diff --git a/website/content/en/releases/13.1R/relnotes.adoc b/website/content/en/releases/13.1R/relnotes.adoc --- a/website/content/en/releases/13.1R/relnotes.adoc +++ b/website/content/en/releases/13.1R/relnotes.adoc @@ -368,6 +368,8 @@ [[boot-loader]] === Boot Loader Changes +UEFI boot is improved for amd64. The loader detects whether the loaded kernel can handle the in-place staging area (non-copying mode). The default is `copy_staging auto`. Auto-detection can be overridden, for example: with `copy_staging enable`, the loader will unconditionally copy the staging area to 2M, regardless of kernel capabilities. Also, the code to grow the staging area is more robust; for growth to occur, it's no longer necessary to hand-tune and recompile the loader. (Sponsored by The FreeBSD Foundation) + `boot1` and `loader` have been fixed on powerpc64le. gitref:8a62b07bce7[repository=src]