callout_reset(&peer->p_send_keepalive,
+		    wg_timers_run_send_keepalive, peer);
+	}
+static void
+wg_timers_run_new_handshake(void *_peer)
+	struct wg_peer *peer = _peer;
+	DPRINTF(peer->p_sc, "Retrying handshake with peer %" PRIu64 " because we "
+	    "stopped hearing back after %d seconds\n",
+	    peer->p_id, NEW_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT);
+	wg_peer_clear_src(peer);
+	wg_timers_run_send_initiation(peer, false);
+static void
+wg_timers_run_zero_key_material(void *_peer)
+	struct wg_peer *peer = _peer;
+	DPRINTF(peer->p_sc, "Zeroing out keys for peer %" PRIu64 ", since we "
+	    "haven't received a new one in %d seconds\n",
+	    peer->p_id, REJECT_AFTER_TIME * 3);
+	noise_remote_keypairs_clear(peer->p_remote);
+static void
+wg_timers_run_persistent_keepalive(void *_peer)
+	struct wg_peer *peer = _peer;
+	if (ck_pr_load_16(&peer->p_persistent_keepalive_interval) > 0)
+		wg_send_keepalive(peer);
+/* TODO Handshake */
+static void
+wg_peer_send_buf(struct wg_peer *peer, uint8_t *buf, size_t len)
+	struct wg_endpoint endpoint;
+	counter_u64_add(peer->p_tx_bytes, len);
+	wg_timers_event_any_authenticated_packet_traversal(peer);
+	wg_timers_event_any_authenticated_packet_sent(peer);
+	wg_peer_get_endpoint(peer, &endpoint);
+	wg_send_buf(peer->p_sc, &endpoint, buf, len);
+static void
+wg_send_initiation(struct wg_peer *peer)
+	struct wg_pkt_initiation pkt;
+	if (noise_create_initiation(peer->p_remote, &pkt.s_idx, pkt.ue,
+	    pkt.es, pkt.ets) != 0)
+		return;
+	DPRINTF(peer->p_sc, "Sending handshake initiation to peer %" PRIu64 "\n", peer->p_id);
+	cookie_maker_mac(&peer->p_cookie, &pkt.m, &pkt,
+	    sizeof(pkt) - sizeof(pkt.m));
+	wg_peer_send_buf(peer, (uint8_t *)&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
+	wg_timers_event_handshake_initiated(peer);
+static void
+wg_send_response(struct wg_peer *peer)
+	struct wg_pkt_response pkt;
+	if (noise_create_response(peer->p_remote, &pkt.s_idx, &pkt.r_idx,
+	    pkt.ue, pkt.en) != 0)
+		return;
+	DPRINTF(peer->p_sc, "Sending handshake response to peer %" PRIu64 "\n", peer->p_id);
+	wg_timers_event_session_derived(peer);
+	pkt.t = WG_PKT_RESPONSE;
+	cookie_maker_mac(&peer->p_cookie, &pkt.m, &pkt,
+	     sizeof(pkt)-sizeof(pkt.m));
+	wg_peer_send_buf(peer, (uint8_t*)&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
+static void
+wg_send_cookie(struct wg_softc *sc, struct cookie_macs *cm, uint32_t idx,
+    struct wg_endpoint *e)
+	struct wg_pkt_cookie	pkt;
+	DPRINTF(sc, "Sending cookie response for denied handshake message\n");
+	pkt.t = WG_PKT_COOKIE;
+	pkt.r_idx = idx;
+	cookie_checker_create_payload(&sc->sc_cookie, cm, pkt.nonce,
+	    pkt.ec, &e->e_remote.r_sa);
+	wg_send_buf(sc, e, (uint8_t *)&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
+static void
+wg_send_keepalive(struct wg_peer *peer)
+	struct wg_packet *pkt;
+	struct mbuf *m;
+	if (wg_queue_len(&peer->p_stage_queue) > 0)
+		goto send;
+	if ((m = m_gethdr(M_NOWAIT, MT_DATA)) == NULL)
+		return;
+	if ((pkt = wg_packet_alloc(m)) == NULL) {
+		m_freem(m);
+		return;
+	}
+	wg_queue_push_staged(&peer->p_stage_queue, pkt);
+	DPRINTF(peer->p_sc, "Sending keepalive packet to peer %" PRIu64 "\n", peer->p_id);
+	wg_peer_send_staged(peer);
+static void
+wg_handshake(struct wg_softc *sc, struct wg_packet *pkt)
+	struct wg_pkt_initiation	*init;
+	struct wg_pkt_response		*resp;
+	struct wg_pkt_cookie		*cook;
+	struct wg_endpoint		*e;
+	struct wg_peer			*peer;
+	struct mbuf			*m;
+	struct noise_remote		*remote = NULL;
+	int				 res;
+	bool				 underload = false;
+	static sbintime_t		 wg_last_underload; /* sbinuptime */
+	underload = wg_queue_len(&sc->sc_handshake_queue) >= MAX_QUEUED_HANDSHAKES / 8;
+	if (underload) {
+		wg_last_underload = getsbinuptime();
+	} else if (wg_last_underload) {
+		underload = wg_last_underload + UNDERLOAD_TIMEOUT * SBT_1S > getsbinuptime();
+		if (!underload)
+			wg_last_underload = 0;
+	}
+	m = pkt->p_mbuf;
+	e = &pkt->p_endpoint;
+	if ((pkt->p_mbuf = m = m_pullup(m, m->m_pkthdr.len)) == NULL)
+		goto error;
+	switch (*mtod(m, uint32_t *)) {
+		init = mtod(m, struct wg_pkt_initiation *);
+		res = cookie_checker_validate_macs(&sc->sc_cookie, &init->m,
+				init, sizeof(*init) - sizeof(init->m),
+				underload, &e->e_remote.r_sa,
+				sc->sc_ifp->if_vnet);
+		if (res == EINVAL) {
+			DPRINTF(sc, "Invalid initiation MAC\n");
+			goto error;
+		} else if (res == ECONNREFUSED) {
+			DPRINTF(sc, "Handshake ratelimited\n");
+			goto error;
+		} else if (res == EAGAIN) {
+			wg_send_cookie(sc, &init->m, init->s_idx, e);
+			goto error;
+		} else if (res != 0) {
+			panic("unexpected response: %d\n", res);
+		}
+		if (noise_consume_initiation(sc->sc_local, &remote,
+		    init->s_idx, init->ue, init->es, init->ets) != 0) {
+			DPRINTF(sc, "Invalid handshake initiation\n");
+			goto error;
+		}
+		peer = noise_remote_arg(remote);
+		DPRINTF(sc, "Receiving handshake initiation from peer %" PRIu64 "\n", peer->p_id);
+		wg_peer_set_endpoint(peer, e);
+		wg_send_response(peer);
+		break;
+		resp = mtod(m, struct wg_pkt_response *);
+		res = cookie_checker_validate_macs(&sc->sc_cookie, &resp->m,
+				resp, sizeof(*resp) - sizeof(resp->m),
+				underload, &e->e_remote.r_sa,
+				sc->sc_ifp->if_vnet);
+		if (res == EINVAL) {
+			DPRINTF(sc, "Invalid response MAC\n");
+			goto error;
+		} else if (res == ECONNREFUSED) {
+			DPRINTF(sc, "Handshake ratelimited\n");
+			goto error;
+		} else if (res == EAGAIN) {
+			wg_send_cookie(sc, &resp->m, resp->s_idx, e);
+			goto error;
+		} else if (res != 0) {
+			panic("unexpected response: %d\n", res);
+		}
+		if (noise_consume_response(sc->sc_local, &remote,
+		    resp->s_idx, resp->r_idx, resp->ue, resp->en) != 0) {
+			DPRINTF(sc, "Invalid handshake response\n");
+			goto error;
+		}
+		peer = noise_remote_arg(remote);
+		DPRINTF(sc, "Receiving handshake response from peer %" PRIu64 "\n", peer->p_id);
+		wg_peer_set_endpoint(peer, e);
+		wg_timers_event_session_derived(peer);
+		wg_timers_event_handshake_complete(peer);
+		break;
+		cook = mtod(m, struct wg_pkt_cookie *);
+		if ((remote = noise_remote_index(sc->sc_local, cook->r_idx)) == NULL) {
+			DPRINTF(sc, "Unknown cookie index\n");
+			goto error;
+		}
+		peer = noise_remote_arg(remote);
+		if (cookie_maker_consume_payload(&peer->p_cookie,
+		    cook->nonce, cook->ec) == 0) {
+			DPRINTF(sc, "Receiving cookie response\n");
+		} else {
+			DPRINTF(sc, "Could not decrypt cookie response\n");
+			goto error;
+		}
+		goto not_authenticated;
+	default:
+		panic("invalid packet in handshake queue");
+	}
+	wg_timers_event_any_authenticated_packet_received(peer);
+	wg_timers_event_any_authenticated_packet_traversal(peer);
+	counter_u64_add(peer->p_rx_bytes, m->m_pkthdr.len);
+	if_inc_counter(sc->sc_ifp, IFCOUNTER_IPACKETS, 1);
+	if_inc_counter(sc->sc_ifp, IFCOUNTER_IBYTES, m->m_pkthdr.len);
+	if (remote != NULL)
+		noise_remote_put(remote);
+	wg_packet_free(pkt);
+static void
+wg_softc_handshake_receive(struct wg_softc *sc)
+	struct wg_packet *pkt;
+	while ((pkt = wg_queue_dequeue_handshake(&sc->sc_handshake_queue)) != NULL)
+		wg_handshake(sc, pkt);
+static void
+wg_mbuf_reset(struct mbuf *m)
+	struct m_tag *t, *tmp;
+	/*
+	 * We want to reset the mbuf to a newly allocated state, containing
+	 * just the packet contents. Unfortunately FreeBSD doesn't seem to
+	 * offer this anywhere, so we have to make it up as we go. If we can
+	 * get this in kern/kern_mbuf.c, that would be best.
+	 *
+	 * Notice: this may break things unexpectedly but it is better to fail
+	 *         closed in the extreme case than leak informtion in every
+	 *         case.
+	 *
+	 * With that said, all this attempts to do is remove any extraneous
+	 * information that could be present.
+	 */
+#ifdef NUMA
+        m->m_pkthdr.numa_domain = M_NODOM;
+	SLIST_FOREACH_SAFE(t, &m->m_pkthdr.tags, m_tag_link, tmp) {
+		if ((t->m_tag_id != 0 || t->m_tag_cookie != MTAG_WGLOOP) &&
+		    t->m_tag_id != PACKET_TAG_MACLABEL)
+			m_tag_delete(m, t);
+	}
+	KASSERT((m->m_pkthdr.csum_flags & CSUM_SND_TAG) == 0,
+	    ("%s: mbuf %p has a send tag", __func__, m));
+	m->m_pkthdr.csum_flags = 0;
+	m->m_pkthdr.PH_per.sixtyfour[0] = 0;
+	m->m_pkthdr.PH_loc.sixtyfour[0] = 0;
+static inline unsigned int
+calculate_padding(struct wg_packet *pkt)
+	unsigned int padded_size, last_unit = pkt->p_mbuf->m_pkthdr.len;
+	if (__predict_false(!pkt->p_mtu))
+		return (last_unit + (WG_PKT_PADDING - 1)) & ~(WG_PKT_PADDING - 1);
+	if (__predict_false(last_unit > pkt->p_mtu))
+		last_unit %= pkt->p_mtu;
+	padded_size = (last_unit + (WG_PKT_PADDING - 1)) & ~(WG_PKT_PADDING - 1);
+	if (pkt->p_mtu < padded_size)
+		padded_size = pkt->p_mtu;
+	return padded_size - last_unit;
+static void
+wg_encrypt(struct wg_softc *sc, struct wg_packet *pkt)
+	static const uint8_t	 padding[WG_PKT_PADDING] = { 0 };
+	struct wg_pkt_data	*data;
+	struct wg_peer		*peer;
+	struct noise_remote	*remote;
+	struct mbuf		*m;
+	uint32_t		 idx;
+	unsigned int		 padlen;
+	enum wg_ring_state	 state = WG_PACKET_DEAD;
+	remote = noise_keypair_remote(pkt->p_keypair);
+	peer = noise_remote_arg(remote);
+	m = pkt->p_mbuf;
+	/* Pad the packet */
+	padlen = calculate_padding(pkt);
+	if (padlen != 0 && !m_append(m, padlen, padding))
+		goto out;
+	/* Do encryption */
+	if (noise_keypair_encrypt(pkt->p_keypair, &idx, pkt->p_nonce, m) != 0)
+		goto out;
+	/* Put header into packet */
+	M_PREPEND(m, sizeof(struct wg_pkt_data), M_NOWAIT);
+	if (m == NULL)
+		goto out;
+	data = mtod(m, struct wg_pkt_data *);
+	data->t = WG_PKT_DATA;
+	data->r_idx = idx;
+	data->nonce = htole64(pkt->p_nonce);
+	wg_mbuf_reset(m);
+	pkt->p_mbuf = m;
+	wmb();
+	pkt->p_state = state;
+	GROUPTASK_ENQUEUE(&peer->p_send);
+	noise_remote_put(remote);
+static void
+wg_decrypt(struct wg_softc *sc, struct wg_packet *pkt)
+	struct wg_peer		*peer, *allowed_peer;
+	struct noise_remote	*remote;
+	struct mbuf		*m;
+	int			 len;
+	enum wg_ring_state	 state = WG_PACKET_DEAD;
+	remote = noise_keypair_remote(pkt->p_keypair);
+	peer = noise_remote_arg(remote);
+	m = pkt->p_mbuf;
+	/* Read nonce and then adjust to remove the header. */
+	pkt->p_nonce = le64toh(mtod(m, struct wg_pkt_data *)->nonce);
+	m_adj(m, sizeof(struct wg_pkt_data));
+	if (noise_keypair_decrypt(pkt->p_keypair, pkt->p_nonce, m) != 0)
+		goto out;
+	/* A packet with length 0 is a keepalive packet */
+	if (__predict_false(m->m_pkthdr.len == 0)) {
+		DPRINTF(sc, "Receiving keepalive packet from peer "
+		    "%" PRIu64 "\n", peer->p_id);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * We can let the network stack handle the intricate validation of the
+	 * IP header, we just worry about the sizeof and the version, so we can
+	 * read the source address in wg_aip_lookup.
+	 */
+	if (determine_af_and_pullup(&m, &pkt->p_af) == 0) {
+		if (pkt->p_af == AF_INET) {
+			struct ip *ip = mtod(m, struct ip *);
+			allowed_peer = wg_aip_lookup(sc, AF_INET, &ip->ip_src);
+			len = ntohs(ip->ip_len);
+			if (len >= sizeof(struct ip) && len < m->m_pkthdr.len)
+				m_adj(m, len - m->m_pkthdr.len);
+		} else if (pkt->p_af == AF_INET6) {
+			struct ip6_hdr *ip6 = mtod(m, struct ip6_hdr *);
+			allowed_peer = wg_aip_lookup(sc, AF_INET6, &ip6->ip6_src);
+			len = ntohs(ip6->ip6_plen) + sizeof(struct ip6_hdr);
+			if (len < m->m_pkthdr.len)
+				m_adj(m, len - m->m_pkthdr.len);
+		} else
+			panic("determine_af_and_pullup returned unexpected value");
+	} else {
+		DPRINTF(sc, "Packet is neither ipv4 nor ipv6 from peer %" PRIu64 "\n", peer->p_id);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	/* We only want to compare the address, not dereference, so drop the ref. */
+	if (allowed_peer != NULL)
+		noise_remote_put(allowed_peer->p_remote);
+	if (__predict_false(peer != allowed_peer)) {
+		DPRINTF(sc, "Packet has unallowed src IP from peer %" PRIu64 "\n", peer->p_id);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	wg_mbuf_reset(m);
+	pkt->p_mbuf = m;
+	wmb();
+	pkt->p_state = state;
+	GROUPTASK_ENQUEUE(&peer->p_recv);
+	noise_remote_put(remote);
+static void
+wg_softc_decrypt(struct wg_softc *sc)
+	struct wg_packet *pkt;
+	bool empty = true;
+	while ((pkt = wg_queue_dequeue_parallel(&sc->sc_decrypt_parallel)) != NULL) {
+		wg_decrypt(sc, pkt);
+		empty = false;
+	}
+	if (empty)
+		counter_u64_add(wg_decrypt_empty, 1);
+	else
+		counter_u64_add(wg_decrypt_work, 1);
+static void
+wg_softc_encrypt(struct wg_softc *sc)
+	struct wg_packet *pkt;
+	bool empty = true;
+	while ((pkt = wg_queue_dequeue_parallel(&sc->sc_encrypt_parallel)) != NULL) {
+		wg_encrypt(sc, pkt);
+		empty = false;
+	}
+	if (empty)
+		counter_u64_add(wg_encrypt_empty, 1);
+	else
+		counter_u64_add(wg_encrypt_work, 1);
+static void
+wg_encrypt_dispatch(struct wg_softc *sc)
+	/*
+	 * The update to encrypt_last_cpu is racey such that we may
+	 * reschedule the task for the same CPU multiple times, but
+	 * the race doesn't really matter.
+	 */
+	u_int cpu = (sc->sc_encrypt_last_cpu + 1) % mp_ncpus;
+	sc->sc_encrypt_last_cpu = cpu;
+	GROUPTASK_ENQUEUE(&sc->sc_encrypt[cpu]);
+static void
+wg_decrypt_dispatch(struct wg_softc *sc)
+	u_int cpu = (sc->sc_decrypt_last_cpu + 1) % mp_ncpus;
+	sc->sc_decrypt_last_cpu = cpu;
+	GROUPTASK_ENQUEUE(&sc->sc_decrypt[cpu]);
+static void
+wg_deliver_out(struct wg_peer *peer)
+	struct wg_endpoint	 endpoint;
+	struct wg_softc		*sc = peer->p_sc;
+	struct wg_packet	*pkt;
+	struct mbuf		*m;
+	int			 rc, len;
+	wg_peer_get_endpoint(peer, &endpoint);
+	while ((pkt = wg_queue_dequeue_serial(&peer->p_encrypt_serial)) != NULL) {
+		if (pkt->p_state != WG_PACKET_CRYPTED)
+			goto error;
+		m = pkt->p_mbuf;
+		pkt->p_mbuf = NULL;
+		len = m->m_pkthdr.len;
+		wg_timers_event_any_authenticated_packet_traversal(peer);
+		wg_timers_event_any_authenticated_packet_sent(peer);
+		rc = wg_send(sc, &endpoint, m);
+		if (rc == 0) {
+			if (len > (sizeof(struct wg_pkt_data) + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN))
+				wg_timers_event_data_sent(peer);
+			counter_u64_add(peer->p_tx_bytes, len);
+		} else if (rc == EADDRNOTAVAIL) {
+			wg_peer_clear_src(peer);
+			wg_peer_get_endpoint(peer, &endpoint);
+			goto error;
+		} else {
+			goto error;
+		}
+		wg_packet_free(pkt);
+		if (noise_keep_key_fresh_send(peer->p_remote))
+			wg_timers_event_want_initiation(peer);
+		continue;
+		if_inc_counter(sc->sc_ifp, IFCOUNTER_OERRORS, 1);
+		wg_packet_free(pkt);
+	}
+static void
+wg_deliver_in(struct wg_peer *peer)
+	struct wg_softc		*sc = peer->p_sc;
+	struct ifnet		*ifp = sc->sc_ifp;
+	struct wg_packet	*pkt;
+	struct mbuf		*m;
+	struct epoch_tracker	 et;
+	while ((pkt = wg_queue_dequeue_serial(&peer->p_decrypt_serial)) != NULL) {
+		if (pkt->p_state != WG_PACKET_CRYPTED)
+			goto error;
+		m = pkt->p_mbuf;
+		if (noise_keypair_nonce_check(pkt->p_keypair, pkt->p_nonce) != 0)
+			goto error;
+		if (noise_keypair_received_with(pkt->p_keypair) == ECONNRESET)
+			wg_timers_event_handshake_complete(peer);
+		wg_timers_event_any_authenticated_packet_received(peer);
+		wg_timers_event_any_authenticated_packet_traversal(peer);
+		wg_peer_set_endpoint(peer, &pkt->p_endpoint);
+		counter_u64_add(peer->p_rx_bytes, m->m_pkthdr.len +
+		    sizeof(struct wg_pkt_data) + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN);
+		if_inc_counter(sc->sc_ifp, IFCOUNTER_IPACKETS, 1);
+		if_inc_counter(sc->sc_ifp, IFCOUNTER_IBYTES, m->m_pkthdr.len +
+		    sizeof(struct wg_pkt_data) + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN);
+		if (m->m_pkthdr.len == 0)
+			goto done;
+		MPASS(pkt->p_af == AF_INET || pkt->p_af == AF_INET6);
+		pkt->p_mbuf = NULL;
+		m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = ifp;
+		BPF_MTAP2_AF(ifp, m, pkt->p_af);
+		CURVNET_SET(ifp->if_vnet);
+		M_SETFIB(m, ifp->if_fib);
+		if (pkt->p_af == AF_INET)
+			netisr_dispatch(NETISR_IP, m);
+		if (pkt->p_af == AF_INET6)
+			netisr_dispatch(NETISR_IPV6, m);
+		wg_timers_event_data_received(peer);
+		if (noise_keep_key_fresh_recv(peer->p_remote))
+			wg_timers_event_want_initiation(peer);
+		wg_packet_free(pkt);
+		continue;
+		if_inc_counter(ifp, IFCOUNTER_IERRORS, 1);
+		wg_packet_free(pkt);
+	}
+static struct wg_packet *
+wg_packet_alloc(struct mbuf *m)
+	struct wg_packet *pkt;
+	if ((pkt = uma_zalloc(wg_packet_zone, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO)) == NULL)
+		return (NULL);
+	pkt->p_mbuf = m;
+	return (pkt);
+static void
+wg_packet_free(struct wg_packet *pkt)
+	if (pkt->p_keypair != NULL)
+		noise_keypair_put(pkt->p_keypair);
+	if (pkt->p_mbuf != NULL)
+		m_freem(pkt->p_mbuf);
+	uma_zfree(wg_packet_zone, pkt);
+static void
+wg_queue_init(struct wg_queue *queue, const char *name)
+	mtx_init(&queue->q_mtx, name, NULL, MTX_DEF);
+	STAILQ_INIT(&queue->q_queue);
+	queue->q_len = 0;
+static void
+wg_queue_deinit(struct wg_queue *queue)
+	wg_queue_purge(queue);
+	mtx_destroy(&queue->q_mtx);
+static size_t
+wg_queue_len(struct wg_queue *queue)
+	return (queue->q_len);
+static int
+wg_queue_enqueue_handshake(struct wg_queue *hs, struct wg_packet *pkt)
+	int ret = 0;
+	mtx_lock(&hs->q_mtx);
+	if (hs->q_len < MAX_QUEUED_HANDSHAKES) {
+		STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&hs->q_queue, pkt, p_parallel);
+		hs->q_len++;
+	} else {
+		ret = ENOBUFS;
+	}
+	mtx_unlock(&hs->q_mtx);
+	if (ret != 0)
+		wg_packet_free(pkt);
+	return (ret);
+static struct wg_packet *
+wg_queue_dequeue_handshake(struct wg_queue *hs)
+	struct wg_packet *pkt;
+	mtx_lock(&hs->q_mtx);
+	if ((pkt = STAILQ_FIRST(&hs->q_queue)) != NULL) {
+		STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&hs->q_queue, p_parallel);
+		hs->q_len--;
+	}
+	mtx_unlock(&hs->q_mtx);
+	return (pkt);
+static void
+wg_queue_push_staged(struct wg_queue *staged, struct wg_packet *pkt)
+	struct wg_packet *old = NULL;
+	mtx_lock(&staged->q_mtx);
+	if (staged->q_len >= MAX_STAGED_PKT) {
+		old = STAILQ_FIRST(&staged->q_queue);
+		STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&staged->q_queue, p_parallel);
+		staged->q_len--;
+	}
+	STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&staged->q_queue, pkt, p_parallel);
+	staged->q_len++;
+	mtx_unlock(&staged->q_mtx);
+	if (old != NULL)
+		wg_packet_free(old);
+static void
+wg_queue_enlist_staged(struct wg_queue *staged, struct wg_packet_list *list)
+	struct wg_packet *pkt, *tpkt;
+	STAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(pkt, list, p_parallel, tpkt)
+		wg_queue_push_staged(staged, pkt);
+static void
+wg_queue_delist_staged(struct wg_queue *staged, struct wg_packet_list *list)
+	STAILQ_INIT(list);
+	mtx_lock(&staged->q_mtx);
+	STAILQ_CONCAT(list, &staged->q_queue);
+	staged->q_len = 0;
+	mtx_unlock(&staged->q_mtx);
+static void
+wg_queue_purge(struct wg_queue *staged)
+	struct wg_packet_list list;
+	struct wg_packet *pkt, *tpkt;
+	wg_queue_delist_staged(staged, &list);
+	STAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(pkt, &list, p_parallel, tpkt)
+		wg_packet_free(pkt);
+static int
+wg_queue_both(struct wg_queue *parallel, struct wg_queue *serial, struct wg_packet *pkt)
+	pkt->p_state = WG_PACKET_UNCRYPTED;
+	mtx_lock(&serial->q_mtx);
+	if (serial->q_len < MAX_QUEUED_PKT) {
+		serial->q_len++;
+		STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&serial->q_queue, pkt, p_serial);
+	} else {
+		mtx_unlock(&serial->q_mtx);
+		wg_packet_free(pkt);
+		return (ENOBUFS);
+	}
+	mtx_unlock(&serial->q_mtx);
+	mtx_lock(&parallel->q_mtx);
+	if (parallel->q_len < MAX_QUEUED_PKT) {
+		parallel->q_len++;
+		STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&parallel->q_queue, pkt, p_parallel);
+	} else {
+		mtx_unlock(&parallel->q_mtx);
+		pkt->p_state = WG_PACKET_DEAD;
+		return (ENOBUFS);
+	}
+	mtx_unlock(&parallel->q_mtx);
+	return (0);
+static struct wg_packet *
+wg_queue_dequeue_serial(struct wg_queue *serial)
+	struct wg_packet *pkt = NULL;
+	mtx_lock(&serial->q_mtx);
+	if (serial->q_len > 0 && STAILQ_FIRST(&serial->q_queue)->p_state != WG_PACKET_UNCRYPTED) {
+		serial->q_len--;
+		pkt = STAILQ_FIRST(&serial->q_queue);
+		STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&serial->q_queue, p_serial);
