Index: pt_BR.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/book.xml =================================================================== --- pt_BR.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/book.xml +++ pt_BR.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/book.xml @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ + @@ -147,6 +148,7 @@ + @@ -203,6 +205,7 @@ + @@ -406,6 +409,7 @@ + @@ -465,8 +469,10 @@ + + @@ -487,6 +493,7 @@ + @@ -521,6 +528,7 @@ + @@ -541,6 +549,7 @@ + @@ -748,7 +757,7 @@ - Bem vindo ao FreeBSD! Este manual cobre a instalação e o uso diário do FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE e do FreeBSD 11.3-RELEASE. Este livro é o resultado do trabalho contínuo de muitas pessoas. Algumas seções podem estar desatualizadas. Os interessados em ajudar a atualizar e expandir este documento devem enviar e-mails para a lista de discussão do projeto de documentação do FreeBSD. + Bem vindo ao FreeBSD! Este manual cobre a instalação e o uso diário do FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE e do FreeBSD 11.4-RELEASE. Este livro é o resultado do trabalho contínuo de muitas pessoas. Algumas seções podem estar desatualizadas. Os interessados em ajudar a atualizar e expandir este documento devem enviar e-mails para a lista de discussão do projeto de documentação do FreeBSD. A última versão deste livro está disponível no site do FreeBSD. Versões anteriores podem ser obtidas em O livro pode ser baixado em uma variedade de formatos e opções de compressão do servidor FTP do FreeBSD ou de um dos inúmeros sites espelho. Cópias impressas podem ser adquiridas da FreeBSD Mall. As pesquisas podem ser realizadas no manual e em outros documentos na página de busca. @@ -1822,7 +1831,7 @@ O FreeBSD core team core team - seria equivalente a um conselho de diretores se o Projeto FreeBSD fosse uma empresa. A principal tarefa do core team é garantir que o projeto, como um todo, esteja saudável e seguindo na direção certa. Convidar desenvolvedores dedicados e responsáveis a ingressar em nosso grupo de committers é uma das funções do core team, assim como o recrutamento de novos membros do core team à medida que os outros saiam. O core team atual foi eleito a partir de um grupo de committers candidatos em julho de 2018. As eleições são realizadas a cada dois anos. + seria equivalente a um conselho de diretores se o Projeto FreeBSD fosse uma empresa. A principal tarefa do core team é garantir que o projeto, como um todo, esteja saudável e seguindo na direção certa. Convidar desenvolvedores dedicados e responsáveis a ingressar em nosso grupo de committers é uma das funções do core team, assim como o recrutamento de novos membros do core team à medida que os outros saiam. O core team atual foi eleito a partir de um grupo de committers candidatos em junho de 2020. As eleições são realizadas a cada dois anos. Como a maioria dos desenvolvedores, a maioria dos membros do core team também são voluntários quando se trata de desenvolvimento do FreeBSD e não se beneficiam financeiramente do projeto, então o compromisso também não deve ser interpretado erroneamente como significando suporte garantido. A analogia do quadro de diretores da diretriz acima não é muito precisa, e pode ser mais apropriado dizer que estas são as pessoas que deram suas vidas em favor do FreeBSD contra o seu melhor julgamento! @@ -1953,8 +1962,7 @@ Em geral, as instruções de instalação neste capítulo foram escritas para as arquiteturas i386 e AMD64. Onde aplicável, instruções específicas para outras plataformas serão listadas. Pode haver pequenas diferenças entre o instalador e o que é mostrado aqui, portanto, use este capítulo como um guia geral, e não como um conjunto de instruções literais. - - Usuários que preferem instalar o FreeBSD usando um instalador gráfico podem estar interessados no pc-sysinstall , o instalador usado pelo Projeto TrueOS. Ele pode ser usado para instalar um desktop gráfico (TrueOS) ou uma versão de linha de comando do FreeBSD. Consulte o Manual do Usuário do TrueOS para obter detalhes ( + Usuários que preferem instalar o FreeBSD usando uma instaldor gráfico talvez possam se interessar no FuryBSD, GhostBSD ou MidnightBSD. Depois de ler este capítulo, você saberá: @@ -2195,7 +2203,7 @@ Escrevendo a imagem com o Image Writer - Clique duas vezes no ícone Win32DiskImager para iniciar o programa. Verifique se a letra da unidade mostrada em Device é a unidade com o cartão de memória. Clique no ícone da pasta e selecione a imagem a ser gravada no cartão de memória. Clique em [ Save ] para aceitar o nome do arquivo de imagem. Verifique se tudo está correto e se nenhuma pasta do cartão de memória está aberta em outras janelas. Quando tudo estiver pronto, clique em [Write] para gravar o arquivo de imagem no cartão de memória. + Clique duas vezes no ícone Win32DiskImager para iniciar o programa. Verifique se a letra da unidade mostrada em Device é a unidade com o cartão de memória. Clique no ícone da pasta e selecione a imagem a ser gravada no cartão de memória. Clique em [ Save ] para aceitar o nome do arquivo de imagem. Verifique se tudo está correto e se nenhuma pasta do cartão de memória está aberta em outras janelas. Quando tudo estiver pronto, clique em [ Write ] para gravar o arquivo de imagem no cartão de memória. @@ -2250,23 +2258,6 @@ boot cd:,\ppc\loader cd:0 - - Inicializando no <trademark class="registered"> SPARC64 </trademark> - - A maioria dos sistemas SPARC64 são configurados para inicializar automaticamente a partir do disco. Para instalar o FreeBSD de um CD, requer uma pausa no PROM. - - Para fazer isso, reinicialize o sistema e aguarde até que a mensagem de inicialização apareça. A mensagem depende do modelo, mas deve ser algo como isto: - - Sun Blade 100 (UltraSPARC-IIe), Keyboard Present -Copyright 1998-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. -OpenBoot 4.2, 128 MB memory installed, Serial #51090132. -Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID: 830b92d4. - - Se o sistema passar a inicializar a partir do disco neste ponto, pressione L1A ou StopA no teclado, ou envie um BREAK pelo console serial. Ao usar o tip ou o cu, ~# irá emitir um BREAK. O prompt PROM será ok em sistemas com uma CPU e ok {0} em sistemas SMP, onde o dígito indica o número da CPU ativa. - - Neste ponto, coloque o CD na unidade e digite boot cdrom no prompt PROM. - - Menu de inicialização do FreeBSD @@ -2483,7 +2474,7 @@ Instalando a partir da rede - O menu mostrado em só aparece ao instalar a partir de um CD -bootonly.iso pois esta mídia de instalação não possui uma cópias dos arquivos de instalação. Como os arquivos de instalação devem ser recuperados através de uma conexão de rede, esse menu indica que a interface de rede deve ser configurada primeiro. + O menu mostrado em apenas aparece ao instalar a partir de um -bootonly.iso ou -mini-memstick.img pois esta mídia de instalação não possui cópias dos arquivos de instalação. Como os arquivos de instalação devem ser recuperados através de uma conexão de rede, esse menu indica que a interface de rede deve ser configurada primeiro. Se o menu é exibido em qualquer etapa do processo lembre-se de seguir as instruções em .
Instalando a partir da rede @@ -2494,20 +2485,6 @@
- - Para configurar a conexão de rede, pressione Enter e siga as instruções em . Quando a interface estiver configurada, selecione um site espelho localizado na mesma região do mundo que o computador no qual o FreeBSD está sendo instalado. Os arquivos podem ser recuperados mais rapidamente quando o espelho está próximo ao computador de destino, reduzindo o tempo de instalação. - -
- Escolhendo um Site Espelho - - - - - - -
- - A instalação continuará como se os arquivos de instalação estivessem localizados na mídia de instalação local.
@@ -2844,10 +2821,8 @@ Particionamento Guiado Usando Root-on-ZFS - O suporte para criação automática de instalações root-on-ZFS foi adicionado no FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE. Este modo de particionamento só funciona com discos inteiros e apaga o conteúdo de todo o disco. O instalador criará automaticamente partições alinhadas a limites de 4k e forçará o ZFS a usar setores 4k. Isso é seguro mesmo com discos de setor de 512 bytes e tem o benefício adicional de garantir que os pools criados em discos de 512 bytes possam ter discos de setor de 4k adicionados no futuro, como espaço de armazenamento adicional ou como substitutos para discos com falha. O instalador também pode opcionalmente empregar a criptografia de disco GELI conforme descrito em . Se a criptografia estiver ativada, um conjunto de inicialização não criptografado de 2 GB contendo o diretório /boot será criado. Ele contém o kernel e outros arquivos necessários para inicializar o sistema. Uma partição swap de um tamanho selecionável pelo usuário também é criada, e todo o espaço restante é usado para o pool do ZFS. + Este modo de particionamento funciona apenas com discos inteiros e apagará por completo o conteúdo do disco. O menu de configuração principal do ZFS oferece várias opções para controlar a criação do pool. - O menu de configuração principal do ZFS oferece várias opções para controlar a criação do pool. -
Menu de particionamento do <acronym>ZFS</acronym> @@ -2858,8 +2833,57 @@
- Selecione T para configurar o Pool Type e o(s) disco(s) que constituirão o pool. O instalador automático do ZFS atualmente suporta apenas a criação de um único vdev de nível superior, exceto no modo de stripe. Para criar conjuntos mais complexos, use as instruções em para criar o pool. O instalador suporta a criação de vários tipos de conjuntos, incluindo stripe (não recomendada, sem redundância), mirror (melhor desempenho, menos espaço utilizável) e RAID-Z 1, 2 e 3 (com capacidade para suportar a falha simultânea de 1, 2 e 3 discos, respectivamente). Ao selecionar o tipo de pool, uma dica é exibida na parte inferior da tela com conselhos sobre o número de discos necessários e, no caso de RAID-Z, o número ideal de discos para cada configuração. + Aqui está um resumo das opções que podem ser usadas neste menu: + + + Instalar - Prosseguir a instalação com as opções selecionadas. + + + + Tipo de Pool/Discos - Permite configurar o Tipo de Pool e o(s) disco(s ) que irão constituir o pool. Atualmente o instalador ZFS automático suporta apenas a criação de uma única camada superior vdev, exceto em modo stripe. Para criar pools mais complexos, use as instruções em para criar o pool. + + + + Re-escanear Dispositivos - Re-popular a lista de discos disponíveis. + + + + Disk Info - Disk Info pode ser usado para inspecionar cada disco, incluindo sua tabela de partição e várias outras informações, como o número do modelo do dispositivo e o número de série, se disponíveis. + + + + Pool Name - Define o nome do pool. O nome default é zroot. + + + + Force 4K Sectors? - Forçar o uso de setores em 4K. Por padrão, o instalador irá automaticamente criar partições alinhadas com limites em 4K e forçar o ZFS a usar setores de 4K. Isto é seguro mesmo com discos de setores de 512 bytes, e tem o benefício adicional de garantir que pools criados em discos de 512 bytes conseguirão ter setores de 4K adicionados no futuro, seja como espaço de armazenamento adicional ou como substituição ode discos e falha. Aperte a tecla Enter para escolher ativar isso ou não. + + + + Encrypt Disks? - A criptografia dos discos permite ao usuário criptografar os discos usando GELI. Mais informação sobre criptografia de discos está disponível em + . Aperte a tecla Enter para escolher ativá-la ou não. + + + + Partition Scheme - Permitei escolher o esquema de partição. GPT é a opção recomendada na maioria dos casos. Aperte a tecla Enter para escolher entre diferentes opções. + + + + Swap Size - Determina a quantidade de espaço para swap. + + + + Mirror Swap? - Permite ao usuário espelhar o swap entre os discos. Fique atento, o espelhamento da swap irá quebrar dumps de crash. Pressione a tecla Enter para ativar ou não. + + + + Encrypt Swap? - Permite ao usuário criptografar a swap. Criptografa a swap com uma chave temporária toda vez que o sistema inicializa e a descarta na reinicialização. Pressione a tecla Enter para ativar ou não. Mais informação sobre criptografia de swap em . + + + + Selecione T para configurar o Pool Type e o(s) disco(s) que irá constituir o pool. +
Tipo de pool <acronym>ZFS</acronym> @@ -2870,8 +2894,31 @@
- Quando um Tipo de pool tiver sido selecionado, uma lista de discos disponíveis será exibida e o usuário será solicitado a selecionar um ou mais discos para compor o pool. A configuração é validada para garantir que discos suficientes sejam selecionados. Caso contrário, selecione <Change Selection> para retornar à lista de discos ou <Cancel> para alterar o tipo de conjunto. + Aqui está um resumo dos Pool Type que podem ser selecionados neste menu: + + + stripe - Striping provê a capacidade máxima de todos os dispositivos conectados, mas não redundância. Se um disco falhar os dados do pool estarão perdidos de forma irrevogável. + + + mirror - O espelhamento armazena uma completa cópia de todos os dados em todos os discos. O espelhamento provê uma boa performance em leitura porque os dados são lidos the todos os discos em paralelo. A performance da escrita é mais lenta pois os dados precisam ser escritos em todos os discos do pool. Torna possível que haja falha nos discos, menos um. Esta opção requer ao menos dois discos. + + + raid10 - Striped mirrors. Provê a melhor performance, mas o menor armazenamento. Esta opção necessita de um número par de discos e no mínimo quatro discos. + + + raidz1 - RAID Único Redundante. Permite que haja falha concorrente de um disco. Esta opção necessita de ao menos três discos. + + + raidz2 - RAID Duplo Redundante. Permite que até dois discos falhem concorrentemente. Esta opção necessita de ao menos quatro discos. + + + raidz3 - RAID Triplo Redundante. Permite que até três discos falhem concorrentemente. Esta opção necessita de ao menos cinco discos. + + + + Quando um Pool Type for selecionado, uma lista de discos disponíveis será exibida, e o usuário é solicitado a selecionar um ou mais discos para compor o pool. A configuração é então validada, para garantir que discos suficientes sejam selecionados. Caso contrário, selecione <Change Selection> para retornar à lista de discos ou <Backgt> para alterar o Pool Type +
Seleção de disco @@ -2892,8 +2939,20 @@
- Se um ou mais discos estiverem faltando na lista, ou se os discos foram anexados depois que o instalador foi iniciado, selecione - Rescan Devices para preencher novamente a lista de discos disponíveis. Para evitar apagar acidentalmente o disco errado, o menu - Disk Info pode ser usado para inspecionar cada disco, incluindo sua tabela de partição e várias outras informações, como o número do modelo do dispositivo e o número de série, se disponíveis. + Se um ou mais discos estiverem faltando na lista, ou se os discos foram anexados depois que o instalador foi iniciado, selecione - Rescan Devices para preencher novamente a lista de discos disponíveis. +
+ Dispositivos de Reescaneamento + + + + + + +
+ + Para evitar apagar acidentalmente o disco errado, o menu - Disk Info pode ser usado para inspecionar cada disco, incluindo sua tabela de partição e várias outras informações, como o número do modelo do dispositivo e o número de série, se disponíveis. +
Analisando um disco @@ -2904,21 +2963,31 @@
- O principal menu de configuração do ZFS também permite que o usuário insira um nome de pool, desabilite a opção que força setores 4k, habilite ou desabilite a criptografia, alterne entre os tipos de tabela de partiçõesGPT (recomendado) ou MBR e selecione a quantidade de espaço de swap. Quando todas as opções tiverem sido definidas para os valores desejados, selecione o >>> Install no topo do menu. + Selecione N para configurar o Pool Name. Entre com o nome desejado e então selecione <OK> para confirmar ou <Cancel> para retornar ao menu principal e deixar o nome padrão. - Se a criptografia de disco GELI foi ativada, o instalador solicitará duas vezes que a frase secreta seja usada para criptografar os discos. +
+ Nome do Pool -
- Senha de criptografia de disco + + + + + +
+ Selecione S para escolher a quantidade de swap. Entre com a quantidade desejada e então selecione <OK> para confirmar isto ou <Cancel> para retornar ao menu principal e deixar a quantidade padrão. + +
+ Quantidade de Swap + - +
- O instalador oferece uma última chance de cancelar antes que o conteúdo das unidades selecionadas seja destruído para criar o pool do ZFS. + Uma vez que todas opções estejam setadas com os valores desejados, selecione a opção >>> Install no topo do menu. O instalador oferece uma última chance de cancelar antes que o conteúdo das unidades selecionadas seja destruído para criar o pool do ZFS.
Última chance @@ -2930,8 +2999,30 @@
- A instalação prossegue normalmente. + Se a criptografia de disco GELI foi ativada, o instalador solicitará duas vezes que a frase secreta seja usada para criptografar os discos. E depois dissoa inicialização da criptografia é iniciado. +
+ Senha de criptografia de disco + + + + + + +
+ +
+ inicializando Criptografia + + + + + + +
+ + A instalação então prossegue normalmente. Para continuar com a instalação, vá para . + @@ -2986,14 +3077,8 @@ - Pós-instalação + Contas, Time Zone, Serviços e Hardening - Uma vez instalado o FreeBSD, o bsdinstall solicitará a configuração de várias opções antes de inicializar o sistema recém-instalado. Esta seção descreve essas opções de configuração. - - - Depois que o sistema inicializa, o bsdconfig fornece um método orientado por menus para configurar o sistema usando essas e outras opções. - - Definindo a Senha de <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> @@ -3010,178 +3095,6 @@
- - Configurando as Interfaces de Rede - - Em seguida, é mostrada uma lista das interfaces de rede encontradas no computador. Selecione a interface para configurar. - - - Os menus de configuração de rede serão ignorados se a rede tiver sido previamente configurada como parte de uma instalação bootonly. - - -
- Escolha uma interface de rede - - - - - - -
- - Se uma interface Ethernet for selecionada, o instalador irá pular para o menu mostrado em . Se uma interface de rede sem fio for escolhida, o sistema procurará pontos de acesso sem fio: - -
- Buscando por pontos de acesso sem fio - - - - - - -
- - As redes sem fio são identificadas por um identificador de conjunto de serviços (SSID), um nome curto e exclusivo dado a cada rede. Os SSIDs encontrados durante a busca serão listados, seguidos por uma descrição dos tipos de criptografia disponíveis para essa rede. Se o SSID desejado não aparecer na lista, selecione [Rescan] para buscar novamente. Se a rede desejada ainda não aparecer, verifique se há problemas com as conexões da antena ou tente mover o computador para mais perto do ponto de acesso. refaça a busca após cada alteração ser feita. - -
- Escolhendo uma rede sem fio - - - - - - -
- - Em seguida, insira as informações de criptografia para se conectar à rede sem fio selecionada. A encriptação WPA2 é fortemente recomendada, pois os tipos de encriptação mais antigos, como o WEP, oferecem pouca segurança. Se a rede usar WPA2, insira a senha, também conhecida como Chave Pré-Compartilhada (PSK). Por motivos de segurança, os caracteres digitados na caixa de entrada são exibidos como asteriscos. - -
- Configuração WPA2 - - - - - - -
- - Em seguida, escolha se um endereço IPv4 deve ou não ser configurado na interface Ethernet ou na interface sem fio: - -
- Escolha a rede <acronym>IPv4</acronym> - - - - - - -
- - Existem dois métodos de configuração de IPv4. O DHCP configurará automaticamente a interface de rede da forma correta e deverá ser usado se a rede fornecer um servidor DHCP. Caso contrário, as informações de endereçamento precisam ser inseridas manualmente como em uma configuração estática. - - - Não insira informações de rede aleatórias, pois isso não funcionará. Se um servidor DHCP não estiver disponível, obtenha as informações listadas em do administrador da rede ou do provedor de serviços de Internet. - - - Se um servidor DHCP estiver disponível, selecione [Yes] no próximo menu para configurar automaticamente a interface de rede. O instalador parecerá pausar por um minuto ou mais enquanto encontra o servidor DHCP e obtém as informações de endereçamento do sistema. - -
- Escolha a configuração <acronym>IPv4</acronym> <acronym>DHCP</acronym> - - - - - - -
- - Se um servidor DHCP não estiver disponível, selecione [No] e insira as seguintes informações de endereçamento neste menu: - -
- Configuração <acronym>IPv4</acronym> estática - - - - - - -
- - - - Endereço IP - O endereço IPv4 atribuído a este computador. O endereço deve ser único e não estar em uso por outro equipamento na rede local. - - - - Subnet Mask - A máscara de sub-rede da rede. - - - - Default Router - O endereço IP do gateway padrão da rede. - - - - A próxima tela perguntará se a interface deve ser configurada para IPv6. Se IPv6 estiver disponível e for desejado, escolha [Yes] para selecioná-lo. - -
- Escolha a rede IPv6 - - - - - - -
- - O IPv6 também possui dois métodos de configuração. A configuração automática de endereços sem estado (SLAAC) solicitará automaticamente as informações de configuração corretas de um roteador local. Consulte para maiores informações. A configuração estática requer entrada manual das informações da rede. - - Se um roteador IPv6 estiver disponível, selecione [Yes] no próximo menu para configurar automaticamente a interface de rede. O instalador parecerá pausar por um minuto ou mais enquanto localiza o roteador e obtém as informações de endereçamento do sistema. - -
- Escolha a configuração do SLAAC do IPv6 - - - - - - -
- - Se um roteador IPv6 não estiver disponível, selecione [No] e insira as seguintes informações de endereçamento neste menu: - -
- Configuração Estática do IPv6 - - - - - - -
- - - - Endereço IPv6 - O endereço IPv6 atribuído a este computador. O endereço deve ser único e não estar em uso por outro equipamento na rede local. - - - - Default Router - O endereço IPv6 do gateway padrão da rede. - - - - O último menu de configuração de rede é usado para configurar o resolvedor do Sistema de Nomes de Domínio (DNS), que converte nomes de host de e para endereços de rede. Se o DHCP ou SLAAC foi usado para autoconfigurar a interface de rede, os valores do Resolver Configuration podem já estar preenchidos. Caso contrário, insira o domínio da rede local nome no campo Search. DNS # 1 e DNS # 2 são os endereços IPv4 e/ou IPv6 dos servidores de DNS. Pelo menos um servidor DNS é necessário. - -
- Configuração do DNS - - - - - - -
- Defina o fuso horário @@ -3309,7 +3222,7 @@
- + Ativando Opções de Segurança (Hardening) @@ -3365,7 +3278,7 @@ - secure_console - Quando esta opção está ativada, o prompt solicita a senha de root ao entrar em modo single. + secure_console - Quando esta opção está ativada, o prompt solicita a senha de root ao entrar em modo single-user. @@ -3613,6 +3526,190 @@ + + Interfaces de Rede + + + Configurando as Interfaces de Rede + + Em seguida, é mostrada uma lista das interfaces de rede encontradas no computador. Selecione a interface para configurar. + +
+ Escolha uma interface de rede + + + + + + +
+ + Se uma interface Ethernet for selecionada, o instalador irá pular para o menu mostrado em . Se uma interface de rede sem fio for escolhida, o sistema procurará pontos de acesso sem fio: + +
+ Buscando por pontos de acesso sem fio + + + + + + +
+ + As redes sem fio são identificadas por um identificador de conjunto de serviços (SSID), um nome curto e exclusivo dado a cada rede. Os SSIDs encontrados durante a busca serão listados, seguidos por uma descrição dos tipos de criptografia disponíveis para essa rede. Se o SSID desejado não aparecer na lista, selecione [Rescan] para buscar novamente. Se a rede desejada ainda não aparecer, verifique se há problemas com as conexões da antena ou tente mover o computador para mais perto do ponto de acesso. refaça a busca após cada alteração ser feita. + +
+ Escolhendo uma rede sem fio + + + + + + +
+ + Em seguida, insira as informações de criptografia para se conectar à rede sem fio selecionada. A encriptação WPA2 é fortemente recomendada, pois os tipos de encriptação mais antigos, como o WEP, oferecem pouca segurança. Se a rede usar WPA2, insira a senha, também conhecida como Chave Pré-Compartilhada (PSK). Por motivos de segurança, os caracteres digitados na caixa de entrada são exibidos como asteriscos. + +
+ Configuração WPA2 + + + + + + +
+ + Em seguida, escolha se um endereço IPv4 deve ou não ser configurado na interface Ethernet ou na interface sem fio: + +
+ Escolha a rede <acronym>IPv4</acronym> + + + + + + +
+ + Existem dois métodos de configuração de IPv4. O DHCP configurará automaticamente a interface de rede da forma correta e deverá ser usado se a rede fornecer um servidor DHCP. Caso contrário, as informações de endereçamento precisam ser inseridas manualmente como em uma configuração estática. + + + Não insira informações de rede aleatórias, pois isso não funcionará. Se um servidor DHCP não estiver disponível, obtenha as informações listadas em do administrador da rede ou do provedor de serviços de Internet. + + + Se um servidor DHCP estiver disponível, selecione [Yes] no próximo menu para configurar automaticamente a interface de rede. O instalador parecerá pausar por um minuto ou mais enquanto encontra o servidor DHCP e obtém as informações de endereçamento do sistema. + +
+ Escolha a configuração <acronym>IPv4</acronym> <acronym>DHCP</acronym> + + + + + + +
+ + Se um servidor DHCP não estiver disponível, selecione [No] e insira as seguintes informações de endereçamento neste menu: + +
+ Configuração <acronym>IPv4</acronym> estática + + + + + + +
+ + + + Endereço IP - O endereço IPv4 atribuído a este computador. O endereço deve ser único e não estar em uso por outro equipamento na rede local. + + + + Subnet Mask - A máscara de sub-rede da rede. + + + + Default Router - O endereço IP do gateway padrão da rede. + + + + A próxima tela perguntará se a interface deve ser configurada para IPv6. Se IPv6 estiver disponível e for desejado, escolha [Yes] para selecioná-lo. + +
+ Escolha a rede IPv6 + + + + + + +
+ + O IPv6 também possui dois métodos de configuração. A configuração automática de endereços sem estado (SLAAC) solicitará automaticamente as informações de configuração corretas de um roteador local. Consulte rfc4862 para maiores informações. A configuração estática requer entrada manual das informações da rede. + + Se um roteador IPv6 estiver disponível, selecione [Yes] no próximo menu para configurar automaticamente a interface de rede. O instalador parecerá pausar por um minuto ou mais enquanto localiza o roteador e obtém as informações de endereçamento do sistema. + +
+ Escolha a configuração do SLAAC do IPv6 + + + + + + +
+ + Se um roteador IPv6 não estiver disponível, selecione [No] e insira as seguintes informações de endereçamento neste menu: + +
+ Configuração Estática do IPv6 + + + + + + +
+ + + + Endereço IPv6 - O endereço IPv6 atribuído a este computador. O endereço deve ser único e não estar em uso por outro equipamento na rede local. + + + + Default Router - O endereço IPv6 do gateway padrão da rede. + + + + O último menu de configuração de rede é usado para configurar o resolvedor do Sistema de Nomes de Domínio (DNS), que converte nomes de host de e para endereços de rede. Se o DHCP ou SLAAC foi usado para autoconfigurar a interface de rede, os valores do Resolver Configuration podem já estar preenchidos. Caso contrário, insira o domínio da rede local nome no campo Search. DNS # 1 e DNS # 2 são os endereços IPv4 e/ou IPv6 dos servidores de DNS. Pelo menos um servidor DNS é necessário. + +
+ Configuração do DNS + + + + + + +
+ + Quando a interface estiver configurada, selecione um site espelho localizado na mesma região do mundo que o computador no qual o FreeBSD está sendo instalado. Os arquivos podem ser recuperados mais rapidamente quando o espelho está próximo ao computador de destino, reduzindo o tempo de instalação. + +
+ Escolhendo um Site Espelho + + + + + + +
+ Solução de problemas @@ -6049,6 +6146,33 @@ O restante desta seção demonstra tarefas comuns de gerenciamento de pacotes binários que podem ser executadas usando o pkg. Cada comando demonstrado fornece muitos switches para personalizar seu uso. Consulte a ajuda de um comando ou a página do manual para obter detalhes e mais exemplos. + + Branches Ports Trimestrais e Mais Recentes + + As branches Quarterly(trimestrais) provê aos usuários uma experiência mais estável e previsível para instalação e upgrade de ports e pacotes. Isto é feito essencialmente permitindo apenas atualizações que não contém novas features (non-features updates). Branches trimestrais visam receber correções se segurança (que talvez sejam atualizações de versão, ou commits de backports), correções de bugs e compliance de ports ou alterações de frameworks. A branch trimestral é baseada (anualmente) na HEAD no início de Janeiro, Abril, Julho e Outubro. As branches são nomeadas de acordo com o ano (YYYY) e o quarter (Q1-4) em que são criadas. Por exemplo, a branch trimestral criada em Janeiro de 2016, é nomeada 2016Q1. E a branch Latest provê as últimas versões dos pacotes para os usuários. + + Para alternar de trimestral para latest execute os seguintes comandos: + + # cp /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf + + Edite o arquivo /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf and change the string quarterly to latest in the url: line. + + O resultado deve ser semelhante ao seguinte: + + FreeBSD: { + url: "pkg+${ABI}/latest", + mirror_type: "srv", + signature_type: "fingerprints", + fingerprints: "/usr/share/keys/pkg", + enabled: yes +} + + E finalmente rode este comando para atualizar do novo (ultimo) meta dado do repositório. + + # pkg update -f + + + Obtendo informações sobre os pacotes instalados @@ -6233,16 +6357,34 @@ Usando a Coleção de Ports - A Coleção de Ports é um conjunto de arquivos Makefiles, patches e arquivos de descrição. Cada conjunto desses arquivos é usado para compilar e instalar um aplicativo individual no FreeBSD, e é chamado de port. + A Coleção de Ports é um conjunto de Makefiles, patches e arquivos de descrição. Cada conjunto desses arquivos é usado para compilar e instalar um aplicativo individual no FreeBSD, e é chamado de port. Por padrão, a própria coleção de ports é armazenada como um subdiretório de /usr/ports. + + Before installing and using the Ports Collection, please + be aware that it is generally ill-advised to use the + Ports Collection in conjunction with the binary packages + provided via pkg to install + software. pkg, by default, + tracks quarterly branch-releases of the ports + tree and not HEAD. Dependencies could be different for a port + in HEAD compared to its counterpart in a quarterly branch + release and this could result in conflicts between + dependencies installed by pkg + and those from the Ports Collection. + If the Ports Collection and pkg + must be used in conjunction, then be sure that your + Ports Collection and pkg are + on the same branch release of the ports tree. + + Antes que um aplicativo possa ser compilado usando um port, a Coleção de Ports deve primeiro ser instalada. Se ela não foi instalada durante a instalação do FreeBSD, use um dos seguintes métodos para instalá-la: Método Portsnap - O sistema básico do FreeBSD inclui o Portsnap. Esta é uma ferramenta rápida e fácil de usar para recuperar a coleção de ports e é a escolha recomendada para a maioria dos usuários. Este utilitário se conecta a um site do FreeBSD, verifica a chave segura e faz o download de uma nova cópia da Coleção de Ports. A chave é usada para verificar a integridade de todos os arquivos baixados. + O sistema base do FreeBSD inclui o Portsnap. Esta é uma ferramenta rápida e de fácil utilização para obter a Coleção de Ports e é a escolha recomendada para a maioria dos usuários que não estão executando o FreeBSD-CURRENT. Este utilitário se conecta a um site do FreeBSD, verifica a chave segura e faz o download de uma nova cópia da Coleção de Ports. A chave é usada para verificar a integridade de todos os arquivos baixados. Para baixar um snapshot compactado da coleção de ports em /var/db/portsnap: @@ -6271,7 +6413,7 @@ Método Subversion - Se for necessário mais controle sobre a árvore de ports ou se as mudanças locais precisarem ser mantidas, o Subversion pode ser usado para obter a coleção de ports. Consulte O Subversion Primer para uma descrição detalhada do Subversion. + Se for necessário mais controle sobre a árvore de ports ou se as mudanças locais precisarem ser mantidas, ou se estiver executando o FreeBSD-CURRENT, o Subversion pode ser usado para obter a coleção de ports. Consulte O Subversion Primer para uma descrição detalhada do Subversion. O Subversion deve ser instalado antes de poder ser usado para fazer o check-out da árvore de ports. Se uma cópia da árvore de ports já estiver presente, instale o Subversion desta forma: @@ -6286,16 +6428,30 @@ - Faça o check out de uma cópia da árvore de ports: + Check out a copy of the HEAD branch of the ports + tree: # svn checkout /usr/ports + Or, check out a copy of a quarterly branch: + + # svn checkout /usr/ports + + + Conforme necessário, atualize o /usr/ports após o check out inicial do Subversion: # svn update /usr/ports + + + As needed, switch /usr/ports to a + different quarterly branch: + + # svn switch /usr/ports + A coleção de ports contém diretórios para categorias de software. Dentro de cada categoria estão subdiretórios para aplicativos individuais. Cada subdiretório de aplicativo contém um conjunto de arquivos que informa ao FreeBSD como compilar e instalar esse programa, chamado de esqueleto do ports. Cada esqueleto de port inclui esses arquivos e diretórios: @@ -6631,58 +6787,60 @@ Após a configuração, inicialize o poudriere para que ele instale um jail com a árvore do FreeBSD requerida e uma árvore de ports. Especifique um nome para o jail usando e a versão do FreeBSD com . Em sistemas que executam o FreeBSD/amd64, a arquitetura pode ser definida com para i386 ou amd64. O padrão é a arquitetura mostrada pelo uname. - # poudriere jail -c -j 10amd64 -v 10.0-RELEASE -====>> Creating 10amd64 fs... done -====>> Fetching base.txz for FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE amd64 -/poudriere/jails/10amd64/fromftp/base.txz 100% of 59 MB 1470 kBps 00m42s -====>> Extracting base.txz... done -====>> Fetching src.txz for FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE amd64 -/poudriere/jails/10amd64/fromftp/src.txz 100% of 107 MB 1476 kBps 01m14s -====>> Extracting src.txz... done -====>> Fetching games.txz for FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE amd64 -/poudriere/jails/10amd64/fromftp/games.txz 100% of 865 kB 734 kBps 00m01s -====>> Extracting games.txz... done -====>> Fetching lib32.txz for FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE amd64 -/poudriere/jails/10amd64/fromftp/lib32.txz 100% of 14 MB 1316 kBps 00m12s -====>> Extracting lib32.txz... done -====>> Cleaning up... done -====>> Jail 10amd64 10.0-RELEASE amd64 is ready to be used + # poudriere jail -c -j 11amd64 -v 11.4-RELEASE +[00:00:00] Creating 11amd64 fs at /poudriere/jails/11amd64... done +[00:00:00] Using pre-distributed MANIFEST for FreeBSD 11.4-RELEASE amd64 +[00:00:00] Fetching base for FreeBSD 11.4-RELEASE amd64 +/poudriere/jails/11amd64/fromftp/base.txz 125 MB 4110 kBps 31s +[00:00:33] Extracting base... done +[00:00:54] Fetching src for FreeBSD 11.4-RELEASE amd64 +/poudriere/jails/11amd64/fromftp/src.txz 154 MB 4178 kBps 38s +[00:01:33] Extracting src... done +[00:02:31] Fetching lib32 for FreeBSD 11.4-RELEASE amd64 +/poudriere/jails/11amd64/fromftp/lib32.txz 24 MB 3969 kBps 06s +[00:02:38] Extracting lib32... done +[00:02:42] Cleaning up... done +[00:02:42] Recording filesystem state for clean... done +[00:02:42] Upgrading using ftp +/etc/resolv.conf -> /poudriere/jails/11amd64/etc/resolv.conf +Looking up mirrors... 3 mirrors found. +Fetching public key from done. +Fetching metadata signature for 11.4-RELEASE from done. +Fetching metadata index... done. +Fetching 2 metadata files... done. +Inspecting system... done. +Preparing to download files... done. +Fetching 124 patches.....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100....110....120.. done. +Applying patches... done. +Fetching 6 files... done. +The following files will be added as part of updating to +11.4-RELEASE-p1: +/usr/src/contrib/unbound/.github +/usr/src/contrib/unbound/.github/FUNDING.yml +/usr/src/contrib/unbound/contrib/drop2rpz +/usr/src/contrib/unbound/contrib/ +/usr/src/contrib/unbound/services/rpz.c +/usr/src/contrib/unbound/services/rpz.h +/usr/src/lib/libc/tests/gen/ +The following files will be updated as part of updating to +11.4-RELEASE-p1: +[…] +Installing updates...Scanning //usr/share/certs/blacklisted for certificates... +Scanning //usr/share/certs/trusted for certificates... + done. +11.4-RELEASE-p1 +[00:04:06] Recording filesystem state for clean... done +[00:04:07] Jail 11amd64 11.4-RELEASE-p1 amd64 is ready to be used - # poudriere ports -c -p local -====>> Creating local fs... done -====>> Extracting portstree "local"... -Looking up mirrors... 7 mirrors found. -Fetching public key from done. -Fetching snapshot tag from done. -Fetching snapshot metadata... done. -Fetching snapshot generated at Tue Feb 11 01:07:15 CET 2014: -94a3431f0ce567f6452ffde4fd3d7d3c6e1da143efec76100% of 69 MB 1246 kBps 00m57s -Extracting snapshot... done. -Verifying snapshot integrity... done. -Fetching snapshot tag from done. -Fetching snapshot metadata... done. -Updating from Tue Feb 11 01:07:15 CET 2014 to Tue Feb 11 16:05:20 CET 2014. -Fetching 4 metadata patches... done. -Applying metadata patches... done. -Fetching 0 metadata files... done. -Fetching 48 patches. -(48/48) 100.00% done. -done. -Applying patches... -done. -Fetching 1 new ports or files... done. -/poudriere/ports/tester/CHANGES -/poudriere/ports/tester/COPYRIGHT + # poudriere ports -c -p local -m svn+https +[00:00:00] Creating local fs at /poudriere/ports/local... done +[00:00:00] Checking out the ports tree... done -[...] - -Building new INDEX files... done. - Em um único computador, o poudriere pode construir ports com várias configurações, em vários jails e de diferentes árvores de ports. Configurações customizadas para estas combinações são chamadas de sets. Veja a seção CUSTOMIZAÇÃO do poudriere8 para detalhes depois que o ports-mgmt/poudriere ou o ports-mgmt/poudriere-devel estiver instalado. - A configuração básica mostrada aqui coloca um único jail-, port-, e um set específico make.conf em /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d. O nome do arquivo neste exemplo é criado combinando o nome do jail, o nome do port e o nome do set: 10amd64-local-workstation-make.conf. O sistema make.conf e este novo arquivo são combinados em tempo de compilação para criar o make.conf usado pela jail de compilação. + A configuração básica mostrada aqui coloca um único jail-, port-, e um set específico make.conf em /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d. O nome do arquivo neste exemplo é criado combinando o nome do jail, o nome do port e o nome do set: 11amd64-local-workstation-make.conf. O sistema make.conf e este novo arquivo são combinados em tempo de compilação para criar o make.conf usado pela jail de compilação. - Os pacotes a serem criados são inseridos em 10amd64-local-workstation-pkglist: + Os pacotes a serem criados são inseridos em 11amd64-local-workstation-pkglist: editors/emacs devel/git @@ -6691,11 +6849,11 @@ Opções e dependências para os ports especificados são configuradas: - # poudriere options -j 10amd64 -p local -z workstation -f 10amd64-local-workstation-pkglist + # poudriere options -j 11amd64 -p local -z workstation -f 11amd64-local-workstation-pkglist Finalmente, os pacotes são compilados e um repositório de pacotes é criado: - # poudriere bulk -j 10amd64 -p local -z workstation -f 10amd64-local-workstation-pkglist + # poudriere bulk -j 11amd64 -p local -z workstation -f 11amd64-local-workstation-pkglist Durante a execução, pressionar Ctrlt exibe o estado atual da compilação. O Poudriere também cria arquivos em /poudriere/logs/bulk/jailname que podem ser usados com um servidor da Web para exibir informações de compilação. @@ -6712,12 +6870,12 @@ enabled: no } - Geralmente, é mais fácil servir um repositório poudriere para as máquinas clientes via HTTP. Configure um servidor da web para servir o diretório de pacotes, por exemplo: /usr/local/poudriere/data/packages/10amd64, onde 10amd64 é o nome da compilação. + Geralmente é mais fácil disponibilizar um repositório poudriere para as máquinas clientes via HTTP. Configure um servidor web para disponibilizar o diretório de pacotes, por exemplo: /usr/local/poudriere/data/packages/11amd64, onde 11amd64 é o nome da compilação. - Se a URL para o repositório de pacotes for:, o arquivo de configuração do repositório em /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/custom.conf ficaria assim: + Se a URL para o repositório de pacotes for:, o arquivo de configuração do repositório em /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/custom.conf ficaria assim: custom: { - url: "", + url: "", enabled: yes, } @@ -6820,7 +6978,7 @@ Uma instalação padrão do FreeBSD usando o bsdinstall não irá instalar automaticamente uma interface gráfica para o usuário. Este capítulo descreve como instalar e configurar o Xorg, que fornece o sistema X Window open source usado para fornecer um ambiente gráfico. Em seguida, descreve como encontrar e instalar um ambiente de área de trabalho ou um gerenciador de janelas. - Os usuários que preferem um método de instalação que configure automaticamente o Xorg e que ofereça uma grande variedade de opções de gerenciadores de janela durante a instalação devem consultar o web site . + Os usuários que preferem um método de instalação que configure automaticamente o Xorg devem consultar FuryBSD, GhostBSD ou MidnightBSD. Para obter maiores informações sobre o hardware de vídeo suportado pelo Xorg, consulte o web site @@ -6945,7 +7103,9 @@ Configuração do <application>Xorg</application> - Warren Block Originalmente contribuído por + + Warren Block Originalmente contribuído por + Xorg @@ -6969,13 +7129,13 @@ - Adicione o usuário que executará o Xorg ao grupo video ou wheel para ativar a aceleração 3D quando disponível. Para adicionar o usuário jru ao grupo que estiver disponível: + Adicione o usuário que executará o Xorg ao grupo video ou wheel para ativar a aceleração 3D quando disponível. Para adicionar o usuário jru ao grupo que estiver disponível: # pw groupmod video -m jru || pw groupmod wheel -m jru - O gerenciador de janelas TWM é incluído por padrão. Ele é iniciado quando o Xorg é iniciado: + O gerenciador de janelas twm é incluído por padrão. Ele é chamado quando o Xorg se inicia: % startx @@ -6989,7 +7149,7 @@ Grupo de Usuários para Vídeo Acelerado - O acesso ao /dev/dri é necessário para permitir a aceleração 3D nas placas de vídeo. Geralmente é mais simples adicionar o usuário que estará executando o X no grupo video ou no wheel. Aqui, o pw8 é usado para adicionar o usuário slurms ao grupo video, ou ao grupo wheel se não houver nenhum grupo video: + O acesso ao /dev/dri é necessário para permitir a aceleração 3D nas placas de vídeo. Geralmente é mais simples adicionar o usuário que estará executando o X no grupo video ou no wheel. Aqui, o pw8 é usado para adicionar o usuário slurms ao grupo video, ou ao grupo wheel se não houver nenhum grupo video: # pw groupmod video -m slurms || pw groupmod wheel -m slurms @@ -7040,15 +7200,15 @@ AMD KMS driver - A aceleração 2D e 3D é suportada na maioria das placas gráficas do driver Intel KMS fornecidas pela Intel. + A aceleração 2D e 3D é suportada na maioria das placas gráficas do driver Intel KMS fornecidas pela Intel. Nome do driver: i915kms - A aceleração 2D e 3D é suportada na maioria das placas gráficas de driver Radeon KMS mais antigas fornecidas pela AMD. + A aceleração 2D e 3D é suportada na maioria das placas gráficas de driver Radeon KMS mais antigas fornecidas pela AMD. Nome do Driver: radeonkms - A aceleração 2D e 3D é suportada nas mais recentes placas gráficas do driver AMD KMS fornecidas pela AMD. + A aceleração 2D e 3D é suportada nas mais recentes placas gráficas do driver AMD KMS fornecidas pela AMD. Nome do Driver: amdgpu @@ -7303,19 +7463,17 @@ Um layout dos Estados Unidos é o padrão. Para selecionar um layout alternativo, defina as opções XkbLayout e XkbVariant em um InputClass. Isso será aplicado a todos os dispositivos de entrada que correspondam à classe. - Este exemplo seleciona um layout de teclado francês com a variante oss. + Este exemplo seleciona um layout de teclado Francês. Definindo um layout de teclado - /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/keyboard-fr-oss.conf + /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/keyboard-fr.conf Section "InputClass" Identifier "KeyboardDefaults" - Driver "keyboard" MatchIsKeyboard "on" Option "XkbLayout" "fr" - Option "XkbVariant" "oss" EndSection @@ -7348,7 +7506,6 @@ Section "InputClass" Identifier "KeyboardDefaults" - Driver "keyboard" MatchIsKeyboard "on" Option "XkbOptions" "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp" EndSection @@ -7361,6 +7518,10 @@ Mouse e Dispositivos Similares + + Se ao usar xorg-server 1.20.8 ou maior no FreeBSD 12.1 e não usar moused8, adicione kern.evdev.rcpt_mask=12 ao arquivo /etc/sysctl.conf: + + Muitos parâmetros do mouse podem ser ajustados com opções de configuração. Veja mousedrv4 para obter uma lista completa. @@ -7401,9 +7562,9 @@ # Xorg -configure - O arquivo de configuração é salvo em /root/ Faça as alterações desejadas e teste esse arquivo com: + O arquivo de configuração é salvo em /root/ Faça as alterações desejadas e teste esse arquivo(usando assim será exibido um fundo visível) com: - # Xorg -config /root/ + # Xorg -retro -config /root/ Após a nova configuração ter sido ajustada e testada, ela pode ser dividida em arquivos menores no diretorio, /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/. @@ -7912,7 +8073,7 @@ Load "glx" ... - A configuração acima pode ser feita automaticamente com o x11/nvidia-xconfig, executando como root: + A configuração acima pode ser feita automaticamente com o x11/nvidia-xconfig (executando como root): # nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals # nvidia-xconfig --composite @@ -8044,7 +8205,7 @@ Configuração com Chipsets gráficos <trademark class="registered">Intel</trademark> <literal>i810</literal> - Intel i810 graphic chipset + Intel i810 graphic chipset A configuração com chipsets integrados i810 da Intel requer a interface de programação AGP agpgart para o Xorg para conduzir a placa. Consulte a página de manual do driver agp4 para obter maiores informações. @@ -8218,7 +8379,7 @@ Embora o FreeBSD seja popular como um servidor por seu desempenho e estabilidade, ele também é adequado para o uso diário como desktop. Com mais de 24.000 aplicativos disponíveis como pacotes ou ports para o FreeBSD, é fácil construir um desktop personalizado que executa uma ampla variedade de aplicativos de desktop. Este capítulo demonstra como instalar vários aplicativos de desktop, incluindo navegadores da Web, software de produtividade, visualizadores de documentos e softwares financeiros. - Os usuários que preferem instalar uma versão de desktop pré-configurada do FreeBSD em vez de configurar um do zero devem consultar o Website + Os usuários que preferem instalar uma versão de desktop pré-configurada do FreeBSD em vez de configurar um do zero devem consultar FuryBSD., GhostBSD or MidnightBSD. Os leitores deste capítulo devem saber como: @@ -8311,20 +8472,16 @@ Konqueror - O Konqueror é mais do que um navegador Web, pois também é um gerenciador de arquivos e um visualizador de multimídia. Ele faz parte do pacote ou Port x11/kde4-baseapps. + O Konqueror é mais do que um navegador Web, pois também é um gerenciador de arquivos e um visualizador de multimídia. Suporta WebKit assim como seu próprio KHTML. WebKit é um motor de renderização usado por diversos navegadores modernos incluiindo o Chromium. - O Konqueror suporta o WebKit, assim como o seu próprio KHTML. O WebKit é um mecanismo de renderização usado por muitos navegadores modernos, incluindo o Chromium. Para usar o WebKit com o Konqueror no FreeBSD, instale o pacote ou Port www/kwebkitpart. Este exemplo instala o pacote: + O Konqueror pode ser instalado como um pacote digitando: - # pkg install kwebkitpart + # pkg install konqueror Para instalar a partir da Coleção de Ports: - # cd /usr/ports/www/kwebkitpart + # cd /usr/ports/x11-fm/konqueror/ # make install clean - - Para habilitar o WebKit no Konqueror, clique em Settings, Configure Konqueror. Na página de configurações General, clique no menu suspenso ao lado de Default web browser engine e altere KHTML para WebKit. - - O Konqueror também suporta Flash. Um guia sobre como obter suporte a Flash no Konqueror está disponível em @@ -8505,7 +8662,7 @@ O LibreOffice é um pacote de software livre desenvolvido por É compatível com outras grandes suítes de escritórios e está disponível em diversas plataformas. Ele é um fork renomeado do Apache OpenOffice e inclui aplicativos encontrados em um pacote completo de produtividade de escritório: processador de texto, planilha, gerenciador de apresentação, programa de desenho, programa de gerenciamento de banco de dados e uma ferramenta para criar e editar fórmulas matemáticas. Está disponível em vários idiomas diferentes e a internacionalização foi estendida para interfaces, corretores ortográficos e dicionários. - O processador de texto do LibreOffice usa um formato de arquivo XML nativo para maior portabilidade e flexibilidade. O programa de planilha eletrônica possui uma linguagem de macros que pode ser conectada a bancos de dados externos. O LibreOffice é estável e roda nativamente em Windows, Linux, FreeBSD e Mac OS X. Maiores informações sobre o LibreOffice podem ser encontradas em + O processador de texto do LibreOffice usa um formato de arquivo XML nativo para maior portabilidade e flexibilidade. O programa de planilha eletrônica possui uma linguagem de macros que pode ser conectada a bancos de dados externos. O LibreOffice é estável e roda nativamente em Windows, Linux, FreeBSD e Mac OS X. Maiores informações sobre o LibreOffice podem ser encontradas em Para instalar a versão em inglês do pacote LibreOffice: @@ -9658,7 +9815,8 @@ device usb device uhci device ohci -device ehci +device ehci +device xhci Para verificar se o scanner USB foi detectado, conecte-o e execute o comando dmesg, sendo então possível ver se o scanner aparece no buffer de mensagens do sistema. Em caso afirmativo, deve ser exibida uma mensagem semelhante a esta: @@ -9699,17 +9857,15 @@ Configuração do <application>SANE</application> - O SANE possui um sistema dividido em duas partes: os backends (graphics/sane-backends) e os frontends (graphics/sane-frontends ou graphics/xsane). Os backends fornecem acesso ao scanner. Consulte para determinar qual backend suporta o scanner. Os frontends fornecem a interface de varredura gráfica. graphics/sane-frontends instala o xscanimage enquanto o graphics/xsane instala o xsane. + O sistma SANE provê o acesso ao scanner via backends (graphics/sane-backends). Consulte para determinar qual backend suporta o scanner. Uma interface gráfica é fornecida por aplicações terceiras como Kooka (graphics/kooka) ou XSane (graphics/xsane). Os backends do SANE são suficientes para testar o scanner. - Para instalar as duas partes de pacotes binários: + Para instalar os backends do pacote binário: - # pkg install xsane sane-frontends + # pkg install sane-backends Alternativamente, para instalar a partir da Coleção de Ports - # cd /usr/ports/graphics/sane-frontends -# make install clean -# cd /usr/ports/graphics/xsane + # cd /usr/ports/graphics/sane-backends # make install clean Depois de instalar o pacote ou port graphics/sane-backends, use o comando sane-find-scanner para verificar a detecção do scanner pelo sistema SANE: @@ -9728,9 +9884,9 @@ # scanimage -L device `snapscan:/dev/pass3' is a AGFA SNAPSCAN 600 flatbed scanner # scanimage -L -device 'epson2:libusb:/dev/usb:/dev/ugen0.2' is a Epson GT-8200 flatbed scanner +device 'epson2:libusb:000:002' is a Epson GT-8200 flatbed scanner - Neste segundo exemplo, 'epson2: libusb:/dev/usb:/dev/ugen0.2' é o nome do backend (epson2) e /dev/ugen0.2 é o nó do dispositivo usado pelo scanner. + Neste segundo exemplo,epson2 é o nome do backend e libusb:000:002 significa que /dev/ugen0.2 é o dispositivo usado pelo scanner. Se o comando scanimage não conseguir identificar o scanner, esta mensagem será exibida: @@ -9748,13 +9904,11 @@ Salve as edições e verifique se o scanner está identificado com o nome do back-end correto e com o nó do dispositivo: # scanimage -L -device 'epson2:libusb:/dev/usb:/dev/ugen0.2' is a Epson GT-8200 flatbed scanner +device 'epson2:libusb:000:002' is a Epson GT-8200 flatbed scanner Depois que o comando scanimage -L identificar o scanner, a configuração estará completa e o scanner estará pronto para ser usado. - Embora o scanimage possa ser usado para realizar uma digitalização de imagem a partir da linha de comando, muitas vezes é preferível usar uma interface gráfica para executar o escaneamento. O pacote ou port graphics/sane-frontends instala uma interface gráfica simples, mas eficiente, xscanimage. - - Alternativamente, o xsane, que é instalado com o pacote ou port graphics/xsane, é outro frontend de digitalização gráfica popular. Ele oferece recursos avançados, como vários modos de digitalização, correção de cores e digitalizações em lote. Ambos os aplicativos são utilizáveis como um plugin do GIMP. + Embora o scanimage possa ser usado para realizar uma digitalização de imagem a partir da linha de comando, muitas vezes é preferível usar uma interface gráfica para executar o escaneamento. Aplicações como Kooka ou XSane são interfaces de digitalização populares. Eles oferecem recursos avançados, como vários modos de digitalização, correção de cores e digitalizações em lote. O XSane também pode ser usado como um plugin GIMP. @@ -9772,6 +9926,24 @@ add path ugen0.2 mode 0660 group usb add path usb/0.2.0 mode 0666 group usb + + Acontece do nó do dispositivo mudar com a adição ou remoção de dispositivos, então você pode querer dar acesso a todos os dispositivos USB usando esse conjunto de regas: + + [system=5] +add path 'ugen*' mode 0660 group usb +add path 'usb/*' mode 0666 group usb + + + Veja devfs.rules5 para mais informações sobre este arquivo. + + Em seguida, ative o conjunto de regras no arquivo /etc/rc.conf: + + devfs_system_ruleset="system" + + E, reinicie o sistema devfs8: + + # service devfs restart + Finalmente, adicione os usuários a usb para permitir acesso ao scanner: # pw groupmod usb -m joe @@ -13135,7 +13307,7 @@ NDIS NDISulator Windows drivers - Microsoft Windows device drivers + Microsoft Windows device drivers KLD (kernel loadable object) + Uma lista vai ser disponibilizada incluindo as versões e partes adicionais que elas proverem. Os componentes são completamente modulares, significando que as partes especificas são habilitadas instalando o port apropriado. Para instalar o PHP na versão 7.4 para o Apache, use o seguinte comando: - Em seguida, execute uma reinicialização normal para carregar o módulo PHP: + # pkg install mod_php74 - # apachectl graceful + Se algum pacote dependente precisar ser instalado, ele irá ser instalado também. - O suporte a PHP fornecido pelo www/mod_php56 é limitado. Suporte adicional pode ser instalado usando o port lang/php56-extensions que fornece uma interface baseada em menus para as extensões PHP disponíveis. + Por padrão, o PHP não estará habilitado. As seguintes linhas precisam ser adicionadas no arquivo de configuração do Apache localizado em /usr/local/etc/apache24 para ativa-lo: - Como alternativa, extensões individuais podem ser instaladas usando a porta apropriada. Por exemplo, para adicionar suporte PHP para o servidor de banco de dados MySQL, instale o databases/php56-mysql. + <FilesMatch "\.php$"> + SetHandler application/x-httpd-php +</FilesMatch> +<FilesMatch "\.phps$"> + SetHandler application/x-httpd-php-source +</FilesMatch> - Depois de instalar uma extensão, o servidor Apache deve ser recarregado para selecionar as novas alterações de configuração: + Em adição, a opção no arquivo de configuração irá precisar ser atualizada também e o Apache irá precisar ser reiniciado ou feito um relaoad também para as mudanças surtirem efeito. + Suporte para muitas partes do PHP podem ser instalado também usando o comando pkg. Por exemplo, para instalar suporte para o XML ou para SSL, instale os seguintes ports: + + # pkg install php74-xml php74-openssl + + Como antes, a configuração do Apache irá precisar ser recarregada para as mudanças surtirem efeito, mesmo em casos onde foi feita apenas a instalação de um modulo. + + Para realizar uma reinicialização normal para recarregar a configuração, digite o seguinte comando: + # apachectl graceful + + Uma vez que a instalação esteja completa, há dois métodos para obter o suporte para os modulos do PHP e a informação do ambiente dessa instalação. A primeira é instalar o binário completo do PHP e rodar o seguinte comando para obter a informação: + + # pkg install php74 + # php -i |less + + Isso é necessário para passar a saída paga um paginador, como o comando more ou less para visualizar melhor a saída. + + Finalmente, para fazer alguma mudança na configuração global do PHP há um arquivo bem documentado instalado dentro de /usr/local/etc/php.ini. No momento da instalação, esse arquivo não irá existir porque há duas versões para escolher, uma é o arquivo php.ini-development e outra o php.ini-production. Esses são pontos iniciais para ajudar os administradores na implementação. + + + + Suporte a HTTP2 + + + Suporte do Apache para o protocolo HTTP está incluido por padrão quando instala o port com o comando pkg. A nova versão do HTTP inclui muitas melhorias em relação a versão anterior, incluindo utilizar uma conexão singular para uma página, reduzindo as idas e vindas de conexões TCP. Também, os dados no cabeçalho do pacote é comprimido e o HTTP2 requer encriptação por padrão. + + Quando o Apache estiver configurado para usar HTTP2 apenas, os navegadores web irão requisitar conexões seguras, encriptadas com HTTPS. Quando o Apache estiver configurado para usar ambas versões, o HTTP1.1 irá ser considerado uma opção substituta se algum problema surgir durante a conexão. + + Embora essa mudança exija que os administradores façam alterações, elas são positivas e equivalem a uma Internet mais segura para todos. As mudanças são requeridas apenas para paginas não implementada corretamente com SSL e TLS. + + + Essa configuração depende das seções anteriores, incluindo suporte a TLS. É recomendado que essas instruções seja seguidas antes de continuar com essa configuração. + + + Comece o processo habilitando o modulo http2 removendo o comentário da linha no arquivo /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf e trocando o modulo mpm_prefork pelo mpm_event pois o anterior não suporta o http2. + + LoadModule http2_module libexec/apache24/ +LoadModule mpm_event_module libexec/apache24/ + + + Aqui há um port mod_http1 distinto que está disponível. Ele existe pra entregar segurança e correção de bugs mais rápido que o modulo instalado por padrão com o port apache24. Ele não é requisitado para o suporte do HTTP2 mas está disponível. Quando instalado, o deve ser usado no lugar do na configuração do Apache. + + + Aqui há dois métodos para implementar o HTTP2 no Apache; um caminho é de forma global para todos os sites e cada VirtualHost rodando no sistema. Para habilitar o HTTP2 globalmente, adicione a seguinte linha abaixo da diretiva ServerName: + + Protocolos h2 http/1.1 + + + Para habilitar HTTP2 sobre texto simples, use h2h2chttp/1.1 no arquivo httpd.conf. + + + Tendo o h2c aqui irá permitir que o dado em texto simples do HTTP2 passar pelo sistema mas isso não é recomendado. Em adição a isso, usando o http/1.1 aqui irá permitir retornar para a versão do protocolo HTTP1.1 caso sejá necessário pelo sistema. + + Para habilitar HTTP2 para VirtualHosts individuais, adicione a mesma linha com a diretiva VirtualHost no arquivo httpd.conf ou httpd-ssl.conf. + + Recarregue a configuração usando o comando apachectlreload e teste a configuração seguindo um dos métodos após visitar uma das paginas hosteadas: + + # grep "HTTP/2.0" /var/log/httpd-access.log + + A saída deve ser semelhante à seguinte: + + - - [18/Oct/2020:18:34:36 -0400] "GET / HTTP/2.0" 304 - + - - [18/Oct/2020:19:19:57 -0400] "GET / HTTP/2.0" 304 - + - - [18/Oct/2020:19:20:52 -0400] "GET / HTTP/2.0" 304 - + - - [18/Oct/2020:19:23:10 -0400] "GET / HTTP/2.0" 304 - + + O outro metodo é usar o navegador web padrão no debugger do site ou o comando tcpdump; contanto, o uso de qualquer método está além do escopo desse documento. + + Suporte para conexões do proxy reverso HTTP2 usando o modulo Quando declarado na configuração o ProxyPass ou RewriteRules [P], eles devem usar h2:// para a conexão. + + + @@ -35305,7 +35629,7 @@ Verifique com o ifconfig se ambas as interfaces estão ativadas e em execução. - Em seguida, crie as regras PF para permitir que o gateway transmita tráfego. Embora a regra a seguir permita que o tráfego com informações de estado passe da Internet para os hosts na rede, a palavra-chave to não garante a passagem da origem até o destino: + Em seguida, crie as regras PF para permitir que o gateway transmita tráfego. Embora a regra a seguir permita que o tráfego stateful de hosts da rede interna passe para o gateway, a palavra-chave to não garante a passagem da origem até o destino: pass in on xl1 from xl1:network to xl0:network port $ports keep state @@ -36165,7 +36489,7 @@ $cmd 005 allow all from any to any via xl0 # exclude LAN traffic $cmd 010 allow all from any to any via lo0 # exclude loopback traffic -$cmd 099 reass all from any to any in # reassamble inbound packets +$cmd 099 reass all from any to any in # reassemble inbound packets $cmd 100 nat 1 ip from any to any in via $pif # NAT any inbound packets # Allow the packet through if it has an existing entry in the dynamic rules table $cmd 101 check-state @@ -36440,6 +36764,7 @@ ipfilter_enable="YES" # Start ipf firewall ipfilter_rules="/etc/ipf.rules" # loads rules definition text file +ipv6_ipfilter_rules="/etc/ipf6.rules" # loads rules definition text file for IPv6 ipmon_enable="YES" # Start IP monitor log ipmon_flags="-Ds" # D = start as daemon # s = log to syslog @@ -39350,6 +39675,10 @@ Em teoria, o endereço MAC da Ethernet ou da wireless pode ser alterado para corresponder ao outro. No entanto, algumas interfaces wireless populares não têm suporte para substituir o endereço MAC. Portanto, recomendamos substituir o endereço MAC da Ethernet para esse fim. + + Se o driver para a interface wireless não estiver carregado no kernel GENERIC ou customizado, e o computador estiver rodando o FreeBSD 12.1, carregue o .ko correspondente no arquivo /boot/loader.conf adicionando driver_load="YES" e reiniciando a maquina. Outra forma melhor, é carregar o driver no arquivo /etc/rc.conf adicionando a variável kld_list (veja rc.conf5 para maiores detalhes) nesse arquivo e reiniciar. Isso é necessário porque de outra forma o driver não estará carregado no tempo em que a interface lagg4 for configurada. + + Neste exemplo, a interface Ethernet, re0, é a interface principal e a interface sem fio, wlan0, é o failover. A interface wlan0 foi criada a partir da interface wireless ath0, e a interface Ethernet será configurada com o endereço MAC da interface wireless. Primeiro, determine o endereço MAC da interface wireless: # ifconfig wlan0 @@ -40294,7 +40623,7 @@ O balanceamento de carga destas máquinas é feito por meio de uma configuração de DNS Round Robin. As máquinas principais e de backup são configuradas de forma idêntica, exceto por seus nomes de host e endereços de gerenciamento IP. Esses servidores devem ter a mesma configuração e executar os mesmos serviços. Quando o failover ocorre, as solicitações para o serviço no endereço IP compartilhado só podem ser respondidas corretamente se o servidor de backup tiver acesso ao mesmo conteúdo. A máquina de backup tem duas interfaces CARP adicionais, uma para cada endereço IP do servidor de conteúdo mestre. Quando ocorre uma falha, o servidor de backup selecionará o endereço IP da máquina mestre com falha. - Usando <acronym>CARP</acronym> no FreeBSD 10 e superiores + Usando <acronym>CARP</acronym> no FreeBSD 10 e Posteriores Ative o suporte para CARP na inicialização do sistema, adicionando uma entrada para o módulo do kernel carp.ko em /boot/loader.conf: @@ -40341,7 +40670,7 @@ - Usando <acronym>CARP</acronym> no FreeBSD 9 e anteriores + Usando <acronym>CARP</acronym> no FreeBSD 9 e Anteriores A configuração para estas versões do FreeBSD é similar àquela descrita na seção anterior, exceto que o dispositivo CARP deve ser criado primeiro e referenciado na configuração. @@ -40889,9 +41218,6 @@ (ftp) - - - @@ -41537,6 +41863,10 @@ + Jpman Project, Japan FreeBSD Users Group. FreeBSD User's Reference Manual (Japanese translation). Mainichi Communications Inc., 1998. ISBN4-8399-0088-4 P3800E. + + + Edinburgh University has written an Online Guide for newcomers to the UNIX environment. @@ -41547,7 +41877,7 @@ - Jpman Project, Japan FreeBSD Users Group. FreeBSD System Administrator's Manual (Japanese translation). Mainichi Communications Inc., 1998. ISBN4-8399-0109-0 P3300E. + Jpman Project, Japan FreeBSD Users Group. FreeBSD System Administrator's Manual (Japanese translation). Mainichi Communications Inc., 1998. ISBN4-8399-0109-0 P3300E. @@ -41745,6 +42075,11 @@ Old BSD releases from the Computer Systems Research group (CSRG). The 4CD set covers all BSD versions from 1BSD to 4.4BSD and 4.4BSD-Lite2 (but not 2.11BSD, unfortunately). The last disk also holds the final sources plus the SCCS files. + + + Kernighan, Brian Unix: A History and a Memoir. Kindle Direct Publishing, 2020. ISBN 978-169597855-3 + + @@ -41886,6 +42221,11 @@ + freebsd-quarterly-calls + Chamadas para relatórios de status trimestrais (moderado) + + + freebsd-questions Perguntas de usuários e suporte técnico @@ -42246,6 +42586,11 @@ + freebsd-riscv + Portando o FreeBSD para sistemas RISC-V + + + freebsd-ruby Discussões específicas sobre o Ruby no FreeBSD @@ -43145,7 +43490,7 @@ freebsd-ports-announce - Notícias e instruções importantes sobre a coleção de ports do FreeBSD + Notícias e instruções importantes sobre a Coleção de Ports do FreeBSD Notícias importantes para desenvolvedores, porters e usuários da Coleção de Ports (/usr/ports), incluindo alterações de arquitetura / infraestrutura, novos recursos, instruções críticas de upgrade e informações sobre a engenharia de releases. Esta é uma lista de discussão de baixo volume, destinada a anúncios. @@ -44026,70 +44371,85 @@ Core Team Secretary <email></email> -sub rsa2048/133C3338A5B95A60 2018-06-30 [E] [expires: 2020-06-29] - Key fingerprint = FA37 B8AA C667 C3AA D310 751D 133C 3338 A5B9 5A60 +sub rsa4096/377C937536E4821B 2020-06-26 [E] [expires: 2022-06-30] ]]> @@ -45281,7 +45641,7 @@ New Technology File System NTFS - Um sistema de arquivos desenvolvido pela Microsoft e disponível em seus sistemas operacionais New Technology, como Windows 2000, Windows NT e Windows XP. + A filesystem developed by Microsoft and available in its New Technology operating systems, such as Windows 2000, Windows NT and Windows XP. Index: pt_BR.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/pt_BR.po =================================================================== --- pt_BR.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/pt_BR.po +++ pt_BR.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/pt_BR.po @@ -8,11 +8,13 @@ # macevidal , 2019. #zanata # Edson Brandi , 2019, 2020. # Alex Nunes Soares , 2020. +# Alexandre Liberato , 2020. +# Silvio Ap Da Silva , 2020. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-03-14 17:19-0300\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-03-14 20:09+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-06 15:04-0300\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-06 18:03+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Danilo G. Baio \n" "Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) \n" @@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 3.11.2\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 4.3.2\n" #. 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(itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:776 +#: book.translate.xml:785 msgid "ARM is a registered trademark of ARM Limited." msgstr "ARM is a registered trademark of ARM Limited." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:778 +#: book.translate.xml:787 msgid "Adaptec is a registered trademark of Adaptec, Inc." msgstr "Adaptec is a registered trademark of Adaptec, Inc." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:780 +#: book.translate.xml:789 msgid "" "Adobe, Acrobat, Acrobat Reader, Flash and PostScript are either registered " "trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States " @@ -178,7 +181,7 @@ "and/or other countries." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:784 +#: book.translate.xml:793 msgid "" "Apple, AirPort, FireWire, iMac, iPhone, iPad, Mac, Macintosh, Mac OS, " "Quicktime, and TrueType are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. " @@ -189,12 +192,12 @@ "and other countries." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:789 +#: book.translate.xml:798 msgid "Android is a trademark of Google Inc." msgstr "Android is a trademark of Google Inc." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:791 +#: book.translate.xml:800 msgid "" "Heidelberg, Helvetica, Palatino, and Times Roman are either registered " "trademarks or trademarks of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG in the U.S. and " @@ -205,7 +208,7 @@ "other countries." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:795 +#: book.translate.xml:804 msgid "" "IBM, AIX, OS/2, PowerPC, PS/2, S/390, and ThinkPad are trademarks of " "International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other " @@ -216,7 +219,7 @@ "countries, or both." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:799 +#: book.translate.xml:808 msgid "" "IEEE, POSIX, and 802 are registered trademarks of Institute of Electrical " "and Electronics Engineers, Inc. in the United States." @@ -225,7 +228,7 @@ "and Electronics Engineers, Inc. in the United States." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:802 +#: book.translate.xml:811 msgid "" "Intel, Celeron, Centrino, Core, EtherExpress, i386, i486, Itanium, Pentium, " "and Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its " @@ -236,7 +239,7 @@ "subsidiaries in the United States and other countries." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:806 +#: book.translate.xml:815 msgid "" "Intuit and Quicken are registered trademarks and/or registered service marks " "of Intuit Inc., or one of its subsidiaries, in the United States and other " @@ -247,12 +250,12 @@ "countries." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:809 +#: book.translate.xml:818 msgid "Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds." msgstr "Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:811 +#: book.translate.xml:820 msgid "" "LSI Logic, AcceleRAID, eXtremeRAID, MegaRAID and Mylex are trademarks or " "registered trademarks of LSI Logic Corp." @@ -261,7 +264,7 @@ "registered trademarks of LSI Logic Corp." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:814 +#: book.translate.xml:823 msgid "" "Microsoft, IntelliMouse, MS-DOS, Outlook, Windows, Windows Media and Windows " "NT are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation " @@ -272,7 +275,7 @@ "in the United States and/or other countries." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:818 +#: book.translate.xml:827 msgid "" "Motif, OSF/1, and UNIX are registered trademarks and IT DialTone and The " "Open Group are trademarks of The Open Group in the United States and other " @@ -283,12 +286,12 @@ "countries." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:822 +#: book.translate.xml:831 msgid "Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation." msgstr "Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:824 +#: book.translate.xml:833 msgid "" "RealNetworks, RealPlayer, and RealAudio are the registered trademarks of " "RealNetworks, Inc." @@ -297,7 +300,7 @@ "RealNetworks, Inc." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:827 +#: book.translate.xml:836 msgid "" "Red Hat, RPM, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. in " "the United States and other countries." @@ -306,7 +309,7 @@ "the United States and other countries." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:830 +#: book.translate.xml:839 msgid "" "Sun, Sun Microsystems, Java, Java Virtual Machine, JDK, JRE, JSP, JVM, " "Netra, OpenJDK, Solaris, StarOffice, SunOS and VirtualBox are trademarks or " @@ -319,37 +322,37 @@ "other countries." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:835 +#: book.translate.xml:844 msgid "MATLAB is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc." msgstr "MATLAB is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:837 +#: book.translate.xml:846 msgid "SpeedTouch is a trademark of Thomson." msgstr "SpeedTouch is a trademark of Thomson." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:839 +#: book.translate.xml:848 msgid "VMware is a trademark of VMware, Inc." msgstr "VMware is a trademark of VMware, Inc." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:841 +#: book.translate.xml:850 msgid "Mathematica is a registered trademark of Wolfram Research, Inc." msgstr "Mathematica is a registered trademark of Wolfram Research, Inc." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:843 +#: book.translate.xml:852 msgid "XFree86 is a trademark of The XFree86 Project, Inc." msgstr "XFree86 is a trademark of The XFree86 Project, Inc." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:845 +#: book.translate.xml:854 msgid "Ogg Vorbis and Xiph.Org are trademarks of Xiph.Org." msgstr "Ogg Vorbis and Xiph.Org are trademarks of Xiph.Org." #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para -#: book.translate.xml:847 +#: book.translate.xml:856 msgid "" "Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish " "their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in " @@ -364,10 +367,10 @@ "quote> symbol." #. (itstool) path: abstract/para -#: book.translate.xml:856 +#: book.translate.xml:865 msgid "" "Welcome to FreeBSD! This handbook covers the installation and day to day use " -"of FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE and FreeBSD 11.3-" +"of FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE and FreeBSD 11.4-" "RELEASE. This book is the result of ongoing work by many " "individuals. Some sections might be outdated. Those interested in helping to " "update and expand this document should send email to the ." msgstr "" "Bem vindo ao FreeBSD! Este manual cobre a instalação e o uso diário do " -"FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE e do FreeBSD 11.3-" +"FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE e do FreeBSD 11.4-" "RELEASE. Este livro é o resultado do trabalho contínuo de muitas " "pessoas. Algumas seções podem estar desatualizadas. Os interessados em " "ajudar a atualizar e expandir este documento devem enviar e-mails para a " @@ -383,7 +386,7 @@ "\">lista de discussão do projeto de documentação do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: abstract/para -#: book.translate.xml:865 +#: book.translate.xml:874 msgid "" "The latest version of this book is available from the FreeBSD web site. Previous versions can " @@ -410,18 +413,18 @@ "\">página de busca." #. (itstool) path: preface/title -#: book.translate.xml:886 +#: book.translate.xml:895 msgid "Preface" msgstr "Prefácio" #. (itstool) path: preface/bridgehead #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#preface-audience -#: book.translate.xml:888 +#: book.translate.xml:897 msgid "Intended Audience" msgstr "Audiência Pretendida" #. (itstool) path: preface/para -#: book.translate.xml:891 +#: book.translate.xml:900 msgid "" "The FreeBSD newcomer will find that the first section of this book guides " "the user through the FreeBSD installation process and gently introduces the " @@ -438,7 +441,7 @@ "que eles são introduzidos." #. (itstool) path: preface/para -#: book.translate.xml:898 +#: book.translate.xml:907 msgid "" "Once you have traveled this far, the second, far larger, section of the " "Handbook is a comprehensive reference to all manner of topics of interest to " @@ -453,7 +456,7 @@ "sinopse no início de cada capítulo." #. (itstool) path: preface/para -#: book.translate.xml:905 +#: book.translate.xml:914 msgid "" "For a list of additional sources of information, please see ." @@ -463,12 +466,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: preface/bridgehead #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#preface-changes-from3 -#: book.translate.xml:908 +#: book.translate.xml:917 msgid "Changes from the Third Edition" msgstr "Mudanças desde a Terceira Edição" #. (itstool) path: preface/para -#: book.translate.xml:911 +#: book.translate.xml:920 msgid "" "The current online version of the Handbook represents the cumulative effort " "of many hundreds of contributors over the past 10 years. The following are " @@ -481,7 +484,7 @@ "2004:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:918 +#: book.translate.xml:927 msgid "" " has been added with information about the " "powerful DTrace performance analysis tool." @@ -490,7 +493,7 @@ "ferramenta de análise de desempenho DTrace." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:923 +#: book.translate.xml:932 msgid "" " has been added with information about non-" "native file systems in FreeBSD, such as ZFS from Sun." @@ -500,7 +503,7 @@ "trademark>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:929 +#: book.translate.xml:938 msgid "" " has been added to cover the new auditing " "capabilities in FreeBSD and explain its use." @@ -509,7 +512,7 @@ "auditoria no FreeBSD e explicar seu uso." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:934 +#: book.translate.xml:943 msgid "" " has been added with information about " "installing FreeBSD on virtualization software." @@ -518,7 +521,7 @@ "instalação do FreeBSD em ambientes virtualizados." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:940 +#: book.translate.xml:949 msgid "" " has been added to cover installation of " "FreeBSD using the new installation utility, bsdinstall has been expanded with new information " "about the ACPI power and resource management, the cron " @@ -559,7 +562,7 @@ "cron e mais opções para ajuste do kernel." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:964 +#: book.translate.xml:973 msgid "" " has been expanded with new information about " "virtual private networks (VPNs), file system access control lists (ACLs), " @@ -570,7 +573,7 @@ "arquivos e avisos de segurança." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:970 +#: book.translate.xml:979 msgid "" " is a new chapter with this edition. It explains what " "MAC is and how this mechanism can be used to secure a FreeBSD system." @@ -579,7 +582,7 @@ "MAC e como esse mecanismo pode ser usado para proteger um sistema FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:976 +#: book.translate.xml:985 msgid "" " has been expanded with new information about USB " "storage devices, file system snapshots, file system quotas, file and network " @@ -591,7 +594,7 @@ "e partições de disco criptografadas." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:983 +#: book.translate.xml:992 msgid "" "A troubleshooting section has been added to ." msgstr "" @@ -599,7 +602,7 @@ "slip\"/>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:987 +#: book.translate.xml:996 msgid "" " has been expanded with new information about using " "alternative transport agents, SMTP authentication, UUCP, " @@ -612,7 +615,7 @@ "outros tópicos avançados." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:995 +#: book.translate.xml:1004 msgid "" " is all new with this edition. This " "chapter includes information about setting up the Apache HTTP " @@ -631,7 +634,7 @@ "foram movidas para cá para melhorar a apresentação." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1005 +#: book.translate.xml:1014 msgid "" " has been expanded with new " "information about using BluetoothGetting " "Started, System Administration, and " @@ -710,7 +713,7 @@ "quote>, Administração do Sistema e Apêndices." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1056 +#: book.translate.xml:1065 msgid "" " has been expanded to contain additional " "information about processes, daemons, and signals." @@ -719,7 +722,7 @@ "sobre processos, daemons e sinais." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1062 +#: book.translate.xml:1071 msgid "" " has been expanded to contain additional " "information about binary package management." @@ -728,7 +731,7 @@ "sobre o gerenciamento de pacotes binários." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1068 +#: book.translate.xml:1077 msgid "" " has been completely rewritten with an emphasis on " "using modern desktop technologies such as KDE and " @@ -739,12 +742,12 @@ "GNOME sobre o XFree86 4.X." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1075 +#: book.translate.xml:1084 msgid " has been expanded." msgstr " foi expandido." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1079 +#: book.translate.xml:1088 msgid "" " has been written from what used to be two separate " "chapters on Disks and Backups. We feel that " @@ -758,7 +761,7 @@ "foi adicionada." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1088 +#: book.translate.xml:1097 msgid "" " has been completely reorganized and updated " "for FreeBSD 4.X/5.X." @@ -767,12 +770,12 @@ "para o FreeBSD 4.X/5.X." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1093 +#: book.translate.xml:1102 msgid " has been substantially updated." msgstr " foi substancialmente atualizado." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1098 +#: book.translate.xml:1107 msgid "" "Many new sections have been added to ." msgstr "" @@ -780,7 +783,7 @@ "\"/>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1102 +#: book.translate.xml:1111 msgid "" " has been expanded to include more information about " "configuring sendmail." @@ -789,12 +792,12 @@ "configuração do sendmail." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1108 +#: book.translate.xml:1117 msgid "" " has been expanded to include information about " "installing Oracle and SAP R/3." +"trademark> R/3." msgstr "" " foi expandido para incluir informações sobre " "como instalar o Oracle." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1115 +#: book.translate.xml:1124 msgid "The following new topics are covered in this second edition:" msgstr "Os novos tópicos a seguir são abordados nesta segunda edição:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1120 +#: book.translate.xml:1129 msgid "." msgstr "." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1124 +#: book.translate.xml:1133 msgid "." msgstr "." #. (itstool) path: preface/bridgehead #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#preface-overview -#: book.translate.xml:1130 +#: book.translate.xml:1139 msgid "Organization of This Book" msgstr "Organização deste Livro" #. (itstool) path: preface/para -#: book.translate.xml:1132 +#: book.translate.xml:1141 msgid "" "This book is split into five logically distinct sections. The first section, " "Getting Started, covers the installation and basic " @@ -855,7 +858,7 @@ "informações de referência." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1157 +#: book.translate.xml:1166 msgid "" "Introduces FreeBSD to a new user. It describes the history of the FreeBSD " "Project, its goals and development model." @@ -864,9 +867,9 @@ "FreeBSD, seus objetivos e modelo de desenvolvimento." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1167 +#: book.translate.xml:1176 msgid "" -"Walks a user through the entire installation process of FreeBSD 9." +"Walks a user through the entire installation process of FreeBSD 9." "x and later using bsdinstall." msgstr "" @@ -874,7 +877,7 @@ "x usando o bsdinstall." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1177 +#: book.translate.xml:1186 msgid "" "Covers the basic commands and functionality of the FreeBSD operating system. " "If you are familiar with Linux " @@ -887,7 +890,7 @@ "trademark>, provavelmente você pode pular este capítulo." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1188 +#: book.translate.xml:1197 msgid "" "Covers the installation of third-party software with both FreeBSD's " "innovative Ports Collection and standard binary packages." @@ -896,7 +899,7 @@ "de Ports do FreeBSD, e com pacotes binários tradicionais." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1198 +#: book.translate.xml:1207 msgid "" "Describes the X Window System in general and using X11 on FreeBSD in " "particular. Also describes common desktop environments such as " @@ -907,7 +910,7 @@ "application> e GNOME." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1211 +#: book.translate.xml:1220 msgid "" "Lists some common desktop applications, such as web browsers and " "productivity suites, and describes how to install them on FreeBSD." @@ -916,7 +919,7 @@ "de produtividade, e descreve como instalá-los no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1220 +#: book.translate.xml:1229 msgid "" "Shows how to set up sound and video playback support for your system. Also " "describes some sample audio and video applications." @@ -925,7 +928,7 @@ "sistema. Também descreve alguns exemplos de aplicativos de áudio e vídeo." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1230 +#: book.translate.xml:1239 msgid "" "Explains why you might need to configure a new kernel and provides detailed " "instructions for configuring, building, and installing a custom kernel." @@ -935,7 +938,7 @@ "personalizado." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1240 +#: book.translate.xml:1249 msgid "" "Describes managing printers on FreeBSD, including information about banner " "pages, printer accounting, and initial setup." @@ -944,7 +947,7 @@ "sobre páginas de banner, contabilidade de impressoras e configuração inicial." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1250 +#: book.translate.xml:1259 msgid "" "Describes the Linux " "compatibility features of FreeBSD. Also provides detailed installation " @@ -961,7 +964,7 @@ "\"registered\">Mathematica." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1264 +#: book.translate.xml:1273 msgid "" "Describes the parameters available for system administrators to tune a " "FreeBSD system for optimum performance. Also describes the various " @@ -972,7 +975,7 @@ "vários arquivos de configuração usados no FreeBSD e onde encontrá-los." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1275 +#: book.translate.xml:1284 msgid "" "Describes the FreeBSD boot process and explains how to control this process " "with configuration options." @@ -981,7 +984,7 @@ "este processo com opções de configuração." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1284 +#: book.translate.xml:1293 msgid "" "Describes many different tools available to help keep your FreeBSD system " "secure, including Kerberos, IPsec and OpenSSH." @@ -990,7 +993,7 @@ "sistema FreeBSD seguro, incluindo Kerberos, IPsec e OpenSSH." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1294 +#: book.translate.xml:1303 msgid "" "Describes the jails framework, and the improvements of jails over the " "traditional chroot support of FreeBSD." @@ -999,7 +1002,7 @@ "do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1303 +#: book.translate.xml:1312 msgid "" "Explains what Mandatory Access Control (MAC) is and how this mechanism can " "be used to secure a FreeBSD system." @@ -1008,7 +1011,7 @@ "ser usado para proteger um sistema FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1313 +#: book.translate.xml:1322 msgid "" "Describes what FreeBSD Event Auditing is, how it can be installed, " "configured, and how audit trails can be inspected or monitored." @@ -1018,7 +1021,7 @@ "inspecionadas ou monitoradas." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1323 +#: book.translate.xml:1332 msgid "" "Describes how to manage storage media and filesystems with FreeBSD. This " "includes physical disks, RAID arrays, optical and tape media, memory-backed " @@ -1029,7 +1032,7 @@ "discos com suporte de memória e sistemas de arquivos de rede." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1334 +#: book.translate.xml:1343 msgid "" "Describes what the GEOM framework in FreeBSD is and how to configure various " "supported RAID levels." @@ -1038,7 +1041,7 @@ "níveis suportados de RAID." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1343 +#: book.translate.xml:1352 msgid "" "Examines support of non-native file systems in FreeBSD, like the Z File " "System from Sun." @@ -1047,7 +1050,7 @@ "File System da Sun." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1352 +#: book.translate.xml:1361 msgid "" "Describes what virtualization systems offer, and how they can be used with " "FreeBSD." @@ -1056,7 +1059,7 @@ "usados com o FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1361 +#: book.translate.xml:1370 msgid "" "Describes how to use FreeBSD in languages other than English. Covers both " "system and application level localization." @@ -1065,7 +1068,7 @@ "localização tanto em nível de sistema como em nível de aplicativo." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1371 +#: book.translate.xml:1380 msgid "" "Explains the differences between FreeBSD-STABLE, FreeBSD-CURRENT, and " "FreeBSD releases. Describes which users would benefit from tracking a " @@ -1078,7 +1081,7 @@ "podem usar para atualizar seu sistema para a última release de segurança." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1384 +#: book.translate.xml:1393 msgid "" "Describes how to configure and use the DTrace tool from Sun in FreeBSD. Dynamic tracing can help locate performance issues, " @@ -1089,7 +1092,7 @@ "problemas de desempenho, realizando a análise do sistema em tempo real." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1397 +#: book.translate.xml:1406 msgid "" "Explains how to connect terminals and modems to your FreeBSD system for both " "dial in and dial out connections." @@ -1098,13 +1101,13 @@ "conexões de discagem de entrada e de saída." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1407 +#: book.translate.xml:1416 msgid "Describes how to use PPP to connect to remote systems with FreeBSD." msgstr "" "Descreve como usar o PPP para se conectar a sistemas remotos com o FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1416 +#: book.translate.xml:1425 msgid "" "Explains the different components of an email server and dives into simple " "configuration topics for the most popular mail server software: " @@ -1115,7 +1118,7 @@ "mails: o sendmail." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1427 +#: book.translate.xml:1436 msgid "" "Provides detailed instructions and example configuration files to set up " "your FreeBSD machine as a network filesystem server, domain name server, " @@ -1127,7 +1130,7 @@ "rede ou servidor de sincronização de horário." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1438 +#: book.translate.xml:1447 msgid "" "Explains the philosophy behind software-based firewalls and provides " "detailed information about the configuration of the different firewalls " @@ -1138,7 +1141,7 @@ "disponíveis para o FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1448 +#: book.translate.xml:1457 msgid "" "Describes many networking topics, including sharing an Internet connection " "with other computers on your LAN, advanced routing topics, wireless " @@ -1151,7 +1154,7 @@ "trademark>, ATM, IPv6 e muito mais." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1461 +#: book.translate.xml:1470 msgid "" "Lists different sources for obtaining FreeBSD media on CDROM or DVD as well " "as different sites on the Internet that allow you to download and install " @@ -1162,7 +1165,7 @@ "baixe e instale o FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1471 +#: book.translate.xml:1480 msgid "" "This book touches on many different subjects that may leave you hungry for a " "more detailed explanation. The bibliography lists many excellent books that " @@ -1173,7 +1176,7 @@ "livros excelentes que são referenciados no texto." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1482 +#: book.translate.xml:1491 msgid "" "Describes the many forums available for FreeBSD users to post questions and " "engage in technical conversations about FreeBSD." @@ -1182,18 +1185,18 @@ "perguntas e se engajarem em conversas técnicas sobre o FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1492 +#: book.translate.xml:1501 msgid "Lists the PGP fingerprints of several FreeBSD Developers." msgstr "Lista as fingerprints PGP de vários desenvolvedores do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: preface/bridgehead #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#preface-conv -#: book.translate.xml:1498 +#: book.translate.xml:1507 msgid "Conventions used in this book" msgstr "Convenções utilizadas neste livro" #. (itstool) path: preface/para -#: book.translate.xml:1501 +#: book.translate.xml:1510 msgid "" "To provide a consistent and easy to read text, several conventions are " "followed throughout the book." @@ -1203,17 +1206,17 @@ #. (itstool) path: preface/bridgehead #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#preface-conv-typographic -#: book.translate.xml:1504 +#: book.translate.xml:1513 msgid "Typographic Conventions" msgstr "Convenções Tipográficas" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:1508 +#: book.translate.xml:1517 msgid "Italic" msgstr "Itálico" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1511 +#: book.translate.xml:1520 msgid "" "An italic font is used for filenames, URLs, emphasized " "text, and the first usage of technical terms." @@ -1222,12 +1225,12 @@ "textos enfatizados e o primeiro uso de termos técnicos." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:1518 +#: book.translate.xml:1527 msgid "Monospace" msgstr "Monospace" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1521 +#: book.translate.xml:1530 msgid "" "A monospaced font is used for error messages, commands, " "environment variables, names of ports, hostnames, user names, group names, " @@ -1239,12 +1242,12 @@ "código." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:1529 +#: book.translate.xml:1538 msgid "Bold" msgstr "Negrito" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1532 +#: book.translate.xml:1541 msgid "" "A bold font is used for applications, commands, and keys." msgstr "" @@ -1253,12 +1256,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: preface/bridgehead #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#preface-conv-commands -#: book.translate.xml:1539 +#: book.translate.xml:1548 msgid "User Input" msgstr "Entrada do Usuário" #. (itstool) path: preface/para -#: book.translate.xml:1542 +#: book.translate.xml:1551 msgid "" "Keys are shown in bold to stand out from other text. Key " "combinations that are meant to be typed simultaneously are shown with " @@ -1270,7 +1273,7 @@ "como:" #. (itstool) path: preface/para -#: book.translate.xml:1547 +#: book.translate.xml:1556 msgid "" " Ctrl Alt " "Del" @@ -1279,7 +1282,7 @@ "Del" #. (itstool) path: preface/para -#: book.translate.xml:1553 +#: book.translate.xml:1562 msgid "" "Meaning the user should type the Ctrl, Alt, and Del keys at the same time." @@ -1288,7 +1291,7 @@ "Alt e Del ao mesmo tempo." #. (itstool) path: preface/para -#: book.translate.xml:1557 +#: book.translate.xml:1566 msgid "" "Keys that are meant to be typed in sequence will be separated with commas, " "for example:" @@ -1297,7 +1300,7 @@ "por exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: preface/para -#: book.translate.xml:1560 +#: book.translate.xml:1569 msgid "" " Ctrl X , Ctrl S" #. (itstool) path: preface/para -#: book.translate.xml:1569 +#: book.translate.xml:1578 msgid "" "Would mean that the user is expected to type the Ctrl and " "X keys simultaneously and then to type the CtrlC:\\> indicate a MS-DOS command. Unless otherwise noted, " "these commands may be executed from a Command Prompt window " -"in a modern Microsoft Microsoft Windows environment." msgstr "" "Exemplos começando com C:\\> indicam um comando " @@ -1340,13 +1343,13 @@ "\">Microsoft Windows." #. (itstool) path: preface/screen -#: book.translate.xml:1583 +#: book.translate.xml:1592 #, no-wrap msgid "E:\\> tools\\fdimage floppies\\kern.flp A:" msgstr "E:\\> tools\\fdimage floppies\\kern.flp A:" #. (itstool) path: preface/para -#: book.translate.xml:1585 +#: book.translate.xml:1594 msgid "" "Examples starting with # indicate a command that must be " "invoked as the superuser in FreeBSD. You can login as # dd if=kern.flp of=/dev/fd0" msgstr "# dd if=kern.flp of=/dev/fd0" #. (itstool) path: preface/para -#: book.translate.xml:1593 +#: book.translate.xml:1602 msgid "" "Examples starting with % indicate a command that should be " "invoked from a normal user account. Unless otherwise noted, C-shell syntax " @@ -1380,19 +1383,19 @@ "outros comandos do shell." #. (itstool) path: preface/screen -#: book.translate.xml:1598 +#: book.translate.xml:1607 #, no-wrap msgid "% top" msgstr "% top" #. (itstool) path: preface/bridgehead #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#preface-acknowledgements -#: book.translate.xml:1600 +#: book.translate.xml:1609 msgid "Acknowledgments" msgstr "Agradecimentos" #. (itstool) path: preface/para -#: book.translate.xml:1602 +#: book.translate.xml:1611 msgid "" "The book you are holding represents the efforts of many hundreds of people " "around the world. Whether they sent in fixes for typos, or submitted " @@ -1404,7 +1407,7 @@ "úteis." #. (itstool) path: preface/para -#: book.translate.xml:1607 +#: book.translate.xml:1616 msgid "" "Several companies have supported the development of this document by paying " "authors to work on it full-time, paying for publication, etc. In particular, " @@ -1435,12 +1438,12 @@ "preparação para a terceira edição impressa." #. (itstool) path: part/title -#: book.translate.xml:1626 +#: book.translate.xml:1635 msgid "Getting Started" msgstr "Primeiros Passos" #. (itstool) path: partintro/para -#: book.translate.xml:1629 +#: book.translate.xml:1638 msgid "" "This part of the handbook is for users and administrators who are new to " "FreeBSD. These chapters:" @@ -1449,17 +1452,17 @@ "novos no FreeBSD. Estes capítulos:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1634 +#: book.translate.xml:1643 msgid "Introduce FreeBSD." msgstr "Apresentam o FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1638 +#: book.translate.xml:1647 msgid "Guide readers through the installation process." msgstr "Guiam os leitores através do processo de instalação." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1642 +#: book.translate.xml:1651 msgid "" "Teach UNIX basics and " "fundamentals." @@ -1468,7 +1471,7 @@ "\">UNIX." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1646 +#: book.translate.xml:1655 msgid "" "Show how to install the wealth of third party applications available for " "FreeBSD." @@ -1477,7 +1480,7 @@ "disponíveis para o FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1651 +#: book.translate.xml:1660 msgid "" "Introduce X, the UNIX windowing " "system, and detail how to configure a desktop environment that makes users " @@ -1488,7 +1491,7 @@ "usuários mais produtivos." #. (itstool) path: partintro/para -#: book.translate.xml:1657 +#: book.translate.xml:1666 msgid "" "The number of forward references in the text have been kept to a minimum so " "that this section can be read from front to back with minimal page flipping." @@ -1500,12 +1503,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: info/title #. (itstool) path: sect1/title #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:1671 book.translate.xml:23808 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:1680 book.translate.xml:24002 book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "Introduction" msgstr "Introdução" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:1674 book.translate.xml:2794 +#: book.translate.xml:1683 book.translate.xml:2803 msgid "" " Jim Mock Restructured, reorganized, and parts rewritten by " #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:1686 book.translate.xml:2849 book.translate.xml:5637 -#: book.translate.xml:9033 book.translate.xml:10812 book.translate.xml:13042 -#: book.translate.xml:13968 book.translate.xml:15636 book.translate.xml:18118 -#: book.translate.xml:19382 book.translate.xml:22822 book.translate.xml:23720 -#: book.translate.xml:27815 book.translate.xml:29441 book.translate.xml:31209 -#: book.translate.xml:31943 book.translate.xml:35607 book.translate.xml:41570 -#: book.translate.xml:41775 book.translate.xml:43584 book.translate.xml:44632 -#: book.translate.xml:46285 book.translate.xml:46627 book.translate.xml:47042 -#: book.translate.xml:49236 book.translate.xml:50904 book.translate.xml:52817 -#: book.translate.xml:57499 book.translate.xml:61687 +#: book.translate.xml:1695 book.translate.xml:2858 book.translate.xml:5743 +#: book.translate.xml:9139 book.translate.xml:10998 book.translate.xml:13236 +#: book.translate.xml:14146 book.translate.xml:15830 book.translate.xml:18312 +#: book.translate.xml:19576 book.translate.xml:23016 book.translate.xml:23914 +#: book.translate.xml:28021 book.translate.xml:29695 book.translate.xml:31463 +#: book.translate.xml:32197 book.translate.xml:35866 book.translate.xml:41840 +#: book.translate.xml:42045 book.translate.xml:43857 book.translate.xml:44911 +#: book.translate.xml:46564 book.translate.xml:46906 book.translate.xml:47321 +#: book.translate.xml:49515 book.translate.xml:51183 book.translate.xml:53095 +#: book.translate.xml:57976 book.translate.xml:62165 msgid "Synopsis" msgstr "Sinopse" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:1688 +#: book.translate.xml:1697 msgid "" "Thank you for your interest in FreeBSD! The following chapter covers various " -"aspects of the FreeBSD Project, such as its history, goals, development " +"aspects of the FreeBSD Project, such as its history, goals, development " "model, and so on." msgstr "" "Obrigado pelo seu interesse no FreeBSD! O capítulo seguinte cobre vários " @@ -1541,49 +1544,49 @@ "desenvolvimento e assim por diante." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:1692 +#: book.translate.xml:1701 msgid "After reading this chapter you will know:" msgstr "Depois de ler este capítulo, você saberá:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1696 +#: book.translate.xml:1705 msgid "How FreeBSD relates to other computer operating systems." msgstr "" "Como o FreeBSD se relaciona com outros sistemas operacionais de computadores." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1701 -msgid "The history of the FreeBSD Project." +#: book.translate.xml:1710 +msgid "The history of the FreeBSD Project." msgstr "A história do projeto FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1705 -msgid "The goals of the FreeBSD Project." +#: book.translate.xml:1714 +msgid "The goals of the FreeBSD Project." msgstr "Os objetivos do projeto FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1709 +#: book.translate.xml:1718 msgid "The basics of the FreeBSD open-source development model." msgstr "O básico do modelo de desenvolvimento de código aberto do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1714 +#: book.translate.xml:1723 msgid "And of course: where the name FreeBSD comes from." msgstr "E claro: de onde o nome FreeBSD vem." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:1721 +#: book.translate.xml:1730 msgid "Welcome to FreeBSD!" msgstr "Bem vindo ao FreeBSD!" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:1723 book.translate.xml:1814 +#: book.translate.xml:1732 book.translate.xml:1823 msgid "4.4BSD-Lite" msgstr "4.4BSD-Lite" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:1725 +#: book.translate.xml:1734 msgid "" "FreeBSD is an Open Source, standards-compliant Unix-like operating system " "for x86 (both 32 and 64 bit), ARMLiberal Open Source license, which grants you rights to " "freely modify and extend its source code and incorporate it in both Open " @@ -1626,12 +1629,12 @@ "de licença." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:1749 +#: book.translate.xml:1758 msgid "TCP/IP networking" msgstr "TCP/IP networking" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1748 +#: book.translate.xml:1757 msgid "" "Strong TCP/IP networking <_:indexterm-1/> - FreeBSD " "implements industry standard protocols with ever increasing performance and " @@ -1646,7 +1649,7 @@ "fornecedores o utilizam precisamente para essa finalidade." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1759 +#: book.translate.xml:1768 msgid "" "Fully integrated OpenZFS support, including root-on-" "ZFS, ZFS Boot Environments, fault management, administrative delegation, " @@ -1659,7 +1662,7 @@ "suporte ao instalador do sistema." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1767 +#: book.translate.xml:1776 msgid "" "Extensive security features, from the Mandatory Access " "Control framework to Capsicum capability and sandbox mechanisms." @@ -1668,7 +1671,7 @@ "Control ao Capsicum e mecanismos de sandbox." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1773 +#: book.translate.xml:1782 msgid "" "Over 30 thousand prebuilt packages for all supported " "architectures, and the Ports Collection which makes it easy to build your " @@ -1679,7 +1682,7 @@ "seus próprios pacotes personalizados." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1780 +#: book.translate.xml:1789 msgid "" "Documentation - in addition to Handbook and books from " "different authors that cover topics ranging from system administration to " @@ -1696,7 +1699,7 @@ "para APIs do driver do kernel (seção 9) e drivers individuais (seção 4)." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1790 +#: book.translate.xml:1799 msgid "" "Simple and consistent repository structure and build system - FreeBSD uses a single repository for all of its components, both " @@ -1712,7 +1715,7 @@ "com a infraestrutura de compilação do seu próprio produto." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1800 +#: book.translate.xml:1809 msgid "" "Staying true to Unix philosophy, preferring " "composability instead of monolithic all in one daemons with " @@ -1724,12 +1727,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:1806 book.translate.xml:18123 +#: book.translate.xml:1815 book.translate.xml:18317 msgid "binary compatibility Linux" msgstr "binary compatibility Linux" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1806 +#: book.translate.xml:1815 msgid "" "<_:indexterm-1/> Binary compatibility with Linux, which " "makes it possible to run many Linux binaries without the need for " @@ -1740,18 +1743,18 @@ "virtualização." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:1817 +#: book.translate.xml:1826 msgid "Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG)" msgstr "Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG)" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:1814 +#: book.translate.xml:1823 msgid "" "FreeBSD is based on the 4.4BSD-Lite<_:indexterm-1/> release from Computer " "Systems Research Group (CSRG)<_:indexterm-2/> at the University of " "California at Berkeley, and carries on the distinguished tradition of BSD " "systems development. In addition to the fine work provided by CSRG, the " -"FreeBSD Project has put in many thousands of man-hours into extending the " +"FreeBSD Project has put in many thousands of man-hours into extending the " "functionality and fine-tuning the system for maximum performance and " "reliability in real-life load situations. FreeBSD offers performance and " "reliability on par with other Open Source and commercial offerings, combined " @@ -1768,12 +1771,12 @@ "em nenhum outro lugar." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:1831 +#: book.translate.xml:1840 msgid "What Can FreeBSD Do?" msgstr "O que o FreeBSD Pode Fazer?" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:1833 +#: book.translate.xml:1842 msgid "" "The applications to which FreeBSD can be put are truly limited only by your " "own imagination. From software development to factory automation, inventory " @@ -1795,7 +1798,7 @@ "muitas vezes disponíveis com pouco ou nenhum custo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:1843 +#: book.translate.xml:1852 msgid "" "Because the source code for FreeBSD itself is freely available, the system " "can also be customized to an almost unheard of degree for special " @@ -1811,7 +1814,7 @@ "estão atualmente usando o FreeBSD:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1853 +#: book.translate.xml:1862 msgid "" "Internet Services: The robust TCP/IP networking built " "into FreeBSD makes it an ideal platform for a variety of Internet services " @@ -1822,29 +1825,29 @@ "Internet, tais como:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1860 +#: book.translate.xml:1869 msgid "Web servers" msgstr "Servidores WEB" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1864 +#: book.translate.xml:1873 msgid "IPv4 and IPv6 routing" msgstr "Roteamento IPv4 e IPv6" #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm #. (itstool) path: chapter/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:1868 book.translate.xml:57490 +#: book.translate.xml:1877 book.translate.xml:57967 msgid "firewall" msgstr "firewall" #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:1871 book.translate.xml:60836 +#: book.translate.xml:1880 book.translate.xml:61314 msgid "NAT" msgstr "NAT" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1868 +#: book.translate.xml:1877 msgid "" "Firewalls<_:indexterm-1/> and NAT<_:indexterm-2/> (IP masquerading) gateways" @@ -1853,38 +1856,38 @@ "masquerading)" #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:1878 +#: book.translate.xml:1887 msgid "FTP servers" msgstr "FTP servers" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1878 +#: book.translate.xml:1887 msgid "FTP servers<_:indexterm-1/>" msgstr "Servidores FTP<_:indexterm-1/>" #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:1885 +#: book.translate.xml:1894 msgid "electronic mail email" msgstr "electronic mail email" #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:1889 book.translate.xml:50906 +#: book.translate.xml:1898 book.translate.xml:51185 msgid "email" msgstr "email" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1884 +#: book.translate.xml:1893 msgid "<_:indexterm-1/> <_:indexterm-2/> Email servers" msgstr "<_:indexterm-1/> <_:indexterm-2/>Servidores de Email" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1896 +#: book.translate.xml:1905 msgid "And more..." msgstr "E mais..." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1902 +#: book.translate.xml:1911 msgid "" "Education: Are you a student of computer science or a " "related engineering field? There is no better way of learning about " @@ -1903,7 +1906,7 @@ "fazer com que outro trabalho seja feito!" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1914 +#: book.translate.xml:1923 msgid "" "Research: With source code for the entire system " "available, FreeBSD is an excellent platform for research in operating " @@ -1922,17 +1925,17 @@ #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:1926 book.translate.xml:62044 +#: book.translate.xml:1935 book.translate.xml:62522 msgid "router" msgstr "router" #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:1928 +#: book.translate.xml:1937 msgid "DNS Server" msgstr "DNS Server" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1925 +#: book.translate.xml:1934 msgid "" "Networking: Need a new router?<_:indexterm-1/> A name " "server (DNS)?<_:indexterm-2/> A firewall to keep people out of your internal " @@ -1946,12 +1949,12 @@ "recursos sofisticados de filtragem de pacotes." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:1939 +#: book.translate.xml:1948 msgid "embedded" msgstr "embedded" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1937 +#: book.translate.xml:1946 msgid "" "Embedded: FreeBSD makes an excellent platform to build " "embedded systems upon. <_:indexterm-1/> With support for the X Window System" msgstr "X Window System" #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:1955 book.translate.xml:12234 +#: book.translate.xml:1964 book.translate.xml:12428 msgid "GNOME" msgstr "GNOME" #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:1958 book.translate.xml:12319 +#: book.translate.xml:1967 book.translate.xml:12513 msgid "KDE" msgstr "KDE" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1951 +#: book.translate.xml:1960 msgid "" "<_:indexterm-1/> <_:indexterm-2/> <_:indexterm-3/> Desktop: FreeBSD makes a fine choice for an inexpensive desktop solution " @@ -2011,12 +2014,12 @@ "estações de trabalho individuais ainda mais baratas e fáceis de administrar." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:1977 +#: book.translate.xml:1986 msgid "Compiler" msgstr "Compiler" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:1974 +#: book.translate.xml:1983 msgid "" "Software Development: The basic FreeBSD system comes " "with a full suite of development tools including a full C/C++<_:indexterm-1/" @@ -2030,7 +2033,7 @@ "coleção de ports e dos pacotes." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:1986 +#: book.translate.xml:1995 msgid "" "FreeBSD is available to download free of charge, or can be obtained on " "either CD-ROM or DVD. Please see for more " @@ -2041,12 +2044,12 @@ "informações sobre como obter o FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:1993 +#: book.translate.xml:2002 msgid "Who Uses FreeBSD?" msgstr "Quem Usa o FreeBSD?" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:1995 +#: book.translate.xml:2004 msgid "" "users large sites running FreeBSD" msgstr "" @@ -2054,7 +2057,7 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2000 +#: book.translate.xml:2009 msgid "" "FreeBSD has been known for its web serving capabilities - sites that run on " "FreeBSD include Hacker " @@ -2077,7 +2080,7 @@ "e Yandex." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2013 +#: book.translate.xml:2022 msgid "" "FreeBSD's advanced features, proven security, predictable release cycle, and " "permissive license have led to its use as a platform for building many " @@ -2092,12 +2095,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2023 book.translate.xml:56072 +#: book.translate.xml:2032 book.translate.xml:56361 msgid "Apache" msgstr "Apache" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2022 +#: book.translate.xml:2031 msgid "" "Apache <_:indexterm-1/> - " "The Apache Software Foundation runs most of its public facing " @@ -2110,12 +2113,12 @@ "SVN do mundo, com mais de 1.4 milhões de commits, no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2033 +#: book.translate.xml:2042 msgid "Apple" msgstr "Apple" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2032 +#: book.translate.xml:2041 msgid "" "Apple <_:indexterm-1/> - " "OS X borrows heavily from FreeBSD for the network stack, virtual file " @@ -2128,12 +2131,12 @@ "contém elementos emprestados do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2043 +#: book.translate.xml:2052 msgid "Cisco" msgstr "Cisco" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2042 +#: book.translate.xml:2051 msgid "" "Cisco <_:indexterm-1/> - " "IronPort network security and anti-spam appliances run a modified FreeBSD " @@ -2144,12 +2147,12 @@ "modificado do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2051 +#: book.translate.xml:2060 msgid "Citrix" msgstr "Citrix" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2050 +#: book.translate.xml:2059 msgid "" "Citrix <_:indexterm-1/> - " "The NetScaler line of security appliances provide layer 4-7 load balancing, " @@ -2163,12 +2166,12 @@ "FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2061 +#: book.translate.xml:2070 msgid "Isilon" msgstr "Isilon" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2060 +#: book.translate.xml:2069 msgid "" "Dell EMC Isilon <_:" "indexterm-1/> - Isilon's enterprise storage appliances are based on FreeBSD. " @@ -2183,12 +2186,12 @@ "em construir seu produto ao invés de um sistema operacional." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2073 +#: book.translate.xml:2082 msgid "Quest KACE" msgstr "Quest KACE" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2071 +#: book.translate.xml:2080 msgid "" "Quest KACE <_:" "indexterm-1/> - The KACE system management appliances run FreeBSD because of " @@ -2201,12 +2204,12 @@ "seu desenvolvimento contínuo." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2082 +#: book.translate.xml:2091 msgid "iXsystems" msgstr "iXsystems" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2081 +#: book.translate.xml:2090 msgid "" "iXsystems <_:" "indexterm-1/> - The TrueNAS line of unified storage appliances is based on " @@ -2219,12 +2222,12 @@ "gerencia o desenvolvimento dos projetos de código aberto TrueOS e FreeNAS." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2092 +#: book.translate.xml:2101 msgid "Juniper" msgstr "Juniper" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2091 +#: book.translate.xml:2100 msgid "" "Juniper <_:indexterm-1/> " "- The JunOS operating system that powers all Juniper networking gear " @@ -2244,12 +2247,12 @@ "complexidade de integrar novos recursos do FreeBSD ao JunOS no futuro." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2107 +#: book.translate.xml:2116 msgid "McAfee" msgstr "McAfee" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2106 +#: book.translate.xml:2115 msgid "" "McAfee <_:indexterm-1/> - " "SecurOS, the basis of McAfee enterprise firewall products including " @@ -2260,12 +2263,12 @@ "o Sidewinder, é baseado no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2116 +#: book.translate.xml:2125 msgid "NetApp" msgstr "NetApp" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2115 +#: book.translate.xml:2124 msgid "" "NetApp <_:indexterm-1/> - " "The Data ONTAP GX line of storage appliances are based on FreeBSD. In " @@ -2278,12 +2281,12 @@ "hipervisor licenciado pelo BSD, bhyve." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2126 +#: book.translate.xml:2135 msgid "Netflix" msgstr "Netflix" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2125 +#: book.translate.xml:2134 msgid "" "Netflix <_:indexterm-1/> " "- The OpenConnect appliance that Netflix uses to stream movies to its " @@ -2300,12 +2303,12 @@ "mais de 32% de todo o tráfego de Internet na América do Norte." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2139 +#: book.translate.xml:2148 msgid "Sandvine" msgstr "Sandvine" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2138 +#: book.translate.xml:2147 msgid "" "Sandvine <_:indexterm-1/" "> - Sandvine uses FreeBSD as the basis of their high performance real-time " @@ -2318,12 +2321,12 @@ "inteligentes de controle de política de rede." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2149 +#: book.translate.xml:2158 msgid "Sony" msgstr "Sony" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2148 +#: book.translate.xml:2157 msgid "" "Sony <_:indexterm-1/> - The " "PlayStation 4 gaming console runs a modified version of FreeBSD." @@ -2332,12 +2335,12 @@ "console de videogame PlayStation 4 executa uma versão modificada do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2157 +#: book.translate.xml:2166 msgid "Sophos" msgstr "Sophos" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2156 +#: book.translate.xml:2165 msgid "" "Sophos <_:indexterm-1/> - " "The Sophos Email Appliance product is based on a hardened FreeBSD and scans " @@ -2351,12 +2354,12 @@ "malware, bem como a perda acidental de informações confidenciais." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2169 +#: book.translate.xml:2178 msgid "Spectra Logic" msgstr "Spectra Logic" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2167 +#: book.translate.xml:2176 msgid "" "Spectra Logic <_:" "indexterm-1/> - The nTier line of archive grade storage appliances run " @@ -2367,12 +2370,12 @@ "arquivamento executa o FreeBSD e o OpenZFS." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2177 +#: book.translate.xml:2186 msgid "Stormshield" msgstr "Stormshield" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2176 +#: book.translate.xml:2185 msgid "" "Stormshield <_:" "indexterm-1/> - Stormshield Network Security appliances are based on a " @@ -2387,12 +2390,12 @@ "quantidade de desenvolvimento interessante para a comunidade." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2190 +#: book.translate.xml:2199 msgid "The Weather Channel" msgstr "The Weather Channel" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2188 +#: book.translate.xml:2197 msgid "" "The Weather Channel <_:" "indexterm-1/> - The IntelliStar appliance that is installed at each local " @@ -2405,12 +2408,12 @@ "locais na programação da rede de TV a cabo, executa o FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2201 +#: book.translate.xml:2210 msgid "Verisign" msgstr "Verisign" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2200 +#: book.translate.xml:2209 msgid "" "Verisign <_:indexterm-1/" "> - Verisign is responsible for operating the .com and .net root domain " @@ -2425,12 +2428,12 @@ "que não haja um ponto comum de falha em sua infraestrutura." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2214 +#: book.translate.xml:2223 msgid "Voxer" msgstr "Voxer" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2213 +#: book.translate.xml:2222 msgid "" "Voxer <_:indexterm-1/> - " "Voxer powers their mobile voice messaging platform with ZFS on FreeBSD. " @@ -2448,12 +2451,12 @@ "ZFS." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2229 +#: book.translate.xml:2238 msgid "Fudo Security" msgstr "Fudo Security" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2227 +#: book.translate.xml:2236 msgid "" "Fudo Security <_:" "indexterm-1/> - The FUDO security appliance allows enterprises to monitor, " @@ -2469,17 +2472,17 @@ "auditdistd." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2241 +#: book.translate.xml:2250 msgid "FreeBSD has also spawned a number of related open source projects:" msgstr "O FreeBSD também gerou vários projetos de código aberto relacionados:" #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2248 +#: book.translate.xml:2257 msgid "BSD Router" msgstr "BSD Router" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2246 +#: book.translate.xml:2255 msgid "" "BSD Router <_:indexterm-1/> - " "A FreeBSD based replacement for large enterprise routers designed to run on " @@ -2490,12 +2493,12 @@ "projetados para rodar em hardware PC padrão." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2257 +#: book.translate.xml:2266 msgid "FreeNAS" msgstr "FreeNAS" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2256 +#: book.translate.xml:2265 msgid "" "FreeNAS <_:indexterm-1/> " "- A customized FreeBSD designed to be used as a network file server " @@ -2512,12 +2515,12 @@ "de plugins baseado em jails do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2269 +#: book.translate.xml:2278 msgid "GhostBSD" msgstr "GhostBSD" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2268 +#: book.translate.xml:2277 msgid "" "GhostBSD <_:indexterm-1/> " "- is derived from FreeBSD, uses the GTK environment to provide a beautiful " @@ -2532,12 +2535,12 @@ "\">UNIX." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2279 +#: book.translate.xml:2288 msgid "mfsBSD" msgstr "mfsBSD" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2278 +#: book.translate.xml:2287 msgid "" "mfsBSD <_:indexterm-1/> - A " "toolkit for building a FreeBSD system image that runs entirely from memory." @@ -2547,12 +2550,12 @@ "inteiramente da memória." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2287 +#: book.translate.xml:2296 msgid "NAS4Free" msgstr "NAS4Free" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2286 +#: book.translate.xml:2295 msgid "" "NAS4Free <_:indexterm-1/" "> - A file server distribution based on FreeBSD with a PHP powered web " @@ -2563,12 +2566,12 @@ "interface web PHP." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2295 +#: book.translate.xml:2304 msgid "OPNsense" msgstr "OPNsense" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2294 +#: book.translate.xml:2303 msgid "" "OPNSense <_:indexterm-1/" "> - OPNsense is an open source, easy-to-use and easy-to-build FreeBSD based " @@ -2585,12 +2588,12 @@ "comerciais com os benefícios de códigos fonte abertos e verificáveis." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2307 +#: book.translate.xml:2316 msgid "TrueOS" msgstr "TrueOS" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2306 +#: book.translate.xml:2315 msgid "" "TrueOS <_:indexterm-1/> - " "TrueOS is based on the legendary security and stability of FreeBSD. TrueOS " @@ -2603,12 +2606,12 @@ "mais recentes disponíveis." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2317 +#: book.translate.xml:2326 msgid "FuryBSD" msgstr "FuryBSD" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2316 +#: book.translate.xml:2325 msgid "" "FuryBSD <_:indexterm-1/> " "- is a brand new, open source FreeBSD desktop. FuryBSD pays homage to " @@ -2624,12 +2627,12 @@ "sob a licença BSD." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2329 +#: book.translate.xml:2338 msgid "MidnightBSD" msgstr "MidnightBSD" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2328 +#: book.translate.xml:2337 msgid "" "MidnightBSD <_:" "indexterm-1/> - is a FreeBSD derived operating system developed with desktop " @@ -2643,12 +2646,12 @@ "jogos e muito mais." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2340 +#: book.translate.xml:2349 msgid "pfSense" msgstr "pfSense" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2339 +#: book.translate.xml:2348 msgid "" "pfSense <_:indexterm-1/> " "- A firewall distribution based on FreeBSD with a huge array of features and " @@ -2659,12 +2662,12 @@ "de recursos e amplo suporte a IPv6." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2349 +#: book.translate.xml:2358 msgid "ZRouter" msgstr "ZRouter" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2348 +#: book.translate.xml:2357 msgid "" "ZRouter <_:indexterm-1/> - " "An open source alternative firmware for embedded devices based on FreeBSD. " @@ -2676,7 +2679,7 @@ "roteadores prontos para uso." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2357 +#: book.translate.xml:2366 msgid "" "A list of testimonials from companies basing their products and " @@ -2692,12 +2695,12 @@ "link>." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:2367 -msgid "About the FreeBSD Project" +#: book.translate.xml:2376 +msgid "About the FreeBSD Project" msgstr "Sobre o Projeto FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:2369 +#: book.translate.xml:2378 msgid "" "The following section provides some background information on the project, " "including a brief history, project goals, and the development model of the " @@ -2708,39 +2711,39 @@ "do projeto." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:2374 +#: book.translate.xml:2383 msgid "A Brief History of FreeBSD" msgstr "Uma Breve História do FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2376 +#: book.translate.xml:2385 msgid "386BSD Patchkit" msgstr "386BSD Patchkit" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2377 +#: book.translate.xml:2386 msgid "Hubbard, Jordan" msgstr "Hubbard, Jordan" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2378 +#: book.translate.xml:2387 msgid "Williams, Nate" msgstr "Williams, Nate" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2379 +#: book.translate.xml:2388 msgid "Grimes, Rod" msgstr "Grimes, Rod" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2380 +#: book.translate.xml:2389 msgid "FreeBSD Project history" msgstr "FreeBSD Project history" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2385 +#: book.translate.xml:2394 msgid "" -"The FreeBSD Project had its genesis in the early part of 1993, partially as " +"The FreeBSD Project had its genesis in the early part of 1993, partially as " "the brainchild of the Unofficial 386BSDPatchkit's last 3 coordinators: Nate " "Williams, Rod Grimes and Jordan Hubbard." msgstr "" @@ -2749,12 +2752,12 @@ "coordenadores: Nate Williams, Rod Grimes e Jordan Hubbard." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2390 book.translate.xml:2430 +#: book.translate.xml:2399 book.translate.xml:2439 msgid "386BSD" msgstr "386BSD" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2391 +#: book.translate.xml:2400 msgid "" "The original goal was to produce an intermediate snapshot of 386BSD in order " "to fix a number of problems that the patchkit mechanism was just not capable " @@ -2767,12 +2770,12 @@ "386BSD 0.5 ou 386BSD Interim em referência a esse fato." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2397 +#: book.translate.xml:2406 msgid "Jolitz, Bill" msgstr "Jolitz, Bill" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2398 +#: book.translate.xml:2407 msgid "" "386BSD was Bill Jolitz's operating system, which had been up to that point " "suffering rather severely from almost a year's worth of neglect. As the " @@ -2791,17 +2794,17 @@ "lugar." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2408 +#: book.translate.xml:2417 msgid "Greenman, David" msgstr "Greenman, David" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2409 +#: book.translate.xml:2418 msgid "Walnut Creek CDROM" msgstr "Walnut Creek CDROM" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2411 +#: book.translate.xml:2420 msgid "" "The trio thought that the goal remained worthwhile, even without Bill's " "support, and so they adopted the name \"FreeBSD\" coined by David Greenman. " @@ -2830,29 +2833,29 @@ "chegado tão longe, tão rápido, como hoje." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2427 +#: book.translate.xml:2436 msgid "4.3BSD-Lite" msgstr "4.3BSD-Lite" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2428 book.translate.xml:2443 +#: book.translate.xml:2437 book.translate.xml:2452 msgid "Net/2" msgstr "Net/2" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2429 book.translate.xml:2442 +#: book.translate.xml:2438 book.translate.xml:2451 msgid "U.C. Berkeley" msgstr "U.C. Berkeley" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2431 book.translate.xml:9000 +#: book.translate.xml:2440 book.translate.xml:9106 msgid "Free Software Foundation" msgstr "Free Software Foundation" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2433 +#: book.translate.xml:2442 msgid "" -"The first CD-ROM (and general net-wide) distribution was FreeBSD 1.0, " +"The first CD-ROM (and general net-wide) distribution was FreeBSD 1.0, " "released in December of 1993. This was based on the 4.3BSD-Lite " "(Net/2) tape from U.C. Berkeley, with many components also " "provided by 386BSD and the Free Software Foundation. It was a fairly " @@ -2867,17 +2870,17 @@ "sucedido FreeBSD 1.1 em maio de 1994." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2441 +#: book.translate.xml:2450 msgid "Novell" msgstr "Novell" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2444 +#: book.translate.xml:2453 msgid "AT&T" msgstr "AT&T" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2445 +#: book.translate.xml:2454 msgid "" "Around this time, some rather unexpected storm clouds formed on the horizon " "as Novell and U.C. Berkeley settled their long-running lawsuit over the " @@ -2890,7 +2893,7 @@ "be strongly encouraged to switch. This included FreeBSD, and the project was " "given until the end of July 1994 to stop shipping its own Net/2 based " "product. Under the terms of that agreement, the project was allowed one last " -"release before the deadline, that release being FreeBSD" +"release before the deadline, that release being FreeBSD" msgstr "" "Por esta altura, algumas nuvens de tempestade inesperadas formaram-se no " "horizonte, como a Novell e U.C. Berkeley resolveram seu longo processo " @@ -2907,7 +2910,7 @@ "sendo esse lançamento o FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2462 +#: book.translate.xml:2471 msgid "" "FreeBSD then set about the arduous task of literally re-inventing itself " "from a completely new and rather incomplete set of 4.4BSD-Lite bits. The " @@ -2915,10 +2918,10 @@ "removed large chunks of code required for actually constructing a bootable " "running system (due to various legal requirements) and the fact that the " "Intel port of 4.4 was highly incomplete. It took the project until November " -"of 1994 to make this transition, and in December it released FreeBSD 2.0 to " +"of 1994 to make this transition, and in December it released FreeBSD 2.0 to " "the world. Despite being still more than a little rough around the edges, " "the release was a significant success and was followed by the more robust " -"and easier to install FreeBSD 2.0.5 release in June of 1995." +"and easier to install FreeBSD 2.0.5 release in June of 1995." msgstr "" "O FreeBSD então começou a tarefa árdua de literalmente se reinventar de um " "conjunto completamente novo e incompleto de bits do 4.4BSD-Lite. As versões " @@ -2932,7 +2935,7 @@ "FreeBSD 2.0.5 em junho de 1995." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2476 +#: book.translate.xml:2485 msgid "" "Since that time, FreeBSD has made a series of releases each time improving " "the stability, speed, and feature set of the previous version." @@ -2942,7 +2945,7 @@ "anterior." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2480 +#: book.translate.xml:2489 msgid "" "For now, long-term development projects continue to take place in the 10.X-" "CURRENT (trunk) branch, and snapshot releases of 10.X are continually made " @@ -2956,12 +2959,12 @@ "que o trabalho progride." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:2488 -msgid "FreeBSD Project Goals" +#: book.translate.xml:2497 +msgid "FreeBSD Project Goals" msgstr "Objetivos do Projeto FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:2491 +#: book.translate.xml:2500 msgid "" " Jordan Hubbard Contributed by " @@ -2970,14 +2973,14 @@ "personname> Contribuído por" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2501 +#: book.translate.xml:2510 msgid "FreeBSD Project goals" msgstr "FreeBSD Project goals" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2505 +#: book.translate.xml:2514 msgid "" -"The goals of the FreeBSD Project are to provide software that may be used " +"The goals of the FreeBSD Project are to provide software that may be used " "for any purpose and without strings attached. Many of us have a significant " "investment in the code (and project) and would certainly not mind a little " "financial compensation now and then, but we are definitely not prepared to " @@ -2998,22 +3001,22 @@ "fundamentais do Software Livre e um dos que apoiamos entusiasticamente." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2517 +#: book.translate.xml:2526 msgid "GNU General Public License (GPL)" msgstr "GNU General Public License (GPL)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2520 +#: book.translate.xml:2529 msgid "GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)" msgstr "GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2523 +#: book.translate.xml:2532 msgid "BSD Copyright" msgstr "BSD Copyright" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2524 +#: book.translate.xml:2533 msgid "" "That code in our source tree which falls under the GNU General Public " "License (GPL) or Library General Public License (LGPL) comes with slightly " @@ -3031,12 +3034,12 @@ "licença BSD quando é uma opção razoável fazê-lo." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:2536 +#: book.translate.xml:2545 msgid "The FreeBSD Development Model" msgstr "O Modelo de Desenvolvimento do FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:2539 +#: book.translate.xml:2548 msgid "" " Satoshi Asami Contributed by " @@ -3045,14 +3048,14 @@ "personname> Contribuído por " #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2549 +#: book.translate.xml:2558 msgid "" "FreeBSD Project development model" msgstr "" "FreeBSD Project development model" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2554 +#: book.translate.xml:2563 msgid "" "The development of FreeBSD is a very open and flexible process, being " "literally built from the contributions of thousands of people around the " @@ -3084,9 +3087,9 @@ "usuários do FreeBSD conheçam as principais áreas de trabalho." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2567 +#: book.translate.xml:2576 msgid "" -"Useful things to know about the FreeBSD Project and its development process, " +"Useful things to know about the FreeBSD Project and its development process, " "whether working independently or in close cooperation:" msgstr "" "Coisas úteis para saber sobre o Projeto FreeBSD e seu processo de " @@ -3094,43 +3097,43 @@ "cooperação:" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:2573 +#: book.translate.xml:2582 msgid "The SVN repositories" msgstr "Os repositórios SVN" #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2577 +#: book.translate.xml:2586 msgid "CVS" msgstr "CVS" #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2581 +#: book.translate.xml:2590 msgid "CVS Repository" msgstr "CVS Repository" #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2585 +#: book.translate.xml:2594 msgid "Concurrent Versions System CVS" msgstr "Concurrent Versions System CVS" #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2590 book.translate.xml:45705 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:2599 book.translate.xml:45984 book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "Subversion" msgstr "Subversion" #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2594 +#: book.translate.xml:2603 msgid "Subversion Repository" msgstr "Subversion Repository" #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2598 +#: book.translate.xml:2607 msgid "SVN Subversion" msgstr "SVN Subversion" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2576 +#: book.translate.xml:2585 msgid "" "<_:indexterm-1/> <_:indexterm-2/> <_:indexterm-3/> <_:indexterm-4/> <_:" "indexterm-5/> <_:indexterm-6/> For several years, the central source tree " @@ -3167,17 +3170,17 @@ "obter a coleção de ports do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:2625 +#: book.translate.xml:2634 msgid "The committers list" msgstr "A lista de committers" #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2629 +#: book.translate.xml:2638 msgid "committers" msgstr "committers" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2628 +#: book.translate.xml:2637 msgid "" "The committers <_:indexterm-1/> are the people who " "have write access to the Subversion tree, and are " @@ -3201,26 +3204,26 @@ "é realmente um bug." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:2645 +#: book.translate.xml:2654 msgid "The FreeBSD core team" msgstr "O FreeBSD core team" #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2649 +#: book.translate.xml:2658 msgid "core team" msgstr "core team" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2648 +#: book.translate.xml:2657 msgid "" "The FreeBSD core team <_:indexterm-1/> would be " -"equivalent to the board of directors if the FreeBSD Project were a company. " +"equivalent to the board of directors if the FreeBSD Project were a company. " "The primary task of the core team is to make sure the project, as a whole, " "is in good shape and is heading in the right directions. Inviting dedicated " "and responsible developers to join our group of committers is one of the " "functions of the core team, as is the recruitment of new core team members " "as others move on. The current core team was elected from a pool of " -"committer candidates in July 2018. Elections are held every 2 years." +"committer candidates in June 2020. Elections are held every 2 years." msgstr "" "O FreeBSD core team <_:indexterm-1/> seria " "equivalente a um conselho de diretores se o Projeto FreeBSD fosse uma " @@ -3229,11 +3232,11 @@ "dedicados e responsáveis a ingressar em nosso grupo de committers é uma das " "funções do core team, assim como o recrutamento de novos membros do core " "team à medida que os outros saiam. O core team atual foi eleito a partir de " -"um grupo de committers candidatos em julho de 2018. As eleições são " +"um grupo de committers candidatos em junho de 2020. As eleições são " "realizadas a cada dois anos." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:2664 +#: book.translate.xml:2673 msgid "" "Like most developers, most members of the core team are also volunteers when " "it comes to FreeBSD development and do not benefit from the project " @@ -3253,12 +3256,12 @@ "contra o seu melhor julgamento!" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:2679 +#: book.translate.xml:2688 msgid "Outside contributors" msgstr "Contribuidores externos" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2682 +#: book.translate.xml:2691 msgid "" "Last, but definitely not least, the largest group of developers are the " "users themselves who provide feedback and bug fixes to us on an almost " @@ -3279,12 +3282,12 @@ "sobre as várias listas de discussão do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2693 +#: book.translate.xml:2702 msgid "contributors" msgstr "contributors" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2691 +#: book.translate.xml:2700 msgid "" "The FreeBSD Contributors List " @@ -3297,11 +3300,11 @@ "se juntar a ela contribuindo com algo para o FreeBSD hoje?" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2698 +#: book.translate.xml:2707 msgid "" "Providing code is not the only way of contributing to the project; for a " "more complete list of things that need doing, please refer to the FreeBSD Project web site." +"xlink:href=\"@@URL_RELPREFIX@@/index.html\">FreeBSD Project web site." msgstr "" "Fornecer código não é a única maneira de contribuir para o projeto; para uma " "lista mais completa de coisas que precisam ser feitas, por favor consulte o " @@ -3309,7 +3312,7 @@ "FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2706 +#: book.translate.xml:2715 msgid "" "In summary, our development model is organized as a loose set of concentric " "circles. The centralized model is designed for the convenience of the " @@ -3329,7 +3332,7 @@ "usar - este modelo funciona muito bem em realizar isso." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2716 +#: book.translate.xml:2725 msgid "" "All we ask of those who would join us as FreeBSD developers is some of the " "same dedication its current people have to its continued success!" @@ -3339,18 +3342,18 @@ "contínuo!" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:2722 +#: book.translate.xml:2731 msgid "Third Party Programs" msgstr "Programas de Terceiros" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2724 +#: book.translate.xml:2733 msgid "" "In addition to the base distributions, FreeBSD offers a ported software " "collection with thousands of commonly sought-after programs. At the time of " "this writing, there were over 24,000 ports! The list of ports ranges from " "http servers, to games, languages, editors, and almost everything in " -"between. The entire Ports Collection requires approximately 500 MB. To " +"between. The entire Ports Collection requires approximately 500 MB. To " "compile a port, you simply change to the directory of the program you wish " "to install, type make install, and let the system do the " "rest. The full original distribution for each port you build is retrieved " @@ -3377,12 +3380,12 @@ "pacotes e ports podem ser encontradas em ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:2745 +#: book.translate.xml:2754 msgid "Additional Documentation" msgstr "Documentação Adicional" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2747 +#: book.translate.xml:2756 msgid "" "All supported FreeBSD versions provide an option in the installer to install " "additional documentation under /usr/local/share/doc/freebsd/usr/local/share/doc/freebsd/handbook/index.html" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:2767 +#: book.translate.xml:2776 msgid "The FreeBSD FAQ" msgstr "O FAQ do FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2770 +#: book.translate.xml:2779 msgid "" "/usr/local/share/doc/freebsd/faq/index.html" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:2775 +#: book.translate.xml:2784 msgid "" "You can also view the master (and most frequently updated) copies at" @@ -3442,12 +3445,12 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:2791 +#: book.translate.xml:2800 msgid "Installing FreeBSD" msgstr "Instalando o FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:2819 +#: book.translate.xml:2828 msgid "" " Gavin Atkinson Updated for bsdinstall by " @@ -3456,7 +3459,7 @@ "personname> Atualizado para o bsdinstall por " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:2828 +#: book.translate.xml:2837 msgid "" " Warren Block " @@ -3465,7 +3468,7 @@ "personname>" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:2837 +#: book.translate.xml:2846 msgid "" " Allan Jude Updated for root-on-ZFS by " @@ -3474,12 +3477,12 @@ "personname> Atualizado para root-on-ZFS por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:2851 +#: book.translate.xml:2860 msgid "installation" msgstr "installation" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:2853 +#: book.translate.xml:2862 msgid "" "There are several different ways of getting FreeBSD to run, depending on the " "environment. Those are:" @@ -3488,7 +3491,7 @@ "dependendo do ambiente. São eles:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2858 +#: book.translate.xml:2867 msgid "" "Virtual Machine images, to download and import on a virtual environment of " "choice. These can be downloaded from the AWS Marketplace, Documentação do Azure." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2881 +#: book.translate.xml:2890 msgid "" "SD card images, for embedded systems such as Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone " "Black. These can be downloaded from the bsdinstall." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:2901 +#: book.translate.xml:2910 msgid "" "In general, the installation instructions in this chapter are written for " "the i386 and AMD64 architectures. " @@ -3586,54 +3589,49 @@ "instruções literais." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:2910 +#: book.translate.xml:2918 msgid "" "Users who prefer to install FreeBSD using a graphical installer may be " -"interested in pc-sysinstall, the installer used " -"by the TrueOS Project. It can be used to install either a graphical desktop " -"(TrueOS) or a command line version of FreeBSD. Refer to the TrueOS Users " -"Handbook for details (" +"interested in FuryBSD, " +"GhostBSD or MidnightBSD." msgstr "" -"Usuários que preferem instalar o FreeBSD usando um instalador gráfico podem " -"estar interessados no pc-sysinstall , o " -"instalador usado pelo Projeto TrueOS. Ele pode ser usado para instalar um " -"desktop gráfico (TrueOS) ou uma versão de linha de comando do FreeBSD. " -"Consulte o Manual do Usuário do TrueOS para obter detalhes (" -"handbook/trueos.html)." +"Usuários que preferem instalar o FreeBSD usando uma instaldor gráfico talvez " +"possam se interessar no FuryBSD, GhostBSD " +"ou MidnightBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:2918 book.translate.xml:5644 book.translate.xml:9045 -#: book.translate.xml:10833 book.translate.xml:15649 book.translate.xml:18144 -#: book.translate.xml:19396 book.translate.xml:23733 book.translate.xml:27887 -#: book.translate.xml:29468 book.translate.xml:31233 book.translate.xml:31951 -#: book.translate.xml:35633 book.translate.xml:41601 book.translate.xml:41783 -#: book.translate.xml:44644 book.translate.xml:46321 book.translate.xml:46696 -#: book.translate.xml:47053 book.translate.xml:49247 book.translate.xml:50915 -#: book.translate.xml:57554 book.translate.xml:61692 +#: book.translate.xml:2925 book.translate.xml:5750 book.translate.xml:9151 +#: book.translate.xml:11019 book.translate.xml:15843 book.translate.xml:18338 +#: book.translate.xml:19590 book.translate.xml:23927 book.translate.xml:28093 +#: book.translate.xml:29722 book.translate.xml:31487 book.translate.xml:32205 +#: book.translate.xml:35892 book.translate.xml:41871 book.translate.xml:42053 +#: book.translate.xml:44923 book.translate.xml:46600 book.translate.xml:46975 +#: book.translate.xml:47332 book.translate.xml:49526 book.translate.xml:51194 +#: book.translate.xml:58031 book.translate.xml:62170 msgid "After reading this chapter, you will know:" msgstr "Depois de ler este capítulo, você saberá:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2922 +#: book.translate.xml:2929 msgid "The minimum hardware requirements and FreeBSD supported architectures." msgstr "" "Quais os requisitos mínimos de hardware e as arquiteturas suportadas pelo " "FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2927 +#: book.translate.xml:2934 msgid "How to create the FreeBSD installation media." msgstr "Como criar a mídia de instalação do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2931 +#: book.translate.xml:2938 msgid "How to start bsdinstall." msgstr "Como iniciar o bsdinstall." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2936 +#: book.translate.xml:2943 msgid "" "The questions bsdinstall will ask, what they " "mean, and how to answer them." @@ -3642,12 +3640,12 @@ "significam e como respondê-las." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2941 +#: book.translate.xml:2948 msgid "How to troubleshoot a failed installation." msgstr "Como solucionar problemas de uma instalação com falha." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2945 +#: book.translate.xml:2952 msgid "" "How to access a live version of FreeBSD before committing to an installation." msgstr "" @@ -3655,18 +3653,18 @@ "instalação." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:2950 book.translate.xml:10862 book.translate.xml:14035 -#: book.translate.xml:18168 book.translate.xml:19429 book.translate.xml:23793 -#: book.translate.xml:29504 book.translate.xml:31251 book.translate.xml:32003 -#: book.translate.xml:35658 book.translate.xml:41619 book.translate.xml:41813 -#: book.translate.xml:43644 book.translate.xml:44675 book.translate.xml:46338 -#: book.translate.xml:47071 book.translate.xml:49273 book.translate.xml:50979 -#: book.translate.xml:57582 book.translate.xml:61738 +#: book.translate.xml:2957 book.translate.xml:11048 book.translate.xml:14213 +#: book.translate.xml:18362 book.translate.xml:19623 book.translate.xml:23987 +#: book.translate.xml:29758 book.translate.xml:31505 book.translate.xml:32257 +#: book.translate.xml:35917 book.translate.xml:41889 book.translate.xml:42083 +#: book.translate.xml:43917 book.translate.xml:44954 book.translate.xml:46617 +#: book.translate.xml:47350 book.translate.xml:49552 book.translate.xml:51258 +#: book.translate.xml:58059 book.translate.xml:62216 msgid "Before reading this chapter, you should:" msgstr "Antes de ler este capítulo, você deve:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2954 +#: book.translate.xml:2961 msgid "" "Read the supported hardware list that shipped with the version of FreeBSD to " "be installed and verify that the system's hardware is supported." @@ -3675,12 +3673,12 @@ "instalada e verificar se o hardware do sistema é suportado." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:2962 +#: book.translate.xml:2969 msgid "Minimum Hardware Requirements" msgstr "Requisitos mínimos de hardware" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:2964 +#: book.translate.xml:2971 msgid "" "The hardware requirements to install FreeBSD vary by architecture. Hardware " "architectures and devices supported by a FreeBSD release are listed on the " @@ -3698,13 +3696,13 @@ "arquiteturas." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:2971 +#: book.translate.xml:2978 msgid "" -"A FreeBSD installation requires a minimum of 96 MB of RAM " -"and 1.5 GB of free hard drive space. However, such small amounts of memory " +"A FreeBSD installation requires a minimum of 96 MB of RAM " +"and 1.5 GB of free hard drive space. However, such small amounts of memory " "and disk space are really only suitable for custom applications like " "embedded appliances. General-purpose desktop systems need more resources. " -"2-4 GB RAM and at least 8 GB hard drive space is a good starting point." +"2-4 GB RAM and at least 8 GB hard drive space is a good starting point." msgstr "" "Uma instalação do FreeBSD requer um mínimo de 96 MB de RAM e 1,5 GB de espaço livre no disco rígido. No entanto, essas " @@ -3714,17 +3712,17 @@ "RAM e pelo menos 8 GB de espaço no disco rígido é um bom ponto de partida." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:2979 +#: book.translate.xml:2986 msgid "These are the processor requirements for each architecture:" msgstr "Estes são os requisitos do processador para cada arquitetura:" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:2984 +#: book.translate.xml:2991 msgid "amd64" msgstr "amd64" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2986 +#: book.translate.xml:2993 msgid "" "This is the most common desktop and laptop processor type, used in most " "modern systems. Intel calls it " @@ -3737,13 +3735,13 @@ "vezes o chamam de x86-64." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:2991 +#: book.translate.xml:2998 msgid "" -"Examples of amd64 compatible processors include: AMD Athlon64, AMD Opteron, multi-core Intel Xeon, and " -"Intel Core 2 and later processors." +"Examples of amd64 compatible processors include: AMD Athlon64, AMD Opteron, multi-core Intel Xeon, and " +"Intel Core 2 and later processors." msgstr "" "Exemplos de processadores compatíveis com AMD64 incluem: AMD " "Athlon 64, AMD Opteron, multi-core " @@ -3752,19 +3750,19 @@ "Core 2 e posteriores." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:2999 +#: book.translate.xml:3006 msgid "i386" msgstr "i386" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3001 +#: book.translate.xml:3008 msgid "Older desktops and laptops often use this 32-bit, x86 architecture." msgstr "" "Desktops e laptops mais antigos geralmente usam essa arquitetura x86 de 32 " "bits." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3004 +#: book.translate.xml:3011 msgid "" "Almost all i386-compatible processors with a floating point unit are " "supported. All Intel processors " @@ -3775,12 +3773,12 @@ "\"registered\">Intel 486 ou superior são suportados." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3008 +#: book.translate.xml:3015 msgid "" "FreeBSD will take advantage of Physical Address Extensions (PAE) support on CPUs with this feature. A kernel " -"with the PAE feature enabled will detect memory above " -"4 GB and allow it to be used by the system. However, using PAEPAE feature enabled will detect memory above 4 " +"GB and allow it to be used by the system. However, using PAE places constraints on device drivers and other features of FreeBSD." msgstr "" "O FreeBSD irá aproveitar o suporte a Extensões de Endereços Físicos " @@ -3791,12 +3789,12 @@ "recursos do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:3020 +#: book.translate.xml:3027 msgid "powerpc" msgstr "powerpc" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3022 +#: book.translate.xml:3029 msgid "" "All New World ROM Apple Mac systems with " @@ -3810,19 +3808,19 @@ "acronym>s." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3027 -msgid "A 32-bit kernel can only use the first 2 GB of RAM." +#: book.translate.xml:3034 +msgid "A 32-bit kernel can only use the first 2 GB of RAM." msgstr "" "Um kernel de 32 bits só pode usar os primeiros 2 GB de RAM." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:3033 +#: book.translate.xml:3040 msgid "sparc64" msgstr "sparc64" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3035 +#: book.translate.xml:3042 msgid "" "Systems supported by FreeBSD/sparc64 are listed at the FreeBSD/sparc64 Project." @@ -3832,7 +3830,7 @@ "link>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3039 +#: book.translate.xml:3046 msgid "" "SMP is supported on all systems with more than 1 " "processor. A dedicated disk is required as it is not possible to share a " @@ -3843,12 +3841,12 @@ "compartilhar um disco com outro sistema operacional neste momento." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:3049 +#: book.translate.xml:3056 msgid "Pre-Installation Tasks" msgstr "Tarefas de Pré-instalação" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:3051 +#: book.translate.xml:3058 msgid "" "Once it has been determined that the system meets the minimum hardware " "requirements for installing FreeBSD, the installation file should be " @@ -3862,12 +3860,12 @@ "pronto para uma instalação, verificando os itens nesta lista de controle:" #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:3060 +#: book.translate.xml:3067 msgid "Back Up Important Data" msgstr "Faça backup dos dados importantes" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:3062 +#: book.translate.xml:3069 msgid "" "Before installing any operating system, always backup " "all important data first. Do not store the backup on the system being " @@ -3887,12 +3885,12 @@ "disco serão perdidos." #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:3074 +#: book.translate.xml:3081 msgid "Decide Where to Install FreeBSD" msgstr "Decida onde instalar o FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:3076 +#: book.translate.xml:3083 msgid "" "If FreeBSD will be the only operating system installed, this step can be " "skipped. But if FreeBSD will share the disk with another operating system, " @@ -3903,7 +3901,7 @@ "operacional, decida qual disco ou partição será usado para o FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:3081 +#: book.translate.xml:3088 msgid "" "In the i386 and amd64 architectures, disks can be divided into multiple " "partitions using one of two partitioning schemes. A traditional " @@ -3931,7 +3929,7 @@ "por disco, eliminando a necessidade de partições lógicas." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:3098 +#: book.translate.xml:3105 msgid "" "The FreeBSD boot loader requires either a primary or GPT " "partition. If all of the primary or GPT partitions are " @@ -3947,7 +3945,7 @@ "uma nova partição usando o espaço liberado." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:3106 +#: book.translate.xml:3113 msgid "" "A variety of free and commercial partition resizing tools are listed at " "CD do Linux." #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:3116 +#: book.translate.xml:3123 msgid "" "When used properly, disk shrinking utilities can safely create space for " "creating a new partition. Since the possibility of selecting the wrong " @@ -3984,7 +3982,7 @@ "as partições do disco." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:3123 +#: book.translate.xml:3130 msgid "" "Disk partitions containing different operating systems make it possible to " "install multiple operating systems on one computer. An alternative is to use " @@ -3999,12 +3997,12 @@ "nenhuma partição de disco." #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:3132 +#: book.translate.xml:3139 msgid "Collect Network Information" msgstr "Colete informações de rede" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:3134 +#: book.translate.xml:3141 msgid "" "Some FreeBSD installation methods require a network connection in order to " "download the installation files. After any installation, the installer will " @@ -4015,7 +4013,7 @@ "oferecerá a configuração das interfaces de rede do sistema." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:3139 +#: book.translate.xml:3146 msgid "" "If the network has a DHCP server, it can be used to " "provide automatic network configuration. If DHCP is not " @@ -4029,33 +4027,33 @@ "serviços de Internet:" #. (itstool) path: orderedlist/title -#: book.translate.xml:3147 +#: book.translate.xml:3154 msgid "Required Network Information" msgstr "Informações de rede necessárias" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:3150 book.translate.xml:53929 +#: book.translate.xml:3157 book.translate.xml:54207 msgid "IP address" msgstr "Endereço IP" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3154 +#: book.translate.xml:3161 msgid "Subnet mask" msgstr "Máscara de sub-rede" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3158 +#: book.translate.xml:3165 msgid "IP address of default gateway" msgstr "Endereço do IP do gateway padrão" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3163 +#: book.translate.xml:3170 msgid "Domain name of the network" msgstr "Nome de domínio da rede" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3167 +#: book.translate.xml:3174 msgid "" "IP addresses of the network's DNS " "servers" @@ -4063,14 +4061,14 @@ "Endereços IP dos servidores DNS da rede" #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:3174 +#: book.translate.xml:3181 msgid "Check for FreeBSD Errata" msgstr "Verifique a Errata do FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:3176 +#: book.translate.xml:3183 msgid "" -"Although the FreeBSD Project strives to ensure that each release of FreeBSD " +"Although the FreeBSD Project strives to ensure that each release of FreeBSD " "is as stable as possible, bugs occasionally creep into the process. On very " "rare occasions those bugs affect the installation process. As these problems " "are discovered and fixed, they are noted in the FreeBSD Errata ()." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:3193 +#: book.translate.xml:3200 msgid "Prepare the Installation Media" msgstr "Prepare a mídia de instalação" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3195 +#: book.translate.xml:3202 msgid "" "The FreeBSD installer is not an application that can be run from within " "another operating system. Instead, download a FreeBSD installation file, " @@ -4122,7 +4120,7 @@ "sistema para instalar a partir da mídia inserida." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3202 +#: book.translate.xml:3209 msgid "" "FreeBSD installation files are available at" @@ -4143,7 +4141,7 @@ "DVD inserido." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3211 +#: book.translate.xml:3218 msgid "" "Installation files are available in several formats. The formats vary " "depending on computer architecture and media type." @@ -4153,7 +4151,7 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect2/para #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#bsdinstall-installation-media-uefi -#: book.translate.xml:3215 +#: book.translate.xml:3222 msgid "" "Additional installation files are included for computers that boot with " "UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface). The names " @@ -4165,12 +4163,12 @@ "filename>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3221 +#: book.translate.xml:3228 msgid "File types:" msgstr "Tipos de arquivo:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3225 +#: book.translate.xml:3232 msgid "" "-bootonly.iso: This is the smallest installation file as " "it only contains the installer. A working Internet connection is required " @@ -4186,7 +4184,7 @@ "gravação CD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3235 +#: book.translate.xml:3242 msgid "" "-disc1.iso: This file contains all of the files needed to " "install FreeBSD, its source, and the Ports Collection. It should be burned " @@ -4198,7 +4196,7 @@ "gravação CD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3243 +#: book.translate.xml:3250 msgid "" "-dvd1.iso: This file contains all of the files needed to " "install FreeBSD, its source, and the Ports Collection. It also contains a " @@ -4216,7 +4214,7 @@ "um aplicativo de gravação DVD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3254 +#: book.translate.xml:3261 msgid "" "-memstick.img: This file contains all of the files needed " "to install FreeBSD, its source, and the Ports Collection. It should be " @@ -4228,7 +4226,7 @@ "instruções abaixo." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3262 +#: book.translate.xml:3269 msgid "" "-mini-memstick.img: Like -bootonly.iso, does not include installation files, but downloads them as needed. " @@ -4243,7 +4241,7 @@ "mostrado em ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3271 +#: book.translate.xml:3278 msgid "" "After downloading the image file, download CHECKSUM.SHA256 from the same directory. Calculate a checksumCHECKSUM." "SHA256. The checksums must match exactly. If the checksums do not " @@ -4273,12 +4271,12 @@ "novamente." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:3285 +#: book.translate.xml:3292 msgid "Writing an Image File to USB" msgstr "Gravando um arquivo de imagem para um pendrive USB" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:3287 +#: book.translate.xml:3294 msgid "" "The *.img file is an image of the " "complete contents of a memory stick. It cannot be " @@ -4293,7 +4291,7 @@ "pendrive USB. Esta seção descreve dois destes utilitários." #. (itstool) path: important/para -#: book.translate.xml:3296 +#: book.translate.xml:3303 msgid "" "Before proceeding, back up any important data on the USB " "stick. This procedure will erase the existing data on the stick." @@ -4303,12 +4301,12 @@ "existentes no mesmo." #. (itstool) path: procedure/title -#: book.translate.xml:3302 +#: book.translate.xml:3309 msgid "Using dd to Write the Image" msgstr "Usando o dd para gravar a imagem" #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:3306 +#: book.translate.xml:3313 msgid "" "This example uses /dev/da0 as the target device where " "the image will be written. Be very careful that the " @@ -4321,17 +4319,17 @@ "existentes no dispositivo de destino especificado." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:3314 +#: book.translate.xml:3321 msgid "" "The dd1 command-line utility is available on BSD, Linux, and Mac OS systems. To burn the image using dd, insert the USB stick and determine its device " -"name. Then, specify the name of the downloaded installation file and the " -"device name for the USB stick. This example burns the " -"amd64 installation image to the first USB device on an " -"existing FreeBSD system." +"\"registered\">Linux, and Mac " +"OS systems. To burn the image using dd, " +"insert the USB stick and determine its device name. Then, " +"specify the name of the downloaded installation file and the device name for " +"the USB stick. This example burns the amd64 installation " +"image to the first USB device on an existing FreeBSD " +"system." msgstr "" "O utilitário de linha de comando dd1 está disponível no " @@ -4344,13 +4342,13 @@ "dispositivo USB em um sistema FreeBSD existente." #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:3325 +#: book.translate.xml:3332 #, no-wrap msgid "# dd if=FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img of=/dev/da0 bs=1M conv=sync" msgstr "# dd if=FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img of=/dev/da0 bs=1M conv=sync" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:3327 +#: book.translate.xml:3334 msgid "" "If this command fails, verify that the USB stick is not " "mounted and that the device name is for the disk, not a partition. Some " @@ -4358,10 +4356,10 @@ "sudo8. The dd1 syntax varies slightly " -"across different platforms; for example, Mac OS requires a lower-case . Systems " -"like Linux might buffer writes. " -"To force all writes to complete, use syncMac " +"OS requires a lower-case . Systems like " +"Linux might buffer writes. To " +"force all writes to complete, use sync8." msgstr "" "Se este comando falhar, verifique se o pendrive USB não " @@ -4378,7 +4376,7 @@ "refentrytitle>8." #. (itstool) path: procedure/title -#: book.translate.xml:3341 +#: book.translate.xml:3348 msgid "" "Using Windows to Write the Image" msgstr "" @@ -4386,7 +4384,7 @@ "imagem" #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:3344 +#: book.translate.xml:3351 msgid "" "Be sure to give the correct drive letter as the existing data on the " "specified drive will be overwritten and destroyed." @@ -4395,7 +4393,7 @@ "existentes na unidade especificada serão sobrescritos e destruídos." #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:3350 +#: book.translate.xml:3357 msgid "" "Obtaining Image Writer for Windows" @@ -4404,7 +4402,7 @@ "\">Windows" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:3353 +#: book.translate.xml:3360 msgid "" "Image Writer for Windows is a free application that can correctly write an " @@ -4420,21 +4418,21 @@ "uma pasta." #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:3361 +#: book.translate.xml:3368 msgid "Writing the Image with Image Writer" msgstr "Escrevendo a imagem com o Image Writer" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:3363 +#: book.translate.xml:3370 msgid "" "Double-click the Win32DiskImager icon to start " "the program. Verify that the drive letter shown under " "Device is the drive with the memory stick. " "Click the folder icon and select the image to be written to the memory " -"stick. Click [ Save ] to accept the image file name. " +"stick. Click [ Save ] to accept the image file name. " "Verify that everything is correct, and that no folders on the memory stick " "are open in other windows. When everything is ready, click " -"[ Write ] to write the image file to the memory stick." +"[ Write ] to write the image file to the memory stick." msgstr "" "Clique duas vezes no ícone Win32DiskImager para " "iniciar o programa. Verifique se a letra da unidade mostrada em " @@ -4443,21 +4441,21 @@ "memória. Clique em [ Save ] para aceitar o nome do " "arquivo de imagem. Verifique se tudo está correto e se nenhuma pasta do " "cartão de memória está aberta em outras janelas. Quando tudo estiver pronto, " -"clique em [Write] para gravar o arquivo de imagem no " -"cartão de memória." +"clique em [ Write ] para gravar o arquivo de imagem " +"no cartão de memória." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:3378 +#: book.translate.xml:3385 msgid "You are now ready to start installing FreeBSD." msgstr "Agora você está pronto para começar a instalar o FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:3384 +#: book.translate.xml:3391 msgid "Starting the Installation" msgstr "Iniciando a instalação" #. (itstool) path: important/para -#: book.translate.xml:3387 +#: book.translate.xml:3394 msgid "" "By default, the installation will not make any changes to the disk(s) before " "the following message:" @@ -4466,7 +4464,7 @@ "seguinte mensagem:" #. (itstool) path: important/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:3390 +#: book.translate.xml:3397 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Your changes will now be written to disk. If you\n" @@ -4480,7 +4478,7 @@ "commit your changes?" #. (itstool) path: important/para -#: book.translate.xml:3395 +#: book.translate.xml:3402 msgid "" "The install can be exited at any time prior to this warning. If there is a " "concern that something is incorrectly configured, just turn the computer off " @@ -4492,7 +4490,7 @@ "discos do sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:3402 +#: book.translate.xml:3409 msgid "" "This section describes how to boot the system from the installation media " "which was prepared using the instructions in i386 and amd64" msgstr "Inicializando em i386 e amd64" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3415 +#: book.translate.xml:3422 msgid "" "These architectures provide a BIOS menu for selecting the " "boot device. Depending upon the installation media being used, select the " @@ -4537,7 +4535,7 @@ "F12 ou Escape." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3426 +#: book.translate.xml:3433 msgid "" "If the computer loads the existing operating system instead of the FreeBSD " "installer, then either:" @@ -4546,7 +4544,7 @@ "instalador do FreeBSD, então:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3431 +#: book.translate.xml:3438 msgid "" "The installation media was not inserted early enough in the boot process. " "Leave the media inserted and try restarting the computer." @@ -4555,7 +4553,7 @@ "inicialização. Deixe a mídia inserida e tente reiniciar o computador." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3437 +#: book.translate.xml:3444 msgid "" "The BIOS changes were incorrect or not saved. Double-" "check that the right boot device is selected as the first boot device." @@ -4565,7 +4563,7 @@ "selecionado como o primeiro dispositivo de inicialização." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3443 +#: book.translate.xml:3450 msgid "" "This system is too old to support booting from the chosen media. In this " "case, the Plop Boot Manager (PowerPC" msgstr "Inicializando no PowerPC" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3455 +#: book.translate.xml:3462 msgid "" "On most machines, holding C on the keyboard during boot " "will boot from the CD. Otherwise, hold . No prompt 0 >, digite" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:3471 +#: book.translate.xml:3478 #, no-wrap msgid "boot cd:,\\ppc\\loader cd:0" msgstr "boot cd:,\\ppc\\loader cd:0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:3475 -msgid "Booting on SPARC64" -msgstr "Inicializando no SPARC64 " - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3477 -msgid "" -"Most SPARC64 systems are set up " -"to boot automatically from disk. To install FreeBSD from a CD requires a break into the PROM." -msgstr "" -"A maioria dos sistemas SPARC64 " -"são configurados para inicializar automaticamente a partir do disco. Para " -"instalar o FreeBSD de um CD, requer uma pausa no " -"PROM." - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3481 -msgid "" -"To do this, reboot the system and wait until the boot message appears. The " -"message depends on the model, but should look something like this:" -msgstr "" -"Para fazer isso, reinicialize o sistema e aguarde até que a mensagem de " -"inicialização apareça. A mensagem depende do modelo, mas deve ser algo como " -"isto:" - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:3485 -#, no-wrap -msgid "" -"Sun Blade 100 (UltraSPARC-IIe), Keyboard Present\n" -"Copyright 1998-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.\n" -"OpenBoot 4.2, 128 MB memory installed, Serial #51090132.\n" -"Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID: 830b92d4." -msgstr "" -"Sun Blade 100 (UltraSPARC-IIe), Keyboard Present\n" -"Copyright 1998-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.\n" -"OpenBoot 4.2, 128 MB memory installed, Serial #51090132.\n" -"Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID: 830b92d4." - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3490 -msgid "" -"If the system proceeds to boot from disk at this point, press L1A or " -"StopA on the keyboard, or send a BREAK over the " -"serial console. When using tip or " -"cu, ~# will issue a BREAK. The " -"PROM prompt will be ok on systems with " -"one CPU and ok {0} on SMP systems, where the digit indicates the number of the active " -"CPU." -msgstr "" -"Se o sistema passar a inicializar a partir do disco neste ponto, pressione " -"L1A " -"ou StopA no teclado, ou envie um BREAK pelo console " -"serial. Ao usar o tip ou o cu, ~# irá emitir um BREAK. O prompt " -"PROM será ok em sistemas com uma " -"CPU e ok {0} em sistemas SMP, onde o dígito indica o número da CPU ativa." - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3502 -msgid "" -"At this point, place the CD into the drive and type " -"boot cdrom from the PROM prompt." -msgstr "" -"Neste ponto, coloque o CD na unidade e digite " -"boot cdrom no prompt PROM." - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:3508 +#: book.translate.xml:3482 msgid "FreeBSD Boot Menu" msgstr "Menu de inicialização do FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3510 +#: book.translate.xml:3484 msgid "" "Once the system boots from the installation media, a menu similar to the " "following will be displayed:" @@ -4697,7 +4621,7 @@ "semelhante ao seguinte será exibido:" #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:3514 +#: book.translate.xml:3488 msgid "FreeBSD Boot Loader Menu" msgstr "Menu do FreeBSD Boot Loader" @@ -4706,7 +4630,7 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:3518 +#: book.translate.xml:3492 msgctxt "_" msgid "" "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-newboot-loader-menu' md5='__failed__'" @@ -4714,7 +4638,7 @@ "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-newboot-loader-menu' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3523 +#: book.translate.xml:3497 msgid "" "By default, the menu will wait ten seconds for user input before booting " "into the FreeBSD installer or, if FreeBSD is already installed, before " @@ -4730,7 +4654,7 @@ "opções estão disponíveis." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3533 +#: book.translate.xml:3507 msgid "" "Boot Multi User: This will continue the FreeBSD boot " "process. If the boot timer has been paused, press 1, upper- " @@ -4742,7 +4666,7 @@ "Enter." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3541 +#: book.translate.xml:3515 msgid "" "Boot Single User: This mode can be used to fix an " "existing FreeBSD installation as described in Escape to loader prompt: This will boot the system into a " "repair prompt that contains a limited number of low-level commands. This " @@ -4768,17 +4692,17 @@ "3 ou Esc para inicializar neste prompt." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3558 +#: book.translate.xml:3532 msgid "Reboot: Reboots the system." msgstr "Reboot: Reinicia o sistema." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3562 +#: book.translate.xml:3536 msgid "Kernel: Loads a different kernel." msgstr "Kernel: Carrega um kernel diferente." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3567 +#: book.translate.xml:3541 msgid "" "Configure Boot Options: Opens the menu shown in, and " "described under, ." @@ -4787,7 +4711,7 @@ "em ." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:3573 +#: book.translate.xml:3547 msgid "FreeBSD Boot Options Menu" msgstr "Menu de Opções de Inicialização do FreeBSD" @@ -4796,14 +4720,14 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:3577 +#: book.translate.xml:3551 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-boot-options-menu' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "" "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-boot-options-menu' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3582 +#: book.translate.xml:3556 msgid "" "The boot options menu is divided into two sections. The first section can be " "used to either return to the main boot menu or to reset any toggled options " @@ -4815,7 +4739,7 @@ "valores padrões." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3587 +#: book.translate.xml:3561 msgid "" "The next section is used to toggle the available options to On or Off by pressing the option's highlighted " @@ -4830,7 +4754,7 @@ "alternadas usando este menu:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3596 +#: book.translate.xml:3570 msgid "" "ACPI Support: If the system hangs during boot, try " "toggling this option to Off." @@ -4839,7 +4763,7 @@ "inicialização, tente alternar essa opção para Off." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3602 +#: book.translate.xml:3576 msgid "" "Safe Mode: If the system still hangs during boot even " "with ACPI Support set to Off, try " @@ -4850,7 +4774,7 @@ "Off, tente definir esta opção como On." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3609 +#: book.translate.xml:3583 msgid "" "Single User: Toggle this option to On " "to fix an existing FreeBSD installation as described in Off." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3617 +#: book.translate.xml:3591 msgid "" "Verbose: Toggle this option to On to " "see more detailed messages during the boot process. This can be useful when " @@ -4874,7 +4798,7 @@ "pode ser útil ao solucionar problemas de hardware." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3624 +#: book.translate.xml:3598 msgid "" "After making the needed selections, press 1 or " "Backspace to return to the main boot menu, then press " @@ -4892,7 +4816,7 @@ "mostrado em será exibido." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:3633 +#: book.translate.xml:3607 msgid "Welcome Menu" msgstr "Menu de boas-vindas" @@ -4901,21 +4825,21 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:3637 +#: book.translate.xml:3611 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-choose-mode' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-choose-mode' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3642 +#: book.translate.xml:3616 msgid "" "Press Enter to select the default of " -"[ Install ] to enter the installer. The rest of this " +"[ Install ] to enter the installer. The rest of this " "chapter describes how to use this installer. Otherwise, use the right or " "left arrows or the colorized letter to select the desired menu item. The " -"[ Shell ] can be used to access a FreeBSD shell in " +"[ Shell ] can be used to access a FreeBSD shell in " "order to use command line utilities to prepare the disks before " -"installation. The [ Live CD ] option can be used to " +"installation. The [ Live CD ] option can be used to " "try out FreeBSD before installing it. The live version is described in ." msgstr "" @@ -4930,7 +4854,7 @@ "versão live é descrita em ." #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:3655 +#: book.translate.xml:3629 msgid "" "To review the boot messages, including the hardware device probe, press the " "upper- or lower-case S and then Enter to " @@ -4946,12 +4870,12 @@ "command> para retornar ao menu de boas-vindas." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:3668 +#: book.translate.xml:3642 msgid "Using bsdinstall" msgstr "Usando o bsdinstall" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:3670 +#: book.translate.xml:3644 msgid "" "This section shows the order of the bsdinstall " "menus and the type of information that will be asked before the system is " @@ -4968,12 +4892,12 @@ "salvar a seleção e passar para a próxima tela." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:3679 +#: book.translate.xml:3653 msgid "Selecting the Keymap Menu" msgstr "Selecionando o menu do Keymap (Mapa de teclas)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3681 +#: book.translate.xml:3655 msgid "" "Before starting the process, bsdinstall will load " "the keymap files as show in ." @@ -4983,7 +4907,7 @@ "keymap-loading\"/>." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:3686 +#: book.translate.xml:3660 msgid "Keymap Loading" msgstr "Carregamento de Keymap" @@ -4992,13 +4916,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:3690 +#: book.translate.xml:3664 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-keymap-loading' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-keymap-loading' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3695 +#: book.translate.xml:3669 msgid "" "After the keymaps have been loaded bsdinstall " "displays the menu shown in . Use the " @@ -5013,7 +4937,7 @@ "Enter para salvar a seleção." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:3703 +#: book.translate.xml:3677 msgid "Keymap Selection Menu" msgstr "Menu de Seleção do Keymap" @@ -5022,13 +4946,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:3707 +#: book.translate.xml:3681 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-keymap-10' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-keymap-10' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:3712 +#: book.translate.xml:3686 msgid "" "Pressing Esc will exit this menu and use the default " "keymap. If the choice of keymap is not clear, United States of " @@ -5040,7 +4964,7 @@ "segura." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3717 +#: book.translate.xml:3691 msgid "" "In addition, when selecting a different keymap, the user can try the keymap " "and ensure it is correct before proceeding as shown in ." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:3722 +#: book.translate.xml:3696 msgid "Keymap Testing Menu" msgstr "Menu de Teste do Keymap" @@ -5060,19 +4984,19 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:3726 +#: book.translate.xml:3700 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-keymap-testing' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-keymap-testing' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:3734 book.translate.xml:3741 +#: book.translate.xml:3708 book.translate.xml:3715 msgid "Setting the Hostname" msgstr "Configurando o nome do host" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3736 +#: book.translate.xml:3710 msgid "" "The next bsdinstall menu is used to set the " "hostname for the newly installed system." @@ -5085,13 +5009,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:3745 +#: book.translate.xml:3719 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-config-hostname' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-config-hostname' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3750 +#: book.translate.xml:3724 msgid "" "Type in a hostname that is unique for the network. It should be a fully-" "qualified hostname, such as machine3." @@ -5103,12 +5027,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect2/title #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:3755 book.translate.xml:3761 +#: book.translate.xml:3729 book.translate.xml:3735 msgid "Selecting Components to Install" msgstr "Selecionando Componentes para Instalar" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3757 +#: book.translate.xml:3731 msgid "" "Next, bsdinstall will prompt to select optional " "components to install." @@ -5121,14 +5045,14 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:3765 +#: book.translate.xml:3739 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-config-components' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "" "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-config-components' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3770 +#: book.translate.xml:3744 msgid "" "Deciding which components to install will depend largely on the intended use " "of the system and the amount of disk space available. The FreeBSD kernel and " @@ -5143,7 +5067,7 @@ "arquitetura, alguns desses componentes podem não aparecer:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3779 +#: book.translate.xml:3753 msgid "" "base-dbg - Base tools like cat, ls among many others with debug " @@ -5154,7 +5078,7 @@ "depuração ativados." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3786 +#: book.translate.xml:3760 msgid "" "kernel-dbg - Kernel and modules with debug symbols " "activated." @@ -5163,7 +5087,7 @@ "ativados." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3791 +#: book.translate.xml:3765 msgid "" "lib32-dbg - Compatibility libraries for running 32-bit " "applications on a 64-bit version of FreeBSD with debug symbols activated." @@ -5173,7 +5097,7 @@ "depuração ativados." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3797 +#: book.translate.xml:3771 msgid "" "lib32 - Compatibility libraries for running 32-bit " "applications on a 64-bit version of FreeBSD." @@ -5182,7 +5106,7 @@ "aplicativos de 32 bits em uma versão de 64 bits do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3803 +#: book.translate.xml:3777 msgid "" "ports - The FreeBSD Ports Collection is a collection of " "files which automates the downloading, compiling and installation of third-" @@ -5195,25 +5119,25 @@ "coleção de ports." #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:3810 +#: book.translate.xml:3784 msgid "" "The installation program does not check for adequate disk space. Select this " "option only if sufficient hard disk space is available. The FreeBSD Ports " -"Collection takes up about 500 MB of disk space." +"Collection takes up about 500 MB of disk space." msgstr "" "O programa de instalação não verifica o espaço em disco adequado. Selecione " "esta opção apenas se houver espaço suficiente no disco rígido. A Coleção de " "Ports do FreeBSD ocupa cerca de 500 MB de espaço em disco." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3819 +#: book.translate.xml:3793 msgid "" "src - The complete FreeBSD source code for both the " "kernel and the userland. Although not required for the majority of " "applications, it may be required to build device drivers, kernel modules, or " "some applications from the Ports Collection. It is also used for developing " -"FreeBSD itself. The full source tree requires 1 GB of disk space and " -"recompiling the entire FreeBSD system requires an additional 5 GB of space." +"FreeBSD itself. The full source tree requires 1 GB of disk space and " +"recompiling the entire FreeBSD system requires an additional 5 GB of space." msgstr "" "src - O código-fonte completo do FreeBSD para o kernel e " "para o userland. Embora não seja necessário para a maioria dos aplicativos, " @@ -5224,93 +5148,54 @@ "adicionais de espaço." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3830 +#: book.translate.xml:3804 msgid "tests - FreeBSD Test Suite." msgstr "tests - FreeBSD Test Suite." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:3836 book.translate.xml:3847 +#: book.translate.xml:3810 book.translate.xml:3824 msgid "Installing from the Network" msgstr "Instalando a partir da rede" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3838 +#: book.translate.xml:3812 msgid "" "The menu shown in only " -"appears when installing from a -bootonly.iso " -"CD as this installation media does not hold copies of the " -"installation files. Since the installation files must be retrieved over a " -"network connection, this menu indicates that the network interface must be " -"first configured." +"appears when installing from a -bootonly.iso or " +"-mini-memstick.img as this installation media does not " +"hold copies of the installation files. Since the installation files must be " +"retrieved over a network connection, this menu indicates that the network " +"interface must be configured first. If this menu is shown in any step of the " +"process remember to follow the instructions in ." msgstr "" -"O menu mostrado em só " -"aparece ao instalar a partir de um CD -bootonly." -"iso pois esta mídia de instalação não possui uma cópias dos " -"arquivos de instalação. Como os arquivos de instalação devem ser recuperados " -"através de uma conexão de rede, esse menu indica que a interface de rede " -"deve ser configurada primeiro." +"O menu mostrado em apenas " +"aparece ao instalar a partir de um -bootonly.iso ou " +"-mini-memstick.img pois esta mídia de instalação não " +"possui cópias dos arquivos de instalação. Como os arquivos de instalação " +"devem ser recuperados através de uma conexão de rede, esse menu indica que a " +"interface de rede deve ser configurada primeiro. Se o menu é exibido em " +"qualquer etapa do processo lembre-se de seguir as instruções em ." #. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata #. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:3851 +#: book.translate.xml:3828 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-netinstall-files' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-netinstall-files' md5='__failed__'" -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3856 -msgid "" -"To configure the network connection, press Enter and follow " -"the instructions in . Once " -"the interface is configured, select a mirror site that is located in the " -"same region of the world as the computer on which FreeBSD is being " -"installed. Files can be retrieved more quickly when the mirror is close to " -"the target computer, reducing installation time." -msgstr "" -"Para configurar a conexão de rede, pressione Enter e siga " -"as instruções em . Quando a " -"interface estiver configurada, selecione um site espelho localizado na mesma " -"região do mundo que o computador no qual o FreeBSD está sendo instalado. Os " -"arquivos podem ser recuperados mais rapidamente quando o espelho está " -"próximo ao computador de destino, reduzindo o tempo de instalação." - -#. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:3865 -msgid "Choosing a Mirror" -msgstr "Escolhendo um Site Espelho" - -#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata -#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When -#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to -#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to -#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:3869 -msgctxt "_" -msgid "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-netinstall-mirrorselect' md5='__failed__'" -msgstr "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-netinstall-mirrorselect' md5='__failed__'" - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3874 -msgid "" -"Installation will then continue as if the installation files were located on " -"the local installation media." -msgstr "" -"A instalação continuará como se os arquivos de instalação estivessem " -"localizados na mídia de instalação local." - #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:3880 +#: book.translate.xml:3836 msgid "Allocating Disk Space" msgstr "Alocando o espaço em disco" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:3882 +#: book.translate.xml:3838 msgid "" "The next menu is used to determine the method for allocating disk space." msgstr "" @@ -5319,7 +5204,7 @@ "instalada." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:3886 +#: book.translate.xml:3842 msgid "Partitioning Choices" msgstr "Opções de Particionamento" @@ -5328,13 +5213,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:3890 +#: book.translate.xml:3846 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-partmenu' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-partmenu' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:3895 +#: book.translate.xml:3851 msgid "" "bsdinstall gives the user four methods for " "allocating disk space:" @@ -5343,7 +5228,7 @@ "alocar espaço em disco:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3900 +#: book.translate.xml:3856 msgid "" "Auto (UFS) partitioning automatically sets up the disk " "partitions using the UFS file system." @@ -5352,7 +5237,7 @@ "partições do disco usando o sistema de arquivos UFS." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3906 +#: book.translate.xml:3862 msgid "" "Manual partitioning allows advanced users to create " "customized partitions from menu options." @@ -5361,7 +5246,7 @@ "criem partições personalizadas a partir das opções de menu." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3912 +#: book.translate.xml:3868 msgid "" "Shell opens a shell prompt where advanced users can " "create customized partitions using command-line utilities like " @@ -5380,7 +5265,7 @@ "manvolnum>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:3919 +#: book.translate.xml:3875 msgid "" "Auto (ZFS) partitioning creates a root-on-ZFS system with " "optional GELI encryption support for boot environments." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:3925 +#: book.translate.xml:3881 msgid "" "This section describes what to consider when laying out the disk partitions. " "It then demonstrates how to use the different partitioning methods." @@ -5400,32 +5285,32 @@ "seguida, demonstra como usar os diferentes métodos de particionamento." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:3930 +#: book.translate.xml:3886 msgid "Designing the Partition Layout" msgstr "Criando o layout da partição" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:3932 +#: book.translate.xml:3888 msgid "partition layout" msgstr "partition layout" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:3933 +#: book.translate.xml:3889 msgid "/etc" msgstr "/etc" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:3936 +#: book.translate.xml:3892 msgid "/var" msgstr "/var" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:3939 +#: book.translate.xml:3895 msgid "/usr" msgstr "/usr" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3943 +#: book.translate.xml:3899 msgid "" "When laying out file systems, remember that hard drives transfer data faster " "from the outer tracks to the inner. Thus, smaller and heavier-accessed file " @@ -5444,7 +5329,7 @@ ", swap, /var e /usr." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3953 +#: book.translate.xml:3909 msgid "" "The size of the /var partition reflects the intended " "machine's usage. This partition is used to hold mailboxes, log files, and " @@ -5462,7 +5347,7 @@ "livre em disco no /var." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:3963 +#: book.translate.xml:3919 msgid "" "Sometimes, a lot of disk space is required in /var/tmp. " "When new software is installed, the packaging tools extract a temporary copy " @@ -5480,7 +5365,7 @@ "filename>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3973 +#: book.translate.xml:3929 msgid "" "The /usr partition holds many of the files which " "support the system, including the FreeBSD Ports Collection and system source " @@ -5492,7 +5377,7 @@ "partição." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3978 +#: book.translate.xml:3934 msgid "" "When selecting partition sizes, keep the space requirements in mind. Running " "out of space in one partition while barely using another can be a hassle." @@ -5502,17 +5387,17 @@ "aborrecimento." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:3982 +#: book.translate.xml:3938 msgid "swap sizing" msgstr "swap sizing" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:3985 +#: book.translate.xml:3941 msgid "swap partition" msgstr "swap partition" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:3989 +#: book.translate.xml:3945 msgid "" "As a rule of thumb, the swap partition should be about double the size of " "physical memory (RAM). Systems with minimal RAMSCSI disks or multiple " "IDE disks operating on different controllers, it is " @@ -5553,7 +5438,7 @@ "reinicializar." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4010 +#: book.translate.xml:3966 msgid "" "By properly partitioning a system, fragmentation introduced in the smaller " "write heavy partitions will not bleed over into the mostly read partitions. " @@ -5575,12 +5460,12 @@ "filename> para a borda." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:4023 +#: book.translate.xml:3979 msgid "Guided Partitioning Using UFS" msgstr "Particionamento Guiado Usando UFS" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4025 +#: book.translate.xml:3981 msgid "" "When this method is selected, a menu will display the available disk(s). If " "multiple disks are connected, choose the one where FreeBSD is to be " @@ -5591,7 +5476,7 @@ "o FreeBSD deve ser instalado." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4030 +#: book.translate.xml:3986 msgid "Selecting from Multiple Disks" msgstr "Selecionando a partir de vários discos" @@ -5600,19 +5485,19 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4034 +#: book.translate.xml:3990 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-part-guided-disk' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-part-guided-disk' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4039 +#: book.translate.xml:3995 msgid "" "Once the disk is selected, the next menu prompts to install to either the " "entire disk or to create a partition using free space. If " -"[ Entire Disk ] is chosen, a general partition layout " +"[ Entire Disk ] is chosen, a general partition layout " "filling the whole disk is automatically created. Selecting " -"[ Partition ] creates a partition layout from the " +"[ Partition ] creates a partition layout from the " "unused space on the disk." msgstr "" "Depois que o disco é selecionado, o próximo menu solicita a instalação no " @@ -5623,7 +5508,7 @@ "não utilizado no disco." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4049 +#: book.translate.xml:4005 msgid "Selecting Entire Disk or Partition" msgstr "Selecionando todo o disco ou partição" @@ -5632,15 +5517,15 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4053 +#: book.translate.xml:4009 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-part-entire-part' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-part-entire-part' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4058 +#: book.translate.xml:4014 msgid "" -"After [ Entire Disk ] is chosen " +"After [ Entire Disk ] is chosen " "bsdinstall displays a dialog indicating that the " "disk will be erased." msgstr "" @@ -5649,7 +5534,7 @@ "que o disco será apagado." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4064 +#: book.translate.xml:4020 msgid "Confirmation" msgstr "Confirmação" @@ -5658,13 +5543,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4068 +#: book.translate.xml:4024 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-ufs-warning' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-ufs-warning' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4073 +#: book.translate.xml:4029 msgid "" "The next menu shows a list with the partition schemes types. GPT is usually " "the most appropriate choice for amd64 computers. Older computers that are " @@ -5680,7 +5565,7 @@ "." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4081 +#: book.translate.xml:4037 msgid "Select Partition Scheme" msgstr "Selecionar Esquema de Particionamento" @@ -5689,7 +5574,7 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4085 book.translate.xml:4159 +#: book.translate.xml:4041 book.translate.xml:4115 msgctxt "_" msgid "" "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-part-manual-partscheme' md5='__failed__'" @@ -5697,14 +5582,14 @@ "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-part-manual-partscheme' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4090 +#: book.translate.xml:4046 msgid "" "After the partition layout has been created, review it to ensure it meets " -"the needs of the installation. Selecting [ Revert ] " +"the needs of the installation. Selecting [ Revert ] " "will reset the partitions to their original values and pressing " -"[ Auto ] will recreate the automatic FreeBSD " +"[ Auto ] will recreate the automatic FreeBSD " "partitions. Partitions can also be manually created, modified, or deleted. " -"When the partitioning is correct, select [ Finish ] " +"When the partitioning is correct, select [ Finish ] " "to continue with the installation." msgstr "" "Depois que o layout da partição tiver sido criado, revise-o para garantir " @@ -5716,7 +5601,7 @@ "selecione [Finish] para continuar com a instalação." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4101 +#: book.translate.xml:4057 msgid "Review Created Partitions" msgstr "Revise as partições criadas" @@ -5725,20 +5610,20 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4105 +#: book.translate.xml:4061 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-part-review' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-part-review' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4110 +#: book.translate.xml:4066 msgid "" "Once the disks are configured, the next menu provides the last chance to " "make changes before the selected drives are formatted. If changes need to be " -"made, select [ Back ] to return to the main " -"partitioning menu. [ Revert & Exit ] exits the " +"made, select [ Back ] to return to the main " +"partitioning menu. [ Revert & Exit ] exits the " "installer without making any changes to the drive. Select " -"[ Commit ] to start the installation process." +"[ Commit ] to start the installation process." msgstr "" "Depois que os discos são configurados, o próximo menu fornece a última " "chance de fazer alterações antes que os discos selecionados sejam " @@ -5749,7 +5634,7 @@ "iniciar o processo de instalação." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4121 +#: book.translate.xml:4077 msgid "Final Confirmation" msgstr "Confirmação final" @@ -5758,7 +5643,7 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4125 +#: book.translate.xml:4081 msgctxt "_" msgid "" "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-final-confirmation' md5='__failed__'" @@ -5766,7 +5651,7 @@ "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-final-confirmation' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4130 +#: book.translate.xml:4086 msgid "" "To continue with the installation process go to ." @@ -5775,17 +5660,17 @@ "\"bsdinstall-fetching-distribution\"/>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:4135 +#: book.translate.xml:4091 msgid "Manual Partitioning" msgstr "Particionamento Manual" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4137 +#: book.translate.xml:4093 msgid "Selecting this method opens the partition editor:" msgstr "Selecionar este método abre o editor de partições:" #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4140 book.translate.xml:4155 book.translate.xml:4221 +#: book.translate.xml:4096 book.translate.xml:4111 book.translate.xml:4177 msgid "Manually Create Partitions" msgstr "Criar partições manualmente" @@ -5794,7 +5679,7 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4144 +#: book.translate.xml:4100 msgctxt "_" msgid "" "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-part-manual-create' md5='__failed__'" @@ -5802,10 +5687,10 @@ "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-part-manual-create' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4149 +#: book.translate.xml:4105 msgid "" "Highlight the installation drive (ada0 in this example) " -"and select [ Create ] to display a menu of available " +"and select [ Create ] to display a menu of available " "partition schemes:" msgstr "" "Realce a unidade de instalação (ada0 neste exemplo) e " @@ -5813,7 +5698,7 @@ "de partição disponíveis:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4164 +#: book.translate.xml:4120 msgid "" "GPT is usually the most appropriate choice for amd64 " "computers. Older computers that are not compatible with GPTPowerPC." @@ -5864,12 +5749,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: glossentry/glossterm #. (itstool) path: glossentry/acronym -#: book.translate.xml:4188 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:4144 book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "BSD" msgstr "BSD" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4189 +#: book.translate.xml:4145 msgid "" "BSD label without an MBR, sometimes " "called dangerously dedicated mode as non-" @@ -5880,12 +5765,12 @@ "utilitários de discos não BSD podem não reconhecê-lo." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4197 +#: book.translate.xml:4153 msgid "GPT" msgstr "GPT" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4198 +#: book.translate.xml:4154 msgid "" "GUID Partition Table (" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4202 +#: book.translate.xml:4158 msgid "MBR" msgstr "MBR" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4203 +#: book.translate.xml:4159 msgid "" "Master Boot Record (" @@ -5911,22 +5796,22 @@ "Master_boot_record )." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4207 +#: book.translate.xml:4163 msgid "VTOC8" msgstr "VTOC8" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4208 +#: book.translate.xml:4164 msgid "Volume Table Of Contents used by Sun SPARC64 and UltraSPARC computers." msgstr "" "Tabela de Volume do Conteúdo usado pelos computadores Sun SPARC64 e " "UltraSPARC." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4215 +#: book.translate.xml:4171 msgid "" "After the partitioning scheme has been selected and created, select " -"[ Create ] again to create the partitions. The " +"[ Create ] again to create the partitions. The " "Tab key is used to move the cursor between fields." msgstr "" "Depois que o esquema de particionamento for selecionado e criado, selecione " @@ -5938,7 +5823,7 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4225 +#: book.translate.xml:4181 msgctxt "_" msgid "" "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-part-manual-addpart' md5='__failed__'" @@ -5946,7 +5831,7 @@ "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-part-manual-addpart' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4230 +#: book.translate.xml:4186 msgid "" "A standard FreeBSD GPT installation uses at least three " "partitions:" @@ -5955,14 +5840,14 @@ "partições:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:4235 +#: book.translate.xml:4191 msgid "freebsd-boot - Holds the FreeBSD boot code." msgstr "" "freebsd-boot - Mantém o código de inicialização do " "FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:4240 +#: book.translate.xml:4196 msgid "" "freebsd-ufs - A FreeBSD UFS file " "system." @@ -5971,7 +5856,7 @@ "acronym> do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:4245 +#: book.translate.xml:4201 msgid "" "freebsd-zfs - A FreeBSD ZFS file " "system. More information about ZFS is available in ." @@ -5981,12 +5866,12 @@ "linkend=\"zfs\"/>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:4251 +#: book.translate.xml:4207 msgid "freebsd-swap - FreeBSD swap space." msgstr "freebsd-swap - Espaço de swap do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4256 +#: book.translate.xml:4212 msgid "" "Refer to gpart8 for descriptions of the available GPTGPT disponíveis." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4259 +#: book.translate.xml:4215 msgid "" "Multiple file system partitions can be created and some people prefer a " "traditional layout with separate partitions for /, " @@ -6012,7 +5897,7 @@ "um exemplo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4266 +#: book.translate.xml:4222 msgid "" "The Size may be entered with common abbreviations: " "K for kilobytes, M for megabytes, " @@ -6023,7 +5908,7 @@ "megabytes, ou G para gigabytes." #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:4272 +#: book.translate.xml:4228 msgid "" "Proper sector alignment provides the best performance, and making partition " "sizes even multiples of 4K bytes helps to ensure alignment on drives with " @@ -6042,7 +5927,7 @@ "512K devido às limitações atuais do código de inicialização." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4283 +#: book.translate.xml:4239 msgid "" "A Mountpoint is needed if the partition will contain a " "file system. If only a single UFS partition will be " @@ -6053,7 +5938,7 @@ "criada, o ponto de montagem deve ser /." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4288 +#: book.translate.xml:4244 msgid "" "The Label is a name by which the partition will be known. " "Drive names or numbers can change if the drive is connected to a different " @@ -6076,7 +5961,7 @@ "aparecem em diferentes diretórios no /dev/." #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:4301 +#: book.translate.xml:4257 msgid "" "Use a unique label on every partition to avoid conflicts from identical " "labels. A few letters from the computer's name, use, or location can be " @@ -6091,12 +5976,12 @@ "raiz UFS no computador chamado lab." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:4311 +#: book.translate.xml:4267 msgid "Creating Traditional Split File System Partitions" msgstr "Criando partições tradicionais para um sistema de arquivos dividido" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:4314 +#: book.translate.xml:4270 msgid "" "For a traditional partition layout where the /, " "/var, /tmp, and /usrgptboot expects the first " "UFS partition to be the / partition." @@ -6129,115 +6014,115 @@ "partição UFS seja a partição /." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4335 +#: book.translate.xml:4291 msgid "Partition Type" msgstr "Tipo de Partição" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4336 +#: book.translate.xml:4292 msgid "Size" msgstr "Tamanho" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4337 +#: book.translate.xml:4293 msgid "Mountpoint" msgstr "Ponto de montagem" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4338 +#: book.translate.xml:4294 msgid "Label" msgstr "Rótulo" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4344 +#: book.translate.xml:4300 msgid "freebsd-boot" msgstr "freebsd-boot" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4345 +#: book.translate.xml:4301 msgid "512K" msgstr "512K" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4349 book.translate.xml:4363 book.translate.xml:4370 -#: book.translate.xml:4377 +#: book.translate.xml:4305 book.translate.xml:4319 book.translate.xml:4326 +#: book.translate.xml:4333 msgid "freebsd-ufs" msgstr "freebsd-ufs" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4350 book.translate.xml:4364 +#: book.translate.xml:4306 book.translate.xml:4320 msgid "2G" msgstr "2G" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4351 book.translate.xml:7261 +#: book.translate.xml:4307 book.translate.xml:7367 msgid "/" msgstr "/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4352 +#: book.translate.xml:4308 msgid "exrootfs" msgstr "exrootfs" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4356 +#: book.translate.xml:4312 msgid "freebsd-swap" msgstr "freebsd-swap" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4357 +#: book.translate.xml:4313 msgid "4G" msgstr "4G" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4359 +#: book.translate.xml:4315 msgid "exswap" msgstr "exswap" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4365 +#: book.translate.xml:4321 msgid "/var" msgstr "/var" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4366 +#: book.translate.xml:4322 msgid "exvarfs" msgstr "exvarfs" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4371 +#: book.translate.xml:4327 msgid "1G" msgstr "1G" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4372 +#: book.translate.xml:4328 msgid "/tmp" msgstr "/tmp" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4373 +#: book.translate.xml:4329 msgid "extmpfs" msgstr "extmpfs" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4378 +#: book.translate.xml:4334 msgid "accept the default (remainder of the disk)" msgstr "aceite o padrão (restante do disco)" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4380 +#: book.translate.xml:4336 msgid "/usr" msgstr "/usr" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:4381 +#: book.translate.xml:4337 msgid "exusrfs" msgstr "exusrfs" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4388 +#: book.translate.xml:4344 msgid "" -"After the custom partitions have been created, select [ Finish ][ Finish ] to continue with the installation and go to ." msgstr "" @@ -6246,56 +6131,24 @@ "." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:4395 +#: book.translate.xml:4351 msgid "Guided Partitioning Using Root-on-ZFS" msgstr "Particionamento Guiado Usando Root-on-ZFS" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4397 +#: book.translate.xml:4353 msgid "" -"Support for automatic creation of root-on-ZFS installations was added in " -"FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE. This partitioning mode only works with whole disks and " -"will erase the contents of the entire disk. The installer will automatically " -"create partitions aligned to 4k boundaries and force ZFS " -"to use 4k sectors. This is safe even with 512 byte sector disks, and has the " -"added benefit of ensuring that pools created on 512 byte disks will be able " -"to have 4k sector disks added in the future, either as additional storage " -"space or as replacements for failed disks. The installer can also optionally " -"employ GELI disk encryption as described in . If encryption is enabled, a 2 GB unencrypted " -"boot pool containing the /boot directory is created. It " -"holds the kernel and other files necessary to boot the system. A swap " -"partition of a user selectable size is also created, and all remaining space " -"is used for the ZFS pool." +"This partitioning mode only works with whole disks and will erase the " +"contents of the entire disk. The main ZFS configuration " +"menu offers a number of options to control the creation of the pool." msgstr "" -"O suporte para criação automática de instalações root-on-ZFS foi adicionado " -"no FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE. Este modo de particionamento só funciona com discos " -"inteiros e apaga o conteúdo de todo o disco. O instalador criará " -"automaticamente partições alinhadas a limites de 4k e forçará o " -"ZFS a usar setores 4k. Isso é seguro mesmo com discos de " -"setor de 512 bytes e tem o benefício adicional de garantir que os pools " -"criados em discos de 512 bytes possam ter discos de setor de 4k adicionados " -"no futuro, como espaço de armazenamento adicional ou como substitutos para " -"discos com falha. O instalador também pode opcionalmente empregar a " -"criptografia de disco GELI conforme descrito em . Se a criptografia estiver ativada, um " -"conjunto de inicialização não criptografado de 2 GB contendo o diretório " -"/boot será criado. Ele contém o kernel e outros " -"arquivos necessários para inicializar o sistema. Uma partição swap de um " -"tamanho selecionável pelo usuário também é criada, e todo o espaço restante " -"é usado para o pool do ZFS." +"Este modo de particionamento funciona apenas com discos inteiros e apagará " +"por completo o conteúdo do disco. O menu de configuração principal do " +"ZFS oferece várias opções para controlar a criação do " +"pool." -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4416 -msgid "" -"The main ZFS configuration menu offers a number of " -"options to control the creation of the pool." -msgstr "" -"O menu de configuração principal do ZFS oferece várias " -"opções para controlar a criação do pool." - #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4421 +#: book.translate.xml:4359 msgid "ZFS Partitioning Menu" msgstr "Menu de particionamento do ZFS" @@ -6304,42 +6157,158 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4425 +#: book.translate.xml:4363 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-menu' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-menu' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4430 +#: book.translate.xml:4368 +msgid "Here is a summary of the options which can be used in this menu:" +msgstr "Aqui está um resumo das opções que podem ser usadas neste menu:" + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:4373 msgid "" +"Install - Proceed with the installation with the selected " +"options." +msgstr "" +"Instalar - Prosseguir a instalação com as opções " +"selecionadas." + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:4378 +msgid "" +"Pool Type/Disks - Allow to configure the Pool " +"Type and the disk(s) that will constitute the pool. The automatic " +"ZFS installer currently only supports the creation of a " +"single top level vdev, except in stripe mode. To create more complex pools, " +"use the instructions in to create " +"the pool." +msgstr "" +"Tipo de Pool/Discos - Permite configurar o Tipo " +"de Pool e o(s) disco(s ) que irão constituir o pool. Atualmente o " +"instalador ZFS automático suporta apenas a criação de uma " +"única camada superior vdev, exceto em modo stripe. Para criar pools mais " +"complexos, use as instruções em " +"para criar o pool." + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:4388 +msgid "" +"Rescan Devices - Repopulate the list of available disks." +msgstr "" +"Re-escanear Dispositivos - Re-popular a lista de discos " +"disponíveis." + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:4393 +msgid "" +"Disk Info - Disk Info menu can be used to inspect each " +"disk, including its partition table and various other information such as " +"the device model number and serial number, if available." +msgstr "" +"Disk Info - Disk Info pode ser usado para inspecionar " +"cada disco, incluindo sua tabela de partição e várias outras informações, " +"como o número do modelo do dispositivo e o número de série, se disponíveis." + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:4400 +msgid "" +"Pool Name - Establish the name of the pool. The default " +"name is zroot." +msgstr "" +"Pool Name - Define o nome do pool. O nome default é " +"zroot." + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:4406 +msgid "" +"Force 4K Sectors? - Force the use of 4K sectors. By " +"default, the installer will automatically create partitions aligned to 4K " +"boundaries and force ZFS to use 4K sectors. This is safe even with 512 byte " +"sector disks, and has the added benefit of ensuring that pools created on " +"512 byte disks will be able to have 4K sector disks added in the future, " +"either as additional storage space or as replacements for failed disks. " +"Press the Enter key to chose to activate it or not." +msgstr "" +"Force 4K Sectors? - Forçar o uso de setores em 4K. Por " +"padrão, o instalador irá automaticamente criar partições alinhadas com " +"limites em 4K e forçar o ZFS a usar setores de 4K. Isto é seguro mesmo com " +"discos de setores de 512 bytes, e tem o benefício adicional de garantir que " +"pools criados em discos de 512 bytes conseguirão ter setores de 4K " +"adicionados no futuro, seja como espaço de armazenamento adicional ou como " +"substituição ode discos e falha. Aperte a tecla Enter para " +"escolher ativar isso ou não." + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:4419 +msgid "" +"Encrypt Disks? - Encrypting the disks allows the user to " +"encrypt the disks using GELI. More information about disk " +"encryption is available in . Press " +"the Enter key to chose activate it or not." +msgstr "" +"Encrypt Disks? - A criptografia dos discos permite ao " +"usuário criptografar os discos usando GELI. Mais " +"informação sobre criptografia de discos está disponível em \n" +" . Aperte a tecla Enter para escolher ativá-la ou não." + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:4428 +msgid "" +"Partition Scheme - Allow to choose the partition scheme. " +"GPT is the recommended option in most cases. Press the Enter key to chose between the different options." +msgstr "" +"Partition Scheme - Permitei escolher o esquema de " +"partição. GPT é a opção recomendada na maioria dos casos. Aperte a tecla " +"Enter para escolher entre diferentes opções." + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:4435 +msgid "Swap Size - Establish the amount of swap space." +msgstr "" +"Swap Size - Determina a quantidade de espaço para swap." + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:4440 +msgid "" +"Mirror Swap? - Allows the user to mirror the swap between " +"the disks. Be aware, enabling mirror swap will break crash dumps. Press the " +"Enter key to activate it or not." +msgstr "" +"Mirror Swap? - Permite ao usuário espelhar o swap entre " +"os discos. Fique atento, o espelhamento da swap irá quebrar dumps de crash. " +"Pressione a tecla Enter para ativar ou não." + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:4447 +msgid "" +"Encrypt Swap? - Allow the user the possibility to encrypt " +"the swap. Encrypts the swap with a temporary key each time that the system " +"boots and discards it on reboot. Press the Enter key to " +"chose activate it or not. More information about swap encryption in ." +msgstr "" +"Encrypt Swap? - Permite ao usuário criptografar a swap. " +"Criptografa a swap com uma chave temporária toda vez que o sistema " +"inicializa e a descarta na reinicialização. Pressione a tecla Enter para ativar ou não. Mais informação sobre criptografia de swap em " +"." + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:4456 +msgid "" "Select T to configure the Pool Type and " -"the disk(s) that will constitute the pool. The automatic ZFS installer currently only supports the creation of a single top " -"level vdev, except in stripe mode. To create more complex pools, use the " -"instructions in to create the " -"pool. The installer supports the creation of various pool types, including " -"stripe (not recommended, no redundancy), mirror (best performance, least " -"usable space), and RAID-Z 1, 2, and 3 (with the capability to withstand the " -"concurrent failure of 1, 2, and 3 disks, respectively). While selecting the " -"pool type, a tooltip is displayed across the bottom of the screen with " -"advice about the number of required disks, and in the case of RAID-Z, the " -"optimal number of disks for each configuration." +"the disk(s) that will constitute the pool." msgstr "" "Selecione T para configurar o Pool Type " -"e o(s) disco(s) que constituirão o pool. O instalador automático do " -"ZFS atualmente suporta apenas a criação de um único vdev " -"de nível superior, exceto no modo de stripe. Para criar conjuntos mais " -"complexos, use as instruções em " -"para criar o pool. O instalador suporta a criação de vários tipos de " -"conjuntos, incluindo stripe (não recomendada, sem redundância), mirror " -"(melhor desempenho, menos espaço utilizável) e RAID-Z 1, 2 e 3 (com " -"capacidade para suportar a falha simultânea de 1, 2 e 3 discos, " -"respectivamente). Ao selecionar o tipo de pool, uma dica é exibida na parte " -"inferior da tela com conselhos sobre o número de discos necessários e, no " -"caso de RAID-Z, o número ideal de discos para cada configuração." +"e o(s) disco(s) que irá constituir o pool." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4447 +#: book.translate.xml:4461 msgid "ZFS Pool Type" msgstr "Tipo de pool ZFS" @@ -6348,31 +6317,107 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4451 +#: book.translate.xml:4465 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-vdev_type' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-vdev_type' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4456 +#: book.translate.xml:4470 msgid "" +"Here is a summary of the Pool Type which can be selected " +"in this menu:" +msgstr "" +"Aqui está um resumo dos Pool Type que podem ser " +"selecionados neste menu:" + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:4475 +msgid "" +"stripe - Striping provides maximum storage of all " +"connected devices, but no redundancy. If just one disk fails the data on the " +"pool is lost irrevocably." +msgstr "" +"stripe - Striping provê a capacidade máxima de todos os " +"dispositivos conectados, mas não redundância. Se um disco falhar os dados do " +"pool estarão perdidos de forma irrevogável." + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:4481 +msgid "" +"mirror - Mirroring stores a complete copy of all data on " +"every disk. Mirroring provides a good read perfomance because data is read " +"from all disks in parallel. Write performance is slower as the data must be " +"written to all disks in the pool. Allows all but one disk to fail. This " +"option requires at least two disks." +msgstr "" +"mirror - O espelhamento armazena uma completa cópia de " +"todos os dados em todos os discos. O espelhamento provê uma boa performance " +"em leitura porque os dados são lidos the todos os discos em paralelo. A " +"performance da escrita é mais lenta pois os dados precisam ser escritos em " +"todos os discos do pool. Torna possível que haja falha nos discos, menos um. " +"Esta opção requer ao menos dois discos." + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:4489 +msgid "" +"raid10 - Striped mirrors. Provides the best performance, " +"but the least storage. This option needs at least an even number of disks " +"and a minimum of four disks." +msgstr "" +"raid10 - Striped mirrors. Provê a melhor performance, mas " +"o menor armazenamento. Esta opção necessita de um número par de discos e no " +"mínimo quatro discos." + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:4495 +msgid "" +"raidz1 - Single Redundant RAID. Allow one disk to fail " +"concurrently. This option needs at least three disks." +msgstr "" +"raidz1 - RAID Único Redundante. Permite que haja falha " +"concorrente de um disco. Esta opção necessita de ao menos três discos." + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:4500 +msgid "" +"raidz2 - Double Redundant RAID. Allows two disks to fail " +"concurrently. This option needs at least four disks." +msgstr "" +"raidz2 - RAID Duplo Redundante. Permite que até dois " +"discos falhem concorrentemente. Esta opção necessita de ao menos quatro " +"discos." + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:4505 +msgid "" +"raidz3 - Triple Redundant RAID. Allows three disks to " +"fail concurrently. This option needs at least five disks." +msgstr "" +"raidz3 - RAID Triplo Redundante. Permite que até três " +"discos falhem concorrentemente. Esta opção necessita de ao menos cinco " +"discos." + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:4511 +msgid "" "Once a Pool Type has been selected, a list of available " "disks is displayed, and the user is prompted to select one or more disks to " "make up the pool. The configuration is then validated, to ensure enough " "disks are selected. If not, select <Change Selection> to return to the list of disks, or <Cancel> to change the pool type." +"guibutton> to return to the list of disks, or <Back> to change the Pool Type." msgstr "" -"Quando um Tipo de pool tiver sido selecionado, uma lista " -"de discos disponíveis será exibida e o usuário será solicitado a selecionar " -"um ou mais discos para compor o pool. A configuração é validada para " -"garantir que discos suficientes sejam selecionados. Caso contrário, " -"selecione <Change Selection> para retornar à " -"lista de discos ou <Cancel> para alterar o tipo " -"de conjunto." +"Quando um Pool Type for selecionado, uma lista de discos " +"disponíveis será exibida, e o usuário é solicitado a selecionar um ou mais " +"discos para compor o pool. A configuração é então validada, para garantir " +"que discos suficientes sejam selecionados. Caso contrário, selecione " +"<Change Selection> para retornar à lista de " +"discos ou <Backgt> para alterar o Pool " +"Type" #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4466 +#: book.translate.xml:4521 msgid "Disk Selection" msgstr "Seleção de disco" @@ -6381,13 +6426,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4470 +#: book.translate.xml:4525 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-disk_select' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-disk_select' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4476 +#: book.translate.xml:4531 msgid "Invalid Selection" msgstr "Seleção inválida" @@ -6396,31 +6441,54 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4480 +#: book.translate.xml:4535 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-vdev_invalid' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-vdev_invalid' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4485 +#: book.translate.xml:4540 msgid "" "If one or more disks are missing from the list, or if disks were attached " "after the installer was started, select - Rescan Devices to repopulate the list of available disks. To avoid accidentally " -"erasing the wrong disk, the - Disk Info menu can be " -"used to inspect each disk, including its partition table and various other " -"information such as the device model number and serial number, if available." +"guibutton> to repopulate the list of available disks." msgstr "" "Se um ou mais discos estiverem faltando na lista, ou se os discos foram " "anexados depois que o instalador foi iniciado, selecione - Rescan " -"Devices para preencher novamente a lista de discos disponíveis. " +"Devices para preencher novamente a lista de discos disponíveis." + +#. (itstool) path: figure/title +#: book.translate.xml:4546 +msgid "Rescan Devices" +msgstr "Dispositivos de Reescaneamento" + +#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: book.translate.xml:4550 +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-rescan-devices' md5='__failed__'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-rescan-devices' md5='__failed__'" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:4555 +msgid "" +"To avoid accidentally erasing the wrong disk, the - Disk Info menu can be used to inspect each disk, including its partition " +"table and various other information such as the device model number and " +"serial number, if available." +msgstr "" "Para evitar apagar acidentalmente o disco errado, o menu - Disk " "Info pode ser usado para inspecionar cada disco, incluindo sua " "tabela de partição e várias outras informações, como o número do modelo do " "dispositivo e o número de série, se disponíveis." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4496 +#: book.translate.xml:4562 msgid "Analyzing a Disk" msgstr "Analisando um disco" @@ -6429,67 +6497,83 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4500 +#: book.translate.xml:4566 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-disk_info' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-disk_info' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4505 +#: book.translate.xml:4571 msgid "" -"The main ZFS configuration menu also allows the user to " -"enter a pool name, disable forcing 4k sectors, enable or disable encryption, " -"switch between GPT (recommended) and MBR partition table types, and select the amount of swap space. Once " -"all options have been set to the desired values, select the >" -">> Install option at the top of the menu." +"Select N to configure the Pool Name. " +"Enter the desired name then select <OK> to " +"establish it or <Cancel> to return to the main " +"menu and leave the default name." msgstr "" -"O principal menu de configuração do ZFS também permite " -"que o usuário insira um nome de pool, desabilite a opção que força setores " -"4k, habilite ou desabilite a criptografia, alterne entre os tipos de tabela " -"de partiçõesGPT (recomendado) ou MBR e " -"selecione a quantidade de espaço de swap. Quando todas as opções tiverem " -"sido definidas para os valores desejados, selecione o >>" -"> Install no topo do menu." +"Selecione N para configurar o Pool Name. " +"Entre com o nome desejado e então selecione <OK> para confirmar ou <Cancel> para " +"retornar ao menu principal e deixar o nome padrão." +#. (itstool) path: figure/title +#: book.translate.xml:4578 +msgid "Pool Name" +msgstr "Nome do Pool" + +#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: book.translate.xml:4582 +msgctxt "_" +msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-pool-name' md5='__failed__'" +msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-pool-name' md5='__failed__'" + #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4515 +#: book.translate.xml:4587 msgid "" -"If GELI disk encryption was enabled, the installer will " -"prompt twice for the passphrase to be used to encrypt the disks." +"Select S to set the amount of swap. Enter the desired " +"amount of swap and then select <OK> to " +"establish it or <Cancel> to return to the main " +"menu and let the default amount." msgstr "" -"Se a criptografia de disco GELI foi ativada, o instalador " -"solicitará duas vezes que a frase secreta seja usada para criptografar os " -"discos." +"Selecione S para escolher a quantidade de swap. Entre com a " +"quantidade desejada e então selecione <OK> para " +"confirmar isto ou <Cancel> para retornar ao " +"menu principal e deixar a quantidade padrão." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4520 -msgid "Disk Encryption Password" -msgstr "Senha de criptografia de disco" +#: book.translate.xml:4594 +msgid "Swap Amount" +msgstr "Quantidade de Swap" #. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata #. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4524 +#: book.translate.xml:4598 msgctxt "_" -msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-geli_password' md5='__failed__'" -msgstr "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-geli_password' md5='__failed__'" +msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-swap-amount' md5='__failed__'" +msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-swap-amount' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4529 +#: book.translate.xml:4603 msgid "" +"Once all options have been set to the desired values, select the " +">>> Install option at the top of the menu. " "The installer then offers a last chance to cancel before the contents of the " "selected drives are destroyed to create the ZFS pool." msgstr "" -"O instalador oferece uma última chance de cancelar antes que o conteúdo das " +"Uma vez que todas opções estejam setadas com os valores desejados, selecione " +"a opção >>> Install no topo do menu. O " +"instalador oferece uma última chance de cancelar antes que o conteúdo das " "unidades selecionadas seja destruído para criar o pool do ZFS." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4534 +#: book.translate.xml:4611 msgid "Last Chance" msgstr "Última chance" @@ -6498,23 +6582,71 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4538 +#: book.translate.xml:4615 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-warning' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-warning' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4543 -msgid "The installation then proceeds normally." -msgstr "A instalação prossegue normalmente." +#: book.translate.xml:4620 +msgid "" +"If GELI disk encryption was enabled, the installer will " +"prompt twice for the passphrase to be used to encrypt the disks. And after " +"that the initializing of the encryption begins." +msgstr "" +"Se a criptografia de disco GELI foi ativada, o instalador " +"solicitará duas vezes que a frase secreta seja usada para criptografar os " +"discos. E depois dissoa inicialização da criptografia é iniciado." +#. (itstool) path: figure/title +#: book.translate.xml:4626 +msgid "Disk Encryption Password" +msgstr "Senha de criptografia de disco" + +#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: book.translate.xml:4630 +msgctxt "_" +msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-geli_password' md5='__failed__'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-geli_password' md5='__failed__'" + +#. (itstool) path: figure/title +#: book.translate.xml:4636 +msgid "Initializing Encryption" +msgstr "inicializando Criptografia" + +#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: book.translate.xml:4640 +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-init-encription' md5='__failed__'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-init-encription' md5='__failed__'" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:4645 +msgid "" +"The installation then proceeds normally. To continue with the installation " +"go to ." +msgstr "" +"A instalação então prossegue normalmente. Para continuar com a instalação, " +"vá para ." + #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:4548 +#: book.translate.xml:4652 msgid "Shell Mode Partitioning" msgstr "Particionamento do modo shell" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4550 +#: book.translate.xml:4654 msgid "" "When creating advanced installations, the bsdinstall partitioning menus may not provide the level of flexibility " @@ -6537,12 +6669,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect1/title #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4565 book.translate.xml:4578 +#: book.translate.xml:4669 book.translate.xml:4682 msgid "Fetching Distribution Files" msgstr "Fazendo o download dos arquivos de distribuição" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:4567 +#: book.translate.xml:4671 msgid "" "Installation time will vary depending on the distributions chosen, " "installation media, and speed of the computer. A series of messages will " @@ -6553,7 +6685,7 @@ "indicará o progresso." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:4571 +#: book.translate.xml:4675 msgid "" "First, the installer formats the selected disk(s) and initializes the " "partitions. Next, in the case of a bootonly media or " @@ -6569,14 +6701,14 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4582 +#: book.translate.xml:4686 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-distfile-fetching' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "" "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-distfile-fetching' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:4587 +#: book.translate.xml:4691 msgid "" "Next, the integrity of the distribution files is verified to ensure they " "have not been corrupted during download or misread from the installation " @@ -6587,7 +6719,7 @@ "interpretados da mídia de instalação:" #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4592 +#: book.translate.xml:4696 msgid "Verifying Distribution Files" msgstr "Verificando arquivos de distribuição" @@ -6596,7 +6728,7 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4596 +#: book.translate.xml:4700 msgctxt "_" msgid "" "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-distfile-verifying' md5='__failed__'" @@ -6604,14 +6736,14 @@ "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-distfile-verifying' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:4601 +#: book.translate.xml:4705 msgid "Finally, the verified distribution files are extracted to the disk:" msgstr "" "Finalmente, os arquivos de distribuição verificados são extraídos para o " "disco:" #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4605 +#: book.translate.xml:4709 msgid "Extracting Distribution Files" msgstr "Extraindo arquivos de distribuição" @@ -6620,7 +6752,7 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4609 +#: book.translate.xml:4713 msgctxt "_" msgid "" "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-distfile-extracting' md5='__failed__'" @@ -6628,7 +6760,7 @@ "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-distfile-extracting' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:4614 +#: book.translate.xml:4718 msgid "" "Once all requested distribution files have been extracted, " "bsdinstall displays the first post-installation " @@ -6641,39 +6773,18 @@ "disponíveis estão descritas na próxima seção." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:4622 -msgid "Post-Installation" -msgstr "Pós-instalação" +#: book.translate.xml:4726 +msgid "Accounts, Time Zone, Services and Hardening" +msgstr "Contas, Time Zone, Serviços e Hardening" -#. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:4624 -msgid "" -"Once FreeBSD is installed, bsdinstall will prompt " -"to configure several options before booting into the newly installed system. " -"This section describes these configuration options." -msgstr "" -"Uma vez instalado o FreeBSD, o bsdinstall " -"solicitará a configuração de várias opções antes de inicializar o sistema " -"recém-instalado. Esta seção descreve essas opções de configuração." - -#. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:4630 -msgid "" -"Once the system has booted, bsdconfig provides a menu-" -"driven method for configuring the system using these and additional options." -msgstr "" -"Depois que o sistema inicializa, o bsdconfig fornece um " -"método orientado por menus para configurar o sistema usando essas e outras " -"opções." - #. (itstool) path: sect2/title #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4637 book.translate.xml:4648 +#: book.translate.xml:4729 book.translate.xml:4740 msgid "Setting the root Password" msgstr "Definindo a Senha de root" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4641 +#: book.translate.xml:4733 msgid "" "First, the root password must be " "set. While entering the password, the characters being typed are not " @@ -6690,491 +6801,18 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4652 +#: book.translate.xml:4744 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-post-root-passwd' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-post-root-passwd' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:4659 -msgid "Configuring Network Interfaces" -msgstr "Configurando as Interfaces de Rede" - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4661 -msgid "" -"Next, a list of the network interfaces found on the computer is shown. " -"Select the interface to configure." -msgstr "" -"Em seguida, é mostrada uma lista das interfaces de rede encontradas no " -"computador. Selecione a interface para configurar." - -#. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:4665 -msgid "" -"The network configuration menus will be skipped if the network was " -"previously configured as part of a bootonly " -"installation." -msgstr "" -"Os menus de configuração de rede serão ignorados se a rede tiver sido " -"previamente configurada como parte de uma instalação bootonly." - -#. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4671 -msgid "Choose a Network Interface" -msgstr "Escolha uma interface de rede" - -#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata -#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When -#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to -#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to -#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4675 -msgctxt "_" -msgid "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface' " -"md5='__failed__'" -msgstr "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface' " -"md5='__failed__'" - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4680 -msgid "" -"If an Ethernet interface is selected, the installer will skip ahead to the " -"menu shown in . If a " -"wireless network interface is chosen, the system will instead scan for " -"wireless access points:" -msgstr "" -"Se uma interface Ethernet for selecionada, o instalador irá pular para o " -"menu mostrado em . Se uma " -"interface de rede sem fio for escolhida, o sistema procurará pontos de " -"acesso sem fio:" - -#. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4686 -msgid "Scanning for Wireless Access Points" -msgstr "Buscando por pontos de acesso sem fio" - -#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata -#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When -#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to -#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to -#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4690 -msgctxt "_" -msgid "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-wireless-scan' md5='__failed__'" -msgstr "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-wireless-scan' md5='__failed__'" - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4695 -msgid "" -"Wireless networks are identified by a Service Set Identifier (SSID), a short, unique name given to each network. SSIDs found during the scan are listed, followed by a description of the " -"encryption types available for that network. If the desired SSID does not appear in the list, select [ Rescan ] to scan again. If the desired network still does not appear, " -"check for problems with antenna connections or try moving the computer " -"closer to the access point. Rescan after each change is made." -msgstr "" -"As redes sem fio são identificadas por um identificador de conjunto de " -"serviços (SSID), um nome curto e exclusivo dado a cada " -"rede. Os SSIDs encontrados durante a busca serão " -"listados, seguidos por uma descrição dos tipos de criptografia disponíveis " -"para essa rede. Se o SSID desejado não aparecer na lista, " -"selecione [Rescan] para buscar novamente. Se a rede " -"desejada ainda não aparecer, verifique se há problemas com as conexões da " -"antena ou tente mover o computador para mais perto do ponto de acesso. " -"refaça a busca após cada alteração ser feita." - -#. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4707 -msgid "Choosing a Wireless Network" -msgstr "Escolhendo uma rede sem fio" - -#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata -#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When -#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to -#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to -#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4711 -msgctxt "_" -msgid "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-wireless-accesspoints' " -"md5='__failed__'" -msgstr "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-wireless-accesspoints' " -"md5='__failed__'" - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4716 -msgid "" -"Next, enter the encryption information for connecting to the selected " -"wireless network. WPA2 encryption is strongly recommended " -"as older encryption types, like WEP, offer little " -"security. If the network uses WPA2, input the password, " -"also known as the Pre-Shared Key (PSK). For security " -"reasons, the characters typed into the input box are displayed as asterisks." -msgstr "" -"Em seguida, insira as informações de criptografia para se conectar à rede " -"sem fio selecionada. A encriptação WPA2 é fortemente " -"recomendada, pois os tipos de encriptação mais antigos, como o WEP, oferecem pouca segurança. Se a rede usar WPA2, " -"insira a senha, também conhecida como Chave Pré-Compartilhada (PSK). Por motivos de segurança, os caracteres digitados na caixa de " -"entrada são exibidos como asteriscos." - -#. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4726 -msgid "WPA2 Setup" -msgstr "Configuração WPA2" - -#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata -#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When -#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to -#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to -#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4730 -msgctxt "_" -msgid "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-wireless-wpa2setup' " -"md5='__failed__'" -msgstr "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-wireless-wpa2setup' " -"md5='__failed__'" - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4735 -msgid "" -"Next, choose whether or not an IPv4 address should be " -"configured on the Ethernet or wireless interface:" -msgstr "" -"Em seguida, escolha se um endereço IPv4 deve ou não ser " -"configurado na interface Ethernet ou na interface sem fio:" - -#. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4740 -msgid "Choose IPv4 Networking" -msgstr "Escolha a rede IPv4" - -#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata -#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When -#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to -#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to -#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4744 -msgctxt "_" -msgid "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-ipv4' " -"md5='__failed__'" -msgstr "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-ipv4' " -"md5='__failed__'" - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4749 -msgid "" -"There are two methods of IPv4 configuration. " -"DHCP will automatically configure the network interface " -"correctly and should be used if the network provides a DHCP server. Otherwise, the addressing information needs to be input " -"manually as a static configuration." -msgstr "" -"Existem dois métodos de configuração de IPv4. O " -"DHCP configurará automaticamente a interface de rede da " -"forma correta e deverá ser usado se a rede fornecer um servidor " -"DHCP. Caso contrário, as informações de endereçamento " -"precisam ser inseridas manualmente como em uma configuração estática." - -#. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:4757 -msgid "" -"Do not enter random network information as it will not work. If a " -"DHCP server is not available, obtain the information " -"listed in from " -"the network administrator or Internet service provider." -msgstr "" -"Não insira informações de rede aleatórias, pois isso não funcionará. Se um " -"servidor DHCP não estiver disponível, obtenha as " -"informações listadas em do administrador da rede ou do provedor de serviços de " -"Internet." - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4764 -msgid "" -"If a DHCP server is available, select [ Yes ] in the next menu to automatically configure the network " -"interface. The installer will appear to pause for a minute or so as it finds " -"the DHCP server and obtains the addressing information " -"for the system." -msgstr "" -"Se um servidor DHCP estiver disponível, selecione " -"[Yes] no próximo menu para configurar automaticamente " -"a interface de rede. O instalador parecerá pausar por um minuto ou mais " -"enquanto encontra o servidor DHCP e obtém as informações " -"de endereçamento do sistema." - -#. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4772 -msgid "Choose IPv4 DHCP Configuration" -msgstr "Escolha a configuração IPv4 DHCP" - -#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata -#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When -#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to -#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to -#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4777 -msgctxt "_" -msgid "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-ipv4-dhcp' " -"md5='__failed__'" -msgstr "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-ipv4-dhcp' " -"md5='__failed__'" - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4782 -msgid "" -"If a DHCP server is not available, select " -"[ No ] and input the following addressing information " -"in this menu:" -msgstr "" -"Se um servidor DHCP não estiver disponível, selecione " -"[No] e insira as seguintes informações de " -"endereçamento neste menu:" - -#. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4787 -msgid "IPv4 Static Configuration" -msgstr "Configuração IPv4 estática" - -#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata -#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When -#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to -#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to -#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4791 -msgctxt "_" -msgid "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-ipv4-static' " -"md5='__failed__'" -msgstr "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-ipv4-static' " -"md5='__failed__'" - -#. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:4798 -msgid "" -"IP Address - The IPv4 address assigned " -"to this computer. The address must be unique and not already in use by " -"another piece of equipment on the local network." -msgstr "" -"Endereço IP - O endereço IPv4 " -"atribuído a este computador. O endereço deve ser único e não estar em uso " -"por outro equipamento na rede local." - -#. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:4805 -msgid "Subnet Mask - The subnet mask for the network." -msgstr "Subnet Mask - A máscara de sub-rede da rede." - -#. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:4810 -msgid "" -"Default Router - The IP address of the " -"network's default gateway." -msgstr "" -"Default Router - O endereço IP do " -"gateway padrão da rede." - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4816 -msgid "" -"The next screen will ask if the interface should be configured for " -"IPv6. If IPv6 is available and " -"desired, choose [ Yes ] to select it." -msgstr "" -"A próxima tela perguntará se a interface deve ser configurada para " -"IPv6. Se IPv6 estiver disponível e for " -"desejado, escolha [Yes] para selecioná-lo." - -#. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4822 -msgid "Choose IPv6 Networking" -msgstr "Escolha a rede IPv6" - -#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata -#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When -#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to -#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to -#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4826 -msgctxt "_" -msgid "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-ipv6' " -"md5='__failed__'" -msgstr "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-ipv6' " -"md5='__failed__'" - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4831 -msgid "" -"IPv6 also has two methods of configuration. StateLess " -"Address AutoConfiguration (SLAAC) will automatically " -"request the correct configuration information from a local router. Refer to " -"http://tools.ietf." -"org/html/rfc4862 for more information. Static configuration requires " -"manual entry of network information." -msgstr "" -"O IPv6 também possui dois métodos de configuração. A " -"configuração automática de endereços sem estado (SLAAC) " -"solicitará automaticamente as informações de configuração corretas de um " -"roteador local. Consulte para maiores " -"informações. A configuração estática requer entrada manual das informações " -"da rede." - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4839 -msgid "" -"If an IPv6 router is available, select " -"[ Yes ] in the next menu to automatically configure " -"the network interface. The installer will appear to pause for a minute or so " -"as it finds the router and obtains the addressing information for the system." -msgstr "" -"Se um roteador IPv6 estiver disponível, selecione " -"[Yes] no próximo menu para configurar automaticamente " -"a interface de rede. O instalador parecerá pausar por um minuto ou mais " -"enquanto localiza o roteador e obtém as informações de endereçamento do " -"sistema." - -#. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4846 -msgid "Choose IPv6 SLAAC Configuration" -msgstr "Escolha a configuração do SLAAC do IPv6" - -#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata -#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When -#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to -#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to -#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4850 -msgctxt "_" -msgid "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-slaac' " -"md5='__failed__'" -msgstr "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-slaac' " -"md5='__failed__'" - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4855 -msgid "" -"If an IPv6 router is not available, select " -"[ No ] and input the following addressing information " -"in this menu:" -msgstr "" -"Se um roteador IPv6 não estiver disponível, selecione " -"[No] e insira as seguintes informações de " -"endereçamento neste menu:" - -#. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4860 -msgid "IPv6 Static Configuration" -msgstr "Configuração Estática do IPv6" - -#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata -#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When -#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to -#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to -#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4864 -msgctxt "_" -msgid "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-ipv6-static' " -"md5='__failed__'" -msgstr "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-ipv6-static' " -"md5='__failed__'" - -#. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:4871 -msgid "" -"IPv6 Address - The IPv6 address " -"assigned to this computer. The address must be unique and not already in use " -"by another piece of equipment on the local network." -msgstr "" -"Endereço IPv6 - O endereço IPv6 " -"atribuído a este computador. O endereço deve ser único e não estar em uso " -"por outro equipamento na rede local." - -#. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:4878 -msgid "" -"Default Router - The IPv6 address of " -"the network's default gateway." -msgstr "" -"Default Router - O endereço IPv6 do " -"gateway padrão da rede." - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4884 -msgid "" -"The last network configuration menu is used to configure the Domain Name " -"System (DNS) resolver, which converts hostnames to and " -"from network addresses. If DHCP or SLAAC was used to autoconfigure the network interface, the " -"Resolver Configuration values may already be filled in. " -"Otherwise, enter the local network's domain name in the Search field. DNS #1 and DNS #2 are " -"the IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses of the " -"DNS servers. At least one DNS server " -"is required." -msgstr "" -"O último menu de configuração de rede é usado para configurar o resolvedor " -"do Sistema de Nomes de Domínio (DNS), que converte nomes " -"de host de e para endereços de rede. Se o DHCP ou " -"SLAAC foi usado para autoconfigurar a interface de rede, " -"os valores do Resolver Configuration podem já estar " -"preenchidos. Caso contrário, insira o domínio da rede local nome no campo " -"Search. DNS # 1 e DNS # 2 são os endereços IPv4 e/ou IPv6 dos servidores de DNS. Pelo menos um servidor " -"DNS é necessário." - -#. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4898 -msgid "DNS Configuration" -msgstr "Configuração do DNS" - -#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata -#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When -#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to -#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to -#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4902 -msgctxt "_" -msgid "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-ipv4-dns' " -"md5='__failed__'" -msgstr "" -"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-ipv4-dns' " -"md5='__failed__'" - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:4909 +#: book.translate.xml:4751 msgid "Setting the Time Zone" msgstr "Defina o fuso horário" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4911 +#: book.translate.xml:4753 msgid "" "The next series of menus are used to determine the correct local time by " "selecting the geographic region, country, and time zone. Setting the time " @@ -7189,7 +6827,7 @@ "relacionadas ao fuso horário corretamente." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4918 +#: book.translate.xml:4760 msgid "" "The example shown here is for a machine located in the mainland time zone of " "Spain, Europe. The selections will vary according to the geographical " @@ -7200,7 +6838,7 @@ "localização geográfica." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4923 +#: book.translate.xml:4765 msgid "Select a Region" msgstr "Selecione uma região" @@ -7209,13 +6847,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4927 +#: book.translate.xml:4769 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-timezone-region' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-timezone-region' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4932 +#: book.translate.xml:4774 msgid "" "The appropriate region is selected using the arrow keys and then pressing " "Enter." @@ -7224,7 +6862,7 @@ "pressionando Enter." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4936 +#: book.translate.xml:4778 msgid "Select a Country" msgstr "Selecione um pais" @@ -7233,13 +6871,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4940 +#: book.translate.xml:4782 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-timezone-country' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-timezone-country' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4945 +#: book.translate.xml:4787 msgid "" "Select the appropriate country using the arrow keys and press Enter." @@ -7248,7 +6886,7 @@ "Enter." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4949 +#: book.translate.xml:4791 msgid "Select a Time Zone" msgstr "Selecione um fuso horário" @@ -7257,13 +6895,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4953 +#: book.translate.xml:4795 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-timezone-zone' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-timezone-zone' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4958 +#: book.translate.xml:4800 msgid "" "The appropriate time zone is selected using the arrow keys and pressing " "Enter." @@ -7272,7 +6910,7 @@ "pressionando Enter." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4962 +#: book.translate.xml:4804 msgid "Confirm Time Zone" msgstr "Confirme o fuso horário" @@ -7281,18 +6919,18 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4966 +#: book.translate.xml:4808 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-timezone-confirm' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-timezone-confirm' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4971 +#: book.translate.xml:4813 msgid "Confirm the abbreviation for the time zone is correct." msgstr "Confirme se a abreviação do fuso horário está correta." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4975 +#: book.translate.xml:4817 msgid "Select Date" msgstr "Selecionar Data" @@ -7301,24 +6939,24 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4979 +#: book.translate.xml:4821 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-timezone-date' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-timezone-date' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:4984 +#: book.translate.xml:4826 msgid "" "The appropriate date is selected using the arrow keys and then pressing " -"[ Set Date ]. Otherwise, the date selection can be " -"skipped pressing [ Skip ]." +"[ Set Date ]. Otherwise, the date selection can be " +"skipped by pressing [ Skip ]." msgstr "" "A data apropriada é selecionada usando as teclas de seta e pressionando " "[ Set Date ]. Caso contrário, a seleção de data pode " "ser pulada pressionando [ Skip ]." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:4991 +#: book.translate.xml:4833 msgid "Select Time" msgstr "Selecionar Hora" @@ -7327,29 +6965,29 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:4995 +#: book.translate.xml:4837 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-timezone-time' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-timezone-time' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5000 +#: book.translate.xml:4842 msgid "" "The appropriate time is selected using the arrow keys and then pressing " -"[ Set Time ]. Otherwise, the time selection can be " -"skipped pressing [ Skip ]." +"[ Set Time ]. Otherwise, the time selection can be " +"skipped by pressing [ Skip ]." msgstr "" "O horário apropriado é selecionado usando as teclas de seta e, em seguida, " "pressionando [ Set Time ]. Caso contrário, a seleção " "da hora pode ser pulada pressionando [ Skip ]." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:5008 +#: book.translate.xml:4850 msgid "Enabling Services" msgstr "Ativando Serviços" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5010 +#: book.translate.xml:4852 msgid "" "The next menu is used to configure which system services will be started " "whenever the system boots. All of these services are optional. Only start " @@ -7361,7 +6999,7 @@ "sistema." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:5016 +#: book.translate.xml:4858 msgid "Selecting Additional Services to Enable" msgstr "Selecionando Serviços Adicionais para Ativar" @@ -7370,18 +7008,18 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:5020 +#: book.translate.xml:4862 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-config-services' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-config-services' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5025 +#: book.translate.xml:4867 msgid "Here is a summary of the services which can be enabled in this menu:" msgstr "Aqui está um resumo dos serviços que podem ser ativados neste menu:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5030 +#: book.translate.xml:4872 msgid "" "local_unbound - Enable the DNS local unbound. It is " "necessary to keep in mind that this is the unbound of the base system and is " @@ -7395,7 +7033,7 @@ "resolvedor para toda a rede, instale dns/unbound." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5039 +#: book.translate.xml:4881 msgid "" "sshd - The Secure Shell (SSH) daemon " "is used to remotely access a system over an encrypted connection. Only " @@ -7407,7 +7045,7 @@ "para logins remotos." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5047 +#: book.translate.xml:4889 msgid "" "moused - Enable this service if the mouse will be used " "from the command-line system console." @@ -7416,7 +7054,7 @@ "do console do sistema de linha de comando." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5053 +#: book.translate.xml:4895 msgid "" "ntpdate - Enable the automatic clock synchronization at " "boot time. The functionality of this program is now available in the " @@ -7433,7 +7071,7 @@ "manvolnum> será aposentado." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5061 +#: book.translate.xml:4903 msgid "" "ntpd - The Network Time Protocol (NTP) " "daemon for automatic clock synchronization. Enable this service if there is " @@ -7446,7 +7084,7 @@ "Kerberos ou LDAP na rede." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5069 +#: book.translate.xml:4911 msgid "" "powerd - System power control utility for power control " "and energy saving." @@ -7455,7 +7093,7 @@ "para controle de energia e economia de energia." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5074 +#: book.translate.xml:4916 msgid "" "dumpdev - Enabling crash dumps is useful in debugging " "issues with the system, so users are encouraged to enable crash dumps." @@ -7465,12 +7103,12 @@ "a habilitar despejos de memória." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:5082 +#: book.translate.xml:4924 msgid "Enabling Hardening Security Options" msgstr "Ativando Opções de Segurança (Hardening)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5084 +#: book.translate.xml:4926 msgid "" "The next menu is used to configure which security options will be enabled. " "All of these options are optional. But their use is encouraged." @@ -7479,7 +7117,7 @@ "ativadas. Todas essas opções são opcionais. Mas seu uso é incentivado." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:5089 +#: book.translate.xml:4931 msgid "Selecting Hardening Security Options" msgstr "Selecionando Opções de Segurança (Hardening)" @@ -7488,18 +7126,18 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:5093 +#: book.translate.xml:4935 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-hardening' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-hardening' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5098 +#: book.translate.xml:4940 msgid "Here is a summary of the options which can be enabled in this menu:" msgstr "Aqui está um resumo das opções que podem ser ativadas neste menu:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5103 +#: book.translate.xml:4945 msgid "" "hide_uids - Hide processes running as other users to " "prevent the unprivileged users to see other running processes in execution " @@ -7510,7 +7148,7 @@ "execução de outros usuários (UID), impedindo o vazamento de informações." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5110 +#: book.translate.xml:4952 msgid "" "hide_gids - Hide processes running as other groups to " "prevent the unprivileged users to see other running processes in execution " @@ -7521,7 +7159,7 @@ "outros grupos (GID), impedindo o vazamento de informações." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5117 +#: book.translate.xml:4959 msgid "" "hide_jail - Hide processes running in jails to prevent " "the unprivileged users to see processes running inside the jails." @@ -7531,7 +7169,7 @@ "jails." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5123 +#: book.translate.xml:4965 msgid "" "read_msgbuf - Disabling reading kernel message buffer for " "unprivileged users prevent from using dmesg para exibir mensagens do log do kernel em buffer." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5130 +#: book.translate.xml:4972 msgid "" "proc_debug - Disabling process debugging facilities for " "unprivileged users disables a variety of unprivileged inter-process " @@ -7572,14 +7210,14 @@ "sem privilégios." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5142 +#: book.translate.xml:4984 msgid "" "random_pid - Randomize the PID of newly created processes." msgstr "" "random_pid - Randomize o PID dos processos recém-criados." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5147 +#: book.translate.xml:4989 msgid "" "clear_tmp - Clean /tmp when the " "system starts up." @@ -7588,7 +7226,7 @@ "inicialização do sistema." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5153 +#: book.translate.xml:4995 msgid "" "disable_syslogd - Disable opening syslogd network socket. By default FreeBSD runs syslogd8." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5166 +#: book.translate.xml:5008 msgid "" "disable_sendmail - Disable the sendmail mail transport " "agent." @@ -7620,16 +7258,18 @@ "email sendmail." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5171 +#: book.translate.xml:5013 msgid "" "secure_console - When this option is enabled, the prompt " -"requests the root password when entering single." +"requests the root password when " +"entering single-user mode." msgstr "" "secure_console - Quando esta opção está ativada, o prompt " -"solicita a senha de root ao entrar em modo single." +"solicita a senha de root ao " +"entrar em modo single-user." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5177 +#: book.translate.xml:5019 msgid "" "disable_ddtrace - DTrace can run in a mode that will " "actually affect the running kernel. Destructive actions may not be used " @@ -7646,12 +7286,12 @@ "refentrytitle>1." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:5188 +#: book.translate.xml:5030 msgid "Add Users" msgstr "Adicione usuários" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5190 +#: book.translate.xml:5032 msgid "" "The next menu prompts to create at least one user account. It is recommended " "to login to the system using a user account rather than as [ Yes ] to add new users." +#: book.translate.xml:5039 +msgid "Select [ Yes ] to add new users." msgstr "Selecione [Yes] para adicionar novos usuários." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:5201 +#: book.translate.xml:5043 msgid "Add User Accounts" msgstr "Adicione contas de usuário" @@ -7682,13 +7322,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:5205 +#: book.translate.xml:5047 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-adduser1' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-adduser1' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5210 +#: book.translate.xml:5052 msgid "" "Follow the prompts and input the requested information for the user account. " "The example shown in creates the " @@ -7699,7 +7339,7 @@ "de usuário asample." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:5214 +#: book.translate.xml:5056 msgid "Enter User Information" msgstr "Insira as informações do usuário" @@ -7708,18 +7348,18 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:5218 +#: book.translate.xml:5060 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-adduser2' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-adduser2' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5223 +#: book.translate.xml:5065 msgid "Here is a summary of the information to input:" msgstr "Aqui está um resumo das informações para solicitadas:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5227 +#: book.translate.xml:5069 msgid "" "Username - The name the user will enter to log in. A " "common convention is to use the first letter of the first name combined with " @@ -7733,7 +7373,7 @@ "minúsculas e não deve conter espaços." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5236 +#: book.translate.xml:5078 msgid "" "Full name - The user's full name. This can contain spaces " "and is used as a description for the user account." @@ -7742,7 +7382,7 @@ "conter espaços e é usado como uma descrição para a conta do usuário." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5242 +#: book.translate.xml:5084 msgid "" "Uid - User ID. Typically, this is left " "blank so the system will assign a value." @@ -7751,7 +7391,7 @@ "é deixado em branco para que o sistema atribua um valor." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5248 +#: book.translate.xml:5090 msgid "" "Login group - The user's group. Typically this is left " "blank to accept the default." @@ -7760,7 +7400,7 @@ "deixado em branco para aceitar o padrão." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5253 +#: book.translate.xml:5095 msgid "" "Invite user into other groups? " "- Additional groups to which the user will be added as a member. If the user " @@ -7772,14 +7412,14 @@ "aqui." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5261 +#: book.translate.xml:5103 msgid "Login class - Typically left blank for the default." msgstr "" "Login class - normalmente deixado em branco para seguir " "com o padrão." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5266 +#: book.translate.xml:5108 msgid "" "Shell - Type in one of the listed values to set the " "interactive shell for the user. Refer to for more " @@ -7790,7 +7430,7 @@ "maiores informações sobre shells." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5273 +#: book.translate.xml:5115 msgid "" "Home directory - The user's home directory. The default " "is usually correct." @@ -7799,7 +7439,7 @@ "geralmente está correto." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5278 +#: book.translate.xml:5120 msgid "" "Home directory permissions - Permissions on the user's " "home directory. The default is usually correct." @@ -7808,7 +7448,7 @@ "inicial do usuário. O padrão geralmente está correto." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5284 +#: book.translate.xml:5126 msgid "" "Use password-based authentication? - Typically " "yes so that the user is prompted to input their password " @@ -7819,7 +7459,7 @@ "senha no login." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5290 +#: book.translate.xml:5132 msgid "" "Use an empty password? - Typically no " "as it is insecure to have a blank password." @@ -7828,7 +7468,7 @@ "No, pois é inseguro ter uma senha em branco." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5296 +#: book.translate.xml:5138 msgid "" "Use a random password? - Typically no " "so that the user can set their own password in the next prompt." @@ -7838,7 +7478,7 @@ "próximo prompt." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5302 +#: book.translate.xml:5144 msgid "" "Enter password - The password for this user. Characters " "typed will not show on the screen." @@ -7847,7 +7487,7 @@ "Caracteres digitados não serão exibidos na tela." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5308 +#: book.translate.xml:5150 msgid "" "Enter password again - The password must be typed again " "for verification." @@ -7856,7 +7496,7 @@ "novamente para verificação." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5313 +#: book.translate.xml:5155 msgid "" "Lock out the account after creation? - Typically " "no so that the user can login." @@ -7866,7 +7506,7 @@ "login." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5319 +#: book.translate.xml:5161 msgid "" "After entering everything, a summary is shown for review. If a mistake was " "made, enter no and try again. If everything is correct, " @@ -7877,7 +7517,7 @@ "estiver correto, digite yes para criar o novo usuário." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:5325 +#: book.translate.xml:5167 msgid "Exit User and Group Management" msgstr "Saia do gerenciamento de usuários e grupos" @@ -7886,13 +7526,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:5329 +#: book.translate.xml:5171 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-adduser3' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-adduser3' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5334 +#: book.translate.xml:5176 msgid "" "If there are more users to add, answer the Add another user? question with yes. Enter no " @@ -7903,7 +7543,7 @@ "literal> para concluir a adição de usuários e continuar a instalação." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5339 +#: book.translate.xml:5181 msgid "" "For more information on adding users and user management, see ." @@ -7913,12 +7553,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect2/title #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:5344 book.translate.xml:5350 +#: book.translate.xml:5186 book.translate.xml:5192 msgid "Final Configuration" msgstr "Configuração final" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5346 +#: book.translate.xml:5188 msgid "" "After everything has been installed and configured, a final chance is " "provided to modify settings." @@ -7931,7 +7571,7 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:5354 +#: book.translate.xml:5196 msgctxt "_" msgid "" "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-finalconfiguration' md5='__failed__'" @@ -7939,7 +7579,7 @@ "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-finalconfiguration' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5359 +#: book.translate.xml:5201 msgid "" "Use this menu to make any changes or do any additional configuration before " "completing the installation." @@ -7948,7 +7588,7 @@ "antes de concluir a instalação." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5364 +#: book.translate.xml:5206 msgid "" "Add User - Described in ." @@ -7957,7 +7597,7 @@ "\"/>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5368 +#: book.translate.xml:5210 msgid "" "Root Password - Described in ." @@ -7966,7 +7606,7 @@ "post-root\"/>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5372 +#: book.translate.xml:5214 msgid "" "Hostname - Described in ." @@ -7975,7 +7615,7 @@ "\"/>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5376 +#: book.translate.xml:5218 msgid "" "Network - Described in ." @@ -7984,7 +7624,7 @@ "network-dev\"/>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5380 +#: book.translate.xml:5222 msgid "" "Services - Described in ." @@ -7993,7 +7633,7 @@ "\"/>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5384 +#: book.translate.xml:5226 msgid "" "System Hardening - Described in ." @@ -8002,7 +7642,7 @@ "hardening\"/>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5389 +#: book.translate.xml:5231 msgid "" "Time Zone - Described in ." @@ -8011,14 +7651,14 @@ "timezone\"/>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5393 +#: book.translate.xml:5235 msgid "" "Handbook - Download and install the FreeBSD Handbook." msgstr "" "Handbook - Faça o download e instale o FreeBSD Handbook." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5398 +#: book.translate.xml:5240 msgid "" "After any final configuration is complete, select Exit." @@ -8028,7 +7668,7 @@ #. (itstool) path: figure/title #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:5402 book.translate.xml:11687 +#: book.translate.xml:5244 book.translate.xml:11880 msgid "Manual Configuration" msgstr "Configuração manual" @@ -8037,7 +7677,7 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:5406 +#: book.translate.xml:5248 msgctxt "_" msgid "" "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-final-modification-shell' " @@ -8047,12 +7687,12 @@ "md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5411 +#: book.translate.xml:5253 msgid "" "bsdinstall will prompt if there are any " "additional configuration that needs to be done before rebooting into the new " -"system. Select [ Yes ] to exit to a shell within the " -"new system or [ No ] to proceed to the last step of " +"system. Select [ Yes ] to exit to a shell within the " +"new system or [ No ] to proceed to the last step of " "the installation." msgstr "" "O bsdinstall perguntará se há alguma configuração " @@ -8062,7 +7702,7 @@ "etapa da instalação." #. (itstool) path: figure/title -#: book.translate.xml:5420 +#: book.translate.xml:5262 msgid "Complete the Installation" msgstr "Conclua a instalação" @@ -8071,16 +7711,16 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:5424 +#: book.translate.xml:5266 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-mainexit' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-mainexit' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5429 +#: book.translate.xml:5271 msgid "" "If further configuration or special setup is needed, select " -"[ Live CD ] to boot the install media into Live " +"[ Live CD ] to boot the install media into Live " "CD mode." msgstr "" "Se outras configurações ou configurações especiais forem necessárias, " @@ -8088,9 +7728,9 @@ "instalação no modo Live CD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5434 +#: book.translate.xml:5276 msgid "" -"If the installation is complete, select [ Reboot ] to " +"If the installation is complete, select [ Reboot ] to " "reboot the computer and start the new FreeBSD system. Do not forget to " "remove the FreeBSD install media or the computer may boot from it again." msgstr "" @@ -8100,7 +7740,7 @@ "inicializar novamente a partir dela." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5440 +#: book.translate.xml:5282 msgid "" "As FreeBSD boots, informational messages are displayed. After the system " "finishes booting, a login prompt is displayed. At the login:Scroll-Lock to turn on the scroll-back buffer. The " @@ -8140,7 +7780,7 @@ "comando após a visualização." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5461 +#: book.translate.xml:5303 msgid "" "If sshd was enabled in , the first boot may be a bit slower as the system will " @@ -8156,7 +7796,7 @@ "exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:5467 +#: book.translate.xml:5309 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Generating public/private rsa1 key pair.\n" @@ -8232,7 +7872,7 @@ "Starting sshd." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5503 +#: book.translate.xml:5345 msgid "" "Refer to for more information about fingerprints " "and SSH." @@ -8241,7 +7881,7 @@ "fingerprints e o SSH." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5506 +#: book.translate.xml:5348 msgid "" "FreeBSD does not install a graphical environment by default. Refer to for more information about installing and configuring a " @@ -8252,7 +7892,7 @@ "gerenciador gráfico de janelas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5510 +#: book.translate.xml:5352 msgid "" "Proper shutdown of a FreeBSD computer helps protect data and hardware from " "damage. Do not turn off the power before the system has been " @@ -8273,22 +7913,519 @@ "e, se o hardware suportar, irá se desliga-se." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title +#: book.translate.xml:5365 +msgid "Network Interfaces" +msgstr "Interfaces de Rede" + #. (itstool) path: sect2/title +#: book.translate.xml:5368 +msgid "Configuring Network Interfaces" +msgstr "Configurando as Interfaces de Rede" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:5370 +msgid "" +"Next, a list of the network interfaces found on the computer is shown. " +"Select the interface to configure." +msgstr "" +"Em seguida, é mostrada uma lista das interfaces de rede encontradas no " +"computador. Selecione a interface para configurar." + +#. (itstool) path: figure/title +#: book.translate.xml:5374 +msgid "Choose a Network Interface" +msgstr "Escolha uma interface de rede" + +#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: book.translate.xml:5378 +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface' " +"md5='__failed__'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface' " +"md5='__failed__'" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:5383 +msgid "" +"If an Ethernet interface is selected, the installer will skip ahead to the " +"menu shown in . If a " +"wireless network interface is chosen, the system will instead scan for " +"wireless access points:" +msgstr "" +"Se uma interface Ethernet for selecionada, o instalador irá pular para o " +"menu mostrado em . Se uma " +"interface de rede sem fio for escolhida, o sistema procurará pontos de " +"acesso sem fio:" + +#. (itstool) path: figure/title +#: book.translate.xml:5389 +msgid "Scanning for Wireless Access Points" +msgstr "Buscando por pontos de acesso sem fio" + +#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: book.translate.xml:5393 +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-wireless-scan' md5='__failed__'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-wireless-scan' md5='__failed__'" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:5398 +msgid "" +"Wireless networks are identified by a Service Set Identifier (SSID), a short, unique name given to each network. SSIDs found during the scan are listed, followed by a description of the " +"encryption types available for that network. If the desired SSID does not appear in the list, select [ Rescan ] to scan again. If the desired network still does not appear, " +"check for problems with antenna connections or try moving the computer " +"closer to the access point. Rescan after each change is made." +msgstr "" +"As redes sem fio são identificadas por um identificador de conjunto de " +"serviços (SSID), um nome curto e exclusivo dado a cada " +"rede. Os SSIDs encontrados durante a busca serão " +"listados, seguidos por uma descrição dos tipos de criptografia disponíveis " +"para essa rede. Se o SSID desejado não aparecer na lista, " +"selecione [Rescan] para buscar novamente. Se a rede " +"desejada ainda não aparecer, verifique se há problemas com as conexões da " +"antena ou tente mover o computador para mais perto do ponto de acesso. " +"refaça a busca após cada alteração ser feita." + +#. (itstool) path: figure/title +#: book.translate.xml:5410 +msgid "Choosing a Wireless Network" +msgstr "Escolhendo uma rede sem fio" + +#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: book.translate.xml:5414 +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-wireless-accesspoints' " +"md5='__failed__'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-wireless-accesspoints' " +"md5='__failed__'" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:5419 +msgid "" +"Next, enter the encryption information for connecting to the selected " +"wireless network. WPA2 encryption is strongly recommended " +"as older encryption types, like WEP, offer little " +"security. If the network uses WPA2, input the password, " +"also known as the Pre-Shared Key (PSK). For security " +"reasons, the characters typed into the input box are displayed as asterisks." +msgstr "" +"Em seguida, insira as informações de criptografia para se conectar à rede " +"sem fio selecionada. A encriptação WPA2 é fortemente " +"recomendada, pois os tipos de encriptação mais antigos, como o WEP, oferecem pouca segurança. Se a rede usar WPA2, " +"insira a senha, também conhecida como Chave Pré-Compartilhada (PSK). Por motivos de segurança, os caracteres digitados na caixa de " +"entrada são exibidos como asteriscos." + +#. (itstool) path: figure/title +#: book.translate.xml:5429 +msgid "WPA2 Setup" +msgstr "Configuração WPA2" + +#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: book.translate.xml:5433 +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-wireless-wpa2setup' " +"md5='__failed__'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-wireless-wpa2setup' " +"md5='__failed__'" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:5438 +msgid "" +"Next, choose whether or not an IPv4 address should be " +"configured on the Ethernet or wireless interface:" +msgstr "" +"Em seguida, escolha se um endereço IPv4 deve ou não ser " +"configurado na interface Ethernet ou na interface sem fio:" + +#. (itstool) path: figure/title +#: book.translate.xml:5443 +msgid "Choose IPv4 Networking" +msgstr "Escolha a rede IPv4" + +#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: book.translate.xml:5447 +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-ipv4' " +"md5='__failed__'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-ipv4' " +"md5='__failed__'" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:5452 +msgid "" +"There are two methods of IPv4 configuration. " +"DHCP will automatically configure the network interface " +"correctly and should be used if the network provides a DHCP server. Otherwise, the addressing information needs to be input " +"manually as a static configuration." +msgstr "" +"Existem dois métodos de configuração de IPv4. O " +"DHCP configurará automaticamente a interface de rede da " +"forma correta e deverá ser usado se a rede fornecer um servidor " +"DHCP. Caso contrário, as informações de endereçamento " +"precisam ser inseridas manualmente como em uma configuração estática." + +#. (itstool) path: note/para +#: book.translate.xml:5460 +msgid "" +"Do not enter random network information as it will not work. If a " +"DHCP server is not available, obtain the information " +"listed in from " +"the network administrator or Internet service provider." +msgstr "" +"Não insira informações de rede aleatórias, pois isso não funcionará. Se um " +"servidor DHCP não estiver disponível, obtenha as " +"informações listadas em do administrador da rede ou do provedor de serviços de " +"Internet." + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:5467 +msgid "" +"If a DHCP server is available, select [ Yes ] in the next menu to automatically configure the network " +"interface. The installer will appear to pause for a minute or so as it finds " +"the DHCP server and obtains the addressing information " +"for the system." +msgstr "" +"Se um servidor DHCP estiver disponível, selecione " +"[Yes] no próximo menu para configurar automaticamente " +"a interface de rede. O instalador parecerá pausar por um minuto ou mais " +"enquanto encontra o servidor DHCP e obtém as informações " +"de endereçamento do sistema." + +#. (itstool) path: figure/title +#: book.translate.xml:5475 +msgid "Choose IPv4 DHCP Configuration" +msgstr "Escolha a configuração IPv4 DHCP" + +#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: book.translate.xml:5480 +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-ipv4-dhcp' " +"md5='__failed__'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-ipv4-dhcp' " +"md5='__failed__'" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:5485 +msgid "" +"If a DHCP server is not available, select " +"[ No ] and input the following addressing information " +"in this menu:" +msgstr "" +"Se um servidor DHCP não estiver disponível, selecione " +"[No] e insira as seguintes informações de " +"endereçamento neste menu:" + +#. (itstool) path: figure/title +#: book.translate.xml:5490 +msgid "IPv4 Static Configuration" +msgstr "Configuração IPv4 estática" + +#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: book.translate.xml:5494 +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-ipv4-static' " +"md5='__failed__'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-ipv4-static' " +"md5='__failed__'" + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:5501 +msgid "" +"IP Address - The IPv4 address assigned " +"to this computer. The address must be unique and not already in use by " +"another piece of equipment on the local network." +msgstr "" +"Endereço IP - O endereço IPv4 " +"atribuído a este computador. O endereço deve ser único e não estar em uso " +"por outro equipamento na rede local." + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:5508 +msgid "Subnet Mask - The subnet mask for the network." +msgstr "Subnet Mask - A máscara de sub-rede da rede." + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:5513 +msgid "" +"Default Router - The IP address of the " +"network's default gateway." +msgstr "" +"Default Router - O endereço IP do " +"gateway padrão da rede." + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:5519 +msgid "" +"The next screen will ask if the interface should be configured for " +"IPv6. If IPv6 is available and " +"desired, choose [ Yes ] to select it." +msgstr "" +"A próxima tela perguntará se a interface deve ser configurada para " +"IPv6. Se IPv6 estiver disponível e for " +"desejado, escolha [Yes] para selecioná-lo." + +#. (itstool) path: figure/title +#: book.translate.xml:5525 +msgid "Choose IPv6 Networking" +msgstr "Escolha a rede IPv6" + +#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: book.translate.xml:5529 +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-ipv6' " +"md5='__failed__'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-ipv6' " +"md5='__failed__'" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:5534 +msgid "" +"IPv6 also has two methods of configuration. StateLess " +"Address AutoConfiguration (SLAAC) will automatically " +"request the correct configuration information from a local router. Refer to " +"rfc4862 for " +"more information. Static configuration requires manual entry of network " +"information." +msgstr "" +"O IPv6 também possui dois métodos de configuração. A " +"configuração automática de endereços sem estado (SLAAC) " +"solicitará automaticamente as informações de configuração corretas de um " +"roteador local. Consulte rfc4862 para maiores informações. A configuração estática " +"requer entrada manual das informações da rede." + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:5542 +msgid "" +"If an IPv6 router is available, select " +"[ Yes ] in the next menu to automatically configure " +"the network interface. The installer will appear to pause for a minute or so " +"as it finds the router and obtains the addressing information for the system." +msgstr "" +"Se um roteador IPv6 estiver disponível, selecione " +"[Yes] no próximo menu para configurar automaticamente " +"a interface de rede. O instalador parecerá pausar por um minuto ou mais " +"enquanto localiza o roteador e obtém as informações de endereçamento do " +"sistema." + +#. (itstool) path: figure/title +#: book.translate.xml:5549 +msgid "Choose IPv6 SLAAC Configuration" +msgstr "Escolha a configuração do SLAAC do IPv6" + +#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: book.translate.xml:5553 +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-slaac' " +"md5='__failed__'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-slaac' " +"md5='__failed__'" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:5558 +msgid "" +"If an IPv6 router is not available, select " +"[ No ] and input the following addressing information " +"in this menu:" +msgstr "" +"Se um roteador IPv6 não estiver disponível, selecione " +"[No] e insira as seguintes informações de " +"endereçamento neste menu:" + +#. (itstool) path: figure/title +#: book.translate.xml:5563 +msgid "IPv6 Static Configuration" +msgstr "Configuração Estática do IPv6" + +#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: book.translate.xml:5567 +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-ipv6-static' " +"md5='__failed__'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-interface-ipv6-static' " +"md5='__failed__'" + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:5574 +msgid "" +"IPv6 Address - The IPv6 address " +"assigned to this computer. The address must be unique and not already in use " +"by another piece of equipment on the local network." +msgstr "" +"Endereço IPv6 - O endereço IPv6 " +"atribuído a este computador. O endereço deve ser único e não estar em uso " +"por outro equipamento na rede local." + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:5581 +msgid "" +"Default Router - The IPv6 address of " +"the network's default gateway." +msgstr "" +"Default Router - O endereço IPv6 do " +"gateway padrão da rede." + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:5587 +msgid "" +"The last network configuration menu is used to configure the Domain Name " +"System (DNS) resolver, which converts hostnames to and " +"from network addresses. If DHCP or SLAAC was used to autoconfigure the network interface, the " +"Resolver Configuration values may already be filled in. " +"Otherwise, enter the local network's domain name in the Search field. DNS #1 and DNS #2 are " +"the IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses of the " +"DNS servers. At least one DNS server " +"is required." +msgstr "" +"O último menu de configuração de rede é usado para configurar o resolvedor " +"do Sistema de Nomes de Domínio (DNS), que converte nomes " +"de host de e para endereços de rede. Se o DHCP ou " +"SLAAC foi usado para autoconfigurar a interface de rede, " +"os valores do Resolver Configuration podem já estar " +"preenchidos. Caso contrário, insira o domínio da rede local nome no campo " +"Search. DNS # 1 e DNS # 2 são os endereços IPv4 e/ou IPv6 dos servidores de DNS. Pelo menos um servidor " +"DNS é necessário." + +#. (itstool) path: figure/title +#: book.translate.xml:5601 +msgid "DNS Configuration" +msgstr "Configuração do DNS" + +#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: book.translate.xml:5605 +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-ipv4-dns' " +"md5='__failed__'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-configure-network-ipv4-dns' " +"md5='__failed__'" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:5610 +msgid "" +"Once the interface is configured, select a mirror site that is located in " +"the same region of the world as the computer on which FreeBSD is being " +"installed. Files can be retrieved more quickly when the mirror is close to " +"the target computer, reducing installation time." +msgstr "" +"Quando a interface estiver configurada, selecione um site espelho localizado " +"na mesma região do mundo que o computador no qual o FreeBSD está sendo " +"instalado. Os arquivos podem ser recuperados mais rapidamente quando o " +"espelho está próximo ao computador de destino, reduzindo o tempo de " +"instalação." + +#. (itstool) path: figure/title +#: book.translate.xml:5617 +msgid "Choosing a Mirror" +msgstr "Escolhendo um Site Espelho" + +#. (itstool) path: imageobject/imagedata +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: book.translate.xml:5621 +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-netinstall-mirrorselect' md5='__failed__'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='bsdinstall/bsdinstall-netinstall-mirrorselect' md5='__failed__'" + +#. (itstool) path: sect1/title +#. (itstool) path: sect2/title #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:5523 book.translate.xml:12646 book.translate.xml:15253 -#: book.translate.xml:20423 book.translate.xml:35542 book.translate.xml:36312 -#: book.translate.xml:43456 book.translate.xml:48384 book.translate.xml:51630 -#: book.translate.xml:62184 book.translate.xml:63865 book.translate.xml:64611 +#: book.translate.xml:5629 book.translate.xml:12840 book.translate.xml:15431 +#: book.translate.xml:20617 book.translate.xml:35801 book.translate.xml:36571 +#: book.translate.xml:43729 book.translate.xml:48663 book.translate.xml:51909 +#: book.translate.xml:62662 book.translate.xml:64343 book.translate.xml:65089 msgid "Troubleshooting" msgstr "Solução de problemas" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:5525 +#: book.translate.xml:5631 msgid "installation troubleshooting" msgstr "installation troubleshooting" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:5529 +#: book.translate.xml:5635 msgid "" "This section covers basic installation troubleshooting, such as common " "problems people have reported." @@ -8297,7 +8434,7 @@ "problemas comuns que as pessoas relataram." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:5533 +#: book.translate.xml:5639 msgid "" "Check the Hardware Notes ( document " @@ -8325,7 +8462,7 @@ "ao FreeBSD onde encontrar os dispositivos." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:5547 +#: book.translate.xml:5653 msgid "" "Some installation problems can be avoided or alleviated by updating the " "firmware on various hardware components, most notably the motherboard. " @@ -8340,7 +8477,7 @@ "para atualizações e para informações sobre as atualizações." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:5554 +#: book.translate.xml:5660 msgid "" "Manufacturers generally advise against upgrading the motherboard " "BIOS unless there is a good reason for doing so, like a " @@ -8354,7 +8491,7 @@ "inoperante." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:5562 +#: book.translate.xml:5668 msgid "" "If the system hangs while probing hardware during boot, or it behaves " "strangely during install, ACPI may be the culprit. " @@ -8377,13 +8514,13 @@ "hint.acpi.0.disabled no terceiro estágio do boot loader:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:5574 +#: book.translate.xml:5680 #, no-wrap msgid "set hint.acpi.0.disabled=\"1\"" msgstr "set hint.acpi.0.disabled=\"1\"" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:5576 +#: book.translate.xml:5682 msgid "" "This is reset each time the system is booted, so it is necessary to add " "hint.acpi.0.disabled=\"1\" to the file /boot/" @@ -8396,15 +8533,15 @@ "boot loader podem ser encontradas em ." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:5583 +#: book.translate.xml:5689 msgid "Using the Live CD" msgstr "Usando o Live CD" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:5585 +#: book.translate.xml:5691 msgid "" "The welcome menu of bsdinstall, shown in , provides a [ Live CD ], provides a [ Live CD ] option. This is useful for those who are still wondering whether " "FreeBSD is the right operating system for them and want to test some of the " "features before installing." @@ -8416,16 +8553,16 @@ "testar alguns dos recursos antes de instalar." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:5592 +#: book.translate.xml:5698 msgid "" -"The following points should be noted before using the " -"[ Live CD ]:" +"The following points should be noted before using the [ Live " +"CD ]:" msgstr "" "Os seguintes pontos devem ser observados antes de usar o [Live " "CD]:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5597 +#: book.translate.xml:5703 msgid "" "To gain access to the system, authentication is required. The username is " "root and the password is blank." @@ -8434,7 +8571,7 @@ "é root e a senha está em branco." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5603 +#: book.translate.xml:5709 msgid "" "As the system runs directly from the installation media, performance will be " "significantly slower than that of a system installed on a hard disk." @@ -8444,19 +8581,19 @@ "disco rígido." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5609 +#: book.translate.xml:5715 msgid "" "This option only provides a command prompt and not a graphical interface." msgstr "" "Essa opção fornece apenas um prompt de comando e não uma interface gráfica." #. (itstool) path: chapter/title -#: book.translate.xml:5634 +#: book.translate.xml:5740 msgid "FreeBSD Basics" msgstr "Fundamentos do FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:5639 +#: book.translate.xml:5745 msgid "" "This chapter covers the basic commands and functionality of the FreeBSD " "operating system. Much of this material is relevant for any UNIX file permissions and " "FreeBSD file flags work." @@ -8489,68 +8626,68 @@ "\">UNIX e as flags de arquivos do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5662 +#: book.translate.xml:5768 msgid "The default FreeBSD file system layout." msgstr "O layout padrão do sistema de arquivos do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5666 +#: book.translate.xml:5772 msgid "The FreeBSD disk organization." msgstr "A organização do disco no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5670 +#: book.translate.xml:5776 msgid "How to mount and unmount file systems." msgstr "Como montar e desmontar sistemas de arquivos." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5674 +#: book.translate.xml:5780 msgid "What processes, daemons, and signals are." msgstr "O que são processos, daemons e sinais." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5678 +#: book.translate.xml:5784 msgid "What a shell is, and how to change the default login environment." msgstr "O que é um shell e como alterar o ambiente de login padrão." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5683 +#: book.translate.xml:5789 msgid "How to use basic text editors." msgstr "Como usar editores de texto básicos." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5687 +#: book.translate.xml:5793 msgid "What devices and device nodes are." msgstr "O que são devices e device nodes." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5691 +#: book.translate.xml:5797 msgid "How to read manual pages for more information." msgstr "Como ler páginas de manual para obter maiores informações." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:5697 +#: book.translate.xml:5803 msgid "Virtual Consoles and Terminals" msgstr "Consoles e Terminais Virtuais" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:5699 +#: book.translate.xml:5805 msgid "virtual consoles" msgstr "virtual consoles" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:5702 book.translate.xml:47675 +#: book.translate.xml:5808 book.translate.xml:47954 msgid "terminals" msgstr "terminals" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:5705 book.translate.xml:23360 +#: book.translate.xml:5811 book.translate.xml:23554 msgid "console" msgstr "console" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:5709 +#: book.translate.xml:5815 msgid "" "Unless FreeBSD has been configured to automatically start a graphical " "environment during startup, the system will boot into a command line login " @@ -8561,7 +8698,7 @@ "prompt de login da linha de comando, como visto neste exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:5714 +#: book.translate.xml:5820 #, no-wrap msgid "" "FreeBSD/amd64 ( (ttyv0)\n" @@ -8573,7 +8710,7 @@ "login:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:5718 +#: book.translate.xml:5824 msgid "" "The first line contains some information about the system. The " "amd64 indicates that the system in this example is " @@ -8588,7 +8725,7 @@ "console do sistema. A segunda linha é o prompt de login." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:5726 +#: book.translate.xml:5832 msgid "" "Since FreeBSD is a multiuser system, it needs some way to distinguish " "between different users. This is accomplished by requiring every user to log " @@ -8603,7 +8740,7 @@ "senha pessoal." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:5733 +#: book.translate.xml:5839 msgid "" "To log into the system console, type the username that was configured during " "system installation, as described in MOTD) will be displayed followed by a command prompt. Depending upon the " @@ -8636,12 +8773,12 @@ "FreeBSD e pronto para testar os comandos disponíveis." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:5751 +#: book.translate.xml:5857 msgid "Virtual Consoles" msgstr "Consoles Virtuais" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5753 +#: book.translate.xml:5859 msgid "" "While the system console can be used to interact with the system, a user " "working from the command line at the keyboard of a FreeBSD system will " @@ -8659,7 +8796,7 @@ "concentração no trabalho em questão." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5762 +#: book.translate.xml:5868 msgid "" "By default, FreeBSD is configured to provide several virtual consoles for " "inputting commands. Each virtual console has its own login prompt and shell " @@ -8674,7 +8811,7 @@ "abertas ao mesmo tempo em um ambiente gráfico." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5769 +#: book.translate.xml:5875 msgid "" "The key combinations AltF1 through AltF8 é utilizada para retornar para um console virtual baseado em texto." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5789 +#: book.translate.xml:5895 msgid "" "When switching from one console to the next, FreeBSD manages the screen " "output. The result is an illusion of having multiple virtual screens and " @@ -8718,7 +8855,7 @@ "para um console virtual diferente." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5796 +#: book.translate.xml:5902 msgid "" "Refer to kbdcontrol1, " @@ -8741,7 +8878,7 @@ "mais técnica do console do FreeBSD e seus drivers de teclado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5801 +#: book.translate.xml:5907 msgid "" "In FreeBSD, the number of available virtual consoles is configured in this " "section of /etc/ttys:" @@ -8750,7 +8887,7 @@ "seção do /etc/ttys:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:5805 +#: book.translate.xml:5911 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# name getty type status comments\n" @@ -8780,7 +8917,7 @@ "ttyv8 \"/usr/X11R6/bin/xdm -nodaemon\" xterm off secure" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5819 +#: book.translate.xml:5925 msgid "" "To disable a virtual console, put a comment symbol (#) at " "the beginning of the line representing that virtual console. For example, to " @@ -8805,7 +8942,7 @@ "configurado conforme descrito em ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5833 +#: book.translate.xml:5939 msgid "" "For a detailed description of every column in this file and the available " "options for the virtual consoles, refer to " @@ -8818,12 +8955,12 @@ "citerefentry>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:5839 +#: book.translate.xml:5945 msgid "Single User Mode" msgstr "Modo \"Single User\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5841 +#: book.translate.xml:5947 msgid "" "The FreeBSD boot menu provides an option labelled as Boot Single " "User. If this option is selected, the system will boot into a " @@ -8852,7 +8989,7 @@ "proteger um sistema FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5857 +#: book.translate.xml:5963 msgid "" "The settings which control single user mode are found in this section of " "/etc/ttys:" @@ -8861,7 +8998,7 @@ "seção do /etc/ttys:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:5860 +#: book.translate.xml:5966 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# name getty type status comments\n" @@ -8877,7 +9014,7 @@ "console none unknown off secure" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5866 +#: book.translate.xml:5972 msgid "" "By default, the status is set to secure. This assumes " "that who has physical access to the keyboard is either not important or it " @@ -8898,7 +9035,7 @@ "selecionar inicializar no modo single user." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:5878 +#: book.translate.xml:5984 msgid "" "Be careful when changing this setting to insecure! If the root " @@ -8913,12 +9050,12 @@ "o processo de inicialização do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:5888 +#: book.translate.xml:5994 msgid "Changing Console Video Modes" msgstr "Alterar os modos de vídeo do console" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5890 +#: book.translate.xml:5996 msgid "" "The FreeBSD console default video mode may be adjusted to 1024x768, " "1280x1024, or any other size supported by the graphics chip and monitor. To " @@ -8930,13 +9067,13 @@ "VESA:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:5895 +#: book.translate.xml:6001 #, no-wrap msgid "# kldload vesa" msgstr "# kldload vesa" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5897 +#: book.translate.xml:6003 msgid "" "To determine which video modes are supported by the hardware, use " "vidcontrol1# vidcontrol -i mode" msgstr "# vidcontrol -i mode" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5903 +#: book.translate.xml:6009 msgid "" "The output of this command lists the video modes that are supported by the " "hardware. To select a new video mode, specify the mode using " @@ -8970,13 +9107,13 @@ "\">root :" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:5908 +#: book.translate.xml:6014 #, no-wrap msgid "# vidcontrol MODE_279" msgstr "# vidcontrol MODE_279" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5910 +#: book.translate.xml:6016 msgid "" "If the new video mode is acceptable, it can be permanently set on boot by " "adding it to /etc/rc.conf:" @@ -8985,18 +9122,18 @@ "na inicialização, adicionando-o ao /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:5914 +#: book.translate.xml:6020 #, no-wrap msgid "allscreens_flags=\"MODE_279\"" msgstr "allscreens_flags=\"MODE_279\"" #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:5931 +#: book.translate.xml:6037 msgid "Users and Basic Account Management" msgstr "Usuários e Gerenciamento Básico de Contas" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:5933 +#: book.translate.xml:6039 msgid "" "FreeBSD allows multiple users to use the computer at the same time. While " "only one user can sit in front of the screen and use the keyboard at any one " @@ -9010,22 +9147,22 @@ "própria conta de usuário." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:5939 +#: book.translate.xml:6045 msgid "This chapter describes:" msgstr "Este capítulo descreve:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5943 +#: book.translate.xml:6049 msgid "The different types of user accounts on a FreeBSD system." msgstr "Os diferentes tipos de contas de usuários em um sistema FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5948 +#: book.translate.xml:6054 msgid "How to add, remove, and modify user accounts." msgstr "Como adicionar, remover e modificar contas de usuários." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5952 +#: book.translate.xml:6058 msgid "" "How to set limits to control the resources that users and groups are allowed " "to access." @@ -9034,17 +9171,17 @@ "acessar." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:5958 +#: book.translate.xml:6064 msgid "How to create groups and add users as members of a group." msgstr "Como criar grupos e adicionar usuários como membros de um grupo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:5964 +#: book.translate.xml:6070 msgid "Account Types" msgstr "Tipos de conta" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5966 +#: book.translate.xml:6072 msgid "" "Since all access to the FreeBSD system is achieved using accounts and all " "processes are run by users, user and account management is important." @@ -9054,7 +9191,7 @@ "é importante." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:5970 +#: book.translate.xml:6076 msgid "" "There are three main types of accounts: system accounts, user accounts, and " "the superuser account." @@ -9063,17 +9200,17 @@ "usuário e a conta de superusuário." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:5974 +#: book.translate.xml:6080 msgid "System Accounts" msgstr "Contas do sistema" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:5976 +#: book.translate.xml:6082 msgid "accounts system" msgstr "accounts system" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:5981 +#: book.translate.xml:6087 msgid "" "System accounts are used to run services such as DNS, mail, and web servers. " "The reason for this is security; if all services ran as the superuser, they " @@ -9084,7 +9221,7 @@ "executados como superusuário, eles poderiam agir sem restrições." #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:5986 +#: book.translate.xml:6092 msgid "" "accounts daemon" @@ -9093,7 +9230,7 @@ "\">daemon" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:5990 +#: book.translate.xml:6096 msgid "" "accounts operator" @@ -9102,7 +9239,7 @@ "\">operator" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:5995 +#: book.translate.xml:6101 msgid "" "Examples of system accounts are daemon, operator, " @@ -9117,7 +9254,7 @@ "systemitem>." #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:6003 +#: book.translate.xml:6109 msgid "" "Care must be taken when using the operator group, as unintended superuser-" "like access privileges may be granted, including but not limited to " @@ -9130,7 +9267,7 @@ "dev para o grupo." #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6010 +#: book.translate.xml:6116 msgid "" "accounts nobody" @@ -9139,7 +9276,7 @@ "\">nobody" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:6015 +#: book.translate.xml:6121 msgid "" "nobody is the generic " "unprivileged system account. However, the more services that use accounts user" msgstr "accounts user" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:6031 +#: book.translate.xml:6137 msgid "" "User accounts are assigned to real people and are used to log in and use the " "system. Every person accessing the system should have a unique user account. " @@ -9178,7 +9315,7 @@ "configurações de outros usuários." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:6037 +#: book.translate.xml:6143 msgid "" "Each user can set up their own environment to accommodate their use of the " "system, by configuring their default shell, editor, key bindings, and " @@ -9189,7 +9326,7 @@ "teclado e idioma." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:6042 +#: book.translate.xml:6148 msgid "" "Every user account on a FreeBSD system has certain information associated " "with it:" @@ -9198,12 +9335,12 @@ "associadas:" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:6047 +#: book.translate.xml:6153 msgid "User name" msgstr "Nome de usuário" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:6050 +#: book.translate.xml:6156 msgid "" "The user name is typed at the login: prompt. Each user must " "have a unique user name. There are a number of rules for creating valid user " @@ -9221,22 +9358,22 @@ "compatibilidade com aplicativos legados." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:6062 +#: book.translate.xml:6168 msgid "Password" msgstr "Senha" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:6065 +#: book.translate.xml:6171 msgid "Each account has an associated password." msgstr "Cada conta tem uma senha associada." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:6070 +#: book.translate.xml:6176 msgid "User ID (UID)" msgstr "ID do usuário (UID)" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:6073 +#: book.translate.xml:6179 msgid "" "The User ID (UID) is a number used to uniquely identify " "the user to the FreeBSD system. Commands that allow a user name to be " @@ -9251,12 +9388,12 @@ "causar problemas de compatibilidade com alguns softwares." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:6084 +#: book.translate.xml:6190 msgid "Group ID (GID)" msgstr "ID do grupo (GID)" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:6087 +#: book.translate.xml:6193 msgid "" "The Group ID (GID) is a number used to uniquely identify " "the primary group that the user belongs to. Groups are a mechanism for " @@ -9276,12 +9413,12 @@ "alguns softwares." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:6101 +#: book.translate.xml:6207 msgid "Login class" msgstr "Classe de login" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:6104 +#: book.translate.xml:6210 msgid "" "Login classes are an extension to the group mechanism that provide " "additional flexibility when tailoring the system to different users. Login " @@ -9292,12 +9429,12 @@ "classes de login são discutidas em ." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:6113 +#: book.translate.xml:6219 msgid "Password change time" msgstr "Tempo para mudança de senha" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:6116 +#: book.translate.xml:6222 msgid "" "By default, passwords do not expire. However, password expiration can be " "enabled on a per-user basis, forcing some or all users to change their " @@ -9308,12 +9445,12 @@ "senhas após um determinado período de tempo." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:6125 +#: book.translate.xml:6231 msgid "Account expiration time" msgstr "Tempo de expiração da conta" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:6128 +#: book.translate.xml:6234 msgid "" "By default, FreeBSD does not expire accounts. When creating accounts that " "need a limited lifespan, such as student accounts in a school, specify the " @@ -9330,12 +9467,12 @@ "embora os diretórios e arquivos da conta permaneçam no servidor." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:6139 +#: book.translate.xml:6245 msgid "User's full name" msgstr "Nome completo do usuário" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:6142 +#: book.translate.xml:6248 msgid "" "The user name uniquely identifies the account to FreeBSD, but does not " "necessarily reflect the user's real name. Similar to a comment, this " @@ -9348,12 +9485,12 @@ "oito caracteres." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:6151 +#: book.translate.xml:6257 msgid "Home directory" msgstr "Diretório Inicial (home)" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:6154 +#: book.translate.xml:6260 msgid "" "The home directory is the full path to a directory on the system. This is " "the user's starting directory when the user logs in. A common convention is " @@ -9371,12 +9508,12 @@ "diretório home." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:6165 +#: book.translate.xml:6271 msgid "User shell" msgstr "Shell do usuário" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:6168 +#: book.translate.xml:6274 msgid "" "The shell provides the user's default environment for interacting with the " "system. There are many different kinds of shells and experienced users will " @@ -9388,17 +9525,17 @@ "conta." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:6179 +#: book.translate.xml:6285 msgid "The Superuser Account" msgstr "A conta de superusuário" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6181 +#: book.translate.xml:6287 msgid "accounts superuser (root)" msgstr "accounts superuser (root)" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:6186 +#: book.translate.xml:6292 msgid "" "The superuser account, usually called root, is used to manage the system with no limitations on privileges. " @@ -9411,7 +9548,7 @@ "como enviar e receber e-mail, exploração geral do sistema ou programação." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:6193 +#: book.translate.xml:6299 msgid "" "The superuser, unlike other user accounts, can operate without limits, and " "misuse of the superuser account may result in spectacular disasters. User " @@ -9427,7 +9564,7 @@ "privilégios extras." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:6201 +#: book.translate.xml:6307 msgid "" "Always double and triple-check any commands issued as the superuser, since " "an extra space or missing character can mean irreparable data loss." @@ -9437,7 +9574,7 @@ "perda de dados irreparável." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:6205 +#: book.translate.xml:6311 msgid "" "There are several ways to gain superuser privilege. While one can log in as " "root, this is highly discouraged." @@ -9447,7 +9584,7 @@ "systemitem>, isso é altamente desencorajado." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:6210 +#: book.translate.xml:6316 msgid "" "Instead, use su1 to become the superuser. If - " @@ -9466,7 +9603,7 @@ "senha da conta de usuário root." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:6220 +#: book.translate.xml:6326 msgid "" "In this example, the user only becomes superuser in order to run " "make install as this step requires superuser privilege. " @@ -9480,12 +9617,12 @@ "usuário." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:6228 +#: book.translate.xml:6334 msgid "Install a Program As the Superuser" msgstr "Instalar um programa como superusuário" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:6230 +#: book.translate.xml:6336 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% configure\n" @@ -9505,7 +9642,7 @@ "%" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:6239 +#: book.translate.xml:6345 msgid "" "The built-in su1 framework works well for single systems or small " @@ -9522,17 +9659,17 @@ "configurar quais usuários podem executar quais comandos como superusuário." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:6250 +#: book.translate.xml:6356 msgid "Managing Accounts" msgstr "Gerenciando Contas" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6252 +#: book.translate.xml:6358 msgid "accounts modifying" msgstr "accounts modifying" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:6257 +#: book.translate.xml:6363 msgid "" "FreeBSD provides a variety of different commands to manage user accounts. " "The most common commands are summarized in adduser8" @@ -9571,13 +9708,13 @@ "manvolnum>" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6279 +#: book.translate.xml:6385 msgid "The recommended command-line application for adding new users." msgstr "" "Aplicativo de linha de comando recomendado para adicionar novos usuários." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6284 +#: book.translate.xml:6390 msgid "" "rmuser8" @@ -9586,12 +9723,12 @@ "citerefentry>" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6285 +#: book.translate.xml:6391 msgid "The recommended command-line application for removing users." msgstr "Aplicativo de linha de comando recomendado para remover usuários." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6290 +#: book.translate.xml:6396 msgid "" "chpass1" @@ -9600,12 +9737,12 @@ "citerefentry>" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6291 +#: book.translate.xml:6397 msgid "A flexible tool for changing user database information." msgstr "Uma ferramenta flexível para alterar as informações do usuário." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6296 +#: book.translate.xml:6402 msgid "" "passwd1" @@ -9614,12 +9751,12 @@ "citerefentry>" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6297 +#: book.translate.xml:6403 msgid "The command-line tool to change user passwords." msgstr "Ferramenta de linha de comando para alterar senhas de usuários." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6302 +#: book.translate.xml:6408 msgid "" "pw8" @@ -9628,7 +9765,7 @@ "citerefentry>" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6303 +#: book.translate.xml:6409 msgid "" "A powerful and flexible tool for modifying all aspects of user accounts." msgstr "" @@ -9636,33 +9773,33 @@ "contas de usuário." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:6311 +#: book.translate.xml:6417 msgid "adduser" msgstr "adduser" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6313 +#: book.translate.xml:6419 msgid "accounts adding" msgstr "accounts adding" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect4/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6317 book.translate.xml:43865 +#: book.translate.xml:6423 book.translate.xml:44144 msgid "adduser" msgstr "adduser" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6320 +#: book.translate.xml:6426 msgid "/usr/share/skel" msgstr "/usr/share/skel" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6323 +#: book.translate.xml:6429 msgid "skeleton directory" msgstr "skeleton directory" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:6327 +#: book.translate.xml:6433 msgid "" "The recommended program for adding new users is " "adduser8adduser8 utility is interactive and walks through the steps " @@ -9709,12 +9846,12 @@ "utilitário perguntará se deseja criar outro usuário ou finalizar o comando." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:6349 +#: book.translate.xml:6455 msgid "Adding a User on FreeBSD" msgstr "Adicionando um usuário no FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:6351 +#: book.translate.xml:6457 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# adduser\n" @@ -9780,7 +9917,7 @@ "#" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:6384 +#: book.translate.xml:6490 msgid "" "Since the password is not echoed when typed, be careful to not mistype the " "password when creating the user account." @@ -9789,22 +9926,22 @@ "a senha incorretamente ao criar a conta do usuário." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:6391 +#: book.translate.xml:6497 msgid "rmuser" msgstr "rmuser" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6393 +#: book.translate.xml:6499 msgid "rmuser" msgstr "rmuser" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6396 +#: book.translate.xml:6502 msgid "accounts removing" msgstr "accounts removing" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:6401 +#: book.translate.xml:6507 msgid "" "To completely remove a user from the system, run " "rmuser8 como o superusuário. Este comando executa as seguintes etapas:" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:6407 +#: book.translate.xml:6513 msgid "" "Removes the user's crontab1 entry, if one exists." @@ -9824,7 +9961,7 @@ "refentrytitle>1 do usuário, se existir." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:6412 +#: book.translate.xml:6518 msgid "" "Removes any at1 jobs belonging to the user." @@ -9834,17 +9971,17 @@ "usuário." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:6417 +#: book.translate.xml:6523 msgid "Kills all processes owned by the user." msgstr "Elimina todos os processos pertencentes ao usuário." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:6421 +#: book.translate.xml:6527 msgid "Removes the user from the system's local password file." msgstr "Remove o usuário do arquivo de senhas do sistema." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:6426 +#: book.translate.xml:6532 msgid "" "Optionally removes the user's home directory, if it is owned by the user." msgstr "" @@ -9852,7 +9989,7 @@ "propriedade do usuário." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:6431 +#: book.translate.xml:6537 msgid "" "Removes the incoming mail files belonging to the user from /var/" "mail." @@ -9861,7 +9998,7 @@ "/var/mail." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:6436 +#: book.translate.xml:6542 msgid "" "Removes all files owned by the user from temporary file storage areas such " "as /tmp." @@ -9870,7 +10007,7 @@ "de arquivos temporários, como /tmp." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:6442 +#: book.translate.xml:6548 msgid "" "Finally, removes the username from all groups to which it belongs in " "/etc/group. If a group becomes empty and the group name " @@ -9886,7 +10023,7 @@ "manvolnum>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:6451 +#: book.translate.xml:6557 msgid "" "rmuser8 cannot be used to remove superuser accounts since that is " @@ -9897,7 +10034,7 @@ "superusuário, pois isso quase sempre ocasiona uma de destruição em massa." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:6455 +#: book.translate.xml:6561 msgid "" "By default, an interactive mode is used, as shown in the following example." msgstr "" @@ -9905,12 +10042,12 @@ "seguir." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:6459 +#: book.translate.xml:6565 msgid "rmuser Interactive Account Removal" msgstr "Remoção de contas interativas com o rmuser" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:6462 +#: book.translate.xml:6568 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# rmuser jru\n" @@ -9930,17 +10067,17 @@ "#" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:6473 +#: book.translate.xml:6579 msgid "chpass" msgstr "chpass" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6475 +#: book.translate.xml:6581 msgid "chpass" msgstr "chpass" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:6479 +#: book.translate.xml:6585 msgid "" "Any user can use chpass1 to change their " @@ -9955,7 +10092,7 @@ "da conta de qualquer usuário." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:6484 +#: book.translate.xml:6590 msgid "" "When passed no options, aside from an optional username, " "chpass1, the superuser has typed " "chpass jru and is now viewing the fields that can be " @@ -9995,12 +10132,12 @@ "\"users-modifying-chpass-ru\"/>." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:6504 +#: book.translate.xml:6610 msgid "Using chpass as Superuser" msgstr "Usando o chpass como superusuário" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:6507 +#: book.translate.xml:6613 #, no-wrap msgid "" "#Changing user database information for jru.\n" @@ -10036,12 +10173,12 @@ "Other information:" #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:6525 +#: book.translate.xml:6631 msgid "Using chpass as Regular User" msgstr "Usando o chpass como usuário regular" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:6528 +#: book.translate.xml:6634 #, no-wrap msgid "" "#Changing user database information for jru.\n" @@ -10061,7 +10198,7 @@ "Other information:" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:6538 +#: book.translate.xml:6644 msgid "" "The commands chfn1 and chsh." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:6548 +#: book.translate.xml:6654 msgid "passwd" msgstr "passwd" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6550 +#: book.translate.xml:6656 msgid "passwd" msgstr "passwd" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6553 +#: book.translate.xml:6659 msgid "accounts changing password" msgstr "accounts changing password" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:6558 +#: book.translate.xml:6664 msgid "" "Any user can easily change their password using " "passwd1% passwd\n" @@ -10145,7 +10282,7 @@ "passwd: done" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:6575 +#: book.translate.xml:6681 msgid "" "The superuser can change any user's password by specifying the username when " "running passwd1# passwd jru\n" @@ -10184,7 +10321,7 @@ "passwd: done" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:6595 +#: book.translate.xml:6701 msgid "" "As with chpass1, yppasswd, então o NIS funciona com ambos os comandos." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:6602 +#: book.translate.xml:6708 msgid "pw" msgstr "pw" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect4/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6604 book.translate.xml:43888 +#: book.translate.xml:6710 book.translate.xml:44167 msgid "pw" msgstr "pw" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:6608 +#: book.translate.xml:6714 msgid "" "The pw8 utility can create, remove, modify, and display users and " @@ -10230,27 +10367,27 @@ "outros comandos apresentados nesta seção." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:6619 +#: book.translate.xml:6725 msgid "Managing Groups" msgstr "Gerenciando Grupos" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6621 +#: book.translate.xml:6727 msgid "groups" msgstr "groups" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6624 +#: book.translate.xml:6730 msgid "/etc/groups" msgstr "/etc/groups" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6627 +#: book.translate.xml:6733 msgid "accounts groups" msgstr "accounts groups" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:6632 +#: book.translate.xml:6738 msgid "" "A group is a list of users. A group is identified by its group name and " "GID. In FreeBSD, the kernel uses the UIDGID mapping is listed in /etc/" "group. This is a plain text file with four colon-delimited " @@ -10285,7 +10422,7 @@ "citerefentry>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:6647 +#: book.translate.xml:6753 msgid "" "The superuser can modify /etc/group using a text " "editor. Alternatively, pwpw8" @@ -10310,7 +10447,7 @@ "refentrytitle>8" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:6656 +#: book.translate.xml:6762 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# pw groupadd teamtwo\n" @@ -10322,7 +10459,7 @@ "teamtwo:*:1100:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:6661 +#: book.translate.xml:6767 msgid "" "In this example, 1100 is the GID of " "teamtwo. Right now, teamtwo." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:6670 +#: book.translate.xml:6776 msgid "" "Adding User Accounts to a New Group Using pw8" @@ -10347,7 +10484,7 @@ "citerefentry>" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:6673 +#: book.translate.xml:6779 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# pw groupmod teamtwo -M jru\n" @@ -10359,7 +10496,7 @@ "teamtwo:*:1100:jru" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:6678 +#: book.translate.xml:6784 msgid "" "The argument to is a comma-delimited list of users to be " "added to a new (empty) group or to replace the members of an existing group. " @@ -10390,7 +10527,7 @@ "do /etc/passwd." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:6692 +#: book.translate.xml:6798 msgid "" "Adding a New Member to a Group Using pw8" @@ -10400,7 +10537,7 @@ "citerefentry>" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:6694 +#: book.translate.xml:6800 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# pw groupmod teamtwo -m db\n" @@ -10412,7 +10549,7 @@ "teamtwo:*:1100:jru,db" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:6699 +#: book.translate.xml:6805 msgid "" "In this example, the argument to is a comma-delimited " "list of users who are to be added to the group. Unlike the previous example, " @@ -10425,7 +10562,7 @@ "usuários existentes no grupo." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:6706 +#: book.translate.xml:6812 msgid "" "Using id1 to Determine Group Membership" @@ -10434,7 +10571,7 @@ "manvolnum> para determinar a associação ao grupo" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:6708 +#: book.translate.xml:6814 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% id jru\n" @@ -10444,7 +10581,7 @@ "uid=1001(jru) gid=1001(jru) groups=1001(jru), 1100(teamtwo)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:6712 +#: book.translate.xml:6818 msgid "" "In this example, jru is a member " "of the groups jru and " @@ -10455,7 +10592,7 @@ "class=\"groupname\">teamtwo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:6717 +#: book.translate.xml:6823 msgid "" "For more information about this command and the format of /etc/" "group, refer to pw." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:6724 +#: book.translate.xml:6830 msgid "Permissions" msgstr "Permissões" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6726 +#: book.translate.xml:6832 msgid "UNIX" msgstr "UNIX" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:6730 +#: book.translate.xml:6836 msgid "" "In FreeBSD, every file and directory has an associated set of permissions " "and several utilities are available for viewing and modifying these " @@ -10497,7 +10634,7 @@ "outros usuários." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:6738 +#: book.translate.xml:6844 msgid "" "This section discusses the traditional UNIX permissions used in FreeBSD. For finer grained file system access " @@ -10508,7 +10645,7 @@ "sistema de arquivos mais refinado, consulte ." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:6742 +#: book.translate.xml:6848 msgid "" "In UNIX, basic permissions are " "assigned using three types of access: read, write, and execute. These access " @@ -10536,7 +10673,7 @@ "x é ativado com o valor 1." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:6757 +#: book.translate.xml:6863 msgid "" "Table 4.1 summarizes the possible numeric and alphabetic possibilities. When " "reading the Directory Listing column, a - " @@ -10547,171 +10684,171 @@ "usado para representar uma permissão que está desativada." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6762 +#: book.translate.xml:6868 msgid "permissions" msgstr "permissions" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6765 +#: book.translate.xml:6871 msgid "file permissions" msgstr "file permissions" #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:6770 +#: book.translate.xml:6876 msgid "UNIX Permissions" msgstr "Permissões UNIX" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6775 +#: book.translate.xml:6881 msgid "Value" msgstr "Valor" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6776 +#: book.translate.xml:6882 msgid "Permission" msgstr "Permissão" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6777 +#: book.translate.xml:6883 msgid "Directory Listing" msgstr "Listagem de diretório" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6783 +#: book.translate.xml:6889 msgid "0" msgstr "0" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6784 +#: book.translate.xml:6890 msgid "No read, no write, no execute" msgstr "Sem leitura, sem escrita, sem execução" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6785 +#: book.translate.xml:6891 msgid "---" msgstr "---" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6789 book.translate.xml:47373 book.translate.xml:47395 -#: book.translate.xml:47485 +#: book.translate.xml:6895 book.translate.xml:47652 book.translate.xml:47674 +#: book.translate.xml:47764 msgid "1" msgstr "1" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6790 +#: book.translate.xml:6896 msgid "No read, no write, execute" msgstr "Sem leitura, sem escrita, execução" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6791 +#: book.translate.xml:6897 msgid "--x" msgstr "--x" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6795 book.translate.xml:47265 book.translate.xml:47275 -#: book.translate.xml:47347 book.translate.xml:47357 book.translate.xml:47437 -#: book.translate.xml:47439 +#: book.translate.xml:6901 book.translate.xml:47544 book.translate.xml:47554 +#: book.translate.xml:47626 book.translate.xml:47636 book.translate.xml:47716 +#: book.translate.xml:47718 msgid "2" msgstr "2" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6796 +#: book.translate.xml:6902 msgid "No read, write, no execute" msgstr "Sem leitura, escrita, sem execução" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6797 +#: book.translate.xml:6903 msgid "-w-" msgstr "-w-" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6801 book.translate.xml:47267 book.translate.xml:47273 -#: book.translate.xml:47349 book.translate.xml:47355 book.translate.xml:47445 -#: book.translate.xml:47447 +#: book.translate.xml:6907 book.translate.xml:47546 book.translate.xml:47552 +#: book.translate.xml:47628 book.translate.xml:47634 book.translate.xml:47724 +#: book.translate.xml:47726 msgid "3" msgstr "3" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6802 +#: book.translate.xml:6908 msgid "No read, write, execute" msgstr "Sem leitura, escrita, execução" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6803 +#: book.translate.xml:6909 msgid "-wx" msgstr "-wx" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6807 book.translate.xml:47281 book.translate.xml:47291 -#: book.translate.xml:47363 book.translate.xml:47371 book.translate.xml:47389 -#: book.translate.xml:47397 book.translate.xml:47453 book.translate.xml:47461 -#: book.translate.xml:47503 +#: book.translate.xml:6913 book.translate.xml:47560 book.translate.xml:47570 +#: book.translate.xml:47642 book.translate.xml:47650 book.translate.xml:47668 +#: book.translate.xml:47676 book.translate.xml:47732 book.translate.xml:47740 +#: book.translate.xml:47782 msgid "4" msgstr "4" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6808 +#: book.translate.xml:6914 msgid "Read, no write, no execute" msgstr "Leitura, sem escrita, sem execução" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6809 +#: book.translate.xml:6915 msgid "r--" msgstr "r--" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6813 book.translate.xml:47283 book.translate.xml:47289 -#: book.translate.xml:47379 book.translate.xml:47381 book.translate.xml:47469 -#: book.translate.xml:47495 +#: book.translate.xml:6919 book.translate.xml:47562 book.translate.xml:47568 +#: book.translate.xml:47658 book.translate.xml:47660 book.translate.xml:47748 +#: book.translate.xml:47774 msgid "5" msgstr "5" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6814 +#: book.translate.xml:6920 msgid "Read, no write, execute" msgstr "Leitura, sem escrita, execução" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6815 +#: book.translate.xml:6921 msgid "r-x" msgstr "r-x" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6819 book.translate.xml:47299 book.translate.xml:47313 -#: book.translate.xml:47365 book.translate.xml:47387 book.translate.xml:47455 -#: book.translate.xml:47477 +#: book.translate.xml:6925 book.translate.xml:47578 book.translate.xml:47592 +#: book.translate.xml:47644 book.translate.xml:47666 book.translate.xml:47734 +#: book.translate.xml:47756 msgid "6" msgstr "6" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6820 +#: book.translate.xml:6926 msgid "Read, write, no execute" msgstr "Leitura, escrita, sem execução" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6821 +#: book.translate.xml:6927 msgid "rw-" msgstr "rw-" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6825 book.translate.xml:47257 book.translate.xml:47259 -#: book.translate.xml:47403 book.translate.xml:47413 book.translate.xml:47471 -#: book.translate.xml:47493 +#: book.translate.xml:6931 book.translate.xml:47536 book.translate.xml:47538 +#: book.translate.xml:47682 book.translate.xml:47692 book.translate.xml:47750 +#: book.translate.xml:47772 msgid "7" msgstr "7" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6826 +#: book.translate.xml:6932 msgid "Read, write, execute" msgstr "Leitura, escrita, execução" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6827 +#: book.translate.xml:6933 msgid "rwx" msgstr "rwx" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6833 +#: book.translate.xml:6939 msgid "" "ls1" @@ -10720,17 +10857,17 @@ "manvolnum>" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6836 +#: book.translate.xml:6942 msgid "directories" msgstr "directories" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:6840 +#: book.translate.xml:6946 msgid "" "Use the argument to ls1 to view a long " "directory listing that includes a column of information about a file's " -"permissions for the owner, group, and everyone else. For example, a " +"permissions for the owner, group, and everyone else. For example, an " "ls -l in an arbitrary directory may show:" msgstr "" "Use o argumento com o ls em um diretório arbitrário pode mostrar:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:6846 +#: book.translate.xml:6952 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% ls -l\n" @@ -10756,7 +10893,7 @@ "-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 7680 Sep 5 12:31 email.txt" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:6852 +#: book.translate.xml:6958 msgid "" "The first (leftmost) character in the first column indicates whether this " "file is a regular file, a directory, a special character device, a socket, " @@ -10788,7 +10925,7 @@ "representa uma das três partes da permissão do arquivo." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:6869 +#: book.translate.xml:6975 msgid "" "How does the system control permissions on devices? FreeBSD treats most " "hardware devices as a file that programs can open, read, and write data to. " @@ -10800,7 +10937,7 @@ "são armazenados em /dev/." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:6874 +#: book.translate.xml:6980 msgid "" "Directories are also treated as files. They have read, write, and execute " "permissions. The executable bit for a directory has a slightly different " @@ -10820,7 +10957,7 @@ "permissões dos próprios arquivos." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:6883 +#: book.translate.xml:6989 msgid "" "In order to perform a directory listing, the read permission must be set on " "the directory. In order to delete a file that one knows the name of, it is " @@ -10833,7 +10970,7 @@ "diretório que contém o arquivo." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:6889 +#: book.translate.xml:6995 msgid "" "There are more permission bits, but they are primarily used in special " "circumstances such as setuid binaries and sticky directories. For more " @@ -10848,15 +10985,15 @@ "manvolnum>." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:6896 +#: book.translate.xml:7002 msgid "Symbolic Permissions" msgstr "Permissões simbólicas" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:6899 book.translate.xml:7034 book.translate.xml:7085 -#: book.translate.xml:19449 book.translate.xml:19556 book.translate.xml:19734 -#: book.translate.xml:20853 book.translate.xml:21372 book.translate.xml:23568 -#: book.translate.xml:34025 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:7005 book.translate.xml:7140 book.translate.xml:7191 +#: book.translate.xml:19643 book.translate.xml:19750 book.translate.xml:19928 +#: book.translate.xml:21047 book.translate.xml:21566 book.translate.xml:23762 +#: book.translate.xml:34279 book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" " Tom Rhodes Contributed by " @@ -10865,12 +11002,12 @@ "personname> Contribuído por " #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:6909 +#: book.translate.xml:7015 msgid "permissions symbolic" msgstr "permissions symbolic" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:6914 +#: book.translate.xml:7020 msgid "" "Symbolic permissions use characters instead of octal values to assign " "permissions to files or directories. Symbolic permissions use the syntax of " @@ -10881,159 +11018,159 @@ "(quem) (ação) (permissões), onde os seguintes valores estão disponíveis:" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6924 book.translate.xml:23309 +#: book.translate.xml:7030 book.translate.xml:23503 msgid "Option" msgstr "Opção" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6925 +#: book.translate.xml:7031 msgid "Letter" msgstr "Letra" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6926 +#: book.translate.xml:7032 msgid "Represents" msgstr "Representa" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6932 book.translate.xml:6938 book.translate.xml:6944 -#: book.translate.xml:6950 +#: book.translate.xml:7038 book.translate.xml:7044 book.translate.xml:7050 +#: book.translate.xml:7056 msgid "(who)" msgstr "(quem)" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6933 +#: book.translate.xml:7039 msgid "u" msgstr "u" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6934 +#: book.translate.xml:7040 msgid "User" msgstr "Usuário" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6939 +#: book.translate.xml:7045 msgid "g" msgstr "g" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6940 +#: book.translate.xml:7046 msgid "Group owner" msgstr "Grupo" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6945 +#: book.translate.xml:7051 msgid "o" msgstr "o" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6946 +#: book.translate.xml:7052 msgid "Other" msgstr "Outros" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6951 +#: book.translate.xml:7057 msgid "a" msgstr "a" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6952 +#: book.translate.xml:7058 msgid "All (world)" msgstr "Todos (resto do mundo)" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6956 book.translate.xml:6962 book.translate.xml:6968 +#: book.translate.xml:7062 book.translate.xml:7068 book.translate.xml:7074 msgid "(action)" msgstr "(açao)" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6957 book.translate.xml:31576 book.translate.xml:39365 +#: book.translate.xml:7063 book.translate.xml:31830 book.translate.xml:39625 msgid "+" msgstr "+" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6958 +#: book.translate.xml:7064 msgid "Adding permissions" msgstr "Adiciona permissões" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6963 book.translate.xml:31581 book.translate.xml:39370 +#: book.translate.xml:7069 book.translate.xml:31835 book.translate.xml:39630 msgid "-" msgstr "-" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6964 +#: book.translate.xml:7070 msgid "Removing permissions" msgstr "Remove permissões" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6969 +#: book.translate.xml:7075 msgid "=" msgstr "=" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6970 +#: book.translate.xml:7076 msgid "Explicitly set permissions" msgstr "Permissões definidas explicitamente" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6974 book.translate.xml:6980 book.translate.xml:6986 -#: book.translate.xml:6992 book.translate.xml:6998 +#: book.translate.xml:7080 book.translate.xml:7086 book.translate.xml:7092 +#: book.translate.xml:7098 book.translate.xml:7104 msgid "(permissions)" msgstr "(permissões)" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6975 +#: book.translate.xml:7081 msgid "r" msgstr "r" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6976 +#: book.translate.xml:7082 msgid "Read" msgstr "Leitura" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6981 +#: book.translate.xml:7087 msgid "w" msgstr "w" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6982 +#: book.translate.xml:7088 msgid "Write" msgstr "Escrita" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6987 +#: book.translate.xml:7093 msgid "x" msgstr "x" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6988 +#: book.translate.xml:7094 msgid "Execute" msgstr "Execução" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6993 +#: book.translate.xml:7099 msgid "t" msgstr "t" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6994 +#: book.translate.xml:7100 msgid "Sticky bit" msgstr "bit fixador" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:6999 +#: book.translate.xml:7105 msgid "s" msgstr "s" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7000 +#: book.translate.xml:7106 msgid "Set UID or GID" msgstr "Set UID ou GID" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7006 +#: book.translate.xml:7112 msgid "" "These values are used with chmod1, but with letters " @@ -11046,13 +11183,13 @@ "acessassem FILE:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:7011 +#: book.translate.xml:7117 #, no-wrap msgid "% chmod go= FILE" msgstr "% chmod go= FILE" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7013 +#: book.translate.xml:7119 msgid "" "A comma separated list can be provided when more than one set of changes to " "a file must be made. For example, the following command removes the group " @@ -11066,18 +11203,18 @@ "execução para todos:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:7020 +#: book.translate.xml:7126 #, no-wrap msgid "% chmod go-w,a+x FILE" msgstr "% chmod go-w,a+x FILE" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:7031 +#: book.translate.xml:7137 msgid "FreeBSD File Flags" msgstr "Flags de arquivos no FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7044 +#: book.translate.xml:7150 msgid "" "In addition to file permissions, FreeBSD supports the use of file " "flags. These flags add an additional level of security and control " @@ -11092,7 +11229,7 @@ "de remover ou alterar arquivos." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7051 +#: book.translate.xml:7157 msgid "" "File flags are modified using chflags1. For example, to " @@ -11106,13 +11243,13 @@ "comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:7056 +#: book.translate.xml:7162 #, no-wrap msgid "# chflags sunlink file1" msgstr "# chflags sunlink file1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7058 +#: book.translate.xml:7164 msgid "" "To disable the system undeletable flag, put a no in front of " "the :" @@ -11121,13 +11258,13 @@ "quote> na frente do :" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:7062 +#: book.translate.xml:7168 #, no-wrap msgid "# chflags nosunlink file1" msgstr "# chflags nosunlink file1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7064 +#: book.translate.xml:7170 msgid "" "To view the flags of a file, use with " "ls1:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:7067 +#: book.translate.xml:7173 #, no-wrap msgid "# ls -lo file1" msgstr "# ls -lo file1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:7069 +#: book.translate.xml:7175 #, no-wrap msgid "-rw-r--r-- 1 trhodes trhodes sunlnk 0 Mar 1 05:54 file1" msgstr "-rw-r--r-- 1 trhodes trhodes sunlnk 0 Mar 1 05:54 file1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7071 +#: book.translate.xml:7177 msgid "" "Several file flags may only be added or removed by the root user. In other cases, the file owner may set " @@ -11168,7 +11305,7 @@ "informações." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:7080 +#: book.translate.xml:7186 msgid "" "The setuid, setgid, and " "sticky Permissions" @@ -11177,7 +11314,7 @@ "sticky" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7095 +#: book.translate.xml:7201 msgid "" "Other than the permissions already discussed, there are three other specific " "settings that all administrators should know about. They are the " @@ -11190,7 +11327,7 @@ "sticky." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7101 +#: book.translate.xml:7207 msgid "" "These settings are important for some UNIX operations as they provide functionality not normally granted to " @@ -11203,7 +11340,7 @@ "ID real de usuário e o ID efetivo de usuário deve ser explicada." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7106 +#: book.translate.xml:7212 msgid "" "The real user ID is the UID who owns or starts the " "process. The effective UID is the user ID the process " @@ -11225,7 +11362,7 @@ "ver um erro Permission Denied." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7116 +#: book.translate.xml:7222 msgid "" "The setuid permission may be set by prefixing a permission set with the " "number four (4) as shown in the following example:" @@ -11234,13 +11371,13 @@ "com o número quatro (4), conforme mostrado no exemplo a seguir:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:7120 +#: book.translate.xml:7226 #, no-wrap msgid "# chmod 4755" msgstr "# chmod 4755" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7122 +#: book.translate.xml:7228 msgid "" "The permissions on now look like the following:" @@ -11249,13 +11386,13 @@ "filename> agora se parecem com o seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:7126 +#: book.translate.xml:7232 #, no-wrap msgid "-rwsr-xr-x 1 trhodes trhodes 63 Aug 29 06:36" msgstr "-rwsr-xr-x 1 trhodes trhodes 63 Aug 29 06:36" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7128 +#: book.translate.xml:7234 msgid "" "Note that a s is now part of the permission set " "designated for the file owner, replacing the executable bit. This allows " @@ -11270,7 +11407,7 @@ "manvolnum>." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:7134 +#: book.translate.xml:7240 msgid "" "The nosuid mount8 option will cause such " @@ -11285,7 +11422,7 @@ "contorná-la." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7141 +#: book.translate.xml:7247 msgid "" "To view this in real time, open two terminals. On one, type passwd as a normal user. While it waits for a new password, check the " @@ -11300,12 +11437,12 @@ "manvolnum>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7147 +#: book.translate.xml:7253 msgid "In terminal A:" msgstr "No terminal A:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:7149 +#: book.translate.xml:7255 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Changing local password for trhodes\n" @@ -11315,18 +11452,18 @@ "Old Password:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7152 +#: book.translate.xml:7258 msgid "In terminal B:" msgstr "No terminal B:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:7154 +#: book.translate.xml:7260 #, no-wrap msgid "# ps aux | grep passwd" msgstr "# ps aux | grep passwd" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:7156 +#: book.translate.xml:7262 #, no-wrap msgid "" "trhodes 5232 0.0 0.2 3420 1608 0 R+ 2:10AM 0:00.00 grep passwd\n" @@ -11336,7 +11473,7 @@ "root 5211 0.0 0.2 3620 1724 2 I+ 2:09AM 0:00.01 passwd" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7159 +#: book.translate.xml:7265 msgid "" "Although passwd1 is run as a normal user, it is using the effective " @@ -11348,7 +11485,7 @@ "systemitem>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7163 +#: book.translate.xml:7269 msgid "" "The setgid permission performs the same function as the " "setuid permission; except that it alters the group " @@ -11363,7 +11500,7 @@ "iniciou o processo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7170 +#: book.translate.xml:7276 msgid "" "To set the setgid permission on a file, provide " "chmod1 com dois (2) no início:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:7173 +#: book.translate.xml:7279 #, no-wrap msgid "# chmod 2755" msgstr "# chmod 2755" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7175 +#: book.translate.xml:7281 msgid "" "In the following listing, notice that the s is now in the " "field designated for the group permission settings:" @@ -11389,13 +11526,13 @@ "designado para as configurações de permissão do grupo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:7179 +#: book.translate.xml:7285 #, no-wrap msgid "-rwxr-sr-x 1 trhodes trhodes 44 Aug 31 01:49" msgstr "-rwxr-sr-x 1 trhodes trhodes 44 Aug 31 01:49" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:7182 +#: book.translate.xml:7288 msgid "" "In these examples, even though the shell script in question is an executable " "file, it will not run with a different EUID or effective " @@ -11410,7 +11547,7 @@ "refentrytitle>2." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7189 +#: book.translate.xml:7295 msgid "" "The setuid and setgid permission bits " "may lower system security, by allowing for elevated permissions. The third " @@ -11423,7 +11560,7 @@ "fortalecer a segurança de um sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7195 +#: book.translate.xml:7301 msgid "" "When the sticky bit is set on a directory, it allows file " "deletion only by the file owner. This is useful to prevent file deletion in " @@ -11438,13 +11575,13 @@ "utilizar essa permissão, use o um (1) no início das permissões:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:7202 +#: book.translate.xml:7308 #, no-wrap msgid "# chmod 1777 /tmp" msgstr "# chmod 1777 /tmp" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:7204 +#: book.translate.xml:7310 msgid "" "The sticky bit permission will display as a t at the very end of the permission set:" @@ -11453,29 +11590,29 @@ "literal> no final do conjunto de permissões:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:7208 +#: book.translate.xml:7314 #, no-wrap msgid "# ls -al / | grep tmp" msgstr "# ls -al / | grep tmp" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:7210 +#: book.translate.xml:7316 #, no-wrap msgid "drwxrwxrwt 10 root wheel 512 Aug 31 01:49 tmp" msgstr "drwxrwxrwt 10 root wheel 512 Aug 31 01:49 tmp" #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:7216 +#: book.translate.xml:7322 msgid "Directory Structure" msgstr "Estrutura de Diretórios" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:7218 +#: book.translate.xml:7324 msgid "directory hierarchy" msgstr "directory hierarchy" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7222 +#: book.translate.xml:7328 msgid "" "The FreeBSD directory hierarchy is fundamental to obtaining an overall " "understanding of the system. The most important directory is root or, " @@ -11494,7 +11631,7 @@ "a transição para a operação multi-usuário." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7231 +#: book.translate.xml:7337 msgid "" "A mount point is a directory where additional file systems can be grafted " "onto a parent file system (usually the root file system). This is further " @@ -11525,7 +11662,7 @@ "fstab\"/>." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7246 +#: book.translate.xml:7352 msgid "" "A complete description of the file system hierarchy is available in " "hier7/bin/" msgstr "/bin/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7267 +#: book.translate.xml:7373 msgid "" "User utilities fundamental to both single-user and multi-user environments." msgstr "" "Utilitários de usuário fundamentais para ambientes mono e multi-usuário." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7272 +#: book.translate.xml:7378 msgid "/boot/" msgstr "/boot/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7273 +#: book.translate.xml:7379 msgid "" "Programs and configuration files used during operating system bootstrap." msgstr "" @@ -11574,12 +11711,12 @@ "operacional." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7278 +#: book.translate.xml:7384 msgid "/boot/defaults/" msgstr "/boot/defaults/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7279 +#: book.translate.xml:7385 msgid "" "Default boot configuration files. Refer to " "loader.conf5 para maiores detalhes." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7284 +#: book.translate.xml:7390 msgid "/dev/" msgstr "/dev/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7285 +#: book.translate.xml:7391 msgid "" "Device nodes. Refer to intro4 for details." @@ -11605,22 +11742,22 @@ "citerefentry> para detalhes." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7290 +#: book.translate.xml:7396 msgid "/etc/" msgstr "/etc/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7291 +#: book.translate.xml:7397 msgid "System configuration files and scripts." msgstr "Arquivos de configuração do sistema e scripts." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7295 +#: book.translate.xml:7401 msgid "/etc/defaults/" msgstr "/etc/defaults/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7296 +#: book.translate.xml:7402 msgid "" "Default system configuration files. Refer to " "rc8 para maiores detalhes." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7301 +#: book.translate.xml:7407 msgid "/etc/mail/" msgstr "/etc/mail/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7302 +#: book.translate.xml:7408 msgid "" "Configuration files for mail transport agents such as " "sendmail8." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7307 +#: book.translate.xml:7413 msgid "/etc/periodic/" msgstr "/etc/periodic/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7308 +#: book.translate.xml:7414 msgid "" "Scripts that run daily, weekly, and monthly, via " "cron88 para maiores detalhes." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7314 +#: book.translate.xml:7420 msgid "/etc/ppp/" msgstr "/etc/ppp/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7315 +#: book.translate.xml:7421 msgid "" "ppp8 configuration files." @@ -11679,12 +11816,12 @@ "refentrytitle>8." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7319 +#: book.translate.xml:7425 msgid "/mnt/" msgstr "/mnt/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7320 +#: book.translate.xml:7426 msgid "" "Empty directory commonly used by system administrators as a temporary mount " "point." @@ -11693,12 +11830,12 @@ "ponto de montagem temporário." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7325 +#: book.translate.xml:7431 msgid "/proc/" msgstr "/proc/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7326 +#: book.translate.xml:7432 msgid "" "Process file system. Refer to procfs5, " @@ -11711,12 +11848,12 @@ "refentrytitle>8 para detalhes." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7331 +#: book.translate.xml:7437 msgid "/rescue/" msgstr "/rescue/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7332 +#: book.translate.xml:7438 msgid "" "Statically linked programs for emergency recovery as described in " "rescue8." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7337 +#: book.translate.xml:7443 msgid "/root/" msgstr "/root/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7338 +#: book.translate.xml:7444 msgid "" "Home directory for the root " "account." msgstr "Diretório da conta root." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7344 +#: book.translate.xml:7450 msgid "/sbin/" msgstr "/sbin/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7345 +#: book.translate.xml:7451 msgid "" "System programs and administration utilities fundamental to both single-user " "and multi-user environments." @@ -11753,12 +11890,12 @@ "ambientes mono e multi-usuário." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7351 +#: book.translate.xml:7457 msgid "/tmp/" msgstr "/tmp/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7352 +#: book.translate.xml:7458 msgid "" "Temporary files which are usually not preserved across " "a system reboot. A memory-based file system is often mounted at /" @@ -11778,73 +11915,73 @@ "refentrytitle>8 para maiores detalhes." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7362 +#: book.translate.xml:7468 msgid "/usr/" msgstr "/usr/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7363 +#: book.translate.xml:7469 msgid "The majority of user utilities and applications." msgstr "A maioria dos utilitários e aplicativos do usuário." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7368 +#: book.translate.xml:7474 msgid "/usr/bin/" msgstr "/usr/bin/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7369 +#: book.translate.xml:7475 msgid "Common utilities, programming tools, and applications." msgstr "Utilitários comuns, ferramentas de programação e aplicativos." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7374 +#: book.translate.xml:7480 msgid "/usr/include/" msgstr "/usr/include/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7375 +#: book.translate.xml:7481 msgid "Standard C include files." msgstr "Arquivos para \"include\" do C padrão." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7379 +#: book.translate.xml:7485 msgid "/usr/lib/" msgstr "/usr/lib/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7380 +#: book.translate.xml:7486 msgid "Archive libraries." msgstr "Arquivos de biblioteca." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7385 +#: book.translate.xml:7491 msgid "/usr/libdata/" msgstr "/usr/libdata/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7386 +#: book.translate.xml:7492 msgid "Miscellaneous utility data files." msgstr "Diversos arquivos de dados de utilitários." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7390 +#: book.translate.xml:7496 msgid "/usr/libexec/" msgstr "/usr/libexec/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7391 +#: book.translate.xml:7497 msgid "System daemons and system utilities executed by other programs." msgstr "" "Daemons do sistema e utilitários do sistema executados por outros programas." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7396 +#: book.translate.xml:7502 msgid "/usr/local/" msgstr "/usr/local/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7397 +#: book.translate.xml:7503 msgid "" "Local executables and libraries. Also used as the default destination for " "the FreeBSD ports framework. Within /usr/local, the " @@ -11865,12 +12002,12 @@ "port." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7410 +#: book.translate.xml:7516 msgid "/usr/obj/" msgstr "/usr/obj/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7411 +#: book.translate.xml:7517 msgid "" "Architecture-specific target tree produced by building the /usr/" "src tree." @@ -11879,52 +12016,52 @@ "árvore /usr/src." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7417 +#: book.translate.xml:7523 msgid "/usr/ports/" msgstr "/usr/ports/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7418 +#: book.translate.xml:7524 msgid "The FreeBSD Ports Collection (optional)." msgstr "A Coleção de Ports do FreeBSD (opcional)." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7422 +#: book.translate.xml:7528 msgid "/usr/sbin/" msgstr "/usr/sbin/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7423 +#: book.translate.xml:7529 msgid "System daemons and system utilities executed by users." msgstr "Daemons do sistema e utilitários do sistema executados pelos usuários." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7428 +#: book.translate.xml:7534 msgid "/usr/share/" msgstr "/usr/share/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7429 +#: book.translate.xml:7535 msgid "Architecture-independent files." msgstr "Arquivos independentes de arquitetura." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7433 +#: book.translate.xml:7539 msgid "/usr/src/" msgstr "/usr/src/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7434 +#: book.translate.xml:7540 msgid "BSD and/or local source files." msgstr "Arquivos do código-fonte do BSD." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7438 +#: book.translate.xml:7544 msgid "/var/" msgstr "/var/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7439 +#: book.translate.xml:7545 msgid "" "Multi-purpose log, temporary, transient, and spool files. A memory-based " "file system is sometimes mounted at /var. This can be " @@ -11944,42 +12081,42 @@ "citerefentry> para maiores detalhes." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7450 +#: book.translate.xml:7556 msgid "/var/log/" msgstr "/var/log/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7451 +#: book.translate.xml:7557 msgid "Miscellaneous system log files." msgstr "Diversos arquivos de log do sistema." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7455 +#: book.translate.xml:7561 msgid "/var/mail/" msgstr "/var/mail/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7456 +#: book.translate.xml:7562 msgid "User mailbox files." msgstr "Arquivos de caixa de correio do usuário." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7460 +#: book.translate.xml:7566 msgid "/var/spool/" msgstr "/var/spool/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7461 +#: book.translate.xml:7567 msgid "Miscellaneous printer and mail system spooling directories." msgstr "Diretórios de spooling de impressoras e sistemas de email." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7466 +#: book.translate.xml:7572 msgid "/var/tmp/" msgstr "/var/tmp/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7467 +#: book.translate.xml:7573 msgid "" "Temporary files which are usually preserved across a system reboot, unless " "/var is a memory-based file system." @@ -11989,22 +12126,22 @@ "arquivos baseado em memória." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7474 +#: book.translate.xml:7580 msgid "/var/yp/" msgstr "/var/yp/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7475 +#: book.translate.xml:7581 msgid "NIS maps." msgstr "Mapas de NIS." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:7483 +#: book.translate.xml:7589 msgid "Disk Organization" msgstr "Organização dos Discos" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7485 +#: book.translate.xml:7591 msgid "" "The smallest unit of organization that FreeBSD uses to find files is the " "filename. Filenames are case-sensitive, which means that readme." @@ -12020,7 +12157,7 @@ "dados." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7492 +#: book.translate.xml:7598 msgid "" "Files are stored in directories. A directory may contain no files, or it may " "contain many hundreds of files. A directory can also contain other " @@ -12033,7 +12170,7 @@ "organizar os dados." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7498 +#: book.translate.xml:7604 msgid "" "Files and directories are referenced by giving the file or directory name, " "followed by a forward slash, /, followed by any other " @@ -12060,7 +12197,7 @@ "txt no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7513 +#: book.translate.xml:7619 msgid "" "Directories and files are stored in a file system. Each file system contains " "exactly one directory at the very top level, called the root " @@ -12082,7 +12219,7 @@ "do mesmo disco." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7524 +#: book.translate.xml:7630 msgid "" "Consider three file systems, called A, B, and C. Each file system has one root directory, " @@ -12097,7 +12234,7 @@ "B2 e C1, C2)." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7531 +#: book.translate.xml:7637 msgid "" "Call A the root file system. If " "ls1B on to the directory A1B1 or B2 " "directories can be reached with the path /A1/B1 or " @@ -12203,7 +12340,7 @@ "desmontado de A." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7585 +#: book.translate.xml:7691 msgid "" "If B had been mounted on A2 then the " "diagram would look like this:" @@ -12216,13 +12353,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:7591 +#: book.translate.xml:7697 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='basics/example-dir3' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='basics/example-dir3' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: textobject/literallayout -#: book.translate.xml:7595 +#: book.translate.xml:7701 #, no-wrap msgid "" " /\n" @@ -12246,7 +12383,7 @@ " `--- B2" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7607 +#: book.translate.xml:7713 msgid "" "and the paths would be /A2/B1 and /A2/B2 respectively." @@ -12255,7 +12392,7 @@ "filename> respectivamente." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7612 +#: book.translate.xml:7718 msgid "" "File systems can be mounted on top of one another. Continuing the last " "example, the C file system could be mounted on top of the " @@ -12272,13 +12409,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:7620 +#: book.translate.xml:7726 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='basics/example-dir4' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='basics/example-dir4' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: textobject/literallayout -#: book.translate.xml:7624 +#: book.translate.xml:7730 #, no-wrap msgid "" " /\n" @@ -12310,7 +12447,7 @@ " `--- B2" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7640 +#: book.translate.xml:7746 msgid "" "Or C could be mounted directly on to the A file system, under the A1 directory:" @@ -12323,13 +12460,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:7646 +#: book.translate.xml:7752 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='basics/example-dir5' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='basics/example-dir5' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: textobject/literallayout -#: book.translate.xml:7650 +#: book.translate.xml:7756 #, no-wrap msgid "" " /\n" @@ -12361,7 +12498,7 @@ " `--- B2" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7666 +#: book.translate.xml:7772 msgid "" "It is entirely possible to have one large root file system, and not need to " "create any others. There are some drawbacks to this approach, and one " @@ -12372,12 +12509,12 @@ "uma vantagem." #. (itstool) path: itemizedlist/title -#: book.translate.xml:7671 +#: book.translate.xml:7777 msgid "Benefits of Multiple File Systems" msgstr "Benefícios de vários sistemas de arquivos" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:7674 +#: book.translate.xml:7780 msgid "" "Different file systems can have different mount options. For example, the root file system can be mounted read-only, " @@ -12399,7 +12536,7 @@ "arquivos entrem em vigor, possivelmente melhorando a segurança." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:7688 +#: book.translate.xml:7794 msgid "" "FreeBSD automatically optimizes the layout of files on a file system, " "depending on how the file system is being used. So a file system that " @@ -12415,7 +12552,7 @@ "é quebrada." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:7697 +#: book.translate.xml:7803 msgid "" "FreeBSD's file systems are robust if power is lost. However, a power loss at " "a critical point could still damage the structure of the file system. By " @@ -12429,12 +12566,12 @@ "restauração do backup conforme necessário." #. (itstool) path: itemizedlist/title -#: book.translate.xml:7707 +#: book.translate.xml:7813 msgid "Benefit of a Single File System" msgstr "Benefício de um sistema de arquivos único" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:7710 +#: book.translate.xml:7816 msgid "" "File systems are a fixed size. If you create a file system when you install " "FreeBSD and give it a specific size, you may later discover that you need to " @@ -12449,7 +12586,7 @@ "novo tamanho e, em seguida, restaurando os dados de backup." #. (itstool) path: important/para -#: book.translate.xml:7718 +#: book.translate.xml:7824 msgid "" "FreeBSD features the growfs8 command, which makes " @@ -12462,7 +12599,7 @@ "limitação." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7725 +#: book.translate.xml:7831 msgid "" "File systems are contained in partitions. This does not have the same " "meaning as the common usage of the term partition (for example, swap space to " "provide virtual memory. This allows your computer to " @@ -12501,47 +12638,47 @@ "de volta (removendo alguma outra coisa) quando precisa." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7744 +#: book.translate.xml:7850 msgid "Some partitions have certain conventions associated with them." msgstr "Algumas partições possuem certas convenções associadas a elas." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7754 +#: book.translate.xml:7860 msgid "Partition" msgstr "Partição" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7755 +#: book.translate.xml:7861 msgid "Convention" msgstr "Convenção" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7761 +#: book.translate.xml:7867 msgid "a" msgstr "a" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7762 +#: book.translate.xml:7868 msgid "Normally contains the root file system." msgstr "Normalmente contém o sistema de arquivos raiz." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7766 +#: book.translate.xml:7872 msgid "b" msgstr "b" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7767 +#: book.translate.xml:7873 msgid "Normally contains swap space." msgstr "Normalmente contém espaço de swap." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7771 +#: book.translate.xml:7877 msgid "c" msgstr "c" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7772 +#: book.translate.xml:7878 msgid "" "Normally the same size as the enclosing slice. This allows utilities that " "need to work on the entire slice, such as a bad block scanner, to work on " @@ -12554,12 +12691,12 @@ "arquivos normalmente não seria criado nessa partição." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7780 +#: book.translate.xml:7886 msgid "d" msgstr "d" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7781 +#: book.translate.xml:7887 msgid "" "Partition d used to have a special meaning associated " "with it, although that is now gone and d may work as any " @@ -12570,7 +12707,7 @@ "funcionar como qualquer partição normal." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7790 +#: book.translate.xml:7896 msgid "" "Disks in FreeBSD are divided into slices, referred to in Windows as partitions, which are numbered from 1 " @@ -12583,22 +12720,22 @@ "rotuladas usando letras." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:7795 +#: book.translate.xml:7901 msgid "slices" msgstr "slices" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:7798 book.translate.xml:32046 book.translate.xml:32142 +#: book.translate.xml:7904 book.translate.xml:32300 book.translate.xml:32396 msgid "partitions" msgstr "partitions" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:7801 +#: book.translate.xml:7907 msgid "dangerously dedicated" msgstr "dangerously dedicated" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7805 +#: book.translate.xml:7911 msgid "" "Slice numbers follow the device name, prefixed with an s, " "starting at 1. So da0s1 is the first " @@ -12619,7 +12756,7 @@ "usados por sistemas de arquivos que esperam ocupar uma slice." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7815 +#: book.translate.xml:7921 msgid "" "Slices, dangerously dedicated physical drives, and other " "drives contain partitions, which are represented as " @@ -12640,7 +12777,7 @@ "slice da segunda unidade de disco SATA." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7828 +#: book.translate.xml:7934 msgid "" "Finally, each disk on the system is identified. A disk name starts with a " "code that indicates the type of disk, and then a number, indicating which " @@ -12653,7 +12790,7 @@ "Códigos usuais são listados em ." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7834 +#: book.translate.xml:7940 msgid "" "When referring to a partition, include the disk name, s, " "the slice number, and then the partition letter. Examples are shown in ." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7839 +#: book.translate.xml:7945 msgid "" " shows a conceptual model of a " "disk layout." @@ -12673,7 +12810,7 @@ "um layout de disco." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:7842 +#: book.translate.xml:7948 msgid "" "When installing FreeBSD, configure the disk slices, create partitions within " "the slice to be used for FreeBSD, create a file system or swap space in each " @@ -12684,32 +12821,32 @@ "de swap em cada partição e decida onde cada sistema de arquivos será montado." #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:7848 +#: book.translate.xml:7954 msgid "Disk Device Names" msgstr "Nomes de dispositivos de disco" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7856 +#: book.translate.xml:7962 msgid "Drive Type" msgstr "Tipo de drive" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7857 +#: book.translate.xml:7963 msgid "Drive Device Name" msgstr "Nome do drive" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7863 +#: book.translate.xml:7969 msgid "SATA and IDE hard drives" msgstr "discos rígidos SATA e IDE" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7865 +#: book.translate.xml:7971 msgid "ada or ad" msgstr "ada ou ad" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7870 +#: book.translate.xml:7976 msgid "" "SCSI hard drives and USB storage " "devices" @@ -12718,12 +12855,12 @@ "USB" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7872 +#: book.translate.xml:7978 msgid "da" msgstr "da" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7876 +#: book.translate.xml:7982 msgid "" "SATA and IDE CD-ROM " "drives" @@ -12732,37 +12869,37 @@ "acronym>" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7878 +#: book.translate.xml:7984 msgid "cd or acd" msgstr "cd ou acd" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7883 +#: book.translate.xml:7989 msgid "SCSI CD-ROM drives" msgstr "Unidades SCSI CD-ROM" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7885 +#: book.translate.xml:7991 msgid "cd" msgstr "cd" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7889 +#: book.translate.xml:7995 msgid "Floppy drives" msgstr "Unidades de disquete" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7890 +#: book.translate.xml:7996 msgid "fd" msgstr "fd" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7894 +#: book.translate.xml:8000 msgid "Assorted non-standard CD-ROM drives" msgstr "Unidades de CD-ROM não-padrão variadas" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7896 +#: book.translate.xml:8002 msgid "" "mcd for Mitsumi CD-ROM and " "scd for Sony CD-ROM devices" @@ -12771,32 +12908,32 @@ "scd para dispositivos de CD-ROM Sony" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7902 +#: book.translate.xml:8008 msgid "SCSI tape drives" msgstr "Unidades de fita SCSI" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7903 +#: book.translate.xml:8009 msgid "sa" msgstr "sa" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7907 +#: book.translate.xml:8013 msgid "IDE tape drives" msgstr "Unidades de fita IDE" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7908 +#: book.translate.xml:8014 msgid "ast" msgstr "ast" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7912 +#: book.translate.xml:8018 msgid "RAID drives" msgstr "Drives RAID" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7913 +#: book.translate.xml:8019 msgid "" "Examples include aacd for Adaptec AdvancedRAID, mlxd and " @@ -12815,27 +12952,27 @@ "trademark> RAID." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:7925 +#: book.translate.xml:8031 msgid "Sample Disk, Slice, and Partition Names" msgstr "Exemplo de Nomes de Disco, Slice e Partição" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7934 +#: book.translate.xml:8040 msgid "Name" msgstr "Nome" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7935 book.translate.xml:62633 +#: book.translate.xml:8041 book.translate.xml:63111 msgid "Meaning" msgstr "Significado" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7941 +#: book.translate.xml:8047 msgid "ada0s1a" msgstr "ada0s1a" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7942 +#: book.translate.xml:8048 msgid "" "The first partition (a) on the first slice (s1) on the first SATA disk (ada0)." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7949 +#: book.translate.xml:8055 msgid "da1s2e" msgstr "da1s2e" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:7950 +#: book.translate.xml:8056 msgid "" "The fifth partition (e) on the second slice (s2) on the second SCSI disk (da1)." @@ -12860,16 +12997,16 @@ "literal>) no segundo disco SCSI (da1)." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:7960 +#: book.translate.xml:8066 msgid "Conceptual Model of a Disk" msgstr "Modelo conceitual de um disco" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:7962 +#: book.translate.xml:8068 msgid "" "This diagram shows FreeBSD's view of the first SATA disk " -"attached to the system. Assume that the disk is 250 GB in size, and contains " -"an 80 GB slice and a 170 GB slice (MS-DOSMS-DOS partitions). The first slice contains a Windows NTFS file system, " "C:, and the second slice contains a FreeBSD " @@ -12886,7 +13023,7 @@ "quatro partições de dados e uma partição swap." #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:7972 +#: book.translate.xml:8078 msgid "" "The four partitions each hold a file system. Partition a " "is used for the root file system, d for /var//. /dev, /usr e assim por diante." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:8000 +#: book.translate.xml:8106 msgid "root file system" msgstr "root file system" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:8004 +#: book.translate.xml:8110 msgid "" "There are various reasons to house some of these directories on separate " "file systems. /var contains the directories " @@ -12955,7 +13092,7 @@ "var do / geralmente é vantajoso." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:8015 +#: book.translate.xml:8121 msgid "" "Another common reason to contain certain directory trees on other file " "systems is if they are to be housed on separate physical disks, or are " @@ -12969,19 +13106,19 @@ "unidades de CD-ROM." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:8022 +#: book.translate.xml:8128 msgid "The fstab File" msgstr "O arquivo fstab" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:8024 +#: book.translate.xml:8130 msgid "" "file systems mounted with fstab" msgstr "" "file systems mounted with fstab" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:8029 +#: book.translate.xml:8135 msgid "" "During the boot process (), file systems listed in " "/etc/fstab are automatically mounted except for the " @@ -12994,18 +13131,18 @@ "arquivo contém entradas no seguinte formato:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:8035 +#: book.translate.xml:8141 #, no-wrap msgid "device /mount-point fstype options dumpfreq passno" msgstr "device /mount-point fstype options dumpfreq passno" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:8039 +#: book.translate.xml:8145 msgid "device" msgstr "device" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:8041 +#: book.translate.xml:8147 msgid "" "An existing device name as explained in ." msgstr "" @@ -13013,22 +13150,22 @@ "\"disks-naming\"/>." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:8047 +#: book.translate.xml:8153 msgid "mount-point" msgstr "mount-point" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:8050 +#: book.translate.xml:8156 msgid "An existing directory on which to mount the file system." msgstr "Um diretório existente no qual montar o sistema de arquivos." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:8056 +#: book.translate.xml:8162 msgid "fstype" msgstr "fstype" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:8059 +#: book.translate.xml:8165 msgid "" "The file system type to pass to mount8. The default FreeBSD " @@ -13040,12 +13177,12 @@ "literal>." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:8066 +#: book.translate.xml:8172 msgid "options" msgstr "options" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:8069 +#: book.translate.xml:8175 msgid "" "Either for read-write file systems, or , then the repository configuration file in /" "usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/custom.conf would look like:" msgstr "" "Se a URL para o repositório de pacotes for: http://pkg.example." -"com/10amd64, o arquivo de configuração do repositório em " +"com/11amd64, o arquivo de configuração do repositório em " "/usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/custom.conf ficaria assim:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:10657 +#: book.translate.xml:10843 #, no-wrap msgid "" "custom: {\n" -"\turl: \"\",\n" +"\turl: \"\",\n" "\tenabled: yes,\n" "}" msgstr "" "custom: {\n" -"\turl: \"\",\n" +"\turl: \"\",\n" "\tenabled: yes,\n" "}" #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:10665 +#: book.translate.xml:10851 msgid "Post-Installation Considerations" msgstr "Considerações pós-instalação" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:10667 +#: book.translate.xml:10853 msgid "" "Regardless of whether the software was installed from a binary package or " "port, most third-party applications require some level of configuration " @@ -18267,7 +18551,7 @@ "aplicativo." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10675 +#: book.translate.xml:10861 msgid "" "Most applications install at least one default configuration file in " "/usr/local/etc. In cases where an application has a " @@ -18288,7 +18572,7 @@ ".sample." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10688 +#: book.translate.xml:10874 msgid "" "Applications which provide documentation will install it into /usr/" "local/share/doc and many applications also install manual pages. " @@ -18299,7 +18583,7 @@ "manual. Esta documentação deve ser consultada antes de continuar." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10695 +#: book.translate.xml:10881 msgid "" "Some applications run services which must be added to /etc/rc." "conf before starting the application. These applications usually " @@ -18314,7 +18598,7 @@ "Iniciando Serviços para maiores informações." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:10703 +#: book.translate.xml:10889 msgid "" "By design, applications do not run their startup script upon installation, " "nor do they run their stop script upon deinstallation or upgrade. This " @@ -18325,7 +18609,7 @@ "atualização. Essa decisão é deixada para o administrador do sistema." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10712 +#: book.translate.xml:10898 msgid "" "Users of csh1 should run rehash to rebuild " @@ -18336,7 +18620,7 @@ "reconstruir a lista dos binários conhecidos nos shells PATH." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10718 +#: book.translate.xml:10904 msgid "" "Use pkg info to determine which files, man pages, and " "binaries were installed with the application." @@ -18345,17 +18629,17 @@ "e binários foram instalados com o aplicativo." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:10726 +#: book.translate.xml:10912 msgid "Dealing with Broken Ports" msgstr "Lidando com ports quebrados" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:10728 +#: book.translate.xml:10914 msgid "When a port does not build or install, try the following:" msgstr "Quando um port não é compilado ou instalado, tente o seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10733 +#: book.translate.xml:10919 msgid "" "Search to see if there is a fix pending for the port in the Problem Report database. If so, " @@ -18366,7 +18650,7 @@ "link>. Nesse caso, implementar a correção proposta pode corrigir o problema." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10740 +#: book.translate.xml:10926 msgid "" "Ask the maintainer of the port for help. Type make maintainer in the ports skeleton or read the port's are not maintained by a specific individual. Instead, any fixes and " @@ -18412,7 +18696,7 @@ "lista de discussão. Mais voluntários são sempre necessários!" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10765 +#: book.translate.xml:10951 msgid "" "If there is no response to the email, use Bugzilla to submit a bug report " "using the instructions in ." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10772 +#: book.translate.xml:10958 msgid "" "Fix it! The Porter's Handbook includes detailed " @@ -18439,7 +18723,7 @@ "um erro de compilacao ou até mesmo submeta seu próprio projeto!" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10779 +#: book.translate.xml:10965 msgid "" "Install the package instead of the port using the instructions in ." @@ -18448,12 +18732,12 @@ "\"pkgng-intro\"/>." #. (itstool) path: chapter/title -#: book.translate.xml:10809 +#: book.translate.xml:10995 msgid "The X Window System" msgstr "O sistema X Window" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:10814 +#: book.translate.xml:11000 msgid "" "An installation of FreeBSD using bsdinstall does " "not automatically install a graphical user interface. This chapter describes " @@ -18470,20 +18754,22 @@ "e instalar um ambiente de área de trabalho ou um gerenciador de janelas." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:10823 +#: book.translate.xml:11009 msgid "" "Users who prefer an installation method that automatically configures the " -"Xorg and offers a choice of window managers " -"during installation should refer to the website." +"Xorg should refer to FuryBSD, GhostBSD or MidnightBSD." msgstr "" "Os usuários que preferem um método de instalação que configure " -"automaticamente o Xorg e que ofereça uma grande " -"variedade de opções de gerenciadores de janela durante a instalação devem " -"consultar o web site ." +"automaticamente o Xorg devem consultar FuryBSD, GhostBSD ou MidnightBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:10830 +#: book.translate.xml:11016 msgid "" "For more information on the video hardware that Xorg supports, refer to the x." @@ -18494,19 +18780,19 @@ "\"\">" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10837 +#: book.translate.xml:11023 msgid "" "The various components of the X Window System, and how they interoperate." msgstr "" "Quais são os vários componentes do Sistema X Window e como eles interoperam." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10842 +#: book.translate.xml:11028 msgid "How to install and configure Xorg." msgstr "Como instalar e configurar o Xorg." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10847 +#: book.translate.xml:11033 msgid "" "How to install and configure several window managers and desktop " "environments." @@ -18515,7 +18801,7 @@ "desktop." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10852 +#: book.translate.xml:11038 msgid "" "How to use TrueType fonts in " "Xorg." @@ -18524,7 +18810,7 @@ "Xorg." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10857 +#: book.translate.xml:11043 msgid "" "How to set up your system for graphical logins (XDM)." @@ -18533,7 +18819,7 @@ "(XDM)." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10866 +#: book.translate.xml:11052 msgid "" "Know how to install additional third-party software as described in ." @@ -18542,12 +18828,12 @@ "." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:10873 +#: book.translate.xml:11059 msgid "Terminology" msgstr "Terminologia" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:10875 +#: book.translate.xml:11061 msgid "" "While it is not necessary to understand all of the details of the various " "components in the X Window System and how they interact, some basic " @@ -18558,12 +18844,12 @@ "componentes pode ser útil." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:10882 +#: book.translate.xml:11068 msgid "X server" msgstr "Servidor X" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10885 +#: book.translate.xml:11071 msgid "" "X was designed from the beginning to be network-centric, and adopts a " "client-server model. In this model, the X serverXTerm or " "Firefox, is a client. A client " @@ -18608,7 +18894,7 @@ "O usuário apenas clicou no botão OK." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10914 +#: book.translate.xml:11100 msgid "" "In a home or small office environment, the X server and the X clients " "commonly run on the same computer. It is also possible to run the X server " @@ -18623,12 +18909,12 @@ "entre o cliente X e o servidor ocorre através da rede." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:10924 +#: book.translate.xml:11110 msgid "window manager" msgstr "Gerenciador de janelas" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10927 +#: book.translate.xml:11113 msgid "" "X does not dictate what windows should look like on-screen, how to move them " "around with the mouse, which keystrokes should be used to move between " @@ -18658,7 +18944,7 @@ "filename> da coleção de ports." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10943 +#: book.translate.xml:11129 msgid "" "Each window manager uses a different configuration mechanism. Some expect " "configuration file written by hand while others provide graphical tools for " @@ -18670,12 +18956,12 @@ "configuração." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:10951 +#: book.translate.xml:11137 msgid "desktop environment" msgstr "Ambiente de desktop" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10954 +#: book.translate.xml:11140 msgid "" "KDE and GNOME are " "considered to be desktop environments as they include an entire suite of " @@ -18688,12 +18974,12 @@ "pacotes de escritório, navegadores da web e jogos." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:10963 +#: book.translate.xml:11149 msgid "focus policy" msgstr "Política de foco" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10966 +#: book.translate.xml:11152 msgid "" "The window manager is responsible for the mouse focus policy. This policy " "provides some means for choosing which window is actively receiving " @@ -18706,7 +18992,7 @@ "janela está ativa no momento." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10972 +#: book.translate.xml:11158 msgid "" "One focus policy is called click-to-focus. In this model, a " "window becomes active upon receiving a mouse click. In the focus-" @@ -18736,7 +19022,7 @@ "janela." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:10990 +#: book.translate.xml:11176 msgid "" "Different window managers support different focus models. All of them " "support click-to-focus, and the majority of them also support other " @@ -18749,12 +19035,12 @@ "quais modelos de foco estão disponíveis." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:10999 +#: book.translate.xml:11185 msgid "widgets" msgstr "Widgets" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11002 +#: book.translate.xml:11188 msgid "" "Widget is a term for all of the items in the user interface that can be " "clicked or manipulated in some way. This includes buttons, check boxes, " @@ -18776,12 +19062,12 @@ "aplicativo." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:11019 +#: book.translate.xml:11205 msgid "Installing Xorg" msgstr "Instalando o Xorg" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:11021 +#: book.translate.xml:11207 msgid "" "On FreeBSD, Xorg can be installed as a package or " "port." @@ -18790,7 +19076,7 @@ "pacote ou port." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:11024 +#: book.translate.xml:11210 msgid "" "The binary package can be installed quickly but with fewer options for " "customization:" @@ -18799,18 +19085,18 @@ "personalização:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:11027 +#: book.translate.xml:11213 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install xorg" msgstr "# pkg install xorg" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:11029 +#: book.translate.xml:11215 msgid "To build and install from the Ports Collection:" msgstr "Para compilar e instalar a partir da Coleção de Ports:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:11031 +#: book.translate.xml:11217 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/x11/xorg\n" @@ -18820,7 +19106,7 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:11034 +#: book.translate.xml:11220 msgid "" "Either of these installations results in the complete Xorg system being installed. Binary packages are the best option for " @@ -18831,7 +19117,7 @@ "melhor opção para a maioria dos usuários." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:11038 +#: book.translate.xml:11224 msgid "" "A smaller version of the X system suitable for experienced users is " "available in x11/xorg-minimal. Most of the documents, " @@ -18844,38 +19130,38 @@ "esses componentes adicionais para funcionarem." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:11046 +#: book.translate.xml:11232 msgid "Xorg Configuration" msgstr "Configuração do Xorg" -#. (itstool) path: info/author -#: book.translate.xml:11049 +#. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author +#: book.translate.xml:11236 book.translate.xml:36864 msgid "" " Warren Block Originally contributed by" +"personname> Originally contributed by " msgstr "" " Warren Block Originalmente contribuído por" +"personname> Originalmente contribuído por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:11058 +#: book.translate.xml:11246 msgid "Xorg" msgstr "Xorg" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:11059 +#: book.translate.xml:11247 msgid "Xorg" msgstr "Xorg" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:11062 book.translate.xml:16972 book.translate.xml:45740 -#: book.translate.xml:62392 +#: book.translate.xml:11250 book.translate.xml:17166 book.translate.xml:46019 +#: book.translate.xml:62870 msgid "Quick Start" msgstr "Inicio Rápido" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11064 +#: book.translate.xml:11252 msgid "" "Xorg supports most common video cards, keyboards, " "and pointing devices." @@ -18884,7 +19170,7 @@ "dispositivos USB mais comuns." #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:11068 +#: book.translate.xml:11256 msgid "" "Video cards, monitors, and input devices are automatically detected and do " "not require any manual configuration. Do not create xorg.conf a menos que a configuração automática falhe." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:11077 +#: book.translate.xml:11265 msgid "" "If Xorg has been used on this computer before, " "move or remove any existing configuration files:" @@ -18906,7 +19192,7 @@ "antes, mova ou remova qualquer arquivo de configuração existente:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:11081 +#: book.translate.xml:11269 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/xorg.conf.etc\n" @@ -18916,41 +19202,42 @@ "# mv /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/xorg.conf.localetc" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:11086 +#: book.translate.xml:11274 msgid "" -"Add the user who will run Xorg to the " -"video or wheel group to enable 3D " -"acceleration when available. To add user jru to " -"whichever group is available:" +"Add the user who will run Xorg to the video or wheel group to enable 3D acceleration when available. To add " +"user jru to whichever group is available:" msgstr "" "Adicione o usuário que executará o Xorg ao grupo " -"video ou wheel para ativar a " -"aceleração 3D quando disponível. Para adicionar o usuário jru ao grupo que estiver disponível:" +"video ou wheel para ativar a aceleração 3D quando " +"disponível. Para adicionar o usuário jru ao grupo " +"que estiver disponível:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:11094 +#: book.translate.xml:11282 #, no-wrap msgid "# pw groupmod video -m jru || pw groupmod wheel -m jru" msgstr "# pw groupmod video -m jru || pw groupmod wheel -m jru" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:11098 +#: book.translate.xml:11286 msgid "" -"The TWM window manager is included by default. It is " -"started when Xorg starts:" +"The twm window manager is included by default. It " +"is started when Xorg starts:" msgstr "" -"O gerenciador de janelas TWM é incluído por padrão. Ele " -"é iniciado quando o Xorg é iniciado:" +"O gerenciador de janelas twm é incluído por padrão. Ele " +"é chamado quando o Xorg se inicia:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:11102 +#: book.translate.xml:11290 #, no-wrap msgid "% startx" msgstr "% startx" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:11106 +#: book.translate.xml:11294 msgid "" "On some older versions of FreeBSD, the system console must be set to " "vt4." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:11115 +#: book.translate.xml:11303 msgid "User Group for Accelerated Video" msgstr "Grupo de Usuários para Vídeo Acelerado" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11117 +#: book.translate.xml:11305 msgid "" "Access to /dev/dri is needed to allow 3D acceleration " "on video cards. It is usually simplest to add the user who will be running X " -"to either the video or wheel group. " -"Here, pw8 is used to add user slurms to the video group, or to the " -"wheel group if there is no video group:" +"to either the video or " +"wheel group. Here, " +"pw8 is used to add user slurms to the " +"video group, or to the " +"wheel group if there is no " +"video group:" msgstr "" "O acesso ao /dev/dri é necessário para permitir a " "aceleração 3D nas placas de vídeo. Geralmente é mais simples adicionar o " -"usuário que estará executando o X no grupo video ou no " -"wheel. Aqui, o pwvideo ou no wheel. Aqui, o pw8 é usado para " -"adicionar o usuário slurms ao grupo " -"video, ou ao grupo wheel se não houver " -"nenhum grupo video:" +"adicionar o usuário slurms ao grupo video, ou ao grupo wheel se não houver nenhum grupo video:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:11127 +#: book.translate.xml:11315 #, no-wrap msgid "# pw groupmod video -m slurms || pw groupmod wheel -m slurms" msgstr "# pw groupmod video -m slurms || pw groupmod wheel -m slurms" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:11131 +#: book.translate.xml:11319 msgid "Kernel Mode Setting (KMS)" msgstr "Configuração do Modo Kernel (KMS)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11133 +#: book.translate.xml:11321 msgid "" "When the computer switches from displaying the console to a higher screen " "resolution for X, it must set the video output mode. " @@ -19024,7 +19315,7 @@ "manvolnum> mais recente evita esse problema." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11144 +#: book.translate.xml:11332 msgid "" "Add this line to /boot/loader.conf to enable " "vt4:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:11147 +#: book.translate.xml:11335 #, no-wrap msgid "kern.vty=vt" msgstr "kern.vty=vt" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:11151 book.translate.xml:21103 book.translate.xml:31616 +#: book.translate.xml:11339 book.translate.xml:21297 book.translate.xml:31870 msgid "Configuration Files" msgstr "Arquivos de Configuração" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11153 +#: book.translate.xml:11341 msgid "" "Manual configuration is usually not necessary. Please do not manually create " "configuration files unless autoconfiguration does not work." @@ -19057,7 +19348,7 @@ "funcione." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:11160 +#: book.translate.xml:11348 msgid "" "Xorg looks in several directories for " "configuration files. /usr/local/etc/X11/ is the " @@ -19071,7 +19362,7 @@ "operacional." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:11167 +#: book.translate.xml:11355 msgid "" "Storing configuration files in the legacy /etc/X11/ " "still works. However, this mixes application files with the base FreeBSD " @@ -19082,12 +19373,12 @@ "com os arquivos básicos do FreeBSD e não é recomendado." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:11174 +#: book.translate.xml:11362 msgid "Single or Multiple Files" msgstr "Arquivos Únicos ou Múltiplos" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:11176 +#: book.translate.xml:11364 msgid "" "It is easier to use multiple files that each configure a specific setting " "than the traditional single xorg.conf. These files are " @@ -19103,12 +19394,12 @@ "filename>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:11184 +#: book.translate.xml:11372 msgid "Examples of these files are shown later in this section." msgstr "Exemplos desses arquivos serão mostrados posteriormente nesta seção." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:11187 +#: book.translate.xml:11375 msgid "" "The traditional single xorg.conf still works, but is " "neither as clear nor as flexible as multiple files in the xorg." @@ -19119,12 +19410,12 @@ "subdiretório xorg.conf.d/." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:11195 +#: book.translate.xml:11383 msgid "Video Cards" msgstr "Placas de Vídeo" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11197 +#: book.translate.xml:11385 msgid "" "Because of changes made in recent versions of FreeBSD, it is now possible to " "use graphics drivers provided by the Ports framework or as packages. As " @@ -19137,64 +19428,65 @@ "disponíveis em graphics/drm-kmod." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:11205 +#: book.translate.xml:11393 msgid "Intel KMS driver" msgstr "Intel KMS driver" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:11206 +#: book.translate.xml:11394 msgid "Radeon KMS driver" msgstr "Radeon KMS driver" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:11207 +#: book.translate.xml:11395 msgid "AMD KMS driver" msgstr "AMD KMS driver" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11210 +#: book.translate.xml:11398 msgid "" "2D and 3D acceleration is supported on most Intel KMS driver graphics cards " -"provided by Intel." +"provided by Intel." msgstr "" "A aceleração 2D e 3D é suportada na maioria das placas gráficas do driver " -"Intel KMS fornecidas pela Intel." +"Intel KMS fornecidas pela Intel." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11213 +#: book.translate.xml:11401 msgid "Driver name: i915kms" msgstr "Nome do driver: i915kms" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11215 +#: book.translate.xml:11403 msgid "" "2D and 3D acceleration is supported on most older Radeon KMS driver graphics " -"cards provided by AMD." +"cards provided by AMD." msgstr "" "A aceleração 2D e 3D é suportada na maioria das placas gráficas de driver " -"Radeon KMS mais antigas fornecidas pela AMD." +"Radeon KMS mais antigas fornecidas pela AMD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11218 +#: book.translate.xml:11406 msgid "Driver name: radeonkms" msgstr "Nome do Driver: radeonkms" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11220 +#: book.translate.xml:11408 msgid "" "2D and 3D acceleration is supported on most newer AMD KMS driver graphics " -"cards provided by AMD." +"cards provided by AMD.." msgstr "" "A aceleração 2D e 3D é suportada nas mais recentes placas gráficas do driver " -"AMD KMS fornecidas pela AMD." +"AMD KMS fornecidas pela AMD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11223 +#: book.translate.xml:11411 msgid "Driver name: amdgpu" msgstr "Nome do Driver: amdgpu" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11225 +#: book.translate.xml:11413 msgid "" "For reference, please see or Intel" msgstr "Intel" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11235 +#: book.translate.xml:11423 msgid "" "3D acceleration is supported on most Intel graphics up to Ivy Bridge (HD Graphics 2500, 4000, and P4000), " @@ -19224,12 +19516,12 @@ "2000) ." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11240 +#: book.translate.xml:11428 msgid "Driver name: intel" msgstr "Nome do driver: intel" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11242 +#: book.translate.xml:11430 msgid "" "For reference, see ." @@ -19238,12 +19530,12 @@ "List_of_Intel_graphics_processing_units\"/>." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:11247 +#: book.translate.xml:11435 msgid "AMD Radeon" msgstr "AMD Radeon" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11250 +#: book.translate.xml:11438 msgid "" "2D and 3D acceleration is supported on Radeon cards up to and including the " "HD6000 series." @@ -19252,12 +19544,12 @@ "HD6000." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11253 +#: book.translate.xml:11441 msgid "Driver name: radeon" msgstr "Nome do Driver: radeon" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11255 +#: book.translate.xml:11443 msgid "" "For reference, see ." @@ -19266,12 +19558,12 @@ "List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units\"/>." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:11260 +#: book.translate.xml:11448 msgid "NVIDIA" msgstr "NVIDIA" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11263 +#: book.translate.xml:11451 msgid "" "Several NVIDIA drivers are available in the x11 " "category of the Ports Collection. Install the driver that matches the video " @@ -19282,7 +19574,7 @@ "de vídeo." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11268 +#: book.translate.xml:11456 msgid "" "For reference, see ." @@ -19291,12 +19583,12 @@ "List_of_Nvidia_graphics_processing_units\"/>." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:11273 +#: book.translate.xml:11461 msgid "Hybrid Combination Graphics" msgstr "Gráficos Híbridos de Combinação" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11276 +#: book.translate.xml:11464 msgid "" "Some notebook computers add additional graphics processing units to those " "built into the chipset or processor. Optimus combines " @@ -19317,7 +19609,7 @@ "\"registered\">AMD Radeon." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11285 +#: book.translate.xml:11473 msgid "" "Implementations of these hybrid graphics systems vary, and " "Xorg on FreeBSD is not able to drive all versions " @@ -19328,7 +19620,7 @@ "versões deles." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11289 +#: book.translate.xml:11477 msgid "" "Some computers provide a BIOS option to disable one of " "the graphics adapters or select a discrete mode which " @@ -19347,7 +19639,7 @@ "\"registered\">Intel." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11298 +#: book.translate.xml:11486 msgid "" "BIOS settings depend on the model of computer. In some " "situations, both GPUs can be left enabled, but creating a " @@ -19361,12 +19653,12 @@ "suficiente para tornar esse sistema funcional." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:11309 +#: book.translate.xml:11497 msgid "Other Video Cards" msgstr "Outras placas de vídeo" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11312 +#: book.translate.xml:11500 msgid "" "Drivers for some less-common video cards can be found in the x11-" "drivers directory of the Ports Collection." @@ -19375,7 +19667,7 @@ "diretório x11-drivers da Coleção de Ports." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11316 +#: book.translate.xml:11504 msgid "" "Cards that are not supported by a specific driver might still be usable with " "the x11-drivers/xf86-video-vesa driver. This driver is " @@ -19392,7 +19684,7 @@ "específico não é encontrado para a placa de vídeo." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11326 +#: book.translate.xml:11514 msgid "" "x11-drivers/xf86-video-scfb is a similar nonspecialized " "video driver that works on many UEFI and e ARM." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:11333 +#: book.translate.xml:11521 msgid "Setting the Video Driver in a File" msgstr "Configurando o driver de vídeo em um arquivo" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11336 +#: book.translate.xml:11524 msgid "" "To set the Intel driver in a " "configuration file:" @@ -19417,7 +19709,7 @@ "um arquivo de configuração:" #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:11340 +#: book.translate.xml:11528 msgid "" "Select Intel Video Driver in a " "File" @@ -19426,12 +19718,12 @@ "trademark> em um arquivo" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:11342 +#: book.translate.xml:11530 msgid "/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/driver-intel.conf" msgstr "/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/driver-intel.conf" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:11344 +#: book.translate.xml:11532 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Section \"Device\"\n" @@ -19447,7 +19739,7 @@ "EndSection" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:11350 +#: book.translate.xml:11538 msgid "" "If more than one video card is present, the BusID " "identifier can be uncommented and set to select the desired card. A list of " @@ -19461,22 +19753,22 @@ "command>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11358 +#: book.translate.xml:11546 msgid "To set the Radeon driver in a configuration file:" msgstr "Para definir o driver Radeon em um arquivo de configuração:" #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:11362 +#: book.translate.xml:11550 msgid "Select Radeon Video Driver in a File" msgstr "Selecione o driver de vídeo Radeon em um arquivo" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:11364 +#: book.translate.xml:11552 msgid "/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/driver-radeon.conf" msgstr "/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/driver-radeon.conf" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:11366 +#: book.translate.xml:11554 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Section \"Device\"\n" @@ -19490,23 +19782,23 @@ "EndSection" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11372 +#: book.translate.xml:11560 msgid "To set the VESA driver in a configuration file:" msgstr "" "Para definir o driver VESA em um arquivo de configuração:" #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:11376 +#: book.translate.xml:11564 msgid "Select VESA Video Driver in a File" msgstr "Selecione o driver de vídeo VESA em um arquivo" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:11379 +#: book.translate.xml:11567 msgid "/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/driver-vesa.conf" msgstr "/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/driver-vesa.conf" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:11381 +#: book.translate.xml:11569 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Section \"Device\"\n" @@ -19520,7 +19812,7 @@ "EndSection" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11387 +#: book.translate.xml:11575 msgid "" "To set the scfb driver for use with a UEFI or ARM computer:" @@ -19529,17 +19821,17 @@ "UEFI ou ARM:" #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:11391 +#: book.translate.xml:11579 msgid "Select scfb Video Driver in a File" msgstr "Selecione o driver de vídeo scfb em um arquivo" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:11394 +#: book.translate.xml:11582 msgid "/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/driver-scfb.conf" msgstr "/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/driver-scfb.conf" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:11396 +#: book.translate.xml:11584 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Section \"Device\"\n" @@ -19553,12 +19845,12 @@ "EndSection" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:11407 +#: book.translate.xml:11595 msgid "Monitors" msgstr "Monitores" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11409 +#: book.translate.xml:11597 msgid "" "Almost all monitors support the Extended Display Identification Data " "standard (EDID). Xorg uses " @@ -19573,7 +19865,7 @@ "combinação mais adequada de configurações para usar com esse monitor." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11417 +#: book.translate.xml:11605 msgid "" "Other resolutions supported by the monitor can be chosen by setting the " "desired resolution in configuration files, or after the X server has been " @@ -19586,7 +19878,7 @@ "refentrytitle>1 ." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:11424 +#: book.translate.xml:11612 msgid "" "Using xrandr1" @@ -19595,7 +19887,7 @@ "refentrytitle>1" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11427 +#: book.translate.xml:11615 msgid "" "Run xrandr1 without any parameters " @@ -19606,7 +19898,7 @@ "para ver uma lista de saídas de vídeo e modos de monitor detectados:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/screen -#: book.translate.xml:11430 +#: book.translate.xml:11618 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% xrandr\n" @@ -19642,7 +19934,7 @@ "HDMI-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11446 +#: book.translate.xml:11634 msgid "" "This shows that the DVI-0 output is being used to display " "a screen resolution of 1920x1200 pixels at a refresh rate of about 60 Hz. " @@ -19655,7 +19947,7 @@ "DisplayPort-0 e HDMI-0." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11453 +#: book.translate.xml:11641 msgid "" "Any of the other display modes can be selected with xrandr1% xrandr --mode 1280x1024 --rate 60" msgstr "% xrandr --mode 1280x1024 --rate 60" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11459 +#: book.translate.xml:11647 msgid "" "A common task is using the external video output on a notebook computer for " "a video projector." @@ -19682,7 +19974,7 @@ "projetor de vídeo." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11462 +#: book.translate.xml:11650 msgid "" "The type and quantity of output connectors varies between devices, and the " "name given to each output varies from driver to driver. What one driver " @@ -19699,7 +19991,7 @@ "citerefentry> para listar todas as saídas disponíveis:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/screen -#: book.translate.xml:11470 +#: book.translate.xml:11658 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% xrandr\n" @@ -19741,7 +20033,7 @@ "DP1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11489 +#: book.translate.xml:11677 msgid "" "Four outputs were found: the built-in panel LVDS1, and " "external VGA1, HDMI1, and " @@ -19752,7 +20044,7 @@ "do painel interno." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11494 +#: book.translate.xml:11682 msgid "" "The projector has been connected to the VGA1 output. " "xrandr% xrandr --output VGA1 --auto --right-of LVDS1" msgstr "% xrandr --output VGA1 --auto --right-of LVDS1" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11502 +#: book.translate.xml:11690 msgid "" "--auto chooses the resolution and refresh rate detected " "by EDID. If the resolution is not correctly detected, a " @@ -19790,7 +20082,7 @@ "definida com --mode 1024x768." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11511 +#: book.translate.xml:11699 msgid "" "xrandr1 is often run from " @@ -19802,30 +20094,30 @@ "quando o X é iniciado." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:11518 +#: book.translate.xml:11706 msgid "Setting Monitor Resolution in a File" msgstr "Configurando a resolução do monitor em um arquivo" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11521 +#: book.translate.xml:11709 msgid "To set a screen resolution of 1024x768 in a configuration file:" msgstr "" "Para definir uma resolução de tela de 1024x768 em um arquivo de configuração:" #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:11525 +#: book.translate.xml:11713 msgid "Set Screen Resolution in a File" msgstr "Defina a resolução de tela em um arquivo" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:11527 +#: book.translate.xml:11715 msgid "" "/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/screen-resolution.conf" msgstr "" "/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/screen-resolution.conf" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:11529 +#: book.translate.xml:11717 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Section \"Screen\"\n" @@ -19845,7 +20137,7 @@ "EndSection" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11538 +#: book.translate.xml:11726 msgid "" "The few monitors that do not have EDID can be configured " "by setting HorizSync and VertRefresh " @@ -19857,17 +20149,17 @@ "pelo monitor." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:11545 +#: book.translate.xml:11733 msgid "Manually Setting Monitor Frequencies" msgstr "Configurando Manualmente as Frequências do Monitor" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:11547 +#: book.translate.xml:11735 msgid "/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/monitor0-freq.conf" msgstr "/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/monitor0-freq.conf" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:11549 +#: book.translate.xml:11737 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Section \"Monitor\"\n" @@ -19883,22 +20175,22 @@ "EndSection" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:11561 +#: book.translate.xml:11749 msgid "Input Devices" msgstr "Dispositivos de Entrada" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:11564 +#: book.translate.xml:11752 msgid "Keyboards" msgstr "Teclados" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:11568 +#: book.translate.xml:11756 msgid "Keyboard Layout" msgstr "Layout do Teclado" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11571 +#: book.translate.xml:11759 msgid "" "The standardized location of keys on a keyboard is called a " "layout. Layouts and other adjustable parameters are " @@ -19911,7 +20203,7 @@ "config 7." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11576 +#: book.translate.xml:11764 msgid "" "A United States layout is the default. To select an alternate layout, set " "the XkbLayout and XkbVariant options " @@ -19924,53 +20216,43 @@ "aplicado a todos os dispositivos de entrada que correspondam à classe." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11583 -msgid "" -"This example selects a French keyboard layout with the oss variant." -msgstr "" -"Este exemplo seleciona um layout de teclado francês com a variante " -"oss." +#: book.translate.xml:11771 +msgid "This example selects a French keyboard layout." +msgstr "Este exemplo seleciona um layout de teclado Francês." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:11587 +#: book.translate.xml:11775 msgid "Setting a Keyboard Layout" msgstr "Definindo um layout de teclado" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:11589 -msgid "" -"/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/keyboard-fr-oss.conf" -msgstr "" -"/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/keyboard-fr-oss.conf" +#: book.translate.xml:11777 +msgid "/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/keyboard-fr.conf" +msgstr "/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/keyboard-fr.conf" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:11591 +#: book.translate.xml:11779 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Section\t\"InputClass\"\n" "\tIdentifier\t\"KeyboardDefaults\"\n" -"\tDriver\t\t\"keyboard\"\n" "\tMatchIsKeyboard\t\"on\"\n" "\tOption\t\t\"XkbLayout\" \"fr\"\n" -"\tOption\t\t\"XkbVariant\" \"oss\"\n" "EndSection" msgstr "" "Section\t\"InputClass\"\n" "\tIdentifier\t\"KeyboardDefaults\"\n" -"\tDriver\t\t\"keyboard\"\n" "\tMatchIsKeyboard\t\"on\"\n" "\tOption\t\t\"XkbLayout\" \"fr\"\n" -"\tOption\t\t\"XkbVariant\" \"oss\"\n" "EndSection" #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:11601 +#: book.translate.xml:11787 msgid "Setting Multiple Keyboard Layouts" msgstr "Definindo vários layouts de teclado" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:11603 +#: book.translate.xml:11789 msgid "" "Set United States, Spanish, and Ukrainian keyboard layouts. Cycle through " "these layouts by pressing Alt " @@ -19985,14 +20267,14 @@ "controle da mudança de layout e dos indicadores do layout atual." #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:11614 +#: book.translate.xml:11800 msgid "" "/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/kbd-layout-multi.conf" msgstr "" "/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/kbd-layout-multi.conf" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:11616 +#: book.translate.xml:11802 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Section\t\"InputClass\"\n" @@ -20008,12 +20290,12 @@ "EndSection" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:11626 +#: book.translate.xml:11812 msgid "Closing Xorg From the Keyboard" msgstr "Fechando o Xorg pelo teclado" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:11630 +#: book.translate.xml:11816 msgid "" "X can be closed with a combination of keys. By default, that key combination " "is not set because it conflicts with keyboard commands for some " @@ -20026,40 +20308,51 @@ "seção InputDevice do teclado:" #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:11638 +#: book.translate.xml:11824 msgid "Enabling Keyboard Exit from X" msgstr "Ativando o fechamento de X pelo teclado" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:11640 +#: book.translate.xml:11826 msgid "/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/keyboard-zap.conf" msgstr "/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/keyboard-zap.conf" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:11642 +#: book.translate.xml:11828 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Section\t\"InputClass\"\n" "\tIdentifier\t\"KeyboardDefaults\"\n" -"\tDriver\t\t\"keyboard\"\n" "\tMatchIsKeyboard\t\"on\"\n" "\tOption\t\t\"XkbOptions\" \"terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp\"\n" "EndSection" msgstr "" "Section\t\"InputClass\"\n" "\tIdentifier\t\"KeyboardDefaults\"\n" -"\tDriver\t\t\"keyboard\"\n" "\tMatchIsKeyboard\t\"on\"\n" "\tOption\t\t\"XkbOptions\" \"terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp\"\n" "EndSection" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:11655 +#: book.translate.xml:11840 msgid "Mice and Pointing Devices" msgstr "Mouse e Dispositivos Similares" +#. (itstool) path: important/para +#: book.translate.xml:11843 +msgid "" +"If using xorg-server 1.20.8 or later under FreeBSD 12.1 " +"and not using moused8, add kern." +"evdev.rcpt_mask=12 to /etc/sysctl.conf." +msgstr "" +"Se ao usar xorg-server 1.20.8 ou maior no FreeBSD 12.1 e " +"não usar moused8, adicione kern.evdev.rcpt_mask=12 ao arquivo /etc/sysctl.conf:" + #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:11657 +#: book.translate.xml:11850 msgid "" "Many mouse parameters can be adjusted with configuration options. See " "mousedrvInputDevice section of xorg.conf. To " @@ -20087,18 +20380,18 @@ "definir o número de botões para 7:" #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:11671 +#: book.translate.xml:11864 msgid "Setting the Number of Mouse Buttons" msgstr "Definindo o número de botões do mouse" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:11673 +#: book.translate.xml:11866 msgid "/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/mouse0-buttons.conf" msgstr "" "/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/mouse0-buttons.conf" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:11675 +#: book.translate.xml:11868 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Section \"InputDevice\"\n" @@ -20112,7 +20405,7 @@ "EndSection" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11689 +#: book.translate.xml:11882 msgid "" "In some cases, Xorg autoconfiguration does not " "work with particular hardware, or a different configuration is desired. For " @@ -20124,7 +20417,7 @@ "ser criado." #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:11695 +#: book.translate.xml:11888 msgid "" "Do not create manual configuration files unless required. Unnecessary manual " "configuration can prevent proper operation." @@ -20133,7 +20426,7 @@ "A configuração manual desnecessária pode impedir o funcionamento adequado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11700 +#: book.translate.xml:11893 msgid "" "A configuration file can be generated by Xorg " "based on the detected hardware. This file is often a useful starting point " @@ -20144,33 +20437,35 @@ "ponto de partida útil para configurações personalizadas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11705 +#: book.translate.xml:11898 msgid "Generating an xorg.conf:" msgstr "Gerando um arquivo xorg.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:11707 +#: book.translate.xml:11900 #, no-wrap msgid "# Xorg -configure" msgstr "# Xorg -configure" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11709 +#: book.translate.xml:11902 msgid "" "The configuration file is saved to /root/ " -"Make any changes desired, then test that file with:" +"Make any changes desired, then test that file (using " +"so there is a visible background) with:" msgstr "" "O arquivo de configuração é salvo em /root/ Faça as alterações desejadas e teste esse arquivo com:" +"filename>. Faça as alterações desejadas e teste esse arquivo(usando assim será exibido um fundo visível) com:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:11713 +#: book.translate.xml:11907 #, no-wrap -msgid "# Xorg -config /root/" -msgstr "# Xorg -config /root/" +msgid "# Xorg -retro -config /root/" +msgstr "# Xorg -retro -config /root/" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11715 +#: book.translate.xml:11909 msgid "" "After the new configuration has been adjusted and tested, it can be split " "into smaller files in the normal location, /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg." @@ -20181,17 +20476,17 @@ "filename>." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:11733 +#: book.translate.xml:11927 msgid "Using Fonts in Xorg" msgstr "Usando fontes no Xorg" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:11736 +#: book.translate.xml:11930 msgid "Type1 Fonts" msgstr "Fontes Type1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11738 +#: book.translate.xml:11932 msgid "" "The default fonts that ship with Xorg are less " "than ideal for typical desktop publishing applications. Large presentation " @@ -20234,7 +20529,7 @@ "\"truetype\"/>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11757 +#: book.translate.xml:11951 msgid "" "To install the above Type1 font collections from binary packages, run the " "following commands:" @@ -20243,13 +20538,13 @@ "os seguintes comandos:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:11760 +#: book.translate.xml:11954 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install urwfonts" msgstr "# pkg install urwfonts" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11762 +#: book.translate.xml:11956 msgid "" "Alternatively, to build from the Ports Collection, run the following " "commands:" @@ -20258,7 +20553,7 @@ "seguintes comandos:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:11765 +#: book.translate.xml:11959 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/x11-fonts/urwfonts\n" @@ -20268,7 +20563,7 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11768 +#: book.translate.xml:11962 msgid "" "And likewise with the freefont or other collections. To have the X server " "detect these fonts, add an appropriate line to the X server configuration " @@ -20279,18 +20574,18 @@ "configuração do servidor X (/etc/X11/xorg.conf):" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:11773 +#: book.translate.xml:11967 #, no-wrap msgid "FontPath \"/usr/local/share/fonts/urwfonts/\"" msgstr "FontPath \"/usr/local/share/fonts/urwfonts/\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11775 +#: book.translate.xml:11969 msgid "Alternatively, at the command line in the X session run:" msgstr "Alternativamente, na linha de comando de execução da sessão X:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:11778 +#: book.translate.xml:11972 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% xset fp+ /usr/local/share/fonts/urwfonts\n" @@ -20300,7 +20595,7 @@ "% xset fp rehash" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11781 +#: book.translate.xml:11975 msgid "" "This will work but will be lost when the X session is closed, unless it is " "added to the startup file (~/.xinitrc for a normal " @@ -20318,22 +20613,22 @@ "\"antialias\"/>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:11793 +#: book.translate.xml:11987 msgid "TrueType Fonts" msgstr "Fontes TrueType" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:11795 +#: book.translate.xml:11989 msgid "TrueType Fonts" msgstr "TrueType Fonts" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:11798 +#: book.translate.xml:11992 msgid "fonts TrueType" msgstr "fonts TrueType" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11803 +#: book.translate.xml:11997 msgid "" "Xorg has built in support for rendering " "TrueType fonts. There are two " @@ -20352,13 +20647,13 @@ "xorg.conf." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:11811 +#: book.translate.xml:12005 #, no-wrap msgid "Load \"freetype\"" msgstr "Load \"freetype\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11813 +#: book.translate.xml:12007 msgid "" "Now make a directory for the TrueType fonts (for example, /usr/local/share/fonts/TrueType# pkg install mkfontscale" msgstr "# pkg install mkfontdir" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11829 +#: book.translate.xml:12023 msgid "Then create an index of X font files in a directory:" msgstr "Em seguida, crie um índice de arquivos de fontes X em um diretório:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:11832 +#: book.translate.xml:12026 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/local/share/fonts/TrueType\n" @@ -20413,7 +20708,7 @@ "# mkfontdir" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11835 +#: book.translate.xml:12029 msgid "" "Now add the TrueType directory " "to the font path. This is just the same as described in :" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:11838 +#: book.translate.xml:12032 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% xset fp+ /usr/local/share/fonts/TrueType\n" @@ -20434,7 +20729,7 @@ "% xset fp rehash" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11841 +#: book.translate.xml:12035 msgid "" "or add a FontPath line to xorg.conf." msgstr "" @@ -20442,7 +20737,7 @@ "filename>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11844 +#: book.translate.xml:12038 msgid "" "Now Gimp, Apache OpenOffice, and all of the other X applications should now recognize the " @@ -20460,22 +20755,22 @@ "agora." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:11865 +#: book.translate.xml:12059 msgid "Anti-Aliased Fonts" msgstr "Fontes com Anti-Alias" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:11867 +#: book.translate.xml:12061 msgid "anti-aliased fonts" msgstr "anti-aliased fonts" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:11870 +#: book.translate.xml:12064 msgid "fonts anti-aliased" msgstr "fonts anti-aliased" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11875 +#: book.translate.xml:12069 msgid "" "All fonts in Xorg that are found in /" "usr/local/share/fonts/ and ~/.fonts/ are " @@ -20492,7 +20787,7 @@ "GNOME e o Firefox." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11884 +#: book.translate.xml:12078 msgid "" "To control which fonts are anti-aliased, or to configure anti-aliasing " "properties, create (or edit, if it already exists) the file /usr/" @@ -20511,12 +20806,12 @@ "conf 5." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:11893 +#: book.translate.xml:12087 msgid "XML" msgstr "XML" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11895 +#: book.translate.xml:12089 msgid "" "This file must be in XML format. Pay careful attention to case, and make " "sure all tags are properly closed. The file begins with the usual XML header " @@ -20530,7 +20825,7 @@ "literal>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:11901 +#: book.translate.xml:12095 #, no-wrap msgid "" "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" @@ -20542,7 +20837,7 @@ " <fontconfig>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11905 +#: book.translate.xml:12099 msgid "" "As previously stated, all fonts in /usr/local/share/fonts/ as well as ~/.fonts/ are already made " @@ -20557,13 +20852,13 @@ "etc/fonts/local.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:11913 +#: book.translate.xml:12107 #, no-wrap msgid "<dir>/path/to/my/fonts</dir>" msgstr "<dir>/path/to/my/fonts</dir>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11915 +#: book.translate.xml:12109 msgid "" "After adding new fonts, and especially new font directories, rebuild the " "font caches:" @@ -20572,13 +20867,13 @@ "reconstrua os caches de fontes:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:11919 +#: book.translate.xml:12113 #, no-wrap msgid "# fc-cache -f" msgstr "# fc-cache -f" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11921 +#: book.translate.xml:12115 msgid "" "Anti-aliasing makes borders slightly fuzzy, which makes very small text more " "readable and removes staircases from large text, but can " @@ -20592,7 +20887,7 @@ "linhas:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:11928 +#: book.translate.xml:12122 #, no-wrap msgid "" " <match target=\"font\">\n" @@ -20630,12 +20925,12 @@ "\t</match>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:11945 +#: book.translate.xml:12139 msgid "fonts spacing" msgstr "fonts spacing" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11950 +#: book.translate.xml:12144 msgid "" "Spacing for some monospaced fonts might also be inappropriate with anti-" "aliasing. This seems to be an issue with KDE, in " @@ -20648,7 +20943,7 @@ "dessas fontes para que seja 100. Adicione essas linhas:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:11956 +#: book.translate.xml:12150 #, no-wrap msgid "" "\t<match target=\"pattern\" name=\"family\">\n" @@ -20686,7 +20981,7 @@ "\t</match>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11973 +#: book.translate.xml:12167 msgid "" "(this aliases the other common names for fixed fonts as \"mono\"), and then add:" @@ -20695,7 +20990,7 @@ "\"mono\"), e então adicione:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:11976 +#: book.translate.xml:12170 #, no-wrap msgid "" " <match target=\"pattern\" name=\"family\">\n" @@ -20717,7 +21012,7 @@ "\t </match> " #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:11985 +#: book.translate.xml:12179 msgid "" "Certain fonts, such as Helvetica, may have a problem when anti-aliased. " "Usually this manifests itself as a font that seems cut in half vertically. " @@ -20731,7 +21026,7 @@ "filename>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:11991 +#: book.translate.xml:12185 #, no-wrap msgid "" " <match target=\"pattern\" name=\"family\">\n" @@ -20753,7 +21048,7 @@ "\t </match> " #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12000 +#: book.translate.xml:12194 msgid "" "After editing local.conf, make certain to end the file " "with the </fontconfig> tag. Not doing this will " @@ -20764,7 +21059,7 @@ "fazer isso fará com que as alterações sejam ignoradas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12005 +#: book.translate.xml:12199 msgid "" "Users can add personalized settings by creating their own ~/." "config/fontconfig/fonts.conf. This file uses the same " @@ -20775,17 +21070,17 @@ "arquivo usa o mesmo formato XML descrito acima." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:12010 +#: book.translate.xml:12204 msgid "LCD screen" msgstr "LCD screen" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:12011 +#: book.translate.xml:12205 msgid "Fonts LCD screen" msgstr "Fonts LCD screen" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12014 +#: book.translate.xml:12208 msgid "" "One last point: with an LCD screen, sub-pixel sampling may be desired. This " "basically treats the (horizontally separated) red, green and blue components " @@ -20800,7 +21095,7 @@ "adicione a linha em algum lugar do local.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12021 +#: book.translate.xml:12215 #, no-wrap msgid "" "\t <match target=\"font\">\n" @@ -20822,7 +21117,7 @@ "\t </match>" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:12031 +#: book.translate.xml:12225 msgid "" "Depending on the sort of display, rgb may need to be " "changed to bgr, vrgb or vbgrvbgr: experimente e veja qual funciona melhor." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:12042 +#: book.translate.xml:12236 msgid "The X Display Manager" msgstr "O Gerenciador de Display X" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:12045 +#: book.translate.xml:12239 msgid "" " Seth Kingsley Originally contributed by " @@ -20847,12 +21142,12 @@ "personname> Contribuído Originalmente por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:12055 +#: book.translate.xml:12249 msgid "X Display Manager" msgstr "X Display Manager" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:12056 +#: book.translate.xml:12250 msgid "" "Xorg provides an X Display Manager, " "XDM, which can be used for login session " @@ -20867,7 +21162,7 @@ "informações de autorização, tal como uma combinação de login e senha." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:12063 +#: book.translate.xml:12257 msgid "" "This section demonstrates how to configure the X Display Manager on FreeBSD. " "Some desktop environments provide their own graphical login manager. Refer " @@ -20882,12 +21177,12 @@ "instruções sobre como configurar o KDE Display Manager." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:12070 +#: book.translate.xml:12264 msgid "Configuring XDM" msgstr "Configurando o XDM" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12072 +#: book.translate.xml:12266 msgid "" "To install XDM, use the x11/xdm package or port. Once installed, XDM can " @@ -20900,13 +21195,13 @@ "inicializada editando esta entrada em /etc/ttys:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12078 +#: book.translate.xml:12272 #, no-wrap msgid "ttyv8 \"/usr/local/bin/xdm -nodaemon\" xterm off secure" msgstr "ttyv8 \"/usr/local/bin/xdm -nodaemon\" xterm off secure" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12080 +#: book.translate.xml:12274 msgid "" "Change the off to on and save the " "edit. The ttyv8 in this entry indicates that " @@ -20917,7 +21212,7 @@ "application> será executado no nono terminal virtual." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12085 +#: book.translate.xml:12279 msgid "" "The XDM configuration directory is located in " "/usr/local/etc/X11/xdm. This directory contains several " @@ -20940,25 +21235,25 @@ "refentrytitle>1." #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:12095 +#: book.translate.xml:12289 msgid "XDM Configuration Files" msgstr "Arquivos de Configuração do XDM" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:12100 +#: book.translate.xml:12294 msgid "File" msgstr "Arquivo" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:12107 +#: book.translate.xml:12301 msgid "Xaccess" msgstr "Xaccess" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:12108 +#: book.translate.xml:12302 msgid "" "The protocol for connecting to XDM is called the " -"X Display Manager Connection Protocol (XDMCP) This file " +"X Display Manager Connection Protocol (XDMCP). This file " "is a client authorization ruleset for controlling XDMCP " "connections from remote machines. By default, this file does not allow any " "remote clients to connect." @@ -20970,12 +21265,12 @@ "permite a conexão de nenhum cliente remoto." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:12118 +#: book.translate.xml:12312 msgid "Xresources" msgstr "Xresources" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:12119 +#: book.translate.xml:12313 msgid "" "This file controls the look and feel of the XDM " "display chooser and login screens. The default configuration is a simple " @@ -20992,12 +21287,12 @@ "defaults descrito na documentação do Xorg." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:12132 +#: book.translate.xml:12326 msgid "Xservers" msgstr "Xservers" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:12133 +#: book.translate.xml:12327 msgid "" "The list of local and remote displays the chooser should provide as login " "choices." @@ -21006,12 +21301,12 @@ "opções de login." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:12138 +#: book.translate.xml:12332 msgid "Xsession" msgstr "Xsession" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:12139 +#: book.translate.xml:12333 msgid "" "Default session script for logins which is run by XDM after a user has logged in. This points to a customized session " @@ -21022,12 +21317,12 @@ "sessão personalizado em ~/.xsession." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:12146 +#: book.translate.xml:12340 msgid "Xsetup_*" msgstr "Xsetup_*" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:12147 +#: book.translate.xml:12341 msgid "" "Script to automatically launch applications before displaying the chooser or " "login interfaces. There is a script for each display being used, named " @@ -21042,22 +21337,22 @@ "programas em segundo plano, como xconsole." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:12158 +#: book.translate.xml:12352 msgid "xdm-config" msgstr "xdm-config" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:12159 +#: book.translate.xml:12353 msgid "Global configuration for all displays running on this machine." msgstr "Configuração global para todos os monitores executados nesta máquina." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:12164 +#: book.translate.xml:12358 msgid "xdm-errors" msgstr "xdm-errors" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:12165 +#: book.translate.xml:12359 msgid "" "Contains errors generated by the server program. If a display that " "XDM is trying to start hangs, look at this file " @@ -21070,12 +21365,12 @@ "~/.xsession-errors do usuário." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:12174 +#: book.translate.xml:12368 msgid "xdm-pid" msgstr "xdm-pid" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:12175 +#: book.translate.xml:12369 msgid "" "The running process ID of XDM." msgstr "" @@ -21083,12 +21378,12 @@ "execução." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:12184 +#: book.translate.xml:12378 msgid "Configuring Remote Access" msgstr "Configurando o acesso remoto" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12186 +#: book.translate.xml:12380 msgid "" "By default, only users on the same system can login using XDM. To enable users on other systems to connect to the display " @@ -21100,7 +21395,7 @@ "acesso e ative o listener de conexão." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12191 +#: book.translate.xml:12385 msgid "" "To configure XDM to listen for any remote " "connection, comment out the DisplayManager.requestPort " @@ -21113,7 +21408,7 @@ "um ! na frente dele:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12197 +#: book.translate.xml:12391 #, no-wrap msgid "" "! SECURITY: do not listen for XDMCP or Chooser requests\n" @@ -21125,7 +21420,7 @@ "DisplayManager.requestPort: 0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12201 +#: book.translate.xml:12395 msgid "" "Save the edits and restart XDM. To restrict " "remote access, look at the example entries in /usr/local/etc/X11/" @@ -21140,12 +21435,12 @@ "citerefentry> para mais informações." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:12210 +#: book.translate.xml:12404 msgid "Desktop Environments" msgstr "Ambientes de desktop" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:12213 +#: book.translate.xml:12407 msgid "" " Valentino Vaschetto Contributed by " @@ -21154,7 +21449,7 @@ "personname> Contribuído por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:12224 +#: book.translate.xml:12418 msgid "" "This section describes how to install three popular desktop environments on " "a FreeBSD system. A desktop environment can range from a simple window " @@ -21169,12 +21464,12 @@ "x11-wm da Coleção de Ports." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:12232 +#: book.translate.xml:12426 msgid "GNOME" msgstr "GNOME" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12235 +#: book.translate.xml:12429 msgid "" "GNOME is a user-friendly desktop environment. It " "includes a panel for starting applications and displaying status, a desktop, " @@ -21197,19 +21492,19 @@ "do GNOME no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12246 +#: book.translate.xml:12440 msgid "This desktop environment can be installed from a package:" msgstr "" "Este ambiente de desktop pode ser instalado a partir de um pacote binario:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12249 +#: book.translate.xml:12443 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install gnome3" msgstr "# pkg install gnome3" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12251 +#: book.translate.xml:12445 msgid "" "To instead build GNOME from ports, use the " "following command. GNOME is a large application " @@ -21220,7 +21515,7 @@ "e levará algum tempo para compilar, mesmo em um computador rápido." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12257 +#: book.translate.xml:12451 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/x11/gnome3\n" @@ -21230,7 +21525,7 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12260 +#: book.translate.xml:12454 msgid "" "GNOME requires /proc to be " "mounted. Add this line to /etc/fstab to mount this file " @@ -21242,13 +21537,13 @@ "sistema:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12265 book.translate.xml:12349 +#: book.translate.xml:12459 book.translate.xml:12543 #, no-wrap msgid "proc /proc procfs rw 0 0" msgstr "proc /proc procfs rw 0 0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12267 +#: book.translate.xml:12461 msgid "" "GNOME uses D-Bus and " "HAL for a message bus and hardware abstraction. " @@ -21263,7 +21558,7 @@ "filename> para que eles sejam iniciados quando o sistema inicializar:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12275 book.translate.xml:12359 +#: book.translate.xml:12469 book.translate.xml:12553 #, no-wrap msgid "" "dbus_enable=\"YES\"\n" @@ -21273,7 +21568,7 @@ "hald_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12278 +#: book.translate.xml:12472 msgid "" "After installation, configure Xorg to start " "GNOME. The easiest way to do this is to enable " @@ -21289,13 +21584,13 @@ "/etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12287 +#: book.translate.xml:12481 #, no-wrap msgid "gdm_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "gdm_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12289 +#: book.translate.xml:12483 msgid "" "It is often desirable to also start all GNOME " "services. To achieve this, add a second line to /etc/rc.conf/etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12293 +#: book.translate.xml:12487 #, no-wrap msgid "gnome_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "gnome_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12295 +#: book.translate.xml:12489 msgid "" "GDM will start automatically when the system " "boots." @@ -21321,7 +21616,7 @@ "sistema for inicializado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12298 +#: book.translate.xml:12492 msgid "" "A second method for starting GNOME is to type " "startx from the command-line after configuring " @@ -21338,13 +21633,13 @@ "existir, crie-o com este comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12307 +#: book.translate.xml:12501 #, no-wrap msgid "% echo \"exec /usr/local/bin/gnome-session\" > ~/.xinitrc" msgstr "% echo \"exec /usr/local/bin/gnome-session\" > ~/.xinitrc" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12309 +#: book.translate.xml:12503 msgid "" "A third method is to use XDM as the display " "manager. In this case, create an executable ~/.xsession:" @@ -21354,18 +21649,18 @@ "xsession:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12313 +#: book.translate.xml:12507 #, no-wrap msgid "% echo \"exec /usr/local/bin/gnome-session\" > ~/.xsession" msgstr "% echo \"exec /usr/local/bin/gnome-session\" > ~/.xsession" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:12317 +#: book.translate.xml:12511 msgid "KDE" msgstr "KDE" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12321 +#: book.translate.xml:12515 msgid "" "KDE is another easy-to-use desktop environment. " "This desktop provides a suite of applications with a consistent look and " @@ -21387,18 +21682,18 @@ "\">" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12330 +#: book.translate.xml:12524 msgid "To install the KDE package, type:" msgstr "Para instalar o pacote KDE, digite:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12333 +#: book.translate.xml:12527 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install x11/kde5" msgstr "# pkg install x11/kde5" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12335 +#: book.translate.xml:12529 msgid "" "To instead build the KDE port, use the following " "command. Installing the port will provide a menu for selecting which " @@ -21411,7 +21706,7 @@ "grande e levará algum tempo para compilar, mesmo em um computador rápido." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12341 +#: book.translate.xml:12535 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/x11/kde5\n" @@ -21421,7 +21716,7 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12344 +#: book.translate.xml:12538 msgid "" "KDE requires /proc to be " "mounted. Add this line to /etc/fstab to mount this file " @@ -21433,7 +21728,7 @@ "sistema:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12351 +#: book.translate.xml:12545 msgid "" "KDE uses D-Bus and " "HAL for a message bus and hardware abstraction. " @@ -21448,12 +21743,12 @@ "filename> para que eles sejam iniciados quando o sistema inicializar:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:12362 +#: book.translate.xml:12556 msgid "KDE display manager" msgstr "KDE display manager" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12367 +#: book.translate.xml:12561 msgid "" "Since KDE Plasma 5, the KDE Display Manager, KDM " "is no longer developed. A possible replacement is SDDMSDDM. Para instalá-lo, digite:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12372 +#: book.translate.xml:12566 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install x11/sddm" msgstr "# pkg install x11/sddm" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12374 +#: book.translate.xml:12568 msgid "Add this line to /etc/rc.conf:" msgstr "Adicione esta linha em /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12377 +#: book.translate.xml:12571 #, no-wrap msgid "sddm_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "sddm_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12379 +#: book.translate.xml:12573 msgid "" "A second method for launching KDE Plasma is to " "type startx from the command line. For this to work, the " @@ -21492,13 +21787,13 @@ "funcione, a seguinte linha é necessária em ~/.xinitrc:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12385 +#: book.translate.xml:12579 #, no-wrap msgid "exec ck-launch-session startplasma-x11" msgstr "exec ck-launch-session startplasma-x11" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12387 +#: book.translate.xml:12581 msgid "" "A third method for starting KDE Plasma is through " "XDM. To do so, create an executable ~/." @@ -21509,13 +21804,13 @@ "executável ~/.xsession da seguinte maneira:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12392 +#: book.translate.xml:12586 #, no-wrap msgid "% echo \"exec ck-launch-session startplasma-x11\" > ~/.xsession" msgstr "% echo \"exec ck-launch-session startplasma-x11\" > ~/.xsession" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12394 +#: book.translate.xml:12588 msgid "" "Once KDE Plasma is started, refer to its built-in " "help system for more information on how to use its various menus and " @@ -21526,12 +21821,12 @@ "diversos menus e aplicativos." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:12400 +#: book.translate.xml:12594 msgid "Xfce" msgstr "Xfce" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12402 +#: book.translate.xml:12596 msgid "" "Xfce is a desktop environment based on the GTK+ " "toolkit used by GNOME. However, it is more " @@ -21555,23 +21850,23 @@ "org." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12413 +#: book.translate.xml:12607 msgid "To install the Xfce package:" msgstr "Para instalar o pacote Xfce:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12416 +#: book.translate.xml:12610 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install xfce" msgstr "# pkg install xfce" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12418 +#: book.translate.xml:12612 msgid "Alternatively, to build the port:" msgstr "Alternativamente , para compilar o port:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12420 +#: book.translate.xml:12614 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/xfce4\n" @@ -21581,7 +21876,7 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12423 +#: book.translate.xml:12617 msgid "" "Xfce uses D-Bus for a " "message bus. This application is automatically installed as dependency of " @@ -21595,13 +21890,13 @@ "sistema inicializar:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12430 +#: book.translate.xml:12624 #, no-wrap msgid "dbus_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "dbus_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12432 +#: book.translate.xml:12626 msgid "" "Unlike GNOME or KDE, " "Xfce does not provide its own login manager. In " @@ -21616,13 +21911,13 @@ "primeiro adicione sua entrada ao ~/.xinitrc:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12440 +#: book.translate.xml:12634 #, no-wrap msgid "% echo \". /usr/local/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc\" > ~/.xinitrc" msgstr "% echo \". /usr/local/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc\" > ~/.xinitrc" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12442 +#: book.translate.xml:12636 msgid "" "An alternate method is to use XDM. To configure " "this method, create an executable ~/.xsession:" @@ -21631,18 +21926,18 @@ "configurar este método, crie um executável ~/.xsession:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12446 +#: book.translate.xml:12640 #, no-wrap msgid "% echo \". /usr/local/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc\" > ~/.xsession" msgstr "% echo \". /usr/local/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc\" > ~/.xsession" #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:12451 +#: book.translate.xml:12645 msgid "Installing Compiz Fusion" msgstr "Instalando o Compiz Fusion" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:12453 +#: book.translate.xml:12647 msgid "" "One way to make using a desktop computer more pleasant is with nice 3D " "effects." @@ -21651,9 +21946,9 @@ "bons efeitos 3D." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:12456 +#: book.translate.xml:12650 msgid "" -"Installing the Compiz Fusion package is easy, but " +"Installing the Compiz Fusion package is easy, but " "configuring it requires a few steps that are not described in the port's " "documentation." msgstr "" @@ -21662,12 +21957,12 @@ "ports." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:12461 +#: book.translate.xml:12655 msgid "Setting up the FreeBSD nVidia Driver" msgstr "Configurando o Driver nVidia no FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12463 +#: book.translate.xml:12657 msgid "" "Desktop effects can cause quite a load on the graphics card. For an nVidia-" "based graphics card, the proprietary driver is required for good " @@ -21681,7 +21976,7 @@ "filename>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12469 +#: book.translate.xml:12663 msgid "" "To determine which nVidia driver is needed see the FAQ " @@ -21692,7 +21987,7 @@ "html#idp59950544\">Perguntas frequentes sobre o assunto." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12472 +#: book.translate.xml:12666 msgid "" "Having determined the correct driver to use for your card, installation is " "as simple as installing any other package." @@ -21701,18 +21996,18 @@ "instalação é tão simples quanto instalar qualquer outro pacote." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12476 +#: book.translate.xml:12670 msgid "For example, to install the latest driver:" msgstr "Por exemplo, para instalar o driver mais recente:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12478 +#: book.translate.xml:12672 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install x11/nvidia-driver" msgstr "# pkg install x11/nvidia-driver" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12480 +#: book.translate.xml:12674 msgid "" "The driver will create a kernel module, which needs to be loaded at system " "startup. Add the following line to /boot/loader.conf:" @@ -21722,13 +22017,13 @@ "loader.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12484 +#: book.translate.xml:12678 #, no-wrap msgid "nvidia_load=\"YES\"" msgstr "nvidia_load=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:12487 +#: book.translate.xml:12681 msgid "" "To immediately load the kernel module into the running kernel issue a " "command like kldload nvidia. However, it has been noted " @@ -21744,7 +22039,7 @@ "filename>, é recomendado reiniciar o sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12496 +#: book.translate.xml:12690 msgid "" "With the kernel module loaded, you normally only need to change a single " "line in xorg.conf to enable the proprietary driver:" @@ -21754,29 +22049,29 @@ "proprietário:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12500 +#: book.translate.xml:12694 msgid "Find the following line in /etc/X11/xorg.conf:" msgstr "Encontre a seguinte linha no /etc/X11/xorg.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12503 +#: book.translate.xml:12697 #, no-wrap msgid "Driver \"nv\"" msgstr "Driver \"nv\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12505 +#: book.translate.xml:12699 msgid "and change it to:" msgstr "e mude para:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12507 +#: book.translate.xml:12701 #, no-wrap msgid "Driver \"nvidia\"" msgstr "Driver \"nvidia\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12509 +#: book.translate.xml:12703 msgid "" "Start the GUI as usual, and you should be greeted by the nVidia splash. " "Everything should work as usual." @@ -21785,26 +22080,26 @@ "Tudo deve funcionar como de costume." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:12514 +#: book.translate.xml:12708 msgid "Configuring xorg.conf for Desktop Effects" msgstr "Configurando o xorg.conf para Efeitos de Desktop" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12516 +#: book.translate.xml:12710 msgid "" -"To enable Compiz Fusion, /etc/X11/xorg." +"To enable Compiz Fusion, /etc/X11/xorg." "conf needs to be modified:" msgstr "" "Para ativar o Compiz Fusion, o /etc/X11/" "xorg.conf precisa ser modificado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12520 +#: book.translate.xml:12714 msgid "Add the following section to enable composite effects:" msgstr "Adicione a seguinte seção para habilitar os efeitos compostos:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12523 +#: book.translate.xml:12717 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Section \"Extensions\"\n" @@ -21816,7 +22111,7 @@ "EndSection" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12527 +#: book.translate.xml:12721 msgid "" "Locate the Screen section which should look similar to the " "one below:" @@ -21824,7 +22119,7 @@ "Localize a seção Screen, que deve ser semelhante à abaixo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12530 +#: book.translate.xml:12724 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Section \"Screen\"\n" @@ -21840,12 +22135,12 @@ " ..." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12536 +#: book.translate.xml:12730 msgid "and add the following two lines (after Monitor will do):" msgstr "e adicione as duas linhas seguintes (após Monitor):" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12539 +#: book.translate.xml:12733 #, no-wrap msgid "" "DefaultDepth 24\n" @@ -21855,7 +22150,7 @@ "Option \"AddARGBGLXVisuals\" \"True\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12542 +#: book.translate.xml:12736 msgid "" "Locate the Subsection that refers to the screen resolution " "that you wish to use. For example, if you wish to use 1280x1024, locate the " @@ -21868,7 +22163,7 @@ "você pode adicionar a entrada relevante à mão:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12548 +#: book.translate.xml:12742 #, no-wrap msgid "" "SubSection \"Display\"\n" @@ -21882,16 +22177,16 @@ "EndSubSection" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12553 +#: book.translate.xml:12747 msgid "" -"A color depth of 24 bits is needed for desktop composition, change the above " +"A color depth of 24 bits is needed for desktop composition, change the above " "subsection to:" msgstr "" "Uma profundidade de cor de 24 bits é necessária para a composição do " "desktop, altere a subseção acima para:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12556 +#: book.translate.xml:12750 #, no-wrap msgid "" "SubSection \"Display\"\n" @@ -21907,7 +22202,7 @@ "EndSubSection" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12562 +#: book.translate.xml:12756 msgid "" "Finally, confirm that the glx and extmod " "modules are loaded in the Module section:" @@ -21916,7 +22211,7 @@ "quote> estão carregados na seção Module:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12566 +#: book.translate.xml:12760 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Section \"Module\"\n" @@ -21930,16 +22225,17 @@ " ..." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12571 +#: book.translate.xml:12765 msgid "" "The preceding can be done automatically with x11/nvidia-xconfig by running (as root):" +"package> by running (as root):" msgstr "" "A configuração acima pode ser feita automaticamente com o x11/" -"nvidia-xconfig, executando como root:" +"nvidia-xconfig (executando como root):" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12575 +#: book.translate.xml:12769 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals\n" @@ -21951,27 +22247,27 @@ "# nvidia-xconfig --depth=24" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:12581 -msgid "Installing and Configuring Compiz Fusion" +#: book.translate.xml:12775 +msgid "Installing and Configuring Compiz Fusion" msgstr "Instalando e Configurando o Compiz Fusion" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12583 +#: book.translate.xml:12777 msgid "" -"Installing Compiz Fusion is as simple as any " +"Installing Compiz Fusion is as simple as any " "other package:" msgstr "" "Instalar o Compiz Fusion é tão simples quanto " "qualquer outro pacote:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12586 +#: book.translate.xml:12780 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install x11-wm/compiz-fusion" msgstr "# pkg install x11-wm/compiz-fusion" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12588 +#: book.translate.xml:12782 msgid "" "When the installation is finished, start your graphic desktop and at a " "terminal, enter the following commands (as a normal user):" @@ -21980,7 +22276,7 @@ "terminal, digite os seguintes comandos (como usuário normal):" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12592 +#: book.translate.xml:12786 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% compiz --replace --sm-disable --ignore-desktop-hints ccp &\n" @@ -21990,11 +22286,11 @@ "% emerald --replace &" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12595 +#: book.translate.xml:12789 msgid "" "Your screen will flicker for a few seconds, as your window manager (e.g. " "Metacity if you are using GNOME) is replaced by Compiz Fusion. " +"application>) is replaced by Compiz Fusion. " "Emerald takes care of the window decorations (i." "e. close, minimize, maximize buttons, title bars and so on)." msgstr "" @@ -22006,7 +22302,7 @@ "de título e assim por diante)." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12603 +#: book.translate.xml:12797 msgid "" "You may convert this to a trivial script and have it run at startup " "automatically (e.g. by adding to Sessions in a " @@ -22017,7 +22313,7 @@ "Desktop do GNOME):" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12608 +#: book.translate.xml:12802 #, no-wrap msgid "" "#! /bin/sh\n" @@ -22029,7 +22325,7 @@ "emerald --replace &" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12612 +#: book.translate.xml:12806 msgid "" "Save this in your home directory as, for example, start-compiz and make it executable:" @@ -22038,13 +22334,13 @@ "filename> e torne-o executável:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12616 +#: book.translate.xml:12810 #, no-wrap msgid "% chmod +x ~/start-compiz" msgstr "% chmod +x ~/start-compiz" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12618 +#: book.translate.xml:12812 msgid "" "Then use the GUI to add it to Startup Programs " "(located in System, PreferencesGNOME)." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12625 +#: book.translate.xml:12819 msgid "" "To actually select all the desired effects and their settings, execute " -"(again as a normal user) the Compiz Config Settings ManagerCompiz Config Settings Manager:" msgstr "" "Para selecionar realmente todos os efeitos desejados e suas configurações, " @@ -22068,13 +22364,13 @@ "Settings Manager:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12629 +#: book.translate.xml:12823 #, no-wrap msgid "% ccsm" msgstr "% ccsm" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:12632 +#: book.translate.xml:12826 msgid "" "In GNOME, this can also be found in the " "System, Preferences " @@ -22084,7 +22380,7 @@ "System, Preferences." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12637 +#: book.translate.xml:12831 msgid "" "If you have selected gconf support during the build, you will " "also be able to view these settings using gconf-editor " @@ -22095,7 +22391,7 @@ "command> sob apps/compiz." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:12648 +#: book.translate.xml:12842 msgid "" "If the mouse does not work, you will need to first configure it before " "proceeding. In recent Xorg versions, the " @@ -22113,13 +22409,13 @@ "arquivo:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12657 +#: book.translate.xml:12851 #, no-wrap msgid "Option \"AutoAddDevices\" \"false\"" msgstr "Option \"AutoAddDevices\" \"false\"" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:12659 +#: book.translate.xml:12853 msgid "" "Input devices may then be configured as in previous versions, along with any " "other options needed (e.g., keyboard layout switching)." @@ -22129,7 +22425,7 @@ "troca do layout de teclado)." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:12664 +#: book.translate.xml:12858 msgid "" "As previously explained the hald daemon will, by " "default, automatically detect your keyboard. There are chances that your " @@ -22153,7 +22449,7 @@ "aplicativohald." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:12676 +#: book.translate.xml:12870 msgid "" "For example if, one wants to use a PC 102 keys keyboard coming with a french " "layout, we have to create a keyboard configuration file for " @@ -22168,7 +22464,7 @@ "Este arquivo deve conter as seguintes linhas:" #. (itstool) path: note/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12684 +#: book.translate.xml:12878 #, no-wrap msgid "" "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>\n" @@ -22192,7 +22488,7 @@ "</deviceinfo>" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:12694 +#: book.translate.xml:12888 msgid "" "If this file already exists, just copy and add to your file the lines " "regarding the keyboard configuration." @@ -22201,7 +22497,7 @@ "referentes à configuração do teclado." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:12697 +#: book.translate.xml:12891 msgid "" "You will have to reboot your machine to force hald to read this file." @@ -22210,7 +22506,7 @@ "application> a ler este arquivo." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:12700 +#: book.translate.xml:12894 msgid "" "It is possible to do the same configuration from an X terminal or a script " "with this command line:" @@ -22219,13 +22515,13 @@ "com esta linha de comando:" #. (itstool) path: note/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12703 +#: book.translate.xml:12897 #, no-wrap msgid "% setxkbmap -model pc102 -layout fr" msgstr "% setxkbmap -model pc102 -layout fr" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:12705 +#: book.translate.xml:12899 msgid "" "/usr/local/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.lst lists the " "various keyboard, layouts and options available." @@ -22234,12 +22530,12 @@ "vários teclados, layouts e opções disponíveis." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:12710 +#: book.translate.xml:12904 msgid "Xorg tuning" msgstr "Xorg tuning" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:12713 +#: book.translate.xml:12907 msgid "" "The configuration file may now be tuned " "to taste. Open the file in a text editor such as \"Monitor\":" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12721 +#: book.translate.xml:12915 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Section \"Monitor\"\n" @@ -22281,7 +22577,7 @@ "EndSection" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:12729 +#: book.translate.xml:12923 msgid "" "Most monitors support sync frequency autodetection, making manual entry of " "these values unnecessary. For the few monitors that do not support " @@ -22294,7 +22590,7 @@ "inserindo apenas valores fornecidos pelo fabricante." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:12735 +#: book.translate.xml:12929 msgid "" "X allows DPMS (Energy Star) features to be used with capable monitors. The " "xsetxorg.conf" msgstr "xorg.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:12747 +#: book.translate.xml:12941 msgid "" "While the configuration file is still " "open in an editor, select the default resolution and color depth desired. " @@ -22333,7 +22629,7 @@ "de cor desejada. Isso é definido na seção \"Screen\":" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12752 +#: book.translate.xml:12946 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Section \"Screen\"\n" @@ -22361,7 +22657,7 @@ "EndSection" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:12764 +#: book.translate.xml:12958 msgid "" "The DefaultDepth keyword describes the color depth to run " "at by default. This can be overridden with the " @@ -22385,7 +22681,7 @@ "é 1024 por 768 pixels." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:12775 +#: book.translate.xml:12969 msgid "" "Finally, write the configuration file and test it using the test mode given " "above." @@ -22394,7 +22690,7 @@ "teste dado acima." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:12779 +#: book.translate.xml:12973 msgid "" "One of the tools available to assist you during troubleshooting process are " "the Xorg log files, which contain information on " @@ -22413,7 +22709,7 @@ "filename> para Xorg.8.log e assim por diante." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:12791 +#: book.translate.xml:12985 msgid "" "If all is well, the configuration file needs to be installed in a common " "location where Xorg." #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12796 +#: book.translate.xml:12990 #, no-wrap msgid "# cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf" msgstr "# cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:12798 +#: book.translate.xml:12992 msgid "" "The Xorg configuration process is now complete. " "Xorg may be now started with the 1." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:12805 +#: book.translate.xml:12999 msgid "" "Configuration with Intel " "i810 Graphics Chipsets" @@ -22462,12 +22758,16 @@ "trademark> i810" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:12808 -msgid "Intel i810 graphic chipset" -msgstr "Intel i810 graphic chipset" +#: book.translate.xml:13002 +msgid "" +"Intel i810 graphic " +"chipset" +msgstr "" +"Intel i810 graphic " +"chipset" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12812 +#: book.translate.xml:13006 msgid "" "Configuration with Intel i810 " "integrated chipsets requires the agpgart AGP " @@ -22483,7 +22783,7 @@ "citerefentry> para obter maiores informações." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12818 +#: book.translate.xml:13012 msgid "" "This will allow configuration of the hardware as any other graphics board. " "Note on systems without the agp/boot/loader.conf." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:12827 +#: book.translate.xml:13021 msgid "Adding a Widescreen Flatpanel to the Mix" msgstr "Adicionando um Flatpanel Widescreen ao Mix" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:12829 +#: book.translate.xml:13023 msgid "widescreen flatpanel configuration" msgstr "widescreen flatpanel configuration" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12833 +#: book.translate.xml:13027 msgid "" "This section assumes a bit of advanced configuration knowledge. If attempts " "to use the standard configuration tools above have not resulted in a working " @@ -22526,7 +22826,7 @@ "de um editor de texto será necessário." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12840 +#: book.translate.xml:13034 msgid "" "Current widescreen (WSXGA, WSXGA+, WUXGA, WXGA, WXGA+, formats " "support 16:10 and 10:9 formats or aspect ratios that can be problematic. " @@ -22538,32 +22838,32 @@ "de 16:10 são:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:12847 +#: book.translate.xml:13041 msgid "2560x1600" msgstr "2560x1600" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:12851 +#: book.translate.xml:13045 msgid "1920x1200" msgstr "1920x1200" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:12855 +#: book.translate.xml:13049 msgid "1680x1050" msgstr "1680x1050" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:12859 +#: book.translate.xml:13053 msgid "1440x900" msgstr "1440x900" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:12863 +#: book.translate.xml:13057 msgid "1280x800" msgstr "1280x800" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12867 +#: book.translate.xml:13061 msgid "" "At some point, it will be as easy as adding one of these resolutions as a " "possible Mode in the Section \"Screen\"Xorg is smart enough to pull the resolution " "information from the widescreen via I2C/DDC information so it knows what the " @@ -22614,7 +22914,7 @@ "resoluções." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12888 +#: book.translate.xml:13082 msgid "" "If those ModeLines do not exist in the drivers, one might " "need to give Xorg a little hint. Using /" @@ -22629,7 +22929,7 @@ "funcionará. Basta procurar informações semelhantes:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12896 +#: book.translate.xml:13090 #, no-wrap msgid "" "(II) MGA(0): Supported additional Video Mode:\n" @@ -22645,7 +22945,7 @@ "(II) MGA(0): Ranges: V min: 48 V max: 85 Hz, H min: 30 H max: 94 kHz, PixClock max 170 MHz" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12902 +#: book.translate.xml:13096 msgid "" "This information is called EDID information. Creating a ModeLine from this is just a matter of putting the numbers in the correct " @@ -22656,13 +22956,13 @@ "correta:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12906 +#: book.translate.xml:13100 #, no-wrap msgid "ModeLine <name> <clock> <4 horiz. timings> <4 vert. timings>" msgstr "ModeLine <name> <clock> <4 horiz. timings> <4 vert. timings>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12908 +#: book.translate.xml:13102 msgid "" "So that the ModeLine in Section \"Monitor\" for this example would look like this:" @@ -22671,7 +22971,7 @@ "literal> para este exemplo ficaria assim:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:12912 +#: book.translate.xml:13106 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Section \"Monitor\"\n" @@ -22691,7 +22991,7 @@ "EndSection" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:12920 +#: book.translate.xml:13114 msgid "" "Now having completed these simple editing steps, X should start on your new " "widescreen monitor." @@ -22700,14 +23000,14 @@ "seu novo monitor widescreen." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:12925 -msgid "Troubleshooting Compiz Fusion" +#: book.translate.xml:13119 +msgid "Troubleshooting Compiz Fusion" msgstr "Solução de problemas do Compiz Fusion" #. (itstool) path: question/para -#: book.translate.xml:12930 +#: book.translate.xml:13124 msgid "" -"I have installed Compiz Fusion, and after running " +"I have installed Compiz Fusion, and after running " "the commands you mention, my windows are left without title bars and " "buttons. What is wrong?" msgstr "" @@ -22716,7 +23016,7 @@ "e botões. O que está errado?" #. (itstool) path: answer/para -#: book.translate.xml:12938 +#: book.translate.xml:13132 msgid "" "You are probably missing a setting in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Review this file carefully and check especially the " @@ -22729,16 +23029,16 @@ "AddARGBGLXVisuals." #. (itstool) path: question/para -#: book.translate.xml:12949 +#: book.translate.xml:13143 msgid "" -"When I run the command to start Compiz Fusion, " +"When I run the command to start Compiz Fusion, " "the X server crashes and I am back at the console. What is wrong?" msgstr "" "Quando executo o comando para iniciar o Compiz Fusion, o servidor X trava e eu volto ao console. O que está errado?" #. (itstool) path: answer/para -#: book.translate.xml:12956 +#: book.translate.xml:13150 msgid "" "If you check /var/log/Xorg.0.log, you will probably " "find error messages during the X startup. The most common would be:" @@ -22748,7 +23048,7 @@ "mais comuns seriam:" #. (itstool) path: answer/screen -#: book.translate.xml:12961 +#: book.translate.xml:13155 #, no-wrap msgid "" "(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the GLX module; please check in your X\n" @@ -22764,7 +23064,7 @@ "(EE) NVIDIA(0): reinstalling the NVIDIA driver." #. (itstool) path: answer/para -#: book.translate.xml:12967 +#: book.translate.xml:13161 msgid "" "This is usually the case when you upgrade Xorg. " "You will need to reinstall the x11/nvidia-driver package " @@ -22775,12 +23075,12 @@ "package> para que o glx seja compilado novamente." #. (itstool) path: part/title -#: book.translate.xml:12981 +#: book.translate.xml:13175 msgid "Common Tasks" msgstr "Tarefas comuns" #. (itstool) path: partintro/para -#: book.translate.xml:12984 +#: book.translate.xml:13178 msgid "" "Now that the basics have been covered, this part of the book discusses some " "frequently used features of FreeBSD. These chapters:" @@ -22789,7 +23089,7 @@ "freqüentemente usados do FreeBSD. Estes capítulos:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:12990 +#: book.translate.xml:13184 msgid "" "Introduce popular and useful desktop applications: browsers, productivity " "tools, document viewers, and more." @@ -22798,13 +23098,13 @@ "ferramentas de produtividade, visualizadores de documentos e muito mais." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:12996 +#: book.translate.xml:13190 msgid "Introduce a number of multimedia tools available for FreeBSD." msgstr "" "Introduzem uma série de ferramentas multimídia disponíveis para o FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:13001 +#: book.translate.xml:13195 msgid "" "Explain the process of building a customized FreeBSD kernel to enable extra " "functionality." @@ -22813,7 +23113,7 @@ "habilitar funcionalidades extras." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:13006 +#: book.translate.xml:13200 msgid "" "Describe the print system in detail, both for desktop and network-connected " "printer setups." @@ -22822,12 +23122,12 @@ "impressoras conectadas em desktops quanto impressoras conectadas à rede." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:13011 +#: book.translate.xml:13205 msgid "Show how to run Linux applications on the FreeBSD system." msgstr "Mostram como executar aplicativos Linux no sistema FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: partintro/para -#: book.translate.xml:13016 +#: book.translate.xml:13210 msgid "" "Some of these chapters recommend prior reading, and this is noted in the " "synopsis at the beginning of each chapter." @@ -22836,12 +23136,12 @@ "sinopse no início de cada capítulo." #. (itstool) path: chapter/title -#: book.translate.xml:13039 +#: book.translate.xml:13233 msgid "Desktop Applications" msgstr "Aplicações de Desktop" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:13044 +#: book.translate.xml:13238 msgid "" "While FreeBSD is popular as a server for its performance and stability, it " "is also suited for day-to-day use as a desktop. With over 24,000 " @@ -22860,23 +23160,27 @@ "produtividade, visualizadores de documentos e softwares financeiros." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:13054 +#: book.translate.xml:13248 msgid "" "Users who prefer to install a pre-built desktop version of FreeBSD rather " -"than configuring one from scratch should refer to the website." +"than configuring one from scratch should refer to FuryBSD, GhostBSD or MidnightBSD." msgstr "" "Os usuários que preferem instalar uma versão de desktop pré-configurada do " -"FreeBSD em vez de configurar um do zero devem consultar o Website" +"FreeBSD em vez de configurar um do zero devem consultar FuryBSD., GhostBSD or MidnightBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:13061 +#: book.translate.xml:13255 msgid "Readers of this chapter should know how to:" msgstr "Os leitores deste capítulo devem saber como:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:13065 +#: book.translate.xml:13259 msgid "" "Install additional software using packages or ports as described in ." @@ -22885,14 +23189,14 @@ "." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:13070 +#: book.translate.xml:13264 msgid "Install X and a window manager as described in ." msgstr "" "Instalar o X e um gerenciador de janelas, conforme descrito em ." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:13075 +#: book.translate.xml:13269 msgid "" "For information on how to configure a multimedia environment, refer to ." @@ -22901,17 +23205,17 @@ "consulte ." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:13080 +#: book.translate.xml:13274 msgid "Browsers" msgstr "Navegadores" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13082 +#: book.translate.xml:13276 msgid "browsers web" msgstr "browsers web" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:13087 +#: book.translate.xml:13281 msgid "" "FreeBSD does not come with a pre-installed web browser. Instead, the www category of " @@ -22924,7 +23228,7 @@ "como um pacote ou compilados a partir da coleção de Ports." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:13093 +#: book.translate.xml:13287 msgid "" "The KDE and GNOME " "desktop environments include their own HTML browser. Refer to www/dillo2, " "www/links, and www/w3m." @@ -22945,7 +23249,7 @@ "www/links e o www/w3m." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:13103 +#: book.translate.xml:13297 msgid "" "This section demonstrates how to install the following popular web browsers " "and indicates if the application is resource-heavy, takes time to compile " @@ -22956,48 +23260,48 @@ "partir do Ports ou se possui dependências importantes." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13112 book.translate.xml:13275 book.translate.xml:13585 -#: book.translate.xml:13809 +#: book.translate.xml:13306 book.translate.xml:13453 book.translate.xml:13763 +#: book.translate.xml:13987 msgid "Application Name" msgstr "Nome da aplicação" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13113 book.translate.xml:13276 book.translate.xml:13586 -#: book.translate.xml:13810 +#: book.translate.xml:13307 book.translate.xml:13454 book.translate.xml:13764 +#: book.translate.xml:13988 msgid "Resources Needed" msgstr "Recursos necessários" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13114 book.translate.xml:13277 book.translate.xml:13587 -#: book.translate.xml:13811 +#: book.translate.xml:13308 book.translate.xml:13455 book.translate.xml:13765 +#: book.translate.xml:13989 msgid "Installation from Ports" msgstr "Instalação a partir do Ports" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13115 book.translate.xml:17284 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:13309 book.translate.xml:17478 book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "Notes" msgstr "Notas" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13121 +#: book.translate.xml:13315 msgid "Firefox" msgstr "Firefox" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13122 book.translate.xml:13130 book.translate.xml:13138 +#: book.translate.xml:13316 book.translate.xml:13324 book.translate.xml:13332 msgid "medium" msgstr "médio" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13123 book.translate.xml:13131 book.translate.xml:13139 -#: book.translate.xml:13286 book.translate.xml:13301 book.translate.xml:13308 -#: book.translate.xml:13625 book.translate.xml:13820 book.translate.xml:13827 -#: book.translate.xml:13834 +#: book.translate.xml:13317 book.translate.xml:13325 book.translate.xml:13333 +#: book.translate.xml:13464 book.translate.xml:13479 book.translate.xml:13486 +#: book.translate.xml:13803 book.translate.xml:13998 book.translate.xml:14005 +#: book.translate.xml:14012 msgid "heavy" msgstr "pesado" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13124 +#: book.translate.xml:13318 msgid "" "FreeBSD, Linux, and localized " "versions are available" @@ -23006,37 +23310,37 @@ "localizadas estão disponíveis" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13129 +#: book.translate.xml:13323 msgid "Konqueror" msgstr "Konqueror" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13132 +#: book.translate.xml:13326 msgid "Requires KDE libraries" msgstr "Requer bibliotecas do KDE" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13137 +#: book.translate.xml:13331 msgid "Chromium" msgstr "Chromium" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13140 +#: book.translate.xml:13334 msgid "Requires Gtk+" msgstr "Requer Gtk+" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:13147 +#: book.translate.xml:13341 msgid "Firefox" msgstr "Firefox" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13149 +#: book.translate.xml:13343 msgid "Firefox" msgstr "Firefox" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13153 +#: book.translate.xml:13347 msgid "" "Firefox is an open source browser that features a " "standards-compliant HTML display engine, tabbed browsing, popup blocking, " @@ -23050,7 +23354,7 @@ "Mozilla." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13160 +#: book.translate.xml:13354 msgid "" "To install the package of the latest release version of " "Firefox, type:" @@ -23059,13 +23363,13 @@ "application>, digite:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13163 +#: book.translate.xml:13357 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install firefox" msgstr "# pkg install firefox" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13165 +#: book.translate.xml:13359 msgid "" "To instead install Firefox Extended Support " "Release (ESR) version, use:" @@ -23074,13 +23378,13 @@ "Firefox, use:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13168 +#: book.translate.xml:13362 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install firefox-esr" msgstr "# pkg install firefox-esr" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13170 +#: book.translate.xml:13364 msgid "" "The Ports Collection can instead be used to compile the desired version of " "Firefox from source code. This example builds " @@ -23093,7 +23397,7 @@ "pode ser substituído pelo ESR ou pela versão localizada para instalar." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13177 +#: book.translate.xml:13371 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/www/firefox\n" @@ -23103,107 +23407,69 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:13182 +#: book.translate.xml:13376 msgid "Konqueror" msgstr "Konqueror" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13184 +#: book.translate.xml:13378 msgid "Konqueror" msgstr "Konqueror" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13188 +#: book.translate.xml:13382 msgid "" "Konqueror is more than a web browser as it is " -"also a file manager and a multimedia viewer. It is included in the " -"x11/kde4-baseapps package or port." +"also a file manager and a multimedia viewer. Supports WebKit as well as its " +"own KHTML. WebKit is a rendering engine used by many modern browsers " +"including Chromium." msgstr "" "O Konqueror é mais do que um navegador Web, pois " -"também é um gerenciador de arquivos e um visualizador de multimídia. Ele faz " -"parte do pacote ou Port x11/kde4-baseapps." +"também é um gerenciador de arquivos e um visualizador de multimídia. Suporta " +"WebKit assim como seu próprio KHTML. WebKit é um motor de renderização usado " +"por diversos navegadores modernos incluiindo o Chromium." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13193 +#: book.translate.xml:13388 msgid "" -"Konqueror supports WebKit as well as its own " -"KHTML. WebKit is a rendering engine used by many modern browsers including " -"Chromium. To use WebKit with Konqueror on " -"FreeBSD, install the www/kwebkitpart package or port. " -"This example installs the package:" +"Konqueror can be installed as a package by typing:" msgstr "" -"O Konqueror suporta o WebKit, assim como o seu " -"próprio KHTML. O WebKit é um mecanismo de renderização usado por muitos " -"navegadores modernos, incluindo o Chromium. Para usar o WebKit com o " -"Konqueror no FreeBSD, instale o pacote ou Port " -"www/kwebkitpart. Este exemplo instala o pacote:" +"O Konqueror pode ser instalado como um pacote " +"digitando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13200 +#: book.translate.xml:13391 #, no-wrap -msgid "# pkg install kwebkitpart" -msgstr "# pkg install kwebkitpart" +msgid "# pkg install konqueror" +msgstr "# pkg install konqueror" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13202 +#: book.translate.xml:13393 msgid "To install from the Ports Collection:" msgstr "Para instalar a partir da Coleção de Ports:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13204 +#: book.translate.xml:13395 #, no-wrap msgid "" -"# cd /usr/ports/www/kwebkitpart\n" +"# cd /usr/ports/x11-fm/konqueror/\n" "# make install clean" msgstr "" -"# cd /usr/ports/www/kwebkitpart\n" +"# cd /usr/ports/x11-fm/konqueror/\n" "# make install clean" -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13207 -msgid "" -"To enable WebKit within Konqueror, click " -"Settings, Configure Konqueror. In the " -"General settings page, click the drop-down menu next to " -"Default web browser engine and change KHTML to " -"WebKit." -msgstr "" -"Para habilitar o WebKit no Konqueror, clique em " -"Settings, Configure Konqueror. Na página de " -"configurações General, clique no menu suspenso ao lado de " -"Default web browser engine e altere KHTML para " -"WebKit." - -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13215 -msgid "" -"Konqueror also supports Flash. A How To guide for getting Flash support on Konqueror is " -"available at" -msgstr "" -"O Konqueror também suporta " -"Flash. Um guia sobre como obter suporte a " -"Flash " -"no Konqueror está disponível em" -"howtos/konqueror-flash.php." - #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:13222 +#: book.translate.xml:13400 msgid "Chromium" msgstr "Chromium" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13224 +#: book.translate.xml:13402 msgid "Chromium" msgstr "Chromium" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13228 +#: book.translate.xml:13406 msgid "" "Chromium is an open source browser project that " "aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable web browsing experience. " @@ -23219,7 +23485,7 @@ "qual o navegador Web do Google Chrome é baseado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13236 +#: book.translate.xml:13414 msgid "" "Chromium can be installed as a package by typing:" msgstr "" @@ -23227,13 +23493,13 @@ "digitando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13239 +#: book.translate.xml:13417 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install chromium" msgstr "# pkg install chromium" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13241 +#: book.translate.xml:13419 msgid "" "Alternatively, Chromium can be compiled from " "source using the Ports Collection:" @@ -23242,7 +23508,7 @@ "partir do código-fonte usando a Coleção de Ports:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13244 +#: book.translate.xml:13422 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/www/chromium\n" @@ -23252,7 +23518,7 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:13248 +#: book.translate.xml:13426 msgid "" "The executable for Chromium is /usr/" "local/bin/chrome, not /usr/local/bin/chromium, não /usr/local/bin/chromium." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:13256 +#: book.translate.xml:13434 msgid "Productivity" msgstr "Produtividade" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:13258 +#: book.translate.xml:13436 msgid "" "When it comes to productivity, users often look for an office suite or an " "easy-to-use word processor. While some desktop " @@ -23285,7 +23551,7 @@ "de janelas instalado." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:13266 +#: book.translate.xml:13444 msgid "" "This section demonstrates how to install the following popular productivity " "software and indicates if the application is resource-heavy, takes time to " @@ -23296,62 +23562,62 @@ "para compilar a partir do ports ou se possui dependências importantes." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13278 book.translate.xml:13588 book.translate.xml:13812 +#: book.translate.xml:13456 book.translate.xml:13766 book.translate.xml:13990 msgid "Major Dependencies" msgstr "Principais Dependências" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13284 +#: book.translate.xml:13462 msgid "Calligra" msgstr "Calligra" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13285 book.translate.xml:13292 book.translate.xml:13293 -#: book.translate.xml:13300 book.translate.xml:13595 book.translate.xml:13596 -#: book.translate.xml:13602 book.translate.xml:13603 book.translate.xml:13609 -#: book.translate.xml:13610 book.translate.xml:13617 book.translate.xml:13618 -#: book.translate.xml:13624 book.translate.xml:13819 book.translate.xml:13826 -#: book.translate.xml:13833 +#: book.translate.xml:13463 book.translate.xml:13470 book.translate.xml:13471 +#: book.translate.xml:13478 book.translate.xml:13773 book.translate.xml:13774 +#: book.translate.xml:13780 book.translate.xml:13781 book.translate.xml:13787 +#: book.translate.xml:13788 book.translate.xml:13795 book.translate.xml:13796 +#: book.translate.xml:13802 book.translate.xml:13997 book.translate.xml:14004 +#: book.translate.xml:14011 msgid "light" msgstr "leve" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13287 book.translate.xml:13626 book.translate.xml:13835 +#: book.translate.xml:13465 book.translate.xml:13804 book.translate.xml:14013 msgid "KDE" msgstr "KDE" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13291 +#: book.translate.xml:13469 msgid "AbiWord" msgstr "AbiWord" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13294 book.translate.xml:13611 +#: book.translate.xml:13472 book.translate.xml:13789 msgid "Gtk+ or GNOME" msgstr "Gtk+ ou GNOME" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13299 +#: book.translate.xml:13477 msgid "The Gimp" msgstr "The Gimp" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13302 book.translate.xml:13619 +#: book.translate.xml:13480 book.translate.xml:13797 msgid "Gtk+" msgstr "Gtk+" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13306 +#: book.translate.xml:13484 msgid "Apache OpenOffice" msgstr "Apache OpenOffice" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13309 book.translate.xml:13317 +#: book.translate.xml:13487 book.translate.xml:13495 msgid "huge" msgstr "enorme" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13310 +#: book.translate.xml:13488 msgid "" "JDK and " "Mozilla" @@ -23360,17 +23626,17 @@ "Mozilla" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13315 +#: book.translate.xml:13493 msgid "LibreOffice" msgstr "LibreOffice" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13316 +#: book.translate.xml:13494 msgid "somewhat heavy" msgstr "um pouco pesado" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13318 +#: book.translate.xml:13496 msgid "" "Gtk+, or KDE/ " "GNOME, or JDK" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:13328 +#: book.translate.xml:13506 msgid "Calligra" msgstr "Calligra" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13330 +#: book.translate.xml:13508 msgid "Calligra" msgstr "Calligra" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13333 +#: book.translate.xml:13511 msgid "" "office suite Calligra" @@ -23400,7 +23666,7 @@ "application>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13338 +#: book.translate.xml:13516 msgid "" "The KDE desktop environment includes an office suite which can be installed " "separately from KDE. Calligraeditors/calligra can be installed as a " "package or a port. To install the package:" @@ -23429,18 +23695,18 @@ "pacote ou um port. Para instalar o pacote:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13353 +#: book.translate.xml:13531 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install calligra" msgstr "# pkg install calligra" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13355 +#: book.translate.xml:13533 msgid "If the package is not available, use the Ports Collection instead:" msgstr "Se o pacote não estiver disponível, use a Coleção de Ports:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13358 +#: book.translate.xml:13536 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/editors/calligra\n" @@ -23450,17 +23716,17 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:13363 +#: book.translate.xml:13541 msgid "AbiWord" msgstr "AbiWord" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13365 +#: book.translate.xml:13543 msgid "AbiWord" msgstr "AbiWord" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13369 +#: book.translate.xml:13547 msgid "" "AbiWord is a free word processing program similar " "in look and feel to MicrosoftAbiWord can import or export many file formats, " "including some proprietary ones like ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13378 +#: book.translate.xml:13556 msgid "To install the AbiWord package:" msgstr "Para instalar o pacote do AbiWord:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13381 +#: book.translate.xml:13559 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install abiword" msgstr "# pkg install abiword" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13383 +#: book.translate.xml:13561 msgid "" "If the package is not available, it can be compiled from the Ports " "Collection:" @@ -23505,7 +23771,7 @@ "Coleção de Ports:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13386 +#: book.translate.xml:13564 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/editors/abiword\n" @@ -23515,17 +23781,17 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:13391 +#: book.translate.xml:13569 msgid "The GIMP" msgstr "O GIMP" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13393 +#: book.translate.xml:13571 msgid "The GIMP" msgstr "The GIMP" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13397 +#: book.translate.xml:13575 msgid "" "For image authoring or picture retouching, The GIMP provides a sophisticated image manipulation program. It can be " @@ -23543,23 +23809,23 @@ "tablets." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13406 +#: book.translate.xml:13584 msgid "To install the package:" msgstr "Para instalar o pacote:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13408 +#: book.translate.xml:13586 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install gimp" msgstr "# pkg install gimp" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13410 +#: book.translate.xml:13588 msgid "Alternately, use the Ports Collection:" msgstr "Como alternativa, use a Coleção de Ports:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13412 +#: book.translate.xml:13590 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/graphics/gimp\n" @@ -23569,7 +23835,7 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13415 +#: book.translate.xml:13593 msgid "" "The graphics category ( of the Ports " @@ -23582,17 +23848,17 @@ "application>, arquivos de ajuda e manuais do usuário." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:13423 +#: book.translate.xml:13601 msgid "Apache OpenOffice" msgstr "Apache OpenOffice" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13425 +#: book.translate.xml:13603 msgid " Apache OpenOffice " msgstr " Apache OpenOffice " #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13430 +#: book.translate.xml:13608 msgid "" "office suite Apache OpenOffice " @@ -23601,7 +23867,7 @@ "application> " #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13437 +#: book.translate.xml:13615 msgid "" "Apache OpenOffice is an open source office suite " "which is developed under the wing of the Apache Software Foundation's " @@ -23624,7 +23890,7 @@ "dicionários." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13448 +#: book.translate.xml:13626 msgid "" "The word processor of Apache OpenOffice uses a " "native XML file format for increased portability and flexibility. The " @@ -23632,12 +23898,11 @@ "external databases. Apache OpenOffice is stable " "and runs natively on Windows, " "Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD, and Mac OS X. More information about Apache OpenOffice can be found at For FreeBSD specific information refer to" -"freebsd/." +"trademark>, FreeBSD, and Mac OS " +"X. More information about Apache OpenOffice can " +"be found at For FreeBSD specific information refer to" msgstr "" "O processador de texto do Apache OpenOffice usa " "um formato de arquivo XML nativo para maior portabilidade e flexibilidade. O " @@ -23653,18 +23918,18 @@ "\">" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13459 +#: book.translate.xml:13637 msgid "To install the Apache OpenOffice package:" msgstr "Para instalar o pacote Apache OpenOffice:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13462 +#: book.translate.xml:13640 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install apache-openoffice" msgstr "# pkg install apache-openoffice" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13464 +#: book.translate.xml:13642 msgid "" "Once the package is installed, type the following command to launch " "Apache OpenOffice:" @@ -23673,13 +23938,13 @@ "Apache OpenOffice:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13467 +#: book.translate.xml:13645 #, no-wrap msgid "% openoffice-X.Y.Z" msgstr "% openoffice-X.Y.Z" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13469 +#: book.translate.xml:13647 msgid "" "where X.Y.Z is the version number of the " "installed version of Apache OpenOffice. The first " @@ -23694,7 +23959,7 @@ "diretório pessoal do usuário." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13477 +#: book.translate.xml:13655 msgid "" "If the desired Apache OpenOffice package is not " "available, compiling the port is still an option. However, this requires a " @@ -23705,7 +23970,7 @@ "isso requer muito espaço em disco e um tempo bastante longo para compilar:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13482 +#: book.translate.xml:13660 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/editors/openoffice-4\n" @@ -23715,18 +23980,18 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:13486 +#: book.translate.xml:13664 msgid "To build a localized version, replace the previous command with:" msgstr "Para compilar uma versão localizada, substitua o comando anterior por:" #. (itstool) path: note/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13489 +#: book.translate.xml:13667 #, no-wrap msgid "# make LOCALIZED_LANG=your_language install clean" msgstr "# make LOCALIZED_LANG=your_language install clean" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:13491 +#: book.translate.xml:13669 msgid "" "Replace your_language with the correct language " "ISO-code. A list of supported language codes is available in files/" @@ -23738,17 +24003,17 @@ "port." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:13501 +#: book.translate.xml:13679 msgid "LibreOffice" msgstr "LibreOffice" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13503 +#: book.translate.xml:13681 msgid "LibreOffice" msgstr "LibreOffice" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13506 +#: book.translate.xml:13684 msgid "" "office suite LibreOffice" @@ -23757,7 +24022,7 @@ "application>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13511 +#: book.translate.xml:13689 msgid "" "LibreOffice is a free software office suite " "developed by LibreOffice uses a native " "XML file format for increased portability and flexibility. The spreadsheet " @@ -23791,7 +24056,7 @@ "databases. LibreOffice is stable and runs " "natively on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, and Mac OS X. More information about " +"\"registered\">Mac OS X. More information about " "LibreOffice can be found at" msgstr "" @@ -23803,11 +24068,11 @@ "\">Windows, Linux, " "FreeBSD e Mac OS X. Maiores " "informações sobre o LibreOffice podem ser " -"encontradas em libreoffice." +"encontradas em libreoffice." "org." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13534 +#: book.translate.xml:13712 msgid "" "To install the English version of the LibreOffice " "package:" @@ -23816,13 +24081,13 @@ "application>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13537 +#: book.translate.xml:13715 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install libreoffice" msgstr "# pkg install libreoffice" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13539 +#: book.translate.xml:13717 msgid "" "The editors category ( of the Ports " @@ -23837,7 +24102,7 @@ "libreoffice pelo nome do pacote localizado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13545 +#: book.translate.xml:13723 msgid "" "Once the package is installed, type the following command to run " "LibreOffice:" @@ -23846,13 +24111,13 @@ "LibreOffice:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13548 +#: book.translate.xml:13726 #, no-wrap msgid "% libreoffice" msgstr "% libreoffice" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13550 +#: book.translate.xml:13728 msgid "" "During the first launch, some questions will be asked and a ." "libreoffice folder will be created in the user's home directory." @@ -23862,7 +24127,7 @@ "usuário." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13554 +#: book.translate.xml:13732 msgid "" "If the desired LibreOffice package is not " "available, compiling the port is still an option. However, this requires a " @@ -23875,7 +24140,7 @@ "exemplo compila a versão em inglês:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13560 +#: book.translate.xml:13738 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice\n" @@ -23885,7 +24150,7 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:13564 +#: book.translate.xml:13742 msgid "" "To build a localized version, cd into the port directory " "of the desired language. Supported languages can be found in the editors " @@ -23899,12 +24164,12 @@ "de Ports." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:13574 +#: book.translate.xml:13752 msgid "Document Viewers" msgstr "Visualizadores de Documentos" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:13576 +#: book.translate.xml:13754 msgid "" "Some new document formats have gained popularity since the advent of " "UNIX and the viewers they " @@ -23917,58 +24182,58 @@ "demonstra como instalar os seguintes visualizadores de documentos:" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13594 +#: book.translate.xml:13772 msgid "Xpdf" msgstr "Xpdf" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13597 +#: book.translate.xml:13775 msgid "FreeType" msgstr "FreeType" #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:13601 book.translate.xml:13666 +#: book.translate.xml:13779 book.translate.xml:13844 msgid "gv" msgstr "gv" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13604 +#: book.translate.xml:13782 msgid "Xaw3d" msgstr "Xaw3d" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13608 +#: book.translate.xml:13786 msgid "Geeqie" msgstr "Geeqie" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13616 +#: book.translate.xml:13794 msgid "ePDFView" msgstr "ePDFView" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13623 +#: book.translate.xml:13801 msgid "Okular" msgstr "Okular" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:13633 +#: book.translate.xml:13811 msgid "Xpdf" msgstr "Xpdf" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13635 +#: book.translate.xml:13813 msgid "Xpdf" msgstr "Xpdf" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13638 book.translate.xml:13671 book.translate.xml:13737 +#: book.translate.xml:13816 book.translate.xml:13849 book.translate.xml:13915 msgid "PDF viewing" msgstr "PDF viewing" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13643 +#: book.translate.xml:13821 msgid "" "For users that prefer a small FreeBSD PDF viewer, Xpdf provides a light-weight and efficient viewer which requires few " @@ -23981,24 +24246,24 @@ "de ferramentas adicional." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13649 +#: book.translate.xml:13827 msgid "To install the Xpdf package:" msgstr "Para instalar o pacote Xpdf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13652 +#: book.translate.xml:13830 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install xpdf" msgstr "# pkg install xpdf" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13654 book.translate.xml:13724 book.translate.xml:13869 -#: book.translate.xml:13903 book.translate.xml:13936 +#: book.translate.xml:13832 book.translate.xml:13902 book.translate.xml:14047 +#: book.translate.xml:14081 book.translate.xml:14114 msgid "If the package is not available, use the Ports Collection:" msgstr "Se o pacote não estiver disponível, use a Coleção de Ports:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13657 +#: book.translate.xml:13835 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/graphics/xpdf\n" @@ -24008,7 +24273,7 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13660 +#: book.translate.xml:13838 msgid "" "Once the installation is complete, launch xpdf and use " "the right mouse button to activate the menu." @@ -24017,17 +24282,17 @@ "use o botão direito do mouse para ativar o menu." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13668 +#: book.translate.xml:13846 msgid "gv" msgstr "gv" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13675 +#: book.translate.xml:13853 msgid "PostScript viewing" msgstr "PostScript viewing" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13680 +#: book.translate.xml:13858 msgid "" "gv is a PostScript and PDF viewer. It is based on " @@ -24046,23 +24311,23 @@ "Quase qualquer operação pode ser executada com o teclado ou com o mouse." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13689 +#: book.translate.xml:13867 msgid "To install gv as a package:" msgstr "Para instalar o gv como um pacote:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13692 +#: book.translate.xml:13870 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install gv" msgstr "# pkg install gv" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13694 book.translate.xml:13756 book.translate.xml:13786 +#: book.translate.xml:13872 book.translate.xml:13934 book.translate.xml:13964 msgid "If a package is unavailable, use the Ports Collection:" msgstr "Se um pacote não estiver disponível, use a Coleção de Ports:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13697 +#: book.translate.xml:13875 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/print/gv\n" @@ -24072,17 +24337,17 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:13702 +#: book.translate.xml:13880 msgid "Geeqie" msgstr "Geeqie" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13704 +#: book.translate.xml:13882 msgid "Geeqie" msgstr "Geeqie" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13708 +#: book.translate.xml:13886 msgid "" "Geeqie is a fork from the unmaintained " "GQView project, in an effort to move development " @@ -24105,18 +24370,18 @@ "cheia e a internacionalização." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13719 +#: book.translate.xml:13897 msgid "To install the Geeqie package:" msgstr "Para instalar o pacote Geeqie:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13722 +#: book.translate.xml:13900 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install geeqie" msgstr "# pkg install geeqie" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13727 +#: book.translate.xml:13905 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/graphics/geeqie\n" @@ -24126,17 +24391,17 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:13732 +#: book.translate.xml:13910 msgid "ePDFView" msgstr "ePDFView" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13734 +#: book.translate.xml:13912 msgid "ePDFView" msgstr "ePDFView" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13742 +#: book.translate.xml:13920 msgid "" "ePDFView is a lightweight PDF " "document viewer that only uses the Gtk+ and " @@ -24153,18 +24418,18 @@ "impressão usando o CUPS." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13751 +#: book.translate.xml:13929 msgid "To install ePDFView as a package:" msgstr "Para instalar o ePDFView como um pacote:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13754 +#: book.translate.xml:13932 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install epdfview" msgstr "# pkg install epdfview" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13759 +#: book.translate.xml:13937 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/graphics/epdfview\n" @@ -24174,24 +24439,24 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:13764 +#: book.translate.xml:13942 msgid "Okular" msgstr "Okular" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13766 +#: book.translate.xml:13944 msgid "Okular" msgstr "Okular" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13769 +#: book.translate.xml:13947 msgid "" "PDF viewing" msgstr "" "PDF viewing" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13774 +#: book.translate.xml:13952 msgid "" "Okular is a universal document viewer based on " "KPDF for KDE. It can " @@ -24206,18 +24471,18 @@ "trademark>, DjVu, CHM, XPS e ePub." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13781 +#: book.translate.xml:13959 msgid "To install Okular as a package:" msgstr "Para instalar o Okular como um pacote:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13784 +#: book.translate.xml:13962 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install okular" msgstr "# pkg install okular" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13789 +#: book.translate.xml:13967 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/graphics/okular\n" @@ -24227,12 +24492,12 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:13795 +#: book.translate.xml:13973 msgid "Finance" msgstr "Finanças" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:13797 +#: book.translate.xml:13975 msgid "" "For managing personal finances on a FreeBSD desktop, some powerful and easy-" "to-use applications can be installed. Some are compatible with widespread " @@ -24245,42 +24510,42 @@ "Quicken e Excel." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:13803 +#: book.translate.xml:13981 msgid "This section covers these programs:" msgstr "Esta seção cobre estes programas:" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13818 +#: book.translate.xml:13996 msgid "GnuCash" msgstr "GnuCash" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13821 book.translate.xml:13828 +#: book.translate.xml:13999 book.translate.xml:14006 msgid "GNOME" msgstr "GNOME" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13825 +#: book.translate.xml:14003 msgid "Gnumeric" msgstr "Gnumeric" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:13832 +#: book.translate.xml:14010 msgid "KMyMoney" msgstr "KMyMoney" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:13842 +#: book.translate.xml:14020 msgid "GnuCash" msgstr "GnuCash" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13844 +#: book.translate.xml:14022 msgid "GnuCash" msgstr "GnuCash" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13848 +#: book.translate.xml:14026 msgid "" "GnuCash is part of the GNOME effort to provide user-friendly, yet powerful, applications to " @@ -24295,7 +24560,7 @@ "ações. Ele apresenta uma interface intuitiva, mantendo-se profissional." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13856 +#: book.translate.xml:14034 msgid "" "GnuCash provides a smart register, a hierarchical " "system of accounts, and many keyboard accelerators and auto-completion " @@ -24312,18 +24577,18 @@ "com a maioria dos formatos internacionais de data e moeda." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13864 +#: book.translate.xml:14042 msgid "To install the GnuCash package:" msgstr "Para instalar o pacote GnuCash:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13867 +#: book.translate.xml:14045 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install gnucash" msgstr "# pkg install gnucash" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13872 +#: book.translate.xml:14050 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/finance/gnucash\n" @@ -24333,17 +24598,17 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:13877 +#: book.translate.xml:14055 msgid "Gnumeric" msgstr "Gnumeric" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13879 +#: book.translate.xml:14057 msgid "Gnumeric" msgstr "Gnumeric" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13882 +#: book.translate.xml:14060 msgid "" "spreadsheet Gnumeric" @@ -24352,7 +24617,7 @@ "application>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13887 +#: book.translate.xml:14065 msgid "" "Gnumeric is a spreadsheet program developed by " "the GNOME community. It features convenient " @@ -24373,18 +24638,18 @@ "os formatos usuais de célula, como número, moeda, data, hora e muito mais." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13898 +#: book.translate.xml:14076 msgid "To install Gnumeric as a package:" msgstr "Para instalar o Gnumeric como um pacote:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13901 +#: book.translate.xml:14079 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install gnumeric" msgstr "# pkg install gnumeric" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13906 +#: book.translate.xml:14084 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/math/gnumeric\n" @@ -24394,17 +24659,17 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:13911 +#: book.translate.xml:14089 msgid "KMyMoney" msgstr "KMyMoney" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13913 +#: book.translate.xml:14091 msgid "KMyMoney" msgstr "KMyMoney" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:13915 +#: book.translate.xml:14093 msgid "" "spreadsheet KMyMoney" @@ -24413,7 +24678,7 @@ "application>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13920 +#: book.translate.xml:14098 msgid "" "KMyMoney is a personal finance application " "created by the KDE community. " @@ -24435,18 +24700,18 @@ "moedas e fornece diversos relatórios." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:13931 +#: book.translate.xml:14109 msgid "To install KMyMoney as a package:" msgstr "Para instalar o KMyMoney como um pacote:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13934 +#: book.translate.xml:14112 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install kmymoney-kde4" msgstr "# pkg install kmymoney-kde4" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:13939 +#: book.translate.xml:14117 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/finance/kmymoney-kde4\n" @@ -24456,12 +24721,12 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:13954 +#: book.translate.xml:14132 msgid "Multimedia" msgstr "Multimídia" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:13957 +#: book.translate.xml:14135 msgid "" " Ross Lippert Edited by " @@ -24470,7 +24735,7 @@ "personname> Editado por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:13970 +#: book.translate.xml:14148 msgid "" "FreeBSD supports a wide variety of sound cards, allowing users to enjoy high " "fidelity output from a FreeBSD system. This includes the ability to record " @@ -24488,7 +24753,7 @@ "MIDI conectados." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:13979 +#: book.translate.xml:14157 msgid "" "FreeBSD also supports the playback of video files and DVDs. The FreeBSD Ports Collection contains applications to encode, " @@ -24499,7 +24764,7 @@ "converter e reproduzir várias mídias de vídeo." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:13984 +#: book.translate.xml:14162 msgid "" "This chapter describes how to configure sound cards, video playback, TV " "tuner cards, and scanners on FreeBSD. It also describes some of the " @@ -24510,32 +24775,32 @@ "das aplicações que estão disponíveis para usar esses dispositivos." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:13989 +#: book.translate.xml:14167 msgid "After reading this chapter, you will know how to:" msgstr "Depois de ler este capítulo, você irá saber como:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:13993 +#: book.translate.xml:14171 msgid "Configure a sound card on FreeBSD." msgstr "Configurar uma placa de som no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:13997 +#: book.translate.xml:14175 msgid "Troubleshoot the sound setup." msgstr "Solucionar problemas de configuração de som." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:14001 +#: book.translate.xml:14179 msgid "Playback and encode MP3s and other audio." msgstr "Reproduzir e codificar MP3 e outros áudios." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:14005 +#: book.translate.xml:14183 msgid "Prepare a FreeBSD system for video playback." msgstr "Preparar um sistema FreeBSD para reprodução de vídeo." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:14009 +#: book.translate.xml:14187 msgid "" "Play DVDs, .mpg, and .avi files." @@ -24544,7 +24809,7 @@ ".avi." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:14014 +#: book.translate.xml:14192 msgid "" "Rip CD and DVD content into files." msgstr "" @@ -24552,27 +24817,27 @@ "arquivos arquivos." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:14019 +#: book.translate.xml:14197 msgid "Configure a TV card." msgstr "Configurar uma placa de TV." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:14023 +#: book.translate.xml:14201 msgid "Install and setup MythTV on FreeBSD" msgstr "Instale e configure o MythTV no FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:14027 +#: book.translate.xml:14205 msgid "Configure an image scanner." msgstr "Configurar um scanner de imagem." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:14031 +#: book.translate.xml:14209 msgid "Configure a Bluetooth headset." msgstr "Configurar um headset Bluetooth." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:14038 +#: book.translate.xml:14216 msgid "" "Know how to install applications as described in ." msgstr "" @@ -24580,12 +24845,12 @@ ">." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:14045 +#: book.translate.xml:14223 msgid "Setting Up the Sound Card" msgstr "Configurando a Placa de Som" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:14048 +#: book.translate.xml:14226 msgid "" " Moses Moore Contributed by " @@ -24594,7 +24859,7 @@ "personname> Contribuido por" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:14058 +#: book.translate.xml:14236 msgid "" " Marc Fonvieille Enhanced by " @@ -24603,17 +24868,17 @@ "personname> Aprimorado por" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:14068 +#: book.translate.xml:14246 msgid "PCI" msgstr "PCI" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:14069 +#: book.translate.xml:14247 msgid "sound cards" msgstr "sound cards" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:14070 +#: book.translate.xml:14248 msgid "" "Before beginning the configuration, determine the model of the sound card " "and the chip it uses. FreeBSD supports a wide variety of sound cards. Check " @@ -24629,12 +24894,12 @@ "usa." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:14077 +#: book.translate.xml:14255 msgid "kernel configuration" msgstr "kernel configuration" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:14082 +#: book.translate.xml:14260 msgid "" "In order to use the sound device, its device driver must be loaded. The " "easiest way is to load a kernel module for the sound card with " @@ -24649,13 +24914,13 @@ "áudio integrado baseado na especificação Intel:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:14088 +#: book.translate.xml:14266 #, no-wrap msgid "# kldload snd_hda" msgstr "# kldload snd_hda" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:14090 +#: book.translate.xml:14268 msgid "" "To automate the loading of this driver at boot time, add the driver to " "/boot/loader.conf. The line for this driver is:" @@ -24665,13 +24930,13 @@ "conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:14094 +#: book.translate.xml:14272 #, no-wrap msgid "snd_hda_load=\"YES\"" msgstr "snd_hda_load=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:14096 +#: book.translate.xml:14274 msgid "" "Other available sound modules are listed in /boot/defaults/loader." "conf. When unsure which driver to use, load the " @@ -24682,13 +24947,13 @@ "usar, carregue o módulo snd_driver:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:14101 +#: book.translate.xml:14279 #, no-wrap msgid "# kldload snd_driver" msgstr "# kldload snd_driver" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:14103 +#: book.translate.xml:14281 msgid "" "This is a metadriver which loads all of the most common sound drivers and " "can be used to speed up the search for the correct driver. It is also " @@ -24701,7 +24966,7 @@ "/boot/loader.conf." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:14109 +#: book.translate.xml:14287 msgid "" "To determine which driver was selected for the sound card after loading the " "snd_driver metadriver, type cat /dev/sndstat." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:14114 +#: book.translate.xml:14292 msgid "Configuring a Custom Kernel with Sound Support" msgstr "Configurando um kernel Personalizado com Suporte de Som" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14116 +#: book.translate.xml:14294 msgid "" "This section is for users who prefer to statically compile in support for " "the sound card in a custom kernel. For more information about recompiling a " @@ -24728,7 +24993,7 @@ "como recompilar um kernel, consulte ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14120 +#: book.translate.xml:14298 msgid "" "When using a custom kernel to provide sound support, make sure that the " "audio framework driver exists in the custom kernel configuration file:" @@ -24738,13 +25003,13 @@ "personalizado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:14124 +#: book.translate.xml:14302 #, no-wrap msgid "device sound" msgstr "device sound" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14126 +#: book.translate.xml:14304 msgid "" "Next, add support for the sound card. To continue the example of the built-" "in audio chipset based on the Intel specification from the previous section, " @@ -24756,13 +25021,13 @@ "personalizado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:14131 +#: book.translate.xml:14309 #, no-wrap msgid "device snd_hda" msgstr "device snd_hda" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14133 +#: book.translate.xml:14311 msgid "" "Be sure to read the manual page of the driver for the device name to use for " "the driver." @@ -24771,7 +25036,7 @@ "a ser usado pelo driver." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14136 +#: book.translate.xml:14314 msgid "" "Non-PnP ISA sound cards may require the IRQ and I/O port settings of the " "card to be added to /boot/device.hints. During the boot " @@ -24797,7 +25062,7 @@ "configuração do kernel:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:14146 +#: book.translate.xml:14324 #, no-wrap msgid "" "device snd_sbc\n" @@ -24807,7 +25072,7 @@ "device snd_sb16" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14149 +#: book.translate.xml:14327 msgid "" "If the card uses the 0x220 I/O port and IRQ 5, these lines must also be added to /boot/device.hints:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:14153 +#: book.translate.xml:14331 #, no-wrap msgid "" "\"isa\"\n" @@ -24834,7 +25099,7 @@ "hint.sbc.0.flags=\"0x15\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14159 +#: book.translate.xml:14337 msgid "" "The syntax used in /boot/device.hints is described in " "sound4 e na página de manual do driver da placa de som." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14163 +#: book.translate.xml:14341 msgid "" "The settings shown above are the defaults. In some cases, the IRQ or other " "settings may need to be changed to match the card. Refer to " @@ -24858,12 +25123,12 @@ "manvolnum> para obter mais informações sobre esta placa." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:14170 +#: book.translate.xml:14348 msgid "Testing Sound" msgstr "Testando o Som" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14172 +#: book.translate.xml:14350 msgid "" "After loading the required module or rebooting into the custom kernel, the " "sound card should be detected. To confirm, run dmesg | grep pcm# cat /dev/sndstat\n" @@ -24912,7 +25177,7 @@ "pcm2: <Conexant CX20590 (Analog 2.0+HP/2.0)> (play/rec) default" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14191 +#: book.translate.xml:14369 msgid "" "The output will vary depending upon the sound card. If no pcm devices are listed, double-check that the correct device driver " @@ -24925,7 +25190,7 @@ "lista alguns problemas comuns e suas soluções." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14197 +#: book.translate.xml:14375 msgid "" "If all goes well, the sound card should now work in FreeBSD. If the " "CD or DVD drive is properly connected " @@ -24940,13 +25205,13 @@ "refentrytitle>1:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:14203 +#: book.translate.xml:14381 #, no-wrap msgid "% cdcontrol -f /dev/acd0 play 1" msgstr "% cdcontrol -f /dev/acd0 play 1" #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:14206 +#: book.translate.xml:14384 msgid "" "Audio CDs have specialized encodings which means that " "they should not be mounted using mount." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14211 +#: book.translate.xml:14389 msgid "" "Various applications, such as audio/workman, provide a " "friendlier interface. The audio/mpg123 port can be " @@ -24969,7 +25234,7 @@ "instalado para ouvir arquivos de áudio MP3." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14216 +#: book.translate.xml:14394 msgid "" "Another quick way to test the card is to send data to /dev/dsp:" @@ -24978,13 +25243,13 @@ "dsp:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:14219 +#: book.translate.xml:14397 #, no-wrap msgid "% cat filename > /dev/dsp" msgstr "% cat filename > /dev/dsp" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14221 +#: book.translate.xml:14399 msgid "" "where filename can be any " "type of file. This command should produce some noise, confirming that the " @@ -24995,7 +25260,7 @@ "confirmando que a placa de som está funcionando." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:14227 +#: book.translate.xml:14405 msgid "" "The /dev/dsp* device nodes will be created " "automatically as needed. When not in use, they do not exist and will not " @@ -25008,17 +25273,17 @@ "refentrytitle>1." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:14235 +#: book.translate.xml:14413 msgid "Setting up Bluetooth Sound Devices" msgstr "Configurando Dispositivos de Som Bluetooth" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:14237 +#: book.translate.xml:14415 msgid "Bluetooth audio" msgstr "Bluetooth audio" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14241 +#: book.translate.xml:14419 msgid "" "Connecting to a Bluetooth device is out of scope for this chapter. Refer to " " for more information." @@ -25027,7 +25292,7 @@ "Consulte a para mais informações." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14244 +#: book.translate.xml:14422 msgid "" "To get Bluetooth sound sink working with FreeBSD's sound system, users have " "to install audio/virtual_oss first:" @@ -25037,13 +25302,13 @@ "package>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:14248 +#: book.translate.xml:14426 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install virtual_oss" msgstr "# pkg install virtual_oss" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14250 +#: book.translate.xml:14428 msgid "" "audio/virtual_oss requires cuse to be " "loaded into the kernel:" @@ -25052,13 +25317,13 @@ "carregado no kernel:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:14253 +#: book.translate.xml:14431 #, no-wrap msgid "# kldload cuse" msgstr "# kldload cuse" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14255 +#: book.translate.xml:14433 msgid "" "To load cuse during system startup, run this command:" msgstr "" @@ -25066,13 +25331,13 @@ "execute o comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:14258 +#: book.translate.xml:14436 #, no-wrap msgid "# sysrc -f /boot/loader.conf cuse_load=yes" msgstr "# sysrc -f /boot/loader.conf cuse_load=yes" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14260 +#: book.translate.xml:14438 msgid "" "To use headphones as a sound sink with audio/virtual_oss, " "users need to create a virtual device after connecting to a Bluetooth audio " @@ -25083,13 +25348,13 @@ "depois de se conectarem a um dispositivo de áudio Bluetooth:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:14265 +#: book.translate.xml:14443 #, no-wrap msgid "# virtual_oss -C 2 -c 2 -r 48000 -b 16 -s 768 -R /dev/null -P /dev/bluetooth/headphones -d dsp" msgstr "# virtual_oss -C 2 -c 2 -r 48000 -b 16 -s 768 -R /dev/null -P /dev/bluetooth/headphones -d dsp" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:14268 +#: book.translate.xml:14446 msgid "" "headphones in this example is a hostname from " "/etc/bluetooth/hosts. BT_ADDR could " @@ -25100,7 +25365,7 @@ "poderia ser usado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14273 +#: book.translate.xml:14451 msgid "" "Refer to virtual_oss8 for more information." @@ -25109,32 +25374,32 @@ "refentrytitle>8 para mais informações." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:14277 +#: book.translate.xml:14455 msgid "Troubleshooting Sound" msgstr "Solução de Problemas de Som" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:14279 +#: book.translate.xml:14457 msgid "device nodes" msgstr "device nodes" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:14280 +#: book.translate.xml:14458 msgid "I/O port" msgstr "I/O port" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:14281 +#: book.translate.xml:14459 msgid "IRQ" msgstr "IRQ" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:14282 +#: book.translate.xml:14460 msgid "DSP" msgstr "DSP" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14284 +#: book.translate.xml:14462 msgid "" " lists some common " "error messages and their solutions:" @@ -25143,37 +25408,37 @@ "mensagens de erros comuns e suas soluções:" #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:14288 +#: book.translate.xml:14466 msgid "Common Error Messages" msgstr "Mensagens de Erros Comuns" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:14293 +#: book.translate.xml:14471 msgid "Error" msgstr "Erro" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:14294 +#: book.translate.xml:14472 msgid "Solution" msgstr "Solução" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:14300 +#: book.translate.xml:14478 msgid "sb_dspwr(XX) timed out" msgstr "sb_dspwr(XX) timed out" #. (itstool) path: entry/para -#: book.translate.xml:14302 +#: book.translate.xml:14480 msgid "The I/O port is not set correctly." msgstr "A porta de I/O não está configurada corretamente." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:14307 +#: book.translate.xml:14485 msgid "bad irq XX" msgstr "bad irq XX" #. (itstool) path: entry/para -#: book.translate.xml:14308 +#: book.translate.xml:14486 msgid "" "The IRQ is set incorrectly. Make sure that the set IRQ and the sound IRQ are " "the same." @@ -25182,22 +25447,22 @@ "IRQ do som são as mesmas." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:14314 +#: book.translate.xml:14492 msgid "xxx: gus pcm not attached, out of memory" msgstr "xxx: gus pcm not attached, out of memory" #. (itstool) path: entry/para -#: book.translate.xml:14316 +#: book.translate.xml:14494 msgid "There is not enough available memory to use the device." msgstr "Não há memória disponível suficiente para usar o dispositivo." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:14321 +#: book.translate.xml:14499 msgid "xxx: can't open /dev/dsp!" msgstr "xxx: can't open /dev/dsp!" #. (itstool) path: entry/para -#: book.translate.xml:14323 +#: book.translate.xml:14501 msgid "" "Type fstat | grep dsp to check if another application is " "holding the device open. Noteworthy troublemakers are esoundKDE." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14334 +#: book.translate.xml:14512 msgid "" "Modern graphics cards often come with their own sound driver for use with " "HDMI. This sound device is sometimes enumerated before " @@ -25226,7 +25491,7 @@ "literal>. A saída é algo como isto:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:14343 +#: book.translate.xml:14521 #, no-wrap msgid "" "...\n" @@ -25266,7 +25531,7 @@ "..." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14361 +#: book.translate.xml:14539 msgid "" "In this example, the graphics card (NVidia) has been " "enumerated before the sound card (Realtek ALC889). To use " @@ -25280,13 +25545,13 @@ "para reprodução:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:14368 +#: book.translate.xml:14546 #, no-wrap msgid "# sysctl hw.snd.default_unit=n" msgstr "# sysctl hw.snd.default_unit=n" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14370 +#: book.translate.xml:14548 msgid "" "where n is the number of the sound device to use. In this " "example, it should be 4. Make this change permanent by " @@ -25298,18 +25563,18 @@ "filename>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:14376 +#: book.translate.xml:14554 #, no-wrap msgid "hw.snd.default_unit=4" msgstr "hw.snd.default_unit=4" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:14381 +#: book.translate.xml:14559 msgid "Utilizing Multiple Sound Sources" msgstr "Utilizando Múltiplas Fontes de Som" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:14384 +#: book.translate.xml:14562 msgid "" " Munish Chopra Contributed by " @@ -25318,7 +25583,7 @@ "personname> Contribuído por" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14394 +#: book.translate.xml:14572 msgid "" "It is often desirable to have multiple sources of sound that are able to " "play simultaneously. FreeBSD uses Virtual Sound Channels to " @@ -25329,7 +25594,7 @@ "multiplexar a reprodução da placa de som mixando o som no kernel." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14399 +#: book.translate.xml:14577 msgid "" "Three sysctl8 knobs are available for configuring virtual " @@ -25340,7 +25605,7 @@ "configurar canais virtuais:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:14402 +#: book.translate.xml:14580 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# sysctl\n" @@ -25352,7 +25617,7 @@ "# sysctl hw.snd.maxautovchans=4" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14406 +#: book.translate.xml:14584 msgid "" "This example allocates four virtual channels, which is a practical number " "for everyday use. Both and " @@ -25377,7 +25642,7 @@ "citerefentry> para obter mais informações." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:14419 +#: book.translate.xml:14597 msgid "" "The number of virtual channels for a device cannot be changed while it is in " "use. First, close any programs using the device, such as music players or " @@ -25388,7 +25653,7 @@ "dispositivo, como players de música ou daemons de som." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14424 +#: book.translate.xml:14602 msgid "" "The correct pcm device will automatically be allocated " "transparently to a program that requests /dev/dsp0." @@ -25398,12 +25663,12 @@ "filename>." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:14431 +#: book.translate.xml:14609 msgid "Setting Default Values for Mixer Channels" msgstr "Configurando Valores Padrões para Canais de Mixer" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:14434 +#: book.translate.xml:14612 msgid "" " Josef El-Rayes Contributed by " @@ -25412,7 +25677,7 @@ "personname> Contribuído por" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14444 +#: book.translate.xml:14622 msgid "" "The default values for the different mixer channels are hardcoded in the " "source code of the pcm, conforme mostrado neste exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:14453 +#: book.translate.xml:14631 #, no-wrap msgid "hint.pcm.0.vol=\"50\"" msgstr "hint.pcm.0.vol=\"50\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14455 +#: book.translate.xml:14633 msgid "" "This will set the volume channel to a default value of 50 " "when the pcm44 for carregado." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:14463 +#: book.translate.xml:14641 msgid "MP3 Audio" msgstr "Áudio MP3" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:14466 book.translate.xml:59571 +#: book.translate.xml:14644 book.translate.xml:60048 msgid "" " Chern Lee Contributed by " @@ -25465,7 +25730,7 @@ "personname> Contribuído por" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:14476 +#: book.translate.xml:14654 msgid "" "This section describes some MP3 players available for " "FreeBSD, how to rip audio CD tracks, and how to encode " @@ -25476,12 +25741,12 @@ "codificar e decodificar MP3." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:14482 +#: book.translate.xml:14660 msgid "MP3 Players" msgstr "Players de MP3" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14484 +#: book.translate.xml:14662 msgid "" "A popular graphical MP3 player is Audacious. It supports Winamp skins and " @@ -25503,7 +25768,7 @@ "package>. Audacious é descendente do XMMS." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14495 +#: book.translate.xml:14673 msgid "" "The audio/mpg123 package or port provides an alternative, " "command-line MP3 player. Once installed, specify the " @@ -25517,7 +25782,7 @@ "som também pode ser especificado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:14501 +#: book.translate.xml:14679 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mpg123 -a /dev/dsp1.0 Foobar-GreatestHits.mp3\n" @@ -25537,7 +25802,7 @@ "MPEG 1.0 layer III, 128 kbit/s, 44100 Hz joint-stereo" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14509 +#: book.translate.xml:14687 msgid "" "Additional MP3 players are available in the FreeBSD Ports " "Collection." @@ -25546,12 +25811,12 @@ "do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:14514 +#: book.translate.xml:14692 msgid "Ripping CD Audio Tracks" msgstr "Copiando Trilhas de CD de Áudio" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14516 +#: book.translate.xml:14694 msgid "" "Before encoding a CD or CD track to " "MP3, the audio data on the CD must be " @@ -25566,7 +25831,7 @@ "WAV." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14523 +#: book.translate.xml:14701 msgid "" "The cdda2wav tool, which is installed with the " "sysutils/cdrtools suite, can be used to rip audio " @@ -25577,7 +25842,7 @@ "informações de áudio do CD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14528 +#: book.translate.xml:14706 msgid "" "With the audio CD in the drive, the following command can " "be issued as root to rip an " @@ -25590,13 +25855,13 @@ "trilhas:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:14534 +#: book.translate.xml:14712 #, no-wrap msgid "# cdda2wav -D 0,1,0 -B" msgstr "# cdda2wav -D 0,1,0 -B" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14536 +#: book.translate.xml:14714 msgid "" "In this example, the " "indicates the SCSI device 0,1,0 " @@ -25610,33 +25875,33 @@ "sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14543 +#: book.translate.xml:14721 msgid "To rip individual tracks, use to specify the track:" msgstr "" "Para ripar trilhas individuais, use a opção para " "especificar a trilha:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:14546 +#: book.translate.xml:14724 #, no-wrap msgid "# cdda2wav -D 0,1,0 -t 7" msgstr "# cdda2wav -D 0,1,0 -t 7" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14548 +#: book.translate.xml:14726 msgid "To rip a range of tracks, such as track one to seven, specify a range:" msgstr "" "Para extrair um intervalo de trilhas, como as trilhas de um a sete, " "especifique um intervalo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:14551 +#: book.translate.xml:14729 #, no-wrap msgid "# cdda2wav -D 0,1,0 -t 1+7" msgstr "# cdda2wav -D 0,1,0 -t 1+7" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14553 +#: book.translate.xml:14731 msgid "" "To rip from an ATAPI (IDE) " "CDROM drive, specify the device name in place of the " @@ -25649,13 +25914,13 @@ "extrair a trilha 7 de uma unidade IDE:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:14559 +#: book.translate.xml:14737 #, no-wrap msgid "# cdda2wav -D /dev/acd0 -t 7" msgstr "# cdda2wav -D /dev/acd0 -t 7" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14561 +#: book.translate.xml:14739 msgid "" "Alternately, dd can be used to extract audio tracks on " "ATAPI drives, as described in ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:14567 +#: book.translate.xml:14745 msgid "Encoding and Decoding MP3s" msgstr "Codificação e Decodificação de MP3" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14569 +#: book.translate.xml:14747 msgid "" "Lame is a popular MP3 encoder " "which can be installed from the audio/lame port. Due to " @@ -25682,7 +25947,7 @@ "package>. Devido a problemas de patente, o pacote não está disponível." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14574 +#: book.translate.xml:14752 msgid "" "The following command will convert the ripped WAV file " "audio01.wav to " @@ -25693,7 +25958,7 @@ "audio01.mp3:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:14579 +#: book.translate.xml:14757 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# lame -h -b 128 --tt \"Foo Song Title\" --ta \"FooBar Artist\" --tl \"FooBar Album\" \\\n" @@ -25703,9 +25968,9 @@ "--ty \"2014\" --tc \"Ripped and encoded by Foo\" --tg \"Genre\" audio01.wav audio01.mp3" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:14582 +#: book.translate.xml:14760 msgid "" -"The specified 128 kbits is a standard MP3 bitrate while " +"The specified 128 kbits is a standard MP3 bitrate while " "the 160 and 192 bitrates provide higher quality. The higher the bitrate, the " "larger the size of the resulting MP3. The ." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:15032 +#: book.translate.xml:15210 msgid "Here is an example of a simple copy:" msgstr "Aqui está um exemplo de uma cópia simples:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15034 +#: book.translate.xml:15212 #, no-wrap msgid "% mencoder input.avi -oac copy -ovc copy -o output.avi" msgstr "% mencoder input.avi -oac copy -ovc copy -o output.avi" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:15036 +#: book.translate.xml:15214 msgid "" "To rip to a file, use with mplayer." @@ -26623,7 +26888,7 @@ "mplayer." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:15039 +#: book.translate.xml:15217 msgid "" "To convert input.avi to the " "MPEG4 codec with MPEG3 audio encoding, first install the audio/" @@ -26636,7 +26901,7 @@ "pacote não está disponível. Uma vez instalado, digite:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15046 +#: book.translate.xml:15224 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% mencoder input.avi -oac mp3lame -lameopts br=192 \\\n" @@ -26646,7 +26911,7 @@ "\t -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq -o output.avi" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:15049 +#: book.translate.xml:15227 msgid "" "This will produce output playable by applications such as mplayer and xine." @@ -26655,7 +26920,7 @@ "command> e xine." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:15053 +#: book.translate.xml:15231 msgid "" "input.avi can be replaced " "with and run as xine Video Player" msgstr "O Player (reprodutor) de Vídeo xine" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:15066 +#: book.translate.xml:15244 msgid "" "xine is a video player with a reusable base " "library and a modular executable which can be extended with plugins. It can " @@ -26688,7 +26953,7 @@ "xine." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:15071 +#: book.translate.xml:15249 msgid "" "In practice, xine requires either a fast CPU with " "a fast video card, or support for the XVideo extension. The " @@ -26701,7 +26966,7 @@ "XVideo." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:15076 +#: book.translate.xml:15254 msgid "" "By default, the xine player starts a graphical " "user interface. The menus can then be used to open a specific file." @@ -26711,7 +26976,7 @@ "específico." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:15080 +#: book.translate.xml:15258 msgid "" "Alternatively, xine may be invoked from the " "command line by specifying the name of the file to play:" @@ -26721,13 +26986,13 @@ "reproduzido:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15084 +#: book.translate.xml:15262 #, no-wrap msgid "% xine -g -p mymovie.avi" msgstr "% xine -g -p mymovie.avi" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:15086 +#: book.translate.xml:15264 msgid "" "Refer to xine-project." "org/faq for more information and troubleshooting tips." @@ -26736,12 +27001,12 @@ "org/faq para mais informações e dicas de solução de problemas." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:15092 +#: book.translate.xml:15270 msgid "The Transcode Utilities" msgstr "As Utilidades do Transcode" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:15095 +#: book.translate.xml:15273 msgid "" "Transcode provides a suite of tools for re-" "encoding video and audio files. Transcode can be " @@ -26755,7 +27020,7 @@ "fluxo stdin/stdout." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:15101 +#: book.translate.xml:15279 msgid "" "In FreeBSD, Transcode can be installed using the " "multimedia/transcode package or port. Many users prefer " @@ -26776,7 +27041,7 @@ "continuar a compilação e instalação do port." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:15112 +#: book.translate.xml:15290 msgid "" "This example demonstrates how to convert a DivX file into a PAL MPEG-1 file " "(PAL VCD):" @@ -26785,7 +27050,7 @@ "MPEG-1 (PAL VCD):" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15115 +#: book.translate.xml:15293 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% transcode -i input.avi -V --export_prof vcd-pal -o output_vcd\n" @@ -26795,7 +27060,7 @@ "% mplex -f 1 -o output_vcd.mpg output_vcd.m1v output_vcd.mpa" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:15118 +#: book.translate.xml:15296 msgid "" "The resulting MPEG file, " "output_vcd.mpg, is ready to " @@ -26812,7 +27077,7 @@ "package> ou sysutils/cdrdao." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:15127 +#: book.translate.xml:15305 msgid "" "In addition to the manual page for transcode, refer to " " para mais informações e exemplos." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:15136 +#: book.translate.xml:15314 msgid "TV Cards" msgstr "Placas de TV" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:15139 +#: book.translate.xml:15317 msgid "" " Josef El-Rayes Original contribution by " @@ -26838,7 +27103,7 @@ "personname> Contribuição original por " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:15149 +#: book.translate.xml:15327 msgid "" " Marc Fonvieille Enhanced and adapted by " @@ -26847,12 +27112,12 @@ "personname> Aprimorado e adaptado por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:15159 +#: book.translate.xml:15337 msgid "TV cards" msgstr "TV cards" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15163 +#: book.translate.xml:15341 msgid "" "TV cards can be used to watch broadcast or cable TV on a computer. Most " "cards accept composite video via an RCA or S-video input " @@ -26864,7 +27129,7 @@ "sintonizador de rádio FM." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15168 +#: book.translate.xml:15346 msgid "" "FreeBSD provides support for PCI-based TV cards using a Brooktree " "Bt848/849/878/879 video capture chip with the " @@ -26883,12 +27148,12 @@ "citerefentry> para obter uma lista dos sintonizadores suportados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:15175 +#: book.translate.xml:15353 msgid "Loading the Driver" msgstr "Carregando o Driver" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15177 +#: book.translate.xml:15355 msgid "" "In order to use the card, the bktr4 driver must be loaded. " @@ -26901,13 +27166,13 @@ "ao arquivo /boot/loader.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:15181 +#: book.translate.xml:15359 #, no-wrap msgid "bktr_load=\"YES\"" msgstr "bktr_load=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15183 +#: book.translate.xml:15361 msgid "" "Alternatively, one can statically compile support for the TV card into a " "custom kernel. In that case, add the following lines to the custom kernel " @@ -26918,7 +27183,7 @@ "arquivo de configuração do kernel personalizado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:15188 +#: book.translate.xml:15366 #, no-wrap msgid "" "device\t bktr\n" @@ -26932,7 +27197,7 @@ "device\tsmbus" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15193 +#: book.translate.xml:15371 msgid "" "These additional devices are necessary as the card components are " "interconnected via an I2C bus. Then, build and install a new kernel." @@ -26942,7 +27207,7 @@ "instale um novo kernel." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15197 +#: book.translate.xml:15375 msgid "" "To test that the tuner is correctly detected, reboot the system. The TV card " "should appear in the boot messages, as seen in this example:" @@ -26952,7 +27217,7 @@ "conforme mostrado neste exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:15201 +#: book.translate.xml:15379 #, no-wrap msgid "" "bktr0: <BrookTree 848A> mem 0xd7000000-0xd7000fff irq 10 at device 10.0 on pci0\n" @@ -26970,7 +27235,7 @@ "bktr0: Pinnacle/Miro TV, Philips SECAM tuner." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15208 +#: book.translate.xml:15386 msgid "" "The messages will differ according to the hardware. If necessary, it is " "possible to override some of the detected parameters using " @@ -26988,13 +27253,13 @@ "personalizado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:15215 +#: book.translate.xml:15393 #, no-wrap msgid "options OVERRIDE_TUNER=6" msgstr "options OVERRIDE_TUNER=6" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15217 +#: book.translate.xml:15395 msgid "" "or, use sysctl8:" @@ -27003,13 +27268,13 @@ "manvolnum>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15219 +#: book.translate.xml:15397 #, no-wrap msgid "# sysctl hw.bt848.tuner=6" msgstr "# sysctl hw.bt848.tuner=6" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15221 +#: book.translate.xml:15399 msgid "" "Refer to bktr4 for a description of the available " @@ -27022,17 +27287,17 @@ "manvolnum> e opções do kernel." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:15226 +#: book.translate.xml:15404 msgid "Useful Applications" msgstr "Aplicações Úteis" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15228 +#: book.translate.xml:15406 msgid "To use the TV card, install one of the following applications:" msgstr "Para usar a placa de TV, instale um dos seguintes aplicativos:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:15233 +#: book.translate.xml:15411 msgid "" "multimedia/fxtv provides TV-in-a-window and image/audio/" "video capture capabilities." @@ -27041,7 +27306,7 @@ "áudio/vídeo numa transmissão de TV no monitor do computador." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:15238 +#: book.translate.xml:15416 msgid "" "multimedia/xawtv is another TV application with similar " "features." @@ -27050,7 +27315,7 @@ "semelhantes." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:15242 +#: book.translate.xml:15420 msgid "" "audio/xmradio provides an application for using the FM " "radio tuner of a TV card." @@ -27059,12 +27324,12 @@ "sintonizador de rádio FM de uma placa de TV." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15248 +#: book.translate.xml:15426 msgid "More applications are available in the FreeBSD Ports Collection." msgstr "Mais aplicações estão disponíveis na Coleção de Ports do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15255 +#: book.translate.xml:15433 msgid "" "If any problems are encountered with the TV card, check that the video " "capture chip and the tuner are supported by " @@ -27083,12 +27348,12 @@ "mailman/listinfo/freebsd-multimedia\">freebsd-multimedia." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:15264 +#: book.translate.xml:15442 msgid "MythTV" msgstr "MythTV" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15266 +#: book.translate.xml:15444 msgid "" "MythTV is a popular, open source Personal Video Recorder (PVR) application. This section demonstrates how to install and setup " @@ -27101,7 +27366,7 @@ "org/wiki para mais informações sobre como usar o MythTV." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15271 +#: book.translate.xml:15449 msgid "" "MythTV requires a frontend and a backend. These components can either be " "installed on the same system or on different machines." @@ -27110,7 +27375,7 @@ "instalados no mesmo sistema ou em máquinas diferentes." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15275 +#: book.translate.xml:15453 msgid "" "The frontend can be installed on FreeBSD using the multimedia/" "mythtv-frontend package or port. Xorg " @@ -27128,7 +27393,7 @@ "Infravermelho do Linux (LIRC)." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15284 +#: book.translate.xml:15462 msgid "" "To install both the backend and the frontend on FreeBSD, use the " "multimedia/mythtv package or port. A MySQLV4L) to access video input " "devices such as encoders and tuners. In FreeBSD, MythTV works best with " @@ -27183,7 +27448,7 @@ "compilados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15312 +#: book.translate.xml:15490 msgid "" "The" "HTPC page contains a list of all available DVB " @@ -27194,28 +27459,28 @@ "disponíveis." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:15318 +#: book.translate.xml:15496 msgid "Setting up the MythTV Backend" msgstr "Configurando o Backend MythTV" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15320 +#: book.translate.xml:15498 msgid "To install MythTV using binary packages:" msgstr "Para instalar o MythTV usando pacotes binários:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15322 +#: book.translate.xml:15500 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install mythtv" msgstr "# pkg install mythtv" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15324 +#: book.translate.xml:15502 msgid "Alternatively, to install from the Ports Collection:" msgstr "Como alternativa, para instalar a partir da Coleção de Ports:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15326 +#: book.translate.xml:15504 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/multimedia/mythtv\n" @@ -27225,34 +27490,34 @@ "# make install" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15329 +#: book.translate.xml:15507 msgid "Once installed, set up the MythTV database:" msgstr "Uma vez instalado, configure o banco de dados do MythTV:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15331 +#: book.translate.xml:15509 #, no-wrap msgid "# mysql -uroot -p < /usr/local/share/mythtv/database/mc.sql" msgstr "# mysql -uroot -p < /usr/local/share/mythtv/database/mc.sql" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15333 +#: book.translate.xml:15511 msgid "Then, configure the backend:" msgstr "Em seguida, configure o backend:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15335 +#: book.translate.xml:15513 #, no-wrap msgid "# mythtv-setup" msgstr "# mythtv-setup" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15337 +#: book.translate.xml:15515 msgid "Finally, start the backend:" msgstr "Finalmente, inicie o backend:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15339 +#: book.translate.xml:15517 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# sysrc mythbackend_enable=yes\n" @@ -27262,12 +27527,12 @@ "# service mythbackend start" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:15346 +#: book.translate.xml:15524 msgid "Image Scanners" msgstr "Scanners de Imagem" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:15349 +#: book.translate.xml:15527 msgid "" " Marc Fonvieille Written by " @@ -27276,12 +27541,12 @@ "personname> Escrito por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:15359 +#: book.translate.xml:15537 msgid "image scanners" msgstr "image scanners" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15363 +#: book.translate.xml:15541 msgid "" "In FreeBSD, access to image scanners is provided by SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy), which is available in the FreeBSD " @@ -27295,7 +27560,7 @@ "ao hardware do scanner." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15369 +#: book.translate.xml:15547 msgid "" "FreeBSD supports both SCSI and USB " "scanners. Depending upon the scanner interface, different device drivers are " @@ -27314,7 +27579,7 @@ "link> para obter mais informações sobre os scanners suportados." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15377 +#: book.translate.xml:15555 msgid "" "This chapter describes how to determine if the scanner has been detected by " "FreeBSD. It then provides an overview of how to configure and use " @@ -27325,12 +27590,12 @@ "SANE em um sistema FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:15383 +#: book.translate.xml:15561 msgid "Checking the Scanner" msgstr "Verificando o Scanner" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15385 +#: book.translate.xml:15563 msgid "" "The GENERIC kernel includes the device drivers needed " "to support USB scanners. Users with a custom kernel " @@ -27343,21 +27608,23 @@ "presentes no arquivo de configuração do kernel personalizado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:15391 +#: book.translate.xml:15569 #, no-wrap msgid "" "device usb\n" "device uhci\n" "device ohci\n" -"device ehci" +"device ehci\n" +"device xhci" msgstr "" "device usb\n" "device uhci\n" "device ohci\n" -"device ehci" +"device ehci\n" +"device xhci" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15396 +#: book.translate.xml:15575 msgid "" "To determine if the USB scanner is detected, plug it in " "and use dmesg to determine whether the scanner appears in " @@ -27370,16 +27637,16 @@ "ser exibida uma mensagem semelhante a esta:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15402 +#: book.translate.xml:15581 #, no-wrap msgid "ugen0.2: <EPSON> at usbus0" msgstr "ugen0.2: <EPSON> at usbus0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15404 +#: book.translate.xml:15583 msgid "" "In this example, an EPSON Perfection 1650 USB scanner was detected on /" +"trademark> 1650 USB scanner was detected on /" "dev/ugen0.2." msgstr "" "Neste exemplo, um scanner EPSON Perfection." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15409 +#: book.translate.xml:15588 msgid "" "If the scanner uses a SCSI interface, it is important to " "know which SCSI controller board it will use. Depending " @@ -27410,7 +27677,7 @@ "necessárias em um arquivo de configuração de kernel personalizado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:15421 +#: book.translate.xml:15600 #, no-wrap msgid "" "device scbus\n" @@ -27420,13 +27687,13 @@ "device pass" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15424 +#: book.translate.xml:15603 msgid "Verify that the device is displayed in the system message buffer:" msgstr "" "Verifique se o dispositivo é exibido no buffer de mensagens do sistema:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15427 +#: book.translate.xml:15606 #, no-wrap msgid "" "pass2 at aic0 bus 0 target 2 lun 0\n" @@ -27438,7 +27705,7 @@ "pass2: 3.300MB/s transfers" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15431 +#: book.translate.xml:15610 msgid "" "If the scanner was not powered-on at system boot, it is still possible to " "manually force detection by performing a SCSI bus scan " @@ -27449,7 +27716,7 @@ "SCSI com o comando camcontrol:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15436 +#: book.translate.xml:15615 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# camcontrol rescan all\n" @@ -27465,7 +27732,7 @@ "Re-scan of bus 3 was successful" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15442 +#: book.translate.xml:15621 msgid "" "The scanner should now appear in the SCSI devices list:" msgstr "" @@ -27473,7 +27740,7 @@ "acronym>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15445 +#: book.translate.xml:15624 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# camcontrol devlist\n" @@ -27489,7 +27756,7 @@ "<PHILIPS CDD3610 CD-R/RW 1.00> at scbus2 target 0 lun 0 (pass2,cd0)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15451 +#: book.translate.xml:15630 msgid "" "Refer to scsi4 and camcontrolSCSI no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:15456 +#: book.translate.xml:15635 msgid "SANE Configuration" msgstr "Configuração do SANE" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15458 +#: book.translate.xml:15637 msgid "" -"The SANE system is split in two parts: the " -"backends (graphics/sane-backends) and the frontends " -"(graphics/sane-frontends or graphics/xsane). The backends provide access to the scanner. Refer to http://www." -" to determine which " -"backend supports the scanner. The frontends provide the graphical scanning " -"interface. graphics/sane-frontends installs " -"xscanimage while graphics/xsane installs xsane." +"The SANE system provides the access to the " +"scanner via backends (graphics/sane-backends). Refer to " +" to " +"determine which backend supports the scanner. A graphical scanning interface " +"is provided by third party applications like Kooka (graphics/kooka) or XSane (graphics/xsane). SANE's backends are enough to test the scanner." msgstr "" -"O SANE possui um sistema dividido em duas partes: " -"os backends (graphics/sane-backends) e os frontends " -"(graphics/sane-frontends ou graphics/xsane). Os backends fornecem acesso ao scanner. Consulte http://www.sane-" -" para determinar qual backend " -"suporta o scanner. Os frontends fornecem a interface de varredura gráfica. " -"graphics/sane-frontends instala o " -"xscanimage enquanto o graphics/xsane instala o xsane." +"O sistma SANE provê o acesso ao scanner via " +"backends (graphics/sane-backends). Consulte http://www." +" para determinar qual " +"backend suporta o scanner. Uma interface gráfica é fornecida por aplicações " +"terceiras como Kooka (graphics/kooka) ou XSane (graphics/xsane). Os backends do SANE são suficientes " +"para testar o scanner." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15471 -msgid "To install the two parts from binary packages:" -msgstr "Para instalar as duas partes de pacotes binários:" +#: book.translate.xml:15649 +msgid "To install the backends from binary package:" +msgstr "Para instalar os backends do pacote binário:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15473 +#: book.translate.xml:15651 #, no-wrap -msgid "# pkg install xsane sane-frontends" -msgstr "# pkg install xsane sane-frontends" +msgid "# pkg install sane-backends" +msgstr "# pkg install sane-backends" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15475 +#: book.translate.xml:15653 msgid "Alternatively, to install from the Ports Collection" msgstr "Alternativamente, para instalar a partir da Coleção de Ports" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15477 +#: book.translate.xml:15655 #, no-wrap msgid "" -"# cd /usr/ports/graphics/sane-frontends\n" -"# make install clean\n" -"# cd /usr/ports/graphics/xsane\n" +"# cd /usr/ports/graphics/sane-backends\n" "# make install clean" msgstr "" -"# cd /usr/ports/graphics/sane-frontends\n" -"# make install clean\n" -"# cd /usr/ports/graphics/xsane\n" +"# cd /usr/ports/graphics/sane-backends\n" "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15482 +#: book.translate.xml:15658 msgid "" "After installing the graphics/sane-backends port or " "package, use sane-find-scanner to check the scanner " @@ -27573,7 +27834,7 @@ "a detecção do scanner pelo sistema SANE:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15488 +#: book.translate.xml:15664 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# sane-find-scanner -q\n" @@ -27583,7 +27844,7 @@ "found SCSI scanner \"AGFA SNAPSCAN 600 1.10\" at /dev/pass3" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15491 +#: book.translate.xml:15667 msgid "" "The output should show the interface type of the scanner and the device node " "used to attach the scanner to the system. The vendor and the product model " @@ -27594,7 +27855,7 @@ "podem ou não aparecer." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:15496 +#: book.translate.xml:15672 msgid "" "Some USB scanners require firmware to be loaded. Refer to " "sane-find-scanner(1) and sane(7) for details." @@ -27603,7 +27864,7 @@ "Consulte sane-find-scanner(1) e sane(7) para mais detalhes." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15501 +#: book.translate.xml:15677 msgid "" "Next, check if the scanner will be identified by a scanning frontend. The " "SANE backends include scanimageSCSI e o segundo é para um scanner USB:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15509 +#: book.translate.xml:15685 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# scanimage -L\n" "device `snapscan:/dev/pass3' is a AGFA SNAPSCAN 600 flatbed scanner\n" "# scanimage -L\n" -"device 'epson2:libusb:/dev/usb:/dev/ugen0.2' is a Epson GT-8200 flatbed scanner" +"device 'epson2:libusb:000:002' is a Epson GT-8200 flatbed scanner" msgstr "" "# scanimage -L\n" "device `snapscan:/dev/pass3' is a AGFA SNAPSCAN 600 flatbed scanner\n" "# scanimage -L\n" -"device 'epson2:libusb:/dev/usb:/dev/ugen0.2' is a Epson GT-8200 flatbed scanner" +"device 'epson2:libusb:000:002' is a Epson GT-8200 flatbed scanner" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15514 +#: book.translate.xml:15690 msgid "" -"In this second example, 'epson2:libusb:/dev/usb:/dev/ugen0.2' is the backend name (epson2) and /dev/" -"ugen0.2 is the device node used by the scanner." +"In this second example, epson2 is the backend name and " +"libusb:000:002 means /dev/ugen0.2 is " +"the device node used by the scanner." msgstr "" -"Neste segundo exemplo, 'epson2: libusb:/dev/usb:/dev/ugen0.2' é o nome do backend (epson2) e /dev/" -"ugen0.2 é o nó do dispositivo usado pelo scanner." +"Neste segundo exemplo,epson2 é o nome do backend e " +"libusb:000:002 significa que /dev/ugen0.2 é o dispositivo usado pelo scanner." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15520 +#: book.translate.xml:15697 msgid "" "If scanimage is unable to identify the scanner, this " "message will appear:" @@ -27654,7 +27915,7 @@ "scanner, esta mensagem será exibida:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15523 +#: book.translate.xml:15700 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# scanimage -L\n" @@ -27672,12 +27933,12 @@ "which came with this software (README, FAQ, manpages)." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15530 +#: book.translate.xml:15707 msgid "" "If this happens, edit the backend configuration file in /usr/local/" "etc/sane.d/ and define the scanner device used. For example, if " "the undetected scanner model is an EPSON " -"Perfection 1650 and it uses the epson2 " +"Perfection 1650 and it uses the epson2 " "backend, edit /usr/local/etc/sane.d/epson2.conf. When " "editing, add a line specifying the interface and the device node used. In " "this case, add the following line:" @@ -27691,13 +27952,13 @@ "interface e o nó do dispositivo usado. Nesse caso, adicione a seguinte linha:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:15540 +#: book.translate.xml:15717 #, no-wrap msgid "usb /dev/ugen0.2" msgstr "usb /dev/ugen0.2" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15542 +#: book.translate.xml:15719 msgid "" "Save the edits and verify that the scanner is identified with the right " "backend name and the device node:" @@ -27706,17 +27967,17 @@ "back-end correto e com o nó do dispositivo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15545 +#: book.translate.xml:15722 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# scanimage -L\n" -"device 'epson2:libusb:/dev/usb:/dev/ugen0.2' is a Epson GT-8200 flatbed scanner" +"device 'epson2:libusb:000:002' is a Epson GT-8200 flatbed scanner" msgstr "" "# scanimage -L\n" -"device 'epson2:libusb:/dev/usb:/dev/ugen0.2' is a Epson GT-8200 flatbed scanner" +"device 'epson2:libusb:000:002' is a Epson GT-8200 flatbed scanner" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15548 +#: book.translate.xml:15725 msgid "" "Once scanimage -L sees the scanner, the configuration is " "complete and the scanner is now ready to use." @@ -27725,43 +27986,32 @@ "a configuração estará completa e o scanner estará pronto para ser usado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15552 +#: book.translate.xml:15729 msgid "" "While scanimage can be used to perform an image " "acquisition from the command line, it is often preferable to use a graphical " -"interface to perform image scanning. The graphics/sane-frontends package or port installs a simple but efficient graphical " -"interface, xscanimage." +"interface to perform image scanning. Applications like Kooka or XSane are popular scanning " +"frontends. They offer advanced features such as various scanning modes, " +"color correction, and batch scans. XSane is also " +"usable as a GIMP plugin." msgstr "" "Embora o scanimage possa ser usado para realizar uma " "digitalização de imagem a partir da linha de comando, muitas vezes é " -"preferível usar uma interface gráfica para executar o escaneamento. O pacote " -"ou port graphics/sane-frontends instala uma interface " -"gráfica simples, mas eficiente, xscanimage." +"preferível usar uma interface gráfica para executar o escaneamento. " +"Aplicações como Kooka ou XSane são interfaces de digitalização populares. Eles oferecem " +"recursos avançados, como vários modos de digitalização, correção de cores e " +"digitalizações em lote. O XSane também pode ser " +"usado como um plugin GIMP." -#. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15559 -msgid "" -"Alternately, xsane, which is installed with the " -"graphics/xsane package or port, is another popular " -"graphical scanning frontend. It offers advanced features such as various " -"scanning modes, color correction, and batch scans. Both of these " -"applications are usable as a GIMP plugin." -msgstr "" -"Alternativamente, o xsane, que é instalado com o " -"pacote ou port graphics/xsane, é outro frontend de " -"digitalização gráfica popular. Ele oferece recursos avançados, como vários " -"modos de digitalização, correção de cores e digitalizações em lote. Ambos os " -"aplicativos são utilizáveis como um plugin do GIMP." - #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:15568 +#: book.translate.xml:15741 msgid "Scanner Permissions" msgstr "Permissões do Scanner" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15570 +#: book.translate.xml:15743 msgid "" "In order to have access to the scanner, a user needs read and write " "permissions to the device node used by the scanner. In the previous example, " @@ -27788,7 +28038,7 @@ "tornar o dispositivo de scanner acessível aos membros desse grupo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15583 +#: book.translate.xml:15756 msgid "" "This example creates a group called usb:" @@ -27797,13 +28047,13 @@ "\">usb:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15585 +#: book.translate.xml:15758 #, no-wrap msgid "# pw groupadd usb" msgstr "# pw groupadd usb" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15587 +#: book.translate.xml:15760 msgid "" "Then, make the /dev/ugen0.2 symlink and the /" "dev/usb/0.2.0 device node accessible to the /etc/devfs.rules:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:15594 +#: book.translate.xml:15767 #, no-wrap msgid "" "[system=5]\n" @@ -27829,9 +28079,67 @@ "add path ugen0.2 mode 0660 group usb\n" "add path usb/0.2.0 mode 0666 group usb" +#. (itstool) path: note/para +#: book.translate.xml:15772 +msgid "" +"It happens the device node changes with the addition or removal of devices, " +"so one may want to give access to all USB devices using this ruleset instead:" +msgstr "" +"Acontece do nó do dispositivo mudar com a adição ou remoção de dispositivos, " +"então você pode querer dar acesso a todos os dispositivos USB usando esse " +"conjunto de regas:" + +#. (itstool) path: note/programlisting +#: book.translate.xml:15776 +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +"[system=5]\n" +"add path 'ugen*' mode 0660 group usb\n" +"add path 'usb/*' mode 0666 group usb" +msgstr "" +"[system=5]\n" +"add path 'ugen*' mode 0660 group usb\n" +"add path 'usb/*' mode 0666 group usb" + #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15598 +#: book.translate.xml:15781 msgid "" +"Refer to devfs.rules5 for more information " +"about this file." +msgstr "" +"Veja devfs.rules5 para mais informações sobre este arquivo." + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:15784 +msgid "Next, enable the ruleset in /etc/rc.conf:" +msgstr "Em seguida, ative o conjunto de regras no arquivo /etc/rc.conf:" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting +#: book.translate.xml:15786 book.translate.xml:42958 +#, no-wrap +msgid "devfs_system_ruleset=\"system\"" +msgstr "devfs_system_ruleset=\"system\"" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:15788 +msgid "" +"And, restart the devfs8 system:" +msgstr "" +"E, reinicie o sistema devfs8:" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/screen +#: book.translate.xml:15790 book.translate.xml:42962 book.translate.xml:43013 +#, no-wrap +msgid "# service devfs restart" +msgstr "# service devfs restart" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:15792 +msgid "" "Finally, add the users to usb in order to allow access to the scanner:" msgstr "" @@ -27840,13 +28148,13 @@ "scanner:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15601 +#: book.translate.xml:15795 #, no-wrap msgid "# pw groupmod usb -m joe" msgstr "# pw groupmod usb -m joe" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:15603 +#: book.translate.xml:15797 msgid "" "For more details refer to pw8." @@ -27855,19 +28163,19 @@ "refentrytitle>8." #. (itstool) path: chapter/title -#: book.translate.xml:15633 +#: book.translate.xml:15827 msgid "Configuring the FreeBSD Kernel" msgstr "Configurando o kernel do FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:15638 +#: book.translate.xml:15832 msgid "" "kernel building a custom kernel" msgstr "" "kernel building a custom kernel" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15643 +#: book.translate.xml:15837 msgid "" "The kernel is the core of the FreeBSD operating system. It is responsible " "for managing memory, enforcing security controls, networking, disk access, " @@ -27881,22 +28189,22 @@ "kernel personalizado ocasionalmente." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:15653 +#: book.translate.xml:15847 msgid "When to build a custom kernel." msgstr "Quando compilar um kernel personalizado." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:15657 +#: book.translate.xml:15851 msgid "How to take a hardware inventory." msgstr "Como obter um inventário do hardware." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:15661 +#: book.translate.xml:15855 msgid "How to customize a kernel configuration file." msgstr "Como personalizar um arquivo de configuração do kernel." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:15665 +#: book.translate.xml:15859 msgid "" "How to use the kernel configuration file to create and build a new kernel." msgstr "" @@ -27904,17 +28212,17 @@ "kernel." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:15670 +#: book.translate.xml:15864 msgid "How to install the new kernel." msgstr "Como instalar o novo kernel." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:15674 +#: book.translate.xml:15868 msgid "How to troubleshoot if things go wrong." msgstr "Como solucionar problemas se as coisas derem errado." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15678 +#: book.translate.xml:15872 msgid "" "All of the commands listed in the examples in this chapter should be " "executed as root." @@ -27923,12 +28231,12 @@ "como root." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:15683 +#: book.translate.xml:15877 msgid "Why Build a Custom Kernel?" msgstr "Por que compilar um kernel personalizado?" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15685 +#: book.translate.xml:15879 msgid "" "Traditionally, FreeBSD used a monolithic kernel. The kernel was one large " "program, supported a fixed list of devices, and in order to change the " @@ -27940,7 +28248,7 @@ "novo kernel." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15690 +#: book.translate.xml:15884 msgid "" "Today, most of the functionality in the FreeBSD kernel is contained in " "modules which can be dynamically loaded and unloaded from the kernel as " @@ -27955,7 +28263,7 @@ "para o kernel. Isso é conhecido como um kernel modular." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15697 +#: book.translate.xml:15891 msgid "" "Occasionally, it is still necessary to perform static kernel configuration. " "Sometimes the needed functionality is so tied to the kernel that it can not " @@ -27970,7 +28278,7 @@ "funcionalidade necessária seja estaticamente compilada no kernel." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15704 +#: book.translate.xml:15898 msgid "" "Building a custom kernel is often a rite of passage for advanced BSD users. " "This process, while time consuming, can provide benefits to the FreeBSD " @@ -27986,7 +28294,7 @@ "o hardware desse computador. Isso tem vários benefícios, tais como:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:15714 +#: book.translate.xml:15908 msgid "" "Faster boot time. Since the kernel will only probe the hardware on the " "system, the time it takes the system to boot can decrease." @@ -27996,7 +28304,7 @@ "inicializar pode diminuir." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:15720 +#: book.translate.xml:15914 msgid "" "Lower memory usage. A custom kernel often uses less memory than the " "GENERIC kernel by omitting unused features and device " @@ -28013,7 +28321,7 @@ "kernel personalizado é útil em um sistema com uma pequena quantidade de RAM." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:15731 +#: book.translate.xml:15925 msgid "" "Additional hardware support. A custom kernel can add support for devices " "which are not present in the GENERIC kernel." @@ -28023,7 +28331,7 @@ "GENERIC." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15737 +#: book.translate.xml:15931 msgid "" "Before building a custom kernel, consider the reason for doing so. If there " "is a need for specific hardware support, it may already exist as a module." @@ -28033,7 +28341,7 @@ "existir como um módulo." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15741 +#: book.translate.xml:15935 msgid "" "Kernel modules exist in /boot/kernel and may be " "dynamically loaded into the running kernel using " @@ -28052,7 +28360,7 @@ "citerefentry> tem as seguintes informações em sua página de manual:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15747 +#: book.translate.xml:15941 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Alternatively, to load the driver as a module at boot time, place the\n" @@ -28065,7 +28373,7 @@ "    if_ath_load=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15752 +#: book.translate.xml:15946 msgid "" "Adding if_ath_load=\"YES\" to /boot/loader." "conf will load this module dynamically at boot time." @@ -28075,7 +28383,7 @@ "inicialização." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15756 +#: book.translate.xml:15950 msgid "" "In some cases, there is no associated module in /boot/kernel. This is mostly true for certain subsystems." @@ -28084,12 +28392,12 @@ "filename>. Isso é verdade principalmente para certos subsistemas." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:15773 +#: book.translate.xml:15967 msgid "Finding the System Hardware" msgstr "Encontrando o hardware do sistema" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15775 +#: book.translate.xml:15969 msgid "" "Before editing the kernel configuration file, it is recommended to perform " "an inventory of the machine's hardware. On a dual-boot system, the inventory " @@ -28105,10 +28413,10 @@ "dispositivos instalados." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:15783 +#: book.translate.xml:15977 msgid "" -"Some versions of Microsoft Windows have a " +"Some versions of Microsoft " +"Windows have a " "System icon which can be used to access " "Device Manager." msgstr "" @@ -28118,7 +28426,7 @@ "Device Manager." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15788 +#: book.translate.xml:15982 msgid "" "If FreeBSD is the only installed operating system, use " "dmesg8 encontrou um mouse:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15795 +#: book.translate.xml:15989 #, no-wrap msgid "" "psm0: <PS/2 Mouse> irq 12 on atkbdc0\n" @@ -28152,7 +28460,7 @@ "psm0: model Generic PS/2 mouse, device ID 0" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15800 +#: book.translate.xml:15994 msgid "" "Since this hardware exists, this driver should not be removed from a custom " "kernel configuration file." @@ -28161,7 +28469,7 @@ "de configuração de kernel personalizado." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15803 +#: book.translate.xml:15997 msgid "" "If the output of dmesg does not display the results of " "the boot probe output, instead read the contents of /var/run/dmesg." @@ -28172,7 +28480,7 @@ "boot." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15807 +#: book.translate.xml:16001 msgid "" "Another tool for finding hardware is pciconf8, which provides more " @@ -28183,7 +28491,7 @@ "manvolnum>, que fornece uma saída mais detalhada. Por exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15810 +#: book.translate.xml:16004 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% pciconf -lv\n" @@ -28201,7 +28509,7 @@ " subclass = ethernet" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15817 +#: book.translate.xml:16011 msgid "" "This output shows that the ath driver located a " "wireless Ethernet device." @@ -28210,7 +28518,7 @@ "dispositivo Ethernet sem fio." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15820 +#: book.translate.xml:16014 msgid "" "The flag of man1 can be used to provide " @@ -28224,7 +28532,7 @@ "específico:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15825 +#: book.translate.xml:16019 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# man -k Atheros\n" @@ -28236,7 +28544,7 @@ "ath_hal(4) - Atheros Hardware Access Layer (HAL)" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15829 +#: book.translate.xml:16023 msgid "" "Once the hardware inventory list is created, refer to it to ensure that " "drivers for installed hardware are not removed as the custom kernel " @@ -28248,12 +28556,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect1/title #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:15846 book.translate.xml:44762 +#: book.translate.xml:16040 book.translate.xml:45041 msgid "The Configuration File" msgstr "O Arquivo de Configuração" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15848 +#: book.translate.xml:16042 msgid "" "In order to create a custom kernel configuration file and build a custom " "kernel, the full FreeBSD source tree must first be installed." @@ -28263,7 +28571,7 @@ "instalada primeira." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15852 +#: book.translate.xml:16046 msgid "" "If /usr/src/ does not exist or it is empty, source has " "not been installed. Source can be installed using Subversion." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15857 +#: book.translate.xml:16051 msgid "" "Once source is installed, review the contents of /usr/src/sys. This directory contains a number of subdirectories, including " @@ -28299,7 +28607,7 @@ "essa arquitetura." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15871 +#: book.translate.xml:16065 msgid "" "Do not make edits to GENERIC. Instead, copy the file to " "a different name and make edits to the copy. The convention is to use a name " @@ -28318,7 +28626,7 @@ "arquitetura amd64:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15880 +#: book.translate.xml:16074 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/src/sys/amd64/conf\n" @@ -28328,7 +28636,7 @@ "# cp GENERIC MYKERNEL" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15883 +#: book.translate.xml:16077 msgid "" "MYKERNEL can now be " "customized with any ASCII text editor. The default editor " @@ -28342,22 +28650,22 @@ "instalado com o FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:15890 +#: book.translate.xml:16084 msgid "kernel NOTES" msgstr "kernel NOTES" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:15894 +#: book.translate.xml:16088 msgid "NOTES" msgstr "NOTES" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:15895 +#: book.translate.xml:16089 msgid "kernel configuration file" msgstr "kernel configuration file" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15900 +#: book.translate.xml:16094 msgid "" "The format of the kernel configuration file is simple. Each line contains a " "keyword that represents a device or subsystem, an argument, and a brief " @@ -28376,7 +28684,7 @@ "um # para qualquer linha que você não entenda." #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:15911 +#: book.translate.xml:16105 msgid "" "It is easy to remove support for a device or option and end up with a broken " "kernel. For example, if the ataNOTES, which can be found " @@ -28407,7 +28715,7 @@ "usr/src/sys/conf/NOTES." #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:15926 +#: book.translate.xml:16120 msgid "" "When finished customizing the kernel configuration file, save a backup copy " "to a location outside of /usr/src." @@ -28416,7 +28724,7 @@ "uma cópia de backup em um local fora do /usr/src." #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:15930 +#: book.translate.xml:16124 msgid "" "Alternately, keep the kernel configuration file elsewhere and create a " "symbolic link to the file:" @@ -28425,7 +28733,7 @@ "lugar e crie um link simbólico para o arquivo:" #. (itstool) path: tip/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15933 +#: book.translate.xml:16127 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/src/sys/amd64/conf\n" @@ -28439,7 +28747,7 @@ "# ln -s /root/kernels/MYKERNEL" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15939 +#: book.translate.xml:16133 msgid "" "An include directive is available for use in " "configuration files. This allows another configuration file to be included " @@ -28457,7 +28765,7 @@ "exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:15947 +#: book.translate.xml:16141 #, no-wrap msgid "" "include GENERIC\n" @@ -28477,7 +28785,7 @@ "options IPDIVER" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:15955 +#: book.translate.xml:16149 msgid "" "Using this method, the local configuration file expresses local differences " "from a GENERIC kernel. As upgrades are performed, new " @@ -28499,7 +28807,7 @@ "citerefentry>." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:15965 +#: book.translate.xml:16159 msgid "" "To build a file which contains all available options, run the following " "command as root:" @@ -28508,18 +28816,18 @@ "seguinte comando como root:" #. (itstool) path: note/screen -#: book.translate.xml:15968 +#: book.translate.xml:16162 #, no-wrap msgid "# cd /usr/src/sys/arch/conf && make LINT" msgstr "# cd /usr/src/sys/arch/conf && make LINT" #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:16784 +#: book.translate.xml:16978 msgid "Building and Installing a Custom Kernel" msgstr "Criando e Instalando um Kernel Customizado" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:16786 +#: book.translate.xml:16980 msgid "" "Once the edits to the custom configuration file have been saved, the source " "code for the kernel can be compiled using the following steps:" @@ -28528,28 +28836,28 @@ "o código-fonte do kernel poderá ser compilado usando as seguintes etapas:" #. (itstool) path: procedure/title -#: book.translate.xml:16791 +#: book.translate.xml:16985 msgid "Building a Kernel" msgstr "Compilando um Kernel" #. (itstool) path: procedure/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:16793 +#: book.translate.xml:16987 msgid "kernel building / installing" msgstr "kernel building / installing" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:16799 +#: book.translate.xml:16993 msgid "Change to this directory:" msgstr "Mude para este diretório:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:16801 +#: book.translate.xml:16995 #, no-wrap msgid "# cd /usr/src" msgstr "# cd /usr/src" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:16805 +#: book.translate.xml:16999 msgid "" "Compile the new kernel by specifying the name of the custom kernel " "configuration file:" @@ -28558,13 +28866,13 @@ "kernel personalizado:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:16808 +#: book.translate.xml:17002 #, no-wrap msgid "# make buildkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL" msgstr "# make buildkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:16812 +#: book.translate.xml:17006 msgid "" "Install the new kernel associated with the specified kernel configuration " "file. This command will copy the new kernel to /boot/kernel/" @@ -28577,13 +28885,13 @@ "kernel.old/kernel:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:16818 +#: book.translate.xml:17012 #, no-wrap msgid "# make installkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL" msgstr "# make installkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:16822 +#: book.translate.xml:17016 msgid "" "Shutdown the system and reboot into the new kernel. If something goes wrong, " "refer to ." @@ -28592,7 +28900,7 @@ "." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:16827 +#: book.translate.xml:17021 msgid "" "By default, when a custom kernel is compiled, all kernel modules are " "rebuilt. To update a kernel faster or to build only custom modules, edit " @@ -28604,7 +28912,7 @@ "filename> antes de começar a construir o kernel." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:16832 +#: book.translate.xml:17026 msgid "" "For example, this variable specifies the list of modules to build instead of " "using the default of building all modules:" @@ -28613,13 +28921,13 @@ "vez de usar o padrão de construir todos os módulos:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:16836 +#: book.translate.xml:17030 #, no-wrap msgid "MODULES_OVERRIDE = linux acpi" msgstr "MODULES_OVERRIDE = linux acpi" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:16838 +#: book.translate.xml:17032 msgid "" "Alternately, this variable lists which modules to exclude from the build " "process:" @@ -28628,13 +28936,13 @@ "criação:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:16841 +#: book.translate.xml:17035 #, no-wrap msgid "WITHOUT_MODULES = linux acpi sound" msgstr "WITHOUT_MODULES = linux acpi sound" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:16843 +#: book.translate.xml:17037 msgid "" "Additional variables are available. Refer to " "make.conf5 para detalhes." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:16846 +#: book.translate.xml:17040 msgid "/boot/kernel.old" msgstr "/boot/kernel.old" #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:16852 +#: book.translate.xml:17046 msgid "If Something Goes Wrong" msgstr "Se algo der errado" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:16854 +#: book.translate.xml:17048 msgid "" "There are four categories of trouble that can occur when building a custom " "kernel:" @@ -28664,12 +28972,12 @@ "personalizado:" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:16859 +#: book.translate.xml:17053 msgid "config fails" msgstr "falhas na config" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:16862 +#: book.translate.xml:17056 msgid "" "If config fails, it will print the line number that is " "incorrect. As an example, for the following message, make sure that line 17 " @@ -28682,18 +28990,18 @@ "filename> ou NOTES:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/screen -#: book.translate.xml:16868 +#: book.translate.xml:17062 #, no-wrap msgid "config: line 17: syntax error" msgstr "config: line 17: syntax error" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:16873 +#: book.translate.xml:17067 msgid "make fails" msgstr "falha no make" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:16876 +#: book.translate.xml:17070 msgid "" "If make fails, it is usually due to an error in the " "kernel configuration file which is not severe enough for config/var/log/messagesGENERIC, or some other kernel that is known to work, as " @@ -28774,7 +29082,7 @@ "diretório que contém o kernel correto:" #. (itstool) path: note/screen -#: book.translate.xml:16919 +#: book.translate.xml:17113 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mv /boot/kernel /boot/kernel.bad\n" @@ -28784,7 +29092,7 @@ "# mv /boot/kernel.good /boot/kernel" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:16926 +#: book.translate.xml:17120 msgid "" "The kernel works, but ps1 does not" @@ -28793,7 +29101,7 @@ "refentrytitle>1 não" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:16929 +#: book.translate.xml:17123 msgid "" "If the kernel version differs from the one that the system utilities have " "been built with, for example, a kernel built from -CURRENT sources is " @@ -28818,12 +29126,12 @@ "do kernel do que o resto do sistema operacional." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:16954 +#: book.translate.xml:17148 msgid "Printing" msgstr "Impressão" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:16957 book.translate.xml:28752 +#: book.translate.xml:17151 book.translate.xml:29006 msgid "" " Warren Block Originally contributed by " @@ -28832,7 +29140,7 @@ "personname> Originalmente contribuído por " #. (itstool) path: chapter/para -#: book.translate.xml:16966 +#: book.translate.xml:17160 msgid "" "Putting information on paper is a vital function, despite many attempts to " "eliminate it. Printing has two basic components. The data must be delivered " @@ -28844,7 +29152,7 @@ "entender." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:16974 +#: book.translate.xml:17168 msgid "" "Basic printing can be set up quickly. The printer must be capable of " "printing plain ASCII text. For printing to other types of " @@ -28855,7 +29163,7 @@ "outros tipos de arquivos, consulte ." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:16981 +#: book.translate.xml:17175 msgid "Create a directory to store files while they are being printed:" msgstr "" "Crie um diretório para armazenar arquivos enquanto eles estão sendo " @@ -28863,7 +29171,7 @@ #. (itstool) path: step/screen #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:16984 book.translate.xml:17393 +#: book.translate.xml:17178 book.translate.xml:17587 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mkdir -p /var/spool/lpd/lp\n" @@ -28875,7 +29183,7 @@ "# chmod 770 /var/spool/lpd/lp" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:16990 +#: book.translate.xml:17184 msgid "" "As root, create /etc/" "printcap with these contents:" @@ -28884,7 +29192,7 @@ "printcap com estes conteúdos:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:16994 +#: book.translate.xml:17188 #, no-wrap msgid "" "lp:\\\n" @@ -28902,14 +29210,14 @@ "\t:lf=/var/log/lpd-errs:" #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:17003 +#: book.translate.xml:17197 msgid "This line is for a printer connected to a USB port." msgstr "" "Esta linha é para uma impressora conectada a uma porta USB." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:17006 +#: book.translate.xml:17200 msgid "" "For a printer connected to a parallel or printer port, use:" msgstr "" @@ -28918,25 +29226,25 @@ #. (itstool) path: callout/programlisting #. (itstool) path: entry/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:17009 book.translate.xml:17450 +#: book.translate.xml:17203 book.translate.xml:17644 #, no-wrap msgid ":lp=/dev/lpt0:\\" msgstr ":lp=/dev/lpt0:\\" #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:17011 +#: book.translate.xml:17205 msgid "For a printer connected directly to a network, use:" msgstr "Para uma impressora conectada diretamente a uma rede, use:" #. (itstool) path: callout/programlisting #. (itstool) path: entry/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:17014 book.translate.xml:17459 +#: book.translate.xml:17208 book.translate.xml:17653 #, no-wrap msgid ":lp=:rm=network-printer-name:rp=raw:\\" msgstr ":lp=:rm=network-printer-name:rp=raw:\\" #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:17016 +#: book.translate.xml:17210 msgid "" "Replace network-printer-name with the " "DNS host name of the network printer." @@ -28945,7 +29253,7 @@ "DNS da impressora de rede." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:17025 +#: book.translate.xml:17219 msgid "" "Enable lpd by editing /etc/rc.conf, " "adding this line:" @@ -28955,19 +29263,19 @@ #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:17028 book.translate.xml:17516 +#: book.translate.xml:17222 book.translate.xml:17710 #, no-wrap msgid "lpd_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "lpd_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: step/para #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17030 book.translate.xml:17518 +#: book.translate.xml:17224 book.translate.xml:17712 msgid "Start the service:" msgstr "Inicie o serviço:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17032 +#: book.translate.xml:17226 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# service lpd start\n" @@ -28977,18 +29285,18 @@ "Starting lpd." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:17037 +#: book.translate.xml:17231 msgid "Print a test:" msgstr "Imprima um teste:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17039 +#: book.translate.xml:17233 #, no-wrap msgid "# printf \"1. This printer can print.\\n2. This is the second line.\\n\" | lpr" msgstr "# printf \"1. This printer can print.\\n2. This is the second line.\\n\" | lpr" #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:17042 +#: book.translate.xml:17236 msgid "" "If both lines do not start at the left border, but stairstep " "instead, see ." @@ -28997,7 +29305,7 @@ "quote>, consulte ." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:17047 +#: book.translate.xml:17241 msgid "" "Text files can now be printed with lpr. Give the filename " "on the command line, or pipe output directly into lpr." @@ -29007,7 +29315,7 @@ "lpr." #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17052 +#: book.translate.xml:17246 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% lpr textfile.txt\n" @@ -29017,12 +29325,12 @@ "% ls -lh | lpr" #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:17059 +#: book.translate.xml:17253 msgid "Printer Connections" msgstr "Conexões de Impressora" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:17061 +#: book.translate.xml:17255 msgid "" "Printers are connected to computer systems in a variety of ways. Small " "desktop printers are usually connected directly to a computer's " @@ -29040,18 +29348,18 @@ "conexão de porta serial." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:17069 +#: book.translate.xml:17263 msgid "FreeBSD can communicate with all of these types of printers." msgstr "O FreeBSD pode se comunicar com todos esses tipos de impressoras." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:17074 book.translate.xml:17436 +#: book.translate.xml:17268 book.translate.xml:17630 msgid "USB" msgstr "USB" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:17077 +#: book.translate.xml:17271 msgid "" "USB printers can be connected to any available " "USB port on the computer." @@ -29060,7 +29368,7 @@ "USB disponível no computador." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:17081 +#: book.translate.xml:17275 msgid "" "When FreeBSD detects a USB printer, two device entries " "are created: /dev/ulpt0 and /dev/unlpt0unlpt0 não reseta a porta USB." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:17096 +#: book.translate.xml:17290 msgid "Parallel (IEEE-1284)" msgstr "Paralela (IEEE-1284)" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:17099 +#: book.translate.xml:17293 msgid "" "The parallel port device is /dev/lpt0. This device " "appears whether a printer is attached or not, it is not autodetected." @@ -29095,7 +29403,7 @@ "conectada, ela não é autodetectada." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:17104 +#: book.translate.xml:17298 msgid "" "Vendors have largely moved away from these legacy ports, and " "many computers no longer have them. Adapters can be used to connect a " @@ -29113,12 +29421,12 @@ "conectar impressoras paralelas diretamente a uma rede." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:17116 +#: book.translate.xml:17310 msgid "Serial (RS-232)" msgstr "Serial (RS-232)" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:17119 +#: book.translate.xml:17313 msgid "" "Serial ports are another legacy port, rarely used for printers except in " "certain niche applications. Cables, connectors, and required wiring vary " @@ -29129,7 +29437,7 @@ "conectores e a fiação necessária variam muito." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:17123 +#: book.translate.xml:17317 msgid "" "For serial ports built into a motherboard, the serial device name is " "/dev/cuau0 or /dev/cuau1. Serial " @@ -29143,7 +29451,7 @@ "filename>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:17130 +#: book.translate.xml:17324 msgid "" "Several communication parameters must be known to communicate with a serial " "printer. The most important are baud rate or " @@ -29159,19 +29467,19 @@ #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:17140 book.translate.xml:17454 +#: book.translate.xml:17334 book.translate.xml:17648 msgid "Network" msgstr "Rede" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:17143 +#: book.translate.xml:17337 msgid "Network printers are connected directly to the local computer network." msgstr "" "As impressoras de rede estão conectadas diretamente à rede de computadores " "local." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:17146 +#: book.translate.xml:17340 msgid "" "The DNS hostname of the printer must be known. If the " "printer is assigned a dynamic address by DHCP, " @@ -29187,7 +29495,7 @@ "estáticos para evitar esse problema." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:17154 +#: book.translate.xml:17348 msgid "" "Most network printers understand print jobs sent with the LPD protocol. A print queue name can also be specified. Some printers " @@ -29203,14 +29511,14 @@ "text adiciona retornos de carro aos textos simples." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:17162 +#: book.translate.xml:17356 msgid "Many network printers can also print data sent directly to port 9100." msgstr "" "Muitas impressoras de rede também podem imprimir dados enviados diretamente " "para a porta 9100." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17171 +#: book.translate.xml:17365 msgid "" "Wired network connections are usually the easiest to set up and give the " "fastest printing. For direct connection to the computer, USBPDLs." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:17192 +#: book.translate.xml:17386 msgid "ASCII" msgstr "ASCII" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:17195 +#: book.translate.xml:17389 msgid "" "Plain ASCII text is the simplest way to send data to a " "printer. Characters correspond one to one with what will be printed: an " @@ -29272,7 +29580,7 @@ "saída impressa corresponde diretamente ao que foi enviado." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:17206 +#: book.translate.xml:17400 msgid "" "Some inexpensive printers cannot print plain ASCII text. " "This makes them more difficult to set up, but it is usually still possible." @@ -29282,12 +29590,12 @@ "ainda é possível fazê-lo." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:17214 +#: book.translate.xml:17408 msgid "PostScript" msgstr "PostScript" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:17217 +#: book.translate.xml:17411 msgid "" "PostScript is almost the " "opposite of ASCII. Rather than simple text, a PostScript compatibility as a cost-saving measure." @@ -29316,12 +29624,12 @@ "economia de custos." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:17232 +#: book.translate.xml:17426 msgid "PCL (Printer Command Language)" msgstr "PCL (linguagem de comando de impressora)" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:17235 +#: book.translate.xml:17429 msgid "" "PCL is an extension of ASCII, adding " "escape sequences for formatting, font selection, and printing graphics. Many " @@ -29338,12 +29646,12 @@ "mais rápida." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:17247 +#: book.translate.xml:17441 msgid "Host-Based" msgstr "Baseado em Host" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:17250 +#: book.translate.xml:17444 msgid "" "Manufacturers can reduce the cost of a printer by giving it a simple " "processor and very little memory. These printers are not capable of printing " @@ -29359,7 +29667,7 @@ "emphasis>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:17258 +#: book.translate.xml:17452 msgid "" "Communication between the driver and a host-based printer is often through " "proprietary or undocumented protocols, making them functional only on the " @@ -29370,7 +29678,7 @@ "funcionais apenas nos sistemas operacionais mais comuns." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:17267 +#: book.translate.xml:17461 msgid "" "Converting PostScript to Other " "PDLs" @@ -29379,7 +29687,7 @@ "outros PDLs" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17270 +#: book.translate.xml:17464 msgid "" "Many applications from the Ports Collection and FreeBSD utilities produce " "PostScript output. This table " @@ -29392,32 +29700,32 @@ "postscript em outros PDLs comuns:" #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:17276 +#: book.translate.xml:17470 msgid "Output PDLs" msgstr "Saída PDLs" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:17281 +#: book.translate.xml:17475 msgid "Output PDL" msgstr "Saída PDL" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:17283 +#: book.translate.xml:17477 msgid "Generated By" msgstr "Gerado por" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:17290 +#: book.translate.xml:17484 msgid "PCL or PCL5" msgstr "PCL ou PCL5" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:17292 book.translate.xml:17300 book.translate.xml:17308 +#: book.translate.xml:17486 book.translate.xml:17494 book.translate.xml:17502 msgid "print/ghostscript9-base" msgstr "print/ghostscript9" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:17293 +#: book.translate.xml:17487 msgid "" "-sDEVICE=ljet4 for monochrome, -sDEVICE=cljet5 for color" @@ -29426,12 +29734,12 @@ "sDEVICE=cljet5 para colorido" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:17298 +#: book.translate.xml:17492 msgid "PCLXL or PCL6" msgstr "PCLXL ou PCL6" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:17301 +#: book.translate.xml:17495 msgid "" "-sDEVICE=pxlmono for monochrome, -" "sDEVICE=pxlcolor for color" @@ -29440,27 +29748,27 @@ "sDEVICE=pxlcolor para colorido" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:17307 +#: book.translate.xml:17501 msgid "ESC/P2" msgstr "ESC/P2" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:17309 +#: book.translate.xml:17503 msgid "-sDEVICE=uniprint" msgstr "-sDEVICE=uniprint" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:17313 +#: book.translate.xml:17507 msgid "XQX" msgstr "XQX" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:17314 +#: book.translate.xml:17508 msgid "print/foo2zjs" msgstr "print/foo2zjs" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17325 +#: book.translate.xml:17519 msgid "" "For the easiest printing, choose a printer that supports PostScript. Printers that support PCL também." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17335 +#: book.translate.xml:17529 msgid "" "Line-based printers like typical inkjets usually do not support PostScript or PCL. They " @@ -29502,7 +29810,7 @@ "quantidade de dados a serem transferidos e impressos." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17344 +#: book.translate.xml:17538 msgid "" "Host-based printers are often more difficult to set up. Some cannot be used " "at all because of proprietary PDLs. Avoid these printers " @@ -29513,7 +29821,7 @@ "proprietários. Evite essas impressoras quando possível." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17349 +#: book.translate.xml:17543 msgid "" "Descriptions of many PDLs can be found at . The " @@ -29527,12 +29835,12 @@ "\"/>." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:17357 +#: book.translate.xml:17551 msgid "Direct Printing" msgstr "Impressão Direta" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:17359 +#: book.translate.xml:17553 msgid "" "For occasional printing, files can be sent directly to a printer device " "without any setup. For example, a file called sample.txtUSB:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17364 +#: book.translate.xml:17558 #, no-wrap msgid "# cp sample.txt /dev/unlpt0" msgstr "# cp sample.txt /dev/unlpt0" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:17366 +#: book.translate.xml:17560 msgid "" "Direct printing to network printers depends on the abilities of the printer, " "but most accept print jobs on port 9100, and " @@ -29567,18 +29875,18 @@ "netlaser:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17372 +#: book.translate.xml:17566 #, no-wrap msgid "# nc netlaser 9100 < sample.txt" msgstr "# nc netlaser 9100 < sample.txt" #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:17376 +#: book.translate.xml:17570 msgid "LPD (Line Printer Daemon)" msgstr "LPD (Daemon de impressora de linha)" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:17378 +#: book.translate.xml:17572 msgid "" "Printing a file in the background is called spooling. A " "spooler allows the user to continue with other programs on the computer " @@ -29590,7 +29898,7 @@ "de impressão." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:17383 +#: book.translate.xml:17577 msgid "" "FreeBSD includes a spooler called lpd8. Print jobs are " @@ -29603,12 +29911,12 @@ "refentrytitle>1." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:17387 book.translate.xml:28841 +#: book.translate.xml:17581 book.translate.xml:29095 msgid "Initial Setup" msgstr "Configuração inicial" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17389 +#: book.translate.xml:17583 msgid "" "A directory for storing print jobs is created, ownership is set, and the " "permissions are set to prevent other users from viewing the contents of " @@ -29619,7 +29927,7 @@ "visualizem o conteúdo desses arquivos:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17397 +#: book.translate.xml:17591 msgid "" "Printers are defined in /etc/printcap. An entry for " "each printer includes details like a name, the port where it is attached, " @@ -29632,7 +29940,7 @@ "filename> com estes conteúdos:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:17403 +#: book.translate.xml:17597 #, no-wrap msgid "" "lp:\\\t\t\t\t\n" @@ -29650,7 +29958,7 @@ "\t:lf=/var/log/lpd-errs:\t" #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:17412 +#: book.translate.xml:17606 msgid "" "The name of this printer. lpr1 sends print jobs to " @@ -29665,7 +29973,7 @@ "padrão deve ser denominada lp." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:17420 +#: book.translate.xml:17614 msgid "" "The device where the printer is connected. Replace this line with the " "appropriate one for the connection type shown here." @@ -29674,23 +29982,23 @@ "apropriada para o tipo de conexão mostrado aqui." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:17428 +#: book.translate.xml:17622 msgid "Connection Type" msgstr "Tipo de conexão" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:17429 +#: book.translate.xml:17623 msgid "Device Entry in /etc/printcap" msgstr "Entrada de Dispositivos no /etc/printcap" #. (itstool) path: entry/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:17437 +#: book.translate.xml:17631 #, no-wrap msgid ":lp=/dev/unlpt0:\\" msgstr ":lp=/dev/unlpt0:\\" #. (itstool) path: entry/para -#: book.translate.xml:17439 +#: book.translate.xml:17633 msgid "" "This is the non-resetting USB " "printer device. If problems are experienced, use ulpt0 " @@ -29701,28 +30009,28 @@ "ele reseta a porta USB após cada uso." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:17449 +#: book.translate.xml:17643 msgid "Parallel" msgstr "Paralelo" #. (itstool) path: entry/para -#: book.translate.xml:17456 +#: book.translate.xml:17650 msgid "For a printer supporting the LPD protocol:" msgstr "Para uma impressora que suporta o protocolo LPD:" #. (itstool) path: entry/para -#: book.translate.xml:17461 +#: book.translate.xml:17655 msgid "For printers supporting port 9100 printing:" msgstr "Para impressoras que suportam impressão na porta 9100:" #. (itstool) path: entry/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:17464 +#: book.translate.xml:17658 #, no-wrap msgid ":lp=9100@network-printer-name:\\" msgstr ":lp=9100@network-printer-name:\\" #. (itstool) path: entry/para -#: book.translate.xml:17466 +#: book.translate.xml:17660 msgid "" "For both types, replace network-printer-name with " "the DNS host name of the network printer." @@ -29731,18 +30039,18 @@ "replaceable> pelo nome de host DNS da impressora na rede." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:17473 +#: book.translate.xml:17667 msgid "Serial" msgstr "Serial" #. (itstool) path: entry/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:17474 +#: book.translate.xml:17668 #, no-wrap msgid ":lp=/dev/cuau0:br=9600:pa=none:\\" msgstr ":lp=/dev/cuau0:br=9600:pa=none:\\" #. (itstool) path: entry/para -#: book.translate.xml:17476 +#: book.translate.xml:17670 msgid "" "These values are for a typical serial printer connected to a motherboard " "serial port. The baud rate is 9600, and no parity is used." @@ -29751,19 +30059,19 @@ "serial da placa-mãe. A taxa de transmissão é 9600 e nenhuma paridade é usada." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:17487 +#: book.translate.xml:17681 msgid "Suppress the printing of a header page at the start of a print job." msgstr "" "Suprimir a impressão de uma página de cabeçalho no início de um trabalho de " "impressão." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:17492 +#: book.translate.xml:17686 msgid "Do not limit the maximum size of a print job." msgstr "Não limite o tamanho máximo de um trabalho de impressão." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:17496 +#: book.translate.xml:17690 msgid "" "The path to the spooling directory for this printer. Each printer uses its " "own spooling directory." @@ -29772,12 +30080,12 @@ "seu próprio diretório de spooling." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:17501 +#: book.translate.xml:17695 msgid "The log file where errors on this printer will be reported." msgstr "O arquivo de log no qual os erros nesta impressora serão relatados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17506 +#: book.translate.xml:17700 msgid "" "After creating /etc/printcap, use " "chkprintcap8 para testar se há erros:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17509 +#: book.translate.xml:17703 #, no-wrap msgid "# chkprintcap" msgstr "# chkprintcap" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17511 +#: book.translate.xml:17705 msgid "Fix any reported problems before continuing." msgstr "Corrija quaisquer problemas relatados antes de continuar." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17513 +#: book.translate.xml:17707 msgid "" "Enable lpd8 in /etc/rc.conf:" @@ -29808,13 +30116,13 @@ "manvolnum> no /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17520 +#: book.translate.xml:17714 #, no-wrap msgid "# service lpd start" msgstr "# service lpd start" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:17524 +#: book.translate.xml:17718 msgid "" "Printing with lpr1" @@ -29823,7 +30131,7 @@ "refentrytitle>1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17526 +#: book.translate.xml:17720 msgid "" "Documents are sent to the printer with lpr. A file to be " "printed can be named on the command line or piped into lprdoc.txt para a impressora padrão:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17532 +#: book.translate.xml:17726 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% lpr doc.txt\n" @@ -29846,7 +30154,7 @@ "% cat doc.txt | lpr" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17535 +#: book.translate.xml:17729 msgid "" "Printers can be selected with . To print to a printer " "called laser:" @@ -29855,18 +30163,18 @@ "uma impressora chamada laser:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17539 +#: book.translate.xml:17733 #, no-wrap msgid "% lpr -Plaser doc.txt" msgstr "% lpr -Plaser doc.txt" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:17543 +#: book.translate.xml:17737 msgid "Filters" msgstr "Filtros" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17545 +#: book.translate.xml:17739 msgid "" "The examples shown so far have sent the contents of a text file directly to " "the printer. As long as the printer understands the content of those files, " @@ -29877,7 +30185,7 @@ "desses arquivos, a saída será impressa corretamente." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17550 +#: book.translate.xml:17744 msgid "" "Some printers are not capable of printing plain text, and the input file " "might not even be plain text." @@ -29886,7 +30194,7 @@ "de entrada pode nem ser texto simples." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17553 +#: book.translate.xml:17747 msgid "" "Filters allow files to be translated or processed. The " "typical use is to translate one type of input, like plain text, into a form " @@ -29903,7 +30211,7 @@ "números de página ou destacar o código-fonte para facilitar a leitura." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17561 +#: book.translate.xml:17755 msgid "" "The filters discussed here are input filters or " "text filters. These filters convert the incoming file " @@ -29918,7 +30226,7 @@ "root antes de criar os arquivos." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17568 +#: book.translate.xml:17762 msgid "" "Filters are specified in /etc/printcap with the " "if= identifier. To use /usr/local/libexec/" @@ -29931,7 +30239,7 @@ "filename> assim:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:17574 +#: book.translate.xml:17768 #, no-wrap msgid "" "lp:\\\n" @@ -29951,7 +30259,7 @@ "\t:lf=/var/log/lpd-errs:" #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:17584 +#: book.translate.xml:17778 msgid "" "if= identifies the input filter that " "will be used on incoming text." @@ -29960,7 +30268,7 @@ "que será usado no texto recebido." #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:17591 +#: book.translate.xml:17785 msgid "" "The backslash line continuation characters at the end " "of the lines in printcap entries reveal that an entry " @@ -29975,18 +30283,18 @@ "como uma única linha menos legível:" #. (itstool) path: tip/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:17598 +#: book.translate.xml:17792 #, no-wrap msgid "lp:lp=/dev/unlpt0:sh:mx#0:sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp:if=/usr/local/libexec/lf2crlf:lf=/var/log/lpd-errs:" msgstr "lp:lp=/dev/unlpt0:sh:mx#0:sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp:if=/usr/local/libexec/lf2crlf:lf=/var/log/lpd-errs:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:17602 +#: book.translate.xml:17796 msgid "Preventing Stairstepping on Plain Text Printers" msgstr "Impedindo degraus em impressoras de texto simples" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17604 +#: book.translate.xml:17798 msgid "" "Typical FreeBSD text files contain only a single line feed character at the " "end of each line. These lines will stairstep on a standard " @@ -29997,7 +30305,7 @@ "degraus em uma impressora padrão:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:17608 +#: book.translate.xml:17802 #, no-wrap msgid "" "A printed file looks\n" @@ -30009,7 +30317,7 @@ "                                              espalhados pelo vento" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17612 +#: book.translate.xml:17806 msgid "" "A filter can convert the newline characters into carriage returns and " "newlines. The carriage returns make the printer return to the left after " @@ -30022,7 +30330,7 @@ "filename> com este conteúdo:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:17618 +#: book.translate.xml:17812 #, no-wrap msgid "" "#!/bin/sh\n" @@ -30034,31 +30342,31 @@ "/usr/bin/sed -e \"s/$/${CR}/g\"" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17622 book.translate.xml:17657 book.translate.xml:17689 -#: book.translate.xml:17743 +#: book.translate.xml:17816 book.translate.xml:17851 book.translate.xml:17883 +#: book.translate.xml:17937 msgid "Set the permissions and make it executable:" msgstr "Defina as permissões e torne-o executável:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17624 +#: book.translate.xml:17818 #, no-wrap msgid "# chmod 555 /usr/local/libexec/lf2crlf" msgstr "# chmod 555 /usr/local/libexec/lf2crlf" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17626 book.translate.xml:17661 +#: book.translate.xml:17820 book.translate.xml:17855 msgid "Modify /etc/printcap to use the new filter:" msgstr "" "Modifique o /etc/printcap para usar o novo filtro:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:17629 +#: book.translate.xml:17823 #, no-wrap msgid ":if=/usr/local/libexec/lf2crlf:\\" msgstr ":if=/usr/local/libexec/lf2crlf:\\" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17631 +#: book.translate.xml:17825 msgid "" "Test the filter by printing the same plain text file. The carriage returns " "will cause each line to start at the left side of the page." @@ -30067,7 +30375,7 @@ "fará com que cada linha comece no lado esquerdo da página." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:17637 +#: book.translate.xml:17831 msgid "" "Fancy Plain Text on PostScript " "Printers with print/enscript" @@ -30076,7 +30384,7 @@ "\">PostScript com print/enscript" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17640 +#: book.translate.xml:17834 msgid "" "GNU Enscript converts plain " "text files into nicely-formatted PostScript/usr/local/libexec/enscript with these contents:" msgstr "" "Crie o /usr/local/libexec/enscript com este conteúdo:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:17654 +#: book.translate.xml:17848 #, no-wrap msgid "" "#!/bin/sh\n" @@ -30115,24 +30423,24 @@ "/usr/local/bin/enscript -o -" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17659 +#: book.translate.xml:17853 #, no-wrap msgid "# chmod 555 /usr/local/libexec/enscript" msgstr "# chmod 555 /usr/local/libexec/enscript" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:17664 +#: book.translate.xml:17858 #, no-wrap msgid ":if=/usr/local/libexec/enscript:\\" msgstr ":if=/usr/local/libexec/enscript:\\" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17666 +#: book.translate.xml:17860 msgid "Test the filter by printing a plain text file." msgstr "Teste o filtro imprimindo um arquivo de texto simples." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:17670 +#: book.translate.xml:17864 msgid "" "Printing PostScript to " "PCL Printers" @@ -30141,7 +30449,7 @@ "impressoras PCL" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17673 +#: book.translate.xml:17867 msgid "" "Many programs produce PostScript " "documents. However, inexpensive printers often only understand plain text or " @@ -30156,7 +30464,7 @@ "formato PCL antes de enviá-los para a impressora." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17679 +#: book.translate.xml:17873 msgid "" "Install the Ghostscript PostScript interpreter, print/ghostscript9-base/usr/local/libexec/ps2pcl with these contents:" msgstr "" "Crie o /usr/local/libexec/ps2pcl com este conteúdo:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:17686 +#: book.translate.xml:17880 #, no-wrap msgid "" "#!/bin/sh\n" @@ -30184,13 +30492,13 @@ "/usr/local/bin/gs -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -q -sDEVICE=ljet4 -sOutputFile=- -" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17691 +#: book.translate.xml:17885 #, no-wrap msgid "# chmod 555 /usr/local/libexec/ps2pcl" msgstr "# chmod 555 /usr/local/libexec/ps2pcl" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17693 +#: book.translate.xml:17887 msgid "" "PostScript input sent to this " "script will be rendered and converted to PCL before being " @@ -30201,20 +30509,20 @@ "antes de ser enviada para a impressora." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17697 book.translate.xml:17747 +#: book.translate.xml:17891 book.translate.xml:17941 msgid "Modify /etc/printcap to use this new input filter:" msgstr "" "Modifique o /etc/printcap para usar este novo filtro de " "entrada:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:17700 +#: book.translate.xml:17894 #, no-wrap msgid ":if=/usr/local/libexec/ps2pcl:\\" msgstr ":if=/usr/local/libexec/ps2pcl:\\" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17702 +#: book.translate.xml:17896 msgid "" "Test the filter by sending a small PostScript program to it:" @@ -30223,7 +30531,7 @@ "\">PostScript para ele:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17705 +#: book.translate.xml:17899 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% printf \"%%\\!PS \\n /Helvetica findfont 18 scalefont setfont \\\n" @@ -30233,12 +30541,12 @@ "72 432 moveto (PostScript printing successful.) show showpage \\004\" | lpr" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:17710 +#: book.translate.xml:17904 msgid "Smart Filters" msgstr "Filtros Inteligentes" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17712 +#: book.translate.xml:17906 msgid "" "A filter that detects the type of input and automatically converts it to the " "correct format for the printer can be very convenient. The first two " @@ -30264,7 +30572,7 @@ "com este conteúdo:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:17723 +#: book.translate.xml:17917 #, no-wrap msgid "" "#!/bin/sh\n" @@ -30308,19 +30616,19 @@ "esac" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17745 +#: book.translate.xml:17939 #, no-wrap msgid "# chmod 555 /usr/local/libexec/psif" msgstr "# chmod 555 /usr/local/libexec/psif" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:17750 +#: book.translate.xml:17944 #, no-wrap msgid ":if=/usr/local/libexec/psif:\\" msgstr ":if=/usr/local/libexec/psif:\\" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17752 +#: book.translate.xml:17946 msgid "" "Test the filter by printing PostScript and plain text files." @@ -30329,12 +30637,12 @@ "trademark> e arquivos de texto simples." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:17757 +#: book.translate.xml:17951 msgid "Other Smart Filters" msgstr "Outros Filtros Inteligentes" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17759 +#: book.translate.xml:17953 msgid "" "Writing a filter that detects many different types of input and formats them " "correctly is challenging. print/apsfilter " @@ -30351,12 +30659,12 @@ "\"\"/> para mais detalhes." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:17771 +#: book.translate.xml:17965 msgid "Multiple Queues" msgstr "Múltiplas filas" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17773 +#: book.translate.xml:17967 msgid "" "The entries in /etc/printcap are really definitions of " "queues. There can be more than one queue for a single " @@ -30369,7 +30677,7 @@ "usuários um maior controle sobre como seus trabalhos são impressos." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17779 +#: book.translate.xml:17973 msgid "" "As an example, consider a networked PostScript laser printer in an office. Most users want to " @@ -30386,7 +30694,7 @@ "/etc/printcap:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:17785 +#: book.translate.xml:17979 #, no-wrap msgid "" "textprinter:\\\n" @@ -30420,7 +30728,7 @@ "\t:lf=/var/log/lpd-errs:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17800 +#: book.translate.xml:17994 msgid "" "Documents sent to textprinter will be formatted by the " "/usr/local/libexec/enscript filter shown in an earlier " @@ -30435,7 +30743,7 @@ "psprinter, onde nenhuma filtragem é feita." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17807 +#: book.translate.xml:18001 msgid "" "This multiple queue technique can be used to provide direct access to all " "kinds of printer features. A printer with a duplexer could use two queues, " @@ -30450,12 +30758,12 @@ "frente e verso e, em seguida, envia o arquivo recebido." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:17816 +#: book.translate.xml:18010 msgid "Monitoring and Controlling Printing" msgstr "Monitoramento e controle de impressão" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17818 +#: book.translate.xml:18012 msgid "" "Several utilities are available to monitor print jobs and check and control " "printer operation." @@ -30464,7 +30772,7 @@ "verificar e controlar a operação da impressora." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:17822 +#: book.translate.xml:18016 msgid "" "lpq1" @@ -30473,7 +30781,7 @@ "citerefentry>" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17824 +#: book.translate.xml:18018 msgid "" "lpq1 shows the status of a user's print jobs. Print jobs from other " @@ -30484,13 +30792,13 @@ "Trabalhos de impressão de outros usuários não são mostrados." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17827 +#: book.translate.xml:18021 msgid "Show the current user's pending jobs on a single printer:" msgstr "" "Mostra os trabalhos pendentes do usuário atual em uma única impressora:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17830 +#: book.translate.xml:18024 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% lpq -Plp\n" @@ -30502,13 +30810,13 @@ "1st jsmith 0 (standard input) 12792 bytes" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17834 +#: book.translate.xml:18028 msgid "Show the current user's pending jobs on all printers:" msgstr "" "Mostra os trabalhos pendentes do usuário atual em todas as impressoras:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17837 +#: book.translate.xml:18031 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% lpq -a\n" @@ -30530,7 +30838,7 @@ "1st jsmith 287 (standard input) 22443 bytes" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:17848 +#: book.translate.xml:18042 msgid "" "lprm1" @@ -30539,7 +30847,7 @@ "citerefentry>" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17850 +#: book.translate.xml:18044 msgid "" "lprm1 is used to remove print jobs. Normal users are only allowed to " @@ -30552,12 +30860,12 @@ "\">root pode remover qualquer um ou todos os trabalhos." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17855 +#: book.translate.xml:18049 msgid "Remove all pending jobs from a printer:" msgstr "Remova todos os trabalhos pendentes de uma impressora:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17857 +#: book.translate.xml:18051 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# lprm -Plp -\n" @@ -30577,7 +30885,7 @@ "cfA004smithy dequeued" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17865 +#: book.translate.xml:18059 msgid "" "Remove a single job from a printer. lpq1 is used to find the " @@ -30588,7 +30896,7 @@ "citerefentry> é usado para encontrar o número do trabalho." #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17868 +#: book.translate.xml:18062 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% lpq\n" @@ -30606,7 +30914,7 @@ "cfA005smithy dequeued" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:17877 +#: book.translate.xml:18071 msgid "" "lpc8" @@ -30615,7 +30923,7 @@ "citerefentry>" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17879 +#: book.translate.xml:18073 msgid "" "lpc8 is used to check and modify printer status. lpc pode usar comandos que modificam o status da impressora." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17888 +#: book.translate.xml:18082 msgid "Show the status of all printers:" msgstr "Mostrar o status de todas as impressoras:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17890 +#: book.translate.xml:18084 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% lpc status all\n" @@ -30670,7 +30978,7 @@ "\twaiting for laser to come up" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17902 +#: book.translate.xml:18096 msgid "" "Prevent a printer from accepting new jobs, then begin accepting new jobs " "again:" @@ -30679,7 +30987,7 @@ "comece a aceitar novos trabalhos novamente:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17905 +#: book.translate.xml:18099 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# lpc disable lp\n" @@ -30697,7 +31005,7 @@ "\tqueuing enabled" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17912 +#: book.translate.xml:18106 msgid "" "Stop printing, but continue to accept new jobs. Then begin printing again:" msgstr "" @@ -30705,7 +31013,7 @@ "a imprimir novamente:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17915 +#: book.translate.xml:18109 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# lpc stop lp\n" @@ -30725,12 +31033,12 @@ "\tdaemon started" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17923 +#: book.translate.xml:18117 msgid "Restart a printer after some error condition:" msgstr "Reinicie uma impressora após alguma condição de erro:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17925 +#: book.translate.xml:18119 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# lpc restart lp\n" @@ -30746,7 +31054,7 @@ "\tdaemon restarted" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17931 +#: book.translate.xml:18125 msgid "" "Turn the print queue off and disable printing, with a message to explain the " "problem to users:" @@ -30755,7 +31063,7 @@ "explicar o problema aos usuários:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17934 +#: book.translate.xml:18128 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# lpc down lp Repair parts will arrive on Monday\n" @@ -30769,12 +31077,12 @@ "\tstatus message is now: Repair parts will arrive on Monday" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17939 +#: book.translate.xml:18133 msgid "Re-enable a printer that is down:" msgstr "Reative uma impressora que esteja inativa:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17941 +#: book.translate.xml:18135 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# lpc up lp\n" @@ -30788,7 +31096,7 @@ "\tdaemon started" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17946 +#: book.translate.xml:18140 msgid "" "See lpc8 for more commands and options." @@ -30797,12 +31105,12 @@ "manvolnum> para mais comandos e opções." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:17951 +#: book.translate.xml:18145 msgid "Shared Printers" msgstr "Impressoras Compartilhadas" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:17953 +#: book.translate.xml:18147 msgid "" "Printers are often shared by multiple users in businesses and schools. " "Additional features are provided to make sharing printers more convenient." @@ -30812,12 +31120,12 @@ "compartilhadas mais convenientes." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:17958 +#: book.translate.xml:18152 msgid "Aliases" msgstr "Aliases" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17960 +#: book.translate.xml:18154 msgid "" "The printer name is set in the first line of the entry in /etc/" "printcap. Additional names, or aliases, can " @@ -30830,13 +31138,13 @@ "do outro por barras verticais:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:17966 +#: book.translate.xml:18160 #, no-wrap msgid "lp|repairsprinter|salesprinter:\\" msgstr "lp|repairsprinter|salesprinter:\\" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17968 +#: book.translate.xml:18162 msgid "" "Aliases can be used in place of the printer name. For example, users in the " "Sales department print to their printer with" @@ -30845,13 +31153,13 @@ "usuários do departamento de vendas imprimem em sua impressora com" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17972 +#: book.translate.xml:18166 #, no-wrap msgid "% lpr -Psalesprinter sales-report.txt" msgstr "% lpr -Psalesprinter sales-report.txt" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17974 +#: book.translate.xml:18168 msgid "" "Users in the Repairs department print to their printer " "with" @@ -30860,13 +31168,13 @@ "emphasis> impressora com" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:17977 +#: book.translate.xml:18171 #, no-wrap msgid "% lpr -Prepairsprinter repairs-report.txt" msgstr "% lpr -Prepairsprinter repairs-report.txt" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17979 +#: book.translate.xml:18173 msgid "" "All of the documents print on that single printer. When the Sales department " "grows enough to need their own printer, the alias can be removed from the " @@ -30882,12 +31190,12 @@ "vendas são enviados para a nova impressora." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:17988 +#: book.translate.xml:18182 msgid "Header Pages" msgstr "Páginas de cabeçalho" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17990 +#: book.translate.xml:18184 msgid "" "It can be difficult for users to locate their documents in the stack of " "pages produced by a busy shared printer. Header pages " @@ -30905,7 +31213,7 @@ "separadoras." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:17998 +#: book.translate.xml:18192 msgid "" "Enabling header pages differs depending on whether the printer is connected " "directly to the computer with a USB, parallel, or serial " @@ -30916,7 +31224,7 @@ "paralelo ou serial, ou se está conectada remotamente por uma rede." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:18003 +#: book.translate.xml:18197 msgid "" "Header pages on directly-connected printers are enabled by removing the " ":sh:\\ (Suppress Header) line from the entry in " @@ -30936,7 +31244,7 @@ "alimentações de linha quando um feed de linha é recebido." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:18013 +#: book.translate.xml:18207 msgid "" "Header pages for network printers must be configured on the printer itself. " "Header page entries in /etc/printcap are ignored. " @@ -30950,12 +31258,12 @@ "configuração acessível com um navegador da web." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:18024 book.translate.xml:22786 +#: book.translate.xml:18218 book.translate.xml:22980 msgid "References" msgstr "Referências" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18026 +#: book.translate.xml:18220 msgid "" "Example files: /usr/share/examples/printing/." @@ -30964,7 +31272,7 @@ "printing/." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18028 +#: book.translate.xml:18222 msgid "" "The 4.3BSD Line Printer Spooler Manual, /usr/" "share/doc/smm/07.lpd/paper.ascii.gz." @@ -30973,7 +31281,7 @@ "/usr/share/doc/smm/07.lpd/paper.ascii.gz." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18032 +#: book.translate.xml:18226 msgid "" "Manual pages: printcap5, " @@ -30996,12 +31304,12 @@ "manvolnum>." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:18038 +#: book.translate.xml:18232 msgid "Other Printing Systems" msgstr "Outros sistemas de impressão" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:18040 +#: book.translate.xml:18234 msgid "" "Several other printing systems are available in addition to the built-in " "lpd8CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System)" @@ -31023,7 +31331,7 @@ "\"registered\">UNIX)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18048 +#: book.translate.xml:18242 msgid "" "CUPS is a popular printing system available on many " "operating systems. Using CUPS on FreeBSD is documented in " @@ -31036,12 +31344,12 @@ "en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/cups\"/>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:18055 +#: book.translate.xml:18249 msgid "HPLIP" msgstr "HPLIP" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18057 +#: book.translate.xml:18251 msgid "" "Hewlett Packard provides a printing system that supports many of their " "inkjet and laser printers. The port is print/hplip." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:18066 +#: book.translate.xml:18260 msgid "LPRng" msgstr "LPRng" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18068 +#: book.translate.xml:18262 msgid "" "LPRng was developed as an enhanced alternative to " "lpd8." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:18086 +#: book.translate.xml:18280 msgid "Linux Binary Compatibility" msgstr "" "Compatibilidade binária com o Linux" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:18089 +#: book.translate.xml:18283 msgid "" " Jim Mock Restructured and parts updated by " @@ -31095,7 +31403,7 @@ "personname> Reestruturado e atualizado por " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:18100 +#: book.translate.xml:18294 msgid "" " Brian N. Handy Originally contributed by " @@ -31104,7 +31412,7 @@ "personname> Originalmente contribuído por " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:18108 +#: book.translate.xml:18302 msgid "" " Rich Murphey " @@ -31113,12 +31421,12 @@ "personname>" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:18120 +#: book.translate.xml:18314 msgid "Linux binary compatibility" msgstr "Linux binary compatibility" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:18128 +#: book.translate.xml:18322 msgid "" "FreeBSD provides binary compatibility with Linux, allowing users to install and run most Linux." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:18134 +#: book.translate.xml:18328 msgid "" "However, some Linux-specific " "operating system features are not supported under FreeBSD. For example, " @@ -31152,16 +31460,16 @@ "trademark>, mesmo ativando o modo 8086 virtual." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:18140 +#: book.translate.xml:18334 msgid "" "Support for 64-bit binary compatibility with Linux was added in FreeBSD 10.3." +"\">Linux was added in FreeBSD 10.3." msgstr "" "O suporte para compatibilidade binária de 64 bits com o Linux foi adicionado no FreeBSD 10.3." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:18148 +#: book.translate.xml:18342 msgid "" "How to enable Linux binary " "compatibility on a FreeBSD system." @@ -31170,7 +31478,7 @@ "\">Linux em um sistema FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:18153 +#: book.translate.xml:18347 msgid "" "How to install additional Linux " "shared libraries." @@ -31179,7 +31487,7 @@ "\"registered\">Linux." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:18158 +#: book.translate.xml:18352 msgid "" "How to install Linux " "applications on a FreeBSD system." @@ -31188,7 +31496,7 @@ "em um sistema FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:18163 +#: book.translate.xml:18357 msgid "" "The implementation details of Linux compatibility in FreeBSD." @@ -31197,7 +31505,7 @@ "\"registered\">Linux no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:18172 +#: book.translate.xml:18366 msgid "" "Know how to install additional third-party software." @@ -31206,7 +31514,7 @@ "terceiros." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:18180 +#: book.translate.xml:18374 msgid "" "Configuring Linux Binary " "Compatibility" @@ -31215,12 +31523,12 @@ "\">Linux" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:18182 +#: book.translate.xml:18376 msgid "Ports Collection" msgstr "Ports Collection" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:18184 +#: book.translate.xml:18378 msgid "" "By default, Linux libraries are " "not installed and Linux binary " @@ -31235,7 +31543,7 @@ "manualmente ou a partir da coleção de Ports do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:18189 +#: book.translate.xml:18383 msgid "" "Before attempting to build the port, load the Linux kernel module, otherwise the build will fail:" @@ -31245,29 +31553,29 @@ "falhar:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:18192 +#: book.translate.xml:18386 #, no-wrap msgid "# kldload linux" msgstr "# kldload linux" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:18194 +#: book.translate.xml:18388 msgid "For 64-bit compatibility:" msgstr "Para compatibilidade com 64 bits:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:18196 +#: book.translate.xml:18390 #, no-wrap msgid "# kldload linux64" msgstr "# kldload linux64" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:18198 +#: book.translate.xml:18392 msgid "To verify that the module is loaded:" msgstr "Para verificar se o módulo está carregado:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:18200 +#: book.translate.xml:18394 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% kldstat\n" @@ -31281,7 +31589,7 @@ " 7 1 0xc24db000 d000 linux.ko" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:18205 +#: book.translate.xml:18399 msgid "" "The emulators/linux_base-c7 package or port is the " "easiest way to install a base set of Linux# pkg install emulators/linux_base-c7" msgstr "# pkg install emulators/linux_base-c7" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:18212 +#: book.translate.xml:18406 msgid "" "For Linux compatibility to be " "enabled at boot time, add this line to /etc/rc.conf:" @@ -31309,13 +31617,13 @@ "/etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:18215 +#: book.translate.xml:18409 #, no-wrap msgid "linux_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "linux_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:18217 +#: book.translate.xml:18411 msgid "" "On 64-bit machines, /etc/rc.d/abi will automatically " "load the module for 64-bit emulation." @@ -31324,12 +31632,12 @@ "automaticamente o módulo para emulação de 64 bits." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:18220 +#: book.translate.xml:18414 msgid "kernel options COMPAT_LINUX" msgstr "kernel options COMPAT_LINUX" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:18225 +#: book.translate.xml:18419 msgid "" "Since the Linux binary " "compatibility layer has gained support for running both 32- and 64-bit " @@ -31344,17 +31652,17 @@ "emulação a um kernel personalizado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:18231 +#: book.translate.xml:18425 msgid "Installing Additional Libraries Manually" msgstr "Instalando Bibliotecas Adicionais Manualmente" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:18233 +#: book.translate.xml:18427 msgid "shared libraries" msgstr "bibliotecas compartilhadas" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18237 +#: book.translate.xml:18431 msgid "" "If a Linux application complains " "about missing shared libraries after configuring Linux precisa e instale-as manualmente." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18242 +#: book.translate.xml:18436 msgid "" "From a Linux system, " "ldd can be used to determine which shared libraries the " @@ -31386,7 +31694,7 @@ "trademark> que tenha o Doom instalado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:18249 +#: book.translate.xml:18443 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% ldd linuxdoom\n" @@ -31400,12 +31708,12 @@ " (DLL Jump 4.5pl26) => /lib/" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:18254 +#: book.translate.xml:18448 msgid "symbolic links" msgstr "links simbólicos" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18258 +#: book.translate.xml:18452 msgid "" "Then, copy all the files in the last column of the output from the " "Linux system into /" @@ -31420,7 +31728,7 @@ "exemplo irá resultar nos seguintes arquivos no sistema FreeBSD:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:18265 +#: book.translate.xml:18459 #, no-wrap msgid "" "/compat/linux/usr/X11/lib/\n" @@ -31438,7 +31746,7 @@ "/compat/linux/lib/ ->" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18272 +#: book.translate.xml:18466 msgid "" "If a Linux shared library " "already exists with a matching major revision number to the first column of " @@ -31456,12 +31764,12 @@ "ser removido, desde que o link simbólico aponte para o novo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18280 +#: book.translate.xml:18474 msgid "For example, these libraries already exist on the FreeBSD system:" msgstr "Por exemplo, essas bibliotecas já existem no sistema FreeBSD:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:18283 +#: book.translate.xml:18477 #, no-wrap msgid "" "/compat/linux/lib/\n" @@ -31471,20 +31779,20 @@ "/compat/linux/lib/ ->" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18286 +#: book.translate.xml:18480 msgid "" "and ldd indicates that a binary requires a later version:" msgstr "" "e o ldd indica que um binário requer uma versão posterior:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:18289 +#: book.translate.xml:18483 #, no-wrap msgid " (DLL Jump 4.5pl26) ->" msgstr " (DLL Jump 4.5pl26) ->" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18291 +#: book.translate.xml:18485 msgid "" "Since the existing library is only one or two versions out of date in the " "last digit, the program should still work with the slightly older version. " @@ -31497,7 +31805,7 @@ "existente pela versão mais nova:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:18297 +#: book.translate.xml:18491 #, no-wrap msgid "" "/compat/linux/lib/\n" @@ -31507,7 +31815,7 @@ "/compat/linux/lib/ ->" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18300 +#: book.translate.xml:18494 msgid "" "Generally, one will need to look for the shared libraries that Linux binaries depend on only the first few " @@ -31527,7 +31835,7 @@ "extra." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:18309 +#: book.translate.xml:18503 msgid "" "Installing Linux ELF Binaries" @@ -31536,12 +31844,12 @@ "ELF" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:18312 +#: book.translate.xml:18506 msgid "Linux ELF binaries" msgstr "Linux ELF binaries" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18317 +#: book.translate.xml:18511 msgid "" "ELF binaries sometimes require an extra step. When an " "unbranded ELF binary is executed, it will generate an " @@ -31552,7 +31860,7 @@ "mensagem de erro:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:18321 +#: book.translate.xml:18515 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% ./my-linux-elf-binary\n" @@ -31564,7 +31872,7 @@ "Abort" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18325 +#: book.translate.xml:18519 msgid "" "To help the FreeBSD kernel distinguish between a FreeBSD ELF binary and a Linux " @@ -31577,18 +31885,18 @@ "refentrytitle>1:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:18329 +#: book.translate.xml:18523 #, no-wrap msgid "% brandelf -t Linux my-linux-elf-binary" msgstr "% brandelf -t Linux my-linux-elf-binary" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:18331 +#: book.translate.xml:18525 msgid "GNU toolchain" msgstr "GNU toolchain" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18335 +#: book.translate.xml:18529 msgid "" "Since the GNU toolchain places the appropriate branding information into " "ELF binaries automatically, this step is usually not " @@ -31599,7 +31907,7 @@ "geralmente não é necessária." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:18341 +#: book.translate.xml:18535 msgid "" "Installing a Linux RPM Based Application" @@ -31608,7 +31916,7 @@ "trademark> RPM" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18344 +#: book.translate.xml:18538 msgid "" "To install a Linux RPM-based application, first install the archivers/rpm4.rpm:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:18351 +#: book.translate.xml:18545 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /compat/linux\n" @@ -31633,7 +31941,7 @@ "# rpm2cpio < /path/to/linux.archive.rpm | cpio -id" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18354 +#: book.translate.xml:18548 msgid "" "If necessary, brandelf the installed ELF binaries. Note that this will prevent a clean uninstall." @@ -31642,17 +31950,17 @@ "acronym> instalados . Observe que isso impedirá uma desinstalação limpa." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:18360 +#: book.translate.xml:18554 msgid "Configuring the Hostname Resolver" msgstr "Configurando o Resolver do Hostname" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18362 +#: book.translate.xml:18556 msgid "If DNS does not work or this error appears:" msgstr "Se o DNS não funcionar ou este erro aparecer:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:18365 +#: book.translate.xml:18559 #, no-wrap msgid "" "resolv+: \"bind\" is an invalid keyword resolv+:\n" @@ -31662,13 +31970,13 @@ "\"hosts\" is an invalid keyword" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18368 +#: book.translate.xml:18562 msgid "configure /compat/linux/etc/host.conf as follows:" msgstr "" "configure o /compat/linux/etc/host.conf como segue:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:18371 +#: book.translate.xml:18565 #, no-wrap msgid "" "order hosts, bind\n" @@ -31678,7 +31986,7 @@ "multi on" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:18374 +#: book.translate.xml:18568 msgid "" "This specifies that /etc/hosts is searched first and " "DNS is searched second. When /compat/linux/etc/" @@ -31696,12 +32004,12 @@ "estiver configurado usando o /etc/resolv.conf." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:19208 book.translate.xml:40347 book.translate.xml:51774 +#: book.translate.xml:19402 book.translate.xml:40617 book.translate.xml:52053 msgid "Advanced Topics" msgstr "Tópicos Avançados" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19210 +#: book.translate.xml:19404 msgid "" "This section describes how Linux " "binary compatibility works and is based on an email written to )." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:19215 +#: book.translate.xml:19409 msgid "execution class loader" msgstr "execution class loader" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19217 +#: book.translate.xml:19411 msgid "" "FreeBSD has an abstraction called an execution class loader. " "This is a wedge into the execve ." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19221 +#: book.translate.xml:19415 msgid "" "Historically, the UNIX loader " "examined the magic number (generally the first 4 or 8 bytes of the file) to " @@ -31748,7 +32056,7 @@ "invocava o loader binário." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19226 +#: book.translate.xml:19420 msgid "" "If it was not the binary type for the system, the " "execve2." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19232 +#: book.translate.xml:19426 msgid "" "Later, a hack was made for sh1 to examine the first " @@ -31779,7 +32087,7 @@ "citerefentry> em seu lugar." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19236 +#: book.translate.xml:19430 msgid "" "FreeBSD has a list of loaders, instead of a single loader, with a fallback " "to the #! loader for running shell interpreters or shell " @@ -31790,17 +32098,17 @@ "de shell ou scripts de shell." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:19240 +#: book.translate.xml:19434 msgid "ELF" msgstr "ELF" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:19244 book.translate.xml:53720 +#: book.translate.xml:19438 book.translate.xml:53998 msgid "Solaris" msgstr "Solaris" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19248 +#: book.translate.xml:19442 msgid "" "For the Linux ABI support, FreeBSD sees the magic number as an ELF binary. The ELF " @@ -31815,7 +32123,7 @@ "binários ELF SVR4/Solaris." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19254 +#: book.translate.xml:19448 msgid "" "For Linux binaries to function, " "they must be branded as type Linux " @@ -31829,18 +32137,18 @@ "manvolnum>:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:19258 +#: book.translate.xml:19452 #, no-wrap msgid "# brandelf -t Linux file" msgstr "# brandelf -t Linux file" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:19260 +#: book.translate.xml:19454 msgid "ELF branding" msgstr "ELF branding" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19265 +#: book.translate.xml:19459 msgid "" "When the ELF loader sees the Linux brand, the loader " "replaces a pointer in the proc structure. All system " @@ -31857,7 +32165,7 @@ "Linux." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19273 +#: book.translate.xml:19467 msgid "" "The Linux system call vector " "contains, among other things, a list of sysent[] entries " @@ -31868,7 +32176,7 @@ "sysent[] cujos endereços residem no módulo do kernel." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19277 +#: book.translate.xml:19471 msgid "" "When a system call is called by the Linux binary, the trap code dereferences the system call function " @@ -31883,7 +32191,7 @@ "não a FreeBSD, como ponto de entrada para a chamada do sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19282 +#: book.translate.xml:19476 msgid "" "Linux mode dynamically " "reroots lookups. This is, in effect, equivalent to " @@ -31923,7 +32231,7 @@ "que não estão rodando em Linux." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19299 +#: book.translate.xml:19493 msgid "" "In effect, there is a Linux " "kernel in the FreeBSD kernel. The various underlying functions that " @@ -31955,7 +32263,7 @@ "podem ser acessadas através de um módulo do kernel." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19312 +#: book.translate.xml:19506 msgid "" "Technically, this is not really emulation, it is an ABI " "implementation. It is sometimes called Chern Lee Written by " @@ -32016,7 +32324,7 @@ "personname> Escrito por" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:19361 +#: book.translate.xml:19555 msgid "" " Mike Smith Based on a tutorial written by " @@ -32025,7 +32333,7 @@ "personname> Baseado em um tutorial escrito por" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:19371 +#: book.translate.xml:19565 msgid "" " Matt Dillon Also based on tuning(7) written by " @@ -32034,17 +32342,17 @@ "personname> Também baseado em tuning (7) escrito por" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:19384 +#: book.translate.xml:19578 msgid "system configuration" msgstr "system configuration" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:19387 +#: book.translate.xml:19581 msgid "system optimization" msgstr "system optimization" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19391 +#: book.translate.xml:19585 msgid "" "One of the important aspects of FreeBSD is proper system configuration. This " "chapter explains much of the FreeBSD configuration process, including some " @@ -32056,7 +32364,7 @@ "sistema FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:19400 +#: book.translate.xml:19594 msgid "" "The basics of rc.conf configuration and /usr/" "local/etc/rc.d startup scripts." @@ -32065,24 +32373,24 @@ "inicialização /usr/local/etc/rc.d." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:19406 +#: book.translate.xml:19600 msgid "How to configure and test a network card." msgstr "Como configurar e testar uma placa de rede." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:19410 +#: book.translate.xml:19604 msgid "How to configure virtual hosts on network devices." msgstr "Como configurar hosts virtuais em dispositivos de rede." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:19415 +#: book.translate.xml:19609 msgid "" "How to use the various configuration files in /etc." msgstr "" "Como usar os vários arquivos de configuração em /etc." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:19420 +#: book.translate.xml:19614 msgid "" "How to tune FreeBSD using sysctl8 variables." @@ -32091,14 +32399,14 @@ "refentrytitle>8." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:19424 +#: book.translate.xml:19618 msgid "How to tune disk performance and modify kernel limitations." msgstr "" "Como ajustar o desempenho do disco e modificar as limitações do kernel." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:19433 book.translate.xml:29508 book.translate.xml:31255 -#: book.translate.xml:35087 book.translate.xml:46342 +#: book.translate.xml:19627 book.translate.xml:29762 book.translate.xml:31509 +#: book.translate.xml:35346 book.translate.xml:46621 msgid "" "Understand UNIX and FreeBSD " "basics ()." @@ -32107,7 +32415,7 @@ "e do FreeBSD ()." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:19438 +#: book.translate.xml:19632 msgid "" "Be familiar with the basics of kernel configuration and compilation ()." @@ -32116,17 +32424,17 @@ "kernel ()." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:19446 +#: book.translate.xml:19640 msgid "Starting Services" msgstr "Inicialização de Serviços" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:19459 +#: book.translate.xml:19653 msgid "services" msgstr "services" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19463 +#: book.translate.xml:19657 msgid "" "Many users install third party software on FreeBSD from the Ports Collection " "and require the installed services to be started upon system initialization. " @@ -32144,7 +32452,7 @@ "software de terceiros." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19472 +#: book.translate.xml:19666 msgid "" "In FreeBSD, most included services, such as " "cron8, são iniciados através dos scripts de inicialização do sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:19476 +#: book.translate.xml:19670 msgid "Extended Application Configuration" msgstr "Configuração Estendida dos Aplicativos" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:19478 +#: book.translate.xml:19672 msgid "" "Now that FreeBSD includes rc.d, configuration of " "application startup is easier and provides more features. Using the key " @@ -32178,7 +32486,7 @@ "inicialização. Um script básico pode ser semelhante ao seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:19487 +#: book.translate.xml:19681 #, no-wrap msgid "" "#!/bin/sh\n" @@ -32230,7 +32538,7 @@ "run_rc_command \"$1\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:19511 +#: book.translate.xml:19705 msgid "" "This script will ensure that the provided utility will be " "started after the DAEMON pseudo-service. It also provides " @@ -32241,7 +32549,7 @@ "um método para definir e rastrear o ID do processo (PID)." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:19517 +#: book.translate.xml:19711 msgid "" "This application could then have the following line placed in /etc/" "rc.conf:" @@ -32250,13 +32558,13 @@ "rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:19520 +#: book.translate.xml:19714 #, no-wrap msgid "utility_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "utility_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:19522 +#: book.translate.xml:19716 msgid "" "This method allows for easier manipulation of command line arguments, " "inclusion of the default functions provided in /etc/rc.subrrc.conf." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:19530 +#: book.translate.xml:19724 msgid "Using Services to Start Services" msgstr "Usando o Services para Inicializar Serviços" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:19532 +#: book.translate.xml:19726 msgid "" "Other services can be started using inetd8. Working with " @@ -32291,7 +32599,7 @@ "descrita em profundidade em ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:19537 +#: book.translate.xml:19731 msgid "" "In some cases, it may make more sense to use " "cron8@reboot feature of cron8, may be used in place " @@ -32327,7 +32635,7 @@ "citerefentry> é iniciado, normalmente durante a inicialização do sistema." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:19553 +#: book.translate.xml:19747 msgid "" "Configuring cron8" @@ -32336,12 +32644,12 @@ "refentrytitle>8" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:19566 +#: book.translate.xml:19760 msgid "cron configuration" msgstr "cron configuration" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19571 +#: book.translate.xml:19765 msgid "" "One of the most useful utilities in FreeBSD is cron. This utility runs in the background and regularly checks " @@ -32361,7 +32669,7 @@ "como uma tarefa do cron." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19581 +#: book.translate.xml:19775 msgid "" "Two different types of configuration files are used: the system crontab, " "which should not be modified, and user crontabs, which can be created and " @@ -32385,7 +32693,7 @@ "executados como o usuário que criou o crontab." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19592 +#: book.translate.xml:19786 msgid "" "User crontabs allow individual users to schedule their own tasks. The " "root user can also have a user " @@ -32399,7 +32707,7 @@ "do sistema ." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19598 +#: book.translate.xml:19792 msgid "" "Here is a sample entry from the system crontab, /etc/crontab:" @@ -32408,7 +32716,7 @@ "crontab:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:19601 +#: book.translate.xml:19795 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# /etc/crontab - root's crontab for FreeBSD\n" @@ -32434,7 +32742,7 @@ "*/5\t*\t*\t*\t*\troot\t/usr/libexec/atrun " #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:19614 +#: book.translate.xml:19808 msgid "" "Lines that begin with the # character are comments. A " "comment can be placed in the file as a reminder of what and why a desired " @@ -32449,7 +32757,7 @@ "eles devem estar em uma nova linha. Linhas em branco são ignoradas." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:19623 +#: book.translate.xml:19817 msgid "" "The equals (=) character is used to define any " "environment settings. In this example, it is used to define the " @@ -32466,7 +32774,7 @@ "comando ou script a ser executado." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:19634 +#: book.translate.xml:19828 msgid "" "This line defines the seven fields used in a system crontab: " "minute, hour, mday, " @@ -32497,7 +32805,7 @@ "executado." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:19653 +#: book.translate.xml:19847 msgid "" "This entry defines the values for this cron job. The */5, " "followed by several more * characters, specifies that " @@ -32512,7 +32820,7 @@ "cada hora, de cada dia e dia da semana, de cada mês." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:19661 +#: book.translate.xml:19855 msgid "" "Commands can include any number of switches. However, commands which extend " "to multiple lines need to be broken with the backslash \\ " @@ -32523,12 +32831,12 @@ "continuação da barra invertida \\." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:19669 +#: book.translate.xml:19863 msgid "Creating a User Crontab" msgstr "Criando um Crontab de Usuário" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:19671 +#: book.translate.xml:19865 msgid "" "To create a user crontab, invoke crontab in editor mode:" msgstr "" @@ -32536,13 +32844,13 @@ "modo editor:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:19674 +#: book.translate.xml:19868 #, no-wrap msgid "% crontab -e" msgstr "% crontab -e" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:19676 +#: book.translate.xml:19870 msgid "" "This will open the user's crontab using the default text editor. The first " "time a user runs this command, it will open an empty file. Once a user " @@ -32554,7 +32862,7 @@ "edição." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:19681 +#: book.translate.xml:19875 msgid "" "It is useful to add these lines to the top of the crontab file in order to " "set the environment variables and to remember the meanings of the fields in " @@ -32565,7 +32873,7 @@ "crontab:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:19685 +#: book.translate.xml:19879 #, no-wrap msgid "" "SHELL=/bin/sh\n" @@ -32579,7 +32887,7 @@ "# minute\thour\tmday\tmonth\twday\tcommand" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:19690 +#: book.translate.xml:19884 msgid "" "Then add a line for each command or script to run, specifying the time to " "run the command. This example runs the specified custom Bourne shell script " @@ -32593,13 +32901,13 @@ "literal>, o caminho completo para o script é fornecido:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:19697 +#: book.translate.xml:19891 #, no-wrap msgid "0\t14\t*\t*\t*\t/usr/home/dru/bin/" msgstr "0\t14\t*\t*\t*\t/usr/home/dru/bin/" #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:19700 +#: book.translate.xml:19894 msgid "" "Before using a custom script, make sure it is executable and test it with " "the limited set of environment variables set by cron. To replicate the " @@ -32611,13 +32919,13 @@ "use:" #. (itstool) path: tip/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:19705 +#: book.translate.xml:19899 #, no-wrap msgid "env -i SHELL=/bin/sh PATH=/etc:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin HOME=/home/dru LOGNAME=dru /usr/home/dru/bin/" msgstr "env -i SHELL=/bin/sh PATH=/etc:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin HOME=/home/dru LOGNAME=dru /usr/home/dru/bin/" #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:19707 +#: book.translate.xml:19901 msgid "" "The environment set by cron is discussed in " "crontab5cron will read the crontab and run " @@ -32645,7 +32953,7 @@ "agendadas em um crontab, use este comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:19719 +#: book.translate.xml:19913 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% crontab -l\n" @@ -32655,12 +32963,12 @@ "0\t14\t*\t*\t*\t/usr/home/dru/bin/" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:19722 +#: book.translate.xml:19916 msgid "To remove all of the cron jobs in a user crontab:" msgstr "Para remover todas as tarefas cron em um crontab de usuário:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:19724 +#: book.translate.xml:19918 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% crontab -r\n" @@ -32670,12 +32978,12 @@ "remove crontab for dru? y" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:19731 +#: book.translate.xml:19925 msgid "Managing Services in FreeBSD" msgstr "Gerenciando Serviços no FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19744 +#: book.translate.xml:19938 msgid "" "FreeBSD uses the rc8 system of startup " @@ -32699,13 +33007,13 @@ "com o seguinte comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:19752 +#: book.translate.xml:19946 #, no-wrap msgid "# service sshd restart" msgstr "# service sshd restart" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19754 +#: book.translate.xml:19948 msgid "" "This procedure can be used to start services on a running system. Services " "will be started automatically at boot time as specified in " @@ -32724,13 +33032,13 @@ "linha ao /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:19760 +#: book.translate.xml:19954 #, no-wrap msgid "natd_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "natd_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19762 +#: book.translate.xml:19956 msgid "" "If a line is already present, change the " "NO to YES. The " @@ -32745,7 +33053,7 @@ "durante a próxima inicialização, conforme descrito abaixo." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19768 +#: book.translate.xml:19962 msgid "" "Since the rc8 system is primarily intended to start and stop " @@ -32779,13 +33087,13 @@ "conf, execute o seguinte comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:19784 +#: book.translate.xml:19978 #, no-wrap msgid "# service sshd onerestart" msgstr "# service sshd onerestart" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19786 +#: book.translate.xml:19980 msgid "" "To check if a service is enabled in /etc/rc.conf, run " "the appropriate rc8/etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:19792 +#: book.translate.xml:19986 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# service sshd rcvar\n" @@ -32818,7 +33126,7 @@ "# (default: \"\")" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:19799 +#: book.translate.xml:19993 msgid "" "The # sshd line is output from the above command, not a " "root console." @@ -32827,7 +33135,7 @@ "console do root." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19804 +#: book.translate.xml:19998 msgid "" "To determine whether or not a service is running, use a service. " "This attempts to send a signal to an individual service, forcing the service " @@ -32863,7 +33171,7 @@ "suporte para esse recurso não está incluído para todos os serviços." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19818 +#: book.translate.xml:20012 msgid "" "The rc8 system is used for network services and it also contributes to " @@ -32877,13 +33185,13 @@ "mensagem:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:19824 +#: book.translate.xml:20018 #, no-wrap msgid "Starting background file system checks in 60 seconds." msgstr "Starting background file system checks in 60 seconds." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19826 +#: book.translate.xml:20020 msgid "" "This script is used for background file system checks, which occur only " "during system initialization." @@ -32892,7 +33200,7 @@ "plano, que ocorrem apenas durante a inicialização do sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19829 +#: book.translate.xml:20023 msgid "" "Many system services depend on other services to function properly. For " "example, yp8rc.subr o script de inicialização:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:19846 +#: book.translate.xml:20040 msgid "PROVIDE: Specifies the services this file provides." msgstr "" "PROVIDE: Especifica os serviços que este arquivo fornece." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19851 +#: book.translate.xml:20045 msgid "" "The following key words may be included at the top of each startup script. " "They are not strictly necessary, but are useful as hints to " @@ -32952,7 +33260,7 @@ "refentrytitle>8:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:19857 +#: book.translate.xml:20051 msgid "" "REQUIRE: Lists services which are required for this " "service. The script containing this key word will run after os serviços especificados." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:19864 +#: book.translate.xml:20058 msgid "" "BEFORE: Lists services which depend on this service. The " "script containing this key word will run before the " @@ -32974,7 +33282,7 @@ "emphasis> dos serviços especificados." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19871 +#: book.translate.xml:20065 msgid "" "By carefully setting these keywords for each startup script, an " "administrator has a fine-grained level of control of the startup order of " @@ -32988,7 +33296,7 @@ "\">UNIX." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19877 +#: book.translate.xml:20071 msgid "" "Additional information can be found in rc8 and " @@ -33008,12 +33316,12 @@ "citerefentry> personalizado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:19883 +#: book.translate.xml:20077 msgid "Managing System-Specific Configuration" msgstr "Gerenciando a configuração específica do sistema" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:19885 +#: book.translate.xml:20079 msgid "" "rc files rc.conf" @@ -33022,7 +33330,7 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:19890 +#: book.translate.xml:20084 msgid "" "The principal location for system configuration information is /" "etc/rc.conf. This file contains a wide range of configuration " @@ -33037,7 +33345,7 @@ "arquivos rc*." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:19897 +#: book.translate.xml:20091 msgid "" "The entries in /etc/rc.conf override the default " "settings in /etc/defaults/rc.conf. The file containing " @@ -33051,7 +33359,7 @@ "conf." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:19904 +#: book.translate.xml:20098 msgid "" "A number of strategies may be applied in clustered applications to separate " "site-wide configuration from system-specific configuration in order to " @@ -33068,7 +33376,7 @@ "conf aplicam-se a todos os sistemas:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:19913 +#: book.translate.xml:20107 #, no-wrap msgid "" "sshd_enable=\"YES\"\n" @@ -33080,7 +33388,7 @@ "defaultrouter=\"\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:19917 +#: book.translate.xml:20111 msgid "" "Whereas these entries in /etc/rc.conf.local apply to " "this system only:" @@ -33089,7 +33397,7 @@ "se aplicam somente a este sistema:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:19921 +#: book.translate.xml:20115 #, no-wrap msgid "" "hostname=\"\"\n" @@ -33099,7 +33407,7 @@ "ifconfig_fxp0=\"inet\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:19924 +#: book.translate.xml:20118 msgid "" "Distribute /etc/rc.conf to every system using an " "application such as rsync or puppet/etc/rc.conf, " "so system configuration information will not be lost." @@ -33121,7 +33429,7 @@ "perdidas." #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:19936 +#: book.translate.xml:20130 msgid "" "Both /etc/rc.conf and /etc/rc.conf.local are parsed by sh para obter mais informações sobre este tópico." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:19948 +#: book.translate.xml:20142 msgid "Setting Up Network Interface Cards" msgstr "Configurando Placas de Interface de Rede" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:19951 book.translate.xml:32272 book.translate.xml:32569 -#: book.translate.xml:32952 +#: book.translate.xml:20145 book.translate.xml:32526 book.translate.xml:32823 +#: book.translate.xml:33206 msgid "" " Marc Fonvieille Contributed by " @@ -33154,12 +33462,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:19961 book.translate.xml:20174 +#: book.translate.xml:20155 book.translate.xml:20368 msgid "network cards configuration" msgstr "placas de rede configuração" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:19966 +#: book.translate.xml:20160 msgid "" "Adding and configuring a network interface card (NIC) is " "a common task for any FreeBSD administrator." @@ -33168,17 +33476,17 @@ "acronym>) é uma tarefa comum para qualquer administrador do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:19971 +#: book.translate.xml:20165 msgid "Locating the Correct Driver" msgstr "Localizando o Driver Correto" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:19973 +#: book.translate.xml:20167 msgid "network cards driver" msgstr "placas de rede configuração" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:19978 +#: book.translate.xml:20172 msgid "" "First, determine the model of the NIC and the chip it " "uses. FreeBSD supports a wide variety of NICs. Check the " @@ -33191,7 +33499,7 @@ "NIC é suportada." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:19984 +#: book.translate.xml:20178 msgid "" "If the NIC is supported, determine the name of the " "FreeBSD driver for the NIC. Refer to /usr/src/" @@ -33210,7 +33518,7 @@ "hardware suportado e quaisquer limitações conhecidas do driver." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:19994 +#: book.translate.xml:20188 msgid "" "The drivers for common NICs are already present in the " "GENERIC kernel, meaning the NIC " @@ -33232,7 +33540,7 @@ "sistema:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:20003 +#: book.translate.xml:20197 #, no-wrap msgid "" "dc0: <82c169 PNIC 10/100BaseTX> port 0xa000-0xa0ff mem 0xd3800000-0xd38\n" @@ -33266,7 +33574,7 @@ "dc1: [ITHREAD]" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20018 +#: book.translate.xml:20212 msgid "" "If the driver for the NIC is not present in " "GENERIC, but a driver is available, the driver will " @@ -33279,7 +33587,7 @@ "configurada e usada. Isso pode ser feito de duas maneiras:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:20026 +#: book.translate.xml:20220 msgid "" "The easiest way is to load a kernel module for the NIC " "using kldload8NIC estão disponíveis como módulos." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:20036 +#: book.translate.xml:20230 msgid "" "Alternatively, statically compile support for the NIC " "into a custom kernel. Refer to /usr/src/sys/conf/NOTES, " @@ -33315,7 +33623,7 @@ "inicialização, o kernel não precisa ser recompilado." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:20049 +#: book.translate.xml:20243 msgid "" "Using Windows NDIS Drivers" @@ -33324,17 +33632,17 @@ "NDIS" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:20051 +#: book.translate.xml:20245 msgid "NDIS" msgstr "NDIS" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:20054 +#: book.translate.xml:20248 msgid "NDISulator" msgstr "NDISulator" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:20057 +#: book.translate.xml:20251 msgid "" "Windows drivers" @@ -33343,23 +33651,23 @@ "primary>" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:20060 +#: book.translate.xml:20254 msgid "" -"Microsoft Microsoft Windows device " "drivers" msgstr "" -"Microsoft Microsoft Windows device " "drivers" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:20064 +#: book.translate.xml:20258 msgid "KLD (kernel loadable object)" msgstr "KLD (kernel loadable object)" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20072 +#: book.translate.xml:20266 msgid "" "Unfortunately, there are still many vendors that do not provide schematics " "for their drivers to the open source community because they regard such " @@ -33367,7 +33675,7 @@ "other operating systems are left with two choices: develop the drivers by a " "long and pain-staking process of reverse engineering or using the existing " "driver binaries available for Microsoft Windows platforms." +"trademark> Windows platforms." msgstr "" "Infelizmente, ainda existem muitos fornecedores que não fornecem esquemas " "para seus drivers para a comunidade de código aberto porque consideram essas " @@ -33379,16 +33687,16 @@ "class=\"registered\">Windows." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20081 +#: book.translate.xml:20275 msgid "" "FreeBSD provides native support for the Network Driver " "Interface Specification (NDIS). It includes " "ndisgen8 which can be used to convert a Windows XP driver into a format that can be used " +"\"registered\">Windows XP driver into a format that can be used " "on FreeBSD. Because the ndis4 driver uses a " -"Windows XP binary, it only runs " +"Windows XP binary, it only runs " "on i386 and amd64 systems. PCI, " "CardBus, PCMCIA, and USB devices are " "supported." @@ -33406,7 +33714,7 @@ "suportados." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20091 +#: book.translate.xml:20285 msgid "" "To use ndisgen8, three things are needed:" @@ -33416,30 +33724,30 @@ "necessárias:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:20095 +#: book.translate.xml:20289 msgid "FreeBSD kernel sources." msgstr "Código-fonte do kernel do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:20099 +#: book.translate.xml:20293 msgid "" -"A Windows XP driver binary with " +"A Windows XP driver binary with " "a .SYS extension." msgstr "" "Um binário do driver do Windows " "XP com uma extensão .SYS." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:20104 +#: book.translate.xml:20298 msgid "" -"A Windows XP driver " +"A Windows XP driver " "configuration file with a .INF extension." msgstr "" "Um arquivo de configuração do driver do Windows XP com uma extensão .INF." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20109 +#: book.translate.xml:20303 msgid "" "Download the .SYS and .INF files " "for the specific NIC. Generally, these can be found on " @@ -33453,7 +33761,7 @@ "INF." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20116 +#: book.translate.xml:20310 msgid "" "The driver bit width must match the version of FreeBSD. For FreeBSD/i386, " "use a Windows 32-bit driver. For " @@ -33466,7 +33774,7 @@ "bits do Windows." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20120 +#: book.translate.xml:20314 msgid "" "The next step is to compile the driver binary into a loadable kernel module. " "As root, use " @@ -33479,13 +33787,13 @@ "manvolnum>:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:20125 +#: book.translate.xml:20319 #, no-wrap msgid "# ndisgen /path/to/W32DRIVER.INF /path/to/W32DRIVER.SYS" msgstr "# ndisgen /path/to/W32DRIVER.INF /path/to/W32DRIVER.SYS" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20127 +#: book.translate.xml:20321 msgid "" "This command is interactive and prompts for any extra information it " "requires. A new kernel module will be generated in the current directory. " @@ -33498,13 +33806,13 @@ "manvolnum> para carregar o novo módulo:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:20132 +#: book.translate.xml:20326 #, no-wrap msgid "# kldload ./W32DRIVER_SYS.ko" msgstr "# kldload ./W32DRIVER_SYS.ko" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20134 +#: book.translate.xml:20328 msgid "" "In addition to the generated kernel module, the ndis.ko " "and if_ndis.ko modules must be loaded. This should " @@ -33521,7 +33829,7 @@ "os seguintes comandos:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:20141 +#: book.translate.xml:20335 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# kldload ndis\n" @@ -33531,7 +33839,7 @@ "# kldload if_ndis" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20144 +#: book.translate.xml:20338 msgid "" "The first command loads the ndis4 miniport driver " @@ -33542,7 +33850,7 @@ "citerefentry> e o segundo carrega o driver NIC gerado." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20148 +#: book.translate.xml:20342 msgid "" "Check dmesg8 to see if there were any load errors. If all went " @@ -33554,7 +33862,7 @@ "à seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:20152 +#: book.translate.xml:20346 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ndis0: <Wireless-G PCI Adapter> mem 0xf4100000-0xf4101fff irq 3 at device 8.0 on pci1\n" @@ -33570,7 +33878,7 @@ "ndis0: 11g rates: 6Mbps 9Mbps 12Mbps 18Mbps 36Mbps 48Mbps 54Mbps" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20158 +#: book.translate.xml:20352 msgid "" "From here, ndis0 can be configured like any other " "NIC." @@ -33579,7 +33887,7 @@ "qualquer outra NIC." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20161 +#: book.translate.xml:20355 msgid "" "To configure the system to load the ndis4 modules at boot time, " @@ -33595,18 +33903,18 @@ "conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:20167 +#: book.translate.xml:20361 #, no-wrap msgid "W32DRIVER_SYS_load=\"YES\"" msgstr "W32DRIVER_SYS_load=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:20172 +#: book.translate.xml:20366 msgid "Configuring the Network Card" msgstr "Configurando a placa de rede" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20179 +#: book.translate.xml:20373 msgid "" "Once the right driver is loaded for the NIC, the card " "needs to be configured. It may have been configured at installation time by " @@ -33619,7 +33927,7 @@ "refentrytitle>8." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20184 +#: book.translate.xml:20378 msgid "" "To display the NIC configuration, enter the following " "command:" @@ -33628,7 +33936,7 @@ "comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:20187 +#: book.translate.xml:20381 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% ifconfig\n" @@ -33672,27 +33980,27 @@ " nd6 options=3<PERFORMNUD,ACCEPT_RTADV>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20207 +#: book.translate.xml:20401 msgid "In this example, the following devices were displayed:" msgstr "Neste exemplo, os seguintes dispositivos foram exibidos:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:20212 +#: book.translate.xml:20406 msgid "dc0: The first Ethernet interface." msgstr "dc0: A primeira interface Ethernet." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:20217 +#: book.translate.xml:20411 msgid "dc1: The second Ethernet interface." msgstr "dc1: A segunda interface Ethernet." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:20222 +#: book.translate.xml:20416 msgid "lo0: The loopback device." msgstr "lo0: o dispositivo de loopback." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20227 +#: book.translate.xml:20421 msgid "" "FreeBSD uses the driver name followed by the order in which the card is " "detected at boot to name the NIC. For example, " @@ -33707,7 +34015,7 @@ "manvolnum>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20234 +#: book.translate.xml:20428 msgid "" "In this example, dc0 is up and running. The key " "indicators are:" @@ -33716,12 +34024,12 @@ "principais indicadores são:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:20239 +#: book.translate.xml:20433 msgid "UP means that the card is configured and ready." msgstr "UP significa que a placa está configurada e pronta." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:20244 +#: book.translate.xml:20438 msgid "" "The card has an Internet (inet) address," @@ -33730,7 +34038,7 @@ "class=\"ipaddress\">" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:20249 +#: book.translate.xml:20443 msgid "" "It has a valid subnet mask (netmask), where 0xffffff00 is the same as ." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:20256 +#: book.translate.xml:20450 msgid "" "It has a valid broadcast address," @@ -33750,7 +34058,7 @@ "\">" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:20260 +#: book.translate.xml:20454 msgid "" "The MAC address of the card (ether) is " "00:a0:cc:da:da:da." @@ -33759,7 +34067,7 @@ "00:a0:cc:da:da:da." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:20265 +#: book.translate.xml:20459 msgid "" "The physical media selection is on autoselection mode (media: " "Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex>)). In this " @@ -33774,7 +34082,7 @@ "tipos de mídia disponíveis para um driver, consulte sua página de manual." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:20275 +#: book.translate.xml:20469 msgid "" "The status of the link (status) is active, indicating that the carrier signal is detected. For dc1ifconfig8 output had shown something similar to:" @@ -33797,7 +34105,7 @@ "semelhante a:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:20287 +#: book.translate.xml:20481 #, no-wrap msgid "" "dc0: flags=8843<BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500\n" @@ -33813,12 +34121,12 @@ "\tstatus: active" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20293 +#: book.translate.xml:20487 msgid "it would indicate the card has not been configured." msgstr "isso indicaria que a placa não foi configurada." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20295 +#: book.translate.xml:20489 msgid "" "The card must be configured as root. The NIC configuration can be performed from " @@ -33837,20 +34145,20 @@ "estiver presente na LAN, basta adicionar esta linha:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:20304 +#: book.translate.xml:20498 #, no-wrap msgid "ifconfig_dc0=\"DHCP\"" msgstr "ifconfig_dc0=\"DHCP\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20306 +#: book.translate.xml:20500 msgid "" "Replace dc0 with the correct value for the system." msgstr "" "Substitua dc0 com o valor correto para o sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20309 +#: book.translate.xml:20503 msgid "" "The line added, then, follow the instructions given in ." @@ -33859,7 +34167,7 @@ "\"config-network-testing\"/>." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:20313 +#: book.translate.xml:20507 msgid "" "If the network was configured during installation, some entries for the " "NIC(s) may be already present. Double check /" @@ -33870,7 +34178,7 @@ "/etc/rc.conf antes de adicionar novas linhas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20319 +#: book.translate.xml:20513 msgid "" "If there is no DHCP server, the NIC(s) " "must be configured manually. Add a line for each NIC " @@ -33881,7 +34189,7 @@ "NIC presente no sistema, conforme mostrado neste exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:20324 +#: book.translate.xml:20518 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ifconfig_dc0=\"inet netmask\"\n" @@ -33891,7 +34199,7 @@ "ifconfig_dc1=\"inet netmask media 10baseT/UTP\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20327 +#: book.translate.xml:20521 msgid "" "Replace dc0 and dc1 and the " "IP address information with the correct values for the " @@ -33910,7 +34218,7 @@ "sobre as opções permitidas e a sintaxe de /etc/rc.conf." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20334 +#: book.translate.xml:20528 msgid "" "If the network is not using DNS, edit /etc/" "hosts to add the names and IP addresses of the " @@ -33927,7 +34235,7 @@ "examples/etc/hosts." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:20342 +#: book.translate.xml:20536 msgid "" "If there is no DHCP server and access to the Internet is " "needed, manually configure the default gateway and the nameserver:" @@ -33936,7 +34244,7 @@ "necessário, configure manualmente o gateway padrão e o nameserver:" #. (itstool) path: note/screen -#: book.translate.xml:20346 +#: book.translate.xml:20540 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# echo 'defaultrouter=\"your_default_router\"' >> /etc/rc.conf\n" @@ -33946,12 +34254,12 @@ "# echo 'nameserver your_DNS_server' >> /etc/resolv.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:20352 +#: book.translate.xml:20546 msgid "Testing and Troubleshooting" msgstr "Teste e solução de problemas" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20354 +#: book.translate.xml:20548 msgid "" "Once the necessary changes to /etc/rc.conf are saved, a " "reboot can be used to test the network configuration and to verify that the " @@ -33965,13 +34273,13 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:20361 book.translate.xml:62457 +#: book.translate.xml:20555 book.translate.xml:62935 #, no-wrap msgid "# service netif restart" msgstr "# service netif restart" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:20364 +#: book.translate.xml:20558 msgid "" "If a default gateway has been set in /etc/rc.conf, also " "issue this command:" @@ -33980,13 +34288,13 @@ "também execute este comando:" #. (itstool) path: note/screen -#: book.translate.xml:20368 +#: book.translate.xml:20562 #, no-wrap msgid "# service routing restart" msgstr "# service routing restart" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20371 +#: book.translate.xml:20565 msgid "" "Once the networking system has been relaunched, test the NICs." @@ -33995,17 +34303,17 @@ "acronym>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:20375 +#: book.translate.xml:20569 msgid "Testing the Ethernet Card" msgstr "Testando uma placa Ethernet" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:20377 +#: book.translate.xml:20571 msgid "network cards testing" msgstr "network cards testing" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20382 +#: book.translate.xml:20576 msgid "" "To verify that an Ethernet card is configured correctly, " "ping8 outra máquina na LAN:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:20386 +#: book.translate.xml:20580 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% ping -c5\n" @@ -34048,7 +34356,7 @@ "round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.074/0.083/0.108/0.013 ms" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:20398 +#: book.translate.xml:20592 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% ping -c5\n" @@ -34076,7 +34384,7 @@ "round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.700/0.729/0.766/0.025 ms" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20410 +#: book.translate.xml:20604 msgid "" "To test network resolution, use the host name instead of the IP address. If there is no DNS server on the " @@ -34098,13 +34406,13 @@ "filename>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:20425 +#: book.translate.xml:20619 msgid "network cards troubleshooting" msgstr "" "network cards troubleshooting" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20430 +#: book.translate.xml:20624 msgid "" "When troubleshooting hardware and software configurations, check the simple " "things first. Is the network cable plugged in? Are the network services " @@ -34122,7 +34430,7 @@ "arquivos da lista de discussão e pesquise na Internet." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20439 +#: book.translate.xml:20633 msgid "" "If the card works, yet performance is poor, read through " "tuning7device timeout " "messages, which is normal for some cards. If they continue, or are " @@ -34148,7 +34456,7 @@ "Verifique novamente as conexões dos cabos. Considere tentar outra placa." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20451 +#: book.translate.xml:20645 msgid "" "To resolve watchdog timeout errors, first check the " "network cable. Many cards require a PCI slot which " @@ -34164,7 +34472,7 @@ "determinar se esse pode ser o problema." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20460 +#: book.translate.xml:20654 msgid "" "No route to host messages occur if the system is " "unable to route a packet to the destination host. This can happen if no " @@ -34180,7 +34488,7 @@ "\"network-routing\"/>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20468 +#: book.translate.xml:20662 msgid "" "ping: sendto: Permission denied error messages are " "often caused by a misconfigured firewall. If a firewall is enabled on " @@ -34197,7 +34505,7 @@ "linkend=\"firewalls\"/> para maiores informações." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20475 +#: book.translate.xml:20669 msgid "" "Sometimes performance of the card is poor or below average. In these cases, " "try setting the media selection mode from autoselect to " @@ -34214,22 +34522,22 @@ "refentrytitle>7." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:20487 +#: book.translate.xml:20681 msgid "Virtual Hosts" msgstr "Hosts Virtuais" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:20489 +#: book.translate.xml:20683 msgid "virtual hosts" msgstr "virtual hosts" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:20490 +#: book.translate.xml:20684 msgid "IP aliases" msgstr "IP aliases" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:20493 +#: book.translate.xml:20687 msgid "" "A common use of FreeBSD is virtual site hosting, where one server appears to " "the network as many servers. This is achieved by assigning multiple network " @@ -34240,7 +34548,7 @@ "endereços de rede a uma única interface." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:20498 +#: book.translate.xml:20692 msgid "" "A given network interface has one real address, and may have " "any number of alias addresses. These aliases are normally " @@ -34253,13 +34561,13 @@ "conf, como mostrado neste exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:20504 +#: book.translate.xml:20698 #, no-wrap msgid "ifconfig_fxp0_alias0=\"inet netmask\"" msgstr "ifconfig_fxp0_alias0=\"inet netmask\"" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:20506 +#: book.translate.xml:20700 msgid "" "Alias entries must start with alias0 using a sequential number such as alias0, " @@ -34272,7 +34580,7 @@ "configuração será interrompido no primeiro número ausente." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:20513 +#: book.translate.xml:20707 msgid "" "The calculation of alias netmasks is important. For a given interface, there " "must be one address which correctly represents the network's netmask. Any " @@ -34289,7 +34597,7 @@ "systemitem>." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:20521 +#: book.translate.xml:20715 msgid "" "For example, consider the case where the fxp0 interface " "is connected to two networks:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:20543 +#: book.translate.xml:20737 msgid "" "The following /etc/rc.conf entries configure the " "adapter correctly for this scenario:" @@ -34335,7 +34643,7 @@ "adaptador corretamente para este cenário:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:20546 +#: book.translate.xml:20740 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ifconfig_fxp0=\"inet netmask\"\n" @@ -34359,7 +34667,7 @@ "ifconfig_fxp0_alias7=\"inet netmask\"" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:20556 +#: book.translate.xml:20750 msgid "" "A simpler way to express this is with a space-separated list of IP address ranges. The first address will be given the indicated " @@ -34372,18 +34680,18 @@ "máscara de sub-rede" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:20562 +#: book.translate.xml:20756 #, no-wrap msgid "ifconfig_fxp0_aliases=\"inet inet\"" msgstr "ifconfig_fxp0_aliases=\"inet inet\"" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:20567 +#: book.translate.xml:20761 msgid "Configuring System Logging" msgstr "Configurando o log do sistema" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:20570 +#: book.translate.xml:20764 msgid "" " Niclas Zeising Contributed by " @@ -34392,18 +34700,18 @@ "personname> Contribuído por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:20580 +#: book.translate.xml:20774 msgid "system logging" msgstr "system logging" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:20583 book.translate.xml:56576 +#: book.translate.xml:20777 book.translate.xml:57053 msgid "syslog" msgstr "syslog" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:20586 +#: book.translate.xml:20780 msgid "" "syslogd8" @@ -34412,7 +34720,7 @@ "manvolnum>" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:20590 +#: book.translate.xml:20784 msgid "" "Generating and reading system logs is an important aspect of system " "administration. The information in system logs can be used to detect " @@ -34429,7 +34737,7 @@ "dos daemons e aplicativos do sistema geram entradas de log." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:20598 +#: book.translate.xml:20792 msgid "" "FreeBSD provides a system logger, syslogd, to " "manage logging. By default, syslogd is started " @@ -34451,7 +34759,7 @@ "informações sobre os argumentos disponíveis." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:20609 +#: book.translate.xml:20803 msgid "" "This section describes how to configure the FreeBSD system logger for both " "local and remote logging and how to perform log rotation and log management." @@ -34461,17 +34769,17 @@ "de log." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:20614 +#: book.translate.xml:20808 msgid "Configuring Local Logging" msgstr "Configurando os logs locais" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:20616 +#: book.translate.xml:20810 msgid "syslog.conf" msgstr "syslog.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20618 +#: book.translate.xml:20812 msgid "" "The configuration file, /etc/syslog.conf, controls what " "syslogd does with log entries as they are " @@ -34496,7 +34804,7 @@ "nome do host da máquina que gera o evento de log." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20633 +#: book.translate.xml:20827 msgid "" "This configuration file contains one line per action, where the syntax for " "each line is a selector field followed by an action field. The syntax of the " @@ -34524,7 +34832,7 @@ "padrão do FreeBSD:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:20648 +#: book.translate.xml:20842 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# <_:phrase-1/>\n" @@ -34600,12 +34908,12 @@ "!*" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20684 +#: book.translate.xml:20878 msgid "In this example:" msgstr "Neste exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:20688 +#: book.translate.xml:20882 msgid "" "Line 8 matches all messages with a level of err or " "higher, as well as kern.warning, auth.notice/dev/console)." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:20698 +#: book.translate.xml:20892 msgid "" "Line 12 matches all messages from the mail facility at " "level info or above and logs the messages to /" @@ -34629,7 +34937,7 @@ "var/log/maillog." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:20705 +#: book.translate.xml:20899 msgid "" "Line 17 uses a comparison flag (=) to only match messages " "at level debug and logs them to /var/log/debug." @@ -34640,7 +34948,7 @@ "registrá-las em /var/log/debug.log." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:20712 +#: book.translate.xml:20906 msgid "" "Line 33 is an example usage of a program specification. This makes the rules " "following it only valid for the specified program. In this case, only the " @@ -34654,7 +34962,7 @@ "log." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20720 +#: book.translate.xml:20914 msgid "" "The available levels, in order from most to least critical are " "emerg, alert, crit, " @@ -34667,7 +34975,7 @@ "literal>, info, and debug." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20727 +#: book.translate.xml:20921 msgid "" "The facilities, in no particular order, are auth, " "authpriv, console, cronnotice and higher to " "/var/log/daemon.log, add the following entry:" @@ -34697,13 +35005,13 @@ "/var/log/daemon.log, adicione a seguinte entrada:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:20743 +#: book.translate.xml:20937 #, no-wrap msgid "daemon.notice /var/log/daemon.log" msgstr "daemon.notice /var/log/daemon.log" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20745 +#: book.translate.xml:20939 msgid "" "For more information about the different levels and facilities, refer to " "syslog35." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:20753 +#: book.translate.xml:20947 msgid "Log Management and Rotation" msgstr "Gerenciamento de log e rotação" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:20755 +#: book.translate.xml:20949 msgid "newsyslog" msgstr "newsyslog" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:20756 +#: book.translate.xml:20950 msgid "newsyslog.conf" msgstr "newsyslog.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:20757 +#: book.translate.xml:20951 msgid "log rotation" msgstr "log rotation" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:20758 +#: book.translate.xml:20952 msgid "log management" msgstr "log management" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20760 +#: book.translate.xml:20954 msgid "" "Log files can grow quickly, taking up disk space and making it more " "difficult to locate useful information. Log management attempts to mitigate " @@ -34775,7 +35083,7 @@ "executado a cada hora." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20773 +#: book.translate.xml:20967 msgid "" "To know which actions to take, newsyslog reads " "its configuration file, /etc/newsyslog.conf. This file " @@ -34795,7 +35103,7 @@ "no FreeBSD:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:20783 +#: book.translate.xml:20977 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# configuration file for newsyslog\n" @@ -34879,7 +35187,7 @@ "/var/log/xferlog 600 7 100 * JC" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20823 +#: book.translate.xml:21017 msgid "" "Each line starts with the name of the log to be rotated, optionally followed " "by an owner and group for both rotated and newly created files. The " @@ -34913,7 +35221,7 @@ "é rotacionado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20841 +#: book.translate.xml:21035 msgid "" "For more information on all fields, valid flags, and how to specify the " "rotation time, refer to newsyslog.conf." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:20850 +#: book.translate.xml:21044 msgid "Configuring Remote Logging" msgstr "Configurando o log remoto" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20863 +#: book.translate.xml:21057 msgid "" "Monitoring the log files of multiple hosts can become unwieldy as the number " "of systems increases. Configuring centralized logging can reduce some of the " @@ -34951,7 +35259,7 @@ "parte da carga administrativa da administração dos arquivos de log." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:20868 +#: book.translate.xml:21062 msgid "" "In FreeBSD, centralized log file aggregation, merging, and rotation can be " "configured using syslogd and " @@ -34973,12 +35281,12 @@ "servidor de registro em log." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:20880 +#: book.translate.xml:21074 msgid "Log Server Configuration" msgstr "Configuração do servidor de log" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20882 +#: book.translate.xml:21076 msgid "" "A log server is a system that has been configured to accept logging " "information from other hosts. Before configuring a log server, check the " @@ -34989,7 +35297,7 @@ "seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:20888 +#: book.translate.xml:21082 msgid "" "If there is a firewall between the logging server and any logging clients, " "ensure that the firewall ruleset allows UDP port 514 for " @@ -35000,7 +35308,7 @@ "UDP para os clientes e o servidor." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:20895 +#: book.translate.xml:21089 msgid "" "The logging server and all client machines must have forward and reverse " "entries in the local DNS. If the network does not have a " @@ -35015,7 +35323,7 @@ "que as entradas de log não sejam rejeitadas pelo servidor de log." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20905 +#: book.translate.xml:21099 msgid "" "On the log server, edit /etc/syslog.conf to specify the " "name of the client to receive log entries from, the logging facility to be " @@ -35031,12 +35339,12 @@ "logclient.log." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:20915 +#: book.translate.xml:21109 msgid "Sample Log Server Configuration" msgstr "Configuração do servidor de log de exemplo" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:20917 +#: book.translate.xml:21111 #, no-wrap msgid "" "\n" @@ -35046,7 +35354,7 @@ "*.* /var/log/logclient.log" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20921 +#: book.translate.xml:21115 msgid "" "When adding multiple log clients, add a similar two-line entry for each " "client. More information about the available facilities may be found in " @@ -35059,12 +35367,12 @@ "refentrytitle>5." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20925 +#: book.translate.xml:21119 msgid "Next, configure /etc/rc.conf:" msgstr "Em seguida, configure o /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:20928 +#: book.translate.xml:21122 #, no-wrap msgid "" "syslogd_enable=\"YES\"\n" @@ -35074,7 +35382,7 @@ "syslogd_flags=\"-a -v -v\"" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20931 +#: book.translate.xml:21125 msgid "" "The first entry starts syslogd at system boot. " "The second entry allows log entries from the specified client. The options may be specified to allow logging from " "multiple clients. IP addresses and whole netblocks may " @@ -35105,18 +35413,18 @@ "manvolnum> para obter uma lista completa de opções possíveis." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20945 +#: book.translate.xml:21139 msgid "Finally, create the log file:" msgstr "Finalmente, crie o arquivo de log:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:20947 +#: book.translate.xml:21141 #, no-wrap msgid "# touch /var/log/logclient.log" msgstr "# touch /var/log/logclient.log" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20949 +#: book.translate.xml:21143 msgid "" "At this point, syslogd should be restarted and " "verified:" @@ -35125,7 +35433,7 @@ "verificado:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:20952 +#: book.translate.xml:21146 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# service syslogd restart\n" @@ -35135,7 +35443,7 @@ "# pgrep syslog" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20955 +#: book.translate.xml:21149 msgid "" "If a PID is returned, the server restarted successfully, " "and client configuration can begin. If the server did not restart, consult " @@ -35147,12 +35455,12 @@ "erro." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:20962 +#: book.translate.xml:21156 msgid "Log Client Configuration" msgstr "Configuração do cliente de log" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20964 +#: book.translate.xml:21158 msgid "" "A logging client sends log entries to a logging server on the network. The " "client also keeps a local copy of its own logs." @@ -35161,7 +35469,7 @@ "cliente também mantém uma cópia local de seus próprios logs." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20968 +#: book.translate.xml:21162 msgid "" "Once a logging server has been configured, edit /etc/rc.conf on the logging client:" @@ -35170,7 +35478,7 @@ "conf no cliente de registro:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:20972 +#: book.translate.xml:21166 #, no-wrap msgid "" "syslogd_enable=\"YES\"\n" @@ -35180,7 +35488,7 @@ "syslogd_flags=\"-s -v -v\"" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20975 +#: book.translate.xml:21169 msgid "" "The first entry enables syslogd on boot up. The " "second entry prevents logs from being accepted by this client from other " @@ -35192,7 +35500,7 @@ "mensagens registradas." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20981 +#: book.translate.xml:21175 msgid "" "Next, define the logging server in the client's /etc/syslog.conf. In this example, all logged facilities are sent to a remote " @@ -35205,13 +35513,13 @@ "com o nome do host especificado:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:20987 +#: book.translate.xml:21181 #, no-wrap msgid "*.*\t\" msgstr "*.*\t\" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20989 +#: book.translate.xml:21183 msgid "" "After saving the edit, restart syslogd for the " "changes to take effect:" @@ -35220,13 +35528,13 @@ "para que as alterações entrem em vigor:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:20993 book.translate.xml:21037 +#: book.translate.xml:21187 book.translate.xml:21231 #, no-wrap msgid "# service syslogd restart" msgstr "# service syslogd restart" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:20995 +#: book.translate.xml:21189 msgid "" "To test that log messages are being sent across the network, use " "logger1:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:20999 +#: book.translate.xml:21193 #, no-wrap msgid "# logger \"Test message from logclient\"" msgstr "# logger \"Test message from logclient\"" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21001 +#: book.translate.xml:21195 msgid "" "This message should now exist both in /var/log/messages " "on the client and /var/log/logclient.log on the log " @@ -35256,12 +35564,12 @@ "servidor de log." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:21008 +#: book.translate.xml:21202 msgid "Debugging Log Servers" msgstr "Debugando servidores de log" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21010 +#: book.translate.xml:21204 msgid "" "If no messages are being received on the log server, the cause is most " "likely a network connectivity issue, a hostname resolution issue, or a typo " @@ -35286,7 +35594,7 @@ "ambos os hosts." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21024 +#: book.translate.xml:21218 msgid "" "If the ping succeeds on both hosts but log messages are " "still not being received, temporarily increase logging verbosity to narrow " @@ -35306,13 +35614,13 @@ "servidor de log e execute uma reinicialização:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:21035 +#: book.translate.xml:21229 #, no-wrap msgid "syslogd_flags=\"-d -a -v -v\"" msgstr "syslogd_flags=\"-d -a -v -v\"" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21039 +#: book.translate.xml:21233 msgid "" "Debugging data similar to the following will flash on the console " "immediately after the restart:" @@ -35321,7 +35629,7 @@ "imediatamente após a reinicialização:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:21042 +#: book.translate.xml:21236 #, no-wrap msgid "" "logmsg: pri 56, flags 4, from, msg syslogd: restart\n" @@ -35343,7 +35651,7 @@ "rejected in rule 0 due to name mismatch." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21051 +#: book.translate.xml:21245 msgid "" "In this example, the log messages are being rejected due to a typo which " "results in a hostname mismatch. The client's hostname should be " @@ -35357,7 +35665,7 @@ "reinicialização e verifique os resultados:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:21057 +#: book.translate.xml:21251 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# service syslogd restart\n" @@ -35389,7 +35697,7 @@ "Logging to FILE /var/log/messages" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21071 +#: book.translate.xml:21265 msgid "" "At this point, the messages are being properly received and placed in the " "correct file." @@ -35399,12 +35707,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect3/title #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:21076 book.translate.xml:53248 +#: book.translate.xml:21270 book.translate.xml:53526 msgid "Security Considerations" msgstr "Considerações de segurança" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21078 +#: book.translate.xml:21272 msgid "" "As with any network service, security requirements should be considered " "before implementing a logging server. Log files may contain sensitive data " @@ -35423,7 +35731,7 @@ "stunnel, que transmitirá os dados de log em um túnel criptografado." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21088 +#: book.translate.xml:21282 msgid "" "Local security is also an issue. Log files are not encrypted during use or " "after log rotation. Local users may access log files to gain additional " @@ -35448,12 +35756,12 @@ "adicionais." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:21106 +#: book.translate.xml:21300 msgid "/etc Layout" msgstr "Layout do /etc" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:21109 +#: book.translate.xml:21303 msgid "" "There are a number of directories in which configuration information is " "kept. These include:" @@ -35462,32 +35770,32 @@ "mantidas. Estes incluem:" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:21119 +#: book.translate.xml:21313 msgid "/etc" msgstr "/etc" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:21120 +#: book.translate.xml:21314 msgid "Generic system-specific configuration information." msgstr "Informações de configuração específica do sistema genérico." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:21125 +#: book.translate.xml:21319 msgid "/etc/defaults" msgstr "/etc/defaults" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:21126 +#: book.translate.xml:21320 msgid "Default versions of system configuration files." msgstr "Versões padrão dos arquivos de configuração do sistema." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:21131 +#: book.translate.xml:21325 msgid "/etc/mail" msgstr "/etc/mail" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:21132 +#: book.translate.xml:21326 msgid "" "Extra sendmail8 configuration and other MTA " @@ -35498,22 +35806,22 @@ "MTA." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:21137 +#: book.translate.xml:21331 msgid "/etc/ppp" msgstr "/etc/ppp" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:21138 +#: book.translate.xml:21332 msgid "Configuration for both user- and kernel-ppp programs." msgstr "Configuração para ambos os programas, user- e kernel-ppp." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:21143 +#: book.translate.xml:21337 msgid "/usr/local/etc" msgstr "/usr/local/etc" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:21144 +#: book.translate.xml:21338 msgid "" "Configuration files for installed applications. May contain per-application " "subdirectories." @@ -35522,12 +35830,12 @@ "subdiretórios para cada aplicativo." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:21149 +#: book.translate.xml:21343 msgid "/usr/local/etc/rc.d" msgstr "/usr/local/etc/rc.d" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:21150 +#: book.translate.xml:21344 msgid "" "rc8 scripts for installed applications." @@ -35536,12 +35844,12 @@ "manvolnum> para os aplicativos instalados." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:21155 +#: book.translate.xml:21349 msgid "/var/db" msgstr "/var/db" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:21156 +#: book.translate.xml:21350 msgid "" "Automatically generated system-specific database files, such as the package " "database and the locate." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:21166 +#: book.translate.xml:21360 msgid "Hostnames" msgstr "Hostnames" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21168 +#: book.translate.xml:21362 msgid "hostname" msgstr "hostname" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21169 book.translate.xml:49901 book.translate.xml:51003 -#: book.translate.xml:51889 book.translate.xml:55818 +#: book.translate.xml:21363 book.translate.xml:50180 book.translate.xml:51282 +#: book.translate.xml:52168 book.translate.xml:56107 msgid "DNS" msgstr "DNS" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:21172 +#: book.translate.xml:21366 msgid "/etc/resolv.conf" msgstr "/etc/resolv.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21174 +#: book.translate.xml:21368 msgid "resolv.conf" msgstr "resolv.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21178 +#: book.translate.xml:21372 msgid "" "How a FreeBSD system accesses the Internet Domain Name System (DNS) is controlled by resolv.conf." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21182 +#: book.translate.xml:21376 msgid "The most common entries to /etc/resolv.conf are:" msgstr "" "As entradas mais comuns para o /etc/resolv.conf são:" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:21192 +#: book.translate.xml:21386 msgid "nameserver" msgstr "nameserver" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:21193 +#: book.translate.xml:21387 msgid "" "The IP address of a name server the resolver should " "query. The servers are queried in the order listed with a maximum of three." @@ -35613,12 +35921,12 @@ "de três." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:21200 +#: book.translate.xml:21394 msgid "search" msgstr "search" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:21201 +#: book.translate.xml:21395 msgid "" "Search list for hostname lookup. This is normally determined by the domain " "of the local hostname." @@ -35627,22 +35935,22 @@ "determinado pelo domínio do nome do host local." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:21207 +#: book.translate.xml:21401 msgid "domain" msgstr "domain" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:21208 +#: book.translate.xml:21402 msgid "The local domain name." msgstr "O nome do domínio local." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21214 +#: book.translate.xml:21408 msgid "A typical /etc/resolv.conf looks like this:" msgstr "Um típico /etc/resolv.conf é assim:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:21217 +#: book.translate.xml:21411 #, no-wrap msgid "" "search\n" @@ -35654,7 +35962,7 @@ "nameserver" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:21222 +#: book.translate.xml:21416 msgid "" "Only one of the search and domain " "options should be used." @@ -35663,7 +35971,7 @@ "deve ser usada." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21226 +#: book.translate.xml:21420 msgid "" "When using DHCP, dhclient8 usually rewrites " @@ -35676,17 +35984,17 @@ "DHCP." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:21233 +#: book.translate.xml:21427 msgid "/etc/hosts" msgstr "/etc/hosts" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21235 +#: book.translate.xml:21429 msgid "hosts" msgstr "hosts" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21237 +#: book.translate.xml:21431 msgid "" "/etc/hosts is a simple text database which works in " "conjunction with DNS and NIS to " @@ -35711,7 +36019,7 @@ "nomes comumente acessados." #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:21250 +#: book.translate.xml:21444 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# <_:phrase-1/>\n" @@ -35781,29 +36089,29 @@ "#" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21283 +#: book.translate.xml:21477 msgid "The format of /etc/hosts is as follows:" msgstr "O formato do /etc/hosts é o seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:21286 +#: book.translate.xml:21480 #, no-wrap msgid "[Internet address] [official hostname] [alias1] [alias2] ..." msgstr "[Internet address] [official hostname] [alias1] [alias2] ..." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21288 +#: book.translate.xml:21482 msgid "For example:" msgstr "Por exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:21290 +#: book.translate.xml:21484 #, no-wrap msgid " myRealHostname foobar1 foobar2" msgstr " myRealHostname foobar1 foobar2" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21292 +#: book.translate.xml:21486 msgid "" "Consult hosts5 for more information." @@ -35812,7 +36120,7 @@ "manvolnum> para obter maiores informações." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:21298 +#: book.translate.xml:21492 msgid "" "Tuning with sysctl8" @@ -35822,17 +36130,17 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21300 book.translate.xml:21345 +#: book.translate.xml:21494 book.translate.xml:21539 msgid "sysctl" msgstr "sysctl" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21301 +#: book.translate.xml:21495 msgid "tuning with sysctl" msgstr "tuning with sysctl" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:21306 +#: book.translate.xml:21500 msgid "" "sysctl8 is used to make changes to a running FreeBSD system. This " @@ -35852,7 +36160,7 @@ "refentrytitle>8." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:21313 +#: book.translate.xml:21507 msgid "" "At its core, sysctl8 serves two functions: " @@ -35863,23 +36171,23 @@ "ler e modificar as configurações do sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:21316 +#: book.translate.xml:21510 msgid "To view all readable variables:" msgstr "Para ver todas as variáveis legíveis:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:21318 +#: book.translate.xml:21512 #, no-wrap msgid "% sysctl -a" msgstr "% sysctl -a" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:21320 +#: book.translate.xml:21514 msgid "To read a particular variable, specify its name:" msgstr "Para ler uma variável específica, especifique seu nome:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:21322 +#: book.translate.xml:21516 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% sysctl kern.maxproc\n" @@ -35889,7 +36197,7 @@ "kern.maxproc: 1044" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:21325 +#: book.translate.xml:21519 msgid "" "To set a particular variable, use the variable=value syntax:" @@ -35898,7 +36206,7 @@ "replaceable>=value:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:21329 +#: book.translate.xml:21523 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# sysctl kern.maxfiles=5000\n" @@ -35908,7 +36216,7 @@ "kern.maxfiles: 2088 -> 5000" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:21332 +#: book.translate.xml:21526 msgid "" "Settings of sysctl variables are usually either strings, numbers, or " "booleans, where a boolean is 1 for yes or 00 para não." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:21336 +#: book.translate.xml:21530 msgid "" "To automatically set some variables each time the machine boots, add them to " "/etc/sysctl.conf. For more information, refer to " @@ -35933,17 +36241,17 @@ "\"configtuning-sysctlconf\"/>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:21342 +#: book.translate.xml:21536 msgid "sysctl.conf" msgstr "sysctl.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21344 +#: book.translate.xml:21538 msgid "sysctl.conf" msgstr "sysctl.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:21347 +#: book.translate.xml:21541 msgid "" "The configuration file for sysctl8, /etc/sysctl." @@ -35960,7 +36268,7 @@ "multiusuário. Nem todas as variáveis são configuráveis neste modo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:21354 +#: book.translate.xml:21548 msgid "" "For example, to turn off logging of fatal signal exits and prevent users " "from seeing processes started by other users, the following tunables can be " @@ -35971,7 +36279,7 @@ "ajustes podem ser configurados em /etc/sysctl.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:21359 +#: book.translate.xml:21553 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Do not log fatal signal exits (e.g., sig 11)\n" @@ -35989,7 +36297,7 @@ "security.bsd.see_other_uids=0" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:21369 +#: book.translate.xml:21563 msgid "" "sysctl8 Read-only" @@ -35998,7 +36306,7 @@ "manvolnum> apenas de leitura" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:21382 +#: book.translate.xml:21576 msgid "" "In some cases it may be desirable to modify read-only " "sysctl8cardbus4sysctl8IO." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:21418 +#: book.translate.xml:21612 msgid "Sysctl Variables" msgstr "Variáveis Sysctl" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:21421 +#: book.translate.xml:21615 msgid "vfs.vmiodirenable" msgstr "vfs.vmiodirenable" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21423 +#: book.translate.xml:21617 msgid "vfs.vmiodirenable" msgstr "vfs.vmiodirenable" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21427 +#: book.translate.xml:21621 msgid "" "The vfs.vmiodirenable " "sysctl8 variable may be set to either 0 (off) or " "1 (on). It is set to 1 by default. " "This variable controls how directories are cached by the system. Most " -"directories are small, using just a single fragment (typically 1 K) in the " -"file system and typically 512 bytes in the buffer cache. With this variable " +"directories are small, using just a single fragment (typically 1 K) in the " +"file system and typically 512 bytes in the buffer cache. With this variable " "turned off, the buffer cache will only cache a fixed number of directories, " "even if the system has a huge amount of memory. When turned on, this " "sysctl8 allows the buffer cache to use the VM page " "cache to cache the directories, making all the memory available for caching " "directories. However, the minimum in-core memory used to cache a directory " -"is the physical page size (typically 4 K) rather than 512  bytes. Keeping " +"is the physical page size (typically 4 K) rather than 512 bytes. Keeping " "this option enabled is recommended if the system is running any services " "which manipulate large numbers of files. Such services can include web " "caches, large mail systems, and news systems. Keeping this option on will " @@ -36142,17 +36450,17 @@ "desperdiçada, mas deve-se experimentar para descobrir." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:21453 +#: book.translate.xml:21647 msgid "vfs.write_behind" msgstr "vfs.write_behind" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21455 +#: book.translate.xml:21649 msgid "vfs.write_behind" msgstr "vfs.write_behind" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21459 +#: book.translate.xml:21653 msgid "" "The vfs.write_behind sysctl8 variable defaults to " @@ -36172,17 +36480,17 @@ "processos e, sob certas circunstâncias, deve ser desativado." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:21471 +#: book.translate.xml:21665 msgid "vfs.hirunningspace" msgstr "vfs.hirunningspace" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21473 +#: book.translate.xml:21667 msgid "vfs.hirunningspace" msgstr "vfs.hirunningspace" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21477 +#: book.translate.xml:21671 msgid "" "The vfs.hirunningspace " "sysctl8VM page cache " "related sysctl8vm.swap_idle_enabled" msgstr "vm.swap_idle_enabled" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21498 +#: book.translate.xml:21692 msgid "vm.swap_idle_enabled" msgstr "vm.swap_idle_enabled" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21502 +#: book.translate.xml:21696 msgid "" "The vm.swap_idle_enabled " "sysctl8 instale processos inteiros dentro e fora da memória facilmente." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:21523 +#: book.translate.xml:21717 msgid "hw.ata.wc" msgstr "hw.ata.wc" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21525 +#: book.translate.xml:21719 msgid "hw.ata.wc" msgstr "hw.ata.wc" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21529 +#: book.translate.xml:21723 msgid "" "Turning off IDE write caching reduces write bandwidth to " "IDE disks, but may sometimes be necessary due to data " @@ -36309,7 +36617,7 @@ "conf para ativar no momento da inicialização." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21547 +#: book.translate.xml:21741 msgid "" "For more information, refer to ata4." @@ -36318,17 +36626,17 @@ "refentrytitle>4." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:21551 +#: book.translate.xml:21745 msgid "SCSI_DELAY (" msgstr "SCSI_DELAY (" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21554 +#: book.translate.xml:21748 msgid "" msgstr "" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21558 +#: book.translate.xml:21752 msgid "" "kernel options SCSI DELAY" @@ -36337,7 +36645,7 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21563 +#: book.translate.xml:21757 msgid "" "The SCSI_DELAY kernel configuration option may be used to " "reduce system boot times. The defaults are fairly high and can be " @@ -36359,17 +36667,17 @@ "não segundos." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:21579 +#: book.translate.xml:21773 msgid "Soft Updates" msgstr "Soft Updates" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21581 +#: book.translate.xml:21775 msgid "Soft Updates" msgstr "Soft Updates" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21582 +#: book.translate.xml:21776 msgid "" "tunefs8" @@ -36378,7 +36686,7 @@ "manvolnum>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:21584 +#: book.translate.xml:21778 msgid "" "To fine-tune a file system, use tunefs8. This program has many " @@ -36390,7 +36698,7 @@ "desativar o Soft Updates, use:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:21588 +#: book.translate.xml:21782 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# tunefs -n enable /filesystem\n" @@ -36400,7 +36708,7 @@ "# tunefs -n disable /filesystem" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:21591 +#: book.translate.xml:21785 msgid "" "A file system cannot be modified with tunefs8 while it is mounted. A " @@ -36414,7 +36722,7 @@ "user." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:21595 +#: book.translate.xml:21789 msgid "" "Soft Updates is recommended for UFS file systems as it " "drastically improves meta-data performance, mainly file creation and " @@ -36441,17 +36749,17 @@ "sistema de arquivos e a atualização falhará." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:21609 +#: book.translate.xml:21803 msgid "More Details About Soft Updates" msgstr "Mais detalhes sobre soft updates" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21611 +#: book.translate.xml:21805 msgid "Soft Updates details" msgstr "Soft Updates details" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21616 +#: book.translate.xml:21810 msgid "" "Meta-data updates are updates to non-content data like inodes or " "directories. There are two traditional approaches to writing a file system's " @@ -36462,7 +36770,7 @@ "para gravar os metadados de um sistema de arquivos em disco." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21620 +#: book.translate.xml:21814 msgid "" "Historically, the default behavior was to write out meta-data updates " "synchronously. If a directory changed, the system waited until the change " @@ -36504,7 +36812,7 @@ "desenrolar hierarquias grandes usando tar -x." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21643 +#: book.translate.xml:21837 msgid "" "The second approach is to use asynchronous meta-data updates. This is the " "default for a UFS file system mounted with mount " @@ -36553,7 +36861,7 @@ "partir do backup." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21670 +#: book.translate.xml:21864 msgid "" "The usual solution for this problem is to implement dirty region " "logging, which is also referred to as journalingFFS, solved this " "problem with Soft Updates. All pending meta-data updates are kept in memory " @@ -36665,7 +36973,7 @@ "citerefentry> em primeiro plano de forma usual ." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21727 +#: book.translate.xml:21921 msgid "" "The advantage is that meta-data operations are nearly as fast as " "asynchronous updates and are faster than logging, which " @@ -36701,32 +37009,32 @@ "armazenar todos os arquivos duas vezes." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:21749 +#: book.translate.xml:21943 msgid "Tuning Kernel Limits" msgstr "Ajustando os Limites do Kernel" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21751 +#: book.translate.xml:21945 msgid "tuning kernel limits" msgstr "tuning kernel limits" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:21757 +#: book.translate.xml:21951 msgid "File/Process Limits" msgstr "Limites de arquivos/processos" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:21760 +#: book.translate.xml:21954 msgid "kern.maxfiles" msgstr "kern.maxfiles" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21762 +#: book.translate.xml:21956 msgid "kern.maxfiles" msgstr "kern.maxfiles" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21766 +#: book.translate.xml:21960 msgid "" "The kern.maxfiles sysctl8 variable can be raised " @@ -36748,7 +37056,7 @@ "citerefentry>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21774 +#: book.translate.xml:21968 msgid "" "Each open file, socket, or fifo uses one file descriptor. A large-scale " "production server may easily require many thousands of file descriptors, " @@ -36760,7 +37068,7 @@ "simultaneamente." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21779 +#: book.translate.xml:21973 msgid "" "In older FreeBSD releases, the default value of kern.maxfiles is derived from in the kernel " @@ -36782,7 +37090,7 @@ "ser semelhantes a um servidor da Web de alta escala." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21791 +#: book.translate.xml:21985 msgid "" "The read-only sysctl8 variable kern." @@ -36817,7 +37125,7 @@ "para mais detalhes e algumas dicas." #. (itstool) path: footnote/para -#: book.translate.xml:21813 +#: book.translate.xml:22007 msgid "" "The auto-tuning algorithm sets maxusers equal to the " "amount of memory in the system, with a minimum of 32, and " @@ -36828,7 +37136,7 @@ "um máximo de 384." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21810 +#: book.translate.xml:22004 msgid "" "In older releases, the system will auto-tune maxusers if " "it is set to 0. <_:footnote-1/>. When setting this " @@ -36870,7 +37178,7 @@ "usuários simultâneos, aumente o número e recompile." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:21842 +#: book.translate.xml:22036 msgid "" "maxusers does not limit the number " "of users which can log into the machine. It instead sets various table sizes " @@ -36883,17 +37191,17 @@ "usuários no sistema e quantos processos cada usuário executará." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:21852 +#: book.translate.xml:22046 msgid "kern.ipc.soacceptqueue" msgstr "kern.ipc.soacceptqueue" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21854 +#: book.translate.xml:22048 msgid "kern.ipc.soacceptqueue" msgstr "kern.ipc.soacceptqueue" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21858 +#: book.translate.xml:22052 msgid "" "The kern.ipc.soacceptqueue " "sysctl8DoS)." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:21875 +#: book.translate.xml:22069 msgid "Network Limits" msgstr "Limites de rede" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:21877 +#: book.translate.xml:22071 msgid "" "The NMBCLUSTERS kernel configuration option dictates the " "amount of network Mbufs available to the system. A heavily-trafficked server " "with a low number of Mbufs will hinder performance. Each cluster represents " -"approximately 2 K of memory, so a value of 1024 " +"approximately 2 K of memory, so a value of 1024 " "represents 2 megabytes of kernel memory reserved for " "network buffers. A simple calculation can be done to figure out how many are " "needed. A web server which maxes out at 1000 simultaneous " -"connections where each connection uses a 6 K receive and 16 K send buffer, " -"requires approximately 32 MB worth of network buffers to cover the web " -"server. A good rule of thumb is to multiply by 2, so " -"2x32 MB / 2 KB = 64 MB / 2 kB = 32768. Values between " +"connections where each connection uses a 6 K receive and 16 K send buffer, " +"requires approximately 32 MB worth of network buffers to cover the web " +"server. A good rule of thumb is to multiply by 2, so 2x32 " +"MB / 2 KB = 64 MB / 2 kB = 32768. Values between " "4096 and 32768 are recommended for " "machines with greater amounts of memory. Never specify an arbitrarily high " "value for this parameter as it could lead to a boot time crash. To observe " @@ -36968,7 +37276,7 @@ "manvolnum>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:21901 +#: book.translate.xml:22095 msgid "" "The kern.ipc.nmbclusters loader tunable should be used to " "tune this at boot time. Only older versions of FreeBSD will require the use " @@ -36983,7 +37291,7 @@ "citerefentry> do kernel." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:21907 +#: book.translate.xml:22101 msgid "" "For busy servers that make extensive use of the " "sendfile2sendfile2struct sf_buf suficientes." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:21929 +#: book.translate.xml:22123 msgid "net.inet.ip.portrange.*" msgstr "net.inet.ip.portrange.*" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21931 +#: book.translate.xml:22125 msgid "net.inet.ip.portrange.*" msgstr "net.inet.ip.portrange.*" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21935 +#: book.translate.xml:22129 msgid "" "The net.inet.ip.portrange.* " "sysctl8 seja diminuído." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:21966 +#: book.translate.xml:22160 msgid "TCP Bandwidth Delay Product" msgstr "Produto de atraso de largura de banda TCP" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:21968 +#: book.translate.xml:22162 msgid "" "TCP Bandwidth Delay Product Limiting " "net.inet.tcp.inflight.enable" @@ -37107,7 +37415,7 @@ "net.inet.tcp.inflight.enable" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21974 +#: book.translate.xml:22168 msgid "" "TCP bandwidth delay product limiting can be enabled by " "setting the net.inet.tcp.inflight.enable " @@ -37127,7 +37435,7 @@ "ideal." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:21983 +#: book.translate.xml:22177 msgid "" "This feature is useful when serving data over modems, Gigabit Ethernet, high " "speed WAN links, or any other link with a high bandwidth " @@ -37164,7 +37472,7 @@ "tem efeito na recepção ou download de dados." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22003 +#: book.translate.xml:22197 msgid "" "Adjusting net.inet.tcp.inflight.stab is not recommended. This parameter defaults to 20, " @@ -37194,17 +37502,17 @@ "parâmetros deve ser feita apenas como último recurso." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:22022 +#: book.translate.xml:22216 msgid "Virtual Memory" msgstr "Memória virtual" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:22025 +#: book.translate.xml:22219 msgid "kern.maxvnodes" msgstr "kern.maxvnodes" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22027 +#: book.translate.xml:22221 msgid "" "A vnode is the internal representation of a file or directory. Increasing " "the number of vnodes available to the operating system reduces disk I/O. " @@ -37222,12 +37530,12 @@ "conta." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22037 +#: book.translate.xml:22231 msgid "To see the current number of vnodes in use:" msgstr "Para ver o número atual de vnodes em uso:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:22039 +#: book.translate.xml:22233 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# sysctl vfs.numvnodes\n" @@ -37237,12 +37545,12 @@ "vfs.numvnodes: 91349" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22042 +#: book.translate.xml:22236 msgid "To see the maximum vnodes:" msgstr "Para ver o máximo de vnodes:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:22044 +#: book.translate.xml:22238 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# sysctl kern.maxvnodes\n" @@ -37252,7 +37560,7 @@ "kern.maxvnodes: 100000" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22047 +#: book.translate.xml:22241 msgid "" "If the current vnode usage is near the maximum, try increasing kern." "maxvnodes by a value of 1000. Keep an eye on " @@ -37272,12 +37580,12 @@ "mais memória deve estar ativa." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:22060 +#: book.translate.xml:22254 msgid "Adding Swap Space" msgstr "Adicionando Espaço de Swap" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:22062 +#: book.translate.xml:22256 msgid "" "Sometimes a system requires more swap space. This section describes two " "methods to increase swap space: adding swap to an existing partition or new " @@ -37289,7 +37597,7 @@ "partição existente." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:22067 +#: book.translate.xml:22261 msgid "" "For information on how to encrypt swap space, which options exist, and why " "it should be done, refer to ." @@ -37299,12 +37607,12 @@ "encrypting\"/>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:22071 +#: book.translate.xml:22265 msgid "Swap on a New Hard Drive or Existing Partition" msgstr "Swap em um novo disco rígido ou partição existente" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22073 +#: book.translate.xml:22267 msgid "" "Adding a new hard drive for swap gives better performance than using a " "partition on an existing drive. Setting up partitions and hard drives is " @@ -37319,7 +37627,7 @@ "partições e considerações sobre o tamanho de partições de swap." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22078 +#: book.translate.xml:22272 msgid "" "Use swapon to add a swap partition to the system. For " "example:" @@ -37328,13 +37636,13 @@ "Por exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:22081 +#: book.translate.xml:22275 #, no-wrap msgid "# swapon /dev/ada1s1b" msgstr "# swapon /dev/ada1s1b" #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:22084 +#: book.translate.xml:22278 msgid "" "It is possible to use any partition not currently mounted, even if it " "already contains data. Using swapon on a partition that " @@ -37349,7 +37657,7 @@ "antes de executar o swapon." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22092 +#: book.translate.xml:22286 msgid "" "To automatically add this swap partition on boot, add an entry to /" "etc/fstab:" @@ -37358,13 +37666,13 @@ "uma entrada ao /etc/fstab:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:22095 +#: book.translate.xml:22289 #, no-wrap msgid "/dev/ada1s1b\tnone\tswap\tsw\t0\t0" msgstr "/dev/ada1s1b\tnone\tswap\tsw\t0\t0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22097 +#: book.translate.xml:22291 msgid "" "See fstab5 for an explanation of the entries in /" @@ -37380,21 +37688,21 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect2/title #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:22104 book.translate.xml:22117 +#: book.translate.xml:22298 book.translate.xml:22311 msgid "Creating a Swap File" msgstr "Criando um arquivo de swap" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22106 +#: book.translate.xml:22300 msgid "" -"These examples create a 64M swap file called /usr/swap0 " -"instead of using a partition." +"These examples create a 512M swap file called /usr/swap0 instead of using a partition." msgstr "" -"Esses exemplos criam um arquivo de troca de 64M chamado /usr/" +"Esses exemplos criam um arquivo de swap de 512M chamado /usr/" "swap0 em vez de usar uma partição." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22110 +#: book.translate.xml:22304 msgid "" "Using swap files requires that the module needed by " "md4# dd if=/dev/zero of=/usr/swap0 bs=1m count=64" -msgstr "# dd if=/dev/zero of=/usr/swap0 bs=1m count=64" +msgid "# dd if=/dev/zero of=/usr/swap0 bs=1m count=512" +msgstr "# dd if=/dev/zero of=/usr/swap0 bs=1m count=512" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:22127 +#: book.translate.xml:22321 msgid "Set the proper permissions on the new file:" msgstr "Defina as permissões adequadas no novo arquivo:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:22129 +#: book.translate.xml:22323 #, no-wrap msgid "# chmod 0600 /usr/swap0" msgstr "# chmod 0600 /usr/swap0" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:22133 +#: book.translate.xml:22327 msgid "" "Inform the system about the swap file by adding a line to /etc/" "fstab:" @@ -37440,13 +37748,13 @@ "/etc/fstab:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:22136 +#: book.translate.xml:22330 #, no-wrap msgid "md99\tnone\tswap\tsw,file=/usr/swap0,late\t0\t0" msgstr "md99\tnone\tswap\tsw,file=/usr/swap0,late\t0\t0" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:22138 +#: book.translate.xml:22332 msgid "" "The md4 device md99 is used, leaving lower device " @@ -37457,7 +37765,7 @@ "números de dispositivos inferiores disponíveis para uso interativo." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:22144 +#: book.translate.xml:22338 msgid "" "Swap space will be added on system startup. To add swap space immediately, " "use swapon88:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:22147 +#: book.translate.xml:22341 #, no-wrap msgid "# swapon -aL" msgstr "# swapon -aL" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:22156 +#: book.translate.xml:22350 msgid "Power and Resource Management" msgstr "Gerenciamento de energia e recursos" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:22159 +#: book.translate.xml:22353 msgid "" " Hiten Pandya Written by " @@ -37488,7 +37796,7 @@ "personname> Escrito por " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:22167 book.translate.xml:22647 +#: book.translate.xml:22361 book.translate.xml:22841 msgid "" " Tom Rhodes " @@ -37497,7 +37805,7 @@ "personname>" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:22176 +#: book.translate.xml:22370 msgid "" "It is important to utilize hardware resources in an efficient manner. Power " "and resource management allows the operating system to monitor system limits " @@ -37531,7 +37839,7 @@ "APM, que permite o gerenciamento dos níveis de energia." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:22195 +#: book.translate.xml:22389 msgid "" "There are four major problems in APM. First, power " "management is done by the vendor-specific BIOS, separate " @@ -37571,7 +37879,7 @@ "adaptar bem ao propósito da máquina." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:22217 +#: book.translate.xml:22411 msgid "" "The Plug and Play BIOS (PNPBIOS) was " "unreliable in many situations. PNPBIOS is 16-bit " @@ -37592,17 +37900,17 @@ "refentrytitle>4." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:22227 +#: book.translate.xml:22421 msgid "ACPI" msgstr "ACPI" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:22231 +#: book.translate.xml:22425 msgid "APM" msgstr "APM" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:22235 +#: book.translate.xml:22429 msgid "" "The successor to APM is the Advanced Configuration and " "Power Interface (ACPI). ACPI is a " @@ -37622,7 +37930,7 @@ "sistema operacional." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:22244 +#: book.translate.xml:22438 msgid "" "This chapter demonstrates how to configure ACPI on " "FreeBSD. It then offers some tips on how to debug ACPI " @@ -37636,12 +37944,12 @@ "corrigir problemas no ACPI." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:22251 +#: book.translate.xml:22445 msgid "Configuring ACPI" msgstr "Configurando o ACPI" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22253 +#: book.translate.xml:22447 msgid "" "In FreeBSD the acpi4 driver is loaded by " @@ -37665,7 +37973,7 @@ "descrito em ." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:22265 +#: book.translate.xml:22459 msgid "" "ACPI and APM cannot coexist and should " "be used separately. The last one to load will terminate if the driver " @@ -37676,7 +37984,7 @@ "driver perceber que o outro já está sendo executado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22271 +#: book.translate.xml:22465 msgid "" "ACPI can be used to put the system into a sleep mode with " "acpiconf, the flag, and a number from " @@ -37695,7 +38003,7 @@ "que é o mesmo que executar halt -p." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22281 +#: book.translate.xml:22475 msgid "" "Other options are available using sysctl. Refer to " "acpi4ACPI" msgstr "ACPI" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22293 +#: book.translate.xml:22487 msgid "" "ACPI is present in all modern computers that conform to " "the ia32 (x86) and amd64 (AMD) architectures. The full " @@ -37743,7 +38051,7 @@ "suspensão e retomada, com sua própria complexidade associada." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22305 +#: book.translate.xml:22499 msgid "" "An ACPI-compliant system has various components. The " "BIOS and chipset vendors provide various fixed tables, " @@ -37763,7 +38071,7 @@ "métodos em forma de árvore." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22315 +#: book.translate.xml:22509 msgid "" "The ACPI driver must parse the fixed tables, implement an " "interpreter for the bytecode, and modify device drivers and the kernel to " @@ -37791,12 +38099,12 @@ "filename>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:22328 book.translate.xml:22656 book.translate.xml:22711 +#: book.translate.xml:22522 book.translate.xml:22850 book.translate.xml:22905 msgid "ACPI problems" msgstr "ACPI problems" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22333 +#: book.translate.xml:22527 msgid "" "For ACPI to work correctly, all the parts have to work " "correctly. Here are some common problems, in order of frequency of " @@ -37811,12 +38119,12 @@ "submitdebug\"/> para obter instruções sobre como enviar um relatório de bug." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:22341 +#: book.translate.xml:22535 msgid "Mouse Issues" msgstr "Problemas do mouse" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22343 +#: book.translate.xml:22537 msgid "" "In some cases, resuming from a suspend operation will cause the mouse to " "fail. A known work around is to add hint.psm.0.flags=\"0x3000\" ao /boot/loader.conf." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:22350 +#: book.translate.xml:22544 msgid "Suspend/Resume" msgstr "Suspend/Resume" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22352 +#: book.translate.xml:22546 msgid "" "ACPI has three suspend to RAM " "(STR) states, S1-S3 (S5)." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22365 +#: book.translate.xml:22559 msgid "" "Use sysctl hw.acpi to check for the suspend-related " "items. These example results are from a Thinkpad:" @@ -37865,7 +38173,7 @@ "à suspensão. Estes resultados de exemplo são de um Thinkpad:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:22369 +#: book.translate.xml:22563 #, no-wrap msgid "" "hw.acpi.supported_sleep_state: S3 S4 S5\n" @@ -37875,7 +38183,7 @@ "hw.acpi.s4bios: 0" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22372 +#: book.translate.xml:22566 msgid "" "Use acpiconf -s to test S3, " "S4, and S5. An " @@ -37889,7 +38197,7 @@ "pelo sistema operacional." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22379 +#: book.translate.xml:22573 msgid "" "When testing suspend/resume, start with S1, if supported. " "This state is most likely to work since it does not require much driver " @@ -37906,7 +38214,7 @@ "driver para reinicializar corretamente o hardware." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22388 +#: book.translate.xml:22582 msgid "" "A common problem with suspend/resume is that many device drivers do not " "save, restore, or reinitialize their firmware, registers, or device memory " @@ -37918,7 +38226,7 @@ "tente:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:22393 +#: book.translate.xml:22587 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# sysctl debug.bootverbose=1\n" @@ -37930,7 +38238,7 @@ "# acpiconf -s 3" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22397 +#: book.translate.xml:22591 msgid "" "This test emulates the suspend/resume cycle of all device drivers without " "actually going into S3 state. In some cases, problems " @@ -37950,7 +38258,7 @@ "ausentes, ao contrário do real estado S3." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22407 +#: book.translate.xml:22601 msgid "" "Harder cases require additional hardware, such as a serial port and cable " "for debugging through a serial console, a Firewire port and cable for using " @@ -37964,7 +38272,7 @@ "depuração do kernel." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22412 +#: book.translate.xml:22606 msgid "" "To help isolate the problem, unload as many drivers as possible. If it " "works, narrow down which driver is the problem by loading drivers until it " @@ -37990,7 +38298,7 @@ "mais curtos para para ver se isso ajuda." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22428 +#: book.translate.xml:22622 msgid "" "Try loading a recent Linux " "distribution to see if suspend/resume works on the same hardware. If it " @@ -38020,7 +38328,7 @@ "função de reinício, ele é interrompido." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22440 +#: book.translate.xml:22634 msgid "" "Finally, try disabling ACPI and enabling APM instead. If suspend/resume works with APM, stick " @@ -38038,12 +38346,12 @@ "acronym>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:22451 +#: book.translate.xml:22645 msgid "System Hangs" msgstr "Travamentos do sistema" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22453 +#: book.translate.xml:22647 msgid "" "Most system hangs are a result of lost interrupts or an interrupt storm. " "Chipsets may have problems based on boot, how the BIOS " @@ -38059,12 +38367,12 @@ "(SCI)." #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:22460 +#: book.translate.xml:22654 msgid "interrupt storms" msgstr "interrupt storms" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22464 +#: book.translate.xml:22658 msgid "" "Interrupt storms can be distinguished from lost interrupts by checking the " "output of vmstat -i and looking at the line that has " @@ -38083,12 +38391,12 @@ "console) e digite show interrupts." #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:22477 +#: book.translate.xml:22671 msgid "APIC disabling" msgstr "APIC disabling" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22482 +#: book.translate.xml:22676 msgid "" "When dealing with interrupt problems, try disabling APIC " "support with hint.apic.0.disabled=\"1\" in /" @@ -38099,12 +38407,12 @@ "/boot/loader.conf ." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:22489 +#: book.translate.xml:22683 msgid "Panics" msgstr "Panics" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22491 +#: book.translate.xml:22685 msgid "" "Panics are relatively rare for ACPI and are the top " "priority to be fixed. The first step is to isolate the steps to reproduce " @@ -38125,7 +38433,7 @@ "cinco principais linhas do rastro." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22502 +#: book.translate.xml:22696 msgid "" "Then, try to isolate the problem by booting with ACPI " "disabled. If that works, isolate the ACPI subsystem by " @@ -38140,12 +38448,12 @@ "citerefentry> para alguns exemplos." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:22510 +#: book.translate.xml:22704 msgid "System Powers Up After Suspend or Shutdown" msgstr "O sistema é ativado após a sua suspensão ou desligamento" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22512 +#: book.translate.xml:22706 msgid "" "First, try setting hw.acpi.disable_on_poweroff=\"0\" in " "/boot/loader.conf. This keeps ACPI " @@ -38162,13 +38470,13 @@ "ativado espontaneamente após uma suspensão ou desligamento." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:22523 +#: book.translate.xml:22717 msgid "BIOS Contains Buggy Bytecode" msgstr "BIOS contém Bytecode com bugs" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:22525 book.translate.xml:22556 +#: book.translate.xml:22719 book.translate.xml:22750 msgid "" "ACPI ASL" @@ -38177,7 +38485,7 @@ "acronym>" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22530 +#: book.translate.xml:22724 msgid "" "Some BIOS vendors provide incorrect or buggy bytecode. " "This is usually manifested by kernel console messages like this:" @@ -38187,7 +38495,7 @@ "kernel como esta:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:22534 +#: book.translate.xml:22728 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ACPI-1287: *** Error: Method execution failed [\\\\_SB_.PCI0.LPC0.FIGD._STA] \\\\\n" @@ -38197,7 +38505,7 @@ "(Node 0xc3f6d160), AE_NOT_FOUND" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:22537 +#: book.translate.xml:22731 msgid "" "Often, these problems may be resolved by updating the BIOS to the latest revision. Most console messages are harmless, but if " @@ -38211,12 +38519,12 @@ "a procurar por problemas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:22547 +#: book.translate.xml:22741 msgid "Overriding the Default AML" msgstr "Substituindo o padrão AML" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22549 +#: book.translate.xml:22743 msgid "" "The BIOS bytecode, known as ACPI " "Machine Language (AML), is compiled from a source " @@ -38232,7 +38540,7 @@ "System Description Table - DSDT)." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22561 +#: book.translate.xml:22755 msgid "" "The goal of FreeBSD is for everyone to have working ACPI " "without any user intervention. Workarounds are still being developed for " @@ -38262,7 +38570,7 @@ "corrigir o ASL." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22576 +#: book.translate.xml:22770 msgid "" "To help identify buggy behavior and possibly fix it manually, a copy can be " "made of the system's ASL. To copy the system's " @@ -38278,13 +38586,13 @@ "AML:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:22584 +#: book.translate.xml:22778 #, no-wrap msgid "# acpidump -td > my.asl" msgstr "# acpidump -td > my.asl" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22586 +#: book.translate.xml:22780 msgid "" "Some AML versions assume the user is running Windows. To override this, set hw." @@ -38301,7 +38609,7 @@ "trademark> listada no ASL." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22593 +#: book.translate.xml:22787 msgid "" "Other workarounds may require my.asl to be customized. " "If this file is edited, compile the new ASL using the " @@ -38315,13 +38623,13 @@ "ACPI funcione corretamente." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:22599 +#: book.translate.xml:22793 #, no-wrap msgid "# iasl -f my.asl" msgstr "# iasl -f my.asl" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22601 +#: book.translate.xml:22795 msgid "" "Including forces creation of the AML, " "even if there are errors during compilation. Some errors, such as missing " @@ -38334,7 +38642,7 @@ "do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22607 +#: book.translate.xml:22801 msgid "" "The default output filename for iasl is DSDT." "aml. Load this file instead of the BIOS's " @@ -38347,7 +38655,7 @@ "editando o /boot/loader.conf como segue:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:22613 +#: book.translate.xml:22807 #, no-wrap msgid "" "acpi_dsdt_load=\"YES\"\n" @@ -38357,7 +38665,7 @@ "acpi_dsdt_name=\"/boot/DSDT.aml\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22616 +#: book.translate.xml:22810 msgid "" "Be sure to copy DSDT.aml to /boot, " "then reboot the system. If this fixes the problem, send a " @@ -38377,12 +38685,12 @@ "acpica." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:22626 +#: book.translate.xml:22820 msgid "Getting and Submitting Debugging Info" msgstr "Obtendo e enviando informações de depuração" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:22629 +#: book.translate.xml:22823 msgid "" " Nate Lawson Written by " @@ -38391,7 +38699,7 @@ "personname> Escrito por " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:22639 +#: book.translate.xml:22833 msgid "" " Peter Schultz With contributions from " @@ -38400,12 +38708,12 @@ "personname> com contribuições de " #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:22661 +#: book.translate.xml:22855 msgid "ACPI debugging" msgstr "ACPI debugging" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22666 +#: book.translate.xml:22860 msgid "" "The ACPI driver has a flexible debugging facility. A set " "of subsystems and the level of verbosity can be specified. The subsystems to " @@ -38437,7 +38745,7 @@ "manvolnum>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22682 +#: book.translate.xml:22876 msgid "" "Debugging output is not enabled by default. To enable it, add " "options ACPI_DEBUG to the custom kernel configuration " @@ -38455,13 +38763,13 @@ "como segue:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:22690 +#: book.translate.xml:22884 #, no-wrap msgid "# cd /sys/modules/acpi/acpi && make clean && make ACPI_DEBUG=1" msgstr "# cd /sys/modules/acpi/acpi && make clean && make ACPI_DEBUG=1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22692 +#: book.translate.xml:22886 msgid "" "Copy the compiled acpi.ko to /boot/kernel and add the desired level and layer to /boot/loader." @@ -38476,7 +38784,7 @@ "mensagens de erro de saída no nível menos detalhado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:22699 +#: book.translate.xml:22893 #, no-wrap msgid "" "debug.acpi.layer=\"ACPI_ALL_COMPONENTS ACPI_ALL_DRIVERS\"\n" @@ -38486,7 +38794,7 @@ "debug.acpi.level=\"ACPI_LV_ERROR\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22702 +#: book.translate.xml:22896 msgid "" "If the required information is triggered by a specific event, such as a " "suspend and then resume, do not modify /boot/loader.conf." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22716 +#: book.translate.xml:22910 msgid "" "Once the debugging information is gathered, it can be sent to freebsd-" @@ -38519,7 +38827,7 @@ "raiz do problema e desenvolver uma solução." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:22722 +#: book.translate.xml:22916 msgid "" "Before submitting debugging information to this mailing list, ensure the " "latest BIOS version is installed and, if available, the " @@ -38530,12 +38838,12 @@ "se disponível, a versão do firmware do controlador incorporado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22728 +#: book.translate.xml:22922 msgid "When submitting a problem report, include the following information:" msgstr "Ao enviar um relatório de problemas, inclua as seguintes informações:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:22733 +#: book.translate.xml:22927 msgid "" "Description of the buggy behavior, including system type, model, and " "anything that causes the bug to appear. Note as accurately as possible when " @@ -38546,7 +38854,7 @@ "precisão possível quando o bug começou a ocorrer se for novo." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:22740 +#: book.translate.xml:22934 msgid "" "The output of dmesg after running boot -v, including any error messages generated by the bug." @@ -38555,7 +38863,7 @@ "command>, incluindo quaisquer mensagens de erro geradas pelo bug." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:22746 +#: book.translate.xml:22940 msgid "" "The dmesg output from boot -v with " "ACPI disabled, if disabling ACPI helps " @@ -38566,7 +38874,7 @@ "acronym> ajudar a corrigir o problema." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:22753 +#: book.translate.xml:22947 msgid "" "Output from sysctl hw.acpi. This lists which features the " "system offers." @@ -38575,7 +38883,7 @@ "sistema oferece." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:22758 +#: book.translate.xml:22952 msgid "" "The URL to a pasted version of the system's ASL. Do not send the ASL " @@ -38588,13 +38896,13 @@ "cópia do ASL executando este comando:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/screen -#: book.translate.xml:22765 +#: book.translate.xml:22959 #, no-wrap msgid "# acpidump -dt > name-system.asl" msgstr "# acpidump -dt > name-system.asl" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:22767 +#: book.translate.xml:22961 msgid "" "Substitute the login name for name and " "manufacturer/model for system. For example, use " @@ -38605,7 +38913,7 @@ "njl-FooCo6000.asl." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22774 +#: book.translate.xml:22968 msgid "" "Most FreeBSD developers watch the FreeBSD-CURRENT mailing list, " @@ -38633,7 +38941,7 @@ "problema já tenha sido relatado antes." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22788 +#: book.translate.xml:22982 msgid "" "More information about ACPI may be found in the following " "locations:" @@ -38642,7 +38950,7 @@ "seguintes locais:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:22793 +#: book.translate.xml:22987 msgid "" "The FreeBSD ACPI Mailing List Archives (https://lists.freebsd." @@ -38653,7 +38961,7 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:22798 +#: book.translate.xml:22992 msgid "" "The ACPI 2.0 Specification (" @@ -38662,7 +38970,7 @@ "info/spec.htm\">" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:22802 +#: book.translate.xml:22996 msgid "" "acpi4, acpi_thermal" #. (itstool) path: chapter/title -#: book.translate.xml:22819 +#: book.translate.xml:23013 msgid "The FreeBSD Booting Process" msgstr "O processo de inicialização do FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:22824 +#: book.translate.xml:23018 msgid "booting" msgstr "booting" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:22825 +#: book.translate.xml:23019 msgid "bootstrap" msgstr "bootstrap" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:22827 +#: book.translate.xml:23021 msgid "" "The process of starting a computer and loading the operating system is " "referred to as the bootstrap process, or bootingThe Adventures of Baron " "Munchausen. A character had fallen part way down a manhole, and " @@ -38821,12 +39129,12 @@ "booting." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:22895 +#: book.translate.xml:23089 msgid "BIOS" msgstr "BIOS" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:22897 +#: book.translate.xml:23091 msgid "" "Basic Input/Output SystemBIOS" @@ -38835,7 +39143,7 @@ "see>" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:22900 +#: book.translate.xml:23094 msgid "" "On x86 hardware, the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) is " "responsible for loading the operating system. The BIOS " @@ -38856,7 +39164,7 @@ "operacional, possivelmente com a ajuda do BIOS." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:22912 +#: book.translate.xml:23106 msgid "" "FreeBSD provides for booting from both the older MBR " "standard, and the newer GUID Partition Table (GPT). " @@ -38881,23 +39189,23 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:22923 book.translate.xml:22979 +#: book.translate.xml:23117 book.translate.xml:23173 msgid "Master Boot Record (MBR)" msgstr "Master Boot Record (MBR)" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:22926 book.translate.xml:22977 +#: book.translate.xml:23120 book.translate.xml:23171 msgid "Boot Manager" msgstr "Boot Manager" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:22928 +#: book.translate.xml:23122 msgid "Boot Loader" msgstr "Boot Loader" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:22930 +#: book.translate.xml:23124 msgid "" "The code within the MBR is typically referred to as a " "boot manager, especially when it interacts with the " @@ -38918,7 +39226,7 @@ "muitas distribuições Linux." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:22940 +#: book.translate.xml:23134 msgid "" "If only one operating system is installed, the MBR " "searches for the first bootable (active) slice on the disk, and then runs " @@ -38936,7 +39244,7 @@ "inicializar." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:22948 +#: book.translate.xml:23142 msgid "" "The remainder of the FreeBSD bootstrap system is divided into three stages. " "The first stage knows just enough to get the computer into a specific state " @@ -38957,13 +39265,13 @@ "tarefas juntas permite que o FreeBSD forneça um carregador mais flexível." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:22959 +#: book.translate.xml:23153 msgid "kernel" msgstr "kernel" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:22960 book.translate.xml:23286 +#: book.translate.xml:23154 book.translate.xml:23480 msgid "" "init8" @@ -38972,7 +39280,7 @@ "manvolnum>" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:22962 +#: book.translate.xml:23156 msgid "" "The kernel is then started and begins to probe for devices and initialize " "them for use. Once the kernel boot process is finished, the kernel passes " @@ -38993,7 +39301,7 @@ "processos que foram configurados para serem executados na inicialização." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:22971 +#: book.translate.xml:23165 msgid "" "This section describes these stages in more detail and demonstrates how to " "interact with the FreeBSD boot process." @@ -39002,12 +39310,12 @@ "interagir com o processo de inicialização do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:22975 +#: book.translate.xml:23169 msgid "The Boot Manager" msgstr "O gerenciador de inicialização" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22982 +#: book.translate.xml:23176 msgid "" "The boot manager code in the MBR is sometimes referred to " "as stage zero of the boot process. By default, FreeBSD " @@ -39019,7 +39327,7 @@ "boot0." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:22987 +#: book.translate.xml:23181 msgid "" "The MBR installed by the FreeBSD installer is based on " "/boot/boot0. The size and capability of " @@ -39038,12 +39346,12 @@ "exemplo será exibida no momento da inicialização:" #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:22997 +#: book.translate.xml:23191 msgid "boot0 Screenshot" msgstr "Captura de tela do boot0" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:22999 +#: book.translate.xml:23193 #, no-wrap msgid "" "F1 Win\n" @@ -39057,7 +39365,7 @@ "Default: F2" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23005 +#: book.translate.xml:23199 msgid "" "Other operating systems will overwrite an existing MBR if " "they are installed after FreeBSD. If this happens, or to replace the " @@ -39070,13 +39378,13 @@ "do FreeBSD, use o seguinte comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:23011 +#: book.translate.xml:23205 #, no-wrap msgid "# fdisk -B -b /boot/boot0 device" msgstr "# fdisk -B -b /boot/boot0 device" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23013 +#: book.translate.xml:23207 msgid "" "where device is the boot disk, such as " "ad0 for the first IDE disk, " @@ -39096,12 +39404,12 @@ "manvolnum>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:23024 +#: book.translate.xml:23218 msgid "Stage One and Stage Two" msgstr "Estágio Um e Estágio Dois" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23026 +#: book.translate.xml:23220 msgid "" "Conceptually, the first and second stages are part of the same program on " "the same area of the disk. Because of space constraints, they have been " @@ -39116,7 +39424,7 @@ "pelo bsdlabel." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23033 +#: book.translate.xml:23227 msgid "" "These two stages are located outside file systems, in the first track of the " "boot slice, starting with the first sector. This is where " @@ -39130,7 +39438,7 @@ "continuará o processo de inicialização." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23039 +#: book.translate.xml:23233 msgid "" "The first stage, boot1, is very simple, since it can " "only be 512 bytes in size. It knows just enough about the FreeBSD " @@ -39143,7 +39451,7 @@ "para localizar e executar o boot2." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23045 +#: book.translate.xml:23239 msgid "" "Stage two, boot2, is slightly more sophisticated, and " "understands the FreeBSD file system enough to find files. It can provide a " @@ -39161,13 +39469,13 @@ "dois, a seguinte tela interativa será exibida:" #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:23055 +#: book.translate.xml:23249 msgid "boot2 Screenshot" msgstr "Captura de tela do boot2" #. (itstool) path: example/screen #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:23057 book.translate.xml:49080 +#: book.translate.xml:23251 book.translate.xml:49359 #, no-wrap msgid "" ">> FreeBSD/i386 BOOT\n" @@ -39179,7 +39487,7 @@ "boot:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23062 +#: book.translate.xml:23256 msgid "" "To replace the installed boot1 and boot2, use bsdlabel, where diskslice para o primeiro slice no primeiro disco IDE:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:23068 +#: book.translate.xml:23262 #, no-wrap msgid "# bsdlabel -B diskslice" msgstr "# bsdlabel -B diskslice" #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:23071 +#: book.translate.xml:23265 msgid "" "If just the disk name is used, such as ad0, " "bsdlabel will create the disk in dangerously " @@ -39213,17 +39521,17 @@ "pressionar Return." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:23082 +#: book.translate.xml:23276 msgid "Stage Three" msgstr "Estágio três" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:23084 +#: book.translate.xml:23278 msgid "boot-loader" msgstr "boot-loader" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23086 +#: book.translate.xml:23280 msgid "" "The loader is the final stage of the three-stage " "bootstrap process. It is located on the file system, usually as /" @@ -39234,7 +39542,7 @@ "geralmente como /boot/loader." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23091 +#: book.translate.xml:23285 msgid "" "The loader is intended as an interactive method " "for configuration, using a built-in command set, backed up by a more " @@ -39246,7 +39554,7 @@ "complexo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23096 +#: book.translate.xml:23290 msgid "" "During initialization, loader will probe for a " "console and for disks, and figure out which disk it is booting from. It will " @@ -39260,17 +39568,17 @@ "interativamente." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:23102 +#: book.translate.xml:23296 msgid "loader" msgstr "loader" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:23103 +#: book.translate.xml:23297 msgid "loader configuration" msgstr "loader configuration" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23105 +#: book.translate.xml:23299 msgid "" "The loader will then read /boot/loader." "rc, which by default reads in /boot/defaults/loader." @@ -39287,7 +39595,7 @@ "os módulos e o kernel selecionados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23114 +#: book.translate.xml:23308 msgid "" "Finally, by default, loader issues a 10 second " "wait for key presses, and boots the kernel if it is not interrupted. If " @@ -39311,17 +39619,17 @@ "citerefentry>." #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:23125 +#: book.translate.xml:23319 msgid "Loader Built-In Commands" msgstr "Comandos Internos do Loader" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23137 +#: book.translate.xml:23331 msgid "autoboot seconds" msgstr "autoboot segundos" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23139 +#: book.translate.xml:23333 msgid "" "Proceeds to boot the kernel if not interrupted within the time span given, " "in seconds. It displays a countdown, and the default time span is 10 seconds." @@ -39331,7 +39639,7 @@ "intervalo de tempo padrão é de 10 segundos." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23146 +#: book.translate.xml:23340 msgid "" "boot -options " "kernelname" @@ -39340,7 +39648,7 @@ "kernelname" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23149 +#: book.translate.xml:23343 msgid "" "Immediately proceeds to boot the kernel, with any specified options or " "kernel name. Providing a kernel name on the command-line is only applicable " @@ -39358,12 +39666,12 @@ "emphasis>." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23161 +#: book.translate.xml:23355 msgid "boot-conf" msgstr "boot-conf" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23162 +#: book.translate.xml:23356 msgid "" "Goes through the same automatic configuration of modules based on specified " "variables, most commonly kernel. This only makes sense if " @@ -39375,12 +39683,12 @@ "variáveis." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23170 +#: book.translate.xml:23364 msgid "help topic" msgstr "help tópico" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23172 +#: book.translate.xml:23366 msgid "" "Shows help messages read from /boot/ If the " "topic given is index, the list of available topics is " @@ -39391,12 +39699,12 @@ "disponíveis será exibida." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23179 +#: book.translate.xml:23373 msgid "include filename …" msgstr "include nomedoarquivo…" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23181 +#: book.translate.xml:23375 msgid "" "Reads the specified file and interprets it line by line. An error " "immediately stops the include." @@ -39405,7 +39713,7 @@ "imediatamente o include." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23187 +#: book.translate.xml:23381 msgid "" "load -t type " "filename" @@ -39414,7 +39722,7 @@ "filename" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23190 +#: book.translate.xml:23384 msgid "" "Loads the kernel, kernel module, or file of the type given, with the " "specified filename. Any arguments after filename " @@ -39430,7 +39738,7 @@ "emphasis>." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23201 +#: book.translate.xml:23395 msgid "" "ls -l path" @@ -39439,7 +39747,7 @@ "optional>" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23203 +#: book.translate.xml:23397 msgid "" "Displays a listing of files in the given path, or the root directory, if the " "path is not specified. If is specified, file sizes will " @@ -39450,12 +39758,12 @@ "tamanhos dos arquivos também serão mostrados." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23210 +#: book.translate.xml:23404 msgid "lsdev -v" msgstr "lsdev -v" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23211 +#: book.translate.xml:23405 msgid "" "Lists all of the devices from which it may be possible to load modules. If " " is specified, more details are printed." @@ -39464,12 +39772,12 @@ " for especificado, mais detalhes serão impressos." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23217 +#: book.translate.xml:23411 msgid "lsmod -v" msgstr "lsmod -v" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23218 +#: book.translate.xml:23412 msgid "" "Displays loaded modules. If is specified, more details " "are shown." @@ -39478,12 +39786,12 @@ "detalhes serão mostrados." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23223 +#: book.translate.xml:23417 msgid "more filename" msgstr "more nomedoarquivo" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23224 +#: book.translate.xml:23418 msgid "" "Displays the files specified, with a pause at each LINES " "displayed." @@ -39492,17 +39800,17 @@ "varname> exibidas." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23229 +#: book.translate.xml:23423 msgid "reboot" msgstr "reboot" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23230 +#: book.translate.xml:23424 msgid "Immediately reboots the system." msgstr "Reinicia imediatamente o sistema." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23234 +#: book.translate.xml:23428 msgid "" "set variable, set variable=value" @@ -39511,28 +39819,28 @@ "replaceable>=value" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23236 +#: book.translate.xml:23430 msgid "Sets the specified environment variables." msgstr "Define as variáveis de ambiente especificadas." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23240 +#: book.translate.xml:23434 msgid "unload" msgstr "unload" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23241 +#: book.translate.xml:23435 msgid "Removes all loaded modules." msgstr "Remove todos os módulos carregados." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:23249 book.translate.xml:23359 +#: book.translate.xml:23443 book.translate.xml:23553 msgid "single-user mode" msgstr "single-user mode" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23247 +#: book.translate.xml:23441 msgid "" "Here are some practical examples of loader usage. To boot the usual kernel " "in single-user mode <_:indexterm-1/>:" @@ -39541,13 +39849,13 @@ "kernel usual no modo single-user <_:indexterm-1/>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:23252 +#: book.translate.xml:23446 #, no-wrap msgid "boot -s" msgstr "boot -s" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23254 +#: book.translate.xml:23448 msgid "" "To unload the usual kernel and modules and then load the previous or " "another, specified kernel:" @@ -39556,7 +39864,7 @@ "kernel anterior ou outro especificado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:23257 +#: book.translate.xml:23451 #, no-wrap msgid "" "unload\n" @@ -39566,7 +39874,7 @@ "load kernel.old" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23260 +#: book.translate.xml:23454 msgid "" "Use kernel.GENERIC to refer to the default kernel that " "comes with an installation, or kernel.old, to refer to " @@ -39579,12 +39887,12 @@ "ou antes de configurar um kernel personalizado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23266 +#: book.translate.xml:23460 msgid "Use the following to load the usual modules with another kernel:" msgstr "Use o seguinte para carregar os módulos usuais com outro kernel:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:23269 +#: book.translate.xml:23463 #, no-wrap msgid "" "unload\n" @@ -39596,28 +39904,28 @@ "boot-conf" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23273 +#: book.translate.xml:23467 msgid "To load an automated kernel configuration script:" msgstr "Para carregar um script de configuração do kernel automatizado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:23275 +#: book.translate.xml:23469 #, no-wrap msgid "load -t userconfig_script /boot/kernel.conf" msgstr "load -t userconfig_script /boot/kernel.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:23277 +#: book.translate.xml:23471 msgid "kernel boot interaction" msgstr "kernel boot interaction" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:23284 +#: book.translate.xml:23478 msgid "Last Stage" msgstr "Último estágio" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23290 +#: book.translate.xml:23484 msgid "" "Once the kernel is loaded by either loader or by " "boot2, which bypasses loaderkernel bootflags" msgstr "kernel bootflags" #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:23304 +#: book.translate.xml:23498 msgid "Kernel Interaction During Boot" msgstr "Interação do Kernel durante o Boot" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23317 +#: book.translate.xml:23511 msgid "" "During kernel initialization, ask for the device to mount as the root file " "system." @@ -39656,34 +39964,34 @@ "como o sistema de arquivos raiz." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23322 +#: book.translate.xml:23516 msgid "" msgstr "" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23323 +#: book.translate.xml:23517 msgid "Boot the root file system from a CDROM." msgstr "" "Inicialize o sistema de arquivos raiz a partir de um CDROM." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23328 +#: book.translate.xml:23522 msgid "" msgstr "" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23329 +#: book.translate.xml:23523 msgid "Boot into single-user mode." msgstr "Inicialize no modo single-user." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:23334 +#: book.translate.xml:23528 msgid "Be more verbose during kernel startup." msgstr "Seja mais detalhado durante a inicialização do kernel." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23340 +#: book.translate.xml:23534 msgid "" "Once the kernel has finished booting, it passes control to the user process " "init8UFS file system is not, and " @@ -39716,12 +40024,12 @@ "diretamente. Caso contrário, o sistema é inicializado no modo multi-user." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:23357 +#: book.translate.xml:23551 msgid "Single-User Mode" msgstr "Modo Single-User" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:23362 +#: book.translate.xml:23556 msgid "" "A user can specify this mode by booting with or by " "setting the boot_single variable in loaderEnter, the system will enter the " "default Bourne shell. To specify a different shell, input the full path to " @@ -39752,7 +40060,7 @@ "para o shell." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:23375 +#: book.translate.xml:23569 msgid "" "Single-user mode is usually used to repair a system that will not boot due " "to an inconsistent file system or an error in a boot configuration file. It " @@ -39770,7 +40078,7 @@ "configuração. Não há rede neste modo." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:23384 +#: book.translate.xml:23578 msgid "" "While single-user mode is useful for repairing a system, it poses a security " "risk unless the system is in a physically secure location. By default, any " @@ -39784,7 +40092,7 @@ "single-user." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:23390 +#: book.translate.xml:23584 msgid "" "If the system console is changed to insecure in /etc/ttys, the system will first prompt for " @@ -39801,12 +40109,12 @@ "\"username\">root quando ela é desconhecida." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:23400 +#: book.translate.xml:23594 msgid "Configuring an Insecure Console in /etc/ttys" msgstr "Configurando um Console Inseguro em /etc/ttys" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:23403 +#: book.translate.xml:23597 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# name getty type status comments\n" @@ -39822,7 +40130,7 @@ "console none unknown off insecure" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:23410 +#: book.translate.xml:23604 msgid "" "An insecure console means that physical security to the " "console is considered to be insecure, so only someone who knows the " @@ -39835,17 +40143,17 @@ "single-user." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:23417 +#: book.translate.xml:23611 msgid "Multi-User Mode" msgstr "Modo Multi-User" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:23419 +#: book.translate.xml:23613 msgid "multi-user mode" msgstr "multi-user mode" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:23421 +#: book.translate.xml:23615 msgid "" "If init finds the file systems to be in order, or " "once the user has finished their commands in single-user mode and has typed " @@ -39859,12 +40167,12 @@ "recursos do sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:23428 +#: book.translate.xml:23622 msgid "rc files" msgstr "rc files" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:23430 +#: book.translate.xml:23624 msgid "" "The resource configuration system reads in configuration defaults from " "/etc/defaults/rc.conf and system-specific details from " @@ -39881,7 +40189,7 @@ "scripts de inicialização dos pacotes instalados localmente." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:23439 +#: book.translate.xml:23633 msgid "" "To learn more about the resource configuration system, refer to " "rc8." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:23454 +#: book.translate.xml:23648 msgid "Configuring Boot Time Splash Screens" msgstr "Configurando telas iniciais de inicialização" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:23457 book.translate.xml:57470 +#: book.translate.xml:23651 book.translate.xml:57947 msgid "" " Joseph J. Barbish Contributed by " @@ -39908,7 +40216,7 @@ "personname> Contribuído por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23467 +#: book.translate.xml:23661 msgid "" "Typically when a FreeBSD system boots, it displays its progress as a series " "of messages at the console. A boot splash screen creates an alternate boot " @@ -39929,7 +40237,7 @@ "inicialização." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23477 +#: book.translate.xml:23671 msgid "" "There are two basic environments available in FreeBSD. The first is the " "default legacy virtual console command line environment. After the system " @@ -39946,7 +40254,7 @@ "gerenciador gráfico de tela e um gerenciador gráfico de login." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23485 +#: book.translate.xml:23679 msgid "" "Once the system has booted, the splash screen defaults to being a screen " "saver. After a time period of non-use, the splash screen will display and " @@ -39971,7 +40279,7 @@ "efeito nos gerenciadores gráficos de telas." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23496 +#: book.translate.xml:23690 msgid "" "By installing the sysutils/bsd-splash-changer package or " "port, a random splash image from a collection will display at boot. The " @@ -40002,7 +40310,7 @@ "utilizado:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:23514 +#: book.translate.xml:23708 #, no-wrap msgid "" "splash_bmp_load=\"YES\"\n" @@ -40014,13 +40322,13 @@ "bitmap_name=\"/boot/splash.bmp\"" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23518 +#: book.translate.xml:23712 msgid "To use a PCX file instead of a bitmap file:" msgstr "" "Para usar um arquivo PCX em vez de um arquivo bitmap:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:23521 +#: book.translate.xml:23715 #, no-wrap msgid "" "splash_pcx_load=\"YES\"\n" @@ -40032,7 +40340,7 @@ "bitmap_name=\"/boot/splash.pcx\"" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23525 +#: book.translate.xml:23719 msgid "" "To instead use ASCII art in the format:" @@ -40041,7 +40349,7 @@ "\">" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:23528 +#: book.translate.xml:23722 #, no-wrap msgid "" "splash_txt=\"YES\"\n" @@ -40053,19 +40361,19 @@ "bitmap_name=\"/boot/splash.bin\"" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23532 +#: book.translate.xml:23726 msgid "Other interesting loader.conf options include:" msgstr "" "Outras opções interessantes do arquivo loader.conf " "incluem:" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:23536 +#: book.translate.xml:23730 msgid "beastie_disable=\"YES\"" msgstr "beastie_disable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23539 +#: book.translate.xml:23733 msgid "" "This will stop the boot options menu from being displayed, but the timed " "wait count down prompt will still be present. Even with the display of the " @@ -40079,12 +40387,12 @@ "programado ativará a opção de inicialização correspondente." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:23548 +#: book.translate.xml:23742 msgid "loader_logo=\"beastie\"" msgstr "loader_logo=\"beastie\"" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23551 +#: book.translate.xml:23745 msgid "" "This will replace the default words FreeBSD, which are " "displayed to the right of the boot options menu, with the colored beastie " @@ -40095,7 +40403,7 @@ "beastie." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23559 +#: book.translate.xml:23753 msgid "" "For more information, refer to splash4, " @@ -40110,17 +40418,17 @@ "refentrytitle>4." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:23565 +#: book.translate.xml:23759 msgid "Device Hints" msgstr "Sugestões de dispositivos" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:23578 +#: book.translate.xml:23772 msgid "device.hints" msgstr "device.hints" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23582 +#: book.translate.xml:23776 msgid "" "During initial system startup, the boot loader8 reads . Variables can be added " @@ -40159,7 +40467,7 @@ "próxima reinicialização." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23597 +#: book.translate.xml:23791 msgid "" "Once the system is booted, kenv1 can be used to dump " @@ -40170,7 +40478,7 @@ "despejar todas as variáveis." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23600 +#: book.translate.xml:23794 msgid "" "The syntax for /boot/device.hints is one variable per " "line, using the hash # as comment markers. Lines are " @@ -40181,24 +40489,24 @@ "comentário. As linhas são construídas da seguinte forma:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:23605 +#: book.translate.xml:23799 #, no-wrap msgid "hint.driver.unit.keyword=\"value\"" msgstr "hint.driver.unit.keyword=\"value\"" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23607 +#: book.translate.xml:23801 msgid "The syntax for the Stage 3 boot loader is:" msgstr "A sintaxe para o estágio 3 do boot loader é:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:23609 +#: book.translate.xml:23803 #, no-wrap msgid "set hint.driver.unit.keyword=value" msgstr "set hint.driver.unit.keyword=value" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23611 +#: book.translate.xml:23805 msgid "" "where driver is the device driver name, unit is the device driver unit number, and keyword is " @@ -40210,7 +40518,7 @@ "consistir das seguintes opções:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23618 +#: book.translate.xml:23812 msgid "" "at: specifies the bus which the device is attached to." msgstr "" @@ -40218,7 +40526,7 @@ "conectado." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23623 +#: book.translate.xml:23817 msgid "" "port: specifies the start address of the I/O to be used." @@ -40227,7 +40535,7 @@ "acronym> a ser usado." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23628 +#: book.translate.xml:23822 msgid "" "irq: specifies the interrupt request number to be used." msgstr "" @@ -40235,12 +40543,12 @@ "ser usada." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23633 +#: book.translate.xml:23827 msgid "drq: specifies the DMA channel number." msgstr "drq: especifica o número do canal DMA." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23638 +#: book.translate.xml:23832 msgid "" "maddr: specifies the physical memory address occupied by " "the device." @@ -40249,13 +40557,13 @@ "pelo dispositivo." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23643 +#: book.translate.xml:23837 msgid "flags: sets various flag bits for the device." msgstr "" "flags: define vários bits de flags para o dispositivo." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23648 +#: book.translate.xml:23842 msgid "" "disabled: if set to 1 the device is " "disabled." @@ -40264,7 +40572,7 @@ "dispositivo é desativado." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23653 +#: book.translate.xml:23847 msgid "" "Since device drivers may accept or require more hints not listed here, " "viewing a driver's manual page is recommended. For more information, refer " @@ -40287,12 +40595,12 @@ "refentrytitle>8." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:23660 +#: book.translate.xml:23854 msgid "Shutdown Sequence" msgstr "Sequência de Desligamento" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:23662 +#: book.translate.xml:23856 msgid "" "shutdown8" @@ -40301,7 +40609,7 @@ "manvolnum>" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23666 +#: book.translate.xml:23860 msgid "" "Upon controlled shutdown using shutdown8, " @@ -40320,7 +40628,7 @@ "um que não termine em tempo hábil." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23673 +#: book.translate.xml:23867 msgid "" "To power down a FreeBSD machine on architectures and systems that support " "power management, use shutdown -p now to turn the power " @@ -40351,7 +40659,7 @@ "informações." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23685 +#: book.translate.xml:23879 msgid "" "Modify group membership by referring to ." msgstr "" @@ -40359,7 +40667,7 @@ "\"/>." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:23689 +#: book.translate.xml:23883 msgid "" "Power management requires acpi4 to be loaded as a " @@ -40370,12 +40678,12 @@ "módulo ou estaticamente compilado em um kernel personalizado." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:23704 +#: book.translate.xml:23898 msgid "Security" msgstr "Segurança" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:23707 +#: book.translate.xml:23901 msgid "" " Tom Rhodes Rewritten by " @@ -40384,12 +40692,12 @@ "personname> Reescrito por " #. (itstool) path: chapter/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:23717 +#: book.translate.xml:23911 msgid "security" msgstr "Segurança" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23722 +#: book.translate.xml:23916 msgid "" "Security, whether physical or virtual, is a topic so broad that an entire " "industry has evolved around it. Hundreds of standard practices have been " @@ -40402,7 +40710,7 @@ "como se proteger contra ataques e intrusos." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23728 +#: book.translate.xml:23922 msgid "" "In this chapter, several fundamentals and techniques will be discussed. The " "FreeBSD system comes with multiple layers of security, and many more third " @@ -40413,22 +40721,22 @@ "de terceiros podem ser adicionados para aumentar a segurança." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23737 +#: book.translate.xml:23931 msgid "Basic FreeBSD system security concepts." msgstr "Conceitos básicos de segurança do sistema FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23741 +#: book.translate.xml:23935 msgid "The various crypt mechanisms available in FreeBSD." msgstr "Os vários mecanismos de criptografia disponíveis no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23745 +#: book.translate.xml:23939 msgid "How to set up one-time password authentication." msgstr "Como configurar a autenticação de senha única." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23749 +#: book.translate.xml:23943 msgid "" "How to configure TCP Wrapper for use with " "inetd8." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23754 +#: book.translate.xml:23948 msgid "How to set up Kerberos on FreeBSD." msgstr "Como configurar o Kerberos no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23759 +#: book.translate.xml:23953 msgid "" "How to configure IPsec and create a VPN." @@ -40453,18 +40761,18 @@ "acronym>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23764 +#: book.translate.xml:23958 msgid "How to configure and use OpenSSH on FreeBSD." msgstr "" "Como configurar e usar o OpenSSH no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23769 +#: book.translate.xml:23963 msgid "How to use file system ACLs." msgstr "Como usar ACLs para o sistema de arquivos ." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23773 +#: book.translate.xml:23967 msgid "" "How to use pkg to audit third party software " "packages installed from the Ports Collection." @@ -40473,17 +40781,17 @@ "de terceiros instalados a partir da Coleção de Ports." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23779 +#: book.translate.xml:23973 msgid "How to utilize FreeBSD security advisories." msgstr "Como utilizar os alertas de segurança do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23783 +#: book.translate.xml:23977 msgid "What Process Accounting is and how to enable it on FreeBSD." msgstr "O que é Auditoria de Processos e como ativá-la no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23788 +#: book.translate.xml:23982 msgid "" "How to control user resources using login classes or the resource limits " "database." @@ -40492,12 +40800,12 @@ "dados de limites de recursos." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:23797 book.translate.xml:57586 +#: book.translate.xml:23991 book.translate.xml:58063 msgid "Understand basic FreeBSD and Internet concepts." msgstr "Entender os conceitos básicos do FreeBSD e de Internet." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23801 +#: book.translate.xml:23995 msgid "" "Additional security topics are covered elsewhere in this Handbook. For " "example, Mandatory Access Control is discussed in " @@ -40509,7 +40817,7 @@ "\"firewalls\"/>." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23810 +#: book.translate.xml:24004 msgid "" "Security is everyone's responsibility. A weak entry point in any system " "could allow intruders to gain access to critical information and cause havoc " @@ -40524,7 +40832,7 @@ "Confidencialidade, Integridade e Disponibilidade dos sistemas de informação." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23818 +#: book.translate.xml:24012 msgid "" "The CIA triad is a bedrock concept of computer security " "as customers and users expect their data to be protected. For example, a " @@ -40541,7 +40849,7 @@ "informações do pedido em todos os momentos (disponibilidade)." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23826 +#: book.translate.xml:24020 msgid "" "To provide CIA, security professionals apply a defense in " "depth strategy. The idea of defense in depth is to add several layers of " @@ -40563,7 +40871,7 @@ "segurança eficaz, é preciso entender as ameaças e como se defender delas." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23837 +#: book.translate.xml:24031 msgid "" "What is a threat as it pertains to computer security? Threats are not " "limited to remote attackers who attempt to access a system without " @@ -40578,7 +40886,7 @@ "naturais, vulnerabilidades de segurança e até corporações concorrentes." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23844 +#: book.translate.xml:24038 msgid "" "Systems and networks can be accessed without permission, sometimes by " "accident, or by remote attackers, and in some cases, via corporate espionage " @@ -40595,7 +40903,7 @@ "as ameaças e estar preparado para mitigá-las." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23852 +#: book.translate.xml:24046 msgid "" "When applying security to systems, it is recommended to start by securing " "the basic accounts and system configuration, and then to secure the network " @@ -40619,7 +40927,7 @@ "equipe de segurança." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:23864 +#: book.translate.xml:24058 msgid "" "The rest of this introduction describes how some of these basic security " "configurations are performed on a FreeBSD system. The rest of this chapter " @@ -40632,12 +40940,12 @@ "implementar uma política de segurança em um sistema FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:23871 +#: book.translate.xml:24065 msgid "Preventing Logins" msgstr "Prevenindo Logins" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23873 +#: book.translate.xml:24067 msgid "" "In securing a system, a good starting point is an audit of accounts. Ensure " "that root has a strong password " @@ -40651,7 +40959,7 @@ "logar." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23878 +#: book.translate.xml:24072 msgid "" "To deny login access to accounts, two methods exist. The first is to lock " "the account. This example locks the toortoor:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:23882 +#: book.translate.xml:24076 #, no-wrap msgid "# pw lock toor" msgstr "# pw lock toor" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23884 +#: book.translate.xml:24078 msgid "" "The second method is to prevent login access by changing the shell to " "/usr/sbin/nologin. Only the superuser can change the " @@ -40679,13 +40987,13 @@ "shell para outros usuários:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:23888 +#: book.translate.xml:24082 #, no-wrap msgid "# chsh -s /usr/sbin/nologin toor" msgstr "# chsh -s /usr/sbin/nologin toor" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23890 +#: book.translate.xml:24084 msgid "" "The /usr/sbin/nologin shell prevents the system from " "assigning a shell to the user when they attempt to login." @@ -40694,12 +41002,12 @@ "um shell ao usuário quando ele tenta efetuar login." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:23896 +#: book.translate.xml:24090 msgid "Permitted Account Escalation" msgstr "Escalonamento de Contas Permitido" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23898 +#: book.translate.xml:24092 msgid "" "In some cases, system administration needs to be shared with other users. " "FreeBSD has two methods to handle this. The first one, which is not " @@ -40727,7 +41035,7 @@ "caractere vírgula sem espaço." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23912 +#: book.translate.xml:24106 msgid "" "The second, and recommended, method to permit privilege escalation is to " "install the security/sudo package or port. This software " @@ -40741,7 +41049,7 @@ "privilegiados especificados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23919 +#: book.translate.xml:24113 msgid "" "After installation, use visudo to edit /usr/" "local/etc/sudoers. This example creates a new apache24:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:23926 +#: book.translate.xml:24120 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# pw groupadd webadmin -M trhodes -g 6000\n" @@ -40768,12 +41076,12 @@ "%webadmin ALL=(ALL) /usr/sbin/service apache24 *" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:23932 +#: book.translate.xml:24126 msgid "Password Hashes" msgstr "Hashes de Senhas" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23934 +#: book.translate.xml:24128 msgid "" "Passwords are a necessary evil of technology. When they must be used, they " "should be complex and a powerful hash mechanism should be used to encrypt " @@ -40794,7 +41102,7 @@ "ser alterado para o algoritmo Blowfish mais seguro." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:23946 +#: book.translate.xml:24140 msgid "" "Blowfish is not part of AES and is not considered " "compliant with any Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS# grep dru /etc/master.passwd\n" @@ -40844,7 +41152,7 @@ "dru:$6$pzIjSvCAn.PBYQBA$PXpSeWPx3g5kscj3IMiM7tUEUSPmGexxta.8Lt9TGSi2lNQqYGKszsBPuGME0:1001:1001::0:0:dru:/usr/home/dru:/bin/csh" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23971 +#: book.translate.xml:24165 msgid "" "The hash mechanism is set in the user's login class. For this example, the " "user is in the default login class and the hash algorithm " @@ -40856,26 +41164,26 @@ "filename>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:23976 +#: book.translate.xml:24170 #, no-wrap msgid " :passwd_format=sha512:\\" msgstr " :passwd_format=sha512:\\" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23978 +#: book.translate.xml:24172 msgid "" "To change the algorithm to Blowfish, modify that line to look like this:" msgstr "" "Para alterar o algoritmo para Blowfish, modifique a linha para ficar assim:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:23981 +#: book.translate.xml:24175 #, no-wrap msgid " :passwd_format=blf:\\" msgstr " :passwd_format=blf:\\" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23983 +#: book.translate.xml:24177 msgid "" "Then run cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf as described in . Note that this change will not affect any " @@ -40890,7 +41198,7 @@ "command> para alterar sua senha." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:23990 +#: book.translate.xml:24184 msgid "" "For remote logins, two-factor authentication should be used. An example of " "two-factor authentication is something you have, such as a " @@ -40914,12 +41222,12 @@ "descritas em ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:24004 +#: book.translate.xml:24198 msgid "Password Policy Enforcement" msgstr "Aplicação de Política de Senha" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24006 +#: book.translate.xml:24200 msgid "" "Enforcing a strong password policy for local accounts is a fundamental " "aspect of system security. In FreeBSD, password length, password strength, " @@ -40932,7 +41240,7 @@ "de Autenticação Conectáveis (PAM)." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24012 +#: book.translate.xml:24206 msgid "" "This section demonstrates how to configure the minimum and maximum password " "length and the enforcement of mixed characters using the " @@ -40944,7 +41252,7 @@ "filename>. Este módulo é aplicado quando um usuário altera sua senha." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24018 +#: book.translate.xml:24212 msgid "" "To configure this module, become the superuser and uncomment the line " "containing in /etc/pam.d/" @@ -40956,13 +41264,13 @@ "de senha:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:24024 +#: book.translate.xml:24218 #, no-wrap msgid "password requisite min=disabled,disabled,disabled,12,10 similar=deny retry=3 enforce=users" msgstr "password requisite min=disabled,disabled,disabled,12,10 similar=deny retry=3 enforce=users" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24026 +#: book.translate.xml:24220 msgid "" "This example sets several requirements for new passwords. The min setting controls the minimum password length. It has five values " @@ -40996,7 +41304,7 @@ "caracteres com quatro tipos de complexidade." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24043 +#: book.translate.xml:24237 msgid "" "The similar setting denies passwords that are similar to " "the user's previous password. The retry setting provides " @@ -41007,7 +41315,7 @@ "usuário três oportunidades para inserir uma nova senha." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24048 +#: book.translate.xml:24242 msgid "" "Once this file is saved, a user changing their password will see a message " "similar to the following:" @@ -41016,7 +41324,7 @@ "mensagem semelhante a seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:24051 +#: book.translate.xml:24245 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% passwd\n" @@ -41050,7 +41358,7 @@ "Enter new password:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24066 +#: book.translate.xml:24260 msgid "" "If a password that does not match the policy is entered, it will be rejected " "with a warning and the user will have an opportunity to try again, up to the " @@ -41061,7 +41369,7 @@ "número configurado de novas tentativas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24071 +#: book.translate.xml:24265 msgid "" "Most password policies require passwords to expire after so many days. To " "set a password age time in FreeBSD, set for " @@ -41075,13 +41383,13 @@ "literal> contém um exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:24078 +#: book.translate.xml:24272 #, no-wrap msgid "# :passwordtime=90d:\\" msgstr "# :passwordtime=90d:\\" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24080 +#: book.translate.xml:24274 msgid "" "So, to set an expiry of 90 days for this login class, remove the comment " "symbol (#), save the edit, and run cap_mkdb /etc/" @@ -41092,7 +41400,7 @@ "execute o cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24085 +#: book.translate.xml:24279 msgid "" "To set the expiration on individual users, pass an expiration date or the " "number of days to expiry and a username to pw:" @@ -41102,13 +41410,13 @@ "comando pw:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:24089 +#: book.translate.xml:24283 #, no-wrap msgid "# pw usermod -p 30-apr-2015 -n trhodes" msgstr "# pw usermod -p 30-apr-2015 -n trhodes" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24091 +#: book.translate.xml:24285 msgid "" "As seen here, an expiration date is set in the form of day, month, and year. " "For more information, see pw." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:24097 +#: book.translate.xml:24291 msgid "Detecting Rootkits" msgstr "Detectando Rootkits" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24099 +#: book.translate.xml:24293 msgid "" "A rootkit is any unauthorized software that attempts " "to gain root access to a system. " @@ -41146,7 +41454,7 @@ "que um invasor deixou para trás." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24109 +#: book.translate.xml:24303 msgid "" "A rootkit does do one thing useful for administrators: once detected, it is " "a sign that a compromise happened at some point. But, these types of " @@ -41160,7 +41468,7 @@ "rkhunter." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24115 +#: book.translate.xml:24309 msgid "" "After installation of this package or port, the system may be checked using " "the following command. It will produce a lot of information and will require " @@ -41171,13 +41479,13 @@ "manual da tecla ENTER:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:24120 +#: book.translate.xml:24314 #, no-wrap msgid "# rkhunter -c" msgstr "# rkhunter -c" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24122 +#: book.translate.xml:24316 msgid "" "After the process completes, a status message will be printed to the screen. " "This message will include the amount of files checked, suspect files, " @@ -41196,7 +41504,7 @@ "ou após uma análise mais detalhada ter sido realizada." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24132 +#: book.translate.xml:24326 msgid "" "Every administrator should know what is running on the systems they are " "responsible for. Third-party tools like rkhunter " @@ -41216,12 +41524,12 @@ "imprescindível." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:24144 +#: book.translate.xml:24338 msgid "Binary Verification" msgstr "Verificação Binária" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24146 +#: book.translate.xml:24340 msgid "" "Verification of system files and binaries is important because it provides " "the system administration and security teams information about system " @@ -41235,7 +41543,7 @@ "acronym>)." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24152 +#: book.translate.xml:24346 msgid "" "FreeBSD provides native support for a basic IDS system. " "While the nightly security emails will notify an administrator of changes, " @@ -41256,7 +41564,7 @@ "acronym> removível ou servidor rsync remoto." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24163 +#: book.translate.xml:24357 msgid "" "The built-in mtree utility can be used to generate a " "specification of the contents of a directory. A seed, or a numeric constant, " @@ -41283,7 +41591,7 @@ "\">root, /root/.bin_chksum_mtree:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:24176 +#: book.translate.xml:24370 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mtree -s 3483151339707503 -c -K cksum,sha256digest -p /bin > /root/.bin_chksum_mtree\n" @@ -41293,7 +41601,7 @@ "# mtree: /bin checksum: 3427012225" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24179 +#: book.translate.xml:24373 msgid "" "The 3483151339707503 represents the seed. This " "value should be remembered, but not shared." @@ -41302,7 +41610,7 @@ "deve ser lembrado, mas não compartilhado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24183 +#: book.translate.xml:24377 msgid "" "Viewing /root/.bin_cksum_mtree should yield output " "similar to the following:" @@ -41311,7 +41619,7 @@ "produzir uma saída semelhante à seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:24186 +#: book.translate.xml:24380 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# user: root\n" @@ -41357,7 +41665,7 @@ " sha256digest=a435972263bf814ad8df082c0752aa2a7bdd8b74ff01431ccbd52ed1e490bbe7" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24207 +#: book.translate.xml:24401 msgid "" "The machine's hostname, the date and time the specification was created, and " "the name of the user who created the specification are included in this " @@ -41370,7 +41678,7 @@ "cada binário no diretório." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24213 +#: book.translate.xml:24407 msgid "" "To verify that the binary signatures have not changed, compare the current " "contents of the directory to the previously generated specification, and " @@ -41383,7 +41691,7 @@ "gerar a especificação original:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:24219 +#: book.translate.xml:24413 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mtree -s 3483151339707503 -p /bin < /root/.bin_chksum_mtree >> /root/.bin_chksum_output\n" @@ -41393,7 +41701,7 @@ "# mtree: /bin checksum: 3427012225" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24222 +#: book.translate.xml:24416 msgid "" "This should produce the same checksum for /bin that was " "produced when the specification was created. If no changes have occurred to " @@ -41410,7 +41718,7 @@ "touch e execute o comando de verificação novamente:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:24231 +#: book.translate.xml:24425 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# touch /bin/cat\n" @@ -41426,7 +41734,7 @@ "\tmodification time expected Fri Sep 27 06:32:55 2013 found Mon Feb 3 10:28:43 2014" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24237 +#: book.translate.xml:24431 msgid "" "It is recommended to create specifications for the directories which contain " "binaries and configuration files, as well as any directories containing " @@ -41443,7 +41751,7 @@ "/etc e /usr/local/etc." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24247 +#: book.translate.xml:24441 msgid "" "More advanced IDS systems exist, such as " "security/aide. In most cases, mtree " @@ -41462,12 +41770,12 @@ "refentrytitle>8." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:24257 +#: book.translate.xml:24451 msgid "System Tuning for Security" msgstr "Otimizando o Sistema para Segurança" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24259 +#: book.translate.xml:24453 msgid "" "In FreeBSD, many system features can be tuned using sysctl. A few of the security features which can be tuned to prevent " @@ -41485,7 +41793,7 @@ "em ." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:24269 +#: book.translate.xml:24463 msgid "" "Any time a setting is changed with sysctl, the chance to " "cause undesired harm is increased, affecting the availability of the system. " @@ -41499,7 +41807,7 @@ "produção." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24277 +#: book.translate.xml:24471 msgid "" "By default, the FreeBSD kernel boots with a security level of -1. This is called insecure mode because immutable file " @@ -41532,7 +41840,7 @@ "de segurança disponíveis." #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:24293 +#: book.translate.xml:24487 msgid "" "Increasing the securelevel can break Xorg and cause other issues. Be prepared to do some debugging." @@ -41542,7 +41850,7 @@ "para fazer alguma depuração." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24298 +#: book.translate.xml:24492 msgid "" "The net.inet.tcp.blackhole and net.inet.udp." "blackhole settings can be used to drop incoming SYNnet.inet.icmp.drop_redirect and net.inet.ip." "redirect settings help prevent against redirect " @@ -41590,7 +41898,7 @@ "para 0." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24323 +#: book.translate.xml:24517 msgid "" "Source routing is a method for detecting and accessing non-routable " "addresses on the internal network. This should be disabled as non-routable " @@ -41605,7 +41913,7 @@ "inet.ip.accept_sourceroute como 0." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24331 +#: book.translate.xml:24525 msgid "" "When a machine on the network needs to send messages to all hosts on a " "subnet, an ICMP echo request message is sent to the " @@ -41621,7 +41929,7 @@ "0." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24339 +#: book.translate.xml:24533 msgid "" "Some additional settings are documented in " "security7." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:24345 +#: book.translate.xml:24539 msgid "One-time Passwords" msgstr "Senhas de Uso Unico" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:24347 +#: book.translate.xml:24541 msgid "one-time passwords" msgstr "one-time passwords" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:24348 +#: book.translate.xml:24542 msgid "security one-time passwords" msgstr "security one-time passwords" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:24353 +#: book.translate.xml:24547 msgid "" "By default, FreeBSD includes support for One-time Passwords In Everything " "(OPIE). OPIE is designed to prevent " @@ -41668,7 +41976,7 @@ "hash MD5 por padrão." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:24364 +#: book.translate.xml:24558 msgid "" "OPIE uses three different types of passwords. The first " "is the usual UNIX or Kerberos " @@ -41686,7 +41994,7 @@ "deve ser diferente da senha UNIX." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:24372 +#: book.translate.xml:24566 msgid "" "There are two other pieces of data that are important to OPIE. One is the seed or key, consisting " @@ -41721,7 +42029,7 @@ "acronym> deve ser reinicializado." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:24391 +#: book.translate.xml:24585 msgid "" "There are a few programs involved in this process. A one-time password, or a " "consecutive list of one-time passwords, is generated by passing an iteration " @@ -41749,7 +42057,7 @@ "iteração atual e o seed do usuário solicitante atual." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:24401 +#: book.translate.xml:24595 msgid "" "This section describes four different sorts of operations. The first is how " "to set up one-time-passwords for the first time over a secure connection. " @@ -41766,12 +42074,12 @@ "locais inseguros." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:24410 +#: book.translate.xml:24604 msgid "Initializing OPIE" msgstr "Inicializando o OPIE" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24412 +#: book.translate.xml:24606 msgid "" "To initialize OPIE for the first time, run this command " "from a secure location:" @@ -41780,7 +42088,7 @@ "comando a partir de um local seguro:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:24415 +#: book.translate.xml:24609 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% opiepasswd -c\n" @@ -41808,7 +42116,7 @@ "MOS MALL GOAT ARM AVID COED" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24427 +#: book.translate.xml:24621 msgid "" "The sets console mode which assumes that the command is " "being run from a secure location, such as a computer under the user's " @@ -41821,7 +42129,7 @@ "sob o controle do usuário." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24433 +#: book.translate.xml:24627 msgid "" "When prompted, enter the secret password which will be used to generate the " "one-time login keys. This password should be difficult to guess and should " @@ -41835,7 +42143,7 @@ "entre 10 e 127 caracteres. Lembre-se desta senha." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24440 +#: book.translate.xml:24634 msgid "" "The ID line lists the login name (unfurl), default iteration count (499), and default " @@ -41853,12 +42161,12 @@ "esses parâmetros e a senha secreta. No próximo login, use essa senha única." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:24452 +#: book.translate.xml:24646 msgid "Insecure Connection Initialization" msgstr "Inicialização de uma Conexão Insegura" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24454 +#: book.translate.xml:24648 msgid "" "To initialize or change the secret password on an insecure system, a secure " "connection is needed to some place where opiekey can be " @@ -41878,7 +42186,7 @@ "manvolnum>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:24463 +#: book.translate.xml:24657 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% opiepasswd\n" @@ -41910,7 +42218,7 @@ "LINE PAP MILK NELL BUOY TROY" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24477 +#: book.translate.xml:24671 msgid "" "To accept the default seed, press Return. Before entering " "an access password, move over to the secure connection and give it the same " @@ -41921,7 +42229,7 @@ "parâmetros:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:24481 book.translate.xml:24529 +#: book.translate.xml:24675 book.translate.xml:24723 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% opiekey 498 to4268\n" @@ -41937,7 +42245,7 @@ "GAME GAG WELT OUT DOWN CHAT" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24487 +#: book.translate.xml:24681 msgid "" "Switch back over to the insecure connection, and copy the generated one-time " "password over to the relevant program." @@ -41946,12 +42254,12 @@ "relevante." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:24493 +#: book.translate.xml:24687 msgid "Generating a Single One-time Password" msgstr "Gerando uma Senha de Uso Único" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24495 +#: book.translate.xml:24689 msgid "" "After initializing OPIE and logging in, a prompt like " "this will be displayed:" @@ -41960,7 +42268,7 @@ "como este será exibido:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:24498 +#: book.translate.xml:24692 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% telnet\n" @@ -41986,7 +42294,7 @@ "Password: " #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24509 +#: book.translate.xml:24703 msgid "" "The OPIE prompts provides a useful feature. If " "Return is pressed at the password prompt, the prompt will " @@ -41999,29 +42307,29 @@ "uma senha manualmente a partir de uma impressão." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:24515 +#: book.translate.xml:24709 msgid "MS-DOS" msgstr "MS-DOS" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:24516 +#: book.translate.xml:24710 msgid "Windows" msgstr "Windows" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:24517 +#: book.translate.xml:24711 msgid "MacOS" msgstr "MacOS" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24519 +#: book.translate.xml:24713 msgid "" "At this point, generate the one-time password to answer this login prompt. " "This must be done on a trusted system where it is safe to run " "opiekey1. There are versions of this command for Windows, Mac OS and FreeBSD. This command needs the iteration count " +"\">Mac OS and FreeBSD. This command needs the iteration count " "and the seed as command line options. Use cut-and-paste from the login " "prompt on the machine being logged in to." msgstr "" @@ -42035,22 +42343,22 @@ "prompt de login da máquina que está sendo conectada." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24527 +#: book.translate.xml:24721 msgid "On the trusted system:" msgstr "No sistema confiável:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24535 +#: book.translate.xml:24729 msgid "Once the one-time password is generated, continue to log in." msgstr "Depois que a senha descartável for gerada, continue a logar." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:24540 +#: book.translate.xml:24734 msgid "Generating Multiple One-time Passwords" msgstr "Gerando Múltiplas Senhas de Uso Único" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24542 +#: book.translate.xml:24736 msgid "" "Sometimes there is no access to a trusted machine or secure connection. In " "this case, it is possible to use opiekey% opiekey -n 5 30 zz99999\n" @@ -42087,7 +42395,7 @@ "30: GREW JIVE SAN GIRD BOIL PHI" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24557 +#: book.translate.xml:24751 msgid "" "The requests five keys in sequence, and para a lista completa." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24736 +#: book.translate.xml:24930 msgid "" "To match every instance of a daemon, domain, or IP " "address, use ALL. Another wildcard is PARANOID que varia de seu nome de host serão negadas:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:24746 +#: book.translate.xml:24940 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Block possibly spoofed requests to sendmail:\n" @@ -42498,7 +42806,7 @@ "sendmail : PARANOID : deny" #. (itstool) path: caution/para -#: book.translate.xml:24750 +#: book.translate.xml:24944 msgid "" "Using the PARANOID wildcard will result in denied " "connections if the client or server has a broken DNS " @@ -42509,7 +42817,7 @@ "incorreta." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24755 +#: book.translate.xml:24949 msgid "" "To learn more about wildcards and their associated functionality, refer to " "hosts_access5." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:24759 +#: book.translate.xml:24953 msgid "" "When adding new configuration lines, make sure that any unneeded entries for " "that daemon are commented out in hosts.allow." @@ -42530,12 +42838,12 @@ "hosts.allow." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:24768 +#: book.translate.xml:24962 msgid "Kerberos" msgstr "Kerberos" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:24771 +#: book.translate.xml:24965 msgid "" " Tillman Hodgson Contributed by " @@ -42544,7 +42852,7 @@ "personname> Contribuído por " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:24781 +#: book.translate.xml:24975 msgid "" " Mark Murray Based on a contribution by " @@ -42553,7 +42861,7 @@ "personname> Baseado em uma contribuição de " #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:24791 +#: book.translate.xml:24985 msgid "" "Kerberos is a network authentication protocol " "which was originally created by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology " @@ -42579,7 +42887,7 @@ "ser criptografadas para garantir privacidade e integridade dos dados." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:24805 +#: book.translate.xml:24999 msgid "" "The only function of Kerberos is to provide the " "secure authentication of users and servers on the network. It does not " @@ -42594,10 +42902,10 @@ "segurança que forneçam serviços de autorização e auditoria." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:24812 +#: book.translate.xml:25006 msgid "" "The current version of the protocol is version 5, described in RFC 4120. Several free implementations of this protocol are available, " +"acronym> 4120. Several free implementations of this protocol are available, " "covering a wide range of operating systems. MIT continues " "to develop their Kerberos package. It is commonly " "used in the US as a cryptography product, and has " @@ -42627,7 +42935,7 @@ "security/heimdal na Coleção de Ports." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:24831 +#: book.translate.xml:25025 msgid "" "In Kerberos users and services are identified as " "principals which are contained within an administrative " @@ -42643,7 +42951,7 @@ "tradicionalmente em caracteres maiúsculos)." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:24839 +#: book.translate.xml:25033 msgid "" "This section provides a guide on how to set up Kerberos using the Heimdal distribution included in FreeBSD." @@ -42652,7 +42960,7 @@ "application> usando a distribuição Heimdal incluída no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:24843 +#: book.translate.xml:25037 msgid "" "For purposes of demonstrating a Kerberos " "installation, the name spaces will be as follows:" @@ -42661,7 +42969,7 @@ "application>, os namespaces serão os seguintes:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:24849 +#: book.translate.xml:25043 msgid "" "The DNS domain (zone) will be" @@ -42670,7 +42978,7 @@ "\"fqdomainname\">" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:24854 +#: book.translate.xml:25048 msgid "" "The Kerberos realm will be EXAMPLE.ORG." @@ -42679,7 +42987,7 @@ "literal>." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:24860 +#: book.translate.xml:25054 msgid "" "Use real domain names when setting up Kerberos, " "even if it will run internally. This avoids DNS problems " @@ -42692,19 +43000,19 @@ "outros realms do Kerberos." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:24868 +#: book.translate.xml:25062 msgid "Setting up a Heimdal KDC" msgstr "Configurando um KDC do Heimdal" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:24870 +#: book.translate.xml:25064 msgid "" "Kerberos5 Key Distribution Center" msgstr "" "Kerberos5 Key Distribution Center" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24875 +#: book.translate.xml:25069 msgid "" "The Key Distribution Center (KDC) is the centralized " "authentication service that Kerberos provides, " @@ -42725,7 +43033,7 @@ "segurança. O acesso direto ao KDC deve ser limitado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24887 +#: book.translate.xml:25081 msgid "" "While running a KDC requires few computing resources, a " "dedicated machine acting only as a KDC is recommended for " @@ -42736,33 +43044,44 @@ "acronym> é recomendada por motivos de segurança." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24892 +#: book.translate.xml:25086 msgid "" -"To begin setting up a KDC, add these lines to /" -"etc/rc.conf:" +"To begin, install the security/heimdal package as follows:" msgstr "" -"Para começar a configurar um KDC, adicione estas linhas " -"ao arquivo /etc/rc.conf:" +"Para começar, instale o pacote security/heimdal assim:" -#. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:24895 +#. (itstool) path: sect2/screen +#: book.translate.xml:25089 #, no-wrap +msgid "# pkg install heimdal" +msgstr "# pkg install heimdal" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:25091 msgid "" -"kdc_enable=\"YES\"\n" -"kadmind_enable=\"YES\"" +"Next, update /etc/rc.conf using sysrc as follows:" +msgstr "Em seguida, edite o /etc/rc.conf como a seguir:" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/screen +#: book.translate.xml:25094 +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +"# sysrc kdc_enable=yes\n" +"# sysrc kadmind_enable=yes" msgstr "" -"kdc_enable=\"YES\"\n" -"kadmind_enable=\"YES\"" +"# sysrc kdc_enable=yes\n" +"# sysrc kadmind_enable=yes" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24898 +#: book.translate.xml:25097 msgid "Next, edit /etc/krb5.conf as follows:" msgstr "" "Em seguida, edite o arquivo /etc/krb5.conf como a " "seguir:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:24901 +#: book.translate.xml:25100 #, no-wrap msgid "" "[libdefaults]\n" @@ -42786,7 +43105,7 @@ " = EXAMPLE.ORG" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24911 +#: book.translate.xml:25110 msgid "" "In this example, the KDC will use the fully-qualified " "hostname kerberos.example.orgDNS." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24916 +#: book.translate.xml:25115 msgid "" "Kerberos can also use the DNS " "to locate KDCs, instead of a [realms] section in " @@ -42812,7 +43131,7 @@ "exemplo acima pode ser reduzido para:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:24923 +#: book.translate.xml:25122 #, no-wrap msgid "" "[libdefaults]\n" @@ -42826,7 +43145,7 @@ " = EXAMPLE.ORG" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24928 +#: book.translate.xml:25127 msgid "" "With the following lines being included in the zone file:" @@ -42835,7 +43154,7 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:24932 +#: book.translate.xml:25131 #, no-wrap msgid "" "_kerberos._udp IN SRV 01 00 88\n" @@ -42851,7 +43170,7 @@ "_kerberos IN TXT EXAMPLE.ORG" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:24939 +#: book.translate.xml:25138 msgid "" "In order for clients to be able to find the Kerberos services, they must have either a fully " @@ -42866,7 +43185,7 @@ "DNS corretamente configurado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24948 +#: book.translate.xml:25147 msgid "" "Next, create the Kerberos database which contains " "the keys of all principals (users and hosts) encrypted with a master " @@ -42884,7 +43203,7 @@ "senha:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:24957 +#: book.translate.xml:25156 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# kstash\n" @@ -42896,7 +43215,7 @@ "Verifying password - Master key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24961 +#: book.translate.xml:25160 msgid "" "Once the master key has been created, the database should be initialized. " "The Kerberos administrative tool " @@ -42921,7 +43240,7 @@ "command> para criar o banco de dados inicial do realm:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:24972 +#: book.translate.xml:25171 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# kadmin -l\n" @@ -42933,7 +43252,7 @@ "Realm max ticket life [unlimited]:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24976 +#: book.translate.xml:25175 msgid "" "Lastly, while still in kadmin, create the first principal " "using add. Stick to the default options for the principal " @@ -42947,40 +43266,55 @@ "ver as opções disponíveis." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:24983 +#: book.translate.xml:25182 #, no-wrap msgid "" -"kadmin> add tillman\n" +"kadmin> add tillman\n" "Max ticket life [unlimited]:\n" "Max renewable life [unlimited]:\n" +"Principal expiration time [never]:\n" +"Password expiration time [never]:\n" "Attributes []:\n" "Password: xxxxxxxx\n" "Verifying password - Password: xxxxxxxx" msgstr "" -"kadmin> add tillman\n" +"kadmin> add tillman\n" "Max ticket life [unlimited]:\n" "Max renewable life [unlimited]:\n" +"Principal expiration time [never]:\n" +"Password expiration time [never]:\n" "Attributes []:\n" "Password: xxxxxxxx\n" "Verifying password - Password: xxxxxxxx" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:24990 +#: book.translate.xml:25191 +msgid "Next, start the KDC services by running:" +msgstr "Em seguida, inicie o serviço KDC executando:" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/screen +#: book.translate.xml:25194 +#, no-wrap msgid "" -"Next, start the KDC services by running service " -"kdc start and service kadmind start. While " -"there will not be any kerberized daemons running at this point, it is " +"# service kdc start\n" +"# service kadmind start" +msgstr "" +"# service kdc start\n" +"# service kadmind start" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:25197 +msgid "" +"While there will not be any kerberized daemons running at this point, it is " "possible to confirm that the KDC is functioning by " "obtaining a ticket for the principal that was just created:" msgstr "" -"Em seguida, inicie os serviços do KDC executando " -"service kdc start e service kadmind start. Embora não haja daemons kerberizados em execução neste momento, é " +"Embora não tenha nenhum daemon do kerberos em execução neste ponto, é " "possível confirmar que o KDC está funcionando obtendo um " "ticket para o principal que acabou de ser criado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:24998 +#: book.translate.xml:25202 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% kinit tillman\n" @@ -42990,7 +43324,7 @@ "tillman@EXAMPLE.ORG's Password:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25001 +#: book.translate.xml:25205 msgid "" "Confirm that a ticket was successfully obtained using klist:" @@ -42998,7 +43332,7 @@ "Confirme se um ticket foi obtido com sucesso usando klist:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:25004 +#: book.translate.xml:25208 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% klist\n" @@ -43016,29 +43350,29 @@ "Aug 27 15:37:58 2013 Aug 28 01:37:58 2013 krbtgt/EXAMPLE.ORG@EXAMPLE.ORG" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25011 +#: book.translate.xml:25215 msgid "The temporary ticket can be destroyed when the test is finished:" msgstr "O ticket temporário pode ser destruído quando o teste terminar:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:25014 +#: book.translate.xml:25218 #, no-wrap msgid "% kdestroy" msgstr "% kdestroy" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:25018 +#: book.translate.xml:25222 msgid "Configuring a Server to Use Kerberos" msgstr "" "Configurando um Servidor para Usar o Kerberos" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:25021 +#: book.translate.xml:25225 msgid "Kerberos5 enabling services" msgstr "Kerberos5 enabling services" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25026 +#: book.translate.xml:25230 msgid "" "The first step in configuring a server to use Kerberos authentication is to ensure that it has the correct " @@ -43053,7 +43387,7 @@ "novo sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25033 +#: book.translate.xml:25237 msgid "" "Next, create /etc/krb5.keytab on the server. This is " "the main part of Kerberizing a service — it corresponds to " @@ -43095,7 +43429,7 @@ "KDC também é criada usando o kadmin." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25056 +#: book.translate.xml:25260 msgid "" "Of course, kadmin is a kerberized service; a " "Kerberos ticket is needed to authenticate to the " @@ -43103,8 +43437,8 @@ "command> is actually present (and their session has not been hijacked), " "kadmin will prompt for the password to get a fresh " "ticket. The principal authenticating to the kadmin service must be permitted " -"to use the kadmin interface, as specified in " -"kadmind.acl. See the section titled Remote " +"to use the kadmin interface, as specified in /" +"var/heimdal/kadmind.acl. See the section titled Remote " "administration in info heimdal for details on " "designing access control lists. Instead of enabling remote kadmin access, the administrator could securely connect to the " @@ -43120,7 +43454,7 @@ "invadida), o kadmin solicitará a senha para obter um novo " "ticket. O principal autenticando no serviço kadmin deve ter permissão para " "usar a interface kadmin, conforme especificado no arquivo " -"kadmind.acl. Veja a seção intitulada " +"/var/heimdal/kadmind.acl. Veja a seção intitulada " "Administração Remota em info heimdal para " "detalhes sobre a criação de listas de controle de acesso. Em vez de ativar o " "acesso remoto ao kadmin, o administrador pode conectar-se " @@ -43130,7 +43464,7 @@ "-l." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25073 +#: book.translate.xml:25278 msgid "" "After installing /etc/krb5.conf, use add --" "random-key in kadmin. This adds the server's " @@ -43146,7 +43480,7 @@ "servidor para seu próprio keytab:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:25081 +#: book.translate.xml:25286 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# kadmin\n" @@ -43170,7 +43504,7 @@ "kadmin> exit" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25091 +#: book.translate.xml:25296 msgid "" "Note that ext_keytab stores the extracted key in " "/etc/krb5.keytab by default. This is good when being " @@ -43185,7 +43519,7 @@ "quando o keytab estiver sendo extraído em outro lugar:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:25099 +#: book.translate.xml:25304 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# kadmin\n" @@ -43197,7 +43531,7 @@ "kadmin> exit" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25103 +#: book.translate.xml:25308 msgid "" "The keytab can then be securely copied to the server using " "scp1KDC using its shared key, stored in krb5.keytab. " @@ -43232,13 +43566,13 @@ "sshd_config, adicione a linha:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:25119 +#: book.translate.xml:25324 #, no-wrap msgid "GSSAPIAuthentication yes" msgstr "GSSAPIAuthentication yes" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25121 +#: book.translate.xml:25326 msgid "" "After making this change, sshd8 must be restarted for " @@ -43251,18 +43585,18 @@ "command>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:25127 +#: book.translate.xml:25332 msgid "Configuring a Client to Use Kerberos" msgstr "" "Configurando um cliente para usar o Kerberos" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:25130 +#: book.translate.xml:25335 msgid "Kerberos5 configure clients" msgstr "Kerberos5 configure clients" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25135 +#: book.translate.xml:25340 msgid "" "As it was for the server, the client requires configuration in /" "etc/krb5.conf. Copy the file in place (securely) or re-enter it " @@ -43273,7 +43607,7 @@ "segurança) ou insira-o novamente conforme necessário." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25139 +#: book.translate.xml:25344 msgid "" "Test the client by using kinit, klist, " "and kdestroy from the client to obtain, show, and then " @@ -43300,7 +43634,7 @@ "hostname." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25153 +#: book.translate.xml:25358 msgid "" "When testing a Kerberized application, try using a packet sniffer such as " "tcpdump to confirm that no sensitive information is sent " @@ -43311,7 +43645,7 @@ "confidencial é enviada sem proteção." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25157 +#: book.translate.xml:25362 msgid "" "Various Kerberos client applications are " "available. With the advent of a bridge so that applications using " @@ -43328,17 +43662,17 @@ "Jabber a clientes IMAP." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:25165 +#: book.translate.xml:25370 msgid ".k5login" msgstr ".k5login" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:25169 +#: book.translate.xml:25374 msgid ".k5users" msgstr ".k5users" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25173 +#: book.translate.xml:25378 msgid "" "Users within a realm typically have their Kerberos principal mapped to a local user account. Occasionally, one " @@ -43359,7 +43693,7 @@ "acesso a essa conta local." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25182 +#: book.translate.xml:25387 msgid "" "The .k5login and .k5users files, " "placed in a user's home directory, can be used to solve this problem. For " @@ -43376,7 +43710,7 @@ "essa conta sem exigir uma senha compartilhada:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:25190 +#: book.translate.xml:25395 #, no-wrap msgid "" "\n" @@ -43386,7 +43720,7 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25193 +#: book.translate.xml:25398 msgid "" "Refer to ksu1 for more information about .k5users." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:25198 +#: book.translate.xml:25403 msgid "MIT Differences" msgstr "Diferenças com a implementação do MIT" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25200 +#: book.translate.xml:25405 msgid "" "The major difference between the MIT and Heimdal " "implementations is that kadmin has a different, but " @@ -43419,7 +43753,7 @@ "remotamente, e vice versa." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25208 +#: book.translate.xml:25413 msgid "" "Client applications may also use slightly different command line options to " "accomplish the same tasks. Following the instructions at KDC on FreeBSD, the " "following edits should also be made to rc.conf:" @@ -43448,29 +43782,29 @@ "seguintes edições também devem ser feitas no rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:25222 +#: book.translate.xml:25427 #, no-wrap msgid "" -"kerberos5_server=\"/usr/local/sbin/krb5kdc\"\n" -"kadmind5_server=\"/usr/local/sbin/kadmind\"\n" -"kerberos5_server_flags=\"\"\n" -"kerberos5_server_enable=\"YES\"\n" -"kadmind5_server_enable=\"YES\"" +"kdc_program=\"/usr/local/sbin/kdc\"\n" +"kadmind_program=\"/usr/local/sbin/kadmind\"\n" +"kdc_flags=\"\"\n" +"kdc_enable=\"YES\"\n" +"kadmind_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "" -"kerberos5_server=\"/usr/local/sbin/krb5kdc\"\n" -"kadmind5_server=\"/usr/local/sbin/kadmind\"\n" -"kerberos5_server_flags=\"\"\n" -"kerberos5_server_enable=\"YES\"\n" -"kadmind5_server_enable=\"YES\"" +"kdc_program=\"/usr/local/sbin/kdc\"\n" +"kadmind_program=\"/usr/local/sbin/kadmind\"\n" +"kdc_flags=\"\"\n" +"kdc_enable=\"YES\"\n" +"kadmind_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:25230 +#: book.translate.xml:25435 msgid "Kerberos Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting" msgstr "" "Dicas, Truques e Solução de Problemas do Kerberos" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25233 +#: book.translate.xml:25438 msgid "" "When configuring and troubleshooting Kerberos, " "keep the following points in mind:" @@ -43479,7 +43813,7 @@ "tenha em mente os seguintes pontos:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:25239 +#: book.translate.xml:25444 msgid "" "When using either Heimdal or MIT Kerberos from ports, ensure that the PATH lists the " @@ -43490,7 +43824,7 @@ "versões do port dos aplicativos clientes antes das versões do sistema." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:25246 +#: book.translate.xml:25451 msgid "" "If all the computers in the realm do not have synchronized time settings, " "authentication may fail. describes how to " @@ -43501,7 +43835,7 @@ "descreve como sincronizar os relógios usando o NTP." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:25253 +#: book.translate.xml:25458 msgid "" "If the hostname is changed, the host/ principal must be changed and the keytab updated. This also " @@ -43516,7 +43850,7 @@ "package> do Apache." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:25260 +#: book.translate.xml:25465 msgid "" "All hosts in the realm must be both forward and reverse resolvable in " "DNS or, at a minimum, exist in /etc/hosts." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:25271 +#: book.translate.xml:25476 msgid "" "Some operating systems that act as clients to the KDC do " "not set the permissions for ksu to be setuid KDC." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:25280 +#: book.translate.xml:25485 msgid "" "With MIT Kerberos, to allow a " "principal to have a ticket life longer than the default lifetime of ten " @@ -43569,7 +43903,7 @@ "ticket com uma vida útil mais longa." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:25294 +#: book.translate.xml:25499 msgid "" "When running a packet sniffer on the KDC to aid in " "troubleshooting while running kinit from a workstation, " @@ -43610,7 +43944,7 @@ "autenticidade de cada TGT." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:25321 +#: book.translate.xml:25526 msgid "" "Host principals can have a longer ticket lifetime. If the user principal has " "a lifetime of a week but the host being connected to has a lifetime of nine " @@ -43623,7 +43957,7 @@ "principal expirado e o cache do ticket não funcionará como esperado." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:25329 +#: book.translate.xml:25534 msgid "" "When setting up krb5.dict to prevent specific bad " "passwords from being used as described in " @@ -43642,12 +43976,12 @@ "/usr/share/dict/words pode ser útil." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:25343 +#: book.translate.xml:25548 msgid "Mitigating Kerberos Limitations" msgstr "Atenuando as Limitações do Kerberos" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:25346 +#: book.translate.xml:25551 msgid "" "Kerberos5 limitations and shortcomings" @@ -43656,7 +43990,7 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25351 +#: book.translate.xml:25556 msgid "" "Since Kerberos is an all or nothing approach, " "every service enabled on the network must either be modified to work with " @@ -43675,7 +44009,7 @@ "POP3 não-Kerberizado envia senhas em texto simples." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25361 +#: book.translate.xml:25566 msgid "" "The KDC is a single point of failure. By design, the " "KDC must be as secure as its master password database. " @@ -43693,7 +44027,7 @@ "KDC." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25370 +#: book.translate.xml:25575 msgid "" "A compromised master key is not quite as bad as one might fear. The master " "key is only used to encrypt the Kerberos database " @@ -43708,7 +44042,7 @@ "invasor não poderá fazer muito com a chave mestra." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25377 +#: book.translate.xml:25582 msgid "" "If the KDC is unavailable, network services are unusable " "as authentication cannot be performed. This can be alleviated with a single " @@ -43723,7 +44057,7 @@ "fallback usando PAM." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25384 +#: book.translate.xml:25589 msgid "" "Kerberos allows users, hosts and services to " "authenticate between themselves. It does not have a mechanism to " @@ -43741,17 +44075,17 @@ "mitigar isso." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:25395 +#: book.translate.xml:25600 msgid "Resources and Further Information" msgstr "Recursos e Outras Informações" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:25397 +#: book.translate.xml:25602 msgid "Kerberos5 external resources" msgstr "Kerberos5 external resources" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:25404 +#: book.translate.xml:25609 msgid "" " The Kerberos FAQ" @@ -43760,7 +44094,7 @@ "html\">A FAQ do Kerberos" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:25410 +#: book.translate.xml:25615 msgid "" "Designing " "an Authentication System: a Dialog in Four Scenes" @@ -43769,7 +44103,7 @@ "um Sistema de Autenticação: um Diálogo em Quatro Cenas" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:25416 +#: book.translate.xml:25621 msgid "" "RFC 4120, The " "Kerberos Network Authentication Service (V5)" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:25422 +#: book.translate.xml:25627 msgid "" "MIT " "Kerberos home page" @@ -43789,26 +44123,26 @@ " Kerberos MIT" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:25428 +#: book.translate.xml:25633 msgid "" -"Heimdal Kerberos home page" +"Heimdal " +"Kerberos project wiki page" msgstr "" -"Página Web do " -"Kerberos Heimdal" +"Página web do " +"Heimdal Kerberos" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:25438 +#: book.translate.xml:25643 msgid "OpenSSL" msgstr "OpenSSL" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:25446 +#: book.translate.xml:25651 msgid "security OpenSSL" msgstr "security OpenSSL" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:25451 +#: book.translate.xml:25656 msgid "" "OpenSSL is an open source implementation of the " "SSL and TLS protocols. It provides an " @@ -43822,7 +44156,7 @@ "serviços de rede." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:25458 +#: book.translate.xml:25663 msgid "" "The version of OpenSSL included in FreeBSD " "supports the Secure Sockets Layer 3.0 (SSLv3) and Transport Layer Security " @@ -43837,7 +44171,7 @@ "posterior, OpenSSL também suporta Transport Layer Security 1.3 (TLSv1.3)." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:25466 +#: book.translate.xml:25671 msgid "" "OpenSSL is often used to encrypt authentication " "of mail clients and to secure web based transactions such as credit card " @@ -43861,13 +44195,13 @@ "/etc/make.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:25479 +#: book.translate.xml:25684 #, no-wrap msgid "DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= ssl=openssl" msgstr "DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= ssl=openssl" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:25481 +#: book.translate.xml:25686 msgid "" "Another common use of OpenSSL is to provide " "certificates for use with software applications. Certificates can be used to " @@ -43893,7 +44227,7 @@ "mais à vontade." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:25494 +#: book.translate.xml:25699 msgid "" "This section demonstrates how to create and use certificates on a FreeBSD " "system. Refer to for an example of how to " @@ -43904,7 +44238,7 @@ "CA para assinar seus próprios certificados." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:25499 +#: book.translate.xml:25704 msgid "" "For more information about SSL, read the free OpenSSL " @@ -43915,19 +44249,19 @@ "Cookbook gratuito." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:25504 +#: book.translate.xml:25709 msgid "Generating Certificates" msgstr "Gerando Certificados" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:25506 +#: book.translate.xml:25711 msgid "" "OpenSSL certificate generation" msgstr "" "OpenSSL certificate generation" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25511 +#: book.translate.xml:25716 msgid "" "To generate a certificate that will be signed by an external CA, issue the following command and input the information requested at " @@ -43947,7 +44281,7 @@ "tornando a verificação provida pelo certificado inútil." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:25521 +#: book.translate.xml:25726 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# openssl req -new -nodes -out req.pem -keyout cert.key -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048\n" @@ -44003,7 +44337,7 @@ "An optional company name []:Another Name" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25547 +#: book.translate.xml:25752 msgid "" "Other options, such as the expire time and alternate encryption algorithms, " "are available when creating a certificate. A complete list of options is " @@ -44016,7 +44350,7 @@ "refentrytitle>1." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25552 +#: book.translate.xml:25757 msgid "" "This command will create two files in the current directory. The certificate " "request, req.pem, can be sent to a CACA is not required, a " "self-signed certificate can be created. First, generate the RSARSA:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:25567 +#: book.translate.xml:25772 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# openssl genrsa -rand -genkey -out cert.key 2048\n" @@ -44064,7 +44398,7 @@ "e is 65537 (0x10001)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25574 +#: book.translate.xml:25779 msgid "" "Use this key to create a self-signed certificate. Follow the usual prompts " "for creating a certificate:" @@ -44073,7 +44407,7 @@ "usuais para criar um certificado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:25577 +#: book.translate.xml:25782 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key cert.key -out cert.crt -sha256\n" @@ -44109,7 +44443,7 @@ "Email Address []" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25593 +#: book.translate.xml:25798 msgid "" "This will create two new files in the current directory: a private key file " "cert.key, and the certificate itself, cert." @@ -44127,12 +44461,12 @@ "definidas usando o chmod." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:25604 +#: book.translate.xml:25809 msgid "Using Certificates" msgstr "Usando Certificados" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25606 +#: book.translate.xml:25811 msgid "" "One use for a certificate is to encrypt connections to the " "Sendmail mail server in order to prevent the use " @@ -44143,7 +44477,7 @@ "autenticação em texto não criptografado." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:25611 +#: book.translate.xml:25816 msgid "" "Some mail clients will display an error if the user has not installed a " "local copy of the certificate. Refer to the documentation included with the " @@ -44154,7 +44488,7 @@ "software para obter maiores informações sobre a instalação do certificado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25617 +#: book.translate.xml:25822 msgid "" "In FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE and above, it is possible to create a self-signed " "certificate for Sendmail automatically. To enable " @@ -44166,7 +44500,7 @@ "conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:25623 +#: book.translate.xml:25828 #, no-wrap msgid "" "sendmail_enable=\"YES\"\n" @@ -44178,7 +44512,7 @@ "sendmail_cert_cn=\"\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25627 +#: book.translate.xml:25832 msgid "" "This will automatically create a self-signed certificate, /etc/" "mail/certs/host.cert, a signing key, /etc/mail/certs/" @@ -44196,13 +44530,13 @@ "application>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:25636 +#: book.translate.xml:25841 #, no-wrap msgid "# service sendmail restart" msgstr "# service sendmail restart" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25638 +#: book.translate.xml:25843 msgid "" "If all went well, there will be no error messages in /var/log/" "maillog. For a simple test, connect to the mail server's " @@ -44213,7 +44547,7 @@ "do servidor de correio usando o telnet:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:25643 +#: book.translate.xml:25848 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# telnet 25\n" @@ -44259,7 +44593,7 @@ "Connection closed by foreign host." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25664 +#: book.translate.xml:25869 msgid "" "If the STARTTLS line appears in the output, everything is " "working correctly." @@ -44268,12 +44602,12 @@ "funcionando corretamente." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:25671 +#: book.translate.xml:25876 msgid "VPN over IPsec" msgstr "VPN Sobre IPsec" #. (itstool) path: affiliation/address -#: book.translate.xml:25681 +#: book.translate.xml:25886 #, no-wrap msgid "" "\n" @@ -44285,7 +44619,7 @@ "\t " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:25675 +#: book.translate.xml:25880 msgid "" " Nik Clayton <_:address-1/> Written by " @@ -44296,7 +44630,7 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: affiliation/address -#: book.translate.xml:25696 +#: book.translate.xml:25901 #, no-wrap msgid "" "\n" @@ -44308,7 +44642,7 @@ "\t " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:25690 +#: book.translate.xml:25895 msgid "" " Hiten M. Pandya <_:address-1/> Written by " @@ -44319,12 +44653,12 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:25705 +#: book.translate.xml:25910 msgid "IPsec" msgstr "IPsec" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:25709 +#: book.translate.xml:25914 msgid "" "Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) is a set of protocols " "which sit on top of the Internet Protocol (IP) layer. It " @@ -44345,22 +44679,22 @@ "sessões IPv4 e IPv6." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:25719 +#: book.translate.xml:25924 msgid "IPsec ESP" msgstr "IPsec ESP" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:25724 +#: book.translate.xml:25929 msgid "IPsec AH" msgstr "IPsec AH" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:25729 +#: book.translate.xml:25934 msgid "IPsec is comprised of the following sub-protocols:" msgstr "O IPsec é composto pelos seguintes sub-protocolos:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:25734 +#: book.translate.xml:25939 msgid "" "Encapsulated Security Payload (ESP): " "this protocol protects the IP packet data from third " @@ -44373,7 +44707,7 @@ "de criptografia simétricos, como Blowfish e 3DES." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:25743 +#: book.translate.xml:25948 msgid "" "Authentication Header (AH): this " "protocol protects the IP packet header from third party " @@ -44390,7 +44724,7 @@ "contém o hash, para permitir que as informações no pacote sejam autenticadas." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:25755 +#: book.translate.xml:25960 msgid "" "IP Payload Compression Protocol (IPComp): this protocol tries to increase communication performance by " @@ -44403,7 +44737,7 @@ "dados enviados ." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:25763 +#: book.translate.xml:25968 msgid "" "These protocols can either be used together or separately, depending on the " "environment." @@ -44412,17 +44746,17 @@ "ambiente." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:25766 +#: book.translate.xml:25971 msgid "VPN" msgstr "VPN" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:25770 +#: book.translate.xml:25975 msgid "virtual private network VPN" msgstr "virtual private network VPN" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:25775 +#: book.translate.xml:25980 msgid "" "IPsec supports two modes of operation. The first mode, " "Transport Mode, protects communications between two " @@ -44442,9 +44776,9 @@ "IPsec no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:25784 +#: book.translate.xml:25989 msgid "" -"IPsec support is enabled by default on FreeBSD 11 and " +"IPsec support is enabled by default on FreeBSD 11 and " "later. For previous versions of FreeBSD, add these options to a custom " "kernel configuration file and rebuild the kernel using the instructions in " ":" @@ -44455,12 +44789,12 @@ "as instruções em :" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:25789 +#: book.translate.xml:25994 msgid "kernel options IPSEC" msgstr "kernel options IPSEC" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:25794 +#: book.translate.xml:25999 #, no-wrap msgid "" "options IPSEC #IP security\n" @@ -44470,12 +44804,12 @@ "device crypto" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:25797 +#: book.translate.xml:26002 msgid "kernel options IPSEC_DEBUG" msgstr "kernel options IPSEC_DEBUG" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:25802 +#: book.translate.xml:26007 msgid "" "If IPsec debugging support is desired, the following " "kernel option should also be added:" @@ -44484,13 +44818,13 @@ "seguinte opção de kernel também deve ser adicionada:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:25805 +#: book.translate.xml:26010 #, no-wrap msgid "options IPSEC_DEBUG #debug for IP security" msgstr "options IPSEC_DEBUG #debug for IP security" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:25807 +#: book.translate.xml:26012 msgid "" "This rest of this chapter demonstrates the process of setting up an " "IPsec VPN between a home network and a " @@ -44501,7 +44835,7 @@ "uma rede corporativa. No cenário de exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:25814 +#: book.translate.xml:26019 msgid "" "Both sites are connected to the Internet through a gateway that is running " "FreeBSD." @@ -44510,7 +44844,7 @@ "executando o FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:25819 +#: book.translate.xml:26024 msgid "" "The gateway on each network has at least one external IP " "address. In this example, the corporate LAN's external " @@ -44527,7 +44861,7 @@ "\">" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:25828 +#: book.translate.xml:26033 msgid "" "The internal addresses of the two networks can be either public or private " "IP addresses. However, the address space must not " @@ -44548,12 +44882,12 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:25841 +#: book.translate.xml:26046 msgid "Configuring a VPN on FreeBSD" msgstr "Configurando uma VPN no FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: affiliation/address -#: book.translate.xml:25850 +#: book.translate.xml:26055 #, no-wrap msgid "" "\n" @@ -44565,7 +44899,7 @@ "\t " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:25844 +#: book.translate.xml:26049 msgid "" " Tom Rhodes <_:address-1/> Written by " @@ -44576,7 +44910,7 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25859 +#: book.translate.xml:26064 msgid "" "To begin, security/ipsec-tools must be installed from the " "Ports Collection. This software provides a number of applications which " @@ -44587,7 +44921,7 @@ "suportam a configuração." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25863 +#: book.translate.xml:26068 msgid "" "The next requirement is to create two gif4 pseudo-devices which " @@ -44607,7 +44941,7 @@ "gateways:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:25871 +#: book.translate.xml:26076 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig gif0 create\n" @@ -44619,7 +44953,7 @@ "# ifconfig gif0 tunnel external1 external2" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25875 +#: book.translate.xml:26080 msgid "" "Verify the setup on each gateway, using ifconfig. Here is " "the output from Gateway 1:" @@ -44628,7 +44962,7 @@ "command>. Aqui está a saída do Gateway 1:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:25879 +#: book.translate.xml:26084 #, no-wrap msgid "" "gif0: flags=8051 mtu 1280\n" @@ -44642,12 +44976,12 @@ "inet --> netmask 0xffffff00" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25884 +#: book.translate.xml:26089 msgid "Here is the output from Gateway 2:" msgstr "Aqui está a saída do Gateway 2:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:25886 +#: book.translate.xml:26091 #, no-wrap msgid "" "gif0: flags=8051 mtu 1280\n" @@ -44661,7 +44995,7 @@ "inet6 fe80::250:bfff:fe3a:c1f%gif0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x4" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25891 +#: book.translate.xml:26096 msgid "" "Once complete, both internal IP addresses should be " "reachable using pingping8:" -#. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:25894 +#. (itstool) path: sect2/screen +#: book.translate.xml:26099 #, no-wrap msgid "" -"priv-net# ping\n" +"priv-net# ping\n" "PING ( 56 data bytes\n" "64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=42.786 ms\n" "64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=19.255 ms\n" @@ -44683,9 +45017,23 @@ "64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=21.036 ms\n" "--- ping statistics ---\n" "4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss\n" -"round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 19.255/25.879/42.786/9.782 ms\n" -"\n" -"corp-net# ping\n" +"round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 19.255/25.879/42.786/9.782 ms" +msgstr "" +"priv-net# ping\n" +"PING ( 56 data bytes\n" +"64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=42.786 ms\n" +"64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=19.255 ms\n" +"64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=20.440 ms\n" +"64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=21.036 ms\n" +"--- ping statistics ---\n" +"4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss\n" +"round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 19.255/25.879/42.786/9.782 ms" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/screen +#: book.translate.xml:26109 +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +"corp-net# ping\n" "PING ( 56 data bytes\n" "64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=28.106 ms\n" "64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=42.917 ms\n" @@ -44696,17 +45044,7 @@ "5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss\n" "round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 28.106/94.594/154.524/49.814 ms" msgstr "" -"priv-net# ping\n" -"PING ( 56 data bytes\n" -"64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=42.786 ms\n" -"64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=19.255 ms\n" -"64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=20.440 ms\n" -"64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=21.036 ms\n" -"--- ping statistics ---\n" -"4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss\n" -"round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 19.255/25.879/42.786/9.782 ms\n" -"\n" -"corp-net# ping\n" +"corp-net# ping\n" "PING ( 56 data bytes\n" "64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=28.106 ms\n" "64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=42.917 ms\n" @@ -44718,7 +45056,7 @@ "round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 28.106/94.594/154.524/49.814 ms" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25915 +#: book.translate.xml:26120 msgid "" "As expected, both sides have the ability to send and receive ICMP packets from the privately configured addresses. Next, both " @@ -44732,21 +45070,27 @@ "atingirão esse objetivo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:25922 +#: book.translate.xml:26127 #, no-wrap msgid "" "corp-net# route add\n" -"corp-net# route add net gateway\n" +"corp-net# route add net gateway" +msgstr "" +"corp-net# route add\n" +"corp-net# route add net gateway" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/screen +#: book.translate.xml:26130 +#, no-wrap +msgid "" "priv-net# route add\n" "priv-net# route add host gateway" msgstr "" -"corp-net# route add\n" -"corp-net# route add net gateway\n" "priv-net# route add\n" "priv-net# route add host gateway" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25927 +#: book.translate.xml:26133 msgid "" "At this point, internal machines should be reachable from each gateway as " "well as from machines behind the gateways. Again, use " @@ -44758,11 +45102,11 @@ "ping8 para confirmar:" -#. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:25931 +#. (itstool) path: sect2/screen +#: book.translate.xml:26137 #, no-wrap msgid "" -"corp-net# ping\n" +"corp-net# ping\n" "PING ( 56 data bytes\n" "64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=63 time=92.391 ms\n" "64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=21.870 ms\n" @@ -44771,9 +45115,24 @@ "64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=63 time=174.705 ms\n" "--- ping statistics ---\n" "5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss\n" -"round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 21.870/101.846/198.022/74.001 ms\n" -"\n" -"priv-net# ping\n" +"round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 21.870/101.846/198.022/74.001 ms" +msgstr "" +"corp-net# ping\n" +"PING ( 56 data bytes\n" +"64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=63 time=92.391 ms\n" +"64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=21.870 ms\n" +"64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=198.022 ms\n" +"64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=22.241 ms\n" +"64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=63 time=174.705 ms\n" +"--- ping statistics ---\n" +"5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss\n" +"round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 21.870/101.846/198.022/74.001 ms" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/screen +#: book.translate.xml:26148 +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +"priv-net# ping\n" "PING ( 56 data bytes\n" "64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=53.491 ms\n" "64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=23.395 ms\n" @@ -44784,18 +45143,7 @@ "5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss\n" "round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 21.145/31.721/53.491/12.179 ms" msgstr "" -"corp-net# ping\n" -"PING ( 56 data bytes\n" -"64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=63 time=92.391 ms\n" -"64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=21.870 ms\n" -"64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=198.022 ms\n" -"64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=22.241 ms\n" -"64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=63 time=174.705 ms\n" -"--- ping statistics ---\n" -"5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss\n" -"round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 21.870/101.846/198.022/74.001 ms\n" -"\n" -"priv-net# ping\n" +"priv-net# ping\n" "PING ( 56 data bytes\n" "64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=53.491 ms\n" "64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=23.395 ms\n" @@ -44807,7 +45155,7 @@ "round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 21.145/31.721/53.491/12.179 ms" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:25953 +#: book.translate.xml:26159 msgid "" "Setting up the tunnels is the easy part. Configuring a secure link is a more " "in depth process. The following configuration uses pre-shared (PSK em ambos os gateways será idêntico e será semelhante a:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:25961 +#: book.translate.xml:26167 #, no-wrap msgid "" "path pre_shared_key \"/usr/local/etc/racoon/psk.txt\"; #location of pre-shared key file\n" @@ -44942,7 +45290,7 @@ "}" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26019 +#: book.translate.xml:26225 msgid "" "For descriptions of each available option, refer to the manual page for " "racoon.conf." @@ -44951,7 +45299,7 @@ "racoon.conf." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26022 +#: book.translate.xml:26228 msgid "" "The Security Policy Database (SPD) needs to be configured " "so that FreeBSD and racoon are able to encrypt " @@ -44962,7 +45310,7 @@ "consigam criptografar e descriptografar o tráfego de rede entre os hosts." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26027 +#: book.translate.xml:26233 msgid "" "This can be achieved with a shell script, similar to the following, on the " "corporate gateway. This file will be used during system initialization and " @@ -44973,7 +45321,7 @@ "deve ser salvo como /usr/local/etc/racoon/setkey.conf." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:26032 +#: book.translate.xml:26238 #, no-wrap msgid "" "flush;\n" @@ -44989,7 +45337,7 @@ "spdadd any -P in ipsec esp/tunnel/;" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26038 +#: book.translate.xml:26244 msgid "" "Once in place, racoon may be started on both " "gateways using the following command:" @@ -44999,21 +45347,21 @@ "comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:26041 +#: book.translate.xml:26247 #, no-wrap msgid "# /usr/local/sbin/racoon -F -f /usr/local/etc/racoon/racoon.conf -l /var/log/racoon.log" msgstr "# /usr/local/sbin/racoon -F -f /usr/local/etc/racoon/racoon.conf -l /var/log/racoon.log" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26043 +#: book.translate.xml:26249 msgid "The output should be similar to the following:" msgstr "A saída deve ser semelhante à seguinte:" -#. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:26045 +#. (itstool) path: sect2/screen +#: book.translate.xml:26251 #, no-wrap msgid "" -"corp-net# /usr/local/sbin/racoon -F -f /usr/local/etc/racoon/racoon.conf\n" +"corp-net# /usr/local/sbin/racoon -F -f /usr/local/etc/racoon/racoon.conf\n" "Foreground mode.\n" "2006-01-30 01:35:47: INFO: begin Identity Protection mode.\n" "2006-01-30 01:35:48: INFO: received Vendor ID: KAME/racoon\n" @@ -45026,7 +45374,7 @@ "2006-01-30 01:36:18: INFO: IPsec-SA established: ESP/Tunnel[0]->[0] spi=124397467(0x76a279b)\n" "2006-01-30 01:36:18: INFO: IPsec-SA established: ESP/Tunnel[0]->[0] spi=175852902(0xa7b4d66)" msgstr "" -"corp-net# /usr/local/sbin/racoon -F -f /usr/local/etc/racoon/racoon.conf\n" +"corp-net# /usr/local/sbin/racoon -F -f /usr/local/etc/racoon/racoon.conf\n" "Foreground mode.\n" "2006-01-30 01:35:47: INFO: begin Identity Protection mode.\n" "2006-01-30 01:35:48: INFO: received Vendor ID: KAME/racoon\n" @@ -45040,7 +45388,7 @@ "2006-01-30 01:36:18: INFO: IPsec-SA established: ESP/Tunnel[0]->[0] spi=175852902(0xa7b4d66)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26058 +#: book.translate.xml:26264 msgid "" "To ensure the tunnel is working properly, switch to another console and use " "tcpdump1# tcpdump -i em0 host and dst" msgstr "# tcpdump -i em0 host and dst" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26066 +#: book.translate.xml:26272 msgid "" "Data similar to the following should appear on the console. If not, there is " "an issue and debugging the returned data will be required." @@ -45070,7 +45418,7 @@ "há um problema e a depuração dos dados retornados será necessária." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:26070 +#: book.translate.xml:26276 #, no-wrap msgid "" "01:47:32.021683 IP > ESP(spi=0x02acbf9f,seq=0xa)\n" @@ -45082,7 +45430,7 @@ "01:47:34.024218 IP > ESP(spi=0x02acbf9f,seq=0xc)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26074 +#: book.translate.xml:26280 msgid "" "At this point, both networks should be available and seem to be part of the " "same network. Most likely both networks are protected by a firewall. To " @@ -45100,7 +45448,7 @@ "firewall:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:26081 +#: book.translate.xml:26287 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ipfw add 00201 allow log esp from any to any\n" @@ -45114,7 +45462,7 @@ "ipfw add 00204 allow log udp from any 500 to any" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:26087 +#: book.translate.xml:26293 msgid "" "The rule numbers may need to be altered depending on the current host " "configuration." @@ -45123,7 +45471,7 @@ "configuração atual do host." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26091 +#: book.translate.xml:26297 msgid "" "For users of pf4 or ipf , as seguintes regras devem fazer o truque:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:26094 +#: book.translate.xml:26300 #, no-wrap msgid "" "pass in quick proto esp from any to any\n" @@ -45162,7 +45510,7 @@ "pass out quick on gif0 from any to any" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26105 +#: book.translate.xml:26311 msgid "" "Finally, to allow the machine to start support for the VPN during system initialization, add the following lines to /" @@ -45173,7 +45521,7 @@ "seguintes linhas ao arquivo /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:26109 +#: book.translate.xml:26315 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ipsec_enable=\"YES\"\n" @@ -45187,12 +45535,12 @@ "racoon_enable=\"yes\"" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:26118 +#: book.translate.xml:26324 msgid "OpenSSH" msgstr "OpenSSH" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:26121 +#: book.translate.xml:26327 msgid "" "ChernLeeContributed by " @@ -45201,17 +45549,17 @@ "personname>Contribuído por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:26127 +#: book.translate.xml:26333 msgid "OpenSSH" msgstr "OpenSSH" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:26128 +#: book.translate.xml:26334 msgid "security OpenSSH" msgstr "security OpenSSH" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:26133 +#: book.translate.xml:26339 msgid "" "OpenSSH is a set of network connectivity tools " "used to provide secure access to remote machines. Additionally, TCP/" @@ -45229,7 +45577,7 @@ "nível da rede." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:26142 +#: book.translate.xml:26348 msgid "" "OpenSSH is maintained by the OpenBSD project and " "is installed by default in FreeBSD. It is compatible with both SSHSSH." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:26147 +#: book.translate.xml:26353 msgid "" "When data is sent over the network in an unencrypted form, network sniffers " "anywhere in between the client and server can steal user/password " @@ -45260,7 +45608,7 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:26155 +#: book.translate.xml:26361 msgid "" "This section provides an overview of the built-in client utilities to " "securely access other systems and securely transfer files from a FreeBSD " @@ -45275,17 +45623,17 @@ "disponíveis nas páginas man mencionadas neste capítulo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:26163 +#: book.translate.xml:26369 msgid "Using the SSH Client Utilities" msgstr "Usando os Utilitários de Cliente SSH" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:26165 +#: book.translate.xml:26371 msgid "OpenSSH client" msgstr "OpenSSH client" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26170 +#: book.translate.xml:26376 msgid "" "To log into a SSH server, use ssh and " "specify a username that exists on that server and the IP " @@ -45300,7 +45648,7 @@ "solicitado a primeiro verificar a impressão digital do servidor:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:26177 +#: book.translate.xml:26383 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ssh\n" @@ -45318,7 +45666,7 @@ "Password for user_password" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26184 +#: book.translate.xml:26390 msgid "" "SSH utilizes a key fingerprint system to verify the " "authenticity of the server when the client connects. When the user accepts " @@ -45341,7 +45689,7 @@ "verificar por que a chave foi alterada antes de continuar com a conexão." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26196 +#: book.translate.xml:26402 msgid "" "By default, recent versions of OpenSSH only " "accept SSHv2 connections. By default, the client will use " @@ -45360,12 +45708,12 @@ "refentrytitle>1." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:26205 +#: book.translate.xml:26411 msgid "OpenSSH secure copy" msgstr "OpenSSH secure copy" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:26209 +#: book.translate.xml:26415 msgid "" "scp1" @@ -45374,7 +45722,7 @@ "manvolnum>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26213 +#: book.translate.xml:26419 msgid "" "Use scp1 to securely copy a file to or from a remote " @@ -45389,7 +45737,7 @@ "atual do sistema local:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:26219 +#: book.translate.xml:26425 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# scp COPYRIGHT\n" @@ -45405,7 +45753,7 @@ "#" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26225 +#: book.translate.xml:26431 msgid "" "Since the fingerprint was already verified for this host, the server's key " "is automatically checked before prompting for the user's password." @@ -45414,7 +45762,7 @@ "servidor é verificada automaticamente antes de solicitar a senha do usuário." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26229 +#: book.translate.xml:26435 msgid "" "The arguments passed to scp are similar to cp. The file or files to copy is the first argument and the " @@ -45434,7 +45782,7 @@ "option>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26239 +#: book.translate.xml:26445 msgid "" "To open an interactive session for copying files, use sftp. Refer to sftp." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:26245 +#: book.translate.xml:26451 msgid "Key-based Authentication" msgstr "Autenticação Baseada em Chave" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:26247 +#: book.translate.xml:26453 msgid "" "Instead of using passwords, a client can be configured to connect to the " "remote machine using keys. To generate RSA authentication " @@ -45469,7 +45817,7 @@ "difícil de se adivinhar." #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:26256 +#: book.translate.xml:26462 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% ssh-keygen -t rsa\n" @@ -45517,17 +45865,17 @@ "+----[SHA256]-----+" #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:26280 +#: book.translate.xml:26486 msgid "Type a passphrase here. It can contain spaces and symbols." msgstr "Digite uma senha aqui. Pode conter espaços e símbolos." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:26285 +#: book.translate.xml:26491 msgid "Retype the passphrase to verify it." msgstr "Digite novamente a senha para verificá-la." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:26290 +#: book.translate.xml:26496 msgid "" "The private key is stored in ~/.ssh/id_rsa and the " "public key is stored in ~/.ssh/ The " @@ -45542,7 +45890,7 @@ "autenticação baseada em chave funcione." #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:26301 +#: book.translate.xml:26507 msgid "" "Many users believe that keys are secure by design and will use a key without " "a passphrase. This is dangerous behavior. An " @@ -45566,7 +45914,7 @@ "específico efetue login a partir desse endereço IP." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:26317 +#: book.translate.xml:26523 msgid "" "The options and files vary with different versions of OpenSSH. To avoid problems, consult ssh-" @@ -45578,7 +45926,7 @@ "manvolnum>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:26321 +#: book.translate.xml:26527 msgid "" "If a passphrase is used, the user is prompted for the passphrase each time a " "connection is made to the server. To load SSH keys into " @@ -45596,7 +45944,7 @@ "manvolnum>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:26327 +#: book.translate.xml:26533 msgid "" "Authentication is handled by ssh-agent, using the private " "keys that are loaded into it. ssh-agent can be used to " @@ -45608,7 +45956,7 @@ "janelas." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:26333 +#: book.translate.xml:26539 msgid "" "To use ssh-agent in a shell, start it with a shell as an " "argument. Add the identity by running ssh-add and " @@ -45623,7 +45971,7 @@ "tenha a chave pública correspondente instalada. Por exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:26341 +#: book.translate.xml:26547 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% ssh-agent csh\n" @@ -45639,12 +45987,12 @@ "%" #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:26349 +#: book.translate.xml:26555 msgid "Enter the passphrase for the key." msgstr "Digite a senha para a chave." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:26353 +#: book.translate.xml:26559 msgid "" "To use ssh-agent in Xorg, add " "an entry for it in ~/.xinitrc. This provides the " @@ -45659,13 +46007,13 @@ "~/.xinitrc pode ter esta aparência:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:26360 +#: book.translate.xml:26566 #, no-wrap msgid "exec ssh-agent startxfce4" msgstr "exec ssh-agent startxfce4" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:26362 +#: book.translate.xml:26568 msgid "" "This launches ssh-agent, which in turn launches " "XFCE, every time Xorg " @@ -45680,17 +46028,17 @@ "add para carregar todas as chaves SSH." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:26371 +#: book.translate.xml:26577 msgid "SSH Tunneling" msgstr "Tunelamento SSH " #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:26373 +#: book.translate.xml:26579 msgid "OpenSSH tunneling" msgstr "OpenSSH tunneling" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:26378 +#: book.translate.xml:26584 msgid "" "OpenSSH has the ability to create a tunnel to " "encapsulate another protocol in an encrypted session." @@ -45699,7 +46047,7 @@ "encapsular outro protocolo em uma sessão criptografada." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:26382 +#: book.translate.xml:26588 msgid "" "The following command tells ssh to create a tunnel for " "telnet:" @@ -45708,7 +46056,7 @@ "para o telnet:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:26386 +#: book.translate.xml:26592 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% ssh -2 -N -f -L 5023:localhost:23\n" @@ -45718,17 +46066,17 @@ "%" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:26389 +#: book.translate.xml:26595 msgid "This example uses the following options:" msgstr "Este exemplo usa as seguintes opções:" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:26393 +#: book.translate.xml:26599 msgid "" msgstr "" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:26396 +#: book.translate.xml:26602 msgid "" "Forces ssh to use version 2 to connect to the server." msgstr "" @@ -45736,12 +46084,12 @@ "servidor." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:26402 +#: book.translate.xml:26608 msgid "" msgstr "" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:26405 +#: book.translate.xml:26611 msgid "" "Indicates no command, or tunnel only. If omitted, ssh " "initiates a normal session." @@ -45750,18 +46098,18 @@ "inicia uma sessão normal." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:26415 +#: book.translate.xml:26621 msgid "Forces ssh to run in the background." msgstr "" "Força o comando ssh a ser executado em segundo plano." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:26421 +#: book.translate.xml:26627 msgid "" msgstr "" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:26424 +#: book.translate.xml:26630 msgid "" "Indicates a local tunnel in localport:remotehost:remoteport format." @@ -45770,12 +46118,12 @@ "remoteport." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:26431 +#: book.translate.xml:26637 msgid "" msgstr "" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:26434 +#: book.translate.xml:26640 msgid "" "The login name to use on the specified remote SSH server." msgstr "" @@ -45783,7 +46131,7 @@ "especificado." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:26440 +#: book.translate.xml:26646 msgid "" "An SSH tunnel works by creating a listen socket on " "localhost on the specified localport criptografada através de um túnel SSH." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:26452 +#: book.translate.xml:26658 msgid "" "This method can be used to wrap any number of insecure TCP protocols such as SMTP, POP3, " @@ -45819,12 +46167,12 @@ "seguir." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:26459 +#: book.translate.xml:26665 msgid "Create a Secure Tunnel for SMTP" msgstr "Criar um Túnel Seguro para SMTP" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:26462 +#: book.translate.xml:26668 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% ssh -2 -N -f -L 5025:localhost:25\n" @@ -45844,7 +46192,7 @@ "220 ESMTP" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:26470 +#: book.translate.xml:26676 msgid "" "This can be used in conjunction with ssh-keygen and " "additional user accounts to create a more seamless SSH " @@ -45857,12 +46205,12 @@ "senha e os túneis podem ser executados como um usuário separado." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:26479 +#: book.translate.xml:26685 msgid "Secure Access of a POP3 Server" msgstr "Acesso Seguro de um Servidor POP3" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:26482 +#: book.translate.xml:26688 msgid "" "In this example, there is an SSH server that accepts " "connections from the outside. On the same network resides a mail server " @@ -45877,7 +46225,7 @@ "encaminhe para o servidor de e-mail:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:26490 +#: book.translate.xml:26696 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% ssh -2 -N -f -L\n" @@ -45887,7 +46235,7 @@ "'s password: ******" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:26493 +#: book.translate.xml:26699 msgid "" "Once the tunnel is up and running, point the email client to send " "POP3 requests to localhost on " @@ -45900,12 +46248,12 @@ "encapsulamento para" #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:26501 +#: book.translate.xml:26707 msgid "Bypassing a Firewall" msgstr "Ignorando um Firewall" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:26503 +#: book.translate.xml:26709 msgid "" "Some firewalls filter both incoming and outgoing connections. For example, a " "firewall might limit access from remote machines to ports 22 and 80 to only " @@ -45918,7 +46266,7 @@ "acesso a qualquer outro serviço que use uma porta diferente de 22 ou 80." #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:26511 +#: book.translate.xml:26717 msgid "" "The solution is to create an SSH connection to a machine " "outside of the network's firewall and use it to tunnel to the desired " @@ -45928,7 +46276,7 @@ "firewall da rede e usá-la para encapsular o serviço desejado:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:26515 +#: book.translate.xml:26721 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% ssh -2 -N -f -L\n" @@ -45938,7 +46286,7 @@ "'s password: *******" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:26518 +#: book.translate.xml:26724 msgid "" "In this example, a streaming Ogg Vorbis client can now be pointed to " "localhost port 8888, which will be forwarded over " @@ -45951,17 +46299,17 @@ "êxito o firewall." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:26528 +#: book.translate.xml:26734 msgid "Enabling the SSH Server" msgstr "Ativando o Servidor SSH" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:26530 +#: book.translate.xml:26736 msgid "OpenSSH enabling" msgstr "OpenSSH enabling" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26535 +#: book.translate.xml:26741 msgid "" "In addition to providing built-in SSH client utilities, a " "FreeBSD system can be configured as an SSH server, " @@ -45972,7 +46320,7 @@ "acronym>, aceitando conexões de outros clientes SSH." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26540 +#: book.translate.xml:26746 msgid "" "To see if sshd is operating, use the " "service8:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:26543 +#: book.translate.xml:26749 #, no-wrap msgid "# service sshd status" msgstr "# service sshd status" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26545 +#: book.translate.xml:26751 msgid "" "If the service is not running, add the following line to /etc/rc." "conf." @@ -45998,13 +46346,13 @@ "/etc/rc.conf." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:26548 +#: book.translate.xml:26754 #, no-wrap msgid "sshd_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "sshd_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26550 +#: book.translate.xml:26756 msgid "" "This will start sshd, the daemon program for " "OpenSSH, the next time the system boots. To start " @@ -46015,13 +46363,13 @@ "inicializado. Para iniciá-lo agora:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:26554 +#: book.translate.xml:26760 #, no-wrap msgid "# service sshd start" msgstr "# service sshd start" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26556 +#: book.translate.xml:26762 msgid "" "The first time sshd starts on a FreeBSD system, " "the system's host keys will be automatically created and the fingerprint " @@ -46035,7 +46383,7 @@ "ao servidor." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26562 +#: book.translate.xml:26768 msgid "" "Refer to sshd8 for the list of available options when starting " @@ -46048,7 +46396,7 @@ "sobre autenticação, processo de login e os vários arquivos de configuração." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26567 +#: book.translate.xml:26773 msgid "" "At this point, the sshd should be available to " "all users with a username and password on the system." @@ -46057,12 +46405,12 @@ "todos os usuários com um nome de usuário e senha no sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:26573 +#: book.translate.xml:26779 msgid "SSH Server Security" msgstr "Segurança do Servidor SSH" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26575 +#: book.translate.xml:26781 msgid "" "While sshd is the most widely used remote " "administration facility for FreeBSD, brute force and drive by attacks are " @@ -46077,7 +46425,7 @@ "descritos nesta seção." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26582 +#: book.translate.xml:26788 msgid "" "It is a good idea to limit which users can log into the SSH server and from where using the AllowUsers " @@ -46095,13 +46443,13 @@ "ssh/sshd_config:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:26590 +#: book.translate.xml:26796 #, no-wrap msgid "AllowUsers root@" msgstr "AllowUsers root@" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26592 +#: book.translate.xml:26798 msgid "" "To allow admin to log in from " "anywhere, list that user without specifying an IP address:" @@ -46111,24 +46459,24 @@ "especificar um endereço IP:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:26596 +#: book.translate.xml:26802 #, no-wrap msgid "AllowUsers admin" msgstr "AllowUsers admin" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26598 +#: book.translate.xml:26804 msgid "Multiple users should be listed on the same line, like so:" msgstr "Multiplos usuários devem ser listados na mesma linha, assim:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:26601 +#: book.translate.xml:26807 #, no-wrap msgid "AllowUsers root@ admin" msgstr "AllowUsers root@ admin" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26603 +#: book.translate.xml:26809 msgid "" "After making changes to /etc/ssh/sshd_config, tell " "sshd to reload its configuration file by running:" @@ -46138,13 +46486,13 @@ "arquivo de configuração executando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:26608 +#: book.translate.xml:26814 #, no-wrap msgid "# service sshd reload" msgstr "# service sshd reload" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:26611 +#: book.translate.xml:26817 msgid "" "When this keyword is used, it is important to list each user that needs to " "log into this machine. Any user that is not specified in that line will be " @@ -46169,7 +46517,7 @@ "chave disponíveis." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26623 +#: book.translate.xml:26829 msgid "" "In addition, users may be forced to use two factor authentication via the " "use of a public and private key. When required, the user may generate a key " @@ -46190,13 +46538,13 @@ "usar apenas as chaves, a seguinte opção pode ser configurada:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:26632 +#: book.translate.xml:26838 #, no-wrap msgid "AuthenticationMethods publickey" msgstr "AuthenticationMethods publickey" #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:26635 +#: book.translate.xml:26841 msgid "" "Do not confuse /etc/ssh/sshd_config with /etc/" "ssh/ssh_config (note the extra d in the first " @@ -46214,13 +46562,13 @@ "cliente disponíveis." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:26647 +#: book.translate.xml:26853 msgid "Access Control Lists" msgstr "Listas de Controle de Acesso" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:26650 book.translate.xml:26795 book.translate.xml:26871 -#: book.translate.xml:27191 book.translate.xml:27266 book.translate.xml:27620 +#: book.translate.xml:26856 book.translate.xml:27001 book.translate.xml:27077 +#: book.translate.xml:27397 book.translate.xml:27472 book.translate.xml:27826 msgid "" "TomRhodesContributed by " @@ -46229,12 +46577,12 @@ "personname>Contribuído por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:26655 +#: book.translate.xml:26861 msgid "ACL" msgstr "ACL" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:26659 +#: book.translate.xml:26865 msgid "" "Access Control Lists (ACLs) extend the standard " "UNIX permission model in a " @@ -46249,7 +46597,7 @@ "permissões mais refinado." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:26664 +#: book.translate.xml:26870 msgid "" "The FreeBSD GENERIC kernel provides ACL support for UFS file systems. Users who prefer " @@ -46262,13 +46610,13 @@ "seguinte opção em seu arquivo de configuração do kernel personalizado:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:26670 +#: book.translate.xml:26876 #, no-wrap msgid "options UFS_ACL" msgstr "options UFS_ACL" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:26672 +#: book.translate.xml:26878 msgid "" "If this option is not compiled in, a warning message will be displayed when " "attempting to mount a file system with ACL support. " @@ -46281,7 +46629,7 @@ "estendidos que são suportados nativamente pelo UFS2." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:26678 +#: book.translate.xml:26884 msgid "" "This chapter describes how to enable ACL support and " "provides some usage examples." @@ -46290,12 +46638,12 @@ "fornece alguns exemplos de uso." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:26683 +#: book.translate.xml:26889 msgid "Enabling ACL Support" msgstr "Ativando o Suporte a ACL" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26685 +#: book.translate.xml:26891 msgid "" "ACLs are enabled by the mount-time administrative flag, " ", which may be added to /etc/fstabmount -u as it requires a complete umount and fresh " @@ -46333,7 +46681,7 @@ "em uso." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:26706 +#: book.translate.xml:26912 msgid "" "Setting the superblock flag causes the file system to always be mounted with " "ACLs enabled, even if there is not an fstabACL." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:26716 +#: book.translate.xml:26922 msgid "" "It is desirable to discourage accidental mounting without ACLs enabled because nasty things can happen if ACLs " @@ -46371,7 +46719,7 @@ "resultando em um comportamento imprevisível." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26730 +#: book.translate.xml:26936 msgid "" "File systems with ACLs enabled will show a plus (" "+) sign in their permission settings:" @@ -46380,7 +46728,7 @@ "sinal de mais (+) nas configurações de permissão:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:26734 +#: book.translate.xml:26940 #, no-wrap msgid "" "drwx------ 2 robert robert 512 Dec 27 11:54 private\n" @@ -46396,7 +46744,7 @@ "drwxr-xr-x 2 robert robert 512 Nov 10 11:54 public_html" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26740 +#: book.translate.xml:26946 msgid "" "In this example, directory1, directory2, and directory3 are all taking advantage of " @@ -46407,12 +46755,12 @@ "ACLs, enquanto public_html não está." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:26748 +#: book.translate.xml:26954 msgid "Using ACLs" msgstr "Usando ACLs" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26750 +#: book.translate.xml:26956 msgid "" "File system ACLs can be viewed using getfacl. For instance, to view the ACL settings on " @@ -46423,7 +46771,7 @@ "configurações de ACL no arquivo test:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:26755 +#: book.translate.xml:26961 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% getfacl test\n" @@ -46443,7 +46791,7 @@ "\tother::r--" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26763 +#: book.translate.xml:26969 msgid "" "To change the ACL settings on this file, use " "setfacl. To remove all of the currently defined " @@ -46459,13 +46807,13 @@ "funcionem." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:26770 +#: book.translate.xml:26976 #, no-wrap msgid "% setfacl -k test" msgstr "% setfacl -k test" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26772 +#: book.translate.xml:26978 msgid "" "To modify the default ACL entries, use :" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:26775 +#: book.translate.xml:26981 #, no-wrap msgid "% setfacl -m u:trhodes:rwx,group:web:r--,o::--- test" msgstr "% setfacl -m u:trhodes:rwx,group:web:r--,o::--- test" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26777 +#: book.translate.xml:26983 msgid "" "In this example, there were no pre-defined entries, as they were removed by " "the previous command. This command restores the default options and assigns " @@ -46493,7 +46841,7 @@ "sistema, um erro de Invalid argument será exibido." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26784 +#: book.translate.xml:26990 msgid "" "Refer to getfacl1 and setfaclpkg" msgstr "pkg" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:26804 +#: book.translate.xml:27010 msgid "" "In recent years, the security world has made many improvements to how " "vulnerability assessment is handled. The threat of system intrusion " @@ -46529,7 +46877,7 @@ "para praticamente qualquer sistema operacional disponível atualmente." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:26810 +#: book.translate.xml:27016 msgid "" "Vulnerability assessment is a key factor in security. While FreeBSD releases " "advisories for the base system, doing so for every third party utility is " @@ -46547,7 +46895,7 @@ "propósito." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:26819 +#: book.translate.xml:27025 msgid "" "pkg polls a database for security issues. The " "database is updated and maintained by the FreeBSD Security Team and ports " @@ -46558,7 +46906,7 @@ "de segurança do FreeBSD e pelos desenvolvedores de ports." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:26823 +#: book.translate.xml:27029 msgid "" "Please refer to instructions for installing " @@ -46569,7 +46917,7 @@ "o pkg." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:26827 +#: book.translate.xml:27033 msgid "" "Installation provides periodic8 configuration files " @@ -46594,7 +46942,7 @@ "lidos." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:26837 +#: book.translate.xml:27043 msgid "" "After installation, and to audit third party utilities as part of the Ports " "Collection at any time, an administrator may choose to update the database " @@ -46606,7 +46954,7 @@ "pacotes instalados, invocando:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:26844 +#: book.translate.xml:27050 msgid "" "pkg displays messages any published " "vulnerabilities in installed packages:" @@ -46615,7 +46963,7 @@ "pacotes instalados:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:26847 +#: book.translate.xml:27053 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Affected package: cups-base-\n" @@ -46635,7 +46983,7 @@ "You are advised to update or deinstall the affected package(s) immediately." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:26855 +#: book.translate.xml:27061 msgid "" "By pointing a web browser to the displayed URL, an " "administrator may obtain more information about the vulnerability. This will " @@ -46648,7 +46996,7 @@ "outros sites que podem conter avisos de segurança." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:26861 +#: book.translate.xml:27067 msgid "" "pkg is a powerful utility and is extremely useful " "when coupled with ports-mgmt/portmaster." @@ -46657,17 +47005,17 @@ "útil quando acoplado com o ports-mgmt/portmaster." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:26868 +#: book.translate.xml:27074 msgid "FreeBSD Security Advisories" msgstr "Avisos de Segurança do FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:26876 +#: book.translate.xml:27082 msgid "FreeBSD Security Advisories" msgstr "FreeBSD Security Advisories" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:26880 +#: book.translate.xml:27086 msgid "" "Like many producers of quality operating systems, the FreeBSD Project has a " "security team which is responsible for determining the End-of-Life " @@ -46686,7 +47034,7 @@ "\"@@URL_RELPREFIX@@/security\">página de segurança do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:26890 +#: book.translate.xml:27096 msgid "" "One task of the security team is to respond to reported security " "vulnerabilities in the FreeBSD operating system. Once a vulnerability is " @@ -46716,22 +47064,22 @@ "announce." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:26901 +#: book.translate.xml:27107 msgid "This section describes the format of a FreeBSD security advisory." msgstr "Esta seção descreve o formato de um alerta de segurança do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:26905 +#: book.translate.xml:27111 msgid "Format of a Security Advisory" msgstr "Formato de um Comunicado de Segurança" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:26907 +#: book.translate.xml:27113 msgid "Here is an example of a FreeBSD security advisory:" msgstr "Aqui está um exemplo de um aviso de segurança do FreeBSD:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:26909 +#: book.translate.xml:27115 #, no-wrap msgid "" "=============================================================================\n" @@ -47019,12 +47367,12 @@ "-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27051 +#: book.translate.xml:27257 msgid "Every security advisory uses the following format:" msgstr "Todo comunicado de segurança usa o seguinte formato:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27055 +#: book.translate.xml:27261 msgid "" "Each security advisory is signed by the PGP key of the " "Security Officer. The public key for the Security Officer can be verified at " @@ -47035,7 +47383,7 @@ "verificada em ." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27062 +#: book.translate.xml:27268 msgid "" "The name of the security advisory always begins with FreeBSD-SA- (for FreeBSD Security Advisory), followed by the year in two digit " @@ -47053,12 +47401,12 @@ "quarto comunicado de 2014 e afeta o BIND." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27074 +#: book.translate.xml:27280 msgid "The Topic field summarizes the vulnerability." msgstr "O campo Topic resume a vulnerabilidade." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27079 +#: book.translate.xml:27285 msgid "" "The Category refers to the affected part of the system " "which may be one of core, contrib, or " @@ -47080,7 +47428,7 @@ "ports." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27094 +#: book.translate.xml:27300 msgid "" "The Module field refers to the component location. In " "this example, the bind module is affected; therefore, " @@ -47092,7 +47440,7 @@ "vulnerabilidade afeta um aplicativo instalado com o sistema operacional." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27102 +#: book.translate.xml:27308 msgid "" "The Announced field reflects the date the security " "advisory was published. This means that the security team has verified that " @@ -47105,7 +47453,7 @@ "código fonte do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27110 +#: book.translate.xml:27316 msgid "" "The Credits field gives credit to the individual or " "organization who noticed the vulnerability and reported it." @@ -47114,7 +47462,7 @@ "que encontrou a vulnerabilidade e a relatou." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27116 +#: book.translate.xml:27322 msgid "" "The Affects field explains which releases of FreeBSD are " "affected by this vulnerability." @@ -47123,7 +47471,7 @@ "afetadas por esta vulnerabilidade." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27122 +#: book.translate.xml:27328 msgid "" "The Corrected field indicates the date, time, time " "offset, and releases that were corrected. The section in parentheses shows " @@ -47144,7 +47492,7 @@ "patches já foram aplicados ao sistema." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27136 +#: book.translate.xml:27342 msgid "" "The CVE Name field lists the advisory number, if one " "exists, in the public cve.mitre." @@ -47155,7 +47503,7 @@ "org de vulnerabilidades de segurança." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27142 +#: book.translate.xml:27348 msgid "" "The Background field provides a description of the " "affected module." @@ -47164,7 +47512,7 @@ "afetado." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27147 +#: book.translate.xml:27353 msgid "" "The Problem Description field explains the vulnerability. " "This can include information about the flawed code and how the utility could " @@ -47175,7 +47523,7 @@ "pode ser usado de maneira mal-intencionada." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27154 +#: book.translate.xml:27360 msgid "" "The Impact field describes what type of impact the " "problem could have on a system." @@ -47184,7 +47532,7 @@ "pode ter em um sistema." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27159 +#: book.translate.xml:27365 msgid "" "The Workaround field indicates if a workaround is " "available to system administrators who cannot immediately patch the system ." @@ -47194,7 +47542,7 @@ "imediatamente o sistema." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27165 +#: book.translate.xml:27371 msgid "" "The Solution field provides the instructions for patching " "the affected system. This is a step by step tested and verified method for " @@ -47205,7 +47553,7 @@ "obter um sistema corrigido e funcionando com segurança." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27172 +#: book.translate.xml:27378 msgid "" "The Correction Details field displays each affected " "Subversion branch with the revision number that contains the corrected code." @@ -47214,7 +47562,7 @@ "Subversion afetada com o número de revisão que contém o código corrigido." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27178 +#: book.translate.xml:27384 msgid "" "The References field offers sources of additional " "information regarding the vulnerability." @@ -47223,17 +47571,17 @@ "adicionais sobre a vulnerabilidade." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:27188 +#: book.translate.xml:27394 msgid "Process Accounting" msgstr "Auditoria de Processo" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:27196 +#: book.translate.xml:27402 msgid "Process Accounting" msgstr "Process Accounting" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27200 +#: book.translate.xml:27406 msgid "" "Process accounting is a security method in which an administrator may keep " "track of system resources used and their allocation among users, provide for " @@ -47245,7 +47593,7 @@ "comandos de um usuário." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27205 +#: book.translate.xml:27411 msgid "" "Process accounting has both positive and negative points. One of the " "positives is that an intrusion may be narrowed down to the point of entry. A " @@ -47260,7 +47608,7 @@ "fundamentos da contabilidade de processo." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:27213 +#: book.translate.xml:27419 msgid "" "If more fine-grained accounting is needed, refer to ." @@ -47269,12 +47617,12 @@ "\"audit\"/>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:27218 +#: book.translate.xml:27424 msgid "Enabling and Utilizing Process Accounting" msgstr "Ativando e Utilizando a Auditoria de Processos" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27220 +#: book.translate.xml:27426 msgid "" "Before using process accounting, it must be enabled using the following " "commands:" @@ -47283,7 +47631,7 @@ "seguintes comandos:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:27223 +#: book.translate.xml:27429 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# sysrc accounting_enable=yes\n" @@ -47293,7 +47641,7 @@ "# service accounting start" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27226 +#: book.translate.xml:27432 msgid "" "The accounting information is stored in files located in /var/" "account, which is automatically created, if necessary, the first " @@ -47321,7 +47669,7 @@ "\"username\">root." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27238 +#: book.translate.xml:27444 msgid "" "Once enabled, accounting will begin to track information such as " "CPU statistics and executed commands. All accounting logs " @@ -47345,7 +47693,7 @@ "opções disponíveis que controlam a saída." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27249 +#: book.translate.xml:27455 msgid "" "To display the commands issued by users, use lastcomm. " "For example, this command prints out all usage of ls by " @@ -47358,13 +47706,13 @@ "systemitem> no terminal ttyp1:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:27254 +#: book.translate.xml:27460 #, no-wrap msgid "# lastcomm ls trhodes ttyp1" msgstr "# lastcomm ls trhodes ttyp1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27256 +#: book.translate.xml:27462 msgid "" "Many other useful options exist and are explained in " "lastcomm1." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:27263 +#: book.translate.xml:27469 msgid "Resource Limits" msgstr "Limites de Recursos" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:27271 +#: book.translate.xml:27477 msgid "Resource limits" msgstr "Resource limits" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27275 +#: book.translate.xml:27481 msgid "" "FreeBSD provides several methods for an administrator to limit the amount of " "system resources an individual may use. Disk quotas limit the amount of disk " @@ -47403,22 +47751,22 @@ "discutidas em ." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:27280 +#: book.translate.xml:27486 msgid "quotas" msgstr "quotas" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:27283 +#: book.translate.xml:27489 msgid "limiting users quotas" msgstr "limiting users quotas" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:27287 book.translate.xml:34135 +#: book.translate.xml:27493 book.translate.xml:34389 msgid "disk quotas" msgstr "disk quotas" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27291 +#: book.translate.xml:27497 msgid "" "Limits to other resources, such as CPU and memory, can be " "set using either a flat file or a command to configure a resource limits " @@ -47440,7 +47788,7 @@ "tornar demorado, dependendo do número de usuários a serem configurados." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27303 +#: book.translate.xml:27509 msgid "" "rctl can be used to provide a more fine-grained method " "for controlling resource limits. This command supports more than user limits " @@ -47452,7 +47800,7 @@ "de recursos em processos e jails." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27308 +#: book.translate.xml:27514 msgid "" "This section demonstrates both methods for controlling resources, beginning " "with the traditional method." @@ -47461,27 +47809,27 @@ "o método tradicional." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:27312 +#: book.translate.xml:27518 msgid "Configuring Login Classes" msgstr "Configurando Classes de Login" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:27314 +#: book.translate.xml:27520 msgid "limiting users" msgstr "limiting users" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:27317 +#: book.translate.xml:27523 msgid "accounts limiting" msgstr "accounts limiting" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:27321 +#: book.translate.xml:27527 msgid "/etc/login.conf" msgstr "/etc/login.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27325 +#: book.translate.xml:27531 msgid "" "In the traditional method, login classes and the resource limits to apply to " "a login class are defined in /etc/login.conf. Each user " @@ -47505,7 +47853,7 @@ "acordo, dependendo do name." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:27339 +#: book.translate.xml:27545 msgid "" "Whenever /etc/login.conf is edited, the /etc/" "login.conf.db must be updated by executing the following command:" @@ -47517,14 +47865,14 @@ #. (itstool) path: note/screen #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:27343 book.translate.xml:30877 book.translate.xml:43845 -#: book.translate.xml:54900 +#: book.translate.xml:27549 book.translate.xml:31131 book.translate.xml:44118 +#: book.translate.xml:55189 #, no-wrap msgid "# cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf" msgstr "# cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27346 +#: book.translate.xml:27552 msgid "" "Resource limits differ from the default login capabilities in two ways. " "First, for every limit, there is a soft and " @@ -47542,7 +47890,7 @@ "por processo a um usuário específico." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27355 +#: book.translate.xml:27561 msgid "" " lists the most commonly used resource " "limits. All of the available resource limits and capabilities are described " @@ -47555,67 +47903,67 @@ "refentrytitle>5." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:27360 +#: book.translate.xml:27566 msgid "limiting users coredumpsize" msgstr "limiting users coredumpsize" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:27364 +#: book.translate.xml:27570 msgid "limiting users cputime" msgstr "limiting users cputime" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:27368 +#: book.translate.xml:27574 msgid "limiting users filesize" msgstr "limiting users filesize" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:27372 +#: book.translate.xml:27578 msgid "limiting users maxproc" msgstr "limiting users maxproc" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:27376 +#: book.translate.xml:27582 msgid "limiting users memorylocked" msgstr "limiting users memorylocked" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:27380 +#: book.translate.xml:27586 msgid "limiting users memoryuse" msgstr "limiting users memoryuse" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:27384 +#: book.translate.xml:27590 msgid "limiting users openfiles" msgstr "limiting users openfiles" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:27388 +#: book.translate.xml:27594 msgid "limiting users sbsize" msgstr "limiting users sbsize" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:27392 +#: book.translate.xml:27598 msgid "limiting users stacksize" msgstr "limiting users stacksize" #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:27398 +#: book.translate.xml:27604 msgid "Login Class Resource Limits" msgstr "Limites de Recursos de Classe de Login" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:27403 +#: book.translate.xml:27609 msgid "Resource Limit" msgstr "Limite de Recurso" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:27410 +#: book.translate.xml:27616 msgid "coredumpsize" msgstr "coredumpsize" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:27411 +#: book.translate.xml:27617 msgid "" "The limit on the size of a core file generated by a program is subordinate " "to other limits on disk usage, such as filesize or disk " @@ -47632,12 +47980,12 @@ "fiquem sem espaço em disco caso ocorra um grande travamento de programa." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:27423 +#: book.translate.xml:27629 msgid "cputime" msgstr "cputime" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:27424 +#: book.translate.xml:27630 msgid "" "The maximum amount of CPU time a user's process may " "consume. Offending processes will be killed by the kernel. This is a limit " @@ -47653,12 +48001,12 @@ "command>." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:27435 +#: book.translate.xml:27641 msgid "filesize" msgstr "filesize" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:27436 +#: book.translate.xml:27642 msgid "" "The maximum size of a file the user may own. Unlike disk quotas (), this limit is enforced on individual files, not the " @@ -47670,12 +48018,12 @@ "possui." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:27443 +#: book.translate.xml:27649 msgid "maxproc" msgstr "maxproc" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:27444 +#: book.translate.xml:27650 msgid "" "The maximum number of foreground and background processes a user can run. " "This limit may not be larger than the system limit specified by " @@ -47690,12 +48038,12 @@ "algumas tarefas, como compilar um programa grande, iniciam muitos processos." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:27454 +#: book.translate.xml:27660 msgid "memorylocked" msgstr "memorylocked" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:27455 +#: book.translate.xml:27661 msgid "" "The maximum amount of memory a process may request to be locked into main " "memory using mlock2IPC channels, so be careful " @@ -47748,12 +48096,12 @@ "maxfiles." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:27483 +#: book.translate.xml:27689 msgid "sbsize" msgstr "sbsize" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:27484 +#: book.translate.xml:27690 msgid "" "The limit on the amount of network memory a user may consume. This can be " "generally used to limit network communications." @@ -47762,12 +48110,12 @@ "geralmente pode ser usado para limitar as comunicações da rede." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:27490 +#: book.translate.xml:27696 msgid "stacksize" msgstr "stacksize" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:27491 +#: book.translate.xml:27697 msgid "" "The maximum size of a process stack. This alone is not sufficient to limit " "the amount of memory a program may use, so it should be used in conjunction " @@ -47778,13 +48126,13 @@ "deve ser usado em conjunto com outros limites." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27500 +#: book.translate.xml:27706 msgid "There are a few other things to remember when setting resource limits:" msgstr "" "Existem algumas outras coisas para se lembrar ao definir limites de recursos:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27505 +#: book.translate.xml:27711 msgid "" "Processes started at system startup by /etc/rc are " "assigned to the daemon login class." @@ -47793,7 +48141,7 @@ "filename> são atribuídos à classe daemon de login." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27511 +#: book.translate.xml:27717 msgid "" "Although the default /etc/login.conf is a good source " "of reasonable values for most limits, they may not be appropriate for every " @@ -47807,7 +48155,7 @@ "prejudicar a produtividade." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27520 +#: book.translate.xml:27726 msgid "" "Xorg takes a lot of resources and encourages " "users to run more programs simultaneously." @@ -47816,7 +48164,7 @@ "usuários a executarem mais programas simultaneamente." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27526 +#: book.translate.xml:27732 msgid "" "Many limits apply to individual processes, not the user as a whole. For " "example, setting openfiles to 50 means " @@ -47834,7 +48182,7 @@ "de memória." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27537 +#: book.translate.xml:27743 msgid "" "For further information on resource limits and login classes and " "capabilities in general, refer to cap_mkdb5." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:27544 +#: book.translate.xml:27750 msgid "Enabling and Configuring Resource Limits" msgstr "Ativando e Configurando Limites de Recursos" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27546 +#: book.translate.xml:27752 msgid "" "The kern.racct.enable tunable must be set to a non-zero " "value. Custom kernels require specific configuration:" @@ -47866,7 +48214,7 @@ "configuração específica:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:27550 +#: book.translate.xml:27756 #, no-wrap msgid "" "options RACCT\n" @@ -47876,7 +48224,7 @@ "options RCTL" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27553 +#: book.translate.xml:27759 msgid "" "Once the system has rebooted into the new kernel, rctl " "may be used to set rules for the system." @@ -47885,7 +48233,7 @@ "command> poderá ser usado para definir regras para o sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27557 +#: book.translate.xml:27763 msgid "" "Rule syntax is controlled through the use of a subject, subject-id, " "resource, and action, as seen in this example rule:" @@ -47894,13 +48242,13 @@ "resource e action, conforme visto nesta regra de exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:27561 +#: book.translate.xml:27767 #, no-wrap msgid "user:trhodes:maxproc:deny=10/user" msgstr "user:trhodes:maxproc:deny=10/user" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27563 +#: book.translate.xml:27769 msgid "" "In this rule, the subject is user, the subject-id is " "trhodes, the resource, maxproc, is the " @@ -47923,7 +48271,7 @@ "citerefentry> ou enviando um sigterm para o processo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27574 +#: book.translate.xml:27780 msgid "" "Some care must be taken when adding rules. Since this user is constrained to " "10 processes, this example will prevent the user from " @@ -47938,7 +48286,7 @@ "será impresso, como neste exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:27581 +#: book.translate.xml:27787 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% man test\n" @@ -47950,7 +48298,7 @@ "eval: Cannot fork: Resource temporarily unavailable" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27585 +#: book.translate.xml:27791 msgid "" "As another example, a jail can be prevented from exceeding a memory limit. " "This rule could be written as:" @@ -47959,13 +48307,13 @@ "memória. Esta regra pode ser escrita como:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:27588 +#: book.translate.xml:27794 #, no-wrap msgid "# rctl -a jail:httpd:memoryuse:deny=2G/jail" msgstr "# rctl -a jail:httpd:memoryuse:deny=2G/jail" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27590 +#: book.translate.xml:27796 msgid "" "Rules will persist across reboots if they have been added to /etc/" "rctl.conf. The format is a rule, without the preceding command. " @@ -47977,7 +48325,7 @@ "adicionada como:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:27595 +#: book.translate.xml:27801 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Block jail from using more than 2G memory:\n" @@ -47987,7 +48335,7 @@ "jail:httpd:memoryuse:deny=2G/jail" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27598 +#: book.translate.xml:27804 msgid "" "To remove a rule, use rctl to remove it from the list:" msgstr "" @@ -47995,13 +48343,13 @@ "lista:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:27601 +#: book.translate.xml:27807 #, no-wrap msgid "# rctl -r user:trhodes:maxproc:deny=10/user" msgstr "# rctl -r user:trhodes:maxproc:deny=10/user" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27603 +#: book.translate.xml:27809 msgid "" "A method for removing all rules is documented in " "rctl8# rctl -r user:trhodes" msgstr "# rctl -r user:trhodes" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27609 +#: book.translate.xml:27815 msgid "" "Many other resources exist which can be used to exert additional control " "over various subjects. See " @@ -48033,17 +48381,17 @@ "citerefentry> para aprender sobre eles." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:27617 +#: book.translate.xml:27823 msgid "Shared Administration with Sudo" msgstr "Administração Compartilhada com Sudo" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:27625 +#: book.translate.xml:27831 msgid "Security Sudo" msgstr "Security Sudo" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27630 +#: book.translate.xml:27836 msgid "" "System administrators often need the ability to grant enhanced permissions " "to users so they may perform privileged tasks. The idea that team members " @@ -48066,7 +48414,7 @@ "esse exato requisito." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27641 +#: book.translate.xml:27847 msgid "" "Up to this point, the security chapter has covered permitting access to " "authorized users and attempting to prevent unauthorized access. Another " @@ -48094,7 +48442,7 @@ "application>." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27653 +#: book.translate.xml:27859 msgid "" "Sudo allows administrators to configure more " "rigid access to system commands and provide for some advanced logging " @@ -48114,13 +48462,13 @@ "citerefentry>:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:27660 +#: book.translate.xml:27866 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install sudo" msgstr "# pkg install sudo" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27662 +#: book.translate.xml:27868 msgid "" "After the installation is complete, the installed visudo " "will open the configuration file with a text editor. Using visudo/usr/local/etc/sudoers:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:27677 +#: book.translate.xml:27883 #, no-wrap msgid "user1 ALL=(ALL) /usr/sbin/service webservice *" msgstr "user1 ALL=(ALL) /usr/sbin/service webservice *" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27679 +#: book.translate.xml:27885 msgid "" "The user may now start webservice using this " "command:" @@ -48165,13 +48513,13 @@ "este comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:27682 +#: book.translate.xml:27888 #, no-wrap msgid "% sudo /usr/sbin/service webservice start" msgstr "% sudo /usr/sbin/service webservice start" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27684 +#: book.translate.xml:27890 msgid "" "While this configuration allows a single user access to the " "webservice service; however, in most " @@ -48188,13 +48536,13 @@ "permitirão que todos os membros do grupo gerenciem o serviço:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:27692 +#: book.translate.xml:27898 #, no-wrap msgid "# pw groupadd -g 6001 -n webteam" msgstr "# pw groupadd -g 6001 -n webteam" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27694 +#: book.translate.xml:27900 msgid "" "Using the same pw8 command, the user is added to the webteam group:" @@ -48204,13 +48552,13 @@ "adicionado ao grupo webteam:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:27697 +#: book.translate.xml:27903 #, no-wrap msgid "# pw groupmod -m user1 -n webteam" msgstr "# pw groupmod -m user1 -n webteam" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27699 +#: book.translate.xml:27905 msgid "" "Finally, this line in /usr/local/etc/sudoers allows any " "member of the webteam group to manage webservice:" @@ -48220,13 +48568,13 @@ "webservice:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:27704 +#: book.translate.xml:27910 #, no-wrap msgid "%webteam ALL=(ALL) /usr/sbin/service webservice *" msgstr "%webteam ALL=(ALL) /usr/sbin/service webservice *" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27706 +#: book.translate.xml:27912 msgid "" "Unlike su1, Sudo only requires the " @@ -48240,7 +48588,7 @@ "auditorias de segurança e o que por si só já ruins em todos os aspectos." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27711 +#: book.translate.xml:27917 msgid "" "Users permitted to run applications with Sudo " "only enter their own passwords. This is more secure and gives better control " @@ -48258,7 +48606,7 @@ "systemitem>." #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:27720 +#: book.translate.xml:27926 msgid "" "Most organizations are moving or have moved toward a two factor " "authentication model. In these cases, the user may not have a password to " @@ -48275,18 +48623,18 @@ "gerenciem o serviço sem o requisito de senha:" #. (itstool) path: tip/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:27728 +#: book.translate.xml:27934 #, no-wrap msgid "%webteam ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service webservice *" msgstr "%webteam ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service webservice *" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:27732 +#: book.translate.xml:27938 msgid "Logging Output" msgstr "Logando a Saída" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27734 +#: book.translate.xml:27940 msgid "" "An advantage to implementing Sudo is the ability " "to enable session logging. Using the built in log mechanisms and the " @@ -48308,13 +48656,13 @@ "obter informações adicionais." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:27746 +#: book.translate.xml:27952 #, no-wrap msgid "Defaults iolog_dir=/var/log/sudo-io/%{user}" msgstr "Defaults iolog_dir=/var/log/sudo-io/%{user}" #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:27749 +#: book.translate.xml:27955 msgid "" "This directory will be created automatically after the logging is " "configured. It is best to let the system create directory with default " @@ -48331,7 +48679,7 @@ "sudoers." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27758 +#: book.translate.xml:27964 msgid "" "Once this directive has been added to the sudoers file, " "any user configuration can be updated with the request to log access. In the " @@ -48345,13 +48693,13 @@ "alterações adicionais:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:27764 +#: book.translate.xml:27970 #, no-wrap msgid "%webteam ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: LOG_INPUT: LOG_OUTPUT: /usr/sbin/service webservice *" msgstr "%webteam ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: LOG_INPUT: LOG_OUTPUT: /usr/sbin/service webservice *" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27766 +#: book.translate.xml:27972 msgid "" "From this point on, all webteam members altering " "the status of the webservice application will be " @@ -48363,13 +48711,13 @@ "ser exibida com:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:27772 +#: book.translate.xml:27978 #, no-wrap msgid "# sudoreplay -l" msgstr "# sudoreplay -l" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27774 +#: book.translate.xml:27980 msgid "" "In the output, to replay a specific session, search for the TSID= entry, and pass that to sudoreplay with " @@ -48381,13 +48729,13 @@ "normal. Por exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:27779 +#: book.translate.xml:27985 #, no-wrap msgid "# sudoreplay user1/00/00/02" msgstr "# sudoreplay user1/00/00/02" #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:27782 +#: book.translate.xml:27988 msgid "" "While sessions are logged, any administrator is able to remove sessions and " "leave only a question of why they had done so. It is worthwhile to add a " @@ -48402,7 +48750,7 @@ "administradores sejam alertados sobre alterações manuais." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:27790 +#: book.translate.xml:27996 msgid "" "The sudoreplay is extremely extendable. Consult the " "documentation for more information." @@ -48411,12 +48759,12 @@ "documentação para mais informações." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:27804 +#: book.translate.xml:28010 msgid "Jails" msgstr "Jails" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:27807 +#: book.translate.xml:28013 msgid "" "MatteoRiondatoContributed by " @@ -48425,18 +48773,18 @@ "personname>Contribuído por " #. (itstool) path: chapter/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:27812 +#: book.translate.xml:28018 msgid "jails" msgstr "jails" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27817 +#: book.translate.xml:28023 msgid "" "Since system administration is a difficult task, many tools have been " "developed to make life easier for the administrator. These tools often " "enhance the way systems are installed, configured, and maintained. One of " "the tools which can be used to enhance the security of a FreeBSD system is " -"jails. Jails have been available since FreeBSD 4.X " +"jails. Jails have been available since FreeBSD 4.X " "and continue to be enhanced in their usefulness, performance, reliability, " "and security." msgstr "" @@ -48449,7 +48797,7 @@ "sua utilidade, desempenho, confiabilidade e segurança." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27826 +#: book.translate.xml:28032 msgid "" "Jails build upon the chroot2 concept, which is used " @@ -48477,7 +48825,7 @@ "serviços." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27839 +#: book.translate.xml:28045 msgid "" "Jails improve on the concept of the traditional chroot environment in " "several ways. In a traditional chroot environment, processes are only " @@ -48501,12 +48849,12 @@ "virtualização no nível do sistema operacional." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27851 +#: book.translate.xml:28057 msgid "A jail is characterized by four elements:" msgstr "Uma jail é caracterizada por quatro elementos:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27855 +#: book.translate.xml:28061 msgid "" "A directory subtree: the starting point from which a jail is entered. Once " "inside the jail, a process is not permitted to escape outside of this " @@ -48517,12 +48865,12 @@ "fora dessa subárvore." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27861 +#: book.translate.xml:28067 msgid "A hostname: which will be used by the jail." msgstr "Um nome de host: que será usado pela jail." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27865 +#: book.translate.xml:28071 msgid "" "An IP address: which is assigned to the jail. The " "IP address of a jail is often an alias address for an " @@ -48533,7 +48881,7 @@ "rede existente." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27872 +#: book.translate.xml:28078 msgid "" "A command: the path name of an executable to run inside the jail. The path " "is relative to the root directory of the jail environment." @@ -48542,7 +48890,7 @@ "jail. O caminho é relativo ao diretório raiz do ambiente da jail." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27878 +#: book.translate.xml:28084 msgid "" "Jails have their own set of users and their own root account which are limited to the jail environment. The " @@ -48557,7 +48905,7 @@ "ambiente da jail associada." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27883 +#: book.translate.xml:28089 msgid "" "This chapter provides an overview of the terminology and commands for " "managing FreeBSD jails. Jails are a powerful tool for both system " @@ -48568,26 +48916,26 @@ "administradores de sistemas e usuários avançados." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27891 +#: book.translate.xml:28097 msgid "What a jail is and what purpose it may serve in FreeBSD installations." msgstr "" "O que é uma jail e qual finalidade ela pode servir nas instalações do " "FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27896 +#: book.translate.xml:28102 msgid "How to build, start, and stop a jail." msgstr "Como compilar, iniciar e parar uma jail." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27900 +#: book.translate.xml:28106 msgid "" "The basics of jail administration, both from inside and outside the jail." msgstr "" "Os fundamentos da administração de jails, tanto de dentro como fora da jail." #. (itstool) path: important/para -#: book.translate.xml:27906 +#: book.translate.xml:28112 msgid "" "Jails are a powerful tool, but they are not a security panacea. While it is " "not possible for a jailed process to break out on its own, there are several " @@ -48602,7 +48950,7 @@ "da jail para obter privilégios elevados no ambiente host." #. (itstool) path: important/para -#: book.translate.xml:27913 +#: book.translate.xml:28119 msgid "" "Most of these attacks can be mitigated by ensuring that the jail root is not " "accessible to unprivileged users in the host environment. As a general rule, " @@ -48615,12 +48963,12 @@ "devem ter acesso ao ambiente do host." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:27922 +#: book.translate.xml:28128 msgid "Terms Related to Jails" msgstr "Termos Relacionados à Jails" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27924 +#: book.translate.xml:28130 msgid "" "To facilitate better understanding of parts of the FreeBSD system related to " "jails, their internals and the way they interact with the rest of FreeBSD, " @@ -48631,7 +48979,7 @@ "do FreeBSD, os seguintes termos são usados mais adiante neste capítulo:" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:27931 +#: book.translate.xml:28137 msgid "" "chroot8 (command)" @@ -48640,7 +48988,7 @@ "citerefentry> (comando)" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27933 +#: book.translate.xml:28139 msgid "" "Utility, which uses chroot2 FreeBSD system call to " @@ -48652,7 +49000,7 @@ "todos os seus descendentes." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:27940 +#: book.translate.xml:28146 msgid "" "chroot2 (environment)" @@ -48661,7 +49009,7 @@ "citerefentry> (ambiente)" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27942 +#: book.translate.xml:28148 msgid "" "The environment of processes running in a chroot. This " "includes resources such as the part of the file system which is visible, " @@ -48674,7 +49022,7 @@ "mecanismos de IPC, etc." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:27951 +#: book.translate.xml:28157 msgid "" "jail8 (command)" @@ -48683,7 +49031,7 @@ "citerefentry> (comando)" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27953 +#: book.translate.xml:28159 msgid "" "The system administration utility which allows launching of processes within " "a jail environment." @@ -48692,12 +49040,12 @@ "processos dentro de um ambiente jail." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:27959 +#: book.translate.xml:28165 msgid "host (system, process, user, etc.)" msgstr "host (sistema, processo, usuário, etc.)" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27961 +#: book.translate.xml:28167 msgid "" "The controlling system of a jail environment. The host system has access to " "all the hardware resources available, and can control processes both outside " @@ -48712,12 +49060,12 @@ "dentro de uma jail não são aplicadas aos processos do sistema host." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:27973 +#: book.translate.xml:28179 msgid "hosted (system, process, user, etc.)" msgstr "hosted (sistema, processo, usuário, etc.)" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:27975 +#: book.translate.xml:28181 msgid "" "A process, user or other entity, whose access to resources is restricted by " "a FreeBSD jail." @@ -48726,12 +49074,12 @@ "por uma jail do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:27983 +#: book.translate.xml:28189 msgid "Creating and Controlling Jails" msgstr "Criando e Controlando Jails" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27985 +#: book.translate.xml:28191 msgid "" "Some administrators divide jails into the following two types: " "complete jails, which resemble a real FreeBSD system, and " @@ -48751,9 +49099,54 @@ "userland: usar binários pré-compilados (como aqueles fornecidos em uma mídia " "de instalação) ou compila-los a partir do código fonte." -#. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:27995 +#. (itstool) path: sect2/title +#: book.translate.xml:28202 +msgid "Installing a Jail" +msgstr "Instalando um Jail" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/title +#: book.translate.xml:28205 +msgid "To install a Jail from the Internet" +msgstr "Para instalar um Jail da Internet" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:28207 msgid "" +"The bsdinstall8 tool can be used to fetch and install the binaries " +"needed for a jail. This will walk through the picking of a mirror, which " +"distributions will be installed into the destination directory, and some " +"basic configuration of the jail:" +msgstr "" +"A ferramenta bsdinstall8 pode ser usada para " +"baixar e instalar os binários necessários para um Jail. Será apresentando a " +"seleção de um mirror, quais distribuições serão instaladas no diretório de " +"destino e algumas configurações básicas da Jail:" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/screen +#: book.translate.xml:28213 +#, no-wrap +msgid "# bsdinstall jail /here/is/the/jail" +msgstr "# bsdinstall jail /here/is/the/jail" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:28215 +msgid "" +"Once the command is complete, the next step is configuring the host to run " +"the jail." +msgstr "" +"Uma vez que o comando finalize, o próximo passo é configurar o host para " +"rodar a jail." + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/title +#: book.translate.xml:28220 +msgid "To install a Jail from an ISO" +msgstr "Instalar uma Jail de uma imagem ISO" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:28222 +msgid "" "To install the userland from installation media, first create the root " "directory for the jail. This can be done by setting the DESTDIR variable to the proper location." @@ -48762,13 +49155,13 @@ "raiz da jail. Isso pode ser feito definindo a variável DESTDIR para o local adequado." -#. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:28000 +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:28227 msgid "Start a shell and define DESTDIR:" msgstr "Inicie um shell e defina a variável DESTDIR:" -#. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28002 +#. (itstool) path: sect3/screen +#: book.translate.xml:28229 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# sh\n" @@ -48777,8 +49170,8 @@ "# sh\n" "# export DESTDIR=/here/is/the/jail" -#. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:28005 +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:28232 msgid "" "Mount the install media as covered in mdconfig8 when using the install " @@ -48788,8 +49181,8 @@ "mdconfig8 ao usar a ISO de instalação:" -#. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28008 +#. (itstool) path: sect3/screen +#: book.translate.xml:28235 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mount -t cd9660 /dev/`mdconfig -f cdimage.iso` /mnt\n" @@ -48798,30 +49191,9 @@ "# mount -t cd9660 /dev/`mdconfig -f cdimage.iso` /mnt\n" "# cd /mnt/usr/freebsd-dist/" -#. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:28011 -msgid "Alternatively, download the tarballs from a mirror:" -msgstr "Como alternativa, baixe os tarballs de um mirror:" - -#. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28013 -#, no-wrap +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:28238 msgid "" -"# sh\n" -"# export DESTRELEASE=12.0-RELEASE\n" -"# export DESTARCH=`uname -m`\n" -"# export SOURCEURL=$DESTARCH/$DESTRELEASE/\n" -"# for set in base ports; do fetch $SOURCEURL/$set.txz ; done" -msgstr "" -"# sh\n" -"# export DESTRELEASE=12.0-RELEASE\n" -"# export DESTARCH=`uname -m`\n" -"# export SOURCEURL=$DESTARCH/$DESTRELEASE/\n" -"# for set in base ports; do fetch $SOURCEURL/$set.txz ; done" - -#. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:28019 -msgid "" "Extract the binaries from the tarballs on the install media into the " "declared destination. Minimally, only the base set needs to be extracted, " "but a complete install can be performed when preferred." @@ -48830,30 +49202,35 @@ "declarado. Minimamente, apenas o conjunto base precisa ser extraído, mas uma " "instalação completa pode ser executada quando preferida." -#. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:28024 +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:28243 msgid "To install just the base system:" msgstr "Para instalar apenas o sistema básico:" -#. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28026 +#. (itstool) path: sect3/screen +#: book.translate.xml:28245 #, no-wrap msgid "# tar -xf base.txz -C $DESTDIR" msgstr "# tar -xf /mnt/usr/freebsd-dist/base.txz -C $DESTDIR" -#. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:28028 +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:28247 msgid "To install everything except the kernel:" msgstr "Para instalar tudo, exceto o kernel:" -#. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28030 +#. (itstool) path: sect3/screen +#: book.translate.xml:28249 #, no-wrap msgid "# for set in base ports; do tar -xf $set.txz -C $DESTDIR ; done" msgstr "# for set in base ports; do tar -xf /mnt/usr/freebsd-dist/$set.txz -C $DESTDIR ; done" -#. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:28032 +#. (itstool) path: sect3/title +#: book.translate.xml:28253 +msgid "To build and install a Jail from source" +msgstr "Para compilar e instalar um Jail a partir do código fonte" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:28255 msgid "" "The jail8 manual page explains the procedure for building a " @@ -48863,8 +49240,8 @@ "refentrytitle>8 explica o procedimento " "para compilar uma jail:" -#. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28035 +#. (itstool) path: sect3/screen +#: book.translate.xml:28258 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# setenv D /here/is/the/jail\n" @@ -48884,7 +49261,7 @@ "# mount -t devfs devfs $D/dev " #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:28045 +#: book.translate.xml:28268 msgid "" "Selecting a location for a jail is the best starting point. This is where " "the jail will physically reside within the file system of the jail's host. A " @@ -48905,7 +49282,7 @@ "arquivos presentes em uma instalação padrão do sistema básico do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:28058 +#: book.translate.xml:28281 msgid "" "If you have already rebuilt your userland using make world or make buildworld, you can skip this step and " @@ -48916,7 +49293,7 @@ "instalar seu userland existente na nova jail." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:28065 +#: book.translate.xml:28288 msgid "" "This command will populate the directory subtree chosen as jail's physical " "location on the file system with the necessary binaries, libraries, manual " @@ -48927,12 +49304,12 @@ "de manual e assim por diante." #. (itstool) path: para/buildtarget -#: book.translate.xml:28072 +#: book.translate.xml:28295 msgid "distribution" msgstr "distribuição" #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:28072 +#: book.translate.xml:28295 msgid "" "The <_:buildtarget-1/> target for make installs " "every needed configuration file. In simple words, it installs every " @@ -48946,7 +49323,7 @@ "/etc do ambiente jail: $D/etc/." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:28083 +#: book.translate.xml:28306 msgid "" "Mounting the devfs8 file system inside a jail is not required. On the " @@ -48974,8 +49351,13 @@ "devfs.conf5." -#. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:28095 +#. (itstool) path: sect2/title +#: book.translate.xml:28321 +msgid "Configuring the Host" +msgstr "Configurando o Host" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:28323 msgid "" "Once a jail is installed, it can be started by using the " "jail8serviço, depende do serviço ou aplicativo que será " "executado dentro da jail." -#. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:28108 +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:28336 msgid "" "Jails are often started at boot time and the FreeBSD rc " "mechanism provides an easy way to do this." @@ -49014,19 +49396,19 @@ "filename> do FreeBSD fornece uma maneira fácil de fazer isso." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28114 +#: book.translate.xml:28342 msgid "Configure jail parameters in jail.conf:" msgstr "" "Configure os parâmetros da jail no arquivo jail.conf:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:28116 +#: book.translate.xml:28344 #, no-wrap msgid "" "www {\n" " host.hostname =; # Hostname\n" " ip4.addr =; # IP address of the jail\n" -" path =\"/usr/jail/www\"; # Path to the jail\n" +" path = \"/usr/jail/www\"; # Path to the jail\n" " devfs_ruleset = \"www_ruleset\"; # devfs ruleset\n" " mount.devfs; # Mount devfs inside the jail\n" " exec.start = \"/bin/sh /etc/rc\"; # Start command\n" @@ -49036,7 +49418,7 @@ "www {\n" " host.hostname =; # Hostname\n" " ip4.addr =; # IP address of the jail\n" -" path =\"/usr/jail/www\"; # Path to the jail\n" +" path = \"/usr/jail/www\"; # Path to the jail\n" " devfs_ruleset = \"www_ruleset\"; # devfs ruleset\n" " mount.devfs; # Mount devfs inside the jail\n" " exec.start = \"/bin/sh /etc/rc\"; # Start command\n" @@ -49044,20 +49426,20 @@ "}" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28126 +#: book.translate.xml:28354 msgid "Configure jails to start at boot time in rc.conf:" msgstr "" "Configure as jails para iniciar no boot no arquivo rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:28129 +#: book.translate.xml:28357 #, no-wrap msgid "jail_enable=\"YES\" # Set to NO to disable starting of any jails" msgstr "jail_enable=\"YES\" # Set to NO to disable starting of any jails" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28131 +#: book.translate.xml:28359 msgid "" "The default startup of jails configured in jail." "conf5, will run the " @@ -49074,7 +49456,7 @@ "definindo a opção exec.start apropriadamente." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:28140 +#: book.translate.xml:28368 msgid "" "For a full list of available options, please see the " "jail.conf5jail.conf5." -#. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:28146 +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:28374 msgid "" "service8 can be used to start or stop a jail by hand, if an " @@ -49096,8 +49478,8 @@ "manualmente, se uma entrada para ela existir no arquivo jail.conf:" -#. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28150 +#. (itstool) path: sect2/screen +#: book.translate.xml:28378 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# service jail start www\n" @@ -49106,8 +49488,8 @@ "# service jail start www\n" "# service jail stop www" -#. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:28153 +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:28381 msgid "" "Jails can be shut down with jexec8. Use " @@ -49123,8 +49505,8 @@ "seguida, use jexec8 para executar o script de desligamento nessa jail." -#. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28157 +#. (itstool) path: sect2/screen +#: book.translate.xml:28385 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# jls\n" @@ -49137,8 +49519,8 @@ " 3 www /usr/jail/www\n" "# jexec 3 /etc/rc.shutdown" -#. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:28162 +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:28390 msgid "" "More information about this can be found in the " "jail8." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:28167 +#: book.translate.xml:28396 msgid "Fine Tuning and Administration" msgstr "Tuning e Administração" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:28169 +#: book.translate.xml:28398 msgid "" "There are several options which can be set for any jail, and various ways of " "combining a host FreeBSD system with jails, to produce higher level " @@ -49165,7 +49547,7 @@ "aplicações de alto nível. Esta seção apresenta:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28176 +#: book.translate.xml:28405 msgid "" "Some of the options available for tuning the behavior and security " "restrictions implemented by a jail installation." @@ -49174,7 +49556,7 @@ "segurança implementadas pela instalação de uma jail." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28182 +#: book.translate.xml:28411 msgid "" "Some of the high-level applications for jail management, which are available " "through the FreeBSD Ports Collection, and can be used to implement overall " @@ -49185,12 +49567,12 @@ "para implementar soluções globais baseadas em jails." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:28190 +#: book.translate.xml:28419 msgid "System Tools for Jail Tuning in FreeBSD" msgstr "Ferramentas de Sistema para Tuning de Jail no FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:28192 +#: book.translate.xml:28421 msgid "" "Fine tuning of a jail's configuration is mostly done by setting " "sysctl88." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28204 +#: book.translate.xml:28433 msgid "security.jail.set_hostname_allowed: 1" msgstr "security.jail.set_hostname_allowed: 1" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28209 +#: book.translate.xml:28438 msgid "security.jail.socket_unixiproute_only: 1" msgstr "security.jail.socket_unixiproute_only: 1" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28214 +#: book.translate.xml:28443 msgid "security.jail.sysvipc_allowed: 0" msgstr "security.jail.sysvipc_allowed: 0" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28219 +#: book.translate.xml:28448 msgid "security.jail.enforce_statfs: 2" msgstr "security.jail.enforce_statfs: 2" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28224 +#: book.translate.xml:28453 msgid "security.jail.allow_raw_sockets: 0" msgstr "security.jail.allow_raw_sockets: 0" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28229 +#: book.translate.xml:28458 msgid "security.jail.chflags_allowed: 0" msgstr "security.jail.chflags_allowed: 0" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28234 +#: book.translate.xml:28463 msgid "security.jail.jailed: 0" msgstr "security.jail.jailed: 0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:28238 +#: book.translate.xml:28467 msgid "" "These variables can be used by the system administrator of the " "host system to add or remove some of the limitations " @@ -49282,7 +49664,7 @@ "configuração do securelevel do kernel." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:28250 +#: book.translate.xml:28479 msgid "" "The base system of FreeBSD contains a basic set of tools for viewing " "information about the active jails, and attaching to a jail to run " @@ -49302,7 +49684,7 @@ "simples:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28258 +#: book.translate.xml:28487 msgid "" "Print a list of active jails and their corresponding jail identifier " "(JID), IP address, hostname and path." @@ -49312,7 +49694,7 @@ "hostname e path." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28264 +#: book.translate.xml:28493 msgid "" "Attach to a running jail, from its host system, and run a command inside the " "jail or perform administrative tasks inside the jail itself. This is " @@ -49331,19 +49713,19 @@ "jail para administração; por exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28272 +#: book.translate.xml:28501 #, no-wrap msgid "# jexec 1 tcsh" msgstr "# jexec 1 tcsh" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:28278 +#: book.translate.xml:28507 msgid "High-Level Administrative Tools in the FreeBSD Ports Collection" msgstr "" "Ferramentas Administrativas de Alto Nível na Coleção de Ports do FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:28281 +#: book.translate.xml:28510 msgid "" "Among the many third-party utilities for jail administration, one of the " "most complete and useful is sysutils/ezjail. It is a set " @@ -49362,12 +49744,12 @@ "application> do handbook para mais informações." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:28291 +#: book.translate.xml:28520 msgid "Keeping Jails Patched and up to Date" msgstr "Mantendo as Jails com Alterações e Atualizadas" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:28293 +#: book.translate.xml:28522 msgid "" "Jails should be kept up to date from the host operating system as attempting " "to patch userland from within the jail may likely fail as the default " @@ -49389,8 +49771,17 @@ "manvolnum> para atualizar as jails. Use " "para especificar o caminho da jail a ser atualizada." +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:28531 +msgid "" +"To update the jail to the latest patch release of the version of FreeBSD it " +"is already running, then execute the following commands on the host:" +msgstr "" +"Para atualizar a Jail para o último release patch da versão do FreeBSD que " +"já está em execução, execute os seguintes comandos no host:" + #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28302 +#: book.translate.xml:28535 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# freebsd-update -b /here/is/the/jail fetch\n" @@ -49399,13 +49790,63 @@ "# freebsd-update -b /here/is/the/jail fetch\n" "# freebsd-update -b /here/is/the/jail install" +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:28538 +msgid "" +"To upgrade the jail to a new major or minor version, first upgrade the host " +"system as described in . Once the " +"host has been upgraded and rebooted, the jail can then be upgraded. For " +"example to upgrade from 12.0-RELEASE to 12.1-RELEASE, on the host run:" +msgstr "" +"Para atualizar a jail para uma versão maior ou menor, primeiro atualize o " +"sistema hospedeiro com descrito em . Uma vez que o hospedeiro esteja atualizado e reiniciado, a jail pode " +"então ser atualizada. Por exemplo, para atualizar de 12.0-RELEASE para 12.1-" +"RELEASE, rode no hospedeiro:" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/screen +#: book.translate.xml:28545 +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +"# freebsd-update -b /here/is/the/jail --currently-running 12.0-RELEASE -r 12.1-RELEASE upgrade\n" +"# freebsd-update -b /here/is/the/jail install\n" +"# service jail restart myjail\n" +"# freebsd-update -b /here/is/the/jail install" +msgstr "" +"# freebsd-update -b /here/is/the/jail --currently-running 12.0-RELEASE -r 12.1-RELEASE upgrade\n" +"# freebsd-update -b /here/is/the/jail install\n" +"# service jail restart myjail\n" +"# freebsd-update -b /here/is/the/jail install" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/para +#: book.translate.xml:28550 +msgid "" +"Then, if it was a major version upgrade, reinstall all installed packages " +"and restart the jail again. This is required because the ABI version changes " +"when upgrading between major versions of FreeBSD. From the host:" +msgstr "" +"Então, se foi uma atualização de versão principal, reinstale todos os " +"pacotes instalados e reinicie a jail novamente. Isso é necessário porque a " +"versão ABI muda ao atualizar entre as versões principais do FreeBSD. Pelo " +"host:" + +#. (itstool) path: sect2/screen +#: book.translate.xml:28555 +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +"# pkg -j myjail upgrade -f\n" +"# service jail restart myjail" +msgstr "" +"# pkg -j myjail upgrade -f\n" +"# service jail restart myjail" + #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:28309 +#: book.translate.xml:28563 msgid "Updating Multiple Jails" msgstr "Atualizando Múltiplas Jails" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:28312 book.translate.xml:34630 book.translate.xml:34965 +#: book.translate.xml:28566 book.translate.xml:34884 book.translate.xml:35224 msgid "" " Daniel Gerzo Contributed by " @@ -49414,7 +49855,7 @@ "personname> Contribuido por " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:28321 +#: book.translate.xml:28575 msgid "" " Simon L. B. Nielsen Based upon an idea presented by " @@ -49423,7 +49864,7 @@ "personname> Baseado em uma idéia apresentada por " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:28330 +#: book.translate.xml:28584 msgid "" " Ken Tom " "And an article written by " @@ -49432,7 +49873,7 @@ "E artigo escrito por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:28340 +#: book.translate.xml:28594 msgid "" "The management of multiple jails can become problematic because every jail " "has to be rebuilt from scratch whenever it is upgraded. This can be time " @@ -49444,7 +49885,7 @@ "manualmente." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:28345 +#: book.translate.xml:28599 msgid "" "This section demonstrates one method to resolve this issue by safely sharing " "as much as is possible between jails using read-only " @@ -49463,7 +49904,7 @@ "disso, fornece uma maneira simples de adicionar, remover e atualizar jails." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:28355 +#: book.translate.xml:28609 msgid "" "Simpler solutions exist, such as ezjail, which " "provides an easier method of administering FreeBSD jails but is less " @@ -49476,12 +49917,12 @@ "coberto com mais detalhes em ." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:28362 +#: book.translate.xml:28616 msgid "The goals of the setup described in this section are:" msgstr "Os objetivos da configuração descrita nesta seção são:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28366 +#: book.translate.xml:28620 msgid "" "Create a simple and easy to understand jail structure that does not require " "running a full installworld on each and every jail." @@ -49490,22 +49931,22 @@ "execução de um installworld completo em todas as jails." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28372 +#: book.translate.xml:28626 msgid "Make it easy to add new jails or remove existing ones." msgstr "Facilitar a adição de novas jails ou remoção das já existentes." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28377 +#: book.translate.xml:28631 msgid "Make it easy to update or upgrade existing jails." msgstr "Facilitar a atualização ou upgrade de jails existentes." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28381 +#: book.translate.xml:28635 msgid "Make it possible to run a customized FreeBSD branch." msgstr "Tornar possível a utilização de uma branch customizada do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28385 +#: book.translate.xml:28639 msgid "" "Be paranoid about security, reducing as much as possible the possibility of " "compromise." @@ -49514,12 +49955,12 @@ "comprometimento." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28390 +#: book.translate.xml:28644 msgid "Save space and inodes, as much as possible." msgstr "Economize espaço e inodes, tanto quanto possível." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:28394 +#: book.translate.xml:28648 msgid "" "This design relies on a single, read-only master template which is mounted " "into each jail and one read-write device per jail. A device can be a " @@ -49533,23 +49974,23 @@ "application> read-write." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:28400 +#: book.translate.xml:28654 msgid "The file system layout is as follows:" msgstr "O layout do sistema de arquivos é o seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28404 +#: book.translate.xml:28658 msgid "The jails are based under the /home partition." msgstr "As jails são hospedadas na partição /home." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28409 +#: book.translate.xml:28663 msgid "" "Each jail will be mounted under the /home/j directory." msgstr "Cada jail será montada no diretório /home/j." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28414 +#: book.translate.xml:28668 msgid "" "The template for each jail and the read-only partition for all of the jails " "is /home/j/mroot." @@ -49558,7 +49999,7 @@ "/home/j/mroot." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28420 +#: book.translate.xml:28674 msgid "" "A blank directory will be created for each jail under the /home/j directory." @@ -49567,7 +50008,7 @@ "home/j." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28425 +#: book.translate.xml:28679 msgid "" "Each jail will have a /s directory that will be linked " "to the read-write portion of the system." @@ -49576,7 +50017,7 @@ "parte de read-write do sistema." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28431 +#: book.translate.xml:28685 msgid "" "Each jail will have its own read-write system that is based upon /" "home/j/skel." @@ -49585,7 +50026,7 @@ "j/skel." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:28436 +#: book.translate.xml:28690 msgid "" "The read-write portion of each jail will be created in /home/js." @@ -49594,18 +50035,18 @@ "filename>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:28444 +#: book.translate.xml:28698 msgid "Creating the Template" msgstr "Criando o Template" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:28446 +#: book.translate.xml:28700 msgid "This section describes the steps needed to create the master template." msgstr "" "Esta seção descreve as etapas necessárias para criar o template master." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:28449 +#: book.translate.xml:28703 msgid "" "It is recommended to first update the host FreeBSD system to the latest -" "RELEASE branch using the instructions in . " @@ -49620,7 +50061,7 @@ "a Coleção de Ports do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28457 +#: book.translate.xml:28711 msgid "" "First, create a directory structure for the read-only file system which will " "contain the FreeBSD binaries for the jails. Then, change directory to the " @@ -49633,7 +50074,7 @@ "read-only no template das jails:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28463 +#: book.translate.xml:28717 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mkdir /home/j /home/j/mroot\n" @@ -49645,7 +50086,7 @@ "# make installworld DESTDIR=/home/j/mroot" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28469 +#: book.translate.xml:28723 msgid "" "Next, prepare a FreeBSD Ports Collection for the jails as well as a FreeBSD " "source tree, which is required for mergemaster:" @@ -49655,7 +50096,7 @@ "mergemaster:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28473 +#: book.translate.xml:28727 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /home/j/mroot\n" @@ -49669,12 +50110,12 @@ "# cpdup /usr/src /home/j/mroot/usr/src" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28480 +#: book.translate.xml:28734 msgid "Create a skeleton for the read-write portion of the system:" msgstr "Crie um esqueleto para a parte de read-write do sistema:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28483 +#: book.translate.xml:28737 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mkdir /home/j/skel /home/j/skel/home /home/j/skel/usr-X11R6 /home/j/skel/distfiles\n" @@ -49692,7 +50133,7 @@ "# mv root /home/j/skel" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28492 +#: book.translate.xml:28746 msgid "" "Use mergemaster to install missing configuration " "files. Then, remove the extra directories that mergemastermergemaster:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28497 +#: book.translate.xml:28751 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mergemaster -t /home/j/skel/var/tmp/temproot -D /home/j/skel -i\n" @@ -49715,7 +50156,7 @@ "# rm -R bin boot lib libexec mnt proc rescue sbin sys usr dev" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28503 +#: book.translate.xml:28757 msgid "" "Now, symlink the read-write file system to the read-only file system. Ensure " "that the symlinks are created in the correct s/ " @@ -49728,7 +50169,7 @@ "nos locais errados fará com que a instalação falhe." #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28509 +#: book.translate.xml:28763 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /home/j/mroot\n" @@ -49754,7 +50195,7 @@ "# ln -s s/var var" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28522 +#: book.translate.xml:28776 msgid "" "As a last step, create a generic /home/j/skel/etc/make.conf containing this line:" @@ -49763,13 +50204,13 @@ "filename> genérico contendo esta linha:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:28526 +#: book.translate.xml:28780 #, no-wrap msgid "WRKDIRPREFIX?= /s/portbuild" msgstr "WRKDIRPREFIX?= /s/portbuild" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28528 +#: book.translate.xml:28782 msgid "" "This makes it possible to compile FreeBSD ports inside each jail. Remember " "that the ports directory is part of the read-only system. The custom path " @@ -49782,12 +50223,12 @@ "sejam feitas na parte read-write de cada jail." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:28538 +#: book.translate.xml:28792 msgid "Creating Jails" msgstr "Criando Jails" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:28540 +#: book.translate.xml:28794 msgid "" "The jail template can now be used to setup and configure the jails in " "/etc/rc.conf. This example demonstrates the creation of " @@ -49800,7 +50241,7 @@ "literal>." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28547 +#: book.translate.xml:28801 msgid "" "Add the following lines to /etc/fstab, so that the read-" "only template for the jails and the read-write space will be available in " @@ -49811,7 +50252,7 @@ "disponível nas respectivas jails:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:28552 +#: book.translate.xml:28806 #, no-wrap msgid "" "/home/j/mroot /home/j/ns nullfs ro 0 0\n" @@ -49829,7 +50270,7 @@ "/home/js/www /home/j/www/s nullfs rw 0 0" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28559 +#: book.translate.xml:28813 msgid "" "To prevent fsck from checking " "nullfs mounts during boot and dump." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28568 +#: book.translate.xml:28822 msgid "Configure the jails in /etc/rc.conf:" msgstr "Configure as jails no arquivo /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:28571 +#: book.translate.xml:28825 #, no-wrap msgid "" "jail_enable=\"YES\"\n" @@ -49884,7 +50325,7 @@ "jail_www_devfs_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28587 +#: book.translate.xml:28841 msgid "" "The jail_name_rootdir variable " "is set to /usr/home instead of /home# mkdir /home/j/ns /home/j/mail /home/j/www" msgstr "# mkdir /home/j/ns /home/j/mail /home/j/www" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28608 +#: book.translate.xml:28862 msgid "" "Install the read-write template into each jail using sysutils/" "cpdup:" @@ -49926,7 +50367,7 @@ "package>:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28615 +#: book.translate.xml:28869 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mkdir /home/js\n" @@ -49940,7 +50381,7 @@ "# cpdup /home/j/skel /home/js/www" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28622 +#: book.translate.xml:28876 msgid "" "In this phase, the jails are built and prepared to run. First, mount the " "required file systems for each jail, and then start them:" @@ -49950,7 +50391,7 @@ "inicie-as:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28626 book.translate.xml:28735 +#: book.translate.xml:28880 book.translate.xml:28989 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mount -a\n" @@ -49960,7 +50401,7 @@ "# service jail start" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:28631 +#: book.translate.xml:28885 msgid "" "The jails should be running now. To check if they have started correctly, " "use jls. Its output should be similar to the following:" @@ -49970,7 +50411,7 @@ "semelhante ao seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28635 +#: book.translate.xml:28889 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# jls\n" @@ -49986,7 +50427,7 @@ " 1 /home/j/www" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:28641 +#: book.translate.xml:28895 msgid "" "At this point, it should be possible to log onto each jail, add new users, " "or configure daemons. The JID column indicates the jail " @@ -50001,18 +50442,18 @@ "3:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28648 +#: book.translate.xml:28902 #, no-wrap msgid "# jexec 3 tcsh" msgstr "# jexec 3 tcsh" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:28652 +#: book.translate.xml:28906 msgid "Upgrading" msgstr "Fazendo Upgrade" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:28654 +#: book.translate.xml:28908 msgid "" "The design of this setup provides an easy way to upgrade existing jails " "while minimizing their downtime. Also, it provides a way to roll back to the " @@ -50023,7 +50464,7 @@ "de reverter para a versão mais antiga, caso ocorra algum problema." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28661 +#: book.translate.xml:28915 msgid "" "The first step is to upgrade the host system. Then, create a new temporary " "read-only template in /home/j/mroot2." @@ -50032,7 +50473,7 @@ "template temporário read-only em /home/j/mroot2." #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28665 +#: book.translate.xml:28919 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mkdir /home/j/mroot2\n" @@ -50050,12 +50491,12 @@ "# mkdir s" #. (itstool) path: para/buildtarget -#: book.translate.xml:28672 book.translate.xml:28883 +#: book.translate.xml:28926 book.translate.xml:29137 msgid "installworld" msgstr "installworld" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28672 +#: book.translate.xml:28926 msgid "" "The <_:buildtarget-1/> creates a few unnecessary directories, which should " "be removed:" @@ -50064,7 +50505,7 @@ "removidos:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28676 +#: book.translate.xml:28930 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# chflags -R 0 var\n" @@ -50074,13 +50515,13 @@ "# rm -R etc var root usr/local tmp" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28681 +#: book.translate.xml:28935 msgid "Recreate the read-write symlinks for the master file system:" msgstr "" "Recrie os links simbólicos read-write para o sistema de arquivos master:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28684 +#: book.translate.xml:28938 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ln -s s/etc etc\n" @@ -50100,18 +50541,18 @@ "# ln -s s/var var" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28694 +#: book.translate.xml:28948 msgid "Next, stop the jails:" msgstr "Em seguida, pare as jails:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28696 +#: book.translate.xml:28950 #, no-wrap msgid "# service jail stop" msgstr "# service jail stop" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28700 +#: book.translate.xml:28954 msgid "" "Unmount the original file systems as the read-write systems are attached to " "the read-only system (/s):" @@ -50120,7 +50561,7 @@ "estão conectados ao sistema read-only (/s):" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28707 +#: book.translate.xml:28961 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# umount /home/j/ns/s\n" @@ -50138,7 +50579,7 @@ "# umount /home/j/www" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28716 +#: book.translate.xml:28970 msgid "" "Move the old read-only file system and replace it with the new one. This " "will serve as a backup and archive of the old read-only file system should " @@ -50154,7 +50595,7 @@ "espaço e inodes:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28724 +#: book.translate.xml:28978 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /home/j\n" @@ -50168,7 +50609,7 @@ "# mv mroot.20060601/usr/ports mroot/usr" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28731 +#: book.translate.xml:28985 msgid "" "At this point the new read-only template is ready, so the only remaining " "task is to remount the file systems and start the jails:" @@ -50177,7 +50618,7 @@ "restante é remontar os sistemas de arquivos e iniciar as jails:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:28740 +#: book.translate.xml:28994 msgid "" "Use jls to check if the jails started correctly. Run " "mergemaster in each jail to update the configuration " @@ -50188,12 +50629,12 @@ "atualizar os arquivos de configuração." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:28748 +#: book.translate.xml:29002 msgid "Managing Jails with ezjail" msgstr "Gerenciando Jails com o ezjail" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:28761 +#: book.translate.xml:29015 msgid "" "Creating and managing multiple jails can quickly become tedious and error-" "prone. Dirk Engling's ezjail automates and " @@ -50217,7 +50658,7 @@ "automaticamente todas as outras jails." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:28772 +#: book.translate.xml:29026 msgid "" "Additional benefits and features are described in detail on the " "ezjail web site, ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:28776 +#: book.translate.xml:29030 msgid "Installing ezjail" msgstr "Instalando o ezjail" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:28778 +#: book.translate.xml:29032 msgid "" "Installing ezjail consists of adding a loopback " "interface for use in jails, installing the port or package, and enabling the " @@ -50244,7 +50685,7 @@ "ativação do serviço." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28784 +#: book.translate.xml:29038 msgid "" "To keep jail loopback traffic off the host's loopback network interface " "lo0, a second loopback interface is created by adding an " @@ -50256,13 +50697,13 @@ #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:28789 book.translate.xml:29290 +#: book.translate.xml:29043 book.translate.xml:29544 #, no-wrap msgid "cloned_interfaces=\"lo1\"" msgstr "cloned_interfaces=\"lo1\"" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28791 +#: book.translate.xml:29045 msgid "" "The second loopback interface lo1 will be created when " "the system starts. It can also be created manually without a restart:" @@ -50272,7 +50713,7 @@ #. (itstool) path: step/screen #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28795 book.translate.xml:29294 +#: book.translate.xml:29049 book.translate.xml:29548 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# service netif cloneup\n" @@ -50282,7 +50723,7 @@ "Created clone interfaces: lo1." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28798 +#: book.translate.xml:29052 msgid "" "Jails can be allowed to use aliases of this secondary loopback interface " "without interfering with the host." @@ -50291,7 +50732,7 @@ "secundária sem interferir no host." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28802 +#: book.translate.xml:29056 msgid "" "Inside a jail, access to the loopback address is redirected to the first IP " @@ -50308,7 +50749,7 @@ "IP fornecidos ao criar uma nova jail." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28811 +#: book.translate.xml:29065 msgid "" "Give each jail a unique loopback address in the " @@ -50319,12 +50760,12 @@ "\"netmask\">/8." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28816 +#: book.translate.xml:29070 msgid "Install sysutils/ezjail:" msgstr "Instale o sysutils/ezjail:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28819 +#: book.translate.xml:29073 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/ezjail\n" @@ -50334,7 +50775,7 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28824 +#: book.translate.xml:29078 msgid "" "Enable ezjail by adding this line to /" "etc/rc.conf:" @@ -50343,13 +50784,13 @@ "/etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:28827 +#: book.translate.xml:29081 #, no-wrap msgid "ezjail_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "ezjail_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28831 +#: book.translate.xml:29085 msgid "" "The service will automatically start on system boot. It can be started " "immediately for the current session:" @@ -50358,13 +50799,13 @@ "pode ser iniciado imediatamente na sessão atual:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28835 +#: book.translate.xml:29089 #, no-wrap msgid "# service ezjail start" msgstr "# service ezjail start" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:28843 +#: book.translate.xml:29097 msgid "" "With ezjail installed, the basejail directory " "structure can be created and populated. This step is only needed once on the " @@ -50375,7 +50816,7 @@ "vez no computador host da jail." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:28848 +#: book.translate.xml:29102 msgid "" "In both of these examples, causes the ports tree to be " "retrieved with portsnap." #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:28860 +#: book.translate.xml:29114 msgid "To Populate the Jail with FreeBSD-RELEASE" msgstr "Preencher a Jail com o FreeBSD-RELEASE" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28862 +#: book.translate.xml:29116 msgid "" "For a basejail based on the FreeBSD RELEASE matching that of the host " "computer, use install. For example, on a host computer " -"running FreeBSD 10-STABLE, the latest RELEASE version of FreeBSD -10 will be " +"running FreeBSD 10-STABLE, the latest RELEASE version of FreeBSD -10 will be " "installed in the jail):" msgstr "" "Para uma basejail baseada na mesma versão FreeBSD RELEASE do computador " @@ -50414,23 +50855,23 @@ "FreeBSD -10 será instalada na jail:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28869 +#: book.translate.xml:29123 #, no-wrap msgid "# ezjail-admin install -p" msgstr "# ezjail-admin install -p" #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:28873 +#: book.translate.xml:29127 msgid "To Populate the Jail with installworld" msgstr "Preencher a Jail com o comando installworld" #. (itstool) path: para/buildtarget -#: book.translate.xml:28877 book.translate.xml:46000 book.translate.xml:46067 +#: book.translate.xml:29131 book.translate.xml:46279 book.translate.xml:46346 msgid "buildworld" msgstr "buildworld" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28876 +#: book.translate.xml:29130 msgid "" "The basejail can be installed from binaries created by <_:buildtarget-1/> on " "the host with ezjail-admin update." @@ -50439,9 +50880,9 @@ "buildtarget-1/> no host com ezjail-admin update." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28881 +#: book.translate.xml:29135 msgid "" -"In this example, FreeBSD 10-STABLE has been built from source. The jail " +"In this example, FreeBSD 10-STABLE has been built from source. The jail " "directories are created. Then <_:buildtarget-1/> is executed, installing the " "host's /usr/obj into the basejail." msgstr "" @@ -50450,13 +50891,13 @@ "instalando o /usr/obj do host na basejail." #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28888 +#: book.translate.xml:29142 #, no-wrap msgid "# ezjail-admin update -i -p" msgstr "# ezjail-admin update -i -p" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28890 +#: book.translate.xml:29144 msgid "" "The host's /usr/src is used by default. A different " "source directory on the host can be specified with and a " @@ -50469,7 +50910,7 @@ "local/etc/ezjail.conf." #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:28901 +#: book.translate.xml:29155 msgid "" "The basejail's ports tree is shared by other jails. However, downloaded " "distfiles are stored in the jail that downloaded them. By default, these " @@ -50484,7 +50925,7 @@ "também é usado como um diretório de trabalho ao compilar ports." #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:28910 +#: book.translate.xml:29164 msgid "" "The FTP protocol is used by default to download packages " "for the installation of the basejail. Firewall or proxy configurations can " @@ -50503,23 +50944,23 @@ "/usr/local/etc/ezjail.conf:" #. (itstool) path: tip/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:28919 +#: book.translate.xml:29173 #, no-wrap msgid "ezjail_ftphost=" msgstr "ezjail_ftphost=" #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:28921 +#: book.translate.xml:29175 msgid "See for a list of sites." msgstr "Veja para uma lista de sites." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:28927 +#: book.translate.xml:29181 msgid "Creating and Starting a New Jail" msgstr "Criando e Iniciando uma Nova Jail" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:28929 +#: book.translate.xml:29183 msgid "" "New jails are created with ezjail-admin create. In these " "examples, the lo1 loopback interface is used as described " @@ -50530,12 +50971,12 @@ "usada conforme descrito acima." #. (itstool) path: procedure/title -#: book.translate.xml:28935 +#: book.translate.xml:29189 msgid "Create and Start a New Jail" msgstr "Crie e Inicie uma Nova Jail" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28938 +#: book.translate.xml:29192 msgid "" "Create the jail, specifying a name and the loopback and network interfaces " "to use, along with their IP addresses. In this example, " @@ -50546,13 +50987,13 @@ "a jail é denominada dnsjail." #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28943 +#: book.translate.xml:29197 #, no-wrap msgid "# ezjail-admin create dnsjail 'lo1|,em0|'" msgstr "# ezjail-admin create dnsjail 'lo1|,em0|'" #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:28946 +#: book.translate.xml:29200 msgid "" "Most network services run in jails without problems. A few network services, " "most notably ping8pingparameters:" #. (itstool) path: tip/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:28964 +#: book.translate.xml:29218 #, no-wrap msgid "export jail_jailname_parameters=\"allow.raw_sockets=1\"" msgstr "export jail_jailname_parameters=\"allow.raw_sockets=1\"" #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:28966 +#: book.translate.xml:29220 msgid "" "Do not enable raw network sockets unless services in the jail actually " "require them." @@ -50604,29 +51045,29 @@ "precisem deles." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28972 +#: book.translate.xml:29226 msgid "Start the jail:" msgstr "Inicie a jail:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28974 +#: book.translate.xml:29228 #, no-wrap msgid "# ezjail-admin start dnsjail" msgstr "# ezjail-admin start dnsjail" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28978 +#: book.translate.xml:29232 msgid "Use a console on the jail:" msgstr "Use um console na jail:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28980 +#: book.translate.xml:29234 #, no-wrap msgid "# ezjail-admin console dnsjail" msgstr "# ezjail-admin console dnsjail" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:28984 +#: book.translate.xml:29238 msgid "" "The jail is operating and additional configuration can be completed. Typical " "settings added at this point include:" @@ -50635,12 +51076,12 @@ "Configurações típicas adicionadas neste momento incluem:" #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:28990 +#: book.translate.xml:29244 msgid "Set the root Password" msgstr "Defina a Senha de root" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:28994 +#: book.translate.xml:29248 msgid "" "Connect to the jail and set the root user's password:" @@ -50649,7 +51090,7 @@ "\">root:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:28998 +#: book.translate.xml:29252 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ezjail-admin console dnsjail\n" @@ -50665,12 +51106,12 @@ "Retype New Password:" #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:29006 +#: book.translate.xml:29260 msgid "Time Zone Configuration" msgstr "Configuração de Fuso Horário" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:29008 +#: book.translate.xml:29262 msgid "" "The jail's time zone can be set with tzsetup8. To avoid spurious " @@ -50690,12 +51131,12 @@ "para acessar esse hardware." #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:29017 +#: book.translate.xml:29271 msgid "DNS Servers" msgstr "Servidores DNS" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:29019 +#: book.translate.xml:29273 msgid "" "Enter domain name server lines in /etc/resolv.conf so " "DNS works in the jail." @@ -50705,12 +51146,12 @@ "jail." #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:29025 +#: book.translate.xml:29279 msgid "Edit /etc/hosts" msgstr "Edite o arquivo /etc/hosts" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:29027 +#: book.translate.xml:29281 msgid "" "Change the address and add the jail name to the localhost " "entries in /etc/hosts." @@ -50719,12 +51160,12 @@ "localhost no /etc/hosts." #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:29033 +#: book.translate.xml:29287 msgid "Configure /etc/rc.conf" msgstr "Configure o arquivo /etc/rc.conf" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:29035 +#: book.translate.xml:29289 msgid "" "Enter configuration settings in /etc/rc.conf. This is " "much like configuring a full computer. The host name and IP# ezjail-admin update -b" msgstr "# ezjail-admin update -b" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:29074 +#: book.translate.xml:29328 msgid "" "If the world has already been compiled on the host, install it in the " "basejail with:" @@ -50806,13 +51247,13 @@ "Se o world já estiver sido compilado no host, instale-o no basejail com:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29077 +#: book.translate.xml:29331 #, no-wrap msgid "# ezjail-admin update -i" msgstr "# ezjail-admin update -i" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:29079 +#: book.translate.xml:29333 msgid "" "Binary updates use freebsd-update8. These updates have " @@ -50829,7 +51270,7 @@ "RELEASE do FreeBSD estão disponíveis com este método." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:29085 +#: book.translate.xml:29339 msgid "" "Update the basejail to the latest patched release of the version of FreeBSD " "on the host. For example, updating from RELEASE-p1 to RELEASE-p2." @@ -50838,13 +51279,13 @@ "host. Por exemplo, atualizando de RELEASE-p1 para RELEASE-p2." #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29089 +#: book.translate.xml:29343 #, no-wrap msgid "# ezjail-admin update -u" msgstr "# ezjail-admin update -u" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:29091 +#: book.translate.xml:29345 msgid "" "To upgrade the basejail to a new version, first upgrade the host system as " "described in . Once the host has " @@ -50867,7 +51308,7 @@ "versão original na basejail:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29099 +#: book.translate.xml:29353 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# file /usr/jails/basejail/bin/sh\n" @@ -50877,7 +51318,7 @@ "/usr/jails/basejail/bin/sh: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (FreeBSD), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for FreeBSD 9.3, stripped" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:29102 +#: book.translate.xml:29356 msgid "" "Now use this information to perform the upgrade from 9.3-RELEASE to the current version of the host system:" @@ -50886,13 +51327,13 @@ "RELEASE para a versão atual do sistema host:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29106 +#: book.translate.xml:29360 #, no-wrap msgid "# ezjail-admin update -U -s 9.3-RELEASE" msgstr "# ezjail-admin update -U -s 9.3-RELEASE" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:29108 +#: book.translate.xml:29362 msgid "" "After updating the basejail, mergemaster8 must be run to update " @@ -50903,7 +51344,7 @@ "para atualizar os arquivos de configuração de cada jail." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:29111 +#: book.translate.xml:29365 msgid "" "How to use mergemaster8 depends on the purpose " @@ -50920,7 +51361,7 @@ "somente dentro dessa jail:" #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:29117 +#: book.translate.xml:29371 msgid "" "mergemaster8 on Untrusted Jail" @@ -50929,7 +51370,7 @@ "manvolnum> em Jail Não Confiável" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29119 +#: book.translate.xml:29373 msgid "" "Delete the link from the jail's /usr/src into the " "basejail and create a new /usr/src in the jail as a " @@ -50942,7 +51383,7 @@ "only no novo ponto de montagem /usr/src da jail:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29126 +#: book.translate.xml:29380 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# rm /usr/jails/jailname/usr/src\n" @@ -50954,18 +51395,18 @@ "# mount -t nullfs -o ro /usr/src /usr/jails/jailname/usr/src" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29130 +#: book.translate.xml:29384 msgid "Get a console in the jail:" msgstr "Execute um console na jail:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29132 +#: book.translate.xml:29386 #, no-wrap msgid "# ezjail-admin console jailname" msgstr "# ezjail-admin console jailname" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29134 +#: book.translate.xml:29388 msgid "" "Inside the jail, run mergemaster. Then exit the jail " "console:" @@ -50974,7 +51415,7 @@ "console da jail:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29137 +#: book.translate.xml:29391 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/src\n" @@ -50986,18 +51427,18 @@ "# exit" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29141 +#: book.translate.xml:29395 msgid "Finally, unmount the jail's /usr/src:" msgstr "Finalmente, desmonte o /usr/src da jail:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29144 +#: book.translate.xml:29398 #, no-wrap msgid "# umount /usr/jails/jailname/usr/src" msgstr "# umount /usr/jails/jailname/usr/src" #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:29149 +#: book.translate.xml:29403 msgid "" "mergemaster8 on Trusted Jail" @@ -51006,7 +51447,7 @@ "manvolnum> em Jail Confiável" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29151 +#: book.translate.xml:29405 msgid "" "If the users and services in a jail are trusted, " "mergemaster8 pode ser executado a partir do host:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29154 +#: book.translate.xml:29408 #, no-wrap msgid "# mergemaster -U -D /usr/jails/jailname" msgstr "# mergemaster -U -D /usr/jails/jailname" #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:29158 +#: book.translate.xml:29412 msgid "" "After a major version update it is recommended by sysutils/ezjail to make sure your pkg is of the correct version. " @@ -51034,23 +51475,23 @@ "seja da versão correta. Portanto, digite:" #. (itstool) path: tip/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29163 +#: book.translate.xml:29417 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg-static upgrade -f pkg" msgstr "# pkg-static upgrade -f pkg" #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:29165 +#: book.translate.xml:29419 msgid "to upgrade or downgrade to the appropriate version." msgstr "para atualizar ou fazer o downgrade para a versão apropriada." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:29171 +#: book.translate.xml:29425 msgid "Updating Ports" msgstr "Atualizando o Ports" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:29173 +#: book.translate.xml:29427 msgid "" "The ports tree in the basejail is shared by the other jails. Updating that " "copy of the ports tree gives the other jails the updated version also." @@ -51060,7 +51501,7 @@ "atualizada também." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:29177 +#: book.translate.xml:29431 msgid "" "The basejail ports tree is updated with " "portsnap8:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29180 +#: book.translate.xml:29434 #, no-wrap msgid "# ezjail-admin update -P" msgstr "# ezjail-admin update -P" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:29185 +#: book.translate.xml:29439 msgid "Controlling Jails" msgstr "Controlando as Jails" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:29188 +#: book.translate.xml:29442 msgid "Stopping and Starting Jails" msgstr "Parando e Iniciando Jails" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:29190 +#: book.translate.xml:29444 msgid "" "ezjail automatically starts jails when the " "computer is started. Jails can be manually stopped and restarted with " @@ -51098,7 +51539,7 @@ "com stop e start:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29195 +#: book.translate.xml:29449 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ezjail-admin stop sambajail\n" @@ -51108,7 +51549,7 @@ "Stopping jails: sambajail." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:29198 +#: book.translate.xml:29452 msgid "" "By default, jails are started automatically when the host computer starts. " "Autostarting can be disabled with config:" @@ -51118,13 +51559,13 @@ "config:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29202 +#: book.translate.xml:29456 #, no-wrap msgid "# ezjail-admin config -r norun seldomjail" msgstr "# ezjail-admin config -r norun seldomjail" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:29204 +#: book.translate.xml:29458 msgid "" "This takes effect the next time the host computer is started. A jail that is " "already running will not be stopped." @@ -51133,23 +51574,23 @@ "Uma jail que já está em execução não será interrompida." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:29208 +#: book.translate.xml:29462 msgid "Enabling autostart is very similar:" msgstr "A ativação do início automático é muito semelhante:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29210 +#: book.translate.xml:29464 #, no-wrap msgid "# ezjail-admin config -r run oftenjail" msgstr "# ezjail-admin config -r run oftenjail" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:29214 +#: book.translate.xml:29468 msgid "Archiving and Restoring Jails" msgstr "Arquivando e Restaurando Jails" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:29216 +#: book.translate.xml:29470 msgid "" "Use archive to create a .tar.gz " "archive of a jail. The file name is composed from the name of the jail and " @@ -51166,7 +51607,7 @@ "configuração." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:29225 +#: book.translate.xml:29479 msgid "" "The archive file can be copied elsewhere as a backup, or an existing jail " "can be restored from it with restore. A new jail can be " @@ -51178,12 +51619,12 @@ "uma maneira conveniente de clonar as jails existentes." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:29231 +#: book.translate.xml:29485 msgid "Stop and archive a jail named wwwserver:" msgstr "Pare e arquive uma jail chamada wwwserver:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29234 +#: book.translate.xml:29488 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ezjail-admin stop wwwserver\n" @@ -51199,7 +51640,7 @@ "wwwserver-201407271153.13.tar.gz" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:29240 +#: book.translate.xml:29494 msgid "" "Create a new jail named wwwserver-clone from the archive " "created in the previous step. Use the em1 interface and " @@ -51211,18 +51652,18 @@ "um novo endereço IP para evitar conflito com a original:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29246 +#: book.translate.xml:29500 #, no-wrap msgid "# ezjail-admin create -a /usr/jails/ezjail_archives/wwwserver-201407271153.13.tar.gz wwwserver-clone 'lo1|,em1|'" msgstr "# ezjail-admin create -a /usr/jails/ezjail_archives/wwwserver-201407271153.13.tar.gz wwwserver-clone 'lo1|,em1|'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:29251 +#: book.translate.xml:29505 msgid "Full Example: BIND in a Jail" msgstr "Exemplo Completo: BIND em uma Jail" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:29254 +#: book.translate.xml:29508 msgid "" "Putting the BIND DNS server in " "a jail improves security by isolating it. This example creates a simple " @@ -51233,12 +51674,12 @@ "nomes de cache simples." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29261 +#: book.translate.xml:29515 msgid "The jail will be called dns1." msgstr "A jail será chamada de dns1." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29266 +#: book.translate.xml:29520 msgid "" "The jail will use IP address on the host's re0 interface." @@ -51247,7 +51688,7 @@ "literal> na interface re0 do host." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29272 +#: book.translate.xml:29526 msgid "" "The upstream ISP's DNS servers are at and" @@ -51256,7 +51697,7 @@ " e" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29278 +#: book.translate.xml:29532 msgid "" "The basejail has already been created and a ports tree installed as shown in " "." @@ -51265,12 +51706,12 @@ "." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:29285 +#: book.translate.xml:29539 msgid "Running BIND in a Jail" msgstr "Executando o BIND em uma Jail" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29287 +#: book.translate.xml:29541 msgid "" "Create a cloned loopback interface by adding a line to /etc/rc." "conf:" @@ -51279,23 +51720,23 @@ "/etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29292 +#: book.translate.xml:29546 msgid "Immediately create the new loopback interface:" msgstr "Imediatamente crie a nova interface de loopback:" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29297 +#: book.translate.xml:29551 msgid "Create the jail:" msgstr "Crie a jail:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29299 +#: book.translate.xml:29553 #, no-wrap msgid "# ezjail-admin create dns1 'lo1|,re0|'" msgstr "# ezjail-admin create dns1 'lo1|,re0|'" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29301 +#: book.translate.xml:29555 msgid "" "Start the jail, connect to a console running on it, and perform some basic " "configuration:" @@ -51304,7 +51745,7 @@ "básicas:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29304 +#: book.translate.xml:29558 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ezjail-admin start dns1\n" @@ -51328,7 +51769,7 @@ "# sed -i .bak -e 's/; s/ dns1/' /etc/hosts" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29314 +#: book.translate.xml:29568 msgid "" "Temporarily set the upstream DNS servers in /" "etc/resolv.conf so ports can be downloaded:" @@ -51338,7 +51779,7 @@ "ser baixados:" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:29318 +#: book.translate.xml:29572 #, no-wrap msgid "" "nameserver\n" @@ -51348,7 +51789,7 @@ "nameserver" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29321 +#: book.translate.xml:29575 msgid "" "Still using the jail console, install dns/bind99." @@ -51357,13 +51798,13 @@ "package>." #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29324 +#: book.translate.xml:29578 #, no-wrap msgid "# make -C /usr/ports/dns/bind99 install clean" msgstr "# make -C /usr/ports/dns/bind99 install clean" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29326 +#: book.translate.xml:29580 msgid "" "Configure the name server by editing /usr/local/etc/namedb/named." "conf." @@ -51372,7 +51813,7 @@ "namedb/named.conf." #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29329 +#: book.translate.xml:29583 msgid "" "Create an Access Control List (ACL) of addresses and " "networks that are permitted to send DNS queries to this " @@ -51385,7 +51826,7 @@ "options no arquivo:" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:29335 +#: book.translate.xml:29589 #, no-wrap msgid "" "...\n" @@ -51413,7 +51854,7 @@ "..." #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29347 +#: book.translate.xml:29601 msgid "" "Use the jail IP address in the listen-on setting to accept DNS queries from other " @@ -51424,13 +51865,13 @@ "computadores na rede:" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:29352 +#: book.translate.xml:29606 #, no-wrap msgid "\tlisten-on\t{; };" msgstr "\tlisten-on\t{; };" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29354 +#: book.translate.xml:29608 msgid "" "A simple caching-only DNS name server is created by " "changing the forwarders section. The original file " @@ -51440,7 +51881,7 @@ "alterando a seção forwarders. O arquivo original contém:" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:29358 +#: book.translate.xml:29612 #, no-wrap msgid "" "/*\n" @@ -51456,7 +51897,7 @@ "*/" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29364 +#: book.translate.xml:29618 msgid "" "Uncomment the section by removing the /* and */ lines. Enter the IP addresses of the upstream " @@ -51471,7 +51912,7 @@ "acronym> definida anteriormente:" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:29372 +#: book.translate.xml:29626 #, no-wrap msgid "" "\tforwarders {\n" @@ -51493,23 +51934,23 @@ "\tallow-query-cache { trusted; };" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29381 +#: book.translate.xml:29635 msgid "Enable the service in /etc/rc.conf:" msgstr "Ative o serviço no arquivo /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:29384 +#: book.translate.xml:29638 #, no-wrap msgid "named_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "named_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29386 +#: book.translate.xml:29640 msgid "Start and test the name server:" msgstr "Inicie e teste o servidor de nomes:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29388 +#: book.translate.xml:29642 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# service named start\n" @@ -51523,18 +51964,18 @@ "# /usr/local/bin/dig @" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29393 +#: book.translate.xml:29647 msgid "A response that includes" msgstr "Uma resposta que inclui" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29395 +#: book.translate.xml:29649 #, no-wrap msgid ";; Got answer;" msgstr ";; Got answer;" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29397 +#: book.translate.xml:29651 msgid "" "shows that the new DNS server is working. A long delay " "followed by a response including" @@ -51543,13 +51984,13 @@ "delay seguido por uma resposta incluindo" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29401 +#: book.translate.xml:29655 #, no-wrap msgid ";; connection timed out; no servers could be reached" msgstr ";; connection timed out; no servers could be reached" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29403 +#: book.translate.xml:29657 msgid "" "shows a problem. Check the configuration settings and make sure any local " "firewalls allow the new DNS access to the upstream " @@ -51560,7 +52001,7 @@ "acesse os servidores upstream de DNS." #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29408 +#: book.translate.xml:29662 msgid "" "The new DNS server can use itself for local name " "resolution, just like other local computers. Set the address of the " @@ -51573,13 +52014,13 @@ "filename> do computador-cliente:" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:29414 +#: book.translate.xml:29668 #, no-wrap msgid "nameserver" msgstr "nameserver" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:29416 +#: book.translate.xml:29670 msgid "" "A local DHCP server can be configured to provide this " "address for a local DNS server, providing automatic " @@ -51591,22 +52032,22 @@ #. (itstool) path: info/title #. (itstool) path: glossentry/glossterm -#: book.translate.xml:29432 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:29686 book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "Mandatory Access Control" msgstr "Controle de acesso obrigatório" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:29443 +#: book.translate.xml:29697 msgid "MAC" msgstr "MAC" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:29444 +#: book.translate.xml:29698 msgid "Mandatory Access Control MAC" msgstr "Mandatory Access Control MAC" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:29449 +#: book.translate.xml:29703 msgid "" "FreeBSD supports security extensions based on the POSIX.1e draft. These security mechanisms include " @@ -51637,7 +52078,7 @@ "deixada a critério dos usuários." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:29464 +#: book.translate.xml:29718 msgid "" "This chapter focuses on the MAC framework and the set of " "pluggable security policy modules FreeBSD provides for enabling various " @@ -51648,12 +52089,12 @@ "habilitar vários mecanismos de segurança." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29472 +#: book.translate.xml:29726 msgid "The terminology associated with the MAC framework." msgstr "A terminologia associada ao framework MAC." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29477 +#: book.translate.xml:29731 msgid "" "The capabilities of MAC security policy modules as well " "as the difference between a labeled and non-labeled policy." @@ -51662,7 +52103,7 @@ "como a diferença entre uma política rotulada e não rotulada." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29483 +#: book.translate.xml:29737 msgid "" "The considerations to take into account before configuring a system to use " "the MAC framework." @@ -51671,7 +52112,7 @@ "usar o framework MAC." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29488 +#: book.translate.xml:29742 msgid "" "Which MAC security policy modules are included in FreeBSD " "and how to configure them." @@ -51680,7 +52121,7 @@ "incluídos no FreeBSD e como configurá-los." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29493 +#: book.translate.xml:29747 msgid "" "How to implement a more secure environment using the MAC " "framework." @@ -51689,7 +52130,7 @@ "acronym>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29498 +#: book.translate.xml:29752 msgid "" "How to test the MAC configuration to ensure the framework " "has been properly implemented." @@ -51698,7 +52139,7 @@ "acronym> foi implementado corretamente." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29512 book.translate.xml:31265 book.translate.xml:46347 +#: book.translate.xml:29766 book.translate.xml:31519 book.translate.xml:46626 msgid "" "Have some familiarity with security and how it pertains to FreeBSD ()." @@ -51707,7 +52148,7 @@ "()." #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:29518 +#: book.translate.xml:29772 msgid "" "Improper MAC configuration may cause loss of system " "access, aggravation of users, or inability to access the features provided " @@ -51726,7 +52167,7 @@ "regulares de segurança, o sistema nunca estará completamente seguro." #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:29528 +#: book.translate.xml:29782 msgid "" "The examples contained within this chapter are for demonstration purposes " "and the example settings should not be implemented on a " @@ -51739,7 +52180,7 @@ "requer um bom entendimento, design adequado e testes completos." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:29535 +#: book.translate.xml:29789 msgid "" "While this chapter covers a broad range of security issues relating to the " "MAC framework, the development of new MACMAC framework:" @@ -51782,7 +52223,7 @@ "MAC:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29555 +#: book.translate.xml:29809 msgid "" "compartment: a set of programs and data to be " "partitioned or separated, where users are given explicit access to specific " @@ -51798,7 +52239,7 @@ "segurança baseada na necessidade de conhecimento." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29565 +#: book.translate.xml:29819 msgid "" "integrity: the level of trust which can be placed on " "data. As the integrity of the data is elevated, so does the ability to trust " @@ -51809,7 +52250,7 @@ "aumenta a capacidade de confiar nesses dados." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29571 +#: book.translate.xml:29825 msgid "" "level: the increased or decreased setting of a security " "attribute. As the level increases, its security is considered to elevate as " @@ -51820,7 +52261,7 @@ "também é considerada alta." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29577 +#: book.translate.xml:29831 msgid "" "label: a security attribute which can be applied to " "files, directories, or other items in the system. It could be considered a " @@ -51842,7 +52283,7 @@ "políticas podem usar rótulos para manter regras de acesso." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29591 +#: book.translate.xml:29845 msgid "" "multilabel: this property is a file system option which " "can be set in single-user mode using tunefssingle label: a policy where the entire file system " "uses one label to enforce access control over the flow of data. Whenever " @@ -51877,7 +52318,7 @@ "arquivos estarão em conformidade com a mesma configuração de rótulo." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29609 +#: book.translate.xml:29863 msgid "" "object: an entity through which information flows under " "the direction of a subject. This includes directories, " @@ -51893,7 +52334,7 @@ "sistema. O acesso a um objeto significa efetivamente acesso aos seus dados." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29619 +#: book.translate.xml:29873 msgid "" "subject: any active entity that causes information to " "flow between objects such as a user, user process, or " @@ -51906,7 +52347,7 @@ "um segmento agindo em um processo em nome de um usuário." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29627 +#: book.translate.xml:29881 msgid "" "policy: a collection of rules which defines how " "objectives are to be achieved. A policy usually documents how certain items " @@ -51921,7 +52362,7 @@ "informações e define quem tem acesso a esses dados e informações." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29636 +#: book.translate.xml:29890 msgid "" "high-watermark: this type of policy permits the raising " "of security levels for the purpose of accessing higher level information. In " @@ -51936,7 +52377,7 @@ "FreeBSD não inclui este tipo de política." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29645 +#: book.translate.xml:29899 msgid "" "low-watermark: this type of policy permits lowering " "security levels for the purpose of accessing information which is less " @@ -51953,7 +52394,7 @@ "refentrytitle>4." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:29654 +#: book.translate.xml:29908 msgid "" "sensitivity: usually used when discussing Multilevel " "Security (MLS). A sensitivity level describes how " @@ -51967,12 +52408,12 @@ "aumenta a importância do sigilo ou confidencialidade dos dados." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:29665 +#: book.translate.xml:29919 msgid "Understanding MAC Labels" msgstr "Entendendo os rótulos MAC" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:29667 +#: book.translate.xml:29921 msgid "" "A MAC label is a security attribute which may be applied " "to subjects and objects throughout the system. When setting a label, the " @@ -51989,7 +52430,7 @@ "interpretam seus atributos de maneiras diferentes." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:29675 +#: book.translate.xml:29929 msgid "" "The security label on an object is used as a part of a security access " "control decision by a policy. With some policies, the label contains all of " @@ -52003,7 +52444,7 @@ "de regras maior." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:29681 +#: book.translate.xml:29935 msgid "" "There are two types of label policies: single label and multi label. By " "default, the system will use single label. The administrator should be aware " @@ -52016,7 +52457,7 @@ "requisitos do modelo de segurança do sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:29687 +#: book.translate.xml:29941 msgid "" "A single label security policy only permits one label to be used for every " "subject or object. Since a single label policy enforces one set of access " @@ -52033,7 +52474,7 @@ "rótulo pode ser tudo o que é necessário." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:29695 +#: book.translate.xml:29949 msgid "" "A single label policy is somewhat similar to DAC as " "root configures the policies so " @@ -52053,7 +52494,7 @@ "systemitem> poderá revogar ou modificar as configurações a qualquer momento." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:29704 +#: book.translate.xml:29958 msgid "" "When appropriate, a multi label policy can be set on a UFS file system by passing to " @@ -52079,7 +52520,7 @@ "partition, não usam rótulos." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:29716 +#: book.translate.xml:29970 msgid "" "Using a multi label policy on a partition and establishing a multi label " "security model can increase administrative overhead as everything in that " @@ -52092,7 +52533,7 @@ "inclui diretórios, arquivos e até mesmo nós de dispositivos." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:29721 +#: book.translate.xml:29975 msgid "" "The following command will set on the specified " "UFS file system. This may only be done in single-user " @@ -52104,13 +52545,13 @@ "swap:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:29726 +#: book.translate.xml:29980 #, no-wrap msgid "# tunefs -l enable /" msgstr "# tunefs -l enable /" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:29729 +#: book.translate.xml:29983 msgid "" "Some users have experienced problems with setting the em um arquivo de configuração do kernel personalizado." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:32327 +#: book.translate.xml:32581 msgid "" "The rest of this section demonstrates how to verify that a USB storage device is recognized by FreeBSD and how to configure the " @@ -57164,12 +57605,12 @@ "configurar o dispositivo para que ele possa ser usado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:32332 +#: book.translate.xml:32586 msgid "Device Configuration" msgstr "Configuração de Dispositivo" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32334 +#: book.translate.xml:32588 msgid "" "To test the USB configuration, plug in the USB device. Use dmesg to confirm that the drive " @@ -57181,7 +57622,7 @@ "isto:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:32340 +#: book.translate.xml:32594 #, no-wrap msgid "" "umass0: <STECH Simple Drive, class 0/0, rev 2.00/1.04, addr 3> on usbus0\n" @@ -57205,7 +57646,7 @@ "da0: quirks=0x2<NO_6_BYTE>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32350 +#: book.translate.xml:32604 msgid "" "The brand, device node (da0), speed, and size will " "differ according to the device." @@ -57214,7 +57655,7 @@ "tamanho serão diferentes de acordo com o dispositivo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32353 +#: book.translate.xml:32607 msgid "" "Since the USB device is seen as a SCSI " "one, camcontrol can be used to list the USBUSB conectados ao sistema:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:32358 +#: book.translate.xml:32612 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# camcontrol devlist\n" @@ -57235,7 +57676,7 @@ "<STECH Simple Drive 1.04> at scbus4 target 0 lun 0 (pass3,da0)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32361 +#: book.translate.xml:32615 msgid "" "Alternately, usbconfig can be used to list the device. " "Refer to usbconfig para obter mais informações sobre este comando." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:32365 +#: book.translate.xml:32619 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# usbconfig\n" @@ -57258,7 +57699,7 @@ "ugen0.3: <Simple Drive STECH> at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=HIGH (480Mbps) pwr=ON (2mA)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32368 +#: book.translate.xml:32622 msgid "" "If the device has not been formatted, refer to for instructions on how to format and create partitions on the " @@ -57273,7 +57714,7 @@ "systemitem> usando as instruções em ." #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:32375 +#: book.translate.xml:32629 msgid "" "Allowing untrusted users to mount arbitrary media, by enabling vfs." "usermount as described below, should not be considered safe from a " @@ -57286,7 +57727,7 @@ "arquivos não foi criada para proteger contra dispositivos maliciosos." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32382 +#: book.translate.xml:32636 msgid "" "To make the device mountable as a normal user, one solution is to make all " "users of the device a member of the :" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:32389 +#: book.translate.xml:32643 #, no-wrap msgid "" "[localrules=5]\n" @@ -57315,7 +57756,7 @@ "add path 'da*' mode 0660 group operator" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:32393 +#: book.translate.xml:32647 msgid "" "If internal SCSI disks are also installed in the system, " "change the second line as follows:" @@ -57324,13 +57765,13 @@ "sistema, altere a segunda linha da seguinte maneira:" #. (itstool) path: note/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:32397 +#: book.translate.xml:32651 #, no-wrap msgid "add path 'da[3-9]*' mode 0660 group operator" msgstr "add path 'da[3-9]*' mode 0660 group operator" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:32399 +#: book.translate.xml:32653 msgid "" "This will exclude the first three SCSI disks " "(da0 to da2)from belonging to the " @@ -57349,20 +57790,20 @@ "informações sobre esse arquivo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32407 +#: book.translate.xml:32661 msgid "Next, enable the ruleset in /etc/rc.conf:" msgstr "" "Em seguida, ative o conjunto de regras no arquivo /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:32410 +#: book.translate.xml:32664 #, no-wrap msgid "devfs_system_ruleset=\"localrules\"" msgstr "devfs_system_ruleset=\"localrules\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32412 +#: book.translate.xml:32666 msgid "" "Then, instruct the system to allow regular users to mount file systems by " "adding the following line to /etc/sysctl.conf:" @@ -57372,13 +57813,13 @@ "sysctl.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:32416 +#: book.translate.xml:32670 #, no-wrap msgid "vfs.usermount=1" msgstr "vfs.usermount=1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32418 +#: book.translate.xml:32672 msgid "" "Since this only takes effect after the next reboot, use sysctl to set this variable now:" @@ -57387,7 +57828,7 @@ "sysctl para definir essa variável agora:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:32421 +#: book.translate.xml:32675 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# sysctl vfs.usermount=1\n" @@ -57397,7 +57838,7 @@ "vfs.usermount: 0 -> 1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32424 +#: book.translate.xml:32678 msgid "" "The final step is to create a directory where the file system is to be " "mounted. This directory needs to be owned by the user that is to mount the " @@ -57417,7 +57858,7 @@ "principal do usuário:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:32434 +#: book.translate.xml:32688 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mkdir /mnt/username\n" @@ -57427,7 +57868,7 @@ "# chown username:usergroup /mnt/username" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32437 +#: book.translate.xml:32691 msgid "" "Suppose a USB thumbdrive is plugged in, and a device " "/dev/da0s1 appears. If the device is formatted with a " @@ -57439,13 +57880,13 @@ "usuário poderá montá-lo usando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:32442 +#: book.translate.xml:32696 #, no-wrap msgid "% mount -t msdosfs -o -m=644,-M=755 /dev/da0s1 /mnt/username" msgstr "% mount -t msdosfs -o -m=644,-M=755 /dev/da0s1 /mnt/username" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32444 +#: book.translate.xml:32698 msgid "" "Before the device can be unplugged, it must be " "unmounted first:" @@ -57454,13 +57895,13 @@ "emphasis> ser desmontado primeiro:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:32447 +#: book.translate.xml:32701 #, no-wrap msgid "% umount /mnt/username" msgstr "% umount /mnt/username" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32449 +#: book.translate.xml:32703 msgid "" "After device removal, the system message buffer will show messages similar " "to the following:" @@ -57469,7 +57910,7 @@ "mensagens semelhantes às seguintes:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:32452 +#: book.translate.xml:32706 #, no-wrap msgid "" "umass0: at uhub3, port 2, addr 3 (disconnected)\n" @@ -57483,12 +57924,12 @@ "(da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): Periph destroyed" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:32459 +#: book.translate.xml:32713 msgid "Automounting Removable Media" msgstr "Montando Automaticamente Uma Mídia Removível" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32461 +#: book.translate.xml:32715 msgid "" "USB devices can be automatically mounted by uncommenting " "this line in /etc/auto_master:" @@ -57498,19 +57939,19 @@ "filename>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:32465 +#: book.translate.xml:32719 #, no-wrap msgid "/media\t\t-media\t\t-nosuid" msgstr "/media\t\t-media\t\t-nosuid" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32467 book.translate.xml:46745 +#: book.translate.xml:32721 book.translate.xml:47024 msgid "Then add these lines to /etc/devd.conf:" msgstr "" "Então adicione estas linhas ao arquivo /etc/devd.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:32470 +#: book.translate.xml:32724 #, no-wrap msgid "" "notify 100 {\n" @@ -57526,7 +57967,7 @@ "};" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32476 +#: book.translate.xml:32730 msgid "" "Reload the configuration if autofs5 and " @@ -57539,7 +57980,7 @@ "citerefentry> já estiverem em execução:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:32479 +#: book.translate.xml:32733 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# service automount restart\n" @@ -57549,7 +57990,7 @@ "# service devd restart" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32482 +#: book.translate.xml:32736 msgid "" "autofs5 can be set to start at boot by adding this line to /" @@ -57560,13 +58001,13 @@ "linha ao arquivo /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:32485 book.translate.xml:53674 +#: book.translate.xml:32739 book.translate.xml:53952 #, no-wrap msgid "autofs_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "autofs_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32487 +#: book.translate.xml:32741 msgid "" "autofs5 requires devd# service automount start\n" @@ -57598,7 +58039,7 @@ "# service devd start" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32497 +#: book.translate.xml:32751 msgid "" "Each file system that can be automatically mounted appears as a directory in " "/media/. The directory is named after the file system " @@ -57610,7 +58051,7 @@ "nomeado após o nó do dispositivo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32502 +#: book.translate.xml:32756 msgid "" "The file system is transparently mounted on the first access, and unmounted " "after a period of inactivity. Automounted drives can also be unmounted " @@ -57621,13 +58062,13 @@ "também podem ser desmontadas manualmente:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:32506 +#: book.translate.xml:32760 #, no-wrap msgid "# automount -fu" msgstr "# automount -fu" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32508 +#: book.translate.xml:32762 msgid "" "This mechanism is typically used for memory cards and USB " "memory sticks. It can be used with any block device, including optical " @@ -57639,12 +58080,12 @@ "acronym>s." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:32517 +#: book.translate.xml:32771 msgid "Creating and Using CD Media" msgstr "Criando e Usando Mídia em CD" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:32520 book.translate.xml:46170 +#: book.translate.xml:32774 book.translate.xml:46449 msgid "" " Mike Meyer Contributed by " @@ -57653,14 +58094,14 @@ "personname> Contribuído por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:32530 +#: book.translate.xml:32784 msgid "" "CD-ROMs creating" msgstr "" "CD-ROMs creating" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:32535 +#: book.translate.xml:32789 msgid "" "Compact Disc (CD) media provide a number of features that " "differentiate them from conventional disks. They are designed so that they " @@ -57679,18 +58120,18 @@ "para lidar com essas diferenças." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:32544 +#: book.translate.xml:32798 msgid "ISO 9660" msgstr "ISO 9660" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:32546 book.translate.xml:32736 +#: book.translate.xml:32800 book.translate.xml:32990 msgid "file systems ISO 9660" msgstr "file systems ISO 9660" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:32551 +#: book.translate.xml:32805 msgid "" "CD burner ATAPI" @@ -57699,7 +58140,7 @@ "acronym>" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:32556 +#: book.translate.xml:32810 msgid "" "The FreeBSD Ports Collection provides several utilities for burning and " "duplicating audio and data CDs. This chapter demonstrates " @@ -57715,12 +58156,12 @@ "k3b." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:32566 +#: book.translate.xml:32820 msgid "Supported Devices" msgstr "Dispositivos Suportados" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:32579 +#: book.translate.xml:32833 msgid "" "CD burner ATAPI/CAM driver" @@ -57729,7 +58170,7 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32584 +#: book.translate.xml:32838 msgid "" "The GENERIC kernel provides support for SCSI, USB, and ATAPI CDSCSI burner, make sure these options are present:" msgstr "" @@ -57752,7 +58193,7 @@ "presentes:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:32594 +#: book.translate.xml:32848 #, no-wrap msgid "" "device scbus\t# SCSI bus (required for ATA/SCSI)\n" @@ -57766,7 +58207,7 @@ "device cd\t# needed for CD and DVD burners" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32599 +#: book.translate.xml:32853 msgid "" "For a USB burner, make sure these options are present:" msgstr "" @@ -57774,7 +58215,7 @@ "presentes:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:32602 +#: book.translate.xml:32856 #, no-wrap msgid "" "device scbus\t# SCSI bus (required for ATA/SCSI)\n" @@ -57800,7 +58241,7 @@ "device umass\t# Disks/Mass storage - Requires scbus and da" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32613 +#: book.translate.xml:32867 msgid "" "For an ATAPI burner, make sure these options are present:" msgstr "" @@ -57808,7 +58249,7 @@ "presentes:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:32616 +#: book.translate.xml:32870 #, no-wrap msgid "" "device ata\t# Legacy ATA/SATA controllers\n" @@ -57822,7 +58263,7 @@ "device cd\t# needed for CD and DVD burners" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:32622 +#: book.translate.xml:32876 msgid "" "On FreeBSD versions prior to 10.x, this line is also needed in the kernel " "configuration file if the burner is an ATAPI device:" @@ -57832,13 +58273,13 @@ "ATAPI:" #. (itstool) path: note/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:32626 +#: book.translate.xml:32880 #, no-wrap msgid "device atapicam" msgstr "device atapicam" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:32628 +#: book.translate.xml:32882 msgid "" "Alternately, this driver can be loaded at boot time by adding the following " "line to /boot/loader.conf:" @@ -57848,13 +58289,13 @@ "filename>:" #. (itstool) path: note/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:32632 +#: book.translate.xml:32886 #, no-wrap msgid "atapicam_load=\"YES\"" msgstr "atapicam_load=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:32634 +#: book.translate.xml:32888 msgid "" "This will require a reboot of the system as this driver can only be loaded " "at boot time." @@ -57863,7 +58304,7 @@ "carregado no momento da inicialização." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32638 +#: book.translate.xml:32892 msgid "" "To verify that FreeBSD recognizes the device, run dmesg " "and look for an entry for the device. On systems prior to 10.x, the device " @@ -57876,7 +58317,7 @@ "será acd0 em vez de cd0." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:32644 +#: book.translate.xml:32898 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% dmesg | grep cd\n" @@ -57894,12 +58335,12 @@ "cd0: Attempt to query device size failed: NOT READY, Medium not present - tray closed" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:32653 +#: book.translate.xml:32907 msgid "Burning a CD" msgstr "Gravando um CD" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32655 +#: book.translate.xml:32909 msgid "" "In FreeBSD, cdrecord can be used to burn CDs. This command is installed with the sysutils/cdrtoolssysutils/cdrtools." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32659 +#: book.translate.xml:32913 msgid "" "While cdrecord has many options, basic usage is simple. " "Specify the name of the ISO file to burn and, if the " @@ -57922,13 +58363,13 @@ "dispositivo a ser usado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:32665 +#: book.translate.xml:32919 #, no-wrap msgid "# cdrecord dev=device imagefile.iso" msgstr "# cdrecord dev=device imagefile.iso" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32667 +#: book.translate.xml:32921 msgid "" "To determine the device name of the burner, use " "which might produce results like this:" @@ -57937,14 +58378,14 @@ "option>, que pode produzir resultados como este:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:32671 +#: book.translate.xml:32925 msgid "" "CD-ROMs burning" msgstr "" "CD-ROMs burning" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:32675 +#: book.translate.xml:32929 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cdrecord -scanbus\n" @@ -57992,7 +58433,7 @@ " 1,7,0 107) *" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32697 +#: book.translate.xml:32951 msgid "" "Locate the entry for the CD burner and use the three " "numbers separated by commas as the value for . In this " @@ -58011,7 +58452,7 @@ "faixas de áudio e controlar a velocidade de gravação." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32706 +#: book.translate.xml:32960 msgid "" "Alternately, run the following command to get the device address of the " "burner:" @@ -58020,7 +58461,7 @@ "dispositivo do gravador:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:32709 +#: book.translate.xml:32963 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# camcontrol devlist\n" @@ -58030,7 +58471,7 @@ "<MATSHITA CDRW/DVD UJDA740 1.00> at scbus1 target 0 lun 0 (cd0,pass0)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32712 +#: book.translate.xml:32966 msgid "" "Use the numeric values for scbus, target, and lun. For this example, 1,0,0 é o nome do dispositivo a ser usado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:32719 +#: book.translate.xml:32973 msgid "Writing Data to an ISO File System" msgstr "Escrevendo Dados em um Sistema de Arquivos ISO" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32722 +#: book.translate.xml:32976 msgid "" "In order to produce a data CD, the data files that are " "going to make up the tracks on the CD must be prepared " @@ -58070,13 +58511,13 @@ "9660:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:32734 +#: book.translate.xml:32988 #, no-wrap msgid "# mkisofs -o imagefile.iso /path/to/tree" msgstr "# mkisofs -o imagefile.iso /path/to/tree" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32741 +#: book.translate.xml:32995 msgid "" "This command maps the file names in the specified path to names that fit the " "limitations of the standard ISO 9660 file system, and " @@ -58089,12 +58530,12 @@ "para o sistemas de arquivos ISO." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:32747 +#: book.translate.xml:33001 msgid "file systems Joliet" msgstr "file systems Joliet" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32752 +#: book.translate.xml:33006 msgid "" "A number of options are available to overcome the restrictions imposed by " "the standard. In particular, enables the Rock Ridge " @@ -58109,7 +58550,7 @@ "Microsoft." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32758 +#: book.translate.xml:33012 msgid "" "For CDs that are going to be used only on FreeBSD " "systems, can be used to disable all filename " @@ -58124,7 +58565,7 @@ "se violar o padrão ISO 9660." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:32765 +#: book.translate.xml:33019 msgid "" "CD-ROMs creating bootable" @@ -58133,7 +58574,7 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32770 +#: book.translate.xml:33024 msgid "" "The last option of general use is . This is used to " "specify the location of a boot image for use in producing an El " @@ -58141,7 +58582,7 @@ "which is the path to a boot image from the top of the tree being written to " "the CD. By default, mkisofs creates an " "ISO image in floppy disk emulation mode, " -"and thus expects the boot image to be exactly 1200, 1440 or 2880 KB in size. " +"and thus expects the boot image to be exactly 1200, 1440 or 2880 KB in size. " "Some boot loaders, like the one used by the FreeBSD distribution media, do " "not use emulation mode. In this case, should " "be used. So, if /tmp/myboot holds a bootable FreeBSD " @@ -58164,13 +58605,13 @@ "produziria /tmp/bootable.iso:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:32788 +#: book.translate.xml:33042 #, no-wrap msgid "# mkisofs -R -no-emul-boot -b boot/cdboot -o /tmp/bootable.iso /tmp/myboot" msgstr "# mkisofs -R -no-emul-boot -b boot/cdboot -o /tmp/bootable.iso /tmp/myboot" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32790 +#: book.translate.xml:33044 msgid "" "The resulting ISO image can be mounted as a memory disk " "with:" @@ -58179,7 +58620,7 @@ "memória com:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:32793 +#: book.translate.xml:33047 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mdconfig -a -t vnode -f /tmp/bootable.iso -u 0\n" @@ -58189,7 +58630,7 @@ "# mount -t cd9660 /dev/md0 /mnt" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32796 +#: book.translate.xml:33050 msgid "" "One can then verify that /mnt and /tmp/" "myboot are identical." @@ -58198,7 +58639,7 @@ "myboot são idênticos." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32799 +#: book.translate.xml:33053 msgid "" "There are many other options available for mkisofs to " "fine-tune its behavior. Refer to para obter detalhes." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:32804 +#: book.translate.xml:33058 msgid "" "It is possible to copy a data CD to an image file that is " "functionally equivalent to the image file created with mkisofs para criar como o arquivo de saída:" #. (itstool) path: note/screen -#: book.translate.xml:32811 +#: book.translate.xml:33065 #, no-wrap msgid "# dd if=/dev/cd0 of=file.iso bs=2048" msgstr "# dd if=/dev/cd0 of=file.iso bs=2048" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:32813 +#: book.translate.xml:33067 msgid "" "The resulting image file can be burned to CD as described " "in ." @@ -58241,12 +58682,12 @@ "conforme descrito em ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:32819 +#: book.translate.xml:33073 msgid "Using Data CDs" msgstr "Usando CDs de Dados" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32821 +#: book.translate.xml:33075 msgid "" "Once an ISO has been burned to a CD, " "it can be mounted by specifying the file system type, the name of the device " @@ -58258,13 +58699,13 @@ "montagem existente:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:32826 +#: book.translate.xml:33080 #, no-wrap msgid "# mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0 /mnt" msgstr "# mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0 /mnt" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32828 +#: book.translate.xml:33082 msgid "" "Since mount assumes that a file system is of type " "ufs, a Incorrect super block error " @@ -58277,7 +58718,7 @@ "arquivo de dados CD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:32834 +#: book.translate.xml:33088 msgid "" "While any data CD can be mounted this way, disks with " "certain ISO 9660 extensions might behave oddly. For " @@ -58297,7 +58738,7 @@ "refentrytitle>8." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:32843 +#: book.translate.xml:33097 msgid "" "In order to do this character conversion with the help of : This is the rewritable version of the DVD-R " "standard. A DVD-RW can be rewritten about 1000 times." @@ -58576,7 +59017,7 @@ "DVD-RW pode ser reescrito cerca de 1000 vezes." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:33001 +#: book.translate.xml:33255 msgid "" "DVD-RAM: This is a rewritable format which can be seen as " "a removable hard drive. However, this media is not compatible with most " @@ -58593,7 +59034,7 @@ "\"/> para mais informações sobre o uso de DVD-RAM." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:33011 +#: book.translate.xml:33265 msgid "" "DVD+RW: This is a rewritable format defined by the DVD" @@ -58606,7 +59047,7 @@ "reescrito cerca de 1000 vezes." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:33019 +#: book.translate.xml:33273 msgid "" "DVD+R: This format is the write once variation of the DVD+RW format." @@ -58615,18 +59056,18 @@ "acronym>." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:33024 +#: book.translate.xml:33278 msgid "" "A single layer recordable DVD can hold up to " -"4,700,000,000 bytes which is actually 4.38 GB or 4485 MB as 1 kilobyte is " +"4,700,000,000 bytes which is actually 4.38 GB or 4485 MB as 1 kilobyte is " "1024 bytes." msgstr "" "Um DVD gravável de camada única pode armazenar até " -"4.700.000.000 bytes, o que é, na verdade, 4,38 GB ou 4485 MB, pois 1 " +"4,700,000,000 bytes, o que é, na verdade, 4.38 GB ou 4485 MB, pois 1 " "kilobyte é 1024 bytes." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:33029 +#: book.translate.xml:33283 msgid "" "A distinction must be made between the physical media and the application. " "For example, a DVD-Video is a specific file layout that can be written on " @@ -58643,12 +59084,12 @@ "questão." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:33039 book.translate.xml:56514 +#: book.translate.xml:33293 book.translate.xml:56991 msgid "Configuration" msgstr "Configuração" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33041 +#: book.translate.xml:33295 msgid "" "To perform DVD recording, use growisofs1DVD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33046 +#: book.translate.xml:33300 msgid "" "These tools use the SCSI subsystem to access the devices, " "therefore ATAPI/CAM support must be loaded " @@ -58679,7 +59120,7 @@ "dispositivo USB." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33053 +#: book.translate.xml:33307 msgid "" "DMA access must also be enabled for ATAPI devices, by " "adding the following line to /boot/loader.conf:" @@ -58689,13 +59130,13 @@ "conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:33057 book.translate.xml:33369 +#: book.translate.xml:33311 book.translate.xml:33623 #, no-wrap msgid "hw.ata.atapi_dma=\"1\"" msgstr "hw.ata.atapi_dma=\"1\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33059 +#: book.translate.xml:33313 msgid "" "Before attempting to use dvd+rw-tools, consult " "the Notas de compatibilidade de hardware." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:33064 +#: book.translate.xml:33318 msgid "" "For a graphical user interface, consider using sysutils/k3b which provides a user friendly interface to e muitas outras ferramentas de gravação." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:33072 +#: book.translate.xml:33326 msgid "Burning Data DVDs" msgstr "Gravando DVDs de Dados" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33074 +#: book.translate.xml:33328 msgid "" "Since growisofs1 is a front-end to " @@ -58743,7 +59184,7 @@ "não precisa ser criada antes do processo de gravação." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33080 +#: book.translate.xml:33334 msgid "" "To burn to a DVD+R or a DVD-R the data in /path/to/data, use the following command:" @@ -58752,13 +59193,13 @@ "filename>, use o seguinte comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33084 +#: book.translate.xml:33338 #, no-wrap msgid "# growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/cd0 -J -R /path/to/data" msgstr "# growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/cd0 -J -R /path/to/data" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33086 +#: book.translate.xml:33340 msgid "" "In this example, is passed to mkisofs8 para obter mais detalhes." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33091 +#: book.translate.xml:33345 msgid "" "For the initial session recording, is used for both " "single and multiple sessions. Replace /dev/cd0, " @@ -58791,7 +59232,7 @@ "DVD-ROM." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33100 +#: book.translate.xml:33354 msgid "" "To burn a pre-mastered image, such as imagefile.iso, use:" @@ -58800,13 +59241,13 @@ "replaceable>, use:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33103 +#: book.translate.xml:33357 #, no-wrap msgid "# growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/cd0=imagefile.iso" msgstr "# growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/cd0=imagefile.iso" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33105 +#: book.translate.xml:33359 msgid "" "The write speed should be detected and automatically set according to the " "media and the drive being used. To force the write speed, use para exemplos de uso." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:33111 +#: book.translate.xml:33365 msgid "" "In order to support working files larger than 4.38GB, an UDF/ISO-9660 hybrid " "file system must be created by passing to " @@ -58849,29 +59290,29 @@ "que contém arquivos corrompidos." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:33122 +#: book.translate.xml:33376 msgid "To create this type of ISO file:" msgstr "Para criar este tipo de arquivo ISO:" #. (itstool) path: note/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33124 +#: book.translate.xml:33378 #, no-wrap msgid "% mkisofs -R -J -udf -iso-level 3 -o imagefile.iso /path/to/data" msgstr "% mkisofs -R -J -udf -iso-level 3 -o imagefile.iso /path/to/data" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:33126 +#: book.translate.xml:33380 msgid "To burn files directly to a disk:" msgstr "Para gravar arquivos diretamente em um disco:" #. (itstool) path: note/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33128 +#: book.translate.xml:33382 #, no-wrap msgid "# growisofs -dvd-compat -udf -iso-level 3 -Z /dev/cd0 -J -R /path/to/data" msgstr "# growisofs -dvd-compat -udf -iso-level 3 -Z /dev/cd0 -J -R /path/to/data" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:33130 +#: book.translate.xml:33384 msgid "" "When an ISO image already contains large files, no additional options are " "required for growisofssysutils/cdrtools, which contains ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:33144 +#: book.translate.xml:33398 msgid "Burning a DVD-Video" msgstr "Gravando um DVD -Video" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:33146 +#: book.translate.xml:33400 msgid "" "DVD DVD-Video" msgstr "" "DVD DVD-Video" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33151 +#: book.translate.xml:33405 msgid "" "A DVD-Video is a specific file layout based on the ISO 9660 and micro-UDF (M-" "UDF) specifications. Since DVD-Video presents a specific data structure " @@ -58930,7 +59371,7 @@ "DVD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33157 +#: book.translate.xml:33411 msgid "" "If an image of the DVD-Video file system already exists, it can be burned in " "the same way as any other image. If dvdauthor was used to " @@ -58944,13 +59385,13 @@ "gravar o DVD-Vídeo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33164 +#: book.translate.xml:33418 #, no-wrap msgid "# growisofs -Z /dev/cd0 -dvd-video /path/to/video" msgstr "# growisofs -Z /dev/cd0 -dvd-video /path/to/video" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33166 +#: book.translate.xml:33420 msgid "" " is passed to mkisofs81." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:33173 +#: book.translate.xml:33427 msgid "Using a DVD+RW" msgstr "Usando um DVD+RW" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:33175 +#: book.translate.xml:33429 msgid "" "DVD DVD+RW" @@ -58981,7 +59422,7 @@ "acronym>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33180 +#: book.translate.xml:33434 msgid "" "Unlike CD-RW, a virgin DVD+RW needs to be formatted " "before first use. It is recommended to let " @@ -58998,13 +59439,13 @@ "dvd+rw-format para formatar o DVD+RW:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33187 book.translate.xml:33293 +#: book.translate.xml:33441 book.translate.xml:33547 #, no-wrap msgid "# dvd+rw-format /dev/cd0" msgstr "# dvd+rw-format /dev/cd0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33189 +#: book.translate.xml:33443 msgid "" "Only perform this operation once and keep in mind that only virgin " "DVD+RW medias need to be formatted. Once formatted, the " @@ -59015,7 +59456,7 @@ "formatado, o DVD+RW pode ser gravado como de costume." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33194 +#: book.translate.xml:33448 msgid "" "To burn a totally new file system and not just append some data onto a " "DVD+RW, the media does not need to be blanked first. " @@ -59026,13 +59467,13 @@ "apagada primeiro. Em vez disso, escreva sobre a gravação anterior assim:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33199 +#: book.translate.xml:33453 #, no-wrap msgid "# growisofs -Z /dev/cd0 -J -R /path/to/newdata" msgstr "# growisofs -Z /dev/cd0 -J -R /path/to/newdata" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33201 +#: book.translate.xml:33455 msgid "" "The DVD+RW format supports appending data to a previous " "recording. This operation consists of merging a new session to the existing " @@ -59049,7 +59490,7 @@ "arquivos ISO 9660 presente na mídia." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33208 +#: book.translate.xml:33462 msgid "" "For example, to append data to a DVD+RW, use the " "following:" @@ -59058,13 +59499,13 @@ "seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33211 book.translate.xml:33315 +#: book.translate.xml:33465 book.translate.xml:33569 #, no-wrap msgid "# growisofs -M /dev/cd0 -J -R /path/to/nextdata" msgstr "# growisofs -M /dev/cd0 -J -R /path/to/nextdata" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33213 +#: book.translate.xml:33467 msgid "" "The same mkisofs8 options used to burn " @@ -59075,7 +59516,7 @@ "sessão inicial devem ser usadas durante as próximas gravações." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:33217 +#: book.translate.xml:33471 msgid "" "Use for better media compatibility with " "DVD-ROM drives. When using DVD+RW, " @@ -59086,23 +59527,23 @@ "essa opção não impedirá a adição de dados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33223 +#: book.translate.xml:33477 msgid "To blank the media, use:" msgstr "Para apagar a mídia, use:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33225 +#: book.translate.xml:33479 #, no-wrap msgid "# growisofs -Z /dev/cd0=/dev/zero" msgstr "# growisofs -Z /dev/cd0=/dev/zero" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:33229 +#: book.translate.xml:33483 msgid "Using a DVD-RW" msgstr "Usando um DVD-RW" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:33231 +#: book.translate.xml:33485 msgid "" "DVD DVD-RW" @@ -59111,7 +59552,7 @@ "acronym>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33236 +#: book.translate.xml:33490 msgid "" "A DVD-RW accepts two disc formats: incremental sequential " "and restricted overwrite. By default, DVD-RW discs are in " @@ -59122,7 +59563,7 @@ "acronym> estão em formato sequencial." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33241 +#: book.translate.xml:33495 msgid "" "A virgin DVD-RW can be directly written without being " "formatted. However, a non-virgin DVD-RW in sequential " @@ -59133,18 +59574,18 @@ "sequencial precisa ser apagado antes de escrever uma nova sessão inicial." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33246 +#: book.translate.xml:33500 msgid "To blank a DVD-RW in sequential mode:" msgstr "Para apagar um DVD-RW em modo sequencial:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33249 book.translate.xml:33297 +#: book.translate.xml:33503 book.translate.xml:33551 #, no-wrap msgid "# dvd+rw-format -blank=full /dev/cd0" msgstr "# dvd+rw-format -blank=full /dev/cd0" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:33252 +#: book.translate.xml:33506 msgid "" "A full blanking using will take about one hour " "on a 1x media. A fast blanking can be performed using não deve ser requerido." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:33266 +#: book.translate.xml:33520 msgid "" "One should instead use restricted overwrite mode with any DVD-RW as this format is more flexible than the default of incremental " @@ -59189,7 +59630,7 @@ "de sequencial incremental." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33271 +#: book.translate.xml:33525 msgid "" "To write data on a sequential DVD-RW, use the same " "instructions as for the other DVD formats:" @@ -59198,13 +59639,13 @@ "mesmas instruções que para os outros formatos de DVD:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33275 +#: book.translate.xml:33529 #, no-wrap msgid "# growisofs -Z /dev/cd0 -J -R /path/to/data" msgstr "# growisofs -Z /dev/cd0 -J -R /path/to/data" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33277 +#: book.translate.xml:33531 msgid "" "To append some data to a previous recording, use with " "growisofsDVD-RW in restricted overwrite format does not need to " "be blanked before a new initial session. Instead, overwrite the disc with " @@ -59237,7 +59678,7 @@ "resultado será um DVD de uma sessão." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33290 +#: book.translate.xml:33544 msgid "" "To put a DVD-RW in restricted overwrite format, the " "following command must be used:" @@ -59246,17 +59687,17 @@ "restrita, o seguinte comando deve ser usado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33295 +#: book.translate.xml:33549 msgid "To change back to sequential format, use:" msgstr "Para voltar ao formato sequencial, use:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:33301 +#: book.translate.xml:33555 msgid "Multi-Session" msgstr "Multi-Sessão" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33303 +#: book.translate.xml:33557 msgid "" "Few DVD-ROM drives support multi-session DVDs and most of " "the time only read the first session. DVD+R, DVD-R and DVD-RWDVD+RW e DVD-RW." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33311 +#: book.translate.xml:33565 msgid "" "Using the following command after an initial non-closed session on a DVD+R, " "DVD-R, or DVD-RW in sequential format, will add a new " @@ -59282,7 +59723,7 @@ "uma nova sessão ao disco:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33317 +#: book.translate.xml:33571 msgid "" "Using this command with a DVD+RW or a DVD-RW in restricted overwrite mode will append data while merging the new " @@ -59295,7 +59736,7 @@ "método para adicionar dados após uma gravação inicial nesses tipos de mídia." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:33325 +#: book.translate.xml:33579 msgid "" "Since some space on the media is used between each session to mark the end " "and start of sessions, one should add sessions with a large amount of data " @@ -59308,12 +59749,12 @@ "para um DVD+R, cerca de 2000 para um DVD-R e 127 para um DVD+R Double Layer." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:33335 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:33589 book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "For More Information" msgstr "Para Maiores Informações" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33337 +#: book.translate.xml:33591 msgid "" "To obtain more information about a DVD, use dvd" "+rw-mediainfo /dev/cd0 while the disc " @@ -59324,7 +59765,7 @@ "enquanto o disco estiver na unidade especificada." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33342 +#: book.translate.xml:33596 msgid "" "More information about dvd+rw-tools can be found " "in growisofscdwrite mailing list." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:33349 +#: book.translate.xml:33603 msgid "" "When creating a problem report related to the use of dvd+rw-" "tools, always include the output of dvd+rw-mediainfo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:33356 +#: book.translate.xml:33610 msgid "Using a DVD-RAM" msgstr "Usando um DVD-RAM" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:33358 +#: book.translate.xml:33612 msgid "" "DVD DVD-RAM" @@ -59366,7 +59807,7 @@ "acronym>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33363 +#: book.translate.xml:33617 msgid "" "DVD-RAM writers can use either a SCSI " "or ATAPI interface. For ATAPI devices, " @@ -59379,7 +59820,7 @@ "seguinte linha ao arquivo /boot/loader.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33371 +#: book.translate.xml:33625 msgid "" "A DVD-RAM can be seen as a removable hard drive. Like any " "other hard drive, the DVD-RAM must be formatted before it " @@ -59392,7 +59833,7 @@ "será formatado com um sistema de arquivos UFS2 padrão:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33377 +#: book.translate.xml:33631 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/acd0 bs=2k count=1\n" @@ -59404,7 +59845,7 @@ "# newfs /dev/acd0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33381 +#: book.translate.xml:33635 msgid "" "The DVD device, acd0, must be " "changed according to the configuration." @@ -59413,7 +59854,7 @@ "alterado de acordo com a configuração." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33385 +#: book.translate.xml:33639 msgid "" "Once the DVD-RAM has been formatted, it can be mounted as " "a normal hard drive:" @@ -59422,36 +59863,36 @@ "montado como um disco rígido normal:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33388 +#: book.translate.xml:33642 #, no-wrap msgid "# mount /dev/acd0 /mnt" msgstr "# mount /dev/acd0 /mnt" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33390 +#: book.translate.xml:33644 msgid "" "Once mounted, the DVD-RAM will be both readable and " "writeable." msgstr "Uma vez montado, o DVD-RAM será legível e gravável." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:33396 +#: book.translate.xml:33650 msgid "Creating and Using Floppy Disks" msgstr "Criando e Usando Disquetes" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:33420 +#: book.translate.xml:33674 msgid "This section explains how to format a 3.5 inch floppy disk in FreeBSD." msgstr "" "Esta seção explica como formatar um disquete de 3.5 polegadas no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: procedure/title -#: book.translate.xml:33424 +#: book.translate.xml:33678 msgid "Steps to Format a Floppy" msgstr "Etapas para Formatar um Disquete" #. (itstool) path: procedure/para -#: book.translate.xml:33426 +#: book.translate.xml:33680 msgid "" "A floppy disk needs to be low-level formatted before it can be used. This is " "usually done by the vendor, but formatting is a good way to check media " @@ -59469,7 +59910,7 @@ "determinar se o disco está bom ou ruim." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:33435 +#: book.translate.xml:33689 msgid "" "To format the floppy, insert a new 3.5 inch floppy disk into the first " "floppy drive and issue:" @@ -59478,13 +59919,13 @@ "primeira unidade de disquete e digite:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33438 +#: book.translate.xml:33692 #, no-wrap msgid "# /usr/sbin/fdformat -f 1440 /dev/fd0" msgstr "# /usr/sbin/fdformat -f 1440 /dev/fd0" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:33442 +#: book.translate.xml:33696 msgid "" "After low-level formatting the disk, create a disk label as it is needed by " "the system to determine the size of the disk and its geometry. The supported " @@ -59496,7 +59937,7 @@ "disktab." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:33447 +#: book.translate.xml:33701 msgid "" "To write the disk label, use bsdlabel8:" @@ -59505,13 +59946,13 @@ "refentrytitle>8:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33449 +#: book.translate.xml:33703 #, no-wrap msgid "# /sbin/bsdlabel -B -w /dev/fd0 fd1440" msgstr "# /sbin/bsdlabel -B -w /dev/fd0 fd1440" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:33453 +#: book.translate.xml:33707 msgid "" "The floppy is now ready to be high-level formatted with a file system. The " "floppy's file system can be either UFS or FAT, where FAT is generally a " @@ -59522,18 +59963,18 @@ "FAT geralmente é uma opção melhor para disquetes." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:33458 +#: book.translate.xml:33712 msgid "To format the floppy with FAT, issue:" msgstr "Para formatar o disquete com o FAT, digite:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33460 +#: book.translate.xml:33714 #, no-wrap msgid "# /sbin/newfs_msdos /dev/fd0" msgstr "# /sbin/newfs_msdos /dev/fd0" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:33464 +#: book.translate.xml:33718 msgid "" "The disk is now ready for use. To use the floppy, mount it with " "mount_msdosfs8emulators/mtools da coleção de ports." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:33471 +#: book.translate.xml:33725 msgid "Backup Basics" msgstr "Noções Básicas de Backup" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:33485 +#: book.translate.xml:33739 msgid "" "Implementing a backup plan is essential in order to have the ability to " "recover from disk failure, accidental file deletion, random file corruption, " @@ -59563,7 +60004,7 @@ "destruição de backups no local." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:33490 +#: book.translate.xml:33744 msgid "" "The backup type and schedule will vary, depending upon the importance of the " "data, the granularity needed for file restores, and the amount of acceptable " @@ -59575,7 +60016,7 @@ "possíveis incluem:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:33497 +#: book.translate.xml:33751 msgid "" "Archives of the whole system, backed up onto permanent, off-site media. This " "provides protection against all of the problems listed above, but is slow " @@ -59587,7 +60028,7 @@ "especialmente para usuários sem privilégios." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:33504 +#: book.translate.xml:33758 msgid "" "File system snapshots, which are useful for restoring deleted files or " "previous versions of files." @@ -59596,7 +60037,7 @@ "excluídos ou versões anteriores de arquivos." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:33509 +#: book.translate.xml:33763 msgid "" "Copies of whole file systems or disks which are synchronized with another " "system on the network using a scheduled net/rsync." @@ -59605,7 +60046,7 @@ "outro sistema na rede usando um net/rsync agendado." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:33515 +#: book.translate.xml:33769 msgid "" "Hardware or software RAID, which minimizes or avoids " "downtime when a disk fails." @@ -59614,7 +60055,7 @@ "paralisações quando um disco falha." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:33520 +#: book.translate.xml:33774 msgid "" "Typically, a mix of backup techniques is used. For example, one could create " "a schedule to automate a weekly, full system backup that is stored off-site " @@ -59629,7 +60070,7 @@ "arquivos individuais antes de fazer edições ou exclusões de arquivos." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:33527 +#: book.translate.xml:33781 msgid "" "This section describes some of the utilities which can be used to create and " "manage backups on a FreeBSD system." @@ -59638,29 +60079,29 @@ "gerenciar backups em um sistema FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:33531 +#: book.translate.xml:33785 msgid "File System Backups" msgstr "Backups do Sistema de Arquivos" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:33533 +#: book.translate.xml:33787 msgid "" "backup software dump / restore" msgstr "" "backup software dump / restore" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:33537 +#: book.translate.xml:33791 msgid "dump" msgstr "dump" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:33540 +#: book.translate.xml:33794 msgid "restore" msgstr "restore" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33544 +#: book.translate.xml:33798 msgid "" "The traditional UNIX programs " "for backing up a file system are dumpdump is used on the root directory, it will not back " "up /home, /usr or many other " @@ -59703,7 +60144,7 @@ "sistemas de arquivos ou links simbólicos nesses sistemas de arquivos." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33564 +#: book.translate.xml:33818 msgid "" "When used to restore data, restore stores temporary files " "in /tmp/ by default. When using a recovery disk with a " @@ -59717,7 +60158,7 @@ "restauração seja bem-sucedida." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33571 +#: book.translate.xml:33825 msgid "" "When using dump, be aware that some quirks remain from " "its early days in Version 6 of AT&T .rhosts" msgstr ".rhosts" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33581 +#: book.translate.xml:33835 msgid "" "It is possible to backup a file system across the network to a another " "system or to a tape drive attached to another computer. While the " @@ -59756,7 +60197,7 @@ "considerados seguros." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33587 +#: book.translate.xml:33841 msgid "" "Instead, one can use dump and restore " "in a more secure fashion over an SSH connection. This " @@ -59771,12 +60212,12 @@ "conexão SSH." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:33595 +#: book.translate.xml:33849 msgid "Using dump over ssh" msgstr "Usando dump sobre ssh" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33598 +#: book.translate.xml:33852 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# /sbin/dump -0uan -f - /usr | gzip -2 | ssh -c blowfish \\\n" @@ -59786,7 +60227,7 @@ " dd of=/mybigfiles/dump-usr-l0.gz" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33602 +#: book.translate.xml:33856 msgid "" "This example sets RSH in order to write the backup to a tape " "drive on a remote system over a SSH connection:" @@ -59796,7 +60237,7 @@ "acronym>:" #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:33607 +#: book.translate.xml:33861 msgid "" "Using dump over ssh with " "RSH Set" @@ -59805,18 +60246,18 @@ "RSH configurado" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33611 +#: book.translate.xml:33865 #, no-wrap msgid "# env RSH=/usr/bin/ssh /sbin/dump -0uan -f /usr" msgstr "# env RSH=/usr/bin/ssh /sbin/dump -0uan -f /usr" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:33616 +#: book.translate.xml:33870 msgid "Directory Backups" msgstr "Backups de Diretório" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:33618 +#: book.translate.xml:33872 msgid "" "backup software tar" @@ -59825,7 +60266,7 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33623 +#: book.translate.xml:33877 msgid "" "Several built-in utilities are available for backing up and restoring " "specified files and directories as needed." @@ -59834,7 +60275,7 @@ "arquivos e diretórios especificados, conforme necessário." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33627 +#: book.translate.xml:33881 msgid "" "A good choice for making a backup of all of the files in a directory is " "tar1tar" msgstr "tar" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33635 +#: book.translate.xml:33889 msgid "" "This example creates a compressed backup of the current directory and saves " "it to /tmp/mybackup.tgz. When creating a backup file, " @@ -59869,18 +60310,18 @@ "sendo feito backup." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:33642 +#: book.translate.xml:33896 msgid "Backing Up the Current Directory with tar" msgstr "Fazendo Backup do Diretório Atual com o tar" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33645 +#: book.translate.xml:33899 #, no-wrap msgid "# tar czvf /tmp/mybackup.tgz . " msgstr "# tar czvf /tmp/mybackup.tgz . " #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33648 +#: book.translate.xml:33902 msgid "" "To restore the entire backup, cd into the directory to " "restore into and specify the name of the backup. Note that this will " @@ -59895,18 +60336,18 @@ "arquivo dentro do backup a ser restaurado." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:33656 +#: book.translate.xml:33910 msgid "Restoring Up the Current Directory with tar" msgstr "Restaurando o Diretório Atual com o tar" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33659 +#: book.translate.xml:33913 #, no-wrap msgid "# tar xzvf /tmp/mybackup.tgz" msgstr "# tar xzvf /tmp/mybackup.tgz" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33662 +#: book.translate.xml:33916 msgid "" "There are dozens of available switches which are described in " "tar1backup software cpio" @@ -59930,7 +60371,7 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33673 +#: book.translate.xml:33927 msgid "" "To create a backup using a specified list of files and directories, " "cpio1ls or " "find. This example creates a recursive listing of the " @@ -59959,7 +60400,7 @@ "mybackup.cpio." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:33687 +#: book.translate.xml:33941 msgid "" "Using ls and cpio to Make a Recursive " "Backup of the Current Directory" @@ -59968,13 +60409,13 @@ "Recursivo do Diretório Atual" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33690 +#: book.translate.xml:33944 #, no-wrap msgid "# ls -R | cpio -ovF /tmp/mybackup.cpio" msgstr "# ls -R | cpio -ovF /tmp/mybackup.cpio" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:33693 +#: book.translate.xml:33947 msgid "" "backup software pax" @@ -59983,23 +60424,23 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:33697 +#: book.translate.xml:33951 msgid "pax" msgstr "pax" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:33698 book.translate.xml:43755 +#: book.translate.xml:33952 book.translate.xml:44028 msgid "POSIX" msgstr "POSIX" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:33699 +#: book.translate.xml:33953 msgid "IEEE" msgstr "IEEE" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33701 +#: book.translate.xml:33955 msgid "" "A backup utility which tries to bridge the features provided by " "tar and cpio is " @@ -60021,34 +60462,34 @@ "próprios." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33710 +#: book.translate.xml:33964 msgid "" "The pax equivalent to the previous examples would be:" msgstr "O pax equivalente aos exemplos anteriores seria:" #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:33714 +#: book.translate.xml:33968 msgid "Backing Up the Current Directory with pax" msgstr "Fazendo Backup do Diretório Atual com pax" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33717 +#: book.translate.xml:33971 #, no-wrap msgid "# pax -wf /tmp/mybackup.pax ." msgstr "# pax -wf /tmp/mybackup.pax ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:33722 +#: book.translate.xml:33976 msgid "Using Data Tapes for Backups" msgstr "Usando Fitas de Dados para Backups" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:33724 +#: book.translate.xml:33978 msgid "tape media" msgstr "tape media" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33726 +#: book.translate.xml:33980 msgid "" "While tape technology has continued to evolve, modern backup systems tend to " "combine off-site backups with local removable media. FreeBSD supports any " @@ -60064,7 +60505,7 @@ "acronym>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33734 +#: book.translate.xml:33988 msgid "" "For SCSI tape devices, FreeBSD uses the " "sa4mt is used to control operations of the tape " "drive, such as seeking through files on a tape or writing tape control marks " @@ -60099,13 +60540,13 @@ "ser preservados, ignorando-os antes de gravar um novo arquivo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33751 +#: book.translate.xml:34005 #, no-wrap msgid "# mt -f /dev/nsa0 fsf 3" msgstr "# mt -f /dev/nsa0 fsf 3" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33753 +#: book.translate.xml:34007 msgid "" "This utility supports many operations. Refer to " "mt1 para detalhes." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33756 +#: book.translate.xml:34010 msgid "" "To write a single file to tape using tar, specify the " "name of the tape device and the file to backup:" @@ -60125,13 +60566,13 @@ "especifique o nome do dispositivo de fita e o arquivo para backup:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33760 +#: book.translate.xml:34014 #, no-wrap msgid "# tar cvf /dev/sa0 file" msgstr "# tar cvf /dev/sa0 file" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33762 +#: book.translate.xml:34016 msgid "" "To recover files from a tar archive on tape into the " "current directory:" @@ -60140,13 +60581,13 @@ "diretório atual:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33765 +#: book.translate.xml:34019 #, no-wrap msgid "# tar xvf /dev/sa0" msgstr "# tar xvf /dev/sa0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33767 +#: book.translate.xml:34021 msgid "" "To backup a UFS file system, use dump. " "This examples backs up /usr without rewinding the tape " @@ -60157,13 +60598,13 @@ "filename> sem rebobinar a fita quando terminar:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33772 +#: book.translate.xml:34026 #, no-wrap msgid "# dump -0aL -b64 -f /dev/nsa0 /usr" msgstr "# dump -0aL -b64 -f /dev/nsa0 /usr" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33774 +#: book.translate.xml:34028 msgid "" "To interactively restore files from a dump file on tape " "into the current directory:" @@ -60172,23 +60613,23 @@ "command> em fita no diretório atual:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33778 +#: book.translate.xml:34032 #, no-wrap msgid "# restore -i -f /dev/nsa0" msgstr "# restore -i -f /dev/nsa0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:33782 +#: book.translate.xml:34036 msgid "Third-Party Backup Utilities" msgstr "Utilitários de Backup de Terceiros" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:33784 +#: book.translate.xml:34038 msgid "backup software" msgstr "backup software" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33788 +#: book.translate.xml:34042 msgid "" "The FreeBSD Ports Collection provides many third-party utilities which can " "be used to schedule the creation of backups, simplify tape backup, and make " @@ -60204,7 +60645,7 @@ "uma rede." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33795 +#: book.translate.xml:34049 msgid "" "Popular utilities include Amanda, " "Bacula, rsync, and " @@ -60215,12 +60656,12 @@ "duplicity." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:33803 +#: book.translate.xml:34057 msgid "Emergency Recovery" msgstr "Recuperação de Emergência" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33805 +#: book.translate.xml:34059 msgid "" "In addition to regular backups, it is recommended to perform the following " "steps as part of an emergency preparedness plan." @@ -60229,37 +60670,37 @@ "parte de um plano de preparação para emergências." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:33809 +#: book.translate.xml:34063 msgid "bsdlabel" msgstr "bsdlabel" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33812 +#: book.translate.xml:34066 msgid "Create a print copy of the output of the following commands:" msgstr "Crie uma cópia impressa da saída dos seguintes comandos:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:33817 +#: book.translate.xml:34071 msgid "gpart show" msgstr "gpart show" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:33821 +#: book.translate.xml:34075 msgid "more /etc/fstab" msgstr "more /etc/fstab" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:33825 +#: book.translate.xml:34079 msgid "dmesg" msgstr "dmesg" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:33829 +#: book.translate.xml:34083 msgid "livefs CD" msgstr "livefs CD" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33832 +#: book.translate.xml:34086 msgid "" "Store this printout and a copy of the installation media in a secure " "location. Should an emergency restore be needed, boot into the installation " @@ -60275,9 +60716,9 @@ "backups." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:33841 +#: book.translate.xml:34095 msgid "" -"The installation media for FreeBSD/i386 11.2-RELEASE does not include a " +"The installation media for FreeBSD/i386 11.2-RELEASE does not include a " "rescue shell. For this version, instead download and burn a Livefs " "CD image from ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33848 +#: book.translate.xml:34102 msgid "" "Next, test the rescue shell and the backups. Make notes of the procedure. " "Store these notes with the media, the printouts, and the backups. These " @@ -60305,7 +60746,7 @@ "o estresse de realizar uma recuperação de emergência." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33854 +#: book.translate.xml:34108 msgid "" "For an added measure of security, store the latest backup at a remote " "location which is physically separated from the computers and disk drives by " @@ -60316,12 +60757,12 @@ "por uma distância significativa." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:33862 +#: book.translate.xml:34116 msgid "Memory Disks" msgstr "Discos de Memória" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:33865 +#: book.translate.xml:34119 msgid "" " Marc Fonvieille Reorganized and enhanced by " @@ -60330,7 +60771,7 @@ "personname> Reorganizado e aprimorado por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:33875 +#: book.translate.xml:34129 msgid "" "In addition to physical disks, FreeBSD also supports the creation and use of " "memory disks. One possible use for a memory disk is to access the contents " @@ -60345,7 +60786,7 @@ "seguida, montar a mídia CD/DVD ." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:33882 +#: book.translate.xml:34136 msgid "" "In FreeBSD, the md4 driver is used to provide support for memory " @@ -60359,23 +60800,23 @@ "certifique-se de incluir esta linha:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:33887 +#: book.translate.xml:34141 #, no-wrap msgid "device md" msgstr "device md" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:33890 +#: book.translate.xml:34144 msgid "Attaching and Detaching Existing Images" msgstr "Anexando e Desanexando Imagens Existentes" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:33892 +#: book.translate.xml:34146 msgid "disks memory" msgstr "disks memory" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33897 +#: book.translate.xml:34151 msgid "" "To mount an existing file system image, use mdconfig to " "specify the name of the ISO file and a free unit number. " @@ -60395,7 +60836,7 @@ "de memória em /mnt:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33907 +#: book.translate.xml:34161 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mdconfig -f diskimage.iso -u 0\n" @@ -60405,7 +60846,7 @@ "# mount -t cd9660 /dev/md0 /mnt" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33910 +#: book.translate.xml:34164 msgid "" "Notice that was used to mount an ISO format. If a " "unit number is not specified with , mdconfigdisks detaching a memory disk" msgstr "" "disks detaching a memory disk" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33923 +#: book.translate.xml:34177 msgid "" "When a memory disk is no longer in use, its resources should be released " "back to the system. First, unmount the file system, then use " @@ -60443,7 +60884,7 @@ "liberar seus recursos. Para continuar este exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33929 +#: book.translate.xml:34183 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# umount /mnt\n" @@ -60453,7 +60894,7 @@ "# mdconfig -d -u 0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33932 +#: book.translate.xml:34186 msgid "" "To determine if any memory disks are still attached to the system, type " "mdconfig -l." @@ -60462,17 +60903,17 @@ "digite mdconfig -l." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:33937 +#: book.translate.xml:34191 msgid "Creating a File- or Memory-Backed Memory Disk" msgstr "Criando um Disco Virtual Baseado em Arquivo ou Memória" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:33939 +#: book.translate.xml:34193 msgid "disks memory file system" msgstr "disks memory file system" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33943 +#: book.translate.xml:34197 msgid "" "FreeBSD also supports memory disks where the storage to use is allocated " "from either a hard disk or an area of memory. The first method is commonly " @@ -60487,7 +60928,7 @@ "podem ser criados usando o mdconfig." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33950 +#: book.translate.xml:34204 msgid "" "To create a new memory-backed file system, specify a type of swap and the size of the memory disk to create. Then, format the memory " @@ -60503,7 +60944,7 @@ "arquivos UFS antes de ser montado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33958 +#: book.translate.xml:34212 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mdconfig -a -t swap -s 5m -u 1\n" @@ -60531,7 +60972,7 @@ "/dev/md1 4718 4 4338 0% /mnt" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33970 +#: book.translate.xml:34224 msgid "" "To create a new file-backed memory disk, first allocate an area of disk to " "use. This example creates an empty 5MB file named newimagenewimage:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33974 +#: book.translate.xml:34228 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# dd if=/dev/zero of=newimage bs=1k count=5k\n" @@ -60554,7 +60995,7 @@ "5120+0 records out" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33978 +#: book.translate.xml:34232 msgid "" "Next, attach that file to a memory disk, label the memory disk and format it " "with the UFS file system, mount the memory disk, and " @@ -60565,7 +61006,7 @@ "o disco de memória e verifique o tamanho do disco com backup de arquivo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:33983 +#: book.translate.xml:34237 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mdconfig -f newimage -u 0\n" @@ -60593,7 +61034,7 @@ "/dev/md0a 4710 4 4330 0% /mnt" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:33995 +#: book.translate.xml:34249 msgid "" "It takes several commands to create a file- or memory-backed file system " "using mdconfig. FreeBSD also comes with mdmfs mostrados acima:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34006 +#: book.translate.xml:34260 #, no-wrap msgid "# mdmfs -F newimage -s 5m md0 /mnt" msgstr "# mdmfs -F newimage -s 5m md0 /mnt" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34008 +#: book.translate.xml:34262 msgid "" "To instead create a new memory-based memory disk with mdmfs, use this one command:" @@ -60628,13 +61069,13 @@ "command>, use este comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34011 +#: book.translate.xml:34265 #, no-wrap msgid "# mdmfs -s 5m md1 /mnt" msgstr "# mdmfs -s 5m md1 /mnt" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34013 +#: book.translate.xml:34267 msgid "" "If the unit number is not specified, mdmfs will " "automatically select an unused memory device. For more details about " @@ -60648,17 +61089,17 @@ "citerefentry>." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:34022 +#: book.translate.xml:34276 msgid "File System Snapshots" msgstr "Snapshots de Sistemas de Arquivos" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:34035 +#: book.translate.xml:34289 msgid "file systems snapshots" msgstr "file systems snapshots" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:34040 +#: book.translate.xml:34294 msgid "" "FreeBSD offers a feature in conjunction with Soft Updates: file system snapshots." @@ -60667,7 +61108,7 @@ "\">Atualizações Soft: snapshots do sistema de arquivos." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:34044 +#: book.translate.xml:34298 msgid "" "UFS snapshots allow a user to create images of specified file systems, and " "treat them as a file. Snapshot files must be created in the file system that " @@ -60693,7 +61134,7 @@ "snapshot possivelmente reivindicará alguns dos blocos liberados." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:34056 +#: book.translate.xml:34310 msgid "" "The un-alterable file flag is set by " "mksnap_ffs8mount8. To place a snapshot " @@ -60723,13 +61164,13 @@ "snap, use o seguinte comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34066 +#: book.translate.xml:34320 #, no-wrap msgid "# mount -u -o snapshot /var/snapshot/snap /var" msgstr "# mount -u -o snapshot /var/snapshot/snap /var" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:34068 +#: book.translate.xml:34322 msgid "" "Alternatively, use mksnap_ffs8 to create the snapshot:" @@ -60738,13 +61179,13 @@ "refentrytitle>8 para criar o snapshot:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34071 +#: book.translate.xml:34325 #, no-wrap msgid "# mksnap_ffs /var /var/snapshot/snap" msgstr "# mksnap_ffs /var /var/snapshot/snap" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:34073 +#: book.translate.xml:34327 msgid "" "One can find snapshot files on a file system, such as /var, using find1:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34077 +#: book.translate.xml:34331 #, no-wrap msgid "# find /var -flags snapshot" msgstr "# find /var -flags snapshot" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:34079 +#: book.translate.xml:34333 msgid "Once a snapshot has been created, it has several uses:" msgstr "Depois que um snapshot foi criado, ele tem vários usos:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:34084 +#: book.translate.xml:34338 msgid "" "Some administrators will use a snapshot file for backup purposes, because " "the snapshot can be transferred to CDs or tape." @@ -60776,7 +61217,7 @@ "fita." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:34090 +#: book.translate.xml:34344 msgid "" "The file system integrity checker, fsck8, may be run on the " @@ -60790,7 +61231,7 @@ "resultado limpo e imutável." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:34097 +#: book.translate.xml:34351 msgid "" "Running dump8 on the snapshot will produce a dump file that is " @@ -60807,7 +61248,7 @@ "dump e remover o snapshot em um comando usando ." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:34105 +#: book.translate.xml:34359 msgid "" "The snapshot can be mounted as a frozen image of the file system. To " "mount8/var/snapshot/snap:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34109 +#: book.translate.xml:34363 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mdconfig -a -t vnode -o readonly -f /var/snapshot/snap -u 4\n" @@ -60829,7 +61270,7 @@ "# mount -r /dev/md4 /mnt" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:34114 +#: book.translate.xml:34368 msgid "" "The frozen /var is now available through /" "mnt. Everything will initially be in the same state it was during " @@ -60843,7 +61284,7 @@ "snapshot, use:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34120 +#: book.translate.xml:34374 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# umount /mnt\n" @@ -60853,7 +61294,7 @@ "# mdconfig -d -u 4" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:34123 +#: book.translate.xml:34377 msgid "" "For more information about and file system " "snapshots, including technical papers, visit Marshall Kirk McKusick's " @@ -60866,17 +61307,17 @@ "\">" #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:34129 +#: book.translate.xml:34383 msgid "Disk Quotas" msgstr "Cotas de Disco" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:34131 +#: book.translate.xml:34385 msgid "accounting disk space" msgstr "accounting disk space" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:34137 +#: book.translate.xml:34391 msgid "" "Disk quotas can be used to limit the amount of disk space or the number of " "files a user or members of a group may allocate on a per-file system basis. " @@ -60889,7 +61330,7 @@ "grupo de usuários consuma todo o espaço em disco disponível." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:34142 +#: book.translate.xml:34396 msgid "" "This section describes how to configure disk quotas for the UFS file system. To configure quotas on the ZFS file " @@ -60900,18 +61341,18 @@ "arquivos ZFS, consulte " #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:34147 +#: book.translate.xml:34401 msgid "Enabling Disk Quotas" msgstr "Habilitando Cotas de Disco" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34149 +#: book.translate.xml:34403 msgid "To determine if the FreeBSD kernel provides support for disk quotas:" msgstr "" "Para determinar se o kernel do FreeBSD fornece suporte para cotas de disco:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34152 +#: book.translate.xml:34406 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% sysctl kern.features.ufs_quota\n" @@ -60921,7 +61362,7 @@ "kern.features.ufs_quota: 1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34155 +#: book.translate.xml:34409 msgid "" "In this example, the 1 indicates quota support. If the " "value is instead 0, add the following line to a custom " @@ -60934,31 +61375,31 @@ "linkend=\"kernelconfig\"/>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:34160 +#: book.translate.xml:34414 #, no-wrap msgid "options QUOTA" msgstr "options QUOTA" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34162 +#: book.translate.xml:34416 msgid "Next, enable disk quotas in /etc/rc.conf:" msgstr "" "Em seguida, habilite as cotas de disco no arquivo /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:34165 +#: book.translate.xml:34419 #, no-wrap msgid "quota_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "quota_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:34167 book.translate.xml:34301 +#: book.translate.xml:34421 book.translate.xml:34555 msgid "disk quotas checking" msgstr "disk quotas checking" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34171 +#: book.translate.xml:34425 msgid "" "Normally on bootup, the quota integrity of each file system is checked by " "quotacheck8:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:34179 +#: book.translate.xml:34433 #, no-wrap msgid "check_quotas=\"NO\"" msgstr "check_quotas=\"NO\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34181 +#: book.translate.xml:34435 msgid "" "Finally, edit /etc/fstab to enable disk quotas on a per-" "file system basis. To enable per-user quotas on a file system, add " @@ -60998,13 +61439,13 @@ "ativar as cotas. Por exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:34187 +#: book.translate.xml:34441 #, no-wrap msgid "/dev/da1s2g /home ufs rw,userquota 1 2" msgstr "/dev/da1s2g /home ufs rw,userquota 1 2" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34189 +#: book.translate.xml:34443 msgid "" "To enable group quotas, use instead. To enable " "both user and group quotas, separate the options with a comma:" @@ -61013,13 +61454,13 @@ "cotas de usuários e grupos, separe as opções com uma vírgula:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:34193 +#: book.translate.xml:34447 #, no-wrap msgid "/dev/da1s2g /home ufs rw,userquota,groupquota 1 2" msgstr "/dev/da1s2g /home ufs rw,userquota,groupquota 1 2" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34195 +#: book.translate.xml:34449 msgid "" "By default, quota files are stored in the root directory of the file system " "as quota.user and " @@ -61035,7 +61476,7 @@ "é recomendado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34201 +#: book.translate.xml:34455 msgid "" "Once the configuration is complete, reboot the system and /etc/rc will automatically run the appropriate commands to create the " @@ -61048,7 +61489,7 @@ "ativadas em /etc/fstab." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34207 +#: book.translate.xml:34461 msgid "" "In the normal course of operations, there should be no need to manually run " "quotacheck8disk quotas limits" msgstr "disk quotas limits" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34221 +#: book.translate.xml:34475 msgid "To verify that quotas are enabled, run:" msgstr "Para verificar se as cotas estão ativadas, execute:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34224 +#: book.translate.xml:34478 #, no-wrap msgid "# quota -v" msgstr "# quota -v" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34226 +#: book.translate.xml:34480 msgid "" "There should be a one line summary of disk usage and current quota limits " "for each file system that quotas are enabled on." @@ -61097,7 +61538,7 @@ "atuais para cada sistema de arquivos em que as cotas estão ativadas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34230 +#: book.translate.xml:34484 msgid "" "The system is now ready to be assigned quota limits with edquota." @@ -61106,7 +61547,7 @@ "edquota." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34233 +#: book.translate.xml:34487 msgid "" "Several options are available to enforce limits on the amount of disk space " "a user or group may allocate, and how many files they may create. " @@ -61122,12 +61563,12 @@ "flexíveis." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:34240 +#: book.translate.xml:34494 msgid "hard limit" msgstr "hard limit" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34241 +#: book.translate.xml:34495 msgid "" "A hard limit may not be exceeded. Once a user reaches a hard limit, no " "further allocations can be made on that file system by that user. For " @@ -61143,12 +61584,12 @@ "adicionais falhará." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:34249 +#: book.translate.xml:34503 msgid "soft limit" msgstr "soft limit" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34250 +#: book.translate.xml:34504 msgid "" "Soft limits can be exceeded for a limited amount of time, known as the grace " "period, which is one week by default. If a user stays over their limit " @@ -61164,7 +61605,7 @@ "período de carência é zerado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34257 +#: book.translate.xml:34511 msgid "" "In the following example, the quota for the test account is being edited. When edquotavi." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34263 +#: book.translate.xml:34517 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# edquota -u test\n" @@ -61197,7 +61638,7 @@ " inodes in use: 0, limits (soft = 50, hard = 60)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34270 +#: book.translate.xml:34524 msgid "" "There are normally two lines for each file system that has quotas enabled. " "One line represents the block limits and the other represents the inode " @@ -61215,18 +61656,18 @@ "forma:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:34279 +#: book.translate.xml:34533 #, no-wrap msgid "/usr: kbytes in use: 65, limits (soft = 500, hard = 600)" msgstr "/usr: kbytes in use: 65, limits (soft = 500, hard = 600)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34281 +#: book.translate.xml:34535 msgid "The new quota limits take effect upon exiting the editor." msgstr "Os novos limites de cotas entram em vigor ao sair do editor." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34284 +#: book.translate.xml:34538 msgid "" "Sometimes it is desirable to set quota limits on a range of users. This can " "be done by first assigning the desired quota limit to a user. Then, use " @@ -61243,13 +61684,13 @@ "10.000 até 19.999:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34293 +#: book.translate.xml:34547 #, no-wrap msgid "# edquota -p test 10000-19999" msgstr "# edquota -p test 10000-19999" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34295 +#: book.translate.xml:34549 msgid "" "For more information, refer to edquota8." @@ -61258,12 +61699,12 @@ "refentrytitle>8." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:34299 +#: book.translate.xml:34553 msgid "Checking Quota Limits and Disk Usage" msgstr "Verificando Limites de Cota e Uso de Disco" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34306 +#: book.translate.xml:34560 msgid "" "To check individual user or group quotas and disk usage, use " "quota1." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34313 +#: book.translate.xml:34567 msgid "" "Normally, file systems that the user is not using any disk space on will not " "show in the output of quota, even if the user has a quota " @@ -61299,7 +61740,7 @@ "para um usuário que possui limites de cota em dois sistemas de arquivos." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:34321 +#: book.translate.xml:34575 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Disk quotas for user test (uid 1002):\n" @@ -61313,12 +61754,12 @@ " /usr/var 0 50 75 0 50 60" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:34326 +#: book.translate.xml:34580 msgid "grace period" msgstr "grace period" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34328 +#: book.translate.xml:34582 msgid "" "In this example, the user is currently 15 kbytes over the soft limit of 50 " "kbytes on /usr and has 5 days of grace period left. The " @@ -61331,18 +61772,18 @@ "está atualmente acima do limite de cota." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:34336 +#: book.translate.xml:34590 msgid "Quotas over NFS" msgstr "Quotas sobre o NFS" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:34338 book.translate.xml:53293 +#: book.translate.xml:34592 book.translate.xml:53571 msgid "NFS" msgstr "NFS" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34340 +#: book.translate.xml:34594 msgid "" "Quotas are enforced by the quota subsystem on the NFS " "server. The rpc.rquotadNFS server, enable rpc.rquotad " "by removing the # from this line in /etc/inetd." @@ -61369,23 +61810,23 @@ "filename>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:34351 +#: book.translate.xml:34605 #, no-wrap msgid "rquotad/1 dgram rpc/udp wait root /usr/libexec/rpc.rquotad rpc.rquotad" msgstr "rquotad/1 dgram rpc/udp wait root /usr/libexec/rpc.rquotad rpc.rquotad" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34353 +#: book.translate.xml:34607 msgid "Then, restart inetd:" msgstr "Em seguida, reinicie o inetd:" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:34361 +#: book.translate.xml:34615 msgid "Encrypting Disk Partitions" msgstr "Criptografando Partições de Disco" #. (itstool) path: affiliation/address -#: book.translate.xml:34371 +#: book.translate.xml:34625 #, no-wrap msgid "" "\n" @@ -61397,7 +61838,7 @@ "\t " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:34364 +#: book.translate.xml:34618 msgid "" " Lucky Green Contributed by <_:address-1/> " @@ -61408,12 +61849,12 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:34379 +#: book.translate.xml:34633 msgid "disks encrypting" msgstr "disks encrypting" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:34384 +#: book.translate.xml:34638 msgid "" "FreeBSD offers excellent online protections against unauthorized data " "access. File permissions and Mandatory Access ControlGEOM-based cryptographic " @@ -61454,7 +61895,7 @@ "inteiros. Nenhum dado aberto sequer toca na bandeja do disco rígido." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:34404 +#: book.translate.xml:34658 msgid "" "This chapter demonstrates how to create an encrypted file system on FreeBSD. " "It first demonstrates the process using gbde and then " @@ -61465,12 +61906,12 @@ "e depois demonstra o mesmo exemplo usando geli." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:34410 +#: book.translate.xml:34664 msgid "Disk Encryption with gbde" msgstr "Criptografia de Disco com gbde" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34413 +#: book.translate.xml:34667 msgid "" "The objective of the gbde4 facility is to provide " @@ -61494,7 +61935,7 @@ "secreta usada pelo mecanismo de criptografia." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34424 +#: book.translate.xml:34678 msgid "" "This facility provides several barriers to protect the data stored in each " "disk sector. It encrypts the contents of a disk sector using 128-bit " @@ -61515,7 +61956,7 @@ "refentrytitle>4." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34433 +#: book.translate.xml:34687 msgid "" "FreeBSD provides a kernel module for gbde which " "can be loaded with this command:" @@ -61524,13 +61965,13 @@ "que pode ser carregado com este comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34437 +#: book.translate.xml:34691 #, no-wrap msgid "# kldload geom_bde" msgstr "# kldload geom_bde" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34439 +#: book.translate.xml:34693 msgid "" "If using a custom kernel configuration file, ensure it contains this line:" msgstr "" @@ -61538,12 +61979,12 @@ "certifique-se de que ele contenha esta linha:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34442 +#: book.translate.xml:34696 msgid "options GEOM_BDE" msgstr "options GEOM_BDE" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34444 +#: book.translate.xml:34698 msgid "" "The following example demonstrates adding a new hard drive to a system that " "will hold a single encrypted partition that will be mounted as /" @@ -61554,17 +61995,17 @@ "/private." #. (itstool) path: procedure/title -#: book.translate.xml:34449 +#: book.translate.xml:34703 msgid "Encrypting a Partition with gbde" msgstr "Criptografando uma Partição com gbde" #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:34453 +#: book.translate.xml:34707 msgid "Add the New Hard Drive" msgstr "Adicione o Novo Disco Rígido" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:34455 +#: book.translate.xml:34709 msgid "" "Install the new drive to the system as explained in . For the purposes of this example, a new hard drive partition has " @@ -61579,7 +62020,7 @@ "existente partições padrão do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34462 +#: book.translate.xml:34716 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ls /dev/ad*\n" @@ -61593,19 +62034,19 @@ "/dev/ad0s1a /dev/ad0s1d /dev/ad4" #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:34469 +#: book.translate.xml:34723 msgid "Create a Directory to Hold gbde Lock Files" msgstr "" "Criar um diretório para conter os arquivos de lock do gbde" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34472 +#: book.translate.xml:34726 #, no-wrap msgid "# mkdir /etc/gbde" msgstr "# mkdir /etc/gbde" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:34474 +#: book.translate.xml:34728 msgid "" "The gbde lock file contains information that " "gbde requires to access encrypted partitions. " @@ -61622,12 +62063,12 @@ "pelo software. Cada partição criptografada usa um arquivo de lock separado." #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:34485 +#: book.translate.xml:34739 msgid "Initialize the gbde Partition" msgstr "Inicialize a Partição gbde" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:34488 +#: book.translate.xml:34742 msgid "" "A gbde partition must be initialized before it " "can be used. This initialization needs to be performed only once. This " @@ -61642,7 +62083,7 @@ "acronym>, defina o sector_size como 2048:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34496 +#: book.translate.xml:34750 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# gbde init /dev/ad4s1c -i -L /etc/gbde/ad4s1c.lock\n" @@ -61668,7 +62109,7 @@ "[...]" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:34507 +#: book.translate.xml:34761 msgid "" "Once the edit is saved, the user will be asked twice to type the passphrase " "used to secure the data. The passphrase must be the same both times. The " @@ -61687,7 +62128,7 @@ "html\">" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:34515 +#: book.translate.xml:34769 msgid "" "This initialization creates a lock file for the gbde partition. In this example, it is stored as /etc/gbde/" @@ -61702,7 +62143,7 @@ "script de inicialização do /etc/rc.d/gbde." #. (itstool) path: caution/para -#: book.translate.xml:34524 +#: book.translate.xml:34778 msgid "" "Lock files must be backed up together with the contents " "of any encrypted partitions. Without the lock file, the legitimate owner " @@ -61713,18 +62154,18 @@ "legítimo não poderá acessar os dados na partição criptografada." #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:34533 +#: book.translate.xml:34787 msgid "Attach the Encrypted Partition to the Kernel" msgstr "Anexando a Partição Criptografada ao Kernel" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34536 +#: book.translate.xml:34790 #, no-wrap msgid "# gbde attach /dev/ad4s1c -l /etc/gbde/ad4s1c.lock" msgstr "# gbde attach /dev/ad4s1c -l /etc/gbde/ad4s1c.lock" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:34538 +#: book.translate.xml:34792 msgid "" "This command will prompt to input the passphrase that was selected during " "the initialization of the encrypted partition. The new encrypted device will " @@ -61737,7 +62178,7 @@ "filename>:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34544 +#: book.translate.xml:34798 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ls /dev/ad*\n" @@ -61751,12 +62192,12 @@ "/dev/ad0s1a /dev/ad0s1d /dev/ad4 /dev/ad4s1c.bde" #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:34551 +#: book.translate.xml:34805 msgid "Create a File System on the Encrypted Device" msgstr "Criando um Sistema de Arquivos no Dispositivo Criptografado" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:34554 +#: book.translate.xml:34808 msgid "" "Once the encrypted device has been attached to the kernel, a file system can " "be created on the device. This example creates a UFS file " @@ -61770,24 +62211,24 @@ "*.bde:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34562 +#: book.translate.xml:34816 #, no-wrap msgid "# newfs -U /dev/ad4s1c.bde" msgstr "# newfs -U /dev/ad4s1c.bde" #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:34566 +#: book.translate.xml:34820 msgid "Mount the Encrypted Partition" msgstr "Montando a Partição Criptografada" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:34568 +#: book.translate.xml:34822 msgid "Create a mount point and mount the encrypted file system:" msgstr "" "Crie um ponto de montagem e monte o sistema de arquivos criptografados:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34571 +#: book.translate.xml:34825 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mkdir /private\n" @@ -61797,19 +62238,19 @@ "# mount /dev/ad4s1c.bde /private" #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:34576 +#: book.translate.xml:34830 msgid "Verify That the Encrypted File System is Available" msgstr "Verificar se o sistema de arquivos criptografados está disponível" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:34579 +#: book.translate.xml:34833 msgid "The encrypted file system should now be visible and available for use:" msgstr "" "O sistema de arquivos criptografados agora deve estar visível e disponível " "para uso:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34582 +#: book.translate.xml:34836 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% df -H\n" @@ -61831,7 +62272,7 @@ "/dev/ad4s1c.bde 150G 4.1K 138G 0% /private" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34593 +#: book.translate.xml:34847 msgid "" "After each boot, any encrypted file systems must be manually re-attached to " "the kernel, checked for errors, and mounted, before the file systems can be " @@ -61845,7 +62286,7 @@ "etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:34599 +#: book.translate.xml:34853 #, no-wrap msgid "" "gbde_autoattach_all=\"YES\"\n" @@ -61857,7 +62298,7 @@ "gbde_lockdir=\"/etc/gbde\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34603 +#: book.translate.xml:34857 msgid "" "This requires that the passphrase be entered at the console at boot time. " "After typing the correct passphrase, the encrypted partition will be mounted " @@ -61873,7 +62314,7 @@ "manvolnum>." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:34613 +#: book.translate.xml:34867 msgid "" "sysinstall is incompatible with " "gbde-encrypted devices. All *.bde# gbde detach /dev/ad4s1c" msgstr "# gbde detach /dev/ad4s1c" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:34627 +#: book.translate.xml:34881 msgid "Disk Encryption with geli" msgstr "Criptografia de Disco com geli" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34640 +#: book.translate.xml:34894 msgid "" "An alternative cryptographic GEOM class is available " "using geli. This control utility adds some features and " @@ -61914,7 +62355,7 @@ "fornece os seguintes recursos:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:34648 +#: book.translate.xml:34902 msgid "" "Utilizes the crypto9 framework and " @@ -61925,7 +62366,7 @@ "o hardware criptográfico quando ele está disponível." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:34654 +#: book.translate.xml:34908 msgid "" "Supports multiple cryptographic algorithms such as AES, " "Blowfish, and 3DES." @@ -61934,7 +62375,7 @@ "Blowfish e 3DES." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:34660 +#: book.translate.xml:34914 msgid "" "Allows the root partition to be encrypted. The passphrase used to access the " "encrypted root partition will be requested during system boot." @@ -61944,17 +62385,17 @@ "inicialização do sistema." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:34666 +#: book.translate.xml:34920 msgid "Allows the use of two independent keys." msgstr "Permite o uso de duas chaves independentes." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:34670 +#: book.translate.xml:34924 msgid "It is fast as it performs simple sector-to-sector encryption." msgstr "É rápido, pois executa criptografia simples de setor a setor." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:34675 +#: book.translate.xml:34929 msgid "" "Allows backup and restore of master keys. If a user destroys their keys, it " "is still possible to get access to the data by restoring keys from the " @@ -61965,7 +62406,7 @@ "backup." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:34681 +#: book.translate.xml:34935 msgid "" "Allows a disk to attach with a random, one-time key which is useful for swap " "partitions and temporary file systems." @@ -61974,7 +62415,7 @@ "para partições swap e sistemas de arquivos temporários." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34687 +#: book.translate.xml:34941 msgid "" "More features and usage examples can be found in " "geli8geli8." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34690 +#: book.translate.xml:34944 msgid "" "The following example describes how to generate a key file which will be " "used as part of the master key for the encrypted provider mounted under " @@ -62004,17 +62445,17 @@ "finalmente, como desanexá-lo." #. (itstool) path: procedure/title -#: book.translate.xml:34701 +#: book.translate.xml:34955 msgid "Encrypting a Partition with geli" msgstr "Criptografando uma Partição com geli" #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:34705 +#: book.translate.xml:34959 msgid "Load geli Support" msgstr "Carregando o suporte ao geli" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:34707 +#: book.translate.xml:34961 msgid "" "Support for geli is available as a loadable kernel " "module. To configure the system to automatically load the module at boot " @@ -62026,24 +62467,24 @@ "/boot/loader.conf:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:34713 +#: book.translate.xml:34967 #, no-wrap msgid "geom_eli_load=\"YES\"" msgstr "geom_eli_load=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:34715 +#: book.translate.xml:34969 msgid "To load the kernel module now:" msgstr "Para carregar o módulo do kernel agora:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34717 +#: book.translate.xml:34971 #, no-wrap msgid "# kldload geom_eli" msgstr "# kldload geom_eli" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:34719 +#: book.translate.xml:34973 msgid "" "For a custom kernel, ensure the kernel configuration file contains these " "lines:" @@ -62052,7 +62493,7 @@ "kernel contenha estas linhas:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:34722 +#: book.translate.xml:34976 #, no-wrap msgid "" "options GEOM_ELI\n" @@ -62062,41 +62503,47 @@ "device crypto" #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:34727 +#: book.translate.xml:34981 msgid "Generate the Master Key" msgstr "Gerando a Chave Mestra" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:34729 +#: book.translate.xml:34983 msgid "" -"The following commands generate a master key (/root/da2.key) that is protected with a passphrase. The data source for the key " -"file is /dev/random and the sector size of the provider " -"(/dev/da2.eli) is 4kB as a bigger sector size provides " +"The following commands generate a master key that all data will be encrypted " +"with. This key can never be changed. Rather than using it directly, it is " +"encrypted with one or more user keys. The user keys are made up of an " +"optional combination of random bytes from a file, /root/da2.key, and/or a passphrase. In this case, the data source for the key " +"file is /dev/random. This command also configures the " +"sector size of the provider (/dev/da2.eli) as 4kB, for " "better performance:" msgstr "" -"Os seguintes comandos geram uma chave mestra (/root/da2.key) que é protegida com uma frase secreta. A fonte de dados para o " -"arquivo de chave é /dev/random e o tamanho do setor do " -"provedor (/dev/da2.eli) é de 4kB, pois um tamanho de " -"setor maior fornece melhor desempenho:" +"Os comandos a seguir geram uma chave mestra com a qual todos os dados serão " +"criptografados. Esta chave nunca pode ser alterada. Em vez de usá-lo " +"diretamente, ele é criptografado com uma ou mais chaves de usuário. As " +"chaves do usuário são compostas por uma combinação opcional de bytes " +"aleatórios de um arquivo, /root/da2.key e/ou uma senha. " +"Neste caso, a fonte de dados do arquivo de chave é /dev/random. Este comando também configura o tamanho do setor do provedor " +"(/dev/da2.eli) como 4kB, para melhor desempenho:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34736 +#: book.translate.xml:34995 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# dd if=/dev/random of=/root/da2.key bs=64 count=1\n" -"# geli init -s 4096 -K /root/da2.key /dev/da2\n" +"# geli init -K /root/da2.key -s 4096 /dev/da2\n" "Enter new passphrase:\n" "Reenter new passphrase:" msgstr "" "# dd if=/dev/random of=/root/da2.key bs=64 count=1\n" -"# geli init -s 4096 -K /root/da2.key /dev/da2\n" +"# geli init -K /root/da2.key -s 4096 /dev/da2\n" "Enter new passphrase:\n" "Reenter new passphrase:" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:34741 +#: book.translate.xml:35000 msgid "" "It is not mandatory to use both a passphrase and a key file as either method " "of securing the master key can be used in isolation." @@ -62105,7 +62552,7 @@ "cada método de proteger a chave mestra pode ser usado isoladamente." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:34745 +#: book.translate.xml:35004 msgid "" "If the key file is given as -, standard input will be used. " "For example, this command generates three key files:" @@ -62114,18 +62561,18 @@ "usada. Por exemplo, este comando gera três arquivos principais:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34749 +#: book.translate.xml:35008 #, no-wrap msgid "# cat keyfile1 keyfile2 keyfile3 | geli init -K - /dev/da2" msgstr "# cat keyfile1 keyfile2 keyfile3 | geli init -K - /dev/da2" #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:34753 +#: book.translate.xml:35012 msgid "Attach the Provider with the Generated Key" msgstr "Anexando o Provedor com a Chave Gerada" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:34755 +#: book.translate.xml:35014 msgid "" "To attach the provider, specify the key file, the name of the disk, and the " "passphrase:" @@ -62134,7 +62581,7 @@ "frase secreta:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34758 +#: book.translate.xml:35017 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# geli attach -k /root/da2.key /dev/da2\n" @@ -62144,13 +62591,13 @@ "Enter passphrase:" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:34761 +#: book.translate.xml:35020 msgid "This creates a new device with an .eli extension:" msgstr "" "Isso cria um novo dispositivo com uma extensão .eli:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34764 +#: book.translate.xml:35023 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ls /dev/da2*\n" @@ -62160,12 +62607,12 @@ "/dev/da2 /dev/da2.eli" #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:34769 +#: book.translate.xml:35028 msgid "Create the New File System" msgstr "Criando o Novo Sistema de Arquivos" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:34771 +#: book.translate.xml:35030 msgid "" "Next, format the device with the UFS file system and " "mount it on an existing mount point:" @@ -62174,7 +62621,7 @@ "acronym> e monte-o em um ponto de montagem existente:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34775 +#: book.translate.xml:35034 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/da2.eli bs=1m\n" @@ -62186,13 +62633,13 @@ "# mount /dev/da2.eli /private" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:34779 +#: book.translate.xml:35038 msgid "The encrypted file system should now be available for use:" msgstr "" "O sistema de arquivos criptografado agora deve estar disponível para uso:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34782 +#: book.translate.xml:35041 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# df -H\n" @@ -62214,7 +62661,7 @@ "/dev/da2.eli 150G 4.1K 138G 0% /private" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34793 +#: book.translate.xml:35052 msgid "" "Once the work on the encrypted partition is done, and the /" "private partition is no longer needed, it is prudent to put the " @@ -62227,7 +62674,7 @@ "geli criptografada do kernel:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34799 +#: book.translate.xml:35058 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# umount /private\n" @@ -62237,7 +62684,7 @@ "# geli detach da2.eli" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34802 +#: book.translate.xml:35061 msgid "" "A rc.d script is provided to simplify the mounting of " "geli-encrypted devices at boot time. For this example, " @@ -62249,7 +62696,7 @@ "/etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:34807 +#: book.translate.xml:35066 #, no-wrap msgid "" "geli_devices=\"da2\"\n" @@ -62259,7 +62706,7 @@ "geli_da2_flags=\"-k /root/da2.key\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34810 +#: book.translate.xml:35069 msgid "" "This configures /dev/da2 as a geli " "provider with a master key of /root/da2.key. The system " @@ -62288,12 +62735,12 @@ "momento da inicialização." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:34828 +#: book.translate.xml:35087 msgid "Encrypting Swap" msgstr "Criptografando Swap" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:34831 +#: book.translate.xml:35090 msgid "" " Christian Brueffer Written by " @@ -62302,12 +62749,12 @@ "personname> Escrito por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:34841 +#: book.translate.xml:35100 msgid "swap encrypting" msgstr "swap encrypting" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:34846 +#: book.translate.xml:35105 msgid "" "Like the encryption of disk partitions, encryption of swap space is used to " "protect sensitive information. Consider an application that deals with " @@ -62326,7 +62773,7 @@ "de troca de criptografia pode ser uma solução para esse cenário." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:34855 +#: book.translate.xml:35114 msgid "" "This section demonstrates how to configure an encrypted swap partition using " "gbde8/dev/ada0s1b é a partição swap." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:34861 +#: book.translate.xml:35120 msgid "Configuring Encrypted Swap" msgstr "Configurando Swap Criptografada" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34863 +#: book.translate.xml:35122 msgid "" "Swap partitions are not encrypted by default and should be cleared of any " "sensitive data before continuing. To overwrite the current swap partition " @@ -62357,13 +62804,13 @@ "partição swap atual com lixo aleatório, execute o seguinte comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34868 +#: book.translate.xml:35127 #, no-wrap msgid "# dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/ada0s1b bs=1m" msgstr "# dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/ada0s1b bs=1m" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34870 +#: book.translate.xml:35129 msgid "" "To encrypt the swap partition using gbde8, add the ." @@ -62374,7 +62821,7 @@ ".bde à linha de swap no /etc/fstab:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:34874 +#: book.translate.xml:35133 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Device\t\tMountpoint\tFStype\tOptions\t\tDump\tPass#\n" @@ -62384,7 +62831,7 @@ "/dev/ada0s1b.bde\tnone\t\tswap\tsw\t\t0\t0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34877 +#: book.translate.xml:35136 msgid "" "To instead encrypt the swap partition using " "geli8.eli:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:34881 +#: book.translate.xml:35140 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Device\t\tMountpoint\tFStype\tOptions\t\tDump\tPass#\n" @@ -62405,7 +62852,7 @@ "/dev/ada0s1b.eli\tnone\t\tswap\tsw\t\t0\t0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34884 +#: book.translate.xml:35143 msgid "" "By default, geli8 uses the AES algorithm with a " @@ -62420,12 +62867,12 @@ "opções no arquivo /etc/fstab. As possíveis flags são:" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:34893 +#: book.translate.xml:35152 msgid "aalgo" msgstr "aalgo" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:34895 +#: book.translate.xml:35154 msgid "" "Data integrity verification algorithm used to ensure that the encrypted data " "has not been tampered with. See geli para obter uma lista dos algoritmos suportados." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:34902 +#: book.translate.xml:35161 msgid "ealgo" msgstr "ealgo" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:34904 +#: book.translate.xml:35163 msgid "" "Encryption algorithm used to protect the data. See " "geli8 para obter uma lista dos algoritmos suportados." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:34910 +#: book.translate.xml:35169 msgid "keylen" msgstr "keylen" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:34912 +#: book.translate.xml:35171 msgid "" "The length of the key used for the encryption algorithm. See " "geli8swapinfo." @@ -62522,7 +62969,7 @@ "criptografada poderá ser verificada usando swapinfo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34945 +#: book.translate.xml:35204 msgid "" "If gbde8 is being used:" @@ -62531,7 +62978,7 @@ "manvolnum> estiver sendo usado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34947 +#: book.translate.xml:35206 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% swapinfo\n" @@ -62543,7 +62990,7 @@ "/dev/ada0s1b.bde 542720 0 542720 0%" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:34951 +#: book.translate.xml:35210 msgid "" "If geli8 is being used:" @@ -62552,7 +62999,7 @@ "manvolnum> estiver sendo usado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:34953 +#: book.translate.xml:35212 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% swapinfo\n" @@ -62564,12 +63011,12 @@ "/dev/ada0s1b.eli 542720 0 542720 0%" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:34961 +#: book.translate.xml:35220 msgid "Highly Available Storage (HAST)" msgstr "Alta Disponibilidade de Armazenamento (HAST)" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:34975 +#: book.translate.xml:35234 msgid "" " Freddie Cash With inputs from " @@ -62578,7 +63025,7 @@ "personname> Com contribuições de " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:34983 +#: book.translate.xml:35242 msgid "" " Pawel Jakub Dawidek " @@ -62587,7 +63034,7 @@ "personname>" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:34990 +#: book.translate.xml:35249 msgid "" " Michael W. Lucas " @@ -62596,7 +63043,7 @@ "personname>" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:34997 +#: book.translate.xml:35256 msgid "" " Viktor Petersson " @@ -62605,12 +63052,12 @@ "personname>" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:35006 +#: book.translate.xml:35265 msgid "HAST high availability" msgstr "HAST high availability" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:35011 +#: book.translate.xml:35270 msgid "" "High availability is one of the main requirements in serious business " "applications and highly-available storage is a key component in such " @@ -62638,20 +63085,20 @@ "disponível, resistente a falhas de hardware." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:35025 +#: book.translate.xml:35284 msgid "The following are the main features of HAST:" msgstr "" "A seguir estão as principais características do HAST:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35030 +#: book.translate.xml:35289 msgid "Can be used to mask I/O errors on local hard drives." msgstr "" "Pode ser usado para mascarar erros de I/O em discos " "rígidos locais." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35035 +#: book.translate.xml:35294 msgid "" "File system agnostic as it works with any file system supported by FreeBSD." msgstr "" @@ -62659,7 +63106,7 @@ "arquivos suportado pelo FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35040 +#: book.translate.xml:35299 msgid "" "Efficient and quick resynchronization as only the blocks that were modified " "during the downtime of a node are synchronized." @@ -62668,7 +63115,7 @@ "modificados durante o tempo de inatividade de um nó são sincronizados." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35053 +#: book.translate.xml:35312 msgid "" "Can be used in an already deployed environment to add additional redundancy." msgstr "" @@ -62676,7 +63123,7 @@ "adicional." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35058 +#: book.translate.xml:35317 msgid "" "Together with CARP, Heartbeat, " "or other tools, it can be used to build a robust and durable storage system." @@ -62686,12 +63133,12 @@ "sistema de armazenamento robusto e durável." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:35064 +#: book.translate.xml:35323 msgid "After reading this section, you will know:" msgstr "Depois de ler esta seção, você saberá:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35068 +#: book.translate.xml:35327 msgid "" "What HAST is, how it works, and which features it " "provides." @@ -62700,12 +63147,12 @@ "fornece." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35073 +#: book.translate.xml:35332 msgid "How to set up and use HAST on FreeBSD." msgstr "Como configurar e usar o HAST no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35078 +#: book.translate.xml:35337 msgid "" "How to integrate CARP and " "devd8)." @@ -62730,7 +63177,7 @@ "FreeBSD ()." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35096 +#: book.translate.xml:35355 msgid "" "Have a good understanding of FreeBSD networking ()." @@ -62739,7 +63186,7 @@ "communication\"/>)." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:35101 +#: book.translate.xml:35360 msgid "" "The HAST project was sponsored by The FreeBSD Foundation " "with support from http://www.omc." @@ -62752,12 +63199,12 @@ "link>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:35106 +#: book.translate.xml:35365 msgid "HAST Operation" msgstr "Operação HAST" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35108 +#: book.translate.xml:35367 msgid "" "HAST provides synchronous block-level replication between " "two physical machines: the primary, also known as the " @@ -62772,7 +63219,7 @@ "chamadas de cluster." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35116 +#: book.translate.xml:35375 msgid "" "Since HAST works in a primary-secondary configuration, it " "allows only one of the cluster nodes to be active at any given time. The " @@ -62789,7 +63236,7 @@ "secundário é automaticamente sincronizado a partir do nó primário." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35124 +#: book.translate.xml:35383 msgid "" "The physical components of the HAST system are the local " "disk on primary node, and the disk on the remote, secondary node." @@ -62798,7 +63245,7 @@ "no nó primário e o disco no nó secundário remoto." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35128 +#: book.translate.xml:35387 msgid "" "HAST operates synchronously on a block level, making it " "transparent to file systems and applications. HAST " @@ -62814,7 +63261,7 @@ "partições brutas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35136 +#: book.translate.xml:35395 msgid "" "Each write, delete, or flush operation is sent to both the local disk and to " "the remote disk over TCP/IP. Each read operation is " @@ -62829,7 +63276,7 @@ "casos, a operação de leitura é enviada para o nó secundário." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35143 +#: book.translate.xml:35402 msgid "" "HAST tries to provide fast failure recovery. For this " "reason, it is important to reduce synchronization time after a node's " @@ -62845,7 +63292,7 @@ "inicial." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35151 +#: book.translate.xml:35410 msgid "" "There are many ways to handle synchronization. HAST " "implements several replication modes to handle different synchronization " @@ -62856,7 +63303,7 @@ "métodos de sincronização:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35157 +#: book.translate.xml:35416 msgid "" "memsync: This mode reports a write operation as " "completed when the local write operation is finished and when the remote " @@ -62873,7 +63320,7 @@ "boa confiabilidade. Este modo é o padrão." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35168 +#: book.translate.xml:35427 msgid "" "fullsync: This mode reports a write operation as " "completed when both the local write and the remote write complete. This is " @@ -62884,7 +63331,7 @@ "Este é o modo de replicação mais seguro e mais lento." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35175 +#: book.translate.xml:35434 msgid "" "async: This mode reports a write operation as completed " "when the local write completes. This is the fastest and the most dangerous " @@ -62897,17 +63344,17 @@ "nó distante, onde a latência é muito alta para outros modos." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:35186 +#: book.translate.xml:35445 msgid "HAST Configuration" msgstr "Configuração do HAST" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35188 +#: book.translate.xml:35447 msgid "The HAST framework consists of several components:" msgstr "O framework HAST consiste em vários componentes:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35193 +#: book.translate.xml:35452 msgid "" "The hastd8 daemon which provides data synchronization. When " @@ -62920,7 +63367,7 @@ "varname>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35199 +#: book.translate.xml:35458 msgid "" "The userland management utility, hastctl8." @@ -62930,7 +63377,7 @@ "manvolnum>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35204 +#: book.translate.xml:35463 msgid "" "The hast.conf5 configuration file. This file must exist before " @@ -62941,7 +63388,7 @@ "existir antes de iniciar o hastd." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35210 +#: book.translate.xml:35469 msgid "" "Users who prefer to statically build GEOM_GATE support " "into the kernel should add this line to the custom kernel configuration " @@ -62954,13 +63401,13 @@ "instruções em :" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:35215 +#: book.translate.xml:35474 #, no-wrap msgid "options\tGEOM_GATE" msgstr "options\tGEOM_GATE" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35217 +#: book.translate.xml:35476 msgid "" "The following example describes how to configure two nodes in master-slave/" "primary-secondary operation using HAST to replicate the " @@ -62985,7 +63432,7 @@ "dev/hast/, será chamado test." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35231 +#: book.translate.xml:35490 msgid "" "Configuration of HAST is done using /etc/hast." "conf. This file should be identical on both nodes. The simplest " @@ -62996,7 +63443,7 @@ "nós. A configuração mais simples é:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:35236 +#: book.translate.xml:35495 #, no-wrap msgid "" "resource test {\n" @@ -63022,7 +63469,7 @@ "}" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35247 +#: book.translate.xml:35506 msgid "" "For more advanced configuration, refer to hast." "conf5." @@ -63032,7 +63479,7 @@ "citerefentry>." #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:35251 +#: book.translate.xml:35510 msgid "" "It is also possible to use host names in the remote " "statements if the hosts are resolvable and defined either in /etc/" @@ -63043,7 +63490,7 @@ "hosts ou no DNS local." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35258 +#: book.translate.xml:35517 msgid "" "Once the configuration exists on both nodes, the HAST " "pool can be created. Run these commands on both nodes to place the initial " @@ -63058,7 +63505,7 @@ "citerefentry>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35263 +#: book.translate.xml:35522 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# hastctl create test\n" @@ -63068,7 +63515,7 @@ "# service hastd onestart" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:35267 +#: book.translate.xml:35526 msgid "" "It is not possible to use GEOM " "providers with an existing file system or to convert an existing storage to " @@ -63083,7 +63530,7 @@ "espaço suficiente disponível em um provedor existente." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35276 +#: book.translate.xml:35535 msgid "" "A HAST node's primary or secondary " "role is selected by an administrator, or software like " @@ -63099,36 +63546,36 @@ "hasta, execute este comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35283 +#: book.translate.xml:35542 #, no-wrap msgid "# hastctl role primary test" msgstr "# hastctl role primary test" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35285 +#: book.translate.xml:35544 msgid "Run this command on the secondary node, hastb:" msgstr "Execute este comando no nó secundário, hastb:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35288 +#: book.translate.xml:35547 #, no-wrap msgid "# hastctl role secondary test" msgstr "# hastctl role secondary test" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35290 +#: book.translate.xml:35549 msgid "Verify the result by running hastctl on each node:" msgstr "" "Verifique o resultado executando hastctl em cada nó:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35293 +#: book.translate.xml:35552 #, no-wrap msgid "# hastctl status test" msgstr "# hastctl status test" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35295 +#: book.translate.xml:35554 msgid "" "Check the status line in the output. If it says " "degraded, something is wrong with the configuration file. " @@ -63145,7 +63592,7 @@ "sujas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35304 +#: book.translate.xml:35563 msgid "" "The next step is to create a file system on the GEOM " "provider and mount it. This must be done on the primary " @@ -63160,7 +63607,7 @@ "UFS em /dev/hast/test :" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35311 +#: book.translate.xml:35570 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# newfs -U /dev/hast/test\n" @@ -63172,7 +63619,7 @@ "# mount /dev/hast/test /hast/test" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35315 +#: book.translate.xml:35574 msgid "" "Once the HAST framework is configured properly, the final " "step is to make sure that HAST is started automatically " @@ -63184,18 +63631,18 @@ "linha ao /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:35321 +#: book.translate.xml:35580 #, no-wrap msgid "hastd_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "hastd_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:35324 +#: book.translate.xml:35583 msgid "Failover Configuration" msgstr "Configuração de Failover" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:35326 +#: book.translate.xml:35585 msgid "" "The goal of this example is to build a robust storage system which is " "resistant to the failure of any given node. If the primary node fails, the " @@ -63208,7 +63655,7 @@ "de arquivos e continuar a trabalhar sem perder um único bit de dados." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:35333 +#: book.translate.xml:35592 msgid "" "To accomplish this task, the Common Address Redundancy Protocol " "(CARP) is used to provide for automatic failover at the " @@ -63233,7 +63680,7 @@ "acronym> do cluster deve ser o nó mestre CARP." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:35346 +#: book.translate.xml:35605 msgid "" "The HAST pool created in the previous section is now " "ready to be exported to the other hosts on the network. This can be " @@ -63250,7 +63697,7 @@ "permanece não resolvido é um failover automático caso o nó primário falhe." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:35356 +#: book.translate.xml:35615 msgid "" "In the event of CARP interfaces going up or down, the " "FreeBSD operating system generates a devdCARP interfaces, add this " "configuration to /etc/devd.conf on each node:" @@ -63280,7 +63727,7 @@ "adicione esta configuração ao /etc/devd.conf em cada nó:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:35369 +#: book.translate.xml:35628 #, no-wrap msgid "" "notify 30 {\n" @@ -63312,9 +63759,9 @@ "};" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:35384 +#: book.translate.xml:35643 msgid "" -"If the systems are running FreeBSD 10 or higher, replace carp0carp0 with the name of the CARP-configured interface." msgstr "" "Se os sistemas estiverem executando o FreeBSD 10 ou superior, substitua " @@ -63322,7 +63769,7 @@ "acronym>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:35389 +#: book.translate.xml:35648 msgid "" "Restart devd8 on both nodes to put the new configuration into " @@ -63334,13 +63781,13 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35392 book.translate.xml:46759 +#: book.translate.xml:35651 book.translate.xml:47038 #, no-wrap msgid "# service devd restart" msgstr "# service devd restart" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:35394 +#: book.translate.xml:35653 msgid "" "When the specified interface state changes by going up or down , the system " "generates a notification, allowing the devd." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:35402 +#: book.translate.xml:35661 msgid "Here is an example of an automated failover script:" msgstr "Aqui está um exemplo de um script de failover automatizado:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:35405 +#: book.translate.xml:35664 #, no-wrap msgid "" "#!/bin/sh\n" @@ -63537,7 +63984,7 @@ "esac" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:35489 +#: book.translate.xml:35748 msgid "" "In a nutshell, the script takes these actions when a node becomes master:" msgstr "" @@ -63545,37 +63992,37 @@ "mestre:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35494 +#: book.translate.xml:35753 msgid "Promotes the HAST pool to primary on the other node." msgstr "Promove o pool de HAST para primário no outro nó." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35499 +#: book.translate.xml:35758 msgid "Checks the file system under the HAST pool." msgstr "Verifica o sistema de arquivos no pool HAST." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35504 +#: book.translate.xml:35763 msgid "Mounts the pool." msgstr "Monta o pool." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:35508 +#: book.translate.xml:35767 msgid "When a node becomes secondary:" msgstr "Quando um nó se torna secundário:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35512 +#: book.translate.xml:35771 msgid "Unmounts the HAST pool." msgstr "Desmonta o conjunto HAST." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35516 +#: book.translate.xml:35775 msgid "Degrades the HAST pool to secondary." msgstr "Degrada o pool HAST para secundário." #. (itstool) path: caution/para -#: book.translate.xml:35522 +#: book.translate.xml:35781 msgid "" "This is just an example script which serves as a proof of concept. It does " "not handle all the possible scenarios and can be extended or altered in any " @@ -63587,7 +64034,7 @@ "necessários." #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:35529 +#: book.translate.xml:35788 msgid "" "For this example, a standard UFS file system was used. To " "reduce the time needed for recovery, a journal-enabled UFS" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35544 +#: book.translate.xml:35803 msgid "" "HAST should generally work without issues. However, as " "with any other software product, there may be times when it does not work as " @@ -63625,7 +64072,7 @@ "sincronizado entre os nós do cluster." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35551 +#: book.translate.xml:35810 msgid "" "When troubleshooting HAST, the debugging level of " "hastd8hastd em primeiro plano." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:35560 +#: book.translate.xml:35819 msgid "Recovering from the Split-brain Condition" msgstr "Recuperando-se da Condição de Split-brain" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:35562 +#: book.translate.xml:35821 msgid "" "Split-brain occurs when the nodes of the cluster are " "unable to communicate with each other, and both are configured as primary. " @@ -63663,7 +64110,7 @@ "manualmente pelo administrador do sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:35569 +#: book.translate.xml:35828 msgid "" "The administrator must either decide which node has more important changes, " "or perform the merge manually. Then, let HAST perform " @@ -63676,7 +64123,7 @@ "fazer isso, emita esses comandos no nó que precisa ser ressincronizado:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35576 +#: book.translate.xml:35835 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# hastctl role init test\n" @@ -63688,19 +64135,19 @@ "# hastctl role secondary test" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:35593 +#: book.translate.xml:35852 msgid "GEOM: Modular Disk Transformation Framework" msgstr "GEOM: Framework de Transformação de Disco Modular" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:35609 book.translate.xml:35693 book.translate.xml:35834 -#: book.translate.xml:36467 book.translate.xml:36615 book.translate.xml:36980 -#: book.translate.xml:37184 +#: book.translate.xml:35868 book.translate.xml:35952 book.translate.xml:36093 +#: book.translate.xml:36726 book.translate.xml:36874 book.translate.xml:37239 +#: book.translate.xml:37443 msgid "GEOM" msgstr "GEOM" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:35612 +#: book.translate.xml:35871 msgid "" "GEOM Disk Framework " "GEOM" @@ -63709,7 +64156,7 @@ "GEOM" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:35617 +#: book.translate.xml:35876 msgid "" "In FreeBSD, the GEOM framework permits access and control " "to classes, such as Master Boot Records and BSD labels, " @@ -63726,7 +64173,7 @@ "acesso ao sistema operacional e aos utilitários do sistema operacional." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:35625 +#: book.translate.xml:35884 msgid "" "This chapter covers the use of disks under the GEOM " "framework in FreeBSD. This includes the major RAID " @@ -63743,7 +64190,7 @@ "pelo GEOM são discutidas." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35637 +#: book.translate.xml:35896 msgid "" "What type of RAID support is available through " "GEOM." @@ -63752,7 +64199,7 @@ "GEOM." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35642 +#: book.translate.xml:35901 msgid "" "How to use the base utilities to configure, maintain, and manipulate the " "various RAID levels." @@ -63761,7 +64208,7 @@ "vários níveis de RAID." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35648 +#: book.translate.xml:35907 msgid "" "How to mirror, stripe, encrypt, and remotely connect disk devices through " "GEOM." @@ -63770,7 +64217,7 @@ "de disco por meio do GEOM." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35653 +#: book.translate.xml:35912 msgid "" "How to troubleshoot disks attached to the GEOM framework." msgstr "" @@ -63778,14 +64225,14 @@ "GEOM." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35662 +#: book.translate.xml:35921 msgid "Understand how FreeBSD treats disk devices ()." msgstr "" "Entender como o FreeBSD trata os dispositivos de disco ()." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:35666 +#: book.translate.xml:35925 msgid "" "Know how to configure and install a new kernel ()." @@ -63794,12 +64241,12 @@ "\"/>)." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:35673 +#: book.translate.xml:35932 msgid "RAID0 - Striping" msgstr "RAID0 - Striping" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:35684 book.translate.xml:36458 book.translate.xml:62280 +#: book.translate.xml:35943 book.translate.xml:36717 book.translate.xml:62758 msgid "" " Murray Stokely " @@ -63808,12 +64255,12 @@ "personname>" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:35696 +#: book.translate.xml:35955 msgid "Striping" msgstr "Striping" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:35700 +#: book.translate.xml:35959 msgid "" "Striping combines several disk drives into a single volume. Striping can be " "performed through the use of hardware RAID controllers. " @@ -63829,7 +64276,7 @@ "acronym> de disco." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:35708 +#: book.translate.xml:35967 msgid "" "In RAID0, data is split into blocks that are written " "across all the drives in the array. As seen in the following illustration, " @@ -63851,13 +64298,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:35719 +#: book.translate.xml:35978 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='geom/striping' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='geom/striping' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect1/mediaobject -#: book.translate.xml:35717 +#: book.translate.xml:35976 msgid "" " Disk Striping Illustration " #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:35727 +#: book.translate.xml:35986 msgid "" "Each disk in a RAID0 stripe must be of the same size, " "since I/O requests are interleaved to read or write to " @@ -63879,7 +64326,7 @@ "gravar em vários discos em paralelo." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:35733 +#: book.translate.xml:35992 msgid "" "RAID0 does not provide any " "redundancy. This means that if one disk in the array fails, all of the data " @@ -63893,7 +64340,7 @@ "dispositivo remoto." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:35740 +#: book.translate.xml:35999 msgid "" "The process for creating a software, GEOM-based " "RAID0 on a FreeBSD system using commodity disks is as " @@ -63910,23 +64357,23 @@ "controlar uma stripe existente." #. (itstool) path: procedure/title -#: book.translate.xml:35747 +#: book.translate.xml:36006 msgid "Creating a Stripe of Unformatted ATA Disks" msgstr "Criando um Stripe de Discos ATA Não Formatados" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:35751 +#: book.translate.xml:36010 msgid "Load the geom_stripe.ko module:" msgstr "Carregue o módulo geom_stripe.ko:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35754 +#: book.translate.xml:36013 #, no-wrap msgid "# kldload geom_stripe" msgstr "# kldload geom_stripe" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:35758 +#: book.translate.xml:36017 msgid "" "Ensure that a suitable mount point exists. If this volume will become a root " "partition, then temporarily use another mount point such as /mnt/mnt." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:35765 +#: book.translate.xml:36024 msgid "" "Determine the device names for the disks which will be striped, and create " "the new stripe device. For example, to stripe two unused and unpartitioned " @@ -63950,7 +64397,7 @@ "dispositivos /dev/ad2 e /dev/ad3:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35772 +#: book.translate.xml:36031 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# gstripe label -v st0 /dev/ad2 /dev/ad3\n" @@ -63964,7 +64411,7 @@ "Done." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:35779 +#: book.translate.xml:36038 msgid "" "Write a standard label, also known as a partition table, on the new volume " "and install the default bootstrap code:" @@ -63973,13 +64420,13 @@ "volume e instale o código do bootstrap padrão:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35783 +#: book.translate.xml:36042 #, no-wrap msgid "# bsdlabel -wB /dev/stripe/st0" msgstr "# bsdlabel -wB /dev/stripe/st0" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:35787 +#: book.translate.xml:36046 msgid "" "This process should create two other devices in /dev/stripe in addition to st0. Those include " @@ -63994,13 +64441,13 @@ "newfs:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35795 +#: book.translate.xml:36054 #, no-wrap msgid "# newfs -U /dev/stripe/st0a" msgstr "# newfs -U /dev/stripe/st0a" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:35797 +#: book.translate.xml:36056 msgid "" "Many numbers will glide across the screen, and after a few seconds, the " "process will be complete. The volume has been created and is ready to be " @@ -64010,18 +64457,18 @@ "será concluído. O volume foi criado e está pronto para ser montado." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:35803 +#: book.translate.xml:36062 msgid "To manually mount the created disk stripe:" msgstr "Para montar manualmente o stripe de disco criado:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35805 +#: book.translate.xml:36064 #, no-wrap msgid "# mount /dev/stripe/st0a /mnt" msgstr "# mount /dev/stripe/st0a /mnt" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:35809 +#: book.translate.xml:36068 msgid "" "To mount this striped file system automatically during the boot process, " "place the volume information in /etc/fstab. In this " @@ -64034,7 +64481,7 @@ "permanente, chamado stripe, é criado:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35815 +#: book.translate.xml:36074 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mkdir /stripe\n" @@ -64046,7 +64493,7 @@ ">> /etc/fstab" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:35821 +#: book.translate.xml:36080 msgid "" "The geom_stripe.ko module must also be automatically " "loaded during system initialization, by adding a line to /boot/" @@ -64057,28 +64504,28 @@ "arquivo /boot/loader.conf:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35826 +#: book.translate.xml:36085 #, no-wrap -msgid "# sysrc -f /boot/loader.conf geom_stripe_load=YES" -msgstr "# sysrc -f /boot/loader.conf geom_stripe_load=YES" +msgid "# echo 'geom_stripe_load=\"YES\"' >> /boot/loader.conf" +msgstr "# echo 'geom_stripe_load=\"YES\"' >> /boot/loader.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:35832 +#: book.translate.xml:36091 msgid "RAID1 - Mirroring" msgstr "RAID1 - Espelhamento" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:35837 +#: book.translate.xml:36096 msgid "Disk Mirroring" msgstr "Disk Mirroring" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:35840 +#: book.translate.xml:36099 msgid "RAID1" msgstr "RAID1" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:35844 +#: book.translate.xml:36103 msgid "" "RAID1, or mirroring, is the " "technique of writing the same data to more than one disk drive. Mirrors are " @@ -64098,7 +64545,7 @@ "para substituir a unidade com falha sem impactar o usuário." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:35854 +#: book.translate.xml:36113 msgid "" "Two common situations are illustrated in these examples. The first creates a " "mirror out of two new drives and uses it as a replacement for an existing " @@ -64115,7 +64562,7 @@ "novo disco." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:35862 +#: book.translate.xml:36121 msgid "" "Traditionally, the two drives in a mirror are identical in model and " "capacity, but gmirrordump8 is used in these procedures to copy file systems, " @@ -64160,12 +64607,12 @@ "sobre como detectar e desativar o Soft Updates Journaling." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:35884 +#: book.translate.xml:36143 msgid "Metadata Issues" msgstr "Problemas de Metadados" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35886 +#: book.translate.xml:36145 msgid "" "Many disk systems store metadata at the end of each disk. Old metadata " "should be erased before reusing the disk for a mirror. Most problems are " @@ -64179,7 +64626,7 @@ "metadados antigos de um espelhamento anterior." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35892 +#: book.translate.xml:36151 msgid "" "GPT metadata can be erased with " "gpart8GPT do disco ada8:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35897 +#: book.translate.xml:36156 #, no-wrap msgid "# gpart destroy -F ada8" msgstr "# gpart destroy -F ada8" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35899 +#: book.translate.xml:36158 msgid "" "A disk can be removed from an active mirror and the metadata erased in one " "step using gmirror8gm4:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35904 +#: book.translate.xml:36163 #, no-wrap msgid "# gmirror remove gm4 ada8" msgstr "# gmirror remove gm4 ada8" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35906 +#: book.translate.xml:36165 msgid "" "If the mirror is not running, but old mirror metadata is still on the disk, " "use gmirror clear to remove it:" @@ -64228,13 +64675,13 @@ "command> para removê-lo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35910 +#: book.translate.xml:36169 #, no-wrap msgid "# gmirror clear ada8" msgstr "# gmirror clear ada8" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35912 +#: book.translate.xml:36171 msgid "" "gmirror8 stores one block of metadata at the end of the " @@ -64255,12 +64702,12 @@ "início do disco e não entra em conflito com os metadados espelhados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:35922 +#: book.translate.xml:36181 msgid "Creating a Mirror with Two New Disks" msgstr "Criando um Espelhamento com Dois Discos Novos" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35924 +#: book.translate.xml:36183 msgid "" "In this example, FreeBSD has already been installed on a single disk, " "ada0. Two new disks, ada1 and " @@ -64273,7 +64720,7 @@ "nesses dois discos e usado para substituir o antigo disco único." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35931 +#: book.translate.xml:36190 msgid "" "The geom_mirror.ko kernel module must either be built " "into the kernel or loaded at boot- or run-time. Manually load the kernel " @@ -64284,24 +64731,24 @@ "módulo do kernel agora:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35935 book.translate.xml:36062 +#: book.translate.xml:36194 book.translate.xml:36321 #, no-wrap msgid "# gmirror load" msgstr "# gmirror load" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35937 +#: book.translate.xml:36196 msgid "Create the mirror with the two new drives:" msgstr "Crie o espelho com as duas novas unidades:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35939 +#: book.translate.xml:36198 #, no-wrap msgid "# gmirror label -v gm0 /dev/ada1 /dev/ada2" msgstr "# gmirror label -v gm0 /dev/ada1 /dev/ada2" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35941 +#: book.translate.xml:36200 msgid "" "gm0 is a user-chosen device name assigned to the new " "mirror. After the mirror has been started, this device name appears in " @@ -64312,7 +64759,7 @@ "nome desse dispositivo aparecerá em /dev/mirror/." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35946 +#: book.translate.xml:36205 msgid "" "MBR and bsdlabel partition " "tables can now be created on the mirror with " @@ -64331,7 +64778,7 @@ "único / e uma partição swap também funcionarão." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35955 +#: book.translate.xml:36214 msgid "" "Partitions on the mirror do not have to be the same size as those on the " "existing disk, but they must be large enough to hold all the data already " @@ -64342,7 +64789,7 @@ "presentes no disco ada0." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35960 +#: book.translate.xml:36219 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# gpart create -s MBR mirror/gm0\n" @@ -64362,7 +64809,7 @@ " 156301425 61 - free - (30k)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35968 +#: book.translate.xml:36227 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# gpart create -s BSD mirror/gm0s1\n" @@ -64398,7 +64845,7 @@ " 156301298 1 - free - (512B)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35984 book.translate.xml:36206 +#: book.translate.xml:36243 book.translate.xml:36465 msgid "" "Make the mirror bootable by installing bootcode in the MBR and bsdlabel and setting the active slice:" @@ -64407,7 +64854,7 @@ "acronym> e no bsdlabel e definindo a slice ativa:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35988 book.translate.xml:36210 +#: book.translate.xml:36247 book.translate.xml:36469 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# gpart bootcode -b /boot/mbr mirror/gm0\n" @@ -64419,14 +64866,14 @@ "# gpart bootcode -b /boot/boot mirror/gm0s1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:35992 +#: book.translate.xml:36251 msgid "Format the file systems on the new mirror, enabling soft-updates." msgstr "" "Formate os sistemas de arquivos no novo espelhamento, habilitando as " "atualizações simples." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:35995 +#: book.translate.xml:36254 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# newfs -U /dev/mirror/gm0s1a\n" @@ -64440,7 +64887,7 @@ "# newfs -U /dev/mirror/gm0s1f" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36000 +#: book.translate.xml:36259 msgid "" "File systems from the original ada0 disk can now be " "copied onto the mirror with dump." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36004 +#: book.translate.xml:36263 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mount /dev/mirror/gm0s1a /mnt\n" @@ -64477,7 +64924,7 @@ "# dump -C16 -b64 -0aL -f - /usr | (cd /mnt/usr && restore -rf -)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36013 +#: book.translate.xml:36272 msgid "" "Edit /mnt/etc/fstab to point to the new mirror file " "systems:" @@ -64486,7 +64933,7 @@ "novos sistemas de arquivos espelhados:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:36016 +#: book.translate.xml:36275 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Device\t\tMountpoint\tFStype\tOptions\tDump\tPass#\n" @@ -64504,7 +64951,7 @@ "/dev/mirror/gm0s1f\t/usr\t\tufs\trw\t2\t2" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36023 +#: book.translate.xml:36282 msgid "" "If the geom_mirror.ko kernel module has not been built " "into the kernel, /mnt/boot/loader.conf is edited to " @@ -64515,13 +64962,13 @@ "carregar o módulo na inicialização:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:36028 book.translate.xml:36237 book.translate.xml:36357 +#: book.translate.xml:36287 book.translate.xml:36496 book.translate.xml:36616 #, no-wrap msgid "geom_mirror_load=\"YES\"" msgstr "geom_mirror_load=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36030 +#: book.translate.xml:36289 msgid "" "Reboot the system to test the new mirror and verify that all data has been " "copied. The BIOS will see the mirror as two individual " @@ -64534,7 +64981,7 @@ "idênticas, não importa qual seja selecionado para inicializar." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36036 +#: book.translate.xml:36295 msgid "" "See if there are problems " "booting. Powering down and disconnecting the original ada0 permitirá que ele seja mantido como um backup offline." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36041 +#: book.translate.xml:36300 msgid "In use, the mirror will behave just like the original single drive." msgstr "" "Em uso, o espelhamento se comportará exatamente como a unidade original." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:36046 +#: book.translate.xml:36305 msgid "Creating a Mirror with an Existing Drive" msgstr "Criando um Espelhamento com Uma Unidade Existente" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36048 +#: book.translate.xml:36307 msgid "" "In this example, FreeBSD has already been installed on a single disk, " "ada0. A new disk, ada1, has been " @@ -64577,12 +65024,12 @@ "possui todo o seu espaço já alocado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36059 +#: book.translate.xml:36318 msgid "Load the geom_mirror.ko kernel module:" msgstr "Carregue o módulo do kernel geom_mirror.ko:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36064 +#: book.translate.xml:36323 msgid "" "Check the media size of the original disk with diskinfo:" msgstr "" @@ -64590,7 +65037,7 @@ "command>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36067 +#: book.translate.xml:36326 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# diskinfo -v ada0 | head -n3\n" @@ -64604,7 +65051,7 @@ "\t1000204821504 # mediasize in bytes (931G)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36072 +#: book.translate.xml:36331 msgid "" "Create a mirror on the new disk. To make certain that the mirror capacity is " "not any larger than the original ada0 drive, " @@ -64634,7 +65081,7 @@ "diskinfo acima." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36085 +#: book.translate.xml:36344 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# geom zero load\n" @@ -64648,7 +65095,7 @@ "# gmirror forget gm0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36090 +#: book.translate.xml:36349 msgid "" "Since gzero.nop does not store any data, the mirror " "does not see it as connected. The mirror is told to forget " @@ -64663,10 +65110,10 @@ "contendo apenas um único disco, ada1." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36097 +#: book.translate.xml:36356 msgid "" "After creating gm0, view the partition table on " -"ada0. This output is from a 1 TB drive. If there is " +"ada0. This output is from a 1 TB drive. If there is " "some unallocated space at the end of the drive, the contents may be copied " "directly from ada0 to the new mirror." msgstr "" @@ -64676,7 +65123,7 @@ "diretamente de ada0 para o novo espelho." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36103 +#: book.translate.xml:36362 msgid "" "However, if the output shows that all of the space on the disk is allocated, " "as in the following listing, there is no space available for the 512-byte " @@ -64687,7 +65134,7 @@ "metadados de espelhamento no final do disco." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36108 +#: book.translate.xml:36367 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# gpart show ada0\n" @@ -64699,7 +65146,7 @@ " 63 1953525105 1 freebsd [active] (931G)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36112 +#: book.translate.xml:36371 msgid "" "In this case, the partition table must be edited to reduce the capacity by " "one sector on mirror/gm0. The procedure will be " @@ -64710,7 +65157,7 @@ "explicado mais tarde." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36116 +#: book.translate.xml:36375 msgid "" "In either case, partition tables on the primary disk should be first copied " "using gpart backup and gpart restore." @@ -64720,7 +65167,7 @@ "gpart restore." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36120 +#: book.translate.xml:36379 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# gpart backup ada0 > table.ada0\n" @@ -64730,16 +65177,16 @@ "# gpart backup ada0s1 > table.ada0s1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36123 +#: book.translate.xml:36382 msgid "" "These commands create two files, table.ada0 and " -"table.ada0s1. This example is from a 1 TB drive:" +"table.ada0s1. This example is from a 1 TB drive:" msgstr "" "Esses comandos criam dois arquivos, table.ada0 e " "table.ada0s1. Este exemplo é de uma unidade de 1 TB:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36128 +#: book.translate.xml:36387 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cat table.ada0\n" @@ -64751,7 +65198,7 @@ "1 freebsd 63 1953525105 [active]" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36132 +#: book.translate.xml:36391 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cat table.ada0s1\n" @@ -64773,7 +65220,7 @@ "7 freebsd-ufs 968884224 984640881" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36141 +#: book.translate.xml:36400 msgid "" "If no free space is shown at the end of the disk, the size of both the slice " "and the last partition must be reduced by one sector. Edit the two files, " @@ -64786,7 +65233,7 @@ "últimos números em cada listagem." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36147 +#: book.translate.xml:36406 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cat table.ada0\n" @@ -64798,7 +65245,7 @@ "1 freebsd 63 1953525104 [active]" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36151 +#: book.translate.xml:36410 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cat table.ada0s1\n" @@ -64820,7 +65267,7 @@ "7 freebsd-ufs 968884224 984640880" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36160 +#: book.translate.xml:36419 msgid "" "If at least one sector was unallocated at the end of the disk, these two " "files can be used without modification." @@ -64829,13 +65276,13 @@ "arquivos podem ser usados sem modificação." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36163 +#: book.translate.xml:36422 msgid "Now restore the partition table into mirror/gm0:" msgstr "" "Agora restaure a tabela de partições em mirror/gm0:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36166 +#: book.translate.xml:36425 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# gpart restore mirror/gm0 < table.ada0\n" @@ -64845,7 +65292,7 @@ "# gpart restore mirror/gm0s1 < table.ada0s1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36169 +#: book.translate.xml:36428 msgid "" "Check the partition table with gpart show. This example " "has gm0s1a for /, " @@ -64862,7 +65309,7 @@ "gm0s1g para /data2." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36178 +#: book.translate.xml:36437 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# gpart show mirror/gm0\n" @@ -64896,7 +65343,7 @@ " 1953525042 63 - free - (31k)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36193 +#: book.translate.xml:36452 msgid "" "Both the slice and the last partition must have at least one free block at " "the end of the disk." @@ -64905,7 +65352,7 @@ "no final do disco." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36196 +#: book.translate.xml:36455 msgid "" "Create file systems on these new partitions. The number of partitions will " "vary to match the original disk, ada0." @@ -64914,7 +65361,7 @@ "varia de acordo com o disco original, ada0." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36200 +#: book.translate.xml:36459 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# newfs -U /dev/mirror/gm0s1a\n" @@ -64930,7 +65377,7 @@ "# newfs -U /dev/mirror/gm0s1g" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36214 +#: book.translate.xml:36473 msgid "" "Adjust /etc/fstab to use the new partitions on the " "mirror. Back up this file first by copying it to /etc/fstab.orig/etc/fstab.orig." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36218 +#: book.translate.xml:36477 #, no-wrap msgid "# cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig" msgstr "# cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36220 +#: book.translate.xml:36479 msgid "" "Edit /etc/fstab, replacing /dev/ada0 with mirror/gm0." @@ -64956,7 +65403,7 @@ "ada0 por mirror/gm0." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:36224 +#: book.translate.xml:36483 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Device\t\tMountpoint\tFStype\tOptions\tDump\tPass#\n" @@ -64976,7 +65423,7 @@ "/dev/mirror/gm0s1g\t/data2\t\tufs\trw\t2\t2" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36232 +#: book.translate.xml:36491 msgid "" "If the geom_mirror.ko kernel module has not been built " "into the kernel, edit /boot/loader.conf to load it at " @@ -64987,7 +65434,7 @@ "carregá-lo no boot:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36239 +#: book.translate.xml:36498 msgid "" "File systems from the original disk can now be copied onto the mirror with " "dump8# mount /dev/mirror/gm0s1a /mnt\n" @@ -65031,7 +65478,7 @@ "# dump -C16 -b64 -0aL -f - /data2 | (cd /mnt/data2 && restore -rf -)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36255 +#: book.translate.xml:36514 msgid "" "Restart the system, booting from ada1. If everything is " "working, the system will boot from mirror/gm0, which " @@ -65045,7 +65492,7 @@ "troubleshooting\"/> se houver problemas ao inicializar." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36262 +#: book.translate.xml:36521 msgid "" "At this point, the mirror still consists of only the single ada1 disk." @@ -65054,7 +65501,7 @@ "ada1." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36265 +#: book.translate.xml:36524 msgid "" "After booting from mirror/gm0 successfully, the final " "step is inserting ada0 into the mirror." @@ -65063,7 +65510,7 @@ "etapa final é inserir ada0 no espelhamento." #. (itstool) path: important/para -#: book.translate.xml:36270 +#: book.translate.xml:36529 msgid "" "When ada0 is inserted into the mirror, its former " "contents will be overwritten by data from the mirror. Make certain that " @@ -65089,7 +65536,7 @@ "filename>, e reinicie todo o procedimento novamente." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36283 +#: book.translate.xml:36542 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# gmirror insert gm0 ada0\n" @@ -65099,7 +65546,7 @@ "GEOM_MIRROR: Device gm0: rebuilding provider ada0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36286 +#: book.translate.xml:36545 msgid "" "Synchronization between the two disks will start immediately. Use " "gmirror status to view the progress." @@ -65108,7 +65555,7 @@ "gmirror status para visualizar o progresso." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36290 +#: book.translate.xml:36549 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# gmirror status\n" @@ -65122,12 +65569,12 @@ " ada0 (SYNCHRONIZING, 64%)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36295 +#: book.translate.xml:36554 msgid "After a while, synchronization will finish." msgstr "Depois de um tempo, a sincronização será concluída." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36297 +#: book.translate.xml:36556 #, no-wrap msgid "" "GEOM_MIRROR: Device gm0: rebuilding provider ada0 finished.\n" @@ -65143,7 +65590,7 @@ " ada0 (ACTIVE)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36303 +#: book.translate.xml:36562 msgid "" "mirror/gm0 now consists of the two disks " "ada0 and ada1, and the contents " @@ -65156,7 +65603,7 @@ "filename> irá se comportar como a única unidade original." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36314 +#: book.translate.xml:36573 msgid "" "If the system no longer boots, BIOS settings may have to " "be changed to boot from one of the new mirrored drives. Either mirror drive " @@ -65168,7 +65615,7 @@ "usada para inicializar, pois elas contêm dados idênticos." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36319 +#: book.translate.xml:36578 msgid "" "If the boot stops with this message, something is wrong with the mirror " "device:" @@ -65177,7 +65624,7 @@ "dispositivo espelhado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36322 +#: book.translate.xml:36581 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Mounting from ufs:/dev/mirror/gm0s1a failed with error 19.\n" @@ -65225,7 +65672,7 @@ "mountroot>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36344 +#: book.translate.xml:36603 msgid "" "Forgetting to load the geom_mirror.ko module in " "/boot/loader.conf can cause this problem. To fix it, " @@ -65239,7 +65686,7 @@ "módulo de espelhamento e monte o dispositivo espelhado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36351 +#: book.translate.xml:36610 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# gmirror load\n" @@ -65249,7 +65696,7 @@ "# mount /dev/mirror/gm0s1a /mnt" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36354 +#: book.translate.xml:36613 msgid "" "Edit /mnt/boot/loader.conf, adding a line to load the " "mirror module:" @@ -65258,12 +65705,12 @@ "linha para carregar o módulo de espelhamento:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36359 +#: book.translate.xml:36618 msgid "Save the file and reboot." msgstr "Salve o arquivo e reinicie." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36361 +#: book.translate.xml:36620 msgid "" "Other problems that cause error 19 require more " "effort to fix. Although the system should boot from ada0# reboot" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:36378 +#: book.translate.xml:36637 msgid "Recovering from Disk Failure" msgstr "Recuperando de Uma Falha de Disco" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36380 +#: book.translate.xml:36639 msgid "" "The benefit of disk mirroring is that an individual disk can fail without " "causing the mirror to lose any data. In the above example, if " @@ -65316,7 +65763,7 @@ "filename>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36386 +#: book.translate.xml:36645 msgid "" "To replace the failed drive, shut down the system and physically replace the " "failed drive with a new drive of equal or greater capacity. Manufacturers " @@ -65334,7 +65781,7 @@ "na nova unidade não seja usado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36395 +#: book.translate.xml:36654 msgid "" "After the computer is powered back up, the mirror will be running in a " "degraded mode with only one drive. The mirror is told to " @@ -65345,13 +65792,13 @@ "para esquecer as unidades que não estão conectadas no momento:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36400 +#: book.translate.xml:36659 #, no-wrap msgid "# gmirror forget gm0" msgstr "# gmirror forget gm0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36402 +#: book.translate.xml:36661 msgid "" "Any old metadata should be cleared from the replacement disk using the " "instructions in . Then the " @@ -65364,13 +65811,13 @@ "exemplo, é inserido no espelho:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36408 +#: book.translate.xml:36667 #, no-wrap msgid "# gmirror insert gm0 /dev/ada4" msgstr "# gmirror insert gm0 /dev/ada4" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36410 +#: book.translate.xml:36669 msgid "" "Resynchronization begins when the new drive is inserted into the mirror. " "This process of copying mirror data to a new drive can take a while. " @@ -65384,7 +65831,7 @@ "pouca demanda no computador." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36416 +#: book.translate.xml:36675 msgid "" "Progress can be monitored with gmirror status, which " "shows drives that are being synchronized and the percentage of completion. " @@ -65399,14 +65846,14 @@ "COMPLETE quando o processo for concluído." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:36429 +#: book.translate.xml:36688 msgid "RAID3 - Byte-level Striping with Dedicated Parity" msgstr "" "RAID3 - Distribuição em Nível de Byte com Paridade " "Dedicada" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:36433 +#: book.translate.xml:36692 msgid "" " Mark Gladman Written by " @@ -65415,7 +65862,7 @@ "personname> Written by " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:36441 +#: book.translate.xml:36700 msgid "" " Daniel Gerzo " @@ -65424,7 +65871,7 @@ "personname>" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:36450 +#: book.translate.xml:36709 msgid "" " Tom Rhodes Based on documentation by " @@ -65433,12 +65880,12 @@ "personname> Based on documentation by " #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:36470 +#: book.translate.xml:36729 msgid "RAID3" msgstr "RAID3" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:36474 +#: book.translate.xml:36733 msgid "" "RAID3 is a method used to combine several disk drives " "into a single volume with a dedicated parity disk. In a RAIDRAID3 array. Each disk must be of the same size, since I/ORAID3 " "on a FreeBSD system." @@ -65491,7 +65938,7 @@ "um sistema FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:36500 +#: book.translate.xml:36759 msgid "" "While it is theoretically possible to boot from a RAID3 " "array on FreeBSD, that configuration is uncommon and is not advised." @@ -65501,12 +65948,12 @@ "recomendada." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:36506 +#: book.translate.xml:36765 msgid "Creating a Dedicated RAID3 Array" msgstr "Criando uma Matriz RAID3 Dedicada" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36509 +#: book.translate.xml:36768 msgid "" "In FreeBSD, support for RAID3 is implemented by the " "graid38RAID3 no FreeBSD requer os seguintes passos." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:36516 +#: book.translate.xml:36775 msgid "" "First, load the geom_raid3.ko kernel module by issuing " "one of the following commands:" @@ -65528,24 +65975,24 @@ "emitindo um dos seguintes comandos:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36520 +#: book.translate.xml:36779 #, no-wrap msgid "# graid3 load" msgstr "# graid3 load" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:36522 +#: book.translate.xml:36781 msgid "or:" msgstr "ou:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36524 +#: book.translate.xml:36783 #, no-wrap msgid "# kldload geom_raid3" msgstr "# kldload geom_raid3" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:36528 +#: book.translate.xml:36787 msgid "" "Ensure that a suitable mount point exists. This command creates a new " "directory to use as the mount point:" @@ -65554,13 +66001,13 @@ "um novo diretório para usar como ponto de montagem:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36532 +#: book.translate.xml:36791 #, no-wrap msgid "# mkdir /multimedia" msgstr "# mkdir /multimedia" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:36536 +#: book.translate.xml:36795 msgid "" "Determine the device names for the disks which will be added to the array, " "and create the new RAID3 device. The final device listed " @@ -65578,7 +66025,7 @@ "ada3 para paridade." #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36547 +#: book.translate.xml:36806 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# graid3 label -v gr0 /dev/ada1 /dev/ada2 /dev/ada3\n" @@ -65594,7 +66041,7 @@ "Done." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:36555 +#: book.translate.xml:36814 msgid "" "Partition the newly created gr0 device and put a " "UFS file system on it:" @@ -65603,7 +66050,7 @@ "sistema de arquivos UFS:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36559 +#: book.translate.xml:36818 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# gpart create -s GPT /dev/raid3/gr0\n" @@ -65615,7 +66062,7 @@ "# newfs -j /dev/raid3/gr0p1" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:36563 +#: book.translate.xml:36822 msgid "" "Many numbers will glide across the screen, and after a bit of time, the " "process will be complete. The volume has been created and is ready to be " @@ -65625,18 +66072,18 @@ "concluído. O volume foi criado e está pronto para ser montado:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36567 +#: book.translate.xml:36826 #, no-wrap msgid "# mount /dev/raid3/gr0p1 /multimedia/" msgstr "# mount /dev/raid3/gr0p1 /multimedia/" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:36569 +#: book.translate.xml:36828 msgid "The RAID3 array is now ready to use." msgstr "A matriz RAID3 está agora pronta para uso." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36574 +#: book.translate.xml:36833 msgid "" "Additional configuration is needed to retain this setup across system " "reboots." @@ -65645,7 +66092,7 @@ "reinicializações do sistema." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:36579 +#: book.translate.xml:36838 msgid "" "The geom_raid3.ko module must be loaded before the " "array can be mounted. To automatically load the kernel module during system " @@ -65658,13 +66105,13 @@ "/boot/loader.conf:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:36585 +#: book.translate.xml:36844 #, no-wrap msgid "geom_raid3_load=\"YES\"" msgstr "geom_raid3_load=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:36589 +#: book.translate.xml:36848 msgid "" "The following volume information must be added to /etc/fstab in order to automatically mount the array's file system during the " @@ -65675,27 +66122,18 @@ "arquivos do array durante o processo de inicialização do sistema:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:36594 +#: book.translate.xml:36853 #, no-wrap msgid "/dev/raid3/gr0p1\t/multimedia\tufs\trw\t2\t2" msgstr "/dev/raid3/gr0p1\t/multimedia\tufs\trw\t2\t2" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:36602 +#: book.translate.xml:36861 msgid "Software RAID Devices" msgstr "Dispositivos RAID por Software" -#. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:36605 -msgid "" -" Warren Block Originally contributed by " -msgstr "" -" Warren Block Originalmente contribuído por " - #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:36618 +#: book.translate.xml:36877 msgid "" "Software RAID Devices Hardware-assisted RAID" @@ -65704,7 +66142,7 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:36623 +#: book.translate.xml:36882 msgid "" "Some motherboards and expansion cards add some simple hardware, usually just " "a ROM, that allows the computer to boot from a " @@ -65726,7 +66164,7 @@ "operacional ser carregado." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:36634 +#: book.translate.xml:36893 msgid "" "Several levels of RAID are supported, depending on the " "hardware in use. See graidgraid8 requires the geom_raid.ko kernel module, " "which is included in the GENERIC kernel starting with " -"FreeBSD 9.1. If needed, it can be loaded manually with graid loadgraid load." msgstr "" "O graid8graid load." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:36645 +#: book.translate.xml:36904 msgid "Creating an Array" msgstr "Criando um Array" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36647 +#: book.translate.xml:36906 msgid "" "Software RAID devices often have a menu that can be " "entered by pressing special keys when the computer is booting. The menu can " @@ -65774,7 +66212,7 @@ "arrays diretamente a partir da linha de comando." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36653 +#: book.translate.xml:36912 msgid "" "graid label is used to create a new array. The " "motherboard used for this example has an Intel software RAIDada1." #. (itstool) path: caution/para -#: book.translate.xml:36663 +#: book.translate.xml:36922 msgid "" "Some space on the drives will be overwritten when they are made into a new " "array. Back up existing data first!" @@ -65800,7 +66238,7 @@ "em um novo array. Faça o backup dos dados existentes primeiro!" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36668 +#: book.translate.xml:36927 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# graid label Intel gm0 RAID1 ada0 ada1\n" @@ -65826,7 +66264,7 @@ "GEOM_RAID: Intel-a29ea104: Provider raid/r0 for volume gm0 created." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36679 +#: book.translate.xml:36938 msgid "A status check shows the new mirror is ready for use:" msgstr "" "Uma verificação de status mostra que o novo espelhamento está pronto para " @@ -65834,7 +66272,7 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36682 book.translate.xml:36888 +#: book.translate.xml:36941 book.translate.xml:37147 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# graid status\n" @@ -65848,7 +66286,7 @@ " ada1 (ACTIVE (ACTIVE))" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36687 +#: book.translate.xml:36946 msgid "" "The array device appears in /dev/raid/. The first array " "is called r0. Additional arrays, if present, will be " @@ -65860,7 +66298,7 @@ "por diante." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36693 +#: book.translate.xml:36952 msgid "" "The BIOS menu on some of these devices can create arrays " "with special characters in their names. To avoid problems with those special " @@ -65877,25 +66315,25 @@ "refentrytitle>8:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36700 +#: book.translate.xml:36959 #, no-wrap msgid "# sysctl" msgstr "# sysctl" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:36704 +#: book.translate.xml:36963 msgid "Multiple Volumes" msgstr "Múltiplos Volumes" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36706 +#: book.translate.xml:36965 msgid "" "Some software RAID devices support more than one " "volume on an array. Volumes work like partitions, " "allowing space on the physical drives to be split and used in different " "ways. For example, Intel software RAID devices support " -"two volumes. This example creates a 40 G mirror for safely storing the " -"operating system, followed by a 20 G RAID0 (stripe) " +"two volumes. This example creates a 40 G mirror for safely storing the " +"operating system, followed by a 20 G RAID0 (stripe) " "volume for fast temporary storage:" msgstr "" "Alguns dispositivos de RAID via software suportam mais de " @@ -65903,12 +66341,12 @@ "partições, permitindo que o espaço nas unidades físicas seja dividido e " "usado de diferentes maneiras. Por exemplo, os dispositivos RAID via software Intel suportam dois volumes. Este exemplo cria um " -"espelho de 40G para armazenar com segurança o sistema operacional, seguido " -"por um volume de 20G RAID0 (stripe) para armazenamento " +"espelho de 40 G para armazenar com segurança o sistema operacional, seguido " +"por um volume de 20 G RAID0 (stripe) para armazenamento " "temporário rápido:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36716 +#: book.translate.xml:36975 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# graid label -S 40G Intel gm0 RAID1 ada0 ada1\n" @@ -65918,7 +66356,7 @@ "# graid add -S 20G gm0 RAID0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36719 +#: book.translate.xml:36978 msgid "" "Volumes appear as additional rX entries in /dev/raid/. An array with two " @@ -65929,7 +66367,7 @@ "dois volumes mostrará r0 e r1." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36725 +#: book.translate.xml:36984 msgid "" "See graid8 for the number of volumes supported by different " @@ -65940,12 +66378,12 @@ "dispositivos RAID via software." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:36730 +#: book.translate.xml:36989 msgid "Converting a Single Drive to a Mirror" msgstr "Convertendo uma Única Unidade em um Espelho" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36732 +#: book.translate.xml:36991 msgid "" "Under certain specific conditions, it is possible to convert an existing " "single drive to a graidMBR partitioning " "scheme. GPT or other partitioning schemes with metadata " @@ -65975,21 +66413,21 @@ "refentrytitle>8." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:36748 +#: book.translate.xml:37007 msgid "" "There must be enough unpartitioned and unused space at the end of the drive " "to hold the graid8 metadata. This metadata varies in size, but the " -"largest occupies 64 M, so at least that much free space is recommended." +"largest occupies 64 M, so at least that much free space is recommended." msgstr "" "Deve haver espaço não particionado e não utilizado o suficiente no final da " "unidade para conter os metadados do graid8. Esses metadados " -"variam em tamanho, mas o maior ocupa 64M, então pelo menos este espaço livre " -"é recomendado." +"variam em tamanho, mas o maior ocupa 64 M, então pelo menos este espaço " +"livre é recomendado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36756 +#: book.translate.xml:37015 msgid "" "If the drive meets these requirements, start by making a full backup. Then " "create a single-drive mirror with that drive:" @@ -65998,13 +66436,13 @@ "Em seguida, crie um espelhamento de unidade única com essa unidade:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36760 +#: book.translate.xml:37019 #, no-wrap msgid "# graid label Intel gm0 RAID1 ada0 NONE" msgstr "# graid label Intel gm0 RAID1 ada0 NONE" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36762 +#: book.translate.xml:37021 msgid "" "graid8 metadata was written to the end of the drive in the unused " @@ -66016,13 +66454,13 @@ "inserida no espelhamento:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36766 +#: book.translate.xml:37025 #, no-wrap msgid "# graid insert raid/r0 ada1" msgstr "# graid insert raid/r0 ada1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36768 +#: book.translate.xml:37027 msgid "" "Data from the original drive will immediately begin to be copied to the " "second drive. The mirror will operate in degraded status until the copy is " @@ -66033,12 +66471,12 @@ "seja concluída." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:36774 +#: book.translate.xml:37033 msgid "Inserting New Drives into the Array" msgstr "Inserindo Novos Discos no Array" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36776 +#: book.translate.xml:37035 msgid "" "Drives can be inserted into an array as replacements for drives that have " "failed or are missing. If there are no failed or missing drives, the new " @@ -66054,7 +66492,7 @@ "espelhamento de três unidades." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36783 +#: book.translate.xml:37042 msgid "" "In the example mirror array, data immediately begins to be copied to the " "newly-inserted drive. Any existing information on the new drive will be " @@ -66065,7 +66503,7 @@ "na nova unidade será substituída." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36787 +#: book.translate.xml:37046 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# graid insert raid/r0 ada1\n" @@ -66081,12 +66519,12 @@ "GEOM_RAID: Intel-a29ea104: Subdisk gm0:1-ada1 rebuild start at 0." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:36795 +#: book.translate.xml:37054 msgid "Removing Drives from the Array" msgstr "Removendo Discos do Array" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36797 +#: book.translate.xml:37056 msgid "" "Individual drives can be permanently removed from a from an array and their " "metadata erased:" @@ -66095,7 +66533,7 @@ "metadados apagados:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36800 +#: book.translate.xml:37059 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# graid remove raid/r0 ada1\n" @@ -66109,12 +66547,12 @@ "GEOM_RAID: Intel-a29ea104: Volume gm0 state changed from OPTIMAL to DEGRADED." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:36807 +#: book.translate.xml:37066 msgid "Stopping the Array" msgstr "Parando o Array" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36809 +#: book.translate.xml:37068 msgid "" "An array can be stopped without removing metadata from the drives. The array " "will be restarted when the system is booted." @@ -66123,18 +66561,18 @@ "array será reiniciado quando o sistema for inicializado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36813 +#: book.translate.xml:37072 #, no-wrap msgid "# graid stop raid/r0" msgstr "# graid stop raid/r0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:36817 +#: book.translate.xml:37076 msgid "Checking Array Status" msgstr "Verificando o Status do Array" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36819 +#: book.translate.xml:37078 msgid "" "Array status can be checked at any time. After a drive was added to the " "mirror in the example above, data is being copied from the original drive to " @@ -66145,7 +66583,7 @@ "copiados do disco original para o novo disco:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36823 +#: book.translate.xml:37082 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# graid status\n" @@ -66159,7 +66597,7 @@ " ada1 (ACTIVE (REBUILD 28%))" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36828 +#: book.translate.xml:37087 msgid "" "Some types of arrays, like RAID0 or CONCAT, may not be shown in the status report if disks have failed. To see " @@ -66171,7 +66609,7 @@ "option>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36833 +#: book.translate.xml:37092 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# graid status -ga\n" @@ -66183,12 +66621,12 @@ "Intel-e2d07d9a BROKEN ada6 (ACTIVE (ACTIVE))" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:36839 +#: book.translate.xml:37098 msgid "Deleting Arrays" msgstr "Excluindo Arrays" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36841 +#: book.translate.xml:37100 msgid "" "Arrays are destroyed by deleting all of the volumes from them. When the last " "volume present is deleted, the array is stopped and metadata is removed from " @@ -66200,18 +66638,18 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36845 book.translate.xml:36895 +#: book.translate.xml:37104 book.translate.xml:37154 #, no-wrap msgid "# graid delete raid/r0" msgstr "# graid delete raid/r0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:36849 +#: book.translate.xml:37108 msgid "Deleting Unexpected Arrays" msgstr "Excluindo Arrays Inesperados" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:36851 +#: book.translate.xml:37110 msgid "" "Drives may unexpectedly contain graid8 metadata, either from " @@ -66228,7 +66666,7 @@ "acesso ao disco individual. Para remover os metadados indesejados:" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:36859 +#: book.translate.xml:37118 msgid "" "Boot the system. At the boot menu, select 2 for the " "loader prompt. Enter:" @@ -66237,7 +66675,7 @@ "literal> para o prompt do utilitário de boot. Entre:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36862 +#: book.translate.xml:37121 #, no-wrap msgid "" "OK set\n" @@ -66247,7 +66685,7 @@ "OK boot" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:36865 +#: book.translate.xml:37124 msgid "" "The system will boot with graid8 disabled." @@ -66256,12 +66694,12 @@ "refentrytitle>8 desativado." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:36870 +#: book.translate.xml:37129 msgid "Back up all data on the affected drive." msgstr "Fazer backup de todos os dados na unidade afetada." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:36874 +#: book.translate.xml:37133 msgid "" "As a workaround, graid8 array detection can be " @@ -66272,18 +66710,18 @@ "citerefentry> pode ser desativada incluindo se a variável" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:36877 +#: book.translate.xml:37136 #, no-wrap msgid "" msgstr "" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:36879 +#: book.translate.xml:37138 msgid "to /boot/loader.conf." msgstr "no arquivo /boot/loader.conf." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:36881 +#: book.translate.xml:37140 msgid "" "To permanently remove the graid8 metadata from the " @@ -66299,12 +66737,12 @@ "encontrar o nome do array, normalmente raid/r0:" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:36893 +#: book.translate.xml:37152 msgid "Delete the volume by name:" msgstr "Exclua o volume pelo nome:" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:36897 +#: book.translate.xml:37156 msgid "" "If there is more than one volume shown, repeat the process for each volume. " "After the last array has been deleted, the volume will be destroyed." @@ -66313,7 +66751,7 @@ "Após o último array ter sido excluído, o volume será destruído." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:36901 +#: book.translate.xml:37160 msgid "" "Reboot and verify data, restoring from backup if necessary. After the " "metadata has been removed, the " @@ -66325,12 +66763,12 @@ "filename> também pode ser removida." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:36912 +#: book.translate.xml:37171 msgid "GEOM Gate Network" msgstr "GEOM Network Gate" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:36914 +#: book.translate.xml:37173 msgid "" "GEOM provides a simple mechanism for providing remote " "access to devices such as disks, CDs, and file systems " @@ -66351,7 +66789,7 @@ "criptografada." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:36924 +#: book.translate.xml:37183 msgid "" "Similar to NFS, which is discussed in , ggated is configured using an " @@ -66371,13 +66809,13 @@ "etc/gg.exports com esta linha:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:36934 +#: book.translate.xml:37193 #, no-wrap msgid " RW /dev/da0s4d" msgstr " RW /dev/da0s4d" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:36936 +#: book.translate.xml:37195 msgid "" "Before exporting the device, ensure it is not currently mounted. Then, start " "ggated:" @@ -66386,13 +66824,13 @@ "momento. Em seguida, inicie o ggated:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36939 +#: book.translate.xml:37198 #, no-wrap msgid "# ggated" msgstr "# ggated" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:36941 +#: book.translate.xml:37200 msgid "" "Several options are available for specifying an alternate listening port or " "changing the default location of the exports file. Refer to " @@ -66405,7 +66843,7 @@ "manvolnum> para maiores detalhes." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:36945 +#: book.translate.xml:37204 msgid "" "To access the exported device on the client machine, first use " "ggatec to specify the IP address of " @@ -66426,7 +66864,7 @@ "ggate0 em /mnt:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:36956 +#: book.translate.xml:37215 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ggatec create -o rw /dev/da0s4d\n" @@ -66438,7 +66876,7 @@ "# mount /dev/ggate0 /mnt" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:36960 +#: book.translate.xml:37219 msgid "" "The device on the server may now be accessed through /mnt on the client. For more details about ggatec " @@ -66452,7 +66890,7 @@ "citerefentry>." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:36966 +#: book.translate.xml:37225 msgid "" "The mount will fail if the device is currently mounted on either the server " "or any other client on the network. If simultaneous access is needed to " @@ -66463,7 +66901,7 @@ "aos recursos de rede, use o NFS." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:36972 +#: book.translate.xml:37231 msgid "" "When the device is no longer needed, unmount it with umount so that the resource is available to other clients." @@ -66473,17 +66911,17 @@ "clientes." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:36978 +#: book.translate.xml:37237 msgid "Labeling Disk Devices" msgstr "Rotulando Dispositivos de Disco" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:36983 +#: book.translate.xml:37242 msgid "Disk Labels" msgstr "Disk Labels" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:36987 +#: book.translate.xml:37246 msgid "" "During system initialization, the FreeBSD kernel creates device nodes as " "devices are found. This method of probing for devices raises some issues. " @@ -66505,7 +66943,7 @@ "impedir que o sistema seja inicializado." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:36999 +#: book.translate.xml:37258 msgid "" "One solution is to chain SCSI devices in order so a new " "device added to the SCSI card will be issued unused " @@ -66529,7 +66967,7 @@ "filename>." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:37011 +#: book.translate.xml:37270 msgid "" "A better solution is to use glabel to label the disk " "devices and use the labels in /etc/fstab. Because " @@ -66547,7 +66985,7 @@ "qual ele é acessado." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:37021 +#: book.translate.xml:37280 msgid "" "glabel can create both transient and permanent labels. " "Only permanent labels are consistent across reboots. Refer to " @@ -66561,12 +66999,12 @@ "rótulos." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:37028 +#: book.translate.xml:37287 msgid "Label Types and Examples" msgstr "Tipos de Rótulos e Exemplos" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37030 +#: book.translate.xml:37289 msgid "" "Permanent labels can be a generic or a file system label. Permanent file " "system labels can be created with tunefs/dev/label." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37041 +#: book.translate.xml:37300 msgid "" "Temporary labels are destroyed at the next reboot. These labels are created " "in /dev/label and are suited to experimentation. A " @@ -66604,7 +67042,7 @@ "create." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37049 +#: book.translate.xml:37308 msgid "" "To create a permanent label for a UFS2 file system " "without destroying any data, issue the following command:" @@ -66613,13 +67051,13 @@ "acronym>2 sem destruir nenhum dado, emita o seguinte comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37053 +#: book.translate.xml:37312 #, no-wrap msgid "# tunefs -L home /dev/da3" msgstr "# tunefs -L home /dev/da3" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37055 +#: book.translate.xml:37314 msgid "" "A label should now exist in /dev/ufs which may be added " "to /etc/fstab:" @@ -66628,13 +67066,13 @@ "adicionado ao arquivo /etc/fstab:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:37058 +#: book.translate.xml:37317 #, no-wrap msgid "/dev/ufs/home\t\t/home ufs rw 2 2" msgstr "/dev/ufs/home\t\t/home ufs rw 2 2" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:37061 +#: book.translate.xml:37320 msgid "" "The file system must not be mounted while attempting to run tunefs." @@ -66643,18 +67081,18 @@ "tunefs." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37065 +#: book.translate.xml:37324 msgid "Now the file system may be mounted:" msgstr "Agora o sistema de arquivos pode ser montado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37067 +#: book.translate.xml:37326 #, no-wrap msgid "# mount /home" msgstr "# mount /home" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37069 +#: book.translate.xml:37328 msgid "" "From this point on, so long as the geom_label.ko kernel " "module is loaded at boot with /boot/loader.conf or the " @@ -66668,7 +67106,7 @@ "sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37076 +#: book.translate.xml:37335 msgid "" "File systems may also be created with a default label by using the flag with newfs. Refer to " @@ -66681,30 +67119,30 @@ "citerefentry> para obter maiores informações." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37081 +#: book.translate.xml:37340 msgid "The following command can be used to destroy the label:" msgstr "O seguinte comando pode ser usado para destruir o rótulo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37084 +#: book.translate.xml:37343 #, no-wrap msgid "# glabel destroy home" msgstr "# glabel destroy home" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37086 +#: book.translate.xml:37345 msgid "The following example shows how to label the partitions of a boot disk." msgstr "" "O exemplo a seguir mostra como rotular as partições de um disco de " "inicialização." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:37090 +#: book.translate.xml:37349 msgid "Labeling Partitions on the Boot Disk" msgstr "Rotulando Partições no Disco de Inicialização" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:37092 +#: book.translate.xml:37351 msgid "" "By permanently labeling the partitions on the boot disk, the system should " "be able to continue to boot normally, even if the disk is moved to another " @@ -66725,7 +67163,7 @@ "/tmp, bem como uma partição de swap." #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:37106 +#: book.translate.xml:37365 msgid "" "Reboot the system, and at the loader8 prompt, press " @@ -66738,7 +67176,7 @@ "seguintes comandos:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37110 +#: book.translate.xml:37369 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# glabel label rootfs /dev/ad0s1a\n" @@ -66766,7 +67204,7 @@ "# exit" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:37122 +#: book.translate.xml:37381 msgid "" "The system will continue with multi-user boot. After the boot completes, " "edit /etc/fstab and replace the conventional device " @@ -66779,7 +67217,7 @@ "rótulos. No final o /etc/fstab ficará assim:" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:37128 +#: book.translate.xml:37387 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Device Mountpoint FStype Options Dump Pass#\n" @@ -66797,7 +67235,7 @@ "/dev/label/var /var ufs rw 2 2" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:37135 +#: book.translate.xml:37394 msgid "" "The system can now be rebooted. If everything went well, it will come up " "normally and mount will show:" @@ -66806,7 +67244,7 @@ "normalmente e o comando mount mostrará:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37139 +#: book.translate.xml:37398 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mount\n" @@ -66824,7 +67262,7 @@ "/dev/label/var on /var (ufs, local, soft-updates)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37147 +#: book.translate.xml:37406 msgid "" "The glabel8 class supports a label type for UFSufsid correspondentes:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37158 +#: book.translate.xml:37417 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% glabel status\n" @@ -66860,7 +67298,7 @@ "ufsid/486b6fc16926168e N/A ad4s1f" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37163 +#: book.translate.xml:37422 msgid "" "In the above example, ad4s1d represents /var, while ad4s1f represents /usr:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:37171 +#: book.translate.xml:37430 #, no-wrap msgid "" "/dev/ufsid/486b6fc38d330916 /var ufs rw 2 2\n" @@ -66885,7 +67323,7 @@ "/dev/ufsid/486b6fc16926168e /usr ufs rw 2 2" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37174 +#: book.translate.xml:37433 msgid "" "Any partitions with ufsid labels can be mounted in this " "way, eliminating the need to manually create permanent labels, while still " @@ -66897,17 +67335,17 @@ "do nome do dispositivo." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:37182 +#: book.translate.xml:37441 msgid "UFS Journaling Through GEOM" msgstr "Journaling UFS através do GEOM " #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:37187 +#: book.translate.xml:37446 msgid "Journaling" msgstr "Journaling" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:37191 +#: book.translate.xml:37450 msgid "" "Support for journals on UFS file systems is available on " "FreeBSD. The implementation is provided through the GEOM " @@ -66925,7 +67363,7 @@ "GEOM." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:37200 +#: book.translate.xml:37459 msgid "" "Journaling stores a log of file system transactions, such as changes that " "make up a complete disk write operation, before meta-data and file writes " @@ -66939,7 +67377,7 @@ "sistema de arquivos, evitando inconsistências no sistema de arquivos." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:37206 +#: book.translate.xml:37465 msgid "" "This method provides another mechanism to protect against data loss and " "inconsistencies of the file system. Unlike Soft Updates, which tracks and " @@ -66959,7 +67397,7 @@ "o journaling." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:37215 +#: book.translate.xml:37474 msgid "" "The GENERIC kernel provides support for " "gjournal. To automatically load the " @@ -66972,13 +67410,13 @@ "adicione a seguinte linha ao arquivo /boot/loader.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:37221 +#: book.translate.xml:37480 #, no-wrap msgid "geom_journal_load=\"YES\"" msgstr "geom_journal_load=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:37223 +#: book.translate.xml:37482 msgid "" "If a custom kernel is used, ensure the following line is in the kernel " "configuration file:" @@ -66987,13 +67425,13 @@ "esteja no arquivo de configuração do kernel:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:37226 +#: book.translate.xml:37485 #, no-wrap msgid "options\tGEOM_JOURNAL" msgstr "options\tGEOM_JOURNAL" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:37228 +#: book.translate.xml:37487 msgid "" "Once the module is loaded, a journal can be created on a new file system " "using the following steps. In this example, da4 is a " @@ -67004,7 +67442,7 @@ "filename> é um novo disco SCSI:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37233 +#: book.translate.xml:37492 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# gjournal load\n" @@ -67014,7 +67452,7 @@ "# gjournal label /dev/da4" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:37236 +#: book.translate.xml:37495 msgid "" "This will load the module and create a /dev/da4.journal " "device node on /dev/da4." @@ -67023,7 +67461,7 @@ "journal em /dev/da4." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:37240 +#: book.translate.xml:37499 msgid "" "A UFS file system may now be created on the journaled " "device, then mounted on an existing mount point:" @@ -67032,7 +67470,7 @@ "dispositivo journaled e depois montado em um ponto de montagem existente:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37244 +#: book.translate.xml:37503 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# newfs -O 2 -J /dev/da4.journal\n" @@ -67042,7 +67480,7 @@ "# mount /dev/da4.journal /mnt" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:37248 +#: book.translate.xml:37507 msgid "" "In the case of several slices, a journal will be created for each individual " "slice. For instance, if ad4s1 and ad4s2 e ad4s2.journal." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:37256 +#: book.translate.xml:37515 msgid "" "Journaling may also be enabled on current file systems by using " "tunefs. However, always make a " @@ -67079,7 +67517,7 @@ "informações sobre esses comandos." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:37266 +#: book.translate.xml:37525 msgid "" "It is possible to journal the boot disk of a FreeBSD system. Refer to the " "article para obter instruções detalhadas." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:37282 +#: book.translate.xml:37541 msgid "The Z File System (ZFS)" msgstr "O sistema de arquivos Z (ZFS)" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:37292 +#: book.translate.xml:37551 msgid "" " Allan Jude Written by " @@ -67106,7 +67544,7 @@ "personname> Escrito por " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:37299 +#: book.translate.xml:37558 msgid "" " Benedict Reuschling Written by " @@ -67115,7 +67553,7 @@ "surname> Escrito por " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:37306 +#: book.translate.xml:37565 msgid "" " Warren Block Written by " @@ -67124,7 +67562,7 @@ "personname> Escrito por " #. (itstool) path: chapter/para -#: book.translate.xml:37316 +#: book.translate.xml:37575 msgid "" "The Z File System, or ZFS, is an " "advanced file system designed to overcome many of the major problems found " @@ -67135,7 +67573,7 @@ "problemas encontrados em projetos anteriores." #. (itstool) path: chapter/para -#: book.translate.xml:37321 +#: book.translate.xml:37580 msgid "" "Originally developed at Sun, ongoing open source " "ZFS development has moved to the ." #. (itstool) path: chapter/para -#: book.translate.xml:37324 +#: book.translate.xml:37583 msgid "ZFS has three major design goals:" msgstr "O ZFS tem três metas principais de design:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:37328 +#: book.translate.xml:37587 msgid "" "Data integrity: All data includes a checksum of the data. When data is written, the checksum is " @@ -67170,7 +67608,7 @@ "disponível." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:37339 +#: book.translate.xml:37598 msgid "" "Pooled storage: physical storage devices are added to a pool, and storage " "space is allocated from that shared pool. Space is available to all file " @@ -67183,7 +67621,7 @@ "armazenamento ao pool." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:37346 +#: book.translate.xml:37605 msgid "" "Performance: multiple caching mechanisms provide increased performance. " "ARC is an advanced memory-based read " @@ -67199,7 +67637,7 @@ "\"zfs-term-zil\">ZIL." #. (itstool) path: chapter/para -#: book.translate.xml:37356 +#: book.translate.xml:37615 msgid "" "A complete list of features and terminology is shown in ." @@ -67208,12 +67646,12 @@ "\"zfs-term\"/>." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:37360 +#: book.translate.xml:37619 msgid "What Makes ZFS Different" msgstr "O que torna o ZFS diferente" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:37362 +#: book.translate.xml:37621 msgid "" "ZFS is significantly different from any previous file " "system because it is more than just a file system. Combining the " @@ -67269,12 +67707,12 @@ "único sistema de arquivos monolítico." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:37393 +#: book.translate.xml:37652 msgid "Quick Start Guide" msgstr "Guia de Início Rápido" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:37395 +#: book.translate.xml:37654 msgid "" "There is a startup mechanism that allows FreeBSD to mount ZFS pools during system initialization. To enable it, add this line to " @@ -67285,24 +67723,24 @@ "adicione esta linha ao /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:37400 +#: book.translate.xml:37659 #, no-wrap msgid "zfs_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "zfs_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:37402 +#: book.translate.xml:37661 msgid "Then start the service:" msgstr "Então inicie o serviço:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37404 +#: book.translate.xml:37663 #, no-wrap msgid "# service zfs start" msgstr "# service zfs start" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:37406 +#: book.translate.xml:37665 msgid "" "The examples in this section assume three SCSI disks with " "the device names da0, " @@ -67319,30 +67757,30 @@ "ada." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:37416 +#: book.translate.xml:37675 msgid "Single Disk Pool" msgstr "Pool de Disco Único" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37418 +#: book.translate.xml:37677 msgid "To create a simple, non-redundant pool using a single disk device:" msgstr "Para criar um pool simples e não-redundante usando um único disco:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37421 +#: book.translate.xml:37680 #, no-wrap msgid "# zpool create example /dev/da0" msgstr "# zpool create example /dev/da0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37423 +#: book.translate.xml:37682 msgid "To view the new pool, review the output of df:" msgstr "" "Para visualizar o novo pool, verifique a saída do comando df:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37426 +#: book.translate.xml:37685 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# df\n" @@ -67360,7 +67798,7 @@ "example 17547136 0 17547136 0% /example" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37433 +#: book.translate.xml:37692 msgid "" "This output shows that the example pool has been created " "and mounted. It is now accessible as a file system. Files can be created on " @@ -67371,7 +67809,7 @@ "criados nele e os usuários podem navegar nele:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37438 +#: book.translate.xml:37697 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /example\n" @@ -67393,7 +67831,7 @@ "-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 0 Aug 29 23:15 testfile" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37447 +#: book.translate.xml:37706 msgid "" "However, this pool is not taking advantage of any ZFS " "features. To create a dataset on this pool with compression enabled:" @@ -67402,7 +67840,7 @@ "acronym>. Para criar um dataset neste pool com a compressão ativada:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37451 +#: book.translate.xml:37710 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs create example/compressed\n" @@ -67412,7 +67850,7 @@ "# zfs set compression=gzip example/compressed" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37454 +#: book.translate.xml:37713 msgid "" "The example/compressed dataset is now a ZFS compressed file system. Try copying some large files to /" @@ -67423,18 +67861,18 @@ "grandes para /example/compressed." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37459 +#: book.translate.xml:37718 msgid "Compression can be disabled with:" msgstr "A compactação pode ser desativada com:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37461 +#: book.translate.xml:37720 #, no-wrap msgid "# zfs set compression=off example/compressed" msgstr "# zfs set compression=off example/compressed" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37463 +#: book.translate.xml:37722 msgid "" "To unmount a file system, use zfs umount and then verify " "with df:" @@ -67443,7 +67881,7 @@ "em seguida, verifique com df:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37467 +#: book.translate.xml:37726 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs umount example/compressed\n" @@ -67463,7 +67901,7 @@ "example 17547008 0 17547008 0% /example" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37475 +#: book.translate.xml:37734 msgid "" "To re-mount the file system to make it accessible again, use zfs " "mount and verify with df:" @@ -67472,7 +67910,7 @@ "zfs mount e verifique com o df:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37479 +#: book.translate.xml:37738 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs mount example/compressed\n" @@ -67494,7 +67932,7 @@ "example/compressed 17547008 0 17547008 0% /example/compressed" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37488 +#: book.translate.xml:37747 msgid "" "The pool and file system may also be observed by viewing the output from " "mount:" @@ -67503,7 +67941,7 @@ "saída do comando mount:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37491 +#: book.translate.xml:37750 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mount\n" @@ -67521,7 +67959,7 @@ "example/compressed on /example/compressed (zfs, local)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37498 +#: book.translate.xml:37757 msgid "" "After creation, ZFS datasets can be used like any file " "systems. However, many other features are available which can be set on a " @@ -67537,7 +67975,7 @@ "para manter duas cópias de cada bloco de dados:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37506 +#: book.translate.xml:37765 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs create example/data\n" @@ -67547,7 +67985,7 @@ "# zfs set copies=2 example/data" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37509 +#: book.translate.xml:37768 msgid "" "It is now possible to see the data and space utilization by issuing " "df:" @@ -67556,7 +67994,7 @@ "espaço utilizado através do comando df:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37512 +#: book.translate.xml:37771 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# df\n" @@ -67578,7 +68016,7 @@ "example/data 17547008 0 17547008 0% /example/data" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37521 +#: book.translate.xml:37780 msgid "" "Notice that each file system on the pool has the same amount of available " "space. This is the reason for using df in these examples, " @@ -67595,7 +68033,7 @@ "sistemas de arquivos ocupem o mesmo pool." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37529 +#: book.translate.xml:37788 msgid "" "To destroy the file systems and then destroy the pool as it is no longer " "needed:" @@ -67604,7 +68042,7 @@ "não for mais necessário:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37532 +#: book.translate.xml:37791 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs destroy example/compressed\n" @@ -67616,12 +68054,12 @@ "# zpool destroy example" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:37538 +#: book.translate.xml:37797 msgid "RAID-Z" msgstr "RAID-Z" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37540 +#: book.translate.xml:37799 msgid "" "Disks fail. One method of avoiding data loss from disk failure is to " "implement RAID. ZFS supports this " @@ -67635,7 +68073,7 @@ "espelhados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37547 +#: book.translate.xml:37806 msgid "" "This example creates a RAID-Z pool, specifying the disks " "to add to the pool:" @@ -67644,13 +68082,13 @@ "a serem adicionados ao pool:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37550 +#: book.translate.xml:37809 #, no-wrap msgid "# zpool create storage raidz da0 da1 da2" msgstr "# zpool create storage raidz da0 da1 da2" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:37553 +#: book.translate.xml:37812 msgid "" "Sun recommends that the number of devices used in a " "RAID-Z configuration be between three and nine. For " @@ -67671,7 +68109,7 @@ " para obter maiores detalhes." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37563 +#: book.translate.xml:37822 msgid "" "The previous example created the storage zpool. This " "example makes a new file system called home in that pool:" @@ -67680,13 +68118,13 @@ "cria um novo sistema de arquivos chamado home neste pool:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37568 +#: book.translate.xml:37827 #, no-wrap msgid "# zfs create storage/home" msgstr "# zfs create storage/home" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37570 +#: book.translate.xml:37829 msgid "" "Compression and keeping extra copies of directories and files can be enabled:" msgstr "" @@ -67694,7 +68132,7 @@ "ativadas:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37573 +#: book.translate.xml:37832 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs set copies=2 storage/home\n" @@ -67704,7 +68142,7 @@ "# zfs set compression=gzip storage/home" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37576 +#: book.translate.xml:37835 msgid "" "To make this the new home directory for users, copy the user data to this " "directory and create the appropriate symbolic links:" @@ -67713,7 +68151,7 @@ "usuários para este diretório e crie os links simbólicos apropriados:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37580 +#: book.translate.xml:37839 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cp -rp /home/* /storage/home\n" @@ -67727,7 +68165,7 @@ "# ln -s /storage/home /usr/home" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37585 +#: book.translate.xml:37844 msgid "" "Users data is now stored on the freshly-created /storage/home. Test by adding a new user and logging in as that user." @@ -67737,20 +68175,20 @@ "efetuando login como este usuário." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37589 +#: book.translate.xml:37848 msgid "Try creating a file system snapshot which can be rolled back later:" msgstr "" "Tente criar um snapshot do sistema de arquivos que possa ser revertido " "posteriormente:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37592 +#: book.translate.xml:37851 #, no-wrap msgid "# zfs snapshot storage/home@08-30-08" msgstr "# zfs snapshot storage/home@08-30-08" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37594 +#: book.translate.xml:37853 msgid "" "Snapshots can only be made of a full file system, not a single directory or " "file." @@ -67759,7 +68197,7 @@ "de um único diretório ou arquivo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37597 +#: book.translate.xml:37856 msgid "" "The @ character is a delimiter between the file system " "name or the volume name. If an important directory has been accidentally " @@ -67773,13 +68211,13 @@ "existia:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37603 +#: book.translate.xml:37862 #, no-wrap msgid "# zfs rollback storage/home@08-30-08" msgstr "# zfs rollback storage/home@08-30-08" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37605 +#: book.translate.xml:37864 msgid "" "To list all available snapshots, run ls in the file " "system's .zfs/snapshot directory. For example, to see " @@ -67790,13 +68228,13 @@ "exemplo, para ver o snapshot obtido anteriormente:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37610 +#: book.translate.xml:37869 #, no-wrap msgid "# ls /storage/home/.zfs/snapshot" msgstr "# ls /storage/home/.zfs/snapshot" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37612 +#: book.translate.xml:37871 msgid "" "It is possible to write a script to perform regular snapshots on user data. " "However, over time, snapshots can consume a great deal of disk space. The " @@ -67807,13 +68245,13 @@ "em disco. O snapshot anterior pode ser removido usando o comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37617 +#: book.translate.xml:37876 #, no-wrap msgid "# zfs destroy storage/home@08-30-08" msgstr "# zfs destroy storage/home@08-30-08" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37619 +#: book.translate.xml:37878 msgid "" "After testing, /storage/home can be made the real " "/home using this command:" @@ -67822,13 +68260,13 @@ "/home usando este comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37623 +#: book.translate.xml:37882 #, no-wrap msgid "# zfs set mountpoint=/home storage/home" msgstr "# zfs set mountpoint=/home storage/home" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37625 +#: book.translate.xml:37884 msgid "" "Run df and mount to confirm that the " "system now treats the file system as the real /home:" @@ -67838,7 +68276,7 @@ "filename>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37629 +#: book.translate.xml:37888 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mount\n" @@ -67870,7 +68308,7 @@ "storage/home 26320512 0 26320512 0% /home" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37643 +#: book.translate.xml:37902 msgid "" "This completes the RAID-Z configuration. Daily status " "updates about the file systems created can be generated as part of the " @@ -67885,18 +68323,18 @@ "ao /etc/periodic.conf :" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:37649 +#: book.translate.xml:37908 #, no-wrap msgid "daily_status_zfs_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "daily_status_zfs_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:37653 +#: book.translate.xml:37912 msgid "Recovering RAID-Z" msgstr "Recuperando o RAID-Z" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37655 +#: book.translate.xml:37914 msgid "" "Every software RAID has a method of monitoring its " "state. The status of RAID-Z devices " @@ -67907,13 +68345,13 @@ "acronym> pode ser visualizado com este comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37660 +#: book.translate.xml:37919 #, no-wrap msgid "# zpool status -x" msgstr "# zpool status -x" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37662 +#: book.translate.xml:37921 msgid "" "If all pools are Online and " "everything is normal, the message shows:" @@ -67922,13 +68360,13 @@ "e tudo estiver normal, a mensagem mostrará:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37666 +#: book.translate.xml:37925 #, no-wrap msgid "all pools are healthy" msgstr "all pools are healthy" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37668 +#: book.translate.xml:37927 msgid "" "If there is an issue, perhaps a disk is in the Offline state, the pool state will look similar to:" @@ -67937,7 +68375,7 @@ "\"zfs-term-offline\">Offline, o status do pool será semelhante a:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37672 +#: book.translate.xml:37931 #, no-wrap msgid "" " pool: storage\n" @@ -67979,7 +68417,7 @@ "errors: No known data errors" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37691 +#: book.translate.xml:37950 msgid "" "This indicates that the device was previously taken offline by the " "administrator with this command:" @@ -67988,13 +68426,13 @@ "administrador com este comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37694 +#: book.translate.xml:37953 #, no-wrap msgid "# zpool offline storage da1" msgstr "# zpool offline storage da1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37696 +#: book.translate.xml:37955 msgid "" "Now the system can be powered down to replace da1. When " "the system is back online, the failed disk can replaced in the pool:" @@ -68004,13 +68442,13 @@ "poderá ser substituído no pool:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37700 +#: book.translate.xml:37959 #, no-wrap msgid "# zpool replace storage da1" msgstr "# zpool replace storage da1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37702 +#: book.translate.xml:37961 msgid "" "From here, the status may be checked again, this time without ." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:37779 +#: book.translate.xml:38038 msgid "zpool Administration" msgstr "Administração zpool" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:37781 +#: book.translate.xml:38040 msgid "" "ZFS administration is divided between two main utilities. " "The zpool utility controls the operation of the pool and " @@ -68202,12 +68640,12 @@ "linkend=\"zfs-term-volume\">volumes." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:37791 +#: book.translate.xml:38050 msgid "Creating and Destroying Storage Pools" msgstr "Criando e destruindo pools de armazenamento" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37793 +#: book.translate.xml:38052 msgid "" "Creating a ZFS storage pool (zpool) " "involves making a number of decisions that are relatively permanent because " @@ -68237,12 +68675,12 @@ "os dados devem ser salvos em um backup e o pool destruído e recriado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37810 +#: book.translate.xml:38069 msgid "Create a simple mirror pool:" msgstr "Crie um pool do tipo mirror simples:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37812 +#: book.translate.xml:38071 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool create mypool mirror /dev/ada1 /dev/ada2\n" @@ -68276,7 +68714,7 @@ "errors: No known data errors" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37827 +#: book.translate.xml:38086 msgid "" "Multiple vdevs can be created at once. Specify multiple groups of disks " "separated by the vdev type keyword, mirror in this " @@ -68287,10 +68725,11 @@ "neste exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37831 +#: book.translate.xml:38090 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool create mypool mirror /dev/ada1 /dev/ada2 mirror /dev/ada3 /dev/ada4\n" +"# zpool status\n" " pool: mypool\n" " state: ONLINE\n" " scan: none requested\n" @@ -68308,6 +68747,7 @@ "errors: No known data errors" msgstr "" "# zpool create mypool mirror /dev/ada1 /dev/ada2 mirror /dev/ada3 /dev/ada4\n" +"# zpool status\n" " pool: mypool\n" " state: ONLINE\n" " scan: none requested\n" @@ -68325,7 +68765,7 @@ "errors: No known data errors" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37848 +#: book.translate.xml:38108 msgid "" "Pools can also be constructed using partitions rather than whole disks. " "Putting ZFS in a separate partition allows the same disk " @@ -68353,7 +68793,7 @@ "substituição ainda poderá ser usado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37863 +#: book.translate.xml:38123 msgid "" "Create a RAID-Z2 pool using " "partitions:" @@ -68362,7 +68802,7 @@ "partições:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37867 +#: book.translate.xml:38127 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool create mypool raidz2 /dev/ada0p3 /dev/ada1p3 /dev/ada2p3 /dev/ada3p3 /dev/ada4p3 /dev/ada5p3\n" @@ -68404,7 +68844,7 @@ "errors: No known data errors" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37886 +#: book.translate.xml:38146 msgid "" "A pool that is no longer needed can be destroyed so that the disks can be " "reused. Destroying a pool involves first unmounting all of the datasets in " @@ -68421,12 +68861,12 @@ "indefinido em aplicações que tiverem arquivos abertos nesses datasets." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:37897 +#: book.translate.xml:38157 msgid "Adding and Removing Devices" msgstr "Adicionando e Removendo Dispositivos" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37899 +#: book.translate.xml:38159 msgid "" "There are two cases for adding disks to a zpool: attaching a disk to an " "existing vdev with zpool attach, or adding vdevs to the " @@ -68440,7 +68880,7 @@ "após a criação." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37906 +#: book.translate.xml:38166 msgid "" "A pool created with a single disk lacks redundancy. Corruption can be " "detected but not repaired, because there is no other copy of the data. The " @@ -68470,7 +68910,7 @@ "para facilitar esse processo ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37924 +#: book.translate.xml:38184 msgid "" "Upgrade the single disk (stripe) vdev ada0p3 to a " "mirror by attaching ada1p3:" @@ -68479,7 +68919,7 @@ "um mirror anexando ada1p3:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:37928 +#: book.translate.xml:38188 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool status\n" @@ -68593,7 +69033,7 @@ "errors: No known data errors" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37983 +#: book.translate.xml:38243 msgid "" "When adding disks to the existing vdev is not an option, as for " "RAID-Z, an alternative method is to add another vdev to " @@ -68618,7 +69058,7 @@ "de cada bloco que foi gravado no pool." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:37996 +#: book.translate.xml:38256 msgid "" "Data is striped across each of the vdevs. For example, with two mirror " "vdevs, this is effectively a RAID 10 that stripes writes " @@ -68635,7 +69075,7 @@ "desproporcional dos dados é gravada no vdev menos cheio." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38005 +#: book.translate.xml:38265 msgid "" "When attaching additional devices to a boot pool, remember to update the " "bootcode." @@ -68644,7 +69084,7 @@ "atualizar o bootcode." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38008 +#: book.translate.xml:38268 msgid "" "Attach a second mirror group (ada2p3 and " "ada3p3) to the existing mirror:" @@ -68653,7 +69093,7 @@ "ada3p3) ao mirror existente:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38012 +#: book.translate.xml:38272 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool status\n" @@ -68727,7 +69167,7 @@ "errors: No known data errors" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38047 +#: book.translate.xml:38307 msgid "" "Currently, vdevs cannot be removed from a pool, and disks can only be " "removed from a mirror if there is enough remaining redundancy. If only one " @@ -68741,12 +69181,12 @@ "falhar." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38053 +#: book.translate.xml:38313 msgid "Remove a disk from a three-way mirror group:" msgstr "Remova um disco de um grupo de mirror's triplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38055 +#: book.translate.xml:38315 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool status\n" @@ -68808,12 +69248,12 @@ "errors: No known data errors" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:38086 +#: book.translate.xml:38346 msgid "Checking the Status of a Pool" msgstr "Verificando o status de um pool" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38088 +#: book.translate.xml:38348 msgid "" "Pool status is important. If a drive goes offline or a read, write, or " "checksum error is detected, the corresponding error count increases. The " @@ -68830,7 +69270,7 @@ "\"zfs-zpool-scrub\">scrub também são mostrados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38096 +#: book.translate.xml:38356 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool status\n" @@ -68870,12 +69310,12 @@ "errors: No known data errors" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:38116 +#: book.translate.xml:38376 msgid "Clearing Errors" msgstr "Limpando Erros" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38118 +#: book.translate.xml:38378 msgid "" "When an error is detected, the read, write, or checksum counts are " "incremented. The error message can be cleared and the counts reset with " @@ -68893,12 +69333,12 @@ "apagados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:38129 +#: book.translate.xml:38389 msgid "Replacing a Functioning Device" msgstr "Substituindo um dispositivo em funcionamento" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38131 +#: book.translate.xml:38391 msgid "" "There are a number of situations where it may be desirable to replace one " "disk with a different disk. When replacing a working disk, the process keeps " @@ -68921,12 +69361,12 @@ "zpool-online\"> Aumentando um Pool ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38143 +#: book.translate.xml:38403 msgid "Replace a functioning device in the pool:" msgstr "Substitua um dispositivo em funcionamento no pool:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38145 +#: book.translate.xml:38405 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool status\n" @@ -69046,12 +69486,12 @@ "errors: No known data errors" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:38205 +#: book.translate.xml:38465 msgid "Dealing with Failed Devices" msgstr "Lidando com dispositivos com falha" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38207 +#: book.translate.xml:38467 msgid "" "When a disk in a pool fails, the vdev to which the disk belongs enters the " "degraded state. All of the data " @@ -69076,7 +69516,7 @@ "vdev retorna ao status online." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38221 +#: book.translate.xml:38481 msgid "" "If the vdev does not have any redundancy, or if multiple devices have failed " "and there is not enough redundancy to compensate, the pool enters the GUID of the device. A new device name parameter for " @@ -69104,13 +69544,13 @@ "dispositivo de substituição tiver o mesmo nome de dispositivo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38235 +#: book.translate.xml:38495 msgid "Replace a failed disk using zpool replace:" msgstr "" "Substitua um disco com falha usando o zpool replace:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38238 +#: book.translate.xml:38498 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool status\n" @@ -69218,12 +69658,12 @@ "errors: No known data errors" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:38292 +#: book.translate.xml:38552 msgid "Scrubbing a Pool" msgstr "Limpeza do Pool" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38294 +#: book.translate.xml:38554 msgid "" "It is recommended that pools be scrubbed regularly, ideally at least once every month. The scrub# zpool scrub mypool\n" @@ -69289,7 +69729,7 @@ "errors: No known data errors" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38325 +#: book.translate.xml:38585 msgid "" "In the event that a scrub operation needs to be cancelled, issue " "zpool scrub -s mypool." @@ -69298,12 +69738,12 @@ "zpool scrub -s mypool." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:38331 +#: book.translate.xml:38591 msgid "Self-Healing" msgstr "Auto Cura (Self-Healing)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38333 +#: book.translate.xml:38593 msgid "" "The checksums stored with data blocks enable the file system to " "self-heal. This feature will automatically repair data " @@ -69344,7 +69784,7 @@ "operação normal do pool." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38353 +#: book.translate.xml:38613 msgid "" "The next example demonstrates this self-healing behavior. A mirrored pool of " "disks /dev/ada0 and /dev/ada1 is " @@ -69355,7 +69795,7 @@ "filename> é criado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38357 +#: book.translate.xml:38617 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool create healer mirror /dev/ada0 /dev/ada1\n" @@ -69395,7 +69835,7 @@ "healer 960M 92.5K 960M - - 0% 0% 1.00x ONLINE -" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38375 +#: book.translate.xml:38635 msgid "" "Some important data that to be protected from data errors using the self-" "healing feature is copied to the pool. A checksum of the pool is created for " @@ -69406,7 +69846,7 @@ "checksum do pool para comparação posterior." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38379 +#: book.translate.xml:38639 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cp /some/important/data /healer\n" @@ -69426,7 +69866,7 @@ "SHA1 (/healer) = 2753eff56d77d9a536ece6694bf0a82740344d1f" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38387 +#: book.translate.xml:38647 msgid "" "Data corruption is simulated by writing random data to the beginning of one " "of the disks in the mirror. To prevent ZFS from healing " @@ -69439,7 +69879,7 @@ "importado novamente depois." #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:38394 +#: book.translate.xml:38654 msgid "" "This is a dangerous operation that can destroy vital data. It is shown here " "for demonstrational purposes only and should not be attempted during normal " @@ -69458,7 +69898,7 @@ "sejam criados antes de executar o comando!" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38405 +#: book.translate.xml:38665 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool export healer\n" @@ -69476,7 +69916,7 @@ "# zpool import healer" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38412 +#: book.translate.xml:38672 msgid "" "The pool status shows that one device has experienced an error. Note that " "applications reading data from the pool did not receive any incorrect data. " @@ -69492,7 +69932,7 @@ "contém um valor diferente de zero." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38420 +#: book.translate.xml:38680 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool status healer\n" @@ -69534,7 +69974,7 @@ "errors: No known data errors" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38439 +#: book.translate.xml:38699 msgid "" "The error was detected and handled by using the redundancy present in the " "unaffected ada0 mirror disk. A checksum comparison with " @@ -69545,7 +69985,7 @@ "checksum com o original irá revelar se o pool está consistente novamente." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38444 +#: book.translate.xml:38704 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# sha1 /healer >> checksum.txt\n" @@ -69559,7 +69999,7 @@ "SHA1 (/healer) = 2753eff56d77d9a536ece6694bf0a82740344d1f" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38449 +#: book.translate.xml:38709 msgid "" "The two checksums that were generated before and after the intentional " "tampering with the pool data still match. This shows how ZFS." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38464 +#: book.translate.xml:38724 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool scrub healer\n" @@ -69638,7 +70078,7 @@ "errors: No known data errors" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38486 +#: book.translate.xml:38746 msgid "" "The scrub operation reads data from ada0 and rewrites " "any data with an incorrect checksum on ada1. This is " @@ -69652,7 +70092,7 @@ "command>. Após a conclusão da operação, o status do conjunto é alterado para:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38493 +#: book.translate.xml:38753 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool status healer\n" @@ -69694,7 +70134,7 @@ "errors: No known data errors" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38512 +#: book.translate.xml:38772 msgid "" "After the scrub operation completes and all the data has been synchronized " "from ada0 to ada1, the error " @@ -69707,7 +70147,7 @@ "executando zpool clear." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38518 +#: book.translate.xml:38778 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool clear healer\n" @@ -69741,7 +70181,7 @@ "errors: No known data errors" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38533 +#: book.translate.xml:38793 msgid "" "The pool is now back to a fully working state and all the errors have been " "cleared." @@ -69750,23 +70190,23 @@ "foram apagados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:38538 +#: book.translate.xml:38798 msgid "Growing a Pool" msgstr "Crescendo um Pool" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38540 +#: book.translate.xml:38800 msgid "" "The usable size of a redundant pool is limited by the capacity of the " "smallest device in each vdev. The smallest device can be replaced with a " "larger device. After completing a replace or resilver " "operation, the pool can grow to use the capacity of the new device. For " -"example, consider a mirror of a 1 TB drive and a 2 TB drive. The usable " -"space is 1 TB. When the 1 TB drive is replaced with another 2 TB drive, the " +"example, consider a mirror of a 1 TB drive and a 2 TB drive. The usable " +"space is 1 TB. When the 1 TB drive is replaced with another 2 TB drive, the " "resilvering process copies the existing data onto the new drive. Because " -"both of the devices now have 2 TB capacity, the mirror's available space can " -"be grown to 2 TB." +"both of the devices now have 2 TB capacity, the mirror's available space can " +"be grown to 2 TB." msgstr "" "O tamanho utilizável de um pool redundante é limitado pela capacidade do " "menor dispositivo em cada vdev. O menor dispositivo pode ser substituído por " @@ -69781,7 +70221,7 @@ "2 TB." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38554 +#: book.translate.xml:38814 msgid "" "Expansion is triggered by using zpool online -e on each " "device. After expansion of all devices, the additional space becomes " @@ -69792,12 +70232,12 @@ "fica disponível para o pool." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:38561 +#: book.translate.xml:38821 msgid "Importing and Exporting Pools" msgstr "Importando e exportando pools" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38563 +#: book.translate.xml:38823 msgid "" "Pools are exported before moving them to another " "system. All datasets are unmounted, and each device is marked as exported " @@ -69826,18 +70266,18 @@ "aplicativos que tinham arquivos abertos nesses conjuntos de dados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38577 +#: book.translate.xml:38837 msgid "Export a pool that is not in use:" msgstr "Exportar um pool que não está em uso:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38579 +#: book.translate.xml:38839 #, no-wrap msgid "# zpool export mypool" msgstr "# zpool export mypool" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38581 +#: book.translate.xml:38841 msgid "" "Importing a pool automatically mounts the datasets. This may not be the " "desired behavior, and can be prevented with zpool import -N# zpool import\n" @@ -69890,12 +70330,12 @@ " ada2p3 ONLINE" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38606 +#: book.translate.xml:38866 msgid "Import the pool with an alternative root directory:" msgstr "Importe o pool com um diretório raiz alternativo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38608 +#: book.translate.xml:38868 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool import -o altroot=/mnt mypool\n" @@ -69911,12 +70351,12 @@ "mypool 110K 47.0G 31K /mnt/mypool" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:38616 +#: book.translate.xml:38876 msgid "Upgrading a Storage Pool" msgstr "Atualizando um pool de armazenamento" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38618 +#: book.translate.xml:38878 msgid "" "After upgrading FreeBSD, or if a pool has been imported from a system using " "an older version of ZFS, the pool can be manually " @@ -69935,12 +70375,12 @@ "desatualizados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38627 +#: book.translate.xml:38887 msgid "Upgrade a v28 pool to support Feature Flags:" msgstr "Atualize um pool v28 para suportar Feature Flags:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38630 +#: book.translate.xml:38890 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool status\n" @@ -70028,7 +70468,7 @@ " multi_vdev_crash_dump" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38672 +#: book.translate.xml:38932 msgid "" "The newer features of ZFS will not be available until " "zpool upgrade has completed. zpool upgrade -v# zpool status\n" @@ -70148,7 +70588,7 @@ " filesystem_limits" #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:38730 +#: book.translate.xml:38990 msgid "" "The boot code on systems that boot from a pool must be updated to support " "the new pool version. Use gpart bootcode on the partition " @@ -70164,30 +70604,30 @@ "modernos)." #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:38738 +#: book.translate.xml:38998 msgid "For legacy boot using GPT, use the following command:" msgstr "Para inicialização legada usando o GPT, use o seguinte comando:" #. (itstool) path: warning/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38741 +#: book.translate.xml:39001 #, no-wrap msgid "# gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptzfsboot -i 1 ada1" msgstr "# gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptzfsboot -i 1 ada1" #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:38743 +#: book.translate.xml:39003 msgid "For systems using EFI to boot, execute the following command:" msgstr "" "Para sistemas que usam o EFI para inicializar, execute o seguinte comando:" #. (itstool) path: warning/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38746 +#: book.translate.xml:39006 #, no-wrap msgid "# gpart bootcode -p /boot/boot1.efifat -i 1 ada1" msgstr "# gpart bootcode -p /boot/boot1.efifat -i 1 ada1" #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:38748 +#: book.translate.xml:39008 msgid "" "Apply the bootcode to all bootable disks in the pool. See " "gpart8 para obter maiores informações." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:38754 +#: book.translate.xml:39014 msgid "Displaying Recorded Pool History" msgstr "Exibindo o histórico gravado do pool" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38756 +#: book.translate.xml:39016 msgid "" "Commands that modify the pool are recorded. Recorded actions include the " "creation of datasets, changing properties, or replacement of a disk. This " @@ -70221,7 +70661,7 @@ "history:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38765 +#: book.translate.xml:39025 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool history\n" @@ -70239,7 +70679,7 @@ "2013-02-27.18:51:18 zfs create tank/backup" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38772 +#: book.translate.xml:39032 msgid "" "The output shows zpool and zfs " "commands that were executed on the pool along with a timestamp. Only " @@ -70254,7 +70694,7 @@ "nome de pool é especificado, é exibido o histórico de todos os pools." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38780 +#: book.translate.xml:39040 msgid "" "zpool history can show even more information when the " "options or are provided. registrados internamente." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38786 +#: book.translate.xml:39046 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool history -i\n" @@ -70291,7 +70731,7 @@ "2013-02-27.18:51:18 zfs create tank/backup" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38796 +#: book.translate.xml:39056 msgid "" "More details can be shown by adding . History records are " "shown in a long format, including information like the name of the user who " @@ -70303,7 +70743,7 @@ "qual a alteração foi feita." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38801 +#: book.translate.xml:39061 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool history -l\n" @@ -70321,7 +70761,7 @@ "2013-02-27.18:51:18 zfs create tank/backup [user 0 (root) on myzfsbox:global]" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38808 +#: book.translate.xml:39068 msgid "" "The output shows that the root " "user created the mirrored pool with disks /dev/ada0 and " @@ -70342,7 +70782,7 @@ "host que é registrado para cada comando." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38820 +#: book.translate.xml:39080 msgid "" "Both options to zpool history can be combined to give the " "most detailed information possible for any given pool. Pool history provides " @@ -70356,12 +70796,12 @@ "depuração." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:38828 +#: book.translate.xml:39088 msgid "Performance Monitoring" msgstr "Monitoramento de Desempenho" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38830 +#: book.translate.xml:39090 msgid "" "A built-in monitoring system can display pool I/O " "statistics in real time. It shows the amount of free and used space on the " @@ -70379,7 +70819,7 @@ "limitar o monitoramento apenas a esse pool. Um exemplo básico:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38839 +#: book.translate.xml:39099 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool iostat\n" @@ -70395,7 +70835,7 @@ "data 288G 1.53T 2 11 11.3K 57.1K" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38845 +#: book.translate.xml:39105 msgid "" "To continuously monitor I/O activity, a number can be " "specified as the last parameter, indicating a interval in seconds to wait " @@ -70415,7 +70855,7 @@ "estatísticas a serem exibidas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38857 +#: book.translate.xml:39117 msgid "" "Even more detailed I/O statistics can be displayed with " ". Each device in the pool is shown with a statistics " @@ -70431,7 +70871,7 @@ "pool. Este exemplo mostra um pool espelhado com dois dispositivos:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38865 +#: book.translate.xml:39125 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool iostat -v \n" @@ -70455,12 +70895,12 @@ "----------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:38877 +#: book.translate.xml:39137 msgid "Splitting a Storage Pool" msgstr "Dividindo um pool de armazenamento" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38879 +#: book.translate.xml:39139 msgid "" "A pool consisting of one or more mirror vdevs can be split into two pools. " "Unless otherwise specified, the last member of each mirror is detached and " @@ -70478,12 +70918,12 @@ "usuário pretende." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:38891 +#: book.translate.xml:39151 msgid "zfs Administration" msgstr "Administração do zfs" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:38893 +#: book.translate.xml:39153 msgid "" "The zfs utility is responsible for creating, destroying, " "and managing all ZFS datasets that exist within a pool. " @@ -70496,12 +70936,12 @@ "zpool." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:38899 +#: book.translate.xml:39159 msgid "Creating and Destroying Datasets" msgstr "Criando e destruindo conjuntos de dados" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38901 +#: book.translate.xml:39161 msgid "" "Unlike traditional disks and volume managers, space in ZFS is not preallocated. With traditional file " @@ -70546,7 +70986,7 @@ "inicialização do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38925 +#: book.translate.xml:39185 msgid "" "Create a new dataset and enable LZ4 compression on it:" @@ -70555,7 +70995,7 @@ "compression-lz4\">compactação LZ4 nele:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38928 +#: book.translate.xml:39188 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs list\n" @@ -70625,7 +71065,7 @@ "mypool/var/tmp 152K 93.2G 152K /var/tmp" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38961 +#: book.translate.xml:39221 msgid "" "Destroying a dataset is much quicker than deleting all of the files that " "reside on the dataset, as it does not involve scanning all of the files and " @@ -70637,12 +71077,12 @@ "correspondentes." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:38966 +#: book.translate.xml:39226 msgid "Destroy the previously-created dataset:" msgstr "Destrua o conjunto de dados criado anteriormente:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:38968 +#: book.translate.xml:39228 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs list\n" @@ -70712,7 +71152,7 @@ "mypool/var/tmp 152K 93.2G 152K /var/tmp" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39001 +#: book.translate.xml:39261 msgid "" "In modern versions of ZFS, zfs destroy " "is asynchronous, and the free space might take several minutes to appear in " @@ -70742,12 +71182,12 @@ "pela destruição dos snapshots também é mostrado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:39020 +#: book.translate.xml:39280 msgid "Creating and Destroying Volumes" msgstr "Criando e Destruindo Volumes" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39022 +#: book.translate.xml:39282 msgid "" "A volume is a special type of dataset. Rather than being mounted as a file " "system, it is exposed as a block device under /dev/zvol/" @@ -70765,13 +71205,13 @@ "iSCSI ou HAST." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39031 +#: book.translate.xml:39291 msgid "" "A volume can be formatted with any file system, or used without a file " "system to store raw data. To the user, a volume appears to be a regular " "disk. Putting ordinary file systems on these zvols " "provides features that ordinary disks or file systems do not normally have. " -"For example, using the compression property on a 250 MB volume allows " +"For example, using the compression property on a 250 MB volume allows " "creation of a compressed FAT file system." msgstr "" "Um volume pode ser formatado com qualquer sistema de arquivos ou usado sem " @@ -70783,7 +71223,7 @@ "sistema de arquivos FAT compactado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39040 +#: book.translate.xml:39300 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs create -V 250m -o compression=on tank/fat32\n" @@ -70811,7 +71251,7 @@ "/dev/zvol/tank/fat32 on /mnt (msdosfs, local)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39052 +#: book.translate.xml:39312 msgid "" "Destroying a volume is much the same as destroying a regular file system " "dataset. The operation is nearly instantaneous, but it may take several " @@ -70822,12 +71262,12 @@ "minutos para que o espaço livre seja recuperado em segundo plano." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:39059 +#: book.translate.xml:39319 msgid "Renaming a Dataset" msgstr "Renomeando um Conjunto de Dados" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39061 +#: book.translate.xml:39321 msgid "" "The name of a dataset can be changed with zfs rename. The " "parent of a dataset can also be changed with this command. Renaming a " @@ -70846,14 +71286,14 @@ "pai). Esse comportamento pode ser evitado com ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39071 +#: book.translate.xml:39331 msgid "Rename a dataset and move it to be under a different parent dataset:" msgstr "" "Renomeie um conjunto de dados e mova-o para um conjunto de dados pai " "diferente:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39074 +#: book.translate.xml:39334 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs list\n" @@ -70925,7 +71365,7 @@ "mypool/var/tmp 152K 93.2G 152K /var/tmp" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39108 +#: book.translate.xml:39368 msgid "" "Snapshots can also be renamed like this. Due to the nature of snapshots, " "they cannot be renamed into a different parent dataset. To rename a " @@ -70939,7 +71379,7 @@ "também serão renomeados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39114 +#: book.translate.xml:39374 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs list -t snapshot\n" @@ -70959,12 +71399,12 @@ "mypool/var/newname@new_snapshot_name 0 - 87.5K -" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:39124 +#: book.translate.xml:39384 msgid "Setting Dataset Properties" msgstr "Configurando Propriedades do Conjunto de Dados" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39126 +#: book.translate.xml:39386 msgid "" "Each ZFS dataset has a number of properties that control " "its behavior. Most properties are automatically inherited from the parent " @@ -70987,7 +71427,7 @@ "command>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39138 +#: book.translate.xml:39398 msgid "" "User-defined properties can also be set. They become part of the dataset " "configuration and can be used to provide additional information about the " @@ -71003,7 +71443,7 @@ "usados para criar um namespace personalizado para a propriedade." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39145 +#: book.translate.xml:39405 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs set custom:costcenter=1234 tank\n" @@ -71017,7 +71457,7 @@ "tank custom:costcenter 1234 local" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39150 +#: book.translate.xml:39410 msgid "" "To remove a custom property, use zfs inherit with " ". If the custom property is not defined in any of the " @@ -71031,7 +71471,7 @@ "pool)." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39156 +#: book.translate.xml:39416 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs inherit -r custom:costcenter tank\n" @@ -71049,12 +71489,12 @@ " # " #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:39164 +#: book.translate.xml:39424 msgid "Getting and Setting Share Properties" msgstr "Obtendo e definindo propriedades de compartilhamento" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39166 +#: book.translate.xml:39426 msgid "" "Two commonly used and useful dataset properties are the NFS and SMB share options. Setting these define if " @@ -71070,7 +71510,7 @@ "FreeBSD. Para obter o status atual de um compartilhamento, insira:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39174 +#: book.translate.xml:39434 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs get sharenfs mypool/usr/home\n" @@ -71088,18 +71528,18 @@ "mypool/usr/home sharesmb off local" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39181 +#: book.translate.xml:39441 msgid "To enable sharing of a dataset, enter:" msgstr "Para ativar o compartilhamento de um conjunto de dados, insira:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39183 +#: book.translate.xml:39443 #, no-wrap msgid "# zfs set sharenfs=on mypool/usr/home" msgstr "# zfs set sharenfs=on mypool/usr/home" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39185 +#: book.translate.xml:39445 msgid "" "It is also possible to set additional options for sharing datasets through " "NFS, such as , is appended to zfs " @@ -71317,7 +71757,7 @@ "exibe os sistemas de arquivos e snapshots." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39294 +#: book.translate.xml:39554 msgid "" "Snapshots are not mounted directly, so no path is shown in the " "MOUNTPOINT column. There is no mention of available disk " @@ -71332,7 +71772,7 @@ "de dados original a partir do qual foi criado:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39301 +#: book.translate.xml:39561 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs list -rt all mypool/usr/home\n" @@ -71346,7 +71786,7 @@ "mypool/usr/home@my_recursive_snapshot 0 - 184K -" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39306 +#: book.translate.xml:39566 msgid "" "Displaying both the dataset and the snapshot together reveals how snapshots " "work in COW fashion. They save only " @@ -71364,7 +71804,7 @@ "conjunto de dados e fazendo um segundo snapshots:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39316 +#: book.translate.xml:39576 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cp /etc/passwd /var/tmp\n" @@ -71384,7 +71824,7 @@ "mypool/var/tmp@after_cp 0 - 118K -" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39324 +#: book.translate.xml:39584 msgid "" "The second snapshot contains only the changes to the dataset after the copy " "operation. This yields enormous space savings. Notice that the size of the " @@ -71400,12 +71840,12 @@ "snapshot obtido posteriormente." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:39334 +#: book.translate.xml:39594 msgid "Comparing Snapshots" msgstr "Comparando Snapshots" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39336 +#: book.translate.xml:39596 msgid "" "ZFS provides a built-in command to compare the differences in content " "between two snapshots. This is helpful when many snapshots were taken over " @@ -71424,7 +71864,7 @@ "anterior produz essa saída:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39346 +#: book.translate.xml:39606 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs list -rt all mypool/var/tmp\n" @@ -71446,7 +71886,7 @@ "+ /var/tmp/passwd" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39355 +#: book.translate.xml:39615 msgid "" "The command lists the changes between the specified snapshot (in this case " "mypool/var/tmp@my_recursive_snapshotpasswd was added after the " @@ -71508,7 +71948,7 @@ "replaceable>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39395 +#: book.translate.xml:39655 msgid "" "Comparing two snapshots is helpful when using the ZFS " "replication feature to transfer a dataset to a different host for backup " @@ -71519,7 +71959,7 @@ "diferente para fins de backup." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39399 +#: book.translate.xml:39659 msgid "" "Compare two snapshots by providing the full dataset name and snapshot name " "of both datasets:" @@ -71528,7 +71968,7 @@ "nome do snapshot de ambos os conjuntos de dados:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39402 +#: book.translate.xml:39662 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cp /var/tmp/passwd /var/tmp/passwd.copy\n" @@ -71552,7 +71992,7 @@ "+ /var/tmp/passwd" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39412 +#: book.translate.xml:39672 msgid "" "A backup administrator can compare two snapshots received from the sending " "host and determine the actual changes in the dataset. See the rm operation that removes too much data than was intended." @@ -71624,7 +72064,7 @@ "do que o pretendido." #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39452 +#: book.translate.xml:39712 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs list -rt all mypool/var/tmp\n" @@ -71652,7 +72092,7 @@ "vi.recover" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39464 +#: book.translate.xml:39724 msgid "" "At this point, the user realized that too many files were deleted and wants " "them back. ZFS provides an easy way to get them back " @@ -71667,7 +72107,7 @@ "recomeçar a partir do último snapshot, emita o comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39471 +#: book.translate.xml:39731 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs rollback mypool/var/tmp@diff_snapshot\n" @@ -71679,7 +72119,7 @@ "passwd passwd.copy vi.recover" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39475 +#: book.translate.xml:39735 msgid "" "The rollback operation restored the dataset to the state of the last " "snapshot. It is also possible to roll back to a snapshot that was taken much " @@ -71692,7 +72132,7 @@ "o ZFS irá emitir este aviso:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39481 +#: book.translate.xml:39741 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs list -rt snapshot mypool/var/tmp\n" @@ -71718,7 +72158,7 @@ "mypool/var/tmp@diff_snapshot" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39492 +#: book.translate.xml:39752 msgid "" "This warning means that snapshots exist between the current state of the " "dataset and the snapshot to which the user wants to roll back. To complete " @@ -71741,7 +72181,7 @@ "snapshots intermediários forem compreendidas, o comando poderá ser emitido:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39504 +#: book.translate.xml:39764 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs rollback -r mypool/var/tmp@my_recursive_snapshot\n" @@ -71759,7 +72199,7 @@ "vi.recover" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39511 +#: book.translate.xml:39771 msgid "" "The output from zfs list -t snapshot confirms that the " "intermediate snapshots were removed as a result of zfs rollback -r." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:39518 +#: book.translate.xml:39778 msgid "Restoring Individual Files from Snapshots" msgstr "Restaurando arquivos individuais a partir de Snapshots" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39520 +#: book.translate.xml:39780 msgid "" "Snapshots are mounted in a hidden directory under the parent dataset: " ".zfs/snapshots/snapshotname. " @@ -71799,7 +72239,7 @@ "diretório." #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39533 +#: book.translate.xml:39793 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs get snapdir mypool/var/tmp\n" @@ -71821,7 +72261,7 @@ ". .. .zfs passwd vi.recover" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39542 +#: book.translate.xml:39802 msgid "" "Individual files can easily be restored to a previous state by copying them " "from the snapshot back to the parent dataset. The directory structure below " @@ -71840,7 +72280,7 @@ "copiando-o do snapshot que continha a versão mais recente do arquivo:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39553 +#: book.translate.xml:39813 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# rm /var/tmp/passwd\n" @@ -71862,7 +72302,7 @@ "# cp /var/tmp/.zfs/snapshot/after_cp/passwd /var/tmp" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39562 +#: book.translate.xml:39822 msgid "" "When ls .zfs/snapshot was issued, the snapdir property might have been set to hidden, but it would still be " @@ -71882,7 +72322,7 @@ "oculto é bastante simples. Tentar o contrário, resulta neste erro:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39572 +#: book.translate.xml:39832 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cp /etc/rc.conf /var/tmp/.zfs/snapshot/after_cp/\n" @@ -71892,7 +72332,7 @@ "cp: /var/tmp/.zfs/snapshot/after_cp/rc.conf: Read-only file system" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39575 +#: book.translate.xml:39835 msgid "" "The error reminds the user that snapshots are read-only and cannot be " "changed after creation. Files cannot be copied into or removed from snapshot " @@ -71905,7 +72345,7 @@ "conjunto de dados que eles representam." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39581 +#: book.translate.xml:39841 msgid "" "Snapshots consume space based on how much the parent file system has changed " "since the time of the snapshot. The written property of a " @@ -71917,7 +72357,7 @@ "usado pelo snapshot." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39586 +#: book.translate.xml:39846 msgid "" "Snapshots are destroyed and the space reclaimed with zfs destroy " "dataset@snapshot# zfs list -rt all camino/home/joe\n" @@ -71992,7 +72432,7 @@ "camino/home/joe@backup 0K - 87K -" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39624 +#: book.translate.xml:39884 msgid "" "A typical use for clones is to experiment with a specific dataset while " "keeping the snapshot around to fall back to in case something goes wrong. " @@ -72010,7 +72450,7 @@ "e o conjunto de dados podem coexistir sem problemas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39633 +#: book.translate.xml:39893 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs clone camino/home/joe@backup camino/home/joenew\n" @@ -72038,7 +72478,7 @@ "usr/home/joenew 1.3G 31k 1.3G 0% /usr/home/joenew" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39645 +#: book.translate.xml:39905 msgid "" "After a clone is created it is an exact copy of the state the dataset was in " "when the snapshot was taken. The clone can now be changed independently from " @@ -72060,7 +72500,7 @@ "demonstra isso:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39656 +#: book.translate.xml:39916 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs get origin camino/home/joenew\n" @@ -72080,7 +72520,7 @@ "camino/home/joenew origin - -" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39664 +#: book.translate.xml:39924 msgid "" "After making some changes like copying loader.conf to " "the promoted clone, for example, the old directory becomes obsolete in this " @@ -72098,7 +72538,7 @@ "totalmente diferente)." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39673 +#: book.translate.xml:39933 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cp /boot/defaults/loader.conf /usr/home/joenew\n" @@ -72120,7 +72560,7 @@ "usr/home/joe 1.3G 128k 1.3G 0% /usr/home/joe" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39682 +#: book.translate.xml:39942 msgid "" "The cloned snapshot is now handled like an ordinary dataset. It contains all " "the data from the original snapshot plus the files that were added to it " @@ -72146,12 +72586,12 @@ "Fornecer estes jails economiza tempo e sobrecarga administrativa." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:39697 +#: book.translate.xml:39957 msgid "Replication" msgstr "Replicação" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39699 +#: book.translate.xml:39959 msgid "" "Keeping data on a single pool in one location exposes it to risks like theft " "and natural or human disasters. Making regular backups of the entire pool is " @@ -72176,7 +72616,7 @@ "send e zfs receive." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39713 +#: book.translate.xml:39973 msgid "" "These examples demonstrate ZFS replication with these two " "pools:" @@ -72185,7 +72625,7 @@ "dois pools:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39716 +#: book.translate.xml:39976 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zpool list\n" @@ -72199,7 +72639,7 @@ "mypool 984M 43.7M 940M - - 0% 4% 1.00x ONLINE -" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39721 +#: book.translate.xml:39981 msgid "" "The pool named mypool is the primary pool where " "data is written to and read from on a regular basis. A second pool, " @@ -72225,7 +72665,7 @@ "desde o snapshot mais recente não serão incluídas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39735 +#: book.translate.xml:39995 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs snapshot mypool@backup1\n" @@ -72239,7 +72679,7 @@ "mypool@backup1 0 - 43.6M -" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39740 +#: book.translate.xml:40000 msgid "" "Now that a snapshot exists, zfs send can be used to " "create a stream representing the contents of the snapshot. This stream can " @@ -72254,7 +72694,7 @@ "erro será produzido:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39747 +#: book.translate.xml:40007 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs send mypool@backup1\n" @@ -72266,7 +72706,7 @@ "You must redirect standard output." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39751 +#: book.translate.xml:40011 msgid "" "To back up a dataset with zfs send, redirect to a file " "located on the mounted backup pool. Ensure that the pool has enough free " @@ -72281,7 +72721,7 @@ "snapshot, não apenas as mudanças do snapshot anterior." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39758 +#: book.translate.xml:40018 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs send mypool@backup1 > /backup/backup1\n" @@ -72297,7 +72737,7 @@ "mypool 984M 43.7M 940M - - 0% 4% 1.00x ONLINE -" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39764 +#: book.translate.xml:40024 msgid "" "The zfs send transferred all the data in the snapshot " "called backup1 to the pool named " @@ -72312,7 +72752,7 @@ "refentrytitle>8." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39770 +#: book.translate.xml:40030 msgid "" "Instead of storing the backups as archive files, ZFS can " "receive them as a live file system, allowing the backed up data to be " @@ -72336,7 +72776,7 @@ "de dados vazio." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39782 +#: book.translate.xml:40042 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs snapshot mypool@replica1\n" @@ -72362,12 +72802,12 @@ "mypool 984M 43.7M 940M - - 0% 4% 1.00x ONLINE -" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:39794 +#: book.translate.xml:40054 msgid "Incremental Backups" msgstr "Backups Incrementais" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39796 +#: book.translate.xml:40056 msgid "" "zfs send can also determine the difference between two " "snapshots and send only the differences between the two. This saves disk " @@ -72378,7 +72818,7 @@ "em disco e tempo de transferência. Por exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39801 +#: book.translate.xml:40061 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs snapshot mypool@replica2\n" @@ -72402,7 +72842,7 @@ "mypool 960M 50.2M 910M - - 0% 5% 1.00x ONLINE -" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39811 +#: book.translate.xml:40071 msgid "" "A second snapshot called replica2 was created. " "This second snapshot contains only the changes that were made to the file " @@ -72421,7 +72861,7 @@ "existir no lado do recebimento." #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39822 +#: book.translate.xml:40082 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# zfs send -v -i mypool@replica1 mypool@replica2 | zfs receive /backup/mypool\n" @@ -72471,7 +72911,7 @@ "mypool@replica2 0 - 55.0M -" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39845 +#: book.translate.xml:40105 msgid "" "The incremental stream was successfully transferred. Only the data that had " "changed was replicated, rather than the entirety of replica1backup/mypool, is available " "with all of the files and data from the pool mypoolSSH" msgstr "Envio de backups criptografados pelo SSH" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39870 +#: book.translate.xml:40130 msgid "" "Sending streams over the network is a good way to keep a remote backup, but " "it does come with a drawback. Data sent over the network link is not " @@ -72542,7 +72982,7 @@ "\">PEFS." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39884 +#: book.translate.xml:40144 msgid "" "A few settings and security precautions must be completed first. Only the " "necessary steps required for the zfs send operation are " @@ -72555,12 +72995,12 @@ "application>, consulte ." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39890 +#: book.translate.xml:40150 msgid "This configuration is required:" msgstr "Essa configuração é necessária:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:39894 +#: book.translate.xml:40154 msgid "" "Passwordless SSH access between sending and " "receiving host using SSH keys" @@ -72569,7 +73009,7 @@ "recebimento usando chaves SSH" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:39900 +#: book.translate.xml:40160 msgid "" "Normally, the privileges of the root user are needed to send and receive streams. This requires " @@ -72590,18 +73030,18 @@ "em cada sistema execute as respectivas operações de envio e recebimento." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:39916 +#: book.translate.xml:40176 msgid "On the sending system:" msgstr "No sistema de envio:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39918 +#: book.translate.xml:40178 #, no-wrap msgid "# zfs allow -u someuser send,snapshot mypool" msgstr "# zfs allow -u someuser send,snapshot mypool" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:39922 +#: book.translate.xml:40182 msgid "" "To mount the pool, the unprivileged user must own the directory, and regular " "users must be allowed to mount file systems. On the receiving system:" @@ -72611,25 +73051,25 @@ "de recebimento:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39926 +#: book.translate.xml:40186 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# sysctl vfs.usermount=1\n" "vfs.usermount: 0 -> 1\n" -"# sysrc -f /etc/sysctl.conf vfs.usermount=1\n" +"# echo vfs.usermount=1 >> /etc/sysctl.conf\n" "# zfs create recvpool/backup\n" "# zfs allow -u someuser create,mount,receive recvpool/backup\n" "# chown someuser /recvpool/backup" msgstr "" "# sysctl vfs.usermount=1\n" "vfs.usermount: 0 -> 1\n" -"# sysrc -f /etc/sysctl.conf vfs.usermount=1\n" +"# echo vfs.usermount=1 >> /etc/sysctl.conf\n" "# zfs create recvpool/backup\n" "# zfs allow -u someuser create,mount,receive recvpool/backup\n" "# chown someuser /recvpool/backup" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39935 +#: book.translate.xml:40195 msgid "" "The unprivileged user now has the ability to receive and mount datasets, and " "the home dataset can be replicated to the remote " @@ -72640,7 +73080,7 @@ "pode ser replicado para o sistema remoto:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:39939 +#: book.translate.xml:40199 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% zfs snapshot -r mypool/home@monday\n" @@ -72650,7 +73090,7 @@ "% zfs send -R mypool/home@monday | ssh someuser@backuphost zfs recv -dvu recvpool/backup" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:39942 +#: book.translate.xml:40202 msgid "" "A recursive snapshot called monday is made of the " "file system dataset home that resides on the pool " @@ -72687,12 +73127,12 @@ "transferidos." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:39967 +#: book.translate.xml:40227 msgid "Dataset, User, and Group Quotas" msgstr "Cotas para Datasets, Usuários e Grupos" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:39969 +#: book.translate.xml:40229 msgid "" "Dataset quotas are used to restrict " "the amount of space that can be consumed by a particular dataset. storage/home/bobmountpoint to /home/" +"bob. Then, create the user and make the " +"home directory point to the dataset's location. " +"This will properly set owner and group permissions without shadowing any pre-" +"existing home directory paths that might exist." +msgstr "" +"Os exemplos a seguir pressupõem que os usuários já existam no sistema. Antes " +"de adicionar um usuário ao sistema, certifique-se de criar seu dataset antes " +"e defina o seu para /home/" +"bob. Em seguida, crie o usuário e faça " +"com que o diretório inicial aponte para a localização do administration functions. For example, if " @@ -73425,12 +73885,12 @@ "a maioria das propriedades." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:40315 +#: book.translate.xml:40585 msgid "Delegating Dataset Creation" msgstr "Delegando a criação de conjunto de dados" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:40317 +#: book.translate.xml:40587 msgid "" "zfs allow someuser create " "mydataset gives the specified user " @@ -73456,12 +73916,12 @@ "arquivos deve ser montado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:40332 +#: book.translate.xml:40602 msgid "Delegating Permission Delegation" msgstr "Delegando a delegação de permissão" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:40334 +#: book.translate.xml:40604 msgid "" "zfs allow someuser allow " "mydataset gives the specified user the " @@ -73479,12 +73939,12 @@ "literal> para outros usuários." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:40350 +#: book.translate.xml:40620 msgid "Tuning" msgstr "Otimizações" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:40352 +#: book.translate.xml:40622 msgid "" "There are a number of tunables that can be adjusted to make ZFS perform best for different workloads." @@ -73494,11 +73954,11 @@ #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-advanced-tuning-arc_max -#: book.translate.xml:40358 +#: book.translate.xml:40628 msgid "" "vfs.zfs.arc_max - Maximum size of " "the ARC. The " -"default is all RAM but 1 GB, or 5/8 of all RAMRAM but 1 GB, or 5/8 of all RAM, whichever is more. However, a lower value should be used if the " "system will be running any other daemons or processes that may require " "memory. This value can be adjusted at runtime with " @@ -73518,7 +73978,7 @@ #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-advanced-tuning-arc_meta_limit -#: book.translate.xml:40371 +#: book.translate.xml:40641 msgid "" "vfs.zfs.arc_meta_limit - Limit the " "portion of the ARC " @@ -73546,7 +74006,7 @@ #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-advanced-tuning-arc_min -#: book.translate.xml:40387 +#: book.translate.xml:40657 msgid "" "vfs.zfs.arc_min - Minimum size of " "the ARC. The " @@ -73570,7 +74030,7 @@ #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-advanced-tuning-vdev-cache-size -#: book.translate.xml:40400 +#: book.translate.xml:40670 msgid "" "vfs.zfs.vdev.cache.size - A " "preallocated amount of memory reserved as a cache for each device in the " @@ -73587,7 +74047,7 @@ #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-advanced-tuning-min-auto-ashift -#: book.translate.xml:40409 +#: book.translate.xml:40679 msgid "" "vfs.zfs.min_auto_ashift - Minimum " "ashift (sector size) that will be used automatically at " @@ -73606,17 +74066,17 @@ "o maior tamanho de setor usado por um dispositivo no pool." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:40419 +#: book.translate.xml:40689 msgid "" -"Many drives have 4 KB sectors. Using the default ashift " +"Many drives have 4 KB sectors. Using the default ashift " "of 9 with these drives results in write amplification on " -"these devices. Data that could be contained in a single 4 KB write must " +"these devices. Data that could be contained in a single 4 KB write must " "instead be written in eight 512-byte writes. ZFS tries to " "read the native sector size from all devices when creating a pool, but many " -"drives with 4 KB sectors report that their sectors are 512 bytes for " +"drives with 4 KB sectors report that their sectors are 512 bytes for " "compatibility. Setting vfs.zfs.min_auto_ashift to " "12 (2^12 = 4096) before creating a " -"pool forces ZFS to use 4 KB blocks for best performance " +"pool forces ZFS to use 4 KB blocks for best performance " "on these drives." msgstr "" "Muitas unidades possuem setores de 4 KB. Usar o ashift " @@ -73632,10 +74092,10 @@ "unidades." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:40434 +#: book.translate.xml:40704 msgid "" -"Forcing 4 KB blocks is also useful on pools where disk upgrades are planned. " -"Future disks are likely to use 4 KB sectors, and ashift " +"Forcing 4 KB blocks is also useful on pools where disk upgrades are planned. " +"Future disks are likely to use 4 KB sectors, and ashift " "values cannot be changed after a pool is created." msgstr "" "Forçar blocos de 4 KB também é útil em pools em que as atualizações de disco " @@ -73644,7 +74104,7 @@ "pool for criado." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:40439 +#: book.translate.xml:40709 msgid "" "In some specific cases, the smaller 512-byte block size might be preferable. " "When used with 512-byte disks for databases, or as storage for virtual " @@ -73660,12 +74120,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-advanced-tuning-prefetch_disable -#: book.translate.xml:40448 +#: book.translate.xml:40718 msgid "" "vfs.zfs.prefetch_disable - Disable " "prefetch. A value of 0 is enabled and 1 is disabled. The default is 0, unless the system " -"has less than 4 GB of RAM. Prefetch works by reading " +"has less than 4 GB of RAM. Prefetch works by reading " "larger blocks than were requested into the ARC in hopes that the data will be needed soon. " "If the workload has a large number of random reads, disabling prefetch may " @@ -73687,7 +74147,7 @@ #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-advanced-tuning-vdev-trim_on_init -#: book.translate.xml:40463 +#: book.translate.xml:40733 msgid "" "vfs.zfs.vdev.trim_on_init - Control " "whether new devices added to the pool have the TRIM " @@ -73710,7 +74170,7 @@ #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-advanced-tuning-vdev-max_pending -#: book.translate.xml:40475 +#: book.translate.xml:40745 msgid "" "vfs.zfs.vdev.max_pending - Limit the " "number of pending I/O requests per device. A higher value will keep the " @@ -73728,7 +74188,7 @@ #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-advanced-tuning-top_maxinflight -#: book.translate.xml:40484 +#: book.translate.xml:40754 msgid "" "vfs.zfs.top_maxinflight - Maxmimum " "number of outstanding I/Os per top-level vfs.zfs.l2arc_write_max - Limit the " "amount of data written to the vfs.zfs.l2arc_write_boost - The " "value of this tunable is added to vfs.zfs.scrub_delay - Number of " "ticks to delay between each I/O during a kern.hz which defaults to 1000 ticks per second. This " "setting may be changed, resulting in a different effective IOPS limit. The default value is 4, resulting in a " -"limit of: 1000 ticks/sec / 4 = 250 IOPS. Using a value of " -"20 would give a limit of: 1000 ticks/sec / 20 = " -"50 IOPS. The speed of scrub is only " +"limit of: 1000 ticks/sec / 4 = 250 IOPS. Using a value of " +"20 would give a limit of: 1000 ticks/sec / 20 = " +"50 IOPS. The speed of scrub is only " "limited when there has been recent activity on the pool, as determined by " "vfs.zfs.scan_idle. This value can be adjusted at any time with " @@ -73842,7 +74302,7 @@ #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-advanced-tuning-resilver_delay -#: book.translate.xml:40544 +#: book.translate.xml:40814 msgid "" "vfs.zfs.resilver_delay - Number of " "milliseconds of delay inserted between each I/O during a kern.hz which defaults to 1000 ticks per second. This " "setting may be changed, resulting in a different effective IOPS limit. The default value is 2, resulting in a limit of: 1000 ticks/" -"sec / 2 = 500 IOPS. Returning the pool to an limit. The default value is 2, resulting in a limit of: 1000 ticks/" +"sec / 2 = 500 IOPS. Returning the pool to an Online state may be more important if " "another device failing could Fault " "the pool, causing data loss. A value of 0 will give the resilver operation " @@ -73889,7 +74349,7 @@ #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-advanced-tuning-scan_idle -#: book.translate.xml:40573 +#: book.translate.xml:40843 msgid "" "vfs.zfs.scan_idle - Number of " "milliseconds since the last operation before the pool is considered idle. " @@ -73909,7 +74369,7 @@ #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-advanced-tuning-txg-timeout -#: book.translate.xml:40584 +#: book.translate.xml:40854 msgid "" "vfs.zfs.txg.timeout - Maximum number " "of seconds between transaction groups. " @@ -73935,12 +74395,12 @@ "manvolnum>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:40621 +#: book.translate.xml:40891 msgid "ZFS on i386" msgstr "ZFS em i386" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:40623 +#: book.translate.xml:40893 msgid "" "Some of the features provided by ZFS are memory " "intensive, and may require tuning for maximum efficiency on systems with " @@ -73951,18 +74411,18 @@ "RAM limitada." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:40629 +#: book.translate.xml:40899 msgid "Memory" msgstr "Memória" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:40631 +#: book.translate.xml:40901 msgid "" "As a bare minimum, the total system memory should be at least one gigabyte. " "The amount of recommended RAM depends upon the size of " "the pool and which ZFS features are used. A general rule " -"of thumb is 1 GB of RAM for every 1 TB of storage. If the deduplication " -"feature is used, a general rule of thumb is 5 GB of RAM per TB of storage to " +"of thumb is 1 GB of RAM for every 1 TB of storage. If the deduplication " +"feature is used, a general rule of thumb is 5 GB of RAM per TB of storage to " "be deduplicated. While some users successfully use ZFS " "with less RAM, systems under heavy load may panic due to " "memory exhaustion. Further tuning may be required for systems with less than " @@ -73979,12 +74439,12 @@ "sistemas com uma quantia de memória RAM inferior ao recomendado." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:40646 book.translate.xml:62466 +#: book.translate.xml:40916 book.translate.xml:62944 msgid "Kernel Configuration" msgstr "Configuração do Kernel" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:40648 +#: book.translate.xml:40918 msgid "" "Due to the address space limitations of the i386 " "platform, ZFS users on the i386 " @@ -73997,19 +74457,19 @@ "configuração de kernel personalizado, reconstruir o kernel e reiniciar:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:40654 +#: book.translate.xml:40924 #, no-wrap msgid "options KVA_PAGES=512" msgstr "options KVA_PAGES=512" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:40656 +#: book.translate.xml:40926 msgid "" "This expands the kernel address space, allowing the vm.kvm_size tunable to be pushed beyond the currently imposed limit of 1 GB, or " -"the limit of 2 GB for PAE. To find the most suitable " +"varname> tunable to be pushed beyond the currently imposed limit of 1 GB, or " +"the limit of 2 GB for PAE. To find the most suitable " "value for this option, divide the desired address space in megabytes by " -"four. In this example, it is 512 for 2 GB." +"four. In this example, it is 512 for 2 GB." msgstr "" "Isso expande o espaço de endereço do kernel, permitindo que o parametro " " vm.kvm_size seja ajustado além do limite imposto " @@ -74019,15 +74479,15 @@ "para 2 GB." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:40666 +#: book.translate.xml:40936 msgid "Loader Tunables" msgstr "Ajustes do Carregador" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:40668 +#: book.translate.xml:40938 msgid "" "The kmem address space can be increased on all FreeBSD " -"architectures. On a test system with 1 GB of physical memory, success was " +"architectures. On a test system with 1 GB of physical memory, success was " "achieved with these options added to /boot/loader.conf, " "and the system restarted:" msgstr "" @@ -74037,7 +74497,7 @@ "/boot/loader.conf, e o sistema reiniciado:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:40675 +#: book.translate.xml:40945 #, no-wrap msgid "" "vm.kmem_size=\"330M\"\n" @@ -74051,7 +74511,7 @@ "vfs.zfs.vdev.cache.size=\"5M\"" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:40680 +#: book.translate.xml:40950 msgid "" "For a more detailed list of recommendations for ZFS-" "related tuning, see ." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:40687 +#: book.translate.xml:40957 msgid "Additional Resources" msgstr "Recursos adicionais" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:40691 +#: book.translate.xml:40961 msgid "OpenZFS" msgstr "OpenZFS" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:40695 +#: book.translate.xml:40965 msgid "" "FreeBSD Wiki - " "ZFS Tuning" @@ -74081,7 +74541,7 @@ "ZFS Tuning" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:40700 +#: book.translate.xml:40970 msgid "" "Oracle Solaris ZFS Administration Guide" @@ -74090,7 +74550,7 @@ "\">Oracle Solaris ZFS Administration Guide" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:40706 +#: book.translate.xml:40976 msgid "" "Calomel Blog - ZFS Raidz Performance, Capacity and " @@ -74101,12 +74561,12 @@ "Integrity" #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:40714 +#: book.translate.xml:40984 msgid "ZFS Features and Terminology" msgstr "Recursos e terminologia do ZFS " #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:40716 +#: book.translate.xml:40986 msgid "" "ZFS is a fundamentally different file system because it " "is more than just a file system. ZFS combines the roles " @@ -74144,12 +74604,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-pool -#: book.translate.xml:40740 +#: book.translate.xml:41010 msgid "pool" msgstr "pool" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:40742 +#: book.translate.xml:41012 msgid "" "A storage pool is the most basic building block of " "ZFS. A pool is made up of one or more vdevs, the " @@ -74170,13 +74630,13 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-vdev -#: book.translate.xml:40755 -msgid "vdev Types" -msgstr "vdev Types" +#: book.translate.xml:41025 +msgid "vdev Types" +msgstr "vdev Types" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-vdev-disk -#: book.translate.xml:40766 +#: book.translate.xml:41036 msgid "" "Disk - The most basic type of vdev is a standard block " "device. This can be an entire disk (such as /dev/" @@ -74195,7 +74655,7 @@ "recomendações feitas pela documentação do Solaris." #. (itstool) path: caution/para -#: book.translate.xml:40780 +#: book.translate.xml:41050 msgid "" "Using an entire disk as part of a bootable pool is strongly discouraged, as " "this may render the pool unbootable. Likewise, you should not use an entire " @@ -74212,12 +74672,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-vdev-file -#: book.translate.xml:40793 +#: book.translate.xml:41063 msgid "" "File - In addition to disks, ZFS " "pools can be backed by regular files, this is especially useful for testing " "and experimentation. Use the full path to the file as the device path in " -"zpool create. All vdevs must be at least 128 MB in size." +"zpool create. All vdevs must be at least 128 MB in size." msgstr "" "File - Além dos discos, os pools do ZFS podem ser suportados por arquivos regulares, o que é especialmente " @@ -74227,7 +74687,7 @@ #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-vdev-mirror -#: book.translate.xml:40803 +#: book.translate.xml:41073 msgid "" "Mirror - When creating a mirror, specify the " "mirror keyword followed by the list of member devices for " @@ -74244,7 +74704,7 @@ "suportar a falha de todos, exceto um de seus membros, sem perder nenhum dado." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:40814 +#: book.translate.xml:41084 msgid "" "A regular single disk vdev can be upgraded to a mirror vdev at any time with " "zpool attach." @@ -74255,7 +74715,7 @@ #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-vdev-raidz -#: book.translate.xml:40822 +#: book.translate.xml:41092 msgid "" "RAID-Z - ZFS " "implements RAID-Z, a variation on standard " @@ -74282,10 +74742,10 @@ "que podem falhar enquanto o pool permanece operacional." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:40840 +#: book.translate.xml:41110 msgid "" -"In a RAID-Z1 configuration with four disks, each 1 TB, " -"usable storage is 3 TB and the pool will still be able to operate in " +"In a RAID-Z1 configuration with four disks, each 1 TB, " +"usable storage is 3 TB and the pool will still be able to operate in " "degraded mode with one faulted disk. If an additional disk goes offline " "before the faulted disk is replaced and resilvered, all data in the pool can " "be lost." @@ -74298,10 +74758,10 @@ "perdidos." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:40848 +#: book.translate.xml:41118 msgid "" -"In a RAID-Z3 configuration with eight disks of 1 TB, the " -"volume will provide 5 TB of usable space and still be able to operate with " +"In a RAID-Z3 configuration with eight disks of 1 TB, the " +"volume will provide 5 TB of usable space and still be able to operate with " "three faulted disks. Sun recommends no more than nine " "disks in a single vdev. If the configuration has more disks, it is " "recommended to divide them into separate vdevs and the pool data will be " @@ -74315,15 +74775,15 @@ "eles." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:40857 +#: book.translate.xml:41127 msgid "" "A configuration of two RAID-Z2 vdevs consisting of 8 " "disks each would create something similar to a RAID-60 " "array. A RAID-Z group's storage capacity is approximately " "the size of the smallest disk multiplied by the number of non-parity disks. " -"Four 1 TB disks in RAID-Z1 has an effective size of " -"approximately 3 TB, and an array of eight 1 TB disks in RAID-Z3 will yield 5 TB of usable space." +"Four 1 TB disks in RAID-Z1 has an effective size of " +"approximately 3 TB, and an array of eight 1 TB disks in RAID-Z3 will yield 5 TB of usable space." msgstr "" "Uma configuração de dois vdevs RAID-Z2 consistindo de 8 " "discos cada criaria algo similar a um array RAID-60. A " @@ -74335,7 +74795,7 @@ #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-vdev-spare -#: book.translate.xml:40872 +#: book.translate.xml:41142 msgid "" "Spare - ZFS has a special pseudo-" "vdev type for keeping track of available hot spares. Note that installed hot " @@ -74350,7 +74810,7 @@ #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-vdev-log -#: book.translate.xml:40882 +#: book.translate.xml:41152 msgid "" "Log - ZFS Log Devices, also known as " "ZFS Intent Log (Cache - Adding a cache vdev to a pool will add the " "storage of the cache to the L2ARCRAID " @@ -74404,12 +74864,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-txg -#: book.translate.xml:40908 +#: book.translate.xml:41178 msgid "Transaction Group (TXG)" msgstr "Transaction Group (TXG)" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:40922 +#: book.translate.xml:41192 msgid "" "Open - When a new transaction group is created, it is " "in the open state, and accepts new writes. There is always a transaction " @@ -74428,7 +74888,7 @@ "alcançado, o grupo de transações avança para o próximo estado." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:40934 +#: book.translate.xml:41204 msgid "" "Quiescing - A short state that allows any pending " "operations to finish while not blocking the creation of a new open " @@ -74441,7 +74901,7 @@ "concluídas, o grupo de transações avançará para o estado final." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:40943 +#: book.translate.xml:41213 msgid "" "Syncing - All of the data in the transaction group is " "written to stable storage. This process will in turn modify other data, such " @@ -74473,7 +74933,7 @@ "é avançado para o estado de sincronização." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:40911 +#: book.translate.xml:41181 msgid "" "Transaction Groups are the way changed blocks are grouped together and " "eventually written to the pool. Transaction groups are the atomic unit that " @@ -74501,12 +74961,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-arc -#: book.translate.xml:40975 +#: book.translate.xml:41245 msgid "Adaptive Replacement Cache (ARC)" msgstr "Adaptive Replacement Cache (ARC)" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:40978 +#: book.translate.xml:41248 msgid "" "ZFS uses an Adaptive Replacement Cache (ARC), rather than a more traditional Least Recently Used (LRUL2ARC" msgstr "L2ARC" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41008 +#: book.translate.xml:41278 msgid "" "L2ARC is the second level of the ZFS " "caching system. The primary ARC is stored in " @@ -74614,12 +75074,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-zil -#: book.translate.xml:41043 +#: book.translate.xml:41313 msgid "ZIL" msgstr "ZIL" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41045 +#: book.translate.xml:41315 msgid "" "ZIL accelerates synchronous transactions by using storage " "devices like SSDs that are faster than those used in the " @@ -74645,12 +75105,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-cow -#: book.translate.xml:41061 +#: book.translate.xml:41331 msgid "Copy-On-Write" msgstr "Copy-On-Write" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41063 +#: book.translate.xml:41333 msgid "" "Unlike a traditional file system, when data is overwritten on ZFS, the new data is written to a different block rather than " @@ -74675,12 +75135,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-dataset -#: book.translate.xml:41077 +#: book.translate.xml:41347 msgid "Dataset" msgstr "Dataset" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41079 +#: book.translate.xml:41349 msgid "" "Dataset is the generic term for a ZFS file system, volume, snapshot or clone. Each dataset has a unique " @@ -74710,12 +75170,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-filesystem -#: book.translate.xml:41101 +#: book.translate.xml:41371 msgid "File system" msgstr "File system" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41103 +#: book.translate.xml:41373 msgid "" "A ZFS dataset is most often used as a file system. Like " "most other file systems, a ZFS file system is mounted " @@ -74730,12 +75190,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-volume -#: book.translate.xml:41112 +#: book.translate.xml:41382 msgid "Volume" msgstr "Volume" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41114 +#: book.translate.xml:41384 msgid "" "In additional to regular file system datasets, ZFS can " "also create volumes, which are block devices. Volumes have many of the same " @@ -74754,12 +75214,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-snapshot -#: book.translate.xml:41126 +#: book.translate.xml:41396 msgid "Snapshot" msgstr "Snapshot" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41128 +#: book.translate.xml:41398 msgid "" "The copy-on-write (COW) design of ZFS allows for nearly instantaneous, " @@ -74818,12 +75278,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-clone -#: book.translate.xml:41167 +#: book.translate.xml:41437 msgid "Clone" msgstr "Clone" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41169 +#: book.translate.xml:41439 msgid "" "Snapshots can also be cloned. A clone is a writable version of a snapshot, " "allowing the file system to be forked as a new dataset. As with a snapshot, " @@ -74854,27 +75314,27 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-checksum -#: book.translate.xml:41189 +#: book.translate.xml:41459 msgid "Checksum" msgstr "Checksum" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:41205 +#: book.translate.xml:41475 msgid "fletcher2" msgstr "fletcher2" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:41209 +#: book.translate.xml:41479 msgid "fletcher4" msgstr "fletcher4" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:41213 +#: book.translate.xml:41483 msgid "sha256" msgstr "sha256" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41191 +#: book.translate.xml:41461 msgid "" "Every block that is allocated is also checksummed. The checksum algorithm " "used is a per-dataset property, see LZ4 - Added in ZFS pool version 5000 (feature flags), LZ4 is now " @@ -74915,8 +75375,8 @@ "compressible data, and is over three times faster when operating on " "uncompressible data. LZ4 also decompresses approximately " "80% faster than LZJB. On modern CPUs, " -"LZ4 can often compress at over 500 MB/s, and decompress " -"at over 1.5 GB/s (per single CPU core)." +"LZ4 can often compress at over 500 MB/s, and decompress " +"at over 1.5 GB/s (per single CPU core)." msgstr "" "LZ4 - Adicionado na versão 5000 do " "pool do ZFS (feature flags), o LZ4 é " @@ -74930,7 +75390,7 @@ "s (por núcleo de CPU)." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:41255 +#: book.translate.xml:41525 msgid "" "LZJB - The default compression " "algorithm. Created by Jeff Bonwick (one of the original creators of " @@ -74947,7 +75407,7 @@ "alterado para LZ4." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:41267 +#: book.translate.xml:41537 msgid "" "GZIP - A popular stream compression " "algorithm available in ZFS. One of the main advantages of " @@ -74968,7 +75428,7 @@ "tempo CPU será dedicado para economizar espaço em disco." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:41283 +#: book.translate.xml:41553 msgid "" "ZLE - Zero Length Encoding is a " "special compression algorithm that only compresses continuous runs of zeros. " @@ -74981,7 +75441,7 @@ "dataset contém grandes blocos de zeros." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41227 +#: book.translate.xml:41497 msgid "" "Each dataset has a compression property, which defaults to off. This " "property can be set to one of a number of compression algorithms. This will " @@ -74998,12 +75458,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-copies -#: book.translate.xml:41294 +#: book.translate.xml:41564 msgid "Copies" msgstr "Copies" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41296 +#: book.translate.xml:41566 msgid "" "When set to a value greater than 1, the copies property " "instructs ZFS to maintain multiple copies of each block " @@ -75026,7 +75486,7 @@ "de corrupção menor, mas não protege o pool da perda de um disco inteiro." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41315 +#: book.translate.xml:41585 msgid "" "Checksums make it possible to detect duplicate blocks of data as they are " "written. With deduplication, the reference count of an existing, identical " @@ -75044,7 +75504,7 @@ "identical, the hash collision will be noted and the two blocks will be " "stored separately. Because DDT must store the hash of " "each unique block, it consumes a very large amount of memory. A general rule " -"of thumb is 5-6 GB of ram per 1 TB of deduplicated data). In situations " +"of thumb is 5-6 GB of ram per 1 TB of deduplicated data). In situations " "where it is not practical to have enough RAM to keep the " "entire DDT in memory, performance will suffer greatly as " "the DDT must be read from disk before each new block is " @@ -75083,12 +75543,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-scrub -#: book.translate.xml:41353 +#: book.translate.xml:41623 msgid "Scrub" msgstr "Scrub" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41355 +#: book.translate.xml:41625 msgid "" "Instead of a consistency check like fsck8, ZFSZFS supports different types of quotas: the dataset " "quota, the reference quota " @@ -75146,7 +75606,7 @@ "de grupo." #. (itstool) path: entry/para -#: book.translate.xml:41392 +#: book.translate.xml:41662 msgid "" "Quotas limit the amount of space that a dataset and all of its descendants, " "including snapshots of the dataset, child datasets, and the snapshots of " @@ -75157,7 +75617,7 @@ "desses datasets, podem consumir." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:41398 +#: book.translate.xml:41668 msgid "" "Quotas cannot be set on volumes, as the volsize property " "acts as an implicit quota." @@ -75166,7 +75626,7 @@ "volsize atua como uma cota implícita." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41377 +#: book.translate.xml:41647 msgid "" "ZFS provides very fast and accurate dataset, user, and " "group space accounting in addition to quotas and space reservations. This " @@ -75182,12 +75642,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-refquota -#: book.translate.xml:41405 +#: book.translate.xml:41675 msgid "Reference Quota" msgstr "Reference Quota" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41408 +#: book.translate.xml:41678 msgid "" "A reference quota limits the amount of space a dataset can consume by " "enforcing a hard limit. However, this hard limit includes only space that " @@ -75201,12 +75661,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-userquota -#: book.translate.xml:41416 +#: book.translate.xml:41686 msgid "User Quota" msgstr "User Quota" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41419 +#: book.translate.xml:41689 msgid "" "User quotas are useful to limit the amount of space that can be used by the " "specified user." @@ -75216,12 +75676,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-groupquota -#: book.translate.xml:41424 +#: book.translate.xml:41694 msgid "Group Quota" msgstr "Group Quota" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41427 +#: book.translate.xml:41697 msgid "" "The group quota limits the amount of space that a specified group can " "consume." @@ -75231,12 +75691,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-reservation -#: book.translate.xml:41432 +#: book.translate.xml:41702 msgid "Dataset Reservation" msgstr "Dataset Reservation" #. (itstool) path: entry/para -#: book.translate.xml:41450 +#: book.translate.xml:41720 msgid "" "Reservations of any sort are useful in many situations, such as planning and " "testing the suitability of disk space allocation in a new system, or " @@ -75249,14 +75709,14 @@ "procedimentos e arquivos de recuperação do sistema." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41435 +#: book.translate.xml:41705 msgid "" "The reservation property makes it possible to guarantee a " -"minimum amount of space for a specific dataset and its descendants. If a " -"10 GB reservation is set on storage/home/bob, and " -"another dataset tries to use all of the free space, at least 10 GB of space " -"is reserved for this dataset. If a snapshot is taken of storage/" -"home/bob, the space used by that snapshot is counted against the " +"minimum amount of space for a specific dataset and its descendants. If a 10 " +"GB reservation is set on storage/home/bob, and another " +"dataset tries to use all of the free space, at least 10 GB of space is " +"reserved for this dataset. If a snapshot is taken of storage/home/" +"bob, the space used by that snapshot is counted against the " "reservation. The refreservation property works in a similar way, " "but it excludes descendants like snapshots. <_:para-1/>" @@ -75274,18 +75734,18 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-refreservation -#: book.translate.xml:41460 +#: book.translate.xml:41730 msgid "Reference Reservation" msgstr "Reference Reservation" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41463 +#: book.translate.xml:41733 msgid "" "The refreservation property makes it possible to " "guarantee a minimum amount of space for the use of a specific dataset " -"excluding its descendants. This means that if a 10 GB " +"excluding its descendants. This means that if a 10 GB " "reservation is set on storage/home/bob, and another " -"dataset tries to use all of the free space, at least 10 GB of space is " +"dataset tries to use all of the free space, at least 10 GB of space is " "reserved for this dataset. In contrast to a regular reservation, space used by snapshots and descendant " "datasets is not counted against the reservation. For example, if a snapshot " @@ -75311,12 +75771,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-resilver -#: book.translate.xml:41485 +#: book.translate.xml:41755 msgid "Resilver" msgstr "Resilver" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41487 +#: book.translate.xml:41757 msgid "" "When a disk fails and is replaced, the new disk must be filled with the data " "that was lost. The process of using the parity information distributed " @@ -75330,12 +75790,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-online -#: book.translate.xml:41496 +#: book.translate.xml:41766 msgid "Online" msgstr "Online" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41498 +#: book.translate.xml:41768 msgid "" "A pool or vdev in the Online state has all of its member " "devices connected and fully operational. Individual devices in the " @@ -75348,12 +75808,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-offline -#: book.translate.xml:41506 +#: book.translate.xml:41776 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Offline" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41508 +#: book.translate.xml:41778 msgid "" "Individual devices can be put in an Offline state by the " "administrator if there is sufficient redundancy to avoid putting the pool or " @@ -75369,12 +75829,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-degraded -#: book.translate.xml:41519 +#: book.translate.xml:41789 msgid "Degraded" msgstr "Degraded" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41521 +#: book.translate.xml:41791 msgid "" "A pool or vdev in the Degraded state has one or more " "disks that have been disconnected or have failed. The pool is still usable, " @@ -75394,12 +75854,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#zfs-term-faulted -#: book.translate.xml:41534 +#: book.translate.xml:41804 msgid "Faulted" msgstr "Faulted" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:41536 +#: book.translate.xml:41806 msgid "" "A pool or vdev in the Faulted state is no longer " "operational. The data on it can no longer be accessed. A pool or vdev enters " @@ -75420,29 +75880,29 @@ "será perdido e deverá ser restaurado a partir de um backup." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:41561 +#: book.translate.xml:41831 msgid "Other File Systems" msgstr "Outros Sistemas de Arquivos" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:41572 +#: book.translate.xml:41842 msgid "File Systems" msgstr "File Systems" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:41573 +#: book.translate.xml:41843 msgid "File Systems Support File Systems" msgstr "File Systems Support File Systems" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:41578 +#: book.translate.xml:41848 msgid "" "File systems are an integral part of any operating system. They allow users " "to upload and store files, provide access to data, and make hard drives " "useful. Different operating systems differ in their native file system. " "Traditionally, the native FreeBSD file system has been the Unix File System " "UFS which has been modernized as UFS2. " -"Since FreeBSD 7.0, the Z File System (ZFS) is also " +"Since FreeBSD 7.0, the Z File System (ZFS) is also " "available as a native file system. See for more " "information." msgstr "" @@ -75457,7 +75917,7 @@ "de arquivos nativo. Veja para maiores informações." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:41588 +#: book.translate.xml:41858 msgid "" "In addition to its native file systems, FreeBSD supports a multitude of " "other file systems so that data from other operating systems can be accessed " @@ -75475,7 +75935,7 @@ "trademark> (EXT)." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:41595 +#: book.translate.xml:41865 msgid "" "There are different levels of FreeBSD support for the various file systems. " "Some require a kernel module to be loaded and others may require a toolset " @@ -75489,24 +75949,24 @@ "gravação, enquanto o suporte a outros é somente de leitura." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:41605 +#: book.translate.xml:41875 msgid "The difference between native and supported file systems." msgstr "A diferença entre sistemas de arquivos nativos e suportados." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:41610 +#: book.translate.xml:41880 msgid "Which file systems are supported by FreeBSD." msgstr "Quais sistemas de arquivos são suportados pelo FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:41614 +#: book.translate.xml:41884 msgid "" "How to enable, configure, access, and make use of non-native file systems." msgstr "" "Como ativar, configurar, acessar e usar sistemas de arquivos não nativos." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:41623 +#: book.translate.xml:41893 msgid "" "Understand UNIX and FreeBSD basics." @@ -75515,7 +75975,7 @@ "linkend=\"basics\"> noções básicas de FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:41628 +#: book.translate.xml:41898 msgid "" "Be familiar with the basics of kernel " "configuration and compilation." @@ -75524,7 +75984,7 @@ "\">configuração e compilação do kernel." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:41633 +#: book.translate.xml:41903 msgid "" "Feel comfortable installing software in " "FreeBSD." @@ -75533,7 +75993,7 @@ "FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:41638 +#: book.translate.xml:41908 msgid "" "Have some familiarity with disks, storage, " "and device names in FreeBSD." @@ -75542,13 +76002,13 @@ "armazenamento e nomes de dispositivos no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:41645 +#: book.translate.xml:41915 msgid "Linux File Systems" msgstr "" "Sistemas de arquivos do Linux" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:41647 +#: book.translate.xml:41917 msgid "" "FreeBSD provides built-in support for several Linux file systems. This section demonstrates how to load " @@ -75561,25 +76021,25 @@ "Linux." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:41652 +#: book.translate.xml:41922 msgid "ext2" msgstr "ext2" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:41654 +#: book.translate.xml:41924 msgid "" -"Kernel support for ext2 file systems has been available since FreeBSD 2.2. " -"In FreeBSD 8.x and earlier, the code is licensed under the GPL. Since FreeBSD 9.0, the code has been rewritten and is now " +"Kernel support for ext2 file systems has been available since FreeBSD 2.2. " +"In FreeBSD 8.x and earlier, the code is licensed under the GPL. Since FreeBSD 9.0, the code has been rewritten and is now " "BSD licensed." msgstr "" "O suporte no kernel para sistemas de arquivos ext2 está disponível desde o " "FreeBSD 2.2. No FreeBSD 8.x e anterior, o código está licenciado sob a " "GPL. Desde o FreeBSD 9.0, o código foi reescrito e agora " -"é licenciado sob a licença BSD." +"é licenciado sob a licença BSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:41661 +#: book.translate.xml:41931 msgid "" "The ext2fs5 driver allows the FreeBSD kernel to both read and " @@ -75590,16 +76050,16 @@ "sistemas de arquivos ext2." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:41665 +#: book.translate.xml:41935 msgid "" "This driver can also be used to access ext3 and ext4 file systems. The " "ext2fs5 filesystem has full read and write support for ext4 as of " -"FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE. Additionally, extended attributes and ACLs are also " -"supported, while journalling and encryption are not. Starting with " -"FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE, a DTrace provider will be available as well. Prior " -"versions of FreeBSD can access ext4 in read and write mode using " -"sysutils/fusefs-ext2." +"FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE. Additionally, extended attributes and ACLs are also " +"supported, while journalling and encryption are not. Starting with FreeBSD " +"12.1-RELEASE, a DTrace provider will be available as well. Prior versions of " +"FreeBSD can access ext4 in read and write mode using sysutils/" +"fusefs-ext2." msgstr "" "Esse driver também pode ser usado para acessar os sistemas de arquivos ext3 " "e ext4. O sistema de arquivos ext2fssysutils/fusefs-ext2." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:41676 +#: book.translate.xml:41946 msgid "To access an ext file system, first load the kernel loadable module:" msgstr "" "Para acessar um sistema de arquivos ext, primeiro carregue o módulo " "correspondente do kernel:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:41679 +#: book.translate.xml:41949 #, no-wrap msgid "# kldload ext2fs" msgstr "# kldload ext2fs" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:41681 +#: book.translate.xml:41951 msgid "" "Then, mount the ext volume by specifying its FreeBSD partition name and an " "existing mount point. This example mounts /dev/ad1s1 on " @@ -75636,18 +76096,18 @@ "filename> em /mnt:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:41686 +#: book.translate.xml:41956 #, no-wrap msgid "# mount -t ext2fs /dev/ad1s1 /mnt" msgstr "# mount -t ext2fs /dev/ad1s1 /mnt" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:41741 +#: book.translate.xml:42011 msgid "Virtualization" msgstr "Virtualização" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:41744 book.translate.xml:56060 +#: book.translate.xml:42014 book.translate.xml:56349 msgid "" " Murray Stokely Contributed by " @@ -75656,7 +76116,7 @@ "personname> Contribuido por " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:41754 +#: book.translate.xml:42024 msgid "" " Allan Jude bhyve section by " @@ -75665,7 +76125,7 @@ "personname> seção bhyve por " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:41764 +#: book.translate.xml:42034 msgid "" " Benedict Reuschling Xen section by " @@ -75674,7 +76134,7 @@ "personname> Seção Xen por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:41777 +#: book.translate.xml:42047 msgid "" "Virtualization software allows multiple operating systems to run " "simultaneously on the same computer. Such software systems for PCIntel-based Apple " @@ -75707,10 +76167,10 @@ "trademark> Mac." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:41797 +#: book.translate.xml:42067 msgid "" "How to install FreeBSD on Microsoft Windows with " +"trademark> Windows with " "Virtual PC." msgstr "" "Como instalar o FreeBSD no MicrosoftVirtual PC." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:41802 +#: book.translate.xml:42072 msgid "How to install FreeBSD as a guest in bhyve." msgstr "" "Como instalar o FreeBSD como um host convidado no bhyve." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:41807 +#: book.translate.xml:42077 msgid "How to tune a FreeBSD system for best performance under virtualization." msgstr "" "Como ajustar um sistema FreeBSD para melhor desempenho sob virtualização." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:41817 +#: book.translate.xml:42087 msgid "" "Understand the basics of UNIX and FreeBSD." @@ -75740,12 +76200,12 @@ "\"registered\">UNIX e sobre o FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:41822 +#: book.translate.xml:42092 msgid "Know how to install FreeBSD." msgstr "Saber como instalar o FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:41827 +#: book.translate.xml:42097 msgid "" "Know how to set up a network " "connection." @@ -75754,7 +76214,7 @@ "rede." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:41832 +#: book.translate.xml:42102 msgid "" "Know how to install additional third-party software." @@ -75763,25 +76223,25 @@ "link>." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:41839 +#: book.translate.xml:42109 msgid "" "FreeBSD as a Guest on Parallels for Mac OS X" +"class=\"registered\">Mac OS X" msgstr "" "FreeBSD como Sistema Operacional Convidado no Parallels para Mac OS X" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:41842 +#: book.translate.xml:42112 msgid "" "Parallels Desktop for Mac is a commercial software product available " "for Intel based Apple Mac computers running Mac OS computers running Mac OS 10.4.6 or higher. FreeBSD is a fully supported guest operating " "system. Once Parallels has been installed on " -"Mac OS X, the user must " +"Mac OS X, the user must " "configure a virtual machine and then install the desired guest operating " "system." msgstr "" @@ -75792,21 +76252,21 @@ "class=\"registered\">Mac rodando Mac OS 10.4.6 ou superior. O FreeBSD é um sistema operacional " "convidado completamente suportado. Uma vez que o Parallels tiver sido instalado no Mac OS X, o usuário deve configurar uma maquina virtual e " -"então instalar o sistema operacional convidado desejado." +"application> tiver sido instalado no Mac OS X, o usuário deve configurar uma maquina virtual e então instalar " +"o sistema operacional convidado desejado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:41851 +#: book.translate.xml:42121 msgid "" -"Installing FreeBSD on Parallels/Mac OSMac OS X" msgstr "" "Instalando o FreeBSD no Parallels/Mac OS X" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:41853 +#: book.translate.xml:42123 msgid "" "The first step in installing FreeBSD on Parallels " "is to create a new virtual machine for installing FreeBSD. Select " @@ -75823,13 +76283,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:41861 +#: book.translate.xml:42131 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd1' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd1' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:41865 +#: book.translate.xml:42135 msgid "" "Choose a reasonable amount of disk and memory depending on the plans for " "this virtual FreeBSD instance. 