Index: share/man/man7/tests.7 =================================================================== --- share/man/man7/tests.7 +++ share/man/man7/tests.7 @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ .\" OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN .\" IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. .\" -.Dd June 2, 2019 +.Dd June 18, 2020 .Dt TESTS 7 .Os .Sh NAME @@ -102,11 +102,13 @@ introduce unexpected failures. .El .Ss Running the tests -First, you will need to install the -.Sq devel/kyua -package from -.Xr ports 7 . -Then use the following command to run the whole test suite: +The test driver, +.Xr kyua 5 , +is installed by default as of +.Fx +13.0-RELEASE. +.Pp +Use the following command to run the whole test suite: .Bd -literal -offset indent $ kyua test -k /usr/tests/Kyuafile .Ed @@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ .Pp Test suites are configured by defining their configuration variables in -.Pa /usr/local/etc/kyua/kyua.conf . +.Pa /etc/kyua/kyua.conf . The format of this file is detailed in .Xr kyua.conf 5 . .Pp @@ -205,8 +207,8 @@ .Lk "Problem Reporting" .El .Sh FILES -.Bl -tag -compact -width usrXlocalXetcXkyuaXkyuaXconfXX -.It Pa /usr/local/etc/kyua/kyua.conf +.Bl -tag -compact -width etcXkyuaXkyuaXconfXX +.It Pa /etc/kyua/kyua.conf System-wide configuration file for .Xr kyua 1 . .It Pa ~/.kyua/kyua.conf