+	}
+	mtx_unlock(&serial->q_mtx);
+	return (pkt);
+static struct wg_packet *
+wg_queue_dequeue_parallel(struct wg_queue *parallel)
+	struct wg_packet *pkt = NULL;
+	mtx_lock(&parallel->q_mtx);
+	if (parallel->q_len > 0) {
+		parallel->q_len--;
+		pkt = STAILQ_FIRST(&parallel->q_queue);
+		STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&parallel->q_queue, p_parallel);
+	}
+	mtx_unlock(&parallel->q_mtx);
+	return (pkt);
+static bool
+wg_input(struct mbuf *m, int offset, struct inpcb *inpcb,
+    const struct sockaddr *sa, void *_sc)
+#ifdef INET
+	const struct sockaddr_in	*sin;
+#ifdef INET6
+	const struct sockaddr_in6	*sin6;
+	struct noise_remote		*remote;
+	struct wg_pkt_data		*data;
+	struct wg_packet		*pkt;
+	struct wg_peer			*peer;
+	struct wg_softc			*sc = _sc;
+	struct mbuf			*defragged;
+	defragged = m_defrag(m, M_NOWAIT);
+	if (defragged)
+		m = defragged;
+	m = m_unshare(m, M_NOWAIT);
+	if (!m) {
+		if_inc_counter(sc->sc_ifp, IFCOUNTER_IQDROPS, 1);
+		return true;
+	}
+	/* Caller provided us with `sa`, no need for this header. */
+	m_adj(m, offset + sizeof(struct udphdr));
+	/* Pullup enough to read packet type */
+	if ((m = m_pullup(m, sizeof(uint32_t))) == NULL) {
+		if_inc_counter(sc->sc_ifp, IFCOUNTER_IQDROPS, 1);
+		return true;
+	}
+	if ((pkt = wg_packet_alloc(m)) == NULL) {
+		if_inc_counter(sc->sc_ifp, IFCOUNTER_IQDROPS, 1);
+		m_freem(m);
+		return true;
+	}
+	/* Save send/recv address and port for later. */
+	switch (sa->sa_family) {
+#ifdef INET
+	case AF_INET:
+		sin = (const struct sockaddr_in *)sa;
+		pkt->p_endpoint.e_remote.r_sin = sin[0];
+		pkt->p_endpoint.e_local.l_in = sin[1].sin_addr;
+		break;
+#ifdef INET6
+	case AF_INET6:
+		sin6 = (const struct sockaddr_in6 *)sa;
+		pkt->p_endpoint.e_remote.r_sin6 = sin6[0];
+		pkt->p_endpoint.e_local.l_in6 = sin6[1].sin6_addr;
+		break;
+	default:
+		goto error;
+	}
+	if ((m->m_pkthdr.len == sizeof(struct wg_pkt_initiation) &&
+		*mtod(m, uint32_t *) == WG_PKT_INITIATION) ||
+	    (m->m_pkthdr.len == sizeof(struct wg_pkt_response) &&
+		*mtod(m, uint32_t *) == WG_PKT_RESPONSE) ||
+	    (m->m_pkthdr.len == sizeof(struct wg_pkt_cookie) &&
+		*mtod(m, uint32_t *) == WG_PKT_COOKIE)) {
+		if (wg_queue_enqueue_handshake(&sc->sc_handshake_queue, pkt) != 0) {
+			if_inc_counter(sc->sc_ifp, IFCOUNTER_IQDROPS, 1);
+			DPRINTF(sc, "Dropping handshake packet\n");
+		}
+		GROUPTASK_ENQUEUE(&sc->sc_handshake);
+	} else if (m->m_pkthdr.len >= sizeof(struct wg_pkt_data) +
+	    NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN && *mtod(m, uint32_t *) == WG_PKT_DATA) {
+		/* Pullup whole header to read r_idx below. */
+		if ((pkt->p_mbuf = m_pullup(m, sizeof(struct wg_pkt_data))) == NULL)
+			goto error;
+		data = mtod(pkt->p_mbuf, struct wg_pkt_data *);
+		if ((pkt->p_keypair = noise_keypair_lookup(sc->sc_local, data->r_idx)) == NULL)
+			goto error;
+		remote = noise_keypair_remote(pkt->p_keypair);
+		peer = noise_remote_arg(remote);
+		if (wg_queue_both(&sc->sc_decrypt_parallel, &peer->p_decrypt_serial, pkt) != 0)
+			if_inc_counter(sc->sc_ifp, IFCOUNTER_IQDROPS, 1);
+		wg_decrypt_dispatch(sc);
+		noise_remote_put(remote);
+	} else {
+		goto error;
+	}
+	return true;
+	if_inc_counter(sc->sc_ifp, IFCOUNTER_IERRORS, 1);
+	wg_packet_free(pkt);
+	return true;
+static void
+wg_peer_send_staged(struct wg_peer *peer)
+	struct wg_packet_list	 list;
+	struct noise_keypair	*keypair;
+	struct wg_packet	*pkt, *tpkt;
+	struct wg_softc		*sc = peer->p_sc;
+	wg_queue_delist_staged(&peer->p_stage_queue, &list);
+	if (STAILQ_EMPTY(&list))
+		return;
+	if ((keypair = noise_keypair_current(peer->p_remote)) == NULL)
+		goto error;
+	STAILQ_FOREACH(pkt, &list, p_parallel) {
+		if (noise_keypair_nonce_next(keypair, &pkt->p_nonce) != 0)
+			goto error_keypair;
+	}
+	STAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(pkt, &list, p_parallel, tpkt) {
+		pkt->p_keypair = noise_keypair_ref(keypair);
+		if (wg_queue_both(&sc->sc_encrypt_parallel, &peer->p_encrypt_serial, pkt) != 0)
+			if_inc_counter(sc->sc_ifp, IFCOUNTER_OQDROPS, 1);
+	}
+	wg_encrypt_dispatch(sc);
+	noise_keypair_put(keypair);
+	return;
+	noise_keypair_put(keypair);
+	wg_queue_enlist_staged(&peer->p_stage_queue, &list);
+	wg_timers_event_want_initiation(peer);
+static inline void
+xmit_err(struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *m, struct wg_packet *pkt, sa_family_t af)
+	if_inc_counter(ifp, IFCOUNTER_OERRORS, 1);
+	switch (af) {
+#ifdef INET
+	case AF_INET:
+		icmp_error(m, ICMP_UNREACH, ICMP_UNREACH_HOST, 0, 0);
+		if (pkt)
+			pkt->p_mbuf = NULL;
+		m = NULL;
+		break;
+#ifdef INET6
+	case AF_INET6:
+		icmp6_error(m, ICMP6_DST_UNREACH, 0, 0);
+		if (pkt)
+			pkt->p_mbuf = NULL;
+		m = NULL;
+		break;
+	}
+	if (pkt)
+		wg_packet_free(pkt);
+	else if (m)
+		m_freem(m);
+static int
+wg_xmit(struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *m, sa_family_t af, uint32_t mtu)
+	struct wg_packet	*pkt = NULL;
+	struct wg_softc		*sc = ifp->if_softc;
+	struct wg_peer		*peer;
+	int			 rc = 0;
+	sa_family_t		 peer_af;
+	/* Work around lifetime issue in the ipv6 mld code. */
+	if (__predict_false((ifp->if_flags & IFF_DYING) || !sc)) {
+		rc = ENXIO;
+		goto err_xmit;
+	}
+	if ((pkt = wg_packet_alloc(m)) == NULL) {
+		rc = ENOBUFS;
+		goto err_xmit;
+	}
+	pkt->p_mtu = mtu;
+	pkt->p_af = af;
+	if (af == AF_INET) {
+		peer = wg_aip_lookup(sc, AF_INET, &mtod(m, struct ip *)->ip_dst);
+	} else if (af == AF_INET6) {
+		peer = wg_aip_lookup(sc, AF_INET6, &mtod(m, struct ip6_hdr *)->ip6_dst);
+	} else {
+		goto err_xmit;
+	}
+	BPF_MTAP2_AF(ifp, m, pkt->p_af);
+	if (__predict_false(peer == NULL)) {
+		rc = ENOKEY;
+		goto err_xmit;
+	}
+	if (__predict_false(if_tunnel_check_nesting(ifp, m, MTAG_WGLOOP, MAX_LOOPS))) {
+		DPRINTF(sc, "Packet looped");
+		rc = ELOOP;
+		goto err_peer;
+	}
+	peer_af = peer->p_endpoint.e_remote.r_sa.sa_family;
+	if (__predict_false(peer_af != AF_INET && peer_af != AF_INET6)) {
+		DPRINTF(sc, "No valid endpoint has been configured or "
+			    "discovered for peer %" PRIu64 "\n", peer->p_id);
+		goto err_peer;
+	}
+	wg_queue_push_staged(&peer->p_stage_queue, pkt);
+	wg_peer_send_staged(peer);
+	noise_remote_put(peer->p_remote);
+	return (0);
+	noise_remote_put(peer->p_remote);
+	xmit_err(ifp, m, pkt, af);
+	return (rc);
+static inline int
+determine_af_and_pullup(struct mbuf **m, sa_family_t *af)
+	u_char ipv;
+	if ((*m)->m_pkthdr.len >= sizeof(struct ip6_hdr))
+		*m = m_pullup(*m, sizeof(struct ip6_hdr));
+	else if ((*m)->m_pkthdr.len >= sizeof(struct ip))
+		*m = m_pullup(*m, sizeof(struct ip));
+	else
+		return (EAFNOSUPPORT);
+	if (*m == NULL)
+		return (ENOBUFS);
+	ipv = mtod(*m, struct ip *)->ip_v;
+	if (ipv == 4)
+		*af = AF_INET;
+	else if (ipv == 6 && (*m)->m_pkthdr.len >= sizeof(struct ip6_hdr))
+		*af = AF_INET6;
+	else
+		return (EAFNOSUPPORT);
+	return (0);
+static int
+wg_transmit(struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *m)
+	sa_family_t af;
+	int ret;
+	struct mbuf *defragged;
+	defragged = m_defrag(m, M_NOWAIT);
+	if (defragged)
+		m = defragged;
+	m = m_unshare(m, M_NOWAIT);
+	if (!m) {
+		xmit_err(ifp, m, NULL, AF_UNSPEC);
+		return (ENOBUFS);
+	}
+	ret = determine_af_and_pullup(&m, &af);
+	if (ret) {
+		xmit_err(ifp, m, NULL, AF_UNSPEC);
+		return (ret);
+	}
+	return (wg_xmit(ifp, m, af, ifp->if_mtu));
+static int
+wg_output(struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *m, const struct sockaddr *dst, struct route *ro)
+	sa_family_t parsed_af;
+	uint32_t af, mtu;
+	int ret;
+	struct mbuf *defragged;
+	if (dst->sa_family == AF_UNSPEC)
+		memcpy(&af, dst->sa_data, sizeof(af));
+	else
+		af = dst->sa_family;
+	if (af == AF_UNSPEC) {
+		xmit_err(ifp, m, NULL, af);
+		return (EAFNOSUPPORT);
+	}
+	defragged = m_defrag(m, M_NOWAIT);
+	if (defragged)
+		m = defragged;
+	m = m_unshare(m, M_NOWAIT);
+	if (!m) {
+		xmit_err(ifp, m, NULL, AF_UNSPEC);
+		return (ENOBUFS);
+	}
+	ret = determine_af_and_pullup(&m, &parsed_af);
+	if (ret) {
+		xmit_err(ifp, m, NULL, AF_UNSPEC);
+		return (ret);
+	}
+	if (parsed_af != af) {
+		xmit_err(ifp, m, NULL, AF_UNSPEC);
+		return (EAFNOSUPPORT);
+	}
+	mtu = (ro != NULL && ro->ro_mtu > 0) ? ro->ro_mtu : ifp->if_mtu;
+	return (wg_xmit(ifp, m, parsed_af, mtu));
+static int
+wg_peer_add(struct wg_softc *sc, const nvlist_t *nvl)
+	uint8_t			 public[WG_KEY_SIZE];
+	const void *pub_key, *preshared_key = NULL;
+	const struct sockaddr *endpoint;
+	int err;
+	size_t size;
+	struct noise_remote *remote;
+	struct wg_peer *peer = NULL;
+	bool need_insert = false;
+	sx_assert(&sc->sc_lock, SX_XLOCKED);
+	if (!nvlist_exists_binary(nvl, "public-key")) {
+		return (EINVAL);
+	}
+	pub_key = nvlist_get_binary(nvl, "public-key", &size);
+	if (size != WG_KEY_SIZE) {
+		return (EINVAL);
+	}
+	if (noise_local_keys(sc->sc_local, public, NULL) == 0 &&
+	    bcmp(public, pub_key, WG_KEY_SIZE) == 0) {
+		return (0); // Silently ignored; not actually a failure.
+	}
+	if ((remote = noise_remote_lookup(sc->sc_local, pub_key)) != NULL)
+		peer = noise_remote_arg(remote);
+	if (nvlist_exists_bool(nvl, "remove") &&
+		nvlist_get_bool(nvl, "remove")) {
+		if (remote != NULL) {
+			wg_peer_destroy(peer);
+			noise_remote_put(remote);
+		}
+		return (0);
+	}
+	if (nvlist_exists_bool(nvl, "replace-allowedips") &&
+		nvlist_get_bool(nvl, "replace-allowedips") &&
+	    peer != NULL) {
+		wg_aip_remove_all(sc, peer);
+	}
+	if (peer == NULL) {
+		peer = wg_peer_alloc(sc, pub_key);
+		need_insert = true;
+	}
+	if (nvlist_exists_binary(nvl, "endpoint")) {
+		endpoint = nvlist_get_binary(nvl, "endpoint", &size);
+		if (size > sizeof(peer->p_endpoint.e_remote)) {
+			err = EINVAL;
+			goto out;
+		}
+		memcpy(&peer->p_endpoint.e_remote, endpoint, size);
+	}
+	if (nvlist_exists_binary(nvl, "preshared-key")) {
+		preshared_key = nvlist_get_binary(nvl, "preshared-key", &size);
+		if (size != WG_KEY_SIZE) {
+			err = EINVAL;
+			goto out;
+		}
+		noise_remote_set_psk(peer->p_remote, preshared_key);
+	}
+	if (nvlist_exists_number(nvl, "persistent-keepalive-interval")) {
+		uint64_t pki = nvlist_get_number(nvl, "persistent-keepalive-interval");
+		if (pki > UINT16_MAX) {
+			err = EINVAL;
+			goto out;
+		}
+		wg_timers_set_persistent_keepalive(peer, pki);
+	}
+	if (nvlist_exists_nvlist_array(nvl, "allowed-ips")) {
+		const void *addr;
+		uint64_t cidr;
+		const nvlist_t * const * aipl;
+		size_t allowedip_count;
+		aipl = nvlist_get_nvlist_array(nvl, "allowed-ips", &allowedip_count);
+		for (size_t idx = 0; idx < allowedip_count; idx++) {
+			if (!nvlist_exists_number(aipl[idx], "cidr"))
+				continue;
+			cidr = nvlist_get_number(aipl[idx], "cidr");
+			if (nvlist_exists_binary(aipl[idx], "ipv4")) {
+				addr = nvlist_get_binary(aipl[idx], "ipv4", &size);
+				if (addr == NULL || cidr > 32 || size != sizeof(struct in_addr)) {
+					err = EINVAL;
+					goto out;
+				}
+				if ((err = wg_aip_add(sc, peer, AF_INET, addr, cidr)) != 0)
+					goto out;
+			} else if (nvlist_exists_binary(aipl[idx], "ipv6")) {
+				addr = nvlist_get_binary(aipl[idx], "ipv6", &size);
+				if (addr == NULL || cidr > 128 || size != sizeof(struct in6_addr)) {
+					err = EINVAL;
+					goto out;
+				}
+				if ((err = wg_aip_add(sc, peer, AF_INET6, addr, cidr)) != 0)
+					goto out;
+			} else {
+				continue;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (need_insert) {
+		if ((err = noise_remote_enable(peer->p_remote)) != 0)
+			goto out;
+		TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&sc->sc_peers, peer, p_entry);
+		sc->sc_peers_num++;
+		if (sc->sc_ifp->if_link_state == LINK_STATE_UP)
+			wg_timers_enable(peer);
+	}
+	if (remote != NULL)
+		noise_remote_put(remote);
+	return (0);
+	if (need_insert) /* If we fail, only destroy if it was new. */
+		wg_peer_destroy(peer);
+	if (remote != NULL)
+		noise_remote_put(remote);
+	return (err);
+static int
+wgc_set(struct wg_softc *sc, struct wg_data_io *wgd)
+	uint8_t public[WG_KEY_SIZE], private[WG_KEY_SIZE];
+	struct ifnet *ifp;
+	void *nvlpacked;
+	nvlist_t *nvl;
+	ssize_t size;
+	int err;
+	ifp = sc->sc_ifp;
+	if (wgd->wgd_size == 0 || wgd->wgd_data == NULL)
+		return (EFAULT);
+	/* Can nvlists be streamed in? It's not nice to impose arbitrary limits like that but
+	 * there needs to be _some_ limitation. */
+	if (wgd->wgd_size >= UINT32_MAX / 2)
+		return (E2BIG);
+	nvlpacked = malloc(wgd->wgd_size, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
+	err = copyin(wgd->wgd_data, nvlpacked, wgd->wgd_size);
+	if (err)
+		goto out;
+	nvl = nvlist_unpack(nvlpacked, wgd->wgd_size, 0);
+	if (nvl == NULL) {
+		err = EBADMSG;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	sx_xlock(&sc->sc_lock);
+	if (nvlist_exists_bool(nvl, "replace-peers") &&
+		nvlist_get_bool(nvl, "replace-peers"))
+		wg_peer_destroy_all(sc);
+	if (nvlist_exists_number(nvl, "listen-port")) {
+		uint64_t new_port = nvlist_get_number(nvl, "listen-port");
+		if (new_port > UINT16_MAX) {
+			err = EINVAL;
+			goto out_locked;
+		}
+		if (new_port != sc->sc_socket.so_port) {
+			if ((ifp->if_drv_flags & IFF_DRV_RUNNING) != 0) {
+				if ((err = wg_socket_init(sc, new_port)) != 0)
+					goto out_locked;
+			} else
+				sc->sc_socket.so_port = new_port;
+		}
+	}
+	if (nvlist_exists_binary(nvl, "private-key")) {
+		const void *key = nvlist_get_binary(nvl, "private-key", &size);
+		if (size != WG_KEY_SIZE) {
+			err = EINVAL;
+			goto out_locked;
+		}
+		if (noise_local_keys(sc->sc_local, NULL, private) != 0 ||
+		    timingsafe_bcmp(private, key, WG_KEY_SIZE) != 0) {
+			struct wg_peer *peer;
+			if (curve25519_generate_public(public, key)) {
+				/* Peer conflict: remove conflicting peer. */
+				struct noise_remote *remote;
+				if ((remote = noise_remote_lookup(sc->sc_local,
+				    public)) != NULL) {
+					peer = noise_remote_arg(remote);
+					wg_peer_destroy(peer);
+					noise_remote_put(remote);
+				}
+			}
+			/*
+			 * Set the private key and invalidate all existing
+			 * handshakes.
+			 */
+			/* Note: we might be removing the private key. */
+			noise_local_private(sc->sc_local, key);
+			if (noise_local_keys(sc->sc_local, NULL, NULL) == 0)
+				cookie_checker_update(&sc->sc_cookie, public);
+			else
+				cookie_checker_update(&sc->sc_cookie, NULL);
+		}
+	}
+	if (nvlist_exists_number(nvl, "user-cookie")) {
+		uint64_t user_cookie = nvlist_get_number(nvl, "user-cookie");
+		if (user_cookie > UINT32_MAX) {
+			err = EINVAL;
+			goto out_locked;
+		}
+		err = wg_socket_set_cookie(sc, user_cookie);
+		if (err)
+			goto out_locked;
+	}
+	if (nvlist_exists_nvlist_array(nvl, "peers")) {
+		size_t peercount;
+		const nvlist_t * const*nvl_peers;
+		nvl_peers = nvlist_get_nvlist_array(nvl, "peers", &peercount);
+		for (int i = 0; i < peercount; i++) {
+			err = wg_peer_add(sc, nvl_peers[i]);
+			if (err != 0)
+				goto out_locked;
+		}
+	}
+	sx_xunlock(&sc->sc_lock);
+	nvlist_destroy(nvl);
+	explicit_bzero(nvlpacked, wgd->wgd_size);
+	free(nvlpacked, M_TEMP);
+	return (err);
+static int
+wgc_get(struct wg_softc *sc, struct wg_data_io *wgd)
+	uint8_t public_key[WG_KEY_SIZE] = { 0 };
+	uint8_t private_key[WG_KEY_SIZE] = { 0 };
+	uint8_t preshared_key[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN] = { 0 };
+	nvlist_t *nvl, *nvl_peer, *nvl_aip, **nvl_peers, **nvl_aips;
+	size_t size, peer_count, aip_count, i, j;
+	struct wg_timespec64 ts64;
+	struct wg_peer *peer;
+	struct wg_aip *aip;
+	void *packed;
+	int err = 0;
+	nvl = nvlist_create(0);
+	if (!nvl)
+		return (ENOMEM);
+	sx_slock(&sc->sc_lock);
+	if (sc->sc_socket.so_port != 0)
+		nvlist_add_number(nvl, "listen-port", sc->sc_socket.so_port);
+	if (sc->sc_socket.so_user_cookie != 0)
+		nvlist_add_number(nvl, "user-cookie", sc->sc_socket.so_user_cookie);
+	if (noise_local_keys(sc->sc_local, public_key, private_key) == 0) {
+		nvlist_add_binary(nvl, "public-key", public_key, WG_KEY_SIZE);
+		if (wgc_privileged(sc))
+			nvlist_add_binary(nvl, "private-key", private_key, WG_KEY_SIZE);
+		explicit_bzero(private_key, sizeof(private_key));
+	}
+	peer_count = sc->sc_peers_num;
+	if (peer_count) {
+		nvl_peers = mallocarray(peer_count, sizeof(void *), M_NVLIST, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
+		i = 0;
+		TAILQ_FOREACH(peer, &sc->sc_peers, p_entry) {
+			if (i >= peer_count)
+				panic("peers changed from under us");
+			nvl_peers[i++] = nvl_peer = nvlist_create(0);
+			if (!nvl_peer) {
+				err = ENOMEM;
+				goto err_peer;
+			}
+			(void)noise_remote_keys(peer->p_remote, public_key, preshared_key);
+			nvlist_add_binary(nvl_peer, "public-key", public_key, sizeof(public_key));
+			if (wgc_privileged(sc))
+				nvlist_add_binary(nvl_peer, "preshared-key", preshared_key, sizeof(preshared_key));
+			explicit_bzero(preshared_key, sizeof(preshared_key));
+			if (peer->p_endpoint.e_remote.r_sa.sa_family == AF_INET)
+				nvlist_add_binary(nvl_peer, "endpoint", &peer->p_endpoint.e_remote, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
+			else if (peer->p_endpoint.e_remote.r_sa.sa_family == AF_INET6)
+				nvlist_add_binary(nvl_peer, "endpoint", &peer->p_endpoint.e_remote, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6));
+			wg_timers_get_last_handshake(peer, &ts64);
+			nvlist_add_binary(nvl_peer, "last-handshake-time", &ts64, sizeof(ts64));
+			nvlist_add_number(nvl_peer, "persistent-keepalive-interval", peer->p_persistent_keepalive_interval);
+			nvlist_add_number(nvl_peer, "rx-bytes", counter_u64_fetch(peer->p_rx_bytes));
+			nvlist_add_number(nvl_peer, "tx-bytes", counter_u64_fetch(peer->p_tx_bytes));
+			aip_count = peer->p_aips_num;
+			if (aip_count) {
+				nvl_aips = mallocarray(aip_count, sizeof(void *), M_NVLIST, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
+				j = 0;
+				LIST_FOREACH(aip, &peer->p_aips, a_entry) {
+					if (j >= aip_count)
+						panic("aips changed from under us");
+					nvl_aips[j++] = nvl_aip = nvlist_create(0);
+					if (!nvl_aip) {
+						err = ENOMEM;
+						goto err_aip;
+					}
+					if (aip->a_af == AF_INET) {
+						nvlist_add_binary(nvl_aip, "ipv4", &aip->a_addr.in, sizeof(aip->a_addr.in));
+						nvlist_add_number(nvl_aip, "cidr", bitcount32(aip->a_mask.ip));
+					}
+#ifdef INET6
+					else if (aip->a_af == AF_INET6) {
+						nvlist_add_binary(nvl_aip, "ipv6", &aip->a_addr.in6, sizeof(aip->a_addr.in6));
+						nvlist_add_number(nvl_aip, "cidr", in6_mask2len(&aip->a_mask.in6, NULL));
+					}
+				}
+				nvlist_add_nvlist_array(nvl_peer, "allowed-ips", (const nvlist_t *const *)nvl_aips, aip_count);
+			err_aip:
+				for (j = 0; j < aip_count; ++j)
+					nvlist_destroy(nvl_aips[j]);
+				free(nvl_aips, M_NVLIST);
+				if (err)
+					goto err_peer;
+			}
+		}
+		nvlist_add_nvlist_array(nvl, "peers", (const nvlist_t * const *)nvl_peers, peer_count);
+	err_peer:
+		for (i = 0; i < peer_count; ++i)
+			nvlist_destroy(nvl_peers[i]);
+		free(nvl_peers, M_NVLIST);
+		if (err) {
+			sx_sunlock(&sc->sc_lock);
+			goto err;
+		}
+	}
+	sx_sunlock(&sc->sc_lock);
+	packed = nvlist_pack(nvl, &size);
+	if (!packed) {
+		err = ENOMEM;
+		goto err;
+	}
+	if (!wgd->wgd_size) {
+		wgd->wgd_size = size;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	if (wgd->wgd_size < size) {
+		err = ENOSPC;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	err = copyout(packed, wgd->wgd_data, size);
+	wgd->wgd_size = size;
+	explicit_bzero(packed, size);
+	free(packed, M_NVLIST);
+	nvlist_destroy(nvl);
+	return (err);
+static int
+wg_ioctl(struct ifnet *ifp, u_long cmd, caddr_t data)
+	struct wg_data_io *wgd = (struct wg_data_io *)data;
+	struct ifreq *ifr = (struct ifreq *)data;
+	struct wg_softc *sc;
+	int ret = 0;
+	sx_slock(&wg_sx);
+	sc = ifp->if_softc;
+	if (!sc) {
+		ret = ENXIO;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	switch (cmd) {
+	case SIOCSWG:
+		ret = priv_check(curthread, PRIV_NET_WG);
+		if (ret == 0)
+			ret = wgc_set(sc, wgd);
+		break;
+	case SIOCGWG:
+		ret = wgc_get(sc, wgd);
+		break;
+	/* Interface IOCTLs */
+		/*
+		 * This differs from *BSD norms, but is more uniform with how
+		 * WireGuard behaves elsewhere.
