Index: share/man/man4/iw_ixl.4 =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ share/man/man4/iw_ixl.4 @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +.\" Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +.\" +.\" This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +.\" licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +.\" General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +.\" COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +.\" BSD license below: +.\" +.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +.\" without modification, are permitted provided that the following +.\" conditions are met: +.\" +.\" - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +.\" copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +.\" disclaimer. +.\" +.\" - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +.\" copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +.\" disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +.\" provided with the distribution. +.\" +.\" THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +.\" EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +.\" MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +.\" NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +.\" BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +.\" ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +.\" CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +.\" SOFTWARE. +.Dd June 20, 2017 +.Dt IW_IXL 4 +.Os +.Sh NAME +.Nm iw_ixl +.Nd "Beta iWARP Driver for the Intel? Ethernet Connection X722 for the FreeBSD* operating system" +.Sh SYNOPSIS +This module relies on +.Xr if_ixl 4 +and requires a number of adjustments before it is ready to use. +.Bl -tag -nested-width indent +.It The following kernel options should be included in the configuration: +.Bl -tag +.It IXL_IW +.It OFED +.It OFED_DEBUG_INIT +.It IPOIB_CM +.El +.It The following tunable should be set: +.Bl -tag +.It hw.ixl.enable_iwarp=1 +.El +.El +.Pp +.Sh DESCRIPTION +The +.Nm +driver provides support for iWARP capability of the Intel(R) Ethernet Controller X722 family of ethernet devices. +The driver requires +.Xr if_ixl 4 + version 1.7.12 or higher. Currently, only kernel verbs are supported . For further hardware information and questions related to hardware requirements, see +.Pa . +.Sh HARDWARE +The driver supports the Intel(R) Ethernet Controller X722 family of ethernet devices with iWARP support. +.Sh LOADER TUNABLES +Tunables can be set at the +.Xr loader 8 +prompt before booting the kernel or stored in +.Xr loader.conf 5 . +.Bl -tag -width indent +.It Va hw.iw_ixl.max_ceq +Determines the maximum number of msix vectors available to the driver for CEQ usage. The value is usually evaluated with respect to maximal number of msix vectors on the pci, hardware limitations and number of CPUs. The tunable controls how many msix vectors are actually used by the driver. If equal to 0, the value will be ignored. +.It Va hw.iw_ixl.debug +Controls amount of debug messages being printed out. +.It Va hw.iw_ixl.mpa_version +Determines which MPA version should be used, the default is 2. +.El +.Sh SYSCTL PROCEDURES +.Bl -tag -width indent +.It Va hw.iw_ixl.debug +Controls amount of debug messages being printed out. +.El +.Sh KNOWN ISSUES +.Bl -dash -nested +.It +Note that 40G operation can generate high numbers of interrupts, often incorrectly being interpreted as a storm condition in the kernel. You can resolve this by setting: +.Bl -tag -width indent +.It Va hw.intr_storm_threshold: 0 +.El +Consult +.Xr ixl 4 , +or for details. +.It +Loopback connection is not supported. +.It +Connection using IPv6 is not supported. +.It +Changing the MTU size is not supported. +.It +MW memory mode is not supported. +.It +MR memory mode supports only single buffer. +.It +ib_cq_resize function is not supported. +.El +.Sh SUPPORT +For general information and support, +go to the Intel support website at: +.Pa . +.Pp +If an issue is identified with this driver with a supported adapter, +email all the specific information related to the issue to +.Aq . +.Sh SEE ALSO +.Xr ixl 4 , +.Xr ixlv 4 , +.Sh AUTHORS +.An -nosplit +The +.Nm +driver has been ported, prepared and maintained by +.An Maciej Sosnowski Aq Mt +and +.An Bartosz Sobczak Aq Mt . Index: sys/amd64/conf/NOTES =================================================================== --- sys/amd64/conf/NOTES +++ sys/amd64/conf/NOTES @@ -315,6 +315,7 @@ # Requires the iwn firmware module # ixl: Intel XL710 40Gbe PCIE Ethernet # ixlv: Intel XL710 40Gbe VF PCIE Ethernet +# iw_ixl: Intel X722 40Gbe PCIE iWARP driver # mlx4ib: Mellanox ConnectX HCA InfiniBand # mlx4en: Mellanox ConnectX HCA Ethernet # mthca: Mellanox HCA InfiniBand @@ -335,6 +336,7 @@ device ixl # Intel XL710 40Gbe PCIE Ethernet options IXL_IW # Enable iWARP Client Interface in ixl(4) device ixlv # Intel XL710 40Gbe VF PCIE Ethernet +nodevice iw_ixl # Intel X722 40Gbe PCIE iWARP driver device mlx4 # Shared code module between IB and Ethernet device mlx4ib # Mellanox ConnectX HCA InfiniBand device mlx4en # Mellanox ConnectX HCA Ethernet Index: sys/conf/files.amd64 =================================================================== --- sys/conf/files.amd64 +++ sys/conf/files.amd64 @@ -277,6 +277,28 @@ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/i40e_adminq.c optional ixl pci | ixlv pci \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" +dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl.c optional iw_ixl ixl pci \ + compile-with "${OFED_C} -I$S/dev/ixl/iwarp -I$S/dev/ixl/" +dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_cm.c optional iw_ixl ixl pci \ + compile-with "${OFED_C} -I$S/dev/ixl/iwarp -I$S/dev/ixl/" +dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_hw.c optional iw_ixl ixl pci \ + compile-with "${OFED_C} -I$S/dev/ixl/iwarp -I$S/dev/ixl/" +dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_linux_genalloc.c optional iw_ixl ixl pci \ + compile-with "${OFED_C} -I$S/dev/ixl/iwarp -I$S/dev/ixl/" +dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_pble.c optional iw_ixl ixl pci \ + compile-with "${OFED_C} -I$S/dev/ixl/iwarp -I$S/dev/ixl/" +dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_utils.c optional iw_ixl ixl pci \ + compile-with "${OFED_C} -I$S/dev/ixl/iwarp -I$S/dev/ixl/" +dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_verbs.c optional iw_ixl ixl pci \ + compile-with "${OFED_C} -I$S/dev/ixl/iwarp -I$S/dev/ixl/" +dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_ctrl.c optional iw_ixl ixl pci \ + compile-with "${OFED_C} -I$S/dev/ixl/iwarp -I$S/dev/ixl/" +dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_hmc.c optional iw_ixl ixl pci \ + compile-with "${OFED_C} -I$S/dev/ixl/iwarp -I$S/dev/ixl/" +dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_puda.c optional iw_ixl ixl pci \ + compile-with "${OFED_C} -I$S/dev/ixl/iwarp -I$S/dev/ixl/" +dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_uk.c optional iw_ixl ixl pci \ + compile-with "${OFED_C} -I$S/dev/ixl/iwarp -I$S/dev/ixl/" dev/fdc/fdc.c optional fdc dev/fdc/fdc_acpi.c optional fdc dev/fdc/fdc_isa.c optional fdc isa Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/COPYING =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along + with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General +Public License instead of this License. Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/README =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/README @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +ixl iWARP FreeBSD* driver for Intel(R) Ethernet Connection X722 +================================================================ +June 19, 2017 + +Contents +======== + +- Prerequisites +- Building and Installation +- Testing +- Configuration +- Interoperability +- Known Issues + + +================================================================================ + + +Prerequisites +------------- + +- FreeBSD version 10.3 or 11.0, or later. +- Kernel configuration: + Please add the following kernel configuration options: + include GENERIC + options OFED + options OFED_DEBUG_INIT + options COMPAT_LINUXKPI + options SDP + options IPOIB_CM + options IXL_IW + + nodevice ixl + nodevice ixlv + Note: COMPAT_LINUXKPI is not required in FreeBSD 11.0 or later. +- For the iw_ixl driver to work, an if_ixl driver with iwarp interface + is required. The interface is available in if_ixl version 1.7.12 or later. + It should be enabled prior to usage, as the setting is switched off by + default. To enable iwarp compatibility, add + hw.ixl.enable_iwarp=1 +to + /boot/loader.conf + +The lan driver can be downloaded from + +Or search on using '40 Gigabit Ethernet Network +Connection under FreeBSD'. Newer OS releases contain the if_ixl driver in +the ixl driver version 1.7.12-k or later. + +There are some known issues with the interface on if_ixl-1.7.12. Please +use version 1.7.13 or later. + +- fastreg memory mode in krping needs a patch applied to krping. + Refer to the 'Testing' and 'Known Issues' sections for details. +- fr test in krping in FreeBSD 10.3 needs a patch applied to krping. + Refer to 'Testing' and 'Known Issues' section for details. + + +Building and Installation +------------------------- + +1. Untar ixl-.tar.gz and iw_ixl-.tar.gz + tar -xf ixl-.tar.gz + tar -xf iw_ixl-.tar.gz +2. Install the if_ixl driver: + cd ixl-/src directory + make + make install +3. Install the iw_ixl driver: + cd iw_ixl-/src + make clean + make IXL_DIR=$PATH_TO_IXL/ixl-/src + make install +4. Install the man page for the iw_ixl driver by copying the iw_ixl.4.gz file + to the directory where manual pages are held on your system, for instance: + cp iw_ixl-/doc/iw_ixl.4.gz /usr/share/man/man4/ + +For in-tree driver if_ixl-1.7.12-k or later, it is sufficient to follow +the instruction from point 3 but ensure the correct path to if_ixl source +folder is supplied, for instance: + IXL_DIR=/usr/src/sys/dev/ixl/ + + +Testing +------- +1. To load iw_ixl driver call: + kldload iw_ixl + If if_ixl is not already loaded, the system will load it on its own. + Please remember to add + hw.ixl.iwarp_enable=1 + to /boot/loader.conf file prior to if_ixl loading, to ensure the ixl + driver has the iwarp interface enabled. +2. To validate the load of the driver check: + sysctl -a | grep infiniband + a number of sys.class.infiniband should appear provided at least one + port of the X722 is up. +3. The source code for krping software is provided with the kernel in +/usr/src/sys/contrib/rdma/krping/. To compile the software, change directory +to /usr/src/sys/modules/rdma/krping/ and invoke: + make clean + make + make install + Note: In FreeBSD 10.3, some changes need to be applied to the krping.c file + in order to enable fastreg memory mode and/or fr test. + For details please refer to Known Issues section. +4. Start krping server on one machine: + echo size=64,count=1,port=6601,addr=,server > /dev/krping +5. Connect client from another machine: + echo size=64,count=1,port=6601,addr=,client > /dev/krping + + +================================================================================ + + +Configuration +------------- + +The following sysctl options are visible: + - hw.iw_ixl.max_ceq + determines the maximum number of msix vectors available to the driver + for CEQ usage. + - hw.iw_ixl.debug + defines level of debug messages. + - hw.iw_ixl.mpa_version + shows the current MPA version used. + +The max_ceq setting may be changed by adding: + hw.iw_ixl.max_ceq=$value +to /boot/loader.conf file. The final number of CEQ is evaluated depending +on the available msix vectors, number of cpu cores, and hardware limits. + +If max_ceq=0, the value is ignored. + +The debug setting may be changed either by adding: + hw.iw_ixl.debug=$value +to the /boot/loader.conf file or by calling + sysctl hw.iw_ixl.debug=$value + +The mpa_version may be changed by adding: + hw.iw_ixl.mpa_version=$value +to the /boot/loader.conf file. + + +Interoperability +---------------- + +To interoperate with Chelsio iWARP devices: + +1. Load the ixl driver with parameter mpa_version set to 1. +Add the line: + hw.iw_ixl.mpa_version=1 +to /boot/loader.conf + +2. Load Chelsio T4/T5 RDMA driver (iw_cxgb4) with parameters + c4iw_max_read_depth set to 63 and dack_mode set to 0. + + +================================================================================ + + +Known Issues +------------ + +- Loopback is not supported. +- MTU changes are not supported. +- IPv6 is not supported. +- MW memory mode is not supported. +- MR memory mode supports only single buffer. +- The function ib_cq_resize is not supported. +- The max number of registered cq, qp, pd or mr reported by the device may + differ from the actual number of registrations achievable. +- A kernel crash may occur when trying to run krping without ensuring that the + two machines are able to ping each other. +- A kernel crash may occur when trying to load the iw_ixl driver when + hw.ixl.enable_iwarp=0 (fixed with if_ixl 1.7.13). +- A kernel crash may occur when loading the iw_ixl driver on a card that is + supported by if_ixl driver, but does not have iWARP capability (fixed with + if_ixl 1.7.13). +- On FreeBSD 10.3 you can run krping traffic with a Chelsio T5 card if + mpa_version on the X722 card is set to '1'. To set the MPA version, add: + hw.iw_ixl.mpa_version=1 + to /boot/loader.conf. + Setting MPA version on both the X722 and the Chelsio T5 card to '2' may + result in a kernel crash. + On FreeBSD 11.0, krping traffic is possible with the default settings. +- Krping with fastreg memory mode will not work unless some changes are made + to krping. To workaround the issue, modify the krping_rdma_rkey function + such that, in the case of FASTREG memory mode, the ib_post_send function with + &cd->invalidate_wr parameter is not called during the first run of the function +- In FreeBSD 10.3, krping fr test is incorrectly implemented. Please consult + the krping.c file provided with the FreeBSD 11.0 kernel for the required + fixes. Needed changes include, but are not limited to: + - The fr test requires the server side (unlike what is written in + the comments). + function: krping_doit + function: krping_fr_test_server + function: krping_run_server + - The fr test require MR memory mode. + function: krping_doit + - Wrong device is queried on the client side when checking fastreg support. + function: fastreg_supported + - Note: the fr itself is designed to work endlessly, however lack of + wait_event_interruptible_timeout function support causes the test to do + nothing after the first iteration. + function: krping_fr_test + +------------------- +Changes since 0.1.2 +------------------- +- Fix for kernel crash on FreeBSD 11.0 when setting ixl3 down. + +-------------------- +Changes since 0.0.24 +-------------------- +- Added patch for 1.7.12 to fix a number of bugs (These changes are available + in the ixl driver, version 1.7.13 and later): + o kernel crash on loading iw_ixl on XL710 cards. + o kernel crash on loading iw_ixl with enable_iwarp tunable set to 0. +- MSIX vector utilization has been reworked. +- CPU affinity of the CEQ has been implemented. +- Added sysctl controls. + +-------------------- +Changes since 0.0.18 +-------------------- +- No patch for OFED is necessary for FreeBSD 11.0. + +-------------------- +Changes since 0.0.11 +-------------------- +- Support for FreeBSD 11.0 connection is added. +- No patch for OFED is necessary for FreeBSD 10.3. + + +================================================================================ + + +Support +------- +For general information, go to the Intel support website at: + +or the Intel Wired Networking project hosted by Sourceforge at: + + +If an issue is identified with the released source code on a supported +kernel with a supported adapter, email the specific information related to the +issue to + + + +================================================================================ + + +License +------- + +This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the BSD license below: + + Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or + without modification, are permitted provided that the following + conditions are met: + + - Redistributions of source code must retain the above + copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following + disclaimer. + + - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above + copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following + disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials + provided with the distribution. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. + + +================================================================================ + + +Trademarks +---------- + +Intel and Itanium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel +Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. + +* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. + + Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_ctrl.c =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_ctrl.c @@ -0,0 +1,4874 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#include "i40iw_osdep.h" +#include "i40iw_register.h" +#include "i40iw_status.h" +#include "i40iw_hmc.h" + +#include "i40iw_d.h" +#include "i40iw_type.h" +#include "i40iw_p.h" + +/** + * i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr - write wqe header + * @wqe: cqp wqe for header + * @header: header for the cqp wqe + */ +void +i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(u64 * wqe, u64 header) +{ + i40iw_wmb(); /* make sure WQE is populated before polarity + * is set */ + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_24, header); +} + +void +i40iw_check_cqp_progress(struct i40iw_cqp_timeout *cqp_timeout, struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev) +{ + if (cqp_timeout->compl_cqp_cmds != dev->cqp_cmd_stats[OP_COMPLETED_COMMANDS]) { + cqp_timeout->compl_cqp_cmds = dev->cqp_cmd_stats[OP_COMPLETED_COMMANDS]; + cqp_timeout->count = 0; + } else { + if (dev->cqp_cmd_stats[OP_REQUESTED_COMMANDS] != cqp_timeout->compl_cqp_cmds) + cqp_timeout->count++; + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_get_cqp_reg_info - get head and tail for cqp using registers + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @val: cqp tail register value + * @tail:wqtail register value + * @error: cqp processing err + */ +static inline void +i40iw_get_cqp_reg_info(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + u32 * val, + u32 * tail, + u32 * error) +{ + if (cqp->dev->is_pf) { + *val = rd32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_PFPE_CQPTAIL); + *tail = RS_32(*val, I40E_PFPE_CQPTAIL_WQTAIL); + *error = RS_32(*val, I40E_PFPE_CQPTAIL_CQP_OP_ERR); + } else { + *val = rd32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_VFPE_CQPTAIL1); + *tail = RS_32(*val, I40E_VFPE_CQPTAIL_WQTAIL); + *error = RS_32(*val, I40E_VFPE_CQPTAIL_CQP_OP_ERR); + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_cqp_poll_registers - poll cqp registers + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @tail:wqtail register value + * @count: how many times to try for completion + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_cqp_poll_registers( + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + u32 tail, + u32 count) +{ + u32 i = 0; + u32 newtail, error, val; + + while (i < count) { + i++; + i40iw_get_cqp_reg_info(cqp, &val, &newtail, &error); + if (error) { + error = (cqp->dev->is_pf) ? + rd32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_PFPE_CQPERRCODES) : + rd32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_VFPE_CQPERRCODES1); + i40iw_debug(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CQP, "[%s] I40E_PFPE_CQPERRCODES error_code[x%08X]\n", + __func__, + error); + return I40IW_ERR_CQP_COMPL_ERROR; + } + if (newtail != tail) { + /* SUCCESS */ + I40IW_RING_MOVE_TAIL(cqp->sq_ring); + cqp->dev->cqp_cmd_stats[OP_COMPLETED_COMMANDS]++; + return 0; + } + i40iw_usec_delay(I40IW_SLEEP_COUNT); + } + return I40IW_ERR_TIMEOUT; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_parse_fpm_commit_buf - parse fpm commit buffer + * @buf: ptr to fpm commit buffer + * @info: ptr to i40iw_hmc_obj_info struct + * @sd: number of SDs for HMC objects + * + * parses fpm commit info and copy base value + * of hmc objects in hmc_info + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_parse_fpm_commit_buf( + u64 * buf, + struct i40iw_hmc_obj_info *info, + u32 * sd) +{ + u64 temp; + u64 size; + u64 base = 0; + u32 i, j; + u32 k = 0; + + /* copy base values in obj_info */ + for (i = I40IW_HMC_IW_QP, j = 0; i <= I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE; i++, j += 8) { + if ((i == I40IW_HMC_IW_SRQ) || + (i == I40IW_HMC_IW_FSIMC) || + (i == I40IW_HMC_IW_FSIAV)) { + info[i].base = 0; + info[i].cnt = 0; + continue; + } + get_64bit_val(buf, j, &temp); + info[i].base = RS_64_1(temp, 32) * 512; + if (info[i].base > base) { + base = info[i].base; + k = i; + } + if (i == I40IW_HMC_IW_APBVT_ENTRY) { + info[i].cnt = 1; + continue; + } + if (i == I40IW_HMC_IW_QP) + info[i].cnt = (u32) RS_64(temp, I40IW_QUERY_FPM_MAX_QPS); + else if (i == I40IW_HMC_IW_CQ) + info[i].cnt = (u32) RS_64(temp, I40IW_QUERY_FPM_MAX_CQS); + else + info[i].cnt = (u32) (temp); + } + size = info[k].cnt * info[k].size + info[k].base; + if (size & 0x1FFFFF) + *sd = (u32) ((size >> 21) + 1); /* add 1 for remainder */ + else + *sd = (u32) (size >> 21); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_decode_fpm_query() - Decode a 64 bit value into max count and size + * @buf: ptr to fpm query buffer + * @buf_idx: index into buf + * @info: ptr to i40iw_hmc_obj_info struct + * @rsrc_idx: resource index into info + * + * Decode a 64 bit value from fpm query buffer into max count and size + */ +static u64 +i40iw_sc_decode_fpm_query(u64 * buf, + u32 buf_idx, + struct i40iw_hmc_obj_info *obj_info, + u32 rsrc_idx) +{ + u64 temp; + u32 size; + + get_64bit_val(buf, buf_idx, &temp); + obj_info[rsrc_idx].max_cnt = (u32) temp; + size = (u32) RS_64_1(temp, 32); + obj_info[rsrc_idx].size = LS_64_1(1, size); + + return temp; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_parse_fpm_query_buf() - parses fpm query buffer + * @buf: ptr to fpm query buffer + * @info: ptr to i40iw_hmc_obj_info struct + * @hmc_fpm_misc: ptr to fpm data + * + * parses fpm query buffer and copy max_cnt and + * size value of hmc objects in hmc_info + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_parse_fpm_query_buf( + u64 * buf, + struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info, + struct i40iw_hmc_fpm_misc *hmc_fpm_misc) +{ + struct i40iw_hmc_obj_info *obj_info; + u64 temp; + u32 size; + u16 max_pe_sds; + + obj_info = hmc_info->hmc_obj; + + get_64bit_val(buf, 0, &temp); + hmc_info->first_sd_index = (u16) RS_64(temp, I40IW_QUERY_FPM_FIRST_PE_SD_INDEX); + max_pe_sds = (u16) RS_64(temp, I40IW_QUERY_FPM_MAX_PE_SDS); + + /* + * Reduce SD count for VFs by 1 to account for PBLE backing page + * rounding + */ + if (hmc_info->hmc_fn_id >= I40IW_FIRST_VF_FPM_ID) + max_pe_sds--; + hmc_fpm_misc->max_sds = max_pe_sds; + hmc_info->sd_table.sd_cnt = max_pe_sds + hmc_info->first_sd_index; + + get_64bit_val(buf, 8, &temp); + obj_info[I40IW_HMC_IW_QP].max_cnt = (u32) RS_64(temp, I40IW_QUERY_FPM_MAX_QPS); + size = (u32) RS_64_1(temp, 32); + obj_info[I40IW_HMC_IW_QP].size = LS_64_1(1, size); + + get_64bit_val(buf, 16, &temp); + obj_info[I40IW_HMC_IW_CQ].max_cnt = (u32) RS_64(temp, I40IW_QUERY_FPM_MAX_CQS); + size = (u32) RS_64_1(temp, 32); + obj_info[I40IW_HMC_IW_CQ].size = LS_64_1(1, size); + + i40iw_sc_decode_fpm_query(buf, 32, obj_info, I40IW_HMC_IW_HTE); + i40iw_sc_decode_fpm_query(buf, 40, obj_info, I40IW_HMC_IW_ARP); + + obj_info[I40IW_HMC_IW_APBVT_ENTRY].size = 8192; + obj_info[I40IW_HMC_IW_APBVT_ENTRY].max_cnt = 1; + + i40iw_sc_decode_fpm_query(buf, 48, obj_info, I40IW_HMC_IW_MR); + i40iw_sc_decode_fpm_query(buf, 56, obj_info, I40IW_HMC_IW_XF); + + get_64bit_val(buf, 64, &temp); + obj_info[I40IW_HMC_IW_XFFL].max_cnt = (u32) temp; + obj_info[I40IW_HMC_IW_XFFL].size = 4; + hmc_fpm_misc->xf_block_size = RS_64(temp, I40IW_QUERY_FPM_XFBLOCKSIZE); + if (!hmc_fpm_misc->xf_block_size) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_SIZE; + + i40iw_sc_decode_fpm_query(buf, 72, obj_info, I40IW_HMC_IW_Q1); + + get_64bit_val(buf, 80, &temp); + obj_info[I40IW_HMC_IW_Q1FL].max_cnt = (u32) temp; + obj_info[I40IW_HMC_IW_Q1FL].size = 4; + hmc_fpm_misc->q1_block_size = RS_64(temp, I40IW_QUERY_FPM_Q1BLOCKSIZE); + if (!hmc_fpm_misc->q1_block_size) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_SIZE; + + i40iw_sc_decode_fpm_query(buf, 88, obj_info, I40IW_HMC_IW_TIMER); + + get_64bit_val(buf, 112, &temp); + obj_info[I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE].max_cnt = (u32) temp; + obj_info[I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE].size = 8; + + get_64bit_val(buf, 120, &temp); + hmc_fpm_misc->max_ceqs = (u8) RS_64(temp, I40IW_QUERY_FPM_MAX_CEQS); + hmc_fpm_misc->ht_multiplier = RS_64(temp, I40IW_QUERY_FPM_HTMULTIPLIER); + hmc_fpm_misc->timer_bucket = RS_64(temp, I40IW_QUERY_FPM_TIMERBUCKET); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_pd_init - initialize sc pd struct + * @dev: sc device struct + * @pd: sc pd ptr + * @pd_id: pd_id for allocated pd + * @abi_ver: ABI version from user context, -1 if not valid + */ +static void +i40iw_sc_pd_init(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_sc_pd *pd, + u16 pd_id) +{ + pd->size = sizeof(*pd); + pd->pd_id = pd_id; + pd->dev = dev; +} + +/** + * i40iw_get_encoded_wqe_size - given wq size, returns hardware encoded size + * @wqsize: size of the wq (sq, rq, srq) to encoded_size + * @cqpsq: encoded size for sq for cqp as its encoded size is 1+ other wq's + */ +u8 +i40iw_get_encoded_wqe_size(u32 wqsize, bool cqpsq) +{ + u8 encoded_size = 0; + + /* + * cqp sq's hw coded value starts from 1 for size of 4 while it + * starts from 0 for qp' wq's. + */ + if (cqpsq) + encoded_size = 1; + wqsize >>= 2; + while (wqsize >>= 1) + encoded_size++; + return encoded_size; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_cqp_init - Initialize buffers for a control Queue Pair + * @cqp: IWARP control queue pair pointer + * @info: IWARP control queue pair init info pointer + * + * Initializes the object and context buffers for a control Queue Pair. + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_cqp_init(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + struct i40iw_cqp_init_info *info) +{ + u8 hw_sq_size; + + if ((info->sq_size > I40IW_CQP_SW_SQSIZE_2048) || + (info->sq_size < I40IW_CQP_SW_SQSIZE_4) || + ((info->sq_size & (info->sq_size - 1)))) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_SIZE; + + hw_sq_size = i40iw_get_encoded_wqe_size(info->sq_size, TRUE); + cqp->size = sizeof(*cqp); + cqp->sq_size = info->sq_size; + cqp->hw_sq_size = hw_sq_size; + cqp->sq_base = info->sq; + cqp->host_ctx = info->host_ctx; + cqp->sq_pa = info->sq_pa; + cqp->host_ctx_pa = info->host_ctx_pa; + cqp->dev = info->dev; + cqp->struct_ver = info->struct_ver; + cqp->scratch_array = info->scratch_array; + cqp->polarity = 0; + cqp->en_datacenter_tcp = info->en_datacenter_tcp; + cqp->enabled_vf_count = info->enabled_vf_count; + cqp->hmc_profile = info->hmc_profile; + info->dev->cqp = cqp; + + I40IW_RING_INIT(cqp->sq_ring, cqp->sq_size); + cqp->dev->cqp_cmd_stats[OP_REQUESTED_COMMANDS] = 0; + cqp->dev->cqp_cmd_stats[OP_COMPLETED_COMMANDS] = 0; + + if (cqp->dev->is_pf) + wr32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_PFPE_CQPTAIL, 0); + else + wr32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_VFPE_CQPTAIL1, 0); + + i40iw_debug(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, + "%s: sq_size[%04d] hw_sq_size[%04d] sq_base[%p] sq_pa[%lxh] cqp[%p] polarity[x%04X]\n", + __func__, cqp->sq_size, cqp->hw_sq_size, + cqp->sq_base, cqp->sq_pa, cqp, cqp->polarity); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_cqp_create - create cqp during bringup + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @disable_pfpdus: if pfpdu to be disabled + * @maj_err: If error, major err number + * @min_err: If error, minor err number + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_cqp_create(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + u16 * maj_err, + u16 * min_err) +{ + u64 temp; + u32 cnt = 0, p1, p2, val = 0, err_code; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code; + + ret_code = i40iw_allocate_dma_mem(cqp->dev->hw, + &cqp->sdbuf, + 128, + I40IW_SD_BUF_ALIGNMENT); + + if (ret_code) + goto exit; + + temp = LS_64(cqp->hw_sq_size, I40IW_CQPHC_SQSIZE) | + LS_64(cqp->struct_ver, I40IW_CQPHC_SVER); + + set_64bit_val(cqp->host_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_0, temp); + set_64bit_val(cqp->host_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_8, cqp->sq_pa); + temp = LS_64(cqp->enabled_vf_count, I40IW_CQPHC_ENABLED_VFS) | + LS_64(cqp->hmc_profile, I40IW_CQPHC_HMC_PROFILE); + set_64bit_val(cqp->host_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_16, temp); + set_64bit_val(cqp->host_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_24, (uintptr_t) cqp); + set_64bit_val(cqp->host_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_32, 0); + set_64bit_val(cqp->host_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_40, 0); + set_64bit_val(cqp->host_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_48, 0); + set_64bit_val(cqp->host_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_56, 0); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "CQP_HOST_CTX", + cqp->host_ctx, I40IW_CQP_CTX_SIZE * 8); + + p1 = RS_32_1(cqp->host_ctx_pa, 32); + p2 = (u32) cqp->host_ctx_pa; + + if (cqp->dev->is_pf) { + wr32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_PFPE_CCQPHIGH, p1); + wr32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_PFPE_CCQPLOW, p2); + } else { + wr32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_VFPE_CCQPHIGH1, p1); + wr32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_VFPE_CCQPLOW1, p2); + } + do { + if (cnt++ > I40IW_DONE_COUNT) { + i40iw_free_dma_mem(cqp->dev->hw, &cqp->sdbuf); + ret_code = I40IW_ERR_TIMEOUT; + /* + * read PFPE_CQPERRORCODES register to get the minor + * and major error code + */ + if (cqp->dev->is_pf) + err_code = rd32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_PFPE_CQPERRCODES); + else + err_code = rd32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_VFPE_CQPERRCODES1); + *min_err = RS_32(err_code, I40E_PFPE_CQPERRCODES_CQP_MINOR_CODE); + *maj_err = RS_32(err_code, I40E_PFPE_CQPERRCODES_CQP_MAJOR_CODE); + goto exit; + } + i40iw_usec_delay(I40IW_SLEEP_COUNT); + if (cqp->dev->is_pf) + val = rd32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_PFPE_CCQPSTATUS); + else + val = rd32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS1); + } while (!val); + +exit: + if (!ret_code) + cqp->process_cqp_sds = i40iw_update_sds_noccq; + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq - post of cqp's sq + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + */ +void +i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp) +{ + if (cqp->dev->is_pf) + wr32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_PFPE_CQPDB, I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD(cqp->sq_ring)); + else + wr32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_VFPE_CQPDB1, I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD(cqp->sq_ring)); + + i40iw_debug(cqp->dev, + I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, + "%s: HEAD_TAIL[%04d,%04d,%04d]\n", + __func__, + cqp->sq_ring.head, + cqp->sq_ring.tail, + cqp->sq_ring.size); +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe - get next wqe on cqp sq + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @wqe_idx: we index of cqp ring + */ +u64 * +i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, u64 scratch) +{ + u64 *wqe = NULL; + u32 wqe_idx; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code; + + if (I40IW_RING_FULL_ERR(cqp->sq_ring)) { + i40iw_debug(cqp->dev, + I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, + "%s: ring is full head %x tail %x size %x\n", + __func__, + cqp->sq_ring.head, + cqp->sq_ring.tail, + cqp->sq_ring.size); + return NULL; + } + I40IW_ATOMIC_RING_MOVE_HEAD(cqp->sq_ring, wqe_idx, ret_code); + cqp->dev->cqp_cmd_stats[OP_REQUESTED_COMMANDS]++; + if (ret_code) + return NULL; + if (!wqe_idx) + cqp->polarity = !cqp->polarity; + + wqe = cqp->sq_base[wqe_idx].elem; + cqp->scratch_array[wqe_idx] = scratch; + I40IW_CQP_INIT_WQE(wqe); + + return wqe; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_cqp_destroy - destroy cqp during close + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_cqp_destroy(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp) +{ + u32 cnt = 0, val = 1; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + u32 cqpstat_addr; + + if (cqp->dev->is_pf) { + wr32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_PFPE_CCQPHIGH, 0); + wr32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_PFPE_CCQPLOW, 0); + cqpstat_addr = I40E_PFPE_CCQPSTATUS; + } else { + wr32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_VFPE_CCQPHIGH1, 0); + wr32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_VFPE_CCQPLOW1, 0); + cqpstat_addr = I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS1; + } + do { + if (cnt++ > I40IW_DONE_COUNT) { + ret_code = I40IW_ERR_TIMEOUT; + break; + } + i40iw_usec_delay(I40IW_SLEEP_COUNT); + val = rd32(cqp->dev->hw, cqpstat_addr); + } while (val); + + i40iw_free_dma_mem(cqp->dev->hw, &cqp->sdbuf); + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_ccq_arm - enable intr for control cq + * @ccq: ccq sc struct + */ +static void +i40iw_sc_ccq_arm(struct i40iw_sc_cq *ccq) +{ + u64 temp_val; + u16 sw_cq_sel; + u8 arm_next_se; + u8 arm_seq_num; + + /* write to cq doorbell shadow area */ + /* arm next se should always be zero */ + get_64bit_val(ccq->cq_uk.shadow_area, I40IW_BYTE_32, &temp_val); + + sw_cq_sel = (u16) RS_64(temp_val, I40IW_CQ_DBSA_SW_CQ_SELECT); + arm_next_se = (u8) RS_64(temp_val, I40IW_CQ_DBSA_ARM_NEXT_SE); + + arm_seq_num = (u8) RS_64(temp_val, I40IW_CQ_DBSA_ARM_SEQ_NUM); + arm_seq_num++; + + temp_val = LS_64(arm_seq_num, I40IW_CQ_DBSA_ARM_SEQ_NUM) | + LS_64(sw_cq_sel, I40IW_CQ_DBSA_SW_CQ_SELECT) | + LS_64(arm_next_se, I40IW_CQ_DBSA_ARM_NEXT_SE) | + LS_64(1, I40IW_CQ_DBSA_ARM_NEXT); + + set_64bit_val(ccq->cq_uk.shadow_area, I40IW_BYTE_32, temp_val); + + i40iw_wmb(); /* make sure shadow area is updated before + * arming */ + + if (ccq->dev->is_pf) + wr32(ccq->dev->hw, I40E_PFPE_CQARM, ccq->cq_uk.cq_id); + else + wr32(ccq->dev->hw, I40E_VFPE_CQARM1, ccq->cq_uk.cq_id); +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_ccq_get_cqe_info - get ccq's cq entry + * @ccq: ccq sc struct + * @info: completion q entry to return + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_ccq_get_cqe_info( + struct i40iw_sc_cq *ccq, + struct i40iw_ccq_cqe_info *info) +{ + u64 qp_ctx, temp, temp1; + u64 *cqe; + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u32 wqe_idx; + u32 error; + u8 polarity; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + + if (ccq->cq_uk.avoid_mem_cflct) + cqe = (u64 *) I40IW_GET_CURRENT_EXTENDED_CQ_ELEMENT(&ccq->cq_uk); + else + cqe = (u64 *) I40IW_GET_CURRENT_CQ_ELEMENT(&ccq->cq_uk); + + get_64bit_val(cqe, I40IW_BYTE_24, &temp); + polarity = (u8) RS_64(temp, I40IW_CQ_VALID); + if (polarity != ccq->cq_uk.polarity) + return I40IW_ERR_QUEUE_EMPTY; + + get_64bit_val(cqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, &qp_ctx); + cqp = (struct i40iw_sc_cqp *)(i40iw_uintptr) qp_ctx; + info->error = (bool) RS_64(temp, I40IW_CQ_ERROR); + info->min_err_code = (u16) RS_64(temp, I40IW_CQ_MINERR); + if (info->error) { + info->maj_err_code = (u16) RS_64(temp, I40IW_CQ_MAJERR); + info->min_err_code = (u16) RS_64(temp, I40IW_CQ_MINERR); + error = (cqp->dev->is_pf) ? + rd32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_PFPE_CQPERRCODES) : + rd32(cqp->dev->hw, I40E_VFPE_CQPERRCODES1); + i40iw_debug(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CQP, "[%s] I40E_PFPE_CQPERRCODES error_code[x%08X]\n", + __func__, + error); + } + wqe_idx = (u32) RS_64(temp, I40IW_CQ_WQEIDX); + info->scratch = cqp->scratch_array[wqe_idx]; + + get_64bit_val(cqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, &temp1); + info->op_ret_val = (u32) RS_64(temp1, I40IW_CCQ_OPRETVAL); + get_64bit_val(cqp->sq_base[wqe_idx].elem, I40IW_BYTE_24, &temp1); + info->op_code = (u8) RS_64(temp1, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE); + info->cqp = cqp; + + /* move the head for cq */ + I40IW_RING_MOVE_HEAD(ccq->cq_uk.cq_ring, ret_code); + if (I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD(ccq->cq_uk.cq_ring) == 0) + ccq->cq_uk.polarity ^= 1; + + /* update cq tail in cq shadow memory also */ + I40IW_RING_MOVE_TAIL(ccq->cq_uk.cq_ring); + set_64bit_val(ccq->cq_uk.shadow_area, + I40IW_BYTE_0, + I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD(ccq->cq_uk.cq_ring)); + i40iw_wmb(); /* write shadow area before tail */ + I40IW_RING_MOVE_TAIL(cqp->sq_ring); + ccq->dev->cqp_cmd_stats[OP_COMPLETED_COMMANDS]++; + + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_poll_for_cqp_op_done - Waits for last write to complete in CQP SQ + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @op_code: cqp opcode for completion + * @info: completion q entry to return + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_poll_for_cqp_op_done( + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + u8 op_code, + struct i40iw_ccq_cqe_info *compl_info) +{ + struct i40iw_ccq_cqe_info info; + struct i40iw_sc_cq *ccq; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + u32 cnt = 0; + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + ccq = cqp->dev->ccq; + while (1) { + if (cnt++ > I40IW_DONE_COUNT) + return I40IW_ERR_TIMEOUT; + + if (i40iw_sc_ccq_get_cqe_info(ccq, &info)) { + i40iw_usec_delay(I40IW_SLEEP_COUNT); + continue; + } + if (info.error) { + ret_code = I40IW_ERR_CQP_COMPL_ERROR; + break; + } + /* check if opcode is cq create */ + if (op_code != info.op_code) { + i40iw_debug(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, + "%s: opcode mismatch for my op code 0x%x, returned opcode %x\n", + __func__, op_code, info.op_code); + } + /* success, exit out of the loop */ + if (op_code == info.op_code) + break; + } + + if (compl_info) + i40iw_memcpy(compl_info, &info, sizeof(*compl_info)); + + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_manage_push_page - Handle push page + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @info: push page info + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_manage_push_page( + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + struct i40iw_cqp_manage_push_page_info *info, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u64 header; + + if (info->push_idx >= I40IW_MAX_PUSH_PAGE_COUNT) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_PUSH_PAGE_INDEX; + + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, info->qs_handle); + + header = LS_64(info->push_idx, I40IW_CQPSQ_MPP_PPIDX) | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_MANAGE_PUSH_PAGES, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID) | + LS_64(info->free_page, I40IW_CQPSQ_MPP_FREE_PAGE); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "MANAGE_PUSH_PAGES WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_manage_hmc_pm_func_table - manage of function table + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @vf_index: vf index for cqp + * @free_pm_fcn: function number + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_manage_hmc_pm_func_table( + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + u64 scratch, + u8 vf_index, + bool free_pm_fcn, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u64 header; + + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + + header = LS_64(vf_index, I40IW_CQPSQ_MHMC_VFIDX) | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_MANAGE_HMC_PM_FUNC_TABLE, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(free_pm_fcn, I40IW_CQPSQ_MHMC_FREEPMFN) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "MANAGE_HMC_PM_FUNC_TABLE WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_manage_hmc_pm_func_table_done - wait for cqp wqe completion for function table + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_manage_hmc_pm_func_table_done(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp) +{ + return i40iw_sc_poll_for_cqp_op_done(cqp, I40IW_CQP_OP_MANAGE_HMC_PM_FUNC_TABLE, NULL); +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_commit_fpm_values_done - wait for cqp eqe completion for fpm commit + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_commit_fpm_values_done(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp) +{ + return i40iw_sc_poll_for_cqp_op_done(cqp, I40IW_CQP_OP_COMMIT_FPM_VALUES, NULL); +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_commit_fpm_values - cqp wqe for commit fpm values + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @hmc_fn_id: hmc function id + * @commit_fpm_mem; Memory for fpm values + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + * @wait_type: poll ccq or cqp registers for cqp completion + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_commit_fpm_values( + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + u64 scratch, + u8 hmc_fn_id, + struct i40iw_dma_mem *commit_fpm_mem, + bool post_sq, + u8 wait_type) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u64 header; + u32 tail, val, error; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, hmc_fn_id); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_32, commit_fpm_mem->pa); + + header = LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_COMMIT_FPM_VALUES, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "COMMIT_FPM_VALUES WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + i40iw_get_cqp_reg_info(cqp, &val, &tail, &error); + if (error) + return I40IW_ERR_CQP_COMPL_ERROR; + + if (post_sq) { + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + + if (wait_type == I40IW_CQP_WAIT_POLL_REGS) + ret_code = i40iw_cqp_poll_registers(cqp, tail, I40IW_DONE_COUNT); + else if (wait_type == I40IW_CQP_WAIT_POLL_CQ) + ret_code = i40iw_sc_commit_fpm_values_done(cqp); + } + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_query_fpm_values_done - poll for cqp wqe completion for query fpm + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_query_fpm_values_done(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp) +{ + return i40iw_sc_poll_for_cqp_op_done(cqp, I40IW_CQP_OP_QUERY_FPM_VALUES, NULL); +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_query_fpm_values - cqp wqe query fpm values + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @hmc_fn_id: hmc function id + * @query_fpm_mem: memory for return fpm values + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + * @wait_type: poll ccq or cqp registers for cqp completion + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_query_fpm_values( + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + u64 scratch, + u8 hmc_fn_id, + struct i40iw_dma_mem *query_fpm_mem, + bool post_sq, + u8 wait_type) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u64 header; + u32 tail, val, error; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, hmc_fn_id); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_32, query_fpm_mem->pa); + + header = LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_QUERY_FPM_VALUES, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "QUERY_FPM WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + /* read the tail from CQP_TAIL register */ + i40iw_get_cqp_reg_info(cqp, &val, &tail, &error); + + if (error) + return I40IW_ERR_CQP_COMPL_ERROR; + + if (post_sq) { + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + if (wait_type == I40IW_CQP_WAIT_POLL_REGS) + ret_code = i40iw_cqp_poll_registers(cqp, tail, I40IW_DONE_COUNT); + else if (wait_type == I40IW_CQP_WAIT_POLL_CQ) + ret_code = i40iw_sc_query_fpm_values_done(cqp); + } + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_add_arp_cache_entry - cqp wqe add arp cache entry + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @info: arp entry information + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_add_arp_cache_entry( + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + struct i40iw_add_arp_cache_entry_info *info, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u64 temp, header; + + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, info->reach_max); + + temp = info->mac_addr[5] | + LS_64_1(info->mac_addr[4], 8) | + LS_64_1(info->mac_addr[3], 16) | + LS_64_1(info->mac_addr[2], 24) | + LS_64_1(info->mac_addr[1], 32) | + LS_64_1(info->mac_addr[0], 40); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, temp); + + header = info->arp_index | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_MANAGE_ARP, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64((info->permanent ? 1 : 0), I40IW_CQPSQ_MAT_PERMANENT) | + LS_64(1, I40IW_CQPSQ_MAT_ENTRYVALID) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "ARP_CACHE_ENTRY WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_del_arp_cache_entry - dele arp cache entry + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @arp_index: arp index to delete arp entry + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_del_arp_cache_entry( + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + u64 scratch, + u16 arp_index, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u64 header; + + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + + header = arp_index | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_MANAGE_ARP, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "ARP_CACHE_DEL_ENTRY WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_query_arp_cache_entry - cqp wqe to query arp and arp index + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @arp_index: arp index to delete arp entry + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_query_arp_cache_entry( + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + u64 scratch, + u16 arp_index, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u64 header; + + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + + header = arp_index | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_MANAGE_ARP, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(1, I40IW_CQPSQ_MAT_QUERY) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "QUERY_ARP_CACHE_ENTRY WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_manage_apbvt_entry - for adding and deleting apbvt entries + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @info: info for apbvt entry to add or delete + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_manage_apbvt_entry( + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + struct i40iw_apbvt_info *info, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u64 header; + + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, info->port); + + header = LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_MANAGE_APBVT, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(info->add, I40IW_CQPSQ_MAPT_ADDPORT) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "MANAGE_APBVT WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_manage_qhash_table_entry - manage quad hash entries + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @info: info for quad hash to manage + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + * + * This is called before connection establishment is started. For passive connections, when + * listener is created, it will call with entry type of I40IW_QHASH_TYPE_TCP_SYN with local + * ip address and tcp port. When SYN is received (passive connections) or + * sent (active connections), this routine is called with entry type of + * I40IW_QHASH_TYPE_TCP_ESTABLISHED and quad is passed in info. + * + * When iwarp connection is done and its state moves to RTS, the quad hash entry in + * the hardware will point to iwarp's qp number and requires no calls from the driver. + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_manage_qhash_table_entry( + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + struct i40iw_qhash_table_info *info, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u64 qw1 = 0; + u64 qw2 = 0; + u64 temp; + struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi = info->vsi; + + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + + temp = info->mac_addr[5] | + LS_64_1(info->mac_addr[4], 8) | + LS_64_1(info->mac_addr[3], 16) | + LS_64_1(info->mac_addr[2], 24) | + LS_64_1(info->mac_addr[1], 32) | + LS_64_1(info->mac_addr[0], 40); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, temp); + + qw1 = LS_64(info->qp_num, I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_QPN) | + LS_64(info->dest_port, I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_DEST_PORT); + if (info->ipv4_valid) { + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_48, + LS_64(info->dest_ip[0], I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR3)); + } else { + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_56, + LS_64(info->dest_ip[0], I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR0) | + LS_64(info->dest_ip[1], I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR1)); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_48, + LS_64(info->dest_ip[2], I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR2) | + LS_64(info->dest_ip[3], I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR3)); + } + qw2 = LS_64(vsi->qos[0].qs_handle, I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_QS_HANDLE); + if (info->vlan_valid) + qw2 |= LS_64(info->vlan_id, I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_VLANID); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, qw2); + if (info->entry_type == I40IW_QHASH_TYPE_TCP_ESTABLISHED) { + qw1 |= LS_64(info->src_port, I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_SRC_PORT); + if (!info->ipv4_valid) { + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_40, + LS_64(info->src_ip[0], I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR0) | + LS_64(info->src_ip[1], I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR1)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_32, + LS_64(info->src_ip[2], I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR2) | + LS_64(info->src_ip[3], I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR3)); + } else { + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_32, + LS_64(info->src_ip[0], I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR3)); + } + } + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, qw1); + temp = LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_WQEVALID) | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_MANAGE_QUAD_HASH_TABLE_ENTRY, I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_OPCODE) | + LS_64(info->manage, I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_MANAGE) | + LS_64(info->ipv4_valid, I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_IPV4VALID) | + LS_64(info->vlan_valid, I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_VLANVALID) | + LS_64(info->entry_type, I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ENTRYTYPE); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, temp); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "MANAGE_QHASH WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_alloc_local_mac_ipaddr_entry - cqp wqe for loc mac entry + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_alloc_local_mac_ipaddr_entry( + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u64 header; + + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + header = LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_ALLOCATE_LOC_MAC_IP_TABLE_ENTRY, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "ALLOCATE_LOCAL_MAC_IPADDR WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_add_local_mac_ipaddr_entry - add mac enry + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @info:mac addr info + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_add_local_mac_ipaddr_entry( + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + struct i40iw_local_mac_ipaddr_entry_info *info, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u64 temp, header; + + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + temp = info->mac_addr[5] | + LS_64_1(info->mac_addr[4], 8) | + LS_64_1(info->mac_addr[3], 16) | + LS_64_1(info->mac_addr[2], 24) | + LS_64_1(info->mac_addr[1], 32) | + LS_64_1(info->mac_addr[0], 40); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_32, temp); + + header = LS_64(info->entry_idx, I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IPTABLEIDX) | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_MANAGE_LOC_MAC_IP_TABLE, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "ADD_LOCAL_MAC_IPADDR WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_del_local_mac_ipaddr_entry - cqp wqe to dele local mac + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @entry_idx: index of mac entry + * @ ignore_ref_count: to force mac adde delete + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_del_local_mac_ipaddr_entry( + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + u64 scratch, + u8 entry_idx, + u8 ignore_ref_count, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u64 header; + + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + header = LS_64(entry_idx, I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IPTABLEIDX) | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_MANAGE_LOC_MAC_IP_TABLE, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(1, I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_FREEENTRY) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID) | + LS_64(ignore_ref_count, I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IGNORE_REF_CNT); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "DEL_LOCAL_MAC_IPADDR WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_cqp_nop - send a nop wqe + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_cqp_nop(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u64 header; + + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + header = LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_NOP, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "NOP WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_ceq_init - initialize ceq + * @ceq: ceq sc structure + * @info: ceq initialization info + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_ceq_init(struct i40iw_sc_ceq *ceq, + struct i40iw_ceq_init_info *info) +{ + u32 pble_obj_cnt; + + if ((info->elem_cnt < I40IW_MIN_CEQ_ENTRIES) || + (info->elem_cnt > I40IW_MAX_CEQ_ENTRIES)) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_SIZE; + + if (info->ceq_id >= I40IW_MAX_CEQID) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_CEQ_ID; + + pble_obj_cnt = info->dev->hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE].cnt; + + if (info->virtual_map && (info->first_pm_pbl_idx >= pble_obj_cnt)) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_PBLE_INDEX; + + ceq->size = sizeof(*ceq); + ceq->ceqe_base = (struct i40iw_ceqe *)info->ceqe_base; + ceq->ceq_id = info->ceq_id; + ceq->dev = info->dev; + ceq->elem_cnt = info->elem_cnt; + ceq->ceq_elem_pa = info->ceqe_pa; + ceq->virtual_map = info->virtual_map; + + ceq->pbl_chunk_size = (ceq->virtual_map ? info->pbl_chunk_size : 0); + ceq->first_pm_pbl_idx = (ceq->virtual_map ? info->first_pm_pbl_idx : 0); + ceq->pbl_list = (ceq->virtual_map ? info->pbl_list : NULL); + + ceq->tph_en = info->tph_en; + ceq->tph_val = info->tph_val; + ceq->polarity = 1; + I40IW_RING_INIT(ceq->ceq_ring, ceq->elem_cnt); + ceq->dev->ceq[info->ceq_id] = ceq; + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_ceq_create - create ceq wqe + * @ceq: ceq sc structure + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_ceq_create(struct i40iw_sc_ceq *ceq, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 *wqe; + u64 header; + + cqp = ceq->dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, ceq->elem_cnt); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_32, (ceq->virtual_map ? 0 : ceq->ceq_elem_pa)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_48, (ceq->virtual_map ? ceq->first_pm_pbl_idx : 0)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_56, LS_64(ceq->tph_val, I40IW_CQPSQ_TPHVAL)); + + header = ceq->ceq_id | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_CREATE_CEQ, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(ceq->pbl_chunk_size, I40IW_CQPSQ_CEQ_LPBLSIZE) | + LS_64(ceq->virtual_map, I40IW_CQPSQ_CEQ_VMAP) | + LS_64(ceq->tph_en, I40IW_CQPSQ_TPHEN) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "CEQ_CREATE WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_cceq_create_done - poll for control ceq wqe to complete + * @ceq: ceq sc structure + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_cceq_create_done(struct i40iw_sc_ceq *ceq) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + + cqp = ceq->dev->cqp; + return i40iw_sc_poll_for_cqp_op_done(cqp, I40IW_CQP_OP_CREATE_CEQ, NULL); +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_cceq_destroy_done - poll for destroy cceq to complete + * @ceq: ceq sc structure + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_cceq_destroy_done(struct i40iw_sc_ceq *ceq) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + + cqp = ceq->dev->cqp; + cqp->process_cqp_sds = i40iw_update_sds_noccq; + return i40iw_sc_poll_for_cqp_op_done(cqp, I40IW_CQP_OP_DESTROY_CEQ, NULL); +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_cceq_create - create cceq + * @ceq: ceq sc structure + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_cceq_create(struct i40iw_sc_ceq *ceq, u64 scratch) +{ + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code; + + ret_code = i40iw_sc_ceq_create(ceq, scratch, TRUE); + if (!ret_code) + ret_code = i40iw_sc_cceq_create_done(ceq); + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_ceq_destroy - destroy ceq + * @ceq: ceq sc structure + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_ceq_destroy(struct i40iw_sc_ceq *ceq, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 *wqe; + u64 header; + + cqp = ceq->dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, ceq->elem_cnt); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_48, ceq->first_pm_pbl_idx); + header = ceq->ceq_id | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_DESTROY_CEQ, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(ceq->pbl_chunk_size, I40IW_CQPSQ_CEQ_LPBLSIZE) | + LS_64(ceq->virtual_map, I40IW_CQPSQ_CEQ_VMAP) | + LS_64(ceq->tph_en, I40IW_CQPSQ_TPHEN) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "CEQ_DESTROY WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_process_ceq - process ceq + * @dev: sc device struct + * @ceq: ceq sc structure + */ +static void * +i40iw_sc_process_ceq(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, struct i40iw_sc_ceq *ceq) +{ + u64 temp; + u64 *ceqe; + struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq = NULL; + u8 polarity; + + ceqe = (u64 *) I40IW_GET_CURRENT_CEQ_ELEMENT(ceq); + get_64bit_val(ceqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, &temp); + polarity = (u8) RS_64(temp, I40IW_CEQE_VALID); + if (polarity != ceq->polarity) + return cq; + + cq = (struct i40iw_sc_cq *)(i40iw_uintptr) LS_64_1(temp, 1); + if (!cq) + return NULL; + + I40IW_RING_MOVE_TAIL(ceq->ceq_ring); + if (I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_TAIL(ceq->ceq_ring) == 0) + ceq->polarity ^= 1; + + if (dev->is_pf) + wr32(dev->hw, I40E_PFPE_CQACK, cq->cq_uk.cq_id); + else + wr32(dev->hw, I40E_VFPE_CQACK1, cq->cq_uk.cq_id); + + return cq; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_aeq_init - initialize aeq + * @aeq: aeq structure ptr + * @info: aeq initialization info + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_aeq_init(struct i40iw_sc_aeq *aeq, + struct i40iw_aeq_init_info *info) +{ + u32 pble_obj_cnt; + + if ((info->elem_cnt < I40IW_MIN_AEQ_ENTRIES) || + (info->elem_cnt > I40IW_MAX_AEQ_ENTRIES)) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_SIZE; + pble_obj_cnt = info->dev->hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE].cnt; + + if (info->virtual_map && (info->first_pm_pbl_idx >= pble_obj_cnt)) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_PBLE_INDEX; + + aeq->size = sizeof(*aeq); + aeq->polarity = 1; + aeq->aeqe_base = (struct i40iw_sc_aeqe *)info->aeqe_base; + aeq->dev = info->dev; + aeq->elem_cnt = info->elem_cnt; + + aeq->aeq_elem_pa = info->aeq_elem_pa; + I40IW_RING_INIT(aeq->aeq_ring, aeq->elem_cnt); + info->dev->aeq = aeq; + + aeq->virtual_map = info->virtual_map; + aeq->pbl_list = (aeq->virtual_map ? info->pbl_list : NULL); + aeq->pbl_chunk_size = (aeq->virtual_map ? info->pbl_chunk_size : 0); + aeq->first_pm_pbl_idx = (aeq->virtual_map ? info->first_pm_pbl_idx : 0); + info->dev->aeq = aeq; + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_aeq_create - create aeq + * @aeq: aeq structure ptr + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_aeq_create(struct i40iw_sc_aeq *aeq, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + u64 header; + + dev = aeq->dev; + + if (dev->is_pf) + wr32(dev->hw, I40E_PFINT_AEQCTL, 0); + + cqp = dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, aeq->elem_cnt); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_32, + (aeq->virtual_map ? 0 : aeq->aeq_elem_pa)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_48, + (aeq->virtual_map ? aeq->first_pm_pbl_idx : 0)); + + header = LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_CREATE_AEQ, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(aeq->pbl_chunk_size, I40IW_CQPSQ_AEQ_LPBLSIZE) | + LS_64(aeq->virtual_map, I40IW_CQPSQ_AEQ_VMAP) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "AEQ_CREATE WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_aeq_destroy - destroy aeq during close + * @aeq: aeq structure ptr + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_aeq_destroy(struct i40iw_sc_aeq *aeq, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 header; + + cqp = aeq->dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, aeq->elem_cnt); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_48, aeq->first_pm_pbl_idx); + header = LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_DESTROY_AEQ, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(aeq->pbl_chunk_size, I40IW_CQPSQ_AEQ_LPBLSIZE) | + LS_64(aeq->virtual_map, I40IW_CQPSQ_AEQ_VMAP) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(aeq->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "AEQ_DESTROY WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_get_next_aeqe - get next aeq entry + * @aeq: aeq structure ptr + * @info: aeqe info to be returned + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_get_next_aeqe(struct i40iw_sc_aeq *aeq, + struct i40iw_aeqe_info *info) +{ + u64 temp, compl_ctx; + u64 *aeqe; + u16 wqe_idx; + u8 ae_src; + u8 polarity; + + aeqe = (u64 *) I40IW_GET_CURRENT_AEQ_ELEMENT(aeq); + get_64bit_val(aeqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, &compl_ctx); + get_64bit_val(aeqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, &temp); + polarity = (u8) RS_64(temp, I40IW_AEQE_VALID); + + if (aeq->polarity != polarity) + return I40IW_ERR_QUEUE_EMPTY; + + i40iw_debug_buf(aeq->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "AEQ_ENTRY", aeqe, 16); + + ae_src = (u8) RS_64(temp, I40IW_AEQE_AESRC); + wqe_idx = (u16) RS_64(temp, I40IW_AEQE_WQDESCIDX); + info->qp_cq_id = (u32) RS_64(temp, I40IW_AEQE_QPCQID); + info->ae_id = (u16) RS_64(temp, I40IW_AEQE_AECODE); + info->tcp_state = (u8) RS_64(temp, I40IW_AEQE_TCPSTATE); + info->iwarp_state = (u8) RS_64(temp, I40IW_AEQE_IWSTATE); + info->q2_data_written = (u8) RS_64(temp, I40IW_AEQE_Q2DATA); + info->aeqe_overflow = (bool) RS_64(temp, I40IW_AEQE_OVERFLOW); + switch (ae_src) { + case I40IW_AE_SOURCE_RQ: + case I40IW_AE_SOURCE_RQ_0011: + info->qp = TRUE; + info->wqe_idx = wqe_idx; + info->compl_ctx = compl_ctx; + break; + case I40IW_AE_SOURCE_CQ: + case I40IW_AE_SOURCE_CQ_0110: + case I40IW_AE_SOURCE_CQ_1010: + case I40IW_AE_SOURCE_CQ_1110: + info->cq = TRUE; + info->compl_ctx = LS_64_1(compl_ctx, 1); + break; + case I40IW_AE_SOURCE_SQ: + case I40IW_AE_SOURCE_SQ_0111: + info->qp = TRUE; + info->sq = TRUE; + info->wqe_idx = wqe_idx; + info->compl_ctx = compl_ctx; + break; + case I40IW_AE_SOURCE_IN_RR_WR: + case I40IW_AE_SOURCE_IN_RR_WR_1011: + info->qp = TRUE; + info->compl_ctx = compl_ctx; + info->in_rdrsp_wr = TRUE; + break; + case I40IW_AE_SOURCE_OUT_RR: + case I40IW_AE_SOURCE_OUT_RR_1111: + info->qp = TRUE; + info->compl_ctx = compl_ctx; + info->out_rdrsp = TRUE; + break; + default: + break; + } + I40IW_RING_MOVE_TAIL(aeq->aeq_ring); + if (I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_TAIL(aeq->aeq_ring) == 0) + aeq->polarity ^= 1; + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_repost_aeq_entries - repost completed aeq entries + * @dev: sc device struct + * @count: allocate count + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_repost_aeq_entries(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + u32 count) +{ + if (count > I40IW_MAX_AEQ_ALLOCATE_COUNT) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_SIZE; + + if (dev->is_pf) + wr32(dev->hw, I40E_PFPE_AEQALLOC, count); + else + wr32(dev->hw, I40E_VFPE_AEQALLOC1, count); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_aeq_create_done - create aeq + * @aeq: aeq structure ptr + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_aeq_create_done(struct i40iw_sc_aeq *aeq) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + + cqp = aeq->dev->cqp; + return i40iw_sc_poll_for_cqp_op_done(cqp, I40IW_CQP_OP_CREATE_AEQ, NULL); +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_aeq_destroy_done - destroy of aeq during close + * @aeq: aeq structure ptr + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_aeq_destroy_done(struct i40iw_sc_aeq *aeq) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + + cqp = aeq->dev->cqp; + return i40iw_sc_poll_for_cqp_op_done(cqp, I40IW_CQP_OP_DESTROY_AEQ, NULL); +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_ccq_init - initialize control cq + * @cq: sc's cq ctruct + * @info: info for control cq initialization + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_ccq_init(struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq, + struct i40iw_ccq_init_info *info) +{ + u32 pble_obj_cnt; + + if (info->num_elem < I40IW_MIN_CQ_SIZE || info->num_elem > I40IW_MAX_CQ_SIZE) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_SIZE; + + if (info->ceq_id >= I40IW_MAX_CEQID) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_CEQ_ID; + + pble_obj_cnt = info->dev->hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE].cnt; + + if (info->virtual_map && (info->first_pm_pbl_idx >= pble_obj_cnt)) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_PBLE_INDEX; + + cq->cq_pa = info->cq_pa; + cq->cq_uk.cq_base = info->cq_base; + cq->shadow_area_pa = info->shadow_area_pa; + cq->cq_uk.shadow_area = info->shadow_area; + cq->shadow_read_threshold = info->shadow_read_threshold; + cq->dev = info->dev; + cq->ceq_id = info->ceq_id; + cq->cq_uk.cq_size = info->num_elem; + cq->cq_type = I40IW_CQ_TYPE_CQP; + cq->ceqe_mask = info->ceqe_mask; + I40IW_RING_INIT(cq->cq_uk.cq_ring, info->num_elem); + + cq->cq_uk.cq_id = 0; /* control cq is id 0 always */ + cq->ceq_id_valid = info->ceq_id_valid; + cq->tph_en = info->tph_en; + cq->tph_val = info->tph_val; + cq->cq_uk.avoid_mem_cflct = info->avoid_mem_cflct; + + cq->pbl_list = info->pbl_list; + cq->virtual_map = info->virtual_map; + cq->pbl_chunk_size = info->pbl_chunk_size; + cq->first_pm_pbl_idx = info->first_pm_pbl_idx; + cq->cq_uk.polarity = TRUE; + + /* following are only for iw cqs so initialize them to zero */ + cq->cq_uk.cqe_alloc_reg = NULL; + info->dev->ccq = cq; + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_ccq_create_done - poll cqp for ccq create + * @ccq: ccq sc struct + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_ccq_create_done(struct i40iw_sc_cq *ccq) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + + cqp = ccq->dev->cqp; + return i40iw_sc_poll_for_cqp_op_done(cqp, I40IW_CQP_OP_CREATE_CQ, NULL); +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_ccq_create - create control cq + * @ccq: ccq sc struct + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @check_overflow: overlow flag for ccq + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_ccq_create(struct i40iw_sc_cq *ccq, + u64 scratch, + bool check_overflow, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 header; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code; + + cqp = ccq->dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, ccq->cq_uk.cq_size); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, RS_64_1(ccq, 1)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, + LS_64(ccq->shadow_read_threshold, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_SHADOW_READ_THRESHOLD)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_32, (ccq->virtual_map ? 0 : ccq->cq_pa)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_40, ccq->shadow_area_pa); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_48, + (ccq->virtual_map ? ccq->first_pm_pbl_idx : 0)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_56, + LS_64(ccq->tph_val, I40IW_CQPSQ_TPHVAL)); + + header = ccq->cq_uk.cq_id | + LS_64((ccq->ceq_id_valid ? ccq->ceq_id : 0), I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CEQID) | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_CREATE_CQ, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(ccq->pbl_chunk_size, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_LPBLSIZE) | + LS_64(check_overflow, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CHKOVERFLOW) | + LS_64(ccq->virtual_map, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_VIRTMAP) | + LS_64(ccq->ceqe_mask, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_ENCEQEMASK) | + LS_64(ccq->ceq_id_valid, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CEQIDVALID) | + LS_64(ccq->tph_en, I40IW_CQPSQ_TPHEN) | + LS_64(ccq->cq_uk.avoid_mem_cflct, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_AVOIDMEMCNFLCT) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "CCQ_CREATE WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) { + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + ret_code = i40iw_sc_ccq_create_done(ccq); + if (ret_code) + return ret_code; + } + cqp->process_cqp_sds = i40iw_cqp_sds_cmd; + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_ccq_destroy - destroy ccq during close + * @ccq: ccq sc struct + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_ccq_destroy(struct i40iw_sc_cq *ccq, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 *wqe; + u64 header; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + u32 tail, val, error; + + cqp = ccq->dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, ccq->cq_uk.cq_size); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, RS_64_1(ccq, 1)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_40, ccq->shadow_area_pa); + + header = ccq->cq_uk.cq_id | + LS_64((ccq->ceq_id_valid ? ccq->ceq_id : 0), I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CEQID) | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_DESTROY_CQ, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(ccq->ceqe_mask, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_ENCEQEMASK) | + LS_64(ccq->ceq_id_valid, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CEQIDVALID) | + LS_64(ccq->tph_en, I40IW_CQPSQ_TPHEN) | + LS_64(ccq->cq_uk.avoid_mem_cflct, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_AVOIDMEMCNFLCT) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "CCQ_DESTROY WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + i40iw_get_cqp_reg_info(cqp, &val, &tail, &error); + if (error) + return I40IW_ERR_CQP_COMPL_ERROR; + + if (post_sq) { + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + ret_code = i40iw_cqp_poll_registers(cqp, tail, 1000); + } + cqp->process_cqp_sds = i40iw_update_sds_noccq; + + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_cq_init - initialize completion q + * @cq: cq struct + * @info: cq initialization info + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_cq_init(struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq, + struct i40iw_cq_init_info *info) +{ + u32 IOMEM *cqe_alloc_reg = NULL; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code; + u32 pble_obj_cnt; + u32 arm_offset; + + pble_obj_cnt = info->dev->hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE].cnt; + + if (info->virtual_map && (info->first_pm_pbl_idx >= pble_obj_cnt)) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_PBLE_INDEX; + + cq->cq_pa = info->cq_base_pa; + cq->dev = info->dev; + cq->ceq_id = info->ceq_id; + arm_offset = (info->dev->is_pf) ? I40E_PFPE_CQARM : I40E_VFPE_CQARM1; + if (i40iw_get_hw_addr(cq->dev)) + cqe_alloc_reg = (u32 IOMEM *) (i40iw_get_hw_addr(cq->dev) + + arm_offset); + info->cq_uk_init_info.cqe_alloc_reg = cqe_alloc_reg; + ret_code = i40iw_cq_uk_init(&cq->cq_uk, &info->cq_uk_init_info); + if (ret_code) + return ret_code; + cq->virtual_map = info->virtual_map; + cq->pbl_chunk_size = info->pbl_chunk_size; + cq->ceqe_mask = info->ceqe_mask; + cq->cq_type = (info->type) ? info->type : I40IW_CQ_TYPE_IWARP; + + cq->shadow_area_pa = info->shadow_area_pa; + cq->shadow_read_threshold = info->shadow_read_threshold; + + cq->ceq_id_valid = info->ceq_id_valid; + cq->tph_en = info->tph_en; + cq->tph_val = info->tph_val; + + cq->first_pm_pbl_idx = info->first_pm_pbl_idx; + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_cq_create - create completion q + * @cq: cq struct + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @check_overflow: flag for overflow check + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_cq_create(struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq, + u64 scratch, + bool check_overflow, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 header; + + if (cq->cq_uk.cq_id > I40IW_MAX_CQID) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_CQ_ID; + + if (cq->ceq_id >= I40IW_MAX_CEQID) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_CEQ_ID; + + cqp = cq->dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, cq->cq_uk.cq_size); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, RS_64_1(cq, 1)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_16, + LS_64(cq->shadow_read_threshold, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_SHADOW_READ_THRESHOLD)); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_32, (cq->virtual_map ? 0 : cq->cq_pa)); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_40, cq->shadow_area_pa); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_48, (cq->virtual_map ? cq->first_pm_pbl_idx : 0)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_56, LS_64(cq->tph_val, I40IW_CQPSQ_TPHVAL)); + + header = cq->cq_uk.cq_id | + LS_64((cq->ceq_id_valid ? cq->ceq_id : 0), I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CEQID) | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_CREATE_CQ, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(cq->pbl_chunk_size, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_LPBLSIZE) | + LS_64(check_overflow, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CHKOVERFLOW) | + LS_64(cq->virtual_map, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_VIRTMAP) | + LS_64(cq->ceqe_mask, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_ENCEQEMASK) | + LS_64(cq->ceq_id_valid, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CEQIDVALID) | + LS_64(cq->tph_en, I40IW_CQPSQ_TPHEN) | + LS_64(cq->cq_uk.avoid_mem_cflct, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_AVOIDMEMCNFLCT) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "CQ_CREATE WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_cq_destroy - destroy completion q + * @cq: cq struct + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_cq_destroy(struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 *wqe; + u64 header; + + cqp = cq->dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, cq->cq_uk.cq_size); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, RS_64_1(cq, 1)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_40, cq->shadow_area_pa); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_48, (cq->virtual_map ? cq->first_pm_pbl_idx : 0)); + + header = cq->cq_uk.cq_id | + LS_64((cq->ceq_id_valid ? cq->ceq_id : 0), I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CEQID) | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_DESTROY_CQ, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(cq->pbl_chunk_size, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_LPBLSIZE) | + LS_64(cq->virtual_map, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_VIRTMAP) | + LS_64(cq->ceqe_mask, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_ENCEQEMASK) | + LS_64(cq->ceq_id_valid, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CEQIDVALID) | + LS_64(cq->tph_en, I40IW_CQPSQ_TPHEN) | + LS_64(cq->cq_uk.avoid_mem_cflct, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_AVOIDMEMCNFLCT) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "CQ_DESTROY WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_cq_modify - modify a Completion Queue + * @cq: cq struct + * @info: modification info struct + * @scratch: + * @post_sq: flag to post to sq + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_cq_modify(struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq, + struct i40iw_modify_cq_info *info, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 *wqe; + u64 header; + u32 cq_size, ceq_id, first_pm_pbl_idx; + u8 pbl_chunk_size; + bool virtual_map, ceq_id_valid, check_overflow; + u32 pble_obj_cnt; + + if (info->ceq_valid && (info->ceq_id >= I40IW_MAX_CEQID)) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_CEQ_ID; + + pble_obj_cnt = cq->dev->hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE].cnt; + + if (info->cq_resize && info->virtual_map && + (info->first_pm_pbl_idx >= pble_obj_cnt)) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_PBLE_INDEX; + + cqp = cq->dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + + cq->pbl_list = info->pbl_list; + cq->cq_pa = info->cq_pa; + cq->first_pm_pbl_idx = info->first_pm_pbl_idx; + + cq_size = info->cq_resize ? info->cq_size : cq->cq_uk.cq_size; + if (info->ceq_change) { + ceq_id_valid = TRUE; + ceq_id = info->ceq_id; + } else { + ceq_id_valid = cq->ceq_id_valid; + ceq_id = ceq_id_valid ? cq->ceq_id : 0; + } + virtual_map = info->cq_resize ? info->virtual_map : cq->virtual_map; + first_pm_pbl_idx = (info->cq_resize ? + (info->virtual_map ? info->first_pm_pbl_idx : 0) : + (cq->virtual_map ? cq->first_pm_pbl_idx : 0)); + pbl_chunk_size = (info->cq_resize ? + (info->virtual_map ? info->pbl_chunk_size : 0) : + (cq->virtual_map ? cq->pbl_chunk_size : 0)); + check_overflow = info->check_overflow_change ? info->check_overflow : + cq->check_overflow; + cq->cq_uk.cq_size = cq_size; + cq->ceq_id_valid = ceq_id_valid; + cq->ceq_id = ceq_id; + cq->virtual_map = virtual_map; + cq->first_pm_pbl_idx = first_pm_pbl_idx; + cq->pbl_chunk_size = pbl_chunk_size; + cq->check_overflow = check_overflow; + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, cq_size); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, RS_64_1(cq, 1)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, + LS_64(info->shadow_read_threshold, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_SHADOW_READ_THRESHOLD)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_32, (cq->virtual_map ? 0 : cq->cq_pa)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_40, cq->shadow_area_pa); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_48, (cq->virtual_map ? first_pm_pbl_idx : 0)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_56, LS_64(cq->tph_val, I40IW_CQPSQ_TPHVAL)); + + header = cq->cq_uk.cq_id | + LS_64(ceq_id, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CEQID) | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_MODIFY_CQ, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(info->cq_resize, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CQRESIZE) | + LS_64(pbl_chunk_size, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_LPBLSIZE) | + LS_64(check_overflow, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CHKOVERFLOW) | + LS_64(virtual_map, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_VIRTMAP) | + LS_64(cq->ceqe_mask, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_ENCEQEMASK) | + LS_64(ceq_id_valid, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CEQIDVALID) | + LS_64(cq->tph_en, I40IW_CQPSQ_TPHEN) | + LS_64(cq->cq_uk.avoid_mem_cflct, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_AVOIDMEMCNFLCT) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "CQ_MODIFY WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_qp_init - initialize qp + * @qp: sc qp + * @info: initialization qp info + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_qp_init(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, + struct i40iw_qp_init_info *info) +{ + u32 IOMEM *wqe_alloc_reg = NULL; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code; + u32 pble_obj_cnt; + u8 wqe_size; + u32 offset; + + qp->dev = info->pd->dev; + qp->vsi = info->vsi; + qp->sq_pa = info->sq_pa; + qp->rq_pa = info->rq_pa; + qp->hw_host_ctx_pa = info->host_ctx_pa; + qp->q2_pa = info->q2_pa; + qp->shadow_area_pa = info->shadow_area_pa; + + qp->q2_buf = info->q2; + qp->pd = info->pd; + qp->hw_host_ctx = info->host_ctx; + offset = (qp->pd->dev->is_pf) ? I40E_PFPE_WQEALLOC : I40E_VFPE_WQEALLOC1; + if (i40iw_get_hw_addr(qp->pd->dev)) + wqe_alloc_reg = (u32 IOMEM *) (i40iw_get_hw_addr(qp->pd->dev) + + offset); + + info->qp_uk_init_info.wqe_alloc_reg = wqe_alloc_reg; + ret_code = i40iw_qp_uk_init(&qp->qp_uk, &info->qp_uk_init_info); + if (ret_code) + return ret_code; + qp->virtual_map = info->virtual_map; + + pble_obj_cnt = info->pd->dev->hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE].cnt; + + if ((info->virtual_map && (info->sq_pa >= pble_obj_cnt)) || + (info->virtual_map && (info->rq_pa >= pble_obj_cnt))) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_PBLE_INDEX; + + qp->llp_stream_handle = (void *)(-1); + qp->qp_type = (info->type) ? info->type : I40IW_QP_TYPE_IWARP; + + qp->hw_sq_size = i40iw_get_encoded_wqe_size(qp->qp_uk.sq_ring.size, + FALSE); + i40iw_debug(qp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "%s: hw_sq_size[%04d] sq_ring.size[%04d]\n", + __func__, qp->hw_sq_size, qp->qp_uk.sq_ring.size); + ret_code = i40iw_fragcnt_to_wqesize_rq(qp->qp_uk.max_rq_frag_cnt, + &wqe_size); + if (ret_code) + return ret_code; + qp->hw_rq_size = i40iw_get_encoded_wqe_size(qp->qp_uk.rq_size * + (wqe_size / I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE), FALSE); + i40iw_debug(qp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, + "%s: hw_rq_size[%04d] qp_uk.rq_size[%04d] wqe_size[%04d]\n", + __func__, qp->hw_rq_size, qp->qp_uk.rq_size, wqe_size); + qp->sq_tph_val = info->sq_tph_val; + qp->rq_tph_val = info->rq_tph_val; + qp->sq_tph_en = info->sq_tph_en; + qp->rq_tph_en = info->rq_tph_en; + qp->rcv_tph_en = info->rcv_tph_en; + qp->xmit_tph_en = info->xmit_tph_en; + qp->qp_uk.first_sq_wq = info->qp_uk_init_info.first_sq_wq; + qp->qs_handle = qp->vsi->qos[0].qs_handle; + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_qp_create - create qp + * @qp: sc qp + * @info: qp create info + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_qp_create( + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, + struct i40iw_create_qp_info *info, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 *wqe; + u64 header; + + if ((qp->qp_uk.qp_id < I40IW_MIN_IW_QP_ID) || + (qp->qp_uk.qp_id > I40IW_MAX_IW_QP_ID)) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_QP_ID; + + cqp = qp->pd->dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, qp->hw_host_ctx_pa); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_40, qp->shadow_area_pa); + + header = qp->qp_uk.qp_id | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_CREATE_QP, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64((info->ord_valid ? 1 : 0), I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_ORDVALID) | + LS_64(info->tcp_ctx_valid, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_TOECTXVALID) | + LS_64(qp->qp_type, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_QPTYPE) | + LS_64(qp->virtual_map, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_VQ) | + LS_64(info->cq_num_valid, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_CQNUMVALID) | + LS_64(info->arp_cache_idx_valid, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_ARPTABIDXVALID) | + LS_64(info->next_iwarp_state, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_NEXTIWSTATE) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "QP_CREATE WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_qp_modify - modify qp cqp wqe + * @qp: sc qp + * @info: modify qp info + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_qp_modify( + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, + struct i40iw_modify_qp_info *info, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 header; + u8 term_actions = 0; + u8 term_len = 0; + + cqp = qp->pd->dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + if (info->next_iwarp_state == I40IW_QP_STATE_TERMINATE) { + if (info->dont_send_fin) + term_actions += I40IWQP_TERM_SEND_TERM_ONLY; + if (info->dont_send_term) + term_actions += I40IWQP_TERM_SEND_FIN_ONLY; + if ((term_actions == I40IWQP_TERM_SEND_TERM_AND_FIN) || + (term_actions == I40IWQP_TERM_SEND_TERM_ONLY)) + term_len = info->termlen; + } + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_8, + LS_64(term_len, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_TERMLEN)); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, qp->hw_host_ctx_pa); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_40, qp->shadow_area_pa); + + header = qp->qp_uk.qp_id | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_MODIFY_QP, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(info->ord_valid, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_ORDVALID) | + LS_64(info->tcp_ctx_valid, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_TOECTXVALID) | + LS_64(info->cached_var_valid, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_CACHEDVARVALID) | + LS_64(qp->virtual_map, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_VQ) | + LS_64(info->cq_num_valid, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_CQNUMVALID) | + LS_64(info->force_loopback, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_FORCELOOPBACK) | + LS_64(qp->qp_type, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_QPTYPE) | + LS_64(info->remove_hash_idx, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_REMOVEHASHENTRY) | + LS_64(term_actions, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_TERMACT) | + LS_64(info->reset_tcp_conn, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_RESETCON) | + LS_64(info->arp_cache_idx_valid, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_ARPTABIDXVALID) | + LS_64(info->next_iwarp_state, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_NEXTIWSTATE) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "QP_MODIFY WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_qp_destroy - cqp destroy qp + * @qp: sc qp + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @remove_hash_idx: flag if to remove hash idx + * @ignore_mw_bnd: memory window bind flag + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_qp_destroy( + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, + u64 scratch, + bool remove_hash_idx, + bool ignore_mw_bnd, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 header; + + cqp = qp->pd->dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, qp->hw_host_ctx_pa); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_40, qp->shadow_area_pa); + + header = qp->qp_uk.qp_id | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_DESTROY_QP, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(qp->qp_type, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_QPTYPE) | + LS_64(ignore_mw_bnd, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_IGNOREMWBOUND) | + LS_64(remove_hash_idx, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_REMOVEHASHENTRY) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "QP_DESTROY WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_qp_flush_wqes - flush qp's wqe + * @qp: sc qp + * @info: dlush information + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_qp_flush_wqes( + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, + struct i40iw_qp_flush_info *info, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 temp = 0; + u64 *wqe; + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 header; + bool flush_sq = FALSE, flush_rq = false; + + if (info->rq && !qp->flush_rq) + flush_rq = TRUE; + + if (info->sq && !qp->flush_sq) + flush_sq = TRUE; + + qp->flush_sq |= flush_sq; + qp->flush_rq |= flush_rq; + if (!flush_sq && !flush_rq) { + if (info->ae_code != I40IW_AE_LLP_RECEIVED_MPA_CRC_ERROR) + return 0; + } + cqp = qp->pd->dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + if (info->userflushcode) { + if (flush_rq) { + temp |= LS_64(info->rq_minor_code, I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_RQMNERR) | + LS_64(info->rq_major_code, I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_RQMJERR); + } + if (flush_sq) { + temp |= LS_64(info->sq_minor_code, I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_SQMNERR) | + LS_64(info->sq_major_code, I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_SQMJERR); + } + } + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, temp); + + temp = (info->generate_ae) ? + info->ae_code | LS_64(info->ae_source, I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_AESOURCE) : 0; + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, temp); + + header = qp->qp_uk.qp_id | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_FLUSH_WQES, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(info->generate_ae, I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_GENERATE_AE) | + LS_64(info->userflushcode, I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_USERFLCODE) | + LS_64(flush_sq, I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_FLUSHSQ) | + LS_64(flush_rq, I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_FLUSHRQ) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "QP_FLUSH WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_qp_upload_context - upload qp's context + * @dev: sc device struct + * @info: upload context info ptr for return + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_qp_upload_context( + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_upload_context_info *info, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 header; + + cqp = dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, info->buf_pa); + + header = LS_64(info->qp_id, I40IW_CQPSQ_UCTX_QPID) | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_UPLOAD_CONTEXT, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(info->qp_type, I40IW_CQPSQ_UCTX_QPTYPE) | + LS_64(info->raw_format, I40IW_CQPSQ_UCTX_RAWFORMAT) | + LS_64(info->freeze_qp, I40IW_CQPSQ_UCTX_FREEZEQP) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "QP_UPLOAD_CTX WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_qp_setctx - set qp's context + * @qp: sc qp + * @qp_ctx: context ptr + * @info: ctx info + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_qp_setctx( + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, + u64 * qp_ctx, + struct i40iw_qp_host_ctx_info *info) +{ + struct i40iwarp_offload_info *iw; + struct i40iw_tcp_offload_info *tcp; + struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + u64 qw0, qw3, qw7 = 0; + + iw = info->iwarp_info; + tcp = info->tcp_info; + vsi = qp->vsi; + dev = qp->dev; + qw0 = LS_64(qp->qp_uk.rq_wqe_size, I40IWQPC_RQWQESIZE) | + LS_64(info->iwarp_info->err_rq_idx_valid, I40IWQPC_ERR_RQ_IDX_VALID) | + LS_64(qp->rcv_tph_en, I40IWQPC_RCVTPHEN) | + LS_64(qp->xmit_tph_en, I40IWQPC_XMITTPHEN) | + LS_64(qp->rq_tph_en, I40IWQPC_RQTPHEN) | + LS_64(qp->sq_tph_en, I40IWQPC_SQTPHEN) | + LS_64(info->push_idx, I40IWQPC_PPIDX) | + LS_64(info->push_mode_en, I40IWQPC_PMENA); + + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_8, qp->sq_pa); + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_16, qp->rq_pa); + + qw3 = LS_64(qp->src_mac_addr_idx, I40IWQPC_SRCMACADDRIDX) | + LS_64(qp->hw_rq_size, I40IWQPC_RQSIZE) | + LS_64(qp->hw_sq_size, I40IWQPC_SQSIZE); + + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, + I40IW_BYTE_128, + LS_64(info->iwarp_info->err_rq_idx, I40IWQPC_ERR_RQ_IDX)); + + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, + I40IW_BYTE_136, + LS_64(info->send_cq_num, I40IWQPC_TXCQNUM) | + LS_64(info->rcv_cq_num, I40IWQPC_RXCQNUM)); + + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, + I40IW_BYTE_168, + LS_64(info->qp_compl_ctx, I40IWQPC_QPCOMPCTX)); + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, + I40IW_BYTE_176, + LS_64(qp->sq_tph_val, I40IWQPC_SQTPHVAL) | + LS_64(qp->rq_tph_val, I40IWQPC_RQTPHVAL) | + LS_64(qp->qs_handle, I40IWQPC_QSHANDLE) | + LS_64(vsi->exception_lan_queue, I40IWQPC_EXCEPTION_LAN_QUEUE)); + + if (info->iwarp_info_valid) { + qw0 |= LS_64(iw->ddp_ver, I40IWQPC_DDP_VER) | + LS_64(iw->rdmap_ver, I40IWQPC_RDMAP_VER); + + qw7 |= LS_64(iw->pd_id, I40IWQPC_PDIDX); + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, + I40IW_BYTE_144, + LS_64(qp->q2_pa, I40IWQPC_Q2ADDR) | + LS_64((vsi->fcn_id - I40IW_FIRST_NON_PF_STAT), I40IWQPC_STAT_INDEX)); + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, + I40IW_BYTE_152, + LS_64(iw->last_byte_sent, I40IWQPC_LASTBYTESENT)); + + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, + I40IW_BYTE_160, + LS_64(iw->ord_size, I40IWQPC_ORDSIZE) | + LS_64(iw->ird_size, I40IWQPC_IRDSIZE) | + LS_64(iw->wr_rdresp_en, I40IWQPC_WRRDRSPOK) | + LS_64(iw->rd_enable, I40IWQPC_RDOK) | + LS_64(iw->snd_mark_en, I40IWQPC_SNDMARKERS) | + LS_64(iw->bind_en, I40IWQPC_BINDEN) | + LS_64(iw->fast_reg_en, I40IWQPC_FASTREGEN) | + LS_64(iw->priv_mode_en, I40IWQPC_PRIVEN) | + LS_64((((vsi->stats_fcn_id_alloc) && + (dev->is_pf) && (vsi->fcn_id >= I40IW_FIRST_NON_PF_STAT)) ? 1 : 0), + I40IWQPC_USESTATSINSTANCE) | + LS_64(1, I40IWQPC_IWARPMODE) | + LS_64(iw->rcv_mark_en, I40IWQPC_RCVMARKERS) | + LS_64(iw->align_hdrs, I40IWQPC_ALIGNHDRS) | + LS_64(iw->rcv_no_mpa_crc, I40IWQPC_RCVNOMPACRC) | + LS_64(iw->rcv_mark_offset, I40IWQPC_RCVMARKOFFSET) | + LS_64(iw->snd_mark_offset, I40IWQPC_SNDMARKOFFSET)); + } + if (info->tcp_info_valid) { + qw0 |= LS_64(tcp->ipv4, I40IWQPC_IPV4) | + LS_64(tcp->no_nagle, I40IWQPC_NONAGLE) | + LS_64(tcp->insert_vlan_tag, I40IWQPC_INSERTVLANTAG) | + LS_64(tcp->time_stamp, I40IWQPC_TIMESTAMP) | + LS_64(tcp->cwnd_inc_limit, I40IWQPC_LIMIT) | + LS_64(tcp->drop_ooo_seg, I40IWQPC_DROPOOOSEG) | + LS_64(tcp->dup_ack_thresh, I40IWQPC_DUPACK_THRESH); + + qw3 |= LS_64(tcp->ttl, I40IWQPC_TTL) | + LS_64(tcp->src_mac_addr_idx, I40IWQPC_SRCMACADDRIDX) | + LS_64(tcp->avoid_stretch_ack, I40IWQPC_AVOIDSTRETCHACK) | + LS_64(tcp->tos, I40IWQPC_TOS) | + LS_64(tcp->src_port, I40IWQPC_SRCPORTNUM) | + LS_64(tcp->dst_port, I40IWQPC_DESTPORTNUM); + + qp->src_mac_addr_idx = tcp->src_mac_addr_idx; + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, + I40IW_BYTE_32, + LS_64(tcp->dest_ip_addr2, I40IWQPC_DESTIPADDR2) | + LS_64(tcp->dest_ip_addr3, I40IWQPC_DESTIPADDR3)); + + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, + I40IW_BYTE_40, + LS_64(tcp->dest_ip_addr0, I40IWQPC_DESTIPADDR0) | + LS_64(tcp->dest_ip_addr1, I40IWQPC_DESTIPADDR1)); + + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, + I40IW_BYTE_48, + LS_64(tcp->snd_mss, I40IWQPC_SNDMSS) | + LS_64(tcp->vlan_tag, I40IWQPC_VLANTAG) | + LS_64(tcp->arp_idx, I40IWQPC_ARPIDX)); + + qw7 |= LS_64(tcp->flow_label, I40IWQPC_FLOWLABEL) | + LS_64(tcp->wscale, I40IWQPC_WSCALE) | + LS_64(tcp->ignore_tcp_opt, I40IWQPC_IGNORE_TCP_OPT) | + LS_64(tcp->ignore_tcp_uns_opt, I40IWQPC_IGNORE_TCP_UNS_OPT) | + LS_64(tcp->tcp_state, I40IWQPC_TCPSTATE) | + LS_64(tcp->rcv_wscale, I40IWQPC_RCVSCALE) | + LS_64(tcp->snd_wscale, I40IWQPC_SNDSCALE); + + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, + I40IW_BYTE_72, + LS_64(tcp->time_stamp_recent, I40IWQPC_TIMESTAMP_RECENT) | + LS_64(tcp->time_stamp_age, I40IWQPC_TIMESTAMP_AGE)); + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, + I40IW_BYTE_80, + LS_64(tcp->snd_nxt, I40IWQPC_SNDNXT) | + LS_64(tcp->snd_wnd, I40IWQPC_SNDWND)); + + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, + I40IW_BYTE_88, + LS_64(tcp->rcv_nxt, I40IWQPC_RCVNXT) | + LS_64(tcp->rcv_wnd, I40IWQPC_RCVWND)); + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, + I40IW_BYTE_96, + LS_64(tcp->snd_max, I40IWQPC_SNDMAX) | + LS_64(tcp->snd_una, I40IWQPC_SNDUNA)); + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, + I40IW_BYTE_104, + LS_64(tcp->srtt, I40IWQPC_SRTT) | + LS_64(tcp->rtt_var, I40IWQPC_RTTVAR)); + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, + I40IW_BYTE_112, + LS_64(tcp->ss_thresh, I40IWQPC_SSTHRESH) | + LS_64(tcp->cwnd, I40IWQPC_CWND)); + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, + I40IW_BYTE_120, + LS_64(tcp->snd_wl1, I40IWQPC_SNDWL1) | + LS_64(tcp->snd_wl2, I40IWQPC_SNDWL2)); + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, + I40IW_BYTE_128, + LS_64(tcp->max_snd_window, I40IWQPC_MAXSNDWND) | + LS_64(tcp->rexmit_thresh, I40IWQPC_REXMIT_THRESH)); + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, + I40IW_BYTE_184, + LS_64(tcp->local_ipaddr3, I40IWQPC_LOCAL_IPADDR3) | + LS_64(tcp->local_ipaddr2, I40IWQPC_LOCAL_IPADDR2)); + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, + I40IW_BYTE_192, + LS_64(tcp->local_ipaddr1, I40IWQPC_LOCAL_IPADDR1) | + LS_64(tcp->local_ipaddr0, I40IWQPC_LOCAL_IPADDR0)); + } + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_0, qw0); + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_24, qw3); + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_56, qw7); + + i40iw_debug_buf(qp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "QP_HOST CTX WQE", + qp_ctx, I40IW_QP_CTX_SIZE); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_alloc_stag - mr stag alloc + * @dev: sc device struct + * @info: stag info + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_alloc_stag( + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_allocate_stag_info *info, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 header; + enum i40iw_page_size page_size; + + page_size = (info->page_size == 0x200000) ? I40IW_PAGE_SIZE_2M : I40IW_PAGE_SIZE_4K; + cqp = dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_8, + LS_64(info->pd_id, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_PDID) | + LS_64(info->total_len, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_STAGLEN)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_16, + LS_64(info->stag_idx, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_IDX)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_40, + LS_64(info->hmc_fcn_index, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_HMCFNIDX)); + + header = LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_ALLOC_STAG, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(1, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_MR) | + LS_64(info->access_rights, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_ARIGHTS) | + LS_64(info->chunk_size, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_LPBLSIZE) | + LS_64(page_size, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_HPAGESIZE) | + LS_64(info->remote_access, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_REMACCENABLED) | + LS_64(info->use_hmc_fcn_index, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_USEHMCFNIDX) | + LS_64(info->use_pf_rid, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_USEPFRID) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "ALLOC_STAG WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_mr_reg_non_shared - non-shared mr registration + * @dev: sc device struct + * @info: mr info + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_mr_reg_non_shared( + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_reg_ns_stag_info *info, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u64 temp; + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 header; + u32 pble_obj_cnt; + bool remote_access; + u8 addr_type; + enum i40iw_page_size page_size; + + page_size = (info->page_size == 0x200000) ? I40IW_PAGE_SIZE_2M : I40IW_PAGE_SIZE_4K; + if (info->access_rights & (I40IW_ACCESS_FLAGS_REMOTEREAD_ONLY | + I40IW_ACCESS_FLAGS_REMOTEWRITE_ONLY)) + remote_access = TRUE; + else + remote_access = FALSE; + + pble_obj_cnt = dev->hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE].cnt; + + if (info->chunk_size && (info->first_pm_pbl_index >= pble_obj_cnt)) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_PBLE_INDEX; + + cqp = dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + + temp = (info->addr_type == I40IW_ADDR_TYPE_VA_BASED) ? (uintptr_t) info->va : info->fbo; + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, temp); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_8, + LS_64(info->total_len, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_STAGLEN) | + LS_64(info->pd_id, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_PDID)); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_16, + LS_64(info->stag_key, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_KEY) | + LS_64(info->stag_idx, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_IDX)); + if (!info->chunk_size) { + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_32, info->reg_addr_pa); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_48, 0); + } else { + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_32, 0); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_48, info->first_pm_pbl_index); + } + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_40, info->hmc_fcn_index); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_56, 0); + + addr_type = (info->addr_type == I40IW_ADDR_TYPE_VA_BASED) ? 1 : 0; + header = LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_REG_MR, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(1, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_MR) | + LS_64(info->chunk_size, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_LPBLSIZE) | + LS_64(page_size, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_HPAGESIZE) | + LS_64(info->access_rights, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_ARIGHTS) | + LS_64(remote_access, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_REMACCENABLED) | + LS_64(addr_type, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_VABASEDTO) | + LS_64(info->use_hmc_fcn_index, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_USEHMCFNIDX) | + LS_64(info->use_pf_rid, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_USEPFRID) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "MR_REG_NS WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_mr_reg_shared - registered shared memory region + * @dev: sc device struct + * @info: info for shared memory registeration + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_mr_reg_shared( + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_register_shared_stag *info, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 temp, va64, fbo, header; + u32 va32; + bool remote_access; + u8 addr_type; + + if (info->access_rights & (I40IW_ACCESS_FLAGS_REMOTEREAD_ONLY | + I40IW_ACCESS_FLAGS_REMOTEWRITE_ONLY)) + remote_access = TRUE; + else + remote_access = FALSE; + cqp = dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + va64 = (uintptr_t) (info->va); + va32 = (u32) (va64 & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF); + fbo = (u64) (va32 & (4096 - 1)); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_0, + (info->addr_type == I40IW_ADDR_TYPE_VA_BASED ? (uintptr_t) info->va : fbo)); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_8, + LS_64(info->pd_id, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_PDID)); + temp = LS_64(info->new_stag_key, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_KEY) | + LS_64(info->new_stag_idx, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_IDX) | + LS_64(info->parent_stag_idx, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_PARENTSTAGIDX); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, temp); + + addr_type = (info->addr_type == I40IW_ADDR_TYPE_VA_BASED) ? 