diff --git a/cad/Makefile b/cad/Makefile index d8269b0f165f..8654f6ccab54 100644 --- a/cad/Makefile +++ b/cad/Makefile @@ -1,158 +1,159 @@ COMMENT = CAD tools SUBDIR += PrusaSlicer SUBDIR += abc SUBDIR += admesh SUBDIR += adms SUBDIR += alliance SUBDIR += antimony SUBDIR += appcsxcad SUBDIR += archimedes SUBDIR += astk-client SUBDIR += astk-serveur SUBDIR += atlc SUBDIR += brlcad SUBDIR += calculix SUBDIR += calculix-ccx SUBDIR += camotics SUBDIR += caneda SUBDIR += cascade SUBDIR += cascade-compiler SUBDIR += chipvault SUBDIR += csxcad SUBDIR += cura SUBDIR += cura-engine SUBDIR += cvc SUBDIR += digital SUBDIR += dinotrace SUBDIR += ecpprog SUBDIR += electric SUBDIR += electric-ng SUBDIR += fasm SUBDIR += fdm_materials SUBDIR += feappv SUBDIR += fidocadj SUBDIR += freecad SUBDIR += freehdl SUBDIR += fritzing SUBDIR += gds3d SUBDIR += gdscpp SUBDIR += gdsreader SUBDIR += gdt SUBDIR += geda SUBDIR += gerbv SUBDIR += ghdl SUBDIR += gmsh SUBDIR += gnucap SUBDIR += gplcver SUBDIR += graywolf SUBDIR += gspiceui SUBDIR += gtkwave SUBDIR += horizon-eda SUBDIR += hs-verismith SUBDIR += ifcopenshell SUBDIR += impact SUBDIR += irsim SUBDIR += iverilog SUBDIR += jspice3 SUBDIR += k40-whisperer SUBDIR += kicad SUBDIR += kicad-devel SUBDIR += kicad-doc SUBDIR += kicad-library-footprints SUBDIR += kicad-library-footprints-devel SUBDIR += kicad-library-packages3d SUBDIR += kicad-library-packages3d-devel SUBDIR += kicad-library-symbols SUBDIR += kicad-library-symbols-devel SUBDIR += kicad-library-templates SUBDIR += kicad-library-templates-devel SUBDIR += klayout SUBDIR += ktechlab SUBDIR += ldraw SUBDIR += ldview SUBDIR += leocad SUBDIR += lepton-eda SUBDIR += libgdsii SUBDIR += libopencad SUBDIR += librecad SUBDIR += libredwg SUBDIR += librepcb SUBDIR += librnd SUBDIR += logisim SUBDIR += magic SUBDIR += meshdev SUBDIR += meshlab SUBDIR += netgen SUBDIR += netgen-lvs SUBDIR += ngspice_rework SUBDIR += nvc SUBDIR += opencascade SUBDIR += opencascade740 SUBDIR += openctm SUBDIR += openfpgaloader SUBDIR += openroad SUBDIR += openscad SUBDIR += openscad-devel SUBDIR += opentimer SUBDIR += openvsp SUBDIR += oregano SUBDIR += p5-GDS2 SUBDIR += p5-Verilog-Perl SUBDIR += padring SUBDIR += pcb SUBDIR += pcb-rnd SUBDIR += pdnmesh SUBDIR += py-cadquery SUBDIR += py-cocotb SUBDIR += py-cq-editor SUBDIR += py-edalize SUBDIR += py-ezdxf SUBDIR += py-gdspy SUBDIR += py-gmsh SUBDIR += py-lcapy SUBDIR += py-ocp SUBDIR += py-phidl SUBDIR += py-pyfda SUBDIR += py-pygmsh SUBDIR += py-pymtl SUBDIR += py-vunit-hdl SUBDIR += python-gdsii SUBDIR += qcad SUBDIR += qcsxcad SUBDIR += qelectrotech SUBDIR += qflow SUBDIR += qmls SUBDIR += qrouter + SUBDIR += qspeakers SUBDIR += qucs-s SUBDIR += qucsator SUBDIR += repsnapper SUBDIR += rubygem-gdsii SUBDIR += scotch SUBDIR += silice SUBDIR += solvespace SUBDIR += sp2sp SUBDIR += spice SUBDIR += stepcode SUBDIR += stm32flash SUBDIR += sumo SUBDIR += surelog SUBDIR += svlint SUBDIR += svls SUBDIR += sweethome3d SUBDIR += tkgate SUBDIR += tochnog SUBDIR += uhdm SUBDIR += uranium SUBDIR += verilator SUBDIR += verilog-mode.el SUBDIR += veroroute SUBDIR += veryl SUBDIR += xcircuit SUBDIR += xyce SUBDIR += yosys SUBDIR += yosys-systemverilog SUBDIR += z88 SUBDIR += zcad .include diff --git a/cad/qspeakers/Makefile b/cad/qspeakers/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..570ae6bdc601 --- /dev/null +++ b/cad/qspeakers/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +PORTNAME= qspeakers +DISTVERSION= 1.6.7 +CATEGORIES= cad + +MAINTAINER= riggs@FreeBSD.org +COMMENT= Open source loudspeaker enclosure designer +WWW= http://brouits.free.fr/qspeakers/ + +LICENSE= GPLv3 +LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE + +USES= desktop-file-utils gl pkgconfig qt:5 qmake shared-mime-info +USE_GL= gl +USE_QT= charts concurrent core gui linguisttools buildtools:build \ + printsupport widgets xml + +USE_GITHUB= yes +GH_ACCOUNT= be1 + +.include diff --git a/cad/qspeakers/distinfo b/cad/qspeakers/distinfo new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0c068ba11ccd --- /dev/null +++ b/cad/qspeakers/distinfo @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +TIMESTAMP = 1687127245 +SHA256 (be1-qspeakers-1.6.7_GH0.tar.gz) = 451c59eb283733cbf752be00b86366349486b542708a80cd0c67cd249c66f1f9 +SIZE (be1-qspeakers-1.6.7_GH0.tar.gz) = 207823 diff --git a/cad/qspeakers/pkg-descr b/cad/qspeakers/pkg-descr new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..40a9776736fa --- /dev/null +++ b/cad/qspeakers/pkg-descr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +QSpeakers is an open source DIY speakers enclosure design software written +in C++ with Qt for the UI. This program simulates common acoustical +enclosures behaviour in the mean to help users to design their own +loudspeaker systems. diff --git a/cad/qspeakers/pkg-plist b/cad/qspeakers/pkg-plist new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..71a8a5635d82 --- /dev/null +++ b/cad/qspeakers/pkg-plist @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +bin/qspeakers +share/applications/qspeakers.desktop +share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/qspeakers.svg +share/man/man1/qspeakers.1.gz +share/metainfo/fr.free.brouits.qspeakers.metainfo.xml +share/mime/packages/application-x-qspeakers.xml +%%DATADIR%%/bandpassbox_cutting_template.scad +%%DATADIR%%/bandpassbox_template.scad +%%DATADIR%%/locale/qspeakers_en.qm +%%DATADIR%%/locale/qspeakers_fr.qm +%%DATADIR%%/portedbox_cutting_template.scad +%%DATADIR%%/portedbox_template.scad +%%DATADIR%%/qspeakers_db.xml +%%DATADIR%%/sealedbox_cutting_template.scad +%%DATADIR%%/sealedbox_template.scad