+		 */
+		break;
+		if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP)
+			ret = wg_up(sc);
+		else
+			wg_down(sc);
+		break;
+		if (ifr->ifr_mtu <= 0 || ifr->ifr_mtu > MAX_MTU)
+			ret = EINVAL;
+		else
+			ifp->if_mtu = ifr->ifr_mtu;
+		break;
+		break;
+		ifr->ifr_fib = sc->sc_socket.so_fibnum;
+		break;
+		ret = priv_check(curthread, PRIV_NET_WG);
+		if (ret)
+			break;
+		ret = priv_check(curthread, PRIV_NET_SETIFFIB);
+		if (ret)
+			break;
+		sx_xlock(&sc->sc_lock);
+		ret = wg_socket_set_fibnum(sc, ifr->ifr_fib);
+		sx_xunlock(&sc->sc_lock);
+		break;
+	default:
+		ret = ENOTTY;
+	}
+	sx_sunlock(&wg_sx);
+	return (ret);
+static int
+wg_up(struct wg_softc *sc)
+	struct ifnet *ifp = sc->sc_ifp;
+	struct wg_peer *peer;
+	int rc = EBUSY;
+	sx_xlock(&sc->sc_lock);
+	/* Jail's being removed, no more wg_up(). */
+	if ((sc->sc_flags & WGF_DYING) != 0)
+		goto out;
+	/* Silent success if we're already running. */
+	rc = 0;
+	if (ifp->if_drv_flags & IFF_DRV_RUNNING)
+		goto out;
+	ifp->if_drv_flags |= IFF_DRV_RUNNING;
+	rc = wg_socket_init(sc, sc->sc_socket.so_port);
+	if (rc == 0) {
+		TAILQ_FOREACH(peer, &sc->sc_peers, p_entry)
+			wg_timers_enable(peer);
+		if_link_state_change(sc->sc_ifp, LINK_STATE_UP);
+	} else {
+		ifp->if_drv_flags &= ~IFF_DRV_RUNNING;
+		DPRINTF(sc, "Unable to initialize sockets: %d\n", rc);
+	}
+	sx_xunlock(&sc->sc_lock);
+	return (rc);
+static void
+wg_down(struct wg_softc *sc)
+	struct ifnet *ifp = sc->sc_ifp;
+	struct wg_peer *peer;
+	sx_xlock(&sc->sc_lock);
+	if (!(ifp->if_drv_flags & IFF_DRV_RUNNING)) {
+		sx_xunlock(&sc->sc_lock);
+		return;
+	}
+	ifp->if_drv_flags &= ~IFF_DRV_RUNNING;
+	TAILQ_FOREACH(peer, &sc->sc_peers, p_entry) {
+		wg_queue_purge(&peer->p_stage_queue);
+		wg_timers_disable(peer);
+	}
+	wg_queue_purge(&sc->sc_handshake_queue);
+	TAILQ_FOREACH(peer, &sc->sc_peers, p_entry) {
+		noise_remote_handshake_clear(peer->p_remote);
+		noise_remote_keypairs_clear(peer->p_remote);
+	}
+	if_link_state_change(sc->sc_ifp, LINK_STATE_DOWN);
+	wg_socket_uninit(sc);
+	sx_xunlock(&sc->sc_lock);
+static int
+wg_clone_create(struct if_clone *ifc, int unit, caddr_t params)
+	struct wg_softc *sc;
+	struct ifnet *ifp;
+	sc = malloc(sizeof(*sc), M_WG, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
+	sc->sc_local = noise_local_alloc(sc);
+	sc->sc_encrypt = mallocarray(sizeof(struct grouptask), mp_ncpus, M_WG, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
+	sc->sc_decrypt = mallocarray(sizeof(struct grouptask), mp_ncpus, M_WG, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
+	if (!rn_inithead((void **)&sc->sc_aip4, offsetof(struct aip_addr, in) * NBBY))
+		goto free_decrypt;
+	if (!rn_inithead((void **)&sc->sc_aip6, offsetof(struct aip_addr, in6) * NBBY))
+		goto free_aip4;
+	atomic_add_int(&clone_count, 1);
+	ifp = sc->sc_ifp = if_alloc(IFT_WIREGUARD);
+	sc->sc_ucred = crhold(curthread->td_ucred);
+	sc->sc_socket.so_fibnum = curthread->td_proc->p_fibnum;
+	sc->sc_socket.so_port = 0;
+	TAILQ_INIT(&sc->sc_peers);
+	sc->sc_peers_num = 0;
+	cookie_checker_init(&sc->sc_cookie);
+	GROUPTASK_INIT(&sc->sc_handshake, 0, (gtask_fn_t *)wg_softc_handshake_receive, sc);
+	taskqgroup_attach(qgroup_wg_tqg, &sc->sc_handshake, sc, NULL, NULL, "wg tx initiation");
+	wg_queue_init(&sc->sc_handshake_queue, "hsq");
+	for (int i = 0; i < mp_ncpus; i++) {
+		GROUPTASK_INIT(&sc->sc_encrypt[i], 0,
+		     (gtask_fn_t *)wg_softc_encrypt, sc);
+		taskqgroup_attach_cpu(qgroup_wg_tqg, &sc->sc_encrypt[i], sc, i, NULL, NULL, "wg encrypt");
+		GROUPTASK_INIT(&sc->sc_decrypt[i], 0,
+		    (gtask_fn_t *)wg_softc_decrypt, sc);
+		taskqgroup_attach_cpu(qgroup_wg_tqg, &sc->sc_decrypt[i], sc, i, NULL, NULL, "wg decrypt");
+	}
+	wg_queue_init(&sc->sc_encrypt_parallel, "encp");
+	wg_queue_init(&sc->sc_decrypt_parallel, "decp");
+	sx_init(&sc->sc_lock, "wg softc lock");
+	ifp->if_softc = sc;
+	ifp->if_capabilities = ifp->if_capenable = WG_CAPS;
+	if_initname(ifp, wgname, unit);
+	if_setmtu(ifp, DEFAULT_MTU);
+	ifp->if_flags = IFF_NOARP | IFF_MULTICAST;
+	ifp->if_init = wg_init;
+	ifp->if_reassign = wg_reassign;
+	ifp->if_qflush = wg_qflush;
+	ifp->if_transmit = wg_transmit;
+	ifp->if_output = wg_output;
+	ifp->if_ioctl = wg_ioctl;
+	if_attach(ifp);
+	bpfattach(ifp, DLT_NULL, sizeof(uint32_t));
+#ifdef INET6
+	ND_IFINFO(ifp)->flags |= ND6_IFF_NO_DAD;
+	sx_xlock(&wg_sx);
+	LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&wg_list, sc, sc_entry);
+	sx_xunlock(&wg_sx);
+	return (0);
+	free(sc->sc_aip4, M_RTABLE);
+	free(sc->sc_decrypt, M_WG);
+	free(sc->sc_encrypt, M_WG);
+	noise_local_free(sc->sc_local, NULL);
+	free(sc, M_WG);
+	return (ENOMEM);
+static void
+wg_clone_deferred_free(struct noise_local *l)
+	struct wg_softc *sc = noise_local_arg(l);
+	free(sc, M_WG);
+	atomic_add_int(&clone_count, -1);
+static void
+wg_clone_destroy(struct ifnet *ifp)
+	struct wg_softc *sc = ifp->if_softc;
+	struct ucred *cred;
+	sx_xlock(&wg_sx);
+	ifp->if_softc = NULL;
+	sx_xlock(&sc->sc_lock);
+	sc->sc_flags |= WGF_DYING;
+	cred = sc->sc_ucred;
+	sc->sc_ucred = NULL;
+	sx_xunlock(&sc->sc_lock);
+	LIST_REMOVE(sc, sc_entry);
+	sx_xunlock(&wg_sx);
+	if_link_state_change(sc->sc_ifp, LINK_STATE_DOWN);
+	CURVNET_SET(sc->sc_ifp->if_vnet);
+	if_purgeaddrs(sc->sc_ifp);
+	sx_xlock(&sc->sc_lock);
+	wg_socket_uninit(sc);
+	sx_xunlock(&sc->sc_lock);
+	/*
+	 * No guarantees that all traffic have passed until the epoch has
+	 * elapsed with the socket closed.
+	 */
+	taskqgroup_drain_all(qgroup_wg_tqg);
+	sx_xlock(&sc->sc_lock);
+	wg_peer_destroy_all(sc);
+	epoch_drain_callbacks(net_epoch_preempt);
+	sx_xunlock(&sc->sc_lock);
+	sx_destroy(&sc->sc_lock);
+	taskqgroup_detach(qgroup_wg_tqg, &sc->sc_handshake);
+	for (int i = 0; i < mp_ncpus; i++) {
+		taskqgroup_detach(qgroup_wg_tqg, &sc->sc_encrypt[i]);
+		taskqgroup_detach(qgroup_wg_tqg, &sc->sc_decrypt[i]);
+	}
+	free(sc->sc_encrypt, M_WG);
+	free(sc->sc_decrypt, M_WG);
+	wg_queue_deinit(&sc->sc_handshake_queue);
+	wg_queue_deinit(&sc->sc_encrypt_parallel);
+	wg_queue_deinit(&sc->sc_decrypt_parallel);
+	rn_detachhead((void **)&sc->sc_aip4);
+	rn_detachhead((void **)&sc->sc_aip6);
+	cookie_checker_free(&sc->sc_cookie);
+	if (cred != NULL)
+		crfree(cred);
+	if_detach(sc->sc_ifp);
+	if_free(sc->sc_ifp);
+	noise_local_free(sc->sc_local, wg_clone_deferred_free);
+static void
+wg_qflush(struct ifnet *ifp __unused)
+ * Privileged information (private-key, preshared-key) are only exported for
+ * root and jailed root by default.
+ */
+static bool
+wgc_privileged(struct wg_softc *sc)
+	struct thread *td;
+	td = curthread;
+	return (priv_check(td, PRIV_NET_WG) == 0);
+static void
+wg_reassign(struct ifnet *ifp, struct vnet *new_vnet __unused,
+    char *unused __unused)
+	struct wg_softc *sc;
+	sc = ifp->if_softc;
+	wg_down(sc);
+static void
+wg_init(void *xsc)
+	struct wg_softc *sc;
+	sc = xsc;
+	wg_up(sc);
+static void
+vnet_wg_init(const void *unused __unused)
+	V_wg_cloner = if_clone_simple(wgname, wg_clone_create, wg_clone_destroy,
+				      0);
+	     vnet_wg_init, NULL);
+static void
+vnet_wg_uninit(const void *unused __unused)
+	if (V_wg_cloner)
+		if_clone_detach(V_wg_cloner);
+	       vnet_wg_uninit, NULL);
+static int
+wg_prison_remove(void *obj, void *data __unused)
+	const struct prison *pr = obj;
+	struct wg_softc *sc;
+	/*
+	 * Do a pass through all if_wg interfaces and release creds on any from
+	 * the jail that are supposed to be going away.  This will, in turn, let
+	 * the jail die so that we don't end up with Schrödinger's jail.
+	 */
+	sx_slock(&wg_sx);
+	LIST_FOREACH(sc, &wg_list, sc_entry) {
+		sx_xlock(&sc->sc_lock);
+		if (!(sc->sc_flags & WGF_DYING) && sc->sc_ucred && sc->sc_ucred->cr_prison == pr) {
+			struct ucred *cred = sc->sc_ucred;
+			DPRINTF(sc, "Creating jail exiting\n");
+			if_link_state_change(sc->sc_ifp, LINK_STATE_DOWN);
+			wg_socket_uninit(sc);
+			sc->sc_ucred = NULL;
+			crfree(cred);
+			sc->sc_flags |= WGF_DYING;
+		}
+		sx_xunlock(&sc->sc_lock);
+	}
+	sx_sunlock(&wg_sx);
+	return (0);
+#include "selftest/allowedips.c"
+static bool wg_run_selftests(void)
+	bool ret = true;
+	ret &= wg_allowedips_selftest();
+	ret &= noise_counter_selftest();
+	ret &= cookie_selftest();
+	return ret;
+static inline bool wg_run_selftests(void) { return true; }
+static int
+	int ret = ENOMEM;
+	osd_method_t methods[PR_MAXMETHOD] = {
+		[PR_METHOD_REMOVE] = wg_prison_remove,
+	};
+	if ((wg_packet_zone = uma_zcreate("wg packet", sizeof(struct wg_packet),
+	     NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0)) == NULL)
+		goto free_none;
+	ret = crypto_init();
+	if (ret != 0)
+		goto free_zone;
+	if (cookie_init() != 0)
+		goto free_crypto;
+	wg_osd_jail_slot = osd_jail_register(NULL, methods);
+	if (!wg_run_selftests())
+		goto free_all;
+	return (0);
+	osd_jail_deregister(wg_osd_jail_slot);
+	cookie_deinit();
+	crypto_deinit();
+	uma_zdestroy(wg_packet_zone);
+	return (ret);
+static void
+	VNET_ITERATOR_DECL(vnet_iter);
+	VNET_FOREACH(vnet_iter) {
+		struct if_clone *clone = VNET_VNET(vnet_iter, wg_cloner);
+		if (clone) {
+			if_clone_detach(clone);
+			VNET_VNET(vnet_iter, wg_cloner) = NULL;
+		}
+	}
+	MPASS(LIST_EMPTY(&wg_list));
+	osd_jail_deregister(wg_osd_jail_slot);
+	cookie_deinit();
+	crypto_deinit();
+	uma_zdestroy(wg_packet_zone);
+static int
+wg_module_event_handler(module_t mod, int what, void *arg)
+	switch (what) {
+		case MOD_LOAD:
+			return wg_module_init();
+		case MOD_UNLOAD:
+			wg_module_deinit();
+			break;
+		default:
+			return (EOPNOTSUPP);
+	}
+	return (0);
+static moduledata_t wg_moduledata = {
+	wgname,
+	wg_module_event_handler,
+MODULE_DEPEND(wg, crypto, 1, 1, 1);
diff --git a/sys/dev/wg/support.h b/sys/dev/wg/support.h
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/dev/wg/support.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Kyle Evans <kevans@FreeBSD.org>
+ *
+ * support.h contains code that is not _yet_ upstream in FreeBSD's main branch.
+ * It is different from compat.h, which is strictly for backports.
+ */
+#ifndef _WG_SUPPORT
+#define _WG_SUPPORT
+#ifndef ck_pr_store_bool
+#define ck_pr_store_bool(dst, val) ck_pr_store_8((uint8_t *)(dst), (uint8_t)(val))
+#ifndef ck_pr_load_bool
+#define ck_pr_load_bool(src) ((bool)ck_pr_load_8((uint8_t *)(src)))
diff --git a/sys/dev/wg/version.h b/sys/dev/wg/version.h
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/dev/wg/version.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#define WIREGUARD_VERSION 20220615
diff --git a/sys/dev/wg/wg_cookie.h b/sys/dev/wg/wg_cookie.h
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/dev/wg/wg_cookie.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Matt Dunwoodie <ncon@noconroy.net>
+ */
+#ifndef __COOKIE_H__
+#define __COOKIE_H__
+#include "crypto.h"
+#define COOKIE_MAC_SIZE		16
+#define COOKIE_KEY_SIZE		32
+struct vnet;
+struct cookie_macs {
+	uint8_t	mac1[COOKIE_MAC_SIZE];
+	uint8_t	mac2[COOKIE_MAC_SIZE];
+struct cookie_maker {
+	uint8_t		cm_mac1_key[COOKIE_KEY_SIZE];
+	uint8_t		cm_cookie_key[COOKIE_KEY_SIZE];
+	struct rwlock	cm_lock;
+	bool		cm_cookie_valid;
+	uint8_t		cm_cookie[COOKIE_COOKIE_SIZE];
+	sbintime_t	cm_cookie_birthdate;	/* sbinuptime */
+	bool		cm_mac1_sent;
+	uint8_t		cm_mac1_last[COOKIE_MAC_SIZE];
+struct cookie_checker {
+	struct rwlock	cc_key_lock;
+	uint8_t		cc_mac1_key[COOKIE_KEY_SIZE];
+	uint8_t		cc_cookie_key[COOKIE_KEY_SIZE];
+	struct mtx	cc_secret_mtx;
+	sbintime_t	cc_secret_birthdate;	/* sbinuptime */
+	uint8_t		cc_secret[COOKIE_SECRET_SIZE];
+int	cookie_init(void);
+void	cookie_deinit(void);
+void	cookie_checker_init(struct cookie_checker *);
+void	cookie_checker_free(struct cookie_checker *);
+void	cookie_checker_update(struct cookie_checker *,
+	    const uint8_t[COOKIE_INPUT_SIZE]);
+void	cookie_checker_create_payload(struct cookie_checker *,
+	    struct cookie_macs *cm, uint8_t[COOKIE_NONCE_SIZE],
+	    uint8_t [COOKIE_ENCRYPTED_SIZE], struct sockaddr *);
+void	cookie_maker_init(struct cookie_maker *, const uint8_t[COOKIE_INPUT_SIZE]);
+void	cookie_maker_free(struct cookie_maker *);
+int	cookie_maker_consume_payload(struct cookie_maker *,
+void	cookie_maker_mac(struct cookie_maker *, struct cookie_macs *,
+	    void *, size_t);
+int	cookie_checker_validate_macs(struct cookie_checker *,
+	    struct cookie_macs *, void *, size_t, bool, struct sockaddr *,
+	    struct vnet *);
+bool	cookie_selftest(void);
+#endif /* SELFTESTS */
+#endif /* __COOKIE_H__ */
diff --git a/sys/dev/wg/wg_cookie.c b/sys/dev/wg/wg_cookie.c
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/dev/wg/wg_cookie.c
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Matt Dunwoodie <ncon@noconroy.net>
+ */
+#include "opt_inet.h"
+#include "opt_inet6.h"
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/systm.h>
+#include <sys/kernel.h>
+#include <sys/lock.h>
+#include <sys/mutex.h>
+#include <sys/rwlock.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <crypto/siphash/siphash.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <vm/uma.h>
+#include "wg_cookie.h"
+#define COOKIE_MAC1_KEY_LABEL	"mac1----"
+#define COOKIE_COOKIE_KEY_LABEL	"cookie--"
+/* Constants for initiation rate limiting */
+#define RATELIMIT_SIZE		(1 << 13)
+#define IPV4_MASK_SIZE		4 /* Use all 4 bytes of IPv4 address */
+#define IPV6_MASK_SIZE		8 /* Use top 8 bytes (/64) of IPv6 address */
+struct ratelimit_key {
+	struct vnet *vnet;
+	uint8_t ip[IPV6_MASK_SIZE];
+struct ratelimit_entry {
+	LIST_ENTRY(ratelimit_entry)	r_entry;
+	struct ratelimit_key		r_key;
+	sbintime_t			r_last_time;	/* sbinuptime */
+	uint64_t			r_tokens;
+struct ratelimit {
+	uint8_t				rl_secret[SIPHASH_KEY_LENGTH];
+	struct mtx			rl_mtx;
+	struct callout			rl_gc;
+	LIST_HEAD(, ratelimit_entry)	rl_table[RATELIMIT_SIZE];
+	size_t				rl_table_num;
+static void	precompute_key(uint8_t *,
+			const uint8_t[COOKIE_INPUT_SIZE], const char *);
+static void	macs_mac1(struct cookie_macs *, const void *, size_t,
+			const uint8_t[COOKIE_KEY_SIZE]);
+static void	macs_mac2(struct cookie_macs *, const void *, size_t,
+			const uint8_t[COOKIE_COOKIE_SIZE]);
+static int	timer_expired(sbintime_t, uint32_t, uint32_t);
+static void	make_cookie(struct cookie_checker *,
+			uint8_t[COOKIE_COOKIE_SIZE], struct sockaddr *);
+static void	ratelimit_init(struct ratelimit *);
+static void	ratelimit_deinit(struct ratelimit *);
+static void	ratelimit_gc_callout(void *);
+static void	ratelimit_gc_schedule(struct ratelimit *);
+static void	ratelimit_gc(struct ratelimit *, bool);
+static int	ratelimit_allow(struct ratelimit *, struct sockaddr *, struct vnet *);
+static uint64_t siphash13(const uint8_t [SIPHASH_KEY_LENGTH], const void *, size_t);
+static struct ratelimit ratelimit_v4;
+#ifdef INET6
+static struct ratelimit ratelimit_v6;
+static uma_zone_t ratelimit_zone;
+/* Public Functions */
+	if ((ratelimit_zone = uma_zcreate("wg ratelimit",
+	    sizeof(struct ratelimit_entry), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0)) == NULL)
+		return ENOMEM;
+	ratelimit_init(&ratelimit_v4);
+#ifdef INET6
+	ratelimit_init(&ratelimit_v6);
+	return (0);
+	ratelimit_deinit(&ratelimit_v4);
+#ifdef INET6
+	ratelimit_deinit(&ratelimit_v6);
+	uma_zdestroy(ratelimit_zone);
+cookie_checker_init(struct cookie_checker *cc)
+	bzero(cc, sizeof(*cc));
+	rw_init(&cc->cc_key_lock, "cookie_checker_key");
+	mtx_init(&cc->cc_secret_mtx, "cookie_checker_secret", NULL, MTX_DEF);
+cookie_checker_free(struct cookie_checker *cc)
+	rw_destroy(&cc->cc_key_lock);
+	mtx_destroy(&cc->cc_secret_mtx);
+	explicit_bzero(cc, sizeof(*cc));
+cookie_checker_update(struct cookie_checker *cc,
+    const uint8_t key[COOKIE_INPUT_SIZE])
+	rw_wlock(&cc->cc_key_lock);
+	if (key) {
+		precompute_key(cc->cc_mac1_key, key, COOKIE_MAC1_KEY_LABEL);
+		precompute_key(cc->cc_cookie_key, key, COOKIE_COOKIE_KEY_LABEL);
+	} else {
+		bzero(cc->cc_mac1_key, sizeof(cc->cc_mac1_key));
+		bzero(cc->cc_cookie_key, sizeof(cc->cc_cookie_key));
+	}
+	rw_wunlock(&cc->cc_key_lock);
+cookie_checker_create_payload(struct cookie_checker *cc,
+    struct cookie_macs *macs, uint8_t nonce[COOKIE_NONCE_SIZE],
+    uint8_t ecookie[COOKIE_ENCRYPTED_SIZE], struct sockaddr *sa)
+	uint8_t cookie[COOKIE_COOKIE_SIZE];
+	make_cookie(cc, cookie, sa);
+	arc4random_buf(nonce, COOKIE_NONCE_SIZE);
+	rw_rlock(&cc->cc_key_lock);
+	xchacha20poly1305_encrypt(ecookie, cookie, COOKIE_COOKIE_SIZE,
+	    macs->mac1, COOKIE_MAC_SIZE, nonce, cc->cc_cookie_key);
+	rw_runlock(&cc->cc_key_lock);
+	explicit_bzero(cookie, sizeof(cookie));
+cookie_maker_init(struct cookie_maker *cm, const uint8_t key[COOKIE_INPUT_SIZE])
+	bzero(cm, sizeof(*cm));
+	precompute_key(cm->cm_mac1_key, key, COOKIE_MAC1_KEY_LABEL);
+	precompute_key(cm->cm_cookie_key, key, COOKIE_COOKIE_KEY_LABEL);
+	rw_init(&cm->cm_lock, "cookie_maker");
+cookie_maker_free(struct cookie_maker *cm)
+	rw_destroy(&cm->cm_lock);
+	explicit_bzero(cm, sizeof(*cm));
+cookie_maker_consume_payload(struct cookie_maker *cm,
+    uint8_t nonce[COOKIE_NONCE_SIZE], uint8_t ecookie[COOKIE_ENCRYPTED_SIZE])
+	uint8_t cookie[COOKIE_COOKIE_SIZE];
+	int ret;
+	rw_rlock(&cm->cm_lock);
+	if (!cm->cm_mac1_sent) {
+		ret = ETIMEDOUT;
+		goto error;
+	}
+	if (!xchacha20poly1305_decrypt(cookie, ecookie, COOKIE_ENCRYPTED_SIZE,
+	    cm->cm_mac1_last, COOKIE_MAC_SIZE, nonce, cm->cm_cookie_key)) {
+		ret = EINVAL;
+		goto error;
+	}
+	rw_runlock(&cm->cm_lock);
+	rw_wlock(&cm->cm_lock);
+	memcpy(cm->cm_cookie, cookie, COOKIE_COOKIE_SIZE);
+	cm->cm_cookie_birthdate = getsbinuptime();
+	cm->cm_cookie_valid = true;
+	cm->cm_mac1_sent = false;
+	rw_wunlock(&cm->cm_lock);
+	return 0;
+	rw_runlock(&cm->cm_lock);
+	return ret;
+cookie_maker_mac(struct cookie_maker *cm, struct cookie_macs *macs, void *buf,
+    size_t len)
+	rw_wlock(&cm->cm_lock);
+	macs_mac1(macs, buf, len, cm->cm_mac1_key);
+	memcpy(cm->cm_mac1_last, macs->mac1, COOKIE_MAC_SIZE);
+	cm->cm_mac1_sent = true;
+	if (cm->cm_cookie_valid &&
+	    !timer_expired(cm->cm_cookie_birthdate,
+		macs_mac2(macs, buf, len, cm->cm_cookie);
+	} else {
+		bzero(macs->mac2, COOKIE_MAC_SIZE);
+		cm->cm_cookie_valid = false;
+	}
+	rw_wunlock(&cm->cm_lock);
+cookie_checker_validate_macs(struct cookie_checker *cc, struct cookie_macs *macs,
+    void *buf, size_t len, bool check_cookie, struct sockaddr *sa, struct vnet *vnet)
+	struct cookie_macs our_macs;
+	uint8_t cookie[COOKIE_COOKIE_SIZE];
+	/* Validate incoming MACs */
+	rw_rlock(&cc->cc_key_lock);
+	macs_mac1(&our_macs, buf, len, cc->cc_mac1_key);
+	rw_runlock(&cc->cc_key_lock);
+	/* If mac1 is invald, we want to drop the packet */
+	if (timingsafe_bcmp(our_macs.mac1, macs->mac1, COOKIE_MAC_SIZE) != 0)
+		return EINVAL;
+	if (check_cookie) {
+		make_cookie(cc, cookie, sa);
+		macs_mac2(&our_macs, buf, len, cookie);
+		/* If the mac2 is invalid, we want to send a cookie response */
+		if (timingsafe_bcmp(our_macs.mac2, macs->mac2, COOKIE_MAC_SIZE) != 0)
+			return EAGAIN;
+		/* If the mac2 is valid, we may want rate limit the peer.
+		 * ratelimit_allow will return either 0 or ECONNREFUSED,
+		 * implying there is no ratelimiting, or we should ratelimit
+		 * (refuse) respectively. */
+		if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET)
+			return ratelimit_allow(&ratelimit_v4, sa, vnet);
+#ifdef INET6
+		else if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET6)
+			return ratelimit_allow(&ratelimit_v6, sa, vnet);
+		else
+			return EAFNOSUPPORT;
+	}
+	return 0;
+/* Private functions */
+static void
+precompute_key(uint8_t *key, const uint8_t input[COOKIE_INPUT_SIZE],
+    const char *label)
+	struct blake2s_state blake;
+	blake2s_init(&blake, COOKIE_KEY_SIZE);
+	blake2s_update(&blake, label, strlen(label));
+	blake2s_update(&blake, input, COOKIE_INPUT_SIZE);
+	blake2s_final(&blake, key);
+static void
+macs_mac1(struct cookie_macs *macs, const void *buf, size_t len,
+    const uint8_t key[COOKIE_KEY_SIZE])
+	struct blake2s_state state;
+	blake2s_init_key(&state, COOKIE_MAC_SIZE, key, COOKIE_KEY_SIZE);
+	blake2s_update(&state, buf, len);
+	blake2s_final(&state, macs->mac1);
+static void
+macs_mac2(struct cookie_macs *macs, const void *buf, size_t len,
+    const uint8_t key[COOKIE_COOKIE_SIZE])
+	struct blake2s_state state;
+	blake2s_init_key(&state, COOKIE_MAC_SIZE, key, COOKIE_COOKIE_SIZE);
+	blake2s_update(&state, buf, len);
+	blake2s_update(&state, macs->mac1, COOKIE_MAC_SIZE);
+	blake2s_final(&state, macs->mac2);
+static __inline int
+timer_expired(sbintime_t timer, uint32_t sec, uint32_t nsec)
+	sbintime_t now = getsbinuptime();
+	return (now > (timer + sec * SBT_1S + nstosbt(nsec))) ? ETIMEDOUT : 0;
+static void
+make_cookie(struct cookie_checker *cc, uint8_t cookie[COOKIE_COOKIE_SIZE],
+    struct sockaddr *sa)
+	struct blake2s_state state;
+	mtx_lock(&cc->cc_secret_mtx);
+	if (timer_expired(cc->cc_secret_birthdate,
+		arc4random_buf(cc->cc_secret, COOKIE_SECRET_SIZE);
+		cc->cc_secret_birthdate = getsbinuptime();
+	}
+	blake2s_init_key(&state, COOKIE_COOKIE_SIZE, cc->cc_secret,
+	mtx_unlock(&cc->cc_secret_mtx);
+	if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET) {
+		blake2s_update(&state, (uint8_t *)&satosin(sa)->sin_addr,
+				sizeof(struct in_addr));
+		blake2s_update(&state, (uint8_t *)&satosin(sa)->sin_port,
+				sizeof(in_port_t));
+		blake2s_final(&state, cookie);
+#ifdef INET6
+	} else if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET6) {
+		blake2s_update(&state, (uint8_t *)&satosin6(sa)->sin6_addr,
+				sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+		blake2s_update(&state, (uint8_t *)&satosin6(sa)->sin6_port,
+				sizeof(in_port_t));
+		blake2s_final(&state, cookie);
+	} else {
+		arc4random_buf(cookie, COOKIE_COOKIE_SIZE);
+	}
+static void
+ratelimit_init(struct ratelimit *rl)
+	size_t i;
+	mtx_init(&rl->rl_mtx, "ratelimit_lock", NULL, MTX_DEF);
+	callout_init_mtx(&rl->rl_gc, &rl->rl_mtx, 0);
+	arc4random_buf(rl->rl_secret, sizeof(rl->rl_secret));
+	for (i = 0; i < RATELIMIT_SIZE; i++)
+		LIST_INIT(&rl->rl_table[i]);
+	rl->rl_table_num = 0;
+static void
+ratelimit_deinit(struct ratelimit *rl)
+	mtx_lock(&rl->rl_mtx);
+	callout_stop(&rl->rl_gc);
+	ratelimit_gc(rl, true);
+	mtx_unlock(&rl->rl_mtx);
+	mtx_destroy(&rl->rl_mtx);
+static void
+ratelimit_gc_callout(void *_rl)
+	/* callout will lock rl_mtx for us */
+	ratelimit_gc(_rl, false);
+static void
+ratelimit_gc_schedule(struct ratelimit *rl)
+	/* Trigger another GC if needed. There is no point calling GC if there
+	 * are no entries in the table. We also want to ensure that GC occurs
+	 * on a regular interval, so don't override a currently pending GC.
