diff --git a/documentation/content/en/articles/committers-guide/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/articles/committers-guide/_index.adoc --- a/documentation/content/en/articles/committers-guide/_index.adoc +++ b/documentation/content/en/articles/committers-guide/_index.adoc @@ -2209,6 +2209,82 @@ share the link with other collaborators. +=== Landing a github pull request +This section documents how to land a github pull request that's submitted against the FreeBSD git mirrors at github. +While this is not an official way to submit patches at this time, sometimes good fixes come in this way and it is easiest just to bring them into a committer's tree and have them be commited from there. +It is useful to have these steps documented for such situations. +Similar steps can be used to pull branches from other repositories and land those. +When pull requests from others, one should take extra care to examine all the changes to ensure they are exaclty as represented. + +Before you begin, make sure that your local Git repo is up to date and has the correct origins set <> + +[source,shell] +.... +% git remote -v +freebsd https://git.freebsd.org/src.git (fetch) +freebsd ssh://git@gitrepo.freebsd.org/src.git (push) +.... +==== Setting up github remote +Next, if you don't already have a github origin, you'll need to create one. +These commands will only need to be done once. +Future updates can be done with the `git fetch` command below. +If you already have a github remote, you can spip the `git remote add` command and skip directly to the `git config` command. +The rest of this section assumes it is created with `github` as its name, but you can use whatever name you like (just substitute it for githib below). +As they are not part of the default refspec, one must also adjust the fetched refspec to grab the pull requests after creating the github origin. +Once you've configured the origin and fetch refspec, grab it all from github. +[source,shell] +.... +% git remote -v +freebsd https://git.freebsd.org/src.git (fetch) +freebsd ssh://git@gitrepo.freebsd.org/src.git (push) +% git remote add github git@github.com:freebsd/freebsd-src.git +% git remove -v +freebsd https://git.freebsd.org/src.git (fetch) +freebsd ssh://git@gitrepo.freebsd.org/src.git (push) +github git@github.com:freebsd/freebsd-src.git (fetch) +github git@github.com:freebsd/freebsd-src.git (push) +% git config --add remote.github.fetch "+refs/pull/*:refs/remotes/github/pull/*" +% git fetch github +.... + +==== Merging a simple pull request +Often pull requests are simple: requests that contains only a single commit. +In this case, a streamlined approach may be used, though the approach in the prior section will also work. +Here, we create a branch, cherry pick in the change, adjust the commit message, test and push the result. +I use the branch `staging` but it can be any name. +This can also work when there are multiple commits without conflict, though rebasing works better when there are, as outlined below. +Briefly, this creates a branch; cherry-picks the changes from the pull request; tests it; adjusts the commit messages; and fast forward merges it back to `main`. +[source,shell] +.... +% git fetch github +% git checkout main +% git pull --ff-only # to get the latest +% git checkout -b staging +% git cherry-pick main..pull/github/123/head + +% git checkout main +% git pull --ff-only # to get the latest if time has passed +% git rebase -i main staging # to move the staging branch forward, adjust commit message here +% git checkout main +% git merge --ff-only staging + +% git push +.... + +[.procedure] +==== +For complicated pull requests, that have mutliple commits with conflicts, follow the following outline. + +. checkout the pull request `git checkout github/pull/XXX` +. create a branch to rebase `git checkout -b staging` +. rebase that `staging` to the latest `main` with `git rebase -i main staging` +. resolve conflicts and do whatever testing is needed +. merge the `staging` branch into `main` as above with +. push as above + +This will also work when bringing branches developed elsewhere into your tree for committing. +==== + [[vcs-history]] == Version Control History