diff --git a/website/content/en/projects/summerofcode.adoc b/website/content/en/projects/summerofcode.adoc --- a/website/content/en/projects/summerofcode.adoc +++ b/website/content/en/projects/summerofcode.adoc @@ -153,4 +153,4 @@ The link://www.FreeBSD.org/[FreeBSD Project Home Page] is the best way to learn more about the project - from there you can reach the FreeBSD Handbook, FreeBSD Developer's Handbook, project mailing list archives, regular project status reports, and more. If you have questions about specific project ideas, e-mail the technical contacts for those ideas. If you have general GSoC questions relating to FreeBSD, such as if you are unable to reach a project technical contact, need help finding documentation, or want to know who might be a good person to talk to about your idea, send them to soc-admins@FreeBSD.org. * *Is there an IRC channel I can join to talk about proposal ideas or get help finding out more?* + -You can join #freebsd-soc on the efnet IRC network to chat with FreeBSD developers interested in mentoring contributor proposals and projects, past FreeBSD/GSoC contributors, and other contributors applying to FreeBSD/GSoC this year. +You can join #freebsd-soc on the Libera.Chat IRC network to chat with FreeBSD developers interested in mentoring contributor proposals and projects, past FreeBSD/GSoC contributors, and other contributors applying to FreeBSD/GSoC this year.