+	 *
+	 * In the case of a forced ratelimit_gc, there will be no entries left
+	 * so we will will not schedule another GC. */
+	if (rl->rl_table_num > 0 && !callout_pending(&rl->rl_gc))
+		callout_reset(&rl->rl_gc, ELEMENT_TIMEOUT * hz,
+		    ratelimit_gc_callout, rl);
+static void
+ratelimit_gc(struct ratelimit *rl, bool force)
+	size_t i;
+	struct ratelimit_entry *r, *tr;
+	sbintime_t expiry;
+	mtx_assert(&rl->rl_mtx, MA_OWNED);
+	if (rl->rl_table_num == 0)
+		return;
+	expiry = getsbinuptime() - ELEMENT_TIMEOUT * SBT_1S;
+	for (i = 0; i < RATELIMIT_SIZE; i++) {
+		LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(r, &rl->rl_table[i], r_entry, tr) {
+			if (r->r_last_time < expiry || force) {
+				rl->rl_table_num--;
+				LIST_REMOVE(r, r_entry);
+				uma_zfree(ratelimit_zone, r);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ratelimit_gc_schedule(rl);
+static int
+ratelimit_allow(struct ratelimit *rl, struct sockaddr *sa, struct vnet *vnet)
+	uint64_t bucket, tokens;
+	sbintime_t diff, now;
+	struct ratelimit_entry *r;
+	int ret = ECONNREFUSED;
+	struct ratelimit_key key = { .vnet = vnet };
+	size_t len = sizeof(key);
+	if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET) {
+		memcpy(key.ip, &satosin(sa)->sin_addr, IPV4_MASK_SIZE);
+	}
+#ifdef INET6
+	else if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET6)
+		memcpy(key.ip, &satosin6(sa)->sin6_addr, IPV6_MASK_SIZE);
+	else
+		return ret;
+	bucket = siphash13(rl->rl_secret, &key, len) & RATELIMIT_MASK;
+	mtx_lock(&rl->rl_mtx);
+	LIST_FOREACH(r, &rl->rl_table[bucket], r_entry) {
+		if (bcmp(&r->r_key, &key, len) != 0)
+			continue;
+		/* If we get to here, we've found an entry for the endpoint.
+		 * We apply standard token bucket, by calculating the time
+		 * lapsed since our last_time, adding that, ensuring that we
+		 * cap the tokens at TOKEN_MAX. If the endpoint has no tokens
+		 * left (that is tokens <= INITIATION_COST) then we block the
+		 * request, otherwise we subtract the INITITIATION_COST and
+		 * return OK. */
+		now = getsbinuptime();
+		diff = now - r->r_last_time;
+		r->r_last_time = now;
+		tokens = r->r_tokens + diff;
+		if (tokens > TOKEN_MAX)
+			tokens = TOKEN_MAX;
+		if (tokens >= INITIATION_COST) {
+			r->r_tokens = tokens - INITIATION_COST;
+			goto ok;
+		} else {
+			r->r_tokens = tokens;
+			goto error;
+		}
+	}
+	/* If we get to here, we didn't have an entry for the endpoint, let's
+	 * add one if we have space. */
+	if (rl->rl_table_num >= RATELIMIT_SIZE_MAX)
+		goto error;
+	/* Goto error if out of memory */
+	if ((r = uma_zalloc(ratelimit_zone, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO)) == NULL)
+		goto error;
+	rl->rl_table_num++;
+	/* Insert entry into the hashtable and ensure it's initialised */
+	LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&rl->rl_table[bucket], r, r_entry);
+	r->r_key = key;
+	r->r_last_time = getsbinuptime();
+	r->r_tokens = TOKEN_MAX - INITIATION_COST;
+	/* If we've added a new entry, let's trigger GC. */
+	ratelimit_gc_schedule(rl);
+	ret = 0;
+	mtx_unlock(&rl->rl_mtx);
+	return ret;
+static uint64_t siphash13(const uint8_t key[SIPHASH_KEY_LENGTH], const void *src, size_t len)
+	return (SipHashX(&ctx, 1, 3, key, src, len));
+#include "selftest/cookie.c"
+#endif /* SELFTESTS */
diff --git a/sys/dev/wg/wg_crypto.c b/sys/dev/wg/wg_crypto.c
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/dev/wg/wg_crypto.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1829 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>. All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/systm.h>
+#include <sys/endian.h>
+#include <sys/mbuf.h>
+#include <opencrypto/cryptodev.h>
+#include "crypto.h"
+static crypto_session_t chacha20_poly1305_sid;
+#ifndef ARRAY_SIZE
+#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))
+#ifndef noinline
+#define noinline __attribute__((noinline))
+#ifndef __aligned
+#define __aligned(x) __attribute__((aligned(x)))
+#ifndef DIV_ROUND_UP
+#define DIV_ROUND_UP(n,d) (((n) + (d) - 1) / (d))
+#define le32_to_cpup(a) le32toh(*(a))
+#define le64_to_cpup(a) le64toh(*(a))
+#define cpu_to_le32(a) htole32(a)
+#define cpu_to_le64(a) htole64(a)
+static inline __unused uint32_t get_unaligned_le32(const uint8_t *a)
+	uint32_t l;
+	__builtin_memcpy(&l, a, sizeof(l));
+	return le32_to_cpup(&l);
+static inline __unused uint64_t get_unaligned_le64(const uint8_t *a)
+	uint64_t l;
+	__builtin_memcpy(&l, a, sizeof(l));
+	return le64_to_cpup(&l);
+static inline __unused void put_unaligned_le32(uint32_t s, uint8_t *d)
+	uint32_t l = cpu_to_le32(s);
+	__builtin_memcpy(d, &l, sizeof(l));
+static inline __unused void cpu_to_le32_array(uint32_t *buf, unsigned int words)
+        while (words--) {
+		*buf = cpu_to_le32(*buf);
+		++buf;
+	}
+static inline __unused void le32_to_cpu_array(uint32_t *buf, unsigned int words)
+        while (words--) {
+		*buf = le32_to_cpup(buf);
+		++buf;
+        }
+static inline __unused uint32_t rol32(uint32_t word, unsigned int shift)
+        return (word << (shift & 31)) | (word >> ((-shift) & 31));
+static inline __unused uint32_t ror32(uint32_t word, unsigned int shift)
+	return (word >> (shift & 31)) | (word << ((-shift) & 31));
+#if defined(COMPAT_NEED_CHACHA20POLY1305) || defined(COMPAT_NEED_CHACHA20POLY1305_MBUF)
+static void xor_cpy(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src1, const uint8_t *src2, size_t len)
+	size_t i;
+	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
+		dst[i] = src1[i] ^ src2[i];
+#define QUARTER_ROUND(x, a, b, c, d) ( \
+	x[a] += x[b], \
+	x[d] = rol32((x[d] ^ x[a]), 16), \
+	x[c] += x[d], \
+	x[b] = rol32((x[b] ^ x[c]), 12), \
+	x[a] += x[b], \
+	x[d] = rol32((x[d] ^ x[a]), 8), \
+	x[c] += x[d], \
+	x[b] = rol32((x[b] ^ x[c]), 7) \
+#define C(i, j) (i * 4 + j)
+#define DOUBLE_ROUND(x) ( \
+	/* Column Round */ \
+	QUARTER_ROUND(x, C(0, 0), C(1, 0), C(2, 0), C(3, 0)), \
+	QUARTER_ROUND(x, C(0, 1), C(1, 1), C(2, 1), C(3, 1)), \
+	QUARTER_ROUND(x, C(0, 2), C(1, 2), C(2, 2), C(3, 2)), \
+	QUARTER_ROUND(x, C(0, 3), C(1, 3), C(2, 3), C(3, 3)), \
+	/* Diagonal Round */ \
+	QUARTER_ROUND(x, C(0, 0), C(1, 1), C(2, 2), C(3, 3)), \
+	QUARTER_ROUND(x, C(0, 1), C(1, 2), C(2, 3), C(3, 0)), \
+	QUARTER_ROUND(x, C(0, 2), C(1, 3), C(2, 0), C(3, 1)), \
+	QUARTER_ROUND(x, C(0, 3), C(1, 0), C(2, 1), C(3, 2)) \
+#define TWENTY_ROUNDS(x) ( \
+enum chacha20_lengths {
+	CHACHA20_KEY_WORDS = CHACHA20_KEY_SIZE / sizeof(uint32_t),
+	CHACHA20_BLOCK_WORDS = CHACHA20_BLOCK_SIZE / sizeof(uint32_t),
+enum chacha20_constants { /* expand 32-byte k */
+	CHACHA20_CONSTANT_EXPA = 0x61707865U,
+	CHACHA20_CONSTANT_ND_3 = 0x3320646eU,
+	CHACHA20_CONSTANT_2_BY = 0x79622d32U,
+	CHACHA20_CONSTANT_TE_K = 0x6b206574U
+struct chacha20_ctx {
+	union {
+		uint32_t state[16];
+		struct {
+			uint32_t constant[4];
+			uint32_t key[8];
+			uint32_t counter[4];
+		};
+	};
+static void chacha20_init(struct chacha20_ctx *ctx,
+			  const uint8_t key[CHACHA20_KEY_SIZE],
+			  const uint64_t nonce)
+	ctx->constant[0] = CHACHA20_CONSTANT_EXPA;
+	ctx->constant[1] = CHACHA20_CONSTANT_ND_3;
+	ctx->constant[2] = CHACHA20_CONSTANT_2_BY;
+	ctx->constant[3] = CHACHA20_CONSTANT_TE_K;
+	ctx->key[0] = get_unaligned_le32(key + 0);
+	ctx->key[1] = get_unaligned_le32(key + 4);
+	ctx->key[2] = get_unaligned_le32(key + 8);
+	ctx->key[3] = get_unaligned_le32(key + 12);
+	ctx->key[4] = get_unaligned_le32(key + 16);
+	ctx->key[5] = get_unaligned_le32(key + 20);
+	ctx->key[6] = get_unaligned_le32(key + 24);
+	ctx->key[7] = get_unaligned_le32(key + 28);
+	ctx->counter[0] = 0;
+	ctx->counter[1] = 0;
+	ctx->counter[2] = nonce & 0xffffffffU;
+	ctx->counter[3] = nonce >> 32;
+static void chacha20_block(struct chacha20_ctx *ctx, uint32_t *stream)
+	uint32_t x[CHACHA20_BLOCK_WORDS];
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(x); ++i)
+		x[i] = ctx->state[i];
+	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(x); ++i)
+		stream[i] = cpu_to_le32(x[i] + ctx->state[i]);
+	ctx->counter[0] += 1;
+static void chacha20(struct chacha20_ctx *ctx, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in,
+		     uint32_t len)
+	uint32_t buf[CHACHA20_BLOCK_WORDS];
+	while (len >= CHACHA20_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+		chacha20_block(ctx, buf);
+		xor_cpy(out, in, (uint8_t *)buf, CHACHA20_BLOCK_SIZE);
+		len -= CHACHA20_BLOCK_SIZE;
+		out += CHACHA20_BLOCK_SIZE;
+	}
+	if (len) {
+		chacha20_block(ctx, buf);
+		xor_cpy(out, in, (uint8_t *)buf, len);
+	}
+static void hchacha20(uint32_t derived_key[CHACHA20_KEY_WORDS],
+		      const uint8_t nonce[HCHACHA20_NONCE_SIZE],
+		      const uint8_t key[HCHACHA20_KEY_SIZE])
+	uint32_t x[] = { CHACHA20_CONSTANT_EXPA,
+		    get_unaligned_le32(key +  0),
+		    get_unaligned_le32(key +  4),
+		    get_unaligned_le32(key +  8),
+		    get_unaligned_le32(key + 12),
+		    get_unaligned_le32(key + 16),
+		    get_unaligned_le32(key + 20),
+		    get_unaligned_le32(key + 24),
+		    get_unaligned_le32(key + 28),
+		    get_unaligned_le32(nonce +  0),
+		    get_unaligned_le32(nonce +  4),
+		    get_unaligned_le32(nonce +  8),
+		    get_unaligned_le32(nonce + 12)
+	};
+	memcpy(derived_key + 0, x +  0, sizeof(uint32_t) * 4);
+	memcpy(derived_key + 4, x + 12, sizeof(uint32_t) * 4);
+enum poly1305_lengths {
+	POLY1305_BLOCK_SIZE = 16,
+	POLY1305_KEY_SIZE = 32,
+	POLY1305_MAC_SIZE = 16
+struct poly1305_internal {
+	uint32_t h[5];
+	uint32_t r[5];
+	uint32_t s[4];
+struct poly1305_ctx {
+	struct poly1305_internal state;
+	uint32_t nonce[4];
+	uint8_t data[POLY1305_BLOCK_SIZE];
+	size_t num;
+static void poly1305_init_core(struct poly1305_internal *st,
+			       const uint8_t key[16])
+	/* r &= 0xffffffc0ffffffc0ffffffc0fffffff */
+	st->r[0] = (get_unaligned_le32(&key[0])) & 0x3ffffff;
+	st->r[1] = (get_unaligned_le32(&key[3]) >> 2) & 0x3ffff03;
+	st->r[2] = (get_unaligned_le32(&key[6]) >> 4) & 0x3ffc0ff;
+	st->r[3] = (get_unaligned_le32(&key[9]) >> 6) & 0x3f03fff;
+	st->r[4] = (get_unaligned_le32(&key[12]) >> 8) & 0x00fffff;
+	/* s = 5*r */
+	st->s[0] = st->r[1] * 5;
+	st->s[1] = st->r[2] * 5;
+	st->s[2] = st->r[3] * 5;
+	st->s[3] = st->r[4] * 5;
+	/* h = 0 */
+	st->h[0] = 0;
+	st->h[1] = 0;
+	st->h[2] = 0;
+	st->h[3] = 0;
+	st->h[4] = 0;
+static void poly1305_blocks_core(struct poly1305_internal *st,
+				 const uint8_t *input, size_t len,
+				 const uint32_t padbit)
+	const uint32_t hibit = padbit << 24;
+	uint32_t r0, r1, r2, r3, r4;
+	uint32_t s1, s2, s3, s4;
+	uint32_t h0, h1, h2, h3, h4;
+	uint64_t d0, d1, d2, d3, d4;
+	uint32_t c;
+	r0 = st->r[0];
+	r1 = st->r[1];
+	r2 = st->r[2];
+	r3 = st->r[3];
+	r4 = st->r[4];
+	s1 = st->s[0];
+	s2 = st->s[1];
+	s3 = st->s[2];
+	s4 = st->s[3];
+	h0 = st->h[0];
+	h1 = st->h[1];
+	h2 = st->h[2];
+	h3 = st->h[3];
+	h4 = st->h[4];
+	while (len >= POLY1305_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+		/* h += m[i] */
+		h0 += (get_unaligned_le32(&input[0])) & 0x3ffffff;
+		h1 += (get_unaligned_le32(&input[3]) >> 2) & 0x3ffffff;
+		h2 += (get_unaligned_le32(&input[6]) >> 4) & 0x3ffffff;
+		h3 += (get_unaligned_le32(&input[9]) >> 6) & 0x3ffffff;
+		h4 += (get_unaligned_le32(&input[12]) >> 8) | hibit;
+		/* h *= r */
+		d0 = ((uint64_t)h0 * r0) + ((uint64_t)h1 * s4) +
+		     ((uint64_t)h2 * s3) + ((uint64_t)h3 * s2) +
+		     ((uint64_t)h4 * s1);
+		d1 = ((uint64_t)h0 * r1) + ((uint64_t)h1 * r0) +
+		     ((uint64_t)h2 * s4) + ((uint64_t)h3 * s3) +
+		     ((uint64_t)h4 * s2);
+		d2 = ((uint64_t)h0 * r2) + ((uint64_t)h1 * r1) +
+		     ((uint64_t)h2 * r0) + ((uint64_t)h3 * s4) +
+		     ((uint64_t)h4 * s3);
+		d3 = ((uint64_t)h0 * r3) + ((uint64_t)h1 * r2) +
+		     ((uint64_t)h2 * r1) + ((uint64_t)h3 * r0) +
+		     ((uint64_t)h4 * s4);
+		d4 = ((uint64_t)h0 * r4) + ((uint64_t)h1 * r3) +
+		     ((uint64_t)h2 * r2) + ((uint64_t)h3 * r1) +
+		     ((uint64_t)h4 * r0);
+		/* (partial) h %= p */
+		c = (uint32_t)(d0 >> 26);
+		h0 = (uint32_t)d0 & 0x3ffffff;
+		d1 += c;
+		c = (uint32_t)(d1 >> 26);
+		h1 = (uint32_t)d1 & 0x3ffffff;
+		d2 += c;
+		c = (uint32_t)(d2 >> 26);
+		h2 = (uint32_t)d2 & 0x3ffffff;
+		d3 += c;
+		c = (uint32_t)(d3 >> 26);
+		h3 = (uint32_t)d3 & 0x3ffffff;
+		d4 += c;
+		c = (uint32_t)(d4 >> 26);
+		h4 = (uint32_t)d4 & 0x3ffffff;
+		h0 += c * 5;
+		c = (h0 >> 26);
+		h0 = h0 & 0x3ffffff;
+		h1 += c;
+		input += POLY1305_BLOCK_SIZE;
+		len -= POLY1305_BLOCK_SIZE;
+	}
+	st->h[0] = h0;
+	st->h[1] = h1;
+	st->h[2] = h2;
+	st->h[3] = h3;
+	st->h[4] = h4;
+static void poly1305_emit_core(struct poly1305_internal *st, uint8_t mac[16],
+			       const uint32_t nonce[4])
+	uint32_t h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, c;
+	uint32_t g0, g1, g2, g3, g4;
+	uint64_t f;
+	uint32_t mask;
+	/* fully carry h */
+	h0 = st->h[0];
+	h1 = st->h[1];
+	h2 = st->h[2];
+	h3 = st->h[3];
+	h4 = st->h[4];
+	c = h1 >> 26;
+	h1 = h1 & 0x3ffffff;
+	h2 += c;
+	c = h2 >> 26;
+	h2 = h2 & 0x3ffffff;
+	h3 += c;
+	c = h3 >> 26;
+	h3 = h3 & 0x3ffffff;
+	h4 += c;
+	c = h4 >> 26;
+	h4 = h4 & 0x3ffffff;
+	h0 += c * 5;
+	c = h0 >> 26;
+	h0 = h0 & 0x3ffffff;
+	h1 += c;
+	/* compute h + -p */
+	g0 = h0 + 5;
+	c = g0 >> 26;
+	g0 &= 0x3ffffff;
+	g1 = h1 + c;
+	c = g1 >> 26;
+	g1 &= 0x3ffffff;
+	g2 = h2 + c;
+	c = g2 >> 26;
+	g2 &= 0x3ffffff;
+	g3 = h3 + c;
+	c = g3 >> 26;
+	g3 &= 0x3ffffff;
+	g4 = h4 + c - (1UL << 26);
+	/* select h if h < p, or h + -p if h >= p */
+	mask = (g4 >> ((sizeof(uint32_t) * 8) - 1)) - 1;
+	g0 &= mask;
+	g1 &= mask;
+	g2 &= mask;
+	g3 &= mask;
+	g4 &= mask;
+	mask = ~mask;
+	h0 = (h0 & mask) | g0;
+	h1 = (h1 & mask) | g1;
+	h2 = (h2 & mask) | g2;
+	h3 = (h3 & mask) | g3;
+	h4 = (h4 & mask) | g4;
+	/* h = h % (2^128) */
+	h0 = ((h0) | (h1 << 26)) & 0xffffffff;
+	h1 = ((h1 >> 6) | (h2 << 20)) & 0xffffffff;
+	h2 = ((h2 >> 12) | (h3 << 14)) & 0xffffffff;
+	h3 = ((h3 >> 18) | (h4 << 8)) & 0xffffffff;
+	/* mac = (h + nonce) % (2^128) */
+	f = (uint64_t)h0 + nonce[0];
+	h0 = (uint32_t)f;
+	f = (uint64_t)h1 + nonce[1] + (f >> 32);
+	h1 = (uint32_t)f;
+	f = (uint64_t)h2 + nonce[2] + (f >> 32);
+	h2 = (uint32_t)f;
+	f = (uint64_t)h3 + nonce[3] + (f >> 32);
+	h3 = (uint32_t)f;
+	put_unaligned_le32(h0, &mac[0]);
+	put_unaligned_le32(h1, &mac[4]);
+	put_unaligned_le32(h2, &mac[8]);
+	put_unaligned_le32(h3, &mac[12]);
+static void poly1305_init(struct poly1305_ctx *ctx,
+			  const uint8_t key[POLY1305_KEY_SIZE])
+	ctx->nonce[0] = get_unaligned_le32(&key[16]);
+	ctx->nonce[1] = get_unaligned_le32(&key[20]);
+	ctx->nonce[2] = get_unaligned_le32(&key[24]);
+	ctx->nonce[3] = get_unaligned_le32(&key[28]);
+	poly1305_init_core(&ctx->state, key);
+	ctx->num = 0;
+static void poly1305_update(struct poly1305_ctx *ctx, const uint8_t *input,
+			    size_t len)
+	const size_t num = ctx->num;
+	size_t rem;
+	if (num) {
+		rem = POLY1305_BLOCK_SIZE - num;
+		if (len < rem) {
+			memcpy(ctx->data + num, input, len);
+			ctx->num = num + len;
+			return;
+		}
+		memcpy(ctx->data + num, input, rem);
+		poly1305_blocks_core(&ctx->state, ctx->data,
+				     POLY1305_BLOCK_SIZE, 1);
+		input += rem;
+		len -= rem;
+	}
+	rem = len % POLY1305_BLOCK_SIZE;
+	len -= rem;
+	if (len >= POLY1305_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+		poly1305_blocks_core(&ctx->state, input, len, 1);
+		input += len;
+	}
+	if (rem)
+		memcpy(ctx->data, input, rem);
+	ctx->num = rem;
+static void poly1305_final(struct poly1305_ctx *ctx,
+			   uint8_t mac[POLY1305_MAC_SIZE])
+	size_t num = ctx->num;
+	if (num) {
+		ctx->data[num++] = 1;
+		while (num < POLY1305_BLOCK_SIZE)
+			ctx->data[num++] = 0;
+		poly1305_blocks_core(&ctx->state, ctx->data,
+				     POLY1305_BLOCK_SIZE, 0);
+	}
+	poly1305_emit_core(&ctx->state, mac, ctx->nonce);
+	explicit_bzero(ctx, sizeof(*ctx));
+static const uint8_t pad0[16] = { 0 };
+chacha20poly1305_encrypt(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, const size_t src_len,
+			 const uint8_t *ad, const size_t ad_len,
+			 const uint64_t nonce,
+			 const uint8_t key[CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE])
+	struct poly1305_ctx poly1305_state;
+	struct chacha20_ctx chacha20_state;
+	union {
+		uint8_t block0[POLY1305_KEY_SIZE];
+		uint64_t lens[2];
+	} b = { { 0 } };
+	chacha20_init(&chacha20_state, key, nonce);
+	chacha20(&chacha20_state, b.block0, b.block0, sizeof(b.block0));
+	poly1305_init(&poly1305_state, b.block0);
+	poly1305_update(&poly1305_state, ad, ad_len);
+	poly1305_update(&poly1305_state, pad0, (0x10 - ad_len) & 0xf);
+	chacha20(&chacha20_state, dst, src, src_len);
+	poly1305_update(&poly1305_state, dst, src_len);
+	poly1305_update(&poly1305_state, pad0, (0x10 - src_len) & 0xf);
+	b.lens[0] = cpu_to_le64(ad_len);
+	b.lens[1] = cpu_to_le64(src_len);
+	poly1305_update(&poly1305_state, (uint8_t *)b.lens, sizeof(b.lens));
+	poly1305_final(&poly1305_state, dst + src_len);
+	explicit_bzero(&chacha20_state, sizeof(chacha20_state));
+	explicit_bzero(&b, sizeof(b));
+chacha20poly1305_decrypt(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, const size_t src_len,
+			 const uint8_t *ad, const size_t ad_len,
+			 const uint64_t nonce,
+			 const uint8_t key[CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE])
+	struct poly1305_ctx poly1305_state;
+	struct chacha20_ctx chacha20_state;
+	bool ret;
+	size_t dst_len;
+	union {
+		uint8_t block0[POLY1305_KEY_SIZE];
+		uint8_t mac[POLY1305_MAC_SIZE];
+		uint64_t lens[2];
+	} b = { { 0 } };
+	if (src_len < POLY1305_MAC_SIZE)
+		return false;
+	chacha20_init(&chacha20_state, key, nonce);
+	chacha20(&chacha20_state, b.block0, b.block0, sizeof(b.block0));
+	poly1305_init(&poly1305_state, b.block0);
+	poly1305_update(&poly1305_state, ad, ad_len);
+	poly1305_update(&poly1305_state, pad0, (0x10 - ad_len) & 0xf);
+	dst_len = src_len - POLY1305_MAC_SIZE;
+	poly1305_update(&poly1305_state, src, dst_len);
+	poly1305_update(&poly1305_state, pad0, (0x10 - dst_len) & 0xf);
+	b.lens[0] = cpu_to_le64(ad_len);
+	b.lens[1] = cpu_to_le64(dst_len);
+	poly1305_update(&poly1305_state, (uint8_t *)b.lens, sizeof(b.lens));
+	poly1305_final(&poly1305_state, b.mac);
+	ret = timingsafe_bcmp(b.mac, src + dst_len, POLY1305_MAC_SIZE) == 0;
+	if (ret)
+		chacha20(&chacha20_state, dst, src, dst_len);
+	explicit_bzero(&chacha20_state, sizeof(chacha20_state));
+	explicit_bzero(&b, sizeof(b));
+	return ret;
+xchacha20poly1305_encrypt(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src,
+			  const size_t src_len, const uint8_t *ad,
+			  const size_t ad_len,
+			  const uint8_t nonce[XCHACHA20POLY1305_NONCE_SIZE],
+			  const uint8_t key[CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE])
+	uint32_t derived_key[CHACHA20_KEY_WORDS];
+	hchacha20(derived_key, nonce, key);
+	cpu_to_le32_array(derived_key, ARRAY_SIZE(derived_key));
+	chacha20poly1305_encrypt(dst, src, src_len, ad, ad_len,
+				 get_unaligned_le64(nonce + 16),
+				 (uint8_t *)derived_key);
+	explicit_bzero(derived_key, CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE);
+xchacha20poly1305_decrypt(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src,
+			  const size_t src_len,  const uint8_t *ad,
+			  const size_t ad_len,
+			  const uint8_t nonce[XCHACHA20POLY1305_NONCE_SIZE],
+			  const uint8_t key[CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE])
+	bool ret;
+	uint32_t derived_key[CHACHA20_KEY_WORDS];
+	hchacha20(derived_key, nonce, key);
+	cpu_to_le32_array(derived_key, ARRAY_SIZE(derived_key));