4GB of disk space and 512MB of RAM work well " @@ -75845,7 +76305,7 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:41872 +#: book.translate.xml:42142 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd2' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd2' md5='__failed__'" @@ -75855,7 +76315,7 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:41878 +#: book.translate.xml:42148 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd3' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd3' md5='__failed__'" @@ -75865,7 +76325,7 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:41884 +#: book.translate.xml:42154 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd4' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd4' md5='__failed__'" @@ -75875,13 +76335,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:41890 +#: book.translate.xml:42160 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd5' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd5' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:41894 +#: book.translate.xml:42164 msgid "Select the type of networking and a network interface:" msgstr "Selecione o tipo de rede e uma interface de rede:" @@ -75890,7 +76350,7 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:41899 +#: book.translate.xml:42169 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd6' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd6' md5='__failed__'" @@ -75900,13 +76360,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:41905 +#: book.translate.xml:42175 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd7' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd7' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:41909 book.translate.xml:42093 +#: book.translate.xml:42179 book.translate.xml:42363 msgid "Save and finish the configuration:" msgstr "Salve e finalize a configuração:" @@ -75915,7 +76375,7 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:41913 +#: book.translate.xml:42183 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd8' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd8' md5='__failed__'" @@ -75925,13 +76385,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:41919 +#: book.translate.xml:42189 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd9' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd9' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:41923 +#: book.translate.xml:42193 msgid "" "After the FreeBSD virtual machine has been created, FreeBSD can be installed " "on it. This is best done with an official FreeBSD CD/" @@ -75965,13 +76425,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:41940 +#: book.translate.xml:42210 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd11' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd11' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:41944 +#: book.translate.xml:42214 msgid "" "Once this association with the CD-ROM source has been " "made, reboot the FreeBSD virtual machine by clicking the reboot icon. " @@ -75990,13 +76450,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:41953 +#: book.translate.xml:42223 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd10' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd10' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:41957 +#: book.translate.xml:42227 msgid "" "In this case it will find the FreeBSD installation media and begin a normal " "FreeBSD installation. Perform the installation, but do not attempt to " @@ -76011,13 +76471,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:41964 +#: book.translate.xml:42234 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd12' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd12' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:41968 +#: book.translate.xml:42238 msgid "" "When the installation is finished, reboot into the newly installed FreeBSD " "virtual machine." @@ -76030,21 +76490,21 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:41973 +#: book.translate.xml:42243 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd13' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/parallels-freebsd13' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:41979 +#: book.translate.xml:42249 msgid "Configuring FreeBSD on Parallels" msgstr "Configurando o FreeBSD no Parallels" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:41982 +#: book.translate.xml:42252 msgid "" "After FreeBSD has been successfully installed on Mac OS X with ParallelsMac OS X with Parallels, there are a number of configuration steps that can be taken to " "optimize the system for virtualized operation." msgstr "" @@ -76054,12 +76514,12 @@ "para otimizar o sistema para operar virtualizado." #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:41989 book.translate.xml:42194 book.translate.xml:42398 +#: book.translate.xml:42259 book.translate.xml:42464 book.translate.xml:42668 msgid "Set Boot Loader Variables" msgstr "Definir variáveis do Boot Loader" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:41991 +#: book.translate.xml:42261 msgid "" "The most important step is to reduce the tunable to " "reduce the CPU utilization of FreeBSD under the Parallels:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:41998 book.translate.xml:42203 book.translate.xml:42407 +#: book.translate.xml:42268 book.translate.xml:42473 book.translate.xml:42677 #, no-wrap msgid "kern.hz=100" msgstr "kern.hz=100" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:42000 +#: book.translate.xml:42270 msgid "" "Without this setting, an idle FreeBSD Parallels " "guest will use roughly 15% of the CPU of a single processor Parallels " @@ -76119,12 +76579,12 @@ "citerefentry> podem ser removidos do kernel ." #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:42018 book.translate.xml:42224 book.translate.xml:42427 +#: book.translate.xml:42288 book.translate.xml:42494 book.translate.xml:42697 msgid "Configure Networking" msgstr "Configure a rede" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:42020 +#: book.translate.xml:42290 msgid "" "The most basic networking setup uses DHCP to connect the virtual machine to " "the same local area network as the host Mac." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:42033 +#: book.translate.xml:42303 msgid "" "FreeBSD as a Guest on Virtual PC for Windows" @@ -76148,7 +76608,7 @@ "Windows" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:42036 +#: book.translate.xml:42306 msgid "" "Virtual PC for Windows is a Microsoftsystem requirements. Once " "Virtual PC has been installed on Microsoft Microsoft Windows, the user can configure a virtual machine and then " "install the desired guest operating system." msgstr "" @@ -76165,18 +76625,18 @@ "\">Microsoft disponível para download gratuito. Consulte este " "site para os requisitos do sistema. Depois que o " -"Virtual PC tiver sido instalado no Virtual PC tiver sido instalado no Microsoft Windows, o usuário poderá configurar uma máquina virtual e " "depois instalar o sistema operacional convidado desejado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:42045 +#: book.translate.xml:42315 msgid "Installing FreeBSD on Virtual PC" msgstr "Instalando o FreeBSD no Virtual PC" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42048 +#: book.translate.xml:42318 msgid "" "The first step in installing FreeBSD on Virtual PC is to create a new virtual machine for installing FreeBSD. " @@ -76192,7 +76652,7 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42056 +#: book.translate.xml:42326 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd1' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd1' md5='__failed__'" @@ -76202,13 +76662,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42062 +#: book.translate.xml:42332 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd2' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd2' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42066 +#: book.translate.xml:42336 msgid "" "Select Other as the Operating " "system when prompted:" @@ -76221,13 +76681,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42072 +#: book.translate.xml:42342 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd3' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd3' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42076 +#: book.translate.xml:42346 msgid "" "Then, choose a reasonable amount of disk and memory depending on the plans " "for this virtual FreeBSD instance. 4GB of disk space and 512MB of RAM work " @@ -76243,7 +76703,7 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42083 +#: book.translate.xml:42353 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd4' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd4' md5='__failed__'" @@ -76253,7 +76713,7 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42089 +#: book.translate.xml:42359 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd5' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd5' md5='__failed__'" @@ -76263,13 +76723,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42097 +#: book.translate.xml:42367 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd6' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd6' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42101 +#: book.translate.xml:42371 msgid "" "Select the FreeBSD virtual machine and click Settings, " "then set the type of networking and a network interface:" @@ -76282,7 +76742,7 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42107 +#: book.translate.xml:42377 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd7' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd7' md5='__failed__'" @@ -76292,13 +76752,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42113 +#: book.translate.xml:42383 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd8' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd8' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42117 +#: book.translate.xml:42387 msgid "" "After the FreeBSD virtual machine has been created, FreeBSD can be installed " "on it. This is best done with an official FreeBSD CD/" @@ -76334,7 +76794,7 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42135 +#: book.translate.xml:42405 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd9' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd9' md5='__failed__'" @@ -76344,13 +76804,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42141 +#: book.translate.xml:42411 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd10' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd10' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42145 +#: book.translate.xml:42415 msgid "" "Once this association with the CD-ROM source has been " "made, reboot the FreeBSD virtual machine by clicking ActionCD/DVD or release the ISO image. " @@ -76411,21 +76871,21 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42177 +#: book.translate.xml:42447 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd13' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/virtualpc-freebsd13' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:42183 +#: book.translate.xml:42453 msgid "Configuring FreeBSD on Virtual PC" msgstr "Configuring FreeBSD on Virtual PC" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42186 +#: book.translate.xml:42456 msgid "" "After FreeBSD has been successfully installed on Microsoft Microsoft Windows with Virtual PC, there are " "a number of configuration steps that can be taken to optimize the system for " "virtualized operation." @@ -76437,7 +76897,7 @@ "sistema para operação virtualizada." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:42196 +#: book.translate.xml:42466 msgid "" "The most important step is to reduce the tunable to " "reduce the CPU utilization of FreeBSD under the Virtual PC/boot/loader.conf:" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:42205 +#: book.translate.xml:42475 msgid "" "Without this setting, an idle FreeBSD Virtual PC " "guest OS will use roughly 40% of the CPU of a single processor computer. " @@ -76462,7 +76922,7 @@ "mais próximo de 3%." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:42215 +#: book.translate.xml:42485 msgid "" "All of the SCSI, FireWire, and USB device drivers can be removed from a " "custom kernel configuration file. Virtual PC " @@ -76485,11 +76945,11 @@ "kernel." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:42226 +#: book.translate.xml:42496 msgid "" "The most basic networking setup uses DHCP to connect the virtual machine to " "the same local area network as the Microsoft Windows " +"\">Microsoft Windows " "host. This can be accomplished by adding ifconfig_de0=\"DHCP\" to /etc/rc.conf. More advanced networking " "setups are described in ." @@ -76502,25 +76962,25 @@ "avançadas são descritas em ." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:42239 +#: book.translate.xml:42509 msgid "" "FreeBSD as a Guest on VMware Fusion for " -"Mac OS" +"Mac OS" msgstr "" "FreeBSD como Sistema Operacional Convidado no VMware Fusion para Mac OS" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:42242 +#: book.translate.xml:42512 msgid "" "VMware Fusion for Mac is a commercial software product available for Intel based Apple Mac " -"computers running Mac OS 10.4.9 " +"computers running Mac OS 10.4.9 " "or higher. FreeBSD is a fully supported guest operating system. Once " "VMware Fusion has been installed on Mac OS X, the user can configure a virtual " +"class=\"registered\">Mac OS X, the user can configure a virtual " "machine and then install the desired guest operating system." msgstr "" "O VMware Fusion para VMware Fusion" msgstr "Instalando o FreeBSD no VMware Fusion" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42254 +#: book.translate.xml:42524 msgid "" "The first step is to start VMware Fusion which " "will load the Virtual Machine Library. Click New " @@ -76555,13 +77015,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42261 +#: book.translate.xml:42531 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd01' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd01' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42265 +#: book.translate.xml:42535 msgid "" "This will load the New Virtual Machine Assistant. Click " "Continue to proceed:" @@ -76574,13 +77034,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42270 +#: book.translate.xml:42540 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd02' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd02' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42274 +#: book.translate.xml:42544 msgid "" "Select Other as the Operating " "System and either FreeBSD or " @@ -76597,13 +77057,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42282 +#: book.translate.xml:42552 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd03' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd03' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42286 +#: book.translate.xml:42556 msgid "" "Choose the name of the virtual machine and the directory where it should be " "saved:" @@ -76615,13 +77075,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42291 +#: book.translate.xml:42561 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd04' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd04' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42295 +#: book.translate.xml:42565 msgid "Choose the size of the Virtual Hard Disk for the virtual machine:" msgstr "Escolha o tamanho do disco rígido virtual para a máquina virtual:" @@ -76630,13 +77090,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42300 +#: book.translate.xml:42570 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd05' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd05' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42304 +#: book.translate.xml:42574 msgid "" "Choose the method to install the virtual machine, either from an " "ISO image or from a CD/DVDFinish and the virtual machine will boot:" msgstr "" @@ -76668,13 +77128,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42319 +#: book.translate.xml:42589 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd07' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd07' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42323 +#: book.translate.xml:42593 msgid "Install FreeBSD as usual:" msgstr "Instale o FreeBSD como de costume:" @@ -76683,13 +77143,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42327 +#: book.translate.xml:42597 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd08' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd08' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42331 +#: book.translate.xml:42601 msgid "" "Once the install is complete, the settings of the virtual machine can be " "modified, such as memory usage:" @@ -76698,7 +77158,7 @@ "poderão ser modificadas, como o uso de memória:" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:42335 +#: book.translate.xml:42605 msgid "" "The System Hardware settings of the virtual machine cannot be modified while " "the virtual machine is running." @@ -76711,13 +77171,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42342 +#: book.translate.xml:42612 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd09' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd09' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42346 +#: book.translate.xml:42616 msgid "The number of CPUs the virtual machine will have access to:" msgstr "O número de CPUs a que a máquina virtual terá acesso:" @@ -76726,13 +77186,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42351 +#: book.translate.xml:42621 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd10' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd10' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42355 +#: book.translate.xml:42625 msgid "" "The status of the CD-ROM device. Normally the " "CD/DVD/ISO is " @@ -76747,13 +77207,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42363 +#: book.translate.xml:42633 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd11' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd11' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42367 +#: book.translate.xml:42637 msgid "" "The last thing to change is how the virtual machine will connect to the " "network. To allow connections to the virtual machine from other machines " @@ -76775,13 +77235,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:42379 +#: book.translate.xml:42649 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd12' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='virtualization/vmware-freebsd12' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42383 +#: book.translate.xml:42653 msgid "" "After modifying the settings, boot the newly installed FreeBSD virtual " "machine." @@ -76790,15 +77250,15 @@ "recém-instalada." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:42388 +#: book.translate.xml:42658 msgid "Configuring FreeBSD on VMware Fusion" msgstr "Configurando o FreeBSD no VMware Fusion" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42391 +#: book.translate.xml:42661 msgid "" "After FreeBSD has been successfully installed on Mac OS X with VMware FusionMac OS X with VMware Fusion, there are a number of configuration steps that can be taken to " "optimize the system for virtualized operation." msgstr "" @@ -76808,7 +77268,7 @@ "para otimizar o sistema para operar virtualizado." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:42400 +#: book.translate.xml:42670 msgid "" "The most important step is to reduce the tunable to " "reduce the CPU utilization of FreeBSD under the VMware Fusion/boot/loader.conf:" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:42409 +#: book.translate.xml:42679 msgid "" "Without this setting, an idle FreeBSD VMware Fusion guest will use roughly 15% of the CPU of a single processor " @@ -76834,7 +77294,7 @@ "esta mudança, o uso ficará próximo de 5%." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:42418 +#: book.translate.xml:42688 msgid "" "All of the FireWire, and USB device drivers can be removed from a custom " "kernel configuration file. VMware Fusion provides " @@ -76853,7 +77313,7 @@ "citerefentry> podem ser removidos do kernel." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:42429 +#: book.translate.xml:42699 msgid "" "The most basic networking setup uses DHCP to connect the virtual machine to " "the same local area network as the host Mac." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:42442 +#: book.translate.xml:42712 msgid "FreeBSD as a Guest on VirtualBox" msgstr "" "FreeBSD como Sistema Operacional Convidado no VirtualBox" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:42444 +#: book.translate.xml:42714 msgid "" "FreeBSD works well as a guest in VirtualBox. The virtualization software is available for most " @@ -76887,7 +77347,7 @@ "comuns, incluindo o próprio FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:42449 +#: book.translate.xml:42719 msgid "" "The VirtualBox guest " "additions provide support for:" @@ -76897,37 +77357,37 @@ "suporte para:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:42454 +#: book.translate.xml:42724 msgid "Clipboard sharing." msgstr "Compartilhamento de área de transferência." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:42458 +#: book.translate.xml:42728 msgid "Mouse pointer integration." msgstr "Integração do ponteiro do mouse." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:42462 +#: book.translate.xml:42732 msgid "Host time synchronization." msgstr "Sincronização de hora com o host." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:42466 +#: book.translate.xml:42736 msgid "Window scaling." msgstr "Redimensionamento de janela." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:42470 +#: book.translate.xml:42740 msgid "Seamless mode." msgstr "Modo Seamless." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:42475 +#: book.translate.xml:42745 msgid "These commands are run in the FreeBSD guest." msgstr "Estes comandos são executados na instancia virtualizada do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:42478 +#: book.translate.xml:42748 msgid "" "First, install the emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions " "package or port in the FreeBSD guest. This will install the port:" @@ -76937,18 +77397,18 @@ "o port:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42482 +#: book.translate.xml:42752 #, no-wrap msgid "# cd /usr/ports/emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions && make install clean" msgstr "# cd /usr/ports/emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions && make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:42484 +#: book.translate.xml:42754 msgid "Add these lines to /etc/rc.conf:" msgstr "Adicione estas linhas ao /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:42486 +#: book.translate.xml:42756 #, no-wrap msgid "" "vboxguest_enable=\"YES\"\n" @@ -76958,7 +77418,7 @@ "vboxservice_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:42489 +#: book.translate.xml:42759 msgid "" "If ntpd8 or ntpdateXorg will automatically recognize the " "vboxvideo driver. It can also be manually entered in " @@ -76988,7 +77448,7 @@ "/etc/X11/xorg.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:42499 +#: book.translate.xml:42769 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Section \"Device\"\n" @@ -77006,7 +77466,7 @@ "EndSection" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:42506 +#: book.translate.xml:42776 msgid "" "To use the vboxmouse driver, adjust the mouse section in " "/etc/X11/xorg.conf:" @@ -77015,7 +77475,7 @@ "/etc/X11/xorg.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:42509 +#: book.translate.xml:42779 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Section \"InputDevice\"\n" @@ -77029,7 +77489,7 @@ "EndSection" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:42514 +#: book.translate.xml:42784 msgid "" "HAL users should create the following /usr/" "local/etc/hal/fdi/policy/90-vboxguest.fdi or copy it from " @@ -77042,7 +77502,7 @@ "vboxguest.fdi:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:42519 +#: book.translate.xml:42789 #, no-wrap msgid "" "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" @@ -77112,7 +77572,7 @@ "</deviceinfo>" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:42552 +#: book.translate.xml:42822 msgid "" "Shared folders for file transfers between host and VM are accessible by " "mounting them using mount_vboxvfs. A shared folder can be " @@ -77131,13 +77591,13 @@ "denominada BSDBox, execute :" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42561 +#: book.translate.xml:42831 #, no-wrap msgid "# vboxmanage sharedfolder add 'BSDBox' --name myshare --hostpath /mnt/bsdboxshare" msgstr "# vboxmanage sharedfolder add 'BSDBox' --name myshare --hostpath /mnt/bsdboxshare" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:42563 +#: book.translate.xml:42833 msgid "" "Note that the shared folder name must not contain spaces. Mount the shared " "folder from within the guest system like this:" @@ -77146,23 +77606,23 @@ "pasta compartilhada de dentro do sistema convidado desta forma:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42567 +#: book.translate.xml:42837 #, no-wrap msgid "# mount_vboxvfs -w myshare /mnt" msgstr "# mount_vboxvfs -w myshare /mnt" #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:42571 +#: book.translate.xml:42841 msgid "FreeBSD as a Host with VirtualBox" msgstr "FreeBSD como Host com VirtualBox" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:42573 +#: book.translate.xml:42843 msgid "" "VirtualBox is an actively " "developed, complete virtualization package, that is available for most " "operating systems including Windows, Mac OS, , Mac OS, Linux and FreeBSD. It is equally capable of " "running Windows or UNIX-like guests. It is released as open " @@ -77183,19 +77643,19 @@ "\"registered\">UNIX-like. Ele é distribuído como um software de " "código aberto, mas com componentes de código fechado disponíveis em um " "pacote de extensão separado. Esses componentes incluem suporte para " -"dispositivos USB 2.0. Maiores informações podem ser encontradas na página " +"dispositivos USB 2.0. Maiores informações podem ser encontradas na página " "wiki sobre Downloads do VirtualBox. Atualmente, essas extensões não estão " "disponíveis para o FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:42586 +#: book.translate.xml:42856 msgid "Installing VirtualBox" msgstr "Instalando o VirtualBox" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42588 +#: book.translate.xml:42858 msgid "" "VirtualBox is available as " "a FreeBSD package or port in emulators/virtualbox-ose. " @@ -77206,7 +77666,7 @@ "virtualbox-ose. O port pode ser instalado usando estes comandos:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42593 +#: book.translate.xml:42863 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/emulators/virtualbox-ose\n" @@ -77216,7 +77676,7 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42596 +#: book.translate.xml:42866 msgid "" "One useful option in the port's configuration menu is the " "GuestAdditions suite of programs. These provide a number " @@ -77238,7 +77698,7 @@ "guimenu>, após a conclusão da instalação do sistema convidado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42606 +#: book.translate.xml:42876 msgid "" "A few configuration changes are needed before " "VirtualBox is started for " @@ -77251,13 +77711,13 @@ "modules o qual deve ser carregado no kernel em execução:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42612 +#: book.translate.xml:42882 #, no-wrap msgid "# kldload vboxdrv" msgstr "# kldload vboxdrv" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42614 +#: book.translate.xml:42884 msgid "" "To ensure the module is always loaded after a reboot, add this line to " "/boot/loader.conf:" @@ -77266,13 +77726,13 @@ "adicione esta linha ao /boot/loader.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:42618 +#: book.translate.xml:42888 #, no-wrap msgid "vboxdrv_load=\"YES\"" msgstr "vboxdrv_load=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42620 +#: book.translate.xml:42890 msgid "" "To use the kernel modules that allow bridged or host-only networking, add " "this line to /etc/rc.conf and reboot the computer:" @@ -77282,13 +77742,13 @@ "computador:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:42625 +#: book.translate.xml:42895 #, no-wrap msgid "vboxnet_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "vboxnet_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42627 +#: book.translate.xml:42897 msgid "" "The vboxusers group is created " "during installation of VirtualBox# pw groupmod vboxusers -m yourusername" msgstr "# pw groupmod vboxusers -m yourusername" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42636 +#: book.translate.xml:42906 msgid "" "The default permissions for /dev/vboxnetctl are " "restrictive and need to be changed for bridged networking:" @@ -77320,7 +77780,7 @@ "restritivas e precisam ser alteradas para redes em modo Bridged:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42640 +#: book.translate.xml:42910 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# chown root:vboxusers /dev/vboxnetctl\n" @@ -77330,7 +77790,7 @@ "# chmod 0660 /dev/vboxnetctl" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42643 +#: book.translate.xml:42913 msgid "" "To make this permissions change permanent, add these lines to /etc/" "devfs.conf:" @@ -77339,7 +77799,7 @@ "etc/devfs.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:42646 +#: book.translate.xml:42916 #, no-wrap msgid "" "own vboxnetctl root:vboxusers\n" @@ -77349,7 +77809,7 @@ "perm vboxnetctl 0660" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42649 +#: book.translate.xml:42919 msgid "" "To launch VirtualBox, type " "from a Xorg session:" @@ -77358,13 +77818,13 @@ "digite a partir de uma sessão Xorg:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42652 +#: book.translate.xml:42922 #, no-wrap msgid "% VirtualBox" msgstr "% VirtualBox" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42654 +#: book.translate.xml:42924 msgid "" "For more information on configuring and using " "VirtualBox, refer to the " @@ -77381,12 +77841,12 @@ "\">página relevante no wiki do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:42663 +#: book.translate.xml:42933 msgid "VirtualBox USB Support" msgstr "Suporte USB no VirtualBox" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42665 +#: book.translate.xml:42935 msgid "" "VirtualBox can be " "configured to pass USB devices through to the guest " @@ -77403,7 +77863,7 @@ "no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42672 +#: book.translate.xml:42942 msgid "" "For VirtualBox to be aware " "of USB devices attached to the machine, the user needs to " @@ -77416,13 +77876,13 @@ "\">operator." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42676 +#: book.translate.xml:42946 #, no-wrap msgid "# pw groupmod operator -m yourusername" msgstr "# pw groupmod operator -m yourusername" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42678 +#: book.translate.xml:42948 msgid "" "Then, add the following to /etc/devfs.rules, or create " "this file if it does not exist yet:" @@ -77431,7 +77891,7 @@ "filename>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:42682 +#: book.translate.xml:42952 #, no-wrap msgid "" "[system=10]\n" @@ -77441,7 +77901,7 @@ "add path 'usb/*' mode 0660 group operator" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42685 +#: book.translate.xml:42955 msgid "" "To load these new rules, add the following to /etc/rc.conf:" @@ -77449,25 +77909,13 @@ "Em seguida, adicione as seguintes linhas ao /etc/rc.conf:" -#. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:42688 -#, no-wrap -msgid "devfs_system_ruleset=\"system\"" -msgstr "devfs_system_ruleset=\"system\"" - #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42690 +#: book.translate.xml:42960 msgid "Then, restart devfs:" msgstr "Então reinicie o devfs:" -#. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42692 book.translate.xml:42743 -#, no-wrap -msgid "# service devfs restart" -msgstr "# service devfs restart" - #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42694 +#: book.translate.xml:42964 msgid "" "Restart the login session and VirtualBox for these changes to take effect, and create " @@ -77478,7 +77926,7 @@ "filtros USB conforme necessário." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:42701 +#: book.translate.xml:42971 msgid "" "VirtualBox Host DVD/CD Access" @@ -77487,7 +77935,7 @@ "VirtualBox" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42704 +#: book.translate.xml:42974 msgid "" "Access to the host DVD/CD drives from " "guests is achieved through the sharing of the physical drives. Within " @@ -77513,7 +77961,7 @@ "áudio ou o gravador só funcionará se esta opção estiver selecionada." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42718 +#: book.translate.xml:42988 msgid "" "HAL needs to run for VirtualBox DVD/CD " @@ -77527,19 +77975,19 @@ "ainda não estiver em execução:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:42724 +#: book.translate.xml:42994 #, no-wrap msgid "hald_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "hald_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42726 +#: book.translate.xml:42996 #, no-wrap msgid "# service hald start" msgstr "# service hald start" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42728 +#: book.translate.xml:42998 msgid "" "In order for users to be able to use VirtualBox DVD/CD " @@ -77561,7 +78009,7 @@ "filename>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:42739 +#: book.translate.xml:43009 #, no-wrap msgid "" "perm cd* 0660\n" @@ -77573,12 +78021,12 @@ "perm pass* 0660" #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:42748 +#: book.translate.xml:43018 msgid "FreeBSD as a Host with bhyve" msgstr "FreeBSD como um Host bhyve" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:42751 +#: book.translate.xml:43021 msgid "" "The bhyve BSD-licensed " "hypervisor became part of the base system with FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE. This " @@ -77600,7 +78048,7 @@ "instruções e de gerenciamento manual de mapeamentos de memória." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:42762 +#: book.translate.xml:43032 msgid "" "The bhyve design requires a processor that " "supports Intel Extended Page " @@ -77610,23 +78058,22 @@ "\">Linux guests or FreeBSD guests with more than one " "vCPU requires VMX unrestricted mode " "support (UG). Most newer processors, specifically the " -"Intel Core i3/i5/i7 and Intel Xeon E3/E5/E7, support these features. " -"UG support was introduced with Intel's Westmere micro-" -"architecture. For a complete list of Intel processors that support EPT, refer to . " -"RVI is found on the third generation and later of the " -"AMD Opteron (Barcelona) processors. The easiest way " -"to tell if a processor supports bhyve is to run " -"dmesg or look in /var/run/dmesg.boot " -"for the POPCNT processor feature flag on the " -"Features2 line for AMD processors or EPT and UG on " -"the VT-x line for Intel processors." +"Intel Core i3/i5/i7 and Intel " +"Xeon E3/E5/E7, support these features. UG support was introduced with Intel's Westmere micro-architecture. " +"For a complete list of Intel " +"processors that support EPT, refer to . RVI is " +"found on the third generation and later of the AMD Opteron (Barcelona) processors. The easiest way to tell if a processor " +"supports bhyve is to run dmesg " +"or look in /var/run/dmesg.boot for the POPCNT processor feature flag on the Features2 line for " +"AMD processors or EPT and UG on the VT-x line for " +"Intel processors." msgstr "" "O design do bhyve requer um processador que " "suporte tabelas de páginas estendidas da Intel." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:42787 +#: book.translate.xml:43057 msgid "Preparing the Host" msgstr "Preparando o host" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42789 +#: book.translate.xml:43059 msgid "" "The first step to creating a virtual machine in bhyve is configuring the host system. First, load the " @@ -77673,13 +78120,13 @@ "kernel bhyve:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42794 +#: book.translate.xml:43064 #, no-wrap msgid "# kldload vmm" msgstr "# kldload vmm" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42796 +#: book.translate.xml:43066 msgid "" "Then, create a tap interface for the network device in " "the virtual machine to attach to. In order for the network device to " @@ -77694,7 +78141,7 @@ "interface física é igb0:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42804 +#: book.translate.xml:43074 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig tap0 create\n" @@ -77712,12 +78159,12 @@ "# ifconfig bridge0 up" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:42813 +#: book.translate.xml:43083 msgid "Creating a FreeBSD Guest" msgstr "Criando um Sistema Operacional Convidado do FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42815 +#: book.translate.xml:43085 msgid "" "Create a file to use as the virtual disk for the guest machine. Specify the " "size and name of the virtual disk:" @@ -77726,18 +78173,18 @@ "Especifique o tamanho e o nome do disco virtual:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42819 +#: book.translate.xml:43089 #, no-wrap msgid "# truncate -s 16G guest.img" msgstr "# truncate -s 16G guest.img" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42821 +#: book.translate.xml:43091 msgid "Download an installation image of FreeBSD to install:" msgstr "Baixe uma imagem de instalação do FreeBSD para instalar:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42823 +#: book.translate.xml:43093 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# fetch\n" @@ -77747,7 +78194,7 @@ "FreeBSD-10.3-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso 100% of 230 MB 570 kBps 06m17s" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42826 +#: book.translate.xml:43096 msgid "" "FreeBSD comes with an example script for running a virtual machine in " "bhyve. The script will start the virtual machine " @@ -77779,13 +78226,13 @@ "instalação:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42843 +#: book.translate.xml:43113 #, no-wrap msgid "# sh /usr/share/examples/bhyve/ -c 1 -m 1024M -t tap0 -d guest.img -i -I FreeBSD-10.3-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso guestname" msgstr "# sh /usr/share/examples/bhyve/ -c 1 -m 1024M -t tap0 -d guest.img -i -I FreeBSD-10.3-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso guestname" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42845 +#: book.translate.xml:43115 msgid "" "The virtual machine will boot and start the installer. After installing a " "system in the virtual machine, when the system asks about dropping in to a " @@ -77796,7 +78243,7 @@ "em um shell no final da instalação, escolha Yes." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42850 +#: book.translate.xml:43120 msgid "" "Reboot the virtual machine. While rebooting the virtual machine causes " "bhyve to exit, the " @@ -77813,20 +78260,20 @@ "Agora o convidado pode ser iniciado a partir do disco virtual:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42858 +#: book.translate.xml:43128 #, no-wrap msgid "# sh /usr/share/examples/bhyve/ -c 4 -m 1024M -t tap0 -d guest.img guestname" msgstr "# sh /usr/share/examples/bhyve/ -c 4 -m 1024M -t tap0 -d guest.img guestname" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:42862 +#: book.translate.xml:43132 msgid "Creating a Linux Guest" msgstr "" "Criando um Sistema Operacional convidado Linux" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42864 +#: book.translate.xml:43134 msgid "" "In order to boot operating systems other than FreeBSD, the sysutils/" "grub2-bhyve port must be first installed." @@ -77835,20 +78282,20 @@ "sysutils/grub2-bhyve deve ser instalada primeiro." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42868 +#: book.translate.xml:43138 msgid "Next, create a file to use as the virtual disk for the guest machine:" msgstr "" "Em seguida, crie um arquivo para usar como o disco virtual da máquina " "convidada:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42871 +#: book.translate.xml:43141 #, no-wrap msgid "# truncate -s 16G linux.img" msgstr "# truncate -s 16G linux.img" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42873 +#: book.translate.xml:43143 msgid "" "Starting a virtual machine with bhyve is a two " "step process. First a kernel must be loaded, then the guest can be started. " @@ -77866,7 +78313,7 @@ "para os arquivos no sistema host:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:42882 +#: book.translate.xml:43152 #, no-wrap msgid "" "(hd0) ./linux.img\n" @@ -77876,7 +78323,7 @@ "(cd0) ./somelinux.iso" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42885 +#: book.translate.xml:43155 msgid "" "Use sysutils/grub2-bhyve to load the Linux kernel from the ISO " @@ -77887,13 +78334,13 @@ "ISO:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42888 +#: book.translate.xml:43158 #, no-wrap msgid "# grub-bhyve -m -r cd0 -M 1024M linuxguest" msgstr "# grub-bhyve -m -r cd0 -M 1024M linuxguest" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42890 +#: book.translate.xml:43160 msgid "" "This will start grub. If the installation CD contains a " "grub.cfg, a menu will be displayed. If not, the " @@ -77906,7 +78353,7 @@ "localizados e carregados manualmente:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42897 +#: book.translate.xml:43167 #, no-wrap msgid "" "grub> ls\n" @@ -77928,7 +78375,7 @@ "grub> boot" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42906 +#: book.translate.xml:43176 msgid "" "Now that the Linux kernel is " "loaded, the guest can be started:" @@ -77937,7 +78384,7 @@ "carregado, o sistema convidado pode ser iniciado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42909 +#: book.translate.xml:43179 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# bhyve -A -H -P -s 0:0,hostbridge -s 1:0,lpc -s 2:0,virtio-net,tap0 -s 3:0,virtio-blk,./linux.img \\\n" @@ -77947,7 +78394,7 @@ " -s 4:0,ahci-cd,./somelinux.iso -l com1,stdio -c 4 -m 1024M linuxguest" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42912 +#: book.translate.xml:43182 msgid "" "The system will boot and start the installer. After installing a system in " "the virtual machine, reboot the virtual machine. This will cause " @@ -77960,13 +78407,13 @@ "máquina virtual precisa ser destruída antes de poder ser iniciada novamente:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42918 book.translate.xml:42946 +#: book.translate.xml:43188 book.translate.xml:43216 #, no-wrap msgid "# bhyvectl --destroy --vm=linuxguest" msgstr "# bhyvectl --destroy --vm=linuxguest" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42920 +#: book.translate.xml:43190 msgid "" "Now the guest can be started directly from the virtual disk. Load the kernel:" msgstr "" @@ -77974,7 +78421,7 @@ "Carregue o kernel:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42923 +#: book.translate.xml:43193 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# grub-bhyve -m -r hd0,msdos1 -M 1024M linuxguest\n" @@ -78002,12 +78449,12 @@ "grub> boot" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42935 +#: book.translate.xml:43205 msgid "Boot the virtual machine:" msgstr "Inicialize a máquina virtual:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42937 +#: book.translate.xml:43207 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# bhyve -A -H -P -s 0:0,hostbridge -s 1:0,lpc -s 2:0,virtio-net,tap0 \\\n" @@ -78017,7 +78464,7 @@ " -s 3:0,virtio-blk,./linux.img -l com1,stdio -c 4 -m 1024M linuxguest" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42940 +#: book.translate.xml:43210 msgid "" "Linux will now boot in the " "virtual machine and eventually present you with the login prompt. Login and " @@ -78032,7 +78479,7 @@ "da máquina virtual:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:42950 +#: book.translate.xml:43220 msgid "" "Booting bhyve Virtual Machines with " "UEFI Firmware" @@ -78041,7 +78488,7 @@ "Firmware UEFI" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42953 +#: book.translate.xml:43223 msgid "" "In addition to bhyveload and grub-" "bhyve, the bhyve hypervisor can " @@ -78056,7 +78503,7 @@ "convidados que não são suportados pelos outros carregadores." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42960 +#: book.translate.xml:43230 msgid "" "In order to make use of the UEFI support in " "bhyve, first obtain the UEFI " @@ -78069,7 +78516,7 @@ "bhyve-firmware ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42966 +#: book.translate.xml:43236 msgid "" "With the firmware in place, add the flags to your bhyve pode se parecer com a seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42972 +#: book.translate.xml:43242 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# bhyve -AHP -s 0:0,hostbridge -s 1:0,lpc \\\n" @@ -78098,7 +78545,7 @@ "guest" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42978 +#: book.translate.xml:43248 msgid "" "sysutils/bhyve-firmware also contains a CSM-enabled firmware, to boot guests with no UEFI " @@ -78110,7 +78557,7 @@ "BIOS legado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:42983 +#: book.translate.xml:43253 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# bhyve -AHP -s 0:0,hostbridge -s 1:0,lpc \\\n" @@ -78126,7 +78573,7 @@ "guest" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:42991 +#: book.translate.xml:43261 msgid "" "Graphical UEFI Framebuffer for bhyve Guests" @@ -78135,7 +78582,7 @@ "application>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42994 +#: book.translate.xml:43264 msgid "" "The UEFI firmware support is particularly useful with " "predominantly graphical guest operating systems such as Microsoft Windows." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:42998 +#: book.translate.xml:43268 msgid "" "Support for the UEFI-GOP framebuffer may also be enabled with the flags. The " @@ -78155,7 +78602,9 @@ "and bhyve can be instructed to wait for a " "VNC connection before booting the guest by adding " ". The framebuffer may be accessed from the host or over " -"the network via the VNC protocol." +"the network via the VNC protocol. Additionally, can be added to achieve precise mouse cursor " +"synchronization with the host." msgstr "" "O suporte para o framebuffer UEFI-GOP também pode ser ativado com os " "sinalizadores 64-Bit DomU and Amazon EC2 unprivileged domain " -"(virtual machine) support since FreeBSD 8.0 and includes Dom0 control domain " -"(host) support in FreeBSD 11.0. Support for para-virtualized (PV) domains " -"has been removed from FreeBSD 11 in favor of hardware virtualized (HVM) " +"(virtual machine) support since FreeBSD 8.0 and includes Dom0 control domain " +"(host) support in FreeBSD 11.0. Support for para-virtualized (PV) domains " +"has been removed from FreeBSD 11 in favor of hardware virtualized (HVM) " "domains, which provides better performance." msgstr "" "O Xen é um Xen is a bare-metal hypervisor, which means that it " "is the first program loaded after the BIOS. A special privileged guest " @@ -78468,7 +78921,7 @@ "executadas." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:43161 +#: book.translate.xml:43434 msgid "" "Xen can migrate VMs between different Xen servers. When the two xen hosts share the same underlying " @@ -78494,12 +78947,12 @@ "que ainda nem todos os recursos são suportados no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:43173 +#: book.translate.xml:43446 msgid "Hardware Requirements for Xen Dom0" msgstr "Requisitos de hardware para o Xen Dom0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43175 +#: book.translate.xml:43448 msgid "" "To run the Xen hypervisor on a host, certain hardware " "functionality is required. Hardware virtualized domains require Extended " @@ -78517,7 +78970,7 @@ "processador do host." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:43182 +#: book.translate.xml:43455 msgid "" "In order to run a FreeBSD Xen Dom0 the box must be " "booted using legacy boot (BIOS)." @@ -78526,14 +78979,14 @@ "ser inicializada usando o boot legado (BIOS)." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:43189 +#: book.translate.xml:43462 msgid "Xen Dom0 Control Domain Setup" msgstr "Configuração do Xen Dom0 Domínio de Controle" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43191 +#: book.translate.xml:43464 msgid "" -"Users of FreeBSD 11 should install the emulators/xen-kernel47emulators/xen-kernel47 and sysutils/xen-tools47 packages that are based " "on Xen version 4.7. Systems running on FreeBSD-12.0 or newer can use Xen " "4.11 provided by emulators/xen-kernel411 and " @@ -78546,7 +78999,7 @@ "package> e sysutils/xen-tools411, respectivamente." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43199 +#: book.translate.xml:43472 msgid "" "Configuration files must be edited to prepare the host for the Dom0 " "integration after the Xen packages are installed. An entry to /etc/" @@ -78561,13 +79014,13 @@ "requisitos de memória mais altos não serão executadas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43206 +#: book.translate.xml:43479 #, no-wrap msgid "# echo 'vm.max_wired=-1' >> /etc/sysctl.conf" msgstr "# echo 'vm.max_wired=-1' >> /etc/sysctl.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43208 +#: book.translate.xml:43481 msgid "" "Another memory-related setting involves changing /etc/login.conf, setting the memorylocked option to " @@ -78587,7 +79040,7 @@ "para detalhes." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43219 +#: book.translate.xml:43492 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# sed -i '' -e 's/memorylocked=64K/memorylocked=unlimited/' /etc/login.conf\n" @@ -78597,7 +79050,7 @@ "# cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43222 +#: book.translate.xml:43495 msgid "" "Add an entry for the Xen console to /etc/" "ttys:" @@ -78606,19 +79059,19 @@ "/etc/ttys:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43225 +#: book.translate.xml:43498 #, no-wrap msgid "# echo 'xc0 \"/usr/libexec/getty Pc\" xterm onifconsole secure' >> /etc/ttys" msgstr "# echo 'xc0 \"/usr/libexec/getty Pc\" xterm onifconsole secure' >> /etc/ttys" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43227 +#: book.translate.xml:43500 msgid "" "Selecting a Xen kernel in /boot/loader." "conf activates the Dom0. Xen also requires " "resources like CPU and memory from the host machine for itself and other " "DomU domains. How much CPU and memory depends on the individual requirements " -"and hardware capabilities. In this example, 8 GB of memory and 4 virtual " +"and hardware capabilities. In this example, 8 GB of memory and 4 virtual " "CPUs are made available for the Dom0. The serial console is also activated " "and logging options are defined." msgstr "" @@ -78631,12 +79084,12 @@ "e as opções de log são definidas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43237 +#: book.translate.xml:43510 msgid "The following command is used for Xen 4.7 packages:" msgstr "O seguinte comando é usado para pacotes Xen 4.7:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43239 +#: book.translate.xml:43512 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# sysrc -f /boot/loader.conf hw.pci.mcfg=0\n" @@ -78650,7 +79103,7 @@ "# sysrc -f /boot/loader.conf xen_cmdline=\"dom0_mem=8192M dom0_max_vcpus=4 dom0pvh=1 console=com1,vga com1=115200,8n1 guest_loglvl=all loglvl=all\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43244 +#: book.translate.xml:43517 msgid "" "For Xen versions 4.11 and higher, the following command should be used " "instead:" @@ -78658,7 +79111,7 @@ "Para as versões Xen 4.11 e superiores, o seguinte comando deve ser usado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43247 +#: book.translate.xml:43520 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# sysrc -f /boot/loader.conf if_tap_load=\"YES\"\n" @@ -78670,7 +79123,7 @@ "# sysrc -f /boot/loader.conf xen_cmdline=\"dom0_mem=8192M dom0_max_vcpus=4 dom0=pvh console=com1,vga com1=115200,8n1 guest_loglvl=all loglvl=all\"" #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:43252 +#: book.translate.xml:43525 msgid "" "Log files that Xen creates for the DomU VMs are " "stored in /var/log/xen. Please be sure to check the " @@ -78681,18 +79134,18 @@ "certifique-se de verificar o conteúdo do diretório em caso de problemas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43258 +#: book.translate.xml:43531 msgid "Activate the xencommons service during system startup:" msgstr "Ative o serviço xencommons durante a inicialização do sistema:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43261 +#: book.translate.xml:43534 #, no-wrap msgid "# sysrc xencommons_enable=yes" msgstr "# sysrc xencommons_enable=yes" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43263 +#: book.translate.xml:43536 msgid "" "These settings are enough to start a Dom0-enabled system. However, it lacks " "network functionality for the DomU machines. To fix that, define a bridged " @@ -78707,7 +79160,7 @@ "em0 pelo nome da interface de rede do host." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43271 +#: book.translate.xml:43544 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# sysrc cloned_interfaces=\"bridge0\"\n" @@ -78719,7 +79172,7 @@ "# sysrc ifconfig_em0=\"up\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43275 +#: book.translate.xml:43548 msgid "" "Restart the host to load the Xen kernel and start the " "Dom0." @@ -78728,13 +79181,13 @@ "Dom0." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43278 +#: book.translate.xml:43551 #, no-wrap msgid "# reboot" msgstr "# reboot" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43280 +#: book.translate.xml:43553 msgid "" "After successfully booting the Xen kernel and logging " "into the system again, the Xen management tool " @@ -78746,7 +79199,7 @@ "domínios." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43285 +#: book.translate.xml:43558 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# xl list\n" @@ -78758,7 +79211,7 @@ "Domain-0 0 8192 4 r----- 962.0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43289 +#: book.translate.xml:43562 msgid "" "The output confirms that the Dom0 (called Domain-0) has " "the ID 0 and is running. It also has the memory and " @@ -78776,19 +79229,19 @@ "criadas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:43299 +#: book.translate.xml:43572 msgid "Xen DomU Guest VM Configuration" msgstr "Configuração da VM Convidada Xen DomU" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43301 +#: book.translate.xml:43574 msgid "" "Unprivileged domains consist of a configuration file and virtual or physical " "hard disks. Virtual disk storage for the DomU can be files created by " "truncate1 or ZFS volumes as described in . In this example, a 20 GB volume is used. A VM is created " -"with the ZFS volume, a FreeBSD ISO image, 1 GB of RAM and two virtual CPUs. " +"zfs-volume\"/>. In this example, a 20 GB volume is used. A VM is created " +"with the ZFS volume, a FreeBSD ISO image, 1 GB of RAM and two virtual CPUs. " "The ISO installation file is retrieved with " "fetch1 and saved locally in a file called freebsd.isofreebsd.iso." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43311 +#: book.translate.xml:43584 #, no-wrap msgid "# fetch -o freebsd.iso" msgstr "# fetch -o freebsd.iso" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43313 +#: book.translate.xml:43586 msgid "" -"A ZFS volume of 20 GB called xendisk0 is created to " +"A ZFS volume of 20 GB called xendisk0 is created to " "serve as the disk space for the VM." msgstr "" "Um volume de 20 GB do ZFS chamado xendisk0 é criado " "para servir como espaço em disco para a VM." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43317 +#: book.translate.xml:43590 #, no-wrap msgid "# zfs create -V20G -o volmode=dev zroot/xendisk0" msgstr "# zfs create -V20G -o volmode=dev zroot/xendisk0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43319 +#: book.translate.xml:43592 msgid "" "The new DomU guest VM is defined in a file. Some specific definitions like " "name, keymap, and VNC connection details are also defined. The following " @@ -78840,7 +79293,7 @@ "configuração mínima de DomU para este exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43324 +#: book.translate.xml:43597 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cat freebsd.cfg\n" @@ -78874,12 +79327,12 @@ "usbdevice = \"tablet\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43339 +#: book.translate.xml:43612 msgid "These lines are explained in more detail:" msgstr "Estas linhas são explicadas com mais detalhes:" #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:43343 +#: book.translate.xml:43616 msgid "" "This defines what kind of virtualization to use. hvm " "refers to hardware-assisted virtualization or hardware virtual machine. " @@ -78896,7 +79349,7 @@ "cria um domínio PV." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:43354 +#: book.translate.xml:43627 msgid "" "Name of this virtual machine to distinguish it from others running on the " "same Dom0. Required." @@ -78905,7 +79358,7 @@ "Dom0. Requerido." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:43359 +#: book.translate.xml:43632 msgid "" "Quantity of RAM in megabytes to make available to the VM. This amount is " "subtracted from the hypervisor's total available memory, not the memory of " @@ -78915,7 +79368,7 @@ "subtraído da memória total disponível do hypervisor, não da memória do Dom0." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:43365 +#: book.translate.xml:43638 msgid "" "Number of virtual CPUs available to the guest VM. For best performance, do " "not create guests with more virtual CPUs than the number of physical CPUs on " @@ -78926,7 +79379,7 @@ "CPUs físicas no host." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:43371 +#: book.translate.xml:43644 msgid "" "Virtual network adapter. This is the bridge connected to the network " "interface of the host. The mac parameter is the MAC " @@ -78939,7 +79392,7 @@ "fornecido, o Xen irá gerar um aleatório." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:43380 +#: book.translate.xml:43653 msgid "" "Full path to the disk, file, or ZFS volume of the disk storage for this VM. " "Options and multiple disk definitions are separated by commas." @@ -78949,7 +79402,7 @@ "por vírgulas." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:43386 +#: book.translate.xml:43659 msgid "" "Defines the Boot medium from which the initial operating system is " "installed. In this example, it is the ISO imaged downloaded earlier. Consult " @@ -78962,7 +79415,7 @@ "dispositivos e outras opções para configurar." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:43394 +#: book.translate.xml:43667 msgid "" "Options controlling VNC connectivity to the serial console of the DomU. In " "order, these are: active VNC support, define IP address on which to listen, " @@ -78978,7 +79431,7 @@ "english por padrão." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43404 +#: book.translate.xml:43677 msgid "" "After the file has been created with all the necessary options, the DomU is " "created by passing it to xl create as a parameter." @@ -78988,13 +79441,13 @@ "command>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43408 +#: book.translate.xml:43681 #, no-wrap msgid "# xl create freebsd.cfg" msgstr "# xl create freebsd.cfg" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:43411 +#: book.translate.xml:43684 msgid "" "Each time the Dom0 is restarted, the configuration file must be passed to " "xl create again to re-create the DomU. By default, only " @@ -79015,14 +79468,14 @@ "recriar a VM convidada quando necessário." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43423 +#: book.translate.xml:43696 msgid "" "The output of xl list confirms that the DomU has been " "created." msgstr "A saída de xl list confirma que o DomU foi criado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43426 +#: book.translate.xml:43699 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# xl list\n" @@ -79036,7 +79489,7 @@ "freebsd 1 1024 1 -b---- 663.9" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43431 +#: book.translate.xml:43704 msgid "" "To begin the installation of the base operating system, start the VNC " "client, directing it to the main network address of the host or to the IP " @@ -79062,7 +79515,7 @@ "Depois, recrie-o usando o freebsd.cfg modificado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43446 +#: book.translate.xml:43719 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# xl destroy freebsd\n" @@ -79072,7 +79525,7 @@ "# xl create freebsd.cfg" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43449 +#: book.translate.xml:43722 msgid "" "The machine can then be accessed again using the VNC viewer. This time, it " "will boot from the virtual disk where the operating system has been " @@ -79083,7 +79536,7 @@ "operacional foi instalado e pode ser usado como uma máquina virtual." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43458 +#: book.translate.xml:43731 msgid "" "This section contains basic information in order to help troubleshoot issues " "found when using FreeBSD as a Xen host or guest." @@ -79093,12 +79546,12 @@ "trademark>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:43463 +#: book.translate.xml:43736 msgid "Host Boot Troubleshooting" msgstr "Solução de problemas de inicialização do host" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:43465 +#: book.translate.xml:43738 msgid "" "Please note that the following troubleshooting tips are intended for " "Xen 4.11 or newer. If you are still using " @@ -79111,7 +79564,7 @@ "para uma versão mais recente do Xen." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:43470 +#: book.translate.xml:43743 msgid "" "In order to troubleshoot host boot issues you will likely need a serial " "cable, or a debug USB cable. Verbose Xen boot output " @@ -79127,7 +79580,7 @@ "são:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:43479 +#: book.translate.xml:43752 msgid "" "iommu=debug: can be used to print additional diagnostic " "information about the iommu." @@ -79136,7 +79589,7 @@ "diagnóstico adicionais sobre o iommu." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:43484 +#: book.translate.xml:43757 msgid "" "dom0=verbose: can be used to print additional diagnostic " "information about the dom0 build process." @@ -79145,7 +79598,7 @@ "diagnóstico adicionais sobre o processo de compilação dom0." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:43489 +#: book.translate.xml:43762 msgid "" "sync_console: flag to force synchronous console output. " "Useful for debugging to avoid losing messages due to rate limiting. Never " @@ -79160,7 +79613,7 @@ "Xen usando o console." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:43498 +#: book.translate.xml:43771 msgid "" "FreeBSD should also be booted in verbose mode in order to identify any " "issues. To activate verbose booting, run this command:" @@ -79170,13 +79623,13 @@ "comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43502 +#: book.translate.xml:43775 #, no-wrap msgid "# sysrc -f /boot/loader.conf boot_verbose=\"YES\"" msgstr "# sysrc -f /boot/loader.conf boot_verbose=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:43504 +#: book.translate.xml:43777 msgid "" "If none of these options help solving the problem, please send the serial " "boot log to and xen-" @@ -79187,12 +79640,12 @@ " para uma análise mais aprofundada." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:43512 +#: book.translate.xml:43785 msgid "Guest Creation Troubleshooting" msgstr "Solução de problemas na criação de VMs convidadas" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:43514 +#: book.translate.xml:43787 msgid "" "Issues can also arise when creating guests, the following attempts to " "provide some help for those trying to diagnose guest creation issues." @@ -79202,7 +79655,7 @@ "problemas de criação de convidados." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:43518 +#: book.translate.xml:43791 msgid "" "The most common cause of guest creation failures is the xl command spitting some error and exiting with a return code " @@ -79217,7 +79670,7 @@ "xl usando-se a opção v repetidamente." #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43526 +#: book.translate.xml:43799 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# xl -vvv create freebsd.cfg\n" @@ -79249,7 +79702,7 @@ "..." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:43540 +#: book.translate.xml:43813 msgid "" "If the verbose output does not help diagnose the issue there are also QEMU " "and Xen toolstack logs in /var/log/xen para obter ajuda." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:43567 +#: book.translate.xml:43840 msgid "" "Localization - i18n/L10n Usage and " "Setup" @@ -79284,7 +79737,7 @@ "acronym>" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:43572 +#: book.translate.xml:43845 msgid "" "AndreyChernovContributed by " @@ -79293,7 +79746,7 @@ "personname>Contributed by " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:43576 +#: book.translate.xml:43849 msgid "" "Michael C.WuRewritten by " @@ -79302,7 +79755,7 @@ "personname>Rewritten by " #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:43586 +#: book.translate.xml:43859 msgid "" "FreeBSD is a distributed project with users and contributors located all " "over the world. As such, FreeBSD supports localization into many languages, " @@ -79318,17 +79771,17 @@ "Japonês, Coreano, Francês, Russo e Vietnamita." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:43594 +#: book.translate.xml:43867 msgid "internationalization localization" msgstr "internationalization localization" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:43598 +#: book.translate.xml:43871 msgid "localization" msgstr "localization" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:43600 +#: book.translate.xml:43873 msgid "" "The term internationalization has been shortened to i18n, " "which represents the number of letters between the first and the last " @@ -79345,7 +79798,7 @@ "acronym> permitem que os usuários usem os idiomas de sua escolha." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:43610 +#: book.translate.xml:43883 msgid "" "This chapter discusses the internationalization and localization features of " "FreeBSD. After reading this chapter, you will know:" @@ -79354,39 +79807,39 @@ "FreeBSD. Depois de ler este capítulo, você saberá:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:43616 +#: book.translate.xml:43889 msgid "How locale names are constructed." msgstr "Como os nomes de localidade são construídos." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:43620 +#: book.translate.xml:43893 msgid "How to set the locale for a login shell." msgstr "Como definir a localidade para um login shell." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:43624 +#: book.translate.xml:43897 msgid "How to configure the console for non-English languages." msgstr "Como configurar o console para idiomas diferentes do inglês." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:43629 +#: book.translate.xml:43902 msgid "" "How to configure Xorg for different languages." msgstr "" "Como configurar o Xorg para diferentes idiomas." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:43634 +#: book.translate.xml:43907 msgid "How to find i18n-compliant applications." msgstr "Como encontrar aplicativos compatíveis com i18n." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:43639 +#: book.translate.xml:43912 msgid "Where to find more information for configuring specific languages." msgstr "Onde encontrar mais informações para configurar idiomas específicos." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:43647 +#: book.translate.xml:43920 msgid "" "Know how to install additional third-party " "applications." @@ -79395,18 +79848,18 @@ "terceiros ." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:43654 +#: book.translate.xml:43927 msgid "Using Localization" msgstr "Usando Localização" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:43656 book.translate.xml:43773 +#: book.translate.xml:43929 book.translate.xml:44046 msgid "locale" msgstr "locale" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:43658 +#: book.translate.xml:43931 msgid "" "Localization settings are based on three components: the language code, " "country code, and encoding. Locale names are constructed from these parts as " @@ -79417,23 +79870,23 @@ "construídos a partir dessas partes da seguinte maneira:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:43662 +#: book.translate.xml:43935 #, no-wrap msgid "LanguageCode_CountryCode.Encoding" msgstr "LanguageCode_CountryCode.Encoding" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:43664 +#: book.translate.xml:43937 msgid "language codes" msgstr "language codes" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:43665 +#: book.translate.xml:43938 msgid "country codes" msgstr "country codes" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:43667 +#: book.translate.xml:43940 msgid "" "The LanguageCode and CountryCode are used to determine the country and the specific language " @@ -79448,80 +79901,80 @@ "replaceable>_CountryCode:" #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:43673 +#: book.translate.xml:43946 msgid "Common Language and Country Codes" msgstr "Idiomas Comum e Códigos de País" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:43678 +#: book.translate.xml:43951 msgid "LanguageCode_Country Code" msgstr "LanguageCode_Country Code" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:43685 +#: book.translate.xml:43958 msgid "en_US" msgstr "en_US" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:43686 +#: book.translate.xml:43959 msgid "English, United States" msgstr "Inglês, Estados Unidos" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:43690 +#: book.translate.xml:43963 msgid "ru_RU" msgstr "ru_RU" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:43691 +#: book.translate.xml:43964 msgid "Russian, Russia" msgstr "Russo, Rússia" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:43695 +#: book.translate.xml:43968 msgid "zh_TW" msgstr "zh_TW" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:43696 +#: book.translate.xml:43969 msgid "Traditional Chinese, Taiwan" msgstr "Chinês Tradicional, Taiwan" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:43702 +#: book.translate.xml:43975 msgid "A complete listing of available locales can be found by typing:" msgstr "" "Uma lista completa de localidades disponíveis pode ser encontrada digitando:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43705 +#: book.translate.xml:43978 #, no-wrap msgid "% locale -a | more" msgstr "% locale -a | more" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:43707 +#: book.translate.xml:43980 msgid "To determine the current locale setting:" msgstr "Para determinar a configuração atual de localidade:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43709 +#: book.translate.xml:43982 #, no-wrap msgid "% locale" msgstr "% locale" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:43711 +#: book.translate.xml:43984 msgid "encodings" msgstr "encodings" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:43712 +#: book.translate.xml:43985 msgid "ASCII" msgstr "ASCII" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:43714 +#: book.translate.xml:43987 msgid "" "Language specific character sets, such as ISO8859-1, ISO8859-15, KOI8-R, and " "CP437, are described in multibyteIANA Registry." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:43720 +#: book.translate.xml:43993 msgid "" "Some languages, such as Chinese or Japanese, cannot be represented using " "ASCII characters and require an extended language " @@ -79557,12 +80010,12 @@ "suporte a caracteres wide ou multibyte, ou configurá-lo corretamente." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:43732 +#: book.translate.xml:44005 msgid "FreeBSD uses Xorg-compatible locale encodings." msgstr "O FreeBSD usa codificações de locale compatíveis com o Xorg." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:43735 +#: book.translate.xml:44008 msgid "" "The rest of this section describes the various methods for configuring the " "locale on a FreeBSD system. The next section will discuss the considerations " @@ -79573,12 +80026,12 @@ "para encontrar e compilar aplicativos com suporte a i18n." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:43741 +#: book.translate.xml:44014 msgid "Setting Locale for Login Shell" msgstr "Definindo a Localidade para o Login Shell" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43743 +#: book.translate.xml:44016 msgid "" "Locale settings are configured either in a user's ~/.login_conf or in the startup file of the user's shell: ~/.profile~/.cshrc." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43750 +#: book.translate.xml:44023 msgid "Two environment variables should be set:" msgstr "Duas variáveis de ambiente devem ser definidas:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:43755 +#: book.translate.xml:44028 msgid "LANG, which sets the locale<_:indexterm-1/>" msgstr "LANG, que define o idioma <_:indexterm-1/>" #. (itstool) path: listitem/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:43760 +#: book.translate.xml:44033 msgid "MIME" msgstr "MIME" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:43762 +#: book.translate.xml:44035 msgid "" "MM_CHARSET, which sets the MIME character " "set used by applications" @@ -79614,7 +80067,7 @@ "MIME usado pelos aplicativos" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43768 +#: book.translate.xml:44041 msgid "" "In addition to the user's shell configuration, these variables should also " "be set for specific application configuration and Xorglogin class" msgstr "login class" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43776 +#: book.translate.xml:44049 msgid "" "Two methods are available for making the needed variable assignments: the " "login class method, which is the " @@ -79645,12 +80098,12 @@ "usar os dois métodos." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:43784 +#: book.translate.xml:44057 msgid "Login Classes Method" msgstr "Método de Classes de Login" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:43786 +#: book.translate.xml:44059 msgid "" "This first method is the recommended method as it assigns the required " "environment variables for locale name and MIME character " @@ -79664,7 +80117,7 @@ "usuários pelo superusuário." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:43793 +#: book.translate.xml:44066 msgid "" "This minimal example sets both variables for Latin-1 encoding in the " ".login_conf of an individual user's home directory:" @@ -79674,7 +80127,7 @@ "individual:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:43797 +#: book.translate.xml:44070 #, no-wrap msgid "" "me:\\\n" @@ -79686,14 +80139,14 @@ "\t:lang=de_DE.ISO8859-1:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:43801 +#: book.translate.xml:44074 msgid "" "Traditional Chinese BIG-5 encoding" msgstr "" "Traditional Chinese BIG-5 encoding" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:43804 +#: book.translate.xml:44077 msgid "" "Here is an example of a user's ~/.login_conf that sets " "the variables for Traditional Chinese in BIG-5 encoding. More variables are " @@ -79706,7 +80159,7 @@ "corretamente variáveis de idioma para o Chinês, Japonês e Coreano:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:43811 +#: book.translate.xml:44084 #, no-wrap msgid "" "#Users who do not wish to use monetary units or time formats\n" @@ -79726,7 +80179,7 @@ "\t:xmodifiers=\"@im=gcin\": #Set gcin as the XIM Input Server" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:43819 +#: book.translate.xml:44092 msgid "" "Alternately, the superuser can configure all users of the system for " "localization. The following variables in /etc/login.confMIME:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:43824 +#: book.translate.xml:44097 #, no-wrap msgid "" "language_name|Account Type Description:\\\n" @@ -79753,12 +80206,12 @@ "\t:tc=default:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:43829 +#: book.translate.xml:44102 msgid "So, the previous Latin-1 example would look like this:" msgstr "Então, o exemplo anterior do Latin-1 ficaria assim:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:43832 +#: book.translate.xml:44105 #, no-wrap msgid "" "german|German Users Accounts:\\\n" @@ -79772,7 +80225,7 @@ "\t:tc=default:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:43837 +#: book.translate.xml:44110 msgid "" "See login.conf5 for more details about these variables. Note that " @@ -79783,7 +80236,7 @@ "que ele já contém a classe russian predefinida." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:43841 +#: book.translate.xml:44114 msgid "" "Whenever /etc/login.conf is edited, remember to execute " "the following command to update the capability database:" @@ -79791,18 +80244,28 @@ "Sempre que /etc/login.conf for editado, lembre-se de " "executar o seguinte comando para atualizar o banco de dados de recursos:" +#. (itstool) path: note/para +#: book.translate.xml:44121 +msgid "" +"For an end user, the cap_mkdb command will need to be run " +"on their ~/.login_conf for any changes to take effect." +msgstr "" +"Para um usuário final, o comando cap_mkdb vai precisar " +"rodar no seu ~/.login_conf para que qualquer mudança " +"tenha efeito." + #. (itstool) path: sect4/title -#: book.translate.xml:43848 +#: book.translate.xml:44127 msgid "Utilities Which Change Login Classes" msgstr "Utilitários que Alteram as Classes de Login" #. (itstool) path: sect4/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:43850 +#: book.translate.xml:44129 msgid "vipw" msgstr "vipw" #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:43854 +#: book.translate.xml:44133 msgid "" "In addition to manually editing /etc/login.conf, " "several utilities are available for setting the locale for newly created " @@ -79813,7 +80276,7 @@ "criados." #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:43859 +#: book.translate.xml:44138 msgid "" "When using vipw to add new users, specify the " "language to set the locale:" @@ -79822,13 +80285,13 @@ "o idioma para definir a localidade:" #. (itstool) path: sect4/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:43863 +#: book.translate.xml:44142 #, no-wrap msgid "user:password:1111:11:language:0:0:User Name:/home/user:/bin/sh" msgstr "user:password:1111:11:language:0:0:User Name:/home/user:/bin/sh" #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:43870 +#: book.translate.xml:44149 msgid "" "When using adduser to add new users, the default language " "can be pre-configured for all new users or specified for an individual user." @@ -79838,7 +80301,7 @@ "para um usuário individual." #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:43874 +#: book.translate.xml:44153 msgid "" "If all new users use the same language, set " "defaultclass=language in " @@ -79849,7 +80312,7 @@ "/etc/adduser.conf." #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:43878 +#: book.translate.xml:44157 msgid "" "To override this setting when creating a user, either input the required " "locale at this prompt:" @@ -79858,24 +80321,24 @@ "necessária neste prompt:" #. (itstool) path: sect4/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43881 +#: book.translate.xml:44160 #, no-wrap msgid "Enter login class: default []:" msgstr "Enter login class: default []:" #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:43883 +#: book.translate.xml:44162 msgid "or specify the locale to set when invoking adduser:" msgstr "ou especifique a localidade ao executar o adduser:" #. (itstool) path: sect4/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43886 +#: book.translate.xml:44165 #, no-wrap msgid "# adduser -class language" msgstr "# adduser -class language" #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:43892 +#: book.translate.xml:44171 msgid "" "If pw is used to add new users, specify the locale as " "follows:" @@ -79884,13 +80347,13 @@ "especifique a localidade da seguinte forma:" #. (itstool) path: sect4/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43895 +#: book.translate.xml:44174 #, no-wrap msgid "# pw useradd user_name -L language" msgstr "# pw useradd user_name -L language" #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:43897 +#: book.translate.xml:44176 msgid "" "To change the login class of an existing user, chpass can " "be used. Invoke it as superuser and provide the username to edit as the " @@ -79901,18 +80364,18 @@ "usuário para edição como argumento." #. (itstool) path: sect4/screen -#: book.translate.xml:43902 +#: book.translate.xml:44181 #, no-wrap msgid "# chpass user_name" msgstr "# chpass user_name" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:43907 +#: book.translate.xml:44186 msgid "Shell Startup File Method" msgstr "Método de Arquivo de Inicialização do Shell" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:43909 +#: book.translate.xml:44188 msgid "" "This second method is not recommended as each shell that is used requires " "manual configuration, where each shell has a different configuration file " @@ -79932,7 +80395,7 @@ "definir esse shell para todos os usuários:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:43920 +#: book.translate.xml:44199 #, no-wrap msgid "" "LANG=de_DE.ISO8859-1; export LANG\n" @@ -79942,7 +80405,7 @@ "MM_CHARSET=ISO-8859-1; export MM_CHARSET" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:43923 +#: book.translate.xml:44202 msgid "" "However, the name of the configuration file and the syntax used differs for " "the csh shell. These are the equivalent settings for " @@ -79955,7 +80418,7 @@ "login, ou /usr/share/skel/dot.login:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:43930 +#: book.translate.xml:44209 #, no-wrap msgid "" "setenv LANG de_DE.ISO8859-1\n" @@ -79965,7 +80428,7 @@ "setenv MM_CHARSET ISO-8859-1" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:43933 +#: book.translate.xml:44212 msgid "" "To complicate matters, the syntax needed to configure Xorg in ~/.xinitrc also depends upon the shell. " @@ -79978,24 +80441,24 @@ "shell csh:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:43940 +#: book.translate.xml:44219 #, no-wrap msgid "LANG=de_DE.ISO8859-1; export LANG" msgstr "LANG=de_DE.ISO8859-1; export LANG" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:43942 +#: book.translate.xml:44221 #, no-wrap msgid "setenv LANG de_DE.ISO8859-1" msgstr "setenv LANG de_DE.ISO8859-1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:43947 +#: book.translate.xml:44226 msgid "Console Setup" msgstr "Configuração do Console" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43949 +#: book.translate.xml:44228 msgid "" "Several localized fonts are available for the console. To see a listing of " "available fonts, type ls /usr/share/syscons/fonts. To " @@ -80010,7 +80473,7 @@ "filename>, em /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:43957 +#: book.translate.xml:44236 #, no-wrap msgid "" "font8x16=font_name\n" @@ -80022,17 +80485,17 @@ "font8x8=font_name" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:43961 +#: book.translate.xml:44240 msgid "keymap" msgstr "keymap" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:43962 +#: book.translate.xml:44241 msgid "screenmap" msgstr "screenmap" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43963 +#: book.translate.xml:44242 msgid "" "The keymap and screenmap can be set by adding the following to /" "etc/rc.conf:" @@ -80041,7 +80504,7 @@ "/etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:43966 +#: book.translate.xml:44245 #, no-wrap msgid "" "scrnmap=screenmap_name\n" @@ -80053,7 +80516,7 @@ "keychange=\"fkey_number sequence\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43970 +#: book.translate.xml:44249 msgid "" "To see the list of available screenmaps, type ls /usr/share/syscons/" "scrnmaps. Do not include the .scm suffix when " @@ -80071,7 +80534,7 @@ "pseudo-grafia se a fonte da tela usar uma coluna de 8 bits." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43979 +#: book.translate.xml:44258 msgid "" "To see the list of available keymaps, type ls /usr/share/syscons/" "keymaps. When specifying the keymap_name." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43986 +#: book.translate.xml:44265 msgid "" "The keychange entry is usually needed to program function " "keys to match the selected terminal type because function key sequences " @@ -80099,7 +80562,7 @@ "definidas no mapa de teclas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:43991 +#: book.translate.xml:44270 msgid "" "Next, set the correct console terminal type in /etc/ttys for all virtual terminal entries. resume os tipos de terminais disponíveis:" #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:43997 +#: book.translate.xml:44276 msgid "Defined Terminal Types for Character Sets" msgstr "Tipos de Terminal Definidos para Conjuntos de Caracteres" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44002 +#: book.translate.xml:44281 msgid "Character Set" msgstr "Conjunto de Caracteres" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44003 +#: book.translate.xml:44282 msgid "Terminal Type" msgstr "Tipo de Terminal" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44009 +#: book.translate.xml:44288 msgid "ISO8859-1 or ISO8859-15" msgstr "ISO8859-1 ou ISO8859-15" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44010 +#: book.translate.xml:44289 msgid "cons25l1" msgstr "cons25l1" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44014 +#: book.translate.xml:44293 msgid "ISO8859-2" msgstr "ISO8859-2" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44015 +#: book.translate.xml:44294 msgid "cons25l2" msgstr "cons25l2" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44019 +#: book.translate.xml:44298 msgid "ISO8859-7" msgstr "ISO8859-7" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44020 +#: book.translate.xml:44299 msgid "cons25l7" msgstr "cons25l7" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44024 +#: book.translate.xml:44303 msgid "KOI8-R" msgstr "KOI8-R" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44025 +#: book.translate.xml:44304 msgid "cons25r" msgstr "cons25r" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44029 +#: book.translate.xml:44308 msgid "KOI8-U" msgstr "KOI8-U" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44030 +#: book.translate.xml:44309 msgid "cons25u" msgstr "cons25u" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44034 +#: book.translate.xml:44313 msgid "CP437 (VGA default)" msgstr "CP437 (VGA padrão)" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44035 +#: book.translate.xml:44314 msgid "cons25" msgstr "cons25" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44039 +#: book.translate.xml:44318 msgid "US-ASCII" msgstr "US-ASCII" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44040 +#: book.translate.xml:44319 msgid "cons25w" msgstr "cons25w" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:44046 +#: book.translate.xml:44325 msgid "moused" msgstr "moused" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44050 +#: book.translate.xml:44329 msgid "" "For languages with wide or multibyte characters, install a console for that " "language from the FreeBSD Ports Collection. The available ports are " @@ -80215,73 +80678,73 @@ "instruções de configuração e uso." #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:44057 +#: book.translate.xml:44336 msgid "Available Console from Ports Collection" msgstr "Consoles Disponíveis pela Coleção de Ports" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44062 book.translate.xml:44141 +#: book.translate.xml:44341 book.translate.xml:44420 msgid "Language" msgstr "Idioma" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44063 +#: book.translate.xml:44342 msgid "Port Location" msgstr "Localização do Port" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44069 +#: book.translate.xml:44348 msgid "Traditional Chinese (BIG-5)" msgstr "Chinês Tradicional (BIG-5)" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44070 +#: book.translate.xml:44349 msgid "chinese/big5con" msgstr "chinese/big5con" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44074 book.translate.xml:44079 +#: book.translate.xml:44353 book.translate.xml:44358 msgid "Chinese/Japanese/Korean" msgstr "Chinês/Japonês/Coreano" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44075 +#: book.translate.xml:44354 msgid "chinese/cce" msgstr "chinese/cce" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44080 +#: book.translate.xml:44359 msgid "chinese/zhcon" msgstr "chinese/zhcon" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44084 book.translate.xml:44089 book.translate.xml:44094 -#: book.translate.xml:44184 book.translate.xml:44189 book.translate.xml:44194 -#: book.translate.xml:44199 book.translate.xml:44204 book.translate.xml:44209 -#: book.translate.xml:44214 book.translate.xml:44219 book.translate.xml:44224 -#: book.translate.xml:44229 book.translate.xml:44234 book.translate.xml:44239 -#: book.translate.xml:44244 book.translate.xml:44249 book.translate.xml:44254 -#: book.translate.xml:44259 book.translate.xml:44264 book.translate.xml:44269 +#: book.translate.xml:44363 book.translate.xml:44368 book.translate.xml:44373 +#: book.translate.xml:44463 book.translate.xml:44468 book.translate.xml:44473 +#: book.translate.xml:44478 book.translate.xml:44483 book.translate.xml:44488 +#: book.translate.xml:44493 book.translate.xml:44498 book.translate.xml:44503 +#: book.translate.xml:44508 book.translate.xml:44513 book.translate.xml:44518 +#: book.translate.xml:44523 book.translate.xml:44528 book.translate.xml:44533 +#: book.translate.xml:44538 book.translate.xml:44543 book.translate.xml:44548 msgid "Japanese" msgstr "Japonês" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44085 +#: book.translate.xml:44364 msgid "chinese/kon2" msgstr "chinese/kon2" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44090 +#: book.translate.xml:44369 msgid "japanese/kon2-14dot" msgstr "japanese/kon2-14dot" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44095 +#: book.translate.xml:44374 msgid "japanese/kon2-16dot" msgstr "japanese/kon2-16dot" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44101 +#: book.translate.xml:44380 msgid "" "If moused is enabled in /etc/rc.conf, additional configuration may be required. By default, the mouse " @@ -80300,18 +80763,18 @@ "seguinte linha ao /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:44110 +#: book.translate.xml:44389 #, no-wrap msgid "mousechar_start=3" msgstr "mousechar_start=3" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:44114 +#: book.translate.xml:44393 msgid "Xorg Setup" msgstr "Configuração do Xorg" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44116 +#: book.translate.xml:44395 msgid "" " describes how to install and configure " "Xorg. When configuring XorgX Input Method (XIM)" msgstr "X Input Method (XIM)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44128 +#: book.translate.xml:44407 msgid "" "The X Input Method (XIM) protocol is an " "Xorg standard for inputting non-English " @@ -80350,200 +80813,200 @@ "Fcitx e Uim também estão disponíveis." #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:44136 +#: book.translate.xml:44415 msgid "Available Input Methods" msgstr "Métodos de Entrada Disponíveis" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44142 +#: book.translate.xml:44421 msgid "Input Method" msgstr "Método de Entrada" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44149 book.translate.xml:44154 book.translate.xml:44159 -#: book.translate.xml:44164 book.translate.xml:44169 book.translate.xml:44174 -#: book.translate.xml:44179 +#: book.translate.xml:44428 book.translate.xml:44433 book.translate.xml:44438 +#: book.translate.xml:44443 book.translate.xml:44448 book.translate.xml:44453 +#: book.translate.xml:44458 msgid "Chinese" msgstr "Chinês" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44150 +#: book.translate.xml:44429 msgid "chinese/gcin" msgstr "chinese/gcin" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44155 +#: book.translate.xml:44434 msgid "chinese/ibus-chewing" msgstr "chinese/ibus-chewing" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44160 +#: book.translate.xml:44439 msgid "chinese/ibus-pinyin" msgstr "chinese/ibus-pinyin" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44165 +#: book.translate.xml:44444 msgid "chinese/oxim" msgstr "chinese/oxim" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44170 +#: book.translate.xml:44449 msgid "chinese/scim-fcitx" msgstr "chinese/scim-fcitx" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44175 +#: book.translate.xml:44454 msgid "chinese/scim-pinyin" msgstr "chinese/scim-pinyin" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44180 +#: book.translate.xml:44459 msgid "chinese/scim-tables" msgstr "chinese/scim-tables" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44185 +#: book.translate.xml:44464 msgid "japanese/ibus-anthy" msgstr "japanese/ibus-anthy" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44190 +#: book.translate.xml:44469 msgid "japanese/ibus-mozc" msgstr "japanese/ibus-mozc" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44195 +#: book.translate.xml:44474 msgid "japanese/ibus-skk" msgstr "japanese/ibus-skk" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44200 +#: book.translate.xml:44479 msgid "japanese/im-ja" msgstr "japanese/im-ja" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44205 +#: book.translate.xml:44484 msgid "japanese/kinput2" msgstr "japanese/kinput2" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44210 +#: book.translate.xml:44489 msgid "japanese/scim-anthy" msgstr "japanese/scim-anthy" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44215 +#: book.translate.xml:44494 msgid "japanese/scim-canna" msgstr "japanese/scim-canna" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44220 +#: book.translate.xml:44499 msgid "japanese/scim-honoka" msgstr "japanese/scim-honoka" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44225 +#: book.translate.xml:44504 msgid "japanese/scim-honoka-plugin-romkan" msgstr "japanese/scim-honoka-plugin-romkan" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44230 +#: book.translate.xml:44509 msgid "japanese/scim-honoka-plugin-wnn" msgstr "japanese/scim-honoka-plugin-wnn" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44235 +#: book.translate.xml:44514 msgid "japanese/scim-prime" msgstr "japanese/scim-prime" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44240 +#: book.translate.xml:44519 msgid "japanese/scim-skk" msgstr "japanese/scim-skk" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44245 +#: book.translate.xml:44524 msgid "japanese/scim-tables" msgstr "japanese/scim-tables" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44250 +#: book.translate.xml:44529 msgid "japanese/scim-tomoe" msgstr "japanese/scim-tomoe" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44255 +#: book.translate.xml:44534 msgid "japanese/scim-uim" msgstr "japanese/scim-uim" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44260 +#: book.translate.xml:44539 msgid "japanese/skkinput" msgstr "japanese/skkinput" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44265 +#: book.translate.xml:44544 msgid "japanese/skkinput3" msgstr "japanese/skkinput3" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44270 +#: book.translate.xml:44549 msgid "japanese/uim-anthy" msgstr "japanese/uim-anthy" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44274 book.translate.xml:44279 book.translate.xml:44284 -#: book.translate.xml:44289 book.translate.xml:44294 +#: book.translate.xml:44553 book.translate.xml:44558 book.translate.xml:44563 +#: book.translate.xml:44568 book.translate.xml:44573 msgid "Korean" msgstr "Coreano" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44275 +#: book.translate.xml:44554 msgid "korean/ibus-hangul" msgstr "korean/ibus-hangul" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44280 +#: book.translate.xml:44559 msgid "korean/imhangul" msgstr "korean/imhangul" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44285 +#: book.translate.xml:44564 msgid "korean/nabi" msgstr "korean/nabi" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44290 +#: book.translate.xml:44569 msgid "korean/scim-hangul" msgstr "korean/scim-hangul" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44295 +#: book.translate.xml:44574 msgid "korean/scim-tables" msgstr "korean/scim-tables" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44299 book.translate.xml:44304 +#: book.translate.xml:44578 book.translate.xml:44583 msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "Vietnamita" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44300 +#: book.translate.xml:44579 msgid "vietnamese/xvnkb" msgstr "vietnamese/xvnkb" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:44305 +#: book.translate.xml:44584 msgid "vietnamese/x-unikey" msgstr "vietnamese/x-unikey" #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:44349 +#: book.translate.xml:44628 msgid "Finding i18n Applications" msgstr "Encontrando Aplicações i18n" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:44351 +#: book.translate.xml:44630 msgid "" "i18n applications are programmed using i18n kits under libraries. These allow developers to write a simple file " @@ -80555,7 +81018,7 @@ "idioma." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:44356 +#: book.translate.xml:44635 msgid "" "The FreeBSD Ports " "Collection contains many applications with built-in support for wide " @@ -80570,7 +81033,7 @@ "eles nem sempre suportam o idioma necessário." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:44363 +#: book.translate.xml:44642 msgid "" "Some applications can be compiled with the specific charset. This is usually " "done in the port's Makefile or by passing a value to " @@ -80590,12 +81053,12 @@ "compilação para usar ao compilar o port." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:44375 +#: book.translate.xml:44654 msgid "Locale Configuration for Specific Languages" msgstr "Configuração de Localização para Idiomas Específicos" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:44377 +#: book.translate.xml:44656 msgid "" "This section provides configuration examples for localizing a FreeBSD system " "for the Russian language. It then provides some additional resources for " @@ -80606,12 +81069,12 @@ "adicionais para definir a localização com outros idiomas." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:44383 +#: book.translate.xml:44662 msgid "Russian Language (KOI8-R Encoding)" msgstr "Idioma Russo (Codificação KOI8-R)" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:44386 +#: book.translate.xml:44665 msgid "" "AndreyChernovOriginally contributed by " @@ -80620,12 +81083,12 @@ "personname>Originally contributed by " #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:44391 +#: book.translate.xml:44670 msgid "localization Russian" msgstr "localization Russian" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44396 +#: book.translate.xml:44675 msgid "" "This section shows the specific settings needed to localize a FreeBSD system " "for the Russian language. Refer to ~/.login_conf:" @@ -80647,7 +81110,7 @@ "linhas ao ~/.login_conf de cada usuário:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:44406 +#: book.translate.xml:44685 #, no-wrap msgid "" "me:My Account:\\\n" @@ -80659,7 +81122,7 @@ "\t:lang=ru_RU.KOI8-R:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44410 +#: book.translate.xml:44689 msgid "" "To configure the console, add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf:" @@ -80668,7 +81131,7 @@ "conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:44413 +#: book.translate.xml:44692 #, no-wrap msgid "" "keymap=\"ru.koi8-r\"\n" @@ -80686,7 +81149,7 @@ "mousechar_start=3" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44420 +#: book.translate.xml:44699 msgid "" "For each ttyv entry in /etc/ttys, " "use cons25r as the terminal type." @@ -80695,12 +81158,12 @@ "use cons25r como o tipo de terminal." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:44424 +#: book.translate.xml:44703 msgid "printers" msgstr "printers" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44425 +#: book.translate.xml:44704 msgid "" "To configure printing, a special output filter is needed to convert from " "KOI8-R to CP866 since most printers with Russian characters come with " @@ -80716,7 +81179,7 @@ "/etc/printcap:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:44433 +#: book.translate.xml:44712 #, no-wrap msgid "" "lp|Russian local line printer:\\\n" @@ -80728,7 +81191,7 @@ "\t:lp=/dev/lpt0:sd=/var/spool/output/lpd:lf=/var/log/lpd-errs:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44437 +#: book.translate.xml:44716 msgid "" "Refer to printcap5 for a more detailed explanation." @@ -80737,7 +81200,7 @@ "manvolnum> para obter uma explicação mais detalhada." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44440 +#: book.translate.xml:44719 msgid "" "To configure support for Russian filenames in mounted MS-DOS file systems, include " @@ -80749,13 +81212,13 @@ "/etc/fstab:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:44445 +#: book.translate.xml:44724 #, no-wrap msgid "/dev/ad0s2 /dos/c msdos rw,-Lru_RU.KOI8-R 0 0" msgstr "/dev/ad0s2 /dos/c msdos rw,-Lru_RU.KOI8-R 0 0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44447 +#: book.translate.xml:44726 msgid "" "Refer to mount_msdosfs8 for more details." @@ -80764,7 +81227,7 @@ "refentrytitle>8 para mais detalhes." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44449 +#: book.translate.xml:44728 msgid "" "To configure Russian fonts for Xorg, install the " "x11-fonts/xorg-fonts-cyrillic package. Then, check the " @@ -80779,18 +81242,18 @@ "emphasis> de qualquer outra entrada FontPath:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:44457 +#: book.translate.xml:44736 #, no-wrap msgid "FontPath \"/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic\"" msgstr "FontPath \"/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44459 +#: book.translate.xml:44738 msgid "Additional Cyrillic fonts are available in the Ports Collection." msgstr "Fontes Cirílicos adicionais estão disponíveis na Coleção de Ports." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44462 +#: book.translate.xml:44741 msgid "" "To activate a Russian keyboard, add the following to the \"Keyboard" "\" section of /etc/xorg.conf:" @@ -80799,7 +81262,7 @@ "\" do /etc/xorg.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:44466 +#: book.translate.xml:44745 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Option \"XkbLayout\" \"us,ru\"\n" @@ -80809,7 +81272,7 @@ "Option \"XkbOptions\" \"grp:toggle\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44469 +#: book.translate.xml:44748 msgid "" "Make sure that XkbDisable is commented out in that file." msgstr "" @@ -80817,7 +81280,7 @@ "arquivo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44472 +#: book.translate.xml:44751 msgid "" "For grp:toggle use Right Alt, for " "grp:ctrl_shift_toggle use Xorg por alguma razão desconhecida." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44483 +#: book.translate.xml:44762 msgid "" "If the keyboard has Windows keys, and some non-alphabetical keys are mapped " @@ -80849,13 +81312,13 @@ "adicione a seguinte linha ao /etc/xorg.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:44487 +#: book.translate.xml:44766 #, no-wrap msgid "Option \"XkbVariant\" \",winkeys\"" msgstr "Option \"XkbVariant\" \",winkeys\"" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:44490 +#: book.translate.xml:44769 msgid "" "The Russian XKB keyboard may not work with non-localized applications. " "Minimally localized applications should call a XtSetLanguageProc " @@ -80867,7 +81330,7 @@ "programa." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44497 +#: book.translate.xml:44776 msgid "" "See" "html for more instructions on localizing Xorg" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:44504 +#: book.translate.xml:44783 msgid "Additional Language-Specific Resources" msgstr "Recursos Específicos de Idioma Adicionais" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44506 +#: book.translate.xml:44785 msgid "" "This section lists some additional resources for configuring other locales." msgstr "" @@ -80895,39 +81358,39 @@ "localidades." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:44509 +#: book.translate.xml:44788 msgid "" "localization Traditional Chinese" msgstr "" "localization Traditional Chinese" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:44513 +#: book.translate.xml:44792 msgid "localization German" msgstr "localization German" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:44517 +#: book.translate.xml:44796 msgid "localization Greek" msgstr "localization Greek" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:44521 +#: book.translate.xml:44800 msgid "localization Japanese" msgstr "localization Japanese" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:44525 +#: book.translate.xml:44804 msgid "localization Korean" msgstr "localization Korean" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:44532 +#: book.translate.xml:44811 msgid "Traditional Chinese for Taiwan" msgstr "Chinês Tradicional para Taiwan" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:44535 +#: book.translate.xml:44814 msgid "" "The FreeBSD-Taiwan Project has a Chinese HOWTO for FreeBSD at http://netlab." @@ -80938,12 +81401,12 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:44541 +#: book.translate.xml:44820 msgid "Greek Language Localization" msgstr "Localização do Idioma Grego" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:44544 +#: book.translate.xml:44823 msgid "" "A complete article on Greek support in FreeBSD is available http://" ", and for Korean, refer to" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:44561 +#: book.translate.xml:44840 msgid "Non-English FreeBSD Documentation" msgstr "Documentação do FreeBSD em Outros Idiomas" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:44564 +#: book.translate.xml:44843 msgid "" "Some FreeBSD contributors have translated parts of the FreeBSD documentation " "to other languages. They are available through links on the /usr/share/doc." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:44585 +#: book.translate.xml:44864 msgid "Updating and Upgrading FreeBSD" msgstr "Atualização e Upgrade do FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:44588 +#: book.translate.xml:44867 msgid "" " Jim Mock Restructured, reorganized, and parts updated by " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:44600 +#: book.translate.xml:44879 msgid "" " Jordan Hubbard Original work by " @@ -81015,7 +81478,7 @@ "personname> Trabalho original de " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:44608 +#: book.translate.xml:44887 msgid "" " Poul-Henning Kamp " @@ -81024,7 +81487,7 @@ "personname>" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:44615 +#: book.translate.xml:44894 msgid "" " John Polstra " @@ -81033,7 +81496,7 @@ "personname>" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:44622 +#: book.translate.xml:44901 msgid "" " Nik Clayton " @@ -81042,7 +81505,7 @@ "personname>" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:44634 +#: book.translate.xml:44913 msgid "" "FreeBSD is under constant development between releases. Some people prefer " "to use the officially released versions, while others prefer to keep in sync " @@ -81064,7 +81527,7 @@ "sistema FreeBSD atualizado." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:44648 +#: book.translate.xml:44927 msgid "" "How to keep a FreeBSD system up-to-date with freebsd-update or Subversion." @@ -81073,14 +81536,14 @@ "application> ou com o Subversion." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:44654 +#: book.translate.xml:44933 msgid "" "How to compare the state of an installed system against a known pristine " "copy." msgstr "Como comparar o estado de um sistema instalado com uma cópia original." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:44659 +#: book.translate.xml:44938 msgid "" "How to keep the installed documentation up-to-date with " "Subversion or documentation ports." @@ -81089,7 +81552,7 @@ "Subversion ou com o port da documentação." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:44665 +#: book.translate.xml:44944 msgid "" "The difference between the two development branches: FreeBSD-STABLE and " "FreeBSD-CURRENT." @@ -81098,12 +81561,12 @@ "CURRENT." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:44670 +#: book.translate.xml:44949 msgid "How to rebuild and reinstall the entire base system." msgstr "Como recompilar e reinstalar todo o sistema básico." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:44679 +#: book.translate.xml:44958 msgid "" "Properly set up the network connection ()." @@ -81112,7 +81575,7 @@ "networking\"/>)." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:44684 book.translate.xml:50992 book.translate.xml:61756 +#: book.translate.xml:44963 book.translate.xml:51271 book.translate.xml:62234 msgid "" "Know how to install additional third-party software ()." @@ -81121,7 +81584,7 @@ ">)." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:44690 +#: book.translate.xml:44969 msgid "" "Throughout this chapter, svnlite is used to obtain and " "update FreeBSD sources. Optionally, the devel/subversion " @@ -81132,12 +81595,12 @@ "devel/subversion pode ser usado." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:44699 +#: book.translate.xml:44978 msgid "FreeBSD Update" msgstr "Atualização do FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:44712 +#: book.translate.xml:44991 msgid "" " Colin Percival Based on notes provided by " @@ -81147,17 +81610,17 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:44722 book.translate.xml:45235 book.translate.xml:45370 +#: book.translate.xml:45001 book.translate.xml:45514 book.translate.xml:45649 msgid "Updating and Upgrading" msgstr "Updating and Upgrading" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:44725 +#: book.translate.xml:45004 msgid "freebsd-update updating-upgrading" msgstr "freebsd-update updating-upgrading" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:44730 +#: book.translate.xml:45009 msgid "" "Applying security patches in a timely manner and upgrading to a newer " "release of an operating system are important aspects of ongoing system " @@ -81171,7 +81634,7 @@ "as tarefas." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:44736 +#: book.translate.xml:45015 msgid "" "This utility supports binary security and errata updates to FreeBSD, without " "the need to manually compile and install the patch or a new kernel. Binary " @@ -81189,7 +81652,7 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:44743 +#: book.translate.xml:45022 msgid "" "This utility also supports operating system upgrades to minor point releases " "as well as upgrades to another release branch. Before upgrading to a new " @@ -81206,7 +81669,7 @@ "releases/\">" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:44750 +#: book.translate.xml:45029 msgid "" "If a crontab utilizing the features of " "freebsd-update8freebsd-" "update, demonstrates how to apply a security patch and how to " @@ -81232,7 +81695,7 @@ "discute algumas das considerações ao atualizar o sistema operacional ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44764 +#: book.translate.xml:45043 msgid "" "The default configuration file for freebsd-update works " "as-is. Some users may wish to tweak the default configuration in /" @@ -81247,7 +81710,7 @@ "disponíveis, mas os seguintes podem exigir um pouco mais de explicação:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:44772 +#: book.translate.xml:45051 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Components of the base system which should be kept updated.\n" @@ -81257,7 +81720,7 @@ "Components world kernel" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44775 +#: book.translate.xml:45054 msgid "" "This parameter controls which parts of FreeBSD will be kept up-to-date. The " "default is to update the entire base system and the kernel. Individual " @@ -81276,7 +81739,7 @@ "desastrosas, pois o código-fonte e os binários podem ficar fora de sincronia." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:44785 +#: book.translate.xml:45064 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Paths which start with anything matching an entry in an IgnorePaths\n" @@ -81288,7 +81751,7 @@ "IgnorePaths /boot/kernel/linker.hints" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44789 +#: book.translate.xml:45068 msgid "" "To leave specified directories, such as /bin or " "/sbin, untouched during the update process, add their " @@ -81302,7 +81765,7 @@ "locais." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:44796 +#: book.translate.xml:45075 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Paths which start with anything matching an entry in an UpdateIfUnmodified\n" @@ -81316,7 +81779,7 @@ "UpdateIfUnmodified /etc/ /var/ /root/ /.cshrc /.profile" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44801 +#: book.translate.xml:45080 msgid "" "This option will only update unmodified configuration files in the specified " "directories. Any changes made by the user will prevent the automatic " @@ -81331,7 +81794,7 @@ "update para salvar as alterações durante a mesclagem." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:44809 +#: book.translate.xml:45088 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# When upgrading to a new FreeBSD release, files which match MergeChanges\n" @@ -81343,7 +81806,7 @@ "MergeChanges /etc/ /var/named/etc/ /boot/device.hints" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44813 +#: book.translate.xml:45092 msgid "" "List of directories with configuration files that freebsd-update should attempt to merge. The file merge process is a series of " @@ -81370,7 +81833,7 @@ "informações sobre o mergemaster." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:44823 +#: book.translate.xml:45102 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Directory in which to store downloaded updates and temporary\n" @@ -81382,7 +81845,7 @@ "# WorkDir /var/db/freebsd-update" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44827 +#: book.translate.xml:45106 msgid "" "This directory is where all patches and temporary files are placed. In cases " "where the user is doing a version upgrade, this location should have at " @@ -81393,7 +81856,7 @@ "local deverá ter pelo menos um gigabyte de espaço em disco disponível." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:44832 +#: book.translate.xml:45111 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# When upgrading between releases, should the list of Components be\n" @@ -81408,7 +81871,7 @@ "# StrictComponents no" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44838 +#: book.translate.xml:45117 msgid "" "When this option is set to yes, freebsd-update will assume that the Components list is complete " @@ -81423,12 +81886,12 @@ "arquivos que pertencem à lista Componentes." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:44848 +#: book.translate.xml:45127 msgid "Applying Security Patches" msgstr "Aplicando Patches de Segurança" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44850 +#: book.translate.xml:45129 msgid "" "The process of applying FreeBSD security patches has been simplified, " "allowing an administrator to keep a system fully patched using " @@ -81442,7 +81905,7 @@ "\"security-advisories\"/>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44856 +#: book.translate.xml:45135 msgid "" "FreeBSD security patches may be downloaded and installed using the following " "commands. The first command will determine if any outstanding patches are " @@ -81456,7 +81919,7 @@ "patches." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:44862 +#: book.translate.xml:45141 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# freebsd-update fetch\n" @@ -81466,7 +81929,7 @@ "# freebsd-update install" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44865 +#: book.translate.xml:45144 msgid "" "If the update applies any kernel patches, the system will need a reboot in " "order to boot into the patched kernel. If the patch was applied to any " @@ -81479,7 +81942,7 @@ "reiniciados para que a versão corrigida do binário seja usada." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:44872 +#: book.translate.xml:45151 msgid "" "Usually, the user needs to be prepared to reboot the system. To know if a " "reboot is required by a kernel update, execute the commands freebsd-" @@ -81493,7 +81956,7 @@ "reiniciar." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44879 +#: book.translate.xml:45158 msgid "" "The system can be configured to automatically check for updates once every " "day by adding this entry to /etc/crontab:" @@ -81503,13 +81966,13 @@ "crontab:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:44883 +#: book.translate.xml:45162 #, no-wrap msgid "@daily root freebsd-update cron" msgstr "@daily root freebsd-update cron" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44885 +#: book.translate.xml:45164 msgid "" "If patches exist, they will automatically be downloaded but will not be " "applied. The root user will be " @@ -81522,7 +81985,7 @@ "manualmente com o freebsd-update install." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44891 +#: book.translate.xml:45170 msgid "" "If anything goes wrong, freebsd-update has the ability to " "roll back the last set of changes with the following command:" @@ -81531,7 +81994,7 @@ "reverter o último conjunto de alterações com o seguinte comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:44895 +#: book.translate.xml:45174 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# freebsd-update rollback\n" @@ -81541,7 +82004,7 @@ "Uninstalling updates... done." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44898 +#: book.translate.xml:45177 msgid "" "Again, the system should be restarted if the kernel or any kernel modules " "were modified and any affected binaries should be restarted." @@ -81550,7 +82013,7 @@ "kernel for modificado e quaisquer binários afetados devem ser reiniciados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44902 +#: book.translate.xml:45181 msgid "" "Only the GENERIC kernel can be automatically updated by " "freebsd-update. If a custom kernel is installed, it will " @@ -81572,7 +82035,7 @@ "citerefentry>." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:44911 +#: book.translate.xml:45190 msgid "" "Always keep a copy of the GENERIC kernel in /" "boot/GENERIC. It will be helpful in diagnosing a variety of " @@ -81587,7 +82050,7 @@ "uma cópia do kernel GENERIC." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44919 +#: book.translate.xml:45198 msgid "" "Unless the default configuration in /etc/freebsd-update.conf has been changed, freebsd-update will install " @@ -81601,7 +82064,7 @@ "personalizado poderá ser executado da maneira usual." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44926 +#: book.translate.xml:45205 msgid "" "The updates distributed by freebsd-update do not always " "involve the kernel. It is not necessary to rebuild a custom kernel if the " @@ -81629,17 +82092,17 @@ "cada um deles." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:44944 +#: book.translate.xml:45223 msgid "Performing Major and Minor Version Upgrades" msgstr "Realizando Upgrades de Versão Principais e Menores" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44946 +#: book.translate.xml:45225 msgid "" -"Upgrades from one minor version of FreeBSD to another, like from FreeBSD 9.0 " -"to FreeBSD 9.1, are called minor version upgrades. " +"Upgrades from one minor version of FreeBSD to another, like from FreeBSD 9.0 " +"to FreeBSD 9.1, are called minor version upgrades. " "Major version upgrades occur when FreeBSD is upgraded " -"from one major version to another, like from FreeBSD 9.X to FreeBSD 10.X. " +"from one major version to another, like from FreeBSD 9.X to FreeBSD 10.X. " "Both types of upgrades can be performed by providing freebsd-" "update with a release version target." msgstr "" @@ -81652,7 +82115,7 @@ " freebsd-update ." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:44956 +#: book.translate.xml:45235 msgid "" "If the system is running a custom kernel, make sure that a copy of the " "GENERIC kernel exists in /boot/GENERICGENERIC." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44964 +#: book.translate.xml:45243 msgid "" -"The following command, when run on a FreeBSD 9.0 system, will upgrade it to " -"FreeBSD 9.1:" +"The following command, when run on a FreeBSD 9.0 system, will upgrade it to " +"FreeBSD 9.1:" msgstr "" "O seguinte comando, quando executado em um sistema FreeBSD 9.0, irá atualizá-" "lo para o FreeBSD 9.1:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:44967 +#: book.translate.xml:45246 #, no-wrap msgid "# freebsd-update -r 9.1-RELEASE upgrade" msgstr "# freebsd-update -r 9.1-RELEASE upgrade" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44969 +#: book.translate.xml:45248 msgid "" "After the command has been received, freebsd-update will " "evaluate the configuration file and current system in an attempt to gather " @@ -81695,7 +82158,7 @@ "exibirá quais componentes foram e quais não foram detectados. Por exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:44976 +#: book.translate.xml:45255 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Looking up mirrors... 1 mirrors found.\n" @@ -81733,7 +82196,7 @@ "Does this look reasonable (y/n)? y" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44993 +#: book.translate.xml:45272 msgid "" "At this point, freebsd-update will attempt to download " "all files required for the upgrade. In some cases, the user may be prompted " @@ -81744,7 +82207,7 @@ "questionado sobre o que instalar ou como proceder." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:44998 +#: book.translate.xml:45277 msgid "" "When using a custom kernel, the above step will produce a warning similar to " "the following:" @@ -81753,7 +82216,7 @@ "ao seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45001 +#: book.translate.xml:45280 #, no-wrap msgid "" "WARNING: This system is running a \"MYKERNEL\" kernel, which is not a\n" @@ -81767,7 +82230,7 @@ "before running \"/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45006 +#: book.translate.xml:45285 msgid "" "This warning may be safely ignored at this point. The updated " "GENERIC kernel will be used as an intermediate step in " @@ -81778,7 +82241,7 @@ "intermediária no processo de atualização." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45010 +#: book.translate.xml:45289 msgid "" "Once all the patches have been downloaded to the local system, they will be " "applied. This process may take a while, depending on the speed and workload " @@ -81804,7 +82267,7 @@ "group posteriormente." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:45024 +#: book.translate.xml:45303 msgid "" "The system is not being altered yet as all patching and merging is happening " "in another directory. Once all patches have been applied successfully, all " @@ -81821,13 +82284,13 @@ #. (itstool) path: note/screen #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45031 book.translate.xml:45068 book.translate.xml:45162 +#: book.translate.xml:45310 book.translate.xml:45347 book.translate.xml:45441 #, no-wrap msgid "# freebsd-update install" msgstr "# freebsd-update install" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45034 +#: book.translate.xml:45313 msgid "" "The kernel and kernel modules will be patched first. If the system is " "running with a custom kernel, use nextboot/boot/GENERIC:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45039 +#: book.translate.xml:45318 #, no-wrap msgid "# nextboot -k GENERIC" msgstr "# nextboot -k GENERIC" #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:45042 +#: book.translate.xml:45321 msgid "" "Before rebooting with the GENERIC kernel, make sure it " "contains all the drivers required for the system to boot properly and " @@ -81871,19 +82334,19 @@ "seja concluído." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45056 +#: book.translate.xml:45335 msgid "The machine should now be restarted with the updated kernel:" msgstr "A máquina agora deve ser reiniciada com o kernel atualizado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45059 book.translate.xml:46160 +#: book.translate.xml:45338 book.translate.xml:46439 #, no-wrap msgid "# shutdown -r now" msgstr "# shutdown -r now" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45061 +#: book.translate.xml:45340 msgid "" "Once the system has come back online, restart freebsd-update using the following command. Since the state of the process has " @@ -81898,7 +82361,7 @@ "os arquivos de objetos antigos." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:45071 +#: book.translate.xml:45350 msgid "" "Depending upon whether any library version numbers were bumped, there may " "only be two install phases instead of three." @@ -81907,7 +82370,7 @@ "não, pode haver apenas duas fases de instalação em vez de três." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45076 +#: book.translate.xml:45355 msgid "" "The upgrade is now complete. If this was a major version upgrade, reinstall " "all ports and packages as described in ." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:45081 -msgid "Custom Kernels with FreeBSD 9.X and Later" +#: book.translate.xml:45360 +msgid "Custom Kernels with FreeBSD 9.X and Later" msgstr "Kernels personalizados com o FreeBSD 9.X e posteriores" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:45083 +#: book.translate.xml:45362 msgid "" "Before using freebsd-update, ensure that a copy of the " "GENERIC kernel exists in /boot/GENERIC. If a custom kernel has only been built once, the kernel in " "/boot/kernel.old is the GENERIC " -"kernel. Simply rename this directory to /boot/kernel." +"kernel. Simply rename this directory to /boot/GENERIC." msgstr "" "Antes de usar o freebsd-update, assegure-se de que uma " "cópia do kernel GENERIC exista em /boot/" "GENERIC. Se um kernel personalizado foi compilado apenas uma vez, " "o kernel em /boot/kernel.old é o kernel " "GENERIC. Simplesmente renomeie este diretório para " -"/boot/kernel." +"/boot/GENERIC." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:45091 +#: book.translate.xml:45370 msgid "" "If a custom kernel has been built more than once or if it is unknown how " "many times the custom kernel has been built, obtain a copy of the " @@ -81956,7 +82419,7 @@ "mídia de instalação:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45099 +#: book.translate.xml:45378 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mount /cdrom\n" @@ -81968,7 +82431,7 @@ "# tar -C/ -xvf kernel.txz boot/kernel/kernel" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:45103 +#: book.translate.xml:45382 msgid "" "Alternately, the GENERIC kernel may be rebuilt and " "installed from source:" @@ -81977,7 +82440,7 @@ "instalado a partir da do código fonte:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45106 +#: book.translate.xml:45385 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/src\n" @@ -81987,7 +82450,7 @@ "# make kernel __MAKE_CONF=/dev/null SRCCONF=/dev/null" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:45109 +#: book.translate.xml:45388 msgid "" "For this kernel to be identified as the GENERIC kernel by " "freebsd-update, the GENERIC " @@ -82000,7 +82463,7 @@ "Também é sugerido que o kernel seja compilado sem outras opções especiais." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:45117 +#: book.translate.xml:45396 msgid "" "Rebooting into the GENERIC kernel is not required as " "freebsd-update only needs /boot/GENERIC exista." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:45123 +#: book.translate.xml:45402 msgid "Upgrading Packages After a Major Version Upgrade" msgstr "" "Atualizando pacotes após atualizar para uma versão principal (Major Release)" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:45126 +#: book.translate.xml:45405 msgid "" "Generally, installed applications will continue to work without problems " "after minor version upgrades. Major versions use different Application " @@ -82037,7 +82500,7 @@ "portmaster." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:45137 +#: book.translate.xml:45416 msgid "" "A forced upgrade of all installed packages will replace the packages with " "fresh versions from the repository even if the version number has not " @@ -82052,13 +82515,13 @@ "atualização forçada pode ser realizada executando:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45144 +#: book.translate.xml:45423 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg-static upgrade -f" msgstr "# pkg-static upgrade -f" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:45146 +#: book.translate.xml:45425 msgid "" "A rebuild of all installed applications can be accomplished with this " "command:" @@ -82067,7 +82530,7 @@ "este comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:45151 +#: book.translate.xml:45430 msgid "" "This command will display the configuration screens for each application " "that has configurable options and wait for the user to interact with those " @@ -82080,7 +82543,7 @@ " no comando acima." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:45157 +#: book.translate.xml:45436 msgid "" "Once the software upgrades are complete, finish the upgrade process with a " "final call to freebsd-update in order to tie up all the " @@ -82091,7 +82554,7 @@ "command> para amarrar todas as pontas soltas no processo de atualização:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:45164 +#: book.translate.xml:45443 msgid "" "If the GENERIC kernel was temporarily used, this is the " "time to build and install a new custom kernel using the instructions in " @@ -82102,7 +82565,7 @@ "instruções do ." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:45168 +#: book.translate.xml:45447 msgid "" "Reboot the machine into the new FreeBSD version. The upgrade process is now " "complete." @@ -82111,12 +82574,12 @@ "está concluído agora." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:45174 +#: book.translate.xml:45453 msgid "System State Comparison" msgstr "Comparação do estado do sistema" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45176 +#: book.translate.xml:45455 msgid "" "The state of the installed FreeBSD version against a known good copy can be " "tested using freebsd-update IDS. This command evaluates " @@ -82131,7 +82594,7 @@ "Intrusão embutido (IDS)." #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:45184 +#: book.translate.xml:45463 msgid "" "This command is not a replacement for a real IDS such as " "security/snort. As freebsd-update " @@ -82157,7 +82620,7 @@ "linkend=\"security-ids\"/>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45199 +#: book.translate.xml:45478 msgid "" "To begin the comparison, specify the output file to save the results to:" msgstr "" @@ -82165,13 +82628,13 @@ "resultados:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45202 +#: book.translate.xml:45481 #, no-wrap msgid "# freebsd-update IDS >> outfile.ids" msgstr "# freebsd-update IDS >> outfile.ids" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45204 +#: book.translate.xml:45483 msgid "" "The system will now be inspected and a lengthy listing of files, along with " "the SHA256 hash values for both the known value in the " @@ -82184,7 +82647,7 @@ "especificado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45210 +#: book.translate.xml:45489 msgid "" "The entries in the listing are extremely long, but the output format may be " "easily parsed. For instance, to obtain a list of all files which differ from " @@ -82195,7 +82658,7 @@ "arquivos que diferem daqueles na release, execute o seguinte comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45215 +#: book.translate.xml:45494 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cat outfile.ids | awk '{ print $1 }' | more\n" @@ -82211,7 +82674,7 @@ "/etc/pf.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45221 +#: book.translate.xml:45500 msgid "" "This sample output has been truncated as many more files exist. Some files " "have natural modifications. For example, /etc/passwd " @@ -82230,17 +82693,17 @@ "/etc/freebsd-update.conf." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:45233 +#: book.translate.xml:45512 msgid "Updating the Documentation Set" msgstr "Atualizando o Conjunto de Documentação" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:45237 +#: book.translate.xml:45516 msgid "Documentation Updating and Upgrading" msgstr "Documentation Updating and Upgrading" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:45242 +#: book.translate.xml:45521 msgid "" "Documentation is an integral part of the FreeBSD operating system. While an " "up-to-date version of the FreeBSD documentation is always available on the " @@ -82255,7 +82718,7 @@ "site do FreeBSD, manuais, FAQ e artigos." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:45248 +#: book.translate.xml:45527 msgid "" "This section describes how to use either source or the FreeBSD Ports " "Collection to keep a local copy of the FreeBSD documentation up-to-date." @@ -82264,7 +82727,7 @@ "para manter uma cópia local da documentação do FreeBSD atualizada." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:45252 +#: book.translate.xml:45531 msgid "" "For information on editing and submitting corrections to the documentation, " "refer to the FreeBSD Documentation Project Primer for New Contributors " @@ -82278,12 +82741,12 @@ "books/fdp-primer/)." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:45257 +#: book.translate.xml:45536 msgid "Updating Documentation from Source" msgstr "Atualizando a documentação a partir do código-fonte" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45259 +#: book.translate.xml:45538 msgid "" "Rebuilding the FreeBSD documentation from source requires a collection of " "tools which are not part of the FreeBSD base system. The required tools can " @@ -82297,7 +82760,7 @@ "Documentação do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45265 +#: book.translate.xml:45544 msgid "" "Once installed, use svnlite to fetch a clean copy " "of the documentation source:" @@ -82306,13 +82769,13 @@ "cópia limpa dos fontes da documentação:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45268 +#: book.translate.xml:45547 #, no-wrap msgid "# svnlite checkout /usr/doc" msgstr "# svnlite checkout /usr/doc" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45270 +#: book.translate.xml:45549 msgid "" "The initial download of the documentation sources may take a while. Let it " "run until it completes." @@ -82321,19 +82784,19 @@ "executar até completar." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45273 +#: book.translate.xml:45552 msgid "Future updates of the documentation sources may be fetched by running:" msgstr "" "Futuras atualizações dos fontes da documentação podem ser obtidas executando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45276 +#: book.translate.xml:45555 #, no-wrap msgid "# svnlite update /usr/doc" msgstr "# svnlite update /usr/doc" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45278 +#: book.translate.xml:45557 msgid "" "Once an up-to-date snapshot of the documentation sources has been fetched to " "/usr/doc, everything is ready for an update of the " @@ -82344,14 +82807,14 @@ "uma atualização da documentação instalada." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45282 +#: book.translate.xml:45561 msgid "A full update of all available languages may be performed by typing:" msgstr "" "Uma atualização completa de todos os idiomas disponíveis pode ser realizada " "digitando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45285 +#: book.translate.xml:45564 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/doc\n" @@ -82361,7 +82824,7 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45288 +#: book.translate.xml:45567 msgid "" "If an update of only a specific language is desired, make " "can be invoked in a language-specific subdirectory of /usr/doc/usr/doc:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45293 +#: book.translate.xml:45572 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1\n" @@ -82382,7 +82845,7 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45296 +#: book.translate.xml:45575 msgid "" "An alternative way of updating the documentation is to run this command from " "/usr/doc or the desired language-specific subdirectory:" @@ -82392,13 +82855,13 @@ "idioma desejado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45300 +#: book.translate.xml:45579 #, no-wrap msgid "# make update" msgstr "# make update" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45302 +#: book.translate.xml:45581 msgid "" "The output formats that will be installed may be specified by setting " "FORMATS:" @@ -82407,7 +82870,7 @@ "o parâmetro FORMATS:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45305 +#: book.translate.xml:45584 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/doc\n" @@ -82417,7 +82880,7 @@ "# make FORMATS='html html-split' install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45308 +#: book.translate.xml:45587 msgid "" "Several options are available to ease the process of updating only parts of " "the documentation, or the build of specific translations. These options can " @@ -82431,17 +82894,17 @@ "passadas para o make." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45315 +#: book.translate.xml:45594 msgid "The options include:" msgstr "As opções incluem:" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:45319 +#: book.translate.xml:45598 msgid "DOC_LANG" msgstr "DOC_LANG" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45322 +#: book.translate.xml:45601 msgid "" "The list of languages and encodings to build and install, such as " "en_US.ISO8859-1 for English documentation." @@ -82450,12 +82913,12 @@ "en_US.ISO8859-1 para documentação em inglês." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:45329 +#: book.translate.xml:45608 msgid "FORMATS" msgstr "FORMATS" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45332 +#: book.translate.xml:45611 msgid "" "A single format or a list of output formats to be built. Currently, " "html, html-split, txt, e pdf." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:45341 +#: book.translate.xml:45620 msgid "DOCDIR" msgstr "DOCDIR" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45344 +#: book.translate.xml:45623 msgid "" "Where to install the documentation. It defaults to /usr/share/doc." @@ -82480,7 +82943,7 @@ "Onde instalar a documentação. O padrão é /usr/share/doc." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45350 +#: book.translate.xml:45629 msgid "" "For more make variables supported as system-wide options " "in FreeBSD, refer to make.conf5." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:45357 +#: book.translate.xml:45636 msgid "Updating Documentation from Ports" msgstr "Atualizando a documentação a partir do ports" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:45360 +#: book.translate.xml:45639 msgid "" " Marc Fonvieille Based on the work of " @@ -82505,14 +82968,14 @@ "personname> Baseado no trabalho de " #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:45374 +#: book.translate.xml:45653 msgid "" "documentation package Updating and Upgrading" msgstr "" "documentation package Updating and Upgrading" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45379 +#: book.translate.xml:45658 msgid "" "The previous section presented a method for updating the FreeBSD " "documentation from sources. This section describes an alternative method " @@ -82523,7 +82986,7 @@ "que usa a Coleção de Ports e possibilita:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45386 +#: book.translate.xml:45665 msgid "" "Install pre-built packages of the documentation, without having to locally " "build anything or install the documentation toolchain." @@ -82532,7 +82995,7 @@ "localmente ou instalar o conjunto de ferramentas de documentação." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45392 +#: book.translate.xml:45671 msgid "" "Build the documentation sources through the ports framework, making the " "checkout and build steps a bit easier." @@ -82541,12 +83004,12 @@ "facilitando o check-out e as etapas de compilação." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45398 +#: book.translate.xml:45677 msgid "" "This method of updating the FreeBSD documentation is supported by a set of " "documentation ports and packages which are updated by the Documentation " "Engineering Team on a monthly basis. These " -"are listed in the FreeBSD Ports Collection, under the docs category (" "docs/)." msgstr "" @@ -82558,12 +83021,12 @@ "docs/)." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45404 +#: book.translate.xml:45683 msgid "Organization of the documentation ports is as follows:" msgstr "A organização dos ports de documentação é a seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45409 +#: book.translate.xml:45688 msgid "" "The misc/freebsd-doc-en package or port installs all of " "the English documentation." @@ -82572,7 +83035,7 @@ "documentação em inglês." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45414 +#: book.translate.xml:45693 msgid "" "The misc/freebsd-doc-all meta-package or port installs " "all documentation in all available languages." @@ -82581,7 +83044,7 @@ "instala toda a documentação em todos os idiomas disponíveis." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45420 +#: book.translate.xml:45699 msgid "" "There is a package and port for each translation, such as misc/" "freebsd-doc-hu for the Hungarian documentation." @@ -82590,7 +83053,7 @@ "doc-hu para a documentação húngara." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45426 +#: book.translate.xml:45705 msgid "" "When binary packages are used, the FreeBSD documentation will be installed " "in all available formats for the given language. For example, the following " @@ -82601,13 +83064,13 @@ "comando a seguir instalará o pacote mais recente da documentação em húngaro:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45431 +#: book.translate.xml:45710 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install hu-freebsd-doc" msgstr "# pkg install hu-freebsd-doc" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:45434 +#: book.translate.xml:45713 msgid "" "Packages use a format that differs from the corresponding port's name: " "lang-freebsd-doc, where " @@ -82622,7 +83085,7 @@ "chinês simplificado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45443 +#: book.translate.xml:45722 msgid "" "To specify the format of the documentation, build the port instead of " "installing the package. For example, to build and install the English " @@ -82633,7 +83096,7 @@ "inglês:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45447 +#: book.translate.xml:45726 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-en\n" @@ -82643,7 +83106,7 @@ "# make install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45450 +#: book.translate.xml:45729 msgid "" "The port provides a configuration menu where the format to build and install " "can be specified. By default, split HTML, similar to the " @@ -82657,7 +83120,7 @@ "selecionados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45455 +#: book.translate.xml:45734 msgid "" "Alternately, several make options can be specified when " "building a documentation port, including:" @@ -82666,12 +83129,12 @@ "especificadas ao compilar um port de documentação, incluindo:" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:45461 +#: book.translate.xml:45740 msgid "WITH_HTML" msgstr "WITH_HTML" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45464 +#: book.translate.xml:45743 msgid "" "Builds the HTML format with a single HTML file per document. The formatted " "documentation is saved to a file called article.html, " @@ -82682,12 +83145,12 @@ "book.html." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:45472 +#: book.translate.xml:45751 msgid "WITH_PDF" msgstr "WITH_PDF" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45475 +#: book.translate.xml:45754 msgid "" "The formatted documentation is saved to a file called article.pdf or book.pdf." @@ -82696,12 +83159,12 @@ " ou book.pdf." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:45482 +#: book.translate.xml:45761 msgid "DOCBASE" msgstr "DOCBASE" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45485 +#: book.translate.xml:45764 msgid "" "Specifies where to install the documentation. It defaults to /usr/" "local/share/doc/freebsd." @@ -82710,7 +83173,7 @@ "share/doc/freebsd." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45492 +#: book.translate.xml:45771 msgid "" "This example uses variables to install the Hungarian documentation as a " "PDF in the specified directory:" @@ -82719,7 +83182,7 @@ "arquivo PDF no diretório especificado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45496 +#: book.translate.xml:45775 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/misc/freebsd-doc-hu\n" @@ -82729,7 +83192,7 @@ "# make -DWITH_PDF DOCBASE=share/doc/freebsd/hu install clean" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45499 +#: book.translate.xml:45778 msgid "" "Documentation packages or ports can be updated using the instructions in " ". For example, the following command updates the " @@ -82742,28 +83205,28 @@ "package> através do uso apenas de pacotes:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45505 +#: book.translate.xml:45784 #, no-wrap msgid "# portmaster -PP hu-freebsd-doc" msgstr "# portmaster -PP hu-freebsd-doc" #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:45510 +#: book.translate.xml:45789 msgid "Tracking a Development Branch" msgstr "Acompanhando um ramo de desenvolvimento" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:45512 +#: book.translate.xml:45791 msgid "-CURRENT" msgstr "-CURRENT" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:45513 +#: book.translate.xml:45792 msgid "-STABLE" msgstr "-STABLE" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:45515 +#: book.translate.xml:45794 msgid "" "FreeBSD has two development branches: FreeBSD-CURRENT and FreeBSD-STABLE." msgstr "" @@ -82771,7 +83234,7 @@ "FreeBSD-STABLE." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:45518 +#: book.translate.xml:45797 msgid "" "This section provides an explanation of each branch and its intended " "audience, as well as how to keep a system up-to-date with each respective " @@ -82781,12 +83244,12 @@ "como manter um sistema atualizado com cada ramo respectivo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:45523 +#: book.translate.xml:45802 msgid "Using FreeBSD-CURRENT" msgstr "Usando o FreeBSD-CURRENT" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45525 +#: book.translate.xml:45804 msgid "" "FreeBSD-CURRENT is the bleeding edge of FreeBSD development " "and FreeBSD-CURRENT users are expected to have a high degree of technical " @@ -82799,7 +83262,7 @@ "ramo de desenvolvimento devem acompanhar o FreeBSD-STABLE." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45531 +#: book.translate.xml:45810 msgid "" "FreeBSD-CURRENT is the very latest source code for FreeBSD and includes " "works in progress, experimental changes, and transitional mechanisms that " @@ -82820,13 +83283,13 @@ "questão de quando o código-fonte foi sincronizado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45541 +#: book.translate.xml:45820 msgid "FreeBSD-CURRENT is made available for three primary interest groups:" msgstr "" "O FreeBSD-CURRENT é disponibilizado para três grupos de interesse principais:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45546 +#: book.translate.xml:45825 msgid "" "Members of the FreeBSD community who are actively working on some part of " "the source tree." @@ -82835,7 +83298,7 @@ "parte da árvore de códigos fontes." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45551 +#: book.translate.xml:45830 msgid "" "Members of the FreeBSD community who are active testers. They are willing to " "spend time solving problems, making topical suggestions on changes and the " @@ -82846,7 +83309,7 @@ "mudanças e sobre a direção geral do FreeBSD, e enviando correções." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45558 +#: book.translate.xml:45837 msgid "" "Users who wish to keep an eye on things, use the current source for " "reference purposes, or make the occasional comment or code contribution." @@ -82856,7 +83319,7 @@ "código." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45564 +#: book.translate.xml:45843 msgid "" "FreeBSD-CURRENT should not be considered a fast-track " "to getting new features before the next release as pre-release features are " @@ -82874,17 +83337,17 @@ "suportado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:45572 +#: book.translate.xml:45851 msgid "-CURRENT using" msgstr "-CURRENT using" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45577 +#: book.translate.xml:45856 msgid "To track FreeBSD-CURRENT:" msgstr "Para acompanhar o FreeBSD-CURRENT:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45581 +#: book.translate.xml:45860 msgid "" "Join the freebsd-current and the svn-src-head list records the commit log entry for each change as " @@ -82913,7 +83376,7 @@ "pertinente sobre possíveis efeitos colaterais." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45592 +#: book.translate.xml:45871 msgid "" "To join these lists, go to, click " @@ -82930,7 +83393,7 @@ "\">svn-src-all." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45600 +#: book.translate.xml:45879 msgid "" "Synchronize with the FreeBSD-CURRENT sources. Typically, svnlite is used to check out the -CURRENT code from the " @@ -82943,7 +83406,7 @@ "listados em ." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45608 +#: book.translate.xml:45887 msgid "" "Due to the size of the repository, some users choose to only synchronize the " "sections of source that interest them or which they are contributing patches " @@ -82958,12 +83421,12 @@ "emphasis> do FreeBSD-CURRENT, não apenas as partes selecionadas." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:45616 +#: book.translate.xml:45895 msgid "-CURRENT compiling" msgstr "-CURRENT compiling" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45615 +#: book.translate.xml:45894 msgid "" "Before compiling FreeBSD-CURRENT <_:indexterm-1/>, read /usr/src/" "Makefile very carefully and follow the instructions in -STABLE using" msgstr "-STABLE using" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45674 +#: book.translate.xml:45953 msgid "" "Join the freebsd-stable list in order to stay informed of " @@ -83082,7 +83545,7 @@ "proposta." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45683 +#: book.translate.xml:45962 msgid "" "Join the relevant svn list for the branch being " "tracked. For example, users tracking the 9-STABLE branch should join the " @@ -83100,7 +83563,7 @@ "colaterais." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45691 +#: book.translate.xml:45970 msgid "" "To join these lists, go to, click " @@ -83116,7 +83579,7 @@ "\">svn-src-all ." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45698 +#: book.translate.xml:45977 msgid "" "To install a new FreeBSD-STABLE system, install the most recent FreeBSD-" "STABLE release from the FreeBSD mirror sites para maiores informações sobre snapshots." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45703 +#: book.translate.xml:45982 msgid "" "To compile or upgrade to an existing FreeBSD system to FreeBSD-STABLE, use " "svn <_:indexterm-1/> to check out the source " @@ -83146,12 +83609,12 @@ "\"@@URL_RELPREFIX@@/releng/\">" #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:45714 +#: book.translate.xml:45993 msgid "-STABLE compiling" msgstr "-STABLE compiling" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:45713 +#: book.translate.xml:45992 msgid "" "Before compiling or upgrading to FreeBSD-STABLE <_:indexterm-1/>, read " "/usr/src/Makefile carefully and follow the instructions " @@ -83171,12 +83634,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect1/title #. (itstool) id: book.translate.xml#updating-src -#: book.translate.xml:45728 +#: book.translate.xml:46007 msgid "Updating FreeBSD from Source" msgstr "Atualizando o FreeBSD a partir do código fonte" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:45730 +#: book.translate.xml:46009 msgid "" "Updating FreeBSD by compiling from source offers several advantages over " "binary updates. Code can be built with options to take advantage of specific " @@ -83195,7 +83658,7 @@ "versão do FreeBSD adaptada as suas necessidades." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45742 +#: book.translate.xml:46021 msgid "" "This is a quick reference for the typical steps used to update FreeBSD by " "building from source. Later sections describe the process in more detail." @@ -83205,12 +83668,12 @@ "descrevem o processo com mais detalhes." #. (itstool) path: step/title -#: book.translate.xml:45748 +#: book.translate.xml:46027 msgid "Update and Build" msgstr "Atualizar e Compilar" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45750 +#: book.translate.xml:46029 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# svnlite update /usr/src \n" @@ -83236,7 +83699,7 @@ "# shutdown -r now " #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:45763 +#: book.translate.xml:46042 msgid "" "Get the latest version of the source. See for more information on obtaining and updating source." @@ -83246,7 +83709,7 @@ "o código fonte." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:45770 +#: book.translate.xml:46049 msgid "" "Check /usr/src/UPDATING for any manual steps required " "before or after building from source." @@ -83255,17 +83718,17 @@ "manuais necessárias antes ou depois de compilar a partir do código fonte." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:45776 book.translate.xml:45795 +#: book.translate.xml:46055 book.translate.xml:46074 msgid "Go to the source directory." msgstr "Vá para o diretório de origem." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:45780 +#: book.translate.xml:46059 msgid "Compile the world, everything except the kernel." msgstr "Compile o mundo, tudo exceto o kernel." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:45785 +#: book.translate.xml:46064 msgid "" "Compile and install the kernel. This is equivalent to make " "buildkernel installkernel." @@ -83274,33 +83737,33 @@ "installkernel." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:45791 +#: book.translate.xml:46070 msgid "Reboot the system to the new kernel." msgstr "Reinicialize o sistema com o novo kernel." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:45799 +#: book.translate.xml:46078 msgid "Install the world." msgstr "Instale o mundo." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:45803 +#: book.translate.xml:46082 msgid "Update and merge configuration files in /etc/." msgstr "" "Atualize e mescle os arquivos de configuração em /etc/." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:45808 +#: book.translate.xml:46087 msgid "Restart the system to use the newly-built world and kernel." msgstr "Reinicie o sistema para usar o mundo e o kernel recém-compilados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:45817 +#: book.translate.xml:46096 msgid "Preparing for a Source Update" msgstr "Preparando-se para uma atualização a partir do código fonte" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45819 +#: book.translate.xml:46098 msgid "" "Read /usr/src/UPDATING. Any manual steps that must be " "performed before or after an update are described in this file." @@ -83310,12 +83773,12 @@ "arquivo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:45825 +#: book.translate.xml:46104 msgid "Updating the Source" msgstr "Atualizando o código fonte" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45827 +#: book.translate.xml:46106 msgid "" "FreeBSD source code is located in /usr/src/. The " "preferred method of updating this source is through the " @@ -83328,7 +83791,7 @@ "fonte está sob controle de versão:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45833 +#: book.translate.xml:46112 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# svnlite info /usr/src\n" @@ -83342,7 +83805,7 @@ "..." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45838 +#: book.translate.xml:46117 msgid "" "This indicates that /usr/src/ is under version control " "and can be updated with svnlite# svnlite update /usr/src" msgstr "# svnlite update /usr/src" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45844 +#: book.translate.xml:46123 msgid "" "The update process can take some time if the directory has not been updated " "recently. After it finishes, the source code is up to date and the build " @@ -83372,12 +83835,12 @@ "começar." #. (itstool) path: note/title -#: book.translate.xml:45850 +#: book.translate.xml:46129 msgid "Obtaining the Source" msgstr "Obtendo o código fonte" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:45852 +#: book.translate.xml:46131 msgid "" "If the output says '/usr/src' is not a working copy, the " "files there are missing or were installed with a different method. A new " @@ -83388,32 +83851,32 @@ "diferente. Um novo checkout da fonte é necessário." #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:45858 +#: book.translate.xml:46137 msgid "FreeBSD Versions and Repository Paths" msgstr "Versões do FreeBSD e Caminhos do Repositório" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:45863 +#: book.translate.xml:46142 msgid "uname -r Output" msgstr "Saída do uname -r" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:45864 +#: book.translate.xml:46143 msgid "Repository Path" msgstr "Caminho do Repositório" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:45871 +#: book.translate.xml:46150 msgid "X.Y-RELEASE" msgstr "X.Y-RELEASE" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:45872 +#: book.translate.xml:46151 msgid "base/releng/X.Y" msgstr "base/releng/X.Y" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:45873 +#: book.translate.xml:46152 msgid "" "The Release version plus only critical security and bug fix patches. This " "branch is recommended for most users." @@ -83422,17 +83885,17 @@ "de erros. Este ramo é recomendado para a maioria dos usuários." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:45879 +#: book.translate.xml:46158 msgid "X.Y-STABLE" msgstr "X.Y-STABLE" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:45880 +#: book.translate.xml:46159 msgid "base/stable/X" msgstr "base/stable/X" #. (itstool) path: entry/para -#: book.translate.xml:45882 +#: book.translate.xml:46161 msgid "" "The Release version plus all additional development on that branch. " "STABLE refers to the Applications Binary Interface " @@ -83448,7 +83911,7 @@ "posteriormente." #. (itstool) path: entry/para -#: book.translate.xml:45892 +#: book.translate.xml:46171 msgid "" "STABLE branches occasionally have bugs or incompatibilities which might " "affect users, although these are typically fixed quickly." @@ -83457,17 +83920,17 @@ "afetar os usuários, embora sejam normalmente corrigidos rapidamente." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:45899 +#: book.translate.xml:46178 msgid "X-CURRENT" msgstr "X-CURRENT" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:45900 +#: book.translate.xml:46179 msgid "base/head/" msgstr "base/head/" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:45901 +#: book.translate.xml:46180 msgid "" "The latest unreleased development version of FreeBSD. The CURRENT branch can " "have major bugs or incompatibilities and is recommended only for advanced " @@ -83478,7 +83941,7 @@ "usuários avançados." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:45910 +#: book.translate.xml:46189 msgid "" "Determine which version of FreeBSD is being used with " "uname1:" #. (itstool) path: note/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45913 +#: book.translate.xml:46192 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# uname -r\n" @@ -83499,7 +83962,7 @@ "10.3-RELEASE" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:45916 +#: book.translate.xml:46195 msgid "" "Based on , the source " "used to update 10.3-RELEASE has a repository path of " @@ -83512,7 +83975,7 @@ "verificar a fonte:" #. (itstool) path: note/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45922 +#: book.translate.xml:46201 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# mv /usr/src /usr/src.bak \n" @@ -83522,7 +83985,7 @@ "# svnlite checkout /usr/src " #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:45927 +#: book.translate.xml:46206 msgid "" "Move the old directory out of the way. If there are no local modifications " "in this directory, it can be deleted." @@ -83531,7 +83994,7 @@ "locais nesse diretório, ele poderá ser excluído." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:45933 +#: book.translate.xml:46212 msgid "" "The path from is " "added to the repository URL. The third parameter is the " @@ -83542,12 +84005,12 @@ "diretório de destino do código-fonte no sistema local." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:45944 +#: book.translate.xml:46223 msgid "Building from Source" msgstr "Compilando a partir do código-fonte" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45946 +#: book.translate.xml:46225 msgid "" "The world, or all of the operating system except the " "kernel, is compiled. This is done first to provide up-to-date tools to build " @@ -83558,7 +84021,7 @@ "atualizadas para construir o kernel. Então o próprio kernel é construído:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45951 +#: book.translate.xml:46230 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/src\n" @@ -83570,12 +84033,12 @@ "# make buildkernel" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45955 +#: book.translate.xml:46234 msgid "The compiled code is written to /usr/obj." msgstr "O código compilado é escrito em /usr/obj." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:45958 +#: book.translate.xml:46237 msgid "" "These are the basic steps. Additional options to control the build are " "described below." @@ -83584,17 +84047,17 @@ "são descritas abaixo." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:45962 +#: book.translate.xml:46241 msgid "Performing a Clean Build" msgstr "Executando uma compilação limpa" #. (itstool) path: para/buildtarget -#: book.translate.xml:45969 +#: book.translate.xml:46248 msgid "cleanworld" msgstr "cleanworld" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:45964 +#: book.translate.xml:46243 msgid "" "Some versions of the FreeBSD build system leave previously-compiled code in " "the temporary object directory, /usr/obj. This can " @@ -83609,18 +84072,18 @@ "de tudo, use <_:buildtarget-1/> antes de iniciar uma construção:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45972 +#: book.translate.xml:46251 #, no-wrap msgid "# make cleanworld" msgstr "# make cleanworld" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:45976 +#: book.translate.xml:46255 msgid "Setting the Number of Jobs" msgstr "Definindo o Número de Jobs" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:45978 +#: book.translate.xml:46257 msgid "" "Increasing the number of build jobs on multi-core processors can improve " "build speed. Determine the number of cores with sysctl hw.ncpu-j." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:45989 +#: book.translate.xml:46268 msgid "Increasing the Number of Build Jobs" msgstr "Aumentando o número de jobs de compilação" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:45991 +#: book.translate.xml:46270 msgid "Building the world and kernel with four jobs:" msgstr "Compilando o mundo e o kernel com quatro jobs:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:45993 +#: book.translate.xml:46272 #, no-wrap msgid "# make -j4 buildworld buildkernel" msgstr "# make -j4 buildworld buildkernel" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:45998 +#: book.translate.xml:46277 msgid "Building Only the Kernel" msgstr "Compilando Apenas o Kernel" #. (itstool) path: para/buildtarget -#: book.translate.xml:46002 book.translate.xml:46068 +#: book.translate.xml:46281 book.translate.xml:46347 msgid "buildkernel" msgstr "buildkernel" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:46000 +#: book.translate.xml:46279 msgid "" "A <_:buildtarget-1/> must be completed if the source code has changed. After " "that, a <_:buildtarget-2/> to build a kernel can be run at any time. To " @@ -83677,7 +84140,7 @@ "executado a qualquer momento. Para compilar apenas o kernel:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46005 +#: book.translate.xml:46284 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/src\n" @@ -83687,12 +84150,12 @@ "# make buildkernel" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:46010 +#: book.translate.xml:46289 msgid "Building a Custom Kernel" msgstr "Compilando um Kernel Customizado" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:46012 +#: book.translate.xml:46291 msgid "" "The standard FreeBSD kernel is based on a kernel config file called GENERIC. The GENERICRAM could remove unneeded device drivers or " @@ -83719,7 +84182,7 @@ "desnecessários ou opções para tornar o kernel um pouco menor." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:46026 +#: book.translate.xml:46305 msgid "" "Kernel config files are located in /usr/src/sys/arch/conf/, where arch is the " @@ -83735,7 +84198,7 @@ "amd64/conf/." #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:46034 +#: book.translate.xml:46313 msgid "" "/usr/src can be deleted or recreated, so it is " "preferable to keep custom kernel config files in a separate directory, like " @@ -83751,7 +84214,7 @@ "vinculada novamente ao novo." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:46043 +#: book.translate.xml:46322 msgid "" "A custom config file can be created by copying the GENERIC config file. In this example, the new custom kernel is for a " @@ -83763,7 +84226,7 @@ "STORAGESERVER:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46048 +#: book.translate.xml:46327 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cp /usr/src/sys/amd64/conf/GENERIC /root/STORAGESERVER\n" @@ -83775,7 +84238,7 @@ "# ln -s /root/STORAGESERVER ." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:46052 +#: book.translate.xml:46331 msgid "" "/root/STORAGESERVER is then edited, adding or removing " "devices or options as shown in config." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:46056 +#: book.translate.xml:46335 msgid "" "The custom kernel is built by setting KERNCONF to the " "kernel config file on the command line:" @@ -83796,18 +84259,18 @@ "varname> no arquivo de configuração do kernel na linha de comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46060 +#: book.translate.xml:46339 #, no-wrap msgid "# make buildkernel KERNCONF=STORAGESERVER" msgstr "# make buildkernel KERNCONF=STORAGESERVER" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:46065 +#: book.translate.xml:46344 msgid "Installing the Compiled Code" msgstr "Instalando o código compilado" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46067 +#: book.translate.xml:46346 msgid "" "After the <_:buildtarget-1/> and <_:buildtarget-2/> steps have been " "completed, the new kernel and world are installed:" @@ -83816,7 +84279,7 @@ "concluídas, o novo kernel e o restante do sistema base serão instalados:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46071 +#: book.translate.xml:46350 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/src\n" @@ -83834,7 +84297,7 @@ "# shutdown -r now" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46078 +#: book.translate.xml:46357 msgid "" "If a custom kernel was built, KERNCONF must also be set " "to use the new custom kernel:" @@ -83843,7 +84306,7 @@ "deve ser configurado para usar o novo kernel customizado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46081 +#: book.translate.xml:46360 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/src\n" @@ -83861,12 +84324,12 @@ "# shutdown -r now" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:46090 +#: book.translate.xml:46369 msgid "Completing the Update" msgstr "Concluindo a atualização" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46092 +#: book.translate.xml:46371 msgid "" "A few final tasks complete the update. Any modified configuration files are " "merged with the new versions, outdated libraries are located and removed, " @@ -83878,7 +84341,7 @@ "seguida, o sistema é reiniciado." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:46098 +#: book.translate.xml:46377 msgid "" "Merging Configuration Files with mergemaster8" @@ -83888,7 +84351,7 @@ "manvolnum>" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:46101 +#: book.translate.xml:46380 msgid "" "mergemaster8 provides an easy way to merge changes that have " @@ -83900,7 +84363,7 @@ "arquivos." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:46105 +#: book.translate.xml:46384 msgid "" "With , mergemaster8 automatically updates " @@ -83914,13 +84377,13 @@ "estiverem presentes:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46109 +#: book.translate.xml:46388 #, no-wrap msgid "# mergemaster -Ui" msgstr "# mergemaster -Ui" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:46111 +#: book.translate.xml:46390 msgid "" "If a file must be manually merged, an interactive display allows the user to " "choose which portions of the files are kept. See " @@ -83933,12 +84396,12 @@ "manvolnum> para maiores informações." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:46118 +#: book.translate.xml:46397 msgid "Checking for Outdated Files and Libraries" msgstr "Verificando Arquivos e Bibliotecas Desatualizados" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:46120 +#: book.translate.xml:46399 msgid "" "Some obsolete files or directories can remain after an update. These files " "can be located:" @@ -83947,48 +84410,48 @@ "atualização. Esses arquivos podem ser localizados:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46123 +#: book.translate.xml:46402 #, no-wrap msgid "# make check-old" msgstr "# make check-old" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:46125 +#: book.translate.xml:46404 msgid "and deleted:" msgstr "e excluído:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46127 +#: book.translate.xml:46406 #, no-wrap msgid "# make delete-old" msgstr "# make delete-old" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:46129 +#: book.translate.xml:46408 msgid "Some obsolete libraries can also remain. These can be detected with:" msgstr "" "Algumas bibliotecas obsoletas também podem permanecer. Estes podem ser " "detectados com:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46132 +#: book.translate.xml:46411 #, no-wrap msgid "# make check-old-libs" msgstr "# make check-old-libs" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:46134 +#: book.translate.xml:46413 msgid "and deleted with" msgstr "e deletado com" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46136 +#: book.translate.xml:46415 #, no-wrap msgid "# make delete-old-libs" msgstr "# make delete-old-libs" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:46138 +#: book.translate.xml:46417 msgid "" "Programs which were still using those old libraries will stop working when " "the library has been deleted. These programs must be rebuilt or replaced " @@ -83999,7 +84462,7 @@ "recompilados ou substituídos após a exclusão das bibliotecas antigas." #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:46144 +#: book.translate.xml:46423 msgid "" "When all the old files or directories are known to be safe to delete, " "pressing y and Enter to delete each file " @@ -84013,18 +84476,18 @@ "comando. Por exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: tip/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46150 +#: book.translate.xml:46429 #, no-wrap msgid "# make BATCH_DELETE_OLD_FILES=yes delete-old-libs" msgstr "# make BATCH_DELETE_OLD_FILES=yes delete-old-libs" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:46155 +#: book.translate.xml:46434 msgid "Restarting After the Update" msgstr "Reiniciando após a atualização" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:46157 +#: book.translate.xml:46436 msgid "" "The last step after updating is to restart the computer so all the changes " "take effect:" @@ -84033,19 +84496,19 @@ "alterações entrem em vigor:" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:46167 +#: book.translate.xml:46446 msgid "Tracking for Multiple Machines" msgstr "Atualização de várias máquinas" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:46180 +#: book.translate.xml:46459 msgid "" "NFS installing multiple machines" msgstr "" "NFS installing multiple machines" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46185 +#: book.translate.xml:46464 msgid "" "When multiple machines need to track the same source tree, it is a waste of " "disk space, network bandwidth, and CPU cycles to have " @@ -84065,7 +84528,7 @@ "linkend=\"network-nfs\"/>." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46194 +#: book.translate.xml:46473 msgid "" "First, identify a set of machines which will run the same set of binaries, " "known as a build set. Each machine can have a custom " @@ -84085,7 +84548,7 @@ "make buildworld e o make buildkernel." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46204 +#: book.translate.xml:46483 msgid "" "Select a machine to be the test machine, which will " "test software updates before they are put into production. This " @@ -84099,7 +84562,7 @@ "máquina de compilação, mas não precisa ser." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46210 +#: book.translate.xml:46489 msgid "" "All the machines in this build set need to mount /usr/obj and /usr/src from the build machine via " @@ -84115,7 +84578,7 @@ "acronym> nas demais." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46216 +#: book.translate.xml:46495 msgid "" "Ensure that /etc/make.conf and /etc/src.conf on all the machines in the build set agree with the build machine. " @@ -84141,7 +84604,7 @@ "arch/conf." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46228 +#: book.translate.xml:46507 msgid "" "On the build machine, build the kernel and world as described in , but do not install anything on the build machine. " @@ -84163,7 +84626,7 @@ "reinicialize para retornar às operações multiusuário normais." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46239 +#: book.translate.xml:46518 msgid "" "After verifying that everything on the test machine is working properly, use " "the same procedure to install the new software on each of the other machines " @@ -84174,7 +84637,7 @@ "uma das outras máquinas no conjunto de compilação." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46243 +#: book.translate.xml:46522 msgid "" "The same methodology can be used for the ports tree. The first step is to " "share /usr/ports via NFS to all the " @@ -84203,22 +84666,22 @@ "varname>." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:46276 +#: book.translate.xml:46555 msgid "DTrace" msgstr "DTrace" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:46287 +#: book.translate.xml:46566 msgid "DTrace" msgstr "DTrace" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:46288 +#: book.translate.xml:46567 msgid "DTrace support DTrace" msgstr "DTrace support DTrace" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46293 +#: book.translate.xml:46572 msgid "" "DTrace, also known as Dynamic Tracing, was developed by Sun as a tool for locating performance bottlenecks in production and " @@ -84234,7 +84697,7 @@ "userland." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46300 +#: book.translate.xml:46579 msgid "" "DTrace is a remarkable profiling tool, with an impressive array of features " "for diagnosing system issues. It may also be used to run pre-written scripts " @@ -84250,7 +84713,7 @@ "necessidades específicas." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46307 +#: book.translate.xml:46586 msgid "" "The FreeBSD implementation provides full support for kernel DTrace and " "experimental support for userland DTrace. Userland DTrace allows users to " @@ -84270,7 +84733,7 @@ "ativar testes estáticos." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46317 +#: book.translate.xml:46596 msgid "" "The official guide to DTrace is maintained by the Illumos project at DTrace Guide." @@ -84279,12 +84742,12 @@ "\"\">Guia do DTrace." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:46325 +#: book.translate.xml:46604 msgid "What DTrace is and what features it provides." msgstr "O que é o DTrace e quais recursos ele fornece." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:46329 +#: book.translate.xml:46608 msgid "" "Differences between the Solaris DTrace implementation " "and the one provided by FreeBSD." @@ -84293,17 +84756,17 @@ "a fornecida pelo FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:46334 +#: book.translate.xml:46613 msgid "How to enable and use DTrace on FreeBSD." msgstr "Como ativar e usar o DTrace no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:46354 +#: book.translate.xml:46633 msgid "Implementation Differences" msgstr "Diferenças de Implementação" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46356 +#: book.translate.xml:46635 msgid "" "While the DTrace in FreeBSD is similar to that found in Solaris, differences do exist. The primary difference is that in FreeBSD, " @@ -84317,13 +84780,13 @@ "Para carregar todos os módulos necessários:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46362 +#: book.translate.xml:46641 #, no-wrap msgid "# kldload dtraceall" msgstr "# kldload dtraceall" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46364 +#: book.translate.xml:46643 msgid "" "Beginning with FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE, the modules are automatically loaded " "when dtrace is run." @@ -84332,7 +84795,7 @@ "automaticamente quando o dtrace é executado." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46368 +#: book.translate.xml:46647 msgid "" "FreeBSD uses the DDB_CTF kernel option to enable support " "for loading CTF data from kernel modules and the kernel " @@ -84360,7 +84823,7 @@ "executáveis ou bibliotecas compartilhadas." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46382 +#: book.translate.xml:46661 msgid "" "Some different providers exist for FreeBSD than for Solaris. Most notable is the dtmalloc provider, which " @@ -84386,7 +84849,7 @@ "funcionar sem modificações no FreeBSD, e vice-versa." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46394 +#: book.translate.xml:46673 msgid "" "Due to security differences, only root may use DTrace on FreeBSD. Solaris has a " @@ -84401,7 +84864,7 @@ "é estritamente limitado ao root." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46400 +#: book.translate.xml:46679 msgid "" "DTrace falls under the Common Development and Distribution License " "(CDDL) license. To view this license on FreeBSD, see " @@ -84422,12 +84885,12 @@ "formato binário ou quando os binários são carregados." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:46412 +#: book.translate.xml:46691 msgid "Enabling DTrace Support" msgstr "Ativando o Suporte do DTrace" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46414 +#: book.translate.xml:46693 msgid "" "In FreeBSD 9.2 and 10.0, DTrace support is built into the GENERIC kernel. Users of earlier versions of FreeBSD or who prefer to " @@ -84442,7 +84905,7 @@ "recompilar o kernel usando as instruções em :" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:46420 +#: book.translate.xml:46699 #, no-wrap msgid "" "options KDTRACE_HOOKS\n" @@ -84456,18 +84919,18 @@ "makeoptions\tWITH_CTF=1" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46425 +#: book.translate.xml:46704 msgid "Users of the AMD64 architecture should also add this line:" msgstr "Os usuários da arquitetura AMD64 também devem adicionar esta linha:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:46428 +#: book.translate.xml:46707 #, no-wrap msgid "options KDTRACE_FRAME" msgstr "options KDTRACE_FRAME" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46430 +#: book.translate.xml:46709 msgid "" "This option provides support for FBT. While DTrace will " "work without this option, there will be limited support for function " @@ -84478,7 +84941,7 @@ "limite de função." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46434 +#: book.translate.xml:46713 msgid "" "Once the FreeBSD system has rebooted into the new kernel, or the DTrace " "kernel modules have been loaded using kldload dtraceall, " @@ -84497,7 +84960,7 @@ "shells/pdksh ou shells/mksh." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46444 +#: book.translate.xml:46723 msgid "" "Finally, install the current DTrace Toolkit, a collection of ready-made " "scripts for collecting system information. There are scripts to check open " @@ -84514,7 +84977,7 @@ "pacote ou port sysutils/DTraceToolkit." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:46457 +#: book.translate.xml:46736 msgid "" "The scripts found in /usr/share/dtrace have been " "specifically ported to FreeBSD. Not all of the scripts found in the DTrace " @@ -84527,7 +84990,7 @@ "esforço para que funcionem no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46464 +#: book.translate.xml:46743 msgid "" "The DTrace Toolkit includes many scripts in the special language of DTrace. " "This language is called the D language and it is very similar to C++. An in " @@ -84542,12 +85005,12 @@ "\">Illumos Dynamic Tracing Guide." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:46472 +#: book.translate.xml:46751 msgid "Using DTrace" msgstr "Usando o DTrace" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46474 +#: book.translate.xml:46753 msgid "" "DTrace scripts consist of a list of one or more probes, or instrumentation points, where each probe is associated with " @@ -84569,20 +85032,20 @@ "diferentes eventos." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46485 +#: book.translate.xml:46764 msgid "" "To view all probes, the administrator can execute the following command:" msgstr "" "Para ver todos os probes, o administrador pode executar o seguinte comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46488 +#: book.translate.xml:46767 #, no-wrap msgid "# dtrace -l | more" msgstr "# dtrace -l | more" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46490 +#: book.translate.xml:46769 msgid "" "Each probe has an ID, a PROVIDER " "(dtrace or fbt), a MODULE, and a FUNCTION NAMEhotkernelhotkernel e procsystime." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46502 +#: book.translate.xml:46781 msgid "" "The hotkernel script is designed to identify which " "function is using the most kernel time. It will produce output similar to " @@ -84619,19 +85082,19 @@ "semelhante à seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46506 +#: book.translate.xml:46785 #, no-wrap msgid "" -"# cd /usr/share/dtrace/toolkit\n" +"# cd /usr/local/share/dtrace-toolkit\n" "# ./hotkernel\n" "Sampling... Hit Ctrl-C to end." msgstr "" -"# cd /usr/share/dtrace/toolkit\n" +"# cd /usr/local/share/dtrace-toolkit\n" "# ./hotkernel\n" "Sampling... Hit Ctrl-C to end." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46510 +#: book.translate.xml:46789 msgid "" "As instructed, use the CtrlC key combination to stop the process. " @@ -84644,7 +85107,7 @@ "informações de tempo, classificando a saída em ordem crescente de tempo:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46517 +#: book.translate.xml:46796 #, no-wrap msgid "" "kernel`_thread_lock_flags 2 0.0%\n" @@ -84702,7 +85165,7 @@ "0xc10981a5 42139 99.3%" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46548 +#: book.translate.xml:46827 msgid "" "This script will also work with kernel modules. To use this feature, run the " "script with :" @@ -84711,7 +85174,7 @@ "execute o script com :" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46551 +#: book.translate.xml:46830 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ./hotkernel -m\n" @@ -84749,7 +85212,7 @@ "0xc10981a5 213781 99.6%" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46572 +#: book.translate.xml:46851 msgid "" "The procsystime script captures and prints the system " "call time usage for a given process ID (PIDcsh. Estes são os resultados deste teste:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46582 +#: book.translate.xml:46861 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ./procsystime -n csh\n" @@ -84824,7 +85287,7 @@ " read 3988049784" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46608 +#: book.translate.xml:46887 msgid "" "As shown, the read() system call used the most time in " "nanoseconds while the getpid() system call used the " @@ -84835,12 +85298,12 @@ "getpid() usou a menor quantidade de tempo." #. (itstool) path: chapter/title -#: book.translate.xml:46624 +#: book.translate.xml:46903 msgid "USB Device Mode / USB OTG" msgstr "Modo de dispositivo USB/USB OTG" #. (itstool) path: affiliation/address -#: book.translate.xml:46637 +#: book.translate.xml:46916 #, no-wrap msgid "" "\n" @@ -84852,7 +85315,7 @@ "\t " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:46631 +#: book.translate.xml:46910 msgid "" " Edward Tomasz Napierala <_:address-1/> " @@ -84863,7 +85326,7 @@ "Escrito por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46646 +#: book.translate.xml:46925 msgid "" "This chapter covers the use of USB Device Mode and USB On The Go " "(USB OTG) in FreeBSD. This includes virtual serial " @@ -84874,7 +85337,7 @@ "virtuais, interfaces de rede virtual e drives USB virtuais." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46651 +#: book.translate.xml:46930 msgid "" "When running on hardware that supports USB device mode or USB OTG, like that built into many embedded boards, the FreeBSD " @@ -84898,7 +85361,7 @@ "dispositivo é algumas vezes chamado de modo USB gadget." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46663 +#: book.translate.xml:46942 msgid "" "There are two basic ways the hardware can provide the device mode " "functionality: with a separate \"client port\", which only supports the " @@ -84923,7 +85386,7 @@ "de finalidade única sempre funcionam no modo de dispositivo." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46676 +#: book.translate.xml:46955 msgid "" "What FreeBSD presents to the USB host depends on the " "hw.usb.template sysctl. Some templates provide a single " @@ -84943,7 +85406,7 @@ "valores disponíveis." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46685 +#: book.translate.xml:46964 msgid "" "Note that in some cases, depending on the hardware and the hosts operating " "system, for the host to notice the configuration change, it must be either " @@ -84968,25 +85431,25 @@ "acronym> OTG ." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:46700 +#: book.translate.xml:46979 msgid "How to set up USB Device Mode functionality on FreeBSD." msgstr "" "Como configurar a funcionalidade do modo de dispositivo USB no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:46705 +#: book.translate.xml:46984 msgid "How to configure the virtual serial port on FreeBSD." msgstr "Como configurar a porta serial virtual no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:46710 +#: book.translate.xml:46989 msgid "" "How to connect to the virtual serial port from various operating systems." msgstr "" "Como se conectar à porta serial virtual de vários sistemas operacionais." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:46715 +#: book.translate.xml:46994 msgid "" "How to configure FreeBSD to provide a virtual USB network " "interface." @@ -84995,7 +85458,7 @@ "USB." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:46720 +#: book.translate.xml:46999 msgid "" "How to configure FreeBSD to provide a virtual USB storage " "device." @@ -85004,17 +85467,17 @@ "armazenamento USB." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:46727 +#: book.translate.xml:47006 msgid "USB Virtual Serial Ports" msgstr "Portas Seriais Virtuais USB" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:46730 +#: book.translate.xml:47009 msgid "Configuring USB Device Mode Serial Ports" msgstr "Configurando Portas Seriais do Modo de Dispositivo USB" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46732 +#: book.translate.xml:47011 msgid "" "Virtual serial port support is provided by templates number 3, 8, and 10. " "Note that template 3 works with Microsoft Windows 10 without the need for " @@ -85033,7 +85496,7 @@ "refentrytitle>4 devem ser carregados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46739 +#: book.translate.xml:47018 msgid "" "To enable USB device mode serial ports, add those lines to /etc/" "ttys:" @@ -85041,8 +85504,8 @@ "Para ativar as portas seriais do modo de dispositivo USB, adicione essas " "linhas ao /etc/ttys:" -#. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46742 +#. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting +#: book.translate.xml:47021 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ttyU0\t\"/usr/libexec/getty 3wire\"\tvt100\tonifconsole secure\n" @@ -85051,8 +85514,8 @@ "ttyU0\t\"/usr/libexec/getty 3wire\"\tvt100\tonifconsole secure\n" "ttyU1\t\"/usr/libexec/getty 3wire\"\tvt100\tonifconsole secure" -#. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46748 +#. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting +#: book.translate.xml:47027 #, no-wrap msgid "" "notify 100 {\n" @@ -85072,7 +85535,7 @@ "};" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46756 +#: book.translate.xml:47035 msgid "" "Reload the configuration if devd8 is already running:" @@ -85082,7 +85545,7 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect2/para #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46761 book.translate.xml:46848 +#: book.translate.xml:47040 book.translate.xml:47127 msgid "" "Make sure the necessary modules are loaded and the correct template is set " "at boot by adding those lines to /boot/loader.conf, " @@ -85094,7 +85557,7 @@ "existir:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46766 +#: book.translate.xml:47045 #, no-wrap msgid "" "umodem_load=\"YES\"\n" @@ -85105,12 +85568,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect2/para #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46769 book.translate.xml:46856 +#: book.translate.xml:47048 book.translate.xml:47135 msgid "To load the module and set the template without rebooting use:" msgstr "Para carregar o módulo e definir o modelo sem reiniciar, use:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46772 +#: book.translate.xml:47051 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# kldload umodem\n" @@ -85120,14 +85583,14 @@ "# sysctl hw.usb.template=3" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:46778 +#: book.translate.xml:47057 msgid "Connecting to USB Device Mode Serial Ports from FreeBSD" msgstr "" "Conectando-se às portas seriais do modo de dispositivo USB a partir do " "FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46781 +#: book.translate.xml:47060 msgid "" "To connect to a board configured to provide USB device mode serial ports, " "connect the USB host, such as a laptop, to the boards USB OTG or USB client " @@ -85142,26 +85605,31 @@ "USB, por exemplo, \"ttyU0\". Para abrir a conexão, use:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46788 +#: book.translate.xml:47067 #, no-wrap msgid "# cu -l /dev/ttyU0" msgstr "# cu -l /dev/ttyU0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46790 -msgid "After pressing the Enter key a few times you will see a login prompt." +#: book.translate.xml:47069 +msgid "" +"After pressing the Enter key a few times you will see a " +"login prompt." msgstr "" -"Depois de pressionar a tecla Enter algumas vezes, você verá um prompt de " -"login." +"Depois de pressionar a tecla Enter algumas vezes, você verá " +"um prompt de login." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:46795 -msgid "Connecting to USB Device Mode Serial Ports from macOS" +#: book.translate.xml:47074 +msgid "" +"Connecting to USB Device Mode Serial Ports from Mac OS" msgstr "" -"Conectando-se às portas seriais do modo de dispositivo USB a partir do macOS" +"Conectando-se às Portas Seriais do Modo de Dispositivo USB a partir do " +"Mac OS" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46798 book.translate.xml:46810 +#: book.translate.xml:47077 book.translate.xml:47089 msgid "" "To connect to a board configured to provide USB device mode serial ports, " "connect the USB host, such as a laptop, to the boards USB OTG or USB client " @@ -85172,32 +85640,32 @@ "OTG ou porta de cliente USB. Para abrir a conexão, use:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46803 +#: book.translate.xml:47082 #, no-wrap msgid "# cu -l /dev/cu.usbmodemFreeBSD1" msgstr "# cu -l /dev/cu.usbmodemFreeBSD1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:46807 +#: book.translate.xml:47086 msgid "Connecting to USB Device Mode Serial Ports from Linux" msgstr "" "Conectando-se às portas seriais do modo de dispositivo USB a partir do Linux" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46815 +#: book.translate.xml:47094 #, no-wrap msgid "# minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0" msgstr "# minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:46819 +#: book.translate.xml:47098 msgid "Connecting to USB Device Mode Serial Ports from Microsoft Windows 10" msgstr "" "Conectando-se às portas seriais do modo de dispositivo USB a partir do " "Microsoft Windows 10" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46822 +#: book.translate.xml:47101 msgid "" "To connect to a board configured to provide USB device mode serial ports, " "connect the USB host, such as a laptop, to the boards USB OTG or USB client " @@ -85223,12 +85691,12 @@ "caixa de diálogo \"Serial line\" e clique em Abrir." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:46839 +#: book.translate.xml:47118 msgid "USB Device Mode Network Interfaces" msgstr "Interfaces de rede do modo de dispositivo USB" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46842 +#: book.translate.xml:47121 msgid "" "Virtual network interfaces support is provided by templates number 1, 8, and " "10. Note that none of them works with Microsoft Windows. Other host " @@ -85246,8 +85714,8 @@ "if_cdce4 devem ser carregados." -#. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46853 +#. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting +#: book.translate.xml:47132 #, no-wrap msgid "" "if_cdce_load=\"YES\"\n" @@ -85257,7 +85725,7 @@ "hw.usb.template=1" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46859 +#: book.translate.xml:47138 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# kldload if_cdce\n" @@ -85267,23 +85735,23 @@ "# sysctl hw.usb.template=1" #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:46864 +#: book.translate.xml:47143 msgid "USB Virtual Storage Device" msgstr "Dispositivo de armazenamento virtual USB" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:46867 +#: book.translate.xml:47146 msgid "" "The cfumass4 driver is a USB device mode " -"driver first available in FreeBSD 12.0." +"driver first available in FreeBSD 12.0." msgstr "" "O driver cfumass 4 é um driver de modo de dispositivo USB disponibilizado pela primeira vez no FreeBSD 12.0." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:46871 +#: book.translate.xml:47150 msgid "" "Mass Storage target is provided by templates 0 and 10. Both " "usb_template4LUN, o LUN 0." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:46881 +#: book.translate.xml:47160 msgid "Configuring USB Mass Storage Target Using the cfumass Startup Script" msgstr "" "Configurando o target de armazenamento em massa USB usando o script de " "inicialização cfumass" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46884 +#: book.translate.xml:47163 msgid "" "The simplest way to set up a read-only USB storage target is to use the " "cfumass rc script. To configure it this way, copy the " @@ -85329,24 +85797,24 @@ "/etc/rc.conf :" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:46891 +#: book.translate.xml:47170 #, no-wrap msgid "cfumass_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "cfumass_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46893 +#: book.translate.xml:47172 msgid "To configure the target without restarting, run this command:" msgstr "Para fazer valer a configuração sem reiniciar, execute este comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46896 +#: book.translate.xml:47175 #, no-wrap msgid "# service cfumass start" msgstr "# service cfumass start" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46898 +#: book.translate.xml:47177 msgid "" "Differently from serial and network functionality, the template should not " "be set to 0 or 10 in /boot/loader.conf. This is because " @@ -85360,12 +85828,12 @@ "quando iniciado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:46906 +#: book.translate.xml:47185 msgid "Configuring USB Mass Storage Using Other Means" msgstr "Configurando o armazenamento em massa USB usando outros meios" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46908 +#: book.translate.xml:47187 msgid "" "The rest of this chapter provides detailed description of setting the target " "without using the cfumass rc file. This is necessary if eg one wants to " @@ -85376,7 +85844,7 @@ "alguém quiser fornecer um LUN gravável." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46912 +#: book.translate.xml:47191 msgid "" "USB Mass Storage does not require the " "ctld8 seja carregado. O módulo pode ser carregado manualmente:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46920 +#: book.translate.xml:47199 #, no-wrap msgid "# kldload cfumass" msgstr "# kldload cfumass" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46922 +#: book.translate.xml:47201 msgid "" "If cfumass.ko has not been built into the kernel, " "/boot/loader.conf can be set to load the module at boot:" @@ -85415,13 +85883,13 @@ "carregar o módulo na inicialização:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:46926 +#: book.translate.xml:47205 #, no-wrap msgid "cfumass_load=\"YES\"" msgstr "cfumass_load=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46928 +#: book.translate.xml:47207 msgid "" "A LUN can be created without the " "ctld8:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46931 +#: book.translate.xml:47210 #, no-wrap msgid "# ctladm create -b block -o file=/data/target0" msgstr "# ctladm create -b block -o file=/data/target0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46933 +#: book.translate.xml:47212 msgid "" "This presents the contents of the image file /data/target0 as a LUN to the USB host. " @@ -85453,7 +85921,7 @@ "/etc/rc.local." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46940 +#: book.translate.xml:47219 msgid "" "ctld8 can also be used to manage LUNs. Create " @@ -85470,7 +85938,7 @@ "automaticamente na inicialização e, em seguida, inicie o daemon." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46947 +#: book.translate.xml:47226 msgid "" "This is an example of a simple /etc/ctl.conf " "configuration file. Refer to ctl.confLUN. " "The naa.50015178f369f092 is a device identifier composed " @@ -85521,7 +85989,7 @@ "tamanho do LUN." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46969 +#: book.translate.xml:47248 msgid "" "To make sure the ctld8 daemon is started at " @@ -85532,13 +86000,13 @@ "inicialização, adicione esta linha ao /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:46973 book.translate.xml:57256 +#: book.translate.xml:47252 book.translate.xml:57733 #, no-wrap msgid "ctld_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "ctld_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46975 book.translate.xml:57258 +#: book.translate.xml:47254 book.translate.xml:57735 msgid "" "To start ctld8 now, run this command:" @@ -85548,13 +86016,13 @@ "comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46977 book.translate.xml:57260 +#: book.translate.xml:47256 book.translate.xml:57737 #, no-wrap msgid "# service ctld start" msgstr "# service ctld start" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:46979 +#: book.translate.xml:47258 msgid "" "As the ctld8 daemon is started, it reads /etc/ctl." @@ -85568,18 +86036,18 @@ "imediatamente:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:46984 book.translate.xml:57267 +#: book.translate.xml:47263 book.translate.xml:57744 #, no-wrap msgid "# service ctld reload" msgstr "# service ctld reload" #. (itstool) path: part/title -#: book.translate.xml:46992 +#: book.translate.xml:47271 msgid "Network Communication" msgstr "Comunicação de rede" #. (itstool) path: partintro/para -#: book.translate.xml:46995 +#: book.translate.xml:47274 msgid "" "FreeBSD is one of the most widely deployed operating systems for high " "performance network servers. The chapters in this part cover:" @@ -85588,39 +86056,39 @@ "servidores de rede de alto desempenho. Os capítulos desta parte cobrem:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47001 +#: book.translate.xml:47280 msgid "Serial communication" msgstr "Comunicação Serial" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47005 +#: book.translate.xml:47284 msgid "PPP and PPP over Ethernet" msgstr "PPP e PPP sobre Ethernet" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:47010 book.translate.xml:50891 +#: book.translate.xml:47289 book.translate.xml:51170 msgid "Electronic Mail" msgstr "Correio Eletrônico" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47014 +#: book.translate.xml:47293 msgid "Running Network Servers" msgstr "Executando Servidores de Rede" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:47018 book.translate.xml:57467 +#: book.translate.xml:47297 book.translate.xml:57944 msgid "Firewalls" msgstr "Firewalls" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47022 +#: book.translate.xml:47301 msgid "Other Advanced Networking Topics" msgstr "Outros tópicos avançados de rede" #. (itstool) path: partintro/para -#: book.translate.xml:47026 +#: book.translate.xml:47305 msgid "" "These chapters are designed to be read when the information is needed. They " "do not need to be read in any particular order, nor is it necessary to read " @@ -85631,17 +86099,17 @@ "necessário ler todos eles antes de usar o FreeBSD em um ambiente de rede." #. (itstool) path: chapter/title -#: book.translate.xml:47039 +#: book.translate.xml:47318 msgid "Serial Communications" msgstr "Comunicações Seriais" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:47044 +#: book.translate.xml:47323 msgid "serial communications" msgstr "serial communications" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:47046 +#: book.translate.xml:47325 msgid "" "UNIX has always had support for " "serial communications as the very first configure and install a custom " "kernel." @@ -85690,7 +86158,7 @@ "personalizado." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47079 +#: book.translate.xml:47358 msgid "" "Understand FreeBSD permissions and processes." @@ -85698,7 +86166,7 @@ "Entenda permissões e processos do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47083 +#: book.translate.xml:47362 msgid "" "Have access to the technical manual for the serial hardware to be used with " "FreeBSD." @@ -85707,27 +86175,27 @@ "FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:47090 +#: book.translate.xml:47369 msgid "Serial Terminology and Hardware" msgstr "Terminologia serial e hardware" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:47092 +#: book.translate.xml:47371 msgid "The following terms are often used in serial communications:" msgstr "Os termos a seguir são frequentemente usados em comunicações seriais:" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:47096 +#: book.translate.xml:47375 msgid "bps" msgstr "bps" #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:47099 +#: book.translate.xml:47378 msgid "bits-per-second" msgstr "bits-per-second" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47098 +#: book.translate.xml:47377 msgid "" "Bits per Second<_:indexterm-1/> (bps) is the rate at " "which data is transmitted." @@ -85736,17 +86204,17 @@ "os dados são transmitidos." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:47106 +#: book.translate.xml:47385 msgid "DTE" msgstr "DTE" #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:47109 +#: book.translate.xml:47388 msgid "DTE" msgstr "DTE" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47108 +#: book.translate.xml:47387 msgid "" "Data Terminal Equipment<_:indexterm-1/> (DTE) is one of " "two endpoints in a serial communication. An example would be a computer." @@ -85755,17 +86223,17 @@ "dos dois terminais em uma comunicação serial. Um exemplo seria um computador." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:47117 +#: book.translate.xml:47396 msgid "DCE" msgstr "DCE" #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:47120 +#: book.translate.xml:47399 msgid "DCE" msgstr "DCE" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47119 +#: book.translate.xml:47398 msgid "" "Data Communications Equipment<_:indexterm-1/> (DTE) is " "the other endpoint in a serial communication. Typically, it is a modem or " @@ -85776,12 +86244,12 @@ "modem ou terminal serial." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:47128 +#: book.translate.xml:47407 msgid "RS-232" msgstr "RS-232" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47130 +#: book.translate.xml:47409 msgid "" "The original standard which defined hardware serial communications. It has " "since been renamed to TIA-232." @@ -85790,7 +86258,7 @@ "então, foi renomeado para TIA-232." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:47137 +#: book.translate.xml:47416 msgid "" "When referring to communication data rates, this section does not use the " "term baud. Baud refers to the number of electrical " @@ -85803,7 +86271,7 @@ "acronym> é o termo correto a ser usado." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:47143 +#: book.translate.xml:47422 msgid "" "To connect a serial terminal to a FreeBSD system, a serial port on the " "computer and the proper cable to connect to the serial device are needed. " @@ -85816,12 +86284,12 @@ "cabeamento podem pular esta seção com segurança." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:47149 +#: book.translate.xml:47428 msgid "Serial Cables and Ports" msgstr "Cabos Serial e Portas" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47151 +#: book.translate.xml:47430 msgid "" "There are several different kinds of serial cables. The two most common " "types are null-modem cables and standard RS-232 cables. " @@ -85833,7 +86301,7 @@ "do hardware deve descrever o tipo de cabo necessário." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47156 +#: book.translate.xml:47435 msgid "" "These two types of cables differ in how the wires are connected to the " "connector. Each wire represents a signal, with the defined signals " @@ -85854,7 +86322,7 @@ "alguns terminais." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47166 +#: book.translate.xml:47445 msgid "" "A null-modem cable switches the Transmitted Data pin of the " "connector on one end with the Received Data pin on the other " @@ -85867,7 +86335,7 @@ "DB-9." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47172 +#: book.translate.xml:47451 msgid "" "A null-modem cable can be constructed using the pin connections summarized " "in , , " @@ -85887,154 +86355,154 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm #. (itstool) path: step/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:47181 book.translate.xml:48849 +#: book.translate.xml:47460 book.translate.xml:49128 msgid "null-modem cable" msgstr "null-modem cable" #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:47186 +#: book.translate.xml:47465 msgid "RS-232C Signal Names" msgstr "RS-232C Nomes dos Sinais" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:47191 +#: book.translate.xml:47470 msgid "Acronyms" msgstr "Siglas" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:47192 +#: book.translate.xml:47471 msgid "Names" msgstr "Nomes" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:47198 +#: book.translate.xml:47477 msgid "RD" msgstr "RD" #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: glossentry/glossterm -#: book.translate.xml:47199 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:47478 book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "Received Data" msgstr "Received Data" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:47203 +#: book.translate.xml:47482 msgid "TD" msgstr "TD" #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: glossentry/glossterm -#: book.translate.xml:47204 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:47483 book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "Transmitted Data" msgstr "Transmitted Data" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:47208 +#: book.translate.xml:47487 msgid "DTR" msgstr "DTR" #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: glossentry/glossterm -#: book.translate.xml:47209 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:47488 book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "Data Terminal Ready" msgstr "Data Terminal Ready" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:47213 +#: book.translate.xml:47492 msgid "DSR" msgstr "DSR" #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: glossentry/glossterm -#: book.translate.xml:47214 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:47493 book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "Data Set Ready" msgstr "Data Set Ready" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:47218 +#: book.translate.xml:47497 msgid "DCD" msgstr "DCD" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:47219 +#: book.translate.xml:47498 msgid "Data Carrier Detect" msgstr "Data Carrier Detect" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:47223 +#: book.translate.xml:47502 msgid "SG" msgstr "SG" #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: glossentry/glossterm -#: book.translate.xml:47224 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:47503 book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "Signal Ground" msgstr "Signal Ground" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:47228 +#: book.translate.xml:47507 msgid "RTS" msgstr "RTS" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:47229 +#: book.translate.xml:47508 msgid "Request to Send" msgstr "Request to Send" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:47233 +#: book.translate.xml:47512 msgid "CTS" msgstr "CTS" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:47234 +#: book.translate.xml:47513 msgid "Clear to Send" msgstr "Clear to Send" #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:47241 +#: book.translate.xml:47520 msgid "DB-25 to DB-25 Null-Modem Cable" msgstr "Cabo Null-Modem DB-25 para DB-25" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:47246 book.translate.xml:47250 book.translate.xml:47336 -#: book.translate.xml:47340 book.translate.xml:47426 book.translate.xml:47430 +#: book.translate.xml:47525 book.translate.xml:47529 book.translate.xml:47615 +#: book.translate.xml:47619 book.translate.xml:47705 book.translate.xml:47709 msgid "Signal" msgstr "Sinal" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:47247 book.translate.xml:47249 book.translate.xml:47337 -#: book.translate.xml:47339 book.translate.xml:47427 book.translate.xml:47429 +#: book.translate.xml:47526 book.translate.xml:47528 book.translate.xml:47616 +#: book.translate.xml:47618 book.translate.xml:47706 book.translate.xml:47708 msgid "Pin #" msgstr "Pin #" #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: glossentry/glossterm #. (itstool) path: glossentry/acronym -#: book.translate.xml:47256 book.translate.xml:47260 book.translate.xml:47378 -#: book.translate.xml:47382 book.translate.xml:47468 book.translate.xml:47472 +#: book.translate.xml:47535 book.translate.xml:47539 book.translate.xml:47657 +#: book.translate.xml:47661 book.translate.xml:47747 book.translate.xml:47751 #: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "SG" msgstr "SG" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:47258 book.translate.xml:47266 book.translate.xml:47274 -#: book.translate.xml:47282 book.translate.xml:47290 book.translate.xml:47298 -#: book.translate.xml:47306 book.translate.xml:47314 book.translate.xml:47322 -#: book.translate.xml:47348 book.translate.xml:47356 book.translate.xml:47364 -#: book.translate.xml:47372 book.translate.xml:47380 book.translate.xml:47388 -#: book.translate.xml:47396 book.translate.xml:47404 book.translate.xml:47412 -#: book.translate.xml:47438 book.translate.xml:47446 book.translate.xml:47454 -#: book.translate.xml:47462 book.translate.xml:47470 book.translate.xml:47478 -#: book.translate.xml:47486 book.translate.xml:47494 book.translate.xml:47502 +#: book.translate.xml:47537 book.translate.xml:47545 book.translate.xml:47553 +#: book.translate.xml:47561 book.translate.xml:47569 book.translate.xml:47577 +#: book.translate.xml:47585 book.translate.xml:47593 book.translate.xml:47601 +#: book.translate.xml:47627 book.translate.xml:47635 book.translate.xml:47643 +#: book.translate.xml:47651 book.translate.xml:47659 book.translate.xml:47667 +#: book.translate.xml:47675 book.translate.xml:47683 book.translate.xml:47691 +#: book.translate.xml:47717 book.translate.xml:47725 book.translate.xml:47733 +#: book.translate.xml:47741 book.translate.xml:47749 book.translate.xml:47757 +#: book.translate.xml:47765 book.translate.xml:47773 book.translate.xml:47781 msgid "connects to" msgstr "conecta-se a" #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: glossentry/glossterm #. (itstool) path: glossentry/acronym -#: book.translate.xml:47264 book.translate.xml:47276 book.translate.xml:47350 -#: book.translate.xml:47354 book.translate.xml:47440 book.translate.xml:47444 +#: book.translate.xml:47543 book.translate.xml:47555 book.translate.xml:47629 +#: book.translate.xml:47633 book.translate.xml:47719 book.translate.xml:47723 #: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "TD" msgstr "TD" @@ -86042,8 +86510,8 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: glossentry/glossterm #. (itstool) path: glossentry/acronym -#: book.translate.xml:47268 book.translate.xml:47272 book.translate.xml:47346 -#: book.translate.xml:47358 book.translate.xml:47436 book.translate.xml:47448 +#: book.translate.xml:47547 book.translate.xml:47551 book.translate.xml:47625 +#: book.translate.xml:47637 book.translate.xml:47715 book.translate.xml:47727 #: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "RD" msgstr "RD" @@ -86051,8 +86519,8 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: glossentry/glossterm #. (itstool) path: glossentry/acronym -#: book.translate.xml:47280 book.translate.xml:47292 book.translate.xml:47402 -#: book.translate.xml:47414 book.translate.xml:47492 book.translate.xml:47504 +#: book.translate.xml:47559 book.translate.xml:47571 book.translate.xml:47681 +#: book.translate.xml:47693 book.translate.xml:47771 book.translate.xml:47783 #: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "RTS" msgstr "RTS" @@ -86060,8 +86528,8 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: glossentry/glossterm #. (itstool) path: glossentry/acronym -#: book.translate.xml:47284 book.translate.xml:47288 book.translate.xml:47406 -#: book.translate.xml:47410 book.translate.xml:47496 book.translate.xml:47500 +#: book.translate.xml:47563 book.translate.xml:47567 book.translate.xml:47685 +#: book.translate.xml:47689 book.translate.xml:47775 book.translate.xml:47779 #: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "CTS" msgstr "CTS" @@ -86069,53 +86537,53 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: glossentry/glossterm #. (itstool) path: glossentry/acronym -#: book.translate.xml:47296 book.translate.xml:47304 book.translate.xml:47316 -#: book.translate.xml:47324 book.translate.xml:47362 book.translate.xml:47370 -#: book.translate.xml:47390 book.translate.xml:47398 book.translate.xml:47452 -#: book.translate.xml:47460 book.translate.xml:47480 book.translate.xml:47488 +#: book.translate.xml:47575 book.translate.xml:47583 book.translate.xml:47595 +#: book.translate.xml:47603 book.translate.xml:47641 book.translate.xml:47649 +#: book.translate.xml:47669 book.translate.xml:47677 book.translate.xml:47731 +#: book.translate.xml:47739 book.translate.xml:47759 book.translate.xml:47767 #: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "DTR" msgstr "DTR" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:47297 book.translate.xml:47305 book.translate.xml:47315 -#: book.translate.xml:47323 book.translate.xml:47479 book.translate.xml:47487 +#: book.translate.xml:47576 book.translate.xml:47584 book.translate.xml:47594 +#: book.translate.xml:47602 book.translate.xml:47758 book.translate.xml:47766 msgid "20" msgstr "20" #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: glossentry/glossterm #. (itstool) path: glossentry/acronym -#: book.translate.xml:47300 book.translate.xml:47312 book.translate.xml:47366 -#: book.translate.xml:47386 book.translate.xml:47456 book.translate.xml:47476 +#: book.translate.xml:47579 book.translate.xml:47591 book.translate.xml:47645 +#: book.translate.xml:47665 book.translate.xml:47735 book.translate.xml:47755 #: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "DSR" msgstr "DSR" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:47307 book.translate.xml:47321 book.translate.xml:47405 -#: book.translate.xml:47411 book.translate.xml:47463 book.translate.xml:47501 +#: book.translate.xml:47586 book.translate.xml:47600 book.translate.xml:47684 +#: book.translate.xml:47690 book.translate.xml:47742 book.translate.xml:47780 msgid "8" msgstr "8" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:47308 book.translate.xml:47320 book.translate.xml:47374 -#: book.translate.xml:47394 book.translate.xml:47464 book.translate.xml:47484 +#: book.translate.xml:47587 book.translate.xml:47599 book.translate.xml:47653 +#: book.translate.xml:47673 book.translate.xml:47743 book.translate.xml:47763 msgid "DCD" msgstr "DCD" #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:47331 +#: book.translate.xml:47610 msgid "DB-9 to DB-9 Null-Modem Cable" msgstr "Cabo DB-9 para DB-9 Null-Modem" #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:47421 +#: book.translate.xml:47700 msgid "DB-9 to DB-25 Null-Modem Cable" msgstr "Cabo DB-9 para DB-25 Null-Modem" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:47511 +#: book.translate.xml:47790 msgid "" "When one pin at one end connects to a pair of pins at the other end, it is " "usually implemented with one short wire between the pair of pins in their " @@ -86126,7 +86594,7 @@ "em seu conector e um fio longo no outro pino único." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47517 +#: book.translate.xml:47796 msgid "" "Serial ports are the devices through which data is transferred between the " "FreeBSD host computer and the terminal. Several kinds of serial ports exist. " @@ -86139,7 +86607,7 @@ "se ele irá se encaixar nas portas do terminal e no sistema FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47523 +#: book.translate.xml:47802 msgid "" "Most terminals have DB-25 ports. Personal computers may " "have DB-25 or DB-9 ports. A multiport " @@ -86155,7 +86623,7 @@ "visualmente o tipo de porta." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47531 +#: book.translate.xml:47810 msgid "" "In FreeBSD, each serial port is accessed through an entry in /dev. There are two different kinds of entries:" @@ -86164,7 +86632,7 @@ "/dev. Existem dois tipos diferentes de entradas:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47537 +#: book.translate.xml:47816 msgid "" "Call-in ports are named /dev/ttyuN where N is the port number, starting " @@ -86187,7 +86655,7 @@ "Detect para funcionar corretamente." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47552 +#: book.translate.xml:47831 msgid "" "Call-out ports are named /dev/cuauN on FreeBSD versions 8.X and higher and /dev/" @@ -86205,7 +86673,7 @@ "o sinal Data Carrier Detect." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47564 +#: book.translate.xml:47843 msgid "" "FreeBSD also provides initialization devices (/dev/" "ttyuN.init and /dev/" @@ -86248,12 +86716,12 @@ "terminal, respectivamente." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:47588 +#: book.translate.xml:47867 msgid "Serial Port Configuration" msgstr "Configuração de Porta Serial" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47590 +#: book.translate.xml:47869 msgid "" "By default, FreeBSD supports four serial ports which are commonly known as " "COM1, COM2, COM3COM." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47599 +#: book.translate.xml:47878 msgid "" "To see if the system recognizes the serial ports, look for system boot " "messages that start with uart:" @@ -86281,13 +86749,13 @@ "inicialização do sistema que começam com uart:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:47603 +#: book.translate.xml:47882 #, no-wrap msgid "# grep uart /var/run/dmesg.boot" msgstr "# grep uart /var/run/dmesg.boot" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47605 +#: book.translate.xml:47884 msgid "" "If the system does not recognize all of the needed serial ports, additional " "entries can be added to /boot/device.hints. This file " @@ -86310,17 +86778,17 @@ "filename> e 9 para COM4." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:47618 +#: book.translate.xml:47897 msgid "ttyu" msgstr "ttyu" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:47619 +#: book.translate.xml:47898 msgid "cuau" msgstr "cuau" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47621 +#: book.translate.xml:47900 msgid "" "To determine the default set of terminal I/O settings " "used by the port, specify its device name. This example determines the " @@ -86332,13 +86800,13 @@ "filename>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:47626 +#: book.translate.xml:47905 #, no-wrap msgid "# stty -a -f /dev/ttyu1" msgstr "# stty -a -f /dev/ttyu1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47628 +#: book.translate.xml:47907 msgid "" "System-wide initialization of serial devices is controlled by /etc/" "rc.d/serial. This file affects the default settings of serial " @@ -86362,13 +86830,13 @@ " para ttyu5, digite:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:47640 +#: book.translate.xml:47919 #, no-wrap msgid "# stty -f /dev/ttyu5.init clocal cs8 ixon ixoff" msgstr "# stty -f /dev/ttyu5.init clocal cs8 ixon ixoff" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:47642 book.translate.xml:48218 +#: book.translate.xml:47921 book.translate.xml:48497 msgid "" "rc files rc.serial" @@ -86377,38 +86845,38 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47647 +#: book.translate.xml:47926 msgid "" "To prevent certain settings from being changed by an application, make " "adjustments to the locking device. For example, to lock the speed of " -"ttyu5 to 57600 bps, type:" +"ttyu5 to 57600 bps, type:" msgstr "" "Para impedir que determinadas configurações sejam alteradas por um " "aplicativo, faça ajustes no dispositivo de bloqueio. Por exemplo, para " "bloquear a velocidade de ttyu5 para 57600 bps, digite:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:47652 +#: book.translate.xml:47931 #, no-wrap msgid "# stty -f /dev/ttyu5.lock 57600" msgstr "# stty -f /dev/ttyu5.lock 57600" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47654 +#: book.translate.xml:47933 msgid "" "Now, any application that opens ttyu5 and tries to " -"change the speed of the port will be stuck with 57600 bps." +"change the speed of the port will be stuck with 57600 bps." msgstr "" "Agora, qualquer aplicativo que abra ttyu5 e tente " "alterar a velocidade da porta será bloqueado com 57600 bps." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:47662 +#: book.translate.xml:47941 msgid "Terminals" msgstr "Terminais" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:47665 +#: book.translate.xml:47944 msgid "" " Sean Kelly Contributed by " @@ -86417,7 +86885,7 @@ "personname> Contributed by " #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:47677 +#: book.translate.xml:47956 msgid "" "Terminals provide a convenient and low-cost way to access a FreeBSD system " "when not at the computer's console or on a connected network. This section " @@ -86428,7 +86896,7 @@ "Esta seção descreve como usar terminais com o FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:47682 +#: book.translate.xml:47961 msgid "" "The original UNIX systems did " "not have consoles. Instead, users logged in and ran programs through " @@ -86439,7 +86907,7 @@ "programas por meio de terminais conectados as portas seriais do computador." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:47686 +#: book.translate.xml:47965 msgid "" "The ability to establish a login session on a serial port still exists in " "nearly every UNIX-like operating " @@ -86455,7 +86923,7 @@ "normalmente no console ou em uma janela xterm." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:47693 +#: book.translate.xml:47972 msgid "" "Many terminals can be attached to a FreeBSD system. An older spare computer " "can be used as a terminal wired into a more powerful computer running " @@ -86469,17 +86937,17 @@ "múltiplos usuários." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:47699 +#: book.translate.xml:47978 msgid "FreeBSD supports three types of terminals:" msgstr "O FreeBSD suporta três tipos de terminais:" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:47703 +#: book.translate.xml:47982 msgid "Dumb terminals" msgstr "Terminais Burros" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47705 +#: book.translate.xml:47984 msgid "" "Dumb terminals are specialized hardware that connect to computers over " "serial lines. They are called dumb because they have only " @@ -86495,7 +86963,7 @@ "programas necessários." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47713 +#: book.translate.xml:47992 msgid "" "There are hundreds of kinds of dumb terminals made by many manufacturers, " "and just about any kind will work with FreeBSD. Some high-end terminals can " @@ -86508,7 +86976,7 @@ "podem aproveitar esses recursos avançados." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47719 +#: book.translate.xml:47998 msgid "" "Dumb terminals are popular in work environments where workers do not need " "access to graphical applications." @@ -86517,12 +86985,12 @@ "não precisam de acesso a aplicativos gráficos." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:47726 +#: book.translate.xml:48005 msgid "Computers Acting as Terminals" msgstr "Computadores Atuando como Terminais" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47728 +#: book.translate.xml:48007 msgid "" "Since a dumb terminal has just enough ability to display, send, and receive " "text, any spare computer can be a dumb terminal. All that is needed is the " @@ -86535,7 +87003,7 @@ "terminal emulation para ser executado no computador." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47734 +#: book.translate.xml:48013 msgid "" "This configuration can be useful. For example, if one user is busy working " "at the FreeBSD system's console, another user can do some text-only work at " @@ -86548,7 +87016,7 @@ "potente ligado como um terminal ao sistema FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47740 +#: book.translate.xml:48019 msgid "" "There are at least two utilities in the base-system of FreeBSD that can be " "used to work through a serial connection: cu1." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47744 +#: book.translate.xml:48023 msgid "" "For example, to connect from a client system that runs FreeBSD to the serial " "connection of another system:" @@ -86572,13 +87040,13 @@ "para a conexão serial de outro sistema:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/screen -#: book.translate.xml:47747 +#: book.translate.xml:48026 #, no-wrap msgid "# cu -l /dev/cuauN" msgstr "# cu -l /dev/cuauN" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47749 +#: book.translate.xml:48028 msgid "" "Ports are numbered starting from zero. This means that COM1 is /dev/cuau0." @@ -86587,7 +87055,7 @@ "filename> é /dev/cuau0." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47753 +#: book.translate.xml:48032 msgid "" "Additional programs are available through the Ports Collection, such as " "comms/minicom." @@ -86596,12 +87064,12 @@ "comms/minicom." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:47760 +#: book.translate.xml:48039 msgid "X Terminals" msgstr "Terminais X" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47762 +#: book.translate.xml:48041 msgid "" "X terminals are the most sophisticated kind of terminal available. Instead " "of connecting to a serial port, they usually connect to a network like " @@ -86614,18 +87082,18 @@ "podem exibir qualquer aplicativo Xorg." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:47769 +#: book.translate.xml:48048 msgid "" "This chapter does not cover the setup, configuration, or use of X terminals." msgstr "Este capítulo não cobre a configuração ou uso de terminais X." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:47776 +#: book.translate.xml:48055 msgid "Terminal Configuration" msgstr "Configuração do Terminal" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47778 +#: book.translate.xml:48057 msgid "" "This section describes how to configure a FreeBSD system to enable a login " "session on a serial terminal. It assumes that the system recognizes the " @@ -86638,7 +87106,7 @@ "conectado com o cabo correto." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47784 +#: book.translate.xml:48063 msgid "" "In FreeBSD, init reads /etc/ttys and " "starts a getty process on the available terminals. The " @@ -86665,7 +87133,7 @@ "/dev/ttyv0 está listado como ttyv0." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47800 +#: book.translate.xml:48079 msgid "" "The default /etc/ttys configures support for the first " "four serial ports, ttyu0 through ttyu3ttyu3:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:47805 +#: book.translate.xml:48084 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ttyu0 \"/usr/libexec/getty std.9600\" dialup off secure\n" @@ -86690,7 +87158,7 @@ "ttyu3 \"/usr/libexec/getty std.9600\" dialup off secure" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47810 +#: book.translate.xml:48089 msgid "" "When attaching a terminal to one of those ports, modify the default entry to " "set the required speed and terminal type, to turn the device on configures two terminals in /etc/" "ttys. The first entry configures a Wyse-50 connected to " @@ -86722,12 +87190,12 @@ "serial em uma placa serial com várias portas." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:47826 +#: book.translate.xml:48105 msgid "Configuring Terminal Entries" msgstr "Configurando Entradas de Terminal" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:47828 +#: book.translate.xml:48107 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ttyu1 \"/usr/libexec/getty std.38400\" wy50 on insecure\n" @@ -86737,12 +87205,12 @@ "ttyu5 \"/usr/libexec/getty std.19200\" vt100 on insecure" #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:47833 +#: book.translate.xml:48112 msgid "The first field specifies the device name of the serial terminal." msgstr "O primeiro campo especifica o nome do dispositivo do terminal serial." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:47838 +#: book.translate.xml:48117 msgid "" "The second field tells getty to initialize and open the " "line, set the line speed, prompt for a user name, and then execute the " @@ -86770,11 +87238,11 @@ "manvolnum> para mais informações." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:47854 +#: book.translate.xml:48133 msgid "" "When setting the getty type, make sure to match the communications settings " "used by the terminal. For this example, the Wyse-50 uses no parity and " -"connects at 38400 bps. The computer uses no parity and connects at 19200 bps." +"connects at 38400 bps. The computer uses no parity and connects at 19200 bps." msgstr "" "Ao definir o tipo de getty, certifique-se de coincidir com as configurações " "de comunicação usadas pelo terminal. Para este exemplo, o Wyse-50 não usa " @@ -86782,7 +87250,7 @@ "conecta a 19200 bps." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:47862 +#: book.translate.xml:48141 msgid "" "The third field is the type of terminal. For dial-up ports, " "unknown or dialup is typically used " @@ -86802,7 +87270,7 @@ "para emular um VT-100." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:47876 +#: book.translate.xml:48155 msgid "" "The fourth field specifies if the port should be enabled. To enable logins " "on this port, this field must be set to on." @@ -86811,7 +87279,7 @@ "nessa porta, este campo deve ser definido como on." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:47882 +#: book.translate.xml:48161 msgid "" "The final field is used to specify whether the port is secure. Marking a " "port as secure means that it is trusted enough to allow " @@ -86835,7 +87303,7 @@ "insecure." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47896 +#: book.translate.xml:48175 msgid "" "After making any changes to /etc/ttys, send a SIGHUP " "(hangup) signal to the init process to force it to re-" @@ -86846,13 +87314,13 @@ "lo a reler seu arquivo de configuração:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:47901 book.translate.xml:48216 +#: book.translate.xml:48180 book.translate.xml:48495 #, no-wrap msgid "# kill -HUP 1" msgstr "# kill -HUP 1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47903 +#: book.translate.xml:48182 msgid "" "Since init is always the first process run on a system, " "it always has a process ID of 1." @@ -86862,7 +87330,7 @@ "literal>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47907 +#: book.translate.xml:48186 msgid "" "If everything is set up correctly, all cables are in place, and the " "terminals are powered up, a getty process should now be " @@ -86875,12 +87343,12 @@ "disponíveis em cada terminal." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:47915 +#: book.translate.xml:48194 msgid "Troubleshooting the Connection" msgstr "Solução de Problemas da Conexão" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47917 +#: book.translate.xml:48196 msgid "" "Even with the most meticulous attention to detail, something could still go " "wrong while setting up a terminal. Here is a list of common symptoms and " @@ -86891,7 +87359,7 @@ "correções sugeridas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47922 +#: book.translate.xml:48201 msgid "" "If no login prompt appears, make sure the terminal is plugged in and powered " "up. If it is a personal computer acting as a terminal, make sure it is " @@ -86903,7 +87371,7 @@ "correta." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47927 +#: book.translate.xml:48206 msgid "" "Make sure the cable is connected firmly to both the terminal and the FreeBSD " "computer. Make sure it is the right kind of cable." @@ -86912,7 +87380,7 @@ "computador do FreeBSD. Certifique-se de que é o tipo certo de cabo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47931 +#: book.translate.xml:48210 msgid "" "Make sure the terminal and FreeBSD agree on the bps rate " "and parity settings. For a video display terminal, make sure the contrast " @@ -86926,7 +87394,7 @@ "estado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47937 +#: book.translate.xml:48216 msgid "" "Use ps to make sure that a getty " "process is running and serving the terminal. For example, the following " @@ -86942,7 +87410,7 @@ "filename>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:47945 +#: book.translate.xml:48224 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ps -axww|grep ttyu\n" @@ -86952,7 +87420,7 @@ "22189 d1 Is+ 0:00.03 /usr/libexec/getty std.38400 ttyu1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47948 +#: book.translate.xml:48227 msgid "" "If no getty process is running, make sure the port is " "enabled in /etc/ttys. Remember to run kill -" @@ -86964,7 +87432,7 @@ "ttys." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47953 +#: book.translate.xml:48232 msgid "" "If the getty process is running but the terminal still " "does not display a login prompt, or if it displays a prompt but will not " @@ -86990,7 +87458,7 @@ "overflows." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47967 +#: book.translate.xml:48246 msgid "" "If garbage appears instead of a login prompt, make sure the terminal and " "FreeBSD agree on the bps rate and parity settings. Check " @@ -87006,7 +87474,7 @@ "-HUP 1." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:47975 +#: book.translate.xml:48254 msgid "" "If characters appear doubled and the password appears when typed, switch the " "terminal, or the terminal emulation software, from half duplex ou local echo para full duplex." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:47984 +#: book.translate.xml:48263 msgid "Dial-in Service" msgstr "Serviço Dial-in" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:47987 +#: book.translate.xml:48266 msgid "" " Guy Helmer Contributed by " @@ -87031,7 +87499,7 @@ "personname> Contributed by " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:47997 +#: book.translate.xml:48276 msgid "" " Sean Kelly Additions by " @@ -87040,12 +87508,12 @@ "personname> Additions by " #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:48007 +#: book.translate.xml:48286 msgid "dial-in service" msgstr "dial-in service" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:48009 +#: book.translate.xml:48288 msgid "" "Configuring a FreeBSD system for dial-in service is similar to configuring " "terminals, except that modems are used instead of terminal devices. FreeBSD " @@ -87056,7 +87524,7 @@ "terminais. O FreeBSD suporta modens externos e internos." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:48014 +#: book.translate.xml:48293 msgid "" "External modems are more convenient because they often can be configured via " "parameters stored in non-volatile RAM and they usually " @@ -87071,7 +87539,7 @@ "funcionando corretamente." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:48021 +#: book.translate.xml:48300 msgid "" "Internal modems usually lack non-volatile RAM, so their " "configuration may be limited to setting DIP switches. If " @@ -87085,12 +87553,12 @@ "estiver no lugar." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:48027 +#: book.translate.xml:48306 msgid "modem" msgstr "modem" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:48029 +#: book.translate.xml:48308 msgid "" "When using an external modem, a proper cable is needed. A standard " "RS-232C serial cable should suffice." @@ -87099,10 +87567,10 @@ "padrão de RS-232C deve ser suficiente." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:48033 +#: book.translate.xml:48312 msgid "" "FreeBSD needs the RTS and CTS signals " -"for flow control at speeds above 2400 bps, the CD signal " +"for flow control at speeds above 2400 bps, the CD signal " "to detect when a call has been answered or the line has been hung up, and " "the DTR signal to reset the modem after a session is " "complete. Some cables are wired without all of the needed signals, so if a " @@ -87120,7 +87588,7 @@ "linkend=\"term-cables-null\"/> para mais informações sobre esses sinais." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:48043 +#: book.translate.xml:48322 msgid "" "Like other UNIX-like operating " "systems, FreeBSD uses the hardware signals to find out when a call has been " @@ -87135,7 +87603,7 @@ "comandos para o modem ou observar relatórios de status do modem." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:48049 +#: book.translate.xml:48328 msgid "" "FreeBSD supports the NS8250, NS16450, " "NS16550, and NS16550A-based " @@ -87164,7 +87632,7 @@ "de erro." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:48064 +#: book.translate.xml:48343 msgid "" "The rest of this section demonstrates how to configure a modem to receive " "incoming connections, how to communicate with the modem, and offers some " @@ -87175,17 +87643,17 @@ "de solução de problemas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:48069 +#: book.translate.xml:48348 msgid "Modem Configuration" msgstr "Configuração de Modem" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:48071 +#: book.translate.xml:48350 msgid "getty" msgstr "getty" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48072 +#: book.translate.xml:48351 msgid "" "As with terminals, init spawns a getty " "process for each configured serial port used for dial-in connections. When a " @@ -87216,12 +87684,12 @@ "solicitando a senha do usuário e iniciando o shell do usuário." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:48089 +#: book.translate.xml:48368 msgid "/usr/bin/login" msgstr "/usr/bin/login" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48093 +#: book.translate.xml:48372 msgid "" "There are two schools of thought regarding dial-up modems. One configuration " "method is to set the modems and systems so that no matter at what speed a " @@ -87243,7 +87711,7 @@ "para melhorar a resposta para conexões mais lentas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48105 +#: book.translate.xml:48384 msgid "" "The second method is to configure the RS-232 interface to " "vary its speed based on the remote user's connection speed. Because " @@ -87276,16 +87744,16 @@ "tela cheia." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48123 +#: book.translate.xml:48402 msgid "" "When locking a modem's data communications rate at a particular speed, no " "changes to /etc/gettytab should be needed. However, for " "a matching-speed configuration, additional entries may be required in order " -"to define the speeds to use for the modem. This example configures a " -"14.4 Kbps modem with a top interface speed of 19.2 Kbps using 8-bit, no " -"parity connections. It configures getty to start the " -"communications rate for a V.32bis connection at 19.2 Kbps, then cycles " -"through 9600 bps, 2400 bps, 1200 bps, 300 bps, and back to 19.2 Kbps. " +"to define the speeds to use for the modem. This example configures a 14.4 " +"Kbps modem with a top interface speed of 19.2 Kbps using 8-bit, no parity " +"connections. It configures getty to start the " +"communications rate for a V.32bis connection at 19.2 Kbps, then cycles " +"through 9600 bps, 2400 bps, 1200 bps, 300 bps, and back to 19.2 Kbps. " "Communications rate cycling is implemented with the nx= " "(next table) capability. Each line uses a tc= (table " "continuation) entry to pick up the rest of the settings for a particular " @@ -87306,7 +87774,7 @@ "específica." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:48140 +#: book.translate.xml:48419 #, no-wrap msgid "" "#\n" @@ -87338,9 +87806,9 @@ " :nx=V9600:tc=std.19200:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48154 +#: book.translate.xml:48433 msgid "" -"For a 28.8 Kbps modem, or to take advantage of compression on a 14.4 Kbps " +"For a 28.8 Kbps modem, or to take advantage of compression on a 14.4 Kbps " "modem, use a higher communications rate, as seen in this example:" msgstr "" "Para um modem de 28,8 Kbps ou para aproveitar a compactação em um modem de " @@ -87348,7 +87816,7 @@ "exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:48158 +#: book.translate.xml:48437 #, no-wrap msgid "" "#\n" @@ -87382,23 +87850,23 @@ " :nx=VH9600:tc=std.57600:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48173 +#: book.translate.xml:48452 msgid "" "For a slow CPU or a heavily loaded system without 16550A-" "based serial ports, this configuration may produce sio silo errors at 57.6 Kbps." +"errorname> silo errors at 57.6 Kbps." msgstr "" "Para uma CPU lenta ou um sistema altamente carregado sem " "portas seriais baseadas no 16550A, esta configuração pode produzir erros " "sio silo a 57,6 Kbps." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:48178 +#: book.translate.xml:48457 msgid "/etc/ttys" msgstr "/etc/ttys" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48182 +#: book.translate.xml:48461 msgid "" "The configuration of /etc/ttys is similar to , but a different argument is passed to " @@ -87413,13 +87881,13 @@ "init que será executado no dispositivo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:48189 +#: book.translate.xml:48468 #, no-wrap msgid "ttyu0 \"/usr/libexec/getty xxx\" dialup on" msgstr "ttyu0 \"/usr/libexec/getty xxx\" dialup on" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48191 +#: book.translate.xml:48470 msgid "" "The dialup terminal type can be changed. For example, " "setting vt102 as the default terminal type allows users " @@ -87431,29 +87899,29 @@ "remotos." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48197 +#: book.translate.xml:48476 msgid "" "For a locked-speed configuration, specify the speed with a valid type listed " "in /etc/gettytab. This example is for a modem whose " -"port speed is locked at 19.2 Kbps:" +"port speed is locked at 19.2 Kbps:" msgstr "" "Para uma configuração de velocidade travada, especifique a velocidade com um " "tipo válido listado em /etc/gettytab. Este exemplo é " "para um modem cuja velocidade de porta está travada em 19,2 Kbps:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:48202 +#: book.translate.xml:48481 #, no-wrap msgid "ttyu0 \"/usr/libexec/getty std.19200\" dialup on" msgstr "ttyu0 \"/usr/libexec/getty std.19200\" dialup on" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48204 +#: book.translate.xml:48483 msgid "" "In a matching-speed configuration, the entry needs to reference the " "appropriate beginning auto-baud entry in /etc/" "gettytab. To continue the example for a matching-speed modem that " -"starts at 19.2 Kbps, use this entry:" +"starts at 19.2 Kbps, use this entry:" msgstr "" "Em uma configuração de velocidade correspondente, a entrada precisa " "referenciar a entrada inicial apropriada auto-baud em " @@ -87461,13 +87929,13 @@ "velocidade correspondente que começa em 19,2 Kbps, use esta entrada:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:48210 +#: book.translate.xml:48489 #, no-wrap msgid "ttyu0 \"/usr/libexec/getty V19200\" dialup on" msgstr "ttyu0 \"/usr/libexec/getty V19200\" dialup on" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48212 +#: book.translate.xml:48491 msgid "" "After editing /etc/ttys, wait until the modem is " "properly configured and connected before signaling init:" @@ -87477,7 +87945,7 @@ "init:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48223 +#: book.translate.xml:48502 msgid "" "High-speed modems, like V.32, V.32bis, " "and V.34 modems, use hardware (RTS/CTS# stty -f /dev/ttyu1.init crtscts\n" @@ -87505,7 +87973,7 @@ "# stty -f /dev/cuau1.init crtscts" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48386 +#: book.translate.xml:48665 msgid "" "This section provides a few tips for troubleshooting a dial-up modem that " "will not connect to a FreeBSD system." @@ -87514,7 +87982,7 @@ "up que não se conecta há um sistema FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48389 +#: book.translate.xml:48668 msgid "" "Hook up the modem to the FreeBSD system and boot the system. If the modem " "has status indication lights, watch to see whether the modem's DTRDTR indicator does not light, login to the FreeBSD " "system through the console and type ps ax to see if " @@ -87543,13 +88011,13 @@ "correta:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:48403 +#: book.translate.xml:48682 #, no-wrap msgid " 114 ?? I 0:00.10 /usr/libexec/getty V19200 ttyu0" msgstr " 114 ?? I 0:00.10 /usr/libexec/getty V19200 ttyu0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48405 +#: book.translate.xml:48684 msgid "" "If the second column contains a d0 instead of a " "?? and the modem has not accepted a call yet, this means " @@ -87568,7 +88036,7 @@ "portadora tenha sido declarado pelo modem." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48414 +#: book.translate.xml:48693 msgid "" "If no getty processes are waiting to open the port, " "double-check that the entry for the port is correct in /etc/ttysgetty." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48421 +#: book.translate.xml:48700 msgid "" "Next, try dialing into the system. Be sure to use 8 bits, no parity, and 1 " "stop bit on the remote system. If a prompt does not appear right away, or " @@ -87601,7 +88069,7 @@ "travar a velocidade da interface do modem de discagem." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48430 +#: book.translate.xml:48709 msgid "" "If there is still no login: prompt, check /etc/" "gettytab again and double-check that:" @@ -87610,7 +88078,7 @@ "/etc/gettytab e faça um double-check:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:48436 +#: book.translate.xml:48715 msgid "" "The initial capability name specified in the entry in /etc/ttys matches the name of a capability in /etc/gettytab." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:48442 +#: book.translate.xml:48721 msgid "" "Each nx= entry matches another gettytab capability name." @@ -87630,7 +88098,7 @@ "gettytab." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:48447 +#: book.translate.xml:48726 msgid "" "Each tc= entry matches another gettytab capability name." @@ -87639,7 +88107,7 @@ "gettytab." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48452 +#: book.translate.xml:48731 msgid "" "If the modem on the FreeBSD system will not answer, make sure that the modem " "is configured to answer the phone when DTR is asserted. " @@ -87653,7 +88121,7 @@ "modem." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48459 +#: book.translate.xml:48738 msgid "" "If it still does not work, try sending an email to the FreeBSD " @@ -87665,17 +88133,17 @@ "problema." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:48466 +#: book.translate.xml:48745 msgid "Dial-out Service" msgstr "Serviço de Dial-in" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:48468 +#: book.translate.xml:48747 msgid "dial-out service" msgstr "dial-out service" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:48470 +#: book.translate.xml:48749 msgid "" "The following are tips for getting the host to connect over the modem to " "another computer. This is appropriate for establishing a terminal session " @@ -87686,7 +88154,7 @@ "com um host remoto." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:48474 +#: book.translate.xml:48753 msgid "" "This kind of connection can be helpful to get a file on the Internet if " "there are problems using PPP. If PPP is not working, use the terminal " @@ -87699,12 +88167,12 @@ "zmodem para transferi-lo para a máquina." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:48480 +#: book.translate.xml:48759 msgid "Using a Stock Hayes Modem" msgstr "Usando um Modem Stock Hayes" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48482 +#: book.translate.xml:48761 msgid "" "A generic Hayes dialer is built into tip. Use " "at=hayes in /etc/remote." @@ -87713,7 +88181,7 @@ "at=hayes em /etc/remote." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48486 +#: book.translate.xml:48765 msgid "" "The Hayes driver is not smart enough to recognize some of the advanced " "features of newer modems messages like BUSY, NO " @@ -87728,7 +88196,7 @@ "ATX0&W." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48493 +#: book.translate.xml:48772 msgid "" "The dial timeout for tip is 60 seconds. The modem should " "use something less, or else tip will think there is a " @@ -87740,17 +88208,17 @@ "command>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:48500 +#: book.translate.xml:48779 msgid "Using AT Commands" msgstr "Usando comandos AT" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:48502 +#: book.translate.xml:48781 msgid "/etc/remote" msgstr "/etc/remote" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48505 +#: book.translate.xml:48784 msgid "" "Create a direct entry in /etc/remote. " "For example, if the modem is hooked up to the first serial port, /" @@ -87761,13 +88229,13 @@ "/dev/cuau0, use a seguinte linha:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:48511 +#: book.translate.xml:48790 #, no-wrap msgid "cuau0:dv=/dev/cuau0:br#19200:pa=none" msgstr "cuau0:dv=/dev/cuau0:br#19200:pa=none" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48513 +#: book.translate.xml:48792 msgid "" "Use the highest bps rate the modem supports in the " "br capability. Then, type tip cuau0 to " @@ -87778,7 +88246,7 @@ "command> para conectar-se ao modem." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48517 +#: book.translate.xml:48796 msgid "" "Or, use cu as root with the following command:" @@ -87787,13 +88255,13 @@ "systemitem> com o seguinte comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:48520 +#: book.translate.xml:48799 #, no-wrap msgid "# cu -lline -sspeed" msgstr "# cu -lline -sspeed" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48522 +#: book.translate.xml:48801 msgid "" "line is the serial port, such as /dev/" "cuau0, and speed is the speed, such as " @@ -87806,12 +88274,12 @@ "digite~. para sair." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:48530 +#: book.translate.xml:48809 msgid "The @ Sign Does Not Work" msgstr "O Sinal @ Não Funciona" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48532 +#: book.translate.xml:48811 msgid "" "The @ sign in the phone number capability tells " "tip to look in /etc/phones for a " @@ -87826,18 +88294,18 @@ "então ele precisa ser escapado com uma barra invertida:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:48539 +#: book.translate.xml:48818 #, no-wrap msgid "pn=\\@" msgstr "pn=\\@" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:48543 +#: book.translate.xml:48822 msgid "Dialing from the Command Line" msgstr "Discando a Partir da Linha de Comando" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48545 +#: book.translate.xml:48824 msgid "" "Put a generic entry in /etc/remote. For " "example:" @@ -87846,7 +88314,7 @@ "filename>. Por exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:48548 +#: book.translate.xml:48827 #, no-wrap msgid "" "tip115200|Dial any phone number at 115200 bps:\\\n" @@ -87860,18 +88328,18 @@ " :dv=/dev/cuau0:br#57600:at=hayes:pa=none:du:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48553 +#: book.translate.xml:48832 msgid "This should now work:" msgstr "Isto deve funcionar agora:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:48555 +#: book.translate.xml:48834 #, no-wrap msgid "# tip -115200 5551234" msgstr "# tip -115200 5551234" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48557 +#: book.translate.xml:48836 msgid "" "Users who prefer cu over tip, can use " "a generic cu entry:" @@ -87880,7 +88348,7 @@ "command>, podem usar uma entrada cu genérica:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:48561 +#: book.translate.xml:48840 #, no-wrap msgid "" "cu115200|Use cu to dial any number at 115200bps:\\\n" @@ -87890,29 +88358,29 @@ " :dv=/dev/cuau1:br#57600:at=hayes:pa=none:du:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48564 +#: book.translate.xml:48843 msgid "and type:" msgstr "e digite:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:48566 +#: book.translate.xml:48845 #, no-wrap msgid "# cu 5551234 -s 115200" msgstr "# cu 5551234 -s 115200" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:48570 +#: book.translate.xml:48849 msgid "Setting the bps Rate" msgstr "Definindo a Taxa de bps" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48572 +#: book.translate.xml:48851 msgid "" "Put in an entry for tip1200 or cu1200, " "but go ahead and use whatever bps rate is appropriate " "with the br capability. tip thinks a " -"good default is 1200 bps which is why it looks for a tip1200 entry. 1200 bps does not have to be used, though." +"good default is 1200 bps which is why it looks for a tip1200 entry. 1200 bps does not have to be used, though." msgstr "" "Coloque uma entrada para tip1200 ou cu1200, mas vá em frente e use qualquer taxa bps " @@ -87922,12 +88390,12 @@ "usado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:48582 +#: book.translate.xml:48861 msgid "Accessing a Number of Hosts Through a Terminal Server" msgstr "Acessando um Conjunto de Hosts por Meio de um Servidor de Terminal" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48585 +#: book.translate.xml:48864 msgid "" "Rather than waiting until connected and typing CONNECT " "host each time, use tiptip" msgstr "Usando Mais de Uma Linha com tip" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48608 +#: book.translate.xml:48887 msgid "" "This is often a problem where a university has several modem lines and " "several thousand students trying to use them." @@ -87979,7 +88447,7 @@ "modems e vários milhares de estudantes tentando usá-las." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48612 +#: book.translate.xml:48891 msgid "" "Make an entry in /etc/remote and use @ for the pn capability:" @@ -87988,7 +88456,7 @@ "literal> para o recurso pn:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:48616 +#: book.translate.xml:48895 #, no-wrap msgid "" "big-university:\\\n" @@ -88002,13 +88470,13 @@ " :dv=/dev/cuau3:br#9600:at=courier:du:pa=none:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48621 +#: book.translate.xml:48900 msgid "Then, list the phone numbers in /etc/phones:" msgstr "" "Em seguida, liste os números de telefone em /etc/phones:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:48624 +#: book.translate.xml:48903 #, no-wrap msgid "" "big-university 5551111\n" @@ -88022,7 +88490,7 @@ "big-university 5551114" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48629 +#: book.translate.xml:48908 msgid "" "tip will try each number in the listed order, then give " "up. To keep retrying, run tip in a whilewhile." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:48636 +#: book.translate.xml:48915 msgid "Using the Force Character" msgstr "Usando o Caractere de Force" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48638 +#: book.translate.xml:48917 msgid "" " Ctrl P is the default force character, used to tell " @@ -88053,7 +88521,7 @@ "~s, o que significa definir uma variável." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48647 +#: book.translate.xml:48926 msgid "" "Type ~sforce=single-char " "followed by a newline. single-char is any single " @@ -88077,7 +88545,7 @@ "que é usado apenas em alguns servidores de terminal." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48668 +#: book.translate.xml:48947 msgid "" "To change the force character, specify the following in ~/.tiprc:" @@ -88086,18 +88554,18 @@ "tiprc:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:48671 +#: book.translate.xml:48950 #, no-wrap msgid "force=single-char" msgstr "force=single-char" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:48675 +#: book.translate.xml:48954 msgid "Upper Case Characters" msgstr "Caracteres Maiúsculos" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48677 +#: book.translate.xml:48956 msgid "" "This happens when Ctrl " "A is pressed, which is tip's " @@ -88115,7 +88583,7 @@ "recurso for usado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48688 +#: book.translate.xml:48967 msgid "" "Here is a sample ~/.tiprc for Emacs users who need to type " @@ -88128,7 +88596,7 @@ "action=\"simul\"> Ctrl A :" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:48698 +#: book.translate.xml:48977 #, no-wrap msgid "" "force=^^\n" @@ -88138,7 +88606,7 @@ "raisechar=^^" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48701 +#: book.translate.xml:48980 msgid "" "The ^^ is ShiftCtrl6 ." @@ -88147,12 +88615,12 @@ "keycap>Ctrl6 ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:48709 +#: book.translate.xml:48988 msgid "File Transfers with tip" msgstr "Transferências de Arquivos com tip" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48711 +#: book.translate.xml:48990 msgid "" "When talking to another UNIX-" "like operating system, files can be sent and received using ~p~p local-file remote-file" @@ -88176,7 +88644,7 @@ "\"opt\">remote-file" #. (itstool) path: sect2/cmdsynopsis -#: book.translate.xml:48723 +#: book.translate.xml:49002 msgid "" "~t remote-file local-file" @@ -88185,7 +88653,7 @@ "\"opt\">local-file" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48729 +#: book.translate.xml:49008 msgid "" "There is no error checking, so another protocol, like zmodem, should " "probably be used." @@ -88194,13 +88662,13 @@ "provavelmente deveria ser usado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:48734 +#: book.translate.xml:49013 msgid "Using zmodem with tip?" msgstr "" "Usando o zmodem com o tip?" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48737 +#: book.translate.xml:49016 msgid "" "To receive files, start the sending program on the remote end. Then, type " "~C rz to begin receiving them locally." @@ -88210,7 +88678,7 @@ "localmente." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48741 +#: book.translate.xml:49020 msgid "" "To send files, start the receiving program on the remote end. Then, type " "~C sz files to send them to " @@ -88221,12 +88689,12 @@ "para enviá-los ao sistema remoto." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:48750 +#: book.translate.xml:49029 msgid "Setting Up the Serial Console" msgstr "Configurando o Console Serial" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:48753 +#: book.translate.xml:49032 msgid "" " Kazutaka YOKOTA Contributed by " @@ -88235,7 +88703,7 @@ "personname> Contributed by " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:48763 +#: book.translate.xml:49042 msgid "" " Bill Paul Based on a document by " @@ -88244,12 +88712,12 @@ "personname> Based on a document by " #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:48773 +#: book.translate.xml:49052 msgid "serial console" msgstr "console serial" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:48775 +#: book.translate.xml:49054 msgid "" "FreeBSD has the ability to boot a system with a dumb terminal on a serial " "port as a console. This configuration is useful for system administrators " @@ -88263,7 +88731,7 @@ "depurar o kernel ou drivers de dispositivos." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:48782 +#: book.translate.xml:49061 msgid "" "As described in , FreeBSD employs a three stage " "bootstrap. The first two stages are in the boot block code which is stored " @@ -88277,7 +88745,7 @@ "carregador de boot como o código do terceiro estágio." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:48788 +#: book.translate.xml:49067 msgid "" "In order to set up booting from a serial console, the boot block code, the " "boot loader code, and the kernel need to be configured." @@ -88287,12 +88755,12 @@ "precisam ser configurados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:48793 +#: book.translate.xml:49072 msgid "Quick Serial Console Configuration" msgstr "Configuração Rápida do Console Serial" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:48795 +#: book.translate.xml:49074 msgid "" "This section provides a fast overview of setting up the serial console. This " "procedure can be used when the dumb terminal is connected to COM1COM1." #. (itstool) path: procedure/title -#: book.translate.xml:48800 +#: book.translate.xml:49079 msgid "Configuring a Serial Console on COM1" msgstr "Configurando um Console Serial no COM1" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:48804 +#: book.translate.xml:49083 msgid "" "Connect the serial cable to COM1 and the controlling " "terminal." @@ -88316,7 +88784,7 @@ "Conecte o cabo serial ao COM1 e ao terminal de controle." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:48810 +#: book.translate.xml:49089 msgid "" "To configure boot messages to display on the serial console, issue the " "following command as the superuser:" @@ -88325,13 +88793,13 @@ "emita o seguinte comando como o superusuário:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:48814 +#: book.translate.xml:49093 #, no-wrap -msgid "# sysrc -f /boot/loader.conf console=comconsole" -msgstr "# sysrc -f /boot/loader.conf console=comconsole" +msgid "# echo 'console=\"comconsole\"' >> /boot/loader.conf" +msgstr "# echo 'console=\"comconsole\"' >> /boot/loader.conf" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:48818 +#: book.translate.xml:49097 msgid "" "Edit /etc/ttys and change off to " "on and dialup to vt100 for a discussion on serial " @@ -88395,12 +88863,12 @@ "cabos seriais." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:48857 +#: book.translate.xml:49136 msgid "Unplug the keyboard." msgstr "Desconecte o teclado." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:48859 +#: book.translate.xml:49138 msgid "" "Many systems probe for the keyboard during the Power-On Self-Test " "(POST) and will generate an error if the keyboard is not " @@ -88412,7 +88880,7 @@ "conectado." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:48865 +#: book.translate.xml:49144 msgid "" "If the computer complains about the error, but boots anyway, no further " "configuration is needed." @@ -88421,7 +88889,7 @@ "nenhuma outra configuração será necessária." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:48868 +#: book.translate.xml:49147 msgid "" "If the computer refuses to boot without a keyboard attached, configure the " "BIOS so that it ignores this error. Consult the " @@ -88432,7 +88900,7 @@ "da placa-mãe para obter detalhes sobre como fazer isso." #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:48874 +#: book.translate.xml:49153 msgid "" "Try setting the keyboard to Not installed in the " "BIOS. This setting tells the BIOS not " @@ -88451,7 +88919,7 @@ "Errors terá o mesmo efeito." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:48885 +#: book.translate.xml:49164 msgid "" "If the system has a PS/2 mouse, " "unplug it as well. PS/2 mice " @@ -88465,7 +88933,7 @@ "está lá." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:48891 +#: book.translate.xml:49170 msgid "" "While most systems will boot without a keyboard, quite a few will not boot " "without a graphics adapter. Some systems can be configured to boot with no " @@ -88487,7 +88955,7 @@ "precisa ser conectado." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:48906 +#: book.translate.xml:49185 msgid "" "Plug a dumb terminal, an old computer with a modem program, or the serial " "port on another UNIX box into " @@ -88498,7 +88966,7 @@ "trademark> na porta serial da máquina freebsd." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:48912 +#: book.translate.xml:49191 msgid "" "Add the appropriate hint.sio.* entries to /boot/" "device.hints for the serial port. Some multi-port cards also " @@ -88515,7 +88983,7 @@ "porta serial suportada." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:48921 +#: book.translate.xml:49200 msgid "" "Create boot.config in the root directory of the " "a partition on the boot drive." @@ -88524,7 +88992,7 @@ "a na unidade de inicialização." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:48925 +#: book.translate.xml:49204 msgid "" "This file instructs the boot block code how to boot the system. In order to " "activate the serial console, one or more of the following options are " @@ -88536,12 +89004,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:48933 book.translate.xml:49042 +#: book.translate.xml:49212 book.translate.xml:49321 msgid "" msgstr "" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:48936 +#: book.translate.xml:49215 msgid "" "Toggles between the internal and serial consoles. Use this to switch console " "devices. For instance, to boot from the internal (video) console, use " @@ -88560,12 +89028,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:48949 book.translate.xml:49047 +#: book.translate.xml:49228 book.translate.xml:49326 msgid "" msgstr "" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:48952 +#: book.translate.xml:49231 msgid "" "Toggles between the single and dual console configurations. In the single " "configuration, the console will be either the internal console (video " @@ -88587,12 +89055,12 @@ "console." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:48970 +#: book.translate.xml:49249 msgid "" msgstr "" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:48973 +#: book.translate.xml:49252 msgid "" "Makes the boot block probe the keyboard. If no keyboard is found, the " " and options are automatically set." @@ -88602,7 +89070,7 @@ "automaticamente definidas." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:48979 +#: book.translate.xml:49258 msgid "" "Due to space constraints in the current version of the boot blocks, is capable of detecting extended keyboards only. Keyboards with " @@ -88618,7 +89086,7 @@ "P." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:48992 +#: book.translate.xml:49271 msgid "" "Use either to select the console automatically or " " to activate the serial console. Refer to " @@ -88633,7 +89101,7 @@ "manvolnum> para maiores detalhes." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:48997 +#: book.translate.xml:49276 msgid "" "The options, except for , are passed to the boot loader. " "The boot loader will determine whether the internal video or the serial port " @@ -88653,12 +89121,12 @@ "interna como o console." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:49010 +#: book.translate.xml:49289 msgid "Boot the machine." msgstr "Inicialize a máquina." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:49012 +#: book.translate.xml:49291 msgid "" "When FreeBSD starts, the boot blocks echo the contents of /boot." "config to the console. For example:" @@ -88667,7 +89135,7 @@ "/boot.config para o console. Por exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:49016 +#: book.translate.xml:49295 #, no-wrap msgid "" "/boot.config: -P\n" @@ -88677,7 +89145,7 @@ "Keyboard: no" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:49019 +#: book.translate.xml:49298 msgid "" "The second line appears only if is in /boot." "config and indicates the presence or absence of the keyboard. " @@ -88690,52 +89158,52 @@ "dependendo da opção em /boot.config:" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:49030 +#: book.translate.xml:49309 msgid "Options" msgstr "Opções" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:49031 +#: book.translate.xml:49310 msgid "Message goes to" msgstr "Mensagem vai para" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:49037 +#: book.translate.xml:49316 msgid "none" msgstr "nenhum" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:49038 book.translate.xml:49058 +#: book.translate.xml:49317 book.translate.xml:49337 msgid "internal console" msgstr "console interno" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:49043 book.translate.xml:49063 +#: book.translate.xml:49322 book.translate.xml:49342 msgid "serial console" msgstr "console serial" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:49048 book.translate.xml:49053 +#: book.translate.xml:49327 book.translate.xml:49332 msgid "serial and internal consoles" msgstr "consoles seriais e internos" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:49052 +#: book.translate.xml:49331 msgid "" msgstr "" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:49057 +#: book.translate.xml:49336 msgid ", keyboard present" msgstr ", teclado presente" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:49062 +#: book.translate.xml:49341 msgid ", keyboard absent" msgstr ", teclado ausente" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:49069 +#: book.translate.xml:49348 msgid "" "After the message, there will be a small pause before the boot blocks " "continue loading the boot loader and before any further messages are printed " @@ -88750,7 +89218,7 @@ "para garantir que as coisas sejam configuradas corretamente." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:49076 +#: book.translate.xml:49355 msgid "" "Press any key, other than Enter, at the console to " "interrupt the boot process. The boot blocks will then prompt for further " @@ -88761,7 +89229,7 @@ "solicitarão mais ações:" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:49084 +#: book.translate.xml:49363 msgid "" "Verify that the above message appears on either the serial or internal " "console, or both, according to the options in /boot.config-h then Enter or " @@ -88789,7 +89257,7 @@ "console. Quando o sistema estiver ativo, volte e verifique o que deu errado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:49101 +#: book.translate.xml:49380 msgid "" "During the third stage of the boot process, one can still switch between the " "internal console and the serial console by setting appropriate environment " @@ -88803,7 +89271,7 @@ "para obter maiores informações." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:49108 +#: book.translate.xml:49387 msgid "" "This line in /boot/loader.conf or /boot/" "loader.conf.local configures the boot loader and the kernel to " @@ -88816,13 +89284,13 @@ "independentemente das opções no /boot.config:" #. (itstool) path: note/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:49114 +#: book.translate.xml:49393 #, no-wrap msgid "console=\"comconsole\"" msgstr "console=\"comconsole\"" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:49116 +#: book.translate.xml:49395 msgid "" "That line should be the first line of /boot/loader.conf " "so that boot messages are displayed on the serial console as early as " @@ -88833,7 +89301,7 @@ "mais cedo possível." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:49121 +#: book.translate.xml:49400 msgid "" "If that line does not exist, or if it is set to console=\"vidconsole" "\", the boot loader and the kernel will use whichever console is " @@ -88848,7 +89316,7 @@ "manvolnum> para maiores informações." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:49127 +#: book.translate.xml:49406 msgid "" "At the moment, the boot loader has no option equivalent to ADSL Modem Dual Link" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:50609 +#: book.translate.xml:50888 msgid "" "This modem does not follow the PPPoE specification defined in RFC 2516." @@ -91189,7 +91657,7 @@ "\"\">RFC 2516." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:50613 +#: book.translate.xml:50892 msgid "" "In order to make FreeBSD capable of communicating with this device, a sysctl " "must be set. This can be done automatically at boot time by updating " @@ -91200,24 +91668,24 @@ "inicialização, atualizando o /etc/sysctl.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:50618 +#: book.translate.xml:50897 #, no-wrap msgid "net.graph.nonstandard_pppoe=1" msgstr "net.graph.nonstandard_pppoe=1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:50620 +#: book.translate.xml:50899 msgid "or can be done immediately with the command:" msgstr "ou pode ser feito imediatamente com o comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:50622 +#: book.translate.xml:50901 #, no-wrap msgid "# sysctl net.graph.nonstandard_pppoe=1" msgstr "# sysctl net.graph.nonstandard_pppoe=1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:50624 +#: book.translate.xml:50903 msgid "" "Unfortunately, because this is a system-wide setting, it is not possible to " "talk to a normal PPPoE client or server and a Modem ADSL ao mesmo tempo." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:50632 +#: book.translate.xml:50911 msgid "" "Using PPP over ATM (PPPoA)" msgstr "" "Usando PPP sobre ATM (PPPoA)" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:50635 +#: book.translate.xml:50914 msgid "" "PPP over ATM" @@ -91246,12 +91714,12 @@ "acronym>" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:50640 +#: book.translate.xml:50919 msgid "PPPoA" msgstr "PPPoA" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:50644 +#: book.translate.xml:50923 msgid "" "The following describes how to set up PPP over ATM " "(PPPoA). PPPoA is a popular choice among European DSL providers." @@ -91260,12 +91728,12 @@ "(PPPoA). O PPPoA é uma escolha popular entre os provedores europeus de DSL." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:50701 +#: book.translate.xml:50980 msgid "Using mpd" msgstr "Usando o mpd" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:50703 +#: book.translate.xml:50982 msgid "" "The mpd application can be used to connect to a " "variety of services, in particular PPTP services. It can be installed using " @@ -91278,7 +91746,7 @@ "ADSL exigem que um túnel PPTP seja criado entre o modem e o computador." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:50710 +#: book.translate.xml:50989 msgid "" "Once installed, configure mpd to suit the " "provider's settings. The port places a set of sample configuration files " @@ -91300,7 +91768,7 @@ "filename>:" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:50722 +#: book.translate.xml:51001 msgid "" "This example mpd.conf only works with mpd 4.x." @@ -91309,7 +91777,7 @@ "mpd 4.x." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:50726 +#: book.translate.xml:51005 #, no-wrap msgid "" "default:\n" @@ -91361,18 +91829,18 @@ " open" #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:50752 +#: book.translate.xml:51031 msgid "The username used to authenticate with your ISP." msgstr "" "O nome de usuário usado para autenticar com seu ISP." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:50756 +#: book.translate.xml:51035 msgid "The password used to authenticate with your ISP." msgstr "A senha usada para autenticar com seu ISP." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:50761 +#: book.translate.xml:51040 msgid "" "Information about the link, or links, to establish is found in mpd." "links. An example mpd.links to accompany the " @@ -91383,7 +91851,7 @@ "para acompanhar o exemplo acima é dado abaixo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:50766 +#: book.translate.xml:51045 #, no-wrap msgid "" "adsl:\n" @@ -91401,7 +91869,7 @@ " set pptp peer " #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:50775 +#: book.translate.xml:51054 msgid "" "The IP address of FreeBSD computer running " "mpd." @@ -91410,7 +91878,7 @@ "mpd." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:50779 +#: book.translate.xml:51058 msgid "" "The IP address of the ADSL modem. The Alcatel " "SpeedTouch Home defaults to" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:50784 +#: book.translate.xml:51063 msgid "" "It is possible to initialize the connection easily by issuing the following " "command as root:" @@ -91430,18 +91898,18 @@ "como root:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:50788 +#: book.translate.xml:51067 #, no-wrap msgid "# mpd -b adsl" msgstr "# mpd -b adsl" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:50790 +#: book.translate.xml:51069 msgid "To view the status of the connection:" msgstr "Para ver o status da conexão:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:50792 +#: book.translate.xml:51071 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% ifconfig ng0\n" @@ -91453,7 +91921,7 @@ " inet --> netmask 0xffffffff" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:50796 +#: book.translate.xml:51075 msgid "" "Using mpd is the recommended way to connect to an " "ADSL service with FreeBSD." @@ -91462,12 +91930,12 @@ "a um serviço ADSL com o FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:50801 +#: book.translate.xml:51080 msgid "Using pptpclient" msgstr "Usando o pptpclient" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:50803 +#: book.translate.xml:51082 msgid "" "It is also possible to use FreeBSD to connect to other PPPoA services using " "net/pptpclient." @@ -91476,7 +91944,7 @@ "usando o net/pptpclient." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:50806 +#: book.translate.xml:51085 msgid "" "To use net/pptpclient to connect to a DSL service, " "install the port or package, then edit /etc/ppp/ppp.conf8." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:50813 +#: book.translate.xml:51092 #, no-wrap msgid "" "adsl:\n" @@ -91515,17 +91983,17 @@ " add default HISADDR" #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:50824 +#: book.translate.xml:51103 msgid "The username for the DSL provider." msgstr "O nome de usuário no provedor de DSL." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:50828 +#: book.translate.xml:51107 msgid "The password for your account." msgstr "A senha da sua conta." #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:50833 +#: book.translate.xml:51112 msgid "" "Since the account's password is added to ppp.confin " "plain text form, make sure nobody can read the contents of this file:" @@ -91535,7 +92003,7 @@ "arquivo:" #. (itstool) path: warning/screen -#: book.translate.xml:50837 +#: book.translate.xml:51116 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# chown root:wheel /etc/ppp/ppp.conf\n" @@ -91545,7 +92013,7 @@ "# chmod 600 /etc/ppp/ppp.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:50842 +#: book.translate.xml:51121 msgid "" "This will open a tunnel for a PPP session to the DSL " "router. Ethernet DSL modems have a preconfigured LAN IP " @@ -91563,13 +92031,13 @@ "acronym>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:50851 +#: book.translate.xml:51130 #, no-wrap msgid "# pptp address adsl" msgstr "# pptp address adsl" #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:50854 +#: book.translate.xml:51133 msgid "" "If an ampersand (&) is added to the end of this command, " "pptp will return the prompt." @@ -91578,7 +92046,7 @@ "comando, o pptp retornará ao prompt." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:50860 +#: book.translate.xml:51139 msgid "" "A tun virtual tunnel device will be created for " "interaction between the pptp and " @@ -91592,7 +92060,7 @@ "do pptp confirmar uma conexão, examine o túnel:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:50868 +#: book.translate.xml:51147 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% ifconfig tun0\n" @@ -91606,7 +92074,7 @@ "\tOpened by PID 918" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:50873 +#: book.translate.xml:51152 msgid "" "If the connection fails, check the configuration of the router, which is " "usually accessible using a web browser. Also, examine the output of " @@ -91619,7 +92087,7 @@ "ppp.log para pistas." #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:50894 +#: book.translate.xml:51173 msgid "" "BillLloydOriginal work by " @@ -91628,7 +92096,7 @@ "personname> Trabalho original por " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:50898 +#: book.translate.xml:51177 msgid "" "JimMockRewritten by " @@ -91637,7 +92105,7 @@ "personname>Reescrito por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:50908 +#: book.translate.xml:51187 msgid "" "Electronic Mail, better known as email, is one of the most " "widely used forms of communication today. This chapter provides a basic " @@ -91653,7 +92121,7 @@ "linkend=\"bibliography\"/>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:50919 +#: book.translate.xml:51198 msgid "" "Which software components are involved in sending and receiving electronic " "mail." @@ -91662,7 +92130,7 @@ "email." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:50924 +#: book.translate.xml:51203 msgid "" "Where basic Sendmail configuration files are " "located in FreeBSD." @@ -91671,19 +92139,19 @@ "application> estão localizados no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:50929 +#: book.translate.xml:51208 msgid "The difference between remote and local mailboxes." msgstr "A diferença entre caixas de correio remotas e locais." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:50934 +#: book.translate.xml:51213 msgid "How to block spammers from illegally using a mail server as a relay." msgstr "" "Como bloquear spammers de utilizar ilegalmente um servidor de email como " "relay." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:50939 +#: book.translate.xml:51218 msgid "" "How to install and configure an alternate Mail Transfer Agent, replacing " "Sendmail." @@ -91692,27 +92160,27 @@ "Sendmail." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:50945 +#: book.translate.xml:51224 msgid "How to troubleshoot common mail server problems." msgstr "Como solucionar problemas comuns de servidor de email." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:50949 +#: book.translate.xml:51228 msgid "How to set up the system to send mail only." msgstr "Como configurar o sistema para apenas enviar email." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:50953 +#: book.translate.xml:51232 msgid "How to use mail with a dialup connection." msgstr "Como usar email com uma conexão discada." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:50957 +#: book.translate.xml:51236 msgid "How to configure SMTP authentication for added security." msgstr "Como configurar a autenticação SMTP para segurança adicional." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:50962 +#: book.translate.xml:51241 msgid "" "How to install and use a Mail User Agent, such as mutt, to send and receive email." @@ -91721,7 +92189,7 @@ "application>, para enviar e receber email." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:50968 +#: book.translate.xml:51247 msgid "" "How to download mail from a remote POP or IMAP server." @@ -91730,12 +92198,12 @@ "ou IMAP." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:50974 +#: book.translate.xml:51253 msgid "How to automatically apply filters and rules to incoming email." msgstr "Como aplicar automaticamente filtros e regras ao email recebido." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:50983 +#: book.translate.xml:51262 msgid "" "Properly set up a network connection ()." @@ -91744,7 +92212,7 @@ "networking\"/>)." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:50987 +#: book.translate.xml:51266 msgid "" "Properly set up the DNS information for a mail host " "()." @@ -91753,22 +92221,22 @@ "de email ()." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:50999 +#: book.translate.xml:51278 msgid "Mail Components" msgstr "Componentes de Email" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:51001 +#: book.translate.xml:51280 msgid "POP" msgstr "POP" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:51002 +#: book.translate.xml:51281 msgid "IMAP" msgstr "IMAP" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:51004 +#: book.translate.xml:51283 msgid "" "mail server daemons Sendmail" @@ -91777,7 +92245,7 @@ "application>" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:51008 +#: book.translate.xml:51287 msgid "" "mail server daemons Postfix" @@ -91786,7 +92254,7 @@ "application>" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:51012 +#: book.translate.xml:51291 msgid "" "mail server daemons qmail" @@ -91795,7 +92263,7 @@ "application>" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:51016 +#: book.translate.xml:51295 msgid "" "mail server daemons Exim" @@ -91804,23 +92272,23 @@ "application>" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:51020 +#: book.translate.xml:51299 msgid "email receiving" msgstr "email receiving" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:51024 book.translate.xml:51696 book.translate.xml:51815 +#: book.translate.xml:51303 book.translate.xml:51975 book.translate.xml:52094 msgid "MX record" msgstr "MX record" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:51025 +#: book.translate.xml:51304 msgid "mail host" msgstr "mail host" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:51027 +#: book.translate.xml:51306 msgid "" "There are five major parts involved in an email exchange: the Mail User " "Agent (MUA), the Mail Transfer Agent (MTAMUA)" msgstr "Mail User Agent (MUA)" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51037 +#: book.translate.xml:51316 msgid "" "The Mail User Agent (MUA) is an application which is used " "to compose, send, and receive emails. This application can be a command line " @@ -91868,12 +92336,12 @@ "em ." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:51057 +#: book.translate.xml:51336 msgid "Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)" msgstr "Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51059 +#: book.translate.xml:51338 msgid "" "The Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is responsible for " "receiving incoming mail and delivering outgoing mail. FreeBSD ships with " @@ -91899,12 +92367,12 @@ "completas." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:51079 +#: book.translate.xml:51358 msgid "Mail Host and Mailboxes" msgstr "Servidor de Email e Caixas de Correio" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51081 +#: book.translate.xml:51360 msgid "" "The mail host is a server that is responsible for delivering and receiving " "mail for a host or a network. The mail host collects all mail sent to the " @@ -91927,7 +92395,7 @@ "IMAP." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51094 +#: book.translate.xml:51373 msgid "" "To access mailboxes remotely, a POP or IMAP server is required as these protocols allow users to connect to " @@ -91951,7 +92419,7 @@ "transferência de dados entre clientes e servidores." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51107 +#: book.translate.xml:51386 msgid "" "Several POP and IMAP servers are " "available in the Ports Collection. These include mail/qpopper e mail/dovecot2 ." #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:51116 +#: book.translate.xml:51395 msgid "" "It should be noted that both POP and IMAP transmit information, including username and password credentials, " @@ -91984,12 +92452,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:51128 book.translate.xml:55816 +#: book.translate.xml:51407 book.translate.xml:56105 msgid "Domain Name System (DNS)" msgstr "Sistema de Nomes de Domínio (DNS)" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51130 +#: book.translate.xml:51409 msgid "" "The Domain Name System (DNS) and its daemon " "named play a large role in the delivery of email. In " @@ -92006,7 +92474,7 @@ "enviado de um host remoto para o MTA." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51139 +#: book.translate.xml:51418 msgid "" "In addition to mapping hostnames to IP addresses, " "DNS is responsible for storing information specific to " @@ -92021,7 +92489,7 @@ "de um domínio em particular." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51147 +#: book.translate.xml:51426 msgid "" "To view the MX records for a domain, specify the type of " "record. Refer to host% host -t mx\n" @@ -92044,7 +92512,7 @@ " mail is handled by 10" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51154 +#: book.translate.xml:51433 msgid "" "Refer to for more information about " "DNS and its configuration." @@ -92053,12 +92521,12 @@ "DNS e sua configuração." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:51164 +#: book.translate.xml:51443 msgid "Sendmail Configuration Files" msgstr "Arquivos de Configuração do Sendmail" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:51168 +#: book.translate.xml:51447 msgid "" " Christopher Shumway Contributed by " @@ -92067,12 +92535,12 @@ "personname> Contributed by " #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:51178 +#: book.translate.xml:51457 msgid "Sendmail" msgstr "Sendmail" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:51182 +#: book.translate.xml:51461 msgid "" "Sendmail is the default MTA " "installed with FreeBSD. It accepts mail from MUAs and " @@ -92087,7 +92555,7 @@ "enviar mensagens para caixas de correio locais ou para outro programa." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:51190 +#: book.translate.xml:51469 msgid "" "The configuration files for Sendmail are located " "in /etc/mail. This section describes these files in " @@ -92098,47 +92566,47 @@ "arquivos em mais detalhes." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:51195 +#: book.translate.xml:51474 msgid "/etc/mail/access" msgstr "/etc/mail/access" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:51198 +#: book.translate.xml:51477 msgid "/etc/mail/aliases" msgstr "/etc/mail/aliases" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:51201 +#: book.translate.xml:51480 msgid "/etc/mail/local-host-names" msgstr "/etc/mail/local-host-names" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:51204 +#: book.translate.xml:51483 msgid "/etc/mail/mailer.conf" msgstr "/etc/mail/mailer.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:51207 +#: book.translate.xml:51486 msgid "/etc/mail/mailertable" msgstr "/etc/mail/mailertable" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:51210 +#: book.translate.xml:51489 msgid "/etc/mail/" msgstr "/etc/mail/" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:51213 +#: book.translate.xml:51492 msgid "/etc/mail/virtusertable" msgstr "/etc/mail/virtusertable" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:51219 +#: book.translate.xml:51498 msgid "/etc/mail/access" msgstr "/etc/mail/access" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51221 +#: book.translate.xml:51500 msgid "" "This access database file defines which hosts or IP " "addresses have access to the local mail server and what kind of access they " @@ -92170,7 +92638,7 @@ "retenção." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51239 +#: book.translate.xml:51518 msgid "" "Examples of using these options for both IPv4 and " "IPv6 addresses can be found in the FreeBSD sample " @@ -92181,7 +92649,7 @@ "FreeBSD, /etc/mail/access.sample:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:51244 +#: book.translate.xml:51523 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# <_:phrase-1/>\n" @@ -92219,7 +92687,7 @@ "#Connect:[IPv6:1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8] OK" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51261 +#: book.translate.xml:51540 msgid "" "To configure the access database, use the format shown in the sample to make " "entries in /etc/mail/access, but do not put a comment " @@ -92236,7 +92704,7 @@ "pela ação no lado direito da tabela." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51270 +#: book.translate.xml:51549 msgid "" "Whenever this file is updated, update its database and restart " "Sendmail:" @@ -92245,7 +92713,7 @@ "reinicie o Sendmail:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/screen -#: book.translate.xml:51273 +#: book.translate.xml:51552 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# makemap hash /etc/mail/access < /etc/mail/access\n" @@ -92255,12 +92723,12 @@ "# service sendmail restart" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:51279 +#: book.translate.xml:51558 msgid "/etc/mail/aliases" msgstr "/etc/mail/aliases" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51281 +#: book.translate.xml:51560 msgid "" "This database file contains a list of virtual mailboxes that are expanded to " "users, files, programs, or other aliases. Here are a few entries to " @@ -92271,7 +92739,7 @@ "algumas entradas para ilustrar o formato do arquivo:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:51286 +#: book.translate.xml:51565 #, no-wrap msgid "" "root: localuser\n" @@ -92285,7 +92753,7 @@ "procmail: \"|/usr/local/bin/procmail\"" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51291 +#: book.translate.xml:51570 msgid "" "The mailbox name on the left side of the colon is expanded to the target(s) " "on the right. The first entry expands the newaliases to update " "and initialize the aliases database." @@ -92335,12 +92803,12 @@ "command> para atualizar e inicializar o banco de dados de aliases." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:51343 +#: book.translate.xml:51622 msgid "/etc/mail/" msgstr "/etc/mail/" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51345 +#: book.translate.xml:51624 msgid "" "This is the master configuration file for Sendmail. It controls the overall behavior of SendmailSendmail configuration file can be " "built from m41/usr/src/contrib/sendmail/cf/README para mais detalhes." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51361 +#: book.translate.xml:51640 msgid "" "Whenever changes to this file are made, Sendmail " "needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect." @@ -92381,12 +92849,12 @@ "application> precisa ser reiniciado para que as alterações entrem em vigor." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:51368 +#: book.translate.xml:51647 msgid "/etc/mail/virtusertable" msgstr "/etc/mail/virtusertable" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51370 +#: book.translate.xml:51649 msgid "" "This database file maps mail addresses for virtual domains and users to real " "mailboxes. These mailboxes can be local, remote, aliases defined in " @@ -92399,7 +92867,7 @@ "Isso permite que vários domínios virtuais sejam hospedados em uma máquina." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51377 +#: book.translate.xml:51656 msgid "" "FreeBSD provides a sample configuration file in /etc/mail/" "virtusertable.sample to further demonstrate its format. The " @@ -92412,7 +92880,7 @@ "formato:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:51383 +#: book.translate.xml:51662 #, no-wrap msgid "" " root\n" @@ -92424,7 +92892,7 @@ " joe" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51387 +#: book.translate.xml:51666 msgid "" "This file is processed in a first match order. When an email address matches " "the address on the left, it is mapped to the local mailbox listed on the " @@ -92453,7 +92921,7 @@ "application>:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/screen -#: book.translate.xml:51402 +#: book.translate.xml:51681 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# makemap hash /etc/mail/virtusertable < /etc/mail/virtusertable\n" @@ -92463,12 +92931,12 @@ "# service sendmail restart" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:51408 +#: book.translate.xml:51687 msgid "/etc/mail/relay-domains" msgstr "/etc/mail/relay-domains" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51410 +#: book.translate.xml:51689 msgid "" "In a default FreeBSD installation, Sendmail is " "configured to only send mail from the host it is running on. For example, if " @@ -92487,7 +92955,7 @@ "literal> com uma mensagem 5.7 Relaying Denied." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51421 +#: book.translate.xml:51700 msgid "" "The most straightforward solution is to add the ISP's " "FQDN to /etc/mail/relay-domains. If " @@ -92498,7 +92966,7 @@ "vários endereços forem necessários, adicione-os um por linha:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:51427 +#: book.translate.xml:51706 #, no-wrap msgid "" "\n" @@ -92512,7 +92980,7 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51432 +#: book.translate.xml:51711 msgid "" "After creating or editing this file, restart Sendmail with service sendmail restart." @@ -92521,7 +92989,7 @@ "application> com service sendmail restart." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51436 +#: book.translate.xml:51715 msgid "" "Now any mail sent through the system by any host in this list, provided the " "user has an account on the system, will succeed. This allows users to send " @@ -92535,12 +93003,12 @@ "da Internet." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:51448 +#: book.translate.xml:51727 msgid "Changing the Mail Transfer Agent" msgstr "Alterando o Mail Transfer Agent" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:51451 +#: book.translate.xml:51730 msgid "" " Andrew Boothman Written by " @@ -92549,7 +93017,7 @@ "personname> Written by " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:51461 +#: book.translate.xml:51740 msgid "" " Gregory Neil Shapiro " " Information taken from emails written by " @@ -92558,12 +93026,12 @@ " Information taken from emails written by " #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:51471 +#: book.translate.xml:51750 msgid "email change mta" msgstr "email change mta" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:51476 +#: book.translate.xml:51755 msgid "" "FreeBSD comes with Sendmail already installed as " "the MTA which is in charge of outgoing and incoming mail. " @@ -92579,7 +93047,7 @@ "FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:51484 +#: book.translate.xml:51763 msgid "" "Once a new MTA is installed, configure and test the new " "software before replacing Sendmail. Refer to the " @@ -92592,7 +93060,7 @@ "obter informações sobre como configurar o software." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:51490 +#: book.translate.xml:51769 msgid "" "Once the new MTA is working, use the instructions in this " "section to disable Sendmail and configure FreeBSD " @@ -92603,12 +93071,12 @@ "e configurar o FreeBSD para usar o MTA substituto." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:51496 +#: book.translate.xml:51775 msgid "Disable Sendmail" msgstr "Desativar o Sendmail" #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:51499 +#: book.translate.xml:51778 msgid "" "If Sendmail's outgoing mail service is disabled, " "it is important that it is replaced with an alternative mail delivery " @@ -92632,7 +93100,7 @@ "application> e nunca será entregue." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51511 +#: book.translate.xml:51790 msgid "" "In order to completely disable Sendmail, add or " "edit the following lines in /etc/rc.conf:" @@ -92641,7 +93109,7 @@ "adicione ou edite as seguintes linhas no /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:51515 +#: book.translate.xml:51794 #, no-wrap msgid "" "sendmail_enable=\"NO\"\n" @@ -92655,7 +93123,7 @@ "sendmail_msp_queue_enable=\"NO\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51520 +#: book.translate.xml:51799 msgid "" "To only disable Sendmail's incoming mail service, " "use only this entry in /etc/rc.conf:" @@ -92665,13 +93133,13 @@ "etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:51524 +#: book.translate.xml:51803 #, no-wrap msgid "sendmail_enable=\"NO\"" msgstr "sendmail_enable=\"NO\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51526 +#: book.translate.xml:51805 msgid "" "More information on Sendmail's startup options is " "available in rc.sendmail8 ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:51531 +#: book.translate.xml:51810 msgid "Replace the Default MTA" msgstr "Substitua o MTA Padrão" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51533 +#: book.translate.xml:51812 msgid "" "When a new MTA is installed using the Ports Collection, " "its startup script is also installed and startup instructions are mentioned " @@ -92704,7 +93172,7 @@ "seguida, inicia o serviço Postfix:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:51541 +#: book.translate.xml:51820 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# service sendmail stop\n" @@ -92714,7 +93182,7 @@ "# service postfix start" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51544 +#: book.translate.xml:51823 msgid "" "To start the replacement MTA at system boot, add its " "configuration line to /etc/rc.conf. This entry enables " @@ -92725,13 +93193,13 @@ "filename>. Esta entrada habilita o MTA Postfix:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:51549 +#: book.translate.xml:51828 #, no-wrap msgid "postfix_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "postfix_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51551 +#: book.translate.xml:51830 msgid "" "Some extra configuration is needed as Sendmail is " "so ubiquitous that some software assumes it is already installed and " @@ -92747,7 +93215,7 @@ "com estas entradas:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:51558 +#: book.translate.xml:51837 #, no-wrap msgid "" "daily_clean_hoststat_enable=\"NO\"\n" @@ -92761,7 +93229,7 @@ "daily_submit_queuerun=\"NO\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51563 +#: book.translate.xml:51842 msgid "" "Some alternative MTAs provide their own compatible " "implementations of the Sendmail command-line " @@ -92788,13 +93256,13 @@ "manvolnum>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51576 +#: book.translate.xml:51855 msgid "The default /etc/mail/mailer.conf looks like this:" msgstr "" "O /etc/mail/mailer.conf padrão se parece com isto:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:51579 +#: book.translate.xml:51858 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# <_:phrase-1/>\n" @@ -92820,7 +93288,7 @@ "purgestat /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51590 +#: book.translate.xml:51869 msgid "" "When any of the commands listed on the left are run, the system actually " "executes the associated command shown on the right. This system makes it " @@ -92833,7 +93301,7 @@ "padrões são chamados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51595 +#: book.translate.xml:51874 msgid "" "Some MTAs, when installed using the Ports Collection, " "will prompt to update this file for the new binaries. For example, " @@ -92844,7 +93312,7 @@ "o Postfix atualizará o arquivo da seguinte forma:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:51600 +#: book.translate.xml:51879 #, no-wrap msgid "" "#\n" @@ -92864,7 +93332,7 @@ "newaliases /usr/local/sbin/sendmail" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51608 +#: book.translate.xml:51887 msgid "" "If the installation of the MTA does not automatically " "update /etc/mail/mailer.conf, edit this file in a text " @@ -92877,7 +93345,7 @@ "para os binários instalados pelo mail/ssmtp:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:51615 +#: book.translate.xml:51894 #, no-wrap msgid "" "sendmail /usr/local/sbin/ssmtp\n" @@ -92895,7 +93363,7 @@ "purgestat /usr/bin/true" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51622 +#: book.translate.xml:51901 msgid "" "Once everything is configured, it is recommended to reboot the system. " "Rebooting provides the opportunity to ensure that the system is correctly " @@ -92907,17 +93375,17 @@ "automaticamente no boot." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:51632 +#: book.translate.xml:51911 msgid "email troubleshooting" msgstr "email troubleshooting" #. (itstool) path: question/para -#: book.translate.xml:51640 +#: book.translate.xml:51919 msgid "Why do I have to use the FQDN for hosts on my site?" msgstr "Por que preciso usar o FQDN para hosts no meu site?" #. (itstool) path: answer/para -#: book.translate.xml:51645 +#: book.translate.xml:51924 msgid "" "The host may actually be in a different domain. For example, in order for a " "host in to reach " @@ -92936,12 +93404,12 @@ "systemitem>, em vez de apenas mumble." #. (itstool) path: para/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:51654 +#: book.translate.xml:51933 msgid "BIND" msgstr "BIND" #. (itstool) path: answer/para -#: book.translate.xml:51653 +#: book.translate.xml:51932 msgid "" "This is because the version of BIND<_:indexterm-1/" "> which ships with FreeBSD no longer provides default abbreviations for non-" @@ -92958,7 +93426,7 @@ "domínio raiz." #. (itstool) path: answer/para -#: book.translate.xml:51662 +#: book.translate.xml:51941 msgid "" "In older versions of BIND, the search continued " "across, and " @@ -92972,29 +93440,29 @@ "segurança." #. (itstool) path: answer/para -#: book.translate.xml:51668 +#: book.translate.xml:51947 msgid "As a good workaround, place the line:" msgstr "Como uma boa solução, coloque a linha:" #. (itstool) path: answer/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:51670 +#: book.translate.xml:51949 #, no-wrap msgid "search" msgstr "search" #. (itstool) path: answer/para -#: book.translate.xml:51672 +#: book.translate.xml:51951 msgid "instead of the previous:" msgstr "em vez do anterior:" #. (itstool) path: answer/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:51674 +#: book.translate.xml:51953 #, no-wrap msgid "domain" msgstr "domain" #. (itstool) path: answer/para -#: book.translate.xml:51676 +#: book.translate.xml:51955 msgid "" "into /etc/resolv.conf. However, make sure that the " "search order does not go beyond the boundary between local and public " @@ -93005,12 +93473,12 @@ "pública, como a RFC 1535 a chama." #. (itstool) path: question/para -#: book.translate.xml:51685 +#: book.translate.xml:51964 msgid "How can I run a mail server on a dial-up PPP host?" msgstr "Como posso executar um servidor de email em um host PPP dial-up?" #. (itstool) path: answer/para -#: book.translate.xml:51690 +#: book.translate.xml:51969 msgid "" "Connect to a FreeBSD mail gateway on the LAN. The PPP connection is non-" "dedicated." @@ -93019,7 +93487,7 @@ "dedicada." #. (itstool) path: answer/para -#: book.translate.xml:51693 +#: book.translate.xml:51972 msgid "" "One way to do this is to get a full-time Internet server to provide " "secondary MX <_:indexterm-1/> services for the domain. In " @@ -93036,7 +93504,7 @@ "MX secundário para o domínio:" #. (itstool) path: answer/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:51704 +#: book.translate.xml:51983 #, no-wrap msgid "" " MX 10\n" @@ -93046,7 +93514,7 @@ " MX 20" #. (itstool) path: answer/para -#: book.translate.xml:51707 +#: book.translate.xml:51986 msgid "" "Only one host should be specified as the final recipient. For " "Sendmail, add Cw " @@ -93059,7 +93527,7 @@ "\"fqdomainname\">" #. (itstool) path: answer/para -#: book.translate.xml:51712 +#: book.translate.xml:51991 msgid "" "When the sending MTA attempts to deliver mail, it will " "try to connect to the system, example." @@ -93082,12 +93550,12 @@ "\"fqdomainname\">" #. (itstool) path: answer/para -#: book.translate.xml:51724 +#: book.translate.xml:52003 msgid "Use something like this as a login script:" msgstr "Use algo assim como um script de login:" #. (itstool) path: answer/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:51726 +#: book.translate.xml:52005 #, no-wrap msgid "" "#!/bin/sh\n" @@ -93101,7 +93569,7 @@ "/usr/sbin/ppp -direct pppmyisp" #. (itstool) path: answer/para -#: book.translate.xml:51731 +#: book.translate.xml:52010 msgid "" "When creating a separate login script for users, instead use " "sendmail in the script above. This will " @@ -93114,7 +93582,7 @@ "sejam processados imediatamente." #. (itstool) path: answer/para -#: book.translate.xml:51738 +#: book.translate.xml:52017 msgid "" "A further refinement of the situation can be seen from this example from the " ":" #. (itstool) path: answer/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:51741 +#: book.translate.xml:52020 #, no-wrap msgid "" "> we provide the secondary MX for a customer. The customer connects to\n" @@ -93186,7 +93654,7 @@ "the DNS for" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:51776 +#: book.translate.xml:52055 msgid "" "This section covers more involved topics such as mail configuration and " "setting up mail for an entire domain." @@ -93195,12 +93663,12 @@ "configuração de email para um domínio inteiro." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:51782 +#: book.translate.xml:52061 msgid "email configuration" msgstr "email configuration" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51787 +#: book.translate.xml:52066 msgid "" "Out of the box, one can send email to external hosts as long as /" "etc/resolv.conf is configured or the network has access to a " @@ -93213,12 +93681,12 @@ "acronym> em um host FreeBSD, siga um destes procedimentos:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51795 +#: book.translate.xml:52074 msgid "Run a DNS server for the domain." msgstr "Execute um servidor DNS para o domínio." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51800 +#: book.translate.xml:52079 msgid "" "Get mail delivered directly to the FQDN for the machine." msgstr "" @@ -93226,7 +93694,7 @@ "máquina." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51806 +#: book.translate.xml:52085 msgid "" "In order to have mail delivered directly to a host, it must have a permanent " "static IP address, not a dynamic IP address. If the system is behind a " @@ -93240,7 +93708,7 @@ "dois deve ser configurado:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51814 +#: book.translate.xml:52093 msgid "" "Make sure that the lowest-numbered MX<_:indexterm-1/> " "record in DNS points to the host's static IP address." @@ -93250,7 +93718,7 @@ "do host." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51822 +#: book.translate.xml:52101 msgid "" "Make sure there is no MX entry in the DNS for the host." @@ -93259,7 +93727,7 @@ "DNS para o host." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51827 +#: book.translate.xml:52106 msgid "" "Either of the above will allow mail to be received directly at the host." msgstr "" @@ -93267,12 +93735,12 @@ "diretamente no host." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51830 +#: book.translate.xml:52109 msgid "Try this:" msgstr "Tente isto:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:51832 +#: book.translate.xml:52111 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# hostname\n" @@ -93286,7 +93754,7 @@ " has address 204.216.27.XX" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51837 +#: book.translate.xml:52116 msgid "" "In this example, mail sent directly to should work without problems, " @@ -93300,12 +93768,12 @@ "systemitem>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51843 +#: book.translate.xml:52122 msgid "For this example:" msgstr "Para este exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:51845 +#: book.translate.xml:52124 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# host\n" @@ -93317,7 +93785,7 @@ " mail is handled (pri=10) by" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51849 +#: book.translate.xml:52128 msgid "" "All mail sent to will be collected on hub under the same " @@ -93329,7 +93797,7 @@ "host." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51853 +#: book.translate.xml:52132 msgid "" "The above information is handled by the DNS server. The " "DNS record that carries mail routing information is the " @@ -93343,7 +93811,7 @@ "meio de seu endereço IP." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51860 +#: book.translate.xml:52139 msgid "" "The MX entry for at one time looked like this:" @@ -93352,7 +93820,7 @@ "\"> uma vez foi assim:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:51863 +#: book.translate.xml:52142 #, no-wrap msgid "" "freefall\t\tMX\t30\\n" @@ -93366,7 +93834,7 @@ "freefall\t\tMX\t20\" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51868 +#: book.translate.xml:52147 msgid "" "freefall had many MX entries. " "The lowest MX number is the host that receives mail " @@ -93381,7 +93849,7 @@ "transmitirá quando um host de número inferior for disponibilizado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51876 +#: book.translate.xml:52155 msgid "" "Alternate MX sites should have separate Internet " "connections in order to be most useful. Your ISP can " @@ -93392,12 +93860,12 @@ "este serviço." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:51882 +#: book.translate.xml:52161 msgid "Mail for a Domain" msgstr "Email para um Domínio" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51884 +#: book.translate.xml:52163 msgid "" "When configuring a MTA for a network, any mail sent to " "hosts in its domain should be diverted to the MTA so that " @@ -93409,7 +93877,7 @@ "email principal." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51890 +#: book.translate.xml:52169 msgid "" "To make life easiest, a user account with the same username should exist on both the MTA and the system " @@ -93424,7 +93892,7 @@ "manvolnum> para criar as contas de usuário." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51896 +#: book.translate.xml:52175 msgid "" "The MTA must be the designated mail exchanger for each " "workstation on the network. This is done in theDNS " @@ -93435,7 +93903,7 @@ "acronym> com um registro MX:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:51901 +#: book.translate.xml:52180 #, no-wrap msgid "" "\tA\t204.216.27.XX\t\t; Workstation\n" @@ -93445,7 +93913,7 @@ "\t\t\tMX\t10\t; Mailhost" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51904 +#: book.translate.xml:52183 msgid "" "This will redirect mail for the workstation to the MTA no " "matter where the A record points. The mail is sent to the MXMX." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51908 +#: book.translate.xml:52187 msgid "" "This must be configured on a DNS server. If the network " "does not run its own DNS server, talk to the " @@ -93467,7 +93935,7 @@ "ISP ou provedor DNS." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51914 +#: book.translate.xml:52193 msgid "" "The following is an example of virtual email hosting. Consider a customer " "with the domain customer1.orgA> record is not needed for " +"An A record is not needed for " " in order to " "only handle email for that domain. However, running ping " "against will " "not work unless an A record exists for it." msgstr "" -"Um registro A> não é necessário " -"em para que " -"seja enviado emails para esse domínio. No entanto, um ping em " -"não funcionará, a menos que exista um registro A para ele." +"Um registro A não é necessário em " +" para que seja " +"enviado emails para esse domínio. No entanto, um ping em " +" não " +"funcionará, a menos que exista um registro A para ele." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:51929 +#: book.translate.xml:52208 msgid "" "Tell the MTA which domains and/or hostnames it should " "accept mail for. Either of the following will work for " @@ -93516,7 +93984,7 @@ "Sendmail:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51935 +#: book.translate.xml:52214 msgid "" "Add the hosts to /etc/mail/local-host-names when using " "the FEATURE(use_cw_file)." @@ -93525,7 +93993,7 @@ "FEATURE (use_cw_file)." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51941 +#: book.translate.xml:52220 msgid "" "Add a line to /etc/" @@ -93534,12 +94002,12 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:51950 +#: book.translate.xml:52229 msgid "Setting Up to Send Only" msgstr "Configurando Apenas Envio" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:51953 +#: book.translate.xml:52232 msgid "" " Bill Moran Contributed by " @@ -93548,7 +94016,7 @@ "personname> Contributed by " #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:51963 +#: book.translate.xml:52242 msgid "" "There are many instances where one may only want to send mail through a " "relay. Some examples are:" @@ -93557,7 +94025,7 @@ "de um relay. Alguns exemplos são:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51968 +#: book.translate.xml:52247 msgid "" "The computer is a desktop machine that needs to use programs such as " "mail1, usando o relay de email do ISP." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:51974 +#: book.translate.xml:52253 msgid "" "The computer is a server that does not handle mail locally, but needs to " "pass off all mail to a relay for processing." @@ -93577,7 +94045,7 @@ "passar todos os emails para um relay para processamento." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:51980 +#: book.translate.xml:52259 msgid "" "While any MTA is capable of filling this particular " "niche, it can be difficult to properly configure a full-featured " @@ -93592,7 +94060,7 @@ "Postfix são um exagero para esse uso." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:51987 +#: book.translate.xml:52266 msgid "" "Additionally, a typical Internet access service agreement may forbid one " "from running a mail server." @@ -93601,7 +94069,7 @@ "execução de um servidor de email." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:51990 +#: book.translate.xml:52269 msgid "" "The easiest way to fulfill those needs is to install the mail/" "ssmtp port:" @@ -93610,7 +94078,7 @@ "mail/ssmtp:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:51993 +#: book.translate.xml:52272 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/ports/mail/ssmtp\n" @@ -93620,7 +94088,7 @@ "# make install replace clean" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:51996 +#: book.translate.xml:52275 msgid "" "Once installed, mail/ssmtp can be configured with " "/usr/local/etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf:" @@ -93629,7 +94097,7 @@ "/usr/local/etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:52000 +#: book.translate.xml:52279 #, no-wrap msgid "" "\n" @@ -93643,7 +94111,7 @@ "hostname=_HOSTNAME_" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52005 +#: book.translate.xml:52284 msgid "" "Use the real email address for root. Enter the ISP's outgoing mail relay in place " @@ -93658,7 +94126,7 @@ "de email de saída ou servidor SMTP." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52011 +#: book.translate.xml:52290 msgid "" "Make sure to disable Sendmail, including the " "outgoing mail service. See for " @@ -93669,7 +94137,7 @@ "\"/> para detalhes." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52014 +#: book.translate.xml:52293 msgid "" "mail/ssmtp has some other options available. Refer to the " "examples in /usr/local/etc/ssmtp or the manual page of " @@ -93681,7 +94149,7 @@ "informações." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52019 +#: book.translate.xml:52298 msgid "" "Setting up ssmtp in this manner allows any " "software on the computer that needs to send mail to function properly, while " @@ -93694,12 +94162,12 @@ "permitindo que o computador seja sequestrado para envio de spam." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:52027 +#: book.translate.xml:52306 msgid "Using Mail with a Dialup Connection" msgstr "Usando Email com uma Conexão Dialup" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52029 +#: book.translate.xml:52308 msgid "" "When using a static IP address, one should not need to adjust the default " "configuration. Set the hostname to the assigned Internet name and " @@ -93710,7 +94178,7 @@ "Sendmail fará o resto." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52034 +#: book.translate.xml:52313 msgid "" "When using a dynamically assigned IP address and a dialup PPP connection to " "the Internet, one usually has a mailbox on the ISP's mail " @@ -93731,7 +94199,7 @@ "systemitem> como um relay de email." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52043 +#: book.translate.xml:52322 msgid "" "In order to retrieve mail from the ISP's mailbox, install " "a retrieval agent from the Ports Collection. mail/fetchmail:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:52053 +#: book.translate.xml:52332 #, no-wrap msgid "" "MYADDR:\n" @@ -93760,7 +94228,7 @@ "!bg su user -c fetchmail" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52056 +#: book.translate.xml:52335 msgid "" "When using Sendmail to deliver mail to non-local " "accounts, configure Sendmail to process the mail " @@ -93775,13 +94243,13 @@ "acima em /etc/ppp/ppp.linkup:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:52063 +#: book.translate.xml:52342 #, no-wrap msgid " !bg su user -c \"sendmail -q\"" msgstr " !bg su user -c \"sendmail -q\"" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52065 +#: book.translate.xml:52344 msgid "" "In this example, there is an account for user on bsd.home que contenha esta linha :" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:52072 +#: book.translate.xml:52351 #, no-wrap msgid "poll protocol pop3 fetchall pass MySecret" msgstr "poll protocol pop3 fetchall pass MySecret" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52074 +#: book.translate.xml:52353 msgid "" "This file should not be readable by anyone except user as it contains the password " @@ -93813,7 +94281,7 @@ "MySecret." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52078 +#: book.translate.xml:52357 msgid "" "In order to send mail with the correct from: header, " "configure Sendmail to use user@example." @@ -93829,12 +94297,12 @@ "de email mais rápida." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52085 +#: book.translate.xml:52364 msgid "The following .mc should suffice:" msgstr "O seguinte .mc deve ser suficiente:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:52088 +#: book.translate.xml:52367 #, no-wrap msgid "" "VERSIONID(` version 1.0')\n" @@ -93872,7 +94340,7 @@ "define(`confDELIVERY_MODE',`deferred')dnl" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52105 +#: book.translate.xml:52384 msgid "" "Refer to the previous section for details of how to convert this file into " "the format. Do not forget to restart " @@ -93885,12 +94353,12 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:52113 +#: book.translate.xml:52392 msgid "SMTP Authentication" msgstr "Autenticação SMTP" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:52116 +#: book.translate.xml:52395 msgid "" " James Gorham Written by " @@ -93899,7 +94367,7 @@ "personname> Written by " #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52126 +#: book.translate.xml:52405 msgid "" "Configuring SMTP authentication on the MTA provides a number of benefits. SMTP " @@ -93916,7 +94384,7 @@ "seus clientes de email a cada vez." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:52136 +#: book.translate.xml:52415 msgid "" "Install security/cyrus-sasl2 from the Ports Collection. " "This port supports a number of compile-time options. For the SMTP " @@ -93929,7 +94397,7 @@ " não esteja desabilitado." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:52145 +#: book.translate.xml:52424 msgid "" "After installing security/cyrus-sasl2, edit /" "usr/local/lib/sasl2/Sendmail.conf, or create it if it does not " @@ -93940,13 +94408,13 @@ "não existir, e adicione a seguinte linha :" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:52151 +#: book.translate.xml:52430 #, no-wrap msgid "pwcheck_method: saslauthd" msgstr "pwcheck_method: saslauthd" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:52155 +#: book.translate.xml:52434 msgid "" "Next, install security/cyrus-sasl2-saslauthd and add the " "following line to /etc/rc.conf:" @@ -93955,24 +94423,24 @@ "adicione a seguinte linha ao /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:52160 +#: book.translate.xml:52439 #, no-wrap msgid "saslauthd_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "saslauthd_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:52162 +#: book.translate.xml:52441 msgid "Finally, start the saslauthd daemon:" msgstr "Finalmente, inicie o daemon saslauthd:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:52164 +#: book.translate.xml:52443 #, no-wrap msgid "# service saslauthd start" msgstr "# service saslauthd start" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:52166 +#: book.translate.xml:52445 msgid "" "This daemon serves as a broker for Sendmail to " "authenticate against the FreeBSD passwdSMTP e mantém a senha de login e email igual." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:52175 +#: book.translate.xml:52454 msgid "" "Next, edit /etc/make.conf and add the following lines:" msgstr "" @@ -93997,19 +94465,17 @@ "seguintes linhas:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:52178 +#: book.translate.xml:52457 #, no-wrap msgid "" "SENDMAIL_CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include/sasl -DSASL\n" -"SENDMAIL_LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib\n" -"SENDMAIL_LDADD=-lsasl2" +"SENDMAIL_LDADD=/usr/local/lib/" msgstr "" "SENDMAIL_CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include/sasl -DSASL\n" -"SENDMAIL_LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib\n" -"SENDMAIL_LDADD=-lsasl2" +"SENDMAIL_LDADD=/usr/local/lib/" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:52182 +#: book.translate.xml:52460 msgid "" "These lines provide Sendmail the proper " "configuration options for linking to cyrus-sasl2 at " @@ -94023,7 +94489,7 @@ "application>." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:52191 +#: book.translate.xml:52469 msgid "" "Recompile Sendmail by executing the following " "commands:" @@ -94032,7 +94498,7 @@ "comandos:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:52194 +#: book.translate.xml:52472 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cd /usr/src/lib/libsmutil\n" @@ -94050,7 +94516,7 @@ "# make cleandir && make obj && make && make install" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:52201 +#: book.translate.xml:52479 msgid "" "This compile should not have any problems if /usr/src " "has not changed extensively and the shared libraries it needs are available." @@ -94060,7 +94526,7 @@ "necessárias estiverem disponíveis." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:52207 +#: book.translate.xml:52485 msgid "" "After Sendmail has been compiled and reinstalled, " "edit /etc/mail/ or the local .mcSendmail for authenticating users. To use a " @@ -94102,7 +94568,7 @@ "Sendmail." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:52227 +#: book.translate.xml:52505 msgid "" "Finally, run make1 while in /etc/mail. That will " @@ -94124,7 +94590,7 @@ "processo, consulte /etc/mail/Makefile." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52241 +#: book.translate.xml:52519 msgid "" "To test the configuration, use a MUA to send a test " "message. For further investigation, set the of " @@ -94138,7 +94604,7 @@ "para quaisquer erros." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52247 +#: book.translate.xml:52525 msgid "" "For more information, refer to SMTP authentication." @@ -94147,12 +94613,12 @@ "~ca/email/auth.html\">autenticação SMTP." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:52253 +#: book.translate.xml:52531 msgid "Mail User Agents" msgstr "Mail User Agents" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:52256 book.translate.xml:52613 book.translate.xml:52713 +#: book.translate.xml:52534 book.translate.xml:52891 book.translate.xml:52991 msgid "" " Marc Silver Contributed by " @@ -94161,12 +94627,12 @@ "personname> Contributed by " #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:52266 +#: book.translate.xml:52544 msgid "Mail User Agents" msgstr "Mail User Agents" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52270 +#: book.translate.xml:52548 msgid "" "A MUA is an application that is used to send and receive " "email. As email evolves and becomes more complex, " @@ -94189,12 +94655,12 @@ "alpine." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:52283 +#: book.translate.xml:52561 msgid "mail" msgstr "mail" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52285 +#: book.translate.xml:52563 msgid "" "mail1 is the default MUA installed with FreeBSD. " @@ -94209,7 +94675,7 @@ "limitado a anexos e só pode acessar caixas de correio locais." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52292 +#: book.translate.xml:52570 msgid "" "Although mail does not natively support interaction with " "POP or IMAP servers, these mailboxes " @@ -94222,18 +94688,18 @@ "local usando um aplicativo como fetchmail." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52299 +#: book.translate.xml:52577 msgid "In order to send and receive email, run mail:" msgstr "Para enviar e receber email, execute mail:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:52302 +#: book.translate.xml:52580 #, no-wrap msgid "% mail" msgstr "% mail" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52304 +#: book.translate.xml:52582 msgid "" "The contents of the user's mailbox in /var/mail are " "automatically read by mail. Should the mailbox be empty, " @@ -94250,7 +94716,7 @@ "automaticamente, como pode ser visto no exemplo a seguir:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:52313 +#: book.translate.xml:52591 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Mail version 8.1 6/6/93. Type ? for help.\n" @@ -94266,7 +94732,7 @@ " N 3 root@localhost Mon Mar 8 14:05 14/509 \"sample\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52319 +#: book.translate.xml:52597 msgid "" "Messages can now be read by typing t followed by the " "message number. This example reads the first email:" @@ -94275,7 +94741,7 @@ "número da mensagem. Este exemplo lê o primeiro email:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:52323 +#: book.translate.xml:52601 #, no-wrap msgid "" "& t 1\n" @@ -94303,7 +94769,7 @@ "This is a test message, please reply if you receive it." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52335 +#: book.translate.xml:52613 msgid "" "As seen in this example, the message will be displayed with full headers. To " "display the list of messages again, press h." @@ -94312,7 +94778,7 @@ "Para exibir novamente a lista de mensagens, pressione h." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52339 +#: book.translate.xml:52617 msgid "" "If the email requires a reply, press either R or r mail keys. R instructs " @@ -94331,7 +94797,7 @@ "keycap> em sua própria linha. Um exemplo pode ser visto abaixo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:52350 +#: book.translate.xml:52628 #, no-wrap msgid "" "& R 1\n" @@ -94351,7 +94817,7 @@ "EOT" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52358 +#: book.translate.xml:52636 msgid "" "In order to send a new email, press m, followed by the " "recipient email address. Multiple recipients may be specified by separating " @@ -94368,7 +94834,7 @@ ". em sua própria linha." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:52366 +#: book.translate.xml:52644 #, no-wrap msgid "" "& mail root@localhost\n" @@ -94386,7 +94852,7 @@ "EOT" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52373 +#: book.translate.xml:52651 msgid "" "While using mail, press ? to display " "help at any time. Refer to mail." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:52379 +#: book.translate.xml:52657 msgid "" "mail1 was not designed to handle attachments and thus deals with " @@ -94415,12 +94881,12 @@ "preferir o port converters/mpack." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:52389 +#: book.translate.xml:52667 msgid "mutt" msgstr "mutt" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52391 +#: book.translate.xml:52669 msgid "" "mutt is a powerful MUA, with " "many features, including:" @@ -94429,32 +94895,32 @@ "muitos recursos, incluindo:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52396 +#: book.translate.xml:52674 msgid "The ability to thread messages." msgstr "A capacidade de enviar mensagens." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52400 +#: book.translate.xml:52678 msgid "PGP support for digital signing and encryption of email." msgstr "Suporte PGP para assinatura digital e criptografia de email." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52405 +#: book.translate.xml:52683 msgid "MIME support." msgstr "Suporte MIME." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52409 +#: book.translate.xml:52687 msgid "Maildir support." msgstr "Suporte Maildir." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52413 +#: book.translate.xml:52691 msgid "Highly customizable." msgstr "Altamente personalizável." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52417 +#: book.translate.xml:52695 msgid "" "Refer to " "for more information on mutt." @@ -94463,7 +94929,7 @@ "para mais informações sobre o mutt." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52421 +#: book.translate.xml:52699 msgid "" "mutt may be installed using the mail/" "mutt port. After the port has been installed, muttmutt pode ser iniciado com o seguinte comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:52426 +#: book.translate.xml:52704 #, no-wrap msgid "% mutt" msgstr "% mutt" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52428 +#: book.translate.xml:52706 msgid "" "mutt will automatically read and display the " "contents of the user mailbox in /var/mail. If no mails " @@ -94499,13 +94965,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:52438 +#: book.translate.xml:52716 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='mail/mutt1' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='mail/mutt1' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52442 +#: book.translate.xml:52720 msgid "" "To read an email, select it using the cursor keys and press Enter. An example of mutt displaying email can " @@ -94520,13 +94986,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:52449 +#: book.translate.xml:52727 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='mail/mutt2' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='mail/mutt2' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52453 +#: book.translate.xml:52731 msgid "" "Similar to mail1, mutt can be used to " @@ -94543,7 +95009,7 @@ "e a todos os destinatários da mensagem, pressione g." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:52461 +#: book.translate.xml:52739 msgid "" "By default, mutt uses the " "vi1mutt." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52472 +#: book.translate.xml:52750 msgid "" "To compose a new mail message, press m. After a valid " "subject has been given, mutt will start " @@ -94589,13 +95055,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:52484 +#: book.translate.xml:52762 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='mail/mutt3' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='mail/mutt3' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52488 +#: book.translate.xml:52766 msgid "" "mutt contains extensive help which can be " "accessed from most of the menus by pressing ?. The top line " @@ -94606,12 +95072,12 @@ "superior também exibe os atalhos de teclado, quando apropriado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:52496 +#: book.translate.xml:52774 msgid "alpine" msgstr "alpine" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52498 +#: book.translate.xml:52776 msgid "" "alpine is aimed at a beginner user, but also " "includes some advanced features." @@ -94620,7 +95086,7 @@ "também inclui alguns recursos avançados." #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:52502 +#: book.translate.xml:52780 msgid "" "alpine has had several remote vulnerabilities " "discovered in the past, which allowed remote attackers to execute arbitrary " @@ -94641,7 +95107,7 @@ "instalam o alpine por sua conta e risco." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52514 +#: book.translate.xml:52792 msgid "" "The current version of alpine may be installed " "using the mail/alpine port. Once the port has installed, " @@ -94654,13 +95120,13 @@ "comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:52520 +#: book.translate.xml:52798 #, no-wrap msgid "% alpine" msgstr "% alpine" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52522 +#: book.translate.xml:52800 msgid "" "The first time alpine runs, it displays a " "greeting page with a brief introduction, as well as a request from the " @@ -94684,13 +95150,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:52535 +#: book.translate.xml:52813 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='mail/pine1' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='mail/pine1' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52539 +#: book.translate.xml:52817 msgid "" "The main menu is then presented, which can be navigated using the cursor " "keys. This main menu provides shortcuts for the composing new mails, " @@ -94705,7 +95171,7 @@ "de teclado relevantes para executar funções específicas da tarefa em questão." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52546 +#: book.translate.xml:52824 msgid "" "The default directory opened by alpine is " "inbox. To view the message index, press Ialpine. Contextual keyboard shortcuts are " @@ -94768,13 +95234,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:52579 +#: book.translate.xml:52857 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='mail/pine4' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='mail/pine4' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52583 +#: book.translate.xml:52861 msgid "" "Replying to an email in alpine is done using the " "pico editor, which is installed by default with " @@ -94804,13 +95270,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:52596 +#: book.translate.xml:52874 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='mail/pine5' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='mail/pine5' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52600 +#: book.translate.xml:52878 msgid "" "alpine can be customized using the " "SETUP option from the main menu. Consult para mais informações." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:52610 +#: book.translate.xml:52888 msgid "Using fetchmail" msgstr "Usando o fetchmail" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:52623 +#: book.translate.xml:52901 msgid "fetchmail" msgstr "fetchmail" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52627 +#: book.translate.xml:52905 msgid "" "fetchmail is a full-featured IMAP and POP client. It allows users to automatically " @@ -94852,7 +95318,7 @@ "recursos, incluindo:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52638 +#: book.translate.xml:52916 msgid "" "Support for the POP3, APOP, " "KPOP, IMAP, ETRN " @@ -94863,7 +95329,7 @@ "ETRN e o ODMR." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52645 +#: book.translate.xml:52923 msgid "" "Ability to forward mail using SMTP, which allows " "filtering, forwarding, and aliasing to function normally." @@ -94872,14 +95338,14 @@ "que a filtragem, o encaminhamento e aliases funcionem normalmente." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52651 +#: book.translate.xml:52929 msgid "May be run in daemon mode to check periodically for new messages." msgstr "" "Pode ser executado no modo daemon para verificar periodicamente novas " "mensagens." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52656 +#: book.translate.xml:52934 msgid "" "Can retrieve multiple mailboxes and forward them, based on configuration, to " "different local users." @@ -94888,7 +95354,7 @@ "configuração, para diferentes usuários locais." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52661 +#: book.translate.xml:52939 msgid "" "This section explains some of the basic features of fetchmail. This utility requires a .fetchmailrc " @@ -94906,13 +95372,13 @@ "comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:52670 +#: book.translate.xml:52948 #, no-wrap msgid "% chmod 600 .fetchmailrc" msgstr "% chmod 600 .fetchmailrc" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52672 +#: book.translate.xml:52950 msgid "" "The following .fetchmailrc serves as an example for " "downloading a single user mailbox using POP. It tells " @@ -94932,13 +95398,13 @@ "sistema local." #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:52682 +#: book.translate.xml:52960 #, no-wrap msgid "poll protocol pop3 username \"joesoap\" password \"XXX\"" msgstr "poll protocol pop3 username \"joesoap\" password \"XXX\"" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52684 +#: book.translate.xml:52962 msgid "" "The next example connects to multiple POP and " "IMAP servers and redirects to different local usernames " @@ -94949,7 +95415,7 @@ "locais quando aplicável:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:52688 +#: book.translate.xml:52966 #, no-wrap msgid "" "poll proto pop3:\n" @@ -94965,7 +95431,7 @@ "user \"john\", with password \"XXXXX\", is \"myth\" here;" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52694 +#: book.translate.xml:52972 msgid "" "fetchmail can be run in daemon mode by running it " "with , followed by the interval (in seconds) that " @@ -94980,13 +95446,13 @@ "o fetchmail para pesquisar a cada 600 segundos:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:52702 +#: book.translate.xml:52980 #, no-wrap msgid "% fetchmail -d 600" msgstr "% fetchmail -d 600" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52704 +#: book.translate.xml:52982 msgid "" "More information on fetchmail can be found at " "" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:52710 +#: book.translate.xml:52988 msgid "Using procmail" msgstr "Usando o procmail" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:52723 +#: book.translate.xml:53001 msgid "procmail" msgstr "procmail" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52727 +#: book.translate.xml:53005 msgid "" "procmail is a powerful application used to filter " "incoming mail. It allows users to define rules which can be " @@ -95033,13 +95499,13 @@ "forward no diretório pessoal do usuário:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:52741 +#: book.translate.xml:53019 #, no-wrap msgid "\"|exec /usr/local/bin/procmail || exit 75\"" msgstr "\"|exec /usr/local/bin/procmail || exit 75\"" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52743 +#: book.translate.xml:53021 msgid "" "The following section displays some basic procmail rules, as well as brief descriptions of what they do. Rules " @@ -95052,7 +95518,7 @@ "diretório pessoal do usuário." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52749 +#: book.translate.xml:53027 msgid "" "The majority of these rules can be found in procmailex5." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52752 +#: book.translate.xml:53030 msgid "" "To forward all mail from to an external " "address of" @@ -95072,7 +95538,7 @@ "endereço externo de" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:52755 +#: book.translate.xml:53033 #, no-wrap msgid "" ":0\n" @@ -95084,7 +95550,7 @@ "!" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52759 +#: book.translate.xml:53037 msgid "" "To forward all mails shorter than 1000 bytes to an external address of " "" @@ -95093,7 +95559,7 @@ "externo de" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:52762 +#: book.translate.xml:53040 #, no-wrap msgid "" ":0\n" @@ -95105,7 +95571,7 @@ "!" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52766 +#: book.translate.xml:53044 msgid "" "To send all mail sent to to a mailbox " "called alternate:" @@ -95114,7 +95580,7 @@ "email> para uma caixa de correio chamada alternate:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:52770 +#: book.translate.xml:53048 #, no-wrap msgid "" ":0\n" @@ -95126,7 +95592,7 @@ "alternate" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52774 +#: book.translate.xml:53052 msgid "" "To send all mail with a subject of Spam to /dev/" "null:" @@ -95135,7 +95601,7 @@ "/dev/null:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:52777 +#: book.translate.xml:53055 #, no-wrap msgid "" ":0\n" @@ -95147,7 +95613,7 @@ "/dev/null" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52781 +#: book.translate.xml:53059 msgid "" "A useful recipe that parses incoming mailing lists and places each list in its own " @@ -95158,7 +95624,7 @@ "própria caixa de correio:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:52784 +#: book.translate.xml:53062 #, no-wrap msgid "" ":0\n" @@ -95180,12 +95646,12 @@ "}" #. (itstool) path: chapter/title -#: book.translate.xml:52814 +#: book.translate.xml:53092 msgid "Network Servers" msgstr "Servidores de Rede" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52819 +#: book.translate.xml:53097 msgid "" "This chapter covers some of the more frequently used network services on " "UNIX systems. This includes " @@ -95200,22 +95666,22 @@ "para referência." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52825 +#: book.translate.xml:53103 msgid "By the end of this chapter, readers will know:" msgstr "No final deste capítulo, os leitores saberão:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52829 +#: book.translate.xml:53107 msgid "How to manage the inetd daemon." msgstr "Como gerenciar o daemon inetd." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52834 +#: book.translate.xml:53112 msgid "How to set up the Network File System (NFS)." msgstr "Como configurar o Network File System (NFS)." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52839 +#: book.translate.xml:53117 msgid "" "How to set up the Network Information Server (NIS) for " "centralizing and sharing user accounts." @@ -95224,7 +95690,7 @@ "centralizar e compartilhar contas de usuários." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52845 +#: book.translate.xml:53123 msgid "" "How to set FreeBSD up to act as an LDAP server or client" msgstr "" @@ -95232,19 +95698,19 @@ "LDAP" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52850 +#: book.translate.xml:53128 msgid "How to set up automatic network settings using DHCP." msgstr "" "Como configurar configurações de rede automáticas usando o DHCP." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52855 +#: book.translate.xml:53133 msgid "How to set up a Domain Name Server (DNS)." msgstr "Como configurar um Domain Name Server (DNS)." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52860 +#: book.translate.xml:53138 msgid "" "How to set up the Apache HTTP " "Server." @@ -95253,14 +95719,14 @@ "acronym>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52865 +#: book.translate.xml:53143 msgid "How to set up a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server." msgstr "" "Como Configurar um Servidor de File Transfer Protocol (FTP)." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52870 +#: book.translate.xml:53148 msgid "" "How to set up a file and print server for Windows clients using Samba." @@ -95270,7 +95736,7 @@ "Samba." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52875 +#: book.translate.xml:53153 msgid "" "How to synchronize the time and date, and set up a time server using the " "Network Time Protocol (NTP)." @@ -95279,39 +95745,39 @@ "o Network Time Protocol (NTP)." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52881 +#: book.translate.xml:53159 msgid "How to set up iSCSI." msgstr "Como configurar o iSCSI." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52885 +#: book.translate.xml:53163 msgid "This chapter assumes a basic knowledge of:" msgstr "Este capítulo pressupõe um conhecimento básico de:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52889 +#: book.translate.xml:53167 msgid "/etc/rc scripts." msgstr "scripts /etc/rc." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52893 +#: book.translate.xml:53171 msgid "Network terminology." msgstr "Terminologia de rede." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:52897 +#: book.translate.xml:53175 msgid "" "Installation of additional third-party software ()." msgstr "" "Instalação de software adicional de terceiros ()." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:52904 +#: book.translate.xml:53182 msgid "The inetd Super-Server" msgstr "O super-servidor inetd" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52925 +#: book.translate.xml:53203 msgid "" "The inetd8 daemon is sometimes referred to as a Super-Server " @@ -95336,7 +95802,7 @@ "cada daemon individualmente no modo independente." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52937 +#: book.translate.xml:53215 msgid "" "Primarily, inetd is used to spawn other daemons, " "but several trivial protocols are handled internally, such as " @@ -95351,7 +95817,7 @@ "discard e daytime." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:52946 +#: book.translate.xml:53224 msgid "" "This section covers the basics of configuring inetd." @@ -95360,12 +95826,12 @@ "inetd." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:52950 +#: book.translate.xml:53228 msgid "Configuration File" msgstr "Arquivo de Configuração" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52952 +#: book.translate.xml:53230 msgid "" "Configuration of inetd is done by editing " "/etc/inetd.conf. Each line of this configuration file " @@ -95386,7 +95852,7 @@ "remova o # no início da linha desse aplicativo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52964 +#: book.translate.xml:53242 msgid "" "After saving your edits, configure inetd to start " "at system boot by editing /etc/rc.conf:" @@ -95397,13 +95863,13 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:52968 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:53246 book.translate.xml:65535 #, no-wrap msgid "inetd_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "inetd_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52970 +#: book.translate.xml:53248 msgid "" "To start inetd now, so that it listens for the " "service you configured, type:" @@ -95413,13 +95879,13 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:52973 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:53251 book.translate.xml:65535 #, no-wrap msgid "# service inetd start" msgstr "# service inetd start" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52975 +#: book.translate.xml:53253 msgid "" "Once inetd is started, it needs to be notified " "whenever a modification is made to /etc/inetd.conf:" @@ -95429,19 +95895,19 @@ "inetd.conf:" #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:52980 +#: book.translate.xml:53258 msgid "Reloading the inetd Configuration File" msgstr "" "Recarregando o Arquivo de Configuração do inetd" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:52983 +#: book.translate.xml:53261 #, no-wrap msgid "# service inetd reload" msgstr "# service inetd reload" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52986 +#: book.translate.xml:53264 msgid "" "Typically, the default entry for an application does not need to be edited " "beyond removing the #. In some situations, it may be " @@ -95452,7 +95918,7 @@ "apropriado editar a entrada padrão." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52991 +#: book.translate.xml:53269 msgid "" "As an example, this is the default entry for " "ftpd8 sobre o IPv4:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:52994 +#: book.translate.xml:53272 #, no-wrap msgid "ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/ftpd ftpd -l" msgstr "ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/ftpd ftpd -l" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:52996 +#: book.translate.xml:53274 msgid "The seven columns in an entry are as follows:" msgstr "As sete colunas em uma entrada são as seguintes:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:52998 +#: book.translate.xml:53276 #, no-wrap msgid "" "service-name\n" @@ -95494,17 +95960,17 @@ "server-program-arguments" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53006 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:53284 book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "where:" msgstr "Onde:" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:53010 +#: book.translate.xml:53288 msgid "service-name" msgstr "service-name" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53013 +#: book.translate.xml:53291 msgid "" "The service name of the daemon to start. It must correspond to a service " "listed in /etc/services. This determines which port " @@ -95519,12 +95985,12 @@ "adicionado ao arquivo /etc/services." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:53024 +#: book.translate.xml:53302 msgid "socket-type" msgstr "socket-type" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53027 +#: book.translate.xml:53305 msgid "" "Either stream, dgram, raw, or seqpacket. Use stream for " @@ -95537,87 +96003,87 @@ "acronym>." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:53037 +#: book.translate.xml:53315 msgid "protocol" msgstr "protocol" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53040 +#: book.translate.xml:53318 msgid "Use one of the following protocol names:" msgstr "Use um dos seguintes nomes de protocolo:" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53046 +#: book.translate.xml:53324 msgid "Protocol Name" msgstr "Protocol Name" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53047 +#: book.translate.xml:53325 msgid "Explanation" msgstr "Explicação" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53053 +#: book.translate.xml:53331 msgid "tcp or tcp4" msgstr "tcp ou tcp4" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53054 +#: book.translate.xml:53332 msgid "TCP IPv4" msgstr "TCP IPv4" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53058 +#: book.translate.xml:53336 msgid "udp or udp4" msgstr "udp ou udp4" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53059 +#: book.translate.xml:53337 msgid "UDP IPv4" msgstr "UDP IPv4" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53063 +#: book.translate.xml:53341 msgid "tcp6" msgstr "tcp6" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53064 +#: book.translate.xml:53342 msgid "TCP IPv6" msgstr "TCP IPv6" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53068 +#: book.translate.xml:53346 msgid "udp6" msgstr "udp6" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53069 +#: book.translate.xml:53347 msgid "UDP IPv6" msgstr "UDP IPv6" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53073 +#: book.translate.xml:53351 msgid "tcp46" msgstr "tcp46" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53074 +#: book.translate.xml:53352 msgid "Both TCP IPv4 and IPv6" msgstr "Ambos TCP IPv4 e IPv6" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53078 +#: book.translate.xml:53356 msgid "udp46" msgstr "udp46" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53079 +#: book.translate.xml:53357 msgid "Both UDP IPv4 and IPv6" msgstr "Ambos UDP IPv4 e IPv6" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:53089 +#: book.translate.xml:53367 msgid "" "{wait|nowait}[/max-child[/max-connections-per-ip-per-minute[/max-child-per-" "ip]]]" @@ -95626,7 +96092,7 @@ "ip]]]" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53092 +#: book.translate.xml:53370 msgid "" "In this field, or must be " "specified. , e são opcionais." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53098 +#: book.translate.xml:53376 msgid "" " indicates whether or not the service is able to " "handle its own socket. socket types must use " @@ -95654,7 +96120,7 @@ "enquanto gera um daemon filho para cada novo socket." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53108 +#: book.translate.xml:53386 msgid "" "The maximum number of child daemons inetd may " "spawn is set by . For example, to limit ten " @@ -95669,7 +96135,7 @@ "ilimitado de filhos." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53116 +#: book.translate.xml:53394 msgid "" " limits the number of " "connections from any particular IP address per minute. " @@ -95693,7 +96159,7 @@ "negação de serviço (DoS (Denial Of Service))." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53130 +#: book.translate.xml:53408 msgid "" "An example can be seen in the default settings for " "fingerd8:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:53133 +#: book.translate.xml:53411 #, no-wrap msgid "finger stream tcp nowait/3/10 nobody /usr/libexec/fingerd fingerd -k -s" msgstr "finger stream tcp nowait/3/10 nobody /usr/libexec/fingerd fingerd -k -s" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:53138 +#: book.translate.xml:53416 msgid "user" msgstr "usuário" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53141 +#: book.translate.xml:53419 msgid "" "The username the daemon will run as. Daemons typically run as root, daemonnobody." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:53150 +#: book.translate.xml:53428 msgid "server-program" msgstr "programa servidor" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53153 +#: book.translate.xml:53431 msgid "" "The full path to the daemon. If the daemon is a service provided by " "inetd internally, use ." @@ -95741,12 +96207,12 @@ "inetd internamente, use ." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:53160 +#: book.translate.xml:53438 msgid "server-program-arguments" msgstr "argumentos do programa servidor" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53163 +#: book.translate.xml:53441 msgid "" "Used to specify any command arguments to be passed to the daemon on " "invocation. If the daemon is an internal service, use em /etc/inetd.conf." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:53219 +#: book.translate.xml:53497 msgid "-R rate" msgstr "-R taxa" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53222 +#: book.translate.xml:53500 msgid "" "Specify the maximum number of times a service can be invoked in one minute, " "where the default is 256. A rate of 0 " @@ -95849,12 +96315,12 @@ "literal> permite um número ilimitado." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:53230 +#: book.translate.xml:53508 msgid "-s maximum" msgstr "-s máximo" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53233 +#: book.translate.xml:53511 msgid "" "Specify the maximum number of times a service can be invoked from a single " "IP address at any one time, where the default is " @@ -95868,7 +96334,7 @@ "filename>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53243 +#: book.translate.xml:53521 msgid "" "Additional options are available. Refer to " "inetd8 para a lista completa de opções." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53250 +#: book.translate.xml:53528 msgid "" "Many of the daemons which can be managed by inetd " "are not security-conscious. Some daemons, such as fingerd podem ser usados para limitar tais ataques." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53261 +#: book.translate.xml:53539 msgid "" "By default, TCP wrappers is enabled. Consult " "hosts_access5." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:53270 +#: book.translate.xml:53548 msgid "Network File System (NFS)" msgstr "Network File System (NFS)" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:53273 +#: book.translate.xml:53551 msgid "" " Tom Rhodes Reorganized and enhanced by " @@ -95926,7 +96392,7 @@ "personname> Reorganizado e aprimorado por " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:53283 +#: book.translate.xml:53561 msgid "" " Bill Swingle Written by " @@ -95935,7 +96401,7 @@ "personname> Escrito por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:53294 +#: book.translate.xml:53572 msgid "" "FreeBSD supports the Network File System (NFS), which " "allows a server to share directories and files with clients over a network. " @@ -95949,7 +96415,7 @@ "localmente." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:53300 +#: book.translate.xml:53578 msgid "" "NFS has many practical uses. Some of the more common uses " "include:" @@ -95958,7 +96424,7 @@ "incluem:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53305 +#: book.translate.xml:53583 msgid "" "Data that would otherwise be duplicated on each client can be kept in a " "single location and accessed by clients on the network." @@ -95967,7 +96433,7 @@ "único local e acessados por clientes na rede." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53311 +#: book.translate.xml:53589 msgid "" "Several clients may need access to the /usr/ports/distfiles directory. Sharing that directory allows for quick access to the " @@ -95978,7 +96444,7 @@ "arquivos fonte sem precisar baixá-los para cada cliente." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53319 +#: book.translate.xml:53597 msgid "" "On large networks, it is often more convenient to configure a central " "NFS server on which all user home directories are stored. " @@ -95991,7 +96457,7 @@ "rede e ter acesso aos seus diretórios home." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53327 +#: book.translate.xml:53605 msgid "" "Administration of NFS exports is simplified. For example, " "there is only one file system where security or backup policies must be set." @@ -96001,7 +96467,7 @@ "ou de backup devem ser definidas." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53333 +#: book.translate.xml:53611 msgid "" "Removable media storage devices can be used by other machines on the " "network. This reduces the number of devices throughout the network and " @@ -96016,7 +96482,7 @@ "de instalação centralizada." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:53342 +#: book.translate.xml:53620 msgid "" "NFS consists of a server and one or more clients. The " "client remotely accesses the data that is stored on the server machine. In " @@ -96029,48 +96495,48 @@ "executados." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:53347 +#: book.translate.xml:53625 msgid "These daemons must be running on the server:" msgstr "Esses daemons devem estar em execução no servidor:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53348 +#: book.translate.xml:53626 msgid "NFS server" msgstr "NFS server" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53352 +#: book.translate.xml:53630 msgid "file server UNIX clients" msgstr "file server UNIX clients" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53357 book.translate.xml:53761 +#: book.translate.xml:53635 book.translate.xml:54039 msgid "rpcbind" msgstr "rpcbind" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53360 +#: book.translate.xml:53638 msgid "mountd" msgstr "mountd" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53363 +#: book.translate.xml:53641 msgid "nfsd" msgstr "nfsd" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53374 +#: book.translate.xml:53652 msgid "Daemon" msgstr "Daemon" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53381 +#: book.translate.xml:53659 msgid "nfsd" msgstr "nfsd" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53382 +#: book.translate.xml:53660 msgid "" "The NFS daemon which services requests from NFS clients." @@ -96079,12 +96545,12 @@ "NFS." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53387 +#: book.translate.xml:53665 msgid "mountd" msgstr "mountd" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53388 +#: book.translate.xml:53666 msgid "" "The NFS mount daemon which carries out requests received " "from nfsd." @@ -96093,12 +96559,12 @@ "recebidas do nfsd." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53394 +#: book.translate.xml:53672 msgid "rpcbind" msgstr "rpcbind" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53395 +#: book.translate.xml:53673 msgid "" "This daemon allows NFS clients to discover which port the " "NFS server is using." @@ -96107,7 +96573,7 @@ "o servidor NFS está usando." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:53403 +#: book.translate.xml:53681 msgid "" "Running nfsiod8 on the client can improve performance, but is not " @@ -96118,17 +96584,17 @@ "melhorar o desempenho, mas não é necessária." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:53407 +#: book.translate.xml:53685 msgid "Configuring the Server" msgstr "Configurando o Servidor" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53409 +#: book.translate.xml:53687 msgid "NFS configuration" msgstr "NFS configuration" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53414 +#: book.translate.xml:53692 msgid "" "The file systems which the NFS server will share are " "specified in /etc/exports. Each line in this file " @@ -96148,12 +96614,12 @@ "rede poderá montar esse sistema de arquivos." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53423 +#: book.translate.xml:53701 msgid "NFS export examples" msgstr "NFS export examples" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53428 +#: book.translate.xml:53706 msgid "" "The following /etc/exports entries demonstrate how to " "export file systems. The examples can be modified to match the file systems " @@ -96171,7 +96637,7 @@ "manvolnum> para a lista completa de opções." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53435 +#: book.translate.xml:53713 msgid "" "This example shows how to export /cdrom to three hosts " "named alpha, bravo, " @@ -96182,13 +96648,13 @@ "replaceable> e charlie:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:53441 +#: book.translate.xml:53719 #, no-wrap msgid "/cdrom -ro alpha bravo charlie" msgstr "/cdrom -ro alpha bravo charlie" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53443 +#: book.translate.xml:53721 msgid "" "The -ro flag makes the file system read-only, preventing " "clients from making any changes to the exported file system. This example " @@ -96205,7 +96671,7 @@ "citerefentry> se a rede não tiver um servidor de DNS." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53451 +#: book.translate.xml:53729 msgid "" "The next example exports /home to three clients by " "IP address. This can be useful for networks without " @@ -96222,13 +96688,13 @@ "permitirá que o cliente monte os diretórios necessários conforme necessário." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:53460 +#: book.translate.xml:53738 #, no-wrap msgid "/usr/home -alldirs" msgstr "/usr/home -alldirs" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53462 +#: book.translate.xml:53740 msgid "" "This next example exports /a so that two clients from " "different domains may access that file system. The para mais detalhes." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:53590 +#: book.translate.xml:53868 msgid "" "Automating Mounts with autofs5" @@ -96541,11 +97007,11 @@ "refentrytitle>5" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:53593 +#: book.translate.xml:53871 msgid "" "The autofs5 automount facility is supported starting with " -"FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE. To use the automounter functionality in older versions " +"FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE. To use the automounter functionality in older versions " "of FreeBSD, use amd8 instead. This chapter " "only describes the autofs5." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53601 +#: book.translate.xml:53879 msgid "autofs" msgstr "autofs" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53602 +#: book.translate.xml:53880 msgid "automounter subsystem" msgstr "automounter subsystem" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53606 +#: book.translate.xml:53884 msgid "" "The autofs5 facility is a common name for several components " @@ -96608,7 +97074,7 @@ "automontadores do SVR4, como os do Solaris, MacOS X e Linux." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53619 +#: book.translate.xml:53897 msgid "" "The autofs5 virtual filesystem is mounted on specified " @@ -96623,7 +97089,7 @@ "durante a inicialização." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53623 +#: book.translate.xml:53901 msgid "" "Whenever a process attempts to access file within the " "autofs5/etc/auto_master. It assigns individual maps to top-level mounts. For an " @@ -96668,7 +97134,7 @@ "refentrytitle>5." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53639 +#: book.translate.xml:53917 msgid "" "There is a special automounter map mounted on /net. " "When a file is accessed within this directory, " @@ -96691,7 +97157,7 @@ "do host foobar." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:53649 +#: book.translate.xml:53927 msgid "" "Mounting an Export with autofs5" @@ -96700,7 +97166,7 @@ "refentrytitle>5" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:53651 +#: book.translate.xml:53929 msgid "" "In this example, showmount -e shows the exported file " "systems that can be mounted from the NFS server, " @@ -96712,7 +97178,7 @@ "systemitem>:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:53656 +#: book.translate.xml:53934 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% showmount -e foobar\n" @@ -96728,7 +97194,7 @@ "% cd /net/foobar/usr" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53663 +#: book.translate.xml:53941 msgid "" "The output from showmount shows /usr " "as an export. When changing directories to /host/foobar/usrautofs5 at boot time, add this line to /etc/rc." @@ -96761,7 +97227,7 @@ "filename>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53676 +#: book.translate.xml:53954 msgid "" "Then autofs5 can be started by running:" @@ -96770,7 +97236,7 @@ "manvolnum> pode ser iniciado executando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:53678 +#: book.translate.xml:53956 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# service automount start\n" @@ -96782,7 +97248,7 @@ "# service autounmountd start" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53682 +#: book.translate.xml:53960 msgid "" "The autofs5 map format is the same as in other operating " @@ -96798,7 +97264,7 @@ "\">documento do Mac OS X." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53687 +#: book.translate.xml:53965 msgid "" "Consult the automount8, " @@ -96817,47 +97283,47 @@ "manvolnum> para maiores informações." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:53716 +#: book.translate.xml:53994 msgid "Network Information System (NIS)" msgstr "Sistema de Informação de Rede (NIS)" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53719 +#: book.translate.xml:53997 msgid "NIS" msgstr "NIS" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53721 +#: book.translate.xml:53999 msgid "HP-UX" msgstr "HP-UX" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53722 +#: book.translate.xml:54000 msgid "AIX" msgstr "AIX" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53723 +#: book.translate.xml:54001 msgid "Linux" msgstr "Linux" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53724 +#: book.translate.xml:54002 msgid "NetBSD" msgstr "NetBSD" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53725 +#: book.translate.xml:54003 msgid "OpenBSD" msgstr "OpenBSD" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53726 +#: book.translate.xml:54004 msgid "yellow pages NIS" msgstr "yellow pages NIS" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:53731 +#: book.translate.xml:54009 msgid "" "Network Information System (NIS) is designed to " "centralize administration of UNIX." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53739 +#: book.translate.xml:54017 msgid "NIS domains" msgstr "NIS domains" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:53744 +#: book.translate.xml:54022 msgid "" "NIS is a Remote Procedure Call (RPC)-" "based client/server system that allows a group of machines within an " @@ -96900,17 +97366,17 @@ "único local." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:53752 +#: book.translate.xml:54030 msgid "FreeBSD uses version 2 of the NIS protocol." msgstr "O FreeBSD usa a versão 2 do protocolo NIS." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:53756 +#: book.translate.xml:54034 msgid "NIS Terms and Processes" msgstr "Termos do NIS e Processos" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53758 +#: book.translate.xml:54036 msgid "" "Table 28.1 summarizes the terms and important processes used by " "NIS:" @@ -96919,27 +97385,27 @@ "NIS:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53764 +#: book.translate.xml:54042 msgid "portmap" msgstr "portmap" #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:53769 +#: book.translate.xml:54047 msgid "NIS Terminology" msgstr "Terminologia do NIS" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53777 book.translate.xml:55847 +#: book.translate.xml:54055 book.translate.xml:56136 msgid "Term" msgstr "Termo" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53784 +#: book.translate.xml:54062 msgid "NIS domain name" msgstr "nome de domínio NIS" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53786 +#: book.translate.xml:54064 msgid "" "NIS servers and clients share an NIS " "domain name. Typically, this name does not have anything to do with " @@ -96950,7 +97416,7 @@ "com DNS." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53793 +#: book.translate.xml:54071 msgid "" "rpcbind8" @@ -96959,7 +97425,7 @@ "manvolnum>" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53795 +#: book.translate.xml:54073 msgid "" "This service enables RPC and must be running in order to " "run an NIS server or act as an NIS " @@ -96970,7 +97436,7 @@ "NIS." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53802 +#: book.translate.xml:54080 msgid "" "ypbind8" @@ -96979,7 +97445,7 @@ "citerefentry>" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53803 +#: book.translate.xml:54081 msgid "" "This service binds an NIS client to its NIS server. It will take the NIS domain name and use " @@ -96996,7 +97462,7 @@ "acessar o servidor NIS." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53815 +#: book.translate.xml:54093 msgid "" "ypserv8" @@ -97005,7 +97471,7 @@ "citerefentry>" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53816 +#: book.translate.xml:54094 msgid "" "This is the process for the NIS server. If this service " "stops running, the server will no longer be able to respond to NIS pode precisar ser reiniciado nesses clientes." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53828 +#: book.translate.xml:54106 msgid "" "rpc.yppasswdd8" @@ -97031,7 +97497,7 @@ "manvolnum>" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53829 +#: book.translate.xml:54107 msgid "" "This process only runs on NIS master servers. This daemon " "allows NIS clients to change their NIS " @@ -97045,38 +97511,38 @@ "e alterar suas senhas lá." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:53845 +#: book.translate.xml:54123 msgid "Machine Types" msgstr "Tipos de Máquinas" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53847 +#: book.translate.xml:54125 msgid "NIS master server" msgstr "NIS master server" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53850 book.translate.xml:54207 +#: book.translate.xml:54128 book.translate.xml:54496 msgid "NIS slave server" msgstr "NIS slave server" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53853 +#: book.translate.xml:54131 msgid "NIS client" msgstr "NIS client" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53857 +#: book.translate.xml:54135 msgid "" "There are three types of hosts in an NIS environment:" msgstr "Existem três tipos de hosts em um ambiente NIS:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53862 +#: book.translate.xml:54140 msgid "NIS master server" msgstr "Servidor NIS master" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53864 +#: book.translate.xml:54142 msgid "" "This server acts as a central repository for host configuration information " "and maintains the authoritative copy of the files used by all of the " @@ -97099,12 +97565,12 @@ "de pequena escala." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53879 +#: book.translate.xml:54157 msgid "NIS slave servers" msgstr "Servidores NIS slave" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53881 +#: book.translate.xml:54159 msgid "" "NIS slave servers maintain copies of the NIS master's data files in order to provide redundancy. Slave servers " @@ -97119,12 +97585,12 @@ "NIS que responde primeiro." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53891 +#: book.translate.xml:54169 msgid "NIS clients" msgstr "Clientes NIS" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:53893 +#: book.translate.xml:54171 msgid "" "NIS clients authenticate against the NIS server during log on." @@ -97133,7 +97599,7 @@ "NIS durante o logon." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53899 +#: book.translate.xml:54177 msgid "" "Information in many files can be shared using NIS. The " "master.passwd, group, and " @@ -97151,12 +97617,12 @@ "ao qual está vinculado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:53911 +#: book.translate.xml:54189 msgid "Planning Considerations" msgstr "Considerações de Planejamento" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53913 +#: book.translate.xml:54191 msgid "" "This section describes a sample NIS environment which " "consists of 15 FreeBSD machines with no centralized point of administration. " @@ -97174,97 +97640,97 @@ "máquinas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53922 +#: book.translate.xml:54200 msgid "The configuration of the lab will be as follows:" msgstr "A configuração do laboratório será a seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53928 +#: book.translate.xml:54206 msgid "Machine name" msgstr "Nome da maquina" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53930 +#: book.translate.xml:54208 msgid "Machine role" msgstr "Role da máquina" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53936 +#: book.translate.xml:54214 msgid "ellington" msgstr "ellington" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53937 +#: book.translate.xml:54215 msgid "" msgstr "" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53938 +#: book.translate.xml:54216 msgid "NIS master" msgstr "NIS master" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53942 +#: book.translate.xml:54220 msgid "coltrane" msgstr "coltrane" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53943 +#: book.translate.xml:54221 msgid "" msgstr "" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53944 +#: book.translate.xml:54222 msgid "NIS slave" msgstr "NIS slave" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53948 +#: book.translate.xml:54226 msgid "basie" msgstr "basie" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53949 +#: book.translate.xml:54227 msgid "" msgstr "" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53950 +#: book.translate.xml:54228 msgid "Faculty workstation" msgstr "Estação de Trabalho da Facultativa" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53954 +#: book.translate.xml:54232 msgid "bird" msgstr "bird" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53955 +#: book.translate.xml:54233 msgid "" msgstr "" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53956 +#: book.translate.xml:54234 msgid "Client machine" msgstr "Máquina Cliente" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53960 +#: book.translate.xml:54238 msgid "cli[1-11]" msgstr "cli[1-11]" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53961 +#: book.translate.xml:54239 msgid "10.0.0.[6-17]" msgstr "10.0.0.[6-17]" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:53963 +#: book.translate.xml:54241 msgid "Other client machines" msgstr "Outras Máquinas Clientes" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:53969 +#: book.translate.xml:54247 msgid "" "If this is the first time an NIS scheme is being " "developed, it should be thoroughly planned ahead of time. Regardless of " @@ -97277,17 +97743,17 @@ "como parte do processo de planejamento." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:53975 +#: book.translate.xml:54253 msgid "Choosing a NIS Domain Name" msgstr "Escolhendo um Nome de Domínio NIS" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:53977 +#: book.translate.xml:54255 msgid "NIS domain name" msgstr "NIS domain name" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:53981 +#: book.translate.xml:54259 msgid "" "When a client broadcasts its requests for info, it includes the name of the " "NIS domain that it is part of. This is how multiple " @@ -97302,7 +97768,7 @@ "um grupo de hosts." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:53988 +#: book.translate.xml:54266 msgid "" "Some organizations choose to use their Internet domain name for their " "NIS domain name. This is not recommended as it can cause " @@ -97323,7 +97789,7 @@ "literal>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:53999 +#: book.translate.xml:54277 msgid "" "However, some non-FreeBSD operating systems require the NIS domain name to be the same as the Internet domain name. If one or " @@ -97337,12 +97803,12 @@ "domínio NIS." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:54008 +#: book.translate.xml:54286 msgid "Physical Server Requirements" msgstr "Requisitos Físicos do Servidor" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:54010 +#: book.translate.xml:54288 msgid "" "There are several things to keep in mind when choosing a machine to use as a " "NIS server. Since NIS clients depend " @@ -97366,12 +97832,12 @@ "NIS." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:54026 +#: book.translate.xml:54304 msgid "Configuring the NIS Master Server" msgstr "Configurando o Servidor NIS Master" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54029 +#: book.translate.xml:54307 msgid "" "The canonical copies of all NIS files are stored on the " "master server. The databases used to store the information are called " @@ -97391,7 +97857,7 @@ "conjunto independente de mapas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54040 +#: book.translate.xml:54318 msgid "" "NIS master and slave servers handle all NIS requests through ypservNIS server configuration" msgstr "NIS server configuration" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54051 +#: book.translate.xml:54329 msgid "" "Setting up a master NIS server can be relatively straight " "forward, depending on environmental needs. Since FreeBSD provides built-in " @@ -97428,19 +97894,19 @@ "adicionando as seguintes linhas ao arquivo /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:54057 +#: book.translate.xml:54335 #, no-wrap msgid "" -"nisdomainname=\"test-domain\"\t\n" +"nisdomainname=\"test-domain\"\t\n" "nis_server_enable=\"YES\"\t\t\n" "nis_yppasswdd_enable=\"YES\"\t" msgstr "" -"nisdomainname=\"test-domain\"\t\n" +"nisdomainname=\"test-domain\"\t\n" "nis_server_enable=\"YES\"\t\t\n" "nis_yppasswdd_enable=\"YES\"\t" #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:54063 +#: book.translate.xml:54341 msgid "" "This line sets the NIS domain name to test-" "domain." @@ -97449,7 +97915,7 @@ "test-domain." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:54068 +#: book.translate.xml:54346 msgid "" "This automates the start up of the NIS server processes " "when the system boots." @@ -97458,7 +97924,7 @@ "quando o sistema é inicializado." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:54074 +#: book.translate.xml:54352 msgid "" "This enables the rpc.yppasswdd8 daemon so that users " @@ -97469,7 +97935,7 @@ "possam alterar sua senha NIS de uma máquina cliente." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54080 +#: book.translate.xml:54358 msgid "" "Care must be taken in a multi-server domain where the server machines are " "also NIS clients. It is generally a good idea to force " @@ -97491,7 +97957,7 @@ "uma vez que os servidores podem ligar-se entre si novamente." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54092 +#: book.translate.xml:54370 msgid "" "A server that is also a client can be forced to bind to a particular server " "by adding these additional lines to /etc/rc.conf:" @@ -97501,17 +97967,31 @@ "/etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:54096 +#: book.translate.xml:54374 #, no-wrap msgid "" -"nis_client_enable=\"YES\" # run client stuff as well\n" -"nis_client_flags=\"-S NIS domain,server\"" +"nis_client_enable=\"YES\"\t\t\t\t\n" +"nis_client_flags=\"-S test-domain,server\"\t" msgstr "" -"nis_client_enable=\"YES\" # run client stuff as well\n" -"nis_client_flags=\"-S NIS domain,server\"" +"nis_client_enable=\"YES\"\t\t\t\t\n" +"nis_client_flags=\"-S test-domain,server\"\t" +#. (itstool) path: callout/para +#: book.translate.xml:54379 +msgid "This enables running client stuff as well." +msgstr "Isso permite rodar coisas do cliente também." + +#. (itstool) path: callout/para +#: book.translate.xml:54383 +msgid "" +"This line sets the NIS domain name to test-" +"domain and bind to itself." +msgstr "" +"Esta linha define o nome de domínio NIS para " +"test-domain e vincula para si mesmo." + #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54099 +#: book.translate.xml:54388 msgid "" "After saving the edits, type /etc/netstart to restart the " "network and apply the values defined in /etc/rc.conf. " @@ -97526,23 +98006,23 @@ "manvolnum>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:54105 +#: book.translate.xml:54394 #, no-wrap msgid "# service ypserv start" msgstr "# service ypserv start" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:54108 +#: book.translate.xml:54397 msgid "Initializing the NIS Maps" msgstr "Inicializando os mapas do NIS" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:54110 +#: book.translate.xml:54399 msgid "NIS maps" msgstr "NIS maps" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:54114 +#: book.translate.xml:54403 msgid "" "NIS maps are generated from the configuration files in " "/etc on the NIS master, with one " @@ -97559,7 +98039,7 @@ "NIS, configure os arquivos de senha primários:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:54123 +#: book.translate.xml:54412 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cp /etc/master.passwd /var/yp/master.passwd\n" @@ -97571,7 +98051,7 @@ "# vi master.passwd" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:54127 +#: book.translate.xml:54416 msgid "" "It is advisable to remove all entries for system accounts as well as any " "user accounts that do not need to be propagated to the NIS e quaisquer outras contas administrativas." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:54134 +#: book.translate.xml:54423 msgid "" "Ensure that the /var/yp/master.passwd is neither group " "or world readable by setting its permissions to 600." @@ -97594,7 +98074,7 @@ "600." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:54140 +#: book.translate.xml:54429 msgid "" "After completing this task, initialize the NIS maps. " "FreeBSD includes the ypinitNIS:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:54146 +#: book.translate.xml:54435 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ellington# ypinit -m test-domain\n" @@ -97661,7 +98141,7 @@ "ellington has been setup as an YP master server without any errors." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:54170 +#: book.translate.xml:54459 msgid "" "This will create /var/yp/Makefile from /var/" "yp/Makefile.dist. By default, this file assumes that the " @@ -97678,18 +98158,18 @@ "com um comentário ( # ) :" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:54179 +#: book.translate.xml:54468 #, no-wrap msgid "NOPUSH = \"True\"" msgstr "NOPUSH = \"True\"" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:54183 +#: book.translate.xml:54472 msgid "Adding New Users" msgstr "Adicionando novos usuários" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:54185 +#: book.translate.xml:54474 msgid "" "Every time a new user is created, the user account must be added to the " "master NIS server and the NIS maps " @@ -97707,7 +98187,7 @@ "execute estes comandos no servidor master:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:54194 +#: book.translate.xml:54483 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# pw useradd jsmith\n" @@ -97719,7 +98199,7 @@ "# make test-domain" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:54198 +#: book.translate.xml:54487 msgid "" "The user could also be added using adduser jsmith instead " "of pw useradd smith." @@ -97728,12 +98208,12 @@ "command> em vez de pw useradd smith." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:54205 +#: book.translate.xml:54494 msgid "Setting up a NIS Slave Server" msgstr "Configurando um Servidor NIS Slave" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54211 +#: book.translate.xml:54500 msgid "" "To set up an NIS slave server, log on to the slave server " "and edit /etc/rc.conf as for the master server. Do not " @@ -97752,7 +98232,7 @@ " master, além do nome do domínio, como visto neste exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:54221 +#: book.translate.xml:54510 #, no-wrap msgid "" "coltrane# ypinit -s ellington test-domain\n" @@ -97870,7 +98350,7 @@ "Remember to update map ypservers on ellington." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54278 +#: book.translate.xml:54567 msgid "" "This will generate a directory on the slave server called /var/yp/" "test-domain which contains copies of the NIS " @@ -97885,7 +98365,7 @@ "seus mapas com os mapas no servidor master:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:54285 +#: book.translate.xml:54574 #, no-wrap msgid "" "20 * * * * root /usr/libexec/ypxfr passwd.byname\n" @@ -97895,7 +98375,7 @@ "21 * * * * root /usr/libexec/ypxfr passwd.byuid" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54288 +#: book.translate.xml:54577 msgid "" "These entries are not mandatory because the master server automatically " "attempts to push any map changes to its slaves. However, since clients may " @@ -97911,7 +98391,7 @@ "quais as atualizações de mapas nem sempre são concluídas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54296 +#: book.translate.xml:54585 msgid "" "To finish the configuration, run /etc/netstart on the " "slave server in order to start the NIS services." @@ -97920,12 +98400,12 @@ "servidor slave para iniciar os serviços do NIS." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:54302 +#: book.translate.xml:54591 msgid "Setting Up an NIS Client" msgstr "Configurando um cliente NIS" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54304 +#: book.translate.xml:54593 msgid "" "An NIS client binds to an NIS server " "using ypbind8NIS client configuration" msgstr "NIS client configuration" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54326 +#: book.translate.xml:54615 msgid "To configure a FreeBSD machine to be an NIS client:" msgstr "" "Para configurar uma máquina FreeBSD para ser um cliente NIS:" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:54331 +#: book.translate.xml:54620 msgid "" "Edit /etc/rc.conf and add the following lines in order " "to set the NIS domain name and start " @@ -97984,7 +98464,7 @@ "citerefentry> durante a inicialização da rede:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:54336 +#: book.translate.xml:54625 #, no-wrap msgid "" "nisdomainname=\"test-domain\"\n" @@ -97994,7 +98474,7 @@ "nis_client_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:54341 +#: book.translate.xml:54630 msgid "" "To import all possible password entries from the NIS " "server, use vipw to remove all user accounts except one " @@ -98017,13 +98497,13 @@ #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:54353 book.translate.xml:54726 +#: book.translate.xml:54642 book.translate.xml:55015 #, no-wrap msgid "+:::::::::" msgstr "+:::::::::" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:54355 +#: book.translate.xml:54644 msgid "" "This line configures the client to provide anyone with a valid account in " "the NIS server's password maps an account on the client. " @@ -98040,7 +98520,7 @@ "Managing NFS and NIS, publicado pela O'Reilly Media." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:54366 +#: book.translate.xml:54655 msgid "" "To import all possible group entries from the NIS server, " "add this line to /etc/group:" @@ -98049,13 +98529,13 @@ "acronym>, adicione esta linha ao /etc/group:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:54370 +#: book.translate.xml:54659 #, no-wrap msgid "+:*::" msgstr "+:*::" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54374 +#: book.translate.xml:54663 msgid "" "To start the NIS client immediately, execute the " "following commands as the superuser:" @@ -98064,7 +98544,7 @@ "seguintes comandos como superusuário:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:54377 +#: book.translate.xml:54666 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# /etc/netstart\n" @@ -98074,7 +98554,7 @@ "# service ypbind start" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54380 +#: book.translate.xml:54669 msgid "" "After completing these steps, running ypcat passwd on the " "client should show the server's passwd map." @@ -98084,12 +98564,12 @@ "servidor." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:54386 +#: book.translate.xml:54675 msgid "NIS Security" msgstr "Segurança NIS" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54388 +#: book.translate.xml:54677 msgid "" "Since RPC is a broadcast-based service, any system " "running ypbind within the same domain can " @@ -98121,7 +98601,7 @@ "de securenets pode ser assim:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:54403 +#: book.translate.xml:54692 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# allow connections from local host -- mandatory\n" @@ -98145,7 +98625,7 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54413 +#: book.translate.xml:54702 msgid "" "If ypserv8 receives a request from an address that matches " @@ -98162,7 +98642,7 @@ "não existir, o ypserv permitirá conexões de qualquer host." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54421 +#: book.translate.xml:54710 msgid "" " is an alternate mechanism for providing " "access control instead of securenets. While either " @@ -98178,7 +98658,7 @@ "firewall." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54429 +#: book.translate.xml:54718 msgid "" "Servers using securenets may fail to serve legitimate " "NIS clients with archaic TCP/IP implementations. Some of " @@ -98198,7 +98678,7 @@ "securenets." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54441 +#: book.translate.xml:54730 msgid "" "The use of TCP Wrapper increases the latency of " "the NIS server. The additional delay may be long enough " @@ -98215,12 +98695,12 @@ "NIS slaves e force-os a se ligarem a eles mesmos." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:54451 +#: book.translate.xml:54740 msgid "Barring Some Users" msgstr "Barrando alguns usuários" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:54453 +#: book.translate.xml:54742 msgid "" "In this example, the basie system is a faculty " "workstation within the NIS domain. The passwdNIS database, use vipw " @@ -98259,7 +98739,7 @@ "basie:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:54475 +#: book.translate.xml:54764 #, no-wrap msgid "" "basie# cat /etc/master.passwd\n" @@ -98305,17 +98785,17 @@ "basie#" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:54511 +#: book.translate.xml:54800 msgid "Using Netgroups" msgstr "Usando Netgroups" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:54513 book.translate.xml:54679 +#: book.translate.xml:54802 book.translate.xml:54968 msgid "netgroups" msgstr "netgroups" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54515 +#: book.translate.xml:54804 msgid "" "Barring specified users from logging on to individual systems becomes " "unscaleable on larger networks and quickly loses the main benefit of " @@ -98326,7 +98806,7 @@ "do NIS: administração centralizada." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54520 +#: book.translate.xml:54809 msgid "" "Netgroups were developed to handle large, complex networks with hundreds of " "users and machines. Their use is comparable to NIS " "domain will be extended to add the users and systems shown in Tables 28.2 " @@ -98352,17 +98832,17 @@ "Tabelas 28.2 e 28.3:" #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:54531 +#: book.translate.xml:54820 msgid "Additional Users" msgstr "Usuários Adicionais" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:54536 +#: book.translate.xml:54825 msgid "User Name(s)" msgstr "Nome(s) de usuário" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:54543 +#: book.translate.xml:54832 msgid "" "alpha, beta" @@ -98371,12 +98851,12 @@ "\"username\">beta" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:54545 +#: book.translate.xml:54834 msgid "IT department employees" msgstr "Funcionários do departamento de TI" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:54549 +#: book.translate.xml:54838 msgid "" "charlie, delta" @@ -98385,12 +98865,12 @@ "\"username\">delta" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:54550 +#: book.translate.xml:54839 msgid "IT department apprentices" msgstr "Aprendizes do departamento de TI" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:54554 +#: book.translate.xml:54843 msgid "" "echo, foxtrott, golf, ..." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:54558 +#: book.translate.xml:54847 msgid "employees" msgstr "funcionários" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:54562 +#: book.translate.xml:54851 msgid "" "able, baker, ..." @@ -98415,22 +98895,22 @@ "\"username\">baker, ..." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:54565 +#: book.translate.xml:54854 msgid "interns" msgstr "estagiários" #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:54572 +#: book.translate.xml:54861 msgid "Additional Systems" msgstr "Sistemas Adicionais" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:54577 +#: book.translate.xml:54866 msgid "Machine Name(s)" msgstr "Nome(s) de máquina" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:54586 +#: book.translate.xml:54875 msgid "" "war, death, " "famine, pollution" @@ -98439,12 +98919,12 @@ "famine, pollution" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:54590 +#: book.translate.xml:54879 msgid "Only IT employees are allowed to log onto these servers." msgstr "Somente funcionários de TI podem fazer logon nesses servidores." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:54596 +#: book.translate.xml:54885 msgid "" "pride, greed, " "envy, wrath, " @@ -98455,14 +98935,14 @@ "lust, sloth" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:54602 +#: book.translate.xml:54891 msgid "" "All members of the IT department are allowed to login onto these servers." msgstr "" "Todos os membros do departamento de TI podem fazer login nesses servidores." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:54607 +#: book.translate.xml:54896 msgid "" "one, two, " "three, four, ..." @@ -98471,17 +98951,17 @@ "three, four, ..." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:54612 +#: book.translate.xml:54901 msgid "Ordinary workstations used by employees." msgstr "Estações de trabalho comuns usadas pelos funcionários." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:54617 +#: book.translate.xml:54906 msgid "trashcan" msgstr "trashcan" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:54618 +#: book.translate.xml:54907 msgid "" "A very old machine without any critical data. Even interns are allowed to " "use this system." @@ -98490,7 +98970,7 @@ "este sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54625 +#: book.translate.xml:54914 msgid "" "When using netgroups to configure this scenario, each user is assigned to " "one or more netgroups and logins are then allowed or forbidden for all " @@ -98510,7 +98990,7 @@ "negar acesso a máquinas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54635 +#: book.translate.xml:54924 msgid "" "The first step is the initialization of the NIS " "netgroup map. In FreeBSD, this map is not created by " @@ -98523,7 +99003,7 @@ "chamado /var/yp/netgroup." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54641 +#: book.translate.xml:54930 msgid "" "This example creates four netgroups to represent IT employees, IT " "apprentices, employees, and interns:" @@ -98532,7 +99012,7 @@ "aprendizes de TI, funcionários e estagiários:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:54644 +#: book.translate.xml:54933 #, no-wrap msgid "" "IT_EMP (,alpha,test-domain) (,beta,test-domain)\n" @@ -98548,7 +99028,7 @@ "INTERNS (,able,test-domain) (,baker,test-domain)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54650 +#: book.translate.xml:54939 msgid "" "Each entry configures a netgroup. The first column in an entry is the name " "of the netgroup. Each set of brackets represents either a group of one or " @@ -98561,7 +99041,7 @@ "os três campos delimitados por vírgula dentro de cada grupo representam:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:54658 +#: book.translate.xml:54947 msgid "" "The name of the host(s) where the other fields representing the user are " "valid. If a hostname is not specified, the entry is valid on all hosts." @@ -98571,12 +99051,12 @@ "todos os hosts." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:54664 +#: book.translate.xml:54953 msgid "The name of the account that belongs to this netgroup." msgstr "O nome da conta que pertence a este netgroup." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:54669 +#: book.translate.xml:54958 msgid "" "The NIS domain for the account. Accounts may be imported " "from other NIS domains into a netgroup." @@ -98585,7 +99065,7 @@ "outros domínios do NIS para um netgroup." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54675 +#: book.translate.xml:54964 msgid "" "If a group contains multiple users, separate each user with whitespace. " "Additionally, each field may contain wildcards. See " @@ -98598,7 +99078,7 @@ "manvolnum> para detalhes." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54680 +#: book.translate.xml:54969 msgid "" "Netgroup names longer than 8 characters should not be used. The names are " "case sensitive and using capital letters for netgroup names is an easy way " @@ -98610,7 +99090,7 @@ "máquinas e grupos de rede." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54685 +#: book.translate.xml:54974 msgid "" "Some non-FreeBSD NIS clients cannot handle netgroups " "containing more than 15 entries. This limit may be circumvented by creating " @@ -98623,7 +99103,7 @@ "rede real consistindo dos grupos de sub-redes, como visto neste exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:54691 +#: book.translate.xml:54980 #, no-wrap msgid "" "BIGGRP1 (,joe1,domain) (,joe2,domain) (,joe3,domain) [...]\n" @@ -98637,7 +99117,7 @@ "BIGGROUP BIGGRP1 BIGGRP2 BIGGRP3" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54696 +#: book.translate.xml:54985 msgid "" "Repeat this process if more than 225 (15 times 15) users exist within a " "single netgroup." @@ -98646,12 +99126,12 @@ "de um único netgroup." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54699 +#: book.translate.xml:54988 msgid "To activate and distribute the new NIS map:" msgstr "Para ativar e distribuir o novo mapa do NIS:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:54702 +#: book.translate.xml:54991 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ellington# cd /var/yp\n" @@ -98661,7 +99141,7 @@ "ellington# make" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54705 +#: book.translate.xml:54994 msgid "" "This will generate the three NIS maps netgroup, netgroup.byhost and netgroup." @@ -98676,7 +99156,7 @@ "novos mapas de NIS estão disponíveis:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:54712 +#: book.translate.xml:55001 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ellington% ypcat -k netgroup\n" @@ -98688,7 +99168,7 @@ "ellington% ypcat -k netgroup.byuser" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54716 +#: book.translate.xml:55005 msgid "" "The output of the first command should resemble the contents of /" "var/yp/netgroup. The second command only produces output if host-" @@ -98701,7 +99181,7 @@ "lista de netgroups de um usuário." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54722 +#: book.translate.xml:55011 msgid "" "To configure a client, use vipw8 to specify the name of " @@ -98714,18 +99194,18 @@ "systemitem>, substitua esta linha:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54728 +#: book.translate.xml:55017 msgid "with" msgstr "com" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:54730 +#: book.translate.xml:55019 #, no-wrap msgid "+@IT_EMP:::::::::" msgstr "+@IT_EMP:::::::::" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54732 +#: book.translate.xml:55021 msgid "" "This specifies that only the users defined in the netgroup IT_EMP will be imported into this system's password database and only " @@ -98737,7 +99217,7 @@ "nesse sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54737 +#: book.translate.xml:55026 msgid "" "This configuration also applies to the ~ function of the " "shell and all routines which convert between user names and numerical user " @@ -98758,13 +99238,13 @@ "servidores. Isto pode ser conseguido adicionando uma linha extra:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:54749 +#: book.translate.xml:55038 #, no-wrap msgid "+:::::::::/usr/sbin/nologin" msgstr "+:::::::::/usr/sbin/nologin" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54751 +#: book.translate.xml:55040 msgid "" "This line configures the client to import all entries but to replace the " "shell in those entries with /usr/sbin/nologin." @@ -98774,7 +99254,7 @@ "filename>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54756 +#: book.translate.xml:55045 msgid "" "Make sure that extra line is placed after " "+@IT_EMP:::::::::. Otherwise, all user accounts imported from " @@ -98788,7 +99268,7 @@ "no sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54763 +#: book.translate.xml:55052 msgid "" "To configure the less important servers, replace the old +:::::::::" " on the servers with these lines:" @@ -98797,7 +99277,7 @@ "+::::::::: nos servidores com estas linhas:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:54767 +#: book.translate.xml:55056 #, no-wrap msgid "" "+@IT_EMP:::::::::\n" @@ -98809,12 +99289,12 @@ "+:::::::::/usr/sbin/nologin" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54771 +#: book.translate.xml:55060 msgid "The corresponding lines for the workstations would be:" msgstr "As linhas correspondentes para as estações de trabalho seriam:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:54774 +#: book.translate.xml:55063 #, no-wrap msgid "" "+@IT_EMP:::::::::\n" @@ -98826,7 +99306,7 @@ "+:::::::::/usr/sbin/nologin" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54778 +#: book.translate.xml:55067 msgid "" "NIS supports the creation of netgroups from other netgroups which can be " "useful if the policy regarding user access changes. One possibility is the " @@ -98851,7 +99331,7 @@ "NIS netgroup seriam assim:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:54791 +#: book.translate.xml:55080 #, no-wrap msgid "" "BIGSRV IT_EMP IT_APP\n" @@ -98863,7 +99343,7 @@ "USERBOX IT_EMP ITINTERN USERS" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54795 +#: book.translate.xml:55084 msgid "" "This method of defining login restrictions works reasonably well when it is " "possible to define groups of machines with identical restrictions. " @@ -98876,7 +99356,7 @@ "necessária a capacidade de definir restrições de login por máquina." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54802 +#: book.translate.xml:55091 msgid "" "Machine-specific netgroup definitions are another possibility to deal with " "the policy changes. In this scenario, the /etc/master.passwdBOXNAME:::::::::\n" @@ -98906,7 +99386,7 @@ "+:::::::::/usr/sbin/nologin" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54815 +#: book.translate.xml:55104 msgid "" "Once this task is completed on all the machines, there is no longer a need " "to modify the local versions of /etc/master.passwd ever " @@ -98921,7 +99401,7 @@ "possível mapa netgroup para este cenário:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:54822 +#: book.translate.xml:55111 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Define groups of users first\n" @@ -98997,7 +99477,7 @@ "# [...more groups to follow]" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54858 +#: book.translate.xml:55147 msgid "" "It may not always be advisable to use machine-based netgroups. When " "deploying a couple of dozen or hundreds of systems, role-based netgroups " @@ -99011,17 +99491,17 @@ "razoáveis." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:54867 +#: book.translate.xml:55156 msgid "Password Formats" msgstr "Formatos de Senha" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:54869 +#: book.translate.xml:55158 msgid "NIS password formats" msgstr "NIS password formats" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54873 +#: book.translate.xml:55162 msgid "" "NIS requires that all hosts within an NIS domain use the same format for encrypting passwords. If users have " @@ -99038,7 +99518,7 @@ "operacionais, onde DES é o padrão comum mais baixo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54881 +#: book.translate.xml:55170 msgid "" "To check which format a server or client is using, look at this section of " "/etc/login.conf:" @@ -99047,7 +99527,7 @@ "seção do /etc/login.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:54885 +#: book.translate.xml:55174 #, no-wrap msgid "" "default:\\\n" @@ -99061,7 +99541,7 @@ "\t[Further entries elided]" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54890 +#: book.translate.xml:55179 msgid "" "In this example, the system is using the DES format. " "Other possible values are blf for Blowfish and " @@ -99072,7 +99552,7 @@ "md5 para senhas criptografadas com MD5." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54895 +#: book.translate.xml:55184 msgid "" "If the format on a host needs to be edited to match the one being used in " "the NIS domain, the login capability database must be " @@ -99083,7 +99563,7 @@ "de login deve ser reconstruído após salvar a alteração:" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:54903 +#: book.translate.xml:55192 msgid "" "The format of passwords for existing user accounts will not be updated until " "each user changes their password after the login " @@ -99094,12 +99574,12 @@ "dados de recursos de login ser reconstruído." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:54913 +#: book.translate.xml:55202 msgid "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)" msgstr "Protocolo leve de acesso de diretório ( LDAP )" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:54917 +#: book.translate.xml:55206 msgid "" " Tom Rhodes Originally contributed by " @@ -99108,7 +99588,7 @@ "personname> Originalmente contribuido por " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:54926 +#: book.translate.xml:55215 msgid "" " Rocky Hotas Updates by " @@ -99118,12 +99598,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm #. (itstool) path: listitem/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:54936 book.translate.xml:56781 +#: book.translate.xml:55225 book.translate.xml:57258 msgid "LDAP" msgstr "LDAP" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:54938 +#: book.translate.xml:55227 msgid "" "The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an " "application layer protocol used to access, modify, and authenticate objects " @@ -99148,7 +99628,7 @@ "base de registros do servidor LDAP." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:54951 +#: book.translate.xml:55240 msgid "" "This section provides a quick start guide for configuring an LDAP server on a FreeBSD system. It assumes that the administrator " @@ -99165,12 +99645,12 @@ "contra acesso não autorizado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:54960 +#: book.translate.xml:55249 msgid "LDAP Terminology and Structure" msgstr "Terminologia e Estrutura do LDAP" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54962 +#: book.translate.xml:55251 msgid "" "LDAP uses several terms which should be understood before " "starting the configuration. All directory entries consist of a group of " @@ -99194,7 +99674,7 @@ "RDN como o caminho relativo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:54976 +#: book.translate.xml:55265 msgid "" "An example LDAP entry looks like the following. This " "example searches for the entry for the specified user account (uido):" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:54982 +#: book.translate.xml:55271 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% ldapsearch -xb \"uid=trhodes,ou=users,\"\n" @@ -99257,7 +99737,7 @@ "# numEntries: 1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55005 +#: book.translate.xml:55294 msgid "" "This example entry shows the values for the dn, " "mail, cn, uid, and " @@ -99270,7 +99750,7 @@ "acronym> é o RDN." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55012 +#: book.translate.xml:55301 msgid "" "More information about LDAP and its terminology can be " "found at" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:55017 +#: book.translate.xml:55306 msgid "Configuring an LDAP Server" msgstr "Configurando um servidor LDAP" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:55019 +#: book.translate.xml:55308 msgid "LDAP Server" msgstr "LDAP Server" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55021 +#: book.translate.xml:55310 msgid "" "FreeBSD does not provide a built-in LDAP server. Begin " "the configuration by installing net/openldap-server:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:55025 +#: book.translate.xml:55314 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install openldap-server" msgstr "# pkg install openldap-server" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55027 +#: book.translate.xml:55316 msgid "" "There is a large set of default options enabled in the apropriado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55034 +#: book.translate.xml:55323 msgid "" "The installation creates the directory /var/db/openldap-data to hold the data. The directory to store the certificates must be " @@ -99338,13 +99818,13 @@ "criado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:55039 +#: book.translate.xml:55328 #, no-wrap msgid "# mkdir /usr/local/etc/openldap/private" msgstr "# mkdir /usr/local/etc/openldap/private" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55041 +#: book.translate.xml:55330 msgid "" "The next phase is to configure the Certificate Authority. The following " "commands must be executed from /usr/local/etc/openldap/private# openssl req -days 365 -nodes -new -x509 -keyout ca.key -out ../ca.crt" msgstr "# openssl req -days 365 -nodes -new -x509 -keyout ca.key -out ../ca.crt" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55053 +#: book.translate.xml:55342 msgid "" "The entries for the prompts may be generic except for " "the Common Name. This entry must be different# openssl req -days 365 -nodes -new -keyout server.key -out server.csr" msgstr "# openssl req -days 365 -nodes -new -keyout server.key -out server.csr" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55066 +#: book.translate.xml:55355 msgid "" "During the certificate generation process, be sure to correctly set the " "Common Name attribute. The Certificate Signing Request " @@ -99412,13 +99892,13 @@ "para ser usada como um certificado válido:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:55072 +#: book.translate.xml:55361 #, no-wrap msgid "# openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -out ../server.crt -CA ../ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial" msgstr "# openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -out ../server.crt -CA ../ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55074 +#: book.translate.xml:55363 msgid "" "The final part of the certificate generation process is to generate and sign " "the client certificates:" @@ -99427,7 +99907,7 @@ "certificados do cliente:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:55077 +#: book.translate.xml:55366 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# openssl req -days 365 -nodes -new -keyout client.key -out client.csr\n" @@ -99437,7 +99917,7 @@ "# openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in client.csr -out ../client.crt -CA ../ca.crt -CAkey ca.key" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55080 +#: book.translate.xml:55369 msgid "" "Remember to use the same Common Name attribute when " "prompted. When finished, ensure that a total of eight (8) new files have " @@ -99448,7 +99928,7 @@ "arquivos tenham sido gerado através dos comandos procedentes." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55085 +#: book.translate.xml:55374 msgid "" "The daemon running the OpenLDAP server is slapd. Its " "configuration is performed through slapd.ldif: the old " @@ -99459,7 +99939,7 @@ "antigo slapd.conf foi descontinuado pelo OpenLDAP." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55091 +#: book.translate.xml:55380 msgid "" "Configuration examples for slapd.ldif are " @@ -99483,7 +99963,7 @@ "representa a configuração global:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:55104 +#: book.translate.xml:55393 #, no-wrap msgid "" "#\n" @@ -99527,7 +100007,7 @@ "olcTLSVerifyClient: never" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55124 +#: book.translate.xml:55413 msgid "" "The Certificate Authority, server certificate and server private key files " "must be specified here. It is recommended to let the clients choose the " @@ -99549,7 +100029,7 @@ "literal>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55134 +#: book.translate.xml:55423 msgid "" "The second section is about the backend modules and can be configured as " "follows:" @@ -99558,7 +100038,7 @@ "seguinte maneira:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:55137 +#: book.translate.xml:55426 #, no-wrap msgid "" "#\n" @@ -99590,7 +100070,7 @@ "#olcModuleload:\" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55151 +#: book.translate.xml:55440 msgid "" "The third section is devoted to load the needed ldif " "schemas to be used by the databases: they are essential." @@ -99599,7 +100079,7 @@ "necessários para serem usados pelos bancos de dados: eles são essenciais." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:55155 +#: book.translate.xml:55444 #, no-wrap msgid "" "dn: cn=schema,cn=config\n" @@ -99621,12 +100101,12 @@ "include: file:///usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/nis.ldif" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55164 +#: book.translate.xml:55453 msgid "Next, the frontend configuration section:" msgstr "Em seguida, a seção de configuração do frontend:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:55166 +#: book.translate.xml:55455 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Frontend settings\n" @@ -99694,7 +100174,7 @@ "# {SSHA} is already the default for olcPasswordHash" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55198 +#: book.translate.xml:55487 msgid "" "Another section is devoted to the configuration backend, the only way to later access the OpenLDAP server configuration is " @@ -99705,7 +100185,7 @@ "é como um superusuário global." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:55203 +#: book.translate.xml:55492 #, no-wrap msgid "" "dn: olcDatabase={0}config,cn=config\n" @@ -99721,7 +100201,7 @@ "olcRootPW: {SSHA}iae+lrQZILpiUdf16Z9KmDmSwT77Dj4U" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55209 +#: book.translate.xml:55498 msgid "" "The default administrator username is cn=config. Type " "slappasswd in a shell, choose a password and use its " @@ -99736,12 +100216,12 @@ "ninguém poderá modificar a seção de configuração global." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55218 +#: book.translate.xml:55507 msgid "The last section is about the database backend:" msgstr "A última seção é sobre o back-end do banco de dados:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:55220 +#: book.translate.xml:55509 #, no-wrap msgid "" "#######################################################################\n" @@ -99789,7 +100269,7 @@ "olcDbIndex: objectClass eq" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55242 +#: book.translate.xml:55531 msgid "" "This database hosts the actual contents of the " "LDAP directory. Types other than mdb " @@ -99806,7 +100286,7 @@ "literal>; slappasswd pode ser usado como antes." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55251 +#: book.translate.xml:55540 msgid "" "This slapd.ldif must be " "placed in an empty directory. It is recommended to create it as:" @@ -99836,35 +100316,35 @@ "deve ser colocado em um diretório vazio. Recomenda-se criá-lo como:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:55262 +#: book.translate.xml:55551 #, no-wrap msgid "# mkdir /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.d/" msgstr "# mkdir /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.d/" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55264 +#: book.translate.xml:55553 msgid "Import the configuration database:" msgstr "Importe o banco de dados de configuração:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:55266 +#: book.translate.xml:55555 #, no-wrap msgid "# /usr/local/sbin/slapadd -n0 -F /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.d/ -l /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.ldif" msgstr "# /usr/local/sbin/slapadd -n0 -F /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.d/ -l /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.ldif" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55268 +#: book.translate.xml:55557 msgid "Start the slapd daemon:" msgstr "Inicie o daemon slapd:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:55270 +#: book.translate.xml:55559 #, no-wrap msgid "# /usr/local/libexec/slapd -F /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.d/" msgstr "# /usr/local/libexec/slapd -F /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.d/" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55272 +#: book.translate.xml:55561 msgid "" "Option -d can be used for debugging, as specified in " "slapd(8). To verify that the server is running and working:" @@ -99874,7 +100354,7 @@ "funcionando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:55276 +#: book.translate.xml:55565 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ldapsearch -x -b '' -s base '(objectclass=*)' namingContexts\n" @@ -99918,7 +100398,7 @@ "# numEntries: 1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55296 +#: book.translate.xml:55585 msgid "" "The server must still be trusted. If that has never been done before, follow " "these instructions. Install the OpenSSL package or port:" @@ -99927,13 +100407,13 @@ "estas instruções. Instale o pacote ou o port OpenSSL:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:55300 +#: book.translate.xml:55589 #, no-wrap msgid "# pkg install openssl" msgstr "# pkg install openssl" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55302 +#: book.translate.xml:55591 msgid "" "From the directory where ca.crt is stored (in this " "example, /usr/local/etc/openldap), run:" @@ -99942,13 +100422,13 @@ "exemplo, /usr/local/etc/openldap), execute:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:55306 +#: book.translate.xml:55595 #, no-wrap msgid "# c_rehash ." msgstr "# c_rehash ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55308 +#: book.translate.xml:55597 msgid "" "Both the CA and the server certificate are now correctly recognized in their " "respective roles. To verify this, run this command from the server." @@ -99959,13 +100439,13 @@ "comando no diretório server.crt:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:55313 +#: book.translate.xml:55602 #, no-wrap msgid "# openssl verify -verbose -CApath . server.crt" msgstr "# openssl verify -verbose -CApath . server.crt" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55315 +#: book.translate.xml:55604 msgid "" "If slapd was running, restart it. As stated in " "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/slapd, to properly run " @@ -99978,7 +100458,7 @@ "linhas devem ser adicionadas ao /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:55321 +#: book.translate.xml:55610 #, no-wrap msgid "" "lapd_enable=\"YES\"\n" @@ -99994,7 +100474,7 @@ "slapd_cn_config=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55327 +#: book.translate.xml:55616 msgid "" "slapd does not provide debugging at boot. Check " "/var/log/debug.log, dmesg -a and " @@ -100005,7 +100485,7 @@ "filename> e o /var/log/messages para este propósito." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55333 +#: book.translate.xml:55622 msgid "" "The following example adds the group team and the user " "john to the domain." @@ -100018,7 +100498,7 @@ "vazio. Primeiro, crie o arquivo domain.ldif:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:55340 +#: book.translate.xml:55629 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cat domain.ldif\n" @@ -100094,7 +100574,7 @@ "userPassword: secret" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55376 +#: book.translate.xml:55665 msgid "" "See the OpenLDAP documentation for more details. Use slappasswd to replace the plain text password secret with " @@ -100111,13 +100591,13 @@ "administrador mdb para modificar o banco de dados:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:55385 +#: book.translate.xml:55674 #, no-wrap msgid "# ldapadd -W -D \"cn=mdbadmin,dc=domain,dc=example\" -f domain.ldif" msgstr "# ldapadd -W -D \"cn=mdbadmin,dc=domain,dc=example\" -f domain.ldif" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55387 +#: book.translate.xml:55676 msgid "" "Modifications to the global configuration section can " "only be performed by the global super-user. For example, assume that the " @@ -100132,7 +100612,7 @@ "contenha o seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:55394 +#: book.translate.xml:55683 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# cat global_mod\n" @@ -100146,18 +100626,18 @@ "delete: olcTLSCipherSuite" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55399 +#: book.translate.xml:55688 msgid "Then, apply the modifications:" msgstr "Em seguida, aplique as modificações:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:55401 +#: book.translate.xml:55690 #, no-wrap msgid "# ldapmodify -f global_mod -x -D \"cn=config\" -W" msgstr "# ldapmodify -f global_mod -x -D \"cn=config\" -W" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55403 +#: book.translate.xml:55692 msgid "" "When asked, provide the password chosen in the configuration " "backend section. The username is not required: here, " @@ -100174,7 +100654,7 @@ "para excluir uma entrada inteira." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55411 +#: book.translate.xml:55700 msgid "" "If something goes wrong, or if the global super-user cannot access the " "configuration backend, it is possible to delete and re-write the whole " @@ -100184,13 +100664,13 @@ "de configuração, é possível excluir e reescrever toda a configuração:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:55415 +#: book.translate.xml:55704 #, no-wrap msgid "# rm -rf /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.d/" msgstr "# rm -rf /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.d/" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55417 +#: book.translate.xml:55706 msgid "" "slapd.ldif can then be edited and imported again. " "Please, follow this procedure only when no other solution is available." @@ -100200,7 +100680,7 @@ "solução estiver disponível." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55421 +#: book.translate.xml:55710 msgid "" "This is the configuration of the server only. The same machine can also host " "an LDAP client, with its own separate configuration." @@ -100209,12 +100689,12 @@ "hospedar um cliente LDAP, com sua própria configuração separada." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:55439 +#: book.translate.xml:55728 msgid "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)" msgstr "Protocolo de configuração dinâmica de hosts (DHCP)" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:55442 +#: book.translate.xml:55731 msgid "" "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DHCP" @@ -100223,12 +100703,12 @@ "acronym>" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:55446 +#: book.translate.xml:55735 msgid "Internet Systems Consortium (ISC)" msgstr "Internet Systems Consortium (ISC)" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:55450 +#: book.translate.xml:55739 msgid "" "The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) allows a " "system to connect to a network in order to be assigned the necessary " @@ -100254,7 +100734,7 @@ "dhcp/." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:55462 +#: book.translate.xml:55751 msgid "" "This section describes how to use the built-in DHCP " "client. It then describes how to install and configure a DHCP." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:55467 +#: book.translate.xml:55756 msgid "" "In FreeBSD, the bpf4 device is needed by " @@ -100283,7 +100763,7 @@ "acronym> for usado." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:55474 +#: book.translate.xml:55763 msgid "" "It should be noted that bpf also allows privileged " "users to run network packet sniffers on that system." @@ -100292,12 +100772,12 @@ "privilegiados executem sniffers de pacotes de rede naquele sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:55480 +#: book.translate.xml:55769 msgid "Configuring a DHCP Client" msgstr "Configurando um cliente DHCP" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55482 +#: book.translate.xml:55771 msgid "" "DHCP client support is included in the FreeBSD installer, " "making it easy to configure a newly installed system to automatically " @@ -100312,12 +100792,12 @@ "\"bsdinstall-post\"/> para exemplos de configuração de rede." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:55489 +#: book.translate.xml:55778 msgid "UDP" msgstr "UDP" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55490 +#: book.translate.xml:55779 msgid "" "When dhclient is executed on the client machine, it " "begins broadcasting requests for configuration information. By default, " @@ -100349,7 +100829,7 @@ "refentrytitle>5." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55506 +#: book.translate.xml:55795 msgid "" "By default, when a FreeBSD system boots, its DHCP client " "runs in the background, or asynchronously. Other " @@ -100363,7 +100843,7 @@ "inicialização do sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55512 +#: book.translate.xml:55801 msgid "" "Background DHCP works well when the DHCP server responds quickly to the client's requests. However, " @@ -100384,7 +100864,7 @@ "inicialização até que a configuração DHCP seja concluída." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55522 +#: book.translate.xml:55811 msgid "" "This line in /etc/rc.conf is used to configure " "background or asynchronous mode:" @@ -100393,13 +100873,13 @@ "modo background ou assíncrono:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:55525 +#: book.translate.xml:55814 #, no-wrap msgid "ifconfig_fxp0=\"DHCP\"" msgstr "ifconfig_fxp0=\"DHCP\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55527 +#: book.translate.xml:55816 msgid "" "This line may already exist if the system was configured to use " "DHCP during installation. Replace the fxp0." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55533 +#: book.translate.xml:55822 msgid "" "To instead configure the system to use synchronous mode, and to pause during " "startup while DHCP completes, use " @@ -100425,13 +100905,13 @@ "SYNCDHCP:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:55538 +#: book.translate.xml:55827 #, no-wrap msgid "ifconfig_fxp0=\"SYNCDHCP\"" msgstr "ifconfig_fxp0=\"SYNCDHCP\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55540 +#: book.translate.xml:55829 msgid "" "Additional client options are available. Search for dhclient in rc.conf5 para detalhes." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:55544 book.translate.xml:55748 +#: book.translate.xml:55833 book.translate.xml:56037 msgid "" "DHCP configuration files" @@ -100451,17 +100931,17 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55549 +#: book.translate.xml:55838 msgid "The DHCP client uses the following files:" msgstr "O cliente DHCP usa os seguintes arquivos:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55554 +#: book.translate.xml:55843 msgid "/etc/dhclient.conf" msgstr "/etc/dhclient.conf" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55556 +#: book.translate.xml:55845 msgid "" "The configuration file used by dhclient. Typically, this " "file contains only comments as the defaults are suitable for most clients. " @@ -100476,12 +100956,12 @@ "refentrytitle>5." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55564 +#: book.translate.xml:55853 msgid "/sbin/dhclient" msgstr "/sbin/dhclient" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55566 +#: book.translate.xml:55855 msgid "" "More information about the command itself can be found in " "dhclient8." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55571 +#: book.translate.xml:55860 msgid "/sbin/dhclient-script" msgstr "/sbin/dhclient-script" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55573 +#: book.translate.xml:55862 msgid "" "The FreeBSD-specific DHCP client configuration script. It " "is described in dhclient-script/var/db/dhclient.leases.interface" @@ -100519,7 +100999,7 @@ "filename>" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55583 +#: book.translate.xml:55872 msgid "" "The DHCP client keeps a database of valid leases in this " "file, which is written as a log and is described in " @@ -100532,12 +101012,12 @@ "manvolnum>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:55591 +#: book.translate.xml:55880 msgid "Installing and Configuring a DHCP Server" msgstr "Instalando e configurando um servidor DHCP" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55594 +#: book.translate.xml:55883 msgid "" "This section demonstrates how to configure a FreeBSD system to act as a " "DHCP server using the Internet Systems Consortium " @@ -100552,14 +101032,14 @@ "usando o pacote ou port net/isc-dhcp43-server." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:55602 +#: book.translate.xml:55891 msgid "" "DHCP server" msgstr "" "DHCP server" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:55607 +#: book.translate.xml:55896 msgid "" "DHCP installation" @@ -100568,7 +101048,7 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55612 +#: book.translate.xml:55901 msgid "" "The installation of net/isc-dhcp43-server installs a " "sample configuration file. Copy /usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf.exampleDHCP dhcpd.conf" msgstr "" "DHCP dhcpd.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55623 +#: book.translate.xml:55912 msgid "" "The configuration file is comprised of declarations for subnets and hosts " "which define the information that is provided to DHCP " @@ -100599,7 +101079,7 @@ "acronym>. Por exemplo, essas linhas configuram o seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:55628 +#: book.translate.xml:55917 #, no-wrap msgid "" "option domain-name \"\";\n" @@ -100639,7 +101119,7 @@ "}" #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:55648 +#: book.translate.xml:55937 msgid "" "This option specifies the default search domain that will be provided to " "clients. Refer to resolv.confDNS " "servers that the client should use. They can be listed by their Fully " @@ -100664,12 +101144,12 @@ "como visto no exemplo, ou por seus endereços de IP." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:55662 +#: book.translate.xml:55951 msgid "The subnet mask that will be provided to clients." msgstr "A máscara de sub-rede que será fornecida aos clientes." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:55667 +#: book.translate.xml:55956 msgid "" "The default lease expiry time in seconds. A client can be configured to " "override this value." @@ -100678,7 +101158,7 @@ "configurado para substituir esse valor." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:55672 +#: book.translate.xml:55961 msgid "" "The maximum allowed length of time, in seconds, for a lease. Should a client " "request a longer lease, a lease will still be issued, but it will only be " @@ -100690,7 +101170,7 @@ "lease-time." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:55679 +#: book.translate.xml:55968 msgid "" "The default of disables dynamic DNS updates. Changing " "this to configures the DHCP " @@ -100710,7 +101190,7 @@ "DNS dinâmico." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:55692 +#: book.translate.xml:55981 msgid "" "This line creates a pool of available IP addresses which " "are reserved for allocation to DHCP clients. The range of " @@ -100723,7 +101203,7 @@ "na linha anterior." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:55700 +#: book.translate.xml:55989 msgid "" "Declares the default gateway that is valid for the network or subnet " "specified before the opening { bracket." @@ -100732,7 +101212,7 @@ "antes do colchete de abertura {." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:55706 +#: book.translate.xml:55995 msgid "" "Specifies the hardware MAC address of a client so that " "the DHCP server can recognize the client when it makes a " @@ -100743,7 +101223,7 @@ "fizer uma solicitação." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:55712 +#: book.translate.xml:56001 msgid "" "Specifies that this host should always be given the same IP address. Using the hostname is correct, since the DHCPdhcpd.conf is complete, " "enable the DHCP server in /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:55728 +#: book.translate.xml:56017 #, no-wrap msgid "" "dhcpd_enable=\"YES\"\n" @@ -100788,7 +101268,7 @@ "dhcpd_ifaces=\"dc0\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55731 +#: book.translate.xml:56020 msgid "" "Replace the dc0 with the interface (or interfaces, " "separated by whitespace) that the DHCP server should " @@ -100799,18 +101279,18 @@ "por solicitações de clientes DHCP." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55736 +#: book.translate.xml:56025 msgid "Start the server by issuing the following command:" msgstr "Inicie o servidor executando o seguinte comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:55738 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:56027 book.translate.xml:65535 #, no-wrap msgid "# service isc-dhcpd start" msgstr "# service isc-dhcpd start" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55740 +#: book.translate.xml:56029 msgid "" "Any future changes to the configuration of the server will require the " "dhcpd service to be stopped and then started " @@ -100823,7 +101303,7 @@ "refentrytitle>8." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55744 +#: book.translate.xml:56033 msgid "" "The DHCP server uses the following files. Note that the " "manual pages are installed with the server software." @@ -100832,12 +101312,12 @@ "páginas de manual são instaladas com o software do servidor." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55754 +#: book.translate.xml:56043 msgid "/usr/local/sbin/dhcpd" msgstr "/usr/local/sbin/dhcpd" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55756 +#: book.translate.xml:56045 msgid "" "More information about the dhcpd server can be " "found in dhcpd(8)." @@ -100847,12 +101327,12 @@ "refentrytitle>8." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55762 +#: book.translate.xml:56051 msgid "/usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf" msgstr "/usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55764 +#: book.translate.xml:56053 msgid "" "The server configuration file needs to contain all the information that " "should be provided to clients, along with information regarding the " @@ -100866,12 +101346,12 @@ "manvolnum>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55771 +#: book.translate.xml:56060 msgid "/var/db/dhcpd.leases" msgstr "/var/db/dhcpd.leases" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55773 +#: book.translate.xml:56062 msgid "" "The DHCP server keeps a database of leases it has issued " "in this file, which is written as a log. Refer to dhcpd.leases(5), which " @@ -100883,12 +101363,12 @@ "manvolnum>, o qual fornece uma descrição um pouco mais longa." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55780 +#: book.translate.xml:56069 msgid "/usr/local/sbin/dhcrelay" msgstr "/usr/local/sbin/dhcrelay" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55782 +#: book.translate.xml:56071 msgid "" "This daemon is used in advanced environments where one DHCP server forwards a request from a client to another DHCPDNS) is the protocol through which " "domain names are mapped to IP addresses, and vice versa. " @@ -100925,22 +101405,22 @@ "acronym> em um sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:55830 +#: book.translate.xml:56119 msgid "resolver" msgstr "resolver" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:55831 +#: book.translate.xml:56120 msgid "reverse DNS" msgstr "reverse DNS" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:55833 +#: book.translate.xml:56122 msgid "root zone" msgstr "root zone" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:55835 +#: book.translate.xml:56124 msgid "" "The following table describes some of the terms associated with " "DNS:" @@ -100949,42 +101429,42 @@ "acronym>:" #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:55839 +#: book.translate.xml:56128 msgid "DNS Terminology" msgstr "Terminologia DNS" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:55848 +#: book.translate.xml:56137 msgid "Definition" msgstr "Definição" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:55854 +#: book.translate.xml:56143 msgid "Forward DNS" msgstr "Encaminhamento de DNS" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:55855 +#: book.translate.xml:56144 msgid "Mapping of hostnames to IP addresses." msgstr "Mapeamento de nomes de hosts para endereços de IP." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:55860 +#: book.translate.xml:56149 msgid "Origin" msgstr "Origem" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:55861 +#: book.translate.xml:56150 msgid "Refers to the domain covered in a particular zone file." msgstr "Refere-se ao domínio coberto em um arquivo de zona específico." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:55866 +#: book.translate.xml:56155 msgid "Resolver" msgstr "Resolver" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:55867 +#: book.translate.xml:56156 msgid "" "A system process through which a machine queries a name server for zone " "information." @@ -100993,22 +101473,22 @@ "nomes para informações de zona." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:55872 +#: book.translate.xml:56161 msgid "Reverse DNS" msgstr "DNS Reverso" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:55873 +#: book.translate.xml:56162 msgid "Mapping of IP addresses to hostnames." msgstr "Mapeamento de endereços IP para hostnames." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:55878 +#: book.translate.xml:56167 msgid "Root zone" msgstr "Root zone" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:55880 +#: book.translate.xml:56169 msgid "" "The beginning of the Internet zone hierarchy. All zones fall under the root " "zone, similar to how all files in a file system fall under the root " @@ -101019,12 +101499,12 @@ "se enquadram no diretório raiz." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:55886 +#: book.translate.xml:56175 msgid "Zone" msgstr "Zona" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:55887 +#: book.translate.xml:56176 msgid "" "An individual domain, subdomain, or portion of the DNS " "administered by the same authority." @@ -101033,17 +101513,17 @@ "administrado pela mesma autoridade." #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:55895 +#: book.translate.xml:56184 msgid "zones examples" msgstr "zones examples" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:55900 +#: book.translate.xml:56189 msgid "Examples of zones:" msgstr "Exemplos de zonas:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55904 +#: book.translate.xml:56193 msgid "" ". is how the root zone is usually referred to in " "documentation." @@ -101052,7 +101532,7 @@ "documentação." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55909 +#: book.translate.xml:56198 msgid "" "org. is a Top Level Domain (TLD) " "under the root zone." @@ -101061,7 +101541,7 @@ "acronym>) sob a zona raiz." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55914 +#: book.translate.xml:56203 msgid "" " is a zone under " "the org. TLD." @@ -101070,7 +101550,7 @@ "o TLD org.." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55920 +#: book.translate.xml:56209 msgid "" " is a zone referencing all " "IP addresses which fall under the 192.168.1.* ." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:55927 +#: book.translate.xml:56216 msgid "" "As one can see, the more specific part of a hostname appears to its left. " "For example, is " @@ -101100,12 +101580,12 @@ "por diante." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:55936 +#: book.translate.xml:56225 msgid "Reasons to Run a Name Server" msgstr "Razões para executar um servidor de nomes" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55938 +#: book.translate.xml:56227 msgid "" "Name servers generally come in two forms: authoritative name servers, and " "caching (also known as resolving) name servers." @@ -101115,12 +101595,12 @@ "conhecidos como servidores de resolução)." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55942 +#: book.translate.xml:56231 msgid "An authoritative name server is needed when:" msgstr "Um servidor de nomes autoritativo é necessário quando:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55946 +#: book.translate.xml:56235 msgid "" "One wants to serve DNS information to the world, replying " "authoritatively to queries." @@ -101129,7 +101609,7 @@ "respondendo autoritariamente a consultas." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55951 +#: book.translate.xml:56240 msgid "" "A domain, such as, is registered and IP addresses need to be " @@ -101140,7 +101620,7 @@ "ser atribuídos a nomes de host sob ele." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55957 +#: book.translate.xml:56246 msgid "" "An IP address block requires reverse DNS entries (IP to hostname)." @@ -101149,19 +101629,19 @@ "DNS (IP para hostname)." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55963 +#: book.translate.xml:56252 msgid "A backup or second name server, called a slave, will reply to queries." msgstr "" "Um servidor de nomes de backup ou secundário, chamado de escravo, responderá " "às consultas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55968 +#: book.translate.xml:56257 msgid "A caching name server is needed when:" msgstr "Um servidor de nomes em cache é necessário quando:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:55972 +#: book.translate.xml:56261 msgid "" "A local DNS server may cache and respond more quickly " "than querying an outside name server." @@ -101170,7 +101650,7 @@ "mais rapidamente do que consultar um servidor de nomes externo." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55978 +#: book.translate.xml:56267 msgid "" "When one queries for, the resolver usually queries the uplink ISPDNS Server Configuration" msgstr "Configuração do servidor de DNS" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:55991 +#: book.translate.xml:56280 msgid "" "Unbound is provided in the FreeBSD base system. " "By default, it will provide DNS resolution to the local " @@ -101211,7 +101691,7 @@ "Unbound da coleção de ports do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56000 +#: book.translate.xml:56289 msgid "" "To enable Unbound, add the following to " "/etc/rc.conf:" @@ -101220,13 +101700,13 @@ "/etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:56003 +#: book.translate.xml:56292 #, no-wrap msgid "local_unbound_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "local_unbound_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56005 +#: book.translate.xml:56294 msgid "" "Any existing nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf will be " "configured as forwarders in the new Unbound " @@ -101237,7 +101717,7 @@ "Unbound." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:56011 +#: book.translate.xml:56300 msgid "" "If any of the listed nameservers do not support DNSSEC, " "local DNS resolution will fail. Be sure to test each " @@ -101253,13 +101733,13 @@ "\">" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:56019 +#: book.translate.xml:56308 #, no-wrap msgid "% drill -S @" msgstr "% drill -S @" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56021 +#: book.translate.xml:56310 msgid "" "Once each nameserver is confirmed to support DNSSEC, " "start Unbound:" @@ -101268,13 +101748,13 @@ "acronym>, inicie o Unbound:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:56025 +#: book.translate.xml:56314 #, no-wrap msgid "# service local_unbound onestart" msgstr "# service local_unbound onestart" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56027 +#: book.translate.xml:56316 msgid "" "This will take care of updating /etc/resolv.conf so " "that queries for DNSSEC secured domains will now work. " @@ -101287,7 +101767,7 @@ "para validar a árvore confiável do :" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:56033 +#: book.translate.xml:56322 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% drill -S\n" @@ -101331,17 +101811,17 @@ ";; Chase successful" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:56057 +#: book.translate.xml:56346 msgid "Apache HTTP Server" msgstr "Servidor HTTP Apache" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56070 +#: book.translate.xml:56359 msgid "web servers setting up" msgstr "web servers setting up" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:56074 +#: book.translate.xml:56363 msgid "" "The open source Apache HTTP Server is the most " "widely used web server. FreeBSD does not install this web server by default, " @@ -101354,12 +101834,12 @@ "package>." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:56080 +#: book.translate.xml:56369 msgid "" "This section summarizes how to configure and start version 2.x of the Apache HTTP Server on " "FreeBSD. For more detailed information about Apache 2.X and its configuration directives, refer to 2.X and its configuration directives, refer to" msgstr "" "Esta seção resume como configurar e iniciar a versão" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:56087 +#: book.translate.xml:56376 msgid "Configuring and Starting Apache" msgstr "Configurando e Iniciando o Apache" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56089 +#: book.translate.xml:56378 msgid "Apache configuration file" msgstr "Apache configuration file" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56092 +#: book.translate.xml:56381 msgid "" "In FreeBSD, the main Apache HTTP Server " "configuration file is installed as /usr/local/etc/" @@ -101396,12 +101876,12 @@ "#. As diretivas modificadas com mais freqüência são:" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:56102 +#: book.translate.xml:56391 msgid "ServerRoot \"/usr/local\"" msgstr "ServerRoot \"/usr/local\"" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:56105 +#: book.translate.xml:56394 msgid "" "Specifies the default directory hierarchy for the Apache installation. Binaries are stored in the binetc/apache2x." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:56115 +#: book.translate.xml:56404 msgid "ServerAdmin" msgstr "ServerAdmin" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:56118 +#: book.translate.xml:56407 msgid "" "Change this to the email address to receive problems with the server. This " "address also appears on some server-generated pages, such as error documents." @@ -101431,12 +101911,12 @@ "servidor, como documentos de erro." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:56125 +#: book.translate.xml:56414 msgid "ServerName" msgstr "ServerName" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:56129 +#: book.translate.xml:56418 msgid "" "Allows an administrator to set a hostname which is sent back to clients for " "the server. For example, www can be used instead of " @@ -101453,7 +101933,7 @@ "porta 80 para o número de porta alternativa." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:56142 +#: book.translate.xml:56431 msgid "" "DocumentRoot \"/usr/local/www/apache2x/" "data\"" @@ -101462,7 +101942,7 @@ "data\"" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:56146 +#: book.translate.xml:56435 msgid "" "The directory where documents will be served from. By default, all requests " "are taken from this directory, but symbolic links and aliases may be used to " @@ -101473,7 +101953,7 @@ "podem ser usados para apontar para outros locais." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56154 +#: book.translate.xml:56443 msgid "" "It is always a good idea to make a backup copy of the default " "Apache configuration file before making changes. " @@ -101490,12 +101970,12 @@ "command> deve retornar Syntax OK." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56163 +#: book.translate.xml:56452 msgid "Apache starting or stopping" msgstr "Apache starting or stopping" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56166 +#: book.translate.xml:56455 msgid "" "To launch Apache at system startup, add the " "following line to /etc/rc.conf:" @@ -101504,13 +101984,13 @@ "sistema, adicione a seguinte linha ao /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:56170 +#: book.translate.xml:56459 #, no-wrap msgid "apache24_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "apache24_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56172 +#: book.translate.xml:56461 msgid "" "If Apache should be started with non-default " "options, the following line may be added to /etc/rc.conf para especificar os flags necessários:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:56177 +#: book.translate.xml:56466 #, no-wrap msgid "apache24_flags=\"\"" msgstr "apache24_flags=\"\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56179 +#: book.translate.xml:56468 msgid "" "If apachectl does not report configuration " "errors, start httpd now:" @@ -101536,13 +102016,13 @@ "inicie o httpd agora:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:56183 +#: book.translate.xml:56472 #, no-wrap msgid "# service apache24 start" msgstr "# service apache24 start" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56185 +#: book.translate.xml:56474 msgid "" "The httpd service can be tested by entering " "http://localhost in a web " @@ -101559,7 +102039,7 @@ "local/www/apache24/data/index.html." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56194 +#: book.translate.xml:56483 msgid "" "The Apache configuration can be tested for errors " "after making subsequent configuration changes while httpd " @@ -101570,13 +102050,13 @@ "httpd está em execução usando o seguinte comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:56199 +#: book.translate.xml:56488 #, no-wrap msgid "# service apache24 configtest" msgstr "# service apache24 configtest" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:56202 +#: book.translate.xml:56491 msgid "" "It is important to note that configtest is not an " "rc8Apache server. The virtual hosts can be IP-basedIP." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56222 +#: book.translate.xml:56511 msgid "" "To setup Apache to use name-based virtual " "hosting, add a VirtualHost block for each website. For " @@ -101631,7 +102111,7 @@ "adicione as seguintes entradas ao arquivo httpd.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:56230 +#: book.translate.xml:56519 #, no-wrap msgid "" "<VirtualHost *>\n" @@ -101655,7 +102135,7 @@ "</VirtualHost>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56240 +#: book.translate.xml:56529 msgid "" "For each virtual host, replace the values for ServerName " "and DocumentRoot with the values to be used." @@ -101664,7 +102144,7 @@ "literal> e DocumentRoot pelos valores a serem usados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56245 +#: book.translate.xml:56534 msgid "" "For more information about setting up virtual hosts, consult the official " "Apache documentation at: ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:56251 +#: book.translate.xml:56540 msgid "Apache Modules" msgstr "Módulos Apache" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56253 +#: book.translate.xml:56542 msgid "Apache modules" msgstr "Apache modules" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56256 +#: book.translate.xml:56545 msgid "" "Apache uses modules to augment the functionality " "provided by the basic server. Refer to www/apache24 port. Type make config within /usr/" @@ -101719,67 +102199,158 @@ "usados." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:56272 -msgid "mod_ssl" -msgstr "mod_ssl" +#: book.translate.xml:56561 +msgid "SSL support" +msgstr "Suporte SSL" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56274 +#: book.translate.xml:56563 msgid "web servers secure" msgstr "web servers secure" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56278 +#: book.translate.xml:56567 msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56279 +#: book.translate.xml:56568 msgid "cryptography" msgstr "cryptography" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56281 +#: book.translate.xml:56570 msgid "" -"The mod_ssl module uses the OpenSSL library to provide strong cryptography via the Secure Sockets " -"Layer (SSLv3) and Transport Layer Security " -"(TLSv1) protocols. This module provides everything " -"necessary to request a signed certificate from a trusted certificate signing " -"authority to run a secure web server on FreeBSD." +"At one in point in time, support for SSL inside of Apache " +"required a secondary module called mod_ssl. This is no " +"longer the case and the default install of Apache comes with SSL built into the web server. An example of how to enable support for " +"SSL websites is available in the installed file, " +"httpd-ssl.conf inside of the /usr/local/etc/apache24/extra directory. Inside this directory " +"is also a sample file called named ssl.conf-sample. It " +"is recommended that both files be evaluated to properly set up secure " +"websites in the Apache web server." msgstr "" -"O módulo mod_ssl usa a biblioteca OpenSSL para fornecer criptografia robusta via SSL (SSLv3) e protocolos de Segurança da Camada de Transporte (TLSv1). Este módulo fornece todo o necessário para solicitar um " -"certificado assinado de uma autoridade de assinatura de certificado " -"confiável para executar um servidor web seguro no FreeBSD." +"Em algum momento, o suporte para o SSL dentro do Apache " +"requer um modulo secundário chamado mod_ssl. Esse não é " +"mais o casoe a instalação padrão do Apache vem com SSL " +"embutido no servidor web. Um exemplo de como habilitar o suporte para " +"paginas com SSL está disponível no arquivo http-" +"ssl.conf instalado dentro do diretório /usr/local/etc/apache24/extra. Dentro desse diretório também " +"esta um exemplo do arquivo chamado ssl.conf-sample. É " +"recomendado que ambos arquivos sejam avaliados para configurar " +"apropriadamente páginas seguras no servidor web Apache." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56290 +#: book.translate.xml:56584 msgid "" -"In FreeBSD, mod_ssl module is enabled by default in " -"both the package and the port. The available configuration directives are " -"explained at" +"After the configuration of SSL is complete, the following " +"line must be uncommented in the main http.conf to " +"activate the changes on the next restart or reload of Apache:" msgstr "" -"No FreeBSD, o módulo mod_ssl é habilitado por padrão " -"tanto no pacote quanto no port. As diretivas de configuração disponíveis são " -"explicadas em" +"Depois da configuração do SSL estiver completa, deve ser " +"removido o comentário da linha seguinte no arquivo http.conf principal para ativar as mudanças no próximo restart ou reload do " +"Apache:" +#. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting +#: book.translate.xml:56589 +#, no-wrap +msgid "#Include etc/apache24/extra/httpd-ssl.conf" +msgstr "#Include etc/apache24/extra/httpd-ssl.conf" + +#. (itstool) path: warning/para +#: book.translate.xml:56592 +msgid "" +"SSL version two and version three have known " +"vulnerability issues. It is highly recommended TLS version 1.2 and 1.3 be " +"enabled in place of the older SSL options. This can be accomplished by " +"setting the following options in the ssl.conf:" +msgstr "" +"Versão dois do SSL e a versão três tem problemas de " +"vulnerabilidades conhecidas. É altamente recomendado a versão 1.2 do TLS e " +"1.3 deve ser habilitada no lugar das velhas opções do SSL. Isso pode ser " +"realizado configurando as seguintes opções no arquivo ssl.conf:" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting +#: book.translate.xml:56599 +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +"SSLProtocol all -SSLv3 -SSLv2 +TLSv1.2 +TLSv1.3\n" +"SSLProxyProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3 -TLSv1 -TLSv1.1" +msgstr "" +"SSLProtocol all -SSLv3 -SSLv2 +TLSv1.2 +TLSv1.3\n" +"SSLProxyProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3 -TLSv1 -TLSv1.1" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:56602 +msgid "" +"To complete the configuration of SSL in the web server, " +"uncomment the following line to ensure that the configuration will be pulled " +"into Apache during restart or reload:" +msgstr "" +"Para completar a configuração do SSL no servidor web, " +"remova os comentários da seguinte linha para garantir que a configuração irá " +"ser enviada para dentro do Apache durante o restart ou reload:" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting +#: book.translate.xml:56607 +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +"# Secure (SSL/TLS) connections\n" +"Include etc/apache24/extra/httpd-ssl.conf" +msgstr "" +"# Secure (SSL/TLS) connections\n" +"Include etc/apache24/extra/httpd-ssl.conf" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:56610 +msgid "" +"The following lines must also be uncommented in the httpd.conf to fully support SSL in Apache:" +msgstr "" +"As linhas a seguir também devem ser descomentadas no httpd.conf para suportar totalmente o SSL no Apache:" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting +#: book.translate.xml:56614 +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +"LoadModule authn_socache_module libexec/apache24/\n" +"LoadModule socache_shmcb_module libexec/apache24/\n" +"LoadModule ssl_module libexec/apache24/" +msgstr "" +"LoadModule authn_socache_module libexec/apache24/\n" +"LoadModule socache_shmcb_module libexec/apache24/\n" +"LoadModule ssl_module libexec/apache24/" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:56618 +msgid "" +"The next step is to work with a certificate authority to have the " +"appropriate certificates installed on the system. This will set up a chain " +"of trust for the site and prevent any warnings of self-signed certificates." +msgstr "" +"O próximo passo é trabalhar com uma autoridade certificadora para ter " +"certificados apropriados instalados no sistema. Isso vai configurar um " +"cadeia de confiança para a pagina e prever alguns avisos de certificados " +"auto assinados." + #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:56296 +#: book.translate.xml:56626 msgid "mod_perl" msgstr "mod_perl" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56298 +#: book.translate.xml:56628 msgid "mod_perl Perl" msgstr "mod_perl Perl" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56303 +#: book.translate.xml:56633 msgid "" "The mod_perl module makes it possible to write " "Apache modules in PerlPerl." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56311 +#: book.translate.xml:56641 msgid "" "The mod_perl can be installed using the www/" "mod_perl2 package or port. Documentation for using this module can " @@ -101807,17 +102378,17 @@ "html\"> .html." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:56318 +#: book.translate.xml:56648 msgid "mod_php" msgstr "mod_php" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56331 +#: book.translate.xml:56661 msgid "mod_php PHP" msgstr "mod_php PHP" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56336 +#: book.translate.xml:56666 msgid "" "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) " "is a general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web " @@ -101835,90 +102406,435 @@ "páginas da web geradas dinamicamente." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56345 +#: book.translate.xml:56675 msgid "" -"To gain support for PHP5 for the Apache web server, install the www/mod_php56 " -"package or port. This will install and configure the modules required to " -"support dynamic PHP applications. The installation will " -"automatically add this line to /usr/local/etc/" -"apache24/httpd.conf:" +"Support for PHP for Apache and " +"any other feature written in the language, can be added by installing the " +"appropriate port." msgstr "" -"Para obter suporte para PHP5 para o servidor da web " -"Apache, instale o pacote ou port www/" -"mod_php56. Isso instalará e configurará os módulos necessários " -"para suportar aplicativos dinâmicos PHP. A instalação " -"adicionará automaticamente esta linha ao arquivo /usr/local/etc/" -"apache24/httpd.conf:" +"Suporte para PHP para o Apache " +"e alguma outra parte escrita na linguagem, pode ser adicionada instalando o " +"port apropriado." +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:56680 +msgid "" +"For all supported versions, search the package database using pkg:" +msgstr "" +"Para todas versões suportadas, procure os dados do pacote usando o comando " +"pkg:" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/screen +#: book.translate.xml:56683 +#, no-wrap +msgid "# pkg search php" +msgstr "# pkg search php" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:56685 +msgid "" +"A list will be displayed including the versions and additional features they " +"provide. The components are completely modular, meaning features are enabled " +"by installing the appropriate port. To install PHP " +"version 7.4 for Apache, issue the following command:" +msgstr "" +"Uma lista vai ser disponibilizada incluindo as versões e partes adicionais " +"que elas proverem. Os componentes são completamente modulares, significando " +"que as partes especificas são habilitadas instalando o port apropriado. Para " +"instalar o PHP na versão 7.4 para o Apache, use o " +"seguinte comando:" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/screen +#: book.translate.xml:56692 +#, no-wrap +msgid "# pkg install mod_php74" +msgstr "# pkg install mod_php74" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:56694 +msgid "" +"If any dependency packages need to be installed, they will be installed as " +"well." +msgstr "" +"Se algum pacote dependente precisar ser instalado, ele irá ser instalado " +"também." + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:56697 +msgid "" +"By default, PHP will not be enabled. The following lines " +"will need to be added to the Apache configuration file located in /usr/local/etc/apache24 to make it active:" +msgstr "" +"Por padrão, o PHP não estará habilitado. As seguintes " +"linhas precisam ser adicionadas no arquivo de configuração do Apache " +"localizado em /usr/local/etc/apache24 para ativa-lo:" + #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:56353 +#: book.translate.xml:56703 #, no-wrap -msgid "LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache24/" -msgstr "LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache24/" +msgid "" +"<FilesMatch \"\\.php$\">\n" +" SetHandler application/x-httpd-php\n" +"</FilesMatch>\n" +"<FilesMatch \"\\.phps$\">\n" +" SetHandler application/x-httpd-php-source\n" +"</FilesMatch>" +msgstr "" +"<FilesMatch \"\\.php$\">\n" +" SetHandler application/x-httpd-php\n" +"</FilesMatch>\n" +"<FilesMatch \"\\.phps$\">\n" +" SetHandler application/x-httpd-php-source\n" +"</FilesMatch>" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56368 +#: book.translate.xml:56710 msgid "" -"Then, perform a graceful restart to load the PHP module:" +"In addition, the in the configuration file " +"will also need to be updated and Apache will either need to be restarted or " +"reloaded for the changes to take effect." msgstr "" -"Em seguida, execute uma reinicialização normal para carregar o módulo " -"PHP:" +"Em adição, a opção no arquivo de " +"configuração irá precisar ser atualizada também e o Apache irá precisar ser " +"reiniciado ou feito um relaoad também para as mudanças surtirem efeito." +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:56715 +msgid "" +"Support for many of the PHP features may also be " +"installed by using pkg. For example, to install support " +"for XML or SSL, install their " +"respective ports:" +msgstr "" +"Suporte para muitas partes do PHP podem ser instalado " +"também usando o comando pkg. Por exemplo, para instalar " +"suporte para o XML ou para SSL, " +"instale os seguintes ports:" + #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:56371 book.translate.xml:56390 +#: book.translate.xml:56722 #, no-wrap +msgid "# pkg install php74-xml php74-openssl" +msgstr "# pkg install php74-xml php74-openssl" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:56724 +msgid "" +"As before, the Apache configuration will need to be reloaded for the changes " +"to take effect, even in cases where it was just a module install." +msgstr "" +"Como antes, a configuração do Apache irá precisar ser recarregada para as " +"mudanças surtirem efeito, mesmo em casos onde foi feita apenas a instalação " +"de um modulo." + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:56728 +msgid "" +"To perform a graceful restart to reload the configuration, issue the " +"following command:" +msgstr "" +"Para realizar uma reinicialização normal para recarregar a configuração, " +"digite o seguinte comando:" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/screen +#: book.translate.xml:56731 +#, no-wrap msgid "# apachectl graceful" msgstr "# apachectl graceful" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56373 +#: book.translate.xml:56733 msgid "" -"The PHP support provided by www/mod_php56 is limited. Additional support can be installed using the " -"lang/php56-extensions port which provides a menu driven " -"interface to the available PHP extensions." +"Once the install is complete, there are two methods of obtaining the " +"installed PHP support modules and the environmental " +"information of the build. The first is to install the full PHP binary and running the command to gain the information:" msgstr "" -"O suporte a PHP fornecido pelo www/mod_php56 é limitado. Suporte adicional pode ser instalado usando o port " -"lang/php56-extensions que fornece uma interface baseada " -"em menus para as extensões PHP disponíveis." +"Uma vez que a instalação esteja completa, há dois métodos para obter o " +"suporte para os modulos do PHP e a informação do ambiente " +"dessa instalação. A primeira é instalar o binário completo do PHP e rodar o seguinte comando para obter a informação:" +#. (itstool) path: sect3/screen +#: book.translate.xml:56739 +#, no-wrap +msgid "# pkg install php74" +msgstr "# pkg install php74" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/screen +#: book.translate.xml:56740 +#, no-wrap +msgid "# php -i |less" +msgstr "# php -i |less" + #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56380 +#: book.translate.xml:56742 msgid "" -"Alternatively, individual extensions can be installed using the appropriate " -"port. For instance, to add PHP support for the " -"MySQL database server, install databases/" -"php56-mysql." +"It is necessary to pass the output to a pager, such as the more or less to easier digest the amount of output." msgstr "" -"Como alternativa, extensões individuais podem ser instaladas usando a porta " -"apropriada. Por exemplo, para adicionar suporte PHP para " -"o servidor de banco de dados MySQL, instale o " -"databases/php56-mysql." +"Isso é necessário para passar a saída paga um paginador, como o comando " +"more ou less para visualizar melhor a " +"saída." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56386 +#: book.translate.xml:56746 msgid "" -"After installing an extension, the Apache server " -"must be reloaded to pick up the new configuration changes:" +"Finally, to make any changes to the global configuration of PHP there is a well documented file installed into /usr/local/etc/php.ini. At the time of install, " +"this file will not exist because there are two versions to choose from, one " +"is php.ini-development and the other is php." +"ini-production. These are starting points to assist " +"administrators in their deployment." msgstr "" -"Depois de instalar uma extensão, o servidor Apache deve ser recarregado para selecionar as novas alterações de " -"configuração:" +"Finalmente, para fazer alguma mudança na configuração global do " +"PHP há um arquivo bem documentado instalado dentro de " +"/usr/local/etc/php.ini. No momento " +"da instalação, esse arquivo não irá existir porque há duas versões para " +"escolher, uma é o arquivo php.ini-development e outra o " +"php.ini-production. Esses são pontos iniciais para " +"ajudar os administradores na implementação." +#. (itstool) path: info/title +#: book.translate.xml:56759 +msgid "HTTP2 Support" +msgstr "Suporte a HTTP2" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:56762 +msgid "" +"Apache support for the HTTP2 " +"protocol is included by default when installing the port with pkg. The new version of HTTP includes many " +"improvements over the previous version, including utilizing a single " +"connection to a website, reducing overall roundtrips of TCP connections. Also, packet header data is compressed and " +"HTTP2 requires encryption by default." +msgstr "" +"Suporte do Apache para o protocolo HTTP está incluido por padrão quando instala o port com o comando " +"pkg. A nova versão do HTTP inclui " +"muitas melhorias em relação a versão anterior, incluindo utilizar uma " +"conexão singular para uma página, reduzindo as idas e vindas de conexões " +"TCP. Também, os dados no cabeçalho do pacote é comprimido " +"e o HTTP2 requer encriptação por padrão." + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:56772 +msgid "" +"When Apache is configured to only use " +"HTTP2, web browsers will require secure, encrypted " +"HTTPS connections. When Apache " +"is configured to use both versions, HTTP1.1 will be " +"considered a fall back option if any issues arise during the connection." +msgstr "" +"Quando o Apache estiver configurado para usar " +"HTTP2 apenas, os navegadores web irão requisitar conexões " +"seguras, encriptadas com HTTPS. Quando o " +"Apache estiver configurado para usar ambas " +"versões, o HTTP1.1 irá ser considerado uma opção " +"substituta se algum problema surgir durante a conexão." + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:56780 +msgid "" +"While this change does require administrators to make changes, they are " +"positive and equate to a more secure Internet for everyone. The changes are " +"only required for sites not currently implementing SSL " +"and TLS." +msgstr "" +"Embora essa mudança exija que os administradores façam alterações, elas são " +"positivas e equivalem a uma Internet mais segura para todos. As mudanças são " +"requeridas apenas para paginas não implementada corretamente com " +"SSL e TLS." + +#. (itstool) path: note/para +#: book.translate.xml:56787 +msgid "" +"This configuration depends on the previous sections, including TLS support. It is recommended those instructions be followed before " +"continuing with this configuration." +msgstr "" +"Essa configuração depende das seções anteriores, incluindo suporte a " +"TLS. É recomendado que essas instruções seja seguidas " +"antes de continuar com essa configuração." + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:56793 +msgid "" +"Start the process by enabling the http2 module by " +"uncommenting the line in /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf and replace the mpm_prefork module with mpm_event as the former " +"does not support HTTP2." +msgstr "" +"Comece o processo habilitando o modulo http2 removendo o " +"comentário da linha no arquivo /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf e trocando o modulo mpm_prefork pelo mpm_event pois o anterior não " +"suporta o http2." + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting +#: book.translate.xml:56799 +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +"LoadModule http2_module libexec/apache24/\n" +"LoadModule mpm_event_module libexec/apache24/" +msgstr "" +"LoadModule http2_module libexec/apache24/\n" +"LoadModule mpm_event_module libexec/apache24/" + +#. (itstool) path: note/para +#: book.translate.xml:56803 +msgid "" +"There is a separate mod_http2 port that " +"is available. It exists to deliver security and bug fixes quicker than the " +"module installed with the bundled apache24 port. It is not required for HTTP2 support but " +"is available. When installed, the should be " +"used in place of in the " +"Apache configuration." +msgstr "" +"Aqui há um port mod_http1 distinto que " +"está disponível. Ele existe pra entregar segurança e correção de bugs mais " +"rápido que o modulo instalado por padrão com o port apache24. Ele não é requisitado para o suporte do " +"HTTP2 mas está disponível. Quando instalado, o " +" deve ser usado no lugar do " +" na configuração do Apache." + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:56815 +msgid "" +"There are two methods to implement HTTP2 in " +"Apache; one way is globally for all sites and " +"each VirtualHost running on the system. To enable HTTP2 " +"globally, add the following line under the ServerName directive:" +msgstr "" +"Aqui há dois métodos para implementar o HTTP2 no " +"Apache; um caminho é de forma global para todos " +"os sites e cada VirtualHost rodando no sistema. Para habilitar o " +"HTTP2 globalmente, adicione a seguinte linha abaixo da " +"diretiva ServerName:" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting +#: book.translate.xml:56821 +#, no-wrap +msgid "Protocols h2 http/1.1" +msgstr "Protocolos h2 http/1.1" + +#. (itstool) path: note/para +#: book.translate.xml:56824 +msgid "" +"To enable HTTP2 over plaintext, use h2 " +"h2c http/1.1 in the httpd." +"conf." +msgstr "" +"Para habilitar HTTP2 sobre texto simples, use " +"h2h2chttp/1.1 no " +"arquivo httpd.conf." + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:56830 +msgid "" +"Having the h2c here will allow plaintext HTTP2 data to pass on the system but is not recommended. In addition, " +"using the http/1.1 here will allow fallback to the " +"HTTP1.1 version of the protocol should it be needed by " +"the system." +msgstr "" +"Tendo o h2c aqui irá permitir que o dado em texto simples " +"do HTTP2 passar pelo sistema mas isso não é recomendado. " +"Em adição a isso, usando o http/1.1 aqui irá permitir " +"retornar para a versão do protocolo HTTP1.1 caso sejá " +"necessário pelo sistema." + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:56837 +msgid "" +"To enable HTTP2 for individual VirtualHosts, add the same " +"line within the VirtualHost directive in either httpd.conf or httpd-ssl.conf." +msgstr "" +"Para habilitar HTTP2 para VirtualHosts individuais, " +"adicione a mesma linha com a diretiva VirtualHost no arquivo httpd." +"conf ou httpd-ssl.conf." + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:56842 +msgid "" +"Reload the configuration using the apachectl " +"reload command and test the configuration either by " +"using either of the following methods after visiting one of the hosted pages:" +msgstr "" +"Recarregue a configuração usando o comando apachectlreload e teste a configuração seguindo um dos " +"métodos após visitar uma das paginas hosteadas:" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/screen +#: book.translate.xml:56847 +#, no-wrap +msgid "# grep \"HTTP/2.0\" /var/log/httpd-access.log" +msgstr "# grep \"HTTP/2.0\" /var/log/httpd-access.log" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:56849 +msgid "This should return something similar to the following:" +msgstr "A saída deve ser semelhante à seguinte:" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting +#: book.translate.xml:56851 +#, no-wrap +msgid "" +" - - [18/Oct/2020:18:34:36 -0400] \"GET / HTTP/2.0\" 304 -\n" +" - - [18/Oct/2020:19:19:57 -0400] \"GET / HTTP/2.0\" 304 -\n" +" - - [18/Oct/2020:19:20:52 -0400] \"GET / HTTP/2.0\" 304 -\n" +" - - [18/Oct/2020:19:23:10 -0400] \"GET / HTTP/2.0\" 304 -" +msgstr "" +" - - [18/Oct/2020:18:34:36 -0400] \"GET / HTTP/2.0\" 304 -\n" +" - - [18/Oct/2020:19:19:57 -0400] \"GET / HTTP/2.0\" 304 -\n" +" - - [18/Oct/2020:19:20:52 -0400] \"GET / HTTP/2.0\" 304 -\n" +" - - [18/Oct/2020:19:23:10 -0400] \"GET / HTTP/2.0\" 304 -" + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:56856 +msgid "" +"The other method is using the web browser's built in site debugger or " +"tcpdump; however, using either method is beyond the scope " +"of this document." +msgstr "" +"O outro metodo é usar o navegador web padrão no debugger do site ou o " +"comando tcpdump; contanto, o uso de qualquer método está " +"além do escopo desse documento." + +#. (itstool) path: sect3/para +#: book.translate.xml:56861 +msgid "" +"Support for HTTP2 reverse proxy connections by using the " +" module. When configuring the " +"ProxyPass or RewriteRules [P] statements, they should use h2:// for the " +"connection." +msgstr "" +"Suporte para conexões do proxy reverso HTTP2 usando o " +"modulo Quando declarado na " +"configuração o ProxyPass ou RewriteRules [P], eles devem usar h2:// para a " +"conexão." + #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:56395 +#: book.translate.xml:56872 msgid "Dynamic Websites" msgstr "Websites Dinâmicos" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56397 +#: book.translate.xml:56874 msgid "web servers dynamic" msgstr "web servers dynamic" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56402 +#: book.translate.xml:56879 msgid "" "In addition to mod_perl and mod_php, other languages are available for creating dynamic web " @@ -101931,22 +102847,22 @@ "Ruby on Rails." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:56409 +#: book.translate.xml:56886 msgid "Django" msgstr "Django" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56411 +#: book.translate.xml:56888 msgid "Python" msgstr "Python" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56412 +#: book.translate.xml:56889 msgid "Django" msgstr "Django" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56414 +#: book.translate.xml:56891 msgid "" "Django is a BSD-licensed framework designed to " "allow developers to write high performance, elegant web applications " @@ -101968,7 +102884,7 @@ "separada da apresentação HTML." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56426 +#: book.translate.xml:56903 msgid "" "Django depends on mod_python, and an SQL database engine. In FreeBSD, the www/py-django " @@ -101989,7 +102905,7 @@ "usr/ports/www/py-django, então instale o port." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56438 +#: book.translate.xml:56915 msgid "" "Once Django is installed, the application will " "need a project directory along with the Apache " @@ -102004,7 +102920,7 @@ "URLs específicas no site." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56446 +#: book.translate.xml:56923 msgid "" "To configure Apache to pass requests for certain " "URLs to the web application, add the following to " @@ -102017,7 +102933,7 @@ "caminho completo para o diretório do projeto:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:56452 +#: book.translate.xml:56929 #, no-wrap msgid "" "<Location \"/\">\n" @@ -102039,7 +102955,7 @@ "</Location>" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56461 +#: book.translate.xml:56938 msgid "" "Refer to https://docs." " for more information on how to use " @@ -102050,17 +102966,17 @@ "Django." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:56467 +#: book.translate.xml:56944 msgid "Ruby on Rails" msgstr "Ruby on Rails" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56469 +#: book.translate.xml:56946 msgid "Ruby on Rails" msgstr "Ruby on Rails" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56471 +#: book.translate.xml:56948 msgid "" "Ruby on Rails is another open source web " "framework that provides a full development stack. It is optimized to make " @@ -102075,7 +102991,7 @@ "usando o pacote ou port www/rubygem-rails." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56478 +#: book.translate.xml:56955 msgid "" "Refer to http://guides." " for more information on how to use Ruby " @@ -102086,17 +103002,17 @@ "Ruby on Rails ." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:56497 +#: book.translate.xml:56974 msgid "File Transfer Protocol (FTP)" msgstr "Protocolo de Transferência de Arquivos (FTP)" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56499 +#: book.translate.xml:56976 msgid "FTP servers" msgstr "FTP servers" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:56502 +#: book.translate.xml:56979 msgid "" "The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) provides users with a " "simple way to transfer files to and from an FTP server. " @@ -102109,7 +103025,7 @@ "FTP, ftpd, no sistema base." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:56508 +#: book.translate.xml:56985 msgid "" "FreeBSD provides several configuration files for controlling access to the " "FTP server. This section summarizes these files. Refer to " @@ -102124,7 +103040,7 @@ "acronym> incorporado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56516 +#: book.translate.xml:56993 msgid "" "The most important configuration step is deciding which accounts will be " "allowed access to the FTP server. A FreeBSD system has a " @@ -102143,7 +103059,7 @@ "FTP podem ser adicionados." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56525 +#: book.translate.xml:57002 msgid "" "In some cases it may be desirable to restrict the access of some users " "without preventing them completely from using FTP. This " @@ -102160,14 +103076,14 @@ "restrições de acesso a FTP." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56532 book.translate.xml:56590 +#: book.translate.xml:57009 book.translate.xml:57067 msgid "" "FTP anonymous" msgstr "" "FTP anonymous" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56537 +#: book.translate.xml:57014 msgid "" "To enable anonymous FTP access to the server, create a " "user named ftp on the FreeBSD " @@ -102193,7 +103109,7 @@ "usuário ftp." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56548 +#: book.translate.xml:57025 msgid "" "There are two text files that can be created to specify welcome messages to " "be displayed to FTP clients. The contents of /" @@ -102213,7 +103129,7 @@ "para usuários anônimos." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56560 +#: book.translate.xml:57037 msgid "" "Once the FTP server has been configured, set the " "appropriate variable in /etc/rc.conf to start the " @@ -102224,42 +103140,42 @@ "durante a inicialização:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:56565 +#: book.translate.xml:57042 #, no-wrap msgid "ftpd_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "ftpd_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56567 +#: book.translate.xml:57044 msgid "To start the service now:" msgstr "Para iniciar o serviço agora:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:56569 +#: book.translate.xml:57046 #, no-wrap msgid "# service ftpd start" msgstr "# service ftpd start" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56571 +#: book.translate.xml:57048 msgid "Test the connection to the FTP server by typing:" msgstr "Teste a conexão com o servidor FTP digitando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:56574 +#: book.translate.xml:57051 #, no-wrap msgid "% ftp localhost" msgstr "% ftp localhost" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56577 +#: book.translate.xml:57054 msgid "" "log files FTP" msgstr "" "log files FTP" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56580 +#: book.translate.xml:57057 msgid "" "The ftpd daemon uses " "syslog3:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:56588 +#: book.translate.xml:57065 #, no-wrap msgid " /var/log/xferlog" msgstr " /var/log/xferlog" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:56596 +#: book.translate.xml:57073 msgid "" "Be aware of the potential problems involved with running an anonymous " "FTP server. In particular, think twice about allowing " @@ -102303,10 +103219,10 @@ "por um administrador." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:56621 +#: book.translate.xml:57098 msgid "" "File and Print Services for Microsoft Windows Clients " +"trademark> Windows Clients " "(Samba)" msgstr "" "Serviços de arquivos e impressão para clientes Samba server" msgstr "Samba server" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56625 +#: book.translate.xml:57102 msgid "Microsoft Windows" msgstr "Microsoft Windows" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56626 +#: book.translate.xml:57103 msgid "file server Windows clients" msgstr "file server Windows clients" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56630 +#: book.translate.xml:57107 msgid "print server Windows clients" msgstr "print server Windows clients" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:56635 +#: book.translate.xml:57112 msgid "" "Samba is a popular open source software package " "that provides file and print services using the SMB/CIFS " "protocol. This protocol is built into Microsoft Windows " +"\">Microsoft Windows " "systems. It can be added to non-Microsoft Windows systems by " +"trademark> Windows systems by " "installing the Samba client libraries. The " "protocol allows clients to access shared data and printers. These shares can " "be mapped as a local disk drive and shared printers can be used as if they " @@ -102360,13 +103276,13 @@ "podem ser usadas como se fossem impressoras locais." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:56645 +#: book.translate.xml:57122 msgid "" "On FreeBSD, the Samba client libraries can be " "installed using the net/samba410 port or package. The " "client provides the ability for a FreeBSD system to access SMB/" "CIFS shares in a Microsoft Windows network." +"trademark> Windows network." msgstr "" "No FreeBSD, as bibliotecas cliente do Samba podem " "ser instaladas usando o port ou pacote net/samba410. O " @@ -102375,14 +103291,14 @@ "\">Microsoft Windows." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:56652 +#: book.translate.xml:57129 msgid "" "A FreeBSD system can also be configured to act as a Samba server by installing the same net/samba410 " "port or package. This allows the administrator to create SMB/CIFS shares on the FreeBSD system which can be " "accessed by clients running Microsoft Windows or the " +"trademark> Windows or the " "Samba client libraries." msgstr "" "Um sistema FreeBSD também pode ser configurado para atuar como um servidor " @@ -102394,12 +103310,12 @@ "ou as bibliotecas do cliente Samba." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:56662 +#: book.translate.xml:57139 msgid "Server Configuration" msgstr "Configuração do Servidor" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56664 +#: book.translate.xml:57141 msgid "" "Samba is configured in /usr/local/etc/" "smb4.conf. This file must be created before SambaSamba possa ser usado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56669 +#: book.translate.xml:57146 msgid "" "A simple smb4.conf to share directories and printers " "with Windows clients in a " @@ -102427,7 +103343,7 @@ "manvolnum> para criar o smb4.conf." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:56676 +#: book.translate.xml:57153 #, no-wrap msgid "" "[global]\n" @@ -102471,12 +103387,12 @@ "directory mask = 0755" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:56697 +#: book.translate.xml:57174 msgid "Global Settings" msgstr "Configurações Globais" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56699 +#: book.translate.xml:57176 msgid "" "Settings that describe the network are added in /usr/local/etc/" "smb4.conf:" @@ -102485,22 +103401,22 @@ "local/etc/smb4.conf:" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:56704 +#: book.translate.xml:57181 msgid "workgroup" msgstr "workgroup" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:56707 +#: book.translate.xml:57184 msgid "The name of the workgroup to be served." msgstr "O nome do grupo de trabalho a ser servido." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:56712 +#: book.translate.xml:57189 msgid "netbios name" msgstr "netbios name" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:56715 +#: book.translate.xml:57192 msgid "" "The NetBIOS name by which a Samba server is " "known. By default, it is the same as the first component of the host's " @@ -102511,12 +103427,12 @@ "DNS do host." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:56723 +#: book.translate.xml:57200 msgid "server string" msgstr "server string" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:56726 +#: book.translate.xml:57203 msgid "" "The string that will be displayed in the output of net view and some other networking tools that seek to display descriptive " @@ -102527,12 +103443,12 @@ "servidor." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:56734 +#: book.translate.xml:57211 msgid "wins support" msgstr "wins support" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:56737 +#: book.translate.xml:57214 msgid "" "Whether Samba will act as a WINS server. Do not enable support for WINS on more " @@ -102543,12 +103459,12 @@ "em mais de um servidor na rede." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:56747 +#: book.translate.xml:57224 msgid "Security Settings" msgstr "Configurações de Segurança" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56749 +#: book.translate.xml:57226 msgid "" "The most important settings in /usr/local/etc/smb4.conf " "are the security model and the backend password format. These directives " @@ -102559,12 +103475,12 @@ "diretivas controlam as opções:" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:56756 +#: book.translate.xml:57233 msgid "security" msgstr "security" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:56759 +#: book.translate.xml:57236 msgid "" "The most common settings are security = share and " "security = user. If the clients use usernames that are " @@ -102580,7 +103496,7 @@ "recursos compartilhados." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:56768 +#: book.translate.xml:57245 msgid "" "In share level security, clients do not need to log onto the server with a " "valid username and password before attempting to connect to a shared " @@ -102593,22 +103509,22 @@ "para versões mais antigas do Samba." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:56777 +#: book.translate.xml:57254 msgid "passdb backend" msgstr "passdb backend" #. (itstool) path: listitem/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56780 +#: book.translate.xml:57257 msgid "NIS+" msgstr "NIS+" #. (itstool) path: listitem/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56782 +#: book.translate.xml:57259 msgid "SQL database" msgstr "SQL database" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:56784 +#: book.translate.xml:57261 msgid "" "Samba has several different backend " "authentication models. Clients may be authenticated with LDAP, NIS+, an SQL " @@ -102627,12 +103543,12 @@ "padrão anterior e agora está obsoleto." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:56801 +#: book.translate.xml:57278 msgid "Samba Users" msgstr "Usuários do Samba" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56803 +#: book.translate.xml:57280 msgid "" "FreeBSD user accounts must be mapped to the SambaSAMAccount database for Windows " @@ -102648,13 +103564,13 @@ "manvolnum>:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:56809 +#: book.translate.xml:57286 #, no-wrap msgid "# pdbedit -a username" msgstr "# pdbedit -a username" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56811 +#: book.translate.xml:57288 msgid "" "This section has only mentioned the most commonly used settings. Refer to " "the Official Samba Wiki " @@ -102665,12 +103581,12 @@ "obter informações adicionais sobre as opções de configuração disponíveis." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:56819 +#: book.translate.xml:57296 msgid "Starting Samba" msgstr "Iniciando o Samba" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56821 +#: book.translate.xml:57298 msgid "" "To enable Samba at boot time, add the following " "line to /etc/rc.conf:" @@ -102680,18 +103596,18 @@ "filename>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:56825 +#: book.translate.xml:57302 #, no-wrap msgid "samba_server_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "samba_server_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56827 +#: book.translate.xml:57304 msgid "To start Samba now:" msgstr "Para iniciar o Samba agora:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:56829 +#: book.translate.xml:57306 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# service samba_server start\n" @@ -102705,7 +103621,7 @@ "Starting smbd." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56834 +#: book.translate.xml:57311 msgid "" "Samba consists of three separate daemons. Both " "the nmbd and smbd " @@ -102718,30 +103634,30 @@ "winbind também é necessária, defina:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:56840 +#: book.translate.xml:57317 #, no-wrap msgid "winbindd_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "winbindd_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56842 +#: book.translate.xml:57319 msgid "Samba can be stopped at any time by typing:" msgstr "" "O Samba pode ser interrompido a qualquer momento " "digitando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:56845 +#: book.translate.xml:57322 #, no-wrap msgid "# service samba_server stop" msgstr "# service samba_server stop" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56847 +#: book.translate.xml:57324 msgid "" "Samba is a complex software suite with " "functionality that allows broad integration with Microsoft Microsoft Windows networks. For more information about functionality " "beyond the basic configuration described here, refer to" @@ -102754,17 +103670,17 @@ "\">" #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:56867 +#: book.translate.xml:57344 msgid "Clock Synchronization with NTP" msgstr "Sincronização de Relógio com NTP" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56869 +#: book.translate.xml:57346 msgid "NTP ntpd" msgstr "NTP ntpd" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:56873 +#: book.translate.xml:57350 msgid "" "Over time, a computer's clock is prone to drift. This is problematic as many " "network services require the computers on a network to share the same " @@ -102780,7 +103696,7 @@ "maneira de fornecer precisão de relógio em uma rede." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:56880 +#: book.translate.xml:57357 msgid "" "FreeBSD includes ntpd8 which can be " @@ -102795,7 +103711,7 @@ "para outros computadores na rede." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:56885 +#: book.translate.xml:57362 msgid "" "This section describes how to configure ntpd on " "FreeBSD. Further documentation can be found in /usr/share/doc/ntp/" @@ -102806,17 +103722,17 @@ "ntp/ no formato HTML." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:56891 +#: book.translate.xml:57368 msgid "NTP Configuration" msgstr "Configuração de NTP" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56893 +#: book.translate.xml:57370 msgid "NTP" msgstr "NTP" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56895 +#: book.translate.xml:57372 msgid "" "On FreeBSD, the built-in ntpd can be used to " "synchronize a system's clock. Ntpd is configured " @@ -102831,7 +103747,7 @@ "ntp.conf, conforme detalhado nas seções a seguir." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:56901 +#: book.translate.xml:57378 msgid "" "Ntpd communicates with its network peers using " "UDP packets. Any firewalls between your machine and its NTP peers must be " @@ -102842,17 +103758,17 @@ "ser configurados para permitir a entrada e saída de pacotes UDP na porta 123." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:56907 +#: book.translate.xml:57384 msgid "The /etc/ntp.conf file" msgstr "O arquivo /etc/ntp.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56909 +#: book.translate.xml:57386 msgid "NTP ntp.conf" msgstr "NTP ntp.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56913 +#: book.translate.xml:57390 msgid "" "Ntpd reads /etc/ntp.conf to " "determine which NTP servers to query. Choosing several " @@ -102891,12 +103807,12 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:56935 +#: book.translate.xml:57412 msgid "Sample /etc/ntp.conf" msgstr "Exemplo de /etc/ntp.conf" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:56936 +#: book.translate.xml:57413 msgid "" "This is a simple example of an ntp.conf file. It can " "safely be used as-is; it contains the recommended restrictntp." "conf5. The " @@ -102965,7 +103881,7 @@ "de exemplo acima." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56964 +#: book.translate.xml:57441 msgid "" "By default, an NTP server is accessible to any network " "host. The restrict keyword controls which systems can " @@ -102989,7 +103905,7 @@ "manvolnum>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56975 +#: book.translate.xml:57452 msgid "" "The server keyword specifies a single server to query. " "The file can contain multiple server keywords, with one server listed on " @@ -103013,7 +103929,7 @@ "primeira vez, para ajudar a sincronizar rapidamente a hora do sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:56987 +#: book.translate.xml:57464 msgid "" "The leapfile keyword specifies the location of a file " "containing information about leap seconds. The file is updated automatically " @@ -103031,17 +103947,17 @@ "filename>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:56996 +#: book.translate.xml:57473 msgid "NTP entries in /etc/rc.conf" msgstr "Entradas NTP no /etc/rc.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:56998 +#: book.translate.xml:57475 msgid "NTP rc.conf" msgstr "NTP rc.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57002 +#: book.translate.xml:57479 msgid "" "Set ntpd_enable=YES to start ntpd at boot time. Once ntpd_enable=YES has been " @@ -103055,13 +103971,13 @@ "imediatamente sem reiniciar o sistema, digitando:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:57009 +#: book.translate.xml:57486 #, no-wrap msgid "# service ntpd start" msgstr "# service ntpd start" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57011 +#: book.translate.xml:57488 msgid "" "Only ntpd_enable must be set to use ntpd. The " "rc.conf variables listed below may also be set as " @@ -103072,7 +103988,7 @@ "ser definidas conforme necessário." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57015 +#: book.translate.xml:57492 msgid "" "Set ntpd_sync_on_start=YES to allow ntpd to step the clock any amount, one time at startup. Normally " @@ -103088,7 +104004,7 @@ "tempo real com bateria." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57022 +#: book.translate.xml:57499 msgid "" "Set ntpd_oomprotect=YES to protect the ntpd daemon from being killed by the system attempting to recover " @@ -103100,7 +104016,7 @@ "acronym>)." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57027 +#: book.translate.xml:57504 msgid "" "Set ntpd_config= to the location of an alternate " "ntp.conf file." @@ -103109,19 +104025,19 @@ "ntp.conf alternativo." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:57035 +#: book.translate.xml:57512 msgid "-p (pid file location)" msgstr " -p (local do arquivo pid)" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:57037 +#: book.translate.xml:57514 msgid "-c (set ntpd_config= instead)" msgstr "" "-c (configure ntpd_config= como " "alternativa)" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57030 +#: book.translate.xml:57507 msgid "" "Set ntpd_flags= to contain any other ntpd flags as needed, but avoid using these flags which are managed " @@ -103133,7 +104049,7 @@ "itemizedlist-1/>" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:57044 +#: book.translate.xml:57521 msgid "" "Ntpd and the unpriveleged ntpd " "user" @@ -103142,7 +104058,7 @@ "ntpd" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57047 +#: book.translate.xml:57524 msgid "" "Ntpd on FreeBSD can start and run as an " "unpriveleged user. Doing so requires the " @@ -103169,32 +104085,32 @@ "quaisquer opções relacionadas a arquivos." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:57064 +#: book.translate.xml:57541 msgid "-f or --driftfile" msgstr "-f or --driftfile" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:57065 +#: book.translate.xml:57542 msgid "-i or --jaildir" msgstr "-i or --jaildir" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:57066 +#: book.translate.xml:57543 msgid "-k or --keyfile" msgstr "-k or --keyfile" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:57067 +#: book.translate.xml:57544 msgid "-l or --logfile" msgstr "-l or --logfile" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:57068 +#: book.translate.xml:57545 msgid "-s or --statsdir" msgstr "-s or --statsdir" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57060 +#: book.translate.xml:57537 msgid "" "The presence of any of the following in ntpd_flags " "requires manual configuration as described below to run as the " @@ -103205,32 +104121,32 @@ "executada como o usuário ntpd user: <_:itemizedlist-1/>" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:57075 +#: book.translate.xml:57552 msgid "crypto" msgstr "crypto" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:57076 +#: book.translate.xml:57553 msgid "driftfile" msgstr "driftfile" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:57077 +#: book.translate.xml:57554 msgid "key" msgstr "key" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:57078 +#: book.translate.xml:57555 msgid "logdir" msgstr "logdir" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:57079 +#: book.translate.xml:57556 msgid "statsdir" msgstr "statsdir" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57071 +#: book.translate.xml:57548 msgid "" "The presence of any of the following keywords in ntp.conf requires manual configuration as described below to run as the " @@ -103241,7 +104157,7 @@ "ser executado como usuário ntpd: <_:itemizedlist-1/>" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:57085 +#: book.translate.xml:57562 msgid "" "Ensure that the ntpd user has access to all the files and " "directories specified in the configuration." @@ -103250,7 +104166,7 @@ "os arquivos e diretórios especificados na configuração." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:57088 +#: book.translate.xml:57565 msgid "" "Arrange for the mac_ntpd module to be loaded or compiled " "into the kernel. See mac_ntpd4 para obter detalhes." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:57091 +#: book.translate.xml:57568 msgid "" "Set ntpd_user=\"ntpd\" in /etc/rc.conf" @@ -103270,7 +104186,7 @@ "filename>" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57082 +#: book.translate.xml:57559 msgid "" "To manually configure ntpd to run as user " "ntpd you must: <_:itemizedlist-1/>" @@ -103280,12 +104196,12 @@ ">" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:57098 +#: book.translate.xml:57575 msgid "Using NTP with a PPP Connection" msgstr "Usando NTP com uma Conexão PPP" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57101 +#: book.translate.xml:57578 msgid "" "ntpd does not need a permanent connection to the " "Internet to function properly. However, if a PPP " @@ -103303,7 +104219,7 @@ "filename>. Por exemplo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:57110 +#: book.translate.xml:57587 #, no-wrap msgid "" "set filter dial 0 deny udp src eq 123\n" @@ -103325,7 +104241,7 @@ "set filter alive 2 permit 0/0 0/0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57119 +#: book.translate.xml:57596 msgid "" "For more details, refer to the PACKET FILTERING section " "in ppp8 e os exemplos em /usr/share/examples/ppp/." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:57125 +#: book.translate.xml:57602 msgid "" "Some Internet access providers block low-numbered ports, preventing NTP from " "functioning since replies never reach the machine." @@ -103346,12 +104262,12 @@ "impedindo o funcionamento do NTP, pois as respostas nunca chegam à máquina." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:57144 +#: book.translate.xml:57621 msgid "iSCSI Initiator and Target Configuration" msgstr "Inicializador iSCSI e Configuração Alvo" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57147 +#: book.translate.xml:57624 msgid "" "iSCSI is a way to share storage over a network. Unlike " "NFS, which works at the file system level, " @@ -103363,7 +104279,7 @@ "dispositivo de bloco." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57152 +#: book.translate.xml:57629 msgid "" "In iSCSI terminology, the system that shares the storage " "is known as the target. The storage can be a physical " @@ -103379,7 +104295,7 @@ "armazenamento iSCSI." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57160 +#: book.translate.xml:57637 msgid "" "The clients which access the iSCSI storage are called " "initiators. To initiators, the storage available " @@ -103395,7 +104311,7 @@ "dispositivo deve ser formatado e montado separadamente." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57168 +#: book.translate.xml:57645 msgid "" "FreeBSD provides a native, kernel-based iSCSI target and " "initiator. This section describes how to configure a FreeBSD system as a " @@ -103406,12 +104322,12 @@ "FreeBSD como um alvo ou um iniciador." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:57174 +#: book.translate.xml:57651 msgid "Configuring an iSCSI Target" msgstr "Configurando um Alvo iSCSI" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57176 +#: book.translate.xml:57653 msgid "" "To configure an iSCSI target, create the /etc/" "ctl.conf configuration file, add a line to /etc/rc." @@ -103427,7 +104343,7 @@ "inicie-o." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57182 +#: book.translate.xml:57659 msgid "" "The following is an example of a simple /etc/ctl.conf " "configuration file. Refer to ctl.confpg0 portal group. Portal " "groups define which network addresses the ctlddefault. In this case, the difference " @@ -103517,7 +104433,7 @@ "com pg0, é sempre permitido." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57223 +#: book.translate.xml:57700 msgid "" "The second entry defines a single target. Target has two possible meanings: " "a machine serving iSCSI or a named group of " @@ -103540,7 +104456,7 @@ "Qualquer número de alvos pode ser definido neste arquivo de configuração." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57236 +#: book.translate.xml:57713 msgid "" "The auth-group no-authentication line allows all " "initiators to connect to the specified target and portal-group pg0." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57241 +#: book.translate.xml:57718 msgid "" "The next section defines the LUN. To the initiator, each " "LUN will be visible as a separate disk device. Multiple " @@ -103577,7 +104493,7 @@ "LUN." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57252 +#: book.translate.xml:57729 msgid "" "Next, to make sure the ctld8 daemon is started at " @@ -103588,7 +104504,7 @@ "adicione esta linha ao arquivo /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57262 +#: book.translate.xml:57739 msgid "" "As the ctld8 daemon is started, it reads /etc/ctl." @@ -103603,12 +104519,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect3/title #. (itstool) path: sect5/title -#: book.translate.xml:57270 book.translate.xml:62763 +#: book.translate.xml:57747 book.translate.xml:63241 msgid "Authentication" msgstr "Autenticação" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57272 +#: book.translate.xml:57749 msgid "" "The previous example is inherently insecure as it uses no authentication, " "granting anyone full access to all targets. To require a username and " @@ -103620,7 +104536,7 @@ "seguinte maneira:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:57277 +#: book.translate.xml:57754 #, no-wrap msgid "" "auth-group ag0 {\n" @@ -103664,7 +104580,7 @@ "}" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57297 +#: book.translate.xml:57774 msgid "" "The auth-group section defines username and password " "pairs. An initiator trying to connect to" @@ -103683,7 +104599,7 @@ "literal> definido em vez de no-authentication." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57307 +#: book.translate.xml:57784 msgid "" "It is common to define a single exported target for every initiator. As a " "shorthand for the syntax above, the username and password can be specified " @@ -103694,7 +104610,7 @@ "especificados diretamente na entrada do alvo:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:57312 +#: book.translate.xml:57789 #, no-wrap msgid "" "target {\n" @@ -103718,12 +104634,12 @@ "}" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:57325 +#: book.translate.xml:57802 msgid "Configuring an iSCSI Initiator" msgstr "Configurando um Inicializador iSCSI" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:57328 +#: book.translate.xml:57805 msgid "" "The iSCSI initiator described in this section is " "supported starting with FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE. To use the iSCSI." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57334 +#: book.translate.xml:57811 msgid "" "The iSCSI initiator requires that the " "iscsid8/etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:57339 +#: book.translate.xml:57816 #, no-wrap msgid "iscsid_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "iscsid_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57341 +#: book.translate.xml:57818 msgid "" "To start iscsid8 now, run this command:" @@ -103769,13 +104685,13 @@ "comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:57343 +#: book.translate.xml:57820 #, no-wrap msgid "# service iscsid start" msgstr "# service iscsid start" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57345 +#: book.translate.xml:57822 msgid "" "Connecting to a target can be done with or without an /etc/iscsi." "conf configuration file. This section demonstrates both types of " @@ -103786,12 +104702,12 @@ "conexões." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:57350 +#: book.translate.xml:57827 msgid "Connecting to a Target Without a Configuration File" msgstr "Conectando-se a um Alvo sem um Arquivo de Configuração" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57353 +#: book.translate.xml:57830 msgid "" "To connect an initiator to a single target, specify the IP address of the portal and the name of the target:" @@ -103800,13 +104716,13 @@ "IP do portal e o nome do alvo:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:57357 +#: book.translate.xml:57834 #, no-wrap msgid "# iscsictl -A -p -t" msgstr "# iscsictl -A -p -t" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57359 +#: book.translate.xml:57836 msgid "" "To verify if the connection succeeded, run iscsictl " "without any arguments. The output should look similar to this:" @@ -103815,7 +104731,7 @@ "command> sem nenhum argumento. A saída deve ser semelhante a esta:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:57363 +#: book.translate.xml:57840 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Target name Target portal State\n" @@ -103825,7 +104741,7 @@ " Connected: da0" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57366 +#: book.translate.xml:57843 msgid "" "In this example, the iSCSI session was successfully " "established, with /dev/da0 representing the attached " @@ -103840,13 +104756,13 @@ "dispositivos serão mostrados nessa seção da saída:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:57375 +#: book.translate.xml:57852 #, no-wrap msgid "Connected: da0 da1 da2." msgstr "Connected: da0 da1 da2." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57377 +#: book.translate.xml:57854 msgid "" "Any errors will be reported in the output, as well as the system logs. For " "example, this message usually means that the " @@ -103859,7 +104775,7 @@ "citerefentry> não está em execução:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:57381 +#: book.translate.xml:57858 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Target name Target portal State\n" @@ -103869,7 +104785,7 @@ " Waiting for iscsid(8)" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57384 +#: book.translate.xml:57861 msgid "" "The following message suggests a networking problem, such as a wrong " "IP address or port:" @@ -103878,7 +104794,7 @@ "IP incorreto:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:57388 +#: book.translate.xml:57865 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Target name Target portal State\n" @@ -103888,12 +104804,12 @@ " Connection refused" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57391 +#: book.translate.xml:57868 msgid "This message means that the specified target name is wrong:" msgstr "Esta mensagem significa que o nome do alvo especificado está errado:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:57394 +#: book.translate.xml:57871 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Target name Target portal State\n" @@ -103903,12 +104819,12 @@ " Not found" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57397 +#: book.translate.xml:57874 msgid "This message means that the target requires authentication:" msgstr "Esta mensagem significa que o alvo requer autenticação:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:57400 +#: book.translate.xml:57877 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Target name Target portal State\n" @@ -103918,7 +104834,7 @@ " Authentication failed" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57403 +#: book.translate.xml:57880 msgid "" "To specify a CHAP username and secret, use this syntax:" msgstr "" @@ -103926,18 +104842,18 @@ "use esta sintaxe:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:57406 +#: book.translate.xml:57883 #, no-wrap msgid "# iscsictl -A -p -t -u user -s secretsecret" msgstr "# iscsictl -A -p -t -u user -s secretsecret" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:57410 +#: book.translate.xml:57887 msgid "Connecting to a Target with a Configuration File" msgstr "Conectando-se a um Alvo com um Arquivo de Configuração" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57413 +#: book.translate.xml:57890 msgid "" "To connect using a configuration file, create /etc/iscsi.conf with contents like this:" @@ -103946,7 +104862,7 @@ "iscsi.conf com o seguinte conteúdo:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:57417 +#: book.translate.xml:57894 #, no-wrap msgid "" "t0 {\n" @@ -103966,7 +104882,7 @@ "}" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57425 +#: book.translate.xml:57902 msgid "" "The t0 specifies a nickname for the configuration file " "section. It will be used by the initiator to specify which configuration to " @@ -103984,18 +104900,18 @@ "mostrados." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57435 +#: book.translate.xml:57912 msgid "To connect to the defined target, specify the nickname:" msgstr "Para se conectar ao alvo definido, especifique o apelido:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:57438 +#: book.translate.xml:57915 #, no-wrap msgid "# iscsictl -An t0" msgstr "# iscsictl -An t0" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57440 +#: book.translate.xml:57917 msgid "" "Alternately, to connect to all targets defined in the configuration file, " "use:" @@ -104004,13 +104920,13 @@ "configuração, use:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:57443 +#: book.translate.xml:57920 #, no-wrap msgid "# iscsictl -Aa" msgstr "# iscsictl -Aa" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:57445 +#: book.translate.xml:57922 msgid "" "To make the initiator automatically connect to all targets in /etc/" "iscsi.conf, add the following to /etc/rc.conf/etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:57449 +#: book.translate.xml:57926 #, no-wrap msgid "" "iscsictl_enable=\"YES\"\n" @@ -104031,7 +104947,7 @@ "iscsictl_flags=\"-Aa\"" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:57480 +#: book.translate.xml:57957 msgid "" " Brad Davis Converted to SGML and updated by " @@ -104040,12 +104956,12 @@ "personname> Convertido para SGML e atualizado por " #. (itstool) path: chapter/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:57492 +#: book.translate.xml:57969 msgid "security firewalls" msgstr "security firewalls" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57501 +#: book.translate.xml:57978 msgid "" "Firewalls make it possible to filter the incoming and outgoing traffic that " "flows through a system. A firewall can use one or more sets of rulesNAT), which allows " "an internal network to use private IP addresses and share " @@ -104106,7 +105022,7 @@ "públicos atribuídos automaticamente." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57535 +#: book.translate.xml:58012 msgid "" "FreeBSD has three firewalls built into the base system: PF, IPFW, and IPFILTERPF firewall." msgstr "Como usar e configurar o firewall PF." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:57572 +#: book.translate.xml:58049 msgid "How to use and configure the IPFW firewall." msgstr "Como usar e configurar o firewall IPFW." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:57577 +#: book.translate.xml:58054 msgid "" "How to use and configure the IPFILTER firewall." msgstr "Como usar e configurar o firewall IPFILTER." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:57591 +#: book.translate.xml:58068 msgid "" "Since all firewalls are based on inspecting the values of selected packet " "control fields, the creator of the firewall ruleset must have an " @@ -104191,17 +105107,17 @@ "\">Daryl's TCP/IP Primer." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:57603 +#: book.translate.xml:58080 msgid "Firewall Concepts" msgstr "Conceitos de Firewall" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:57605 +#: book.translate.xml:58082 msgid "firewall rulesets" msgstr "firewall rulesets" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57611 +#: book.translate.xml:58088 msgid "" "A ruleset contains a group of rules which pass or block packets based on the " "values contained in the packet. The bi-directional exchange of packets " @@ -104227,7 +105143,7 @@ "liberar ou bloquear serviços." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57624 +#: book.translate.xml:58101 msgid "" "To lookup unknown port numbers, refer to /etc/services. " "Alternatively, visit números de porta usados por Trojans." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57631 +#: book.translate.xml:58108 msgid "" "FTP has two modes: active mode and passive mode. The difference is in how " "the data channel is acquired. Passive mode is more secure as the data " @@ -104270,7 +105186,7 @@ "ftp.html." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57637 +#: book.translate.xml:58114 msgid "" "A firewall ruleset can be either exclusive or " "inclusive. An exclusive firewall allows all traffic through " @@ -104285,7 +105201,7 @@ "o resto." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57644 +#: book.translate.xml:58121 msgid "" "An inclusive firewall offers better control of the outgoing traffic, making " "it a better choice for systems that offer services to the public Internet. " @@ -104304,7 +105220,7 @@ "risco de permitir tráfego indesejado." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:57655 +#: book.translate.xml:58132 msgid "" "Unless noted otherwise, all configuration and example rulesets in this " "chapter create inclusive firewall rulesets." @@ -104313,7 +105229,7 @@ "exemplo neste capítulo criam conjuntos de regras de firewall inclusivos." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57660 +#: book.translate.xml:58137 msgid "" "Security can be tightened further using a stateful firewall. " "This type of firewall keeps track of open connections and only allows " @@ -104326,7 +105242,7 @@ "uma nova conexão." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57665 +#: book.translate.xml:58142 msgid "" "Stateful filtering treats traffic as a bi-directional exchange of packets " "comprising a session. When state is specified on a matching rule the " @@ -104344,13 +105260,13 @@ "sessão serão automaticamente rejeitados." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57674 +#: book.translate.xml:58151 msgid "When the session completes, it is removed from the dynamic state table." msgstr "" "Quando a sessão é concluída, ela é removida da tabela de estados dinâmicos." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57677 +#: book.translate.xml:58154 msgid "" "Stateful filtering allows one to focus on blocking/passing new sessions. If " "the new session is passed, all its subsequent packets are allowed " @@ -104368,7 +105284,7 @@ "flood de diferentes métodos de ataque empregados pelos invasores." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57685 +#: book.translate.xml:58162 msgid "" "NAT stands for Network Address Translation. NAT function enables the private LAN behind " @@ -104385,7 +105301,7 @@ "várias contas de Internet ou endereços IP." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57693 +#: book.translate.xml:58170 msgid "" "NAT will automatically translate the private LAN IP " "address for each system on the LAN to the single public IP address as " @@ -104398,7 +105314,7 @@ "a conversão inversa para devolver os pacotes." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57699 +#: book.translate.xml:58176 msgid "" "According to RFC 1918, the following IP address ranges are reserved for " "private networks which will never be routed directly to the public Internet, " @@ -104409,22 +105325,22 @@ "Internet pública e, portanto, estão disponíveis para uso com o NAT:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:57706 +#: book.translate.xml:58183 msgid "" msgstr "" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:57710 +#: book.translate.xml:58187 msgid "" msgstr "" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:57714 +#: book.translate.xml:58191 msgid "" msgstr "" #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:57719 +#: book.translate.xml:58196 msgid "" "When working with the firewall rules, be very careful. " "Some configurations can lock the administrator out of " @@ -104439,12 +105355,12 @@ "por ssh." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:57730 +#: book.translate.xml:58207 msgid "PF" msgstr "PF" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:57733 +#: book.translate.xml:58210 msgid "" " John Ferrell Revised and updated by " @@ -104453,14 +105369,14 @@ "personname> Revisado e atualizado por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:57743 +#: book.translate.xml:58220 msgid "firewall PF" msgstr "firewall PF" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57749 +#: book.translate.xml:58226 msgid "" -"Since FreeBSD 5.3, a ported version of OpenBSD's PFPF firewall has been included as an integrated part of the base " "system. PF is a complete, full-featured firewall " "that has optional support for ALTQ (Alternate " @@ -104474,7 +105390,7 @@ "acronym>)." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57757 +#: book.translate.xml:58234 msgid "" "The OpenBSD Project maintains the definitive reference for PF in the PF " @@ -104489,7 +105405,7 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:57763 +#: book.translate.xml:58240 msgid "" "When reading the PF FAQ, keep in mind that FreeBSD's version of PF " @@ -104504,7 +105420,7 @@ "OpenBSD e vice-versa." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57771 +#: book.translate.xml:58248 msgid "" "The FreeBSD packet filter mailing list is a good place to ask " @@ -104519,7 +105435,7 @@ "de perguntar alguma questão, pois ela já pode ter sido respondida." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:57776 +#: book.translate.xml:58253 msgid "" "This section of the Handbook focuses on PF as it " "pertains to FreeBSD. It demonstrates how to enable PFPF" msgstr "Ativando o PF" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57785 +#: book.translate.xml:58262 msgid "" "To use PF, its kernel module must be first " "loaded. This section describes the entries that can be added to /" @@ -104549,7 +105465,7 @@ "PF." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57790 +#: book.translate.xml:58267 msgid "" "Start by adding pf_enable=yes to /etc/rc.conf:" @@ -104558,13 +105474,13 @@ "arquivo /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:57793 +#: book.translate.xml:58270 #, no-wrap msgid "# sysrc pf_enable=yes" msgstr "# sysrc pf_enable=yes" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57795 +#: book.translate.xml:58272 msgid "" "Additional options, described in pfctl8, can be passed to " @@ -104579,13 +105495,13 @@ "flags necessárias entre duas aspas (\"\"):" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:57801 +#: book.translate.xml:58278 #, no-wrap msgid "pf_flags=\"\" # additional flags for pfctl startup" msgstr "pf_flags=\"\" # additional flags for pfctl startup" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57803 +#: book.translate.xml:58280 msgid "" "PF will not start if it cannot find its ruleset " "configuration file. By default, FreeBSD does not ship with a ruleset and " @@ -104603,13 +105519,13 @@ "especifica o caminho completo para o arquivo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:57812 +#: book.translate.xml:58289 #, no-wrap msgid "pf_rules=\"/path/to/pf.conf\"" msgstr "pf_rules=\"/path/to/pf.conf\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57814 +#: book.translate.xml:58291 msgid "" "Logging support for PF is provided by " "pflog4/etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:57819 +#: book.translate.xml:58296 #, no-wrap msgid "# sysrc pflog_enable=yes" msgstr "# sysrc pflog_enable=yes" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57821 +#: book.translate.xml:58298 msgid "" "The following lines can also be added to change the default location of the " "log file or to specify any additional flags to pass to " @@ -104641,7 +105557,7 @@ "refentrytitle>4:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:57825 +#: book.translate.xml:58302 #, no-wrap msgid "" "pflog_logfile=\"/var/log/pflog\" # where pflogd should store the logfile\n" @@ -104651,7 +105567,7 @@ "pflog_flags=\"\" # additional flags for pflogd startup" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57828 +#: book.translate.xml:58305 msgid "" "Finally, if there is a LAN behind the firewall and " "packets need to be forwarded for the computers on the LANPF can be started " "with logging support by typing:" @@ -104678,7 +105594,7 @@ "pode ser iniciado com o suporte de log, digitando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:57839 +#: book.translate.xml:58316 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# service pf start\n" @@ -104688,7 +105604,7 @@ "# service pflog start" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57893 +#: book.translate.xml:58370 msgid "" "By default, PF reads its configuration rules from " "/etc/pf.conf and modifies, drops, or passes packets " @@ -104707,7 +105623,7 @@ "completa dos conjuntos de regras do PF." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57903 +#: book.translate.xml:58380 msgid "" "To control PF, use pfctl. " " summarizes some useful options to this command. " @@ -104721,42 +105637,42 @@ "descrição de todas as opções disponíveis:" #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:57909 +#: book.translate.xml:58386 msgid "Useful pfctl Options" msgstr "Opções Úteis do pfctl" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:57915 book.translate.xml:61951 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:58392 book.translate.xml:62429 book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "Purpose" msgstr "Propósito" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:57921 +#: book.translate.xml:58398 msgid "pfctl -e" msgstr "pfctl -e" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:57923 +#: book.translate.xml:58400 msgid "Enable PF." msgstr "Ativa o PF." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:57927 +#: book.translate.xml:58404 msgid "pfctl -d" msgstr "pfctl -d" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:57929 +#: book.translate.xml:58406 msgid "Disable PF." msgstr "Desabilita o PF." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:57933 +#: book.translate.xml:58410 msgid "pfctl -F all -f /etc/pf.conf" msgstr "pfctl -F all -f /etc/pf.conf" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:57935 +#: book.translate.xml:58412 msgid "" "Flush all NAT, filter, state, and table rules and reload " "/etc/pf.conf." @@ -104765,12 +105681,12 @@ "recarrega o /etc/pf.conf." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:57941 +#: book.translate.xml:58418 msgid "pfctl -s [ rules | nat | states ]" msgstr "pfctl -s [ rules | nat | states ]" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:57943 +#: book.translate.xml:58420 msgid "" "Report on the filter rules, NAT rules, or state table." msgstr "" @@ -104778,12 +105694,12 @@ "estados." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:57949 +#: book.translate.xml:58426 msgid "pfctl -vnf /etc/pf.conf" msgstr "pfctl -vnf /etc/pf.conf" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:57951 +#: book.translate.xml:58428 msgid "" "Check /etc/pf.conf for errors, but do not load ruleset." msgstr "" @@ -104791,7 +105707,7 @@ "carrega o conjunto de regras." #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:57959 +#: book.translate.xml:58436 msgid "" "security/sudo is useful for running commands like " "pfctl that require elevated privileges. It can be " @@ -104802,7 +105718,7 @@ "instalado a partir da Coleção de Ports." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57965 +#: book.translate.xml:58442 msgid "" "To keep an eye on the traffic that passes through the PF firewall, consider installing the sysutils/pftop." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:57975 +#: book.translate.xml:58452 msgid "PF Rulesets" msgstr "Conjuntos de Regras do PF" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:57978 +#: book.translate.xml:58455 msgid "" " Peter Hansteen " "N. M. Contributed by " @@ -104834,7 +105750,7 @@ "contrib>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57989 +#: book.translate.xml:58466 msgid "" "This section demonstrates how to create a customized ruleset. It starts with " "the simplest of rulesets and builds upon its concepts using several examples " @@ -104847,7 +105763,7 @@ "recursos do PF." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:57995 +#: book.translate.xml:58472 msgid "" "The simplest possible ruleset is for a single machine that does not run any " "services and which needs access to one network, which may be the Internet. " @@ -104860,7 +105776,7 @@ "/etc/pf.conf para que fique assim:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58001 +#: book.translate.xml:58478 #, no-wrap msgid "" "block in all\n" @@ -104870,7 +105786,7 @@ "pass out all keep state" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:58004 +#: book.translate.xml:58481 msgid "" "The first rule denies all incoming traffic by default. The second rule " "allows connections created by this system to pass out, while retaining state " @@ -104886,13 +105802,13 @@ "carregado com:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:58012 +#: book.translate.xml:58489 #, no-wrap msgid "# pfctl -e ; pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf" msgstr "# pfctl -e ; pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:58014 +#: book.translate.xml:58491 msgid "" "In addition to keeping state, PF provides " "lists and macros which can be " @@ -104907,7 +105823,7 @@ "linhas no topo do conjunto de regras:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58022 +#: book.translate.xml:58499 #, no-wrap msgid "" "tcp_services = \"{ ssh, smtp, domain, www, pop3, auth, pop3s }\"\n" @@ -104917,7 +105833,7 @@ "udp_services = \"{ domain }\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:58025 +#: book.translate.xml:58502 msgid "" "PF understands port names as well as port " "numbers, as long as the names are listed in /etc/servicesUDP especificado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58036 +#: book.translate.xml:58513 #, no-wrap msgid "" "tcp_services = \"{ ssh, smtp, domain, www, pop3, auth, pop3s }\"\n" @@ -104954,7 +105870,7 @@ "pass proto udp to any port $udp_services keep state" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:58042 +#: book.translate.xml:58519 msgid "" "Even though UDP is considered to be a stateless protocol, " "PF is able to track some state information. For " @@ -104969,7 +105885,7 @@ "PF irá procurar pela resposta para libera-la." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:58049 +#: book.translate.xml:58526 msgid "" "Whenever an edit is made to a ruleset, the new rules must be loaded so they " "can be used:" @@ -104979,13 +105895,13 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:58052 book.translate.xml:58300 +#: book.translate.xml:58529 book.translate.xml:58777 #, no-wrap msgid "# pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf" msgstr "# pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:58054 +#: book.translate.xml:58531 msgid "" "If there are no syntax errors, pfctl will not output any " "messages during the rule load. Rules can also be tested before attempting to " @@ -104996,13 +105912,13 @@ "testadas antes de tentar carregá-las:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:58058 +#: book.translate.xml:58535 #, no-wrap msgid "# pfctl -nf /etc/pf.conf" msgstr "# pfctl -nf /etc/pf.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:58060 +#: book.translate.xml:58537 msgid "" "Including causes the rules to be interpreted only, but " "not loaded. This provides an opportunity to correct any errors. At all " @@ -105016,7 +105932,7 @@ "desativado ou um novo conjunto de regras seja carregado." #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:58068 +#: book.translate.xml:58545 msgid "" "Adding to a pfctl ruleset verify or " "load will display the fully parsed rules exactly the way they will be " @@ -105028,18 +105944,18 @@ "ao depurar regras." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:58075 +#: book.translate.xml:58552 msgid "A Simple Gateway with NAT" msgstr "Um Gateway Simples com NAT" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58077 +#: book.translate.xml:58554 msgid "" "This section demonstrates how to configure a FreeBSD system running " "PF to act as a gateway for at least one other " "machine. The gateway needs at least two network interfaces, each connected " -"to a separate network. In this example, xl1 is " -"connected to the Internet and xl0 is connected to the " +"to a separate network. In this example, xl0 is " +"connected to the Internet and xl1 is connected to the " "internal network." msgstr "" "Esta seção demonstra como configurar um sistema FreeBSD executando " @@ -105050,7 +105966,7 @@ "interna." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58085 +#: book.translate.xml:58562 msgid "" "First, enable the gateway to let the machine forward the network traffic it " "receives on one interface to another interface. This sysctl:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:58090 +#: book.translate.xml:58567 #, no-wrap msgid "# sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1" msgstr "# sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58092 +#: book.translate.xml:58569 msgid "To forward IPv6 traffic, use:" msgstr "Para encaminhar tráfego IPv6, use:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:58094 +#: book.translate.xml:58571 #, no-wrap msgid "# sysctl net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1" msgstr "# sysctl net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58096 +#: book.translate.xml:58573 msgid "" "To enable these settings at system boot, use " "sysrc8 para adicioná-las ao /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:58100 +#: book.translate.xml:58577 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# sysrc gateway_enable=yes\n" @@ -105100,7 +106016,7 @@ "# sysrc ipv6_gateway_enable=yes" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58103 +#: book.translate.xml:58580 msgid "" "Verify with ifconfig that both of the interfaces are up " "and running." @@ -105109,26 +106025,26 @@ "ativadas e em execução." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58106 +#: book.translate.xml:58583 msgid "" "Next, create the PF rules to allow the gateway to " -"pass traffic. While the following rule allows stateful traffic to pass from " -"the Internet to hosts on the network, the to keyword does " -"not guarantee passage all the way from source to destination:" +"pass traffic. While the following rule allows stateful traffic from hosts of " +"the internal network to pass to the gateway, the to " +"keyword does not guarantee passage all the way from source to destination:" msgstr "" "Em seguida, crie as regras PF para permitir que o " -"gateway transmita tráfego. Embora a regra a seguir permita que o tráfego com " -"informações de estado passe da Internet para os hosts na rede, a palavra-" -"chave to não garante a passagem da origem até o destino:" +"gateway transmita tráfego. Embora a regra a seguir permita que o tráfego " +"stateful de hosts da rede interna passe para o gateway, a palavra-chave " +"to não garante a passagem da origem até o destino:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58113 +#: book.translate.xml:58590 #, no-wrap msgid "pass in on xl1 from xl1:network to xl0:network port $ports keep state" msgstr "pass in on xl1 from xl1:network to xl0:network port $ports keep state" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58115 +#: book.translate.xml:58592 msgid "" "That rule only lets the traffic pass in to the gateway on the internal " "interface. To let the packets go further, a matching rule is needed:" @@ -105138,13 +106054,13 @@ "correspondência:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58119 +#: book.translate.xml:58596 #, no-wrap msgid "pass out on xl0 from xl1:network to xl0:network port $ports keep state" msgstr "pass out on xl0 from xl1:network to xl0:network port $ports keep state" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58121 +#: book.translate.xml:58598 msgid "" "While these two rules will work, rules this specific are rarely needed. For " "a busy network admin, a readable ruleset is a safer ruleset. The remainder " @@ -105159,13 +106075,13 @@ "por uma regra:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58128 +#: book.translate.xml:58605 #, no-wrap msgid "pass from xl1:network to any port $ports keep state" msgstr "pass from xl1:network to any port $ports keep state" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58130 +#: book.translate.xml:58607 msgid "" "The interface:network notation can be replaced with a " "macro to make the ruleset even more readable. For example, a " @@ -105185,7 +106101,7 @@ "de endereços privados." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58141 +#: book.translate.xml:58618 msgid "" "If required, $localnet could even be defined as a list of " "networks. Whatever the specific needs, a sensible $localnettun0. " "For an ADSL connection, specifically those using " @@ -105228,7 +106144,7 @@ "externa correta é tun0, não a interface física Ethernet." #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58163 +#: book.translate.xml:58640 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ext_if = \"xl0\"\t# macro for external interface - use tun0 for PPPoE\n" @@ -105248,7 +106164,7 @@ "pass from { lo0, $localnet } to any keep state" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58171 +#: book.translate.xml:58648 msgid "" "This ruleset introduces the nat rule which is used to " "handle the network address translation from the non-routable addresses " @@ -105269,7 +106185,7 @@ "IP externo for alterado." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58182 +#: book.translate.xml:58659 msgid "" "Note that this ruleset probably allows more traffic to pass out of the " "network than is needed. One reasonable setup could create this macro:" @@ -105279,7 +106195,7 @@ "razoável poderia criar essa macro:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58186 +#: book.translate.xml:58663 #, no-wrap msgid "" "client_out = \"{ ftp-data, ftp, ssh, domain, pop3, auth, nntp, http, \\\n" @@ -105289,12 +106205,12 @@ " https, cvspserver, 2628, 5999, 8000, 8080 }\"" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58189 +#: book.translate.xml:58666 msgid "to use in the main pass rule:" msgstr "para usar na regra principal de liberação:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58191 +#: book.translate.xml:58668 #, no-wrap msgid "" "pass inet proto tcp from $localnet to any port $client_out \\\n" @@ -105304,7 +106220,7 @@ " flags S/SA keep state" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58194 +#: book.translate.xml:58671 msgid "" "A few other pass rules may be needed. This one enables SSH on the external interface:" @@ -105313,13 +106229,13 @@ "ativar o SSH na interface externa:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58197 +#: book.translate.xml:58674 #, no-wrap msgid "pass in inet proto tcp to $ext_if port ssh" msgstr "pass in inet proto tcp to $ext_if port ssh" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58199 +#: book.translate.xml:58676 msgid "" "This macro definition and rule allows DNS and " "NTP for internal clients:" @@ -105328,7 +106244,7 @@ "NTP para clientes internos:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58203 +#: book.translate.xml:58680 #, no-wrap msgid "" "udp_services = \"{ domain, ntp }\"\n" @@ -105338,7 +106254,7 @@ "pass quick inet proto { tcp, udp } to any port $udp_services keep state" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58206 +#: book.translate.xml:58683 msgid "" "Note the quick keyword in this rule. Since the ruleset " "consists of several rules, it is important to understand the relationships " @@ -105362,12 +106278,12 @@ "útil quando é necessária uma exceção às regras gerais." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:58221 +#: book.translate.xml:58698 msgid "Creating an FTP Proxy" msgstr "Criando um Proxy FTP" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58223 +#: book.translate.xml:58700 msgid "" "Configuring working FTP rules can be problematic due to " "the nature of the FTP protocol. FTP " @@ -105380,12 +106296,12 @@ "design. Os pontos mais comuns contra o uso do FTP incluem:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:58232 +#: book.translate.xml:58709 msgid "Passwords are transferred in the clear." msgstr "As senhas são transferidas em texto puro." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:58236 +#: book.translate.xml:58713 msgid "" "The protocol demands the use of at least two TCP " "connections (control and data) on separate ports." @@ -105394,7 +106310,7 @@ "(controle e dados) em portas separadas." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:58242 +#: book.translate.xml:58719 msgid "" "When a session is established, data is communicated using randomly selected " "ports." @@ -105403,7 +106319,7 @@ "selecionadas aleatoriamente." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58247 +#: book.translate.xml:58724 msgid "" "All of these points present security challenges, even before considering any " "potential security weaknesses in client or server software. More secure " @@ -105422,7 +106338,7 @@ "autenticação e transferência de dados através de conexões criptografadas." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58254 +#: book.translate.xml:58731 msgid "" "For those situations when FTP is required, " "PF provides redirection of FTP " @@ -105442,7 +106358,7 @@ "de FTP." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58263 +#: book.translate.xml:58740 msgid "" "To enable the FTP proxy, add this line to /etc/" "rc.conf:" @@ -105451,13 +106367,13 @@ "/etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58266 +#: book.translate.xml:58743 #, no-wrap msgid "ftpproxy_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "ftpproxy_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58268 +#: book.translate.xml:58745 msgid "" "Then start the proxy by running service ftp-proxy start." msgstr "" @@ -105465,7 +106381,7 @@ "command>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58271 +#: book.translate.xml:58748 msgid "" "For a basic configuration, three elements need to be added to /etc/" "pf.conf. First, the anchors which the proxy will use to insert " @@ -105477,7 +106393,7 @@ "acronym>:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58276 +#: book.translate.xml:58753 #, no-wrap msgid "" "nat-anchor \"ftp-proxy/*\"\n" @@ -105487,7 +106403,7 @@ "rdr-anchor \"ftp-proxy/*\"" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58279 +#: book.translate.xml:58756 msgid "" "Second, a pass rule is needed to allow FTP traffic in to " "the proxy." @@ -105496,7 +106412,7 @@ "FTP para o proxy." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58282 +#: book.translate.xml:58759 msgid "" "Third, redirection and NAT rules need to be defined " "before the filtering rules. Insert this rdr rule " @@ -105507,24 +106423,24 @@ "literal> imediatamente após a regra nat:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58287 +#: book.translate.xml:58764 #, no-wrap msgid "rdr pass on $int_if proto tcp from any to any port ftp -> port 8021" msgstr "rdr pass on $int_if proto tcp from any to any port ftp -> port 8021" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58289 +#: book.translate.xml:58766 msgid "Finally, allow the redirected traffic to pass:" msgstr "Finalmente, permita que o tráfego redirecionado passe:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58291 +#: book.translate.xml:58768 #, no-wrap msgid "pass out proto tcp from $proxy to any port ftp" msgstr "pass out proto tcp from $proxy to any port ftp" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58293 +#: book.translate.xml:58770 msgid "" "where $proxy expands to the address the proxy daemon is " "bound to." @@ -105533,7 +106449,7 @@ "proxy está vinculado." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58296 +#: book.translate.xml:58773 msgid "" "Save /etc/pf.conf, load the new rules, and verify from " "a client that FTP connections are working:" @@ -105543,7 +106459,7 @@ "estão funcionando:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58302 +#: book.translate.xml:58779 msgid "" "This example covers a basic setup where the clients in the local network " "need to contact FTP servers elsewhere. This basic " @@ -105569,7 +106485,7 @@ "a uma fila específica." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58315 +#: book.translate.xml:58792 msgid "" "For ways to run an FTP server protected by " "PF and ftp-proxyICMP" msgstr "Gerenciando ICMP" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58326 +#: book.translate.xml:58803 msgid "" "Many of the tools used for debugging or troubleshooting a TCP/IP network rely on the Internet Control Message Protocol " @@ -105603,7 +106519,7 @@ "depuração." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58331 +#: book.translate.xml:58808 msgid "" "The ICMP protocol sends and receives control " "messages between hosts and gateways, mainly to provide feedback " @@ -105621,7 +106537,7 @@ "acronym>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58340 +#: book.translate.xml:58817 msgid "" "From a firewall perspective, some ICMP control messages " "are vulnerable to known attack vectors. Also, letting all diagnostic traffic " @@ -105636,13 +106552,13 @@ "sobre a rede. Por esses motivos, a regra a seguir pode não ser a ideal:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58348 +#: book.translate.xml:58825 #, no-wrap msgid "pass inet proto icmp from any to any" msgstr "pass inet proto icmp from any to any" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58350 +#: book.translate.xml:58827 msgid "" "One solution is to let all ICMP traffic from the local " "network through while stopping all probes from outside the network:" @@ -105651,7 +106567,7 @@ "na rede local e bloquear as chamadas provenientes de fora da rede:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58354 +#: book.translate.xml:58831 #, no-wrap msgid "" "pass inet proto icmp from $localnet to any keep state\n" @@ -105661,7 +106577,7 @@ "pass inet proto icmp from any to $ext_if keep state" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58357 +#: book.translate.xml:58834 msgid "" "Additional options are available which demonstrate some of PF's flexibility. For example, rather than allowing all " @@ -105681,25 +106597,25 @@ "mensagem:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58364 +#: book.translate.xml:58841 #, no-wrap msgid "icmp_types = \"echoreq\"" msgstr "icmp_types = \"echoreq\"" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58366 +#: book.translate.xml:58843 msgid "and a rule which uses the macro:" msgstr "e uma regra que usa a macro:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting #. (itstool) path: sect4/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58368 book.translate.xml:58428 +#: book.translate.xml:58845 book.translate.xml:58905 #, no-wrap msgid "pass inet proto icmp all icmp-type $icmp_types keep state" msgstr "pass inet proto icmp all icmp-type $icmp_types keep state" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58370 +#: book.translate.xml:58847 msgid "" "If other types of ICMP packets are needed, expand " "icmp_types to a list of those packet types. Type " @@ -105720,7 +106636,7 @@ "explicação de cada tipo de mensagem." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58378 +#: book.translate.xml:58855 msgid "" "Since Unix traceroute uses UDP by " "default, another rule is needed to allow Unix traceroute:" @@ -105730,7 +106646,7 @@ "traceroute do Unix:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58382 +#: book.translate.xml:58859 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# allow out the default range for traceroute(8):\n" @@ -105740,7 +106656,7 @@ "pass out on $ext_if inet proto udp from any to any port 33433 >< 33626 keep state" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58385 +#: book.translate.xml:58862 msgid "" "Since TRACERT.EXE on Microsoft Windows systems uses " "ICMP echo request messages, only the first rule is needed " @@ -105760,12 +106676,12 @@ "manvolnum> para detalhes." #. (itstool) path: sect4/title -#: book.translate.xml:58395 +#: book.translate.xml:58872 msgid "Path MTU Discovery" msgstr "Descoberta de Path MTU" #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:58397 +#: book.translate.xml:58874 msgid "" "Internet protocols are designed to be device independent, and one " "consequence of device independence is that the optimal packet size for a " @@ -105785,7 +106701,7 @@ "interfaces de rede do sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:58408 +#: book.translate.xml:58885 msgid "" "TCP/IP uses a process known as path MTU discovery to determine the right packet size for a connection. This " @@ -105811,13 +106727,13 @@ "literal>:" #. (itstool) path: sect4/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58422 +#: book.translate.xml:58899 #, no-wrap msgid "icmp_types = \"{ echoreq, unreach }\"" msgstr "icmp_types = \"{ echoreq, unreach }\"" #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:58424 +#: book.translate.xml:58901 msgid "" "Since the pass rule already uses that macro, it does not need to be modified " "to support the new ICMP type:" @@ -105826,7 +106742,7 @@ "para suportar o novo tipo de ICMP:" #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:58430 +#: book.translate.xml:58907 msgid "" "PF allows filtering on all variations of " "ICMP types and codes. The list of possible types and " @@ -105843,12 +106759,12 @@ "citerefentry>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:58438 +#: book.translate.xml:58915 msgid "Using Tables" msgstr "Usando Tabelas" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58440 +#: book.translate.xml:58917 msgid "" "Some types of data are relevant to filtering and redirection at a given " "time, but their definition is too long to be included in the ruleset file. " @@ -105866,13 +106782,13 @@ "< >, assim:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58449 +#: book.translate.xml:58926 #, no-wrap msgid "table <clients> {, ! }" msgstr "table <clients> {, ! }" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58451 +#: book.translate.xml:58928 msgid "" "In this example, the network is part of " "the table, except for the address, which is " @@ -105887,7 +106803,7 @@ "/etc/clients:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58459 +#: book.translate.xml:58936 #, no-wrap msgid "" "\n" @@ -105897,30 +106813,30 @@ "!" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58462 +#: book.translate.xml:58939 msgid "To refer to the file, define the table like this:" msgstr "Para se referir ao arquivo, defina a tabela da seguinte forma:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58464 +#: book.translate.xml:58941 #, no-wrap msgid "table <clients> persist file \"/etc/clients\"" msgstr "table <clients> persist file \"/etc/clients\"" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58466 +#: book.translate.xml:58943 msgid "Once the table is defined, it can be referenced by a rule:" msgstr "" "Depois que a tabela é definida, ela pode ser referenciada por uma regra:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58469 +#: book.translate.xml:58946 #, no-wrap msgid "pass inet proto tcp from <clients> to any port $client_out flags S/SA keep state" msgstr "pass inet proto tcp from <clients> to any port $client_out flags S/SA keep state" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58471 +#: book.translate.xml:58948 msgid "" "A table's contents can be manipulated live, using pfctl. " "This example adds another network to the table:" @@ -105929,13 +106845,13 @@ "command>. Este exemplo adiciona outra rede a tabela:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:58475 +#: book.translate.xml:58952 #, no-wrap msgid "# pfctl -t clients -T add" msgstr "# pfctl -t clients -T add" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58477 +#: book.translate.xml:58954 msgid "" "Note that any changes made this way will take affect now, making them ideal " "for testing, but will not survive a power failure or reboot. To make the " @@ -105959,18 +106875,18 @@ "pode ser atualizado com o conteúdo da tabela na memória:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:58489 +#: book.translate.xml:58966 #, no-wrap msgid "# pfctl -t clients -T replace -f /etc/clients" msgstr "# pfctl -t clients -T replace -f /etc/clients" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:58493 +#: book.translate.xml:58970 msgid "Using Overload Tables to Protect SSH" msgstr "Usando Tabelas de Sobrecarga para Proteger o SSH" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58496 +#: book.translate.xml:58973 msgid "" "Those who run SSH on an external interface have probably " "seen something like this in the authentication logs:" @@ -105979,7 +106895,7 @@ "provavelmente já viram algo assim nos logs de autenticação:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58500 +#: book.translate.xml:58977 #, no-wrap msgid "" "Sep 26 03:12:34 skapet sshd[25771]: Failed password for root from port 40992 ssh2\n" @@ -105997,7 +106913,7 @@ "Sep 26 03:12:44 skapet sshd[24703]: Failed password for invalid user admin from port 41484 ssh2" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58507 +#: book.translate.xml:58984 msgid "" "This is indicative of a brute force attack where somebody or some program is " "trying to discover the user name and password which will let them into the " @@ -106008,7 +106924,7 @@ "sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58511 +#: book.translate.xml:58988 msgid "" "If external SSH access is needed for legitimate users, " "changing the default port used by SSH can offer some " @@ -106028,7 +106944,7 @@ "que excedem os limites." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58521 +#: book.translate.xml:58998 msgid "" "To configure this, create this table in the tables section of the ruleset:" msgstr "" @@ -106036,13 +106952,13 @@ "regras:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58524 +#: book.translate.xml:59001 #, no-wrap msgid "table <bruteforce> persist" msgstr "table <bruteforce> persist" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58526 +#: book.translate.xml:59003 msgid "" "Then, somewhere early in the ruleset, add rules to block brute access while " "allowing legitimate access:" @@ -106051,7 +106967,7 @@ "bloquear o acesso bruto, permitindo acesso legítimo:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58529 +#: book.translate.xml:59006 #, no-wrap msgid "" "block quick from <bruteforce>\n" @@ -106067,7 +106983,7 @@ " overload <bruteforce> flush global)" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58535 +#: book.translate.xml:59012 msgid "" "The part in parentheses defines the limits and the numbers should be changed " "to meet local requirements. It can be read as follows:" @@ -106076,7 +106992,7 @@ "para atender aos requisitos locais. Isso pode ser lido da \\seguinte forma:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58539 +#: book.translate.xml:59016 msgid "" "max-src-conn is the number of simultaneous connections " "allowed from one host." @@ -106085,7 +107001,7 @@ "permitidas de um host." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58542 +#: book.translate.xml:59019 msgid "" "max-src-conn-rate is the rate of new connections allowed " "from any single host (15) per number of seconds " @@ -106096,7 +107012,7 @@ "segundos (5)." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58547 +#: book.translate.xml:59024 msgid "" "overload <bruteforce> means that any host which " "exceeds these limits gets its address added to the bruteforcebruteforce." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58553 +#: book.translate.xml:59030 msgid "" "Finally, flush global says that when a host reaches the " "limit, that all (global) of that host's connections will " @@ -106120,7 +107036,7 @@ "finalizado (flush)." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:58559 +#: book.translate.xml:59036 msgid "" "These rules will not block slow bruteforcers, as " "described in" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58563 +#: book.translate.xml:59040 msgid "" "This example ruleset is intended mainly as an illustration. For example, if " "a generous number of connections in general are wanted, but the desire is to " @@ -106146,7 +107062,7 @@ "abaixo, no início do conjunto de regras:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58571 +#: book.translate.xml:59048 #, no-wrap msgid "" "pass quick proto { tcp, udp } from any to any port ssh \\\n" @@ -106160,12 +107076,12 @@ " overload <bruteforce> flush global)" #. (itstool) path: note/title -#: book.translate.xml:58577 +#: book.translate.xml:59054 msgid "It May Not be Necessary to Block All Overloaders" msgstr "Pode Não ser Necessário Bloquear Todos os Overloaders" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:58580 +#: book.translate.xml:59057 msgid "" "It is worth noting that the overload mechanism is a general technique which " "does not apply exclusively to SSH, and it is not always " @@ -106176,7 +107092,7 @@ "bloquear totalmente todo o tráfego dos infratores." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:58585 +#: book.translate.xml:59062 msgid "" "For example, an overload rule could be used to protect a mail service or a " "web service, and the overload table could be used in a rule to assign " @@ -106189,7 +107105,7 @@ "banda mínima ou redirecionar para uma página Web específica." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58592 +#: book.translate.xml:59069 msgid "" "Over time, tables will be filled by overload rules and their size will grow " "incrementally, taking up more memory. Sometimes an IP " @@ -106204,7 +107120,7 @@ "com hosts na rede local." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58599 +#: book.translate.xml:59076 msgid "" "For situations like these, pfctl provides the " "ability to expire table entries. For example, this command will remove " @@ -106217,13 +107133,13 @@ "foram referenciadas por 86400 segundos:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:58606 +#: book.translate.xml:59083 #, no-wrap msgid "# pfctl -t bruteforce -T expire 86400" msgstr "# pfctl -t bruteforce -T expire 86400" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58608 +#: book.translate.xml:59085 msgid "" "Similar functionality is provided by security/expiretable, which removes table entries which have not been accessed for a " @@ -106234,7 +107150,7 @@ "período de tempo especificado." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58613 +#: book.translate.xml:59090 msgid "" "Once installed, expiretable can be run to remove " "<bruteforce> table entries older than a specified " @@ -106246,18 +107162,18 @@ "entradas com mais de 24 horas:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58618 +#: book.translate.xml:59095 #, no-wrap msgid "/usr/local/sbin/expiretable -v -d -t 24h bruteforce" msgstr "/usr/local/sbin/expiretable -v -d -t 24h bruteforce" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:58622 +#: book.translate.xml:59099 msgid "Protecting Against SPAM" msgstr "Protegendo Contra SPAM" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58624 +#: book.translate.xml:59101 msgid "" "Not to be confused with the spamd daemon which " "comes bundled with spamassassin, mail/" @@ -106274,7 +107190,7 @@ "PF usando um conjunto de redirecionamentos." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58634 +#: book.translate.xml:59111 msgid "" "Spammers tend to send a large number of messages, and SPAM is mainly sent from a few spammer friendly networks and a large " @@ -106287,7 +107203,7 @@ "reportadas a blacklists bem rápido." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58640 +#: book.translate.xml:59117 msgid "" "When an SMTP connection from an address in a blacklist is " "received, spamd presents its banner and " @@ -106307,7 +107223,7 @@ "como stuttering." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58652 +#: book.translate.xml:59129 msgid "" "This example demonstrates the basic procedure for setting up " "spamd with automatically updated blacklists. " @@ -106320,12 +107236,12 @@ "package> para mais informações." #. (itstool) path: procedure/title -#: book.translate.xml:58659 +#: book.translate.xml:59136 msgid "Configuring spamd" msgstr "Configurando o spamd" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:58662 +#: book.translate.xml:59139 msgid "" "Install the mail/spamd package or port. To use " "spamd's greylisting features, " @@ -106340,31 +107256,31 @@ "Adicione a seguinte linha ao arquivo /etc/fstab:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58668 +#: book.translate.xml:59145 #, no-wrap msgid " fdescfs /dev/fd fdescfs rw 0 0" msgstr " fdescfs /dev/fd fdescfs rw 0 0" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:58670 +#: book.translate.xml:59147 msgid "Then, mount the filesystem:" msgstr "Em seguida, monte o sistema de arquivos:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58672 +#: book.translate.xml:59149 #, no-wrap msgid "# mount fdescfs" msgstr "# mount fdescfs" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:58676 +#: book.translate.xml:59153 msgid "Next, edit the PF ruleset to include:" msgstr "" "Em seguida, edite o conjunto de regras do PF para " "incluir:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58679 +#: book.translate.xml:59156 #, no-wrap msgid "" "table <spamd> persist\n" @@ -106382,7 +107298,7 @@ " { $ext_if, $localnet } port smtp -> port 8025" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:58686 +#: book.translate.xml:59163 msgid "" "The two tables <spamd> and <spamd-" "white> are essential. SMTP traffic from an " @@ -106397,7 +107313,7 @@ "application> ouvindo a porta 8025." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:58696 +#: book.translate.xml:59173 msgid "" "The next step is to configure spamd in /" "usr/local/etc/spamd.conf and to add some rc.confrc.conf." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:58701 +#: book.translate.xml:59178 msgid "" "The installation of mail/spamd includes a sample " "configuration file (/usr/local/etc/spamd.conf.sample) " @@ -106422,7 +107338,7 @@ "mostradas neste exemplo." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:58708 +#: book.translate.xml:59185 msgid "" "One of the first lines in the configuration file that does not begin with a " "# comment sign contains the block which defines the " @@ -106433,7 +107349,7 @@ "all, que especifica as listas a serem usadas:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58714 +#: book.translate.xml:59191 #, no-wrap msgid "" "all:\\\n" @@ -106443,7 +107359,7 @@ " :traplist:whitelist:" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:58717 +#: book.translate.xml:59194 msgid "" "This entry adds the desired blacklists, separated by colons (:). To use a whitelist to subtract addresses from a blacklist, add " @@ -106457,12 +107373,12 @@ "whitelist:." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:58724 +#: book.translate.xml:59201 msgid "This is followed by the specified blacklist's definition:" msgstr "Isto é seguido pela definição da blacklist especificada:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58727 +#: book.translate.xml:59204 #, no-wrap msgid "" "traplist:\\\n" @@ -106478,7 +107394,7 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:58733 +#: book.translate.xml:59210 msgid "" "where the first line is the name of the blacklist and the second line " "specifies the list type. The msg field contains the " @@ -106503,7 +107419,7 @@ "spamd espera receber." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:58748 +#: book.translate.xml:59225 msgid "" "The definition of the specified whitelist is similar, but omits the " "msg field since a message is not needed:" @@ -106512,7 +107428,7 @@ "msg porque uma mensagem não é necessária:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58752 +#: book.translate.xml:59229 #, no-wrap msgid "" "whitelist:\\\n" @@ -106526,12 +107442,12 @@ " :file=/var/mail/whitelist.txt" #. (itstool) path: tip/title -#: book.translate.xml:58758 +#: book.translate.xml:59235 msgid "Choose Data Sources with Care" msgstr "Escolha Fontes de Dados com Cuidado" #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:58760 +#: book.translate.xml:59237 msgid "" "Using all the blacklists in the sample spamd.conf will " "blacklist large blocks of the Internet. Administrators need to edit the file " @@ -106545,7 +107461,7 @@ "personalizadas." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:58768 +#: book.translate.xml:59245 msgid "" "Next, add this entry to /etc/rc.conf. Additional flags " "are described in the man page specified by the comment:" @@ -106555,13 +107471,13 @@ "pelo comentário:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58773 +#: book.translate.xml:59250 #, no-wrap msgid "spamd_flags=\"-v\" # use \"\" and see spamd-setup(8) for flags" msgstr "spamd_flags=\"-v\" # use \"\" and see spamd-setup(8) for flags" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:58775 +#: book.translate.xml:59252 msgid "" "When finished, reload the ruleset, start spamd by " "typing service obspamd start, and complete the " @@ -106578,7 +107494,7 @@ "spamd-setup para atualizar as tabelas razoáveis." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58785 +#: book.translate.xml:59262 msgid "" "On a typical gateway in front of a mail server, hosts will soon start " "getting trapped within a few seconds to several minutes." @@ -106587,7 +107503,7 @@ "começam a ficar presos dentro de segundos ou alguns minutos." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58789 +#: book.translate.xml:59266 msgid "" "PF also supports greylisting, which temporarily rejects messages from unknown hosts with " @@ -106605,7 +107521,7 @@ "imediatamente permitido." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58798 +#: book.translate.xml:59275 msgid "" "More information about greylisting as a technique can be found at the web site. " @@ -106620,17 +107536,17 @@ "para se adaptar, a fim de contornar essa técnica." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58805 +#: book.translate.xml:59282 msgid "The basic procedure for configuring greylisting is as follows:" msgstr "O procedimento básico para configurar o greylist é o seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: procedure/title -#: book.translate.xml:58809 +#: book.translate.xml:59286 msgid "Configuring Greylisting" msgstr "Configurando Greylist" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:58812 +#: book.translate.xml:59289 msgid "" "Make sure that fdescfs5 is mounted as " @@ -106641,7 +107557,7 @@ "conforme descrito na Etapa 1 do Procedimento anterior." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:58817 +#: book.translate.xml:59294 msgid "" "To run spamd in greylisting mode, add this line " "to /etc/rc.conf:" @@ -106650,13 +107566,13 @@ "esta linha ao /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58821 +#: book.translate.xml:59298 #, no-wrap msgid "spamd_grey=\"YES\" # use spamd greylisting if YES" msgstr "spamd_grey=\"YES\" # use spamd greylisting if YES" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:58823 +#: book.translate.xml:59300 msgid "" "Refer to the spamd man page for descriptions of " "additional related parameters." @@ -106665,12 +107581,12 @@ "descrições de parâmetros relacionados adicionais." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:58829 +#: book.translate.xml:59306 msgid "To complete the greylisting setup:" msgstr "Para concluir a configuração da greylist:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58831 +#: book.translate.xml:59308 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# service obspamd restart\n" @@ -106680,7 +107596,7 @@ "# service obspamlogd start" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58836 +#: book.translate.xml:59313 msgid "" "Behind the scenes, the spamdb database tool and " "the spamlogd whitelist updater perform essential " @@ -106696,12 +107612,12 @@ "banco de dados /var/db/spamdb." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:58846 +#: book.translate.xml:59323 msgid "Network Hygiene" msgstr "Higiene de Rede" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58848 +#: book.translate.xml:59325 msgid "" "This section describes how block-policy, scrub, and antispoof can be used to make the ruleset " @@ -106712,7 +107628,7 @@ "conjunto de regras se comportar corretamente." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58853 +#: book.translate.xml:59330 msgid "" "The block-policy is an option which can be set in the " "options part of the ruleset, which precedes the " @@ -106732,7 +107648,7 @@ "computeroutput>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58864 +#: book.translate.xml:59341 msgid "" "If not set, the default policy is drop. To change the " "block-policy, specify the desired value:" @@ -106741,13 +107657,13 @@ "block-policy, especifique o valor desejado:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58869 +#: book.translate.xml:59346 #, no-wrap msgid "set block-policy return" msgstr "set block-policy return" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58871 +#: book.translate.xml:59348 msgid "" "In PF, scrub is a keyword " "which enables network packet normalization. This process reassembles " @@ -106766,13 +107682,13 @@ "simples é adequada para a maioria das configurações:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58881 +#: book.translate.xml:59358 #, no-wrap msgid "scrub in all" msgstr "scrub in all" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58883 +#: book.translate.xml:59360 msgid "" "Some services, such as NFS, require specific fragment " "handling options. Refer to para mais informações." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58887 +#: book.translate.xml:59364 msgid "" "This example reassembles fragments, clears the do not fragment bit, and sets the maximum segment size to 1440 bytes:" @@ -106794,13 +107710,13 @@ "define o tamanho máximo do segmento para 1440 bytes:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58891 +#: book.translate.xml:59368 #, no-wrap msgid "scrub in all fragment reassemble no-df max-mss 1440" msgstr "scrub in all fragment reassemble no-df max-mss 1440" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58893 +#: book.translate.xml:59370 msgid "" "The antispoof mechanism protects against activity from " "spoofed or forged IP addresses, mainly by blocking " @@ -106813,7 +107729,7 @@ "não são possíveis." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58899 +#: book.translate.xml:59376 msgid "" "These rules weed out spoofed traffic coming in from the rest of the world as " "well as any spoofed packets which originate in the local network:" @@ -106822,7 +107738,7 @@ "qualquer pacote falsificado originado na rede local:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58903 +#: book.translate.xml:59380 #, no-wrap msgid "" "antispoof for $ext_if\n" @@ -106832,12 +107748,12 @@ "antispoof for $int_if" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:58908 +#: book.translate.xml:59385 msgid "Handling Non-Routable Addresses" msgstr "Manipulando Endereços Não-Roteados" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58910 +#: book.translate.xml:59387 msgid "" "Even with a properly configured gateway to handle network address " "translation, one may have to compensate for other people's " @@ -106856,7 +107772,7 @@ "endereços não roteáveis de entrar na rede por meio da interface externa." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:58920 +#: book.translate.xml:59397 msgid "" "In this example, a macro containing non-routable addresses is defined, then " "used in blocking rules. Traffic to and from these addresses is quietly " @@ -106867,7 +107783,7 @@ "silenciosamente descartado na interface externa do gateway." #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58926 +#: book.translate.xml:59403 #, no-wrap msgid "" "martians = \"{,,, \\\n" @@ -106885,12 +107801,12 @@ "block drop out quick on $ext_if from any to $martians" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:58936 +#: book.translate.xml:59413 msgid "Enabling ALTQ" msgstr "Ativando o ALTQ" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:58938 +#: book.translate.xml:59415 msgid "" "On FreeBSD, ALTQ can be used with " "PF to provide Quality of Service (QOSALTQ, refer to " "altq4ALTQ is not available as a loadable kernel " "module. If the system's interfaces support ALTQ, " @@ -106936,7 +107852,7 @@ "scheduler de enfileiramento:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:58958 +#: book.translate.xml:59435 #, no-wrap msgid "" "options ALTQ\n" @@ -106954,17 +107870,17 @@ "options ALTQ_PRIQ # Priority Queuing (PRIQ)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:58965 +#: book.translate.xml:59442 msgid "The following scheduler algorithms are available:" msgstr "Os seguintes algoritmos de agendamento estão disponíveis:" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:58969 +#: book.translate.xml:59446 msgid "CBQ" msgstr "CBQ" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:58971 +#: book.translate.xml:59448 msgid "" "Class Based Queuing (CBQ) is used to divide a " "connection's bandwidth into different classes or queues to prioritize " @@ -106975,12 +107891,12 @@ "tráfego com base nas regras de filtragem." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:58979 +#: book.translate.xml:59456 msgid "RED" msgstr "RED" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:58981 +#: book.translate.xml:59458 msgid "" "Random Early Detection (RED) is used to avoid network " "congestion by measuring the length of the queue and comparing it to the " @@ -106993,12 +107909,12 @@ "todos os novos pacotes são descartados aleatoriamente." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:58990 +#: book.translate.xml:59467 msgid "RIO" msgstr "RIO" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:58992 +#: book.translate.xml:59469 msgid "" "In Random Early Detection In and Out (RIO) mode, " "RED maintains multiple average queue lengths and multiple " @@ -107009,12 +107925,12 @@ "valores limite, um para cada nível QOS." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:59001 +#: book.translate.xml:59478 msgid "HFSC" msgstr "HFSC" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59003 +#: book.translate.xml:59480 msgid "" "Hierarchical Fair Service Curve Packet Scheduler (HFSC) " "is described in" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:59009 +#: book.translate.xml:59486 msgid "PRIQ" msgstr "PRIQ" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59011 +#: book.translate.xml:59488 msgid "" "Priority Queuing (PRIQ) always passes traffic that is in " "a higher queue first." @@ -107039,7 +107955,7 @@ "que está em uma fila mais alta." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59017 +#: book.translate.xml:59494 msgid "" "More information about the scheduling algorithms and example rulesets are " "available at the ." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:59023 +#: book.translate.xml:59500 msgid "IPFW" msgstr "IPFW" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:59025 +#: book.translate.xml:59502 msgid "firewall IPFW" msgstr "firewall IPFW" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:59031 +#: book.translate.xml:59508 msgid "" "IPFW is a stateful firewall written for FreeBSD " "which supports both IPv4 and IPv6. It " @@ -107082,7 +107998,7 @@ "de bridge e uma habilidade ipstealth." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:59040 +#: book.translate.xml:59517 msgid "" "FreeBSD provides a sample ruleset in /etc/rc.firewall " "which defines several firewall types for common scenarios to assist novice " @@ -107098,7 +108014,7 @@ "atendam aos requisitos de segurança de um determinado ambiente." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:59048 +#: book.translate.xml:59525 msgid "" "This section describes how to enable IPFW, " "provides an overview of its rule syntax, and demonstrates several rulesets " @@ -107109,12 +108025,12 @@ "regras para cenários comuns de configuração." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:59054 +#: book.translate.xml:59531 msgid "Enabling IPFW" msgstr "Ativando o IPFW" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:59056 +#: book.translate.xml:59533 msgid "" "IPFW enabling" @@ -107123,7 +108039,7 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59062 +#: book.translate.xml:59539 msgid "" "IPFW is included in the basic FreeBSD install as " "a kernel loadable module, meaning that a custom kernel is not needed in " @@ -107134,7 +108050,7 @@ "customizado não é necessário para ativar o IPFW." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59067 +#: book.translate.xml:59544 msgid "" "For those users who wish to statically compile IPFW support into a custom kernel, see ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59071 +#: book.translate.xml:59548 msgid "" "To configure the system to enable IPFW at boot " "time, add firewall_enable=\"YES\" to /etc/rc." @@ -107156,13 +108072,13 @@ "literal> ao /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:59076 +#: book.translate.xml:59553 #, no-wrap msgid "# sysrc firewall_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "# sysrc firewall_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59078 +#: book.translate.xml:59555 msgid "" "To use one of the default firewall types provided by FreeBSD, add another " "line which specifies the type:" @@ -107171,33 +108087,33 @@ "outra linha que especifique o tipo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:59081 +#: book.translate.xml:59558 #, no-wrap msgid "# sysrc firewall_type=\"open\"" msgstr "# sysrc firewall_type=\"open\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59083 +#: book.translate.xml:59560 msgid "The available types are:" msgstr "Os tipos disponíveis são:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59087 +#: book.translate.xml:59564 msgid "open: passes all traffic." msgstr "open: passa todo o tráfego." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59090 +#: book.translate.xml:59567 msgid "client: protects only this machine." msgstr "client: protege apenas esta máquina." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59094 +#: book.translate.xml:59571 msgid "simple: protects the whole network." msgstr "simple: protege toda a rede." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59098 +#: book.translate.xml:59575 msgid "" "closed: entirely disables IP traffic except for the " "loopback interface." @@ -107206,7 +108122,7 @@ "interface de loopback." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59102 +#: book.translate.xml:59579 msgid "" "workstation: protects only this machine using stateful " "rules." @@ -107215,13 +108131,13 @@ "stateful." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59106 +#: book.translate.xml:59583 msgid "UNKNOWN: disables the loading of firewall rules." msgstr "" "UNKNOWN: desativa o carregamento de regras de firewall." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59110 +#: book.translate.xml:59587 msgid "" "filename: full path of the " "file containing the firewall ruleset." @@ -107230,7 +108146,7 @@ "do arquivo que contém o conjunto de regras do firewall." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59116 +#: book.translate.xml:59593 msgid "" "If firewall_type is set to either client or simple, modify the default rules found in " @@ -107242,7 +108158,7 @@ "configuração do sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59122 +#: book.translate.xml:59599 msgid "" "Note that the filename type is used to load a custom " "ruleset." @@ -107251,7 +108167,7 @@ "conjunto de regras customizado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59125 +#: book.translate.xml:59602 msgid "" "An alternate way to load a custom ruleset is to set the " "firewall_script variable to the absolute path of an " @@ -107268,13 +108184,13 @@ "rules:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:59133 +#: book.translate.xml:59610 #, no-wrap msgid "# sysrc firewall_script=\"/etc/ipfw.rules\"" msgstr "# sysrc firewall_script=\"/etc/ipfw.rules\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59135 +#: book.translate.xml:59612 msgid "" "To enable logging through syslogd8, include this line:" @@ -107284,13 +108200,13 @@ "manvolnum>, inclua esta linha:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:59138 +#: book.translate.xml:59615 #, no-wrap msgid "# sysrc firewall_logging=\"YES\"" msgstr "# sysrc firewall_logging=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:59141 +#: book.translate.xml:59618 msgid "" "Only firewall rules with the option will be logged. The " "default rules do not include this option and it must be manually added. " @@ -107305,7 +108221,7 @@ "estiverem em um arquivo separado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59148 +#: book.translate.xml:59625 msgid "" "There is no /etc/rc.conf variable to set logging " "limits. To limit the number of times a rule is logged per connection " @@ -107318,13 +108234,13 @@ "/etc/sysctl.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:59153 +#: book.translate.xml:59630 #, no-wrap msgid "# echo \"net.inet.ip.fw.verbose_limit=5\" >> /etc/sysctl.conf" msgstr "# echo \"net.inet.ip.fw.verbose_limit=5\" >> /etc/sysctl.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59155 +#: book.translate.xml:59632 msgid "" "To enable logging through a dedicated interface named ipfw0, add this line to /etc/rc.conf instead:" @@ -107334,13 +108250,13 @@ "filename> em vez disso:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:59159 +#: book.translate.xml:59636 #, no-wrap msgid "# sysrc firewall_logif=\"YES\"" msgstr "# sysrc firewall_logif=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59161 +#: book.translate.xml:59638 msgid "" "Then use tcpdump to see what is being logged:" msgstr "" @@ -107348,13 +108264,13 @@ "sendo registrado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:59164 +#: book.translate.xml:59641 #, no-wrap msgid "# tcpdump -t -n -i ipfw0" msgstr "# tcpdump -t -n -i ipfw0" #. (itstool) path: tip/para -#: book.translate.xml:59167 +#: book.translate.xml:59644 msgid "" "There is no overhead due to logging unless tcpdump is attached." @@ -107363,7 +108279,7 @@ "application> esteja anexado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59171 +#: book.translate.xml:59648 msgid "" "After saving the needed edits, start the firewall. To enable logging limits " "now, also set the sysctl value specified above:" @@ -107373,7 +108289,7 @@ "especificado acima:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:59175 +#: book.translate.xml:59652 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# service ipfw start\n" @@ -107383,12 +108299,12 @@ "# sysctl net.inet.ip.fw.verbose_limit=5" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:59180 +#: book.translate.xml:59657 msgid "IPFW Rule Syntax" msgstr "Sintaxe de Regras IPFW" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:59182 +#: book.translate.xml:59659 msgid "" "IPFW rule " "processing order" @@ -107397,7 +108313,7 @@ "processing order" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59188 +#: book.translate.xml:59665 msgid "" "When a packet enters the IPFW firewall, it is " "compared against the first rule in the ruleset and progresses one rule at a " @@ -107429,7 +108345,7 @@ "chave afetam o processamento de regras." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:59204 +#: book.translate.xml:59681 msgid "" "IPFW rule syntax" @@ -107438,7 +108354,7 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59210 +#: book.translate.xml:59687 msgid "" "When creating an IPFW rule, keywords must be " "written in the following order. Some keywords are mandatory while other " @@ -107456,7 +108372,7 @@ "sua própria linha. Linhas em branco são ignoradas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59220 +#: book.translate.xml:59697 msgid "" "CMD RULE_NUMBER set SET_NUMBER ACTION log LOG_AMOUNT PROTO from " "SRC SRC_PORT to DST DST_PORT OPTIONS" @@ -107465,7 +108381,7 @@ "SRC SRC_PORT to DST DST_PORT OPTIONS" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59224 +#: book.translate.xml:59701 msgid "" "This section provides an overview of these keywords and their options. It is " "not an exhaustive list of every possible option. Refer to " @@ -107480,22 +108396,22 @@ "ser usada ao criar regras IPFW." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:59232 +#: book.translate.xml:59709 msgid "CMD" msgstr "CMD" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59234 +#: book.translate.xml:59711 msgid "Every rule must start with ipfw add." msgstr "Toda regra deve começar com ipfw add." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:59240 +#: book.translate.xml:59717 msgid "RULE_NUMBER" msgstr "RULE_NUMBER" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59242 +#: book.translate.xml:59719 msgid "" "Each rule is associated with a number from 1 to " "65534. The number is used to indicate the order of rule " @@ -107508,12 +108424,12 @@ "caso, elas são aplicadas de acordo com a ordem em que foram adicionadas." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:59253 +#: book.translate.xml:59730 msgid "SET_NUMBER" msgstr "SET_NUMBER" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59255 +#: book.translate.xml:59732 msgid "" "Each rule is associated with a set number from 0 to " "31. Sets can be individually disabled or enabled, making " @@ -107527,12 +108443,12 @@ "conjunto 0." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:59265 book.translate.xml:60428 +#: book.translate.xml:59742 book.translate.xml:60906 msgid "ACTION" msgstr "ACTION" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59267 +#: book.translate.xml:59744 msgid "" "A rule can be associated with one of the following actions. The specified " "action will be executed when the packet matches the selection criterion of " @@ -107542,7 +108458,7 @@ "será executada quando o pacote corresponder ao critério de seleção da regra." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59272 +#: book.translate.xml:59749 msgid "" "allow | accept | pass | permit: these keywords are " "equivalent and allow packets that match the rule." @@ -107551,7 +108467,7 @@ "são equivalentes e permitem pacotes que correspondem à regra." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59276 +#: book.translate.xml:59753 msgid "" "check-state: checks the packet against the dynamic " "state table. If a match is found, execute the action associated with the " @@ -107570,7 +108486,7 @@ "primeira regra keep-state ou limit." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59287 +#: book.translate.xml:59764 msgid "" "count: updates counters for all packets that match " "the rule. The search continues with the next rule." @@ -107579,7 +108495,7 @@ "correspondem à regra. A pesquisa continua com a próxima regra." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59291 +#: book.translate.xml:59768 msgid "" "deny | drop: either word silently discards packets " "that match this rule." @@ -107588,7 +108504,7 @@ "silenciosamente os pacotes que correspondem a essa regra." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59294 +#: book.translate.xml:59771 msgid "" "Additional actions are available. Refer to " "ipfw8 para detalhes." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:59300 +#: book.translate.xml:59777 msgid "LOG_AMOUNT" msgstr "LOG_AMOUNT" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59302 +#: book.translate.xml:59779 msgid "" "When a packet matches a rule with the log keyword, a " "message will be logged to syslogdipfw resetlog." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:59317 +#: book.translate.xml:59794 msgid "" "Logging is done after all other packet matching conditions have been met, " "and before performing the final action on the packet. The administrator " @@ -107641,12 +108557,12 @@ "administrador decide quais regras habilitar o log." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:59326 +#: book.translate.xml:59803 msgid "PROTO" msgstr "PROTO" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59328 +#: book.translate.xml:59805 msgid "" "This optional value can be used to specify any protocol name or number found " "in /etc/protocols." @@ -107655,12 +108571,12 @@ "de protocolo encontrado no arquivo /etc/protocols." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:59335 +#: book.translate.xml:59812 msgid "SRC" msgstr "SRC" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59337 +#: book.translate.xml:59814 msgid "" "The from keyword must be followed by the source address " "or a keyword that represents the source address. An address can be " @@ -107686,12 +108602,12 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:59355 book.translate.xml:60564 +#: book.translate.xml:59832 book.translate.xml:61042 msgid "SRC_PORT" msgstr "SRC_PORT" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59357 +#: book.translate.xml:59834 msgid "" "An optional source port can be specified using the port number or name from " "/etc/services." @@ -107700,12 +108616,12 @@ "ou um nome de /etc/services." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:59364 +#: book.translate.xml:59841 msgid "DST" msgstr "DST" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59366 +#: book.translate.xml:59843 msgid "" "The to keyword must be followed by the destination " "address or a keyword that represents the destination address. The same " @@ -107718,12 +108634,12 @@ "para descrever o destino." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:59375 book.translate.xml:60601 +#: book.translate.xml:59852 book.translate.xml:61079 msgid "DST_PORT" msgstr "DST_PORT" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59377 +#: book.translate.xml:59854 msgid "" "An optional destination port can be specified using the port number or name " "from /etc/services." @@ -107732,12 +108648,12 @@ "ou um nome de /etc/services." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:59384 book.translate.xml:60480 +#: book.translate.xml:59861 book.translate.xml:60958 msgid "OPTIONS" msgstr "OPTIONS" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59386 +#: book.translate.xml:59863 msgid "" "Several keywords can follow the source and destination. As the name " "suggests, OPTIONS are optional. Commonly used options include inICMP e keep-state." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59395 +#: book.translate.xml:59872 msgid "" "When a keep-state rule is matched, the firewall will " "create a dynamic rule which matches bidirectional traffic between the source " @@ -107763,7 +108679,7 @@ "entre os endereços e portas de origem e destino usando o mesmo protocolo." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59401 +#: book.translate.xml:59878 msgid "" "The dynamic rules facility is vulnerable to resource depletion from a SYN-" "flood attack which would open a huge number of dynamic rules. To counter " @@ -107784,7 +108700,7 @@ "pacote será descartado." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:59413 +#: book.translate.xml:59890 msgid "" "Dozens of OPTIONS are available. Refer to ipfw8 for a description of " @@ -107795,12 +108711,12 @@ "citerefentry> para obter uma descrição de cada opção disponível." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:59422 book.translate.xml:60680 +#: book.translate.xml:59899 book.translate.xml:61158 msgid "Example Ruleset" msgstr "Exemplo de Conjunto de Regras" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59424 +#: book.translate.xml:59901 msgid "" "This section demonstrates how to create an example stateful firewall ruleset " "script named /etc/ipfw.rules. In this example, all " @@ -107817,7 +108733,7 @@ "especificar a interface que o pacote está percorrendo." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:59434 +#: book.translate.xml:59911 msgid "" "When first creating or testing a firewall ruleset, consider temporarily " "setting this tunable:" @@ -107826,13 +108742,13 @@ "configuração temporária:" #. (itstool) path: note/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:59437 +#: book.translate.xml:59914 #, no-wrap msgid "net.inet.ip.fw.default_to_accept=\"1\"" msgstr "net.inet.ip.fw.default_to_accept=\"1\"" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:59439 +#: book.translate.xml:59916 msgid "" "This sets the default policy of ipfw8 to be more permissive " @@ -107846,7 +108762,7 @@ "reinicialização." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59445 +#: book.translate.xml:59922 msgid "" "The firewall script begins by indicating that it is a Bourne shell script " "and flushes any existing rules. It then creates the cmd " @@ -107862,7 +108778,7 @@ "que representa o nome da interface que está conectada à Internet." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:59453 +#: book.translate.xml:59930 #, no-wrap msgid "" "#!/bin/sh\n" @@ -107882,7 +108798,7 @@ "pif=\"dc0\" # interface name of NIC attached to Internet" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59461 +#: book.translate.xml:59938 msgid "" "The first two rules allow all traffic on the trusted internal interface and " "on the loopback interface:" @@ -107891,7 +108807,7 @@ "interface de loopback:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:59464 +#: book.translate.xml:59941 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Change xl0 to LAN NIC interface name\n" @@ -107907,7 +108823,7 @@ "$cmd 00010 allow all from any to any via lo0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59470 +#: book.translate.xml:59947 msgid "" "The next rule allows the packet through if it matches an existing entry in " "the dynamic rules table:" @@ -107916,13 +108832,13 @@ "existente na tabela de regras dinâmicas:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:59473 +#: book.translate.xml:59950 #, no-wrap msgid "$cmd 00101 check-state" msgstr "$cmd 00101 check-state" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59475 +#: book.translate.xml:59952 msgid "" "The next set of rules defines which stateful connections internal systems " "can create to hosts on the Internet:" @@ -107931,7 +108847,7 @@ "internos podem criar para hosts na Internet:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:59478 +#: book.translate.xml:59955 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Allow access to public DNS\n" @@ -107999,7 +108915,7 @@ "$cmd 00299 deny log all from any to any out via $pif" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59510 +#: book.translate.xml:59987 msgid "" "The next set of rules controls connections from Internet hosts to the " "internal network. It starts by denying packets typically associated with " @@ -108014,7 +108930,7 @@ "para evitar ataques de flood." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:59517 +#: book.translate.xml:59994 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Deny all inbound traffic from non-routable reserved address spaces\n" @@ -108102,7 +109018,7 @@ "$cmd 00499 deny log all from any to any in via $pif" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59559 +#: book.translate.xml:60036 msgid "" "The last rule logs all packets that do not match any of the rules in the " "ruleset:" @@ -108111,7 +109027,7 @@ "regras do conjunto de regras:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:59562 +#: book.translate.xml:60039 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Everything else is denied and logged\n" @@ -108121,12 +109037,12 @@ "$cmd 00999 deny log all from any to any" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:59568 +#: book.translate.xml:60045 msgid "In-kernel NAT" msgstr "NAT no Kernel" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:59581 +#: book.translate.xml:60058 msgid "" " Dries Michiels Rewritten and updated by " @@ -108135,7 +109051,7 @@ "personname> Revisado e atualizado por " #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:59591 +#: book.translate.xml:60068 msgid "" "NAT and IPFW" @@ -108144,7 +109060,7 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59597 +#: book.translate.xml:60074 msgid "" "FreeBSD's IPFW firewall has two implementations " "of NAT: the userland implementation " @@ -108167,7 +109083,7 @@ "Internet usando um único endereço IP público." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59607 +#: book.translate.xml:60084 msgid "" "To do this, the FreeBSD machine connected to the Internet must act as a " "gateway. This system must have two NICs, where one is " @@ -108186,7 +109102,7 @@ "link>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59617 +#: book.translate.xml:60094 msgid "" "Some additional configuration is needed in order to enable the in-kernel " "NAT facility of IPFW. To " @@ -108200,7 +109116,7 @@ "conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:59623 +#: book.translate.xml:60100 #, no-wrap msgid "" "gateway_enable=\"YES\"\n" @@ -108212,7 +109128,7 @@ "firewall_nat_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:59628 +#: book.translate.xml:60105 msgid "" "When firewall_nat_enable is set but " "firewall_enable is not, it will have no effect and do " @@ -108225,7 +109141,7 @@ "acronym> é compatível apenas com o IPFW." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59634 +#: book.translate.xml:60111 msgid "" "When the ruleset contains stateful rules, the positioning of the " "NAT rule is critical and the skipto " @@ -108250,7 +109166,7 @@ "acronym> que serão usadas para reduzir o número de regras." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:59648 +#: book.translate.xml:60125 #, no-wrap msgid "" "#!/bin/sh\n" @@ -108270,7 +109186,7 @@ "good_tcpo=\"22,25,37,53,80,443,110\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59656 +#: book.translate.xml:60133 msgid "" "With in-kernel NAT it is necessary to disable TCP " "segmentation offloading (TSO) due to the architecture of " @@ -108298,13 +109214,13 @@ "deve-se definir o seguinte em /etc/sysctl.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:59668 +#: book.translate.xml:60145 #, no-wrap msgid "net.inet.tcp.tso=\"0\"" msgstr "net.inet.tcp.tso=\"0\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59670 +#: book.translate.xml:60147 msgid "" "A NAT instance will also be configured. It is possible to " "have multiple NAT instances each with their own " @@ -108346,7 +109262,7 @@ "comportamento no início do script do firewall." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:59694 +#: book.translate.xml:60171 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ipfw disable one_pass\n" @@ -108356,20 +109272,20 @@ "ipfw -q nat 1 config if $pif same_ports unreg_only reset" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59697 +#: book.translate.xml:60174 msgid "" "The inbound NAT rule is inserted after the two rules which allow all traffic on the trusted and loopback " -"interfaces and after the reassamble rule but before the " +"interfaces and after the reassemble rule but before the " "check-state rule. It is important that the rule number " "selected for this NAT rule, in this example 100, is higher than the first three rules and lower than the " "check-state rule. Furthermore, because of the behavior of " -"in-kernel NAT it is advised to place a reassamble rule " +"in-kernel NAT it is advised to place a reassemble rule " "just before the first NAT rule and after the rules that " "allow traffic on trusted interface. Normally, IP " "fragmentation should not happen, but when dealing with IPSEC/ESP/" -"GRE tunneling traffic it might and the reassmabling of fragments " +"GRE tunneling traffic it might and the reassembling of fragments " "is necessary before handing the complete packet over to the in-kernel " "NAT facility." msgstr "" @@ -108389,13 +109305,13 @@ "para o mecanismo de in-kernel NAT." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:59716 +#: book.translate.xml:60193 msgid "" "The reassemble rule was not needed with userland " "natd8 because the internal workings of the IPFW divert action already takes care of " -"reassambling packets before delivery to the socket as also stated in " +"reassembling packets before delivery to the socket as also stated in " "ipfw8." msgstr "" @@ -108408,7 +109324,7 @@ "citerefentry>." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:59722 +#: book.translate.xml:60199 msgid "" "The NAT instance and rule number used in this example " "does not match with the default NAT instance and rule " @@ -108423,25 +109339,25 @@ "no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:59729 +#: book.translate.xml:60206 #, no-wrap msgid "" "$cmd 005 allow all from any to any via xl0 # exclude LAN traffic\n" "$cmd 010 allow all from any to any via lo0 # exclude loopback traffic\n" -"$cmd 099 reass all from any to any in # reassamble inbound packets\n" +"$cmd 099 reass all from any to any in # reassemble inbound packets\n" "$cmd 100 nat 1 ip from any to any in via $pif # NAT any inbound packets\n" "# Allow the packet through if it has an existing entry in the dynamic rules table\n" "$cmd 101 check-state" msgstr "" "$cmd 005 allow all from any to any via xl0 # exclude LAN traffic\n" "$cmd 010 allow all from any to any via lo0 # exclude loopback traffic\n" -"$cmd 099 reass all from any to any in # reassamble inbound packets\n" +"$cmd 099 reass all from any to any in # reassemble inbound packets\n" "$cmd 100 nat 1 ip from any to any in via $pif # NAT any inbound packets\n" "# Allow the packet through if it has an existing entry in the dynamic rules table\n" "$cmd 101 check-state" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59736 +#: book.translate.xml:60213 msgid "" "The outbound rules are modified to replace the allow " "action with the $skip variable, indicating that rule " @@ -108458,7 +109374,7 @@ "portas de saída permitidas." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:59746 +#: book.translate.xml:60223 msgid "" "Remember that IPFW's performance is largely " "determined by the number of rules present in the ruleset." @@ -108467,7 +109383,7 @@ "amplamente determinado pelo número de regras presentes no conjunto de regras." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:59750 +#: book.translate.xml:60227 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Authorized outbound packets\n" @@ -108483,7 +109399,7 @@ "$cmd 130 $skip icmp from any to any out via $pif $ks" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59756 +#: book.translate.xml:60233 msgid "" "The inbound rules remain the same, except for the very last rule which " "removes the via $pif in order to catch both inbound and " @@ -108506,7 +109422,7 @@ "submetido ao processamento NAT seja liberado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:59768 +#: book.translate.xml:60245 #, no-wrap msgid "" "$cmd 999 deny log all from any to any\n" @@ -108518,7 +109434,7 @@ "$cmd 1001 allow ip from any to any" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59772 +#: book.translate.xml:60249 msgid "" "In this example, rules 100, 101, " "125, 1000, and 1001 " @@ -108533,7 +109449,7 @@ "IP privado da LAN ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59780 +#: book.translate.xml:60257 msgid "" "Consider an internal web browser which initializes a new outbound " "HTTP session over port 80. When the first outbound packet " @@ -108575,7 +109491,7 @@ "liberado para a LAN." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:59804 +#: book.translate.xml:60281 msgid "" "On the inbound side, the ruleset has to deny bad packets and allow only " "authorized services. A packet which matches an inbound rule is posted to the " @@ -108595,7 +109511,7 @@ "interface de saída." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:59816 +#: book.translate.xml:60293 msgid "" "Transitioning from userland natd8 to in-kernel " @@ -108642,12 +109558,12 @@ "kernel, usando a opção ." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:59844 +#: book.translate.xml:60321 msgid "Port Redirection" msgstr "Redirecionamento de Portas" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:59846 +#: book.translate.xml:60323 msgid "" "The drawback with NAT in general is that the " "LAN clients are not accessible from the Internet. Clients " @@ -108667,7 +109583,7 @@ "acronym>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:59856 +#: book.translate.xml:60333 msgid "" "For example, an IRC server runs on client A and a web server runs on client B. For " @@ -108682,7 +109598,7 @@ "acronym>) devem ser redirecionadas para as respectivas máquinas." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:59863 +#: book.translate.xml:60340 msgid "" "With in-kernel NAT all configuration is done in the " "NAT instance configuration. For a full list of options " @@ -108701,7 +109617,7 @@ "application>. A sintaxe para é a seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:59872 +#: book.translate.xml:60349 #, no-wrap msgid "" "redirect_port proto targetIP:targetPORT[-targetPORT]\n" @@ -108713,13 +109629,13 @@ " [remoteIP[:remotePORT[-remotePORT]]]" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:59876 +#: book.translate.xml:60353 msgid "To configure the above example setup, the arguments should be:" msgstr "" "Para configurar o exemplo de instalação acima, os argumentos devem ser:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:59879 +#: book.translate.xml:60356 #, no-wrap msgid "" "redirect_port tcp 6667\n" @@ -108729,7 +109645,7 @@ "redirect_port tcp 80" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:59882 +#: book.translate.xml:60359 msgid "" "After adding these arguments to the configuration of NAT " "instance 1 in the above ruleset, the TCP ports will be " @@ -108743,7 +109659,7 @@ "acronym>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:59889 +#: book.translate.xml:60366 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ipfw -q nat 1 config if $pif same_ports unreg_only reset \\\n" @@ -108755,7 +109671,7 @@ " redirect_port tcp 80" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:59893 +#: book.translate.xml:60370 msgid "" "Port ranges over individual ports can be indicated with " ". For example, tcp " @@ -108769,12 +109685,12 @@ "as portas 2000 a 3000 no cliente A." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:59902 +#: book.translate.xml:60379 msgid "Address Redirection" msgstr "Redirecionamento de Endereços" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:59904 +#: book.translate.xml:60381 msgid "" "Address redirection is useful if more than one IP address " "is available. Each LAN client can be assigned its own " @@ -108817,7 +109733,7 @@ "e B." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:59922 +#: book.translate.xml:60399 msgid "" "The syntax is as below, where " "localIP is the internal IP address of " @@ -108832,18 +109748,18 @@ "acronym>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:59929 +#: book.translate.xml:60406 #, no-wrap msgid "redirect_address localIP publicIP" msgstr "redirect_address localIP publicIP" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:59931 +#: book.translate.xml:60408 msgid "In the example, the arguments would read:" msgstr "No exemplo, os argumentos seriam:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:59933 +#: book.translate.xml:60410 #, no-wrap msgid "" "redirect_address\n" @@ -108853,7 +109769,7 @@ "redirect_address" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:59936 +#: book.translate.xml:60413 msgid "" "Like , these arguments are placed in a " "NAT instance configuration. With address redirection, " @@ -108867,7 +109783,7 @@ "redirecionados." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:59943 +#: book.translate.xml:60420 msgid "" "The external IP addresses on the " "ipfw8 para mais informações." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:59950 +#: book.translate.xml:60427 msgid "Userspace NAT" msgstr "NAT do espaço do usuário" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:59952 +#: book.translate.xml:60429 msgid "" "Let us start with a statement: the userspace NAT " "implementation: natdNAT." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:59960 +#: book.translate.xml:60437 msgid "" "To enable the userpace NAT daemon " "natd8NAT can also be used together with natdNAT is used. Although, now, instead of specifying the " @@ -108997,13 +109913,13 @@ "filename>, que especifica o caminho do arquivo de configuração." #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:59995 +#: book.translate.xml:60472 #, no-wrap msgid "natd_flags=\"-f /etc/natd.conf\"" msgstr "natd_flags=\"-f /etc/natd.conf\"" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:59998 +#: book.translate.xml:60475 msgid "" "The specified file must contain a list of configuration options, one per " "line. For more information about the configuration file and possible " @@ -109018,7 +109934,7 @@ "exemplos de valores, um por linha:" #. (itstool) path: note/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:60004 +#: book.translate.xml:60481 #, no-wrap msgid "" "redirect_port tcp 6667\n" @@ -109028,17 +109944,17 @@ "redirect_address" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:60010 +#: book.translate.xml:60487 msgid "The IPFW Command" msgstr "O Comando IPFW" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:60012 +#: book.translate.xml:60489 msgid "ipfw" msgstr "ipfw" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60014 +#: book.translate.xml:60491 msgid "" "ipfw can be used to make manual, single rule additions or " "deletions to the active firewall while it is running. The problem with using " @@ -109056,7 +109972,7 @@ "momento em que o arquivo for alterado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60023 +#: book.translate.xml:60500 msgid "" "ipfw is a useful way to display the running firewall " "rules to the console screen. The IPFW accounting " @@ -109073,18 +109989,18 @@ "determinar se a regra está funcionando conforme o esperado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60031 +#: book.translate.xml:60508 msgid "To list all the running rules in sequence:" msgstr "Para listar todas as regras em execução em sequência:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:60033 +#: book.translate.xml:60510 #, no-wrap msgid "# ipfw list" msgstr "# ipfw list" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60035 +#: book.translate.xml:60512 msgid "" "To list all the running rules with a time stamp of when the last time the " "rule was matched:" @@ -109093,13 +110009,13 @@ "quando a última vez em que a regra foi utilizada:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:60038 +#: book.translate.xml:60515 #, no-wrap msgid "# ipfw -t list" msgstr "# ipfw -t list" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60040 +#: book.translate.xml:60517 msgid "" "The next example lists accounting information and the packet count for " "matched rules along with the rules themselves. The first column is the rule " @@ -109112,46 +110028,46 @@ "seguidos pela própria regra." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:60046 +#: book.translate.xml:60523 #, no-wrap msgid "# ipfw -a list" msgstr "# ipfw -a list" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60048 +#: book.translate.xml:60525 msgid "To list dynamic rules in addition to static rules:" msgstr "Para listar regras dinâmicas além das regras estáticas:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:60050 +#: book.translate.xml:60527 #, no-wrap msgid "# ipfw -d list" msgstr "# ipfw -d list" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60052 +#: book.translate.xml:60529 msgid "To also show the expired dynamic rules:" msgstr "Para mostrar também as regras dinâmicas expiradas:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:60054 +#: book.translate.xml:60531 #, no-wrap msgid "# ipfw -d -e list" msgstr "# ipfw -d -e list" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60056 +#: book.translate.xml:60533 msgid "To zero the counters:" msgstr "Para zerar os contadores:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:60058 +#: book.translate.xml:60535 #, no-wrap msgid "# ipfw zero" msgstr "# ipfw zero" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60060 +#: book.translate.xml:60537 msgid "" "To zero the counters for just the rule with number NUM:" @@ -109160,18 +110076,18 @@ "replaceable>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:60063 +#: book.translate.xml:60540 #, no-wrap msgid "# ipfw zero NUM" msgstr "# ipfw zero NUM" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:60066 +#: book.translate.xml:60543 msgid "Logging Firewall Messages" msgstr "Mensagens de Log do Firewall" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:60068 +#: book.translate.xml:60545 msgid "" "IPFW logging" @@ -109180,7 +110096,7 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:60074 +#: book.translate.xml:60551 msgid "" "Even with the logging facility enabled, IPFW will " "not generate any rule logging on its own. The firewall administrator decides " @@ -109202,7 +110118,7 @@ "das regras do conjunto de regras." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:60086 +#: book.translate.xml:60563 msgid "" "Logging is a two edged sword. If one is not careful, an over abundance of " "log data or a DoS attack can fill the disk with log files. Log messages are " @@ -109216,7 +110132,7 @@ "tornam irritantes." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:60092 +#: book.translate.xml:60569 msgid "" "The IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT=5 kernel option limits the " "number of consecutive messages sent to syslogdsyslogd com uma frase assim:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:60106 +#: book.translate.xml:60583 #, no-wrap msgid "last message repeated 45 times" msgstr "last message repeated 45 times" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:60108 +#: book.translate.xml:60585 msgid "" "All logged packets messages are written by default to /var/log/" "security, which is defined in /etc/syslog.conf." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:60114 +#: book.translate.xml:60591 msgid "Building a Rule Script" msgstr "Criando um Script de Regras" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:60116 +#: book.translate.xml:60593 msgid "" "Most experienced IPFW users create a file " "containing the rules and code them in a manner compatible with running them " @@ -109284,7 +110200,7 @@ "para valores usados frequentemente para serem substituídos em várias regras." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:60126 +#: book.translate.xml:60603 msgid "" "This example script is compatible with the syntax used by the " "sh1/etc/ipfw.rules, the rules " "could be reloaded by the following command:" @@ -109364,13 +110280,13 @@ "as regras podem ser recarregadas pelo seguinte comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:60159 +#: book.translate.xml:60636 #, no-wrap msgid "# sh /etc/ipfw.rules" msgstr "# sh /etc/ipfw.rules" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:60161 +#: book.translate.xml:60638 msgid "" "/etc/ipfw.rules can be located anywhere and the file " "can have any name." @@ -109379,13 +110295,13 @@ "e o arquivo pode ter qualquer nome." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:60164 +#: book.translate.xml:60641 msgid "The same thing could be accomplished by running these commands by hand:" msgstr "" "A mesma coisa pode ser realizada executando esses comandos manualmente:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:60167 +#: book.translate.xml:60644 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ipfw -q -f flush\n" @@ -109405,24 +110321,24 @@ "# ipfw -q add 00611 allow udp from any to 53 out via tun0 keep-state" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:60178 +#: book.translate.xml:60655 msgid "IPFW Kernel Options" msgstr "Opções do Kerne para o IPFW" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:60180 +#: book.translate.xml:60657 msgid "kernel options IPFIREWALL" msgstr "kernel options IPFIREWALL" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:60186 +#: book.translate.xml:60663 msgid "" "kernel options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE" msgstr "" "kernel options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:60192 +#: book.translate.xml:60669 msgid "" "kernel options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT" @@ -109431,7 +110347,7 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:60198 +#: book.translate.xml:60675 msgid "" "IPFW kernel " "options" @@ -109440,7 +110356,7 @@ "options" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60203 +#: book.translate.xml:60680 msgid "" "In order to statically compile IPFW support into " "a custom kernel, refer to the instructions in IPFW can be loaded as a kernel module: options " "above are built by default as modules or can be set at runtime using " @@ -109490,12 +110406,12 @@ "configuradas em tempo de execução usando parâmetros configuráveis." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:60229 +#: book.translate.xml:60706 msgid "IPFILTER (IPF)" msgstr "IPFILTER (IPF)" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:60231 +#: book.translate.xml:60708 msgid "" "firewall IPFILTER" @@ -109504,7 +110420,7 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:60237 +#: book.translate.xml:60714 msgid "" "IPFILTER, also known as IPF, is a cross-platform, open source firewall which has been " @@ -109517,7 +110433,7 @@ "NetBSD, OpenBSD e Solaris." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:60242 +#: book.translate.xml:60719 msgid "" "IPFILTER is a kernel-side firewall and " "NAT mechanism that can be controlled and monitored by " @@ -109541,7 +110457,7 @@ "arquivos de log do sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:60254 +#: book.translate.xml:60731 msgid "" "IPF was originally written using a rule " "processing logic of the last matching rule wins and only used " @@ -109556,7 +110472,7 @@ "quick e keep state." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:60261 +#: book.translate.xml:60738 msgid "" "The IPF FAQ is at A " @@ -109570,7 +110486,7 @@ "l=ipfilter." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:60265 +#: book.translate.xml:60742 msgid "" "This section of the Handbook focuses on IPF as it " "pertains to FreeBSD. It provides examples of rules that contain the " @@ -109581,12 +110497,12 @@ "quick e keep state." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:60272 +#: book.translate.xml:60749 msgid "Enabling IPF" msgstr "Ativando o IPF" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:60274 +#: book.translate.xml:60751 msgid "" "IPFILTER enabling" @@ -109595,7 +110511,7 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60280 +#: book.translate.xml:60757 msgid "" "IPF is included in the basic FreeBSD install as a " "kernel loadable module, meaning that a custom kernel is not needed in order " @@ -109607,7 +110523,7 @@ "application>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:60285 +#: book.translate.xml:60762 msgid "" "kernel options IPFILTER" @@ -109616,12 +110532,12 @@ "application>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:60291 +#: book.translate.xml:60768 msgid "kernel options IPFILTER_LOG" msgstr "kernel options IPFILTER_LOG" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:60297 +#: book.translate.xml:60774 msgid "" "kernel options IPFILTER_DEFAULT_BLOCK" @@ -109630,7 +110546,7 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:60303 +#: book.translate.xml:60780 msgid "" "IPFILTER kernel " "options" @@ -109639,7 +110555,7 @@ "options" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60309 +#: book.translate.xml:60786 msgid "" "For users who prefer to statically compile IPF " "support into a custom kernel, refer to the instructions in options IPFILTER enables support for " "IPFILTER, options IPFILTER_LOG " @@ -109688,7 +110604,7 @@ "pass do firewall seja bloqueado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60332 +#: book.translate.xml:60809 msgid "" "To configure the system to enable IPF at boot " "time, add the following entries to /etc/rc.conf. These " @@ -109706,11 +110622,12 @@ "regras." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:60341 +#: book.translate.xml:60818 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ipfilter_enable=\"YES\" # Start ipf firewall\n" "ipfilter_rules=\"/etc/ipf.rules\" # loads rules definition text file\n" +"ipv6_ipfilter_rules=\"/etc/ipf6.rules\" # loads rules definition text file for IPv6\n" "ipmon_enable=\"YES\" # Start IP monitor log\n" "ipmon_flags=\"-Ds\" # D = start as daemon\n" " # s = log to syslog\n" @@ -109719,6 +110636,7 @@ msgstr "" "ipfilter_enable=\"YES\" # Start ipf firewall\n" "ipfilter_rules=\"/etc/ipf.rules\" # loads rules definition text file\n" +"ipv6_ipfilter_rules=\"/etc/ipf6.rules\" # loads rules definition text file for IPv6\n" "ipmon_enable=\"YES\" # Start IP monitor log\n" "ipmon_flags=\"-Ds\" # D = start as daemon\n" " # s = log to syslog\n" @@ -109726,7 +110644,7 @@ " # n = map IP & port to names" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60349 +#: book.translate.xml:60827 msgid "" "If NAT functionality is needed, also add these lines:" msgstr "" @@ -109734,7 +110652,7 @@ "estas linhas:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:60352 +#: book.translate.xml:60830 #, no-wrap msgid "" "gateway_enable=\"YES\" # Enable as LAN gateway\n" @@ -109746,18 +110664,18 @@ "ipnat_rules=\"/etc/ipnat.rules\" # rules definition file for ipnat" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60356 +#: book.translate.xml:60834 msgid "Then, to start IPF now:" msgstr "Então, inicie o IPF:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:60358 +#: book.translate.xml:60836 #, no-wrap msgid "# service ipfilter start" msgstr "# service ipfilter start" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60360 +#: book.translate.xml:60838 msgid "" "To load the firewall rules, specify the name of the ruleset file using " "ipf. The following command can be used to replace the " @@ -109768,13 +110686,13 @@ "ser usado para substituir as regras de firewall que está em execução:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:60365 +#: book.translate.xml:60843 #, no-wrap msgid "# ipf -Fa -f /etc/ipf.rules" msgstr "# ipf -Fa -f /etc/ipf.rules" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60367 +#: book.translate.xml:60845 msgid "" "where flushes all the internal rules tables and " " specifies the file containing the rules to load." @@ -109784,7 +110702,7 @@ "carregadas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60371 +#: book.translate.xml:60849 msgid "" "This provides the ability to make changes to a custom ruleset and update the " "running firewall with a fresh copy of the rules without having to reboot the " @@ -109798,7 +110716,7 @@ "forem necessárias." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60377 +#: book.translate.xml:60855 msgid "" "Refer to ipf8 for details on the other flags available with this " @@ -109809,12 +110727,12 @@ "com este comando." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:60382 +#: book.translate.xml:60860 msgid "IPF Rule Syntax" msgstr "Sintaxe de Regras IPF" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:60384 +#: book.translate.xml:60862 msgid "" "IPFILTER rule " "syntax" @@ -109823,7 +110741,7 @@ "syntax" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60390 +#: book.translate.xml:60868 msgid "" "This section describes the IPF rule syntax used " "to create stateful rules. When creating rules, keep in mind that unless the " @@ -109845,7 +110763,7 @@ "/usr/share/examples/ipfilter." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60401 +#: book.translate.xml:60879 msgid "" "When creating rules, a # character is used to mark the " "start of a comment and may appear at the end of a rule, to explain that " @@ -109857,7 +110775,7 @@ "ignoradas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60406 +#: book.translate.xml:60884 msgid "" "The keywords which are used in rules must be written in a specific order, " "from left to right. Some keywords are mandatory while others are optional. " @@ -109875,7 +110793,7 @@ "devem preceder a variável que a segue:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60415 +#: book.translate.xml:60893 msgid "" "ACTION DIRECTION OPTIONS proto PROTO_TYPE from SRC_ADDR " "SRC_PORT to DST_ADDR DST_PORT TCP_FLAG|ICMP_TYPE keep state STATE" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60419 +#: book.translate.xml:60897 msgid "" "This section describes each of these keywords and their options. It is not " "an exhaustive list of every possible option. Refer to " @@ -109903,7 +110821,7 @@ "usar de cada palavra-chave." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60430 +#: book.translate.xml:60908 msgid "" "The action keyword indicates what to do with the packet if it matches that " "rule. Every rule must have an action. The following " @@ -109914,22 +110832,22 @@ "ações são reconhecidas:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60435 +#: book.translate.xml:60913 msgid "block: drops the packet." msgstr "block: descarta o pacote." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60437 +#: book.translate.xml:60915 msgid "pass: allows the packet." msgstr "pass: permite o pacote." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60439 +#: book.translate.xml:60917 msgid "log: generates a log record." msgstr "log: gera um registro de log." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60442 +#: book.translate.xml:60920 msgid "" "count: counts the number of packets and bytes which can " "provide an indication of how often a rule is used." @@ -109938,7 +110856,7 @@ "fornecer uma indicação da frequência com que uma regra é usada." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60446 +#: book.translate.xml:60924 msgid "" "auth: queues the packet for further processing by another " "program." @@ -109947,7 +110865,7 @@ "outro programa." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60449 +#: book.translate.xml:60927 msgid "" "call: provides access to functions built into " "IPF that allow more complex actions." @@ -109956,7 +110874,7 @@ "IPF que permitem ações mais complexas." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60453 +#: book.translate.xml:60931 msgid "" "decapsulate: removes any headers in order to process the " "contents of the packet." @@ -109965,12 +110883,12 @@ "conteúdo do pacote." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:60459 +#: book.translate.xml:60937 msgid "DIRECTION" msgstr "DIRECTION" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60461 +#: book.translate.xml:60939 msgid "" "Next, each rule must explicitly state the direction of traffic using one of " "these keywords:" @@ -109979,22 +110897,22 @@ "usando uma dessas palavras-chave:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60464 +#: book.translate.xml:60942 msgid "in: the rule is applied against an inbound packet." msgstr "in: a regra é aplicada em um pacote de entrada." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60467 +#: book.translate.xml:60945 msgid "out: the rule is applied against an outbound packet." msgstr "out: a regra é aplicada em um pacote de saída." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60470 +#: book.translate.xml:60948 msgid "all: the rule applies to either direction." msgstr "all: a regra se aplica em qualquer direção." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60473 +#: book.translate.xml:60951 msgid "" "If the system has multiple interfaces, the interface can be specified along " "with the direction. An example would be in on fxp0." @@ -110003,7 +110921,7 @@ "junto com a direção. Um exemplo seria in on fxp0." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60482 +#: book.translate.xml:60960 msgid "" "Options are optional. However, if multiple options are specified, they must " "be used in the order shown here." @@ -110012,7 +110930,7 @@ "deverão ser usadas na ordem apresentada aqui." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60486 +#: book.translate.xml:60964 msgid "" "log: when performing the specified ACTION, the contents " "of the packet's headers will be written to the " @@ -110025,7 +110943,7 @@ "citerefentry>." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60491 +#: book.translate.xml:60969 msgid "" "quick: if a packet matches this rule, the ACTION " "specified by the rule occurs and no further processing of any following " @@ -110036,7 +110954,7 @@ "a seguir ocorrerá para este pacote." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60496 +#: book.translate.xml:60974 msgid "" "on: must be followed by the interface name as displayed " "by ifconfig8log keyword, the following qualifiers may " "be used in this order:" @@ -110059,7 +110977,7 @@ "podem ser usados nesta ordem:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60505 +#: book.translate.xml:60983 msgid "" "body: indicates that the first 128 bytes of the packet " "contents will be logged after the headers." @@ -110068,7 +110986,7 @@ "pacote serão registrados após os cabeçalhos." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60509 +#: book.translate.xml:60987 msgid "" "first: if the log keyword is being " "used in conjunction with a keep state option, this option " @@ -110081,7 +110999,7 @@ "todos os pacotes que corresponde à conexão stateful." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60516 +#: book.translate.xml:60994 msgid "" "Additional options are available to specify error return messages. Refer to " "ipf5 para mais detalhes." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:60524 +#: book.translate.xml:61002 msgid "PROTO_TYPE" msgstr "PROTO_TYPE" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60526 +#: book.translate.xml:61004 msgid "" "The protocol type is optional. However, it is mandatory if the rule needs to " "specify a SRC_PORT or a DST_PORT as it defines the type of protocol. When " @@ -110119,12 +111037,12 @@ "essa regra." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:60542 +#: book.translate.xml:61020 msgid "SRC_ADDR" msgstr "SRC_ADDR" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60544 +#: book.translate.xml:61022 msgid "" "The from keyword is mandatory and is followed by a " "keyword which represents the source of the packet. The source can be a " @@ -110141,7 +111059,7 @@ "refentrytitle>5 para exemplos." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60552 +#: book.translate.xml:61030 msgid "" "There is no way to match ranges of IP addresses which do " "not express themselves easily using the dotted numeric form / mask-length " @@ -110158,7 +111076,7 @@ "\"\">" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60566 +#: book.translate.xml:61044 msgid "" "The port number of the source is optional. However, if it is used, it " "requires PROTO_TYPE to be first defined in the rule. The port number must " @@ -110169,7 +111087,7 @@ "também deve ser precedido pela palavra-chave proto." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60571 +#: book.translate.xml:61049 msgid "" "A number of different comparison operators are supported: = (equal to), != (not equal to), <>= (maior que ou igual a)." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60580 +#: book.translate.xml:61058 msgid "" "To specify port ranges, place the two port numbers between <>" " (less than and greater than ), >< " @@ -110196,12 +111114,12 @@ "a e menor que ou igual a)." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:60589 +#: book.translate.xml:61067 msgid "DST_ADDR" msgstr "DST_ADDR" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60591 +#: book.translate.xml:61069 msgid "" "The to keyword is mandatory and is followed by a keyword " "which represents the destination of the packet. Similar to SRC_ADDR, it can " @@ -110216,7 +111134,7 @@ "all." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60603 +#: book.translate.xml:61081 msgid "" "Similar to SRC_PORT, the port number of the destination is optional. " "However, if it is used, it requires PROTO_TYPE to be first defined in the " @@ -110229,12 +111147,12 @@ "proto." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:60612 +#: book.translate.xml:61090 msgid "TCP_FLAG|ICMP_TYPE" msgstr "TCP_FLAG|ICMP_TYPE" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60614 +#: book.translate.xml:61092 msgid "" "If tcp is specified as the PROTO_TYPE, flags can be " "specified as letters, where each letter represents one of the possible " @@ -110253,7 +111171,7 @@ "(CWN), e E (ECN)." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60628 +#: book.translate.xml:61106 msgid "" "If icmp is specified as the PROTO_TYPE, the " "ICMP type to match can be specified. Refer to " @@ -110266,12 +111184,12 @@ "citerefentry> para os tipos permitidos." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:60636 +#: book.translate.xml:61114 msgid "STATE" msgstr "STATE" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60638 +#: book.translate.xml:61116 msgid "" "If a pass rule contains keep state, " "IPF will add an entry to its dynamic state table " @@ -110291,7 +111209,7 @@ "seja um protocolo diferente, será liberado." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60650 +#: book.translate.xml:61128 msgid "" "In IPF, packets destined to go out through the " "interface connected to the public Internet are first checked against the " @@ -110320,7 +111238,7 @@ "verificados no conjunto de regras de entrada." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:60668 +#: book.translate.xml:61146 msgid "" "Several keywords can be added after keep state. If used, " "these keywords set various options that control stateful filtering, such as " @@ -110336,7 +111254,7 @@ "opções disponíveis e suas descrições." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60682 +#: book.translate.xml:61160 msgid "" "This section demonstrates how to create an example ruleset which only allows " "services matching pass rules and blocks all others." @@ -110346,7 +111264,7 @@ "bloqueie todo o resto." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60686 +#: book.translate.xml:61164 msgid "" "FreeBSD uses the loopback interface (lo0) and the " "IP address interface named xl0:" @@ -110402,7 +111320,7 @@ "confiável LAN chamada xl0:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:60712 +#: book.translate.xml:61190 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# no restrictions on inside LAN interface for private network\n" @@ -110414,7 +111332,7 @@ "pass in quick on xl0 all" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60716 +#: book.translate.xml:61194 msgid "" "The rules for the public interface's outbound and inbound sections should " "have the most frequently matched rules placed before less commonly matched " @@ -110427,7 +111345,7 @@ "essa interface e direção." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60722 +#: book.translate.xml:61200 msgid "" "This set of rules defines the outbound section of the public interface named " "dc0. These rules keep state and identify the specific " @@ -110443,7 +111361,7 @@ "quando aplicável, os endereços de destino." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:60730 +#: book.translate.xml:61208 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# interface facing Internet (outbound)\n" @@ -110527,7 +111445,7 @@ "block out log first quick on dc0 all" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60770 +#: book.translate.xml:61248 msgid "" "This example of the rules in the inbound section of the public interface " "blocks all undesirable packets first. This reduces the number of packets " @@ -110538,7 +111456,7 @@ "registrados pela última regra." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:60775 +#: book.translate.xml:61253 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# interface facing Internet (inbound)\n" @@ -110614,7 +111532,7 @@ "block in log first quick on dc0 proto tcp/udp from any to any port = 81" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60811 +#: book.translate.xml:61289 msgid "" "Any time there are logged messages on a rule with the log first option, run ipfstat -hio to evaluate how many " @@ -110627,7 +111545,7 @@ "indicar que o sistema está sob ataque." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60817 +#: book.translate.xml:61295 msgid "" "The rest of the rules in the inbound section define which connections are " "allowed to be initiated from the Internet. The last rule denies all " @@ -110639,7 +111557,7 @@ "não foram explicitamente permitidas pelas regras anteriores desta seção." #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:60822 +#: book.translate.xml:61300 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Allow traffic in from ISP's DHCP server. Replace z.z.z.z with\n" @@ -110663,27 +111581,27 @@ "block in log first quick on dc0 all" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:60834 +#: book.translate.xml:61312 msgid "Configuring NAT" msgstr "Configurando o NAT" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:60838 +#: book.translate.xml:61316 msgid "IP masquerading NAT" msgstr "IP masquerading NAT" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:60844 +#: book.translate.xml:61322 msgid "network address translation NAT" msgstr "network address translation NAT" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:60850 +#: book.translate.xml:61328 msgid "ipnat" msgstr "ipnat" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60852 +#: book.translate.xml:61330 msgid "" "To enable NAT, add these statements to /etc/rc." "conf and specify the name of the file containing the " @@ -110694,7 +111612,7 @@ "as regras de NAT:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:60856 +#: book.translate.xml:61334 #, no-wrap msgid "" "gateway_enable=\"YES\"\n" @@ -110706,7 +111624,7 @@ "ipnat_rules=\"/etc/ipnat.rules\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60860 +#: book.translate.xml:61338 msgid "" "NAT rules are flexible and can accomplish many different " "things to fit the needs of both commercial and home users. The rule syntax " @@ -110723,7 +111641,7 @@ "refentrytitle>5." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60866 +#: book.translate.xml:61344 msgid "" "The basic syntax for a NAT rule is as follows, where " "map starts the rule and IF " @@ -110734,13 +111652,13 @@ "ser substituído pelo nome da interface externa:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:60871 +#: book.translate.xml:61349 #, no-wrap msgid "map IF LAN_IP_RANGE -> PUBLIC_ADDRESS" msgstr "map IF LAN_IP_RANGE -> PUBLIC_ADDRESS" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60873 +#: book.translate.xml:61351 msgid "" "The LAN_IP_RANGE is the range of IP addresses used by internal clients. Usually, it is a private " @@ -110759,7 +111677,7 @@ "acronym> atribuído para IF." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60882 +#: book.translate.xml:61360 msgid "" "In IPF, when a packet arrives at the firewall " "from the LAN with a public destination, it first passes " @@ -110800,7 +111718,7 @@ "processamento adicional." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60905 +#: book.translate.xml:61383 msgid "" "For networks that have large numbers of internal systems or multiple " "subnets, the process of funneling every private IP " @@ -110813,7 +111731,7 @@ "recursos. Dois métodos estão disponíveis para aliviar esse problema." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60911 +#: book.translate.xml:61389 msgid "" "The first method is to assign a range of ports to use as source ports. By " "adding the portmap keyword, NAT can be " @@ -110825,13 +111743,13 @@ "origem no intervalo especificado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:60916 +#: book.translate.xml:61394 #, no-wrap msgid "map dc0 -> 0/32 portmap tcp/udp 20000:60000" msgstr "map dc0 -> 0/32 portmap tcp/udp 20000:60000" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60918 +#: book.translate.xml:61396 msgid "" "Alternately, use the auto keyword which tells " "NAT to determine the ports that are available for use:" @@ -110841,13 +111759,13 @@ "uso:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:60922 +#: book.translate.xml:61400 #, no-wrap msgid "map dc0 -> 0/32 portmap tcp/udp auto" msgstr "map dc0 -> 0/32 portmap tcp/udp auto" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60924 +#: book.translate.xml:61402 msgid "" "The second method is to use a pool of public addresses. This is useful when " "there are too many LAN addresses to fit into a single " @@ -110864,7 +111782,7 @@ "medida que o endereço de um pacote é mapeado ao sair." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60933 +#: book.translate.xml:61411 msgid "" "The range of public IP addresses can be specified using a " "netmask or CIDR notation. These two rules are equivalent:" @@ -110874,7 +111792,7 @@ "duas regras são equivalentes:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:60937 +#: book.translate.xml:61415 #, no-wrap msgid "" "map dc0 ->\n" @@ -110884,7 +111802,7 @@ "map dc0 ->" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60940 +#: book.translate.xml:61418 msgid "" "A common practice is to have a publically accessible web server or mail " "server segregated to an internal network segment. The traffic from these " @@ -110904,13 +111822,13 @@ "systemitem>, use esta regra:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:60949 +#: book.translate.xml:61427 #, no-wrap msgid "rdr dc0 port 80 -> port 80" msgstr "rdr dc0 port 80 -> port 80" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60951 +#: book.translate.xml:61429 msgid "" "If it is the only web server, this rule would also work as it redirects all " "external HTTP requests to" @@ -110920,13 +111838,13 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:60955 +#: book.translate.xml:61433 #, no-wrap msgid "rdr dc0 port 80 -> port 80" msgstr "rdr dc0 port 80 -> port 80" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60957 +#: book.translate.xml:61435 msgid "" "IPF has a built in FTP proxy " "which can be used with NAT. It monitors all outbound " @@ -110944,7 +111862,7 @@ "acronym>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60966 +#: book.translate.xml:61444 msgid "" "In this example, the first rule calls the proxy for outbound FTP traffic from the internal LAN. The second rule " @@ -110959,7 +111877,7 @@ "LAN interna:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:60974 +#: book.translate.xml:61452 #, no-wrap msgid "" "map dc0 -> 0/32 proxy port 21 ftp/tcp\n" @@ -110971,7 +111889,7 @@ "map dc0 -> 0/32" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60978 +#: book.translate.xml:61456 msgid "" "The FTP map rules go before the " "NAT rule so that when a packet matches an FTPNAT se corresponderem à terceira regra." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:60988 +#: book.translate.xml:61466 msgid "" "Without the FTP proxy, the following firewall rules would " "instead be needed. Note that without the proxy, all ports above " @@ -111002,7 +111920,7 @@ "literal> precisam ser permitidas:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:60993 +#: book.translate.xml:61471 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Allow out LAN PC client FTP to public Internet\n" @@ -111026,7 +111944,7 @@ "pass in quick on rl0 proto tcp from any to any port = 20 flags S keep state" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61003 +#: book.translate.xml:61481 msgid "" "Whenever the file containing the NAT rules is edited, run " "ipnat with to delete the current " @@ -111041,35 +111959,35 @@ "do conjunto de regras NAT para carregar:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:61011 +#: book.translate.xml:61489 #, no-wrap msgid "# ipnat -CF -f /etc/ipnat.rules" msgstr "# ipnat -CF -f /etc/ipnat.rules" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61013 +#: book.translate.xml:61491 msgid "To display the NAT statistics:" msgstr "Para exibir as estatísticas de NAT:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:61015 +#: book.translate.xml:61493 #, no-wrap msgid "# ipnat -s" msgstr "# ipnat -s" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61017 +#: book.translate.xml:61495 msgid "To list the NAT table's current mappings:" msgstr "Para listar os mapeamentos atuais da tabela NAT:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:61020 +#: book.translate.xml:61498 #, no-wrap msgid "# ipnat -l" msgstr "# ipnat -l" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61022 +#: book.translate.xml:61500 msgid "" "To turn verbose mode on and display information relating to rule processing " "and active rules and table entries:" @@ -111078,23 +111996,23 @@ "processamento de regras, regras ativas e registros nas tabelas:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:61025 +#: book.translate.xml:61503 #, no-wrap msgid "# ipnat -v" msgstr "# ipnat -v" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:61141 +#: book.translate.xml:61619 msgid "Viewing IPF Statistics" msgstr "Visualizando Estatísticas do IPF" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:61143 +#: book.translate.xml:61621 msgid "ipfstat" msgstr "ipfstat" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:61145 +#: book.translate.xml:61623 msgid "" "IPFILTER " "statistics" @@ -111103,7 +112021,7 @@ "statistics" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61151 +#: book.translate.xml:61629 msgid "" "IPF includes " "ipfstat8ipf -Z." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61160 +#: book.translate.xml:61638 msgid "The default ipfstat output looks like this:" msgstr "A saída padrão do ipfstat é semelhante a esta:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:61163 +#: book.translate.xml:61641 #, no-wrap msgid "" "input packets: blocked 99286 passed 1255609 nomatch 14686 counted 0\n" @@ -111166,7 +112084,7 @@ " Packet log flags set: (0)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61181 +#: book.translate.xml:61659 msgid "" "Several options are available. When supplied with either " "for inbound or for outbound, the command will retrieve " @@ -111183,7 +112101,7 @@ "regras de saída com os números de regra:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:61190 +#: book.translate.xml:61668 #, no-wrap msgid "" "@1 pass out on xl0 from any to any\n" @@ -111195,7 +112113,7 @@ "@3 pass out quick on dc0 proto tcp/udp from any to any keep state" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61194 +#: book.translate.xml:61672 msgid "" "Include to prefix each rule with a count of how many " "times the rule was matched. For example, ipfstat -oh " @@ -111208,7 +112126,7 @@ "com sua contagem de uso:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:61199 +#: book.translate.xml:61677 #, no-wrap msgid "" "2451423 pass out on xl0 from any to any\n" @@ -111220,7 +112138,7 @@ "430918 pass out quick on dc0 proto tcp/udp from any to any keep state" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61203 +#: book.translate.xml:61681 msgid "" "To display the state table in a format similar to " "top18 para detalhes." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:61213 +#: book.translate.xml:61691 msgid "IPF Logging" msgstr "Log do IPF" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:61215 +#: book.translate.xml:61693 msgid "ipmon" msgstr "ipmon" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:61217 +#: book.translate.xml:61695 msgid "" "IPFILTER logging" @@ -111260,7 +112178,7 @@ "secondary>" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61223 +#: book.translate.xml:61701 msgid "" "IPF provides ipmon, which can " "be used to write the firewall's logging information in a human readable " @@ -111275,7 +112193,7 @@ "instruções em ." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61229 +#: book.translate.xml:61707 msgid "" "This command is typically run in daemon mode in order to provide a " "continuous system log file so that logging of past events may be reviewed. " @@ -111293,7 +112211,7 @@ "rc.conf por padrão utiliza :" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:61237 +#: book.translate.xml:61715 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ipmon_flags=\"-Ds\" # D = start as daemon\n" @@ -111307,7 +112225,7 @@ " # n = map IP & port to names" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61242 +#: book.translate.xml:61720 msgid "" "Logging provides the ability to review, after the fact, information such as " "which packets were dropped, what addresses they came from, and where they " @@ -111318,7 +112236,7 @@ "onde estavam indo. Esta informação é útil para rastrear invasores." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61247 +#: book.translate.xml:61725 msgid "" "Once the logging facility is enabled in rc.conf and " "started with service ipmon start, IPFipmon -Ds mode uses local0 " "as the logging facility. The following logging levels can be used to further " @@ -111351,7 +112269,7 @@ "usados para separar ainda mais os dados logados:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:61263 +#: book.translate.xml:61741 #, no-wrap msgid "" "LOG_INFO - packets logged using the \"log\" keyword as the action rather than pass or block.\n" @@ -111365,7 +112283,7 @@ "LOG_ERR - pacotes que foram logados e que podem ser considerados insuficientes devido a um cabeçalho incompleto" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61268 +#: book.translate.xml:61746 msgid "" "In order to setup IPF to log all data to " "/var/log/ipfilter.log, first create the empty file:" @@ -111374,13 +112292,13 @@ "em /var/log/ipfilter.log, primeiro crie o arquivo vazio:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:61272 +#: book.translate.xml:61750 #, no-wrap msgid "# touch /var/log/ipfilter.log" msgstr "# touch /var/log/ipfilter.log" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61274 +#: book.translate.xml:61752 msgid "" "Then, to write all logged messages to the specified file, add the following " "statement to /etc/syslog.conf:" @@ -111389,13 +112307,13 @@ "inclua a seguinte instrução no arquivo /etc/syslog.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:61278 +#: book.translate.xml:61756 #, no-wrap msgid "local0.* /var/log/ipfilter.log" msgstr "local0.* /var/log/ipfilter.log" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61280 +#: book.translate.xml:61758 msgid "" "To activate the changes and instruct syslogd8 to read the modified " @@ -111408,7 +112326,7 @@ "syslogd reload." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61284 +#: book.translate.xml:61762 msgid "" "Do not forget to edit /etc/newsyslog.conf to rotate the " "new log file." @@ -111417,7 +112335,7 @@ "rotacionar o novo arquivo de log." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61288 +#: book.translate.xml:61766 msgid "" "Messages generated by ipmon consist of data fields " "separated by white space. Fields common to all messages are:" @@ -111427,12 +112345,12 @@ "são:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61294 +#: book.translate.xml:61772 msgid "The date of packet receipt." msgstr "A data do recebimento do pacote." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61298 +#: book.translate.xml:61776 msgid "" "The time of packet receipt. This is in the form HH:MM:SS.F, for hours, " "minutes, seconds, and fractions of a second." @@ -111441,18 +112359,18 @@ "horas, minutos, segundos e frações de segundo." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61304 +#: book.translate.xml:61782 msgid "The name of the interface that processed the packet." msgstr "O nome da interface que processou o pacote." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61309 +#: book.translate.xml:61787 msgid "" "The group and rule number of the rule in the format @0:17." msgstr "O grupo e o número da regra no formato @0:17." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61314 +#: book.translate.xml:61792 msgid "" "The action: p for passed, b for " "blocked, S for a short packet, n did " @@ -111464,7 +112382,7 @@ "para uma regra de log." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61321 +#: book.translate.xml:61799 msgid "" "The addresses written as three fields: the source address and port separated " "by a comma, the -> symbol, and the destination address and port. For " @@ -111475,7 +112393,7 @@ "exemplo:,80 ->,1722." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61329 +#: book.translate.xml:61807 msgid "" "PR followed by the protocol name or number: for example, " "PR tcp." @@ -111484,7 +112402,7 @@ "PR tcp." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61334 +#: book.translate.xml:61812 msgid "" "len followed by the header length and total length of the " "packet: for example, len 20 40." @@ -111493,7 +112411,7 @@ "do pacote: por exemplo, len 20 40." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61340 +#: book.translate.xml:61818 msgid "" "If the packet is a TCP packet, there will be an " "additional field starting with a hyphen followed by letters corresponding to " @@ -111508,7 +112426,7 @@ "de letras e suas flags." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61345 +#: book.translate.xml:61823 msgid "" "If the packet is an ICMP packet, there will be two fields " "at the end: the first always being icmp and the next being " @@ -111523,12 +112441,12 @@ "unreachable." #. (itstool) path: sect1/title -#: book.translate.xml:61356 +#: book.translate.xml:61834 msgid "Blacklistd" msgstr "Blacklistd" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:61358 +#: book.translate.xml:61836 msgid "" "Blacklistd is a daemon listening to sockets to receive notifications from " "other daemons about connection attempts that failed or were successful. It " @@ -111538,7 +112456,7 @@ "gain access. Using blacklistd, the daemon can " "notify the firewall to create a filter rule to block excessive connection " "attempts from a single source after a number of tries. Blacklistd was first " -"developed on NetBSD and appeared there in version 7. FreeBSD 11 imported " +"developed on NetBSD and appeared there in version 7. FreeBSD 11 imported " "blacklistd from NetBSD." msgstr "" "O Blacklistd é um daemon que escuta sockets para receber notificações de " @@ -111554,7 +112472,7 @@ "11 importou o blacklistd do NetBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:61372 +#: book.translate.xml:61850 msgid "" "This chapter describes how to set up blacklistd, configure it, and provides " "examples on how to use it. Readers should be familiar with basic firewall " @@ -111569,12 +112487,12 @@ "disponíveis no FreeBSD também devem funcionar com o blacklistd." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:61380 +#: book.translate.xml:61858 msgid "Enabling Blacklistd" msgstr "Habilitando a Blacklistd" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61382 +#: book.translate.xml:61860 msgid "" "The main configuration for blacklistd is stored in " "blacklistd.conf5# sysrc blacklistd_enable=yes" msgstr "# sysrc blacklistd_enable=yes" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61393 +#: book.translate.xml:61871 msgid "To start the service manually, run this command:" msgstr "Para iniciar o serviço manualmente, execute este comando:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:61395 +#: book.translate.xml:61873 #, no-wrap msgid "# service blacklistd start" msgstr "# service blacklistd start" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:61399 +#: book.translate.xml:61877 msgid "Creating a Blacklistd Ruleset" msgstr "Criando um conjunto de regras no Blacklistd" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61401 +#: book.translate.xml:61879 msgid "" "Rules for blacklistd are configured in " "blacklistd.conf5[local] section are treated as " "local rules (which is the default), applying to the local machine. When a " @@ -111670,7 +112588,7 @@ "tratadas como regras de máquina remota." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:61425 +#: book.translate.xml:61903 msgid "" "Seven fields define a rule separated by either tabs or spaces. The first " "four fields identify the traffic that should be blacklisted. The three " @@ -111687,13 +112605,13 @@ "essas são as portas de rede. A sintaxe para o campo local é a seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:61434 +#: book.translate.xml:61912 #, no-wrap msgid "[address|interface][/mask][:port]" msgstr "[address|interface][/mask][:port]" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:61436 +#: book.translate.xml:61914 msgid "" "Adressses can be specified as IPv4 in numeric format or IPv6 in square " "brackets. An interface name like em0 também pode ser usado." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:61441 +#: book.translate.xml:61919 msgid "" "The socket type is defined by the second field. TCP sockets are of type " "stream, whereas UDP is denoted as dgram. O exemplo acima usa TCP, pois o SSH está usando esse protocolo." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:61446 +#: book.translate.xml:61924 msgid "" "A protocol can be used in the third field of a blacklistd rule. The " "following protocols can be used: tcp, udpUID " @@ -111743,7 +112661,7 @@ "acima)." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:61459 +#: book.translate.xml:61937 msgid "" "The packet filter rule name is declared by the fifth field, which starts the " "behavior part of the rule. By default, blacklistd puts all blocks under a pf " @@ -111756,7 +112674,7 @@ "pf.conf assim:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:61465 +#: book.translate.xml:61943 #, no-wrap msgid "" "anchor \"blacklistd/*\" in on $ext_if\n" @@ -111768,7 +112686,7 @@ "pass out" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:61469 +#: book.translate.xml:61947 msgid "" "For separate blacklists, an anchor name can be used in this field. In other " "cases, the wildcard will suffice. When a name starts with a hyphen " @@ -111783,13 +112701,13 @@ "ficaria assim:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:61476 +#: book.translate.xml:61954 #, no-wrap msgid "ssh stream * * -ssh 3 24h" msgstr "ssh stream * * -ssh 3 24h" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:61478 +#: book.translate.xml:61956 msgid "" "With such a rule, any new blacklist rules are added to an anchor called " "blacklistd-ssh." @@ -111798,7 +112716,7 @@ "âncora chamada blacklistd-ssh." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:61481 +#: book.translate.xml:61959 msgid "" "To block whole subnets for a single rule violation, a / " "in the rule name can be used. This causes the remaining portion of the name " @@ -111813,13 +112731,13 @@ "endereços adjacentes a /24." #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:61488 +#: book.translate.xml:61966 #, no-wrap msgid "22 stream tcp * */24 3 24h" msgstr "22 stream tcp * */24 3 24h" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:61491 +#: book.translate.xml:61969 msgid "" "It is important to specify the proper protocol here. IPv4 and IPv6 treat /24 " "differently, that is the reason why * cannot be used in " @@ -111830,7 +112748,7 @@ "usado no terceiro campo para esta regra." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:61497 +#: book.translate.xml:61975 msgid "" "This rule defines that if any one host in that network is misbehaving, " "everything else on that network will be blocked, too." @@ -111839,7 +112757,7 @@ "mal, todo o resto da rede também será bloqueado." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:61501 +#: book.translate.xml:61979 msgid "" "The sixth field, called nfail, sets the number of login " "failures required to blacklist the remote IP in question. When a wildcard is " @@ -111856,7 +112774,7 @@ "application> em uma conexão, o IP é bloqueado." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:61510 +#: book.translate.xml:61988 msgid "" "The last field in a blacklistd rule definition specifies how long a host is " "blacklisted. The default unit is seconds, but suffixes like mSSH will result in a new PF block rule for " @@ -111890,12 +112808,12 @@ "correspondente." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:61529 +#: book.translate.xml:62007 msgid "Remote Rules" msgstr "Regras Remotas" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:61531 +#: book.translate.xml:62009 msgid "" "Remote rules are used to specify how blacklistd changes its behavior " "depending on the remote host currently being evaluated. Each field in a " @@ -111909,7 +112827,7 @@ "regra de exemplo é usada:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:61538 +#: book.translate.xml:62016 #, no-wrap msgid "" "[remote]\n" @@ -111919,7 +112837,7 @@ " * * * =/25 = 48h" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:61541 +#: book.translate.xml:62019 msgid "" "The address field can be an IP address (either v4 or v6), a port or both. " "This allows setting special rules for a specific remote address range like " @@ -111932,7 +112850,7 @@ "proprietário são identicamente interpretados como na regra local." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:61547 +#: book.translate.xml:62025 msgid "" "The name fields is different though: the equal sign (=) " "in a remote rule tells blacklistd to use the value from the matching local " @@ -111956,7 +112874,7 @@ "especificado." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:61559 +#: book.translate.xml:62037 msgid "" "A custom number of failures in the nfail column can be " "defined for an address. This is useful for exceptions to a specific rule, to " @@ -111971,7 +112889,7 @@ "desativado quando um asterisco é usado neste sexto campo." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:61567 +#: book.translate.xml:62045 msgid "" "Remote rules allow a stricter enforcement of limits on attempts to log in " "compared to attempts coming from a local network like an office." @@ -111981,12 +112899,12 @@ "rede local como um escritório." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:61574 +#: book.translate.xml:62052 msgid "Blacklistd Client Configuration" msgstr "Configuração do cliente no Blacklistd" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61576 +#: book.translate.xml:62054 msgid "" "There are a few software packages in FreeBSD that can utilize blacklistd's " "functionality. The two most prominent ones are " @@ -112005,19 +112923,19 @@ "adicione a seguinte linha ao /etc/ssh/sshd_config:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:61583 +#: book.translate.xml:62061 #, no-wrap msgid "UseBlacklist yes" msgstr "UseBlacklist yes" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61585 +#: book.translate.xml:62063 msgid "Restart sshd afterwards to make these changes take effect." msgstr "" "Reinicie o sshd posteriormente para que essas alterações entrem em vigor." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61588 +#: book.translate.xml:62066 msgid "" "Blacklisting for ftpd8 is enabled using " @@ -112030,25 +112948,25 @@ "flag no /etc/rc.conf assim:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:61594 +#: book.translate.xml:62072 #, no-wrap msgid "ftpd_flags=\"-B\"" msgstr "ftpd_flags=\"-B\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61596 +#: book.translate.xml:62074 msgid "That is all that is needed to make these programs talk to blacklistd." msgstr "" "Isso é tudo o que é necessário para que esses programas conversem com o " "blacklistd." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:61601 +#: book.translate.xml:62079 msgid "Blacklistd Management" msgstr "Gerenciamento do Blacklistd" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61603 +#: book.translate.xml:62081 msgid "" "Blacklistd provides the user with a management utility called " "blacklistctl8dump combinado com assim." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:61611 +#: book.translate.xml:62089 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# blacklistctl dump -b\n" @@ -112079,7 +112997,7 @@ " OK 6/3 2019/06/08 14:30:19" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61615 +#: book.translate.xml:62093 msgid "" "This example shows that there were 6 out of three permitted attempts on port " "22 coming from the address range last access da saída." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61625 +#: book.translate.xml:62103 msgid "" "To see the remaining time that this host will be on the blacklist, add " " to the previous command." @@ -112107,7 +113025,7 @@ " ao comando anterior." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:61629 +#: book.translate.xml:62107 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# blacklistctl dump -br\n" @@ -112119,7 +113037,7 @@ " OK 6/3 36s" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61633 +#: book.translate.xml:62111 msgid "" "In this example, there are 36s seconds left until this host will not be " "blocked any more." @@ -112127,12 +113045,12 @@ "Neste exemplo, restam 36 segundos para que este host não seja mais bloqueado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:61638 +#: book.translate.xml:62116 msgid "Removing Hosts from the Block List" msgstr "Removendo hosts da lista de bloqueios" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61640 +#: book.translate.xml:62118 msgid "" "Sometimes it is necessary to remove a host from the block list before the " "remaining time expires. Unfortunately, there is no functionality in " @@ -112162,7 +113080,7 @@ "maneira:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:61656 +#: book.translate.xml:62134 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# pfctl -a blacklistd/22 -t port22 -T show\n" @@ -112176,7 +113094,7 @@ "..." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61661 +#: book.translate.xml:62139 msgid "" "After identifying the address to be unblocked from the list, the following " "command removes it from the list:" @@ -112185,13 +113103,13 @@ "comando o remove da lista:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:61664 +#: book.translate.xml:62142 #, no-wrap msgid "# pfctl -a blacklistd/22 -t port22 -T delete" msgstr "# pfctl -a blacklistd/22 -t port22 -T delete" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61666 +#: book.translate.xml:62144 msgid "" "The address is now removed from PF, but will still show up in the " "blacklistctl list, since it does not know about any changes made in PF. The " @@ -112206,27 +113124,27 @@ "regras de bloqueio no blacklistd novamente." #. (itstool) path: chapter/title -#: book.translate.xml:61684 +#: book.translate.xml:62162 msgid "Advanced Networking" msgstr "Rede Avançada" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:61689 +#: book.translate.xml:62167 msgid "This chapter covers a number of advanced networking topics." msgstr "Este capítulo aborda vários tópicos avançados de rede." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61696 +#: book.translate.xml:62174 msgid "The basics of gateways and routes." msgstr "O básico de gateways e rotas." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61700 +#: book.translate.xml:62178 msgid "How to set up USB tethering." msgstr "Como configurar o USB tethering." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61704 +#: book.translate.xml:62182 msgid "" "How to set up IEEE 802.11 and " "Bluetooth devices." @@ -112235,22 +113153,22 @@ "trademark> 802.11 e Bluetooth." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61709 +#: book.translate.xml:62187 msgid "How to make FreeBSD act as a bridge." msgstr "Como fazer o FreeBSD atuar como uma Bridge." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61713 +#: book.translate.xml:62191 msgid "How to set up network PXE booting." msgstr "Como configurar a inicialização via PXE na rede." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61718 +#: book.translate.xml:62196 msgid "How to set up IPv6 on a FreeBSD machine." msgstr "Como configurar o IPv6 em uma máquina FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61723 +#: book.translate.xml:62201 msgid "" "How to enable and utilize the features of the Common Address Redundancy " "Protocol (CARP) in FreeBSD." @@ -112259,22 +113177,22 @@ "(Common Address Redundancy Protocol) no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61729 +#: book.translate.xml:62207 msgid "How to configure multiple VLANs on FreeBSD." msgstr "Como configurar múltiplas VLANs no FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61734 +#: book.translate.xml:62212 msgid "Configure bluetooth headset." msgstr "Como configurar um fone de ouvido bluetooth." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61742 +#: book.translate.xml:62220 msgid "Understand the basics of the /etc/rc scripts." msgstr "Entender os fundamentos dos scripts /etc/rc." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61751 +#: book.translate.xml:62229 msgid "" "Know how to configure and install a new FreeBSD kernel ()." @@ -112283,12 +113201,12 @@ "\"kernelconfig\"/>)." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:61765 +#: book.translate.xml:62243 msgid "Gateways and Routes" msgstr "Gateways e Rotas" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:61768 +#: book.translate.xml:62246 msgid "" " Coranth Gryphon Contributed by " @@ -112297,22 +113215,22 @@ "personname> Contribuição de" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:61778 +#: book.translate.xml:62256 msgid "routing" msgstr "routing" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:61781 +#: book.translate.xml:62259 msgid "gateway" msgstr "gateway" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:61784 +#: book.translate.xml:62262 msgid "subnet" msgstr "subnet" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:61788 +#: book.translate.xml:62266 msgid "" "Routing is the mechanism that allows a system to find " "the network path to another system. A route is a " @@ -112338,7 +113256,7 @@ "roteamento." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:61802 +#: book.translate.xml:62280 msgid "" "This section provides an overview of routing basics. It then demonstrates " "how to configure a FreeBSD system as a router and offers some " @@ -112349,12 +113267,12 @@ "oferece algumas dicas de solução de problemas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:61807 +#: book.translate.xml:62285 msgid "Routing Basics" msgstr "Fundamentos de roteamento" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61809 +#: book.translate.xml:62287 msgid "" "To view the routing table of a FreeBSD system, use " "netstat1:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:61812 +#: book.translate.xml:62290 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% netstat -r\n" @@ -112399,17 +113317,17 @@ "224 link#1 UC 0 0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61827 +#: book.translate.xml:62305 msgid "The entries in this example are as follows:" msgstr "As entradas neste exemplo são as seguintes:" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:61831 +#: book.translate.xml:62309 msgid "default" msgstr "padrão" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61833 +#: book.translate.xml:62311 msgid "" "The first route in this table specifies the default " "route. When the local system needs to make a connection to a remote host, it " @@ -112424,7 +113342,7 @@ "verificará se pode se conectar usando a interface especificada nessa entrada." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61841 +#: book.translate.xml:62319 msgid "" "If the destination does not match an entry, or if all known paths fail, the " "system uses the entry for the default route. For hosts on a local area " @@ -112441,7 +113359,7 @@ "gateway é utilizável (UG)." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61850 +#: book.translate.xml:62328 msgid "" "The default route for a machine which itself is functioning as the gateway " "to the outside world will be the gateway machine at the Internet Service " @@ -112452,12 +113370,12 @@ "(ISP)." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:61858 +#: book.translate.xml:62336 msgid "localhost" msgstr "localhost" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61860 +#: book.translate.xml:62338 msgid "" "The second route is the localhost route. The interface " "specified in the Netif column for localhost0:e0: are MAC addresses. FreeBSD will automatically " @@ -112503,12 +113421,12 @@ "de caminho mais curto." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:61893 +#: book.translate.xml:62371 msgid "subnet" msgstr "sub-rede" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61895 +#: book.translate.xml:62373 msgid "" "FreeBSD will automatically add subnet routes for the local subnet. In this " "example, is the " @@ -112526,7 +113444,7 @@ "máquina." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61903 +#: book.translate.xml:62381 msgid "" "Local network hosts and local subnets have their routes automatically " "configured by a daemon called routedhost1 line refers to the host by its Ethernet " "address. Since it is the sending host, FreeBSD knows to use the loopback " @@ -112556,7 +113474,7 @@ "loopback (lo0) em vez da interface Ethernet." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61920 +#: book.translate.xml:62398 msgid "" "The two host2 lines represent aliases which were created " "using ifconfig8link#1 para tais rotas." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:61932 +#: book.translate.xml:62410 msgid "224" msgstr "224" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:61934 +#: book.translate.xml:62412 msgid "" "The final line (destination subnet 224) deals with multicasting." @@ -112589,7 +113507,7 @@ "systemitem>) lida com multicasting." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:61940 +#: book.translate.xml:62418 msgid "" "Various attributes of each route can be seen in the Flags " "column. summarizes some of these flags and " @@ -112600,40 +113518,40 @@ "seus significados:" #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:61945 +#: book.translate.xml:62423 msgid "Commonly Seen Routing Table Flags" msgstr "Flags da Tabela de Roteamento Frequentemente Observados" #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: glossdiv/title -#: book.translate.xml:61957 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:62435 book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "U" msgstr "U" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:61958 +#: book.translate.xml:62436 msgid "The route is active (up)." msgstr "A rota está ativa (up)." #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: glossdiv/title -#: book.translate.xml:61962 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:62440 book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "H" msgstr "H" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:61963 +#: book.translate.xml:62441 msgid "The route destination is a single host." msgstr "O destino da rota é um único host." #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: glossdiv/title -#: book.translate.xml:61967 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:62445 book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "G" msgstr "G" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:61968 +#: book.translate.xml:62446 msgid "" "Send anything for this destination on to this gateway, which will figure out " "from there where to send it." @@ -112643,23 +113561,23 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: glossdiv/title -#: book.translate.xml:61974 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:62452 book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "S" msgstr "S" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:61975 +#: book.translate.xml:62453 msgid "This route was statically configured." msgstr "Esta rota foi configurada estaticamente." #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: glossdiv/title -#: book.translate.xml:61979 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:62457 book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "C" msgstr "C" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:61980 +#: book.translate.xml:62458 msgid "" "Clones a new route based upon this route for machines to connect to. This " "type of route is normally used for local networks." @@ -112668,12 +113586,12 @@ "tipo de rota é normalmente usado para redes locais." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:61986 +#: book.translate.xml:62464 msgid "W" msgstr "W" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:61987 +#: book.translate.xml:62465 msgid "" "The route was auto-configured based upon a local area network (clone) route." msgstr "" @@ -112682,17 +113600,17 @@ #. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: glossdiv/title -#: book.translate.xml:61992 book.translate.xml:65535 +#: book.translate.xml:62470 book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "L" msgstr "L" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:61993 +#: book.translate.xml:62471 msgid "Route involves references to Ethernet (link) hardware." msgstr "A rota envolve referências a um hardware Ethernet (link)." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62000 +#: book.translate.xml:62478 msgid "" "On a FreeBSD system, the default route can defined in /etc/rc." "conf by specifying the IP address of the " @@ -112703,13 +113621,13 @@ "padrão:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:62004 +#: book.translate.xml:62482 #, no-wrap msgid "defaultrouter=\"\"" msgstr "defaultrouter=\"\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62006 +#: book.translate.xml:62484 msgid "" "It is also possible to manually add the route using route:" msgstr "" @@ -112717,13 +113635,13 @@ "route:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:62009 +#: book.translate.xml:62487 #, no-wrap msgid "# route add default" msgstr "# route add default" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62011 +#: book.translate.xml:62489 msgid "" "Note that manually added routes will not survive a reboot. For more " "information on manual manipulation of network routing tables, refer to " @@ -112736,12 +113654,12 @@ "refentrytitle>8." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:62018 +#: book.translate.xml:62496 msgid "Configuring a Router with Static Routes" msgstr "Configurando um roteador com rotas estáticas" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:62021 +#: book.translate.xml:62499 msgid "" " Al Hoang Contributed by " @@ -112750,12 +113668,12 @@ "personname> Contribuído por " #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:62032 +#: book.translate.xml:62510 msgid "dual homed hosts" msgstr "dual homed hosts" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62036 +#: book.translate.xml:62514 msgid "" "A FreeBSD system can be configured as the default gateway, or router, for a " "network if it is a dual-homed system. A dual-homed system is a host which " @@ -112772,7 +113690,7 @@ "rede diferente, a uma interface física." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62048 +#: book.translate.xml:62526 msgid "" "In order for the system to forward packets between interfaces, FreeBSD must " "be configured as a router. Internet standards and good engineering practice " @@ -112787,13 +113705,13 @@ "linha ao /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:62055 +#: book.translate.xml:62533 #, no-wrap msgid "gateway_enable=\"YES\" # Set to YES if this host will be a gateway" msgstr "gateway_enable=\"YES\" # Set to YES if this host will be a gateway" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62057 +#: book.translate.xml:62535 msgid "" "To enable routing now, set the sysctl8 variable net." @@ -112807,22 +113725,22 @@ "literal>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:62062 +#: book.translate.xml:62540 msgid "BGP" msgstr "BGP" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:62065 +#: book.translate.xml:62543 msgid "RIP" msgstr "RIP" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:62068 +#: book.translate.xml:62546 msgid "OSPF" msgstr "OSPF" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62072 +#: book.translate.xml:62550 msgid "" "The routing table of a router needs additional routes so it knows how to " "reach other networks. Routes can be either added manually using static " @@ -112838,7 +113756,7 @@ "estático para uma rede pequena." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:62080 +#: book.translate.xml:62558 msgid "" "For large networks, static routes quickly become unscalable. FreeBSD comes " "with the standard BSD routing daemon " @@ -112857,7 +113775,7 @@ "pode ser instalado usando o pacote ou port net/zebra." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62090 +#: book.translate.xml:62568 msgid "Consider the following network:" msgstr "Considere a seguinte rede:" @@ -112866,13 +113784,13 @@ #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. -#: book.translate.xml:62094 +#: book.translate.xml:62572 msgctxt "_" msgid "external ref='advanced-networking/static-routes' md5='__failed__'" msgstr "external ref='advanced-networking/static-routes' md5='__failed__'" #. (itstool) path: textobject/literallayout -#: book.translate.xml:62098 +#: book.translate.xml:62576 #, no-wrap msgid "" "\n" @@ -112924,7 +113842,7 @@ " Internal Net 2" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62124 +#: book.translate.xml:62602 msgid "" "In this scenario, RouterA is a FreeBSD machine that " "is acting as a router to the rest of the Internet. It has a default route " @@ -112941,7 +113859,7 @@ "\"> como seu gateway padrão." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62132 +#: book.translate.xml:62610 msgid "" "Before adding any static routes, the routing table on RouterA looks like this:" @@ -112950,7 +113868,7 @@ "RouterA se parece com:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:62135 +#: book.translate.xml:62613 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% netstat -nr\n" @@ -112974,7 +113892,7 @@ " link#2 UC 0 0 xl1" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62145 +#: book.translate.xml:62623 msgid "" "With the current routing table, RouterA does not " "have a route to the route add -net" msgstr "# route add -net" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62155 +#: book.translate.xml:62633 msgid "" "Now, RouterA can reach any host on the network. However, the " @@ -113011,7 +113929,7 @@ "a ao /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:62161 +#: book.translate.xml:62639 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# Add Internal Net 2 as a persistent static route\n" @@ -113023,7 +113941,7 @@ "route_internalnet2=\"-net\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62165 +#: book.translate.xml:62643 msgid "" "The static_routes configuration variable is a list of " "strings separated by a space, where each string references a route name. The " @@ -113036,7 +113954,7 @@ "literal> contém a rota estática para esse nome de rota." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62171 +#: book.translate.xml:62649 msgid "" "Using more than one string in static_routes creates " "multiple static routes. The following shows an example of adding static " @@ -113049,7 +113967,7 @@ "systemitem> e" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:62178 +#: book.translate.xml:62656 #, no-wrap msgid "" "static_routes=\"net1 net2\"\n" @@ -113061,7 +113979,7 @@ "route_net2=\"-net\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62186 +#: book.translate.xml:62664 msgid "" "When an address space is assigned to a network, the service provider " "configures their routing tables so that all traffic for the network will be " @@ -113074,7 +113992,7 @@ "enviar seus pacotes para a rede do ISP?" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62192 +#: book.translate.xml:62670 msgid "" "There is a system that keeps track of all assigned address spaces and " "defines their point of connection to the Internet backbone, or the main " @@ -113093,7 +114011,7 @@ "determinada rede." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62201 +#: book.translate.xml:62679 msgid "" "It is the task of the service provider to advertise to the backbone sites " "that they are the point of connection, and thus the path inward, for a site. " @@ -113104,7 +114022,7 @@ "conhecido como propagação de rota." #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:62206 +#: book.translate.xml:62684 msgid "" "traceroute8" @@ -113113,7 +114031,7 @@ "refentrytitle>8" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62210 +#: book.translate.xml:62688 msgid "" "Sometimes, there is a problem with route propagation and some sites are " "unable to connect. Perhaps the most useful command for trying to figure out " @@ -113126,7 +114044,7 @@ "útil quando o ping falha." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62216 +#: book.translate.xml:62694 msgid "" "When using traceroute, include the address of the remote " "host to connect to. The output will show the gateway hosts along the path of " @@ -113143,22 +114061,22 @@ "manvolnum>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:62225 +#: book.translate.xml:62703 msgid "Multicast Considerations" msgstr "Considerações sobre Multicast" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:62227 +#: book.translate.xml:62705 msgid "multicast routing" msgstr "multicast routing" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:62230 +#: book.translate.xml:62708 msgid "kernel options MROUTING" msgstr "kernel options MROUTING" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62235 +#: book.translate.xml:62713 msgid "" "FreeBSD natively supports both multicast applications and multicast routing. " "Multicast applications do not require any special configuration in order to " @@ -113172,13 +114090,13 @@ "personalizado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:62241 +#: book.translate.xml:62719 #, no-wrap msgid "options MROUTING" msgstr "options MROUTING" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62243 +#: book.translate.xml:62721 msgid "" "The multicast routing daemon, mrouted can be " "installed using the net/mrouted package or port. This " @@ -113201,7 +114119,7 @@ "exemplos de configuração." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:62256 +#: book.translate.xml:62734 msgid "" "DVMRP has largely been replaced by the PIM protocol in many multicast installations. Refer to " @@ -113214,17 +114132,17 @@ "citerefentry> para obter maiores informações." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:62266 +#: book.translate.xml:62744 msgid "Wireless Networking" msgstr "Rede sem fio" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:62269 +#: book.translate.xml:62747 msgid " Loader " msgstr " Loader " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:62274 +#: book.translate.xml:62752 msgid "" " Marc Fonvieille " @@ -113233,22 +114151,22 @@ "personname>" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:62289 +#: book.translate.xml:62767 msgid "wireless networking" msgstr "wireless networking" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:62292 +#: book.translate.xml:62770 msgid "802.11 wireless networking" msgstr "802.11 wireless networking" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:62298 +#: book.translate.xml:62776 msgid "Wireless Networking Basics" msgstr "Noções básicas sobre redes sem fio" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62300 +#: book.translate.xml:62778 msgid "" "Most wireless networks are based on the IEEE 802.11 standards. A basic wireless network consists of " @@ -113263,7 +114181,7 @@ "mudando para permitir a comunicação nas faixas de 2,3 GHz e 4,9 GHz." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62307 +#: book.translate.xml:62785 msgid "" "802.11 networks are organized in two ways. In infrastructure mode, one station acts as a master with all the other stations " @@ -113288,7 +114206,7 @@ "comumente conhecida como uma rede ad-hoc." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62322 +#: book.translate.xml:62800 msgid "" "802.11 networks were first deployed in the 2.4GHz band using protocols " "defined by the IEEE 802.11 and " @@ -113313,7 +114231,7 @@ "a ser compatível com redes 802.11b." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62335 +#: book.translate.xml:62813 msgid "" "Separate from the underlying transmission techniques, 802.11 networks have a " "variety of security mechanisms. The original 802.11 specifications defined a " @@ -113365,7 +114283,7 @@ "hardware legado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62365 +#: book.translate.xml:62843 msgid "" "The other standard to be aware of is 802.11e. It defines protocols for " "deploying multimedia applications, such as streaming video and voice over IP " @@ -113395,7 +114313,7 @@ "rápido de dados e o fluxo de tráfego priorizado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62382 +#: book.translate.xml:62860 msgid "" "FreeBSD supports networks that operate using 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g. " "The WPA and 802.11i security protocols are likewise " @@ -113412,7 +114330,7 @@ "limitado de dispositivos sem fio." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62394 +#: book.translate.xml:62872 msgid "" "Connecting a computer to an existing wireless network is a very common " "situation. This procedure shows the steps required." @@ -113421,7 +114339,7 @@ "comum. Este procedimento mostra as etapas necessárias." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:62400 +#: book.translate.xml:62878 msgid "" "Obtain the SSID (Service Set Identifier) and " "PSK (Pre-Shared Key) for the wireless network from the " @@ -113432,7 +114350,7 @@ "administrador da rede." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:62407 +#: book.translate.xml:62885 msgid "" "Identify the wireless adapter. The FreeBSD GENERIC " "kernel includes drivers for many common wireless adapters. If the wireless " @@ -113447,24 +114365,24 @@ "manvolnum>:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:62413 +#: book.translate.xml:62891 #, no-wrap msgid "% ifconfig | grep -B3 -i wireless" msgstr "% ifconfig | grep -B3 -i wireless" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:62415 -msgid "On FreeBSD 11 or higher, use this command instead:" +#: book.translate.xml:62893 +msgid "On FreeBSD 11 or higher, use this command instead:" msgstr "No FreeBSD 11 ou superior, use este comando:" #. (itstool) path: step/screen -#: book.translate.xml:62418 +#: book.translate.xml:62896 #, no-wrap msgid "% sysctl net.wlan.devices" msgstr "% sysctl net.wlan.devices" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:62420 +#: book.translate.xml:62898 msgid "" "If a wireless adapter is not listed, an additional kernel module might be " "required, or it might be a model not supported by FreeBSD." @@ -113473,14 +114391,14 @@ "pode ser necessário, ou pode ser um modelo não suportado pelo FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:62426 +#: book.translate.xml:62904 msgid "" "This example shows the Atheros ath0 wireless adapter." msgstr "" "Este exemplo mostra o adaptador wireless Atheros ath0." #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:62431 +#: book.translate.xml:62909 msgid "" "Add an entry for this network to /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf. If the file does not exist, create it. Replace " @@ -113494,7 +114412,7 @@ "e PSK fornecidos pelo administrador da rede." #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:62439 +#: book.translate.xml:62917 #, no-wrap msgid "" "network={\n" @@ -113508,7 +114426,7 @@ "}" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:62446 +#: book.translate.xml:62924 msgid "" "Add entries to /etc/rc.conf to configure the network on " "startup:" @@ -113517,7 +114435,7 @@ "rede na inicialização:" #. (itstool) path: step/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:62449 +#: book.translate.xml:62927 #, no-wrap msgid "" "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n" @@ -113527,7 +114445,7 @@ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"WPA SYNCDHCP\"" #. (itstool) path: step/para -#: book.translate.xml:62454 +#: book.translate.xml:62932 msgid "" "Restart the computer, or restart the network service to connect to the " "network:" @@ -113535,12 +114453,12 @@ "Reinicie o computador ou reinicie o serviço de rede para conectar-se à rede:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:62463 +#: book.translate.xml:62941 msgid "Basic Setup" msgstr "Configuração básica" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:62468 +#: book.translate.xml:62946 msgid "" "To use wireless networking, a wireless networking card is needed and the " "kernel needs to be configured with the appropriate wireless networking " @@ -113553,7 +114471,7 @@ "configurado." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:62474 +#: book.translate.xml:62952 msgid "" "The most commonly used wireless devices are those that use parts made by " "Atheros. These devices are supported by ath :" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:62480 +#: book.translate.xml:62958 #, no-wrap msgid "if_ath_load=\"YES\"" msgstr "if_ath_load=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:62482 +#: book.translate.xml:62960 msgid "" "The Atheros driver is split up into three separate pieces: the driver " "(ath44):" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:62493 +#: book.translate.xml:62971 #, no-wrap msgid "if_wi_load=\"YES\"" msgstr "if_wi_load=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:62496 +#: book.translate.xml:62974 msgid "" "The examples in this section use an ath4 device and the device " @@ -113630,7 +114548,7 @@ "NDIS." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:62509 +#: book.translate.xml:62987 msgid "" "In addition, the modules that implement cryptographic support for the " "security protocols to use must be loaded. These are intended to be " @@ -113672,7 +114590,7 @@ "loader.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:62522 +#: book.translate.xml:63000 #, no-wrap msgid "" "wlan_wep_load=\"YES\"\n" @@ -113684,7 +114602,7 @@ "wlan_tkip_load=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:62526 +#: book.translate.xml:63004 msgid "" "Once this information has been added to /boot/loader.conf, reboot the FreeBSD box. Alternately, load the modules by hand " @@ -113697,7 +114615,7 @@ "refentrytitle>8." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:62532 +#: book.translate.xml:63010 msgid "" "For users who do not want to use modules, it is possible to compile these " "drivers into the kernel by adding the following lines to a custom kernel " @@ -113708,7 +114626,7 @@ "kernel personalizado:" #. (itstool) path: note/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:62537 +#: book.translate.xml:63015 #, no-wrap msgid "" "device wlan # 802.11 support\n" @@ -113732,7 +114650,7 @@ "device ath_rate_sample # SampleRate tx rate control for ath" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:62547 +#: book.translate.xml:63025 msgid "" "With this information in the kernel configuration file, recompile the kernel " "and reboot the FreeBSD machine." @@ -113741,7 +114659,7 @@ "e reinicie a máquina do FreeBSD." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:62552 +#: book.translate.xml:63030 msgid "" "Information about the wireless device should appear in the boot messages, " "like this:" @@ -113750,7 +114668,7 @@ "inicialização, assim:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:62555 +#: book.translate.xml:63033 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ath0: <Atheros 5212> mem 0x88000000-0x8800ffff irq 11 at device 0.0 on cardbus1\n" @@ -113762,12 +114680,12 @@ "ath0: AR2413 mac 7.9 RF2413 phy 4.5" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:62561 +#: book.translate.xml:63039 msgid "Setting the Correct Region" msgstr "Definindo a Região Correta" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:62563 +#: book.translate.xml:63041 msgid "" "Since the regulatory situation is different in various parts of the world, " "it is necessary to correctly set the domains that apply to your location to " @@ -113778,7 +114696,7 @@ "para obter as informações corretas sobre quais canais podem ser usados." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:62569 +#: book.translate.xml:63047 msgid "" "The available region definitions can be found in /etc/regdomain." "xml. To set the data at runtime, use ifconfig:" @@ -113788,31 +114706,31 @@ "ifconfig:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:62573 +#: book.translate.xml:63051 #, no-wrap msgid "# ifconfig wlan0 regdomain ETSI country AT" msgstr "# ifconfig wlan0 regdomain ETSI country AT" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:62575 +#: book.translate.xml:63053 msgid "To persist the settings, add it to /etc/rc.conf:" msgstr "" "Para persistir as configurações, adicione-o ao /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:62578 +#: book.translate.xml:63056 #, no-wrap msgid "# sysrc create_args_wlan0=\"country AT regdomain ETSI\"" msgstr "# sysrc create_args_wlan0=\"country AT regdomain ETSI\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:62583 +#: book.translate.xml:63061 msgid "Infrastructure Mode" msgstr "Modo de Infraestrutura" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:62585 +#: book.translate.xml:63063 msgid "" "Infrastructure (BSS) mode is the mode that is typically " "used. In this mode, a number of wireless access points are connected to a " @@ -113826,17 +114744,17 @@ "acronym>. Os clientes sem fio se conectam aos pontos de acesso sem fio." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:62593 +#: book.translate.xml:63071 msgid "FreeBSD Clients" msgstr "Clientes do FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: sect4/title -#: book.translate.xml:62596 +#: book.translate.xml:63074 msgid "How to Find Access Points" msgstr "Como encontrar pontos de acesso" #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:62598 +#: book.translate.xml:63076 msgid "" "To scan for available networks, use ifconfig8. This request may take " @@ -113851,7 +114769,7 @@ "disponíveis. Apenas o superusuário pode iniciar uma varredura:" #. (itstool) path: sect4/screen -#: book.translate.xml:62604 +#: book.translate.xml:63082 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0\n" @@ -113867,7 +114785,7 @@ "freebsdap 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac 1 54M -83:96 100 EPS WPA" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:62611 +#: book.translate.xml:63089 msgid "" "The interface must be before it can scan. Subsequent " "scan requests do not require the interface to be marked as up again." @@ -113877,7 +114795,7 @@ "como up novamente." #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:62616 +#: book.translate.xml:63094 msgid "" "The output of a scan request lists each BSS/" "IBSS network found. Besides listing the name of the " @@ -113894,22 +114812,22 @@ "estações que operam lá:" #. (itstool) path: table/title -#: book.translate.xml:62627 +#: book.translate.xml:63105 msgid "Station Capability Codes" msgstr "Códigos de capacidade da estação" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:62632 +#: book.translate.xml:63110 msgid "Capability Code" msgstr "Código de capacidade" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:62639 +#: book.translate.xml:63117 msgid "E" msgstr "E" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:62640 +#: book.translate.xml:63118 msgid "" "Extended Service Set (ESS). Indicates that the station is " "part of an infrastructure network rather than an IBSS/ad-" @@ -113920,12 +114838,12 @@ "IBSS/ad-hoc." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:62648 +#: book.translate.xml:63126 msgid "I" msgstr "I" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:62649 +#: book.translate.xml:63127 msgid "" "IBSS/ad-hoc network. Indicates that the station is part " "of an ad-hoc network rather than an ESS network." @@ -113934,12 +114852,12 @@ "rede ad-hoc em vez de uma rede ESS." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:62656 +#: book.translate.xml:63134 msgid "P" msgstr "P" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:62657 +#: book.translate.xml:63135 msgid "" "Privacy. Encryption is required for all data frames exchanged within the " "BSS using cryptographic means such as WEP-CCMP." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:62666 +#: book.translate.xml:63144 msgid "S" msgstr "S" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:62667 +#: book.translate.xml:63145 msgid "" "Short Preamble. Indicates that the network is using short preambles, defined " "in 802.11b High Rate/DSSS PHY, and utilizes a 56 bit sync field rather than " @@ -113968,12 +114886,12 @@ "bits em vez do campo de 128 bits usado no modo de preâmbulo longo." #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:62675 +#: book.translate.xml:63153 msgid "s" msgstr "s" #. (itstool) path: row/entry -#: book.translate.xml:62676 +#: book.translate.xml:63154 msgid "" "Short slot time. Indicates that the 802.11g network is using a short slot " "time because there are no legacy (802.11b) stations present." @@ -113982,18 +114900,18 @@ "curto porque não há estações legadas (802.11b) presentes." #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:62684 +#: book.translate.xml:63162 msgid "One can also display the current list of known networks with:" msgstr "Pode-se também exibir a lista atual de redes conhecidas com:" #. (itstool) path: sect4/screen -#: book.translate.xml:62687 +#: book.translate.xml:63165 #, no-wrap msgid "# ifconfig wlan0 list scan" msgstr "# ifconfig wlan0 list scan" #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:62689 +#: book.translate.xml:63167 msgid "" "This information may be updated automatically by the adapter or manually " "with a request. Old data is automatically removed from " @@ -114006,12 +114924,12 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect4/title #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:62697 book.translate.xml:63525 +#: book.translate.xml:63175 book.translate.xml:64003 msgid "Basic Settings" msgstr "Configurações básicas" #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:62699 +#: book.translate.xml:63177 msgid "" "This section provides a simple example of how to make the wireless network " "adapter work in FreeBSD without encryption. Once familiar with these " @@ -114024,7 +114942,7 @@ "wireless-wpa\">WPA para configurar a rede sem fio." #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:62705 +#: book.translate.xml:63183 msgid "" "There are three basic steps to configure a wireless network: select an " "access point, authenticate the station, and configure an IP. As seções a seguir discutem cada etapa." #. (itstool) path: sect5/title -#: book.translate.xml:62711 +#: book.translate.xml:63189 msgid "Selecting an Access Point" msgstr "Selecionando um ponto de acesso" #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:62713 +#: book.translate.xml:63191 msgid "" "Most of the time, it is sufficient to let the system choose an access point " "using the builtin heuristics. This is the default behavior when an interface " @@ -114052,7 +114970,7 @@ "filename>:" #. (itstool) path: sect5/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:62719 book.translate.xml:62819 +#: book.translate.xml:63197 book.translate.xml:63297 #, no-wrap msgid "" "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n" @@ -114062,7 +114980,7 @@ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"DHCP\"" #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:62722 +#: book.translate.xml:63200 msgid "" "If there are multiple access points, a specific one can be selected by its " "SSID:" @@ -114071,7 +114989,7 @@ "seu SSID:" #. (itstool) path: sect5/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:62726 +#: book.translate.xml:63204 #, no-wrap msgid "" "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n" @@ -114081,7 +114999,7 @@ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"ssid your_ssid_here DHCP\"" #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:62729 +#: book.translate.xml:63207 msgid "" "In an environment where there are multiple access points with the same " "SSID, which is often done to simplify roaming, it may be " @@ -114096,7 +115014,7 @@ "sem o SSID:" #. (itstool) path: sect5/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:62737 +#: book.translate.xml:63215 #, no-wrap msgid "" "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n" @@ -114106,7 +115024,7 @@ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"ssid your_ssid_here bssid xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx DHCP\"" #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:62740 +#: book.translate.xml:63218 msgid "" "There are other ways to constrain the choice of an access point, such as " "limiting the set of frequencies the system will scan on. This may be useful " @@ -114121,7 +115039,7 @@ "banda específica, use o parâmetro :" #. (itstool) path: sect5/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:62748 +#: book.translate.xml:63226 #, no-wrap msgid "" "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n" @@ -114131,7 +115049,7 @@ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"mode 11g ssid your_ssid_here DHCP\"" #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:62751 +#: book.translate.xml:63229 msgid "" "This example will force the card to operate in 802.11g, which is defined " "only for 2.4GHz frequencies so any 5GHz channels will not be considered. " @@ -114152,7 +115070,7 @@ "refentrytitle>8." #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:62765 +#: book.translate.xml:63243 msgid "" "Once an access point is selected, the station needs to authenticate before " "it can pass data. Authentication can happen in several ways. The most common " @@ -114180,7 +115098,7 @@ "linkend=\"network-wireless-wpa-wpa-psk\"/>." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:62782 +#: book.translate.xml:63260 msgid "" "If using an Apple AirPort Extreme base station for an access " @@ -114201,7 +115119,7 @@ "\"registered\">AirPort, o acesso pode ser configurado com:" #. (itstool) path: note/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:62790 +#: book.translate.xml:63268 #, no-wrap msgid "" "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n" @@ -114211,7 +115129,7 @@ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"authmode shared wepmode on weptxkey 1 wepkey 01234567 DHCP\"" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:62793 +#: book.translate.xml:63271 msgid "" "In general, shared key authentication should be avoided because it uses the " "WEP key material in a highly-constrained manner, making " @@ -114230,12 +115148,12 @@ "encontradas em ." #. (itstool) path: sect5/title -#: book.translate.xml:62806 +#: book.translate.xml:63284 msgid "Getting an IP Address with DHCP" msgstr "Obtendo um endereço IP com DHCP" #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:62809 +#: book.translate.xml:63287 msgid "" "Once an access point is selected and the authentication parameters are set, " "an IP address must be obtained in order to communicate. " @@ -114252,18 +115170,18 @@ "dispositivo:" #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:62822 +#: book.translate.xml:63300 msgid "The wireless interface is now ready to bring up:" msgstr "A interface sem fio está agora pronta para subir:" #. (itstool) path: sect5/screen -#: book.translate.xml:62825 +#: book.translate.xml:63303 #, no-wrap msgid "# service netif start" msgstr "# service netif start" #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:62827 +#: book.translate.xml:63305 msgid "" "Once the interface is running, use ifconfig8 to see the status of " @@ -114275,7 +115193,7 @@ "filename>:" #. (itstool) path: sect5/screen -#: book.translate.xml:62831 +#: book.translate.xml:63309 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig wlan0\n" @@ -114301,7 +115219,7 @@ " roam:rate 5 protmode CTS wme burst" #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:62842 +#: book.translate.xml:63320 msgid "" "The status: associated line means that it is connected to " "the wireless network. The bssid 00:13:46:49:41:76 is the " @@ -114314,12 +115232,12 @@ "literal> indica que a comunicação é não criptografada." #. (itstool) path: sect5/title -#: book.translate.xml:62851 +#: book.translate.xml:63329 msgid "Static IP Address" msgstr "Endereço IP estático" #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:62853 +#: book.translate.xml:63331 msgid "" "If an IP address cannot be obtained from a DHCP server, set a fixed IP address. Replace the " @@ -114333,7 +115251,7 @@ "para selecionar o ponto de acesso:" #. (itstool) path: sect5/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:62860 +#: book.translate.xml:63338 #, no-wrap msgid "" "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n" @@ -114343,12 +115261,12 @@ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"inet netmask ssid your_ssid_here\"" #. (itstool) path: sect4/title -#: book.translate.xml:62866 +#: book.translate.xml:63344 msgid "WPA" msgstr "WPA" #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:62868 +#: book.translate.xml:63346 msgid "" "Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is a security protocol used " "together with 802.11 networks to address the lack of proper authentication " @@ -114386,7 +115304,7 @@ "RSN é comumente usado." #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:62891 +#: book.translate.xml:63369 msgid "" "WPA defines authentication and encryption protocols. " "Authentication is most commonly done using one of two techniques: by 802.1X " @@ -114410,7 +115328,7 @@ "WPA ." #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:62905 +#: book.translate.xml:63383 msgid "" "The control of the wireless connection and the key negotiation or " "authentication with a server is done using " @@ -114430,12 +115348,12 @@ "refentrytitle>5." #. (itstool) path: sect5/title -#: book.translate.xml:62914 +#: book.translate.xml:63392 msgid "WPA-PSK" msgstr "WPA-PSK" #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:62916 +#: book.translate.xml:63394 msgid "" "WPA-PSK, also known as WPA Personal, " "is based on a pre-shared key (PSK) which is generated " @@ -114452,7 +115370,7 @@ "o uso de um servidor de autenticação não é possível ou desejado." #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:62927 +#: book.translate.xml:63405 msgid "" "Always use strong passwords that are sufficiently long and made from a rich " "alphabet so that they will not be easily guessed or attacked." @@ -114461,7 +115379,7 @@ "alfabeto rico para que elas não sejam facilmente adivinhadas ou atacadas." #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:62932 +#: book.translate.xml:63410 msgid "" "The first step is the configuration of /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf with the SSID and the pre-shared key of the " @@ -114471,7 +115389,7 @@ "filename> com o SSID e a chave pré-compartilhada da rede:" #. (itstool) path: sect5/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:62937 +#: book.translate.xml:63415 #, no-wrap msgid "" "network={\n" @@ -114485,7 +115403,7 @@ "}" #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:62942 +#: book.translate.xml:63420 msgid "" "Then, in /etc/rc.conf, indicate that the wireless " "device configuration will be done with WPA and the " @@ -114496,8 +115414,8 @@ "IP será obtido com o DHCP:" #. (itstool) path: sect5/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:62948 book.translate.xml:63148 book.translate.xml:63242 -#: book.translate.xml:63366 +#: book.translate.xml:63426 book.translate.xml:63626 book.translate.xml:63720 +#: book.translate.xml:63844 #, no-wrap msgid "" "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n" @@ -114507,12 +115425,12 @@ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"WPA DHCP\"" #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:62951 book.translate.xml:63369 +#: book.translate.xml:63429 book.translate.xml:63847 msgid "Then, bring up the interface:" msgstr "Então, suba a interface:" #. (itstool) path: sect5/screen -#: book.translate.xml:62953 +#: book.translate.xml:63431 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# service netif start\n" @@ -114554,7 +115472,7 @@ " wme burst roaming MANUAL" #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:62972 +#: book.translate.xml:63450 msgid "" "Or, try to configure the interface manually using the information in " "/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf:" @@ -114563,7 +115481,7 @@ "/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect5/screen -#: book.translate.xml:62976 +#: book.translate.xml:63454 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf\n" @@ -114579,7 +115497,7 @@ "CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac completed (auth) [id=0 id_str=]" #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:62982 +#: book.translate.xml:63460 msgid "" "The next operation is to launch dhclient8 to get the " @@ -114590,7 +115508,7 @@ "IP do servidor DHCP:" #. (itstool) path: sect5/screen -#: book.translate.xml:62986 +#: book.translate.xml:63464 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# dhclient wlan0\n" @@ -114626,7 +115544,7 @@ " wme burst roaming MANUAL" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:63003 +#: book.translate.xml:63481 msgid "" "If /etc/rc.conf has an ifconfig_wlan0=\"DHCP" "\" entry, dhclient associar-se ao ponto de acesso." #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:63010 +#: book.translate.xml:63488 msgid "" "If DHCP is not possible or desired, set a static " "IP address after " @@ -114656,7 +115574,7 @@ "manvolnum> autenticar a estação:" #. (itstool) path: sect5/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63015 +#: book.translate.xml:63493 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask\n" @@ -114686,7 +115604,7 @@ " wme burst roaming MANUAL" #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:63028 +#: book.translate.xml:63506 msgid "" "When DHCP is not used, the default gateway and the " "nameserver also have to be manually set:" @@ -114695,7 +115613,7 @@ "de nomes também precisam ser definidos manualmente:" #. (itstool) path: sect5/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63032 +#: book.translate.xml:63510 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# route add default your_default_router\n" @@ -114705,12 +115623,12 @@ "# echo \"nameserver your_DNS_server\" >> /etc/resolv.conf" #. (itstool) path: sect5/title -#: book.translate.xml:63037 +#: book.translate.xml:63515 msgid "WPA with EAP-TLS" msgstr "WPA com EAP-TLS" #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:63040 +#: book.translate.xml:63518 msgid "" "The second way to use WPA is with an 802.1X backend " "authentication server. In this case, WPA is called " @@ -114727,7 +115645,7 @@ "(EAP)." #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:63049 +#: book.translate.xml:63527 msgid "" "EAP does not come with an encryption method. Instead, " "EAP is embedded inside an encrypted tunnel. There are " @@ -114742,7 +115660,7 @@ "o EAP-PEAP são os mais comum." #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:63057 +#: book.translate.xml:63535 msgid "" "EAP with Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS) is a well-" "supported wireless authentication protocol since it was the first " @@ -114769,7 +115687,7 @@ "certificados foram assinados pela CA da organização." #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:63074 +#: book.translate.xml:63552 msgid "" "As previously, the configuration is done via /etc/wpa_supplicant." "conf:" @@ -114778,7 +115696,7 @@ "wpa_supplicant.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect5/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:63077 +#: book.translate.xml:63555 #, no-wrap msgid "" "network={\n" @@ -114806,12 +115724,12 @@ "}" #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63091 +#: book.translate.xml:63569 msgid "This field indicates the network name (SSID)." msgstr "Este campo indica o nome da rede (SSID)." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63096 +#: book.translate.xml:63574 msgid "" "This example uses the RSN IEEE 802.11i protocol, also known as WPA2." @@ -114821,7 +115739,7 @@ "acronym>." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63102 +#: book.translate.xml:63580 msgid "" "The key_mgmt line refers to the key management protocol " "to use. In this example, it is WPA using EAPEAP." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63109 +#: book.translate.xml:63587 msgid "" "This field indicates the EAP method for the connection." msgstr "Este campo indica o método EAP para a conexão." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63114 +#: book.translate.xml:63592 msgid "" "The identity field contains the identity string for " "EAP." @@ -114847,7 +115765,7 @@ "EAP." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63120 book.translate.xml:63223 book.translate.xml:63336 +#: book.translate.xml:63598 book.translate.xml:63701 book.translate.xml:63814 msgid "" "The ca_cert field indicates the pathname of the " "CA certificate file. This file is needed to verify the " @@ -114858,7 +115776,7 @@ "o certificado do servidor." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63127 +#: book.translate.xml:63605 msgid "" "The client_cert line gives the pathname to the client " "certificate file. This certificate is unique to each wireless client of the " @@ -114869,7 +115787,7 @@ "cliente sem fio da rede." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63134 +#: book.translate.xml:63612 msgid "" "The private_key field is the pathname to the client " "certificate private key file." @@ -114878,7 +115796,7 @@ "chave privada do certificado do cliente." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63140 +#: book.translate.xml:63618 msgid "" "The private_key_passwd field contains the passphrase for " "the private key." @@ -114887,19 +115805,19 @@ "chave privada." #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:63145 +#: book.translate.xml:63623 msgid "Then, add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf:" msgstr "" "Em seguida, adicione as seguintes linhas ao /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:63151 book.translate.xml:63245 +#: book.translate.xml:63629 book.translate.xml:63723 msgid "The next step is to bring up the interface:" msgstr "O próximo passo é subir a interface:" #. (itstool) path: sect5/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63153 +#: book.translate.xml:63631 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# service netif start\n" @@ -114937,7 +115855,7 @@ " wme burst roaming MANUAL" #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:63170 +#: book.translate.xml:63648 msgid "" "It is also possible to bring up the interface manually using " "wpa_supplicant88." #. (itstool) path: sect5/title -#: book.translate.xml:63176 +#: book.translate.xml:63654 msgid "WPA with EAP-TTLS" msgstr "WPA com EAP-TTLS" #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:63179 +#: book.translate.xml:63657 msgid "" "With EAP-TLS, both the authentication server and the " "client need a certificate. With EAP-TTLS, a client " @@ -114973,7 +115891,7 @@ "dos dados de autenticação." #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:63189 +#: book.translate.xml:63667 msgid "" "The required configuration can be added to /etc/wpa_supplicant." "conf:" @@ -114982,7 +115900,7 @@ "wpa_supplicant.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect5/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:63192 +#: book.translate.xml:63670 #, no-wrap msgid "" "network={\n" @@ -115008,13 +115926,13 @@ "}" #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63205 book.translate.xml:63318 +#: book.translate.xml:63683 book.translate.xml:63796 msgid "" "This field specifies the EAP method for the connection." msgstr "Este campo especifica o método EAP para a conexão." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63210 book.translate.xml:63323 +#: book.translate.xml:63688 book.translate.xml:63801 msgid "" "The identity field contains the identity string for " "EAP authentication inside the encrypted TLSpassword field contains the passphrase for the " "EAP authentication." @@ -115034,7 +115952,7 @@ "EAP." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63230 +#: book.translate.xml:63708 msgid "" "This field specifies the authentication method used in the encrypted " "TLS tunnel. In this example, EAP with " @@ -115047,14 +115965,14 @@ "chamada de phase2." #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:63239 +#: book.translate.xml:63717 msgid "Next, add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf:" msgstr "" "Em seguida, adicione as seguintes linhas ao /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect5/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63247 book.translate.xml:63371 +#: book.translate.xml:63725 book.translate.xml:63849 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# service netif start\n" @@ -115094,12 +116012,12 @@ " wme burst roaming MANUAL" #. (itstool) path: sect5/title -#: book.translate.xml:63267 +#: book.translate.xml:63745 msgid "WPA with EAP-PEAP" msgstr "WPA com EAP-PEAP" #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:63271 +#: book.translate.xml:63749 msgid "" "PEAPv0/EAP-MSCHAPv2 is the most common PEAP method. In this chapter, the term PEAP is used " @@ -115110,7 +116028,7 @@ "referir a esse método." #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:63277 +#: book.translate.xml:63755 msgid "" "Protected EAP (PEAP) is designed as an alternative to " "EAP-TTLS and is the most used EAP " @@ -115125,7 +116043,7 @@ "suportado após o EAP-TLS." #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:63285 +#: book.translate.xml:63763 msgid "" "PEAP is similar to EAP-TTLS as it uses " "a server-side certificate to authenticate clients by creating an encrypted " @@ -115148,7 +116066,7 @@ "de usuário e para a senha." #. (itstool) path: sect5/para -#: book.translate.xml:63299 +#: book.translate.xml:63777 msgid "" "Add the following lines to /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf to " "configure the EAP-PEAP related settings:" @@ -115158,7 +116076,7 @@ "acronym>:" #. (itstool) path: sect5/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:63304 +#: book.translate.xml:63782 #, no-wrap msgid "" "network={\n" @@ -115186,7 +116104,7 @@ "}" #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63343 +#: book.translate.xml:63821 msgid "" "This field contains the parameters for the first phase of authentication, " "the TLS tunnel. According to the authentication server " @@ -115205,7 +116123,7 @@ "refentrytitle>5." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63355 +#: book.translate.xml:63833 msgid "" "This field specifies the authentication protocol used in the encrypted " "TLS tunnel. In the case of PEAP, it is " @@ -115216,12 +116134,12 @@ "auth=MSCHAPV2." #. (itstool) path: sect4/title -#: book.translate.xml:63392 +#: book.translate.xml:63870 msgid "WEP" msgstr "WEP" #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:63394 +#: book.translate.xml:63872 msgid "" "Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is part of the original " "802.11 standard. There is no authentication mechanism, only a weak form of " @@ -115232,7 +116150,7 @@ "fraca de controle de acesso que é facilmente quebrada." #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:63399 +#: book.translate.xml:63877 msgid "" "WEP can be set up using " "ifconfig8:" #. (itstool) path: sect4/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63402 +#: book.translate.xml:63880 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0\n" @@ -115255,7 +116173,7 @@ "\t ssid my_net wepmode on weptxkey 3 wepkey 3:0x3456789012" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:63409 +#: book.translate.xml:63887 msgid "" "The weptxkey specifies which WEP key " "will be used in the transmission. This example uses the third key. This must " @@ -115269,7 +116187,7 @@ "primeira chave) para esse valor." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:63419 +#: book.translate.xml:63897 msgid "" "The wepkey selects one of the WEP " "keys. It should be in the format index:key. Key " @@ -115282,7 +116200,7 @@ "usar uma chave diferente da primeira." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:63427 +#: book.translate.xml:63905 msgid "" "Replace the 0x3456789012 with the key configured for use " "on the access point." @@ -115291,7 +116209,7 @@ "no ponto de acesso." #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:63434 +#: book.translate.xml:63912 msgid "" "Refer to ifconfig8 for further information." @@ -115301,7 +116219,7 @@ "informações." #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:63437 +#: book.translate.xml:63915 msgid "" "The wpa_supplicant8 facility can be used to configure a wireless " @@ -115315,7 +116233,7 @@ "wpa_supplicant.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect4/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:63443 +#: book.translate.xml:63921 #, no-wrap msgid "" "network={\n" @@ -115333,12 +116251,12 @@ "}" #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:63450 +#: book.translate.xml:63928 msgid "Then:" msgstr "Então:" #. (itstool) path: sect4/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63452 +#: book.translate.xml:63930 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf\n" @@ -115350,12 +116268,12 @@ "Associated with 00:13:46:49:41:76" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:63460 +#: book.translate.xml:63938 msgid "Ad-hoc Mode" msgstr "Modo Ad-hoc" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:63462 +#: book.translate.xml:63940 msgid "" "IBSS mode, also called ad-hoc mode, is designed for point " "to point connections. For example, to establish an ad-hoc network between " @@ -115368,12 +116286,12 @@ "escolha dois endereços IP e um SSID." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:63469 +#: book.translate.xml:63947 msgid "On A:" msgstr "Em A:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63471 +#: book.translate.xml:63949 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0 wlanmode adhoc\n" @@ -115401,7 +116319,7 @@ "\t protmode CTS wme burst" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:63483 +#: book.translate.xml:63961 msgid "" "The adhoc parameter indicates that the interface is " "running in IBSS mode." @@ -115410,7 +116328,7 @@ "executada no modo IBSS." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:63486 +#: book.translate.xml:63964 msgid "" "B should now be able to detect A:" @@ -115419,7 +116337,7 @@ "systemitem>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63489 +#: book.translate.xml:63967 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0 wlanmode adhoc\n" @@ -115433,7 +116351,7 @@ " freebsdap 02:11:95:c3:0d:ac 2 54M -64:-96 100 IS WME" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:63494 +#: book.translate.xml:63972 msgid "" "The I in the output confirms that A is in ad-hoc mode. Now, configure B " @@ -115444,7 +116362,7 @@ "IP diferente:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63499 +#: book.translate.xml:63977 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask ssid freebsdap\n" @@ -115470,7 +116388,7 @@ "\t protmode CTS wme burst" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:63510 +#: book.translate.xml:63988 msgid "" "Both A and B are now ready " "to exchange information." @@ -115479,12 +116397,12 @@ "prontos para trocar informações." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:63516 +#: book.translate.xml:63994 msgid "FreeBSD Host Access Points" msgstr "Pontos de Acesso com um host FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:63518 +#: book.translate.xml:63996 msgid "" "FreeBSD can act as an Access Point (AP) which eliminates " "the need to buy a hardware AP or run an ad-hoc network. " @@ -115498,7 +116416,7 @@ "Internet." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:63527 +#: book.translate.xml:64005 msgid "" "Before configuring a FreeBSD machine as an AP, the kernel " "must be configured with the appropriate networking support for the wireless " @@ -115511,7 +116429,7 @@ "maiores detalhes, veja ." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:63534 +#: book.translate.xml:64012 msgid "" "The NDIS driver wrapper for Windows drivers does not currently support APAP." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:63541 +#: book.translate.xml:64019 msgid "" "Once wireless networking support is loaded, check if the wireless device " "supports the host-based access point mode, also known as hostap mode:" @@ -115534,7 +116452,7 @@ "host, também conhecido como modo hostap:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63545 +#: book.translate.xml:64023 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0\n" @@ -115548,7 +116466,7 @@ "cryptocaps=1f<WEP,TKIP,AES,AES_CCM,TKIPMIC>" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:63550 +#: book.translate.xml:64028 msgid "" "This output displays the card's capabilities. The HOSTAP " "word confirms that this wireless card can act as an AP. " @@ -115563,7 +116481,7 @@ "quais protocolos de segurança podem ser usados no AP." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:63558 +#: book.translate.xml:64036 msgid "" "The wireless device can only be put into hostap mode during the creation of " "the network pseudo-device, so a previously created device must be destroyed " @@ -115574,13 +116492,13 @@ "deve ser destruído primeiro:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63562 +#: book.translate.xml:64040 #, no-wrap msgid "# ifconfig wlan0 destroy" msgstr "# ifconfig wlan0 destroy" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:63564 +#: book.translate.xml:64042 msgid "" "then regenerated with the correct option before setting the other parameters:" msgstr "" @@ -115588,7 +116506,7 @@ "parâmetros:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63567 +#: book.translate.xml:64045 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0 wlanmode hostap\n" @@ -115598,7 +116516,7 @@ "# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask ssid freebsdap mode 11g channel 1" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:63570 +#: book.translate.xml:64048 msgid "" "Use ifconfig8 again to see the status of the wlan0wlan0:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63573 +#: book.translate.xml:64051 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig wlan0\n" @@ -115633,7 +116551,7 @@ "\t protmode CTS wme burst dtimperiod 1 -dfs" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:63583 +#: book.translate.xml:64061 msgid "" "The hostap parameter indicates the interface is running " "in the host-based access point mode." @@ -115642,7 +116560,7 @@ "executada no modo de ponto de acesso baseado em host." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:63587 +#: book.translate.xml:64065 msgid "" "The interface configuration can be done automatically at boot time by adding " "the following lines to /etc/rc.conf:" @@ -115652,7 +116570,7 @@ "filename>:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:63591 +#: book.translate.xml:64069 #, no-wrap msgid "" "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n" @@ -115664,12 +116582,12 @@ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"inet netmask ssid freebsdap mode 11g channel 1\"" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:63597 +#: book.translate.xml:64075 msgid "Host-based Access Point Without Authentication or Encryption" msgstr "Ponto de acesso baseado em host sem autenticação ou criptografia" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:63600 +#: book.translate.xml:64078 msgid "" "Although it is not recommended to run an AP without any " "authentication or encryption, this is a simple way to check if the " @@ -115682,7 +116600,7 @@ "importante para depurar problemas do cliente." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:63606 +#: book.translate.xml:64084 msgid "" "Once the AP is configured, initiate a scan from another " "wireless machine to find the AP:" @@ -115691,7 +116609,7 @@ "de outra máquina sem fio para encontrar o AP:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63610 +#: book.translate.xml:64088 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0\n" @@ -115705,7 +116623,7 @@ "freebsdap 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac 1 54M -66:-96 100 ES WME" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:63615 +#: book.translate.xml:64093 msgid "" "The client machine found the AP and can be associated " "with it:" @@ -115714,7 +116632,7 @@ "ele:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63618 +#: book.translate.xml:64096 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask ssid freebsdap\n" @@ -115742,12 +116660,12 @@ "\t roam:rate 5 protmode CTS wme burst" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:63632 +#: book.translate.xml:64110 msgid "WPA2 Host-based Access Point" msgstr "Ponto de acesso baseado em host com WPA2" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:63634 +#: book.translate.xml:64112 msgid "" "This section focuses on setting up a FreeBSD access point using the " "WPA2 security protocol. More details regarding " @@ -115761,7 +116679,7 @@ "wireless-wpa\"/>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:63641 +#: book.translate.xml:64119 msgid "" "The hostapd8 daemon is used to deal with client authentication " @@ -115774,7 +116692,7 @@ "acronym> habilitado." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:63646 +#: book.translate.xml:64124 msgid "" "The following configuration operations are performed on the FreeBSD machine " "acting as the AP. Once the AP is " @@ -115790,13 +116708,13 @@ "filename>:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:63653 +#: book.translate.xml:64131 #, no-wrap msgid "hostapd_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "hostapd_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:63655 +#: book.translate.xml:64133 msgid "" "Before trying to configure hostapd8, first configure the " @@ -115808,12 +116726,12 @@ "basic\"/> ." #. (itstool) path: sect4/title -#: book.translate.xml:63659 +#: book.translate.xml:64137 msgid "WPA2-PSK" msgstr "WPA2-PSK" #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:63661 +#: book.translate.xml:64139 msgid "" "WPA2-PSK is intended for small networks where the use of " "a backend authentication server is not possible or desired." @@ -115822,12 +116740,12 @@ "servidor de autenticação backend não é possível ou desejado." #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:63665 +#: book.translate.xml:64143 msgid "The configuration is done in /etc/hostapd.conf:" msgstr "A configuração é feita em /etc/hostapd.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect4/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:63668 +#: book.translate.xml:64146 #, no-wrap msgid "" "interface=wlan0 \n" @@ -115851,12 +116769,12 @@ "wpa_pairwise=CCMP " #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63680 +#: book.translate.xml:64158 msgid "Wireless interface used for the access point." msgstr "Interface sem fio usada para o ponto de acesso." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63685 +#: book.translate.xml:64163 msgid "" "Level of verbosity used during the execution of " "hostapd8hostapd8 to store domain socket " @@ -115885,12 +116803,12 @@ "manvolnum>. O valor padrão é usado neste exemplo." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63699 +#: book.translate.xml:64177 msgid "The group allowed to access the control interface files." msgstr "O grupo permitiu acessar os arquivos da interface de controle." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63704 +#: book.translate.xml:64182 msgid "" "The wireless network name, or SSID, that will appear in " "wireless scans." @@ -115899,7 +116817,7 @@ "varreduras sem fio." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63710 +#: book.translate.xml:64188 msgid "" "Enable WPA and specify which WPA " "authentication protocol will be required. A value of 2 " @@ -115914,12 +116832,12 @@ "acronym> obsoleto for necessário." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63721 +#: book.translate.xml:64199 msgid "ASCII passphrase for WPA authentication." msgstr "Senha ASCII para autenticação WPA." #. (itstool) path: warning/para -#: book.translate.xml:63725 +#: book.translate.xml:64203 msgid "" "Always use strong passwords that are at least 8 characters long and made " "from a rich alphabet so that they will not be easily guessed or attacked." @@ -115929,7 +116847,7 @@ "atacadas." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63733 +#: book.translate.xml:64211 msgid "" "The key management protocol to use. This example sets WPA-PSK." @@ -115938,7 +116856,7 @@ "WPA-PSK." #. (itstool) path: callout/para -#: book.translate.xml:63739 +#: book.translate.xml:64217 msgid "" "Encryption algorithms accepted by the access point. In this example, only " "the CCMP (AES) cipher is accepted. " @@ -115954,7 +116872,7 @@ "CCMP." #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:63752 +#: book.translate.xml:64230 msgid "" "The next step is to start hostapd8:" @@ -115963,13 +116881,13 @@ "refentrytitle>8:" #. (itstool) path: sect4/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63754 +#: book.translate.xml:64232 #, no-wrap msgid "# service hostapd forcestart" msgstr "# service hostapd forcestart" #. (itstool) path: sect4/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63756 +#: book.translate.xml:64234 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig wlan0\n" @@ -116001,7 +116919,7 @@ "\tgroups: wlan" #. (itstool) path: sect4/para -#: book.translate.xml:63770 +#: book.translate.xml:64248 msgid "" "Once the AP is running, the clients can associate with " "it. See for more details. It is " @@ -116015,12 +116933,12 @@ "command>." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:63780 +#: book.translate.xml:64258 msgid "WEP Host-based Access Point" msgstr "Ponto de acesso baseado em host WEP" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:63782 +#: book.translate.xml:64260 msgid "" "It is not recommended to use WEP for setting up an " "AP since there is no authentication mechanism and the " @@ -116035,7 +116953,7 @@ "AP sem autenticação ou criptografia." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:63790 +#: book.translate.xml:64268 msgid "" "The wireless device can now be put into hostap mode and configured with the " "correct SSID and IP address:" @@ -116044,7 +116962,7 @@ "com o endereço SSID e IP corretos:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63794 +#: book.translate.xml:64272 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0 wlanmode hostap\n" @@ -116056,7 +116974,7 @@ "\tssid freebsdap wepmode on weptxkey 3 wepkey 3:0x3456789012 mode 11g" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:63800 +#: book.translate.xml:64278 msgid "" "The weptxkey indicates which WEP key " "will be used in the transmission. This example uses the third key as key " @@ -116069,7 +116987,7 @@ "especificado para criptografar os dados." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:63809 +#: book.translate.xml:64287 msgid "" "The wepkey sets the selected WEP key. " "It should be in the format index:key. If the " @@ -116083,7 +117001,7 @@ "primeira chave." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:63818 +#: book.translate.xml:64296 msgid "" "Use ifconfig8 to see the status of the wlan0:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63821 +#: book.translate.xml:64299 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig wlan0\n" @@ -116118,7 +117036,7 @@ "\t txpower 21.5 scanvalid 60 protmode CTS wme burst dtimperiod 1 -dfs" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:63831 +#: book.translate.xml:64309 msgid "" "From another wireless machine, it is now possible to initiate a scan to find " "the AP:" @@ -116127,7 +117045,7 @@ "encontrar o AP:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63834 +#: book.translate.xml:64312 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0\n" @@ -116141,7 +117059,7 @@ "freebsdap 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac 1 54M 22:1 100 EPS" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:63839 +#: book.translate.xml:64317 msgid "" "In this example, the client machine found the AP and can " "associate with it using the correct parameters. See para maiores detalhes." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:63846 +#: book.translate.xml:64324 msgid "Using Both Wired and Wireless Connections" msgstr "Usando conexões com fio e sem fio" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:63848 +#: book.translate.xml:64326 msgid "" "A wired connection provides better performance and reliability, while a " "wireless connection provides flexibility and mobility. Laptop users " @@ -116169,7 +117087,7 @@ "conexão." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:63853 +#: book.translate.xml:64331 msgid "" "On FreeBSD, it is possible to combine two or even more network interfaces " "together in a failover fashion. This type of configuration " @@ -116183,7 +117101,7 @@ "operacional alterna automaticamente quando o estado do link é alterado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:63860 +#: book.translate.xml:64338 msgid "" "Link aggregation and failover is covered in and an example for using both wired and wireless connections " @@ -116194,7 +117112,7 @@ "." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:63867 +#: book.translate.xml:64345 msgid "" "This section describes a number of steps to help troubleshoot common " "wireless networking problems." @@ -116203,7 +117121,7 @@ "de rede sem fio." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:63873 +#: book.translate.xml:64351 msgid "" "If the access point is not listed when scanning, check that the " "configuration has not limited the wireless device to a limited set of " @@ -116214,7 +117132,7 @@ "canais." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:63879 +#: book.translate.xml:64357 msgid "" "If the device cannot associate with an access point, verify that the " "configuration matches the settings on the access point. This includes the " @@ -116232,7 +117150,7 @@ "para ver se o tráfego irá passar." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:63888 +#: book.translate.xml:64366 msgid "" "Debugging support is provided by " "wpa_supplicant8-dd e examine os logs do sistema." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:63895 +#: book.translate.xml:64373 msgid "" "Once the system can associate with the access point, diagnose the network " "configuration using tools like ping." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:63901 +#: book.translate.xml:64379 msgid "" "There are many lower-level debugging tools. Debugging messages can be " "enabled in the 802.11 protocol support layer using " @@ -116274,7 +117192,7 @@ "802.11 necessários para organizar a comunicação:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63908 +#: book.translate.xml:64386 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# wlandebug -i wlan0 +scan+auth+debug+assoc\n" @@ -116284,7 +117202,7 @@ " net.wlan.0.debug: 0 => 0xc80000<assoc,auth,scan>" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:63911 +#: book.translate.xml:64389 msgid "" "Many useful statistics are maintained by the 802.11 layer and " "wlanstats, found in /usr/src/tools/tools/" @@ -116303,7 +117221,7 @@ "específicos do dispositivo, consulte a documentação do driver." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:63922 +#: book.translate.xml:64400 msgid "" "If the above information does not help to clarify the problem, submit a " "problem report and include output from the above tools." @@ -116312,21 +117230,21 @@ "relatório de problemas e inclua a saída das ferramentas acima." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:63930 +#: book.translate.xml:64408 msgid "USB Tethering" msgstr "USB Tethering" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:63933 +#: book.translate.xml:64411 msgid "tether" msgstr "tether" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:63937 +#: book.translate.xml:64415 msgid "" "Many cellphones provide the option to share their data connection over USB " -"(often called \"tethering\"). This feature uses either the RNDIS, CDC or a custom RNDIS, CDC, or a custom Apple iPhone/" "iPad protocol." msgstr "" @@ -116338,7 +117256,7 @@ "\">iPad." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:63945 +#: book.translate.xml:64423 msgid "" "Android devices generally use the " "urndis4." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:63950 +#: book.translate.xml:64428 msgid "" "Apple devices use the " "ipheth4." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:63954 +#: book.translate.xml:64432 msgid "" "Older devices will often use the cdce4 driver." @@ -116370,13 +117288,13 @@ "citerefentry>." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:63959 +#: book.translate.xml:64437 msgid "Before attaching a device, load the appropriate driver into the kernel:" msgstr "" "Antes de conectar um dispositivo, carregue o driver apropriado no kernel:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63962 +#: book.translate.xml:64440 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# kldload if_urndis\n" @@ -116388,7 +117306,7 @@ "# kldload if_ipheth" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:63966 +#: book.translate.xml:64444 msgid "" "Once the device is attached ue0 will be available for use like a normal network device. Be sure " @@ -116400,7 +117318,7 @@ "Tethering esteja ativada no dispositivo." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:63972 +#: book.translate.xml:64450 msgid "" "To make this change permanent and load the driver as a module at boot time, " "place the appropriate line of the following in /boot/loader.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect1/screen -#: book.translate.xml:63976 +#: book.translate.xml:64454 #, no-wrap msgid "" "if_urndis_load=\"YES\"\n" @@ -116423,12 +117341,12 @@ "if_ipheth_load=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:63983 +#: book.translate.xml:64461 msgid "Bluetooth" msgstr "Bluetooth" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:63986 +#: book.translate.xml:64464 msgid "" " Pav Lucistnik Written by" @@ -116437,12 +117355,12 @@ "personname> Escrito por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:63997 +#: book.translate.xml:64475 msgid "Bluetooth" msgstr "Bluetooth" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:64001 +#: book.translate.xml:64479 msgid "" "Bluetooth is a wireless technology for creating personal networks operating " "in the 2.4 GHz unlicensed band, with a range of 10 meters. Networks are " @@ -116461,7 +117379,7 @@ "linha serial e muito mais." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:64010 +#: book.translate.xml:64488 msgid "" "This section describes the use of a USB Bluetooth dongle " "on a FreeBSD system. It then describes the various Bluetooth protocols and " @@ -116472,12 +117390,12 @@ "Bluetooth." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:64015 +#: book.translate.xml:64493 msgid "Loading Bluetooth Support" msgstr "Carregando o Suporte Bluetooth" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64017 +#: book.translate.xml:64495 msgid "" "The Bluetooth stack in FreeBSD is implemented using the " "netgraph48." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64027 +#: book.translate.xml:64505 msgid "" "Before attaching a device, determine which of the above drivers it uses, " "then load the driver. For example, if the device uses the " @@ -116529,13 +117447,13 @@ "manvolnum>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64031 +#: book.translate.xml:64509 #, no-wrap msgid "# kldload ng_ubt" msgstr "# kldload ng_ubt" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64033 +#: book.translate.xml:64511 msgid "" "If the Bluetooth device will be attached to the system during system " "startup, the system can be configured to load the module at boot time by " @@ -116547,13 +117465,13 @@ "filename>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:64038 +#: book.translate.xml:64516 #, no-wrap msgid "ng_ubt_load=\"YES\"" msgstr "ng_ubt_load=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64040 +#: book.translate.xml:64518 msgid "" "Once the driver is loaded, plug in the USB dongle. If the " "driver load was successful, output similar to the following should appear on " @@ -116565,7 +117483,7 @@ "filename>:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64046 +#: book.translate.xml:64524 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ubt0: vendor 0x0a12 product 0x0001, rev 1.10/5.25, addr 2\n" @@ -116579,7 +117497,7 @@ " wMaxPacketSize=49, nframes=6, buffer size=294" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64051 +#: book.translate.xml:64529 msgid "" "To start and stop the Bluetooth stack, use its startup script. It is a good " "idea to stop the stack before unplugging the device. Starting the bluetooth " @@ -116594,7 +117512,7 @@ "iniciar a stack, a saída deve ser semelhante à seguinte:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64057 +#: book.translate.xml:64535 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# service bluetooth start ubt0\n" @@ -116624,17 +117542,17 @@ "Number of SCO packets: 8" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:64072 +#: book.translate.xml:64550 msgid "Finding Other Bluetooth Devices" msgstr "Encontrando outros dispositivos Bluetooth" #. (itstool) path: sect2/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:64074 +#: book.translate.xml:64552 msgid "HCI" msgstr "HCI" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64078 +#: book.translate.xml:64556 msgid "" "The Host Controller Interface (HCI) provides a uniform " "method for accessing Bluetooth baseband capabilities. In FreeBSD, a netgraph " @@ -116650,7 +117568,7 @@ "citerefentry>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64084 +#: book.translate.xml:64562 msgid "" "One of the most common tasks is discovery of Bluetooth devices within " "RF proximity. This operation is called inquiry." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64094 +#: book.translate.xml:64572 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% hccontrol -n ubt0hci inquiry\n" @@ -116700,7 +117618,7 @@ "Inquiry complete. Status: No error [00]" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64105 +#: book.translate.xml:64583 msgid "" "The BD_ADDR is the unique address of a Bluetooth device, " "similar to the MAC address of a network card. This " @@ -116719,7 +117637,7 @@ "obter o nome legível que foi atribuído ao dispositivo remoto:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64115 +#: book.translate.xml:64593 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% hccontrol -n ubt0hci remote_name_request 00:80:37:29:19:a4\n" @@ -116731,7 +117649,7 @@ "Name: Pav's T39" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64119 +#: book.translate.xml:64597 msgid "" "If an inquiry is performed on a remote Bluetooth device, it will find the " "computer as (ubt0). The name assigned to the " @@ -116742,7 +117660,7 @@ "atribuído ao dispositivo local pode ser alterado a qualquer momento." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64124 +#: book.translate.xml:64602 msgid "" "Remote devices can be assigned aliases in /etc/bluetooth/hosts. More information about /etc/bluetooth/hosts " @@ -116756,7 +117674,7 @@ "manvolnum>." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64129 +#: book.translate.xml:64607 msgid "" "The Bluetooth system provides a point-to-point connection between two " "Bluetooth units, or a point-to-multipoint connection which is shared among " @@ -116769,13 +117687,13 @@ "um dispositivo remoto:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64135 +#: book.translate.xml:64613 #, no-wrap msgid "% hccontrol -n ubt0hci create_connection BT_ADDR" msgstr "% hccontrol -n ubt0hci create_connection BT_ADDR" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64137 +#: book.translate.xml:64615 msgid "" "create_connection accepts BT_ADDR as " "well as host aliases in /etc/bluetooth/hosts." @@ -116784,7 +117702,7 @@ "bem como aliases de host em /etc/bluetooth/hosts." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64141 +#: book.translate.xml:64619 msgid "" "The following example shows how to obtain the list of active baseband " "connections for the local device:" @@ -116793,7 +117711,7 @@ "ativas para o dispositivo local:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64144 +#: book.translate.xml:64622 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% hccontrol -n ubt0hci read_connection_list\n" @@ -116805,7 +117723,7 @@ "00:80:37:29:19:a4 41 ACL 0 MAST NONE 0 0 OPEN" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64148 +#: book.translate.xml:64626 msgid "" "A connection handle is useful when termination of the " "baseband connection is required, though it is normally not required to do " @@ -116818,7 +117736,7 @@ "conexões de banda básica inativas." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64154 +#: book.translate.xml:64632 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# hccontrol -n ubt0hci disconnect 41\n" @@ -116830,7 +117748,7 @@ "Reason: Connection terminated by local host [0x16]" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64158 +#: book.translate.xml:64636 msgid "" "Type hccontrol help for a complete listing of available " "HCI commands. Most of the HCI commands " @@ -116841,12 +117759,12 @@ "HCI não requer privilégios de superusuário." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:64165 +#: book.translate.xml:64643 msgid "Device Pairing" msgstr "Emparelhamento de dispositivos" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64167 +#: book.translate.xml:64645 msgid "" "By default, Bluetooth communication is not authenticated, and any device can " "talk to any other device. A Bluetooth device, such as a cellular phone, may " @@ -116877,7 +117795,7 @@ "dispositivos, o emparelhamento deverá ser repetido." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64184 +#: book.translate.xml:64662 msgid "" "The hcsecd8 daemon is responsible for handling Bluetooth " @@ -116894,7 +117812,7 @@ "literal> é mostrada abaixo:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:64191 +#: book.translate.xml:64669 #, no-wrap msgid "" "device {\n" @@ -116912,7 +117830,7 @@ " }" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64198 +#: book.translate.xml:64676 msgid "" "The only limitation on PIN codes is length. Some devices, " "such as Bluetooth headsets, may have a fixed PIN code " @@ -116940,7 +117858,7 @@ "dispositivo remoto." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64212 +#: book.translate.xml:64690 msgid "" "The following line can be added to /etc/rc.conf to " "configure hcsecd8hcsecd8 daemon output:" @@ -116967,7 +117885,7 @@ "refentrytitle>8:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:64221 +#: book.translate.xml:64699 #, no-wrap msgid "" "hcsecd[16484]: Got Link_Key_Request event from 'ubt0hci', remote bdaddr 0:80:37:29:19:a4\n" @@ -116985,12 +117903,12 @@ "hcsecd[16484]: Sending PIN_Code_Reply to 'ubt0hci' for remote bdaddr 0:80:37:29:19:a4" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:64230 +#: book.translate.xml:64708 msgid "Network Access with PPP Profiles" msgstr "Acesso à rede com perfis PPP" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64233 +#: book.translate.xml:64711 msgid "" "A Dial-Up Networking (DUN) profile can be used to " "configure a cellular phone as a wireless modem for connecting to a dial-up " @@ -117003,7 +117921,7 @@ "um computador para receber chamadas de dados de um telefone celular." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64239 +#: book.translate.xml:64717 msgid "" "Network access with a PPP profile can be used to provide " "LAN access for a single Bluetooth device or multiple " @@ -117018,7 +117936,7 @@ "PPP sobre uma emulação de cabo serial." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64246 +#: book.translate.xml:64724 msgid "" "In FreeBSD, these profiles are implemented with " "ppp8 para exemplos." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64254 +#: book.translate.xml:64732 msgid "" "In this example, rfcomm_pppd8 is used to open a " @@ -117056,13 +117974,13 @@ "RFCOMM:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64261 +#: book.translate.xml:64739 #, no-wrap msgid "# rfcomm_pppd -a 00:80:37:29:19:a4 -c -C dun -l rfcomm-dialup" msgstr "# rfcomm_pppd -a 00:80:37:29:19:a4 -c -C dun -l rfcomm-dialup" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64263 +#: book.translate.xml:64741 msgid "" "The actual channel number will be obtained from the remote device using the " "SDP protocol. It is possible to specify the " @@ -117083,7 +118001,7 @@ "no dispositivo remoto." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64271 +#: book.translate.xml:64749 msgid "" "In order to provide network access with the PPP " "LAN service, sdpdPPP." #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64285 +#: book.translate.xml:64763 #, no-wrap msgid "# rfcomm_pppd -s -C 7 -l rfcomm-server" msgstr "# rfcomm_pppd -s -C 7 -l rfcomm-server" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:64289 +#: book.translate.xml:64767 msgid "Bluetooth Protocols" msgstr "Protocolos Bluetooth" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64291 +#: book.translate.xml:64769 msgid "" "This section provides an overview of the various Bluetooth protocols, their " "function, and associated utilities." @@ -117133,18 +118051,18 @@ "funções e utilitários associados." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:64295 +#: book.translate.xml:64773 msgid "Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP)" msgstr "" "Controle de Link Lógico e Protocolo de Adaptação (L2CAP)" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:64298 +#: book.translate.xml:64776 msgid "L2CAP" msgstr "L2CAP" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64302 +#: book.translate.xml:64780 msgid "" "The Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) " "provides connection-oriented and connectionless data services to upper layer " @@ -117159,7 +118077,7 @@ "L2CAP de até 64 kilobytes de comprimento." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64310 +#: book.translate.xml:64788 msgid "" "L2CAP is based around the concept of channels. A channel is a logical connection on top of a baseband " @@ -117178,7 +118096,7 @@ "superior. Vários canais podem compartilhar a mesma conexão de banda base." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64321 +#: book.translate.xml:64799 msgid "" "In FreeBSD, a netgraph L2CAP node is created for each " "Bluetooth device. This node is normally connected to the downstream " @@ -117196,7 +118114,7 @@ "refentrytitle>4." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64329 +#: book.translate.xml:64807 msgid "" "A useful command is l2ping8, which can be used to " @@ -117211,7 +118129,7 @@ "0 bytes no exemplo a seguir é normal." #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64334 +#: book.translate.xml:64812 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# l2ping -a 00:80:37:29:19:a4\n" @@ -117227,7 +118145,7 @@ "0 bytes from 0:80:37:29:19:a4 seq_no=3 time=46.150 ms result=0" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64340 +#: book.translate.xml:64818 msgid "" "The l2control8 utility is used to perform various operations on " @@ -117242,7 +118160,7 @@ "base para o dispositivo local:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64346 +#: book.translate.xml:64824 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% l2control -a 00:02:72:00:d4:1a read_channel_list\n" @@ -117264,7 +118182,7 @@ "00:07:e0:00:0b:ca 41 O 0 OPEN" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64355 +#: book.translate.xml:64833 msgid "" "Another diagnostic tool is btsockstat1. It is similar to " @@ -117283,7 +118201,7 @@ "manvolnum> acima." #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64361 +#: book.translate.xml:64839 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% btsockstat\n" @@ -117309,12 +118227,12 @@ "c2e8bc80 0 250 00:02:72:00:d4:1a 00:07:e0:00:0b:ca 3 6 OPEN" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:64374 +#: book.translate.xml:64852 msgid "Radio Frequency Communication (RFCOMM)" msgstr "Comunicação por radiofrequência (RFCOMM)" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64377 +#: book.translate.xml:64855 msgid "" "The RFCOMM protocol provides emulation of serial ports " "over the L2CAP protocol. RFCOMM is a " @@ -117331,7 +118249,7 @@ "Bluetooth." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64386 +#: book.translate.xml:64864 msgid "" "For the purposes of RFCOMM, a complete communication path " "involves two applications running on the communication endpoints with a " @@ -117348,7 +118266,7 @@ "de um dispositivo para outro." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64395 +#: book.translate.xml:64873 msgid "" "RFCOMM is only concerned with the connection between the " "devices in the direct connect case, or between the device and a modem in the " @@ -117363,7 +118281,7 @@ "Bluetooth de um lado e fornecem uma interface com fio no outro lado." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64403 +#: book.translate.xml:64881 msgid "" "In FreeBSD, RFCOMM is implemented at the Bluetooth " "sockets layer." @@ -117372,17 +118290,17 @@ "do Bluetooth." #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:64408 +#: book.translate.xml:64886 msgid "Service Discovery Protocol (SDP)" msgstr "Protocolo de Descoberta de Serviços (SDP)" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:64411 +#: book.translate.xml:64889 msgid "SDP" msgstr "SDP" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64415 +#: book.translate.xml:64893 msgid "" "The Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) provides the means " "for client applications to discover the existence of services provided by " @@ -117398,7 +118316,7 @@ "utilizar o serviço." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64423 +#: book.translate.xml:64901 msgid "" "SDP involves communication between a SDP server and a SDP client. The server maintains a " @@ -117425,7 +118343,7 @@ "não fornece um mecanismo para utilizar esses serviços." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64438 +#: book.translate.xml:64916 msgid "" "Normally, a SDP client searches for services based on " "some desired characteristics of the services. However, there are times when " @@ -117442,7 +118360,7 @@ "serviço oferecido é chamado de navegação." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64447 +#: book.translate.xml:64925 msgid "" "The Bluetooth SDP server, " "sdpd8SDP." #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64453 +#: book.translate.xml:64931 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% sdpcontrol -a 00:01:03:fc:6e:ec browse\n" @@ -117511,7 +118429,7 @@ " LAN Access Using PPP (0x1102) ver. 1.0" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64476 +#: book.translate.xml:64954 msgid "" "Note that each service has a list of attributes, such as the " "RFCOMM channel. Depending on the service, the user might " @@ -117530,13 +118448,13 @@ "acronym>) :" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64486 +#: book.translate.xml:64964 #, no-wrap msgid "% sdpcontrol -a 00:01:03:fc:6e:ec search OPUSH" msgstr "% sdpcontrol -a 00:01:03:fc:6e:ec search OPUSH" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64488 +#: book.translate.xml:64966 msgid "" "Offering services on FreeBSD to Bluetooth clients is done with the " "sdpd8/etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:64492 +#: book.translate.xml:64970 #, no-wrap msgid "sdpd_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "sdpd_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64494 +#: book.translate.xml:64972 msgid "" "Then the sdpd8 daemon can be started with:" @@ -117564,13 +118482,13 @@ "refentrytitle>8 pode ser iniciado com:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64496 +#: book.translate.xml:64974 #, no-wrap msgid "# service sdpd start" msgstr "# service sdpd start" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64498 +#: book.translate.xml:64976 msgid "" "The local server application that wants to provide a Bluetooth service to " "remote clients will register the service with the local SDPSDP." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64505 +#: book.translate.xml:64983 msgid "" "The list of services registered with the local SDP server " "can be obtained by issuing a SDP browse query via the " @@ -117598,23 +118516,23 @@ "acronym> através do canal de controle local:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64510 +#: book.translate.xml:64988 #, no-wrap msgid "# sdpcontrol -l browse" msgstr "# sdpcontrol -l browse" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:64514 +#: book.translate.xml:64992 msgid "OBEX Object Push (OPUSH)" msgstr "OBEX Object Push (OPUSH)" #. (itstool) path: sect3/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:64517 +#: book.translate.xml:64995 msgid "OBEX" msgstr "OBEX" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64521 +#: book.translate.xml:64999 msgid "" "Object Exchange (OBEX) is a widely used protocol for " "simple file transfers between mobile devices. Its main use is in infrared " @@ -117632,7 +118550,7 @@ "(PIM)." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64530 +#: book.translate.xml:65008 msgid "" "The OBEX server and client are implemented by " "obexapp, which can be installed using the " @@ -117643,7 +118561,7 @@ "ou port comms/obexapp." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64535 +#: book.translate.xml:65013 msgid "" "The OBEX client is used to push and/or pull objects from " "the OBEX server. An example object is a business card or " @@ -117672,7 +118590,7 @@ "inserido no diretório do telefone." #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64551 +#: book.translate.xml:65029 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% obexapp -a 00:80:37:29:19:a4 -C IrMC\n" @@ -117692,7 +118610,7 @@ "Success, response: OK, Success (0x20)" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64559 +#: book.translate.xml:65037 msgid "" "In order to provide the OPUSH service, " "sdpd8OBEX." #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64571 +#: book.translate.xml:65049 #, no-wrap msgid "# obexapp -s -C 10" msgstr "# obexapp -s -C 10" #. (itstool) path: sect3/title -#: book.translate.xml:64575 +#: book.translate.xml:65053 msgid "Serial Port Profile (SPP)" msgstr "Perfil de porta serial (SPP)" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64577 +#: book.translate.xml:65055 msgid "" "The Serial Port Profile (SPP) allows Bluetooth devices to " "perform serial cable emulation. This profile allows legacy applications to " @@ -117740,7 +118658,7 @@ "uma abstração de porta serial virtual." #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64583 +#: book.translate.xml:65061 msgid "" "In FreeBSD, rfcomm_sppd1 implements " @@ -117764,7 +118682,7 @@ "RFCOMM na linha de comando." #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64593 +#: book.translate.xml:65071 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# rfcomm_sppd -a 00:07:E0:00:0B:CA -t\n" @@ -117776,24 +118694,24 @@ "/dev/pts/6" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64597 +#: book.translate.xml:65075 msgid "Once connected, the pseudo tty can be used as serial port:" msgstr "Uma vez conectado, o pseudo-tty pode ser usado como porta serial:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64600 +#: book.translate.xml:65078 #, no-wrap msgid "# cu -l /dev/pts/6" msgstr "# cu -l /dev/pts/6" #. (itstool) path: sect3/para -#: book.translate.xml:64602 +#: book.translate.xml:65080 msgid "The pseudo tty is printed on stdout and can be read by wrapper scripts:" msgstr "" "A pseudo-tty é impressa no stdout e pode ser lida por scripts de wrapper:" #. (itstool) path: sect3/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:64605 +#: book.translate.xml:65083 #, no-wrap msgid "" "PTS=`rfcomm_sppd -a 00:07:E0:00:0B:CA -t`\n" @@ -117803,7 +118721,7 @@ "cu -l $PTS" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64613 +#: book.translate.xml:65091 msgid "" "By default, when FreeBSD is accepting a new connection, it tries to perform " "a role switch and become master. Some older Bluetooth devices which do not " @@ -117821,13 +118739,13 @@ "para desativar a alternância de funções no lado local:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64622 +#: book.translate.xml:65100 #, no-wrap msgid "# hccontrol -n ubt0hci write_node_role_switch 0" msgstr "# hccontrol -n ubt0hci write_node_role_switch 0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64624 +#: book.translate.xml:65102 msgid "" "To display Bluetooth packets, use the third-party package " "hcidump, which can be installed using the " @@ -117846,12 +118764,12 @@ "um arquivo." #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:64635 +#: book.translate.xml:65113 msgid "Bridging" msgstr "Bridging" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:64638 book.translate.xml:65099 +#: book.translate.xml:65116 book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" " Andrew Thompson Written by " @@ -117860,17 +118778,17 @@ "personname> Escrito por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:64648 +#: book.translate.xml:65126 msgid "IP subnet" msgstr "IP subnet" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:64651 +#: book.translate.xml:65129 msgid "bridge" msgstr "bridge" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:64655 +#: book.translate.xml:65133 msgid "" "It is sometimes useful to divide a network, such as an Ethernet segment, " "into network segments without having to create IP subnets " @@ -117883,7 +118801,7 @@ "maneira é chamado de bridge." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:64662 +#: book.translate.xml:65140 msgid "" "A bridge works by learning the MAC addresses of the " "devices on each of its network interfaces. It forwards traffic between " @@ -117900,17 +118818,17 @@ "múltiplas interfaces de rede pode ser configurado para atuar como uma bridge." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:64670 +#: book.translate.xml:65148 msgid "Bridging can be useful in the following situations:" msgstr "Construir uma bridge pode ser útil nas seguintes situações:" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:64674 +#: book.translate.xml:65152 msgid "Connecting Networks" msgstr "Conectar Redes" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:64676 +#: book.translate.xml:65154 msgid "" "The basic operation of a bridge is to join two or more network segments. " "There are many reasons to use a host-based bridge instead of networking " @@ -117925,12 +118843,12 @@ "a uma rede com fio e atuar como um ponto de acesso." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:64686 +#: book.translate.xml:65164 msgid "Filtering/Traffic Shaping Firewall" msgstr "Firewall de Filtragem / Limitação de Trafego" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:64688 +#: book.translate.xml:65166 msgid "" "A bridge can be used when firewall functionality is needed without routing " "or Network Address Translation (NAT)." @@ -117940,7 +118858,7 @@ "(NAT)." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:64692 +#: book.translate.xml:65170 msgid "" "An example is a small company that is connected via DSL " "or ISDN to an ISP. There are thirteen " @@ -117957,12 +118875,12 @@ "configurado sem qualquer problema de endereçamento IP." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:64705 +#: book.translate.xml:65183 msgid "Network Tap" msgstr "Inspeção de Rede" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:64707 +#: book.translate.xml:65185 msgid "" "A bridge can join two network segments in order to inspect all Ethernet " "frames that pass between them using bpfVPN" msgstr "VPN de Camada 2" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:64718 +#: book.translate.xml:65196 msgid "" "Two Ethernet networks can be joined across an IP link by " "bridging the networks to an EtherIP tunnel or a " @@ -117998,12 +118916,12 @@ "citerefentry> tal como o OpenVPN." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:64726 +#: book.translate.xml:65204 msgid "Layer 2 Redundancy" msgstr "Redundância de Camada 2" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:64728 +#: book.translate.xml:65206 msgid "" "A network can be connected together with multiple links and use the Spanning " "Tree Protocol (STP) to block redundant paths." @@ -118012,7 +118930,7 @@ "Tree (STP) para bloquear caminhos redundantes." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:64735 +#: book.translate.xml:65213 msgid "" "This section describes how to configure a FreeBSD system as a bridge using " "if_bridge44." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:64740 +#: book.translate.xml:65218 msgid "" "Packet filtering can be used with any firewall package that hooks into the " "pfil9." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:64747 +#: book.translate.xml:65225 msgid "Enabling the Bridge" msgstr "Habilitando a Bridge" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64749 +#: book.translate.xml:65227 msgid "" "In FreeBSD, if_bridge4 is a kernel module " @@ -118069,7 +118987,7 @@ "configuração do kernel personalizado." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64756 +#: book.translate.xml:65234 msgid "" "The bridge is created using interface cloning. To create the bridge " "interface:" @@ -118078,7 +118996,7 @@ "bridge:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64759 +#: book.translate.xml:65237 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig bridge create\n" @@ -118100,7 +119018,7 @@ " root id 00:00:00:00:00:00 priority 0 ifcost 0 port 0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64768 +#: book.translate.xml:65246 msgid "" "When a bridge interface is created, it is automatically assigned a randomly " "generated Ethernet address. The maxaddr and " @@ -118118,7 +119036,7 @@ "parâmetros controlam como o STP opera." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64777 +#: book.translate.xml:65255 msgid "" "Next, specify which network interfaces to add as members of the bridge. For " "the bridge to forward packets, all member interfaces and the bridge need to " @@ -118129,7 +119047,7 @@ "bridge precisam estar ativas:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64781 +#: book.translate.xml:65259 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig bridge0 addm fxp0 addm fxp1 up\n" @@ -118141,7 +119059,7 @@ "# ifconfig fxp1 up" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64785 +#: book.translate.xml:65263 msgid "" "The bridge can now forward Ethernet frames between fxp0 " "and fxp1. Add the following lines to /etc/rc." @@ -118153,7 +119071,7 @@ "inicialização:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:64790 +#: book.translate.xml:65268 #, no-wrap msgid "" "cloned_interfaces=\"bridge0\"\n" @@ -118167,7 +119085,7 @@ "ifconfig_fxp1=\"up\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64795 +#: book.translate.xml:65273 msgid "" "If the bridge host needs an IP address, set it on the " "bridge interface, not on the member interfaces. The address can be set " @@ -118180,13 +119098,13 @@ "um endereço IP estático:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64801 +#: book.translate.xml:65279 #, no-wrap msgid "# ifconfig bridge0 inet" msgstr "# ifconfig bridge0 inet" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64803 +#: book.translate.xml:65281 msgid "" "It is also possible to assign an IPv6 address to a bridge " "interface. To make the changes permanent, add the addressing information to " @@ -118197,7 +119115,7 @@ "informações de endereçamento ao /etc/rc.conf." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:64809 +#: book.translate.xml:65287 msgid "" "When packet filtering is enabled, bridged packets will pass through the " "filter inbound on the originating interface on the bridge interface, and " @@ -118212,7 +119130,7 @@ "interfaces de membros, em vez da própria bridge." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:64816 +#: book.translate.xml:65294 msgid "" "The bridge has several configurable settings for passing non-IP and IP packets, and layer2 firewalling with " @@ -118228,12 +119146,12 @@ "informações." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:64824 +#: book.translate.xml:65302 msgid "Enabling Spanning Tree" msgstr "Ativando o Spanning Tree" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64826 +#: book.translate.xml:65304 msgid "" "For an Ethernet network to function properly, only one active path can exist " "between two devices. The STP protocol detects loops and " @@ -118249,7 +119167,7 @@ "os pontos da rede." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64834 +#: book.translate.xml:65312 msgid "" "The Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP or 802.1w) " "provides backwards compatibility with legacy STP. " @@ -118268,7 +119186,7 @@ "RSTP sendo o modo padrão." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64843 +#: book.translate.xml:65321 msgid "" "STP can be enabled on member interfaces using " "ifconfig8 com:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64848 +#: book.translate.xml:65326 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig bridge0 stp fxp0 stp fxp1\n" @@ -118313,7 +119231,7 @@ " role designated state forwarding" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64861 +#: book.translate.xml:65339 msgid "" "This bridge has a spanning tree ID of 00:01:02:4b:d4:50 " "and a priority of 32768. As the root id é o mesmo, indica que esta é a bridge raiz para a árvore." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64867 +#: book.translate.xml:65345 msgid "Another bridge on the network also has STP enabled:" msgstr "Outra bridge na rede também tem o STP ativado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64870 +#: book.translate.xml:65348 #, no-wrap msgid "" "bridge0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500\n" @@ -118357,7 +119275,7 @@ " role designated state forwarding" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64882 +#: book.translate.xml:65360 msgid "" "The line root id 00:01:02:4b:d4:50 priority 32768 ifcost 400000 " "port 4 shows that the root bridge is 00:01:02:4b:d4:50fxp0." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:64891 +#: book.translate.xml:65369 msgid "Bridge Interface Parameters" msgstr "Parâmetros da Interface de Bridge" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64893 +#: book.translate.xml:65371 msgid "" "Several ifconfig parameters are unique to bridge " "interfaces. This section summarizes some common uses for these parameters. " @@ -118392,12 +119310,12 @@ "manvolnum>." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:64900 +#: book.translate.xml:65378 msgid "private" msgstr "privado" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:64902 +#: book.translate.xml:65380 msgid "" "A private interface does not forward any traffic to any other port that is " "also designated as a private interface. The traffic is blocked " @@ -118412,12 +119330,12 @@ "ser bloqueado seletivamente, um firewall deve ser usado no lugar." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:64913 +#: book.translate.xml:65391 msgid "span" msgstr "span" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:64915 +#: book.translate.xml:65393 msgid "" "A span port transmits a copy of every Ethernet frame received by the bridge. " "The number of span ports configured on a bridge is unlimited, but if an " @@ -118436,18 +119354,18 @@ "quadros para fora da interface denominada fxp4:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64925 +#: book.translate.xml:65403 #, no-wrap msgid "# ifconfig bridge0 span fxp4" msgstr "# ifconfig bridge0 span fxp4" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:64930 +#: book.translate.xml:65408 msgid "sticky" msgstr "sticky" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:64932 +#: book.translate.xml:65410 msgid "" "If a bridge member interface is marked as sticky, dynamically learned " "address entries are treated as static entries in the forwarding cache. " @@ -118467,7 +119385,7 @@ "outro segmento." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:64942 +#: book.translate.xml:65420 msgid "" "An example of using sticky addresses is to combine the bridge with " "VLANs in order to isolate customer networks without " @@ -118486,7 +119404,7 @@ "\">" #. (itstool) path: listitem/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64951 +#: book.translate.xml:65429 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig bridge0 addm vlan100 sticky vlan100 addm vlan101 sticky vlan101\n" @@ -118496,7 +119414,7 @@ "# ifconfig bridge0 inet" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:64954 +#: book.translate.xml:65432 msgid "" "In this example, both clients see as their default gateway. Since the bridge cache " @@ -118509,7 +119427,7 @@ "outro cliente para interceptar o tráfego." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:64960 +#: book.translate.xml:65438 msgid "" "Any communication between the VLANs can be blocked using " "a firewall or, as seen in this example, private interfaces:" @@ -118518,13 +119436,13 @@ "usando um firewall ou, como visto neste exemplo, interfaces privadas:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64964 +#: book.translate.xml:65442 #, no-wrap msgid "# ifconfig bridge0 private vlan100 private vlan101" msgstr "# ifconfig bridge0 private vlan100 private vlan101" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:64966 +#: book.translate.xml:65444 msgid "" "The customers are completely isolated from each other and the full " "/24 address range can be " @@ -118535,7 +119453,7 @@ "sem criação de sub-redes." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:64970 +#: book.translate.xml:65448 msgid "" "The number of unique source MAC addresses behind an " "interface can be limited. Once the limit is reached, packets with unknown " @@ -118548,7 +119466,7 @@ "cache do host existente expire ou seja removida." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:64976 +#: book.translate.xml:65454 msgid "" "The following example sets the maximum number of Ethernet devices for " "CustomerA on " @@ -118559,13 +119477,13 @@ "vlan100 para 10:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/screen -#: book.translate.xml:64980 +#: book.translate.xml:65458 #, no-wrap msgid "# ifconfig bridge0 ifmaxaddr vlan100 10" msgstr "# ifconfig bridge0 ifmaxaddr vlan100 10" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:64985 +#: book.translate.xml:65463 msgid "" "Bridge interfaces also support monitor mode, where the packets are discarded " "after bpf4# ifconfig bridge0 addm fxp0 addm fxp1 addm fxp2 addm fxp3 monitor up\n" @@ -118598,12 +119516,12 @@ "# tcpdump -i bridge0" #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:64999 +#: book.translate.xml:65477 msgid "SNMP Monitoring" msgstr "Monitoramento SNMP" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:65001 +#: book.translate.xml:65479 msgid "" "The bridge interface and STP parameters can be monitored " "via bsnmpd1/etc/" "snmpd.config by removing the beginning # " @@ -118631,13 +119549,13 @@ "etc/snmpd.config removendo o símbolo inicial #:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:65012 +#: book.translate.xml:65490 #, no-wrap msgid "begemotSnmpdModulePath.\"bridge\" = \"/usr/lib/\"" msgstr "begemotSnmpdModulePath.\"bridge\" = \"/usr/lib/\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:65014 +#: book.translate.xml:65492 msgid "" "Other configuration settings, such as community names and access lists, may " "need to be modified in this file. See bsnmpd/etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:65020 +#: book.translate.xml:65498 #, no-wrap msgid "bsnmpd_enable=\"YES\"" msgstr "bsnmpd_enable=\"YES\"" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:65022 +#: book.translate.xml:65500 msgid "" "Then, start bsnmpd1:" @@ -118670,13 +119588,13 @@ "refentrytitle>1:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:65024 +#: book.translate.xml:65502 #, no-wrap msgid "# service bsnmpd start" msgstr "# service bsnmpd start" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:65026 +#: book.translate.xml:65504 msgid "" "The following examples use the Net-SNMP software " "(net-mgmt/net-snmp) to query a bridge from a client " @@ -118695,7 +119613,7 @@ "bridge MIB:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:65036 +#: book.translate.xml:65514 #, no-wrap msgid "" "mibdirs +/usr/share/snmp/mibs\n" @@ -118705,12 +119623,12 @@ "mibs +BRIDGE-MIB:RSTP-MIB:BEGEMOT-MIB:BEGEMOT-BRIDGE-MIB" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:65039 +#: book.translate.xml:65517 msgid "To monitor a single bridge using the IETF BRIDGE-MIB (RFC4188):" msgstr "Para monitorar uma única bridge usando o IETF BRIDGE-MIB (RFC4188):" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:65042 +#: book.translate.xml:65520 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% snmpwalk -v 2c -c public mib-2.dot1dBridge\n" @@ -118748,7 +119666,7 @@ "RSTP-MIB::dot1dStpVersion.0 = INTEGER: rstp(2)" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:65059 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "The dot1dStpTopChanges.0 value is two, indicating that " "the STP bridge topology has changed twice. A topology " @@ -118765,7 +119683,7 @@ "isso acontecer." #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:65067 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "To monitor multiple bridge interfaces, the private BEGEMOT-BRIDGE-MIB can be " "used:" @@ -118774,7 +119692,7 @@ "pode ser usado:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:65070 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% snmpwalk -v 2c -c public\n" @@ -118810,7 +119728,7 @@ "BEGEMOT-BRIDGE-MIB::begemotBridgeStpDesignatedRoot.\"bridge2\" = Hex-STRING: 80 00 00 50 8B B8 C6 A9" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:65086 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "To change the bridge interface being monitored via the mib-2." "dot1dBridge subtree:" @@ -118819,7 +119737,7 @@ "subárvore mib-2.dot1dBridge:" #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen -#: book.translate.xml:65089 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 #, no-wrap msgid "" "% snmpset -v 2c -c private\n" @@ -118829,42 +119747,42 @@ "BEGEMOT-BRIDGE-MIB::begemotBridgeDefaultBridgeIf.0 s bridge2" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:65096 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "Link Aggregation and Failover" msgstr "Agregação de links e failover" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:65109 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "lagg" msgstr "lagg" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:65112 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "failover" msgstr "failover" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:65115 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "FEC" msgstr "FEC" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:65118 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "LACP" msgstr "LACP" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:65121 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "loadbalance" msgstr "loadbalance" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:65124 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "roundrobin" msgstr "roundrobin" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:65128 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "FreeBSD provides the lagg4 interface which can be " @@ -118885,7 +119803,7 @@ "tráfego bidirecionalmente ao responder à falha de links individuais." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:65138 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "The aggregation protocols supported by the lagg interface determine which " "ports are used for outgoing traffic and whether or not a specific port " @@ -118900,12 +119818,12 @@ "citerefentry>:" #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:65145 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "failover" msgstr "failover" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:65147 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "This mode sends and receives traffic only through the master port. If the " "master port becomes unavailable, the next active port is used. The first " @@ -118922,12 +119840,12 @@ "original se tornará a principal quando estiver disponível novamente." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:65159 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "fec / loadbalance" msgstr "fec / loadbalance" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:65161 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "Cisco Fast EtherChannel (FEC) is found on " @@ -118944,12 +119862,12 @@ "suportar LACP, isso deve ser usado em seu lugar." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:65171 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "lacp" msgstr "lacp" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:65173 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "The IEEE 802.3ad Link " "Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) negotiates a set of " @@ -118972,7 +119890,7 @@ "acronym> convergirá rapidamente para uma nova configuração." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:65187 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "LACP balances outgoing traffic across the active ports " "based on hashed protocol header information and accepts incoming traffic " @@ -118988,12 +119906,12 @@ "origem e destino IPv4 ou IPv6." #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term -#: book.translate.xml:65199 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "roundrobin" msgstr "roundrobin" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:65201 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "This mode distributes outgoing traffic using a round-robin scheduler through " "all active ports and accepts incoming traffic from any active port. Since " @@ -119005,12 +119923,12 @@ "usado com cautela." #. (itstool) path: sect2/title -#: book.translate.xml:65211 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "Configuration Examples" msgstr "Exemplos de configuração" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para -#: book.translate.xml:65213 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "This section demonstrates how to configure a Cisco switch and a FreeBSD system for LACP " @@ -119025,7 +119943,7 @@ "failover entre uma Ethernet e uma interface sem fio." #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:65221 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "LACP Aggregation with a Cisco Switch" @@ -119034,7 +119952,7 @@ "\">Cisco" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:65224 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "This example connects two fxp4 Ethernet interfaces on " @@ -119057,7 +119975,7 @@ "local." #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:65233 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "Frame ordering is mandatory on Ethernet links and any traffic between two " "stations always flows over the same physical link, limiting the maximum " @@ -119072,7 +119990,7 @@ "tráfego e equilibrar os fluxos entre as interfaces disponíveis." #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:65241 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "On the Cisco switch, add the " "FastEthernet0/1 and FastEthernet0/21:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:65246 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 #, no-wrap msgid "" "interface FastEthernet0/1\n" @@ -119104,7 +120022,7 @@ " channel-protocol lacp" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:65254 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "On the FreeBSD system, create the lagg4 interface using the " @@ -119119,7 +120037,7 @@ "" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:65261 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig fxp0 up\n" @@ -119133,12 +120051,12 @@ "# ifconfig lagg0 up laggproto lacp laggport fxp0 laggport fxp1" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:65266 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "Next, verify the status of the virtual interface:" msgstr "Em seguida, verifique o status da interface virtual:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:65268 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig lagg0\n" @@ -119164,7 +120082,7 @@ " laggport: fxp0 flags=1c<ACTIVE,COLLECTING,DISTRIBUTING>" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:65279 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "Ports marked as ACTIVE are part of the LAG that has been negotiated with the remote switch. Traffic will be " @@ -119177,7 +120095,7 @@ "comando acima para ver os identificadores LAG." #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:65287 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "To see the port status on the Cisco switch:" @@ -119186,7 +120104,7 @@ "trademark>:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:65289 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 #, no-wrap msgid "" "switch# show lacp neighbor\n" @@ -119218,13 +120136,13 @@ "Fa0/2 SA 32768 0005.5d71.8db8 29s 0x146 0x4 0x3D" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:65303 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "For more detail, type show lacp neighbor detail." msgstr "" "Para mais detalhes, digite show lacp neighbor detail." #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:65306 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "To retain this configuration across reboots, add the following entries to " "/etc/rc.conf on the FreeBSD system:" @@ -119233,7 +120151,7 @@ "seguintes entradas ao /etc/rc.conf no sistema FreeBSD:" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:65310 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ifconfig_fxp0=\"up\"\n" @@ -119247,12 +120165,12 @@ "ifconfig_lagg0=\"laggproto lacp laggport fxp0 laggport fxp1\"" #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:65317 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "Failover Mode" msgstr "Modo de Failover" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:65319 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "Failover mode can be used to switch over to a secondary interface if the " "link is lost on the master interface. To configure failover, make sure that " @@ -119273,7 +120191,7 @@ "endereço IP de" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:65329 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig fxp0 up\n" @@ -119287,12 +120205,12 @@ "# ifconfig lagg0 up laggproto failover laggport fxp0 laggport fxp1" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:65334 book.translate.xml:65438 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "The virtual interface should look something like this:" msgstr "A interface virtual deve ser algo como isto:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:65337 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig lagg0\n" @@ -119318,7 +120236,7 @@ " laggport: fxp0 flags=5<MASTER,ACTIVE>" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:65348 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "Traffic will be transmitted and received on fxp0. " "If the link is lost on fxp0, fxp1/etc/rc.conf:" @@ -119340,7 +120258,7 @@ "seguintes entradas ao /etc/rc.conf:" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:65359 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ifconfig_fxp0=\"up\"\n" @@ -119354,12 +120272,12 @@ "ifconfig_lagg0=\"laggproto failover laggport fxp0 laggport fxp1\"" #. (itstool) path: example/title -#: book.translate.xml:65366 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "Failover Mode Between Ethernet and Wireless Interfaces" msgstr "Modo de failover entre interfaces Ethernet e sem fio" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:65369 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "For laptop users, it is usually desirable to configure the wireless device " "as a secondary which is only used when the Ethernet connection is not " @@ -119378,7 +120296,7 @@ "sem fio." #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:65377 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "This is achieved by overriding the Ethernet interface's MAC address with that of the wireless interface." @@ -119387,7 +120305,7 @@ "Ethernet com o da interface wireless." #. (itstool) path: note/para -#: book.translate.xml:65382 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "In theory, either the Ethernet or wireless MAC address can be changed to " "match the other. However, some popular wireless interfaces lack support for " @@ -119399,8 +120317,38 @@ "têm suporte para substituir o endereço MAC. Portanto, recomendamos " "substituir o endereço MAC da Ethernet para esse fim." +#. (itstool) path: note/para +#: book.translate.xml:65535 +msgid "" +"If the driver for the wireless interface is not loaded in the " +"GENERIC or custom kernel, and the computer is running " +"FreeBSD 12.1, load the corresponding .ko in /" +"boot/loader.conf by adding driver_load=\"YES\" to that file and rebooting. Another, " +"better way is to load the driver in /etc/rc.conf by " +"adding it to kld_list (see " +"rc.conf5 for details) in that file and rebooting. This is " +"needed because otherwise the driver is not loaded yet at the time the " +"lagg4 interface is set up." +msgstr "" +"Se o driver para a interface wireless não estiver carregado no kernel " +"GENERIC ou customizado, e o computador estiver rodando o " +"FreeBSD 12.1, carregue o .ko correspondente no arquivo " +"/boot/loader.conf adicionando " +"driver_load=\"YES\" e " +"reiniciando a maquina. Outra forma melhor, é carregar o driver no arquivo " +"/etc/rc.conf adicionando a variável kld_list (veja rc.conf5 para maiores detalhes) " +"nesse arquivo e reiniciar. Isso é necessário porque de outra forma o driver " +"não estará carregado no tempo em que a interface " +"lagg4 for configurada." + #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:65389 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "In this example, the Ethernet interface, re0, is " "the master and the wireless interface, wlan0, is " @@ -119419,7 +120367,7 @@ "wireless:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:65400 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig wlan0\n" @@ -119449,7 +120397,7 @@ "\tnd6 options=29<PERFORMNUD,IFDISABLED,AUTO_LINKLOCAL>" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:65413 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "Replace wlan0 to match the system's wireless " "interface name. The ether line will contain the " @@ -119462,13 +120410,13 @@ "endereço MAC da interface Ethernet subjacente:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:65420 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 #, no-wrap msgid "# ifconfig re0 ether b8:ee:65:5b:32:59" msgstr "# ifconfig re0 ether b8:ee:65:5b:32:59" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:65422 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "Bring the wireless interface up (replacing FR " "with your own 2-letter country code), but do not set an IPIP:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:65427 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 #, no-wrap msgid "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0 country FR ssid my_router up" msgstr "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0 country FR ssid my_router up" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:65429 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "Make sure the re0 interface is up, then create " "the lagg4wlan0:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:65434 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig re0 up\n" @@ -119511,7 +120459,7 @@ "# ifconfig lagg0 up laggproto failover laggport re0 laggport wlan0" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:65441 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 #, no-wrap msgid "" "# ifconfig lagg0\n" @@ -119537,7 +120485,7 @@ " status: active" #. (itstool) path: example/para -#: book.translate.xml:65452 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "Then, start the DHCP client to obtain an IP address:" @@ -119546,13 +120494,13 @@ "IP:" #. (itstool) path: example/screen -#: book.translate.xml:65455 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 #, no-wrap msgid "# dhclient lagg0" msgstr "# dhclient lagg0" #. (itstool) path: example/programlisting -#: book.translate.xml:65461 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 #, no-wrap msgid "" "ifconfig_re0=\"ether b8:ee:65:5b:32:59\"\n" @@ -119570,12 +120518,12 @@ "ifconfig_lagg0=\"up laggproto failover laggport re0 laggport wlan0 DHCP\"" #. (itstool) path: info/title -#: book.translate.xml:65473 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "Diskless Operation with PXE" msgstr "Operação Diskless com PXE" #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:65476 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" " Jean-François Dockès " " Updated by " @@ -119584,7 +120532,7 @@ "surname> Atualizado por " #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author -#: book.translate.xml:65485 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" " Alex Dupre Reorganized and enhanced by " @@ -119593,17 +120541,17 @@ "personname> Reorganizado e aprimorado por " #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:65495 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "diskless workstation" msgstr "diskless workstation" #. (itstool) path: sect1/indexterm -#: book.translate.xml:65498 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "diskless operation" msgstr "diskless operation" #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:65502 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "The Intel Preboot eXecution " "Environment (PXE) allows an operating system to boot over " @@ -119627,7 +120575,7 @@ "inicialização do sistema." #. (itstool) path: sect1/para -#: book.translate.xml:65513 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "In order to provide the files needed for an operating system to boot over " "the network, a PXE setup also requires properly " @@ -119640,7 +120588,7 @@ "corretamente e Servidores NFS, onde:" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:65521 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "Initial parameters, such as an IP address, executable " "boot filename and location, server name, and root path are obtained from the " @@ -119651,7 +120599,7 @@ "caminho do root são obtidos do servidor DHCP." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:65528 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "The operating system loader file is booted using TFTP." msgstr "" @@ -119659,7 +120607,7 @@ "TFTP." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:65533 +#: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "The file systems are loaded using NFS." msgstr "" "Os sistemas de arquivos são carregados usando o NFS." @@ -121233,7 +122181,7 @@ "High availability using CARP is built into FreeBSD, " "though the steps to configure it vary slightly depending upon the FreeBSD " "version. This section provides the same example configuration for versions " -"before and equal to or after FreeBSD 10." +"before and equal to or after FreeBSD 10." msgstr "" "A alta disponibilidade usando o CARP é nativa no FreeBSD, " "embora os passos para configurá-lo variem um pouco dependendo da versão do " @@ -121285,8 +122233,8 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect2/title #: book.translate.xml:65535 -msgid "Using CARP on FreeBSD 10 and Later" -msgstr "Usando CARP no FreeBSD 10 e superiores" +msgid "Using CARP on FreeBSD 10 and Later" +msgstr "Usando CARP no FreeBSD 10 e Posteriores" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para #: book.translate.xml:65535 @@ -121498,8 +122446,8 @@ #. (itstool) path: sect2/title #: book.translate.xml:65535 -msgid "Using CARP on FreeBSD 9 and Earlier" -msgstr "Usando CARP no FreeBSD 9 e anteriores" +msgid "Using CARP on FreeBSD 9 and Earlier" +msgstr "Usando CARP no FreeBSD 9 e Anteriores" #. (itstool) path: sect2/para #: book.translate.xml:65535 @@ -122995,11 +123943,6 @@ "" " (ftp)" -#. (itstool) path: listitem/para -#: book.translate.xml:65535 -msgid "" -msgstr "" - #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term #: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "Russia" @@ -124558,6 +125501,19 @@ #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" +"Jpman Project, Japan FreeBSD " +"Users Group. FreeBSD User's Reference Manual (Japanese translation). " +"Mainichi Communications Inc." +", 1998. ISBN4-8399-0088-4 P3800E." +msgstr "" +"Jpman Project, Japan FreeBSD " +"Users Group. FreeBSD User's Reference Manual (Japanese translation). " +"Mainichi Communications Inc." +", 1998. ISBN4-8399-0088-4 P3800E." + +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:65535 +msgid "" "Edinburgh University has " "written an Online " @@ -124577,16 +125533,14 @@ #: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "Jpman Project, Japan FreeBSD " -"Users Group. FreeBSD System Administrator's Manual (Japanese translation). " -"Mainichi Communications Inc." -", 1998. ISBN4-8399-0109-0 P3300E." +"Users Group. FreeBSD System Administrator's Manual (Japanese " +"translation). Mainichi " +"Communications Inc., 1998. ISBN4-8399-0109-0 P3300E." msgstr "" "Jpman Project, Japan FreeBSD " -"Users Group. FreeBSD System Administrator's Manual (Japanese translation). " -"Mainichi Communications Inc." -", 1998. ISBN4-8399-0109-0 P3300E." +"Users Group. FreeBSD System Administrator's Manual (Japanese " +"translation). Mainichi " +"Communications Inc., 1998. ISBN4-8399-0109-0 P3300E." #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #: book.translate.xml:65535 @@ -125051,6 +126005,15 @@ "4.4BSD and 4.4BSD-Lite2 (but not 2.11BSD, unfortunately). The last disk also " "holds the final sources plus the SCCS files." +#. (itstool) path: listitem/para +#: book.translate.xml:65535 +msgid "" +"Kernighan, Brian Unix: A History and a Memoir. Kindle " +"Direct Publishing, 2020. ISBN 978-169597855-3" +msgstr "" +"Kernighan, Brian Unix: A History and a Memoir. Kindle " +"Direct Publishing, 2020. ISBN 978-169597855-3" + #. (itstool) path: sect1/title #: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "Periodicals, Journals, and Magazines" @@ -125447,6 +126410,20 @@ "Vagas de empregos para trabalhar com FreeBSD e oportunidades de consultoria" #. (itstool) path: row/entry +#: book.translate.xml:65535 +msgid "" +"freebsd-quarterly-calls" +msgstr "" +"freebsd-quarterly-calls" + +#. (itstool) path: row/entry +#: book.translate.xml:65535 +msgid "Calls for quarterly status reports (moderated)" +msgstr "Chamadas para relatórios de status trimestrais (moderado)" + +#. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term #: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" @@ -126528,6 +127505,23 @@ msgstr "Desenvolvimento de extensões em tempo real para o FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: row/entry +#: book.translate.xml:65535 +msgid "" +"freebsd-riscv" +msgstr "" +"freebsd-riscv" + +#. (itstool) path: row/entry +#: book.translate.xml:65535 +msgid "" +"Porting FreeBSD to RISC-V systems" +msgstr "" +"Portando o FreeBSD para sistemas RISC-V" + +#. (itstool) path: row/entry #. (itstool) path: varlistentry/term #: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" @@ -127226,7 +128220,7 @@ #: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" "All changes to the releng branches of the src " -"Subversion repository (the security / release engineering branches)" +"Subversion repository (the security / release engineering branches)" msgstr "" "Todas as mudanças nas ramificações releng do " "repositório src Subversion (as ramificações de engenharia de segurança/" @@ -128635,10 +129629,10 @@ #. (itstool) path: listitem/para #: book.translate.xml:65535 msgid "" -"Important news and instructions about the FreeBSD Ports " +"Important news and instructions about the FreeBSD Ports " "Collection" msgstr "" -"Notícias e instruções importantes sobre a coleção de portsNotícias e instruções importantes sobre a Coleção de Ports do FreeBSD" #. (itstool) path: listitem/para @@ -131197,14 +132191,13 @@ msgid "" "A filesystem developed by Microsoft and available in its New " "Technology operating systems, such as Windows 2000, Windows NT and Windows XP." +"\">Windows 2000, Windows NT and Windows XP." msgstr "" -"Um sistema de arquivos desenvolvido pela Microsoft e disponível em seus " -"sistemas operacionais New Technology, como Windows 2000, Windows NT e Windows XP." +"A filesystem developed by Microsoft and available in its New " +"Technology operating systems, such as Windows 2000, Windows NT and Windows XP." #. (itstool) path: glossentry/glossterm #: book.translate.xml:65535