1 : 0; + header = LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_REG_SMR, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(1, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_MR) | + LS_64(info->access_rights, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_ARIGHTS) | + LS_64(remote_access, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_REMACCENABLED) | + LS_64(addr_type, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_VABASEDTO) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "MR_REG_SHARED WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_dealloc_stag - deallocate stag + * @dev: sc device struct + * @info: dealloc stag info + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_dealloc_stag( + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_dealloc_stag_info *info, + u64 scratch, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 header; + u64 *wqe; + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + + cqp = dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_8, + LS_64(info->pd_id, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_PDID)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_16, + LS_64(info->stag_idx, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_IDX)); + + header = LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_DEALLOC_STAG, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(info->mr, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_MR) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "DEALLOC_STAG WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_query_stag - query hardware for stag + * @dev: sc device struct + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @stag_index: stag index for query + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_query_stag(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + u64 scratch, + u32 stag_index, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 header; + u64 *wqe; + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + + cqp = dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_16, + LS_64(stag_index, I40IW_CQPSQ_QUERYSTAG_IDX)); + + header = LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_QUERY_STAG, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "QUERY_STAG WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_mw_alloc - mw allocate + * @dev: sc device struct + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @mw_stag_index:stag index + * @pd_id: pd is for this mw + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_mw_alloc( + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + u64 scratch, + u32 mw_stag_index, + u16 pd_id, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 header; + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 *wqe; + + cqp = dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, LS_64(pd_id, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_PDID)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_16, + LS_64(mw_stag_index, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_IDX)); + + header = LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_ALLOC_STAG, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "MW_ALLOC WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_mr_fast_register - Posts RDMA fast register mr WR to iwarp qp + * @qp: sc qp struct + * @info: fast mr info + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_mr_fast_register( + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, + struct i40iw_fast_reg_stag_info *info, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 temp, header; + u64 *wqe; + u32 wqe_idx; + enum i40iw_page_size page_size; + + page_size = (info->page_size == 0x200000) ? I40IW_PAGE_SIZE_2M : I40IW_PAGE_SIZE_4K; + + wqe = i40iw_qp_get_next_send_wqe(&qp->qp_uk, &wqe_idx, I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE, + 0, info->wr_id); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_QP_TOOMANY_WRS_POSTED; + + i40iw_debug(qp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_MR, "%s: wr_id[%lxh] wqe_idx[%04d] location[%p]\n", + __func__, info->wr_id, wqe_idx, + &qp->qp_uk.sq_wrtrk_array[wqe_idx].wrid); + temp = (info->addr_type == I40IW_ADDR_TYPE_VA_BASED) ? (uintptr_t) info->va : info->fbo; + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, temp); + + temp = RS_64(info->first_pm_pbl_index >> 16, I40IWQPSQ_FIRSTPMPBLIDXHI); + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_8, + LS_64(temp, I40IWQPSQ_FIRSTPMPBLIDXHI) | + LS_64(info->reg_addr_pa >> I40IWQPSQ_PBLADDR_SHIFT, I40IWQPSQ_PBLADDR)); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_16, + info->total_len | + LS_64(info->first_pm_pbl_index, I40IWQPSQ_FIRSTPMPBLIDXLO)); + + header = LS_64(info->stag_key, I40IWQPSQ_STAGKEY) | + LS_64(info->stag_idx, I40IWQPSQ_STAGINDEX) | + LS_64(I40IWQP_OP_FAST_REGISTER, I40IWQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(info->chunk_size, I40IWQPSQ_LPBLSIZE) | + LS_64(page_size, I40IWQPSQ_HPAGESIZE) | + LS_64(info->access_rights, I40IWQPSQ_STAGRIGHTS) | + LS_64(info->addr_type, I40IWQPSQ_VABASEDTO) | + LS_64(info->read_fence, I40IWQPSQ_READFENCE) | + LS_64(info->local_fence, I40IWQPSQ_LOCALFENCE) | + LS_64(info->signaled, I40IWQPSQ_SIGCOMPL) | + LS_64(qp->qp_uk.swqe_polarity, I40IWQPSQ_VALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(qp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "FAST_REG WQE", + wqe, I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_qp_post_wr(&qp->qp_uk); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_send_lsmm - send last streaming mode message + * @qp: sc qp struct + * @lsmm_buf: buffer with lsmm message + * @size: size of lsmm buffer + * @stag: stag of lsmm buffer + */ +static void +i40iw_sc_send_lsmm(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, + void *lsmm_buf, + u32 size, + i40iw_stag stag) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u64 header; + struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp_uk; + + qp_uk = &qp->qp_uk; + wqe = qp_uk->sq_base->elem; + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, (uintptr_t) lsmm_buf); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, (size | LS_64(stag, I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_STAG))); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, 0); + + header = LS_64(I40IWQP_OP_RDMA_SEND, I40IWQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(1, I40IWQPSQ_STREAMMODE) | + LS_64(1, I40IWQPSQ_WAITFORRCVPDU) | + LS_64(qp->qp_uk.swqe_polarity, I40IWQPSQ_VALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(qp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_QP, "SEND_LSMM WQE", + wqe, I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE); +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_send_lsmm_nostag - for privilege qp + * @qp: sc qp struct + * @lsmm_buf: buffer with lsmm message + * @size: size of lsmm buffer + */ +static void +i40iw_sc_send_lsmm_nostag(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, + void *lsmm_buf, + u32 size) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u64 header; + struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp_uk; + + qp_uk = &qp->qp_uk; + wqe = qp_uk->sq_base->elem; + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, (uintptr_t) lsmm_buf); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, size); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, 0); + + header = LS_64(I40IWQP_OP_RDMA_SEND, I40IWQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(1, I40IWQPSQ_STREAMMODE) | + LS_64(1, I40IWQPSQ_WAITFORRCVPDU) | + LS_64(qp->qp_uk.swqe_polarity, I40IWQPSQ_VALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(qp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "SEND_LSMM_NOSTAG WQE", + wqe, I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE); +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_send_rtt - send last read0 or write0 + * @qp: sc qp struct + * @read: Do read0 or write0 + */ +static void +i40iw_sc_send_rtt(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, bool read) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u64 header; + struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp_uk; + + qp_uk = &qp->qp_uk; + wqe = qp_uk->sq_base->elem; + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, 0); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, 0); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, 0); + if (read) { + header = LS_64(0x1234, I40IWQPSQ_REMSTAG) | + LS_64(I40IWQP_OP_RDMA_READ, I40IWQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(qp->qp_uk.swqe_polarity, I40IWQPSQ_VALID); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, ((u64) 0xabcd << 32)); + } else { + header = LS_64(I40IWQP_OP_RDMA_WRITE, I40IWQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(qp->qp_uk.swqe_polarity, I40IWQPSQ_VALID); + } + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(qp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "RTR WQE", + wqe, I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE); +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_init_iw_hmc() - queries fpm values using cqp and populates hmc_info + * @dev : ptr to i40iw_dev struct + * @hmc_fn_id: hmc function id + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_init_iw_hmc(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, u8 hmc_fn_id) +{ + struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info; + struct i40iw_dma_mem query_fpm_mem; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + bool poll_registers = TRUE; + u8 wait_type; + + if (hmc_fn_id > I40IW_MAX_VF_FPM_ID || + (dev->hmc_fn_id != hmc_fn_id && hmc_fn_id < I40IW_FIRST_VF_FPM_ID)) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_HMCFN_ID; + + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_HMC, "hmc_fn_id %u, dev->hmc_fn_id %u\n", hmc_fn_id, + dev->hmc_fn_id); + hmc_info = dev->hmc_info; + = dev->fpm_query_buf_pa; + = dev->fpm_query_buf; + + hmc_info->hmc_fn_id = hmc_fn_id; + + wait_type = poll_registers ? (u8) I40IW_CQP_WAIT_POLL_REGS : + (u8) I40IW_CQP_WAIT_POLL_CQ; + + ret_code = i40iw_sc_query_fpm_values( + dev->cqp, + 0, + hmc_info->hmc_fn_id, + &query_fpm_mem, + TRUE, + wait_type); + if (ret_code) + return ret_code; + + /* parse the fpm_query_buf and fill hmc obj info */ + ret_code = + i40iw_sc_parse_fpm_query_buf((u64 *), + hmc_info, + &dev->hmc_fpm_misc); + if (ret_code) + return ret_code; + i40iw_debug_buf(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_HMC, "QUERY FPM BUFFER", +, I40IW_QUERY_FPM_BUF_SIZE); + + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_configure_iw_fpm() - commits hmc obj cnt values using cqp command and + * populates fpm base address in hmc_info + * @dev : ptr to i40iw_dev struct + * @hmc_fn_id: hmc function id + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_configure_iw_fpm(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + u8 hmc_fn_id) +{ + struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info; + struct i40iw_hmc_obj_info *obj_info; + u64 *buf; + struct i40iw_dma_mem commit_fpm_mem; + u32 i, j; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + bool poll_registers = TRUE; + u8 wait_type; + + if (hmc_fn_id > I40IW_MAX_VF_FPM_ID || + (dev->hmc_fn_id != hmc_fn_id && hmc_fn_id < I40IW_FIRST_VF_FPM_ID)) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_HMCFN_ID; + + if (hmc_fn_id == dev->hmc_fn_id) { + hmc_info = dev->hmc_info; + } else { + hmc_info = NULL; + } + if (!hmc_info) + return I40IW_ERR_BAD_PTR; + + obj_info = hmc_info->hmc_obj; + buf = dev->fpm_commit_buf; + + /* copy cnt values in commit buf */ + for (i = I40IW_HMC_IW_QP, j = I40IW_BYTE_0; i <= I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE; + i++, j += I40IW_BYTE_8) + set_64bit_val(buf, j, (u64) obj_info[i].cnt); + + set_64bit_val(buf, I40IW_BYTE_40, 0); /* APBVT rsvd */ + + = dev->fpm_commit_buf_pa; + = dev->fpm_commit_buf; + wait_type = poll_registers ? (u8) I40IW_CQP_WAIT_POLL_REGS : + (u8) I40IW_CQP_WAIT_POLL_CQ; + ret_code = i40iw_sc_commit_fpm_values( + dev->cqp, + 0, + hmc_info->hmc_fn_id, + &commit_fpm_mem, + TRUE, + wait_type); + + /* parse the fpm_commit_buf and fill hmc obj info */ + if (!ret_code) + ret_code = i40iw_sc_parse_fpm_commit_buf(dev->fpm_commit_buf, + hmc_info->hmc_obj, + &hmc_info->sd_table.sd_cnt); + + i40iw_debug_buf(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_HMC, "COMMIT FPM BUFFER", +, I40IW_COMMIT_FPM_BUF_SIZE); + + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * cqp_sds_wqe_fill - fill cqp wqe doe sd + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @info; sd info for wqe + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +cqp_sds_wqe_fill(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + struct i40iw_update_sds_info *info, + u64 scratch) +{ + u64 data; + u64 header; + u64 *wqe; + int mem_entries, wqe_entries; + struct i40iw_dma_mem *sdbuf = &cqp->sdbuf; + + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + + I40IW_CQP_INIT_WQE(wqe); + wqe_entries = (info->cnt > 3) ? 3 : info->cnt; + mem_entries = info->cnt - wqe_entries; + + header = LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_UPDATE_PE_SDS, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID) | + LS_64(mem_entries, I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_ENTRY_COUNT); + + if (mem_entries) { + i40iw_memcpy(sdbuf->va, &info->entry[3], (mem_entries << 4)); + data = sdbuf->pa; + } else { + data = 0; + } + data |= LS_64(info->hmc_fn_id, I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_HMCFNID); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, data); + + switch (wqe_entries) { + case 3: + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_48, + (LS_64(info->entry[2].cmd, I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_SDCMD) | + LS_64(1, I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_ENTRY_VALID))); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_56, info->entry[2].data); + /* fallthrough */ + case 2: + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_32, + (LS_64(info->entry[1].cmd, I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_SDCMD) | + LS_64(1, I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_ENTRY_VALID))); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_40, info->entry[1].data); + /* fallthrough */ + case 1: + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, + LS_64(info->entry[0].cmd, I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_SDCMD)); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, info->entry[0].data); + break; + default: + break; + } + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "UPDATE_PE_SDS WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_update_pe_sds - cqp wqe for sd + * @dev: ptr to i40iw_dev struct + * @info: sd info for sd's + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_update_pe_sds(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_update_sds_info *info, + u64 scratch) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp = dev->cqp; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code; + + ret_code = cqp_sds_wqe_fill(cqp, info, scratch); + if (!ret_code) + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * i40iw_update_sds_noccq - update sd before ccq created + * @dev: sc device struct + * @info: sd info for sd's + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_update_sds_noccq(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_update_sds_info *info) +{ + u32 error, val, tail; + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp = dev->cqp; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code; + + ret_code = cqp_sds_wqe_fill(cqp, info, 0); + if (ret_code) + return ret_code; + i40iw_get_cqp_reg_info(cqp, &val, &tail, &error); + if (error) + return I40IW_ERR_CQP_COMPL_ERROR; + + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + ret_code = i40iw_cqp_poll_registers(cqp, tail, I40IW_DONE_COUNT); + + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_suspend_qp - suspend qp for param change + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @qp: sc qp struct + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_suspend_qp(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, + u64 scratch) +{ + u64 header; + u64 *wqe; + + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + header = LS_64(qp->qp_uk.qp_id, I40IW_CQPSQ_SUSPENDQP_QPID) | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_SUSPEND_QP, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "SUSPEND_QP WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_resume_qp - resume qp after suspend + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @qp: sc qp struct + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_resume_qp(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, + u64 scratch) +{ + u64 header; + u64 *wqe; + + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_16, + LS_64(qp->qs_handle, I40IW_CQPSQ_RESUMEQP_QSHANDLE)); + + header = LS_64(qp->qp_uk.qp_id, I40IW_CQPSQ_RESUMEQP_QPID) | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_RESUME_QP, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "RESUME_QP WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_static_hmc_pages_allocated - cqp wqe to allocate hmc pages + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + * @scratch: u64 saved to be used during cqp completion + * @hmc_fn_id: hmc function id + * @post_sq: flag for cqp db to ring + * @poll_registers: flag to poll register for cqp completion + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_static_hmc_pages_allocated( + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + u64 scratch, + u8 hmc_fn_id, + bool post_sq, + bool poll_registers) +{ + u64 header; + u64 *wqe; + u32 tail, val, error; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, scratch); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + set_64bit_val(wqe, + I40IW_BYTE_16, + LS_64(hmc_fn_id, I40IW_SHMC_PAGE_ALLOCATED_HMC_FN_ID)); + + header = LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_SHMC_PAGES_ALLOCATED, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_WQE, "SHMC_PAGES_ALLOCATED WQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + i40iw_get_cqp_reg_info(cqp, &val, &tail, &error); + if (error) { + ret_code = I40IW_ERR_CQP_COMPL_ERROR; + return ret_code; + } + if (post_sq) { + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + if (poll_registers) + /* check for cqp sq tail update */ + ret_code = i40iw_cqp_poll_registers(cqp, tail, 1000); + else + ret_code = i40iw_sc_poll_for_cqp_op_done(cqp, + I40IW_CQP_OP_SHMC_PAGES_ALLOCATED, + NULL); + } + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * i40iw_ring_full - check if cqp ring is full + * @cqp: struct for cqp hw + */ +static bool +i40iw_ring_full(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp) +{ + return I40IW_RING_FULL_ERR(cqp->sq_ring); +} + +/** + * i40iw_est_sd - returns approximate number of SDs for HMC + * @dev: sc device struct + * @hmc_info: hmc structure, size and count for HMC objects + */ +static u64 +i40iw_est_sd(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info) +{ + int i; + u64 size = 0; + u64 sd; + + for (i = I40IW_HMC_IW_QP; i < I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE; i++) + size += hmc_info->hmc_obj[i].cnt * hmc_info->hmc_obj[i].size; + + if (dev->is_pf) + size += hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE].cnt * hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE].size; + + if (size & 0x1FFFFF) + sd = (size >> 21) + 1; /* add 1 for remainder */ + else + sd = size >> 21; + + if (!dev->is_pf) { + /* 2MB alignment for VF PBLE HMC */ + size = hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE].cnt * hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE].size; + if (size & 0x1FFFFF) + sd += (size >> 21) + 1; /* add 1 for remainder */ + else + sd += size >> 21; + } + return sd; +} + +/** + * i40iw_config_fpm_values - configure HMC objects + * @dev: sc device struct + * @qp_count: desired qp count + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_config_fpm_values(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, u32 qp_count) +{ + struct i40iw_virt_mem virt_mem; + u32 i, mem_size; + u32 qpwantedoriginal, qpwanted, mrwanted, pblewanted; + u32 powerof2; + u64 sd_needed; + u32 loop_count = 0; + + struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info; + struct i40iw_hmc_fpm_misc *hmc_fpm_misc; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + + hmc_info = dev->hmc_info; + hmc_fpm_misc = &dev->hmc_fpm_misc; + + ret_code = i40iw_sc_init_iw_hmc(dev, dev->hmc_fn_id); + if (ret_code) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_HMC, + "i40iw_sc_init_iw_hmc returned error_code = %d\n", + ret_code); + return ret_code; + } + for (i = I40IW_HMC_IW_QP; i < I40IW_HMC_IW_MAX; i++) + hmc_info->hmc_obj[i].cnt = hmc_info->hmc_obj[i].max_cnt; + sd_needed = i40iw_est_sd(dev, hmc_info); + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_HMC, + "%s: FW initial max sd_count[%08ld] first_sd_index[%04d]\n", + __func__, sd_needed, hmc_info->first_sd_index); + + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_HMC, + "%s: sd count %d where max sd is %d\n", + __func__, hmc_info->sd_table.sd_cnt, + hmc_fpm_misc->max_sds); + + qpwanted = min(qp_count, hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_QP].max_cnt); + qpwantedoriginal = qpwanted; + mrwanted = hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_MR].max_cnt; + pblewanted = hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE].max_cnt; + + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_HMC, + "req_qp=%d max_sd=%d, max_qp = %d, max_cq=%d, max_mr=%d, max_pble=%d\n", + qp_count, hmc_fpm_misc->max_sds, + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_QP].max_cnt, + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_CQ].max_cnt, + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_MR].max_cnt, + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE].max_cnt); + + do { + ++loop_count; + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_QP].cnt = qpwanted; + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_CQ].cnt = + min(2 * qpwanted, hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_CQ].cnt); + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_SRQ].cnt = 0x00; /* Reserved */ + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_HTE].cnt = + qpwanted * hmc_fpm_misc->ht_multiplier; + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_ARP].cnt = + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_ARP].max_cnt; + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_APBVT_ENTRY].cnt = 1; + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_MR].cnt = mrwanted; + + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_XF].cnt = I40IW_MAX_WQ_ENTRIES * qpwanted; + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_Q1].cnt = 4 * I40IW_MAX_IRD_SIZE * qpwanted; + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_XFFL].cnt = + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_XF].cnt / hmc_fpm_misc->xf_block_size; + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_Q1FL].cnt = + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_Q1].cnt / hmc_fpm_misc->q1_block_size; + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_TIMER].cnt = + ((qpwanted) / 512 + 1) * hmc_fpm_misc->timer_bucket; + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_FSIMC].cnt = 0x00; + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_FSIAV].cnt = 0x00; + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE].cnt = pblewanted; + + /* How much memory is needed for all the objects. */ + sd_needed = i40iw_est_sd(dev, hmc_info); + if ((loop_count > 1000) || + ((!(loop_count % 10)) && + (qpwanted > qpwantedoriginal * 2 / 3))) { + if (qpwanted > FPM_MULTIPLIER) { + qpwanted -= FPM_MULTIPLIER; + powerof2 = 1; + while (powerof2 < qpwanted) + powerof2 *= 2; + powerof2 /= 2; + qpwanted = powerof2; + } else { + qpwanted /= 2; + } + } + if (mrwanted > FPM_MULTIPLIER * 10) + mrwanted -= FPM_MULTIPLIER * 10; + if (pblewanted > FPM_MULTIPLIER * 1000) + pblewanted -= FPM_MULTIPLIER * 1000; + } while (sd_needed > hmc_fpm_misc->max_sds && loop_count < 2000); + + sd_needed = i40iw_est_sd(dev, hmc_info); + + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_HMC, + "loop_cnt=%d, sd_needed=%ld, qpcnt = %d, cqcnt=%d, mrcnt=%d, pblecnt=%d\n", + loop_count, sd_needed, + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_QP].cnt, + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_CQ].cnt, + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_MR].cnt, + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE].cnt); + + ret_code = i40iw_sc_configure_iw_fpm(dev, dev->hmc_fn_id); + if (ret_code) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_HMC, + "configure_iw_fpm returned error_code[x%08X]\n", + rd32(dev->hw, dev->is_pf ? I40E_PFPE_CQPERRCODES : I40E_VFPE_CQPERRCODES1)); + return ret_code; + } + mem_size = sizeof(struct i40iw_hmc_sd_entry) * + (hmc_info->sd_table.sd_cnt + hmc_info->first_sd_index + 1); + ret_code = i40iw_allocate_virt_mem(dev->hw, &virt_mem, mem_size); + if (ret_code) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_HMC, + "%s: failed to allocate memory for sd_entry buffer\n", + __func__); + return ret_code; + } + hmc_info->sd_table.sd_entry =; + + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * i40iw_exec_cqp_cmd - execute cqp cmd when wqe are available + * @dev: rdma device + * @pcmdinfo: cqp command info + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_exec_cqp_cmd(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct cqp_commands_info *pcmdinfo) +{ + enum i40iw_status_code status; + struct i40iw_dma_mem values_mem; + + dev->cqp_cmd_stats[pcmdinfo->cqp_cmd]++; + switch (pcmdinfo->cqp_cmd) { + case OP_DELETE_LOCAL_MAC_IPADDR_ENTRY: + status = i40iw_sc_del_local_mac_ipaddr_entry( + pcmdinfo->in.u.del_local_mac_ipaddr_entry.cqp, + pcmdinfo->in.u.del_local_mac_ipaddr_entry.scratch, + pcmdinfo->in.u.del_local_mac_ipaddr_entry.entry_idx, + pcmdinfo->in.u.del_local_mac_ipaddr_entry.ignore_ref_count, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + break; + case OP_CEQ_DESTROY: + status = i40iw_sc_ceq_destroy(pcmdinfo->in.u.ceq_destroy.ceq, + pcmdinfo->in.u.ceq_destroy.scratch, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + break; + case OP_AEQ_DESTROY: + status = i40iw_sc_aeq_destroy(pcmdinfo->in.u.aeq_destroy.aeq, + pcmdinfo->in.u.aeq_destroy.scratch, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + + break; + case OP_DELETE_ARP_CACHE_ENTRY: + status = i40iw_sc_del_arp_cache_entry( + pcmdinfo->in.u.del_arp_cache_entry.cqp, + pcmdinfo->in.u.del_arp_cache_entry.scratch, + pcmdinfo->in.u.del_arp_cache_entry.arp_index, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + break; + case OP_MANAGE_APBVT_ENTRY: + status = i40iw_sc_manage_apbvt_entry( + pcmdinfo->in.u.manage_apbvt_entry.cqp, + &pcmdinfo->, + pcmdinfo->in.u.manage_apbvt_entry.scratch, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + break; + case OP_CEQ_CREATE: + status = i40iw_sc_ceq_create(pcmdinfo->in.u.ceq_create.ceq, + pcmdinfo->in.u.ceq_create.scratch, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + break; + case OP_AEQ_CREATE: + status = i40iw_sc_aeq_create(pcmdinfo->in.u.aeq_create.aeq, + pcmdinfo->in.u.aeq_create.scratch, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + break; + case OP_ALLOC_LOCAL_MAC_IPADDR_ENTRY: + status = i40iw_sc_alloc_local_mac_ipaddr_entry( + pcmdinfo->in.u.alloc_local_mac_ipaddr_entry.cqp, + pcmdinfo->in.u.alloc_local_mac_ipaddr_entry.scratch, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + break; + case OP_ADD_LOCAL_MAC_IPADDR_ENTRY: + status = i40iw_sc_add_local_mac_ipaddr_entry( + pcmdinfo->in.u.add_local_mac_ipaddr_entry.cqp, + &pcmdinfo->, + pcmdinfo->in.u.add_local_mac_ipaddr_entry.scratch, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + break; + case OP_MANAGE_QHASH_TABLE_ENTRY: + status = i40iw_sc_manage_qhash_table_entry( + pcmdinfo->in.u.manage_qhash_table_entry.cqp, + &pcmdinfo->, + pcmdinfo->in.u.manage_qhash_table_entry.scratch, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + + break; + case OP_QP_MODIFY: + status = i40iw_sc_qp_modify( + pcmdinfo->in.u.qp_modify.qp, + &pcmdinfo->, + pcmdinfo->in.u.qp_modify.scratch, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + + break; + case OP_QP_UPLOAD_CONTEXT: + status = i40iw_sc_qp_upload_context( + pcmdinfo->, + &pcmdinfo->, + pcmdinfo->in.u.qp_upload_context.scratch, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + + break; + case OP_CQ_CREATE: + status = i40iw_sc_cq_create( + pcmdinfo->in.u.cq_create.cq, + pcmdinfo->in.u.cq_create.scratch, + pcmdinfo->in.u.cq_create.check_overflow, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + break; + case OP_CQ_DESTROY: + status = i40iw_sc_cq_destroy( + pcmdinfo->in.u.cq_destroy.cq, + pcmdinfo->in.u.cq_destroy.scratch, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + + break; + case OP_QP_CREATE: + status = i40iw_sc_qp_create( + pcmdinfo->in.u.qp_create.qp, + &pcmdinfo->, + pcmdinfo->in.u.qp_create.scratch, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + break; + case OP_QP_DESTROY: + status = i40iw_sc_qp_destroy( + pcmdinfo->in.u.qp_destroy.qp, + pcmdinfo->in.u.qp_destroy.scratch, + pcmdinfo->in.u.qp_destroy.remove_hash_idx, + pcmdinfo->in.u.qp_destroy. + ignore_mw_bnd, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + + break; + case OP_ALLOC_STAG: + status = i40iw_sc_alloc_stag( + pcmdinfo->, + &pcmdinfo->, + pcmdinfo->in.u.alloc_stag.scratch, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + break; + case OP_MR_REG_NON_SHARED: + status = i40iw_sc_mr_reg_non_shared( + pcmdinfo->, + &pcmdinfo->, + pcmdinfo->in.u.mr_reg_non_shared.scratch, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + + break; + case OP_DEALLOC_STAG: + status = i40iw_sc_dealloc_stag( + pcmdinfo->, + &pcmdinfo->, + pcmdinfo->in.u.dealloc_stag.scratch, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + + break; + case OP_MW_ALLOC: + status = i40iw_sc_mw_alloc( + pcmdinfo->, + pcmdinfo->in.u.mw_alloc.scratch, + pcmdinfo->in.u.mw_alloc.mw_stag_index, + pcmdinfo->in.u.mw_alloc.pd_id, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + + break; + case OP_QP_FLUSH_WQES: + status = i40iw_sc_qp_flush_wqes( + pcmdinfo->in.u.qp_flush_wqes.qp, + &pcmdinfo->, + pcmdinfo->in.u.qp_flush_wqes. + scratch, pcmdinfo->post_sq); + break; + case OP_ADD_ARP_CACHE_ENTRY: + status = i40iw_sc_add_arp_cache_entry( + pcmdinfo->in.u.add_arp_cache_entry.cqp, + &pcmdinfo->, + pcmdinfo->in.u.add_arp_cache_entry.scratch, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + break; + case OP_MANAGE_PUSH_PAGE: + status = i40iw_sc_manage_push_page( + pcmdinfo->in.u.manage_push_page.cqp, + &pcmdinfo->, + pcmdinfo->in.u.manage_push_page.scratch, + pcmdinfo->post_sq); + break; + case OP_UPDATE_PE_SDS: + /* case I40IW_CQP_OP_UPDATE_PE_SDS */ + status = i40iw_update_pe_sds( + pcmdinfo->, + &pcmdinfo->, + pcmdinfo->in.u.update_pe_sds. + scratch); + + break; + case OP_MANAGE_HMC_PM_FUNC_TABLE: + status = i40iw_sc_manage_hmc_pm_func_table( + pcmdinfo->>cqp, + pcmdinfo->in.u.manage_hmc_pm.scratch, + (u8) pcmdinfo->, + pcmdinfo->, + TRUE); + break; + case OP_SUSPEND: + status = i40iw_sc_suspend_qp( + pcmdinfo->in.u.suspend_resume.cqp, + pcmdinfo->in.u.suspend_resume.qp, + pcmdinfo->in.u.suspend_resume.scratch); + break; + case OP_RESUME: + status = i40iw_sc_resume_qp( + pcmdinfo->in.u.suspend_resume.cqp, + pcmdinfo->in.u.suspend_resume.qp, + pcmdinfo->in.u.suspend_resume.scratch); + break; + case OP_QUERY_FPM_VALUES: + = pcmdinfo->in.u.query_fpm_values.fpm_values_pa; + = pcmdinfo->in.u.query_fpm_values.fpm_values_va; + status = i40iw_sc_query_fpm_values( + pcmdinfo->in.u.query_fpm_values.cqp, + pcmdinfo->in.u.query_fpm_values.scratch, + pcmdinfo->in.u.query_fpm_values.hmc_fn_id, + &values_mem, TRUE, I40IW_CQP_WAIT_EVENT); + break; + case OP_COMMIT_FPM_VALUES: + = pcmdinfo->in.u.commit_fpm_values.fpm_values_pa; + = pcmdinfo->in.u.commit_fpm_values.fpm_values_va; + status = i40iw_sc_commit_fpm_values( + pcmdinfo->in.u.commit_fpm_values.cqp, + pcmdinfo->in.u.commit_fpm_values.scratch, + pcmdinfo->in.u.commit_fpm_values.hmc_fn_id, + &values_mem, + TRUE, + I40IW_CQP_WAIT_EVENT); + break; + default: + status = I40IW_NOT_SUPPORTED; + break; + } + + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_process_cqp_cmd - process all cqp commands + * @dev: sc device struct + * @pcmdinfo: cqp command info + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_process_cqp_cmd(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct cqp_commands_info *pcmdinfo) +{ + enum i40iw_status_code status = 0; + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->cqp_lock, flags); + if (list_empty(&dev->cqp_cmd_head) && !i40iw_ring_full(dev->cqp)) + status = i40iw_exec_cqp_cmd(dev, pcmdinfo); + else + list_add_tail(&pcmdinfo->cqp_cmd_entry, &dev->cqp_cmd_head); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->cqp_lock, flags); + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_process_bh - called from tasklet for cqp list + * @dev: sc device struct + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_process_bh(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev) +{ + enum i40iw_status_code status = 0; + struct cqp_commands_info *pcmdinfo; + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->cqp_lock, flags); + while (!list_empty(&dev->cqp_cmd_head) && !i40iw_ring_full(dev->cqp)) { + pcmdinfo = (struct cqp_commands_info *)i40iw_remove_head(&dev->cqp_cmd_head); + + status = i40iw_exec_cqp_cmd(dev, pcmdinfo); + if (status) + break; + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->cqp_lock, flags); + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_iwarp_opcode - determine if incoming is rdma layer + * @info: aeq info for the packet + * @pkt: packet for error + */ +static u32 +i40iw_iwarp_opcode(struct i40iw_aeqe_info *info, u8 * pkt) +{ + BE16 *mpa; + u32 opcode = 0xffffffff; + + if (info->q2_data_written) { + mpa = (BE16 *) pkt; + opcode = I40IW_NTOHS(mpa[1]) & 0xf; + } + return opcode; +} + +/** + * i40iw_locate_mpa - return pointer to mpa in the pkt + * @pkt: packet with data + */ +static u8 * +i40iw_locate_mpa(u8 * pkt) +{ + /* skip over ethernet header */ + pkt += I40IW_MAC_HLEN; + + /* Skip over IP and TCP headers */ + pkt += 4 * (pkt[0] & 0x0f); + pkt += 4 * ((pkt[12] >> 4) & 0x0f); + return pkt; +} + +/** + * i40iw_setup_termhdr - termhdr for terminate pkt + * @qp: sc qp ptr for pkt + * @hdr: term hdr + * @opcode: flush opcode for termhdr + * @layer_etype: error layer + error type + * @err: error cod ein the header + */ +static void +i40iw_setup_termhdr(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, + struct i40iw_terminate_hdr *hdr, + enum i40iw_flush_opcode opcode, + u8 layer_etype, + u8 err) +{ + qp->flush_code = opcode; + hdr->layer_etype = layer_etype; + hdr->error_code = err; +} + +/** + * i40iw_bld_terminate_hdr - build terminate message header + * @qp: qp associated with received terminate AE + * @info: the struct contiaing AE information + */ +static int +i40iw_bld_terminate_hdr(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, + struct i40iw_aeqe_info *info) +{ + u8 *pkt = qp->q2_buf + Q2_BAD_FRAME_OFFSET; + u16 ddp_seg_len; + int copy_len = 0; + u8 is_tagged = 0; + u32 opcode; + struct i40iw_terminate_hdr *termhdr; + + termhdr = (struct i40iw_terminate_hdr *)qp->q2_buf; + memset(termhdr, 0, Q2_BAD_FRAME_OFFSET); + + if (info->q2_data_written) { + /* Use data from offending packet to fill in ddp & rdma hdrs */ + pkt = i40iw_locate_mpa(pkt); + ddp_seg_len = I40IW_NTOHS(*(BE16 *) pkt); + if (ddp_seg_len) { + copy_len = 2; + termhdr->hdrct = DDP_LEN_FLAG; + if (pkt[2] & 0x80) { + is_tagged = 1; + if (ddp_seg_len >= TERM_DDP_LEN_TAGGED) { + copy_len += TERM_DDP_LEN_TAGGED; + termhdr->hdrct |= DDP_HDR_FLAG; + } + } else { + if (ddp_seg_len >= TERM_DDP_LEN_UNTAGGED) { + copy_len += TERM_DDP_LEN_UNTAGGED; + termhdr->hdrct |= DDP_HDR_FLAG; + } + if (ddp_seg_len >= (TERM_DDP_LEN_UNTAGGED + TERM_RDMA_LEN)) { + if ((pkt[3] & RDMA_OPCODE_MASK) == RDMA_READ_REQ_OPCODE) { + copy_len += TERM_RDMA_LEN; + termhdr->hdrct |= RDMA_HDR_FLAG; + } + } + } + } + } + opcode = i40iw_iwarp_opcode(info, pkt); + + switch (info->ae_id) { + case I40IW_AE_AMP_UNALLOCATED_STAG: + qp->eventtype = TERM_EVENT_QP_ACCESS_ERR; + if (opcode == I40IW_OP_TYPE_RDMA_WRITE) + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_PROT_ERR, + (LAYER_DDP << 4) | DDP_TAGGED_BUFFER, DDP_TAGGED_INV_STAG); + else + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_REM_ACCESS_ERR, + (LAYER_RDMA << 4) | RDMAP_REMOTE_PROT, RDMAP_INV_STAG); + break; + case I40IW_AE_AMP_BOUNDS_VIOLATION: + qp->eventtype = TERM_EVENT_QP_ACCESS_ERR; + if (info->q2_data_written) + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_PROT_ERR, + (LAYER_DDP << 4) | DDP_TAGGED_BUFFER, DDP_TAGGED_BOUNDS); + else + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_REM_ACCESS_ERR, + (LAYER_RDMA << 4) | RDMAP_REMOTE_PROT, RDMAP_INV_BOUNDS); + break; + case I40IW_AE_AMP_BAD_PD: + switch (opcode) { + case I40IW_OP_TYPE_RDMA_WRITE: + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_PROT_ERR, + (LAYER_DDP << 4) | DDP_TAGGED_BUFFER, DDP_TAGGED_UNASSOC_STAG); + break; + case I40IW_OP_TYPE_SEND_INV: + case I40IW_OP_TYPE_SEND_SOL_INV: + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_REM_ACCESS_ERR, + (LAYER_RDMA << 4) | RDMAP_REMOTE_PROT, RDMAP_CANT_INV_STAG); + break; + default: + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_REM_ACCESS_ERR, + (LAYER_RDMA << 4) | RDMAP_REMOTE_PROT, RDMAP_UNASSOC_STAG); + } + break; + case I40IW_AE_AMP_INVALID_STAG: + qp->eventtype = TERM_EVENT_QP_ACCESS_ERR; + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_REM_ACCESS_ERR, + (LAYER_RDMA << 4) | RDMAP_REMOTE_PROT, RDMAP_INV_STAG); + break; + case I40IW_AE_AMP_BAD_QP: + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_LOC_QP_OP_ERR, + (LAYER_DDP << 4) | DDP_UNTAGGED_BUFFER, DDP_UNTAGGED_INV_QN); + break; + case I40IW_AE_AMP_BAD_STAG_KEY: + case I40IW_AE_AMP_BAD_STAG_INDEX: + qp->eventtype = TERM_EVENT_QP_ACCESS_ERR; + switch (opcode) { + case I40IW_OP_TYPE_SEND_INV: + case I40IW_OP_TYPE_SEND_SOL_INV: + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_REM_OP_ERR, + (LAYER_RDMA << 4) | RDMAP_REMOTE_OP, RDMAP_CANT_INV_STAG); + break; + default: + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_REM_ACCESS_ERR, + (LAYER_RDMA << 4) | RDMAP_REMOTE_OP, RDMAP_INV_STAG); + } + break; + case I40IW_AE_AMP_RIGHTS_VIOLATION: + case I40IW_AE_AMP_INVALIDATE_NO_REMOTE_ACCESS_RIGHTS: + case I40IW_AE_PRIV_OPERATION_DENIED: + qp->eventtype = TERM_EVENT_QP_ACCESS_ERR; + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_REM_ACCESS_ERR, + (LAYER_RDMA << 4) | RDMAP_REMOTE_PROT, RDMAP_ACCESS); + break; + case I40IW_AE_AMP_TO_WRAP: + qp->eventtype = TERM_EVENT_QP_ACCESS_ERR; + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_REM_ACCESS_ERR, + (LAYER_RDMA << 4) | RDMAP_REMOTE_PROT, RDMAP_TO_WRAP); + break; + case I40IW_AE_LLP_RECEIVED_MARKER_AND_LENGTH_FIELDS_DONT_MATCH: + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_LOC_LEN_ERR, + (LAYER_MPA << 4) | DDP_LLP, MPA_MARKER); + break; + case I40IW_AE_LLP_RECEIVED_MPA_CRC_ERROR: + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_GENERAL_ERR, + (LAYER_MPA << 4) | DDP_LLP, MPA_CRC); + break; + case I40IW_AE_LLP_SEGMENT_TOO_LARGE: + case I40IW_AE_LLP_SEGMENT_TOO_SMALL: + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_LOC_LEN_ERR, + (LAYER_DDP << 4) | DDP_CATASTROPHIC, DDP_CATASTROPHIC_LOCAL); + break; + case I40IW_AE_LCE_QP_CATASTROPHIC: + case I40IW_AE_DDP_NO_L_BIT: + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_FATAL_ERR, + (LAYER_DDP << 4) | DDP_CATASTROPHIC, DDP_CATASTROPHIC_LOCAL); + break; + case I40IW_AE_DDP_INVALID_MSN_GAP_IN_MSN: + case I40IW_AE_DDP_INVALID_MSN_RANGE_IS_NOT_VALID: + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_GENERAL_ERR, + (LAYER_DDP << 4) | DDP_UNTAGGED_BUFFER, DDP_UNTAGGED_INV_MSN_RANGE); + break; + case I40IW_AE_DDP_UBE_DDP_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG_FOR_AVAILABLE_BUFFER: + qp->eventtype = TERM_EVENT_QP_ACCESS_ERR; + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_LOC_LEN_ERR, + (LAYER_DDP << 4) | DDP_UNTAGGED_BUFFER, DDP_UNTAGGED_INV_TOO_LONG); + break; + case I40IW_AE_DDP_UBE_INVALID_DDP_VERSION: + if (is_tagged) + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_GENERAL_ERR, + (LAYER_DDP << 4) | DDP_TAGGED_BUFFER, DDP_TAGGED_INV_DDP_VER); + else + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_GENERAL_ERR, + (LAYER_DDP << 4) | DDP_UNTAGGED_BUFFER, DDP_UNTAGGED_INV_DDP_VER); + break; + case I40IW_AE_DDP_UBE_INVALID_MO: + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_GENERAL_ERR, + (LAYER_DDP << 4) | DDP_UNTAGGED_BUFFER, DDP_UNTAGGED_INV_MO); + break; + case I40IW_AE_DDP_UBE_INVALID_MSN_NO_BUFFER_AVAILABLE: + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_REM_OP_ERR, + (LAYER_DDP << 4) | DDP_UNTAGGED_BUFFER, DDP_UNTAGGED_INV_MSN_NO_BUF); + break; + case I40IW_AE_DDP_UBE_INVALID_QN: + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_GENERAL_ERR, + (LAYER_DDP << 4) | DDP_UNTAGGED_BUFFER, DDP_UNTAGGED_INV_QN); + break; + case I40IW_AE_RDMAP_ROE_INVALID_RDMAP_VERSION: + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_GENERAL_ERR, + (LAYER_RDMA << 4) | RDMAP_REMOTE_OP, RDMAP_INV_RDMAP_VER); + break; + case I40IW_AE_RDMAP_ROE_UNEXPECTED_OPCODE: + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_LOC_QP_OP_ERR, + (LAYER_RDMA << 4) | RDMAP_REMOTE_OP, RDMAP_UNEXPECTED_OP); + break; + default: + i40iw_setup_termhdr(qp, termhdr, FLUSH_FATAL_ERR, + (LAYER_RDMA << 4) | RDMAP_REMOTE_OP, RDMAP_UNSPECIFIED); + break; + } + + if (copy_len) + i40iw_memcpy(termhdr + 1, pkt, copy_len); + + return sizeof(struct i40iw_terminate_hdr) + copy_len; +} + +/** + * i40iw_terminate_send_fin() - Send fin for terminate message + * @qp: qp associated with received terminate AE + */ +void +i40iw_terminate_send_fin(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp) +{ + /* Send the fin only */ + i40iw_term_modify_qp(qp, + I40IW_QP_STATE_TERMINATE, + I40IWQP_TERM_SEND_FIN_ONLY, + 0); +} + +/** + * i40iw_terminate_connection() - Bad AE and send terminate to remote QP + * @qp: qp associated with received terminate AE + * @info: the struct contiaing AE information + */ +void +i40iw_terminate_connection(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, struct i40iw_aeqe_info *info) +{ + u8 termlen = 0; + + if (qp->term_flags & I40IW_TERM_SENT) + return; /* Sanity check */ + + /* Eventtype can change from bld_terminate_hdr */ + qp->eventtype = TERM_EVENT_QP_FATAL; + termlen = i40iw_bld_terminate_hdr(qp, info); + i40iw_terminate_start_timer(qp); + qp->term_flags |= I40IW_TERM_SENT; + i40iw_term_modify_qp(qp, I40IW_QP_STATE_TERMINATE, + I40IWQP_TERM_SEND_TERM_ONLY, termlen); +} + +/** + * i40iw_terminate_received - handle terminate received AE + * @qp: qp associated with received terminate AE + * @info: the struct contiaing AE information + */ +void +i40iw_terminate_received(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, struct i40iw_aeqe_info *info) +{ + u8 *pkt = qp->q2_buf + Q2_BAD_FRAME_OFFSET; + BE32 *mpa; + u8 ddp_ctl; + u8 rdma_ctl; + u16 aeq_id = 0; + struct i40iw_terminate_hdr *termhdr; + + mpa = (BE32 *) i40iw_locate_mpa(pkt); + if (info->q2_data_written) { + /* did not validate the frame - do it now */ + ddp_ctl = (I40IW_NTOHL(mpa[0]) >> 8) & 0xff; + rdma_ctl = I40IW_NTOHL(mpa[0]) & 0xff; + if ((ddp_ctl & 0xc0) != 0x40) + aeq_id = I40IW_AE_LCE_QP_CATASTROPHIC; + else if ((ddp_ctl & 0x03) != 1) + aeq_id = I40IW_AE_DDP_UBE_INVALID_DDP_VERSION; + else if (I40IW_NTOHL(mpa[2]) != 2) + aeq_id = I40IW_AE_DDP_UBE_INVALID_QN; + else if (I40IW_NTOHL(mpa[3]) != 1) + aeq_id = I40IW_AE_DDP_INVALID_MSN_GAP_IN_MSN; + else if (I40IW_NTOHL(mpa[4]) != 0) + aeq_id = I40IW_AE_DDP_UBE_INVALID_MO; + else if ((rdma_ctl & 0xc0) != 0x40) + aeq_id = I40IW_AE_RDMAP_ROE_INVALID_RDMAP_VERSION; + + info->ae_id = aeq_id; + if (info->ae_id) { + /* Bad terminate recvd - send back a terminate */ + i40iw_terminate_connection(qp, info); + return; + } + } + qp->term_flags |= I40IW_TERM_RCVD; + qp->eventtype = TERM_EVENT_QP_FATAL; + termhdr = (struct i40iw_terminate_hdr *)&mpa[5]; + if (termhdr->layer_etype == RDMAP_REMOTE_PROT || + termhdr->layer_etype == RDMAP_REMOTE_OP) { + i40iw_terminate_done(qp, 0); + } else { + i40iw_terminate_start_timer(qp); + i40iw_terminate_send_fin(qp); + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_sc_vsi_init - Init the vsi structure + * @vsi: pointer to vsi structure to initialize + * @info: the info used to initialize the vsi struct + */ +void +i40iw_sc_vsi_init(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi, struct i40iw_vsi_init_info *info) +{ + vsi->qos[0].qs_handle = info->params->qs_handle_list[0]; + vsi->dev = info->dev; + vsi->back_vsi = info->back_vsi; + vsi->mtu = info->params->mtu; + vsi->exception_lan_queue = info->exception_lan_queue; +} + +/** + * i40iw_hw_stats_init - Initialize HW stats table + * @stats: pestat struct + * @fcn_idx: PCI fn id + * @hw: PF i40iw_hw structure. + * @is_pf: Is it a PF? + * + * Populate the HW stats table with register offset addr for each + * stats. And start the perioidic stats timer. + */ +void +i40iw_hw_stats_init(struct i40iw_vsi_pestat *stats, u8 fcn_idx, bool is_pf) +{ + u32 stats_reg_offset; + u32 stats_index; + struct i40iw_dev_hw_stats_offsets *stats_table = + &stats->hw_stats_offsets; + struct i40iw_dev_hw_stats *last_rd_stats = &stats->last_read_hw_stats; + + if (is_pf) { + stats_table->stats_offset_32[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4RXDISCARD] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXDISCARD(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_32[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4RXTRUNC] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXTRUNC(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_32[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4TXNOROUTE] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXNOROUTE(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_32[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6RXDISCARD] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXDISCARD(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_32[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6RXTRUNC] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXTRUNC(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_32[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6TXNOROUTE] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXNOROUTE(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_32[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_TCPRTXSEG] = + I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRTXSEG(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_32[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_TCPRXOPTERR] = + I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXOPTERR(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_32[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_TCPRXPROTOERR] = + I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXPROTOERR(fcn_idx); + + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4RXOCTS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXOCTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4RXPKTS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXPKTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4RXFRAGS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXFRAGSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4RXMCPKTS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXMCPKTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4TXOCTS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXOCTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4TXPKTS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXPKTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4TXFRAGS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXFRAGSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4TXMCPKTS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXMCPKTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6RXOCTS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXOCTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6RXPKTS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXPKTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6RXFRAGS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXFRAGSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6RXMCPKTS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXMCPKTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6TXOCTS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXOCTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6TXPKTS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXPKTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6TXPKTS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXPKTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6TXFRAGS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXFRAGSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_TCPRXSEGS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXSEGSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_TCPTXSEG] = + I40E_GLPES_PFTCPTXSEGLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMARXRDS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXRDSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMARXSNDS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXSNDSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMARXWRS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXWRSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMATXRDS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXRDSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMATXSNDS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXSNDSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMATXWRS] = + I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXWRSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMAVBND] = + I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVBNDLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMAVINV] = + I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVINVLO(fcn_idx); + } else { + fcn_idx -= I40IW_FIRST_VF_FPM_ID; + stats_table->stats_offset_32[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4RXDISCARD] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXDISCARD(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_32[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4RXTRUNC] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXTRUNC(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_32[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4TXNOROUTE] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXNOROUTE(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_32[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6RXDISCARD] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXDISCARD(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_32[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6RXTRUNC] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXTRUNC(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_32[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6TXNOROUTE] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXNOROUTE(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_32[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_TCPRTXSEG] = + I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRTXSEG(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_32[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_TCPRXOPTERR] = + I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXOPTERR(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_32[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_TCPRXPROTOERR] = + I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXPROTOERR(fcn_idx); + + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4RXOCTS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXOCTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4RXPKTS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXPKTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4RXFRAGS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXFRAGSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4RXMCPKTS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXMCPKTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4TXOCTS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXOCTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4TXPKTS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXPKTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4TXFRAGS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXFRAGSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4TXMCPKTS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXMCPKTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6RXOCTS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXOCTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6RXPKTS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXPKTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6RXFRAGS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXFRAGSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6RXMCPKTS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXMCPKTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6TXOCTS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXOCTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6TXPKTS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXPKTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6TXPKTS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXPKTSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6TXFRAGS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXFRAGSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_TCPRXSEGS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXSEGSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_TCPTXSEG] = + I40E_GLPES_VFTCPTXSEGLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMARXRDS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXRDSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMARXSNDS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXSNDSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMARXWRS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXWRSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMATXRDS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXRDSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMATXSNDS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXSNDSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMATXWRS] = + I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXWRSLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMAVBND] = + I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVBNDLO(fcn_idx); + stats_table->stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMAVINV] = + I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVINVLO(fcn_idx); + } + + for (stats_index = 0; stats_index < I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_MAX_64; + stats_index++) { + stats_reg_offset = stats_table->stats_offset_64[stats_index]; + last_rd_stats->stats_value_64[stats_index] = + rd64(stats->hw, stats_reg_offset); + } + + for (stats_index = 0; stats_index < I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_MAX_32; + stats_index++) { + stats_reg_offset = stats_table->stats_offset_32[stats_index]; + last_rd_stats->stats_value_32[stats_index] = + rd32(stats->hw, stats_reg_offset); + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_hw_stats_read_32 - Read 32-bit HW stats counters and accommodates for roll-overs. + * @stat: pestat struct + * @index: index in HW stats table which contains offset reg-addr + * @value: hw stats value + */ +void +i40iw_hw_stats_read_32(struct i40iw_vsi_pestat *stats, + enum i40iw_hw_stats_index_32b index, + u64 * value) +{ + struct i40iw_dev_hw_stats_offsets *stats_table = + &stats->hw_stats_offsets; + struct i40iw_dev_hw_stats *last_rd_stats = &stats->last_read_hw_stats; + struct i40iw_dev_hw_stats *hw_stats = &stats->hw_stats; + u64 new_stats_value = 0; + u32 stats_reg_offset = stats_table->stats_offset_32[index]; + + new_stats_value = rd32(stats->hw, stats_reg_offset); + /* roll-over case */ + if (new_stats_value < last_rd_stats->stats_value_32[index]) + hw_stats->stats_value_32[index] += new_stats_value; + else + hw_stats->stats_value_32[index] += + new_stats_value - last_rd_stats->stats_value_32[index]; + last_rd_stats->stats_value_32[index] = new_stats_value; + *value = hw_stats->stats_value_32[index]; +} + +/** + * i40iw_hw_stats_read_64 - Read HW stats counters (greater than 32-bit) and accommodates for roll-overs. + * @stats: pestat struct + * @index: index in HW stats table which contains offset reg-addr + * @value: hw stats value + */ +void +i40iw_hw_stats_read_64(struct i40iw_vsi_pestat *stats, + enum i40iw_hw_stats_index_64b index, + u64 * value) +{ + struct i40iw_dev_hw_stats_offsets *stats_table = + &stats->hw_stats_offsets; + struct i40iw_dev_hw_stats *last_rd_stats = &stats->last_read_hw_stats; + struct i40iw_dev_hw_stats *hw_stats = &stats->hw_stats; + u64 new_stats_value = 0; + u32 stats_reg_offset = stats_table->stats_offset_64[index]; + + new_stats_value = rd64(stats->hw, stats_reg_offset); + /* roll-over case */ + if (new_stats_value < last_rd_stats->stats_value_64[index]) + hw_stats->stats_value_64[index] += new_stats_value; + else + hw_stats->stats_value_64[index] += + new_stats_value - last_rd_stats->stats_value_64[index]; + last_rd_stats->stats_value_64[index] = new_stats_value; + *value = hw_stats->stats_value_64[index]; +} + +/** + * i40iw_hw_stats_read_all - read all HW stat counters + * @stats: pestat struct + * @stats_values: hw stats structure + * + * Read all the HW stat counters and populates hw_stats structure + * of passed-in dev's pestat as well as copy created in stat_values. + */ +void +i40iw_hw_stats_read_all(struct i40iw_vsi_pestat *stats, + struct i40iw_dev_hw_stats *stats_values) +{ + u32 stats_index; + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&stats->lock, flags); + + for (stats_index = 0; stats_index < I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_MAX_32; + stats_index++) + i40iw_hw_stats_read_32(stats, stats_index, + &stats_values->stats_value_32[stats_index]); + for (stats_index = 0; stats_index < I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_MAX_64; + stats_index++) + i40iw_hw_stats_read_64(stats, stats_index, + &stats_values->stats_value_64[stats_index]); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&stats->lock, flags); +} + +/** + * i40iw_hw_stats_refresh_all - Update all HW stats structs + * @stats: pestat struct + * + * Read all the HW stats counters to refresh values in hw_stats structure + * of passed-in dev's pestat + */ +void +i40iw_hw_stats_refresh_all(struct i40iw_vsi_pestat *stats) +{ + u64 stats_value; + u32 stats_index; + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&stats->lock, flags); + + for (stats_index = 0; stats_index < I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_MAX_32; + stats_index++) + i40iw_hw_stats_read_32(stats, stats_index, &stats_value); + for (stats_index = 0; stats_index < I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_MAX_64; + stats_index++) + i40iw_hw_stats_read_64(stats, stats_index, &stats_value); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&stats->lock, flags); +} + +/** + * i40iw_get_fcn_id - Return the funcion id + * @dev: pointer to the device + */ +static u8 +i40iw_get_fcn_id(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev) +{ + u8 fcn_id = I40IW_INVALID_FCN_ID; + u8 i; + + for (i = I40IW_FIRST_NON_PF_STAT; i < I40IW_MAX_STATS_COUNT; i++) + if (!dev->fcn_id_array[i]) { + fcn_id = i; + dev->fcn_id_array[i] = TRUE; + break; + } + return fcn_id; +} + +/** + * i40iw_vsi_stats_init - Initialize the vsi statistics + * @vsi: pointer to the vsi structure + * @info: The info structure used for initialization + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_vsi_stats_init(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi, struct i40iw_vsi_stats_info *info) +{ + u8 fcn_id = info->fcn_id; + + if (info->alloc_fcn_id) + fcn_id = i40iw_get_fcn_id(vsi->dev); + + if (fcn_id == I40IW_INVALID_FCN_ID) + return I40IW_ERR_NOT_READY; + + vsi->pestat = info->pestat; + vsi->pestat->hw = vsi->dev->hw; + + if (vsi->dev->is_pf) { + i40iw_hw_stats_init(vsi->pestat, fcn_id, TRUE); + spin_lock_init(&vsi->pestat->lock); + i40iw_hw_stats_start_timer(vsi); + } + vsi->stats_fcn_id_alloc = info->alloc_fcn_id; + vsi->fcn_id = fcn_id; + return I40IW_SUCCESS; +} + +/** + * i40iw_vsi_stats_free - Free the vsi stats + * @vsi: pointer to the vsi structure + */ +void +i40iw_vsi_stats_free(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi) +{ + u8 fcn_id = vsi->fcn_id; + + if (vsi->stats_fcn_id_alloc && fcn_id < I40IW_MAX_STATS_COUNT) + vsi->dev->fcn_id_array[fcn_id] = FALSE; +} + +static struct i40iw_cqp_ops iw_cqp_ops = { + i40iw_sc_cqp_init, + i40iw_sc_cqp_create, + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq, + i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe, + i40iw_sc_cqp_destroy, + i40iw_sc_poll_for_cqp_op_done +}; + +static struct i40iw_ccq_ops iw_ccq_ops = { + i40iw_sc_ccq_init, + i40iw_sc_ccq_create, + i40iw_sc_ccq_destroy, + i40iw_sc_ccq_create_done, + i40iw_sc_ccq_get_cqe_info, + i40iw_sc_ccq_arm +}; + +static struct i40iw_ceq_ops iw_ceq_ops = { + i40iw_sc_ceq_init, + i40iw_sc_ceq_create, + i40iw_sc_cceq_create_done, + i40iw_sc_cceq_destroy_done, + i40iw_sc_cceq_create, + i40iw_sc_ceq_destroy, + i40iw_sc_process_ceq +}; + +static struct i40iw_aeq_ops iw_aeq_ops = { + i40iw_sc_aeq_init, + i40iw_sc_aeq_create, + i40iw_sc_aeq_destroy, + i40iw_sc_get_next_aeqe, + i40iw_sc_repost_aeq_entries, + i40iw_sc_aeq_create_done, + i40iw_sc_aeq_destroy_done +}; + +/* iwarp pd ops */ +static struct i40iw_pd_ops iw_pd_ops = { + i40iw_sc_pd_init, +}; + +static struct i40iw_priv_qp_ops iw_priv_qp_ops = { + .qp_init = i40iw_sc_qp_init, + .qp_create = i40iw_sc_qp_create, + .qp_modify = i40iw_sc_qp_modify, + .qp_destroy = i40iw_sc_qp_destroy, + .qp_flush_wqes = i40iw_sc_qp_flush_wqes, + .qp_upload_context = i40iw_sc_qp_upload_context, + .qp_setctx = i40iw_sc_qp_setctx, + .qp_send_lsmm = i40iw_sc_send_lsmm, + .qp_send_lsmm_nostag = i40iw_sc_send_lsmm_nostag, + .qp_send_rtt = i40iw_sc_send_rtt, + .iw_mr_fast_register = i40iw_sc_mr_fast_register +}; + +static struct i40iw_priv_cq_ops iw_priv_cq_ops = { + i40iw_sc_cq_init, + i40iw_sc_cq_create, + i40iw_sc_cq_destroy, + i40iw_sc_cq_modify, +}; + +static struct i40iw_mr_ops iw_mr_ops = { + i40iw_sc_alloc_stag, + i40iw_sc_mr_reg_non_shared, + i40iw_sc_mr_reg_shared, + i40iw_sc_dealloc_stag, + i40iw_sc_query_stag, + i40iw_sc_mw_alloc +}; + +static struct i40iw_cqp_misc_ops iw_cqp_misc_ops = { + i40iw_sc_manage_push_page, + i40iw_sc_manage_hmc_pm_func_table, + i40iw_sc_commit_fpm_values, + i40iw_sc_query_fpm_values, + i40iw_sc_static_hmc_pages_allocated, + i40iw_sc_add_arp_cache_entry, + i40iw_sc_del_arp_cache_entry, + i40iw_sc_query_arp_cache_entry, + i40iw_sc_manage_apbvt_entry, + i40iw_sc_manage_qhash_table_entry, + i40iw_sc_alloc_local_mac_ipaddr_entry, + i40iw_sc_add_local_mac_ipaddr_entry, + i40iw_sc_del_local_mac_ipaddr_entry, + i40iw_sc_cqp_nop, + i40iw_sc_commit_fpm_values_done, + i40iw_sc_query_fpm_values_done, + i40iw_sc_manage_hmc_pm_func_table_done, + i40iw_sc_suspend_qp, + i40iw_sc_resume_qp +}; + +static struct i40iw_hmc_ops iw_hmc_ops = { + i40iw_sc_init_iw_hmc, + i40iw_sc_parse_fpm_query_buf, + i40iw_sc_configure_iw_fpm, + i40iw_sc_parse_fpm_commit_buf, + i40iw_sc_create_hmc_obj, + i40iw_sc_del_hmc_obj, + NULL, + NULL +}; + +/** + * i40iw_device_init - Initialize IWARP device + * @dev: IWARP device pointer + * @info: IWARP init info + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_device_init(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_device_init_info *info) +{ + u32 val; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + u8 db_size; + + spin_lock_init(&dev->cqp_lock); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&dev->cqp_cmd_head); /* for the cqp commands + * backlog. */ + + i40iw_device_init_uk(&dev->dev_uk); + + dev->debug_mask = info->debug_mask; + + dev->hmc_fn_id = info->hmc_fn_id; + dev->is_pf = info->is_pf; + + dev->fpm_query_buf_pa = info->fpm_query_buf_pa; + dev->fpm_query_buf = info->fpm_query_buf; + + dev->fpm_commit_buf_pa = info->fpm_commit_buf_pa; + dev->fpm_commit_buf = info->fpm_commit_buf; + + dev->hw = info->hw; + dev->hw->hw_addr = info->bar0; + + if (dev->is_pf) { + val = rd32(dev->hw, I40E_GLPCI_DREVID); + dev->hw_rev = (u8) RS_32(val, I40E_GLPCI_DREVID_DEFAULT_REVID); + + val = rd32(dev->hw, I40E_GLPCI_LBARCTRL); + db_size = (u8) RS_32(val, I40E_GLPCI_LBARCTRL_PE_DB_SIZE); + if ((db_size != I40IW_PE_DB_SIZE_4M) && + (db_size != I40IW_PE_DB_SIZE_8M)) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_DEV, + "%s: PE doorbell is not enabled in CSR val 0x%x\n", + __func__, val); + pr_err("RDMA feature not enabled!\n"); + ret_code = I40IW_ERR_PE_DOORBELL_NOT_ENABLED; + return ret_code; + } + dev->db_addr = dev->hw->hw_addr + I40IW_DB_ADDR_OFFSET; + } else { + dev->db_addr = dev->hw->hw_addr + I40IW_VF_DB_ADDR_OFFSET; + } + + dev->cqp_ops = &iw_cqp_ops; + dev->ccq_ops = &iw_ccq_ops; + dev->ceq_ops = &iw_ceq_ops; + dev->aeq_ops = &iw_aeq_ops; + dev->cqp_misc_ops = &iw_cqp_misc_ops; + dev->iw_pd_ops = &iw_pd_ops; + dev->iw_priv_qp_ops = &iw_priv_qp_ops; + dev->iw_priv_cq_ops = &iw_priv_cq_ops; + dev->mr_ops = &iw_mr_ops; + dev->hmc_ops = &iw_hmc_ops; + + return ret_code; +} Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_d.h =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_d.h @@ -0,0 +1,1750 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#ifndef I40IW_D_H +#define I40IW_D_H + +#define I40IW_FIRST_USER_QP_ID 2 + +#define I40IW_DB_ADDR_OFFSET (4 * 1024 * 1024 - 64 * 1024) +#define I40IW_VF_DB_ADDR_OFFSET (64 * 1024) + +#define I40IW_PUSH_OFFSET (4 * 1024 * 1024) +#define I40IW_PF_FIRST_PUSH_PAGE_INDEX 16 +#define I40IW_VF_PUSH_OFFSET ((8 + 64) * 1024) +#define I40IW_VF_FIRST_PUSH_PAGE_INDEX 2 + +#define I40IW_PE_DB_SIZE_4M 1 +#define I40IW_PE_DB_SIZE_8M 2 + +#define I40IW_DDP_VER 1 +#define I40IW_RDMAP_VER 1 + +#define I40IW_RDMA_MODE_RDMAC 0 +#define I40IW_RDMA_MODE_IETF 1 + +#define I40IW_QP_STATE_INVALID 0 +#define I40IW_QP_STATE_IDLE 1 +#define I40IW_QP_STATE_RTS 2 +#define I40IW_QP_STATE_CLOSING 3 +#define I40IW_QP_STATE_RESERVED 4 +#define I40IW_QP_STATE_TERMINATE 5 +#define I40IW_QP_STATE_ERROR 6 + +#define I40IW_STAG_STATE_INVALID 0 +#define I40IW_STAG_STATE_VALID 1 + +#define I40IW_STAG_TYPE_SHARED 0 +#define I40IW_STAG_TYPE_NONSHARED 1 + +#define I40IW_MAX_USER_PRIORITY 8 +#define I40IW_MAX_STATS_COUNT 16 +#define I40IW_FIRST_NON_PF_STAT 4 + +#define I40IW_MTU_TO_MSS_IPV4 40 +#define I40IW_MTU_TO_MSS_IPV6 60 +#define I40IW_DEFAULT_MTU 1500 + +#define LS_64_1(val, bits) ((u64)(uintptr_t)val << bits) +#define RS_64_1(val, bits) ((u64)(uintptr_t)val >> bits) +#define LS_32_1(val, bits) (u32)(val << bits) +#define RS_32_1(val, bits) (u32)(val >> bits) +#define I40E_HI_DWORD(x) ((u32)((((x) >> 16) >> 16) & 0xFFFFFFFF)) + +#define LS_64(val, field) (((u64)val << field ## _SHIFT) & (field ## _MASK)) + +#define RS_64(val, field) ((u64)(val & field ## _MASK) >> field ## _SHIFT) +#define LS_32(val, field) ((val << field ## _SHIFT) & (field ## _MASK)) +#define RS_32(val, field) ((val & field ## _MASK) >> field ## _SHIFT) + +#define TERM_DDP_LEN_TAGGED 14 +#define TERM_DDP_LEN_UNTAGGED 18 +#define TERM_RDMA_LEN 28 +#define RDMA_OPCODE_MASK 0x0f +#define RDMA_READ_REQ_OPCODE 1 +#define Q2_BAD_FRAME_OFFSET 72 +#define CQE_MAJOR_DRV 0x8000 + +#define I40IW_TERM_SENT 0x01 +#define I40IW_TERM_RCVD 0x02 +#define I40IW_TERM_DONE 0x04 +#define I40IW_MAC_HLEN 14 +#define I40IW_BYTE_0 0 +#define I40IW_BYTE_8 8 +#define I40IW_BYTE_16 16 +#define I40IW_BYTE_24 24 +#define I40IW_BYTE_32 32 +#define I40IW_BYTE_40 40 +#define I40IW_BYTE_48 48 +#define I40IW_BYTE_56 56 +#define I40IW_BYTE_64 64 +#define I40IW_BYTE_72 72 +#define I40IW_BYTE_80 80 +#define I40IW_BYTE_88 88 +#define I40IW_BYTE_96 96 +#define I40IW_BYTE_104 104 +#define I40IW_BYTE_112 112 +#define I40IW_BYTE_120 120 +#define I40IW_BYTE_128 128 +#define I40IW_BYTE_136 136 +#define I40IW_BYTE_144 144 +#define I40IW_BYTE_152 152 +#define I40IW_BYTE_160 160 +#define I40IW_BYTE_168 168 +#define I40IW_BYTE_176 176 +#define I40IW_BYTE_184 184 +#define I40IW_BYTE_192 192 +#define I40IW_BYTE_200 200 +#define I40IW_BYTE_208 208 + +#define I40IW_INVALID_WQE_INDEX 0xffffffff + +#define I40IW_CQP_WAIT_POLL_REGS 1 +#define I40IW_CQP_WAIT_POLL_CQ 2 +#define I40IW_CQP_WAIT_EVENT 3 + +#define I40IW_CQP_INIT_WQE(wqe) memset(wqe, 0, 64) + +#define I40IW_GET_CURRENT_CQ_ELEMENT(_cq) \ + ( \ + &((_cq)->cq_base[I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD((_cq)->cq_ring)]) \ + ) +#define I40IW_GET_CURRENT_EXTENDED_CQ_ELEMENT(_cq) \ + ( \ + &(((struct i40iw_extended_cqe *) \ + ((_cq)->cq_base))[I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD((_cq)->cq_ring)]) \ + ) + +#define I40IW_GET_CURRENT_AEQ_ELEMENT(_aeq) \ + ( \ + &_aeq->aeqe_base[I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_TAIL(_aeq->aeq_ring)] \ + ) + +#define I40IW_GET_CURRENT_CEQ_ELEMENT(_ceq) \ + ( \ + &_ceq->ceqe_base[I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_TAIL(_ceq->ceq_ring)] \ + ) + +#define I40IW_AE_SOURCE_RQ 0x1 +#define I40IW_AE_SOURCE_RQ_0011 0x3 + +#define I40IW_AE_SOURCE_CQ 0x2 +#define I40IW_AE_SOURCE_CQ_0110 0x6 +#define I40IW_AE_SOURCE_CQ_1010 0xA +#define I40IW_AE_SOURCE_CQ_1110 0xE + +#define I40IW_AE_SOURCE_SQ 0x5 +#define I40IW_AE_SOURCE_SQ_0111 0x7 + +#define I40IW_AE_SOURCE_IN_RR_WR 0x9 +#define I40IW_AE_SOURCE_IN_RR_WR_1011 0xB +#define I40IW_AE_SOURCE_OUT_RR 0xD +#define I40IW_AE_SOURCE_OUT_RR_1111 0xF + +#define I40IW_TCP_STATE_NON_EXISTENT 0 +#define I40IW_TCP_STATE_CLOSED 1 +#define I40IW_TCP_STATE_LISTEN 2 +#define I40IW_STATE_SYN_SEND 3 +#define I40IW_TCP_STATE_SYN_RECEIVED 4 +#define I40IW_TCP_STATE_ESTABLISHED 5 +#define I40IW_TCP_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT 6 +#define I40IW_TCP_STATE_FIN_WAIT_1 7 +#define I40IW_TCP_STATE_CLOSING 8 +#define I40IW_TCP_STATE_LAST_ACK 9 +#define I40IW_TCP_STATE_FIN_WAIT_2 10 +#define I40IW_TCP_STATE_TIME_WAIT 11 +#define I40IW_TCP_STATE_RESERVED_1 12 +#define I40IW_TCP_STATE_RESERVED_2 13 +#define I40IW_TCP_STATE_RESERVED_3 14 +#define I40IW_TCP_STATE_RESERVED_4 15 + +/* ILQ CQP hash table fields */ +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_VLANID_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_VLANID_MASK \ + ((u64)0xfff << I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_VLANID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_QPN_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_QPN_MASK \ + ((u64)0x3ffff << I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_QPN_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_QS_HANDLE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_QS_HANDLE_MASK ((u64)0x3ff << I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_QS_HANDLE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_SRC_PORT_SHIFT 16 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_SRC_PORT_MASK \ + ((u64)0xffff << I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_SRC_PORT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_DEST_PORT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_DEST_PORT_MASK \ + ((u64)0xffff << I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_DEST_PORT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR0_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR0_MASK \ + ((u64)0xffffffff << I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR0_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR1_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR1_MASK \ + ((u64)0xffffffff << I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR1_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR2_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR2_MASK \ + ((u64)0xffffffff << I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR2_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR3_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR3_MASK \ + ((u64)0xffffffff << I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ADDR3_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_WQEVALID_SHIFT 63 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_WQEVALID_MASK \ + ((u64)0x1 << I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_WQEVALID_SHIFT) +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_OPCODE_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_OPCODE_MASK \ + ((u64)0x3f << I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_OPCODE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_MANAGE_SHIFT 61 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_MANAGE_MASK \ + ((u64)0x3 << I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_MANAGE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_IPV4VALID_SHIFT 60 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_IPV4VALID_MASK \ + ((u64)0x1 << I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_IPV4VALID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_VLANVALID_SHIFT 59 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_VLANVALID_MASK \ + ((u64)0x1 << I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_VLANVALID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ENTRYTYPE_SHIFT 42 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ENTRYTYPE_MASK \ + ((u64)0x7 << I40IW_CQPSQ_QHASH_ENTRYTYPE_SHIFT) +/* CQP Host Context */ +#define I40IW_CQPHC_EN_DC_TCP_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPHC_EN_DC_TCP_MASK (1UL << I40IW_CQPHC_EN_DC_TCP_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPHC_SQSIZE_SHIFT 8 +#define I40IW_CQPHC_SQSIZE_MASK (0xfUL << I40IW_CQPHC_SQSIZE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPHC_DISABLE_PFPDUS_SHIFT 1 +#define I40IW_CQPHC_DISABLE_PFPDUS_MASK (0x1UL << I40IW_CQPHC_DISABLE_PFPDUS_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPHC_ENABLED_VFS_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_CQPHC_ENABLED_VFS_MASK (0x3fULL << I40IW_CQPHC_ENABLED_VFS_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPHC_HMC_PROFILE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPHC_HMC_PROFILE_MASK (0x7ULL << I40IW_CQPHC_HMC_PROFILE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPHC_SVER_SHIFT 24 +#define I40IW_CQPHC_SVER_MASK (0xffUL << I40IW_CQPHC_SVER_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPHC_SQBASE_SHIFT 9 +#define I40IW_CQPHC_SQBASE_MASK \ + (0xfffffffffffffeULL << I40IW_CQPHC_SQBASE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_MASK \ + (0xffffffffffffffffULL << I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_SHIFT) +#define I40IW_CQPHC_SVER 1 + +#define I40IW_CQP_SW_SQSIZE_4 4 +#define I40IW_CQP_SW_SQSIZE_2048 2048 + +/* iWARP QP Doorbell shadow area */ +#define I40IW_QP_DBSA_HW_SQ_TAIL_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_QP_DBSA_HW_SQ_TAIL_MASK \ + (0x3fffUL << I40IW_QP_DBSA_HW_SQ_TAIL_SHIFT) + +/* Completion Queue Doorbell shadow area */ +#define I40IW_CQ_DBSA_CQEIDX_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQ_DBSA_CQEIDX_MASK (0xfffffUL << I40IW_CQ_DBSA_CQEIDX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQ_DBSA_SW_CQ_SELECT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQ_DBSA_SW_CQ_SELECT_MASK \ + (0x3fffUL << I40IW_CQ_DBSA_SW_CQ_SELECT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQ_DBSA_ARM_NEXT_SHIFT 14 +#define I40IW_CQ_DBSA_ARM_NEXT_MASK (1UL << I40IW_CQ_DBSA_ARM_NEXT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQ_DBSA_ARM_NEXT_SE_SHIFT 15 +#define I40IW_CQ_DBSA_ARM_NEXT_SE_MASK (1UL << I40IW_CQ_DBSA_ARM_NEXT_SE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQ_DBSA_ARM_SEQ_NUM_SHIFT 16 +#define I40IW_CQ_DBSA_ARM_SEQ_NUM_MASK \ + (0x3UL << I40IW_CQ_DBSA_ARM_SEQ_NUM_SHIFT) + +/* CQP and iWARP Completion Queue */ +#define I40IW_CQ_QPCTX_SHIFT I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_SHIFT +#define I40IW_CQ_QPCTX_MASK I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_MASK + +#define I40IW_CCQ_OPRETVAL_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CCQ_OPRETVAL_MASK (0xffffffffUL << I40IW_CCQ_OPRETVAL_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQ_MINERR_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQ_MINERR_MASK (0xffffUL << I40IW_CQ_MINERR_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQ_MAJERR_SHIFT 16 +#define I40IW_CQ_MAJERR_MASK (0xffffUL << I40IW_CQ_MAJERR_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQ_WQEIDX_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_CQ_WQEIDX_MASK (0x3fffULL << I40IW_CQ_WQEIDX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQ_ERROR_SHIFT 55 +#define I40IW_CQ_ERROR_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_CQ_ERROR_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQ_SQ_SHIFT 62 +#define I40IW_CQ_SQ_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_CQ_SQ_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQ_VALID_SHIFT 63 +#define I40IW_CQ_VALID_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_CQ_VALID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWCQ_PAYLDLEN_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWCQ_PAYLDLEN_MASK (0xffffffffUL << I40IWCQ_PAYLDLEN_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWCQ_TCPSEQNUM_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWCQ_TCPSEQNUM_MASK (0xffffffffULL << I40IWCQ_TCPSEQNUM_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWCQ_INVSTAG_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWCQ_INVSTAG_MASK (0xffffffffUL << I40IWCQ_INVSTAG_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWCQ_QPID_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWCQ_QPID_MASK (0x3ffffULL << I40IWCQ_QPID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWCQ_PSHDROP_SHIFT 51 +#define I40IWCQ_PSHDROP_MASK (1ULL << I40IWCQ_PSHDROP_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWCQ_SRQ_SHIFT 52 +#define I40IWCQ_SRQ_MASK (1ULL << I40IWCQ_SRQ_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWCQ_STAG_SHIFT 53 +#define I40IWCQ_STAG_MASK (1ULL << I40IWCQ_STAG_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWCQ_SOEVENT_SHIFT 54 +#define I40IWCQ_SOEVENT_MASK (1ULL << I40IWCQ_SOEVENT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWCQ_OP_SHIFT 56 +#define I40IWCQ_OP_MASK (0x3fULL << I40IWCQ_OP_SHIFT) + +/* CEQE format */ +#define I40IW_CEQE_CQCTX_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CEQE_CQCTX_MASK \ + (0x7fffffffffffffffULL << I40IW_CEQE_CQCTX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CEQE_VALID_SHIFT 63 +#define I40IW_CEQE_VALID_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_CEQE_VALID_SHIFT) + +/* AEQE format */ +#define I40IW_AEQE_COMPCTX_SHIFT I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_SHIFT +#define I40IW_AEQE_COMPCTX_MASK I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_MASK + +#define I40IW_AEQE_QPCQID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_AEQE_QPCQID_MASK (0x3ffffUL << I40IW_AEQE_QPCQID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_AEQE_WQDESCIDX_SHIFT 18 +#define I40IW_AEQE_WQDESCIDX_MASK (0x3fffULL << I40IW_AEQE_WQDESCIDX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_AEQE_OVERFLOW_SHIFT 33 +#define I40IW_AEQE_OVERFLOW_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_AEQE_OVERFLOW_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_AEQE_AECODE_SHIFT 34 +#define I40IW_AEQE_AECODE_MASK (0xffffULL << I40IW_AEQE_AECODE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_AEQE_AESRC_SHIFT 50 +#define I40IW_AEQE_AESRC_MASK (0xfULL << I40IW_AEQE_AESRC_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_AEQE_IWSTATE_SHIFT 54 +#define I40IW_AEQE_IWSTATE_MASK (0x7ULL << I40IW_AEQE_IWSTATE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_AEQE_TCPSTATE_SHIFT 57 +#define I40IW_AEQE_TCPSTATE_MASK (0xfULL << I40IW_AEQE_TCPSTATE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_AEQE_Q2DATA_SHIFT 61 +#define I40IW_AEQE_Q2DATA_MASK (0x3ULL << I40IW_AEQE_Q2DATA_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_AEQE_VALID_SHIFT 63 +#define I40IW_AEQE_VALID_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_AEQE_VALID_SHIFT) + +/* CQP SQ WQES */ +#define I40IW_QP_TYPE_IWARP 1 +#define I40IW_QP_TYPE_UDA 2 +#define I40IW_QP_TYPE_CQP 4 + +#define I40IW_CQ_TYPE_IWARP 1 +#define I40IW_CQ_TYPE_ILQ 2 +#define I40IW_CQ_TYPE_IEQ 3 +#define I40IW_CQ_TYPE_CQP 4 + +#define I40IWQP_TERM_SEND_TERM_AND_FIN 0 +#define I40IWQP_TERM_SEND_TERM_ONLY 1 +#define I40IWQP_TERM_SEND_FIN_ONLY 2 +#define I40IWQP_TERM_DONOT_SEND_TERM_OR_FIN 3 + +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_CREATE_QP 0 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_MODIFY_QP 0x1 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_DESTROY_QP 0x02 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_CREATE_CQ 0x03 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_MODIFY_CQ 0x04 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_DESTROY_CQ 0x05 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_CREATE_SRQ 0x06 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_MODIFY_SRQ 0x07 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_DESTROY_SRQ 0x08 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_ALLOC_STAG 0x09 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_REG_MR 0x0a +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_QUERY_STAG 0x0b +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_REG_SMR 0x0c +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_DEALLOC_STAG 0x0d +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_MANAGE_LOC_MAC_IP_TABLE 0x0e +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_MANAGE_ARP 0x0f +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_MANAGE_VF_PBLE_BP 0x10 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_MANAGE_PUSH_PAGES 0x11 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_MANAGE_PE_TEAM 0x12 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_UPLOAD_CONTEXT 0x13 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_ALLOCATE_LOC_MAC_IP_TABLE_ENTRY 0x14 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_MANAGE_HMC_PM_FUNC_TABLE 0x15 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_CREATE_CEQ 0x16 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_DESTROY_CEQ 0x18 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_CREATE_AEQ 0x19 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_DESTROY_AEQ 0x1b +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_CREATE_ADDR_VECT 0x1c +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_MODIFY_ADDR_VECT 0x1d +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_DESTROY_ADDR_VECT 0x1e +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_UPDATE_PE_SDS 0x1f +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_QUERY_FPM_VALUES 0x20 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_COMMIT_FPM_VALUES 0x21 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_FLUSH_WQES 0x22 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_MANAGE_APBVT 0x23 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_NOP 0x24 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_MANAGE_QUAD_HASH_TABLE_ENTRY 0x25 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_CREATE_UDA_MCAST_GROUP 0x26 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_MODIFY_UDA_MCAST_GROUP 0x27 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_DESTROY_UDA_MCAST_GROUP 0x28 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_SUSPEND_QP 0x29 +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_RESUME_QP 0x2a +#define I40IW_CQP_OP_SHMC_PAGES_ALLOCATED 0x2b + +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_NEXT_HEADER_SHIFT 16 +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_NEXT_HEADER_MASK ((u64)0xff << I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_NEXT_HEADER_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_OPCODE_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_OPCODE_MASK ((u64)0x3f << I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_OPCODE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_MACLEN_SHIFT 56 +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_MACLEN_MASK \ + ((u64)0x7f << I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_MACLEN_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_IPLEN_SHIFT 48 +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_IPLEN_MASK \ + ((u64)0x7f << I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_IPLEN_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_L4T_SHIFT 30 +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_L4T_MASK \ + ((u64)0x3 << I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_L4T_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_IIPT_SHIFT 28 +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_IIPT_MASK \ + ((u64)0x3 << I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_IIPT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_L4LEN_SHIFT 24 +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_L4LEN_MASK ((u64)0xf << I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_L4LEN_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_AVIDX_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_AVIDX_MASK ((u64)0xffff << I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_AVIDX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_VALID_SHIFT 63 +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_VALID_MASK \ + ((u64)0x1 << I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_VALID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_SIGCOMPL_SHIFT 62 +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_SIGCOMPL_MASK ((u64)0x1 << I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_SIGCOMPL_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_UDA_PAYLOADLEN_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_UDA_PAYLOADLEN_MASK ((u64)0x3fff << I40IW_UDA_PAYLOADLEN_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_UDA_HDRLEN_SHIFT 16 +#define I40IW_UDA_HDRLEN_MASK ((u64)0x1ff << I40IW_UDA_HDRLEN_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_VLAN_TAG_VALID_SHIFT 50 +#define I40IW_VLAN_TAG_VALID_MASK ((u64)0x1 << I40IW_VLAN_TAG_VALID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_UDA_L3PROTO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_UDA_L3PROTO_MASK ((u64)0x3 << I40IW_UDA_L3PROTO_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_UDA_L4PROTO_SHIFT 16 +#define I40IW_UDA_L4PROTO_MASK ((u64)0x3 << I40IW_UDA_L4PROTO_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_DOLOOPBACK_SHIFT 44 +#define I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_DOLOOPBACK_MASK \ + ((u64)0x1 << I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_DOLOOPBACK_SHIFT) + +/* CQP SQ WQE common fields */ +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE_MASK (0x3fULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID_SHIFT 63 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_TPHVAL_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_TPHVAL_MASK (0xffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_TPHVAL_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_TPHEN_SHIFT 60 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_TPHEN_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_TPHEN_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_PBUFADDR_SHIFT I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_SHIFT +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_PBUFADDR_MASK I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_MASK + +/* Create/Modify/Destroy QP */ + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_NEWMSS_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_NEWMSS_MASK (0x3fffULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_NEWMSS_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_TERMLEN_SHIFT 48 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_TERMLEN_MASK (0xfULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_TERMLEN_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_QPCTX_SHIFT I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_SHIFT +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_QPCTX_MASK I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_MASK + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_QPID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_QPID_MASK (0x3FFFFUL) +/* I40IWCQ_QPID_MASK */ + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_OP_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_OP_MASK I40IWCQ_OP_MASK + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_ORDVALID_SHIFT 42 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_ORDVALID_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_ORDVALID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_TOECTXVALID_SHIFT 43 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_TOECTXVALID_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_TOECTXVALID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_CACHEDVARVALID_SHIFT 44 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_CACHEDVARVALID_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_CACHEDVARVALID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_VQ_SHIFT 45 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_VQ_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_VQ_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_FORCELOOPBACK_SHIFT 46 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_FORCELOOPBACK_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_FORCELOOPBACK_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_CQNUMVALID_SHIFT 47 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_CQNUMVALID_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_CQNUMVALID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_QPTYPE_SHIFT 48 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_QPTYPE_MASK (0x3ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_QPTYPE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_MSSCHANGE_SHIFT 52 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_MSSCHANGE_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_MSSCHANGE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_IGNOREMWBOUND_SHIFT 54 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_IGNOREMWBOUND_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_IGNOREMWBOUND_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_REMOVEHASHENTRY_SHIFT 55 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_REMOVEHASHENTRY_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_REMOVEHASHENTRY_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_TERMACT_SHIFT 56 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_TERMACT_MASK (0x3ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_TERMACT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_RESETCON_SHIFT 58 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_RESETCON_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_RESETCON_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_ARPTABIDXVALID_SHIFT 59 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_ARPTABIDXVALID_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_ARPTABIDXVALID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_NEXTIWSTATE_SHIFT 60 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_NEXTIWSTATE_MASK \ + (0x7ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_NEXTIWSTATE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_DBSHADOWADDR_SHIFT I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_SHIFT +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_DBSHADOWADDR_MASK I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_MASK + +/* Create/Modify/Destroy CQ */ +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CQSIZE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CQSIZE_MASK (0x3ffffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CQSIZE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CQCTX_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CQCTX_MASK \ + (0x7fffffffffffffffULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CQCTX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CQCTX_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CQCTX_MASK \ + (0x7fffffffffffffffULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CQCTX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_SHADOW_READ_THRESHOLD_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_SHADOW_READ_THRESHOLD_MASK \ + (0x3ffff << I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_SHADOW_READ_THRESHOLD_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CEQID_SHIFT 24 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CEQID_MASK (0x7fUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CEQID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_OP_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_OP_MASK (0x3fULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_OP_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CQRESIZE_SHIFT 43 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CQRESIZE_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CQRESIZE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_LPBLSIZE_SHIFT 44 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_LPBLSIZE_MASK (3ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_LPBLSIZE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CHKOVERFLOW_SHIFT 46 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CHKOVERFLOW_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CHKOVERFLOW_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_VIRTMAP_SHIFT 47 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_VIRTMAP_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_VIRTMAP_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_ENCEQEMASK_SHIFT 48 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_ENCEQEMASK_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_ENCEQEMASK_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CEQIDVALID_SHIFT 49 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CEQIDVALID_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CEQIDVALID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_AVOIDMEMCNFLCT_SHIFT 61 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_AVOIDMEMCNFLCT_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_AVOIDMEMCNFLCT_SHIFT) + +/* Create/Modify/Destroy Shared Receive Queue */ + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_RQSIZE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_RQSIZE_MASK (0xfUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_RQSIZE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_RQWQESIZE_SHIFT 4 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_RQWQESIZE_MASK \ + (0x7UL << I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_RQWQESIZE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_SRQLIMIT_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_SRQLIMIT_MASK \ + (0xfffULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_SRQLIMIT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_SRQCTX_SHIFT I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_SHIFT +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_SRQCTX_MASK I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_MASK + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_PDID_SHIFT 16 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_PDID_MASK \ + (0x7fffULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_PDID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_SRQID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_SRQID_MASK (0x7fffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_SRQID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_LPBLSIZE_SHIFT I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_LPBLSIZE_SHIFT +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_LPBLSIZE_MASK I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_LPBLSIZE_MASK + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_VIRTMAP_SHIFT I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_VIRTMAP_SHIFT +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_VIRTMAP_MASK I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_VIRTMAP_MASK + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_TPHEN_SHIFT I40IW_CQPSQ_TPHEN_SHIFT +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_TPHEN_MASK I40IW_CQPSQ_TPHEN_MASK + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_ARMLIMITEVENT_SHIFT 61 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_ARMLIMITEVENT_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_ARMLIMITEVENT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_DBSHADOWAREA_SHIFT 6 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_DBSHADOWAREA_MASK \ + (0x3ffffffffffffffULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_DBSHADOWAREA_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_FIRSTPMPBLIDX_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_FIRSTPMPBLIDX_MASK \ + (0xfffffffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_SRQ_FIRSTPMPBLIDX_SHIFT) + +/* Allocate/Register/Register Shared/Deallocate Stag */ +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_VA_FBO_SHIFT I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_SHIFT +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_VA_FBO_MASK I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_MASK + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_STAGLEN_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_STAGLEN_MASK \ + (0x3fffffffffffULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_STAGLEN_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_PDID_SHIFT 48 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_PDID_MASK (0x7fffULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_PDID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_KEY_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_KEY_MASK (0xffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_KEY_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_IDX_SHIFT 8 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_IDX_MASK (0xffffffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_IDX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_PARENTSTAGIDX_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_PARENTSTAGIDX_MASK \ + (0xffffffULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_PARENTSTAGIDX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_MR_SHIFT 43 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_MR_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_MR_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_LPBLSIZE_SHIFT I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_LPBLSIZE_SHIFT +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_LPBLSIZE_MASK I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_LPBLSIZE_MASK + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_HPAGESIZE_SHIFT 46 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_HPAGESIZE_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_HPAGESIZE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_ARIGHTS_SHIFT 48 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_ARIGHTS_MASK \ + (0x1fULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_ARIGHTS_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_REMACCENABLED_SHIFT 53 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_REMACCENABLED_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_REMACCENABLED_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_VABASEDTO_SHIFT 59 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_VABASEDTO_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_VABASEDTO_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_USEHMCFNIDX_SHIFT 60 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_USEHMCFNIDX_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_USEHMCFNIDX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_USEPFRID_SHIFT 61 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_USEPFRID_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_USEPFRID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_PBA_SHIFT I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_SHIFT +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_PBA_MASK I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_MASK + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_HMCFNIDX_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_HMCFNIDX_MASK \ + (0x3fUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_HMCFNIDX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_FIRSTPMPBLIDX_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_FIRSTPMPBLIDX_MASK \ + (0xfffffffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_FIRSTPMPBLIDX_SHIFT) + +/* Query stag */ +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QUERYSTAG_IDX_SHIFT I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_IDX_SHIFT +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_QUERYSTAG_IDX_MASK I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_IDX_MASK + +/* Allocate Local IP Address Entry */ + +/* Manage Local IP Address Table - MLIPA */ +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IPV6LO_SHIFT I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_SHIFT +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IPV6LO_MASK I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_MASK + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IPV6HI_SHIFT I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_SHIFT +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IPV6HI_MASK I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_MASK + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IPV4_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IPV4_MASK \ + (0xffffffffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IPV4_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IPTABLEIDX_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IPTABLEIDX_MASK \ + (0x3fUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IPTABLEIDX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IPV4VALID_SHIFT 42 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IPV4VALID_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IPV4VALID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IPV6VALID_SHIFT 43 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IPV6VALID_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IPV6VALID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_FREEENTRY_SHIFT 62 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_FREEENTRY_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_FREEENTRY_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IGNORE_REF_CNT_SHIFT 61 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IGNORE_REF_CNT_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_IGNORE_REF_CNT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_MAC0_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_MAC0_MASK (0xffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_MAC0_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_MAC1_SHIFT 8 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_MAC1_MASK (0xffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_MAC1_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_MAC2_SHIFT 16 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_MAC2_MASK (0xffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_MAC2_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_MAC3_SHIFT 24 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_MAC3_MASK (0xffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_MAC3_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_MAC4_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_MAC4_MASK (0xffULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_MAC4_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_MAC5_SHIFT 40 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_MAC5_MASK (0xffULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MLIPA_MAC5_SHIFT) + +/* Manage ARP Table - MAT */ +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MAT_REACHMAX_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MAT_REACHMAX_MASK \ + (0xffffffffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MAT_REACHMAX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MAT_MACADDR_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MAT_MACADDR_MASK \ + (0xffffffffffffULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MAT_MACADDR_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MAT_ARPENTRYIDX_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MAT_ARPENTRYIDX_MASK \ + (0xfffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MAT_ARPENTRYIDX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MAT_ENTRYVALID_SHIFT 42 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MAT_ENTRYVALID_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MAT_ENTRYVALID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MAT_PERMANENT_SHIFT 43 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MAT_PERMANENT_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MAT_PERMANENT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MAT_QUERY_SHIFT 44 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MAT_QUERY_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MAT_QUERY_SHIFT) + +/* Manage VF PBLE Backing Pages - MVPBP*/ +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MVPBP_PD_ENTRY_CNT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MVPBP_PD_ENTRY_CNT_MASK \ + (0x3ffULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MVPBP_PD_ENTRY_CNT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MVPBP_FIRST_PD_INX_SHIFT 16 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MVPBP_FIRST_PD_INX_MASK \ + (0x1ffULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MVPBP_FIRST_PD_INX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MVPBP_SD_INX_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MVPBP_SD_INX_MASK \ + (0xfffULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MVPBP_SD_INX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MVPBP_INV_PD_ENT_SHIFT 62 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MVPBP_INV_PD_ENT_MASK \ + (0x1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MVPBP_INV_PD_ENT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MVPBP_PD_PLPBA_SHIFT 3 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MVPBP_PD_PLPBA_MASK \ + (0x1fffffffffffffffULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MVPBP_PD_PLPBA_SHIFT) + +/* Manage Push Page - MPP */ +#define I40IW_INVALID_PUSH_PAGE_INDEX 0xffff + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MPP_QS_HANDLE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MPP_QS_HANDLE_MASK (0xffffUL << \ + I40IW_CQPSQ_MPP_QS_HANDLE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MPP_PPIDX_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MPP_PPIDX_MASK (0x3ffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MPP_PPIDX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MPP_FREE_PAGE_SHIFT 62 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MPP_FREE_PAGE_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MPP_FREE_PAGE_SHIFT) + +/* Upload Context - UCTX */ +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UCTX_QPCTXADDR_SHIFT I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_SHIFT +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UCTX_QPCTXADDR_MASK I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_MASK + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UCTX_QPID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UCTX_QPID_MASK (0x3ffffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_UCTX_QPID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UCTX_QPTYPE_SHIFT 48 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UCTX_QPTYPE_MASK (0xfULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_UCTX_QPTYPE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UCTX_RAWFORMAT_SHIFT 61 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UCTX_RAWFORMAT_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_UCTX_RAWFORMAT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UCTX_FREEZEQP_SHIFT 62 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UCTX_FREEZEQP_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_UCTX_FREEZEQP_SHIFT) + +/* Manage HMC PM Function Table - MHMC */ +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MHMC_VFIDX_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MHMC_VFIDX_MASK (0x7fUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MHMC_VFIDX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MHMC_FREEPMFN_SHIFT 62 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MHMC_FREEPMFN_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MHMC_FREEPMFN_SHIFT) + +/* Set HMC Resource Profile - SHMCRP */ +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SHMCRP_HMC_PROFILE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SHMCRP_HMC_PROFILE_MASK \ + (0x7ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_SHMCRP_HMC_PROFILE_SHIFT) +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SHMCRP_VFNUM_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SHMCRP_VFNUM_MASK (0x3fULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_SHMCRP_VFNUM_SHIFT) + +/* Create/Destroy CEQ */ +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CEQ_CEQSIZE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CEQ_CEQSIZE_MASK \ + (0x1ffffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_CEQ_CEQSIZE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CEQ_CEQID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CEQ_CEQID_MASK (0x7fUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_CEQ_CEQID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CEQ_LPBLSIZE_SHIFT I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_LPBLSIZE_SHIFT +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CEQ_LPBLSIZE_MASK I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_LPBLSIZE_MASK + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CEQ_VMAP_SHIFT 47 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CEQ_VMAP_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_CEQ_VMAP_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CEQ_FIRSTPMPBLIDX_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CEQ_FIRSTPMPBLIDX_MASK \ + (0xfffffffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_CEQ_FIRSTPMPBLIDX_SHIFT) + +/* Create/Destroy AEQ */ +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_AEQ_AEQECNT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_AEQ_AEQECNT_MASK \ + (0x7ffffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_AEQ_AEQECNT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_AEQ_LPBLSIZE_SHIFT I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_LPBLSIZE_SHIFT +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_AEQ_LPBLSIZE_MASK I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_LPBLSIZE_MASK + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_AEQ_VMAP_SHIFT 47 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_AEQ_VMAP_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_AEQ_VMAP_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_AEQ_FIRSTPMPBLIDX_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_AEQ_FIRSTPMPBLIDX_MASK \ + (0xfffffffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_AEQ_FIRSTPMPBLIDX_SHIFT) + +/* Commit FPM Values - CFPM */ +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CFPM_HMCFNID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_CFPM_HMCFNID_MASK (0x3fUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_CFPM_HMCFNID_SHIFT) + +/* Flush WQEs - FWQE */ +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_AECODE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_AECODE_MASK (0xffffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_AECODE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_AESOURCE_SHIFT 16 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_AESOURCE_MASK \ + (0xfUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_AESOURCE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_RQMNERR_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_RQMNERR_MASK \ + (0xffffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_RQMNERR_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_RQMJERR_SHIFT 16 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_RQMJERR_MASK \ + (0xffffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_RQMJERR_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_SQMNERR_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_SQMNERR_MASK \ + (0xffffULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_SQMNERR_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_SQMJERR_SHIFT 48 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_SQMJERR_MASK \ + (0xffffULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_SQMJERR_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_QPID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_QPID_MASK (0x3ffffULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_QPID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_GENERATE_AE_SHIFT 59 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_GENERATE_AE_MASK (1ULL << \ + I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_GENERATE_AE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_USERFLCODE_SHIFT 60 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_USERFLCODE_MASK \ + (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_USERFLCODE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_FLUSHSQ_SHIFT 61 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_FLUSHSQ_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_FLUSHSQ_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_FLUSHRQ_SHIFT 62 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_FLUSHRQ_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_FWQE_FLUSHRQ_SHIFT) + +/* Manage Accelerated Port Table - MAPT */ +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MAPT_PORT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MAPT_PORT_MASK (0xffffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MAPT_PORT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MAPT_ADDPORT_SHIFT 62 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_MAPT_ADDPORT_MASK (1ULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_MAPT_ADDPORT_SHIFT) + +/* Update Protocol Engine SDs */ +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_SDCMD_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_SDCMD_MASK (0xffffffffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_SDCMD_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_SDDATALOW_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_SDDATALOW_MASK \ + (0xffffffffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_SDDATALOW_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_SDDATAHI_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_SDDATAHI_MASK \ + (0xffffffffULL << I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_SDDATAHI_SHIFT) +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_HMCFNID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_HMCFNID_MASK \ + (0x3fUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_HMCFNID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_ENTRY_VALID_SHIFT 63 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_ENTRY_VALID_MASK \ + ((u64)1 << I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_ENTRY_VALID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_ENTRY_COUNT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_ENTRY_COUNT_MASK \ + (0xfUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_ENTRY_COUNT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_SKIP_ENTRY_SHIFT 7 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_SKIP_ENTRY_MASK \ + (0x1UL << I40IW_CQPSQ_UPESD_SKIP_ENTRY_SHIFT) + +/* Suspend QP */ +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SUSPENDQP_QPID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_SUSPENDQP_QPID_MASK (0x3FFFFUL) +/* I40IWCQ_QPID_MASK */ + +/* Resume QP */ +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_RESUMEQP_QSHANDLE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_RESUMEQP_QSHANDLE_MASK \ + (0xffffffffUL << I40IW_CQPSQ_RESUMEQP_QSHANDLE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_RESUMEQP_QPID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_CQPSQ_RESUMEQP_QPID_MASK (0x3FFFFUL) +/* I40IWCQ_QPID_MASK */ + +/* IW QP Context */ +#define I40IWQPC_DDP_VER_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPC_DDP_VER_MASK (3UL << I40IWQPC_DDP_VER_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_SNAP_SHIFT 2 +#define I40IWQPC_SNAP_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_SNAP_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_IPV4_SHIFT 3 +#define I40IWQPC_IPV4_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_IPV4_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_NONAGLE_SHIFT 4 +#define I40IWQPC_NONAGLE_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_NONAGLE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_INSERTVLANTAG_SHIFT 5 +#define I40IWQPC_INSERTVLANTAG_MASK (1 << I40IWQPC_INSERTVLANTAG_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_USESRQ_SHIFT 6 +#define I40IWQPC_USESRQ_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_USESRQ_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_TIMESTAMP_SHIFT 7 +#define I40IWQPC_TIMESTAMP_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_TIMESTAMP_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_RQWQESIZE_SHIFT 8 +#define I40IWQPC_RQWQESIZE_MASK (3UL << I40IWQPC_RQWQESIZE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_INSERTL2TAG2_SHIFT 11 +#define I40IWQPC_INSERTL2TAG2_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_INSERTL2TAG2_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_LIMIT_SHIFT 12 +#define I40IWQPC_LIMIT_MASK (3UL << I40IWQPC_LIMIT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_DROPOOOSEG_SHIFT 15 +#define I40IWQPC_DROPOOOSEG_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_DROPOOOSEG_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_DUPACK_THRESH_SHIFT 16 +#define I40IWQPC_DUPACK_THRESH_MASK (7UL << I40IWQPC_DUPACK_THRESH_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_ERR_RQ_IDX_VALID_SHIFT 19 +#define I40IWQPC_ERR_RQ_IDX_VALID_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_ERR_RQ_IDX_VALID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_DIS_VLAN_CHECKS_SHIFT 19 +#define I40IWQPC_DIS_VLAN_CHECKS_MASK (7UL << I40IWQPC_DIS_VLAN_CHECKS_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_RCVTPHEN_SHIFT 28 +#define I40IWQPC_RCVTPHEN_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_RCVTPHEN_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_XMITTPHEN_SHIFT 29 +#define I40IWQPC_XMITTPHEN_MASK (1ULL << I40IWQPC_XMITTPHEN_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_RQTPHEN_SHIFT 30 +#define I40IWQPC_RQTPHEN_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_RQTPHEN_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_SQTPHEN_SHIFT 31 +#define I40IWQPC_SQTPHEN_MASK (1ULL << I40IWQPC_SQTPHEN_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_PPIDX_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPC_PPIDX_MASK (0x3ffULL << I40IWQPC_PPIDX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_PMENA_SHIFT 47 +#define I40IWQPC_PMENA_MASK (1ULL << I40IWQPC_PMENA_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_RDMAP_VER_SHIFT 62 +#define I40IWQPC_RDMAP_VER_MASK (3ULL << I40IWQPC_RDMAP_VER_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_SQADDR_SHIFT I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_SHIFT +#define I40IWQPC_SQADDR_MASK I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_MASK + +#define I40IWQPC_RQADDR_SHIFT I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_SHIFT +#define I40IWQPC_RQADDR_MASK I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_MASK + +#define I40IWQPC_TTL_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPC_TTL_MASK (0xffUL << I40IWQPC_TTL_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_RQSIZE_SHIFT 8 +#define I40IWQPC_RQSIZE_MASK (0xfUL << I40IWQPC_RQSIZE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_SQSIZE_SHIFT 12 +#define I40IWQPC_SQSIZE_MASK (0xfUL << I40IWQPC_SQSIZE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_SRCMACADDRIDX_SHIFT 16 +#define I40IWQPC_SRCMACADDRIDX_MASK (0x3fUL << I40IWQPC_SRCMACADDRIDX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_AVOIDSTRETCHACK_SHIFT 23 +#define I40IWQPC_AVOIDSTRETCHACK_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_AVOIDSTRETCHACK_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_TOS_SHIFT 24 +#define I40IWQPC_TOS_MASK (0xffUL << I40IWQPC_TOS_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_SRCPORTNUM_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPC_SRCPORTNUM_MASK (0xffffULL << I40IWQPC_SRCPORTNUM_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_DESTPORTNUM_SHIFT 48 +#define I40IWQPC_DESTPORTNUM_MASK (0xffffULL << I40IWQPC_DESTPORTNUM_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_DESTIPADDR0_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPC_DESTIPADDR0_MASK \ + (0xffffffffULL << I40IWQPC_DESTIPADDR0_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_DESTIPADDR1_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPC_DESTIPADDR1_MASK \ + (0xffffffffULL << I40IWQPC_DESTIPADDR1_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_DESTIPADDR2_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPC_DESTIPADDR2_MASK \ + (0xffffffffULL << I40IWQPC_DESTIPADDR2_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_DESTIPADDR3_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPC_DESTIPADDR3_MASK \ + (0xffffffffULL << I40IWQPC_DESTIPADDR3_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_SNDMSS_SHIFT 16 +#define I40IWQPC_SNDMSS_MASK (0x3fffUL << I40IWQPC_SNDMSS_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_MAXFRAMESIZE_SHIFT 16 +#define I40IWQPC_MAXFRAMESIZE_MASK (0x3fffUL << I40IWQPC_MAXFRAMESIZE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_VLANTAG_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPC_VLANTAG_MASK (0xffffULL << I40IWQPC_VLANTAG_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_ARPIDX_SHIFT 48 +#define I40IWQPC_ARPIDX_MASK (0xfffULL << I40IWQPC_ARPIDX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_FLOWLABEL_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPC_FLOWLABEL_MASK (0xfffffUL << I40IWQPC_FLOWLABEL_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_WSCALE_SHIFT 20 +#define I40IWQPC_WSCALE_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_WSCALE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_KEEPALIVE_SHIFT 21 +#define I40IWQPC_KEEPALIVE_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_KEEPALIVE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_IGNORE_TCP_OPT_SHIFT 22 +#define I40IWQPC_IGNORE_TCP_OPT_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_IGNORE_TCP_OPT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_IGNORE_TCP_UNS_OPT_SHIFT 23 +#define I40IWQPC_IGNORE_TCP_UNS_OPT_MASK \ + (1UL << I40IWQPC_IGNORE_TCP_UNS_OPT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_TCPSTATE_SHIFT 28 +#define I40IWQPC_TCPSTATE_MASK (0xfUL << I40IWQPC_TCPSTATE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_RCVSCALE_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPC_RCVSCALE_MASK (0xfULL << I40IWQPC_RCVSCALE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_SNDSCALE_SHIFT 40 +#define I40IWQPC_SNDSCALE_MASK (0xfULL << I40IWQPC_SNDSCALE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_PDIDX_SHIFT 48 +#define I40IWQPC_PDIDX_MASK (0x7fffULL << I40IWQPC_PDIDX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_KALIVE_TIMER_MAX_PROBES_SHIFT 16 +#define I40IWQPC_KALIVE_TIMER_MAX_PROBES_MASK \ + (0xffUL << I40IWQPC_KALIVE_TIMER_MAX_PROBES_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL_SHIFT 24 +#define I40IWQPC_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL_MASK \ + (0xffUL << I40IWQPC_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_TIMESTAMP_RECENT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPC_TIMESTAMP_RECENT_MASK \ + (0xffffffffUL << I40IWQPC_TIMESTAMP_RECENT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_TIMESTAMP_AGE_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPC_TIMESTAMP_AGE_MASK \ + (0xffffffffULL << I40IWQPC_TIMESTAMP_AGE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_SNDNXT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPC_SNDNXT_MASK (0xffffffffUL << I40IWQPC_SNDNXT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_SNDWND_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPC_SNDWND_MASK (0xffffffffULL << I40IWQPC_SNDWND_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_RCVNXT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPC_RCVNXT_MASK (0xffffffffUL << I40IWQPC_RCVNXT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_RCVWND_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPC_RCVWND_MASK (0xffffffffULL << I40IWQPC_RCVWND_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_SNDMAX_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPC_SNDMAX_MASK (0xffffffffUL << I40IWQPC_SNDMAX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_SNDUNA_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPC_SNDUNA_MASK (0xffffffffULL << I40IWQPC_SNDUNA_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_SRTT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPC_SRTT_MASK (0xffffffffUL << I40IWQPC_SRTT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_RTTVAR_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPC_RTTVAR_MASK (0xffffffffULL << I40IWQPC_RTTVAR_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_SSTHRESH_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPC_SSTHRESH_MASK (0xffffffffUL << I40IWQPC_SSTHRESH_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_CWND_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPC_CWND_MASK (0xffffffffULL << I40IWQPC_CWND_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_SNDWL1_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPC_SNDWL1_MASK (0xffffffffUL << I40IWQPC_SNDWL1_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_SNDWL2_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPC_SNDWL2_MASK (0xffffffffULL << I40IWQPC_SNDWL2_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_ERR_RQ_IDX_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPC_ERR_RQ_IDX_MASK (0x3fffULL << I40IWQPC_ERR_RQ_IDX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_MAXSNDWND_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPC_MAXSNDWND_MASK (0xffffffffUL << I40IWQPC_MAXSNDWND_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_REXMIT_THRESH_SHIFT 48 +#define I40IWQPC_REXMIT_THRESH_MASK (0x3fULL << I40IWQPC_REXMIT_THRESH_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_TXCQNUM_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPC_TXCQNUM_MASK (0x1ffffUL << I40IWQPC_TXCQNUM_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_RXCQNUM_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPC_RXCQNUM_MASK (0x1ffffULL << I40IWQPC_RXCQNUM_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_STAT_INDEX_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPC_STAT_INDEX_MASK (0x1fULL << I40IWQPC_STAT_INDEX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_Q2ADDR_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPC_Q2ADDR_MASK (0xffffffffffffff00ULL << I40IWQPC_Q2ADDR_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_LASTBYTESENT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPC_LASTBYTESENT_MASK (0xffUL << I40IWQPC_LASTBYTESENT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_SRQID_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPC_SRQID_MASK (0xffULL << I40IWQPC_SRQID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_ORDSIZE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPC_ORDSIZE_MASK (0x7fUL << I40IWQPC_ORDSIZE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_IRDSIZE_SHIFT 16 +#define I40IWQPC_IRDSIZE_MASK (0x3UL << I40IWQPC_IRDSIZE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_WRRDRSPOK_SHIFT 20 +#define I40IWQPC_WRRDRSPOK_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_WRRDRSPOK_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_RDOK_SHIFT 21 +#define I40IWQPC_RDOK_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_RDOK_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_SNDMARKERS_SHIFT 22 +#define I40IWQPC_SNDMARKERS_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_SNDMARKERS_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_BINDEN_SHIFT 23 +#define I40IWQPC_BINDEN_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_BINDEN_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_FASTREGEN_SHIFT 24 +#define I40IWQPC_FASTREGEN_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_FASTREGEN_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_PRIVEN_SHIFT 25 +#define I40IWQPC_PRIVEN_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_PRIVEN_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_USESTATSINSTANCE_SHIFT 26 +#define I40IWQPC_USESTATSINSTANCE_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_USESTATSINSTANCE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_IWARPMODE_SHIFT 28 +#define I40IWQPC_IWARPMODE_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_IWARPMODE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_RCVMARKERS_SHIFT 29 +#define I40IWQPC_RCVMARKERS_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_RCVMARKERS_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_ALIGNHDRS_SHIFT 30 +#define I40IWQPC_ALIGNHDRS_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_ALIGNHDRS_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_RCVNOMPACRC_SHIFT 31 +#define I40IWQPC_RCVNOMPACRC_MASK (1UL << I40IWQPC_RCVNOMPACRC_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_RCVMARKOFFSET_SHIFT 33 +#define I40IWQPC_RCVMARKOFFSET_MASK (0x1ffULL << I40IWQPC_RCVMARKOFFSET_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_SNDMARKOFFSET_SHIFT 48 +#define I40IWQPC_SNDMARKOFFSET_MASK (0x1ffULL << I40IWQPC_SNDMARKOFFSET_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_QPCOMPCTX_SHIFT I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_SHIFT +#define I40IWQPC_QPCOMPCTX_MASK I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_MASK + +#define I40IWQPC_SQTPHVAL_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPC_SQTPHVAL_MASK (0xffUL << I40IWQPC_SQTPHVAL_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_RQTPHVAL_SHIFT 8 +#define I40IWQPC_RQTPHVAL_MASK (0xffUL << I40IWQPC_RQTPHVAL_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_QSHANDLE_SHIFT 16 +#define I40IWQPC_QSHANDLE_MASK (0x3ffUL << I40IWQPC_QSHANDLE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_EXCEPTION_LAN_QUEUE_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPC_EXCEPTION_LAN_QUEUE_MASK (0xfffULL << \ + I40IWQPC_EXCEPTION_LAN_QUEUE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_LOCAL_IPADDR3_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPC_LOCAL_IPADDR3_MASK \ + (0xffffffffUL << I40IWQPC_LOCAL_IPADDR3_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_LOCAL_IPADDR2_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPC_LOCAL_IPADDR2_MASK \ + (0xffffffffULL << I40IWQPC_LOCAL_IPADDR2_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_LOCAL_IPADDR1_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPC_LOCAL_IPADDR1_MASK \ + (0xffffffffUL << I40IWQPC_LOCAL_IPADDR1_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPC_LOCAL_IPADDR0_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPC_LOCAL_IPADDR0_MASK \ + (0xffffffffULL << I40IWQPC_LOCAL_IPADDR0_SHIFT) + +/* wqe size considering 32 bytes per wqe*/ +#define I40IWQP_SW_MIN_WQSIZE 4 /* 128 bytes */ +#define I40IWQP_SW_MAX_WQSIZE 2048 /* 2048 bytes */ +#define I40IWQP_OP_RDMA_WRITE 0 +#define I40IWQP_OP_RDMA_READ 1 +#define I40IWQP_OP_RDMA_SEND 3 +#define I40IWQP_OP_RDMA_SEND_INV 4 +#define I40IWQP_OP_RDMA_SEND_SOL_EVENT 5 +#define I40IWQP_OP_RDMA_SEND_SOL_EVENT_INV 6 +#define I40IWQP_OP_BIND_MW 8 +#define I40IWQP_OP_FAST_REGISTER 9 +#define I40IWQP_OP_LOCAL_INVALIDATE 10 +#define I40IWQP_OP_RDMA_READ_LOC_INV 11 +#define I40IWQP_OP_NOP 12 + +#define I40IW_RSVD_SHIFT 41 +#define I40IW_RSVD_MASK (0x7fffULL << I40IW_RSVD_SHIFT) + +/* iwarp QP SQ WQE common fields */ +#define I40IWQPSQ_OPCODE_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPSQ_OPCODE_MASK (0x3fULL << I40IWQPSQ_OPCODE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_ADDFRAGCNT_SHIFT 38 +#define I40IWQPSQ_ADDFRAGCNT_MASK (0x7ULL << I40IWQPSQ_ADDFRAGCNT_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_PUSHWQE_SHIFT 56 +#define I40IWQPSQ_PUSHWQE_MASK (1ULL << I40IWQPSQ_PUSHWQE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_STREAMMODE_SHIFT 58 +#define I40IWQPSQ_STREAMMODE_MASK (1ULL << I40IWQPSQ_STREAMMODE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_WAITFORRCVPDU_SHIFT 59 +#define I40IWQPSQ_WAITFORRCVPDU_MASK (1ULL << I40IWQPSQ_WAITFORRCVPDU_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_READFENCE_SHIFT 60 +#define I40IWQPSQ_READFENCE_MASK (1ULL << I40IWQPSQ_READFENCE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_LOCALFENCE_SHIFT 61 +#define I40IWQPSQ_LOCALFENCE_MASK (1ULL << I40IWQPSQ_LOCALFENCE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_SIGCOMPL_SHIFT 62 +#define I40IWQPSQ_SIGCOMPL_MASK (1ULL << I40IWQPSQ_SIGCOMPL_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_VALID_SHIFT 63 +#define I40IWQPSQ_VALID_MASK (1ULL << I40IWQPSQ_VALID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_TO_SHIFT I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_SHIFT +#define I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_TO_MASK I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_MASK + +#define I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_LEN_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_LEN_MASK (0xffffffffUL << I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_LEN_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_STAG_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_STAG_MASK (0xffffffffULL << I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_STAG_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_REMSTAGINV_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPSQ_REMSTAGINV_MASK (0xffffffffUL << I40IWQPSQ_REMSTAGINV_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_INLINEDATAFLAG_SHIFT 57 +#define I40IWQPSQ_INLINEDATAFLAG_MASK (1ULL << I40IWQPSQ_INLINEDATAFLAG_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_INLINEDATALEN_SHIFT 48 +#define I40IWQPSQ_INLINEDATALEN_MASK \ + (0x7fULL << I40IWQPSQ_INLINEDATALEN_SHIFT) + +/* iwarp send with push mode */ +#define I40IWQPSQ_WQDESCIDX_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPSQ_WQDESCIDX_MASK (0x3fffUL << I40IWQPSQ_WQDESCIDX_SHIFT) + +/* rdma write */ +#define I40IWQPSQ_REMSTAG_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPSQ_REMSTAG_MASK (0xffffffffUL << I40IWQPSQ_REMSTAG_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_REMTO_SHIFT I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_SHIFT +#define I40IWQPSQ_REMTO_MASK I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_MASK + +/* memory window */ +#define I40IWQPSQ_STAGRIGHTS_SHIFT 48 +#define I40IWQPSQ_STAGRIGHTS_MASK (0x1fULL << I40IWQPSQ_STAGRIGHTS_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_VABASEDTO_SHIFT 53 +#define I40IWQPSQ_VABASEDTO_MASK (1ULL << I40IWQPSQ_VABASEDTO_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_MWLEN_SHIFT I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_SHIFT +#define I40IWQPSQ_MWLEN_MASK I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_MASK + +#define I40IWQPSQ_PARENTMRSTAG_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPSQ_PARENTMRSTAG_MASK \ + (0xffffffffUL << I40IWQPSQ_PARENTMRSTAG_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_MWSTAG_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPSQ_MWSTAG_MASK (0xffffffffULL << I40IWQPSQ_MWSTAG_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_BASEVA_TO_FBO_SHIFT I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_SHIFT +#define I40IWQPSQ_BASEVA_TO_FBO_MASK I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_MASK + +/* Local Invalidate */ +#define I40IWQPSQ_LOCSTAG_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IWQPSQ_LOCSTAG_MASK (0xffffffffULL << I40IWQPSQ_LOCSTAG_SHIFT) + +/* Fast Register */ +#define I40IWQPSQ_STAGKEY_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPSQ_STAGKEY_MASK (0xffUL << I40IWQPSQ_STAGKEY_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_STAGINDEX_SHIFT 8 +#define I40IWQPSQ_STAGINDEX_MASK (0xffffffUL << I40IWQPSQ_STAGINDEX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_COPYHOSTPBLS_SHIFT 43 +#define I40IWQPSQ_COPYHOSTPBLS_MASK (1ULL << I40IWQPSQ_COPYHOSTPBLS_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_LPBLSIZE_SHIFT 44 +#define I40IWQPSQ_LPBLSIZE_MASK (3ULL << I40IWQPSQ_LPBLSIZE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_HPAGESIZE_SHIFT 46 +#define I40IWQPSQ_HPAGESIZE_MASK (3ULL << I40IWQPSQ_HPAGESIZE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_STAGLEN_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPSQ_STAGLEN_MASK (0x1ffffffffffULL << I40IWQPSQ_STAGLEN_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_FIRSTPMPBLIDXLO_SHIFT 48 +#define I40IWQPSQ_FIRSTPMPBLIDXLO_MASK \ + (0xffffULL << I40IWQPSQ_FIRSTPMPBLIDXLO_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_FIRSTPMPBLIDXHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IWQPSQ_FIRSTPMPBLIDXHI_MASK \ + (0xfffUL << I40IWQPSQ_FIRSTPMPBLIDXHI_SHIFT) + +#define I40IWQPSQ_PBLADDR_SHIFT 12 +#define I40IWQPSQ_PBLADDR_MASK (0xfffffffffffffULL << I40IWQPSQ_PBLADDR_SHIFT) + +/* iwarp QP RQ WQE common fields */ +#define I40IWQPRQ_ADDFRAGCNT_SHIFT I40IWQPSQ_ADDFRAGCNT_SHIFT +#define I40IWQPRQ_ADDFRAGCNT_MASK I40IWQPSQ_ADDFRAGCNT_MASK + +#define I40IWQPRQ_VALID_SHIFT I40IWQPSQ_VALID_SHIFT +#define I40IWQPRQ_VALID_MASK I40IWQPSQ_VALID_MASK + +#define I40IWQPRQ_COMPLCTX_SHIFT I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_SHIFT +#define I40IWQPRQ_COMPLCTX_MASK I40IW_CQPHC_QPCTX_MASK + +#define I40IWQPRQ_FRAG_LEN_SHIFT I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_LEN_SHIFT +#define I40IWQPRQ_FRAG_LEN_MASK I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_LEN_MASK + +#define I40IWQPRQ_STAG_SHIFT I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_STAG_SHIFT +#define I40IWQPRQ_STAG_MASK I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_STAG_MASK + +#define I40IWQPRQ_TO_SHIFT I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_TO_SHIFT +#define I40IWQPRQ_TO_MASK I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_TO_MASK + +/* Query FPM CQP buf */ +#define I40IW_QUERY_FPM_MAX_CQS_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_QUERY_FPM_MAX_CQS_MASK \ + (0x3ffffUL << I40IW_QUERY_FPM_MAX_CQS_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_QUERY_FPM_FIRST_PE_SD_INDEX_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_QUERY_FPM_FIRST_PE_SD_INDEX_MASK \ + (0x3fffUL << I40IW_QUERY_FPM_FIRST_PE_SD_INDEX_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_QUERY_FPM_MAX_PE_SDS_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_QUERY_FPM_MAX_PE_SDS_MASK \ + (0x3fffULL << I40IW_QUERY_FPM_MAX_PE_SDS_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_QUERY_FPM_MAX_QPS_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_QUERY_FPM_MAX_QPS_MASK \ + (0x7ffffUL << I40IW_QUERY_FPM_MAX_QPS_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_QUERY_FPM_MAX_CQS_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_QUERY_FPM_MAX_CQS_MASK \ + (0x3ffffUL << I40IW_QUERY_FPM_MAX_CQS_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_QUERY_FPM_MAX_CEQS_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_QUERY_FPM_MAX_CEQS_MASK \ + (0xffUL << I40IW_QUERY_FPM_MAX_CEQS_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_QUERY_FPM_XFBLOCKSIZE_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_QUERY_FPM_XFBLOCKSIZE_MASK \ + (0xffffffffULL << I40IW_QUERY_FPM_XFBLOCKSIZE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_QUERY_FPM_Q1BLOCKSIZE_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_QUERY_FPM_Q1BLOCKSIZE_MASK \ + (0xffffffffULL << I40IW_QUERY_FPM_Q1BLOCKSIZE_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_QUERY_FPM_HTMULTIPLIER_SHIFT 16 +#define I40IW_QUERY_FPM_HTMULTIPLIER_MASK \ + (0xfUL << I40IW_QUERY_FPM_HTMULTIPLIER_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_QUERY_FPM_TIMERBUCKET_SHIFT 32 +#define I40IW_QUERY_FPM_TIMERBUCKET_MASK \ + (0xffFFULL << I40IW_QUERY_FPM_TIMERBUCKET_SHIFT) + +/* Static HMC pages allocated buf */ +#define I40IW_SHMC_PAGE_ALLOCATED_HMC_FN_ID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40IW_SHMC_PAGE_ALLOCATED_HMC_FN_ID_MASK \ + (0x3fUL << I40IW_SHMC_PAGE_ALLOCATED_HMC_FN_ID_SHIFT) + +#define I40IW_HW_PAGE_SIZE 4096 +#define I40IW_DONE_COUNT 1000 +#define I40IW_SLEEP_COUNT 10 + +enum { + I40IW_QUEUES_ALIGNMENT_MASK = (128 - 1), + I40IW_AEQ_ALIGNMENT_MASK = (256 - 1), + I40IW_Q2_ALIGNMENT_MASK = (256 - 1), + I40IW_CEQ_ALIGNMENT_MASK = (256 - 1), + I40IW_CQ0_ALIGNMENT_MASK = (256 - 1), + I40IW_HOST_CTX_ALIGNMENT_MASK = (4 - 1), + I40IW_SHADOWAREA_MASK = (128 - 1), + I40IW_FPM_QUERY_BUF_ALIGNMENT_MASK = (4 - 1), + I40IW_FPM_COMMIT_BUF_ALIGNMENT_MASK = (4 - 1) +}; + +enum i40iw_alignment { + I40IW_CQP_ALIGNMENT = 0x200, + I40IW_AEQ_ALIGNMENT = 0x100, + I40IW_CEQ_ALIGNMENT = 0x100, + I40IW_CQ0_ALIGNMENT = 0x100, + I40IW_SD_BUF_ALIGNMENT = 0x100 +}; + +#define I40IW_WQE_SIZE_64 64 + +#define I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE 32 +#define I40IW_QP_WQE_MAX_SIZE 128 + +#define I40IW_CQE_QTYPE_RQ 0 +#define I40IW_CQE_QTYPE_SQ 1 + +#define I40IW_RING_INIT(_ring, _size) \ + { \ + (_ring).head = 0; \ + (_ring).tail = 0; \ + (_ring).size = (_size); \ + } +#define I40IW_RING_GETSIZE(_ring) ((_ring).size) +#define I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD(_ring) ((_ring).head) +#define I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_TAIL(_ring) ((_ring).tail) + +#define I40IW_RING_MOVE_HEAD(_ring, _retcode) \ + { \ + register u32 size; \ + size = (_ring).size; \ + if (!I40IW_RING_FULL_ERR(_ring)) { \ + (_ring).head = ((_ring).head + 1) % size; \ + (_retcode) = 0; \ + } else { \ + (_retcode) = I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; \ + } \ + } + +#define I40IW_RING_MOVE_HEAD_BY_COUNT(_ring, _count, _retcode) \ + { \ + register u32 size; \ + size = (_ring).size; \ + if ((I40IW_RING_WORK_AVAILABLE(_ring) + (_count)) < size) { \ + (_ring).head = ((_ring).head + (_count)) % size; \ + (_retcode) = 0; \ + } else { \ + (_retcode) = I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; \ + } \ + } + +#define I40IW_RING_MOVE_TAIL(_ring) \ + (_ring).tail = ((_ring).tail + 1) % (_ring).size + +#define I40IW_RING_MOVE_HEAD_NOCHECK(_ring) \ + (_ring).head = ((_ring).head + 1) % (_ring).size + +#define I40IW_RING_MOVE_TAIL_BY_COUNT(_ring, _count) \ + (_ring).tail = ((_ring).tail + (_count)) % (_ring).size + +#define I40IW_RING_SET_TAIL(_ring, _pos) \ + (_ring).tail = (_pos) % (_ring).size + +#define I40IW_RING_FULL_ERR(_ring) \ + ( \ + (I40IW_RING_WORK_AVAILABLE(_ring) == ((_ring).size - 1)) \ + ) + +#define I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL2(_ring) \ + ( \ + (I40IW_RING_WORK_AVAILABLE(_ring) == ((_ring).size - 2)) \ + ) + +#define I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL3(_ring) \ + ( \ + (I40IW_RING_WORK_AVAILABLE(_ring) == ((_ring).size - 3)) \ + ) + +#define I40IW_RING_MORE_WORK(_ring) \ + ( \ + (I40IW_RING_WORK_AVAILABLE(_ring) != 0) \ + ) + +#define I40IW_RING_WORK_AVAILABLE(_ring) \ + ( \ + (((_ring).head + (_ring).size - (_ring).tail) % (_ring).size) \ + ) + +#define I40IW_RING_GET_WQES_AVAILABLE(_ring) \ + ( \ + ((_ring).size - I40IW_RING_WORK_AVAILABLE(_ring) - 1) \ + ) + +#define I40IW_ATOMIC_RING_MOVE_HEAD(_ring, index, _retcode) \ + { \ + index = I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD(_ring); \ + I40IW_RING_MOVE_HEAD(_ring, _retcode); \ + } + +/* Async Events codes */ +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_UNALLOCATED_STAG 0x0102 +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_INVALID_STAG 0x0103 +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_BAD_QP 0x0104 +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_BAD_PD 0x0105 +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_BAD_STAG_KEY 0x0106 +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_BAD_STAG_INDEX 0x0107 +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_BOUNDS_VIOLATION 0x0108 +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_RIGHTS_VIOLATION 0x0109 +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_TO_WRAP 0x010a +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_FASTREG_SHARED 0x010b +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_FASTREG_VALID_STAG 0x010c +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_FASTREG_MW_STAG 0x010d +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_FASTREG_INVALID_RIGHTS 0x010e +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_FASTREG_PBL_TABLE_OVERFLOW 0x010f +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_FASTREG_INVALID_LENGTH 0x0110 +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_INVALIDATE_SHARED 0x0111 +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_INVALIDATE_NO_REMOTE_ACCESS_RIGHTS 0x0112 +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_INVALIDATE_MR_WITH_BOUND_WINDOWS 0x0113 +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_MWBIND_VALID_STAG 0x0114 +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_MWBIND_OF_MR_STAG 0x0115 +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_MWBIND_TO_ZERO_BASED_STAG 0x0116 +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_MWBIND_TO_MW_STAG 0x0117 +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_MWBIND_INVALID_RIGHTS 0x0118 +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_MWBIND_INVALID_BOUNDS 0x0119 +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_MWBIND_TO_INVALID_PARENT 0x011a +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_MWBIND_BIND_DISABLED 0x011b +#define I40IW_AE_AMP_WQE_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x0130 +#define I40IW_AE_BAD_CLOSE 0x0201 +#define I40IW_AE_RDMAP_ROE_BAD_LLP_CLOSE 0x0202 +#define I40IW_AE_CQ_OPERATION_ERROR 0x0203 +#define I40IW_AE_PRIV_OPERATION_DENIED 0x011c +#define I40IW_AE_RDMA_READ_WHILE_ORD_ZERO 0x0205 +#define I40IW_AE_STAG_ZERO_INVALID 0x0206 +#define I40IW_AE_IB_RREQ_AND_Q1_FULL 0x0207 +#define I40IW_AE_SRQ_LIMIT 0x0209 +#define I40IW_AE_WQE_UNEXPECTED_OPCODE 0x020a +#define I40IW_AE_WQE_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x020b +#define I40IW_AE_WQE_LSMM_TOO_LONG 0x0220 +#define I40IW_AE_DDP_INVALID_MSN_GAP_IN_MSN 0x0301 +#define I40IW_AE_DDP_INVALID_MSN_RANGE_IS_NOT_VALID 0x0302 +#define I40IW_AE_DDP_UBE_DDP_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG_FOR_AVAILABLE_BUFFER 0x0303 +#define I40IW_AE_DDP_UBE_INVALID_DDP_VERSION 0x0304 +#define I40IW_AE_DDP_UBE_INVALID_MO 0x0305 +#define I40IW_AE_DDP_UBE_INVALID_MSN_NO_BUFFER_AVAILABLE 0x0306 +#define I40IW_AE_DDP_UBE_INVALID_QN 0x0307 +#define I40IW_AE_DDP_NO_L_BIT 0x0308 +#define I40IW_AE_RDMAP_ROE_INVALID_RDMAP_VERSION 0x0311 +#define I40IW_AE_RDMAP_ROE_UNEXPECTED_OPCODE 0x0312 +#define I40IW_AE_ROE_INVALID_RDMA_READ_REQUEST 0x0313 +#define I40IW_AE_ROE_INVALID_RDMA_WRITE_OR_READ_RESP 0x0314 +#define I40IW_AE_INVALID_ARP_ENTRY 0x0401 +#define I40IW_AE_INVALID_TCP_OPTION_RCVD 0x0402 +#define I40IW_AE_STALE_ARP_ENTRY 0x0403 +#define I40IW_AE_INVALID_WQE_LENGTH 0x0404 +#define I40IW_AE_INVALID_MAC_ENTRY 0x0405 +#define I40IW_AE_LLP_CLOSE_COMPLETE 0x0501 +#define I40IW_AE_LLP_CONNECTION_RESET 0x0502 +#define I40IW_AE_LLP_FIN_RECEIVED 0x0503 +#define I40IW_AE_LLP_RECEIVED_MARKER_AND_LENGTH_FIELDS_DONT_MATCH 0x0504 +#define I40IW_AE_LLP_RECEIVED_MPA_CRC_ERROR 0x0505 +#define I40IW_AE_LLP_SEGMENT_TOO_LARGE 0x0506 +#define I40IW_AE_LLP_SEGMENT_TOO_SMALL 0x0507 +#define I40IW_AE_LLP_SYN_RECEIVED 0x0508 +#define I40IW_AE_LLP_TERMINATE_RECEIVED 0x0509 +#define I40IW_AE_LLP_TOO_MANY_RETRIES 0x050a +#define I40IW_AE_LLP_TOO_MANY_KEEPALIVE_RETRIES 0x050b +#define I40IW_AE_LLP_DOUBT_REACHABILITY 0x050c +#define I40IW_AE_LLP_RX_VLAN_MISMATCH 0x050d +#define I40IW_AE_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTION 0x0520 +#define I40IW_AE_RESET_SENT 0x0601 +#define I40IW_AE_TERMINATE_SENT 0x0602 +#define I40IW_AE_RESET_NOT_SENT 0x0603 +#define I40IW_AE_LCE_QP_CATASTROPHIC 0x0700 +#define I40IW_AE_LCE_FUNCTION_CATASTROPHIC 0x0701 +#define I40IW_AE_LCE_CQ_CATASTROPHIC 0x0702 +#define I40IW_AE_UDA_XMIT_FRAG_SEQ 0x0800 +#define I40IW_AE_UDA_XMIT_DGRAM_TOO_LONG 0x0801 +#define I40IW_AE_UDA_XMIT_IPADDR_MISMATCH 0x0802 +#define I40IW_AE_QP_SUSPEND_COMPLETE 0x0900 + +#define OP_DELETE_LOCAL_MAC_IPADDR_ENTRY 1 +#define OP_CEQ_DESTROY 2 +#define OP_AEQ_DESTROY 3 +#define OP_DELETE_ARP_CACHE_ENTRY 4 +#define OP_MANAGE_APBVT_ENTRY 5 +#define OP_CEQ_CREATE 6 +#define OP_AEQ_CREATE 7 +#define OP_ALLOC_LOCAL_MAC_IPADDR_ENTRY 8 +#define OP_ADD_LOCAL_MAC_IPADDR_ENTRY 9 +#define OP_MANAGE_QHASH_TABLE_ENTRY 10 +#define OP_QP_MODIFY 11 +#define OP_QP_UPLOAD_CONTEXT 12 +#define OP_CQ_CREATE 13 +#define OP_CQ_DESTROY 14 +#define OP_QP_CREATE 15 +#define OP_QP_DESTROY 16 +#define OP_ALLOC_STAG 17 +#define OP_MR_REG_NON_SHARED 18 +#define OP_DEALLOC_STAG 19 +#define OP_MW_ALLOC 20 +#define OP_QP_FLUSH_WQES 21 +#define OP_ADD_ARP_CACHE_ENTRY 22 +#define OP_MANAGE_PUSH_PAGE 23 +#define OP_UPDATE_PE_SDS 24 +#define OP_MANAGE_HMC_PM_FUNC_TABLE 25 +#define OP_SUSPEND 26 +#define OP_RESUME 27 +#define OP_MANAGE_VF_PBLE_BP 28 +#define OP_QUERY_FPM_VALUES 29 +#define OP_COMMIT_FPM_VALUES 30 +#define OP_REQUESTED_COMMANDS 31 +#define OP_COMPLETED_COMMANDS 32 +#define OP_SIZE_CQP_STAT_ARRAY 33 + +#endif Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_hmc.h =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_hmc.h @@ -0,0 +1,239 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#ifndef I40IW_HMC_H +#define I40IW_HMC_H + +#include "i40iw_d.h" + +struct i40iw_hw; +enum i40iw_status_code; + +#define I40IW_HMC_MAX_BP_COUNT 512 +#define I40IW_MAX_SD_ENTRIES 11 +#define I40IW_HW_DBG_HMC_INVALID_BP_MARK 0xCA + +#define I40IW_HMC_INFO_SIGNATURE 0x484D5347 +#define I40IW_HMC_PD_CNT_IN_SD 512 +#define I40IW_HMC_DIRECT_BP_SIZE 0x200000 +#define I40IW_HMC_MAX_SD_COUNT 4096 +#define I40IW_HMC_PAGED_BP_SIZE 4096 +#define I40IW_HMC_PD_BP_BUF_ALIGNMENT 4096 +#define I40IW_FIRST_VF_FPM_ID 16 +#define FPM_MULTIPLIER 1024 + +#define I40IW_INC_SD_REFCNT(sd_table) ((sd_table)->ref_cnt++) +#define I40IW_INC_PD_REFCNT(pd_table) ((pd_table)->ref_cnt++) +#define I40IW_INC_BP_REFCNT(bp) ((bp)->ref_cnt++) + +#define I40IW_DEC_SD_REFCNT(sd_table) ((sd_table)->ref_cnt--) +#define I40IW_DEC_PD_REFCNT(pd_table) ((pd_table)->ref_cnt--) +#define I40IW_DEC_BP_REFCNT(bp) ((bp)->ref_cnt--) + +/** + * I40IW_INVALIDATE_PF_HMC_PD - Invalidates the pd cache in the hardware + * @hw: pointer to our hw struct + * @sd_idx: segment descriptor index + * @pd_idx: page descriptor index + */ +#define I40IW_INVALIDATE_PF_HMC_PD(hw, sd_idx, pd_idx) \ + wr32((hw), I40E_PFHMC_PDINV, \ + (((sd_idx) << I40E_PFHMC_PDINV_PMSDIDX_SHIFT) | \ + (0x1 << I40E_PFHMC_PDINV_PMSDPARTSEL_SHIFT) | \ + ((pd_idx) << I40E_PFHMC_PDINV_PMPDIDX_SHIFT))) + +/** + * I40IW_INVALIDATE_VF_HMC_PD - Invalidates the pd cache in the hardware + * @hw: pointer to our hw struct + * @sd_idx: segment descriptor index + * @pd_idx: page descriptor index + * @hmc_fn_id: VF's function id + */ +#define I40IW_INVALIDATE_VF_HMC_PD(hw, sd_idx, pd_idx, hmc_fn_id) \ + wr32(hw, I40E_GLHMC_VFPDINV(hmc_fn_id - I40IW_FIRST_VF_FPM_ID), \ + ((sd_idx << I40E_PFHMC_PDINV_PMSDIDX_SHIFT) | \ + (pd_idx << I40E_PFHMC_PDINV_PMPDIDX_SHIFT))) + +struct i40iw_hmc_obj_info { + u64 base; + u32 max_cnt; + u32 cnt; + u64 size; +}; + +enum i40iw_sd_entry_type { + I40IW_SD_TYPE_INVALID = 0, + I40IW_SD_TYPE_PAGED = 1, + I40IW_SD_TYPE_DIRECT = 2 +}; + +struct i40iw_hmc_bp { + enum i40iw_sd_entry_type entry_type; + struct i40iw_dma_mem addr; + u32 sd_pd_index; + u32 ref_cnt; +}; + +struct i40iw_hmc_pd_entry { + struct i40iw_hmc_bp bp; + u32 sd_index; + bool rsrc_pg; + bool valid; +}; + +struct i40iw_hmc_pd_table { + struct i40iw_dma_mem pd_page_addr; + struct i40iw_hmc_pd_entry *pd_entry; + struct i40iw_virt_mem pd_entry_virt_mem; + u32 ref_cnt; + u32 sd_index; +}; + +struct i40iw_hmc_sd_entry { + enum i40iw_sd_entry_type entry_type; + bool valid; + + union { + struct i40iw_hmc_pd_table pd_table; + struct i40iw_hmc_bp bp; + } u; +}; + +struct i40iw_hmc_sd_table { + struct i40iw_virt_mem addr; + u32 sd_cnt; + u32 ref_cnt; + struct i40iw_hmc_sd_entry *sd_entry; +}; + +struct i40iw_hmc_info { + u32 signature; + u8 hmc_fn_id; + u16 first_sd_index; + + struct i40iw_hmc_obj_info *hmc_obj; + struct i40iw_virt_mem hmc_obj_virt_mem; + struct i40iw_hmc_sd_table sd_table; + u16 sd_indexes[I40IW_HMC_MAX_SD_COUNT]; +}; + +struct update_sd_entry { + u64 cmd; + u64 data; +}; + +struct i40iw_update_sds_info { + u32 cnt; + u8 hmc_fn_id; + struct update_sd_entry entry[I40IW_MAX_SD_ENTRIES]; +}; + +struct i40iw_ccq_cqe_info; +struct i40iw_hmc_fcn_info { + void (*callback_fcn)(struct i40iw_sc_dev *, void *, + struct i40iw_ccq_cqe_info *); + void *cqp_callback_param; + u32 vf_id; + u16 iw_vf_idx; + bool free_fcn; +}; + +enum i40iw_hmc_rsrc_type { + I40IW_HMC_IW_QP = 0, + I40IW_HMC_IW_CQ = 1, + I40IW_HMC_IW_SRQ = 2, + I40IW_HMC_IW_HTE = 3, + I40IW_HMC_IW_ARP = 4, + I40IW_HMC_IW_APBVT_ENTRY = 5, + I40IW_HMC_IW_MR = 6, + I40IW_HMC_IW_XF = 7, + I40IW_HMC_IW_XFFL = 8, + I40IW_HMC_IW_Q1 = 9, + I40IW_HMC_IW_Q1FL = 10, + I40IW_HMC_IW_TIMER = 11, + I40IW_HMC_IW_FSIMC = 12, + I40IW_HMC_IW_FSIAV = 13, + I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE = 14, + I40IW_HMC_IW_MAX = 15, +}; + +struct i40iw_hmc_create_obj_info { + struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info; + struct i40iw_virt_mem add_sd_virt_mem; + u32 rsrc_type; + u32 start_idx; + u32 count; + u32 add_sd_cnt; + enum i40iw_sd_entry_type entry_type; + bool is_pf; +}; + +struct i40iw_hmc_del_obj_info { + struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info; + struct i40iw_virt_mem del_sd_virt_mem; + u32 rsrc_type; + u32 start_idx; + u32 count; + u32 del_sd_cnt; + bool is_pf; +}; + +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_copy_dma_mem(struct i40iw_hw *hw, void *dest_buf, + struct i40iw_dma_mem *src_mem, u64 src_offset, u64 size); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_sc_create_hmc_obj(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_hmc_create_obj_info *info); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_sc_del_hmc_obj(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_hmc_del_obj_info *info, + bool reset); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_hmc_sd_one(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, u8 hmc_fn_id, + u64 pa, u32 sd_idx, enum i40iw_sd_entry_type type, + bool setsd); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_update_sds_noccq(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_update_sds_info *info); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_add_sd_table_entry(struct i40iw_hw *hw, + struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info, u32 sd_index, + enum i40iw_sd_entry_type type, u64 direct_mode_sz); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_add_pd_table_entry(struct i40iw_hw *hw, + struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info, u32 pd_index, + struct i40iw_dma_mem *rsrc_pg); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_remove_pd_bp(struct i40iw_hw *hw, + struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info, u32 idx, bool is_pf); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_prep_remove_sd_bp(struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info, u32 idx); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_prep_remove_pd_page(struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info, u32 idx); + +#define ENTER_SHARED_FUNCTION() +#define EXIT_SHARED_FUNCTION() + +#endif /* I40IW_HMC_H */ Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_hmc.c =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_hmc.c @@ -0,0 +1,741 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#include "i40iw_osdep.h" +#include "i40iw_register.h" +#include "i40iw_status.h" +#include "i40iw_hmc.h" +#include "i40iw_d.h" +#include "i40iw_type.h" +#include "i40iw_p.h" + +/** + * i40iw_find_sd_index_limit - finds segment descriptor index limit + * @hmc_info: pointer to the HMC configuration information structure + * @type: type of HMC resources we're searching + * @index: starting index for the object + * @cnt: number of objects we're trying to create + * @sd_idx: pointer to return index of the segment descriptor in question + * @sd_limit: pointer to return the maximum number of segment descriptors + * + * This function calculates the segment descriptor index and index limit + * for the resource defined by i40iw_hmc_rsrc_type. + */ + +static void +i40iw_find_sd_index_limit(struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info, + u32 type, + u32 idx, + u32 cnt, + u32 * sd_idx, + u32 * sd_limit) +{ + u64 fpm_addr, fpm_limit; + + fpm_addr = hmc_info->hmc_obj[(type)].base + + hmc_info->hmc_obj[type].size * idx; + fpm_limit = fpm_addr + hmc_info->hmc_obj[type].size * cnt; + *sd_idx = (u32) (fpm_addr / I40IW_HMC_DIRECT_BP_SIZE); + *sd_limit = (u32) ((fpm_limit - 1) / I40IW_HMC_DIRECT_BP_SIZE); + *sd_limit += 1; +} + +/** + * i40iw_find_pd_index_limit - finds page descriptor index limit + * @hmc_info: pointer to the HMC configuration information struct + * @type: HMC resource type we're examining + * @idx: starting index for the object + * @cnt: number of objects we're trying to create + * @pd_index: pointer to return page descriptor index + * @pd_limit: pointer to return page descriptor index limit + * + * Calculates the page descriptor index and index limit for the resource + * defined by i40iw_hmc_rsrc_type. + */ + +static void +i40iw_find_pd_index_limit(struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info, + u32 type, + u32 idx, + u32 cnt, + u32 * pd_idx, + u32 * pd_limit) +{ + u64 fpm_adr, fpm_limit; + + fpm_adr = hmc_info->hmc_obj[type].base + + hmc_info->hmc_obj[type].size * idx; + fpm_limit = fpm_adr + (hmc_info)->hmc_obj[(type)].size * (cnt); + *(pd_idx) = (u32) (fpm_adr / I40IW_HMC_PAGED_BP_SIZE); + *(pd_limit) = (u32) ((fpm_limit - 1) / I40IW_HMC_PAGED_BP_SIZE); + *(pd_limit) += 1; +} + +/** + * i40iw_set_sd_entry - setup entry for sd programming + * @pa: physical addr + * @idx: sd index + * @type: paged or direct sd + * @entry: sd entry ptr + */ +static inline void +i40iw_set_sd_entry(u64 pa, + u32 idx, + enum i40iw_sd_entry_type type, + struct update_sd_entry *entry) +{ + entry->data = pa | (I40IW_HMC_MAX_BP_COUNT << I40E_PFHMC_SDDATALOW_PMSDBPCOUNT_SHIFT) | + (((type == I40IW_SD_TYPE_PAGED) ? 0 : 1) << + I40E_PFHMC_SDDATALOW_PMSDTYPE_SHIFT) | + (1 << I40E_PFHMC_SDDATALOW_PMSDVALID_SHIFT); + entry->cmd = (idx | (1 << I40E_PFHMC_SDCMD_PMSDWR_SHIFT) | (1 << 15)); +} + +/** + * i40iw_clr_sd_entry - setup entry for sd clear + * @idx: sd index + * @type: paged or direct sd + * @entry: sd entry ptr + */ +static inline void +i40iw_clr_sd_entry(u32 idx, enum i40iw_sd_entry_type type, + struct update_sd_entry *entry) +{ + entry->data = (I40IW_HMC_MAX_BP_COUNT << + I40E_PFHMC_SDDATALOW_PMSDBPCOUNT_SHIFT) | + (((type == I40IW_SD_TYPE_PAGED) ? 0 : 1) << + I40E_PFHMC_SDDATALOW_PMSDTYPE_SHIFT); + entry->cmd = (idx | (1 << I40E_PFHMC_SDCMD_PMSDWR_SHIFT) | (1 << 15)); +} + +/** + * i40iw_hmc_sd_one - setup 1 sd entry for cqp + * @dev: pointer to the device structure + * @hmc_fn_id: hmc's function id + * @pa: physical addr + * @sd_idx: sd index + * @type: paged or direct sd + * @setsd: flag to set or clear sd + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_hmc_sd_one(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + u8 hmc_fn_id, + u64 pa, u32 sd_idx, + enum i40iw_sd_entry_type type, + bool setsd) +{ + struct i40iw_update_sds_info sdinfo; + + sdinfo.cnt = 1; + sdinfo.hmc_fn_id = hmc_fn_id; + if (setsd) + i40iw_set_sd_entry(pa, sd_idx, type, sdinfo.entry); + else + i40iw_clr_sd_entry(sd_idx, type, sdinfo.entry); + + return dev->cqp->process_cqp_sds(dev, &sdinfo); +} + +/** + * i40iw_hmc_sd_grp - setup group od sd entries for cqp + * @dev: pointer to the device structure + * @hmc_info: pointer to the HMC configuration information struct + * @sd_index: sd index + * @sd_cnt: number of sd entries + * @setsd: flag to set or clear sd + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_hmc_sd_grp(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info, + u32 sd_index, + u32 sd_cnt, + bool setsd) +{ + struct i40iw_hmc_sd_entry *sd_entry; + struct i40iw_update_sds_info sdinfo; + u64 pa; + u32 i; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + + memset(&sdinfo, 0, sizeof(sdinfo)); + sdinfo.hmc_fn_id = hmc_info->hmc_fn_id; + for (i = sd_index; i < sd_index + sd_cnt; i++) { + sd_entry = &hmc_info->sd_table.sd_entry[i]; + if (!sd_entry || + (!sd_entry->valid && setsd) || + (sd_entry->valid && !setsd)) + continue; + if (setsd) { + pa = (sd_entry->entry_type == I40IW_SD_TYPE_PAGED) ? + sd_entry-> : + sd_entry->; + i40iw_set_sd_entry(pa, i, sd_entry->entry_type, + &sdinfo.entry[sdinfo.cnt]); + } else { + i40iw_clr_sd_entry(i, sd_entry->entry_type, + &sdinfo.entry[sdinfo.cnt]); + } + sdinfo.cnt++; + if (sdinfo.cnt == I40IW_MAX_SD_ENTRIES) { + ret_code = dev->cqp->process_cqp_sds(dev, &sdinfo); + if (ret_code) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_HMC, + "i40iw_hmc_sd_grp: sd_programming failed err=%d\n", + ret_code); + return ret_code; + } + sdinfo.cnt = 0; + } + } + if (sdinfo.cnt) + ret_code = dev->cqp->process_cqp_sds(dev, &sdinfo); + + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * i40iw_hmc_finish_add_sd_reg - program sd entries for objects + * @dev: pointer to the device structure + * @info: create obj info + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_hmc_finish_add_sd_reg(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_hmc_create_obj_info *info) +{ + if (info->start_idx >= info->hmc_info->hmc_obj[info->rsrc_type].cnt) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_HMC_OBJ_INDEX; + + if ((info->start_idx + info->count) > + info->hmc_info->hmc_obj[info->rsrc_type].cnt) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_HMC_OBJ_COUNT; + + if (!info->add_sd_cnt) + return 0; + + return i40iw_hmc_sd_grp(dev, info->hmc_info, + info->hmc_info->sd_indexes[0], + info->add_sd_cnt, TRUE); +} + +/** + * i40iw_create_iw_hmc_obj - allocate backing store for hmc objects + * @dev: pointer to the device structure + * @info: pointer to i40iw_hmc_iw_create_obj_info struct + * + * This will allocate memory for PDs and backing pages and populate + * the sd and pd entries. + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_create_hmc_obj(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_hmc_create_obj_info *info) +{ + struct i40iw_hmc_sd_entry *sd_entry; + u32 sd_idx, sd_lmt; + u32 pd_idx = 0, pd_lmt = 0; + u32 pd_idx1 = 0, pd_lmt1 = 0; + u32 i, j; + bool pd_error = FALSE; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + + if (info->start_idx >= info->hmc_info->hmc_obj[info->rsrc_type].cnt) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_HMC_OBJ_INDEX; + + if ((info->start_idx + info->count) > + info->hmc_info->hmc_obj[info->rsrc_type].cnt) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_HMC, + "%s: error type %u, start = %u, req cnt %u, cnt = %u\n", + __func__, info->rsrc_type, info->start_idx, info->count, + info->hmc_info->hmc_obj[info->rsrc_type].cnt); + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_HMC_OBJ_COUNT; + } + i40iw_find_sd_index_limit(info->hmc_info, info->rsrc_type, + info->start_idx, info->count, + &sd_idx, &sd_lmt); + if (sd_idx >= info->hmc_info->sd_table.sd_cnt || + sd_lmt > info->hmc_info->sd_table.sd_cnt) { + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_SD_INDEX; + } + i40iw_find_pd_index_limit(info->hmc_info, info->rsrc_type, + info->start_idx, info->count, &pd_idx, &pd_lmt); + + for (j = sd_idx; j < sd_lmt; j++) { + ret_code = i40iw_add_sd_table_entry(dev->hw, info->hmc_info, + j, + info->entry_type, + I40IW_HMC_DIRECT_BP_SIZE); + if (ret_code) + goto exit_sd_error; + sd_entry = &info->hmc_info->sd_table.sd_entry[j]; + + if ((sd_entry->entry_type == I40IW_SD_TYPE_PAGED) && + ((dev->hmc_info == info->hmc_info) && + (info->rsrc_type != I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE))) { + pd_idx1 = max(pd_idx, (j * I40IW_HMC_MAX_BP_COUNT)); + pd_lmt1 = min(pd_lmt, + (j + 1) * I40IW_HMC_MAX_BP_COUNT); + for (i = pd_idx1; i < pd_lmt1; i++) { + /* update the pd table entry */ + ret_code = i40iw_add_pd_table_entry(dev->hw, info->hmc_info, + i, NULL); + if (ret_code) { + pd_error = TRUE; + break; + } + } + if (pd_error) { + while (i && (i > pd_idx1)) { + i40iw_remove_pd_bp(dev->hw, info->hmc_info, (i - 1), + info->is_pf); + i--; + } + } + } + if (sd_entry->valid) + continue; + + info->hmc_info->sd_indexes[info->add_sd_cnt] = (u16) j; + info->add_sd_cnt++; + sd_entry->valid = TRUE; + } + return i40iw_hmc_finish_add_sd_reg(dev, info); + +exit_sd_error: + while (j && (j > sd_idx)) { + sd_entry = &info->hmc_info->sd_table.sd_entry[j - 1]; + switch (sd_entry->entry_type) { + case I40IW_SD_TYPE_PAGED: + pd_idx1 = max(pd_idx, + (j - 1) * I40IW_HMC_MAX_BP_COUNT); + pd_lmt1 = min(pd_lmt, (j * I40IW_HMC_MAX_BP_COUNT)); + for (i = pd_idx1; i < pd_lmt1; i++) + i40iw_prep_remove_pd_page(info->hmc_info, i); + break; + case I40IW_SD_TYPE_DIRECT: + i40iw_prep_remove_pd_page(info->hmc_info, (j - 1)); + break; + default: + ret_code = I40IW_ERR_INVALID_SD_TYPE; + break; + } + j--; + } + + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * i40iw_finish_del_sd_reg - delete sd entries for objects + * @dev: pointer to the device structure + * @info: dele obj info + * @reset: TRUE if called before reset + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_finish_del_sd_reg(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_hmc_del_obj_info *info, + bool reset) +{ + struct i40iw_hmc_sd_entry *sd_entry; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + u32 i, sd_idx; + struct i40iw_dma_mem *mem; + + if (dev->is_pf && !reset) + ret_code = i40iw_hmc_sd_grp(dev, info->hmc_info, + info->hmc_info->sd_indexes[0], + info->del_sd_cnt, FALSE); + + if (ret_code) + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_HMC, "%s: error cqp sd sd_grp\n", __func__); + + for (i = 0; i < info->del_sd_cnt; i++) { + sd_idx = info->hmc_info->sd_indexes[i]; + sd_entry = &info->hmc_info->sd_table.sd_entry[sd_idx]; + if (!sd_entry) + continue; + mem = (sd_entry->entry_type == I40IW_SD_TYPE_PAGED) ? + &sd_entry->u.pd_table.pd_page_addr : + &sd_entry->u.bp.addr; + + if (!mem || !mem->va) + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_HMC, "%s: error cqp sd mem\n", __func__); + else + i40iw_free_dma_mem(dev->hw, mem); + } + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * i40iw_del_iw_hmc_obj - remove pe hmc objects + * @dev: pointer to the device structure + * @info: pointer to i40iw_hmc_del_obj_info struct + * @reset: TRUE if called before reset + * + * This will de-populate the SDs and PDs. It frees + * the memory for PDS and backing storage. After this function is returned, + * caller should deallocate memory allocated previously for + * book-keeping information about PDs and backing storage. + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_sc_del_hmc_obj(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_hmc_del_obj_info *info, + bool reset) +{ + struct i40iw_hmc_pd_table *pd_table; + u32 sd_idx, sd_lmt; + u32 pd_idx, pd_lmt, rel_pd_idx; + u32 i, j; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + + if (info->start_idx >= info->hmc_info->hmc_obj[info->rsrc_type].cnt) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_HMC, + "%s: error start_idx[%04d] >= [type %04d].cnt[%04d]\n", + __func__, info->start_idx, info->rsrc_type, + info->hmc_info->hmc_obj[info->rsrc_type].cnt); + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_HMC_OBJ_INDEX; + } + if ((info->start_idx + info->count) > + info->hmc_info->hmc_obj[info->rsrc_type].cnt) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_HMC, + "%s: error start_idx[%04d] + count %04d >= [type %04d].cnt[%04d]\n", + __func__, info->start_idx, info->count, + info->rsrc_type, + info->hmc_info->hmc_obj[info->rsrc_type].cnt); + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_HMC_OBJ_COUNT; + } + i40iw_find_pd_index_limit(info->hmc_info, info->rsrc_type, + info->start_idx, info->count, &pd_idx, &pd_lmt); + + for (j = pd_idx; j < pd_lmt; j++) { + sd_idx = j / I40IW_HMC_PD_CNT_IN_SD; + + if (info->hmc_info->sd_table.sd_entry[sd_idx].entry_type != + I40IW_SD_TYPE_PAGED) + continue; + + rel_pd_idx = j % I40IW_HMC_PD_CNT_IN_SD; + pd_table = &info->hmc_info->sd_table.sd_entry[sd_idx].u.pd_table; + if (pd_table->pd_entry[rel_pd_idx].valid) { + ret_code = i40iw_remove_pd_bp(dev->hw, info->hmc_info, j, + info->is_pf); + if (ret_code) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_HMC, "%s: error\n", __func__); + return ret_code; + } + } + } + + i40iw_find_sd_index_limit(info->hmc_info, info->rsrc_type, + info->start_idx, info->count, &sd_idx, &sd_lmt); + if (sd_idx >= info->hmc_info->sd_table.sd_cnt || + sd_lmt > info->hmc_info->sd_table.sd_cnt) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_HMC, "%s: error invalid sd_idx\n", __func__); + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_SD_INDEX; + } + for (i = sd_idx; i < sd_lmt; i++) { + if (!info->hmc_info->sd_table.sd_entry[i].valid) + continue; + switch (info->hmc_info->sd_table.sd_entry[i].entry_type) { + case I40IW_SD_TYPE_DIRECT: + ret_code = i40iw_prep_remove_sd_bp(info->hmc_info, i); + if (!ret_code) { + info->hmc_info->sd_indexes[info->del_sd_cnt] = (u16) i; + info->del_sd_cnt++; + } + break; + case I40IW_SD_TYPE_PAGED: + ret_code = i40iw_prep_remove_pd_page(info->hmc_info, i); + if (!ret_code) { + info->hmc_info->sd_indexes[info->del_sd_cnt] = (u16) i; + info->del_sd_cnt++; + } + break; + default: + break; + } + } + return i40iw_finish_del_sd_reg(dev, info, reset); +} + +/** + * i40iw_add_sd_table_entry - Adds a segment descriptor to the table + * @hw: pointer to our hw struct + * @hmc_info: pointer to the HMC configuration information struct + * @sd_index: segment descriptor index to manipulate + * @type: what type of segment descriptor we're manipulating + * @direct_mode_sz: size to alloc in direct mode + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_add_sd_table_entry(struct i40iw_hw *hw, + struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info, + u32 sd_index, + enum i40iw_sd_entry_type type, + u64 direct_mode_sz) +{ + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + struct i40iw_hmc_sd_entry *sd_entry; + bool dma_mem_alloc_done = FALSE; + struct i40iw_dma_mem mem; + u64 alloc_len; + + sd_entry = &hmc_info->sd_table.sd_entry[sd_index]; + if (!sd_entry->valid) { + if (type == I40IW_SD_TYPE_PAGED) + alloc_len = I40IW_HMC_PAGED_BP_SIZE; + else + alloc_len = direct_mode_sz; + + /* allocate a 4K pd page or 2M backing page */ + ret_code = i40iw_allocate_dma_mem(hw, &mem, alloc_len, + I40IW_HMC_PD_BP_BUF_ALIGNMENT); + if (ret_code) + goto exit; + dma_mem_alloc_done = TRUE; + if (type == I40IW_SD_TYPE_PAGED) { + ret_code = i40iw_allocate_virt_mem(hw, + &sd_entry->u.pd_table.pd_entry_virt_mem, + sizeof(struct i40iw_hmc_pd_entry) * 512); + if (ret_code) + goto exit; + sd_entry->u.pd_table.pd_entry = (struct i40iw_hmc_pd_entry *) + sd_entry->; + + i40iw_memcpy(&sd_entry->u.pd_table.pd_page_addr, &mem, sizeof(struct i40iw_dma_mem)); + } else { + i40iw_memcpy(&sd_entry->u.bp.addr, &mem, sizeof(struct i40iw_dma_mem)); + sd_entry->u.bp.sd_pd_index = sd_index; + } + + hmc_info->sd_table.sd_entry[sd_index].entry_type = type; + + I40IW_INC_SD_REFCNT(&hmc_info->sd_table); + } + if (sd_entry->entry_type == I40IW_SD_TYPE_DIRECT) + I40IW_INC_BP_REFCNT(&sd_entry->u.bp); +exit: + if (ret_code) + if (dma_mem_alloc_done) + i40iw_free_dma_mem(hw, &mem); + + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * i40iw_add_pd_table_entry - Adds page descriptor to the specified table + * @hw: pointer to our HW structure + * @hmc_info: pointer to the HMC configuration information structure + * @pd_index: which page descriptor index to manipulate + * @rsrc_pg: if not NULL, use preallocated page instead of allocating new one. + * + * This function: + * 1. Initializes the pd entry + * 2. Adds pd_entry in the pd_table + * 3. Mark the entry valid in i40iw_hmc_pd_entry structure + * 4. Initializes the pd_entry's ref count to 1 + * assumptions: + * 1. The memory for pd should be pinned down, physically contiguous and + * aligned on 4K boundary and zeroed memory. + * 2. It should be 4K in size. + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_add_pd_table_entry(struct i40iw_hw *hw, + struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info, + u32 pd_index, + struct i40iw_dma_mem *rsrc_pg) +{ + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + struct i40iw_hmc_pd_table *pd_table; + struct i40iw_hmc_pd_entry *pd_entry; + struct i40iw_dma_mem mem; + struct i40iw_dma_mem *page = &mem; + u32 sd_idx, rel_pd_idx; + u64 *pd_addr; + u64 page_desc; + + if (pd_index / I40IW_HMC_PD_CNT_IN_SD >= hmc_info->sd_table.sd_cnt) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_PAGE_DESC_INDEX; + + sd_idx = (pd_index / I40IW_HMC_PD_CNT_IN_SD); + if (hmc_info->sd_table.sd_entry[sd_idx].entry_type != I40IW_SD_TYPE_PAGED) + return 0; + + rel_pd_idx = (pd_index % I40IW_HMC_PD_CNT_IN_SD); + pd_table = &hmc_info->sd_table.sd_entry[sd_idx].u.pd_table; + pd_entry = &pd_table->pd_entry[rel_pd_idx]; + if (!pd_entry->valid) { + if (rsrc_pg) { + pd_entry->rsrc_pg = TRUE; + page = rsrc_pg; + } else { + ret_code = i40iw_allocate_dma_mem(hw, page, + I40IW_HMC_PAGED_BP_SIZE, + I40IW_HMC_PD_BP_BUF_ALIGNMENT); + if (ret_code) + return ret_code; + pd_entry->rsrc_pg = FALSE; + } + + i40iw_memcpy(&pd_entry->bp.addr, page, sizeof(struct i40iw_dma_mem)); + pd_entry->bp.sd_pd_index = pd_index; + pd_entry->bp.entry_type = I40IW_SD_TYPE_PAGED; + page_desc = page->pa | 0x1; + + pd_addr = (u64 *) pd_table->; + pd_addr += rel_pd_idx; + + i40iw_memcpy(pd_addr, &page_desc, sizeof(*pd_addr)); + + pd_entry->sd_index = sd_idx; + pd_entry->valid = TRUE; + I40IW_INC_PD_REFCNT(pd_table); + if (hmc_info->hmc_fn_id < I40IW_FIRST_VF_FPM_ID) + I40IW_INVALIDATE_PF_HMC_PD(hw, sd_idx, rel_pd_idx); + else if (hw->hmc.hmc_fn_id != hmc_info->hmc_fn_id) + I40IW_INVALIDATE_VF_HMC_PD(hw, sd_idx, rel_pd_idx, + hmc_info->hmc_fn_id); + } + I40IW_INC_BP_REFCNT(&pd_entry->bp); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_remove_pd_bp - remove a backing page from a page descriptor + * @hw: pointer to our HW structure + * @hmc_info: pointer to the HMC configuration information structure + * @idx: the page index + * @is_pf: distinguishes a VF from a PF + * + * This function: + * 1. Marks the entry in pd table (for paged address mode) or in sd table + * (for direct address mode) invalid. + * 2. Write to register PMPDINV to invalidate the backing page in FV cache + * 3. Decrement the ref count for the pd _entry + * assumptions: + * 1. Caller can deallocate the memory used by backing storage after this + * function returns. + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_remove_pd_bp(struct i40iw_hw *hw, + struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info, + u32 idx, + bool is_pf) +{ + struct i40iw_hmc_pd_entry *pd_entry; + struct i40iw_hmc_pd_table *pd_table; + struct i40iw_hmc_sd_entry *sd_entry; + u32 sd_idx, rel_pd_idx; + struct i40iw_dma_mem *mem; + u64 *pd_addr; + + sd_idx = idx / I40IW_HMC_PD_CNT_IN_SD; + rel_pd_idx = idx % I40IW_HMC_PD_CNT_IN_SD; + if (sd_idx >= hmc_info->sd_table.sd_cnt) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_PAGE_DESC_INDEX; + + sd_entry = &hmc_info->sd_table.sd_entry[sd_idx]; + if (sd_entry->entry_type != I40IW_SD_TYPE_PAGED) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_SD_TYPE; + + pd_table = &hmc_info->sd_table.sd_entry[sd_idx].u.pd_table; + pd_entry = &pd_table->pd_entry[rel_pd_idx]; + I40IW_DEC_BP_REFCNT(&pd_entry->bp); + if (pd_entry->bp.ref_cnt) + return 0; + + pd_entry->valid = FALSE; + I40IW_DEC_PD_REFCNT(pd_table); + pd_addr = (u64 *) pd_table->; + pd_addr += rel_pd_idx; + i40iw_memset(pd_addr, 0, sizeof(u64)); + if (is_pf) + I40IW_INVALIDATE_PF_HMC_PD(hw, sd_idx, idx); + else + I40IW_INVALIDATE_VF_HMC_PD(hw, sd_idx, idx, + hmc_info->hmc_fn_id); + + if (!pd_entry->rsrc_pg) { + mem = &pd_entry->bp.addr; + if (!mem || !mem->va) + return I40IW_ERR_PARAM; + i40iw_free_dma_mem(hw, mem); + } + if (!pd_table->ref_cnt) + i40iw_free_virt_mem(hw, &pd_table->pd_entry_virt_mem); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_prep_remove_sd_bp - Prepares to remove a backing page from a sd entry + * @hmc_info: pointer to the HMC configuration information structure + * @idx: the page index + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_prep_remove_sd_bp(struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info, u32 idx) +{ + struct i40iw_hmc_sd_entry *sd_entry; + + sd_entry = &hmc_info->sd_table.sd_entry[idx]; + I40IW_DEC_BP_REFCNT(&sd_entry->u.bp); + if (sd_entry->u.bp.ref_cnt) + return I40IW_ERR_NOT_READY; + + I40IW_DEC_SD_REFCNT(&hmc_info->sd_table); + sd_entry->valid = FALSE; + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_prep_remove_pd_page - Prepares to remove a PD page from sd entry. + * @hmc_info: pointer to the HMC configuration information structure + * @idx: segment descriptor index to find the relevant page descriptor + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_prep_remove_pd_page(struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info, + u32 idx) +{ + struct i40iw_hmc_sd_entry *sd_entry; + + sd_entry = &hmc_info->sd_table.sd_entry[idx]; + + if (sd_entry->u.pd_table.ref_cnt) + return I40IW_ERR_NOT_READY; + + sd_entry->valid = FALSE; + I40IW_DEC_SD_REFCNT(&hmc_info->sd_table); + + return 0; +} Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_osdep.h =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_osdep.h @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#ifndef _I40IW_OSDEP_H_ +#define _I40IW_OSDEP_H_ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include + +#define IOMEM +#define OS_TIMER timer_list +#define ATOMIC atomic_t +#define i40iw_get_virt_to_phy vtophys + +#define I40E_GLPE_FWLDSTATUS 0x0000D200 + +#define I40IW_NTOHS(a) ntohs(a) + +#define CPU_TO_LE16(o) htole16(o) +#define CPU_TO_LE32(s) htole32(s) +#define CPU_TO_LE64(h) htole64(h) +#define LE16_TO_CPU(a) le16toh(a) +#define LE32_TO_CPU(c) le32toh(c) +#define LE64_TO_CPU(k) le64toh(k) + +#define i40iw_memcpy(a, b, c) memcpy((a), (b), (c)) +#define i40iw_memset(a, b, c) memset((a), (b), (c)) + +#define i40iw_mb() mb() +#define i40iw_wmb() wmb() + +#define i40iw_usec_delay(x) DELAY(x) +#define mdelay(x) DELAY((x) * 1000) + +typedef unsigned long *i40iw_bits_t; +typedef uintptr_t i40iw_uintptr; + +typedef __be16 BE16; +typedef __be32 BE32; + +#define I40IW_NTOHL(a) ntohl(a) + +#define i40iw_free_dma_mem(hw, dma_mem) ixliw_free_dma_mem(dma_mem) + +#define rd32(a, reg) i40iw_rd32((a)->dev_context, (reg)) +#define wr32(a, reg, value) i40iw_wr32((a)->dev_context, (reg), (value)) + +#define rd64(a, reg) i40iw_rd64((a)->dev_context, (reg)) +#define wr64(a, reg, value) i40iw_wr64((a)->dev_context, (reg), (value)) + +#define db_wr32(value, a) writel((value), (a)) + +#define i40iw_debug(h, m, s, ...) \ +do { \ + if (((m) & (h)->debug_mask)) \ + printf("i40iw " s, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ +} while (0) + +#define I40IW_ASSERT(x) if(!(x)) panic("iw_ixl: %s: x", __func__) + +struct i40iw_dev_ctx; +struct i40iw_sc_dev; +struct i40iw_sc_qp; +struct i40iw_sc_vsi; +struct i40iw_update_sds_info; + +struct i40iw_dma_mem { + void *va; + u64 pa; + bus_dma_tag_t tag; + bus_dmamap_t map; + bus_dma_segment_t seg; + bus_size_t size; + int nseg; + int flags; +}; + +struct i40iw_virt_mem { + void *va; + u32 size; +}; + +u8 *i40iw_get_hw_addr(void *par); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_cqp_sds_cmd(struct i40iw_sc_dev *, struct i40iw_update_sds_info *); +void *i40iw_remove_head(struct list_head *list); + +void i40iw_hw_stats_start_timer(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi); +void i40iw_hw_stats_stop_timer(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi); + +void ixliw_free_dma_mem(struct i40iw_dma_mem *mem); + +u32 i40iw_rd32(struct i40iw_dev_ctx *dev_ctx, u32 reg); +void i40iw_wr32(struct i40iw_dev_ctx *dev_ctx, u32 reg, u32 value); +u64 i40iw_rd64(struct i40iw_dev_ctx *dev_ctx, u32 reg); +void i40iw_wr64(struct i40iw_dev_ctx *dev_ctx, u32 reg, u64 value); + +void i40iw_term_modify_qp(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, u8 next_state, u8 term, u8 term_len); +void i40iw_terminate_done(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, int timeout_occurred); +void i40iw_terminate_start_timer(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp); +void i40iw_terminate_del_timer(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp); + +static inline void +set_64bit_val(u64 * wqe_words, u32 byte_index, u64 value) +{ + wqe_words[byte_index >> 3] = value; +} + +/** + * set_32bit_val - set 32 value to hw wqe + * @wqe_words: wqe addr to write + * @byte_index: index in wqe + * @value: value to write + **/ +static inline void +set_32bit_val(u32 * wqe_words, u32 byte_index, u32 value) +{ + wqe_words[byte_index >> 2] = value; +} + +/** + * get_64bit_val - read 64 bit value from wqe + * @wqe_words: wqe addr + * @byte_index: index to read from + * @value: read value + **/ +static inline void +get_64bit_val(u64 * wqe_words, u32 byte_index, u64 * value) +{ + *value = wqe_words[byte_index >> 3]; +} + +#endif /* _I40IW_OSDEP_H_ */ Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_p.h =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_p.h @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#ifndef I40IW_P_H +#define I40IW_P_H + +#define PAUSE_TIMER_VALUE 0xFFFF +#define REFRESH_THRESHOLD 0x7FFF +#define HIGH_THRESHOLD 0x800 +#define LOW_THRESHOLD 0x200 +#define ALL_TC2PFC 0xFF +#define CQP_COMPL_WAIT_TIME 0x3E8 +#define CQP_TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD 5 + +void i40iw_debug_buf(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, enum i40iw_debug_flag mask, + char *desc, u64 *buf, u32 size); +/* init operations */ +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_device_init(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_device_init_info *info); + +void i40iw_device_init_pestat(struct i40iw_vsi_pestat *); + +void i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp); + +u64 *i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, u64 scratch); + +void i40iw_check_cqp_progress(struct i40iw_cqp_timeout *cqp_timeout, struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev); + +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_sc_mr_fast_register(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, + struct i40iw_fast_reg_stag_info *info, + bool post_sq); + +/* HMC/FPM functions */ +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_sc_init_iw_hmc(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + u8 hmc_fn_id); + +void i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(u64 *wqe, u64 header); + +/* stats functions */ +void i40iw_hw_stats_refresh_all(struct i40iw_vsi_pestat *stats); +void i40iw_hw_stats_read_all(struct i40iw_vsi_pestat *stats, struct i40iw_dev_hw_stats *stats_values); +void i40iw_hw_stats_read_32(struct i40iw_vsi_pestat *stats, + enum i40iw_hw_stats_index_32b index, + u64 *value); +void i40iw_hw_stats_read_64(struct i40iw_vsi_pestat *stats, + enum i40iw_hw_stats_index_64b index, + u64 *value); +void i40iw_hw_stats_init(struct i40iw_vsi_pestat *stats, u8 index, bool is_pf); + +/* vsi misc functions */ +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_vsi_stats_init(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi, struct i40iw_vsi_stats_info *info); +void i40iw_vsi_stats_free(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi); +void i40iw_sc_vsi_init(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi, struct i40iw_vsi_init_info *info); + +void i40iw_terminate_send_fin(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp); + +void i40iw_terminate_connection(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, struct i40iw_aeqe_info *info); + +void i40iw_terminate_received(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, struct i40iw_aeqe_info *info); + +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_sc_suspend_qp(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, u64 scratch); + +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_sc_resume_qp(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, u64 scratch); + +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_sc_static_hmc_pages_allocated(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp, + u64 scratch, u8 hmc_fn_id, + bool post_sq, + bool poll_registers); + +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_config_fpm_values(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, u32 qp_count); + +void free_sd_mem(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev); + +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_process_cqp_cmd(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct cqp_commands_info *pcmdinfo); + +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_process_bh(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev); + +/* prototype for functions used for dynamic memory allocation */ +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_allocate_dma_mem(struct i40iw_hw *hw, + struct i40iw_dma_mem *mem, u64 size, + u32 alignment); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_allocate_virt_mem(struct i40iw_hw *hw, + struct i40iw_virt_mem *mem, u32 size); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_free_virt_mem(struct i40iw_hw *hw, + struct i40iw_virt_mem *mem); +u8 i40iw_get_encoded_wqe_size(u32 wqsize, bool cqpsq); +void i40iw_reinitialize_ieq(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev); + +#endif Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_puda.h =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_puda.h @@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#ifndef I40IW_PUDA_H +#define I40IW_PUDA_H + +#define I40IW_IEQ_MPA_FRAMING 6 + +struct i40iw_sc_dev; +struct i40iw_sc_qp; +struct i40iw_sc_cq; + +enum puda_resource_type { + I40IW_PUDA_RSRC_TYPE_ILQ = 1, + I40IW_PUDA_RSRC_TYPE_IEQ +}; + +enum puda_rsrc_complete { + PUDA_CQ_CREATED = 1, + PUDA_QP_CREATED, + PUDA_TX_COMPLETE, + PUDA_RX_COMPLETE, + PUDA_HASH_CRC_COMPLETE +}; + +struct i40iw_puda_completion_info { + struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp; + u8 q_type; + u8 vlan_valid; + u8 l3proto; + u8 l4proto; + u16 payload_len; + u32 compl_error; /* No_err=0, else major and minor err code */ + u32 qp_id; + u32 wqe_idx; +}; + +struct i40iw_puda_send_info { + u64 paddr; /* Physical address */ + u32 len; + u8 tcplen; + u8 maclen; + bool ipv4; + bool doloopback; + void *scratch; +}; + +struct i40iw_puda_buf { + struct list_head list; /* MUST be first entry */ + struct i40iw_dma_mem mem; /* DMA memory for the buffer */ + struct i40iw_puda_buf *next; /* for alloclist in rsrc struct */ + struct i40iw_virt_mem buf_mem; /* Buffer memory for this buffer */ + void *scratch; + u8 *iph; + u8 *tcph; + u8 *data; + u16 datalen; + u16 vlan_id; + u8 tcphlen; /* tcp length in bytes */ + u8 maclen; /* mac length in bytes */ + u32 totallen; /* machlen+iphlen+tcphlen+datalen */ + ATOMIC refcount; + u8 hdrlen; + bool ipv4; + u32 seqnum; +}; + +struct i40iw_puda_rsrc_info { + enum puda_resource_type type; /* ILQ or IEQ */ + u32 count; + u16 pd_id; + u32 cq_id; + u32 qp_id; + u32 sq_size; + u32 rq_size; + u16 buf_size; + u16 mss; + u32 tx_buf_cnt; /* total bufs allocated will be rq_size + tx_buf_cnt */ + void (*receive)(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *, struct i40iw_puda_buf *); + void (*xmit_complete)(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *, void *); +}; + +struct i40iw_puda_rsrc { + struct i40iw_sc_cq cq; + struct i40iw_sc_qp qp; + struct i40iw_sc_pd sc_pd; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi; + struct i40iw_dma_mem cqmem; + struct i40iw_dma_mem qpmem; + struct i40iw_virt_mem ilq_mem; + enum puda_rsrc_complete completion; + enum puda_resource_type type; + u16 buf_size; /*buffer must be max datalen + tcpip hdr + mac */ + u32 cq_id; + u32 qp_id; + u32 sq_size; + u32 rq_size; + u32 cq_size; + struct i40iw_sq_uk_wr_trk_info *sq_wrtrk_array; + u64 *rq_wrid_array; + u32 compl_rxwqe_idx; + u32 rx_wqe_idx; + u32 rxq_invalid_cnt; + u32 tx_wqe_avail_cnt; + bool check_crc; + void *hash_desc; + struct list_head txpend; + struct list_head bufpool; /* free buffers pool list for recv and xmit */ + u32 alloc_buf_count; + u32 avail_buf_count; /* snapshot of currently available buffers */ + spinlock_t bufpool_lock; + struct i40iw_puda_buf *alloclist; + void (*receive)(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *, struct i40iw_puda_buf *); + void (*xmit_complete)(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *, void *); + /* puda stats */ + u64 stats_buf_alloc_fail; + u64 stats_pkt_rcvd; + u64 stats_pkt_sent; + u64 stats_rcvd_pkt_err; + u64 stats_sent_pkt_q; + u64 stats_bad_qp_id; +}; + +struct i40iw_puda_buf *i40iw_puda_get_bufpool(struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *rsrc); +void i40iw_puda_ret_bufpool(struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *rsrc, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf); +void i40iw_puda_send_buf(struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *rsrc, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_puda_send(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, + struct i40iw_puda_send_info *info); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_puda_create_rsrc(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi, + struct i40iw_puda_rsrc_info *info); +void i40iw_puda_dele_resources(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi, + enum puda_resource_type type, + bool reset); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_puda_poll_completion(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq, u32 *compl_err); + +struct i40iw_sc_qp *i40iw_ieq_get_qp(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_puda_get_tcpip_info(struct i40iw_puda_completion_info *info, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_ieq_check_mpacrc(void *desc, + void *addr, u32 length, u32 value); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_init_hash_desc(void **desc); +void i40iw_ieq_mpa_crc_ae(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp); +void i40iw_free_hash_desc(void *desc); +void i40iw_ieq_update_tcpip_info(struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf, u16 length, + u32 seqnum); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_cqp_qp_create_cmd(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_cqp_cq_create_cmd(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq); +void i40iw_cqp_qp_destroy_cmd(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp); +void i40iw_cqp_cq_destroy_cmd(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq); +#endif Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_puda.c =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_puda.c @@ -0,0 +1,1514 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#include "i40iw_osdep.h" +#include "i40iw_register.h" +#include "i40iw_status.h" +#include "i40iw_hmc.h" + +#include "i40iw_d.h" +#include "i40iw_type.h" +#include "i40iw_p.h" +#include "i40iw_puda.h" + +static void +i40iw_ieq_receive(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf); +static void i40iw_ieq_tx_compl(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi, void *sqwrid); +static void i40iw_ilq_putback_rcvbuf(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, u32 wqe_idx); +static void i40iw_ieq_cleanup_qp(struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *ieq, struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp); +/** + * i40iw_puda_get_listbuf - get buffer from puda list + * @list: list to use for buffers (ILQ or IEQ) + */ +static struct i40iw_puda_buf * +i40iw_puda_get_listbuf(struct list_head *list) +{ + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf = NULL; + + if (!list_empty(list)) { + buf = (struct i40iw_puda_buf *)list->next; + list_del((struct list_head *)&buf->list); + } + return buf; +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_get_bufpool - return buffer from resource + * @rsrc: resource to use for buffer + */ +struct i40iw_puda_buf * +i40iw_puda_get_bufpool(struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *rsrc) +{ + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf = NULL; + struct list_head *list = &rsrc->bufpool; + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&rsrc->bufpool_lock, flags); + buf = i40iw_puda_get_listbuf(list); + if (buf) + rsrc->avail_buf_count--; + else + rsrc->stats_buf_alloc_fail++; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rsrc->bufpool_lock, flags); + return buf; +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_ret_bufpool - return buffer to rsrc list + * @rsrc: resource to use for buffer + * @buf: buffe to return to resouce + */ +void +i40iw_puda_ret_bufpool(struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *rsrc, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf) +{ + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&rsrc->bufpool_lock, flags); + list_add(&buf->list, &rsrc->bufpool); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rsrc->bufpool_lock, flags); + rsrc->avail_buf_count++; +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_post_recvbuf - set wqe for rcv buffer + * @rsrc: resource ptr + * @wqe_idx: wqe index to use + * @buf: puda buffer for rcv q + * @initial: flag if during init time + */ +static void +i40iw_puda_post_recvbuf(struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *rsrc, u32 wqe_idx, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf, bool initial) +{ + u64 *wqe; + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp = &rsrc->qp; + u64 offset24 = 0; + + qp->qp_uk.rq_wrid_array[wqe_idx] = (uintptr_t) buf; + wqe = qp->qp_uk.rq_base[wqe_idx].elem; + i40iw_debug(rsrc->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, + "%s: wqe_idx= %d buf = %p wqe = %p\n", __func__, + wqe_idx, buf, wqe); + if (!initial) + get_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_24, &offset24); + + offset24 = (offset24) ? 0 : LS_64(1, I40IWQPSQ_VALID); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, 0, buf->; + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, + LS_64(buf->mem.size, I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_LEN)); + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, offset24); +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_replenish_rq - post rcv buffers + * @rsrc: resource to use for buffer + * @initial: flag if during init time + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_puda_replenish_rq(struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *rsrc, + bool initial) +{ + u32 i; + u32 invalid_cnt = rsrc->rxq_invalid_cnt; + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf = NULL; + + for (i = 0; i < invalid_cnt; i++) { + buf = i40iw_puda_get_bufpool(rsrc); + if (!buf) + return I40IW_ERR_LIST_EMPTY; + i40iw_puda_post_recvbuf(rsrc, rsrc->rx_wqe_idx, buf, + initial); + rsrc->rx_wqe_idx = + ((rsrc->rx_wqe_idx + 1) % rsrc->rq_size); + rsrc->rxq_invalid_cnt--; + } + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_alloc_buf - allocate mem for buffer + * @dev: iwarp device + * @length: length of buffer + */ +static struct i40iw_puda_buf * +i40iw_puda_alloc_buf(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + u32 length) +{ + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf = NULL; + struct i40iw_virt_mem buf_mem; + enum i40iw_status_code ret; + + ret = i40iw_allocate_virt_mem(dev->hw, &buf_mem, + sizeof(struct i40iw_puda_buf)); + if (ret) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, + "%s: error mem for buf\n", __func__); + return NULL; + } + buf = (struct i40iw_puda_buf *); + ret = i40iw_allocate_dma_mem(dev->hw, &buf->mem, length, 1); + if (ret) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, + "%s: error dma mem for buf\n", __func__); + i40iw_free_virt_mem(dev->hw, &buf_mem); + return NULL; + } + buf-> =; + buf->buf_mem.size = buf_mem.size; + return buf; +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_dele_buf - delete buffer back to system + * @dev: iwarp device + * @buf: buffer to free + */ +static void +i40iw_puda_dele_buf(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf) +{ + i40iw_free_dma_mem(dev->hw, &buf->mem); + i40iw_free_virt_mem(dev->hw, &buf->buf_mem); + +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_get_next_send_wqe - return next wqe for processing + * @qp: puda qp for wqe + * @wqe_idx: wqe index for caller + */ +static u64 * +i40iw_puda_get_next_send_wqe(struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp, u32 * wqe_idx) +{ + u64 *wqe = NULL; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + + *wqe_idx = I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD(qp->sq_ring); + if (!*wqe_idx) + qp->swqe_polarity = !qp->swqe_polarity; + I40IW_RING_MOVE_HEAD(qp->sq_ring, ret_code); + if (ret_code) + return wqe; + wqe = qp->sq_base[*wqe_idx].elem; + + return wqe; +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_poll_info - poll cq for completion + * @cq: cq for poll + * @info: info return for successful completion + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_puda_poll_info(struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq, + struct i40iw_puda_completion_info *info) +{ + u64 qword0, qword2, qword3; + u64 *cqe; + u64 comp_ctx; + bool valid_bit; + u32 major_err, minor_err; + bool error; + + cqe = (u64 *) I40IW_GET_CURRENT_CQ_ELEMENT(&cq->cq_uk); + get_64bit_val(cqe, I40IW_BYTE_24, &qword3); + valid_bit = (bool) RS_64(qword3, I40IW_CQ_VALID); + + if (valid_bit != cq->cq_uk.polarity) + return I40IW_ERR_QUEUE_EMPTY; + + i40iw_debug_buf(cq->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, "PUDA CQE", cqe, 32); + error = (bool) RS_64(qword3, I40IW_CQ_ERROR); + if (error) { + i40iw_debug(cq->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, "%s receive error\n", __func__); + major_err = (u32) (RS_64(qword3, I40IW_CQ_MAJERR)); + minor_err = (u32) (RS_64(qword3, I40IW_CQ_MINERR)); + info->compl_error = major_err << 16 | minor_err; + return I40IW_ERR_CQ_COMPL_ERROR; + } + get_64bit_val(cqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, &qword0); + get_64bit_val(cqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, &qword2); + + info->q_type = (u8) RS_64(qword3, I40IW_CQ_SQ); + info->qp_id = (u32) RS_64(qword2, I40IWCQ_QPID); + + get_64bit_val(cqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, &comp_ctx); + info->qp = (struct i40iw_qp_uk *)(i40iw_uintptr) comp_ctx; + info->wqe_idx = (u32) RS_64(qword3, I40IW_CQ_WQEIDX); + + if (info->q_type == I40IW_CQE_QTYPE_RQ) { + info->vlan_valid = (bool) RS_64(qword3, I40IW_VLAN_TAG_VALID); + info->l4proto = (u8) RS_64(qword2, I40IW_UDA_L4PROTO); + info->l3proto = (u8) RS_64(qword2, I40IW_UDA_L3PROTO); + info->payload_len = (u16) RS_64(qword0, I40IW_UDA_PAYLOADLEN); + } + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_poll_completion - processes completion for cq + * @dev: iwarp device + * @cq: cq getting interrupt + * @compl_err: return any completion err + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_puda_poll_completion(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq, u32 * compl_err) +{ + struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp; + struct i40iw_cq_uk *cq_uk = &cq->cq_uk; + struct i40iw_puda_completion_info info; + enum i40iw_status_code ret = 0; + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf; + struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *rsrc; + void *sqwrid; + u8 cq_type = cq->cq_type; + unsigned long flags; + + if ((cq_type == I40IW_CQ_TYPE_ILQ) || (cq_type == I40IW_CQ_TYPE_IEQ)) { + rsrc = (cq_type == I40IW_CQ_TYPE_ILQ) ? cq->vsi->ilq : cq->vsi->ieq; + } else { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, "%s qp_type error\n", __func__); + return I40IW_ERR_BAD_PTR; + } + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + ret = i40iw_puda_poll_info(cq, &info); + *compl_err = info.compl_error; + if (ret == I40IW_ERR_QUEUE_EMPTY) + return ret; + if (ret) + goto done; + + qp = info.qp; + if (!qp || !rsrc) { + ret = I40IW_ERR_BAD_PTR; + goto done; + } + if (qp->qp_id != rsrc->qp_id) { + ret = I40IW_ERR_BAD_PTR; + goto done; + } + if (info.q_type == I40IW_CQE_QTYPE_RQ) { + buf = (struct i40iw_puda_buf *)(uintptr_t) qp->rq_wrid_array[info.wqe_idx]; + /* Get all the tcpip information in the buf header */ + ret = i40iw_puda_get_tcpip_info(&info, buf); + if (ret) { + rsrc->stats_rcvd_pkt_err++; + if (cq_type == I40IW_CQ_TYPE_ILQ) { + i40iw_ilq_putback_rcvbuf(&rsrc->qp, + info.wqe_idx); + } else { + i40iw_puda_ret_bufpool(rsrc, buf); + i40iw_puda_replenish_rq(rsrc, FALSE); + } + goto done; + } + rsrc->stats_pkt_rcvd++; + rsrc->compl_rxwqe_idx = info.wqe_idx; + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, "%s RQ completion\n", __func__); + rsrc->receive(rsrc->vsi, buf); + if (cq_type == I40IW_CQ_TYPE_ILQ) + i40iw_ilq_putback_rcvbuf(&rsrc->qp, info.wqe_idx); + else + i40iw_puda_replenish_rq(rsrc, FALSE); + + } else { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, "%s SQ completion\n", __func__); + sqwrid = (void *)(uintptr_t) qp->sq_wrtrk_array[info.wqe_idx].wrid; + I40IW_RING_SET_TAIL(qp->sq_ring, info.wqe_idx); + rsrc->xmit_complete(rsrc->vsi, sqwrid); + spin_lock_irqsave(&rsrc->bufpool_lock, flags); + rsrc->tx_wqe_avail_cnt++; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rsrc->bufpool_lock, flags); + if (!list_empty(&rsrc->vsi->ilq->txpend)) + i40iw_puda_send_buf(rsrc->vsi->ilq, NULL); + } + +done: + I40IW_RING_MOVE_HEAD(cq_uk->cq_ring, ret); + if (I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD(cq_uk->cq_ring) == 0) + cq_uk->polarity = !cq_uk->polarity; + /* update cq tail in cq shadow memory also */ + I40IW_RING_MOVE_TAIL(cq_uk->cq_ring); + set_64bit_val(cq_uk->shadow_area, I40IW_BYTE_0, + I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD(cq_uk->cq_ring)); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_send - complete send wqe for transmit + * @qp: puda qp for send + * @info: buffer information for transmit + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_puda_send(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, + struct i40iw_puda_send_info *info) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u32 iplen, l4len; + u64 header[2]; + u32 wqe_idx; + u8 iipt; + + /* number of 32 bits DWORDS in header */ + l4len = info->tcplen >> 2; + if (info->ipv4) { + iipt = 3; + iplen = 5; + } else { + iipt = 1; + iplen = 10; + } + + wqe = i40iw_puda_get_next_send_wqe(&qp->qp_uk, &wqe_idx); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_QP_TOOMANY_WRS_POSTED; + qp->qp_uk.sq_wrtrk_array[wqe_idx].wrid = (uintptr_t) info->scratch; + /* Third line of WQE descriptor */ + /* maclen is in words */ + header[0] = LS_64((info->maclen >> 1), I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_MACLEN) | + LS_64(iplen, I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_IPLEN) | LS_64(1, I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_L4T) | + LS_64(iipt, I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_IIPT) | + LS_64(l4len, I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_L4LEN); + /* Forth line of WQE descriptor */ + header[1] = LS_64(I40IW_OP_TYPE_SEND, I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(1, I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_SIGCOMPL) | + LS_64(info->doloopback, I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_DOLOOPBACK) | + LS_64(qp->qp_uk.swqe_polarity, I40IW_UDA_QPSQ_VALID); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, info->paddr); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, LS_64(info->len, I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_LEN)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, header[0]); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header[1]); + + i40iw_debug_buf(qp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, "PUDA SEND WQE", wqe, 32); + i40iw_qp_post_wr(&qp->qp_uk); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_send_buf - transmit puda buffer + * @rsrc: resource to use for buffer + * @buf: puda buffer to transmit + */ +void +i40iw_puda_send_buf(struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *rsrc, struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf) +{ + struct i40iw_puda_send_info info; + enum i40iw_status_code ret = 0; + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&rsrc->bufpool_lock, flags); + /* + * if no wqe available or not from a completion and we have pending + * buffers, we must queue new buffer + */ + if (!rsrc->tx_wqe_avail_cnt || (buf && !list_empty(&rsrc->txpend))) { + list_add_tail(&buf->list, &rsrc->txpend); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rsrc->bufpool_lock, flags); + rsrc->stats_sent_pkt_q++; + if (rsrc->type == I40IW_PUDA_RSRC_TYPE_ILQ) + i40iw_debug(rsrc->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, + "%s: adding to txpend\n", __func__); + return; + } + rsrc->tx_wqe_avail_cnt--; + /* + * if we are coming from a completion and have pending buffers then + * Get one from pending list + */ + if (!buf) { + buf = i40iw_puda_get_listbuf(&rsrc->txpend); + if (!buf) + goto done; + } + info.scratch = (void *)buf; + info.paddr = buf->; + info.len = buf->totallen; + info.tcplen = buf->tcphlen; + info.maclen = buf->maclen; + info.ipv4 = buf->ipv4; + info.doloopback = (rsrc->type == I40IW_PUDA_RSRC_TYPE_IEQ); + + ret = i40iw_puda_send(&rsrc->qp, &info); + if (ret) { + rsrc->tx_wqe_avail_cnt++; + rsrc->stats_sent_pkt_q++; + list_add(&buf->list, &rsrc->txpend); + if (rsrc->type == I40IW_PUDA_RSRC_TYPE_ILQ) + i40iw_debug(rsrc->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, + "%s: adding to puda_send\n", __func__); + } else { + rsrc->stats_pkt_sent++; + } +done: + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rsrc->bufpool_lock, flags); +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_qp_setctx - during init, set qp's context + * @rsrc: qp's resource + */ +static void +i40iw_puda_qp_setctx(struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *rsrc) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp = &rsrc->qp; + u64 *qp_ctx = qp->hw_host_ctx; + + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_8, qp->sq_pa); + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_16, qp->rq_pa); + + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_24, + LS_64(qp->hw_rq_size, I40IWQPC_RQSIZE) | + LS_64(qp->hw_sq_size, I40IWQPC_SQSIZE)); + + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_48, LS_64(rsrc->buf_size, I40IWQPC_MAXFRAMESIZE)); + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_56, 0); + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_64, 1); + + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_136, + LS_64(rsrc->cq_id, I40IWQPC_TXCQNUM) | + LS_64(rsrc->cq_id, I40IWQPC_RXCQNUM)); + + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_160, LS_64(1, I40IWQPC_PRIVEN)); + + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_168, + LS_64((uintptr_t) qp, I40IWQPC_QPCOMPCTX)); + + set_64bit_val(qp_ctx, I40IW_BYTE_176, + LS_64(qp->sq_tph_val, I40IWQPC_SQTPHVAL) | + LS_64(qp->rq_tph_val, I40IWQPC_RQTPHVAL) | + LS_64(qp->qs_handle, I40IWQPC_QSHANDLE)); + + i40iw_debug_buf(rsrc->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, "PUDA QP CONTEXT", + qp_ctx, I40IW_QP_CTX_SIZE); +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_qp_wqe - setup wqe for qp create + * @rsrc: resource for qp + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_puda_qp_wqe(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 *wqe; + u64 header; + struct i40iw_ccq_cqe_info compl_info; + enum i40iw_status_code status = 0; + + cqp = dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, 0); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, qp->hw_host_ctx_pa); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_40, qp->shadow_area_pa); + header = qp->qp_uk.qp_id | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_CREATE_QP, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(I40IW_QP_TYPE_UDA, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_QPTYPE) | + LS_64(1, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_CQNUMVALID) | + LS_64(2, I40IW_CQPSQ_QP_NEXTIWSTATE) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(cqp->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, "PUDA CQE", wqe, 32); + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(cqp); + status = dev->cqp_ops->poll_for_cqp_op_done(dev->cqp, + I40IW_CQP_OP_CREATE_QP, + &compl_info); + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_qp_create - create qp for resource + * @rsrc: resource to use for buffer + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_puda_qp_create(struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *rsrc) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp = &rsrc->qp; + struct i40iw_qp_uk *ukqp = &qp->qp_uk; + enum i40iw_status_code ret = 0; + u32 sq_size, rq_size, t_size; + struct i40iw_dma_mem *mem; + + sq_size = rsrc->sq_size * I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE; + rq_size = rsrc->rq_size * I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE; + t_size = (sq_size + rq_size + (I40IW_SHADOW_AREA_SIZE << 3) + + I40IW_QP_CTX_SIZE); + /* Get page aligned memory */ + ret = + i40iw_allocate_dma_mem(rsrc->dev->hw, &rsrc->qpmem, t_size, + I40IW_HW_PAGE_SIZE); + if (ret) { + i40iw_debug(rsrc->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, "%s: error dma mem\n", __func__); + return ret; + } + mem = &rsrc->qpmem; + memset(mem->va, 0, t_size); + qp->hw_sq_size = i40iw_get_encoded_wqe_size(rsrc->sq_size, FALSE); + qp->hw_rq_size = i40iw_get_encoded_wqe_size(rsrc->rq_size, FALSE); + qp->pd = &rsrc->sc_pd; + qp->qp_type = I40IW_QP_TYPE_UDA; + qp->dev = rsrc->dev; + qp->back_qp = (void *)rsrc; + qp->sq_pa = mem->pa; + qp->rq_pa = qp->sq_pa + sq_size; + qp->vsi = rsrc->vsi; + ukqp->sq_base = mem->va; + ukqp->rq_base = &ukqp->sq_base[rsrc->sq_size]; + ukqp->shadow_area = ukqp->rq_base[rsrc->rq_size].elem; + qp->shadow_area_pa = qp->rq_pa + rq_size; + qp->hw_host_ctx = ukqp->shadow_area + I40IW_SHADOW_AREA_SIZE; + qp->hw_host_ctx_pa = + qp->shadow_area_pa + (I40IW_SHADOW_AREA_SIZE << 3); + ukqp->qp_id = rsrc->qp_id; + ukqp->sq_wrtrk_array = rsrc->sq_wrtrk_array; + ukqp->rq_wrid_array = rsrc->rq_wrid_array; + + ukqp->qp_id = rsrc->qp_id; + ukqp->sq_size = rsrc->sq_size; + ukqp->rq_size = rsrc->rq_size; + + I40IW_RING_INIT(ukqp->sq_ring, ukqp->sq_size); + I40IW_RING_INIT(ukqp->initial_ring, ukqp->sq_size); + I40IW_RING_INIT(ukqp->rq_ring, ukqp->rq_size); + + if (qp->pd->dev->is_pf) + ukqp->wqe_alloc_reg = (u32 IOMEM *) (i40iw_get_hw_addr(qp->pd->dev) + + I40E_PFPE_WQEALLOC); + else + ukqp->wqe_alloc_reg = (u32 IOMEM *) (i40iw_get_hw_addr(qp->pd->dev) + + I40E_VFPE_WQEALLOC1); + + qp->qs_handle = qp->vsi->qos[0].qs_handle; + i40iw_puda_qp_setctx(rsrc); + if (rsrc->dev->ceq_valid) + ret = i40iw_cqp_qp_create_cmd(rsrc->dev, qp); + else + ret = i40iw_puda_qp_wqe(rsrc->dev, qp); + if (ret) + i40iw_free_dma_mem(rsrc->dev->hw, &rsrc->qpmem); + return ret; +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_cq_wqe - setup wqe for cq create + * @rsrc: resource for cq + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_puda_cq_wqe(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 header; + struct i40iw_ccq_cqe_info compl_info; + enum i40iw_status_code status = 0; + + cqp = dev->cqp; + wqe = i40iw_sc_cqp_get_next_send_wqe(cqp, 0); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL; + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, cq->cq_uk.cq_size); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, RS_64_1(cq, 1)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, + LS_64(cq->shadow_read_threshold, + I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_SHADOW_READ_THRESHOLD)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_32, cq->cq_pa); + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_40, cq->shadow_area_pa); + + header = cq->cq_uk.cq_id | + LS_64(I40IW_CQP_OP_CREATE_CQ, I40IW_CQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(1, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CHKOVERFLOW) | + LS_64(1, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_ENCEQEMASK) | + LS_64(1, I40IW_CQPSQ_CQ_CEQIDVALID) | + LS_64(cqp->polarity, I40IW_CQPSQ_WQEVALID); + i40iw_insert_wqe_hdr(wqe, header); + + i40iw_debug_buf(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, "PUDA CQE", + wqe, I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE * 8); + + i40iw_sc_cqp_post_sq(dev->cqp); + status = dev->cqp_ops->poll_for_cqp_op_done(dev->cqp, + I40IW_CQP_OP_CREATE_CQ, + &compl_info); + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_cq_create - create cq for resource + * @rsrc: resource for which cq to create + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_puda_cq_create(struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *rsrc) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = rsrc->dev; + struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq = &rsrc->cq; + enum i40iw_status_code ret = 0; + u32 tsize, cqsize; + struct i40iw_dma_mem *mem; + struct i40iw_cq_init_info info; + struct i40iw_cq_uk_init_info *init_info = &info.cq_uk_init_info; + + cq->vsi = rsrc->vsi; + cqsize = rsrc->cq_size * (sizeof(struct i40iw_cqe)); + tsize = cqsize + sizeof(struct i40iw_cq_shadow_area); + ret = i40iw_allocate_dma_mem(dev->hw, &rsrc->cqmem, tsize, + I40IW_CQ0_ALIGNMENT); + if (ret) + return ret; + + mem = &rsrc->cqmem; + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + = dev; + info.type = (rsrc->type == I40IW_PUDA_RSRC_TYPE_ILQ) ? + I40IW_CQ_TYPE_ILQ : I40IW_CQ_TYPE_IEQ; + info.shadow_read_threshold = rsrc->cq_size >> 2; + info.cq_base_pa = mem->pa; + info.shadow_area_pa = mem->pa + cqsize; + init_info->cq_base = mem->va; + init_info->shadow_area = (u64 *) ((u8 *) mem->va + cqsize); + init_info->cq_size = rsrc->cq_size; + init_info->cq_id = rsrc->cq_id; + info.ceqe_mask = TRUE; + info.ceq_id_valid = TRUE; + + ret = dev->iw_priv_cq_ops->cq_init(cq, &info); + if (ret) + goto error; + if (rsrc->dev->ceq_valid) + ret = i40iw_cqp_cq_create_cmd(dev, cq); + else + ret = i40iw_puda_cq_wqe(dev, cq); +error: + if (ret) + i40iw_free_dma_mem(dev->hw, &rsrc->cqmem); + return ret; +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_free_qp - free qp for resource + * @rsrc: resource for which qp to free + */ +static void +i40iw_puda_free_qp(struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *rsrc) +{ + enum i40iw_status_code ret; + struct i40iw_ccq_cqe_info compl_info; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = rsrc->dev; + + if (rsrc->dev->ceq_valid) { + i40iw_cqp_qp_destroy_cmd(dev, &rsrc->qp); + return; + } + ret = dev->iw_priv_qp_ops->qp_destroy(&rsrc->qp, + 0, FALSE, TRUE, true); + if (ret) + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, + "%s error puda qp destroy wqe\n", + __func__); + + if (!ret) { + ret = dev->cqp_ops->poll_for_cqp_op_done(dev->cqp, + I40IW_CQP_OP_DESTROY_QP, + &compl_info); + if (ret) + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, + "%s error puda qp destroy failed\n", + __func__); + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_free_cq - free cq for resource + * @rsrc: resource for which cq to free + */ +static void +i40iw_puda_free_cq(struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *rsrc) +{ + enum i40iw_status_code ret; + struct i40iw_ccq_cqe_info compl_info; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = rsrc->dev; + + if (rsrc->dev->ceq_valid) { + i40iw_cqp_cq_destroy_cmd(dev, &rsrc->cq); + return; + } + ret = dev->iw_priv_cq_ops->cq_destroy(&rsrc->cq, 0, TRUE); + if (ret) + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, + "%s error ieq cq destroy\n", + __func__); + + if (!ret) { + ret = dev->cqp_ops->poll_for_cqp_op_done(dev->cqp, + I40IW_CQP_OP_DESTROY_CQ, + &compl_info); + if (ret) + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, + "%s error ieq qp destroy done\n", + __func__); + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_dele_resources - delete all resources during close + * @dev: iwarp device + * @type: type of resource to dele + * @reset: TRUE if reset chip + */ +void +i40iw_puda_dele_resources(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi, + enum puda_resource_type type, + bool reset) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = vsi->dev; + struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *rsrc; + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf = NULL; + struct i40iw_puda_buf *nextbuf = NULL; + struct i40iw_virt_mem *vmem; + switch (type) { + case I40IW_PUDA_RSRC_TYPE_ILQ: + rsrc = vsi->ilq; + vmem = &vsi->ilq_mem; + break; + case I40IW_PUDA_RSRC_TYPE_IEQ: + rsrc = vsi->ieq; + vmem = &vsi->ieq_mem; + break; + default: + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, "%s: error resource type = 0x%x\n", + __func__, type); + return; + } + + switch (rsrc->completion) { + case PUDA_HASH_CRC_COMPLETE: + i40iw_free_hash_desc(rsrc->hash_desc); + case PUDA_QP_CREATED: + if (!reset) + i40iw_puda_free_qp(rsrc); + + i40iw_free_dma_mem(dev->hw, &rsrc->qpmem); + /* fallthrough */ + case PUDA_CQ_CREATED: + if (!reset) + i40iw_puda_free_cq(rsrc); + + i40iw_free_dma_mem(dev->hw, &rsrc->cqmem); + break; + default: + i40iw_debug(rsrc->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, "%s error no resources\n", __func__); + break; + } + /* Free all allocated puda buffers for both tx and rx */ + buf = rsrc->alloclist; + while (buf) { + nextbuf = buf->next; + i40iw_puda_dele_buf(dev, buf); + buf = nextbuf; + rsrc->alloc_buf_count--; + } + i40iw_free_virt_mem(dev->hw, vmem); +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_allocbufs - allocate buffers for resource + * @rsrc: resource for buffer allocation + * @count: number of buffers to create + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_puda_allocbufs(struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *rsrc, + u32 count) +{ + u32 i; + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf; + struct i40iw_puda_buf *nextbuf; + + for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { + buf = i40iw_puda_alloc_buf(rsrc->dev, rsrc->buf_size); + if (!buf) { + rsrc->stats_buf_alloc_fail++; + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + } + i40iw_puda_ret_bufpool(rsrc, buf); + rsrc->alloc_buf_count++; + if (!rsrc->alloclist) { + rsrc->alloclist = buf; + } else { + nextbuf = rsrc->alloclist; + rsrc->alloclist = buf; + buf->next = nextbuf; + } + } + rsrc->avail_buf_count = rsrc->alloc_buf_count; + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_create_rsrc - create resouce (ilq or ieq) + * @dev: iwarp device + * @info: resource information + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_puda_create_rsrc(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi, + struct i40iw_puda_rsrc_info *info) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = vsi->dev; + enum i40iw_status_code ret = 0; + struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *rsrc; + u32 pudasize; + u32 sqwridsize, rqwridsize; + struct i40iw_virt_mem *vmem; + + info->count = 1; + pudasize = sizeof(struct i40iw_puda_rsrc); + sqwridsize = info->sq_size * sizeof(struct i40iw_sq_uk_wr_trk_info); + rqwridsize = info->rq_size * 8; + switch (info->type) { + case I40IW_PUDA_RSRC_TYPE_ILQ: + vmem = &vsi->ilq_mem; + break; + case I40IW_PUDA_RSRC_TYPE_IEQ: + vmem = &vsi->ieq_mem; + break; + default: + return I40IW_NOT_SUPPORTED; + } + ret = + i40iw_allocate_virt_mem(dev->hw, vmem, + pudasize + sqwridsize + rqwridsize); + if (ret) + return ret; + rsrc = (struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *)vmem->va; + spin_lock_init(&rsrc->bufpool_lock); + if (info->type == I40IW_PUDA_RSRC_TYPE_ILQ) { + vsi->ilq = (struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *)vmem->va; + vsi->ilq_count = info->count; + rsrc->receive = info->receive; + rsrc->xmit_complete = info->xmit_complete; + } else { + vmem = &vsi->ieq_mem; + vsi->ieq_count = info->count; + vsi->ieq = (struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *)vmem->va; + rsrc->receive = i40iw_ieq_receive; + rsrc->xmit_complete = i40iw_ieq_tx_compl; + } + + rsrc->type = info->type; + rsrc->sq_wrtrk_array = (struct i40iw_sq_uk_wr_trk_info *)((u8 *) vmem->va + pudasize); + rsrc->rq_wrid_array = (u64 *) ((u8 *) vmem->va + pudasize + sqwridsize); + /* Initialize all ieq lists */ + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&rsrc->bufpool); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&rsrc->txpend); + + rsrc->tx_wqe_avail_cnt = info->sq_size - 1; + dev->iw_pd_ops->pd_init(dev, &rsrc->sc_pd, info->pd_id); + rsrc->qp_id = info->qp_id; + rsrc->cq_id = info->cq_id; + rsrc->sq_size = info->sq_size; + rsrc->rq_size = info->rq_size; + rsrc->cq_size = info->rq_size + info->sq_size; + rsrc->buf_size = info->buf_size; + rsrc->dev = dev; + rsrc->vsi = vsi; + + ret = i40iw_puda_cq_create(rsrc); + if (!ret) { + rsrc->completion = PUDA_CQ_CREATED; + ret = i40iw_puda_qp_create(rsrc); + } + if (ret) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, "[%s] error qp_create\n", __func__); + goto error; + } + rsrc->completion = PUDA_QP_CREATED; + + ret = i40iw_puda_allocbufs(rsrc, info->tx_buf_cnt + info->rq_size); + if (ret) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA, "[%s] error allloc_buf\n", __func__); + goto error; + } + rsrc->rxq_invalid_cnt = info->rq_size; + ret = i40iw_puda_replenish_rq(rsrc, TRUE); + if (ret) + goto error; + + if (info->type == I40IW_PUDA_RSRC_TYPE_IEQ) { + if (!i40iw_init_hash_desc(&rsrc->hash_desc)) { + rsrc->check_crc = TRUE; + rsrc->completion = PUDA_HASH_CRC_COMPLETE; + ret = 0; + } + } + dev->ccq_ops->ccq_arm(&rsrc->cq); + return ret; +error: + + i40iw_puda_dele_resources(vsi, info->type, FALSE); + + return ret; +} + +/** + * i40iw_ilq_putback_rcvbuf - ilq buffer to put back on rq + * @qp: ilq's qp resource + * @wqe_idx: wqe index of completed rcvbuf + */ +static void +i40iw_ilq_putback_rcvbuf(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, u32 wqe_idx) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u64 offset24; + + wqe = qp->qp_uk.rq_base[wqe_idx].elem; + get_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_24, &offset24); + offset24 = (offset24) ? 