+	ret = chacha20poly1305_decrypt(dst, src, src_len, ad, ad_len,
+				       get_unaligned_le64(nonce + 16),
+				       (uint8_t *)derived_key);
+	explicit_bzero(derived_key, CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE);
+	return ret;
+static inline int
+chacha20poly1305_crypt_mbuf(struct mbuf *m0, uint64_t nonce,
+			    const uint8_t key[CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE], bool encrypt)
+	struct poly1305_ctx poly1305_state;
+	struct chacha20_ctx chacha20_state;
+	uint8_t *buf, mbuf_mac[POLY1305_MAC_SIZE];
+	size_t len, leftover = 0;
+	struct mbuf *m;
+	int ret;
+	union {
+		uint32_t stream[CHACHA20_BLOCK_WORDS];
+		uint8_t block0[POLY1305_KEY_SIZE];
+		uint8_t mac[POLY1305_MAC_SIZE];
+		uint64_t lens[2];
+	} b = { { 0 } };
+	if (!encrypt) {
+		if (m0->m_pkthdr.len < POLY1305_MAC_SIZE)
+			return EMSGSIZE;
+		m_copydata(m0, m0->m_pkthdr.len - POLY1305_MAC_SIZE, POLY1305_MAC_SIZE, mbuf_mac);
+		m_adj(m0, -POLY1305_MAC_SIZE);
+	}
+	chacha20_init(&chacha20_state, key, nonce);
+	chacha20(&chacha20_state, b.block0, b.block0, sizeof(b.block0));
+	poly1305_init(&poly1305_state, b.block0);
+	for (m = m0; m; m = m->m_next) {
+		len = m->m_len;
+		buf = m->m_data;
+		if (!encrypt)
+			poly1305_update(&poly1305_state, m->m_data, m->m_len);
+		if (leftover != 0) {
+			size_t l = min(len, leftover);
+			xor_cpy(buf, buf, ((uint8_t *)b.stream) + (CHACHA20_BLOCK_SIZE - leftover), l);
+			leftover -= l;
+			buf += l;
+			len -= l;
+		}
+		while (len >= CHACHA20_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+			chacha20_block(&chacha20_state, b.stream);
+			xor_cpy(buf, buf, (uint8_t *)b.stream, CHACHA20_BLOCK_SIZE);
+			buf += CHACHA20_BLOCK_SIZE;
+			len -= CHACHA20_BLOCK_SIZE;
+		}
+		if (len) {
+			chacha20_block(&chacha20_state, b.stream);
+			xor_cpy(buf, buf, (uint8_t *)b.stream, len);
+			leftover = CHACHA20_BLOCK_SIZE - len;
+		}
+		if (encrypt)
+			poly1305_update(&poly1305_state, m->m_data, m->m_len);
+	}
+	poly1305_update(&poly1305_state, pad0, (0x10 - m0->m_pkthdr.len) & 0xf);
+	b.lens[0] = 0;
+	b.lens[1] = cpu_to_le64(m0->m_pkthdr.len);
+	poly1305_update(&poly1305_state, (uint8_t *)b.lens, sizeof(b.lens));
+	poly1305_final(&poly1305_state, b.mac);
+	if (encrypt)
+		ret = m_append(m0, POLY1305_MAC_SIZE, b.mac) ? 0 : ENOMEM;
+	else
+		ret = timingsafe_bcmp(b.mac, mbuf_mac, POLY1305_MAC_SIZE) == 0 ? 0 : EBADMSG;
+	explicit_bzero(&chacha20_state, sizeof(chacha20_state));
+	explicit_bzero(&b, sizeof(b));
+	return ret;
+chacha20poly1305_encrypt_mbuf(struct mbuf *m, const uint64_t nonce,
+			      const uint8_t key[CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE])
+	return chacha20poly1305_crypt_mbuf(m, nonce, key, true);
+chacha20poly1305_decrypt_mbuf(struct mbuf *m, const uint64_t nonce,
+			      const uint8_t key[CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE])
+	return chacha20poly1305_crypt_mbuf(m, nonce, key, false);
+static int
+crypto_callback(struct cryptop *crp)
+	return (0);
+chacha20poly1305_encrypt_mbuf(struct mbuf *m, const uint64_t nonce,
+			      const uint8_t key[CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE])
+	static const char blank_tag[POLY1305_HASH_LEN];
+	struct cryptop crp;
+	int ret;
+	if (!m_append(m, POLY1305_HASH_LEN, blank_tag))
+		return (ENOMEM);
+	crypto_initreq(&crp, chacha20_poly1305_sid);
+	crypto_use_mbuf(&crp, m);
+	crp.crp_payload_length = m->m_pkthdr.len - POLY1305_HASH_LEN;
+	crp.crp_digest_start = crp.crp_payload_length;
+	le64enc(crp.crp_iv, nonce);
+	crp.crp_cipher_key = key;
+	crp.crp_callback = crypto_callback;
+	ret = crypto_dispatch(&crp);
+	crypto_destroyreq(&crp);
+	return (ret);
+chacha20poly1305_decrypt_mbuf(struct mbuf *m, const uint64_t nonce,
+			      const uint8_t key[CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE])
+	struct cryptop crp;
+	int ret;
+	if (m->m_pkthdr.len < POLY1305_HASH_LEN)
+		return (EMSGSIZE);
+	crypto_initreq(&crp, chacha20_poly1305_sid);
+	crypto_use_mbuf(&crp, m);
+	crp.crp_payload_length = m->m_pkthdr.len - POLY1305_HASH_LEN;
+	crp.crp_digest_start = crp.crp_payload_length;
+	le64enc(crp.crp_iv, nonce);
+	crp.crp_cipher_key = key;
+	crp.crp_callback = crypto_callback;
+	ret = crypto_dispatch(&crp);
+	crypto_destroyreq(&crp);
+	if (ret)
+		return (ret);
+	m_adj(m, -POLY1305_HASH_LEN);
+	return (0);
+static const uint32_t blake2s_iv[8] = {
+	0x6A09E667UL, 0xBB67AE85UL, 0x3C6EF372UL, 0xA54FF53AUL,
+	0x510E527FUL, 0x9B05688CUL, 0x1F83D9ABUL, 0x5BE0CD19UL
+static const uint8_t blake2s_sigma[10][16] = {
+	{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 },
+	{ 14, 10, 4, 8, 9, 15, 13, 6, 1, 12, 0, 2, 11, 7, 5, 3 },
+	{ 11, 8, 12, 0, 5, 2, 15, 13, 10, 14, 3, 6, 7, 1, 9, 4 },
+	{ 7, 9, 3, 1, 13, 12, 11, 14, 2, 6, 5, 10, 4, 0, 15, 8 },
+	{ 9, 0, 5, 7, 2, 4, 10, 15, 14, 1, 11, 12, 6, 8, 3, 13 },
+	{ 2, 12, 6, 10, 0, 11, 8, 3, 4, 13, 7, 5, 15, 14, 1, 9 },
+	{ 12, 5, 1, 15, 14, 13, 4, 10, 0, 7, 6, 3, 9, 2, 8, 11 },
+	{ 13, 11, 7, 14, 12, 1, 3, 9, 5, 0, 15, 4, 8, 6, 2, 10 },
+	{ 6, 15, 14, 9, 11, 3, 0, 8, 12, 2, 13, 7, 1, 4, 10, 5 },
+	{ 10, 2, 8, 4, 7, 6, 1, 5, 15, 11, 9, 14, 3, 12, 13, 0 },
+static inline void blake2s_set_lastblock(struct blake2s_state *state)
+	state->f[0] = -1;
+static inline void blake2s_increment_counter(struct blake2s_state *state,
+					     const uint32_t inc)
+	state->t[0] += inc;
+	state->t[1] += (state->t[0] < inc);
+static inline void blake2s_init_param(struct blake2s_state *state,
+				      const uint32_t param)
+	int i;
+	memset(state, 0, sizeof(*state));
+	for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+		state->h[i] = blake2s_iv[i];
+	state->h[0] ^= param;
+void blake2s_init(struct blake2s_state *state, const size_t outlen)
+	blake2s_init_param(state, 0x01010000 | outlen);
+	state->outlen = outlen;
+void blake2s_init_key(struct blake2s_state *state, const size_t outlen,
+		      const uint8_t *key, const size_t keylen)
+	uint8_t block[BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE] = { 0 };
+	blake2s_init_param(state, 0x01010000 | keylen << 8 | outlen);
+	state->outlen = outlen;
+	memcpy(block, key, keylen);
+	blake2s_update(state, block, BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE);
+	explicit_bzero(block, BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE);
+static inline void blake2s_compress(struct blake2s_state *state,
+				    const uint8_t *block, size_t nblocks,
+				    const uint32_t inc)
+	uint32_t m[16];
+	uint32_t v[16];
+	int i;
+	while (nblocks > 0) {
+		blake2s_increment_counter(state, inc);
+		memcpy(m, block, BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE);
+		le32_to_cpu_array(m, ARRAY_SIZE(m));
+		memcpy(v, state->h, 32);
+		v[ 8] = blake2s_iv[0];
+		v[ 9] = blake2s_iv[1];
+		v[10] = blake2s_iv[2];
+		v[11] = blake2s_iv[3];
+		v[12] = blake2s_iv[4] ^ state->t[0];
+		v[13] = blake2s_iv[5] ^ state->t[1];
+		v[14] = blake2s_iv[6] ^ state->f[0];
+		v[15] = blake2s_iv[7] ^ state->f[1];
+#define G(r, i, a, b, c, d) do { \
+	a += b + m[blake2s_sigma[r][2 * i + 0]]; \
+	d = ror32(d ^ a, 16); \
+	c += d; \
+	b = ror32(b ^ c, 12); \
+	a += b + m[blake2s_sigma[r][2 * i + 1]]; \
+	d = ror32(d ^ a, 8); \
+	c += d; \
+	b = ror32(b ^ c, 7); \
+} while (0)
+#define ROUND(r) do { \
+	G(r, 0, v[0], v[ 4], v[ 8], v[12]); \
+	G(r, 1, v[1], v[ 5], v[ 9], v[13]); \
+	G(r, 2, v[2], v[ 6], v[10], v[14]); \
+	G(r, 3, v[3], v[ 7], v[11], v[15]); \
+	G(r, 4, v[0], v[ 5], v[10], v[15]); \
+	G(r, 5, v[1], v[ 6], v[11], v[12]); \
+	G(r, 6, v[2], v[ 7], v[ 8], v[13]); \
+	G(r, 7, v[3], v[ 4], v[ 9], v[14]); \
+} while (0)
+		ROUND(0);
+		ROUND(1);
+		ROUND(2);
+		ROUND(3);
+		ROUND(4);
+		ROUND(5);
+		ROUND(6);
+		ROUND(7);
+		ROUND(8);
+		ROUND(9);
+#undef G
+#undef ROUND
+		for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+			state->h[i] ^= v[i] ^ v[i + 8];
+		block += BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE;
+		--nblocks;
+	}
+void blake2s_update(struct blake2s_state *state, const uint8_t *in, size_t inlen)
+	const size_t fill = BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE - state->buflen;
+	if (!inlen)
+		return;
+	if (inlen > fill) {
+		memcpy(state->buf + state->buflen, in, fill);
+		blake2s_compress(state, state->buf, 1, BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE);
+		state->buflen = 0;
+		in += fill;
+		inlen -= fill;
+	}
+	if (inlen > BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+		const size_t nblocks = DIV_ROUND_UP(inlen, BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE);
+		/* Hash one less (full) block than strictly possible */
+		blake2s_compress(state, in, nblocks - 1, BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE);
+		in += BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE * (nblocks - 1);
+		inlen -= BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE * (nblocks - 1);
+	}
+	memcpy(state->buf + state->buflen, in, inlen);
+	state->buflen += inlen;
+void blake2s_final(struct blake2s_state *state, uint8_t *out)
+	blake2s_set_lastblock(state);
+	memset(state->buf + state->buflen, 0,
+	       BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE - state->buflen); /* Padding */
+	blake2s_compress(state, state->buf, 1, state->buflen);
+	cpu_to_le32_array(state->h, ARRAY_SIZE(state->h));
+	memcpy(out, state->h, state->outlen);
+	explicit_bzero(state, sizeof(*state));
+#ifdef COMPAT_NEED_CURVE25519
+/* Below here is fiat's implementation of x25519.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 The fiat-crypto Authors.
+ * Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * This is a machine-generated formally verified implementation of Curve25519
+ * ECDH from: <https://github.com/mit-plv/fiat-crypto>. Though originally
+ * machine generated, it has been tweaked to be suitable for use in the kernel.
+ * It is optimized for 32-bit machines and machines that cannot work efficiently
+ * with 128-bit integer types.
+ */
+/* fe means field element. Here the field is \Z/(2^255-19). An element t,
+ * entries t[0]...t[9], represents the integer t[0]+2^26 t[1]+2^51 t[2]+2^77
+ * t[3]+2^102 t[4]+...+2^230 t[9].
+ * fe limbs are bounded by 1.125*2^26,1.125*2^25,1.125*2^26,1.125*2^25,etc.
+ * Multiplication and carrying produce fe from fe_loose.
+ */
+typedef struct fe { uint32_t v[10]; } fe;
+/* fe_loose limbs are bounded by 3.375*2^26,3.375*2^25,3.375*2^26,3.375*2^25,etc
+ * Addition and subtraction produce fe_loose from (fe, fe).
+ */
+typedef struct fe_loose { uint32_t v[10]; } fe_loose;
+static inline void fe_frombytes_impl(uint32_t h[10], const uint8_t *s)
+	/* Ignores top bit of s. */
+	uint32_t a0 = get_unaligned_le32(s);
+	uint32_t a1 = get_unaligned_le32(s+4);
+	uint32_t a2 = get_unaligned_le32(s+8);
+	uint32_t a3 = get_unaligned_le32(s+12);
+	uint32_t a4 = get_unaligned_le32(s+16);
+	uint32_t a5 = get_unaligned_le32(s+20);
+	uint32_t a6 = get_unaligned_le32(s+24);
+	uint32_t a7 = get_unaligned_le32(s+28);
+	h[0] = a0&((1<<26)-1);                    /* 26 used, 32-26 left.   26 */
+	h[1] = (a0>>26) | ((a1&((1<<19)-1))<< 6); /* (32-26) + 19 =  6+19 = 25 */
+	h[2] = (a1>>19) | ((a2&((1<<13)-1))<<13); /* (32-19) + 13 = 13+13 = 26 */
+	h[3] = (a2>>13) | ((a3&((1<< 6)-1))<<19); /* (32-13) +  6 = 19+ 6 = 25 */
+	h[4] = (a3>> 6);                          /* (32- 6)              = 26 */
+	h[5] = a4&((1<<25)-1);                    /*                        25 */
+	h[6] = (a4>>25) | ((a5&((1<<19)-1))<< 7); /* (32-25) + 19 =  7+19 = 26 */
+	h[7] = (a5>>19) | ((a6&((1<<12)-1))<<13); /* (32-19) + 12 = 13+12 = 25 */
+	h[8] = (a6>>12) | ((a7&((1<< 6)-1))<<20); /* (32-12) +  6 = 20+ 6 = 26 */
+	h[9] = (a7>> 6)&((1<<25)-1); /*                                     25 */
+static inline void fe_frombytes(fe *h, const uint8_t *s)
+	fe_frombytes_impl(h->v, s);
+static inline uint8_t /*bool*/
+addcarryx_u25(uint8_t /*bool*/ c, uint32_t a, uint32_t b, uint32_t *low)
+	/* This function extracts 25 bits of result and 1 bit of carry
+	 * (26 total), so a 32-bit intermediate is sufficient.
+	 */
+	uint32_t x = a + b + c;
+	*low = x & ((1 << 25) - 1);
+	return (x >> 25) & 1;
+static inline uint8_t /*bool*/
+addcarryx_u26(uint8_t /*bool*/ c, uint32_t a, uint32_t b, uint32_t *low)
+	/* This function extracts 26 bits of result and 1 bit of carry
+	 * (27 total), so a 32-bit intermediate is sufficient.
+	 */
+	uint32_t x = a + b + c;
+	*low = x & ((1 << 26) - 1);
+	return (x >> 26) & 1;
+static inline uint8_t /*bool*/
+subborrow_u25(uint8_t /*bool*/ c, uint32_t a, uint32_t b, uint32_t *low)
+	/* This function extracts 25 bits of result and 1 bit of borrow
+	 * (26 total), so a 32-bit intermediate is sufficient.
+	 */
+	uint32_t x = a - b - c;
+	*low = x & ((1 << 25) - 1);
+	return x >> 31;
+static inline uint8_t /*bool*/
+subborrow_u26(uint8_t /*bool*/ c, uint32_t a, uint32_t b, uint32_t *low)
+	/* This function extracts 26 bits of result and 1 bit of borrow
+	 *(27 total), so a 32-bit intermediate is sufficient.
+	 */
+	uint32_t x = a - b - c;
+	*low = x & ((1 << 26) - 1);
+	return x >> 31;
+static inline uint32_t cmovznz32(uint32_t t, uint32_t z, uint32_t nz)
+	t = -!!t; /* all set if nonzero, 0 if 0 */
+	return (t&nz) | ((~t)&z);
+static inline void fe_freeze(uint32_t out[10], const uint32_t in1[10])
+	const uint32_t x17 = in1[9];
+	const uint32_t x18 = in1[8];
+	const uint32_t x16 = in1[7];
+	const uint32_t x14 = in1[6];
+	const uint32_t x12 = in1[5];
+	const uint32_t x10 = in1[4];
+	const uint32_t x8 = in1[3];
+	const uint32_t x6 = in1[2];
+	const uint32_t x4 = in1[1];
+	const uint32_t x2 = in1[0];
+	uint32_t x20; uint8_t/*bool*/ x21 = subborrow_u26(0x0, x2, 0x3ffffed, &x20);
+	uint32_t x23; uint8_t/*bool*/ x24 = subborrow_u25(x21, x4, 0x1ffffff, &x23);
+	uint32_t x26; uint8_t/*bool*/ x27 = subborrow_u26(x24, x6, 0x3ffffff, &x26);
+	uint32_t x29; uint8_t/*bool*/ x30 = subborrow_u25(x27, x8, 0x1ffffff, &x29);
+	uint32_t x32; uint8_t/*bool*/ x33 = subborrow_u26(x30, x10, 0x3ffffff, &x32);
+	uint32_t x35; uint8_t/*bool*/ x36 = subborrow_u25(x33, x12, 0x1ffffff, &x35);
+	uint32_t x38; uint8_t/*bool*/ x39 = subborrow_u26(x36, x14, 0x3ffffff, &x38);
+	uint32_t x41; uint8_t/*bool*/ x42 = subborrow_u25(x39, x16, 0x1ffffff, &x41);
+	uint32_t x44; uint8_t/*bool*/ x45 = subborrow_u26(x42, x18, 0x3ffffff, &x44);
+	uint32_t x47; uint8_t/*bool*/ x48 = subborrow_u25(x45, x17, 0x1ffffff, &x47);
+	uint32_t x49 = cmovznz32(x48, 0x0, 0xffffffff);
+	uint32_t x50 = (x49 & 0x3ffffed);
+	uint32_t x52; uint8_t/*bool*/ x53 = addcarryx_u26(0x0, x20, x50, &x52);
+	uint32_t x54 = (x49 & 0x1ffffff);
+	uint32_t x56; uint8_t/*bool*/ x57 = addcarryx_u25(x53, x23, x54, &x56);
+	uint32_t x58 = (x49 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint32_t x60; uint8_t/*bool*/ x61 = addcarryx_u26(x57, x26, x58, &x60);
+	uint32_t x62 = (x49 & 0x1ffffff);
+	uint32_t x64; uint8_t/*bool*/ x65 = addcarryx_u25(x61, x29, x62, &x64);
+	uint32_t x66 = (x49 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint32_t x68; uint8_t/*bool*/ x69 = addcarryx_u26(x65, x32, x66, &x68);
+	uint32_t x70 = (x49 & 0x1ffffff);
+	uint32_t x72; uint8_t/*bool*/ x73 = addcarryx_u25(x69, x35, x70, &x72);
+	uint32_t x74 = (x49 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint32_t x76; uint8_t/*bool*/ x77 = addcarryx_u26(x73, x38, x74, &x76);
+	uint32_t x78 = (x49 & 0x1ffffff);
+	uint32_t x80; uint8_t/*bool*/ x81 = addcarryx_u25(x77, x41, x78, &x80);
+	uint32_t x82 = (x49 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint32_t x84; uint8_t/*bool*/ x85 = addcarryx_u26(x81, x44, x82, &x84);
+	uint32_t x86 = (x49 & 0x1ffffff);
+	uint32_t x88; addcarryx_u25(x85, x47, x86, &x88);
+	out[0] = x52;
+	out[1] = x56;
+	out[2] = x60;
+	out[3] = x64;
+	out[4] = x68;
+	out[5] = x72;
+	out[6] = x76;
+	out[7] = x80;
+	out[8] = x84;
+	out[9] = x88;
+static inline void fe_tobytes(uint8_t s[32], const fe *f)
+	uint32_t h[10];
+	fe_freeze(h, f->v);
+	s[0] = h[0] >> 0;
+	s[1] = h[0] >> 8;
+	s[2] = h[0] >> 16;
+	s[3] = (h[0] >> 24) | (h[1] << 2);
+	s[4] = h[1] >> 6;
+	s[5] = h[1] >> 14;
+	s[6] = (h[1] >> 22) | (h[2] << 3);
+	s[7] = h[2] >> 5;
+	s[8] = h[2] >> 13;
+	s[9] = (h[2] >> 21) | (h[3] << 5);
+	s[10] = h[3] >> 3;
+	s[11] = h[3] >> 11;
+	s[12] = (h[3] >> 19) | (h[4] << 6);
+	s[13] = h[4] >> 2;
+	s[14] = h[4] >> 10;
+	s[15] = h[4] >> 18;
+	s[16] = h[5] >> 0;
+	s[17] = h[5] >> 8;
+	s[18] = h[5] >> 16;
+	s[19] = (h[5] >> 24) | (h[6] << 1);
+	s[20] = h[6] >> 7;
+	s[21] = h[6] >> 15;
+	s[22] = (h[6] >> 23) | (h[7] << 3);
+	s[23] = h[7] >> 5;
+	s[24] = h[7] >> 13;
+	s[25] = (h[7] >> 21) | (h[8] << 4);
+	s[26] = h[8] >> 4;
+	s[27] = h[8] >> 12;
+	s[28] = (h[8] >> 20) | (h[9] << 6);
+	s[29] = h[9] >> 2;
+	s[30] = h[9] >> 10;
+	s[31] = h[9] >> 18;
+/* h = f */
+static inline void fe_copy(fe *h, const fe *f)
+	memmove(h, f, sizeof(uint32_t) * 10);
+static inline void fe_copy_lt(fe_loose *h, const fe *f)
+	memmove(h, f, sizeof(uint32_t) * 10);
+/* h = 0 */
+static inline void fe_0(fe *h)
+	memset(h, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * 10);
+/* h = 1 */
+static inline void fe_1(fe *h)
+	memset(h, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * 10);
+	h->v[0] = 1;
+static void fe_add_impl(uint32_t out[10], const uint32_t in1[10], const uint32_t in2[10])
+	const uint32_t x20 = in1[9];
+	const uint32_t x21 = in1[8];
+	const uint32_t x19 = in1[7];
+	const uint32_t x17 = in1[6];
+	const uint32_t x15 = in1[5];
+	const uint32_t x13 = in1[4];
+	const uint32_t x11 = in1[3];
+	const uint32_t x9 = in1[2];
+	const uint32_t x7 = in1[1];
+	const uint32_t x5 = in1[0];
+	const uint32_t x38 = in2[9];
+	const uint32_t x39 = in2[8];
+	const uint32_t x37 = in2[7];
+	const uint32_t x35 = in2[6];
+	const uint32_t x33 = in2[5];
+	const uint32_t x31 = in2[4];
+	const uint32_t x29 = in2[3];
+	const uint32_t x27 = in2[2];
+	const uint32_t x25 = in2[1];
+	const uint32_t x23 = in2[0];
+	out[0] = (x5 + x23);
+	out[1] = (x7 + x25);
+	out[2] = (x9 + x27);
+	out[3] = (x11 + x29);
+	out[4] = (x13 + x31);
+	out[5] = (x15 + x33);
+	out[6] = (x17 + x35);
+	out[7] = (x19 + x37);
+	out[8] = (x21 + x39);
+	out[9] = (x20 + x38);
+/* h = f + g
+ * Can overlap h with f or g.
+ */
+static inline void fe_add(fe_loose *h, const fe *f, const fe *g)
+	fe_add_impl(h->v, f->v, g->v);
+static void fe_sub_impl(uint32_t out[10], const uint32_t in1[10], const uint32_t in2[10])
+	const uint32_t x20 = in1[9];
+	const uint32_t x21 = in1[8];
+	const uint32_t x19 = in1[7];
+	const uint32_t x17 = in1[6];
+	const uint32_t x15 = in1[5];
+	const uint32_t x13 = in1[4];
+	const uint32_t x11 = in1[3];
+	const uint32_t x9 = in1[2];
+	const uint32_t x7 = in1[1];
+	const uint32_t x5 = in1[0];
+	const uint32_t x38 = in2[9];
+	const uint32_t x39 = in2[8];
+	const uint32_t x37 = in2[7];
+	const uint32_t x35 = in2[6];
+	const uint32_t x33 = in2[5];
+	const uint32_t x31 = in2[4];
+	const uint32_t x29 = in2[3];
+	const uint32_t x27 = in2[2];
+	const uint32_t x25 = in2[1];
+	const uint32_t x23 = in2[0];
+	out[0] = ((0x7ffffda + x5) - x23);
+	out[1] = ((0x3fffffe + x7) - x25);
+	out[2] = ((0x7fffffe + x9) - x27);
+	out[3] = ((0x3fffffe + x11) - x29);
+	out[4] = ((0x7fffffe + x13) - x31);
+	out[5] = ((0x3fffffe + x15) - x33);
+	out[6] = ((0x7fffffe + x17) - x35);
+	out[7] = ((0x3fffffe + x19) - x37);
+	out[8] = ((0x7fffffe + x21) - x39);
+	out[9] = ((0x3fffffe + x20) - x38);
+/* h = f - g
+ * Can overlap h with f or g.
