Index: sys/dev/mpr/mpr_sas_lsi.c
--- sys/dev/mpr/mpr_sas_lsi.c
+++ sys/dev/mpr/mpr_sas_lsi.c
@@ -839,23 +839,30 @@
 	 * use_phynum:
-	 *  1 - use the PhyNum field as a fallback to the mapping logic
+	 *  1 - use the PhyNum (and other) fields as fallback to the mapping logic
 	 *  0 - never use the PhyNum field
 	 * -1 - only use the PhyNum field
-	 * Note that using the Phy number to map a device can cause device adds
-	 * to fail if multiple enclosures/expanders are in the topology. For
-	 * example, if two devices are in the same slot number in two different
-	 * enclosures within the topology, only one of those devices will be
-	 * added. PhyNum mapping should not be used if multiple enclosures are
-	 * in the topology.
+	 * Note that the fallback logic is falliable, and should only be used
+	 * if the mapping logic isn't working.  It will fail in the following
+	 * situations:
+	 * - A single enclosure has more than 128 slots
+	 * - More than 8 enclosures are present on one bus
+	 * - The SEP assigns the same slot number to multiple drives
 	id = MPR_MAP_BAD_ID;
 	if (sc->use_phynum != -1) 
 		id = mpr_mapping_get_tid(sc, sas_address, handle);
 	if (id == MPR_MAP_BAD_ID) {
-		if ((sc->use_phynum == 0) ||
-		    ((id = config_page.PhyNum) > sassc->maxtargets)) {
+		/* 
+		 * No mapping table.  Generate an id based on the
+		 * EnclosureHandle and Slot.  We can't use PhyNum alone because
+		 * there may be multiple expanders on a single bus.  Ditto for
+		 * Slot.  And we can't use EnclosureHandle + Phynum because some
+		 * enclosures legitimately contain multiple expanders
+		 */
+		id = ((config_page.EnclosureHandle - 1) << 7) | config_page.Slot;
+		if ((sc->use_phynum == 0) || (id > sassc->maxtargets)) {
 			mpr_dprint(sc, MPR_INFO, "failure at %s:%d/%s()! "
 			    "Could not get ID for device with handle 0x%04x\n",
 			    __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, handle);