0 : LS_64(1, I40IWQPSQ_VALID); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_24, offset24); +} + +/** + * i40iw_ieq_get_fpdu - given length return fpdu length + * @length: length if fpdu + */ +static u16 +i40iw_ieq_get_fpdu_length(u16 length) +{ + u16 fpdu_len; + + fpdu_len = length + I40IW_IEQ_MPA_FRAMING; + fpdu_len = (fpdu_len + 3) & 0xfffffffc; + return fpdu_len; +} + +/** + * i40iw_ieq_copy_to_txbuf - copydata from rcv buf to tx buf + * @buf: rcv buffer with partial + * @txbuf: tx buffer for sendign back + * @buf_offset: rcv buffer offset to copy from + * @txbuf_offset: at offset in tx buf to copy + * @length: length of data to copy + */ +static void +i40iw_ieq_copy_to_txbuf(struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *txbuf, + u16 buf_offset, u32 txbuf_offset, + u32 length) +{ + void *mem1 = (u8 *) buf-> + buf_offset; + void *mem2 = (u8 *) txbuf-> + txbuf_offset; + + i40iw_memcpy(mem2, mem1, length); +} + +/** + * i40iw_ieq_setup_tx_buf - setup tx buffer for partial handling + * @buf: reeive buffer with partial + * @txbuf: buffer to prepare + */ +static void +i40iw_ieq_setup_tx_buf(struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *txbuf) +{ + txbuf->maclen = buf->maclen; + txbuf->tcphlen = buf->tcphlen; + txbuf->ipv4 = buf->ipv4; + txbuf->hdrlen = buf->hdrlen; + i40iw_ieq_copy_to_txbuf(buf, txbuf, 0, 0, buf->hdrlen); +} + +/** + * i40iw_ieq_check_first_buf - check if rcv buffer's seq is in range + * @buf: receive exception buffer + * @fps: first partial sequence number + */ +static void +i40iw_ieq_check_first_buf(struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf, u32 fps) +{ + u32 offset; + + if (buf->seqnum < fps) { + offset = fps - buf->seqnum; + if (offset > buf->datalen) + return; + buf->data += offset; + buf->datalen -= (u16) offset; + buf->seqnum = fps; + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_ieq_compl_pfpdu - write txbuf with full fpdu + * @ieq: ieq resource + * @rxlist: ieq's received buffer list + * @pbufl: temporary list for buffers for fpddu + * @txbuf: tx buffer for fpdu + * @fpdu_len: total length of fpdu + */ +static void +i40iw_ieq_compl_pfpdu(struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *ieq, + struct list_head *rxlist, + struct list_head *pbufl, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *txbuf, + u16 fpdu_len) +{ + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf; + u32 nextseqnum; + u16 txoffset, bufoffset; + + buf = i40iw_puda_get_listbuf(pbufl); + if (!buf) + return; + nextseqnum = buf->seqnum + fpdu_len; + txbuf->totallen = buf->hdrlen + fpdu_len; + txbuf->data = (u8 *) txbuf-> + buf->hdrlen; + i40iw_ieq_setup_tx_buf(buf, txbuf); + + txoffset = buf->hdrlen; + bufoffset = (u16) (buf->data - (u8 *) buf->; + + do { + if (buf->datalen >= fpdu_len) { + /* copied full fpdu */ + i40iw_ieq_copy_to_txbuf(buf, txbuf, bufoffset, txoffset, fpdu_len); + buf->datalen -= fpdu_len; + buf->data += fpdu_len; + buf->seqnum = nextseqnum; + break; + } + /* copy partial fpdu */ + i40iw_ieq_copy_to_txbuf(buf, txbuf, bufoffset, txoffset, buf->datalen); + txoffset += buf->datalen; + fpdu_len -= buf->datalen; + i40iw_puda_ret_bufpool(ieq, buf); + buf = i40iw_puda_get_listbuf(pbufl); + if (!buf) + return; + bufoffset = (u16) (buf->data - (u8 *) buf->; + } while (1); + + /* last buffer on the list */ + if (buf->datalen) + list_add(&buf->list, rxlist); + else + i40iw_puda_ret_bufpool(ieq, buf); +} + +/** + * i40iw_ieq_create_pbufl - create buffer list for single fpdu + * @rxlist: resource list for receive ieq buffes + * @pbufl: temp. list for buffers for fpddu + * @buf: first receive buffer + * @fpdu_len: total length of fpdu + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_ieq_create_pbufl( + struct i40iw_pfpdu *pfpdu, + struct list_head *rxlist, + struct list_head *pbufl, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf, + u16 fpdu_len) +{ + enum i40iw_status_code status = 0; + struct i40iw_puda_buf *nextbuf; + u32 nextseqnum; + u16 plen = fpdu_len - buf->datalen; + bool done = FALSE; + + nextseqnum = buf->seqnum + buf->datalen; + do { + nextbuf = i40iw_puda_get_listbuf(rxlist); + if (!nextbuf) { + status = I40IW_ERR_LIST_EMPTY; + break; + } + list_add_tail(&nextbuf->list, pbufl); + if (nextbuf->seqnum != nextseqnum) { + pfpdu->bad_seq_num++; + status = I40IW_ERR_SEQ_NUM; + break; + } + if (nextbuf->datalen >= plen) { + done = TRUE; + } else { + plen -= nextbuf->datalen; + nextseqnum = nextbuf->seqnum + nextbuf->datalen; + } + + } while (!done); + + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_ieq_handle_partial - process partial fpdu buffer + * @ieq: ieq resource + * @pfpdu: partial management per user qp + * @buf: receive buffer + * @fpdu_len: fpdu len in the buffer + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_ieq_handle_partial(struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *ieq, + struct i40iw_pfpdu *pfpdu, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf, + u16 fpdu_len) +{ + enum i40iw_status_code status = 0; + u8 *crcptr; + u32 mpacrc; + u32 seqnum = buf->seqnum; + struct list_head pbufl; /* partial buffer list */ + struct i40iw_puda_buf *txbuf = NULL; + struct list_head *rxlist = &pfpdu->rxlist; + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pbufl); + list_add(&buf->list, &pbufl); + + status = i40iw_ieq_create_pbufl(pfpdu, rxlist, &pbufl, buf, fpdu_len); + if (status) + goto error; + + txbuf = i40iw_puda_get_bufpool(ieq); + if (!txbuf) { + pfpdu->no_tx_bufs++; + status = I40IW_ERR_NO_TXBUFS; + goto error; + } + i40iw_ieq_compl_pfpdu(ieq, rxlist, &pbufl, txbuf, fpdu_len); + i40iw_ieq_update_tcpip_info(txbuf, fpdu_len, seqnum); + crcptr = txbuf->data + fpdu_len - 4; + mpacrc = *(u32 *) crcptr; + if (ieq->check_crc) { + status = i40iw_ieq_check_mpacrc(ieq->hash_desc, txbuf->data, + (fpdu_len - 4), mpacrc); + if (status) { + i40iw_debug(ieq->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_IEQ, + "%s: error bad crc\n", __func__); + goto error; + } + } + i40iw_debug_buf(ieq->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_IEQ, "IEQ TX BUFFER", + txbuf->, txbuf->totallen); + i40iw_puda_send_buf(ieq, txbuf); + pfpdu->rcv_nxt = seqnum + fpdu_len; + return status; +error: + while (!list_empty(&pbufl)) { + buf = (struct i40iw_puda_buf *)(pbufl.prev); + list_del(&buf->list); + list_add(&buf->list, rxlist); + } + if (txbuf) + i40iw_puda_ret_bufpool(ieq, txbuf); + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_ieq_process_buf - process buffer rcvd for ieq + * @ieq: ieq resource + * @pfpdu: partial management per user qp + * @buf: receive buffer + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_ieq_process_buf(struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *ieq, + struct i40iw_pfpdu *pfpdu, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf) +{ + u16 fpdu_len = 0; + u16 datalen = buf->datalen; + u8 *datap = buf->data; + u8 *crcptr; + u16 ioffset = 0; + u32 mpacrc; + u32 seqnum = buf->seqnum; + u16 length = 0; + u16 full = 0; + bool partial = FALSE; + struct i40iw_puda_buf *txbuf; + struct list_head *rxlist = &pfpdu->rxlist; + enum i40iw_status_code ret = 0; + enum i40iw_status_code status = 0; + + ioffset = (u16) (buf->data - (u8 *) buf->; + while (datalen) { + fpdu_len = i40iw_ieq_get_fpdu_length(I40IW_NTOHS(*(__be16 *) datap)); + if (fpdu_len > pfpdu->max_fpdu_data) { + i40iw_debug(ieq->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_IEQ, + "%s: error bad fpdu_len\n", __func__); + status = I40IW_ERR_MPA_CRC; + list_add(&buf->list, rxlist); + return status; + } + if (datalen < fpdu_len) { + partial = TRUE; + break; + } + crcptr = datap + fpdu_len - 4; + mpacrc = *(u32 *) crcptr; + if (ieq->check_crc) + ret = i40iw_ieq_check_mpacrc(ieq->hash_desc, + datap, fpdu_len - 4, mpacrc); + if (ret) { + status = I40IW_ERR_MPA_CRC; + list_add(&buf->list, rxlist); + return status; + } + full++; + pfpdu->fpdu_processed++; + datap += fpdu_len; + length += fpdu_len; + datalen -= fpdu_len; + } + if (full) { + /* copy full pdu's in the txbuf and send them out */ + txbuf = i40iw_puda_get_bufpool(ieq); + if (!txbuf) { + pfpdu->no_tx_bufs++; + status = I40IW_ERR_NO_TXBUFS; + list_add(&buf->list, rxlist); + return status; + } + /* modify txbuf's buffer header */ + i40iw_ieq_setup_tx_buf(buf, txbuf); + /* copy full fpdu's to new buffer */ + i40iw_ieq_copy_to_txbuf(buf, txbuf, ioffset, buf->hdrlen, + length); + txbuf->totallen = buf->hdrlen + length; + + i40iw_ieq_update_tcpip_info(txbuf, length, buf->seqnum); + i40iw_puda_send_buf(ieq, txbuf); + + if (!datalen) { + pfpdu->rcv_nxt = buf->seqnum + length; + i40iw_puda_ret_bufpool(ieq, buf); + return status; + } + buf->data = datap; + buf->seqnum = seqnum + length; + buf->datalen = datalen; + pfpdu->rcv_nxt = buf->seqnum; + } + if (partial) + status = i40iw_ieq_handle_partial(ieq, pfpdu, buf, fpdu_len); + + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_ieq_process_fpdus - process fpdu's buffers on its list + * @qp: qp for which partial fpdus + * @ieq: ieq resource + */ +static void +i40iw_ieq_process_fpdus(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, + struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *ieq) +{ + struct i40iw_pfpdu *pfpdu = &qp->pfpdu; + struct list_head *rxlist = &pfpdu->rxlist; + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + do { + if (list_empty(rxlist)) + break; + buf = i40iw_puda_get_listbuf(rxlist); + if (!buf) { + i40iw_debug(ieq->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_IEQ, + "%s: error no buf\n", __func__); + break; + } + if (buf->seqnum != pfpdu->rcv_nxt) { + /* This could be out of order or missing packet */ + pfpdu->out_of_order++; + list_add(&buf->list, rxlist); + break; + } + /* keep processing buffers from the head of the list */ + status = i40iw_ieq_process_buf(ieq, pfpdu, buf); + if (status == I40IW_ERR_MPA_CRC) { + pfpdu->mpa_crc_err = TRUE; + while (!list_empty(rxlist)) { + buf = i40iw_puda_get_listbuf(rxlist); + i40iw_puda_ret_bufpool(ieq, buf); + pfpdu->crc_err++; + } + /* create CQP for AE */ + i40iw_ieq_mpa_crc_ae(ieq->dev, qp); + } + } while (!status); +} + +/** + * i40iw_ieq_handle_exception - handle qp's exception + * @ieq: ieq resource + * @qp: qp receiving excpetion + * @buf: receive buffer + */ +static void +i40iw_ieq_handle_exception(struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *ieq, + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf) +{ + struct i40iw_puda_buf *tmpbuf = NULL; + struct i40iw_pfpdu *pfpdu = &qp->pfpdu; + u32 *hw_host_ctx = (u32 *) qp->hw_host_ctx; + u32 rcv_wnd = hw_host_ctx[23]; + /* first partial seq # in q2 */ + u32 fps = qp->q2_buf[16]; + struct list_head *rxlist = &pfpdu->rxlist; + struct list_head *plist; + + pfpdu->total_ieq_bufs++; + + if (pfpdu->mpa_crc_err) { + pfpdu->crc_err++; + goto error; + } + if (pfpdu->mode && (fps != pfpdu->fps)) { + /* clean up qp as it is new partial sequence */ + i40iw_ieq_cleanup_qp(ieq, qp); + i40iw_debug(ieq->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_IEQ, + "%s: restarting new partial\n", __func__); + pfpdu->mode = FALSE; + } + if (!pfpdu->mode) { + i40iw_debug_buf(ieq->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_IEQ, "Q2 BUFFER", (u64 *) qp->q2_buf, 128); + /* First_Partial_Sequence_Number check */ + pfpdu->rcv_nxt = fps; + pfpdu->fps = fps; + pfpdu->mode = TRUE; + pfpdu->max_fpdu_data = (buf->ipv4) ? (ieq->vsi->mtu - I40IW_MTU_TO_MSS_IPV4) : + (ieq->vsi->mtu - I40IW_MTU_TO_MSS_IPV6); + pfpdu->pmode_count++; + INIT_LIST_HEAD(rxlist); + i40iw_ieq_check_first_buf(buf, fps); + } + if (!(rcv_wnd >= (buf->seqnum - pfpdu->rcv_nxt))) { + pfpdu->bad_seq_num++; + goto error; + } + if (!list_empty(rxlist)) { + tmpbuf = (struct i40iw_puda_buf *)rxlist->next; + while ((struct list_head *)tmpbuf != rxlist) { + if ((int)(buf->seqnum - tmpbuf->seqnum) < 0) + break; + plist = &tmpbuf->list; + tmpbuf = (struct i40iw_puda_buf *)plist->next; + } + /* Insert buf before tmpbuf */ + list_add_tail(&buf->list, &tmpbuf->list); + } else { + list_add_tail(&buf->list, rxlist); + } + i40iw_ieq_process_fpdus(qp, ieq); + return; +error: + i40iw_puda_ret_bufpool(ieq, buf); +} + +/** + * i40iw_ieq_receive - received exception buffer + * @dev: iwarp device + * @buf: exception buffer received + */ +static void +i40iw_ieq_receive(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf) +{ + struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *ieq = vsi->ieq; + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp = NULL; + u32 wqe_idx = ieq->compl_rxwqe_idx; + + qp = i40iw_ieq_get_qp(vsi->dev, buf); + if (!qp) { + ieq->stats_bad_qp_id++; + i40iw_puda_ret_bufpool(ieq, buf); + } else { + i40iw_ieq_handle_exception(ieq, qp, buf); + } + /* + * ieq->rx_wqe_idx is used by i40iw_puda_replenish_rq() on which + * wqe_idx to start replenish rq + */ + if (!ieq->rxq_invalid_cnt) + ieq->rx_wqe_idx = wqe_idx; + ieq->rxq_invalid_cnt++; +} + +/** + * i40iw_ieq_tx_compl - put back after sending completed exception buffer + * @dev: iwarp device + * @sqwrid: pointer to puda buffer + */ +static void +i40iw_ieq_tx_compl(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi, void *sqwrid) +{ + struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *ieq = vsi->ieq; + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf = (struct i40iw_puda_buf *)sqwrid; + + i40iw_puda_ret_bufpool(ieq, buf); + if (!list_empty(&ieq->txpend)) { + buf = i40iw_puda_get_listbuf(&ieq->txpend); + i40iw_puda_send_buf(ieq, buf); + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_ieq_cleanup_qp - qp is being destroyed + * @dev: iwarp device + * @qp: all pending fpdu buffers + */ +static void +i40iw_ieq_cleanup_qp(struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *ieq, struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp) +{ + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf; + struct i40iw_pfpdu *pfpdu = &qp->pfpdu; + struct list_head *rxlist = &pfpdu->rxlist; + + if (!pfpdu->mode) + return; + while (!list_empty(rxlist)) { + buf = i40iw_puda_get_listbuf(rxlist); + i40iw_puda_ret_bufpool(ieq, buf); + } +} Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_register.h =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_register.h @@ -0,0 +1,1032 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#ifndef I40IW_REGISTER_H +#define I40IW_REGISTER_H + +#define I40E_GLGEN_STAT 0x000B612C /* Reset: POR */ + +#define I40E_PFHMC_PDINV 0x000C0300 /* Reset: PFR */ +#define I40E_PFHMC_PDINV_PMSDIDX_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_PFHMC_PDINV_PMSDIDX_MASK (0xFFF << I40E_PFHMC_PDINV_PMSDIDX_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFHMC_PDINV_PMPDIDX_SHIFT 16 +#define I40E_PFHMC_PDINV_PMPDIDX_MASK (0x1FF << I40E_PFHMC_PDINV_PMPDIDX_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFHMC_SDCMD_PMSDWR_SHIFT 31 +#define I40E_PFHMC_SDCMD_PMSDWR_MASK (0x1 << I40E_PFHMC_SDCMD_PMSDWR_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFHMC_SDDATALOW_PMSDVALID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_PFHMC_SDDATALOW_PMSDVALID_MASK (0x1 << I40E_PFHMC_SDDATALOW_PMSDVALID_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFHMC_SDDATALOW_PMSDTYPE_SHIFT 1 +#define I40E_PFHMC_SDDATALOW_PMSDTYPE_MASK (0x1 << I40E_PFHMC_SDDATALOW_PMSDTYPE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFHMC_SDDATALOW_PMSDBPCOUNT_SHIFT 2 +#define I40E_PFHMC_SDDATALOW_PMSDBPCOUNT_MASK (0x3FF << I40E_PFHMC_SDDATALOW_PMSDBPCOUNT_SHIFT) + +#define I40E_PFINT_DYN_CTLN(_INTPF) (0x00034800 + ((_INTPF) * 4)) /* _i=0...511 */ /* Reset: PFR */ +#define I40E_PFINT_DYN_CTLN_INTENA_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_PFINT_DYN_CTLN_INTENA_MASK (0x1 << I40E_PFINT_DYN_CTLN_INTENA_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFINT_DYN_CTLN_CLEARPBA_SHIFT 1 +#define I40E_PFINT_DYN_CTLN_CLEARPBA_MASK (0x1 << I40E_PFINT_DYN_CTLN_CLEARPBA_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFINT_DYN_CTLN_ITR_INDX_SHIFT 3 +#define I40E_PFINT_DYN_CTLN_ITR_INDX_MASK (0x3 << I40E_PFINT_DYN_CTLN_ITR_INDX_SHIFT) + +#define I40E_VFINT_DYN_CTLN1(_INTVF) (0x00003800 + ((_INTVF) * 4)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_GLHMC_VFPDINV(_i) (0x000C8300 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: CORER */ + +#define I40E_PFHMC_PDINV_PMSDPARTSEL_SHIFT 15 +#define I40E_PFHMC_PDINV_PMSDPARTSEL_MASK (0x1 << I40E_PFHMC_PDINV_PMSDPARTSEL_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPCI_LBARCTRL 0x000BE484 /* Reset: POR */ +#define I40E_GLPCI_LBARCTRL_PE_DB_SIZE_SHIFT 4 +#define I40E_GLPCI_LBARCTRL_PE_DB_SIZE_MASK (0x3 << I40E_GLPCI_LBARCTRL_PE_DB_SIZE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPCI_DREVID 0x0009C480 /* Reset: PCIR */ +#define I40E_GLPCI_DREVID_DEFAULT_REVID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPCI_DREVID_DEFAULT_REVID_MASK 0xFF + +#define I40E_PFPE_AEQALLOC 0x00131180 /* Reset: PFR */ +#define I40E_PFPE_AEQALLOC_AECOUNT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_PFPE_AEQALLOC_AECOUNT_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_PFPE_AEQALLOC_AECOUNT_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFPE_CCQPHIGH 0x00008200 /* Reset: PFR */ +#define I40E_PFPE_CCQPHIGH_PECCQPHIGH_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_PFPE_CCQPHIGH_PECCQPHIGH_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_PFPE_CCQPHIGH_PECCQPHIGH_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFPE_CCQPLOW 0x00008180 /* Reset: PFR */ +#define I40E_PFPE_CCQPLOW_PECCQPLOW_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_PFPE_CCQPLOW_PECCQPLOW_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_PFPE_CCQPLOW_PECCQPLOW_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFPE_CCQPSTATUS 0x00008100 /* Reset: PFR */ +#define I40E_PFPE_CCQPSTATUS_CCQP_DONE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_PFPE_CCQPSTATUS_CCQP_DONE_MASK (0x1 << I40E_PFPE_CCQPSTATUS_CCQP_DONE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFPE_CCQPSTATUS_HMC_PROFILE_SHIFT 4 +#define I40E_PFPE_CCQPSTATUS_HMC_PROFILE_MASK (0x7 << I40E_PFPE_CCQPSTATUS_HMC_PROFILE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFPE_CCQPSTATUS_RDMA_EN_VFS_SHIFT 16 +#define I40E_PFPE_CCQPSTATUS_RDMA_EN_VFS_MASK (0x3F << I40E_PFPE_CCQPSTATUS_RDMA_EN_VFS_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFPE_CCQPSTATUS_CCQP_ERR_SHIFT 31 +#define I40E_PFPE_CCQPSTATUS_CCQP_ERR_MASK (0x1 << I40E_PFPE_CCQPSTATUS_CCQP_ERR_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFPE_CQACK 0x00131100 /* Reset: PFR */ +#define I40E_PFPE_CQACK_PECQID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_PFPE_CQACK_PECQID_MASK (0x1FFFF << I40E_PFPE_CQACK_PECQID_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFPE_CQARM 0x00131080 /* Reset: PFR */ +#define I40E_PFPE_CQARM_PECQID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_PFPE_CQARM_PECQID_MASK (0x1FFFF << I40E_PFPE_CQARM_PECQID_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFPE_CQPDB 0x00008000 /* Reset: PFR */ +#define I40E_PFPE_CQPDB_WQHEAD_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_PFPE_CQPDB_WQHEAD_MASK (0x7FF << I40E_PFPE_CQPDB_WQHEAD_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFPE_CQPERRCODES 0x00008880 /* Reset: PFR */ +#define I40E_PFPE_CQPERRCODES_CQP_MINOR_CODE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_PFPE_CQPERRCODES_CQP_MINOR_CODE_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_PFPE_CQPERRCODES_CQP_MINOR_CODE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFPE_CQPERRCODES_CQP_MAJOR_CODE_SHIFT 16 +#define I40E_PFPE_CQPERRCODES_CQP_MAJOR_CODE_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_PFPE_CQPERRCODES_CQP_MAJOR_CODE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFPE_CQPTAIL 0x00008080 /* Reset: PFR */ +#define I40E_PFPE_CQPTAIL_WQTAIL_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_PFPE_CQPTAIL_WQTAIL_MASK (0x7FF << I40E_PFPE_CQPTAIL_WQTAIL_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFPE_CQPTAIL_CQP_OP_ERR_SHIFT 31 +#define I40E_PFPE_CQPTAIL_CQP_OP_ERR_MASK (0x1 << I40E_PFPE_CQPTAIL_CQP_OP_ERR_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFPE_FLMQ1ALLOCERR 0x00008980 /* Reset: PFR */ +#define I40E_PFPE_FLMQ1ALLOCERR_ERROR_COUNT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_PFPE_FLMQ1ALLOCERR_ERROR_COUNT_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_PFPE_FLMQ1ALLOCERR_ERROR_COUNT_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFPE_FLMXMITALLOCERR 0x00008900 /* Reset: PFR */ +#define I40E_PFPE_FLMXMITALLOCERR_ERROR_COUNT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_PFPE_FLMXMITALLOCERR_ERROR_COUNT_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_PFPE_FLMXMITALLOCERR_ERROR_COUNT_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFPE_IPCONFIG0 0x00008280 /* Reset: PFR */ +#define I40E_PFPE_IPCONFIG0_PEIPID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_PFPE_IPCONFIG0_PEIPID_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_PFPE_IPCONFIG0_PEIPID_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFPE_IPCONFIG0_USEENTIREIDRANGE_SHIFT 16 +#define I40E_PFPE_IPCONFIG0_USEENTIREIDRANGE_MASK (0x1 << I40E_PFPE_IPCONFIG0_USEENTIREIDRANGE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFPE_MRTEIDXMASK 0x00008600 /* Reset: PFR */ +#define I40E_PFPE_MRTEIDXMASK_MRTEIDXMASKBITS_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_PFPE_MRTEIDXMASK_MRTEIDXMASKBITS_MASK (0x1F << I40E_PFPE_MRTEIDXMASK_MRTEIDXMASKBITS_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFPE_RCVUNEXPECTEDERROR 0x00008680 /* Reset: PFR */ +#define I40E_PFPE_RCVUNEXPECTEDERROR_TCP_RX_UNEXP_ERR_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_PFPE_RCVUNEXPECTEDERROR_TCP_RX_UNEXP_ERR_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_PFPE_RCVUNEXPECTEDERROR_TCP_RX_UNEXP_ERR_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFPE_TCPNOWTIMER 0x00008580 /* Reset: PFR */ +#define I40E_PFPE_TCPNOWTIMER_TCP_NOW_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_PFPE_TCPNOWTIMER_TCP_NOW_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_PFPE_TCPNOWTIMER_TCP_NOW_SHIFT) + +#define I40E_PFPE_WQEALLOC 0x00138C00 /* Reset: PFR */ +#define I40E_PFPE_WQEALLOC_PEQPID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_PFPE_WQEALLOC_PEQPID_MASK (0x3FFFF << I40E_PFPE_WQEALLOC_PEQPID_SHIFT) +#define I40E_PFPE_WQEALLOC_WQE_DESC_INDEX_SHIFT 20 +#define I40E_PFPE_WQEALLOC_WQE_DESC_INDEX_MASK (0xFFF << I40E_PFPE_WQEALLOC_WQE_DESC_INDEX_SHIFT) + +#define I40E_VFPE_AEQALLOC(_VF) (0x00130C00 + ((_VF) * 4)) /* _i=0...127 */ /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_AEQALLOC_MAX_INDEX 127 +#define I40E_VFPE_AEQALLOC_AECOUNT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_AEQALLOC_AECOUNT_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_VFPE_AEQALLOC_AECOUNT_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPHIGH(_VF) (0x00001000 + ((_VF) * 4)) /* _i=0...127 */ /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPHIGH_MAX_INDEX 127 +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPHIGH_PECCQPHIGH_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPHIGH_PECCQPHIGH_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_VFPE_CCQPHIGH_PECCQPHIGH_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPLOW(_VF) (0x00000C00 + ((_VF) * 4)) /* _i=0...127 */ /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPLOW_MAX_INDEX 127 +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPLOW_PECCQPLOW_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPLOW_PECCQPLOW_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_VFPE_CCQPLOW_PECCQPLOW_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS(_VF) (0x00000800 + ((_VF) * 4)) /* _i=0...127 */ /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS_MAX_INDEX 127 +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS_CCQP_DONE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS_CCQP_DONE_MASK (0x1 << I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS_CCQP_DONE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS_HMC_PROFILE_SHIFT 4 +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS_HMC_PROFILE_MASK (0x7 << I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS_HMC_PROFILE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS_RDMA_EN_VFS_SHIFT 16 +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS_RDMA_EN_VFS_MASK (0x3F << I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS_RDMA_EN_VFS_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS_CCQP_ERR_SHIFT 31 +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS_CCQP_ERR_MASK (0x1 << I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS_CCQP_ERR_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CQACK(_VF) (0x00130800 + ((_VF) * 4)) /* _i=0...127 */ /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_CQACK_MAX_INDEX 127 +#define I40E_VFPE_CQACK_PECQID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_CQACK_PECQID_MASK (0x1FFFF << I40E_VFPE_CQACK_PECQID_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CQARM(_VF) (0x00130400 + ((_VF) * 4)) /* _i=0...127 */ /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_CQARM_MAX_INDEX 127 +#define I40E_VFPE_CQARM_PECQID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_CQARM_PECQID_MASK (0x1FFFF << I40E_VFPE_CQARM_PECQID_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPDB(_VF) (0x00000000 + ((_VF) * 4)) /* _i=0...127 */ /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPDB_MAX_INDEX 127 +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPDB_WQHEAD_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPDB_WQHEAD_MASK (0x7FF << I40E_VFPE_CQPDB_WQHEAD_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPERRCODES(_VF) (0x00001800 + ((_VF) * 4)) /* _i=0...127 */ /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPERRCODES_MAX_INDEX 127 +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPERRCODES_CQP_MINOR_CODE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPERRCODES_CQP_MINOR_CODE_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_VFPE_CQPERRCODES_CQP_MINOR_CODE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPERRCODES_CQP_MAJOR_CODE_SHIFT 16 +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPERRCODES_CQP_MAJOR_CODE_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_VFPE_CQPERRCODES_CQP_MAJOR_CODE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPTAIL(_VF) (0x00000400 + ((_VF) * 4)) /* _i=0...127 */ /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPTAIL_MAX_INDEX 127 +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPTAIL_WQTAIL_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPTAIL_WQTAIL_MASK (0x7FF << I40E_VFPE_CQPTAIL_WQTAIL_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPTAIL_CQP_OP_ERR_SHIFT 31 +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPTAIL_CQP_OP_ERR_MASK (0x1 << I40E_VFPE_CQPTAIL_CQP_OP_ERR_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_IPCONFIG0(_VF) (0x00001400 + ((_VF) * 4)) /* _i=0...127 */ /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_IPCONFIG0_MAX_INDEX 127 +#define I40E_VFPE_IPCONFIG0_PEIPID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_IPCONFIG0_PEIPID_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_VFPE_IPCONFIG0_PEIPID_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_IPCONFIG0_USEENTIREIDRANGE_SHIFT 16 +#define I40E_VFPE_IPCONFIG0_USEENTIREIDRANGE_MASK (0x1 << I40E_VFPE_IPCONFIG0_USEENTIREIDRANGE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_MRTEIDXMASK(_VF) (0x00003000 + ((_VF) * 4)) /* _i=0...127 */ /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_MRTEIDXMASK_MAX_INDEX 127 +#define I40E_VFPE_MRTEIDXMASK_MRTEIDXMASKBITS_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_MRTEIDXMASK_MRTEIDXMASKBITS_MASK (0x1F << I40E_VFPE_MRTEIDXMASK_MRTEIDXMASKBITS_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_RCVUNEXPECTEDERROR(_VF) (0x00003400 + ((_VF) * 4)) /* _i=0...127 */ /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_RCVUNEXPECTEDERROR_MAX_INDEX 127 +#define I40E_VFPE_RCVUNEXPECTEDERROR_TCP_RX_UNEXP_ERR_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_RCVUNEXPECTEDERROR_TCP_RX_UNEXP_ERR_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_VFPE_RCVUNEXPECTEDERROR_TCP_RX_UNEXP_ERR_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_TCPNOWTIMER(_VF) (0x00002C00 + ((_VF) * 4)) /* _i=0...127 */ /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_TCPNOWTIMER_MAX_INDEX 127 +#define I40E_VFPE_TCPNOWTIMER_TCP_NOW_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_TCPNOWTIMER_TCP_NOW_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_VFPE_TCPNOWTIMER_TCP_NOW_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_WQEALLOC(_VF) (0x00138000 + ((_VF) * 4)) /* _i=0...127 */ /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_WQEALLOC_MAX_INDEX 127 +#define I40E_VFPE_WQEALLOC_PEQPID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_WQEALLOC_PEQPID_MASK (0x3FFFF << I40E_VFPE_WQEALLOC_PEQPID_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_WQEALLOC_WQE_DESC_INDEX_SHIFT 20 +#define I40E_VFPE_WQEALLOC_WQE_DESC_INDEX_MASK (0xFFF << I40E_VFPE_WQEALLOC_WQE_DESC_INDEX_SHIFT) + +#define I40E_GLPE_CPUSTATUS0 0x0000D040 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_CPUSTATUS0_PECPUSTATUS0_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_CPUSTATUS0_PECPUSTATUS0_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPE_CPUSTATUS0_PECPUSTATUS0_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_CPUSTATUS1 0x0000D044 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_CPUSTATUS1_PECPUSTATUS1_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_CPUSTATUS1_PECPUSTATUS1_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPE_CPUSTATUS1_PECPUSTATUS1_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_CPUSTATUS2 0x0000D048 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_CPUSTATUS2_PECPUSTATUS2_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_CPUSTATUS2_PECPUSTATUS2_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPE_CPUSTATUS2_PECPUSTATUS2_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_CPUTRIG0 0x0000D060 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_CPUTRIG0_PECPUTRIG0_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_CPUTRIG0_PECPUTRIG0_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPE_CPUTRIG0_PECPUTRIG0_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_CPUTRIG0_TEPREQUEST0_SHIFT 17 +#define I40E_GLPE_CPUTRIG0_TEPREQUEST0_MASK (0x1 << I40E_GLPE_CPUTRIG0_TEPREQUEST0_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_CPUTRIG0_OOPREQUEST0_SHIFT 18 +#define I40E_GLPE_CPUTRIG0_OOPREQUEST0_MASK (0x1 << I40E_GLPE_CPUTRIG0_OOPREQUEST0_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_DUAL40_RUPM 0x0000DA04 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_DUAL40_RUPM_DUAL_40G_MODE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_DUAL40_RUPM_DUAL_40G_MODE_MASK (0x1 << I40E_GLPE_DUAL40_RUPM_DUAL_40G_MODE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_PFAEQEDROPCNT(_i) (0x00131440 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_PFAEQEDROPCNT_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPE_PFAEQEDROPCNT_AEQEDROPCNT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_PFAEQEDROPCNT_AEQEDROPCNT_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPE_PFAEQEDROPCNT_AEQEDROPCNT_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_PFCEQEDROPCNT(_i) (0x001313C0 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_PFCEQEDROPCNT_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPE_PFCEQEDROPCNT_CEQEDROPCNT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_PFCEQEDROPCNT_CEQEDROPCNT_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPE_PFCEQEDROPCNT_CEQEDROPCNT_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_PFCQEDROPCNT(_i) (0x00131340 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_PFCQEDROPCNT_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPE_PFCQEDROPCNT_CQEDROPCNT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_PFCQEDROPCNT_CQEDROPCNT_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPE_PFCQEDROPCNT_CQEDROPCNT_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_CQPPOOL 0x0000DACC /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_CQPPOOL_CQPSPADS_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_CQPPOOL_CQPSPADS_MASK (0xFF << I40E_GLPE_RUPM_CQPPOOL_CQPSPADS_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_FLRPOOL 0x0000DAC4 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_FLRPOOL_FLRSPADS_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_FLRPOOL_FLRSPADS_MASK (0xFF << I40E_GLPE_RUPM_FLRPOOL_FLRSPADS_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL 0x0000DA00 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL_ALLOFFTH_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL_ALLOFFTH_MASK (0xFF << I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL_ALLOFFTH_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL_RUPM_P0_DIS_SHIFT 26 +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL_RUPM_P0_DIS_MASK (0x1 << I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL_RUPM_P0_DIS_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL_RUPM_P1_DIS_SHIFT 27 +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL_RUPM_P1_DIS_MASK (0x1 << I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL_RUPM_P1_DIS_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL_RUPM_P2_DIS_SHIFT 28 +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL_RUPM_P2_DIS_MASK (0x1 << I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL_RUPM_P2_DIS_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL_RUPM_P3_DIS_SHIFT 29 +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL_RUPM_P3_DIS_MASK (0x1 << I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL_RUPM_P3_DIS_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL_RUPM_DIS_SHIFT 30 +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL_RUPM_DIS_MASK (0x1 << I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL_RUPM_DIS_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL_SWLB_MODE_SHIFT 31 +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL_SWLB_MODE_MASK (0x1 << I40E_GLPE_RUPM_GCTL_SWLB_MODE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_PTXPOOL 0x0000DAC8 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_PTXPOOL_PTXSPADS_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_PTXPOOL_PTXSPADS_MASK (0xFF << I40E_GLPE_RUPM_PTXPOOL_PTXSPADS_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_PUSHPOOL 0x0000DAC0 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_PUSHPOOL_PUSHSPADS_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_PUSHPOOL_PUSHSPADS_MASK (0xFF << I40E_GLPE_RUPM_PUSHPOOL_PUSHSPADS_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_TXHOST_EN 0x0000DA08 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_TXHOST_EN_TXHOST_EN_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_RUPM_TXHOST_EN_TXHOST_EN_MASK (0x1 << I40E_GLPE_RUPM_TXHOST_EN_TXHOST_EN_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_VFAEQEDROPCNT(_i) (0x00132540 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_VFAEQEDROPCNT_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFAEQEDROPCNT_AEQEDROPCNT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFAEQEDROPCNT_AEQEDROPCNT_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPE_VFAEQEDROPCNT_AEQEDROPCNT_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_VFCEQEDROPCNT(_i) (0x00132440 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_VFCEQEDROPCNT_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFCEQEDROPCNT_CEQEDROPCNT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFCEQEDROPCNT_CEQEDROPCNT_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPE_VFCEQEDROPCNT_CEQEDROPCNT_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_VFCQEDROPCNT(_i) (0x00132340 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_VFCQEDROPCNT_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFCQEDROPCNT_CQEDROPCNT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFCQEDROPCNT_CQEDROPCNT_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPE_VFCQEDROPCNT_CQEDROPCNT_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_VFFLMOBJCTRL(_i) (0x0000D400 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_VFFLMOBJCTRL_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFFLMOBJCTRL_XMIT_BLOCKSIZE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFFLMOBJCTRL_XMIT_BLOCKSIZE_MASK (0x7 << I40E_GLPE_VFFLMOBJCTRL_XMIT_BLOCKSIZE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_VFFLMOBJCTRL_Q1_BLOCKSIZE_SHIFT 8 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFFLMOBJCTRL_Q1_BLOCKSIZE_MASK (0x7 << I40E_GLPE_VFFLMOBJCTRL_Q1_BLOCKSIZE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_VFFLMQ1ALLOCERR(_i) (0x0000C700 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_VFFLMQ1ALLOCERR_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFFLMQ1ALLOCERR_ERROR_COUNT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFFLMQ1ALLOCERR_ERROR_COUNT_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPE_VFFLMQ1ALLOCERR_ERROR_COUNT_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_VFFLMXMITALLOCERR(_i) (0x0000C600 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_VFFLMXMITALLOCERR_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFFLMXMITALLOCERR_ERROR_COUNT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFFLMXMITALLOCERR_ERROR_COUNT_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPE_VFFLMXMITALLOCERR_ERROR_COUNT_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_VFUDACTRL(_i) (0x0000C000 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_VFUDACTRL_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFUDACTRL_IPV4MCFRAGRESBP_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFUDACTRL_IPV4MCFRAGRESBP_MASK (0x1 << I40E_GLPE_VFUDACTRL_IPV4MCFRAGRESBP_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_VFUDACTRL_IPV4UCFRAGRESBP_SHIFT 1 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFUDACTRL_IPV4UCFRAGRESBP_MASK (0x1 << I40E_GLPE_VFUDACTRL_IPV4UCFRAGRESBP_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_VFUDACTRL_IPV6MCFRAGRESBP_SHIFT 2 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFUDACTRL_IPV6MCFRAGRESBP_MASK (0x1 << I40E_GLPE_VFUDACTRL_IPV6MCFRAGRESBP_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_VFUDACTRL_IPV6UCFRAGRESBP_SHIFT 3 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFUDACTRL_IPV6UCFRAGRESBP_MASK (0x1 << I40E_GLPE_VFUDACTRL_IPV6UCFRAGRESBP_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_VFUDACTRL_UDPMCFRAGRESFAIL_SHIFT 4 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFUDACTRL_UDPMCFRAGRESFAIL_MASK (0x1 << I40E_GLPE_VFUDACTRL_UDPMCFRAGRESFAIL_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_VFUDAUCFBQPN(_i) (0x0000C100 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPE_VFUDAUCFBQPN_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFUDAUCFBQPN_QPN_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFUDAUCFBQPN_QPN_MASK (0x3FFFF << I40E_GLPE_VFUDAUCFBQPN_QPN_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPE_VFUDAUCFBQPN_VALID_SHIFT 31 +#define I40E_GLPE_VFUDAUCFBQPN_VALID_MASK (0x1 << I40E_GLPE_VFUDAUCFBQPN_VALID_SHIFT) + +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXDISCARD(_i) (0x00010600 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXDISCARD_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXDISCARD_IP4RXDISCARD_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXDISCARD_IP4RXDISCARD_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXDISCARD_IP4RXDISCARD_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXFRAGSHI(_i) (0x00010804 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXFRAGSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXFRAGSHI_IP4RXFRAGSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXFRAGSHI_IP4RXFRAGSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXFRAGSHI_IP4RXFRAGSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXFRAGSLO(_i) (0x00010800 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXFRAGSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXFRAGSLO_IP4RXFRAGSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXFRAGSLO_IP4RXFRAGSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXFRAGSLO_IP4RXFRAGSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXMCOCTSHI(_i) (0x00010A04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXMCOCTSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXMCOCTSHI_IP4RXMCOCTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXMCOCTSHI_IP4RXMCOCTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXMCOCTSHI_IP4RXMCOCTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXMCOCTSLO(_i) (0x00010A00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXMCOCTSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXMCOCTSLO_IP4RXMCOCTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXMCOCTSLO_IP4RXMCOCTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXMCOCTSLO_IP4RXMCOCTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXMCPKTSHI(_i) (0x00010C04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXMCPKTSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXMCPKTSHI_IP4RXMCPKTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXMCPKTSHI_IP4RXMCPKTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXMCPKTSHI_IP4RXMCPKTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXMCPKTSLO(_i) (0x00010C00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXMCPKTSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXMCPKTSLO_IP4RXMCPKTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXMCPKTSLO_IP4RXMCPKTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXMCPKTSLO_IP4RXMCPKTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXOCTSHI(_i) (0x00010204 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXOCTSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXOCTSHI_IP4RXOCTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXOCTSHI_IP4RXOCTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXOCTSHI_IP4RXOCTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXOCTSLO(_i) (0x00010200 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXOCTSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXOCTSLO_IP4RXOCTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXOCTSLO_IP4RXOCTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXOCTSLO_IP4RXOCTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXPKTSHI(_i) (0x00010404 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXPKTSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXPKTSHI_IP4RXPKTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXPKTSHI_IP4RXPKTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXPKTSHI_IP4RXPKTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXPKTSLO(_i) (0x00010400 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXPKTSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXPKTSLO_IP4RXPKTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXPKTSLO_IP4RXPKTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXPKTSLO_IP4RXPKTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXTRUNC(_i) (0x00010700 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXTRUNC_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXTRUNC_IP4RXTRUNC_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXTRUNC_IP4RXTRUNC_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4RXTRUNC_IP4RXTRUNC_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXFRAGSHI(_i) (0x00011E04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXFRAGSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXFRAGSHI_IP4TXFRAGSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXFRAGSHI_IP4TXFRAGSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXFRAGSHI_IP4TXFRAGSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXFRAGSLO(_i) (0x00011E00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXFRAGSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXFRAGSLO_IP4TXFRAGSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXFRAGSLO_IP4TXFRAGSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXFRAGSLO_IP4TXFRAGSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXMCOCTSHI(_i) (0x00012004 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXMCOCTSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXMCOCTSHI_IP4TXMCOCTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXMCOCTSHI_IP4TXMCOCTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXMCOCTSHI_IP4TXMCOCTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXMCOCTSLO(_i) (0x00012000 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXMCOCTSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXMCOCTSLO_IP4TXMCOCTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXMCOCTSLO_IP4TXMCOCTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXMCOCTSLO_IP4TXMCOCTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXMCPKTSHI(_i) (0x00012204 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXMCPKTSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXMCPKTSHI_IP4TXMCPKTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXMCPKTSHI_IP4TXMCPKTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXMCPKTSHI_IP4TXMCPKTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXMCPKTSLO(_i) (0x00012200 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXMCPKTSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXMCPKTSLO_IP4TXMCPKTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXMCPKTSLO_IP4TXMCPKTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXMCPKTSLO_IP4TXMCPKTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXNOROUTE(_i) (0x00012E00 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXNOROUTE_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXNOROUTE_IP4TXNOROUTE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXNOROUTE_IP4TXNOROUTE_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXNOROUTE_IP4TXNOROUTE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXOCTSHI(_i) (0x00011A04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXOCTSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXOCTSHI_IP4TXOCTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXOCTSHI_IP4TXOCTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXOCTSHI_IP4TXOCTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXOCTSLO(_i) (0x00011A00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXOCTSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXOCTSLO_IP4TXOCTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXOCTSLO_IP4TXOCTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXOCTSLO_IP4TXOCTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXPKTSHI(_i) (0x00011C04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXPKTSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXPKTSHI_IP4TXPKTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXPKTSHI_IP4TXPKTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXPKTSHI_IP4TXPKTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXPKTSLO(_i) (0x00011C00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXPKTSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXPKTSLO_IP4TXPKTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXPKTSLO_IP4TXPKTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP4TXPKTSLO_IP4TXPKTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXDISCARD(_i) (0x00011200 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXDISCARD_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXDISCARD_IP6RXDISCARD_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXDISCARD_IP6RXDISCARD_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXDISCARD_IP6RXDISCARD_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXFRAGSHI(_i) (0x00011404 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXFRAGSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXFRAGSHI_IP6RXFRAGSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXFRAGSHI_IP6RXFRAGSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXFRAGSHI_IP6RXFRAGSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXFRAGSLO(_i) (0x00011400 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXFRAGSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXFRAGSLO_IP6RXFRAGSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXFRAGSLO_IP6RXFRAGSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXFRAGSLO_IP6RXFRAGSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXMCOCTSHI(_i) (0x00011604 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXMCOCTSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXMCOCTSHI_IP6RXMCOCTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXMCOCTSHI_IP6RXMCOCTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXMCOCTSHI_IP6RXMCOCTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXMCOCTSLO(_i) (0x00011600 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXMCOCTSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXMCOCTSLO_IP6RXMCOCTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXMCOCTSLO_IP6RXMCOCTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXMCOCTSLO_IP6RXMCOCTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXMCPKTSHI(_i) (0x00011804 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXMCPKTSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXMCPKTSHI_IP6RXMCPKTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXMCPKTSHI_IP6RXMCPKTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXMCPKTSHI_IP6RXMCPKTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXMCPKTSLO(_i) (0x00011800 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXMCPKTSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXMCPKTSLO_IP6RXMCPKTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXMCPKTSLO_IP6RXMCPKTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXMCPKTSLO_IP6RXMCPKTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXOCTSHI(_i) (0x00010E04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXOCTSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXOCTSHI_IP6RXOCTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXOCTSHI_IP6RXOCTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXOCTSHI_IP6RXOCTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXOCTSLO(_i) (0x00010E00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXOCTSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXOCTSLO_IP6RXOCTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXOCTSLO_IP6RXOCTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXOCTSLO_IP6RXOCTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXPKTSHI(_i) (0x00011004 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXPKTSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXPKTSHI_IP6RXPKTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXPKTSHI_IP6RXPKTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXPKTSHI_IP6RXPKTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXPKTSLO(_i) (0x00011000 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXPKTSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXPKTSLO_IP6RXPKTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXPKTSLO_IP6RXPKTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXPKTSLO_IP6RXPKTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXTRUNC(_i) (0x00011300 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXTRUNC_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXTRUNC_IP6RXTRUNC_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXTRUNC_IP6RXTRUNC_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6RXTRUNC_IP6RXTRUNC_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXFRAGSHI(_i) (0x00012804 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXFRAGSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXFRAGSHI_IP6TXFRAGSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXFRAGSHI_IP6TXFRAGSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXFRAGSHI_IP6TXFRAGSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXFRAGSLO(_i) (0x00012800 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXFRAGSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXFRAGSLO_IP6TXFRAGSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXFRAGSLO_IP6TXFRAGSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXFRAGSLO_IP6TXFRAGSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXMCOCTSHI(_i) (0x00012A04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXMCOCTSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXMCOCTSHI_IP6TXMCOCTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXMCOCTSHI_IP6TXMCOCTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXMCOCTSHI_IP6TXMCOCTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXMCOCTSLO(_i) (0x00012A00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXMCOCTSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXMCOCTSLO_IP6TXMCOCTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXMCOCTSLO_IP6TXMCOCTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXMCOCTSLO_IP6TXMCOCTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXMCPKTSHI(_i) (0x00012C04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXMCPKTSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXMCPKTSHI_IP6TXMCPKTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXMCPKTSHI_IP6TXMCPKTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXMCPKTSHI_IP6TXMCPKTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXMCPKTSLO(_i) (0x00012C00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXMCPKTSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXMCPKTSLO_IP6TXMCPKTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXMCPKTSLO_IP6TXMCPKTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXMCPKTSLO_IP6TXMCPKTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXNOROUTE(_i) (0x00012F00 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXNOROUTE_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXNOROUTE_IP6TXNOROUTE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXNOROUTE_IP6TXNOROUTE_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXNOROUTE_IP6TXNOROUTE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXOCTSHI(_i) (0x00012404 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXOCTSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXOCTSHI_IP6TXOCTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXOCTSHI_IP6TXOCTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXOCTSHI_IP6TXOCTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXOCTSLO(_i) (0x00012400 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXOCTSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXOCTSLO_IP6TXOCTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXOCTSLO_IP6TXOCTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXOCTSLO_IP6TXOCTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXPKTSHI(_i) (0x00012604 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXPKTSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXPKTSHI_IP6TXPKTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXPKTSHI_IP6TXPKTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXPKTSHI_IP6TXPKTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXPKTSLO(_i) (0x00012600 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXPKTSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXPKTSLO_IP6TXPKTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXPKTSLO_IP6TXPKTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFIP6TXPKTSLO_IP6TXPKTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXRDSHI(_i) (0x00013E04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXRDSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXRDSHI_RDMARXRDSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXRDSHI_RDMARXRDSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXRDSHI_RDMARXRDSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXRDSLO(_i) (0x00013E00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXRDSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXRDSLO_RDMARXRDSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXRDSLO_RDMARXRDSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXRDSLO_RDMARXRDSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXSNDSHI(_i) (0x00014004 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXSNDSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXSNDSHI_RDMARXSNDSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXSNDSHI_RDMARXSNDSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXSNDSHI_RDMARXSNDSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXSNDSLO(_i) (0x00014000 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXSNDSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXSNDSLO_RDMARXSNDSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXSNDSLO_RDMARXSNDSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXSNDSLO_RDMARXSNDSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXWRSHI(_i) (0x00013C04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXWRSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXWRSHI_RDMARXWRSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXWRSHI_RDMARXWRSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXWRSHI_RDMARXWRSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXWRSLO(_i) (0x00013C00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXWRSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXWRSLO_RDMARXWRSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXWRSLO_RDMARXWRSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFRDMARXWRSLO_RDMARXWRSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXRDSHI(_i) (0x00014404 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXRDSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXRDSHI_RDMARXRDSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXRDSHI_RDMARXRDSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXRDSHI_RDMARXRDSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXRDSLO(_i) (0x00014400 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXRDSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXRDSLO_RDMARXRDSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXRDSLO_RDMARXRDSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXRDSLO_RDMARXRDSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXSNDSHI(_i) (0x00014604 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXSNDSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXSNDSHI_RDMARXSNDSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXSNDSHI_RDMARXSNDSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXSNDSHI_RDMARXSNDSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXSNDSLO(_i) (0x00014600 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXSNDSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXSNDSLO_RDMARXSNDSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXSNDSLO_RDMARXSNDSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXSNDSLO_RDMARXSNDSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXWRSHI(_i) (0x00014204 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXWRSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXWRSHI_RDMARXWRSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXWRSHI_RDMARXWRSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXWRSHI_RDMARXWRSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXWRSLO(_i) (0x00014200 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXWRSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXWRSLO_RDMARXWRSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXWRSLO_RDMARXWRSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFRDMATXWRSLO_RDMARXWRSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVBNDHI(_i) (0x00014804 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVBNDHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVBNDHI_RDMAVBNDHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVBNDHI_RDMAVBNDHI_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVBNDHI_RDMAVBNDHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVBNDLO(_i) (0x00014800 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVBNDLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVBNDLO_RDMAVBNDLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVBNDLO_RDMAVBNDLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVBNDLO_RDMAVBNDLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVINVHI(_i) (0x00014A04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVINVHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVINVHI_RDMAVINVHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVINVHI_RDMAVINVHI_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVINVHI_RDMAVINVHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVINVLO(_i) (0x00014A00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVINVLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVINVLO_RDMAVINVLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVINVLO_RDMAVINVLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFRDMAVINVLO_RDMAVINVLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRXVLANERR(_i) (0x00010000 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRXVLANERR_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRXVLANERR_RXVLANERR_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFRXVLANERR_RXVLANERR_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFRXVLANERR_RXVLANERR_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRTXSEG(_i) (0x00013600 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRTXSEG_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRTXSEG_TCPRTXSEG_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRTXSEG_TCPRTXSEG_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRTXSEG_TCPRTXSEG_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXOPTERR(_i) (0x00013200 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXOPTERR_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXOPTERR_TCPRXOPTERR_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXOPTERR_TCPRXOPTERR_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXOPTERR_TCPRXOPTERR_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXPROTOERR(_i) (0x00013300 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXPROTOERR_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXPROTOERR_TCPRXPROTOERR_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXPROTOERR_TCPRXPROTOERR_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXPROTOERR_TCPRXPROTOERR_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXSEGSHI(_i) (0x00013004 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXSEGSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXSEGSHI_TCPRXSEGSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXSEGSHI_TCPRXSEGSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXSEGSHI_TCPRXSEGSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXSEGSLO(_i) (0x00013000 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXSEGSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXSEGSLO_TCPRXSEGSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXSEGSLO_TCPRXSEGSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFTCPRXSEGSLO_TCPRXSEGSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPTXSEGHI(_i) (0x00013404 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPTXSEGHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPTXSEGHI_TCPTXSEGHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPTXSEGHI_TCPTXSEGHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFTCPTXSEGHI_TCPTXSEGHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPTXSEGLO(_i) (0x00013400 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPTXSEGLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPTXSEGLO_TCPTXSEGLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFTCPTXSEGLO_TCPTXSEGLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFTCPTXSEGLO_TCPTXSEGLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFUDPRXPKTSHI(_i) (0x00013804 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFUDPRXPKTSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFUDPRXPKTSHI_UDPRXPKTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFUDPRXPKTSHI_UDPRXPKTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFUDPRXPKTSHI_UDPRXPKTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFUDPRXPKTSLO(_i) (0x00013800 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFUDPRXPKTSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFUDPRXPKTSLO_UDPRXPKTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFUDPRXPKTSLO_UDPRXPKTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFUDPRXPKTSLO_UDPRXPKTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFUDPTXPKTSHI(_i) (0x00013A04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFUDPTXPKTSHI_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFUDPTXPKTSHI_UDPTXPKTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFUDPTXPKTSHI_UDPTXPKTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFUDPTXPKTSHI_UDPTXPKTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_PFUDPTXPKTSLO(_i) (0x00013A00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...15 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_PFUDPTXPKTSLO_MAX_INDEX 15 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFUDPTXPKTSLO_UDPTXPKTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_PFUDPTXPKTSLO_UDPTXPKTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_PFUDPTXPKTSLO_UDPTXPKTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_RDMARXMULTFPDUSHI 0x0001E014 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_RDMARXMULTFPDUSHI_RDMARXMULTFPDUSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_RDMARXMULTFPDUSHI_RDMARXMULTFPDUSHI_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_RDMARXMULTFPDUSHI_RDMARXMULTFPDUSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_RDMARXMULTFPDUSLO 0x0001E010 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_RDMARXMULTFPDUSLO_RDMARXMULTFPDUSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_RDMARXMULTFPDUSLO_RDMARXMULTFPDUSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_RDMARXMULTFPDUSLO_RDMARXMULTFPDUSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_RDMARXOOODDPHI 0x0001E01C /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_RDMARXOOODDPHI_RDMARXOOODDPHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_RDMARXOOODDPHI_RDMARXOOODDPHI_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_RDMARXOOODDPHI_RDMARXOOODDPHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_RDMARXOOODDPLO 0x0001E018 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_RDMARXOOODDPLO_RDMARXOOODDPLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_RDMARXOOODDPLO_RDMARXOOODDPLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_RDMARXOOODDPLO_RDMARXOOODDPLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_RDMARXOOONOMARK 0x0001E004 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_RDMARXOOONOMARK_RDMAOOONOMARK_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_RDMARXOOONOMARK_RDMAOOONOMARK_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_RDMARXOOONOMARK_RDMAOOONOMARK_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_RDMARXUNALIGN 0x0001E000 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_RDMARXUNALIGN_RDMRXAUNALIGN_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_RDMARXUNALIGN_RDMRXAUNALIGN_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_RDMARXUNALIGN_RDMRXAUNALIGN_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXFOURHOLEHI 0x0001E044 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXFOURHOLEHI_TCPRXFOURHOLEHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXFOURHOLEHI_TCPRXFOURHOLEHI_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_TCPRXFOURHOLEHI_TCPRXFOURHOLEHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXFOURHOLELO 0x0001E040 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXFOURHOLELO_TCPRXFOURHOLELO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXFOURHOLELO_TCPRXFOURHOLELO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_TCPRXFOURHOLELO_TCPRXFOURHOLELO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXONEHOLEHI 0x0001E02C /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXONEHOLEHI_TCPRXONEHOLEHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXONEHOLEHI_TCPRXONEHOLEHI_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_TCPRXONEHOLEHI_TCPRXONEHOLEHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXONEHOLELO 0x0001E028 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXONEHOLELO_TCPRXONEHOLELO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXONEHOLELO_TCPRXONEHOLELO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_TCPRXONEHOLELO_TCPRXONEHOLELO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXPUREACKHI 0x0001E024 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXPUREACKHI_TCPRXPUREACKSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXPUREACKHI_TCPRXPUREACKSHI_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_TCPRXPUREACKHI_TCPRXPUREACKSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXPUREACKSLO 0x0001E020 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXPUREACKSLO_TCPRXPUREACKLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXPUREACKSLO_TCPRXPUREACKLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_TCPRXPUREACKSLO_TCPRXPUREACKLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXTHREEHOLEHI 0x0001E03C /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXTHREEHOLEHI_TCPRXTHREEHOLEHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXTHREEHOLEHI_TCPRXTHREEHOLEHI_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_TCPRXTHREEHOLEHI_TCPRXTHREEHOLEHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXTHREEHOLELO 0x0001E038 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXTHREEHOLELO_TCPRXTHREEHOLELO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXTHREEHOLELO_TCPRXTHREEHOLELO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_TCPRXTHREEHOLELO_TCPRXTHREEHOLELO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXTWOHOLEHI 0x0001E034 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXTWOHOLEHI_TCPRXTWOHOLEHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXTWOHOLEHI_TCPRXTWOHOLEHI_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_TCPRXTWOHOLEHI_TCPRXTWOHOLEHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXTWOHOLELO 0x0001E030 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXTWOHOLELO_TCPRXTWOHOLELO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPRXTWOHOLELO_TCPRXTWOHOLELO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_TCPRXTWOHOLELO_TCPRXTWOHOLELO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPTXRETRANSFASTHI 0x0001E04C /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPTXRETRANSFASTHI_TCPTXRETRANSFASTHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPTXRETRANSFASTHI_TCPTXRETRANSFASTHI_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_TCPTXRETRANSFASTHI_TCPTXRETRANSFASTHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPTXRETRANSFASTLO 0x0001E048 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPTXRETRANSFASTLO_TCPTXRETRANSFASTLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPTXRETRANSFASTLO_TCPTXRETRANSFASTLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_TCPTXRETRANSFASTLO_TCPTXRETRANSFASTLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPTXTOUTSFASTHI 0x0001E054 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPTXTOUTSFASTHI_TCPTXTOUTSFASTHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPTXTOUTSFASTHI_TCPTXTOUTSFASTHI_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_TCPTXTOUTSFASTHI_TCPTXTOUTSFASTHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPTXTOUTSFASTLO 0x0001E050 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPTXTOUTSFASTLO_TCPTXTOUTSFASTLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPTXTOUTSFASTLO_TCPTXTOUTSFASTLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_TCPTXTOUTSFASTLO_TCPTXTOUTSFASTLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPTXTOUTSHI 0x0001E05C /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPTXTOUTSHI_TCPTXTOUTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPTXTOUTSHI_TCPTXTOUTSHI_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_TCPTXTOUTSHI_TCPTXTOUTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPTXTOUTSLO 0x0001E058 /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPTXTOUTSLO_TCPTXTOUTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_TCPTXTOUTSLO_TCPTXTOUTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_TCPTXTOUTSLO_TCPTXTOUTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXDISCARD(_i) (0x00018600 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXDISCARD_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXDISCARD_IP4RXDISCARD_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXDISCARD_IP4RXDISCARD_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXDISCARD_IP4RXDISCARD_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXFRAGSHI(_i) (0x00018804 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXFRAGSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXFRAGSHI_IP4RXFRAGSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXFRAGSHI_IP4RXFRAGSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXFRAGSHI_IP4RXFRAGSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXFRAGSLO(_i) (0x00018800 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXFRAGSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXFRAGSLO_IP4RXFRAGSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXFRAGSLO_IP4RXFRAGSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXFRAGSLO_IP4RXFRAGSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXMCOCTSHI(_i) (0x00018A04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXMCOCTSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXMCOCTSHI_IP4RXMCOCTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXMCOCTSHI_IP4RXMCOCTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXMCOCTSHI_IP4RXMCOCTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXMCOCTSLO(_i) (0x00018A00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXMCOCTSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXMCOCTSLO_IP4RXMCOCTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXMCOCTSLO_IP4RXMCOCTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXMCOCTSLO_IP4RXMCOCTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXMCPKTSHI(_i) (0x00018C04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXMCPKTSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXMCPKTSHI_IP4RXMCPKTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXMCPKTSHI_IP4RXMCPKTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXMCPKTSHI_IP4RXMCPKTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXMCPKTSLO(_i) (0x00018C00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXMCPKTSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXMCPKTSLO_IP4RXMCPKTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXMCPKTSLO_IP4RXMCPKTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXMCPKTSLO_IP4RXMCPKTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXOCTSHI(_i) (0x00018204 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXOCTSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXOCTSHI_IP4RXOCTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXOCTSHI_IP4RXOCTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXOCTSHI_IP4RXOCTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXOCTSLO(_i) (0x00018200 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXOCTSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXOCTSLO_IP4RXOCTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXOCTSLO_IP4RXOCTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXOCTSLO_IP4RXOCTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXPKTSHI(_i) (0x00018404 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXPKTSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXPKTSHI_IP4RXPKTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXPKTSHI_IP4RXPKTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXPKTSHI_IP4RXPKTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXPKTSLO(_i) (0x00018400 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXPKTSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXPKTSLO_IP4RXPKTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXPKTSLO_IP4RXPKTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXPKTSLO_IP4RXPKTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXTRUNC(_i) (0x00018700 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXTRUNC_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXTRUNC_IP4RXTRUNC_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXTRUNC_IP4RXTRUNC_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4RXTRUNC_IP4RXTRUNC_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXFRAGSHI(_i) (0x00019E04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXFRAGSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXFRAGSHI_IP4TXFRAGSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXFRAGSHI_IP4TXFRAGSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXFRAGSHI_IP4TXFRAGSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXFRAGSLO(_i) (0x00019E00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXFRAGSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXFRAGSLO_IP4TXFRAGSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXFRAGSLO_IP4TXFRAGSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXFRAGSLO_IP4TXFRAGSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXMCOCTSHI(_i) (0x0001A004 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXMCOCTSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXMCOCTSHI_IP4TXMCOCTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXMCOCTSHI_IP4TXMCOCTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXMCOCTSHI_IP4TXMCOCTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXMCOCTSLO(_i) (0x0001A000 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXMCOCTSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXMCOCTSLO_IP4TXMCOCTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXMCOCTSLO_IP4TXMCOCTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXMCOCTSLO_IP4TXMCOCTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXMCPKTSHI(_i) (0x0001A204 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXMCPKTSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXMCPKTSHI_IP4TXMCPKTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXMCPKTSHI_IP4TXMCPKTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXMCPKTSHI_IP4TXMCPKTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXMCPKTSLO(_i) (0x0001A200 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXMCPKTSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXMCPKTSLO_IP4TXMCPKTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXMCPKTSLO_IP4TXMCPKTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXMCPKTSLO_IP4TXMCPKTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXNOROUTE(_i) (0x0001AE00 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXNOROUTE_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXNOROUTE_IP4TXNOROUTE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXNOROUTE_IP4TXNOROUTE_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXNOROUTE_IP4TXNOROUTE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXOCTSHI(_i) (0x00019A04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXOCTSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXOCTSHI_IP4TXOCTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXOCTSHI_IP4TXOCTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXOCTSHI_IP4TXOCTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXOCTSLO(_i) (0x00019A00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXOCTSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXOCTSLO_IP4TXOCTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXOCTSLO_IP4TXOCTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXOCTSLO_IP4TXOCTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXPKTSHI(_i) (0x00019C04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXPKTSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXPKTSHI_IP4TXPKTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXPKTSHI_IP4TXPKTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXPKTSHI_IP4TXPKTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXPKTSLO(_i) (0x00019C00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXPKTSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXPKTSLO_IP4TXPKTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXPKTSLO_IP4TXPKTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP4TXPKTSLO_IP4TXPKTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXDISCARD(_i) (0x00019200 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXDISCARD_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXDISCARD_IP6RXDISCARD_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXDISCARD_IP6RXDISCARD_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXDISCARD_IP6RXDISCARD_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXFRAGSHI(_i) (0x00019404 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXFRAGSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXFRAGSHI_IP6RXFRAGSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXFRAGSHI_IP6RXFRAGSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXFRAGSHI_IP6RXFRAGSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXFRAGSLO(_i) (0x00019400 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXFRAGSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXFRAGSLO_IP6RXFRAGSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXFRAGSLO_IP6RXFRAGSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXFRAGSLO_IP6RXFRAGSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXMCOCTSHI(_i) (0x00019604 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXMCOCTSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXMCOCTSHI_IP6RXMCOCTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXMCOCTSHI_IP6RXMCOCTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXMCOCTSHI_IP6RXMCOCTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXMCOCTSLO(_i) (0x00019600 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXMCOCTSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXMCOCTSLO_IP6RXMCOCTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXMCOCTSLO_IP6RXMCOCTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXMCOCTSLO_IP6RXMCOCTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXMCPKTSHI(_i) (0x00019804 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXMCPKTSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXMCPKTSHI_IP6RXMCPKTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXMCPKTSHI_IP6RXMCPKTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXMCPKTSHI_IP6RXMCPKTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXMCPKTSLO(_i) (0x00019800 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXMCPKTSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXMCPKTSLO_IP6RXMCPKTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXMCPKTSLO_IP6RXMCPKTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXMCPKTSLO_IP6RXMCPKTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXOCTSHI(_i) (0x00018E04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXOCTSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXOCTSHI_IP6RXOCTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXOCTSHI_IP6RXOCTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXOCTSHI_IP6RXOCTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXOCTSLO(_i) (0x00018E00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXOCTSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXOCTSLO_IP6RXOCTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXOCTSLO_IP6RXOCTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXOCTSLO_IP6RXOCTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXPKTSHI(_i) (0x00019004 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXPKTSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXPKTSHI_IP6RXPKTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXPKTSHI_IP6RXPKTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXPKTSHI_IP6RXPKTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXPKTSLO(_i) (0x00019000 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXPKTSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXPKTSLO_IP6RXPKTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXPKTSLO_IP6RXPKTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXPKTSLO_IP6RXPKTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXTRUNC(_i) (0x00019300 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXTRUNC_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXTRUNC_IP6RXTRUNC_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXTRUNC_IP6RXTRUNC_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6RXTRUNC_IP6RXTRUNC_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXFRAGSHI(_i) (0x0001A804 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXFRAGSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXFRAGSHI_IP6TXFRAGSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXFRAGSHI_IP6TXFRAGSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXFRAGSHI_IP6TXFRAGSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXFRAGSLO(_i) (0x0001A800 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXFRAGSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXFRAGSLO_IP6TXFRAGSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXFRAGSLO_IP6TXFRAGSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXFRAGSLO_IP6TXFRAGSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXMCOCTSHI(_i) (0x0001AA04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXMCOCTSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXMCOCTSHI_IP6TXMCOCTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXMCOCTSHI_IP6TXMCOCTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXMCOCTSHI_IP6TXMCOCTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXMCOCTSLO(_i) (0x0001AA00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXMCOCTSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXMCOCTSLO_IP6TXMCOCTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXMCOCTSLO_IP6TXMCOCTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXMCOCTSLO_IP6TXMCOCTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXMCPKTSHI(_i) (0x0001AC04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXMCPKTSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXMCPKTSHI_IP6TXMCPKTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXMCPKTSHI_IP6TXMCPKTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXMCPKTSHI_IP6TXMCPKTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXMCPKTSLO(_i) (0x0001AC00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXMCPKTSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXMCPKTSLO_IP6TXMCPKTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXMCPKTSLO_IP6TXMCPKTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXMCPKTSLO_IP6TXMCPKTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXNOROUTE(_i) (0x0001AF00 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXNOROUTE_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXNOROUTE_IP6TXNOROUTE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXNOROUTE_IP6TXNOROUTE_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXNOROUTE_IP6TXNOROUTE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXOCTSHI(_i) (0x0001A404 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXOCTSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXOCTSHI_IP6TXOCTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXOCTSHI_IP6TXOCTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXOCTSHI_IP6TXOCTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXOCTSLO(_i) (0x0001A400 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXOCTSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXOCTSLO_IP6TXOCTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXOCTSLO_IP6TXOCTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXOCTSLO_IP6TXOCTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXPKTSHI(_i) (0x0001A604 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXPKTSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXPKTSHI_IP6TXPKTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXPKTSHI_IP6TXPKTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXPKTSHI_IP6TXPKTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXPKTSLO(_i) (0x0001A600 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXPKTSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXPKTSLO_IP6TXPKTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXPKTSLO_IP6TXPKTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFIP6TXPKTSLO_IP6TXPKTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXRDSHI(_i) (0x0001BE04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXRDSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXRDSHI_RDMARXRDSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXRDSHI_RDMARXRDSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXRDSHI_RDMARXRDSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXRDSLO(_i) (0x0001BE00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXRDSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXRDSLO_RDMARXRDSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXRDSLO_RDMARXRDSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXRDSLO_RDMARXRDSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXSNDSHI(_i) (0x0001C004 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXSNDSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXSNDSHI_RDMARXSNDSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXSNDSHI_RDMARXSNDSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXSNDSHI_RDMARXSNDSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXSNDSLO(_i) (0x0001C000 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXSNDSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXSNDSLO_RDMARXSNDSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXSNDSLO_RDMARXSNDSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXSNDSLO_RDMARXSNDSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXWRSHI(_i) (0x0001BC04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXWRSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXWRSHI_RDMARXWRSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXWRSHI_RDMARXWRSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXWRSHI_RDMARXWRSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXWRSLO(_i) (0x0001BC00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXWRSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXWRSLO_RDMARXWRSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXWRSLO_RDMARXWRSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFRDMARXWRSLO_RDMARXWRSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXRDSHI(_i) (0x0001C404 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXRDSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXRDSHI_RDMARXRDSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXRDSHI_RDMARXRDSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXRDSHI_RDMARXRDSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXRDSLO(_i) (0x0001C400 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXRDSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXRDSLO_RDMARXRDSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXRDSLO_RDMARXRDSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXRDSLO_RDMARXRDSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXSNDSHI(_i) (0x0001C604 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXSNDSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXSNDSHI_RDMARXSNDSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXSNDSHI_RDMARXSNDSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXSNDSHI_RDMARXSNDSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXSNDSLO(_i) (0x0001C600 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXSNDSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXSNDSLO_RDMARXSNDSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXSNDSLO_RDMARXSNDSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXSNDSLO_RDMARXSNDSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXWRSHI(_i) (0x0001C204 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXWRSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXWRSHI_RDMARXWRSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXWRSHI_RDMARXWRSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXWRSHI_RDMARXWRSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXWRSLO(_i) (0x0001C200 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXWRSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXWRSLO_RDMARXWRSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXWRSLO_RDMARXWRSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFRDMATXWRSLO_RDMARXWRSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVBNDHI(_i) (0x0001C804 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVBNDHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVBNDHI_RDMAVBNDHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVBNDHI_RDMAVBNDHI_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVBNDHI_RDMAVBNDHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVBNDLO(_i) (0x0001C800 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVBNDLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVBNDLO_RDMAVBNDLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVBNDLO_RDMAVBNDLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVBNDLO_RDMAVBNDLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVINVHI(_i) (0x0001CA04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVINVHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVINVHI_RDMAVINVHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVINVHI_RDMAVINVHI_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVINVHI_RDMAVINVHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVINVLO(_i) (0x0001CA00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVINVLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVINVLO_RDMAVINVLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVINVLO_RDMAVINVLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFRDMAVINVLO_RDMAVINVLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRXVLANERR(_i) (0x00018000 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRXVLANERR_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRXVLANERR_RXVLANERR_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFRXVLANERR_RXVLANERR_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFRXVLANERR_RXVLANERR_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRTXSEG(_i) (0x0001B600 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRTXSEG_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRTXSEG_TCPRTXSEG_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRTXSEG_TCPRTXSEG_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRTXSEG_TCPRTXSEG_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXOPTERR(_i) (0x0001B200 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXOPTERR_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXOPTERR_TCPRXOPTERR_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXOPTERR_TCPRXOPTERR_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXOPTERR_TCPRXOPTERR_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXPROTOERR(_i) (0x0001B300 + ((_i) * 4)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXPROTOERR_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXPROTOERR_TCPRXPROTOERR_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXPROTOERR_TCPRXPROTOERR_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXPROTOERR_TCPRXPROTOERR_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXSEGSHI(_i) (0x0001B004 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXSEGSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXSEGSHI_TCPRXSEGSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXSEGSHI_TCPRXSEGSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXSEGSHI_TCPRXSEGSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXSEGSLO(_i) (0x0001B000 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXSEGSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXSEGSLO_TCPRXSEGSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXSEGSLO_TCPRXSEGSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFTCPRXSEGSLO_TCPRXSEGSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPTXSEGHI(_i) (0x0001B404 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPTXSEGHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPTXSEGHI_TCPTXSEGHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPTXSEGHI_TCPTXSEGHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFTCPTXSEGHI_TCPTXSEGHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPTXSEGLO(_i) (0x0001B400 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPTXSEGLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPTXSEGLO_TCPTXSEGLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFTCPTXSEGLO_TCPTXSEGLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFTCPTXSEGLO_TCPTXSEGLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFUDPRXPKTSHI(_i) (0x0001B804 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFUDPRXPKTSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFUDPRXPKTSHI_UDPRXPKTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFUDPRXPKTSHI_UDPRXPKTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFUDPRXPKTSHI_UDPRXPKTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFUDPRXPKTSLO(_i) (0x0001B800 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFUDPRXPKTSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFUDPRXPKTSLO_UDPRXPKTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFUDPRXPKTSLO_UDPRXPKTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFUDPRXPKTSLO_UDPRXPKTSLO_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFUDPTXPKTSHI(_i) (0x0001BA04 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFUDPTXPKTSHI_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFUDPTXPKTSHI_UDPTXPKTSHI_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFUDPTXPKTSHI_UDPTXPKTSHI_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFUDPTXPKTSHI_UDPTXPKTSHI_SHIFT) +#define I40E_GLPES_VFUDPTXPKTSLO(_i) (0x0001BA00 + ((_i) * 8)) /* _i=0...31 */ /* Reset: PE_CORER */ +#define I40E_GLPES_VFUDPTXPKTSLO_MAX_INDEX 31 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFUDPTXPKTSLO_UDPTXPKTSLO_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_GLPES_VFUDPTXPKTSLO_UDPTXPKTSLO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_GLPES_VFUDPTXPKTSLO_UDPTXPKTSLO_SHIFT) + +#define I40E_PFINT_AEQCTL 0x00038700 /* Reset: CORER */ +#define I40E_VFPE_AEQALLOC1 0x0000A400 /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_AEQALLOC1_AECOUNT_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_AEQALLOC1_AECOUNT_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_VFPE_AEQALLOC1_AECOUNT_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPHIGH1 0x00009800 /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPHIGH1_PECCQPHIGH_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPHIGH1_PECCQPHIGH_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_VFPE_CCQPHIGH1_PECCQPHIGH_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPLOW1 0x0000AC00 /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPLOW1_PECCQPLOW_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPLOW1_PECCQPLOW_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_VFPE_CCQPLOW1_PECCQPLOW_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS1 0x0000B800 /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS1_CCQP_DONE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS1_CCQP_DONE_MASK (0x1 << I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS1_CCQP_DONE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS1_HMC_PROFILE_SHIFT 4 +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS1_HMC_PROFILE_MASK (0x7 << I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS1_HMC_PROFILE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS1_RDMA_EN_VFS_SHIFT 16 +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS1_RDMA_EN_VFS_MASK (0x3F << I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS1_RDMA_EN_VFS_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS1_CCQP_ERR_SHIFT 31 +#define I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS1_CCQP_ERR_MASK (0x1 << I40E_VFPE_CCQPSTATUS1_CCQP_ERR_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CQACK1 0x0000B000 /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_CQACK1_PECQID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_CQACK1_PECQID_MASK (0x1FFFF << I40E_VFPE_CQACK1_PECQID_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CQARM1 0x0000B400 /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_CQARM1_PECQID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_CQARM1_PECQID_MASK (0x1FFFF << I40E_VFPE_CQARM1_PECQID_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPDB1 0x0000BC00 /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPDB1_WQHEAD_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPDB1_WQHEAD_MASK (0x7FF << I40E_VFPE_CQPDB1_WQHEAD_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPERRCODES1 0x00009C00 /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPERRCODES1_CQP_MINOR_CODE_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPERRCODES1_CQP_MINOR_CODE_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_VFPE_CQPERRCODES1_CQP_MINOR_CODE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPERRCODES1_CQP_MAJOR_CODE_SHIFT 16 +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPERRCODES1_CQP_MAJOR_CODE_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_VFPE_CQPERRCODES1_CQP_MAJOR_CODE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPTAIL1 0x0000A000 /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPTAIL1_WQTAIL_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPTAIL1_WQTAIL_MASK (0x7FF << I40E_VFPE_CQPTAIL1_WQTAIL_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPTAIL1_CQP_OP_ERR_SHIFT 31 +#define I40E_VFPE_CQPTAIL1_CQP_OP_ERR_MASK (0x1 << I40E_VFPE_CQPTAIL1_CQP_OP_ERR_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_IPCONFIG01 0x00008C00 /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_IPCONFIG01_PEIPID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_IPCONFIG01_PEIPID_MASK (0xFFFF << I40E_VFPE_IPCONFIG01_PEIPID_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_IPCONFIG01_USEENTIREIDRANGE_SHIFT 16 +#define I40E_VFPE_IPCONFIG01_USEENTIREIDRANGE_MASK (0x1 << I40E_VFPE_IPCONFIG01_USEENTIREIDRANGE_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_MRTEIDXMASK1 0x00009000 /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_MRTEIDXMASK1_MRTEIDXMASKBITS_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_MRTEIDXMASK1_MRTEIDXMASKBITS_MASK (0x1F << I40E_VFPE_MRTEIDXMASK1_MRTEIDXMASKBITS_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_RCVUNEXPECTEDERROR1 0x00009400 /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_RCVUNEXPECTEDERROR1_TCP_RX_UNEXP_ERR_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_RCVUNEXPECTEDERROR1_TCP_RX_UNEXP_ERR_MASK (0xFFFFFF << I40E_VFPE_RCVUNEXPECTEDERROR1_TCP_RX_UNEXP_ERR_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_TCPNOWTIMER1 0x0000A800 /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_TCPNOWTIMER1_TCP_NOW_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_TCPNOWTIMER1_TCP_NOW_MASK (0xFFFFFFFF << I40E_VFPE_TCPNOWTIMER1_TCP_NOW_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_WQEALLOC1 0x0000C000 /* Reset: VFR */ +#define I40E_VFPE_WQEALLOC1_PEQPID_SHIFT 0 +#define I40E_VFPE_WQEALLOC1_PEQPID_MASK (0x3FFFF << I40E_VFPE_WQEALLOC1_PEQPID_SHIFT) +#define I40E_VFPE_WQEALLOC1_WQE_DESC_INDEX_SHIFT 20 +#define I40E_VFPE_WQEALLOC1_WQE_DESC_INDEX_MASK (0xFFF << I40E_VFPE_WQEALLOC1_WQE_DESC_INDEX_SHIFT) +#endif /* I40IW_REGISTER_H */ Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_status.h =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_status.h @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#ifndef I40IW_STATUS_H +#define I40IW_STATUS_H + +/* Error Codes */ +enum i40iw_status_code { + I40IW_SUCCESS = 0, + I40IW_ERR_NVM = -1, + I40IW_ERR_NVM_CHECKSUM = -2, + I40IW_ERR_CONFIG = -4, + I40IW_ERR_PARAM = -5, + I40IW_ERR_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED = -6, + I40IW_ERR_RESET_FAILED = -7, + I40IW_ERR_SWFW_SYNC = -8, + I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY = -9, + I40IW_ERR_BAD_PTR = -10, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_PD_ID = -11, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_QP_ID = -12, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_CQ_ID = -13, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_CEQ_ID = -14, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_AEQ_ID = -15, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_SIZE = -16, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_ARP_INDEX = -17, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_FPM_FUNC_ID = -18, + I40IW_ERR_QP_INVALID_MSG_SIZE = -19, + I40IW_ERR_QP_TOOMANY_WRS_POSTED = -20, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_FRAG_COUNT = -21, + I40IW_ERR_QUEUE_EMPTY = -22, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_ALIGNMENT = -23, + I40IW_ERR_FLUSHED_QUEUE = -24, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_PUSH_PAGE_INDEX = -25, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_INLINE_DATA_SIZE = -26, + I40IW_ERR_TIMEOUT = -27, + I40IW_ERR_OPCODE_MISMATCH = -28, + I40IW_ERR_CQP_COMPL_ERROR = -29, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_VF_ID = -30, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_HMCFN_ID = -31, + I40IW_ERR_BACKING_PAGE_ERROR = -32, + I40IW_ERR_NO_PBLCHUNKS_AVAILABLE = -33, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_PBLE_INDEX = -34, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_SD_INDEX = -35, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_PAGE_DESC_INDEX = -36, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_SD_TYPE = -37, + I40IW_ERR_MEMCPY_FAILED = -38, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_HMC_OBJ_INDEX = -39, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_HMC_OBJ_COUNT = -40, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_SRQ_ARM_LIMIT = -41, + I40IW_ERR_SRQ_ENABLED = -42, + I40IW_ERR_BUF_TOO_SHORT = -43, + I40IW_ERR_BAD_IWARP_CQE = -44, + I40IW_ERR_NVM_BLANK_MODE = -45, + I40IW_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = -46, + I40IW_ERR_PE_DOORBELL_NOT_ENABLED = -47, + I40IW_ERR_NOT_READY = -48, + I40IW_NOT_SUPPORTED = -49, + I40IW_ERR_FIRMWARE_API_VERSION = -50, + I40IW_ERR_RING_FULL = -51, + I40IW_ERR_MPA_CRC = -61, + I40IW_ERR_NO_TXBUFS = -62, + I40IW_ERR_SEQ_NUM = -63, + I40IW_ERR_LIST_EMPTY = -64, + I40IW_ERR_INVALID_MAC_ADDR = -65, + I40IW_ERR_BAD_STAG = -66, + I40IW_ERR_CQ_COMPL_ERROR = -67, + I40IW_ERR_QUEUE_DESTROYED = -68 +}; +#endif Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_type.h =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_type.h @@ -0,0 +1,1227 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#ifndef I40IW_TYPE_H +#define I40IW_TYPE_H +#include "i40iw_user.h" +#include "i40iw_hmc.h" + +struct i40iw_cqp_sq_wqe { + u64 buf[I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE]; +}; + +struct i40iw_sc_aeqe { + u64 buf[I40IW_AEQE_SIZE]; +}; + +struct i40iw_ceqe { + u64 buf[I40IW_CEQE_SIZE]; +}; + +struct i40iw_cqp_ctx { + u64 buf[I40IW_CQP_CTX_SIZE]; +}; + +struct i40iw_cq_shadow_area { + u64 buf[I40IW_SHADOW_AREA_SIZE]; +}; + +struct i40iw_vsi_pestat; + +struct i40iw_cqp_ops; +struct i40iw_ccq_ops; +struct i40iw_ceq_ops; +struct i40iw_aeq_ops; +struct i40iw_mr_ops; +struct i40iw_cqp_misc_ops; +struct i40iw_pd_ops; +struct i40iw_priv_qp_ops; +struct i40iw_priv_cq_ops; +struct i40iw_hmc_ops; + +enum i40iw_page_size { + I40IW_PAGE_SIZE_4K = 0, + I40IW_PAGE_SIZE_2M +}; + +enum i40iw_hdrct_flags { + DDP_LEN_FLAG = 0x80, + DDP_HDR_FLAG = 0x40, + RDMA_HDR_FLAG = 0x20 +}; + +enum i40iw_term_layers { + LAYER_RDMA = 0, + LAYER_DDP = 1, + LAYER_MPA = 2 +}; + +enum i40iw_term_error_types { + RDMAP_REMOTE_PROT = 1, + RDMAP_REMOTE_OP = 2, + DDP_CATASTROPHIC = 0, + DDP_TAGGED_BUFFER = 1, + DDP_UNTAGGED_BUFFER = 2, + DDP_LLP = 3 +}; + +enum i40iw_term_rdma_errors { + RDMAP_INV_STAG = 0x00, + RDMAP_INV_BOUNDS = 0x01, + RDMAP_ACCESS = 0x02, + RDMAP_UNASSOC_STAG = 0x03, + RDMAP_TO_WRAP = 0x04, + RDMAP_INV_RDMAP_VER = 0x05, + RDMAP_UNEXPECTED_OP = 0x06, + RDMAP_CATASTROPHIC_LOCAL = 0x07, + RDMAP_CATASTROPHIC_GLOBAL = 0x08, + RDMAP_CANT_INV_STAG = 0x09, + RDMAP_UNSPECIFIED = 0xff +}; + +enum i40iw_term_ddp_errors { + DDP_CATASTROPHIC_LOCAL = 0x00, + DDP_TAGGED_INV_STAG = 0x00, + DDP_TAGGED_BOUNDS = 0x01, + DDP_TAGGED_UNASSOC_STAG = 0x02, + DDP_TAGGED_TO_WRAP = 0x03, + DDP_TAGGED_INV_DDP_VER = 0x04, + DDP_UNTAGGED_INV_QN = 0x01, + DDP_UNTAGGED_INV_MSN_NO_BUF = 0x02, + DDP_UNTAGGED_INV_MSN_RANGE = 0x03, + DDP_UNTAGGED_INV_MO = 0x04, + DDP_UNTAGGED_INV_TOO_LONG = 0x05, + DDP_UNTAGGED_INV_DDP_VER = 0x06 +}; + +enum i40iw_term_mpa_errors { + MPA_CLOSED = 0x01, + MPA_CRC = 0x02, + MPA_MARKER = 0x03, + MPA_REQ_RSP = 0x04, +}; + +enum i40iw_flush_opcode { + FLUSH_INVALID = 0, + FLUSH_PROT_ERR, + FLUSH_REM_ACCESS_ERR, + FLUSH_LOC_QP_OP_ERR, + FLUSH_REM_OP_ERR, + FLUSH_LOC_LEN_ERR, + FLUSH_GENERAL_ERR, + FLUSH_FATAL_ERR +}; + +enum i40iw_term_eventtypes { + TERM_EVENT_QP_FATAL, + TERM_EVENT_QP_ACCESS_ERR +}; + +struct i40iw_terminate_hdr { + u8 layer_etype; + u8 error_code; + u8 hdrct; + u8 rsvd; +}; + +enum i40iw_debug_flag { + I40IW_DEBUG_NONE = 0x00000000, + I40IW_DEBUG_ERR = 0x00000001, + I40IW_DEBUG_INIT = 0x00000002, + I40IW_DEBUG_DEV = 0x00000004, + I40IW_DEBUG_CM = 0x00000008, + I40IW_DEBUG_VERBS = 0x00000010, + I40IW_DEBUG_PUDA = 0x00000020, + I40IW_DEBUG_ILQ = 0x00000040, + I40IW_DEBUG_IEQ = 0x00000080, + I40IW_DEBUG_QP = 0x00000100, + I40IW_DEBUG_CQ = 0x00000200, + I40IW_DEBUG_MR = 0x00000400, + I40IW_DEBUG_PBLE = 0x00000800, + I40IW_DEBUG_WQE = 0x00001000, + I40IW_DEBUG_AEQ = 0x00002000, + I40IW_DEBUG_CQP = 0x00004000, + I40IW_DEBUG_HMC = 0x00008000, + I40IW_DEBUG_USER = 0x00010000, + I40IW_DEBUG_VIRT = 0x00020000, + I40IW_DEBUG_DCB = 0x00040000, + I40IW_DEBUG_CQE = 0x00800000, + I40IW_DEBUG_CLNT = 0x01000000, + I40IW_DEBUG_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF +}; + +enum i40iw_hw_stats_index_32b { + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4RXDISCARD = 0, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4RXTRUNC, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4TXNOROUTE, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6RXDISCARD, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6RXTRUNC, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6TXNOROUTE, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_TCPRTXSEG, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_TCPRXOPTERR, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_TCPRXPROTOERR, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_MAX_32 +}; + +enum i40iw_hw_stats_index_64b { + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4RXOCTS = 0, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4RXPKTS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4RXFRAGS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4RXMCPKTS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4TXOCTS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4TXPKTS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4TXFRAGS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP4TXMCPKTS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6RXOCTS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6RXPKTS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6RXFRAGS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6RXMCPKTS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6TXOCTS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6TXPKTS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6TXFRAGS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_IP6TXMCPKTS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_TCPRXSEGS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_TCPTXSEG, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMARXRDS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMARXSNDS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMARXWRS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMATXRDS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMATXSNDS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMATXWRS, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMAVBND, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_RDMAVINV, + I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_MAX_64 +}; + +struct i40iw_dev_hw_stats_offsets { + u32 stats_offset_32[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_MAX_32]; + u32 stats_offset_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_MAX_64]; +}; + +struct i40iw_dev_hw_stats { + u64 stats_value_32[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_MAX_32]; + u64 stats_value_64[I40IW_HW_STAT_INDEX_MAX_64]; +}; + +struct i40iw_vsi_pestat { + struct i40iw_hw *hw; + struct i40iw_dev_hw_stats hw_stats; + struct i40iw_dev_hw_stats last_read_hw_stats; + struct i40iw_dev_hw_stats_offsets hw_stats_offsets; + struct OS_TIMER stats_timer; + spinlock_t lock; /* rdma stats lock */ +}; + +struct i40iw_hw { + u8 IOMEM *hw_addr; + void *dev_context; + struct i40iw_hmc_info hmc; +}; + +struct i40iw_pfpdu { + struct list_head rxlist; + u32 rcv_nxt; + u32 fps; + u32 max_fpdu_data; + bool mode; + bool mpa_crc_err; + u64 total_ieq_bufs; + u64 fpdu_processed; + u64 bad_seq_num; + u64 crc_err; + u64 no_tx_bufs; + u64 tx_err; + u64 out_of_order; + u64 pmode_count; +}; + +struct i40iw_sc_pd { + u32 size; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + u16 pd_id; +}; + +struct i40iw_cqp_quanta { + u64 elem[I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE]; +}; + +struct i40iw_sc_cqp { + u32 size; + u64 sq_pa; + u64 host_ctx_pa; + void *back_cqp; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + enum i40iw_status_code (*process_cqp_sds)(struct i40iw_sc_dev *, + struct i40iw_update_sds_info *); + struct i40iw_dma_mem sdbuf; + struct i40iw_ring sq_ring; + struct i40iw_cqp_quanta *sq_base; + u64 *host_ctx; + u64 *scratch_array; + u32 cqp_id; + u32 sq_size; + u32 hw_sq_size; + u8 struct_ver; + u8 polarity; + bool en_datacenter_tcp; + u8 hmc_profile; + u8 enabled_vf_count; + u8 timeout_count; +}; + +struct i40iw_sc_aeq { + u32 size; + u64 aeq_elem_pa; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + struct i40iw_sc_aeqe *aeqe_base; + void *pbl_list; + u32 elem_cnt; + struct i40iw_ring aeq_ring; + bool virtual_map; + u8 pbl_chunk_size; + u32 first_pm_pbl_idx; + u8 polarity; +}; + +struct i40iw_sc_ceq { + u32 size; + u64 ceq_elem_pa; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + struct i40iw_ceqe *ceqe_base; + void *pbl_list; + u32 ceq_id; + u32 elem_cnt; + struct i40iw_ring ceq_ring; + bool virtual_map; + u8 pbl_chunk_size; + bool tph_en; + u8 tph_val; + u32 first_pm_pbl_idx; + u8 polarity; +}; + +struct i40iw_sc_cq { + struct i40iw_cq_uk cq_uk; + u64 cq_pa; + u64 shadow_area_pa; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi; + void *pbl_list; + void *back_cq; + u32 ceq_id; + u32 shadow_read_threshold; + bool ceqe_mask; + bool virtual_map; + u8 pbl_chunk_size; + u8 cq_type; + bool ceq_id_valid; + bool tph_en; + u8 tph_val; + u32 first_pm_pbl_idx; + bool check_overflow; +}; + +struct i40iw_sc_qp { + struct i40iw_qp_uk qp_uk; + u64 sq_pa; + u64 rq_pa; + u64 hw_host_ctx_pa; + u64 shadow_area_pa; + u64 q2_pa; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi; + struct i40iw_sc_pd *pd; + u64 *hw_host_ctx; + void *llp_stream_handle; + void *back_qp; + struct i40iw_pfpdu pfpdu; + u8 *q2_buf; + u64 qp_compl_ctx; + u16 qs_handle; + u16 push_idx; + u8 sq_tph_val; + u8 rq_tph_val; + u8 qp_state; + u8 qp_type; + u8 hw_sq_size; + u8 hw_rq_size; + u8 src_mac_addr_idx; + bool sq_tph_en; + bool rq_tph_en; + bool rcv_tph_en; + bool xmit_tph_en; + bool virtual_map; + bool flush_sq; + bool flush_rq; + bool sq_flush; + enum i40iw_flush_opcode flush_code; + enum i40iw_term_eventtypes eventtype; + u8 term_flags; +}; + +struct i40iw_hmc_fpm_misc { + u32 max_ceqs; + u32 max_sds; + u32 xf_block_size; + u32 q1_block_size; + u32 ht_multiplier; + u32 timer_bucket; +}; + +struct i40iw_qos { + struct list_head qplist; + spinlock_t lock; /* qos list */ + u16 qs_handle; +}; + +#define I40IW_INVALID_FCN_ID 0xff +struct i40iw_sc_vsi { + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + void *back_vsi; /* Owned by OS */ + u32 ilq_count; + struct i40iw_virt_mem ilq_mem; + struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *ilq; + u32 ieq_count; + struct i40iw_virt_mem ieq_mem; + struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *ieq; + u16 exception_lan_queue; + u16 mtu; + u8 fcn_id; + bool stats_fcn_id_alloc; + struct i40iw_qos qos[I40IW_MAX_USER_PRIORITY]; + struct i40iw_vsi_pestat *pestat; +}; + +struct i40iw_sc_dev { + struct list_head cqp_cmd_head; /* head of the CQP command list */ + spinlock_t cqp_lock; /* cqp list sync */ + struct i40iw_dev_uk dev_uk; + bool fcn_id_array[I40IW_MAX_STATS_COUNT]; + u64 fpm_query_buf_pa; + u64 fpm_commit_buf_pa; + u64 *fpm_query_buf; + u64 *fpm_commit_buf; + void *back_dev; + struct i40iw_hw *hw; + u8 IOMEM *db_addr; + struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info; + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + struct i40iw_sc_aeq *aeq; + struct i40iw_sc_ceq *ceq[I40IW_CEQ_MAX_COUNT]; + struct i40iw_sc_cq *ccq; + struct i40iw_cqp_ops *cqp_ops; + struct i40iw_ccq_ops *ccq_ops; + struct i40iw_ceq_ops *ceq_ops; + struct i40iw_aeq_ops *aeq_ops; + struct i40iw_pd_ops *iw_pd_ops; + struct i40iw_priv_qp_ops *iw_priv_qp_ops; + struct i40iw_priv_cq_ops *iw_priv_cq_ops; + struct i40iw_mr_ops *mr_ops; + struct i40iw_cqp_misc_ops *cqp_misc_ops; + struct i40iw_hmc_ops *hmc_ops; + + struct i40iw_hmc_fpm_misc hmc_fpm_misc; + u32 debug_mask; + u8 hmc_fn_id; + bool is_pf; + bool vchnl_up; + bool ceq_valid; + u64 cqp_cmd_stats[OP_SIZE_CQP_STAT_ARRAY]; + u8 hw_rev; +}; + +struct i40iw_modify_cq_info { + u64 cq_pa; + struct i40iw_cqe *cq_base; + void *pbl_list; + u32 ceq_id; + u32 cq_size; + u32 shadow_read_threshold; + bool virtual_map; + u8 pbl_chunk_size; + bool check_overflow; + bool cq_resize; + bool ceq_change; + bool check_overflow_change; + u32 first_pm_pbl_idx; + bool ceq_valid; +}; + +struct i40iw_create_qp_info { + u8 next_iwarp_state; + bool ord_valid; + bool tcp_ctx_valid; + bool cq_num_valid; + bool arp_cache_idx_valid; +}; + +struct i40iw_modify_qp_info { + u64 rx_win0; + u64 rx_win1; + u8 next_iwarp_state; + u8 termlen; + bool ord_valid; + bool tcp_ctx_valid; + bool cq_num_valid; + bool arp_cache_idx_valid; + bool reset_tcp_conn; + bool remove_hash_idx; + bool dont_send_term; + bool dont_send_fin; + bool cached_var_valid; + bool force_loopback; +}; + +struct i40iw_ccq_cqe_info { + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 scratch; + u32 op_ret_val; + u16 maj_err_code; + u16 min_err_code; + u8 op_code; + bool error; +}; + +struct i40iw_l2params { + u16 qs_handle_list[I40IW_MAX_USER_PRIORITY]; + u16 mtu; +}; + +struct i40iw_vsi_init_info { + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + void *back_vsi; + struct i40iw_l2params *params; + u16 exception_lan_queue; +}; + +struct i40iw_vsi_stats_info { + struct i40iw_vsi_pestat *pestat; + u8 fcn_id; + bool alloc_fcn_id; +}; + +struct i40iw_device_init_info { + u64 fpm_query_buf_pa; + u64 fpm_commit_buf_pa; + u64 *fpm_query_buf; + u64 *fpm_commit_buf; + struct i40iw_hw *hw; + void IOMEM *bar0; + enum i40iw_status_code (*vchnl_send)(struct i40iw_sc_dev *, u32, u8 *, u16); + u8 hmc_fn_id; + bool is_pf; + u32 debug_mask; +}; + +enum i40iw_cqp_hmc_profile { + I40IW_HMC_PROFILE_DEFAULT = 1, + I40IW_HMC_PROFILE_FAVOR_VF = 2, + I40IW_HMC_PROFILE_EQUAL = 3, +}; + +struct i40iw_cqp_init_info { + u64 cqp_compl_ctx; + u64 host_ctx_pa; + u64 sq_pa; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + struct i40iw_cqp_quanta *sq; + u64 *host_ctx; + u64 *scratch_array; + u32 sq_size; + u8 struct_ver; + bool en_datacenter_tcp; + u8 hmc_profile; + u8 enabled_vf_count; +}; + +struct i40iw_ceq_init_info { + u64 ceqe_pa; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + u64 *ceqe_base; + void *pbl_list; + u32 elem_cnt; + u32 ceq_id; + bool virtual_map; + u8 pbl_chunk_size; + bool tph_en; + u8 tph_val; + u32 first_pm_pbl_idx; +}; + +struct i40iw_aeq_init_info { + u64 aeq_elem_pa; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + u32 *aeqe_base; + void *pbl_list; + u32 elem_cnt; + bool virtual_map; + u8 pbl_chunk_size; + u32 first_pm_pbl_idx; +}; + +struct i40iw_ccq_init_info { + u64 cq_pa; + u64 shadow_area_pa; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + struct i40iw_cqe *cq_base; + u64 *shadow_area; + void *pbl_list; + u32 num_elem; + u32 ceq_id; + u32 shadow_read_threshold; + bool ceqe_mask; + bool ceq_id_valid; + bool tph_en; + u8 tph_val; + bool avoid_mem_cflct; + bool virtual_map; + u8 pbl_chunk_size; + u32 first_pm_pbl_idx; +}; + +struct i40iwarp_offload_info { + u16 rcv_mark_offset; + u16 snd_mark_offset; + u16 pd_id; + u8 ddp_ver; + u8 rdmap_ver; + u8 ord_size; + u8 ird_size; + bool wr_rdresp_en; + bool rd_enable; + bool snd_mark_en; + bool rcv_mark_en; + bool bind_en; + bool fast_reg_en; + bool priv_mode_en; + bool lsmm_present; + u8 iwarp_mode; + bool align_hdrs; + bool rcv_no_mpa_crc; + + u8 last_byte_sent; + bool err_rq_idx_valid; + u16 err_rq_idx; +}; + +struct i40iw_tcp_offload_info { + bool ipv4; + bool no_nagle; + bool insert_vlan_tag; + bool time_stamp; + u8 cwnd_inc_limit; + bool drop_ooo_seg; + u8 dup_ack_thresh; + u8 ttl; + u8 src_mac_addr_idx; + bool avoid_stretch_ack; + u8 tos; + u16 src_port; + u16 dst_port; + u32 dest_ip_addr0; + u32 dest_ip_addr1; + u32 dest_ip_addr2; + u32 dest_ip_addr3; + u32 snd_mss; + u16 vlan_tag; + u16 arp_idx; + u32 flow_label; + bool wscale; + u8 tcp_state; + u8 snd_wscale; + u8 rcv_wscale; + u32 time_stamp_recent; + u32 time_stamp_age; + u32 snd_nxt; + u32 snd_wnd; + u32 rcv_nxt; + u32 rcv_wnd; + u32 snd_max; + u32 snd_una; + u32 srtt; + u32 rtt_var; + u32 ss_thresh; + u32 cwnd; + u32 snd_wl1; + u32 snd_wl2; + u32 max_snd_window; + u8 rexmit_thresh; + u32 local_ipaddr0; + u32 local_ipaddr1; + u32 local_ipaddr2; + u32 local_ipaddr3; + bool ignore_tcp_opt; + bool ignore_tcp_uns_opt; +}; + +struct i40iw_qp_host_ctx_info { + u64 qp_compl_ctx; + struct i40iw_tcp_offload_info *tcp_info; + struct i40iwarp_offload_info *iwarp_info; + u32 send_cq_num; + u32 rcv_cq_num; + u16 push_idx; + bool push_mode_en; + bool tcp_info_valid; + bool iwarp_info_valid; +}; + +struct i40iw_aeqe_info { + u64 compl_ctx; + u32 qp_cq_id; + u16 ae_id; + u16 wqe_idx; + u8 tcp_state; + u8 iwarp_state; + bool qp; + bool cq; + bool sq; + bool in_rdrsp_wr; + bool out_rdrsp; + u8 q2_data_written; + bool aeqe_overflow; +}; + +struct i40iw_allocate_stag_info { + u64 total_len; + u32 chunk_size; + u32 stag_idx; + u32 page_size; + u16 pd_id; + u16 access_rights; + bool remote_access; + bool use_hmc_fcn_index; + u8 hmc_fcn_index; + bool use_pf_rid; +}; + +struct i40iw_reg_ns_stag_info { + u64 reg_addr_pa; + u64 fbo; + void *va; + u64 total_len; + u32 page_size; + u32 chunk_size; + u32 first_pm_pbl_index; + enum i40iw_addressing_type addr_type; + i40iw_stag_index stag_idx; + u16 access_rights; + u16 pd_id; + i40iw_stag_key stag_key; + bool use_hmc_fcn_index; + u8 hmc_fcn_index; + bool use_pf_rid; +}; + +struct i40iw_fast_reg_stag_info { + u64 wr_id; + u64 reg_addr_pa; + u64 fbo; + void *va; + u64 total_len; + u32 page_size; + u32 chunk_size; + u32 first_pm_pbl_index; + enum i40iw_addressing_type addr_type; + i40iw_stag_index stag_idx; + u16 access_rights; + u16 pd_id; + i40iw_stag_key stag_key; + bool local_fence; + bool read_fence; + bool signaled; + bool use_hmc_fcn_index; + u8 hmc_fcn_index; + bool use_pf_rid; + bool defer_flag; +}; + +struct i40iw_dealloc_stag_info { + u32 stag_idx; + u16 pd_id; + bool mr; + bool dealloc_pbl; +}; + +struct i40iw_register_shared_stag { + void *va; + enum i40iw_addressing_type addr_type; + i40iw_stag_index new_stag_idx; + i40iw_stag_index parent_stag_idx; + u32 access_rights; + u16 pd_id; + i40iw_stag_key new_stag_key; +}; + +struct i40iw_qp_init_info { + struct i40iw_qp_uk_init_info qp_uk_init_info; + struct i40iw_sc_pd *pd; + struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi; + u64 *host_ctx; + u8 *q2; + u64 sq_pa; + u64 rq_pa; + u64 host_ctx_pa; + u64 q2_pa; + u64 shadow_area_pa; + u8 sq_tph_val; + u8 rq_tph_val; + u8 type; + bool sq_tph_en; + bool rq_tph_en; + bool rcv_tph_en; + bool xmit_tph_en; + bool virtual_map; +}; + +struct i40iw_cq_init_info { + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + u64 cq_base_pa; + u64 shadow_area_pa; + u32 ceq_id; + u32 shadow_read_threshold; + bool virtual_map; + bool ceqe_mask; + u8 pbl_chunk_size; + u32 first_pm_pbl_idx; + bool ceq_id_valid; + bool tph_en; + u8 tph_val; + u8 type; + struct i40iw_cq_uk_init_info cq_uk_init_info; +}; + +struct i40iw_upload_context_info { + u64 buf_pa; + bool freeze_qp; + bool raw_format; + u32 qp_id; + u8 qp_type; +}; + +struct i40iw_add_arp_cache_entry_info { + u8 mac_addr[6]; + u32 reach_max; + u16 arp_index; + bool permanent; +}; + +struct i40iw_apbvt_info { + u16 port; + bool add; +}; + +enum i40iw_quad_entry_type { + I40IW_QHASH_TYPE_TCP_ESTABLISHED = 1, + I40IW_QHASH_TYPE_TCP_SYN, +}; + +enum i40iw_quad_hash_manage_type { + I40IW_QHASH_MANAGE_TYPE_DELETE = 0, + I40IW_QHASH_MANAGE_TYPE_ADD, + I40IW_QHASH_MANAGE_TYPE_MODIFY +}; + +struct i40iw_qhash_table_info { + struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi; + enum i40iw_quad_hash_manage_type manage; + enum i40iw_quad_entry_type entry_type; + bool vlan_valid; + bool ipv4_valid; + u8 mac_addr[6]; + u16 vlan_id; + u32 qp_num; + u32 dest_ip[4]; + u32 src_ip[4]; + u16 dest_port; + u16 src_port; +}; + +struct i40iw_local_mac_ipaddr_entry_info { + u8 mac_addr[6]; + u8 entry_idx; +}; + +struct i40iw_cqp_manage_push_page_info { + u32 push_idx; + u16 qs_handle; + u8 free_page; +}; + +struct i40iw_qp_flush_info { + u16 sq_minor_code; + u16 sq_major_code; + u16 rq_minor_code; + u16 rq_major_code; + u16 ae_code; + u8 ae_source; + bool sq; + bool rq; + bool userflushcode; + bool generate_ae; +}; + +struct i40iw_cqp_ops { + enum i40iw_status_code (*cqp_init)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *, + struct i40iw_cqp_init_info *); + enum i40iw_status_code (*cqp_create)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *, u16 *, u16 *); + void (*cqp_post_sq)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *); + u64 *(*cqp_get_next_send_wqe)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *, u64 scratch); + enum i40iw_status_code (*cqp_destroy)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *); + enum i40iw_status_code (*poll_for_cqp_op_done)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *, u8, + struct i40iw_ccq_cqe_info *); +}; + +struct i40iw_ccq_ops { + enum i40iw_status_code (*ccq_init)(struct i40iw_sc_cq *, + struct i40iw_ccq_init_info *); + enum i40iw_status_code (*ccq_create)(struct i40iw_sc_cq *, u64, bool, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*ccq_destroy)(struct i40iw_sc_cq *, u64, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*ccq_create_done)(struct i40iw_sc_cq *); + enum i40iw_status_code (*ccq_get_cqe_info)(struct i40iw_sc_cq *, + struct i40iw_ccq_cqe_info *); + void (*ccq_arm)(struct i40iw_sc_cq *); +}; + +struct i40iw_ceq_ops { + enum i40iw_status_code (*ceq_init)(struct i40iw_sc_ceq *, + struct i40iw_ceq_init_info *); + enum i40iw_status_code (*ceq_create)(struct i40iw_sc_ceq *, u64, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*cceq_create_done)(struct i40iw_sc_ceq *); + enum i40iw_status_code (*cceq_destroy_done)(struct i40iw_sc_ceq *); + enum i40iw_status_code (*cceq_create)(struct i40iw_sc_ceq *, u64); + enum i40iw_status_code (*ceq_destroy)(struct i40iw_sc_ceq *, u64, bool); + void *(*process_ceq)(struct i40iw_sc_dev *, struct i40iw_sc_ceq *); +}; + +struct i40iw_aeq_ops { + enum i40iw_status_code (*aeq_init)(struct i40iw_sc_aeq *, + struct i40iw_aeq_init_info *); + enum i40iw_status_code (*aeq_create)(struct i40iw_sc_aeq *, u64, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*aeq_destroy)(struct i40iw_sc_aeq *, u64, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*get_next_aeqe)(struct i40iw_sc_aeq *, + struct i40iw_aeqe_info *); + enum i40iw_status_code (*repost_aeq_entries)(struct i40iw_sc_dev *, u32); + enum i40iw_status_code (*aeq_create_done)(struct i40iw_sc_aeq *); + enum i40iw_status_code (*aeq_destroy_done)(struct i40iw_sc_aeq *); +}; + +struct i40iw_pd_ops { + void (*pd_init)(struct i40iw_sc_dev *, struct i40iw_sc_pd *, u16); +}; + +struct i40iw_priv_qp_ops { + enum i40iw_status_code (*qp_init)(struct i40iw_sc_qp *, struct i40iw_qp_init_info *); + enum i40iw_status_code (*qp_create)(struct i40iw_sc_qp *, + struct i40iw_create_qp_info *, u64, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*qp_modify)(struct i40iw_sc_qp *, + struct i40iw_modify_qp_info *, u64, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*qp_destroy)(struct i40iw_sc_qp *, u64, bool, bool, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*qp_flush_wqes)(struct i40iw_sc_qp *, + struct i40iw_qp_flush_info *, u64, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*qp_upload_context)(struct i40iw_sc_dev *, + struct i40iw_upload_context_info *, + u64, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*qp_setctx)(struct i40iw_sc_qp *, u64 *, + struct i40iw_qp_host_ctx_info *); + + void (*qp_send_lsmm)(struct i40iw_sc_qp *, void *, u32, i40iw_stag); + void (*qp_send_lsmm_nostag)(struct i40iw_sc_qp *, void *, u32); + void (*qp_send_rtt)(struct i40iw_sc_qp *, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*iw_mr_fast_register)(struct i40iw_sc_qp *, + struct i40iw_fast_reg_stag_info *, + bool); +}; + +struct i40iw_priv_cq_ops { + enum i40iw_status_code (*cq_init)(struct i40iw_sc_cq *, struct i40iw_cq_init_info *); + enum i40iw_status_code (*cq_create)(struct i40iw_sc_cq *, u64, bool, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*cq_destroy)(struct i40iw_sc_cq *, u64, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*cq_modify)(struct i40iw_sc_cq *, + struct i40iw_modify_cq_info *, u64, bool); +}; + +struct i40iw_mr_ops { + enum i40iw_status_code (*alloc_stag)(struct i40iw_sc_dev *, + struct i40iw_allocate_stag_info *, u64, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*mr_reg_non_shared)(struct i40iw_sc_dev *, + struct i40iw_reg_ns_stag_info *, + u64, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*mr_reg_shared)(struct i40iw_sc_dev *, + struct i40iw_register_shared_stag *, + u64, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*dealloc_stag)(struct i40iw_sc_dev *, + struct i40iw_dealloc_stag_info *, + u64, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*query_stag)(struct i40iw_sc_dev *, u64, u32, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*mw_alloc)(struct i40iw_sc_dev *, u64, u32, u16, bool); +}; + +struct i40iw_cqp_misc_ops { + enum i40iw_status_code (*manage_push_page)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *, + struct i40iw_cqp_manage_push_page_info *, + u64, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*manage_hmc_pm_func_table)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *, + u64, u8, bool, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*commit_fpm_values)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *, u64, u8, + struct i40iw_dma_mem *, bool, u8); + enum i40iw_status_code (*query_fpm_values)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *, u64, u8, + struct i40iw_dma_mem *, bool, u8); + enum i40iw_status_code (*static_hmc_pages_allocated)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *, + u64, u8, bool, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*add_arp_cache_entry)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *, + struct i40iw_add_arp_cache_entry_info *, + u64, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*del_arp_cache_entry)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *, u64, u16, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*query_arp_cache_entry)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *, u64, u16, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*manage_apbvt_entry)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *, + struct i40iw_apbvt_info *, u64, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*manage_qhash_table_entry)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *, + struct i40iw_qhash_table_info *, u64, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*alloc_local_mac_ipaddr_table_entry)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *, u64, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*add_local_mac_ipaddr_entry)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *, + struct i40iw_local_mac_ipaddr_entry_info *, + u64, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*del_local_mac_ipaddr_entry)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *, u64, u8, u8, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*cqp_nop)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *, u64, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*commit_fpm_values_done)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp + *); + enum i40iw_status_code (*query_fpm_values_done)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *); + enum i40iw_status_code (*manage_hmc_pm_func_table_done)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *); + enum i40iw_status_code (*update_suspend_qp)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *, struct i40iw_sc_qp *, u64); + enum i40iw_status_code (*update_resume_qp)(struct i40iw_sc_cqp *, struct i40iw_sc_qp *, u64); +}; + +struct i40iw_hmc_ops { + enum i40iw_status_code (*init_iw_hmc)(struct i40iw_sc_dev *, u8); + enum i40iw_status_code (*parse_fpm_query_buf)(u64 *, struct i40iw_hmc_info *, + struct i40iw_hmc_fpm_misc *); + enum i40iw_status_code (*configure_iw_fpm)(struct i40iw_sc_dev *, u8); + enum i40iw_status_code (*parse_fpm_commit_buf)(u64 *, struct i40iw_hmc_obj_info *, u32 *sd); + enum i40iw_status_code (*create_hmc_object)(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_hmc_create_obj_info *); + enum i40iw_status_code (*del_hmc_object)(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_hmc_del_obj_info *, + bool reset); + enum i40iw_status_code (*pf_init_vfhmc)(struct i40iw_sc_dev *, u8, u32 *); + enum i40iw_status_code (*vf_configure_vffpm)(struct i40iw_sc_dev *, u32 *); +}; + +struct cqp_info { + union { + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp; + struct i40iw_create_qp_info info; + u64 scratch; + } qp_create; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp; + struct i40iw_modify_qp_info info; + u64 scratch; + } qp_modify; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp; + u64 scratch; + bool remove_hash_idx; + bool ignore_mw_bnd; + } qp_destroy; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq; + u64 scratch; + bool check_overflow; + } cq_create; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq; + u64 scratch; + } cq_destroy; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + struct i40iw_allocate_stag_info info; + u64 scratch; + } alloc_stag; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + u64 scratch; + u32 mw_stag_index; + u16 pd_id; + } mw_alloc; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + struct i40iw_reg_ns_stag_info info; + u64 scratch; + } mr_reg_non_shared; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + struct i40iw_dealloc_stag_info info; + u64 scratch; + } dealloc_stag; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + struct i40iw_local_mac_ipaddr_entry_info info; + u64 scratch; + } add_local_mac_ipaddr_entry; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + struct i40iw_add_arp_cache_entry_info info; + u64 scratch; + } add_arp_cache_entry; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 scratch; + u8 entry_idx; + u8 ignore_ref_count; + } del_local_mac_ipaddr_entry; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 scratch; + u16 arp_index; + } del_arp_cache_entry; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + struct i40iw_cqp_manage_push_page_info info; + u64 scratch; + } manage_push_page; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + struct i40iw_upload_context_info info; + u64 scratch; + } qp_upload_context; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + u64 scratch; + } alloc_local_mac_ipaddr_entry; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + struct i40iw_hmc_fcn_info info; + u64 scratch; + } manage_hmc_pm; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_ceq *ceq; + u64 scratch; + } ceq_create; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_ceq *ceq; + u64 scratch; + } ceq_destroy; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_aeq *aeq; + u64 scratch; + } aeq_create; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_aeq *aeq; + u64 scratch; + } aeq_destroy; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp; + struct i40iw_qp_flush_info info; + u64 scratch; + } qp_flush_wqes; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + void *fpm_values_va; + u64 fpm_values_pa; + u8 hmc_fn_id; + u64 scratch; + } query_fpm_values; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + void *fpm_values_va; + u64 fpm_values_pa; + u8 hmc_fn_id; + u64 scratch; + } commit_fpm_values; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + struct i40iw_apbvt_info info; + u64 scratch; + } manage_apbvt_entry; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + struct i40iw_qhash_table_info info; + u64 scratch; + } manage_qhash_table_entry; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + struct i40iw_update_sds_info info; + u64 scratch; + } update_pe_sds; + + struct { + struct i40iw_sc_cqp *cqp; + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp; + u64 scratch; + } suspend_resume; + } u; +}; + +struct cqp_commands_info { + struct list_head cqp_cmd_entry; + u8 cqp_cmd; + u8 post_sq; + struct cqp_info in; +}; + +struct i40iw_cqp_timeout { + u64 compl_cqp_cmds; + u8 count; +}; + +#endif Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_uk.c =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_uk.c @@ -0,0 +1,1253 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#include "i40iw_osdep.h" +#include "i40iw_status.h" +#include "i40iw_d.h" +#include "i40iw_user.h" +#include "i40iw_register.h" + +static u32 nop_signature = 0x55550000; + +/** + * i40iw_nop_1 - insert a nop wqe and move head. no post work + * @qp: hw qp ptr + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_nop_1(struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp) +{ + u64 header, *wqe; + u64 *wqe_0 = NULL; + u32 wqe_idx, peek_head; + bool signaled = FALSE; + + if (!qp->sq_ring.head) + return I40IW_ERR_PARAM; + + wqe_idx = I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD(qp->sq_ring); + wqe = qp->sq_base[wqe_idx].elem; + + qp->sq_wrtrk_array[wqe_idx].wqe_size = I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE; + + peek_head = (qp->sq_ring.head + 1) % qp->sq_ring.size; + wqe_0 = qp->sq_base[peek_head].elem; + if (peek_head) + wqe_0[3] = LS_64(!qp->swqe_polarity, I40IWQPSQ_VALID); + else + wqe_0[3] = LS_64(qp->swqe_polarity, I40IWQPSQ_VALID); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, 0); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, 0); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, 0); + + header = LS_64(I40IWQP_OP_NOP, I40IWQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(signaled, I40IWQPSQ_SIGCOMPL) | + LS_64(qp->swqe_polarity, I40IWQPSQ_VALID) | nop_signature++; + + i40iw_wmb(); /* Memory barrier to ensure data is written + * before valid bit is set */ + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_24, header); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_qp_post_wr - post wr to hrdware + * @qp: hw qp ptr + */ +void +i40iw_qp_post_wr(struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp) +{ + u64 temp; + u32 hw_sq_tail; + u32 sw_sq_head; + + i40iw_mb(); /* valid bit is written and loads completed + * before reading shadow */ + + /* read the doorbell shadow area */ + get_64bit_val(qp->shadow_area, I40IW_BYTE_0, &temp); + + hw_sq_tail = (u32) RS_64(temp, I40IW_QP_DBSA_HW_SQ_TAIL); + sw_sq_head = I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD(qp->sq_ring); + if (sw_sq_head != hw_sq_tail) { + if (sw_sq_head > qp->initial_ring.head) { + if ((hw_sq_tail >= qp->initial_ring.head) && + (hw_sq_tail < sw_sq_head)) { + db_wr32(qp->qp_id, qp->wqe_alloc_reg); + } + } else if (sw_sq_head != qp->initial_ring.head) { + if ((hw_sq_tail >= qp->initial_ring.head) || + (hw_sq_tail < sw_sq_head)) { + db_wr32(qp->qp_id, qp->wqe_alloc_reg); + } + } + } + qp->initial_ring.head = qp->sq_ring.head; +} + +/** + * i40iw_qp_ring_push_db - ring qp doorbell + * @qp: hw qp ptr + * @wqe_idx: wqe index + */ +static void +i40iw_qp_ring_push_db(struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp, u32 wqe_idx) +{ + set_32bit_val(qp->push_db, 0, LS_32((wqe_idx >> 2), I40E_PFPE_WQEALLOC_WQE_DESC_INDEX) | qp->qp_id); + qp->initial_ring.head = I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD(qp->sq_ring); +} + +/** + * i40iw_qp_get_next_send_wqe - return next wqe ptr + * @qp: hw qp ptr + * @wqe_idx: return wqe index + * @wqe_size: size of sq wqe + */ +u64 * +i40iw_qp_get_next_send_wqe(struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp, + u32 * wqe_idx, + u8 wqe_size, + u32 total_size, + u64 wr_id) +{ + u64 *wqe = NULL; + u64 wqe_ptr; + u32 peek_head = 0; + u16 offset; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + u8 nop_wqe_cnt = 0, i; + u64 *wqe_0 = NULL; + + *wqe_idx = I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD(qp->sq_ring); + + if (!*wqe_idx) + qp->swqe_polarity = !qp->swqe_polarity; + wqe_ptr = (uintptr_t) qp->sq_base[*wqe_idx].elem; + offset = (u16) (wqe_ptr) & 0x7F; + if ((offset + wqe_size) > I40IW_QP_WQE_MAX_SIZE) { + nop_wqe_cnt = (u8) (I40IW_QP_WQE_MAX_SIZE - offset) / I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE; + for (i = 0; i < nop_wqe_cnt; i++) { + i40iw_nop_1(qp); + I40IW_RING_MOVE_HEAD(qp->sq_ring, ret_code); + if (ret_code) + return NULL; + } + + *wqe_idx = I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD(qp->sq_ring); + if (!*wqe_idx) + qp->swqe_polarity = !qp->swqe_polarity; + } + if (((*wqe_idx & 3) == 1) && (wqe_size == I40IW_WQE_SIZE_64)) { + i40iw_nop_1(qp); + I40IW_RING_MOVE_HEAD(qp->sq_ring, ret_code); + if (ret_code) + return NULL; + *wqe_idx = I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD(qp->sq_ring); + if (!*wqe_idx) + qp->swqe_polarity = !qp->swqe_polarity; + } + I40IW_RING_MOVE_HEAD_BY_COUNT(qp->sq_ring, + (wqe_size / I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE), ret_code); + if (ret_code) + return NULL; + + wqe = qp->sq_base[*wqe_idx].elem; + + peek_head = I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD(qp->sq_ring); + wqe_0 = qp->sq_base[peek_head].elem; + + if (((peek_head & 3) == 1) || ((peek_head & 3) == 3)) { + if (RS_64(wqe_0[3], I40IWQPSQ_VALID) != !qp->swqe_polarity) + wqe_0[3] = LS_64(!qp->swqe_polarity, I40IWQPSQ_VALID); + } +#if defined(NDK_DEBUG) + insert_send_idx(qp, *wqe_idx); +#endif + + qp->sq_wrtrk_array[*wqe_idx].wrid = wr_id; + qp->sq_wrtrk_array[*wqe_idx].wr_len = total_size; + qp->sq_wrtrk_array[*wqe_idx].wqe_size = wqe_size; + return wqe; +} + +/** + * i40iw_set_fragment - set fragment in wqe + * @wqe: wqe for setting fragment + * @offset: offset value + * @sge: sge length and stag + */ +static void +i40iw_set_fragment(u64 * wqe, u32 offset, struct i40iw_sge *sge) +{ + if (sge) { + set_64bit_val(wqe, offset, LS_64(sge->tag_off, I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_TO)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, (offset + I40IW_BYTE_8), + (LS_64(sge->len, I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_LEN) | + LS_64(sge->stag, I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_STAG))); + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_qp_get_next_recv_wqe - get next qp's rcv wqe + * @qp: hw qp ptr + * @wqe_idx: return wqe index + */ +u64 * +i40iw_qp_get_next_recv_wqe(struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp, u32 * wqe_idx) +{ + u64 *wqe = NULL; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code; + + if (I40IW_RING_FULL_ERR(qp->rq_ring)) + return NULL; + + I40IW_ATOMIC_RING_MOVE_HEAD(qp->rq_ring, *wqe_idx, ret_code); + if (ret_code) + return NULL; + if (!*wqe_idx) + qp->rwqe_polarity = !qp->rwqe_polarity; + /* rq_wqe_size_multiplier is no of qwords in one rq wqe */ + wqe = qp->rq_base[*wqe_idx * (qp->rq_wqe_size_multiplier >> 2)].elem; +#if defined(NDK_DEBUG) + insert_recv_idx(qp, *wqe_idx); +#endif + + return wqe; +} + +/** + * i40iw_rdma_write - rdma write operation + * @qp: hw qp ptr + * @info: post sq information + * @post_sq: flag to post sq + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_rdma_write(struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp, + struct i40iw_post_sq_info *info, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 header; + u64 *wqe; + struct i40iw_rdma_write *op_info; + u32 i, wqe_idx; + u32 total_size = 0, byte_off; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code; + bool read_fence = FALSE; + u8 wqe_size; + + op_info = &info->op.rdma_write; + if (op_info->num_lo_sges > qp->max_sq_frag_cnt) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_FRAG_COUNT; + + for (i = 0; i < op_info->num_lo_sges; i++) + total_size += op_info->lo_sg_list[i].len; + + if (total_size > I40IW_MAX_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_SIZE) + return I40IW_ERR_QP_INVALID_MSG_SIZE; + + read_fence |= info->read_fence; +#if defined(READ_FENCE_ERRATA) + read_fence = 1; +#endif + + ret_code = i40iw_fragcnt_to_wqesize_sq(op_info->num_lo_sges, &wqe_size); + if (ret_code) + return ret_code; + + wqe = i40iw_qp_get_next_send_wqe(qp, &wqe_idx, wqe_size, + total_size, info->wr_id); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_QP_TOOMANY_WRS_POSTED; + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, + LS_64(op_info->rem_addr.tag_off, I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_TO)); + if (!op_info->rem_addr.stag) + return I40IW_ERR_BAD_STAG; + + header = LS_64(op_info->rem_addr.stag, I40IWQPSQ_REMSTAG) | + LS_64(I40IWQP_OP_RDMA_WRITE, I40IWQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64((op_info->num_lo_sges > 1 ? (op_info->num_lo_sges - 1) : 0), I40IWQPSQ_ADDFRAGCNT) | + LS_64(read_fence, I40IWQPSQ_READFENCE) | + LS_64(info->local_fence, I40IWQPSQ_LOCALFENCE) | + LS_64(info->signaled, I40IWQPSQ_SIGCOMPL) | + LS_64(qp->swqe_polarity, I40IWQPSQ_VALID); + + i40iw_set_fragment(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, op_info->lo_sg_list); + + for (i = 1, byte_off = I40IW_BYTE_32; i < op_info->num_lo_sges; i++) { + i40iw_set_fragment(wqe, byte_off, &op_info->lo_sg_list[i]); + byte_off += 16; + } + + i40iw_wmb(); /* make sure WQE is populated before valid + * bit is set */ + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_24, header); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_qp_post_wr(qp); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_rdma_read - rdma read command + * @qp: hw qp ptr + * @info: post sq information + * @inv_stag: flag for inv_stag + * @post_sq: flag to post sq + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_rdma_read(struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp, + struct i40iw_post_sq_info *info, + bool inv_stag, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + struct i40iw_rdma_read *op_info; + u64 header; + u32 wqe_idx; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code; + u8 wqe_size; + bool local_fence = FALSE; + + op_info = &info->op.rdma_read; + ret_code = i40iw_fragcnt_to_wqesize_sq(1, &wqe_size); + if (ret_code) + return ret_code; + wqe = i40iw_qp_get_next_send_wqe(qp, &wqe_idx, wqe_size, + op_info->lo_addr.len, info->wr_id); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_QP_TOOMANY_WRS_POSTED; + local_fence |= info->local_fence; + +#if defined(READ_FENCE_ERRATA) + local_fence = 1; + info->read_fence = 1; +#endif + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, LS_64(op_info->rem_addr.tag_off, I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_TO)); + header = LS_64(op_info->rem_addr.stag, I40IWQPSQ_REMSTAG) | + LS_64((inv_stag ? I40IWQP_OP_RDMA_READ_LOC_INV : I40IWQP_OP_RDMA_READ), I40IWQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(info->read_fence, I40IWQPSQ_READFENCE) | + LS_64(local_fence, I40IWQPSQ_LOCALFENCE) | + LS_64(info->signaled, I40IWQPSQ_SIGCOMPL) | + LS_64(qp->swqe_polarity, I40IWQPSQ_VALID); + + i40iw_set_fragment(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, &op_info->lo_addr); + + i40iw_wmb(); /* make sure WQE is populated before valid + * bit is set */ + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_24, header); + if (post_sq) + i40iw_qp_post_wr(qp); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_send - rdma send command + * @qp: hw qp ptr + * @info: post sq information + * @post_sq: flag to post sq + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_send(struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp, + struct i40iw_post_sq_info *info, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + struct i40iw_post_send *op_info; + u64 header; + u32 i, wqe_idx, total_size = 0, byte_off; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code; + bool read_fence = FALSE; + u8 wqe_size; + + op_info = &info->op.send; + if (qp->max_sq_frag_cnt < op_info->num_sges) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_FRAG_COUNT; + + for (i = 0; i < op_info->num_sges; i++) + total_size += op_info->sg_list[i].len; + ret_code = i40iw_fragcnt_to_wqesize_sq(op_info->num_sges, &wqe_size); + if (ret_code) + return ret_code; + + wqe = i40iw_qp_get_next_send_wqe(qp, &wqe_idx, wqe_size, + total_size, info->wr_id); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_QP_TOOMANY_WRS_POSTED; + + read_fence |= info->read_fence; +#if defined(READ_FENCE_ERRATA) + read_fence = 1; +#endif + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, 0); + header = LS_64(info->stag_to_inv, I40IWQPSQ_REMSTAG) | + LS_64(info->op_type, I40IWQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64((op_info->num_sges > 1 ? (op_info->num_sges - 1) : 0), + I40IWQPSQ_ADDFRAGCNT) | + LS_64(read_fence, I40IWQPSQ_READFENCE) | + LS_64(info->local_fence, I40IWQPSQ_LOCALFENCE) | + LS_64(info->signaled, I40IWQPSQ_SIGCOMPL) | + LS_64(qp->swqe_polarity, I40IWQPSQ_VALID); + + i40iw_set_fragment(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, op_info->sg_list); + + for (i = 1, byte_off = I40IW_BYTE_32; i < op_info->num_sges; i++) { + i40iw_set_fragment(wqe, byte_off, &op_info->sg_list[i]); + byte_off += 16; + } + + i40iw_wmb(); /* make sure WQE is populated before valid + * bit is set */ + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_24, header); + if (post_sq) + i40iw_qp_post_wr(qp); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_inline_rdma_write - inline rdma write operation + * @qp: hw qp ptr + * @info: post sq information + * @post_sq: flag to post sq + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_inline_rdma_write(struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp, + struct i40iw_post_sq_info *info, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u8 *dest, *src; + struct i40iw_inline_rdma_write *op_info; + u64 *push; + u64 header = 0; + u32 wqe_idx; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code; + bool read_fence = FALSE; + u8 wqe_size; + + op_info = &info->op.inline_rdma_write; + if (op_info->len > I40IW_MAX_INLINE_DATA_SIZE) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_INLINE_DATA_SIZE; + + ret_code = i40iw_inline_data_size_to_wqesize(op_info->len, &wqe_size); + if (ret_code) + return ret_code; + + wqe = i40iw_qp_get_next_send_wqe(qp, &wqe_idx, wqe_size, + op_info->len, info->wr_id); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_QP_TOOMANY_WRS_POSTED; + + read_fence |= info->read_fence; + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, + LS_64(op_info->rem_addr.tag_off, I40IWQPSQ_FRAG_TO)); + + header = LS_64(op_info->rem_addr.stag, I40IWQPSQ_REMSTAG) | + LS_64(I40IWQP_OP_RDMA_WRITE, I40IWQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(op_info->len, I40IWQPSQ_INLINEDATALEN) | + LS_64(1, I40IWQPSQ_INLINEDATAFLAG) | + LS_64((qp->push_db ? 1 : 0), I40IWQPSQ_PUSHWQE) | + LS_64(read_fence, I40IWQPSQ_READFENCE) | + LS_64(info->local_fence, I40IWQPSQ_LOCALFENCE) | + LS_64(info->signaled, I40IWQPSQ_SIGCOMPL) | + LS_64(qp->swqe_polarity, I40IWQPSQ_VALID); + + dest = (u8 *) wqe; + src = (u8 *) (op_info->data); + + if (op_info->len <= I40IW_BYTE_16) { + i40iw_memcpy(dest, src, op_info->len); + } else { + i40iw_memcpy(dest, src, I40IW_BYTE_16); + src += I40IW_BYTE_16; + dest = (u8 *) wqe + I40IW_BYTE_32; + i40iw_memcpy(dest, src, op_info->len - I40IW_BYTE_16); + } + + i40iw_wmb(); /* make sure WQE is populated before valid + * bit is set */ + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_24, header); + + if (qp->push_db) { + push = (u64 *) ((uintptr_t) qp->push_wqe + (wqe_idx & 0x3) * 0x20); + i40iw_memcpy(push, wqe, (op_info->len > 16) ? op_info->len + 16 : 32); + i40iw_qp_ring_push_db(qp, wqe_idx); + } else { + if (post_sq) + i40iw_qp_post_wr(qp); + } + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_inline_send - inline send operation + * @qp: hw qp ptr + * @info: post sq information + * @post_sq: flag to post sq + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_inline_send(struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp, + struct i40iw_post_sq_info *info, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u8 *dest, *src; + struct i40iw_post_inline_send *op_info; + u64 header; + u32 wqe_idx; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code; + bool read_fence = FALSE; + u8 wqe_size; + u64 *push; + + op_info = &info->op.inline_send; + if (op_info->len > I40IW_MAX_INLINE_DATA_SIZE) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_INLINE_DATA_SIZE; + + ret_code = i40iw_inline_data_size_to_wqesize(op_info->len, &wqe_size); + if (ret_code) + return ret_code; + + wqe = i40iw_qp_get_next_send_wqe(qp, &wqe_idx, wqe_size, + op_info->len, info->wr_id); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_QP_TOOMANY_WRS_POSTED; + + read_fence |= info->read_fence; + header = LS_64(info->stag_to_inv, I40IWQPSQ_REMSTAG) | + LS_64(info->op_type, I40IWQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(op_info->len, I40IWQPSQ_INLINEDATALEN) | + LS_64(1, I40IWQPSQ_INLINEDATAFLAG) | + LS_64((qp->push_db ? 1 : 0), I40IWQPSQ_PUSHWQE) | + LS_64(read_fence, I40IWQPSQ_READFENCE) | + LS_64(info->local_fence, I40IWQPSQ_LOCALFENCE) | + LS_64(info->signaled, I40IWQPSQ_SIGCOMPL) | + LS_64(qp->swqe_polarity, I40IWQPSQ_VALID); + + dest = (u8 *) wqe; + src = (u8 *) (op_info->data); + + if (op_info->len <= I40IW_BYTE_16) { + i40iw_memcpy(dest, src, op_info->len); + } else { + i40iw_memcpy(dest, src, I40IW_BYTE_16); + src += I40IW_BYTE_16; + dest = (u8 *) wqe + I40IW_BYTE_32; + i40iw_memcpy(dest, src, op_info->len - I40IW_BYTE_16); + } + + i40iw_wmb(); /* make sure WQE is populated before valid + * bit is set */ + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_24, header); + + if (qp->push_db) { + push = (u64 *) ((uintptr_t) qp->push_wqe + (wqe_idx & 0x3) * 0x20); + i40iw_memcpy(push, wqe, (op_info->len > 16) ? op_info->len + 16 : 32); + i40iw_qp_ring_push_db(qp, wqe_idx); + } else { + if (post_sq) + i40iw_qp_post_wr(qp); + } + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_stag_local_invalidate - stag invalidate operation + * @qp: hw qp ptr + * @info: post sq information + * @post_sq: flag to post sq + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_stag_local_invalidate(struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp, + struct i40iw_post_sq_info *info, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + struct i40iw_inv_local_stag *op_info; + u64 header; + u32 wqe_idx; + bool local_fence = FALSE; + + op_info = &info->op.inv_local_stag; + local_fence = info->local_fence; +#if defined(READ_FENCE_ERRATA) + info->read_fence = 1; +#endif + + wqe = i40iw_qp_get_next_send_wqe(qp, &wqe_idx, I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE, + 0, info->wr_id); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_QP_TOOMANY_WRS_POSTED; + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, 0); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, + LS_64(op_info->target_stag, I40IWQPSQ_LOCSTAG)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, 0); + header = LS_64(I40IW_OP_TYPE_INV_STAG, I40IWQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(info->read_fence, I40IWQPSQ_READFENCE) | + LS_64(local_fence, I40IWQPSQ_LOCALFENCE) | + LS_64(info->signaled, I40IWQPSQ_SIGCOMPL) | + LS_64(qp->swqe_polarity, I40IWQPSQ_VALID); + + i40iw_wmb(); /* make sure WQE is populated before valid + * bit is set */ + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_24, header); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_qp_post_wr(qp); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_mw_bind - Memory Window bind operation + * @qp: hw qp ptr + * @info: post sq information + * @post_sq: flag to post sq + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_mw_bind(struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp, + struct i40iw_post_sq_info *info, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 *wqe; + struct i40iw_bind_window *op_info; + u64 header; + u32 wqe_idx; + bool local_fence = FALSE; + + op_info = &info->op.bind_window; + + local_fence |= info->local_fence; + wqe = i40iw_qp_get_next_send_wqe(qp, &wqe_idx, I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE, + 0, info->wr_id); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_QP_TOOMANY_WRS_POSTED; + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, (uintptr_t) op_info->va); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, + LS_64(op_info->mr_stag, I40IWQPSQ_PARENTMRSTAG) | + LS_64(op_info->mw_stag, I40IWQPSQ_MWSTAG)); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, op_info->bind_length); + header = LS_64(I40IW_OP_TYPE_BIND_MW, I40IWQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(((op_info->enable_reads << 2) | + (op_info->enable_writes << 3)), + I40IWQPSQ_STAGRIGHTS) | + LS_64((op_info->addressing_type == I40IW_ADDR_TYPE_VA_BASED ? 1 : 0), + I40IWQPSQ_VABASEDTO) | + LS_64(info->read_fence, I40IWQPSQ_READFENCE) | + LS_64(local_fence, I40IWQPSQ_LOCALFENCE) | + LS_64(info->signaled, I40IWQPSQ_SIGCOMPL) | + LS_64(qp->swqe_polarity, I40IWQPSQ_VALID); + + i40iw_wmb(); /* make sure WQE is populated before valid + * bit is set */ + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_24, header); + + if (post_sq) + i40iw_qp_post_wr(qp); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_post_receive - post receive wqe + * @qp: hw qp ptr + * @info: post rq information + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_post_receive(struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp, + struct i40iw_post_rq_info *info) +{ + u64 *wqe; + u64 header; + u32 total_size = 0, wqe_idx, i, byte_off; + + if (qp->max_rq_frag_cnt < info->num_sges) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_FRAG_COUNT; + for (i = 0; i < info->num_sges; i++) + total_size += info->sg_list[i].len; + wqe = i40iw_qp_get_next_recv_wqe(qp, &wqe_idx); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_QP_TOOMANY_WRS_POSTED; + + qp->rq_wrid_array[wqe_idx] = info->wr_id; + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, 0); + + header = LS_64((info->num_sges > 1 ? (info->num_sges - 1) : 0), + I40IWQPSQ_ADDFRAGCNT) | + LS_64(qp->rwqe_polarity, I40IWQPSQ_VALID); + + i40iw_set_fragment(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, info->sg_list); + + for (i = 1, byte_off = I40IW_BYTE_32; i < info->num_sges; i++) { + i40iw_set_fragment(wqe, byte_off, &info->sg_list[i]); + byte_off += 16; + } + + i40iw_wmb(); /* make sure WQE is populated before valid + * bit is set */ + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_24, header); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_cq_request_notification - cq notification request (door bell) + * @cq: hw cq + * @cq_notify: notification type + */ +static void +i40iw_cq_request_notification(struct i40iw_cq_uk *cq, + enum i40iw_completion_notify cq_notify) +{ + u64 temp_val; + u16 sw_cq_sel; + u8 arm_next_se = 0; + u8 arm_next = 0; + u8 arm_seq_num; + + get_64bit_val(cq->shadow_area, I40IW_BYTE_32, &temp_val); + arm_seq_num = (u8) RS_64(temp_val, I40IW_CQ_DBSA_ARM_SEQ_NUM); + arm_seq_num++; + + sw_cq_sel = (u16) RS_64(temp_val, I40IW_CQ_DBSA_SW_CQ_SELECT); + arm_next_se = (u8) RS_64(temp_val, I40IW_CQ_DBSA_ARM_NEXT_SE); + arm_next_se |= 1; + if (cq_notify == IW_CQ_COMPL_EVENT) + arm_next = 1; + temp_val = LS_64(arm_seq_num, I40IW_CQ_DBSA_ARM_SEQ_NUM) | + LS_64(sw_cq_sel, I40IW_CQ_DBSA_SW_CQ_SELECT) | + LS_64(arm_next_se, I40IW_CQ_DBSA_ARM_NEXT_SE) | + LS_64(arm_next, I40IW_CQ_DBSA_ARM_NEXT); + + set_64bit_val(cq->shadow_area, I40IW_BYTE_32, temp_val); + + i40iw_wmb(); /* make sure WQE is populated before valid + * bit is set */ + + db_wr32(cq->cq_id, cq->cqe_alloc_reg); +} + +/** + * i40iw_cq_post_entries - update tail in shadow memory + * @cq: hw cq + * @count: # of entries processed + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_cq_post_entries(struct i40iw_cq_uk *cq, + u8 count) +{ + I40IW_RING_MOVE_TAIL_BY_COUNT(cq->cq_ring, count); + set_64bit_val(cq->shadow_area, I40IW_BYTE_0, + I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD(cq->cq_ring)); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_cq_poll_completion - get cq completion info + * @cq: hw cq + * @info: cq poll information returned + * @post_cq: update cq tail + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_cq_poll_completion(struct i40iw_cq_uk *cq, + struct i40iw_cq_poll_info *info) +{ + u64 comp_ctx, qword0, qword2, qword3, wqe_qword; + u64 *cqe, *sw_wqe; + struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp; + struct i40iw_ring *pring = NULL; + u32 wqe_idx, q_type, array_idx = 0; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + bool move_cq_head = TRUE; + u8 polarity; + u8 addl_wqes = 0; + + if (cq->avoid_mem_cflct) + cqe = (u64 *) I40IW_GET_CURRENT_EXTENDED_CQ_ELEMENT(cq); + else + cqe = (u64 *) I40IW_GET_CURRENT_CQ_ELEMENT(cq); + + get_64bit_val(cqe, I40IW_BYTE_24, &qword3); + polarity = (u8) RS_64(qword3, I40IW_CQ_VALID); + + if (polarity != cq->polarity) + return I40IW_ERR_QUEUE_EMPTY; + + q_type = (u8) RS_64(qword3, I40IW_CQ_SQ); + info->error = (bool) RS_64(qword3, I40IW_CQ_ERROR); + info->push_dropped = (bool) RS_64(qword3, I40IWCQ_PSHDROP); + if (info->error) { + info->comp_status = I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_FLUSHED; + info->major_err = (bool) RS_64(qword3, I40IW_CQ_MAJERR); + info->minor_err = (bool) RS_64(qword3, I40IW_CQ_MINERR); + } else { + info->comp_status = I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_SUCCESS; + } + + get_64bit_val(cqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, &qword0); + get_64bit_val(cqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, &qword2); + + info->tcp_seq_num = (u32) RS_64(qword0, I40IWCQ_TCPSEQNUM); + + info->qp_id = (u32) RS_64(qword2, I40IWCQ_QPID); + + get_64bit_val(cqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, &comp_ctx); + + info->solicited_event = (bool) RS_64(qword3, I40IWCQ_SOEVENT); + info->is_srq = (bool) RS_64(qword3, I40IWCQ_SRQ); + + qp = (struct i40iw_qp_uk *)(i40iw_uintptr) comp_ctx; + if (!qp) { + ret_code = I40IW_ERR_QUEUE_DESTROYED; + goto exit; + } + wqe_idx = (u32) RS_64(qword3, I40IW_CQ_WQEIDX); + info->qp_handle = (i40iw_qp_handle) (i40iw_uintptr) qp; + + if (q_type == I40IW_CQE_QTYPE_RQ) { + array_idx = (wqe_idx * 4) / qp->rq_wqe_size_multiplier; + if (info->comp_status == I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_FLUSHED) { + info->wr_id = qp->rq_wrid_array[qp->rq_ring.tail]; + array_idx = qp->rq_ring.tail; + } else { + info->wr_id = qp->rq_wrid_array[array_idx]; +#if defined(NDK_DEBUG) + if (info->comp_status != I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_FLUSHED) + check_recv_idx(qp, wqe_idx); + +#endif + } + + info->op_type = I40IW_OP_TYPE_REC; + if (qword3 & I40IWCQ_STAG_MASK) { + info->stag_invalid_set = TRUE; + info->inv_stag = (u32) RS_64(qword2, I40IWCQ_INVSTAG); + } else { + info->stag_invalid_set = FALSE; + } + info->bytes_xfered = (u32) RS_64(qword0, I40IWCQ_PAYLDLEN); + I40IW_RING_SET_TAIL(qp->rq_ring, array_idx + 1); + pring = &qp->rq_ring; + } else { + + if (qp->first_sq_wq) { + qp->first_sq_wq = 0; + if (!wqe_idx) { + I40IW_RING_MOVE_HEAD_NOCHECK(cq->cq_ring); + I40IW_RING_MOVE_TAIL(cq->cq_ring); + set_64bit_val(cq->shadow_area, I40IW_BYTE_0, + I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD(cq->cq_ring)); + memset(info, 0, sizeof(struct i40iw_cq_poll_info)); + return i40iw_cq_poll_completion(cq, info); + } + } + if (info->comp_status != I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_FLUSHED) { + info->wr_id = qp->sq_wrtrk_array[wqe_idx].wrid; + info->bytes_xfered = qp->sq_wrtrk_array[wqe_idx].wr_len; + +#if defined(NDK_DEBUG) + check_send_idx(qp, wqe_idx); +#endif + info->op_type = (u8) RS_64(qword3, I40IWCQ_OP); + sw_wqe = qp->sq_base[wqe_idx].elem; + get_64bit_val(sw_wqe, I40IW_BYTE_24, &wqe_qword); + addl_wqes = qp->sq_wrtrk_array[wqe_idx].wqe_size / I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE; + I40IW_RING_SET_TAIL(qp->sq_ring, (wqe_idx + addl_wqes)); + } else { + do { + u8 op_type; + u32 tail; + + tail = qp->sq_ring.tail; + sw_wqe = qp->sq_base[tail].elem; + get_64bit_val(sw_wqe, I40IW_BYTE_24, &wqe_qword); + op_type = (u8) RS_64(wqe_qword, I40IWQPSQ_OPCODE); + info->op_type = op_type; + addl_wqes = qp->sq_wrtrk_array[tail].wqe_size / I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE; + I40IW_RING_SET_TAIL(qp->sq_ring, (tail + addl_wqes)); + if (op_type != I40IWQP_OP_NOP) { + info->wr_id = qp->sq_wrtrk_array[tail].wrid; + info->bytes_xfered = qp->sq_wrtrk_array[tail].wr_len; + break; + } + } while (1); + } + pring = &qp->sq_ring; + } + + ret_code = 0; + +exit: + if (!ret_code && + (info->comp_status == I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_FLUSHED)) + if (pring && (I40IW_RING_MORE_WORK(*pring))) + move_cq_head = FALSE; + + if (move_cq_head) { + I40IW_RING_MOVE_HEAD_NOCHECK(cq->cq_ring); + + if (I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD(cq->cq_ring) == 0) + cq->polarity ^= 1; + + I40IW_RING_MOVE_TAIL(cq->cq_ring); + set_64bit_val(cq->shadow_area, I40IW_BYTE_0, + I40IW_RING_GETCURRENT_HEAD(cq->cq_ring)); + } else { + if (info->is_srq) + return ret_code; + qword3 &= ~I40IW_CQ_WQEIDX_MASK; + qword3 |= LS_64(pring->tail, I40IW_CQ_WQEIDX); + set_64bit_val(cqe, I40IW_BYTE_24, qword3); + } + + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * i40iw_get_wqe_shift - get shift count for maximum wqe size + * @wqdepth: depth of wq required. + * @sge: Maximum Scatter Gather Elements wqe + * @inline_data: Maximum inline data size + * @shift: Returns the shift needed based on sge + * + * Shift can be used to left shift the wqe size based on number of SGEs and inlind data size. + * For 1 SGE or inline data <= 16, shift = 0 (wqe size of 32 bytes). + * For 2 or 3 SGEs or inline data <= 48, shift = 1 (wqe size of 64 bytes). + * Shift of 2 otherwise (wqe size of 128 bytes). + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_get_wqe_shift(u32 wqdepth, u32 sge, u32 inline_data, u8 * shift) +{ + u32 size; + + *shift = 0; + if (sge > 1 || inline_data > 16) + *shift = (sge < 4 && inline_data <= 48) ? 1 : 2; + + /* check if wqdepth is multiple of 2 or not */ + + if ((wqdepth < I40IWQP_SW_MIN_WQSIZE) || (wqdepth & (wqdepth - 1))) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_SIZE; + + size = wqdepth << *shift; /* multiple of 32 bytes count */ + if (size > I40IWQP_SW_MAX_WQSIZE) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_SIZE; + return 0; +} + +static struct i40iw_qp_uk_ops iw_qp_uk_ops = { + i40iw_qp_post_wr, + i40iw_qp_ring_push_db, + i40iw_rdma_write, + i40iw_rdma_read, + i40iw_send, + i40iw_inline_rdma_write, + i40iw_inline_send, + i40iw_stag_local_invalidate, + i40iw_mw_bind, + i40iw_post_receive, + i40iw_nop +}; + +static struct i40iw_cq_ops iw_cq_ops = { + i40iw_cq_request_notification, + i40iw_cq_poll_completion, + i40iw_cq_post_entries, + i40iw_clean_cq +}; + +static struct i40iw_device_uk_ops iw_device_uk_ops = { + i40iw_cq_uk_init, + i40iw_qp_uk_init, +}; + +/** + * i40iw_qp_uk_init - initialize shared qp + * @qp: hw qp (user and kernel) + * @info: qp initialization info + * + * initializes the vars used in both user and kernel mode. + * size of the wqe depends on numbers of max. fragements + * allowed. Then size of wqe * the number of wqes should be the + * amount of memory allocated for sq and rq. If srq is used, + * then rq_base will point to one rq wqe only (not the whole + * array of wqes) + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_qp_uk_init(struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp, + struct i40iw_qp_uk_init_info *info) +{ + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + u32 sq_ring_size; + u8 sqshift, rqshift; + + if (info->max_sq_frag_cnt > I40IW_MAX_WQ_FRAGMENT_COUNT) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_FRAG_COUNT; + + if (info->max_rq_frag_cnt > I40IW_MAX_WQ_FRAGMENT_COUNT) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_FRAG_COUNT; + ret_code = i40iw_get_wqe_shift(info->sq_size, info->max_sq_frag_cnt, info->max_inline_data, &sqshift); + if (ret_code) + return ret_code; + + rqshift = I40IW_MAX_RQ_WQE_SHIFT; + + qp->sq_base = info->sq; + qp->rq_base = info->rq; + qp->shadow_area = info->shadow_area; + qp->sq_wrtrk_array = info->sq_wrtrk_array; + qp->rq_wrid_array = info->rq_wrid_array; + + qp->wqe_alloc_reg = info->wqe_alloc_reg; + qp->qp_id = info->qp_id; + + qp->sq_size = info->sq_size; + qp->push_db = info->push_db; + qp->push_wqe = info->push_wqe; + + qp->max_sq_frag_cnt = info->max_sq_frag_cnt; + sq_ring_size = qp->sq_size << sqshift; + + I40IW_RING_INIT(qp->sq_ring, sq_ring_size); + I40IW_RING_INIT(qp->initial_ring, sq_ring_size); + I40IW_RING_MOVE_HEAD(qp->sq_ring, ret_code); + I40IW_RING_MOVE_TAIL(qp->sq_ring); + I40IW_RING_MOVE_HEAD(qp->initial_ring, ret_code); + qp->swqe_polarity = 1; + qp->swqe_polarity_deferred = 1; + qp->rwqe_polarity = 0; + + if (!qp->use_srq) { + qp->rq_size = info->rq_size; + qp->max_rq_frag_cnt = info->max_rq_frag_cnt; + I40IW_RING_INIT(qp->rq_ring, qp->rq_size); + qp->rq_wqe_size = rqshift; + qp->rq_wqe_size_multiplier = 4 << rqshift; + } + qp->ops = iw_qp_uk_ops; + + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * i40iw_cq_uk_init - initialize shared cq (user and kernel) + * @cq: hw cq + * @info: hw cq initialization info + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_cq_uk_init(struct i40iw_cq_uk *cq, + struct i40iw_cq_uk_init_info *info) +{ + if ((info->cq_size < I40IW_MIN_CQ_SIZE) || + (info->cq_size > I40IW_MAX_CQ_SIZE)) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_SIZE; + cq->cq_base = (struct i40iw_cqe *)info->cq_base; + cq->cq_id = info->cq_id; + cq->cq_size = info->cq_size; + cq->cqe_alloc_reg = info->cqe_alloc_reg; + cq->shadow_area = info->shadow_area; + cq->avoid_mem_cflct = info->avoid_mem_cflct; + + I40IW_RING_INIT(cq->cq_ring, cq->cq_size); + cq->polarity = 1; + cq->ops = iw_cq_ops; + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_device_init_uk - setup routines for iwarp shared device + * @dev: iwarp shared (user and kernel) + */ +void +i40iw_device_init_uk(struct i40iw_dev_uk *dev) +{ + dev->ops_uk = iw_device_uk_ops; +} + +/** + * i40iw_clean_cq - clean cq entries + * @ queue completion context + * @cq: cq to clean + */ +void +i40iw_clean_cq(void *queue, struct i40iw_cq_uk *cq) +{ + u64 *cqe; + u64 qword3, comp_ctx; + u32 cq_head; + u8 polarity, temp; + + cq_head = cq->cq_ring.head; + temp = cq->polarity; + do { + if (cq->avoid_mem_cflct) + cqe = (u64 *) & (((struct i40iw_extended_cqe *)cq->cq_base)[cq_head]); + else + cqe = (u64 *) & cq->cq_base[cq_head]; + get_64bit_val(cqe, I40IW_BYTE_24, &qword3); + polarity = (u8) RS_64(qword3, I40IW_CQ_VALID); + + if (polarity != temp) + break; + + get_64bit_val(cqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, &comp_ctx); + if ((void *)(i40iw_uintptr) comp_ctx == queue) + set_64bit_val(cqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, 0); + + cq_head = (cq_head + 1) % cq->cq_ring.size; + if (!cq_head) + temp ^= 1; + } while (TRUE); +} + +/** + * i40iw_nop - send a nop + * @qp: hw qp ptr + * @wr_id: work request id + * @signaled: flag if signaled for completion + * @post_sq: flag to post sq + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_nop(struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp, + u64 wr_id, + bool signaled, + bool post_sq) +{ + u64 header, *wqe; + u32 wqe_idx; + + wqe = i40iw_qp_get_next_send_wqe(qp, &wqe_idx, I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE, + 0, wr_id); + if (!wqe) + return I40IW_ERR_QP_TOOMANY_WRS_POSTED; + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_0, 0); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_8, 0); + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_16, 0); + + header = LS_64(I40IWQP_OP_NOP, I40IWQPSQ_OPCODE) | + LS_64(signaled, I40IWQPSQ_SIGCOMPL) | + LS_64(qp->swqe_polarity, I40IWQPSQ_VALID); + + i40iw_wmb(); /* make sure WQE is populated before valid + * bit is set */ + + set_64bit_val(wqe, I40IW_BYTE_24, header); + if (post_sq) + i40iw_qp_post_wr(qp); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_fragcnt_to_wqesize_sq - calculate wqe size based on fragment count for SQ + * @frag_cnt: number of fragments + * @wqe_size: size of sq wqe returned + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_fragcnt_to_wqesize_sq(u32 frag_cnt, u8 * wqe_size) +{ + switch (frag_cnt) { + case 0: + case 1: + *wqe_size = I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE; + break; + case 2: + case 3: + *wqe_size = 64; + break; + case 4: + case 5: + *wqe_size = 96; + break; + case 6: + case 7: + *wqe_size = 128; + break; + default: + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_FRAG_COUNT; + } + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_fragcnt_to_wqesize_rq - calculate wqe size based on fragment count for RQ + * @frag_cnt: number of fragments + * @wqe_size: size of rq wqe returned + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_fragcnt_to_wqesize_rq(u32 frag_cnt, u8 * wqe_size) +{ + if (frag_cnt > I40IW_MAX_WQ_FRAGMENT_COUNT) { + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_FRAG_COUNT; + } else { + *wqe_size = 128; + return 0; + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_inline_data_size_to_wqesize - based on inline data, wqe size + * @data_size: data size for inline + * @wqe_size: size of sq wqe returned + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_inline_data_size_to_wqesize(u32 data_size, + u8 * wqe_size) +{ + if (data_size > I40IW_MAX_INLINE_DATA_SIZE) + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_INLINE_DATA_SIZE; + + if (data_size <= 16) + *wqe_size = I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE; + else + *wqe_size = 64; + + return 0; +} Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_user.h =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/i40iw_user.h @@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#ifndef I40IW_USER_H +#define I40IW_USER_H + +enum i40iw_device_capabilities_const { + I40IW_WQE_SIZE = 4, + I40IW_CQP_WQE_SIZE = 8, + I40IW_CQE_SIZE = 4, + I40IW_EXTENDED_CQE_SIZE = 8, + I40IW_AEQE_SIZE = 2, + I40IW_CEQE_SIZE = 1, + I40IW_CQP_CTX_SIZE = 8, + I40IW_SHADOW_AREA_SIZE = 8, + I40IW_CEQ_MAX_COUNT = 256, + I40IW_QUERY_FPM_BUF_SIZE = 128, + I40IW_COMMIT_FPM_BUF_SIZE = 128, + I40IW_MIN_IW_QP_ID = 1, + I40IW_MAX_IW_QP_ID = 262143, + I40IW_MIN_CEQID = 0, + I40IW_MAX_CEQID = 256, + I40IW_MIN_CQID = 0, + I40IW_MAX_CQID = 131071, + I40IW_MIN_AEQ_ENTRIES = 1, + I40IW_MAX_AEQ_ENTRIES = 524287, + I40IW_MIN_CEQ_ENTRIES = 1, + I40IW_MAX_CEQ_ENTRIES = 131071, + I40IW_MIN_CQ_SIZE = 1, + I40IW_MAX_CQ_SIZE = 1048575, + I40IW_MAX_AEQ_ALLOCATE_COUNT = 255, + I40IW_DB_ID_ZERO = 0, + I40IW_MAX_WQ_FRAGMENT_COUNT = 3, + I40IW_MAX_SGE_RD = 1, + I40IW_MAX_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_SIZE = 2147483647, + I40IW_MAX_INBOUND_MESSAGE_SIZE = 2147483647, + I40IW_MAX_PUSH_PAGE_COUNT = 4096, + I40IW_MAX_PE_ENABLED_VF_COUNT = 32, + I40IW_MAX_VF_FPM_ID = 47, + I40IW_MAX_SQ_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 2145386496, + I40IW_MAX_INLINE_DATA_SIZE = 48, + I40IW_MAX_PUSHMODE_INLINE_DATA_SIZE = 48, + I40IW_MAX_IRD_SIZE = 63, + I40IW_MAX_ORD_SIZE = 127, + I40IW_MAX_WQ_ENTRIES = 2048, + I40IW_Q2_BUFFER_SIZE = (248 + 100), + I40IW_MAX_WQE_SIZE_RQ = 128, + I40IW_QP_CTX_SIZE = 248, + I40IW_MAX_PDS = 32768 +}; + +#define i40iw_handle void * +#define i40iw_adapter_handle i40iw_handle +#define i40iw_qp_handle i40iw_handle +#define i40iw_cq_handle i40iw_handle +#define i40iw_srq_handle i40iw_handle +#define i40iw_pd_id i40iw_handle +#define i40iw_stag_handle i40iw_handle +#define i40iw_stag_index u32 +#define i40iw_stag u32 +#define i40iw_stag_key u8 + +#define i40iw_tagged_offset u64 +#define i40iw_access_privileges u32 +#define i40iw_physical_fragment u64 +#define i40iw_address_list u64 * + +#define I40IW_CREATE_STAG(index, key) (((index) << 8) + (key)) + +#define I40IW_STAG_KEY_FROM_STAG(stag) ((stag) && 0x000000FF) + +#define I40IW_STAG_INDEX_FROM_STAG(stag) (((stag) && 0xFFFFFF00) >> 8) + +#define I40IW_MAX_MR_SIZE 0x10000000000L +#define I40IW_MAX_RQ_WQE_SHIFT 2 + +struct i40iw_qp_uk; +struct i40iw_cq_uk; +struct i40iw_srq_uk; +struct i40iw_qp_uk_init_info; +struct i40iw_cq_uk_init_info; +struct i40iw_srq_uk_init_info; + +struct i40iw_sge { + i40iw_tagged_offset tag_off; + u32 len; + i40iw_stag stag; +}; + +#define i40iw_sgl struct i40iw_sge * + +struct i40iw_ring { + volatile u32 head; + volatile u32 tail; + u32 size; +}; + +struct i40iw_cqe { + u64 buf[I40IW_CQE_SIZE]; +}; + +struct i40iw_extended_cqe { + u64 buf[I40IW_EXTENDED_CQE_SIZE]; +}; + +enum i40iw_addressing_type { + I40IW_ADDR_TYPE_ZERO_BASED = 0, + I40IW_ADDR_TYPE_VA_BASED = 1, +}; + +#define I40IW_ACCESS_FLAGS_LOCALREAD 0x01 +#define I40IW_ACCESS_FLAGS_LOCALWRITE 0x02 +#define I40IW_ACCESS_FLAGS_REMOTEREAD_ONLY 0x04 +#define I40IW_ACCESS_FLAGS_REMOTEREAD 0x05 +#define I40IW_ACCESS_FLAGS_REMOTEWRITE_ONLY 0x08 +#define I40IW_ACCESS_FLAGS_REMOTEWRITE 0x0a +#define I40IW_ACCESS_FLAGS_BIND_WINDOW 0x10 +#define I40IW_ACCESS_FLAGS_ALL 0x1F + +#define I40IW_OP_TYPE_RDMA_WRITE 0 +#define I40IW_OP_TYPE_RDMA_READ 1 +#define I40IW_OP_TYPE_SEND 3 +#define I40IW_OP_TYPE_SEND_INV 4 +#define I40IW_OP_TYPE_SEND_SOL 5 +#define I40IW_OP_TYPE_SEND_SOL_INV 6 +#define I40IW_OP_TYPE_REC 7 +#define I40IW_OP_TYPE_BIND_MW 8 +#define I40IW_OP_TYPE_FAST_REG_NSMR 9 +#define I40IW_OP_TYPE_INV_STAG 10 +#define I40IW_OP_TYPE_RDMA_READ_INV_STAG 11 +#define I40IW_OP_TYPE_NOP 12 + +enum i40iw_completion_status { + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_FLUSHED, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_INVALID_WQE, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_QP_CATASTROPHIC, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_REMOTE_TERMINATION, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_INVALID_STAG, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_BASE_BOUND_VIOLATION, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_INVALID_PD_ID, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_WRAP_ERROR, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_STAG_INVALID_PDID, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_RDMA_READ_ZERO_ORD, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_QP_NOT_PRIVLEDGED, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_STAG_NOT_INVALID, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_INVALID_PHYS_BUFFER_SIZE, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_INVALID_PHYS_BUFFER_ENTRY, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_INVALID_FBO, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_INVALID_LENGTH, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_INVALID_ACCESS, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_PHYS_BUFFER_LIST_TOO_LONG, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_INVALID_VIRT_ADDRESS, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_INVALID_REGION, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_INVALID_WINDOW, + I40IW_COMPL_STATUS_INVALID_TOTAL_LENGTH +}; + +enum i40iw_completion_notify { + IW_CQ_COMPL_EVENT = 0, + IW_CQ_COMPL_SOLICITED = 1 +}; + +struct i40iw_post_send { + i40iw_sgl sg_list; + u32 num_sges; +}; + +struct i40iw_post_inline_send { + void *data; + u32 len; +}; + +struct i40iw_rdma_write { + i40iw_sgl lo_sg_list; + u32 num_lo_sges; + struct i40iw_sge rem_addr; +}; + +struct i40iw_inline_rdma_write { + void *data; + u32 len; + struct i40iw_sge rem_addr; +}; + +struct i40iw_rdma_read { + struct i40iw_sge lo_addr; + struct i40iw_sge rem_addr; +}; + +struct i40iw_bind_window { + i40iw_stag mr_stag; + u64 bind_length; + void *va; + enum i40iw_addressing_type addressing_type; + bool enable_reads; + bool enable_writes; + i40iw_stag mw_stag; +}; + +struct i40iw_inv_local_stag { + i40iw_stag target_stag; +}; + +struct i40iw_post_sq_info { + u64 wr_id; + u8 op_type; + bool signaled; + bool read_fence; + bool local_fence; + bool inline_data; + bool defer_flag; + u32 stag_to_inv; + union { + struct i40iw_post_send send; + struct i40iw_rdma_write rdma_write; + struct i40iw_rdma_read rdma_read; + struct i40iw_rdma_read rdma_read_inv; + struct i40iw_bind_window bind_window; + struct i40iw_inv_local_stag inv_local_stag; + struct i40iw_inline_rdma_write inline_rdma_write; + struct i40iw_post_inline_send inline_send; + } op; +}; + +struct i40iw_post_rq_info { + u64 wr_id; + i40iw_sgl sg_list; + u32 num_sges; +}; + +struct i40iw_cq_poll_info { + u64 wr_id; + i40iw_qp_handle qp_handle; + u32 bytes_xfered; + u32 tcp_seq_num; + u32 qp_id; + i40iw_stag inv_stag; + enum i40iw_completion_status comp_status; + u16 major_err; + u16 minor_err; + u8 op_type; + bool stag_invalid_set; + bool push_dropped; + bool error; + bool is_srq; + bool solicited_event; +}; + +struct i40iw_qp_uk_ops { + void (*iw_qp_post_wr)(struct i40iw_qp_uk *); + void (*iw_qp_ring_push_db)(struct i40iw_qp_uk *, u32); + enum i40iw_status_code (*iw_rdma_write)(struct i40iw_qp_uk *, + struct i40iw_post_sq_info *, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*iw_rdma_read)(struct i40iw_qp_uk *, + struct i40iw_post_sq_info *, bool, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*iw_send)(struct i40iw_qp_uk *, + struct i40iw_post_sq_info *, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*iw_inline_rdma_write)(struct i40iw_qp_uk *, + struct i40iw_post_sq_info *, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*iw_inline_send)(struct i40iw_qp_uk *, + struct i40iw_post_sq_info *, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*iw_stag_local_invalidate)(struct i40iw_qp_uk *, + struct i40iw_post_sq_info *, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*iw_mw_bind)(struct i40iw_qp_uk *, + struct i40iw_post_sq_info *, bool); + enum i40iw_status_code (*iw_post_receive)(struct i40iw_qp_uk *, + struct i40iw_post_rq_info *); + enum i40iw_status_code (*iw_post_nop)(struct i40iw_qp_uk *, u64, bool, bool); +}; + +struct i40iw_cq_ops { + void (*iw_cq_request_notification)(struct i40iw_cq_uk *, + enum i40iw_completion_notify); + enum i40iw_status_code (*iw_cq_poll_completion)(struct i40iw_cq_uk *, + struct i40iw_cq_poll_info *); + enum i40iw_status_code (*iw_cq_post_entries)(struct i40iw_cq_uk *, u8 count); + void (*iw_cq_clean)(void *, struct i40iw_cq_uk *); +}; + +struct i40iw_dev_uk; + +struct i40iw_device_uk_ops { + enum i40iw_status_code (*iwarp_cq_uk_init)(struct i40iw_cq_uk *, + struct i40iw_cq_uk_init_info *); + enum i40iw_status_code (*iwarp_qp_uk_init)(struct i40iw_qp_uk *, + struct i40iw_qp_uk_init_info *); +}; + +struct i40iw_dev_uk { + struct i40iw_device_uk_ops ops_uk; +}; + +struct i40iw_sq_uk_wr_trk_info { + u64 wrid; + u32 wr_len; + u8 wqe_size; + u8 reserved[3]; +}; + +struct i40iw_qp_quanta { + u64 elem[I40IW_WQE_SIZE]; +}; + +struct i40iw_qp_uk { + struct i40iw_qp_quanta *sq_base; + struct i40iw_qp_quanta *rq_base; + u32 IOMEM *wqe_alloc_reg; + struct i40iw_sq_uk_wr_trk_info *sq_wrtrk_array; + u64 *rq_wrid_array; + u64 *shadow_area; + u32 *push_db; + u64 *push_wqe; + struct i40iw_ring sq_ring; + struct i40iw_ring rq_ring; + struct i40iw_ring initial_ring; + u32 qp_id; + u32 sq_size; + u32 rq_size; + u32 max_sq_frag_cnt; + u32 max_rq_frag_cnt; + struct i40iw_qp_uk_ops ops; + bool use_srq; + u8 swqe_polarity; + u8 swqe_polarity_deferred; + u8 rwqe_polarity; + u8 rq_wqe_size; + u8 rq_wqe_size_multiplier; + bool deferred_flag; +#if defined(NDK_DEBUG) + struct i40iw_ring ndk_sq_ring; + struct i40iw_ring ndk_rq_ring; + u32 *ndk_debug_sq_array; /* array of send wqe_index to be stored */ + u32 *ndk_debug_rq_array; /* array of rq wqe_index to be stored */ +#endif + u8 first_sq_wq; +}; + +struct i40iw_cq_uk { + struct i40iw_cqe *cq_base; + u32 IOMEM *cqe_alloc_reg; + u64 *shadow_area; + u32 cq_id; + u32 cq_size; + struct i40iw_ring cq_ring; + u8 polarity; + bool avoid_mem_cflct; + + struct i40iw_cq_ops ops; +}; + +struct i40iw_qp_uk_init_info { + struct i40iw_qp_quanta *sq; + struct i40iw_qp_quanta *rq; + u32 IOMEM *wqe_alloc_reg; + u64 *shadow_area; + struct i40iw_sq_uk_wr_trk_info *sq_wrtrk_array; + u64 *rq_wrid_array; + u32 *push_db; + u64 *push_wqe; + u32 qp_id; + u32 sq_size; + u32 rq_size; + u32 max_sq_frag_cnt; + u32 max_rq_frag_cnt; + u32 max_inline_data; + u8 first_sq_wq; +}; + +struct i40iw_cq_uk_init_info { + u32 IOMEM *cqe_alloc_reg; + struct i40iw_cqe *cq_base; + u64 *shadow_area; + u32 cq_size; + u32 cq_id; + bool avoid_mem_cflct; +}; + +void i40iw_device_init_uk(struct i40iw_dev_uk *dev); + +void i40iw_qp_post_wr(struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp); +u64 *i40iw_qp_get_next_send_wqe(struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp, u32 *wqe_idx, + u8 wqe_size, + u32 total_size, + u64 wr_id + ); + +u64 *i40iw_qp_get_next_recv_wqe(struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp, u32 *wqe_idx); +u64 *i40iw_qp_get_next_srq_wqe(struct i40iw_srq_uk *srq, u32 *wqe_idx); + +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_cq_uk_init(struct i40iw_cq_uk *cq, + struct i40iw_cq_uk_init_info *info); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_qp_uk_init(struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp, + struct i40iw_qp_uk_init_info *info); + +void i40iw_clean_cq(void *queue, struct i40iw_cq_uk *cq); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_nop(struct i40iw_qp_uk *qp, u64 wr_id, + bool signaled, bool post_sq); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_fragcnt_to_wqesize_sq(u32 frag_cnt, u8 *wqe_size); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_fragcnt_to_wqesize_rq(u32 frag_cnt, u8 *wqe_size); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_inline_data_size_to_wqesize(u32 data_size, + u8 *wqe_size); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_get_wqe_shift(u32 wqdepth, u32 sge, u32 inline_data, u8 *shift); +#endif Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl.h =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl.h @@ -0,0 +1,422 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#ifndef _IW_IXL_H_ +#define _IW_IXL_H_ + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "i40iw_status.h" +#include "i40iw_osdep.h" +#include "i40iw_d.h" +#include "i40iw_hmc.h" +#include "i40iw_type.h" +#include "i40iw_p.h" +#include "i40iw_user.h" +#include "i40iw_puda.h" +#include "iw_ixl_ucontext.h" +#include "iw_ixl_pble.h" +#include "iw_ixl_verbs.h" +#include "iw_ixl_cm.h" +#include "iw_ixl_dbg.h" + +#include "ixl_iw.h" + +#define I40IW_FW_VERSION 2 + +#define I40IW_ARP_ADD 1 +#define I40IW_ARP_DELETE 2 +#define I40IW_ARP_RESOLVE 3 + +#define IW_CCQ_SIZE (I40IW_CQP_SW_SQSIZE_2048 + 1) + +#define IW_FIRST_QPN 1 + +#define I40IW_EVENT_TIMEOUT 100000 + +#define I40IW_NO_VLAN 0xffff +#define I40IW_NO_QSET 0xffff + +#define IW_HMC_OBJ_TYPE_NUM ARRAY_SIZE(iw_hmc_obj_types) + +#define I40IW_MAX_PAGES_PER_FMR 512 + +#define IW_CFG_FPM_QP_COUNT 32768 + +#ifndef VLAN_ETH_HLEN +#define VLAN_ETH_HLEN 18 +#endif + +struct i40iw_handler; + +struct i40iw_cqp_compl_info { + u32 op_ret_val; + u16 maj_err_code; + u16 min_err_code; + bool error; + u8 op_code; +}; + +#define i40iw_pr_err(fmt, args ...) printf("%s: "fmt, __func__, ## args) + +struct i40iw_cqp_request { + struct cqp_commands_info info; + wait_queue_head_t waitq; + struct list_head list; + atomic_t refcount; + void (*callback_fcn) (struct i40iw_cqp_request *, u32); + void *param; + struct i40iw_cqp_compl_info compl_info; + bool waiting; + bool request_done; + bool dynamic; +}; + +struct i40iw_cqp { + struct i40iw_sc_cqp sc_cqp; + spinlock_t req_lock; /* cqp request list */ + wait_queue_head_t waitq; + struct i40iw_dma_mem sq; + struct i40iw_dma_mem host_ctx; + u64 *scratch_array; + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_requests; + struct list_head cqp_avail_reqs; + struct list_head cqp_pending_reqs; +}; + +struct i40iw_ccq { + struct i40iw_sc_cq sc_cq; + spinlock_t lock; /* ccq control */ + wait_queue_head_t waitq; + struct i40iw_dma_mem mem_cq; + struct i40iw_dma_mem shadow_area; +}; + +struct i40iw_ceq { + struct i40iw_sc_ceq sc_ceq; + struct i40iw_dma_mem mem; + u32 msix_idx; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; + struct task irq_task; + struct taskqueue *irq_tq; +}; + +struct i40iw_aeq { + struct i40iw_sc_aeq sc_aeq; + struct i40iw_dma_mem mem; +}; + +struct i40iw_arp_entry { + u32 ip_addr[4]; + u8 mac_addr[ETH_ALEN]; +}; + +enum init_completion_state { + INVALID_STATE = 0, + INITIAL_STATE, + CQP_CREATED, + HMC_OBJS_CREATED, + PBLE_CHUNK_MEM, + CCQ_CREATED, + AEQ_CREATED, + CEQ_CREATED, + ILQ_CREATED, + IEQ_CREATED, + IP_ADDR_REGISTERED, + RDMA_DEV_REGISTERED +}; + +struct i40iw_msix_vector { + u32 idx; + struct resource *res; + void *tag; + u32 cpu_affinity; +}; + +struct i40iw_dev_ctx { + bus_space_tag_t mem_bus_space_tag; + bus_space_handle_t mem_bus_space_handle; + bus_size_t mem_bus_space_size; + struct device *dev; +}; + +struct i40iw_device { + struct i40iw_ib_device *iwibdev; + struct ifnet *ifp; + wait_queue_head_t vchnl_waitq; + struct i40iw_sc_dev sc_dev; + struct i40iw_sc_vsi vsi;/* Added for FSL VSI SUPPORT */ + struct i40iw_handler *hdl; + struct ixl_iw_pf *ldev; + struct i40iw_hw hw; + struct i40iw_dev_ctx dev_ctx; + struct i40iw_cm_core cm_core; + u8 *mem_resources; + i40iw_bits_t allocated_qps; + i40iw_bits_t allocated_cqs; + i40iw_bits_t allocated_mrs; + i40iw_bits_t allocated_pds; + i40iw_bits_t allocated_arps; + struct i40iw_qp **qp_table; + struct ixl_iw_msix msix_info; + bool msix_shared; + u32 msix_count; + struct i40iw_msix_vector *iw_msixtbl; + struct ixl_iw_msix_mapping msix_mapping; + + struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc *pble_rsrc; + struct i40iw_arp_entry *arp_table; + struct i40iw_cqp cqp; + struct i40iw_ccq ccq; + u32 ceqs_count; + struct i40iw_ceq *ceqlist; + struct i40iw_aeq aeq; + u32 arp_table_size; + u32 next_arp_index; + spinlock_t resource_lock; /* hw resource access */ + spinlock_t qptable_lock; + u32 device_cap_flags; + u8 resource_profile; + u8 max_rdma_vfs; + u8 iw_status; + bool push_mode; /* Initialized with tunable */ + struct mutex pbl_mutex; + struct task irq_task; + struct taskqueue *irq_tq; + struct i40iw_dma_mem obj_mem; + struct i40iw_dma_mem obj_next; + u8 *hmc_info_mem; + u32 sd_type; + enum init_completion_state init_state; + u16 mac_ip_table_idx; + u32 max_mr; + u32 max_qp; + u32 max_cq; + u32 max_pd; + u32 next_qp; + u32 next_cq; + u32 next_pd; + u32 max_cqe; + u32 mr_stagmask; + u32 mpa_version; + bool closing; + bool reset; + u32 used_pds; + u32 used_cqs; + u32 used_mrs; + u32 used_qps; + wait_queue_head_t close_wq; + atomic_t use_count; +}; + +struct i40iw_ib_device { + struct ib_device ibdev; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; +}; + +struct i40iw_handler { + struct list_head list; + struct i40iw_device device; + struct ixl_iw_pf ldev; +}; + +/** + * i40iw_alloc_resource - allocate a resource + * @iwdev: device pointer + * @resource_array: resource bit array: + * @max_resources: maximum resource number + * @req_resources_num: Allocated resource number + * @next: next free id + **/ +static inline int +i40iw_alloc_resource(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, + i40iw_bits_t resource_array, + u32 max_resources, + u32 * req_resource_num, + u32 * next) +{ + u32 resource_num; + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&iwdev->resource_lock, flags); + resource_num = find_next_zero_bit(resource_array, max_resources, *next); + if (resource_num >= max_resources) { + resource_num = find_first_zero_bit(resource_array, max_resources); + if (resource_num >= max_resources) { + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwdev->resource_lock, flags); + return -EOVERFLOW; + } + } + set_bit(resource_num, resource_array); + *next = resource_num + 1; + if (*next == max_resources) + *next = 0; + *req_resource_num = resource_num; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwdev->resource_lock, flags); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_free_resource - free a resource + * @iwdev: device pointer + * @resource_array: resource array for the resource_num + * @resource_num: resource number to free + **/ +static inline void +i40iw_free_resource(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, + i40iw_bits_t resource_array, + u32 resource_num) +{ + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&iwdev->resource_lock, flags); + clear_bit(resource_num, resource_array); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwdev->resource_lock, flags); +} + +/** + * to_iwdev - get device + * @ibdev: ib device + **/ +static inline struct i40iw_device * +to_iwdev(struct ib_device *ibdev) +{ + return container_of(ibdev, struct i40iw_ib_device, ibdev)->iwdev; +} + +/** + * to_ucontext - get user context + * @ibucontext: ib user context + **/ +static inline struct i40iw_ucontext * +to_ucontext(struct ib_ucontext *ibucontext) +{ + return container_of(ibucontext, struct i40iw_ucontext, ibucontext); +} + +/** + * to_iwpd - get protection domain + * @ibpd: ib pd + **/ +static inline struct i40iw_pd * +to_iwpd(struct ib_pd *ibpd) +{ + return container_of(ibpd, struct i40iw_pd, ibpd); +} + +/** + * to_iwmr - get device memory region + * @ibdev: ib memory region + **/ +static inline struct i40iw_mr * +to_iwmr(struct ib_mr *ibmr) +{ + return container_of(ibmr, struct i40iw_mr, ibmr); +} + +/** + * to_iwcq - get completion queue + * @ibcq: ib cqdevice + **/ +static inline struct i40iw_cq * +to_iwcq(struct ib_cq *ibcq) +{ + return container_of(ibcq, struct i40iw_cq, ibcq); +} + +/** + * to_iwqp - get device qp + * @ibqp: ib qp + **/ +static inline struct i40iw_qp * +to_iwqp(struct ib_qp *ibqp) +{ + return container_of(ibqp, struct i40iw_qp, ibqp); +} + +/** + * to_i40iw_fr_page_list - get fast memreg page list + * @ibfpl: ib fast memreg page list + **/ +static inline struct i40iw_fast_reg_page_list * +to_i40iw_fr_page_list(struct ib_fast_reg_page_list *ibfpl) +{ + return container_of(ibfpl, struct i40iw_fast_reg_page_list, ibfpl); +} + +void i40iw_flush_wqes(struct i40iw_device *, struct i40iw_qp *); +void i40iw_manage_arp_cache(struct i40iw_device *, unsigned char *, u32 *, bool, u32); +int i40iw_manage_apbvt(struct i40iw_device *, u16, bool); +void i40iw_put_cqp_request(struct i40iw_cqp *, struct i40iw_cqp_request *); +struct i40iw_cqp_request *i40iw_get_cqp_request(struct i40iw_cqp *, bool); +void i40iw_free_cqp_request(struct i40iw_cqp *, struct i40iw_cqp_request *); +u32 i40iw_initialize_hw_resources(struct i40iw_device *); +int i40iw_register_rdma_device(struct i40iw_device *); +void i40iw_port_ibevent(struct i40iw_device *); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_handle_cqp_op(struct i40iw_device *, struct i40iw_cqp_request *); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_manage_qhash(struct i40iw_device *, struct i40iw_cm_info *, enum i40iw_quad_entry_type, enum i40iw_quad_hash_manage_type, void *, bool); +void i40iw_receive_ilq(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *, struct i40iw_puda_buf *); +void i40iw_free_sqbuf(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *, void *); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_obj_aligned_mem(struct i40iw_device *, struct i40iw_dma_mem *, u32, u32); +void i40iw_request_reset(struct i40iw_device *); +void i40iw_destroy_rdma_device(struct i40iw_ib_device *); +void i40iw_setup_cm_core(struct i40iw_device *); +int i40iw_modify_qp(struct ib_qp *, struct ib_qp_attr *, int, struct ib_udata *); +void i40iw_hw_modify_qp(struct i40iw_device *, struct i40iw_qp *, struct i40iw_modify_qp_info *, bool); +void i40iw_cq_wq_destroy(struct i40iw_device *, struct i40iw_sc_cq *); +void i40iw_next_iw_state(struct i40iw_qp *, u8, u8, u8, u8); +void i40iw_cm_disconn(struct i40iw_qp *); +void i40iw_free_qp_resources(struct i40iw_device *, struct i40iw_qp *, u32); +void i40iw_cleanup_cm_core(struct i40iw_cm_core *); +void i40iw_process_ceq(struct i40iw_device *, struct i40iw_ceq *); +void i40iw_process_aeq(struct i40iw_device *); +int i40iw_send_syn(struct i40iw_cm_node *, u32); +struct i40iw_cm_node *i40iw_find_node(struct i40iw_cm_core *, u16, u32 *, u16, u32 *, bool); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_hw_flush_wqes(struct i40iw_device *, struct i40iw_sc_qp *, struct i40iw_qp_flush_info *, bool); +struct ib_mr *i40iw_reg_phys_mr(struct ib_pd *, struct ib_phys_buf *, int, int, u64 *); +void i40iw_rem_pdusecount(struct i40iw_pd *, struct i40iw_device *); +void i40iw_add_pdusecount(struct i40iw_pd *); +void i40iw_rem_devusecount(struct i40iw_device *); +void i40iw_add_devusecount(struct i40iw_device *); +void i40iw_copy_ip_ntohl(u32 *, __be32 *); +void i40iw_add_ref(struct ib_qp *); +void i40iw_rem_ref(struct ib_qp *); +struct ib_qp *i40iw_get_qp(struct ib_device *, int); +void i40iw_cq_ceq_mapping_watch(struct i40iw_device *, unsigned int, bool); + +#endif /* _IW_IXL_H_ */ Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl.c =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl.c @@ -0,0 +1,1936 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +#include "iw_ixl.h" +#include "i40iw_register.h" + +/** + * Driver version + */ +char ixliw_driver_version[] = "0.1.8"; + +/* + * TUNEABLE PARAMETERS: + */ +static +SYSCTL_NODE(_hw, OID_AUTO, iw_ixl, CTLFLAG_RD, 0, + "IW_IXL driver parameters"); + +static int ixliw_max_ceq = 0; +TUNABLE_INT("hw.iw_ixl.max_ceq", &ixliw_max_ceq); +SYSCTL_INT(_hw_iw_ixl, OID_AUTO, max_ceq, CTLFLAG_RDTUN, + &ixliw_max_ceq, 0, "iWARP max CEQ"); + +static int ixliw_debug = 0; +TUNABLE_INT("hw.iw_ixl.debug", &ixliw_debug); +SYSCTL_INT(_hw_iw_ixl, OID_AUTO, debug, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, + &ixliw_debug, 0, "iWARP debug"); + +static int ixliw_mpa_version = 2; +TUNABLE_INT("hw.iw_ixl.mpa_version", &ixliw_mpa_version); +SYSCTL_INT(_hw_iw_ixl, OID_AUTO, mpa_version, CTLFLAG_RDTUN, + &ixliw_mpa_version, 0, "iWARP mpa version"); + +static int ixliw_push_mode = 0; + +static LIST_HEAD(i40iw_handlers); +static spinlock_t i40iw_handler_lock; + +/** + * i40iw_find_i40e_handler - find a handler given a client info + * @ldev: pointer to a client info + */ +static struct i40iw_handler * +i40iw_find_handler(struct ixl_iw_pf *ldev) +{ + struct i40iw_handler *hdl; + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&i40iw_handler_lock, flags); + list_for_each_entry(hdl, &i40iw_handlers, list) { + if (hdl-> == ldev->dev) { + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&i40iw_handler_lock, flags); + return hdl; + } + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&i40iw_handler_lock, flags); + return NULL; +} +/** + * i40iw_add_handler - add a handler to the list + * @hdl: handler to be added to the handler list + */ +static void +i40iw_add_handler(struct i40iw_handler *hdl) +{ + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&i40iw_handler_lock, flags); + list_add(&hdl->list, &i40iw_handlers); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&i40iw_handler_lock, flags); +} + +/** + * i40iw_del_handler - delete a handler from the list + * @hdl: handler to be deleted from the handler list + */ +static int +i40iw_del_handler(struct i40iw_handler *hdl) +{ + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&i40iw_handler_lock, flags); + list_del(&hdl->list); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&i40iw_handler_lock, flags); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_enable_intr - set up device interrupts + * @dev: hardware control device structure + * @msix_id: id of the interrupt to be enabled + */ +static void +i40iw_enable_intr(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, u32 msix_id) +{ + u32 val; + + val = I40E_PFINT_DYN_CTLN_INTENA_MASK | + I40E_PFINT_DYN_CTLN_CLEARPBA_MASK | + (3 << I40E_PFINT_DYN_CTLN_ITR_INDX_SHIFT); + if (dev->is_pf) + wr32(dev->hw, I40E_PFINT_DYN_CTLN(msix_id - 1), val); + else + wr32(dev->hw, I40E_VFINT_DYN_CTLN1(msix_id - 1), val); +} + +/** + * i40iw_dpc - tasklet for aeq and ceq 0 + * @data: iwarp device + */ +static void +i40iw_dpc(void *context, int pending) +{ + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = (struct i40iw_device *)context; + + if (iwdev->msix_shared) + i40iw_process_ceq(iwdev, iwdev->ceqlist); + i40iw_process_aeq(iwdev); + i40iw_enable_intr(&iwdev->sc_dev, iwdev->iw_msixtbl[0].idx); +} + +/** + * i40iw_ceq_dpc - dpc handler for CEQ + * @data: data points to CEQ + */ +static void +i40iw_ceq_dpc(void *context, int pending) +{ + struct i40iw_ceq *iwceq = (struct i40iw_ceq *)context; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = iwceq->iwdev; + + i40iw_process_ceq(iwdev, iwceq); + i40iw_enable_intr(&iwdev->sc_dev, iwceq->msix_idx); +} + +/** + * i40iw_irq_handler - interrupt handler for aeq and ceq0 + * @irq: Interrupt request number + * @data: iwarp device + */ +static void +i40iw_irq_handler(void *data) +{ + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = (struct i40iw_device *)data; + + taskqueue_enqueue(iwdev->irq_tq, &iwdev->irq_task); + return; +} + +/** + * i40iw_destroy_cqp - destroy control qp + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @create_done: 1 if cqp create poll was success + * + * Issue destroy cqp request and + * free the resources associated with the cqp + */ +static void +i40iw_destroy_cqp(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, bool free_hwcqp) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + struct i40iw_cqp *cqp = &iwdev->cqp; + + INIT_DBG_DEV(iwdev->ldev->dev, "begin"); + + if (free_hwcqp) + dev->cqp_ops->cqp_destroy(dev->cqp); + + ixliw_free_dma_mem(&cqp->sq); + kfree(cqp->scratch_array); + iwdev->cqp.scratch_array = NULL; + + kfree(cqp->cqp_requests); + cqp->cqp_requests = NULL; +} + +/** + * i40iw_disable_irqs - disable device interrupts + * @dev: hardware control device structure + * @msic_vec: msix vector to disable irq + * @dev_id: parameter to pass to free_irq (used during irq setup) + * + * The function is called when destroying aeq/ceq + */ +static void +i40iw_disable_irq(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, + struct i40iw_msix_vector *msix_vec) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + int rid = msix_vec->idx + 1; + + wr32(dev->hw, I40E_PFINT_DYN_CTLN(msix_vec->idx - 1), 0); + + if (msix_vec->tag != NULL) { + bus_teardown_intr(iwdev->ldev->dev, msix_vec->res, + msix_vec->tag); + msix_vec->tag = NULL; + } + if (msix_vec->res != NULL) { + bus_release_resource(iwdev->ldev->dev, SYS_RES_IRQ, rid, + msix_vec->res); + msix_vec->res = NULL; + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_destroy_aeq - destroy aeq + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @reset: TRUE if called before reset + * + * Issue a destroy aeq request and + * free the resources associated with the aeq + * The function is called during driver unload + */ +static void +i40iw_destroy_aeq(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + struct i40iw_aeq *aeq = &iwdev->aeq; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + enum i40iw_status_code status = I40IW_ERR_NOT_READY; + + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + if (!iwdev->msix_shared) { + i40iw_disable_irq(iwdev, iwdev->iw_msixtbl); + taskqueue_drain(iwdev->irq_tq, &iwdev->irq_task); + taskqueue_free(iwdev->irq_tq); + } + if (!dev->aeq_ops->aeq_destroy(&aeq->sc_aeq, 0, 1)) + status = dev->aeq_ops->aeq_destroy_done(&aeq->sc_aeq); + if (status) + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_AEQ, "destroy aeq failed %d\n", status); + + ixliw_free_dma_mem(&aeq->mem); +} + +/** + * i40iw_destroy_ceq - destroy ceq + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @iwceq: ceq to be destroyed + * @reset: TRUE if called before reset + * + * Issue a destroy ceq request and + * free the resources associated with the ceq + */ +static void +i40iw_destroy_ceq(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, struct i40iw_ceq *iwceq) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + INIT_DBG_DEV(iwdev->ldev->dev, "begin"); + + status = dev->ceq_ops->ceq_destroy(&iwceq->sc_ceq, 0, 1); + if (status) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_DEV, + "ceq destroy command failed %d\n", status); + goto exit; + } + status = dev->ceq_ops->cceq_destroy_done(&iwceq->sc_ceq); + if (status) + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_DEV, + "ceq destroy completion failed %d\n", status); + +exit: + ixliw_free_dma_mem(&iwceq->mem); +} + +/** + * i40iw_del_ceqs - destroy all ceq's + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * + * Go through all of the device ceq's and for each ceq + * disable the ceq interrupt and destroy the ceq + */ +static void +i40iw_del_ceqs(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + struct i40iw_ceq *iwceq = iwdev->ceqlist; + struct i40iw_msix_vector *msix_vec = iwdev->iw_msixtbl; + u32 i = 0; + + if (iwdev->msix_shared) { + i40iw_disable_irq(iwdev, msix_vec); + taskqueue_drain(iwdev->irq_tq, &iwdev->irq_task); + taskqueue_free(iwdev->irq_tq); + i40iw_destroy_ceq(iwdev, iwceq); + iwceq++; + i++; + } + for (msix_vec++; i < iwdev->ceqs_count; i++, msix_vec++, iwceq++) { + i40iw_disable_irq(iwdev, msix_vec); + taskqueue_drain(iwceq->irq_tq, &iwceq->irq_task); + taskqueue_free(iwceq->irq_tq); + i40iw_destroy_ceq(iwdev, iwceq); + } + + iwdev->sc_dev.ceq_valid = FALSE; +} + +/** + * i40iw_destroy_ccq - destroy control cq + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * + * Issue destroy ccq request and + * free the resources associated with the ccq + */ +static void +i40iw_destroy_ccq(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + struct i40iw_ccq *ccq = &iwdev->ccq; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + enum i40iw_status_code status = 0; + + status = dev->ccq_ops->ccq_destroy(dev->ccq, 0, TRUE); + if (status) + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_DEV, + "ccq destroy failed %d\n", status); + ixliw_free_dma_mem(&ccq->mem_cq); +} + +/* types of hmc objects */ +static enum i40iw_hmc_rsrc_type iw_hmc_obj_types[] = { + I40IW_HMC_IW_QP, + I40IW_HMC_IW_CQ, + I40IW_HMC_IW_HTE, + I40IW_HMC_IW_ARP, + I40IW_HMC_IW_APBVT_ENTRY, + I40IW_HMC_IW_MR, + I40IW_HMC_IW_XF, + I40IW_HMC_IW_XFFL, + I40IW_HMC_IW_Q1, + I40IW_HMC_IW_Q1FL, + I40IW_HMC_IW_TIMER, +}; + +/** + * i40iw_close_hmc_objects_type - delete hmc objects of a given type + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @obj_type: the hmc object type to be deleted + * @is_pf: TRUE if the function is PF otherwise FALSE + * @reset: TRUE if called before reset + */ +static void +i40iw_close_hmc_objects_type(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + enum i40iw_hmc_rsrc_type obj_type, struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info) +{ + struct i40iw_hmc_del_obj_info info; + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + info.hmc_info = hmc_info; + info.rsrc_type = obj_type; + info.count = hmc_info->hmc_obj[obj_type].cnt; + info.is_pf = TRUE; + if (dev->hmc_ops->del_hmc_object(dev, &info, FALSE)) + DPRINTF("iw_ixl: del obj of type %d failed\n", obj_type); +} + +/** + * i40iw_del_hmc_objects - remove all device hmc objects + * @dev: iwarp device + * @hmc_info: hmc_info to free + */ +static void +i40iw_del_hmc_objects(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info) +{ + unsigned int i; + + for (i = 0; i < IW_HMC_OBJ_TYPE_NUM; i++) + i40iw_close_hmc_objects_type(dev, iw_hmc_obj_types[i], hmc_info); +} + +/** + * i40iw_ceq_handler - interrupt handler for ceq + * @data: ceq pointer + */ +static void +i40iw_ceq_handler(void *data) +{ + struct i40iw_ceq *iwceq = (struct i40iw_ceq *)data; + + taskqueue_enqueue(iwceq->irq_tq, &iwceq->irq_task); + return; +} + +/** + * i40iw_create_hmc_obj_type - create hmc object of a given type + * @dev: hardware control device structure + * @info: information for the hmc object to create + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_create_hmc_obj_type(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_hmc_create_obj_info *info) +{ + return dev->hmc_ops->create_hmc_object(dev, info); +} + +/** + * i40iw_create_hmc_objs - create all hmc objects for the device + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @is_pf: TRUE if the function is PF otherwise FALSE + * + * Create the device hmc objects and allocate hmc pages + * Return 0 if successful, otherwise clean up and return error + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_create_hmc_objs(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, bool is_pf) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + struct i40iw_hmc_create_obj_info info; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + int i; + + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + info.hmc_info = dev->hmc_info; + info.is_pf = is_pf; + info.entry_type = iwdev->sd_type; + for (i = 0; i < IW_HMC_OBJ_TYPE_NUM; i++) { + info.rsrc_type = iw_hmc_obj_types[i]; + info.count = dev->hmc_info->hmc_obj[info.rsrc_type].cnt; + status = i40iw_create_hmc_obj_type(dev, &info); + if (status) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_HMC, "create obj type %d status = %d\n", + iw_hmc_obj_types[i], status); + break; + } + } + if (!status) + return (dev->cqp_misc_ops->static_hmc_pages_allocated(dev->cqp, 0, + dev->hmc_fn_id, + TRUE, true)); + + while (i) { + i--; + /* destroy the hmc objects of a given type */ + i40iw_close_hmc_objects_type(dev, + iw_hmc_obj_types[i], + dev->hmc_info); + } + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_obj_aligned_mem - get aligned memory from device allocated memory + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @memptr: points to the memory addresses + * @size: size of memory needed + * @mask: mask for the aligned memory + * + * Get aligned memory of the requested size and + * update the memptr to point to the new aligned memory + * Return 0 if successful, otherwise return no memory error + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_obj_aligned_mem(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, struct i40iw_dma_mem *memptr, + u32 size, u32 mask) +{ + uintptr_t va, newva; + uintptr_t extra; + + va = (uintptr_t) iwdev->; + newva = va; + if (mask) + newva = ALIGN(va, (uintptr_t) (mask + 1)); + extra = newva - va; + memptr->va = (u8 *) va + extra; + memptr->pa = iwdev-> + extra; + memptr->size = size; + if (((u8 *) memptr->va + size) > ((u8 *) iwdev-> + iwdev->obj_mem.size)) + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + + iwdev-> = (u8 *) memptr->va + size; + iwdev-> = memptr->pa + size; + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_create_ccq - create control cq + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * + * Return 0, if the ccq and the resources associated with it + * are successfully created, otherwise return error + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_create_ccq(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + struct i40iw_ccq *ccq = &iwdev->ccq; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + struct i40iw_ccq_init_info info; + struct i40iw_dma_mem mem; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + dev->ccq = &ccq->sc_cq; + dev->ccq->dev = dev; + ccq->shadow_area.size = sizeof(struct i40iw_cq_shadow_area); + ccq->mem_cq.size = sizeof(struct i40iw_cqe) * IW_CCQ_SIZE; + status = i40iw_allocate_dma_mem(dev->hw, &ccq->mem_cq, + ccq->mem_cq.size, I40IW_CQ0_ALIGNMENT); + if (status) + goto exit; + status = i40iw_obj_aligned_mem(iwdev, &mem, ccq->shadow_area.size, + I40IW_SHADOWAREA_MASK); + if (status) + goto exit; + ccq->sc_cq.back_cq = (void *)ccq; + /* populate the ccq init info */ + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + = dev; + info.cq_base = ccq->; + info.cq_pa = ccq->; + info.num_elem = IW_CCQ_SIZE; + info.shadow_area =; + info.shadow_area_pa =; + info.ceqe_mask = FALSE; + info.ceq_id_valid = TRUE; + info.shadow_read_threshold = 16; + status = dev->ccq_ops->ccq_init(dev->ccq, &info); + if (!status) + status = dev->ccq_ops->ccq_create(dev->ccq, 0, TRUE, true); +exit: + if (status) + ixliw_free_dma_mem(&ccq->mem_cq); + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_create_cqp - create control qp + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * + * Return 0, if the cqp and all the resources associated with it + * are successfully created, otherwise return error + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_create_cqp(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + struct i40iw_dma_mem mem; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + struct i40iw_cqp_init_info cqp_init_info; + struct i40iw_cqp *cqp = &iwdev->cqp; + int i; + u32 sqsize = I40IW_CQP_SW_SQSIZE_2048; + u16 maj_err, min_err; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + cqp->cqp_requests = kcalloc(sqsize, sizeof(*cqp->cqp_requests), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!cqp->cqp_requests) + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + cqp->scratch_array = kcalloc(sqsize, sizeof(*cqp->scratch_array), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!cqp->scratch_array) { + kfree(cqp->cqp_requests); + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + } + dev->cqp = &cqp->sc_cqp; + dev->cqp->dev = dev; + status = i40iw_allocate_dma_mem(dev->hw, &cqp->sq, + (sizeof(struct i40iw_cqp_sq_wqe) * sqsize), I40IW_CQP_ALIGNMENT); + if (status) + goto exit; + status = i40iw_obj_aligned_mem(iwdev, &mem, sizeof(struct i40iw_cqp_ctx), + I40IW_HOST_CTX_ALIGNMENT_MASK); + if (status) + goto exit; + dev->cqp->host_ctx_pa =; + dev->cqp->host_ctx =; + /* populate the cqp init info */ + memset(&cqp_init_info, 0, sizeof(cqp_init_info)); + = dev; + cqp_init_info.sq_size = sqsize; + cqp_init_info.sq = cqp->; + cqp_init_info.sq_pa = cqp->; + cqp_init_info.host_ctx_pa =; + cqp_init_info.host_ctx =; + cqp_init_info.hmc_profile = iwdev->resource_profile; + cqp_init_info.enabled_vf_count = iwdev->max_rdma_vfs; + cqp_init_info.scratch_array = cqp->scratch_array; + status = dev->cqp_ops->cqp_init(dev->cqp, &cqp_init_info); + if (status) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CQP, "cqp init status %d\n", status); + goto exit; + } + status = dev->cqp_ops->cqp_create(dev->cqp, &maj_err, &min_err); + if (status) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_CQP, + "cqp create status %d maj_err %d min_err %d\n", status, + maj_err, min_err); + goto exit; + } + spin_lock_init(&cqp->req_lock); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cqp->cqp_avail_reqs); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cqp->cqp_pending_reqs); + /* init the waitq of the cqp_requests and add them to the list */ + for (i = 0; i < I40IW_CQP_SW_SQSIZE_2048; i++) { + init_waitqueue_head(&cqp->cqp_requests[i].waitq); + list_add_tail(&cqp->cqp_requests[i].list, &cqp->cqp_avail_reqs); + } + return 0; +exit: + /* clean up the created resources */ + i40iw_destroy_cqp(iwdev, FALSE); + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_configure_ceq_vector - set up the msix interrupt vector for ceq + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @msix_vec: interrupt vector information + * @iwceq: ceq associated with the vector + * @ceq_id: the id number of the iwceq + * + * Allocate interrupt resources and enable irq handling + * Return 0 if successful, otherwise return error + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_configure_ceq_vector(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, struct i40iw_ceq *iwceq, + u32 ceq_id, struct i40iw_msix_vector *msix_vec) +{ + device_t dev = iwdev->ldev->dev; + int err; + int rid = msix_vec->idx + 1; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + if (ceq_id == 0) { + msix_vec->res = bus_alloc_resource_any(dev, SYS_RES_IRQ, &rid, + RF_SHAREABLE | RF_ACTIVE); + if (!msix_vec->res) { + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, + I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_DEV | I40IW_DEBUG_AEQ, + "Unable to allocate bus resource: aeq-ceq interrupt [%d]\n", + rid); + return I40IW_ERR_CONFIG; + } + err = bus_setup_intr(dev, msix_vec->res, INTR_TYPE_NET | INTR_MPSAFE, + NULL, i40iw_irq_handler, iwdev, &msix_vec->tag); + if (err) { + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, + I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_DEV | I40IW_DEBUG_AEQ, + "Failed to register aeq-ceq handler"); + status = I40IW_ERR_CONFIG; + goto fail_intr; + } + bus_describe_intr(dev, msix_vec->res, msix_vec->tag, + "aeq-ceq"); + + TASK_INIT(&iwdev->irq_task, 0, i40iw_dpc, iwdev); + + iwdev->irq_tq = taskqueue_create_fast("iw_ixl_aeq-ceq", + M_NOWAIT, taskqueue_thread_enqueue, &iwdev->irq_tq); + if (iwdev->irq_tq == NULL) { + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_DEV | I40IW_DEBUG_AEQ, + "Failed to create aeq-ceq taskqueue"); + status = I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + goto fail_tq; + } + taskqueue_start_threads(&iwdev->irq_tq, 1, PI_NET, + "%s iwarp aeq-ceq", device_get_nameunit(dev)); + } else { + msix_vec->res = bus_alloc_resource_any(dev, SYS_RES_IRQ, &rid, + RF_SHAREABLE | RF_ACTIVE); + if (!msix_vec->res) { + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_DEV, + "Unable to allocate bus resource: ceq interrupt [%d]\n", + rid); + return I40IW_ERR_CONFIG; + } + err = bus_setup_intr(dev, msix_vec->res, INTR_TYPE_NET | INTR_MPSAFE, + NULL, i40iw_ceq_handler, iwceq, &msix_vec->tag); + if (err) { + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_DEV, + "Failed to register ceq handler"); + status = I40IW_ERR_CONFIG; + goto fail_intr; + } + bus_describe_intr(dev, msix_vec->res, msix_vec->tag, "ceq"); + + TASK_INIT(&iwceq->irq_task, 0, i40iw_ceq_dpc, iwceq); + + iwceq->irq_tq = taskqueue_create_fast("iw_ixl_ceq", M_NOWAIT, + taskqueue_thread_enqueue, &iwceq->irq_tq); + if (iwceq->irq_tq == NULL) { + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_DEV, + "Failed to create ceq taskqueue"); + status = I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + goto fail_tq; + } + taskqueue_start_threads(&iwceq->irq_tq, 1, PI_NET, + "%s iwarp ceq-%d", device_get_nameunit(dev), ceq_id); + } + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, + "%s ceq_id=%d, msix_vec->idx=%d, cpu_id=%d", __func__, ceq_id, + msix_vec->idx, msix_vec->cpu_affinity); + bus_bind_intr(dev, msix_vec->res, msix_vec->cpu_affinity); + + return 0; + +fail_tq: + bus_teardown_intr(dev, msix_vec->res, msix_vec->tag); + msix_vec->tag = NULL; +fail_intr: + bus_release_resource(dev, SYS_RES_IRQ, rid, msix_vec->res); + msix_vec->res = NULL; + return (status); +} + +/** + * i40iw_create_ceq - create completion event queue + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @iwceq: pointer to the ceq resources to be created + * @ceq_id: the id number of the iwceq + * + * Return 0, if the ceq and the resources associated with it + * are successfully created, otherwise return error + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_create_ceq(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, struct i40iw_ceq *iwceq, + u32 ceq_id) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + struct i40iw_ceq_init_info info; + u64 scratch; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + info.ceq_id = ceq_id; + iwceq->iwdev = iwdev; + iwceq->mem.size = sizeof(struct i40iw_ceqe) * + iwdev->sc_dev.hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_CQ].cnt; + status = i40iw_allocate_dma_mem(dev->hw, &iwceq->mem, iwceq->mem.size, + I40IW_CEQ_ALIGNMENT); + if (status) + goto exit; + info.ceq_id = ceq_id; + info.ceqe_base = iwceq->; + info.ceqe_pa = iwceq->; + + info.elem_cnt = iwdev->sc_dev.hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_CQ].cnt; + iwceq->sc_ceq.ceq_id = ceq_id; + = dev; + scratch = (uintptr_t) & iwdev->cqp.sc_cqp; + status = dev->ceq_ops->ceq_init(&iwceq->sc_ceq, &info); + if (!status) + status = dev->ceq_ops->cceq_create(&iwceq->sc_ceq, scratch); + +exit: + if (status) + ixliw_free_dma_mem(&iwceq->mem); + return status; +} + +void +i40iw_request_reset(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_INIT | + I40IW_DEBUG_CQP, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + ixl_iw_pf_reset(iwdev->hdl->ldev.handle); +} + +/** + * i40iw_setup_ceqs - manage the device ceq's and their interrupt resources + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @ldev: i40e lan device + * + * Allocate a list for all device completion event queues + * Create the ceq's and configure their msix interrupt vectors + * Return 0, if at least one ceq is successfully set up, otherwise return error + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_setup_ceqs(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + struct i40iw_ceq *iwceq; + struct i40iw_msix_vector *msix_vec; + enum i40iw_status_code status = 0; + int err; + u32 ceq_id; + + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + err = ixl_iw_pf_msix_init(iwdev->hdl->ldev.handle, + &iwdev->msix_mapping); + if (err) { + status = I40IW_ERR_CONFIG; + goto exit; + } + iwdev->ceqlist = kcalloc(iwdev->msix_count, sizeof(*iwdev->ceqlist), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!iwdev->ceqlist) { + status = I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + goto exit; + } + for (ceq_id = 0; ceq_id < iwdev->msix_count; ceq_id++) { + iwceq = &iwdev->ceqlist[ceq_id]; + + status = i40iw_create_ceq(iwdev, iwceq, ceq_id); + if (status) { + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_DEV, "create ceq status = %d\n", status); + break; + } + msix_vec = &iwdev->iw_msixtbl[ceq_id]; + iwceq->msix_idx = msix_vec->idx; + status = i40iw_configure_ceq_vector(iwdev, iwceq, ceq_id, msix_vec); + if (status) { + i40iw_destroy_ceq(iwdev, iwceq); + break; + } + i40iw_enable_intr(&iwdev->sc_dev, msix_vec->idx); + iwdev->ceqs_count++; + } + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT | I40IW_DEBUG_DEV, + "%d MSIX interrupts used for this device\n", iwdev->ceqs_count); +exit: + if (status && !iwdev->ceqs_count) { + kfree(iwdev->ceqlist); + iwdev->ceqlist = NULL; + return status; + } else { + iwdev->sc_dev.ceq_valid = TRUE; + return 0; + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_create_aeq - create async event queue + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * + * Return 0, if the aeq and the resources associated with it + * are successfully created, otherwise return error + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_create_aeq(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + struct i40iw_aeq *aeq = &iwdev->aeq; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + struct i40iw_aeq_init_info info; + u64 scratch = 0; + u32 aeq_size; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + aeq_size = 2 * iwdev->sc_dev.hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_QP].cnt + + iwdev->sc_dev.hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_CQ].cnt; + aeq->mem.size = sizeof(struct i40iw_sc_aeqe) * aeq_size; + status = i40iw_allocate_dma_mem(dev->hw, &aeq->mem, aeq->mem.size, + I40IW_AEQ_ALIGNMENT); + if (status) + goto exit; + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + info.aeqe_base = aeq->; + info.aeq_elem_pa = aeq->; + info.elem_cnt = aeq_size; + = dev; + status = dev->aeq_ops->aeq_init(&aeq->sc_aeq, &info); + if (status) + goto exit; + status = dev->aeq_ops->aeq_create(&aeq->sc_aeq, scratch, 1); + if (!status) + status = dev->aeq_ops->aeq_create_done(&aeq->sc_aeq); +exit: + if (status) + ixliw_free_dma_mem(&aeq->mem); + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_setup_aeq - set up the device aeq + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * + * Create the aeq and configure its msix interrupt vector + * Return 0 if successful, otherwise return error + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_setup_aeq(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + status = i40iw_create_aeq(iwdev); + if (status) + return status; + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_initialize_ilq - create iwarp local queue for cm + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * + * Return 0 if successful, otherwise return error + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_initialize_ilq(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + struct i40iw_puda_rsrc_info info; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + info.type = I40IW_PUDA_RSRC_TYPE_ILQ; + info.cq_id = 1; + info.qp_id = 0; + info.count = 1; + info.pd_id = 1; + info.sq_size = 8192; + info.rq_size = 8192; + info.buf_size = 1024; + info.tx_buf_cnt = 16384; + + info.receive = i40iw_receive_ilq; + info.xmit_complete = i40iw_free_sqbuf; + info.mss = iwdev->vsi.mtu; + + status = i40iw_puda_create_rsrc(&iwdev->vsi, &info); + + if (status) + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ILQ, "ilq create fail\n"); + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_initialize_ieq - create iwarp exception queue + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * + * Return 0 if successful, otherwise return error + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_initialize_ieq(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + struct i40iw_puda_rsrc_info info; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + info.type = I40IW_PUDA_RSRC_TYPE_IEQ; + info.cq_id = 2; + info.qp_id = iwdev->vsi.exception_lan_queue; + info.count = 1; + info.pd_id = 2; + info.sq_size = 8192; + info.rq_size = 8192; + info.buf_size = iwdev->vsi.mtu + VLAN_ETH_HLEN; + + info.tx_buf_cnt = 4096; + status = i40iw_puda_create_rsrc(&iwdev->vsi, &info); + if (status) + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_IEQ, + "ieq create fail\n"); + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_reinitialize_ieq - destroy and re-create ieq + * @dev: iwarp device + */ +void +i40iw_reinitialize_ieq(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev) +{ + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = (struct i40iw_device *)dev->back_dev; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + i40iw_puda_dele_resources(&iwdev->vsi, I40IW_PUDA_RSRC_TYPE_IEQ, FALSE); + status = i40iw_initialize_ieq(iwdev); + if (status) { + iwdev->reset = TRUE; + i40iw_request_reset(iwdev); + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_hmc_setup - create hmc objects for the device + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * + * Set up the device private memory space for the number and size of + * the hmc objects and create the objects + * Return 0 if successful, otherwise return error + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_hmc_setup(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + iwdev->sd_type = I40IW_SD_TYPE_DIRECT; + status = i40iw_config_fpm_values(&iwdev->sc_dev, IW_CFG_FPM_QP_COUNT); + if (status) + goto exit; + status = i40iw_create_hmc_objs(iwdev, TRUE); + if (status) + goto exit; + iwdev->init_state = HMC_OBJS_CREATED; +exit: + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_del_init_mem - deallocate memory resources + * @iwdev: iwarp device + */ +static void +i40iw_del_init_mem(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + + ixliw_free_dma_mem(&iwdev->obj_mem); + kfree(dev->hmc_info->sd_table.sd_entry); + dev->hmc_info->sd_table.sd_entry = NULL; + kfree(iwdev->mem_resources); + iwdev->mem_resources = NULL; + kfree(iwdev->ceqlist); + iwdev->ceqlist = NULL; + kfree(iwdev->iw_msixtbl); + iwdev->iw_msixtbl = NULL; + kfree(iwdev->hmc_info_mem); + iwdev->hmc_info_mem = NULL; +} + +/** + * i40iw_del_macip_entry - remove a mac ip address entry from the hw table + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @idx: the index of the mac ip address to delete + */ +static void +i40iw_del_macip_entry(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, u8 idx) +{ + struct i40iw_cqp *iwcqp = &iwdev->cqp; + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct cqp_commands_info *cqp_info; + enum i40iw_status_code status = 0; + + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + cqp_request = i40iw_get_cqp_request(iwcqp, TRUE); + if (!cqp_request) { + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_CQP, "cqp_request memory failed\n"); + return; + } + cqp_info = &cqp_request->info; + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_DELETE_LOCAL_MAC_IPADDR_ENTRY; + cqp_info->post_sq = 1; + cqp_info->in.u.del_local_mac_ipaddr_entry.cqp = &iwcqp->sc_cqp; + cqp_info->in.u.del_local_mac_ipaddr_entry.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + cqp_info->in.u.del_local_mac_ipaddr_entry.entry_idx = idx; + cqp_info->in.u.del_local_mac_ipaddr_entry.ignore_ref_count = 0; + status = i40iw_handle_cqp_op(iwdev, cqp_request); + if (status) + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CQP, "CQP-OP Del MAC Ip entry fail"); +} + +/** + * i40iw_add_mac_ipaddr_entry - add a mac ip address entry to the hw table + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @mac_addr: pointer to mac address + * @idx: the index of the mac ip address to add + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_add_mac_ipaddr_entry(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, u8 * mac_addr, u8 idx) +{ + struct i40iw_local_mac_ipaddr_entry_info *info; + struct i40iw_cqp *iwcqp = &iwdev->cqp; + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct cqp_commands_info *cqp_info; + enum i40iw_status_code status = 0; + + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + cqp_request = i40iw_get_cqp_request(iwcqp, TRUE); + if (!cqp_request) { + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_CQP, "cqp_request memory failed\n"); + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + } + cqp_info = &cqp_request->info; + + cqp_info->post_sq = 1; + info = &cqp_info->; + ether_addr_copy(info->mac_addr, mac_addr); + info->entry_idx = idx; + cqp_info->in.u.add_local_mac_ipaddr_entry.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_ADD_LOCAL_MAC_IPADDR_ENTRY; + cqp_info->in.u.add_local_mac_ipaddr_entry.cqp = &iwcqp->sc_cqp; + cqp_info->in.u.add_local_mac_ipaddr_entry.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + status = i40iw_handle_cqp_op(iwdev, cqp_request); + if (status) + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CQP, "CQP-OP Add MAC Ip entry fail"); + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_alloc_local_mac_ipaddr_entry - allocate a mac ip address entry + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @mac_ip_tbl_idx: the index of the new mac ip address + * + * Allocate a mac ip address entry and update the mac_ip_tbl_idx + * to hold the index of the newly created mac ip address + * Return 0 if successful, otherwise return error + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_alloc_local_mac_ipaddr_entry(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, + u16 * mac_ip_tbl_idx) +{ + struct i40iw_cqp *iwcqp = &iwdev->cqp; + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct cqp_commands_info *cqp_info; + enum i40iw_status_code status = 0; + + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + cqp_request = i40iw_get_cqp_request(iwcqp, TRUE); + if (!cqp_request) { + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CQP, "cqp_request memory failed\n"); + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + } + /* increment refcount, because we need the cqp request ret value */ + atomic_inc(&cqp_request->refcount); + + cqp_info = &cqp_request->info; + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_ALLOC_LOCAL_MAC_IPADDR_ENTRY; + cqp_info->post_sq = 1; + cqp_info->in.u.alloc_local_mac_ipaddr_entry.cqp = &iwcqp->sc_cqp; + cqp_info->in.u.alloc_local_mac_ipaddr_entry.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + + status = i40iw_handle_cqp_op(iwdev, cqp_request); + if (!status) + *mac_ip_tbl_idx = cqp_request->compl_info.op_ret_val; + else + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CQP, "CQP-OP Alloc MAC Ip entry fail"); + + /* decrement refcount and free the cqp request, if no longer used */ + i40iw_put_cqp_request(iwcqp, cqp_request); + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_alloc_set_mac_ipaddr - set up a mac ip address table entry + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @macaddr: pointer to mac address + * + * Allocate a mac ip address entry and add it to the hw table + * Return 0 if successful, otherwise return error + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_alloc_set_mac_ipaddr(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, u8 * macaddr) +{ + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + status = i40iw_alloc_local_mac_ipaddr_entry(iwdev, &iwdev->mac_ip_table_idx); + if (!status) { + status = i40iw_add_mac_ipaddr_entry(iwdev, macaddr, + (u8) iwdev->mac_ip_table_idx); + if (status) + i40iw_del_macip_entry(iwdev, (u8) iwdev->mac_ip_table_idx); + } + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_add_ipv6_addr - add ipv6 address to the hw arp table + * @iwdev: iwarp device + */ +static void +i40iw_add_ipv6_addr(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + struct ifnet *ifp = iwdev->ifp; + struct ifaddr *ifa, *tmp; + struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6; + u32 local_ipaddr6[4]; + u8 *mac_addr; + char ip6buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; + + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + if_addr_rlock(ifp); + TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(ifa, &ifp->if_addrhead, ifa_link, tmp) { + sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)ifa->ifa_addr; + if (sin6->sin6_family != AF_INET6) + continue; + + i40iw_copy_ip_ntohl(local_ipaddr6, (u32 *) & sin6->sin6_addr); + mac_addr = IF_LLADDR(ifp); + + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "IP=%s, MAC=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", + ip6_sprintf(ip6buf, &sin6->sin6_addr), + mac_addr[0], mac_addr[1], mac_addr[2], + mac_addr[3], mac_addr[4], mac_addr[5]); + + i40iw_manage_arp_cache(iwdev, mac_addr, local_ipaddr6, FALSE, + I40IW_ARP_ADD); + + } + if_addr_runlock(ifp); +} + +/** + * i40iw_add_ipv4_addr - add ipv4 address to the hw arp table + * @iwdev: iwarp device + */ +static void +i40iw_add_ipv4_addr(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + struct ifnet *ifp = iwdev->ifp; + struct ifaddr *ifa; + struct sockaddr_in *sin; + in_addr_t ip_addr; + u8 *mac_addr; + + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + if_addr_rlock(ifp); + TAILQ_FOREACH(ifa, &ifp->if_addrhead, ifa_link) { + sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)ifa->ifa_addr; + if (sin->sin_family != AF_INET) + continue; + + ip_addr = ntohl(sin->sin_addr.s_addr); + mac_addr = IF_LLADDR(ifp); + + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "IP=%d.%d.%d.%d, MAC=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", + ip_addr >> 24, + (ip_addr >> 16) & 0xFF, + (ip_addr >> 8) & 0xFF, + ip_addr & 0xFF, + mac_addr[0], mac_addr[1], mac_addr[2], + mac_addr[3], mac_addr[4], mac_addr[5]); + + i40iw_manage_arp_cache(iwdev, mac_addr, &ip_addr, TRUE, + I40IW_ARP_ADD); + } + if_addr_runlock(ifp); +} + +/** + * i40iw_add_mac_ip - add mac and ip addresses + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * + * Create and add a mac ip address entry to the hw table and + * ipv4/ipv6 addresses to the arp cache + * Return 0 if successful, otherwise return error + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_add_mac_ip(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + struct ifnet *ifp = iwdev->ifp; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + status = i40iw_alloc_set_mac_ipaddr(iwdev, IF_LLADDR(ifp)); + if (status) + return status; + + i40iw_add_ipv4_addr(iwdev); + i40iw_add_ipv6_addr(iwdev); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_wait_pe_ready - Check if firmware is ready + * @hw: provides access to registers + */ +static void +i40iw_wait_pe_ready(struct i40iw_hw *hw) +{ + u32 statusfw; + u32 statuscpu0; + u32 statuscpu1; + u32 statuscpu2; + u32 retrycount = 0; + + INIT_DEBUGOUT("begin"); + + do { + statusfw = rd32(hw, I40E_GLPE_FWLDSTATUS); + HW_DEBUGOUT("fm load status[x%04X]", statusfw); + statuscpu0 = rd32(hw, I40E_GLPE_CPUSTATUS0); + HW_DEBUGOUT("CSR_CQP status[x%04X]", statuscpu0); + statuscpu1 = rd32(hw, I40E_GLPE_CPUSTATUS1); + HW_DEBUGOUT("I40E_GLPE_CPUSTATUS1 status[x%04X]", + statuscpu1); + statuscpu2 = rd32(hw, I40E_GLPE_CPUSTATUS2); + HW_DEBUGOUT("I40E_GLPE_CPUSTATUS2 status[x%04X]", + statuscpu2); + if ((statuscpu0 == 0x80) && (statuscpu1 == 0x80) && + (statuscpu2 == 0x80)) + break; /* SUCCESS */ + mdelay(1000); + retrycount++; + } while (retrycount < 14); +} + +/** + * i40iw_initialize_dev - initialize device + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @pf_info: lan device information + * + * Allocate memory for the hmc objects and initialize iwdev + * Return 0 if successful, otherwise clean up the resources + * and return error + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_initialize_dev(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, struct ixl_iw_pf *pf_info) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + struct i40iw_device_init_info info; + struct i40iw_l2params l2params; + struct i40iw_dma_mem mem; + struct i40iw_vsi_stats_info stats_info; + struct i40iw_vsi_init_info vsi_info; + u32 i; + u32 size; + u16 qset; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + memset(&l2params, 0, sizeof(l2params)); + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + size = sizeof(struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc) + sizeof(struct i40iw_hmc_info) + + (sizeof(struct i40iw_hmc_obj_info) * I40IW_HMC_IW_MAX); + iwdev->hmc_info_mem = kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!iwdev->hmc_info_mem) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, + "%s: memory alloc fail\n", __func__); + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + } + iwdev->pble_rsrc = (struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc *)iwdev->hmc_info_mem; + dev->hmc_info = &iwdev->hw.hmc; + dev->hmc_info->hmc_obj = (struct i40iw_hmc_obj_info *)(iwdev->pble_rsrc + 1); + status = i40iw_obj_aligned_mem(iwdev, &mem, I40IW_QUERY_FPM_BUF_SIZE, + I40IW_FPM_QUERY_BUF_ALIGNMENT_MASK); + if (status) + goto exit; + info.fpm_query_buf_pa =; + info.fpm_query_buf =; + status = i40iw_obj_aligned_mem(iwdev, &mem, I40IW_COMMIT_FPM_BUF_SIZE, + I40IW_FPM_COMMIT_BUF_ALIGNMENT_MASK); + + if (status) + goto exit; + info.fpm_commit_buf_pa =; + info.fpm_commit_buf =; + info.hmc_fn_id = pf_info->pf_id; + info.is_pf = TRUE; + info.bar0 = iwdev->hw.hw_addr; + info.hw = &iwdev->hw; + info.debug_mask = ixliw_debug; + l2params.mtu = (pf_info->mtu) ? pf_info->mtu : iwdev->vsi.mtu; + for (i = 0; i < IXL_IW_MAX_USER_PRIORITY; i++) { + qset = pf_info->qs_handle[i]; + l2params.qs_handle_list[i] = qset; + } + + info.vchnl_send = NULL; /* virtual channel not supported */ + + memset(&vsi_info, 0, sizeof(vsi_info)); + = &iwdev->sc_dev; + vsi_info.back_vsi = (void *)iwdev; + vsi_info.params = &l2params; + vsi_info.exception_lan_queue = 1; + i40iw_sc_vsi_init(&iwdev->vsi, &vsi_info); + + memset(&stats_info, 0, sizeof(stats_info)); + stats_info.fcn_id = iwdev->ldev->pf_id; + stats_info.pestat = kzalloc(sizeof(*stats_info.pestat), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!stats_info.pestat) { + i40iw_pr_err("memory alloc fail\n"); + status = I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + goto exit; + } + status = i40iw_device_init(&iwdev->sc_dev, &info); +exit: + if (status) { + kfree(iwdev->hmc_info_mem); + iwdev->hmc_info_mem = NULL; + } + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_save_msix_info - copy msix vector information to iwarp device + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @pf_info: lan device information + * + * Allocate iwdev msix table and copy the pf_info msix info to the table + * Return 0 if successful, otherwise return error + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_save_msix_info(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, struct ixl_iw_pf *pf_info) +{ + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "%s: begin\n", __func__); + + iwdev->msix_info.base = pf_info->iw_msix.base; + iwdev->msix_info.count = pf_info->iw_msix.count; + iwdev->msix_shared = TRUE; + + iwdev->msix_mapping.itr_indx = 3; + iwdev->msix_mapping.aeq_vector = pf_info->iw_msix.base; + + return 0; +} + +static int +ixliw_get_cpu_cnt(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ +#if __FreeBSD_version >= 1100000 + device_t dev = iwdev->ldev->dev; + cpuset_t cpu_set; + int cpu_cnt; + + if (bus_get_cpus(dev, INTR_CPUS, sizeof(cpu_set), &cpu_set)) { + cpu_cnt = mp_ncpus; + } else { + cpu_cnt = CPU_COUNT(&cpu_set); + } +#else + int cpu_cnt = mp_ncpus; +#endif + + return cpu_cnt; +} +/** + * ixliw_get_int_cpu - determine which cpu core to use for msix vector, + * uses bus_get_cpus on FreeBSD11 or newer + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @msix_taken: which intr cpu to use + * returns id of intr cpu that will be used, or msix_taken for FBSD10.3 + */ +static int +ixliw_get_int_cpu(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, int msix_taken) +{ + int result = -1; +#if __FreeBSD_version >= 1100000 + device_t dev = iwdev->ldev->dev; + cpuset_t cpu_set; + u64 i = 0; + int intr_cpu_cnt = -1; + + if (!bus_get_cpus(dev, INTR_CPUS, sizeof(cpu_set), &cpu_set)) { + while (intr_cpu_cnt < msix_taken) { + if ((cpu_set.__bits[i / 64] & (((u64) 1) << (i % 64)))) { + ++intr_cpu_cnt; + if (intr_cpu_cnt == msix_taken) + break; + } + ++i; + if (i >= mp_ncpus) + i = i % mp_ncpus; + } + result = i; + } +#endif + /* + * if FBSD10 or bus_get_cpus returns error + */ + if (result < 0) { + /* + * ensure non-negative value will be returned + */ + if (iwdev->msix_count <= mp_ncpus / 2) + /* get next even id */ + result = max(((msix_taken + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFE) % mp_ncpus, 0); + else + result = max((msix_taken) % mp_ncpus, 0); + } + return result; +} + +/** + * ixliw_setup_msix - prepare msix vector infrastructure + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * + * Determine the number of interrupt vectors, alloc structures - iw_msixtbl + * and ceq_vectors + * + */ +static int +ixliw_setup_msix(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + int cpu_id; + int inc_cpuid = 1; + int vector; + u32 i; + u32 size; + + iwdev->msix_count = min(iwdev->msix_info.count, iwdev->sc_dev.hmc_fpm_misc.max_ceqs); + iwdev->msix_count = min(iwdev->msix_count, ixliw_get_cpu_cnt(iwdev)); + /* + * if ixliw_max_ceq is different than 0, add upper constraint for the + * number of ceq. + */ + if (ixliw_max_ceq) + iwdev->msix_count = min(iwdev->msix_count, ixliw_max_ceq); + + size = sizeof(struct i40iw_msix_vector) * iwdev->msix_count; + iwdev->iw_msixtbl = kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!iwdev->iw_msixtbl) + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + + iwdev->msix_mapping.ceq_cnt = iwdev->msix_count; + size = sizeof(int) * iwdev->msix_mapping.ceq_cnt; + iwdev->msix_mapping.ceq_vector = kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!iwdev->msix_mapping.ceq_vector) { + kfree(iwdev->iw_msixtbl); + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + } + /* + * if there is less vectors than half of cpus the chances are we will + * be able to assign them onto physical cores only + */ + if (iwdev->msix_count < ixliw_get_cpu_cnt(iwdev) / 2) + inc_cpuid = 2; + else + inc_cpuid = 1; + + vector = cpu_id = iwdev->msix_info.base; + /* avoid ceq_vector[0] being asigned to the same core on every port */ + cpu_id += (iwdev->ldev->pf_id) * inc_cpuid; + for (i = 0; i < iwdev->msix_mapping.ceq_cnt; cpu_id += inc_cpuid, i++) { + iwdev->msix_mapping.ceq_vector[i] = vector; + iwdev->iw_msixtbl[i].idx = vector++; + iwdev->iw_msixtbl[i].cpu_affinity = ixliw_get_int_cpu(iwdev, cpu_id); + } + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_deinit_device - clean up the device resources + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * + * Destroy the ib device interface, remove the mac ip entry and ipv4/ipv6 + * addresses, destroy the device queues and free the pble and the hmc objects + */ +static void +i40iw_deinit_device(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "state = %d", iwdev->init_state); + + switch (iwdev->init_state) { + case RDMA_DEV_REGISTERED: + iwdev->iw_status = 0; + i40iw_port_ibevent(iwdev); + i40iw_destroy_rdma_device(iwdev->iwibdev); + /* fallthrough */ + case IP_ADDR_REGISTERED: + i40iw_del_macip_entry(iwdev, (u8) iwdev->mac_ip_table_idx); + /* fallthrough */ + case PBLE_CHUNK_MEM: + i40iw_destroy_pble_pool(dev, iwdev->pble_rsrc); + /* fallthrough */ + case CEQ_CREATED: + i40iw_del_ceqs(iwdev); + /* fallthrough */ + case AEQ_CREATED: + i40iw_destroy_aeq(iwdev); + /* fallthrough */ + case IEQ_CREATED: + i40iw_puda_dele_resources(&iwdev->vsi, I40IW_PUDA_RSRC_TYPE_IEQ, FALSE); + /* fallthrough */ + case ILQ_CREATED: + i40iw_puda_dele_resources(&iwdev->vsi, I40IW_PUDA_RSRC_TYPE_ILQ, FALSE); + /* fallthrough */ + case CCQ_CREATED: + i40iw_destroy_ccq(iwdev); + /* fallthrough */ + case HMC_OBJS_CREATED: + i40iw_del_hmc_objects(dev, dev->hmc_info); + /* fallthrough */ + case CQP_CREATED: + i40iw_destroy_cqp(iwdev, TRUE); + /* fallthrough */ + case INITIAL_STATE: + i40iw_del_init_mem(iwdev); + break; + case INVALID_STATE: + /* fallthrough */ + default: + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, + "bad init_state = %d\n", iwdev->init_state); + break; + } + + i40iw_cleanup_cm_core(&iwdev->cm_core); + i40iw_del_handler(i40iw_find_handler(iwdev->ldev)); + kfree(iwdev->hdl); +} + +/** + * i40iw_setup_init_state - set up the initial device struct + * @hdl: handler for iwarp device - one per instance + * @pf_info: lan device information + * + * Initialize the iwarp device and its hdl information + * using the ldev and client information + * Return 0 if successful, otherwise return error + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_setup_init_state(struct i40iw_handler *hdl, struct ixl_iw_pf *pf_info) +{ + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = &hdl->device; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, "begin"); + + memcpy(&hdl->ldev, pf_info, sizeof(*pf_info)); + + iwdev->mpa_version = ixliw_mpa_version; + iwdev->resource_profile = I40IW_HMC_PROFILE_DEFAULT; + iwdev->max_rdma_vfs = 0; + iwdev->ifp = pf_info->ifp; + iwdev->vsi.mtu = pf_info->ifp->if_mtu; + + status = i40iw_save_msix_info(iwdev, pf_info); + if (status) + goto exit; + + iwdev-> = pf_info->dev; + iwdev->dev_ctx.mem_bus_space_tag = rman_get_bustag(pf_info->pci_mem); + iwdev->dev_ctx.mem_bus_space_handle = rman_get_bushandle(pf_info->pci_mem); + iwdev->dev_ctx.mem_bus_space_size = rman_get_size(pf_info->pci_mem); + + iwdev->hw.dev_context = &iwdev->dev_ctx; + iwdev->hw.hw_addr = (u8 *) rman_get_virtual(pf_info->pci_mem); + + status = i40iw_allocate_dma_mem(&iwdev->hw, + &iwdev->obj_mem, 8192, 4096); + if (status) + goto exit; + + iwdev->obj_next = iwdev->obj_mem; + iwdev->push_mode = ixliw_push_mode; + + init_waitqueue_head(&iwdev->vchnl_waitq); + init_waitqueue_head(&iwdev->close_wq); + + status = i40iw_initialize_dev(iwdev, pf_info); + +exit: + if (status) { + kfree(iwdev->iw_msixtbl); + ixliw_free_dma_mem(&iwdev->obj_mem); + iwdev->iw_msixtbl = NULL; + } + return status; +} + +/* + * i40iw_get_used_rsrc - determine resources used internally + */ +static void +i40iw_get_used_rsrc(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + iwdev->used_pds = find_next_zero_bit(iwdev->allocated_pds, iwdev->max_pd, 0); + iwdev->used_qps = find_next_zero_bit(iwdev->allocated_qps, iwdev->max_qp, 0); + iwdev->used_cqs = find_next_zero_bit(iwdev->allocated_cqs, iwdev->max_cq, 0); + iwdev->used_mrs = find_next_zero_bit(iwdev->allocated_mrs, iwdev->max_mr, 0); +} + +static int +ixliw_pf_init(struct ixl_iw_pf *pf_info) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + struct i40iw_handler *hdl; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; + int err; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + INIT_DBG_DEV(pf_info->dev, "begin"); + +#ifdef IW_IXL_DEBUG + printf("%s:\tdevice %s\n", __func__, + device_get_nameunit(pf_info->dev)); + printf("%s:\tpf_id=%u\n", __func__, pf_info->pf_id); + printf("%s:\tdev=%p, ifp=%p\n", __func__, + pf_info->dev, pf_info->ifp); + printf("%s:\tmsix: base=%d, count=%d\n", __func__, + pf_info->iw_msix.base, pf_info->iw_msix.count); + printf("%s:\tmtu=%u\n", __func__, pf_info->mtu); + for (int i = 0; i < IXL_IW_MAX_USER_PRIORITY; i++) + printf("%s:\tqs_handle[%i]=%u\n", __func__, + i, pf_info->qs_handle[i]); +#endif /* IW_IXL_DEBUG */ + + hdl = kzalloc(sizeof(*hdl), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!hdl) + return ENOMEM; + iwdev = &hdl->device; + iwdev->hdl = hdl; + dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CLNT, "Entering %s, iwdev is %p\n", __func__, iwdev); + + i40iw_setup_cm_core(iwdev); + + dev->back_dev = (void *)iwdev; + iwdev->ldev = &hdl->ldev; + + mutex_init(&iwdev->pbl_mutex); + + i40iw_add_handler(hdl); + + do { + status = i40iw_setup_init_state(hdl, pf_info); + if (status) + break; + iwdev->init_state = INITIAL_STATE; + if (dev->is_pf) + i40iw_wait_pe_ready(dev->hw); + status = i40iw_create_cqp(iwdev); + if (status) + break; + iwdev->init_state = CQP_CREATED; + status = i40iw_hmc_setup(iwdev); + if (status) + break; + status = i40iw_create_ccq(iwdev); + if (status) + break; + iwdev->init_state = CCQ_CREATED; + status = i40iw_initialize_ilq(iwdev); + if (status) + break; + iwdev->init_state = ILQ_CREATED; + status = i40iw_initialize_ieq(iwdev); + if (status) + break; + iwdev->init_state = IEQ_CREATED; + status = ixliw_setup_msix(iwdev); + if (status) + break; + status = i40iw_setup_aeq(iwdev); + if (status) + break; + iwdev->init_state = AEQ_CREATED; + status = i40iw_setup_ceqs(iwdev); + if (status) + break; + iwdev->init_state = CEQ_CREATED; + + status = i40iw_initialize_hw_resources(iwdev); + if (status) + break; + dev->ccq_ops->ccq_arm(dev->ccq); + status = i40iw_hmc_init_pble(&iwdev->sc_dev, iwdev->pble_rsrc); + if (status) + break; + iwdev->init_state = PBLE_CHUNK_MEM; + status = i40iw_add_mac_ip(iwdev); + if (status) + break; + iwdev->init_state = IP_ADDR_REGISTERED; + + err = i40iw_register_rdma_device(iwdev); + if (err) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_INIT, + "register rdma device fail (err = %d)\n", err); + break; + }; + + iwdev->init_state = RDMA_DEV_REGISTERED; + iwdev->iw_status = 1; + + i40iw_port_ibevent(iwdev); + i40iw_get_used_rsrc(iwdev); + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CLNT, + "Exiting %s, iwdev is %p. Returning 0.\n", __func__, iwdev); + INIT_DBG_DEV(iwdev->ldev->dev, "completed"); + + return (0); + } while (0); + + device_printf(iwdev->ldev->dev, + "%s: failed (status = %d, last completion = %d)\n", + __func__, status, iwdev->init_state); + i40iw_deinit_device(iwdev); + + return (ERESTART); +} + +static int +ixliw_pf_stop(struct ixl_iw_pf *pf_info) +{ + struct i40iw_handler *hdl; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; + + INIT_DBG_DEV(pf_info->dev, "begin"); + + hdl = i40iw_find_handler(pf_info); + if (!hdl) { + printf("%s: PF handler not found\n", __func__); + return (ENOENT); + } + iwdev = &hdl->device; + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CLNT, "Entering %s, iwdev is %p\n", + __func__, iwdev); + + iwdev->closing = TRUE; + + i40iw_deinit_device(iwdev); + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CLNT, "Exiting %s, iwdev is %p\n", + __func__, iwdev); + INIT_DBG_DEV(pf_info->dev, "completed"); + + return (0); +} + +static int +ixliw_mod_load(void) +{ + struct ixl_iw_ops iw_ops; + int err; + + INIT_DEBUGOUT("begin"); + printf("iw_ixl module version: %s\n", ixliw_driver_version); + + spin_lock_init(&i40iw_handler_lock); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&i40iw_handlers); + + iw_ops.init = ixliw_pf_init; + iw_ops.stop = ixliw_pf_stop; + + err = ixl_iw_register(&iw_ops); + if (err) + printf("%s: failed to register to if_ixl (err=%d)\n", __func__, err); + + return (err); +} + +static int +ixliw_mod_unload(void) +{ + int err; + + INIT_DEBUGOUT("begin"); + + err = ixl_iw_unregister(); + if (err) + printf("%s: failed to unregister from if_ixl (err=%d)\n", __func__, + err); + + return (err); +} + +static int +ixliw_modevent(module_t mod __unused, int event, void *arg __unused) +{ + int err = 0; + + switch (event) { + case MOD_LOAD: + err = ixliw_mod_load(); + break; + case MOD_UNLOAD: + err = ixliw_mod_unload(); + break; + default: + err = EOPNOTSUPP; + break; + } + + return (err); +} + +static moduledata_t ixliw_mod = { + "iw_ixl", + ixliw_modevent, + NULL +}; + +DECLARE_MODULE(iw_ixl, ixliw_mod, SI_SUB_DRIVERS, SI_ORDER_ANY); +MODULE_VERSION(iw_ixl, 1); +MODULE_DEPEND(iw_ixl, ixl, 1, 1, 1); +MODULE_DEPEND(iw_ixl, ibcore, 1, 1, 1); Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_cm.h =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_cm.h @@ -0,0 +1,430 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#ifndef _IW_IXL_CM_H_ +#define _IW_IXL_CM_H_ + +#include + +#define VLAN_TAG_PRESENT 0x1000 + +#define I40IW_MANAGE_APBVT_DEL 0 +#define I40IW_MANAGE_APBVT_ADD 1 + +#define I40IW_MPA_REQUEST_ACCEPT 1 +#define I40IW_MPA_REQUEST_REJECT 2 + +/* IETF MPA -- defines, enums, structs */ +#define IEFT_MPA_KEY_REQ "MPA ID Req Frame" +#define IEFT_MPA_KEY_REP "MPA ID Rep Frame" +#define IETF_MPA_KEY_SIZE 16 +#define IETF_MAX_PRIV_DATA_LEN 512 +#define IETF_RTR_MSG_SIZE 4 +#define IETF_MPA_V2_FLAG 0x10 +#define SNDMARKER_SEQNMASK 0x000001FF + +#define I40IW_MAX_IETF_SIZE 32 + +/* IETF RTR MSG Fields */ +#define IETF_PEER_TO_PEER 0x8000 +#define IETF_FLPDU_ZERO_LEN 0x4000 +#define IETF_RDMA0_WRITE 0x8000 +#define IETF_RDMA0_READ 0x4000 +#define IETF_NO_IRD_ORD 0x3FFF + +/* HW-supported IRD sizes */ +#define I40IW_HW_IRD_SETTING_2 2 +#define I40IW_HW_IRD_SETTING_4 4 +#define I40IW_HW_IRD_SETTING_8 8 +#define I40IW_HW_IRD_SETTING_16 16 +#define I40IW_HW_IRD_SETTING_32 32 +#define I40IW_HW_IRD_SETTING_64 64 + +#define MAX_PORTS 65536 +enum ietf_mpa_flags { + IETF_MPA_FLAGS_MARKERS = 0x80, /* receive Markers */ + IETF_MPA_FLAGS_CRC = 0x40, /* receive Markers */ + IETF_MPA_FLAGS_REJECT = 0x20, /* Reject */ +}; + +struct ietf_mpa_v1 { + u8 key[IETF_MPA_KEY_SIZE]; + u8 flags; + u8 rev; + __be16 priv_data_len; + u8 priv_data[0]; +}; + +struct ietf_rtr_msg { + __be16 ctrl_ird; + __be16 ctrl_ord; +}; + +struct ietf_mpa_v2 { + u8 key[IETF_MPA_KEY_SIZE]; + u8 flags; + u8 rev; + __be16 priv_data_len; + struct ietf_rtr_msg rtr_msg; + u8 priv_data[0]; +}; + +enum i40iw_timer_type { + I40IW_TIMER_TYPE_SEND, + I40IW_TIMER_TYPE_RECV, + I40IW_TIMER_NODE_CLEANUP, + I40IW_TIMER_TYPE_CLOSE, +}; + +#define I40IW_PASSIVE_STATE_INDICATED 0 +#define I40IW_DO_NOT_SEND_RESET_EVENT 1 +#define I40IW_SEND_RESET_EVENT 2 + +#define SET_ACK 0x1 +#define SET_SYN 0x2 +#define SET_FIN 0x4 +#define SET_RST 0x8 + +#define TCP_OPTIONS_PADDING 3 + +struct option_base { + u8 optionnum; + u8 length; +}; + +enum option_numbers { + OPTION_NUMBER_END, + OPTION_NUMBER_NONE, + OPTION_NUMBER_MSS, + OPTION_NUMBER_WINDOW_SCALE, + OPTION_NUMBER_SACK_PERM, + OPTION_NUMBER_SACK, + OPTION_NUMBER_WRITE0 = 0xbc +}; + +struct option_mss { + u8 optionnum; + u8 length; + __be16 mss; +}; + +struct option_windowscale { + u8 optionnum; + u8 length; + u8 shiftcount; +}; + +union all_known_options { + char as_end; + struct option_base as_base; + struct option_mss as_mss; + struct option_windowscale as_windowscale; +}; + +struct i40iw_timer_entry { + struct list_head list; + unsigned long timetosend; /* jiffies */ + struct i40iw_puda_buf *sqbuf; + u32 type; + u32 retrycount; + u32 retranscount; + u32 context; + u32 send_retrans; + int close_when_complete; +}; + +#define I40IW_DEFAULT_RETRYS 64 +#define I40IW_DEFAULT_RETRANS 8 +#define I40IW_DEFAULT_TTL 0x40 +#define I40IW_DEFAULT_RTT_VAR 0x6 +#define I40IW_DEFAULT_SS_THRESH 0x3FFFFFFF +#define I40IW_DEFAULT_REXMIT_THRESH 8 + +#define I40IW_RETRY_TIMEOUT HZ + +#define I40IW_LONG_TIME (2 * HZ) +#define I40IW_MAX_TIMEOUT ((unsigned long)(12 * HZ)) + +#define I40IW_CM_DEFAULT_RCV_WND_SCALED 0x3fffc +#define I40IW_CM_DEFAULT_RCV_WND_SCALE 2 + +#define I40IW_CM_DEFAULT_MSS 536 + +#define I40IW_CM_DEF_LOCAL_ID 0x3b47 + +#define MAX_CM_BUFFER (I40IW_MAX_IETF_SIZE + IETF_MAX_PRIV_DATA_LEN) + +#define i40iw_cm_tsa_context i40iw_qp_context + +/* cm node transition states */ +enum i40iw_cm_node_state { + I40IW_CM_STATE_UNKNOWN, + I40IW_CM_STATE_INITED, + I40IW_CM_STATE_LISTENING, + I40IW_CM_STATE_SYN_RCVD, + I40IW_CM_STATE_SYN_SENT, + I40IW_CM_STATE_ONE_SIDE_ESTABLISHED, + I40IW_CM_STATE_ESTABLISHED, + I40IW_CM_STATE_ACCEPTING, + I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_SENT, + I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_RCVD, + I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREJ_RCVD, + I40IW_CM_STATE_OFFLOADED, + I40IW_CM_STATE_FIN_WAIT1, + I40IW_CM_STATE_FIN_WAIT2, + I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT, + I40IW_CM_STATE_TIME_WAIT, + I40IW_CM_STATE_LAST_ACK, + I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSING, + I40IW_CM_STATE_LISTENER_DESTROYED, + I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSED +}; + +enum mpa_frame_version { + IETF_MPA_V1 = 1, + IETF_MPA_V2 = 2 +}; + +enum mpa_frame_key { + MPA_KEY_REQUEST, + MPA_KEY_REPLY +}; + +enum send_rdma0 { + SEND_RDMA_READ_ZERO = 1, + SEND_RDMA_WRITE_ZERO = 2 +}; + +enum i40iw_tcpip_pkt_type { + I40IW_PKT_TYPE_UNKNOWN, + I40IW_PKT_TYPE_SYN, + I40IW_PKT_TYPE_SYNACK, + I40IW_PKT_TYPE_ACK, + I40IW_PKT_TYPE_FIN, + I40IW_PKT_TYPE_RST +}; + +/* CM context params */ +struct i40iw_cm_tcp_context { + u8 client; + + u32 loc_seq_num; + u32 loc_ack_num; + u32 rem_ack_num; + u32 rcv_nxt; + + u32 loc_id; + u32 rem_id; + + u32 snd_wnd; + u32 max_snd_wnd; + + u32 rcv_wnd; + u32 mss; + u8 snd_wscale; + u8 rcv_wscale; + + struct timeval sent_ts; +}; + +enum i40iw_cm_listener_state { + I40IW_CM_LISTENER_PASSIVE_STATE = 1, + I40IW_CM_LISTENER_ACTIVE_STATE = 2, + I40IW_CM_LISTENER_EITHER_STATE = 3 +}; + +struct i40iw_cm_listener { + struct list_head list; + struct i40iw_cm_core *cm_core; + u8 loc_mac[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; + u32 loc_addr[4]; + u16 loc_port; + struct iw_cm_id *cm_id; + atomic_t ref_count; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; + atomic_t pend_accepts_cnt; + int backlog; + enum i40iw_cm_listener_state listener_state; + u32 reused_node; + u8 user_pri; + u8 tos; + u16 vlan_id; + bool qhash_set; + bool ipv4; + struct list_head child_listen_list; +}; + +struct i40iw_kmem_info { + void *addr; + u32 size; +}; + +struct i40iw_kmem_const_info { + const void *addr; + u32 size; +}; + +/* per connection node and node state information */ +struct i40iw_cm_node { + u32 loc_addr[4], rem_addr[4]; + u16 loc_port, rem_port; + u16 vlan_id; + enum i40iw_cm_node_state state; + u8 loc_mac[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; + u8 rem_mac[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; + atomic_t ref_count; + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + struct i40iw_cm_tcp_context tcp_cntxt; + struct i40iw_cm_core *cm_core; + struct i40iw_cm_node *loopbackpartner; + struct i40iw_timer_entry *send_entry; + struct i40iw_timer_entry *close_entry; + spinlock_t retrans_list_lock; /* cm transmit packet */ + enum send_rdma0 send_rdma0_op; + u16 ird_size; + u16 ord_size; + u16 mpav2_ird_ord; + struct iw_cm_id *cm_id; + struct list_head list; + int accelerated; + struct i40iw_cm_listener *listener; + int apbvt_set; + int accept_pend; + struct list_head timer_entry; + struct list_head reset_entry; + struct list_head connected_entry; + atomic_t passive_state; + bool qhash_set; + u8 user_pri; + u8 tos; + bool ipv4; + bool snd_mark_en; + u16 lsmm_size; + enum mpa_frame_version mpa_frame_rev; + struct i40iw_kmem_info pdata; + union { + struct ietf_mpa_v1 mpa_frame; + struct ietf_mpa_v2 mpa_v2_frame; + }; + + u8 pdata_buf[IETF_MAX_PRIV_DATA_LEN]; + struct i40iw_kmem_info mpa_hdr; +}; + +/* structure for client or CM to fill when making CM api calls. */ +/* - only need to set relevant data, based on op. */ +struct i40iw_cm_info { + struct iw_cm_id *cm_id; + u16 loc_port; + u16 rem_port; + u32 loc_addr[4]; + u32 rem_addr[4]; + u16 vlan_id; + int backlog; + u8 user_pri; + u8 tos; + bool ipv4; +}; + +/* CM event codes */ +enum i40iw_cm_event_type { + I40IW_CM_EVENT_UNKNOWN, + I40IW_CM_EVENT_ESTABLISHED, + I40IW_CM_EVENT_MPA_REQ, + I40IW_CM_EVENT_MPA_CONNECT, + I40IW_CM_EVENT_MPA_ACCEPT, + I40IW_CM_EVENT_MPA_REJECT, + I40IW_CM_EVENT_MPA_ESTABLISHED, + I40IW_CM_EVENT_CONNECTED, + I40IW_CM_EVENT_RESET, + I40IW_CM_EVENT_ABORTED +}; + +/* event to post to CM event handler */ +struct i40iw_cm_event { + enum i40iw_cm_event_type type; + struct i40iw_cm_info cm_info; + struct work_struct event_work; + struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node; +}; + +struct i40iw_cm_core { + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + + struct list_head listen_nodes; + struct list_head connected_nodes; + + struct timer_list tcp_timer; + + struct workqueue_struct *event_wq; + struct workqueue_struct *disconn_wq; + + spinlock_t ht_lock; /* manage hash table */ + spinlock_t listen_list_lock; /* listen list */ + + unsigned long active_side_ports[BITS_TO_LONGS(MAX_PORTS)]; + + u64 stats_nodes_created; + u64 stats_nodes_destroyed; + u64 stats_listen_created; + u64 stats_listen_destroyed; + u64 stats_listen_nodes_created; + u64 stats_listen_nodes_destroyed; + u64 stats_loopbacks; + u64 stats_accepts; + u64 stats_rejects; + u64 stats_connect_errs; + u64 stats_passive_errs; + u64 stats_pkt_retrans; + u64 stats_backlog_drops; +}; + +int i40iw_schedule_cm_timer(struct i40iw_cm_node *, struct i40iw_puda_buf *, enum i40iw_timer_type, int, int); +int i40iw_accept(struct iw_cm_id *, struct iw_cm_conn_param *); +int i40iw_reject(struct iw_cm_id *, const void *, u8); +int i40iw_connect(struct iw_cm_id *, struct iw_cm_conn_param *); +int i40iw_create_listen(struct iw_cm_id *, int); +#if __FreeBSD_version >= 1100000 +void i40iw_destroy_listen(struct iw_cm_id *); +#else +int i40iw_destroy_listen(struct iw_cm_id *); +#endif /* IW_IXL_FREEBSD11 */ + +int i40iw_arp_table(struct i40iw_device *, u32 *, bool, u8 *, u32); + +#endif /* _IW_IXL_CM_H_ */ Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_cm.c =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_cm.c @@ -0,0 +1,4076 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#include "iw_ixl.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include + +static inline bool +between(u32 seq1, u32 seq2, u32 seq3) +{ + return (seq3 - seq2 >= seq1 - seq2); +} + +static void i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(struct i40iw_cm_node *); +static void i40iw_cm_post_event(struct i40iw_cm_event *event); +static void i40iw_disconnect_worker(struct work_struct *work); + +/** + * i40iw_derive_hw_ird_setting - Calculate IRD + * + * @cm_ird: IRD of connection's node + * + * The ird from the connection is rounded to a supported HW + * setting (2,8,32,64) and then encoded for ird_size field of + * qp_ctx + */ +static u8 +i40iw_derive_hw_ird_setting(u16 cm_ird) +{ + u8 encoded_ird_size; + u8 pof2_cm_ird = 1; + + /* round-off to next powerof2 */ + while (pof2_cm_ird < cm_ird) + pof2_cm_ird *= 2; + + /* ird_size field is encoded in qp_ctx */ + switch (pof2_cm_ird) { + case I40IW_HW_IRD_SETTING_64: + encoded_ird_size = 3; + break; + case I40IW_HW_IRD_SETTING_32: + case I40IW_HW_IRD_SETTING_16: + encoded_ird_size = 2; + break; + case I40IW_HW_IRD_SETTING_8: + case I40IW_HW_IRD_SETTING_4: + encoded_ird_size = 1; + break; + case I40IW_HW_IRD_SETTING_2: + default: + encoded_ird_size = 0; + break; + } + return encoded_ird_size; +} + +/** + * i40iw_record_ird_ord - Record IRD/ORD passed in + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @conn_ird: connection IRD + * @conn_ord: connection ORD + */ +static void +i40iw_record_ird_ord(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, u16 conn_ird, u16 conn_ord) +{ + if (conn_ird > I40IW_MAX_IRD_SIZE) + conn_ird = I40IW_MAX_IRD_SIZE; + + if (conn_ord > I40IW_MAX_ORD_SIZE) + conn_ord = I40IW_MAX_ORD_SIZE; + + cm_node->ird_size = conn_ird; + cm_node->ord_size = conn_ord; +} + +/** + * i40iw_free_sqbuf - put back puda buffer if refcount = 0 + * @dev: FPK device + * @buf: puda buffer to free + */ +void +i40iw_free_sqbuf(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi, void *bufp) +{ + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf = (struct i40iw_puda_buf *)bufp; + struct i40iw_puda_rsrc *ilq = vsi->ilq; + + if (!atomic_dec_return(&buf->refcount)) + i40iw_puda_ret_bufpool(ilq, buf); +} + +/** + * i40iw_copy_ip_ntohl - change network to host ip + * @dst: host ip + * @src: big endian + */ +void +i40iw_copy_ip_ntohl(u32 * dst, __be32 * src) +{ + *dst++ = ntohl(*src++); + *dst++ = ntohl(*src++); + *dst++ = ntohl(*src++); + *dst = ntohl(*src); +} + +/** + * i40iw_copy_ip_htonl - change host addr to network ip + * @dst: host ip + * @src: little endian + */ +static inline void +i40iw_copy_ip_htonl(__be32 * dst, u32 * src) +{ + *dst++ = htonl(*src++); + *dst++ = htonl(*src++); + *dst++ = htonl(*src++); + *dst = htonl(*src); +} + +/** + * i40iw_fill_sockaddr4 - get addr info for passive connection + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @event: upper layer's cm event + */ +static inline void +i40iw_fill_sockaddr4(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, struct iw_cm_event *event) +{ + struct sockaddr_in *laddr = (struct sockaddr_in *)&event->local_addr; + struct sockaddr_in *raddr = (struct sockaddr_in *)&event->remote_addr; + + laddr->sin_family = AF_INET; + raddr->sin_family = AF_INET; + + laddr->sin_port = htons(cm_node->loc_port); + raddr->sin_port = htons(cm_node->rem_port); + + laddr->sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(cm_node->loc_addr[0]); + raddr->sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(cm_node->rem_addr[0]); +} + +/** + * i40iw_fill_sockaddr6 - get ipv6 addr info for passive side + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @event: upper layer's cm event + */ +static inline void +i40iw_fill_sockaddr6(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, struct iw_cm_event *event) +{ + struct sockaddr_in6 *laddr6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&event->local_addr; + struct sockaddr_in6 *raddr6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&event->remote_addr; + + laddr6->sin6_family = AF_INET6; + raddr6->sin6_family = AF_INET6; + + laddr6->sin6_port = htons(cm_node->loc_port); + raddr6->sin6_port = htons(cm_node->rem_port); + + i40iw_copy_ip_htonl((__be32 *) & laddr6->sin6_addr, cm_node->loc_addr); + i40iw_copy_ip_htonl((__be32 *) & raddr6->sin6_addr, cm_node->rem_addr); +} + +/** + * i40iw_get_addr_info + * @cm_node: contains ip/tcp info + * @cm_info: to get a copy of the cm_node ip/tcp info + */ +static void +i40iw_get_addr_info(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, + struct i40iw_cm_info *cm_info) +{ + cm_info->ipv4 = cm_node->ipv4; + cm_info->vlan_id = cm_node->vlan_id; + memcpy(cm_info->loc_addr, cm_node->loc_addr, sizeof(cm_info->loc_addr)); + memcpy(cm_info->rem_addr, cm_node->rem_addr, sizeof(cm_info->rem_addr)); + cm_info->loc_port = cm_node->loc_port; + cm_info->rem_port = cm_node->rem_port; +} + +/** + * i40iw_get_cmevent_info - for cm event upcall + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @cm_id: upper layers cm struct for the event + * @event: upper layer's cm event + */ +static inline void +i40iw_get_cmevent_info(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, struct iw_cm_id *cm_id, + struct iw_cm_event *event) +{ + memcpy(&event->local_addr, &cm_id->local_addr, + sizeof(event->local_addr)); + memcpy(&event->remote_addr, &cm_id->remote_addr, + sizeof(event->remote_addr)); + if (cm_node) { + event->private_data = (void *)cm_node->pdata_buf; + event->private_data_len = (u8) cm_node->pdata.size; +#if __FreeBSD_version >= 1100000 + event->ird = cm_node->ird_size; + event->ord = cm_node->ord_size; +#endif /* IW_IXL_FREEBSD11 */ + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_send_cm_event - upcall cm's event handler + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @cm_id: upper layer's cm info struct + * @type: Event type to indicate + * @status: status for the event type + */ +static int +i40iw_send_cm_event(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, struct iw_cm_id *cm_id, + enum iw_cm_event_type type, int status) +{ + struct iw_cm_event event; + + memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event)); + event.event = type; + event.status = status; + switch (type) { + case IW_CM_EVENT_CONNECT_REQUEST: + if (cm_node->ipv4) + i40iw_fill_sockaddr4(cm_node, &event); + else + i40iw_fill_sockaddr6(cm_node, &event); + event.provider_data = (void *)cm_node; + event.private_data = (void *)cm_node->pdata_buf; + event.private_data_len = (u8) cm_node->pdata.size; +#if __FreeBSD_version >= 1100000 + event.ird = cm_node->ird_size; +#endif /* IW_IXL_FREEBSD11 */ + break; + case IW_CM_EVENT_CONNECT_REPLY: + i40iw_get_cmevent_info(cm_node, cm_id, &event); + break; + case IW_CM_EVENT_ESTABLISHED: +#if __FreeBSD_version >= 1100000 + event.ird = cm_node->ird_size; + event.ord = cm_node->ord_size; +#endif /* IW_IXL_FREEBSD11 */ + break; + case IW_CM_EVENT_DISCONNECT: + break; + case IW_CM_EVENT_CLOSE: + break; + default: + i40iw_pr_err("event type received type = %d\n", type); + return -1; + } + return cm_id->event_handler(cm_id, &event); +} + +/** + * i40iw_create_event - create cm event + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @type: Event type to generate + */ +static struct i40iw_cm_event * +i40iw_create_event(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, + enum i40iw_cm_event_type type) +{ + struct i40iw_cm_event *event; + + if (!cm_node->cm_id) + return NULL; + + event = kzalloc(sizeof(*event), GFP_ATOMIC); + + if (!event) + return NULL; + + event->type = type; + event->cm_node = cm_node; + memcpy(event->cm_info.rem_addr, cm_node->rem_addr, + sizeof(event->cm_info.rem_addr)); + memcpy(event->cm_info.loc_addr, cm_node->loc_addr, + sizeof(event->cm_info.loc_addr)); + event->cm_info.rem_port = cm_node->rem_port; + event->cm_info.loc_port = cm_node->loc_port; + event->cm_info.cm_id = cm_node->cm_id; + + i40iw_debug(cm_node->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "node=%p event=%p type=%u dst=%d.%d.%d.%d src=%d.%d.%d.%d\n", + cm_node, event, type, + event->cm_info.loc_addr[0] >> 24, + (event->cm_info.loc_addr[0] >> 16) & 0xFF, + (event->cm_info.loc_addr[0] >> 8) & 0xFF, + event->cm_info.loc_addr[0] & 0xFF, + event->cm_info.rem_addr[0] >> 24, + (event->cm_info.rem_addr[0] >> 16) & 0xFF, + (event->cm_info.rem_addr[0] >> 8) & 0xFF, + event->cm_info.rem_addr[0] & 0xFF); + + i40iw_cm_post_event(event); + return event; +} + +/** + * i40iw_free_retrans_entry - free send entry + * @cm_node: connection's node + */ +static void +i40iw_free_retrans_entry(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node) +{ + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = cm_node->iwdev; + struct i40iw_timer_entry *send_entry; + + send_entry = cm_node->send_entry; + if (send_entry) { + cm_node->send_entry = NULL; + i40iw_free_sqbuf(&iwdev->vsi, (void *)send_entry->sqbuf); + kfree(send_entry); + atomic_dec(&cm_node->ref_count); + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry - free send entry with lock + * @cm_node: connection's node + */ +static void +i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node) +{ + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&cm_node->retrans_list_lock, flags); + i40iw_free_retrans_entry(cm_node); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cm_node->retrans_list_lock, flags); +} + +/** + * i40iw_form_cm_frame - get a free packet and build frame + * @cm_node: connection's node ionfo to use in frame + * @options: pointer to options info + * @hdr: pointer mpa header + * @pdata: pointer to private data + * @flags: indicates FIN or ACK + */ +static struct i40iw_puda_buf * +i40iw_form_cm_frame(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, + struct i40iw_kmem_info *options, struct i40iw_kmem_info *hdr, + struct i40iw_kmem_const_info *pdata, u8 flags) +{ + struct ether_header *ethh; + struct ip *iph; + struct ip6_hdr *ip6h; + struct i40iw_puda_buf *sqbuf; + struct tcphdr *tcph; + struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi = &cm_node->iwdev->vsi; + u32 hdr_len = 0; + u32 opts_len = 0; + u32 pd_len = 0; + u16 eth_hlen = ETH_HLEN; + u16 packetsize; + u8 *buf; + + sqbuf = i40iw_puda_get_bufpool(vsi->ilq); + if (!sqbuf) + return NULL; + buf = sqbuf->; + + if (options) + opts_len = (u32) options->size; + + if (hdr) + hdr_len = hdr->size; + + if (pdata) { + pd_len = pdata->size; + } + if (cm_node->vlan_id < VLAN_TAG_PRESENT) + eth_hlen += 4; + + if (cm_node->ipv4) + packetsize = sizeof(*iph) + sizeof(*tcph); + else + packetsize = sizeof(*ip6h) + sizeof(*tcph); + packetsize += opts_len + hdr_len + pd_len; + + memset(buf, 0x00, eth_hlen + packetsize); + + sqbuf->totallen = packetsize + eth_hlen; + sqbuf->maclen = eth_hlen; + sqbuf->tcphlen = sizeof(*tcph) + opts_len; + sqbuf->scratch = (void *)cm_node; + + ethh = (struct ether_header *)buf; + buf += eth_hlen; + + if (cm_node->ipv4) { + sqbuf->ipv4 = TRUE; + + iph = (struct ip *)buf; + buf += sizeof(*iph); + tcph = (struct tcphdr *)buf; + buf += sizeof(*tcph); + + ether_addr_copy(ethh->ether_dhost, cm_node->rem_mac); + ether_addr_copy(ethh->ether_shost, cm_node->loc_mac); + if (cm_node->vlan_id < VLAN_TAG_PRESENT) { + ((struct ether_vlan_header *)ethh)->evl_encap_proto = + htons(ETH_P_8021Q); + ((struct ether_vlan_header *)ethh)->evl_tag = htons( + cm_node->vlan_id); + ((struct ether_vlan_header *)ethh)->evl_proto = htons(ETH_P_IP); + } else { + ethh->ether_type = htons(ETH_P_IP); + } + + iph->ip_v = IPVERSION; + iph->ip_hl = 5; /* 5 * 4Byte words, IP headr len */ + iph->ip_tos = cm_node->tos; + iph->ip_len = htons(packetsize); + iph->ip_id = htons(++cm_node->tcp_cntxt.loc_id); + + iph->ip_off = htons(0x4000); + iph->ip_ttl = 0x40; + iph->ip_p = IPPROTO_TCP; + iph->ip_src.s_addr = htonl(cm_node->loc_addr[0]); + iph->ip_dst.s_addr = htonl(cm_node->rem_addr[0]); + } else { + sqbuf->ipv4 = FALSE; + ip6h = (struct ip6_hdr *)buf; + buf += sizeof(*ip6h); + tcph = (struct tcphdr *)buf; + buf += sizeof(*tcph); + + ether_addr_copy(ethh->ether_dhost, cm_node->rem_mac); + ether_addr_copy(ethh->ether_shost, cm_node->loc_mac); + if (cm_node->vlan_id < VLAN_TAG_PRESENT) { + ((struct ether_vlan_header *)ethh)->evl_encap_proto = htons( + ETH_P_8021Q); + ((struct ether_vlan_header *)ethh)->evl_tag = htons( + cm_node->vlan_id); + ((struct ether_vlan_header *)ethh)->evl_proto = htons( + ETHERTYPE_IPV6); + } else { + ethh->ether_type = htons(ETHERTYPE_IPV6); + } + ip6h->ip6_flow = 0; + ip6h->ip6_vfc = IPV6_VERSION; + ip6h->ip6_plen = htons(packetsize - sizeof(*ip6h)); + ip6h->ip6_nxt = 6; + ip6h->ip6_hlim = 128; + i40iw_copy_ip_htonl((__be32 *) & ip6h->ip6_src, + cm_node->loc_addr); + i40iw_copy_ip_htonl((__be32 *) & ip6h->ip6_dst, + cm_node->rem_addr); + } + + tcph->th_sport = htons(cm_node->loc_port); + tcph->th_dport = htons(cm_node->rem_port); + + tcph->th_seq = htonl(cm_node->tcp_cntxt.loc_seq_num); + + if (flags & SET_ACK) { + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.loc_ack_num = cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_nxt; + tcph->th_ack = htonl(cm_node->tcp_cntxt.loc_ack_num); + tcph->th_flags |= TH_ACK; + } else { + tcph->th_ack = 0; + } + + if (flags & SET_SYN) { + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.loc_seq_num++; + tcph->th_flags |= TH_SYN; + } else { + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.loc_seq_num += hdr_len + pd_len; + } + + if (flags & SET_FIN) { + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.loc_seq_num++; + tcph->th_flags |= TH_FIN; + } + if (flags & SET_RST) + tcph->th_flags |= TH_RST; + + tcph->th_off = (u16) ((sizeof(*tcph) + opts_len + 3) >> 2); + sqbuf->tcphlen = tcph->th_off << 2; + tcph->th_win = htons(cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_wnd); + tcph->th_urp = 0; + + if (opts_len) { + memcpy(buf, options->addr, opts_len); + buf += opts_len; + } + if (hdr_len) { + memcpy(buf, hdr->addr, hdr_len); + buf += hdr_len; + } + if (pdata && pdata->addr) + memcpy(buf, pdata->addr, pdata->size); + + atomic_set(&sqbuf->refcount, 1); + + return sqbuf; +} + +/** + * i40iw_send_reset - Send RST packet + * @cm_node: connection's node + */ +static int +i40iw_send_reset(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node) +{ + struct i40iw_puda_buf *sqbuf; + int flags = SET_RST | SET_ACK; + + sqbuf = i40iw_form_cm_frame(cm_node, NULL, NULL, NULL, flags); + if (!sqbuf) { + i40iw_pr_err("no sqbuf\n"); + return -1; + } + return i40iw_schedule_cm_timer(cm_node, sqbuf, I40IW_TIMER_TYPE_SEND, + 0, 1); +} + +/** + * i40iw_active_open_err - send event for active side cm error + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @reset: Flag to send reset or not + */ +static void +i40iw_active_open_err(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, bool reset) +{ + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + cm_node->cm_core->stats_connect_errs++; + if (reset) { + i40iw_debug(cm_node->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, "%s cm_node=%p state=%d\n", + __func__, cm_node, cm_node->state); + atomic_inc(&cm_node->ref_count); + i40iw_send_reset(cm_node); + } + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSED; + i40iw_create_event(cm_node, I40IW_CM_EVENT_ABORTED); +} + +/** + * i40iw_passive_open_err - handle passive side cm error + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @reset: send reset or just free cm_node + */ +static void +i40iw_passive_open_err(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, bool reset) +{ + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + cm_node->cm_core->stats_passive_errs++; + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSED; + i40iw_debug(cm_node->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, "%s cm_node=%p state =%d\n", + __func__, cm_node, cm_node->state); + if (reset) + i40iw_send_reset(cm_node); + else + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); +} + +/** + * i40iw_event_connect_error - to create connect error event + * @event: cm information for connect event + */ +static void +i40iw_event_connect_error(struct i40iw_cm_event *event) +{ + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp; + struct iw_cm_id *cm_id; + + cm_id = event->cm_node->cm_id; + if (!cm_id) + return; + + iwqp = cm_id->provider_data; + + if (!iwqp || !iwqp->iwdev) + return; + + iwqp->cm_id = NULL; + cm_id->provider_data = NULL; + i40iw_send_cm_event(event->cm_node, cm_id, + IW_CM_EVENT_CONNECT_REPLY, + -ECONNRESET); + cm_id->rem_ref(cm_id); + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(event->cm_node); +} + +/** + * i40iw_process_options + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @optionsloc: point to start of options + * @optionsize: size of all options + * @syn_packet: flag if syn packet + */ +static int +i40iw_process_options(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, u8 * optionsloc, + u32 optionsize, u32 syn_packet) +{ + union all_known_options *all_options; + u32 offset = 0; + u32 tmp; + char got_mss_option = 0; + + while (offset < optionsize) { + all_options = (union all_known_options *)(optionsloc + offset); + switch (all_options->as_base.optionnum) { + case OPTION_NUMBER_END: + offset = optionsize; + break; + case OPTION_NUMBER_NONE: + offset += 1; + continue; + case OPTION_NUMBER_MSS: + i40iw_debug(cm_node->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "%s: MSS Length: %d Offset: %d Size: %d\n", __func__, + all_options->as_mss.length, offset, optionsize); + got_mss_option = 1; + if (all_options->as_mss.length != 4) + return -1; + tmp = ntohs(all_options->as_mss.mss); + if (tmp > 0 && tmp < cm_node->tcp_cntxt.mss) + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.mss = tmp; + break; + case OPTION_NUMBER_WINDOW_SCALE: + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.snd_wscale = + all_options->as_windowscale.shiftcount; + break; + default: + i40iw_debug(cm_node->dev, + I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "TCP Option not understood: %x\n", + all_options->as_base.optionnum); + break; + } + offset += all_options->as_base.length; + } + if (!got_mss_option && syn_packet) + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.mss = I40IW_CM_DEFAULT_MSS; + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_handle_tcp_options - + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @tcph: pointer tcp header + * @optionsize: size of options rcvd + * @passive: active or passive flag + */ +static int +i40iw_handle_tcp_options(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, struct tcphdr *tcph, + int optionsize, int passive) +{ + u8 *optionsloc = (u8 *) & tcph[1]; + + if (optionsize) { + if (i40iw_process_options(cm_node, optionsloc, optionsize, + (u32) (tcph->th_flags & TH_SYN))) { + i40iw_debug(cm_node->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "%s: Node %p, Sending RESET\n", __func__, cm_node); + if (passive) + i40iw_passive_open_err(cm_node, TRUE); + else + i40iw_active_open_err(cm_node, TRUE); + return -1; + } + } + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.snd_wnd = ntohs(tcph->th_win) << + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.snd_wscale; + + if (cm_node->tcp_cntxt.snd_wnd > cm_node->tcp_cntxt.max_snd_wnd) + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.max_snd_wnd = cm_node->tcp_cntxt.snd_wnd; + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_build_mpa_v1 - build a MPA V1 frame + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @mpa_key: to do read0 or write0 + */ +static void +i40iw_build_mpa_v1(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, void *start_addr, u8 mpa_key) +{ + struct ietf_mpa_v1 *mpa_frame = (struct ietf_mpa_v1 *)start_addr; + + switch (mpa_key) { + case MPA_KEY_REQUEST: + memcpy(mpa_frame->key, IEFT_MPA_KEY_REQ, IETF_MPA_KEY_SIZE); + break; + case MPA_KEY_REPLY: + memcpy(mpa_frame->key, IEFT_MPA_KEY_REP, IETF_MPA_KEY_SIZE); + break; + default: + break; + } + mpa_frame->flags = IETF_MPA_FLAGS_CRC; + mpa_frame->rev = cm_node->mpa_frame_rev; + mpa_frame->priv_data_len = htons(cm_node->pdata.size); +} + +/** + * i40iw_build_mpa_v2 - build a MPA V2 frame + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @start_addr: buffer start address + * @mpa_key: to do read0 or write0 + */ +static void +i40iw_build_mpa_v2(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, void *start_addr, u8 mpa_key) +{ + struct ietf_mpa_v2 *mpa_frame = (struct ietf_mpa_v2 *)start_addr; + struct ietf_rtr_msg *rtr_msg = &mpa_frame->rtr_msg; + u16 ctrl_ird, ctrl_ord; + + /* initialize the upper 5 bytes of the frame */ + i40iw_build_mpa_v1(cm_node, start_addr, mpa_key); + mpa_frame->flags |= IETF_MPA_V2_FLAG; + mpa_frame->priv_data_len += htons(IETF_RTR_MSG_SIZE); + + /* initialize RTR msg */ + if (cm_node->mpav2_ird_ord == IETF_NO_IRD_ORD) { + ctrl_ird = IETF_NO_IRD_ORD; + ctrl_ord = IETF_NO_IRD_ORD; + } else { + ctrl_ird = (cm_node->ird_size > IETF_NO_IRD_ORD) ? + IETF_NO_IRD_ORD : cm_node->ird_size; + ctrl_ord = (cm_node->ord_size > IETF_NO_IRD_ORD) ? + IETF_NO_IRD_ORD : cm_node->ord_size; + } + + ctrl_ird |= IETF_PEER_TO_PEER; + + switch (mpa_key) { + case MPA_KEY_REQUEST: + ctrl_ord |= IETF_RDMA0_WRITE; + ctrl_ord |= IETF_RDMA0_READ; + break; + case MPA_KEY_REPLY: + switch (cm_node->send_rdma0_op) { + case SEND_RDMA_WRITE_ZERO: + ctrl_ord |= IETF_RDMA0_WRITE; + break; + case SEND_RDMA_READ_ZERO: + ctrl_ord |= IETF_RDMA0_READ; + break; + } + break; + default: + break; + } + rtr_msg->ctrl_ird = htons(ctrl_ird); + rtr_msg->ctrl_ord = htons(ctrl_ord); +} + +/** + * i40iw_cm_build_mpa_frame - build mpa frame for mpa version 1 or version 2 + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @mpa: mpa: data buffer + * @mpa_key: to do read0 or write0 + */ +static int +i40iw_cm_build_mpa_frame(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, + struct i40iw_kmem_info *mpa, u8 mpa_key) +{ + int hdr_len = 0; + + switch (cm_node->mpa_frame_rev) { + case IETF_MPA_V1: + hdr_len = sizeof(struct ietf_mpa_v1); + i40iw_build_mpa_v1(cm_node, mpa->addr, mpa_key); + break; + case IETF_MPA_V2: + hdr_len = sizeof(struct ietf_mpa_v2); + i40iw_build_mpa_v2(cm_node, mpa->addr, mpa_key); + break; + default: + break; + } + + return hdr_len; +} + +/** + * i40iw_send_mpa_request - active node send mpa request to passive node + * @cm_node: connection's node + */ +static int +i40iw_send_mpa_request(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node) +{ + struct i40iw_puda_buf *sqbuf; + + if (!cm_node) { + i40iw_pr_err("cm_node == NULL\n"); + return -1; + } + cm_node->mpa_hdr.addr = &cm_node->mpa_frame; + cm_node->mpa_hdr.size = i40iw_cm_build_mpa_frame(cm_node, + &cm_node->mpa_hdr, MPA_KEY_REQUEST); + if (!cm_node->mpa_hdr.size) { + i40iw_pr_err("mpa size = %d\n", cm_node->mpa_hdr.size); + return -1; + } + sqbuf = i40iw_form_cm_frame(cm_node, + NULL, + &cm_node->mpa_hdr, + (struct i40iw_kmem_const_info *)&cm_node->pdata, + SET_ACK); + if (!sqbuf) { + i40iw_pr_err("sq_buf == NULL\n"); + return -1; + } + return i40iw_schedule_cm_timer(cm_node, sqbuf, I40IW_TIMER_TYPE_SEND, 1, 0); +} + +/** + * i40iw_send_mpa_reject - + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @pdata: reject data for connection + * @plen: length of reject data + */ +static int +i40iw_send_mpa_reject(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, const void *pdata, + u8 plen) +{ + struct i40iw_puda_buf *sqbuf; + struct i40iw_kmem_const_info priv_info; + + cm_node->mpa_hdr.addr = &cm_node->mpa_frame; + cm_node->mpa_hdr.size = i40iw_cm_build_mpa_frame(cm_node, + &cm_node->mpa_hdr, + MPA_KEY_REPLY); + + cm_node->mpa_frame.flags |= IETF_MPA_FLAGS_REJECT; + priv_info.addr = pdata; + priv_info.size = plen; + + sqbuf = i40iw_form_cm_frame(cm_node, + NULL, + &cm_node->mpa_hdr, + &priv_info, + SET_ACK | SET_FIN); + if (!sqbuf) { + i40iw_pr_err("no sqbuf\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_FIN_WAIT1; + return i40iw_schedule_cm_timer(cm_node, sqbuf, I40IW_TIMER_TYPE_SEND, 1, 0); +} + +/** + * recv_mpa - process an IETF MPA frame + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @buffer: Data pointer + * @type: to return accept or reject + * @len: Len of mpa buffer + */ +static int +i40iw_parse_mpa(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, u8 * buffer, u32 * type, u32 len) +{ + struct ietf_mpa_v1 *mpa_frame; + struct ietf_mpa_v2 *mpa_v2_frame; + struct ietf_rtr_msg *rtr_msg; + int mpa_hdr_len; + int priv_data_len; + + *type = I40IW_MPA_REQUEST_ACCEPT; + + if (len < sizeof(struct ietf_mpa_v1)) { + i40iw_pr_err("ietf buffer small (%x)\n", len); + return -1; + } + mpa_frame = (struct ietf_mpa_v1 *)buffer; + mpa_hdr_len = sizeof(struct ietf_mpa_v1); + priv_data_len = ntohs(mpa_frame->priv_data_len); + + if (priv_data_len > IETF_MAX_PRIV_DATA_LEN) { + i40iw_pr_err("large pri_data %d\n", priv_data_len); + return -1; + } + if (mpa_frame->rev != IETF_MPA_V1 && mpa_frame->rev != IETF_MPA_V2) { + i40iw_pr_err("unsupported mpa rev = %d\n", mpa_frame->rev); + return -1; + } + if (mpa_frame->rev > cm_node->mpa_frame_rev) { + i40iw_pr_err("rev %d\n", mpa_frame->rev); + return -1; + } + cm_node->mpa_frame_rev = mpa_frame->rev; + + if (cm_node->state != I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_SENT) { + if (memcmp(mpa_frame->key, IEFT_MPA_KEY_REQ, IETF_MPA_KEY_SIZE)) { + i40iw_pr_err("Unexpected MPA Key received\n"); + return -1; + } + } else { + if (memcmp(mpa_frame->key, IEFT_MPA_KEY_REP, IETF_MPA_KEY_SIZE)) { + i40iw_pr_err("Unexpected MPA Key received\n"); + return -1; + } + } + + if (priv_data_len + mpa_hdr_len > len) { + i40iw_pr_err("ietf buffer len(%x + %x != %x)\n", + priv_data_len, mpa_hdr_len, len); + return -1; + } + if (len > MAX_CM_BUFFER) { + i40iw_pr_err("ietf buffer large len = %d\n", len); + return -1; + } + switch (mpa_frame->rev) { + case IETF_MPA_V2:{ + u16 ird_size; + u16 ord_size; + u16 ctrl_ord; + u16 ctrl_ird; + + mpa_v2_frame = (struct ietf_mpa_v2 *)buffer; + mpa_hdr_len += IETF_RTR_MSG_SIZE; + rtr_msg = &mpa_v2_frame->rtr_msg; + + /* parse rtr message */ + ctrl_ord = ntohs(rtr_msg->ctrl_ord); + ctrl_ird = ntohs(rtr_msg->ctrl_ird); + ird_size = ctrl_ird & IETF_NO_IRD_ORD; + ord_size = ctrl_ord & IETF_NO_IRD_ORD; + + if (!(ctrl_ird & IETF_PEER_TO_PEER)) + return -1; + + if (ird_size == IETF_NO_IRD_ORD || ord_size == IETF_NO_IRD_ORD) { + cm_node->mpav2_ird_ord = IETF_NO_IRD_ORD; + goto negotiate_done; + } + if (cm_node->state != I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_SENT) { + /* responder */ + if (!ord_size && (ctrl_ord & IETF_RDMA0_READ)) + cm_node->ird_size = 1; + if (cm_node->ord_size > ird_size) + cm_node->ord_size = ird_size; + } else { + /* initiator */ + if (!ird_size && (ctrl_ord & IETF_RDMA0_READ)) + return -1; + if (cm_node->ord_size > ird_size) + cm_node->ord_size = ird_size; + + if (cm_node->ird_size < ord_size) + /* no resources available */ + return -1; + } + + negotiate_done: + if (ctrl_ord & IETF_RDMA0_READ) + cm_node->send_rdma0_op = SEND_RDMA_READ_ZERO; + else if (ctrl_ord & IETF_RDMA0_WRITE) + cm_node->send_rdma0_op = SEND_RDMA_WRITE_ZERO; + else /* Not supported RDMA0 operation */ + return -1; + i40iw_debug(cm_node->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "MPAV2: Negotiated ORD: %d, IRD: %d\n", + cm_node->ord_size, cm_node->ird_size); + break; + } + break; + case IETF_MPA_V1: + default: + break; + } + + memcpy(cm_node->pdata_buf, buffer + mpa_hdr_len, priv_data_len); + cm_node->pdata.size = priv_data_len; + + if (mpa_frame->flags & IETF_MPA_FLAGS_REJECT) + *type = I40IW_MPA_REQUEST_REJECT; + + if (mpa_frame->flags & IETF_MPA_FLAGS_MARKERS) + cm_node->snd_mark_en = TRUE; + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_schedule_cm_timer + * @@cm_node: connection's node + * @sqbuf: buffer to send + * @type: if it es send ot close + * @send_retrans: if rexmits to be done + * @close_when_complete: is cm_node to be removed + * + * note - cm_node needs to be protected before calling this. Encase in: + * i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_core, cm_node); + * i40iw_schedule_cm_timer(...) + * atomic_inc(&cm_node->ref_count); + */ +int +i40iw_schedule_cm_timer(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *sqbuf, enum i40iw_timer_type type, int send_retrans, + int close_when_complete) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi = &cm_node->iwdev->vsi; + struct i40iw_cm_core *cm_core = cm_node->cm_core; + struct i40iw_timer_entry *new_send; + int ret = 0; + u32 was_timer_set; + unsigned long flags; + + new_send = kzalloc(sizeof(*new_send), GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!new_send) { + i40iw_free_sqbuf(vsi, (void *)sqbuf); + return -ENOMEM; + } + new_send->retrycount = I40IW_DEFAULT_RETRYS; + new_send->retranscount = I40IW_DEFAULT_RETRANS; + new_send->sqbuf = sqbuf; + new_send->timetosend = jiffies; + new_send->type = type; + new_send->send_retrans = send_retrans; + new_send->close_when_complete = close_when_complete; + + if (type == I40IW_TIMER_TYPE_CLOSE) { + new_send->timetosend += (HZ / 10); + if (cm_node->close_entry) { + kfree(new_send); + i40iw_free_sqbuf(vsi, (void *)sqbuf); + i40iw_pr_err("already close entry\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + cm_node->close_entry = new_send; + } + if (type == I40IW_TIMER_TYPE_SEND) { + spin_lock_irqsave(&cm_node->retrans_list_lock, flags); + cm_node->send_entry = new_send; + atomic_inc(&cm_node->ref_count); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cm_node->retrans_list_lock, flags); + new_send->timetosend = jiffies + I40IW_RETRY_TIMEOUT; + + atomic_inc(&sqbuf->refcount); + i40iw_puda_send_buf(vsi->ilq, sqbuf); + if (!send_retrans) { + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + if (close_when_complete) + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + return ret; + } + } + spin_lock_irqsave(&cm_core->ht_lock, flags); + was_timer_set = timer_pending(&cm_core->tcp_timer); + + if (!was_timer_set) { + cm_core->tcp_timer.expires = new_send->timetosend; + add_timer(&cm_core->tcp_timer); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cm_core->ht_lock, flags); + + return ret; +} + +/** + * i40iw_retrans_expired - Could not rexmit the packet + * @cm_node: connection's node + */ +static void +i40iw_retrans_expired(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node) +{ + struct iw_cm_id *cm_id = cm_node->cm_id; + enum i40iw_cm_node_state state = cm_node->state; + + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSED; + switch (state) { + case I40IW_CM_STATE_SYN_RCVD: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSING: + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_FIN_WAIT1: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_LAST_ACK: + if (cm_node->cm_id) + cm_id->rem_ref(cm_id); + i40iw_send_reset(cm_node); + break; + default: + atomic_inc(&cm_node->ref_count); + i40iw_send_reset(cm_node); + i40iw_create_event(cm_node, I40IW_CM_EVENT_ABORTED); + break; + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_handle_close_entry - for handling retry/timeouts + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @rem_node: flag for remove cm_node + */ +static void +i40iw_handle_close_entry(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, u32 rem_node) +{ + struct i40iw_timer_entry *close_entry = cm_node->close_entry; + struct iw_cm_id *cm_id = cm_node->cm_id; + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp; + unsigned long flags; + + if (!close_entry) + return; + iwqp = (struct i40iw_qp *)close_entry->sqbuf; + if (iwqp) { + spin_lock_irqsave(&iwqp->lock, flags); + if (iwqp->cm_id) { + iwqp->hw_tcp_state = I40IW_TCP_STATE_CLOSED; + iwqp->hw_iwarp_state = I40IW_QP_STATE_ERROR; + iwqp->last_aeq = I40IW_AE_RESET_SENT; + iwqp->ibqp_state = IB_QPS_ERR; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwqp->lock, flags); + i40iw_cm_disconn(iwqp); + } else { + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwqp->lock, flags); + } + } else if (rem_node) { + /* TIME_WAIT state */ + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + } + if (cm_id) + cm_id->rem_ref(cm_id); + kfree(close_entry); + cm_node->close_entry = NULL; +} + +/** + * i40iw_cm_timer_tick - system's timer expired callback + * @pass: Pointing to cm_core + */ +static void +i40iw_cm_timer_tick(unsigned long pass) +{ + struct i40iw_cm_core *cm_core = (struct i40iw_cm_core *)pass; + struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node; + struct i40iw_timer_entry *send_entry, *close_entry; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + struct list_head *list_core_temp; + struct list_head *list_node; + struct list_head timer_list; + struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi; + unsigned long nexttimeout = jiffies + I40IW_LONG_TIME; + unsigned long timetosend; + unsigned long flags; + u32 settimer = 0; + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&timer_list); + spin_lock_irqsave(&cm_core->ht_lock, flags); + + list_for_each_safe(list_node, list_core_temp, &cm_core->connected_nodes) { + cm_node = container_of(list_node, struct i40iw_cm_node, list); + if (cm_node->close_entry || cm_node->send_entry) { + atomic_inc(&cm_node->ref_count); + list_add(&cm_node->timer_entry, &timer_list); + } + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cm_core->ht_lock, flags); + + list_for_each_safe(list_node, list_core_temp, &timer_list) { + cm_node = container_of(list_node, struct i40iw_cm_node, timer_entry); + close_entry = cm_node->close_entry; + + if (close_entry) { + if (time_after(close_entry->timetosend, jiffies)) { + if (nexttimeout > close_entry->timetosend || + !settimer) { + nexttimeout = close_entry->timetosend; + settimer = 1; + } + } else { + i40iw_handle_close_entry(cm_node, 1); + } + } + spin_lock_irqsave(&cm_node->retrans_list_lock, flags); + + send_entry = cm_node->send_entry; + if (!send_entry) + goto done; + if (time_after(send_entry->timetosend, jiffies)) { + if (cm_node->state != I40IW_CM_STATE_OFFLOADED) { + if ((nexttimeout > send_entry->timetosend) || + !settimer) { + nexttimeout = send_entry->timetosend; + settimer = 1; + } + } else { + i40iw_free_retrans_entry(cm_node); + } + goto done; + } + if ((cm_node->state == I40IW_CM_STATE_OFFLOADED) || + (cm_node->state == I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSED)) { + i40iw_free_retrans_entry(cm_node); + goto done; + } + if (!send_entry->retranscount || !send_entry->retrycount) { + i40iw_free_retrans_entry(cm_node); + + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cm_node->retrans_list_lock, flags); + + i40iw_retrans_expired(cm_node); + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSED; + spin_lock_irqsave(&cm_node->retrans_list_lock, flags); + goto done; + } + cm_node->cm_core->stats_pkt_retrans++; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cm_node->retrans_list_lock, flags); + + vsi = &cm_node->iwdev->vsi; + dev = cm_node->dev; + atomic_inc(&send_entry->sqbuf->refcount); + i40iw_puda_send_buf(vsi->ilq, send_entry->sqbuf); + spin_lock_irqsave(&cm_node->retrans_list_lock, flags); + if (send_entry->send_retrans) { + send_entry->retranscount--; + timetosend = (I40IW_RETRY_TIMEOUT << + (I40IW_DEFAULT_RETRANS - + send_entry->retranscount)); + + send_entry->timetosend = jiffies + + min(timetosend, I40IW_MAX_TIMEOUT); + if (nexttimeout > send_entry->timetosend || !settimer) { + nexttimeout = send_entry->timetosend; + settimer = 1; + } + } else { + int close_when_complete; + + close_when_complete = send_entry->close_when_complete; + i40iw_debug(cm_node->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, "cm_node=%p state=%d\n", + cm_node, cm_node->state); + i40iw_free_retrans_entry(cm_node); + if (close_when_complete) + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + } +done: + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cm_node->retrans_list_lock, flags); + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + } + + if (settimer) { + spin_lock_irqsave(&cm_core->ht_lock, flags); + if (!timer_pending(&cm_core->tcp_timer)) { + cm_core->tcp_timer.expires = nexttimeout; + add_timer(&cm_core->tcp_timer); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cm_core->ht_lock, flags); + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_send_syn - send SYN packet + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @sendack: flag to set ACK bit or not + */ +int +i40iw_send_syn(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, u32 sendack) +{ + struct i40iw_kmem_info opts; + struct i40iw_puda_buf *sqbuf; + union all_known_options *options; /* Sending MSS option */ + int flags = SET_SYN; + int optionssize = 0; + char optionsbuffer[sizeof(struct option_mss) + + sizeof(struct option_windowscale) + + sizeof(struct option_base) + TCP_OPTIONS_PADDING]; + + opts.addr = optionsbuffer; + if (!cm_node) { + i40iw_pr_err("no cm_node\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + options = (union all_known_options *)&optionsbuffer[optionssize]; + options->as_mss.optionnum = OPTION_NUMBER_MSS; + options->as_mss.length = sizeof(struct option_mss); + options->as_mss.mss = htons(cm_node->tcp_cntxt.mss); + optionssize += sizeof(struct option_mss); + + options = (union all_known_options *)&optionsbuffer[optionssize]; + options->as_windowscale.optionnum = OPTION_NUMBER_WINDOW_SCALE; + options->as_windowscale.length = sizeof(struct option_windowscale); + options->as_windowscale.shiftcount = cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_wscale; + optionssize += sizeof(struct option_windowscale); + options = (union all_known_options *)&optionsbuffer[optionssize]; + options->as_end = OPTION_NUMBER_END; + optionssize += 1; + + if (sendack) + flags |= SET_ACK; + + opts.size = optionssize; + + sqbuf = i40iw_form_cm_frame(cm_node, &opts, NULL, NULL, flags); + if (!sqbuf) { + i40iw_pr_err("no sqbuf\n"); + return -1; + } + return i40iw_schedule_cm_timer(cm_node, sqbuf, I40IW_TIMER_TYPE_SEND, 1, + 0); +} + +/** + * i40iw_send_ack - Send ACK packet + * @cm_node: connection's node + */ +static void +i40iw_send_ack(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node) +{ + struct i40iw_puda_buf *sqbuf; + struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi = &cm_node->iwdev->vsi; + + sqbuf = i40iw_form_cm_frame(cm_node, NULL, NULL, NULL, SET_ACK); + if (sqbuf) + i40iw_puda_send_buf(vsi->ilq, sqbuf); + else + i40iw_pr_err("no sqbuf\n"); +} + +/** + * i40iw_send_fin - Send FIN pkt + * @cm_node: connection's node + */ +static int +i40iw_send_fin(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node) +{ + struct i40iw_puda_buf *sqbuf; + + sqbuf = i40iw_form_cm_frame(cm_node, NULL, NULL, NULL, SET_ACK | SET_FIN); + if (!sqbuf) { + i40iw_pr_err("no sqbuf\n"); + return -1; + } + return i40iw_schedule_cm_timer(cm_node, sqbuf, I40IW_TIMER_TYPE_SEND, 1, + 0); +} + +/** + * i40iw_find_node - find a cm node that matches the reference cm node + * @cm_core: cm's core + * @rem_port: remote tcp port num + * @rem_addr: remote ip addr + * @loc_port: local tcp port num + * @loc_addr: loc ip addr + * @add_refcnt: flag to increment refcount of cm_node + */ +struct i40iw_cm_node * +i40iw_find_node(struct i40iw_cm_core *cm_core, u16 rem_port, u32 * rem_addr, + u16 loc_port, u32 * loc_addr, bool add_refcnt) +{ + struct list_head *hte; + struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node; + unsigned long flags; + + hte = &cm_core->connected_nodes; + + /* walk list and find cm_node associated with this session ID */ + spin_lock_irqsave(&cm_core->ht_lock, flags); + list_for_each_entry(cm_node, hte, list) { + if (!memcmp(cm_node->loc_addr, loc_addr, sizeof(cm_node->loc_addr)) && + (cm_node->loc_port == loc_port) && + !memcmp(cm_node->rem_addr, rem_addr, sizeof(cm_node->rem_addr)) && + (cm_node->rem_port == rem_port)) { + if (add_refcnt) + atomic_inc(&cm_node->ref_count); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cm_core->ht_lock, flags); + return cm_node; + } + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cm_core->ht_lock, flags); + + /* no owner node */ + return NULL; +} + +static struct i40iw_cm_listener * +i40iw_find_listener(struct i40iw_cm_core *cm_core, u32 * dst_addr, u16 dst_port, + u16 vlan_id, enum i40iw_cm_listener_state listener_state) +{ + struct i40iw_cm_listener *listen_node; + static const u32 ip_zero[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; + unsigned long flags; + u32 listen_addr[4]; + u16 listen_port; + + /* walk list and find cm_node associated with this session ID */ + spin_lock_irqsave(&cm_core->listen_list_lock, flags); + list_for_each_entry(listen_node, &cm_core->listen_nodes, list) { + memcpy(listen_addr, listen_node->loc_addr, sizeof(listen_addr)); + listen_port = listen_node->loc_port; + /* compare node pair, return node handle if a match */ + if ((!memcmp(listen_addr, dst_addr, sizeof(listen_addr)) || + !memcmp(listen_addr, ip_zero, sizeof(listen_addr))) && + (listen_port == dst_port) && + (listener_state & listen_node->listener_state)) { + atomic_inc(&listen_node->ref_count); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cm_core->listen_list_lock, flags); + return listen_node; + } + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cm_core->listen_list_lock, flags); + return NULL; +} + +/** + * i40iw_add_hte_node - add a cm node to the hash table + * @cm_core: cm's core + * @cm_node: connection's node + */ +static void +i40iw_add_hte_node(struct i40iw_cm_core *cm_core, + struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node) +{ + struct list_head *hte; + unsigned long flags; + + if (!cm_node || !cm_core) { + i40iw_pr_err("cm_node or cm_core == NULL\n"); + return; + } + spin_lock_irqsave(&cm_core->ht_lock, flags); + + /* get a handle on the hash table element (list head for this slot) */ + hte = &cm_core->connected_nodes; + list_add_tail(&cm_node->list, hte); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cm_core->ht_lock, flags); +} + +/** + * i40iw_port_in_use - determine if port is in use + * @port: port number + * @active_side: flag for listener side vs active side + */ +static bool +i40iw_port_in_use(struct i40iw_cm_core *cm_core, u16 port, bool active_side) +{ + struct i40iw_cm_listener *listen_node; + struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node; + unsigned long flags; + bool ret = FALSE; + + if (!active_side) { + spin_lock_irqsave(&cm_core->listen_list_lock, flags); + list_for_each_entry(listen_node, &cm_core->listen_nodes, list) { + if (listen_node->loc_port == port) { + ret = TRUE; + break; + } + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cm_core->listen_list_lock, flags); + } else { /* search connected node list */ + spin_lock_irqsave(&cm_core->ht_lock, flags); + list_for_each_entry(cm_node, &cm_core->connected_nodes, list) { + if (cm_node->loc_port == port) { + ret = TRUE; + break; + } + } + if (!ret) + clear_bit(port, cm_core->active_side_ports); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cm_core->ht_lock, flags); + } + + return ret; +} + +/** + * i40iw_del_multiple_qhash - Remove qhash and child listens + * @iwdev: iWarp device + * @cm_info: CM info for parent listen node + * @cm_parent_listen_node: The parent listen node + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_del_multiple_qhash(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, + struct i40iw_cm_info *cm_info, + struct i40iw_cm_listener *cm_parent_listen_node) +{ + struct i40iw_cm_listener *child_listen_node; + struct list_head *pos, *tpos; + unsigned long flags; + char ip6buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; + enum i40iw_status_code ret = I40IW_ERR_CONFIG; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&iwdev->cm_core.listen_list_lock, flags); + list_for_each_safe(pos, tpos, &cm_parent_listen_node->child_listen_list) { + child_listen_node = list_entry(pos, struct i40iw_cm_listener, + child_listen_list); + if (child_listen_node->ipv4) + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "removing child listen for IP=%d.%d.%d.%d, port=%d, vlan=%d\n", + child_listen_node->loc_addr[0] >> 24, + (child_listen_node->loc_addr[0] >> 16) & 0xFF, + (child_listen_node->loc_addr[0] >> 8) & 0xFF, + child_listen_node->loc_addr[0] & 0xFF, + child_listen_node->loc_port, + child_listen_node->vlan_id); + else + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "removing child listen for IP=%s, port=%d, vlan=%d\n", + ip6_sprintf(ip6buf, + (const struct in6_addr *)child_listen_node->loc_addr), + child_listen_node->loc_port, + child_listen_node->vlan_id); + list_del(pos); + memcpy(cm_info->loc_addr, child_listen_node->loc_addr, + sizeof(cm_info->loc_addr)); + cm_info->vlan_id = child_listen_node->vlan_id; + if (child_listen_node->qhash_set) { + ret = i40iw_manage_qhash(iwdev, cm_info, + I40IW_QHASH_TYPE_TCP_SYN, + I40IW_QHASH_MANAGE_TYPE_DELETE, + NULL, FALSE); + child_listen_node->qhash_set = FALSE; + } else { + ret = I40IW_SUCCESS; + } + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, "freed pointer = %p\n", + child_listen_node); + kfree(child_listen_node); + cm_parent_listen_node->cm_core->stats_listen_nodes_destroyed++; + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwdev->cm_core.listen_list_lock, flags); + + return ret; +} + +/** + * i40iw_netdev_vlan_ipv6 - Gets the netdev and mac + * @addr: local IPv6 address + * @vlan_id: vlan id for the given IPv6 address + * @mac: mac address for the given IPv6 address + * + * Sets the vlan id and mac for that address. + */ +static void +i40iw_get_vlan_ipv6(u32 * addr, u16 * vlan_id, u8 * mac) +{ + struct sockaddr_in6 sin6; + struct ifaddr *ifa; + struct ifnet *ifp; + + if (vlan_id) + *vlan_id = I40IW_NO_VLAN; + if (mac) + memset(mac, 0, ETH_ALEN); + + memset(&sin6, 0, sizeof(sin6)); + ipv6_addr_copy(&sin6.sin6_addr, addr); + sin6.sin6_port = 0; + sin6.sin6_len = sizeof(sin6); + sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; + ifa = ifa_ifwithaddr((struct sockaddr *)&sin6); + if (ifa) { + ifp = ifa->ifa_ifp; + if (vlan_id) + if (VLAN_TAG(ifp, vlan_id) != 0) + *vlan_id = I40IW_NO_VLAN; + if (mac) + ether_addr_copy(mac, IF_LLADDR(ifp)); + ifa_free(ifa); + } + return; +} + +/** + * i40iw_get_vlan_ipv4 - Returns the vlan_id for IPv4 address + * @addr: local IPv4 address + */ +static u16 +i40iw_get_vlan_ipv4(u32 * addr) +{ + struct net_device *netdev; + u16 vlan_id = I40IW_NO_VLAN; + + netdev = ip_dev_find(&init_net, htonl(addr[0])); + if (netdev) { + vlan_id = rdma_vlan_dev_vlan_id(netdev); + dev_put(netdev); + } + return vlan_id; +} + +/** + * i40iw_add_mqh_6 - Adds multiple qhashes for IPv6 + * @iwdev: iWarp device + * @cm_info: CM info for parent listen node + * @cm_parent_listen_node: The parent listen node + * + * Adds a qhash and a child listen node for every IPv6 address + * on the adapter and adds the associated qhash filter + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_add_mqh_6(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, struct i40iw_cm_info *cm_info, + struct i40iw_cm_listener *cm_parent_listen_node) +{ + struct i40iw_cm_listener *child_listen_node; + struct ifnet *ifp; + struct ifaddr *ifa; + struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6; + unsigned long flags; + char ip6buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; + u8 *mac_addr; + enum i40iw_status_code ret = 0; + + IFNET_RLOCK(); + TAILQ_FOREACH(ifp, &V_ifnet, if_link) { + if ((((rdma_vlan_dev_vlan_id(ifp) < I40IW_NO_VLAN) && + (rdma_vlan_dev_real_dev(ifp) == iwdev->ifp)) || + (ifp == iwdev->ifp)) && (ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP)) { + if_addr_rlock(ifp); + TAILQ_FOREACH(ifa, &ifp->if_addrhead, ifa_link) { + sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)ifa->ifa_addr; + if (sin6->sin6_family != AF_INET6) + continue; + mac_addr = IF_LLADDR(ifp); + + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "Allocating child CM Listener for " + "IP=%s, vlan_id=%d, " + "MAC=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", + ip6_sprintf(ip6buf, &sin6->sin6_addr), + rdma_vlan_dev_vlan_id(ifp), + mac_addr[0], mac_addr[1], mac_addr[2], + mac_addr[3], mac_addr[4], mac_addr[5]); + + child_listen_node = + kzalloc(sizeof(*child_listen_node), GFP_ATOMIC); + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "Allocating child listener %p\n", child_listen_node); + if (!child_listen_node) { + i40iw_pr_err("listener memory allocation\n"); + if_addr_runlock(ifp); + ret = I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + goto exit; + } + cm_info->vlan_id = rdma_vlan_dev_vlan_id(ifp); + cm_parent_listen_node->vlan_id = cm_info->vlan_id; + + memcpy(child_listen_node, cm_parent_listen_node, + sizeof(*child_listen_node)); + + i40iw_copy_ip_ntohl(child_listen_node->loc_addr, + (__be32 *) & sin6->sin6_addr); + memcpy(cm_info->loc_addr, child_listen_node->loc_addr, + sizeof(cm_info->loc_addr)); + + ret = i40iw_manage_qhash(iwdev, cm_info, + I40IW_QHASH_TYPE_TCP_SYN, + I40IW_QHASH_MANAGE_TYPE_ADD, + NULL, TRUE); + if (!ret) { + child_listen_node->qhash_set = TRUE; + spin_lock_irqsave(&iwdev->cm_core.listen_list_lock, flags); + list_add(&child_listen_node->child_listen_list, + &cm_parent_listen_node->child_listen_list); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwdev->cm_core.listen_list_lock, + flags); + cm_parent_listen_node->cm_core->stats_listen_nodes_created++; + } else { + kfree(child_listen_node); + } + } + if_addr_runlock(ifp); + } + } +exit: + IFNET_RUNLOCK(); + return ret; +} + +/** + * i40iw_add_mqh_4 - Adds multiple qhashes for IPv4 + * @iwdev: iWarp device + * @cm_info: CM info for parent listen node + * @cm_parent_listen_node: The parent listen node + * + * Adds a qhash and a child listen node for every IPv4 address + * on the adapter and adds the associated qhash filter + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_add_mqh_4(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, struct i40iw_cm_info *cm_info, + struct i40iw_cm_listener *cm_parent_listen_node) +{ + struct ifnet *ifp; + struct ifaddr *ifa; + struct sockaddr_in *sin; + struct i40iw_cm_listener *child_listen_node; + in_addr_t ip_addr; + unsigned long flags; + u8 *mac_addr; + enum i40iw_status_code ret = 0; + + IFNET_RLOCK(); + TAILQ_FOREACH(ifp, &V_ifnet, if_link) { + if ((((rdma_vlan_dev_vlan_id(ifp) < I40IW_NO_VLAN) && + (rdma_vlan_dev_real_dev(ifp) == iwdev->ifp)) || + (ifp == iwdev->ifp)) && (ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP)) { + if_addr_rlock(ifp); + TAILQ_FOREACH(ifa, &ifp->if_addrhead, ifa_link) { + sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)ifa->ifa_addr; + if (sin->sin_family != AF_INET) + continue; + ip_addr = ntohl(sin->sin_addr.s_addr); + mac_addr = IF_LLADDR(ifp); + + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "Allocating child CM Listener for " + "IP=%d.%d.%d.%d, vlan_id=%d, " + "MAC=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", + ip_addr >> 24, (ip_addr >> 16) & 0xFF, + (ip_addr >> 8) & 0xFF, ip_addr & 0xFF, + rdma_vlan_dev_vlan_id(ifp), + mac_addr[0], mac_addr[1], mac_addr[2], + mac_addr[3], mac_addr[4], mac_addr[5]); + + child_listen_node = kzalloc(sizeof(*child_listen_node), + GFP_ATOMIC); + cm_parent_listen_node->cm_core->stats_listen_nodes_created++; + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "Allocating child listener %p\n", child_listen_node); + if (!child_listen_node) { + i40iw_pr_err("listener memory allocation\n"); + if_addr_runlock(ifp); + ret = I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + goto exit; + } + cm_info->vlan_id = rdma_vlan_dev_vlan_id(ifp); + cm_parent_listen_node->vlan_id = cm_info->vlan_id; + memcpy(child_listen_node, + cm_parent_listen_node, + sizeof(*child_listen_node)); + + child_listen_node->loc_addr[0] = ip_addr; + memcpy(cm_info->loc_addr, child_listen_node->loc_addr, + sizeof(cm_info->loc_addr)); + + ret = i40iw_manage_qhash(iwdev, + cm_info, + I40IW_QHASH_TYPE_TCP_SYN, + I40IW_QHASH_MANAGE_TYPE_ADD, + NULL, + TRUE); + if (!ret) { + child_listen_node->qhash_set = TRUE; + spin_lock_irqsave(&iwdev->cm_core.listen_list_lock, flags); + list_add(&child_listen_node->child_listen_list, + &cm_parent_listen_node->child_listen_list); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwdev->cm_core.listen_list_lock, + flags); + } else { + kfree(child_listen_node); + cm_parent_listen_node->cm_core->stats_listen_nodes_created--; + } + } + if_addr_runlock(ifp); + } + } +exit: + IFNET_RUNLOCK(); + return ret; +} + +/** + * i40iw_dec_refcnt_listen - delete listener and associated cm nodes + * @cm_core: cm's core + * @free_hanging_nodes: to free associated cm_nodes + * @apbvt_del: flag to delete the apbvt + */ +static int +i40iw_dec_refcnt_listen(struct i40iw_cm_core *cm_core, + struct i40iw_cm_listener *listener, int free_hanging_nodes, bool apbvt_del) +{ + struct list_head *list_pos; + struct list_head *list_temp; + struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node; + struct list_head reset_list; + struct i40iw_cm_info nfo; + struct i40iw_cm_node *loopback; + int err = 0; + int ret = -EINVAL; + unsigned long flags; + enum i40iw_cm_node_state old_state; + + /* free non-accelerated child nodes for this listener */ + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&reset_list); + if (free_hanging_nodes) { + spin_lock_irqsave(&cm_core->ht_lock, flags); + list_for_each_safe(list_pos, list_temp, &cm_core->connected_nodes) { + cm_node = container_of(list_pos, struct i40iw_cm_node, list); + if ((cm_node->listener == listener) && !cm_node->accelerated) { + atomic_inc(&cm_node->ref_count); + list_add(&cm_node->reset_entry, &reset_list); + } + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cm_core->ht_lock, flags); + } + list_for_each_safe(list_pos, list_temp, &reset_list) { + cm_node = container_of(list_pos, struct i40iw_cm_node, reset_entry); + loopback = cm_node->loopbackpartner; + if (cm_node->state >= I40IW_CM_STATE_FIN_WAIT1) { + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + } else { + if (!loopback) { + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + err = i40iw_send_reset(cm_node); + if (err) { + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSED; + i40iw_pr_err("send reset\n"); + } else { + old_state = cm_node->state; + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_LISTENER_DESTROYED; + if (old_state != I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_RCVD) + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + } + } else { + struct i40iw_cm_event event; + + event.cm_node = loopback; + memcpy(event.cm_info.rem_addr, + loopback->rem_addr, sizeof(event.cm_info.rem_addr)); + memcpy(event.cm_info.loc_addr, + loopback->loc_addr, sizeof(event.cm_info.loc_addr)); + event.cm_info.rem_port = loopback->rem_port; + event.cm_info.loc_port = loopback->loc_port; + event.cm_info.cm_id = loopback->cm_id; + event.cm_info.ipv4 = loopback->ipv4; + atomic_inc(&loopback->ref_count); + loopback->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSED; + i40iw_event_connect_error(&event); + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_LISTENER_DESTROYED; + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + } + } + } + + if (!atomic_dec_return(&listener->ref_count)) { + spin_lock_irqsave(&cm_core->listen_list_lock, flags); + list_del(&listener->list); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cm_core->listen_list_lock, flags); + + if (listener->iwdev) { + if (apbvt_del && !i40iw_port_in_use(cm_core, listener->loc_port, FALSE)) + i40iw_manage_apbvt(listener->iwdev, + listener->loc_port, + I40IW_MANAGE_APBVT_DEL); + memcpy(nfo.loc_addr, listener->loc_addr, sizeof(nfo.loc_addr)); + nfo.loc_port = listener->loc_port; + nfo.ipv4 = listener->ipv4; + nfo.vlan_id = listener->vlan_id; + + if (!list_empty(&listener->child_listen_list)) { + i40iw_del_multiple_qhash(listener->iwdev, &nfo, listener); + } else { + if (listener->qhash_set) + i40iw_manage_qhash(listener->iwdev, + &nfo, + I40IW_QHASH_TYPE_TCP_SYN, + I40IW_QHASH_MANAGE_TYPE_DELETE, + NULL, + FALSE); + } + } + cm_core->stats_listen_destroyed++; + kfree(listener); + cm_core->stats_listen_nodes_destroyed++; + listener = NULL; + ret = 0; + } + if (listener) { + if (atomic_read(&listener->pend_accepts_cnt) > 0) + i40iw_debug(cm_core->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "%s: listener (%p) pending accepts=%u\n", __func__, + listener, atomic_read(&listener->pend_accepts_cnt)); + } + return ret; +} + +/** + * i40iw_cm_del_listen - delete a linstener + * @cm_core: cm's core + * @listener: passive connection's listener + * @apbvt_del: flag to delete apbvt + */ +static int +i40iw_cm_del_listen(struct i40iw_cm_core *cm_core, + struct i40iw_cm_listener *listener, bool apbvt_del) +{ + listener->listener_state = I40IW_CM_LISTENER_PASSIVE_STATE; + listener->cm_id = NULL; /* going to be destroyed pretty soon */ + return i40iw_dec_refcnt_listen(cm_core, listener, 1, apbvt_del); +} + +/** + * i40iw_addr_resolve_neigh - resolve neighbor address + * @iwdev: iwarp device structure + * @src_ip: local ip address + * @dst_ip: remote ip address + * @arpindex: if there is an arp entry + */ +static int +i40iw_addr_resolve_neigh(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, u32 src_ip, u32 dst_ip, + int arpindex) +{ + struct sockaddr_in dst_sin; + struct llentry *lle; + struct sockaddr *nexthop; + struct rtentry *rte; + int err; + u8 dst_mac[MAX_ADDR_LEN]; + + memset(&dst_sin, 0, sizeof(dst_sin)); + dst_sin.sin_len = sizeof(dst_sin); + dst_sin.sin_family = AF_INET; + dst_sin.sin_port = 0; + dst_sin.