+ */
+static inline void fe_sub(fe_loose *h, const fe *f, const fe *g)
+	fe_sub_impl(h->v, f->v, g->v);
+static void fe_mul_impl(uint32_t out[10], const uint32_t in1[10], const uint32_t in2[10])
+	const uint32_t x20 = in1[9];
+	const uint32_t x21 = in1[8];
+	const uint32_t x19 = in1[7];
+	const uint32_t x17 = in1[6];
+	const uint32_t x15 = in1[5];
+	const uint32_t x13 = in1[4];
+	const uint32_t x11 = in1[3];
+	const uint32_t x9 = in1[2];
+	const uint32_t x7 = in1[1];
+	const uint32_t x5 = in1[0];
+	const uint32_t x38 = in2[9];
+	const uint32_t x39 = in2[8];
+	const uint32_t x37 = in2[7];
+	const uint32_t x35 = in2[6];
+	const uint32_t x33 = in2[5];
+	const uint32_t x31 = in2[4];
+	const uint32_t x29 = in2[3];
+	const uint32_t x27 = in2[2];
+	const uint32_t x25 = in2[1];
+	const uint32_t x23 = in2[0];
+	uint64_t x40 = ((uint64_t)x23 * x5);
+	uint64_t x41 = (((uint64_t)x23 * x7) + ((uint64_t)x25 * x5));
+	uint64_t x42 = ((((uint64_t)(0x2 * x25) * x7) + ((uint64_t)x23 * x9)) + ((uint64_t)x27 * x5));
+	uint64_t x43 = (((((uint64_t)x25 * x9) + ((uint64_t)x27 * x7)) + ((uint64_t)x23 * x11)) + ((uint64_t)x29 * x5));
+	uint64_t x44 = (((((uint64_t)x27 * x9) + (0x2 * (((uint64_t)x25 * x11) + ((uint64_t)x29 * x7)))) + ((uint64_t)x23 * x13)) + ((uint64_t)x31 * x5));
+	uint64_t x45 = (((((((uint64_t)x27 * x11) + ((uint64_t)x29 * x9)) + ((uint64_t)x25 * x13)) + ((uint64_t)x31 * x7)) + ((uint64_t)x23 * x15)) + ((uint64_t)x33 * x5));
+	uint64_t x46 = (((((0x2 * ((((uint64_t)x29 * x11) + ((uint64_t)x25 * x15)) + ((uint64_t)x33 * x7))) + ((uint64_t)x27 * x13)) + ((uint64_t)x31 * x9)) + ((uint64_t)x23 * x17)) + ((uint64_t)x35 * x5));
+	uint64_t x47 = (((((((((uint64_t)x29 * x13) + ((uint64_t)x31 * x11)) + ((uint64_t)x27 * x15)) + ((uint64_t)x33 * x9)) + ((uint64_t)x25 * x17)) + ((uint64_t)x35 * x7)) + ((uint64_t)x23 * x19)) + ((uint64_t)x37 * x5));
+	uint64_t x48 = (((((((uint64_t)x31 * x13) + (0x2 * (((((uint64_t)x29 * x15) + ((uint64_t)x33 * x11)) + ((uint64_t)x25 * x19)) + ((uint64_t)x37 * x7)))) + ((uint64_t)x27 * x17)) + ((uint64_t)x35 * x9)) + ((uint64_t)x23 * x21)) + ((uint64_t)x39 * x5));
+	uint64_t x49 = (((((((((((uint64_t)x31 * x15) + ((uint64_t)x33 * x13)) + ((uint64_t)x29 * x17)) + ((uint64_t)x35 * x11)) + ((uint64_t)x27 * x19)) + ((uint64_t)x37 * x9)) + ((uint64_t)x25 * x21)) + ((uint64_t)x39 * x7)) + ((uint64_t)x23 * x20)) + ((uint64_t)x38 * x5));
+	uint64_t x50 = (((((0x2 * ((((((uint64_t)x33 * x15) + ((uint64_t)x29 * x19)) + ((uint64_t)x37 * x11)) + ((uint64_t)x25 * x20)) + ((uint64_t)x38 * x7))) + ((uint64_t)x31 * x17)) + ((uint64_t)x35 * x13)) + ((uint64_t)x27 * x21)) + ((uint64_t)x39 * x9));
+	uint64_t x51 = (((((((((uint64_t)x33 * x17) + ((uint64_t)x35 * x15)) + ((uint64_t)x31 * x19)) + ((uint64_t)x37 * x13)) + ((uint64_t)x29 * x21)) + ((uint64_t)x39 * x11)) + ((uint64_t)x27 * x20)) + ((uint64_t)x38 * x9));
+	uint64_t x52 = (((((uint64_t)x35 * x17) + (0x2 * (((((uint64_t)x33 * x19) + ((uint64_t)x37 * x15)) + ((uint64_t)x29 * x20)) + ((uint64_t)x38 * x11)))) + ((uint64_t)x31 * x21)) + ((uint64_t)x39 * x13));
+	uint64_t x53 = (((((((uint64_t)x35 * x19) + ((uint64_t)x37 * x17)) + ((uint64_t)x33 * x21)) + ((uint64_t)x39 * x15)) + ((uint64_t)x31 * x20)) + ((uint64_t)x38 * x13));
+	uint64_t x54 = (((0x2 * ((((uint64_t)x37 * x19) + ((uint64_t)x33 * x20)) + ((uint64_t)x38 * x15))) + ((uint64_t)x35 * x21)) + ((uint64_t)x39 * x17));
+	uint64_t x55 = (((((uint64_t)x37 * x21) + ((uint64_t)x39 * x19)) + ((uint64_t)x35 * x20)) + ((uint64_t)x38 * x17));
+	uint64_t x56 = (((uint64_t)x39 * x21) + (0x2 * (((uint64_t)x37 * x20) + ((uint64_t)x38 * x19))));
+	uint64_t x57 = (((uint64_t)x39 * x20) + ((uint64_t)x38 * x21));
+	uint64_t x58 = ((uint64_t)(0x2 * x38) * x20);
+	uint64_t x59 = (x48 + (x58 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x60 = (x59 + (x58 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x61 = (x60 + x58);
+	uint64_t x62 = (x47 + (x57 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x63 = (x62 + (x57 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x64 = (x63 + x57);
+	uint64_t x65 = (x46 + (x56 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x66 = (x65 + (x56 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x67 = (x66 + x56);
+	uint64_t x68 = (x45 + (x55 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x69 = (x68 + (x55 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x70 = (x69 + x55);
+	uint64_t x71 = (x44 + (x54 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x72 = (x71 + (x54 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x73 = (x72 + x54);
+	uint64_t x74 = (x43 + (x53 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x75 = (x74 + (x53 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x76 = (x75 + x53);
+	uint64_t x77 = (x42 + (x52 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x78 = (x77 + (x52 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x79 = (x78 + x52);
+	uint64_t x80 = (x41 + (x51 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x81 = (x80 + (x51 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x82 = (x81 + x51);
+	uint64_t x83 = (x40 + (x50 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x84 = (x83 + (x50 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x85 = (x84 + x50);
+	uint64_t x86 = (x85 >> 0x1a);
+	uint32_t x87 = ((uint32_t)x85 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint64_t x88 = (x86 + x82);
+	uint64_t x89 = (x88 >> 0x19);
+	uint32_t x90 = ((uint32_t)x88 & 0x1ffffff);
+	uint64_t x91 = (x89 + x79);
+	uint64_t x92 = (x91 >> 0x1a);
+	uint32_t x93 = ((uint32_t)x91 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint64_t x94 = (x92 + x76);
+	uint64_t x95 = (x94 >> 0x19);
+	uint32_t x96 = ((uint32_t)x94 & 0x1ffffff);
+	uint64_t x97 = (x95 + x73);
+	uint64_t x98 = (x97 >> 0x1a);
+	uint32_t x99 = ((uint32_t)x97 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint64_t x100 = (x98 + x70);
+	uint64_t x101 = (x100 >> 0x19);
+	uint32_t x102 = ((uint32_t)x100 & 0x1ffffff);
+	uint64_t x103 = (x101 + x67);
+	uint64_t x104 = (x103 >> 0x1a);
+	uint32_t x105 = ((uint32_t)x103 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint64_t x106 = (x104 + x64);
+	uint64_t x107 = (x106 >> 0x19);
+	uint32_t x108 = ((uint32_t)x106 & 0x1ffffff);
+	uint64_t x109 = (x107 + x61);
+	uint64_t x110 = (x109 >> 0x1a);
+	uint32_t x111 = ((uint32_t)x109 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint64_t x112 = (x110 + x49);
+	uint64_t x113 = (x112 >> 0x19);
+	uint32_t x114 = ((uint32_t)x112 & 0x1ffffff);
+	uint64_t x115 = (x87 + (0x13 * x113));
+	uint32_t x116 = (uint32_t) (x115 >> 0x1a);
+	uint32_t x117 = ((uint32_t)x115 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint32_t x118 = (x116 + x90);
+	uint32_t x119 = (x118 >> 0x19);
+	uint32_t x120 = (x118 & 0x1ffffff);
+	out[0] = x117;
+	out[1] = x120;
+	out[2] = (x119 + x93);
+	out[3] = x96;
+	out[4] = x99;
+	out[5] = x102;
+	out[6] = x105;
+	out[7] = x108;
+	out[8] = x111;
+	out[9] = x114;
+static inline void fe_mul_ttt(fe *h, const fe *f, const fe *g)
+	fe_mul_impl(h->v, f->v, g->v);
+static inline void fe_mul_tlt(fe *h, const fe_loose *f, const fe *g)
+	fe_mul_impl(h->v, f->v, g->v);
+static inline void
+fe_mul_tll(fe *h, const fe_loose *f, const fe_loose *g)
+	fe_mul_impl(h->v, f->v, g->v);
+static void fe_sqr_impl(uint32_t out[10], const uint32_t in1[10])
+	const uint32_t x17 = in1[9];
+	const uint32_t x18 = in1[8];
+	const uint32_t x16 = in1[7];
+	const uint32_t x14 = in1[6];
+	const uint32_t x12 = in1[5];
+	const uint32_t x10 = in1[4];
+	const uint32_t x8 = in1[3];
+	const uint32_t x6 = in1[2];
+	const uint32_t x4 = in1[1];
+	const uint32_t x2 = in1[0];
+	uint64_t x19 = ((uint64_t)x2 * x2);
+	uint64_t x20 = ((uint64_t)(0x2 * x2) * x4);
+	uint64_t x21 = (0x2 * (((uint64_t)x4 * x4) + ((uint64_t)x2 * x6)));
+	uint64_t x22 = (0x2 * (((uint64_t)x4 * x6) + ((uint64_t)x2 * x8)));
+	uint64_t x23 = ((((uint64_t)x6 * x6) + ((uint64_t)(0x4 * x4) * x8)) + ((uint64_t)(0x2 * x2) * x10));
+	uint64_t x24 = (0x2 * ((((uint64_t)x6 * x8) + ((uint64_t)x4 * x10)) + ((uint64_t)x2 * x12)));
+	uint64_t x25 = (0x2 * (((((uint64_t)x8 * x8) + ((uint64_t)x6 * x10)) + ((uint64_t)x2 * x14)) + ((uint64_t)(0x2 * x4) * x12)));
+	uint64_t x26 = (0x2 * (((((uint64_t)x8 * x10) + ((uint64_t)x6 * x12)) + ((uint64_t)x4 * x14)) + ((uint64_t)x2 * x16)));
+	uint64_t x27 = (((uint64_t)x10 * x10) + (0x2 * ((((uint64_t)x6 * x14) + ((uint64_t)x2 * x18)) + (0x2 * (((uint64_t)x4 * x16) + ((uint64_t)x8 * x12))))));
+	uint64_t x28 = (0x2 * ((((((uint64_t)x10 * x12) + ((uint64_t)x8 * x14)) + ((uint64_t)x6 * x16)) + ((uint64_t)x4 * x18)) + ((uint64_t)x2 * x17)));
+	uint64_t x29 = (0x2 * (((((uint64_t)x12 * x12) + ((uint64_t)x10 * x14)) + ((uint64_t)x6 * x18)) + (0x2 * (((uint64_t)x8 * x16) + ((uint64_t)x4 * x17)))));
+	uint64_t x30 = (0x2 * (((((uint64_t)x12 * x14) + ((uint64_t)x10 * x16)) + ((uint64_t)x8 * x18)) + ((uint64_t)x6 * x17)));
+	uint64_t x31 = (((uint64_t)x14 * x14) + (0x2 * (((uint64_t)x10 * x18) + (0x2 * (((uint64_t)x12 * x16) + ((uint64_t)x8 * x17))))));
+	uint64_t x32 = (0x2 * ((((uint64_t)x14 * x16) + ((uint64_t)x12 * x18)) + ((uint64_t)x10 * x17)));
+	uint64_t x33 = (0x2 * ((((uint64_t)x16 * x16) + ((uint64_t)x14 * x18)) + ((uint64_t)(0x2 * x12) * x17)));
+	uint64_t x34 = (0x2 * (((uint64_t)x16 * x18) + ((uint64_t)x14 * x17)));
+	uint64_t x35 = (((uint64_t)x18 * x18) + ((uint64_t)(0x4 * x16) * x17));
+	uint64_t x36 = ((uint64_t)(0x2 * x18) * x17);
+	uint64_t x37 = ((uint64_t)(0x2 * x17) * x17);
+	uint64_t x38 = (x27 + (x37 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x39 = (x38 + (x37 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x40 = (x39 + x37);
+	uint64_t x41 = (x26 + (x36 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x42 = (x41 + (x36 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x43 = (x42 + x36);
+	uint64_t x44 = (x25 + (x35 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x45 = (x44 + (x35 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x46 = (x45 + x35);
+	uint64_t x47 = (x24 + (x34 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x48 = (x47 + (x34 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x49 = (x48 + x34);
+	uint64_t x50 = (x23 + (x33 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x51 = (x50 + (x33 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x52 = (x51 + x33);
+	uint64_t x53 = (x22 + (x32 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x54 = (x53 + (x32 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x55 = (x54 + x32);
+	uint64_t x56 = (x21 + (x31 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x57 = (x56 + (x31 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x58 = (x57 + x31);
+	uint64_t x59 = (x20 + (x30 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x60 = (x59 + (x30 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x61 = (x60 + x30);
+	uint64_t x62 = (x19 + (x29 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x63 = (x62 + (x29 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x64 = (x63 + x29);
+	uint64_t x65 = (x64 >> 0x1a);
+	uint32_t x66 = ((uint32_t)x64 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint64_t x67 = (x65 + x61);
+	uint64_t x68 = (x67 >> 0x19);
+	uint32_t x69 = ((uint32_t)x67 & 0x1ffffff);
+	uint64_t x70 = (x68 + x58);
+	uint64_t x71 = (x70 >> 0x1a);
+	uint32_t x72 = ((uint32_t)x70 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint64_t x73 = (x71 + x55);
+	uint64_t x74 = (x73 >> 0x19);
+	uint32_t x75 = ((uint32_t)x73 & 0x1ffffff);
+	uint64_t x76 = (x74 + x52);
+	uint64_t x77 = (x76 >> 0x1a);
+	uint32_t x78 = ((uint32_t)x76 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint64_t x79 = (x77 + x49);
+	uint64_t x80 = (x79 >> 0x19);
+	uint32_t x81 = ((uint32_t)x79 & 0x1ffffff);
+	uint64_t x82 = (x80 + x46);
+	uint64_t x83 = (x82 >> 0x1a);
+	uint32_t x84 = ((uint32_t)x82 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint64_t x85 = (x83 + x43);
+	uint64_t x86 = (x85 >> 0x19);
+	uint32_t x87 = ((uint32_t)x85 & 0x1ffffff);
+	uint64_t x88 = (x86 + x40);
+	uint64_t x89 = (x88 >> 0x1a);
+	uint32_t x90 = ((uint32_t)x88 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint64_t x91 = (x89 + x28);
+	uint64_t x92 = (x91 >> 0x19);
+	uint32_t x93 = ((uint32_t)x91 & 0x1ffffff);
+	uint64_t x94 = (x66 + (0x13 * x92));
+	uint32_t x95 = (uint32_t) (x94 >> 0x1a);
+	uint32_t x96 = ((uint32_t)x94 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint32_t x97 = (x95 + x69);
+	uint32_t x98 = (x97 >> 0x19);
+	uint32_t x99 = (x97 & 0x1ffffff);
+	out[0] = x96;
+	out[1] = x99;
+	out[2] = (x98 + x72);
+	out[3] = x75;
+	out[4] = x78;
+	out[5] = x81;
+	out[6] = x84;
+	out[7] = x87;
+	out[8] = x90;
+	out[9] = x93;
+static inline void fe_sq_tl(fe *h, const fe_loose *f)
+	fe_sqr_impl(h->v, f->v);
+static inline void fe_sq_tt(fe *h, const fe *f)
+	fe_sqr_impl(h->v, f->v);
+static inline void fe_loose_invert(fe *out, const fe_loose *z)
+	fe t0;
+	fe t1;
+	fe t2;
+	fe t3;
+	int i;
+	fe_sq_tl(&t0, z);
+	fe_sq_tt(&t1, &t0);
+	for (i = 1; i < 2; ++i)
+		fe_sq_tt(&t1, &t1);
+	fe_mul_tlt(&t1, z, &t1);
+	fe_mul_ttt(&t0, &t0, &t1);
+	fe_sq_tt(&t2, &t0);
+	fe_mul_ttt(&t1, &t1, &t2);
+	fe_sq_tt(&t2, &t1);
+	for (i = 1; i < 5; ++i)
+		fe_sq_tt(&t2, &t2);
+	fe_mul_ttt(&t1, &t2, &t1);
+	fe_sq_tt(&t2, &t1);
+	for (i = 1; i < 10; ++i)
+		fe_sq_tt(&t2, &t2);
+	fe_mul_ttt(&t2, &t2, &t1);
+	fe_sq_tt(&t3, &t2);
+	for (i = 1; i < 20; ++i)
+		fe_sq_tt(&t3, &t3);
+	fe_mul_ttt(&t2, &t3, &t2);
+	fe_sq_tt(&t2, &t2);
+	for (i = 1; i < 10; ++i)
+		fe_sq_tt(&t2, &t2);
+	fe_mul_ttt(&t1, &t2, &t1);
+	fe_sq_tt(&t2, &t1);
+	for (i = 1; i < 50; ++i)
+		fe_sq_tt(&t2, &t2);
+	fe_mul_ttt(&t2, &t2, &t1);
+	fe_sq_tt(&t3, &t2);
+	for (i = 1; i < 100; ++i)
+		fe_sq_tt(&t3, &t3);
+	fe_mul_ttt(&t2, &t3, &t2);
+	fe_sq_tt(&t2, &t2);
+	for (i = 1; i < 50; ++i)
+		fe_sq_tt(&t2, &t2);
+	fe_mul_ttt(&t1, &t2, &t1);
+	fe_sq_tt(&t1, &t1);
+	for (i = 1; i < 5; ++i)
+		fe_sq_tt(&t1, &t1);
+	fe_mul_ttt(out, &t1, &t0);
+static inline void fe_invert(fe *out, const fe *z)
+	fe_loose l;
+	fe_copy_lt(&l, z);
+	fe_loose_invert(out, &l);
+/* Replace (f,g) with (g,f) if b == 1;
+ * replace (f,g) with (f,g) if b == 0.
+ *
+ * Preconditions: b in {0,1}
+ */
+static inline void fe_cswap(fe *f, fe *g, unsigned int b)
+	unsigned i;
+	b = 0 - b;
+	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+		uint32_t x = f->v[i] ^ g->v[i];
+		x &= b;
+		f->v[i] ^= x;
+		g->v[i] ^= x;
+	}
+/* NOTE: based on fiat-crypto fe_mul, edited for in2=121666, 0, 0.*/
+static inline void fe_mul_121666_impl(uint32_t out[10], const uint32_t in1[10])
+	const uint32_t x20 = in1[9];
+	const uint32_t x21 = in1[8];
+	const uint32_t x19 = in1[7];
+	const uint32_t x17 = in1[6];
+	const uint32_t x15 = in1[5];
+	const uint32_t x13 = in1[4];
+	const uint32_t x11 = in1[3];
+	const uint32_t x9 = in1[2];
+	const uint32_t x7 = in1[1];
+	const uint32_t x5 = in1[0];
+	const uint32_t x38 = 0;
+	const uint32_t x39 = 0;
+	const uint32_t x37 = 0;
+	const uint32_t x35 = 0;
+	const uint32_t x33 = 0;
+	const uint32_t x31 = 0;
+	const uint32_t x29 = 0;
+	const uint32_t x27 = 0;
+	const uint32_t x25 = 0;
+	const uint32_t x23 = 121666;
+	uint64_t x40 = ((uint64_t)x23 * x5);
+	uint64_t x41 = (((uint64_t)x23 * x7) + ((uint64_t)x25 * x5));
+	uint64_t x42 = ((((uint64_t)(0x2 * x25) * x7) + ((uint64_t)x23 * x9)) + ((uint64_t)x27 * x5));
+	uint64_t x43 = (((((uint64_t)x25 * x9) + ((uint64_t)x27 * x7)) + ((uint64_t)x23 * x11)) + ((uint64_t)x29 * x5));
+	uint64_t x44 = (((((uint64_t)x27 * x9) + (0x2 * (((uint64_t)x25 * x11) + ((uint64_t)x29 * x7)))) + ((uint64_t)x23 * x13)) + ((uint64_t)x31 * x5));
+	uint64_t x45 = (((((((uint64_t)x27 * x11) + ((uint64_t)x29 * x9)) + ((uint64_t)x25 * x13)) + ((uint64_t)x31 * x7)) + ((uint64_t)x23 * x15)) + ((uint64_t)x33 * x5));
+	uint64_t x46 = (((((0x2 * ((((uint64_t)x29 * x11) + ((uint64_t)x25 * x15)) + ((uint64_t)x33 * x7))) + ((uint64_t)x27 * x13)) + ((uint64_t)x31 * x9)) + ((uint64_t)x23 * x17)) + ((uint64_t)x35 * x5));
+	uint64_t x47 = (((((((((uint64_t)x29 * x13) + ((uint64_t)x31 * x11)) + ((uint64_t)x27 * x15)) + ((uint64_t)x33 * x9)) + ((uint64_t)x25 * x17)) + ((uint64_t)x35 * x7)) + ((uint64_t)x23 * x19)) + ((uint64_t)x37 * x5));
+	uint64_t x48 = (((((((uint64_t)x31 * x13) + (0x2 * (((((uint64_t)x29 * x15) + ((uint64_t)x33 * x11)) + ((uint64_t)x25 * x19)) + ((uint64_t)x37 * x7)))) + ((uint64_t)x27 * x17)) + ((uint64_t)x35 * x9)) + ((uint64_t)x23 * x21)) + ((uint64_t)x39 * x5));
+	uint64_t x49 = (((((((((((uint64_t)x31 * x15) + ((uint64_t)x33 * x13)) + ((uint64_t)x29 * x17)) + ((uint64_t)x35 * x11)) + ((uint64_t)x27 * x19)) + ((uint64_t)x37 * x9)) + ((uint64_t)x25 * x21)) + ((uint64_t)x39 * x7)) + ((uint64_t)x23 * x20)) + ((uint64_t)x38 * x5));
+	uint64_t x50 = (((((0x2 * ((((((uint64_t)x33 * x15) + ((uint64_t)x29 * x19)) + ((uint64_t)x37 * x11)) + ((uint64_t)x25 * x20)) + ((uint64_t)x38 * x7))) + ((uint64_t)x31 * x17)) + ((uint64_t)x35 * x13)) + ((uint64_t)x27 * x21)) + ((uint64_t)x39 * x9));
+	uint64_t x51 = (((((((((uint64_t)x33 * x17) + ((uint64_t)x35 * x15)) + ((uint64_t)x31 * x19)) + ((uint64_t)x37 * x13)) + ((uint64_t)x29 * x21)) + ((uint64_t)x39 * x11)) + ((uint64_t)x27 * x20)) + ((uint64_t)x38 * x9));
+	uint64_t x52 = (((((uint64_t)x35 * x17) + (0x2 * (((((uint64_t)x33 * x19) + ((uint64_t)x37 * x15)) + ((uint64_t)x29 * x20)) + ((uint64_t)x38 * x11)))) + ((uint64_t)x31 * x21)) + ((uint64_t)x39 * x13));
+	uint64_t x53 = (((((((uint64_t)x35 * x19) + ((uint64_t)x37 * x17)) + ((uint64_t)x33 * x21)) + ((uint64_t)x39 * x15)) + ((uint64_t)x31 * x20)) + ((uint64_t)x38 * x13));
+	uint64_t x54 = (((0x2 * ((((uint64_t)x37 * x19) + ((uint64_t)x33 * x20)) + ((uint64_t)x38 * x15))) + ((uint64_t)x35 * x21)) + ((uint64_t)x39 * x17));
+	uint64_t x55 = (((((uint64_t)x37 * x21) + ((uint64_t)x39 * x19)) + ((uint64_t)x35 * x20)) + ((uint64_t)x38 * x17));
+	uint64_t x56 = (((uint64_t)x39 * x21) + (0x2 * (((uint64_t)x37 * x20) + ((uint64_t)x38 * x19))));
+	uint64_t x57 = (((uint64_t)x39 * x20) + ((uint64_t)x38 * x21));
+	uint64_t x58 = ((uint64_t)(0x2 * x38) * x20);
+	uint64_t x59 = (x48 + (x58 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x60 = (x59 + (x58 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x61 = (x60 + x58);
+	uint64_t x62 = (x47 + (x57 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x63 = (x62 + (x57 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x64 = (x63 + x57);
+	uint64_t x65 = (x46 + (x56 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x66 = (x65 + (x56 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x67 = (x66 + x56);
+	uint64_t x68 = (x45 + (x55 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x69 = (x68 + (x55 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x70 = (x69 + x55);
+	uint64_t x71 = (x44 + (x54 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x72 = (x71 + (x54 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x73 = (x72 + x54);
+	uint64_t x74 = (x43 + (x53 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x75 = (x74 + (x53 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x76 = (x75 + x53);
+	uint64_t x77 = (x42 + (x52 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x78 = (x77 + (x52 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x79 = (x78 + x52);
+	uint64_t x80 = (x41 + (x51 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x81 = (x80 + (x51 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x82 = (x81 + x51);
+	uint64_t x83 = (x40 + (x50 << 0x4));
+	uint64_t x84 = (x83 + (x50 << 0x1));
+	uint64_t x85 = (x84 + x50);
+	uint64_t x86 = (x85 >> 0x1a);
+	uint32_t x87 = ((uint32_t)x85 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint64_t x88 = (x86 + x82);
+	uint64_t x89 = (x88 >> 0x19);
+	uint32_t x90 = ((uint32_t)x88 & 0x1ffffff);
+	uint64_t x91 = (x89 + x79);
+	uint64_t x92 = (x91 >> 0x1a);
+	uint32_t x93 = ((uint32_t)x91 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint64_t x94 = (x92 + x76);
+	uint64_t x95 = (x94 >> 0x19);
+	uint32_t x96 = ((uint32_t)x94 & 0x1ffffff);
+	uint64_t x97 = (x95 + x73);
+	uint64_t x98 = (x97 >> 0x1a);
+	uint32_t x99 = ((uint32_t)x97 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint64_t x100 = (x98 + x70);
+	uint64_t x101 = (x100 >> 0x19);
+	uint32_t x102 = ((uint32_t)x100 & 0x1ffffff);
+	uint64_t x103 = (x101 + x67);
+	uint64_t x104 = (x103 >> 0x1a);
+	uint32_t x105 = ((uint32_t)x103 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint64_t x106 = (x104 + x64);
+	uint64_t x107 = (x106 >> 0x19);
+	uint32_t x108 = ((uint32_t)x106 & 0x1ffffff);
+	uint64_t x109 = (x107 + x61);
+	uint64_t x110 = (x109 >> 0x1a);
+	uint32_t x111 = ((uint32_t)x109 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint64_t x112 = (x110 + x49);
+	uint64_t x113 = (x112 >> 0x19);
+	uint32_t x114 = ((uint32_t)x112 & 0x1ffffff);
+	uint64_t x115 = (x87 + (0x13 * x113));
+	uint32_t x116 = (uint32_t) (x115 >> 0x1a);
+	uint32_t x117 = ((uint32_t)x115 & 0x3ffffff);
+	uint32_t x118 = (x116 + x90);
+	uint32_t x119 = (x118 >> 0x19);
+	uint32_t x120 = (x118 & 0x1ffffff);
+	out[0] = x117;
+	out[1] = x120;
+	out[2] = (x119 + x93);
+	out[3] = x96;
+	out[4] = x99;
+	out[5] = x102;
+	out[6] = x105;
+	out[7] = x108;
+	out[8] = x111;
+	out[9] = x114;
+static inline void fe_mul121666(fe *h, const fe_loose *f)
+	fe_mul_121666_impl(h->v, f->v);
+static const uint8_t curve25519_null_point[CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE];
+bool curve25519(uint8_t out[CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE],
+		const uint8_t scalar[CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE],
+		const uint8_t point[CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE])
+	fe x1, x2, z2, x3, z3;
+	fe_loose x2l, z2l, x3l;
+	unsigned swap = 0;
+	int pos;
+	uint8_t e[32];
+	memcpy(e, scalar, 32);
+	curve25519_clamp_secret(e);
+	/* The following implementation was transcribed to Coq and proven to
+	 * correspond to unary scalar multiplication in affine coordinates given
+	 * that x1 != 0 is the x coordinate of some point on the curve. It was
+	 * also checked in Coq that doing a ladderstep with x1 = x3 = 0 gives
+	 * z2' = z3' = 0, and z2 = z3 = 0 gives z2' = z3' = 0. The statement was
+	 * quantified over the underlying field, so it applies to Curve25519
+	 * itself and the quadratic twist of Curve25519. It was not proven in
+	 * Coq that prime-field arithmetic correctly simulates extension-field
+	 * arithmetic on prime-field values. The decoding of the byte array
+	 * representation of e was not considered.
+	 *
+	 * Specification of Montgomery curves in affine coordinates:
+	 * <https://github.com/mit-plv/fiat-crypto/blob/2456d821825521f7e03e65882cc3521795b0320f/src/Spec/MontgomeryCurve.v#L27>
+	 *
+	 * Proof that these form a group that is isomorphic to a Weierstrass
+	 * curve:
+	 * <https://github.com/mit-plv/fiat-crypto/blob/2456d821825521f7e03e65882cc3521795b0320f/src/Curves/Montgomery/AffineProofs.v#L35>
+	 *
+	 * Coq transcription and correctness proof of the loop
+	 * (where scalarbits=255):
+	 * <https://github.com/mit-plv/fiat-crypto/blob/2456d821825521f7e03e65882cc3521795b0320f/src/Curves/Montgomery/XZ.v#L118>
+	 * <https://github.com/mit-plv/fiat-crypto/blob/2456d821825521f7e03e65882cc3521795b0320f/src/Curves/Montgomery/XZProofs.v#L278>
+	 * preconditions: 0 <= e < 2^255 (not necessarily e < order),
+	 * fe_invert(0) = 0
+	 */
+	fe_frombytes(&x1, point);
+	fe_1(&x2);
+	fe_0(&z2);
+	fe_copy(&x3, &x1);
+	fe_1(&z3);
+	for (pos = 254; pos >= 0; --pos) {
+		fe tmp0, tmp1;
+		fe_loose tmp0l, tmp1l;
+		/* loop invariant as of right before the test, for the case
+		 * where x1 != 0:
+		 *   pos >= -1; if z2 = 0 then x2 is nonzero; if z3 = 0 then x3
+		 *   is nonzero
+		 *   let r := e >> (pos+1) in the following equalities of
+		 *   projective points:
+		 *   to_xz (r*P)     === if swap then (x3, z3) else (x2, z2)
+		 *   to_xz ((r+1)*P) === if swap then (x2, z2) else (x3, z3)
+		 *   x1 is the nonzero x coordinate of the nonzero
+		 *   point (r*P-(r+1)*P)
+		 */
+		unsigned b = 1 & (e[pos / 8] >> (pos & 7));
+		swap ^= b;
+		fe_cswap(&x2, &x3, swap);
+		fe_cswap(&z2, &z3, swap);
+		swap = b;
+		/* Coq transcription of ladderstep formula (called from
+		 * transcribed loop):
+		 * <https://github.com/mit-plv/fiat-crypto/blob/2456d821825521f7e03e65882cc3521795b0320f/src/Curves/Montgomery/XZ.v#L89>
+		 * <https://github.com/mit-plv/fiat-crypto/blob/2456d821825521f7e03e65882cc3521795b0320f/src/Curves/Montgomery/XZProofs.v#L131>
+		 * x1 != 0 <https://github.com/mit-plv/fiat-crypto/blob/2456d821825521f7e03e65882cc3521795b0320f/src/Curves/Montgomery/XZProofs.v#L217>
+		 * x1  = 0 <https://github.com/mit-plv/fiat-crypto/blob/2456d821825521f7e03e65882cc3521795b0320f/src/Curves/Montgomery/XZProofs.v#L147>
+		 */
+		fe_sub(&tmp0l, &x3, &z3);
+		fe_sub(&tmp1l, &x2, &z2);
+		fe_add(&x2l, &x2, &z2);
+		fe_add(&z2l, &x3, &z3);
+		fe_mul_tll(&z3, &tmp0l, &x2l);
+		fe_mul_tll(&z2, &z2l, &tmp1l);
+		fe_sq_tl(&tmp0, &tmp1l);
+		fe_sq_tl(&tmp1, &x2l);
+		fe_add(&x3l, &z3, &z2);
+		fe_sub(&z2l, &z3, &z2);
+		fe_mul_ttt(&x2, &tmp1, &tmp0);
+		fe_sub(&tmp1l, &tmp1, &tmp0);
+		fe_sq_tl(&z2, &z2l);
+		fe_mul121666(&z3, &tmp1l);
+		fe_sq_tl(&x3, &x3l);
+		fe_add(&tmp0l, &tmp0, &z3);
+		fe_mul_ttt(&z3, &x1, &z2);
+		fe_mul_tll(&z2, &tmp1l, &tmp0l);
+	}
+	/* here pos=-1, so r=e, so to_xz (e*P) === if swap then (x3, z3)
+	 * else (x2, z2)
+	 */
+	fe_cswap(&x2, &x3, swap);
+	fe_cswap(&z2, &z3, swap);
+	fe_invert(&z2, &z2);
+	fe_mul_ttt(&x2, &x2, &z2);
+	fe_tobytes(out, &x2);
+	explicit_bzero(&x1, sizeof(x1));
+	explicit_bzero(&x2, sizeof(x2));
+	explicit_bzero(&z2, sizeof(z2));
+	explicit_bzero(&x3, sizeof(x3));
+	explicit_bzero(&z3, sizeof(z3));
+	explicit_bzero(&x2l, sizeof(x2l));
+	explicit_bzero(&z2l, sizeof(z2l));
+	explicit_bzero(&x3l, sizeof(x3l));
+	explicit_bzero(&e, sizeof(e));
+	return timingsafe_bcmp(out, curve25519_null_point, CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE) != 0;
+	struct crypto_session_params csp = {
+		.csp_mode = CSP_MODE_AEAD,
+		.csp_ivlen = sizeof(uint64_t),
+		.csp_cipher_alg = CRYPTO_CHACHA20_POLY1305,
+		.csp_cipher_klen = CHACHA20POLY1305_KEY_SIZE,
+	};
+	int ret = crypto_newsession(&chacha20_poly1305_sid, &csp, CRYPTOCAP_F_SOFTWARE);
+	if (ret != 0)
+		return (ret);
+	return (0);
+	crypto_freesession(chacha20_poly1305_sid);
diff --git a/sys/dev/wg/wg_noise.h b/sys/dev/wg/wg_noise.h
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/dev/wg/wg_noise.h
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Matt Dunwoodie <ncon@noconroy.net>
+ */
+#ifndef __NOISE_H__
+#define __NOISE_H__
+#include "crypto.h"
+#define NOISE_TIMESTAMP_LEN	(sizeof(uint64_t) + sizeof(uint32_t))
+#define REJECT_AFTER_TIME	180
+#define REKEY_TIMEOUT		5
+struct noise_local;
+struct noise_remote;
+struct noise_keypair;
+/* Local configuration */
+struct noise_local *
+	noise_local_alloc(void *);
+struct noise_local *
+	noise_local_ref(struct noise_local *);
+void	noise_local_put(struct noise_local *);
+void	noise_local_free(struct noise_local *, void (*)(struct noise_local *));
+void *	noise_local_arg(struct noise_local *);
+void	noise_local_private(struct noise_local *,
+	    const uint8_t[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]);
+int	noise_local_keys(struct noise_local *,
+	    uint8_t[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN],
+	    uint8_t[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]);
+/* Remote configuration */
+struct noise_remote *
+	noise_remote_alloc(struct noise_local *, void *,
+	    const uint8_t[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]);
+int	noise_remote_enable(struct noise_remote *);
+void	noise_remote_disable(struct noise_remote *);
+struct noise_remote *
+	noise_remote_lookup(struct noise_local *, const uint8_t[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]);
+struct noise_remote *
+	noise_remote_index(struct noise_local *, uint32_t);
+struct noise_remote *
+	noise_remote_ref(struct noise_remote *);
+void	noise_remote_put(struct noise_remote *);
+void	noise_remote_free(struct noise_remote *, void (*)(struct noise_remote *));
+struct noise_local *
+	noise_remote_local(struct noise_remote *);
+void *	noise_remote_arg(struct noise_remote *);
+void	noise_remote_set_psk(struct noise_remote *,
+	    const uint8_t[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN]);
+int	noise_remote_keys(struct noise_remote *,
+	    uint8_t[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN],
+	    uint8_t[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN]);
+int	noise_remote_initiation_expired(struct noise_remote *);
+void	noise_remote_handshake_clear(struct noise_remote *);
+void	noise_remote_keypairs_clear(struct noise_remote *);
+/* Keypair functions */
+struct noise_keypair *
+	noise_keypair_lookup(struct noise_local *, uint32_t);
+struct noise_keypair *
+	noise_keypair_current(struct noise_remote *);
+struct noise_keypair *
+	noise_keypair_ref(struct noise_keypair *);
+int	noise_keypair_received_with(struct noise_keypair *);
+void	noise_keypair_put(struct noise_keypair *);
+struct noise_remote *
+	noise_keypair_remote(struct noise_keypair *);
+int	noise_keypair_nonce_next(struct noise_keypair *, uint64_t *);
+int	noise_keypair_nonce_check(struct noise_keypair *, uint64_t);
+int	noise_keep_key_fresh_send(struct noise_remote *);
+int	noise_keep_key_fresh_recv(struct noise_remote *);
+int	noise_keypair_encrypt(
+	    struct noise_keypair *,
+	    uint32_t *r_idx,
+	    uint64_t nonce,
+	    struct mbuf *);
+int	noise_keypair_decrypt(
+	    struct noise_keypair *,
+	    uint64_t nonce,
+	    struct mbuf *);
+/* Handshake functions */
+int	noise_create_initiation(
+	    struct noise_remote *,
+	    uint32_t *s_idx,
+	    uint8_t ue[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN],
+int	noise_consume_initiation(
+	    struct noise_local *,
+	    struct noise_remote **,
+	    uint32_t s_idx,
+	    uint8_t ue[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN],
+int	noise_create_response(
+	    struct noise_remote *,
+	    uint32_t *s_idx,
+	    uint32_t *r_idx,
+	    uint8_t ue[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN],
+	    uint8_t en[0 + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN]);
+int	noise_consume_response(
+	    struct noise_local *,
+	    struct noise_remote **,
+	    uint32_t s_idx,
+	    uint32_t r_idx,
+	    uint8_t ue[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN],
+	    uint8_t en[0 + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN]);
+bool	noise_counter_selftest(void);
+#endif /* SELFTESTS */
+#endif /* __NOISE_H__ */
diff --git a/sys/dev/wg/wg_noise.c b/sys/dev/wg/wg_noise.c
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/dev/wg/wg_noise.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1409 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Matt Dunwoodie <ncon@noconroy.net>
+ */
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/systm.h>
+#include <sys/ck.h>
+#include <sys/endian.h>
+#include <sys/epoch.h>
+#include <sys/kernel.h>
+#include <sys/lock.h>
+#include <sys/malloc.h>
+#include <sys/mutex.h>
+#include <sys/refcount.h>
+#include <sys/rwlock.h>
+#include <crypto/siphash/siphash.h>
+#include "crypto.h"
+#include "wg_noise.h"
+#include "support.h"
+/* Protocol string constants */
+#define NOISE_HANDSHAKE_NAME	"Noise_IKpsk2_25519_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2s"
+#define NOISE_IDENTIFIER_NAME	"WireGuard v1 zx2c4 Jason@zx2c4.com"
+/* Constants for the counter */
+#define COUNTER_BITS_TOTAL	8192
+#ifdef __LP64__
+#define COUNTER_ORDER		6
+#define COUNTER_BITS		64
+#define COUNTER_ORDER		5
+#define COUNTER_BITS		32
+/* Constants for the keypair */
+#define REKEY_AFTER_MESSAGES	(1ull << 60)
+#define REKEY_AFTER_TIME	120
+#define REJECT_INTERVAL		(1000000000 / 50) /* fifty times per sec */
+/* 24 = floor(log2(REJECT_INTERVAL)) */
+#define REJECT_INTERVAL_MASK	(~((1ull<<24)-1))
+#define HT_INDEX_SIZE		(1 << 13)
+#define HT_REMOTE_SIZE		(1 << 11)
+#define MAX_REMOTE_PER_LOCAL	(1 << 20)
+struct noise_index {
+	CK_LIST_ENTRY(noise_index)	 i_entry;
+	uint32_t			 i_local_index;
+	uint32_t			 i_remote_index;
+	int				 i_is_keypair;
+struct noise_keypair {
+	struct noise_index		 kp_index;
+	u_int				 kp_refcnt;
+	bool				 kp_can_send;
+	bool				 kp_is_initiator;
+	sbintime_t			 kp_birthdate; /* sbinuptime */
+	struct noise_remote		*kp_remote;
+	uint8_t				 kp_send[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN];
+	uint8_t				 kp_recv[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN];
+	/* Counter elements */
+	struct rwlock			 kp_nonce_lock;
+	uint64_t			 kp_nonce_send;
+	uint64_t			 kp_nonce_recv;
+	unsigned long			 kp_backtrack[COUNTER_BITS_TOTAL / COUNTER_BITS];
+	struct epoch_context		 kp_smr;
+struct noise_handshake {
+	uint8_t	 			 hs_e[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN];
+	uint8_t	 			 hs_hash[NOISE_HASH_LEN];
+	uint8_t	 			 hs_ck[NOISE_HASH_LEN];
+enum noise_handshake_state {
+struct noise_remote {
+	struct noise_index		 r_index;
+	CK_LIST_ENTRY(noise_remote) 	 r_entry;
+	bool				 r_entry_inserted;
+	uint8_t				 r_public[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN];
+	struct rwlock			 r_handshake_lock;
+	struct noise_handshake		 r_handshake;
+	enum noise_handshake_state	 r_handshake_state;
+	sbintime_t			 r_last_sent; /* sbinuptime */
+	sbintime_t			 r_last_init_recv; /* sbinuptime */
+	uint8_t				 r_timestamp[NOISE_TIMESTAMP_LEN];
+	uint8_t				 r_psk[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN];
+	uint8_t		 		 r_ss[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN];
+	u_int				 r_refcnt;
+	struct noise_local		*r_local;
+	void				*r_arg;
+	struct mtx			 r_keypair_mtx;
+	struct noise_keypair		*r_next, *r_current, *r_previous;
+	struct epoch_context		 r_smr;
+	void				(*r_cleanup)(struct noise_remote *);
+struct noise_local {
+	struct rwlock			 l_identity_lock;
+	bool				 l_has_identity;
+	uint8_t				 l_public[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN];
+	uint8_t				 l_private[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN];
+	u_int				 l_refcnt;
+	uint8_t				 l_hash_key[SIPHASH_KEY_LENGTH];
+	void				*l_arg;
+	void				(*l_cleanup)(struct noise_local *);
+	struct mtx			 l_remote_mtx;
+	size_t				 l_remote_num;
+	CK_LIST_HEAD(,noise_remote)	 l_remote_hash[HT_REMOTE_SIZE];
+	struct mtx			 l_index_mtx;
+	CK_LIST_HEAD(,noise_index)	 l_index_hash[HT_INDEX_SIZE];
+static void	noise_precompute_ss(struct noise_local *, struct noise_remote *);
+static void	noise_remote_index_insert(struct noise_local *, struct noise_remote *);
+static struct noise_remote *
+		noise_remote_index_lookup(struct noise_local *, uint32_t, bool);
+static int	noise_remote_index_remove(struct noise_local *, struct noise_remote *);
+static void	noise_remote_expire_current(struct noise_remote *);
+static void	noise_add_new_keypair(struct noise_local *, struct noise_remote *, struct noise_keypair *);
+static int	noise_begin_session(struct noise_remote *);
+static void	noise_keypair_drop(struct noise_keypair *);
+static void	noise_kdf(uint8_t *, uint8_t *, uint8_t *, const uint8_t *,
+		    size_t, size_t, size_t, size_t,
+		    const uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN]);
+static int	noise_mix_dh(uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t [NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN],
+		    const uint8_t [NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN],
+		    const uint8_t [NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]);
+static int	noise_mix_ss(uint8_t ck[NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t [NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN],
+		    const uint8_t [NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]);
+static void	noise_mix_hash(uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN], const uint8_t *, size_t);
+static void	noise_mix_psk(uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN],
+		    uint8_t [NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN], const uint8_t [NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN]);
+static void	noise_param_init(uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN],
+		    const uint8_t [NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]);
+static void	noise_msg_encrypt(uint8_t *, const uint8_t *, size_t,
+		    uint8_t [NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN], uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN]);
+static int	noise_msg_decrypt(uint8_t *, const uint8_t *, size_t,
+		    uint8_t [NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN], uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN]);
+static void	noise_msg_ephemeral(uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN],
+		    const uint8_t [NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]);
+static void	noise_tai64n_now(uint8_t [NOISE_TIMESTAMP_LEN]);
+static int	noise_timer_expired(sbintime_t, uint32_t, uint32_t);
+static uint64_t siphash24(const uint8_t [SIPHASH_KEY_LENGTH], const void *, size_t);
+/* Local configuration */
+struct noise_local *
+noise_local_alloc(void *arg)
+	struct noise_local *l;
+	size_t i;
+	l = malloc(sizeof(*l), M_NOISE, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
+	rw_init(&l->l_identity_lock, "noise_identity");
+	l->l_has_identity = false;
+	bzero(l->l_public, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN);
+	bzero(l->l_private, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN);
+	refcount_init(&l->l_refcnt, 1);
+	arc4random_buf(l->l_hash_key, sizeof(l->l_hash_key));
+	l->l_arg = arg;
+	l->l_cleanup = NULL;
+	mtx_init(&l->l_remote_mtx, "noise_remote", NULL, MTX_DEF);
+	l->l_remote_num = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < HT_REMOTE_SIZE; i++)
+		CK_LIST_INIT(&l->l_remote_hash[i]);
+	mtx_init(&l->l_index_mtx, "noise_index", NULL, MTX_DEF);
+	for (i = 0; i < HT_INDEX_SIZE; i++)
+		CK_LIST_INIT(&l->l_index_hash[i]);
+	return (l);
+struct noise_local *
+noise_local_ref(struct noise_local *l)
+	refcount_acquire(&l->l_refcnt);
+	return (l);
+noise_local_put(struct noise_local *l)
+	if (refcount_release(&l->l_refcnt)) {
+		if (l->l_cleanup != NULL)
+			l->l_cleanup(l);
+		rw_destroy(&l->l_identity_lock);
+		mtx_destroy(&l->l_remote_mtx);
+		mtx_destroy(&l->l_index_mtx);
+		explicit_bzero(l, sizeof(*l));
+		free(l, M_NOISE);
+	}
+noise_local_free(struct noise_local *l, void (*cleanup)(struct noise_local *))
+	l->l_cleanup = cleanup;
+	noise_local_put(l);
+void *
+noise_local_arg(struct noise_local *l)
+	return (l->l_arg);
+noise_local_private(struct noise_local *l, const uint8_t private[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN])
+	struct epoch_tracker et;
+	struct noise_remote *r;
+	size_t i;
+	rw_wlock(&l->l_identity_lock);
+	memcpy(l->l_private, private, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN);
+	curve25519_clamp_secret(l->l_private);
+	l->l_has_identity = curve25519_generate_public(l->l_public, l->l_private);
+	for (i = 0; i < HT_REMOTE_SIZE; i++) {
+		CK_LIST_FOREACH(r, &l->l_remote_hash[i], r_entry) {
+			noise_precompute_ss(l, r);
+			noise_remote_expire_current(r);
+		}
+	}
+	rw_wunlock(&l->l_identity_lock);
+noise_local_keys(struct noise_local *l, uint8_t public[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN],
+    uint8_t private[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN])
+	int has_identity;
+	rw_rlock(&l->l_identity_lock);
+	if ((has_identity = l->l_has_identity)) {
+		if (public != NULL)
+			memcpy(public, l->l_public, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN);
+		if (private != NULL)
+			memcpy(private, l->l_private, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN);
+	}
+	rw_runlock(&l->l_identity_lock);
+	return (has_identity ? 0 : ENXIO);
+static void
+noise_precompute_ss(struct noise_local *l, struct noise_remote *r)
+	rw_wlock(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+	if (!l->l_has_identity ||
+	    !curve25519(r->r_ss, l->l_private, r->r_public))
+		bzero(r->r_ss, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN);
+	rw_wunlock(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+/* Remote configuration */
+struct noise_remote *
+noise_remote_alloc(struct noise_local *l, void *arg,
+    const uint8_t public[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN])
+	struct noise_remote *r;
+	r = malloc(sizeof(*r), M_NOISE, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
+	memcpy(r->r_public, public, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN);
+	rw_init(&r->r_handshake_lock, "noise_handshake");
+	r->r_handshake_state = HANDSHAKE_DEAD;
+	r->r_last_sent = TIMER_RESET;
+	r->r_last_init_recv = TIMER_RESET;
+	noise_precompute_ss(l, r);
+	refcount_init(&r->r_refcnt, 1);
+	r->r_local = noise_local_ref(l);
+	r->r_arg = arg;
+	mtx_init(&r->r_keypair_mtx, "noise_keypair", NULL, MTX_DEF);
+	return (r);
+noise_remote_enable(struct noise_remote *r)
+	struct noise_local *l = r->r_local;
+	uint64_t idx;
+	int ret = 0;
+	/* Insert to hashtable */
+	idx = siphash24(l->l_hash_key, r->r_public, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN) & HT_REMOTE_MASK;
+	mtx_lock(&l->l_remote_mtx);
+	if (!r->r_entry_inserted) {
+		if (l->l_remote_num < MAX_REMOTE_PER_LOCAL) {
+			r->r_entry_inserted = true;
+			l->l_remote_num++;
+			CK_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&l->l_remote_hash[idx], r, r_entry);
+		} else {
+			ret = ENOSPC;
+		}
+	}
+	mtx_unlock(&l->l_remote_mtx);
+	return ret;
+noise_remote_disable(struct noise_remote *r)
+	struct noise_local *l = r->r_local;
+	/* remove from hashtable */
+	mtx_lock(&l->l_remote_mtx);
+	if (r->r_entry_inserted) {
+		r->r_entry_inserted = false;
+		CK_LIST_REMOVE(r, r_entry);
+		l->l_remote_num--;
+	};
+	mtx_unlock(&l->l_remote_mtx);
+struct noise_remote *
+noise_remote_lookup(struct noise_local *l, const uint8_t public[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN])
+	struct epoch_tracker et;
+	struct noise_remote *r, *ret = NULL;
+	uint64_t idx;
+	idx = siphash24(l->l_hash_key, public, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN) & HT_REMOTE_MASK;
+	CK_LIST_FOREACH(r, &l->l_remote_hash[idx], r_entry) {
+		if (timingsafe_bcmp(r->r_public, public, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN) == 0) {
+			if (refcount_acquire_if_not_zero(&r->r_refcnt))
+				ret = r;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	return (ret);
+static void
+noise_remote_index_insert(struct noise_local *l, struct noise_remote *r)
+	struct noise_index *i, *r_i = &r->r_index;
+	struct epoch_tracker et;
+	uint32_t idx;
+	noise_remote_index_remove(l, r);
+	r_i->i_local_index = arc4random();
+	idx = r_i->i_local_index & HT_INDEX_MASK;
+	CK_LIST_FOREACH(i, &l->l_index_hash[idx], i_entry) {
+		if (i->i_local_index == r_i->i_local_index)
+			goto assign_id;
+	}
+	mtx_lock(&l->l_index_mtx);
+	CK_LIST_FOREACH(i, &l->l_index_hash[idx], i_entry) {
+		if (i->i_local_index == r_i->i_local_index) {
+			mtx_unlock(&l->l_index_mtx);
+			goto assign_id;
+		}
+	}
+	CK_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&l->l_index_hash[idx], r_i, i_entry);
+	mtx_unlock(&l->l_index_mtx);
+static struct noise_remote *
+noise_remote_index_lookup(struct noise_local *l, uint32_t idx0, bool lookup_keypair)
+	struct epoch_tracker et;
+	struct noise_index *i;
+	struct noise_keypair *kp;
+	struct noise_remote *r, *ret = NULL;
+	uint32_t idx = idx0 & HT_INDEX_MASK;
+	CK_LIST_FOREACH(i, &l->l_index_hash[idx], i_entry) {
+		if (i->i_local_index == idx0) {
+			if (!i->i_is_keypair) {
+				r = (struct noise_remote *) i;
+			} else if (lookup_keypair) {
+				kp = (struct noise_keypair *) i;
+				r = kp->kp_remote;
+			} else {
+				break;
+			}
+			if (refcount_acquire_if_not_zero(&r->r_refcnt))
+				ret = r;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	return (ret);
+struct noise_remote *
+noise_remote_index(struct noise_local *l, uint32_t idx)
+	return noise_remote_index_lookup(l, idx, true);
+static int
+noise_remote_index_remove(struct noise_local *l, struct noise_remote *r)
+	rw_assert(&r->r_handshake_lock, RA_WLOCKED);
+	if (r->r_handshake_state != HANDSHAKE_DEAD) {
+		mtx_lock(&l->l_index_mtx);
+		r->r_handshake_state = HANDSHAKE_DEAD;
+		CK_LIST_REMOVE(&r->r_index, i_entry);
+		mtx_unlock(&l->l_index_mtx);
+		return (1);
+	}
+	return (0);
+struct noise_remote *
+noise_remote_ref(struct noise_remote *r)
+	refcount_acquire(&r->r_refcnt);
+	return (r);
+static void
+noise_remote_smr_free(struct epoch_context *smr)
+	struct noise_remote *r;
+	r = __containerof(smr, struct noise_remote, r_smr);
+	if (r->r_cleanup != NULL)
+		r->r_cleanup(r);
+	noise_local_put(r->r_local);
+	rw_destroy(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+	mtx_destroy(&r->r_keypair_mtx);
+	explicit_bzero(r, sizeof(*r));
+	free(r, M_NOISE);
+noise_remote_put(struct noise_remote *r)
+	if (refcount_release(&r->r_refcnt))
+		NET_EPOCH_CALL(noise_remote_smr_free, &r->r_smr);
+noise_remote_free(struct noise_remote *r, void (*cleanup)(struct noise_remote *))
+	r->r_cleanup = cleanup;
+	noise_remote_disable(r);
+	/* now clear all keypairs and handshakes, then put this reference */
+	noise_remote_handshake_clear(r);
+	noise_remote_keypairs_clear(r);
+	noise_remote_put(r);
+struct noise_local *
+noise_remote_local(struct noise_remote *r)
+	return (noise_local_ref(r->r_local));
+void *
+noise_remote_arg(struct noise_remote *r)
+	return (r->r_arg);
+noise_remote_set_psk(struct noise_remote *r,
+    const uint8_t psk[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN])
+	rw_wlock(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+	if (psk == NULL)
+		bzero(r->r_psk, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN);
+	else
+		memcpy(r->r_psk, psk, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN);
+	rw_wunlock(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+noise_remote_keys(struct noise_remote *r, uint8_t public[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN],
+    uint8_t psk[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN])
+	static uint8_t null_psk[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN];
+	int ret;
+	if (public != NULL)
+		memcpy(public, r->r_public, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN);
+	rw_rlock(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+	if (psk != NULL)
+		memcpy(psk, r->r_psk, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN);
+	ret = timingsafe_bcmp(r->r_psk, null_psk, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN);
+	rw_runlock(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+	return (ret ? 0 : ENOENT);
+noise_remote_initiation_expired(struct noise_remote *r)
+	int expired;
+	rw_rlock(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+	expired = noise_timer_expired(r->r_last_sent, REKEY_TIMEOUT, 0);
+	rw_runlock(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+	return (expired);
+noise_remote_handshake_clear(struct noise_remote *r)
+	rw_wlock(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+	if (noise_remote_index_remove(r->r_local, r))
+		bzero(&r->r_handshake, sizeof(r->r_handshake));
+	r->r_last_sent = TIMER_RESET;
+	rw_wunlock(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+noise_remote_keypairs_clear(struct noise_remote *r)
+	struct noise_keypair *kp;
+	mtx_lock(&r->r_keypair_mtx);
+	kp = ck_pr_load_ptr(&r->r_next);
+	ck_pr_store_ptr(&r->r_next, NULL);
+	noise_keypair_drop(kp);
+	kp = ck_pr_load_ptr(&r->r_current);
+	ck_pr_store_ptr(&r->r_current, NULL);
+	noise_keypair_drop(kp);
+	kp = ck_pr_load_ptr(&r->r_previous);