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(dst_ip); + + rte = rtalloc1((struct sockaddr *)&dst_sin, 0, 0); + if ((rte == NULL) || (rte->rt_ifp != iwdev->ifp)) { + i40iw_pr_err("route not found\n"); + RTFREE_LOCKED(rte); + return (arpindex); + } + nexthop = (rte->rt_flags & RTF_GATEWAY) ? rte->rt_gateway : + (struct sockaddr *)&dst_sin; + +#if __FreeBSD_version >= 1100000 + err = arpresolve(iwdev->ifp, (rte->rt_flags & RTF_GATEWAY), NULL, nexthop, + dst_mac, NULL, &lle); +#else + err = arpresolve(iwdev->ifp, rte, NULL, nexthop, dst_mac, &lle); +#endif /* IW_IXL_FREEBSD11 */ + rtfree(rte); + if (err) { + i40iw_pr_err("failed to resolve neighbor address (err=%d)\n", + err); + return (arpindex); + } + if (arpindex >= 0) { + if (memcmp(iwdev->arp_table[arpindex].mac_addr, dst_mac, + MAX_ADDR_LEN) == 0) + /* Mac address same as arp table */ + return (arpindex); + i40iw_manage_arp_cache(iwdev, iwdev->arp_table[arpindex].mac_addr, + &dst_ip, TRUE, I40IW_ARP_DELETE); + } + i40iw_manage_arp_cache(iwdev, dst_mac, &dst_ip, TRUE, I40IW_ARP_ADD); + + return (i40iw_arp_table(iwdev, &dst_ip, TRUE, NULL, I40IW_ARP_RESOLVE)); +} + +#ifdef INET6 +/** + * i40iw_addr_resolve_neigh_ipv6 - resolve neighbor ipv6 address + * @iwdev: iwarp device structure + * @dst_ip: remote ip address + * @arpindex: if there is an arp entry + */ +static int +i40iw_addr_resolve_neigh_ipv6(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, u32 * src, u32 * dest, + int arpindex) +{ + struct sockaddr_in6 dst_sin6; + struct llentry *lle; + struct sockaddr *nexthop; + struct rtentry *rte; + int err; + u8 dst_mac[MAX_ADDR_LEN]; + + memset(&dst_sin6, 0, sizeof(dst_sin6)); + dst_sin6.sin6_len = sizeof(dst_sin6); + dst_sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; + dst_sin6.sin6_port = 0; + i40iw_copy_ip_htonl((__be32 *) & dst_sin6.sin6_addr, dest); + + rte = rtalloc1((struct sockaddr *)&dst_sin6, 0, 0); + if ((rte == NULL) || (rte->rt_ifp != iwdev->ifp)) { + i40iw_pr_err("route not found\n"); + RTFREE_LOCKED(rte); + return (arpindex); + } + nexthop = (rte->rt_flags & RTF_GATEWAY) ? rte->rt_gateway : + (struct sockaddr *)&dst_sin6; + RT_UNLOCK(rte); + +#if __FreeBSD_version >= 1100000 + err = nd6_resolve(iwdev->ifp, (rte->rt_flags & RTF_GATEWAY), NULL, + nexthop, dst_mac, NULL, &lle); +#else + err = nd6_storelladdr(iwdev->ifp, NULL, nexthop, dst_mac, &lle); +#endif + RTFREE(rte); + if (err) { + i40iw_pr_err("failed to resolve neighbor address (err=%d)\n", + err); + return (arpindex); + } + if (arpindex >= 0) { + if (!memcmp(iwdev->arp_table[arpindex].mac_addr, dst_mac, + MAX_ADDR_LEN)) + /* Mac address same as arp table */ + return (arpindex); + i40iw_manage_arp_cache(iwdev, + iwdev->arp_table[arpindex].mac_addr, dest, TRUE, + I40IW_ARP_DELETE); + } + i40iw_manage_arp_cache(iwdev, dst_mac, dest, TRUE, I40IW_ARP_ADD); + + return (i40iw_arp_table(iwdev, dest, TRUE, NULL, I40IW_ARP_RESOLVE)); +} +#endif /* INET6 */ + +/** + * i40iw_ipv4_is_loopback - check if loopback + * @loc_addr: local addr to compare + * @rem_addr: remote address + */ +static bool +i40iw_ipv4_is_loopback(u32 loc_addr, u32 rem_addr) +{ + return ipv4_is_loopback(htonl(rem_addr)) || (loc_addr == rem_addr); +} + +/** + * i40iw_ipv6_is_loopback - check if loopback + * @loc_addr: local addr to compare + * @rem_addr: remote address + */ +static bool +i40iw_ipv6_is_loopback(u32 * loc_addr, u32 * rem_addr) +{ + struct in6_addr raddr6; + + i40iw_copy_ip_htonl((__be32 *) & raddr6, rem_addr); + return !memcmp(loc_addr, rem_addr, 16) || ipv6_addr_loopback(&raddr6); +} + +/** + * i40iw_make_cm_node - create a new instance of a cm node + * @cm_core: cm's core + * @iwdev: iwarp device structure + * @cm_info: quad info for connection + * @listener: passive connection's listener + */ +static struct i40iw_cm_node * +i40iw_make_cm_node(struct i40iw_cm_core *cm_core, struct i40iw_device *iwdev, + struct i40iw_cm_info *cm_info, struct i40iw_cm_listener *listener) +{ + struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node; + struct timespec ts; + int oldarpindex; + int arpindex; + + /* create an hte and cm_node for this instance */ + cm_node = kzalloc(sizeof(*cm_node), GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!cm_node) + return NULL; + + /* set our node specific transport info */ + cm_node->ipv4 = cm_info->ipv4; + cm_node->vlan_id = cm_info->vlan_id; + memcpy(cm_node->loc_addr, cm_info->loc_addr, sizeof(cm_node->loc_addr)); + memcpy(cm_node->rem_addr, cm_info->rem_addr, sizeof(cm_node->rem_addr)); + cm_node->loc_port = cm_info->loc_port; + cm_node->rem_port = cm_info->rem_port; + cm_node->mpa_frame_rev = iwdev->mpa_version; + cm_node->send_rdma0_op = SEND_RDMA_READ_ZERO; + cm_node->ird_size = I40IW_MAX_IRD_SIZE; + cm_node->ord_size = I40IW_MAX_ORD_SIZE; + + cm_node->listener = listener; + cm_node->cm_id = cm_info->cm_id; + ether_addr_copy(cm_node->loc_mac, IF_LLADDR(iwdev->ifp)); + spin_lock_init(&cm_node->retrans_list_lock); + + atomic_set(&cm_node->ref_count, 1); + /* associate our parent CM core */ + cm_node->cm_core = cm_core; + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.loc_id = I40IW_CM_DEF_LOCAL_ID; + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_wscale = I40IW_CM_DEFAULT_RCV_WND_SCALE; + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_wnd = + I40IW_CM_DEFAULT_RCV_WND_SCALED >> I40IW_CM_DEFAULT_RCV_WND_SCALE; + getnanotime(&ts); + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.loc_seq_num = ts.tv_nsec; + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.mss = (cm_node->ipv4) ? (iwdev->vsi.mtu - I40IW_MTU_TO_MSS_IPV4) : + (iwdev->vsi.mtu - I40IW_MTU_TO_MSS_IPV6); + + cm_node->iwdev = iwdev; + cm_node->dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + + if ((cm_node->ipv4 && + i40iw_ipv4_is_loopback(cm_node->loc_addr[0], cm_node->rem_addr[0])) || + (!cm_node->ipv4 && i40iw_ipv6_is_loopback(cm_node->loc_addr, + cm_node->rem_addr))) { + arpindex = i40iw_arp_table(iwdev, + cm_node->rem_addr, + FALSE, + NULL, + I40IW_ARP_RESOLVE); + } else { + oldarpindex = i40iw_arp_table(iwdev, + cm_node->rem_addr, + FALSE, + NULL, + I40IW_ARP_RESOLVE); + if (cm_node->ipv4) + arpindex = i40iw_addr_resolve_neigh(iwdev, + cm_info->loc_addr[0], + cm_info->rem_addr[0], + oldarpindex); + else +#ifdef INET6 + arpindex = i40iw_addr_resolve_neigh_ipv6(iwdev, + cm_info->loc_addr, + cm_info->rem_addr, + oldarpindex); +#else + arpindex = -EINVAL; +#endif /* INET6 */ + } + if (arpindex < 0) { + i40iw_pr_err("cm_node arpindex\n"); + kfree(cm_node); + return NULL; + } + ether_addr_copy(cm_node->rem_mac, iwdev->arp_table[arpindex].mac_addr); + i40iw_add_hte_node(cm_core, cm_node); + cm_core->stats_nodes_created++; + return cm_node; +} + +/** + * i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node - destroy an instance of a cm node + * @cm_node: connection's node + */ +static void +i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node) +{ + struct i40iw_cm_core *cm_core = cm_node->cm_core; + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp; + struct i40iw_cm_info nfo; + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&cm_node->cm_core->ht_lock, flags); + if (atomic_dec_return(&cm_node->ref_count)) { + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cm_node->cm_core->ht_lock, flags); + return; + } + list_del(&cm_node->list); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cm_node->cm_core->ht_lock, flags); + + /* if the node is destroyed before connection was accelerated */ + if (!cm_node->accelerated && cm_node->accept_pend) { + pr_err("node destroyed before established\n"); + atomic_dec(&cm_node->listener->pend_accepts_cnt); + } + if (cm_node->close_entry) + i40iw_handle_close_entry(cm_node, 0); + if (cm_node->listener) { + i40iw_dec_refcnt_listen(cm_core, cm_node->listener, 0, TRUE); + } else { + if (!i40iw_port_in_use(cm_core, cm_node->loc_port, TRUE) && + cm_node->apbvt_set) { + i40iw_manage_apbvt(cm_node->iwdev, + cm_node->loc_port, + I40IW_MANAGE_APBVT_DEL); + cm_node->apbvt_set = 0; + } + i40iw_get_addr_info(cm_node, &nfo); + if (cm_node->qhash_set) { + i40iw_manage_qhash(cm_node->iwdev, + &nfo, + I40IW_QHASH_TYPE_TCP_ESTABLISHED, + I40IW_QHASH_MANAGE_TYPE_DELETE, + NULL, + FALSE); + cm_node->qhash_set = 0; + } + } + + iwqp = cm_node->iwqp; + if (iwqp) { + iwqp->cm_node = NULL; + i40iw_rem_ref(&iwqp->ibqp); + cm_node->iwqp = NULL; + } else if (cm_node->qhash_set) { + i40iw_get_addr_info(cm_node, &nfo); + i40iw_manage_qhash(cm_node->iwdev, + &nfo, + I40IW_QHASH_TYPE_TCP_ESTABLISHED, + I40IW_QHASH_MANAGE_TYPE_DELETE, + NULL, + FALSE); + cm_node->qhash_set = 0; + } + cm_node->cm_core->stats_nodes_destroyed++; + kfree(cm_node); +} + +/** + * i40iw_handle_fin_pkt - FIN packet received + * @cm_node: connection's node + */ +static void +i40iw_handle_fin_pkt(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node) +{ + u32 ret; + + switch (cm_node->state) { + case I40IW_CM_STATE_SYN_RCVD: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_SYN_SENT: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_ESTABLISHED: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREJ_RCVD: + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_nxt++; + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_LAST_ACK; + i40iw_send_fin(cm_node); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_SENT: + i40iw_create_event(cm_node, I40IW_CM_EVENT_ABORTED); + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_nxt++; + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSED; + atomic_inc(&cm_node->ref_count); + i40iw_send_reset(cm_node); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_FIN_WAIT1: + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_nxt++; + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSING; + i40iw_send_ack(cm_node); + /* + * Wait for ACK as this is simultaneous close. After we + * receive ACK, do not send anything. Just rm the node. + */ + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_FIN_WAIT2: + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_nxt++; + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_TIME_WAIT; + i40iw_send_ack(cm_node); + ret = + i40iw_schedule_cm_timer(cm_node, NULL, I40IW_TIMER_TYPE_CLOSE, 1, + 0); + if (ret) + i40iw_pr_err("node %p state = %d\n", cm_node, cm_node->state); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_TIME_WAIT: + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_nxt++; + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSED; + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_OFFLOADED: + default: + i40iw_pr_err("bad state node %p state = %d\n", cm_node, + cm_node->state); + break; + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_handle_rst_pkt - process received RST packet + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @rbuf: receive buffer + */ +static void +i40iw_handle_rst_pkt(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *rbuf) +{ + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + switch (cm_node->state) { + case I40IW_CM_STATE_SYN_SENT: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_SENT: + switch (cm_node->mpa_frame_rev) { + case IETF_MPA_V2: + cm_node->mpa_frame_rev = IETF_MPA_V1; + /* send a syn and goto syn sent state */ + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_SYN_SENT; + if (i40iw_send_syn(cm_node, 0)) + i40iw_active_open_err(cm_node, FALSE); + break; + case IETF_MPA_V1: + default: + i40iw_active_open_err(cm_node, FALSE); + break; + } + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_RCVD: + atomic_add_return(1, &cm_node->passive_state); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_ESTABLISHED: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_SYN_RCVD: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_LISTENING: + i40iw_pr_err("Bad state state = %d\n", cm_node->state); + i40iw_passive_open_err(cm_node, FALSE); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_OFFLOADED: + i40iw_active_open_err(cm_node, FALSE); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSED: + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_FIN_WAIT2: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_FIN_WAIT1: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_LAST_ACK: + cm_node->cm_id->rem_ref(cm_node->cm_id); + case I40IW_CM_STATE_TIME_WAIT: + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSED; + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + break; + default: + break; + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_handle_rcv_mpa - Process a recv'd mpa buffer + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @rbuf: receive buffer + */ +static void +i40iw_handle_rcv_mpa(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *rbuf) +{ + int datasize = rbuf->datalen; + int ret; + u32 res_type; + u8 *dataloc = rbuf->data; + enum i40iw_cm_event_type type = I40IW_CM_EVENT_UNKNOWN; + + ret = i40iw_parse_mpa(cm_node, dataloc, &res_type, datasize); + if (ret) { + if (cm_node->state == I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_SENT) + i40iw_active_open_err(cm_node, TRUE); + else + i40iw_passive_open_err(cm_node, TRUE); + return; + } + switch (cm_node->state) { + case I40IW_CM_STATE_ESTABLISHED: + if (res_type == I40IW_MPA_REQUEST_REJECT) + i40iw_pr_err("state for reject\n"); + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_RCVD; + type = I40IW_CM_EVENT_MPA_REQ; + i40iw_send_ack(cm_node); /* ACK received MPA request */ + atomic_set(&cm_node->passive_state, + I40IW_PASSIVE_STATE_INDICATED); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_SENT: + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + if (res_type == I40IW_MPA_REQUEST_REJECT) { + type = I40IW_CM_EVENT_MPA_REJECT; + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREJ_RCVD; + } else { + type = I40IW_CM_EVENT_CONNECTED; + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_OFFLOADED; + } + i40iw_send_ack(cm_node); + break; + default: + pr_err("%s wrong cm_node state =%d\n", __func__, cm_node->state); + break; + } + i40iw_create_event(cm_node, type); +} + +/** + * i40iw_indicate_pkt_err - Send up err event to cm + * @cm_node: connection's node + */ +static void +i40iw_indicate_pkt_err(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node) +{ + switch (cm_node->state) { + case I40IW_CM_STATE_SYN_SENT: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_SENT: + i40iw_active_open_err(cm_node, TRUE); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_ESTABLISHED: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_SYN_RCVD: + i40iw_passive_open_err(cm_node, TRUE); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_OFFLOADED: + default: + break; + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_check_syn - Check for error on received syn ack + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @tcph: pointer tcp header + */ +static int +i40iw_check_syn(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, struct tcphdr *tcph) +{ + int err = 0; + + if (ntohl(tcph->th_ack) != cm_node->tcp_cntxt.loc_seq_num) { + err = 1; + i40iw_active_open_err(cm_node, TRUE); + } + return err; +} + +/** + * i40iw_check_seq - check seq numbers if OK + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @tcph: pointer tcp header + */ +static int +i40iw_check_seq(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, struct tcphdr *tcph) +{ + int err = 0; + u32 seq; + u32 ack_seq; + u32 loc_seq_num = cm_node->tcp_cntxt.loc_seq_num; + u32 rcv_nxt = cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_nxt; + u32 rcv_wnd; + + seq = ntohl(tcph->th_seq); + ack_seq = ntohl(tcph->th_ack); + rcv_wnd = cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_wnd; + if (ack_seq != loc_seq_num) + err = -1; + else if (!between(seq, rcv_nxt, (rcv_nxt + rcv_wnd))) + err = -1; + if (err) { + i40iw_pr_err("seq number\n"); + i40iw_indicate_pkt_err(cm_node); + } + return err; +} + +/** + * i40iw_handle_syn_pkt - is for Passive node + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @rbuf: receive buffer + */ +static void +i40iw_handle_syn_pkt(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *rbuf) +{ + struct i40iw_cm_info nfo; + struct tcphdr *tcph = (struct tcphdr *)rbuf->tcph; + int optionsize; + int ret; + u32 inc_sequence; + + optionsize = (tcph->th_off << 2) - sizeof(struct tcphdr); + inc_sequence = ntohl(tcph->th_seq); + + switch (cm_node->state) { + case I40IW_CM_STATE_SYN_SENT: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_SENT: + /* Rcvd syn on active open connection */ + i40iw_active_open_err(cm_node, 1); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_LISTENING: + /* Passive OPEN */ + if (atomic_read(&cm_node->listener->pend_accepts_cnt) > + cm_node->listener->backlog) { + cm_node->cm_core->stats_backlog_drops++; + i40iw_passive_open_err(cm_node, FALSE); + break; + } + ret = i40iw_handle_tcp_options(cm_node, tcph, optionsize, 1); + if (ret) { + i40iw_passive_open_err(cm_node, FALSE); + /* drop pkt */ + break; + } + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_nxt = inc_sequence + 1; + cm_node->accept_pend = 1; + atomic_inc(&cm_node->listener->pend_accepts_cnt); + + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_SYN_RCVD; + i40iw_get_addr_info(cm_node, &nfo); + ret = i40iw_manage_qhash(cm_node->iwdev, &nfo, + I40IW_QHASH_TYPE_TCP_ESTABLISHED, + I40IW_QHASH_MANAGE_TYPE_ADD, (void *)cm_node, FALSE); + cm_node->qhash_set = TRUE; + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSED: + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + atomic_inc(&cm_node->ref_count); + i40iw_send_reset(cm_node); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_OFFLOADED: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_ESTABLISHED: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_FIN_WAIT1: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_FIN_WAIT2: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_RCVD: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_LAST_ACK: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSING: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_UNKNOWN: + default: + break; + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_handle_synack_pkt - Process SYN+ACK packet (active side) + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @rbuf: receive buffer + */ +static void +i40iw_handle_synack_pkt(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *rbuf) +{ + struct tcphdr *tcph = (struct tcphdr *)rbuf->tcph; + int optionsize; + int ret; + u32 inc_sequence; + + optionsize = (tcph->th_off << 2) - sizeof(struct tcphdr); + inc_sequence = ntohl(tcph->th_seq); + switch (cm_node->state) { + case I40IW_CM_STATE_SYN_SENT: + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + /* active open */ + if (i40iw_check_syn(cm_node, tcph)) { + i40iw_pr_err("check syn fail\n"); + return; + } + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rem_ack_num = ntohl(tcph->th_ack); + /* setup options */ + ret = i40iw_handle_tcp_options(cm_node, tcph, optionsize, 0); + if (ret) { + i40iw_debug(cm_node->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "cm_node=%p tcp_options failed\n", cm_node); + break; + } + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_nxt = inc_sequence + 1; + + i40iw_send_ack(cm_node); /* ACK for the syn_ack */ + ret = i40iw_send_mpa_request(cm_node); + if (ret) { + i40iw_debug(cm_node->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "cm_node=%p i40iw_send_mpa_request failed\n", cm_node); + break; + } + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_SENT; + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_RCVD: + i40iw_passive_open_err(cm_node, TRUE); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_LISTENING: + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.loc_seq_num = ntohl(tcph->th_ack); + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSED; + i40iw_send_reset(cm_node); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSED: + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.loc_seq_num = ntohl(tcph->th_ack); + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + atomic_inc(&cm_node->ref_count); + i40iw_send_reset(cm_node); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_ESTABLISHED: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_FIN_WAIT1: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_FIN_WAIT2: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_LAST_ACK: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_OFFLOADED: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSING: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_UNKNOWN: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_SENT: + default: + break; + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_handle_ack_pkt - process packet with ACK + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @rbuf: receive buffer + */ +static int +i40iw_handle_ack_pkt(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *rbuf) +{ + struct tcphdr *tcph = (struct tcphdr *)rbuf->tcph; + int optionsize; + int ret = 0; + u32 datasize = rbuf->datalen; + u32 inc_sequence; + + optionsize = (tcph->th_off << 2) - sizeof(struct tcphdr); + + if (i40iw_check_seq(cm_node, tcph)) + return -EINVAL; + + inc_sequence = ntohl(tcph->th_seq); + switch (cm_node->state) { + case I40IW_CM_STATE_SYN_RCVD: + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + ret = i40iw_handle_tcp_options(cm_node, tcph, optionsize, 1); + if (ret) + break; + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rem_ack_num = ntohl(tcph->th_ack); + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_ESTABLISHED; + if (datasize) { + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_nxt = inc_sequence + datasize; + i40iw_handle_rcv_mpa(cm_node, rbuf); + } + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_ESTABLISHED: + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + if (datasize) { + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_nxt = inc_sequence + datasize; + i40iw_handle_rcv_mpa(cm_node, rbuf); + } + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_SENT: + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rem_ack_num = ntohl(tcph->th_ack); + if (datasize) { + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_nxt = inc_sequence + datasize; + i40iw_handle_rcv_mpa(cm_node, rbuf); + } + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_LISTENING: + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSED; + i40iw_send_reset(cm_node); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSED: + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + atomic_inc(&cm_node->ref_count); + i40iw_send_reset(cm_node); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_LAST_ACK: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSING: + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSED; + if (!cm_node->accept_pend) + cm_node->cm_id->rem_ref(cm_node->cm_id); + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_FIN_WAIT1: + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_FIN_WAIT2; + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_SYN_SENT: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_FIN_WAIT2: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_OFFLOADED: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_RCVD: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_UNKNOWN: + default: + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + break; + } + return ret; +} + +/** + * i40iw_process_packet - process cm packet + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @rbuf: receive buffer + */ +static void +i40iw_process_packet(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *rbuf) +{ + struct tcphdr *tcph = (struct tcphdr *)rbuf->tcph; + int ret; + u32 fin_set = 0; + enum i40iw_tcpip_pkt_type pkt_type = I40IW_PKT_TYPE_UNKNOWN; + + if (tcph->th_flags & TH_RST) { + pkt_type = I40IW_PKT_TYPE_RST; + } else if (tcph->th_flags & TH_SYN) { + pkt_type = I40IW_PKT_TYPE_SYN; + if (tcph->th_flags & TH_ACK) + pkt_type = I40IW_PKT_TYPE_SYNACK; + } else if (tcph->th_flags & TH_ACK) { + pkt_type = I40IW_PKT_TYPE_ACK; + } + if (tcph->th_flags & TH_FIN) + fin_set = 1; + + switch (pkt_type) { + case I40IW_PKT_TYPE_SYN: + i40iw_handle_syn_pkt(cm_node, rbuf); + break; + case I40IW_PKT_TYPE_SYNACK: + i40iw_handle_synack_pkt(cm_node, rbuf); + break; + case I40IW_PKT_TYPE_ACK: + ret = i40iw_handle_ack_pkt(cm_node, rbuf); + if (fin_set && !ret) + i40iw_handle_fin_pkt(cm_node); + break; + case I40IW_PKT_TYPE_RST: + i40iw_handle_rst_pkt(cm_node, rbuf); + break; + default: + if (fin_set && + (!i40iw_check_seq(cm_node, (struct tcphdr *)rbuf->tcph))) + i40iw_handle_fin_pkt(cm_node); + break; + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_make_listen_node - create a listen node with params + * @cm_core: cm's core + * @iwdev: iwarp device structure + * @cm_info: quad info for connection + */ +static struct i40iw_cm_listener * +i40iw_make_listen_node(struct i40iw_cm_core *cm_core, + struct i40iw_device *iwdev, struct i40iw_cm_info *cm_info) +{ + struct i40iw_cm_listener *listener; + unsigned long flags; + + /* cannot have multiple matching listeners */ + listener = i40iw_find_listener(cm_core, cm_info->loc_addr, + cm_info->loc_port, + cm_info->vlan_id, + I40IW_CM_LISTENER_EITHER_STATE); + if (listener && + (listener->listener_state == I40IW_CM_LISTENER_ACTIVE_STATE)) { + atomic_dec(&listener->ref_count); + i40iw_debug(cm_core->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "Not creating listener since it already exists\n"); + return NULL; + } + if (!listener) { + /* + * create a CM listen node (1/2 node to compare incoming + * traffic to) + */ + listener = kzalloc(sizeof(*listener), GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!listener) + return NULL; + cm_core->stats_listen_nodes_created++; + memcpy(listener->loc_addr, cm_info->loc_addr, + sizeof(listener->loc_addr)); + listener->loc_port = cm_info->loc_port; + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&listener->child_listen_list); + + atomic_set(&listener->ref_count, 1); + } else { + listener->reused_node = 1; + } + + listener->cm_id = cm_info->cm_id; + listener->ipv4 = cm_info->ipv4; + listener->vlan_id = cm_info->vlan_id; + atomic_set(&listener->pend_accepts_cnt, 0); + listener->cm_core = cm_core; + listener->iwdev = iwdev; + + listener->backlog = cm_info->backlog; + listener->listener_state = I40IW_CM_LISTENER_ACTIVE_STATE; + + if (!listener->reused_node) { + spin_lock_irqsave(&cm_core->listen_list_lock, flags); + list_add(&listener->list, &cm_core->listen_nodes); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cm_core->listen_list_lock, flags); + } + return listener; +} + +/** + * i40iw_create_cm_node - make a connection node with params + * @cm_core: cm's core + * @iwdev: iwarp device structure + * @private_data_len: len to provate data for mpa request + * @private_data: pointer to private data for connection + * @cm_info: quad info for connection + */ +static struct i40iw_cm_node * +i40iw_create_cm_node(struct i40iw_cm_core *cm_core, struct i40iw_device *iwdev, + u16 private_data_len, const void *private_data, + struct i40iw_cm_info *cm_info) +{ + struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node; + struct i40iw_cm_listener *loopback_remotelistener; + struct i40iw_cm_node *loopback_remotenode; + struct i40iw_cm_info loopback_cm_info; + + /* create a CM connection node */ + cm_node = i40iw_make_cm_node(cm_core, iwdev, cm_info, NULL); + if (!cm_node) + return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); + /* set our node side to client (active) side */ + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.client = 1; + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_wscale = I40IW_CM_DEFAULT_RCV_WND_SCALE; + + if (!memcmp(cm_info->loc_addr, cm_info->rem_addr, sizeof(cm_info->loc_addr))) { + loopback_remotelistener = i40iw_find_listener(cm_core, + cm_info->rem_addr, cm_node->rem_port, cm_node->vlan_id, + I40IW_CM_LISTENER_ACTIVE_STATE); + if (!loopback_remotelistener) { + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + return ERR_PTR(-ECONNREFUSED); + } else { + loopback_cm_info = *cm_info; + loopback_cm_info.loc_port = cm_info->rem_port; + loopback_cm_info.rem_port = cm_info->loc_port; + loopback_cm_info.cm_id = loopback_remotelistener->cm_id; + loopback_cm_info.ipv4 = cm_info->ipv4; + loopback_remotenode = i40iw_make_cm_node(cm_core, iwdev, + &loopback_cm_info, loopback_remotelistener); + if (!loopback_remotenode) { + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); + } + cm_core->stats_loopbacks++; + loopback_remotenode->loopbackpartner = cm_node; + loopback_remotenode->tcp_cntxt.rcv_wscale = + I40IW_CM_DEFAULT_RCV_WND_SCALE; + cm_node->loopbackpartner = loopback_remotenode; + memcpy(loopback_remotenode->pdata_buf, private_data, + private_data_len); + loopback_remotenode->pdata.size = private_data_len; + + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_OFFLOADED; + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_nxt = + loopback_remotenode->tcp_cntxt.loc_seq_num; + loopback_remotenode->tcp_cntxt.rcv_nxt = + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.loc_seq_num; + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.max_snd_wnd = + loopback_remotenode->tcp_cntxt.rcv_wnd; + loopback_remotenode->tcp_cntxt.max_snd_wnd = + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_wnd; + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.snd_wnd = + loopback_remotenode->tcp_cntxt.rcv_wnd; + loopback_remotenode->tcp_cntxt.snd_wnd = + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_wnd; + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.snd_wscale = + loopback_remotenode->tcp_cntxt.rcv_wscale; + loopback_remotenode->tcp_cntxt.snd_wscale = + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_wscale; + loopback_remotenode->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_RCVD; + i40iw_create_event(loopback_remotenode, I40IW_CM_EVENT_MPA_REQ); + } + return cm_node; + } + cm_node->pdata.size = private_data_len; + cm_node->pdata.addr = cm_node->pdata_buf; + + memcpy(cm_node->pdata_buf, private_data, private_data_len); + return cm_node; +} + +/** + * i40iw_cm_reject - reject and teardown a connection + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @pdate: ptr to private data for reject + * @plen: size of private data + */ +static int +i40iw_cm_reject(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, const void *pdata, u8 plen) +{ + struct iw_cm_id *cm_id = cm_node->cm_id; + struct i40iw_cm_node *loopback = cm_node->loopbackpartner; + int err; + int passive_state; + int ret = 0; + + if (cm_node->tcp_cntxt.client) + return ret; + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + + if (!loopback) { + passive_state = atomic_add_return(1, &cm_node->passive_state); + if (passive_state == I40IW_SEND_RESET_EVENT) { + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSED; + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + } else { + if (cm_node->state == I40IW_CM_STATE_LISTENER_DESTROYED) { + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + } else { + ret = i40iw_send_mpa_reject(cm_node, pdata, plen); + if (ret) { + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSED; + err = i40iw_send_reset(cm_node); + if (err) + i40iw_pr_err("send reset failed\n"); + } else { + cm_id->add_ref(cm_id); + } + } + } + } else { + cm_node->cm_id = NULL; + if (cm_node->state == I40IW_CM_STATE_LISTENER_DESTROYED) { + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(loopback); + } else { + ret = i40iw_send_cm_event(loopback, + loopback->cm_id, + IW_CM_EVENT_CONNECT_REPLY, + -ECONNREFUSED); + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + loopback->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSING; + + cm_id = loopback->cm_id; + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(loopback); + cm_id->rem_ref(cm_id); + } + } + + return ret; +} + +/** + * i40iw_cm_close - close of cm connection + * @cm_node: connection's node + */ +static int +i40iw_cm_close(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node) +{ + int ret = 0; + + if (!cm_node) + return -EINVAL; + + switch (cm_node->state) { + case I40IW_CM_STATE_SYN_RCVD: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_SYN_SENT: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_ONE_SIDE_ESTABLISHED: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_ESTABLISHED: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_ACCEPTING: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_SENT: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREQ_RCVD: + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + i40iw_send_reset(cm_node); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT: + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_LAST_ACK; + i40iw_send_fin(cm_node); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_FIN_WAIT1: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_FIN_WAIT2: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_LAST_ACK: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_TIME_WAIT: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSING: + ret = -1; + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_LISTENING: + i40iw_cleanup_retrans_entry(cm_node); + i40iw_send_reset(cm_node); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_MPAREJ_RCVD: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_UNKNOWN: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_INITED: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_CLOSED: + case I40IW_CM_STATE_LISTENER_DESTROYED: + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + break; + case I40IW_CM_STATE_OFFLOADED: + if (cm_node->send_entry) + i40iw_pr_err("send_entry\n"); + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + break; + } + return ret; +} + +/** + * i40iw_receive_ilq - recv an ETHERNET packet, and process it + * through CM + * @dev: FPK dev struct + * @rbuf: receive buffer + */ +void +i40iw_receive_ilq(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi, struct i40iw_puda_buf *rbuf) +{ + struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node; + struct i40iw_cm_listener *listener; + struct ip *iph; + struct ip6_hdr *ip6h; + struct tcphdr *tcph; + struct i40iw_cm_info cm_info; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = vsi->dev; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = (struct i40iw_device *)dev->back_dev; + struct i40iw_cm_core *cm_core = &iwdev->cm_core; + struct ether_vlan_header *ethh; + + /* if vlan, then maclen = 18 else 14 */ + iph = (struct ip *)rbuf->iph; + memset(&cm_info, 0, sizeof(cm_info)); + + i40iw_debug_buf(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ILQ, "RECEIVE ILQ BUFFER", rbuf->, + rbuf->totallen); + ethh = (struct ether_vlan_header *)rbuf->; + + if (ethh->evl_encap_proto == htons(ETH_P_8021Q)) { + cm_info.vlan_id = ntohs(ethh->evl_tag) & EVL_VLID_MASK; + i40iw_debug(cm_core->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, "%s vlan_id=%d\n", __func__, + cm_info.vlan_id); + } else { + cm_info.vlan_id = I40IW_NO_VLAN; + } + tcph = (struct tcphdr *)rbuf->tcph; + + if (rbuf->ipv4) { + cm_info.loc_addr[0] = ntohl(iph->ip_dst.s_addr); + cm_info.rem_addr[0] = ntohl(iph->ip_src.s_addr); + cm_info.ipv4 = TRUE; + } else { + ip6h = (struct ip6_hdr *)rbuf->iph; + i40iw_copy_ip_ntohl(cm_info.loc_addr, + (__be32 *) & ip6h->ip6_dst); + i40iw_copy_ip_ntohl(cm_info.rem_addr, + (__be32 *) & ip6h->ip6_src); + cm_info.ipv4 = FALSE; + } + cm_info.loc_port = ntohs(tcph->th_dport); + cm_info.rem_port = ntohs(tcph->th_sport); + cm_node = i40iw_find_node(cm_core, cm_info.rem_port, cm_info.rem_addr, + cm_info.loc_port, cm_info.loc_addr, TRUE); + + if (!cm_node) { + /* Only type of packet accepted are for */ + /* the PASSIVE open (syn only) */ + if (!(tcph->th_flags & TH_SYN) || (tcph->th_flags & TH_ACK)) + return; + listener = i40iw_find_listener(cm_core, + cm_info.loc_addr, cm_info.loc_port, cm_info.vlan_id, + I40IW_CM_LISTENER_ACTIVE_STATE); + if (!listener) { + cm_info.cm_id = NULL; + i40iw_debug(cm_core->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, "%s no listener found\n", + __func__); + return; + } + cm_info.cm_id = listener->cm_id; + cm_node = i40iw_make_cm_node(cm_core, iwdev, &cm_info, listener); + if (!cm_node) { + i40iw_debug(cm_core->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "%s allocate node failed\n", __func__); + atomic_dec(&listener->ref_count); + return; + } + if (!(tcph->th_flags & (TH_RST | TH_FIN))) { + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_LISTENING; + } else { + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + return; + } + atomic_inc(&cm_node->ref_count); + } else if (cm_node->state == I40IW_CM_STATE_OFFLOADED) { + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + return; + } + i40iw_process_packet(cm_node, rbuf); + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); +} + +/** + * i40iw_setup_cm_core - allocate a top level instance of a cm + * core + * @iwdev: iwarp device structure + */ +void +i40iw_setup_cm_core(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + struct i40iw_cm_core *cm_core = &iwdev->cm_core; + + cm_core->iwdev = iwdev; + cm_core->dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cm_core->connected_nodes); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cm_core->listen_nodes); + + init_timer(&cm_core->tcp_timer); + cm_core->tcp_timer.function = i40iw_cm_timer_tick; + cm_core-> = (unsigned long)cm_core; + + spin_lock_init(&cm_core->ht_lock); + spin_lock_init(&cm_core->listen_list_lock); + + cm_core->event_wq = create_singlethread_workqueue("iwewq"); + cm_core->disconn_wq = create_singlethread_workqueue("iwdwq"); +} + +/** + * i40iw_cleanup_cm_core - deallocate a top level instance of a + * cm core + * @cm_core: cm's core + */ +void +i40iw_cleanup_cm_core(struct i40iw_cm_core *cm_core) +{ + unsigned long flags; + + if (!cm_core) + return; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&cm_core->ht_lock, flags); + if (timer_pending(&cm_core->tcp_timer)) + del_timer_sync(&cm_core->tcp_timer); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cm_core->ht_lock, flags); + + destroy_workqueue(cm_core->event_wq); + destroy_workqueue(cm_core->disconn_wq); +} + +/** + * i40iw_init_tcp_ctx - setup qp context + * @cm_node: connection's node + * @tcp_info: offload info for tcp + * @iwqp: associate qp for the connection + */ +static void +i40iw_init_tcp_ctx(struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node, + struct i40iw_tcp_offload_info *tcp_info, struct i40iw_qp *iwqp) +{ + tcp_info->ipv4 = cm_node->ipv4; + tcp_info->drop_ooo_seg = TRUE; + tcp_info->wscale = TRUE; + tcp_info->ignore_tcp_opt = TRUE; + tcp_info->ignore_tcp_uns_opt = TRUE; + tcp_info->no_nagle = FALSE; + + tcp_info->ttl = I40IW_DEFAULT_TTL; + tcp_info->rtt_var = cpu_to_le32(I40IW_DEFAULT_RTT_VAR); + tcp_info->ss_thresh = cpu_to_le32(I40IW_DEFAULT_SS_THRESH); + tcp_info->rexmit_thresh = I40IW_DEFAULT_REXMIT_THRESH; + + tcp_info->tcp_state = I40IW_TCP_STATE_ESTABLISHED; + tcp_info->snd_wscale = cm_node->tcp_cntxt.snd_wscale; + tcp_info->rcv_wscale = cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_wscale; + + tcp_info->snd_nxt = cpu_to_le32(cm_node->tcp_cntxt.loc_seq_num); + tcp_info->snd_wnd = cpu_to_le32(cm_node->tcp_cntxt.snd_wnd); + tcp_info->rcv_nxt = cpu_to_le32(cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_nxt); + tcp_info->snd_max = cpu_to_le32(cm_node->tcp_cntxt.loc_seq_num); + + tcp_info->snd_una = cpu_to_le32(cm_node->tcp_cntxt.loc_seq_num); + tcp_info->cwnd = cpu_to_le32(2 * cm_node->tcp_cntxt.mss); + tcp_info->snd_wl1 = cpu_to_le32(cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_nxt); + tcp_info->snd_wl2 = cpu_to_le32(cm_node->tcp_cntxt.loc_seq_num); + tcp_info->max_snd_window = cpu_to_le32(cm_node->tcp_cntxt.max_snd_wnd); + tcp_info->rcv_wnd = cpu_to_le32(cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_wnd << + cm_node->tcp_cntxt.rcv_wscale); + + tcp_info->flow_label = 0; + tcp_info->snd_mss = cpu_to_le32(((u32) cm_node->tcp_cntxt.mss)); + if (cm_node->vlan_id < VLAN_TAG_PRESENT) { + tcp_info->insert_vlan_tag = TRUE; + tcp_info->vlan_tag = cpu_to_le16(cm_node->vlan_id); + } + if (cm_node->ipv4) { + tcp_info->src_port = cpu_to_le16(cm_node->loc_port); + tcp_info->dst_port = cpu_to_le16(cm_node->rem_port); + + tcp_info->dest_ip_addr3 = cpu_to_le32(cm_node->rem_addr[0]); + tcp_info->local_ipaddr3 = cpu_to_le32(cm_node->loc_addr[0]); + tcp_info->arp_idx = cpu_to_le16((u16) i40iw_arp_table(iwqp->iwdev, + &tcp_info->dest_ip_addr3, TRUE, NULL, I40IW_ARP_RESOLVE)); + } else { + tcp_info->src_port = cpu_to_le16(cm_node->loc_port); + tcp_info->dst_port = cpu_to_le16(cm_node->rem_port); + tcp_info->dest_ip_addr0 = cpu_to_le32(cm_node->rem_addr[0]); + tcp_info->dest_ip_addr1 = cpu_to_le32(cm_node->rem_addr[1]); + tcp_info->dest_ip_addr2 = cpu_to_le32(cm_node->rem_addr[2]); + tcp_info->dest_ip_addr3 = cpu_to_le32(cm_node->rem_addr[3]); + tcp_info->local_ipaddr0 = cpu_to_le32(cm_node->loc_addr[0]); + tcp_info->local_ipaddr1 = cpu_to_le32(cm_node->loc_addr[1]); + tcp_info->local_ipaddr2 = cpu_to_le32(cm_node->loc_addr[2]); + tcp_info->local_ipaddr3 = cpu_to_le32(cm_node->loc_addr[3]); + tcp_info->arp_idx = cpu_to_le16((u16) i40iw_arp_table(iwqp->iwdev, + &tcp_info->dest_ip_addr0, FALSE, NULL, I40IW_ARP_RESOLVE)); + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_cm_init_tsa_conn - setup qp for RTS + * @iwqp: associate qp for the connection + * @cm_node: connection's node + */ +static void +i40iw_cm_init_tsa_conn(struct i40iw_qp *iwqp, struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node) +{ + struct i40iw_tcp_offload_info tcp_info; + struct i40iwarp_offload_info *iwarp_info; + struct i40iw_qp_host_ctx_info *ctx_info; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = iwqp->iwdev; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwqp->iwdev->sc_dev; + + memset(&tcp_info, 0x00, sizeof(struct i40iw_tcp_offload_info)); + iwarp_info = &iwqp->iwarp_info; + ctx_info = &iwqp->ctx_info; + + ctx_info->tcp_info = &tcp_info; + ctx_info->send_cq_num = iwqp->iwscq->sc_cq.cq_uk.cq_id; + ctx_info->rcv_cq_num = iwqp->iwrcq->sc_cq.cq_uk.cq_id; + + iwarp_info->ord_size = cm_node->ord_size; + iwarp_info->ird_size = i40iw_derive_hw_ird_setting(cm_node->ird_size); + + if (iwarp_info->ord_size == 1) + iwarp_info->ord_size = 2; + + iwarp_info->rd_enable = TRUE; + iwarp_info->rdmap_ver = 1; + iwarp_info->ddp_ver = 1; + + iwarp_info->pd_id = iwqp->iwpd->sc_pd.pd_id; + + ctx_info->tcp_info_valid = TRUE; + ctx_info->iwarp_info_valid = TRUE; + + i40iw_init_tcp_ctx(cm_node, &tcp_info, iwqp); + if (cm_node->snd_mark_en) { + iwarp_info->snd_mark_en = TRUE; + iwarp_info->snd_mark_offset = (tcp_info.snd_nxt & + SNDMARKER_SEQNMASK) + cm_node->lsmm_size; + } + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_OFFLOADED; + tcp_info.tcp_state = I40IW_TCP_STATE_ESTABLISHED; + tcp_info.src_mac_addr_idx = iwdev->mac_ip_table_idx; + + dev->iw_priv_qp_ops->qp_setctx(&iwqp->sc_qp, (u64 *) (iwqp->, + ctx_info); + + /* once tcp_info is set, no need to do it again */ + ctx_info->tcp_info_valid = FALSE; + ctx_info->iwarp_info_valid = FALSE; +} + +/** + * i40iw_cm_disconn - when a connection is being closed + * @iwqp: associate qp for the connection + */ +void +i40iw_cm_disconn(struct i40iw_qp *iwqp) +{ + struct i40iw_disconn_work *work; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = iwqp->iwdev; + struct i40iw_cm_core *cm_core = &iwdev->cm_core; + unsigned long flags; + + work = kzalloc(sizeof(*work), GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!work) + return; /* Timer will clean up */ + + spin_lock_irqsave(&iwdev->qptable_lock, flags); + if (!iwdev->qp_table[iwqp->ibqp.qp_num]) { + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwdev->qptable_lock, flags); + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "%s qp_id %d is already freed\n", + __func__, iwqp->ibqp.qp_num); + kfree(work); + return; + } + i40iw_add_ref(&iwqp->ibqp); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwdev->qptable_lock, flags); + + work->iwqp = iwqp; + INIT_WORK(&work->work, i40iw_disconnect_worker); + queue_work(cm_core->disconn_wq, &work->work); + return; +} + +/** + * i40iw_qp_disconnect - free qp and close cm + * @iwqp: associate qp for the connection + */ +static void +i40iw_qp_disconnect(struct i40iw_qp *iwqp) +{ + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; + struct i40iw_ib_device *iwibdev; + + iwdev = to_iwdev(iwqp->ibqp.device); + if (!iwdev) { + i40iw_pr_err("iwdev == NULL\n"); + return; + } + iwibdev = iwdev->iwibdev; + + if (iwqp->active_conn) { + /* indicate this connection is NOT active */ + iwqp->active_conn = 0; + } else { + /* Need to free the Last Streaming Mode Message */ + if (iwqp-> { + if (iwqp->lsmm_mr) + iwibdev->ibdev.dereg_mr(iwqp->lsmm_mr); + ixliw_free_dma_mem(&iwqp->ietf_mem); + } + } + + /* close the CM node down if it is still active */ + if (iwqp->cm_node) { + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, "%s Call close API\n", + __func__); + i40iw_cm_close(iwqp->cm_node); + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_cm_disconn_true - called by worker thread to disconnect qp + * @iwqp: associate qp for the connection + */ +static void +i40iw_cm_disconn_true(struct i40iw_qp *iwqp) +{ + struct iw_cm_id *cm_id; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; + struct ib_event ibevent; + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp = &iwqp->sc_qp; + int disconn_status = 0; + int issue_disconn = 0; + int issue_close = 0; + int issue_flush = 0; + int ret; + unsigned long flags; + u16 last_ae; + u8 original_hw_tcp_state; + u8 original_ibqp_state; + + if (!iwqp) { + i40iw_pr_err("iwqp == NULL\n"); + return; + } + spin_lock_irqsave(&iwqp->lock, flags); + cm_id = iwqp->cm_id; + /* make sure we havent already closed this connection */ + if (!cm_id) { + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwqp->lock, flags); + return; + } + iwdev = to_iwdev(iwqp->ibqp.device); + + original_hw_tcp_state = iwqp->hw_tcp_state; + original_ibqp_state = iwqp->ibqp_state; + last_ae = iwqp->last_aeq; + if (qp->term_flags) { + issue_disconn = 1; + issue_close = 1; + iwqp->cm_id = NULL; + del_timer(&iwqp->terminate_timer); + if (!iwqp->flush_issued) { + iwqp->flush_issued = 1; + issue_flush = 1; + } + } else if ((original_hw_tcp_state == I40IW_TCP_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT) || + ((original_ibqp_state == IB_QPS_RTS) && + (last_ae == I40IW_AE_LLP_CONNECTION_RESET))) { + issue_disconn = 1; + if (last_ae == I40IW_AE_LLP_CONNECTION_RESET) + disconn_status = -ECONNRESET; + } + if (((original_hw_tcp_state == I40IW_TCP_STATE_CLOSED) || + (original_hw_tcp_state == I40IW_TCP_STATE_TIME_WAIT) || + (last_ae == I40IW_AE_RDMAP_ROE_BAD_LLP_CLOSE) || + (last_ae == I40IW_AE_LLP_CONNECTION_RESET))) { + issue_close = 1; + iwqp->cm_id = NULL; + if (!iwqp->flush_issued) { + iwqp->flush_issued = 1; + issue_flush = 1; + } + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwqp->lock, flags); + if (issue_flush && !iwqp->destroyed) { + /* Flush the queues */ + i40iw_flush_wqes(iwdev, iwqp); + if (qp->term_flags && iwqp->ibqp.event_handler) { + ibevent.device = iwqp->ibqp.device; + ibevent.event = (qp->eventtype == TERM_EVENT_QP_FATAL) ? + IB_EVENT_QP_FATAL : IB_EVENT_QP_ACCESS_ERR; + ibevent.element.qp = &iwqp->ibqp; + iwqp->ibqp.event_handler(&ibevent, iwqp->ibqp.qp_context); + } + } + if (cm_id && cm_id->event_handler) { + if (issue_disconn) { + ret = i40iw_send_cm_event(NULL, + cm_id, + IW_CM_EVENT_DISCONNECT, + disconn_status); + + if (ret) + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, + I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "disconnect event failed %s: - cm_id = %p\n", + __func__, cm_id); + } + if (issue_close) { + i40iw_qp_disconnect(iwqp); + cm_id->provider_data = iwqp; + ret = i40iw_send_cm_event(NULL, cm_id, IW_CM_EVENT_CLOSE, 0); + if (ret) + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, + I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "close event failed %s: - cm_id = %p\n", + __func__, cm_id); + cm_id->rem_ref(cm_id); + } + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_disconnect_worker - worker for connection close + * @work: points or disconn structure + */ +static void +i40iw_disconnect_worker(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct i40iw_disconn_work *dwork = + container_of(work, struct i40iw_disconn_work, work); + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp = dwork->iwqp; + + kfree(dwork); + + i40iw_cm_disconn_true(iwqp); + i40iw_rem_ref(&iwqp->ibqp); +} + +/** + * i40iw_accept - registered call for connection to be accepted + * @cm_id: cm information for passive connection + * @conn_param: accpet parameters + */ +int +i40iw_accept(struct iw_cm_id *cm_id, struct iw_cm_conn_param *conn_param) +{ + struct ib_qp_attr attr; + struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + struct ib_mr *ibmr; + struct ib_qp *ibqp; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp; + struct i40iw_pd *iwpd; + struct i40iw_kmem_info accept; + struct ib_phys_buf phys_buf; + u64 tagged_offset; + int passive_state; + u16 buf_len = 0; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr)); + ibqp = i40iw_get_qp(cm_id->device, conn_param->qpn); + if (!ibqp) + return -EINVAL; + + iwqp = to_iwqp(ibqp); + iwdev = iwqp->iwdev; + dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + cm_node = (struct i40iw_cm_node *)cm_id->provider_data; + + if (((struct sockaddr_in *)&cm_id->local_addr)->sin_family == AF_INET) { + cm_node->ipv4 = TRUE; + cm_node->vlan_id = i40iw_get_vlan_ipv4(cm_node->loc_addr); + } else { + cm_node->ipv4 = FALSE; + i40iw_get_vlan_ipv6(cm_node->loc_addr, &cm_node->vlan_id, NULL); + } + i40iw_debug(cm_node->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, "Accept vlan_id=%d\n", + cm_node->vlan_id); + if (cm_node->state == I40IW_CM_STATE_LISTENER_DESTROYED) { + if (cm_node->loopbackpartner) + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node->loopbackpartner); + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + return -EINVAL; + } + passive_state = atomic_add_return(1, &cm_node->passive_state); + if (passive_state == I40IW_SEND_RESET_EVENT) { + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + return -ECONNRESET; + } + cm_node->cm_core->stats_accepts++; + iwqp->cm_node = (void *)cm_node; + cm_node->iwqp = iwqp; + + buf_len = conn_param->private_data_len + I40IW_MAX_IETF_SIZE; + + status = i40iw_allocate_dma_mem(dev->hw, &iwqp->ietf_mem, buf_len, 1); + + if (status) + return -ENOMEM; + cm_node->pdata.size = conn_param->private_data_len; + accept.addr = iwqp->; + accept.size = i40iw_cm_build_mpa_frame(cm_node, &accept, MPA_KEY_REPLY); + memcpy((void *)((uintptr_t) accept.addr + accept.size), + conn_param->private_data, conn_param->private_data_len); + + /* setup our first outgoing iWarp send WQE (the IETF frame response) */ + if ((cm_node->ipv4 && !i40iw_ipv4_is_loopback(cm_node->loc_addr[0], + cm_node->rem_addr[0])) || + (!cm_node->ipv4 && !i40iw_ipv6_is_loopback(cm_node->loc_addr, + cm_node->rem_addr))) { + iwpd = iwqp->iwpd; + tagged_offset = (uintptr_t) iwqp->; + phys_buf.addr = iwqp->; + phys_buf.size = buf_len; + + ibmr = i40iw_reg_phys_mr(&iwpd->ibpd, &phys_buf, 1, + IB_ACCESS_LOCAL_WRITE, &tagged_offset); + if (IS_ERR(ibmr)) { + ixliw_free_dma_mem(&iwqp->ietf_mem); + return -ENOMEM; + } + ibmr->pd = &iwpd->ibpd; + ibmr->device = iwpd->ibpd.device; + iwqp->lsmm_mr = ibmr; + dev->iw_priv_qp_ops->qp_send_lsmm(&iwqp->sc_qp, iwqp->, + (accept.size + conn_param->private_data_len), ibmr->lkey); + + } else { + dev->iw_priv_qp_ops->qp_send_lsmm(&iwqp->sc_qp, NULL, 0, 0); + } + + iwqp->cm_id = cm_id; + cm_node->cm_id = cm_id; + + cm_id->provider_data = (void *)iwqp; + iwqp->active_conn = 0; + + cm_node->lsmm_size = accept.size + conn_param->private_data_len; + i40iw_cm_init_tsa_conn(iwqp, cm_node); + cm_id->add_ref(cm_id); + i40iw_add_ref(&iwqp->ibqp); + + i40iw_send_cm_event(cm_node, cm_id, IW_CM_EVENT_ESTABLISHED, 0); + + attr.qp_state = IB_QPS_RTS; + cm_node->qhash_set = FALSE; + i40iw_modify_qp(&iwqp->ibqp, &attr, IB_QP_STATE, NULL); + if (cm_node->loopbackpartner) { + cm_node->loopbackpartner->pdata.size = conn_param->private_data_len; + + /* copy entire MPA frame to our cm_node's frame */ + memcpy(cm_node->loopbackpartner->pdata_buf, + conn_param->private_data, + conn_param->private_data_len); + i40iw_create_event(cm_node->loopbackpartner, I40IW_CM_EVENT_CONNECTED); + } + cm_node->accelerated = 1; + if (cm_node->accept_pend) { + if (!cm_node->listener) + i40iw_pr_err("cm_node->listener NULL for passive node\n"); + atomic_dec(&cm_node->listener->pend_accepts_cnt); + cm_node->accept_pend = 0; + } + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_reject - registered call for connection to be rejected + * @cm_id: cm information for passive connection + * @pdata: private data to be sent + * @pdata_len: private data length + */ +int +i40iw_reject(struct iw_cm_id *cm_id, const void *pdata, u8 pdata_len) +{ + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; + struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node; + struct i40iw_cm_node *loopback; + + cm_node = (struct i40iw_cm_node *)cm_id->provider_data; + loopback = cm_node->loopbackpartner; + cm_node->cm_id = cm_id; + cm_node->pdata.size = pdata_len; + + iwdev = to_iwdev(cm_id->device); + if (!iwdev) + return -EINVAL; + cm_node->cm_core->stats_rejects++; + + if (pdata_len + sizeof(struct ietf_mpa_v2) > MAX_CM_BUFFER) + return -EINVAL; + + if (loopback) { + memcpy(&loopback->pdata_buf, pdata, pdata_len); + loopback->pdata.size = pdata_len; + } + return i40iw_cm_reject(cm_node, pdata, pdata_len); +} + +/** + * i40iw_connect - registered call for connection to be established + * @cm_id: cm information for passive connection + * @conn_param: Information about the connection + */ +int +i40iw_connect(struct iw_cm_id *cm_id, struct iw_cm_conn_param *conn_param) +{ + struct i40iw_cm_info cm_info; + struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node; + struct ib_qp *ibqp; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp; + struct rtentry *rte = NULL; + struct sockaddr_in *laddr; + struct sockaddr_in *raddr; + struct sockaddr_in6 *laddr6; + struct sockaddr_in6 *raddr6; + int err = 0; + unsigned long flags; + u16 lport = 0; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + ibqp = i40iw_get_qp(cm_id->device, conn_param->qpn); + if (!ibqp) + return -EINVAL; + iwqp = to_iwqp(ibqp); + if (!iwqp) + return -EINVAL; + iwdev = to_iwdev(iwqp->ibqp.device); + if (!iwdev) + return -EINVAL; + + laddr = (struct sockaddr_in *)&cm_id->local_addr; + raddr = (struct sockaddr_in *)&cm_id->remote_addr; + laddr6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&cm_id->local_addr; + raddr6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&cm_id->remote_addr; + if (cm_id->remote_addr.sin_family == AF_INET) { + lport = laddr->sin_port; + if (laddr->sin_addr.s_addr == 0) { + rte = rtalloc1((struct sockaddr *)raddr, 1, 0); + if (rte == NULL || rte->rt_ifp == NULL || !RT_LINK_IS_UP(rte->rt_ifp)) { + if (rte) + RTFREE_LOCKED(rte); + return -EHOSTUNREACH; + } + memcpy(laddr, rte->rt_ifa->ifa_addr, ip_addr_size(rte->rt_ifa->ifa_addr)); + RTFREE_LOCKED(rte); + } + if (!lport) { + lport = sotoinpcb(cm_id->so)->inp_lport; + } + laddr->sin_port = lport; + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "Connect: local address: %u.%u.%u.%u:%u\n", + ((u8 *) & (laddr->sin_addr.s_addr))[0], + ((u8 *) & (laddr->sin_addr.s_addr))[1], + ((u8 *) & (laddr->sin_addr.s_addr))[2], + ((u8 *) & (laddr->sin_addr.s_addr))[3], + laddr->sin_port); + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "Connect: remote address %d.%d.%d.%d:%u\n", + ((u8 *) & (raddr->sin_addr.s_addr))[0], + ((u8 *) & (raddr->sin_addr.s_addr))[1], + ((u8 *) & (raddr->sin_addr.s_addr))[2], + ((u8 *) & (raddr->sin_addr.s_addr))[3], + raddr->sin_port); + } else { + if (IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&(laddr6->sin6_addr))) { + printf("i40iw_connect inside if\n"); + rte = rtalloc1((struct sockaddr *)raddr6, 1, 0); + if (rte == NULL || rte->rt_ifp == NULL || !RT_LINK_IS_UP(rte->rt_ifp)) { + if (rte) + RTFREE_LOCKED(rte); + return -EHOSTUNREACH; + } + lport = laddr6->sin6_port; + memcpy(laddr6, rte->rt_ifa->ifa_addr, ip_addr_size(rte->rt_ifa->ifa_addr)); + laddr6->sin6_port = lport; + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "Connect: local port %u, remote port %u\n", + laddr6->sin6_port, + raddr6->sin6_port); + RTFREE_LOCKED(rte); + } + } + + if (!(laddr->sin_port) || !(raddr->sin_port)) + return -EINVAL; + + iwqp->active_conn = 1; + iwqp->cm_id = NULL; + cm_id->provider_data = iwqp; + + /* set up the connection params for the node */ + if (cm_id->remote_addr.sin_family == AF_INET) { + cm_info.ipv4 = TRUE; + memset(cm_info.loc_addr, 0, sizeof(cm_info.loc_addr)); + memset(cm_info.rem_addr, 0, sizeof(cm_info.rem_addr)); + cm_info.loc_addr[0] = ntohl(laddr->sin_addr.s_addr); + cm_info.rem_addr[0] = ntohl(raddr->sin_addr.s_addr); + cm_info.loc_port = ntohs(laddr->sin_port); + cm_info.rem_port = ntohs(raddr->sin_port); + cm_info.vlan_id = i40iw_get_vlan_ipv4(cm_info.loc_addr); + } else { + cm_info.ipv4 = FALSE; + i40iw_copy_ip_ntohl(cm_info.loc_addr, + (__be32 *) & laddr6->sin6_addr); + i40iw_copy_ip_ntohl(cm_info.rem_addr, + (__be32 *) & raddr6->sin6_addr); + cm_info.loc_port = ntohs(laddr6->sin6_port); + cm_info.rem_port = ntohs(raddr6->sin6_port); + i40iw_get_vlan_ipv6(cm_info.loc_addr, &cm_info.vlan_id, NULL); + } + + cm_info.cm_id = cm_id; + cm_node = i40iw_create_cm_node(&iwdev->cm_core, iwdev, + conn_param->private_data_len, + conn_param->private_data, + &cm_info); + + if (IS_ERR(cm_node)) { + err = PTR_ERR(cm_node); + return err; + } + if ((cm_info.ipv4 && (laddr->sin_addr.s_addr != raddr->sin_addr.s_addr)) || + (!cm_info.ipv4 && memcmp(&laddr6->sin6_addr, &raddr6->sin6_addr, + sizeof(laddr6->sin6_addr)))) { + status = i40iw_manage_qhash(iwdev, &cm_info, + I40IW_QHASH_TYPE_TCP_ESTABLISHED, I40IW_QHASH_MANAGE_TYPE_ADD, + NULL, TRUE); + if (status) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto err; + } + cm_node->qhash_set = TRUE; + } + spin_lock_irqsave(&iwdev->cm_core.ht_lock, flags); + if (!test_and_set_bit(cm_info.loc_port, iwdev->cm_core.active_side_ports)) { + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwdev->cm_core.ht_lock, flags); + status = i40iw_manage_apbvt(iwdev, cm_info.loc_port, I40IW_MANAGE_APBVT_ADD); + if (status) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto err; + } + } else { + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwdev->cm_core.ht_lock, flags); + } + + cm_node->apbvt_set = TRUE; + + i40iw_record_ird_ord(cm_node, (u16) conn_param->ird, (u16) conn_param->ord); + if (cm_node->send_rdma0_op == SEND_RDMA_READ_ZERO && + !cm_node->ord_size) + cm_node->ord_size = 1; + + iwqp->cm_node = cm_node; + cm_node->iwqp = iwqp; + iwqp->cm_id = cm_id; + + if (cm_node->state != I40IW_CM_STATE_OFFLOADED) { + cm_node->state = I40IW_CM_STATE_SYN_SENT; + err = i40iw_send_syn(cm_node, 0); + if (err) + goto err; + } + i40iw_debug(cm_node->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "Api - connect(): port=0x%04x, cm_node=%p, cm_id = %p.\n", + cm_node->rem_port, cm_node, cm_node->cm_id); + cm_id->add_ref(cm_id); + i40iw_add_ref(&iwqp->ibqp); + return 0; + +err: + if (cm_info.ipv4) { + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "Api - connect() FAILED: dest addr=%d.%d.%d.%d", + cm_node->rem_addr[0] >> 24, + (cm_node->rem_addr[0] >> 16) & 0xFF, + (cm_node->rem_addr[0] >> 8) & 0xFF, + cm_node->rem_addr[0] & 0xFF); + } else { + char ip6buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "Api - connect() FAILED: dest addr=%s", + ip6_sprintf(ip6buf, + (const struct in6_addr *)cm_node->rem_addr)); + } + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_node); + iwdev->cm_core.stats_connect_errs++; + return err; +} + +/** + * i40iw_create_listen - registered call creating listener + * @cm_id: cm information for passive connection + * @backlog: to max accept pending count + */ +int +i40iw_create_listen(struct iw_cm_id *cm_id, int backlog) +{ + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; + struct i40iw_cm_info cm_info; + struct i40iw_cm_listener *cm_listen_node; + struct sockaddr_in *laddr; + struct sockaddr_in6 *laddr6; + bool wildcard = FALSE; + enum i40iw_status_code ret; + + iwdev = to_iwdev(cm_id->device); + if (!iwdev) + return -EINVAL; + + laddr = (struct sockaddr_in *)&cm_id->local_addr; + laddr6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&cm_id->local_addr; + memset(&cm_info, 0, sizeof(cm_info)); + if (laddr->sin_family == AF_INET) { + cm_info.ipv4 = TRUE; + cm_info.loc_addr[0] = ntohl(laddr->sin_addr.s_addr); + cm_info.loc_port = ntohs(laddr->sin_port); + + if (laddr->sin_addr.s_addr != INADDR_ANY) + cm_info.vlan_id = i40iw_get_vlan_ipv4(cm_info.loc_addr); + else + wildcard = TRUE; + + } else { + cm_info.ipv4 = FALSE; + i40iw_copy_ip_ntohl(cm_info.loc_addr, (__be32 *) & laddr6->sin6_addr); + cm_info.loc_port = ntohs(laddr6->sin6_port); + if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&laddr6->sin6_addr)) + i40iw_get_vlan_ipv6(cm_info.loc_addr, &cm_info.vlan_id, NULL); + else + wildcard = TRUE; + } + cm_info.backlog = backlog; + cm_info.cm_id = cm_id; + + cm_listen_node = i40iw_make_listen_node(&iwdev->cm_core, iwdev, &cm_info); + if (!cm_listen_node) { + i40iw_pr_err("cm_listen_node == NULL\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + cm_id->provider_data = cm_listen_node; + + if (!cm_listen_node->reused_node) { + if (wildcard) { + if (cm_info.ipv4) + ret = i40iw_add_mqh_4(iwdev, &cm_info, cm_listen_node); + else + ret = i40iw_add_mqh_6(iwdev, &cm_info, cm_listen_node); + if (ret) + goto error; + + ret = i40iw_manage_apbvt(iwdev, + cm_info.loc_port, + I40IW_MANAGE_APBVT_ADD); + + if (ret) + goto error; + } else { + ret = i40iw_manage_qhash(iwdev, &cm_info, I40IW_QHASH_TYPE_TCP_SYN, + I40IW_QHASH_MANAGE_TYPE_ADD, NULL, TRUE); + if (ret) + goto error; + cm_listen_node->qhash_set = TRUE; + ret = i40iw_manage_apbvt(iwdev, + cm_info.loc_port, + I40IW_MANAGE_APBVT_ADD); + if (ret) + goto error; + } + } + cm_id->add_ref(cm_id); + cm_listen_node->cm_core->stats_listen_created++; + return 0; +error: + i40iw_cm_del_listen(&iwdev->cm_core, (void *)cm_listen_node, FALSE); + return -EINVAL; +} + +/** + * i40iw_destroy_listen - registered call to destroy listener + * @cm_id: cm information for passive connection + */ +#if __FreeBSD_version >= 1100000 +void +#else +int +#endif /* IW_IXL_FREEBSD11 */ +i40iw_destroy_listen(struct iw_cm_id *cm_id) +{ + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; + + iwdev = to_iwdev(cm_id->device); + if (cm_id->provider_data) + i40iw_cm_del_listen(&iwdev->cm_core, cm_id->provider_data, TRUE); + else + i40iw_pr_err("cm_id->provider_data was NULL\n"); + + cm_id->rem_ref(cm_id); +#if __FreeBSD_version < 1100000 + return 0; +#endif /* IW_IXL_FREEBSD10 */ +} + +/** + * i40iw_cm_event_connected - handle connected active node + * @event: the info for cm_node of connection + */ +static void +i40iw_cm_event_connected(struct i40iw_cm_event *event) +{ + struct ib_qp_attr attr; + struct iw_cm_id *cm_id; + struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev; + int status; + bool read0; + + cm_node = event->cm_node; + cm_id = cm_node->cm_id; + iwqp = (struct i40iw_qp *)cm_id->provider_data; + iwdev = to_iwdev(iwqp->ibqp.device); + dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + + if (iwqp->destroyed) { + status = -ETIMEDOUT; + goto error; + } + i40iw_cm_init_tsa_conn(iwqp, cm_node); + read0 = (cm_node->send_rdma0_op == SEND_RDMA_READ_ZERO); + dev->iw_priv_qp_ops->qp_send_rtt(&iwqp->sc_qp, read0); + status = i40iw_send_cm_event(cm_node, cm_id, IW_CM_EVENT_CONNECT_REPLY, 0); + if (status) + i40iw_pr_err("send cm event\n"); + + memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr)); + attr.qp_state = IB_QPS_RTS; + cm_node->qhash_set = FALSE; + i40iw_modify_qp(&iwqp->ibqp, &attr, IB_QP_STATE, NULL); + + cm_node->accelerated = 1; + if (cm_node->accept_pend) { + if (!cm_node->listener) + i40iw_pr_err("listener is null for passive node\n"); + atomic_dec(&cm_node->listener->pend_accepts_cnt); + cm_node->accept_pend = 0; + } + return; + +error: + iwqp->cm_id = NULL; + cm_id->provider_data = NULL; + i40iw_send_cm_event(event->cm_node, cm_id, IW_CM_EVENT_CONNECT_REPLY, + status); + cm_id->rem_ref(cm_id); + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(event->cm_node); +} + +/** + * i40iw_cm_event_reset - handle reset + * @event: the info for cm_node of connection + */ +static void +i40iw_cm_event_reset(struct i40iw_cm_event *event) +{ + struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node = event->cm_node; + struct iw_cm_id *cm_id = cm_node->cm_id; + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp; + + if (!cm_id) + return; + + iwqp = cm_id->provider_data; + if (!iwqp) + return; + + i40iw_debug(cm_node->dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, "reset event %p - cm_id = %p\n", + event->cm_node, cm_id); + iwqp->cm_id = NULL; + + i40iw_send_cm_event(cm_node, cm_node->cm_id, IW_CM_EVENT_DISCONNECT, + -ECONNRESET); + i40iw_send_cm_event(cm_node, cm_node->cm_id, IW_CM_EVENT_CLOSE, 0); +} + +/** + * i40iw_cm_event_handler - worker thread callback to send event + * to cm upper layer + * @work: pointer of cm event info. + */ +static void +i40iw_cm_event_handler(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct i40iw_cm_event *event = container_of(work, struct i40iw_cm_event, + event_work); + struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node; + + if (!event || !event->cm_node || !event->cm_node->cm_core) + return; + + cm_node = event->cm_node; + + switch (event->type) { + case I40IW_CM_EVENT_MPA_REQ: + i40iw_send_cm_event(cm_node, cm_node->cm_id, + IW_CM_EVENT_CONNECT_REQUEST, 0); + break; + case I40IW_CM_EVENT_RESET: + i40iw_cm_event_reset(event); + break; + case I40IW_CM_EVENT_CONNECTED: + if (!event->cm_node->cm_id || + (event->cm_node->state != I40IW_CM_STATE_OFFLOADED)) + break; + i40iw_cm_event_connected(event); + break; + case I40IW_CM_EVENT_MPA_REJECT: + if (!event->cm_node->cm_id || + (cm_node->state == I40IW_CM_STATE_OFFLOADED)) + break; + i40iw_send_cm_event(cm_node, cm_node->cm_id, IW_CM_EVENT_CONNECT_REPLY, + -ECONNREFUSED); + break; + case I40IW_CM_EVENT_ABORTED: + if (!event->cm_node->cm_id || + (event->cm_node->state == I40IW_CM_STATE_OFFLOADED)) + break; + i40iw_event_connect_error(event); + break; + default: + i40iw_pr_err("event type = %d\n", event->type); + break; + } + + event->cm_info.cm_id->rem_ref(event->cm_info.cm_id); + i40iw_rem_ref_cm_node(event->cm_node); + kfree(event); +} + +/** + * i40iw_cm_post_event - queue event request for worker thread + * @event: cm node's info for up event call + */ +static void +i40iw_cm_post_event(struct i40iw_cm_event *event) +{ + atomic_inc(&event->cm_node->ref_count); + event->cm_info.cm_id->add_ref(event->cm_info.cm_id); + + INIT_WORK(&event->event_work, i40iw_cm_event_handler); + + queue_work(event->cm_node->cm_core->event_wq, &event->event_work); +} Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_dbg.h =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_dbg.h @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#ifndef _IW_IXL_DBG_H_ +#define _IW_IXL_DBG_H_ + +#ifdef IW_IXL_DEBUG + +#define _DBG_PRINTF(S, ...) printf("%s: " S "\n", __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__) +#define _DEV_DBG_PRINTF(dev, S, ...) device_printf(dev, "%s: " S "\n", __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__) +#define _IF_DBG_PRINTF(ifp, S, ...) if_printf(ifp, "%s: " S "\n", __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__) + +/* Defines for printing generic debug information */ +#define DPRINTF(...) _DBG_PRINTF(__VA_ARGS__) +#define DDPRINTF(...) _DEV_DBG_PRINTF(__VA_ARGS__) +#define IDPRINTF(...) _IF_DBG_PRINTF(__VA_ARGS__) + +/* Defines for printing specific debug information */ +#define DEBUG_INIT 1 +#define DEBUG_HW 1 + +#define INIT_DEBUGOUT(...) if (DEBUG_INIT) _DBG_PRINTF(__VA_ARGS__) +#define INIT_DBG_DEV(...) if (DEBUG_INIT) _DEV_DBG_PRINTF(__VA_ARGS__) +#define INIT_DBG_IF(...) if (DEBUG_INIT) _IF_DBG_PRINTF(__VA_ARGS__) + +#define HW_DEBUGOUT(...) if (DEBUG_HW) _DBG_PRINTF(__VA_ARGS__) + +#define IW_IXL_ASSERT(x) if(!(x)) panic("iw_ixl: %s: x", __func__) + +#else /* no IW_IXL_DEBUG */ + +#define DEBUG_INIT 0 +#define DEBUG_HW 0 + +#define DPRINTF(...) +#define DDPRINTF(...) +#define IDPRINTF(...) + +#define INIT_DEBUGOUT(...) +#define INIT_DBG_DEV(...) +#define INIT_DBG_IF(...) + +#define HW_DEBUGOUT(...) + +#define IW_IXL_ASSERT(x) + +#endif /* IW_IXL_DEBUG */ + +#endif /* _IW_IXL_DBG_H_ */ Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_hw.c =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_hw.c @@ -0,0 +1,735 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#include "iw_ixl.h" + +#include +#include + +/** + * i40iw_initialize_hw_resources - initialize hw resource during open + * @iwdev: iwarp device + */ +u32 +i40iw_initialize_hw_resources(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + unsigned long num_pds; + u32 resources_size; + u32 max_mr; + u32 max_qp; + u32 max_cq; + u32 arp_table_size; + u32 mrdrvbits; + void *resource_ptr; + + max_qp = iwdev->sc_dev.hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_QP].cnt; + max_cq = iwdev->sc_dev.hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_CQ].cnt; + max_mr = iwdev->sc_dev.hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_MR].cnt; + arp_table_size = iwdev->sc_dev.hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_ARP].cnt; + iwdev->max_cqe = 0xFFFFF; + num_pds = I40IW_MAX_PDS; + resources_size = sizeof(struct i40iw_arp_entry) * arp_table_size; + resources_size += sizeof(unsigned long) * BITS_TO_LONGS(max_qp); + resources_size += sizeof(unsigned long) * BITS_TO_LONGS(max_mr); + resources_size += sizeof(unsigned long) * BITS_TO_LONGS(max_cq); + resources_size += sizeof(unsigned long) * BITS_TO_LONGS(num_pds); + resources_size += sizeof(unsigned long) * BITS_TO_LONGS(arp_table_size); + resources_size += sizeof(struct i40iw_qp **) * max_qp; + iwdev->mem_resources = kzalloc(resources_size, GFP_KERNEL); + + if (!iwdev->mem_resources) + return -ENOMEM; + + iwdev->max_qp = max_qp; + iwdev->max_mr = max_mr; + iwdev->max_cq = max_cq; + iwdev->max_pd = num_pds; + iwdev->arp_table_size = arp_table_size; + iwdev->arp_table = (struct i40iw_arp_entry *)iwdev->mem_resources; + resource_ptr = iwdev->mem_resources + (sizeof(struct i40iw_arp_entry) * arp_table_size); + + iwdev->device_cap_flags = IB_DEVICE_LOCAL_DMA_LKEY | + IB_DEVICE_MEM_WINDOW | IB_DEVICE_MEM_MGT_EXTENSIONS; + + iwdev->allocated_qps = resource_ptr; + iwdev->allocated_cqs = &iwdev->allocated_qps[BITS_TO_LONGS(max_qp)]; + iwdev->allocated_mrs = &iwdev->allocated_cqs[BITS_TO_LONGS(max_cq)]; + iwdev->allocated_pds = &iwdev->allocated_mrs[BITS_TO_LONGS(max_mr)]; + iwdev->allocated_arps = &iwdev->allocated_pds[BITS_TO_LONGS(num_pds)]; + iwdev->qp_table = (struct i40iw_qp **)(&iwdev->allocated_arps[BITS_TO_LONGS(arp_table_size)]); + + set_bit(0, iwdev->allocated_mrs); + set_bit(0, iwdev->allocated_qps); + set_bit(0, iwdev->allocated_cqs); + set_bit(0, iwdev->allocated_pds); + set_bit(0, iwdev->allocated_arps); + + /* Following for ILQ/IEQ */ + set_bit(1, iwdev->allocated_qps); + set_bit(1, iwdev->allocated_cqs); + set_bit(1, iwdev->allocated_pds); + set_bit(2, iwdev->allocated_cqs); + set_bit(2, iwdev->allocated_pds); + + spin_lock_init(&iwdev->resource_lock); + spin_lock_init(&iwdev->qptable_lock); + /* stag index mask has a minimum of 14 bits */ + mrdrvbits = 24 - max(get_count_order(iwdev->max_mr), 14); + iwdev->mr_stagmask = ~(((1 << mrdrvbits) - 1) << (32 - mrdrvbits)); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_cqp_ce_handler - handle cqp completions + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @arm: flag to arm after completions + * @cq: cq for cqp completions + */ +static void +i40iw_cqp_ce_handler(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq, + bool arm) +{ + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct i40iw_ccq_cqe_info info; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + int ret; + u32 cqe_count = 0; + + do { + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + ret = dev->ccq_ops->ccq_get_cqe_info(cq, &info); + if (ret) + break; + cqp_request = (struct i40iw_cqp_request *)(unsigned long)info.scratch; + if (info.error) + device_printf(iwdev->ldev->dev, + "opcode = 0x%x maj_err_code = 0x%x min_err_code = 0x%x\n", + info.op_code, info.maj_err_code, info.min_err_code); + if (cqp_request) { + cqp_request->compl_info.maj_err_code = info.maj_err_code; + cqp_request->compl_info.min_err_code = info.min_err_code; + cqp_request->compl_info.op_ret_val = info.op_ret_val; + cqp_request->compl_info.error = info.error; + + if (cqp_request->waiting) { + cqp_request->request_done = TRUE; + wake_up(&cqp_request->waitq); + i40iw_put_cqp_request(&iwdev->cqp, cqp_request); + } else { + if (cqp_request->callback_fcn) + cqp_request->callback_fcn(cqp_request, 1); + i40iw_put_cqp_request(&iwdev->cqp, cqp_request); + } + } + cqe_count++; + } while (1); + + if (arm && cqe_count) { + i40iw_process_bh(dev); + dev->ccq_ops->ccq_arm(cq); + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_iwarp_ce_handler - handle iwarp completions + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @iwcp: iwarp cq receiving event + */ +static void +i40iw_iwarp_ce_handler(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, struct i40iw_sc_cq *iwcq) +{ + struct i40iw_cq *i40iwcq = iwcq->back_cq; + + if (i40iwcq->ibcq.comp_handler) + i40iwcq->ibcq.comp_handler(&i40iwcq->ibcq, + i40iwcq->ibcq.cq_context); +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_ce_handler - handle puda completion events + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @cq: puda completion q for event + */ +static void +i40iw_puda_ce_handler(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = (struct i40iw_sc_dev *)&iwdev->sc_dev; + u32 compl_error; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + do { + status = i40iw_puda_poll_completion(dev, cq, &compl_error); + if (status == I40IW_ERR_QUEUE_EMPTY) + break; + if (status) { + device_printf(iwdev->ldev->dev, + "puda status = %d\n", status); + break; + } + if (compl_error) { + device_printf(iwdev->ldev->dev, + "puda compl_err =0x%x\n", compl_error); + break; + } + } while (1); + + dev->ccq_ops->ccq_arm(cq); +} + +/** + * i40iw_process_ceq - handle ceq for completions + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @ceq: ceq having cq for completion + */ +void +i40iw_process_ceq(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, struct i40iw_ceq *ceq) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + struct i40iw_sc_ceq *sc_ceq; + struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq; + bool arm = TRUE; + + sc_ceq = &ceq->sc_ceq; + do { + cq = dev->ceq_ops->process_ceq(dev, sc_ceq); + if (!cq) + break; + + if (cq->cq_type == I40IW_CQ_TYPE_CQP) + i40iw_cqp_ce_handler(iwdev, cq, arm); + else if (cq->cq_type == I40IW_CQ_TYPE_IWARP) + i40iw_iwarp_ce_handler(iwdev, cq); + else if ((cq->cq_type == I40IW_CQ_TYPE_ILQ) || + (cq->cq_type == I40IW_CQ_TYPE_IEQ)) + i40iw_puda_ce_handler(iwdev, cq); + } while (1); +} + +/** + * i40iw_next_iw_state - modify qp state + * @iwqp: iwarp qp to modify + * @state: next state for qp + * @del_hash: del hash + * @term: term message + * @termlen: length of term message + */ +void +i40iw_next_iw_state(struct i40iw_qp *iwqp, u8 state, u8 del_hash, u8 term, + u8 termlen) +{ + struct i40iw_modify_qp_info info; + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + info.next_iwarp_state = state; + info.remove_hash_idx = del_hash; + info.cq_num_valid = TRUE; + info.arp_cache_idx_valid = TRUE; + info.dont_send_term = TRUE; + info.dont_send_fin = TRUE; + info.termlen = termlen; + + if (term & I40IWQP_TERM_SEND_TERM_ONLY) + info.dont_send_term = FALSE; + if (term & I40IWQP_TERM_SEND_FIN_ONLY) + info.dont_send_fin = FALSE; + if (iwqp->sc_qp.term_flags && (state == I40IW_QP_STATE_ERROR)) + info.reset_tcp_conn = TRUE; + iwqp->hw_iwarp_state = state; + i40iw_hw_modify_qp(iwqp->iwdev, iwqp, &info, 0); +} + +/** + * i40iw_process_aeq - handle aeq events + * @iwdev: iwarp device + */ +void +i40iw_process_aeq(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + struct i40iw_aeq *aeq = &iwdev->aeq; + struct i40iw_sc_aeq *sc_aeq = &aeq->sc_aeq; + struct i40iw_aeqe_info aeinfo; + struct i40iw_aeqe_info *info = &aeinfo; + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp = NULL; + struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq = NULL; + struct i40iw_cq *iwcq = NULL; + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp = NULL; + struct i40iw_qp_host_ctx_info *ctx_info = NULL; + int ret; + unsigned long flags; + + u32 aeqcnt = 0; + + if (!sc_aeq->size) + return; + + do { + memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info)); + ret = dev->aeq_ops->get_next_aeqe(sc_aeq, info); + if (ret) + break; + + aeqcnt++; + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_AEQ, + "%s ae_id = 0x%x bool qp=%d qp_id = %d\n", + __func__, info->ae_id, info->qp, info->qp_cq_id); + if (info->qp) { + spin_lock_irqsave(&iwdev->qptable_lock, flags); + iwqp = iwdev->qp_table[info->qp_cq_id]; + if (!iwqp) { + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwdev->qptable_lock, flags); + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_AEQ, "qp_id %d is already freed\n", + info->qp_cq_id); + continue; + } + i40iw_add_ref(&iwqp->ibqp); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwdev->qptable_lock, flags); + qp = &iwqp->sc_qp; + spin_lock_irqsave(&iwqp->lock, flags); + iwqp->hw_tcp_state = info->tcp_state; + iwqp->hw_iwarp_state = info->iwarp_state; + iwqp->last_aeq = info->ae_id; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwqp->lock, flags); + ctx_info = &iwqp->ctx_info; + ctx_info->iwarp_info->err_rq_idx_valid = TRUE; + } else { + if (info->ae_id != I40IW_AE_CQ_OPERATION_ERROR) + continue; + } + + switch (info->ae_id) { + case I40IW_AE_LLP_FIN_RECEIVED: + if (qp->term_flags) + continue; + if (atomic_inc_return(&iwqp->close_timer_started) == 1) { + iwqp->hw_tcp_state = I40IW_TCP_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT; + if ((iwqp->hw_tcp_state == I40IW_TCP_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT) && + (iwqp->ibqp_state == IB_QPS_RTS)) { + i40iw_next_iw_state(iwqp, + I40IW_QP_STATE_CLOSING, 0, 0, 0); + i40iw_cm_disconn(iwqp); + } + iwqp->cm_id->add_ref(iwqp->cm_id); + i40iw_schedule_cm_timer(iwqp->cm_node, + (struct i40iw_puda_buf *)iwqp, + I40IW_TIMER_TYPE_CLOSE, 1, 0); + } + break; + case I40IW_AE_LLP_CLOSE_COMPLETE: + if (qp->term_flags) + i40iw_terminate_done(qp, 0); + else + i40iw_cm_disconn(iwqp); + break; + case I40IW_AE_RESET_SENT: + i40iw_next_iw_state(iwqp, I40IW_QP_STATE_ERROR, 1, 0, 0); + i40iw_cm_disconn(iwqp); + break; + case I40IW_AE_LLP_CONNECTION_RESET: + if (atomic_read(&iwqp->close_timer_started)) + continue; + i40iw_cm_disconn(iwqp); + break; + case I40IW_AE_TERMINATE_SENT: + i40iw_terminate_send_fin(qp); + break; + case I40IW_AE_LLP_TERMINATE_RECEIVED: + i40iw_terminate_received(qp, info); + break; + case I40IW_AE_CQ_OPERATION_ERROR: + device_printf(iwdev->ldev->dev, + "Processing an iWARP related AE for CQ misc = 0x%04X\n", + info->ae_id); + cq = (struct i40iw_sc_cq *)(unsigned long)info->compl_ctx; + iwcq = (struct i40iw_cq *)cq->back_cq; + + if (iwcq->ibcq.event_handler) { + struct ib_event ibevent; + + ibevent.device = iwcq->ibcq.device; + ibevent.event = IB_EVENT_CQ_ERR; + ibevent.element.cq = &iwcq->ibcq; + iwcq->ibcq.event_handler(&ibevent, iwcq->ibcq.cq_context); + } + break; + case I40IW_AE_PRIV_OPERATION_DENIED: + case I40IW_AE_STAG_ZERO_INVALID: + case I40IW_AE_IB_RREQ_AND_Q1_FULL: + case I40IW_AE_DDP_UBE_INVALID_DDP_VERSION: + case I40IW_AE_DDP_UBE_INVALID_MO: + case I40IW_AE_DDP_UBE_INVALID_QN: + case I40IW_AE_DDP_NO_L_BIT: + case I40IW_AE_RDMAP_ROE_INVALID_RDMAP_VERSION: + case I40IW_AE_RDMAP_ROE_UNEXPECTED_OPCODE: + case I40IW_AE_ROE_INVALID_RDMA_READ_REQUEST: + case I40IW_AE_ROE_INVALID_RDMA_WRITE_OR_READ_RESP: + case I40IW_AE_INVALID_ARP_ENTRY: + case I40IW_AE_INVALID_TCP_OPTION_RCVD: + case I40IW_AE_STALE_ARP_ENTRY: + case I40IW_AE_LLP_RECEIVED_MPA_CRC_ERROR: + case I40IW_AE_LLP_SEGMENT_TOO_SMALL: + case I40IW_AE_LLP_SYN_RECEIVED: + case I40IW_AE_LLP_TOO_MANY_RETRIES: + case I40IW_AE_LLP_DOUBT_REACHABILITY: + case I40IW_AE_LCE_QP_CATASTROPHIC: + case I40IW_AE_LCE_FUNCTION_CATASTROPHIC: + case I40IW_AE_LCE_CQ_CATASTROPHIC: + case I40IW_AE_UDA_XMIT_DGRAM_TOO_LONG: + case I40IW_AE_UDA_XMIT_IPADDR_MISMATCH: + case I40IW_AE_QP_SUSPEND_COMPLETE: + ctx_info->iwarp_info->err_rq_idx_valid = FALSE; + default: + if (!info->sq && ctx_info->iwarp_info->err_rq_idx_valid) { + ctx_info->iwarp_info->err_rq_idx = info->wqe_idx; + ctx_info->tcp_info_valid = FALSE; + ctx_info->iwarp_info_valid = FALSE; + ret = dev->iw_priv_qp_ops->qp_setctx(&iwqp->sc_qp, + iwqp->, + ctx_info); + } + i40iw_terminate_connection(qp, info); + break; + } + if (info->qp) + i40iw_rem_ref(&iwqp->ibqp); + } while (1); + + if (aeqcnt) + dev->aeq_ops->repost_aeq_entries(dev, aeqcnt); +} + +/** + * i40iw_manage_apbvt - add or delete tcp port + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @accel_local_port: port for apbvt + * @add_port: add or delete port + */ +int +i40iw_manage_apbvt(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, u16 accel_local_port, + bool add_port) +{ + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct cqp_commands_info *cqp_info; + struct i40iw_apbvt_info *info; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + cqp_request = i40iw_get_cqp_request(&iwdev->cqp, add_port); + if (!cqp_request) + return -ENOMEM; + + cqp_info = &cqp_request->info; + info = &cqp_info->; + + memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info)); + info->add = add_port; + info->port = cpu_to_le16(accel_local_port); + + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_MANAGE_APBVT_ENTRY; + cqp_info->post_sq = 1; + cqp_info->in.u.manage_apbvt_entry.cqp = &iwdev->cqp.sc_cqp; + cqp_info->in.u.manage_apbvt_entry.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + status = i40iw_handle_cqp_op(iwdev, cqp_request); + if (status) + device_printf(iwdev->ldev->dev, "CQP-OP Manage APBVT entry fail"); + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_manage_arp_cache - manage hw arp cache + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @mac_addr: mac address ptr + * @ip_addr: ip addr for arp cache + * @action: add, delete or modify + */ +void +i40iw_manage_arp_cache(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, unsigned char *mac_addr, + u32 * ip_addr, bool ipv4, u32 action) +{ + struct i40iw_add_arp_cache_entry_info *info; + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct cqp_commands_info *cqp_info; + int arp_index; + + arp_index = i40iw_arp_table(iwdev, ip_addr, ipv4, mac_addr, action); + if (arp_index == -1) + return; + cqp_request = i40iw_get_cqp_request(&iwdev->cqp, FALSE); + if (!cqp_request) + return; + + cqp_info = &cqp_request->info; + if (action == I40IW_ARP_ADD) { + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_ADD_ARP_CACHE_ENTRY; + info = &cqp_info->; + memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info)); + info->arp_index = cpu_to_le16((u16) arp_index); + info->permanent = TRUE; + ether_addr_copy(info->mac_addr, mac_addr); + cqp_info->in.u.add_arp_cache_entry.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + cqp_info->in.u.add_arp_cache_entry.cqp = &iwdev->cqp.sc_cqp; + } else { + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_DELETE_ARP_CACHE_ENTRY; + cqp_info->in.u.del_arp_cache_entry.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + cqp_info->in.u.del_arp_cache_entry.cqp = &iwdev->cqp.sc_cqp; + cqp_info->in.u.del_arp_cache_entry.arp_index = arp_index; + } + + cqp_info->in.u.add_arp_cache_entry.cqp = &iwdev->cqp.sc_cqp; + cqp_info->in.u.add_arp_cache_entry.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + cqp_info->post_sq = 1; + if (i40iw_handle_cqp_op(iwdev, cqp_request)) + device_printf(iwdev->ldev->dev, + "CQP-OP Add/Del Arp Cache entry fail"); +} + +/** + * i40iw_send_syn_cqp_callback - do syn/ack after qhash + * @cqp_request: qhash cqp completion + * @send_ack: flag send ack + */ +static void +i40iw_send_syn_cqp_callback(struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request, + u32 send_ack) +{ + i40iw_send_syn(cqp_request->param, send_ack); +} + +/** + * i40iw_manage_qhash - add or modify qhash + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @cminfo: cm info for qhash + * @etype: type (syn or quad) + * @mtype: type of qhash + * @cmnode: cmnode associated with connection + * @wait: wait for completion + * @user_pri:user pri of the connection + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_manage_qhash(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, struct i40iw_cm_info *cminfo, + enum i40iw_quad_entry_type etype, enum i40iw_quad_hash_manage_type mtype, + void *cmnode, bool wait) +{ + struct i40iw_qhash_table_info *info; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi = &iwdev->vsi; + struct i40iw_cqp *iwcqp = &iwdev->cqp; + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct cqp_commands_info *cqp_info; + char ip6buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + cqp_request = i40iw_get_cqp_request(iwcqp, wait); + if (!cqp_request) + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + cqp_info = &cqp_request->info; + info = &cqp_info->; + memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info)); + + info->vsi = &iwdev->vsi; + info->manage = mtype; + info->entry_type = etype; + if (cminfo->vlan_id != 0xFFFF) { + info->vlan_valid = TRUE; + info->vlan_id = cpu_to_le16(cminfo->vlan_id); + } else { + info->vlan_valid = FALSE; + } + + info->ipv4_valid = cminfo->ipv4; + ether_addr_copy(info->mac_addr, IF_LLADDR(iwdev->ifp)); + info->qp_num = cpu_to_le32(vsi->ilq->qp_id); + info->dest_port = cpu_to_le16(cminfo->loc_port); + info->dest_ip[0] = cpu_to_le32(cminfo->loc_addr[0]); + info->dest_ip[1] = cpu_to_le32(cminfo->loc_addr[1]); + info->dest_ip[2] = cpu_to_le32(cminfo->loc_addr[2]); + info->dest_ip[3] = cpu_to_le32(cminfo->loc_addr[3]); + if (etype == I40IW_QHASH_TYPE_TCP_ESTABLISHED) { + info->src_port = cpu_to_le16(cminfo->rem_port); + info->src_ip[0] = cpu_to_le32(cminfo->rem_addr[0]); + info->src_ip[1] = cpu_to_le32(cminfo->rem_addr[1]); + info->src_ip[2] = cpu_to_le32(cminfo->rem_addr[2]); + info->src_ip[3] = cpu_to_le32(cminfo->rem_addr[3]); + } + if (cmnode) { + cqp_request->callback_fcn = i40iw_send_syn_cqp_callback; + cqp_request->param = (void *)cmnode; + } + if (info->ipv4_valid) + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "%s:%s IP=%d.%d.%d.%d, port=%d, " + "mac=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x, vlan_id=%d\n", + __func__, (!mtype) ? "DELETE" : "ADD", + info->dest_ip[0] >> 24, + (info->dest_ip[0] >> 16) & 0xFF, + (info->dest_ip[0] >> 8) & 0xFF, + info->dest_ip[0] & 0xFF, + info->dest_port, + info->mac_addr[0], info->mac_addr[1], + info->mac_addr[2], info->mac_addr[3], + info->mac_addr[4], info->mac_addr[5], + cminfo->vlan_id); + else + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_CM, + "%s:%s IP=%s, port=%d, " + "mac=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x, vlan_id=%d\n", + __func__, (!mtype) ? "DELETE" : "ADD", + ip6_sprintf(ip6buf, + (const struct in6_addr *)info->dest_ip), + info->dest_port, + info->mac_addr[0], info->mac_addr[1], + info->mac_addr[2], info->mac_addr[3], + info->mac_addr[4], info->mac_addr[5], + cminfo->vlan_id); + cqp_info->in.u.manage_qhash_table_entry.cqp = &iwdev->cqp.sc_cqp; + cqp_info->in.u.manage_qhash_table_entry.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_MANAGE_QHASH_TABLE_ENTRY; + cqp_info->post_sq = 1; + status = i40iw_handle_cqp_op(iwdev, cqp_request); + if (status) + device_printf(iwdev->ldev->dev, "CQP-OP Manage Qhash Entry fail"); + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_hw_flush_wqes - flush qp's wqe + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @qp: hardware control qp + * @info: info for flush + * @wait: flag wait for completion + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_hw_flush_wqes(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, + struct i40iw_qp_flush_info *info, bool wait) +{ + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct cqp_commands_info *cqp_info; + struct i40iw_qp_flush_info *hw_info; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + cqp_request = i40iw_get_cqp_request(&iwdev->cqp, wait); + if (!cqp_request) + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + + cqp_info = &cqp_request->info; + hw_info = &cqp_request->; + memcpy(hw_info, info, sizeof(*hw_info)); + + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_QP_FLUSH_WQES; + cqp_info->post_sq = 1; + cqp_info->in.u.qp_flush_wqes.qp = qp; + cqp_info->in.u.qp_flush_wqes.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + status = i40iw_handle_cqp_op(iwdev, cqp_request); + if (status) + i40iw_pr_err("CQP-OP Flush WQE's fail"); + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_get_ib_wc - return change flush code to IB's + * @opcode: iwarp flush code + */ +static enum ib_wc_status +i40iw_get_ib_wc(enum i40iw_flush_opcode opcode) +{ + switch (opcode) { + case FLUSH_PROT_ERR: + return IB_WC_LOC_PROT_ERR; + case FLUSH_REM_ACCESS_ERR: + return IB_WC_REM_ACCESS_ERR; + case FLUSH_LOC_QP_OP_ERR: + return IB_WC_LOC_QP_OP_ERR; + case FLUSH_REM_OP_ERR: + return IB_WC_REM_OP_ERR; + case FLUSH_LOC_LEN_ERR: + return IB_WC_LOC_LEN_ERR; + case FLUSH_GENERAL_ERR: + return IB_WC_GENERAL_ERR; + case FLUSH_FATAL_ERR: + default: + return IB_WC_FATAL_ERR; + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_set_flush_info - set flush info + * @pinfo: set flush info + * @min: minor err + * @maj: major err + * @opcode: flush error code + */ +static void +i40iw_set_flush_info(struct i40iw_qp_flush_info *pinfo, u16 * min, u16 * maj, + enum i40iw_flush_opcode opcode) +{ + *min = (u16) i40iw_get_ib_wc(opcode); + *maj = CQE_MAJOR_DRV; + pinfo->userflushcode = TRUE; +} + +/** + * i40iw_flush_wqes - flush wqe for qp + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @iwqp: qp to flush wqes + */ +void +i40iw_flush_wqes(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, struct i40iw_qp *iwqp) +{ + struct i40iw_qp_flush_info info; + struct i40iw_qp_flush_info *pinfo = &info; + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp = &iwqp->sc_qp; + + memset(pinfo, 0, sizeof(*pinfo)); + info.sq = TRUE; + info.rq = TRUE; + if (qp->term_flags) { + i40iw_set_flush_info(pinfo, &pinfo->sq_minor_code, + &pinfo->sq_major_code, qp->flush_code); + i40iw_set_flush_info(pinfo, &pinfo->rq_minor_code, + &pinfo->rq_major_code, qp->flush_code); + } + (void)i40iw_hw_flush_wqes(iwdev, &iwqp->sc_qp, &info, TRUE); +} + +void +i40iw_hw_stats_start_timer(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi) +{ + return; +} + +void +i40iw_hw_stats_stop_timer(struct i40iw_sc_vsi *vsi) +{ + return; +} Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_linux_genalloc.h =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_linux_genalloc.h @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#ifndef _IW_IXL_LINUX_GENALLOC_H_ +#define _IW_IXL_LINUX_GENALLOC_H_ + +#define gen_pool_create(s, n) \ + i40iw_gen_pool_create((s)) +#define gen_pool_destroy(p) \ + i40iw_gen_pool_destroy((p)) +#define gen_pool_add_virt(p, v, ph, s, n) \ + i40iw_gen_pool_add_virt((p), (v), (ph), (s)) +#define gen_pool_alloc(p, s) \ + i40iw_gen_pool_alloc((p), (s)) +#define gen_pool_free(p, a, s) \ + i40iw_gen_pool_free((p), (a), (s)) +#define gen_pool_virt_to_phys(p, a) \ + i40iw_gen_pool_virt_to_phys((p), (a)) + +#define I40IW_GEN_POOL_BLK_CNT(size, shift) \ + (((size) + (1 << (shift)) - 1) >> (shift)) + +struct gen_pool *i40iw_gen_pool_create(int); +void i40iw_gen_pool_destroy(struct gen_pool *); +int i40iw_gen_pool_add_virt(struct gen_pool *, unsigned long, phys_addr_t, size_t); +unsigned long i40iw_gen_pool_alloc(struct gen_pool *, size_t); +void i40iw_gen_pool_free(struct gen_pool *, unsigned long, size_t); +phys_addr_t i40iw_gen_pool_virt_to_phys(struct gen_pool *, unsigned long); + +#endif /* _IW_IXL_LINUX_GENALLOC_H_ */ Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_linux_genalloc.c =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_linux_genalloc.c @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "iw_ixl_linux_genalloc.h" +#include "iw_ixl_dbg.h" + +struct i40iw_pool_blist { + LIST_ENTRY(i40iw_pool_blist) node; + blist_t blist; + phys_addr_t phys; + unsigned long virt; + size_t size; +}; + +LIST_HEAD(i40iw_pool_blists_head, i40iw_pool_blist); +struct gen_pool { + struct i40iw_pool_blists_head blists; + int size_shift; + struct mtx mtx; +}; + +struct gen_pool * +i40iw_gen_pool_create(int size_shift) +{ + struct gen_pool *pool; + + pool = malloc(sizeof(struct gen_pool), M_DEVBUF, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO); + if (pool == NULL) + return NULL; + + mtx_init(&pool->mtx, "iw_ixl_gen_pool", NULL, MTX_DEF); + LIST_INIT(&pool->blists); + pool->size_shift = size_shift; + + return (pool); +} + +void +i40iw_gen_pool_destroy(struct gen_pool *pool) +{ + struct i40iw_pool_blist *bl, *t_bl; + + if (pool != NULL) { + mtx_lock(&pool->mtx); + LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(bl, &pool->blists, node, t_bl) { + blist_destroy(bl->blist); + LIST_REMOVE(bl, node); + free(bl, M_DEVBUF); + } + mtx_unlock(&pool->mtx); + + mtx_destroy(&pool->mtx); + free(pool, M_DEVBUF); + } +} + +int +i40iw_gen_pool_add_virt(struct gen_pool *pool, unsigned long virt, + phys_addr_t phys, size_t size) +{ + struct i40iw_pool_blist *bl; + + bl = malloc(sizeof(struct i40iw_pool_blist), M_DEVBUF, + M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO); + if (bl == NULL) + return (ENOMEM); + + bl->blist = blist_create(size >> pool->size_shift, M_NOWAIT); + if (bl->blist == NULL) { + free(bl, M_DEVBUF); + return (ENOMEM); + } + blist_free(bl->blist, 0, size >> pool->size_shift); + bl->virt = virt; + bl->phys = phys; + bl->size = size; + + mtx_lock(&pool->mtx); + LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&pool->blists, bl, node); + mtx_unlock(&pool->mtx); + + return (0); +} + +unsigned long +i40iw_gen_pool_alloc(struct gen_pool *pool, size_t size) +{ + struct i40iw_pool_blist *bl; + daddr_t blk_no = SWAPBLK_NONE; + int blk_cnt; + + blk_cnt = I40IW_GEN_POOL_BLK_CNT(size, pool->size_shift); + + mtx_lock(&pool->mtx); + LIST_FOREACH(bl, &pool->blists, node) { + blk_no = blist_alloc(bl->blist, blk_cnt); + if (blk_no != SWAPBLK_NONE) + break; + } + mtx_unlock(&pool->mtx); + + if (blk_no == SWAPBLK_NONE) + return (0); + + return (bl->virt + ((unsigned long)blk_no << pool->size_shift)); +} + +void +i40iw_gen_pool_free(struct gen_pool *pool, unsigned long addr, size_t size) +{ + struct i40iw_pool_blist *bl; + daddr_t blk_no; + int blk_cnt; + + mtx_lock(&pool->mtx); + LIST_FOREACH(bl, &pool->blists, node) { + if ((bl->virt <= addr) && + (bl->virt + bl->size >= addr + size)) { + blk_no = (addr - bl->virt) >> pool->size_shift; + blk_cnt = I40IW_GEN_POOL_BLK_CNT(size, pool->size_shift); + blist_free(bl->blist, blk_no, blk_cnt); + break; + } + } + mtx_unlock(&pool->mtx); + + IW_IXL_ASSERT(bl != NULL); +} + +phys_addr_t +i40iw_gen_pool_virt_to_phys(struct gen_pool *pool, unsigned long addr) +{ + struct i40iw_pool_blist *bl; + phys_addr_t phys = -1; + + mtx_lock(&pool->mtx); + LIST_FOREACH(bl, &pool->blists, node) { + if ((bl->virt <= addr) && + (bl->virt + bl->size > addr)) { + phys = bl->phys + (addr - bl->virt); + break; + } + } + mtx_unlock(&pool->mtx); + + IW_IXL_ASSERT(bl != NULL); + return phys; +} Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_linux_jiffies.h =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_linux_jiffies.h @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#ifndef _IW_IXL_LINUX_JIFFIES_H_ +#define _IW_IXL_LINUX_JIFFIES_H_ + +#include + +static inline int +linux_timer_jiffies_until(unsigned long expires) +{ + int delta = expires - jiffies; + /* guard against already expired values */ + if (delta < 1) + delta = 1; + return (delta); +} + +#endif /* _IW_IXL_LINUX_JIFIIES_H_ */ Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_linux_wait.h =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_linux_wait.h @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#ifndef _IW_IXL_LINUX_WAIT_H_ +#define _IW_IXL_LINUX_WAIT_H_ + +/* + * TODO: Content of this file should ultimately land in linux-kpi + * (linux/wait.h file) + */ + +#include + +#ifndef wait_event_timeout +/* + * This is left for backward compatibility with FreeBSD 10.3 and 11.0 + */ +#define wait_event_timeout(q, cond, timeout) \ +({ \ + void *c = &(q).wchan; \ + long end = jiffies + timeout; \ + int __ret = 0; \ + int __rc = 0; \ + \ + if (!(cond)) { \ + for (; __rc == 0;) { \ + if (SCHEDULER_STOPPED()) \ + break; \ + sleepq_lock(c); \ + if (cond) { \ + sleepq_release(c); \ + __ret = 1; \ + break; \ + } \ + sleepq_add(c, NULL, "completion", \ + SLEEPQ_SLEEP, 0); \ + sleepq_set_timeout(c, \ + linux_timer_jiffies_until(end));\ + __rc = sleepq_timedwait(c, 0); \ + if (__rc != 0) \ + __ret = (cond); \ + } \ + } else { \ + /* return remaining jiffies (at least 1) if the \ + * condition evaluated to TRUE before the \ + * timeout elapsed. \ + */ \ + __ret = (end - jiffies); \ + if( __ret < 1 ) \ + __ret = 1; \ + } \ + __ret; \ +}) +#endif + +#endif /* _IW_IXL_LINUX_WAIT_H_ */ Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_pble.h =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_pble.h @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#ifndef _IW_IXL_PBLE_H_ +#define _IW_IXL_PBLE_H_ + +#define POOL_SHIFT 6 +#define PBLE_PER_PAGE 512 +#define I40IW_HMC_PAGED_BP_SHIFT 12 +#define PBLE_512_SHIFT 9 + +enum i40iw_pble_level { + I40IW_LEVEL_0 = 0, + I40IW_LEVEL_1 = 1, + I40IW_LEVEL_2 = 2 +}; + +enum i40iw_alloc_type { + I40IW_NO_ALLOC = 0, + I40IW_DMA_COHERENT = 1, + I40IW_VMALLOC = 2 +}; + +struct i40iw_pble_info { + unsigned long addr; + u32 idx; + u32 cnt; +}; + +struct i40iw_pble_level2 { + struct i40iw_pble_info root; + struct i40iw_pble_info *leaf; + u32 leaf_cnt; +}; + +struct i40iw_pble_alloc { + u32 total_cnt; + enum i40iw_pble_level level; + union { + struct i40iw_pble_info level1; + struct i40iw_pble_level2 level2; + }; +}; + +struct i40iw_pble_pool { + struct gen_pool *pool; + struct list_head clist; + u32 total_pble_alloc; + u32 free_pble_cnt; + u32 pool_shift; +}; + +struct sd_pd_idx { + u32 sd_idx; + u32 pd_idx; + u32 rel_pd_idx; +}; + +struct i40iw_add_page_info { + struct i40iw_chunk *chunk; + struct i40iw_hmc_sd_entry *sd_entry; + struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info; + struct sd_pd_idx idx; + u32 pages; +}; + +struct i40iw_chunk { + struct list_head list; + u32 size; + void *vaddr; + u64 fpm_addr; + dma_addr_t *dmaaddrs; + enum i40iw_alloc_type type; +}; + +struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc { + u32 unallocated_pble; + u64 fpm_base_addr; + u64 next_fpm_addr; + struct i40iw_pble_pool pinfo; + + u32 stats_direct_sds; + u32 stats_paged_sds; + u64 stats_alloc_ok; + u64 stats_alloc_fail; + u64 stats_alloc_freed; + u64 stats_lvl1; + u64 stats_lvl2; +}; + +void i40iw_destroy_pble_pool(struct i40iw_sc_dev *, struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc *); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_hmc_init_pble(struct i40iw_sc_dev *, struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc *); +void i40iw_free_pble(struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc *, struct i40iw_pble_alloc *); +enum i40iw_status_code i40iw_get_pble(struct i40iw_sc_dev *, struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc *, struct i40iw_pble_alloc *, u32); + +#endif /* _IW_IXL_PBLE_H_ */ Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_pble.c =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_pble.c @@ -0,0 +1,587 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#include "i40iw_status.h" +#include "i40iw_osdep.h" +#include "i40iw_register.h" +#include "i40iw_hmc.h" + +#include "i40iw_d.h" +#include "i40iw_type.h" +#include "i40iw_p.h" + +#include "iw_ixl_linux_genalloc.h" + +#include "iw_ixl.h" + +struct i40iw_device; +static enum i40iw_status_code +add_pble_pool(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc *pble_rsrc); +static void i40iw_free_vmalloc_mem(struct i40iw_chunk *chunk); + +/** + * i40iw_destroy_pble_pool - destroy pool during module unload + * @pble_rsrc: pble resources + */ +void +i40iw_destroy_pble_pool(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc *pble_rsrc) +{ + struct list_head *clist; + struct list_head *tlist; + struct i40iw_chunk *chunk; + struct i40iw_pble_pool *pinfo = &pble_rsrc->pinfo; + + if (pinfo->pool) { + list_for_each_safe(clist, tlist, &pinfo->clist) { + chunk = list_entry(clist, struct i40iw_chunk, list); + if (chunk->type == I40IW_VMALLOC) + i40iw_free_vmalloc_mem(chunk); + kfree(chunk); + } + gen_pool_destroy(pinfo->pool); + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_hmc_init_pble - Initialize pble resources during module load + * @dev: i40iw_sc_dev struct + * @pble_rsrc: pble resources + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_hmc_init_pble(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc *pble_rsrc) +{ + struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info; + u32 fpm_idx = 0; + + hmc_info = dev->hmc_info; + pble_rsrc->fpm_base_addr = hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE].base; + /* Now start the pble' on 4k boundary */ + if (pble_rsrc->fpm_base_addr & 0xfff) + fpm_idx = (PAGE_SIZE - (pble_rsrc->fpm_base_addr & 0xfff)) >> 3; + + pble_rsrc->unallocated_pble = + hmc_info->hmc_obj[I40IW_HMC_IW_PBLE].cnt - fpm_idx; + pble_rsrc->next_fpm_addr = pble_rsrc->fpm_base_addr + (fpm_idx << 3); + + pble_rsrc->pinfo.pool_shift = POOL_SHIFT; + pble_rsrc->pinfo.pool = gen_pool_create(pble_rsrc->pinfo.pool_shift, -1); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pble_rsrc->pinfo.clist); + if (!pble_rsrc->pinfo.pool) + goto error; + + if (add_pble_pool(dev, pble_rsrc)) + goto error; + + return 0; + +error: i40iw_destroy_pble_pool(dev, pble_rsrc); + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; +} + +/** + * get_sd_pd_idx - Returns sd index, pd index and rel_pd_idx from fpm address + * @ pble_rsrc: structure containing fpm address + * @ idx: where to return indexes + */ +static inline void +get_sd_pd_idx(struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc *pble_rsrc, + struct sd_pd_idx *idx) +{ + idx->sd_idx = (u32) (pble_rsrc->next_fpm_addr) / I40IW_HMC_DIRECT_BP_SIZE; + idx->pd_idx = (u32) (pble_rsrc->next_fpm_addr) / I40IW_HMC_PAGED_BP_SIZE; + idx->rel_pd_idx = (idx->pd_idx % I40IW_HMC_PD_CNT_IN_SD); +} + +/** + * add_sd_direct - add sd direct for pble + * @dev: hardware control device structure + * @pble_rsrc: pble resource ptr + * @info: page info for sd + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +add_sd_direct(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc *pble_rsrc, + struct i40iw_add_page_info *info) +{ + struct sd_pd_idx *idx = &info->idx; + struct i40iw_chunk *chunk = info->chunk; + struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info = info->hmc_info; + struct i40iw_hmc_sd_entry *sd_entry = info->sd_entry; + u32 offset = 0; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + + if (!sd_entry->valid) { + if (dev->is_pf) { + ret_code = i40iw_add_sd_table_entry(dev->hw, hmc_info, + info->idx.sd_idx, + I40IW_SD_TYPE_DIRECT, + I40IW_HMC_DIRECT_BP_SIZE); + if (ret_code) + return ret_code; + chunk->type = I40IW_DMA_COHERENT; + } + } + offset = idx->rel_pd_idx << I40IW_HMC_PAGED_BP_SHIFT; + chunk->size = info->pages << I40IW_HMC_PAGED_BP_SHIFT; + chunk->vaddr = ((u8 *) sd_entry-> + offset); + chunk->fpm_addr = pble_rsrc->next_fpm_addr; + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PBLE, "chunk_size[%d] = 0x%x vaddr=%p fpm_addr = %llx\n", + chunk->size, chunk->size, chunk->vaddr, (unsigned long long)chunk->fpm_addr); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_free_vmalloc_mem - free vmalloc during close + * @hw: hw struct + * @chunk: chunk information for vmalloc + */ +static void +i40iw_free_vmalloc_mem(struct i40iw_chunk *chunk) +{ + free(chunk->dmaaddrs, M_DEVBUF); + chunk->dmaaddrs = NULL; + kmem_free(kernel_arena, (vm_offset_t) chunk->vaddr, chunk->size); + chunk->vaddr = NULL; + chunk->type = 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_get_vmalloc_mem - get 2M page for sd + * @hw: hardware address + * @chunk: chunk to adf + * @pg_cnt: #of 4 K pages + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_get_vmalloc_mem(struct i40iw_chunk *chunk, int pg_cnt) +{ + int i; + u32 size; + u8 *addr; + + chunk->dmaaddrs = malloc(pg_cnt << 3, M_DEVBUF, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO); + if (!chunk->dmaaddrs) + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + size = PAGE_SIZE * pg_cnt; + chunk->vaddr = (void *)kmem_alloc_attr(kernel_arena, size, + M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO, 0, BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR, VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT); + if (!chunk->vaddr) { + free(chunk->dmaaddrs, M_DEVBUF); + chunk->dmaaddrs = NULL; + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + } + chunk->size = size; + addr = (u8 *) chunk->vaddr; + + for (i = 0; i < pg_cnt; i++, addr += PAGE_SIZE) + chunk->dmaaddrs[i] = vtophys(addr); + + chunk->type = I40IW_VMALLOC; + if (i == pg_cnt) + return 0; + + i40iw_free_vmalloc_mem(chunk); + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; +} + +/** + * fpm_to_idx - given fpm address, get pble index + * @pble_rsrc: pble resource management + * @addr: fpm address for index + */ +static inline u32 +fpm_to_idx(struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc *pble_rsrc, u64 addr) +{ + return (addr - (pble_rsrc->fpm_base_addr)) >> 3; +} + +/** + * add_bp_pages - add backing pages for sd + * @dev: hardware control device structure + * @pble_rsrc: pble resource management + * @info: page info for sd + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +add_bp_pages(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc *pble_rsrc, + struct i40iw_add_page_info *info) +{ + struct i40iw_dma_mem mem; + struct i40iw_hmc_pd_entry *pd_entry; + struct i40iw_hmc_sd_entry *sd_entry = info->sd_entry; + struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info = info->hmc_info; + struct i40iw_chunk *chunk = info->chunk; + u32 i; + u32 pd_idx = info->idx.pd_idx; + u32 rel_pd_idx = info->idx.rel_pd_idx; + u8 *addr; + enum i40iw_status_code status = 0; + + status = i40iw_get_vmalloc_mem(chunk, info->pages); + if (status) + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + status = i40iw_add_sd_table_entry(dev->hw, hmc_info, + info->idx.sd_idx, I40IW_SD_TYPE_PAGED, + I40IW_HMC_DIRECT_BP_SIZE); + if (status) { + i40iw_free_vmalloc_mem(chunk); + return status; + } + addr = chunk->vaddr; + for (i = 0; i < info->pages; i++) { + = chunk->dmaaddrs[i]; + mem.size = PAGE_SIZE; + = (void *)(addr); + pd_entry = &sd_entry->u.pd_table.pd_entry[rel_pd_idx++]; + if (!pd_entry->valid) { + status = i40iw_add_pd_table_entry(dev->hw, hmc_info, pd_idx++, &mem); + if (status) + goto error; + addr += PAGE_SIZE; + } else { + DPRINTF("pd entry is valid expecting to be invalid\n"); + } + } + chunk->fpm_addr = pble_rsrc->next_fpm_addr; + return 0; +error: + i40iw_free_vmalloc_mem(chunk); + return status; +} + +/** + * add_pble_pool - add a sd entry for pble resoure + * @dev: hardware control device structure + * @pble_rsrc: pble resource management + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +add_pble_pool(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc *pble_rsrc) +{ + struct i40iw_hmc_sd_entry *sd_entry; + struct i40iw_hmc_info *hmc_info; + struct i40iw_chunk *chunk; + struct i40iw_add_page_info info; + struct sd_pd_idx *idx = &info.idx; + u64 sd_reg_val = 0; + u32 pages; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + enum i40iw_sd_entry_type sd_entry_type; + + if (pble_rsrc->unallocated_pble < PBLE_PER_PAGE) + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + if (pble_rsrc->next_fpm_addr & 0xfff) { + DPRINTF("next fpm_addr %llx\n", + (unsigned long long)pble_rsrc->next_fpm_addr); + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_PAGE_DESC_INDEX; + } + chunk = kzalloc(sizeof(*chunk), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!chunk) + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + hmc_info = dev->hmc_info; + chunk->fpm_addr = pble_rsrc->next_fpm_addr; + get_sd_pd_idx(pble_rsrc, idx); + sd_entry = &hmc_info->sd_table.sd_entry[idx->sd_idx]; + pages = (idx->rel_pd_idx) ? (I40IW_HMC_PD_CNT_IN_SD - + idx->rel_pd_idx) : I40IW_HMC_PD_CNT_IN_SD; + pages = min(pages, pble_rsrc->unallocated_pble >> PBLE_512_SHIFT); + info.chunk = chunk; + info.hmc_info = hmc_info; + info.pages = pages; + info.sd_entry = sd_entry; + if (!sd_entry->valid) { + sd_entry_type = (!idx->rel_pd_idx && + (pages == I40IW_HMC_PD_CNT_IN_SD) && + dev->is_pf) ? I40IW_SD_TYPE_DIRECT : I40IW_SD_TYPE_PAGED; + } else { + sd_entry_type = sd_entry->entry_type; + } + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PBLE, + "pages = %d, unallocated_pble[%u] current_fpm_addr = %llx\n", + pages, pble_rsrc->unallocated_pble, + (unsigned long long)pble_rsrc->next_fpm_addr); + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PBLE, "sd_entry_type = %d sd_entry valid = %d\n", + sd_entry_type, sd_entry->valid); + + if (sd_entry_type == I40IW_SD_TYPE_DIRECT) + ret_code = add_sd_direct(dev, pble_rsrc, &info); + if (ret_code) + sd_entry_type = I40IW_SD_TYPE_PAGED; + else + pble_rsrc->stats_direct_sds++; + + if (sd_entry_type == I40IW_SD_TYPE_PAGED) { + ret_code = add_bp_pages(dev, pble_rsrc, &info); + if (ret_code) + goto error; + else + pble_rsrc->stats_paged_sds++; + } + if (gen_pool_add_virt(pble_rsrc->pinfo.pool, (unsigned long)chunk->vaddr, + (phys_addr_t) chunk->fpm_addr, chunk->size, -1)) { + DPRINTF("could not allocate memory by gen_pool_addr_virt()\n"); + ret_code = I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + goto error; + } + pble_rsrc->next_fpm_addr += chunk->size; + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_PBLE, "next_fpm_addr = %llx chunk_size[%u] = 0x%x\n", + (unsigned long long)pble_rsrc->next_fpm_addr, chunk->size, chunk->size); + pble_rsrc->unallocated_pble -= (chunk->size >> 3); + list_add(&chunk->list, &pble_rsrc->pinfo.clist); + sd_reg_val = (sd_entry_type == I40IW_SD_TYPE_PAGED) ? + sd_entry-> : sd_entry->; + if (sd_entry->valid) + return 0; + if (dev->is_pf) { + ret_code = i40iw_hmc_sd_one(dev, hmc_info->hmc_fn_id, + sd_reg_val, idx->sd_idx, + sd_entry->entry_type, TRUE); + if (ret_code) { + DPRINTF("cqp cmd failed for sd (pbles)\n"); + goto error; + } + } + sd_entry->valid = TRUE; + return 0; +error: + kfree(chunk); + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * free_lvl2 - fee level 2 pble + * @pble_rsrc: pble resource management + * @palloc: level 2 pble allocation + */ +static void +free_lvl2(struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc *pble_rsrc, + struct i40iw_pble_alloc *palloc) +{ + struct gen_pool *pool; + struct i40iw_pble_level2 *lvl2 = &palloc->level2; + struct i40iw_pble_info *root = &lvl2->root; + struct i40iw_pble_info *leaf = lvl2->leaf; + u32 i; + + pool = pble_rsrc->pinfo.pool; + + for (i = 0; i < lvl2->leaf_cnt; i++, leaf++) { + if (leaf->addr) + gen_pool_free(pool, leaf->addr, (leaf->cnt << 3)); + else + break; + } + + if (root->addr) + gen_pool_free(pool, root->addr, (root->cnt << 3)); + + kfree(lvl2->leaf); + lvl2->leaf = NULL; +} + +/** + * get_lvl2_pble - get level 2 pble resource + * @pble_rsrc: pble resource management + * @palloc: level 2 pble allocation + * @pool: pool pointer + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +get_lvl2_pble(struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc *pble_rsrc, + struct i40iw_pble_alloc *palloc, + struct gen_pool *pool) +{ + struct i40iw_pble_level2 *lvl2 = &palloc->level2; + struct i40iw_pble_info *root = &lvl2->root; + struct i40iw_pble_info *leaf; + u64 *addr; + u32 lf4k, lflast, total, i; + u32 pblcnt = PBLE_PER_PAGE; + + /* number of full 512 (4K) leafs) */ + lf4k = palloc->total_cnt >> 9; + lflast = palloc->total_cnt % PBLE_PER_PAGE; + total = (lflast == 0) ? lf4k : lf4k + 1; + lvl2->leaf_cnt = total; + + leaf = kzalloc((sizeof(*leaf) * total), GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!leaf) + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + lvl2->leaf = leaf; + /* allocate pbles for the root */ + root->addr = gen_pool_alloc(pool, (total << 3)); + if (!root->addr) { + kfree(lvl2->leaf); + lvl2->leaf = NULL; + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + } + root->idx = fpm_to_idx(pble_rsrc, + (u64) gen_pool_virt_to_phys(pool, root->addr)); + root->cnt = total; + addr = (u64 *) root->addr; + for (i = 0; i < total; i++, leaf++) { + pblcnt = (lflast && ((i + 1) == total)) ? lflast : PBLE_PER_PAGE; + leaf->addr = gen_pool_alloc(pool, (pblcnt << 3)); + if (!leaf->addr) + goto error; + leaf->idx = fpm_to_idx(pble_rsrc, (u64) gen_pool_virt_to_phys(pool, leaf->addr)); + + leaf->cnt = pblcnt; + *addr = (u64) leaf->idx; + addr++; + } + palloc->level = I40IW_LEVEL_2; + pble_rsrc->stats_lvl2++; + return 0; +error: + free_lvl2(pble_rsrc, palloc); + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; +} + +/** + * get_lvl1_pble - get level 1 pble resource + * @dev: hardware control device structure + * @pble_rsrc: pble resource management + * @palloc: level 1 pble allocation + */ +static enum i40iw_status_code +get_lvl1_pble(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc *pble_rsrc, + struct i40iw_pble_alloc *palloc) +{ + struct gen_pool *pool; + struct i40iw_pble_info *lvl1 = &palloc->level1; + u64 *addr; + + pool = pble_rsrc->pinfo.pool; + addr = (u64 *) gen_pool_alloc(pool, (palloc->total_cnt << 3)); + + if (!addr) + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + + palloc->level = I40IW_LEVEL_1; + lvl1->addr = (unsigned long)addr; + lvl1->idx = fpm_to_idx(pble_rsrc, (u64) gen_pool_virt_to_phys(pool, + (unsigned long)addr)); + lvl1->cnt = palloc->total_cnt; + pble_rsrc->stats_lvl1++; + return 0; +} + +/** + * get_lvl1_lvl2_pble - calls get_lvl1 and get_lvl2 pble routine + * @dev: i40iw_sc_dev struct + * @pble_rsrc: pble resources + * @palloc: contains all inforamtion regarding pble (idx + pble addr) + * @pool: pointer to general purpose special memory pool descriptor + */ +static inline enum i40iw_status_code +get_lvl1_lvl2_pble(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc *pble_rsrc, + struct i40iw_pble_alloc *palloc, + struct gen_pool *pool) +{ + enum i40iw_status_code status = 0; + + status = get_lvl1_pble(dev, pble_rsrc, palloc); + if (status && (palloc->total_cnt > PBLE_PER_PAGE)) + status = get_lvl2_pble(pble_rsrc, palloc, pool); + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_get_pble - allocate pbles from the pool + * @dev: i40iw_sc_dev struct + * @pble_rsrc: pble resources + * @palloc: contains all inforamtion regarding pble (idx + pble addr) + * @pble_cnt: #of pbles requested + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_get_pble(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc *pble_rsrc, + struct i40iw_pble_alloc *palloc, + u32 pble_cnt) +{ + struct gen_pool *pool; + enum i40iw_status_code status = 0; + u32 max_sds = 0; + int i; + + pool = pble_rsrc->pinfo.pool; + palloc->total_cnt = pble_cnt; + palloc->level = I40IW_LEVEL_0; + /* + * check first to see if we can get pble's without acquiring + * additional sd's + */ + status = get_lvl1_lvl2_pble(dev, pble_rsrc, palloc, pool); + if (!status) + goto exit; + max_sds = (palloc->total_cnt >> 18) + 1; + for (i = 0; i < max_sds; i++) { + status = add_pble_pool(dev, pble_rsrc); + if (status) + break; + status = get_lvl1_lvl2_pble(dev, pble_rsrc, palloc, pool); + if (!status) + break; + } +exit: + if (!status) + pble_rsrc->stats_alloc_ok++; + else + pble_rsrc->stats_alloc_fail++; + + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_free_pble - put pbles back into pool + * @pble_rsrc: pble resources + * @palloc: contains all inforamtion regarding pble resource being freed + */ +void +i40iw_free_pble(struct i40iw_hmc_pble_rsrc *pble_rsrc, + struct i40iw_pble_alloc *palloc) +{ + struct gen_pool *pool; + + pool = pble_rsrc->pinfo.pool; + if (palloc->level == I40IW_LEVEL_2) + free_lvl2(pble_rsrc, palloc); + else + gen_pool_free(pool, palloc->level1.addr, + (palloc->level1.cnt << 3)); + pble_rsrc->stats_alloc_freed++; +} Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_ucontext.h =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_ucontext.h @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#ifndef _IW_IXL_UCONTEXT_H_ +#define _IW_IXL_UCONTEXT_H_ + +struct i40iw_alloc_pd_resp { + __u32 pd_id; + __u8 reserved[4]; +}; + +struct i40iw_create_cq_req { + __u64 user_cq_buffer; + __u64 user_shadow_area; +}; + +struct i40iw_create_qp_req { + __u64 user_wqe_buffers; + __u64 user_compl_ctx; + + /* UDA QP PHB */ + __u64 user_sq_phb; /* place for VA of the sq phb buff */ + __u64 user_rq_phb; /* place for VA of the rq phb buff */ +}; + +enum i40iw_memreg_type { + IW_MEMREG_TYPE_MEM = 0x0000, + IW_MEMREG_TYPE_QP = 0x0001, + IW_MEMREG_TYPE_CQ = 0x0002, + IW_MEMREG_TYPE_FMEM = 0x0003, +}; + +struct i40iw_create_cq_resp { + __u32 cq_id; + __u32 cq_size; + __u32 mmap_db_index; + __u32 reserved; +}; + +struct i40iw_create_qp_resp { + __u32 qp_id; + __u32 actual_sq_size; + __u32 actual_rq_size; + __u32 i40iw_drv_opt; + __u16 push_idx; + __u8 lsmm; + __u8 rsvd2; +}; + +#endif /* _IW_IXL_UCONTEXT_H_ */ Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_utils.c =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_utils.c @@ -0,0 +1,1031 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#include "iw_ixl_linux_wait.h" +#include "iw_ixl.h" +#if __FreeBSD_version < 1100000 +#include "iw_ixl_linux_jiffies.h" +#endif /* IW_IXL_FREEBSD10 */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/** + * i40iw_arp_table - manage arp table + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @ip_addr: ip address for device + * @mac_addr: mac address ptr + * @action: modify, delete or add + */ +int +i40iw_arp_table(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, u32 * ip_addr, bool ipv4, + u8 * mac_addr, u32 action) +{ + int arp_index; + int err; + u32 ip[4]; + + if (ipv4) { + memset(ip, 0, sizeof(ip)); + ip[0] = *ip_addr; + } else { + memcpy(ip, ip_addr, sizeof(ip)); + } + + for (arp_index = 0; (u32) arp_index < iwdev->arp_table_size; arp_index++) + if (memcmp(iwdev->arp_table[arp_index].ip_addr, ip, sizeof(ip)) == 0) + break; + switch (action) { + case I40IW_ARP_ADD: + if (arp_index != iwdev->arp_table_size) + return -1; + + arp_index = 0; + err = i40iw_alloc_resource(iwdev, iwdev->allocated_arps, + iwdev->arp_table_size, + (u32 *) & arp_index, + &iwdev->next_arp_index); + + if (err) + return err; + + memcpy(iwdev->arp_table[arp_index].ip_addr, ip, sizeof(ip)); + ether_addr_copy(iwdev->arp_table[arp_index].mac_addr, mac_addr); + break; + case I40IW_ARP_RESOLVE: + if (arp_index == iwdev->arp_table_size) + return -1; + break; + case I40IW_ARP_DELETE: + if (arp_index == iwdev->arp_table_size) + return -1; + memset(iwdev->arp_table[arp_index].ip_addr, 0, + sizeof(iwdev->arp_table[arp_index].ip_addr)); + memset(iwdev->arp_table[arp_index].mac_addr, 0x00, + ETHER_ADDR_LEN); + i40iw_free_resource(iwdev, iwdev->allocated_arps, arp_index); + break; + default: + return -1; + } + return arp_index; +} + +/** + * i40iw_get_cqp_request - get cqp struct + * @cqp: device cqp ptr + * @wait: cqp to be used in wait mode + */ +struct i40iw_cqp_request * +i40iw_get_cqp_request(struct i40iw_cqp *cqp, bool wait) +{ + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request = NULL; + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&cqp->req_lock, flags); + if (!list_empty(&cqp->cqp_avail_reqs)) { + cqp_request = list_entry(cqp->, + struct i40iw_cqp_request, list); + list_del_init(&cqp_request->list); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cqp->req_lock, flags); + if (!cqp_request) { + cqp_request = kzalloc(sizeof(*cqp_request), GFP_ATOMIC); + if (cqp_request) { + cqp_request->dynamic = TRUE; + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cqp_request->list); + init_waitqueue_head(&cqp_request->waitq); + } + } + if (!cqp_request) { + DPRINTF("CQP Request Fail: No Memory"); + return NULL; + } + if (wait) { + atomic_set(&cqp_request->refcount, 2); + cqp_request->waiting = TRUE; + } else { + atomic_set(&cqp_request->refcount, 1); + } + return cqp_request; +} + +/** + * i40iw_free_cqp_request - free cqp request + * @cqp: cqp ptr + * @cqp_request: to be put back in cqp list + */ +void +i40iw_free_cqp_request(struct i40iw_cqp *cqp, + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request) +{ + unsigned long flags; + + if (cqp_request->dynamic) { + kfree(cqp_request); + } else { + cqp_request->request_done = FALSE; + cqp_request->callback_fcn = NULL; + cqp_request->waiting = FALSE; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&cqp->req_lock, flags); + list_add_tail(&cqp_request->list, &cqp->cqp_avail_reqs); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cqp->req_lock, flags); + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_put_cqp_request - dec ref count and free if 0 + * @cqp: cqp ptr + * @cqp_request: to be put back in cqp list + */ +void +i40iw_put_cqp_request(struct i40iw_cqp *cqp, + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request) +{ + if (atomic_dec_and_test(&cqp_request->refcount)) + i40iw_free_cqp_request(cqp, cqp_request); +} + +/** + * i40iw_free_qp - callback after destroy cqp completes + * @cqp_request: cqp request for destroy qp + * @num: not used + */ +static void +i40iw_free_qp(struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request, u32 num) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp = (struct i40iw_sc_qp *)cqp_request->param; + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp = (struct i40iw_qp *)qp->back_qp; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; + u32 qp_num = iwqp->ibqp.qp_num; + + iwdev = iwqp->iwdev; + + i40iw_rem_pdusecount(iwqp->iwpd, iwdev); + i40iw_free_qp_resources(iwdev, iwqp, qp_num); + i40iw_rem_devusecount(iwdev); +} + +/** + * i40iw_wait_event - wait for completion + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @cqp_request: cqp request to wait + */ +static int +i40iw_wait_event(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request) +{ + struct cqp_commands_info *info = &cqp_request->info; + struct i40iw_cqp *iwcqp = &iwdev->cqp; + int err_code = 0; + int timeout_ret = 0; + bool cqp_error = FALSE; + + timeout_ret = wait_event_timeout(cqp_request->waitq, + cqp_request->request_done, + I40IW_EVENT_TIMEOUT); + if (!timeout_ret) { + device_printf(iwdev->ldev->dev, + "error cqp command 0x%x timed out ret = %d\n", + info->cqp_cmd, timeout_ret); + err_code = -ETIMEDOUT; + if (!iwdev->reset) { + iwdev->reset = TRUE; + i40iw_request_reset(iwdev); + } + goto done; + } + cqp_error = cqp_request->compl_info.error; + if (cqp_error) { + device_printf(iwdev->ldev->dev, + "error cqp command 0x%x completion maj = 0x%x min=0x%x\n", + info->cqp_cmd, cqp_request->compl_info.maj_err_code, + cqp_request->compl_info.min_err_code); + err_code = -EPROTO; + goto done; + } +done: + i40iw_put_cqp_request(iwcqp, cqp_request); + return err_code; +} + +/** + * i40iw_handle_cqp_op - process cqp command + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @cqp_request: cqp request to process + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_handle_cqp_op(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + struct cqp_commands_info *info = &cqp_request->info; + int err_code = 0; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + if (iwdev->reset) { + i40iw_free_cqp_request(&iwdev->cqp, cqp_request); + return I40IW_ERR_CQP_COMPL_ERROR; + } + status = i40iw_process_cqp_cmd(dev, info); + if (status) { + device_printf(iwdev->ldev->dev, + "error cqp command 0x%x failed\n", info->cqp_cmd); + i40iw_free_cqp_request(&iwdev->cqp, cqp_request); + return status; + } + if (cqp_request->waiting) + err_code = i40iw_wait_event(iwdev, cqp_request); + if (err_code) + status = I40IW_ERR_CQP_COMPL_ERROR; + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_add_devusecount - add dev refcount + * @iwdev: dev for refcount + */ +void +i40iw_add_devusecount(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + atomic_inc(&iwdev->use_count); +} + +/** + * i40iw_rem_devusecount - decrement refcount for dev + * @iwdev: device + */ +void +i40iw_rem_devusecount(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + if (!atomic_dec_and_test(&iwdev->use_count)) + return; + wake_up(&iwdev->close_wq); +} + +/** + * i40iw_add_pdusecount - add pd refcount + * @iwpd: pd for refcount + */ +void +i40iw_add_pdusecount(struct i40iw_pd *iwpd) +{ + atomic_inc(&iwpd->usecount); +} + +/** + * i40iw_rem_pdusecount - decrement refcount for pd and free if 0 + * @iwpd: pd for refcount + * @iwdev: iwarp device + */ +void +i40iw_rem_pdusecount(struct i40iw_pd *iwpd, struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + if (!atomic_dec_and_test(&iwpd->usecount)) + return; + i40iw_free_resource(iwdev, iwdev->allocated_pds, iwpd->sc_pd.pd_id); + kfree(iwpd); +} + +/** + * i40iw_add_ref - add refcount for qp + * @ibqp: iqarp qp + */ +void +i40iw_add_ref(struct ib_qp *ibqp) +{ + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp = (struct i40iw_qp *)ibqp; + + atomic_inc(&iwqp->refcount); +} + +/** + * i40iw_rem_ref - rem refcount for qp and free if 0 + * @ibqp: iqarp qp + */ +void +i40iw_rem_ref(struct ib_qp *ibqp) +{ + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp; + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct cqp_commands_info *cqp_info; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; + unsigned long flags; + u32 qp_num; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + iwqp = to_iwqp(ibqp); + iwdev = iwqp->iwdev; + spin_lock_irqsave(&iwdev->qptable_lock, flags); + if (!atomic_dec_and_test(&iwqp->refcount)) { + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwdev->qptable_lock, flags); + return; + } + qp_num = iwqp->ibqp.qp_num; + iwdev->qp_table[qp_num] = NULL; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwdev->qptable_lock, flags); + cqp_request = i40iw_get_cqp_request(&iwdev->cqp, FALSE); + if (!cqp_request) + return; + + cqp_request->callback_fcn = i40iw_free_qp; + cqp_request->param = (void *)&iwqp->sc_qp; + cqp_info = &cqp_request->info; + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_QP_DESTROY; + cqp_info->post_sq = 1; + cqp_info->in.u.qp_destroy.qp = &iwqp->sc_qp; + cqp_info->in.u.qp_destroy.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + cqp_info->in.u.qp_destroy.remove_hash_idx = TRUE; + status = i40iw_handle_cqp_op(iwdev, cqp_request); + if (status) + device_printf(iwdev->ldev->dev, "CQP-OP Destroy QP fail"); +} + +/** + * i40iw_get_qp - get qp address + * @device: iwarp device + * @qpn: qp number + */ +struct ib_qp * +i40iw_get_qp(struct ib_device *device, int qpn) +{ + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = to_iwdev(device); + + if ((qpn < IW_FIRST_QPN) || (qpn >= iwdev->max_qp)) + return NULL; + + return &iwdev->qp_table[qpn]->ibqp; +} + +/** + * i40iw_debug_buf - print debug msg and buffer is mask set + * @dev: hardware control device structure + * @mask: mask to compare if to print debug buffer + * @buf: points buffer addr + * @size: saize of buffer to print + */ +void +i40iw_debug_buf(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, enum i40iw_debug_flag mask, + char *desc, u64 * buf, u32 size) +{ + u32 i; + + if (!(dev->debug_mask & mask)) + return; + i40iw_debug(dev, mask, "%s\n", desc); + i40iw_debug(dev, mask, "starting address virt=%p phy=%llxh\n", buf, + (unsigned long long)i40iw_get_virt_to_phy(buf)); + + for (i = 0; i < size; i += 8) + i40iw_debug(dev, mask, "index %03d val: %016lx\n", i, buf[i / 8]); +} + +/** + * i40iw_get_hw_addr - return hw addr + * @par: points to shared dev + */ +u8 * +i40iw_get_hw_addr(void *par) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = (struct i40iw_sc_dev *)par; + + return dev->hw->hw_addr; +} + +/** + * i40iw_remove_head - return head entry and remove from list + * @list: list for entry + */ +void * +i40iw_remove_head(struct list_head *list) +{ + struct list_head *entry; + + if (list_empty(list)) + return NULL; + + entry = (void *)list->next; + list_del(entry); + return (void *)entry; +} + +inline u32 +i40iw_rd32(struct i40iw_dev_ctx *dev_ctx, u32 reg) +{ + + KASSERT(reg < dev_ctx->mem_bus_space_size, + ("iw_ixl: register offset %#jx too large (max is %#jx)", + (uintmax_t) reg, (uintmax_t) dev_ctx->mem_bus_space_size)); + + return (bus_space_read_4(dev_ctx->mem_bus_space_tag, + dev_ctx->mem_bus_space_handle, reg)); +} + +inline void +i40iw_wr32(struct i40iw_dev_ctx *dev_ctx, u32 reg, u32 value) +{ + + KASSERT(reg < dev_ctx->mem_bus_space_size, + ("iw_ixl: register offset %#jx too large (max is %#jx)", + (uintmax_t) reg, (uintmax_t) dev_ctx->mem_bus_space_size)); + + bus_space_write_4(dev_ctx->mem_bus_space_tag, + dev_ctx->mem_bus_space_handle, reg, value); +} + +inline u64 +i40iw_rd64(struct i40iw_dev_ctx *dev_ctx, u32 reg) +{ + + KASSERT(reg < dev_ctx->mem_bus_space_size, + ("iw_ixl: register offset %#jx too large (max is %#jx)", + (uintmax_t) reg, (uintmax_t) dev_ctx->mem_bus_space_size)); + + return (bus_space_read_8(dev_ctx->mem_bus_space_tag, + dev_ctx->mem_bus_space_handle, reg)); +} + +inline void +i40iw_wr64(struct i40iw_dev_ctx *dev_ctx, u32 reg, u64 value) +{ + + KASSERT(reg < dev_ctx->mem_bus_space_size, + ("iw_ixl: register offset %#jx too large (max is %#jx)", + (uintmax_t) reg, (uintmax_t) dev_ctx->mem_bus_space_size)); + + bus_space_write_8(dev_ctx->mem_bus_space_tag, + dev_ctx->mem_bus_space_handle, reg, value); +} + +static void +i40iw_dmamap_cb(void *arg, bus_dma_segment_t * segs, int nseg, int error) +{ + if (error) + return; + *(bus_addr_t *) arg = segs->ds_addr; + return; +} + +/** + * i40iw_allocate_dma_mem - Memory alloc helper fn + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * @mem: ptr to mem struct to fill out + * @size: size of memory requested + * @alignment: what to align the allocation to + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_allocate_dma_mem(struct i40iw_hw *hw, struct i40iw_dma_mem *mem, + u64 size, u32 alignment) +{ + struct i40iw_dev_ctx *dev_ctx = + (struct i40iw_dev_ctx *)hw->dev_context; + device_t dev = dev_ctx->dev; + int ret; + + ret = bus_dma_tag_create(bus_get_dma_tag(dev), /* parent */ + alignment, 0, /* alignment, bounds */ + BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR, /* lowaddr */ + BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR, /* highaddr */ + NULL, NULL, /* filter, filterarg */ + size, /* maxsize */ + 1, /* nsegments */ + size, /* maxsegsize */ + BUS_DMA_ALLOCNOW, /* flags */ + NULL, /* lockfunc */ + NULL, /* lockfuncarg */ + &mem->tag); + if (ret != 0) { + device_printf(dev, "%s: bus_dma_tag_create failed, error %u\n", + __func__, ret); + goto fail_0; + } + ret = bus_dmamem_alloc(mem->tag, (void **)&mem->va, + BUS_DMA_NOWAIT | BUS_DMA_ZERO, &mem->map); + if (ret != 0) { + device_printf(dev, "%s: bus_dmamem_alloc failed, error %u\n", + __func__, ret); + goto fail_1; + } + ret = bus_dmamap_load(mem->tag, mem->map, mem->va, size, + i40iw_dmamap_cb, &mem->pa, BUS_DMA_NOWAIT); + if (ret != 0) { + device_printf(dev, "%s: bus_dmamap_load failed, error %u\n", + __func__, ret); + goto fail_2; + } + mem->nseg = 1; + mem->size = size; + bus_dmamap_sync(mem->tag, mem->map, + BUS_DMASYNC_PREREAD | BUS_DMASYNC_PREWRITE); + return (0); +fail_2: + bus_dmamem_free(mem->tag, mem->va, mem->map); +fail_1: + bus_dma_tag_destroy(mem->tag); +fail_0: + mem->map = NULL; + mem->tag = NULL; + + return (I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY); +} + +/** + * ixliw_free_dma_mem - Memory free helper fn + * @mem: ptr to mem struct to free + */ +void +ixliw_free_dma_mem(struct i40iw_dma_mem *mem) +{ + if (!mem) + return; + bus_dmamap_sync(mem->tag, mem->map, + BUS_DMASYNC_POSTREAD | BUS_DMASYNC_POSTWRITE); + bus_dmamap_unload(mem->tag, mem->map); + if (!mem->va) + return; + bus_dmamem_free(mem->tag, mem->va, mem->map); + bus_dma_tag_destroy(mem->tag); +} + +/** + * i40iw_allocate_virt_mem - virtual memory alloc helper fn + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * @mem: ptr to mem struct to fill out + * @size: size of memory requested + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_allocate_virt_mem(struct i40iw_hw *hw, struct i40iw_virt_mem *mem, + u32 size) +{ + if (!mem) + return (I40IW_ERR_PARAM); + + mem->size = size; + mem->va = malloc(size, M_DEVBUF, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO); + + if (mem->va) + return (0); + else + return (I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY); +} + +/** + * i40iw_free_virt_mem - virtual memory free helper fn + * @hw: pointer to the HW structure + * @mem: ptr to mem struct to free + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_free_virt_mem(struct i40iw_hw *hw, struct i40iw_virt_mem *mem) +{ + if (!mem) + return (I40IW_ERR_PARAM); + free(mem->va, M_DEVBUF); + return (0); +} + +/** + * i40iw_cqp_sds_cmd - create cqp command for sd + * @dev: hardware control device structure + * @sd_info: information for sd cqp + * + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_cqp_sds_cmd(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_update_sds_info *sdinfo) +{ + enum i40iw_status_code status; + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct cqp_commands_info *cqp_info; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = (struct i40iw_device *)dev->back_dev; + + cqp_request = i40iw_get_cqp_request(&iwdev->cqp, TRUE); + if (!cqp_request) + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + cqp_info = &cqp_request->info; + memcpy(&cqp_info->, sdinfo, + sizeof(cqp_info->; + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_UPDATE_PE_SDS; + cqp_info->post_sq = 1; + cqp_info-> = dev; + cqp_info->in.u.update_pe_sds.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + status = i40iw_handle_cqp_op(iwdev, cqp_request); + if (status) + DPRINTF("CQP-OP Update SD's fail"); + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_cqp_cq_create_cmd - create a cq for the cqp + * @dev: device pointer + * @cq: pointer to created cq + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_cqp_cq_create_cmd(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq) +{ + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = (struct i40iw_device *)dev->back_dev; + struct i40iw_cqp *iwcqp = &iwdev->cqp; + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct cqp_commands_info *cqp_info; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + cqp_request = i40iw_get_cqp_request(iwcqp, TRUE); + if (!cqp_request) + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + + cqp_info = &cqp_request->info; + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_CQ_CREATE; + cqp_info->post_sq = 1; + cqp_info->in.u.cq_create.cq = cq; + cqp_info->in.u.cq_create.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + status = i40iw_handle_cqp_op(iwdev, cqp_request); + if (status) + i40iw_pr_err("CQP-OP Create QP fail"); + + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_cqp_qp_create_cmd - create a qp for the cqp + * @dev: device pointer + * @qp: pointer to created qp + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_cqp_qp_create_cmd(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp) +{ + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = (struct i40iw_device *)dev->back_dev; + struct i40iw_cqp *iwcqp = &iwdev->cqp; + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct cqp_commands_info *cqp_info; + struct i40iw_create_qp_info *qp_info; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + cqp_request = i40iw_get_cqp_request(iwcqp, TRUE); + if (!cqp_request) + return I40IW_ERR_NO_MEMORY; + + cqp_info = &cqp_request->info; + qp_info = &cqp_request->; + + memset(qp_info, 0, sizeof(*qp_info)); + + qp_info->cq_num_valid = TRUE; + qp_info->next_iwarp_state = I40IW_QP_STATE_RTS; + + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_QP_CREATE; + cqp_info->post_sq = 1; + cqp_info->in.u.qp_create.qp = qp; + cqp_info->in.u.qp_create.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + status = i40iw_handle_cqp_op(iwdev, cqp_request); + if (status) + i40iw_pr_err("CQP-OP QP create fail"); + return status; +} + +/** + * i40iw_cqp_cq_destroy_cmd - destroy the cqp cq + * @dev: device pointer + * @cq: pointer to cq + */ +void +i40iw_cqp_cq_destroy_cmd(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq) +{ + + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = (struct i40iw_device *)dev->back_dev; + + i40iw_cq_wq_destroy(iwdev, cq); +} + +/** + * i40iw_cqp_qp_destroy_cmd - destroy the cqp + * @dev: device pointer + * @qp: pointer to qp + */ +void +i40iw_cqp_qp_destroy_cmd(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp) +{ + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = (struct i40iw_device *)dev->back_dev; + struct i40iw_cqp *iwcqp = &iwdev->cqp; + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct cqp_commands_info *cqp_info; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + cqp_request = i40iw_get_cqp_request(iwcqp, TRUE); + if (!cqp_request) + return; + + cqp_info = &cqp_request->info; + memset(cqp_info, 0, sizeof(*cqp_info)); + + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_QP_DESTROY; + cqp_info->post_sq = 1; + cqp_info->in.u.qp_destroy.qp = qp; + cqp_info->in.u.qp_destroy.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + cqp_info->in.u.qp_destroy.remove_hash_idx = TRUE; + status = i40iw_handle_cqp_op(iwdev, cqp_request); + if (status) + i40iw_pr_err("CQP QP_DESTROY fail"); +} + +/** + * i40iw_term_modify_qp - modify qp for term message + * @qp: hardware control qp + * @next_state: qp's next state + * @term: terminate code + * @term_len: length + */ +void +i40iw_term_modify_qp(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, u8 next_state, u8 term, u8 term_len) +{ + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp; + + iwqp = (struct i40iw_qp *)qp->back_qp; + i40iw_next_iw_state(iwqp, next_state, 0, term, term_len); +}; + +/** + * i40iw_terminate_done - after terminate is completed + * @qp: hardware control qp + * @timeout_occurred: indicates if terminate timer expired + */ +void +i40iw_terminate_done(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp, int timeout_occurred) +{ + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp; + unsigned long flags; + u32 next_iwarp_state = I40IW_QP_STATE_ERROR; + u8 hte = 0; + bool first_time; + + iwqp = (struct i40iw_qp *)qp->back_qp; + spin_lock_irqsave(&iwqp->lock, flags); + if (iwqp->hte_added) { + iwqp->hte_added = 0; + hte = 1; + } + first_time = !(qp->term_flags & I40IW_TERM_DONE); + qp->term_flags |= I40IW_TERM_DONE; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwqp->lock, flags); + if (first_time) { + if (!timeout_occurred) + i40iw_terminate_del_timer(qp); + else + next_iwarp_state = I40IW_QP_STATE_CLOSING; + + i40iw_next_iw_state(iwqp, next_iwarp_state, hte, 0, 0); + i40iw_cm_disconn(iwqp); + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_terminate_imeout - timeout happened + * @context: points to iwarp qp + */ +static void +i40iw_terminate_timeout(unsigned long context) +{ + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp = (struct i40iw_qp *)context; + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp = (struct i40iw_sc_qp *)&iwqp->sc_qp; + + i40iw_terminate_done(qp, 1); + i40iw_rem_ref(&iwqp->ibqp); +} + +/** + * i40iw_terminate_start_timer - start terminate timeout + * @qp: hardware control qp + */ +void +i40iw_terminate_start_timer(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp) +{ + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp; + + iwqp = (struct i40iw_qp *)qp->back_qp; + i40iw_add_ref(&iwqp->ibqp); + init_timer(&iwqp->terminate_timer); + iwqp->terminate_timer.function = i40iw_terminate_timeout; + iwqp->terminate_timer.expires = jiffies + HZ; + iwqp-> = (unsigned long)iwqp; + add_timer(&iwqp->terminate_timer); +} + +/** + * i40iw_terminate_del_timer - delete terminate timeout + * @qp: hardware control qp + */ +void +i40iw_terminate_del_timer(struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp) +{ + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp; + int ret; + + iwqp = (struct i40iw_qp *)qp->back_qp; + ret = del_timer(&iwqp->terminate_timer); + if (ret) + i40iw_rem_ref(&iwqp->ibqp); +} + +/** + * i40iw_ieq_mpa_crc_ae - generate AE for crc error + * @dev: hardware control device structure + * @qp: hardware control qp + */ +void +i40iw_ieq_mpa_crc_ae(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp) +{ + struct i40iw_qp_flush_info info; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = (struct i40iw_device *)dev->back_dev; + + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_AEQ, "%s entered\n", __func__); + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + info.ae_code = I40IW_AE_LLP_RECEIVED_MPA_CRC_ERROR; + info.generate_ae = TRUE; + info.ae_source = 0x3; + (void)i40iw_hw_flush_wqes(iwdev, qp, &info, FALSE); +} + +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_init_hash_desc(void **desc) +{ + return 0; +} + +void +i40iw_free_hash_desc(void *desc) +{ + return; +} + +/** + * i40iw_ieq_check_mpacrc - check if mpa crc is OK + * @desc: desc for hash + * @addr: address of buffer for crc + * @length: length of buffer + * @value: value to be compared + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_ieq_check_mpacrc(void *desc, void *addr, u32 length, + u32 value) +{ + u32 crc = calculate_crc32c(0xffffffff, addr, length) ^ 0xffffffff; + enum i40iw_status_code ret_code = 0; + + printf("%s: begin", __func__); + if (crc != value) { + i40iw_pr_err("mpa crc check fail\n"); + ret_code = I40IW_ERR_MPA_CRC; + } + printf("%s: result crc=%x value=%x", __func__, crc, value); + return ret_code; +} + +/** + * i40iw_ieq_get_qp - get qp based on quad in puda buffer + * @dev: hardware control device structure + * @buf: receive puda buffer on exception q + */ +struct i40iw_sc_qp * +i40iw_ieq_get_qp(struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev, struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf) +{ + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = (struct i40iw_device *)dev->back_dev; + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp; + struct i40iw_cm_node *cm_node; + struct ip6_hdr *ip6h; + struct ip *iph = (struct ip *)buf->iph; + struct tcphdr *tcph = (struct tcphdr *)buf->tcph; + u32 loc_addr[4], rem_addr[4]; + u16 loc_port, rem_port; + + if (iph->ip_v == 4) { + memset(loc_addr, 0, sizeof(loc_addr)); + loc_addr[0] = ntohl(iph->ip_dst.s_addr); + memset(rem_addr, 0, sizeof(rem_addr)); + rem_addr[0] = ntohl(iph->ip_src.s_addr); + } else { + ip6h = (struct ip6_hdr *)buf->iph; + i40iw_copy_ip_ntohl(loc_addr, (__be32 *) & ip6h->ip6_dst); + i40iw_copy_ip_ntohl(rem_addr, (__be32 *) & ip6h->ip6_src); + } + loc_port = ntohs(tcph->th_sport); + rem_port = ntohs(tcph->th_dport); + + cm_node = i40iw_find_node(&iwdev->cm_core, rem_port, rem_addr, loc_port, + loc_addr, FALSE); + if (!cm_node) + return NULL; + iwqp = cm_node->iwqp; + return &iwqp->sc_qp; +} + +/** + * i40iw_ieq_update_tcpip_info - update tcpip in the buffer + * @buf: puda to update + * @length: length of buffer + * @seqnum: seq number for tcp + */ +void +i40iw_ieq_update_tcpip_info(struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf, u16 length, u32 seqnum) +{ + struct tcphdr *tcph; + struct ip *iph; + u16 iphlen; + u16 packetsize; + u8 *addr = (u8 *) buf->; + + iphlen = (buf->ipv4) ? 20 : 40; + iph = (struct ip *)(addr + buf->maclen); + tcph = (struct tcphdr *)(addr + buf->maclen + iphlen); + packetsize = length + buf->tcphlen + iphlen; + + iph->ip_len = htons(packetsize); + tcph->th_seq = htonl(seqnum); +} + +/** + * i40iw_puda_get_tcpip_info - get tcpip info from puda buffer + * @info: to get information + * @buf: puda buffer + */ +enum i40iw_status_code +i40iw_puda_get_tcpip_info(struct i40iw_puda_completion_info *info, + struct i40iw_puda_buf *buf) +{ + struct ip *iph; + struct ip6_hdr *ip6h; + struct tcphdr *tcph; + struct ether_header *ethh = (struct ether_header *)buf->; + u16 iphlen; + u16 pkt_len; + u8 *mem = (u8 *) buf->; + + if (ethh->ether_type == htons(ETH_P_8021Q)) { + info->vlan_valid = TRUE; + buf->vlan_id = ntohs(((struct ether_vlan_header *)ethh)->evl_tag) & EVL_VLID_MASK; + } + buf->maclen = (info->vlan_valid) ? 18 : 14; + iphlen = (info->l3proto) ? 40 : 20; + buf->ipv4 = (info->l3proto) ? FALSE : TRUE; + buf->iph = mem + buf->maclen; + iph = (struct ip *)buf->iph; + + buf->tcph = buf->iph + iphlen; + tcph = (struct tcphdr *)buf->tcph; + + if (buf->ipv4) { + pkt_len = ntohs(iph->ip_len); + } else { + ip6h = (struct ip6_hdr *)buf->iph; + pkt_len = ntohs(ip6h->ip6_plen) + iphlen; + } + + buf->totallen = pkt_len + buf->maclen; + + if (info->payload_len < buf->totallen) { + i40iw_pr_err("payload_len = 0x%x totallen expected0x%x\n", + info->payload_len, buf->totallen); + return I40IW_ERR_INVALID_SIZE; + } + buf->tcphlen = (tcph->th_off) << 2; + buf->datalen = pkt_len - iphlen - buf->tcphlen; + buf->data = (buf->datalen) ? buf->tcph + buf->tcphlen : NULL; + buf->hdrlen = buf->maclen + iphlen + buf->tcphlen; + buf->seqnum = ntohl(tcph->th_seq); + return 0; +} Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_verbs.h =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_verbs.h @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#ifndef _IW_IXL_VERBS_H_ +#define _IW_IXL_VERBS_H_ + +struct i40iw_ucontext { + struct ib_ucontext ibucontext; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; + struct list_head cq_reg_mem_list; + spinlock_t cq_reg_mem_list_lock; /* memory list for cq's */ + struct list_head qp_reg_mem_list; + spinlock_t qp_reg_mem_list_lock; /* memory list for qp's */ +}; + +struct i40iw_pd { + struct ib_pd ibpd; + struct i40iw_sc_pd sc_pd; + atomic_t usecount; +}; + +struct i40iw_hmc_pble { + union { + u32 idx; + dma_addr_t addr; + }; +}; + +struct i40iw_cq_mr { + struct i40iw_hmc_pble cq_pbl; + dma_addr_t shadow; +}; + +struct i40iw_qp_mr { + struct i40iw_hmc_pble sq_pbl; + struct i40iw_hmc_pble rq_pbl; + dma_addr_t shadow; + struct page *sq_page; +}; + +struct i40iw_pbl { + struct list_head list; + union { + struct i40iw_qp_mr qp_mr; + struct i40iw_cq_mr cq_mr; + }; + + bool pbl_allocated; + u64 user_base; + struct i40iw_pble_alloc pble_alloc; + struct i40iw_mr *iwmr; +}; + +#define MAX_SAVE_PAGE_ADDRS 4 +struct i40iw_mr { + union { + struct ib_mr ibmr; + struct ib_mw ibmw; + struct ib_fmr ibfmr; + }; + struct ib_umem *region; + u16 type; + u32 page_cnt; + u32 stag; + u64 length; + u64 pgaddrmem[MAX_SAVE_PAGE_ADDRS]; + struct i40iw_pbl iwpbl; +}; + +struct i40iw_fast_reg_page_list { + struct ib_fast_reg_page_list ibfpl; + struct i40iw_pble_alloc palloc; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; +}; + +struct i40iw_cq { + struct ib_cq ibcq; + struct i40iw_sc_cq sc_cq; + u16 cq_head; + u16 cq_size; + u16 cq_number; + bool user_mode; + u32 polled_completions; + u32 cq_mem_size; + struct i40iw_dma_mem kmem; + spinlock_t lock; /* for poll cq */ + struct i40iw_pbl *iwpbl; +}; + +struct i40iw_disconn_work { + struct work_struct work; + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp; +}; + +struct i40iw_qp_kmode { + struct i40iw_dma_mem dma_mem; + u64 *wrid_mem; +}; + +struct i40iw_qp { + struct ib_qp ibqp; + struct i40iw_sc_qp sc_qp; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; + struct i40iw_cq *iwscq; + struct i40iw_cq *iwrcq; + struct i40iw_pd *iwpd; + struct i40iw_qp_host_ctx_info ctx_info; + struct i40iwarp_offload_info iwarp_info; + void *allocated_buffer; + atomic_t refcount; + struct iw_cm_id *cm_id; + void *cm_node; + struct ib_mr *lsmm_mr; + struct work_struct work; + enum ib_qp_state ibqp_state; + u32 iwarp_state; + u32 qp_mem_size; + u32 last_aeq; + atomic_t close_timer_started; + spinlock_t lock; /* for post work requests */ + struct i40iw_qp_context *iwqp_context; + void *pbl_vbase; + dma_addr_t pbl_pbase; + struct page *page; + u8 active_conn:1; + u8 user_mode:1; + u8 hte_added:1; + u8 flush_issued:1; + u8 destroyed:1; + u8 sig_all:1; + u8 pau_mode:1; + u8 rsvd:1; + u16 term_sq_flush_code; + u16 term_rq_flush_code; + u8 hw_iwarp_state; + u8 hw_tcp_state; + struct i40iw_qp_kmode kqp; + struct i40iw_dma_mem host_ctx; + struct timer_list terminate_timer; + struct i40iw_pbl *iwpbl; + struct i40iw_dma_mem q2_ctx_mem; + struct i40iw_dma_mem ietf_mem; +}; + +#endif /* _IW_IXL_VERBS_H_ */ Index: sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_verbs.c =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/dev/ixl/iwarp/iw_ixl_verbs.c @@ -0,0 +1,2246 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +* +* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two +* licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU +* General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file +* COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the +* BSD license below: +* +* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or +* without modification, are permitted provided that the following +* conditions are met: +* +* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer. +* +* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +* provided with the distribution. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +* NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS +* BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +* ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +* CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +* SOFTWARE. +* +*******************************************************************************/ +/*$FreeBSD$*/ + +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +#include "iw_ixl.h" +#include "iw_ixl_linux_wait.h" + +#if __FreeBSD_version < 1100000 +#include "iw_ixl_linux_jiffies.h" +#endif /* IW_IXL_FREEBSD10 */ + +/** + * i40iw_query_device - get device attributes + * @ibdev: device pointer from stack + * @props: returning device attributes + */ +static int +i40iw_query_device(struct ib_device *ibdev, struct ib_device_attr *props) +{ + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = to_iwdev(ibdev); + + memset(props, 0, sizeof(*props)); + ether_addr_copy((u8 *) & props->sys_image_guid, IF_LLADDR(iwdev->ifp)); + props->fw_ver = I40IW_FW_VERSION; + props->device_cap_flags = iwdev->device_cap_flags; + props->vendor_id = pci_get_vendor(iwdev->ldev->dev); + props->vendor_part_id = pci_get_device(iwdev->ldev->dev); + props->hw_ver = (u32) iwdev->sc_dev.hw_rev; + props->max_mr_size = I40IW_MAX_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_SIZE; + props->max_qp = iwdev->max_qp - iwdev->used_qps; + props->max_qp_wr = (I40IW_MAX_WQ_ENTRIES >> 2) - 1; + props->max_sge = I40IW_MAX_WQ_FRAGMENT_COUNT; + props->max_cq = iwdev->max_cq - iwdev->used_cqs; + props->max_cqe = iwdev->max_cqe; + props->max_mr = iwdev->max_mr - iwdev->used_mrs; + props->max_pd = iwdev->max_pd - iwdev->used_pds; + props->max_sge_rd = I40IW_MAX_SGE_RD; + props->max_qp_rd_atom = I40IW_MAX_IRD_SIZE; + props->max_qp_init_rd_atom = props->max_qp_rd_atom; + props->atomic_cap = IB_ATOMIC_NONE; + props->max_map_per_fmr = 1; + props->max_fast_reg_page_list_len = I40IW_MAX_PAGES_PER_FMR; + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_query_port - get port attrubutes + * @ibdev: device pointer from stack + * @port: port number for query + * @props: returning device attributes + */ +static int +i40iw_query_port(struct ib_device *ibdev, u8 port, struct ib_port_attr *props) +{ + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = to_iwdev(ibdev); + struct ifnet *ifp = iwdev->ifp; + + memset(props, 0, sizeof(*props)); + + props->max_mtu = IB_MTU_4096; + if (ifp->if_mtu >= 4096) + props->active_mtu = IB_MTU_4096; + else if (ifp->if_mtu >= 2048) + props->active_mtu = IB_MTU_2048; + else if (ifp->if_mtu >= 1024) + props->active_mtu = IB_MTU_1024; + else if (ifp->if_mtu >= 512) + props->active_mtu = IB_MTU_512; + else + props->active_mtu = IB_MTU_256; + + props->lid = 1; + if (ifp->if_drv_flags & IFF_DRV_RUNNING) + props->state = IB_PORT_ACTIVE; + else + props->state = IB_PORT_DOWN; + props->port_cap_flags = IB_PORT_CM_SUP | IB_PORT_REINIT_SUP | + IB_PORT_VENDOR_CLASS_SUP | IB_PORT_BOOT_MGMT_SUP; + props->gid_tbl_len = 1; + props->pkey_tbl_len = 1; + props->active_width = IB_WIDTH_4X; + props->active_speed = 1; + props->max_msg_sz = I40IW_MAX_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_SIZE; + + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_alloc_push_page - allocate a push page for qp + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @qp: hardware control qp + */ +static void +i40iw_alloc_push_page(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp) +{ + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct cqp_commands_info *cqp_info; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + if (qp->push_idx != I40IW_INVALID_PUSH_PAGE_INDEX) + return; + + cqp_request = i40iw_get_cqp_request(&iwdev->cqp, TRUE); + if (!cqp_request) + return; + + atomic_inc(&cqp_request->refcount); + + cqp_info = &cqp_request->info; + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_MANAGE_PUSH_PAGE; + cqp_info->post_sq = 1; + + cqp_info-> = + iwdev->vsi.qos[0].qs_handle; + cqp_info-> = 0; + cqp_info->in.u.manage_push_page.cqp = &iwdev->cqp.sc_cqp; + cqp_info->in.u.manage_push_page.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + + status = i40iw_handle_cqp_op(iwdev, cqp_request); + if (!status) + qp->push_idx = cqp_request->compl_info.op_ret_val; + else + device_printf(iwdev->ldev->dev, "CQP-OP Push page fail"); + i40iw_put_cqp_request(&iwdev->cqp, cqp_request); +} + +/** + * i40iw_dealloc_push_page - free a push page for qp + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @qp: hardware control qp + */ +static void +i40iw_dealloc_push_page(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp) +{ + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct cqp_commands_info *cqp_info; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + if (qp->push_idx == I40IW_INVALID_PUSH_PAGE_INDEX) + return; + + cqp_request = i40iw_get_cqp_request(&iwdev->cqp, FALSE); + if (!cqp_request) + return; + + cqp_info = &cqp_request->info; + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_MANAGE_PUSH_PAGE; + cqp_info->post_sq = 1; + + cqp_info-> = qp->push_idx; + cqp_info-> = + iwdev->vsi.qos[0].qs_handle; + cqp_info-> = 1; + cqp_info->in.u.manage_push_page.cqp = &iwdev->cqp.sc_cqp; + cqp_info->in.u.manage_push_page.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + + status = i40iw_handle_cqp_op(iwdev, cqp_request); + if (!status) + qp->push_idx = I40IW_INVALID_PUSH_PAGE_INDEX; + else + device_printf(iwdev->ldev->dev, "CQP-OP Push page fail"); +} + +/** + * i40iw_alloc_pd - allocate protection domain + * @ibdev: device pointer from stack + * @context: user context created during alloc + * @udata: user data + */ +static struct ib_pd * +i40iw_alloc_pd(struct ib_device *ibdev, struct ib_ucontext *context, + struct ib_udata *udata) +{ + struct i40iw_pd *iwpd; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = to_iwdev(ibdev); + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + struct i40iw_alloc_pd_resp uresp; + struct i40iw_sc_pd *sc_pd; + u32 pd_id = 0; + int err; + + if (iwdev->closing) + return ERR_PTR(-ENODEV); + + err = i40iw_alloc_resource(iwdev, iwdev->allocated_pds, + iwdev->max_pd, &pd_id, &iwdev->next_pd); + if (err) { + device_printf(iwdev->ldev->dev, "alloc resource failed\n"); + return ERR_PTR(err); + } + iwpd = kzalloc(sizeof(*iwpd), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!iwpd) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto free_res; + } + sc_pd = &iwpd->sc_pd; + dev->iw_pd_ops->pd_init(dev, sc_pd, pd_id); + + if (context) { + memset(&uresp, 0, sizeof(uresp)); + uresp.pd_id = pd_id; + if (ib_copy_to_udata(udata, &uresp, sizeof(uresp))) { + err = -EFAULT; + goto error; + } + } + i40iw_add_pdusecount(iwpd); + return &iwpd->ibpd; +error: + kfree(iwpd); +free_res: + i40iw_free_resource(iwdev, iwdev->allocated_pds, pd_id); + return ERR_PTR(err); +} + +/** + * i40iw_dealloc_pd - deallocate pd + * @ibpd: ptr of pd to be deallocated + */ +static int +i40iw_dealloc_pd(struct ib_pd *ibpd) +{ + struct i40iw_pd *iwpd = to_iwpd(ibpd); + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = to_iwdev(ibpd->device); + + i40iw_rem_pdusecount(iwpd, iwdev); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_qp_roundup - return round up qp ring size + * @wr_ring_size: ring size to round up + */ +static int +i40iw_qp_roundup(u32 wr_ring_size) +{ + int scount = 1; + + if (wr_ring_size < I40IWQP_SW_MIN_WQSIZE) + wr_ring_size = I40IWQP_SW_MIN_WQSIZE; + + for (wr_ring_size--; scount <= 16; scount *= 2) + wr_ring_size |= wr_ring_size >> scount; + return ++wr_ring_size; +} + +/** + * i40iw_get_pbl - Retrieve pbl from a list given a virtual + * address + * @va: user virtual address + * @pbl_list: pbl list to search in (QP's or CQ's) + */ +static struct i40iw_pbl * +i40iw_get_pbl(unsigned long va, + struct list_head *pbl_list) +{ + struct i40iw_pbl *iwpbl; + + list_for_each_entry(iwpbl, pbl_list, list) { + if (iwpbl->user_base == va) { + list_del(&iwpbl->list); + return iwpbl; + } + } + return NULL; +} + +/** + * i40iw_free_qp_resources - free up memory resources for qp + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @iwqp: qp ptr (user or kernel) + * @qp_num: qp number assigned + */ +void +i40iw_free_qp_resources(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, struct i40iw_qp *iwqp, + u32 qp_num) +{ + i40iw_dealloc_push_page(iwdev, &iwqp->sc_qp); + if (qp_num) + i40iw_free_resource(iwdev, iwdev->allocated_qps, qp_num); + ixliw_free_dma_mem(&iwqp->q2_ctx_mem); + ixliw_free_dma_mem(&iwqp->kqp.dma_mem); + kfree(iwqp->kqp.wrid_mem); + iwqp->kqp.wrid_mem = NULL; + kfree(iwqp->allocated_buffer); +} + +/** + * i40iw_clean_cqes - clean cq entries for qp + * @iwqp: qp ptr (user or kernel) + * @iwcq: cq ptr + */ +static void +i40iw_clean_cqes(struct i40iw_qp *iwqp, struct i40iw_cq *iwcq) +{ + struct i40iw_cq_uk *ukcq = &iwcq->sc_cq.cq_uk; + + ukcq->ops.iw_cq_clean(&iwqp->sc_qp.qp_uk, ukcq); +} + +/** + * i40iw_destroy_qp - destroy qp + * @ibqp: qp's ib pointer also to get to device's qp address + */ +static int +i40iw_destroy_qp(struct ib_qp *ibqp) +{ + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp = to_iwqp(ibqp); + + iwqp->destroyed = 1; + + if (iwqp->ibqp_state >= IB_QPS_INIT && iwqp->ibqp_state < IB_QPS_RTS) + i40iw_next_iw_state(iwqp, I40IW_QP_STATE_ERROR, 0, 0, 0); + + if (!iwqp->user_mode) { + if (iwqp->iwscq) { + i40iw_clean_cqes(iwqp, iwqp->iwscq); + if (iwqp->iwrcq != iwqp->iwscq) + i40iw_clean_cqes(iwqp, iwqp->iwrcq); + } + } + i40iw_rem_ref(&iwqp->ibqp); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_setup_virt_qp - setup for allocation of virtual qp + * @dev: iwarp device + * @qp: qp ptr + * @init_info: initialize info to return + */ +static int +i40iw_setup_virt_qp(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp, + struct i40iw_qp_init_info *init_info) +{ + struct i40iw_pbl *iwpbl = iwqp->iwpbl; + struct i40iw_qp_mr *qpmr = &iwpbl->qp_mr; + + iwqp->page = qpmr->sq_page; + init_info->shadow_area_pa = cpu_to_le64(qpmr->shadow); + if (iwpbl->pbl_allocated) { + init_info->virtual_map = TRUE; + init_info->sq_pa = qpmr->sq_pbl.idx; + init_info->rq_pa = qpmr->rq_pbl.idx; + } else { + init_info->sq_pa = qpmr->sq_pbl.addr; + init_info->rq_pa = qpmr->rq_pbl.addr; + } + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_setup_kmode_qp - setup initialization for kernel mode qp + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @iwqp: qp ptr (user or kernel) + * @info: initialize info to return + */ +static int +i40iw_setup_kmode_qp(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp, + struct i40iw_qp_init_info *info) +{ + struct i40iw_dma_mem *mem = &iwqp->kqp.dma_mem; + struct i40iw_qp_uk_init_info *ukinfo = &info->qp_uk_init_info; + u32 size; + u32 sqdepth, rqdepth; + u32 sq_size, rq_size; + u8 sqshift; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + sq_size = i40iw_qp_roundup(ukinfo->sq_size + 1); + rq_size = i40iw_qp_roundup(ukinfo->rq_size + 1); + + status = i40iw_get_wqe_shift(sq_size, ukinfo->max_sq_frag_cnt, + ukinfo->max_inline_data, &sqshift); + if (status) + return -ENOMEM; + + sqdepth = sq_size << sqshift; + rqdepth = rq_size << I40IW_MAX_RQ_WQE_SHIFT; + + size = sqdepth * sizeof(struct i40iw_sq_uk_wr_trk_info) + (rqdepth << 3); + iwqp->kqp.wrid_mem = kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL); + + ukinfo->sq_wrtrk_array = + (struct i40iw_sq_uk_wr_trk_info *)iwqp->kqp.wrid_mem; + if (!ukinfo->sq_wrtrk_array) + return -ENOMEM; + + ukinfo->rq_wrid_array = (u64 *) & ukinfo->sq_wrtrk_array[sqdepth]; + + size = (sqdepth + rqdepth) * I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE; + size += (I40IW_SHADOW_AREA_SIZE << 3); + + status = i40iw_allocate_dma_mem(iwdev->sc_dev.hw, mem, size, 256); + if (status) { + kfree(ukinfo->sq_wrtrk_array); + ukinfo->sq_wrtrk_array = NULL; + return -ENOMEM; + } + ukinfo->sq = mem->va; + info->sq_pa = mem->pa; + + ukinfo->rq = &ukinfo->sq[sqdepth]; + info->rq_pa = info->sq_pa + (sqdepth * I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE); + + ukinfo->shadow_area = ukinfo->rq[rqdepth].elem; + info->shadow_area_pa = info->rq_pa + (rqdepth * I40IW_QP_WQE_MIN_SIZE); + + ukinfo->sq_size = sq_size; + ukinfo->rq_size = rq_size; + ukinfo->qp_id = iwqp->ibqp.qp_num; + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_create_qp - create qp + * @ibpd: ptr of pd + * @init_attr: attributes for qp + * @udata: user data for create qp + */ +static struct ib_qp * +i40iw_create_qp(struct ib_pd *ibpd, struct ib_qp_init_attr *init_attr, + struct ib_udata *udata) +{ + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = to_iwdev(ibpd->device); + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct cqp_commands_info *cqp_info; + struct i40iw_qp_host_ctx_info *ctx_info; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + struct i40iw_qp_init_info init_info; + struct i40iwarp_offload_info *iwarp_info; + struct i40iw_cqp *iwcqp = &iwdev->cqp; + struct i40iw_pd *iwpd = to_iwpd(ibpd); + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp; + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp; + struct i40iw_create_qp_info *qp_info; + struct i40iw_create_qp_req req; + struct i40iw_ucontext *ucontext; + struct i40iw_create_qp_resp uresp; + void *mem; + int err_code; + int sq_size; + int rq_size; + unsigned long flags; + u32 qp_num = 0; + enum i40iw_status_code ret; + + if (iwdev->closing) + return ERR_PTR(-ENODEV); + + if (init_attr->create_flags) + return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL); + + if (init_attr->cap.max_inline_data > I40IW_MAX_INLINE_DATA_SIZE) + init_attr->cap.max_inline_data = I40IW_MAX_INLINE_DATA_SIZE; + + if (init_attr->cap.max_send_sge > I40IW_MAX_WQ_FRAGMENT_COUNT) + init_attr->cap.max_send_sge = I40IW_MAX_WQ_FRAGMENT_COUNT; + + if (init_attr->cap.max_recv_sge > I40IW_MAX_WQ_FRAGMENT_COUNT) + init_attr->cap.max_recv_sge = I40IW_MAX_WQ_FRAGMENT_COUNT; + + memset(&init_info, 0, sizeof(init_info)); + + sq_size = init_attr->cap.max_send_wr; + rq_size = init_attr->cap.max_recv_wr; + + init_info.vsi = &iwdev->vsi; + init_info.qp_uk_init_info.sq_size = sq_size; + init_info.qp_uk_init_info.rq_size = rq_size; + init_info.qp_uk_init_info.max_sq_frag_cnt = init_attr->cap.max_send_sge; + init_info.qp_uk_init_info.max_rq_frag_cnt = init_attr->cap.max_recv_sge; + init_info.qp_uk_init_info.max_inline_data = + init_attr->cap.max_inline_data; + + mem = kzalloc(sizeof(*iwqp), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!mem) + return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); + + iwqp = (struct i40iw_qp *)mem; + qp = &iwqp->sc_qp; + qp->back_qp = (void *)iwqp; + qp->push_idx = I40IW_INVALID_PUSH_PAGE_INDEX; + + iwqp->ctx_info.iwarp_info = &iwqp->iwarp_info; + + if (i40iw_allocate_dma_mem(dev->hw, + &iwqp->q2_ctx_mem, + I40IW_Q2_BUFFER_SIZE + I40IW_QP_CTX_SIZE, + 256)) { + device_printf(iwdev->ldev->dev, "dma_mem alloc failed\n"); + err_code = -ENOMEM; + goto error; + } + init_info.q2 = iwqp->; + init_info.q2_pa = iwqp->; + + init_info.host_ctx = (u64 *) ((uintptr_t) init_info.q2 + + I40IW_Q2_BUFFER_SIZE); + init_info.host_ctx_pa = init_info.q2_pa + I40IW_Q2_BUFFER_SIZE; + + err_code = i40iw_alloc_resource(iwdev, iwdev->allocated_qps, iwdev->max_qp, + &qp_num, &iwdev->next_qp); + if (err_code) { + device_printf(iwdev->ldev->dev, "qp resource alloc failed\n"); + goto error; + } + iwqp->allocated_buffer = mem; + iwqp->iwdev = iwdev; + iwqp->iwpd = iwpd; + iwqp->ibqp.qp_num = qp_num; + qp = &iwqp->sc_qp; + iwqp->iwscq = to_iwcq(init_attr->send_cq); + iwqp->iwrcq = to_iwcq(init_attr->recv_cq); + + iwqp-> = init_info.host_ctx; + iwqp-> = init_info.host_ctx_pa; + iwqp->host_ctx.size = I40IW_QP_CTX_SIZE; + + init_info.pd = &iwpd->sc_pd; + init_info.qp_uk_init_info.qp_id = iwqp->ibqp.qp_num; + init_info.qp_uk_init_info.first_sq_wq = 1; + iwqp->ctx_info.qp_compl_ctx = (uintptr_t) qp; + + if (init_attr->qp_type != IB_QPT_RC) { + err_code = -EINVAL; + goto error; + } + if (iwdev->push_mode) + i40iw_alloc_push_page(iwdev, qp); + if (udata) { + err_code = ib_copy_from_udata(&req, udata, sizeof(req)); + if (err_code) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_VERBS | I40IW_DEBUG_QP, + "ib_copy_from_data error %d\n", err_code); + goto error; + } + iwqp->ctx_info.qp_compl_ctx = req.user_compl_ctx; + if (ibpd->uobject && ibpd->uobject->context) { + iwqp->user_mode = 1; + ucontext = to_ucontext(ibpd->uobject->context); + + if (req.user_wqe_buffers) { + spin_lock_irqsave( + &ucontext->qp_reg_mem_list_lock, flags); + iwqp->iwpbl = i40iw_get_pbl( + (unsigned long)req.user_wqe_buffers, + &ucontext->qp_reg_mem_list); + spin_unlock_irqrestore( + &ucontext->qp_reg_mem_list_lock, flags); + + if (!iwqp->iwpbl) { + err_code = -ENODATA; + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_PBLE, "no pbl info\n"); + goto error; + } + } + } + err_code = i40iw_setup_virt_qp(iwdev, iwqp, &init_info); + } else { + err_code = i40iw_setup_kmode_qp(iwdev, iwqp, &init_info); + } + + if (err_code) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_VERBS | + I40IW_DEBUG_QP, "setup qp failed\n"); + goto error; + } + init_info.type = I40IW_QP_TYPE_IWARP; + ret = dev->iw_priv_qp_ops->qp_init(qp, &init_info); + if (ret) { + err_code = -EPROTO; + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_VERBS | + I40IW_DEBUG_QP, "qp_init fail\n"); + goto error; + } + ctx_info = &iwqp->ctx_info; + + iwarp_info = &iwqp->iwarp_info; + iwarp_info->rd_enable = TRUE; + iwarp_info->wr_rdresp_en = TRUE; + if (!iwqp->user_mode) { + iwarp_info->fast_reg_en = TRUE; + iwarp_info->priv_mode_en = TRUE; + } + iwarp_info->ddp_ver = 1; + iwarp_info->rdmap_ver = 1; + + ctx_info->iwarp_info_valid = TRUE; + ctx_info->send_cq_num = iwqp->iwscq->sc_cq.cq_uk.cq_id; + ctx_info->rcv_cq_num = iwqp->iwrcq->sc_cq.cq_uk.cq_id; + if (qp->push_idx == I40IW_INVALID_PUSH_PAGE_INDEX) { + ctx_info->push_mode_en = FALSE; + } else { + ctx_info->push_mode_en = TRUE; + ctx_info->push_idx = qp->push_idx; + } + + ret = dev->iw_priv_qp_ops->qp_setctx(&iwqp->sc_qp, + (u64 *) iwqp->, + ctx_info); + ctx_info->iwarp_info_valid = FALSE; + cqp_request = i40iw_get_cqp_request(iwcqp, TRUE); + if (!cqp_request) { + err_code = -ENOMEM; + goto error; + } + cqp_info = &cqp_request->info; + qp_info = &cqp_request->; + + memset(qp_info, 0, sizeof(*qp_info)); + + qp_info->cq_num_valid = TRUE; + qp_info->next_iwarp_state = I40IW_QP_STATE_IDLE; + + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_QP_CREATE; + cqp_info->post_sq = 1; + cqp_info->in.u.qp_create.qp = qp; + cqp_info->in.u.qp_create.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + ret = i40iw_handle_cqp_op(iwdev, cqp_request); + if (ret) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_VERBS | + I40IW_DEBUG_CQP, "CQP-OP QP create fail"); + err_code = -EACCES; + goto error; + } + i40iw_add_ref(&iwqp->ibqp); + spin_lock_init(&iwqp->lock); + iwqp->sig_all = (init_attr->sq_sig_type == IB_SIGNAL_ALL_WR) ? 1 : 0; + iwdev->qp_table[qp_num] = iwqp; + i40iw_add_pdusecount(iwqp->iwpd); + i40iw_add_devusecount(iwdev); + if (ibpd->uobject && udata) { + memset(&uresp, 0, sizeof(uresp)); + uresp.actual_sq_size = sq_size; + uresp.actual_rq_size = rq_size; + uresp.qp_id = qp_num; + uresp.push_idx = qp->push_idx; + err_code = ib_copy_to_udata(udata, &uresp, sizeof(uresp)); + if (err_code) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_VERBS | + I40IW_DEBUG_QP, "copy_to_udata failed\n"); + i40iw_destroy_qp(&iwqp->ibqp); + /* let the completion of the qp destroy free the qp */ + return ERR_PTR(err_code); + } + } + init_attr->cap.max_send_wr--; + init_attr->cap.max_recv_wr--; + + return &iwqp->ibqp; +error: + i40iw_free_qp_resources(iwdev, iwqp, qp_num); + return ERR_PTR(err_code); +} + +/** + * i40iw_query - query qp attributes + * @ibqp: qp pointer + * @attr: attributes pointer + * @attr_mask: Not used + * @init_attr: qp attributes to return + */ +static int +i40iw_query_qp(struct ib_qp *ibqp, struct ib_qp_attr *attr, int attr_mask, + struct ib_qp_init_attr *init_attr) +{ + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp = to_iwqp(ibqp); + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp = &iwqp->sc_qp; + + attr->qp_access_flags = 0; + attr->cap.max_send_wr = qp->qp_uk.sq_size - 1; + attr->cap.max_recv_wr = qp->qp_uk.rq_size - 1; + attr->cap.max_inline_data = I40IW_MAX_INLINE_DATA_SIZE; + attr->cap.max_send_sge = I40IW_MAX_WQ_FRAGMENT_COUNT; + attr->cap.max_recv_sge = I40IW_MAX_WQ_FRAGMENT_COUNT; + init_attr->event_handler = iwqp->ibqp.event_handler; + init_attr->qp_context = iwqp->ibqp.qp_context; + init_attr->send_cq = iwqp->ibqp.send_cq; + init_attr->recv_cq = iwqp->ibqp.recv_cq; + init_attr->srq = iwqp->ibqp.srq; + init_attr->cap = attr->cap; + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_hw_modify_qp - setup cqp for modify qp + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @iwqp: qp ptr (user or kernel) + * @info: info for modify qp + * @wait: flag to wait or not for modify qp completion + */ +void +i40iw_hw_modify_qp(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, struct i40iw_qp *iwqp, + struct i40iw_modify_qp_info *info, bool wait) +{ + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct cqp_commands_info *cqp_info; + struct i40iw_modify_qp_info *m_info; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + cqp_request = i40iw_get_cqp_request(&iwdev->cqp, wait); + if (!cqp_request) + return; + + cqp_info = &cqp_request->info; + m_info = &cqp_info->; + memcpy(m_info, info, sizeof(*m_info)); + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_QP_MODIFY; + cqp_info->post_sq = 1; + cqp_info->in.u.qp_modify.qp = &iwqp->sc_qp; + cqp_info->in.u.qp_modify.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + status = i40iw_handle_cqp_op(iwdev, cqp_request); + if (status) + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_VERBS | + I40IW_DEBUG_QP | I40IW_DEBUG_CQP, "CQP-OP Modify QP fail"); +} + +int +i40iw_modify_qp(struct ib_qp *ibqp, struct ib_qp_attr *attr, int attr_mask, + struct ib_udata *udata) +{ + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp = to_iwqp(ibqp); + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = iwqp->iwdev; + struct i40iw_qp_host_ctx_info *ctx_info; + struct i40iwarp_offload_info *iwarp_info; + struct i40iw_modify_qp_info info; + unsigned long flags; + u32 err; + u8 issue_modify_qp = 0; + u8 dont_wait = 0; + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + ctx_info = &iwqp->ctx_info; + iwarp_info = &iwqp->iwarp_info; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&iwqp->lock, flags); + + if (attr_mask & IB_QP_STATE) { + if (iwdev->closing && attr->qp_state != IB_QPS_ERR) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto exit; + } + switch (attr->qp_state) { + case IB_QPS_INIT: + case IB_QPS_RTR: + if (iwqp->iwarp_state > (u32) I40IW_QP_STATE_IDLE) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto exit; + } + if (iwqp->iwarp_state == I40IW_QP_STATE_INVALID) { + info.next_iwarp_state = I40IW_QP_STATE_IDLE; + issue_modify_qp = 1; + } + break; + case IB_QPS_RTS: + if ((iwqp->iwarp_state > (u32) I40IW_QP_STATE_RTS) || + (!iwqp->cm_id)) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto exit; + } + issue_modify_qp = 1; + iwqp->hw_tcp_state = I40IW_TCP_STATE_ESTABLISHED; + iwqp->hte_added = 1; + info.next_iwarp_state = I40IW_QP_STATE_RTS; + info.tcp_ctx_valid = TRUE; + info.ord_valid = TRUE; + info.arp_cache_idx_valid = TRUE; + info.cq_num_valid = TRUE; + break; + case IB_QPS_SQD: + if (iwqp->hw_iwarp_state > (u32) I40IW_QP_STATE_RTS) { + err = 0; + goto exit; + } + if ((iwqp->iwarp_state == (u32) I40IW_QP_STATE_CLOSING) || + (iwqp->iwarp_state < (u32) I40IW_QP_STATE_RTS)) { + err = 0; + goto exit; + } + if (iwqp->iwarp_state > (u32) I40IW_QP_STATE_CLOSING) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto exit; + } + info.next_iwarp_state = I40IW_QP_STATE_CLOSING; + issue_modify_qp = 1; + break; + case IB_QPS_SQE: + if (iwqp->iwarp_state >= (u32) I40IW_QP_STATE_TERMINATE) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto exit; + } + info.next_iwarp_state = I40IW_QP_STATE_TERMINATE; + issue_modify_qp = 1; + break; + case IB_QPS_ERR: + case IB_QPS_RESET: + if (iwqp->iwarp_state == (u32) I40IW_QP_STATE_ERROR) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto exit; + } + if (iwqp->sc_qp.term_flags) + del_timer(&iwqp->terminate_timer); + info.next_iwarp_state = I40IW_QP_STATE_ERROR; + if ((iwqp->hw_tcp_state > I40IW_TCP_STATE_CLOSED) && + iwdev->iw_status && + (iwqp->hw_tcp_state != I40IW_TCP_STATE_TIME_WAIT)) + info.reset_tcp_conn = TRUE; + else + dont_wait = 1; + issue_modify_qp = 1; + info.next_iwarp_state = I40IW_QP_STATE_ERROR; + break; + default: + err = -EINVAL; + goto exit; + } + + iwqp->ibqp_state = attr->qp_state; + + if (issue_modify_qp) + iwqp->iwarp_state = info.next_iwarp_state; + else + info.next_iwarp_state = iwqp->iwarp_state; + } + if (attr_mask & IB_QP_ACCESS_FLAGS) { + ctx_info->iwarp_info_valid = TRUE; + if (attr->qp_access_flags & IB_ACCESS_LOCAL_WRITE) + iwarp_info->wr_rdresp_en = TRUE; + if (attr->qp_access_flags & IB_ACCESS_REMOTE_WRITE) + iwarp_info->wr_rdresp_en = TRUE; + if (attr->qp_access_flags & IB_ACCESS_REMOTE_READ) + iwarp_info->rd_enable = TRUE; + if (attr->qp_access_flags & IB_ACCESS_MW_BIND) + iwarp_info->bind_en = TRUE; + + if (iwqp->user_mode) { + iwarp_info->rd_enable = TRUE; + iwarp_info->wr_rdresp_en = TRUE; + iwarp_info->priv_mode_en = FALSE; + } + } + if (ctx_info->iwarp_info_valid) { + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + int ret; + + ctx_info->send_cq_num = iwqp->iwscq->sc_cq.cq_uk.cq_id; + ctx_info->rcv_cq_num = iwqp->iwrcq->sc_cq.cq_uk.cq_id; + ret = dev->iw_priv_qp_ops->qp_setctx(&iwqp->sc_qp, + (u64 *) iwqp->, + ctx_info); + if (ret) { + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_VERBS | I40IW_DEBUG_QP, + "setting QP context\n"); + err = -EINVAL; + goto exit; + } + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwqp->lock, flags); + + if (issue_modify_qp) + i40iw_hw_modify_qp(iwdev, iwqp, &info, TRUE); + + if (issue_modify_qp && (iwqp->ibqp_state > IB_QPS_RTS)) { + if (dont_wait) { + if (iwqp->cm_id && iwqp->hw_tcp_state) { + spin_lock_irqsave(&iwqp->lock, flags); + iwqp->hw_tcp_state = I40IW_TCP_STATE_CLOSED; + iwqp->last_aeq = I40IW_AE_RESET_SENT; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwqp->lock, flags); + } + } + } + return 0; +exit: + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwqp->lock, flags); + return err; +} + +/** + * cq_free_resources - free up recources for cq + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @iwcq: cq ptr + */ +static void +cq_free_resources(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, + struct i40iw_cq *iwcq) +{ + struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq = &iwcq->sc_cq; + + if (!iwcq->user_mode) + ixliw_free_dma_mem(&iwcq->kmem); + i40iw_free_resource(iwdev, iwdev->allocated_cqs, cq->cq_uk.cq_id); +} + +/** + * i40iw_cq_wq_destroy - send cq destroy cqp + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @cq: hardware control cq + */ +void +i40iw_cq_wq_destroy(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq) +{ + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct cqp_commands_info *cqp_info; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + cqp_request = i40iw_get_cqp_request(&iwdev->cqp, TRUE); + if (!cqp_request) + return; + + cqp_info = &cqp_request->info; + + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_CQ_DESTROY; + cqp_info->post_sq = 1; + cqp_info->in.u.cq_destroy.cq = cq; + cqp_info->in.u.cq_destroy.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + status = i40iw_handle_cqp_op(iwdev, cqp_request); + if (status) + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_VERBS | + I40IW_DEBUG_CQ | I40IW_DEBUG_CQP, "CQP-OP Destroy QP fail"); +} + +/** + * i40iw_destroy_cq - destroy cq + * @ib_cq: cq pointer + */ +static int +i40iw_destroy_cq(struct ib_cq *ib_cq) +{ + struct i40iw_cq *iwcq; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; + struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq; + + if (!ib_cq) { + DPRINTF("ib_cq == NULL\n"); + return 0; + } + iwcq = to_iwcq(ib_cq); + iwdev = to_iwdev(ib_cq->device); + cq = &iwcq->sc_cq; + i40iw_cq_wq_destroy(iwdev, cq); + cq_free_resources(iwdev, iwcq); + kfree(iwcq); + i40iw_rem_devusecount(iwdev); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_create_cq - create cq + * @ibdev: device pointer from stack + * @entries: # of cq entries in cq + * @comp_vector: not used + * @context: user context created during alloc + * @udata: user data + */ +static struct ib_cq * +i40iw_create_cq(struct ib_device *ibdev, +#if __FreeBSD_version >= 1100000 + struct ib_cq_init_attr *attr, +#else + int entries, int comp_vector, +#endif /* IW_IXL_FREEBSD11 */ + struct ib_ucontext *context, struct ib_udata *udata) +{ + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = to_iwdev(ibdev); + struct i40iw_cq *iwcq; + struct i40iw_pbl *iwpbl; + struct i40iw_sc_cq *cq; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwdev->sc_dev; + struct i40iw_cq_init_info info; + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct cqp_commands_info *cqp_info; + struct i40iw_cq_uk_init_info *ukinfo = &info.cq_uk_init_info; + int err_code; +#if __FreeBSD_version >= 1100000 + int entries = attr->cqe; + int comp_vector = attr->comp_vector; +#endif /* IW_IXL_FREEBSD11 */ + unsigned long flags; + u32 cq_num = 0; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + if (iwdev->closing) + return ERR_PTR(-ENODEV); + + if (entries > iwdev->max_cqe) + return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL); + + iwcq = kzalloc(sizeof(*iwcq), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!iwcq) + return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + + err_code = i40iw_alloc_resource(iwdev, iwdev->allocated_cqs, + iwdev->max_cq, &cq_num, + &iwdev->next_cq); + if (err_code) + goto error; + + cq = &iwcq->sc_cq; + cq->back_cq = (void *)iwcq; + spin_lock_init(&iwcq->lock); + + = dev; + ukinfo->cq_size = max(entries, 4); + ukinfo->cq_id = cq_num; + iwcq->ibcq.cqe = info.cq_uk_init_info.cq_size; + info.ceqe_mask = 0; + if (comp_vector < iwdev->ceqs_count) + info.ceq_id = comp_vector; + info.ceq_id_valid = TRUE; + info.ceqe_mask = 1; + info.type = I40IW_CQ_TYPE_IWARP; + if (context) { + struct i40iw_ucontext *ucontext; + struct i40iw_create_cq_req req; + struct i40iw_cq_mr *cqmr; + + memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); + iwcq->user_mode = TRUE; + ucontext = to_ucontext(context); + if (ib_copy_from_udata(&req, udata, + sizeof(struct i40iw_create_cq_req))) + goto cq_free_resources; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&ucontext->cq_reg_mem_list_lock, flags); + iwpbl = i40iw_get_pbl((unsigned long)req.user_cq_buffer, + &ucontext->cq_reg_mem_list); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ucontext->cq_reg_mem_list_lock, flags); + if (!iwpbl) { + err_code = -EPROTO; + goto cq_free_resources; + } + iwcq->iwpbl = iwpbl; + iwcq->cq_mem_size = 0; + cqmr = &iwpbl->cq_mr; + info.shadow_area_pa = cpu_to_le64(cqmr->shadow); + if (iwpbl->pbl_allocated) { + info.virtual_map = TRUE; + info.pbl_chunk_size = 1; + info.first_pm_pbl_idx = cqmr->cq_pbl.idx; + } else { + info.cq_base_pa = cqmr->cq_pbl.addr; + } + } else { + /* Kmode allocations */ + int rsize; + int shadow; + + rsize = info.cq_uk_init_info.cq_size * sizeof(struct i40iw_cqe); + rsize = round_up(rsize, 256); + shadow = I40IW_SHADOW_AREA_SIZE << 3; + status = i40iw_allocate_dma_mem(dev->hw, &iwcq->kmem, + rsize + shadow, 256); + if (status) { + err_code = -ENOMEM; + goto cq_free_resources; + } + ukinfo->cq_base = iwcq->; + info.cq_base_pa = iwcq->; + info.shadow_area_pa = info.cq_base_pa + rsize; + ukinfo->shadow_area = (u64 *) ((uintptr_t) iwcq-> + rsize); + } + + if (dev->iw_priv_cq_ops->cq_init(cq, &info)) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_CQ, "init cq fail\n"); + err_code = -EPROTO; + goto cq_free_resources; + } + cqp_request = i40iw_get_cqp_request(&iwdev->cqp, TRUE); + if (!cqp_request) { + err_code = -ENOMEM; + goto cq_free_resources; + } + cqp_info = &cqp_request->info; + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_CQ_CREATE; + cqp_info->post_sq = 1; + cqp_info->in.u.cq_create.cq = cq; + cqp_info->in.u.cq_create.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + status = i40iw_handle_cqp_op(iwdev, cqp_request); + if (status) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_QP | I40IW_DEBUG_CQP, + "CQP-OP Create QP fail"); + err_code = -EPROTO; + goto cq_free_resources; + } + if (context) { + struct i40iw_create_cq_resp resp; + + memset(&resp, 0, sizeof(resp)); + resp.cq_id = info.cq_uk_init_info.cq_id; + resp.cq_size = info.cq_uk_init_info.cq_size; + if (ib_copy_to_udata(udata, &resp, sizeof(resp))) { + i40iw_debug(dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_VERBS | + I40IW_DEBUG_CQ, "copy_to_udata failed\n"); + err_code = -EPROTO; + goto cq_destroy; + } + } + i40iw_add_devusecount(iwdev); + return (struct ib_cq *)iwcq; + +cq_destroy: + i40iw_cq_wq_destroy(iwdev, cq); +cq_free_resources: + cq_free_resources(iwdev, iwcq); +error: + kfree(iwcq); + return ERR_PTR(err_code); +} + +/** + * i40iw_get_user_access - get hw access from IB access + * @acc: IB access to return hw access + */ +static inline u16 +i40iw_get_user_access(int acc) +{ + u16 access = 0; + + access |= (acc & IB_ACCESS_LOCAL_WRITE) ? + I40IW_ACCESS_FLAGS_LOCALWRITE : 0; + access |= (acc & IB_ACCESS_REMOTE_WRITE) ? + I40IW_ACCESS_FLAGS_REMOTEWRITE : 0; + access |= (acc & IB_ACCESS_REMOTE_READ) ? + I40IW_ACCESS_FLAGS_REMOTEREAD : 0; + access |= (acc & IB_ACCESS_MW_BIND) ? I40IW_ACCESS_FLAGS_BIND_WINDOW : 0; + return access; +} + +/** + * i40iw_free_stag - free stag resource + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @stag: stag to free + */ +static void +i40iw_free_stag(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, u32 stag) +{ + u32 stag_idx; + + stag_idx = (stag & iwdev->mr_stagmask) >> I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_IDX_SHIFT; + i40iw_free_resource(iwdev, iwdev->allocated_mrs, stag_idx); + i40iw_rem_devusecount(iwdev); +} + +/** + * i40iw_create_stag - create random stag + * @iwdev: iwarp device + */ +static u32 +i40iw_create_stag(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + int ret; + u32 stag = 0; + u32 stag_index = 0; + u32 next_stag_index; + u32 driver_key; + u32 random; + u8 consumer_key; + + get_random_bytes(&random, sizeof(random)); + consumer_key = (u8) random; + + driver_key = random & ~iwdev->mr_stagmask; + next_stag_index = (random & iwdev->mr_stagmask) >> 8; + next_stag_index %= iwdev->max_mr; + + ret = i40iw_alloc_resource(iwdev, + iwdev->allocated_mrs, iwdev->max_mr, + &stag_index, &next_stag_index); + if (!ret) { + stag = stag_index << I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_IDX_SHIFT; + stag |= driver_key; + stag += (u32) consumer_key; + i40iw_add_devusecount(iwdev); + } + return stag; +} + +/** + * i40iw_hw_alloc_stag - cqp command to allocate stag + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @iwmr: iwarp mr pointer + */ +static int +i40iw_hw_alloc_stag(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, + struct i40iw_mr *iwmr) +{ + struct i40iw_allocate_stag_info *info; + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct cqp_commands_info *cqp_info; + struct i40iw_pd *iwpd = to_iwpd(iwmr->ibmr.pd); + int err = 0; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + cqp_request = i40iw_get_cqp_request(&iwdev->cqp, TRUE); + if (!cqp_request) + return -ENOMEM; + + cqp_info = &cqp_request->info; + info = &cqp_info->; + memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info)); + info->page_size = PAGE_SIZE; + info->stag_idx = iwmr->stag >> I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_IDX_SHIFT; + info->pd_id = iwpd->sc_pd.pd_id; + info->total_len = iwmr->length; + info->remote_access = TRUE; + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_ALLOC_STAG; + cqp_info->post_sq = 1; + cqp_info-> = &iwdev->sc_dev; + cqp_info->in.u.alloc_stag.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + + status = i40iw_handle_cqp_op(iwdev, cqp_request); + if (status) { + err = -ENOMEM; + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_VERBS | + I40IW_DEBUG_CQP, "CQP-OP MR Reg fail"); + } + return err; +} + +/** + * i40iw_alloc_mr - register stag for fast memory registration + * @pd: ibpd pointer + * @mr_type: memory for stag registrion + * @max_num_sg: man number of pages + */ +static struct ib_mr * +i40iw_alloc_fast_reg_mr(struct ib_pd *pd, + int max_page_list_len) +{ + struct i40iw_pd *iwpd = to_iwpd(pd); + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = to_iwdev(pd->device); + struct i40iw_pble_alloc *palloc; + struct i40iw_pbl *iwpbl; + struct i40iw_mr *iwmr; + u32 stag; + int err_code = -ENOMEM; + + iwmr = kzalloc(sizeof(*iwmr), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!iwmr) + return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); + + stag = i40iw_create_stag(iwdev); + if (!stag) { + err_code = -EOVERFLOW; + goto err; + } + iwmr->stag = stag; + iwmr->ibmr.rkey = stag; + iwmr->ibmr.lkey = stag; + iwmr->ibmr.pd = pd; + iwmr->ibmr.device = pd->device; + iwpbl = &iwmr->iwpbl; + iwpbl->iwmr = iwmr; + iwmr->type = IW_MEMREG_TYPE_FMEM; + + palloc = &iwpbl->pble_alloc; + iwmr->page_cnt = max_page_list_len; + err_code = i40iw_hw_alloc_stag(iwdev, iwmr); + if (err_code) + goto err1; + iwpbl->pbl_allocated = FALSE; + i40iw_add_pdusecount(iwpd); + return &iwmr->ibmr; +err1: + i40iw_free_stag(iwdev, stag); +err: + kfree(iwmr); + return ERR_PTR(err_code); +} + +static struct ib_fast_reg_page_list * +i40iw_alloc_fast_reg_page_list(struct ib_device *device, int page_list_len) +{ + struct i40iw_fast_reg_page_list *i40iw_fpl; + struct ib_fast_reg_page_list *ibfpl; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = to_iwdev(device); + struct i40iw_pble_alloc *palloc; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + i40iw_fpl = kzalloc(sizeof(*i40iw_fpl), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!i40iw_fpl) + return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); + + ibfpl = &i40iw_fpl->ibfpl; + ibfpl->max_page_list_len = page_list_len; + palloc = &i40iw_fpl->palloc; + + mutex_lock(&iwdev->pbl_mutex); + status = i40iw_get_pble(&iwdev->sc_dev, iwdev->pble_rsrc, palloc, + page_list_len); + mutex_unlock(&iwdev->pbl_mutex); + if (status) { + kfree(i40iw_fpl); + return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); + } + if (palloc->level != I40IW_LEVEL_1) { + i40iw_free_pble(iwdev->pble_rsrc, palloc); + kfree(i40iw_fpl); + return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); + } + ibfpl->page_list = (u64 *) palloc->level1.addr; + i40iw_fpl->iwdev = iwdev; + + return &i40iw_fpl->ibfpl; +} + +static void +i40iw_free_fast_reg_page_list(struct ib_fast_reg_page_list *ibfpl) +{ + struct i40iw_fast_reg_page_list *i40iw_fpl = to_i40iw_fr_page_list(ibfpl); + struct i40iw_pble_alloc *palloc; + struct i40iw_device *iwdev; + + palloc = &i40iw_fpl->palloc; + iwdev = i40iw_fpl->iwdev; + + i40iw_free_pble(iwdev->pble_rsrc, palloc); + kfree(i40iw_fpl); +} + +/** + * i40iw_hwreg_mr - send cqp command for memory registration + * @iwdev: iwarp device + * @iwmr: iwarp mr pointer + * @access: access for MR + */ +static int +i40iw_hwreg_mr(struct i40iw_device *iwdev, struct i40iw_mr *iwmr, u16 access) +{ + struct i40iw_pbl *iwpbl = &iwmr->iwpbl; + struct i40iw_reg_ns_stag_info *stag_info; + struct i40iw_pd *iwpd = to_iwpd(iwmr->ibmr.pd); + struct i40iw_pble_alloc *palloc = &iwpbl->pble_alloc; + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct cqp_commands_info *cqp_info; + int err = 0; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + cqp_request = i40iw_get_cqp_request(&iwdev->cqp, TRUE); + if (!cqp_request) + return -ENOMEM; + + cqp_info = &cqp_request->info; + stag_info = &cqp_info->; + memset(stag_info, 0, sizeof(*stag_info)); + stag_info->va = (void *)(unsigned long)iwpbl->user_base; + stag_info->stag_idx = iwmr->stag >> I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_IDX_SHIFT; + stag_info->stag_key = (u8) iwmr->stag; + stag_info->total_len = iwmr->length; + stag_info->access_rights = access; + stag_info->pd_id = iwpd->sc_pd.pd_id; + stag_info->addr_type = I40IW_ADDR_TYPE_VA_BASED; + + if (iwmr->page_cnt > 1) { + if (palloc->level == I40IW_LEVEL_1) { + stag_info->first_pm_pbl_index = palloc->level1.idx; + stag_info->chunk_size = 1; + } else { + stag_info->first_pm_pbl_index = palloc->level2.root.idx; + stag_info->chunk_size = 3; + } + } else { + stag_info->reg_addr_pa = iwmr->pgaddrmem[0]; + } + + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_MR_REG_NON_SHARED; + cqp_info->post_sq = 1; + cqp_info-> = &iwdev->sc_dev; + cqp_info->in.u.mr_reg_non_shared.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + + status = i40iw_handle_cqp_op(iwdev, cqp_request); + if (status) { + err = -ENOMEM; + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_VERBS | + I40IW_DEBUG_MR | I40IW_DEBUG_CQP, "CQP-OP MR Reg fail"); + } + return err; +} + +/** + * i40iw_reg_phys_mr - register kernel physical memory + * @pd: ibpd pointer + * @phys_buf: array of buffer descriptors defining memory to register + * @num_phys_buf: number of buffer descriptors in the array + * @acc: Access rights + * @iova_start: start of virtual address for physical buffers + */ +struct ib_mr * +i40iw_reg_phys_mr(struct ib_pd *pd, struct ib_phys_buf *phys_buf, + int num_phys_buf, int acc, u64 * iova_start) +{ + struct i40iw_pd *iwpd = to_iwpd(pd); + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = to_iwdev(pd->device); + struct i40iw_pbl *iwpbl; + struct i40iw_mr *iwmr; + int ret; + u32 stag; + u16 access = I40IW_ACCESS_FLAGS_LOCALREAD; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + if (num_phys_buf > 1) + return ERR_PTR(-ENOTSUP); + + iwmr = kzalloc(sizeof(*iwmr), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!iwmr) + return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); + iwmr->ibmr.pd = pd; + iwmr->ibmr.device = pd->device; + iwpbl = &iwmr->iwpbl; + iwpbl->iwmr = iwmr; + iwmr->type = IW_MEMREG_TYPE_MEM; + iwpbl->user_base = *iova_start; + stag = i40iw_create_stag(iwdev); + if (!stag) { + ret = -EOVERFLOW; + goto err; + } + access |= i40iw_get_user_access(acc); + iwmr->stag = stag; + iwmr->ibmr.rkey = stag; + iwmr->ibmr.lkey = stag; + iwmr->page_cnt = 1; + iwmr->pgaddrmem[0] = phys_buf->addr; + iwmr->length = phys_buf->size; + status = i40iw_hwreg_mr(iwdev, iwmr, access); + if (status) { + i40iw_free_stag(iwdev, stag); + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto err; + } + i40iw_add_pdusecount(iwpd); + return &iwmr->ibmr; +err: + kfree(iwmr); + return ERR_PTR(ret); +} + +/** + * i40iw_get_dma_mr - register physical mem + * @pd: ptr of pd + * @acc: access for memory + */ +static struct ib_mr * +i40iw_get_dma_mr(struct ib_pd *pd, int acc) +{ + struct ib_phys_buf phys_buf; + u64 kva = 0; + + phys_buf.addr = 0; + phys_buf.size = 0; + return i40iw_reg_phys_mr(pd, &phys_buf, 1, acc, &kva); +} + +/** + * i40iw_del_mem_list - Deleting pbl list entries for CQ/QP + * @iwmr: iwmr for IB's user page addresses + * @ucontext: ptr to user context + */ +static void +i40iw_del_memlist(struct i40iw_mr *iwmr, struct i40iw_ucontext *ucontext) +{ + struct i40iw_pbl *iwpbl = &iwmr->iwpbl; + unsigned long flags; + + switch (iwmr->type) { + case IW_MEMREG_TYPE_CQ: + spin_lock_irqsave(&ucontext->cq_reg_mem_list_lock, flags); + if (!list_empty(&ucontext->cq_reg_mem_list)) + list_del(&iwpbl->list); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ucontext->cq_reg_mem_list_lock, flags); + break; + case IW_MEMREG_TYPE_QP: + spin_lock_irqsave(&ucontext->qp_reg_mem_list_lock, flags); + if (!list_empty(&ucontext->qp_reg_mem_list)) + list_del(&iwpbl->list); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ucontext->qp_reg_mem_list_lock, flags); + break; + default: + break; + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_dereg_mr - deregister mr + * @ib_mr: mr ptr for dereg + */ +static int +i40iw_dereg_mr(struct ib_mr *ib_mr) +{ + struct ib_pd *ibpd = ib_mr->pd; + struct i40iw_pd *iwpd = to_iwpd(ibpd); + struct i40iw_mr *iwmr = to_iwmr(ib_mr); + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = to_iwdev(ib_mr->device); + struct i40iw_dealloc_stag_info *info; + struct i40iw_pbl *iwpbl = &iwmr->iwpbl; + struct i40iw_pble_alloc *palloc = &iwpbl->pble_alloc; + struct i40iw_cqp_request *cqp_request; + struct cqp_commands_info *cqp_info; + u32 stag_idx; + enum i40iw_status_code status; + + if (iwmr->region) + ib_umem_release(iwmr->region); + + if (iwmr->type != IW_MEMREG_TYPE_MEM) { + if (ibpd->uobject) { + struct i40iw_ucontext *ucontext; + + ucontext = to_ucontext(ibpd->uobject->context); + i40iw_del_memlist(iwmr, ucontext); + } + if (iwpbl->pbl_allocated) + i40iw_free_pble(iwdev->pble_rsrc, palloc); + kfree(iwmr); + return 0; + } + cqp_request = i40iw_get_cqp_request(&iwdev->cqp, TRUE); + if (!cqp_request) + return -ENOMEM; + + cqp_info = &cqp_request->info; + info = &cqp_info->; + memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info)); + + info->pd_id = CPU_TO_LE32(iwpd->sc_pd.pd_id & 0x00007fff); + info->stag_idx = RS_64_1(ib_mr->rkey, I40IW_CQPSQ_STAG_IDX_SHIFT); + stag_idx = info->stag_idx; + info->mr = TRUE; + if (iwpbl->pbl_allocated) + info->dealloc_pbl = TRUE; + + cqp_info->cqp_cmd = OP_DEALLOC_STAG; + cqp_info->post_sq = 1; + cqp_info-> = &iwdev->sc_dev; + cqp_info->in.u.dealloc_stag.scratch = (uintptr_t) cqp_request; + status = i40iw_handle_cqp_op(iwdev, cqp_request); + if (status) + i40iw_debug(&iwdev->sc_dev, I40IW_DEBUG_ERR | I40IW_DEBUG_VERBS | + I40IW_DEBUG_CQP | I40IW_DEBUG_MR, + "CQP-OP dealloc failed for stag_idx = 0x%x\n", stag_idx); + i40iw_rem_pdusecount(iwpd, iwdev); + i40iw_free_stag(iwdev, iwmr->stag); + if (iwpbl->pbl_allocated) + i40iw_free_pble(iwdev->pble_rsrc, palloc); + kfree(iwmr); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_show_rev + */ +static ssize_t +i40iw_show_rev(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) +{ + struct i40iw_ib_device *iwibdev = container_of(dev, + struct i40iw_ib_device, +; + u32 hw_rev = iwibdev->iwdev->sc_dev.hw_rev; + + return sprintf(buf, "%x\n", hw_rev); +} + +/** + * i40iw_show_hca + */ +static ssize_t +i40iw_show_hca(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) +{ + return sprintf(buf, "I40IW\n"); +} + +/** + * i40iw_show_board + */ +static ssize_t +i40iw_show_board(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) +{ + return sprintf(buf, "%.*s\n", 32, "I40IW Board ID"); +} + +static DEVICE_ATTR(hw_rev, S_IRUGO, i40iw_show_rev, NULL); +static DEVICE_ATTR(hca_type, S_IRUGO, i40iw_show_hca, NULL); +static DEVICE_ATTR(board_id, S_IRUGO, i40iw_show_board, NULL); + +static struct device_attribute *i40iw_dev_attributes[] = { + &dev_attr_hw_rev, + &dev_attr_hca_type, + &dev_attr_board_id +}; + +/** + * i40iw_copy_sg_list - copy sg list for qp + * @sg_list: copied into sg_list + * @sgl: copy from sgl + * @num_sges: count of sg entries + */ +static void +i40iw_copy_sg_list(struct i40iw_sge *sg_list, struct ib_sge *sgl, int num_sges) +{ + unsigned int i; + + for (i = 0; (i < num_sges) && (i < I40IW_MAX_WQ_FRAGMENT_COUNT); i++) { + sg_list[i].tag_off = sgl[i].addr; + sg_list[i].len = sgl[i].length; + sg_list[i].stag = sgl[i].lkey; + } +} + +/** + * i40iw_post_send - kernel application wr + * @ibqp: qp ptr for wr + * @ib_wr: work request ptr + * @bad_wr: return of bad wr if err + */ +static int +i40iw_post_send(struct ib_qp *ibqp, struct ib_send_wr *ib_wr, + struct ib_send_wr **bad_wr) +{ + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp; + struct i40iw_qp_uk *ukqp; + struct i40iw_post_sq_info info; + int err = 0; + unsigned long flags; + bool inv_stag; + enum i40iw_status_code ret; + + iwqp = (struct i40iw_qp *)ibqp; + ukqp = &iwqp->sc_qp.qp_uk; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&iwqp->lock, flags); + while (ib_wr) { + inv_stag = FALSE; + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + info.wr_id = (u64) (ib_wr->wr_id); + if ((ib_wr->send_flags & IB_SEND_SIGNALED) || iwqp->sig_all) + info.signaled = TRUE; + if (ib_wr->send_flags & IB_SEND_FENCE) + info.read_fence = TRUE; + + switch (ib_wr->opcode) { + case IB_WR_SEND: + /* fall-through */ + case IB_WR_SEND_WITH_INV: + if (ib_wr->opcode == IB_WR_SEND) { + if (ib_wr->send_flags & IB_SEND_SOLICITED) + info.op_type = I40IW_OP_TYPE_SEND_SOL; + else + info.op_type = I40IW_OP_TYPE_SEND; + } else { + if (ib_wr->send_flags & IB_SEND_SOLICITED) + info.op_type = I40IW_OP_TYPE_SEND_SOL_INV; + else + info.op_type = I40IW_OP_TYPE_SEND_INV; + } + + if (ib_wr->send_flags & IB_SEND_INLINE) { + = + (void *)(unsigned long)ib_wr->sg_list[0].addr; + info.op.inline_send.len = ib_wr->sg_list[0].length; + ret = ukqp->ops.iw_inline_send(ukqp, &info, FALSE); + } else { + info.op.send.num_sges = ib_wr->num_sge; + info.op.send.sg_list = (struct i40iw_sge *)ib_wr->sg_list; + ret = ukqp->ops.iw_send(ukqp, &info, FALSE); + } + + if (ret) { + if (ret == I40IW_ERR_QP_TOOMANY_WRS_POSTED) + err = -ENOMEM; + else + err = -EINVAL; + } + break; + case IB_WR_RDMA_WRITE: + info.op_type = I40IW_OP_TYPE_RDMA_WRITE; + + if (ib_wr->send_flags & IB_SEND_INLINE) { + = + (void *)(unsigned long)ib_wr->sg_list[0].addr; + info.op.inline_rdma_write.len = ib_wr->sg_list[0].length; + info.op.inline_rdma_write.rem_addr.tag_off = + ib_wr->wr.rdma.remote_addr; + info.op.inline_rdma_write.rem_addr.stag = ib_wr->wr.rdma.rkey; + info.op.inline_rdma_write.rem_addr.len = + ib_wr->sg_list->length; + ret = ukqp->ops.iw_inline_rdma_write(ukqp, &info, FALSE); + } else { + info.op.rdma_write.lo_sg_list = (void *)ib_wr->sg_list; + info.op.rdma_write.num_lo_sges = ib_wr->num_sge; + info.op.rdma_write.rem_addr.tag_off = + ib_wr->wr.rdma.remote_addr; + info.op.rdma_write.rem_addr.stag = ib_wr->wr.rdma.rkey; + info.op.rdma_write.rem_addr.len = ib_wr->sg_list->length; + ret = ukqp->ops.iw_rdma_write(ukqp, &info, FALSE); + } + + if (ret) { + if (ret == I40IW_ERR_QP_TOOMANY_WRS_POSTED) + err = -ENOMEM; + else + err = -EINVAL; + } + break; + case IB_WR_RDMA_READ_WITH_INV: + inv_stag = TRUE; + /* fall-through */ + case IB_WR_RDMA_READ: + if (ib_wr->num_sge > I40IW_MAX_SGE_RD) { + err = -EINVAL; + break; + } + info.op_type = I40IW_OP_TYPE_RDMA_READ; + info.op.rdma_read.rem_addr.tag_off = ib_wr->wr.rdma.remote_addr; + info.op.rdma_read.rem_addr.stag = ib_wr->wr.rdma.rkey; + info.op.rdma_read.rem_addr.len = ib_wr->sg_list->length; + info.op.rdma_read.lo_addr.tag_off = ib_wr->sg_list->addr; + info.op.rdma_read.lo_addr.stag = ib_wr->sg_list->lkey; + info.op.rdma_read.lo_addr.len = ib_wr->sg_list->length; + ret = ukqp->ops.iw_rdma_read(ukqp, &info, inv_stag, FALSE); + if (ret) { + if (ret == I40IW_ERR_QP_TOOMANY_WRS_POSTED) + err = -ENOMEM; + else + err = -EINVAL; + } + break; + case IB_WR_LOCAL_INV: + info.op_type = I40IW_OP_TYPE_INV_STAG; + info.op.inv_local_stag.target_stag = ib_wr->ex.invalidate_rkey; + ret = ukqp->ops.iw_stag_local_invalidate(ukqp, &info, TRUE); + if (ret) + err = -ENOMEM; + break; + case IB_WR_FAST_REG_MR: + { + struct i40iw_fast_reg_page_list *i40iw_fpl = + to_i40iw_fr_page_list(ib_wr->wr.fast_reg.page_list); + struct i40iw_pble_alloc *palloc = &i40iw_fpl->palloc; + struct i40iw_sc_dev *dev = &iwqp->iwdev->sc_dev; + struct i40iw_fast_reg_stag_info info; + int i; + int flags = ib_wr->wr.fast_reg.access_flags; + int page_shift = ib_wr->wr.fast_reg.page_shift; + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + info.access_rights = I40IW_ACCESS_FLAGS_LOCALREAD; + info.access_rights |= i40iw_get_user_access(flags); + info.stag_key = ib_wr->wr.fast_reg.rkey & 0xff; + info.stag_idx = ib_wr->wr.fast_reg.rkey >> 8; + if (page_shift == 21) + info.page_size = 0x200000; /* 2M page */ + else + info.page_size = 0x1000; /* 4K page */ + info.wr_id = ib_wr->wr_id; + + info.addr_type = I40IW_ADDR_TYPE_VA_BASED; + = (void *)ib_wr->wr.fast_reg.iova_start; + info.total_len = ib_wr->wr.fast_reg.length; + info.reg_addr_pa = *(u64 *) palloc->level1.addr; + info.first_pm_pbl_index = palloc->level1.idx; + info.local_fence = ib_wr->send_flags & IB_SEND_FENCE; + info.signaled = ib_wr->send_flags & IB_SEND_SIGNALED; + info.chunk_size = 1; + + ret = dev->iw_priv_qp_ops->iw_mr_fast_register(&iwqp->sc_qp, + &info, TRUE); + if (ret) + err = -ENOMEM; + for (i = 0; i < ib_wr->wr.fast_reg.page_list_len; i++) + ib_wr->wr.fast_reg.page_list->page_list[i] = cpu_to_le64((u64) + ib_wr->wr.fast_reg.page_list->page_list[i]); + break; + } + default: + err = -EINVAL; + i40iw_pr_err(" upost_send bad opcode = 0x%x\n", + ib_wr->opcode); + break; + } + + if (err) + break; + ib_wr = ib_wr->next; + } + + if (err) + *bad_wr = ib_wr; + else + ukqp->ops.iw_qp_post_wr(ukqp); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwqp->lock, flags); + + return err; +} + +/** + * i40iw_post_recv - post receive wr for kernel application + * @ibqp: ib qp pointer + * @ib_wr: work request for receive + * @bad_wr: bad wr caused an error + */ +static int +i40iw_post_recv(struct ib_qp *ibqp, struct ib_recv_wr *ib_wr, + struct ib_recv_wr **bad_wr) +{ + struct i40iw_qp *iwqp; + struct i40iw_qp_uk *ukqp; + struct i40iw_post_rq_info post_recv; + struct i40iw_sge sg_list[I40IW_MAX_WQ_FRAGMENT_COUNT]; + int err = 0; + unsigned long flags; + enum i40iw_status_code ret = 0; + + if (!ib_wr->sg_list && ib_wr->num_sge > 0) { + i40iw_pr_err(" post_recv err, sg_list NULL, num_sge larger than 0\n"); + err = -EDOM; + *bad_wr = ib_wr; + return err; + } + iwqp = (struct i40iw_qp *)ibqp; + ukqp = &iwqp->sc_qp.qp_uk; + + memset(&post_recv, 0, sizeof(post_recv)); + spin_lock_irqsave(&iwqp->lock, flags); + while (ib_wr) { + post_recv.num_sges = ib_wr->num_sge; + post_recv.wr_id = ib_wr->wr_id; + i40iw_copy_sg_list(sg_list, ib_wr->sg_list, ib_wr->num_sge); + post_recv.sg_list = sg_list; + ret = ukqp->ops.iw_post_receive(ukqp, &post_recv); + if (ret) { + i40iw_pr_err(" post_recv err %d\n", ret); + if (ret == I40IW_ERR_QP_TOOMANY_WRS_POSTED) + err = -ENOMEM; + else + err = -EINVAL; + *bad_wr = ib_wr; + goto out; + } + ib_wr = ib_wr->next; + } +out: + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwqp->lock, flags); + return err; +} + +/** + * i40iw_poll_cq - poll cq for completion (kernel apps) + * @ibcq: cq to poll + * @num_entries: number of entries to poll + * @entry: wr of entry completed + */ +static int +i40iw_poll_cq(struct ib_cq *ibcq, int num_entries, struct ib_wc *entry) +{ + struct i40iw_cq *iwcq; + struct i40iw_cq_poll_info cq_poll_info; + struct i40iw_cq_uk *ukcq; + struct i40iw_sc_qp *qp; + int cqe_count = 0; + unsigned long flags; + enum i40iw_status_code ret; + + iwcq = (struct i40iw_cq *)ibcq; + ukcq = &iwcq->sc_cq.cq_uk; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&iwcq->lock, flags); + while (cqe_count < num_entries) { + ret = ukcq->ops.iw_cq_poll_completion(ukcq, &cq_poll_info); + if (ret == I40IW_ERR_QUEUE_EMPTY) { + break; + } else if (ret == I40IW_ERR_QUEUE_DESTROYED) { + continue; + } else if (ret) { + if (!cqe_count) + cqe_count = -1; + break; + } + entry->wc_flags = 0; + entry->wr_id = cq_poll_info.wr_id; + if (cq_poll_info.error) { + entry->status = IB_WC_WR_FLUSH_ERR; + entry->vendor_err = cq_poll_info.major_err << 16 | cq_poll_info.minor_err; + } else { + entry->status = IB_WC_SUCCESS; + } + + switch (cq_poll_info.op_type) { + case I40IW_OP_TYPE_RDMA_WRITE: + entry->opcode = IB_WC_RDMA_WRITE; + break; + case I40IW_OP_TYPE_RDMA_READ_INV_STAG: + case I40IW_OP_TYPE_RDMA_READ: + entry->opcode = IB_WC_RDMA_READ; + break; + case I40IW_OP_TYPE_SEND_SOL: + case I40IW_OP_TYPE_SEND_SOL_INV: + case I40IW_OP_TYPE_SEND_INV: + case I40IW_OP_TYPE_SEND: + entry->opcode = IB_WC_SEND; + break; + case I40IW_OP_TYPE_REC: + entry->opcode = IB_WC_RECV; + break; + default: + entry->opcode = IB_WC_RECV; + break; + } + + entry->ex.imm_data = 0; + qp = (struct i40iw_sc_qp *)cq_poll_info.qp_handle; + entry->qp = (struct ib_qp *)qp->back_qp; + entry->src_qp = cq_poll_info.qp_id; + entry->byte_len = cq_poll_info.bytes_xfered; + entry++; + cqe_count++; + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwcq->lock, flags); + return cqe_count; +} + +/** + * i40iw_req_notify_cq - arm cq kernel application + * @ibcq: cq to arm + * @notify_flags: notofication flags + */ +static int +i40iw_req_notify_cq(struct ib_cq *ibcq, enum ib_cq_notify_flags notify_flags) +{ + struct i40iw_cq *iwcq; + struct i40iw_cq_uk *ukcq; + unsigned long flags; + enum i40iw_completion_notify cq_notify = IW_CQ_COMPL_EVENT; + + iwcq = (struct i40iw_cq *)ibcq; + ukcq = &iwcq->sc_cq.cq_uk; + if (notify_flags == IB_CQ_SOLICITED) + cq_notify = IW_CQ_COMPL_SOLICITED; + spin_lock_irqsave(&iwcq->lock, flags); + ukcq->ops.iw_cq_request_notification(ukcq, cq_notify); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&iwcq->lock, flags); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_query_gid - Query port GID + * @ibdev: device pointer from stack + * @port: port number + * @index: Entry index + * @gid: Global ID + */ +static int +i40iw_query_gid(struct ib_device *ibdev, u8 port, int index, union ib_gid *gid) +{ + struct i40iw_device *iwdev = to_iwdev(ibdev); + + memset(gid->raw, 0, sizeof(gid->raw)); + ether_addr_copy(gid->raw, IF_LLADDR(iwdev->ifp)); + return 0; +} + +/** + * i40iw_modify_port Modify port properties + * @ibdev: device pointer from stack + * @port: port number + * @port_modify_mask: mask for port modifications + * @props: port properties + */ +static int +i40iw_modify_port(struct ib_device *ibdev, u8 port, int port_modify_mask, + struct ib_port_modify *props) +{ + return -ENOSYS; +} + +/** + * i40iw_query_pkey - Query partition key + * @ibdev: device pointer from stack + * @port: port number + * @index: index of pkey + * @pkey: pointer to store the pkey + */ +static int +i40iw_query_pkey(struct ib_device *ibdev, u8 port, u16 index, u16 * pkey) +{ + *pkey = 0; + + return (0); +} + +/** + * i40iw_create_ah - create address handle + * @ibpd: ptr of pd + * @ah_attr: address handle attributes + */ +static struct ib_ah * +i40iw_create_ah(struct ib_pd *ibpd, struct ib_ah_attr *attr) +{ + return ERR_PTR(-ENOSYS); +} + +/** + * i40iw_destroy_ah - Destroy address handle + * @ah: pointer to address handle + */ +static int +i40iw_destroy_ah(struct ib_ah *ah) +{ + return -ENOSYS; +} + +/** + * i40iw_init_rdma_device - initialization of iwarp device + * @iwdev: iwarp device + */ +static struct i40iw_ib_device * +i40iw_init_rdma_device(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + struct i40iw_ib_device *iwibdev; + + iwibdev = (struct i40iw_ib_device *)ib_alloc_device(sizeof(*iwibdev)); + if (!iwibdev) { + device_printf(iwdev->ldev->dev, "iwdev == NULL\n"); + return NULL; + } + strlcpy(iwibdev->, "ixliw%d", IB_DEVICE_NAME_MAX); + iwibdev->ibdev.owner = THIS_MODULE; + iwdev->iwibdev = iwibdev; + iwibdev->iwdev = iwdev; + + iwibdev->ibdev.node_type = RDMA_NODE_RNIC; + ether_addr_copy((u8 *) & iwibdev->ibdev.node_guid, IF_LLADDR(iwdev->ifp)); + + iwibdev->ibdev.uverbs_cmd_mask = + (1ull << IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_GET_CONTEXT) | + (1ull << IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_QUERY_DEVICE) | + (1ull << IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_QUERY_PORT) | + (1ull << IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_ALLOC_PD) | + (1ull << IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_DEALLOC_PD) | + (1ull << IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_REG_MR) | + (1ull << IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_DEREG_MR) | + (1ull << IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_CREATE_COMP_CHANNEL) | + (1ull << IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_CREATE_CQ) | + (1ull << IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_DESTROY_CQ) | + (1ull << IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_REQ_NOTIFY_CQ) | + (1ull << IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_CREATE_QP) | + (1ull << IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_MODIFY_QP) | + (1ull << IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_QUERY_QP) | + (1ull << IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_POLL_CQ) | + (1ull << IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_CREATE_AH) | + (1ull << IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_DESTROY_AH) | + (1ull << IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_DESTROY_QP) | + (1ull << IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_POST_RECV) | + (1ull << IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_POST_SEND); + iwibdev->ibdev.phys_port_cnt = 1; + iwibdev->ibdev.num_comp_vectors = 1; + iwibdev->ibdev.dma_device = (device_t) iwdev->ldev->dev->class; + iwibdev-> = iwdev->ldev->dev; + iwibdev->ibdev.query_port = i40iw_query_port; + iwibdev->ibdev.modify_port = i40iw_modify_port; + iwibdev->ibdev.query_pkey = i40iw_query_pkey; + iwibdev->ibdev.query_gid = i40iw_query_gid; + iwibdev->ibdev.alloc_pd = i40iw_alloc_pd; + iwibdev->ibdev.dealloc_pd = i40iw_dealloc_pd; + iwibdev->ibdev.create_qp = i40iw_create_qp; + iwibdev->ibdev.modify_qp = i40iw_modify_qp; + iwibdev->ibdev.query_qp = i40iw_query_qp; + iwibdev->ibdev.destroy_qp = i40iw_destroy_qp; + iwibdev->ibdev.create_cq = i40iw_create_cq; + iwibdev->ibdev.destroy_cq = i40iw_destroy_cq; + iwibdev->ibdev.get_dma_mr = i40iw_get_dma_mr; + iwibdev->ibdev.reg_phys_mr = i40iw_reg_phys_mr; + iwibdev->ibdev.dereg_mr = i40iw_dereg_mr; + iwibdev->ibdev.query_device = i40iw_query_device; + iwibdev->ibdev.create_ah = i40iw_create_ah; + iwibdev->ibdev.destroy_ah = i40iw_destroy_ah; + iwibdev->ibdev.alloc_fast_reg_mr = i40iw_alloc_fast_reg_mr; + iwibdev->ibdev.alloc_fast_reg_page_list = i40iw_alloc_fast_reg_page_list; + iwibdev->ibdev.free_fast_reg_page_list = i40iw_free_fast_reg_page_list; + + iwibdev->ibdev.iwcm = kzalloc(sizeof(*iwibdev->ibdev.iwcm), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!iwibdev->ibdev.iwcm) { + ib_dealloc_device(&iwibdev->ibdev); + device_printf(iwdev->ldev->dev, "iwcm == NULL\n"); + return NULL; + } + iwibdev->ibdev.iwcm->add_ref = i40iw_add_ref; + iwibdev->ibdev.iwcm->rem_ref = i40iw_rem_ref; + iwibdev->ibdev.iwcm->get_qp = i40iw_get_qp; + iwibdev->ibdev.iwcm->connect = i40iw_connect; + iwibdev->ibdev.iwcm->accept = i40iw_accept; + iwibdev->ibdev.iwcm->reject = i40iw_reject; +#if __FreeBSD_version >= 1100000 + iwibdev->ibdev.iwcm->create_listen_ep = i40iw_create_listen; + iwibdev->ibdev.iwcm->destroy_listen_ep = i40iw_destroy_listen; +#else + iwibdev->ibdev.iwcm->create_listen = i40iw_create_listen; + iwibdev->ibdev.iwcm->destroy_listen = i40iw_destroy_listen; +#endif /* IW_IXL_FREEBSD11 */ + + iwibdev->ibdev.poll_cq = i40iw_poll_cq; + iwibdev->ibdev.req_notify_cq = i40iw_req_notify_cq; + iwibdev->ibdev.post_send = i40iw_post_send; + iwibdev->ibdev.post_recv = i40iw_post_recv; + + return iwibdev; +} + +/** + * i40iw_port_ibevent - indicate port event + * @iwdev: iwarp device + */ +void +i40iw_port_ibevent(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + struct i40iw_ib_device *iwibdev = iwdev->iwibdev; + struct ib_event event; + + event.device = &iwibdev->ibdev; + event.element.port_num = 1; + event.event = iwdev->iw_status ? IB_EVENT_PORT_ACTIVE : IB_EVENT_PORT_ERR; + ib_dispatch_event(&event); +} + +/** + * i40iw_unregister_rdma_device - unregister of iwarp from IB + * @iwibdev: rdma device ptr + */ +static void +i40iw_unregister_rdma_device(struct i40iw_ib_device *iwibdev) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(i40iw_dev_attributes); ++i) + device_remove_file(&iwibdev->, + i40iw_dev_attributes[i]); + ib_unregister_device(&iwibdev->ibdev); +} + +/** + * i40iw_destroy_rdma_device - destroy rdma device and free resources + * @iwibdev: IB device ptr + */ +void +i40iw_destroy_rdma_device(struct i40iw_ib_device *iwibdev) +{ + if (!iwibdev) + return; + + i40iw_unregister_rdma_device(iwibdev); + kfree(iwibdev->ibdev.iwcm); + iwibdev->ibdev.iwcm = NULL; + wait_event_timeout(iwibdev->iwdev->close_wq, + !atomic_read(&iwibdev->iwdev->use_count), + I40IW_EVENT_TIMEOUT); + ib_dealloc_device(&iwibdev->ibdev); +} + +/** + * i40iw_register_rdma_device - register iwarp device to IB + * @iwdev: iwarp device + */ +int +i40iw_register_rdma_device(struct i40iw_device *iwdev) +{ + struct i40iw_ib_device *iwibdev; + int i, ret; + + iwdev->iwibdev = i40iw_init_rdma_device(iwdev); + if (!iwdev->iwibdev) + return -ENOMEM; + iwibdev = iwdev->iwibdev; + + ret = ib_register_device(&iwibdev->ibdev, NULL); + if (ret) + goto error; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(i40iw_dev_attributes); ++i) { + ret = + device_create_file(&iwibdev->, + i40iw_dev_attributes[i]); + if (ret) { + while (i > 0) { + i--; + device_remove_file(&iwibdev->, + i40iw_dev_attributes[i]); + } + ib_unregister_device(&iwibdev->ibdev); + goto error; + } + } + return 0; +error: + kfree(iwdev->iwibdev->ibdev.iwcm); + iwdev->iwibdev->ibdev.iwcm = NULL; + ib_dealloc_device(&iwdev->iwibdev->ibdev); + return ret; +} Index: sys/modules/Makefile =================================================================== --- sys/modules/Makefile +++ sys/modules/Makefile @@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ ${_ixv} \ ${_ixgb} \ ${_ixl} \ + ${_iw_ixl} \ ${_ixlv} \ jme \ joy \ @@ -700,6 +701,7 @@ _ioat= ioat _ixl= ixl _ixlv= ixlv +_iw_ixl= ${_ixl}/iw_ixl _linux64= linux64 _linux_common= linux_common _ntb= ntb Index: sys/modules/ixl/iw_ixl/Makefile =================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sys/modules/ixl/iw_ixl/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +.include + +IXL_DIR = ${.CURDIR}/../../../dev/ixl +OFED_INC_DIR = ${.CURDIR}/../../../ofed/include +.PATH: ${IXL_DIR}/iwarp + +KMOD= iw_ixl +SRCS= iw_ixl.c iw_ixl_cm.c iw_ixl_utils.c iw_ixl_hw.c iw_ixl_pble.c +SRCS+= iw_ixl_verbs.c iw_ixl_linux_genalloc.c +SRCS+= vnode_if.h device_if.h bus_if.h opt_inet.h pci_if.h opt_inet6.h + +# Shared source +SRCS += i40iw_ctrl.c i40iw_uk.c i40iw_hmc.c i40iw_puda.c + +CFLAGS+= -I${IXL_DIR} -I${OFED_INC_DIR} + +# check FreeBSD version +KERNVER != uname -K +VERS_CHECK != test $(KERNVER) -ge 1100000 ; echo $$? + +.if !$(VERS_CHECK) +CFLAGS += -I/usr/src/sys/compat/linuxkpi/common/include +.endif + +# Debug messages +CFLAGS += -DIW_IXL_DEBUG +.include