+	ck_pr_store_ptr(&r->r_previous, NULL);
+	noise_keypair_drop(kp);
+	mtx_unlock(&r->r_keypair_mtx);
+static void
+noise_remote_expire_current(struct noise_remote *r)
+	struct epoch_tracker et;
+	struct noise_keypair *kp;
+	noise_remote_handshake_clear(r);
+	kp = ck_pr_load_ptr(&r->r_next);
+	if (kp != NULL)
+		ck_pr_store_bool(&kp->kp_can_send, false);
+	kp = ck_pr_load_ptr(&r->r_current);
+	if (kp != NULL)
+		ck_pr_store_bool(&kp->kp_can_send, false);
+/* Keypair functions */
+static void
+noise_add_new_keypair(struct noise_local *l, struct noise_remote *r,
+    struct noise_keypair *kp)
+	struct noise_keypair *next, *current, *previous;
+	struct noise_index *r_i = &r->r_index;
+	/* Insert into the keypair table */
+	mtx_lock(&r->r_keypair_mtx);
+	next = ck_pr_load_ptr(&r->r_next);
+	current = ck_pr_load_ptr(&r->r_current);
+	previous = ck_pr_load_ptr(&r->r_previous);
+	if (kp->kp_is_initiator) {
+		if (next != NULL) {
+			ck_pr_store_ptr(&r->r_next, NULL);
+			ck_pr_store_ptr(&r->r_previous, next);
+			noise_keypair_drop(current);
+		} else {
+			ck_pr_store_ptr(&r->r_previous, current);
+		}
+		noise_keypair_drop(previous);
+		ck_pr_store_ptr(&r->r_current, kp);
+	} else {
+		ck_pr_store_ptr(&r->r_next, kp);
+		noise_keypair_drop(next);
+		ck_pr_store_ptr(&r->r_previous, NULL);
+		noise_keypair_drop(previous);
+	}
+	mtx_unlock(&r->r_keypair_mtx);
+	/* Insert into index table */
+	rw_assert(&r->r_handshake_lock, RA_WLOCKED);
+	kp->kp_index.i_is_keypair = true;
+	kp->kp_index.i_local_index = r_i->i_local_index;
+	kp->kp_index.i_remote_index = r_i->i_remote_index;
+	mtx_lock(&l->l_index_mtx);
+	CK_LIST_INSERT_BEFORE(r_i, &kp->kp_index, i_entry);
+	r->r_handshake_state = HANDSHAKE_DEAD;
+	CK_LIST_REMOVE(r_i, i_entry);
+	mtx_unlock(&l->l_index_mtx);
+	explicit_bzero(&r->r_handshake, sizeof(r->r_handshake));
+static int
+noise_begin_session(struct noise_remote *r)
+	struct noise_keypair *kp;
+	rw_assert(&r->r_handshake_lock, RA_WLOCKED);
+	if ((kp = malloc(sizeof(*kp), M_NOISE, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO)) == NULL)
+		return (ENOSPC);
+	refcount_init(&kp->kp_refcnt, 1);
+	kp->kp_can_send = true;
+	kp->kp_is_initiator = r->r_handshake_state == HANDSHAKE_INITIATOR;
+	kp->kp_birthdate = getsbinuptime();
+	kp->kp_remote = noise_remote_ref(r);
+	if (kp->kp_is_initiator)
+		noise_kdf(kp->kp_send, kp->kp_recv, NULL, NULL,
+		    r->r_handshake.hs_ck);
+	else
+		noise_kdf(kp->kp_recv, kp->kp_send, NULL, NULL,
+		    r->r_handshake.hs_ck);
+	rw_init(&kp->kp_nonce_lock, "noise_nonce");
+	noise_add_new_keypair(r->r_local, r, kp);
+	return (0);
+struct noise_keypair *
+noise_keypair_lookup(struct noise_local *l, uint32_t idx0)
+	struct epoch_tracker et;
+	struct noise_index *i;
+	struct noise_keypair *kp, *ret = NULL;
+	uint32_t idx = idx0 & HT_INDEX_MASK;
+	CK_LIST_FOREACH(i, &l->l_index_hash[idx], i_entry) {
+		if (i->i_local_index == idx0 && i->i_is_keypair) {
+			kp = (struct noise_keypair *) i;
+			if (refcount_acquire_if_not_zero(&kp->kp_refcnt))
+				ret = kp;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	return (ret);
+struct noise_keypair *
+noise_keypair_current(struct noise_remote *r)
+	struct epoch_tracker et;
+	struct noise_keypair *kp, *ret = NULL;
+	kp = ck_pr_load_ptr(&r->r_current);
+	if (kp != NULL && ck_pr_load_bool(&kp->kp_can_send)) {
+		if (noise_timer_expired(kp->kp_birthdate, REJECT_AFTER_TIME, 0))
+			ck_pr_store_bool(&kp->kp_can_send, false);
+		else if (refcount_acquire_if_not_zero(&kp->kp_refcnt))
+			ret = kp;
+	}
+	return (ret);
+struct noise_keypair *
+noise_keypair_ref(struct noise_keypair *kp)
+	refcount_acquire(&kp->kp_refcnt);
+	return (kp);
+noise_keypair_received_with(struct noise_keypair *kp)
+	struct noise_keypair *old;
+	struct noise_remote *r = kp->kp_remote;
+	if (kp != ck_pr_load_ptr(&r->r_next))
+		return (0);
+	mtx_lock(&r->r_keypair_mtx);
+	if (kp != ck_pr_load_ptr(&r->r_next)) {
+		mtx_unlock(&r->r_keypair_mtx);
+		return (0);
+	}
+	old = ck_pr_load_ptr(&r->r_previous);
+	ck_pr_store_ptr(&r->r_previous, ck_pr_load_ptr(&r->r_current));
+	noise_keypair_drop(old);
+	ck_pr_store_ptr(&r->r_current, kp);
+	ck_pr_store_ptr(&r->r_next, NULL);
+	mtx_unlock(&r->r_keypair_mtx);
+	return (ECONNRESET);
+static void
+noise_keypair_smr_free(struct epoch_context *smr)
+	struct noise_keypair *kp;
+	kp = __containerof(smr, struct noise_keypair, kp_smr);
+	noise_remote_put(kp->kp_remote);
+	rw_destroy(&kp->kp_nonce_lock);
+	explicit_bzero(kp, sizeof(*kp));
+	free(kp, M_NOISE);
+noise_keypair_put(struct noise_keypair *kp)
+	if (refcount_release(&kp->kp_refcnt))
+		NET_EPOCH_CALL(noise_keypair_smr_free, &kp->kp_smr);
+static void
+noise_keypair_drop(struct noise_keypair *kp)
+	struct noise_remote *r;
+	struct noise_local *l;
+	if (kp == NULL)
+		return;
+	r = kp->kp_remote;
+	l = r->r_local;
+	mtx_lock(&l->l_index_mtx);
+	CK_LIST_REMOVE(&kp->kp_index, i_entry);
+	mtx_unlock(&l->l_index_mtx);
+	noise_keypair_put(kp);
+struct noise_remote *
+noise_keypair_remote(struct noise_keypair *kp)
+	return (noise_remote_ref(kp->kp_remote));
+noise_keypair_nonce_next(struct noise_keypair *kp, uint64_t *send)
+	if (!ck_pr_load_bool(&kp->kp_can_send))
+		return (EINVAL);
+#ifdef __LP64__
+	*send = ck_pr_faa_64(&kp->kp_nonce_send, 1);
+	rw_wlock(&kp->kp_nonce_lock);
+	*send = kp->kp_nonce_send++;
+	rw_wunlock(&kp->kp_nonce_lock);
+		return (0);
+	ck_pr_store_bool(&kp->kp_can_send, false);
+	return (EINVAL);
+noise_keypair_nonce_check(struct noise_keypair *kp, uint64_t recv)
+	unsigned long index, index_current, top, i, bit;
+	int ret = EEXIST;
+	rw_wlock(&kp->kp_nonce_lock);
+	if (__predict_false(kp->kp_nonce_recv >= REJECT_AFTER_MESSAGES + 1 ||
+			    recv >= REJECT_AFTER_MESSAGES))
+		goto error;
+	++recv;
+	if (__predict_false(recv + COUNTER_WINDOW_SIZE < kp->kp_nonce_recv))
+		goto error;
+	index = recv >> COUNTER_ORDER;
+	if (__predict_true(recv > kp->kp_nonce_recv)) {
+		index_current = kp->kp_nonce_recv >> COUNTER_ORDER;
+		top = MIN(index - index_current, COUNTER_BITS_TOTAL / COUNTER_BITS);
+		for (i = 1; i <= top; i++)
+			kp->kp_backtrack[
+			    (i + index_current) &
+#ifdef __LP64__
+		ck_pr_store_64(&kp->kp_nonce_recv, recv);
+		kp->kp_nonce_recv = recv;
+	}
+	bit = 1ul << (recv & (COUNTER_BITS - 1));
+	if (kp->kp_backtrack[index] & bit)
+		goto error;
+	kp->kp_backtrack[index] |= bit;
+	ret = 0;
+	rw_wunlock(&kp->kp_nonce_lock);
+	return (ret);
+noise_keep_key_fresh_send(struct noise_remote *r)
+	struct epoch_tracker et;
+	struct noise_keypair *current;
+	int keep_key_fresh;
+	uint64_t nonce;
+	current = ck_pr_load_ptr(&r->r_current);
+	keep_key_fresh = current != NULL && ck_pr_load_bool(&current->kp_can_send);
+	if (!keep_key_fresh)
+		goto out;
+#ifdef __LP64__
+	nonce = ck_pr_load_64(&current->kp_nonce_send);
+	rw_rlock(&current->kp_nonce_lock);
+	nonce = current->kp_nonce_send;
+	rw_runlock(&current->kp_nonce_lock);
+	keep_key_fresh = nonce > REKEY_AFTER_MESSAGES;
+	if (keep_key_fresh)
+		goto out;
+	keep_key_fresh = current->kp_is_initiator && noise_timer_expired(current->kp_birthdate, REKEY_AFTER_TIME, 0);
+	return (keep_key_fresh ? ESTALE : 0);
+noise_keep_key_fresh_recv(struct noise_remote *r)
+	struct epoch_tracker et;
+	struct noise_keypair *current;
+	int keep_key_fresh;
+	current = ck_pr_load_ptr(&r->r_current);
+	keep_key_fresh = current != NULL && ck_pr_load_bool(&current->kp_can_send) &&
+	    current->kp_is_initiator && noise_timer_expired(current->kp_birthdate,
+	return (keep_key_fresh ? ESTALE : 0);
+noise_keypair_encrypt(struct noise_keypair *kp, uint32_t *r_idx, uint64_t nonce, struct mbuf *m)
+	int ret;
+	ret = chacha20poly1305_encrypt_mbuf(m, nonce, kp->kp_send);
+	if (ret)
+		return (ret);
+	*r_idx = kp->kp_index.i_remote_index;
+	return (0);
+noise_keypair_decrypt(struct noise_keypair *kp, uint64_t nonce, struct mbuf *m)
+	uint64_t cur_nonce;
+	int ret;
+#ifdef __LP64__
+	cur_nonce = ck_pr_load_64(&kp->kp_nonce_recv);
+	rw_rlock(&kp->kp_nonce_lock);
+	cur_nonce = kp->kp_nonce_recv;
+	rw_runlock(&kp->kp_nonce_lock);
+	if (cur_nonce >= REJECT_AFTER_MESSAGES ||
+	    noise_timer_expired(kp->kp_birthdate, REJECT_AFTER_TIME, 0))
+		return (EINVAL);
+	ret = chacha20poly1305_decrypt_mbuf(m, nonce, kp->kp_recv);
+	if (ret)
+		return (ret);
+	return (0);
+/* Handshake functions */
+noise_create_initiation(struct noise_remote *r,
+    uint32_t *s_idx,
+    uint8_t ue[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN],
+	struct noise_handshake *hs = &r->r_handshake;
+	struct noise_local *l = r->r_local;
+	int ret = EINVAL;
+	rw_rlock(&l->l_identity_lock);
+	rw_wlock(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+	if (!l->l_has_identity)
+		goto error;
+	if (!noise_timer_expired(r->r_last_sent, REKEY_TIMEOUT, 0))
+		goto error;
+	noise_param_init(hs->hs_ck, hs->hs_hash, r->r_public);
+	/* e */
+	curve25519_generate_secret(hs->hs_e);
+	if (curve25519_generate_public(ue, hs->hs_e) == 0)
+		goto error;
+	noise_msg_ephemeral(hs->hs_ck, hs->hs_hash, ue);
+	/* es */
+	if (noise_mix_dh(hs->hs_ck, key, hs->hs_e, r->r_public) != 0)
+		goto error;
+	/* s */
+	noise_msg_encrypt(es, l->l_public,
+	    NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN, key, hs->hs_hash);
+	/* ss */
+	if (noise_mix_ss(hs->hs_ck, key, r->r_ss) != 0)
+		goto error;
+	/* {t} */
+	noise_tai64n_now(ets);
+	noise_msg_encrypt(ets, ets,
+	    NOISE_TIMESTAMP_LEN, key, hs->hs_hash);
+	noise_remote_index_insert(l, r);
+	r->r_handshake_state = HANDSHAKE_INITIATOR;
+	r->r_last_sent = getsbinuptime();
+	*s_idx = r->r_index.i_local_index;
+	ret = 0;
+	rw_wunlock(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+	rw_runlock(&l->l_identity_lock);
+	explicit_bzero(key, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN);
+	return (ret);
+noise_consume_initiation(struct noise_local *l, struct noise_remote **rp,
+    uint32_t s_idx,
+    uint8_t ue[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN],
+	struct noise_remote *r;
+	struct noise_handshake hs;
+	uint8_t r_public[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN];
+	uint8_t	timestamp[NOISE_TIMESTAMP_LEN];
+	int ret = EINVAL;
+	rw_rlock(&l->l_identity_lock);
+	if (!l->l_has_identity)
+		goto error;
+	noise_param_init(hs.hs_ck, hs.hs_hash, l->l_public);
+	/* e */
+	noise_msg_ephemeral(hs.hs_ck, hs.hs_hash, ue);
+	/* es */
+	if (noise_mix_dh(hs.hs_ck, key, l->l_private, ue) != 0)
+		goto error;
+	/* s */
+	if (noise_msg_decrypt(r_public, es,
+	    NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN, key, hs.hs_hash) != 0)
+		goto error;
+	/* Lookup the remote we received from */
+	if ((r = noise_remote_lookup(l, r_public)) == NULL)
+		goto error;
+	/* ss */
+	if (noise_mix_ss(hs.hs_ck, key, r->r_ss) != 0)
+		goto error_put;
+	/* {t} */
+	if (noise_msg_decrypt(timestamp, ets,
+	    NOISE_TIMESTAMP_LEN + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN, key, hs.hs_hash) != 0)
+		goto error_put;
+	memcpy(hs.hs_e, ue, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN);
+	/* We have successfully computed the same results, now we ensure that
+	 * this is not an initiation replay, or a flood attack */
+	rw_wlock(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+	/* Replay */
+	if (memcmp(timestamp, r->r_timestamp, NOISE_TIMESTAMP_LEN) > 0)
+		memcpy(r->r_timestamp, timestamp, NOISE_TIMESTAMP_LEN);
+	else
+		goto error_set;
+	/* Flood attack */
+	if (noise_timer_expired(r->r_last_init_recv, 0, REJECT_INTERVAL))
+		r->r_last_init_recv = getsbinuptime();
+	else
+		goto error_set;
+	/* Ok, we're happy to accept this initiation now */
+	noise_remote_index_insert(l, r);
+	r->r_index.i_remote_index = s_idx;
+	r->r_handshake_state = HANDSHAKE_RESPONDER;
+	r->r_handshake = hs;
+	*rp = noise_remote_ref(r);
+	ret = 0;
+	rw_wunlock(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+	noise_remote_put(r);
+	rw_runlock(&l->l_identity_lock);
+	explicit_bzero(key, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN);
+	explicit_bzero(&hs, sizeof(hs));
+	return (ret);
+noise_create_response(struct noise_remote *r,
+    uint32_t *s_idx, uint32_t *r_idx,
+    uint8_t ue[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN],
+    uint8_t en[0 + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN])
+	struct noise_handshake *hs = &r->r_handshake;
+	struct noise_local *l = r->r_local;
+	uint8_t e[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN];
+	int ret = EINVAL;
+	rw_rlock(&l->l_identity_lock);
+	rw_wlock(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+	if (r->r_handshake_state != HANDSHAKE_RESPONDER)
+		goto error;
+	/* e */
+	curve25519_generate_secret(e);
+	if (curve25519_generate_public(ue, e) == 0)
+		goto error;
+	noise_msg_ephemeral(hs->hs_ck, hs->hs_hash, ue);
+	/* ee */
+	if (noise_mix_dh(hs->hs_ck, NULL, e, hs->hs_e) != 0)
+		goto error;
+	/* se */
+	if (noise_mix_dh(hs->hs_ck, NULL, e, r->r_public) != 0)
+		goto error;
+	/* psk */
+	noise_mix_psk(hs->hs_ck, hs->hs_hash, key, r->r_psk);
+	/* {} */
+	noise_msg_encrypt(en, NULL, 0, key, hs->hs_hash);
+	if ((ret = noise_begin_session(r)) == 0) {
+		r->r_last_sent = getsbinuptime();
+		*s_idx = r->r_index.i_local_index;
+		*r_idx = r->r_index.i_remote_index;
+	}
+	rw_wunlock(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+	rw_runlock(&l->l_identity_lock);
+	explicit_bzero(key, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN);
+	explicit_bzero(e, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN);
+	return (ret);
+noise_consume_response(struct noise_local *l, struct noise_remote **rp,
+    uint32_t s_idx, uint32_t r_idx,
+    uint8_t ue[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN],
+    uint8_t en[0 + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN])
+	uint8_t preshared_key[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN];
+	struct noise_handshake hs;
+	struct noise_remote *r = NULL;
+	int ret = EINVAL;
+	if ((r = noise_remote_index_lookup(l, r_idx, false)) == NULL)
+		return (ret);
+	rw_rlock(&l->l_identity_lock);
+	if (!l->l_has_identity)
+		goto error;
+	rw_rlock(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+	if (r->r_handshake_state != HANDSHAKE_INITIATOR) {
+		rw_runlock(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+		goto error;
+	}
+	memcpy(preshared_key, r->r_psk, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN);
+	hs = r->r_handshake;
+	rw_runlock(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+	/* e */
+	noise_msg_ephemeral(hs.hs_ck, hs.hs_hash, ue);
+	/* ee */
+	if (noise_mix_dh(hs.hs_ck, NULL, hs.hs_e, ue) != 0)
+		goto error_zero;
+	/* se */
+	if (noise_mix_dh(hs.hs_ck, NULL, l->l_private, ue) != 0)
+		goto error_zero;
+	/* psk */
+	noise_mix_psk(hs.hs_ck, hs.hs_hash, key, preshared_key);
+	/* {} */
+	if (noise_msg_decrypt(NULL, en,
+	    0 + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN, key, hs.hs_hash) != 0)
+		goto error_zero;
+	rw_wlock(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+	if (r->r_handshake_state == HANDSHAKE_INITIATOR &&
+	    r->r_index.i_local_index == r_idx) {
+		r->r_handshake = hs;
+		r->r_index.i_remote_index = s_idx;
+		if ((ret = noise_begin_session(r)) == 0)
+			*rp = noise_remote_ref(r);
+	}
+	rw_wunlock(&r->r_handshake_lock);
+	explicit_bzero(preshared_key, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN);
+	explicit_bzero(key, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN);
+	explicit_bzero(&hs, sizeof(hs));
+	rw_runlock(&l->l_identity_lock);
+	noise_remote_put(r);
+	return (ret);
+static void
+hmac(uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, const uint8_t *key, const size_t outlen,
+     const size_t inlen, const size_t keylen)
+	struct blake2s_state state;
+	uint8_t x_key[BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE] __aligned(sizeof(uint32_t)) = { 0 };
+	uint8_t i_hash[BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE] __aligned(sizeof(uint32_t));
+	int i;
+	if (keylen > BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+		blake2s_init(&state, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE);
+		blake2s_update(&state, key, keylen);
+		blake2s_final(&state, x_key);
+	} else
+		memcpy(x_key, key, keylen);
+	for (i = 0; i < BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE; ++i)
+		x_key[i] ^= 0x36;
+	blake2s_init(&state, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE);
+	blake2s_update(&state, x_key, BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE);
+	blake2s_update(&state, in, inlen);
+	blake2s_final(&state, i_hash);
+	for (i = 0; i < BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE; ++i)
+		x_key[i] ^= 0x5c ^ 0x36;
+	blake2s_init(&state, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE);
+	blake2s_update(&state, x_key, BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE);
+	blake2s_update(&state, i_hash, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE);
+	blake2s_final(&state, i_hash);
+	memcpy(out, i_hash, outlen);
+	explicit_bzero(x_key, BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE);
+	explicit_bzero(i_hash, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE);
+/* Handshake helper functions */
+static void
+noise_kdf(uint8_t *a, uint8_t *b, uint8_t *c, const uint8_t *x,
+    size_t a_len, size_t b_len, size_t c_len, size_t x_len,
+    const uint8_t ck[NOISE_HASH_LEN])
+	uint8_t out[BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE + 1];
+	uint8_t sec[BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE];
+	/* Extract entropy from "x" into sec */
+	hmac(sec, x, ck, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE, x_len, NOISE_HASH_LEN);
+	if (a == NULL || a_len == 0)
+		goto out;
+	/* Expand first key: key = sec, data = 0x1 */
+	out[0] = 1;
+	hmac(out, out, sec, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE, 1, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE);
+	memcpy(a, out, a_len);
+	if (b == NULL || b_len == 0)
+		goto out;
+	/* Expand second key: key = sec, data = "a" || 0x2 */
+	out[BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE] = 2;
+	memcpy(b, out, b_len);
+	if (c == NULL || c_len == 0)
+		goto out;
+	/* Expand third key: key = sec, data = "b" || 0x3 */
+	out[BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE] = 3;
+	memcpy(c, out, c_len);
+	/* Clear sensitive data from stack */
+	explicit_bzero(sec, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE);
+	explicit_bzero(out, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE + 1);
+static int
+noise_mix_dh(uint8_t ck[NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t key[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN],
+    const uint8_t private[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN],
+    const uint8_t public[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN])
+	uint8_t dh[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN];
+	if (!curve25519(dh, private, public))
+		return (EINVAL);
+	noise_kdf(ck, key, NULL, dh,
+	explicit_bzero(dh, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN);
+	return (0);
+static int
+noise_mix_ss(uint8_t ck[NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t key[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN],
+    const uint8_t ss[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN])
+	static uint8_t null_point[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN];
+	if (timingsafe_bcmp(ss, null_point, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN) == 0)
+		return (ENOENT);
+	noise_kdf(ck, key, NULL, ss,
+	return (0);
+static void
+noise_mix_hash(uint8_t hash[NOISE_HASH_LEN], const uint8_t *src,
+    size_t src_len)
+	struct blake2s_state blake;
+	blake2s_init(&blake, NOISE_HASH_LEN);
+	blake2s_update(&blake, hash, NOISE_HASH_LEN);
+	blake2s_update(&blake, src, src_len);
+	blake2s_final(&blake, hash);
+static void
+noise_mix_psk(uint8_t ck[NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t hash[NOISE_HASH_LEN],
+    uint8_t key[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN],
+    const uint8_t psk[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN])
+	uint8_t tmp[NOISE_HASH_LEN];
+	noise_kdf(ck, tmp, key, psk,
+	noise_mix_hash(hash, tmp, NOISE_HASH_LEN);
+	explicit_bzero(tmp, NOISE_HASH_LEN);
+static void
+noise_param_init(uint8_t ck[NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t hash[NOISE_HASH_LEN],
+    const uint8_t s[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN])
+	struct blake2s_state blake;
+	blake2s(ck, (uint8_t *)NOISE_HANDSHAKE_NAME, NULL,
+	blake2s_init(&blake, NOISE_HASH_LEN);
+	blake2s_update(&blake, ck, NOISE_HASH_LEN);
+	blake2s_update(&blake, (uint8_t *)NOISE_IDENTIFIER_NAME,
+	blake2s_final(&blake, hash);
+	noise_mix_hash(hash, s, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN);
+static void
+noise_msg_encrypt(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, size_t src_len,
+    uint8_t key[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN], uint8_t hash[NOISE_HASH_LEN])
+	/* Nonce always zero for Noise_IK */
+	chacha20poly1305_encrypt(dst, src, src_len,
+	    hash, NOISE_HASH_LEN, 0, key);
+	noise_mix_hash(hash, dst, src_len + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN);
+static int
+noise_msg_decrypt(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, size_t src_len,
+    uint8_t key[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN], uint8_t hash[NOISE_HASH_LEN])
+	/* Nonce always zero for Noise_IK */
+	if (!chacha20poly1305_decrypt(dst, src, src_len,
+	    hash, NOISE_HASH_LEN, 0, key))
+		return (EINVAL);
+	noise_mix_hash(hash, src, src_len);
+	return (0);
+static void
+noise_msg_ephemeral(uint8_t ck[NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t hash[NOISE_HASH_LEN],
+    const uint8_t src[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN])
+	noise_mix_hash(hash, src, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN);
+	noise_kdf(ck, NULL, NULL, src, NOISE_HASH_LEN, 0, 0,
+static void
+noise_tai64n_now(uint8_t output[NOISE_TIMESTAMP_LEN])
+	struct timespec time;
+	uint64_t sec;
+	uint32_t nsec;
+	getnanotime(&time);
+	/* Round down the nsec counter to limit precise timing leak. */
+	time.tv_nsec &= REJECT_INTERVAL_MASK;
+	/* https://cr.yp.to/libtai/tai64.html */
+	sec = htobe64(0x400000000000000aULL + time.tv_sec);
+	nsec = htobe32(time.tv_nsec);
+	/* memcpy to output buffer, assuming output could be unaligned. */
+	memcpy(output, &sec, sizeof(sec));
+	memcpy(output + sizeof(sec), &nsec, sizeof(nsec));
+static inline int
+noise_timer_expired(sbintime_t timer, uint32_t sec, uint32_t nsec)
+	sbintime_t now = getsbinuptime();
+	return (now > (timer + sec * SBT_1S + nstosbt(nsec))) ? ETIMEDOUT : 0;
+static uint64_t siphash24(const uint8_t key[SIPHASH_KEY_LENGTH], const void *src, size_t len)
+	return (SipHashX(&ctx, 2, 4, key, src, len));
+#include "selftest/counter.c"
+#endif /* SELFTESTS */
diff --git a/sys/kern/kern_jail.c b/sys/kern/kern_jail.c
--- a/sys/kern/kern_jail.c
+++ b/sys/kern/kern_jail.c
@@ -3758,6 +3758,7 @@
 	case PRIV_NET_ME:
+	case PRIV_NET_WG:
 		 * 802.11-related privileges.
diff --git a/sys/modules/Makefile b/sys/modules/Makefile
--- a/sys/modules/Makefile
+++ b/sys/modules/Makefile
@@ -164,6 +164,7 @@
 	if_tuntap \
 	if_vlan \
 	if_vxlan \
+	${_if_wg} \
 	iflib \
 	${_igc} \
 	imgact_binmisc \
@@ -451,6 +452,9 @@
 _if_enc=	if_enc
 _if_gif=	if_gif
 _if_gre=	if_gre
+.if ${MK_CRYPT} != "no" || defined(ALL_MODULES)
+_if_wg=		if_wg
 _ipfw_pmod=	ipfw_pmod
 _ipsec=		ipsec
diff --git a/sys/modules/if_wg/Makefile b/sys/modules/if_wg/Makefile
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/modules/if_wg/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+.PATH: ${SRCTOP}/sys/dev/wg
+KMOD= if_wg
+SRCS= if_wg.c wg_cookie.c wg_crypto.c wg_noise.c
+SRCS+= opt_inet.h opt_inet6.h device_if.h bus_if.h
+.include <bsd.kmod.mk>
+CFLAGS+= -include ${SRCTOP}/sys/dev/wg/compat.h
diff --git a/sys/net/if_types.h b/sys/net/if_types.h
--- a/sys/net/if_types.h
+++ b/sys/net/if_types.h
@@ -256,6 +256,7 @@
 	IFT_ENC		= 0xf4,		/* Encapsulating interface */
 	IFT_PFLOG	= 0xf6,		/* PF packet filter logging */
 	IFT_PFSYNC	= 0xf7,		/* PF packet filter synchronization */
+	IFT_WIREGUARD	= 0xf8,		/* WireGuard tunnel */
 } ifType;
diff --git a/sys/netinet6/nd6.c b/sys/netinet6/nd6.c
--- a/sys/netinet6/nd6.c
+++ b/sys/netinet6/nd6.c
@@ -284,8 +284,8 @@
 	 * default regardless of the V_ip6_auto_linklocal configuration to
 	 * give a reasonable default behavior.
-	if ((V_ip6_auto_linklocal && ifp->if_type != IFT_BRIDGE) ||
-	    (ifp->if_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK))
+	if ((V_ip6_auto_linklocal && ifp->if_type != IFT_BRIDGE &&
+	    ifp->if_type != IFT_WIREGUARD) || (ifp->if_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK))
 		nd->flags |= ND6_IFF_AUTO_LINKLOCAL;
 	 * A loopback interface does not need to accept RTADV.
diff --git a/sys/sys/priv.h b/sys/sys/priv.h
--- a/sys/sys/priv.h
+++ b/sys/sys/priv.h
@@ -350,6 +350,7 @@
 #define	PRIV_NET_OVPN		422	/* Administer OpenVPN DCO. */
 #define	PRIV_NET_ME		423	/* Administer ME interface. */
+#define	PRIV_NET_WG		424	/* Administer WireGuard interface. */
  * 802.11-related privileges.